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# CC-CEDICT # Community maintained free Chinese-English dictionary. # # Published by MDBG # # License: # Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 #

0/ # # Referenced works: # CEDICT - Copyright (C) 1997, 1998 Paul Andrew Denisowski # # CC-CEDICT can be downloaded from: # # # Additions and corrections can be sent through: # # # For more information about CC-CEDICT see: # # #! version=1 #! subversion=0 #! format=ts #! charset=UTF-8 #! entries=101057 #! publisher=MDBG #! license= #! date=2011-07-29T20:45:12Z #! time=1311972312 T T [T zi4 zhang4] /T-account (accounting)/ [gui1] /variant of [gui1]/ [ling2] /zero (same as )/ [kua4] /component in Chinese characters, mirror image of [zhi3]/ [wu3] /archaic variant of [wu3]/ [yin3] /component in Chinese character [yin1]/ [ta1] /variant of [ta1]/ [Ye4] /see [Ye4 du2]/ [Ye4 du2] /India (archaic)/ [chou2] /variant of [chou2]/ [nuo4] /archaic variant of [nuo4]/ [qiu2] /archaic variant of [qiu2]/ [zhou4] /beautiful/ [zhou4] /beautiful/ [sui4] /archaic variant of [sui4]/ [jie2] /"seal" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 26)/ [sheng3] /variant of [sheng3]/tight-lipped/to examine/to watch/to scour (esp. Can tonese)/ [jia4] /sentence-final particle, contraction of "" (Cantonese)/see also [kai4]/ [ai4] /variant of [ai4]/ [de2] /to obtain/archaic variant of [de2]/ [ba3] /(baby talk) poop/see [ba3 ba5]/ [ba3 ba5] /(baby talk) poop/ [de2] /variant of [de2]/ [jie2] /variant of [jie2]/quick/nimble/ [xian3] /old variant of [xian3]/visible/apparent/ [song4] /variant of [song4]/ [xian2] /variant of [xian2]/ [xie2] /(precise meaning unknown, relates to iron)/variant of [xie2]/ [geng3] /fierce dog/


[geng3 quan3] /variant of [geng3 quan3]/ [jiu2] /black jade/variant of / [wan3] /variant of [wan3]/ [yao2] /(archaic) vase/pitcher/ [zong1] /see [weng1 zong1]/ [ba4] /plow/ [sui3] /variant of /marrow/essence/quintessence/pith (soft interior of plant stem

[ba1] /see [ba1 yu2]/ [ba1 yu2] /barbel (fish)/ [yi1] /one/1/single/a (article)/as soon as/entire/whole/all/throughout/"one" rad ical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 1)/ [yi1 yi1] /one by one/one after another/ [yi1 yi1 dui4 ying4] /one-to-one correspondence/ [yi1 yi1 ying4 she4] /bijective map (i.e. map between sets in math. that and onto)/one-to-one correspondence/ [yi1 ding1 bu4 shi2] /illiterate, ignorant/ [yi1 ding1 dian3] /a tiny bit/a wee bit/ [yi1 xia4] /(used after a verb) give it a go/to do (sth for a bit to give it a tr )/one time/once/in a while/all of a sudden/all at once/ [yi1 xia4 r5] /erhua variant of [yi1 xia4]/ [yi1 xia4 zi5] /in a short while/all at once/all of a sudden/ [yi1 bu4 zuo4 , er4 bu4 xiu1] /don't do it, or don't rest (id ough to the end/Since we started, we must carry it through whatever happens./in for a penny, in for a pound/ [yi1 shi4] /generation/period of 30 years/one's whole lifetime/lifelong/age/era/t mes/the whole world/the First (of numbered European kings)/ [yi1 qiu1 zhi1 he2] /jackals of the same tribe (idiom); fig. They are all as each other./ [yi1 bing4] /variant of , to lump together/to treat along with all the o [yi1 zhong1 yi1 tai2] /"one China, one Taiwan" (policy)/ [yi1 zhong1 yuan2 ze2] /One-China principle, the official doctrine that T ovince of China/ [yi1 chuan4] /strand/ [yi1 zhi1 wei2 shen4] /Once is enough (idiom)/ [yi1 zhi1 wei4 shen4] /see [yi1 zhi1 wei2 shen4]/ [yi1 jiu3 si4 jiu3] /1949/year of the communist victory in China, the fou e PRC and of ROC in Taiwan/ [yi1 jiu3 si4 jiu3 nian2] /1949/year of the communist victory in Chin f the PRC and of ROC in Taiwan/ [yi1 gan1 er4 jing4] /thoroughly (idiom)/completely/one and all/very clea [yi1 liao3 bai3 liao3] /once the main problem is solved, all troubles are ends all one's troubles/ [yi1 shi4 wu2 cheng2] /to have achieved nothing/to be a total failure/to [yi1 er4 ba1 shi4 bian4] /Shanghai incident of 28th January 1932, Chi st Japanese quarters of Shanghai/ [yi1 wu3 yi1 shi2] /lit. count by fives and tens (idiom); to narrate syst d in full detail/ [yi1 xie1] /some/a few/a little/ [yi1 ren2 de2 dao4 , ji1 quan3 sheng1 tian1] /lit. wh dogs rise to Heaven (idiom)/fig. to ride on sb else's success/Once one man gets a government position, all his cronies get in too/Once sb has cracked the proble m, every Tom, Dick and Harry can do it/ [yi1 dai4] /generation/ [yi1 bing4] /to lump together/to treat along with all the others/ [yi1 lai2] /on one hand,.../ [yi1 lai2 er4 qu4] /gradually/little by little/in the course of time/ [yi1 ge4 Zhong1 guo2 zheng4 ce4] /one China policy/ [yi1 ge4 ren2] /alone/ [yi1 ge4 ge4] /each and every one/

[yi1 ge4 jin4] /continuously/persistently/incessantly/ [yi1 ge4 jin4 r5] /erhua variant of , persistently/continuin [Yi1 ge4 you1 ling2 zai4 Ou1 zhou1 you2 dang4] /Ein G ence of Marx and Engels' "Communist Manifesto"/ [yi1 ge5 jie1 yi1 ge5] /one by one/one after another/ [yi1 ge5 yang4] /same as [yi1 yang4]/the same/ [yi1 ge4 luo2 bo5 yi1 ge4 keng1] /lit. one turnip, one hole ( s own position/each to his own/horses for courses/ [yi1 ce4 hua4] /lateralization/ [yi1 chuan2 shi2 , shi2 chuan2 bai3] /news pass quickly from tious disease spreads quickly (old meaning)/ [yi1 jia4] /monovalent (chemistry)/ [yi1 yuan2] /single variable (math.)/univariate/ [yi1 yuan2 lun4] /monism, belief that the universe is made of a single substa [yi1 yuan2 chun2] /methyl alcohol CH3OH/ [yi1 gong4] /altogether/ [yi1 zai4] /repeatedly/ [yi1 zhun3] /certainly/also written [yi1 zhun3]/ [yi1 dao1 liang3 duan4] /lit. one knife to cut two segments (idiom); fig. ean break/firm resolution to break off a relation/ [yi1 dao1 qie1] /lit. to cut all at one stroke (idiom); to impose uniformity/ ution fits a diversity of problems/one size fits all/ [yi1 fen1 wei2 er4] /one divides into two/to be two-sided/there are two s thing/to see both sb's good points and shortcomings (idiom)/ [yi1 fen1 geng1 yun2 , yi1 fen1 shou1 huo4] /you get [yi1 fen1 qian2] /cent/penny/ [yi1 fen1 qian2 yi1 fen1 huo4] /nothing for nothing/you get what [yi1 fen1 qian2 liang3 fen1 huo4] /high quality at bargain price/ [yi1 qie4] /everything/every/all/ [yi1 qie4 shi4 wu4] /everything/ [yi1 qie4 jiu4 xu4] /everything in its place and ready (idiom)/ [yi1 qie4 xian3] /all risks (insurance)/ [yi1 ke4 qian1 jin1] /time is gold/every minute counts/ [yi1 ze2] /on the one hand/ [yi1 dong4 bu4 dong4] /motionless/ [yi1 lao2 yong3 yi4] /to get sth done once and for all/ [yi1 chi2] /spoonful/ [yi1 qian1 dun1] /1000 tons/ [Yi1 qian1 ling2 yi1 ye4] /The Book of One Thousand and One Nights/ [yi1 ban4] /half/ [yi1 ban4 tian1] /in a day or two/soon/ [Yi1 ka3 tong1] /Yikatong (card)/ [yi1 qu4 bu4 hui2] /gone forever/ [yi1 qu4 bu4 fu4 fan3] /gone forever/ [yi1 qu4 wu2 ying3 zong1] /gone without a trace/ [yi1 fan3 chang2 tai4] /complete change from the normal state (idiom); qu eristic/entirely outside the norm/out of character/ [yi1 kou3] /readily/flatly (deny, admit and so on)/a mouthful/a bite/ [yi1 kou3 yao3 ding4] /to arbitrarily assert/to allege/to stick to one's cling to one's view/ [yi1 kou3 qi4] /one breath/in one breath/at a stretch/ [yi1 kou3 qi4 r5] /erhua variant of [yi1 kou3 qi4]/ [yi1 ju4] /a line of verse/a sentence/ [yi1 ju4 hua4] /in a word/in short/ [yi1 tong2] /along/together/ [yi1 tu3 wei2 kuai4] /feeling relief after the task is done/ [yi1 xiang4] /always (previously)/a period of time in the recent past/ [yi1 chui1] /puff/ [yi1 zhou1] /one week/all the way around/a whole cycle/ [yi1 wei4] /blindly/invariably/

[yi1 hu1 bai3 ying4] /a hundred answers to a single call (idiom)/to respo [yi1 hu1 bai3 nuo4] /one command brings a hundred responses (idiom); havi f attendants at one's beck and call/ [yi1 ming4 wu1 hu1] /one's life, one word (idiom); to die/to breathe one' e up the ghost/ [yi1 pin3] /superb/first-rate/(of officials in imperial times) the highest rank/ [yi1 pin3 hong2] /poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima)/ [yi1 pin3 guo1] /chafing dish/ [yi1 hong1 er2 san4] /to disperse in confusion (idiom)/ [yi1 hong1 er2 qi3] /(of a group of people) to rush into action/ [yi1 chang4 yi1 he4] /to echo one another (idiom)/ [yi1 wen4 san1 bu4 zhi1] /lit. to reply "don't know" whatever the que absolutely no idea of what's going on/complete ignorance/ [yi1 hui2 shi4] /one thing/the same as/ [yi1 hui2 sheng1 , er4 hui2 shu2] /lit. at first raw, later r t but you get used to it/strangers at first meeting, but soon friends/awkward at first but becoming skillful later/an acquired taste/ [yi1 guo2 liang3 zhi4] /one country, two systems (China-Hong Kong)/ [yi1 tuan2] /regiment/ [yi1 tuan2 qi1 hei1] /pitch-black/(fig.) to be completely in the dark/ [yi1 tuan2 huo3] /fireball/ball of fire/ [yi1 tuan2 zao1] /chaos/bungle/complete mess/shambles/ [yi1 dui1] /pile/ [yi1 chang3 kong1] /all one's hopes and efforts come to nothing/futile/ [yi1 kuai4] /one block/one piece/one (unit of money)/together/in the same place/i company/ [yi1 kuai4 r5] /erhua variant of / [yi1 kuai4 mian4] /loaf/ [yi1 ta1 hu2 tu5] /muddled and completely collapsing (idiom); in an awful mplete shambles/a total mess/ [yi1 chen2 bu4 ran3] /untainted by even a speck of dust (idiom); selfless tible/spotless/ [yi1 bi4] /one side/at the same time/ [yi1 bi4 xiang1] /see [yi1 bi4]/ [yi1 kui2 yi3 zu2] /one talented person is enough for the job (idiom)/ [yi1 duo1 dui4 ying4] /one-to-many correspondence/ [yi1 ye4 qing2] /one night stand/ [yi1 ye4 lu4 shui5] /one-night stand/ephemeral/ [yi1 da4 zao3] /at dawn/at first light/first thing in the morning/ [yi1 da4 zao3 r5] /erhua variant of , at dawn/at first light/first [yi1 tian1 yi1 ge5 yang4] /to change from day to day/ [yi1 tian1 dao4 wan3] /all day long/the whole day/ [yi1 fu1 yi1 qi1] /lit. one husband one wife/monogamy/ [yi1 fu1 dang1 guan1 , wan4 fu1 mo4 kai1] /If one man idiom); One man can hold the pass against ten thousand enemies/ [yi1 shi1 zu2 cheng2 qian1 gu3 hen4] /lit. one wrong step cau ingle slip may cause lasting sorrow./ [yi1 tao4] /suit/a set/a collection/of the same kind/the same old stuff/set patte n of behavior/ [yi1 ru2] /to be just like/ [yi1 ru2 suo3 liao4] /as expected/ [yi1 ru2 ji4 wang3] /just as in the past (idiom); as before/continuing as [yi1 qi1 zhi4] /monogamy/ [yi1 kong3 zhi1 jian4] /partial view/limited outlook/ [yi1 zi4] /in a row/in a line/ [yi1 zi4 bu4 ti2] /to not mention a single word (about sth) (idiom)/ [yi1 zi4 bu4 shi2] /to be unable to distinguish good from bad (idiom)/ [yi1 zi4 zhi1 shi1] /one who can correct a misread or misspelt character our master/ [yi1 zi4 qian1 jin1] /one word worth a thousand in gold (idiom); valuable

of enormous weight/ [yi1 ding4] /surely/certainly/necessarily/fixed/a certain (extent etc)/given/part cular/must/ [yi1 ding4 yao4] /must/ [yi1 jia1] /the whole family/the same family/the family... (when preceded by a fa ily name)/group/ [yi1 jia1 zhi1 zhu3] /master of the house/family head/ [yi1 jia1 ren2] /household/the whole family/ [yi1 jia1 zi5] /the whole family/ [yi1 shen3] /first instance (law)/ [yi1 cun4 guang1 yin1 yi1 cun4 jin1] /An interval of time is saying); free time is to be treasured/ [yi1 cun4 guang1 yin1 yi1 cun ounce of gold, money can't buy you time (common saying); Time is precious and m ust be treasured./ [yi1 dui4] /couple/pair/ [yi1 dui4 yi1 dou4 niu2] /one-on-one basketball game/ [yi1 dui4 r5] /a pair/a couple/ [yi1 xiao3 bu4 fen4] /a small part/a small section/ [yi1 xiao3 zhen4 r5] /very brief period of time/ [yi1 ju2] /inning/ [yi1 ceng2] /layer/ [yi1 ba1 zhang3] /a slap/a spank/ [yi1 fan1 feng1 shun4] /propitious wind throughout the journey (idiom)/pl o go smoothly/have a nice trip!/ [yi1 xi2 zhi1 di4] /a place for oneself/niche/ [yi1 xi2 hua4] /what is said during a conversation/an utterance/ [yi1 dai4] /region/district/ [yi1 dai4 er2 guo4] /to skate around/to skip over/to skimp/ [yi1 nian2 zhi1 ji4 zai4 yu2 chun1] /the whole year must be p )/early planning is the key to success/ [yi1 nian2 dao4 tou2] /all year round/ [yi1 nian2 ban4] /a year and a half/ [yi1 nian2 ban4 zai3] /about a year/ [yi1 nian2 si4 ji4] /all year round/ [yi1 nian2 duo1] /more than a year/ [yi1 nian2 qi1] /one year period (in a contract or budget)/ [yi1 nian2 sheng1] /annual (botany)/ [yi1 nian2 bei4 she2 yao3 shi2 nian2 pa4 jing3 sh ell rope for ten years (idiom); once bitten twice shy/ [yi1 du4] /for a time/at one time/one time/once/ [yi1 xiang1 qing2 yuan4] /one's own wishful thinking/ [yi1 shi4 er2 fen4] /in duplicate/ [yi1 tan2 zhi3 qing3] /a snap of the fingers (idiom); in a flash/in the t n eye/ [yi1 wang3 wu2 qian2] /to advance courageously/to press forward/ [yi1 lu:4] /same/uniformly/all/without exception/ [yi1 jing4] /directly/straightaway/straight/ [yi1 xin1] /wholeheartedly/heart and soul/ [yi1 xin1 yi1 yi4] /concentrating one's thoughts and efforts/single-minde ently/ [yi1 nian4 zhi1 cha1] /momentary slip/false step/ill-considered action/ [yi1 chou2 mo4 zhan3] /nothing one can do about it/ [yi1 yi4] /focus/with complete devotion/stubbornly/ [yi1 yi4 gu1 xing2] /isolated and stubborn/obstinately clinging to one's l/one's own way/dogmatic/ [yi1 ying1 ju4 quan2] /with everything needed available/ [yi1 cheng2 bu4 bian4] /nothing much changes (idiom); always the same/stu [yi1 fang2 yi1 ting1] /one bedroom and one living room/ [yi1 shou3] /a skill/mastery of a trade/by oneself/without outside help/

[yi1 shou3 jiao1 qian2 , yi1 shou3 jiao1 huo4] /lit. goods (common saying); to pay for what you want in cash/fig. simple and direct t ransaction/ [yi1 shou3 zhe1 tian1] /lit. to hide the sky with one hand/to hide the tr masses/ [yi1 da2] /dozen/ [yi1 ji4 zhi1 chang2] /(saying) skill or proficiency/ [yi1 ba3 shou3] /working hand/member of a work team/participant/ [yi1 ba3 zhua1] /to attempt all tasks at once/to manage every detail regardle ts importance/ [yi1 ba3 si3 na2] /stubborn/inflexible/ [yi1 ba3 yao4 shi5 kai1 yi1 ba3 suo3] /One key opens one or each problem. (idiom)/ [yi1 zhe2 liang3 duan4] /to split sth into two (idiom)/ [yi1 pai1 liang3 san4] /lit. on the beat, move apart; fig. break-up (of m siness partners)/separation/ [yi1 pai1 ji2 he2] /lit. on the beat, together now (idiom); Start dancing fit together at one go/to click together/to chime in easily/ [yi1 sao3 er2 guang1] /to clear off/to make a clean sweep of/ [yi1 sao3 er2 kong1] /to sweep clean/to clean out/ [yi1 pai2] /row/ [yi1 ju1 tong2 qing2 zhi1 lei4] /to shed tears of sympathy (idiom [yi1 hui1 er2 jiu4] /to finish (a letter, a painting) at a stroke/ [yi1 bo1 r5] /group of people/ [yi1 yong1 er2 shang4] /to swarm around/flocking (to see)/ [yi1 yong1 er2 ru4] /to swarm in (of people etc) (idiom)/ [yi1 ji1 ru4 dong4] /hole in one (golf)/ [yi1 zhi4 qian1 jin1] /lit. stake a thousand pieces of gold on one throw hrow away money recklessly/extravagant/ [yi1 lan3 zi5] /all-inclusive/undiscriminating/ [yi1 gai3 gu4 zhe2] /complete change from the old rut (idiom); dramatic c ction/a volte-face/to change old practices/ [yi1 bai4 tu2 di4] /failed and wiped over the floor (idiom); to fail utte g defeat/beaten and in a hopeless position/ [yi1 wen2 bu4 zhi2] /worthless (idiom)/no use whatsoever/ [yi1 wen2 bu4 ming2] /to be penniless/ [yi1 ban1] /lit. one spot (on the leopard)/fig. one small item in a big scheme/ [yi1 fang1] /a party (in a contract or legal case)/one side/area/region/ [yi1 fang1 mian4] /one aspect is/ [yi1 pang2] /aside/to the side of/ [yi1 zu2] /social group/subculture/family/clan/see also [zu2]/ [yi1 ri4 qian1 li3] /lit. one day, a thousand miles (idiom); rapid progre [yi1 ri4 wei2 shi1 , zhong1 shen1 wei2 fu4] /lit. tea [yi1 dan4] /in case (sth happens)/if/once (sth happens, then...)/when/in a short ime/in one day/ [yi1 zao3] /early in the morning/at dawn/ [yi1 shi2] /a period of time/a while/for a short while/temporary/momentary/at the same time/ [yi1 shi2 ban4 ke4] /a short time/a little while/ [yi1 shi2 ban4 shang3] /a short time/a little while/ [yi1 shi2 ban4 hui4] /a short time/a little while/ [yi1 shi2 ban4 hui4 r5] /a short time/a little while/ [yi1 shi2 ban4 sha4] /a short time/a little while/ [yi1 shi2 jian1] /for a moment/momentarily/ [yi1 huang3] /(of passing time) in an instant/(of a sight) in a flash/ [yi1 pu4 shi2 han2] /one day's sun, ten days' frost (idiom, from Mencius) k for a bit then skimp/sporadic effort/short attention span/ [yi1 pu4 shi2 han2] /one day's sun, ten days' frost (idiom, from Mencius) k for a bit then skimp/sporadic effort/lack of sticking power/short attention sp an/

[yi1 geng1] /first of the five night watch periods 19:00-21:00 (old)/ [yi1 hui4] /a moment/a while/in a moment/also pr. [yi1 hui3]/ [yi1 hui4 r5] /a while/also pr. [yi1 hui3 r5]/ [yi1 yue4] /January/first month (of the lunar year)/ [yi1 yue4 fen4] /January/ [yi1 wang4 wu2 yin2] /to stretch as far as the eye can see (idiom)/ [yi1 wang4 wu2 ji4] /as far as the eye can see (idiom)/ [yi1 zhao1 bei4 she2 yao3 , shi2 nian2 pa4 ji of a well rope/once bitten, twice shy (idiom)/ [yi1 ben3 zheng4 jing1] /in deadly earnest/deadpan/ [yi1 ben3 wan4 li4] /small capital, huge profit (idiom); to put in a litt lot out/ [yi1 bei1 geng1] /lit. a cup of soup/fig. to get part of the profits/one's sh the action/ [yi1 dong1 yi1 xi1] /far apart/ [yi1 ban3 yi1 yan3] /lit. one strong beat and one weak beats in a measure o beats in the bar) (idiom); fig. follow a prescribed pattern to the letter/scru pulous attention to detail/ [yi1 ban3 san1 yan3] /lit. one strong beat and three weak beats in a meas (four beats in the bar) (idiom); fig. scrupulous attention to detail/ [yi1 gen1 jin1] /stubborn/inflexible/one-track minded/ [yi1 gan1 jin4 dong4] /(golf) hole in one/ [yi1 tiao2 xin1] /to be of one mind/to think or act alike/ [yi1 tiao2 long2] /lit. one dragon/integrated chain/coordinated process/ [yi1 gai4] /all/without any exceptions/categorically/ [yi1 gai4 er2 lun4] /(saying) lump different matters together/ [yi1 mu2 yi1 yang4] /exactly the same (idiom)/carbon copy/ [yi1 yang4] /same/like/equal to/the same as/just like/ [yi1 ci4] /first/first time/once/(math.) linear (of degree one)/ [yi1 ci4 han2 shu4] /linear function (math.)/ [yi1 ci4 you4 yi1 ci4] /repeatedly/over and over again/ [yi1 ci4 xing4] /one-off (offer)/one-time/single-use/disposable (goods)/ [yi1 ci4 fang1 cheng2] /linear equation/ [yi1 ci4 fang1 cheng2 shi4] /linear equation (math.)/ [yi1 ci4 sheng1 , liang3 ci4 shu2] /unfamiliar at first but y first meeting, but soon friends/an acquired taste/ [yi1 ci4 zong3 fu4] /lump-sum (finance)/ [yi1 bu4] /(single) step/ [yi1 bu4 yi1 ge4 jiao3 yin4] /one step, one footprint (idiom); st [yi1 bu4 deng1 tian1] /reaching heaven in a single bound (idiom); (esp. w don't expect) instant success/ [yi1 mao2 bu4 ba2] /stingy (idiom)/ [yi1 qi4 he1 cheng2] /to do something at one go/to flow smoothly/ [yi1 yang3 hua4 er4 dan4] /nitrous oxide N2O/laughing gas/ [yi1 yang3 hua4 dan4] /nitric oxide/ [yi1 yang3 hua4 tan4] /carbon monoxide CO/ [yi1 jue2 ci2 xiong2] /to have a show-down/to fight for mastery/to compet ionship/ [yi1 bo1 san1 zhe2] /calligraphic flourish with many twists/fig. many twi / [yi1 bo1 wei4 ping2 , yi1 bo1 you4 qi3] /before the f ); a new problem arises before the old is solved/many twists and turns to a stor y/one thing after another/ [yi1 pai4 huang3 yan2] /a pack of lies/ [yi1 liu2] /top quality/front ranking/ [yi1 qing1 er4 chu3] /to be very clear about sth (idiom)/ [yi1 qing1 er4 bai2] /perfectly clean/blameless/unimpeachable (idiom)/ [yi1 qing1 zao3] /early in the morning/ [yi1 zhun3] /certainly/ [yi1 liu4 yan1] /like a wisp of smoke/(to disappear etc) in an instant/

[yi1 tan2 si3 shui3] /a pool of stagnant water/stagnant or listless condi [yi1 wu2 suo3 dong4] /totally unaffected/unimpressed/ [yi1 wu2 suo3 you3] /not having anything at all (idiom); utterly lacking/ ticks to rub together/ [yi1 wu2 suo3 huo4] /to gain nothing/to end up empty-handed/ [yi1 wu2 suo3 zhi1] /not knowing anything at all (idiom); completely igno an inkling/ [yi1 wu2 suo3 wen2] /unheard of/ [yi1 wu2 suo3 chang2] /not having any special skill/without any qualifica [yi1 wu2 shi4 chu4] /not one good point/everything about it is wrong/ [yi1 pian4] /piece/slice/ [yi1 sheng1] /all one's life/throughout one's life/ [yi1 sheng1 yi1 shi4] /a whole lifetime (idiom); all my life/ [yi1 jia3 zi3] /sixty years/ [yi1 bai3 yi1] /faultless/impeccable/ [yi1 pan2 san3 sha1] /lit. like a sheet of loose sand/fig. unable to coop / [yi1 mu4 liao3 ran2] /obvious at a glance (idiom)/ [yi1 mu4 shi2 hang2] /ten lines at a glance (idiom)/to read very rapidly/ [yi1 mu4 liao3 ran2] /obvious at a glance (idiom)/ [yi1 zhi2] /straight (in a straight line)/continuously/always/from the beginning f ... up to .../all along/ [yi1 zhi2 yi3 lai2] /since always/until now/ [yi1 zhi2 wang3 qian2] /straight ahead/ [yi1 xiang1 qing2 yuan4] /one's own wishful thinking/ [yi1 zha3 yan3] /in a wink/ [yi1 yan3] /a glance/a quick look/a glimpse/ [yi1 yan3 wang4 qu4] /as far as the eye can see/ [yi1 yan3 kan4 chuan1] /to see through something at first glance (idiom)/ [yi1 pie1] /glance/glimpse/ [yi1 shun4] /one instant/very short time/the twinkle of an eye/ [yi1 shun4 jian1] /split second/ [yi1 shi3 zhong4 di4] /to hit the target with a single shot/to say someth idiom)/ [yi1 zhi1 ban4 jie3] /lit. to know one and understand half (idiom); a sma owledge/dilettante/amateur/ [yi1 wan3] /bowl/ [yi1 shen2 jiao4] /monotheism (belief in a single God)/ [yi1 shen2 lun4] /monotheism/unitarianism (denying the Trinity)/ [yi1 bing3 qian2 cheng2] /earnestly and sincerely (idiom); devoutly/ [yi1 mi4] /first secretary/ [yi1 zhong3] /one kind of/one type of/ [yi1 wo1 feng1] /like a swarm of bees/everyone swarms around pushing and shou hornet's nest/ [yi1 qiao4 bu4 tong1] /I don't understand a word (idiom); all Greek to me [yi1 xiao4 liao3 zhi1] /to laugh away (instead of taking seriously)/ [yi1 bi3 gou1 xiao1] /to write off at one stroke/ [yi1 bi3 mo3 sha1] /to blot out at one stroke/to reject out of hand/to de hearing/ [yi1 bi3 mo3 sha1] /variant of [yi1 bi3 mo3 sha1]/ [yi1 deng3] /first class/grade A/ [yi1 deng3 jiang3] /first prize/ [yi1 gu1 jie5 r5 de5 ling2 chi1] /to snack in dribs and drabs [yi1 jian4 shuang1 diao1] /lit. one arrow, two golden eagles (idiom)/to k with one stone/ [yi1 jie2 shi1] /stanza/ [yi1 chou2 mo4 zhan3] /to be unable to find a solution/to be at wits' end [yi1 xi4 lie4] /a series of/a string of/ [yi1 zhi3 kong1 wen2] /a worthless piece of paper (idiom)/ [yi1 ji2] /first class/category A/

[yi1 ji2 shi4 guan1] /corporal (army)/ [yi1 ji2 fang1 cheng2 shi4] /Formula One/ [yi1 ji2 tou2] /first stage (diving)/ [yi1 tong3] /to unify/unified/ [yi1 si1 yi1 hao2] /one thread, one hair (idiom); a tiny bit/an iota/ [yi1 si1 bu4 gua4] /not wearing one thread (idiom); absolutely naked/with of clothing/in one's birthday suit/ [yi1 si1 bu4 gou3] /not one thread loose (idiom); strictly according to t culous/not one hair out of place/ [yi1 wei2] /one-dimensional (math.)/ [yi1 wang3 da3 jin4] /to catch everything in one net (idiom); to eliminat ke/to solve the problem at one fell swoop/ [yi1 xian4] /front line/ [yi1 xian4 zhi1 jian1] /a hair's breadth apart/a fine line/a fine distinc [yi1 xian4 wei1 guang1] /gleam/ [yi1 sheng1] /first tone in Mandarin (high level tone)/ [yi1 sheng1 bu4 keng1] /to not say a word/ [yi1 sheng1 bu4 xiang3] /to keep totally silent/noiselessly/ [yi1 tai1 zhi4] /the one-child policy/ [yi1 mai4 xiang1 cheng2] /traceable to the same stock (idiom); of a commo trends, ideas etc)/ [yi1 bi4 zhi1 li4] /(lend) a helping hand/ [yi1 zhi4] /unanimous/identical (views or opinions)/ [yi1 zhi4 zi4] /consistent phonogram(s)/ [yi1 zhi4 xing4] /consistency/ [yi1 zhi4 xing4 xiao4 ying4] /consistency effect/ [yi1 zhi4 zi1 yuan2 ding4 zhi3 qi4] /uniform resource locator [yi1 ju3] /a move/an action/in one move/at a stroke/in one go/ [yi1 ju3 yi1 dong4] /every movement/each and every move/ [yi1 ju3 liang3 de2] /one move, two gains (idiom); two birds with one sto [yi1 ju3 cheng2 gong1] /success at one go/to succeed at the first attempt [yi1 ban1] /same/ordinary/common/general/generally/in general/ [yi1 ban1 ren2] /average person/ [yi1 ban1 lai2 shuo1] /generally speaking/ [yi1 ban1 lai2 jiang3] /generally speaking/ [yi1 ban1 yuan2 ze2] /general principle/ [yi1 ban1 xing4] /general/in general terms/generalized/ [yi1 ban1 er2 yan2] /generally speaking/ [yi1 ban1 jian4 shi5] /to lower oneself to sb's level/to argue with sb le med/ [yi1 ban1 gui1 ding4] /ordinary provision (law)/ [yi1 ban1 shuo1 lai2] /generally speaking/in general/ [yi1 ban1 mao4 yi4] /general trade (i.e. importing and export without pro [yi1 ye4 zhang4 mu4] /lit. eyes obscured by a single leaf (idiom)/fig. no ider picture/can't see the wood for the trees/ [yi1 zhao1 bu4 shen4 , man3 pan2 jie1 shu1] /One care m)/ [yi1 hao4] /first day of the month/ [yi1 hao4 mu4 gan1] /driver (golf)/ [yi1 hao4 dian4 chi2] /D size battery/ [yi1 xing2] /party/delegation/ [yi1 jian4 qing1 xin1] /love at first sight/ [yi1 jian4 ru2 gu4] /familiarity at first sight/ [yi1 jian4 zhong1 qing2] /love at first sight (idiom)/ [yi1 jian4 gao1 di1] /lit. to fight it out with sb to see who is best (id cross swords with/to lock horns/ [yi1 shi4 tong2 ren2] /to treat everyone equally favorably (idiom); not t e between people/ [yi1 jiao4 xing3 lai2] /to wake up from a sleep/ [yi1 lan3] /an overview/at a glance/

[yi1 lan3 wu2 yi2] /be plainly visible/ [yi1 jiao3 yin2 bi4] /dime/ [yi1 chu4 ji2 kui4] /to collapse on the first encounter/to give way at on [yi1 chu4 ji2 fa1] /could happen at any moment/on the verge/ [yi1 yan2] /one sentence/brief remark/ [yi1 yan2 yi1 xing2] /words and deeds (idiom)/ [yi1 yan2 bu4 fa1] /to not say a word (idiom)/ [yi1 yan2 jiu3 ding3] /one word worth nine sacred tripods (idiom); words eight/ [yi1 yan2 yi3 bi4 zhi1] /one word says it all (idiom, from Analects); y short/in a nutshell/ [yi1 yan2 qian1 jin1] /one word worth a thousand in gold (idiom); valuabl s of enormous weight/ [yi1 yan2 chao1 bai3 zong3] /to cut a long story short/ [yi1 yan2 ji4 chu1 , si4 ma3 nan2 zhui1] /lit. once s m); a promise must be kept/ [yi1 yan2 wei2 ding4] /one word and it's settled (idiom); It's a deal!/Th then./ [yi1 yan2 wei2 zhong4] /each word carries weight/a promise must be kept ( [yi1 yan2 nan2 jin4] /hard to explain in a few words (idiom); complicated to express succinctly/ [yi1 yu3 bu4 fa1] /to not say a word (idiom)/ [yi1 yu3 shuang1 guan1] /to make a pun/to have a double meaning/double en [yi1 nuo4 qian1 jin1] /a promise worth one thousand in gold (idiom); a pr st be kept/ [yi1 pin2 ru2 xi3] /penniless/ [yi1 guan4] /consistent/constant/from start to finish/all along/persistent/ [yi1 zou3 liao3 zhi1] /to avoid a problem by walking away from it/to quit [yi1 qi3] /in the same place/together/with/altogether (in total)/ [yi1 lu4] /the whole journey/all the way/going the same way/going in the same dir ction/of the same kind/ [yi1 lu4 lai2] /all the way/all along/since the start/ [yi1 lu4 ping2 an1] /to have a pleasant journey/Bon voyage!/ [yi1 lu4 fa1] /fortune street (idiom)/ [yi1 lu4 shun4 feng1] /to have a pleasant journey (idiom)/ [yi1 lu4 feng1 chen2] /to live an exhausting journey/ [yi1 cu4 ji2 zhi4] /to get there in one step (idiom); easily done/success to get results overnight/ [yi1 cu4 ke3 ji3] /succeed at the first try (idiom); easy as pie/one can / [yi1 cu4 er2 jiu4] /to get there in one step (idiom); easily done/success to get results overnight/ [yi1 cu4 er2 de2] /to get there in one step (idiom); easily done/success o get results overnight/ [yi1 jue2 bu4 zhen4] /one stumble, unable to rise (idiom); a setback lead collapse/ruined at a stroke/unable to recover after a minor hitch/ [yi1 yue4 er2 qi3] /to jump up suddenly/to bound up/to rise up in one bou [yi1 shen1] /whole body/from head to toe/single person/a suit of clothes/ [yi1 shen1 shi4 dan3] /devoid of fear (idiom)/intrepid/ [yi1 shen1 han4] /sweating all over/ [yi1 jiao4 gao1 xia4] /to compete against/to measure oneself against/to g d (see who is best)/ [yi1 bei4 zi5] /(for) a lifetime/ [yi1 lun2] /first round or stage (of a match, election, talks, planned policy etc / [yi1 zhuan3 yan3] /in a wink/ [yi1 ci2 mo4 zan4] /to be unable to offer an opinion (idiom)/ [yi1 tui4 liu4 er4 wu3] /lit. 1 divided by 16 is 0.0625 (abacus rule) nsibility/to pass the buck/also written [yi1 tui4 liu4 er4 wu3]/ [yi1 tong4] /one time/once/

[yi1 lian2] /in a row/in succession/running/ [yi1 lian2 chuan4] /a chain of (events, errors, jobs, problems, successes etc cession of (disasters)/a series/a row (of stores)/ [yi1 bian4] /one time (all the way through)/once through/ [yi1 bian4 you4 yi1 bian4] /over and over/ [yi1 dao4] /together/ [yi1 bian1] /one side/either side/on the one hand/on the other hand/doing while/ [yi1 bu4 fen4] /portion/part of/subset/ [yi1 zhen1 jian4 xie3] /lit. to draw blood on the first prick/fig. to hit the head/ [yi1 qian2 bu4 zhi2] /not worth a penny/utterly worthless/ [yi1 cuo4 zai4 cuo4] /to repeat errors/to continue blundering/to make con kes/ [yi1 men2 xin1 si5] /to set ones heart on sth (idiom)/ [yi1 shan3 nian4] /sudden idea/flash of insight/ [yi1 zhen4] /a burst/a fit/a peal/a spell (period of time)/ [yi1 zhen4 zi5] /short period of time/while (time)/fit of anger/ [yi1 sha4] /in a flash/ [yi1 sha4 shi2] /in an instant/ [yi1 sha4 yan3] /suddenly/in an instant/ [yi1 sha4 jian1] /in a flash/ [yi1 ling2 zhen1 xing4] /soul/spirit/ [yi1 mian4] /one side/one aspect/simultaneously... (and...)/one s whole face/ [yi1 mian4 zhi1 jiao1] /to have met once/casual acquaintance/ [yi1 mian4 dao3] /one-sided/lopsided/unanimous/overwhelming majority/ [yi1 xiang4 yi1 xiang4 de5] /one by one/ [yi1 tou2] /one head/a head full of sth/one end (of a stick)/one side/headlong/di ectly/rapidly/simultaneously/ [yi1 tou2 zai1 jin4] /to plunge into/to run headlong into/ [yi1 tou2 wu4 shui3] /to be confused/to be baffled/ [yi1 lei4] /same type/category 1 (i.e. class A)/ [yi1 lei4 bao3 hu4 dong4 wu4] /class A protected animal/ [yi1 ma3 ping2 chuan1] /flat land one could gallop straight across (idiom se of flat country/ [yi1 jing1 yi1 zha4] /frightened/flustered/ [yi1 ti3] /an integral whole/all concerned/everybody/ [yi1 ti3 liang3 mian4] /lit. one body two sides (idiom)/fig. a situation s to it/ [yi1 ti3 hua4] /integration/incorporation/unification/ [yi1 hong4 er2 san4] /see [yi1 hong1 er2 san4]/ [yi1 lin2 ban4 zhua3] /lit. one scale and half a claw (idiom); only odd b s/ [yi1 ming2 jing1 ren2] /to amaze the world with a single brilliant feat ( ernight celebrity/ [yi1 dian3] /a bit/a little/one dot/one point/ [yi1 dian3 yi1 di1] /bit by bit/every little bit/ [yi1 dian3 yi1 dian3] /little by little/bit by bit/gradually/ [yi1 dian3 bu4] /not at all/ [yi1 dian3 r5] /erhua variant of [yi1 dian3]/ [yi1 dian3 shui3 yi1 ge4 pao4] /one drop one bubble/ [yi1 dian3 lin2 yu4] /(math.) neighborhood of a point/ [yi1 dian3 dian3] /a little bit/ [yi1 dang3] /one party (state)/ [yi1 dang3 zhuan1 zhi4] /one party dictatorship/ [yi1 gu3 zuo4 qi4] /in a spurt of energy/ [yi1 bi2 kong3 chu1 qi4] /lit. to breathe through the same nostril (i ple say exactly the same thing (usually derog.)/to sing from the same hymn sheet / [yi1 qi2] /at the same time/simultaneously/ [Ding1] /surname Ding/

[ding1] /fourth of 10 heavenly stems /fourth in order/letter "D" or roman "IV" ist "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc/butyl/cubes (of food)/ [Ding1 ding1] /Tintin/ [zheng1 zheng1] /sound of chopping wood, chess pieces hitting the board etc/ [ding1 ding1 chao3 mian4] /chopped fried noodles/ [ding1 chou3] /fourteenth year D2 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1997 or 2057/ [ding1 er4 xi1] /butadiene C4H6/biethylene/ [ding1 er4 chun2] /butyl glycol/ [ding1 hai4] /twenty fourth year D12 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 2007 or 2067/ [ding1 ke4] /Dual Income, No Kids (DINK) (loanword)/ [ding1 nei4 zhi3] /butyrolactone/ [ding1 dong1] /onomat. ding dong/jingling of bells/clanking sound/ [Ding1 jia1 nu2] /Terengganu, northeast state of mainland Malaysia/ [ding1 mao3] /fourth year D4 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1987 or 2047/ [ding1 xing2 gan1 yan2] /hepatitis D/ [Ding1 Ji1] /Ding Ji (1917-1944), real name Li Baicen , journalist based in rtyr of the revolution/ [ding1 ji1] /butyl group (chemistry)/ [ding1 zi4] /T-shaped/ [ding1 zi4 chi3] /T-square/set square (carpenter's tool)/ [ding1 zi4 liang2] /T-girder/ [ding1 zi4 bu4] /T-step (basic dance position, with the feet forming a T shap [ding1 zi4 jie1] /T-junction/ [ding1 zi4 ku4] /thong (underwear)/ [ding1 zi4 gao3] /hammer pick/ [ding1 chong3 jia1 ting2] /double income family who have pets rather than e also [ding1 ke4 zu2])/ [ding1 si4] /fifty fourth year D6 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1977 or 2037/ [ding1 wei4] /forty fourth year D8 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1967 or 2027/ [Ding1 Ru3 chang1] /Ding Ruchang (1836-1895), commander of the Qing North Chi / [ding1 xi1] /butene or butylene C4H8/ [ding1 wan2] /butane/ [Ding1 Ling2] /Ding Ling (1904-1986), female novelist, author of novel The Sun Sh nes over the Sanggan River , attacked during the 1950s as [Ding1 Lei3] /Ding Lei/ [ding1 tang2] /tetrose (CH20)4, monosaccharide with four carbon atoms/ [Ding1 Zhao4 zhong1] /Samuel C. C. Ting/ [ding1 you3] /thirty fourth year D10 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1957 or 2017/ [ding1 chun2] /butanol/butyl alcohol C4H9OH/ [ding1 quan2] /butyraldehyde/butanal/ [ding1 ling5 dang1 lang1] /ding-a-ling/onomat. for sound of bell/ [Ding1 qing1] /Dngqn county, Tibetan: Steng chen rdzong, in Chamdo prefecture i4 qu1], Tibet/ [Ding1 qing1 xian4] /Dngqn county, Tibetan: Steng chen rdzong, in Chamdo pr u1 di4 qu1], Tibet/ [Ding1 Wei3 liang2] /William A.P. Martin (1827-1916), American missionary who 62 years in China between 1850 and 1916, and helped found many Chinese colleges, first president of Beijing university/ [ding1 xiang1] /lilac (Syringia vulgaris)/clove (Eugenia aromatica)/ [ding1 gu3 niu2 pai2] /T-bone steak/ [ding1 diao1] /tench/ [ding1 dian3] /tiny bit/ [kao3] /"breath" or "sigh" component in Chinese characters/ [qi1] /seven/7/ [qi1 qi1] /seven sevens (equals 49)/cf Buddhist services for the auspicious reinc rnation of the departed/ [qi1 qi1 shi4 bian4] /Marco Polo bridge incident of 7th July 1937 that sp ween Japan and China/ [qi1 qi1 ba1 ba1] /almost/nearing completion/bits and piece/of all kinds/

[qi1 shang4 ba1 xia4] /at sixes and sevens/perturbed state of mind/in a m [qi1 shi4] /the Seven Duties of a sovereign, namely: offering sacrifice , giv ience , administering jointly , receiving guests , running army rning ceremonial / [qi1 fen1 zhi1 yi1] /one seventh/ [qi1 shi2] /seventy/70/ [qi1 shi2 qi1 guo2 ji2 tuan2] /Group of 77/ [qi1 shi2 nian2 dai4] /the seventies/the 1970s/ [Qi1 tai2 he2] /see [Qi1 tai2 he2 shi4]/ [Qi1 tai2 he2 shi4] /Qitaihe prefecture level city, Heilongjiang province [qi1 he2 xian2] /seventh (musical cord)/ [Qi1 xi3] /7 Up (soft drink)/Hedy Holding Co., PRC computer manufacturer/ [qi1 zui3 ba1 she2] /(saying) a discussion with everybody talking at once [qi1 guo2 ji2 tuan2] /G7, the group of 7 industrialized countries: US, Ja Germany, France, Italy and Canada (now G8, including Russia)/ [Qi1 du3] /Chitu district of Keelung City [Ji1 long2 shi4], Taiwan/ [Qi1 du3 qu1] /Chitu district of Keelung City [Ji1 long2 shi4], Taiwan/ [qi1 xi1] /double seven festival, evening of seventh of lunar seventh month/girls festival/Chinese Valentine's day, when Cowherd and Weaving maid are allo ual meeting/ [qi1 xi1 jie2] /double seven festival, evening of seventh of lunar seventh mo ls' festival/Chinese Valentine's day, when Cowherd and Weaving maid are a annual meeting/ [qi1 da4 gong1 ye4 guo2 ji2 tuan2] /G7, the group of 7 indust Britain, Germany, France, Italy and Canada (now G8, including Russia)/ [Qi1 zi3 mei4 xing1 tuan2] /Pleiades M45/ [qi1 ceng2 jia4 gou4] /seven layer architecture (OSI)/ [qi1 qiao3 ban3] /tangram (traditional Chinese block puzzle)/ [qi1 dai4 shi2 ban1 yu2] /Epinephelus septemfasciatus/ [qi1 xian2 qin2] /guqin or seven-stringed zither/ [qi1 cai3] /seven colors/a variety of colors/multi-colored/rainbow-colored/ [qi1 lu:4] /abbr. for , verse form consisting of 8 lines of 7 sy ternate lines/ [qi1 qing2] /seven emotional states/seven affects of traditional Chinese medical heory and therapy, namely: joy [xi3], anger [nu4], anxiety [you1], thought [si1] ief [bei1], fear [kong3], fright [jing1]/seven relations/ [qi1 niu3 ba1 wai1] /in a state of great disorder (idiom)/ [qi1 zheng4 si4 yu2] /seven heavenly bodies and four imaginary stars (in fengshui)/ [qi1 fang1] /(Chinese medicine) the seven kinds of prescriptions , , [qi1 ri4 re4] /leptospirosis/ [Qi1 xing1] /Qixing district of Guilin city [Gui4 lin2 shi4], Guangxi/ [Qi1 xing1 qu1] /Qixing district of Guilin city [Gui4 lin2 shi4], Guang [qi1 yao4] /the seven planets of pre-modern astronomy (sun, moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn)/ [qi1 yue4] /July/seventh month (of the lunar year)/ [qi1 yue4 fen4] /July/ [Qi1 wu3 shi4] /Seven Samurai (movie)/ [qi1 he2 zhou1] /Semirechye region of Kazakhstan, bordering Lake Balkash 2]/ [qi1 tan4 tang2] /heptose (CH2O)7, monosaccharide with seven carbon atoms/ [qi1 qiao4 sheng1 yan1] /lit. spouting smoke through the seven orifices ( o seethe with anger/ [qi1 ji2 fu2 tu2] /seven floor pagoda/ [Qi1 mei3] /Qimei or Chimei township in Penghu county [Peng2 hu2 xia ands), Taiwan/ [Qi1 mei3 xiang1] /Qimei or Chimei township in Penghu county [Pe s Islands), Taiwan/ [qi1 lao3 ba1 shi2] /in one's seventies (age)/very old (of people)/ [qi1 sheng1] /tones of the musical scale/

[qi1 sheng1 yin1 jie1] /heptatonic scale/ [Qi1 gu3] /Chiku township in Tainan county [Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan [Qi1 gu3 xiang1] /Chiku township in Tainan county [Tai2 nan2 xia [qi1 ye4 shu4] /Chinese horse chestnut (Aesculus chinensis)/ [qi1 hun1 ba1 su4] /confused/distracted/ [qi1 hao4 dian4 chi2] /AAA battery (PRC)/Taiwan equivalent: [qi1 jiao3 xing2] /heptagon/ [qi1 yan2 lu:4 shi1] /verse form consisting of 8 lines of 7 syllables, wi lternate lines/abbr. to / [qi1 bian1 xing2] /heptagon/ [Qi1 li3 he2] /Qilihe district of Lanzhou city [Lan2 zhou1 shi4] [Qi1 li3 he2 qu1] /Qilihe district of Lanzhou city [Lan2 zho [qi1 ling2 ba1 sui4] /bits and pieces/scattered fragments/ [qi1 ling2 ba1 luo4] /(idiom) everything broken and in disorder/ [qi1 xiang4 quan2 neng2] /heptathlon/ [qi1 po4] /seven mortal forms in Daoism, representing carnal life and desires/con rasted with three immortal souls/ [qi1 sai1 man2] /lamprey (jawless proto-fish of family Petromyzontidae)/ [Qi1 long2 zhu1] /Dragon Ball, Japanese manga and anime series/ [shang4] /variant of [shang4]/ [xia4] /old variant of , down/ [xx5] /one of the characters used in kwukyel (phonetic "myeon"), an ancient Kore an writing system/ [Mo4] /see [Mo4 qi2]/ [Mo4 qi2] /polysyllabic surname Moqi/ [zhang4] /ten feet/ [zhang4 ren2] /wife's father (father-in-law)/old man/ [zhang4 fu5] /husband/CL: [ge4]/ [zhang4 mu3] /wife's mother/mother-in-law/ [zhang4 mu3 niang2] /wife's mother/mother-in-law/same as / [zhang4 liang2] /to measure/measurement/ [San1] /surname San/ [san1] /three/3/ [san1 qi1 er4 shi2 yi1] /three sevens are twenty-one (idiom)/the fact actual situation/ [san1 qi1 kai1] /ratio seventy to thirty/thirty percent failure, seventy perc cess/ [san1 qi1 kai1 ding4 lun4] /thirty percent failure, seventy percent s l PRC verdict on Mao Zedong/ [san1 san1 liang3 liang3] /in twos and threes/ [san1 bu4] /the three no's (abbreviated catchphrase)/ [san1 bu4 zhi1] /to know nothing about the beginning, the middle or the end/t nothing at all/ [san1 bu4 guan3] /of undetermined status/unregulated/ [san1 shi4] /the Third (of numbered kings)/ [san1 jiu3 tian1] /the twenty seven days after the Winter Solstice, reputed t e coldest days of the year/ [san1 wu3 cheng2 qun2] /forming groups of three or squads of five (idiom) d around in small clumps/ [San1 jing3] /Mitsui (Japanese company)/ [San1 ya4] /Sanya prefecture level city, Hainan/ [San1 ya4 shi4] /Sanya prefecture level city, Hainan/ [san1 ren2 kou3 qi4] /third person (grammar)/ [san1 ren2 cheng2 hu3] /three men talking makes a tiger (idiom); repeated s a fact/ [san1 ren2 xing2 , ze2 bi4 you3 wo3 shi1] /If three w (Confucius)/ [san1 ren2 xing2 , bi4 you3 wo3 shi1] /lit. If three walk idiom, from Confucian analects). You have sth to learn from everyone./also trans lated as: If three of us walk together, at least one of the other two is good en

ough to be my teacher./ [san1 chou2] /animosity or resentment towards three groups (the bureaucrats, the ealthy, and the police) due to perceived abuse of power/ [san1 dai4] /third-generation/ [san1 dai4 tong2 tang2] /three generations under one roof/ [san1 jian4 tao4 shi4 xi1 zhuang1] /three-piece suit/ [san1 fu2] /three periods forming the hottest periods of summer, from mid-July to mid-August, namely: (mid-July), (late July to early August), (mid-August)/ [san1 fu2 tian1] /three periods forming the hottest periods of summer, from m to mid-August, namely: (mid-July), (late July to early August), (mid-August [San1 wei4 Yi1 ti3] /Holy Trinity/trinity/ [san1 wei4 bo2 shi4] /the Magi/the Three Wise Kings from the East in the vity story/ [San1 xia2 wu3 yi4] /Sanxia wuyi (lit. Three knight-errants and five righ ovel edited from stories of late Qing dynasty pinghua master storyteller Shi Yuku / [san1 ge4 shi4 jie4] /three worlds, i.e. Western capitalism, Soviet commu non-aligned countries/ [San1 ge4 Dai4 biao3] /the Three Represents enunciated by Jiang Zemin hinese Communist party in 2001, namely: to represent productivity of an advanced society, forward progress of advanced culture and the fundamental interests of the people/ [san1 ge4 nu:3 ren2 yi1 ge4 xu1] /three women makes a crowd/ [san1 ge5 nu:3 ren2 yi1 tai2 xi4] /three women are enough for [san1 ge4 chou4 pi2 jiang5 , he2 chen a genius (idiom); fig. collective wisdom/ [san1 ge4 chou4 pi2 jiang5 , sai4 guo a genius (idiom); fig. collective wisdom/wisdom of the masses exceeds that of an y individual/ [san1 ge4 chou4 pi2 jiang5 , sai4 guo4 Zhu1 g nius (idiom); fig. collective wisdom/wisdom of the masses exceeds that of any in dividual/ [san1 ge4 chou4 pi2 jiang5 , ding3 ge4 Zhu1 g nius (idiom); fig. collective wisdom/wisdom of the masses exceeds that of any in dividual/ [san1 bei4] /triple/ [san1 cui1 si4 qing3] /to coax and plead/ [san1 jia4] /trivalent/ [San1 yuan2 qu1] /Sanyuan district of Sanming city [San1 ming2 shi4], F [san1 yuan2 yun4 suan4] /ternary operator (computing)/ [san1 yuan2 chun2] /propyl alcohol C3H7OH/ [san1 ba1] /International Women's Day [Fu4 nu:3 jie2], 8th March/foo [san1 ba1 xian4] /thirty eighth parallel, forming the DMZ border between Nort outh Korea/ [san1 fen1 zhi1 yi1] /one third/ [san1 fen1 shu2] /cooked three minutes/rare (of steak)/ [san1 fen1 zhong1 re4 du4] /brief period of enthusiasm/flash in the p [san1 shi2] /thirty/30/ [san1 shi2 er4 wei4 yuan2] /32-bit (computing)/ [san1 shi2 ba1 du4 xian4] /thirty eighth parallel/dividing line agree US and Soviet zones of influence in Korea, now the DMZ between North and South K orea/ [san1 shi2 liu4 zi4 mu3] /thirty six initial consonants of Song phone [san1 shi2 liu4 ji4] /The Thirty-Six Stratagems, a Chinese essay used to series of stratagems used in politics, war, and in civil interaction/all the pos sible schemes and stratagems/ [san1 shi2 liu4 ji4 , zou3 wei2 shang4 ce4] /Of the T also [san1 shi2 liu4 ji4]/ [san1 shi2 er2 li4] /thirty years old and therefore independent (idiom, f )/

[San1 yuan2] /Sanyuan county in Xinyng [Xian2 yang2], Shnx [san1 yuan2 ze2] /the Three Principles (in many contexts)/ [San1 yuan2 xian4] /Sanyuan county in Xinyng [Xian2 yang2], Shnx [san1 cha1 ji3] /trident/ [san1 cha1 shen2 jing1] /trigeminal nerve/ [san1 fan3] /"Three Anti" campaign (anti-corruption, anti-waste, anti-bureaucracy , early PRC purge of 1951-52/ [san1 fan3 yun4 dong4] /"Three Anti" campaign (anti-corruption, anti-wast ucracy), early PRC purge of 1951-52/ [san1 ju4 hua4 bu4 li2 ben3 hang2] /to talk shop all the time [San1 tai2] /Santai county in Mianyang [Mian2 yang2], north Sichuan/ [San1 tai2 xian4] /Santai county in Mianyang [Mian2 yang2], north Si [san1 he2 yi1] /three in one/triple/ [san1 he2 yi1 yi4 miao2] /DTP vaccination/ [san1 he2 tu3] /mortar/concrete/cement/ [san1 he2 xing1] /triple star system/ [San1 he2 hui4] /Triads, organized crime society/Triad Society (early Qing an hu secret society)/ [san1 he2 xian2] /triad/musical chord of three notes, such as major triad do [San1 guo2] /Three Kingdoms period (220-280) in Chinese history/several Three Kin doms periods in Korean history, esp. from 1st century AD to unification under Si lla [Xin1 luo2] in 658/ [San1 guo2 shi3 ji4] /History of Three Kingdoms (Korean: Samguk Sagi), th nt Korean history, compiled under Kim Busik [Jin1 Fu4 shi4] in 1145. The three ms are Goguryeo [Gao1 ju4 li2], Baekje [Bai3 ji4], Silla [Xi [San1 guo2 zhi4] /History of the Three Kingdoms, fourth of the 24 dynastic hi , composed by Chen Shou in 289 during Jin Dynasty , 65 scrolls/ [San1 guo2 Yan3 yi4] /Romance of the Three Kingdoms by Luo Guanzhong ne of the Four Classic Novels of Chinese literature/a fictional account of the T hree Kingdoms at the break-up of the Han around 200 AD, consistently portraying Liu Bei's Shu Han , , as virtuous heroes and Cao Cao's Wei , as ty [San1 di4 men2] /Santimen township in Pingtung county [Ping2 don [San1 di4 men2 xiang1] /Santimen township in Pingtung county [san1 tian1 liang3 tou2] /lit. twice every three days (idiom); practicall requently/ [san1 yi2 jiao4] /the three foreign religions (Nestorianism, Manicheanism and trianism)/ [san1 gu1 liu4 po2] /women with disreputable or illegal professions (idio [San1 zi4 jing1] /Three character classic, a 13th century reading primer cons of Confucian tenets in lines of 3 characters/ [san1 zi4 jing1] /(slang) swearword/four-letter word/ [san1 guan1 da4 di4] /the three gods in charge of heaven, earth and water [San1 jia1 cun1] /lit. village of three households/name of essay column in Be ewspaper from 1961-1966, written by Deng Tuo , Wu Han and Liao Mosha i-party during the Cultural Revolution/ [san1 bao3] /the Three Precious Treasures of Buddhism, namely: the Buddha , the rma (his teaching), and the Sangha (his monastic order)/ [san1 dui4 san1 dou4 niu2] /three-on-three basketball game/ [san1 jian1 shan1 zhi3 jian3] /harringtonine (chemistry)/ [San1 shan1] /Sanshan district of Wuhu city [Wu2 hu2 shi4], Anhui/ [San1 shan1 qu1] /Sanshan district of Wuhu city [Wu2 hu2 shi4], [san1 cha4 kou3] /At The Crossroads, the name of a famous opera, story from S Zhuan/ [San1 dao3 You2 ji4 fu1] /Mishima Yukio (1925-1970), Japanese author, mitake)/ [San1 Xia2] /Three Gorges on the Changjiang or Yangtze, namely: Qutang Gorge Xia2], Wuxia Gorge [Wu1 Xia2] and Xiling Gorge [Xi1 ling2 Xia2]/ [San1 xia2] /Sanhsia town in Taipei county [Tai2 bei3 xian4], Taiwan [San1 Xia2 Da4 ba4] /Three Gorges Dam/ [San1 xia2 ku4] /Three gorges reservoir on the Changjiang or Yangtze/

[San1 xia2 shui3 ku4] /Three gorges reservoir on the Changjiang or Yangtz [san1 xia2 shui3 ku4] /the Three Gorges reservoir/ [San1 xia2 zhen4] /Sanhsia town in Taipei county [Tai2 bei3 xian [san1 du4] /third (musical interval)/ [san1 xiang1] /sedan (automobile body type)/ [san1 fei4] /three types of waste product, namely: waste water [fei4 shu gas [fei4 qi4], industrial slag [fei4 zha1]/ [san1 xian2] /sanxian, large family of 3-stringed plucked musical instruments, wi h snakeskin covered wooden soundbox and long neck, used in folk music, opera and Chinese orchestra/ [San1 de2 li4] /Suntory, Japanese beverage company/ [san1 cong2 si4 de2] /Confucian moral injunctions for women, namely: obey e men father, husband and son, plus the four virtues of morality , physical charm , propriety in speech and efficiency in needlework / [san1 xin1 er4 yi4] /in two minds about sth (idiom); half-hearted/shilly [san1 si1 er2 hou4 xing2] /think again and again before acting (idiom ly in advance/ [san1 si1 er2 xing2] /think three times then go (idiom); don't act before ht it through carefully/ [San1 Jiao4] /the Three Doctrines (Daoism, Confucianism, Buddhism)/ [san1 jiao4 jiu3 liu2] /the Three Religions (Daoism, Confucianism, Buddhi Schools (Confucians, Daoists, Yin-Yang, Legalists, Logicians, Mohists, Political Strategists, Eclectics, Agriculturists)/fig. people from all trades (often dero g.)/ [san1 wen2 yu2] /salmon/ [san1 xun2 jiu3 shi2] /in thirty days only nine meals (idiom); family on starvation/in dire straights/ [San1 ming2] /Sanming prefecture level city in Fujian/ [San1 ming2 shi4] /Sanming prefecture level city in Fujian/ [san1 ming2 zhi4] /sandwich/CL: [ge4]/ [San1 xing1] /Sanxing or Sanhsing township in Yilan county [Yi2 lan2 sung (South Korean electronics company)/ [san1 xing1] /three major stars of the Three Stars [Shen1 xiu4] Chinese /the belt of Orion/three spirits [fu2], [lu4], and [shou4] associated with the e Stars [Shen1 xiu4] Chinese constellation/ [San1 xing1 xiang1] /Sanxing or Sanhsing township in Yilan county n/ [San1 xing1 Ji2 tuan2] /Samsung Group/ [san1 chun1] /the three spring months/ [san1 mei4] /Samadhi (Buddhist term)/ [san1 geng1] /third of the five night watch periods 23:00-01:00 (old)/midnight/al o pr. [san1 jin1]/ [san1 geng1 ban4 ye4] /in the depth of the night/very late at night/ [San1 Cao2] /the Three Caos (Cao Cao and his sons Cao Pi and Cao Zhi d the Wei or Cao Wei dynasty , and were all three noted poets and calligraphers/ [san1 yue4] /March/third month (of the lunar year)/ [san1 yue4 fen4] /March/ [san1 peng2 si4 you3] /friends/cronies/ [san1 kuang4 lan2] /name of radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 22) so [fang1]/ [san1 ji2 guan3] /triode (vacuum tube or transistor)/ [san1 quan2 fen1 li4] /separation of powers/ [san1 ci4] /third/three times/(math.) degree three, cubic (equation)/ [san1 ci4 mi4] /cube (third power, math.)/ [san1 ci4 fang1] /cube (third power, math.)/ [san1 ci4 fang1 cheng2] /cubic equation (math.)/ [san1 ci4 qu1 xian4] /cubic curve (geometry)/ [san1 gui1 yi1] /the Three Pillars of Faith (Buddha, dharma, sangha)/see also 3]/ [san1 duan4 lun4] /syllogism (deduction in logic)/

[san1 mao2 mao1] /tortoiseshell cat/calico cat/ [San1 min2] /Sanmin district of Kaohsiung city [Gao1 xiong2 shi4], south Ta [san1 min2 zhu3 yi4] /Dr Sun Yat-sen's Three principles of [San1 min2 qu1] /Sanmin district of Kaohsiung city [Gao1 xiong2 shi4], [San1 min2 xiang1] /Sanmin district of Kaohsiung city [Gao1 xiong2 shi4 [san1 fu2 hua4 peng2] /boron trifluoride/ [san1 lu:4 hua4 lin2] /phosphorous trichloride/ [san1 lu:4 hua4 tie3] /ferric chloride FeCl3/ [san1 lu:4 yi3 xi1] /trichloroethylene/ [san1 lu:4 yi3 wan2] /trichloroethane/ [san1 lu:4 yang3 lin2] /phosphorous oxychloride/ [san1 lu:4 jia3 wan2] /chloroform CHCl3/trichloromethane/ [San1 shui3] /Sanshui district of Foshan city [Fo2 shan1 shi4], Guangdong/ [San1 shui3 qu1] /Sanshui district of Foshan city [Fo2 shan1 shi4], Gua [San1 shui3 xian4] /Sanshui county in Guangdong/ [San1 jiang1 bing4 liu2] /Three Parallel Rivers National Park, in mountai t Yunnan World Heritage protected area: the three rivers are Nujian or Salween, J insha or upper reaches of Changjiang and Lancang or Mekong/ [San1 jiang1 dong4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Sanjiang Dong autonom ], Guangxi/ [San1 jiang1 ping2 yuan2] /Sanjiang or Three rivers plain in Heilongjiang d watered by Heilongjiang [Hei1 long2 jiang1] or Amur, Songhua [Song1 hu ri [Wu1 su1 li3 jiang1]/ [San1 jiang1 yuan2] /Sanjiangyuan National Nature Reserve, high plateau regio nghai containing the headwaters of Changjiang or Yangtze, Huanghe or Yellow Rive r and Lancang or Mekong River/ [San1 jiang1 sheng1 tai4 lu:3 you2 qu1] /Sanjiang ecological , northwest Sichuan/ [San1 he2] /Three rivers/Sanhe county level city in Langfang [Lang2 fang2], H [San1 he2 shi4] /Sanhe county level city in Langfang [Lang2 fang2], Hebei [San1 he2 xian4] /Sanhe county in Beijing/ [san1 fa3 si1] /Three judicial chief ministries in imperial China/ [san1 yang2] /Sany, Japanese electronics company/ [San1 pu3 Mei2 yuan2] /MIURA Baien (1723-1789), Japanese neo-Confucian ph pioneer economist, author of The Origin of value [Jia4 yuan2]/ [san1 wen1 nuan3] /sauna (Taiwan)/ [San1 wan1] /Sanwan township in Miaoli county [Miao2 li4 xian4], nor [San1 wan1 xiang1] /Sanwan township in Miaoli county [Miao2 li4 [san1 jiao1] /triple foci, the three visceral cavities of traditional Chinese med cine/ [san1 ban1 dao3] /three-shift system (work rostering)/ [san1 yong4 biao3] /instrument console (diving)/ [San1 tian2] /Mita, Sanda, Mitsuda etc (Japanese surname or place name)/ [san1 tian2] /3 annual hunting bouts/3 qi points/ [San1 Lu:e4] /see [Huang2 Shi2 gong1 San1 Lu:e4]/ [san1 fan1 wu3 ci4] /(saying) over and over again/ [San1 die2 ji4] /Triassic (geological period 250-205m years ago)/ [san1 huang2] /Three Sovereigns, between Gods and Emperors in third millennium BC usually listed as Suiren [Sui4 ren2], Fuxi [Fu2 Xi1],trapping and writing, Shennong or Farmer God [Shen2 nong2]/ [san1 huang2 wu3 di4] /three sovereigns and five emperors of my t system of Chinese historiography/ [san1 huang2 pao4 chui2] /Paochui - "Three Emperor Cannon Punch" (Chinese / [san1 xiao1 ji1 jia3 ben3] /trinitrotoluene (TNT)/ [san1 tan4 tang2] /triose (CH20)3, monosaccharide with three carbon atoms, su lyceraldehyde [gan1 you2 quan2]/ [san1 lin2 suan1 xian4 gan1] /adenosine triphosphate (ATP)/ [san1 leng2 cao3] /sedge herb (Cyperus rotundus)/ [san1 leng2 jing4] /(triangular) prism/

[San1 sui4] /Sansui county in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous prefecture 1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ [San1 sui4 xian4] /Sansui county in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous pref dong1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ [san1 deng3 fen1] /trisection (math.)/trisecting an angle/ [san1 deng3 fen1 jiao3] /trisection (math.)/trisecting an angle/ [san1 ji2] /grade 3/third class/category C/ [san1 ji2 shi4 guan1] /staff sergeant/ [san1 ji2 pian4] /third category movie (containing sexual or violent content) [san1 ji2 tiao4] /triple jump (athletics)/hop, skip and jump/ [san1 ji2 tiao4 yuan3] /triple jump (athletics)/hop, skip and jump/ [san1 suo3 jin3 she2] /copperhead race (Elaphe radiata), kind of snake/ [san1 wei2] /three dimensional/3D/ [san1 wei2 kong1 jian1] /three-dimensional space/3D/ [san1 gang1 wu3 chang2] /three principles and five virtues (idiom)/the th ler guides subject, father guides son and husband guides wife) and five constant virtues of Confucianism (benevolence , righteousness , propriety , wisdom a lity )/ [San1 yi4] /Sanyi township in Miaoli county [Miao2 li4 xian4], north [San1 yi4 xiang1] /Sanyi township in Miaoli county [Miao2 li4 xi [san1 ju4 qing2 an4] /melamine C3H6N6/ [san1 lian2 shu1 dian4] /Joint Publishing Co.,, Hong Kong/ [san1 lian2 guan3] /triplet/ [san1 pei1 ceng2 dong4 wu4] /triploblastic animals (having three germ [san1 jiao3 liang3 bu4] /hurriedly/just a few steps away/ [san1 jiao3 jia4] /tripod/derrick crane/ [san1 jiao1] /variant of [san1 jiao1], triple foci, the three visceral caviti raditional Chinese medicine/ [san1 zi4] /abbr. for [san1 zi4 ai4 guo2 jiao4 hui4], Th [san1 zi4 ai4 guo2 jiao4 hui4] /Three-Self Patriotic Movement, PR rotestant church from 1949/ [san1 zi4 jiao4 hui4] /Three-Self Patriotic Movement, PRC government-sanc tant church from 1949/ [san1 se4] /three colors/ [san1 se4 jin3] /pansy/ [san1 se4 zi3 luo2 lan2] /pansy/ [san1 se4 mao1] /calico cat/ [San1 zhi1] /Sanchih township in Taipei county [Tai2 bei3 xian4], Ta [San1 zhi1 xiang1] /Sanchih township in Taipei county [Tai2 bei3 [san1 cha2 liu4 fan4] /lit. to offer three kinds of tea and six different extremely considerate towards guests (idiom)/ [San1 ling2] /Mitsubishi/ [San1 ye4 xing1 yun2] /Trifid Nebula M20/ [san1 ye4 cao3] /clover/trefoil/ [san1 ye4 chong2] /trilobite/ [San1 zang4] /Tripitaka (602-664) Tang dynasty Buddhist monk and translator, who raveled to India 629-645/same as / [San1 zang4 fa3 shi1] /Tripitaka (602-664) Tang dynasty Buddhist monk and who traveled to India 629-645/same as / [san1 fan1 zhi1 luan4] /Three feudatories rebellion against Qing 1673-168 reign of Kangxi/ [San1 fan1 pan4 luan4] /rebellion against the Qing of 1670s, pacified by [San1 fan1 shi4] /San Francisco (California)/ [San1 Su1] /the Three Su father and sons/refers to northern Song literati Su Xun Shi and Su Zhe / [san1 hao4 mu4 gan1] /spoon (golf)/ [san1 hao4 dian4 chi2] /C size battery (PRC)/AA battery (Taiwan)/see nd (AA battery in PRC)/ [san1 qin1 liu4 gu4] /old friends and relatives/ [san1 jiao3] /triangle/

[san1 jiao3 zhai4] /chain of debt/ [san1 jiao3 deng4] /trestle stool/folding chair/ [san1 jiao3 han2 shu4] /trigonometric function/ [san1 jiao3 xue2] /trigonometry/ [san1 jiao3 zuo4] /Triangulum (constellation)/ [san1 jiao3 xing2] /triangle/ [san1 jiao3 kong3 long2] /triceratops (dinosaur)/ [san1 jiao3 lian4 ai4] /love triangle/ [san1 jiao3 ban3] /set square/triangle (for drawing right angles)/ [san1 jiao3 zhu4 ti3] /triangular prism (math.)/ [san1 jiao3 fa3] /trigonometry (math.)/ [san1 jiao3 zhou1] /delta (geography)/ [san1 jiao3 ce4 liang2 fa3] /triangulation (surveying)/ [san1 jiao3 ji1] /deltoid muscle (over the shoulder)/ [san1 jiao3 fu4 dai4] /athletic supporter/ [san1 jiao3 ku4] /briefs/panties/ [san1 jiao3 ku4 cha3] /briefs/panties/ [san1 jiao3 zhui1] /triangular pyramid (math.)/ [san1 jiao3 guan1 xi4] /triangle relationship/a love triangle/ [san1 jiao3 long2] /triceratops/ [san1 yan2 liang3 ju4] /in a few words (idiom); expressed succinctly/ [san1 yan2 liang3 yu3] /in a few words (idiom); expressed succinctly/ [San1 diao1 jiao3] /Cape San Diego or Santiao, easternmost point of Taiwan Is [san1 zi1 qi3 ye4] /foreign, private and joint ventures/ [san1 zu2 wu1] /three-legged Golden Crow that lives in the sun (in northeast nd Chinese mythology)/Korean: samjog'o/ [san1 zu2 jin1 wu1] /three-legged Golden Crow that lives in the sun (in n n and Chinese mythology)/Korean: samjog'o/ [san1 gui4 jiu3 kou4] /to kneel three times and kowtow nine times (formal meeting the emperor)/ [san1 jun1] /(in former times) upper, middle and lower army/army of right, center and left/(in modern times) the three armed services: Army, Navy and Air Force/ [san1 lun2 che1] /pedicab/tricycle/ [san1 lun2 che1 fu1] /pedicab driver/ [san1 nong2] /see [san1 nong2 wen4 ti2]/ [san1 nong2 wen4 ti2] /the three rural issues: agriculture, rural areas a [san1 die2 ji4] /Triassic (geological period 250-205m years ago)/also written [san1 tong1] /T-joint/T-piece/T-pipe/three links/ [san1 lian2 sheng4] /hat-trick (sports)/ [san1 bian1 xing2] /triangle/ [san1 bu4 qu3] /trilogy/ [San1 dou1 shui3 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Sandou Shuizu autonomou [San1 du1 shui3 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Sandu Shuizu autonomous o autonomous prefecture [Qian2 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ [San1 du1 xian4] /Sandu Shuizu autonomous county in Qiannan Buyei and Miao au s prefecture [Qian2 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ [san1 suan1 gan1 you2 zhi3] /triglyceride/ [San1 li3 tun2] /Sanlitun (Beijing street name)/ [San1 li3 he2] /Sanlihe (Beijing street name)/ [San1 chong2] /Sanch'ung or Sanchong city in Taipei county [Tai2 bei e Prefecture in central Japan/ [san1 chong2] /treble/ [san1 chong2 zou4] /trio (musical ensemble)/ [San1 chong2 shi4] /Sanch'ung or Sanchong city in Taipei county / [San1 chong2 xian4] /Mi'e prefecture in central Japan/ [san1 jian4] /triple bond (chemistry)/triple link/ [san1 chang2 liang3 duan3] /unexpected misfortune/unexpected accident/sud [San1 men2] /Sanmen county in Taizhou [Tai2 zhou1], Zhejiang/ [San1 men2 xia2] /Sanmenxia prefecture level city in Henan/

[San1 men2 xia2 shi4] /Sanmenxia prefecture level city in Henan/ [San1 men2 xian4] /Sanmen county in Taizhou [Tai2 zhou1], Zhejiang/ [san1 a1 yi2] /auntie, third eldest of sisters in mother's family/ [san1 pei2 xiao3 jie5] /female escort/bar girl/ [san1 zhi1 shou3] /pickpocket/ [san1 yin1] /third (musical interval, e.g. do-mi)/ [san1 yin1 du4] /third (musical interval)/ [san1 xiang4] /three items/three events/three terms/tri-/trinomial, ternary (math )/triathlon (abbr. for )/ [san1 xiang4 quan2 neng2] /triathlon/ [san1 xiang4 shi4] /trinomial (math.)/ [san1 tou2 liu4 bi4] /lit. to have three heads and six arms/to be extreme idiom)/ [san1 tou2 ji1] /triceps muscle/triceps brachii/ [san1 gu4 mao2 lu2] /lit. three humble visits to a thatched cottage/cf fa in the fictional Romance of Three Kingdoms in which Liu Bei rec Dragon ) to his cause by visiting him three times/ [san1 ma3 tong2 cao2] /three horses at the same trough (idiom, alluding t Yi4] and his two sons); conspirators under the same roof/ [san1 jia4 ma3 che1] /troika/ [san1 ti3] /trisomy/ [san1 ti3 wen4 ti2] /three-body problem (mechanics)/ [san1 hun2] /three immortal souls in Daoism, representing spirit and intellect/co trasted with seven mortal forms/ [san1 hun2 qi1 po4] /three immortal souls and seven mortal forms in Daois g the spiritual and carnal side of man/ [san1 xian1] /three fresh ingredients (in cooking)/ [san1 lu4] /Three Deer (brand)/ [San1 lu4 ji2 tuan2] /Sanlu or Three deer, major PRC dairy company involv lamine poisoning scandal/ [san1 dian3 shui3] /name of "water" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi rad )/see also [shui3]/ [shang3] /see [shang3 sheng1]/ [shang4] /on top/upon/above/upper/previous/first (of multiple parts)/to climb/to get onto/to go up/to attend (class or university)/ [shang4 yi1 ge5] /previous one/ [shang4 yi1 ye4] /preceding page/ [shang4 shang4 zhi1 ce4] /the best policy/the best thing one can do in th es/ [shang4 xia4] /up and down/top and bottom/old and new/length/about/ [shang4 xia4 wu3 qian1 nian2] /popular history of China in three volu [shang4 xia4 qi2 shou3] /to raise and lower one's hand (idiom); to signal orial hint/fig. conspiring to defraud/ [shang4 xia4 wen2] /(textual) context/ [shang4 xia4 wen2 cai4 dan1] /context menu (computing)/ [shang4 xia4 ban1] /to start and finish work/ [shang4 xia4 ban1 shi2 jian1] /rush hour/ [shang4 shi4 ji4] /last century/ [shang4 jiao1] /to hand over to/to give to higher authority/to seek connections i high places/ [shang4 dai4] /previous generation/ [shang4 ren4] /to take office/ [shang4 wei4] /top seat/person occupying leading position/ [shang4 wei4 gai4 nian4] /superordinate concept/ [shang4 lai2] /to come up/to approach/(verb complement indicating success)/ [shang4 ge5] /first (of two parts)/last (week etc)/previous/the above/ [shang4 ge4 xing1 qi1] /last week/ [shang4 ge4 yue4] /last month/ [shang4 chuan2] /to upload/ [shang4 qian2] /to go forward/front upper/

[shang4 sheng1 qu1 shi4] /an upturn/an upward trend/ [shang4 wu3] /morning/CL: [ge4]/ [shang4 ban4] /first half/ [shang4 ban4 nian2] /first half (of a year)/ [shang4 ban4 shang3] /forenoon/morning/a.m./ [shang4 ban4 ye4] /the first half (of a period)/ [shang4 ban4 shen1] /the upper body/ [shang4 ban4 bu4 fen4] /upper part/top half/ [shang4 qu4] /to go up/ [shang4 kou3] /to be able to read aloud fluently/to be suitable (easy enough) for reading aloud/ [shang4 kou3 chi3] /supraoral tooth/ [shang4 gu3] /the distant past/ancient times/antiquity/early historical times/ [shang4 tai2] /to rise to power (in politics)/to go on stage (in the theater)/ [shang4 si5] /boss/superior/ [Shang4 He2] /SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organisation)/abbr. for 1]/ [Shang4 He2 Zu3 zhi1] /Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO)/ [shang4 diao4] /to hang oneself/ [shang4 tong2 diao4] /cohomology (invariant of a topological space in math.)/ [shang4 zhou1] /last week/ [shang4 chun2] /upper lip/ [shang4 hui2] /last time/the previous time/ [shang4 po1] /uphill/upslope/to move upwards/to climb a slope/ [shang4 po1 duan4] /uphill section (of a race)/ [shang4 po1 lu4] /uphill road/slope up/fig. upward trend/progress/ [Shang4 cheng2 qu1] /Shangcheng district of Hangzhou city [Hang2 zhou1 [shang4 bao4] /to report to one's superiors/to appear in the news/to reply to a l tter/ [shang4 chang3] /on stage/to go on stage/to take the field/ [shang4 fen2] /to sweep the tombs (of one's ancestors)/the Qingming festival/ [Shang4 Wai4] /abbr. for [Shang4 hai3 Wai4 guo2 yu3 [shang4 ye4] /to be on night duty/ [shang4 tian1] /Heaven/Providence/God/the day before/the sky above/to fly to the ky/to take off and fly into space/to die/to pass away/ [shang4 tian1 ru4 di4] /lit. to go up to heaven or down to Hades; fig. wh I don't care/to decide to go ahead without foreboding/ [shang4 kua1 ke4] /up quark (physics)/ [shang4 xue2] /to go to school/to attend school/ [shang4 jia1] /preceding player (in a game)/ [shang4 jiang4] /general/admiral/air chief marshal/ [shang4 jiang4 jun1] /top general/commander-in-chief/ [shang4 wei4] /captain (military rank)/ [shang4 ceng2] /upper layer/ [shang4 ceng2 jian4 zhu4] /superstructure/ [shang4 shan1] /to go uphill/to spin cocoon (silkworms)/to pass away/ [shang4 shan1 xia4 xiang1] /to work in the fields (esp. young school-leav gricultural experience for city intellectuals/ [shang4 an4] /to land/to disembark/to abandon a boat and go ashore/fig. to give u evil ways and return to virtue/ [shang4 gang3] /to take up one's post/to be given a job/ [shang4 shi4] /to hit the market (of a new product)/to float (a company on the st ck market)/ [shang4 shi4 gong1 si1] /a listed company/ [Shang4 di4] /God/ [shang4 chuang2] /to go to bed/ [shang4 zuo4 bu4] /Theravada, the primary Buddhism, as spread to Sri Lanka an -East Asia/ [shang4 xian2] /to wind/to tighten/crescent moon/first quarter or waxing moon/ [shang4 xian2 yue4] /first quarter moon/

[shang4 xin1] /carefully/meticulously/to set one's heart on sth/ [Shang4 si1] /Shangxi county in Fangchenggang [Fang2 cheng2 gang3], Guangxi [Shang4 si1 xian4] /Shangxi county in Fangchenggang [Fang2 cheng2 gang3 [shang4 fang2] /see [zheng4 fang2]/ [shang4 yang2] /to rise (i.e. number increases)/a price rise/to raise/ [shang4 yang2 qu1 shi4] /upward trend/rising tendency/ [shang4 wen2] /preceding part of the text/ [Shang4 xin1 shi4] /Pliocene (geological epoch from 5m-2m years ago)/ [shang4 fang1 bao3 jian4] /imperial sword (giving bearer plenipotentiary ial Chinese version of 007 licensed to kill/ [shang4 xun2] /first third of a month/ [shang4 sheng1] /to rise/to go up/to ascend/ [shang4 xing1 qi1] /last week/previous week/ [shang4 ying4] /to show (a movie)/to screen/ [shang4 shu1] /to write a letter (to the authorities)/to present a petition/ [shang4 yue4] /last month/ [shang4 you3 zheng4 ce4 , xia4 you3 dui4 ce4] /The hi s have their own ways of getting around them. (idiom)/ [Shang4 hang2] /Shanghang county level city in Longyan , Fujian/ [Shang4 hang2 xian4] /Shanghang county in Longyan , Fujian/ [Shang4 lin2] /Shanglin county in Nanning [Nan2 ning2], Guangxi/ [Shang4 lin2 xian4] /Shanglin county in Nanning [Nan2 ning2], Guangx [Shang4 li4] /Shangli county in Pingxiang , Jiangxi/ [Shang4 li4 xian4] /Shangli county in Pingxiang , Jiangxi/ [shang4 xiao4] /high ranking officer in Chinese army/colonel/ [shang4 gan1] /backswing (golf)/ [shang4 liang2 bu4 zheng4 xia4 liang2 wai1] /lit. If the uppe er beam will be crooked (idiom); fig. subordinates imitate their superiors' vice s/ [shang4 lou2] /to go upstairs/ [shang4 biao1] /superscript/ [shang4 ci4] /last time/ [shang4 kuan3] /addressee/name of recipient on painting or scroll/ [shang4 qi4 bu4 jie1 xia4 qi4] /not enough breath (idiom); to gas [Shang4 shui3] /Sheung Shui (area in Hong Kong)/ [Shang4 Qi4] /abbr. for , Shanghai Automotive In [shang4 liu2] /upper class/ [shang4 liu2 she4 hui4] /upper class/high society/ [shang4 huan4] /first ten days of a lunar month/ [shang4 fu2] /to float up/ [Shang4 hai3] /Shanghai municipality, central east China, abbr. to [Hu4]/ [Shang4 hai3 Jiao1 tong1 Da4 xue2] /Shanghai Jiao Tong University [Shang4 hai3 He2 zuo4 Zu3 zhi1] /Shanghai Cooperation Organisatio [Shang4 hai3 Shang1 wu4 yin4 shu1 guan3] /Commercial Press, S [Shang4 hai3 Wai4 guo2 yu3 Da4 xue2] /Shanghai International [Shang4 hai3 Da4 ju4 yuan4] /Shanghai Grand Theater/ [Shang4 hai3 Da4 xue2] /Shanghai University/ [Shang4 hai3 Bao3 gang1 Ji2 tuan2 Gong1 si1] /Baosteel/ [Shang4 hai3 shi4] /Shanghai municipality in southeast China, abbr. / [Shang4 hai3 Xi4 ju4 Xue2 yuan4] /Shanghai Theatrical Institute/ [Shang4 hai3 Zhen4 hua2 Gang3 kou3 Ji1 xie4] /Shanghai Zh [Shang4 hai3 wen2 guang3 xin1 wen2 chuan2 mei2 ji [Shang4 hai3 qi4 che1 gong1 ye4] /Shanghai Automotive Industry Co [Shang4 hai3 qi4 che1 gong1 ye4 ji2 tuan2] /Shanghai Auto [Shang4 hai3 Pu3 dong1 Fa1 zhan3 Yin2 hang2] /Shanghai Pu [Shang4 hai3 Huan2 qiu2 Jin1 rong2 Zhong1 xin1] /Shanghai raper/ [Shang4 hai3 Di4 er4 Yi1 ke1 Da4 xue2] /Shanghai Second M [Shang4 hai3 hua4] /Shanghainese/Shanghai dialect/ [Shang4 hai3 Zheng4 quan4 Jiao1 yi4 suo3] /Shanghai Stock Exc

[Shang4 hai3 Zheng4 quan4 Jiao1 yi4 suo3 site Index/ [Shang4 hai3 Zheng4 juan4 jiao1 yi4 suo3] /Shanghai Stock mar [Shang4 hai3 Yi1 ke1 Da4 xue2] /Shanghai Medical University/ [Shang4 hai3 Yin1 yue4 Xue2 yuan4] /Shanghai Conservatory of Musi [Shang4 hai3 Ti3 yu4 chang3] /Shanghai Stadium/ [shang4 you2] /upper reaches (of a river)/upper level/upper echelon/upstream/ [shang4 liu1 you2] /basted (of meat etc)/ [shang4 yan3] /to screen (a movie)/to stage (a play)/a screening/a staging/ [shang4 zhang3] /to rise/to go up/ [shang4 huo3] /to get angry/to have a yang [yang2] imbalance in the body cau cessive internal heat (traditional Chinese medicine)/ [Shang4 you2] /Shangyou county in Ganzhou , Jiangxi/ [Shang4 you2 xian4] /Shangyou county in Ganzhou , Jiangxi/ [shang4 ban1] /to go to work/to be on duty/to start work/to go to the office/ [shang4 ban1 zu2] /office workers (as social group)/ [shang4 ban1 shi2 jian1] /time of going to work/the morning rush hour/ [Shang4 gan1 ling3] /Shanganling district of Yichun city [Yi1 chun1 shi / [Shang4 gan1 ling3 qu1] /Shanganling district of Yichun city [Yi1 c ng/ [shang4 jie4] /upper bound/ [shang4 dang4] /taken in (by sb's deceit)/to be fooled/to be duped/ [shang4 shu1] /(of a court official) to present a memorial to the emperor (old)/ [shang4 yin3] /to get into a habit/to become addicted/ [shang4 pi2] /epithelium/ [shang4 yan3 jian3] /upper eyelid/ [shang4 jian3] /upper eyelid/ [shang4 que4 jie4] /supremum (math.)/least upper bound/ [shang4 kong1] /overhead/in the sky/ [shang4 kong1 xi3 che1] /topless car wash/ [shang4 deng3] /highest quality/top-notch/ [shang4 deng3 bing1] /private first class (army rank)/ [shang4 jian4 tou2] /up-pointing arrow/ [shang4 jian4 tou2 jian4] /up arrow key (on keyboard)/ [shang4 ji2] /higher authorities/superiors/CL: [ge4]/ [shang4 ji2 ling3 dao3] /high level leadership/top brass/ [shang4 wang3] /to be on the internet/to stretch a net (in a sports game or for c vering sth)/to be netted (of fish)/ [shang4 wang3 ben3] /netbook/ [shang4 xian4] /to go online/to put sth online/ [shang4 jiao3] /to transfer (income, profits etc) to higher authorities/ [shang3 sheng1] /falling and rising tone/third tone in modern Mandarin/ [shang4 zhi1] /upper limb/ [shang4 tang2] /roof of the mouth/to load (a gun)/ [shang4 chuan2] /to get on the boat/ [Shang4 ai4 se4 er3] /Overijssel/ [shang4 cai4] /to serve, also to put on plate/ [shang4 wan4] /over ten thousand/fig. untold numbers/innumerable/thousands upon t ousands/ [shang4 cang1] /heaven/ [Shang4 cai4] /Shangcai county in Zhumadian [Zhu4 ma3 dian4], Henan/ [Shang4 cai4 xian4] /Shangcai county in Zhumadian [Zhu4 ma3 dian [Shang4 yu2] /Shangyu county level city in Shaoxing [Shao4 xing1], Zheji [Shang4 yu2 shi4] /Shangyu county level city in Shaoxing [Shao4 xing [shang4 xing2] /up train (i.e. towards the capital)/ [shang4 jie1] /to go onto the streets/to go shopping/ [Shang4 jie1 qu1] /Shangjie district of Zhengzhou city [Zheng1 z [shang4 yi1] /jacket/upper outer garment/CL:[jian4]/ [shang4 shan1] /blouse/

[shang4 zhuang1] /upper garment/ [shang4 xi1 tian1] /to enter heaven/to rise to the Western Paradise/ [shang4 fu4] /to inform/ [shang4 fang3] /to seek an audience with higher-ups (esp. government officials) t petition for sth/ [shang4 su4] /to appeal (a judicial case)/appeal/ [shang4 su4 fa3 yuan4] /appeal/ [shang4 ke4] /to go to class/to attend class/to go to teach a class/ [shang4 tiao2] /to raise (prices)/to adjust upwards/ [shang4 yu4] /imperial edict/see also [sheng4 yu4]/ [Shang4 zheng4 zong1 he2 zhi3 shu4] /SSE (Shanghai Stock Exchange [Shang4 yi4 yuan4] /Upper Chamber/Upper House/Senate/ [shang4 shen1] /upper part of the body/ [shang4 che1] /to get on or into (a bus, train, car etc)/ [shang4 gui3 dao4] /to stay on track/to proceed smoothly/ [shang4 zai4] /to upload/ [shang4 bei4] /ancestors/one's elders/ [shang4 bei4 zi5] /one's ancestors/past generations/a former incarnation/ [shang4 nong2] /a rich farmer/to stress the importance of agriculture (in ancient philosophy)/ [shang4 shu4] /aforementioned/above-mentioned/ [shang4 jin4] /to make progress/to do better/fig. ambitious to improve oneself/to move forwards/ [shang4 jin4 xin1] /motivation/ambition/ [shang4 bian5] /the top/above/overhead/upwards/the top margin/above-mentioned/tho e higher up/ [shang4 bian5 r5] /erhua variant of [shang4 bian5 r5]/ [shang4 bu4] /upper section/ [Shang4 du1] /Shangdu, also known as Xanadu, summer capital of the Yuan Dynasty ( 279-1368)/ [Shang4 ye3] /Ueno, Tokyo/ [shang4 gou1] /to take the bait/ [shang4 gou1 r5] /erhua variant of [shang4 gou1]/ [shang4 men2] /to drop in/to visit/ [shang4 xian4] /upper bound/ [shang4 zhen4] /to go into battle/ [shang4 zhen4 sha1 di2] /to go into battle and kill the enemy/to fight/ [shang4 mian5] /on top of/above-mentioned/ [shang4 xie2] /to sole a shoe/ [shang4 ye4] /previous page/ [shang4 he2] /maxilla (upper jaw)/ [shang4 he2 gu3] /maxilla (upper jaw)/ [shang4 tou5] /above/on top of/on the surface of/ [shang4 han4] /mandible/ [shang4 e4 zheng4 men2 chi3] /maxillary central incisor/ [shang4 feng1] /on the up/currently winning/rising (in popularity etc)/ [Shang4 rao2] /Shangrao prefecture level city and county in Jiangxi/ [Shang4 rao2 di4 qu1] /Shangrao prefecture in Jiangxi/ [Shang4 rao2 shi4] /Shangrao prefecture level city in Jiangxi/ [Shang4 rao2 xian4] /Shangrao county in Shangrao , Jiangxi/ [shang4 ma3] /to get on a horse/to mount/ [Shang4 gao1] /Shanggao county in Yichun , Jiangxi/ [Shang4 gao1 xian4] /Shanggao county in Yichun , Jiangxi/ [shang4 chi3] /upper teeth/ [shang4 chi3 yin2] /upper alveolar ridge/ [shang4 long2] /pliosaurus/ [xia4] /down/downwards/below/lower/later/next (week etc)/second (of two parts)/t o decline/to go down/ [xia4 yi1 dai4] /the next generation/ [xia4 yi1 ge5] /the next one/

[xia4 yi1 ci4] /next/ [xia4 yi1 bu4] /the next step/ [xia4 yi1 zhan4] /the next stop (of a bus etc)/ [xia4 yi1 ye4] /next page/ [xia4 bu4 wei2 li4] /not to be repeated/not to be taken as a precedent/ju [xia4 shi4] /to die/future incarnation/next life/to be born/to come into the worl /future generation/ [xia4 ling4] /to give an order/to command/ [xia4 ren4] /next office holder/next to serve/ [xia4 lai5] /to come down/(after verb of motion, indicates motion down and toward us, also fig.)/(indicates continuation from the past towards us)/to be harveste d (of crops)/to be over (of a period of time)/to go among the masses (said of le aders)/ [xia4 xiu1] /to revise downward/ [xia4 ge4 xing1 qi1] /next week/ [xia4 ge4 yue4] /next month/ [xia4 fan2] /to descend to the world (of immortals)/ [xia4 lie4] /following/ [xia4 hua4 xian4] /underscore _/underline/ [xia4 wu3] /afternoon/CL: [ge4]/p.m./ [xia4 ban4 nian2] /last-half year/ [xia4 ban4 shen1] /lower half of one's body/ [xia4 qu5] /to go down/to descend/to go on/to continue/ [xia4 chun2] /lower lip/ [xia4 dan1] /to place an order/to order/an order (of goods)/ [xia4 hui2] /next chapter/next time/ [xia4 po1] /downhill/ [xia4 po1 lu4] /downhill road/slope down/fig. to go downhill/on the decline/ [xia4 chui2] /to droop/to sag/to hang down/sagging/drooping/prolapse (medicine)/ [Xia4 cheng2 qu1] /Xiacheng district of Hangzhou city [Hang2 zhou1 shi4 [xia4 chang3] /to leave (the stage, an exam room, the playing field etc)/to take art in some activity/to take an examination (in the imperial examination system) / [xia4 chang5] /the end/to conclude/ [xia4 chang3 men2] /exit door (of the stage)/ [xia4 kua1 ke4] /down quark (physics)/ [xia4 ding4 jue2 xin1] /to make a firm resolution/ [xia4 ding4 yi4] /to define/ [xia4 jia1] /player whose turn comes next (in a game)/next one/my humble home/ [xia4 han2 wu3] /lower Cambrian (geological period approx 530 million years a [xia4 han2 wu3 tong3] /lower Cambrian series (geological strata from appr n years ago)/ [xia4 jie4] /next office holder/next to serve/ [xia4 ceng2] /underlayer/lower class/lower strata/substrate/ [xia4 shu3] /subordinate/underling/ [xia4 shu3 gong1 si1] /subsidiary (company)/ [xia4 gang3] /laid-off/ [xia4 gong1 fu5] /to put in time and energy/to concentrate one's efforts/ [xia4 ba5] /chin/CL: [ge4]/ [xia4 ba5 ke1] /chin/ [xia4 xian2] /third quarter or waning moon/ [xia4 xian2 yue4] /third quarter or waning moon/ [xia4 qing2] /feelings of the masses/my situation (humble speech)/ [xia4 yi4 shi2] /subconscious mind/ [xia4 shou3] /to start/to put one's hand to/to set about/the seat to the right of the main guest/ [xia4 bai4] /to bow down/ [xia4 cuo4] /(of sales, prices etc) to fall/to drop/decline/slump/ [xia4 bai3] /hem of a skirt/shirt tail/ [xia4 fang4] /to delegate/to decentralize/to demote a party cadre to work on the

hop floor or in the countryside/ [xia4 fang1] /underneath/below/the underside/world of mortals/to descend to the w rld of mortals (of Gods)/ [xia4 xuan2] /(sport) backspin/ [xia4 xuan2 xiao1 qiu2] /(golf, tennis) undercut/ [xia4 xun2] /last third of the month/ [xia4 xing1 qi1] /next week/ [xia4 yue4] /next month/ [xia4 jia4] /to take down from the shelves (e.g. a contaminated product)/ [xia4 qi2] /to play chess/ [xia4 ta4] /to stay ( at a hotel etc during a trip)/ [xia4 biao1] /subscript/suffix/index/ [xia4 kan3] /doorsill/ [xia4 ci4] /next time/ [xia4 kuan3] /signature on letter/name of donor/ [xia4 si3 jin4] /to do one's utmost/ [xia4 shui3] /downstream/to go into the water/to put into water/to launch (a ship /fig. to fall into bad ways/to lead astray/to go to pot/ [xia4 shui5] /offal/viscera/tripe/ [xia4 shui3 li3] /launching ceremony/ [xia4 shui3 guan3] /drainpipe/ [xia4 shui3 dao4] /sewer/ [xia4 jue2 xin1] /to determine/to resolve/ [xia4 chen2] /to sink down/ [xia4 zhu4] /to pour/to pour down (of rain)/to lay a bet/ [xia4 liu2] /lower course of a river/low-class/mean and lowly/vulgar/obscene/ [xia4 huan4] /last ten days of the lunar month/ [xia4 fu2] /downward fluctuation (of prices etc)/ [xia4 hai3] /to go to sea/fig. to leave secure job (iron rice-bowl ) more risky/ [xia4 hua2] /sliding/slide/ [Xia4 ying2] /Hsiaying township in Tainan county [Tai2 nan2 xian4], [Xia4 ying2 xiang1] /Hsiaying township in Tainan county [Tai2 na [xia4 pian4] /to stop screening a movie/to end the run of a movie/ [xia4 yu4] /to imprison/ [xia4 ban1] /to finish work/to get off work/ [xia4 jie4] /lower bound (math.)/world of mortals/(of Gods) to descend to the wor d of mortals/ [xia4 hua4 xian4] /underline/ [xia4 yan3 jian3] /lower eyelid/ [xia4 que4 jie4] /infimum (math.)/greatest lower bound/ [xia4 bi3] /to put pen to paper/ [xia4 jian4 tou2] /down-pointing arrow/ [xia4 jian4 tou2 jian4] /down arrow key (on keyboard)/ [xia4 ji2] /low ranking/low level/an underclass/ [xia4 xian4] /to go offline/ [xia4 xian4 yi2 shi4] /inauguration/tape-cutting to inaugurate a project/ ceremony/ [xia4 er2 shang4] /bottom to top (of listing)/ [xia4 pin4] /to send the betrothal gifts/(figuratively) to conclude a marriage/ [xia4 zhi1] /lower limbs/ [xia4 fu4 bu4] /lower abdomen/ [xia4 zhi4 shang4] /bottom to top/ [xia4 tai2] /to go off the stage/to fall from position of prestige/to step down ( rom office etc)/ [Xia4 hua1 yuan2] /Xiahua district of Zhangjiakou city [Zhan [Xia4 hua1 yuan2 qu1] /Xiahua district of Zhangjiakou city [xia4 luo4] /whereabouts/ [xia4 luo4 bu4 ming2] /unaccounted/unknown whereabouts/ [xia4 zang4] /to bury/to inter/

[xia4 xing2] /down train (i.e. away from the capital)/ [xia4 xi1 yang2] /to sail West (from China)/refers to Zhenghe's 15th century ions to the Western Pacific/ [xia4 zhao4] /to hand down an imperial edict/ [xia4 ke4] /to finish class/to get out of class/ [xia4 diao4] /to demote/to pass down to a lower unit/ [xia4 tiao2] /to adjust downwards/to lower (prices, wages etc)/ [xia4 yi4 yuan4] /lower chamber (of legislative body)/lower house/the House o ns/ [xia4 yi4 yuan4 yi4 yuan2] /Member of Parliament (MP) (UK Politics)/ [xia4 die1] /to fall/to tumble/ [xia4 gui4] /kneel/ [xia4 shen1] /lower part of the body/genitalia/trousers/ [xia4 che1] /to get off or out of (a bus, train, car etc)/ [xia4 zai3] /to download/also pr. [xia4 zai4]/ [xia4 bei4] /offspring/future generations/younger generation of a family/junior m mbers of a group/ [xia4 bei4 zi5] /the next life/ [xia4 xia2] /administered by/under the rule of/ [xia4 zhou1] /next week/ [xia4 you2] /lower reaches (of a river)/lower level/lower echelon/downstream/ [xia4 da2] /to transmit down (a chain of command)/to pass down (to lower level)/ [xia4 bian5] /under/the underside/below/ [xia4 bian5 r5] /erhua variant of [xia4 bian5]/ [xia4 xiang1] /to go to the countryside/ [xia4 jiu3] /to be appropriate to have with alcohol/to down one's drink/ [xia4 ye3] /to step down from office/to go into opposition/ [xia4 mao2] /to drop anchor/ [xia4 zha2] /lower sluice gate/outflow sluice/ [Xia4 guan1] /Xiaguan district of Nanjing City in Jiangsu / [Xia4 guan1 qu1] /Xiaguan district of Nanjing City in Jiangsu [Xia4 guan1 shi4] /Shimonoseki (Japan)/ [xia4 jiang4] /to decline/to drop/to fall/to go down/to decrease/ [xia4 yuan4] /lower house (of parliament)/ [xia4 xian4] /to subside/subsidence/ [Xia4 lu4] /Xialu district of Huangshi city [Huang2 shi2 shi4], Hube [Xia4 lu4 qu1] /Xialu district of Huangshi city [Huang2 shi2 shi [xia4 yu3] /to rain/rainy/ [xia4 xue3] /to snow/ [xia4 mian5] /below/under/next/the following/ [xia4 mian4 qing3 kan4] /please see below/ [xia4 ye4] /next page/ [xia4 he2] /lower jaw/mandible/ [xia4 he2 xia4 xian4] /submandibular gland/submaxillary saliva gland/ [xia4 he2 gu3] /lower jaw/mandible/ [xia4 ke1] /chin/Taiwan pr. [xia4 hai2]/ [xia4 han4] /lower jaw/mandible/ [xia4 han4 gu3] /lower jawbone/mandible/ [xia4 e4] /mandible (lower jaw)/ [xia4 feng1] /leeward/downwind/disadvantageous position/to concede or give way in an argument/ [xia4 feng1 fang1 xiang4] /leeward/ [xia4 fei1 ji1] /to get off a plane/to deplane/ [xia4 ma3] /dismount a horse/ [xia4 ma3 wei1] /severity shown by a superior or an official/ [xia4 ti3] /lower body/euphemism for genitals/root and stem of plants/ [xia4 bi2 jia3] /inferior nasal conchae/ [xia4 chi3] /bottom teeth/ [Ji1] /surname Ji/ [ji1] /"pedestal" component in Chinese characters/

[qi2] /archaic variant of [qi2]/ [bu4] /(negative prefix)/not/no/ [bu4 yi1] /to vary/to differ/ [bu4 yi1 ding4] /not necessarily/maybe/ [bu4 yi1 hui4] /soon/ [bu4 yi1 yang4] /different/distinctive/unlike/ [bu4 yi1 er2 zu2] /by no means an isolated case/numerous/ [bu4 yi1 zhi4 zi4] /inconsistent phonogram(s)/ [bu4 san1 bu4 si4] /dubious/shady/neither one thing nor the other/neither l/nondescript/ [bu4 xia4] /to be not less than (a certain quantity, amount etc)/ [bu4 xia4 yu2] /as many as/no less than/not inferior to/as good as/on a par w [bu4 zhong4 yi4] /not to one's liking/ [bu4 zhong1 yong4] /unfit for anything/no good/useless/ [Bu4 dan1] /Bhutan/ [bu4 zhu3 gu4 chang2] /not to stick to the old conventions/ [bu4 jiu3] /not long (after)/before too long/soon/soon after/ [bu4 jiu3 qian2] /not long ago/ [bu4 fa2] /there is no lack of/ [bu4 gan1 bu4 jing4] /unclean/filthy/foul-mouthed/ [bu4 liao3] /unable to/without end/ [bu4 liao3 liao3 zhi1] /settle a matter by leaving it unsettled/end up wi finite/ [bu4 yu2] /to withhold/to refuse/ [bu4 yu3 li3 hui4] /to ignore/to brush off/to dismiss/to pay no attention [bu4 yu3 ping2 lun4] /No comment!/ [bu4 er4 jia4] /one price for all/fixed price/ [bu4 er4 fa3 men2] /the one and only way/the only proper course to take/ [bu4 ya4] /no less than/not inferior to/ [bu4 ya4 yu2] /no less than/not inferior to/ [bu4 kang4 bu4 bei1] /neither haughty nor humble/neither overbearing nor er supercilious nor obsequious/ [bu4 yi4 le4 hu1] /lit. isn't that a joy? (quote from Confucius)/fig. (jo emely/awfully/ [bu4 ren2 dao4] /inhuman/ [bu4 ren2] /not benevolent/heartless/numb/ [bu4 ling4 ren2 gu3 wu3] /discouraging/disheartening/ [bu4 yi3 ren2 fei4 yan2] /not to reject a word because of the speaker cts); to judge on the merits of the case rather than preference between advisers / [bu4 yi3 wei2 ran2] /not to accept as correct (idiom); to object/to disap exception to/ [bu4 yi3 wu4 xi3 , bu4 yi3 ji3 bei1] /not to become a self/ [bu4 yi3 gui1 ju5 , bu4 neng2 cheng2 fang1 yuan2] Mencius); one must follow some rules/ [bu4 yi3 ci2 hai4 zhi4] /don't let rhetoric spoil the message (idiom) away with flowery speech to the detriment of what you want to say/ [bu4 yi3 ci2 hai4 zhi4] /don't let rhetoric spoil the message (idiom) away with flowery speech to the detriment of what you want to say/ [bu4 xiu1] /endlessly/ceaselessly/ [bu4 dan4] /not only (... but also...)/ [bu4 zhu4] /repeatedly/continuously/constantly/unable to (resist, conceal etc)/ [bu4 ning4] /without eloquence/untalented/I, me (humble)/ [bu4 jia1] /not good/ [Bu4 lai2 mei2] /Bremen (city)/ [Bu4 lai2 mei2 gang3] /Bremerhaven, German port/ [bu4 yi1] /not comply/not go along with/not let off easily/not let sb/get away wi h it/ [bu4 yi1 bu4 rao2] /not to overlook, nor spare (idiom); unwilling to forg

severely without listening to excuses/ [bu4 bian4] /inconvenient/inappropriate/unsuitable/short of cash/ [bu4 su2] /original/not hackneyed/ [bu4 xin4 ren4] /mistrust/ [bu4 xin4 ren4 dong4 yi4] /motion of no confidence (against the gover tary debates)/ [bu4 xin4 ren4 tou2 piao4] /vote of no-confidence/ [bu4 xin4 ren4 an4] /no-confidence motion/ [bu4 xin4 yong4] /distrust/ [bu4 xiu1 bian1 fu2] /not care about one's appearance (idiom)/slovenly in nner/ [bu4 dao3 weng1] /roly-poly toy/tilting doll/tumbler/ [bu4 juan4] /tireless/untiring/indefatigable/ [bu4 lun2 bu4 lei4] /neither fish nor fowl/nondescript/ [bu4 zhi2] /not worth/ [bu4 zhi2 yi1 wen2] /worthless (idiom)/no use whatsoever/ [bu4 zhi2 de5] /unworthy/ [bu4 zhi2 qian2] /of little value/ [bu4 jia3 si1 suo3] /to act without taking time to think (idiom); to reac o fire from the hip/ [bu4 pian1 bu4 yi3] /even-handed/impartial/unbiased/exact/just/ [bu4 pian1 xie2] /not leaning to one side/impartial/even-handed/ [bu4 pian1 ji2] /unpolarized (light)/ [bu4 zuo4 sheng1] /keep silent/not say a word/ [bu4 zuo4 kui1 xin1 shi4 , bu4 pa4 gui3 qiao1 ock in the night./Rest with a clear conscience./ [bu4 ting2] /incessant/ [bu4 bei4] /unprepared/off guard/ [bu4 chuan2] /not passed on/ [bu4 shang1 pi2 wei4] /lit. doesn't hurt the spleen or the stomach/fig. s is not critical/ [bu4 jin3] /not only (this one)/not just (...) but also/ [bu4 jin3 ru2 ci3] /not only that, but .../ [bu4 xiang4 yang4] /in no shape to be seen/unpresentable/beyond recognition/ [bu4 xiang4 hua4] /unreasonable/shocking/outrageous/ [bu4 jian3 ze2 kui4] /wastage makes one destitute (idiom)/ [bu4 guang1] /not the only one/not only/ [bu4 guang1 cai3] /disgraceful/dishonorable/ [bu4 ke4] /cannot/to not be able (to)/to be unable to/ [bu4 mian3] /inevitably/ [bu4 mian3 yi1 si3] /mortal/ [bu4 ru4 shi2 yi2] /untimely/premature/inopportune/ill-timed/out of fashi times/ [bu4 ru4 hu3 xue2 , yan1 de2 hu3 zi3] /How do you cat 's lair? (idiom); Nothing ventured, nothing gained./ [bu4 gong1] /unjust/unfair/ [bu4 gong1 ping2] /unfair/ [bu4 gong1 zheng4] /injustice/ [bu4 gong4 dai4 tian1] /(of enemies) cannot live under the same sky/absol cilable/ [bu4 jian1 rong2 xing4] /incompatibility/ [bu4 zai4] /no more/no longer/ [bu4 zhun3] /not to allow/to forbid/to prohibit/ [bu4 zhun3 xu3] /forbidden/not allowed/ [bu4 dong4 gang3] /ice-free port/open port/ [bu4 dong4 gang3 kou3] /ice-free port (refers to Vladivostok)/ [bu4 fan2] /out of the ordinary/out of the common run/ [bu4 chu1 suo3 liao4] /as expected/ [bu4 fen1] /not divided/irrespective/not distinguishing between/ [bu4 fen1 bo2 zhong4] /lit. unable to distinguish eldest brother from sec

idiom); they are all equally excellent/nothing to choose between them/ [bu4 fen1 sheng4 bai4] /to not be able to distinguish who's winning/ [bu4 fen1 sheng4 fu4] /unable to determine victory or defeat (idiom); eve o come out even/to tie/to draw/ [bu4 fen1 bi3 ci3] /make no distinction between what's one's own and what share everything/be on very intimate terms/ [bu4 fen1 qing2 you2] /indiscriminate/ [bu4 fen1 zhou4 ye4] /day and night/round-the-clock/ [bu4 fen1 qing1 hong2 zao4 bai2] /not distinguishing red-blue or to distinguish between right and wrong/ [bu4 fen1 zao4 bai2] /not distinguishing black or white (idiom); not to d tween right and wrong/ [bu4 fen1 xuan1 zhi4] /well-matched/equally matched/ [bu4 fen1 qing1 hong2 zao4 bai2] /not distinguishing red-blue or to distinguish between right and wrong/ [bu4 fen1 gao1 xia4] /equally matched/not much to distinguish who is stro [bu4 qie4 he2 shi2 ji4] /impractical/not conforming to reality/ [bu4 qie4 shi2 ji4] /unrealistic/unpractical/impracticable/ [bu4 hua2 suan4] /it isn't worth it/not cost-effective/not profitable/too exp [Bu4 lie4 dian1] /Britain/British/Great Britain/ [Bu4 lie4 dian1 Bao3 wei4 zhan4] /Battle of Britain (Jul-Se [Bu4 lie4 dian1 Ge1 lun2 bi3 ya4] /British Columbia, Pacific [Bu4 lie4 dian1 Ge1 lun2 bi3 ya4 sheng3] /British Columbi [Bu4 lie4 dian1 zhu1 dao3] /British Isles/ [bu4 li4] /unfavorable/disadvantageous/harmful/detrimental/ [bu4 dao4] /not to arrive/not reaching/insufficient/less than/ [bu4 dao4 chang2 cheng2 fei1 hao3 han4] /lit. until you reach roper person; fig. to get over difficulties before reaching the goal/ [bu4 dao4 huang2 he2 xin1 bu4 si3] /lit. do not stop until on om); fig. to persevere until one reaches one's goal/to keep going while some hop e is left/ [bu4 li4] /not do one's best/not exert oneself/ [bu4 jia1] /without/not/un-/ [bu4 jia1 xiu1 shi4] /undecorated/unvarnished/no frills/ [bu4 jia1 qu1 bie2] /indiscriminate/ [bu4 jia1 si1 suo3] /see [bu4 jia3 si1 suo3]/ [bu4 jia1 ju1 shu4] /unrestricted/ [bu4 jia1 yan3 shi4] /undisguised/ [bu4 jia1 niu2 nai3] /without milk/black (of tea, coffee etc)/ [bu4 jia1 li3 cai3] /without giving due consideration/to ignore/to overlo [bu4 jia1 xuan3 ze2] /indiscriminate/ [bu4 dong4] /motionless/ [bu4 dong4 yao2] /unmoved/ [bu4 dong4 chan3] /real estate/immovable property/immovables/ [bu4 dong4 sheng1 se4] /not a word or movement (idiom); remaining calm an ot batting an eyelid/ [bu4 dong4 dian3] /fixed point (of a map in math.)/ [bu4 dong4 dian3 ding4 li3] /fixed point theorem (math.)/ [bu4 wu4 zheng4 ye4] /not to engage in honest work/to ignore one's proper ot to attend to one's proper duties/ [bu4 sheng4] /cannot bear or stand/be unequal to/very/extremely/ [bu4 sheng4 qi2 fan2] /to be pestered beyond endurance/ [bu4 sheng4 qi2 ku3] /unable to bear the pain (idiom)/ [bu4 sheng4 mei2 ju3] /too numerous to mention individually or one by one [bu4 lao2 wu2 huo4] /no pain, no gain (idiom)/ [bu4 lao2 er2 huo4] /to reap without sowing (idiom)/ [bu4 kui4] /endlessly/without ceasing/ [bu4 qu1 fen1 da4 xiao3 xie3] /case insensitive/not distinguishin e letters/ [bu4 bei1 bu4 kang4] /(saying) neither servile nor overbearing/neither ob

supercilious/ [bu4 xie2 tiao2] /uncoordinated/disharmony/ [bu4 ji2 bu4 li2] /be neither too familiar nor too distant/keep sb at arm [bu4 yan4] /not mind doing sth/not tire of/not object to/ [bu4 qu4 li3] /to leave sth as it is/not to bother to remedy or repair/not to with/not to worry about/to ignore/not to associate with sb/ [bu4 ji2] /to fall short of/not as good as/too late/ [bu4 ji2 ge2] /fail/ [bu4 ji2 wu4 dong4 ci2] /intransitive verb/ [bu4 shou4 shang1] /unharmed/not injured/ [bu4 shou4 huan1 ying2] /unwelcome/ [bu4 shou4 li3] /reject a complaint/refuse to entertain (a proposal)/ [bu4 shou4 guan3 shu4] /to refuse to accept discipline/out of control/ [bu4 shou4 yue1 shu4] /unrestricted/ [bu4 zhi3] /not only/not merely/ [bu4 ke3] /cannot/should not/must not/ [bu4 ke3 yi1 shi4] /to consider oneself unexcelled in the world/to be ins ogant/ [bu4 ke3 yi3] /may not/ [bu4 ke3 gu1 liang4] /inestimable/incalculable/beyond measure/ [bu4 ke3 qin1 fan4] /inviolable/inviolability/ [bu4 ke3 qin1 fan4 quan2] /inviolability/ [bu4 ke3 zai4 sheng1 zi1 yuan2] /nonrenewable resource/ [bu4 ke3 fen1 ge1] /inalienable/unalienable/inseparable/indivisible/ [bu4 ke3 fen1 li2] /inseparable/ [bu4 ke3 sheng4 shu3] /countless/innumerable/ [bu4 ke3 tong2 ri4 er2 yu3] /lit. mustn't speak of two things on to be mentioned in the same breath/incomparable/ [bu4 ke3 ming2 zhuang4] /indescribable/beyond description/ [bu4 ke3 gao4 ren2] /hidden/kept secret/not to be divulged/ [bu4 ke3 duo1 de2] /hard to come by/rare/ [bu4 ke3 dao3] /not differentiable (function in calculus)/ [bu4 ke3 si1 yi4] /inconceivable (idiom); unimaginable/unfathomable/ [bu4 ke3 huo4 que1] /necessary/must have/ [bu4 ke3 kang4 li4] /unpredictable eventuality/unpreventable/unavoidable/ overcome/nothing can be done about it/act of God/force majeure/ [bu4 ke3 kang4 ju4] /act of God/force majeure (law)/irresistible (idiom)/ [bu4 ke3 wan3 hui2] /irreversible/ [bu4 ke3 che4 xiao1 xin4 yong4 zheng4] /irrevocable letter of [bu4 ke3 shou1 shi2] /irremediable/unmanageable/out of hand/hopeless/ [bu4 ke3 jiu4 yao4] /incurable/incorrigible/beyond cure/hopeless/ [bu4 ke3 shu3] /uncountable/ [bu4 ke3 shu3 ming2 ci2] /uncountable noun (in grammar of European la [bu4 ke3 shuo4 ji2] /uncountable set (math.)/ [bu4 ke3 mei2 ju3] /innumerable (idiom)/ [bu4 ke3 li3 yu4] /be impervious to reason/won't listen to reason/ [bu4 ke3 zhi1 lun4] /agnosticism, the philosophical doctrine that some qu the universe are in principle unanswerable/ [bu4 ke3 mo2 mie4] /indelible/ [bu4 ke3 duan1 ni2] /impossible to get even an outline (idiom)/unfathomab / [bu4 ke3 zhong1 ri4] /be unable to carry on even for a single day/be in a tuation/ [bu4 ke3 que1 shao3] /indispensable/ [bu4 ke3 zhi4 xin4] /unbelievable/incredible/ [bu4 ke3 neng2] /impossible/cannot/not able/ [bu4 ke3 jie3] /insoluble (i.e. impossible to solve)/ [bu4 ke3 yan2 yu4] /inexpressible (idiom)/ [bu4 ke3 ni4] /irreversible/ [bu4 ke3 ni4 zhuan3] /irreversible/

[bu4 ke3 tong1 yue1] /having no common measure/incommensurable/incommensu [bu4 ke3 yu2 yue4] /impassable/insurmountable/insuperable/ [bu4 ke3 bi4] /unavoidable/ [bu4 ke3 bi4 mian3] /unavoidably/ [bu4 ke3 kai1 jiao1] /to be awfully (busy etc)/ [bu4 ke3 kao4] /unreliable/ [bu4 he2] /to not conform to/to be unsuited to/to be out of keeping with/should n t/ought out/ [bu4 he2 zuo4] /noncooperation/ [bu4 he2 shi2 yi2] /untimely/premature/inopportune/ill-timed/out of fashi times/ [bu4 he2 fa3] /illegal/ [bu4 he2 li3] /unreasonable/ [bu4 he2 qun2] /unsociable/ [bu4 he2 shi4] /improper/unsuitable/inappropriate/ [bu4 he2 ti3 tong3] /not according with decorum/scandalous/bad form/unacc ior/ [bu4 ji2] /unlucky/inauspicious/ominous/ [bu4 ji2 li4] /ominous/ [bu4 tong2] /different/distinct/not the same/not alike/ [bu4 tong2 fan2 xiang3] /lit. not a common chord (idiom); outstanding/bri the common run/ [bu4 ming2 yi1 wen2] /without a penny to one's name/penniless/stony-broke [bu4 ming2 shu4] /abstract number/ [bu4 ming2 yu4] /disreputable/disgraceful/ [bu4 ming2 yu4 shi4 wu4] /dishonor/ [bu4 tu3 qi4] /unaspirated/ [bu4 lin4] /not stint/ [bu4 lin4 zhu1 yu4] /lit. do not begrudge gems of wisdom (idiom, humble e lease give me your frank opinion./Your criticism will be most valuable./ [bu4 han2 hu5] /unambiguous/unequivocal/explicit/prudent/cautious/not neglige raid/unhesitating/really good/extraordinary/ [bu4 zhou1] /not satisfactory/thoughtless/inconsiderate/ [Bu4 zhou1 Shan1] /Buzhou Mountain, a mountain from Chinese legend/ [bu4 zhou1 yan2] /undistributed/ [bu4 he2] /not get along well/be on bad terms/be at odds/discord/ [bu4 jiu4 ji4 wang3] /not censure sb for his past misdeeds/overlook sb's /let bygones be bygones/ [bu4 wen4] /to pay no attention to/to disregard/to ignore/to let go unpunished/to let off/ [bu4 wen4 hao3 dai3] /no matter what may happen (idiom)/ [bu4 wen4 jiu4 ting1 bu4 dao4 jia3 hua4] /Don't ask and y [bu4 wen4 qing1 hong2 zao4 bai2] /not distinguishing red-blue or to distinguish between right and wrong/ [bu4 chi4] /just as/no less than/like (sth momentous)/as good as/tantamount to/ [bu4 chi4 tian1 yuan1] /no less than from heaven to the abyss (idiom); di y/worlds apart/the gap couldn't be bigger/ [bu4 shan4] /bad/ill/not good at/not to be pooh-poohed/quite impressive/ [bu4 dan1] /not the only/not merely/not simply/ [bu4 yuan2 tong1] /inflexible/unaccommodating/ [bu4 zai4 hu5] /not to care/ [bu4 zai4 le5] /to be dead/to have passed away/ [bu4 zai4 yi4] /pay no attention to/take no notice of/not mind/negligent/care [bu4 zai4 hua4 xia4] /be nothing difficult/be a cinch/ [bu4 jun1] /uneven/distributed unevenly/ [bu4 jun1 yun2] /inhomogeneous/ [bu4 kan1] /cannot bear/cannot stand/utterly/extremely/ [bu4 kan1 yi1 ji1] /to be unable to withstand a single blow/to collapse a low/ [bu4 kan1 ru4 mu4] /unbearable to look at/an eyesore/

[bu4 kan1 ren3 shou4] /unbearable/ [bu4 wai4] /not beyond the scope of/nothing more than/ [bu4 wai4 hu1] /nothing else but/ [bu4 wai4 lu4] /not exposed/concealed from view/ [bu4 gou4] /not enough/insufficient/inadequate/ [bu4 da4] /not very/not too/not often/ [bu4 da4 li2] /pretty close/just about right/not bad/same as / [bu4 da4 li2 r5] /erhua variant of , pretty close/just about [bu4 tai4 hao3] /not so good/not too well/ [bu4 tai4 ming2 bai5] /(question is) not completely clear/I don't get it/ [bu4 shi1 shi2 ji1] /to seize the opportune moment/to lose no time/ [bu4 shi1 wei2] /can still be considered (to be...)/may after all be accepted [bu4 hao3] /no good/ [bu4 hao3 shou4] /unpleasant/hard to take/ [bu4 hao3 re3] /not to be trifled with/not to be pushed around/stand no nonse [bu4 hao3 yi4 si5] /to feel embarrassed/to find it embarrassing/to be sor veniencing sb)/ [bu4 hao3 kan4] /unattractive/sore sight/ [bu4 hao3 shuo1] /hard to say/unpleasant to say/can't be sure/ [bu4 ru2] /not equal to/not as good as/inferior to/it would be better to/ [bu4 miao4] /(of a turn of events) not too encouraging/far from good/anything but reassuring/ [bu4 tuo3] /not proper/inappropriate/ [bu4 tuo3 xie2] /uncompromising/ [bu4 fang2] /there is no harm in/might as well/ [bu4 yun4] /infertility/ [bu4 yun4 zheng4] /female infertility/ [bu4 xiao4] /unfilial/ [bu4 xiao4 you3 san1 , wu2 hou4 wei2 da4] /There are s the worst. (citation from Mencius [Meng4 zi3])/ [bu4 xue2 wu2 shu4] /without learning or skills (idiom); ignorant and inc [bu4 an1] /unpeaceful/unstable/uneasy/disturbed/restless/worried/ [bu4 an1 fen5] /discontented with life/also written [bu4 an1 fen5]/ [bu4 an1 quan2] /unsafe/dangerous/ [bu4 an1 qi2 shi4] /to be discontented with one's home/to have adulterous ter marriage (of women) (idiom)/ [bu4 an1 fen5] /discontented with life/ [bu4 wan2 quan2 zhong1 li4] /imperfect neutrality/ [bu4 wan2 quan2 gui1 na4 tui1 li3] /inference by incomplete i [bu4 wan2 quan2 ye4] /incomplete leaf/ [bu4 wan2 shan4] /imperfect/ [bu4 wan2 mei3] /defective/imperfect/ [bu4 ding4] /indefinite/indeterminate/(botany) adventitious/ [bu4 ding4 yuan2] /indeterminate element (math.), often denoted by x/ [bu4 ding4 guan1 ci2] /indefinite article (e.g. English a, an)/ [bu4 ding4 shi4] /infinitive (grammar)/ [bu4 ding4 xing2] /indeterminate form/ [bu4 ding4 fang1 cheng2] /(math.) indeterminate equation/ [bu4 ding4 qi1] /non-scheduled/irregularly/ [bu4 ding4 ji1 fen1] /indefinite integral (math.)/ [bu4 ding4 ci2] /infinitive/ [bu4 yi2] /not suitable/inadvisable/inappropriate/ [bu4 ke4 qi5] /you're welcome/impolite/rude/blunt/don't mention it/ [bu4 xuan1 er2 zhan4] /open hostilities without declaring war/start an un [bu4 rong2] /not tolerate/not allow/not brook/to not welcome/ [bu4 rong2 zhi4 yi2] /unquestionable/ [bu4 rong2 zhi4 bian4] /peremptory/not to be denied/not brooking argument [bu4 han2 er2 li4] /shiver all over though not cold/tremble with fear/shu [bu4 xun2 chang2] /unusual/curious/somewhat extraordinary/ [bu4 dui4] /incorrect/wrong/amiss/abnormal/queer/

[bu4 dui4 jin4] /not in good condition/wrong/fishy/ [bu4 dui4 cha2 r5] /not proper/not fit for the occasion/ [bu4 dui4 chen4] /unsymmetrical/asymmetric/ [bu4 dui4 tou2] /fishy/not right/amiss/ [bu4 shao3] /many/a lot/not few/ [bu4 ju2 xian4] /not confined/ [bu4 qu1] /unyielding/unbending/ [bu4 qu1 bu4 nao2] /unyielding/indomitable/ [bu4 xie4] /to disdain to do sth/to think sth not worth doing/to feel it beneath ne's dignity/ [bu4 xie4 yi1 gu4] /to disdain as beneath contempt/ [bu4 qiao3] /unfortunately/as luck would have it/ [bu4 cha1] /to not lack/ [bu4 cha4] /not bad/OK/ [bu4 yi3] /endlessly/incessantly/ [bu4 dai4] /not to have/without/un-/ [bu4 dai4 dian4] /uncharged/electrically neutral/ [bu4 gan4] /unwilling to do sth/incapable of sth/to quit/ [bu4 gan1 she4] /noninterference/nonintervention/ [bu4 ping2] /uneven/injustice/unfairness/wrong/grievance/indignant/dissatisfied/ [bu4 ping2 fan2] /marvelous/marvelously/ [bu4 ping2 ze2 ming2] /where there is injustice/there will be an outcry/m ut against injustice/ [bu4 ping2 chang2] /remarkable/remarkably/unusual/ [bu4 ping2 deng3] /inequality/unfairness/ [bu4 ping2 deng3 tiao2 yue1] /unequal treaty/ [bu4 ping2 heng2] /disequilibrium/ [bu4 xing4] /misfortune/adversity/unfortunate/sad/unfortunately/CL: [ge4]/ [bu4 xing4 zhi1 shi4] /mishap/ [bu4 xing4 shou4 hai4] /the unfortunate injured (party)/a victim/ [bu4 dai4 shuo1] /needless to say/it goes without saying/ [bu4 hen3] /not very/ [bu4 de2] /must not/may not/not to be allowed/cannot/ [bu4 de2 bu4] /have no choice or option but to/cannot but/have to/can't help t avoid/ [bu4 de2 liao3] /desperately serious/disastrous/extremely/exceedingly/ [bu4 de2 ren2 xin1] /not enjoy popular support/be unpopular/ [bu4 de2 jin4] /awkward/unhandy/be indisposed/not feel well/ [bu4 de2 yi3] /to act against one's will/to have no alternative but to/to hav have no choice/must/ [bu4 de2 er2 zhi1] /unknown/unable to find out/ [bu4 de2 yao4 ling3] /fail to grasp the main points/ [bu4 bi4] /need not/does not have to/not necessarily/ [bu4 bi4 yao4] /needless/unnecessary/ [bu4 ren3] /cannot bear to/disturbed/ [bu4 mang2] /there's no hurry/take one's time/ [bu4 kuai4] /unhappy/in low spirits/ [bu4 nian4 jiu4 e4] /do not recall old grievances (idiom, from Analects); forget/ [bu4 fen4] /unsatisfied/unconvinced/indignant/ [bu4 zen3 me5] /not very/not particularly/ [bu4 zen3 me5 yang4] /not up to much/very indifferent/nothing great about ood to be said about it/ [bu4 pa4] /fearless/not worried (by setbacks or difficulties)/ [bu4 dai4] /untiring/indefatigable/ [bu4 ji2 zhi1 wu4] /a matter of no great urgency/ [bu4 xu4] /not to worry/not to show concern/ [bu4 xu4 ren2 yan2] /not to worry about the gossip (idiom); to do the rig rdless of what others say/ [bu4 chi3 xia4 wen4] /not feel ashamed to ask and learn from one's subord

[bu4 gong1] /disrespectful/ [bu4 yue4] /to displease/unpleasant/ [bu4 qing2 zhi1 qing3] /my presumptuous request (humble expr.); if I may ask a favor/ [bu4 qing2 yuan4] /unwilling/ [bu4 huo4] /without doubt/with full self-confidence/forty years of age/ [bu4 xi1] /not stint/not spare/not hesitate (to do sth)/not scruple (to do sth)/ [bu4 wei2] /not only/ [bu4 xiang3] /unexpectedly/ [bu4 yu2 kuai4] /disagreeable/unpleasant/ [bu4 yi4] /unexpectedly/unawareness/unpreparedness/ [bu4 kui4] /to be worthy of/to deserve to be called/to prove oneself to be/ [bu4 kui4 xia4 xue2] /not ashamed to learn from subordinates (idiom)/ [bu4 kui4 bu4 zuo4] /no shame, no subterfuge (idiom); just and honorable/ bove board/ [bu4 huang1 bu4 mang2] /calm and unhurried (idiom); composed/to take matt [bu4 fen4 bu4 qi3] /the heart desperately wants to understand how to do s (idiom)/ [bu4 dong3] /not to understand/cannot (see, hear, understand, as verb complement) incomprehension/ [bu4 dong3 zhuang1 dong3] /to pretend to understand when you don't/ [bu4 xie4] /untiring/unremitting/indefatigable/ [bu4 xie4 dai4] /untiring/without slacking/ [bu4 huai2 hao3 yi4] /harbor evil designs/harbor malicious intentions/ [bu4 cheng2] /won't do/unable to/(at the end of a rhetorical question) can that b ?/ [bu4 cheng2 gong1] /unsuccessful/ [bu4 cheng2 wen2 fa3] /unwritten law/ [bu4 cheng2 yang4 zi5] /shapeless/deformed/ruined/beyond recognition/(of uced to a shadow/ [bu4 cheng2 shu2] /unripe/immature/ [bu4 cheng2 ti3 tong3] /not according with decorum (idiom); scandalous/ba ptable behavior/ [bu4 zhan4 bu4 he2] /neither war nor peace/ [bu4 cai2] /untalented/I/me (humble)/ [bu4 da3 bu4 cheng2 cai2] /spare the rod and spoil the child (idiom)/ [bu4 da3 bu4 cheng2 xiang1 shi2] /don't fight, won't make friends blows may lead to friendship/ [bu4 da3 bu4 xiang1 shi2] /lit. don't fight, won't make friends (idio blows may lead to friendship/no discord, no concord/ [bu4 da3 jin3] /unimportant/not serious/it doesn't matter/never mind/ [bu4 da3 zi4 zhao1] /to confess without being pressed/to make a confessio ess/ [bu4 cheng2 ren4 zhu3 yi4] /policy of non-recognition/ [bu4 zhe2 bu4 kou4] /a hundred per cent/to the letter/out-and-out/ [bu4 di3 kang4 zhu3 yi4] /policy of nonresistance/ [bu4 ju1] /not stick to/not confine oneself to/whatever/ [bu4 ju1 yi1 ge2] /not stick to one pattern/ [bu4 ju1 xiao3 jie2] /to not bother about trifles (idiom)/ [bu4 ti2 ye3 ba4] /best not to mention it/drop it/never mind/let's not ta [bu4 cha1 dian4] /unplugged (of rock musicians performing on acoustic instrum [bu4 chuai3 mao4 mei4] /to venture to/to presume to/to take the liberty o [bu4 da1 li3] /variant of [bu4 da1 li3]/ [bu4 mo1 tou2] /not acquainted with the situation/not up on things/ [bu4 zhuang4 nan2 qiang2 bu4 hui2 tou2] /to stubbornly insist [bu4 ze2 shou3 duan4] /by fair means or foul/by hook or by crook/unscrupu [bu4 kuo4 san4 he2 wu3 qi4 tiao2 yue1] /Nuclear Non-Proli [bu4 zhi1] /to be unable to endure/ [bu4 gong1 zi4 po4] /collapse of itself/ [bu4 bai4 zhi1 di4] /invincible position/

[bu4 gan3 dang1] /lit. I dare not (accept the honor); fig. I don't deserve yo se/you flatter me/ [bu4 gan3 xiang1 xin4] /unbelievable/ [bu4 gan3 zi4 zhuan1] /not daring to act for oneself (idiom)/ [bu4 gan3 yue4 lei2 chi2 yi1 bu4] /dare not go one step beyon [bu4 gan3 gao1 pan1] /lit. not dare to pull oneself up high (humble term) sume on your attention/ [bu4 jing4] /disrespect/irreverent/rude/insufficiently respectful (to a superior) [bu4 di2] /no match for/cannot beat/ [bu4 liao4] /unexpectedly/to one's surprise/ [bu4 xin1 xian1] /stale/ [bu4 duan4] /unceasing/uninterrupted/continuous/constant/ [bu4 fang1 bian4] /inconvenience/inconvenient/ [bu4 ri4] /within the next few days/in a few days time/ [bu4 ming2] /not clear/unknown/to fail to understand/ [bu4 ming2 bu4 bai2] /obscure/dubious/shady/ [bu4 ming2 shi4 li3] /not understanding things (idiom); devoid of sense/ [bu4 ming2 que4] /indefinite/unclear/ [bu4 ming2 fei1 xing2 wu4] /unidentified flying object (UFO)/ [bu4 yi4] /not easy to do sth/difficult/unchanging/ [bu4 yi4 zhi1 lun4] /perfectly sound proposition/unalterable truth/irrefu t/ [bu4 shi4] /no/is not/not/ [bu4 shi5] /fault/blame/ [bu4 shi4 wei4 r5] /not the right flavor/not quite right/a bit off/fishy/ eel bad/be upset/ [bu4 shi4 ma5] /isn't that so?/ [bu4 shi2] /from time to time/now and then/occasionally/ [bu4 shi2 zhi1 xu1] /a possible period of want or need/ [bu4 jing3 qi4] /depression/recession/slump/ [bu4 zhi4] /unwise/ [bu4 xia2] /have no time (for sth)/be too busy (to do sth)/ [bu4 ceng2] /never (have done sth)/ [bu4 hui4] /improbable/unlikely/will not (act, happen etc)/not able/not having le rned to do sth/ [bu4 fu2] /not to accept sth/to want to have sth overruled or changed/to refuse t obey or comply/to refuse to accept as final/to remain unconvinced by/not to giv e in to/ [bu4 fu2 shui3 tu3] /(of a stranger) not accustomed to the climate of a n acclimatized/ [bu4 fu2 zui4] /to deny a crime/to plead not guilty/ [bu4 qi1] /unexpectedly/to one's surprise/ [bu4 qi1 ran2 er2 ran2] /happen unexpectedly/turn out contrary to one [bu4 qi1 er2 yu4] /meet by chance/have a chance encounter/ [bu4 xiu3] /immortal/immortality/ [bu4 xiu3 de5] /immortal/ [bu4 cai2] /untalented/I/me (humble)/also written [bu4 cai2]/ [bu4 biao1 zhun3] /nonstandard/ [bu4 huan1 er2 san4] /to part on bad terms/(of a meeting etc) to break up [bu4 zhi3] /incessantly/without end/more than/not limited to/ [bu4 zhi3 yi1 ci4] /many times/on more than one occasion/ [bu4 zheng4 zhi1 feng1] /unhealthy tendency/ [bu4 zheng4 chang2] /abnormal/ [bu4 zheng4 chang2 zhuang4 kuang4] /abnormal state/ [bu4 zheng4 dang1] /dishonest/unfair/improper/ [bu4 zheng4 dang1 jing4 zheng1] /unfair competition/illicit competiti [bu4 zheng4 dang1 guan1 xi4] /improper relation/adulterous relation/ [bu4 zheng4 que4] /incorrect/erroneous/ [bu4 si3 xin1] /unwilling to give up/unresigned/ [bu4 sha1 bu4 ru3] /to neither kill nor humiliate (idiom)/

[bu4 bi3] /unlike/ [bu4 mao2] /barren/ [bu4 mao2 zhi1 di4] /barren land/desert/ [bu4 qiu2 shou1 huo4] /not expecting any reward/not asking for favors/ [bu4 qiu2 you3 gong1 , dan4 qiu2 wu2 guo4] /special a e blunders (idiom); not hoping to acquire merit, just avoiding mistakes/Take it easy and keep your nose clean./ [bu4 qiu2 shen4 jie3] /lit. not requiring a detailed understanding (idiom ng for an overview/not bothered with the details/superficial/content with shallo w understanding/ [bu4 zhi4] /to die of illness or injury despite having received medical help/ [bu4 zhi4 zhi1 zheng4] /incurable disease/ [bu4 zhi4 er2 yu4] /to recover spontaneously (from an illness)/to get bet edical treatment/ [bu4 fa3] /lawless/illegal/unlawful/ [bu4 fa3 fen4 zi3] /law-breakers/offenders/ [bu4 zhu4 yi4] /thoughtless/not pay attention to/ [bu4 qing1] /unclear/ [bu4 qing1 chu5] /unclear/not understood/currently unknown/ [bu4 yu2] /constant/unchanging/abiding/faithful/ [bu4 ce4] /unexpected/measureless/unexpected circumstance/contingency/mishap/ [bu4 cou4 qiao3] /unluckily/ [bu4 zhun3 que4] /imprecise/ [bu4 rong2] /insoluble/ [bu4 man3] /resentful/discontented/dissatisfied/ [bu4 man3 yi4] /dissatisfied/ [bu4 ji4] /not good/of no use/ [bu4 wei2 ren2 zhi1] /not known to anyone/secret/unknown/ [bu4 wei4 zuo3 you4 tan3] /to remain neutral in a quarrel (idiom)/ [bu4 wei2 yi3 shen4] /refrain from going to extremes in meting out punish oo hard on subject/ [bu4 wei2 suo3 dong4] /to remain unmoved/ [bu4 wu2] /not without/ [bu4 wu2 xiao3 bu3] /not be without some advantage/be of some help/ [bu4 ran2] /not so/no/or else/otherwise/if not/ [bu4 zheng1] /widely known/incontestable/undeniable/to not strive for/to not cont nd for/ [bu4 zheng1 qi4] /be disappointing/fail to live up to expectations/ [bu4 shuang3] /not well/out of sorts/in a bad mood/without discrepancy/accurate/ [bu4 te4] /not only/ [bu4 du2] /not only/ [bu4 li3] /to refuse to acknowledge/to pay no attention to/to take no notice of/t ignore/ [bu4 gan1] /unreconciled to/not resigned to/unwilling/ [bu4 gan1 xin1] /not reconciled to/not resigned to/ [bu4 gan1 yu2] /unwilling to accept/not content with (a subservient role, a m result etc)/ [bu4 yong4] /need not/ [bu4 yong4 ke4 qi5] /You're welcome (that is, please don't thank me)/Ther to stand on ceremonies./ [bu4 yong4 zhao3] /"keep the change" (restaurant expression)/ [bu4 yong4 xie4] /You're welcome/Don't mention it/ [bu4 you2] /can't help (doing sth)/ [bu4 you2 de5] /can't help/cannot but/ [bu4 you2 zi4 zhu3] /can't help; involuntarily (idiom)/ [bu4 wei4] /unafraid/to defy/ [bu4 wei4 qiang2 bao4] /not to submit to force (idiom); to defy threats a [bu4 wei4 qiang2 quan2] /not to submit to force (idiom); to defy threats [bu4 dang4] /unsuitable/improper/inappropriate/ [bu4 dang4 yi1 hui2 shi4] /not regard as a matter (of any importance)

[bu4 dang1 shi4] /useless/regard as useless/ [bu4 dang1 de2 li4] /unjust enrichment/ [bu4 dang1 jin3] /not important/of no consequence/ [bu4 ji2 bu4 xu2] /neither too fast nor too slow (idiom)/ [bu4 tong4 bu4 yang3] /lit. doesn't hurt, doesn't tickle (idiom); sth is t quite sure what/fig. not getting to any matter of substance/scratching the sur face/superficial/perfunctory/ [bu4 deng1 da4 ya3 zhi1 tang2] /lit. not fit for elegant hall (of /coarse/unrefined/ [bu4 bai2 zhi1 yuan1] /unrighted wrong/unredressed injustice/ [bu4 jin4] /not completely/endlessly/ [bu4 jin4 gen1] /surd (math.)/ [bu4 xiang1 shang4 xia4] /equally matched/about the same/ [bu4 xiang1 tong2] /not the same/dissimilar/ [bu4 xiang1 rong2] /incompatible/ [bu4 xiang1 rong2 yuan2 li3] /(Pauli) exclusion principle (physics)/ [bu4 xiang1 gan1] /be irrelevant/have nothing to do with/ [bu4 xiang1 fu2] /not in harmony/ [bu4 xing3 ren2 shi4] /to lose consciousness/unconscious/in a coma/ [bu4 mu4] /to not get along well/to be at odds/ [bu4 zhi1] /not to know/unaware/unknowingly/fig. not to admit (defeat, hardships, tiredness etc)/ [bu4 zhi1 Ding1 Dong3] /forgetting the fate of Ding and Dong (idiom)/unhe sons of the past/ [bu4 zhi1 bu4 jue2] /unconsciously/unwittingly/ [bu4 zhi1 he2 gu4] /somehow/ [bu4 zhi1 qi2 suo3 yi3 ran2] /not recognized for what it is/ [bu4 zhi1 fan2 ji3] /one can't tell how many/numerous similar cases/ [bu4 zhi1 chu1 yu2 he2 zhong3 yuan2 yin1] /for whatever r [bu4 zhi1 qu4 xiang4] /whereabouts unknown/gone missing/ [bu4 zhi1 tian1 gao1 di4 hou4] /not to know the immensity of heav ed opinion of one's own abilities/ [bu4 zhi1 hao3 dai3] /not know what's good for one/ [bu4 zhi1 jiu4 li3] /unaware of the inner workings/naive/unwitting/ [bu4 zhi1 suo3 zhi1] /whereabouts unknown/ [bu4 zhi1 suo3 yun2] /to not know what sb is driving at/to be unintelligi [bu4 zhi1 suo3 cuo4] /not knowing what to do (idiom); at one's wits' end/ nd at a complete loss/ [bu4 zhi1 si3 huo2] /act recklessly/ [bu4 zhi1 pi2 juan4] /untiring/not recognizing tiredness/ [bu4 zhi1 xiu1 chi3] /to have no sense of shame/brazen/ [bu4 zhi1 zhe3 bu4 zui4] /One who does not know is not guilty/If one etter, one cannot be held responsible/ [bu4 zhi1 qing1 zhong4] /lit. not knowing what's important (idiom); no ap the gravity of things/naive/doesn't know who's who/no sense of priorities/ [bu4 zhi1 jin4 tui4] /not knowing when to come or leave (idiom); with no riety/ [bu4 po4 bu4 li4] /without destruction there can be no construction/ [bu4 sui4 bo1 li5] /shatterproof or safety glass/ [bu4 que4 ding4] /uncertain/uncertainty/ [bu4 que4 ding4 xing4 yuan2 li3] /Heisenberg's uncertainty princi [bu4 que4 shi2] /untrue/ [bu4 xiang2] /ominous/inauspicious/ [bu4 xiang2 zhi1 zhao4] /bad omen/ [bu4 jin1] /can't help (doing sth)/can't refrain from/ [bu4 yi2] /steadfast/inalienable/ [bu4 lang2 bu4 you3] /useless/worthless/good-for-nothing/ [bu4 wen3] /unstable/unsteady/ [bu4 wen3 ding4] /unstable/ [bu4 wen3 ding4 qi4 liu2] /turbulent/

[bu4 wen3 ping2 heng2] /unstable equilibrium/ [bu4 wen3 xing4] /instability/ [Bu4 kong1 cheng2 jiu4 fo2] /Amoghasiddhi Buddha/ [bu4 qiong2] /endless/boundless/inexhaustible/ [bu4 duan1] /improper/dishonorable/ [bu4 fu2] /inconsistent/not in agreement with/not agree or tally with/not conform to/ [bu4 fu2 he2] /discrepant/falling short (of expectations)/not matching up/not ming/(figures) disagree/unbecoming/ [bu4 di4] /to fail the civil service examination in Imperial China/ [bu4 deng3] /to vary/to differ/inequality/ [bu4 deng3 jia4 jiao1 huan4] /exchange of unequal values/ [bu4 deng3 shi4] /inequality (math.)/ [bu4 deng3 yu2] /not equal to / [bu4 deng3 hao4] /inequality sign (i.e. not equal, or greater than >, or le )/ [bu4 deng3 bian1 san1 jiao3 xing2] /scalene triangle/ [bu4 da1 li3] /to pay no heed to/ [bu4 suan4 hua4] /not keep to one's word/ [bu4 guan3] /no matter (what, how)/regardless of/no matter/ [bu4 guan3 san1 qi1 er4 shi2 yi1] /regardless of the conseque pelessly optimistic forecast/ [bu4 jian3 dan1] /not simple/rather complicated/remarkable/marvelous/ [bu4 yue1 er2 tong2] /to agree by chance (idiom); taking the same action consultation/ [bu4 zhong1 tian1 nian2] /to die before ones allotted lifespan has run i m)/ [bu4 jie2 guo3] /fruitless/ [bu4 jie2 meng2] /nonalignment/ [bu4 jie2 meng2 yun4 dong4] /nonaligned movement/ [bu4 jue2] /unending/uninterrupted/ [bu4 jue2 ru2 lu:3] /hanging by a thread/very precarious/almost extinct/( ger on faintly/ [bu4 gei3 li4] /utterly disappointing/huge letdown/to not try at all/ [bu4 jing1 yi1 shi4] /You can t gain knowledge without practical experien ying); wisdom only comes with experience/ [bu4 jing1 yi1 shi4 , bu4 zhang3 yi1 zhi4] /You can t e (common saying); wisdom only comes with experience/ [bu4 jing1 zhi1 tan2] /absurd statement/cock-and-bull story/ [bu4 jing1 yi4] /carelessly/by accident/ [bu4 jing1 yi4 jian1] /without paying attention/without noticing/unconsci tently/ [bu4 zhi4 ke3 fou3] /decline to comment/not express an opinion/be noncomm [bu4 ji1] /unruly/uninhibited/ [bu4 yi4] /injustice/ [bu4 yi4 zhi1 cai2] /ill-gotten wealth or gains/ [bu4 yi4 er2 fei1] /to disappear without trace/to vanish all of a sudden/ t/to spread like wildfire/ [bu4 nai4 fan2] /impatience/impatient/ [bu4 wen2 bu4 wen4] /not to hear, not to question (idiom)/to show no inte ncritical/not in the least concerned/ [bu4 sheng1 bu4 xiang3] /wordless and silent (idiom); without speaking/ta [bu4 ting1 ming4] /to disobey/ [bu4 xiao4] /unworthy/ [bu4 yu4 xing4] /sterility/ [bu4 yu4 zheng4] /sterility/barrenness/ [bu4 neng2] /cannot/must not/should not/ [bu4 neng2 bu4] /have to/cannot but/ [bu4 neng2 di3 kang4] /irresistible/ [bu4 jing4 er2 zou3] /get round fast/spread like wildfire/

[bu4 zi4 zai5] /uneasiness/feel uncomfortable/ [bu4 zi4 ran2] /unnatural/artificial/ [bu4 zi4 jue2] /unaware/unconscious of sth/ [bu4 zi4 liang4] /not take a proper measure of oneself/to overrate one s own es/ [bu4 zi4 liang4 li4] /to overestimate one s capabilities/ [bu4 zhi4 yu2] /unlikely to go so far as to/not as bad as/ [bu4 zhi4] /not in such a way as to/not likely to/ [bu4 xing1] /out of fashion/outmoded/impermissible/can t/ [bu4 shu1 fu5] /unwell/feeling ill/to feel uncomfortable/uneasy/ [bu4 shu1 shi4] /uncomfortable/ [bu4 liang2] /bad/harmful/unhealthy/ [bu4 liang2 qing1 xiang4] /harmful trend/ [bu4 gou3] /not lax/not casual/careful/conscientious/ [bu4 ruo4] /not as good as/not equal to/inferior/ [bu4 fei3] /considerable (cost etc)/bountiful (crop etc)/high (social status etc) [bu4 lai2 mei2] /Bremen (city in Germany)/ [bu4 luo4 hen2 ji4] /to leave no trace/seamless/professional/ [bu4 luo4 ke1 jiu4] /not follow the beaten track/have an original style/ [bu4 zhao2] /no need/need not/ [bu4 zhuo2 bian1 ji4] /not to the point/wide of the mark/neither here nor vant/ [bu4 zhuo2 lu4 fei1 xing2] /nonstop flight/ [bu4 xu1 ci3 xing2] /the trip has not been made in vain/the trip has been ile/it s been a worthwhile trip/ [bu4 yu2] /unexpected/eventuality/contingency/not worry about/ [bu4 xing2] /won t do/be out of the question/be no good/not work/not be capable/ [bu4 xing2 le5] /on the point of death/dying/ [bu4 shuai1] /unfailing/never weakening/enduring/unstoppable/ [bu4 yao4] /don t!/must not/ [bu4 yao4 jin3] /unimportant/not serious/it doesn t matter/never mind/it look ight/but/ [bu4 yao4 lian3] /have no sense of shame/shameless/ [bu4 jian4] /not to see/not to meet/to have disappeared/to be missing/ [bu4 jian4 yi1 dian3 zong1 ying3] /no trace to be seen/ [bu4 jian4 bu4 san4] /let s not leave before we ve met (said when making t) (idiom)/ [bu4 jian4 tian1 ri4] /all black, no daylight (idiom); a world without ju [bu4 jian4 de5] /not necessarily/not likely/ [bu4 jian4 guan1 cai2 bu4 luo4 lei4] /fig. not to shed a tear om); lit. refuse to be convinced until one is faced with grim reality/ [bu4 jian4 jing1 zhuan4] /not found in the classics (idiom); unknown/unfo horitative/ [bu4 gui1 ze2] /irregular/ [bu4 gui1 ze2 san1 jiao3 xing2] /scalene triangle (math.)/ [bu4 gui1 ze2 si4 bian1 xing2] /irregular quadrilateral/trapezium [bu4 gui1 fan4] /not standard/abnormal/irregular/ [bu4 jue2] /unconsciously/ [bu4 jie3] /to not understand/to be puzzled by/indissoluble/ [bu4 chu4 mu4] /unobtrusive/ [bu4 yan2 er2 yu4] /it goes without saying/it is self-evident/ [bu4 yan2 zi4 ming2] /self-evident; needing no explanation (idiom)/ [bu4 ji4] /to disregard/to take no account of/ [bu4 ji4 qi2 shu4] /lit. their number cannot be counted (idiom); fig. cou rable/ [bu4 ji4 ming2 tou2 piao4] /secret ballot/ [bu4 xu3] /not to allow/must not/can t/ [bu4 gai1] /should not/to owe nothing/ [bu4 xiang2] /not in detail/not quite clear/ [bu4 ren4 zhang4] /not to own up/not to admit a fault/

[bu4 cheng2 shi2] /dishonest/ [bu4 shuo1 zi4 ming2] /self-explanatory/self-evident (idiom)/ [bu4 tiao2 he2] /discord/ [bu4 qing3 zi4 lai2] /to turn up without being invited/unsolicited/ [bu4 lun4] /whatever/no matter what (who, how etc)/regardless of/not to discuss/ [bu4 hui4] /without concealing anything/die/ [bu4 mou2 er2 he2] /to agree without prior consultation/to happen to hold w/ [bu4 wei4] /cannot be deemed/unexpectedly/ [bu4 xie4] /don t mention it/not at all/ [bu4 shi2 yi1 ding1] /total illiterate/unable to read the simplest charac [bu4 shi2 da4 ti3] /unable to see the larger issue (idiom); unaware of th erest/ [bu4 shi2 hao3 dai3] /unable to tell good from bad/undiscriminating/ [bu4 shi2 zi4] /illiterate/ [bu4 shi2 tai2 ju3] /fail to appreciate sb s kindness/not know how to app s/ [bu4 shi2 shi2 wu4] /to show no understanding of the times (idiom); canno rrent circumstances/not amenable to reason/ [bu4 shi2 shi2 bian4] /to show no understanding of the times (idiom); can current circumstances/not amenable to reason/ [bu4 shi2 Tai4 shan1] /can t recognize Mt Taishan (idiom); fig. not to re ous person/ [bu4 shi2 gao1 di1] /can t recognize tall or short (idiom); doesn t know [bu4 bian4] /constant/unvarying/(math.) invariant/ [bu4 bian4 jia4 ge2] /fixed price/constant price/ [bu4 bian4 hua4] /invariably/ [bu4 bian4 zi1 ben3] /constant capital/ [bu4 bian4 liang4] /invariant quantity/invariant (math.)/ [bu4 rang4 xu1 mei2] /(idiom) to compare favorably with men in terms of a ry etc/to be a match for men/lit. not conceding to men (beard and eyebrows)/ [bu4 xiang4 hua4] /unreasonable/shocking/outrageous/also written [bu4 fu4 ze2 ren4] /irresponsible/ [bu4 zi1] /immeasurable/incalculable/ [bu4 mai3 zhang4] /not to acknowledge sb as senior or superior/not to believe n't buy it (slang)/ [bu4 fei4 shi4] /not troublesome/ [bu4 fei4 chui1 hui1 zhi1 li4] /as easy as blowing off dust/effor [bu4 lai4] /not bad/good/fine/ [bu4 zan4 yi1 ci2] /keep silent/make no comment/ [bu4 zan4 cheng2] /disapproval/to disapprove/ [bu4 qi3 yan3] /unobtrusive/inconspicuous/insignificant/non-eye catching/ [bu4 yue4 lei2 chi2] /not overstepping the prescribed limits/to remain wi [bu4 zu2] /insufficient/lacking/deficiency/not enough/inadequate/not worth/cannot should not/ [bu4 zu2 wei2 wai4 ren2 dao4] /no use to tell others/let's keep t iom)/ [bu4 zu2 wei2 qi2] /not at all surprising (idiom)/ [bu4 zu2 wei2 lu:4] /to give no cause for anxiety/nothing to worry about/ [bu4 zu2 wei2 xun4] /not to be taken as an example/not an example to be f o be taken as authoritative/ [bu4 zu2 wei2 dao4] /to be not worth mentioning/ [bu4 zu2 de5 di4 fang5] /defect/disadvantage/drawback/unsatisfactory [bu4 zu2 dao4] /inconsiderable/of no consequence/not worth mentioning/ [bu4 zu2 chi3 shu4] /not worth mentioning/not worth considering/ [bu4 gui3] /against the law or discipline/ [bu4 qing1 rao2] /not to forgive easily/not to let off/(You, He) won't get aw it!/ [bu4 chuo4] /incessant/relentless/ [bu4 bian4 shu1 mai4] /lit. cannot tell beans from wheat (idiom); fig. ig

ctical matters/ [bu4 ci2 lao2 ku3] /spare no effort/ [bu4 ci2 er2 bie2] /to leave without saying good-bye/ [bu4 ci2 xin1 ku3] /make nothing of hardships/ [bu4 jin4 ren2 qing2] /not amenable to reason/unreasonable/ [bu4 die2] /cannot cope/find it too much/incessantly/ [bu4 song4] /don't bother to see me out/ [bu4 song4 qi4] /unaspirated/ [bu4 tou4 ming2] /opaque/ [bu4 tou4 qi4] /airtight/ [bu4 tou4 shui3] /waterproof/watertight/impermeable/ [bu4 tong1] /to be obstructed/to be blocked up/to be impassable/to make no sense/ o be illogical/ [bu4 cheng3 zhi1 tu2] /desperado/ [bu4 su4] /uninvited (guest)/unexpected (appearance)/unwanted presence/ [bu4 su4 zhi1 ke4] /uninvited or unexpected guest/ [bu4 su4 er2 zhi4] /to arrive without invitation/unexpected guest/unwante [bu4 lian2 xu4] /discontinuous/discrete/ [bu4 lian2 xu4 mian4] /surface of discontinuity/ [bu4 dai4 bu3 te4 quan2] /the right of immunity from arrest afforded onstitution, for the duration of meetings, unless caught actually committing a c rime, to members of the National Assembly, the Legislative Yuan, or a supervisor y committee/ [bu4 sui4] /fail/fail to materialize/ [bu4 guo4] /only/merely/no more than/but/however/anyway (to get back to a previou topic)/ [bu4 guo4 yi4] /be sorry/feel apologetic/ [bu4 guo4 er3 er3] /not more than so-so (idiom); mediocre/nothing out of [bu4 huang2] /no time/too late to do anything/ [bu4 huang2 duo1 rang4] /lit. no time to concede much/not outdone by/not ny respect/in no way conceding to/ [bu4 dao4 de2] /immoral/ [bu4 wei2 nong2 shi2] /not miss the farming season/do farm work in the ri [bu4 xun4] /rude/impertinent/ [bu4 yuan3 qian1 li3] /make light of traveling a thousand li/go to the tr eling a long distance/ [bu4 shi4] /unwell/indisposed/out of sorts/ [bu4 shi4 yong4] /not applicable/NA/ [bu4 shi4 dang4] /inadequate/unfit/ [bu4 yi2 yu2 li4] /to spare no pains or effort (idiom); to do one's utmos [bu4 bi4 fu3 yue4] /don't avoid the battle-ax (idiom); soldier must face y/ [bu4 bi4 jian1 xian3] /shrink or flinch from no difficulty or danger/make ficulties and dangers/ [bu4 zui4 bu4 gui1] /to not return without getting drunk/ [bu4 zhong4 yao4] /unimportant/ [bu4 zhong4 shi4] /indifference/ [bu4 cuo4] /correct/right/not bad/pretty good/ [bu4 xiu4 gang1] /stainless steel/ [bu4 xiu4 tie3] /stainless iron/ [bu4 kai1 qiao4] /unable to understand/can't get the point/ [bu4 sui2 da4 liu2] /not following the crowd/to go against the tide/ [bu4 sui2 yi4] /unconscious/involuntary/ [bu4 sui2 yi4 ji1] /involuntary muscle/ [bu4 ya3] /indecent/morally offensive/ [bu4 ya3 guan1] /offensive to the eye/unbecoming/unsightly/ungainly/ [bu4 li2 r5] /not bad/pretty good/pretty close/ [bu4 lu4 sheng1 se4] /not show one's feeling or intentions/ [bu4 ling2] /not work/be ineffective/ [bu4 wei3] /fault/error/

[bu4 shun4] /unfavorable/adverse/ [bu4 ti2] /we will not elaborate on that (used as pluralis auctoris)/ [bu4 yuan4] /unwilling/unwillingness/ [bu4 gu4] /in spite of/regardless of/ [bu4 gu4 yi1 qie4] /reckless/regardless of everything/ [bu4 gu4 qian2 hou4] /regardless of what's before or after (idiom); rushi to sth/ [bu4 xian3 shan1 bu4 lu4 shui3] /lit. to not show the mountain an (idiom); fig. to hide the key facts/ [bu4 bao3 he2] /unsaturated/ [bu4 bao3 he2 zhi1 fang2 suan1] /unsaturated fatty acid/ [bu4 shou3 xian1 shi3 yong4] /no first use/ [bu4 ti3 mian4] /to not appear to be decent or respectful/shameful/ [bu4 gao1 xing4] /unhappy/dissatisfied/ [bu4 chi3] /to despise/to hold in contempt/ [mian3] /hidden/ [gai4] /to beg for alms/beggar/ [gai4 bang1] /beggars' union/a group of beggars/ [Chou3] /surname Chou/ [chou3] /clown/2nd earthly branch: 1-3 a.m., 12th solar month (6th January to 3r d February), year of the Ox/ [chou3 shi2] /1-3 am/ [chou3 niu2] /Year 2, year of the Bull or Ox (e.g. 2009)/ [chou3] /variant of [chou3]/ [qie3] /and/moreover/yet/for the time being/to be about to/both (... and...)/ [qie3 bu4 shuo1] /not to mention/leaving aside/ [qie3 xiu1] /rest for now/stop (usually imperative form)/ [qie3 man4] /to wait a moment/do not go too soon/ [Qie3 mo4] /Cherchen nahiyisi or Qiemo county in Bayin'guoleng Mongol autonomous refecture, Xinjiang [Ba1 yin1 guo1 leng4 Meng3 gu3 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinji [Qie3 mo4 xian4] /Cherchen nahiyisi or Qiemo county in Bayin'guoleng Mongol a us prefecture, Xinjiang [Ba1 yin1 guo1 leng4 Meng3 gu3 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], X [Qie3 mo4 yi2 zhi3] /ruins of Cherchen, Qarqan or Chiemo, archaeological 'gholin Mongol autonomous prefecture , Xinjiang/ [qie3 ting1 xia4 hui2 fen1 jie3] /to listen to the next chapter f [qie3 shuo1] /thus/ [pi1] /grand/ [Shi4] /surname Shi/ [shi4] /life/age/generation/era/world/lifetime/epoch/descendant/noble/ [shi4 shang4] /on earth/ [shi4 shi4] /from age to age/ [shi4 shi4 dai4 dai4] /ages and ages/ [shi4 shi4] /affairs of life/things of the world/ [shi4 jiao1] /(long time) friend of the family/ [shi4 ren2] /(common) people/ [shi4 chou2] /feud/ [shi4 dai4] /generation/an era/accumulation of years/passing on from generation t generation/ [shi4 dai4 jiao1 ti4] /alternation of generations/ [shi4 dai4 xiang1 chuan2] /passed on from generation to generation (idiom wn/ [shi4 bo2] /uncle (affectionate name for a friend older than one's father)/old fr end/ [shi4 su2] /profane/secular/worldly/ [Shi4 bo2] /abbr. for [Shi4 jie4 Bo2 lan3 hui4], World Expo/ [Shi4 bo2 hui4] /World Exposition/ [shi4 wai4 tao2 yuan2] /the Garden of the Peaches of Immortality/Shangriland of joy and plenty (sim. Utopia, Cockaigne, Shangri-la)/ [shi4 wai4 tao2 hua1 yuan2] /same as /the Garden of the Pea of joy and plenty (sim. Utopia, Cockaigne, Shangri-la)/

[Shi4 zong1] /Sejong the Great or Sejong Daewang (1397-1450), reigned 1418-1450 a fourth king of Joseon or Chosun dynasty, in whose reign the hangeul alphabet wa s invented/ [Shi4 zong1 da4 wang2] /Sejong the Great or Sejong Daewang (1397-1450), r 450 as fourth king of Joseon or Chosun dynasty, in whose reign the hangeul alpha bet was invented/ [shi4 jia1] /family influential for generations/aristocratic family/ [shi4 zun1] /World Honored One/Revered One of the World (Buddha)/ [shi4 ju2] /the situation (e.g. political)/the state of the world/ [shi4 gu4] /the ways of the world/ [shi4 gu5] /sophisticated/worldly-wise/ [Shi4 jue2] /Spyker/ [shi4 jie4] /world/CL: [ge4]/ [Shi4 jie4 Ren2 quan2 Xuan1 yan2] /Universal Declaration of Human [Shi4 jie4 Bo2 lan3 hui4] /World Expo/abbr. to [Shi4 bo2]/ [shi4 jie4 ge4 di4] /all over the world/everywhere/in all parts of the wo [shi4 jie4 he2 ping2] /world peace/ [shi4 jie4 di4 tu2] /world map/ [shi4 jie4 bao4] /Le Monde (French newspaper)/ [shi4 jie4 da4 zhan4] /world war/ [Shi4 jie4 Xiao3 jie5 Xuan3 mei3] /Miss World Beauty Pageant/ [shi4 jie4 wu1 ji3] /the roof of the world/usually refers to Tibet or Qin Plateau [Qing1 Zang4 gao1 yuan2]/ [shi4 jie4 qiang2 guo2] /world power/ [shi4 jie4 xing4 gu3 lao3 wen4 ti2] /a problem as old as the [shi4 jie4 wen2 hua4 yi2 chan3] /World cultural heritage/ [shi4 jie4 wen2 hua4 yi2 chan3 di4] /World Heritage site/ [shi4 jie4 lu:3 you2 zu3 zhi1] /World Tourism Organization (UNWTO [Shi4 jie4 ri4 bao4] /World Journal, US newspaper/ [shi4 jie4 mo4 ri4] /end of the world/ [shi4 jie4 bei1] /World Cup/ [shi4 jie4 qi4 xiang4 zu3 zhi1] /World Meteorological Organizatio [Shi4 jie4 Hai3 guan1 Zu3 zhi1] /World Customs Organization/ [shi4 jie4 de5 yu3 yan2] /world language/ [shi4 jie4 zhi1 ming2] /world famous/ [Shi4 jie4 Zhi1 shi2 Chan3 quan2 Zu3 zhi1] /World Intelle [shi4 jie4 di4 yi1] /number one in the world/world first/ [shi4 jie4 liang2 shi5 shu3] /World food program (United Nations aid [shi4 jie4 ji4 lu4] /world record/ [shi4 jie4 ji2] /world-class/ [shi4 jie4 jing1 ji4] /global economy/world economy/ [Shi4 jie4 Jing1 ji4 Lun4 tan2] /World Economic Forum/ [Shi4 jie4 Wei2 wu2 er3 Dai4 biao3 da4 hui4] /World U [shi4 jie4 wen2 ming2] /world famous/ [Shi4 jie4 Zi4 ran2 Ji1 jin1 hui4] /World Wildlife Fund WWF/ [Shi4 jie4 Wei4 sheng1 Da4 hui4] /World Health Assembly/ [Shi4 jie4 Wei4 sheng1 Zu3 zhi1] /World Health Organization (WHO) [shi4 jie4 guan1] /worldview/world outlook/Weltanschauung/ [Shi4 jie4 yu3] /Esperanto/ [shi4 jie4 bian4 nuan3] /global warming/ [shi4 jie4 mao4 yi4] /world trade/global trade/ [Shi4 jie4 Mao4 yi4 Zhong1 xin1] /World Trade Center/ [shi4 jie4 mao4 yi4 zu3 zhi1] /WTO (World Trade Organization)/ [Shi4 jie4 Yun4 dong4 hui4] /World Games/ [shi4 jie4 ye3 sheng1 sheng1 wu4 ji1 jin1 hui4] /Worl [Shi4 jie4 Jin1 rong2 Zhong1 xin1] /World Financial Center (New Y [Shi4 jie4 Yin2 hang2] /World Bank/ [shi4 lu4] /hereditary benefits such as rank and wealth/ [shi4 lu4 zhi1 jia1] /family with hereditary emoluments/ [shi4 xi4] /lineage/genealogy/family tree/

[shi4 ji4] /century/CL: [ge4]/ [shi4 ji4 mo4] /end of the century/ [shi4 ji4 mo4 nian2] /final years of the century/ [Shi4 Wei2 Hui4] /abbr. for [Shi4 jie4 W [shi4 zhou4] /hereditary house/noble or official family/ [shi4 hang2] /World Bank/abbr. for [Shi4 jie4 Yin2 hang2]/ [Shi4 wei4] /World Health Organization (WHO)/abbr. for [ [Shi4 wei4 Zu3 zhi1] /World Health Organization (WHO)/abbr. for [shi4 xi2] /succession/inheritance/hereditary/ [shi4 xi2 zhi1 zheng1] /succession struggle/dispute over inheritance/ [shi4 xi2 jun1 zhu3 guo2] /hereditary monarchy/ [Shi4 mao4] /World Trade Organization (WTO)/abbr. for / [Shi4 mao4 Zhong1 xin1 Da4 lou2] /World Trade Center (the twin to 1 terrorists)/ [Shi4 mao4 Da4 sha4] /World Trade Center/ [Shi4 mao4 Zu3 zhi1] /WTO (World Trade Organization)/ [Shi4 Yun4] /World Games/abbr. for [Shi4 jie4 Yun4 dong4 hui [shi4 yin2] /world bank (abbr. for )/ [shi4 jin3 sai4] /world championship/ [shi4 jian1] /world/earth/ [shi4 ge2 jue2] /isolated from the world/disconnected/ [shi4 mian4] /aspects of society/the world/ [shi4 feng1] /public morals/ [shi4] /archaic variant of [shi4]/ [Qiu1] /surname Qiu/ [qiu1] /mound/hillock/grave/classifier for fields/ [qiu1 ba1] /soldier (from the two components of the character) (derogatory)/ [Qiu1 bei3] /Qiubei county in Wenshan Zhuang and Miao autonomous prefecture Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ [Qiu1 bei3 xian4] /Qiubei county in Wenshan Zhuang and Miao autonomous prefec zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ [Qiu1 ji2 er3] /Winston Churchill (1874-1965), UK politican and prime ministe me Churchill/ [qiu1 he4] /wooded refuge or place for retirement/recondite scheme/ [Qiu1 Cheng2 tong2] /Shing-Tung Yau (1949-), Chinese-American mathematician, medalist in 1982/ [Qiu1 bi3 te4] /Cupid, son of Venus and Mars, Roman god of love and beauty/ [Qiu1 er3 jin1] /Churkin (name)/Vitaly I. Churkin (1952-), Russian diplomat, dor to UN from 2006/ [qiu1 zhen3] /pimple/ [Qiu1 xian4] /Qiu county in Hebei/ [qiu1 nao3] /thalamus/ [qiu1 nao3 sun3 shang1] /thalamic lesions/ [Qiu1 Feng2 jia3] /Qiu Fengjia or Ch'iu Feng-chia (1864-1912), Taiwanese Hakk oet/ [qiu1 ling2] /hills/ [bing3] /third of 10 heavenly stems /third in order/letter "C" or roman "III" i st "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc/propyl/ [bing3 san1 chun2] /glycerine/same as / [bing3 er4 chun2] /propylene glycol/propane-1,2-diol C3H6(OH)2/ [bing3 wu3] /forty third year C7 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1966 or 2026/ [bing3 xing2] /type C/type III/gamma-/ [bing3 xing2 gan1 yan2] /hepatitis C/ [bing3 ji1] /propyl group (chemistry)/ [bing3 zi3] /thirteenth year C1 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1996 or 2056/ [bing3 yin2] /third year C3 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1986 or 2046/ [bing3 xu1] /twenty third year C11 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 2006 or 2066/ [bing3 an1 suan1] /alanine (Ala), an amino acid/ [bing3 xi1] /propylene C3H6/ [bing3 xi1 jing1] /acrylo-nitrile/

[bing3 xi1 suan1] /acrylic acid C3H4O2/ [bing3 xi1 suan1 zhi3] /acrylic ester/ [bing3 xi1 quan2] /acrolein CH2CHCHO/ [bing3 wan2] /propane/ [bing3 huan2 zuo4] /propiconazole (antifungal agent)/ [bing3 shen1] /thirty third year C9 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1956 or 2016/ [bing3 zhong3 she4 xian4] /gamma ray/ [bing3 deng3] /third rank/third category/third grade/roughly equivalent to the "C grade/ [bing3 tang2] /triose (CH20)3, monosaccharide with three carbon atoms, such as gl ceraldehyde [gan1 you2 quan2]/ [bing3 lun2] /polypropylene fiber/ [bing3 chen2] /fifty third year C5 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1976 or 2036/ [bing3 tong2] /acetone CH3COCH/ [bing3 tong2 suan1] /pyruvic acid CH3COCOOH/ [bing3 tong2 suan1 tuo1 qing1 mei2] /pyruvate dehydrogenase/ [bing3 chun2] /propanol/propyl alcohol C3H7OH/ [bing3 mi2] /n-propyl ether/ [bing3 quan2] /propionaldehyde/propanal CH3CH2CHO/ [cheng2] /deputy/ [cheng2 xiang4] /the most senior minister of many kingdoms or dynasties (with var ing roles)/prime minister/ [diu1] /to lose/to put aside/to throw/ [diu1 san1 la4 si4] /forgetful/empty-headed/ [diu1 xia4] /to abandon/ [diu1 chou3] /to lose face/ [diu1 ren2] /to lose face/ [diu1 dao4 jia1] /to lose (face) utterly/ [diu1 ming4] /to die/ [diu1 shi1] /to lose/lost/ [diu1 diao4] /to lose/to throw away/to discard/to cast away/ [diu1 qi4] /to discard/to abandon/ [diu1 wu1 sha1 mao4] /lit. to lose one's black hat/to be sacked from an o [diu1 mei2 diu1 yan3] /to wink at sb/ [diu1 mei2 nong4 se4] /to wink at sb/ [diu1 lian3] /loss of face/humiliation/ [diu1 lun2 che3 pao4] /lose a wheel, tear at the gun (idiom); flustered a n a panic/ [diu1 kai1] /to cast or put aside/to forget for a while/ [diu1 mian4 zi5] /to lose face/ [diu1 fan4 wan3] /to lose one's job/ [diu1 hun2] /to be distracted/ [liang3] /Japanese variant of / [bing4] /and/furthermore/also/together with/(not) at all/simultaneously/to combi ne/to join/to merge/ [bing4 bu4] /not at all/emphatically not/ [bing4 bu4 zai4 hu5] /really does not care/ [bing4 qie3] /and/besides/moreover/furthermore/in addition/ [bing4 ru4] /to merge into/to incorporate in/ [bing4 lie4] /to stand side by side/to be juxtaposed/ [bing4 kou3] /parallel port (computing)/ [bing4 zuo4] /to sit together/ [bing4 cun2] /to exist at the same time/to coexist/ [bing4 ba3] /to include/ [bing4 pai2] /side by side/abreast/ [bing4 wei4] /not at all/by no means/ [bing4 tiao2] /drawing (textile industry)/ [bing4 ji1] /parallel excitation/shunt excitation/shunt-wound (e.g. electric gene ator)/ [bing4 cheng1] /joint name/combined name/

[bing4 li4] /to exist side by side/to exist simultaneously/ [bing4 lian2] /parallel connection/ [bing4 jian1] /alongside/shoulder to shoulder/side by side/abreast/ [bing4 zhen1] /to arrive simultaneously/ [bing4 ju3] /to develop simultaneously/to undertake concurrently/ [bing4 di4 lian2] /lit. twin lotus flowers on one stalk/fig. a devoted marrie e/ [bing4 chu3] /to impose an additional penalty/ [bing4 xing2] /to proceed in parallel/side by side (of two processes, development , thoughts etc)/ [bing4 xing2 bu4 bei4] /to run in parallel without hindrance/not mutually o processes can be implemented without conflict/ [bing4 xing2 kou3] /parallel port (computing)/ [bing4 xing2 cheng2 xu4] /parallel program/ [bing4 xing2 ji4 suan4] /parallel computing/ [bing4 jin4] /advance together/advances together/keep abreast of/ [bing4 zhong4] /lay equal stress on/pay equal attention to/ [bing4 fei1] /really isn't/ [bing4 jia4 qi2 qu1] /to run neck and neck/to keep pace with/to keep abre ar with one another/ [gun3] /radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 2)/ [shu4] /see [shu4 bi3]/ [jiu1] /archaic variant of [jiu1]/ [ya1] /fork/branch/bifurcation/girl/ [ya1 ba1 r5] /fork (of a tree, road, argument etc)/bifurcation/fork junction/ [ya1 cha4] /fork (of a tree)/tool made of forked wood/ [ya1 huan5] /servant girl/maid/ [ya1 tou5] /girl/servant girl/(used deprecatingly, but sometimes also as a term o endearment)/ [ya1 ji4] /bun (of hair)/topknot/ [ya1 huan5] /servant girl/maid/ [Zhong1] /China/Chinese/surname Zhong/ [zhong1] /within/among/in/middle/center/while (doing sth)/during/ [zhong4] /to hit (the mark)/to be hit by/to suffer/to win (a prize, a lottery)/ [zhong1 shi4 ji4] /medieval/Middle Ages/ [Zhong1 Ya4] /Central Asia/ [Zhong1 Ya4 xi4 ya4] /Central Asia/ [Zhong1 Ya4 cao3 yuan2] /Central Asian grasslands/ [zhong1 ren2] /go-between/mediator/intermediary/ [zhong1 jie4] /to act as intermediary/to link/intermediate/inter-/agency/agent/ [zhong1 jie4 suo3] /agency/ [zhong1 qi3 ye4] /medium sized enterprise/ [zhong1 fu2] /last ten days of July and first ten days of August, the second of three hottest periods of the year/ [zhong1 wei4 shu4] /median/ [zhong1 di1 duan1] /mid-to-low-range/ [Zhong1 E2] /China-Russia/ [Zhong1 E2 Yi1 li2 tiao2 yue1] /Treaty of Saint Petersburg of 188 back Yili province to Qing China in exchange for compensation payment and unequa l treaty rights/ [Zhong1 E2 Bei3 jing1 tiao2 yue1] /the Treaty of Beijing of 1860 arist Russia/ [zhong1 e2 ni2 bu4 chu3 tiao2 yue1] /Treaty of Nerchinsk (169 a/ [Zhong1 E2 gai3 ding4 tiao2 yue1] /Treaty of Saint Petersburg of ed back Yili province to Qing China in exchange for compensation payment and une qual treaty rights/ [Zhong1 E2 bian1 jie4 xie2 yi4] /Sino-Russian Border Agreement of [Zhong1 E2 guan1 xi4] /Sino-Russian relations/ [zhong4 bao3] /advocate/

[Zhong1 xin4 Yin2 hang2] /China CITIC Bank/ [zhong1 zhi2 ding4 li3] /mean value theorem (in calculus)/ [zhong4 shang1] /slander/calumny/to frame with false evidence/ [zhong1 yuan2] /Ghosts' festival on 15th day of 7th moon/ [zhong1 yuan2 pu3 du4] /Ghosts' festival on 15th day of 7th moon/ [Zhong1 gong4] /abbr. for Chinese Communist (party, regime etc)/ [Zhong1 gong4 zhong1 yang1] /Chinese Communist Party Central Committee/ [Zhong1 gong4 Zhong1 yang1 Xuan1 chuan2 bu4] /Propaganda Depa of the Communist Party of China/ [zhong1 gong4 zhong1 yang1 ji4 wei3 jian1 cha2 bu4] / [Zhong1 gong4 zhong1 yang1 ji4 lu:4 jian3 cha ommunist party/ [zhong1 gong4 jiu3 da4] /Chinese Communist Party 9th congress in 1969/ [zhong1 qian2 wei4] /center forward (soccer position)/ [Zhong1 bei3 Da4 xue2] /North University of China (Shanxi)/ [zhong1 bei3 bu4] /north central area/ [zhong1 qu1] /central district (of a city)/central zone/ [zhong1 wu3] /noon/midday/CL: [ge4]/ [Zhong1 Nan2] /Central South (Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan)/ab r. for China-South Africa/ [Zhong1 nan2 ban4 dao3] /Indo-China peninsula/lit. China South peninsula/ [Zhong1 nan2 hai3] /Zhongnanhai, to the West of the Forbidden City, now the C t Party headquarters/ [zhong1 nan2 bu4] /south central region/ [Zhong1 Yin4] /China-India/ [Zhong1 yin4 ban4 dao3] /Indo-China peninsula/also written [zhong1 yuan2] /the central plains of China/the middle and lower regions of the Y llow river, including Henan, western Shandong, southern Shanxi and Hebei/a plain / [Zhong1 yuan2 qu1] /Zhongyuan district of Zhengzhou city [Zheng1 [Zhong1 yuan2 Da4 xue2] /Chung Yuan Christian University, in Taiwan/ [Zhong1 Gu3] /Sino-Cuban/China-Cuba/ [zhong1 gu3] /medieval/Middle Ages/Chinese middle antiquity, 3rd to 9th centuries including Sui and Tang Dynasties/Middle (of a language, e.g. Middle English)/us ed/second-hand/ [zhong1 gu3 Han4 yu3] /middle and early Chinese (linguistics)/ [Zhong1 he2] /Chungho city in Taipei county [Tai2 bei3 xian4], Taiwa [zhong1 he2] /to neutralize/to counteract/neutralization (chemistry)/ [zhong1 he2 ji4] /neutralizing agent/neutralizer/ [Zhong1 he2 shi4] /Chungho city in Taipei county [Tai2 bei3 xian [zhong4 quan1 tao4] /to fall in a trap/ [Zhong1 guo2] /China/Middle Kingdom/ [zhong1 guo2 zhong1 yang1 dian4 shi4 tai2] /China Central Tel twork/ [Zhong1 guo2 zhong1 xin1 zhu3 yi4] /Sinocentrism/ [Zhong1 guo2 Jiao1 tong1 Jian4 she4] /China Communications Constr [Zhong1 guo2 Jiao1 tong1 Yun4 shu1 Xie2 hui4] /China Comm tion (CCTA)/ [Zhong1 guo2 ren2] /Chinese person/ [Zhong1 guo2 ren2 da4] /China National People's Congress/ [Zhong1 guo2 ren2 quan2 min2 yun4 xin4 xi1 zhong1 emocracy, Hong Kong/ [Zhong1 guo2 ren2 quan2 zu3 zhi1] /Human rights in China (New Yor ganization)/ [Zhong1 guo2 Ren2 min2 Da4 xue2] /Renmin University of China/ [Zhong1 guo2 ren2 min2 dui4 wai4 you3 hao3 xie2 h with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC)/ [Zhong1 guo2 ren2 min2 zhi4 yuan4 jun1] /the Chinese People's na to aid North Korea in 1950/ [Zhong1 guo2 Ren2 min2 Zheng4 zhi4 Xie2 shang1 Hu

tative Conference)/ [Zhong1 guo2 Ren2 min2 Wu3 zhuang1 Jing3 cha2 Bu4 [Zhong1 guo2 Ren2 min2 Jie3 fang4 jun1] /Chinese People's Lib [Zhong1 guo2 Ren2 min2 Jie3 fang4 jun1 Hai3 jun1] /Ch [Zhong1 guo2 Ren2 min2 Jie3 fang4 jun1 Kong1 jun1] /P [Zhong1 guo2 Ren2 min2 Yin2 hang2] /People's Bank of China/ [Zhong1 guo2 Yi1 si1 lan2 jiao4 Xie2 hui4] /Chinese Patri [Zhong1 guo2 zuo4 xie2] /PRC writer's union/abbr. for [Zhong1 guo2 zuo4 jia1 xie2 hui4] /PRC writer's union/ [Zhong1 guo2 bao3 xian3 jian1 du1 guan3 li3 w CIRC/ [Zhong1 guo2 Chuan2 mei2 Da4 xue2] /Communication University of C nstitute of radio, film and television education in China/ [Zhong1 guo2 guang1 da4 yin2 hang2] /China Everbright Bank/ [Zhong1 guo2 Gong4 chan3 zhu3 yi4 Qing1 nian2 tuan2] [Zhong1 guo2 Gong4 chan3 dang3] /Communist Party of China (CPC)/also munist Party (CCP)/ [Zhong1 guo2 Gong4 chan3 dang3 Zhong1 yang1 Wei3 arty of China/ [zhong1 guo2 gong4 chan3 dang3 zhong1 the PRC communist party central committee/ [Zhong1 guo2 sheng4 yu2 ding4 li3] /the Chinese remainder theorem [Zhong1 guo2 hua4] /to sinicize/to take on Chinese characteristics/ [Zhong1 guo2 Bei3 fang1 Gong1 ye4 Gong1 si1] /China North [Zhong1 guo2 gu3 dai4 si4 da4 mei3 nu:3] /Four legendary Shi , Wang Zhaojun , Diaochan and Yang Yuhuan or Yang Gu [Zhong1 guo2 Tong2 meng2 hui4] /Tongmenghui, Sun Yat-sen's alliance f ed 1905, became the Guomindang in 1912/ [Zhong1 guo2 Guo2 jia1 Bo2 wu4 guan3] /National Museum of Chi [Zhong1 guo2 Guo2 jia1 Yuan2 zi3 neng2 Ji1 gou4] /Chi [Zhong1 guo2 Guo2 jia1 di4 zhen4 ju2] /China earthquake admin ical bureau/ [zhong1 guo2 guo2 jia1 huan2 bao3 ju2] /PRC State Environment EPA)/ [zhong1 guo2 guo2 jia1 huan2 jing4 bao3 hu4 zong3 tration (SEPA)/ [Zhong1 guo2 Guo2 jia1 Hang2 tian1 ju2] /China National Space [zhong1 guo2 guo2 jia1 chuan2 bo2 gong1 si1] /China State [Zhong1 guo2 Guo2 min2 dang3 Ge2 ming4 Wei3 yuan2 / [Zhong1 guo2 Guo2 fang2 Ke1 ji4 Xin4 xi1 Zhong1 x ation Center (CDSTIC)/ [Zhong1 guo2 Guo2 ji4 Xin4 tuo1 Tou2 zi1 gong1 si ent Company/ [zhong1 guo2 guo2 ji4 guang3 bo1 dian4 tai2] /China Radio [Zhong1 guo2 guo2 ji4 hang2 kong1 gong1 si1] /Air China L [Zhong1 guo2 guo2 ji4 mao4 yi4 cu4 jin4 wei3 tional Trade (CCPIT)/ [Zhong1 guo2 di4 qiu2 wu4 li3 xue2 hui4] /Chinese Geophys [Zhong1 guo2 Di4 zhi4 Da4 xue2] /China University of Geosciences/ [Zhong1 guo2 di4 zhi4 diao4 cha2 ju2] /China Geological Surve [Zhong1 guo2 di4 zhen4 tai2] /China earthquake administration (CEA)/S bureau/ [Zhong1 guo2 di4 zhen4 ju2] /China earthquake administration (CEA)/St ureau/ [Zhong1 guo2 cheng2] /Chinatown/ [Zhong1 guo2 Da4 Bai3 ke1 Quan2 shu1 Chu1 ban3 sh [Zhong1 guo2 da4 rong2 yuan2] /Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davi [Zhong1 guo2 da4 lu4] /Chinese mainland/ [Zhong1 guo2 Tian1 zhu3 jiao4 Ai4 guo2 hui4] /Chinese Pat

[Zhong1 guo2 Xiao3 shuo1 Shi3 lu:e4] /Concise History of the Chin [Zhong1 guo2 Shao3 nian2 Xian1 feng1 dui4] /Young Pioneers of [Zhong1 guo2 Gong1 shang1 Yin2 hang2] /Industrial and Commercial [Zhong1 guo2 Gong1 cheng2 yuan4] /Chinese Academy of Engineering/ [Zhong1 guo2 Guang3 bo1 Gong1 si1] /Broadcasting Corporation of C [zhong1 guo2 jian4 she4 yin2 hang2] /China Construction Bank/ [Zhong1 guo2 shi4] /Chinese style/ la chinoise/ [Zhong1 guo2 Zheng4 fa3 Da4 xue2] /China University of Political with undergraduate campus at Changping [Chang1 ping2], and graduate campus in Hai dian district [Hai3 dian4 qu1]/ [Zhong1 guo2 Jiao4 yu4 he2 Ke1 yan2 Ji4 suan4 ET)/abbr. to [Zhong1 guo2 Jiao4 yu4 wang3]/ [Zhong1 guo2 Jiao4 yu4 wang3] /abbr. for [Zhong1 guo2 Wen2 xue2 Yi4 shu4 jie4 Lian2 he2 hu (CFLAC)/abbr. to / [Zhong1 guo2 wen2 lian2] /abbr. for [Zhong1 guo2 Xin1 min2 dang3] /New People's Party of China, [Zhong1 guo2 Xin1 wen2 she4] /China News Service/ [Zhong1 guo2 xin1 wen2 wang3] /China News Service (ChinaNews)/ [Zhong1 guo2 Ri4 bao4] /China Daily (an English language newspaper)/ [Zhong1 guo2 Shi2 bao4] /China Times (newspaper)/ [Zhong1 guo2 dong1 fang1 hang2 kong1] /China Eastern Airlines/ [zhong1 guo2 he2 neng2 zong3 gong1 si1] /China National Nucle [Zhong1 guo2 Li4 shi3 Bo2 wu4 guan3] /Museum of Chinese Histo [Zhong1 guo2 can2 ji2 ren2 lian2 he2 hui4] /China Disable [Zhong1 guo2 can2 lian2] /abbr. for , Ch [Zhong1 guo2 Min2 zhu3 Cu4 jin4 hui4] /China Association for [Zhong1 guo2 Min2 zhu3 Tong2 meng2] /China Democratic League/ [Zhong1 guo2 Min2 zhu3 Jian4 guo2 hui4] /China Democratic Nat [zhong1 guo2 min2 yong4 hang2 kong1 ju2] /Civil Aviation Admi [Zhong1 guo2 Qi4 xiang4 ju2] /China Meteorological Administration (CM [Zhong1 guo2 Fa3 xue2 hui4] /China Law Society/ [Zhong1 guo2 hai3 shi4 ju2] /PRC Maritime Safety Agency/ [Zhong1 guo2 Hai3 yang2 Shi2 you2 Zong3 gong1 si1] /C n/ [Zhong1 guo2 wu2 xian4 dian4 pin2 pu3 gua SRRC/ [Zhong1 guo2 te4 se4 she4 hui4 zhu3 yi4] /"socialism with [Zhong1 guo2 chan3] /made in China/home-grown (talent)/ [Zhong1 guo2 hua4] /Chinese painting/ [Zhong1 guo2 shi2 hua4] /China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation, Sinope [Zhong1 guo2 shi2 you2 hua4 gong1 gu3 fen tion, Sinopec/abbr. to / [Zhong1 guo2 shi2 you2 he2 hua4 xue2 gong1 ye ation CPCIA/ [Zhong1 guo2 Shi2 you2 Tian1 ran2 qi4 Ji2 tua [Zhong1 guo2 She4 hui4 Ke1 xue2 yuan4] /Chinese Academy of So [Zhong1 guo2 Ke1 xue2 yuan4] /Chinese Academy of Science/ [Zhong1 guo2 yi2 dong4 tong1 xin4] /China Mobile (PRC state telec [zhong1 guo2 jing1 mi4 ji1 xie4 jin4 chu1 kou orporation (CPMIEC)/ [zhong1 guo2 jing1 ying2 bao4] /China Business (a Beijing newspaper)/ [Zhong1 guo2 wang3] /China network/ [Zhong1 guo2 Mei3 shu4 guan3] /China National Art Gallery/ [Zhong1 guo2 Lian2 tong1] /China Unicom/ [Zhong1 guo2 Zhi4 gong1 dang3] /China Party for Public Interest/ [zhong1 guo2 hang2 tian1 gong1 ye4 gong1 si1] /(CASC)/ [zhong1 guo2 hang2 tian1 ji4 shu4 jin4 chu1 k xport Corporation (CATIC)/ [Zhong1 guo2 Hang2 hai3 Ri4] /Maritime Day (July 11th) commemorating

Zheng He [Zheng4 He2] in 1405 AD/ [zhong1 guo2 hang2 kong1 gong1 ye4 gong1 si1] /Aviation I [Zhong1 guo2 Hang2 kong1 Yun4 shu1 Xie2 hui4] /China Air [Zhong1 guo2 Chuan2 bo2 Mao4 yi4 Gong1 si1] /China Shipbu [Zhong1 guo2 Chuan2 bo2 Zhong4 gong1 Ji2 tuan2 Go CSSRC)/ [Zhong1 guo2 cai4] /Chinese cuisine/ [Zhong1 guo2 zhi4 zao4] /made in China/ [Zhong1 guo2 xi1 bei3 bian1 chui2] /border area of northwest Chin [Zhong1 guo2 hua4] /(spoken) Chinese language/ [Zhong1 guo2 zheng4 quan4 bao4] /China Securities Journal/ [Zhong1 guo2 zheng4 quan4 jian1 du1 guan3 li3 on CSRC/abbr. / [Zhong1 guo2 Zheng4 Jian4 Hui4] /China securities regulatory commissi [Zhong1 guo2 Nong2 ye4 Yin2 hang2] /Agricultural Bank of China/ [Zhong1 guo2 tong1] /China watcher/an expert on China/an old China hand/ [Zhong1 guo2 Jin4 chu1 kou3 Yin2 hang2] /The Export-Import Ba [Zhong1 guo2 You2 yi4 ji1 You2 le4 yuan2 Xie2 hui actions (CAAPA)/ [Zhong1 guo2 You2 zheng4] /China Post (Chinese postal service)/ [Zhong1 guo2 yin2 lian2] /China UnionPay/CUP/ [Zhong1 guo2 Yin2 hang2] /Bank of China (BoC)/ [Zhong1 guo2 yin2 hang2 ye4 jian1 du1 gua CBRC/ [Zhong1 guo2 Chang2 cheng2 Gong1 ye4 Gong1 si1] /China Gr / [Zhong1 guo2 Dian4 xin4] /China Telecom (Chinese company providing mobile e)/ [Zhong1 guo2 dian4 shi4 gong1 si1] /China TV, CTV, Taiwan/ [Zhong1 guo2 Qing1 nian2 bao4] /China Youth Daily, [Zhong1 guo2 can1 guan3 zheng4 hou4 qun2] /Chinese restaurant [zhong1 tu3] /Sino-Turkish/ [zhong1 xing2] /medium sized/ [Zhong1 bu4] /Zhongbu or Chungpu township in Chiayi county [Jia1 yi4 n/ [Zhong1 bu4 xiang1] /Zhongbu or Chungpu township in Chiayi county Taiwan/ [zhong1 jian1] /core/nucleus/backbone/ [zhong1 chang3] /middle period of a tripartite provincial exam (in former times)/ idfield/mid-court (in sports)/half-time/intermission half-way through a performa nce/ [zhong1 ya1 guan3] /medium pressure tube/middle pressure hose (diving)/ [Zhong1 li4] /Zhongli or Chungli city in Taoyuan county [Tao2 yuan2 n/ [Zhong1 li4 shi4] /Zhongli or Chungli city in Taoyuan county [Ta iwan/ [zhong1 wai4] /Sino-foreign/Chinese-foreign/home and abroad/ [zhong1 da4 xi1 yang2 ji3] /mid-Atlantic ridge/ [zhong1 yang1] /central/middle/center/central authorities (of a state)/ [zhong1 yang1 quan2 hui4] /plenary session of the Central Committee/ [zhong1 yang1 ao1] /fovea centralis (depression in the macula retina, most se optic region)/ [zhong1 yang1 hui4 jin1] /central finance/Chinese monetary fund/ [Zhong1 yang1 zhi2 xing2 wei3 yuan2 hui4] /Central Executive r Guomindang)/ [zhong1 yang1 wei3 yuan2 hui4] /Central Committee/ [zhong1 yang1 xuan1 chuan2 bu4] /Central Propaganda Section/abbr. for (of the Chinese communist party)/ [zhong1 yang1 zhuan1 zhi4 ji2 quan2] /centralized autocratic rule [Zhong1 yang1 guang3 bo1 dian4 tai2] /Radio Taiwan International

[zhong1 yang1 qing2 bao4 ju2] /US Central Intelligence Agency, CIA/ [Zhong1 yang1 Xi4 ju4 Xue2 yuan4] /Central Academy of Drama/ [zhong1 yang1 zheng4 fu3] /central government/ [Zhong1 yang1 Ri4 bao4] /Central Daily News/ [Zhong1 yang1 Min2 zu2 Da4 xue2] /Central University for National [zhong1 yang1 hai3 ling3] /mid-ocean ridge (geology)/ [zhong1 yang1 zhi2 xia2 shi4] /municipality, namely: Beijing , Ti ng , the first level administrative subdivision/province level city/also called di ectly governed city/ [Zhong1 yang1 sheng3] /central province/Tv Aimag (province) of Mongolia/ [Zhong1 yang1 Yan2 jiu1 yuan4] /Academia Sinica/ [Zhong1 yang1 she4] /Central News Agency (Taiwan)/ [zhong1 yang1 chu3 li3 ji1] /central processing unit (CPU)/ [Zhong1 yang1 Cai2 jing1 Da4 xue2] /Central University of Finance [zhong1 yang1 jun1 wei3] /Central Military Committee (CMC)/ [zhong1 yang1 bang1] /Central State/Uttar Pradesh, central India state/ [zhong1 yang1 yin2 hang2] /central bank/Central Bank of the Republic of C / [zhong1 yang1 ji2 quan2] /centralized state power/ [zhong1 yang1 dian4 shi4 tai2] /China Central Television (CCTV), PRC [Zhong1 yang1 Yin1 yue4 Xue2 yuan4] /Central Conservatory of Musi [zhong1 zi3] /neutron/ [zhong1 zi3 fu2 huo4] /neutron capture/ [zhong1 zi3 she4 xian4 she4 ying3] /neutron radiography/ [zhong1 zi3 dan4] /neutron bomb/ [zhong1 zi3 shu4] /neutron number/ [zhong1 zi3 xing1] /neutron star/ [zhong1 zi3 yuan2] /neutron source/ [zhong1 xue2] /middle school/CL: [ge4]/ [zhong1 xue2 sheng1] /middle-school student/high school student/ [zhong1 xuan1 bu4] /Central Propaganda Section/abbr. for hinese communist party)/ [Zhong1 ning2] /Zhongning county in Zhongwei [Zhong1 wei4], Ningxia/ [Zhong1 ning2 xian4] /Zhongning county in Zhongwei [Zhong1 wei4], Ni [Zhong1 liao2] /Zhongliao or Chungliao township in Nantou county [Na tral Taiwan/ [Zhong1 liao2 xiang1] /Zhongliao or Chungliao township in Nantou county , central Taiwan/ [zhong1 jiang4] /lieutenant general/vice admiral/air marshal/ [zhong1 zhuan1] /vocational secondary school/technical secondary school/trade sch ol/abbr. for / [zhong1 wei4] /lieutenant (navy)/first lieutenant (army)/subaltern/ [zhong1 xiao3 qi3 ye4] /small and medium enterprise/ [zhong1 xiao3 xing2 qi3 ye4] /small or medium size enterprise (SME)/ [zhong1 ju2] /middle game (in go or chess)/ [zhong1 ceng2] /middle-ranking/ [Zhong1 shan1] /refers to Dr Sun Yat-sen/Nakayama, common Japanese surname (borro ed by Sun Yat-sen)/Zhongshan prefecture level city in Guangdong close to Sun Yat -Sen's birth-place/ [Zhong1 shan1 gong1 yuan2] /Zhongshan Park/ [Zhong1 shan1 qu1] /Zhongshan or Chungshan district of Taipei City an/Zhongshan district of Dalian [Da4 lian2 shi4], Liaoning/Chungshan district ung City [Ji1 long2 shi4], Taiwan/ [Zhong1 shan1 Da4 xue2] /Sun Yat-sen University (Guangzhou)/Sun Yat-sen U ohsiung)/Sun Yat-sen University (Moscow), founded in 1925 as training ground for Chinese communists/ [Zhong1 shan1 shi4] /Zhongshan prefecture level city in Guangdong province sheng3] in south China, close to Dr Sun Yat-Sen's birth-place/ [Zhong1 shan1 Cheng2 bin1] /NAKAYAMA Nariaki (1943-), right-wing Japanese ster and prominent denier of Japanese war crimes/

[zhong1 shan1 fu2] /Chinese tunic suit/Mao jacket/CL:[jian4]/ [Zhong1 shan1 lang2 zhuan4] /the fable of Mr Dongguo and the ungrateful W ngxi / [zhong1 shan1 zhuang1] /Chinese tunic suit/ [Zhong1 shan1 Ling2] /Dr Sun Yat-sen's mausoleum in Nanjing/ [Zhong1 dao3] /Nakajima (name)/Nakashima (name)/ [zhong1 yue4] /Mt Song in Henan, one of the Five Sacred Mountains / [Zhong1 Ba1] /China-Pakistan (relations)/China-Bahamas/ [zhong1 ba1] /minibus/ [zhong1 ba1 shi4] /minibus/ [zhong1 nian2] /middle-aged/ [zhong1 du4 xing4 fei4 shui3 zhong3] /toxic pulmonary edema/ [zhong1 ting2] /courtyard/ [zhong1 yong1] /doctrine of the mean/ [zhong1 ting1] /lobby/foyer/CL: [jian1]/ [zhong1 shi4] /Chinese style/ [zhong4 shi4] /to pass an exam (or the imperial exam)/to qualify/ [Zhong1 shi4 Ying1 yu3] /Chinglish/ [zhong4 dan4] /hit by a bullet/shot/ [zhong4 cai3] /to win a lottery/ [zhong1 jing4] /diameter/ [zhong1 wei1 zi3] /neutrino/ [Zhong1 De2 zhen3 suo3] /Sino-German clinic/ [zhong1 xin1] /center/heart/core/CL: [ge4]/ [zhong1 xin1 qu1] /central district/ [zhong1 xin1 mai2 zhi4 guan1 xi4 cong2 ju4] /center-embed [zhong1 xin1 ju3] /(statistics) central moment/ [zhong1 xin1 li4] /centriole/ [zhong1 xin1 yu3] /qualified word/ [zhong1 xin1 dian3] /center/central point/focus/ [zhong1 xing4] /neutral/ [zhong1 xing4 li4 xi4 bao1] /neutrophil (the most common type of whit [zhong1 qing2 ju2] /US Central Intelligence Agency, CIA/abbr. for 2]/ [Zhong1 Yi4] /Sino-Italian/ [zhong4 yi4] /to take sb's fancy/to win approval/ [zhong1 cheng2 yao4] /prepared prescription (Chinese medicine)/ [zhong4 zhao1] /to get infected/to fall into sb's trap/senior high school enrollm nt/ [zhong1 kuo4 hao4] /square brackets [ ]/ [zhong1 zhi3] /middle finger/ [zhong1 kong4 mian4 ban3] /center dash console/central dashboard/ [zhong1 ti2 qin2] /viola/ [Zhong1 wen2] /Chinese/Chinese written language/Chinese writing/ [Zhong1 wen2 biao1 zhun3 jiao1 huan4 ma3] /CSIC, Chinese stan 1992/ [Zhong1 xin1 shi4] /Miocene (geological epoch from 24m-5m years ago)/ [Zhong1 xin1 she4] /China News Service (CNS), abbr. for [Zhong1 xin1 wang3] /ChinaNews (China News Service)/ [zhong1 duan4] /to cut short/to break off/to discontinue/to interrupt/ [Zhong1 fang1] /the Chinese side (in an international venture)/ [Zhong1 fang1 xian4] /Zhongfang county in Huaihua [Huai2 hua4], Huna [zhong1 lu:3 she4] /China Travel Service (CTS), state-owned travel company/ [Zhong1 Ri4] /China-Japan/ [Zhong1 Ri4 guan1 xi4] /Sino-Japanese relations/ [Zhong1 Ri4 Han2] /China, Japan and Korea/ [Zhong1 Ri4 Han2 tong3 yi1 biao3 yi4 wen2 zi4] /China n/ [Zhong1 Ri4 Han2 Yue4] /China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam/ [zhong1 xun2] /middle third of a month/

[zhong4 shu3] /sunstroke/heatstroke/ [Zhong1 Chao2] /Sino-Korean/China and North Korea/ [zhong1 qi1] /mid-term/ [Zhong1 cun1] /Nakamura (Japanese name)/ [Zhong1 dong1] /East China/Middle East/ [zhong1 xiao4] /middle ranking officer in Chinese army/lieutenant colonel/command r/ [zhong4 qiang1] /to be hit by a gun/shot/ [zhong4 le4 tou4] /to win at the lottery/ [zhong4 biao1] /to win a tender/successful bidder/ [zhong1 shu1] /center/backbone/hub (e.g. of transport network)/the central admini tration/ [zhong1 shu1 shen2 jing1 xi4 tong3] /central nervous system, CNS/ [Zhong1 Ou1] /China-Europe (e.g. trading relations)/Central Europe/ [zhong1 zhi3] /to cease/to suspend/to break off/to stop/to discontinue/ [Zhong1 zheng4] /posthumous name of Chiang Kai-shek [Jiang3 Jie4 shi mer Guomindang leader/ [Zhong1 zheng4 qu1] /Chungcheng district of Taiwanese city/ [Zhong1 zheng4 ji4 nian4 tang2] /Jiang Kai-shek memorial hall in Taib [zhong1 duan4] /middle section/middle period/middle area/mid-/ [zhong4 du2] /to be poisoned/poisoning/ [zhong4 du2 xing4] /poisonous/toxic/ [zhong1 du2 tu2 jing4] /poisoning route/ [zhong1 du2 mei2] /inhibited enzyme/ [zhong1 qi4 ceng2] /mesosphere/upper atmosphere/ [zhong1 qi4 ceng2 ding3] /mesopause/top of mesosphere/ [Zhong1 jiang1] /Zhongjiang county in Deyang [De2 yang2], Sichuan/ [Zhong1 jiang1 xian4] /Zhongjiang county in Deyang [De2 yang2], Sich [Zhong1 sha1 Qun2 dao3] /Macclesfield Bank, series of reefs in the South theast of Hainan Island/ [Zhong4 you2] /CNPC, China National Petroleum Corporation (abbr.)/ [Zhong1 Fa3] /China-France (cooperation)/Sino-French/ [Zhong1 Fa3 Zhan4 zheng1] /Sino-French War (1883-1885) (concerning French ietnam)/ [Zhong1 Fa3 xin1 yue1] /treaty of Tianjin of 1885 ceding Vietnam to Franc [Zhong1 Bo1] /Chinese-Polish/ [zhong1 yang2 ji3] /mid-ocean ridge (geology)/ [zhong1 liu2] /midstream/ [zhong1 liu2 di3 zhu4] /mainstay/cornerstone/tower of strength/ [zhong1 hai3 you2] /China National Offshore Oil Corporation/ [Zhong1 Gang3] /PRC and Hong Kong/ [Zhong1 Gang3 Tai2] /China, Hong Kong and Taiwan (abbr.)/ [zhong1 yuan2 di4 zhen4] /medium depth earthquake (with epicenter 70-300 [Zhong1 Ao4] /China-Australia (relations)/ [Zhong1 Zhao3 wa1] /central Java/the province of Jogyakarta/ [Zhong1 mu4] /Zhongmu county in Zhengzhou [Zheng1 zhou1], Henan/ [Zhong1 mou2 xian4] /Zhongmou county in Zhengzhou [Zheng1 zhou1], He [zhong4 jiang3] /to win a prize/a successful gamble/ [Zhong1 huan2] /Central, Hong Kong Island/ [Zhong1 sheng1 dai4] /Mesozoic (geological era 250-65m years ago, covering Tr assic and Cretaceous )/ [zhong1 chan3] /middle class/to ascend to the middle class/ [zhong1 chan3 jie1 ji2] /middle class/ [zhong1 tian2 ying1 shou4] /Hidetoshi Nakata/ [Zhong1 dian4] /Gyeltang or Gyalthang town and county, former name of Shangri-La ounty [Xiang1 ge2 li3 la1 xian4] in Dqn or Diqing Tibetan autonomous zhi4 zhou1], northwest Yunnan/ [Zhong1 dian4 xian4] /Gyeltang or Gyalthang town and county, former name of S La county [Xiang1 ge2 li3 la1 xian4] in Dqn or Diqing Tibetan autono zi4 zhi4 zhou1], northwest Yunnan/

[zhong4 di4] /to hit the target/to hit the nail on the head/ [zhong1 pan2] /circling in midstream/in the middle of a tray/middle game (in go o chess)/ [zhong1 duan3 zhai4] /short or medium term loan/ [Zhong1 shi2 hua4] /China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation, Sinopec/abbr. o [Zhong1 shi2 qi4 Shi2 dai4] /Mesolithic Era/ [Zhong1 Shi2 you2 Chuan1 dong1 Zuan4 tan4 Gong1 si1] ny (CODEC)/ [Zhong1 Yan2 Yuan4] /Academia Sinica (abbr)/ [Zhong1 qiu1] /the Mid-autumn festival, the traditional moon-viewing festival on he 15th of the 8th lunar month/ [Zhong1 qiu1 jie2] /the Mid-Autumn Festival on 15th of 8th lunar month/ [Zhong1 ke1 yuan4] /abbr. for Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)/ [zhong1 cheng2] /medium-range/ [zhong1 kong1] /hollow/empty interior/ [zhong1 kong1 bo1 li5] /double glazing/ [zhong1 li4] /neutral/ [zhong1 li4 guo2] /neutral country/ [zhong1 li4 xing4] /impartiality/neutrality/ [zhong1 li4 pai4] /centrist/the centrist faction/ [Zhong1 zhan4] /Zhongzhan district of Jiaozuo city [Jiao1 zuo4 shi4], Henan [Zhong1 zhan4 qu1] /Zhongzhan district of Jiaozuo city [Jiao1 zuo4 shi4 [zhong1 deng3] /medium/ [zhong1 deng3 zhuan1 ye4 xue2 xiao4] /specialized middle school/ [zhong1 deng3 zhuan1 ye4 jiao4 yu4] /technical middle school educ [zhong1 deng3 shi1 fan4 xue2 xiao4] /normal (i.e. pedagogical) mi [zhong1 deng3 ji4 shu4 xue2 xiao4] /technical middle school/polyt [zhong1 deng3 jiao4 yu4] /secondary education/middle school education/ [zhong1 deng3 pu3 tong1 jiao4 yu4] /general middle school educati [zhong1 jin1 mian4 fen3] /all-purpose flour/flour for making dumplings an [zhong4 jian4 luo4 ma3] /lit. to be struck by an arrow and fall from one' ffer a serious setback (idiom)/ [zhong1 pian1 xiao3 shuo1] /novella/ [zhong4 qian1] /to win a ballot/to draw a lucky number/ [zhong1 ji4 wei3] /disciplinary committee of the Chinese communist party/abbr [zhong1 ji2] /middle level (in a hierarchy)/ [zhong1 zhui4] /infix (grammar), particle attached within a word or expression/ [zhong1 xian4] /half-way line/median line/ [zhong1 feng4] /vertical space in a newspaper between two attached pages/vertical line on the back of clothing/ [zhong1 ji4] /to relay/to repeat/ [zhong1 ji4 qi4] /repeater/ [zhong1 ji4 zhan4] /relay station/ [Zhong1 Mei3] /China-USA/ [Zhong1 Mei3 Wen2 hua4 Yan2 jiu1 zhong1 xin1] /Hopkins-Na [Zhong1 Mei3 zhou1] /Central America/ [zhong1 lao3 nian2] /middle and old age/ [zhong1 lao3 nian2 ren2] /middle-aged and elderly people/ [zhong1 er3] /middle ear/ [zhong1 er3 yan2] /inflammation of middle ear/otitis media/ [zhong1 sheng1] /medial (i.e. middle vowel of a syllable in Asian phonetics)/ [zhong1 ting1] /pleasant to hear (i.e. agreeable news)/to one's liking/music to o e's ears/ [zhong4 ken3] /pertinent/apropos/ [zhong1 pei1 ceng2] /mesoderm (cell lineage in embryology)/ [zhong1 ji3] /mid-ocean ridge (geology)/ [Zhong1 Tai2] /China and Taiwan/ [zhong1 xing1] /resurgence/recovery/restoration/ [Zhong1 xing1 Xin1 cun1] /Chung-hsing New Village, model town in Nantou C entral Taiwan, administrative seat of the Taiwan Provincial Government/

[zhong4 ju3] /to pass the provincial level imperial examination/ [Zhong1 Ying1] /Sino-British/Chinese-English/ [Zhong1 Ying1 dui4 zhao4] /Chinese English parallel texts/ [Zhong1 Ying1 wen2 dui4 zhao4] /Chinese-English parallel texts/ [zhong1 cao3 yao4] /Chinese herbal medicine/ [Zhong1 hua2] /China (alternate formal name)/ [Zhong1 hua2 Ren2 min2 Gong4 he2 guo2] /The People's Republic [Zhong1 hua2 Ren2 min2 Gong4 he2 sion/ [Zhong1 hua2 Ren2 min2 Gong4 he2 guo2 Guo (CNSA)/ [Zhong1 hua2 quan2 guo2 ti3 yu4 zong3 hui4] /All-China sp [Zhong1 hua2 Zi4 hai3] /Zhonghua Zihai, a Chinese character dictionary/ [Zhong1 hua2 xue2 sheng5 ai4 guo2 min2 zhu3 tong2 Students/ [Zhong1 hua2 Min2 guo2] /Republic of China/ [Zhong1 hua2 min2 zu2] /the Chinese people/ [Zhong1 hua2 Tai2 bei3] /Chinese Taipei, compromise title of Taiwan parti RC international events/ [Zhong1 hua2 Hang2 kong1 Gong1 si1] /China Airlines (Taiwan)/abbr [Zhong1 hua2 Su1 wei2 ai1 gong4 he2 guo2] /Chinese Soviet d as Jiangxi republic/ [Zhong1 hua2 dian4 shi4] /China TV (Taiwan), CTS/ [zhong1 ye4] /mid- (e.g. mid-century)/middle period/ [Zhong1 yao4] /(traditional) Chinese medicine/CL:[fu4], [zhong3]/ [Zhong1 Su1 jie3 jue2 xuan2 an4 da4 gang1 xie2 di tween the Soviet Union and the Northern Warlord government of China/ [Zhong1 hang2] /abbr. for [Zhong1 guo2 Yin2 hang2] Bank of China [Zhong1 wei4] /Zhongwei prefecture level city in Ningxia/ [Zhong1 wei4 shi4] /Zhongwei prefecture level city in Ningxia/ [zhong1 zhuang1] /Chinese dress/ [Zhong1 Xi1] /Chinese-Western (e.g. exchange)/ [Zhong1 Xi1 qu1] /Central and Western district of Hong Kong/ [Zhong1 Xi1 he2 bing4] /Chinese-Western fusion/ [zhong1 xi1 bu4] /midwest/ [zhong1 xi1 yi1] /Chinese and western medicine/a doctor trained in Chinese an rn medicine/ [zhong4 gui1 zhong4 ju3] /conforming with the norms of society/ [Zhong1 shi4] /China TV (Taiwan), CTV/abbr. for / [zhong4 ji4] /to fall into a trap/taken in by a stratagem/cheated/ripped off/ [Zhong1 Cai2] /Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing/abbr. for ai2 jing1 Da4 xue2]/ [zhong1 zi1] /Chinese capital/Chinese enterprise/ [Zhong1 Yue4 Zhan4 zheng1] /the Sino-Vietnamese War, fought between the P m in 1979/also known as the Third Indochina War/ [zhong1 zhou2] /central axis/core/ [zhong1 zhou2 xian4] /central axis (line)/ [zhong1 chuo4] /to stop halfway/to give up halfway/interruption/suspension/ [zhong1 zhuan3] /to change (train or plane)/transfer/correspondence/ [zhong1 zhuan3 gui4 tai2] /transfer desk/correspondence desk/ [zhong1 zhuan3 zhan4] /hub (network equipment)/ [zhong1 la4] /hot/medium level of spiciness/ [Zhong1 nong2] /Chinese agriculture/ [zhong1 tu2] /midway/ [Zhong1 tu2 Dao3] /Midway Islands/ [Zhong1 tu2 dao3 Zhan4 yi4] /Battle of Midway, June 1942/ [zhong1 tu2 ge1 qian3] /to run aground in mid-course/to run into difficul [zhong1 you2] /the middle stretches of a river/middle level/middle echelon/midstr am/ [Zhong1 yuan3] /abbr. for COSCO (China Ocean Shipping Company) [

[Zhong1 yuan3 Tai4 ping2 yang2] /COSCO Pacific Limited, major freight [zhong1 yuan3 Tai4 ping2 yang2 you3 xian4 gong1 si1] ny/ [Zhong1 yuan3 Ji2 tuan2] /COSCO (China Ocean Shipping Company)/ [Zhong1 yuan3 Xiang1 Gang3 Ji2 tuan2] /COSCO Hong Kong Group/ [zhong4 xuan3] /to win an election/to get a position by passing the imperial exam [zhong4 xie2] /to meet a devil/momentarily nonplussed/sth has got into you/ [zhong1 bu4] /middle part/central section/ [Zhong1 du1] /Zhongdu, capital of China during the Jin Dynasty (1115-1234), moder day Beijing/ [Zhong1 yi1] /traditional Chinese medical science/a doctor trained in Chinese med cine/ [Zhong1 yi1 xue2] /traditional Chinese medicine/TCM/ [zhong1 liang4 ji2] /middleweight/ [Zhong1 yin2] /Bank of China/abbr. for / [zhong1 feng1] /midfielder/center (basketball)/center forward (hockey, football)/ [zhong1 chang2 pao3] /middle distance race/ [zhong1 jian1] /between/intermediate/mid/middle/ [zhong1 jian1 ren2] /contact man/go-between/intermediary/at second hand/ [zhong1 jian1 jian4] /middleware/ [zhong1 jian1 ming2] /middle name/second given name/ [zhong1 jian1 ceng2] /mesosphere/ [zhong1 jian1 pai4] /moderate faction/party of compromise/middle ground/ [zhong1 jian1 shen2 jing1 yuan2] /interneuron/ [zhong1 jian1 xian1 wei2] /intermediate filament/ [zhong1 jian1 lu4 xian4] /middle road (in politics)/ [Zhong1 guan1 cun1] /Zhongguancun neighborhood of Beijing, containing Beijing sity, famous for electronics shops and bookstores/ [zhong1 ruan3] /zhongruan or alto lute, like pipa but bigger and lower range [Zhong1 yang2] /Zhangyang county in Lliang [Lu:3 liang2], Shanxi / [Zhong1 yang2 xian4] /Zhangyang county in Lliang [Lu:3 liang2], Sha [zhong1 qing1] /China Youth (official newspaper)/abbr. for / [zhong1 qing1 nian2] /middle-aged/ [Zhong1 Fei1] /China-Africa (relations)/Central Africa/Central African Republic/ [Zhong1 Fei1 Gong4 he2 guo2] /Central African Republic/ [Zhong1 Han2] /China-South Korea/ [zhong4 feng1] /to suffer a paralyzing stroke/ [zhong1 fan4] /lunch/ [zhong1 bao3] /to embezzle/to misappropriate/to line one's pockets with public fu ds/ [zhong1 bao3 si1 nang2] /to stuff one's pockets/to take bribes/ [Zhong1 can1] /Chinese meal/Chinese food/CL:[fen4], [dun4]/ [Zhong1 can1 guan3] /Chinese restaurant/ [zhong1 gao1 du4 fang2 kong1] /high-to-medium-altitude air defense (H [zhong4 mo2] /to meet a devil/momentarily nonplussed/sth has got into you/ [zhong1 dian3] /midpoint/half-way point/ [ji3] /to catch/ [feng1] /luxuriant/buxom/variant of [feng1]/variant of [feng1]/appearance/c [feng1 zi1] /charm/good looks/ [feng1 cai3] /variant of [feng1 cai3]/ [guan4] /two tufts of hair/young/underage/ [kuang4] /archaic variant of [kuang4]/ [chuan4] /to string together/to mix up/to conspire/to rove/to make a swift or ab rupt linear movement (like a bead on an abacus)/to move across/bunch or cluster/ string (computing)/classifier for rows or strings/ [chuan4 gong4] /to collude/to string a false confession/ [chuan4 kou3] /serial port (computing)/ [chuan4 gang3] /to leave one's post during working hours/ [chuan4 huan4] /to exchange/to change/to swap/ [chuan4 shao1] /to cook on a skewer/barbecued food on a skewer/shish kebab/

[chuan4 xian4] /to get the lines crossed/ [chuan4 lian2] /to establish ties or contact/in series connection (electricity)/ [chuan4 chu3 li3] /string processing (computing)/ [chuan4 hao4] /identification number/IMEI/ [chuan4 hang2] /to miss a line/to confuse two lines/ [chuan4 xing2] /series/serial (computer)/ [chuan4 xing2 kou3] /serial port (computing)/ [chuan4 xing2 dian3 zhen4 da3 yin4 ji1] /serial dot matrix pr [chuan4 qin1 fang3 you3] /to call on friends and relations (idiom)/ [chuan4 mou2] /to conspire/ [chuan4 tong1] /to collude/to collaborate/to gang up/ [chuan4 men2] /to call on sb/to drop in/to visit sb's home/ [chuan4 men2 r5] /erhua variant of [chuan4 men2]/ [chuan4 men2 zi5] /see [chuan4 men2]/ [chuan4 yin1] /crosstalk/to overhear/ [chan3] /skewer/ [zhuo2] /thick grass/"bush" component in Chinese characters/ [dian3] /see [dian3]/ [zhu3] /radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 3)/ [ba1] /"eight" component in Chinese characters/archaic variant of [ba1]/ [xx5] /one of the characters used in kwukyel, an ancient Korean writing system/ [wan2] /pill/ [wan2 zi5] /pills/balls/meatballs/ [dan1] /red/pellet/powder/cinnabar/ [Dan1 fo2] /Denver, Colorado/ [dan1 shen1] /Salvia miltiorrhiza/ [Dan1 zhai4] /Danzhai county in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous prefecture ng1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ [Dan1 zhai4 xian4] /Danzhai county in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous pr e [Qian2 dong1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ [Dan1 ni2] /Danny (name)/ [dan1 ni2 si1] /Dennis (name)/ [dan1 ni2 er3] /Daniel (name)/ [Dan1 ba1] /Danba county (Tibetan: rong brag rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomous refecture , Sichuan (formerly in Kham province of Tibet)/ [Dan1 ba1 xian4] /Danba county (Tibetan: rong brag rdzong) in Garze Tibetan a us prefecture [Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Sichuan (formerly in Kham f Tibet)/ [Dan1 Bu4 lang3] /Dan Brown (American novelist)/ [Dan1 tu2] /Dantu district of Zhenjiang city [Zhen4 jiang1 shi4], Ji [Dan1 tu2 qu1] /Dantu district of Zhenjiang city [Zhen4 jiang1 s [dan1 xin1] /loyal heart/loyalty/ [dan1 fang1] /folk remedy/ [Dan1 dong1] /Dandong prefecture level city in Liaoning province in [Dan1 dong1 shi4] /Dandong prefecture level city in Liaoning province / [dan1 gui4] /orange osmanthus/ [dan1 du2] /erysipelas/ [Dan1 jiang1 kou3] /Danjiangkou county level city in Shiyan [Shi2 yan4], [Dan1 jiang1 kou3 shi4] /Danjiangkou county level city in Shiyan [Shi [dan1 sha1] /cinnabar (used in traditional Chinese medicine)/ [Dan1 Rui4] /General Than Shwe (1933-), Myanmar army officer and politician, pres dent of Myanmar (Burma) from 1992/ [Dan1 Rui4 da4 jiang4] /Than Shwe (1933-), Myanmar general and politician f Myanmar from 1992/ [Dan1 Rui4 jiang1 jun1] /General Than Shwe (1933-), Myanmar army officer n, president of Myanmar (Burma) from 1992/ [dan1 tian2] /pubic region/point two inches below the navel where one's qi reside / [dan1 pi2] /the root bark of the peony tree/

[dan1 sha1] /cinnabar/mercuric sulfide HgS/ [Dan1 leng2] /Danleng county in Meishan [Mei2 shan1 shi4], Sichuan/ [Dan1 leng2 xian4] /Danleng county in Meishan [Mei2 shan1 shi4], Sichuan/ [dan1 zhong1] /real sincerity/ [Dan1 yang2] /Danyang county level city in Zhenjiang [Zhen4 jiang1], Jia [Dan1 yang2 shi4] /Danyang county level city in Zhenjiang [Zhen4 jia [dan1 xia2] /Mt Danxia in Shaoguan [Shao2 guan1], Guangdong/Danxia landf omerate and sandstone/ [dan1 xia2 di4 mao4] /Danxia landform/red conglomerate and sandstone/ [Dan1 xia2 shan1] /Mt Danxia in Shaoguan [Shao2 guan1], Guangdong/ [dan1 qing1] /painting/ [dan1 ding3 he4] /red-crowned crane (Grus japonensis)/ [dan1 po4] /amber/ [Dan1 feng4] /Danfeng county in Shnglu [Shang1 luo4], Shnx/ [dan1 feng4] /red phoenix/ [dan1 feng4 yan3] /red phoenix eyes (eyes whose outer corners incline upwards [Dan1 feng4 xian4] /Danfeng county in Shnglu [Shang1 luo4], Shnx/ [Dan1 mai4] /Denmark/ [Dan1 mai4 bao1] /Danish pastry/ [zhu3] /owner/master/host/individual or party concerned/God/Lord/main/to indicat e or signify/trump card (in card games)/ [zhu3 bu4 xian1 ke4] /guests or visitors first (idiom)/ [zhu3 ren2] /master/host/owner/CL: [ge4]/ [zhu3 ren2 gong1] /hero (of a novel or film)/main protagonist/ [zhu3 ren2 weng1] /master (of one's own destiny etc)/ [zhu3 ren4] /director/head/CL: [ge4]/ [zhu3 xiu1] /to major in/ [zhu3 pu2] /master and servant/ [zhu3 gong1] /Your Highness/Your Majesty/ [zhu3 li4] /main force/main strength of an army/ [zhu3 li4 jian4] /battleship/ [zhu3 dong4] /to take the initiative/to do sth of one's own accord/spontaneous/ac ive/opposite: passive [bei4 dong4]/drive (of gears and shafts etc)/ [zhu3 dong4 mian3 yi4] /active immunity/ [zhu3 dong4 mai4] /aorta/principal artery/ [zhu3 he2 xian2] /tonic triad/triad of the home key/ [zhu3 he2 pai4] /the peace faction/doves/ [zhu3 yin1] /main reason/ [zhu3 chang3] /home ground (sports)/home field/main venue/main stadium/ [zhu3 wei3] /committee chairperson/ [zhu3 fu4] /housewife/woman of senior authority in a household/the lady of the ho se/hostess/ [zhu3 xian2] /prime, key or main suspect (law)/ [zhu3 zi5] /Master (term used by servant)/Your Majesty/operator (of machine)/ [zhu3 zai3] /to dominate/to rule/to dictate/master/ [zhu3 zai3 zhe3] /ruler/ [zhu3 dao3] /to lead/to manage/ [zhu3 dao3 xing4] /leadership/ [zhu3 dao3 quan2] /leadership (role)/ [zhu3 feng1] /main peak (of a mountain range)/ [zhu3 xi2] /chairperson/premier/chairman/CL: [ge4],[wei4]/ [zhu3 xi2 guo2] /chair country/country holding revolving presidency/ [zhu3 xi2 tuan2] /presidium/ [zhu3 xi2 tai2] /rostrum/platform/CL: [ge4]/ [zhu3 gan4] /trunk/main/core/ [zhu3 gan4 wang3 luo4] /core network/ [zhu3 gan4 wang3 lu4] /core network/backbone network/ [zhu3 gan4 xian4] /trunk line (of road, network etc)/backbone (cable)/ [zhu3 xu4 xing1] /star in the main sequence (astron.)/ [zhu3 ting1] /main lobby/

[zhu3 zhang1] /to advocate/to stand for/view/position/stand/proposition/viewpoint assertion/CL: [ge4]/ [zhu3 cong2] /master-slave (computing)/client-server (computing)/primary and seco dary/ [zhu3 xin1 gu3] /backbone/mainstay/pillar/definite view/one's own judgment/ [zhu3 yi5] /plan/idea/decision/CL: [ge4]/ [zhu3 zhan4 pai4] /the pro-war faction/hawks/ [zhu3 da3 pin3 pai2] /premium brand/flagship product/ [zhu3 cheng2 xiao1 shang1] /lead underwriter/ [zhu3 chi2] /to take charge of/to manage or direct/to preside over/to uphold/to s and for (justice etc)/to host (a TV or radio program etc)/ [zhu3 chi2 ren2] /TV or radio presenter/host/anchor/ [zhu3 zhang3] /in charge (of a position etc)/the person in charge/responsible/ [zhu3 bo1] /anchor (TV)/ [zhu3 gong1] /main assault/to focus on/to specialize in/to major in/ [zhu3 jiao4] /bishop/ [zhu3 liao4] /main ingredients (in a cooking recipe)/ [zhu3 xuan2 lu:4] /theme or subject (music)/ [zhu3 zu2] /main group/ [zhu3 ri4] /Sabbath/Sunday/ [zhu3 ri4 xue2] /Sunday School/ [zhu3 zhi3] /gist/main idea/general tenor/one's judgment/ [zhu3 cai2] /principal or main material (engineering)/ [zhu3 ban3] /motherboard (computer) (lit. lord board)/ [zhu3 ge2] /nominative/ [zhu3 ye4] /main business/ [zhu3 ji1] /core/ [zhu3 ji1 ming2] /hostname (of a networked computer)/ [zhu3 ji1 ban3] /motherboard/ [zhu3 quan2] /sovereignty/ [zhu3 quan2 guo2 jia1] /sovereign country/ [zhu3 fa3 xiang4 liang4] /principal normal vector (to a space curve)/ [zhu3 liu2] /main stream (of a river)/fig. the essential point/main viewpoint of matter/ [zhu3 yan3] /to act the leading role (in a movie or a play)/to star/lead actor/ [zhu3 fan4] /culprits/ [zhu3 qiu2] /cue ball (in pool etc)/ [zhu3 huan2] /primary ring/ [zhu3 ji4] /to perform the sacrificial rites at a funeral/ [zhu3 dao3 wen2] /Lord's Prayer/ [zhu3 ke1] /required courses in the major subject/ [zhu3 guan3] /in charge/responsible for/ [zhu3 guan3 ren2 yuan2] /executive/ [zhu3 guan3 jiao4 qu1] /diocese/ [zhu3 guan3 ji1 guan1] /the authorities/higher competent body/ [zhu3 bu4] /official registrar (of a county etc.) in imperial China/ [zhu3 bian1] /editor/ [zhu3 fa2] /penalty (kick)/ [zhu3 yi4] /-ism/ideology/ [zhu3 hang2 dao4] /main channel/ [zhu3 cai4] /main course/ [zhu3 yao4] /main/principal/major/primary/ [zhu3 jian4] /one's own view/having definite opinions/ [zhu3 guan1] /subjective/ [zhu3 guan1 zhu3 yi4] /subjectivism/ [zhu3 jue2] /leading role/lead/ [zhu3 ji4] /chief accounting officer/controller/comptroller/paymaster/treasurer ( an dynasty)/ [zhu3 ji4 shi4] /auditing department/accounting department/comptroller office [zhu3 ci2] /subject/

[zhu3 yu3] /subject (in grammar)/ [zhu3 diao4] /main point of an argument/a principal viewpoint/ [zhu3 wei4 ju4] /subject-predicate sentence/subject-predicate clause/ [zhu3 wei4 jie2 gou4] /subject-predicate construction/ [zhu3 wei4 bin1] /subject-verb-object SVO or subject-predicate-object sentenc rn (e.g. in Chinese grammar)/ [zhu3 jiang3] /to give a lecture/to lecture on/ [zhu3 bin1 wei4] /subject-object-verb SOV or subject-object-predicate sentenc rn (e.g. in Japanese or Korean grammar)/ [zhu3 che1 qun2] /peloton (main group of riders in a bicycle race)/ [zhu3 zhou2] /axis/principal axis (in mechanics, optics, botany etc)/main axle (o engine)/ [zhu3 zhou2 cheng2] /main bearing/ [zhu3 ban4] /to organize/to host (a conference or sports event)/ [zhu3 ban4 guo2] /host country/ [zhu3 ban4 quan2] /the right to host (an international meeting)/ [zhu3 dui4] /host team (at sports event)/host side/ [zhu3 yin1] /keynote/principal tone/tonic/vowel/ [zhu3 ye4] /home page/ [zhu3 ti2] /theme/subject/ [zhu3 gu4] /client/customer/ [zhu3 xian3 jie2] /Epiphany/ [zhu3 shi2] /main food/staple (rice and noodles)/ [zhu3 ti3] /main part/subject/agent/ [jing3] /bowl of food/well/ [pie3] /radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 4)/see [pie3]/ [fu2] /stretch/ [pie3] /variant of [pie3]/ [yi4] /to regulate/to govern/to control/to mow/ [nai3] /to be/thus/so/therefore/then/only/thereupon/ [Nai3 dui1 la1] /Nathu La (Himalayan pass on Silk Road between Tibet and Indi im)/ [Nai3 dui1 la1 shan1 kou3] /Nathu La (Himalayan pass on Silk Road bet an Sikkim)/ [nai3 shi4] /to be/ [Nai3 dong1] /Ndong county, Tibetan: Sne gdong rdzong, in Lhokha prefecture 4 qu1], Tibet/ [Nai3 dong1 xian4] /Ndong county, Tibetan: Sne gdong rdzong, in Lhokha prefe 2 di4 qu1], Tibet/ [nai3 er3] /thus/like this/ [nai3 zhi4] /and even/to go so far as to/ [wu3] /Japanese kokuji pr. shime or shite/to find a place to dwell/sum/measureme nt of paper/to do/ [jiu3] /(long) time/(long) duration of time/ [jiu3 jiu3] /for a very long time/ [jiu3 zhi1] /for a long time/ [jiu3 yang3] /honorific: I've long looked forward to meeting you./It's an honor t meet you at last./ [jiu3 yang3 da4 ming2] /I have been looking forward to meeting you for a iom)/ [jiu3 bie2] /a long period of separation/ [jiu3 bie2 chong2 feng2] /to meet again after a long period of separation [jiu3 yi3] /long ago/a long time since/ [jiu3 mu4] /lit. I've admired you for a long time (honorific)./I've been looking orward to meeting you./It's an honor to meet you at last./ [jiu3 mu4 sheng4 ming2] /I've admired your reputation for a long time (id en looking forward to meeting you./It's an honor to meet you at last./ [jiu3 gong1 bu4 xia4] /to attack for a long time without success/ [jiu3 kuang4] /to leave uncultivated for a long time/by extension, to neglect one s work/to remain single/

[Jiu3 zhi4] /Jigzhi or Jiuzhi county (Tibetan: gcig sgril rdzong) in Golog Tibeta autonomous prefecture [Guo3 luo4 zhou1], Qinghai (formerly in Sichuan)/ [Jiu3 zhi4 xian4] /Jigzhi or Jiuzhi county (Tibetan: gcig sgril rdzong) in Go etan autonomous prefecture [Guo3 luo4 zhou1], Qinghai (formerly in Sichuan)/ [jiu3 liu2] /to stay for a long time/ [jiu3 bing4] /my old illness/chronic condition/ [jiu3 bing4 cheng2 liang2 yi1] /long illness makes the patient into a )/ [jiu3 bing4 cheng2 yi1] /(proverb) a long illness makes the patient into [jiu3 deng3] /to wait for a long time/ [jiu3 jing1 kao3 yan4] /well tested (idiom); seasoned/veteran/ [jiu3 er2 jiu3 zhi1] /over time/as time passes/in the fullness of time/ [jiu3 wen2 da4 ming2] /your name has been known to me for a long time (po [jiu3 fu4 sheng4 ming2] /seasoned/honed to perfection over centuries/spec [jiu3 wei2] /(haven't done sth) for a long time/a long time since we last met/ [jiu3 yuan3] /old/ancient/far away/ [jiu3 chang2] /a long time/ [jiu3 kuo4] /a long period of separation/ [jiu3 pei2] /to accompany over long term/ [jiu3] /archaic variant of [jiu3]/ [tuo1] /archaic variant of [tuo1]/ [zhe2] /"blade of grass" component in Chinese characters/ [Yao1] /surname Yao/ [yao1] /youngest/most junior/tiny/one (unambiguous spoken form when spelling out numbers, esp. on telephone or in military)/one or ace on dice or dominoes/varia nt of , to shout/ [yao1 bing4 shi3] /idemfactor (expressing a vector as sum of its three orthog ojections)/ [yao1 er4] /one-two or ace-deuce (smallest throw at dice)/a prostitute/ [yao1 mo2 xiao3 chou3] /insignificant wretch/ [yao1 dian3] /ace/ [xx5] /one of the characters used in kwukyel (phonetic "ho"), an ancient Korean writing system/ [zhi1] /(possessive particle, literary equivalent of )/him/her/it/ [zhi1 yi1] /one of (sth)/one out of a multitude/one (third, quarter, percent etc) [zhi1 shang4] /above/ [zhi1 xia4] /under/beneath/less than/ [zhi1 zhong1] /inside/ [zhi1 hu1 zhe3 ye3] /four common characters of classical Chinese (idiom); comprehensible talk/double Dutch/all Greek to me/ [zhi1 nei4] /inside/within/ [zhi1 qian2] /before/prior to/ago/previously/beforehand/ [zhi1 wai4] /outside/excluding/ [zhi1 zi4 xing2] /Z-shaped/zigzag/ [zhi1 hou4] /afterwards/following/later/after/ [zhi1 suo3 yi3] /the reason why/ [zhi1 zhi4] /extremely/ [zhi1 jian1] /between/among/inter-/ [zhi1 ji4] /during/at the time of/ [zhi1 lei4] /and so on/and such/ [zha4] /at first/suddenly/abruptly/to spread/(of hair) to stand on end/bristling / [Zha4 de2] /Chad/ [Zha4 de2 Hu2] /Lake Chad/ [Zha4 pu3] /Zhapu town and port on north of Hangzhou Bay in Zhejian [Zha4 pu3 zhen4] /Zhapu town and port on north of Hangzhou Bay [zha4 kan4] /at first glance/ [hu1] /(classical particle similar to [yu2]) in/at/from/because/than/(classical inal particle similar to [ma5], [ba5], [ne5], expressing question, doubt or astoni hment)/

[fa2] /short of/tired/ [fa2 wei4] /tedious/ [fa2 ran2 liao4] /spent fuel/ [fa2 ran2 liao4 chu3 cun2] /spent fuel storage/ [fa2 ran2 liao4 bang4] /spent fuel rods/ [zhong4] /to stand side by side/variant of [zhong4]/ [ping1] /onomat. ping/bing/ [ping1 pang1] /ping-pong/table tennis/ [ping1 pang1 qiu2] /table tennis/ping-pong/ping pong/table tennis ball/CL: [ping1 pang1 qiu2 pai1] /ping-pong bat/ [ping1 pang1 qiu2 tai2] /table-tennis table/ [pang1] /onomat. bang/ [hu3] /archaic variant of [hu3]/ [guai1] /(of a child) obedient, well-behaved/clever/shrewd/alert/perverse/contra ry to reason/irregular/abnormal/ [guai1 pi4] /peculiar/eccentric/ [guai1 qiao3] /clever (child)/smart/lovable/cute/ [guai1 zhang1] /recalcitrant/unreasonable/peevish/ [guai1 wu3] /stubborn/contrary/disobedient/ [guai1 li4] /perverse (behavior)/disagreeable (character)/ [guai1 li2] /to part/to separate/to deviate/ [guai1 jue2] /perceptive/alert/clever/shrewd/ [guai1 miu4] /ridiculous/abnormal/ [guai1 wu3] /stubborn/contrary/disobedient/ [guai1 shun4] /obedient (colloquial)/ [cheng2] /Japanese variant of [cheng2]/ [Cheng2] /surname Cheng/ [cheng2] /to ride/to mount/to make use of/to avail oneself of/to take advantage of/to multiply (mathematics)/Buddhist sect or creed/ [sheng4] /four horse military chariot (archaic)/four (archaic)/generic term for history books/ [cheng2 ren2 bu4 bei4] /to take advantage of sb in an unguarded moment (i sb by surprise/ [cheng2 ren2 zhi1 wei1] /to take advantage of sb's precarious position/ [cheng2 bian4] /at your convenience/ [cheng2 mi4] /the power of a number (square, cube etc)/to exponentiate (math.)/ [cheng2 wu4 yuan2] /attendant on an airplane, train, boat etc/ [cheng2 sheng4] /to follow up a victory/to pursue retreating enemy/ [cheng2 sheng4 zhui1 ji1] /to follow up a victory and press home the atta retreating enemy/ [cheng2 shi4] /to seize the opportunity/to strike while the iron is hot/ [cheng2 zuo4] /to ride (in a vehicle)/ [cheng2 jian1 ce4 fei2] /to live in luxury/lit. to ride a solid carriage horses/ [cheng2 ke4] /passenger/ [cheng2 shu4] /multiplier/ [cheng2 fang1] /to square a number/to calculate the square/ [cheng2 ji1] /to seize the chance/opportunistic/ [cheng2 fa3] /multiplication/ [cheng2 fa3 biao3] /multiplication table/ [cheng2 fa3 ni4] /multiplicative inverse (math.)/ [cheng2 liang2] /to cool off in the shade/ [cheng2 huo3 da3 jie2] /to take advantage of sb's misfortune/to loot/ [cheng2 ji1] /product (result of multiplication)/ [cheng2 xing4] /while in high spirits/feeling upbeat/on an impulse/ [cheng2 chuan2] /to embark/to travel by ship/to ferry/ [cheng2 xu1] /to take advantage of weakness/ [cheng2 xu1 er2 ru4] /to enter by exploiting a weak spot (idiom); to take a lapse/ [cheng2 hao4] /multiplication sign (math.)/

[cheng2 jing3] /police on trains/train marshal/ [cheng2 che1] /to ride (in a car or carriage)/to drive/to motor/ [cheng2 chu2] /to multiply and divide/ [cheng2 xi4] /to seize an opportunity/to exploit (a loophole)/ [cheng2 feng1] /to ride the wind/to use a fair wind/to take an opportunity/ [cheng2 feng1 po4 lang4] /to brave the wind and the billows (idiom); to h tions/ [cheng2 he4] /to fly on a crane/to die/ [cheng2 long2] /to ride the dragon/to die (of emperors and kings)/ [cheng2 long2 kuai4 xu4] /ideal son-in-law/ [yi3] /second of 10 heavenly stems /second in order/letter "B" or roman "II" in t "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc/second party (in legal contract, usually [yi3 fan g1], as opposed to [jia3 fang1])/ethyl/bent/winding/radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 5)/ [zhe2] /turning stroke (in Chinese characters)/see also [zhe2]/ [yi3 chou3] /second year B2 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1985 or 2045/ [yi3 er4 chun2] /glycol/ethylene glycol C2H4(OH)2 (antifreeze)/ [yi3 hai4] /twelfth year B12 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1995 or 2055/ [yi3 mao3] /fifty second year B4 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1975 or 2035/ [yi3 xing2] /type B/type II/beta-/ [yi3 xing2 gan1 yan2] /hepatitis B/ [yi3 xing2 nao3 yan2] /meningitis B/epidemic encephalitis B/Japanese ence [yi3 ji1] /ethyl group (chemistry)/ [yi3 tai4] /ether/ [yi3 tai4 wang3 lu4] /Ethernet/ [yi3 si4] /forty second year B6 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1965 or 2025/ [yi3 fang1] /second party (law)/see also [jia3 fang1]/ [yi3 wei4] /thirty second year B8 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1955 or 2015/ [yi3 an1 ji1] /ethylamino group/ [yi3 que1] /acetylene/ethyne C2H2/ [yi3 xi1] /ethylene/vinyl/ [yi3 xi1 ji1] /vinyl/vinyl group (chemistry)/ [yi3 wan2] /ethane (C2H6)/ [yi3 zhuang4 jie2 chang2] /sigmoid colon (anatomy)/bent colon, linking th colon to the rectum/ [yi3 zhong3] /beta- or type 2/ [yi3 zhong3 cu4 xiao4 ji4] /beta-2 agonist/ [yi3 zhong3 she4 xian4] /beta ray (electron stream from radioactive decay [yi3 zhong3 li4 zi3] /beta particle (electron, esp. high speed electron e ioactive nucleus)/ [yi3 gan1] /hepatitis B/ [yi3 nao3] /meningitis B/epidemic encephalitis B/Japanese encephalitis/abbr. for [yi3 you3] /twenty second year B10 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 2005 or 2065/ [yi3 xian1] /acetyl (chemistry)/ [yi3 xian1 an4 bi3 luo4 wan2 tong2] /piracetam (C6H10N2O2)/ [yi3 xian1 dan3 jian3] /acetylcholine ACh (amine related to vitamin B com [yi3 suan1] /acetic acid (CH3COOH)/ethanoic acid/ [yi3 suan1 ji1] /acetyl radical CH3COO-/ [yi3 suan1 gen1] /acetyl radical CH3COO-/ [yi3 suan1 yan2] /acetate CH3COO-/ [yi3 chun2] /ethanol C2H5OH/same as alcohol / [yi3 chun2 suan1] /glycolic acid C2H4O3/ [yi3 mi2] /ether/diethyl ether C2H5OC2H5/ [yi3 quan2] /acetaldehyde H3CCHO/ethanal/ [ya4] /component in Chinese characters/archaic variant of [hao2]/archaic variant of [yi3]/ [zhe2] /variant of [zhe2]/ [mie1] /to squint/what? (Cantonese)/see also [mie1 ye3]/ [mie1 ye3] /what? (Cantonese)/Mandarin equivalent: [shen2 me5]/ [jiu3] /nine/9/

[jiu3 yi1 ba1 shi4 bian4] /the Mukden or Manchurian railway incident 931 used by the Japanese as a pretext to annex Manchuria/also known as Liutiaogo u incident / [jiu3 san1 xue2 she4] /Jiusan Society/ [jiu3 jiu3 cheng2 fa3 biao3] /multiplication table/ [jiu3 jiu3 gui1 yi1] /nine divide by nine is one (abacus rule)/when all i ne/ [Jiu3 jiu3 chong2 yang2] /Double Ninth or Yang Festival/9th day of 9th lu [jiu3 fen1 zhi1 yi1] /one ninth/ [jiu3 shi2] /ninety/ [jiu3 qing1] /the Nine Ministers (in imperial China)/ [Jiu3 yuan2 qu1] /Jiuyuan district of Baotou city [Bao1 tou2 shi [Jiu3 tai2] /Jiutai county level city in Changchun , Jilin/ [Jiu3 tai2 shi4] /Jiutai county level city in Changchun , Jilin/ [Jiu3 ru2] /Chiuju township in Pingtung county [Ping2 dong1 xian4], [Jiu3 ru2 xiang1] /Chiuju township in Pingtung county [Ping2 don [jiu3 guan1 niao3] /hill myna/Indian grackle/Gracula religiosa/ [Jiu3 gong1 shan1] /Jiugongshan nature reserve in Tongshan county, Xianning p re , Hubei/ [Jiu3 gong1 shan1 zhen4] /Jiugongshan town in Tongshan county, Xianning p ei/ [jiu3 gong1 ge2 shu4 du2] /sudoku (Japanese: s doku)/ [Jiu3 zhai4 gou1] /Jiuzhaigou Valley, Sichuan/Jiuzhaigou county, Sichuan/ [Jiu3 zhai4 gou1 xian4] /Jiuzhaigou county, Sichuan/ [Jiu3 zhai4 gou1 Feng1 jing3 ming2 sheng4 qu1] /Jiuzhaigo st Area, Sichuan/ [jiu3 wei3 gui1] /nine-tailed turtle of mythology/The Nine-tailed Turtle, nov ate Qing novelist Zhang Chunfan / [jiu3 ceng2 ta3] /basil/ [Jiu3 yi2 shan1] /Jiuyi mountain range in Hunan on the border with Guangdong/ [Jiu3 zhou1] /division of China during earliest dynasties/fig. ancient China/Kys outhernmost of Japan's four major islands/ [jiu3 ba1] /Kowloon Motor Bus Company KMB/ [jiu3 cheng2] /nine-tenths/ninety percent/ [jiu3 zhe2] /10% off (price)/ [jiu3 yue4] /September/ninth month (of the lunar year)/ [jiu3 yue4 jiu3 ri4 yi4 Shan1 dong1 xiong1 di4] /Reme the double ninth festival (poem by Tang Wang Wei's )/ [jiu3 yue4 fen4] /September/ninth month/ [jiu3 xiao4 lian2 meng2] /C9 League/ [jiu3 si3 yi1 sheng1] /nine deaths and still alive (idiom); a narrow esca of life/ [Jiu3 jiang1] /Jiujiang prefecture level city in Jiangxi/also Jiujiang county/ [Jiu3 jiang1 di4 qu1] /Jiujiang prefecture in Jiangxi/ [Jiu3 jiang1 shi4] /Jiujiang prefecture level city in Jiangxi/ [Jiu3 jiang1 xian4] /Jiujiang county in Jiujiang , Jiangxi/ [jiu3 quan2] /the nine springs/the underworld of Chinese mythology/Hades/ [jiu3 liu2] /the nine schools of thought, philosophical schools of the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods (770-220 BC), viz Confucians [Ru2 jia1], Daoists [Dao4 jia1], Yin and Yang [Yin1 yang2 jia1], Legalists [Fa3 jia1], Lo Mohists [Mo4 jia1], Diplomats [Zong4 heng2 jia1], Miscellaneous ralists [Nong2 jia1]/ [jiu3 yuan1] /abyss/deep chasm/ [jiu3 niu2 yi1 mao2] /lit. one hair from nine oxen (idiom)/fig. a drop in [jiu3 niu2 er4 hu3 zhi1 li4] /tremendous strength (idiom)/ [Jiu3 zhang1 Suan4 shu4] /The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art/ [jiu3 sheng1 liu4 diao4] /nine tones and six modes (tonal system of Canto r southern languages)/ [Jiu3 hua2 shan1] /Mt Jiuhua in Anhui, one of the Four Sacred Mountains and B da of Kitigarbha /

[jiu3 hao4 qiu2] /nine-ball (billiards game)/ [jiu3 bian1 xing2] /nonagon/ [Jiu3 li3] /Liuli district of Xuzhou city [Xu2 zhou1 shi4], Jiangsu/ [Jiu3 li3 qu1] /Liuli district of Xuzhou city [Xu2 zhou1 shi4], Jiangsu [jiu3 chong2 xiao1] /ninth heaven/Highest Heaven/ [jiu3 ling2 hou4] /90s generation/ [jiu3 xiao1 yun2 wai4] /beyond the topmost clouds (idiom)/unimaginably fa [jiu3 mian4 ti3] /enneahedron (solid figure having nine plane faces)/ [jiu3 tou2 niao3] /legendary bird with nine heads (old)/cunning or sly person [jiu3 ding3] /The Nine Cauldrons, symbol of Imperial power dating back to the Sha g Dynasty (c. 1600-1100 BC)/ [jiu3 chi3 ding1 pa2] /The Nine-Toothed Rake (weapon of Zhu Bajie [Jiu3 long2] /Kowloon district of Hong Kong/ [Jiu3 long2 po1] /Jiulongpo district of central Chongqing municipality, forme Sichuan/ [Jiu3 long2 po1 qu1] /Jiulongpo district of central Chongqing municipalit n Sichuan/ [Jiu3 long2 cheng2] /Kowloon City, Hong Kong/ [Jiu3 long2 xian4] /Jiulong county (Tibetan: brgyad zur rdzong) in Garze Tibe onomous prefecture [Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Sichuan (formerly in nce of Tibet)/ [qi3] /to beg/ [qi3 gai4] /beggar/ [qi3 ren2] /beggar/ [Qi3 fu2] /tribe of the Xianbei nomadic people/ [qi3 xiu1] /to request permission to resign from an official position (old)/ [qi3 er2] /beggar/ [Qi3 li4 ma3 zha1 luo2 shan1] /Mt Kilimanjaro in Tanzania/ [qi3 he2] /to sue for peace/ [qi3 ai1 gao4 lian2] /begging for pity and asking for help (idiom)/ [qi3 shu4] /to beg forgiveness/to sue out clemency/ [qi3 lian2] /to beg for pity/ [qi3 qiu2] /to beg/ [qi3 tao3] /to beg/to go begging/ [qi3 shi2] /to beg for food/ [Ye3] /surname Ye/ [ye3] /also/too/(in Classical Chinese) final particle implying affirmation/ [ye3 bu4 li4 wai4] /is no exception/ [ye3 jiu4 shi4] /that is/i.e./ [ye3 jiu4 shi4 shuo1] /in other words/that is to say/so/thus/ [ye3 ba4] /(reduplicated) whether... or.../never mind/fine (indicating acceptance or resignation)/ [ye3 xu3] /perhaps/maybe/ [ye3 men2] /Yemen/ [gai4] /ancient variant of [gai4]/ancient variant of [gai4]/ [jiu3] /archaic variant of [jiu3]/ [xx5] /first character in place name "Halpho" (Korean gugja)/ [xx5] /one of the characters used in kwukyel (phonetic "hol"), an ancient Korean writing system/ [xx5] /archaic Korean hanja pronounced dul, phonetic du plus ul/ [shi3] /archaic variant of [shi3]/ [ji1] /to divine/ [ji1 tong2] /child medium/ [nang1] /a bend in a river (Cantonese)/ [xx5] /phonetic "gal" used in place names (Korean gugja)/ [shi2] /rock/phonetic "dol" used in names (Korean kugja)/ [ru3] /breast/milk/ [ru3 ji4] /emulsion/ [ru3 hua4] /to emulsify/ [ru3 hua4 ji4] /emulsifier/

[ru3 ming2] /pet name for a child/infant name/ [Ru3 shan1] /Rushan county level city in Weihai , Shandong/ [Ru3 shan1 shi4] /Rushan county level city in Weihai , Shandong/ [ru3 fang2] /breast/udder/ [ru3 yun4] /mammary areola/ [ru3 mu3] /wet nurse/ [ru3 zhi1] /milk/ [Ru3 yuan2 yao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Ruyuan Yao autonomous co [Ru3 yuan2 xian4] /Ruyuan Yao autonomous county in Shaoguan , Guangd [ru3 gou1] /cleavage (hollow between a woman's breasts)/ [ru3 ya2] /deciduous tooth/milk tooth/baby tooth/ [ru3 niu2] /dairy cattle/ [ru3 ai2] /breast cancer/ [ru3 bai2] /milky white/cream color/ [ru3 bai2 tian1 kong1] /whiteout/ [ru3 bai2 se4] /milky white/ [ru3 tu1] /mastoid process/ [ru3 tu1 dou4] /mastoid antrum (bones at the back of tympanic chamber)/ [ru3 tang2] /lactose/ [ru3 tang2 bu4 nai4 zheng4] /lactose intolerance/ [ru3 zhao4] /bra/ [ru3 zhi1] /cream/milk fat/ [ru3 fu3] /fermented soya bean curd/ [ru3 xian4] /mammary gland/ [ru3 xian4 yan2] /mastitis/ [ru3 xian4 ai2] /breast cancer/ [ru3 jiao1] /latex/ [ru3 xiu4 wei4 gan1] /smell of mother's milk not yet dried (idiom); immat erienced/still wet behind the ears/ [ru3 zhi4 pin3] /dairy products/ [ru3 zhu1] /suckling pig/ [ru3 lao4] /cheese/ [ru3 lao4 dan4 gao1] /cheesecake/ [ru3 suan1] /lactic acid/ [ru3 suan1 jun1] /lactic acid bacteria/ [ru3 tou2] /nipple/ [ru3 tou2 liu2] /papilloma/ [ru3 xiang1] /frankincense/ [ru3 chi3] /deciduous tooth/milk tooth/baby tooth/ [xue2] /to grasp/ [yan3] /archaic variant of [jin4]/ [Fu3] /phonetic pol, used in Korean place name/see Polha [Fu3 xia4], Korean place name in former Hamgyeongdo Province [Xian2 jing4 dao4]/ [Fu3 xia4] /Polha, Korean place name in former Hamgyeongdo Province [xx5] /phonetic "sal" (Korean gugja)/ [na3] /feminine suffix (Cantonese)/postfix indicating feminine/ [gan1] /archaic variant of [gan1]/ [qian2] /archaic variant of [qian2]/ [xx5] /phonetic "sol" used in place names (Korean gugja)/ [xx5] /rope (Korean gugja)/ [Qian2] /surname Qian/ [qian2] /one of the Eight Trigrams [ba1 gua4], symbolizing heaven/male principle/ [Gan1] /surname Gan/ [gan1] /dry/clean/in vain/dried food/foster/adoptive/to ignore/ [gan1 feng4] /sinecure/ [gan1 er2] /adopted son/ [gan1 r5] /dried food/ [gan1 er2 zi5] /adopted son/ [gan1 bing1] /dry ice (i.e. frozen CO2)/CL: [kuai4]/ [Qian2 Jia1 san1 da4 jia1] /Three great poets of the Qianlong and Jia

), namely: Yuan Mei , Jiang Shiquan and Zhao Yi / [gan1 yue3] /to retch/ [gan1 hao2] /to cry out loud without tears/ [qian2 kun1] /Heaven and earth/Yin and Yang/The Universe/ [gan1 niang2] /godmother (see also )/ [gan1 ma1] /godmother/ [Qian2 an1] /Qian'an county in Songyuan , Jilin/ [Qian2 an1 xian4] /Qian'an county in Songyuan , Jilin/ [gan1 shi1] /mummy/dried corpse/ [gan1 ba1 ba1] /dry/parched/dull/insipid/ [gan1 han4] /drought/arid/dry/ [gan1 bei1] /to drink a toast/Cheers! (proposing a toast)/Here's to you!/Bottoms p!/lit. dry cup/ [gan1 guo3] /dried fruit/dry fruits (nuts etc)/ [gan1 ku1] /withered/dried up/ [gan1 mei2 zi5] /prunes/ [gan1 xi3] /to dry clean/dry cleaning/ [gan1 he2] /to dry up/ [gan1 jing4] /clean/neat/ [gan1 jing4 li4 luo4] /clean and efficient/neat and tidy/ [gan1 ke3] /parched/dry mouth/ [gan1 se4] /dry and rough (skin)/hoarse (voice)/dry and heavy (style)/ [gan1 bian1 tu3 dou4 si1] /dry-fried potato slices (Chinese dish)/ [gan1 zao4] /to dry (of weather, paint, cement etc)/desiccation/dull/uninterestin /arid/ [gan1 zao4 ji4] /desiccant/ [gan1 zao4 ji1] /a drier/ [gan1 die1] /godfather/ [gan1 shuang3] /dry and clean/clear and fresh/ [gan1 shou4] /wizened/skinny and shriveled/ [gan1 bie3] /dried out/wizened/shriveled/ [gan1 xuan3] /psoriasis/ [gan1 yan3 zheng4] /dry eye/xerophthalmia (drying of the tear glands, often d ack of vitamin A)/ [gan1 deng4 yan3] /to watch helplessly/ [gan1 xiao4] /to give a hollow laugh/to force a smile/forced laugh/CL: [sheng [gan1 deng3] /to wait in vain/to sit around waiting/ [gan1 fen3] /dry powder/ [gan1 liang2] /rations (to take on expedition)/ [gan4 liang2 dai4] /knapsack (for provisions)/haversack/ [Qian2 xian4] /Qian county in Xinyng [Xian2 yang2], Shnx / [gan1 cui4] /straightforward/clear-cut/blunt (e.g. statement)/you might as well/s mply/ [gan1 cao3] /hay/ [gan1 cai4] /dried vegetable/ [gan1 zhao2 ji2] /to worry helplessly/ [gan1 jiang1] /dried ginger/ [gan1 hao2] /to cry out loud without tears/ [gan1 yi1] /drysuit (diving)/ [gan1 bei4] /conpoy/dried scallop/ [gan1 tou4] /to dry out/to dry completely/ [gan1 lao4] /cheese/ [Qian2 ling2] /Qianling at Xianyang in Shaanxi, burial site of thir mpress Wuzetian / [Qian2 Long2] /Qianlong or Ch'ien-lung, emperor of the Qing dynasty, reigned sixt years (1735-1796)/ [gan1 fan4] /cooked and dried rice/ [gan1 liu2] /to carbonize/dry distillation/carbonization/ [luan4] /archaic variant of [luan4]/ [zhi4] /archaic variant of [zhi4]/

[gui1] /variant of [gui1]/tortoise/turtle/ [gan1] /variant of [gan1]/ [qian2] /variant of [qian2]/ [luan4] /in confusion or disorder/in a confused state of mind/disorder/upheaval/ riot/illicit sexual relations/to throw into disorder/to mix up/indiscriminate/ra ndom/arbitrary/ [luan4 qi1 ba1 zao1] /everything in disorder (idiom); in a hideous mess/a evens/ [luan4 shi4] /the world in chaos/troubled times/(in Buddhism) the mortal world/ [Luan4 shi4 Jia1 ren2] /Gone with the Wind (film)/ [luan4 zuo4 jue2 ding4] /to make arbitrary decisions/ [luan4 lun2] /incest/immorality/depravity/fornication/ [luan4 dong4] /to fiddle with/to tamper with/to meddle with/to move randomly/to f ail about/ [luan4 jiao4] /to inconsiderately shout/ [luan4 chi1] /to eat indiscriminately/ [luan4 gu1 rang5] /to disturb (topolect)/ [luan4 xie3] /to write without basis/ [luan4 tan2 qin2] /to talk nonsense/to behave like a fool/ [luan4 reng1] /to litter/to throw away/ [luan4 zhua1] /to claw wildly/to scratch frantically/to arrest people indiscrimin tely/ [luan4 diao4] /to throw away/to discard/ [luan4 gao3] /to make a mess/to mess with/to be wild/to sleep around/to jump into bed/ [luan4 gao3 nan2 nu:3 guan1 xi4] /to be promiscuous/to sleep arou [luan4 zheng4] /to corrupt politics/ [luan4 min2] /rebels/ [luan4 shi2] /rocks/stones/rubble/riprap/ [luan4 shi2 za2 si3] /to stone to death/ [luan4 ma3] /mojibake (nonsense characters displayed when software fails to rende text according to its intended character encoding)/ [luan4 chuan1 ma3 lu4] /to jaywalk/ [luan4 cuan4] /to flee in disarray/to scatter/ [luan4 zao1 zao1] /chaotic/topsy turvy/a complete mess/ [luan4 ji4] /to break the rules/to break discipline/ [luan4 hua1] /to spend recklessly/to waste money/ [luan4 hua1 qian2] /to spend money recklessly/to squander/ [luan4 peng1 peng1] /disheveled/tangled/ [luan4 shuo1] /to make irresponsible remarks/ [luan4 xiang4] /chaos/madness/ [luan4 pao3] /to run wildly all over the place/ [luan4 tiao4] /bounce/ [luan4 ma2] /lit. tangled skein/in a tremendous muddle/confused/ [luan4 dang3] /the rebel party/ [lin2] /mythical animal, said to have yellow body and white tail/ [yi4] /covetous/greedy/stingy/ [jue2] /"vertical stroke with hook" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radica l 6)/see also [shu4 gou1]/ [le5] /(modal particle intensifying preceding clause)/(completed action marker)/ [liao3] /to finish/to achieve/to understand/ [liao3 bu5 qi3] /amazing/terrific/extraordinary/ [liao3 liao3] /to realize clearly/to settle a matter/to get it over with/ [liao3 shi4] /to dispose of a matter/to be done with it/ [liao3 que4] /to resolve/to settle/ [liao3 que4 ci3 sheng1] /to die/to be done with this world/ [liao3 ru2 zhi3 zhang3] /to understand sth thoroughly (like the back of o [liao3 ju2] /end/conclusion/solution/ [liao3 ran2] /to understand clearly/evident/ [liao3 dang4] /frank/outspoken/ready/settled/in order/(old) to deal with/to handl

/ [liao3 jie2] /to settle/to finish/to conclude/to wind up/ [liao3 jie3] /to understand/to realize/to find out/ [ge4] /variant of [ge4]/ [yu2] /(archaic) I/me/ [yu3] /to give/ [yu3 yi3] /to give/to impose/to apply/ [yu3 yi3 zhao4 gu4] /to ask somebody to carefully consider a request (idi [shi4] /matter/thing/item/work/affair/CL:[jian4], [zhuang1]/ [shi4 shi4] /everything/ [shi4 shi4 ao4 wei2] /everything has gone to the dogs (idiom)/ [shi4 jian4] /event/happening/incident/CL: [ge4]/ [shi4 jian4 xiang1 guan1 dian4 wei4] /event-related potential/ [shi4 li4] /example/exemplar/typical case/ [shi4 bei4 gong1 ban4] /twice the effort for half the result/ [shi4 jia4] /leave of absence/ [shi4 xian1] /in advance/before the event/beforehand/prior/ [shi4 xian1 tong1 zhi1] /preliminary notification/to announce in advance/ [shi4 r5] /one's employment/business/matter that needs to be settled/erhua varian of , thing, matter, affair etc/CL:[jian4], [zhuang1]/ [shi4 dian3] /encyclopedia/ [shi4 dao4 ru2 jin1] /as matters stand/things having reached this stage/ [shi4 dao4 lin2 tou2] /things come to a head (idiom)/ [shi4 qian2] /in advance/before the event/ [shi4 wu4] /(political, economic etc) affairs/work/ [shi4 wu4 lu:4 shi1] /solicitor (law)/ [shi4 wu4 suo3] /business office/ [shi4 wu4 suo3 lu:4 shi1] /office lawyer/ [shi4 wu4 fan2 mang2] /busy/bustling/ [shi4 shi4] /state of affairs/ [shi4 ban4 gong1 bei4] /half the work, twice the effect (idiom); the righ ves effort and leads to better results/a stitch in time saves nine/ [shi4 wei1 lei3 luan3] /lit. the matter has become a pile of eggs (idiom) ritical juncture/ [shi4 zai4 ren2 wei2] /the matter depends on the individual (idiom); it i r your own effort/With effort, one can achieve anything./ [shi4 feng4] /to serve/ [shi4 yi2] /(make) arrangements/ [shi4 shi2] /fact/CL: [ge4]/ [shi4 shi2 shang4] /in fact/in reality/actually/as a matter of fact/de facto/ cto/ [shi4 shi2 sheng4 yu2 xiong2 bian4] /Facts speak louder than word [shi4 shi2 hun1] /common-law marriage/de facto marriage/ [shi4 shi2 qiu2 shi4] /to seek the truth from facts/ [shi4 hou4] /after the event/in hindsight/in retrospect/ [shi4 hou4 cong1 ming5] /wise after the event (idiom); with hindsight, on predicted it/ [shi4 hou4 Zhu1 ge3 Liang4] /a genius in retrospect (idiom); hindsigh [shi4 bi4 you3 zhao4] /future events always have an omen (idiom)/ [shi4 bi4 gong1 qin1] /to attend to everything personally/ [shi4 pa4 hang2 jia1] /an expert always produces the best work (idiom)/ [shi4 qing5] /affair/matter/thing/business/CL:[jian4], [zhuang1]/ [shi4 qing2 yao4 zuo4] /work that needs to be done/business that needs to to/ [shi4 tai4] /situation/existing state of affairs/ [shi4 tai4 fa1 zhan3] /course of events/ [shi4 gu4] /accident/CL: [zhuang1],[qi3],[ci4]/ [shi4 gu4 zhao4 she4] /accidental exposure/ [shi4 ye4] /undertaking/project/activity/(charitable, political or revolutionary) cause/publicly funded institution, enterprise or foundation/career/occupation/CL

: [ge4]/ [shi4 ye4 xin1] /devotion to one's work/professional ambition/ [shi4 ye4 xian4] /(slang) cleavage/(palmistry) business line/ [shi4 ji1] /confidential aspects of a matter/secrets/key moment for action/ [shi4 quan2] /position/authority/responsibility/ [shi4 qiu2 shi4] /to seek the truth from facts/ [shi4 wu4] /thing/object/CL: [ge4]/ [shi4 wu4 de5 ben3 zhi4 chong2 yu2 wai4 zai4] /essenc e/a rose by any other name would smell as sweet/ [shi4 li3] /reason/logic/ [shi4 you2] /main content/matter/work/origin of an incident/cause/purpose/subject (of business letter)/ [shi4 jie4] /event horizon/ [shi4 lu:e4] /biographical sketch/ [shi4 fa1 di4 dian3] /the scene of the incident/ [shi4 fa1 shi2] /the time of the incident/ [shi4 duan1] /disturbance/incident/ [shi4 yu3 yuan4 wei2] /things turn out contrary to the way one wishes (id [shi4 zheng4] /evidence/ [shi4 bian4] /unforeseen event/incident/ [shi4 ji4] /deed/past achievement/important event of the past/ [shi4 guo4 jing4 qian1] /The issue is in the past, and the situation has m)./It is water under the bridge./ [shi4 guan1] /to concern/on (some topic)/about/concerning/to have importance for/ [shi4 xiang4] /matter/item/ [shi4 ti3] /things/affairs/decorum/ [er4] /two/2/stupid (Beijing dialect)/ [er4 yi1 tian1 zuo4 wu3] /lit. one half equals zero point five (divis reckoning)/to share fairly between two parties/to go fifty-fifty/ [er4 ding1 mi2] /dibutyl ether/ [Er4 qi1 qu1] /Erqi district of Zhengzhou city [Zheng1 zhou1 shi [er4 shi4] /the Second (of numbered kings)/second generation (e.g. Chinese Americ ns)/ [er4 ren2 shi4 jie4] /world with only two people (usually refers to a rom /romantic couple's world/ [er4 dai4] /secondary/twice in the year (of generations of insects, harvests etc) [er4 fu2] /same as , last ten days of July and first ten days of August, the of sn f, three hottest periods of the year/ [er4 lai2] /in the second place/secondly/ [er4 bei4 ti3] /diploid (in cell biology)/ [er4 ce4] /two sides/ [er4 jia4] /negotiable price/ [er4 yuan2] /two yuan/two dollars/binary/ [er4 yuan2 lun4] /dualism, belief that the universe is made of two different ce (e.g. mind and matter or good and evil)/ [er4 yuan2 chun2] /ethyl alcohol C2H5OH/ [er4 ba1] /16/sixteen/ [er4 fen1] /second part/the equinox/ [er4 fen1 zhi1 yi1] /one half/ [er4 fen1 lie4] /binary division (in bacterial reproduction)/ [er4 fen1 yin1 fu2] /minim (music)/ [er4 fen1 dian3] /the two equinoxes/ [er4 fu4] /second officer (of ship)/second mate/ [er4 shi2] /twenty/20/ [er4 shi2 yi1 shi4 ji4] /21st century/ [er4 shi2 yi1 tiao2] /the Japanese Twenty-one demands of 1925/ [er4 shi2 yi1 dian3] /blackjack (card game)/ [er4 shi2 qi1 hao4] /27th day of a month/ [er4 shi2 shi4 ji4] /20th century/ [er4 shi2 er4 hao4] /22nd day of a month/

[er4 shi2 wu3 shi3] /twenty four dynastic histories (or 25 or 26 in moder [er4 shi2 ba1 xiu4] /the twenty-eight constellations/ [er4 shi2 ba1 hao4] /28th day of the month/ [er4 shi2 liu4 sui4] /26 years old/ [er4 shi2 liu4 hao4] /26th day of a month/ [er4 shi2 si4 shi3] /twenty four dynastic histories (or 25 or 26 in moder ig. a long and complicated story/ [er4 shi2 si4 jie2 qi5] /the 24 solar terms, calculated from the posi the ecliptic, that divide the year into 24 equal periods/ [er4 shi2 si4 hao4] /24th day of a month/ [er4 shi2 duo1] /over 20/ [er4 shi2 nian2 mu4 du3 zhi1 guai4 xian4 zhuang4] /Th 20 years, novel by late Qing novelist Wu Jianren , classified as "novel of denunci ation" / [er4 shi2 mian4 ti3] /icosahedron/ [er4 cha1 shu4] /binary tree/ [er4 he2 yi1] /2-in-1/two-in-one/ [er4 ming2 fa3] /binomial nomenclature (taxonomy)/same as [shuan [er4 ge1] /second brother/ [er4 e4 ying1] /dioxin/also written / [er4 di4 zhu3] /sublandlord/tenant who sublets/ [er4 nai3] /mistress/second wife/lover/ [er4 nai3 zhuan1 jia1] /"mercenary expert", a person who is supposedly an expert, but receives payment for making comments favorable to a particular entit y/ [er4 hun1] /to marry for the second time/second marriage/second spouse/ [er4 hun1 tou2] /remarried lady (contemptuous term)/lady who marries for a se me/ [er4 ga3 zi5] /scoundrel/ [Er4 lun2] /Erlun or Erhlun township in Yunlin county [Yun2 lin2 xia [Er4 lun2 xiang1] /Erlun or Erhlun township in Yunlin county [Yu [er4 nian2 sheng1] /biennial (botany)/ [er4 du4] /second degree/ [er4 xin1] /disloyalty/half-heartedness/duplicity/ [er4 e4 ying1] /dioxin/ [er4 leng4 zi5] /stupid person/dolt/rash (slang)/ [Er4 zhan4] /World War II/ [er4 fang2] /two rooms/concubine/ [er4 fang2 dong1] /sublandlord/tenant who sublets/ [er4 shou3] /indirectly acquired/second-hand (information, equipment etc)/assista t/ [er4 shou3 fang2] /second-hand house/house acquired indirectly through a midd [er4 shou3 huo4] /second-hand goods/used goods/ [er4 shou3 che1] /second-hand car/ [er4 ba3 dao1] /inexpert/a botcher/ [er4 ba3 shou3] /deputy leader/the second-in-command/ [er4 geng1] /second of the five night watch periods 21:00-23:00 (old)/ [er4 yue4] /February/second month (of the lunar year)/ [er4 yue4 fen4] /February/ [er4 gan1 zi5] /hot-tempered/rash/hot-tempered person/ [Er4 lin2] /Erhlin town in Changhua county [Zhang1 hua4 xian4], Taiw [Er4 lin2 zhen4] /Erhlin town in Changhua county [Zhang1 hua4 xi [er4 ji2 guan3] /diode/vacuum tube/ [er4 ci4] /second (i.e. number two)/second time/twice/(math.) quadratic (of degre two)/ [Er4 ci4 Shi4 jie4 Da4 zhan4] /World War Two/ [er4 ci4 han2 shu4] /quadratic function/ [er4 ci4 xing2] /quadratic form (math.)/ [er4 ci4 duo1 xiang4 shi4] /quadratic polynomial/ [er4 ci4 da4 zhan4] /World War Two/

[er4 ci4 fang1] /square (i.e. x times x)/ [er4 ci4 fang1 cheng2] /quadratic equation/ [er4 ci4 qu1] /quadratic curve/conic section (geometry)/ [er4 ci4 qu1 xian4] /quadratic curve (geometry)/conic/ [er4 ci4 qu1 mian4] /quadric surface (geometry)/ [er4 ci4 ge2 ming4] /second revolution/campaign from 1913 of the provisio nary government (under Sun Yat-sen and the Guomindang) against Yuan Shikai an orthern Warlords/ [er4 zheng4 bing3 mi2] /di-n-propyl ether/ [er4 yang3 hua4 dan4] /nitrogen dioxide/ [er4 yang3 hua4 wu4] /dioxide/ [er4 yang3 hua4 gui1] /silicon dioxide (SiO2)/ [er4 yang3 hua4 liu2] /sulfur dioxide SO2/ [er4 yang3 hua4 tan4] /carbon dioxide CO2/ [er4 yang3 hua4 tan4 ge2 li2] /carbon sequestration/carbon dioxid [er4 yang3 hua4 tai4] /titanium dioxide/ [er4 yang3 hua4 you2] /brown oxidier/uranium dioxide/ [er4 yang3 hua4 meng3] /manganese(iv) oxide/ [er4 yang3 qi3] /dioxin/ [er4 yang3 za2 qi3] /dioxin/ [er4 lu:4 yi3 wan2 zhong1 du2] /dichloroethane poisoning/ [er4 lu:4 jia3 wan2] /dichloromethane/ [er4 lu:4 yi4 san1 ju4 qing2 suan1 na4] /sodium dichloroi [er4 lu:4 an4] /dichloramine/ [er4 lu:4 ben3 an4 ben3 yi3 suan1 na4] /diclofenac sodium g used to reduce swelling and as pain-killer)/also called voltaren / [Er4 shui3] /Erhshui township in Changhua county [Zhang1 hua4 xian4] [er4 shui3 huo4] /used goods/second hand goods/ [Er4 shui3 xiang1] /Erhshui township in Changhua county [Zhang1 [er4 liu2] /second-rate/second-tier/ [er4 liu2 zi5] /loafer/idler/bum/ [er4 gan1 chun2] /diethylene glycol/glycerin (used in antifreeze)/ [er4 chan3 fu4] /lady who has given birth twice/ [er4 jia3 ji1 shen1 suan1] /dimethylarsenic acid (CH3)2AsO2H/cacodyli [er4 jia3 ji1 shen4 suan1] /dimethylarsenic acid (CH3)2AsO2H/cacodyli [er4 jia3 ben3] /xylene/ [Er4 die2 ji4] /Permian (geological period 292-250m years ago)/ [er4 bai3 wu3] /idiot/stupid person/a dope/ [er4 huang2 di4] /second emperor of a dynasty/ [er4 liu2 hua4 tan4] /carbon disulfide/ [er4 liu2 ji1 bing3 huang2 suan1 na4] /sodium dimercaptosulfa [er4 liu2 ji1 bing3 chun2] /dimercaprol/ [er4 liu2 ji1 hu3 po4 suan1 na4] /sodium dimercaptosuccinate/ [er4 lin2 suan1 xian4 gan1] /adenosine diphosphate (ADP)/ [er4 deng3] /second class/second-rate/ [er4 deng3 cang1] /second class cabin/ [er4 deng3 che1] /second class/ [er4 jie2 gun4] /nunchaku (weapon with two rods joined by a short chain, used tial arts)/ [er4 huang2] /one of the two chief types of music in Chinese opera/Peking opera/a so written [er4 huang2]/see also [xi1 pi2]/ [er4 tang2] /disaccharide/ [er4 ji2] /grade 2/second class/category B/ [er4 ji2 shi4 guan1] /sergeant/ [er4 ji2 tou2] /second stage (diving)/ [er4 wei2] /two-dimensional/ [er4 lao3] /one's parent (term of respect)/ [er4 zhe3] /both/both of them/neither/ [er4 zhe3 zhi1 yi1] /either/ [er4 sheng1] /second tone/

[er4 tai1] /a second pregnancy/ [er4 hu2] /erhu (Chinese 2-string fiddle)/alto fiddle/CL:[ba3]/ [er4 ben3 lu:4 shen4] /diphenylchloroarsine/ [er4 cha2 zui4] /to suffer second persecution/ [er4 hao4] /2nd day of the month/ [er4 hao4 ren2 wu4] /second best person/second-rate person/ [er4 hao4 dian4 chi2] /C size battery (Taiwan)/PRC equivalent: [er4 hua4] /to demur/to object/objection/differing opinion/ [er4 hua4 bu4 shuo1] /not saying anything further (idiom); not raising an ithout demur/ [er4 lun2] /second round (of a match or election)/ [er4 die2 ji4] /Permian (geological period 292-250m years ago)/also written [Er4 lian2] /Erlian basin in Inner Mongolia/ [er4 lian2 ju4 dao4 long2] /Gigantoraptor erlianensis (a giant bird-l in Erlian in Inner Mongolia)/ [Er4 lian2 hao4 te4] /Erlianhaote city in Xilin Gol league golia/ [Er4 lian2 hao4 te4 shi4] /Erlianhaote city in Xilin Gol league Mongolia/ [Er4 lian2 pen2 di4] /Erlian basin in Inner Mongolia/ [er4 jin4] /binary (math)/ [er4 jin4 zhi4] /binary system (math)/ [er4 jin4 zhi4 bian1 ma3] /binary code/binary encoding/ [er4 jin4 gong1] /name of a famous opera/(slang) to go to jail for a second o [er4 bian4 ku3] /second persecution/ [Er4 dao4] /Erdao district of Changchun city , Jilin/ [Er4 dao4 qu1] /Erdao district of Changchun city , Jilin/ [Er4 dao4 jiang1] /Erdaojiang district of Tonghua city , Jilin/ [Er4 dao4 jiang1 qu1] /Erdaojiang district of Tonghua city , Jilin/ [er4 dao4 fan4 zi5] /middleman/buyer and seller/ [Er4 Lang2] /Er Lang Shen/ [Er4 Lang2 Shen2] /Er Lang Shen/ [er4 lang2 tui3] /one leg over the other (legs crossed)/ [er4 bu4 zhi4] /two shift system (in schools)/ [er4 chun2] /glycol/ [Er4 li3 tou5] /Erlitou (Xia dynasty archaeological site at Yanshi [er4 chong2] /double/repeated twice/ [er4 chong2 xia4 biao1] /double subscript/doubly indexed/ [er4 chong2 chang4] /duet/ [er4 chong2 zou4] /duet (in music)/ [er4 chong2 xing4] /dualism/two sided/double nature/ [er4 chong2 gen1] /a double root of an equation/ [er4 chong2 mu3 yin1] /diphthong/ [er4 guo1 tou2] /erguotou (sorghum liquor)/ [er4 a1 yi2] /auntie, second eldest of sisters in mother's family/ [er4 jie1] /second order/quadratic (math.)/ [er4 xiang4 shi4] /two items/binomial (math.)/ [er4 xiang4 shi4 xi4 shu4] /a binomial coefficient (math.)/the number [er4 xiang4 shi4 ding4 li3] /the Binomial Theorem (math.)/ [er4 tou2 ji1] /biceps muscle/ [er4 gui3 zi5] /traitor/collaborator with the enemy/ [er4 huang2] /one of the two chief types of music in Chinese opera/Peking opera/a so written [er4 huang2]/see also [xi1 pi2]/ [chu4] /step with the right foot/ [Yu2] /surname Yu/ [yu2] /to go/to take/sentence-final interrogative particle/variant of [yu2]/ [Yu2 Dan1] /Yu Dan (1965-), female scholar, writer, educator and TV presenter/ [Yu2 hong2] /Yuhong district of Shenyang city , Liaoning/ [Yu2 hong2 qu1] /Yuhong district of Shenyang city , Liaoning/ [yu2] /archaic variant of [Yu2]/

[yun2] /(classical) to say/ [yun2 yun2] /and so on/so and so/many and confused/ [Yun2 cheng2] /Yuncheng district of Yunfu city [Yun2 fu2 shi4], Guan [Yun2 cheng2 qu1] /Yuncheng district of Yunfu city [Yun2 fu2 shi [Yun2 xi1] /Yunxi district of Yueyang city [Yue4 yang2 shi4], Hunan/ [Yun2 xi1 qu1] /Yunxi district of Yueyang city [Yue4 yang2 shi4] [hu4] /mutual/ [hu4 bu4 qin1 fan4] /non-aggression/ [hu4 bu4 xiang1 qian4] /see [liang3 bu4 xiang1 qian4]/ [hu4 bu4 xiang1 rang4] /neither giving way to the other/ [hu4 xin4] /mutual trust/ [hu4 li4] /mutually beneficial/ [Hu4 zhu4] /Huzhu Tuzu autonomous county in Haidong prefecture [ hai/ [hu4 zhu4] /to help each other/ [Hu4 zhu4 Tu3 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Huzhu Tuzu autonomous coun i4 qu1], Qinghai/ [Hu4 zhu4 xian4] /Huzhu Tuzu autonomous county in Haidong prefecture Qinghai/ [hu4 mian3] /to encourage each other/ [hu4 dong4] /interactive/ [hu4 dong4 dian4 shi4] /interactive TV/ [hu4 hui4] /reciprocal/ [hu4 huan4] /to exchange/ [hu4 cao1 xing4] /interoperability/ [hu4 wen2] /paired phrases (poetic device)/ [hu4 chi4] /mutually exclusive/ [hu4 wei2 yin1 guo3] /mutually related karma (idiom); fates are intertwin dent/ [hu4 sheng1] /alternate phyllotaxy (leaf pattern)/ [hu4 sheng1 ye4] /alternate phyllotaxy (leaf pattern)/ [hu4 yi4] /differing from one another/mutually different/ [hu4 xiang1] /each other/mutually/mutual/ [hu4 xiang1 yi1 cun2] /interdependent/ [hu4 xiang1 che3 pi2] /to pass the buck/to shirk responsibility/ [hu4 xiang1 tui1 wei3] /mutually shirking responsibilities (idiom); each ther/passing the buck to and fro/each trying to unload responsibilities onto the other/ [hu4 xiang1 gou1 tong1] /inter-communication/ [hu4 xiang1 jian1 du1] /mutual supervision/ [hu4 xiang1 lian2 xi4] /mutually related/interconnected/ [hu4 xiang1 lian2 jie1] /interlinked/ [hu4 su4] /coprime (math.)/relatively prime (having no common factor)/ [hu4 lian2] /interconnected/ [Hu4 lian2 wang3] /the Internet/ [hu4 lian2 wang3 yong4 hu4] /Internet user/ [hu4 lian2 wang3 zhan4] /Internet site/ [hu4 lian2 wang3 luo4] /network/ [hu4 bu3] /complementary/to complement each other/ [hu4 fang3] /exchange visits/ [hu4 yi4] /two-way translation/ [hu4 tong1] /to intercommunicate/to interoperate/ [hu4 tong1 xing4] /interoperability (of communications equipment)/ [hu4 tong1 you3 wu2] /mutual exchange of assistance (idiom)/to benefit fr 's strengths and make up each other's shortfalls/to reciprocate with material as sistance/scratch each other's back/ [hu4 lian2] /interconnection/ [Qi2] /surname Qi/ [qi2] /his/her/its/their/ [wu3] /five/5/

[wu3 yi1] /5-1 (May 1st)/ [wu3 qi1] /memorial activity 35 days after a person's death/ [wu3 qi1 yi1 dai4] /generation of 1957/refers to Mao's anti-rightist purg [wu3 qi1 gan4 xiao4] /May 7 Cadre School (forcing educated people into re d peasant labor during Cultural Revolution)/abbr. for [wu3 qi1 gan [wu3 qi1 gan4 bu4 xue2 xiao4] /May 7 Cadre School (forcing educat on and peasant labor during Cultural Revolution)/abbr. / [wu3 shi4] /the fifth (of series of numbered kings)/ [wu3 wu3] /50-50/equal (share, partnership etc)/ [wu3 ren2 mu4 bei1 ji4] /Five tombstone inscriptions (1628), written 3]/ [wu3 dai4] /Five dynasties (in different contexts, from mythology through to Han nd the interregnum between Han and Tang)/the five dynasties forming the interreg num between Tang and Song (936-947), namely: Later Liang [Hou4 Liang2], Later Tang u4 Tang2], Later Jin [Hou4 Jin4], Later Han [Hou4 Han4], Later Zhou [wu3 dai4 shi2 guo2] /Five Dynasties (907-960) and Ten Kingdoms (902-979) [Wu3 dai4 shi3] /History of the Five Dynasties, eighteenth of the 24 dynastic ies , compiled under Xue Juzheng in 974 during Northern Song , 150 scrol [wu3 bei4 zi5 shu4] /Chinese sumac (Rhus chinensis)/ [wu3 lun2] /the five Confucian relationships (ruler-subject, father-son, brotherrother, husband-wife, friend-friend)/ [wu3 guang1 shi2 se4] /brilliant colors/ [wu3 fen1 zhi1 yi1] /one fifth/ [wu3 fen1 shu2] /cooked five minutes/medium (of steak)/ [wu3 fen1 Mei3 jin1] /nickel/five US cents/ [wu3 xing2] /imperial five punishments of feudal China, up to Han times: tattooin characters on the forehead [mo4], cutting off the nose [yi4], amputation of one o r both feet [yue2], castration [gong1], execution [da4 pi4]/Han dynasty onwards: wh pping [chi1], beating the legs and buttocks with rough thorns [zhang4], forced lab or [tu2], exile or banishment [liu2], capital punishment [si3]/ [wu3 shi2] /fifty/ [wu5 shi2 bu4 xiao4 bai3 bu4] /the one who has retreated 50 steps s retreated 100 steps/the pot calls the kettle black/ [Wu3 shi2 ling2] /Isuzu/ [wu3 sa4] /abbr. for [wu3 sa4 yun4 dong4], The May Thirtieth Mov [wu3 sa4 yun4 dong4] /anti-imperialist movement of 30th May 1925, involvi rike esp. in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hong Kong etc/ [Wu3 yuan2] /Wuyuan county in Bayan Nur [Ba1 yan4 nao4 er3], Inn [Wu3 yuan2 xian4] /Wuyuan county in Bayan Nur [Ba1 yan4 nao4 [wu3 kou3 tong1 shang1] /the five treaty ports forced on Qing China by th of Nanjing that concluded the First Opium War, namely: Guangzhou r Amoy and Shanghai / [wu3 wei4] /the five flavors, namely: sweet , sour , bitter , spicy hot , nds of flavors/ [wu3 wei4 ju1 quan2] /a complete gamut of all five flavors (idiom); every the sun/ [wu3 si4] /fourth of May, cf , national renewal movement that st rotest against the Treaty of Versailles/ [wu3 si4 ai4 guo2 yun4 dong4] /May Fourth Movement/Chinese nation started with 4th May 1919 protest against the Treaty of Versailles/ [Wu3 si4 Yun4 dong4] /May Fourth Movement/Chinese national renewal moveme ed with 4th May 1919 protest against the Treaty of Versailles/ [Wu3 da4 ming2 shan1] /Five Sacred Mountains of the Daoists, namely: Mt T , Mt Hua in Shaanxi, Mt Heng in Hunan, Mt Heng in Shanxi, Mt Song [wu3 da4 zhou1] /five continents/the whole world/ [Wu3 da4 hu2] /Great Lakes/the five north American Great Lakes/ [Wu3 da4 lian2 chi2] /Wudalianchi county level city in Heihe [Hei1 he [Wu3 da4 lian2 chi2 shi4] /Wudalianchi county level city in Heihe / [wu3 zi3 qi2] /five-in-a-row (game similar to tic-tac-toe)/Japanese: gomoku/g

[wu3 guan1] /five sense organs of traditional Chinese medicine (nose eyes lips to gue ears )/facial features/ [Wu3 jia1 qu2] /Wujyach shehiri (Wujiaqu city) or Wjiq subprefecture leve azakh autonomous prefecture in north Xinjiang/ [Wu3 jia1 qu2 shi4] /Wujyach shehiri (Wujiaqu city) or Wjiq subprefec i Kazakh autonomous prefecture in north Xinjiang/ [Wu3 zhai4] /Wuzhai county in Xinzhou [Xin1 zhou1], Shanxi/ [Wu3 zhai4 xian4] /Wuzhai county in Xinzhou [Xin1 zhou1], Shanxi/ [Wu3 feng1] /abbr. for + [Wu3 feng1 tu3 jia1 zu2 y in Hubei/Wufeng township in Hsinchu county [Xin1 zhu2 xian4], northwest Taiw [Wu3 feng1 tu3 jia1 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Wufeng Tujiazu a [Wu3 feng1 xian4] /abbr. for + [Wu3 feng1 tu ounty in Hubei/ [Wu3 feng1 xiang1] /Wufeng township in Hsinchu county [Xin1 zhu2 / [wu3 ling3] /the five ranges separating Hunan and Jiangxi from south China, esp. uandong and Guangxi, namely: Dayu [Da4 yu3 ling3], Dupang [Du1 pa ling3], Mengzhu [Meng2 zhu3 ling3] and Yuecheng [Yue4 cheng2 ling [Wu3 yue4] /Five Sacred Mountains of the Daoists, namely: Mt Tai in Shandong a in Shaanxi, Mt Heng in Hunan, Mt Heng in Shanxi, Mt Song in Hena [wu3 di4] /Five Emperors from legendary times/possibly tribal leaders before the istoriographers got working on them/usually taken to be Yellow Emperor and four o his sons Zhuan Xu , Di Ku , Tang Yao , Yu Shun / [Wu3 chang2] /Wuchang county level city in Harbin , Heilongjiang/ [wu3 chang2] /five constant virtues of Confucianism, namely: benevolence , righ sness , propriety , wisdom and fidelity /five cardinal relationships of Conf m (between ruler and subject, father and son, husband and wife, brothers, friend s)/five phases of Chinese philosophy: water , fire , wood , metal , earth / [Wu3 chang2 shi4] /Wuchang county level city in Harbin , Heilong [wu3 nian2 ji4 hua4] /Five-Year Plan/ [wu3 du4] /five degrees/fifth (basic musical interval, doh to soh)/ [wu3 xing2] /Wuxing - "Five Animals" - Martial Art/ [wu3 cai3] /five (main) colors (white, black, red, yellow, and blue)/multicolored [wu3 cai3 bin1 fen1] /all the colors in profusion (idiom); a garish displ [wu3 cai3 bin1 fen1] /colorful/ [Wu3 zhi3 shan1] /Wuzhi or Mount Five Finger, Hainan/Wuzhishan City, Hainan/ [Wu3 zhi3 shan1 shi4] /Wuzhishan City, Hainan/ [Wu3 dou3 mi3 Dao4] /Way of the Five Pecks of Rice (Taoist movement)/Way ial Master/ [wu3 fang1] /five directions, namely: east , south , west , north and [wu3 xun2 jie2] /Pentecost/ [wu3 xing1] /the five visible planets, namely: Mercury , Venus , Mars [wu3 xing1 hong2 qi2] /five-starred red flag (PRC national flag)/ [wu3 xing1 ji2] /five-star (hotel)/ [wu3 xing1 ji2 jiu3 dian4] /five-star hotel/ [wu3 geng1] /fifth of the five night watch periods 03:00-05:00 (old)/ [wu3 yue4] /May/fifth month (of the lunar year)/ [wu3 yue4 fen4] /May/ [wu3 yue4 jie2] /Dragon Boat Festival (the 5th day of the 5th lunar month)/ [wu3 quan2 xian4 fa3] /Sun Yat-sen's Five-power constitution of Republic n of Taiwan/The five courts or [yuan4] are [xing2 zheng4 yuan4] Executive yuan, 3 yuan4] Legislative yuan, [si1 fa3 yuan4] Judicial yuan, [kao3 shi4 yua yuan, [jian1 cha2 yuan4] Control yuan/ [wu3 bu4 she2] /Deinagkistrodon, a venomous pit viper/also called five-paced i.e. can grow to five paces)/ [wu3 mao2] /see [wu3 mao2 dang3]/ [wu3 mao2 dang3] /fifty cents party (person supposed to relay government prop on Internet sites)/ [wu3 yang3 hua4 er4 fan2] /Vanadium pentoxide V2O5/vanadic anhydride/ [Wu3 he2] /Wuhe county in Bengbu [Beng4 bu4], Anhui/Punjab, province of Pakis

[Wu3 he2 xian4] /Wuhe county in Bengbu [Beng4 bu4], Anhui/ [wu3 zhou1] /five continents/the world/ [Wu3 Liang2] /the five Liang of the Sixteen Kingdoms, namely: Former Liang , Later Liang (386-403), Northern Liang (398-439), Southern Liang Liang (400-421)/ [wu3 hu2 si4 hai3] /all over the world/everywhere under the sun/ [wu3 deng1 hui4 yuan2] /Song dynasty history of Zen Buddhism in China (12 ls/ [Wu3 ying2] /Wuying district of Yichun city [Yi1 chun1 shi4], Heilongjiang/ [Wu3 ying2 qu1] /Wuying district of Yichun city [Yi1 chun1 shi4], Heilo [wu3 huan2] /five rings/pentacyclic (chemistry)/ [wu3 huan2 hui4 hui1] /Olympic rings/ [wu3 wen1] /five chief demons of folklore personifying pestilence/ [wu3 wen1 shen2] /five chief demons of folklore personifying pestilence/cf fo emen of the apocalypse/ [wu3 tan4 tang2] /pentose (CH20)5, monosaccharide with five carbon atoms, suc bose [he2 tang2]/ [wu3 zu3 quan2] /Wuzuquan - "Five Ancestors" - Martial Art/ [wu3 gu3] /five crops, e.g. millet [su4], soya bean [dou4], sesame [ma2], b ], rice [dao4] or other variants/all crops/all grains/oats, peas, beans and barle y/ [wu3 bi3] /abbr. of , five stroke input method for Chinese chara , invented by Wang Yongmin in 1983/ [wu3 bi3 zi4 xing2] /five stroke input method for Chinese characters by n es, invented by Wang Yongmin in 1983/ [wu3 bi3 zi4 xing2] /Chinese character input method for entering characte d strokes/variant of / [wu3 bi3 bian1 ma3] /five-stroke code, Chinese character input method/ [wu3 bi3 shu1 ru4 fa3] /five stroke input method for Chinese characte kes, invented by Wang Yongmin in 1983/ [wu3 deng3 jue2 wei4] /five orders of feudal nobility, namely: Duke [go u2], Count [bo2], Viscount [zi3], Baron [nan2]/ [Wu3 liang2 ye4] /Wuliangye liquor/Five Grain liquor/ [wu3 ji2 shi4 guan1] /master sergeant/ [Wu3 jie2] /Wujie or Wuchieh township in Yilan county [Yi2 lan2 xian [Wu3 jie2 xiang1] /Wujie or Wuchieh township in Yilan county [Yi [Wu3 Jing1] /the Five Classics of Confucianism, namely: the Book of Songs ], the Book of History [Shu1 Jing1], the Classic of Rites [Li3 Ji4], the es [Yi4 Jing1], and the Spring and Autumn Annals [Chun1 Qiu1]/ [wu3 xian4 pu3] /(music) staff/stave/ [wu3 sheng1 yin1 jie1] /pentatonic scale/ [Wu3 gu3] /Wugu township in Taipei county [Tai2 bei3 xian4], Taiwan/ [Wu3 gu3 xiang1] /Wugu township in Taipei county [Tai2 bei3 xian [Wu3 Hu2] /five non-Han people, namely: Huns or Xiongnu [Xiong1 nu2], Xianbei i1], Jie [Jie2], Di [Di1], Qiang [Qiang1], esp. in connection with the Sixteen King doms 304-439 [wu3 hu2 shi2 liu4 guo2]/ [wu3 hu2 shi2 liu4 guo2] /Sixteen Kingdoms of five non-Han people (ru 304-439)/ [wu3 zang4] /five viscera of traditional Chinese medicine, namely: heart [xin1] ver [gan1], spleen [pi2], lungs [fei4] and kidneys [shen4]/ [wu3 zang4 liu4 fu3] /five viscera and six bowels of traditional Chinese [Wu3 tai2] /Wutai city and county in Xinzhou [Xin1 zhou1], Shanxi/ [Wu3 tai2 shan1] /Mt Wutai in Shanxi, one of the Four Sacred Mountains and Bo a of Manjushri / [Wu3 tai2 shi4] /Wutai city in Shanxi/ [Wu3 tai2 xian4] /Wutai county in Xinzhou [Xin1 zhou1], Shanxi/ [wu3 se4] /multi-colored/the rainbow/garish/ [wu3 se4 bin1 fen1] /all the colors in profusion (idiom); a garish displa [wu3 hua1 ba1 men2] /myriad/all kinds of/all sorts of/ [wu3 hua1 da4 bang3] /to bind a person's upper body, with arms tied behin

d rope looped around the neck/to truss up/ [wu3 hua1 rou4] /streaky pork/ [wu3 hua1 yan1 zhu1 rou4] /streaky bacon/ [wu3 ling2 san3] /wuling powder (decoction of poria mushroom used in traditio nese medicine)/poria five powder/Hoelen five powder/five ling powder/ [Wu3 hua2] /Wuhua county in Meizhou , Guangdong/Wuhua district of Kunming cit ng2 shi4], Yunnan/ [Wu3 hua2 qu1] /Wuhua district of Kunming city [Kun1 ming2 shi4], Yunna [Wu3 hua2 xian4] /Wuhua county in Meizhou , Guangdong/ [Wu3 lian2] /Wulian county in Rizhao [Ri4 zhao4], Shandong/ [Wu3 lian2 xian4] /Wulian county in Rizhao [Ri4 zhao4], Shandong/ [wu3 yun4] /the Five Aggregates (from Sanskrit "skandha") (Buddhism)/ [Wu3 hu3 jiang4] /Liu Bei's five great generals in Romance of the Three Kingd mely: Guan Yu , Zhang Fei , Zhao Yun , Ma Chao , Huang [wu3 hao4] /the fifth/fifth day of a month/ [wu3 hao4 dian4 chi2] /AA battery (PRC)/Taiwan equivalent: [wu3 xing2] /five phases of Chinese philosophy: wood , fire , earth , metal [wu3 hang2 ba1 zuo1] /all the trades/people of all trades and professions [wu3 jiao3] /pentagon/ [wu3 jiao3 da4 lou2] /the Pentagon/ [wu3 jiao3 da4 lou2 guan1 yuan2] /Pentagon official/ [wu3 jiao3 xing2] /pentagon/ [wu3 jiao3 xing1] /pentagram/ [wu3 yan2 jue2 ju4] /poetic form consisting of four lines of five syllabl es on first, second and fourth line/ [Wu3 tong1 qiao2] /Wutongqiao district of Leshan city [Le4 shan1 [Wu3 tong1 qiao2 qu1] /Wutongqiao district of Leshan city [L [Wu3 dao4 kou3] /Wudaokou neighborhood of Beijing/ [wu3 bian1 xing2] /pentagon/ [wu3 jin1] /metal hardware (nuts and bolts)/the five metals: gold, silver, copper iron and tin / [wu3 jin1 dian4] /hardware store/ironmonger's store/ [wu3 jin1 dian4 pu4] /hardware store/ [wu3 yuan4] /Five yuan or courts that formed the government of the Republic of Ch na under Sun Yat-sen's constitution, namely: [xing2 zheng4 yuan4] Executive yuan, fa3 yuan4] Legislative yuan, [si1 fa3 yuan4] Judicial yuan, [kao3 shi4 on yuan, [jian1 cha2 yuan4] Control yuan/ [wu3 ba4] /The Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period/ [wu3 yin1] /five notes of pentatonic scale, roughly do, re, mi, sol, la/five init al consonants of Chinese phonetics, namely: , , , , / [wu3 yin1 bu4 quan2] /tone deaf/unable to sing in tune/ [wu3 yin1 du4] /fifth (musical interval)/ [wu3 xiang4 quan2 neng2] /pentathlon/ [wu3 yan2 liu4 se4] /multi-colored/every color under the sun/ [wu3 xiang1] /five spice seasoned/incorporating the five basic flavors of Chinese cooking (sweet, sour, bitter, savory, salty)/ [wu3 xiang1 fen3] /five spices powder/ [wu3 ti3 tou2 di4] /to prostrate oneself in admiration (idiom); to adulat [wu3 gui3] /five chief demons of folklore personifying pestilence/also written [wu3 gui3 nao4 pan4] /Five ghosts mock the judge, or Five ghosts resist j e of folk opera, idiom); important personage mobbed by a crowd of ne'er-do-wells / [Jing3] /Jing, one of the 28 constellations of Chinese astronomy/surname Jing/ [jing3] /a well/CL:[kou3]/neat/orderly/ [jing3 xia4] /underground/in the pit (mining)/ [jing3 jing3] /orderly/tidy/ [jing3 jing3 you3 tiao2] /everything clear and orderly (idiom); neat and [jing3 kou3] /entrance to mine/ [jing3 pen1] /(oil) blowout/surge/gush/ [Jing3 gang1 Shan1] /Jinggang Mountains, in the Jiangxi-Hunan border region/

[Jing3 gang1 shan1] /Jinggangshan county level city in Ji'an , Jiangxi/ [Jing3 gang1 shan1 shi4] /Jinggangshan county level city in Ji'an , J [jing3 di3 zhi1 wa1] /a frog at the bottom of a well (idiom); fig. an ign [jing3 shui3 bu4 fan4 he2 shui3] /everyone minds their own busine [jing3 ran2] /tidy, methodical/ [jing3 ran2 you3 xu4] /everything clear and in good order (idiom); neat a [jing3 tian2] /the well-field system of ancient China/ [jing3 tian2 zhi4] /well-field system/ [Jing3 yan2] /Jingwan county in Leshan [Le4 shan1], Sichuan/ [Jing3 yan2 xian4] /Jingwan county in Leshan [Le4 shan1], Sichuan/ [jing3 hao4] /number sign # (punctuation)/hash symbol/pound sign/ [jing3 wa1 zhi1 jian4] /the view of a frog in a well (idiom); fig. a narr [Jing3 xing2] /Jingxing county in Shijiazhuang [Shi2 jia1 zhuang1], [Jing3 xing2 kuang4] /Jingxingkuang district of Shijiazhuang city Hebei/ [Jing3 xing2 kuang4 qu1] /Jingxingkuang district of Shijiazhuang city ], Hebei/ [Jing3 xing2 xian4] /Jingxing county in Shijiazhuang [Shi2 jia1 [gen4] /extending all the way across/running all the way through/ [gen4 gu3] /throughout time/from ancient times (up to the present)/ [gen4 gu3 wei4 you3] /unprecedented/never seen since ancient times/ [gen4 gu3 tong1 jin1] /from ancient times up to now/throughout history/ [xie1] /some/few/several/measure word indicating a small amount or small number (greater than 1)/ [xie1 xu3] /a few/a little/a bit/ [ya4] /Japanese variant of / [ya4] /Asia/Asian/second/next to/inferior/sub-/Taiwan pr. [ya3]/ [Ya4 ding1] /Aden/ [Ya4 ding1 Wan1] /Gulf of Aden/ [Ya4 bo2] /Abe (short form for Abraham)/Abel, a figure of Jewish, Christian and M slim mythologies/ [Ya4 bo2 la1 han3] /Abraham (name)/Abraham, father of Judaism and Islam i nd Quran/same as Ibrahim / [Ya4 men5] /Amon (son of Manasseh)/ [Ya4 lun2] /Aaron (name)/ [ya4 ke4 li4] /acrylic/ [Ya4 li4 an1 na4] /Ariane (French space rocket)/ [Ya4 li4 sang1 na4 zhou1] /state of Arizona/ [Ya4 li4 sang1 na4] /Arizona/ [Ya4 li4 sang1 na4 zhou1] /Arizona/ [Ya4 li4 shan1 da4 di4] /Alexander the Great/ [Ya4 nu3 ke1 wei2 qi2] /Viktor Feyedov Yanukovych (1950-) Ukrainian p [ya4 yuan2 zi3] /sub-atomic/ [Ya4 ha1 si1] /Ahaz (son of Jotham)/ [Ya4 ka1 ba1] /Aqaba (port city in Jordan)/ [ya4 dan1 wei4] /sub-unit/ [Ya4 Tai4] /Asia-Pacific/ [Ya4 Tai4 qu1] /Asian area/the Far East/Asia Pacific region/ [Ya4 Tai4 jing1 he2 hui4] /APEC (Asia Pacific economic cooperation)/ [Ya4 Tai4 Jing1 He2 Zu3 zhi1] /APEC (organization)/ [Ya4 Tai4 Jing1 ji4 He2 zuo4 Zu3 zhi1] /Asian-Pacific Eco [ya4 ba1 lang2] /Abraham (name)/ [Ya4 ping2 ning4] /Apennine (Mountains)/ [Ya4 fu2 lie4] /Alfred (name)/ [Ya4 de2 li3 ya4 Hai3] /Adriatic Sea/ [Ya4 suo3] /Azor (son of Eliakim and father of Zadok in Matthew 1:13-14)/ [Ya4 la1 ba1 ma3] /Alabama, US state/ [Ya4 la1 ba1 ma3 zhou1] /Alabama, US state/ [Ya4 sa1] /Asa (?-870 BC), third king of Judah and fifth king of the House of Dav d (Judaism)/

[ya4 wen2 hua4] /subculture/ [Ya4 man4 ya2] /Yamanya township in Shule county, Kashgar, Xinjiang/ [Ya4 man4 ya2 xiang1] /Yamanya township in Shule county, Kashgar, Xinjian [Ya4 dong1] /Yadong county, Tibetan: Gro mo rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet [Ya4 dong1 xian4] /Yadong county, Tibetan: Gro mo rdzong, in Shigatse prefect bet/ [Ya4 song1 sen1] /Asuncin, capital of Paraguay/ [Ya4 ge2 men2 nong2] /Agamemnon/ [Ya4 Ou1] /Asia and Europe/Eurasian (continent)/same as / [Ya4 ou1 da4 lu4] /Eurasian continent/ [ya4 ou1 da4 lu4 qiao2] /New Asia-Europe Land Bridge/rail line from C l Asia to Europe/ [Ya4 ou1 da4 lu4 fu4 di4] /Eurasian hinterland (i.e. Central Asia [Ya4 li4 shan1 da4] /Alexander (name)/Alexandria (town name)/ [Ya4 li4 shan1 da4 Du4 bu4 qie1 ke4] /Alexander Dub -1969)/ [Ya4 li4 shan1 da4 da4 di4] /Alexander the Great (356-323 BC)/ [Ya4 li4 shan1 da4 li3 ya4] /Alexandria/ [Ya4 bi3 li4 ni2] /Abilene/ [Ya4 bi3 yu4] /Abiud (son of Zerubbabel)/ [Ya4 zhou1] /Asia/Asian/ [Ya4 zhou1 Zhou1 kan1] /Asiaweek (current affairs magazine)/ [Ya4 zhou1 Tai4 ping2 yang2 di4 qu1] /Asia-Pacific region/ [Ya4 zhou1 bei1] /Asian cup/ [Ya4 zhou1 bei1] /Asian cup/ [Ya4 zhou1 yu3 Tai4 ping2 yang2] /Asia-Pacific/ [Ya4 zhou1 yu3 Tai4 ping2 yang2 di4 qu1] /Asia-Pacific re [Ya4 zhou1 Zu2 qiu2 Lian2 he2 hui4] /Asian Football Confedera [Ya4 zhou1 Kai1 fa1 Yin2 hang2] /Asian Development Bank/ [ya4 re4 dai4] /subtropical (zone or climate)/ [ya4 fu4] /(term of respect) second only to father/like a father (to me)/ [ya4 er3 fa1 he2 ao4 mi3 jia1] /Alpha and Omega/ [Ya4 te4 lan2 da4] /Atlanta/ [Ya4 chen1] /Aachen, city in Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany/Aix-la-Chapelle/ [Ya4 se4] /Arthur (name)/ [Ya4 se4 shi4] /ASICS (Japanese footwear brand)/ [Ya4 se4 wang2] /King Arthur/ [Ya4 dang1] /Adam/ [Ya4 dang1 Si1 mi4] /Adam Smith (1723-1790), Scottish ethical philo onomist, author of The Wealth of Nations / [Ya4 dang1 si1] /Adams/ [Ya4 dang1 si1 dun1] /Adamstown, capital of the Pitcairn Islands/ [Ya4 di4 si1 Ya4 bei4 ba1] /Addis Ababa, capital of Ethiopia/ [ya4 mu4] /suborder (taxonomy)/ [ya4 shen1] /arsenous/ [ya4 shen1 suan1] /arsenous acid/ [ya4 xiao1 suan1] /nitrous acid/ [ya4 xiao1 suan1 yi4 wu4 zhi3] /amyl nitrite/ [ya4 xiao1 suan1 na4] /sodium nitrite/ [ya4 xiao1 suan1 yan2] /nitrite/ [ya4 liu2 suan1] /sulfurous acid/ [ya4 ke1] /subfamily (taxonomy)/ [ya4 zhong3] /subspecies (taxonomy)/ [Ya4 mu4 su1 ke4 luo2] /Yamoussoukro (city in the Ivory Coast)/ [ya4 fu2 hao4 mo2 xing2] /subsymbolic model/ [Ya4 mi3 na2 da2] /Amminadab (son of Ram)/ [Ya4 xi4 ya4] /Asia/Asian continent/ [ya4 xi4 ya4 zhou1] /Asia/Asian continent/ [ya4 gang1] /subclass (taxonomy)/ [Ya4 luo2 shi4 da3] /Alor Star city, capital of Kedah state in northwest

[Ya4 luo2 hao4] /the Arrow (a Hong Kong registered ship involved in historica ent in 1856 used as pretext for the second Opium War)/ [Ya4 luo2 hao4 shi4 jian4] /the Arrow incident of 1856 (used as prete pium War)/ [Ya4 mei3 ni2 ya4] /Armenia, capital Yerevan [Ai1 li3 wen1]/ [ya4 sheng4] /Second Sage, traditional title of Mencius [Meng4 zi3] in Confuc dies/ [ya4 lin2 jie4] /subcritical/ [Ya4 lan2] /Ram (son of Hezron)/ [Ya4 yi4] /of Asian descent/ [Ya4 xi1 er3 A1 la1 fa3 te4] /Mohammed Abdel Rahman Abd 929-2004), Palestinian leader, popularly known as Yasser Arafat/ [ya4 ci2 hui4 dan1 yuan2] /sublexical units/ [ya4 ci2 gui1 ze2] /sub-word regularity/ [ya4 gai1 ya4] /Achaia/ [ya4 jun1] /second place (in a sports contest)/runner-up/ [Ya4 su4 Hai3] /Sea of Azov in southern Russia/ [Ya4 su4 er3 qun2 dao3] /Azores Islands/ [Ya4 yun4] /Asian Games/ [ya4 yun4 hui4] /Asian games/ [Ya4 yun4 cun1] /Yayuncun neighborhood of Beijing/ [Ya4 da2 xue1 xi1] /Artaxerxes/ [Ya4 li3 shi4 duo1 de2] /Aristotle (384-322 BC), Greek philosopher/ [Ya4 li3 si1 duo1 de2] /Aristotle (philosopher)/ [Ya4 jin1] /Achim (son of Zadok in Matthew 1:14)/ [ya4 tie3] /ferrous/ [ya4 men2] /subdivision/subphylum (taxonomy)/ [ya4 yin1 jie2 dan1 wei4] /sub-syllabic unit/ [ya4 lei4] /subtype/subclass/ [Ya4 ma3 sun1] /Amazon/ [Ya4 ma3 sun1 he2] /Amazon river/ [Ya4 ma3 xun4] /Amazon/ [Ya4 ma3 xun4 he2] /Amazon River/ [ya4 ma2] /flax/ [ya4 ma2 zi3 you2] /linseed oil/ [ya4 ma2 bu4] /linen/ [ya4 ma2 suan1] /linolenic acid/ [Ya4 qi2] /Aceh province of Indonesia in northwest Sumatra/Aceh sultanate 16th-19 h century/ [Ya4 qi2 sheng3] /Aceh province of Indonesia in northwest Sumatra/ [Ya4 long2 wan1] /Yalong Bay in Sanya [San1 ya4], Hainan/ [ji2] /urgent/ [qi4] /repeatedly/frequently/ [ji2 dai4] /see [ji2 dai4]/ [wang2] /to die/to lose/to be gone/to flee/deceased/ [wang2 yi4] /nonextant/lost to the ages/ [wang2 bing1 ji4 nian4 ri4] /Memorial Day (American holiday)/ [wang2 ming4] /to flee/to go into exile (from prison)/ [wang2 ming4 zhi1 tu2] /runaway (idiom); desperate criminal/fugitive/ [wang2 guo2] /country (of bygone years) that has vanished/a kingdom destroyed (by war)/a state heading for destruction/ [wang2 guo2 mie4 zhong3] /country destroyed, its people annihilated (idio truction/ [wang2 guo2 lu3] /refugee from a destroyed country/ [wang2 mu3] /deceased mother/ [wang2 yang2 bu3 lao2] /lit. to mend the pen after sheep are lost (idiom) belatedly/better late than never/to lock the stable door after the horse has bol ted/ [wang2 zhe3] /the deceased/ [wang2 ling2] /departed spirit/

[Kang4] /surname Kang/Kang, one of the 28 constellations/ [kang4] /high/overbearing/excessive/ [kang4 fen4] /excited/stimulated/ [kang4 han4] /severe drought (literary)/ [kang4 zhi2] /upright and unyielding (literary)/ [kang4 jin4] /hyperfunction (medical)/ [jiao1] /to hand over/to deliver/to pay (money)/to turn over/to make friends/to intersect (lines)/ [jiao1 jiu3] /the coldest period of the year/three nine day periods after the win er solstice/ [jiao1 hu4] /mutual/each other/alternately/in turn/ [jiao1 fu4] /to hand over/to deliver/ [jiao1 dai4] /to hand over/to explain/to make clear/to brief (sb)/to account for/ o justify oneself/to confess/to finish (colloquial)/ [jiao1 bing4] /occurring simultaneously/ [jiao1 bao3] /to post bail/bail/ [jiao1 bao3 shi4 fang4] /to release sb on bail/ [jiao1 bing1] /in a state of war/ [jiao1 chu1] /to hand over/ [jiao1 ge1] /delivery (commerce)/ [jiao1 jia1] /to occur at the same time (of two things)/to be mingled/to accompan each other/ [jiao1 hui4] /to flow together/confluence (of rivers, airflow, roads)/(internatio al) cooperation/ [jiao1 hui4 chu4] /confluence (of two rivers)/ [jiao1 juan4] /to hand in one's examination script/ [jiao1 xie4] /to hand over to a successor/to relinquish one's office/ [jiao1 cha1] /to cross/to intersect/to overlap/ [jiao1 cha1 kou3] /(road) intersection/ [jiao1 cha1 xue2 ke1] /interdisciplinary/interdisciplinary subject (in sc [jiao1 cha1 huo3 li4] /crossfire/ [jiao1 cha1 nai4 yao4 xing4] /cross-tolerance/ [jiao1 cha1 yun4 qiu2] /crossover dribble (basketball)/ [jiao1 cha1 yin1 ying3 xian4] /hatched lines/cross-hatched graphic pa [jiao1 cha1 dian3] /junction/crossroads/intersection point/ [jiao1 you3] /to make friends/ [Jiao1 kou3] /Jiaokou county in Lliang [Lu:3 liang2], Shanxi / [jiao1 kou3 cheng1 yu4] /voices unanimous in praise (idiom); with an exte reputation/ [Jiao1 kou3 xian4] /Jiaokou county in Lliang [Lu:3 liang2], Shanxi [jiao1 he2] /sexual intercourse/to copulate/ [jiao1 kun4] /beset with difficulties/ [Jiao1 cheng2] /Jiaocheng county in Lliang [Lu:3 liang2], Shanxi / [Jiao1 cheng2 xian4] /Jiaocheng county in Lliang [Lu:3 liang2], Sha [Jiao1 da4] /Jiaotong University/University of Communications/abbr. of ue2]/ [jiao1 qi4] /friendship/ [jiao1 gou4] /to have sex/to copulate/ [jiao1 wei3] /to copulate (of animals)/to mate/ [jiao1 zhang4] /to settle accounts/ [jiao1 hui4] /variant of /to flow together/confluence (of rivers, airflo ternational) cooperation/ [jiao1 wang3] /to associate/to contact/association/contact/ [jiao1 dai4] /variant of [jiao1 dai4]/ [jiao1 qing5] /friendship/emotional relations between people/ [jiao1 e4] /to become enemies/to become hostile towards/ [jiao1 gan3 shen2 jing1] /sympathetic nervous system/ [jiao1 zhan4] /to fight/to wage war/ [jiao1 shou3] /to fight hand to hand/ [jiao1 tuo1] /to entrust/

[jiao1 bai4] /to bow to one another/to kneel and kowtow to one another/formal kow ow as part of traditional wedding ceremony/ [jiao1 jie1] /to link/to connect/to attach/to transfer/to hand over to/to take ov r from/to join with/to turn into/to associate with/to have friendly relations wi th/a relay/a change-over/juncture/turn-around/transition/to copulate/ [jiao1 jie1 ban1] /to change shift/ [jiao1 huan4] /to exchange/to swap/to switch (telecom)/commutative (math)/to comm te/ [jiao1 huan4 dai4 shu4] /(math.) commutative algebra/ [jiao1 huan4 dai4 shu4 xue2] /(math.) commutative algebra/ [jiao1 huan4 yi3 tai4 wang3 luo4] /switched Ethernet/ [jiao1 huan4 jia4 zhi2] /exchange value/ [jiao1 huan4 qi4] /(telecom or network) switch/ [jiao1 huan4 lu:4] /commutative law xy = yx (math)/ [jiao1 huan4 ji4 shu4] /switching technology/ [jiao1 huan4 ji1] /switch (telecommunications)/ [jiao1 huan4 ma3] /interchange code/computer coding for characters, including e/ [jiao1 huan4 duan1] /switched port/ [jiao1 huan4 wang3 lu4] /switched network/ [jiao1 huan4 xu1 dian4 lu4] /Switched Virtual Circuit/SVC/ [jiao1 yi4] /(business) transaction/business deal/CL: [bi3]/ [jiao1 yi4 yuan2] /dealer/trader/ [jiao1 yi4 shi4 chang3] /exchange/trading floor/ [jiao1 yi4 suo3] /exchange/stock exchange/ [jiao1 yi4 ri4] /working day (in banking, share trading)/ [jiao1 yi4 hui4] /trade fair/ [jiao1 yi4 zhe3] /dealer/ [jiao1 yi4 e2] /sum or volume of business transactions/turnover/ [jiao1 ti4] /to replace/alternately/in turn/ [jiao1 hui4] /to encounter/to rendezvous/to converge/to meet (a payment)/ [jiao1 peng2 you5] /to make friends/to start an affair with sb/ [jiao1 bei1 jiu3] /formal exchange of cups of wine between bride and groom as ional wedding ceremony/ [jiao1 kuan3 dan1] /payment slip/ [jiao1 huan1] /to have cordial relations with each other/to have sexual intercour e/ [jiao1 liu2] /exchange/give-and-take/to exchange/to alternate/communication/alter ating current (electricity)/ [jiao1 liu2 dian4] /alternating current/ [jiao1 she4] /to negotiate/relating to/ [jiao1 qian3 yan2 shen1] /deep in conversation with a comparative strange [jiao1 huo3] /fire-fight/shooting/ [jiao1 ban1] /to hand over to the next workshift/ [jiao1 jie4] /common boundary/common border/ [jiao1 jie2] /to sleep/lit. one's eyelids join/ [jiao1 liang2 ben3] /to hand in one's ration cards/to die/ [jiao1 na4] /to pay (taxes or dues)/ [jiao1 jie2] /to associate with/to mix with/to connect/ [jiao1 gei3] /to give/to deliver/to hand over/ [jiao1 zhi1] /to interweave/ [jiao1 bi4] /linking arms/arm in arm/very close/ [jiao1 bi4 shi1 zhi1] /to miss sb by a narrow chance/to miss an opportuni [jiao1 yu3] /to hand over/ [jiao1 rong2] /to blend/to mix/ [jiao1 jiao3] /angle of intersection/angle at which two lines meet/ [jiao1 yi4] /association/communion/friendship/ [jiao1 yi4 wu3] /social dance/ballroom dancing/ [jiao1 tan2] /to discuss/to converse/chat/discussion/ [jiao1 jing3] /traffic police/abbr. for /

[jiao1 bian4] /half-period of a wave motion/alternation/ [jiao1 bian4 liu2 dian4] /alternating current/same as / [jiao1 bian4 dian4 liu2] /alternating current (electricity)/also written [jiao1 huo4] /to deliver goods/ [jiao1 huo4 qi1] /delivery period/ [Jiao1 zhi3] /former southernmost province of the Chinese Empire, now northern Vi tnam/ [jiao1 ban4] /to assign (a task to sb)/ [jiao1 tong1] /to be connected/traffic/communications/liaison/ [jiao1 tong1 xie2 guan3 yuan2] /traffic warden/ [jiao1 tong1 ka3] /public transportation card/prepaid transit card/subway pas [jiao1 tong1 du3 se4] /traffic jam/congestion/ [Jiao1 tong1 Da4 xue2] /Jiaotong University (several)/University of Commu [jiao1 tong1 jian4 she4] /transport infrastructure/ [jiao1 tong1 yi4 wai4] /traffic accident/car crash/ [jiao1 tong1 yong1 ji3] /traffic congestion/ [jiao1 tong1 shu1 niu3] /traffic hub/ [jiao1 tong1 guan3 li3 ju2] /department of transport/ [jiao1 tong1 zhao4 shi4 zui4] /culpable driving causing serious damag [jiao1 tong1 jing3 cha2] /traffic police/abbr. to / [jiao1 tong1 fei4] /transport costs/ [jiao1 tong1 che1] /shuttle bus/ [jiao1 tong1 bu4] /Ministry of Transport/Transport Department/ [Jiao1 tong1 Yin2 hang2] /Bank of Communications/ [jiao1 tong1 zu3 se4] /traffic jam/ [jiao1 you2] /to have friendly relationships/circle of friends/ [jiao1 yun4] /to meet with luck/to hand over for transportation/ [jiao1 huan2] /to return sth/to hand back/ [jiao1 pei4] /mating/copulation (esp. of animals)/ [jiao1 feng1] /to cross swords/to have a confrontation (with sb)/ [jiao1 qian2] /to pay up/to shell out/to hand over the money to cover sth/ [jiao1 cuo4] /to crisscross/to intertwine/ [jiao1 ji4] /communication/social intercourse/ [jiao1 ji2] /intersection (set theory)/ [jiao1 xiang3] /symphony, symphonic/ [jiao1 xiang3 qu3] /symphony/ [jiao1 xiang3 yue4] /symphony/ [jiao1 xiang3 yue4 tuan2] /orchestra/ [jiao1 xiang3 yue4 dui4] /symphony orchestra/ [jiao1 xiang3 jin1 shu3] /symphonic metal (pop music)/heavy metal with sy nsions/ [jiao1 tou2 jie1 er3] /to whisper to one another's ear/ [jiao1 chi2] /continuously circling one another/to buzz around/ [jiao1 dian3] /meeting point/point of intersection/ [hai4] /12th earthly branch: 9-11 p.m., 10th solar month (7th November-6th Decem ber), year of the Boar/ [hai4 shi2] /9-11 pm/ [hai4 zhu1] /Year 12, year of the Boar (e.g. 2007)/ [yi4] /also/ [yi4 zuo4] /also written as/ [yi4 ji2] /namely/that is/ [yi4 huo4] /or/ [yi4 cheng1] /also known as/alternative name/to also be called/ [Yi4 zhuang1] /Yizhuang town in Beijing municipality/ [heng1] /prosperous/henry (unit of inductance)/ [Heng1 li4] /Henry (name)/henry (unit of inductance)/ [Heng1 li4 Ha1 de2 xun4] /Henry Hudson (?-1611?), English explo [Heng1 li4 wu3 shi4] /Henry V (1387-1422), English warrior king, victor o istory of Henry V by William Shakespeare / [Heng1 de2 er3] /Handel (name)/George Frideric Handel (1685-1759), German-bor

ue composer, naturalized British in 1727/ [Heng1 ge2 luo4] /Hengelo, city in the Netherlands/ [Heng1 te4] /Hunter/ [Heng1 te4 Tai4 luo2] /Hunter Tylo (Hollywood actress)/ [heng1 zuo4] /to prosper/to flourish/ [heng1 tong1] /to go smoothly/prosperous/going well/ [xx5] /one of the characters used in kwukyel (phonetic "ye"), an ancient Korean writing system/ [xiang3] /to enjoy/to benefit/to have the use of/ [xiang3 shou4] /to enjoy/to live it up/pleasure/CL: [zhong3]/ [xiang3 ming2] /to enjoy a reputation/ [xiang3 guo2] /to reign/on the throne/ [xiang3 nian2] /to live to the (ripe) age of/ [xiang3 you3] /to enjoy (rights, privileges etc)/ [xiang3 le4] /to seek pleasure/ [xiang3 le4 zhu3 yi4] /hedonism/ [xiang3 le4 zhu3 yi4 zhe3] /hedonist/ [xiang3 qing1 fu2] /living in ease and comfort/ [xiang3 yong4] /to enjoy the use of/to take pleasure from/ [xiang3 fu2] /to live comfortably/happy and prosperous life/ [xiang3 yu4] /to enjoy a reputation/ [Jing1] /abbr. for Beijing/surname Jing/Jing ethnic minority/ [jing1] /capital city of a country/big/algebraic term for a large number (old)/a rtificial mound (old)/ [Jing1 Jiu3 Tie3 lu4] /JingJiu (Beijing-Kowloon) railway/ [jing1 er4 hu2] /jing'erhu, a two-stringed fiddle intermediate in size and pi ween the jinghu and erhu , used to accompany Chinese opera/also called / [jing1 zhao4] /capital of a country/ [Jing1 ju4] /Beijing opera/CL: [chang3],[chu1]/ [Jing1 kou3] /Jingkou district of Zhenjiang city [Zhen4 jiang1 shi4] [Jing1 kou3 qu1] /Jingkou district of Zhenjiang city [Zhen4 jian [Jing1 Ha1] /Beijing-Harbin/ [Jing1 Ha1 tie3 lu4] /Beijing-Harbin railway/ [jing1 cheng2] /capital of a country/ [Jing1 bao4] /Peking Gazette (official government bulletin)/ [Jing1 shan1] /Jingshan county in Jingmen [Jing1 men2], Hubei/ [Jing1 shan1 xian4] /Jingshan county in Jingmen [Jing1 men2], Hubei/ [jing1 shi1] /capital of a country (literary)/ [Jing1 Guang3] /Beijing and Guangdong/ [Jing1 Guang3 Tie3 lu4] /Jing-Guang (Beijing-Guangzhou) Railway/ [Jing1 xi4] /Beijing Opera/CL:[chu1]/ [Jing1 si1 dun1] /Kingstown, capital of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines/ [Jing1 zu2] /Vietnamese ethnic group in south China/ [Jing1 Hang2 Da4 yun4 he2] /the Grand canal, 1800 km from Beijing to rting from 486 BC/ [Jing1 Hang2 yun4 he2] /the Grand canal, 1800 km from Beijing to Hangzhou ing from 486 BC/ [Jing1 Jin1] /Beijing and Tianjin/ [Jing1 Hu4] /Beijing and Shanghai/ [Jing1 Hu4 gao1 tie3] /Beijing and Shanghai express rail link (projected) [Jing1 ji1] /Gyeonggi Province, South Korea, surrounding Seoul and Incheon, capit l Suweon City [Shui3 yuan2 shi4]/ [jing1 ji1] /capital city and its surrounding area/ [Jing1 ji1 dao4] /Gyeonggi Province, South Korea, surrounding Seoul and Inche ital Suweon City [Shui3 yuan2 shi4]/ [jing1 hu2] /jinghu, a smaller, higher-pitched erhu (two-stringed fiddle) us ccompany Chinese opera/also called / [Jing1 hua4 shi2 bao4] /Beijing Times (newspaper)/ [Jing1 jiao1] /suburbs of Beijing/ [Jing1 jiao1 ri4 bao4] /Beijing Suburbs Daily (newspaper),

[Jing1 du1] /Kyoto, Japan/ [jing1 du1] /capital (of a country)/ [Jing1 du1 fu3] /Kyto prefecture in central Japan/ [Jing1 du1 nian4 ci2 an1 pi2 pa2 gao1] /Nin Jiom Pei Pa K bal remedy/condensed loquat extract/ [ting2] /pavilion/booth/kiosk/erect/ [ting2 ting2 yu4 li4] /slender and elegant (of a woman)/ [ting2 zi5] /pavilion/ [Ting2 hu2] /Tinghu district of Yancheng city [Yan2 cheng2 shi4], Ji [Ting2 hu2 qu1] /Tinghu district of Yancheng city [Yan2 cheng2 s [ting2 ge2] /kiosk/ [liang4] /bright/clear/resonant/to shine/to show/to reveal/ [liang4 guang1] /light/beam of light/gleam of light/light reflected from an objec / [liang4 chu1] /to suddenly reveal/to flash (one's ID, a banknote etc)/ [liang4 tang2] /a magnificent pavilion/ [liang4 du4] /illumination/ [liang4 cai3] /a bright color/sparkle/shine/glitter/ [liang4 xing1] /bright star/ [liang4 xing1 yun2] /emission nebula/ [liang4 an1 suan1] /leucine (Leu), an essential amino acid/ [liang4 xiang4] /a still pose on stage/to appear in public/to reveal one's positi n/to see the light of day/ [liang4 jun1] /Armillariella tabescens (mushroom used in trad. Chinese medicine)/ [liang4 jun1 jia3 su4] /armillarisin (fungal enzyme used as antibiotic)/ [liang4 shan3 shan3] /bright/ [liang4 shi4] /diamant/ [liang4 li4] /bright and beautiful/ [liang4 dian3] /highlight/bright spot/ [Bo2] /name of district in Anhui/capital of Yin/ [Bo2 zhou1] /Bozhou prefecture level city in Anhui/ [Bo2 zhou1 shi4] /Bozhou prefecture level city in Anhui/ [Dan3] /surname Dan/ [dan3] /sincere/ [men2] /mountain pass/defile (archaic)/ [wei3] /resolute/ [wei3 wei3] /diligently/relentlessly/pressing forward/ [wei3 wei3 bu4 juan4] /on and on/relentlessly/ [ren2] /man/person/people/CL: [ge4],[wei4]/ [ren2 ding1] /number of people in a family/population/(old) adult males/male serv nts/ [ren2 bu4 ke3 mao4 xiang4] /you can't judge a person by appearance (i ge a book by its cover/often in combination [ren2 bu4 ke3 mao4 xian ou3 liang4]/ [ren2 bu4 ke3 mao4 xiang4 , hai3 shui3 bu ust as you can't measure the sea with a pint pot. (idiom)/ [ren2 bu4 wei4 ji3 , tian1 zhu1 di4 mie4] /Look out f ne to destroy you./Every man for himself, and the Devil take the hindmost./ [ren2 bu4 zhi1 gui3 bu4 jue2] /in absolute secrecy/ [ren2 shi4] /human world/ [ren2 shi4 jian1] /the secular world/ [ren2 zhong1] /philtrum/infranasal depression/the "human center" acupuncture poin / [ren2 zhi1 chu1] /man at birth (is fundamentally good in nature)/the first li hree character classic [San1 zi4 jing1]/ [ren2 zhi1 chu1 , xing4 ben3 shan4] /man at birth is fundamen two lines of Three character classic [San1 zi4 jing1]/ [ren2 zhi1 chang2 qing2] /such is human nature (idiom)/only natural/ [ren2 shi4] /human affairs/ways of the world/consciousness of the world/what is h manly possible/personnel matters/sexual awareness/sexual passion/facts of life/

[ren2 shi4 guan3 li3] /personal management/ [ren2 shi4 bu4 men2] /personnel office/ [ren2 yun2 yi4 yun2] /to say what everyone says (idiom); a yes-man/ [ren2 wu3 ren2 liu4] /to make a show of being decent and proper/to displa pocritical behavior/ [ren2 ren2] /everyone/every person/ [ren2 ren2 you3 ze2] /it is everyone's duty/ [ren2 wei4 xiang1 yi2] /to be the right person for the job (idiom)/ [ren2 bao3] /personal guarantee/to sign as guarantor/ [ren2 men5] /people/ [ren2 ou3 xi4] /puppet show/ [ren2 jie2] /outstanding talent/wise and able person/illustrious individual/ [ren2 jie2 di4 ling2] /illustrious hero, spirit of the place (idiom); a p reflected glory from an illustrious son/ [ren2 chuan2 ren2] /transmitted person-to-person/ [ren2 r5] /figurine/ [ren2 li4] /manpower/labor power/ [ren2 li4 zi1 yuan2] /human resources/ [ren2 li4 che1] /rickshaw/ [ren2 li4 che1 fu1] /rickshaw puller/ [ren2 qu4 lou2 kong1] /people are gone, the tower is empty; cf Yellow Cra poem by Cui Hao , with theme the past will never return/nostalgia for old friends/ [ren2 shen1] /ginseng/ [ren2 cong2] /crowd of people/ [ren2 kou3] /population/ [ren2 kou3 xue2] /demography/ [ren2 kou3 mi4 du4] /population density/ [ren2 kou3 shu4] /population/ [ren2 kou3 pu3 cha2] /census/ [ren2 kou3 chou2 mi4] /populous/ [ren2 kou3 tong3 ji4 xue2] /population studies/population statistics/ [ren2 kou3 diao4 cha2] /census/ [ren2 kou3 fan4 yun4] /trafficking in persons/human trafficking/ [ren2 ge4 you3 suo3 hao4] /everyone has their likes and dislikes/ther for taste/chacun son got/ [ren2 ming2] /personal name/ [ren2 ming4] /human life/CL: [tiao2]/ [ren2 ming4 guan1 tian1] /human life is beyond value (idiom)/ [ren2 pin3] /moral standing/moral quality/character/personality/appearance/looks colloquial)/bearing/ [ren2 yuan2] /staff/crew/personnel/CL: [ge4]/ [ren2 kun4 ma3 fa2] /riders tired and horses weary/worn out/exhausted/spe [ren2 zai4 jiang1 hu2 , shen1 bu4 you2 ji3] /you can' se in this world (idiom)/ [ren2 jun1] /per capita/ [ren2 shi4] /person/figure/public figure/ [ren2 shou4 bao3 xian3] /life insurance/ [ren2 shou4 nian2 feng1] /long-lived people, rich harvests (idiom); stabl t society/prosperity/ [ren2 duo1 shi4 zhong4] /many men, a great force (idiom); many hands prov ength/There is safety in numbers./ [Ren2 da4] /(Chinese) National People's Congress/abbr. for ui4]/ [ren2 yao1] /freak/demon/transvestite/transsexual/ladyboy/written r.y. in current slang/ [ren2 zi3] /son of man/ [ren2 zi4 tuo1] /flip flops/abbr. for / [ren2 zi4 tuo1 xie2] /flip flops/flip-flop sandals/thongs/see also [ren2 ding4] /middle of the night/the dead of night/ [ren2 ding4 sheng4 tian1] /man can conquer nature (idiom); human wisdom c

er nature/ [ren2 jia1] /household/dwelling/family/sb else's house/household business/house o woman's husband-to-be/CL: [hu4],[jia1]/ [ren2 jia5] /other people/sb else/he, she or they/I, me (referring to oneself as one" or "people")/ [ren2 huan2] /world/earthly world/ [ren2 jian1 r5] /outstanding individual/person of great ability/ [ren2 ju1] /human habitat/ [ren2 shan1 ren2 hai3] /multitude/vast crowd/ [ren2 gong1] /artificial/manpower/manual work/ [ren2 gong1 shou4 yun4] /artificial insemination/ [ren2 gong1 hu1 xi1] /artificial respiration (medicine)/ [ren2 gong1 dao3] /artificial island/ [ren2 gong1 shou4 jing1] /artificial insemination/ [ren2 gong1 zhi4 hui4] /artificial intelligence/ [ren2 gong1 zhi4 neng2] /artificial intelligence (AI)/ [ren2 gong1 gai4 nian4] /artificial concept/ [ren2 gong1 he2] /canal/man-made waterway/ [ren2 gong1 liu2 chan3] /abortion/ [ren2 gong1 zhao4 liang4] /artificial lighting/ [ren2 xing2] /human shape/in human form/of human appearance/doll/puppet/ [ren2 cong2] /retinue/hangers-on/ [ren2 xin1] /popular feeling/the will of the people/ [ren2 xin1 bu4 zu2 she2 tun1 xiang4] /a man who is never cont wallow an elephant (idiom)/ [ren2 xin1 guo3] /sapodilla, a tropical fruit bearing tree/ [ren2 xin1 nan2 ce4] /hard to fathom a person's mind (idiom)/ [ren2 pa4 chu1 ming2 zhu1 pa4 fei2] /lit. people fear getting g up (for the slaughter)/fig. fame has its price/ [ren2 pa4 chu1 ming2 , zhu1 pa4 zhuang4] /Man should fear / [ren2 xing4] /human nature/humanity/human/the totality of human attributes/ [ren2 qing2] /reason/human emotions/human interaction/social relationship/friends ip/favor/a good turn/ [ren2 qing2 shi4 gu4] /worldly wisdom/the ways of the world/to know how t he world/ [ren2 qing2 wei4 r5] /real human interest/ [ren2 shou3] /manpower/staff/human hand/ [ren2 shou3 dong4] /manually controlled/ [ren2 cai2] /a person's talent/talented person/distinguished person/a talent (wor h head-hunting)/person's looks/an attractive woman/used interchangeably with /CL: [ e4]/ [ren2 cai2 wai4 liu2] /brain drain/ [ren2 cai2 liu2 shi1] /brain drain/outflow of talent/ [ren2 cai2 ji3 ji3] /talented people are extremely useful (idiom)/ [ren2 shu4] /number of people/ [ren2 wen2] /humanities/human affairs/culture/ [ren2 wen2 zhu3 yi4] /humanism/ [ren2 wen2 di4 li3 xue2] /human geography/ [ren2 wen2 xue2] /humanities/ [ren2 wen2 jing3 guan1] /place of cultural interest/ [ren2 wen2 she4 hui4 xue2 ke1] /humanities and social sciences/ [ren2 wen2 she4 ke1] /(abbr.) humanities and social sciences/ [ren2 cai2] /a person's talent/talented person/distinguished person/a talent (wor h head-hunting)/person's looks/an attractive woman/used interchangeably with / [ren2 ge2] /personality/integrity/dignity/ [ren2 ge2 hua4] /to personalize/anthropomorphism/ [ren2 ge2 shen2] /personal God/anthropomorphic God/ [ren2 ge2 mei4 li4] /personal charm/charisma/ [ren2 mo2 gou3 yang4] /(idiom) to pose/to put on airs/

[ren2 ji1 jie4 mian4] /user interface/ [ren2 quan2] /human rights/ [ren2 quan2 fa3] /Human Rights law (Hong Kong)/ [Ren2 quan2 Guan1 cha2] /Human Rights Watch (HRW), New York based non-gov anization/ [ren2 quan2 dou4 shi4] /a human rights activist/a fighter for human right [ren2 ci4] /person-times/visits/classifier for number of people participating/ [ren2 wu3] /armed forces/ [ren2 si3] /a person's death/ [ren2 shi4] /native/person from a particular place/ [ren2 min2] /the people/CL: [ge4]/ [ren2 min2 dai4 biao3] /deputy to People's Congress/ [ren2 min2 nei4 bu4 mao2 dun4] /internal contradiction among the ge)/ [ren2 min2 gong1 di2] /the enemy of the people/the class enemy (Marxism)/ [ren2 min2 gong1 she4] /people's commune/ [ren2 min2 gong1 she4 hua4] /collectivization of agriculture (disastr nist Russia around 1930 and China in the 1950s)/ [ren2 min2 gong4 he2 guo2] /People's Republic/ [ren2 min2 li4 yi4] /interests of the people/ [ren2 min2 ji1 ben3 quan2 li4] /fundamental civil rights/ [ren2 min2 da4 hui4 tang2] /Great Hall of the People, at Tiananmen Sq [ren2 min2 bi4] /Renminbi (RMB)/Chinese Yuan (CNY)/ [ren2 min2 bi4 yuan2] /Renminbi Yuan (RMB), PRC currency unit/ [ren2 min2 guang3 chang3] /People's Square/ [ren2 min2 zheng4 fu3] /people's government/ [Ren2 min2 Ri4 bao4] /Renmin Ribao (People's Daily)/ [ren2 min2 min2 zhu3 zhuan1 zheng4] /people's democratic dictator [ren2 min2 fa3 yuan4] /people's court (of law)/people's tribunal/ [ren2 min2 wang3] /online version of the People's Daily / [ren2 min2 lian2 meng2 dang3] /People's alliance party/Bengali Awami [Ren2 min2 Ying1 xiong2 Ji4 nian4 bei1] /Monument to the Peop re/ [ren2 min2 xing2 dong4 dang3] /People's Action Party (ruling party in [ren2 min2 jie3 fang4 jun1] /People's Liberation Army/ [ren2 min2 jing3 cha2] /civil police/PRC police/ [ren2 min2 qi3 yi4] /popular uprising/ [ren2 min2 yin2 hang2] /the People's bank of China/ [ren2 min2 zhen4 xian4] /popular front/ [ren2 min2 dang3] /People's party (of various countries)/ [ren2 qi4] /popularity/personality/character/ [ren2 zhi4] /rule of man/ [ren2 liu2] /a stream of people/an abortion/abbr. of / [ren2 liu2 shou3 shu4] /an abortion/abbr. of / [ren2 fu2 yu2 shi4] /more hands than needed (idiom); too many cooks spoil [ren2 hai3] /a multitude/a sea of people/ [ren2 chao2] /a tide of people/ [ren2 wei2] /artificial/man-made/having human cause or origin/human attempt or ef ort/ [ren2 wu2 wan2 ren2] /nobody is perfect/everyone has their defect/ [ren2 wu2 yuan3 lu:4 , bi4 you3 jin4 you1] /He who gi inds suffering nearby (idiom, from Analects)./Smug concentration on the here and now will lead to future sorrow./ [ren2 yan1] /sign of human habitation/ [ren2 yan1 xi1 shao3] /no sign of human habitation (idiom); desolate/ [ren2 wu4] /person/character (in a play, novel etc)/protagonist/CL: [ge4]/ [ren2 wu4 miao2 xie3] /portrayal/ [ren2 fan4] /criminal/culprit/suspect (old)/ [ren2 yuan2] /orangutan/ [ren2 sheng1] /human life/

[ren2 sheng1 yi1 shi4 , cao3 mu4 yi1 chun1] /Man has fig. the brevity of human existence/ [ren2 sheng1 ru2 meng4] /life is but a dream (idiom)/ [ren2 sheng1 ru2 zhao1 lu4] /human life as the morning dew (idiom); f recarious nature of human existence/ [ren2 sheng1 zhao1 lu4] /human life as the morning dew (idiom); fig. ephe carious nature of human existence/ [ren2 sheng1 sheng4 shuai1] /life has its ups and downs (idiom)/ [ren2 sheng1 duan3 zan4 , xue2 shu4 wu2 ya2] /Life is ta brevis/ [ren2 sheng1 lu4 bu4 shu2] /everything is unfamiliar/ [ren2 chu4 gong4 huan4 zheng4] /zoonosis/ [ren2 jin4 qi2 cai2] /employ one's talent to the fullest/everyone gives o [ren2 jin4 qi2 cai2] /employ one's talent to the fullest/everyone gives o also written / [ren2 huo4] /human disaster/ [ren2 zhong3] /race (of people)/ [ren2 zhong3 cha1 bie2] /racial differences/racial discrimination/ [ren2 cheng1] /person (first person, second person etc in grammar)/called/known a / [ren2 cheng1 dai4 ci2] /personal pronoun/ [ren2 qiong2 zhi4 duan3] /poor and with low expectations/poverty stunts a [ren2 suan4 bu4 ru2 tian1 suan4] /God's plans supercede our own/M ses/ [ren2 jing1] /sophisticate/man with extensive experience/child prodigy/Wunderkind (i.e. brilliant child)/spirit within a person (i.e. blood and essential breath of traditional Chinese medicine)/ [ren2 ji3 jia1 zu2] /lit. each household provided for, enough for the ind m); comfortably off/ [ren2 yuan2] /relations with people/popularity/ [ren2 yuan2 r5] /erhua variant of , relations with people/popularity [ren2 qun2] /crowd/ [ren2 sheng1 ding3 fei4] /lit. a boiling cauldron of voices (idiom)/hubbu [ren2 rou4 sou1 suo3] /human flesh search/a large-scale collective effort ils about a person or event (Internet slang)/see / [ren2 rou4 sou1 suo3 yin3 qing2] /human flesh search engine/a lar t to find details about a person or event (Internet slang)/ [ren2 mai4] /contacts/connections/network/ [ren2 chen2] /an official (in former times)/ [ren2 she2] /illegal immigrant/ [ren2 she2 ji2 tuan2] /human smuggling syndicate/snakehead gang/ [ren2 xing2 qu1] /pedestrian precinct/ [ren2 xing2 di4 xia4 tong1 dao4] /pedestrian underpass/ [ren2 xing2 heng2 dao4] /pedestrian crossing/ [ren2 xing2 heng2 dao4 xian4] /crosswalk/pedestrian crossing with zeb [ren2 xing2 dao4] /sidewalk/ [ren2 jian4 ren2 ai4] /loved by all/to have universal appeal/ [ren2 shuo1 fen1 yun2] /to be at loggerheads with sb (idiom)/ [ren2 shei2 wu2 guo4] /Everyone makes mistakes (idiom)/ [ren2 zheng4] /witness testimony/ [ren2 zheng4 wu4 zheng4] /human testimony and material evidence/ [ren2 cai2 liang3 kong1] /loss of life and property/to lose the beauty an ions/ [ren2 zhi4] /hostage/ [ren2 ji4 han3 zhi4] /lit. men's footprints are rare (idiom)/fig. off the /lonely/deserted/ [ren2 shen1] /person/personal/human body/ [ren2 shen1 shi4 gu4] /accident causing injury or death/ [ren2 shen1 an1 quan2] /personal safety/ [ren2 shen1 gong1 ji1] /personal attack/

[ren2 shen1 quan2] /one's personal rights/ [ren2 che1 hun2 xing2] /pedestrian-vehicle mixed use/ [ren2 zao4] /man-made/artificial/synthetic/ [ren2 zao4 tian1 ti3] /artificial satellite/ [ren2 zao4 si1] /rayon/ [ren2 zao4 xian1 wei2] /synthetic fiber/ [ren2 zao4 wei4 xing1] /artificial satellite/ [ren2 zao4 yu3 yan2] /artificial language/constructed language/ [ren2 dao4] /human sympathy/humanitarianism/humane/the "human way", one of the st ges in the cycle of reincarnation (Buddhism)/sexual intercourse/ [ren2 dao4 zhu3 yi4] /humanism/humanitarian (aid)/ [ren2 dao4 jiu4 yuan2] /humanitarian aid/ [ren2 xuan3] /person selected (for a job etc)/ [ren2 jian1] /the human world/the earth/ [ren2 jian1 fo2 jiao4] /Humanistic Buddhism/ [ren2 jian1 xi3 ju4] /La comdie humaine, series of novels by 19th centur st Honor de Balzac [Ba1 er3 zha1 ke4]/ [ren2 jian1 di4 yu4] /hell on earth (idiom); suffering the torments of Bu hile still alive/fig. having an uncomfortable time/ [ren2 jian1 tian1 tang2] /heaven on Earth/nickname for the city Suzhou/ [ren2 ji4] /human relationships/interpersonal/ [ren2 ji4 guan1 xi4] /interpersonal relationship/ [ren2 fei1 sheng1 er2 zhi1 zhi1 zhe3 , sh e overcome doubt?/We are not born with knowledge, how does one achieve maturity? (i.e. without guidance from a teacher - Tang dynasty essayist Han Yu )/ [ren2 mian4 shou4 xin1] /human face, beast's heart (idiom); two-faced/mal plicitous/ [ren2 tou2] /number of people/(per) capita/ [ren2 tou2 shi1 shen1] /sphinx/ [ren2 tou2 shui4] /poll tax/ [ren2 tou2 she2 shen1] /human head, snake's body/cf Nwa and Fuxi ogy/ [Ren2 tou2 ma3] /Rmy Martin cognac/ [ren2 lei4] /humanity/human race/mankind/ [ren2 lei4 ru3 tu1 bing4 du2] /human papillomavirus (HPV)/ [ren2 lei4 mian3 yi4 que1 xian4 bing4 du2] /human immunod [ren2 lei4 ji1 yin1 zu3 ji4 hua4] /Human Genome Project/ [ren2 lei4 xue2] /anthropology/ [ren2 lei4 xue2 jia1] /anthropologist/ [ren2 lei4 she4 hui4] /human society/ [ren2 lei4 qi3 yuan2] /origin of mankind/ [ren2 ma3] /Sagittarius (star sign)/men and horses (e.g. on parade)/centaur/ [Ren2 ma3 zuo4] /Sagittarius (constellation and sign of the zodiac)/ [ren2 ma3 bi4] /Sagittarius spiral arm (of our galaxy)/ [ren2 ti3] /human body/ [ren2 ti3 qi4 guan1] /human organ/ [ren2 ti3 jie3 pou1] /human anatomy/ [ren2 ti3 jie3 pou1 xue2] /human anatomy/ [ren2 gao1 ma3 da4] /tall and strong/ [ren2 yu2] /merperson/merman/mermaid/see [mei3 ren2 yu2]/ [ren2 yu2 xiao3 jie5] /mermaid/the Little Mermaid/ [ren2 long2] /a queue of people/a crocodile (of school children)/ [ji2] /variant of [ji2]/ [ji2] /archaic variant of [ji2]/ [xx5] /one of the characters used in kwukyel (phonetic "ra"), an ancient Korean writing system/ [shi2] /ten (used in fractions, writing checks etc)/assorted/miscellaneous/ [shi2 yi1 feng4 xian4] /tithing/ [shi2 cha4 hai3] /Shichahai, scenic area of northwest Beijing with three lake [shi2 qi4] /various kinds of everyday utensils/

[shi2 cai4] /mixed vegetables/ [Shi2 ye4] /Shia (a movement in Islam)/ [Shi2 ye4 pai4] /Shia sect (of Islam)/ [Shi2 fang1] /Shifang county level city in Deyang [De2 yang2], Sichuan/ [Shi2 fang1 shi4] /Shifang county level city in Deyang [De2 yang2], [shi2 jin3 guo3 pan2] /mixed fruit salad/ [shen2 me5] /what?/who?/something/anything/ [shen2 me5 di4 fang5] /somewhere/someplace/where/ [shen2 me5 shi2 hou5] /variant of , when?/at what time?/ [ren2] /humane/kernel/ [Ren2 dan1] /Jintan mouth refresher lozenge, produced by Morishita Jintan company from 1905/ [ren2 ren2 jun1 zi3] /people of good will (idiom); charitable person/ [ren2 ren2 zhi4 shi4] /gentleman aspiring to benevolence (idiom); people eals/ [ren2 ren2 yi4 shi4] /those with lofty ideals (idiom)/men of vision/ [ren2 xiong1] /(honorific written address) My dear friend/ [Ren2 hua4] /see [Ren2 hua4 xian4]/ [Ren2 hua4 xian4] /Renhua county, Shaoguan [shao2 guan1], Guangdong/ [ren2 hou4] /kind-hearted/tolerant/honest and generous/ [Ren2 he2] /Renhe district of Panzhihua city [Pan1 zhi1 hua1 shi4], south [Ren2 he2 qu1] /Renhe district of Panzhihua city [Pan1 zhi1 hua1 shi4 [Ren2 he2 xian4] /Renhe county in Zhejiang/ [Ren2 shou4] /Renshou county in Meishan [Mei2 shan1 shi4], Sichuan/ [Ren2 shou4 xian4] /Renshou county in Meishan [Mei2 shan1 shi4], Sichuan/ [Ren2 chuan1] /Incheon Metropolitan City in Gyeonggi Province [Jing1 ji1 da Korea/ [Ren2 chuan1 shi4] /Incheon Metropolitan City in Gyeonggi Province [Jin uth Korea/ [Ren2 chuan1 guang3 yu4 shi4] /Incheon Metropolitan City in Gyeonggi o4], South Korea/ [Ren2 bu4] /Rinbung county, Tibetan: Rin spungs rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, T bet/ [Ren2 bu4 xian4] /Rinbung county, Tibetan: Rin spungs rdzong, in Shigatse pre , Tibet/ [ren2 di4] /(honorific written address to younger man) My dear young friend/ [Ren2 de2] /Jente township in Tainan county [Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwa [ren2 de2] /benevolent integrity/high mindedness/ [Ren2 de2 xiang1] /Jente township in Tainan county [Tai2 nan2 xi [ren2 xin1 ren2 shu4] /benevolent heart and skillful execution (idiom, fr charitable in thought and deed/ [ren2 hui4] /benevolent/merciful/humane/ [Ren2 ai4] /Renai or Jenai district of Keelung City [Ji1 long2 shi4], Taiwa Jenai township in Nantou county [Nan2 tou2 xian4], central Taiwan/ [ren2 ai4] /benevolence/charity/compassion/ [Ren2 ai4 qu1] /Jenai district of Keelung City [Ji1 long2 shi4], Taiwan [Ren2 ai4 xiang1] /Renai or Jenai township in Nantou county [Nan iwan/ [ren2 ci2] /benevolent/charitable/kind/kindly/kindness/merciful/ [Ren2 huai2] /Renhuai county level city in Zun'yi [Zun1 yi4], Guizhou/ [Ren2 huai2 shi4] /Renhuai county level city in Zun'yi [Zun1 yi4], G [Ren2 huai2 xian4] /Renhuai county in Zun'yi prefecture , Guizhou/ [ren2 zheng4] /benevolent policy/humane government/ [Ren2 wu3] /Renwu or Jenwu township in Kaohsiung county [Gao1 xiong2 Taiwan/ [Ren2 wu3 xiang1] /Renwu or Jenwu township in Kaohsiung county [ west Taiwan/ [ren2 min2 ai4 wu4] /love to all creatures (idiom, from Mencius); univers e/ [ren2 yi4] /benevolence and righteousness/

[ren2 yi5] /affable and even-tempered/ [ren2 yi4 dao4 de2] /compassion, duty, propriety and integrity (idiom); a ional virtues/mainly used sarcastically, to mean hypocritical/ [ren2 zhe3 jian4 ren2 , zhi4 zhe3 jian4 zhi4] /The be sdom./Different views are admissible. (idiom)/ [ren2 zhi4 yi4 jin4] /extreme benevolence, utmost duty (idiom); meticulou attention to duty/ [ren2 shu4] /kindness/benevolence/to govern in humanitarian way/ [ren2 yan2 li4 bo2] /Words of benevolence apply universally (idiom). Huma essions benefit all./ [le4] /surplus/tithe/ [ding1] /alone/ [ze4] /to tilt/narrow/uneasy/oblique tones (in Chinese poetry)/ [ze4 jing4] /narrow path/ [ze4 sheng1] /oblique tone/nonlevel tone/uneven tone (the third tone of classical Chinese)/ [pu1] /to fall forward/to fall prostrate/ [Qiu2] /surname Qiu/ [chou2] /hatred/animosity/enmity/a rival/an enemy/feud/ [qiu2] /spouse/companion/ [chou2 ren2] /enemy/ [chou2 wai4 xin1 li3] /xenophobia/ [chou2 yuan4] /hatred and desire for revenge/ [chou2 hen4] /to hate/hatred/enmity/hostility/ [chou2 hen4 zui4] /hate crime/ [chou2 hen4 zui4 xing2] /hate crime/ [chou2 di2] /enemy/ [chou2 xi4] /feud/bitter quarrel/ [Ba1] /surname Ba/ [Zhang3] /surname of Mencius/ [zhang3] /mother/ [jin1] /today/modern/present/current/this/now/ [jin1 shi4] /this life/this age/ [jin1 r5] /today/ [jin1 gu3 wen2] /former Han dynasty study or rewriting of classical texts suc e Confucian six classics / [jin1 ye4] /tonight/this evening/ [jin1 tian1] /today/at the present/now/ [jin1 nian2] /this year/ [jin1 hou4] /hereafter/henceforth/in the future/from now on/ [jin1 wen2 jing1] /former Han dynasty school of Confucian scholars/ [jin1 wen2 jing1 xue2] /former Han dynasty school of Confucian scholars/ [jin1 ri4] /today/ [jin1 ri4 shi4 jin1 ri4 bi4] /never put off until tomorrow what y [jin1 xi1] /past and present/yesterday and today/ [jin1 xi1 dui4 bi3] /to contrast past suffering with present happiness (i [jin1 shi2 jin1 ri4] /this day and age (topolect)/ [jin1 wan3] /tonight/ [jin1 chen2] /this morning/ [jin1 zhao1] /at the present/now/ [Jin1 cun1] /Imamura (Japanese name)/ [jin1 sheng1] /this life/ [jin1 yi4] /modern language version/modern translation/contemporary translation/ [jin1 fei1 xi1 bi3] /You can't compare the present with the past./Nothing s in former times./Things ain't what they used to be./ [jin1 yin1] /modern (i.e. not ancient) pronunciation of a Chinese character/ [jie4] /to introduce/to lie between/between/ [Jie4 Zhi1 tui1] /Jie Zhitui (7th century BC), legendary selfless subject of n of Jin , in whose honor the Qingming festival (Pure brightness or tombival) is said to have been initiated/

[jie4 hu1] /to lie between/ [Jie4 xiu1] /Jiexiu county level city in Jinzhong [Jin4 zhong1], Shanxi/ [Jie4 xiu1 shi4] /Jiexiu county level city in Jinzhong [Jin4 zhong1] [jie4 xi4 ci2] /preposition/ [jie4 ru4] /to intervene/to get involved/ [jie4 zi3] /meson/mesotron (physics)/ [Jie4 Zi3 tui1] /see [Jie4 Zhi1 tui1]/ [jie4 yi4] /to care about/to take offense/to mind/ [jie4 huai2] /to mind/to brood over/to be concerned about/ [jie4 yu2] /between/intermediate/to lie between/ [jie4 yu2 liang3 nan2] /to be on the horns of a dilemma (idiom)/ [jie4 qiao4] /carapace/hard outer shell/ [jie4 shao4] /to present/to introduce/to recommend/to suggest/to let know/to brie / [jie4 zhou4] /armor/ [jie4 di4] /variant of [jie4 di4]/ [jie4 ci2] /preposition/ [jie4 zhi4] /medium/media/ [jie4 zhi4 fang3 wen4 kong4 zhi4] /Medium Access Control/MAC/ [jie4 zhi4 fang3 wen4 kong4 zhi4 ceng2] /MAC layer/ [jie4 dian4 chang2 shu4] /dielectric constant/ [jie4 mian4] /variant of [jie4 mian4]/ [reng2] /still/yet/to remain/ [reng2 ran2] /still/yet/ [reng2 jiu4] /still (remaining)/to remain (the same)/yet/ [fo2] /Japanese variant of / [xx5] /one of the characters used in kwukyel (phonetic "eo" or "sya"), an ancien t Korean writing system/ [zai3] /variant of [zai3]/ [zi1] /see [zi1 jian1]/ [zi3] /meticulous/(of domestic animals or fowls) young/ [zi3 chu4] /newborn animal/ [zi3 xi4] /careful/attentive/cautious/ [zi1 jian1] /to bear responsibility for sth/ [zi3 jiang1] /stem ginger/ [shi4] /an official/ [shi4 huan4] /(literary) to serve as an official/ [shi4 tu2] /official career (formal)/ [ta1] /he or him/(used for either sex when the sex is unknown or unimportant)/(u sed before sb's name for emphasis)/(used as a meaningless mock object)/other/ano ther/ [ta1 ren2] /another/sb else/other people/ [Ta1 xin4] /Thaksin Shinawatra (1949-), Thai businessman and politician, prime mi ister 2001-2006/ [ta1 men5] /they/ [Ta1 jia1 lu4 yu3] /Tagalog (language)/ [ta1 guo2] /another country/ [ta1 ma1 de5] /(taboo curse) damn it!/fucking/ [ta1 shan1 zhi1 shi2 ke3 yi3 gong1 yu4] /lit. the other m m); to improve oneself by accepting criticism from outside/to borrow talent from abroad to develop the nation effectively/ [ta1 sha1] /homicide (law)/ [ta1 qian1] /to relocate/to move elsewhere/ [zhang4] /weaponry/to hold (a weapon)/to wield/to rely on/to depend on/war/battl e/ [zhang4 shi4] /to rely on power/ [zhang4 shi4 qi1 ren2] /relying on force to bully others (idiom)/ [zhang4 shi4] /to rely on/to depend on/ [zhang4 huo3] /battle/ [zhang4 yi4] /from a sense of justice/for the sake of loyalty/

[zhang4 yi4 zhi2 yan2] /to speak out for justice (idiom); to take a stand of principle/ [zhang4 yi4 shu1 cai2] /to help the needy for justice (idiom); to be loya iends and generous to the needy/ [zhang4 yao1] /to back sb up/to support (from the rear)/ [Fu4] /surname Fu/ [fu4] /to pay/to hand over to/ [fu4 zhi1 yi1 tan4] /to dismiss with a sigh (idiom); a hopeless case/ [fu4 zhi1 yi1 tan4] /to dismiss with a sigh (idiom); a hopeless case/ [fu4 zhi1 yi1 ju4] /to put to the torch (idiom)/to commit to the flames/t wn deliberately/ [fu4 zhi1 yi1 xiao4] /to dismiss sth with a laugh (idiom)/to laugh it off [fu4 zhi1 bing3 ding1] /to burn down (idiom)/ [fu4 zhi1 du4 wai4] /to think nothing of doing sth (idiom)/to do sth with ng the risks/to leave out of consideration/ [fu4 zhi1 dong1 liu2] /to commit to the waters (idiom); to lose sth irrev [fu4 chu1] /to pay/to invest (energy or time in a friendship etc)/ [fu4 yin4] /to go to press/to submit for printing/ [fu4 tuo1] /to entrust to/ [fu4 fang1] /credit side (of a balance sheet), as opposed to [shou1 fang1]/ [fu4 zi3] /to send (a manuscript) to the press/ [fu4 kuan3] /to pay a sum of money/payment/ [fu4 kuan3 fang1 shi4] /terms of payment/payment method/ [fu4 kuan3 tiao2 jian4] /terms of payment/ [fu4 qing1] /pay in full/pay all of a bill/pay off/ [fu4 gei3] /to deliver/to pay/ [fu4 qi4] /paid/ [fu4 zhu1] /to present to/to put into effect/ [fu4 zhu1 shi2 shi1] /to put into practice/to carry out (idiom)/ [fu4 zhu1 dong1 liu2] /wasted effort/ [fu4 fei4] /to pay/to cover the costs/ [fu4 zhang4] /to settle an account/ [fu4 qian2] /to pay money/ [xian1] /immortal/ [xian1 dan1] /elixir/magic potion/ [xian1 ren2] /Daoist immortal/celestial being/ [xian1 ren2 zhang3] /cactus/ [xian1 ren2 zhang3 guo3] /prickly pear/ [xian1 ren2 qiu2] /ball cactus/ [Xian1 tai2] /Sendai, city in northeast Japan/ [xian1 hou4 zuo4] /Cassiopeia (constellation)/ [xian1 jing4] /fairyland/wonderland/paradise/ [xian1 nu:3] /fairy/ [xian1 nu:3 zuo4] /Andromeda (constellation)/ [Xian1 nu:3 zuo4 da4 xing1 yun2] /great nebula in Andromeda or An [Xian1 nu:3 zuo4 xing1 xi4] /Andromeda galaxy M31/ [xian1 nu:3 xing1 zuo4] /Andromeda constellation (galaxy) M31/ [Xian1 nu:3 xing1 xi4] /Andromeda galaxy M31/ [xian1 gu1] /female immortal/sorceress/ [xian1 zi1 yu4 se4] /heavenly beauty, jewel colors (idiom); unusually bea [xian1 zi3] /fairy/ [xian1 ke4 lai2] /cyclamen/ [xian1 gong1] /underground palace of ghouls, e.g. Asgard of Scandinavian mytholog / [Xian1 ju1] /Xianju county in Taizhou [Tai2 zhou1], Zhejiang/ [Xian1 ju1 xian4] /Xianju county in Taizhou [Tai2 zhou1], Zhejiang/ [xian1 shan1] /mountain of Immortals/ [xian1 shan1 qiong2 ge2] /jeweled palace in the fairy mountain/ [xian1 dao3] /island of the immortals/ [xian1 fang1] /prescription of elixir/potion of immortality/potion prescribed by

n immortal/ [xian1 fang1 r5] /erhua variant of , prescription of elixir/potion of imm on prescribed by an immortal/ [Xian1 tao2] /Xiantao sub-prefecture level city in Hubei/ [xian1 tao2] /the peaches of immortality of Goddess Xi Wangmu / [Xian1 tao2 shi4] /Xiantao sub-prefecture level city in Hubei/ [xian1 yue4] /heavenly music/ [xian1 qi4] /magic breath/ [xian1 wang2 zuo4] /Cepheus (constellation)/ [xian1 jie4] /world of the immortals/fairyland/cloud nine/ [xian1 tong2] /elf/leprechaun/ [Xian1 tai2] /Sendai, capital of Miyagi prefecture [Gong1 cheng2 xia pan/ [xian1 cao3] /medicinal herb (genus Mesona)/grass jelly/ [xian1 yao4] /legendary magic potion of immortals/panacea/fig. wonder solution to a problem/ [xian1 shi4] /to die/to depart this mortal coil/ [Xian1 you2] /Xianyou county in Putian [Pu2 tian2], Fujian/ [Xian1 you2 xian4] /Xianyou county in Putian [Pu2 tian2], Fujian/ [xian1 xiang1] /fairyland/honorific: your homeland/ [xian1 he4] /red-crowned crane (Grus japonensis)/ [xian1] /to fly/ [tong2] /together/same/ [ren4] /(measure)/ [qian1] /thousand (banker's anti-fraud numeral)/ [qian1 hui3] /repentance (in Christianity)/ [Ge1] /see [Ge1 lao3 zu2], Gelao or Klau ethnic group of Guizhou/Taiwan pr. [Qi [yi4] /strong/brave/ [Ge1 lao3 zu2] /Gelao or Klau ethnic group of Guizhou/ [dai4] /to substitute/to act on behalf of others/to replace/generation/dynasty/a ge/period/(historical) era/(geological) eon/ [dai4 zhi1 yi3] /(has been) replaced with/(its) place has been taken by/ [dai4 dai4] /from generation to generation/generation after generation/ [dai4 dai4 xiang1 chuan2] /passed on from generation to generation (idiom wn/ [dai4 jia4] /price/cost/consideration (in share dealing)/ [dai4 chang2] /(medical) compensation/to repay a debt or obligation in place of s meone else/ [dai4 ru4] /to substitute into/ [Dai4 li4 si1] /Dallys, Algerian seaport and naval base/ [dai4 lao2] /to do sth in place of sb else/ [dai4 ming2 ci2] /pronoun/ [dai4 tian2] /to fill in a form for sb else/ [dai4 yun4] /surrogate pregnancy/ [Dai4 zong1] /Daizong, Temple name of seventh Ming emperor Jingtai [Jing3 tai [dai4 ke4 bo2 che1] /valet parking/ [dai4 xie3] /to write as substitute for sb/a ghost writer/plagiarism/ [dai4 gong1] /subcontract work/OEM (original equipment manufacturer) supplier/ [dai4 bi4] /token (used instead of money for slot machines, in game arcades etc)/ [dai4 kou4] /to withhold tax (from employee's salary)/ [dai4 na2 mai3 te4] /dynamite (loanword)/ [dai4 shou1 huo4 kuan3] /collect on delivery (COD)/ [dai4 shu4] /algebra/ [dai4 shu4 han2 shu4] /(math.) an algebraic function/ [dai4 shu4 han2 shu4 lun4] /algebraic function theory (math.)/ [dai4 shu4 he2] /algebraic sum/ [dai4 shu4 ji1 ben3 ding4 li3] /fundamental theorem of algebra/ [dai4 shu4 xue2] /algebra (as branch of math.)/ [dai4 shu4 xue2 ji1 ben3 ding4 li3] /fundamental theorem of a complex root)/

[dai4 shu4 ji3 he2] /algebraic geometry/ [dai4 shu4 ji3 he2 xue2] /algebraic geometry/ [dai4 shu4 shi4] /algebraic formula/ [dai4 shu4 tuo4 pu1] /algebraic topology (math.)/ [dai4 shu4 shu4 yu4] /algebraic number field (math.)/ [dai4 shu4 fang1 cheng2] /algebraic equation/polynomial equation/ [dai4 shu4 qu1 xian4] /algebraic curve/ [dai4 shu4 qu1 mian4] /algebraic surface/ [dai4 shu4 liu2 xing2] /(math.) manifold/ [dai4 shu4 cu4] /algebraic variety (math.)/ [dai4 shu4 jie2 gou4] /algebraic structure/ [dai4 shu4 qun2] /algebraic group (math.)/ [dai4 shu4 liang4] /algebraic quantity/ [dai4 shu1] /to write for sb else/a lawyer who writes legal documents for his cli nts/ [dai4 ti4] /instead/to replace/to substitute (X for Y, or a number in an algebrai expression)/ [dai4 ti4 fu4 mu3] /in place of sb's parents/in loco parentis (law)/ [dai4 ti4 zhe3] /substitute/ [dai4 bu4] /means of transportation/to take transportation/to ride instead of wal / [dai4 gou1] /generation gap/ [Dai4 er3 fu1 te4] /Delft, Zuid-Holland, the Netherlands/ [dai4 li3] /to act on behalf of sb in a responsible position/to act as an agent o proxy/surrogate/ [dai4 li3 ren2] /agent/ [dai4 li3 shang1] /agent/ [dai4 ma3] /code/ [dai4 ma3 duan4] /code segment/ [dai4 ma3 ye4] /code page/ [dai4 dao3] /to pray on behalf of sb/ [dai4 guan3] /to administer/to manage/to hold in trust or escrow/ [dai4 tang2] /sugar substitute/ [Dai4 xian4] /Dai county in Xinzhou [Xin1 zhou1], Shanxi/ [dai4 zui4] /to redeem oneself/to make up for one's misdeeds/ [dai4 zui4 gao1 yang2] /scapegoat/ [dai4 kao3] /to take a test or exam for sb/ [dai4 hao4] /code name/ [dai4 biao3] /representative/delegate/CL:[wei4], [ge4],[ming2]/to represe or/on behalf of/in the name of/ [dai4 biao3 ren2 wu4] /representative individual (of a school of thought) [dai4 biao3 zuo4] /representative work (of an author or artist)/ [dai4 biao3 tuan2] /delegation/CL: [ge4]/ [dai4 biao3 xing4] /representative/typical/ [dai4 biao3 chu4] /representative office/ [dai4 biao3 dui4] /delegation/ [dai4 yan2] /to be a spokesperson/to be an ambassador (for a brand)to endorse/ [dai4 yan2 ren2] /spokesperson/ [dai4 ci2] /pronoun/ [dai4 ke4] /to teach as substitute for absent teacher/ [dai4 xie4] /replacement/substitution/metabolism (biol.)/ [dai4 gou4] /to buy (on behalf of sb)/ [dai4 ban4] /to act for sb else/to act on sb's behalf/an agent/a diplomatic repre entative/a charg d'affaires/ [dai4 xiao1] /to sell as agent/to sell on commission (e.g. insurance policies)/pr xy sale (of stocks)/ [dai4 xiao1 dian4] /outlet/commission shop/agency/ [Dai4 dun4] /Dayton (city in Ohio)/ [Ling2] /see [Ling2 hu2]/ [ling2] /see [ji2 ling2]/see [Ling2 hu2]/

[ling3] /classifier for a ream of paper/ [ling4] /to order/to command/an order/warrant/writ/to cause/to make sth happen/v irtuous/honorific title/season/government position (old)/ [ling4 ren2] /to cause sb (to do)/to make one (feel sth)/(used in constructing wo ds for feelings such as anger, surprise, sympathy etc)/ [ling4 ren2 bu4 kuai4] /unpleasant/objectionable/ [ling4 ren2 chi1 jing1] /to shock/to amaze/ [ling4 ren2 tan4] /to astonish/ [ling4 ren2 tan4 wei2 guan1 zhi3] /(set expression) astonishing t [ling4 ren2 zhen4 fen4] /inspiring/exciting/rousing/ [ling4 ren2 qin1 pei4] /admirable/ [ling4 ren2 man3 yi4] /satisfactory/ [ling4 ren2 xing1 fen4] /to excite/ [ling4 ren2 jing1 yi4] /surprisingly/ [ling4 ren2 fa4 zhi3] /to make one's hair stand up in anger (idiom); to r hackles/ [ling4 ren2 gu3 wu3] /encouraging/heartening/ [ling4 xiong1] /Your esteemed older brother (honorific)/ [ling4 ming2] /good name/reputation/ [ling4 tang2] /(honorific) your mother/ [ling4 zun1] /Your esteemed father (honorific)/ [ling4 zun1 ling4 tang2] /(honorific) your parents/ [ling4 dao3 ren2] /leader/usually written / [ling4 di4] /honorable little brother/ [ling4 ai4] /your precious daughter/ [ling4 ci2] /Your esteemed mother (honorific)/ [ling4 zheng4] /Your esteemed number one wife (honorific)/ [ling4 pai2 huan2] /token ring/ [ling4 pai2 huan2 wang3] /token ring network/ [ling4 zhuang4] /writ/ [Ling2 hu2] /old place name (in modern Linyi county , Shanxi)/two-ch ghu/ [Ling2 hu2 De2 fen1] /Linghu Defen (583-666), Tang dynasty historian, com ory of Zhou of the Northern dynasties / [ling4 jian4] /arrow banner of command (archaic used as symbol of military author ty)/fig. instructions from one's superiors/ [ling4 jie2] /festive season/happy time/noble principle/ [ling4 yao4] /seasonal medication/ [ling4 xing2 jin4 zhi3] /lit. if he orders you go, he forbids you stop (i o demand exact compliance with instructions/to ensure strictly obedience/ [ling4 qin1] /Your esteemed parent (honorific)/ [ling4 yu4] /honorable reputation/ [ling4 lang2] /Your esteemed son (honorific)/ [ling4 kun3] /your wife (honorific)/ [Yi3] /abbr. for Israel [Yi3 se4 lie4]/ [yi3] /to use/according to/so as to/by means of/in order to/by/with/because/ [yi3 yi1 yu4 wan4] /to control a key point is to be master of the situati [yi3 shang4] /more than/above/over/the above-mentioned/ [yi3 xia4] /below/under/the following/ [yi3 ren2 ming2 ming4 ming2] /to name sth after a person/named after/ [yi3 ren2 fei4 yan2] /to reject a word because of the speaker (idiom, fro to judge on preference between advisers rather than the merits of the case/ [yi3 ren2 wei2 ben3] /people-oriented/ [yi3 lai2] /since (a previous event)/ [yi3 bian4] /so that/so as to/in order to/ [yi3 bei4 bu4 ce4] /to be prepared for accidents/ [yi3 zhai4 yang3 zhai4] /debt nurtures more debt (idiom)/ [yi3 yi4 ji4] /to number in the thousands/ [yi3 jing3 xiao4 you2] /in order to warn against following bad examples ( arning to others/

[yi3 mian3] /in order to avoid/so as not to/ [yi3 mian3 jie4 kou3] /to remove sth that could be used as a pretext (idi [yi3 nei4] /within/less than/ [yi3 qi2 ren2 zhi1 dao4 , huan2 zhi4 qi2 retribution (idiom, from Song dynasty neo-Confucianist Zhu Xi ); to get revenge by playing sb back at his own game/to give sb a taste of his own medicine/ [yi3 li4 ya4] /Elijah (old testament prophet)/ [Yi3 li4 ya4 sa3] /Eleazar (son of Eluid)/ [Yi3 li4 ya4 jing4] /Eliakim (name, Hebrew: God will raise up)/Eliakim, s Lord in Isaiah 22:20/Eliakim, son of Abiud and father of Azor in Matthew 1:13/ [yi3 li4 yu2] /for the sake of/in order to/ [yi3 qian2] /before/formerly/previous/ago/ [yi3 bei3] /to the north of (suffix)/ [yi3 nan2] /to the south of (suffix)/ [yi3 luan3 ji1 shi2] /lit. to strike a stone with egg (idiom); to attempt le/to invite disaster by overreaching oneself/ [yi3 ji2] /as well as/too/and/ [Yi3 Ai1] /Israel-Egypt/ [yi3 wai4] /apart from/other than/except for/external/outside of/ [yi3 tai4] /Ether-/ [yi3 tai4 wang3] /Ethernet/ [yi3 tai4 wang3 luo4] /Ethernet/ [yi3 tai4 wang3 luo4 zheng4] /Ethernet frame/ [yi3 tai4 wang3 luo4 duan1 kou3] /Ethernet port/ [yi3 shi1 bai4 er2 gao4 zhong1] /to succeed through failure/to ac pite apparent setback/ [yi3 yi2 zhi4 yi2] /to use foreigners to subdue foreigners (idiom); let t fight it out among themselves (traditional policy of successive dynasties)/To u se western science and technology to counter imperialist encroachment (late Qing modernizing slogan)./ [yi3 zi3 zhi1 mao2 , gong1 zi3 zhi1 dun4] /lit. use s ved from Han Feizi ); turning a weapon against its owner/fig. to attack an opp sing his own devices/hoist with his own petard/ [yi3 xiao3 ji3 da4] /minor issues eclipse major ones (idiom)/ [yi3 shao3 sheng4 duo1] /using the few to defeat the many (idiom); to win ion of weakness/ [yi3 gong1 dai4 zhen4] /to provide work to relieve poverty/ [yi3 fu2 suo3] /Ephesis/ [Yi3 fu2 suo3 shu1] /Epistle of St Paul to the Ephesians/ [yi3 ruo4 sheng4 qiang2] /using the weak to defeat the strong (idiom); to osition of weakness/ [yi3 qiang2 ling2 ruo4] /there is no honor in the strong bullying the wea [yi3 wang3] /in the past/formerly/ [Yi3 lu:4] /Eluid (son of Achim)/ [yi3 hou4] /after/later/afterwards/following/later on/in the future/ [yi3 shen4 wei2 jian4] /to take caution as the key (idiom); to proceed ve [Yi3 sa3] /Isaac (son of Abraham)/ [Yi3 Xu4] /Israel-Syria/ [Yi3 si1 tie3] /Esther (name)/ [Yi3 si1 tie3 ji4] /Book of Esther/ [yi3 si1 la1 ji4] /Book of Ezra/ [yi3 qi1] /in order to/hoping to/attempting to/waiting for/ [yi3 ben3 ren2 ming2] /under one's own name/named after oneself/ [yi3 li3 bao4 tao2] /lit. give a plum in exchange for a peach/to return a )/ [yi3 dong1] /to the east of (suffix)/ [yi3 rou2 ke4 gang1] /to use softness to conquer strength (idiom)/ [yi3 quan2 ya1 fa3] /to abuse power to crush the law/ [yi3 ci3] /with this/thereby/thus/because of this/ [yi3 ci3 wei2] /to regard as/to treat as/

[yi3 ci3 lei4 tui1] /and so on/in a similar fashion/ [yi3 du2 gong1 du2] /to cure ills with poison (idiom, refers to technique al Chinese medicine); to fight evil with evil/set a thief to catch a thief/to fi ght fire with fire/ [yi3 qiu2] /in order to/ [Yi3 fa3 lian2] /Ephraim (city)/ [yi3 tang1 wo4 fei4] /to manage a situation badly (idiom)/ [yi3 wei2] /to believe/to think/to consider/to be under the impression/ [yi3 ya2 huan2 ya2] /a tooth for a tooth (retaliation)/ [yi3 zi4 ya2 sha1 ren2] /to kill sb for a trifle/ [yi3 yan3 huan2 yan3] /an eye for an eye (idiom); fig. to use the enemy's nst him/to give sb a taste of his own medicine/ [yi3 yan3 huan2 yan3 , yi3 ya2 huan2 ya2] /an eye for use the enemy's methods against him/to give sb a taste of his own medicine/ [yi3 li3 xiang1 dai4] /to treat sb with due respect (idiom)/ [yi3 lao3 da4 zi4 ju1] /regarding oneself as number one in terms of l y or status/ [yi3 zhi4] /down to/up to/to such an extent as to ... (also written [yi3 zhi4 yu2] /down to/up to/to the extent that.../ [yi3 zhi4] /to such an extent as to/down to/up to/ [yi3 zhi4 yu2] /so that/to the point that/ [Yi3 se4 lie4] /Israel/ [Yi3 se4 lie4 ren2] /Israelite/Israeli/ [Yi3 se4 lie4 Gong1 dang3] /Labor (Israel)/ [yi3 hua2 zhi4 hua2] /use Chinese collaborators to subdue the Chinese (im icy)/ [yi3 yao4 yang3 yi1] /"drugs serving to nourish doctors", perceived probl ical practice/ [yi3 xu1 dai4 shi2] /to let correct ideology guide practical work (idiom) [yi3 xi1] /to the west of (suffix)/ [Yi3 xi1 jie2 shu1] /Book of Ezekiel/ [yi3 yan2 dai4 fa3] /to substitute one's words for the law (idiom); highing one's orders above the law/ [yi3 yan2 dai4 fa3 , yi3 quan2 ya1 fa3] /to substitut o crush it (idiom); completely lawless behavior/Might makes right./ [yi3 e2 chuan2 e2] /to spread falsehoods; to increasingly distort the tru rrors on top of errors (idiom)/ [yi3 mao4 qu3 ren2] /to judge sb by appearances (idiom)/ [yi3 zi1 zheng4 ming2] /in support or witness hereof (idiom)/ [Yi3 sai4 ya4 shu1] /Book of Isaiah/ [yi3 shen1 zuo4 ze2] /to set an example (idiom); to serve as a model/ [yi3 shen1 bao4 guo2] /to give one's body for the nation (idiom); to spen life in the service of the country/ [yi3 shen1 di3 zhai4] /forced labor to repay a debt/ [yi3 shen1 xiang1 xu3] /to give one's heart to/to devote one's life to/ [yi3 shen1 xu3 guo2] /to dedicate oneself to the cause of ones country ( [yi3 jun1] /Israeli soldiers/ [yi3 yi4 dai4 lao2] /to wait at one s ease for the exhausted enemy/to nur rength and bide one s time (idiom)/ [yi3 lin2 wei2 he4] /to use one s neighbor as a drain/to shift one s prob ers (idiom)/ [yi3 fang2 wan4 yi1] /to guard against the unexpected (idiom); just in ca or any eventualities/ [yi3 jiang4] /since (some point in the past)/ [yi3 xiang3 du2 zhe3] /for the benefit of the reader/ [yi3 ma3 nei4 li4] /Emanuel/ [sa1] /three (colloquial equivalent of )/ [mu4] /name of tribe/see [Mu4 lao3 zu2], Mulao ethnic group of Guangxi/ [Mu4 lao3] /Mulao ethnic group of Guangxi/ [Mu4 lao3 zu2] /Mulao ethnic group of Guangxi/

[jia3] /Japanese variant of / [Yang3] /surname Yang/ [yang3] /to face upward/to look up/to admire/to rely on/ [yang3 ren2 bi2 xi1] /to rely on others for the air one breathes (idiom); sb's whim for one's living/ [yang3 zhang4] /to rely on/to depend on/ [Yang3 guang1] /Yangon (Rangoon), main city of south Myanmar (Burma), the nationa capital until November 2005, when the capital moved to Naypyidaw or Pyinmana [Yang3 guang1 Da4 Jin1 ta3] /Great Pagoda of Yangon (Rangoon)/ [yang3 tian1] /to face upwards/to look up to the sky/ [yang3 wu1] /to lie looking at the ceiling (in despair)/ [yang3 wu1 xing1 tan4] /to stare at the ceiling in despair/to find no way you can do about it/at the end of one's wits/ [yang3 wu1 zhu4 shu1] /lit. to stare at the ceiling while writing a book ut one's whole body and soul into a book/ [yang3 mu4] /to admire/ [yang3 wang4] /to look up at/to look up to sb hopefully/ [yang3 yong3] /backstroke/ [yang3 wo4] /to lie supine/ [yang3 wo4 qi3 zuo4] /sit-up (physical exercise)/ [yang3 lai4] /to rely on/ [yang3 tang3] /to lie on one's back/ [Yang3 shao2] /Yangshao culture (archaeological period with red and black pottery / [Yang3 shao2 wen2 hua4] /Yangshao neolithic culture from the central Yell n, with red and black pottery/ [Zhong4] /surname Zhong/ [zhong4] /second month of a season/middle/intermediate/second amongst brothers/ [zhong4 jie4] /middleman/agent/broker/ [zhong4 xia4] /midsummer/second month of summer/ [Zhong4 xia4 ye4 zhi1 meng4] /Midsummer night's dream, comedy by Will bi3 ya4]/ [Zhong4 ni2] /courtesy name for Confucius [Kong3 fu1 zi3]/ [Zhong4 ba1] /Zhongba county, Tibetan: 'Brong pa rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, ibet/ [Zhong4 ba1 xian4] /Zhongba county, Tibetan: 'Brong pa rdzong, in Shigatse pr e, Tibet/ [zhong4 cai2] /arbitration/ [pi3] /to part/ [Wu3] /surname Wu/ [wu3] /equal/well-matched/to violate/ [wu3 zuo4] /coroner (old)/ [wu3 gong1] /pallbearer/ [jian4] /item/component/classifier for events, things, clothes etc/ [jian4 shu3] /item count (of a consignment etc)/ [Ren4] /surname Ren/ [ren4] /to assign/to appoint/to take up a post/office/responsibility/to let/to a llow/to give free rein to/no matter (how, what etc)/ [ren4 yi1 ge5] /any one of (a list of possibilities)/ [Ren4 qiu1 shi4] /Renqiu county level city in Cangzhou [Cang1 zhou1] [ren4 shi4] /appointment to an important post/ [ren4 ren2] /to appoint (sb to a post)/ [ren4 ren2 wei2 qin1] /to appoint people by favoritism (idiom); nepotism/ ntment/ [ren4 ren2 wei2 xian2] /to appoint people according to their merits (idio nt on the basis of ability and integrity/ [ren4 he2] /any/whatever/whichever/whatsoever/ [ren4 he2 qi2 ta1] /any other/ [ren4 bian4] /as you see fit/to do as one likes/ [ren4 xia2] /chivalrous/helping the weak for the sake of justice/

[ren4 mian3] /to appoint and dismiss/ [ren4 nei4] /period in office/ [ren4 qi2 zi4 ran2] /to let things take their course (idiom)/to leave it ssez-faire/ [ren4 wu5] /mission/assignment/task/duty/role/CL: [xiang4], [ge4]/ [ren4 wu4 lan2] /taskbar/ [ren4 lao2 ren4 yuan4] /to undertake a task despite criticism (idiom); to den of office willingly/ [ren4 ming4] /to appoint and nominate/(job) appointment/CL: [zhi3]/ [ren4 jiu4] /to take the blame/ [Ren4 cheng2] /Rencheng district of Ji'ning city , Shandong/ [Ren4 cheng2 qu1] /Rencheng district of Ji'ning city , Shandong/ [Ren4 tian1 tang2] /Nintendo/ [Ren4 An1] /Ren An (-c. 90 BC), Han Dynasty general, also called Ren Shaoqing [ren4 cong2] /at one's discretion/ [ren4 xing4] /willful/headstrong/uninhibited/ [ren4 qing2] /to let oneself go/to do as much as one pleases/ [ren4 yi4] /arbitrary/at will/at random/ [ren4 yi4 qiu2] /free kick/ [ren4 ping2] /no matter what/despite/to allow (sb to act arbitrarily)/ [ren4 ping2 feng1 lang4 qi3 , wen3 zuo4 diao4 ite wind and storm (idiom); to stay calm during tense situation/a cool head in a crisis/ [ren4 suo3] /one's office/place where one holds a post/ [ren4 jiao4] /to teach/to coach/to work as teacher/ [ren4 qi1] /term of office/ [ren4 qi4] /to act on impulse/ [ren4 yong4] /to appoint/to assign/ [ren4 you2] /to let (sb do sth)/to allow/ [Ren4 xian4] /Ren county in Xingtai [Xing2 tai2], Hebei/ [ren4 zhi2] /to hold an office or post/ [ren4 zhi2 qi1 jian1] /term of office/while holding a post/ [ren4 ting1] /to allow (sb to act arbitrarily)/to let sb have his head/ [ren4 dan4] /dissipated/unruly/ [ren4 ke4] /to give classes/to work as teacher/ [ren4 xian2 shi3 neng2] /to appoint the virtuous and use the able (idiom) on the basis of ability and integrity/ [ren4 da2 Hua4] /Simon Yam Tat-Wah (Hong Kong actor)/ [ren4 xuan3] /to choose arbitrarily/to take whichever one fancies/ [ren4 zhong4] /a load/a heavy burden/ [ren4 zhong4 dao4 yuan3] /a heavy load and a long road/fig. to bear heavy ties through a long struggle (cf Confucian Analects, 8.7)/ [ren4 sui2] /to allow (sb to have his head)/to let things happen/ [fen4] /classifier for gifts, newspaper, magazine, papers, reports, contracts et c/variant of [fen4]/ [fen4 r5] /degree/extent/allotted share/ [fen4 zi5] /one's share of a gift price/ [fen4 zi3] /members of a class or group/political elements (such as intellectuals or extremists)/part/ [fen4 liang5] /see [fen4 liang5]/ [fen4 e2] /share/portion/ [fang3] /to imitate/to copy/ [fang3 si4] /as if/to seem/ [fang3 xiao4] /to copy/to imitate/ [fang3 mao4] /to counterfeit/fake/ [fang3 mao4 pin3] /counterfeit object/imitation/fake/pirated goods/ [fang3 gu3] /pseudo-classical/modeled on antique/in the old style/ [fang3 ru2] /like, similar to, as if/ [fang3 Song4] /imitation Song dynasty typeface/Fangsong font/ [fang3 she4] /affine (math.), i.e. inhomogeneous linear/

[fang3 she4 zi3 kong1 jian1] /affine subspace (math.)/ [fang3 she4 kong1 jian1] /affine space (math.)/ [fang3 fu2] /variant of [fang3 fu2]/ [fang3 zhao4] /to imitate/ [fang3 sheng1 xue2] /bionics/bionicist/ [fang3 pi2] /imitation leather/ [fang3 zhen1] /to emulate/to simulate/emulation/simulation/ [fang3 zhen1 fu2 wu4 qi4] /emulation server/ [fang3 zhi3] /copying paper (with printed model characters and blank squares for riting practice)/ [fang3 yang2 pi2 zhi3] /imitation parchment/ [fang3 xing2] /to fashion after/to imitate/ [fang3 zhi4] /to copy/to imitate/to make by imitating a model/ [fang3 zhi4 pin3] /counterfeit object/fake/ [fang3 feng3] /parody/ [fang3 zao4] /to copy/to produce sth after a model/to counterfeit/ [zhong1] /restless/agitated/ [qi3] /to plan a project/to stand on tiptoe/Taiwan pr. [qi4]/abbr. for , enterpri e or company/ [qi3 hua4] /to plan/to lay out/to design/ [qi3 ji2] /to hope to reach/to strive for/Taiwan pr. [qi4 ji2]/ [qi3 tu2] /to attempt/to try/attempt/CL: [zhong3]/ [qi3 tu2 xin1] /ambition/ambitious/ [qi3 mu4] /to admire/ [qi3 wang4] /hope/to hope/to look forward to/ [qi3 ye4] /company/firm/enterprise/corporation/CL:[jia1]/ [qi3 ye4 zhu3] /owner of enterprise/ [qi3 ye4 nei4 wang3 lu4] /intranet/company-internal network/ [qi3 ye4 jia1] /entrepreneur/industrialist/ [qi3 ye4 guan3 li3] /business management (as a study)/ [qi3 ye4 guan3 li3 shuo4 shi4] /Master of Business Administration [qi3 ye4 lian2 he2 zu3 zhi1] /syndication/Cartel organization/ [qi3 ye4 jian1 wang3 lu4] /extranet/company-external network/ [qi3 ye4 ji2 tuan2] /industry association/ [qi3 qiu2] /to seek for/to hope to gain/desirous/ [qi3 pan4] /to expect/to look forward to/anxious for sth/to hope (to get sth)/ [qi3 guan3 shuo4 shi4] /Master of Business Administration (MBA)/ [qi3 e2] /penguin/ [diao4] /see [diao4 dang1]/ [diao4 dang1] /seldom/irregularly/ [xin3] /nervous/fearful/ [kang4] /husband/wife/ [kang4 li4] /husband and wife (literary)/ [kang4 li4 qing2 shen1] /married couple very much in love/deep conjugal l [Yi1] /surname Yi/abbr. for Iraq or Iran/ [yi1] /he/she/ [Yi1 lun2] /Irun (city in Basque region of Spain)/ [Yi1 fan2] /Ivan (Russian name)/ [Yi1 li4 ya4 te4] /Homer's Iliad/ [Yi1 li4 ai1 si1 ku4] /Iliescu/ [Yi1 li4 hu2] /Lake Eire, one of the Great Lakes [Wu3 da4 hu2]/ [Yi1 li4 nuo4] /Illinois, US state/ [Yi1 li4 nuo4 yi1] /Illinois, US state/ [Yi1 li4 nuo4 yi1 zhou1] /Illinois, US state/ [Yi1 li4 nuo4 zhou1] /Illinois, US state/ [Yi1 wu2] /Yiwu county in Kumul prefecture [Ha1 mi4 di4 qu1], Xi [Yi1 wu2 xian4] /Yiwu county in Kumul prefecture [Ha1 mi4 di [yi1 ta3] /eta (Greek letter )/ [Yi1 sai1 ke4 u2] /lake Issyk-Kul in Kyrgyzstan/ [Yi1 s i4 man4 Ke1 da2 Gong1 si1] /Eastman Kodak Company (US

[yi1 mei4 r5] /email (loanword)/see [dian4 zi3 you2 jian4]/ [yi1 shi3] /beginning/henceforth/ [Yi1 wa2] /Eva (name)/ [Yi1 wa2 Men2 de2 si1] /Eva Mendes, American actress/ [Yi1 ning2] /Yining city and county or Ghulja nahiyisi in Ili Kazakh autonomous p efecture [Yi1 li2 Ha1 sa4 ke4 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang/ [Yi1 ning2 shi4] /Gulja or Yining city in Xinjiang, capital of Ili Kazakh aut prefecture/ [Yi1 ning2 xian4] /Yining county or Ghulja nahiyisi in Ili Kazakh autonomous ure [Yi1 li2 Ha1 sa4 ke4 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang/ [Yi1 ni2 ya4 si1] /Aeneas/ [Yi1 ni2 yi1 de2] /Aeneid/ [Yi1 ni2 te4] /Virgil's Aeneid (epic about the foundation of Rome)/ [Yi1 chuan1] /Yichuan county in Luoyang , Henan/ [Yi1 chuan1 xian4] /Yichuan county in Luoyang , Henan/ [Yi1 zhou1] /Tang dynasty province in modern Xinjiang, around Kumul [Ha1 mi4] is (US state)/ [Yi1 si1 mai4 er3] /Ismail (name)/Shh Ismil I (1487-1524), founder of P nasty, reigned 1501-1524/ [Yi1 ge1 er3] /Igor/ [Yi1 ge1 er3 si1] /Eagles (name)/ [Yi1 la1 ke4] /Iraq/ [Yi1 si1 tan3 bu4 er3] /Istanbul, Turkey/ [Yi1 si1 pa4 ni2 ao4 la1] /Hispaniola (Caribbean island including Republic)/ [Yi1 si1 man4] /Eastman (name)/George Eastman (1854-1932), US inventor and fo f Kodak [Ke1 da2]/Max F. Eastman (1883-1969), US socialist writer, subsequently se ere critic of USSR/ [Yi1 si1 fa3 han3] /Isfahan or Efahn, province and city in central Iran [yi1 si1 te4] /Istres (French town)/ [Yi1 si1 lan2] /Islam/ [Yi1 si1 lan2 bao3] /Islamabad, capital of Pakistan/ [Yi1 si1 lan2 jiao4] /Islam/ [Yi1 si1 lan2 Hui4 yi4 Zu3 zhi1] /Organization of the Islamic [Yi1 si1 lan2 sheng4 zhan4 zu3 zhi1] /Islamic Jihad (Palestin [Yi1 si1 lan2 dang3] /Islamic party/ [yi1 yu2 hu2 di3] /where will it stop?/ [Yi1 chun1] /Yichun prefecture level city in Heilongjiang/ [Yi1 chun1 qu1] /Yichun district of Yichun city, Heilongjiang/ [Yi1 chun1 shi4] /Yichun prefecture level city in Heilongjiang province 1] in northeast China/ [yi1 pu3 xi1 long2] /epsilon (Greek letter )/ [yi1 man4] /s [yi1 ma3 mu4]/ [Yi1 lang3] /Iran/ [Yi1 lang3 xian4 jian1 hui4] /Guardian Council of the Constitution of [Yi1 bi3 li4 ya4] /Iberia/the Iberian peninsula/ [Yi1 bi3 li4 ya4 ban4 dao3] /Iberian peninsula/ [Yi1 bo1 la1] /Ebola virus/ [Yi1 luo4 wa3 di3] /Irrawaddy or Ayeyarwaddy River, the main river of Mya [Yi1 luo4 wa3 di3 san1 jiao3 zhou1] /Irrawaddy delta in south [Yi1 luo4 wa3 di3 jiang1] /Irrawaddy or Ayeyarwaddy River, the main r rma)/ [Yi1 er3 ku4 ci2 ke4] /Irkutsk/ [Yi1 li2] /the Ili river basin around Turpan in Xinjiang/abbr. for Ili Kazakh aut nomous prefecture / [Yi1 li2 Ha1 sa4 ke4 zi4 zhi4 zhou1] /Ili Kazakh autonomo [Yi1 li2 he2] /Ili River/ [Yi1 li2 pen2 di4] /the Yili basin around Urumqi in Xinjiang/ [Yi1 rui4 ke4 ti2 weng1 miao4] /the Erechteum, Athens/ [yi1 ma3 mu4] /imam (Islam)/

[yi1 dian4 yuan2] /Garden of Eden/ [yi1 ke1 bing4 du2] /echovirus (RNA virus in genus Enterovirus)/ [Yi1 suo3] /Aesop (trad. 620-560 BC), Greek slave and story-teller, reported auth r of Aesop's fables/ [Yi1 li4 sha1 bai2] /Elizabeth/also written / [Yi1 li4 sa4 bai2] /Elizabeth (name)/also written / [Yi1 lai2 ke4 si1] /Electrolux (Swedish manufacturer of home appliances)/ [Yi1 sa4 ka3] /Ithaca, Island state of Greece, the home of Odysseus Cornell University / [Yi1 teng2 Bo2 wen2] /IT Hirobumi (1841-1909), Japanese Meiji restoratio rime minister on four occasions, influential in Japanese expansionism in Korea, assassinated in Harbin/ [Yi1 tong1] /Yitong Manchurian autonomous county in Siping , Jilin/ [Yi1 tong1 he2] /Yitong river in Siping , Jilin/ [Yi1 tong1 Man3 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Yitong Manchurian autono [Yi1 tong1 huo3 shan1 qun2] /Yitong volcanic area in Yitong Manchuria , Siping, Jilin/ [Yi1 tong1 xian4] /Yitong Manchurian autonomous county in Siping , Jilin/ [Yi1 tong1 zi4 ran2 bao3 hu4 qu1] /Yitong nature reserve in Y nty , Siping, Jilin/ [Yi1 tong1 zhen4] /Yitong township, capital of Yitong Manchurian autonomous c n Siping , Jilin/ [Yi1 li3 qi2] /Ilyich or Illich (name)/ [Yi1 li3 ge2 rui4] /Irigaray (psychoanalyst, feminist)/ [Yi1 jin1 huo4 luo4] /Ejin Horo banner (Ejen Khoruu khoshuu) in Ordos pre si1], Inner Mongolia/ [Yi1 jin1 huo4 luo4 qi2] /Ejin Horo banner (Ejen Khoruu khoshuu) in O o1 si1], Inner Mongolia/ [Yi1 dun4 gong1 xue2] /Eton public school (English elite school)/ [yi1 ma3 mu3] /see [yi1 ma3 mu4]/ [Yi1 li4 sha1 bai2] /Elizabeth (person name)/ [ji2] /unreal/ [Wu3] /surname Wu/ [wu3] /squad of five soldiers/to associate with/five (banker's anti-fraud numera l)/ [Wu3 she1] /Wu She (-522 BC), powerful minister of Chu and father of Wu Zixu [Wu3 Zi3 xu1] /Wu Zixu (-484 BC), powerful politician in Wu/famous as destitu gee begging in Wu town, cf / [Wu3 jia1 gang3] /Wujiagang district of Yichang city [Yi2 chang1 shi4], [Wu3 jia1 gang3 qu1] /Wujiagang district of Yichang city [Yi2 chang [Wu3 Ting2 fang1] /Wu Tingfang (1842-1922), diplomat and lawyer/ [Wu3 de2 hao2 si1] /Woodhouse or Wodehouse (name)/ [ji4] /craft/ [ji4 liang3] /trick/scheme/ploy/tactic/stratagem/gimmick/ruse/trickery/skill/also written / [Fu2] /surname Fu/ [fu2] /to lean over/to fall (go down)/to hide (in ambush)/to conceal oneself/to lie low/hottest days of summer/to submit/to concede defeat/to overcome/to subdue /volt/ [fu2 shi5] /to attend to/to care for (patients etc)/to look after/to wait upon/to serve/also written , see also [fu2 shi4]/ [fu2 bing1] /hidden troops/ambush/ [fu2 di4] /to lie prostrate/ [fu2 di4 ting3 shen1] /pushup (exercise)/ [Fu2 di4 mo2] /Lord Voldemort (Harry Potter)/ [fu2 an1] /volt-ampere (measure of apparent power in alternating current circuits / [fu2 wei2] /to lie prostrate/to prostrate oneself (in veneration)/ [fu2 ji1] /ambush/ [Fu2 Ming2 xia2] /Fu Mingxia (1978-), Chinese diving champion/

[fu2 an4] /lit. to be bent over one's desk (studying or writing)/fig. to work sla ishly/ [fu2 xun4] /summer flood/ [fu2 fa3] /to be executed/ [fu2 liu2] /hidden stream/ground stream/ [Fu2 er3 jia1 ge2 le4] /Volgograd, Russian city on the Volga River [Fu2 er3 jia1 he2] /Volga River/ [Fu2 er3 tai4] /Voltaire (1694-1778), Enlightenment philosopher/ [Fu2 niu2 shan1] /Funiu mountain range in southwest Henan, an eastern extensi inling range [Qin2 ling3 shan1 mai4], Shaanxi/ [fu2 te4] /volt/ [fu2 te4 jia1] /vodka/ [fu2 te4 ji4] /voltmeter/ [fu2 bi3] /foreshadowing (literary device)/foretaste of material to come (in essa or story)/ [fu2 zui4] /to admit guilt/to plead guilty/ [Fu2 luo2 xi1 luo4 fu1] /Kliment Voroshilov (1881-1969), Soviet polit commander/ [Fu2 Xi1] /Fu Hsi/Fuxi, legendary Chinese emperor, trad. 2852-2738 BC, mythical c eator of fishing, trapping and writing/ [Fu2 Xi1 shi4] /Fuxi or Fu Hsi, legendary Chinese emperor 2852-2738 BC, mythi ator of fishing, trapping, and writing/ [fu2 wo4] /lying down/to lie prostrate/prone/ [fu2 hu3] /to subdue a tiger/fig. to prevail over sinister forces/ [fu2 zhu1] /to be executed/ [fu2 shu1] /to concede/to admit defeat/also written / [fu2 bian4] /to admit one's guilt/to plead guilty/also written [fu2 bian [Fu2 du1 jiao4] /Hoodoo (African folk magic)/ [fu2 long2 feng4 chu2] /hidden genius (idiom)/ [fa2] /to cut down/to fell/to dispatch an expedition against/to attack/to boast/ [fa2 mu4] /to cut wood/tree-felling/lumbering/ [fa2 mu4 chang3] /a logging area/ [fa2 mu4 gong1 ren2] /lumberjack/tree cutter/ [fa2 ke1] /(cf Book of Songs) How to fashion an ax handle? You need an ax/fig. to follow a principle/fig. to act as match-maker/ [Xiu1] /surname Xiu/ [xiu1] /to rest/to stop doing sth for a period of time/to cease/(imperative) don 't/ [Xiu1 yi1 te4] /Hewitt/ [Xiu1 lun2 hu2] /Lake Huron, one of the Great Lakes [Wu3 da4 hu2]/ [xiu1 jia4] /to take a vacation/to go on holiday/ [xiu1 ke4] /shock/to go into shock/ [xiu1 bing1] /to cease fire/armistice/rested troops/ [Xiu1 shi4 dun4] /Houston, Texas/ [xiu1 qi1] /to repudiate one's wife/ [xiu1 xue2] /to suspend schooling/to defer study/ [Xiu1 ning2] /Xiuning county in Huangshan [Huang2 shan1], Anhui/ [Xiu1 ning2 xian4] /Xiuning county in Huangshan [Huang2 shan1], Anhu [xiu1 ting2] /to adjourn (law)/ [xiu1 xi5] /rest/to rest/ [xiu1 xi1 shi4] /lobby/lounge/ [xiu1 xi1] /recess/ [xiu1 xiang3] /don't think (that)/ [xiu1 qi4] /to rest/to sleep/ [xiu1 zhan4] /armistice/ [xiu1 zheng3] /to rest and reorganize (military)/ [Xiu1 si1 dun1] /Houston, Texas/ [xiu1 si1 dun4] /Houston/ [xiu1 lu:3 che1] /Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV)/ [xiu1 hui4] /to adjourn/

[xiu1 zhi3] /to stop/ [xiu1 zhi3 fu2] /rest (music)/ [xiu1 mian2 huo3 shan1] /dormant volcano/ [Xiu1 mo2] /David Hume (1711-1776), Scottish Enlightenment philosopher/ [Xiu1 da2] /Sebta or Ceuta (city in north Morocco)/ [xiu1 xian2] /variant of leisure/relaxation/not working/idle/ [xiu1 xian2 ku4] /casual pants/ [xiu1 xian2] /leisure/relaxation/not working/idle/ [xiu1 xian2 xie2] /leisure shoes/ [xiu1 yang3] /to recuperate/to recover/to convalesce/ [xiu1 yang3 sheng1 xi1] /to recover/to recuperate/ [fu1] /variant of [fu1]/ [huo3] /meals (abbr. for [huo3 shi2])/variant of [huo3]/ [huo3 ban4] /partner/companion/comrade/ [huo3 tong2] /to collude/in collusion with/ [huo3 ji5] /partner/fellow/mate/waiter/servant/shop assistant/ [huo3 yi2] /variant of [huo3 yi2]/ [huo3 shi2] /communal meals (in workplace or school cafeteria etc)/food served at a mess hall/ [cui4] /variant of , auxiliary/spare/deputy/second/sub-/ [chuan2] /Japanese variant of / [yun2] /to summon/to propagate/to transmit/ [ya2] /child (coll.)/kid/ [ya2 zi5] /child (coll.)/kid/ [ya2 zai3] /child (coll.)/kid/ [ba4] /variant of / [bai3] /one hundred (old)/ [bo2] /father's elder brother/senior/paternal elder uncle/eldest of brothers/res pectful form of address/Count, third of five orders of nobility [wu3 deng3 jue2 wei ]/ [bo2 zhong4 zhi1 jian1] /almost on a par/ [bo2 zhong4 shu1 ji4] /eldest/second/third and youngest of brothers/order among brothers/ [bo2 bo5] /father's elder brother/uncle/ [bo2 jie2] /(name) Berger/Samuel Berger, former US National Security Advisor unde President Carter/ [Bo2 ke4 li4] /Berkeley/ [Bo2 li4 heng2] /Bethlehem (in the biblical nativity story)/ [Bo2 li4 zi1] /Belize/ [bo2 lao2] /shrike/ [bo2 lao2 niao3] /shrike (family Laniidae)/ [Bo2 nan2 ke4] /Bernanke (name)/Ben Shalom Bernanke (1953-), US economist, Ch of Fed from 2006/ [bo2 shu1 zu3 mu3] /father's father's brother's wife/great aunt/ [bo2 shu1 zu3 fu4] /father's father's brother/great uncle/ [Bo2 duo1 lu4] /Peter (Catholic transliteration)/ [bo2 de2 lei2 en1 tu2 shu1 guan3] /Bodleian Library (Oxford)/ [Bo2 en1] /Bern or Berne (Switzerland)/ [Bo2 en1 si1] /Burns (name)/Nicholas Burns (1956-), US diplomat, Under-secret US State Department from 2005/ [Bo2 en1 mao2 si1] /Bournemouth, UK/ [Bo2 la1 di4 si1 la1 wa3] /Bratislava, capital of Slovakia/ [Bo2 ming2 han4] /Birmingham/ [Bo2 Le4] /Bo Le (horse connoisseur during Spring and Autumn Period)/a good judge of talent/talent scout/ [bo2 mu3] /wife of father's elder brother/aunt/(polite form of address for a woma who is about the age of one's mother)/CL: [ge4]/ [bo2 jue2] /earl/count/earldom or countship (old)/ [bo2 fu4] /father's elder brother/term of respect for older man/CL: [ge4]/ [Bo2 er3 ni2] /Bern, capital of Switzerland/

[Bo2 te4 lan2] /Bertrand (name)/ [Bo2 te4 lan2 de2] /Bertrand (name)/ [Bo2 na4 si1 Li3] /Sir Tim Berners-Lee (1955-), British computer sc r of the World Wide Web/ [Bo2 sha1] /Bertha (name)/ [Bo2 sai4 da4] /Bethsaida (city)/ [bo2 du1] /tiger (ancient, dialect)/ [Bo2 li3 ke4 li4] /Pericles (c. 495-429 BC), Athenian strategist and poli and at the start of the Peloponnesian war/ [Ba4 yan2] /Bayan (name)/Bayan of the Baarin (1236-1295), Mongol Yuan general und r Khubilai Khan, victorious over the Southern Song 1235-1239/Bayan of the Merkid (-1340), Yuan dynasty general and politician/ [gu1] /estimate/ [gu4] /old/second-hand (clothes)/ [gu1 zhi2] /valuation/estimation/ [gu1 jia4] /to value/to appraise/to be valued at/estimate/valuation/ [gu1 dui1 r5] /to assess an entire lot/ [gu1 ding4] /to assess/to estimate the value/ [gu1 mo5] /to reckon/to guess/ [gu1 ce4] /estimate/ [gu1 chan3] /to assess/to estimate (value of property, yield of harvest etc)/ [gu1 suan4] /assessment/evaluation/ [gu4 yi1] /second hand clothes/ [gu1 ji4] /to estimate/to reckon/CL: [ge4]/ [gu1 liang5] /to estimate/to assess/ [ni3] /archaic variant of [ni3]/you/ [ni3] /variant of / [ni4] /(dialect) I/my/we/our/ [ban4] /partner/companion/comrade/associate/to accompany/ [ban4 lu:3] /companion/mate/partner/ [ban4 lu:3 hao4] /HMS Consort, Royal Navy destroyer involved in 1949 Amethyst nt on Changjiang/ [ban4 tong2] /to accompany/ [ban4 chang4] /vocal accompaniment/to accompany a singer/to support of sb/to echo sb/to chime in with sb/ [ban4 zou4] /to accompany (musically)/ [ban4 niang2] /bridesmaid/maid of honor/matron of honor/ [ban4 xing1] /companion (star)/ [ban4 you3] /to be accompanied by/ [ban4 re4] /steam or heat tracing/ [ban4 sheng1 qi4] /associated gas/ [ban4 ju3 zhen4] /adjoint matrix (math.)/ [ban4 sui2] /to accompany/to follow/to occur together with/concomitant/ [ban4 sui2 xiao4 ying4] /contingent effects/ [ling2] /clever/ [ling2 ren2] /actor/actress/ [ling2 ding1] /alone and helpless/also written / [ling2 li4] /clever/witty/intelligent/ [ling2 ping1] /lonely/solitary/ [ling2 li4] /variant of , clever/witty/intelligent/ [ling2 ya2 li4 chi3] /clever and eloquent (idiom); fluent/having the gift [ling2 dao4 long2] /velociraptor (dinosaur)/ [ling2 you4] /weasel/Mustela nivalis (zoology)/ [shen1] /to stretch/to extend/ [shen1 yuan1] /to right wrongs/to redress an injustice/ [shen1 chu1] /to extend/ [shen1 zhan3] /stretching/extension/ [shen1 zhan3 tai2] /runway (for a fashion show etc)/catwalk/ [shen1 zhang1] /to uphold (e.g. justice or virtue)/to promote/ [shen1 lan3 yao1] /to stretch oneself/

[shen1 shou3] /to hold out a hand/to ask for sth/ [Shen1 gang3] /Shenkang township in Changhua county [Zhang1 hua4 xia [Shen1 gang3 xiang1] /Shenkang township in Changhua county [Zhan [shen1 suo1] /to lengthen and shorten/flexible/adjustable/retractable/extensible/ elescoping (collapsible)/ [shen1 suo1 la3 ba5] /trombone/ [shen1 suo1 xing4] /flexibility/ [shen1 chang2] /to stretch/to extend/ [shen1 kai1] /to stretch out/ [qu1] /clumsy and dumb/slow-witted/ [ci4] /to wait on/ [si4] /to watch/to wait/to examine/to spy/ [ci4 hou4] /to serve/to act as a valet/ [si4 fu2] /servo (small electric motor)/computer server/ [si4 fu2 qi4] /server (computer)/ [si4 ji1] /to wait for an opportunity/to watch for one's chance/ [si4 xi4] /to wait for the opportunity/ [beng1] /to cause/ [si4] /to seem/to appear/to resemble/similar/-like/pseudo-/ [si4 hu1] /apparently/to seem/to appear/as if/seemingly/ [si4 dong3 fei1 dong3] /to seem to understand, but not to understand (idi [si4 shi4 er2 fei1] /apparently right but actually wrong; specious (idiom [si4 ceng2 xiang1 shi2] /dj vu (the experience of seeing exactly the sa cond time)/seemingly familiar/apparently already acquainted/ [si4 he2] /nucleoid (of prokaryotic cell)/ [si4 shui3 nian2 hua2] /fleeting years (idiom)/ [shi4 de5] /seems as if/rather like/ [si4 xiao4 fei1 xiao4] /like a smile yet not a smile (idiom)/ [si4 xue3] /snowy/ [si4 niao3 kong3 long2] /ornithischian/bird-like dinosaur/ [jia1] /traditionally used as phonetic for ga/also pronounced [ga1]/ [Jia1 ye1] /Kaya/a country or province to the South of Silla in south K 00 AD/ [jia1 ye1 qin2] /kayagum/Korean 12-stringed zither/ [Jia1 li4 lu:e4] /Galileo Galilei (1564-1642), Italian scientist/ [Jia1 li4 lu:e4 Jia1 li4 lei2] /Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) [Jia1 li4 lu:e4 tan4 ce4 qi4] /Galileo probe/ [Jia1 shi1] /Peyzivat nahiyisi (Peyziwat county) in Kashgar prefecture , west Xinjiang/ [Jia1 shi1 xian4] /Peyzivat nahiyisi (Peyziwat county) in Kashgar prefecture qu1], west Xinjiang/ [Jia1 luo2 wa4] /variste Galois (1811-1832), famous French mathematical prod nsuccessful duelist/ [Jia1 luo2 wa3 li3 lun4] /Galois theory (math.)/ [Jia1 luo2 hua4] /variste Galois (1811-1832), famous French mathematical pro unsuccessful duelist/also written / [Jia1 luo2 hua4 li3 lun4] /Galois theory (math.)/also written [ga1 ma3] /gamma (Greek letter )/ [ a1 ma3 sh 4 xian4] / amma rays/ [jia1 ma3 sh 4 xian4 tan4 c 4 qi4] / amma-ray d t ctor/ [jia1 ma3 fu2 sh 4] / amma radiation/ [pi1] /multitudinous/pow rful/ [dian4] /farm r/ [dian4 hu4] /t nant farm r/ [dian4 non 2] /t nant farm r/shar cropp r/ [dan4] /but/y t/how v r/only/m r ly/still/ [Dan4 din 1] /Dant Ali hi ri (1265-1321), Italian po t, author of th Divin Com dy / [dan4 yi3 li3 shu1] /Book of Dani l/ [Dan4 ni2 sh n 1] /T nnyson (nam )/Alfr d T nnyson, 1st Baron T nnyson (1809-

n lish po t/ [dan4 shi4] /but/how v r/ [dan4 shu1] /proviso/qualifyin claus / [dan4 shuo1 wu2 fan 2] /th r is no harm in sayin what on thinks (idiom [dan4 yuan4] /if only (sth w r possibl )/I wish (that)/ [dan4 yuan4 ru2 ci3] /if only it w r so/I hop so (idiom)/ [zhu4] /wait/look towards/turn on 's back on/ [zhu4 li 4] /qu u (computin )/ [zhu4 li4] /to stand for a lon tim / [bu4] /variant of [bu4]/to announc /to spr ad/ [bu4 wu3] /to d ploy troops/ [Bu4 li 4 ta3 ni2] /Brittany or Br ta n , ar a of w st rn Franc / [bu4 ao4] /postin on a bull tin board/notic /bull tin/to announc / [bu4 ao4 lan2] /bull tin board/ [bu4 nan 2 qi2 kou3] /lit. to cov r sb's mouth with cloth/to a /fi . to [bu4 ju2] /arran m nt/composition/layout/op nin (ch ss jar on)/ [bu4 jin 3] /(sta ) s t/ [bu4 r3 qiao2 ya4] /bour ois (loanword)/also writt n / [bu4 zhi4] /to put in order/to arrange/to decorate/to fix up/to deploy/ [Bu4 lai2 te4 ni1 Mo4 fei1] /Brittany Murphy (1977-2009), A [Bu4 lan2 sen1] /Branson or Brandsen (name)/Sir Richard Branson (1950-), Brit lionaire and founder of Virgin/ [bu4 dao4] /sermon/to sermonize/to preach/to evangelize/ [bu4 lei2] /to lay mines/ [bu4 lei2 jian4] /minelayer (ship)/ [Bu4 lei2 dun4 sen1 lin2] /Bretton woods conference in 1944 of allied world exchange rates and setting up IMF and world bank/ [Qu1] /surname Qu/ [Qu1 lu2 wen2] /Kharosthi (ancient language of central Asia)/ [ci3] /petty/wretched/ [wei4] /position/location/place/seat/classifier for people (honorific)/classifie r for binary bits (e.g. 16-bit or 2 bytes)/ [wei4 yuan2] /bit (computing)/ [wei4 yuan2 zu3] /byte (computing)/ [wei4 lie4] /to rank/ [wei4 tu2] /raster graphics/ [wei4 zi5] /place/seat/ [wei4 ju1] /to be located at/ [wei4 xing2] /configuration/ [wei4 xing2 kong1 jian1] /configuration space (math.)/ [wei4 yu2] /to be located at/to be situated at/to lie/ [wei4 ci4] /place (in numbered sequence)/degree on employment scale/ [wei4 yi2] /displacement (vector)/ [wei4 zhi5] /position/place/seat/CL: [ge4]/ [wei4 zhi4 xiao4 ying4] /position effect/ [di1] /low/beneath/to lower (one's head)/to let droop/to hang down/to incline/ [di1 san1 xia4 si4] /servile/ [di1 xia4] /low status/lowly/to lower (one's head)/ [di1 qiu1] /hilly (geography)/ [di1 yu2] /be lower than/ [di1 gu1] /to underestimate/to underrate/ [di1 di1 qie4 qie4] /in a low voice/whispered/ [di1 su2] /vulgar/poor taste/ [di1 su2 zhi1 feng1] /vulgar style (used of items to be censored)/ [di1 su2 hua4] /vulgarization/ [di1 jia4] /low price/ [di1 ba1 du4] /lower octave (music)/ [di1 fen1] /low marks/low score/ [di1 li4] /low interest/ [di1 li4 dai4 kuan3] /low interest loan/

[di1 ji4 liang4 zhao4 she4] /low dose irradiation/ [di1 lie4] /inferior quality/substandard/low-grade/ [di1 di4] /lowland/ [di1 chui2] /drooping/hanging low/ [di1 wei3 qi4 pai2 fang4] /low emissions (from car exhaust)/ [di1 ceng2] /low level/ [di1 lian2] /cheap/inexpensive/low/ [di1 xi1] /low-interest/ [di1 cheng2 ben3] /low cost/inexpensive/ [di1 shou1 ru4] /low income/ [di1 fang4 she4 xing4 fei4 wu4] /low level waste/ [di1 xiao4] /inefficient/ineffective/ [di1 ang2] /ups and down/rise and fall/ [di1 dang4] /low-grade/of low worth or rank/poor quality/inferior/ [di1 lan2] /low hurdles (track event)/ [di1 qi4 ya1] /low pressure/ [di1 chen2] /overcast/gloomy/downcast/deep and low (of sound)/muffled/ [di1 wen1] /low temperature/ [di1 chao2] /low tide/low ebb/ [di1 nong2 suo1 you2] /low-enriched uranium/ [di1 re4] /a low fever (up to 38C)/ [di1 shao1] /a low fever (up to 38C)/ [di1 chan3] /low yield/ [di1 mei2 shun4 yan3] /docile/submissive/ [di1 ai3] /short/low/ [di1 kong1] /low altitude/ [di1 kong1 fei1 guo4] /to just scrape through with a narrow pass (in an e [di1 wa1] /low-lying/ [di1 duan1] /low-end/ [di1 deng3] /inferior/ [di1 deng3 dong4 wu4] /lower animal/primitive life-form/ [di1 jin1 mian4 fen3] /low gluten flour/cake flour/pastry flour/soft flou [di1 ji2] /low level/rudimentary/vulgar/low/inferior/ [di1 ji2 yu3 yan2] /low level (computer) language/ [di1 wei2] /low dimensional (math.)/ [di1 huan3] /in a low and firm voice/ [di1 hao4] /low consumption/ [di1 sheng1] /low voice/ [di1 xiong1] /low-cut (dress)/plunging (neckline)/ [di1 neng2] /mental deficiency/ [di1 neng2 er2] /subnormal child/mental defective/ [di1 zhi1] /low fat/ [di1 luo4] /downcast/ [di1 xue4 ya1] /low blood pressure/ [di1 yu3] /mutter/ [di1 diao4] /low pitch/quiet (voice)/subdued/low-key/low-profile/ [di1 gu3] /valley/trough (as opposed to peaks)/fig. low point/lowest ebb/nadir of one's fortunes/ [di1 fei4 yong4] /low cost/ [di1 mi2] /depression (esp. economic)/ [di1 su4 ceng2] /low velocity zone (seismology)/also called asthenosphere g2]/ [di1 su4 dang3] /low gear/bottom gear/ [di1 su4 lu:4] /low speed/ [di1 xian4] /to sink/to settle/ [di1 jie1] /low level/ [di1 jie1 yu3 yan2] /low level (computer) language/ [di1 yin1] /bass/ [di1 yin1 la3 ba5] /woofer/ [di1 yin1 da4 ti2 qin2] /double bass/contrabass/

[di1 yin1 da4 hao4] /bass tuba/euphonium/ [di1 yin1 ti2 qin2] /double bass/contrabass/ [di1 yin1 pao4] /subwoofer/ [di1 yin1 guan3] /bassoon/also written or / [di1 ling3 kou3] /low-cut neckline/ [di1 tou2] /to bow the head/ [di1 shou3 xia4 xin1] /to be fawningly submissive (idiom)/ [di1 qu3 chi3 xing4] /non-caries-inducing/ [zhu4] /to live/to dwell/to stay/to reside/to stop/(suffix indicating firmness, steadiness, or coming to a halt)/ [zhu4 qu1] /living area/ [Zhu4 you3] /Sumitomo, Japanese company/ [zhu4 kou3] /shut up/shut your mouth/stop talking/ [zhu4 zui3] /to hold one's tongue/Shut up!/ [zhu4 di4] /living area/residential area/ [zhu4 zhi3] /address/ [zhu4 zhai2] /residence/tenement/ [zhu4 zhai2 qu1] /residential area/housing development/ [zhu4 zhai2 lou2] /residential building/CL:[zhuang4],[zuo4], [dong4]/ [zhu4 zhai2 pao4 mo4] /housing bubble/ [zhu4 ke4] /hotel guest/tenant/ [zhu4 jia1] /residence/household/to reside/ [zhu4 su4] /lodging/accommodation/ [zhu4 ju1] /to live/to reside/ [zhu4 hu4] /inhabitant/householder/ [zhu4 fang2] /housing/ [zhu4 suo3] /habitation/dwelling place/residence/CL: [chu4]/ [zhu4 shou3] /to desist/to stop/to stay one's hand/ [zhu4 chi2] /to administer a monastery Buddhist or Daoist/abbot/head monk/ [zhu4 xiao4] /boarding school/ [zhu4 she4] /house/residence/ [zhu4 chu4] /residence/dwelling/dwelling place/ [zhu4 yuan4] /to be in hospital/to be hospitalized/ [zhu4 yuan4 zhi4 liao2] /to receive hospital treatment/to be hospitalized [zuo3] /to assist/assistant/aide/to accompany/ [Zuo3 shi4 bao3] /Sasebo, city and naval port in Nagasaki prefecture, Kysh, [zuo3 liao4] /condiments/seasoning/ [zuo3 ge2 bi4 guo2 ji4] /Zogby International (polling company)/ [Zuo3 zhi4 ya4] /Georgia, US state/ [Zuo3 zhi4 ya4 zhou1] /Georgia, US state/ [Zuo3 luo2] /Zorro/ [zuo3 zheng4] /evidence/proof/to confirm/corroboration/ [zuo3 er4] /deputy/junior/ [zuo3 jiu3] /to drink together (in company)/to drink together (with food)/ [zuo3 can1] /(of food) accompaniment/ [you4] /to assist/to protect/ [you4 hu4] /blessing/ [zhan4] /variant of [zhan4]/ [zhan4 shang4 feng1] /to take the lead/to gain the upper hand/ [zhan4 xia4 feng1] /to be at a disadvantage/ [zhan4 pian2 yi5] /advantageous/favorable/to benefit at others' expense/to ta ir advantage/ [zhan4 you1] /dominance/traditional form also written / [zhan4 you1 shi4] /to predominate/to occupy a dominant position/ [zhan4 xian1] /to take precedence/ [Zhan4 cheng2] /Champa (Sanskrit: Campapura or Campanagara), ancient kingdom in t e South of Vietnam c. 200-1693/ [Zhan4 po2] /Champa (Sanskrit: Campapura or Campanagara), ancient kingdom in the outh of Vietnam c. 200-1693/ [zhan4 ju4] /to occupy/to hold/

[Zhan4 zu2] /Cham ethnic group/ [zhan4 you3] /to have/to own/to hold/to possess/ [zhan4 wei2 ji3 you3] /to appropriate to oneself (what rightfully belongs [zhan4 yong4] /to occupy/ [zhan4 xian4] /busy (telephone)/ [zhan4 ling3] /to occupy (a territory)/to hold/ [zhan4 ling3 zhe3] /occupant/ [He2] /surname He/ [he2] /what/how/why/which/carry/ [he2 bu4] /why not?/why not do (sth)?/ [he2 ren2] /who/ [he2 yi3] /whence/ [He2 Hou4 hua2] /He Houhua (1955-), Macau financier and politician, first mag from 1999/ [he2 qu4 he2 cong2] /what course to follow/what path to take/ [he2 chi4] /(literary) far more than/not limited to/ [he2 chang2] /(rhetorical question) when?/how?/it's not that.../ [he2 zai4] /where?/what place?/ [he2 ru2] /how about/what kind of/ [he2 gan1] /what business?/ [he2 bi4] /there is no need/why should/ [He2 Ying4 qin1] /He Yingqin (1890-1987), senior Guomindang general/ [he2 suo3] /where/what place/ [he2 gu4] /what for?/what's the reason?/ [he2 fang1] /where?/ [he2 ri4] /when?/ [he2 shi2] /when/ [he2 ceng2] /did I ever ...? (or "did he ever ...?" etc)/ [he2 le4 er2 bu4 wei2] /What can you have against it? (idiom)/We shou it!/ [he2 kuang4] /let alone/to say nothing of/besides/what's more/ [he2 ji4 yu2 shi4] /of what use is it/(idiom)/ [he2 deng3] /what kind?/how, what/somewhat/ [he2 ku3] /why bother?/is it worth the trouble?/ [he2 ku3 ne5] /why bother?/is it worth the trouble?/ [he2 chu4] /whence/where/ [he2 xi1 a1 shu1] /Book of Hosea/ [he2 xu1] /there is no need/why should/ [He2 lu3 xiao3 fu1] /Nikita Khrushchev (1894-1971), secretary-general of ist party 1953-1964/also written / [tuo2] /carry on the back/ [She2] /surname She/ [Yu2] /surname Yu/ [yu2] /(archaic) I/me/variant of , surplus/ [yu2 yue4] /alternative term for fourth lunar month/ [yu2 che1] /emperor's carriage/ [Yi4] /surname Yi/ [yi4] /idle/ [Fo2] /Buddha/Buddhism/ [fo2 xiang4] /Buddhist image/statue of Buddha or Bodhisattva/CL:[zun1], [z [Fo2 guang1] /Buddha's teachings/aura (around the head of Buddha)/ [Fo2 dian3] /Buddhist scriptures/Buddhist classics/ [fo2 kou3 she2 xin1] /words of a Buddha, heart of a snake (idiom); two-fa and duplicitous/ [Fu2 ji2 ni2 ya4] /Virginia, US state/ [Fo2 ping2] /Foping county in Hnzhng [Han4 zhong1], Shnx/ [Fo2 ping2 xian4] /Foping county in Hnzhng [Han4 zhong1], Shnx/ [fo2 ta3] /pagoda/ [Fo2 xue2] /Buddhist doctrine/Buddhist studies/ [fo2 jia1] /a Buddhist/

[Fo2 si4] /Buddhist temple/ [Fo2 shan1] /Foshan prefecture level city in Guangdong/ [Fo2 shan1 di4 qu1] /Foshan prefecture in Guangdong/ [Fo2 shan1 shi4] /Foshan prefecture level city in Guangdong [Gua [Fo2 gang1] /Fogang county in Qingyuan , Guangdong/ [Fo2 gang1 xian4] /Fogang county in Qingyuan , Guangdong/ [Fo2 de2 jiao3] /Cape Verde/ [Fo2 xing4] /Buddha nature/ [fo2 shou3 gua1] /chayote or alligator pear (Sechium edule)/ [Fo2 jiao4] /Buddhism/ [Fo2 jiao4 tu2] /Buddhist/ [Fo2 jiao4 yu3] /Buddhist term/ [Fo2 shu1] /Buddhist texts/scripture/ [Fo2 lang3 ge1] /Franco (name)/Generalissimo Francisco Franco Bahamonde (1892 Spanish dictator and head of state 1939-1975/ [Fo2 lang3 ji1] /historical term for the Portuguese (transliteration used dur g dynasty, sometimes inclusive of Spanish and other parts of Europe)/a term now often used to denote Western (and so styled) cannon of the Ming era/ [Fo2 lang3 ji1 pao4] /Western (and so styled) cannon of the Ming era/also [Fo2 lang3 ji1 pao4] /Western (and so styled) cannon of the Ming era/also [Fo2 lang3 ji1 chong4] /Western (and so styled) cannon of the Ming era/ [fo2 fa3] /Dharma (the teachings of the Buddha)/Buddhist doctrine/ [fo2 fa3 seng1 mu4] /Coraciiformes, class of birds including kingfishers / [Fo2 luo4 yi1 de2] /Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), psychoanalyst/ [Fu2 luo4 si1 te4] /Frost (surname)/ [Fo2 ye2] /Buddha (term of respect for Sakyamuni [Shi4 jia1 mou2 rs to a Buddhist grandee)/Buddha/God/emperor/in late Qing court, refers exclusiv ely to Empress Dowager Cixi / [Fo2 ya2] /Buddha's tooth (a holy relic)/ [Fo2 zu3] /Buddha/founder of a buddhist sect/ [Fo2 jing1] /Buddhist texts/scripture/ [Fo2 luo2 lun2 sa4] /Florence/ [Fu2 luo2 li3 da2] /Florida/ [Fo2 luo2 li3 da2 zhou1] /Florida/ [Fo2 she4 li4] /ashes of cremated Buddha/ [Fo2 meng2 te4] /Vermont, US state/ [Fo2 meng2 te4 zhou1] /Vermont, US state/ [fo2 lan2 de2] /of or relating to Flemish people, language or culture/ [fo2 lan2 mang2 yu3] /Flemish (language)/ [fo2 hao4] /one of the many names of Buddha/ [fo2 dan4 ri4] /Buddha's birthday (8th day of the 4th Lunar month)/ [fo2 yu3] /Buddhist term/ [fo2 tiao4 qiang2] /lit. Buddha jumps over the wall, name for a Chinese dish es many non-vegetarian ingredients/ [Fo2 tuo2] /Buddha/transliteration of Sanskrit/the all-enlightened one/ [Fo2 xiang1 ge2] /Tower of Buddhist incense in Summer Palace [yi [fo2 gu3 ta3] /stupa (Buddhist shrine)/ [fo2 kan1] /niche for statue (esp. Buddhist, Christian etc)/ [zuo4] /to do/to grow/to write or compose/to pretend/to regard as/to feel/writin gs or works/ [zuo4 xia4] /to do/to make (usually bad connotation)/ [zuo4 zhu3] /to decide/to make decisions/to back up sb/support/ [zuo4 luan4] /to start a rebellion/to rise in revolt/ [zuo4 jiao1 yi4] /to deal/to transact/ [zuo4 ren2] /to conduct oneself/same as / [zuo4 ban4] /to accompany/to keep sb company/ [zuo4 jia3] /to counterfeit/to falsify/to cheat/to defraud/fraudulent/to behave a fectedly/ [zuo4 jia3 zhang4] /to falsify accounts/

[zuo4 chu1] /to put out/to come up with/to make (a choice, decision, proposal, re ponse, comment etc)/to issue (a permit, statement, explanation, apology, reassur ance to the public etc)/to draw (conclusion)/to deliver (speech, judgment)/to de vise (explanation)/to extract/ [zuo4 chu1 rang4 bu4] /to make a concession/to compromise/ [zuo4 shi4] /to adopt an attitude/to strike a posture/ [zuo4 gu3] /to die/to pass away/ [zuo4 gu3 ren2] /to die/to pass away/ [zuo4 he2] /to make a match/to get married/ [zuo4 pin3] /work (of art)/opus/CL:[bu4],[pian1]/ [zuo4 heng1 sheng1] /snort/ [zuo4 ou3] /to feel sick/to feel nauseous/to feel disgusted/ [zuo1 fang5] /workshop (of artisan)/ [zuo4 hao3 zhun3 bei4] /to make adequate preparation/ [zuo4 jian1 fan4 ke1] /to flout the law/ [zuo4 wei1 zuo4 fu2] /tyrannical abuse (idiom); riding roughshod over peo [zuo4 nie4] /to sin/ [zuo4 ke4] /to live somewhere as a visitor/to stay with sb as a guest/to sojourn/ [zuo4 jia1] /author/CL: [ge4],[wei4]/ [zuo4 dui4] /to set oneself against/to oppose/to make a pair/ [zuo4 fei4] /to become invalid/to cancel/to delete/to nullify/ [zuo4 bi4] /to practice fraud/to cheat/to engage in corrupt practices/ [zuo4 guai4] /to make trouble/mischief/fantastic/to go to bed with sb/to be naugh y (oblique reference to taboo subject of sex)/ [zuo4 xi1] /work and rest/ [zuo4 xi1 shi2 jian1] /daily schedule/daily routine/ [zuo4 xi1 shi2 jian1 biao3] /daily schedule/work schedule/ [zuo4 e4] /to do evil/ [zuo4 ai4] /to make love/ [zuo4 zhan4] /combat/to fight/ [zuo4 zhan4 shi1 zong1] /see [zuo4 zhan4 shi1 zo [zuo4 zhan4 shi1 zong1 ren2 yuan2] /missing in action (MIA) (mili [zuo4 shou3] /writer/expert/ [zuo4 yi1] /to bow with hands held in front/ [zuo4 shu4] /valid/counting (as valid)/ [zuo4 wen2] /to write an essay/composition (student essay)/CL:[pian1]/ [zuo2 liao5] /condiments/seasoning/ [zuo4 qu3] /to compose (music)/ [zuo4 qu3 jia1] /composer/songwriter/ [zuo4 qu3 zhe3] /composer/song writer/ [zuo4 an4] /to commit a crime/ [zuo4 ye4] /school assignment/homework/work/task/operation/CL: [ge4]/to opera [zuo4 ye4 huan2 jing4] /operating environment/ [zuo4 ye4 xi4 tong3] /operating system/ [zuo4 le4] /to make merry/ [zuo4 si3] /(also [zuo1 si3]) to invite death by recklessness/the road to ruin/ [zuo4 fa3] /course of action/method of doing sth/practice/modus operandi/ [zuo4 pai4] /way of doing sth/one's conduct/business/gestures in opera/ [zuo4 zhun3] /to recognize/to acknowledge (as valid)/ [zuo4 wei2] /one's conduct/deed/activity/accomplishment/achievement/to act as/as in the capacity of)/qua/to view as/to look upon (sth as)/to take sth to be/ [zuo4 wu4] /crop/ [zuo4 yong4] /to act on/to affect/action/function/activity/impact/result/effect/p rpose/intent/to play a role/corresponds to English -ity, -ism, -ization/CL: [ge4]/ [zuo4 yong4 li4] /effort/active force/applied force/ [zuo4 yong4 li3 lun4] /interactive theory/ [zuo4 hua4] /to paint/ [zuo4 tong4] /to ache/ [zuo4 sui4] /haunted/to haunt/ [zuo4 xiu4] /to show off (loanword, from English "show")/to grandstand/to perform

in a stage show/ [zuo4 bi3 ji4] /to take notes/ [zuo4 jian3] /to make a cocoon/ [zuo4 jian3 zi4 fu4] /to spin a cocoon around oneself (idiom); enmeshed i ne's own devising/hoist by his own petard/ [zuo4 ba4] /to drop (subject etc)/ [zuo4 zhe3] /author/writer/CL: [ge4]/ [zuo4 zhe3 bu4 xiang2] /anonymous author/ [zuo4 zhe3 wei4 xiang2] /anonymous author/ [zuo4 zhe3 quan2] /copyright/ [zuo4 xing1] /maybe/possibly/there is reason to believe/ [zuo4 se4] /to show signs of anger/to flush with annoyance/ [zuo4 shi4] /to pledge/ [zuo4 zheng4] /to bear witness/to testify/ [zuo4 zheng4 neng2 li4] /competence/ [zuo4 zei2] /to be a thief/ [zuo4 chuo4] /now working, now stopping/ [zuo4 feng1] /style/style of work/way/ [zuo4 feng1 zheng4 pai4] /to be honest and upright/to have moral integrit [zuo4 ma3] /trestle/carpenter's frame/calling sth a horse/ [gou1] /see [gou1 lou2]/ [kou4] /see [kou4 mao4]/ [gou1 lou2] /rickets (medicine)/ [kou4 mao4] /rickets (medicine)/ [ning4] /to flatter/flattery/ [Tong2] /surname Tong/ [Tong2 jia1 jiang1] /Tongjia river in Manchuria, a tributary of Yalu river 1]/ [ni3] /you (informal, as opposed to courteous [nin2])/ [ni3 men5] /you (plural)/ [ni3 hao3] /Hello!/Hi!/How are you?/ [ni3 hao3 ma5] /How are you?/Are you well?/ [ni3 si3 wo3 huo2] /lit. you die, I live (idiom); irreconcilable adversar es cannot coexist/ [ni3 zheng1 wo3 duo2] /lit. you fight, I snatch (idiom); to compete fierc no quarter/fierce rivalry/tug-of-war/ [ni3 deng3] /you all (archaic)/see also [ni3 men5]/ [ni3 zou3 ni3 de5 Yang2 Guan1 log bridge/you take the easy way, I'll follow the hard path/ [ni3 zhui1 wo3 gan3] /friendly one-upmanship/to try to emulate/ [xian1] /variant of , immortal/light (as a feather)/ [qu2] /he (Cantonese)/Mandarin equivalent: [ta1]/ [yong4] /commission (for middleman)/brokerage fee/ [yong4 jin1] /commission/ [yong4 qian5] /commission/brokerage/ [wa3] /Wa, Kawa or Va ethnic group of Myanmar, south China and southeast Asia/ [Wa3 zu2] /Wa, Kawa or Va ethnic group of Myanmar, south China and southeast Asia [ka3] /ancient name for an ethnic group in China/ [Ka3 wa3 zu2] /Wa, Kawa or Va ethnic group of Myanmar, south China and southe a/ [pei4] /to respect/to wear (belt etc)/ [pei4 jian4] /saber/ [pei4 dai4] /to wear (as accessories)/carry at the waist/ [pei4 dai4] /to wear (as accessories)/ [pei4 fu2] /to admire/ [Pei4 luo4 xi1] /Nancy Pelosi (1940-), US Democrat politician from California er of US House of Representatives from 2007/ [pei4 huan2] /ring-like jade belt pendant/ [pei4 lan2] /orchid/fragrant thoroughwort/(botany) Eupatorium fortunei/Herba Eupa orii (used in Chinese medicine)/

[Pei4 lu3 jia3] /Perugia (city in Italy)/ [huai2] /irresolute/to move back and forth/ [He4] /surname He/ [lao3] /male/man (Cantonese)/ [yang2] /pretend/ [yang2 yan2] /to claim falsely (literary)/ [bai3] /hundred (banker's anti-fraud numeral)/ [fa3] /old variant of [fa3]/law/ [jia1] /beautiful/fine/good/ [Jia1 shi4 ke4] /JUSCO, Japanese chain of hypermarkets/ [jia1 ren2] /beautiful woman/ [jia1 ren2 cai2 zi3] /beautiful lady, gifted scholar (idiom); pair of ide With his brains and her looks.../ [jia1 ou3] /happily married couple/ [Jia1 dong1] /Chiatung township in Pingtung county [Ping2 dong1 xian [Jia1 dong1 xiang1] /Chiatung township in Pingtung county [Ping2 [jia1 jing4] /the most pleasant or enjoyable stage/ [jia1 miao4] /wonderful/beautiful (calligraphy)/ [Jia1 de2 le4] /Gatorade (brand)/ [jia1 qi1] /wedding day/day of tryst/ [Jia1 mu4 si1] /Kiamusze or Jiamusi prefecture level city in Heilongjiang pro long2 jiang1] in northeast China/ [Jia1 mu4 si1 Da4 xue2] /Jiamusi University (Heilongjiang)/ [Jia1 mu4 si1 shi4] /Kiamusze or Jiamusi prefecture level city in Heilong e [Hei1 long2 jiang1] in northeast China/ [Jia1 jie2 shi4] /Crest (brand)/ [jia1 jie2] /festive day/holiday/ [Jia1 xian4] /Jia county in Yln [Yu2 lin2], Shnx/ [jia1 ji4] /good result/success/ [jia1 mei3] /beautiful/ [Jia1 neng2] /Canon (Japanese company)/ [jia1 ping2 ru2 chao2] /a hit/tremendous popularity/ [jia1 niang4] /excellent wine/ [Jia1 li3] /Chiali town in Tainan county [Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan/ [Jia1 li3 zhen4] /Chiali town in Tainan county [Tai2 nan2 xian4] [jia1 yao2] /fine food/delicacies/delicious food/ [jia1 li4] /beauty/ [er4] /assistant/ [bing4] /to combine/to amalgamate/ [bing4 ru4] /to merge into/to incorporate in/ [bing4 tun1] /to swallow up/to annex/to merge/ [bing4 juan3 ji1] /ribbon lap machine/ [bing4 fa1] /to be complicated by/to erupt simultaneously/ [bing4 fa1 zheng4] /complications (undesired side-effect of medical procedure [bing4 sha1] /doubling/ [bing4 gou4] /merger and acquisition (M and A)/acquisition/to take over/ [ji2] /difficult to pronounce/ [hen3] /to act contrary to/ [huo2] /meet/ [gui3] /almost succeed/crafty/suddenly/ [quan2] /immortal/ [tiao1] /frivolous/unsteady/delay/ [jiao3] /handsome/ [jiao3 jiao3 zhe3] /well-known figure/excellent (person, company etc)/ [Ci4] /surname Ci/ [ci4] /nimble/to help/ [yi4] /row of dancers at sacrifices/ [shi3] /to make/to cause/to enable/to use/to employ/to send/to instruct sb to do sth/envoy/messenger/ [shi3 ren2 xin4 fu2] /convincing/

[shi3 zuo4 ou3] /to sicken/ [shi3 mian3 chu2] /to get rid of/ [shi3 ju4 ti3 hua4] /to embody/ [shi3 chu1] /to use/to exert/ [shi3 jin4] /to exert all one's strength/ [shi3 yan4 fan2] /disgust/ [shi3 shou4 shang1] /hurt/ [shi3 ming4] /mission (diplomatic or other)/set task/ [shi3 huan4] /to order sb about/to use sb/ [shi3 kun4 rao3] /to harass/ [shi3 kun4 jiong3] /to embarrass/ [shi3 gu4 ding4] /rivet/make firm/ [shi3 tuan2] /diplomatic mission/ [shi3 huai4] /to play dirty tricks/to be up to mischief/ [shi3 shi1 wang4] /to disappoint/ [shi3 yu2 le4] /to amuse/ [shi3 gu1 li4] /isolate/ [shi3 rong2 yi4] /to facilitate/ [shi3 yi4] /to use (an animal or servant)/working (animal)/(beast) of burden/caus tive form of verbs (esp. in grammar of Japanese, Korean etc)/ [shi3 tu2] /apostle/ [shi3 tu2 xing2 zhuan4] /Acts of the Apostles/ [shi3 de5] /usable/workable/feasible/doable/to make/to cause/ [shi3 nu4] /exasperate/ [shi3 fen4 nu4] /to provoke/ [shi3 fen4 kai3] /outrage/ [shi3 cheng2] /to cause/to render/ [shi3 cheng2 yi1 ti3] /to unify/ [shi3 man3 yi4] /to make content/ [shi3 shi1 tou4] /drench/ [shi3 sheng1 qi4] /to displease/ [shi3 yong4] /to use/to employ/to apply/to make use of/ [shi3 yong4 jia4 zhi2] /usable value/ [shi3 yong4 shu4 liang4] /usage (i.e. extent of use)/ [shi3 yong4 fang1 bian4] /easy to use/convenient to use/ [shi3 yong4 tiao2 kuan3] /terms of use/ [shi3 yong4 quan2] /usage rights/ [shi3 yong4 zhe3] /user/ [shi3 yong4 zhe3 zhong1 jie4] /user agent/ [shi3 yong4 liang4] /volume of use/usage amount/ [shi3 jin4] /to exert all one's strength/ [shi3 yan3 se4] /to wink (in order to convey a hint)/to give sb a tip/ [shi3 ying4 hua4] /harden/ [shi3 jie2] /(diplomatic) envoy/ [shi3 jie2 tuan2] /a diplomatic group/a delegation/ [shi3 xiu1 kui4] /to abash/ [shi3 xi2 guan4] /to accustom/ [shi3 zhe3] /emissary/envoy/ [shi3 er3 long2] /to deafen/ [shi3 peng2 zhang4] /to dilate/to expand/ [shi3 xing1 fen4] /exciting/to excite/ [shi3 man4 yan2] /to spread/ [shi3 zhuan3 xiang4] /to divert/ [shi3 zui4] /to intoxicate/ [shi3 ling3 guan1 yuan2] /ambassador and consul/diplomat/ [shi3 ling3 guan3] /embassy and consulate/ [shi3 guan3] /consulate/diplomatic mission/ [shi3 hai4 pa4] /to frighten/ [shi3 gao1 xing4] /to please/to make happy/to gratify/to rejoice/ [shi3 gao1 gui4] /to dignify/

[shi3 mo2 fa3] /to conjure/ [shi3 ma2 bi4] /to paralyze/ [xing2] /shape/statute/ [shen1] /large crowd/ [tuo1] /to commission/to entrust to/to depute/to request/to ask (sb to do sth)/ [kan3] /upright and honest/cheerful/to chat idly/to boast/to talk smoothly/ [kan3 kan3] /to possess assurance and composure/ [kan3 kan3 er2 tan2] /to speak frankly with assurance/ [kan3 jia4] /to bargain/to haggle with a peddlar/ [kan3 da4 shan1] /to chatter idly/to gossip/to boast or brag/ [kan3 xing1] /chatterbox/boaster/ [kan3 ye2] /big talker/ [zhi2] /variant of [zhi2]/ [gai1] /to give/prepared for included in/embraced in/ [lai2] /to come/to arrive/to come round/ever since/next/ [lai2 bu5 ji2] /there's not enough time (to do sth)/it's too late (to do sth) [lai2 xin4] /incoming letter/send a letter here/ [lai2 han2] /incoming letter/letter from afar/same as / [lai2 dao4] /to come/to arrive/ [lai2 qu4 wu2 zong1] /come without a shadow, leave without a footprint (i e and leave without a trace/ [lai2 hui2] /to make a round trip/return journey/back and forth/to and fro/repeat dly/ [lai2 hui2 lai2 qu4] /repeatedly/back and forth again and again/ [lai2 hui2 lai2 qu4 de5] /backwards and forwards/ [Lai2 an1] /Lai'an county in Chuzhou [Chu2 zhou1], Anhui/ [Lai2 an1 xian4] /Lai'an county in Chuzhou [Chu2 zhou1], Anhui/ [lai2 ke4] /guest/ [lai2 nian2] /next year/the coming year/ [lai2 wang3] /to come and go/to have dealings with/to be in relation with/ [lai2 de5] /to emerge (from a comparison)/to come out as/to be competent or equal to/ [lai2 de5 ji2] /there's still time/able to do sth in time/ [lai2 de2 rong2 yi4 , qu4 de2 kuai4] /Easy come, easy go. [lai2 fu4 qiang1] /rifle (loanword)/also written / [lai2 fu4 xian4] /rifling (spiral lines on inside of gun barrel imparting spi e bullet)/ [lai2 yi4] /one's purpose in coming/ [lai2 ri4] /future days/(literary) the next day/(old) past days/ [lai2 ri4 fang1 chang2] /the future is long (idiom); there will be ample later/We'll cross that bridge when we get there/ [lai2 li4] /history/antecedents/origin/ [lai2 li4 bu4 ming2] /of unknown origin/ [lai2 Gang3] /to come to Hong Kong/ [lai2 yuan2] /source (of information etc)/origin/ [lai2 yuan2 yu2] /to originate in/ [lai2 huo3] /to get angry/ [lai2 huo3 r5] /to get angry/ [lai2 wu2 ying3 , qu4 wu2 zong1] /lit. come without a shadow, om); to come and go without a trace/ [lai2 sheng1] /next life/ [lai2 you2] /reason/cause/ [lai2 kan4] /to come and see/to see a topic from a certain point of view/ [lai2 ying4 de5] /to get tough/to use force/ [lai2 fu2 qiang1] /rifle (loanword)/also written / [Lai2 yi4] /Laii township in Pingtung county [Ping2 dong1 xian4], Ta [Lai2 yi4 xiang1] /Laii township in Pingtung county [Ping2 dong1 [lai2 zhe3 bu4 shan4 , shan4 zhe3 bu4 lai2] /He who c -meaning will come (idiom)./Be careful not to trust foreigners./Beware of Greeks bearing gifts!/

[lai2 zhe3 bu4 ju4] /to refuse nobody (idiom)/all comers welcome/ [lai2 lin2] /to approach/to come closer/ [lai2 zi4] /to come from (a place)/From: (in email header)/ [lai2 tai2] /to visit Taiwan (esp. from PRC)/ [lai2 hua2] /to come to China/to settle in China (of a foreign national)/ [lai2 zhe5] /auxiliary showing sth happened in the past/ [lai2 su1 tang2] /lyxose (type of sugar)/ [lai2 fang3] /to pay a visit/ [lai2 shuo1] /to have one's say/to interpret a topic (from a certain point of vie )/now we come to talk about it, .../ [lai2 jiang3] /as to/considering/for/ [Lai2 bin1] /Laibin prefecture level city in Guangxi/Zhuang: Leizbingz/ [lai2 bin1] /guest/visitor/ [Lai2 bin1 shi4] /Laibin prefecture level city in Guangxi/Zhuang: Leizbingz/ [lai2 lu4 bu4 ming2] /unidentified origin/no-one knows where it comes fro background/ [lai2 dian4] /incoming telegram or telephone call/your telegram, telephone call, r message/to send a telegram or make a telephone call here (i.e. to the speaker) /to have instant attraction to sb/to have chemistry with sb/to come back (of ele ctricity, after an outage)/ [lai2 dian4 xian3 shi4] /caller ID/ [lai2 tou2] /cause/reason/interest/influence/ [Lai2 feng4] /Laifeng county in Enshi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture 1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Hubei/ [Lai2 feng4 xian4] /Laifeng county in Enshi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefect jia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Hubei/ [lai2 hong2] /incoming letter (literary)/ [lai2 hong2 qu4 yan4] /lit. the goose comes, the swallow goes (idiom); fi the move/ [lai2 long2 qu4 mai4] /lit. mountain has a connecting pulse throughout li idiom, from fengshui); sequence of events/pedigree/cause and effects/the whys an d wherefores/where sth comes from and where it goes/ins and outs/ [yi2] /a class, a category a corpse/ [chi3] /extravagant/wasteful/exaggerating/ [chi3 mi2] /wasteful/extravagant/ [chi3 tan2] /to prate/ [chi3 mi2] /variant of [chi3 mi2]/ [kua3] /foreign accent/ [kua3 zi5] /person speaking with a foreign accent/ [li4] /example/precedent/rule/case/instance/ [li4 jia4] /legal holiday/menstrual period/ [li4 ju4] /example sentence/ [li4 wai4] /(make an) exception/ [li4 wai4 zi4] /exception(s)/ [li4 ru2] /for example/for instance/such as/ [li4 zi5] /case/(for) instance/example/CL: [ge4]/ [li4 hui4] /regular meeting/ [li4 shi4] /to exemplify/ [li4 xing2] /routine/ [li4 yan2] /introductory remarks/ [li4 yu3] /example sentence/ [li4 zheng4] /example/case in point/ [li4 ti2] /example/ [shi4] /to serve/to attend upon/ [shi4 hou4] /to serve/to wait upon/ [shi4 feng4] /to wait upon/to serve/to attend to sb's needs/ [shi4 nu:3] /maid/ [shi4 qie4] /concubine/ [shi4 nong4] /to look after/to tend (one's crops, garden, livestock, pets etc)/to repair/

[shi4 cong2] /chamberlain in imperial China/ [shi4 li4] /to wait on elders/ [shi4 zhe3] /attendant/waiter/ [shi4 wei4] /Imperial bodyguard/ [shi4 wei4 guan1] /guard/ [shi4 lang2] /ancient official title/assistant minister/ [zhu1] /dwarf/ [zhu1 ru2] /dwarf/pygmy/small person/midget/ [zhu1 ru2 cang1 shu3] /dwarf hamster/ [zhu1 ru2 zheng4] /pituitary dwarfism/ [Zhu1 luo2] /Jura mountains of eastern France and extending into Switzerland/ [Zhu1 luo2 ji4] /Jurassic (geological period 205-140m years ago)/ [xu4] /still/silent/ [you4] /urge to eat/ [mou2] /similar/comparable/equal/ [lun2] /to arrange/ [Dong4] /Dong (ethnic group)/ [dong4] /(ethnic group)/ [tong2] /ignorant/ [Dong4 ren2] /people of the Dong ethnic minority/ [Dong4 ju4] /Dong opera/ [cha4] /boast/despondent/ [xun4] /quick/variant of [xun4]/ [gong1] /to provide/to supply/ [gong4] /sacrificial offering/to confess/ [gong1 bu4 ying4 qiu2] /supply does not meet demand/ [gong4 fo2 hua1] /flower offering/ [gong4 pin3] /offering/ [gong1 da4 yu2 qiu2] /supply exceeds demand/ [gong4 feng4] /to consecrate/to enshrine and worship/an offering (to one's ancest rs)/a sacrifice (to a God)/ [gong1 ying4] /to supply/to provide/to offer/ [gong1 ying4 pin3] /supplies/ [gong1 ying4 shang1] /supplier/ [gong1 ying4 shi4] /supply room/ [gong1 ying4 zhe3] /supplier/ [gong1 ying1 lian4] /supply chain/ [gong1 fang2] /to buy a house on a mortgage/house mortgage/ [gong1 shui3] /to supply water/ [gong1 qiu2] /supply and demand (economics)/ [gong1 you2 xi4 tong3] /fuel supply system/lubricating system/ [gong1 re4] /heat supply/ [gong1 ran2 qi4] /gas supply/ [gong4 wu4] /offering/ [gong4 zhuang4] /written confession/ [gong1 xian4] /a contribution/ [gong4 cheng1] /to make a confession (law)/ [gong1 ji3] /to furnish/to provide/supply (as in supply and demand)/ [gong4 zhi2] /hold an office or post/ [gong4 hua1] /flower offering/ [gong1 xue4] /to donate blood/ [gong1 xue4 zhe3] /blood donor/ [gong4 ci2] /statement of confession/ [gong4 ren4] /to confess/confession/ [gong1 huo4] /to supply goods/ [gong1 huo4 shang1] /supply of merchandise/a supplier/ [gong1 guo4 yu2 qiu2] /supply exceeds demand/ [gong1 xiao1] /supply and marketing/distribution/supply and sales/ [gong1 xiao1 shang1] /distribution business/supplier/ [gong1 dian4] /supply electricity/

[gong1 xu1] /supply and demand/ [gong1 yang3] /to supply/to provide for one's elders/to support one's parents/ [gong4 yang3] /to make offerings (to the Gods)/ [zhou1] /to conceal/to cover/ [yi1] /to depend on/to comply with or listen to sb/according to/in the light of/ [yi1 yi1] /to regret leaving/reluctant to part/onomat. young leaves stir gently i the wind/ [yi1 yi1 bu4 she3] /reluctant to part (idiom); broken-hearted at having t [yi1 wei1] /to nestle against/to snuggle up to/ [yi1 bang4] /to rely on/to depend on/to imitate (a model)/to base a work (on some model)/ [yi1 di4 suan1 er4 gu3] /kelocyanor/ [yi1 cun2] /to depend on sth for existence/dependent on/ [Yi1 an1] /Yi'an county in Qiqihar [Qi2 qi2 ha1 er3], Heilongjia [Yi1 An1 xian4] /Yi'an county in Qiqihar [Qi2 qi2 ha1 er3], [yi1 shu3] /dependence/ [yi1 shan1 bang4 shui3] /mountains on one side and water on the other/ [yi1 cong2] /to comply with/to obey/ [yi1 xun2] /to follow/to comply/ [yi1 lian4] /to regret parting/to hate to leave sb/ [yi1 wo3 lai2 kan4] /as I see it/in my opinion/ [yi1 wo3 kan4] /in my opinion/ [yi1 tuo1] /to rely on/to depend on/ [Yi1 sa1 yi1 ya4] /Isaiah (Catholic transliteration)/ [Yi1 sa1 yi4 ya4] /Isaiah/ [Yi1 sa1 ge2] /Issac (name)/ [yi1 ju4] /according to/basis/foundation/ [Yi1 liu3 xin1] /Ilyushin, Russian plane make/ [yi1 yang4 hua4 hu2 lu5] /to draw a gourd from the model (idiom); fig nically without attempt at originality/to crib/to ape/to plagiarize/ [yi1 ci4] /in order/in succession/ [yi1 fa3] /legal (proceedings)/according to law/ [yi1 fa3 zhi4 guo2] /to rule according to the law/ [Yi1 luo4 wa3 di3] /Irrawaddy or Ayeyarwaddy River, the main river of Mya also written / [yi1 ran2] /still/as before/ [yi1 ran2 ru2 gu4] /back to where we were (idiom); absolutely no improvem ven't changed at all./ [yi1 ran2 gu4 wo3] /to continue in one's own way (idiom); to ignore advic whatever others say/ [yi1 zhao4] /according to/in light of/ [Yi1 tian2 Ji4 ji1] /Yoda Norimoto/ [yi1 xi1] /vaguely/dimly/probably/very likely/ [yi1 jiu4] /as before/still/ [yi1 zhe5] /in accordance with/ [Yi1 lan2] /Yilan county in Harbin [Ha1 er3 bin1], Heilongjiang/ [Yi1 lan2 xian4] /Yilan county in Harbin [Ha1 er3 bin1], Heilong [yi1 lai4] /to depend on/to be dependent on/ [yi1 fu4] /to adhere/to attach oneself to/to append/ [yi1 kao4] /to rely on sth (for support etc)/to depend on/ [yi1 shun4] /to comply/ [jia4] /Japanese variant of / [wu3] /to insult/to ridicule/to disgrace/ [wu3 nong4] /to mock/to bully and insult/ [wu3 man4] /to humiliate/to bully/ [wu3 ma4] /to scold/abuse/ [wu3 mie4] /contempt/to despise/ [wu3 ru3] /to insult/to humiliate/dishonor/ [Hou2] /surname Hou/ [hou2] /marquis, second of the five orders of ancient Chinese nobility [wu3 d

e2 wei4]/nobleman or high official/ [Hou2 Jing3 zhi1 luan4] /rebellion against Liang of the Southern Dynastie [hou2 jue2] /marquis/ [Hou2 sai4 yin1] /Husain or Hussein (name)/Hussein (c. 626-680), Muslim leade martyrdom is commemorated at Ashura/Saddam Hussein al Tikriti (1937-2006), dict ator of Iraq 1979-2003/ [hou2 men2 si4 hai3] /lit. the gate of a noble house is like the sea/ther ap between the nobility and the common people (idiom)/ [Hou2 ma3] /Houma county level city in Linfen [Lin2 fen2], Shanxi/ [Hou2 ma3 shi4] /Houma county level city in Linfen [Lin2 fen2], Shan [qin1] /to invade/to encroach/to infringe/to approach/ [qin1 zhan4] /to invade and occupy (territory)/ [qin1 ru4] /to make (military) incursions/to invade/to intrude into/to trespass/t gain unauthorized access (computing)/ [qin1 ru4 jia1 zhai2 zhe3] /housebreaker/burglar/ [qin1 ru4 yan2] /intrusive rock/ [qin1 ru4 xing4] /invasive (e.g. disease or procedure)/ [qin1 ru4 zhe3] /intruder/invader/ [qin1 tun1] /to annex/to swallow (up)/to embezzle/ [qin1 hai4] /to encroach on/to infringe on/ [qin1 jie2] /to hack (computer)/ [qin1 jie2 zhe3] /cracker (computing)/ [qin1 rao3] /to invade and harass/ [qin1 chen2] /towards dawn/ [qin1 quan2] /to infringe the rights of/to violate/infringement/ [qin1 quan2 xing2 wei2] /tort/infringement (of sb's rights)/ [qin1 fan4] /to infringe on/to encroach on/to violate/ [qin1 lu:e4] /invasion/encroachment/ [qin1 lu:e4 zhe3] /aggressors/invaders/ [qin1 lu:e4 jun1] /invading army/ [qin1 Hua2] /to invade China (referring to 19th century imperialist powers and Ja an)/ [qin1 shi2] /to erode/to corrode/ [qin1 shi2 zuo4 yong4] /erosion/ [qin1 xi2] /to invade and attack/ [lu:3] /companion/ [ju2] /narrow/ [ju2 cu4] /cramped/ill at ease/ [ju2 xian4] /variant of [ju2 xian4]/ [ju2 ma2 yao4] /local anesthetic/ [bian4] /ordinary/plain/convenient/as convenient/when the chance arises/handy/ea sy/informal/simple/so/thus/to relieve oneself/to urinate/to defecate/equivalent to [jiu4]: then/in that case/even if/soon afterwards/ [pian2] /advantageous/cheap/ [bian4 zhong1] /at one's convenience/when it's convenient/ [bian4 ren2] /sb who happens to be on hand for an errand/ [bian1 bian1] /to poo poo (kiddie or feminine slang)/ [pian2 pian2] /obese/bulging/ [bian4 han2] /an informal letter sent by an organization/ [bian4 li4] /convenient/easy/to facilitate/ [bian4 li4 shang1 dian4] /convenience store/also name of pop group, serie games etc/ [bian4 li4 dian4] /convenience store/ [bian4 li4 xing4] /convenience/ [bian4 qi4] /toilet/urinal/ [bian4 shi4] /penny/ [bian4 hu2] /bed urinal/chamber pot/ [pian2 xuan1] /(old) graceful/ [bian4 yi2] /convenient/ [pian2 yi5] /small advantages/to let sb off lightly/cheap/inexpensive/

[bian4 yi2 xing2 shi4] /act at one's discretion/act as one sees fit/ [pian2 yi5 huo4] /a bargain/cheap goods/ [bian4 yan4] /informal dinner/ [bian4 mao4] /cap/ [bian4 jie2] /convenient and fast/ [bian4 jie2 hua4] /to facilitate/expedite/make convenient and fast/speed up/ [bian4 xie2 shi4] /portable/ [bian4 yu2] /easy to/convenient for/ [bian4 shi4] /(emphasizes that sth is precisely or exactly as stated)/precisely/e actly/even/if/just like/in the same way as/ [bian4 fu2] /everyday clothes/informal dress/civilian clothes/ [bian4 tong3] /chamber pot/ [bian4 tiao2] /(informal) note/CL: [zhang1], [ge4]/ [bian4 tiao2 zhi3] /scrap paper/ [bian4 qiao2] /temporary bridge/ [bian4 bu4 zou3] /march at ease/route step/ [bian4 min2 li4 min2] /for the convenience and benefit of the people (idi [bian4 chi2] /urinal/ [bian4 dang1] /convenient/handy/easy/bento (a meal in a partitioned box)/lunchbox [bian4 pen2] /bed pan/ [bian4 mi4] /constipation/Taiwan pr. [bian4 bi4]/ [bian4 jian1] /notepaper/memo/memo pad/ [bian4 qian1] /note/memo/CL: [zhang1], [ge4]/ [bian4 xie3] /having blood in one's stool/ [bian4 yi1] /civilian clothes/plain clothes/plainclothesman/ [bian4 yi1 jing3 cha2] /plain-clothed policeman/ [bian4 zhuang1] /casual dress/ [bian4 lan3] /brief guide/ [bian4 che1] /to hitchhike/ [bian4 che1 lu:3 xing2 zhe3] /hitch-hiker/ [bian4 dao4] /pavement/sidewalk/shortcut/makeshift road/ [bian4 zhuo2] /informal dinner/ [bian4 men2] /side door/wicket door/ [bian4 nan4] /retort with challenging questions/debate/ [bian4 xie2] /cloth shoes/slippers/ [bian4 fan4] /an ordinary meal/simple home cooking/ [yu3] /big/ [xi4] /to connect/to relate to/to tie up/to bind/to be (literary)/ [xi4 shu4] /coefficient/factor/modulus/ratio/ [cu4] /urgent/hurried/to urge/to promote/to urge haste/close/intimate/ [cu4 shi3] /to induce/to promote/to urge/to impel/to bring about/to provoke/to dr ve (sb to do sth)/to catalyze/to actuate/to contribute to (some development)/ [cu4 dong4] /to motivate/ [cu4 xian2] /to tighten the strings (of a musical instrument)/ [cu4 cheng2] /to facilitate/to effect/ [cu4 qiu2] /to urge/ [cu4 xia2] /(colloquial) teasing/mischievous/ [cu4 xia2 gui3] /rascal/mischievous fellow/joker/ [cu4 zhi1] /old term onomat. for cricket/ [cu4 sheng1] /same as [ru4 sheng1]/entering tone/ [cu4 xi1] /lit. knees pressed close/intimate/seated side by side/in close contact [cu4 xi1 tan2 xin1] /to sit side-by-side and have a heart-to-heart talk ( [cu4 qing3] /to urge/ [cu4 tui4] /to hinder/to prevent (forward progress)/ [cu4 jin4] /to promote (an idea or cause)/to advance/boost/ [cu4 xiao1] /to promote sales/ [e2] /suddenly/very soon/Russian (Taiwan pr. [e4])/ [e2 zhong1] /Russia-China/ [E2 Zhong1 Chao2] /Russia, China and North Korea/ [E2 hai4 e2] /Ohio/

[E2 hai4 e2 zhou1] /Ohio/ [E2 bei4 de2] /Obed (son of Boaz and Ruth)/ [E2 ke4 la1 he2 ma3] /Oklahoma, US state/ [E2 ke4 la1 he2 ma3 cheng2] /Oklahoma City/ [E2 ke4 la1 he2 ma3 zhou1] /Oklahoma, US state/ [E2 le4 gang1] /Oregon/ [E2 le4 gang1 zhou1] /Oregon/ [E2 guo2] /Russia/ [E2 guo2 ren2] /Russian (person)/ [E2 ba1 di3 ya4 shu1] /Book of Obadiah/ [E2 di3 pu3 si1] /Oedipus, legendary king of Thebes who killed his father his mother/ [E2 di3 pu3 si1 qing2 jie2] /Oedipus complex/ [E2 wen2] /Russian language/ [E2 di2 pu3 si1] /Oedipus, hero of tragedy by Athenian dramatist Sophocle [E2 luo2 si1] /Russia/ [E2 luo2 si1 ren2] /Russian (person)/ [E2 luo2 si1 Di4 guo2] /Russian empire (1546-1917)/ [e2 luo2 si1 fang1 kuai4] /tetris (computer game)/ [E2 luo2 si1 zu2] /Russian ethnic group (of northeast China and Xinjiang nationality/Russians (of Russia)/ [E2 luo2 si1 lian2 bang1] /Russian federation, RSFSR/ [E2 luo2 si1 lun2 pan2] /Russian roulette (game)/ [E2 lian2 bang1] /Russian federation, RSFSR/ [E2 yu3] /Russian (language)/ [E2 jun1] /Russian army/ [e2 qing3] /in a moment/presently/ [qiu2] /ornamental cap/ [wu2] /see [feng2 wu2], to come across sth scary/to have a fright/ [jun4] /smart/eminent/handsome/talented/ [zun4] /(dialectal pronunciation of [jun4])/cool/neat/ [jun4 qiao4] /attractive and intelligent/charming/elegant/ [jun4 jie2] /elite/outstanding talent/genius/ [jun4 ba2] /outstandingly talented/ [jun4 xiu4] /well-favored/elegant/pretty/ [jun4 ya3] /elegant/smart/delicate/ [zu3] /a stand for food at sacrifice/ [qiao4] /smart/ [qiao4 pi2] /pretty and lively/smart and witty/ [qiao4 pi5 hua4] /witticism/wisecrack/sarcastic remark/double entendre/ [li4] /clever/ [yong3] /wooden figures buried with the dead/ [yong3 keng1] /pit with funerary figures/pit containing terracotta warriors/ [jing4] /straight/pass/ [xian4] /like/ [su2] /custom/convention/popular/common/coarse/vulgar/secular/ [su2 shi4] /the vulgar world (Buddhist concept)/secular world/ [su2 shi4 qi2 ren2] /Extraordinary people in our ordinary world, short st list Feng Jicai [Feng2 Ji4 cai2]/ [su2 ren2] /common people/laity (i.e. not priests)/ [su2 ming2] /common name/ [su2 tao4] /conventional patterns/clich/ [su2 zi4] /common form of Chinese character (as opposed to etymologically correct form )/same as / [su2 jia1] /layman/layperson/original home of a monk/ [su2 qi4] /tacky/inelegant/in poor taste/vulgar/banal/ [su2 cheng1] /commonly referred to as/common term/ [su2 hua4] /common saying/proverb/ [su2 hua4 shuo1] /as the proverb says/as they say.../ [su2 yu3] /common saying/proverb/colloquial speech/

[su2 yan4 kou3 bei1] /common sayings (idiom); widely circulated proverbs/ [su2 sui2 shi2 bian4] /customs change with time (idiom); other times, oth Tempora, O Mores!/ [su2 ti3 zi4] /common form of Chinese character (versus the etymologically co orm)/ [fu2] /to take prisoner/prisoner of war/ [fu2 huo4] /to capture (enemy property or personnel)/capture (physics: absorption of subatomic particle by an atom or nucleus)/ [fu2 lu3] /captive/ [Li3] /old name for the [Li2] ethnic group/ [li3] /rustic/vulgar/unrefined/abbr. for [li3 yu3], slang/ [li3 yu3] /slang/ [mian3] /to exhort/ [ping1] /to send/to let go/ [Bao3] /Bulgaria/Bulgarian/abbr. for [Bao3 jia1 li4 ya4]/ [bao3] /to defend/to protect/to insure or guarantee/to maintain/hold or keep/to guard/ [bao3 bu5 zhu4] /most likely/more likely than not/may well/ [bao3 bu4 ding4] /more likely than not/quite possible/on the cards/ [bao3 bu4 qi2] /more likely than not/quite possible/on the cards/ [Bao3 ting2] /Baoting Li and Miao autonomous county, Hainan/ [Bao3 ting2 xian4] /Baoting Li and Miao autonomous county, Hainan/ [Bao3 ting2 Li2 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Baotin [bao3 ren2] /guarantor/person paying bail/ [bao3 zhu4] /to preserve/to save/ [bao3 you4] /to bless and protect/blessing/ [bao3 xiu1] /to promise to keep sth in good repair/guarantee/warranty/ [bao3 xiu1 qi1] /guarantee period/warranty period/ [bao3 jian4] /health protection/health care/ [bao3 jian4 cao1] /health exercises/ [bao3 quan2] /to save from damage/to preserve/to maintain/to keep in good repair/ [bao3 zhun3] /to guarantee/reliable/for sure/ [Bao3 li4 ke1 ji4 you3 xian4 gong1 si1] /Poly Technologie [bao3 li4 long2] /polystyrene/ [Bao3 jia1 li4 ya4] /Bulgaria/ [bao3 cheng2] /document guaranteeing the words or actions of a third party (old)/ [bao3 ming4] /to save one's life/to survive/ [bao3 dan1] /guarantee slip/ [bao3 shang1] /preservation of soil moisture/ [bao3 zeng1 zhang3] /to defend growth/ [bao3 wai4 jiu4 yi1] /to release for medical treatment (of a prisoner)/ [bao3 mu3] /nanny/housekeeper/ [bao3 mei2] /to act as go-between (between prospective marriage partners etc)/ [bao3 cun2] /to conserve/to preserve/to keep/to save (a file etc) (computing)/ [bao3 shou3] /(politically) conservative/to guard/to keep/ [bao3 shou3 zhu3 yi4] /conservatism/ [bao3 shou3 pai4] /conservative faction/ [bao3 shou3 dang3] /conservative political parties/ [bao3 an1] /to ensure public security/to ensure safety (for workers engaged in pr duction)/public security/security guard/ [bao3 an1 ren2 yuan2] /security personnel/member of police force/ [bao3 an1 tuan2] /peace keeping group/ [bao3 an1 ju2 ju2 zhang3] /Secretary for Security (Hong Kong)/ [Bao3 an1 zu2] /Bao'an, also called Bonan (ethnic group)/ [bao3 an1 zi4 dong4 hua4] /security automation/ [bao3 an1 bu4 dui4] /security forces/ [Bao3 ding4] /Baoding prefecture level city in Hebei/ [Bao3 ding4 di4 qu1] /Baoding county (old name)/ [Bao3 ding4 shi4] /Baoding prefecture level city in Hebei/ [bao3 jia1 wei4 guo2] /guard home, defend the country (idiom); national d

[bao3 mi4] /to keep sth confidential/to maintain secrecy/ [bao3 mi4 xing4] /secrecy/ [Bao3 shan1] /Baoshan prefecture level city in Yunnan/ [Bao3 shan1 di4 qu1] /Baoshan prefecture in Yunnan/ [Bao3 shan1 shi4] /Baoshan prefecture level city in Yunnan/ [bao3 di3] /to break even/to maintain one's position/ [Bao3 kang1] /Baokang county in Xiangfan [Xiang1 fan2], Hubei/ [Bao3 kang1 xian4] /Baokang county in Xiangfan [Xiang1 fan2], Hubei/ [Bao3 de2] /Baode county in Xinzhou [Xin1 zhou1], Shanxi/ [Bao3 de2 xian4] /Baode county in Xinzhou [Xin1 zhou1], Shanxi/ [bao3 hui4 shi1] /comforter/ [bao3 chi2] /to keep/to maintain/to hold/to preserve/ [bao3 chi2 ke4 zhi4] /to exercise restraint/ [bao3 chi2 yuan2 mao4] /to preserve the original form/ [bao3 chi2 lian2 xi4] /to keep in touch/to stay in contact/ [Bao3 shi2 jie2] /Porsche (car company)/ [bao3 nuan3] /to stay warm/to protect against the cold/ [bao3 you3] /to keep/to retain/ [bao3 ben3] /to break even/ [bao3 can2 shou3 que1] /conservative/to preserve the outmoded/ [bao3 wen1] /to keep hot/heat preservation/ [bao3 jie2] /sanitation/ [bao3 jie2 xiang1] /litter-bin/ [bao3 shi1] /moisturizer (cometics) also written [bao3 shi1]/ [bao3 er3] /Paul (name)/ [bao3 er3 sen1] /Paulson or Powellson (name)/Henry (Hank) Paulson (1946-), US , US Treasury Secretary from 2006/ [bao3 huan2 zhu3 yi4] /environmentalism/ [bao3 jia3 zhi4 du4] /the Bao-Jia system (an administrative system organi of households)/ [bao3 liu2] /to retain/to continue to have/to preserve/to maintain/to reserve/res rvations/to hold back (approval or acceptance)/ [bao3 liu2 ju4 mu4] /repertory/stock (in theater)/ [bao3 liu2 qu1] /reservation (for an ethnic minority)/ [bao3 huang2 dang3] /royalists/ [bao3 zhen1 du4] /fidelity/ [bao3 you4] /to bless and protect/blessing/also written [bao3 you4]/ [bao3 shui4] /duty free/ [bao3 shui4 qu1] /duty free district/tariff free zone/bonded area/ [bao3 guan3] /to assure/to guarantee/to take care of/to safeguard/certainly/surel / [bao3 guan3 yuan2] /custodian/storeroom clerk/ [Bao3 luo2] /Paul/ [bao3 yu4] /child care/child welfare/ [bao3 miao2] /keep a full stand of seedlings/ [bao3 cang2] /keep in store/preserve/ [bao3 wei4] /to defend/to safeguard/ [bao3 wei4 zu3 guo2] /to defend one's country/ [bao3 jiao3] /(math.) angle-preserving/conformal/ [bao3 jiao3 dui4 ying4] /(math.) a distance-preserving correspondence/a c [Bao3 yu3] /Bulgarian language/ [bao3 zheng4] /guarantee/to guarantee/to ensure/to safeguard/to pledge/CL: [g [bao3 zheng4 ren2] /guarantor/bailor/ [bao3 zheng4 po4 huai4 zhan4 lu:e4] /assured destruction strategy [bao3 zheng4 jin1] /earnest money/cash deposit/bail/margin (in derivative tra [bao3 hu4] /to protect/to defend/to safeguard/protection/CL: [zhong3]/ [bao3 hu4 zhu3 yi4] /protectionism/ [bao3 hu4 ren2] /guardian/carer/patron/ [bao3 hu4 san3] /protective umbrella/fig. person affording protection (esp. c /

[bao3 hu4 ji4] /protective agent/ [bao3 hu4 qu1] /conservation district/CL: [ge4],[pian4]/ [bao3 hu4 guo2] /protectorate/ [bao3 hu4 xing4] /protective/ [bao3 hu4 mo2 shi4] /protected mode/ [bao3 hu4 zhe3] /protector/ [bao3 hu4 se4] /protective coloration/camouflage/ [bao3 fei4] /insurance premium/ [bao3 zhi4 qi1] /date of use (on foodstuffs)/best before date/ [bao3 song4] /to recommend (for admission to school)/ [bao3 shi4] /release on bail/bail/ [bao3 zhong4] /to take care of oneself/ [bao3 biao1] /bodyguard/ [bao3 biao1] /bodyguard/more commonly written / [bao3 chang2] /(math.) distance-preserving/isometric/ [bao3 zhang3] /head of a bao in the Bao-Jia system [bao3 jia3 zhi4 du4]/ [bao3 chang2 dui4 ying4] /(math.) a distance-preserving correspondence/an [bao3 zhang4] /to ensure/to guarantee/to safeguard/ [bao3 zhang4 jian1 du1] /safeguards/ [bao3 xian3] /insurance/to insure/safe/secure/be sure/be bound to/CL:[fen4]/ [bao3 xian3 gong1 si1] /insurance company/ [bao3 xian3 dan1] /an insurance policy/ [bao3 xian3 tao4] /condom/ [bao3 xian3 gang4] /car bumper/ [bao3 xian3 gui4] /a safe/strongbox/ [bao3 xian3 he2] /fuse box/ [bao3 xian3 xiang1] /safe deposit box/ [bao3 xian3 si1] /fuse wire/(electrical) fuse/ [bao3 xian3 jie3 kai1 xi4 tong3] /arming system/ [bao3 xian3 fei4] /insurance fee/ [Bao3 jing4] /Baojing county in Xiangxi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture jia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1]/ [Bao3 jing4 xian4] /Baojing county in Xiangxi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefe Tu3 jia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1]/ [bao3 yang3] /to take good care of (or conserve) one's health/to keep in good rep ir/to maintain/maintenance/ [bao3 jia4] /escort the Emperor (also used jocularly)/ [bao3 xian1 qi1] /shelf life/freshness date/ [bao3 xian1 zhi3] /plastic wrap/cling wrap/cling film/ [bao3 xian1 mo2] /plastic wrap/preservative film/cling film/ [bao3 li4 long2] /styrofoam/ [bao3 ling2 qiu2] /bowling (balls)/ [Yu2] /surname Yu/ [yu2] /yes (used by Emperor or ruler)/OK/to accede/to assent/ [Yu2 Tian1 bai2] /Yu Tianbai (1937-), novelist/ [Yu2 Wen2 bao4] /Yu Wenbao (lived around 1240), prolific Song dynasty poet/ [si4] /until/wait for/ [si4 hou4] /to wait (literary)/ [si4 ji1] /variant of [si4 ji1]/ [xia2] /knight-errant/brave and chivalrous/hero/heroic/ [xia2 shi4] /knight-errant/ [xia2 ke4] /chivalrous person/knight-errant/ [xia2 qi4] /chivalry/ [xia2 dao4 lie4 che1 shou3] /Grand Theft Auto (video game series)/ [xia2 dao4 fei1 che1] /Grand Theft Auto (video game series)/ [xia2 yi4] /chivalrous/chivalry/knight-errantry/ [xin4] /letter/mail/CL:[feng1]/to trust/to believe/to profess faith in/truthful/c onfidence/trust/at will/at random/ [xin4 ling4] /signaling (engineering)/ [xin4 yang3] /to believe in (a religion)/firm belief/conviction/

[xin4 yang3 zhe3] /believer/ [xin4 jian4] /letter (sent by mail)/ [xin4 ren4] /to trust/to have confidence in/ [xin4 Fo2] /to believe in Buddhism/ [xin4 shi3] /messenger/courier/ [xin4 shi3 he2 tang2 he2 suan1] /messenger RNA, mRNA/ [xin4 han2] /letter/mailbox/ [xin4 kou3 kai1 he2] /to talk off the cuff (idiom); idle talk/ [xin4 kou3 ci2 huang2] /to talk off the cuff (idiom); idle talk/ [xin4 zao4 bi3] /signal-to-noise ratio/ [xin4 bao4] /abbr. for , Hong Kong Economic Journal/ [xin4 bao4 cai2 jing1 xin1 wen2] /Hong Kong Economic Journal/ [xin4 tian1 weng1] /albatross (family Diomedeidae)/ [xin4 feng4] /belief/to believe (in sth)/ [xin4 fu2 zhong1 wai4] /to be trusted both at home and abroad (idiom)/ [xin4 shou3] /to abide by/to keep (promises etc)/ [Xin4 yi2] /Xinyi county level city in Maoming , Guangdong/ [Xin4 yi2 shi4] /Xinyi county level city in Maoming , Guangdong/ [xin4 su4] /(ancient) to lodge for two nights/ [xin4 shi2] /to believe something to be true/ [xin4 feng1] /envelope/CL: [ge4]/ [Xin4 zhou1] /Xinzhou district of Shangrao prefecture level city , J [Xin4 zhou1 qu1] /Xinzhou district of Shangrao prefecture level city [xin4 chai1] /messenger/ [xin4 tu2] /believer/ [xin4 de5 guo4] /trustworthy/reliable/ [xin4 cong2] /to trust and obey/ [Xin4 de2 sheng3] /Sindh province of Pakistan/ [xin4 xin1] /confidence/faith (in sb or sth)/CL: [ge4]/ [xin4 nian4] /faith/belief/conviction/ [xin4 xi1] /information/news/message/ [xin4 xi1 zhong1 xin1] /information center/abbr. for Information center f ts and democracy [Zhong1 guo2 ren2 quan2 min2 yun4 [xin4 xi1 hua4] /informatization (the Information Age analog of industrializa [xin4 xi1 xue2] /information science/ [xin4 xi1 ji4 shu4] /information technology/IT/ [xin4 xi1 shi2 dai4] /information age/ [xin4 xi1 guan3 li3] /information management/ [xin4 xi1 xi4 tong3] /information system/ [xin4 xi1 su4] /pheromone/ [xin4 xi1 yu3 tong1 xun4 ji4 shu4] /information and communica [xin4 xi1 lun4] /information theory/ [xin4 xi1 zi1 yuan2] /information resource/ [xin4 yi4] /at will/arbitrarily/just as one feels like/ [xin4 shou3] /casually/in passing/ [xin4 jiao4] /religious belief/to practice a faith/to be religious/ [xin4 fu2] /to believe/to be convinced/to convince sb/ [xin4 zha2] /letter/ [xin4 tiao2] /creed/article of faith/ [xin4 biao1] /a signal/ [xin4 bu4] /to wander aimlessly/ [xin4 ran2] /indeed/really/ [xin4 yong4] /to trust/credit (commerce)/trustworthiness/creditworthiness/ [xin4 yong4 ka3] /credit card/ [xin4 yong4 wei1 ji1] /credit crisis/ [xin4 yong4 she4] /credit union/ [xin4 yong4 deng3 ji2] /credit level/ [xin4 yong4 guan1 cha2] /credit watch/ [xin4 yong4 ping2 deng3] /credit rating/ [xin4 yong4 ping2 ji2] /credit rating/

[xin4 yong4 zheng4] /letter of credit/ [xin4 yong4 zheng4 quan4] /instrument of credit/letter of credit/see also 4]/CL: [zhang1]/ [xin4 yong4 e2] /credit limit/ [xin4 yong4 feng1 xian3] /credit risk/ [xin4 zhong4] /believers/worshippers/ [xin4 shen2 zhe3] /a believer/ [xin4 bi3] /to write freely/to express oneself as one pleases/ [xin4 tong3] /mailbox/postbox/ [xin4 jian1] /letter/letter paper/ [xin4 guan3] /a fuse (for explosive charge)/detonator/ [xin4 xiang1] /mailbox/CL: [ge4]/ [xin4 zhi3] /letter paper/writing paper/ [xin4 jing1] /Credo (section of Catholic mass)/ [Xin4 yi4] /Xinyi or Hsinyi district of Taipei City [Tai2 bei3 shi4] sini district of Keelung City [Ji1 long2 shi4], Taiwan/Xinyi or Hsini township in N antou county [Nan2 tou2 xian4], central Taiwan/ [xin4 yi4] /good faith/honor/trust and justice/ [Xin4 yi4 qu1] /Xinyi or Hsinyi district of Taipei City [Tai2 be strict of Keelung City [Ji1 long2 shi4], Taiwan/ [Xin4 yi4 xiang1] /Xinyi or Hsini township in Nantou county [Nan iwan/ [xin4 hao4] /signal/ [xin4 hao4 deng1] /signal light/car indicator/ [xin4 hao4 tai2] /signal station/ [xin4 hao4 chu3 li3] /signal processing/ [xin4 tuo1] /to entrust/trust bond (finance)/ [xin4 fang3] /complaint letter/petition letter/see also [shang4 fang3]/ [xin4 yu4] /prestige/distinction/reputation/trust/ [Xin4 feng1] /Xinfeng county in Ganzhou , Jiangxi/ [Xin4 feng1 xian4] /Xinfeng county in Ganzhou , Jiangxi/ [xin4 dai4] /credit/borrowed money/ [xin4 dai4 wei1 ji1] /credit crisis/see also [ci4 dai4 w [xin4 dai4 jin3 suo1] /credit crunch/to tighten lending/ [xin4 dai4 yan3 sheng1 chan3 pin3] /credit derivative (in finance [xin4 lai4] /to trust/to have confidence in/to have faith in/to rely on/ [xin4 lai4 qu1 jian1] /confidence interval (statistics)/ [xin4 dao4] /signal path/ [Xin4 yang2] /Xinyang prefecture level city in Henan/ [Xin4 yang2 di4 qu1] /Xinyang prefecture in Henan/ [Xin4 yang2 shi4] /Xinyang prefecture level city in Henan/ [xin4 kao4] /trust/ [xin4 feng1] /trade wind/ [xin4 ge1] /homing pigeon/carrier pigeon/ [Xiu1] /surname Xiu/ [xiu1] /to decorate/to embellish/to repair/to build/to study/to write/to cultiva te/ [xiu1 jian3] /to prune/to trim/ [xiu1 tu2] /to retouch images/image retouching/ [xiu1 shi4] /member of religious order/frater/ [xiu1 nu:3] /nun or sister (of the Roman Catholic or Greek Orthodox churches)/ [xiu1 hao3] /to repair/ [xiu1 jian4] /to build/to construct/ [xiu1 fu4] /to restore/to renovate/restoration/ [xiu1 xin1 yang3 xing4] /to cultivate the heart and nurture the character improve oneself by meditation/ [xiu1 zhi3 jia5] /manicure/ [xiu1 zhuan4] /to compile/to compose/ [xiu1 gai3] /to amend/to alter/to modify/ [xiu1 zheng3] /to repair or maintain/to prune or trim/

[Xiu1 Wen2] /Xiuwen county in Guiyang [Gui4 yang2], Guizhou/ [Xiu1 Wen2 xian4] /Xiuwen county in Guiyang [Gui4 yang2], Guizhou/ [xiu1 hui4] /religious order/ [xiu1 zheng4] /to revise/to amend/ [xiu1 zheng4 zhu3 yi4] /revisionism/ [xiu1 zheng4 an4] /amendment/revised draft/ [Xiu1 wu3] /Xiuwu county in Jiaozuo [Jiao1 zuo4], Henan/ [Xiu1 wu3 xian4] /Xiuwu county in Jiaozuo [Jiao1 zuo4], Henan/ [Xiu1 shui3] /Xiushui county in Jiujiang , Jiangxi/ [xiu1 shui3 li4] /water conservancy/irrigation works/ [Xiu1 shui3 xian4] /Xiushui county in Jiujiang , Jiangxi/ [xiu1 lian4] /(of Taoists) to practice austerities/to practice asceticism/ [xiu1 lian4 cheng2 xian1] /lit. to practice austerities to become a Daois actice makes perfect/ [xiu1 li3] /to repair/to perform maintenance/to overhaul/to fix/to prune/to trim/ [xiu1 li3 chang3] /repair shop/ [xiu1 mu4] /to cultivate friendship with neighbors/ [xiu1 xi4] /to hold a semi-annual ceremony of purification/ [xiu1 zhu4] /to build/ [xiu1 bian1] /to revise/ [xiu1 lian4] /to practice (an activity)/to perform/ [xiu1 shan4] /to renovate/to repair (a building)/ [xiu1 luo2] /Asura, malevolent spirits in Indian mythology/ [xiu1 xi2] /to study/to practice/ [xiu1 xing2] /religious practice (Buddhism)/ [xiu1 xing2 ren2] /person pursuing religious practice (Buddhism)/ [xiu1 bu3] /to mend/ [xiu1 bu3 jiang4] /tinker/ [xiu1 gui1] /construction plan/ [xiu1 ding4] /to revise/ [xiu1 ding4 li4 shi3] /revision history (of a document, web page etc)/ [xiu1 ding4 ban3] /revised edition/revised version/ [xiu1 lu4] /to repair a road/ [xiu1 shen1] /to cultivate one's moral character/ [xiu1 che1] /to repair a bike (car etc)/ [xiu1 ci2] /rhetoric/ [xiu1 ci2 xue2] /rhetoric/ [xiu1 zao4] /to build/to repair/ [xiu1 zao4 chang3] /repair workshop (for machinery, vehicles etc)/ [xiu1 dao4] /to practice Daoism/ [xiu1 dao4 zhang1] /abbot/ [xiu1 dao4 hui4] /order (of monks)/ [xiu1 dao4 yuan4] /monastery/convent/ [xiu1 chang2] /slender/lanky/tall and thin/ [xiu1 yuan4] /seminary (Christian college)/ [xiu1 xie2 jiang4] /a cobbler/ [xiu1 yin1] /voicing (adjustment of timbre, loudness etc of organ or other musica instrument)/ [xiu1 shi4] /to decorate/to adorn/to dress up/to polish (a written piece)/to qual fy or modify (grammar)/ [xiu1 shi4 hua4] /modifier (grammar)/ [xiu1 yang3] /accomplishment/training/self-cultivation/ [xiu1 qi2] /to touch up/to make even/ [fu3] /to look down/to stoop/ [fu3 yang3] /lowering and raising of the head/(fig.) small move/pitch (position a gle)/ [fu3 yang3 zhi1 jian1] /in a flash/ [fu3 yang3 wu2 kui4] /to have a clear conscience/ [fu3 fu2] /to lie prostrate/ [fu3 kan4] /to overlook/to look down from a height/

[fu3 kan4 tu2] /bird's-eye view/see also [niao3 kan4 tu2]/ [fu3 kan4 she4 ying3] /crane shot/boom shot (photography)/ [fu3 wo4] /to lie prone/ [fu3 wo4 cheng1] /press-up (physical exercise)/push-up/ [fu3 chong1] /to dive down fast/to swoop down/ [fu3 shi4] /to overlook/to look down at/ [fu3 shen1] /to lean over/to bend over/to stoop/to bow/ [fu3 shou3] /to bend one's head/ [fu3 shou3 qing1 er3] /to bend ones ead and listen attentively (idiom)/ [fu3 s ou3 tie1 er3] /bowed ead and ears glued (idiom); docile and obedi eck and call/ [ju4] /entirely/wit out exception/ [ju4 jia1] /excellent/wonderful/ [ju4 quan2] /every kind/every variety under t e sun/a complete gamut/ [ju4 le4 bu4] /club (i.e. a group or organization) (loanword)/CL: [ge4]/ [pai2] /not serious/variety show/ [pai2 ju4] /haiku/ [jian4] /short/shallow/thin plate/ [biao3] /to distribute/ [chu4] /to begin/ [fei4] /(meaning unclear)/to renounce/to abandon/ [feng4] /salary/ [feng4 xu4] /payment and pension/ [feng4 lu4] /official's salary (in feudal times)/ [feng4 ji3] /pay/salary/ [feng4 yin2] /official salary/ [feng4 qian2] /salary/ [an3] /I (northern dialects)/ [bi3] /to cause/to enable/phonetic bi/ [bi3 shi3] /in order that/so that/so as to/to cause sth/ [bi3 ni2] /parapet/to look askance/ [bi3 ye4 zuo4 zhou4] /lit. to make night as day (idiom); fig. to burn the /work especially hard/ [Bi3 si1 mai4] /Bismarck (name)/Otto von Bismarck (1815-1898), Prussian polit Minister-President of Prussia 1862-1873, Chancellor of Germany 1871-1890/ [bi3 zhou4 zuo4 ye4] /to make day as night (idiom, from Book of Songs); f g one's pleasure regardless of the hour/ [bi3 ge2 mi3] /Pygmy/ [Bi3 lu4 zhi1] /Balochi (ethnic group of Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan)/ [Bi3 lu4 zhi1 sheng3] /Balochistan (Pakistan)/ [chang1] /ghost of sb devoured by a tiger who helps the tiger devour others/ [chang1 gui3] /ghost of sb devoured by a tiger who helps the tiger devour others/ [bing4] /variant of /to combine/to amalgamate/ [cui4] /auxiliary/spare/deputy/second/sub-/ [lia3] /two (colloquial equivalent of )/both/some/ [cang1] /barn/granary/storehouse/cabin/hold (in ship)/ [cang1 cu4] /all of a sudden/hurriedly/ [cang1 chu3] /to store in a warehouse/ [cang1 cu4] /variant of [cang1 cu4]/ [Cang1 shan1] /Cangshan district of Fuzhou city [Fu2 zhou1 shi4], Fujian/ [Cang1 shan1 qu1] /Cangshan district of Fuzhou city [Fu2 zhou1 shi4], F [cang1 ku4] /depot/storehouse/warehouse/ [cang1 huang2] /variant of [cang1 huang2]/in a panic/flurried/ [Cang1 fu1] /Kurashiki, city in Okayama Prefecture [Gang1 shan1 xian [cang1 cu4] /variant of [cang1 cu4]/ [cang1 huang2] /in a panic/flurried/ [cang1 huang2 chu1 tao2] /to run off in a great panic (idiom)/ [Cang1 Jie2] /Cang Jie, legendary scribe of the Yellow Emperor and creator of Chi ese writing/Cangjie input method (computing)/ [cang1 huang2] /variant of [cang1 huang2]/in a panic/flurried/

[cang1 shu3] /hamster/ [ge4] /individual/this/that/size/classifier for people or objects in general/ [ge4 zhong1] /therein/in this/ [ge4 zhong1 ren2] /a person in the know/ [ge4 ren2] /individual/personal/oneself/ [ge4 ren2 zhu3 yi4] /individualism/ [ge4 ren2 shang1 hai4] /personal injury/ [ge4 ren2 chu3 xu4] /personal savings/ [ge4 ren2 chong2 bai4] /personality cult/ [ge4 ren2 shu4 zi4 zhu4 li3] /personal digital assistant (PDA)/ [ge4 ren2 wei4 sheng1] /personal hygiene/ [ge4 ren2 sai4] /individual competition/individual race/ [ge4 ren2 fang2 hu4 zhuang1 bei4] /individual protective equipmen [ge4 ren2 yin3 si1] /personal privacy/private matters/ [ge4 ren2 dian4 nao3] /personal computer/PC/ [ge4 wei4] /the units place (or column) in the decimal system/ [ge4 ge4] /each one individually/each and every/ [ge4 r5] /size/height/stature/ [ge4 bie2] /individual/specific/respective/just one or two/ [ge4 zi5] /height/stature/build/size/ [ge4 zhan3] /a one-person exhibition/ [ge4 xing4] /individuality/personality/ [ge4 xing4 hua4] /to personalize/to customize/customization/ [ge4 ba3] /one or two/a couple of/ [ge4 an4] /a case/an individual case/case-by-case/ [ge4 gu3] /share (in a listed company)/ [Ge4 jiu4] /Gejiu, county level city in Yunnan, capital of Honghe Hani and Yi aut nomous county [Hong2 he2 Ha1 ni2 zu2 Yi2 zu2 zi4 z [Ge4 jiu4 shi4] /Gejiu, county level city in Yunnan, capital of Honghe Hani a utonomous county / [ge4 tou2] /size/height/ [ge4 tou2 r5] /size/height/stature/ [ge4 ti3] /individual/ [ge4 ti3 hu4] /self-employed/a private firm (PRC usage)/ [ge4 ti3 jing1 ji4] /economics of a self-employed individual or private f [guan1] /keeper of domestic animals/herdsman/(old) hired hand in certain trade/ [bei4] /(two, three etc) -fold/times (multiplier)/double/to increase or multiply / [bei4 r5] /very/much (Beijing dialect)/ [bei4 ta3] /beta/ [bei4 zeng1] /to double/to redouble/to increase many times over/to multiply by a actor/multiplication/ [bei4 zeng1 qi4] /multiplier/ [bei4 gan3] /to feel even more/to be extremely (sad, lonely, delighted etc)/ [bei4 shu4] /multiple/ [bei4 zu2 gang1] /Diplopoda (zoology)/ [bei4 zu2 lei4] /Diplopoda (arthropod class with a pair of legs on each segme luding centipedes and millipedes)/ [bei4 pin2 qi4] /frequency multiplier/ [shu1] /sudden/abrupt/ [shu1 de5] /swiftly/suddenly/ [men5] /plural marker for pronouns, and nouns referring to individuals/ [dao3] /to fall/to collapse/to topple/to fail/to go bankrupt/to change (trains o r buses)/to move around/to sell/to speculate (buying and selling, also )/profitee r/ [dao4] /to place upside down/to invert/to pour/to throw out/to move backwards/ho wever/actually/as a matter of fact/contrary to expectation/ [dao3 xia4] /to collapse/to topple over/ [dao3 fu2] /(of cereal crops) to collapse and lie flat/ [dao3 xiu1] /to shift holidays, taking a weekday off/

[dao3 wei4] /inversion/ [dao3 cang1] /to transfer grain from a store (e.g. to sun it)/voice breaking (of ale opera singer in puberty)/ [dao4 xiang4] /inverted image/reversed image (e.g. upside-down)/ [dao4 ci4] /barb/barbed tip (e.g. of fishhook)/ [dao4 fan3] /instead/on the contrary/contrary (to expectations)/ [dao4 diao4 la4 zhu2] /Wrightia tinctoria (flowering plant in Apocynaceae on names dyer's oleander or pala indigo)/ [dao3 jiao4] /to ruminate (of cows)/ [dao3 jiao2] /to ruminate (of cows)/ [dao3 tan1] /to collapse (of building)/ [dao3 ta1] /to collapse (of building)/to topple over/ [dao4 xie3] /mirror writing/upside down writing/ [dao3 zhang4] /dead loan/bad debts/to refuse to pay loan/ [dao4 dai4] /rewind (media player)/ [dao3 xu4] /in the reverse order/ [dao4 zuo4 r5] /the north-facing room opposite the master's in a siheyuan 4]/ [dao3 nong5] /to move (things around)/to buy and sell at a profit (derog.)/ [dao4 cai3] /adverse audience reaction: boos and jeers, hissing, catcalls or deli erate applause after a mistake/ [dao4 ying3] /inverted image/reversed image (e.g. upside-down)/ [dao4 xuan2] /lit. to hang upside down/fig. in dire straits/ [dao4 xuan2 zhi1 wei1] /lit. the crisis of being hanged upside down (idio emely critical situation/dire straits/ [dao4 xuan2 zhi1 ji2] /lit. the crisis of being hanged upside down (idiom mely critical situation/dire straits/ [dao4 xuan2 zhi1 ku3] /lit. the pain of being hanged upside down (idiom); ly critical situation/dire straits/ [dao3 ge1] /to change sides in a war/turncoat/ [dao3 ge1 xie4 jia3] /to lay down arms/ [Dao3 Bian3] /Taiwan political movement aimed at forcing the resignation of Presi ent Chen Shui-bian over corruption allegations/ [dao3 shou3] /to shift from one hand to the other/to change hands (of merchandise / [dao4 da3 yi1 pa2] /lit. to strike with a muck-rake (idiom), cf Pigsy st ; fig. to counter-attack/to make bogus accusations (against one's victim)/ [dao3 ba3] /to play the market/to speculate (on financial markets)/to profiteer/ [dao4 chou1 yi1 kou3 qi4] /to gasp (in surprise, dismay, fright etc)/ [dao4 chou1 le5 yi1 kou3 qi4] /to gasp (in surprise, dismay, frig [dao4 gua4] /lit. to hang upside down/fig. topsy-turvy and inequitable, e.g. manu acturing and trading costs exceed the sale price (of some goods)/to borrow more than one can ever repay/ [dao4 cha1 men2] /to marry and live with the bride's family (inverting tradit hinese expectations)/ [dao3 huan4] /to take turns/to rotate (responsibility)/ [dao4 fang4] /to turn upside down/to upend/ [dao3 bai4] /to collapse (of building)/ [dao4 xu4] /a flash-back (in novel or film)/ [dao4 shu3] /to count backwards (from 10 down to 0)/to count down/from the bottom (lines on a page)/from the back (rows of seats)/ [dao4 shu4] /inverse number/reciprocal (math.)/ [dao3 bi4] /to fall dead/ [dao4 ying4] /inverted reflection in water/ [dao4 chun1 han2] /cold snap during the spring/ [dao4 shi5] /contrary to what one might expect/actually/contrariwise/why don't yo / [dao3 ti4] /to take turns (responsibility)/to replace/ [dao4 guo3 wei2 yin1] /to reverse cause and effect/to put the horse befor [dao4 zai1 cong1] /to fall headlong/fig. a disastrous setback/

[dao3 mei2] /to be out of luck/ [dao3 cao2] /to die out (of livestock)/ [dao4 liu2] /to flow backwards/reverse flow/ [dao3 hai3 fan1 jiang1] /overwhelming flood/deluge/fig. a flood (of goods ormation etc)/ [dao4 guan4] /to flow backwards (of water, because of flood, tide, wind etc)/reve se flow/to back up (sewage)/ [dao3 zao4] /to fall (from power)/in decline/unlucky/ [dao3 ye2] /profiteer/wheeler dealer/tradesman who buys low and sell high/ [dao3 ban1] /to change shifts/to work in turns/ [dao4 xiang4] /phase reversal/phase inversion/ [dao4 jie2] /trichiasis (ingrown eyelashes)/ [dao4 kong1] /to empty (a bag)/to turn inside out/to turn out/ [dao4 li4] /a handstand/to turn upside-down/to stand on one's head/upside-down/ [dao4 li4 xiang4] /inverted image/reversed image (e.g. upside-down)/ [dao4 fen4] /to turn over manure/fig. to offend others by endlessly repeating unp easant remarks/ [dao4 zhi4] /to invert/ [dao3 wei4 kou3] /to spoil one's appetite/fig. to get fed up with sth/ [dao4 bei4 ru2 liu2] /to know by heart (so well that you can recite it ba [dao4 bei4 shou3] /with one's hands behind one's back/ [dao4 bei4 shou3 r5] /erhua variant of , with one's hands behind on [dao3 wo4] /to lie down/to drop dead/ [dao3 tai2] /to overthrow/downfall/to fall from power/to go bankrupt/ [dao4 ku3 shui3] /to pour out one's grievances/ [dao3 cha2] /rotation of crops/ [dao4 sou3] /bandits' den/ [dao3 dan4] /mischief/to make trouble/ [dao4 xing2 ni4 shi1] /to go against the tide (idiom); to do things all w o turn back history/a perverse way of doing things/ [dao4 zhuang1] /inversion (rhetoric device of inverting the word order for height ned effect)/anastrophe/ [dao4 zhuang1 ju4] /inversion (rhetoric device of inverting the word order fo tened effect)/anastrophe/ [dao4 ji4 shi2] /to count down/countdown/ [dao3 mai3 dao3 mai4] /to buy and sell at a profit/to speculate/ [dao4 tie1] /to lose money instead of being paid (i.e. sb should pay me, but is a tually taking my money)/ [dao4 pei2] /to sustain loss in trade/ [dao3 mai4] /to resell at a profit/to speculate/ [dao3 zhang4] /unrecoverable debt/bad debt/to evade debt/ [dao3 che1] /to change buses, trains etc/ [dao4 che1] /to reverse (a vehicle)/to drive backwards/ [dao4 che1 dang3] /reverse gear/ [dao4 zhuan3] /to make an about-turn/to reverse one's direction, policy, sequence etc/to turn things on their head/ [dao4 tui4] /to fall back/to go in reverse/ [dao3 yun4] /to have bad luck/ [dao4 guo4 r5] /the wrong way round (back-to-front, inside out etc)/ [dao4 gou1] /barb/bicycle kick, or overhead kick (football)/ [dao4 suo3] /locked in (with the door locked from the outside)/ [dao3 bi4] /to go bankrupt/to close down/ [dao4 kai1] /to reverse a vehicle/to drive backwards/ [dao3 mei2] /to have bad luck/to be out of luck/ [dao3 teng5] /to move/to shift/to exchange/to buy and sell/peddling/ [jue2] /crabby/tough/ [jue2 jiang4] /stubborn/obstinate/unbending/ [xing4] /trusted/intimate/(of the emperor) to visit/variant of [xing4]/ [tang3] /if/supposing/in case/ [tang3 huo4] /if/supposing that/

[tang3 ran2] /if/supposing that/leisurely/ [tang3 neng2 ru2 ci3] /if it is possible (idiom)/ [tang3 ruo4] /provided that/supposing that/if/ [hou4] /wait/ [hou4 ren4] /designate/ [hou4 shen3] /awaiting trial/ [hou4 ji1 ting1] /airport departure terminal/ [hou4 ji1 lou2] /airport departure terminal/ [hou4 que1] /waiting for a vacancy/ [hou4 bu3] /to wait to fill a vacancy/a reserve candidate/ [hou4 zhen3] /awaiting diagnosis/ [hou4 che1 shi4] /waiting room (for train, bus etc)/ [hou4 xuan3] /candidate/ [hou4 xuan3 ren2] /candidate/CL:[ming2]/ [hou4 feng1 di4 dong4 yi2] /the world's first seismograph invented by [hou4 jia4] /to await (your) gracious presence/ [hou4 niao3] /migratory bird/ [yi3] /to lean on/to rely upon/ [yi3 zhang4] /to lean on/to rely on/ [yi3 tian1 tu2 long2 ji4] /Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre, wuxia ( novel by Jin Yong and its screen adaptations/ [yi3 lan2 wang4 yue4] /to lean against the railings and look at the moon [yi3 lai4] /to rely on/to be dependent on/ [yi3 zhong4] /to rely heavily upon/ [yi3 kao4] /to lean on/to rest against/to rely on/support/backing/back of a chair [ti4] /energetic/exalted/magnanimous/ [ti4 tang3] /elegant/casual/free and easy/ [gan4] /dawn (archaic)/ [jie4] /to lend/to borrow/excuse/pretext/by means of/to seize (an opportunity)/t o take (an opportunity)/ [jie4 dai4] /melonomy (rhetoric device of using one thing to stand for another)/ [jie4 yi3] /so as to/for the purpose of/in order to/ [jie4 wei4] /in arithmetic of subtraction, to borrow 10 and carry from the next p ace/ [jie4 zhu4] /to lodge/ [jie4 zhai4] /to owe/ [jie4 zhai4 ren2] /debtor/borrower/ [jie4 guang1] /Excuse me./reflected glory/to profit from sb else's prestige/ [jie4 ru4 fang1] /borrower/debit side (of a balance sheet)/ [jie4 chu1] /to lend/ [jie4 dao1 sha1 ren2] /to lend sb a knife to kill sb/to get sb else to do work/to attack using the strength of another (idiom)/ [jie4 zhu4] /to draw support from/with the help of/ [jie4 shi4] /to borrow sb's authority/to seize an opportunity/ [jie4 qu3] /to borrow/ [jie4 kou3] /to use as an excuse/on the pretext/excuse/pretext/ [jie4 gu3 yu4 jin1] /to borrow the past as a model for the present/ [jie4 gu3 feng3 jin1] /to use the past to disparage the present (idiom)/ [jie4 ming4] /to live out a pointless existence/ [jie4 wen4] /(honorific) May I ask?/ [jie4 dan1] /receipt for a loan/written confirmation of a debt/IOU/ [jie4 dan1 r5] /receipt for a loan/written confirmation of a debt/IOU/ [jie4 yu4] /to use sth as a metaphor/ [jie4 qi4] /contract for a loan/ [jie4 zi4] /a word that takes another's meaning/ [jie4 zi4 r5] /IOU/receipt for a loan/ [jie4 su4] /to stay with sb/to ask for lodging/ [jie4 shi1 huan2 hun2] /lit. reincarnated in sb else's body (idiom); fig. or discredited idea returns in another guise/ [jie4 shou3 chu2 di2] /to use a proxy to eliminate a rival (idiom)/

[jie4 zhi3] /to refer to/metaphor/ [jie4 ju4] /receipt for a loan/ [jie4 zhi1] /to get an advance on one's pay/ [jie4 gu4] /to find an excuse/ [jie4 fang1] /borrower/debit side (of a balance sheet)/ [jie4 fang1 cha1 e2] /debit balance (accountancy)/ [jie4 shu1 dan1] /book slip/ [jie4 shu1 zheng4] /library card/ [jie4 dong1 feng1] /lit. to use the eastern wind (idiom)/fig. to use sb's hel [jie4 tiao2] /receipt for a loan/IOU/ [jie4 ji1] /to seize the opportunity/ [jie4 kuan3] /loan/ [jie4 kuan3 ren2] /the borrower/ [jie4 huo3] /to borrow a light (for a cigarette)/ [jie4 yong4] /to borrow sth for another use/to borrow an idea for one's own use/ [jie4 duan1] /to use as pretext/ [jie4 zhu4] /lit. to borrow chopsticks/to make plans for sb else/ [jie4 gei3] /to lend to sb/ [jie4 fu4 sheng1 zi3] /surrogate pregnancy/ [jie4 hua1 xian4 Fo2] /lit. presenting the Buddha with borrowed flowers ( to win favor or influence using sb else's property/plagiarism/ [jie4 ji4] /to debit/ [jie4 ji4 ka3] /debit card/ [jie4 ci2] /loanword/pretext/ [jie4 diao4] /temporary transfer (of personnel)/ [jie4 du2] /to attend school on a temporary basis/ [jie4 dai4] /to borrow or lend money/debit and credit items on a balance sheet/ [jie4 zi1 yi4 zhu4] /to make use of sth in order to make good the deficit (idiom)/ [jie4 zhang4] /to borrow money/to take a loan/ [jie4 guo4] /excuse me/ [jie4 jiu3 jiao1 chou2] /to drown one's sorrows (in alcohol)/ [jie4 zhong4] /to rely on sb for support/ [jie4 qian2] /to lend money/to borrow money/ [jie4 jing4] /to use other people's experience/to borrow from a source/to use as eference/ [jie4 jian4] /to use other people's experience/to borrow from a source/to use as eference/ [jie4 yue4] /to borrow books to read/ [jie4 ti2 fa1 hui1] /to use the current topic to put over one's own ideas [chang4] /to initiate/to instigate/to introduce/to lead/ [chang4 yi2] /initiative/to initiate/to propose (a new course of action)/ [chang4 shi3] /to initiate/ [chang4 dao3] /to advocate/to initiate/to propose/to be a proponent of (an idea o school of thought)/ [chang4 dao3 zhe3] /proponent/advocate/pioneer/ [chang1 kuang2] /variant of [chang1 kuang2]/ [chang4 yan2] /to propose/to put forward (an idea)/to initiate/ [chang4 yan2 zhe3] /proposer/ [chang4 yi4] /to suggest/to initiate/proposal/initiative/ [chang4 yi4 shu1] /written proposal/document outlining an initiative/ [jie2] /handsome/ [fang3] /variant of [fang3]/ [zhi2] /variant of [zhi2]/ [kong1] /ignorant/blank-minded/ [kong3] /urgent/pressed/ [kong1 tong2] /ignorant/unenlightened/ [kong3 zong3] /pressing/urgent/poverty-stricken/destitute/ [juan4] /tired/ [juan4 dai4] /worn out/exhausted/dispirited/

[ju4] /stubborn/ [qian4] /pretty/winsome/to ask for sb's help/son-in-law (old)/ [qian4 ying3] /beautiful image of a woman/ [qian4 zhuang1] /elegant adornment/finely dressed up/ [Ni2] /surname Ni/ [Ni2 Kuang1] /Ni Kuang (1935-), Chinese novelist and screenwriter/ [Ni2 Si4 chong1] /Ni Sichong (1868-1924), general closely linked to Yuan Shik is unsuccessful 1915 bid for Empire/ [Ni2 Tuo4 sheng1] /Ni Tuosheng or Watchman Nee (1903-1972), influential Chine stian/ [Ni2 Gui4 zhen1] /Ni Guizhen or Ni Kwei-Tseng (1869 - 1931), mother of Song A Ai3 ling2], Song Qingling [Song4 Qing4 ling2] and Song Meiling [ [lun2] /human relationship/order/coherence/ [lun2 ba1] /rumba/ [lun2 chang2] /proper human relationships/ [Lun2 dun1] /London, capital of United Kingdom/ [Lun2 dun1 Da4 xue2 Ya4 Fei1 Xue2 yuan4] /London Universi dies (SOAS)/ [Lun2 dun1 Da4 xue2 Xue2 yuan4] /University College, London/ [Lun2 dun1 di4 guo2 li3 gong1 xue2 yuan4] /Imperial Colle e, London/ [lun2 li3] /ethics/ [lun2 li3 xue2] /ethics/ [lun2 qin2] /Wilhelm Conrad Rntgen or Roentgen (1845-1923)/ [lun2 qin2 she4 xian4] /X-ray/Rntgen or Roentgen ray/ [zhuo1] /noticeable/large/clear/distinct/ [wo1] /dwarf/Japanese (old derogatory term)/ [wo1 ren2] /dwarf/Japanese (old derogatory term)/ [Wo1 kou4] /Japanese pirates (in 16th and 17th century)/ [wo1 jun1] /Japanese army (old derogatory term)/ [Wo1 ma3 ya4 wang2 chao2] /Umayyad empire (661-750, in Iberia -1031), ashidun caliphate/ [luo3] /variant of [luo3]/ [ju1] /Japanese variant of [ju4]/ [nai3] /you (dialect)/ [jian3] /Japanese variant of [jian3]/ [ye1] /phonetic ya used in Korean names/variant of [jia1]/ [zhi2] /value/(to be) worth/to happen to/to be on duty/ [zhi2 qin2] /variant of [zhi2 qin2]/ [zhi2 yu4] /range (math.)/ [zhi2 ye4] /on night duty/ [zhi2 su4] /on night duty/ [zhi2 de5] /to be worth/to deserve/ [zhi2 de5 yi1 ti2] /to be worth mentioning/ [zhi2 de5 xin4 lai4] /trustworthy/ [zhi2 de5 pin3 wei4] /worth tasting/you should try it/ [zhi2 de5 qing4 xing4] /auspicious/worth celebrating/worthy of congratula [zhi2 de5 jing4 pei4] /deserving/worthy of respect/estimable/ [zhi2 de5 zhu4 yi4] /notable/noteworthy/merit attention/ [zhi2 de5 zhu4 yi4 de5 shi4] /it's worth noting that.../ [zhi2 de5 cheng1 zan4] /commendable/ [zhi2 ri4] /on day duty/ [zhi2 ri4 sheng1] /student on duty/prefect/ [zhi2 xing1] /(of army officers) to be on duty for the week/ [zhi2 ban1] /to work a shift/on duty/ [zhi2 yu4] /to meet with/to bump into/ [zhi2 qian2] /valuable/costly/expensive/ [cheng1] /to call/ [Yan3] /surname Yan/ [yan3] /to lie supine/to stop/to fall down/

[Yan3 shi1] /Yanshi county level city in Luoyang , Henan/ [Yan3 shi1 shi4] /Yanshi county level city in Luoyang , Henan/ [yan3 qi2 xi1 gu3] /lit. lay down the flag and still the drums (idiom); f to give in/ [jia3] /fake/false/artificial/to borrow/if/suppose/ [jia4] /vacation/ [jia3 ren2] /a dummy/ [jia3 ren2 jia3 yi4] /an impostor/a hypocrite/one who pretends to have hi dards/ [jia3 ren2 xiang4] /an effigy/ [jia3 ren2 jia3 yi4] /hypocrisy/pretended righteousness/ [jia3 ling4] /if/supposing that/acting county magistrate/ [jia3 zuo4] /to feign/to pretend/ [jia3 shi3] /if/in case/suppose/given .../ [jia3 jie4] /to make use of/loan character (one of the Six Methods of f e characters)/character acquiring meanings by phonetic association/also called p honetic loan/ [jia3 jie4 zi4] /loan character (one of the Six Methods of forming /character acquiring meanings by phonetic association/also called phonetic loan/ [jia3 jie4 yi4] /borrowed meaning/ [jia3 jia4 ruo4 shi4] /if/supposing that.../ [jia3 chong1] /to pose as sb/to act a part/imposture/ [jia3 gong1 ji4 si1] /official authority used for private interests (idio private ends by abusing public position/ [jia3 mao4] /to impersonate/to pose as (someone else)/to counterfeit/to palm off a fake as a genuine)/ [jia3 mao4 pin3] /counterfeit object/fake/ [jia3 fen1 shu4] /improper fraction (with numerator denominator, e.g. seven see also: proper fraction [zhen1 fen1 shu4] and mixed number [dai [jia3 dong4 zuo4] /fake move or pass (sports)/feint/ [jia3 ming2] /false name/pseudonym/alias/pen name/the Japanese kana scripts/hirag na and katakana / [jia3 li4] /acting magistrate/temporary official (in former times)/ [jia3 fou3 ding4 ju4] /false negative/ [jia3 chang4] /to mime/to fake singing/lip sync/ [jia3 shan4 ren2] /false compassion/bogus charity/ [jia3 sang3 zi5] /falsetto (in opera)/ [jia3 bao4 gao4] /false report/forgery/fabricated declaration (e.g. income ta n)/ [jia3 da4 kong1] /empty words/bogus speech/ [jia3 ru2] /if/ [jia3 zi3] /adopted son/stepson/ [jia3 ding4] /to assume/to suppose/supposed/so-called/assumption/hypothesis/ [jia3 mei4] /to doze/to take a nap/nodding off to sleep/ [jia3 xiao3 zi5] /tomboy/ [jia3 shan1] /rock garden/rockery/ [jia3 xing4] /pseudo-/ [jia3 xing4 jin4 shi4] /pseudomyopia/ [jia3 xiang3] /imaginary/virtual/to imagine/hypothesis/ [jia3 xing1 xing1] /hypocritical/unctuous/insincerely courteous/to shed croco ars/ [jia3 yi4] /hypocrisy/insincerity/ [jia3 ci2 bei1] /phoney mercy/sham benevolence/crocodile tears/ [jia3 xi4 zhen1 chang4] /fiction comes true/play-acting that turns into r [jia3 shou3] /by proxy/acting via sb else/ [jia3 ban4] /to impersonate/to act the part of sb/to disguise oneself as sb else/ [jia3 zhao1 zi5] /to put on airs/to adopt a false attitude/ [jia3 gong3] /blind arch/false arch/ [jia4 ri4] /holiday/non-working day/ [jia4 qi1] /vacation/

[jia3 an4] /fabricated legal case/frame-up/ [jia4 tiao2] /leave permit/application for leave/CL: [zhang1]/ [jia3 zheng4 jing1] /demure/prudish/hypocritical/ [jia3 si3] /suspended animation/feigned death/to play dead/ [jia3 ya2] /false teeth/dentures/ [jia3 de5] /bogus/ersatz/fake/mock/phoney/ [jia3 er2] /if/ [jia3 sheng1] /falsetto/opposite: natural or true voice [zhen1 sheng1]/ [jia3 zhi1] /artificial limb/prosthetic/ [jia3 ken3 ding4 ju4] /false affirmative/ [jia3 tui3] /false leg/ [jia3 yuan2 qian4] /Eryngium foetidum/ [jia3 ruo4] /if/supposing/in case/ [jia3 jie4] /to use sth as pretext/under false pretenses/under the guise of/masqu rading as/ [jia3 yao4] /fake drugs/ [jia3 zhuang1] /to feign/to pretend/ [jia3 tuo1] /pretext/a false pretext/ [jia3 she4] /suppose that.../hypothesis/conjecture/ [jia3 she4 yu3 qi4] /subjunctive/ [jia3 ci2 die2 ci2] /pseudo-affixation/ [jia3 hua4] /a lie/untrue statement/misstatement/ [jia3 shuo1] /hypothesis/ [jia3 zheng4] /false testimony/ [jia3 zheng4 jian4] /false documents/ [jia3 xiang4] /false appearance/facade/ [jia3 xiang4 ya2] /celluloid/ [jia3 huo4] /counterfeit article/fake/dummy/simulacrum/ [jia3 tu2 mie4 Guo2] /lit. a short-cut to crush Guo (idiom); fig. to conn o damage a third party, then turn on the partner/ [jia3 zao4] /to forge/fake/to fabricate (a story)/ [jia3 dao4] /via/by way of/ [jia3 dao4 fa2 Guo2] /to obtain safe passage to conquer the State of Guo/ resources of an ally to attack a common enemy (idiom)/ [jia3 shi4] /parole/ [jia3 chao1] /counterfeit money/forged note/ [jia3 mian4] /mask/ [jia3 mian4 ju4] /mask/fig. false faade/deceptive front/ [jia3 mian4 wu3 hui4] /masked ball/masquerade/ [jia3 yin1] /falsetto, same as / [jia3 gao1 yin1] /falsetto, same as / [jia3 fa4] /wig/ [ji4] /Buddhist hymn/gatha/Buddhist verse/ [jie2] /forceful/martial/ [wei3] /big/large/great/ [wei3 ren2] /great person/ [wei3 li4] /mighty force/ [wei3 ge1] /Viagra (male impotence drug)/ [wei3 qi4] /great talent/ [Wei3 shi4 pai2] /Vespa (scooter)/ [wei3 da4] /great/mighty/large/ [wei3 an4] /imposing/upright and tall/outstanding/gigantic in stature/ [wei3 jing1 yan2] /pegmatite/ [wei3 ye4] /exploit/great undertaking/ [wei3 ji4] /great acts/ [wei3 ju3] /great feat/splendid achievement/ [wei3 guan1] /magnificent vista/a wonder/ [wei3 li4] /magnificent/imposing and beautiful/ [ruo4] /so/such/to such a degree/ [ruo4 da4] /so big/such a big/

[wei1] /to cuddle/ [wei1 bang4] /to snuggle up to/ [pian1] /to lean/to slant/oblique/prejudiced/to deviate from average/to stray fr om the intended line/stubbornly/contrary to expectations/left-hand side of a spl it Chinese character, often the key or radical/ [pian1 di1] /to be on the low side/to be inadequate (e.g. of a salary)/ [pian1 pian1] /(indicates that sth turns out just the opposite of what one would xpect or what would be normal)/unfortunately/against expectations/ [pian1 pi4] /remote/desolate/far from the city/ [pian1 guang1] /polarized light/ [pian1 lao2] /undue trouble/Thank you for having gone out of your way to help me. [pian1 xiang4] /partial towards sth/to prefer/to incline/erroneous tendencies (Le tist or Revisionist deviation)/ [pian1 zhi2] /prejudice/bigotry/ [pian1 zhi2 xing2] /paranoid (psych.)/ [pian1 zhi2 kuang2] /paranoia/ [pian1 ya1] /biasing (electronics)/bias voltage/ [pian1 hao4] /to prefer/to be partial to sth/preference/ [pian1 an1] /content to hold a small part of the territory/fig. forced to relinqu sh the middle ground/forced to move away/ [pian1 dang4] /extremely (stubborn, contrary, disobedient etc)/ [pian1 chong3] /to favor/to prefer/to show favoritism/ [pian1 jiang4] /deputy general/ [pian1 qiao3] /by coincidence/it so happened that/fortunately/against expectation [pian1 cha1] /bias/deviation/ [pian1 cha1 ju4 li2] /offset distance/ [pian1 shi1] /military auxiliaries (archaic)/ [pian1 sha4] /side annex/lean-to/ [pian1 fei4] /to give unequal emphasis to/doing some things at the expense of oth rs/ [pian1 dai4] /to show favoritism against sb/to treat unfairly/ [pian1 wei1 fen1] /(math.) partial differential/(math.) partial derivative/ [pian1 wei1 fen1 fang1 cheng2] /partial differential equation (PDE)/ [pian1 xin1] /partial/biased/prejudiced/eccentric/ [pian1 xin1 lu:4] /eccentricity/ [pian1 xin1 yan3] /bias/partiality/to be partial/ [pian1 xin1 ju3] /axis of eccentricity/ [pian1 ai4] /to be partial towards sth/to favor/to prefer/preference/favorite/ [pian1 tai4] /skewness (math)/ [pian1 fang2] /side room/concubine/ [pian1 cai2] /talent in a particular area/ [pian1 zhen4] /polarization (of waves)/ [pian1 zhen4 guang1] /polarization of light/polarized light/ [pian1 zhen4 bo1] /polarized wave/ [pian1 xie2] /crooked/not upright/diverging from straight line/improper/dishonest [pian1 fang1] /folk remedy/home remedy/ [pian1 pang2] /the left- and right-side of a split Chinese character, often the k y (radical) and phonetic/ [pian1 ji2] /polarity/polarized (light)/ [pian1 ji2 hua4] /polarization/polarized/ [pian1 ji2 lu:4 guang1 jing4] /polarizing filter/ [pian1 ji2 jing4] /polarizing lens/polarizer/ [pian1 zheng4 shi4 he2 cheng2 ci2] /modified compound word/ [pian1 dian4] /side palace hall/side chamber/ [pian1 ji1] /extreme (usu. of thoughts, speech, circumstances)/ [pian1 xia2] /prejudiced/narrow-minded/ [pian1 teng2] /to favor a junior/to show favoritism to some juniors/ [pian1 tan1] /paralysis of one side of the body/hemiplegia/ [pian1 si1] /to practice favoritism/ [pian1 ke1] /to overemphasize some topic (at the expense of others)/overdoing it/

o go overboard/ [pian1 yi2] /displacement/deviation/offset/ [pian1 zhi4] /offset/biasing (electronics)/bias voltage/ [pian1 zhi4 dian4 liu2] /bias current (electronics)/ [pian1 zhi4 dian4 zu3] /bias impedance (electronics)/ [pian1 ting1 pian1 xin4] /selective listening/to hear what one wants to h [pian1 hang2] /to diverge (from bearing, flight path etc)/off course/to yaw/ [pian1 tan3] /to side with/to discriminate in favor of/ [pian1 xi1] /inclining to the west (of the sun after noon)/fig. pro-Western/ [pian1 yao4] /to insist on doing sth/must do it, despite everything/ [pian1 jian4] /prejudice/ [pian1 jiao3] /angle of drift (navigation)/deflection (from course)/angle of dive gence/ [pian1 zhu4] /to stress in a prejudiced way/to emphasize sth unduly/ [pian1 hu4] /to protect a croney/to give unprincipled support/ [pian1 zhuan3] /deflection (physics)/deviation (away from a straight line)/ [pian1 zhuan3 jiao3] /angle of drift (navigation)/deflection (from course)/an divergence/ [pian1 ci2] /one-sided words/prejudice/flattery/ [pian1 yuan3] /remote/far from civilization/ [pian1 xie2 bu4 zheng4] /biased/prejudiced (idiom)/ [pian1 zhong4] /to stress in a prejudiced way/to emphasize sth unduly/ [pian1 feng1] /brush stroke to the side (calligraphy)/fig. side stroke/lateral th nking/ [pian1 men2] /side door/doing things by the side door (i.e. dishonestly)/ [Pian1 guan1] /Pianguan county in Xinzhou [Xin1 zhou1], Shanxi/ [Pian1 guan1 xian4] /Pianguan county in Xinzhou [Xin1 zhou1], Shanxi/ [pian1 li2] /to deviate/to diverge/to wander/ [pian1 po1] /biased/partial/ [pian1 tou2 tong4] /migraine/ [pian1 ti2] /obscure question/trick exam question/catch question/CL:[dao4]/ [pian1 shi2] /partial to (some kinds of food, usu. unhealthy)/having likes and di likes/partial eclipse/ [pian1 gao1] /to be on the high side/to be unusually high/ [wo4] /constrained/ [xie2] /in company with/ [xie2 tong2] /along with/accompanied by/together with/ [xie2 lao3] /to grow old together/ [zuo4] /to do/to make/to produce/to write/to compose/to act as/to engage in/to h old (a party)/to be/to become/to function (in some capacity)/to serve as/to be u sed for/to form (a bond or relationship)/to pretend/to feign/to act a part/to pu t on appearance/ [zuo4 yi1 tian1 he2 shang5 , zhuang4 yi1 tian1 zh iom); to do one's job mechanically/to hold a position passively/ [zuo4 bu4 dao4] /impossible/ [zuo4 zhu3] /make the decision/take charge of/back up/support/be host/ [zuo4 shi4] /to work/to handle matters/to have a job/ [zuo4 ren2] /to conduct oneself/to behave with integrity/ [zuo4 ren2 jia1] /thrifty/economical/ [zuo4 ren2 qing2] /to do a favor to sb/ [zuo4 ban4] /to keep sb company/to accompany/ [zuo4 ban4 r5] /erhua variant of [zuo4 ban4]/to keep sb company/to accomp [zuo4 zuo5] /affected/artificial/ [zuo4 chu1] /to put out/to issue/ [zuo4 dao4] /to accomplish/to achieve/ [zuo4 gong1] /to act (in opera)/stage business/ [zuo4 gong1 fu5] /to practice (work skills)/ [zuo4 shou4] /to celebrate a birthday/ [zuo4 meng4] /to dream/to have a dream/fig. illusion/fantasy/pipe dream/ [zuo4 da4] /arrogant/putting on airs/

[zuo4 hao3 zuo4 dai3] /to persuade using all possible arguments (idiom); op and bad cop in turn/ [zuo4 mei2] /to act as go-between (between prospective marriage partners etc)/ [zuo4 xue2 wen4] /to study/to engage in scholarship/ [zuo4 wan2] /to finish/to complete the task/ [zuo4 guan1] /to take an official post/to become a government employee/ [zuo4 ke4] /to be a guest or visitor/ [zuo4 xiao3] /to become a concubine/ [zuo4 gong1] /to work with one's hands/manual work/workmanship/ [zuo4 gong1 fu5] /to practice (work skills)/ [zuo4 shi4 shang1] /market maker/ [zuo4 guang3 gao4 xuan1 chuan2] /to advertise/to make propaganda for [zuo4 zhang1 zuo4 shi4] /to put on an act (idiom); to pose/to show theatr ion/to indulge in histrionics/ [zuo4 zhang1 zuo4 zhi4] /to put on an act (idiom); to pose/to show theatr ion/to indulge in histrionics/ [zuo4 zhang1 zuo4 zhi4] /see [zuo4 zhang1 zuo4 zhi4]/ [zuo4 ai4] /to make love/sexual intercourse/ [zuo4 xi4] /to act in a play/to put on a play/ [zuo4 shou3] /to put one's hand to sth/to set about/skillful hands/worker/writer/ [zuo4 shou3 jiao3] /to defraud/to rig up (a scam)/ [zuo4 cao1] /to do exercises/to do gymnastics/ [zuo4 wen2 zhang1] /to make an issue of sth/to fuss/to make a song and dance/ [zuo4 dong1] /to act as host/ [zuo4 fa3] /way of handling sth/method for making/work method/recipe/practice/CL: e4]/ [zuo4 huo2] /to work for a living (esp. of woman needleworker)/life of a group of stones in Go [wei2 qi2]/ [zuo4 huo2 r5] /erhua variant of / [zuo4 pai4] /way of doing sth/one's conduct/business/gestures in opera/ [zuo4 zhun3 bei4 gong1 zuo4] /make preparations/ [zuo4 man3 yue4] /celebration for baby's first birthday/ [zuo4 wei2] /to act as/used erroneously for / [zuo4 niu2 zuo4 ma3] /lit. to work like an ox, to work like a horse; fig. emely hard/ [zuo4 sheng1 yi4] /to do business/ [zuo4 sheng1 ri4] /to celebrate a birthday/to give a birthday party/ [zuo4 sheng1 huo2] /to work/to do manual labor/ [zuo4 mei2 zuo4 yan3] /to frown/ [zuo4 yan3] /to work as spy/to act as a guide/ [zuo4 yan3 se4] /to wink/ [zuo4 li3 bai4] /to go to church on Sunday (of Christians)/ [zuo4 dao3 gao4] /to pray/ [zuo4 jue2] /to go to extremes/to leave no room for maneuver/ [zuo4 sheng1] /to speak/to emit sound/ [zuo4 lian3] /to win honor/to put on a stern face/make-up/ [zuo4 cai4] /to cook/cooking/ [zuo4 qin1] /to become related by marriage/to marry/ [zuo4 mai3 mai4] /to buy and sell/to do business/to trade/to deal/ [zuo4 zei2 xin1 xu1] /to feel guilty as a thief (idiom); to have sth on o ce/ [zuo4 zhen1 xian4] /to do needlework/ [zuo4 cuo4] /to make an error/ [zuo4 fan4] /to prepare a meal/to cook/ [zuo4 gui3] /to play tricks/to cheat/to get up to mischief/to become a ghost/to g ve up the ghost/ [zuo4 gui3 lian3] /to pull a face/to grimace/to scowl/ [ting2] /to stop/to halt/to park (a car)/ [ting2 xia4] /to stop/ [ting2 xia4 lai2] /to stop/

[ting2 zhu4] /to stop/to halt/to cease/ [ting2 feng4] /to suspend salary payments/ [ting2 shi1 fang2] /mortuary/ [ting2 gong1] /to stop work/to shut down/to stop production/ [ting2 xi1] /to stop/to cease/ [ting2 zhan4] /armistice/cease fire/ [ting2 zhan4 ri4] /Armistice Day/ [ting2 sun3 dan1] /stop loss order SL/compulsory halt to stock trading when p all to predetermined level/ [ting2 fang4] /park/place/ [ting2 ban3 zhi4 du4] /system of circuit breakers/limit up, limit down sy )/ [ting2 ye4] /to cease trading (temporarily or permanently)/to close down/ [ting2 ji1] /to stop machine/to stop printing/parking place (for plane at airport /to park (a plane)/ [ting2 ji1 ping2] /aircraft parking ground/apron/tarmac (at airport)/ [ting2 xie1] /to stop for a rest/ [ting2 zhi3] /to stop/to halt/to cease/ [ting2 zhi3 sun3 shi1] /stop loss order SL/compulsory halt to stock tradi s fall to predetermined level/ [ting2 bu4] /to come to a stand/to stop/ [ting2 bo2] /to anchor/anchorage/mooring (of a ship)/ [ting2 zhi4] /stagnation/at a standstill/bogged down/ [ting2 zhi4 bu4 qian2] /stuck and not moving forward (idiom); stagnant/in tandstill/ [ting2 huo3] /cease fire/ [ting2 huo3 xie2 yi4] /cease fire agreement/ [ting2 huo3 xian4] /cease-fire line/ [ting2 chan3] /stop production/ [ting2 yong4] /to stop using/to suspend/to discontinue/to disable/ [ting2 liu2] /to stay somewhere temporarily/to stop over/ [ting2 dang4] /settled/accomplished/ready/ [ting2 pan2] /halt to stock trading/circuit breaker/ [ting2 zhan4] /bus stop/ [ting2 hang2] /to stop running (of flight of shipping service)/to suspend service (flight, sailing)/to interrupt schedule/ [ting2 ke4] /to stop classes/to close (of school)/ [ting2 che1] /to stop/to park/ [ting2 che1 wei4 zhi5] /parking location/parking bay/ [ting2 che1 chang3] /parking lot/car park/ [ting2 che1 ku4] /car park/ [ting2 che1 zhan4] /bus stop/ [ting2 che1 ji4 shi2 qi4] /parking meter/ [ting2 jiu3 zhi3 yue4] /stop the wine and stop the music (idiom)/ [ting2 dian4] /power cut/ [ting2 kao4] /to call at/to stop at/berth/ [ting2 kao4 gang3] /port of call/ [ting2 kao4 zhan4] /bus or tram stop/intermediate stop (on route of ship, pla /port of call/stop-over/ [ting2 dun4] /to halt/to break off/pause (in speech)/ [bei4] /to disobey/to stand back-to-back/ [huang2] /agitated/alarmed/ [chou3] /to stare at/ [jian4] /healthy/to invigorate/to strengthen/to be good at/to be strong in/ [jian4 bao3] /medical or health insurance/ [jian4 er2] /top athlete/heroic warrior/ [jian4 quan2] /robust/sound/ [jian4 zhuang4] /robust/healthy/sturdy/ [jian4 kang1] /health/healthy/ [jian4 kang1 bao3 xian3] /health insurance/

[jian4 kang1 shou4 sun3] /health damage/ [jian4 kang1 jian3 cha2] /see [ti3 ge2 jian3 cha2]/ [jian4 kang1 zhuang4 tai4] /state of health/ [jian4 kang1 zhuang4 kuang4] /health status/ [jian4 kang1 shi2 pin3] /health food/ [jian4 wang4] /absent-minded/ [jian4 wang4 zheng4] /amnesia/ [Jian4 yi2 Ke3 le4] /Diet Coke/Coca-Cola Light/ [jian4 wang4] /robust/healthy/vigorous/energetic/ [jian4 bu4 ru2 fei1] /running as fast as flying/ [jian4 shuo4] /well-built (physique)/strong and muscular/ [jian4 mei3] /healthy and beautiful/to do fitness exercises/abbr. for ng4]/ [jian4 mei3 cao1] /aerobics/aerobic dance (school P.E. activity)/ [jian4 mei3 yun4 dong4] /body-building/ [jian4 xing2] /to hike/ [jian4 zhen3] /check-up (health, car safety, environment etc)/ [jian4 tan2] /entertaining in conversation/ [jian4 shen1] /physical exercise/gymnastics for fitness/ [jian4 shen1 shi4] /gym/ [jian4 shen1 fang2] /gym/gymnasium/ [jian4 shen1 guan3] /a gym (health center)/ [ci1] /uneven/ [fu4] /to rely on/to resemble/ [bi1] /variant of , to compel/to pressure/to force/to bother/ [zhi4] /to wait for/to lay in/ [mian3] /to transgress/ [yi3] /to sob/wail/ [xie4] /variant of [qi4]/contract/ [xun2] /to tell/ [si1] /talented/urgent/ [ce4] /the side/to incline towards/to lean/inclined/lateral/side/ [zhai1] /lean on one side/ [ce4 dao1 pang2] /name of "knife" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radic occurring in , , etc/see also [dao1]/ [ce4 bi4] /side wall/ [ce4 shi4] /sideroom/concubine/ [ce4 mu4] /to raise eyebrows/to cast sidelong glances (expressing fear or indigna ion)/shocked/surprised/ [ce4 er3] /to bend an ear (to)/to listen/ [ce4 shen1] /to lean the body/ [ce4 tang3] /to lie down (on one's side)/ [ce4 bian1 lan2] /a side-bar (in software)/ [ce4 zhong4] /to place particular emphasis on/ [ce4 feng1] /oblique attack (brush movement in painting)/ [ce4 lian4] /side chain (used in classifying amino acids)/ [ce4 men2] /side door/ [ce4 mian4] /lateral side/side/aspect/profile/ [zhen1] /to scout/to spy/to detect/ [zhen1 cha2] /to investigate a crime/to scout/to reconnoiter/reconnaissance/detec ion/a scout/ [zhen1 cha2 bing1] /a scout/spy/ [zhen1 cha2 yuan2] /detective/investigator/scout/spy/ [zhen1 cha2 xing4] /investigatory/ [zhen1 cha2 ji1] /surveillance aircraft/spy plane/ [zhen1 tan4] /detective/to do detective work/ [zhen1 cha2] /to detect/to investigate/ [zhen1 du2 qi4] /detection unit/ [zhen1 du2 guan3] /detector tube/ [zhen1 ce4] /to detect/to sense/

[zhen1 ce4 qi4] /detector/ [zhen1 po4] /to investigate (as detective)/to solve (crime)/to uncover (a plot)/t sniff out/to break in and analyze/detective work/to scout/ [zhen1 ji1] /to track down/to investigate and arrest/ [zhen1 ting1] /to eavesdrop/to tap (telephone conversations)/to intercept and inv stigate/ [zhen1 xun4] /to interrogate during investigation/ [zhen1 ban4] /to investigate (a crime) and prosecute/ [ou3] /accidental/image/pair/mate/ [ou3 yi1] /accidentally/once in a while/very occasionally/ [ou3 ren2] /idol (i.e. statue for worship)/ [ou3 xiang4] /idol/ [ou3 xiang4 ju4] /idol drama/a television series in which the actors are famo rstars/ [ou3 han2 shu4] /even function (math.)/ [ou3 he2] /coincidence/ [ou3 shu4] /even number/ [ou3 ji2] /dipole (e.g. magnetic dipole)/ [ou3 ran2] /incidentally/occasional/occasionally/by chance/randomly/ [ou3 ran2 shi4 jian4] /random accident/chance event/ [ou3 ran2 xing4] /chance/fortuity/serendipity/ [ou3 er3] /occasionally/once in a while/sometimes/ [ou3 fan4] /casual offender/casual offence/ [ou3 lian2 fan3 ying4] /chain reaction (chemistry)/ [ou3 jian4] /to happen upon/to see incidentally/occasional/accidental/ [ou3 yu3 qi4 shi4] /chance remarks can lead to public execution (idiom)/ [ou3 ti2] /artiodactyl (zoology)/ [ou3 ti2 mu4] /Artiodactyla (even-toed ungulates, such as pigs, cows, giraffe [ou3 ti2 lei4] /Artiodactyla (even-toed ungulates, such as pigs, cows, giraff / [ou3 yu4] /a chance encounter/to meet accidentally/ [tou1] /to steal/to pilfer/to snatch/thief/stealthily/ [tou1 tou1] /stealthily/secretly/covertly/furtively/on the sly/ [tou1 tou1 mo1 mo1] /surreptitious/sneaky/ [tou1 qu4] /to steal/to make off with/stolen/ [tou1 chi1] /to eat on the sly/to pilfer food/to be unfaithful/ [tou1 an1] /to shirk responsibility/thoughtless pleasure-seeking/ [tou1 gong1] /to skimp on the job/to avoid work/ [tou1 gong1 jian3 liao4] /to skimp on the job and stint on materials (idi lding/sloppy work/ [tou1 qing2] /to carry on a clandestine love affair/ [tou1 duo4] /to skive off work/to be lazy/ [tou1 lan3] /to goof off/to be lazy/ [tou1 pai1] /to take a picture of a person without permission or without their kn wledge/ [tou1 liang2 huan4 zhu4] /lit. to steal a rafter and replace it with a co ce the original with a fake/to perpetrate a fraud (idiom)/ [tou1 du4] /illegal immigration/to stowaway (on a ship)/to steal across the inter ational border/to run a blockade/ [tou1 du4 zhe3] /smuggled illegal alien/stowaway/ [tou1 lie4] /to poach/ [tou1 lie4 zhe3] /poacher/ [tou1 sheng1] /to live without purpose/ [tou1 dao4] /to steal/ [tou1 kan4] /to peep/to peek/to steal a glance/ [tou1 yan3] /to take a furtive look at/ [tou1 shui4] /tax evasion/ [tou1 kui1] /to peep/to peek/to act as voyeur/ [tou1 kui1 kuang2] /voyeur/peeping tom/ [tou1 qie4] /to steal/to pilfer/

[tou1 ting1] /to eavesdrop/to monitor (secretly)/ [tou1 xi2] /to sneak attack/ [tou1 yun4] /to smuggle/ [tou1 xian2] /to snatch a moment of leisure/to take a break from work/also writte / [tou1 xian2] /to snatch a moment of leisure/to take a break from work/ [tou1 ji1 bu4 cheng2 shi2 ba3 mi3] /trying to steal a chicken ce (common expression); having high aims, but a total failure/ [tou1 ji1 bu4 zhao2 shi2 ba3 mi3] /trying to steal a chicken, e (common expression); having high aims, but a total failure/ [tou1 ji1 mo1 gou3] /to imitate the dog and steal chicken (idiom); to dal /to have affairs/ [tou1 xiang1 qie4 yu4] /lit. stolen scent, pilfered jade (idiom); philand illicit sex/ [tou1] /variant of [tou1]/ [zan2] /variant of [zan2]/ [wei3] /false/fake/forged/bogus/Taiwan pr. [wei4]/ [wei3 dai4 ma3] /pseudocode/ [wei3 lie4] /inferior/false/ [wei3 jun1 zi3] /hypocrite/ [wei3 shan4] /hypocritical/ [wei3 shan4 zhe3] /hypocrite/ [wei3 bi4] /counterfeit currency/ [wei3 tuo1] /faking a modern object as an ancient one/ [wei3 shu1] /forged book/book of dubious authenticity/misattributed book/Apocryph / [wei3 chao2] /bogus dynasty/pretender/ [wei3 ke1 xue2] /pseudoscience/ [wei3 jing1] /forged scriptures/bogus classic/pseudepigrapha/apocrypha/ [wei3 zhuang1] /to fake/to feign/to pretend/living under a false identity/dressed up as/under the guise of/ [wei3 zheng4] /perjury/ [wei3 jun1] /puppet army/ [wei3 ji4] /artifact (artificial feature)/ [wei3 zao4] /to forge/to fake/to counterfeit/ [wei3 zao4 pin3] /counterfeit object/forgery/fake/ [wei3 zao4 zhe3] /forger/ [wei3 chao1] /counterfeit currency/ [wei3 ding3] /false roof/ [wei3 shi4] /faked decoration/ [gui1] /grand/strange/exotic/ [kui3] /puppet/ [kui3 lei3] /puppet/ [kui3 lei3 xi4] /puppet show/ [kui3 lei3 zheng4 quan2] /puppet state/puppet regime/ [Fu4] /surname Fu/ [fu4] /tutor/ [Fu4 Zuo4 yi4] /Fu Zuoyi (1895-1974), Guomindang general, subsequently PRC to al and politician/ [Fu4 ke1 bai3] /Foucault's pendulum/ [Fu4 li4 ye4] /Francois-Maire Charles Fourier (French sociologist and sociali 2-1837)/ [Fu4 li4 ye4 bian4 huan4] /(math.) a Fourier transform/ [Fu4 Shuo1] /Fu Shuo (c. 14th century BC), legendary sage and principal minister f Shang ruler Wu Ding/ [Fu4 li3 ye4] /Jean-Baptiste-Joseph Fourier (French mathematician, 1768-1830) [li4] /Lisu ethnic group of Yunnan, see / [Li4 su4] /Lisu ethnic group of Yunnan/ [Li4 su4 zu2] /Lisu ethnic group of Yunnan/ [ma4] /to curse, to revile, to abuse/to scold/

[bang4] /near/approaching/to depend on/(slang) to have an intimate relationship with sb/Taiwan pr. [pang2], [bang1], [bang4]/ [bang4 liang4] /dawn/daybreak/ [bang4 ren2 li2 bi4] /to depend on others/ [bang4 ren2 men2 hu4] /to be dependent upon sb/ [bang4 wu3] /towards noon/around midday/ [bang4 da4 kuan3] /to live off a rich man/ [bang4 jia1 r5] /lover/partner/ [bang4 hu4 er2 li4] /to stand close to the door/ [bang4 wan3] /in the evening/when night falls/towards evening/at night fall/at du k/ [bang4 liu3 sui2 hua1] /prostitute/ [bang4 jin4] /to be close to/ [bang4 bian1] /near/beside/ [bang4 hei1] /dusk/ [dian1] /inversion/mistake/ [jie2] /hero/heroic/outstanding person/prominent/distinguished/ [Jie2 yi1 han4 gang3] /Ceyhan (Turkish Mediterranean port)/ [Jie2 fo2 zi1] /(James) Jeffords (1934-), former US Senator from Vermont/ [jie2 zuo4] /masterpiece/ [Jie2 ke4] /Jack (name)/ [Jie2 ke4 Lun2 dun1] /Jack London (1876-1916), American writer/ [Jie2 ke4 sen1] /Jackson (name)/ [Jie2 ke4 xun4] /Jackson (name)/Jackson city, capital of Mississippi/ [jie2 chu1] /outstanding/distinguished/remarkable/prominent/illustrious/ [Jie2 shi4 pai4] /Gatsby, Japanese cosmetics brand/ [jie2 fu1] /Jeff or Geoff (name)/ [Jie2 fu1 Jin1 ni2] /Jeff Kinney/ [Jie2 kui2 lin2] /Jacqueline (name)/ [Jie2 kui2 lin2 Ken3 ni2 di2] /Jacqueline Onassis Kennedy ( [Jie2 fu2 xun4] /Jefferson/capital of Missouri/ [Jie2 fu2 li3 Qiao2 sou3] /Geoffrey Chaucer (English author)/ [jie2 la1] /Gela (city in Sicily)/ [Jie2 la1 de2] /Gerrard (name)/ [Jie2 rui4] /Jerry or Gerry (name)/ [Jie2 rui4 Song4 fei1] /Jerry Seinfeld/ [jie2 mi3] /Jamie/Jim/ [Jie2 xi1] /Jesse (name)/ [Jie2 xi1 Ou1 wen2 si1] /Jesse Owens (1913-1980), American athl [Jie2 xi1 ka3] /Jessica (name)/ [Jie2 xi1 ka3 Ai4 er3 ba1] /Jessica Alba, American actress/ [Jie2 li3 ke1] /Jericho (town in West Bank)/ [Jie2 li3 mi3] /Jeremy (name)/ [xi1] /(old) native of Jiangxi [Jiang1 xi1]/to wait/servant/path/ [qian4] /servant/ [Jue2] /surname Jue/ [jue2] /used in old names/ [cang1] /low fellow/rustic/rude/rough/ [san3] /umbrella/parasol/CL:[ba3]/ [san3 xia4] /under the umbrella of/ [san3 bing1] /paratrooper/ [san3 xing2] /umbrella-shaped/ [san3 xing2 ke1] /Umbelliferae or Apiaceae, plant family containing carrot, c r etc/ [san3 jun1] /mushroom/ [san3 jiang4] /to parachute into/parachuting/ [bei4] /to prepare/get ready/to provide or equip/ [bei4 zhong1] /remarks/ [bei4 jian4] /spare parts/ [bei4 fen4] /backup/

[bei4 qu3] /be on the waiting list (for admission to a school)/ [bei4 shou4] /to fully experience (good or bad)/ [bei4 pin3] /machine parts or tools kept in reserve/spare parts/ [bei4 tuo3] /ready/ [bei4 wang4 lu4] /memorandum/aide-memoire/memorandum book/ [bei4 xi1] /to know all about/to be informed of all the details/ [bei4 zhan4] /prepared against war/to prepare for war/warmongering/ [bei4 di3] /an allowance/to allow for (a drop in value) (accountancy)/ [bei4 liao4] /to get the materials ready/to prepare feed (for livestock)/ [bei4 cha2] /for future reference/ [bei4 an4] /to put on record/to file/ [bei4 yong4] /reserve/spare/alternate/backup/ [bei4 yong4 er4 ji2 tou2 hu1 xi1 qi4] /backup regulator/o [bei4 yong4 huan2] /backup ring/ [bei4 kao3] /(an appendix, note etc) for reference/ [bei4 er2 bu4 yong4] /have sth ready just in case/keep sth for possible f [bei4 geng1] /make preparations for plowing and sowing/ [bei4 tai1] /spare tire/ [bei4 zhi4] /to the utmost/in every possible way/ [bei4 huang1] /to prepare against natural disasters/ [bei4 zhu4] /remark/note/ [bei4 ke4] /(of a teacher) to prepare lessons/ [bei4 ban4] /to provide (items for an event)/to cater/to make preparations/ [xiao4] /to imitate/ [yao2] /Yao tribe/ [suo1] /uneven/unsteady (in dancing)/ [jia1] /variant of [jia1]/ [jia1 huo5] /variant of [jia1 huo5]/ [jia1 ju4] /variant of [jia1 ju4]/ [jia1 ju4] /variant of [jia1 ju4]/ [Dai3] /Dai (ethnic group)/ [cui1] /to urge/to press/to prompt/to rush sb/to hasten sth/to expedite/ [cui1 ru3] /to promote lactation/to stimulate lactation (e.g. with drug)/ [cui1 ru3 ji1 su4] /prolactin/ [cui1 cu4] /to urge/ [cui1 hua4] /catalysis/to catalyze (a reaction)/ [cui1 hua4 zuo4 yong4] /catalysis/ [cui1 hua4 ji4] /catalyst/ [cui1 tu4] /emetic/ [cui1 tu4 ji4] /an emetic/ [cui1 ming4] /to press sb to death/fig. to pressurize sb continually/ [cui1 nai3] /to promote lactation/to stimulate lactation (e.g. with drug)/ [cui1 qing2] /to promote estrus/to bring an animal to heat by artificial means/ [cui1 lei4] /to move to tears (of a story)/tear-provoking (gas)/lacrimogen/ [cui1 lei4 ji4] /lachrymator/ [cui1 lei4 da4 pian4] /tear-jerker (movie)/ [cui1 lei4 dan4] /tear bomb/tear-gas grenade/ [cui1 lei4 wa3 si1] /tear gas/ [cui1 shu2] /to promote ripening of fruit/ [cui1 sheng1] /to induce labor/to expedite childbirth/ [cui1 sheng1 po2] /midwife who induces labor/ [cui1 sheng1 su4] /oxytocin/ [cui1 chan3] /to induce labor/to expedite childbirth/ [cui1 mian2] /hypnosis/ [cui1 mian2 qu3] /lullaby/ [cui1 mian2 zhuang4 tai4] /hypnosis/ [cui1 mian2 yao4] /soporific drug/ [cui1 mian2 shu4] /hypnotism/hypnotherapy/mesmerism/ [cui1 fei2] /to fatten (animal before slaughter)/ [cui1 fei2 ji4] /(animal) fattening preparation/

[cui1 ya2] /to promote germination/ [cui1 tao3] /to demand repayment of debt/ [cui1 zheng4] /to call for the issue of a letter of credit (international trade)/ [cui1 gu3] /to boost/to propel/ [cui1 bi1] /to press (for a payment)/ [yong1] /to hire/to employ/servant/hired laborer/domestic help/ [yong1 ren2] /servant/ [yong1 ren2 ling3 ban1] /butler/ [yong1 bi4] /servant girl/ [yong1 fu4] /maid/female servant/domestic worker/domestic helper/housekeeper/ [yong1 gong1] /hired laborer/servant/ [zao1] /finish, to go around/ [zong3] /busy/hurried/despondent/ [ao4] /proud/arrogant/to despise/unyielding/to defy/ [ao4 an4] /proud/haughty/ [ao4 man4] /arrogant/haughty/ [Ao4 man4 yu3 pian1 jian4] /Pride and prejudice, novel by Jane Austen [ao4 qi4] /air of arrogance/haughtiness/ [ao4 ran2] /loftily/proudly/unyieldingly/ [ao4 ni4] /to look down upon/ [ao4 li4] /standing proud/ [ao4 zi4] /pride/overbearing/ [ao4 shi4] /turn up one's nose/show disdain for/regard superciliously/ [ao4 gu3] /lofty and unyielding character/ [chuan2] /to pass on/to spread/to transmit/to infect/to transfer/to circulate/to conduct (electricity)/ [zhuan4] /biography/historical narrative/commentaries/relay station/ [chuan2 san1 guo4 si4] /to spread rumors/to gossip/ [chuan2 shi4] /handed down from ancient times/family heirloom/ [chuan2 ren2] /to teach/to impart/a disciple/descendant/ [chuan2 dai4] /to pass to the next generation/ [chuan2 ling4] /to transmit an order/ [chuan2 ling4 bing1] /orderly/ [chuan2 lai2] /to arrive (news)/ [chuan2 ru4] /to import/transmitted inwards/afferent/ [chuan2 ru4 shen2 jing1] /afferent nerve (transmitting in to the brain)/a n/ [chuan2 chu1] /to transmit outwards/to disseminate/efferent (nerve)/ [chuan2 chu1 shen2 jing1] /efferent nerve (transmitting out from the brai euron/motor nerve/ [chuan2 dong4] /drive (transmission in an engine)/ [chuan2 dong4 qi4] /drive (engine)/ [chuan2 dong4 dai4] /transmission belt/ [chuan2 dong4 ji1 gou4] /transmission mechanism/ [chuan2 dong4 xi4 tong3] /transmission system/power drive/ [chuan2 dong4 zhuang1 zhi4] /transmission (i.e. gears)/ [chuan2 dong4 zhou2] /drive shaft/ [chuan2 ming2] /spreading fame/ [chuan2 gao4] /to convey (a message)/to inform/ [chuan2 hu1] /to notify sb of a call/to call sb to the phone/ [chuan2 hu1 dian4 hua4] /to notify sb of a call/to call sb to the phone/ [chuan2 chang4] /(of a song) to pass from person to person/ [chuan2 huan4] /a summons (to the police)/subpoena/ [chuan2 dan1] /leaflet/flier/pamphlet/ [chuan2 dan1 guang3] /advertising leaflet/circular/ [chuan2 hui2] /to send back/ [chuan2 bao4] /notification/memorial/ [chuan2 qi2] /legendary/fantasy saga/romance/short stories of the Tang and Song D nasty/ [chuan2 qi2 ren2 wu4] /legendary person/legend (i.e. person)/

[chuan2 mei2] /media/ [chuan2 zong1 jie1 dai4] /to carry on one's ancestral line/ [chuan2 jia1] /to pass on through the generations/ [chuan2 jia1 bao3] /family heirloom/ [chuan2 ji4] /to send (message to sb)/to communicate/to forward (message)/ [chuan2 xie3] /to copy/to pass on a copy/ [chuan2 dao3] /to conduct (heat, electricity etc)/ [chuan2 bu4] /to spread/to hand down/to disseminate/ [chuan2 bang1 dai4] /to pass on experience (to the next generation)/ [chuan2 xin1 shu4] /telepathy/ [chuan2 qing2] /to pass on amorous feelings/to send one's love to sb/ [chuan2 gan3] /to pass on feelings/telepathy/sensing (engineering)/ [chuan2 gan3 qi4] /sensor/transducer/ [chuan2 jie4] /to initiate novice (Buddhist monk)/ [chuan2 cheng2] /to pass on (to future generations)/passed on (from former times) a continued tradition/an inheritance/ [chuan2 chao1] /to circulate copies/to copy and pass on/ [chuan2 shou4] /to impart/to pass on/to teach/ [chuan2 yang2] /to spread (by word of mouth)/ [chuan2 bo1] /to disseminate/to propagate/to spread/ [chuan2 bo1 si4 fang1] /to disseminate in every direction (idiom)/ [chuan2 jiao4] /to preach/missionary/to evangelize/ [chuan2 jiao4 tuan2] /a mission (group of missionaries)/ [chuan2 jiao4 shi4] /missionary/ [chuan2 zhi3] /issue a decree/ [chuan2 shu1 ge1] /carrier pigeon (used for mail)/ [chuan2 ben3] /edition (of a book) currently in circulation/ [chuan2 ran3] /to infect/contagious/ [chuan2 ran3 xing4] /infectious/epidemic/ [chuan2 ran3 yuan2] /source of an infection/ [chuan2 ran3 bing4] /infectious disease/contagious disease/pestilence/ [chuan2 ran3 bing4 xue2] /epidemiology/ [chuan2 xi2] /to circulate (a protest or call to arms)/to promulgate/ [chuan2 fa3] /to pass on doctrines from master to disciple (Buddhism)/ [chuan2 liu2] /to spread/to hand down/to circulate/ [chuan2 re4] /heat transfer/heat transmission/ [zhuan4 re4 xue2] /theory of heat/heat transmission (physics)/ [chuan2 deng1] /to pass on the light of Buddha/ [chuan2 qiu2] /pass (in soccer)/to feed (ball)/ [zhuan4 lu:e4] /bibliographic sketch/ [chuan2 fa1] /to order sb to start on a journey/ [chuan2 zhen1] /fax/facsimile/ [chuan2 zhen1 ji1] /fax machine/ [chuan2 zhen1 fa1 song4] /fax transmission/ [chuan2 zhen1 hao4 ma3] /fax number/ [chuan2 zhen1 dian4 bao4] /phototelegram/ [chuan2 shen2] /vivid/lifelike/ [chuan2 piao4] /summons/subpoena/voucher/ [chuan2 zhong3] /to reproduce/to propagate/ [chuan2 fen3] /pollination/to pollinate/ [chuan2 gei5] /to pass on (to sb)/to send/to pass (e.g. in football)/to give dire tly (by hand)/to deliver/to hand over/to transfer/to relay/to transmit/to hand o n (to the next generation)/ [chuan2 tong3] /tradition/traditional/convention/conventional/CL: [ge4]/ [chuan2 tong3 zhong1 guo2 yi1 yao4] /Chinese traditional medicine [chuan2 tong3 ci2 lei4] /traditional parts of speech (grammar)/ [chuan2 tong3 yi1 yao4] /Chinese traditional medicine/ [chuan2 jing1] /to pass on scripture/to teach Confucian doctrine/to pass on one's experience/ [chuan2 xi2] /teaching and learning/to study and impart/

[chuan2 wen2] /rumor/ [chuan2 wen2 zheng4 ju4] /hearsay (law)/ [chuan2 sheng1] /microphone/to use a microphone/ [chuan2 sheng1 qi4] /microphone/ [chuan2 sheng1 tong3] /loudhailer/megaphone/one who parrots sb/mouthpiece/ [chuan2 yi4] /to impart skills/to pass on one's art/ [chuan2 jian4] /to summon for an interview/ [chuan2 guan1] /to pass sth around (for others to look at)/ [chuan2 yan2] /rumor/hearsay/ [chuan2 xun4] /to summon (a witness)/to subpoena/ [zhuan4 ji4] /biography/CL:[pian1],[bu4]/ [zhuan4 ji4 xing4] /bibliographic/ [chuan2 hua4] /to pass on a story/to communicate a message/ [chuan2 hua4 ren2] /messenger/communicator/relay/ [chuan2 yu3] /to pass on (information)/ [chuan2 song4] /widely known/on everyone's lips/ [chuan2 shuo1] /legend/folklore/tradition/it is said/they say that.../ [chuan2 jiang3] /to preach/ [chuan2 yao2] /a rumor/ [chuan2 yi4] /to translate/to interpret/ [zhuan4 zan4] /postscript to bibliography/ [chuan2 shu1] /transport/transmission/ [chuan2 shu1 xie2 ding4] /transfer protocol/transportation protocol/ [chuan2 shu1 mei2 jie4] /transport method/ [chuan2 shu1 mei2 zhi4] /transmission medium/ [chuan2 shu1 mei2 ti3] /transmission medium/ [chuan2 shu1 ceng2] /transport layer/ [chuan2 shu1 ji4 shu4] /transmission technology/ [chuan2 shu1 kong4 zhi4] /transmission control/ [chuan2 shu1 kong4 zhi4 xie2 ding4] /transmission control protoco [chuan2 shu1 fu2 wu4] /transport service/ [chuan2 shu1 mo2 shi4] /transfer mode/transmission method/ [chuan2 shu1 lu:4] /transmission rate/ [chuan2 shu1 she4 bei4] /transmission facility/transmission equipment/ [chuan2 shu1 ju4 li2] /transmission distance/ [chuan2 shu1 tong1 dao4] /transport channel/ [chuan2 shu1 su4 lu:4] /transmission rate/transmission speed/ [chuan2 shu4] /to relay/to retell/ [chuan2 song4] /to convey/to deliver/ [chuan2 song4 dai4] /conveyor belt/transmission belt/ [chuan2 song4 fu2 wu4] /delivery service/ [chuan2 bian4] /to spread widely/ [chuan2 dao4] /to lecture on doctrine/to expound the wisdom of ancient sages/to p each/a sermon/ [chuan2 dao4 shou4 ye4] /to teach (idiom); lit. to give moral and practic n/ [chuan2 dao4 shu1] /book of sermons/the biblical book of Ecclesiastes/ [chuan2 dao4 zhe3] /missionary/preacher/ [chuan2 dao4 bu4] /mission/ [chuan2 da2] /to pass on/to convey/to relay/to transmit/transmission/ [chuan2 da2 yuan2] /usher/receptionist/ [chuan2 da2 shi4] /reception room/ [chuan2 di4] /to transmit/to pass on to sb else/ [chuan2 di4 zhe3] /messenger/transmitter (of information)/ [chuan2 xiao1] /multi-level marketing/ [chuan2 kai1] /(of news) to spread/to get around/ [chuan2 yue4] /to read and pass on/to pass on for perusal/ [chuan2 song4] /to eulogize/to pass on praise/ [yu3] /hunchbacked/ [zhai4] /debt/CL: [bi3]/

[zhai4 zhu3] /creditor/ [zhai4 quan4] /bond/debenture/ [zhai4 wu4] /debt/liability/amount due/indebtedness/ [zhai4 wu4 ren2] /debtor/ [zhai4 wu4 dan1 bao3 zheng4 quan4] /collateralized debt obligatio [zhai4 wu4 zheng4 quan4] /debt security/collateralized debt obligation (C bond/ [zhai4 wu4 zheng4 shu1] /debt instrument/ [zhai4 quan2] /creditor's rights (law)/ [zhai4 quan2 ren2] /creditor/ [zhai4 quan2 guo2] /creditor country/ [zhai4 kuan3] /debt/ [zhai4 tai2 gao1 zhu4] /lit. build a high desk of debt (idiom); heavily i [shang1] /to injure/injury/wound/ [shang1 wang2] /casualties/injuries and deaths/ [shang1 ren2] /to injure sb/ [shang1 fu2] /wounded and captured/ [shang1 bie2] /sorrowful farewell/sad goodbye/ [shang1 shi4] /condition of an injury/ [shang1 ji2 wu2 gu1] /to harm the innocent (idiom)/ [shang1 kou3] /wound/cut/ [shang1 yuan2] /wounded person/ [shang1 tian1 hai4 li3] /to offend Heaven and reason (idiom); bloody atro ry to heaven/outrageous acts/ [shang1 hai4] /to injure/to harm/ [shang1 han2] /typhoid/ [shang1 han2 sha1 men2 shi4 jun1] /salmonella typhimurium/ [shang1 han2 zheng4] /typhoid/ [shang1 gong1 zhi1 niao3] /lit. bird wounded by an arrow (idiom); fig. wo ged person/ [shang1 xin1] /to grieve/to be broken-hearted/to feel deeply hurt/ [shang1 xin1 can3 mu4] /(idiom) too appalling to look at/ [shang1 xin1 zhi4 si3] /to grieve to death/to die of a broken-heart/ [shang1 xin1 hao1 mu4] /to grieve/broken-hearted/ [shang1 bei1] /sad/sorrowful (literary)/ [shang1 dao4] /to grieve for deceased relative/to mourn/ [shang1 gan3] /sad/emotional/sentimental/pathos/ [shang1 huai2] /grieved/full of sorrow/ [shang1 can2] /defeated/damaged/ [shang1 can2 ren2 yuan2] /the injured/wounded personnel/ [shang1 ba1] /scar/fig. remnant of former damage/remaining trauma/CL:[dao4]/ [shang1 bing4 yuan2] /the sick and the wounded/ [shang1 hen2] /scar/bruise/ [shang1 hen2 lei3 lei3] /bruised/riddled with scars/ [shang1 tong4] /pain (from wound)/sorrow/ [shang1 jin1 dong4 gu3] /to suffer serious injury (idiom)/ [shang1 jin1 duan4 gu3] /to suffer serious injury (idiom)/ [shang1 zhe3] /casualty/victim (of an accident)/wounded person/ [shang1 hao4] /damage (e.g. to goods in transit)/ [shang1 nao3 jin1] /knotty/troublesome/bothersome/ [shang1 hao4] /casualties/wounded soldiers/ [shang1 feng1] /to catch cold/ [shang1 feng1 bai4 su2] /offending public morals (idiom)/ [chi4] /to detain/to hinder/ [sha3] /foolish/ [sha3 bu4 leng4 deng1] /stupid/dazed/ [sha3 hu1 hu1] /feeble-minded/dim-witted/ [sha3 da4 ge4] /idiot/blockhead/clod/oaf/ [sha3 da4 ge4 r5] /stupid great hulk of a man/ [sha3 zi5] /an idiot/a fool/

[sha3 bi1] /stupid cunt (vulgar)/also written [sha3 bi1]/ [sha3 mao4] /fool/idiot/foolish/stupid/ [sha3 mao4 r5] /erhua variant of [sha3 mao4]/fool/idiot/foolish/stupid/ [sha3 qi4] /foolishness/nonsense/foolish/ [sha3 gua1] /idiot/fool/ [sha3 yan3] /stunned/struck dumb by shock/flabbergasted/ [sha3 xiao4] /to giggle/to laugh foolishly/to smirk/to simper/ [sha3 dan4] /stupid young fellow/idiot/ [sha3 hua4] /foolish talk/nonsense/ [sha3 bi1] /stupid cunt (vulgar)/also written [sha3 bi1]/ [sha3 tou2 sha3 nao3] /a fool/ [sha3 bi1] /stupid cunt (vulgar)/also written [sha3 bi1]/ [qing1] /to overturn/to collapse/to lean/to tend/to incline/to pour out/ [qing1 pei4] /to admire greatly/ [qing1 dao3] /to topple over/to greatly admire/ [qing1 dao4] /to dump/to pour/to empty out/ [qing1 ce4] /to lean to one side/slanting/ [qing1 dong4] /to admire/ [qing1 xie4] /to tip/to dump by tipping from a vehicle/ [qing1 tu3] /to pour out (emotions)/to unburden oneself (of strong feelings)/to v mit comprehensively/ [qing1 tu3 xiong1 yi4] /to pour out one's heart/ [qing1 tu3 zhong1 chang2] /to pour out (emotions)/to pour one's heart out thing that is on one's mind/ [qing1 xiang4] /trend/tendency/orientation/ [qing1 xiang4 xing4] /tendency/inclination/orientation/ [qing1 xiang4 yu2] /prone to/ [qing1 nang2] /to empty one's pocket/to give everything to help sb/ [qing1 cheng2] /coming from everywhere/from all over the place/gorgeous (of woman /to ruin and overturn the state/ [qing1 jia1] /to ruin a family/to lose a fortune/ [qing1 jia1 dang4 chan3] /to lose a family fortune (idiom)/ [qing1 chao2] /lit. the whole nest came out (to fight us)/a turn-out in full forc (of a gang of villains)/ [qing1 chao2 lai2 fan4] /to turn out in force ready to attack (idiom)/ [qing1 chao2 er2 chu1] /the whole nest came out (idiom); to turn out in f [qing1 xin1] /to admire whole-heartedly/to fall in love with/ [qing1 xin1 tu3 dan3] /to pour out one's hear (idiom)/ [qing1 mu4] /to adore/to admire greatly/ [qing1 xie2] /to incline/to lean/to slant/to slope/to tilt/ [qing1 xie2 du4] /inclination (from the horizontal or vertical)/slope/obliqui [qing1 fu2] /to admire/ [qing1 zhu4] /to throw into/ [qing1 xie4] /to drop in torrents/ [qing1 xie4] /to pour down in torrents/ [qing1 pen2] /a downpour/rain bucketing down/ [qing1 pen2 da4 yu3] /a downpour/rain bucketing down/fig. to be overwhelm or things to study)/ [qing1 jin4] /to do all one can/to give all one has/ [qing1 xiang1 dao3 qie4] /to exhaust all one has/to leave no stone unturn 's best/ [qing1 xian4] /to admire/to adore/ [qing1 er3] /to prick up one's ear/to listen attentively/ [qing1 er3 xi4 ting1] /to prick up one's ear and listen carefully/ [qing1 er3 er2 ting1] /to listen attentively/ [qing1 ting1] /to listen attentively/ [qing1 ting1 zhe3] /listener/ [qing1 gai4] /to meet in passing/to get on well at first meeting/ [qing1 fu4] /to capsize/to collapse/to overturn/to overthrow/to undermine/ [qing1 jiao3] /dip/angle of dip (inclination of a geological plane down from hori

ontal)/tilt (inclination of ship from vertical)/ [qing1 su4] /to say everything (that is on one's mind)/ [qing1 tan2] /to have a good talk/ [qing1 ya4] /conflict/internal strife/dissension/ [qing1 xiao1] /to dump (goods, products)/ [qing1 xian4] /to frame (an innocent person)/to collapse/ [qing1 tui2] /to collapse/to topple/to capsize/ [Yan1] /name of an immortal/ancient place name/surname Yan/ [yan4] /fraudulent price/ [lou2] /hunchback/ [lu:3] /crookbacked/ [lou2 luo5] /see [lou2 luo5]/ [piao4] /light/airy/ [jin3] /barely/only/merely/ [jin3 zuo4 can1 kao3] /for reference only/ [jin3 gong1] /only for/ [jin3 gong1 can1 kao3] /for reference only/ [jin3 jin3] /barely/only/merely/only (this and nothing more)/ [jin3 ci4 yu2] /second only to.../(in second place) preceded only by.../ [jin3 ci3 er2 yi3] /that's all/just this and nothing more/ [lu4] /to despise/to insult/ [qian1] /all/ [xian1] /variant of , immortal/ [dong4] /Japanese variant of , to use/to act/to move/to change/ [zhuan4] /collect/ [xiang4] /to resemble/to be like/to look as if/such as/appearance/image/portrait /image under a mapping (math.)/ [xiang4 yang4] /presentable/decent/up to par/ [xiang4 pian4] /photo/ [xiang4 pian4 bu4] /album/photo album/sketch book/ [xiang4 zhang1] /badge/insignia/lapel badge (e.g. with miniature portrait of grea national leader)/ [xiang4 su4] /pixel/ [xiang4 hua4] /proper/ [xiang4 yin2] /silvery/ [qiao2] /to emigrant/to reside abroad/ [qiao2 ju1] /to live far away from one's native place/to reside in a foreign coun ry/ [qiao2 min2] /expatriates/ [qiao2 bao1] /countryman living abroad/ [qiao2 xiang1] /home town of overseas Chinese/ [zun3] /to congregate/to crowd/ [pu2] /servant/ [pu2 ren2] /servant/ [pu2 yi4] /servant/ [pu1 jie1] /drop dead!/go to hell!/fuck you! (Cantonese)/ [Xi1] /surname Xi/ [xi1] /cautious/merry/joyful/ [Liao2] /surname Liao/ [liao2] /bureaucrat/colleague/ [chan2] /to revile/to abuse/ [wei3] /variant of [wei3], false/fake/forged/bogus/ [jian4] /to overstep one's authority/to usurp/ [dan4] /great/severe/ [jiao3] /by mere luck/ [jiao3 xing4] /luckily/by a fluke/ [jiu4] /hire/to rent/ [seng1] /monk/Sangha, the Buddhist monastic order/ [seng1 ren2] /a monk/ [seng1 lu:3] /monk/

[seng1 su2] /laymen/laity/ [Seng1 jia1 luo2 yu3] /Sinhalese (language)/ [seng1 ni2] /nun/ [seng1 mao4 hou2] /capuchin monkey/genus Cebidae/ [seng1 yuan4] /abbey/Buddhist monastery/vihara/ [fen4] /to instigate/to ruin/to destroy/ [xian4] /courageous/valiant/ [Jiao1] /see [Jiao1 Yao2]/ [jiao1] /see [jiao1 jiao1]/ [Jiao1 Yao2] /Jiao Yao/legendary dwarf/legendary pygmy race/archaic name of a sou hwestern non-Han tribe/ [jiao1 jiao1] /clear-minded/bustling (archaic)/ [jian4] /to usurp/ [jian4 zhu3] /tyrant/usurper/ [jian4 zhu3 zheng4 zhi4] /tyranny/government by usurper/ [jian4 yue4] /to usurp/to overstep one's authority/ [Zhuang4] /old variant of , Zhuang ethnic group of Guangxi/ [tong2] /boy/ [tong2 pu2] /boy servant/ [Zhuang4 zu2] /old term for , Zhuang ethnic group of Guangxi/ [lin3] /ashamed/ [bo2] /name of an ethnic group/ [gu4] /variant of [gu4]/ [gu4 yong4] /to employ/to hire/ [Su4] /Lisu ethnic group of Yunnan/ [jiang1] /rigid/deadlock/stiff (corpse)/ [jiang1 zhu4] /motionless/unable to move/ [jiang1 zhu4 zheng4] /catalepsy/ [jiang1 hua4] /to become rigid/ [jiang1 gu4 xing4] /rigidity/ [jiang1 ju2] /impasse/deadlock/ [jiang1 shi1] /gyonshi/jiang shi/Chinese vampire/zombie/ [jiang1 shi1 wang3 luo4] /botnet/zombie network/slave network (used by sp [jiang1 chi2] /to be deadlocked/ [jiang1 ying4] /stiff/rigid/ [jiang1 wo4] /to lie rigid and motionless/ [jia4] /price/value/valence (on an atom)/ [jie5] /great/good/middleman/servant/ [jia4 wei4] /price level/ [jia4 zhi2] /value/worth/fig. values (ethical, cultural etc)/CL: [ge4]/ [jia4 zhi2 zeng1 zhi2] /adding value/ [jia4 zhi2 gong1 cheng2] /value engineering/ [jia4 zhi2 biao1 zhun3] /standard price/ [jia4 zhi2 guan1] /system of values/ [jia4 zhi2 lian2 cheng2] /invaluable/priceless/ [jia4 zhi2 liang4] /magnitude of value/labor value (in economics, the labor i in a commodity)/ [Jia4 yuan2] /Kagen or the Origin of Value by MIURA Baien [San1 ng study of economics comparable to Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations [Guo2 f ]/ [jia4 ceng2] /valency shell (chemistry)/ [jia4 lian2 wu4 mei3] /fig. the price is cheap but the product is beautif rgain buy/ [jia4 ge2] /price/CL: [ge4]/ [jia4 ge2 biao1 qian1] /price tag/ [jia4 ge2 biao3] /price list/ [jia4 kuan3] /cost/ [jia4 mu4] /(marked) price/tariff (in a restaurant etc)/ [jia4 ma3] /price tag/ [jia4 qian5] /price/

[jia4 jian4] /valence bond (chemistry)/ [jia4 dian4 zi3] /valency electron/outer shell of electrons/ [pi4] /biased/low/rustic/secluded/ [pi4 di4] /the sticks/the boondocks/ [pi4 yuan3] /remote and faraway/ [pi4 jing4] /lonely/secluded/ [ai4] /indistinct/hazy/misty/to seem/to appear/ [sai4] /small, minute/lacking sincerity/ [yi2] /apparatus/rites/appearance/present/ceremony/ [yi2 zhang4] /ceremonial weaponry/ [yi2 zhang4 dui4] /honor guard/guard of honor/the banner bearing contingent l a military procession/ [yi2 dian3] /ceremony/ [yi2 qi4] /instrument/apparatus/CL: [tai2]/ [yi2 qi4 biao3] /gauge/ [yi2 rong2] /appearance/ [yi2 shi4] /ceremony/ [Yi2 zheng1] /Yizheng county level city in Yangzhou [Yang2 zhou1], Jiang [Yi2 zheng1 shi4] /Yizheng county level city in Yangzhou [Yang2 zhou [yi2 tai4] /bearing/deportment/ [yi2 li3] /Rites and Ceremonies, part of the Confucian Classic of Rites [yi2 jie2] /etiquette/ceremonial protocol/ [yi2 wei4] /guard of honor/ [yi2 biao3] /appearance/bearing/meter (i.e. measuring instrument)/ [yi2 biao3 pan2] /dashboard/indicator panel/ [Yi2 long3] /Yilong county in Nanchong [Nan2 chong1], Sichuan/ [Yi2 long3 xian4] /Yilong county in Nanchong [Nan2 chong1], Sichuan/ [jun4] /variant of [jun4]/ [nong2] /you (Wu dialect)/I, me (classical)/ [chan2] /indecisive/irresolute/ [yi4] /100 million/ [yi4 wan4] /millions and millions/ [yi4 wan4 fu4 weng1] /billionaire/multimillionaire/ [yi4 wan4 fu4 hao2] /multi-millionaire/ [dang1] /stop/ [jing3] /to warn/to admonish/ [jing3 jie4] /to warn/to admonish/ [xuan1] /ingenious/frivolous/ [kuai4] /broker/ [jian3] /frugal/thrifty/needy/ [jian3 yi3 fang2 kui4] /frugality in order to prevent destitution (idiom) [jian3 yi3 yang3 lian2] /frugality makes honesty (idiom)/ [jian3 ze2 bu4 que1] /frugality prevents destitution (idiom)/ [jian3 xue2] /to deny oneself comforts in order to save money for one's education [jian3 pu3] /plain and unadorned/thrifty and simple/ [jian3 yong4] /to skimp/to be frugal/ [jian3 sheng3] /thrifty/sparing/economical/ [jian3 yue1] /sparing/economical/ [jian3 su4] /thrifty and plain/ [jian3 fu4] /lit. empty belly/hollow/vacuous/devoid of content/ [jian3 bo2] /to lack the necessities of life/ [chu4] /rough and rugged/ [dan1] /carry/ [Dan1 zhou1] /Danzhou City, Hainan/ [Dan1 zhou1 shi4] /Danzhou city, Hainan/ [Dan1 xian4] /Dan county, Hainan/ [jiao3] /by mere luck/ [bin1] /best man/to entertain/ [bin1 xiang4] /attendant of the bride or bridegroom at a wedding/ [ru2] /scholar/Confucian/

[Ru2 le4 Fan2 er3 na4] /Jules Verne (1828-1905), French novelis iction and adventure stories, author of Around the World in Eighty Days / [Ru2 shi4] /a Confucian scholar/ [ru2 xue2] /Confucianism/ [Ru2 jia1] /Confucian school, founded by Confucius [Kong3 zi3] (551-479 BC) a ius [Meng4 zi3] (c. 372-c. 289 BC)/ [Ru2 jia1 si1 xiang3] /Confucian thoughts/the thinking of the Confucian s [Ru2 jiao4] /Confucianism/ [Ru2 lin2 Wai4 shi3] /The Scholars, Qing dynasty novel by Wu Jingzi on the Imperial Examination system/ [ru2 sheng1] /Confucian scholar (old)/ [ru2 zhe3] /Confucian/ [ru2 ya3] /scholarly/refined/cultured/courteous/ [tai2] /servant/ [chou2] /comrades/friends/companions/ [chai2] /a class/a company/companion/ [ni3] /doubtful/suspicious/variant of /to emulate/to imitate/ [jin3] /to the greatest extent/(when used before a noun of location) furthest or extreme/to be within the limits of/to give priority to/ [jin3 xian1] /in the first instance/as a first priority/ [jin3 ke3 neng2] /as far as possible/to do one's utmost/ [jin3 kuai4] /as quickly as possible/as soon as possible/with all speed/also writ en / [jin4 kuai4] /see [jin3 kuai4]/ [jin3 zao3] /as early as possible/ [jin3 guan3] /despite/although/even though/in spite of/unhesitatingly/do not hesi ate (to ask, complain etc)/(go ahead and do it) without hesitating/ [jin3 zi5] /always/always regardless (of anything)/ [jin3 liang4] /as much as possible/to the greatest extent/ [ning2] /weak/wearied/in distress/ [chang2] /to repay/to compensate for/to recompense/to fulfill (hopes etc)/ [chang2 fu4] /to pay back/ [chang2 zhai4] /to repay a debt/ [chang2 ming4] /to pay with one's life/ [chang2 qing1] /to repay/to pay off a debt/ [chang2 huan2] /to repay/to reimburse/ [lei3] /to injure/puppet/ [bao4] /on night duty/ [biao1] /walking to and fro/ [si4] /the end/to finish/ [you1] /excellent/superior/ [you1 xian1] /priority/ [you1 xian1 cheng2 gou4 quan2] /prior purchase right/right of first r ptive right to purchase/ [you1 xian1 gu3] /preferential shares/ [you1 xian1 ren4 gu3 quan2] /preemptive right (in share issue)/ [you1 lie4] /good and bad/merits and drawbacks/ [you1 sheng4] /winning/superior/ [you1 sheng4 lie4 tai4] /survival of the fittest (idiom)/ [you1 shi4] /superiority/dominance/advantage/ [you1 hua4] /optimization/to optimize/to make superior/ [you1 hou4] /generous, liberal (pay, compensation)/ [you1 zai1 you2 zai1] /see [you1 zai1 you1 zai1]/ [You1 ni2 ke1] /Unocal (US oil company)/ [you1 dai4] /preferential treatment/to give preferential treatment/ [you1 dai4 quan4] /discount coupon/complimentary ticket/ [you1 dai4 piao4] /reduced-price ticket (e.g. for students)/ [you1 hui4] /preferential/favorable/ [you1 hui4 quan4] /coupon/ [you1 hui4 dai4 kuan3] /loan on favorable terms/concessionary loan/soft l

[you1 yu2] /to surpass/ [you1 rou2 gua3 duan4] /indecisive/irresolute/ [you1 ge2] /yogurt/ [you1 wo4] /handsome (pay etc)/generous/liberal/ [you1 sheng1 xue2] /eugenics/ [you1 yi4] /exceptional/outstandingly good/ [you1 yi4 jiang3] /excellence award/merit award/ [you1 pan2] /USB flash drive/see also [shan3 cun2 pan2]/ [you1 xiu4] /outstanding/excellent/ [you1 deng3] /first-rate/of the highest order/high-class/excellent/superior/ [you1 mei3] /graceful/fine/elegant/ [you1 liang2] /fine/good/first-rate/ [you1 yu4] /plenty/abundance/ [You1 nuo4 pai2] /Uno (card game)/ [you1 zhi4] /excellent quality/ [you1 yue4] /superior/superiority/ [you1 you2] /carefree/leisurely/ [you1 you2 zi4 de2] /free and at leisure (idiom); unfettered/ [You1 ku4] /Youku (website)/ [you1 ya3] /grace/graceful/ [you1 dian3] /merit/benefit/strong point/advantage/CL: [ge4]/ [chen4] /to assist/to give alms/ [long3] /rude/barbarous/ [Chu3] /surname Chu/Taiwan pr. [Chu2]/ [chu3] /to store/to save/to have in reserve/heir/Taiwan pr. [chu2]/ [chu3 zhi2 ka3] /stored-value card/pre-paid card (telephone, transport etc)/ [chu3 bei4] /reserves/to store up/ [chu3 bei4 liang2] /grain reserves/ [chu3 bei4 huo4 bi4] /reserve currency/ [chu3 bei4 jin1] /reserves (bank)/ [chu3 jun1] /heir apparent to a throne/ [chu3 cun2] /stockpile/to store/to stockpile/storage/ [chu3 bi4] /to deposit money/savings/ [chu3 hu4] /(bank) depositor/ [chu3 qi4] /gas storage/ [chu3 qi4 guan4] /gas canister/gas storage tank/ [chu3 shui3] /to store water/ [chu3 shui3 guan3] /standpipe (fire-fighting water storage system for a build [chu3 shui3 xiang1] /water-storage tank/ [chu3 wu4] /to hoard/ [chu3 jing1 nang2] /seminal vesicle/ [chu3 xu4] /to deposit money/to save/savings/ [chu3 xu4 zhang4 hu4] /savings account (in bank)/ [chu3 xu4 lu:4] /savings rate/ [chu3 cang2] /to store/deposit/(oil, mineral etc) deposits/ [chu3 cang2 shi4] /storeroom/CL: [jian1]/ [chu3 liang4] /remaining quantity/reserves (of natural resources, oil etc)/ [chan4] /irregular/mixed/ [shu4] /alternate form of /sudden/abrupt/ [li4] /husband and wife/ [luo2] /smart/clever/ [zan3] /to accumulate, to hoard, to store up/ [nuo2] /to exorcise demons/ [nuo2 xi4] /Anhui local opera/ [nuo2 shen2] /exorcising God/God who drives away plague and evil spirits/ [tang3] /if/unexpectedly/ [yan3] /majestic/dignified/ [yan3 ru2 bai2 zhou4] /as bright as daylight (idiom)/ [yan3 ran2] /just like/solemn/dignified/neatly laid out/ [lei3] /lazy/tired out, worn fatigued/

[Wu4] /surname Wu/ [wu4] /cut off the feet/rising to a height/towering/bald/ [wu4 li4] /to stand upright and motionless/ [wu4 zi4] /(literary) still/yet/ [wu4 jiu4] /griffon vulture/condor/CL: [zhi1]/ [wu4 ying1] /bald eagle/ [yun3] /just/fair/to permit/to allow/ [yun3 zhun3] /to approve/to permit/approval/permission/ [yun3 yi2] /appropriate/apt/ [yun3 dang4] /proper/suitable/ [yun3 xu3] /to permit/to allow/ [yun3 nuo4] /to promise/to consent (to do sth)/ [Yuan2] /surname Yuan/the Yuan or Mongol dynasty (1279-1368)/ [yuan2] /Chinese monetary unit/dollar/primary/first/ [Yuan2 Shi4 zu3] /lit. progenitor of the Yuan Dynasty (1279-1368), title of K Khan (1215-1294), first Yuan dynasty emperor, reigned 1260-1294/ [Yuan2 dai4] /the Yuan or Mongol dynasty (1279-1368)/ [yuan2 jian4] /element/component/ [yuan2 yuan2 ben3 ben3] /from start to finish/ [yuan2 xun1] /leading light/founding father/principal proponent/also written [yuan2 xun1] /leading light/founding father/principal proponent/ [Yuan2 gu3 dai4] /Proterozoic (geological era 2500-540m years ago)/ [Yuan2 gu3 zhou4] /pre-Cambrian (geological eon 2500-645m)/ [Yuan2 shi3] /History of the Yuan dynasty, twenty third of the 24 dynastic histor es , compiled under Song Lian in 1370 during the Ming dynasty, 210 scrolls/ [yuan2 qi4 jian4] /component/ [Yuan2 ba4] /Yuanba district of Guangyuan city [Guang3 yuan2 shi4], [Yuan2 ba4 qu1] /Yuanba district of Guangyuan city [Guang3 yuan2 [yuan2 ye4] /Lantern Festival/night of 15th of first lunar month/see also [Yu o1]/ [Yuan2 tai4 zu3] /posthumous title of Genghis Khan [Cheng2 ji2 si1 ha [yuan2 xiao1] /Lantern Festival/night of the 15th of the first lunar month/see al o [yuan2 ye4]/sticky rice dumplings/ [Yuan2 xiao1 jie2] /Lantern Festival, the final event of the Spring Festival of first month of the lunar calendar/ [Yuan2 bao3] /Yuanbao district of Dandong city [Dan1 dong1 shi4], Li [yuan2 bao3] /a silver or gold ingot/mock ingot (burnt as offering in worship)/a ame for ancient currency/a rare genius/ [Yuan2 bao3 qu1] /Yuanbao district of Dandong city [Dan1 dong1 s [Yuan2 bao3 shan1] /Yuanbaoshan district, Chifeng city, Inner Mongolia/ [Yuan2 bao3 shan1 qu1] /Yuanbaoshan district, Chifeng city, Inner Mongoli [Yuan2 shan1] /Wonsan city in Kangweon province of North Korea/ [Yuan2 shan1 shi4] /Wonsan city in Kangweon province of North Korea/ [yuan2 shuai4] /marshal (in the army)/ [yuan2 nian2] /first year of Emperor's reign/ [yuan2 e4] /arch-criminal/master criminal/ [yuan2 e4 da4 dui4] /arch-criminal and archenemy (idiom)/ [yuan2 dan4] /New Year's Day/ [Yuan2 qu3] /Yuan dynasty theater, including poetry, music and comedy/ [Yuan2 qu3 si4 da4 jia1] /Four great Yuan dramatists, namely: Guan Ha iyuan and Bai Pu / [yuan2 yue4] /first month of the Lunar calendar/the New Year/ [Yuan2 Lang3] /Yuen Long town in northwest New Territories, Hong Kong/ [Yuan2 Lang3 shi4] /Yuen Long town, Hong Kong Island/ [Yuan2 chao2] /Yuan or Mongol dynasty (1279-1368)/ [Yuan2 mo4] /final years of Yuan dynasty (1279-1368)/mid 14th century/ [Yuan2 mo4 Ming2 chu1] /late Yuan and early Ming/mid 14th century/ [Yuan2 shi4] /Yuanshi county in Shijiazhuang [Shi2 jia1 zhuang1], He [Yuan2 shi4 xian4] /Yuanshi county in Shijiazhuang [Shi2 jia1 zh [yuan2 qi4] /strength/vigor/vitality/original vital breath (traditional Chinese m

dicine)/ [Yuan2 jiang1 Ha1 ni2 zu2 Yi2 zu2 Dai3 zu ty in Yuxi [Yu4 xi1], Yunnan/ [Yuan2 jiang1 xian4] /Yuanjiang Hani, Yi and Dai autonomous county in Yuxi Yunnan/ [yuan2 shen2] /primordial spirit/fundamental essence of life/ [yuan2 su4] /element/element of a set/chemical element/ [yuan2 su4 zhou1 qi1 biao3] /periodic table/ [yuan2 lao3] /grandee/old leadership/chief figure (in a gerontocracy)/ [yuan2 lao3 yuan4] /upper house/senate/senior statesmen's assembly/ [yuan2 yu3 yan2 xue2 yi4 shi2] /metalinguistic awareness/ [yuan2 yu3 yan2 neng2 li4] /metalinguistic ability/ [Yuan2 mou2] /Yuanmou county in Chuxiong Yi autonomous prefecture [Yuan2 mou2 xian4] /Yuanmou county in Chuxiong Yi autonomous prefecture zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ [Yuan2 jun1] /Mongol army/army of Yuan dynasty/ [yuan2 pei4] /first wife/ [Yuan2 chang2] /Yuanchang township in Yunlin county [Yun2 lin2 xian4 [Yuan2 chang2 xiang1] /Yuanchang township in Yunlin county [Yun2 [Yuan2 yang2] /Yuanyang county in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture, Yunna / [Yuan2 yang2 xian4] /Yuanyang county in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefect nnan/ [yuan2 qing1] /deep black/ [yuan2 yin1] /vowel/ [yuan2 yin1 he2 xie2] /vowel harmony (in phonetics of Altaic languages)/ [yuan2 yin1 shi1 du2] /vowel devoicing/ [yuan2 shou3] /head of state/ [yuan2 long2] /one that has achieved the way/emperor/ [xiong1] /elder brother/ [xiong1 mei4] /brother(s) and sister(s)/ [xiong1 sao3] /elder brother and his wife/ [xiong1 di4] /brothers/younger brother/CL: [ge4]/I, me (humble term used by m ublic speech)/brotherly/fraternal/ [xiong1 di4 hui4] /fraternity/ [xiong1 di4 xi4 qiang2] /internecine strife (idiom); fighting among onese [xiong1 zhang3] /elder brother/term of respect for a man of about the same age/ [chong1] /to fill/to satisfy/to fulfill/to act in place of/substitute/sufficient /full/ [chong1 ren4] /to fill a post/to take sb's place (job)/ [chong1 fen4] /ample/sufficient/abundant/full/ [chong1 zhi2] /to recharge (money onto a phone card)/ [chong1 zhi2 ka3] /to recharge card (phone)/ [chong1 gong1] /to confiscate/ [chong1 qi2 liang4] /at most/at best/ [chong1 fen4] /full/abundant/ [chong1 fen4 jiu4 ye4] /full employment/ [chong1 fen4 kao3 lu:4] /to give sufficient consideration to/ [chong1 se4] /congestion/to block/to congest/to crowd/to choke/to cram/to fill up to stuff/to take up all the space/ [chong1 tian2] /to fill (gap, hole, area, blank)/to pad out/to complement/(dental filling/filled/ [chong1 tian2 yin1 shu4] /complementary factor/ [chong1 tian2 wu4] /filling material/stuffing/lining/filling/ [chong1 hao3] /to substitute shoddy goods/ [chong1 shi2] /rich/substantial/to enrich/to substantiate/ [chong1 di3] /see [di3 chong1]/ [chong1 shu4] /to make up the number (i.e. to fill places up to a given number)/t serve as stopgap/ [chong1 chi4] /to be full of/to flood/to congest/

[chong1 chang4] /abundant and fluent/affluent and smooth/ [chong1 qi4] /to inflate/ [chong1 qi4 chuan2] /inflatable boat/ [chong1 yang3] /to oxygenate/to provide oxygen complement/ [chong1 pei4] /abundant/plentiful/vigorous/ [chong1 yi4] /to overflow (with riches)/replete/ [chong1 man3] /full of/brimming with/very full/permeated/ [chong1 man3 yang2 guang1] /sun-drenched/ [chong1 dang1] /to serve as/to act as/to play the role of/ [chong1 fa1] /to banish to penal servitude/ [chong1 ying2] /abundant/plentiful/ [chong1 er3 bu4 wen2] /to block one's ears and not listen (idiom); to tur [chong1 xue4] /hyperemia (increase in blood flow)/blood congestion/ [chong1 yu4] /abundant/ample/plenty/abundance/ [chong1 yao4 tiao2 jian4] /necessary and sufficient condition/ [chong1 zu2] /adequate/sufficient/abundant/ [chong1 zu2 li3 you2 lu:4] /sufficient grounds (law)/ [chong1 che1] /to be transported to a distant place for penal servitude/to banish [chong1 jun1] /to banish (to an army post, as a punishment)/ [chong1 dian4] /to recharge batteries/fig. to rest and recuperate/ [chong1 dian4 qi4] /battery charger/ [chong1 ji1] /to allay one's hunger/ [chong1 ji1 zhi3 ke3] /to allay ones unger and slake ones t irst (idio [Z ao4] /surname Z ao/ [z ao4] /omen/to foretell/million/mega-/trillion/tera-/billion (old)/ [z ao4 zi4 jie2] /megabyte (2^20 or approximately a million bytes)/ [z ao4 wa3] /megawatt/ [z ao4 wa3 te4] /megawatt/ [z ao4 e4] /mega ertz/ [z ao4 dian4 zi3 fu2] /mega electron volt MeV (unit of energy equal to 1. les)/ [z ao4 tou5] /omen/portent/sign/ [xiong1] /terrible/fearful/ [xiong1 qi4] /let al weapon/murder weapon/ [xiong1 duo1 ji2 s ao3] /everyt ing bodes ill, no positive signs (idiom); /everyt ing points to disaster/ [xiong1 z ai2] /inauspicious abode/ aunted ouse/ [xiong1 nian2] /year of famine/ [xiong1 an4] /violent/fierce and toug /s rewis (woman)/ [xiong1 e4] /fierce/ferocious/fiendis /frig tening/ [xiong1 li4] /cruel/tyrannical/ [xiong1 s ou3] /murderer/assassin/ [xiong1 si3] /to die in violence/ [xiong1 can2] /savage/cruel/fierce/ [xiong1 s a1] /to murder/assassination/ [xiong1 s a1 an4] /murder case/ [xiong1 s a4] /demon/fiend/ [xiong1 fan4] /murderer/ [xiong1 kuang2] /fierce/ferocious/savage/ [xiong1 en3] /variant of [xiong1 en3]/ [xiong1 meng3] /fierce/violent/ferocious/ [xiong1 xiang4] /ferocious appearance/ [xiong1 xiang4 bi4 lu4] /s ow one s ferocious appearance (idiom); t e atr es revealed/wit fangs bared/ [xiong1 s en2] /demon/fiend/ [xiong1 s en2 e4 s a4] /fiends (idiom); devils and monsters/ [xiong1 xun4] /evil tidings/bad news/ [xiong1 s en1] /demon/fiend/ [xiong1 xian3] /dangerous/rut less/treac erous/ [xiong1 wan2] /fierce and uncontrollable/

[xian1] /early/prior/former/in advance/first/ [xian1 xia4 s ou3 wei2 qiang2] /strike first and gain t e upper and s term); Making t e first move is an advantage./ [xian1 bu4 xian1] /first of all/in t e first place, .../ [xian1 ling4] /s illing/ [xian1 lai2 ou4 dao4] /in order of arrival/first come, first served/ [xian1 li4] /antecedent/precedent/ [xian1 z ao4] /omen/ [xian1 ru4 wei2 z u3] /lit. first impression is strongest/ [xian1 gong1] /deceased fat er/deceased senior male figure/ [xian1 dao4 xian1 de2] /first come first served/ [xian1 qian2] /before/previously/ [xian1 jun1] /my late fat er/my ancestors/t e late emperor/ [xian1 da4 mu3] /deceased paternal grandmot er/ [xian1 tian1] /inborn/innate/natural/ [xian1 tian1 xia4 z i1 you1 e ate, enjoying t e pleasure comes later. Quotation from essay On Yueyang Tower writer Fan Zhongyan / [xian1 tian1 xing4] /congenital/intrinsic/innateness/ [xian1 tian1 xing4 que1 xian4] /birth defect/ [xian1 tian1 yu2 xing2] /Down syndrome/trisomy 21/ [xian1 bi3] /deceased mother/mother of an ancestor/ [xian1 dao3] /guide/forerunner/pioneer/ [xian1 di4 yi2 zhao4] /posthumous edict of former emperor/Liu Bei's [xian1 hou4] /early or late/priority/in succession/one after another/ [xian1 hou4 shun4 xu4] /order of priority/sequential order/ [xian1 ci2] /deceased mother/ [xian1 zhan3 hou4 zou4] /first decapitate then present your trophy (idiom report later/ [xian1 qi1] /in advance/beforehand/premature/front-end/ [xian1 qi1 lu4 yin1] /pre-recording/to pre-record/ [xian1 ji1] /key moment/decisive opportunity/ [xian1 jue2] /prerequisite/precondition/ [xian1 jue2 wen4 ti2] /preliminary question/priority problem/issues requi ediate attention/ [xian1 jue2 tiao2 jian4] /precondition/prerequisite/ [xian1 he2] /priority/sth advocated first/refers to ancient tradition: Worship th river first, then the sea./ [xian1 Han4] /pre-Han/China before to 200 BC/ [xian1 lie4] /martyr/ [xian1 fu4] /deceased father/my late father/ [xian1 wang2] /former kings/former emperors/in Confucian writing, refers esp. to he sage rulers Yo , Shn , Y , Tng and the kings of Zhou/ [xian1 wang2 zhi1 zheng4] /the rule of former kings/ [xian1 wang2 zhi1 yue4] /the music of former kings/ [xian1 wang2 zhi1 dao4] /the way of former kings/ [Xian1 sheng5] /Mister (Mr.)/ [xian1 sheng5] /teacher/husband/doctor (topolect)/CL:[wei4]/ [xian1 fa1] /initial/arising first/same as / [xian1 fa1 zhi4 ren2] /to gain the initiative by striking first (idiom); o anticipate/pre-emptive/ [xian1 Huang2] /the late Emperor/ [xian1 du3 wei2 kuai4] /joy of first experience (idiom)/the pleasure of r r the first time/ [xian1 zhi1] /prophet/ [xian1 zhi1 xian1 jue2] /foresight/having foresight/person of foresight/ [xian1 zu3] /deceased grandfather/ancestry/ [xian1 li3 hou4 bing1] /peaceful measures before using force (idiom); dip violence/jaw-jaw is better than war-war/ [xian1 Qin2] /pre-Qin, Chinese history up to the foundation of the Qin imperial d

nasty in 221 BC/ [xian1 sheng1] /herald/precursor/harbinger/ [xian1 sheng1 duo2 ren2] /to gain the upper hand by a show of strength/ [xian1 xing2] /to precede others/in advance/ [xian1 xing2 zhe3] /forerunner/ [xian1 jian4] /foresight/prescience/ [xian1 jian4 zhi1 ming2] /foresight/ [xian1 jian4 zhe3] /seer/ [xian1 jue2] /person with foresight/ [xian1 xian2] /worthy predecessor/distinguished person of the past/former sage/ [xian1 bei4] /elders/former generations/ [xian1 jin4] /advanced (technology)/to advance/ [xian1 jin4 wu3 qi4] /advanced weapon/ [xian1 jin4 shui3 ping2] /advanced level/ [xian1 jin4 ji2 ti3] /collectives/ [xian1 da2] /famous and virtuous ancestors/the great men of the past/ [xian1 qian3 dui4] /advance party/advance troops/ [xian1 feng1] /herald/pioneer/ [xian1 feng1 dui4] /vanguard/ [xian1 bian1] /to take precedence/to make an early start/to lead the way/ [xian1 tou2] /in advance/ahead/before/previously/ [xian1 qu1] /pioneer/ [xian1 qu1 zhe3] /pioneer/ [xian1 yan4] /a priori (philosophy)/ [guang1] /light/ray/CL:[dao4]/bright/only/merely/to use up/ [guang1 er4 ji2 guan3] /photodiode/light-emitting diode (LED)/ [guang1 liang4] /bright/ [guang1 liang4 du4] /brightness/luminosity/ [guang1 fu2] /photovoltaic (e.g. cell)/ [guang1 fu2 qi4 jian4] /photovoltaic device (e.g. solar cell)/ [guang1 xin4 hao4] /optical signal/ [guang1 guang1] /bright/shiny/smooth/naked/bald/penniless/ [guang1 ke4] /photolithography/ [guang1 ke4 jiao1] /photoresist (laser etching used in microelectronics)/ [guang1 qian2 yu4 hou4] /to bring honor to one's ancestors and benefit fu ons (idiom)/ [guang1 gong1 lu:4] /optical power/ [guang1 dong4 zui3] /empty talk/mere rhetoric/palaver/ [guang1 hua4 zuo4 yong4] /photochemical effect/photosynthesis/photolysis/ [guang1 hua4 xue2] /photochemistry/ [guang1 he2] /photosynthesis/ [guang1 he2 zuo4 yong4] /photosynthesis/ [guang1 quan1] /aperture/diaphragm/ [guang1 da4] /splendid/magnificent/abbr. for China Everbright Bank / [guang1 tian1 hua4 ri4] /the full light of day (idiom)/fig. peace and pro oad daylight/ [guang1 zi3] /photon, particle or quantum of light/ [guang1 xue2] /optics/optical (instrument)/ [guang1 xue2 yi2 qi4] /optical instrument/ [guang1 xue2 zi4 fu2 shi2 bie2] /optical character recognition, O [guang1 xue2 xian3 wei1 jing4] /optical microscope/ [guang1 zong1 yao4 zu3] /to bring honor to one's ancestors/ [guang1 she4 xian4] /light ray/ [guang1 dao3 xian1 wei2] /optical fiber/ [Guang1 shan1] /Guangshan county in Xinyang , Henan/ [Guang1 shan1 xian4] /Guangshan county in Xinyang , Henan/ [Guang1 zhou1] /Guangzhou, old name for Huangchuan [Huang2 chuan1] in Xinyang wangju Metropolitan City, capital of South Jeolla Province [Quan2 luo2 nan h Korea/ [Guang1 zhou1 shi4] /Guangzhou, old name for Huangchuan [Huang2 chuan1] i

n/Gwangju Metropolitan City, capital of South Jeolla Province [Quan2 luo2 outh Korea/ [Guang1 zhou1 guang3 yu4 shi4] /Gwangju Metropolitan City, capital of nce [Quan2 luo2 nan2 dao4], South Korea/ [guang1 nian2] /light-year/ [guang1 du4] /luminosity/ [guang1 cai3] /luster/splendor/radiance/brilliance/ [guang1 cai3 duo2 mu4] /dazzling/brilliant/ [guang1 ying3] /light and shadow/sunlight and shade/ [guang1 ying3 xiao4] /lighting effect/ [Guang1 fu4] /Guangfu or Kuangfu township in Hualien county [Hua1 li iwan/ [guang1 fu4] /to recover (territory or power)/the liberation of Taiwan from Japan se rule in 1945/ [guang1 fu4 hui4] /anti-Qing revolutionary party set up in 1904 under Cai Yua as / [Guang1 fu4 xiang1] /Guangfu or Kuangfu township in Hualien county st Taiwan/ [guang1 guai4 lu4 li2] /monstrous and multicolored/grotesque and variegat [guang1 gan3 ying4] /optical response/reaction to light/light sensitive/photo on/ [guang1 jie1 shou1 qi4] /optical receiver/ [guang1 min3] /photosensitive/ [guang1 ban1] /facula/ [guang1 ming2] /light/illumination/radiance (esp. glory of Buddha etc)/fig. brigh prospects/openhearted/ [Guang1 ming2 xin1 qu1] /New Guangming district of Shenzhen City [S gdong/ [Guang1 ming2 ri4 bao4] /Guangming Daily, a Beijing newspaper/ [guang1 ming2 xing1] /bright star/name of North Korean space satellite/ [guang1 ming2 zheng4 da4] /just and honorable/open and aboveboard/without m)/ [guang1 ming2 lei3 luo4] /open and candid (idiom); straightforward and up [Guang1 ming2 jie2] /Hanukkah (Chanukah), 8 day Jewish holiday starting on th day of Kislev (can occur from late Nov up to late Dec on Gregorian calendar)/als o called and simply / [guang1 shi4] /solely/just/ [guang1 jing3] /circumstances/scene/about/probably/ [guang1 shu4] /light beam/ [guang1 zhu4] /light beam/light pillar (atmospheric optics)/ [guang1 gun4] /gangster/hoodlum/a single person/bachelor/ [guang1 gun4 r5] /single person/bachelor/ [Guang1 gun4 Jie2] /Singles' Day/ [guang1 rong2] /honor and glory/glorious/ [guang1 rong2 ge2 ming4] /Revolution of 1688/ [guang1 pan2] /variant of , compact disc/CD or DVD/CD ROM/ [guang1 biao1] /cursor (computing)/ [guang1 jian3 ce4 qi4] /optical detector/ [guang1 qi4] /phosgene COCl2, a poisonous gas/carbonyl chloride/ [guang1 bo1] /light wave/ [guang1 bo1 chang2] /optical wavelength/ [guang1 yuan2] /light source/ [guang1 liu1] /smooth/slippery/ [guang1 hua5] /glossy/sleek/smooth/ [guang1 qi1] /enamel/ [guang1 jie2] /bright and clean/ [Guang1 ze2] /Guangze county in Nanping [Nan2 ping2] Fujian/ [guang1 ze2] /luster/gloss/ [Guang1 ze2 xian4] /Guangze county in Nanping [Nan2 ping2] Fujian/ [guang1 zhao4] /illumination/

[guang1 bao4] /explosion of light/ [guang1 huan2] /halo/ring of light/ [guang1 fa1 song4 qi4] /optical transmitter/ [guang1 pan2] /compact disc/CD or DVD/CD ROM/CL:[pian4], [zhang1]/ [guang1 pan2 qu1 dong4 qi4] /CD or DVD drive/abbr. to / [guang1 die2] /optical disc/compact disc/CD/CD-ROM/CL:[pian4], [zhang1]/ [guang1 ci2] /magneto-optical/ [guang1 ci2 die2] /magneto-optical disk/floptical disk/ [guang1 ci2 die2 ji1] /magneto-optical drive/floptical drive/ [guang1 lu4 xun1] /Supervisor of Attendants in Imperial China, one of the Nin ters [jiu3 qing1]/ [guang1 lu4 dai4 fu5] /honorific title during Tang to Qing times, approx. and master"/ [guang1 tu1 tu1] /bald/bare/ [guang1 bi3] /light pen/ [Guang1 xu4] /reign name of penultimate Qing emperor Guangxu or Guang-hsu (1875-1 08)/ [Guang1 xu4 di4] /Guangxu Emperor/ [guang1 xian4] /light ray/optical line/optical cable/lighting (for a photograph)/ L: [tiao2],[dao4]/ [guang1 xian1] /light/ray/optical/optical fiber/fiber optic/ [guang1 xian1 fen1 bu4 shi4 shu4 ju4 jie4 mian4] /Fib [guang1 xian1 fen1 bu4 shu4 ju4 jie1 kou3] /FDDI/Fiber Di [guang1 xian1 fen1 san4 shi4 zi1 liao4 jie4 mian4] /f [guang1 xian1 jie1 kou3] /optical interface/ [guang1 xian1 shuai1 jian3] /optical attenuation/ [guang1 xian1 dian4 lan3] /optical fiber/optical cable/ [guang1 lan3] /optical cable/ [guang1 yao4] /dazzling/brilliant/ [guang1 yao4 men2 mei2] /splendor shines on the family's door (idiom)/fig nor to one's family/ [guang1 neng2] /light energy (e.g. solar)/ [guang1 neng2 he2 cheng2] /photosynthesis/ [guang1 jiao3] /bare feet/ [guang1 lin2] /(honorific) Welcome!/You honor us with your presence./It is an hon r to have you./ [guang1 mang2] /rays of light/brilliant rays/radiance/ [guang1 hua2] /brilliance/splendor/magnificence/ [guang1 chong1 liang4] /radiant exposure/ [guang1 shuo1 bu4 zuo4] /lit. words not deeds/idle chatter/ [guang1 pu3] /spectrum/ [guang1 pu3 yi2] /spectrometer/spectrograph/ [guang1 pu3 fen1 xi1] /spectral analysis/ [guang1 pu3 tu2] /spectrogram/ [guang1 pu3 xue2] /spectroscopy/ [guang1 hui1] /radiance/glory/brilliant/magnificent/ [guang1 fu2 she4] /light radiation/ [guang1 su4] /the speed of light/ [guang1 liang4] /quantity of light/luminosity/ [guang1 yin1] /time available/ [guang1 yin1 si4 jian4] /time flies like an arrow (idiom); How time flies [guang1 dian4] /photoelectric/ [guang1 dian4 er4 ji2 guan3] /photodiode/ [guang1 dian4 zi3] /photoelectronic/ [guang1 dian4 xiao4 ying4] /photoelectric effect/ [guang1 mian4 nei4 zhi4 wang3] /smooth endoplasmic reticulum/ [guang1 tou2] /bald headed person (disrespectful)/having a score of zero in a gam /to be skunked (game)/ [guang1 gu4] /Welcome (honorific term used by shop assistant)/Thank you for patro izing my humble establishment./

[guang1 feng1 ji4 yue4] /lit. light breeze and clear moon (idiom)/period prosperity/noble and benevolent character/ [guang1 qu1] /CD or DVD Drive/abbr. for / [guang1 xian1] /fresh and bright/ [guang1 lu3 shi2] /carnallite (hydrated potassium magnesium chloride mineral) [ke4] /to be able to/to subdue/to restrain/to overcome/gram/Tibetan unit of land area, about 6 ares/ [Ke4 shi2 ke4 teng2] /Hexigten banner or Kesigten khoshuu in Chifeng Mongolia/ [Ke4 shi2 ke4 teng2 qi2] /Hexigten banner or Kesigten khoshuu in Chi r Mongolia/ [Ke4 shi2 mi3 er3] /Kashmir/ [ke4 lun2 te4 luo1] /clenbuterol/ [ke4 jian3] /thrift/economy/ [Ke4 li4 fu1 lan2] /Cleveland/ [Ke4 li4 si1 duo3 fu1] /Christopher (name)/ [ke4 zhi4] /to restrain/to control/restraint/self-control/ [ke4 le4] /Keller or Khler (name)/Horst Khler (1943-), German economist and CDU tician, chaired IMF 2000-2004, President of Germany from 2004/ [ke4 lao2 xiu1 si1] /Rudolf Clausius (1822-1888)/ [Ke4 lao2 de2] /Claude (name)/ [Ke4 lao2 si1] /Claus or Klaus (name)/ [Ke4 lao2 fu2 de2] /Crawford (town in Texas)/ [ke4 qin2 ke4 jian3] /to be industrious and frugal (idiom)/ [Ke4 ji1 la1 dao3] /Corfu (Greek: Kerkira), island in the Ionian sea/ [Ke4 lou2 ba1 te4 la1] /Cleopatra (name)/Cleopatra VII Thea Philopato ast Egyptian pharaoh/ [Ke4 zi1 le4 su1] /Qizilsu or Kizilsu Kyrgyz autonomous prefecture in Xin [Ke4 zi1 le4 su1 di4 qu1] /Qizilsu or Kizilsu Kyrgyz autonomous p [Ke4 zi1 le4 su1 Ke1 er3 ke4 zi1 zi4 zhi4 zho Xinjiang/ [Ke4 zi1 le4 su1 he2] /Qizilsu or Kizilsu River in Xinjiang/ [Ke4 zi1 er3 qian1 fo2 dong4] /Kezil thousand-Buddha grotto in Ba [Ke4 zi1 er3 ga3 ha1] /Kizilgaha (Uighur: red-mouthed crow or border mous fire beacon tower and cliff caves in Kuchar county , Aksu [Ke4 zi1 er3 ga3 ha1 feng1 huo3 tai2] /Kizilgaha fire bea [Ke4 shan1] /Keshan county in Qiqihar [Qi2 qi2 ha1 er3], Heilong [Ke4 shan1 xian4] /Keshan county in Qiqihar [Qi2 qi2 ha1 er3 [ke4 ji3 fu4 li3] /restrain yourself and return to the rites (idiom, from o subdue self and observe proprieties/(any number of possible translations)/ [ke4 la1] /carat (mass)/ [Ke4 la1 ke4] /Clark or Clarke (name)/ [Ke4 la1 fu1 qiu1 ke4] /Leonid Kravchuk (1934-), first post-communist ne 1991-1994/ [Ke4 la1 si1 nuo4 ya4 er3 si1 ke4] /Krasnoyarsk/ [ke4 la1 si1 nuo4 da2 er3] /Krasnodar (city in Russia)/ [Ke4 la1 si1 jin1 nuo4] /Kraskino town in Primorsky Krai, Russia, clo ean border/ [Ke4 la1 ma3 yi1] /Qaramay shehiri (Karamay city) or Klmy prefecture g/ [Ke4 la1 ma3 yi1 qu1] /Karamay district (Uighur: Qaramay Rayoni) of Q ng/ [Ke4 la1 ma3 yi1 shi4] /Qaramay shehiri (Karamay city) or Klmy pr iang/ [Ke4 la1 ke1 fu1] /Krakow/ [Ke4 wen2] /Kevin (name)/ [ke4 fu2] /(try to) overcome (hardships etc)/to conquer/to put up with/to endure/ [ke4 lang3] /Krone (currency of Norway, Denmark, Iceland and Sweden)/ [Ke4 lang3 dai4 ke4] /Klondike in northwest Canada/ [Ke4 dong1] /Kedong county in Qiqihar [Qi2 qi2 ha1 er3], Heilong

[Ke4 dong1 xian4] /Kedong county in Qiqihar [Qi2 qi2 ha1 er3 [ke4 lin2 mu3] /(loanword) cream/ [ke4 lin2 mu3 jiang4] /pastry cream/crme ptissire/ [Ke4 lin2 de2] /Klemens Freiherr von Ketteler, German minister killed during er uprising/ [ke4 lin2 mei2 su4] /clindamycin/ [Ke4 lin2 dun4] /Clinton (name)/Bill Clinton (1946-), US Democratic politicia ident 1993-2001/Hillary Rodham Clinton (1947-), US Democratic politician, First lady during Bill Clinton's presidency 1993-2001, Senator for New York since 2001 , US Secretary of state from 2009/ [ke4 ge2 bo2] /KGB (Soviet secret police)/ [ke4 ting1 bing4] /cretinism/ [ke4 sha1 qi2 bing4 du2] /Coxsackievirus/ [ke4 liu2 gan3] /oseltamivir/Tamiflu/ [Ke4 er3 bai2] /Ka'aba, sacred building in Mecca/ [ke4 dang1 yi1 mian4] /to possess one-sided abilities (idiom)/ [ke4 shao4 ji1 qiu2] /to follow in one's father's footsteps/ [ke4 si1 qian2 zi5] /wire cutting pincers/ [Ke4 luo2 di4 ya4] /Croatia/Hrvatska/Republic of Croatia (1991-)/ [Ke4 luo2 di4 ya4 Gong4 he2 guo2] /Republic of Croatia/ [Ke4 luo2 di4 ya4 yu3] /Croatian (language)/ [Ke4 luo2 ai1 xi1 ya4] /Croatia/Hrvatska/Republic of Croatia (1991-)/ ya4]/ [Ke4 luo2 nuo4 si1] /Chronos, Greek God and cannibalistic child abuser, f / [Ke4 ye1 zu2] /Kaya or Karenni ethnic group of Myanmar/ [Ke4 ye1 bang1] /Kaya state of Myanmar/ [Ke4 li4 ao4 pei4 te4 la1] /Cleopatra (c. 70-30 BC), queen of Egy [Ke4 lai2] /Clay (name)/ [Ke4 lai2 yin1] /Klein or Kline (name)/Felix Klein (1849-1925), German mathem / [ke4 lai2 meng2 te4] /Clermont (French town)/ [Ke4 lai2 si1 le4] /Chrysler/ [Ke4 lai2 si1 le4 Qi4 che1 Gong1 si1] /Chrysler/ [Ke4 lai2 dun4] /Clayton (name)/Crighton (name)/ [Ke4 lei3 r5] /Clare (name)/ [Ke4 lu3 bo2] /Krupp/ [ke4 Xi1] /xi or ksi (Greek letter )/ [Ke4 lai4 si1 te4 che4 qi2] /Christchurch (New Zealand city)/ [ke4 li3 ao4 er3 yu3] /creole language/ [Ke4 li3 mu3 lin2 Gong1] /the Kremlin/ [Ke4 li3 si1 tuo1 fu2] /(Warren) Christopher/ [Ke4 li3 si1 ting1 Bei4 er3] /Christian Bale (1974-), Engli [Ke4 li3 si1 di4 an1] /Kristian or Christian (name)/ [Ke4 li3 si1 di4 an1 song1] /Kristiansund (city in Norway)/ [Ke4 li3 pu3 si1] /Cripps (name)/Sir Stafford Cripps (1889-1952), UK soci ian/ [Ke4 li3 mu4] /Crimea/the Crimean peninsula/ [Ke4 li3 mu4 ban4 dao3] /Crimea/the Crimean peninsula/ [Ke4 li3 mu4 zhan4 zheng1] /the Crimean War/ [Ke4 li3 te4] /Crete/ [Ke4 li3 te4 dao3] /Crete/ [Ke4 li3 mi3 ya4] /Crimea/ [Ke4 li3 si1 di4 wa2] /Kristeva (psychoanalyst)/ [ke4 long2] /clone/ [ke4 long2 ren2] /clone human/ [ke4 long2 ji4 shu4] /cloning technology/ [Ke4 long2 shi4 bing4] /Crohn's disease/ [Ke4 Ya3 shi4 zheng4] /Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease CJD/ [Ke4 lei2 bo2 shi4 jun1 shu3] /Klebsiella/

[ke4 mei2 zuo4] /clotrimazole (antifungal agent)/ [Dui4] /surname Dui/ [dui4] /to cash/to exchange/to add (liquid)/to blend/one of the Eight Trigrams [b 1 gua4], symbolizing swamp// [dui4 fu4] /to cash (a check)/ [dui4 huan4] /to convert/to exchange/ [dui4 huan4 lu:4] /currency exchange rate/ [dui4 xian4] /(of a cheque etc) to cash/to honor a commitment/ [mian3] /to excuse sb/to exempt/to remove or dismiss from office/to avoid/to ave rt/to escape/to be prohibited/ [mian3 bu4 liao3] /unavoidable/can't be avoided/ [mian3 qu4 zhi2 wu4] /to relieve from office/to sack/ [mian3 shou4] /to avoid suffering/to prevent (sth bad)/to protect against (damage /immunity (from prosecution)/freedom (from pain, damage etc)/exempt from punishm ent/ [mian3 shou4 shang1 hai4] /to avoid damage/ [mian3 de5] /so as not to/so as to avoid/ [mian3 diao4] /to eliminate/to scrap/ [mian3 ti2] /hands-free (of telephone etc)/ [mian3 yu2] /to be saved from/to be spared (something)/ [mian3 yi4] /immunity (to disease)/ [mian3 yi4 li4] /immunity/ [mian3 yi4 fan3 ying4] /immune response/ [mian3 yi4 xue2] /immunology/ [mian3 yi4 ying1 da2] /immune response/ [mian3 yi4 fa3] /immunization/ [mian3 yi4 xi4 tong3] /immune system/ [mian3 shui4] /not liable to taxation (of monastery, imperial family etc)/tax fre /duty free (shop)/ [mian3 zhi2] /to relieve sb of his post/to sack/to demote/dismissal/sacking/ [mian3 ze2 tiao2 kuan3] /disclaimer/ [mian3 ze2 sheng1 ming2] /disclaimer/statement denying or limiting respon [mian3 fei4] /free (of charge)/ [mian3 fei4 da1 che1] /free riding (economics)/ [mian3 fei4 ruan3 jian4] /freeware/ [mian3 pei2] /(insurance) excess/ [mian3 pei2 tiao2 kuan3] /franchise clause (insurance)/ [mian3 zao1] /to avoid suffering/to avoid meeting (a fatal accident)/spared/ [mian3 chu2] /to prevent/to avoid/to excuse/to exempt/to relieve/(of a debt) to r mit/ [mian3 chu4] /to dismiss/to fire/to degrade/ [tu4] /Japanese variant of / [er2] /Japanese variant of / [er2] /son/ [r5] /non-syllabic diminutive suffix/retroflex final/ [er2 hua4] /nonsyllabic final r added to a word in spoken Chinese/also called oflex final or r-ization/ [er2 hua4 yun4] /retroflex final/nonsyllabic final r added to a word in sp se/ [er2 nu:3] /children/sons and daughters/ [Er2 nu:3 Ying1 xiong2 zhuan4] /The Gallant Maid, novel by Manchu-bor er [Wen2 Kang1]/ [er2 xi2] /daughter-in-law/ [er2 zi5] /son/ [er2 sun1] /descendant/ [er2 ge1] /nursery rhyme/ [er2 ke1] /pediatrics/ [er2 tong2] /child/CL: [ge4]/ [er2 tong2 ji1 jin1 hui4] /UNICEF (United Nation's Children's fund)/ [er2 tong2 quan2 li4 gong1 yue1] /Convention on the Rights of the

[tu4] /rabbit/ [tu4 chun2] /hare lip (birth defect)/ [tu4 zi5] /hare/rabbit/CL: [zhi1]/ [tu4 zi5 bu4 chi1 wo1 bian1 cao3] /A rabbit doesn't eat the g aying). One shouldn't do anything to harm one's neighbors./ [tu4 zai3 zi5] /brat!/ [tu4 nian2] /Year of the Rabbit (e.g. 2011)/ [tu4 jing4] /narrow winding path/ [tu4 si3 hu2 bei1] /lit. if the rabbit dies, the fox grieves (idiom); fig pathy with a like-minded person in distress/ [tu4 ba4] /toolbar (in computer software) (loanword)/ [si4] /(meaning uncertain); rhinoceros (possibly female) or bull/ [si4 gong1] /ancient type of drinking vessel/ [Yan3] /see [Yan3 zhou1]/ [Yan3 zhou1] /Yanzhou county level city in Ji'ning , Shandong/ [Yan3 zhou1 shi4] /Yanzhou county level city in Ji'ning , Shandong/ [shi2] /decagram/ [qian1] /kilogram/see also [qian1 ke4]/ [dou1] /pocket/bag/to wrap up or hold in a bag/to move in a circle/to canvas or solicit/to take responsibility for/to disclose in detail/combat armor (old)/ [dou1 r5] /erhua variant of / [dou1 dou5] /an undergarment covering chest and abdomen/ [dou1 shou4] /to hawk/to peddle/ [dou1 quan1 zi5] /to encircle/to go around/to circle/to beat about the bush/ [dou1 mao4] /hood/ [dou1 di3] /to reveal/to expose/ [dou1 chao1] /to surround and attack/to corner/to envelop/ [dou1 bu3] /to round up (fugitives)/to corner and arrest/ [dou1 lan3] /to canvas (for customers)/to solicit/to advertise/to drum up/sales p tch/to take on (a task)/ [dou1 fan1] /to expose/to turn over/ [dou1 lao3 di3 dou1 mou2] /helmet (archaic)/ [dou1 du5] /vest/undergarment covering chest and abdomen/ [dou1 mai4] /to peddle/to hawk (pirate goods)/ [dou1 mou2] /helmet (archaic)/ [dou1 feng1] /to catch the wind/to go for a spin in the fresh air/ [fen1] /decigram/see also [fen1 ke4]/ [mao2] /milligram/see also [hao2 ke4]/ [shen1] /to advance/ [bai3] /hectogram/ [jing1] /to be fearful/apprehensive/ [jing1 jing1 ye4 ye4] /cautious and conscientious/ [li3] /centigram/ [ru4] /to enter/to go into/to join/to become a member of/to confirm or agree wit h/abbr. for [ru4 sheng1]/ [ru4 bu4 fu1 chu1] /income does not cover expenditure/unable to make ends [ru4 shi4] /to join the WTO/to enter the world/ [ru4 wu3] /to enter the army/to enlist/ [ru4 wu3 sheng1] /newly enlisted officer student/cadet/ [ru4 huo3] /to join a group/to become a member/ [ru4 zhu4] /to check in (at a hotel etc)/ [ru4 qin1] /to invade/ [ru4 qin1 zhe3] /intruder/ [ru4 kou3] /entrance/ [ru4 kou3 ye4] /web portal/ [ru4 wei4] /tasty/to be absorbed in sth/interesting/ [ru4 wei2] /to get past the qualifying round/to make it to the finals/ [ru4 tu3] /to bury/buried/interred/ [ru4 tu3 wei2 an1] /buried and at rest (idiom); Resquiescat in pacem (RIP [ru4 chang3] /to enter the venue for a meeting/to enter into an examination/to en

er a stadium, arena etc/ [ru4 chang3 quan4] /admission ticket/ [ru4 chang3 shi4] /ceremonial entry/opening procession/ [ru4 chang3 fei4] /admission fee/ [ru4 jing4] /to enter a country/immigration/ [ru4 jing4 wen4 su2] /When you enter a country, enquire about the local c ); do as the natives do/When in Rome, do as the Romans do/ [ru4 jing4 qian1 zheng4] /entry visa/ [ru4 jing4 sui2 su2] /When you enter a country, follow the local customs s the natives do/When in Rome, do as the Romans do/ [ru4 ye4] /nightfall/ [ru4 xue2] /to enter a school or college/to go to school for the first time as a hild/ [ru4 xue2 lu:4] /percentage of children who enter school/ [ru4 zuo4] /to seat (sb in a restaurant etc)/to take one's seat/ [ru4 wei1] /down to the smallest detail/thorough-going/fine and detailed/ [ru4 qing2 ru4 li3] /sensible and reasonable (idiom)/ [ru4 shou3] /to begin/to set one's hand to/ [ru4 shi2] /fashionable/ [ru4 hui4] /to join a society, association etc/ [ru4 mu4 san1 fen1] /written in a forceful hand/penetrating/profound/ [ru4 zun1] /slam dunk/ [ru4 lian4] /to put dead body in coffin/ [ru4 hai3 kou3] /estuary/ [ru4 nie4] /to enter nirvana (Buddhism)/ [ru4 yu4] /go to jail/get sent to prison/ [ru4 meng2] /to join (e.g. union or alliance)/ [ru4 mian2] /to fall asleep/ [ru4 shui4] /to fall asleep/ [ru4 shen2] /to be enthralled/to be entranced/ [ru4 bing3] /to file (law)/ [ru4 ji2] /to become naturalized/to become a citizen/ [ru4 sheng4] /to become an arhat (Buddhism)/ [ru4 lian2] /to join an alliance/admission to the United Nations/ [ru4 sheng1] /entering tone/checked tone/one of the four tones of Middle Chinese/ [ru4 rou4] /to have intercourse/to fuck/ [ru4 gu3] /to invest/ [ru4 yao4] /to use in medicine/ [ru4 mi2] /to be fascinated/to be enchanted/ [ru4 dao4] /to enter the Way/to become a Daoist/ [ru4 xuan3] /to be chosen/to be elected as/ [ru4 xiang1 sui2 su2] /When you enter a village, follow the local customs as the natives do/When in Rome, do as the Romans do/ [ru4 men2] /entrance door/to enter a door/introduction (to a subject)/ [ru4 men2 ke4 cheng2] /introductory course/primer/ [ru4 guan1] /to enter a pass/to go through customs/ [ru4 yuan4] /to enter hospital/to be hospitalized/ [ru4 feng1 kou3] /air intake vent/ [ru4 dang3] /to join a political party (esp. the Communist Party)/ [nei4] /inside/inner/internal/within/interior/ [Nei4 qiu1] /Neiqiu county in Xingtai [Xing2 tai2], Hebei/ [Nei4 qiu1 xian4] /Neiqiu county in Xingtai [Xing2 tai2], Hebei/ [nei4 dan1] /Taoist internal alchemy/ [nei4 luan4] /internal disorder/civil strife/civil unrest/ [nei4 ren2] /my wife (humble)/ [nei4 xiong1] /wife's older brother/ [nei4 ba1 zi4 jiao3] /intoeing/pigeon toes/knock-knees/ [nei4 chu1 xue4] /internal bleeding/internal hemorrhage/ [nei4 fen1 mi4] /endocrine (internal secretion, e.g. hormone)/ [nei4 fen1 mi4 xian4] /endocrine gland/gland producing internal secretion


[nei4 qie1 qiu2] /inside cut (golf)/ [nei4 wu4] /internal affairs/domestic affairs/family affairs/(trad.) affairs with n the palace/ [nei4 wu4 bu4] /Ministry of Internal Affairs/ [nei4 hua4] /internalization/to internalize/ [Nei4 ka3 he2] /Neckar river in Germany/ [nei4 can1] /internal reference (within the same publication)/ [nei4 xiang4] /inward-looking/introvert/introverted (personality)/domestic-orient d (economy)/ [nei4 han2 ti3] /inclusion bodies/ [nei4 zai4] /intrinsic/innate/ [nei4 zai4 ji3 he2] /intrinsic geometry/ [nei4 zai4 ji3 he2 xue2] /intrinsic geometry/ [nei4 zai4 zuo4 biao1] /intrinsic coordinates (geometry)/ [nei4 zai4 de5] /inner/internal/ [nei4 di4] /inland/interior/ [nei4 cheng2] /inner castle/donjon/ [Nei4 bu4] /Neipu township in Pingtung county [Ping2 dong1 xian4], T [Nei4 bu4 xiang1] /Neipu township in Pingtung county [Ping2 dong [nei4 chang3] /infield (baseball)/ [Nei4 ta3 ni2 ya4 hu2] /Netanyahu (name)/Benjamin Netanyahu (1949-), ician, prime minister 1996-1999 and from 2009/ [nei4 wai4] /inside and outside/domestic and foreign/approximately/about/ [nei4 jian1] /undiscovered traitor/enemy within one's own ranks/ [nei4 cun2] /internal storage/computer memory/random access memory (RAM)/ [nei4 ding4] /decision to appoint an official that is kept secret among the hiera chy/ [nei4 rong2] /content/substance/details/CL: [ge4], [xiang4]/ [nei4 rong2 guan3 li3 xi4 tong3] /Content Management System (CMS) [nei4 ceng2] /internal layer/ [Nei4 bu4 la1 si1 jia1] /Nebraska, US state/ [Nei4 bu4 la1 si1 jia1 zhou1] /Nebraska, US state/ [nei4 mu4] /inside story/non-public information/behind the scenes/internal/ [nei4 mu4 jiao1 yi4] /insider trading/insider dealing/ [nei4 jian4] /built-in/ [nei4 di4] /wife's younger brother/ [nei4 jing4] /internal diameter/ [nei4 xin1] /heart/innermost being/ [nei4 qing2] /inside story/inside information/ [nei4 you1 wai4 kun4] /internal trouble and outside aggression (idiom); i domestically and abroad/ [nei4 you1 wai4 huan4] /internal trouble and outside aggression (idiom); h domestically and abroad/ [nei4 zhan4] /civil war/ [nei4 zheng4] /internal affairs (of a country)/ [nei4 zheng4 bu4] /Ministry of the Interior/ [Nei4 zheng4 bu4 Jing3 zheng4 shu3] /National Police Agency (Taiw [nei4 zheng4 bu4 zhang3] /Minister of the Interior/ [nei4 he2] /kernel (computer science)/ [Nei4 bi3 du1] /Naypyidaw or Nay Pyi Taw, jungle capital of Myanmar (Burma) s vember 2005, 300 km north of Rangoon and 300 km south of Mandalay/formerly calle d Pyinmana / [Nei4 jiang1] /Neijiang prefecture level city in Sichuan/ [Nei4 jiang1 di4 qu1] /Neijiang prefecture in Sichuan/ [Nei4 jiang1 shi4] /Neijiang prefecture level city in Sichuan/ [nei4 liu2] /inward flowing (of river)/flowing into desert/ [nei4 liu2 he2] /inward flowing river/river flowing into desert or salt lake, arim river / [nei4 han2] /meaning/content/essential properties implied or reflected by a notio

/intention/connotation/self-possessed/ [nei4 han2 yi4 yi4] /implied meaning/intended meaning/the logical content technical notion/ [Nei4 hu2] /Neihu district of Taipei City [Tai2 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ [Nei4 hu2 qu1] /Neihu district of Taipei City [Tai2 bei3 shi4], [nei4 yuan2] /source/ [nei4 lao4] /waterlogged/ [nei4 shang1] /internal entropy (physics)/ [nei4 ran2] /internal combustion (engine)/ [nei4 ran2 ji1] /internal combustion engine/ [nei4 ran2 ji1 che1] /automobile/ [nei4 ying2 li4] /internal force/endogenic force/ [nei4 bao4] /to implode/ [nei4 bao4 fa3 yuan2 zi3 dan4] /implosion atomic bomb/ [nei4 sheng1 de5] /endogenous/ [nei4 jiu4] /a guilty conscience/to feel a twinge of guilt/ [nei4 pi2] /(med.) endothelium/thin skin on the inside of some fruits (e.g. orang s)/ [nei4 xing3 xing4] /introversion/introspective/ [nei4 juan4] /the females in a family/womenfolk/ [nei4 yan3 jiao3] /inner corner of the eye/ [nei4 ma3] /to encode/ [nei4 ke1] /medicine/"internal" medicine, i.e. treatment by administering drugs, s opposed to surgical intervention [wai4 ke1]/medical department/ [nei4 ke1 xue2] /internal medicine/ [nei4 ke1 yi1 sheng1] /medical doctor/physician who works primarily by ad rugs, as opposed to surgeon [wai4 ke1 yi1 sheng1]/ [nei4 fu1] /inner husk/ [nei4 ji1] /inner product/the dot product of two vectors/ [nei4 xi4 bao1 tuan2] /inner cell mass (ICM)/ [Nei4 jing1] /same as [Huang2 di4 nei4 jing1], Yellow Emperor's ext c. 300 BC/ [nei4 xian4 jiao1 yi4] /insider trading (illegal share-dealing)/ [nei4 xian4 xiao1 xi5] /insider information/ [nei4 zhi4] /internal/internally installed/ [Nei4 luo2 bi4] /Nairobi, capital of Kenya/ [nei4 hao4] /internal friction/internal dissipation of energy (in mechanics)/fig. waste or discord within an organization/ [nei4 er3] /inner ear/ [nei4 er3 dao4] /internal auditory meatus (canal in temporal bone of skull ho uditory nerves)/ [nei4 lian2 wang3] /intranet/ [nei4 pei1 ceng2] /endoderm (cell lineage in embryology)/ [nei4 neng2] /internal energy/ [nei4 mo2] /inner membrane/ [nei4 zang4] /internal organs/viscera/ [nei4 chen2] /chamberlain/ [Nei4 hua2 da2] /Nevada, US state/ [Nei4 hua2 da2 zhou1] /Nevada, US state/ [Nei4 meng3] /Inner Mongolia or Inner Mongolia autonomous region ]/ [Nei4 meng3 gu3] /Inner Mongolia/abbr. for Inner Mongolia autonomous region [Nei4 meng3 gu3 Da4 xue2] /Inner Mongolia University/ [Nei4 meng3 gu3 zi4 zhi4 qu1] /Inner Mongolia autonomous region, [nei4 hang2] /expert/adept/experienced/an expert/a professional/ [nei4 hang2 kan4 men2 dao5 , wai4 hang2 kan4 y, the layman simply enjoys the show/ [nei4 yi1] /undergarment/underwear/CL:[jian4]/ [nei4 yi1 ku4] /underwear/ [nei4 dai4] /inner pocket/

[nei4 zhuang1] /filled with/internal decoration/installed inside/ [nei4 ku4] /underpants/panties/briefs/ [nei4 chen4] /lining (of a container etc) (engineering)/ [nei4 hong4] /internal strife/ [Nei4 jia3 de2] /Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (1956-), Iranian fundamentalist politici sident of Iran from 2005, famous for provocative speeches/abbr. for [nei4 bin1] /guest from the same country/internal or domestic visitor (as opposed to international guest )/ [nei4 zhi4 wang3] /endoplasmic reticulum (ER)/ [nei4 bu4] /interior/inside (part, section)/internal/ [nei4 bu4 shi4 wu4] /internal affairs/ [nei4 bu4 mao2 dun4] /internal contradiction/ [nei4 bu4 jie2 gou4] /internal structure/internal composition/ [nei4 bu4 wang3] /intranet/ [nei4 bu4 que1 xian4] /internal flaw/ [nei4 bu4 dou4 zheng1] /internal power struggle/ [Nei4 xiang1] /Neixiang county in Nanyang [Nan2 yang2], Henan/ [Nei4 xiang1 xian4] /Neixiang county in Nanyang [Nan2 yang2], Henan/ [nei4 zhi3] /lactone/ [nei4 xian1 an4 mei2] /beta-lactamase (a bacterial inhibitor)/ [Nei4 men2] /Neimen township in Kaohsiung county [Gao1 xiong2 xian4] [Nei4 men2 xiang1] /Neimen township in Kaohsiung county [Gao1 xi iwan/ [nei4 ge2] /(government) cabinet/ [Nei4 ge2 Zong3 li3 Da4 chen2] /formal title of the Japanese prim [nei4 lu4] /inland/interior/ [nei4 lu4 guo2] /landlocked country/ [nei4 lu4 he2] /inland river/river draining to inland sea/ [nei4 xu1] /domestic demand/ [nei4 shi4] /interior decor/ [nei4 dou4] /internal strife/power struggle/ [nei4 hong4] /internal strife/same as / [nei4 gui3] /mole/spy/rat/traitor/ [Nei4 huang2] /Neihuan county in Anyang [An1 yang2], Henan/ [Nei4 huang2 xian4] /Neihuan county in Anyang [An1 yang2], Henan/ [Quan2] /surname Quan/ [quan2] /all/whole/entire/every/complete/ [quan2 shi4 jie4] /worldwide/entire world/ [quan2 shi4 jie4 wu2 chan3 zhe3 lian2 he2 qi3 lai rs of the world, unite!/ [quan2 shi4 jie4 di4 yi1] /world's first/ [quan2 fen4] /complete set/ [quan2 xiu1] /complete rest (after an illness)/ [quan2 you1] /overall excellence/ [quan2 fu4] /completely/ [quan2 fu4 wu3 zhuang1] /fully armed/armed to the teeth/fig. fully equipp [quan2 fu4 jing1 li4] /to concentrate entirely on sth/fully engaged/with [quan2 li4] /with all one's strength/full strength/all-out (effort)/fully (suppor )/ [quan2 li4 yi3 fu4] /to do at all costs/to make an all-out effort/ [quan2 sheng4] /total victory/to excel by far/name of a tank/slam/ [quan2 qin2] /full-time attendance at work/ [Quan2 nan2] /Quannan county in Ganzhou , Jiangxi/ [Quan2 nan2 xian4] /Quannan county in Ganzhou , Jiangxi/ [quan2 tong2] /identical/ [quan2 xiang4] /in all directions/ [quan2 yuan2] /complete personnel/fully manned/ [quan2 guo2] /entire country/nationwide/ [quan2 guo2 ren2 da4] /abbr. for National People's Congress (NPC)/ [Quan2 guo2 Ren2 Da4 Chang2 Wei3 hui4] /Standing Committee of

(abbr. of )/ [quan2 guo2 ren2 da4 hui4 yi4] /National People's Congress (NPC)/ [Quan2 guo2 Ren2 min2 Dai4 biao3 Da4 hui4] /(Chinese) Nat da4]/ [Quan2 guo2 Ren2 min2 Dai4 biao3 Da4 l People's Congress/ [quan2 guo2 dai4 biao3 da4 hui4] /national general congress/Commu ess, in recent times every five years/ [quan2 guo2 ge4 di4] /every part of the country/ [Quan2 guo2 Da4 hui4 dang3] /National Congress Party (Sudan)/ [quan2 guo2 xing4] /national/ [Quan2 guo2 Min2 zhu3 lian2 meng2] /Myanmar or Burma National lea [quan2 guo2 yun4 dong4 hui4] /all-China national games/ [quan2 guo2 niao3 lei4 xue2 hui4] /China Ornithological Society/ [quan2 cheng2] /whole city/ [quan2 chang3] /everyone present/the whole audience/across-the-board/unanimously/ hole duration (of a competition or match)/ [quan2 chang3 yi1 zhi4] /unanimous/ [quan2 lei3 da3] /home run (baseball)/ [quan2 tian1] /whole day/ [quan2 tian1 hou4] /all-weather/ [quan2 tao4] /an entire set/full complement/ [quan2 jia1] /whole family/ [quan2 jia1 fu2] /photograph of the entire family/hodgepodge (cookery)/ [quan2 ju2] /overall situation/ [quan2 ju2 xing4] /global/ [quan2 ju2 mo2 kuai4] /global module/ [quan2 ju2 yu3 jing4] /global context/ [Quan2 zhou1] /Quanzhou county in Guilin [Gui4 lin2], Guangxi/ [Quan2 zhou1 shi4] /Jeonju city, capital of North Jeolla Province, in west So ea/ [Quan2 zhou1 xian4] /Quanzhou county in Guilin [Gui4 lin2], Guangxi/ [quan2 shi4] /whole city/ [quan2 nian2] /the whole year/all year long/ [quan2 du4 yin1] /whole tone (musical interval)/ [quan2 ying3] /total shadow/umbra/ [quan2 fu4] /completely/totally recovered/healed/ [quan2 xin1] /with heart and soul/ [quan2 xin1 quan2 yi4] /heart and soul/wholeheartedly/ [quan2 cai2] /all-rounder/versatile/ [quan2 shu4] /the entire sum/the whole amount/ [quan2 wen2] /entire text/full text/ [quan2 wen2 jian3 suo3] /full text search/ [Quan2 Dou4 huan4] /Chun Doo Hwan (1931-), South Korean politician, president 988/ [quan2 xin1] /all new/completely new/ [Quan2 xin1 shi4] /Holocene (geological period covering approx 12000 years si last ice age)/ [quan2 xin1 ji4] /holocene/period since the last ice age/ [quan2 xin1 tong3] /holocene system (geological strata laid down during the l 00 years)/ [quan2 fang1 wei4] /all around/omni-directional/complete/holistic/comprehensi [quan2 ri4 zhi4] /full-time work/ [Quan2 Ri4 kong1] /All Nippon Airways (ANA)/ [quan2 shi2 gong1 zuo4] /full time work/ [quan2 jing3] /panoramic view/ [quan2 shu1] /entire book/unabridged book/entire multi-volume work/comprehensive olume/ [quan2 hui4] /plenary session (at a conference)/CL: [jie4]/ [quan2 ben3] /whole edition/whole performance (of Chinese opera)/

[Quan2 jiao1] /Quanjiao county in Chuzhou [Chu2 zhou1], Anhui/ [Quan2 jiao1 xian4] /Quanjiao county in Chuzhou [Chu2 zhou1], Anhui/ [quan2 quan2] /full powers/total authority/plenipotentiary powers/ [quan2 quan2 dai4 biao3] /a plenipotentiary (representative)/ [quan2 quan2 da4 shi3] /plenipotentiary ambassador/ [quan2 jian1] /to annihilate/to wipe out completely/to exterminate/ [quan2 min2] /entire population (of a country)/ [quan2 min2 gong1 jue2] /referendum/ [quan2 min2 tou2 piao4] /referendum/plebiscite/ [quan2 min2 jie1 bing1] /to bring the entire nation to arms (idiom)/ [Quan2 min2 Yi4 wu4 Zhi2 shu4 Ri4] /National Tree Planting Da or Day [Zhi2 shu4 Jie2]/ [quan2 huo2] /to save life/to rescue/the whole business with all its processes/ [Quan2 Gang3] /whole territory of Hong Kong/ [quan2 wu2] /none/completely without/ [quan2 wu2 zhun3 bei4] /completely unprepared/ [quan2 ran2] /completely/ [quan2 shu2] /thoroughly cooked/well done (of steak)/ [quan2 ban1] /the whole class/ [quan2 qiu2] /entire/total/global/the (whole) world/worldwide/ [quan2 qiu2 wei4 zhi4 ce4 ding4 xi4 tong3] /GPS (Global P [quan2 qiu2 hua4] /globalization/ [quan2 qiu2 ding4 wei4 xi4 tong3] /global positioning system (GPS [quan2 qiu2 xing4] /global/worldwide/ [quan2 qiu2 nuan3 hua4] /global warming (Taiwan and Hong Kong usage)/writ [quan2 qiu2 qi4 hou4] /global climate/ [quan2 qiu2 qi4 hou4 sheng1 wen1] /global warming/ [quan2 qiu2 qi4 hou4 bian4 nuan3] /global warming/ [quan2 qiu2 fa1 zhan3 zhong1 xin1] /Center for Global Development tank)/ [quan2 qiu2 wei4 xing1 dao3 hang2 xi4 tong3] /Globalnaya Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS), the Russian equivalent of GPS/abbr . to / [quan2 qiu2 bian4 nuan3] /global warming (PRC usage)/written in [quan2 qiu2 zi1 xun4 wang3] /world wide web/WWW/ [quan2 qiu2 tong1] /Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) (telecommun s)/ [quan2 sheng4] /flourishing/at the peak/in full bloom/ [quan2 pan2] /overall/comprehensive/ [quan2 sheng3] /the whole province/ [quan2 zhi1] /omniscient/ [quan2 zhi1 quan2 neng2] /omniscient and omnipotent/ [quan2 shen2 guan4 zhu4] /variant of [quan2 shen2 guan4 [quan2 shen2 guan4 zhu4] /to concentrate one's attention completely (idio attention/ [quan2 piao4] /full-priced ticket/by unanimous vote/ [quan2 cheng2] /the whole distance/from beginning to end/ [quan2 cheng1] /full name/ [quan2 gu3 wu4] /whole grain/ [quan2 deng3] /congruent (triangles)/congruence (geometry)/ [quan2 deng3 tu2 xing2] /congruent figure (geometry)/ [quan2 deng3 xing2] /congruent figure/ [quan2 jie2 liu2] /full throttle/top speed/ [quan2 xian4] /the whole front (in a war)/the whole length (of a road or railway ine)/ [Quan2 luo2 bei3 dao4] /North Jeolla Province, in west South Korea, capit 2 zhou1]/ [Quan2 luo2 nan2 dao4] /South Jeolla Province, in southwest South Korea, ju [Guang1 zhou1]/ [Quan2 luo2 dao4] /Jeolla or Cholla Province of Joseon Korea, now divided int

Jeolla Province [Quan2 luo2 bei3 dao4] and South Jeolla Province [quan2 mei3] /throughout the United States/the whole of America/ [Quan2 Mei3 guang3 bo1 gong1 si1] /National Broadcasting Company [Quan2 ju4 de2] /Quanjude (famous Chinese restaurant)/ [quan2 zhi2] /full-time job/ [quan2 neng2] /omnipotent/all-round/strong in every area/ [quan2 ban1] /entire/ [quan2 se4] /full color/in all colors/ [quan2 shi2] /total eclipse/ [quan2 tuo1] /full-time care (of children in a boarding nursery)/ [quan2 bao4] /the full picture (i.e. the whole situation)/panorama/ [quan2 mao4] /complete picture/full view/ [quan2 zi1 fu4 shu3 gong1 si1] /wholly owned subsidiary/ [quan2 jia1 zuo4] /crossed leg posture (usu. of Buddha)/ [quan2 shen1] /whole body/em (typography)/ [quan2 shen1 zhong1 du2 xing4 du2 ji4] /systemic agent/system [quan2 shen1 ma2 zui4] /general anesthetic/ [quan2 jun1] /all-army/all-military/ [quan2 jun1 fu4 mo4] /total defeat of an army (idiom); fig. a complete wi [quan2 lun2] /front wheel/ [quan2 lun2 qu1 dong4] /front wheel drive/ [quan2 su4] /top speed/at full speed/ [quan2 yun4 hui4] /all-China national games/abbr. for [q [quan2 bu4] /whole/entire/complete/ [quan2 dou1] /all/without exception/ [quan2 chang2] /overall length/span/ [quan2 ji2] /omnibus/complete works (of a writer or artist)/ [quan2 mian4] /all-around/comprehensive/total/overall/ [quan2 mian4 jin4 zhi3] /complete prohibition/total ban/ [quan2 mian4 jin4 zhi3 he2 shi4 yan4 tiao2 yue1] /Com [quan2 yin1] /whole tone (musical interval)/ [quan2 shi2] /total eclipse/ [quan2 ti3] /all/entire/ [quan2 ti3 ren2 yuan2] /crew/ [quan2 ti3 hui4 yi4] /general congress/meeting of the whole committee/ [quan2 mai4] /whole wheat/ [quan2 ma2] /general anesthetic/abbr. for / [quan2 dang3] /party-wide/ [quan2 dang3 quan2 jun1] /the (communist) party and the army together (id [liang3] /both/two/ounce/some/a few/tael/weight equal to 50 grams/ [liang3 xia4] /twice/for a little while/ [liang3 xia4 zi5] /a couple of times/to repeat the same/the same old trick/tr the trade/ [liang3 bu4 xiang1 qian4] /to be even/to be quits/to be even-steven/ [liang3 bu4 wu4] /to neglect neither one/ [liang3 ge4 zhong1 guo2] /two-China (policy)/ [liang3 bei4] /twice as much/double the amount/ [liang3 ce4] /two sides/both sides/ [liang3 ce4 dui4 chen4] /bilateral symmetry/ [liang3 yi2] /heaven and earth/yin and yang/ [liang3 quan2] /to satisfy both sides/to accommodate both (demands)/ [liang3 quan2 qi2 mei3] /to satisfy rival demands/to get the best of both ve it both ways/to have one's cake and eat it too/ [liang3 fen1 fa3] /(Maoism) one divides into two/ [liang3 qian1 nian2] /the year 2000/2000 years/ [liang3 kou3 zi5] /husband and wife/ [liang3 ju4] /(Just let me say) a few words/ [liang3 guo2] /both countries/two countries/ [liang3 guo2 zhi1 jian1] /bilateral/between two countries/ [liang3 guo2 guan1 xi4] /bilateral relations/

[Liang3 Song4] /the Song dynasty (960-1279)/refers to the Northern (960-1127) and Southern Song (1128-1279)/ [liang3 xiao3 wu2 cai1] /innocent playmates/ [liang3 an4] /bilateral/both shores/both sides/both coasts/Taiwan and mainland/ [liang3 an4 san1 di4] /China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau (media term use 1997)/ [liang3 an4 dui4 hua4] /bilateral talks/ [liang3 xiang1 qing2 yuan4] /both sides are willing/by mutual consent/ [Liang3 Guang3] /the two provinces of Guangdong and Guangxi (traditional)/ [liang3 guang3 zong3 du1] /Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi/ [liang3 De2] /two Germanies/refers to German democratic republic (East Germany) a d the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany)/ [liang3 xing4] /the two sexes/bisexual/hermaphrodite/having two characteristics/h terosexual/ [liang3 xing4 dong4 wu4] /hermaphrodite creature/ [liang3 xing4 cha1 ju4] /disparity between the sexes/ [liang3 xing4 ping2 deng3] /equality between the sexes/ [liang3 xing4 yi4 xing2] /sexual dimorphism/ [liang3 xing4 hua1] /hermaphrodite flower/ [liang3 qing2 liang3 yuan4] /by mutual consent (north China dialect)/ [liang3 shou3 kong1 kong1] /empty-handed (idiom); fig. not receiving anyt [liang3 bai4 ju4 shang1] /both sides suffer (idiom)/neither side wins/ [liang3 fang1] /both sides (in contract)/the two opposing sides (in a dispute)/ [liang3 pang2] /both sides/either side/ [liang3 xing1 qi1] /fortnight/ [Liang3 hui4] /National People's Congress and Chinese People's Political Consulta ive Congress/ [liang3 qi1] /amphibious/dual-talented/able to work in two different lines/ [liang3 qi1 dong4 wu4] /amphibian/amphibious animals/ [liang3 qi1 lei4] /class Amphibia/amphibians/ [liang3 ji2] /the two poles/the north and south poles/both ends of sth/electric o magnetic poles/ [liang3 ji2 fen1 hua4] /polarization/ [liang3 yang4] /two kinds/difference/ [liang3 yang4 dong1 xi5] /two distinct things/ [Liang3 jiang1 dao4] /Ryanggang province province in north North Korea, adjac Jilin province/ [liang3 he2] /two rivers/Mesopotamia/ [liang3 he2 wen2 ming2] /Mesopotamian civilization/ [liang3 he2 liu2 yu4] /Mesopotamia/ [liang3 qing1] /loan settled (business term)/business complete to the satisfactio of both parties/ [Liang3 Hu2] /Hubei and Hunan provinces/ [liang3 Han4] /Han dynasty (206 BC-220 AD)/refers to the Western Han and Eastern an/ [liang3 sheng1 lei4] /class Amphibia/also written [liang3 qi1 le [liang3 yong4] /dual-use/ [Liang3 dang1] /Liangdang county in Longnan [Long3 nan2], Gansu/ [Liang3 dang1 xian4] /Liangdang county in Longnan [Long3 nan2], Gans [liang3 xiang1] /both sides/two-phase (physics)/ [liang3 xiang1 qing2 yuan4] /both sides are willing/by mutual consent/ [liang3 ma3 shi4] /two quite different things/another kettle of fish/ [liang3 jie2 gun4] /nunchaku (weapon with two rods joined by a short chain, u martial arts)/ [liang3 zhe3] /both sides/ [liang3 er3 bu4 wen2 chuang1 wai4 shi4] /to pay no attention [liang3 zhao1 r5] /the same old trick/illegal device/ [liang3 hu3 xiang1 zheng1] /two tigers fighting (idiom); fierce contest b matched protagonists/ [liang3 hu3 xiang1 zheng1 , bi4 you3 yi1 shang1] /if

om); if you start a war, someone is bound to get hurt/ [liang3 hu3 xiang1 dou4] /two tigers fight (idiom); fig. a dispute betwee ontestants/a battle of the giants/ [liang3 hu3 xiang1 dou4 , bi4 you3 yi1 shang1] /When om). If it comes to a fight, someone will get hurt./ [liang3 xiu4 qing1 feng1] /lit. both sleeves flowing in the breeze (idiom an hands/uncorrupted/unsoiled by corrupt practices/ [liang3 qi4] /received and paid for (business term)/the goods delivered and the b ll settled/ [liang3 zao4] /both parties (to a lawsuit)/plaintiff and defendant/ [liang3 bian5] /either side/both sides/ [liang3 yuan4] /two chambers (of legislative assembly), e.g. House of Representat ves and Senate/ [liang3 yuan4 zhi4] /bicameral legislative assembly/ [liang3 nan2] /dilemma/quandary/ [liang3 mian4] /both sides/ [liang3 mian4 san1 dao1] /two-faced, three knives (idiom); double-cross/d and back stabbing/ [liang3 tou2] /both ends/both parties to a deal/ [liang3 tou2 r5] /erhua variant of , both ends/both parties to a dea [liang3 dian3 shui3] /name of "ice" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi rad )/see also [bing1]/ [liang3 dang3 zhi4] /two-party system/ [yu2] /variant of /yes (used by Emperor or ruler)/OK/to accede/to assent/ [ba1] /eight/8/ [ba1 yi1 wu3] /15th August/refers to Japanese surrender in WWII on 15th Augus [ba1 jiu3 bu4 li2 shi2] /pretty close/very near/about right/ [ba1 er4 san1 pao4 zhan4] /bombardment of Kinmen by PRC forces that s 1958, also called second Taiwan strait crisis/ [Ba1 Xian1] /the Eight Immortals/ [ba1 xian1 zhuo1] /old fashioned square table to seat eight people/ [ba1 wei4 yuan2] /8-bit (computing)/ [Ba1 bai3 ban4] /Yaohan retail group/ [ba1 bei4 ti3] /octoploid/ [ba1 ba1 liu4] /Bye bye! (in chat room and text messages)/ [Ba1 gong1 shan1] /Bagongshan district of Huainan city [Huai2 nan2 shi4 [Ba1 gong1 shan1 qu1] /Bagongshan district of Huainan city [Huai2 n [ba1 fen1 zhi1 yi1] /one eighth/ [ba1 fen1 yin1 fu2] /quaver/eighth note/ [ba1 shi2] /eighty/80/ [Ba1 shi2 tian1 huan2 you2 di4 qiu2] /Around the World in Eig na4]/ [ba1 gua4] /the eight divinatory trigrams of the Book of Changes /to gos [ba1 gua4 quan2] /baguazhang (a form of Chinese boxing)/ [ba1 gua4 zhang3] /baguazhang (a form of Chinese boxing)/ [ba1 gua4 zhen4] /lit. battle plan based on the eight trigrams (in legend); f lever plan/a fiendishly complicated predicament/ [ba1 ge1] /crested mynah bird (Acridotheres cristatellus)/ [ba1 ge1 r5] /crested mynah bird (Acridotheres cristatellus)/ [ba1 ge1 gou3] /pug (breed of dog)/ [Ba1 guo2 Lian2 jun1] /Eight-Nation Alliance, involved in a military inte orthern China in 1900/ [ba1 kuai4 fu4 ji1] /six pack (abdominal muscles)/ [ba1 da4 gong1 ye4 guo2 zu3 zhi1] /G8 (group of eight major i [ba1 po2] /meddling woman/nosy parker (Cantonese)/ [ba1 zi4] /the character 8 or /birthdate characters used in fortune-telling/ [ba1 zi4 xing2] /shape resembling the character or 8/V-shape/splayed/figur / [ba1 zi4 fang1 zhen1] /policy expressed in eight characters, e.g. 1, fa1 zhan3] "Consolidate, deepen, enhance and grow"/eight-character policy/

[ba1 zi4 bu4] /step with feet splayed outwards/ [ba1 zi4 mei2 yi1 pie3] /lit. there is not even the first stroke of t have not even begun to take shape/no sign of success yet/ [ba1 zi4 mei2] /sloping eyebrows, formed like character for "eight"/ [ba1 zi4 jiao3] /splayfoot/ [ba1 zi4 hai2 mei2 yi1 pie3] /lit. there is not even the first st ngs have not even begun to take shape/no sign of success yet/ [ba1 zi4 hai2 mei2 yi1 pie3 r5] /lit. there is not even the f ings have not even begun to take shape/no sign of success yet/ [ba1 zi4 hu2] /mustache shaped like character / [ba1 zi4 hu2 xu1] /mustache shaped like character / [Ba1 su4] /Baxoi county, Tibetan: Dpa' shod rdzong, in Chamdo prefecture qu1], Tibet/ [Ba1 su4 xian4] /Baxoi county, Tibetan: Dpa' shod rdzong, in Chamdo prefectur di4 qu1], Tibet/ [ba1 bao3] /eight treasures/ [Ba1 bao3 shan1] /Mt Babao in Haidian district of Beijing/ [Ba1 bao3 shan1 ge2 ming4 gong1 mu4] /Mt Babao revolutionary Beijing/ [ba1 xiao3 shi2 gong1 zuo4 zhi4] /eight hour working day/ [Ba1 qi2 da4 she2] /Yamanato no Orochi, serpent with eight heads and eigh mythological section of Nihon Shoki (Chronicles of Japan)/ [ba1 dai4 yu2] /octopus/ [ba1 nian2] /eight years/ [ba1 du4] /octave/ [Ba1 kuo4] /Barkhor, pilgrim circuit around Jokhang temple in Lhasa, Tibet/ [Ba1 kuo4 jie1] /Barkhor street, central business area and pilgrim circuit ar khang temple in Lhasa, Tibet/ [Ba1 de2] /Bade or Pate city in Taoyuan county [Tao2 yuan2 xian4], n [Ba1 de2 shi4] /Bade or Pate city in Taoyuan county [Tao2 yuan2 [ba1 cheng2] /eighty percent/most probably/most likely/ [ba1 jie4] /the eight precepts (Buddhism)/ [ba1 tai2 da4 jiao4] /palanquin with eight carriers (idiom); fig. to trea honor/ [ba1 fang1] /the eight points of the compass/all directions/ [ba1 qi2] /Eight Banners, military organization of Manchu later Jin dynasty 1] from c. 1600, subsequently of the Qing dynasty/ [ba1 qi2 zhi4 du4] /Eight banners system, the military and social organiz Manchus between c. 1500 and 1911/ [ba1 hui4 xue2] /the Eight Strategic Nerve Points/ [ba1 yue4] /August/eighth month (of the lunar year)/ [ba1 yue4 zhi1 guang1] /Light in August (novel by William Faulkner [ba1 yue4 fen4] /August/ [ba1 ji2 quan2] /Ba Ji Quan "Eight Extremes Fist" - Martial Art/ [Ba1 Rong2 Ba1 Chi3] /Eight Honors and Eight Shames, PRC official moral g [ba1 zheng4 dao5] /the Eight-fold Noble Way (Buddhism)/ [Ba1 bu4] /Babu district of Hezhou city [He4 zhou1 shi4], Guangxi/ [Ba1 bu4 qu1] /Babu district of Hezhou city [He4 zhou1 shi4], Gu [ba1 fa3 quan2] /Ba Fa Quan "Eight Methods" - Martial Art/ [ba1 zhua3 yu2] /octopus/ [ba1 zhen1 tang1] /eight-treasure decoction, tonic formula used in Chinese me [ba1 mu4 man2] /lamprey (jawless proto-fish of family Petromyzontidae)/ [ba1 ji2 gong1] /eight grade worker/top-grade worker/ [ba1 ji2 gong1 zi1 zhi4] /eight grade wage scale (system)/ [ba1 ji2 feng1] /force 8 wind/fresh gale/ [Ba1 mei3] /Bamay in Dawu County [Dao4 fu2 xian4], Garze Tibetan aut Sichuan/ [Ba1 mei3 xiang1] /Bamei or Bamay township in Dawu County [Dao4 autonomous prefecture, Sichuan/ [ba1 gu3] /an essay in eight parts/stereotyped writing/

[ba1 ku3] /the eight distresses - birth, age, sickness, death, parting with what e love, meeting with what we hate, unattained aims, and all the ills of the five skandhas (Buddhism)/ [ba1 wan4 da4 zang4 jing1] /Tripitaka Koreana, Buddhist scriptures ca en tablets and housed in Haeinsa [Hai3 yin4 si4] in South Gyeongsang province of So uth Korea/ [ba1 hang2 shu1] /formal recommendation letter in eight columns/ [ba1 jiao3] /anise/star anise/aniseed/octagonal/Fructus Anisi stellati/ [ba1 jiao3 chuang2] /traditional-style canopy bed/ [ba1 jiao3 xing2] /octagon/ [ba1 jiao3 feng1] /alangium/ [ba1 jiao3 hui2 xiang1] /Chinese anise/star anise/Fructus Anisi stellati/ [Ba1 jiao3 jie1] /Barkhor street, central business area and pilgrim circuit a okhang temple in Lhasa, Tibet/same as [Ba1 kuo4 jie1]/ [ba1 lu4 jun1] /the Eighth Route Army/ [ba1 jin4 zhi4] /octal/ [Ba1 dao4 jiang1] /Badaojiang district in Baishan city , Jilin/ [Ba1 dao4 jiang1 qu1] /Badaojiang district in Baishan city , Jilin/ [Ba1 da2 ling3] /Badaling, a particular section of the Great Wall that is a f tourist destination/ [Ba1 da2 tong1] /Octopus card (Hong Kong)/ [ba1 bian1 xing2] /octagon/ [Ba1 li3] /Pali township in Taipei county [Tai2 bei3 xian4], Taiwan/ [Ba1 li3 xiang1] /Pali township in Taipei county [Tai2 bei3 xian [ba1 chong2 zou4] /octet (musical ensemble)/ [ba1 kai1] /octavo/ [ba1 mian4 ling2 long2] /be smooth and slick (in establishing social rela [ba1 mian4 ti3] /octahedron/ [ba1 yin1] /music/(used in advertising instrumental tuition)/(archaic) musical in truments made of eight different materials (metal , stone , clay , leather , silk ood , gourd , bamboo )/ [ba1 yin1 he2] /musical box/ [gong1] /public/collectively owned/common/international (e.g. high seas, metric system, calendar)/make public/fair/just/Duke, highest of five orders of nobility [wu3 deng3 jue2 wei4]/honorable (gentlemen)/father-in-law/male (animal)/ [gong1 zhang4] /decameter/ [gong1 zhu3] /princess/ [Gong1 zhu3 ling3] /Gongzhuling county level city in Siping , Jilin/ [Gong1 zhu3 ling3 shi4] /Gongzhuling county level city in Siping , Ji [gong1 zhi1 yu2 zhong4] /to make known to the masses (idiom); to publiciz et the world know/ [gong1 shi4] /public affairs/official (matters, duties etc)/ [gong1 shi4 gong1 ban4] /to do official business according to the officia (i.e. without involving private interests)/ [gong1 shi4 fang2] /office (room or building)/ [gong1 jiao1] /public transportation/mass transit/ [gong1 jiao1 zhan4] /public transport station/ [gong1 jiao1 che1] /public transport vehicle/town bus/CL: [liang4]/ [gong1 zi3] /doll/cuddly toy/ [gong1 zai3 mian4] /brand of Hong Kong instant noodles/also used as term for noodles in general/ [gong1 xiu1] /public holiday/official leave (e.g. sabbatical)/ [gong1 xiu1 ri4] /public holiday/ [gong1 bu4] /to announce/to make public/to publish/ [gong1 bu4 lan2] /bulletin board/ [gong1 shi3] /minister/diplomat performing ambassadorial role in Qing times, befo e regular diplomatic relations/ [gong1 shi3 guan3] /embassy (old term)/foreign mission/ [gong1 bei4 shi4] /common multiple expression/ [gong1 bei4 shu4] /common multiple/

[gong1 jia4] /official leave from work (e.g. maternity leave, sick leave or leave to attend to official business)/ [gong1 zhai4] /government bond/ [gong1 zhai4 quan4] /public bond/ [gong1 shang1] /work-related injury/ [gong1 shang1 shi4 gu4] /industrial accident/work-related injury/ [gong1 pu2] /public servant/CL: [ge4],[wei4]/ [gong1 yun3] /equitable/fair/ [gong1 yuan2] /(year) AD/Christian era/ [gong1 yuan2 qian2] /before the Common Era (BCE)/before Christ (BC)/ [gong1 chong1 jia4 zhi2] /fair value (accounting)/ [gong1 ke4] /gram/ [gong1 liang3] /hectogram/ [gong1 gong5] /husband's father/father-in-law/grandpa/old man/eunuch/ [gong1 gong4] /public/common (use)/ [gong1 gong4 shi4 ye4] /public utility/state-run enterprise/public founda prise, often charitable/ [gong1 gong4 jiao1 huan4 dian4 hua4 wang3 lu4] /public sw [gong1 gong4 jiao1 tong1] /public transport/mass transit/ [gong1 gong4 jia4 qi1] /public holiday/ [gong1 gong4 tuan2 ti3] /public organization/ [gong1 gong4 chang3 suo3] /public place/ [gong1 gong4 an1 quan2 zui4] /crime against public order/ [gong1 gong4 ce4 suo3] /public toilet/ [gong1 gong4 qi4 che1] /bus/CL: [liang4],[ban1]/ [gong1 gong4 qi4 che1 zhan4] /bus stop/bus station/ [gong1 gong4 zhi4 xu4] /public order/ [gong1 gong4 xing2 zheng4] /public administration/ [gong1 gong4 wei4 sheng1] /public health/ [gong1 gong4 she4 shi1] /public facilities/services/ [gong1 gong4 cai2 chan3] /public property/ [gong1 gong4 dao4 de2] /public morality/social ethics/ [gong1 gong4 kai1 zhi1] /public expenditure/ [gong1 gong4 guan1 xi4] /public relations/ [gong1 gong4 ling2 dian3] /common zeros (of system of equations)/ [gong1 han2] /official letter/ [gong1 fen1] /centimeter/gram/ [gong1 pan4] /public opinion/public announcement of verdict at a trial/ [gong1 zhi4] /metric system/ [gong1 zhi4 dan1 wei4] /metric units/ [gong1 wu4] /official business/ [gong1 wu4 ren2 yuan2] /government functionary/ [gong1 wu4 yuan2] /functionary/office-bearer/ [gong1 wu4 cang1] /business class (airplane travel)/ [gong1 mu4] /public placement (investing)/ [gong1 shao2] /serving spoon/centiliter (i.e. 10 ml), abbr. to [shao2]/ [gong1 sheng1] /liter/ [gong1 si1] /(business) company/company/firm/corporation/incorporated/CL:[jia1] [gong1 si1 zhai4] /corporate bonds (finance)/ [gong1 si1 hui4 yi4] /company meeting/ [gong1 si1 zhi4 li3] /corporate governance/ [gong1 si1 fa3] /corporations law/ [gong1 si1 li3 cai2] /company finance/corporate finance/ [gong1 gao4] /post/announcement/ [gong1 dun1] /ton/metric ton/ [gong1 yin1 zi3] /common factor/common divisor/ [gong1 yin1 shi4] /common factor/common divisor (of a math. expression)/ [gong1 guo2] /duchy/dukedom/principality/ [gong1 yuan2] /public park/CL: [chang3]/ [gong1 yuan2 xiao3 jing4 xiao4 ying4] /garden path effect/

[gong1 di4] /public land/land in common use/ [gong1 tang2] /law court/hall (in castle)/CL:[jia1]/ [gong1 bao4] /announcement/bulletin/communique/ [gong1 bao4 si1 chou2] /to use public office to avenge private wrongs/ [gong1 mu4] /public cemetery/ [gong1 po2] /husband's parents/parents-in-law/ [gong1 zi3] /son of an official/son of nobility/your son (honorific)/ [gong1 zi3 ge1 r5] /pampered sons of an official/ [Gong1 sun1] /two-character surname Gongsun/ [Gong1 sun1 Qi3] /Gongsun Qi (-258 BC), famous general of Qin , the ame as Bai Qi / [Gong1 sun1 Long2] /Gongsun Long (c. 325-250 BC), leading thinker of the Scho ogicians of the Warring States Period (475-220 BC)/ [gong1 an1] /(Ministry of) Public Security/public safety/public security/ [gong1 an1 guan1 yuan2] /public safety officials/ [gong1 an1 ju2] /public security bureau/ [gong1 an1 ji1 guan1] /Public Security Bureau/ [Gong1 an1 xian4] /Gong'an county in Jingzhou [Jing1 zhou1], Hubei/ [gong1 an1 bu4] /Ministry of Public Security/ [gong1 shi4] /office (room)/ruling families during Spring and Autumn period/ [gong1 hai4] /public hazard, nuisance/ [gong1 jia1] /the public/the state/society/the public purse/ [gong1 jia1 ji1 guan1] /civil service/ [gong1 yu4] /apartment building/block of flats/CL:[tao4]/ [gong1 yu4 da4 lou2] /apartment building/ [gong1 yu4 lou2] /apartment building/CL:[zuo4]/ [gong1 shen3] /public trial (in a court of law)/ [gong1 cun4] /decimeter/ [gong1 chi3] /meter/ [gong1 cha1] /tolerance (allowed error)/common difference (of an arithmetic serie )/ [gong1 ping2] /fair/impartial/ [gong1 ping2 jiao1 yi4] /fair dealing/ [gong1 ping2 he2 li3] /fair/equitable/ [gong1 ping2 shen3 pan4 quan2] /the right to a fair trial/ [gong1 ping2 jing4 zheng1] /fair competition/ [gong1 ping2 mao4 yi4] /fair trade/ [gong1 gan4] /public business/official work/ [gong1 fu3] /government post in Han dynasty/ [gong1 ce4] /public toilet/ [gong1 shi4] /formula/ [gong1 shi4 hua4] /to formalize/formalism in art (esp. as proscribed in USSR )/ [gong1 yin3] /hectometer/ [gong1 de2] /public ethics/social morality/ [gong1 de2 xin1] /civility/public spirit/ [gong1 xin1] /desire for the public good/sense of fair play/ [gong1 fen4] /public anger/popular indignation/ [gong1 fang2] /public housing/dormitory, esp. for unmarried people/ [gong1 tou2] /a referendum/abbr. for / [gong1 tui1] /elected by acclamation/recommended by all/ [gong1 cuo1] /milliliter/ [gong1 dan4] /quintal (100 kg)/ [gong1 di2] /public enemy/ [gong1 wen2] /document/ [gong1 wen2 bao1] /briefcase/attach case/ [gong1 dou3] /decaliter/ [gong1 jin1] /kilogram (kg)/ [gong1 duan4] /arbitration (law)/ [gong1 ying4] /public screening (of a movie)/

[gong1 li4] /Gregorian calendar/solar calendar/ [gong1 hui4] /guild/ [gong1 you3] /publicly owned/communal/held in common/ [gong1 you3 zhi4] /public ownership/ [gong1 you3 hua4] /to nationalize/to take over as communal property/ [gong1 an4] /judge's desk/complex legal case/contentious issue/koan (Zen Buddhism / [gong1 jian3 fa3] /public security authorities/ [gong1 kuan3] /public money/ [gong1 zheng4] /just/fair/equitable/ [gong1 mu3 lia3] /husband and wife/ [gong1 min2] /citizen/ [gong1 min2 tou2 piao4] /plebiscite/referendum/ [gong1 min2 quan2] /civil rights/citizenship rights/ [gong1 min2 quan2 li4] /civil rights/ [gong1 min2 quan2 li4 he2 zheng4 zhi4 d Political Rights (ICCPR)/ [gong1 min2 yi4 wu4] /civil obligation/a citizen's duty/ [gong1 min2 biao3 jue2] /referendum/decided by public vote/ [gong1 jue2] /public decision (by ballot)/majority decision/a joint decision/refe endum/ [gong1 fa3] /public law/ [gong1 hai3] /high sea/international waters/ [gong1 yan3] /to perform (e.g. on the stage)/to lecture/ [gong1 ran2] /openly/publicly/undisguised/ [gong1 ran2 biao3 shi4] /to state openly/ [gong1 ying2] /public/publicly (owned, financed, operated etc)/run by the state/ [gong1 ying2 qi3 ye4] /public enterprise, as opposed to private enterpris ]/ [gong1 ying2 jing1 ji4] /public sector of economy/state run enterprises/ [gong1 jue2] /duke/dukedom/ [gong1 jue2 fu1 ren2] /duchess/ [gong1 die1] /husband's father/ [gong1 niu2] /bull/ [gong1 wu4] /public property/ [gong1 quan3] /male dog/ [gong1 li3] /axiom (in logic)/axiomatic/ [gong1 li3 fa3] /the axiomatic method/ [gong1 yong4] /public/for public use/ [gong1 yong4 jiao1 huan4 dian4 hua4 wang3] /public switched t [gong1 yong4 dian4 hua4] /public phone/CL:[bu4]/ [gong1 chu4] /stud/male animal kept to breed offspring/ [gong1 mu3] /an are (=100 square meters, or one hundredth of a hectare)/ [gong1 yi4] /public welfare/public good/volunteer health or relief work/civic-min ed/commonwealth/ [gong1 yi4 shi4 ye4] /service to the public/public welfare undertaking/ch facility/ [gong1 yi4 jin1] /public welfare funds/community chest/ [gong1 zhong4] /public/ [gong1 zhong4 ren2 wu4] /public figure/famous person/ [gong1 zhong4 yi4 jian4] /public opinion/ [gong1 zhong4 ji2 hui4] /public meeting/ [gong1 zhong4 dian4 xin4 wang3 lu4] /public telephone network/ [gong1 dan4] /hectoliter/quintal/ [gong1 she4] /commune/ [gong1 ji4] /public memorial service/ [gong1 si1] /public and private (interests, initiative etc)/ [gong1 si1 jiao1 po4] /combined public and private interests are a powerf om)/ [gong1 si1 jian1 gu4] /public private partnership venture/

[gong1 si1 he2 ying2] /joint public private operation/ [gong1 bing3] /kiloliter/ [gong1 cheng1] /nominal/ [gong1 ji1 jin1] /official reserves/accumulated fund/ [gong1 li4] /public (e.g. school, hospital)/ [gong1 li4 xue2 xiao4] /public school/ [gong1 zhang1] /official seal/ [gong1 kuai4] /serving chopsticks/ [gong1 liang2] /tax paid in grain/ [gong1 yue1] /convention (i.e. international agreement)/ [gong1 yue1 shu4] /common factor/common divisor/ [gong1 wang3] /open net/public website (as opposed to intranet)/ [gong1 shu3] /government office/ [gong1 yang2] /ram (male sheep)/ [Gong1 yang2 zhuan4] /Mr Gongyang's annals or commentary on , early histo written by multiple authors during Han dynasty, same as / [Gong1 yang2 chun1 qiu1] /Mr Gongyang's annals or commentary on , ear y written during Han dynasty, same as / [gong1 yi4] /righteousness/ [gong1 er2 wang4 si1] /for the common good and forgetting personal intere to behave altruistically/selfless/ [gong1 zhi2] /an official position/ [gong1 zhi2 ren2 yuan2] /official employee/government official/ [gong1 ting1 hui4] /public hearing/ [gong1 gu3] /government stake/ [gong1 ju3] /public election/ [gong1 she4] /(logic) a postulate/ [gong1 su4] /public charges (law)/ [gong1 su4 ren2] /district attorney/public prosecutor/procurator/ [gong1 ren4] /publicly known (to be)/accepted (as)/ [gong1 lun4] /public opinion/ [gong1 zhu1 tong2 hao4] /to share pleasure in the company of others (idio joyment with fellow enthusiasts/ [gong1 zhu1 yu2 shi4] /to announce to the world (idiom); to publicize/kno let everyone know one's position/ [gong1 zheng4] /notarization/notarized/acknowledgement/ [gong1 zheng4 ren2] /notary/actuary/ [gong1 zheng4 chu4] /notary office/ [gong1 yi4] /public discussion/ [gong1 zhu1] /boar/ [gong1 mao1] /male cat/tomcat/ [gong1 mai3 gong1 mai4] /buying and selling at fair prices/ [gong1 fei4] /at public expense/ [gong1 fei4 yi1 liao2] /medical treatment at public expense/ [gong1 lu4] /highway/road/CL: [tiao2]/ [gong1 lu4 wang3] /road network/ [gong1 lu4 zi4 xing2 che1] /road cycling/ [gong1 lu4 sai4] /road race/ [gong1 che1] /bus/ [gong1 zhuan4] /orbital revolution/ [gong1 dao4] /justice/fairness/public highway/ [gong1 dao5] /fair/equitable/ [gong1 li3] /kilometer/ [gong1 li3 shi2] /kilometer per hour/ [gong1 li2] /decigram/millimeter/ [gong1 kai1] /public/to publish/to make public/ [gong1 kai1 xin4] /open letter/ [gong1 kai1 hua4] /to publicize/openness (of government, PRC equivalent of 'g ')/ [gong1 kai1 zhi3 ze2] /to denounce/

[gong1 kai1 tao3 lun4 hui4] /open forum/ [gong1 kai1 sai4] /championship/ [gong1 kai1 yao4 shi5] /public key (in encryption)/ [gong1 guan1] /public relations/ [gong1 ji1] /cock/rooster/ [gong1 qing3] /hectare/ [Gong1 guan3] /Gongguan or Kungkuan township in Miaoli county [Miao2 est Taiwan/ [gong1 guan3] /residence (of sb rich or important)/mansion/ [Gong1 guan3 xiang1] /Gongguan or Kungkuan township in Miaoli county orthwest Taiwan/ [gong1 ma3] /male horse/stallion/stud/ [liu4] /six/6/ [liu4 er4 wu3 zhan4 zheng1] /the Korean war (started June 25 19 [liu4 si4] /refers to Tian'anmen incident of 4th June 1989/ [liu4 yi1 Er2 tong2 Jie2] /Children's Day (June 1st), PRC national ho under 14/ [liu4 er4 wu3 shi4 bian4] /Korean war (dating from North Korean invas 0)/ [liu4 fen1 zhi1 yi1] /one sixth/ [liu4 fen1 yi2 zuo4] /Sextans (constellation)/ [liu4 shi2] /sixty/60/ [liu4 shi2 si4 wei4 yuan2] /64-bit (computing)/ [liu4 shi2 si4 gua4] /the 64 hexagrams of the Book of Changes (I Ching or [liu4 shi2 si4 wan4] /640,000/ [liu4 shi2 nian2 dai4] /the sixties/the 1960s/ [Lu4 he2] /Luhe district of Nanjing City in Jiangsu / [liu4 he2] /the six directions (north, south, east, west, up, down)/the whole cou try/the universe/everything under the sun/ [liu4 he2 ba1 fa3] /Liuhe Bafa - "Six Harmonies, Eight Methods" - Martial [Lu4 he2 qu1] /Luhe district of Nanjing City in Jiangsu / [liu4 he2 cai3] /Mark Six (Hong Kong lotto game)/ [liu4 si4 shi4 jian4] /Tian'anmen incident of 4th Jun 1989/ [liu4 kuai4 fu4 ji1] /six-pack (abs)/ [Lu4 an1] /Lu'an prefecture level city in Anhui/ [Lu4 an1 di4 qu1] /Lu'an prefecture, Anhui/ [Lu4 an1 shi4] /Lu'an prefecture level city in Anhui/ [liu4 jia1] /Six schools of pre-Han philosophy, as analyzed by [Si1 , [Dao4 jia1], [yin1 yang2], [Fa3 jia1], [Ming2 jia1], and [Mo4 ji [Liu4 ku4] /Liuku or Lutku, capital of Nujiang Lisu autonomous prefecture [Liu4 ku4 zhen4] /Liuku or Lutku, capital of Nujiang Lisu autonomous prefectu [liu4 fang1] /hexagonal/ [liu4 fang1 zui4 mi4 dui1 ji1] /hexagonal close-packed (HCP) (mat [liu4 fang1 hui4 tan2] /six-sided talks (on North Korea)/ [liu4 ri4 zhan4 zheng1] /the Six Day war of June 1967 between Israel and hbors/ [liu4 shu1] /Six Methods of forming Chinese characters, according to Han dictiona y Shuowen - namely, two primary methods: (pictogram), (ideogram), two c ds: (combined ideogram), (ideogram plus phonetic), and two transfer met ransfer)/ [liu4 yue4] /June/sixth month (of the lunar year)/ [liu4 yue4 fen4] /June/ [Liu4 Chao2] /Six Dynasties (220-589)/ [liu4 chao2 si4 da4 jia1] /Four Great Painters of the Six dynasties, Kaizhi , Lu Tanwei and Zhang Sengyou / [liu4 chao2 shi2 dai4] /the six dynasties period (222-589) between Han an [Lu4 zhi1 te4 qu1] /Luzhi special economic area in Liupanshui [liu4 fu2 hua4 liu2] /sulfur hexafluoride/ [liu4 fu2 hua4 you2] /uranium hexafluoride (UF6)/ [liu4 yin2] /six excesses causing illness in traditional Chinese medicine, namely

excessive wind [feng1], cold [han2], heat [shu3], damp [shi1], dryness[zao uo3]/ [liu4 huan2 lu4] /Sixth ring road (Beijing), opened in 2008/ [Liu4 jia3] /Liuchia township in Tainan county [Tai2 nan2 xian4], Ta [Liu4 jia3 xiang1] /Liuchia township in Tainan county [Tai2 nan2 [Liu4 pan2 Shan1] /Liupan Mountains, mountain range in northern China/ [Liu4 pan2 shui3] /Liupanshui prefecture level city in west Guizhou [Liu4 pan2 shui3 shi4] /Liupanshui prefecture level city in Guizhou [liu4 tan4 tang2] /hexose (CH2O)6, monosaccharide with six carbon atoms, such cose [pu2 tao5 tang2]/ [liu4 shen2] /six vital organs of the body ruled by the six Daoist deities: heart xin1], lungs [fei4], liver [gan1], kidneys [shen4], spleen [pi2] and gall bladde n3]/ [liu4 shen2 wu2 zhu3] /all six vital organs fail (idiom); besides oneself istracted/out of one's wits/ [liu4 ji2 shi4 guan1] /sergeant major/ [liu4 jing1] /Six Classics, namely: Book of Songs , Book of History ost Book of Music , Book of Changes , Spring and Autumn Annals / [liu4 fu3] /six bowels (hollow organs) of traditional Chinese medicine, namely: g ll bladder [dan3], stomach [wei4], large intestine [da4 chang2], small inte chang2], triple focus [san1 jiao1], bladder [pang2 guang1]/ [Liu4 jiao3] /Liujiao or Liuchiao township in Chiayi county [Jia1 yi an/ [Liu4 jiao3 xiang1] /Liujiao or Liuchiao township in Chiayi county Taiwan/ [liu4 yi4] /the Confucian Six Arts, namely: rites or etiquette ( ), harioteering ( ), calligraphy or literacy T ( ), mathematics or rec [liu4 hao4] /6th day of the month/ [liu4 qin1] /six close relatives, namely: father [fu4], mother [mu3], older b [xiong1], younger brothers [di4], wife [qi1], male children [zi3]/one's kin/ [liu4 qin1 bu4 ren4] /not recognizing one's family (idiom); self-centered ng any allowances for the needs of one's relatives/ [liu4 qin1 wu2 kao4] /orphaned of all one's immediate relatives (idiom); y on/left to one's own devices/ [liu4 jiao3] /hexagon/ [liu4 jiao3 xing2] /hexagon/ [liu4 jiao3 kuo4 hao4] /square brackets [ ]/ [liu4 jiao3 xing1] /six-pointed star/hexagram/star of David/ [liu4 jiao3 luo2 mao4] /hexagonal nut/ [liu4 bian1 xing2] /hexagon/ [liu4 xie2] /six unhealthy influences causing illness in traditional Chinese medi ine, namely: excessive wind [feng1], cold [han2], heat [shu3], damp [shi1], d ao4], fire [huo3]/ [liu4 mian4 ti3] /six-sided figure (such as a cube or parallelepiped)/ [Liu4 Tao1] /Six Secret Strategic Teachings, one of the Seven Military Classics ncient China [Wu3 jing1 Qi1 Shu1], attributed to Jiang Ziya [ [liu4 tao1 san1 lu:e4] /"Six Secret Strategic Teachings [Liu4 T Huang Shigong [San1 Lu:e4], two of the Seven Military Classics of ancient China 1 Qi1 Shu1]/ [Liu4 gui1] /Liugui or Liukuei township in Kaohsiung county [Gao1 xi est Taiwan/ [Liu4 gui1 xiang1] /Liugui or Liukuei township in Kaohsiung county outhwest Taiwan/ [xi1] /(particle in old Chinese similar to )/ [xi1 xi1] /(particle used to exaggerate certain adjectives, in particular [gong4] /common/general/to share/together/total/altogether/abbr. for [go g3], Communist party/ [gong4 cheng2] /to ride together/to carpool/ [gong4 shi4] /to work together/ [gong4 xiang3] /to share/to enjoy together/

[gong4 xiang3 yi3 tai4 wang3 luo4] /shared Ethernet/ [gong4 xiang3 han2 shu4 ku4] /shared library (computing)/ [gong4 xiang3 dai4 kuan1] /shared bandwidth/ [gong4 xiang3 ku4] /shared library (computing)/ [gong4 xiang3 cheng2 xu4 ku4] /shared library (computing)/ [gong4 xiang3 ji4 hua4] /joint project/partnership/ [gong4 xiang3 ruan3 ti3] /shareware/ [gong4 jia4 jian4] /covalent bond (chemistry)/ [gong4 fei3] /communist bandit (pejorative for members of [Gong4 cha [gong4 tong2] /common/joint/jointly/together/collaborative/ [gong4 tong2 li4 yi4] /common interest/mutual benefit/ [gong4 tong2 nu3 li4] /to work together/to collaborate/ [gong4 tong2 ji1 jin1] /mutual fund/ [Gong4 tong2 she4] /Kyd, Japanese news agency/ [gong4 tong2 shai1 xuan3] /collaborative filtering/ [gong4 tong2 gang1 ling3] /common program/formal program of the communist 1949, that served as interim national plan/ [gong4 tong2 zha2 dao4 jie4 mian4] /Common Gateway Interface/CGI/ [gong4 tong2 ti3] /community/ [gong4 tong2 dian3] /common ground/ [gong4 he2] /republic/republicanism/ [gong4 he2 zhi4] /republic/ [gong4 he2 guo2] /republic/ [gong4 he2 zheng4 ti3] /republican system of government/ [gong4 he2 pai4] /Republican faction/ [Gong4 he2 xian4] /Gonghe county in Hainan Tibetan autonomous prefecture u2 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ [Gong4 he2 dang3] /Republican Party/ [gong4 he2 dang3 ren2] /a Republican party member/ [gong4 shang1] /to jointly discuss/to discuss together (business)/ [gong4 shang1 da4 ji4] /to discuss matters of vital importance/ [gong4 cun2] /to coexist/ [gong4 cun2 xing4] /compatibility/the possibility of mutual coexistence/ [Gong4 gong1] /God of Water/ [gong4 xing2] /conformal/ [gong4 xing4] /overall character/ [gong4 zhen4] /resonance (physics)/ [gong4 you3] /to have altogether/in all/ [gong4 qi1] /symbiosis/ [gong4 mo2] /common-mode (electronics)/ [gong4 jiao1] /confocal (math.)/ [gong4 fan4] /accomplice/ [gong4 sheng1] /symbiosis/ [gong4 chan3] /communist/ [gong4 chan3 zhu3 yi4] /communism/ [Gong4 chan3 zhu3 yi4 Qing1 nian2 tuan2] /the Communist Youth [Gong4 chan3 guo2 ji4] /Communist international (Comintern)/ [Gong4 chan3 dang3] /Communist Party/ [gong4 chan3 dang3 ren2] /Communist party members/ [gong4 chan3 dang3 yuan2] /communist party member/ [gong4 chan3 dang3 xuan1 yan2] /Manifesto of the Communist Party/"Man ischen Partei" by Marx and Engels (1848)/ [gong4 chan3 dang3 bu4 dui4] /communist forces/ [gong4 yong4] /commons/public use/ [gong4 guan3] /to administer jointly/ [gong4 chu3] /to coexist/to get along (with others)/ [gong4 xing2 che1 dao4] /carpool lane/ [gong4 xiang1] /communal undertaking/joint project/ [gong4 xiang1 shan4 ju3] /joint charity project/communal philanthropic un [gong4 xiang1 sheng4 ju3] /to cooperate on a great undertaking/joint proj

undertaking/ [gong4 ji4] /to sum up to/to total/ [gong4 hua4] /to discuss together/ [gong4 mou2] /to scheme together/to conspire/joint plan/conspiracy/ [gong4 mou2 zui4] /conspiracy/ [gong4 mou2 zhe3] /conspirator/ [gong4 shi2] /common understanding/consensus/ [gong4 ying2] /mutually profitable/win-win/ [gong4 fu4] /joint participation/to go together/ [gong4 e4] /conjugate (math.)/conjugation/ [gong4 e4 bu4 jin4 gen1] /conjugate surd (math.)/ [gong4 e4 zuo4 yong4] /conjugation/ [gong4 e4 gen1 shi4] /conjugate surd (math.)/ [gong4 e4 xu1 shu4] /conjugate imaginary number (math)/ [gong4 e4 fu4 shu4] /complex conjugate number (math.)/ [gong4 tong1] /in common/universal/ [gong4 tong1 xing4] /commonality/universality/ [Gong4 qing1 tuan2] /the Communist Youth League, abbr. for 2]/ [gong4 can1 qing1 nian2 tuan2] /youth league/ [gong4 ming2] /resonance (physics)/sympathetic response to sth/ [tian1] /variant of , heaven/sky/ [bing1] /soldiers/a force/an army/weapons/arms/military/warlike/CL: [ge4]/ [bing1 bu4 yan4 zha4] /there can never be too much deception in war/in wa too deceitful/all's fair in war/ [bing1 bu4 xue4 ren4] /lit. no blood on the men's swords (idiom); fig. an ictory/ [bing1 luan4] /confusion of war/turmoil of war/ [bing1 lai2 jiang1 dang3 , shui3 lai2 tu3 yan3] /coun weir (idiom); different situations call for different action/to adopt measures appropriate to the actual situation/ [bing1 lai2 jiang4 di2 , shui3 lai2 tu3 yan4] /counte eir (idiom); different situations call for different action/to adopt measures ap propriate to the actual situation/ [bing1 ren4] /(bladed) weapons/ [bing1 zhi4] /military system/ [bing1 li4] /military strength/armed forces/troops/ [bing1 zu2] /soldiers/troops/ [bing1 yuan2] /soldiers/troops/ [bing1 qi4] /weaponry/weapons/arms/ [bing1 qi4 shu4] /martial arts involving weapons/ [bing1 tuan2] /large military unit/formation/corps/army/ [bing1 shi4] /ordinary soldier/ [Bing1 jia1] /the School of the Military, one of the Hundred Schools of Thought bai3 jia1] of the Warring States Period (475-220 BC)/ [bing1 jia1] /military strategist in ancient China/military commander/soldier/ [bing1 jia1 chang2 shi4] /commonplace in military operations (idiom)/ [bing1 gong1 chang3] /munitions or ordnance factory/arsenal/ [Bing1 ku4] /Hygo prefecture in the midwest of Japan's main island Honsh [B [Bing1 ku4 xian4] /Hygo prefecture in the midwest of Japan's main island Hon u1]/ [bing1 qiang2 ma3 zhuang4] /strong soldiers and sturdy horses/a well-trai ful army/ [bing1 yi4] /military service/ [bing1 ge1] /weapons/arms/fighting/war/ [bing1 ge1 rao3 rang3] /arms and confusion (idiom); turmoil of war/ [bing1 rong2] /arms/weapons/ [bing1 rong2 xiang1 jian4] /to meet on the battlefield (idiom)/ [bing1 bai4 ru2 shan1 dao3] /troops in defeat like a landslide (idiom total collapse/

[bing1 shu1] /a book on the art of war/ [bing1 quan2] /military leadership/military power/ [bing1 fa3] /art of war/military strategy and tactics/ [bing1 yuan2] /manpower resources (for military service)/sources of troops/ [bing1 ying2] /military camp/barracks/ [bing1 pi3] /army riffraff/army ruffian/soldier of fortune/ [bing1 zhong3] /(military) branch of the armed forces/ [bing1 zhan4] /army service station/military depot/ [bing1 jing1 liang2 zu2] /elite soldiers, ample provisions (idiom); well es/preparations for war are in an advanced state/ [bing1 lin2 cheng2 xia4] /soldiers at the city walls (idiom); fig. at a c ure/ [bing1 chuan2] /man-of-war/naval vessel/warship/ [bing1 jian4] /warship/ [bing1 huang1 ma3 luan4] /soldiers munity and troops rebel (idiom); turmo of war/ [bing1 yi3] /soldier ant/dinergate/ [bing1 bian4] /mutiny/ [bing1 gui4 shen2 su4] /speed is precious in war/ [bing1 lian2 huo4 jie2] /ravaged by successive wars/war-torn/war-ridden/ [Bing1 Bu4] /Ministry of War in Imperial China/ [bing1 dui4] /troops/ [bing1 xiang3] /pay and provisions for soldiers/ [bing1 ma3] /troops and horses/military forces/ [bing1 ma3 yong3] /figurines of warriors and horses buried with the dead/Terr Army (historic site)/ [bing1 ma3 wei4 dong4 , liang2 cao3 xian1 xing2] /bef go first (idiom); logistics comes before military maneuvers/an army marches on i ts stomach/ [qi2] /his/her/its/theirs/that/such/it (refers to sth preceding it)/ [qi2 yi1] /one of the given (options etc)/the first/firstly/ [qi2 san1] /thirdly/the third/ [qi2 zhong1] /among/in/included among these/ [qi2 er4] /secondly/the other (usu. of two)/the second/ [qi2 ta1] /other/the others/else/other than (that person)/in addition to the pers n mentioned above/ [qi2 xian1] /previously/before that/up to then/ [qi2 nei4] /included/within that/ [qi2 wai4] /besides/in addition/apart from that/ [qi2 ta1] /other/the others/else/other than it/in addition to the thing mentioned above/ [qi2 shi2] /actually/in fact/really/ [qi2 hou4] /next/later/after that/ [qi2 suo3] /its place/one's appointed place/the place for that/ [qi2 le4 bu4 qiong2] /boundless joy/ [qi2 le4 wu2 qiong2] /boundless joy/ [qi2 ci4] /next/secondly/ [qi2 zi4 shen1] /one's own (respective)/proprietary/ [qi2 jian1] /in between/within that interval/in the meantime/ [qi2 yu2] /the rest/the others/remaining/remainder/apart from them/ [ju4] /tool/device/utensil/equipment/instrument/talent/ability/to possess/to hav e/to provide/to furnish/to state/classifier for devices, coffins, dead bodies/ [ju4 bao3] /to find guarantor/to find surety/ [ju4 bei4] /to possess/to have/equipped with/able to fulfill (conditions or requi ements)/ [ju4 ming2] /to sign/to put one's name to/ [ju4 you3] /to have/to possess/ [ju4 you3 zhu3 quan2] /sovereign/ [ju4 er3] /brother/ [ju4 jie2] /to bind over (as surety)/to sign an undertaking/

[ju4 ti3] /concrete/definite/specific/ [ju4 ti3 hua4] /to concretize/ [ju4 ti3 wen4 ti2] /concrete issue/ [ju4 ti3 qing2 kuang4] /specific circumstances/actual situation/ [ju4 ti3 er2 wei1] /all the parts are in place, but small scale (Mencius) tructure, but not much of it/ [ju4 ti3 ji4 hua4] /a concrete plan/a definite plan/ [ju4 ti3 shuo1 ming2] /explicit explanation/to specify/ [dian3] /canon/law/standard work of scholarship/literary quotation or allusion/c eremony/to be in charge of/to mortgage or pawn/ [dian3 xing2] /model/typical case/archetype/typical/representative/ [dian3 xing2 hua4] /stereotype/exemplar/typification/ [dian3 xing2 yong4 tu2] /typical use/typical application/ [dian3 xing2 deng1 ge2 re4] /dengue fever/ [dian3 gu4] /allusion (to classic story or saying)/classical quotation/parable/ [dian3 yu4 zhang3] /warden/ [dian3 dang4] /to pawn/pawnshop/ [dian3 li3] /celebration/ceremony/ [dian3 zhang1] /institution/institutional/ [dian3 fan4] /model/example/paragon/ [dian3 ji2] /ancient books or records/ [dian3 cang2] /repository of items of cultural significance/collection/ [dian3 zhi4] /to mortgage/to pawn/ [dian3 ya3] /refined/elegant/ [jian1] /double/twice/simultaneous/holding two or more (official) posts at the s ame time/ [jian1 bing4 yu3 shou1 gou4] /mergers and acquisitions (M&A)/ [jian1 ren4] /to hold several jobs at once/concurrent post/working part-time/ [jian1 bing4] /to annex/to take over/to acquire/ [jian1 bei4] /have both/ [jian1 you1] /an all-rounder/good at everything/ [jian1 ju4] /to combine/to have both/ [jian1 rong2] /compatible/ [jian1 rong2 bing4 bao1] /to include and monopolize many things/all-embra [jian1 rong2 xing4] /compatibility/ [jian1 shou1 bing4 xu4] /incorporating diverse things/eclectic/all-embrac [jian1 shi1] /using several (methods)/ [jian1 ying2] /a second job/supplementary way of making a living/ [jian1 cheng2] /to travel at double speed/to make all haste/ [jian1 er2 you3 zhi1] /to have both (at the same time)/ [jian1 zhi2] /to hold concurrent posts/concurrent job/moonlighting/ [jian1 xu4] /to contain two things at a time/to mingle/to incorporate/ [jian1 gu4] /to attend simultaneously to two or more things/to balance (career an family, family and education etc)/ [ji4] /to hope/abbr. for Hebei province/ [Ji4 zhou1] /Jishou county level city in Hengshui [Heng2 shui3], Hebei/ [Ji4 zhou1 shi4] /Jishou county level city in Hengshui [Heng2 shui3], Heb [Ji4 Chao2 zhu4] /Ji Chaozhu (1929-), Chinese diplomat/ [Ji4 xian4] /Ji county in Hebei/ [jiong1] /radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 13), occurring in , , see also [tong2 zi4 kuang4]/ [mao4] /old variant of [mao4]/hat/cap/ [yuan2] /yen (Japanese currency)/Japanese variant of / [mao3] /to not have (Cantonese)/Mandarin equivalent: [mei2 you3]/ [Ran3] /surname Ran/passing (of time)/ [ran3 ran3] /gradually/slowly/softly drooping (branches, hair)/ [ran3 ran3 shang4 sheng1] /to ascend slowly/ [ce4] /book/booklet/classifier for books/ [Ce4 heng1] /Ceheng county in Qianxinan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/

[Ce4 heng1 xian4] /Ceheng county in Qianxinan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefe 2 xi1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ [ce4 zi5] /a book/a volume/ [ce4 feng1] /to confer a title upon sb/to dub/to crown/to invest with rank or tit e/ [Ce4 fu3 yuan2 gui1] /Prime tortoise of the record bureau, Song dynasty h yclopedia of political essays, autobiography, memorials and decrees, compiled 10 05-1013 under Wang Qinruo and Yang Yi , 1000 scrolls/ [ce4 li4] /account book/ledger/ [ce4 li4] /to confer a title on (an empress or a prince)/ [zai4] /again/once more/re-/second/another/then (after sth, and not until then)/ [zai4 yi1 ci4] /again/ [zai4 san1] /over and over again/again and again/ [zai4 san1 zai4 si4] /repeatedly/over and over again/ [zai4 bu4] /if not, then/otherwise/ [zai4 ye3] /(not) any more/ [zai4 shi3 yong4] /to reuse/ [zai4 bao3 zheng4] /to reassure/ [zai4 bao3 xian3] /reinsurance (contractual device spreading risk between ins [zai4 ru4] /to re-enter/ [zai4 chu1 xian4] /to reappear/ [zai4 li4 yong4] /to reuse/ [zai4 ze2] /moreover/besides/ [zai4 si4] /repeatedly/over and over again/ [zai4 hao3] /even better/ [zai4 hao3 bu4 guo4] /(saying) can't be better/ [zai4 hun1] /to remarry/ [zai4 jia4] /to remarry (of woman)/ [zai4 shen3] /to hear a case again/review/retrial/ [zai4 tu2 xian4 jin1] /cash in transit (accountancy)/ [zai4 du4] /once more/once again/one more time/ [zai4 jian4] /reconstruction/ [zai4 bai4] /to bow again/formal obeisance or kowtow/ [zai4 jie1 zai4 li4] /to continue the struggle (idiom); to persist/unremi / [zai4 jie1 zai4 li4] /to continue the struggle (idiom); to persevere/unre ts/ [zai4 gai3] /to renew/to reform/ [zai4 hui4] /to meet again/until we meet again/goodbye/ [zai4 ci4] /one more time/again/one more/once again/ [zai4 huo2 hua4 jia3 shuo1] /reactivation hypothesis/ [zai4 ban3] /second edition/reprint/ [zai4 fan4] /to repeat a crime/persistent offender/ [zai4 xian4] /to recreate/to reconstruct (a historical relic)/ [zai4 sheng1] /to be reborn/to regenerate/to be a second so-and-so (famous dead p rson)/recycling/regeneration/ [zai4 sheng1 bu4 liang2 xing4 pin2 xue4] /aplastic anemia/ [zai4 sheng1 zhi4 dong4] /regenerative brake/ [zai4 sheng1 ran2 liao4] /renewable fuel/ [zai4 sheng1 fu4 mu3] /like a second parent (idiom); one's great benefact [zai4 sheng1 chan3] /producing a copy/to reproduce/ [zai4 sheng1 neng2 yuan2] /renewable energy source/ [zai4 fa1] /to reissue/ [zai4 fa1 sheng1] /to reoccur/ [zai4 fa1 xian4] /rediscovery/ [zai4 zhe3] /moreover/besides/ [zai4 yu4] /to increase/to multiply/to proliferate/ [zai4 lin2] /to come again/ [zai4 chu3 li3] /reprocessing/ [zai4 rong2 zi1] /refinancing/restructuring (a loan)/

[zai4 shuai1 san1 jie2] /weakening and close to exhaustion (idiom); in te e/on one's last legs/ [zai4 zhi4] /processed (food)/ [zai4 zhi4 zhi3] /recycled paper/ [zai4 zhi4 yan2] /refined salt/ [zai4 jian4] /goodbye/see you again later/ [zai4 shuo1] /to say again/to put off a discussion until later/moreover/what's mo e/besides/ [zai4 du2] /to read again/to revise/ [zai4 sai4] /a replay (of sports match)/a play-off/ [zai4 qi3] /to arise again/to make a comeback/resurgence/ [zai4 zhuan3 fu4] /to transfer again/ [zai4 zao4] /to give a new lease of life/to reconstruct/to reform/to rework/to re ycle/to reproduce (copies, or offspring)/restoration/restructuring/ [zai4 zao4 shou3 shu4] /reconstructive surgery/ [zai4 zao4 ye4] /recycling industry/ [zai4 qian1] /to promote again/reappointed/ [zai4 jiao4] /to remarry/ [zai4 kai1] /to reopen/to start again/ [jiong3] /velvetleaf (Abutilon avicennae), plant of the jute family/bright/ [jiong3 qing1] /Minister of imperial stud, originally charged with horse breeding same as [Tai4 pu2 si4 qing1]/ [jiong3 si4] /same as [Tai4 pu2 si4], Court of imperial stud, office with horse breeding/ [jiong3 che4] /bright and easily understood/clear/transparent/ [jiong3 mu4] /Minister of imperial stud, originally charged with horse breeding/s me as [Tai4 pu2 si4 qing1]/ [zhou4] /variant of [zhou4]/ [mao4] /to emit/to give off/to send out (or up, forth)/brave/bold/to cover/ [mao4 chong1] /to feign/to pretend to be/to pass oneself off as/ [mao4 mao4 shi1 shi1] /bold/forthright/ [mao4 ming2] /an impostor/to impersonate/ [mao4 ming2 ding3 ti4] /to assume sb's name and take his place (idiom); t /to pose under a false name/ [mao4 ming2 ding3 ti4 zhe3] /impersonator/impostor/ [mao4 da4 bu4 wei3] /to disregard universal condemnation (idiom)/ [mao4 tian1 xia4 zhi1 da4 bu4 wei3] /to defy world opinion/to [mao4 shi5] /rash/impudent/ [mao4 shi5 gui3] /reckless person/hothead/ [mao4 mei4] /bold/presumptuous/to take the liberty of/ [mao4 shu3] /heat stroke (traditional Chinese medicine)/ [mao4 si3] /to brave death/ [mao4 yan1] /smoking/ [mao4 pai2] /fake/impostor/quack (doctor)/imitation brand/ [mao4 pai2 huo4] /fake goods/imitation/forgery/ [mao4 fan4] /to offend/ [mao4 fan4 zhe3] /offender/ [mao4 sheng1 ming4 wei1 xian3] /to risk one's life/ [Mao4 na4 luo2 ya4] /Moanalua, Hawaiian volcano/ [mao4 zhe5] /to brave/to face dangers/ [mao4 zhe5 sheng1 ming4 wei1 xian3] /at the risk of one's life/ [mao4 hao4] /colon (punct.)/ [mao4 jin4] /to advance prematurely/ [mao4 xian3] /to take risks/to take chances/foray/adventure/ [mao4 xian3 zhu3 yi4] /adventurism (a left-wing error against Mao's line 30s)/ [mao4 xian3 jia1] /adventurer/ [mao4 xian3 zhe3] /adventurer/ [mao4 yu3] /to brave the rain/ [mao4 ling3] /to obtain by impersonation/to falsely claim as one's own/

[mao4 feng1 xian3] /to take risks/ [gou4] /inner rooms of palace/ten billions/ [xu3] /cap of Yin dynasty/ [mian3] /crown in the form of a horizontal board with hanging decorations symbol izing the emperor of China/imperial crown/corona (e.g. solar)/ [Mian3 ning2] /Mianning county in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture zhi4 zhou1], south Sichuan/ [Mian3 ning2 xian4] /Mianning county in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture zi4 zhi4 zhou1], south Sichuan/ [mi4] /"cover" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 14), occurring in , etc/see also [tu1 bao3 gai4]/see also [ping2 bao3 gai4]/ [rong3] /extraneous/redundant/superfluous/busy schedule/ [rong3 wei4] /redundant position/ [rong3 bing1] /superfluous troops/ [rong3 rong3] /numerous/excessive/multitude/ [rong3 wu4] /miscellaneous affairs/ [rong3 yuan2] /excess personnel/superfluous staff/ [rong3 guan1] /redundant officials/ [rong3 san3] /idle/unemployed/ [rong3 shu4] /redundant number/ [rong3 tiao2 zi5] /unwanted branches (of a tree etc)/ [rong3 bi3] /superfluous words (in writing)/superfluous strokes (in calligraphy)/ [rong3 fan2] /miscellaneous/ [rong3 zhi2] /redundant position/ [rong3 yan2] /pleonasm (linguistics)/ [rong3 ci2] /tautology/superfluous words/ [rong3 yu3] /verbosity/verbose speech/ [rong3 fei4] /unnecessary expenses/ [rong3 zhui4] /verbose/ [rong3 zhui4 ci2] /expletive (linguistics)/ [rong3 ci2] /variant of [rong3 ci2]/ [rong3 chang2] /long and tedious/redundant/superfluous/supernumerary/verbose (of riting)/ [rong3 chang2 du4] /(level of) redundancy/ [rong3 za2] /lengthy and jumbled/disorderly/busy/preoccupied/ [rong3 shi2] /eating without working/ [rong3 yu2] /redundancy/redundant/ [yin2] /to move on/to go out/ [mi2] /deep/ [guan1] /hat/crown/crest/cap/ [guan4] /to put on a hat/to be first/to dub/ [guan4 yi3] /to label/to call/ [guan1 mian3] /royal crown/official hat/official/leader/chief/elegant and stately [guan1 mian3 tang2 huang2] /high-sounding/dignified/pompous (idiom)/ [guan1 zi5] /crest/crown/ [guan1 xing2 ci2] /article (in grammar)/ [guan1 xin1 bing4] /coronary heart disease/ [guan1 zhuang4] /coronary/crown-shaped/ [guan1 zhuang4 dong4 mai4] /coronary artery/ [guan1 zhuang4 dong4 mai4 pang2 lu4 yi2 zhi2 shou [guan1 zhuang4 dong4 mai4 pang2 tong1 shou3 shu4] /corona [Guan1 xian4] /Guanxian county in Liaocheng [Liao2 cheng2], Shandong/ [guan1 mai4] /coronary/coronary artery/ [guan1 mai4 xun2 huan2] /coronary circulation/ [guan4 ci2] /article (in grammar)/ [guan4 jun1] /champion/CL: [ge4]/ [guan4 jun1 sai4] /championship/ [zhong3] /mound/burial mound/senior (i.e. eldest child or senior in rank)/ [yuan1] /injustice/grievance/wrong/ [yuan1 chou2] /rancor/enmity/hatred resulting from grievances/

[yuan1 jia3 cuo4 an4] /unjust, fake and false charges (in a legal case)/ [yuan1 da4 tou2] /spendthrift and foolish/sb with more money than sense/ [yuan1 nie4] /sin (in Buddhism)/enmity leading to sin/ [yuan1 jia1] /enemy/foe/in opera, sweetheart or destined love/ [yuan1 jia1 dui4 tou2] /enemy (idiom); opponent/arch-enemy/ [yuan1 jia1 lu4 zhai3] /lit. enemies on a narrow road (idiom); fig. an in h between opposing factions/ [yuan1 qu1] /to receive unjust treatment/injustice/ [yuan1 qing2] /facts of an injustice/circumstances surrounding a miscarriage of j stice/ [yuan1 yi4] /to suffer injustice/ [yuan1 wang5] /hatred/injustice/bad luck/unjust treatment/wronged/not worthwhile/ [yuan1 wang5 lu4] /pointless trip/not worth the trip/ [yuan1 wang5 qian2] /pointless expense/not worth the money spent/ [yuan1 an4] /miscarriage of justice/ [yuan1 ye4] /sin (in Buddhism)/enmity leading to sin/also written / [yuan1 si3] /to die of persecution/ [yuan1 qi4] /unfair treatment/injustice/ [yuan1 yu4] /unjust charge or verdict/miscarriage of justice/frame-up/ [yuan1 ku3] /suffering from injustice/ [yuan1 wu1] /unjust charge/frame-up/ [yuan1 qian2] /pointless expense/not worth the money spent/ [yuan1 tou2] /enemy/foe/ [yuan1 hun2] /ghost of one who died unjustly/departed spirit demanding vengeance or grievances/ [ming2] /dark/deep/stupid/the underworld/ [ming2 he2] /to agree implicitly/of one mind/views coincide without a word exchan ed/ [ming2 hun1] /posthumous or ghost marriage (in which at least one of the bride an groom is dead)/ [ming2 fu3] /underworld/hell/ [ming2 si1 ku3 xiang3] /to consider from all angles (idiom); to think har 's brains/ [ming2 si1 ku3 suo3] /to rack ones innermost brains (idiom)/ [ming2 iang3] /meditation/ [ming2 wang2] /the king of hell/ [Ming2 wang2 ing1] /Pluto (dwarf planet)/ [ming2 jie4] /ghost world/ [ming2 fu2] /afterlife happiness/ [ming2 dao4] /the gateway to the ghost world/ [ming2 wan2] /stupid/stubborn/ [ming2 wan2 bu4 ling2] /stupid/stubborn/pigheaded/ [mi4] /power/e ponent (math.)/to cover with a cloth/cloth cover/veil/ [mi4 ji2 shu4] /power series (math.)/ [bing1] /"ice" radical in Chinese characters (Kang i radical 15), occurring in , /see also [liang3 dian3 shui3]/ [dong1] /winter/ [dong1 bu4 la1] /Dombra or Tambura, Kazakh plucked lute/ [dong1 ling4] /winter/winter climate/ [dong1 xia4] /winter and summer/ [dong1 tian1] /winter/CL: [ge4]/ [dong1 ao4 hui4] /winter Olympics/ [dong1 zi4 tou2] /name of "walk slowly" component in Chinese characters/see a 3]/ [dong1 ji4] /winter/ [Dong1 gong1] /Winter Palace (St Petersburg)/Hermitage Museum/ [Dong1 shan1] /Tungshan or Dongshan township in Yilan county [Yi2 la [Dong1 shan1 xiang1] /Tungshan or Dongshan township in Yilan county wan/ [dong1 hong1] /shallow/uneducated/

[dong1 gua1] /wax gourd (Cucurbitaceae, Benincasa hispida)/white gourd/white hair melon/Chinese squash/ [dong1 mian2] /hibernation/ [Dong1 zhi4] /Winter Solstice, 22nd of the 24 solar terms 2 [Dong1 zhi4 dian3] /the winter solstice/ [dong1 gu1] /grade of Shiitake mushroom (Lentinula edodes)/ [dong1 chong2 xia4 cao3] /caterpillar fungus (Cordyceps sinensis)/ [dong1 yun4 hui4] /winter games/ [dong1 qing1] /holly/ [dong1 qing1 shu4] /holly/ [bing1] /ice/CL: [kuai4]/methamphetamine (slang)/ [bing1 shang4 yun4 dong4] /ice-sports/ [bing1 leng3] /ice-cold/ [bing1 ling2] /icicle/ [bing1 dong4] /to freeze/ [bing1 dong4 san1 chi3 , fei1 yi1 ri4 zhi1 han2] (idiom); Rome wasn't built in a day/ [bing1 ning2 qi4] /cryophorus/ [bing1 dao1] /ice skates/ice skate blades/ [bing1 pin3] /frozen food/ [bing1 tuo2 zi5] /chunks of ice (colloquial)/ [bing1 chang3] /skating or ice rink/ice stadium/ice arena/ [bing1 kuai4] /ice cube/ice chunk/ [bing1 kuai4 he2] /ice cube tray/ [bing1 ta3] /serac/ [bing1 ta3 lin2] /serac band/ [bing1 sai1] /ice blockage/freezing of waterway/ [bing1 he4] /ice gully/ [bing1 ba4] /freezing blockage/dam of ice on river/ [bing1 hu2] /jade pot for cold water/curling (sport)/curling puck/ [bing1 hu2 qiu1 yue4] /jade ice jug and autumn moon (idiom, from poem by u Dongpo ); fig. spotless white and pure/flawless person/ [bing1 tian1 xue3 di4] /a world of ice and snow/ [bing1 feng1] /icebound/ [bing1 shan1] /iceberg/CL:[zuo4]/ [bing1 shan1 yi1 jiao3] /tip of the iceberg/ [Bing1 dao3] /Iceland/ [bing1 chuan1] /glacier/ [bing1 chuan1 qi1] /ice age/ [bing1 mao4] /icecap/ [Bing1 Xin1] /Bing Xin (1900-1999), female poet and children's writer/ [bing1 pai2] /ice raft/ice floe/ [bing1 jing1] /ice crystals/ [bing1 jing1 shi2] /cryolite/ [bing1 qi1] /glacial epoch/ice age/ [bing1 ran3 ran3 liao4] /azoic dyes/ [bing1 zhu4] /icicle/ [bing1 tong3] /ice bucket/ [bing1 gun4] /popsicle/ice lolly/CL:[gen1]/ [bing1 gun4 r5] /ice lolly/popsicle/ [bing1 bang4] /popsicle/ice pop/CL:[gen1]/ [bing1 qiao1] /sled/sledge/sleigh/ [bing1 qiao2] /ice arch/ [bing1 gui4] /freezer/deep freeze/refrigerator/ [bing1 du2] /methamphetamine/ [bing1 shui3] /iced water/ [bing1 sha1] /slushie/smoothie/crushed ice drink/frappucino/ [bing1 he2] /glacier/ [bing1 he2 shi2 qi1] /ice age/ [bing1 he2 qi1] /ice age/

[bing1 dong4] /hole in ice/crevasse/ [Bing1 zhou1 shi2] /Iceland spar/ [bing1 xiao1 wa3 jie3] /to melt like ice and break like tiles/to disinteg lve/ [bing1 liang2] /ice-cold/ [bing1 qi2 lin2] /ice cream/ [bing1 qing1 yu4 jie2] /clear as ice and clean as jade (idiom); spotless/ e/incorruptible/ [bing1 gou1] /crevasse/ [bing1 ji1 ling2] /ice cream/ [bing1 tan4 bu4 xiang1 rong2] /as incompatible or irreconcilable as i [bing1 tan4 bu4 yan2 , leng3 re4 zi4 ming2] /ice or c ng (idiom); fig. sincerity is not expressed in words/ [bing1 deng1] /ice lantern/ [bing1 pian4] /borneol/ [bing1 qiu2] /ice hockey/puck/ [bing1 qiu2 chang3] /ice hockey rink/ [bing1 pi2 yue4 bing3] /snow skin mooncake (with a soft casing which is n tead of the traditional baked pastry casing)/ [bing1 ying4] /frozen solid/ [bing1 zhuan1] /ice-cream brick/ [bing1 qi4] /moraine/rock debris from glacier/ [bing1 ji1 wu4] /glacial sediment/ [bing1 jiao4] /icehouse/ [bing1 xiang1] /icebox/freezer cabinet/refrigerator/CL: [tai2], [ge4]/ [bing1 gao1] /ice-cream/popsicle/ice-lolly/sorbet/ [bing1 tang2] /crystal sugar/rock candy/ [bing1 tang2 hu2 lu5] /tanghulu/candied fruits on bamboo skewers dipped i , a common Chinese snack/ [bing1 chuan2] /ice breaker (ship)/ [bing1 hua1] /ice crystal/frost (on windows)/ [bing1 gai4] /ice sheet/ [bing1 dan4] /frozen eggs/ [bing1 shi2] /glaciated/eroded by ice/ [bing1 dai4] /ice bag/ [bing1 lun2] /the moon/ [bing1 cu4 suan1] /glacial acetic acid/ [bing1 shi4] /to dispel (enmity, misunderstandings etc)/to vanish (or misgivings, differences of opinion)/thaw (in relations)/ [bing1 zhen4] /iced/ [bing1 xi4] /crevasse/ [bing1 diao1] /ice sculpture/ [bing1 xue3] /ice and snow/ [bing1 xue3 huang2 hou4] /Dairy Queen (brand)/ [bing1 xue3 cong1 ming5] /exceptionally intelligent (idiom)/ [bing1 bao2] /hail/hailstone/CL: [chang2],[li4]/ [bing1 shuang1] /moral integrity/austerity/ [bing1 xie2] /skating boots/skates/ [bing1 feng1 bao4] /icy storm/hailstorm/ [bing1 dian3] /freezing point/ [hu4] /congealed/frozen/ [ye3] /to smelt/to cast/fig. to mould (into seductive shape)/to dress up (usu. d erogatory)/ [Ye3 Tian1] /ATI, brand name of AMD graphics cards/ [ye3 rong2] /to mould (into seductive shape)/to dress up (usu. derogatory)/to sex up/ [ye3 lian4] /to smelt metal/ [ye3 lian4 lu2] /a furnace for smelting metal/ [ye3 yan4] /seductively dressed up/ [ye3 dang4] /lewd/lascivious/

[ye3 you2] /to go courting/to visit a brothel (old)/related to [ye3 you2 [ye3 jin1] /metallurgy/ [ye3 jin1 xue2] /metallurgy/ [ye3 zhu4] /to smelt and cast/ [leng3] /cold/ [leng3 bu5 ding1] /suddenly/by surprise/ [leng3 bu5 fang2] /unexpectedly/suddenly/at unawares/off guard/against expect [leng3 pi4] /out-of-the-way/deserted/unfamiliar/obscure/ [leng3 leng3] /coldly/ [leng3 leng3 qing1 qing1] /deserted/desolate/unfrequented/cold and cheerl quiet isolation/ [leng3 dong4] /to freeze/to deep-freeze/ [leng3 dong4 ku4] /freezer compartment/ [leng3 que4] /to cool off/cooling/ [leng3 que4 ji4] /coolant/ [leng3 que4 ta3] /cooling tower/ [leng3 que4 shui3] /cooling water (in a reactor)/ [leng3 chao2 re4 feng3] /frigid irony and scorching satire (idiom); to mo le/ [leng3 chang3] /awkwardly silent (pause in a conversation)/ [leng3 tian1] /cold weather/cold season/ [leng3 zi4] /obscure word/unfamiliar character/ [leng3 jun4] /grave and stern/ [leng3 zhan4] /cold war/(colloquial) shiver/shudder/ [leng3 zhan4 yi3 hou4] /post-Cold War/ [leng3 fang2] /cooling/air conditioning/ [leng3 nuan3] /lit. daily changes of temperature/fig. well-being/sb's comfort, he lth, prosperity etc/ [leng3 nuan3 fang2] /cooling and heating/air conditioning and central heating [leng3 nuan3 zi4 zhi1] /the person who drinks it knows best whether the w r cold (Zen proverb); self-awareness comes from within/to know best by personal experience/ [leng3 sen1 sen1] /chilling cold/cold and threatening/ [leng3 qiang1] /sniper's shot/ [leng3 qi4] /air conditioning (used in Taiwan)/ [leng3 qi4 ji1] /air-conditioner/ [leng3 qi4 shan1] /warm clothes such as padded jacket to be worn in air condi (esp. in Hong Kong)/ [leng3 shui3] /cold water/unboiled water/fig. not yet ready (of plans)/ [leng3 shui3 ji1 zu3] /chiller/ [Leng3 shui3 jiang1] /Lengshuijiang county level city in Loudi [Lou2 [Leng3 shui3 jiang1 shi4] /Lengshuijiang county level city in Loudi [Leng3 shui3 tan1] /Lengshuitan district of Yongzhou city [Yong3 zhou1 [Leng3 shui3 tan1 qu1] /Lengshuitan district of Yongzhou city [Yong [leng3 dan4] /cold/indifferent/ [leng3 dan4 guan1 xi4] /cold relations (e.g. between countries)/ [leng3 qing1] /cold and cheerless/fig. lonely/unfrequented/ [leng3 qing1 qing1] /deserted/desolate/unfrequented/cold and cheerless/lonely et isolation/ [Leng3 hu2] /Lenghu county level subdivision of Haixi Mongol and Tibetan autonomo s prefecture [Hai3 xi1 Meng3 gu3 zu2 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai [Leng3 hu2 xing2 zheng4 qu1] /Lenghu county level subdivision of Haix n autonomous prefecture [Hai3 xi1 Meng3 gu3 zu2 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou [Leng3 hu2 xing2 zheng4 wei3 yuan2 hui4] /Lenghu county level d Tibetan autonomous prefecture [Hai3 xi1 Meng3 gu3 zu2 Zang4 zu2 zi4 z / [leng3 mo4] /cold and detached towards sb/lack of regard/indifference/neglect/ [leng3 mo4 dui4 dai4] /cold and detached towards sb/lack of regard/indiff t/ [leng3 se4] /cold and sluggish/chilly/

[leng3 nuan3 zi4 zhi1] /the person who drinks it knows best whether the w r cold (Zen proverb); self-awareness comes from within/to know best by personal experience/ [leng3 re4 du4 shu4] /temperature (esp. of medical patient)/ [leng3 re4 bing4] /malaria/ [leng3 pen2] /cold dish/appetizer/ [leng3 pan2] /cold plate/cold meats/ [leng3 yan3] /cool eye/fig. detached/(treating) with indifference/ [leng3 yan3 pang2 guan1] /the cool eye of a bystander/a detached point of [leng3 xiao4] /to sneer/to laugh grimly/grin of dissatisfaction (bitterness, help essness, indignation etc)/bitter, grim, sarcastic or angry smile/ [leng3 si1 si1] /a bit chilly/ [leng3 yan4] /cool elegant and magnificent/ [leng3 ruo4 bing1 shuang1] /as cold as ice and frost (idiom, usually of w nner/frigid/ [leng3 cai4] /cold dish/cold food/ [leng3 luo4] /desolate/unfrequented/to treat sb coldly/to snub/to cold shoulder/ [leng3 cang2] /refrigeration/cold storage/to keep (food, medicine) in cold enviro ment/ [leng3 cang2 xiang1] /cooler/ice chest/reefer container/ [leng3 cang2 che1] /refrigerated truck or wagon/ [leng3 xue4] /cold-blood/cold-blooded (animal)/ [leng3 xue4 dong4 wu4] /cold-blooded animal/fig. cold-hearted person/ [leng3 yan2 leng3 yu3] /cold words and sarcastic comments (idiom); to moc e/ [leng3 hua4] /harsh words/sarcasm/bitter remarks/ [leng3 yu3] /cold words/sarcasm/sneering talk/ [leng3 yu3 bing1 ren2] /cold words and sarcastic comments (idiom); to moc e/ [leng3 zha2] /(metallurgy) cold-rolled/cold-rolling/ [leng3 yu4] /a cold reception/to cold-shoulder sb/ [leng3 ku4] /grim/unfeeling/callous/ [leng3 ku4 wu2 qing2] /cold-hearted/unfeeling/callous/ [leng3 men2] /a neglected branch (of arts, science, sports etc)/fig. a complete u known who wins a competition/ [leng3 jing4] /calm/cool-headed/ [leng3 mian4] /grim/stern/harsh/ [leng3 yin3] /cold drink/ [leng3 can1] /cold meal/cold food/ [leng3 mian4] /naengmyeon (Korean dish based on cold noodles in soup)/ [Xian3] /surname Xian/ [Xian3 Xing1 hai3] /Xian Xinghai (1905-1945), violinist and composer, known f iotic wartime pieces, including Yellow River Oratorio / [lie4] /cold and raw/ [tu2] /old variant of [tu2]/ [qi1] /intense cold/frigid/dismal/grim/bleak/sad/mournful/also written [qi1]/ [qi1 qi1] /cold and dismal/ [qi1 qie4] /woeful/grievous/ [qi1 li4] /sad and shrill/ [qi1 han2] /cold and desolate/ [qi1 chuang4] /pitiful/painful/heartrending/ [qi1 geng3] /wailing/choking with sobs/ [qi1 chu3] /sad/wretched/miserable/ [qi1 qing1] /sombre/cheerless/ [qi1 ran2] /distressing/ [qi1 ku3] /bleak/miserable/ [qi1 mi2] /dreary and fuzzy (sight)/ [qi1 feng1 ku3 yu3] /lit. mourning the wind and bewailing the rain; fig. plight/miserable circumstances/ [gu4] /dried up/dry/exhausted/tired/

[zhun3] /to allow/to grant/in accordance with/in the light of/ [zhun3 yu3] /to grant/to approve/to permit/ [zhun3 ru4] /access/admittance/ [zhun3 xu3] /to allow/to grant/to permit/ [song1] /icicle/ [jing4] /variant of [jing4]/ [jing4 xin1 xiu1 shen1] /to have an untroubled heart and behave morally ( [jing4] /cool/fresh/to cool/ [diao1] /withered/ [diao1 bi4] /impoverished/destitute/hard/depressed (of business)/tattered/ragged/ [diao1 xie4] /to wither/to wilt/wizened/ [diao1 ling2] /withered/wilted/to wither/to fade/to decay/ [Ling2] /surname Ling/ [ling2] /to approach/to rise high/thick ice/to insult or maltreat/ [ling2 luan4] /chaos/ [ling2 luan4 bu4 kan1] /in a terrible mess (idiom)/ [ling2 yi2] /to deteriorate/to decline/to slump/also written / [Ling2 zhi4] /Lexus/see also [Lei2 ke4 sa4 si1]/ [Ling2 Zhi4 mei3] /Laura Ling, US-Taiwanese woman journalist imprisoned as sp rth Korea in 2009/ [ling2 chen2] /very early in the morning/in the wee hours/ [ling2 xun4] /ice-jam flood (arising when river downstream freezes more than upst eam)/ [Ling2 he2] /Linghe district of Jinzhou city , Liaoning/ [Ling2 he2 qu1] /Linghe district of Jinzhou city , Liaoning/ [Ling2 hai3] /Linghai county level city in Jinzhou , Liaoning/ [Ling2 hai3 shi4] /Linghai county level city in Jinzhou , Liaoning/ [Ling2 yuan2] /Lingyuan county level city in Chaoyang , Liaoning/ [Ling2 yuan2 shi4] /Lingyuan county level city in Chaoyang , Liaonin [Ling2 Meng2 chu1] /Ling Mengchu (1580-1644), Ming dynasty novelist and drama so written / [ling2 kong1] /be high up in the sky/ [Ling2 Meng2 chu1] /Ling Mengchu (1580-1644), Ming dynasty novelist and drama so written / [ling2 ru3] /to insult/ [ling2 chi2] /the lingering death/the death of a thousand cuts (old form of capit l punishment)/ [ling2 za2] /in disorder/ [ling2 za2 mi3 yan2] /disordered and fragmentary/ [Ling2 yun2] /Lingyun county in Baise [Bai3 se4], Guangxi/ [Ling2 yun2 xian4] /Lingyun county in Baise [Bai3 se4], Guangxi/ [ling2 xiao1 hua1] /Chinese trumpet vine (Campsis grandiflora)/ [dong4] /to freeze/to feel very cold/aspic or jelly/ [dong4 tu3] /frozen earth/permafrost/tundra/ [dong4 tu3 ceng2] /permafrost/tundra/layer of frozen soil/ [dong4 rong2] /"youth freezing", Chinese girls beginning anti-ageing treatments a young as two years old in the hope they will never look old/ [dong4 si3] /to freeze to death/to die off in winter/ [dong4 ying4] /to freeze solid/frozen stiff/ [dong4 chuan1] /frostbite/chilblain/ [dong4 jie2] /to freeze (loan, wage, price etc)/ [dong4 rou4] /cold or frozen meat/ [dong4 jiao1] /gel/ [dong4 yu3] /sleet/ [cang1] /cold/ [lin3] /cold/to shiver with cold/to tremble with fear/afraid/apprehensive/strict /stern/severe/austere/awe-inspiring/imposing/majestic/ [lin3 lie4] /biting cold/ [lin3 zun1] /to strictly abide by/ [ning2] /to congeal/to concentrate attention/to stare/

[ning2 bing1] /to freeze/ [ning2 gu4] /to freeze/to solidify/to congeal/fig. with rapt attention/ [ning2 gu4 ji4] /solidifying agent/coagulant/ [ning2 gu4 qi4 you2 dan4] /napalm/ [ning2 gu4 dian3] /freezing point/ [ning2 kuai4] /clot/blood clot/ [ning2 wang4] /to stare (at the future)/to fix one's gaze on/ [ning2 gong3 wen1 du4] /mercury condensation temperature (physics)/ [ning2 ye4] /condensate/ [ning2 zhi4] /to silt up/ [ning2 jie2] /to condense/to solidify/to coagulate/clot (of blood)/ [ning2 lian4] /concise/compact/condensed/ [ning2 suo1] /to condense/to concentrate/compression/concentration/ [ning2 ju4] /to condense/to coagulate/coacervation (i.e. form tiny droplets)/aggr gation/coherent/ [ning2 ju4 li4] /cohesion/cohesiveness/cohesive/ [ning2 ju4 ceng2] /coherent sheaf (math.)/ [ning2 ju4 tai4] /condensed matter (physics)/ [ning2 jiao1] /gel/ [ning2 jiao1 ti3] /gel/ [ning2 hua1 cai4] /gelidiella, tropical and sub-tropical red algae/ [ning2 xue4] /blood clot/ [ning2 xue4 su4] /hemaglutinin (protein causing blood clotting)/ [ning2 xue4 mei2] /thrombin/ [ning2 xue4 mei2 yuan2] /prothrombin/ [ning2 shi4] /to gaze at/to fix one's eyes on/ [ning2 shi4 shi2 jian1] /gaze duration/ [ning2 ji2] /agglutination/ [ning2 ji2 de5] /agglutinative/ [ning2 ji2 su4] /agglutinin/ [xi1] /bright, splendid, glorious/ [ji1] /small table/ [fan2] /ordinary/commonplace/mundane/temporal/of the material world (as opposed to supernatural or immortal levels)/every/all/whatever/altogether/gist/outline/n ote of Chinese musical scale/ [fan2 shi4 tong1 gong1 si1] /Firestone tire company/ [fan2 shi4] /everything/ [fan2 shi4 zong3 you3 yi1 ge4 kai1 tou2] /Everything star [fan2 shi4 zong3 you3 kai1 tou2] /Everything starts somewhere./ [fan2 ren2] /ordinary person/mortal/earthling/ [fan2 li4] /notes on the use of a book/guide to the reader/ [fan2 su2] /lay (as opposed to clergy)/ordinary/commonplace/ [fan2 chen2] /mundane world (in religious context)/this mortal coil/ [fan2 shi4 lin2] /vaseline/ [fan2 fu1] /common person/ordinary guy/mortal man/ [fan2 fu1 su2 zi3] /common people/ordinary folk/ [fan2 yong1] /ordinary/mediocre/ [fan2 xin1] /reluctance to leave this world/heart set on the mundane/ [fan2 shi4] /each and every/every/all/any/ [fan2 er3 ding1] /valitin (plain wool fabric)/ [Fan2 er3 sai4] /Versailles (near Paris)/ [fan2 bai3] /all/everything/the whole/ [fan2 jin4] /with little learning/ [fan2 jian1] /the secular world/ [fan2 xiang3] /ordinary tones/everyday harmony/common chord/ [Fan2 Gao1] /(Vincent) Van Gogh/ [fan2] /variant of [fan2]/ [chu3] /Japanese variant of / [huang2] /phoenix/ [Kai3] /surname Kai/

[kai3] /triumphant/victorious/chi (Greek letter )/ [Kai3 li4] /Kelly (person name)/ [Kai3 ni2 en1] /Kenyon/Canyon (name)/ [Kai3 he4] /variant of , Caesar (emperor)/ [Kai3 en1 si1] /Keynes (name)/John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946), influential Br conomist/ [Kai3 yue4] /Hyatt (hotel company)/Hyatt Regency (hotel brand)/ [Kai3 sa3] /Caesar/ [Kai3 sa1 lei4 ya3] /Caesarea (town in Israel, between Tel Aviv and Haifa [Kai3 sa1 jiang4] /Caesar salad dressing/ [Kai3 wen2] /Kevin (person name)/ [kai3 xuan2] /return triumphant/ [kai3 xuan2 men2] /triumphal arch/ [kai3 lin2 sai4] /keirin cycle race (paced stadium event)/translit. of Japane [kai3 ge1] /triumphal hymn/victory song/paean/ [Kai3 fa3 lao2 ni2 ya4] /Kefalonia, Greek Island in the Ionian sea/ [Kai3 er3 te4 ren2] /Celt/ [Kai3 te4] /Kate (name)/ [Kai3 se4 lin2] /Catherine (name)/Katherine/ [Kai3 qian4 Fu2 li3 man4] /Cathy Freeman, Australian sprinter/ [Kai3 di2 la1 ke4] /Cadillac/ [Kai3 da2 ge2 lan2] /Ketagalan, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan, t corner/ [Kai3 da2 ge2 lan2 zu2] /Ketagalan, one of the indigenous peoples of ast corner/ [Kai3 li3] /Kaili city in Guizhou, capital of Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomou prefecture / [Kai3 li3 shi4] /Kaili city in Guizhou, capital of Qiandongnan Miao and Dong ous prefecture / [deng4] /bench/stool/ [deng4 zi5] /stool/small seat/ [qu1] /receptacle/ [xiong1] /vicious/fierce/ominous/inauspicious/famine/variant of [xiong1]/ [xiong1 shi4] /fateful accident/inauspicious matter (involving death or casualtie )/ [xiong1 xin4] /fateful news/news of sb's death/ [xiong1 zhao4] /ill omen/ [xiong1 guang1] /ominous glint/ [xiong1 ba1 ba1] /harsh/savage/fierce/ [xiong1 e4] /variant of , fierce/ferocious/fiendish/frightening/ [xiong1 bao4] /brutal/ [xiong1 can2] /savage/ [xiong1 yan4] /ferocity/aggressive arrogance/ [xiong1 hen3] /cruel/vicious/fierce and malicious/vengeful/ [xiong1 huang1] /(literary) famine/ [xiong1 dang3] /band of accomplice/ [tu1] /convex/to stick out/Taiwan pr. [tu2]/ [tu1 tu1] /convex on both sides (of lens)/biconvex/ [tu1 chu1] /to protrude/to stick out/ [tu1 duo1 bao1 xing2] /convex polytope/ [tu1 duo1 bian1 xing2] /convex polygon/ [tu1 duo1 mian4 ti3] /convex polyhedron/ [tu1 xing4] /convexity/ [tu1 zhe2 xian4] /convex polygonal line/ [tu1 ban3] /relief printing plate/ [tu1 ban3 yin4 shua1] /relief printing/typography/printing with metal pla [tu1 xian4] /to come to prominence/to appear clearly/to stick out/ [tu1 xian4] /convex curve/ [tu1 yuan2] /flange/ [tu1 er3] /flange/lug/

[tu1 qi3] /convex/protruding/to protrude/to bulge/to buckle upwards/ [tu1 lun2] /cam/ [tu1 lun2 zhou2] /camshaft/ [tu1 tou4 jing4] /convex lens/ [tu1 bian1] /rim/protruding edge/ [tu1 jing4] /convex mirror/ [tu1 mian4] /convex surface/ [tu1 mian4 bu4 fen4] /convex part/ [tu1 mian4 jing4] /convex mirror/ [tu1 mian4 ti3] /convex body/ [tu1 xian3] /to present clearly/to give prominence to/to magnify/clear and obviou / [ao1] /a depression/indentation/concave/hollow/ [ao1 ru4] /cavity/convex opening/ [ao1 tu1] /bumpy/uneven/slotted and tabbed joint/crenelation/ [ao1 tu1 bu4 ping2] /to be bumpy/uneven/ [ao1 tu1 yin4 shua1] /embossing/die stamping/ [ao1 tu1 xing2] /in and out shape/crenelated/ [ao1 tu1 ya4 hua1] /embossing/ [ao1 keng1] /concave depression/crater/ [ao1 an4] /concave bank/ [ao1 du4] /concavity/ [ao1 ban3] /intaglio/gravure/ [ao1 cao2] /recess/notch/groove/fillister/ [ao1 dong4] /cavity/pit/ [ao1 ban3] /an engraved printing plate/gravure/intaglio/material printed using gr vure (e.g. postage stamps)/ [ao1 wen2] /die (printing, metalwork etc)/ [ao1 xian4] /groove/ [ao1 tou4 jing4] /concave lens/ [ao1 jin4] /concave/a concavity (lower than the surrounding area)/a depression/ho low/dented/ [ao1 jing4] /a concave mirror/ [ao1 xian4] /to cave in/hollow/sunken/depressed/ [ao1 diao1] /to engrave/to carve into/ [ao1 mian4 jing4] /concave mirror/ [chu1] /to go out/to come out/to occur/to produce/to go beyond/to rise/to put fo rth/to happen/classifier for dramas, plays, operas etc/ [chu1 shi4] /to enter the world (i.e. to be born)/to be reborn (in Christianity)/ [chu1 hu1] /due to/to stem from/to go beyond (also fig. beyond reason, expectatio s etc)/to go against (expectations)/ [chu1 hu1 yi4 wai4] /beyond expectation (idiom); unexpected/ [chu1 hu1 yi4 liao4] /beyond expectation (idiom); unexpected/ [chu1 hu1 yu4 liao4] /beyond expectation (idiom); unexpected/ [chu1 luan4 zi5] /to go wrong/to get into trouble/ [chu1 le5 shi4] /sth bad happened/ [chu1 shi4] /to have an accident/to meet with a mishap/ [chu1 wang2] /to go into exile/ [chu1 ren2 ming4] /fatal/resulting in sb's death/ [chu1 ren2 yi4 wai4] /turned out other than expected (idiom); unexpected/ [chu1 ren2 yi4 liao4] /exceeds expectations (idiom); much better than ant pected/ [chu1 ren2 yi4 biao3] /to exceed all expectations/to come as a surprise/ [chu1 ren2 tou2 di4] /outstanding (idiom); a pinnacle of virtue and abili [chu1 shi4] /to take up an official post/ [chu1 ren4] /to take up a post/to start in a new job/ [chu1 fen4 zi5] /to club together (to offer a gift)/to hold a whip-round/ [chu1 fu2] /end of sn f, the hottest period of the year/ [chu1 shi3] /to go abroad as ambassador/to be sent on a diplomatic mission/ [chu1 lai2] /to come out/to emerge/

[chu1 jie4] /to lend/to put out a loan/ [chu1 jia4] /to bid/ [chu1 ru4] /to go out and come in/entrance and exit/expenditure and income/discre ancy/inconsistent/ [chu1 ru4 kou3] /gateway/ [chu1 ru4 ping2 an1] /lit. peace when you come or go/peace wherever you g [chu1 ru4 men2] /entrance and exit door/ [chu1 bing1] /send troops/ [chu1 qi2 bu4 yi4] /to do sth when least expected (idiom); to catch sb of [chu1 qi2 bu4 yi4 gong1 qi2 bu4 bei4] /catch an enemy off from Sunzi's Art of War )/ [chu1 ju4] /to issue (document, certificate etc)/to provide/ [chu1 lie4] /to step out of the ranks/Soldier X, step forward!/ [chu1 li4] /to exert oneself/ [chu1 dong4] /to start out on a trip/to dispatch troops/ [chu1 qin2] /to start work/to show up on time for work/ [chu1 bao1] /to contract out/to run into problems/ [chu1 qu4] /to go out/ [chu1 kou3] /an exit/CL: [ge4]/to speak/to export/(of a ship) to leave port/ [chu1 kou3 shang1] /exporter/export business/ [chu1 kou3 shang1 pin3] /export product/export goods/ [chu1 kou3 cheng2 zhang1] /to speak like a printed book/quick and clever ift of the gab/ [chu1 kou3 qi4] /to take one's revenge/to score off sb/ [chu1 kou3 chan3 pin3] /export product/ [chu1 kou3 diao4 cha2] /exit poll/ [chu1 kou3 huo4] /exports/goods for export/ [chu1 kou3 e2] /export amount/ [chu1 ming2] /well-known for sth/to become well known/to make one's mark/ [chu1 pin3] /to produce an item/output/items that are produced/ [chu1 pin3 ren2] /producer (film)/ [chu1 shou4] /to sell/to offer for sale/to put on the market/ [chu1 wen4 ti2] /to give problems/ [chu1 sang1] /to hold a funeral procession/ [chu1 lou2 zi5] /variant of [chu1 lou2 zi5]/ [chu1 quan1] /to muck out/to clean muck from a cowshed, pigsty etc/ [chu1 quan1 r5] /to overstep the norm/to go out of bounds/ [chu1 guo2] /to go abroad/to leave the country/emigration/ [chu1 tu3] /to dig up/to appear in an excavation/unearthed/to come up out of the round/ [Chu1 ai1 ji2 ji4] /Book of Exodus/Second Book of Moses/ [chu1 chang3] /to appear (on stage, in a show, in a photo etc)/to play (for a tea )/to enter (arena or stage)/to send sb out (e.g. off the field for a foul)/ [chu1 jing4] /to leave a country or region/emigration/outbound (tourism)/ [chu1 jing4 jian3 cha2] /emigration control/ [chu1 wai4] /to go out/to leave for another place/ [chu1 da4 chai1] /lit. to go on a long trip/fig. to be sent to the execution [chu1 qi2] /extraordinary/exceptional/unusual/ [chu1 qi2 zhi4 sheng4] /to win by a surprise move/ [chu1 ben1] /to flee/to escape into exile/ [chu1 lou2 zi5] /to run into difficulties/to cause trouble/ [chu1 jia4] /to get married (of woman)/ [chu1 guan1] /to leave the capital for an official post/ [chu1 jia1] /to leave home (to become a Buddhist monk or nun)/ [chu1 jia1 ren2] /monk/nun (Buddhist or Daoist)/ [chu1 jian1] /out of the ordinary/outstanding/egregious/ [chu1 jian1 r5] /erhua variant of /out of the ordinary/outstanding/egregi [chu1 ju2] /to send off (player for a foul)/to knock out (i.e. to beat in a knock out tournament)/to eliminate/to call out/to kill off/to pull out of (a competiti on)/to retire (a runner in baseball)/out (i.e. man out in baseball)/

[chu1 shan1] /to leave the mountain (of a hermit)/to come out of obscurity to a g vernment job/to take a leading position/ [chu1 cha4 zi5] /to go wrong/to take a wrong turning/ [chu1 xun2] /to go on an inspection tour/ [chu1 chai1] /to go on an official or business trip/ [chu1 shi1] /to finish apprenticeship/to graduate/to send out troops (under a com ander)/ [chu1 xi2] /to attend/to participate/present/ [chu1 xi2 zhe3] /attendant/ [chu1 xi2 biao3 jue2 bi3 li4] /proportion of those present and vo [chu1 ting2] /to appear in court/ [chu1 chang3] /to leave the factory (of finished goods)/ [chu1 chang3 jia4] /invoice/factory price/ [chu1 zheng1] /to go into battle/to campaign (military)/ [chu1 gong1] /to defecate (euphemism)/to go to the toilet/ [chu1 xi1] /to yield interest, profit etc/to exhale (Buddhism)/ [chu1 xi5] /future prospects/profit/to mature/to grow up/ [chu1 shou3] /to put one's hand to sth/ [chu1 zhao1] /to move/to make a move/ [chu1 ji1] /to sally/to attack/ [chu1 cao1] /to drill/to exercise/to go outdoors for physical exercise/ [chu1 xin1] /to make new advances/to move forwards/ [chu1 yu2] /due to/to stem from/ [chu1 shu1] /to publish books/ [chu1 yue4] /next month/after this month/ [chu1 yue4 zi5] /to complete the month of confinement following childbirth/cf 4 zi4]/ [chu1 bang3] /to publish class list of successful exam candidates/ [chu1 lou2 zi5] /variant of [chu1 lou2 zi5]/ [chu1 gui4] /to come out of the closet/to reveal one's sexual orientation/ [chu1 bin4] /funeral/funeral procession/ [chu1 mao2 bing4] /a problem appears/to break down/ [chu1 qi4] /to give vent to anger/ [chu1 qi4 kou3] /gas or air outlet/emotional outlet/ [chu1 qi4 tong3] /punchbag/ [chu1 shui3] /to discharge water/to appear out of the water/to break the surface/ [chu1 shui3 kou3] /water outlet/drainage outlet/ [chu1 shui3 fu2 rong2] /as a lotus flower breaking the surface (idiom); s eautiful (of young lady's face or old gentleman's calligraphy)/ [chu1 han4] /to perspire/to sweat/ [chu1 mo4] /to vanish and reappear/rising and setting (of the sun)/a haunt (of hi den creatures)/ [chu1 mo4 wu2 chang2] /to appear and disappear unpredictably/ [chu1 yang2] /to go abroad (old)/ [chu1 yang2 xiang4] /to make a fool of oneself/ [chu1 huo2] /to finish a job on time/to produce the goods/ [chu1 hai3] /to go out to sea/ [chu1 gang3] /to leave harbor/departure (at airport)/ [chu1 gang3 da4 ting1] /departure lounge/ [chu1 liu1] /to skate of/to walk off downhill/ [chu1 lou4 zi5] /to take a wrong turn/to go wrong/ [chu1 lu2] /to take out of the furnace/fresh out of the oven/fig. newly announced recently made available/ [chu1 er3 fan3 er3] /old: to reap the consequences of one's words (idiom, ); modern: to go back on one's word/to blow hot and cold/to contradict oneself/i nconsistent/ [chu1 ban3] /to publish/to come off the press/to put out/ [chu1 ban3 shang1] /publisher/ [chu1 ban3 wu4] /publications/ [chu1 ban3 she4] /publishing house/

[chu1 ban3 zhe3] /publisher/ [chu1 yu4] /leave prison/ [chu1 lie4] /to go out hunting/ [chu1 xian4] /to appear/to arise/to emerge/to show up/ [chu1 xian4 yi4 wai4] /(to appear) unexpected(ly)/ [chu1 sheng1] /to be born/ [chu1 sheng1 ru4 si3] /from the cradle to the grave (idiom); to go throug ter/brave/willing to risk life and limb/ [chu1 sheng1 di4] /birthplace/ [chu1 sheng1 di4 dian3] /place of birth/ [chu1 sheng1 ri4 qi1] /date of birth/ [chu1 sheng1 lu:4] /birthrate/ [chu1 sheng1 que1 xian4] /birth defect/ [chu1 sheng1 zheng4] /birth certificate/CL: [zhang1]/ [chu1 sheng1 zheng4 ming2] /birth certificate/CL: [zhang1]/ [chu1 sheng1 zheng4 ming2 shu1] /birth certificate/CL: [zhang1]/ [chu1 chan3] /output/ [chu1 jie4] /to cross a border/to go out of bounds (sport)/ [chu1 fa1] /to start out/to set off/ [chu1 fa1 dian3] /starting point/the outset/ [chu1 pan2] /to sell up/to wind up a business/ [chu1 zhong4] /to stand out/outstanding/ [chu1 shi4] /to show/to take out and show to others/to display/ [chu1 shen2] /entranced/Trance (music genre)/ [chu1 shen2 ru4 hua4] /to reach perfection (idiom); a superb artistic ach [chu1 zu1] /to rent/ [chu1 zu1 si1 ji1] /taxi driver/ [chu1 zu1 qi4 che1] /taxi/cab (PRC)/hire car (Taiwan)/CL: [liang4]/ [chu1 zu1 che1] /taxi/(Taiwan) rental car/ [chu1 long2] /just out of the steamer basket /to appear (of products, pu ometimes derog., "lots of shoddy material is appearing nowadays")/ [chu1 na4] /cashier/to receive and hand over payment/to lend and borrow books/ [chu1 na4 yuan2] /cashier/teller/treasurer/ [chu1 xian4] /out of bounds/over the line/beyond the pale/ [chu1 ji4] /to become adopted as heir/ [chu1 que1] /to fall vacant/a job opening at a high level/ [chu1 lao3 qian1] /to cheat (in gambling)/ [chu1 sheng1] /to utter/to give voice/ [chu1 tuo1] /to manage to sell/to dispose of sth (by selling)/to get property off one's hands/to find excuses (to get off a charge)/to extricate sb (from trouble) /to vindicate/to become prettier (of child)/ [chu1 zi4] /to come from/ [chu1 zi4 fei4 fu3] /from the bottom of ones heart (idiom)/ [ hu1 hou4 zi3 r5] /to make a bad move (in a game of hess)/ [ hu1 tai2] /to offi ially laun h (a poli y, program et )/to appear on stage/to a pear publi ly/prostitution/ [ hu1 hang2] /to set out (on a trip)/ [ hu1 se4] /remarkable/outstanding/ [ hu1 miao2] /to sprout/to ome out (of seedling)/to bud/ [ hu1 luo4] /to grow prettier (physi al hanges at puberty, usually referring to irls)/ [ hu1 hu4] /sour e (esp. of quotation or literary allusion)/origin/where sth om s from/ [ hu1 xue4] /bleeding/hemorrhage/fig. spending money/ [ hu1 xue4 xing4] /hemorrhagi / [ hu1 xue4 xing4 deng1 ge2 re4] /dengue hemorrhagi fever (DHF)/ [ hu1 xue4 re4] /hemorrhage fever/ [ hu1 xing2] /to set out on a long journey/to travel afar/ [ hu1 yan2] /to speak/words/ [ hu1 yan2 bu4 xun4] /to speak rudely/

[ hu1 fang3] /to travel on business/to visit (a foreign ountry)/same as wen4]/ [chu1 zhen3] /to visit a patient at home (of a doctor)/house call/ [chu1 mou2 hua4 ce4] /to put forward plans and ideas (also derogatory)/to (idiom)/ [chu1 rang4] /to transfer (one's property or rights to sb else)/ [chu1 huo4] /to take money or valuables out of storage/to recover/to ship goods/t extract (chemicals from solution)/ [chu1 zi1] /to fund/to put money into sth/to invest/ [chu1 mai4] /to offer for sale/to sell/to sell out or betray/ [chu1 mai4 ling2 hun2] /to sell one's soul/ [chu1 sai4] /to compete/to take part (in a sports event)/ [chu1 zou3] /to leave home/to go off/to run away/ [chu1 chao1] /trade surplus/favorable balance of trade/ [chu1 lu4] /a way out (of a difficulty etc)/ [chu1 shen1] /family background/class origin/ [chu1 che1] /to drive (people or goods to a destination)/ [chu1 gui3] /derailment (railway accident)/to leave the rails/fig. to overstep bo nds/fig. to have an extramarital affair/ [chu1 ji2] /to release an album (of a musician)/ [chu1 ying2] /to greet/to go out to meet/ [chu1 tao2] /to run away/to flee (the country)/ [chu1 you2] /to go on a tour/to have an outing/ [chu1 dao4] /to make one's first public performance (of an entertainer etc)/to st rt one's career/ [chu1 chou3] /shameful/scandalous/to be humiliated/to make a fool of sb or onesel /to make sb lose face/ [chu1 qian2] /to pay/ [chu1 cuo4] /to make a mistake/error/ [chu1 cuo4 xin4 xi1] /error message (computing)/ [chu1 jing4] /to appear on camera/to play a role in a film/ [chu1 men2] /to go on a journey/away from home/exit door/to go out of the door/ [chu1 ge2] /(of a girl) to marry (literary)/ [chu1 yuan4] /to leave hospital/to be discharged from hospital/ [chu1 xian3] /to get out of trouble/to escape from danger/a danger appears/threat ned by danger/ [chu1 nan2 ti2] /to raise a tough question/ [chu1 lu4] /to emerge/ [chu1 mian4] /to appear personally/to step in/to step forth/to show up/ [chu1 qiao4] /(of a sword etc) to unsheath/ [chu1 tou2] /to get out of a predicament/to stick out/to take the initiative/rema ning odd fraction after a division/ [chu1 tou2 niao3] /to stand out (among a group)/distinguished/ [chu1 ti2] /to draw up the theme (for discussion)/ [chu1 lei4 ba2 cui4] /to excel the common (idiom); surpassing/preeminent/ [chu1 feng1 kou3] /air vent/air outlet/ [chu1 feng1 tou5] /to create a stir/to enjoy the limelight/ [chu1 fan4] /to swell on steaming (of hard rice grain)/ [chu1 ma3] /to set out (on a campaign)/to stand for election/to throw one's cap i the ring/ [chu1 dian3 zi5] /express an opinion/ [dang4] /pool/pit/ditch/cesspit/ [dang4 zi5] /pool/pit/ditch/cesspit/ [dang4 fei2] /manure/ [han2] /envelope/case/letter/ [han2 ren2] /armor maker/ [han2 jian4] /letters/correspondence/ [han2 da4] /abbr. for [han2 shou4 da4 xue2], open university/ [han2 zi5] /functor (math.)/ [han2 shi4 ku4] /library (partition on computer hard disk)/

[han2 shou4] /to teach by correspondence/ [han2 shou4 da4 xue2] /open university/ [han2 shou4 ke4 cheng2] /correspondence course/ [han2 shu4] /function/ [Han2 gu3 Guan1] /Hangu Pass in modern day Henan Province, strategic pass for e eastern gate of the Qin State during the Warring States Period (770-221 BC)/ [han2 gou4] /mail order/ [Dao1] /surname Dao/ [dao1] /knife/blade/single-edged sword/cutlass/CL:[ba3]/classifier for sets of on e hundred sheets (of paper)/ [dao1 zu3] /sacrificial knife and altar/ [dao1 guang1 xue4 ying3] /massacre/ [dao1 ju4] /cutting tool/ [dao1 ren4] /knife blade/crucial point/ [dao1 ci4] /to stab/to attack with knife/ [dao1 ci4 xing4 tong4] /lancing pain/ [dao1 xiao1 mian4] /knife-shaved noodles (pared or shaved into strips), a Sha cialty/ [dao1 cha1] /knife and fork/CL:[fu4]/ [dao1 kou3] /cut/incision/ [dao1 zi5] /knife/CL:[ba3]/ [dao1 zi5 zui3 ba5 , dou4 fu5 xin1] /lit. knife mouth but cealing a caring heart/ [dao1 fu3 shou3] /lictor/ [dao1 pian4] /razor blade/(tool) bit/blade/ [dao1 ba1] /to scar from a knife cut/ [dao1 bi3] /writing up of official or judicial documents/pettifoggery/ [dao1 geng1 huo3 zhong4] /slash and burn (agriculture)/ [dao1 bei4] /back of the knife/ [dao1 ye4] /blade/ [dao1 shen1] /blade (of a knife or sword)/ [dao1 lang2] /Dolan, a people of the Tarim Basin, Xinjiang, also known as / [dao1 feng1] /cutting edge or point of a knife, sword or tool/ [dao1 ju4 fu3 yue4] /knife, saw, ax and hatchet (idiom); facing torture a [dao1 ju4 ding3 huo4] /knife, saw and cauldron/ancient instruments of tor ture/ [dao1 lei4] /knives/cutlery/ [dao1 ma3 dan4] /female warrior role in Chinese opera/ [Diao1] /surname Diao/ [diao1] /artful/wicked/ [diao1 hua2] /artful/crafty/ [Diao1 fan1 dou1] /Diophantus of Alexandria (3rd century AD), Greek mathemati [Diao1 fan1 dou1 fang1 cheng2] /Diophantine equation/ [diao1 zuan1] /crafty/tricky/ [diao1 nan4] /to be hard on sb/to deliberately make things difficult/ [dao1] /"knife" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 18)/see also [li4 1 pang2]/see also [ce4 dao1 pang2]/ [ren4] /edge of blade/ [fen1] /to divide/to separate/to allocate/to distinguish (good and bad)/part or subdivision/fraction/one tenth (of certain units)/unit of length equivalent to 0 .33 cm/minute/a point (in sports or games)/0.01 yuan (unit of money)/ [fen4] /part/share/ingredient/component/ [fen1 zhi1] /(indicating a fraction)/ [fen1 zhi1 yi1] /(indicating fraction)/ [fen1 xiang3] /to share (joys, benefits, privileges etc) with others/to get one's share/to divide out/to partake/ [fen1 fu4] /(coll.) to order/instruct/ [fen1 bu4] /distributed/to distribute/ [fen1 bu4 tu2] /scatter diagram/distribution chart/histogram/ [fen1 bu4 shi4] /distributed/

[fen1 bu4 shi4 ju4 jue2 fu2 wu4] /distributed denial of servi ck/ [fen1 bu4 shi4 huan2 jing4] /distributed environment (computing)/ [fen1 bu4 shi4 jie2 gou4] /distributed architecture/ [fen1 bu4 shi4 wang3 luo4] /distributed network/ [fen1 bu4 kong4 zhi4] /distributed control/ [fen1 guang1] /diffraction (of light)/ [fen1 ke4] /decigram/ [fen4 nei4] /one's job or duty/within one's remit/ [fen1 gong1 si1] /subsidiary company/branch office/ [fen1 ce4] /volume (one of a series)/fascicule/ [fen1 bie2] /to part or leave each other/to distinguish/difference/in different w ys/differently/separately or individually/ [fen1 ge1] /to cut up/to break up/ [fen1 ge1 qu1] /partition (computing)/ [fen1 bao1] /to subcontract/ [fen1 hua4] /to split apart/differentiation/ [fen1 qu1] /allocated area (for housing, industry etc)/district/ [fen1 cha4] /fork/bifurcation/to divide/ [fen1 ju4] /clause (in European grammar)/ [fen4 wai4] /exceptionally/not one's responsibility or job/ [fen1 mian3] /labor/parturition/delivery/ [fen1 zi3] /molecule/(math) numerator of a fraction/ [fen1 zi3 hua4 he2 wu4] /molecular biology/ [fen1 zi3 shi4] /molecular formula/ [fen1 zi3 sheng1 wu4 xue2] /molecular biology/ [fen1 zi3 shai1] /molecular sieve/ [fen1 zi3 yi2 chuan2 xue2] /molecular genetics/ [fen1 zi3 yi1 xue2] /molecular medicine/ [fen1 zi3 liang4] /molecular mass/ [fen1 zi3 za2 jiao1] /molecular hybridization/ [Fen1 yi2] /Fenyi country in Xinyu , Jiangxi/ [Fen1 yi2 xian4] /Fenyi country in Xinyu , Jiangxi/ [fen1 jia1] /to separate and live apart/division of a large family into smaller g oups/ [fen1 cun4] /propriety/appropriate behavior/proper speech or action/within the no ms/ [fen1 feng1] /to divide and confer (property on one's descendants)/ [fen1 feng1 zhi4] /the feudal system/system of enfeoffment/ [fen1 ju2] /sub-bureau/ [fen1 ju1] /to separate (married couple)/to live apart (of husband and wife, fami y members)/ [fen1 ceng2] /lamination/layering/stratification/delamination/ [fen1 shu3] /classification/ [fen1 cha4] /bifurcation/ [fen1 cha4 li3 lun4] /bifurcation theory/ [fen1 beng1 li2 xi1] /to collapse and fall apart (idiom); to break up/fal s/ [Fen1 xun2 Bing1 Bei4 dao4] /Qing Dynasty General Supervisory and Mil [fen1 gong1] /divide the work/division of labor/ [fen1 bu4 tu2] /scatter diagram/distribution chart/histogram/ [fen1 bu4 shi4 fa1 zhan3 mo2 xing2] /distributed developmenta [fen1 bu4 lian2 jie2 wang3 luo4] /distributed connectionist netwo [fen1 dian4] /branch (of a chain store)/annex/ [fen1 du4] /graduation (of a measuring instrument)/ [fen1 ting2 kang4 li3] /peer competition/to function as rivals/to make cl ual/ [fen1 xing2] /fractal/ [fen1 xing2 ji3 he2] /fractal geometry/ [fen1 xing2 ji3 he2 xue2] /fractal geometry/

[fen1 xin1] /to distract/ [fen1 you1] /to share tribulations/to help sb with worries and difficulties/ [fen1 cheng2] /to divide (into)/to split a bonus/to break into/tenths/percentage llotment/ [fen1 fang2] /to sleep in separate rooms/distribution of social housing/ [fen1 suo3] /branch (of a company etc)/ [fen1 shou3] /to split up/to break up/ [fen1 shou3 dai4 li3] /"break-up agent", person who acts for sb who wishe e a relationship but does not have the heart to do so/ [fen1 pi1] /to do sth in batches or groups/ [fen4 chai1] /to separate off/to hive off/a demerger/ [fen1 diao4] /to share/to divide up/ [fen1 dan1] /share responsibility/ [fen1 tan1] /to share (costs, responsibilities)/to apportion/ [fen1 zhi1] /branch (of company, river etc)/to branch/to diverge/to ramify/to sub ivide/ [fen1 san4] /to scatter/to disperse/to distribute/ [fen1 san4 shi4] /distributed/ [fen1 san4 zhu4 yi4] /to distract/ [fen1 san4 de5 ce4 lu:e4] /diffused strategy/ [fen1 shu4] /fraction/score/ [fen1 shu4 gua4 shuai4] /preoccupied with school grades/over-emphasis on [fen1 wen2] /a single penny/a single cent/ [fen1 wen2 bu4 qu3] /to give for free/ [fen1 ming2] /clearly demarcated/sharply contoured/ [fen1 xing1 bai1 liang3] /punctilious/clear and detailed/ [fen1 shi2] /time-sharing/ [fen1 shi2 duo1 gong1] /time division multiplexing/TDM/ [fen1 xiao3] /the result (becomes apparent)/now one understands/ [fen1 hui4] /branch/ [fen1 hui4 chang3] /sub-venues/ [fen1 qi1] /by stages/staggered/step by step/ [fen1 qi1 fu4 kuan3] /installment/ [fen1 xi1] /to analyze/analysis/CL: [ge4]/ [fen1 xi1 ren2 shi4] /analyst/expert/ [fen1 xi1 hua4 xue2] /analytical chemistry/ [fen1 xi1 yuan2] /analyst (e.g. of news)/ [fen1 xi1 qi4] /analyzer/ [fen1 xi1 xue2] /mathematical analysis/calculus/ [fen1 xi1 jia1] /(political) analyst/ [fen1 xi1 shi1] /analyst/commentator/ [fen1 xi1 xin1 li3 xue2] /analytical psychology/Jungian psychology/ [fen1 xi1 fa3] /the analytic method/analytic reasoning/ [fen1 xi1 yan2 jiu1] /analysis/research/ [fen1 xi1 chu3 li3] /to parse/analysis processing/to analyze and treat/ [fen1 xi1 yu3] /analytic language/ [fen1 zhi1] /branch/ [fen1 xiao4] /branch of a school/ [fen1 tao2] /homosexual/ [fen1 ji1] /(telephone) extension/CL: [tai2]/ [fen1 nie4] /tiller (stem at the base of grass plants)/ [fen1 quan2] /separation of powers/ [fen1 quan2 zhi4 heng2] /separation of powers for checks and balances/ [fen1 bu4 zhou4] /step by step/one step at a time/ [fen1 qi2] /difference (of opinion, position)/bifurcation/ [fen1 qi2 dian3] /branch point/division point/ [fen1 duan4] /segment/ [fen1 mu3] /denominator of a fraction/ [fen1 hao2] /fraction/slightest difference/hairsbreadth/ [fen1 hao2 zhi1 cha1] /hairsbreadth difference/

[fen1 shui3 ling3] /water divide/watershed/ [fen1 shui3 xian4] /watershed/ [fen1 zhi4] /separate government/partition/ [fen1 mi4] /to secrete/secretion/ [fen1 mi4 wu4] /secretion/ [fen1 mi4 ke1 li4] /secretory granule/ [fen1 bo1 duo1 gong1] /wavelength division multiplexing/WDM/ [fen1 hong2] /to separate flood/flood defense/ [fen1 pai4] /to assign (a task to different people)/to allocate/ [fen1 liu2] /bypass/ [fen1 liu2 dian4 lu4] /shunt circuit/current divider (electronics)/ [fen1 qing1] /to distinguish (between different things)/to make distinctions clea / [fen1 wei2] /to divide sth into (parts)/to subdivide/ [fen1 zheng1] /to dispute/to struggle for mastery/ [fen1 ban1] /to divide people into groups, teams, squads etc/ [fen1 sheng1 zu3 zhi1] /meristem/ [fen1 jie4 xian4] /dividing line/ [fen1 yi4] /distinction/differentiation/ [fen4 dang1] /as should be/as expected/ [fen1 fa1] /to distribute/distribution/ [fen1 xiang4] /split phase (elec.)/ [fen1 she4] /sub-division or branch of an organization/news bureau/ [fen1 shen2] /to give attention to sth/please give (some of your valuable) attent on to my task/to be distracted/ [fen1 miao3 bi4 zheng1] /seize every minute and second (idiom); not a min very moment counts/ [fen1 li4] /separations/ [fen1 guan3] /to be put in charge of/to be responsible for/branched passage/ [fen1 jie2] /segmented/ [fen1 mi3] /decimeter/ [fen1 xi4 tong3] /subsystem/ [fen1 hong2] /a bonus/to award a bonus/ [fen1 ji2] /to sort/to separate into different kinds/ [fen1 zu3] /to divide into groups/subgroup/ [fen1 zu3 jiao1 huan4] /packet switching/ [fen1 gei3] /to divide (and give to others)/ [fen1 er2 zhi4 zhi1] /divide and rule (strategy)/divide and conquer/ [fen1 zhi4 dian3] /common word for equinox and solstice/point of difference/p divergence/ [fen1 se4] /color separation/ [fen1 se4 jing4 tou2] /process lens (working by color separation)/ [fen1 hao4] /semicolon (punct.)/ [fen1 hang2] /branch of bank or store/subsidiary bank/ [fen1 mei4] /to leave each other/to part company/ [fen1 lie4] /to split up/to divide/to break up/fission/schism/ [fen1 lie4 zhu3 yi4] /separatism/ [fen1 lie4 zu3 zhi1] /separatist organization/meristem (botany)/ [fen1 zhuang1] /to divide into portions/to package in smaller quantities/to separ te into loads/ [fen1 zhuang1 ji1] /racking machine/filling machine/ [fen1 jiao3 qi4] /a protractor (device to divide angles)/ [fen1 jie3] /to resolve/to decompose/to break down/ [fen1 jie3 dai4 xie4] /catabolism (biology)/metabolic breaking down and w /dissimilation/ [fen1 jie3 zuo4 yong4] /decomposition/ [fen1 she4] /to set up separately/to establish separate units/ [fen1 ci2] /participle/ [fen1 shuo1] /to explain (the difference)/ [fen1 bei4] /decibel/

[fen1 zang1] /to share the booty/to divide ill-gotten gains/ [fen1 shen1] /to spare time for a separate task/doppelgnger/sockpuppet (Internet ang)/ [fen1 bian4] /to distinguish/to differentiate/to resolve/ [fen1 bian4 lu:4] /resolution (of a photo)/ [fen1 bian4] /to explain the facts/to defend against an accusation/ [fen1 song4] /send/distribute/ [fen1 dao4 yang2 biao1] /lit. to take different roads and urge the horses ig. to part ways/ [fen1 bu4] /branch/subsection/to subdivide/ [fen1 pei4] /to distribute/to assign/to allocate/to partition (a hard drive)/ [fen1 pei4 lu:4] /distributivity/ [fen1 ye3] /dividing line between distinct realms/boundary/field-allocation (in C inese astrology, the association between celestial regions and corresponding ter restrial realms)/ [fen1 liang4] /component/ [fen4 liang5] /quantity/weight/measure/ [fen1 zhen1] /minute hand (of a clock)/ [fen1 xiao1] /distribution/retail store/ [fen1 xiao1 dian4] /retail store/ [fen1 xiao1 wang3 luo4] /distribution network/ [fen1 lu4] /entry (accounting)/ [fen1 qian2] /cent/penny/ [fen1 zhong1] /minute/ [fen1 kai1] /to separate/to part/ [fen1 dui4] /military platoon or squad/ [fen1 ge2] /to divide/to separate/partition/ [fen1 li2] /to separate/ [fen1 li2 zhu3 yi4] /separatism/ [fen1 li2 fen4 zi3] /separatist/ [fen1 yin1 fu2] /dieresis/umlaut/diacritical mark separating two adjacent syl [fen1 ye4] /tab window (in a web browser etc)/paging/pagination/page break (compu ing)/ [fen1 xiang4] /sub-item (of program)/ [fen1 tou2] /separately/severally/ [fen1 pin2] /frequency sharing/subdivision of radio waveband/ [fen1 lei4] /classification/ [fen1 lei4 xue2] /taxonomy/taxology/systematics/ [fen1 lei4 zhang4] /a ledger/a spreadsheet/ [fen1 lei4 li3 lun4] /classification theory/ [fen1 can1] /separate meals/to eat individually, not in common cafeteria/ [fen1 liu2] /fractional distillation/ [fen1 dian3] /point of division/ [qie1] /to cut/to slice/tangent (math)/ [qie4] /definitely/absolutely (not)/(scoffing or dismissive interjection) Yeah, right./Tut!/to grind/close to/eager/to correspond to/see also [fan3 qie4]/ [qie4 zhong4] /to hit the target (esp. in argument)/to strike home/ [qie4 zhong4 shi2 bi4] /to hit home on the evils of the day (idiom); fig. rent political target/to hit the nub of the matter/ [qie4 zhong4 shi2 bing4] /to hit the target where it hurts (idiom); fig. o hit the nail on the head (in an argument)/ [qie4 zhong4 yao4 hai4] /to hit the target and do real damage (idiom)/fig e it hurts/fig. to hit home/an argument that hits the nail on the head/ [qie1 ru4] /to cut into/to incise/to penetrate deeply into (a topic, area etc)/cu (offensive moves in basketball)/ [qie4 fen1 xin4 xi1] /segmental information/ [qie4 qie4] /urgently/eagerly/worried/(urge sb to) be sure to/it is absolutely es ential to (follow the above instruction)/ [qie4 qie4 si1 yu3] /a private whisper/ [qie1 ge1] /to cut/

[qie4 wu4] /by no means/ [qie1 kou3] /incision/notch/slit/gash/margin of a page/trimmed edge (of a page in a book)/ [qie4 kou3] /slang/argot/private language used as secret code/ [qie4 he2] /to fit in with/to suit/appropriate/ [qie4 he2 shi2 ji4] /practical/corresponding to reality/geared to practic / [qie1 xiang4] /tangent direction/ [qie1 xiang4 li4] /tangential force/ [qie1 xiang4 su4 du4] /tangential velocity/ [qie1 xiang4 liang4] /tangent vector/ [qie4 zhu3] /urgent advice/to exhort/ [qie1 kuai4] /to cut into pieces/ [qie4 shi2] /feasible/earnestly/conscientiously/realistic/practical/ [qie4 shi2 ke3 xing2] /feasible/ [Qie1 ni2] /Cheney (name)/Richard B. "Dick" Cheney (1941-), US Republican politic an, vice-president 2001-2008/ [qie1 ping2 mian4] /tangent plane (to a surface)/ [qie4 ji4] /to avoid as taboo/to avoid by all means/ [qie1 cheng2] /to cut up (into pieces)/to slice/to carve/to dice/to shred/ [qie1 cheng2 kuai4] /to cut into cubes/to dice (vegetable)/ [qie1 cheng2 si1] /to grate/to shred (vegetable)/ [qie1 huan4] /to switch over/to switch modes or data streams/to cut (to a new sce e)/ [qie1 duan4] /to cut off (a supply etc)/ [qie4 wang4] /to eagerly anticipate/ [qie1 gan1] /chip (golf shot)/ [qie4 ji1] /impassioned/fiercely/ [Qie4 er3 xi1] /Chelsea/ [Qie1 er3 nuo4 bei4 li4] /Chernobyl/ [qie1 pian4] /a slice/thin section of specimen for examination (as part of biopsy /slide prepared for microscopy/ [qie1 pian4 jian3 cha2] /slide examination/microscopic examination of thi specimen as part of biopsy/ [qie1 ya2] /incisor tooth/ [Qie1 te4 hao2 si1 xue2 xiao4] /Charterhouse public school (UK)/ [qie1 tong4] /sharp pain/ [qie4 pan4] /to look forward eagerly to sth/keenly desired/ [qie1 sui4] /to chop/ [qie1 cuo1] /to compare notes/to learn by interaction/ [qie1 cuo1 zhuo2 mo2] /gradual improvement by slow polishing (idiom); fig s a gradual process/ [qie1 kong1 jian1] /space of sections (math)/ [qie4 jie2 shu1] /affidavit/written pledge/ [qie1 xian4] /tangent line (geometry)/ [qie1 rou4 dao1] /meat cleaver/ [qie4 mai4] /to feel sb's pulse/ [qie1 fu4] /harakiri (formal Japanese: seppuku), a samurai's suicide by disembowe ing/ [qie4 fu1 zhi1 tong4] /keenly felt pain/bitter anguish/ [qie4 mo4] /you must not/Please don't.../be sure not to/on no account (do it)/ [qie4 yao4] /essential/extremely important/ [qie4 chu4] /osculation (higher order tangency)/ [qie4 ji4] /bear in mind!/be sure to remember/remember sth clearly/ [qie4 zhen3] /to feel sb's pulse and body as part of a medical examination/ [qie1 bian4] /shear (physics)/ [qie4 ze2] /to blame/to reprimand/ [qie4 shen1] /direct/concerning oneself/personal/ [qie4 jin4] /very close/touching/very appropriate/ [qie4 po4] /urgent/

[Qie4 da2] /Cheddar (cheese)/ [qie1 chu2] /to excise/to cut out (a tumor)/ [qie1 mian4] /section/cross-cut/tangent plane (math.)/ [qie4 yin1] /to indicate the phonetic value of a word using other words/ [qie4 ti2] /to keep to the subject/ [qie4 gu3 zhi1 chou2] /bitter hatred/hatred that cuts to the bone/ [qie1 dian3] /contact (math.)/ [qie4 chi3] /to gnash one's teeth (in anger)/ [qie4 chi3 fu3 xin1] /to detest sth or sb to the utmost extreme (idiom)/ [yi4] /mow/ [Yi4 yu3] /Kariba or Kariwa, Japanese name/Kariwa, site of Japanese nuclear power plant near Niigata / [kan1] /to print/to publish/publication/periodical/ [kan1 yin4] /to set in print/to diffuse/to publish/ [kan1 wu4] /publication/ [kan1 deng1] /to carry a story/to publish (in a newspaper or magazine)/ [kan1 hao4] /issue (of journal)/number/ [kan1 xing2] /to print and circulate/ [kan1 wu4 biao3] /variant of [kan1 wu4 biao3]/ [kan1 zai3] /to publish/ [kan1 shou3 yu3] /foreword/preface/ [wen3] /cut across (throat)/ [Xing2] /surname Xing/ [xing2] /punishment/penalty/sentence/torture/corporal punishment/ [xing2 shi4] /criminal/penal/ [xing2 shi4 shen3 pan4 ting2] /criminal court/ [xing2 shi4 ju2] /Criminal Investigation Bureau (CIB)/ [xing2 shi4 ju1 liu2] /to detain as criminal/ [xing2 shi4 fa3 ting2] /criminal court/ [xing2 shi4 fa3 yuan4] /criminal court/judiciary court/ [xing2 shi4 fan4] /a criminal/ [xing2 shi4 su4 song4 fa3] /criminal procedure/ [xing2 shi4 jing3 cha2 ju2] /criminal investigation bureau/ [xing2 ren2] /criminal to be executed/to execute a criminal/ [xing2 ju4] /punishment equipment/torture instrument/ [xing2 ming2] /criminal law (abbr. for pre-Han legalist school )/name of [xing2 ming2 zhi1 xue2] /criminal law, pre-Han legalist school/ [xing2 tang2] /torture chamber/ [xing2 chang3] /execution ground/gallows/scaffold/ [Xing2 tian1] /Xingtian, headless giant hero of Chinese mythology decapitated by he Yellow Emperor [Huang2 Di4]/ [xing2 ting2] /criminal court/abbr. for [xing2 shi4 fa3 ting2]/ [xing2 lu:4] /criminal law/ [xing2 lu4] /executed/to suffer corporal punishment or execution/ [xing2 fang2] /office of punishment/torture chamber (esp. unofficial)/ [xing2 qi1] /prison term/ [xing2 an4] /criminal case/ [xing2 qiu2] /to extort confession by torture/ [xing2 fa3] /criminal law/ [xing2 man3] /to complete a prison sentence/ [xing2 wang3] /legal net/the long arm of the law/ [xing2 fa2] /sentence/penalty/punishment/ [xing2 chong1] /to be forced to grind grain as a punishment (old)/ [xing2 xun4] /interrogation under torture/inquisition/ [xing2 su4 fa3] /criminal procedure/abbr. for / [xing2 jing3] /police/ [xing2 ru3] /to humiliate and torture/to suffer mutilation and humiliation/ [Xing2 Bu4] /Ministry of Justice in Imperial China/ [hua2] /to row/to paddle/to scratch a surface/profitable/worth (the effort)/it p ays (to do sth)/

[hua2 bu5 lai2] /not worth it/ [hua2 zi5] /small row-boat/ [hua2 de5 lai2] /worth it/it pays to/ [hua2 la5] /to sweep/to brush away/ [hua2 quan2] /finger-guessing game/ [hua2 jiang3] /to paddle/ [hua2 po4] /to cut open/ [hua2 suan4] /to calculate/to weigh (pros and cons)/to view as profitable/worthwh le/value for money/cost-effective/ [hua2 chuan2] /to row a boat/rowing boat/rowing (sport)/ [hua2 ting3] /rowing boat/racing row-boat/ [hua2 guo4] /to streak/ [wan2] /trim/ [yue4] /to amputate one or both feet (punishment in Imperial China)/see also [wu3 xing2]/ [lie4] /to arrange/to line up/row/file/series/column/ [lie4 wei4] /ladies and gentlemen/all of you present/ [lie4 zhuan4] /historical biography/ [Lie4 ke4 xing1 dun4] /Lexington, Massachusetts/ [lie4 ru4] /to include on a list/ [lie4 bing1] /private (army)/ [lie4 chu1] /to list/to make a list/ [Lie4 bie4 jie2 fu1] /Lebedev or Lebedyev (Russian name)/ [lie4 yin4] /to print/to typeset and print/to print from a webpage/ [lie4 guo2] /various countries/ [Lie4 fu1 Tuo1 er3 si1 tai4] /Tolstoy (name)/Count Lev Niko t Russian novelist, author of War and Peace / [Lie4 zi3] /Lie Zi, Daoist author, said to be early Warring States period t in eight chapters, said to be by Lie Zi, probably compiled during WeiJin times (3rd century AD)/ [Lie4 ning2] /Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (1870-1924), Russian revolutionary leader/ [Lie4 ning2 zhu3 yi4] /Leninism/ [Lie4 ning2 ge2 le4] /Leningrad, name of Russian city Saint Petersburg [lie4 dao3] /archipelago/chain of islands/ [lie4 xi2] /to attend a meeting as a nonvoting delegate/ [lie4 qiang2] /the Great Powers (history)/ [Lie4 zhi1 dun1 shi4 deng1] /Liechtenstein/ [lie4 ming2] /to list/to specify/ [lie4 xing1] /star alignment (in astrology)/ [lie4 shi4 wen1 biao1] /Raumur temperature scale/ [Lie4 zhi4 wen2] /Richmond (place name or surname)/ [lie4 wei2] /be classified as/ [Lie4 wang2 ji4 shang4] /First book of Kings/ [Lie4 wang2 ji4 xia4] /Second book of Kings/ [Lie4 wang2 ji4 shang4] /First book of Kings/ [Lie4 wang2 ji4 xia4] /Second book of Kings/ [lie4 que1] /lightning (archaic word)/ [lie4 que1 pi1 li4] /thunder and lightning/ [lie4 ju3] /a list/to list/to enumerate/ [lie4 biao3] /list/ [lie4 che1] /train (railway term)/ [lie4 che1 yuan2] /train attendant/ [lie4 che1 zhang3] /conductor/train manager/ [lie4 dui4] /in formation (military)/ [fu2] /to chop/strike/ [chu1] /at first/(at the) beginning/first/junior/basic/ [chu1 yi1] /first day of lunar month/New Year's Day/freshman in junior high schoo / [chu1 zhong1] /junior high school/ [chu1 fu2] /middle ten days of July, the first of sn f, three hottest peri

year/ [chu1 dong1] /early winter/ [chu1 ke4 pai1 an4 jing1 qi2] /Slap the table in amazement, Part tories by Ming dynasty novelist Ling Mengchu / [chu1 chuang4] /startup (company, phase etc)/newly established/in the early stage / [chu1 chuang4 gong1 si1] /new company/newly established enterprise/ [chu1 sheng1] /rising (sun, moon etc)/ [chu1 xia4] /early summer/ [chu1 shi3] /initial/starting (point)/ [chu1 shi3 hua4] /(computing) to initialize/initialization/ [chu1 xue2 zhe3] /beginning student/ [chu1 shen3] /preliminary trial/ [chu1 xiao3] /elementary school/abbr. for / [chu1 nian2] /early years/ [chu1 lian4] /first love/ [chu1 lian4 gan3 jue2] /feelings of first love/ [chu1 geng1] /first of the five night watch periods 19:00-21:00 (old)/ [chu1 qi1] /initial stage/beginning period/ [chu1 ci4] /first/for the first time/primary/tentative/ [chu1 bu4] /initial/preliminary/tentative/ [chu1 bu4 he2 suan4] /initial estimate/ [chu1 bu4 she4 xiang3] /tentative idea/ [chu1 chao2] /menarche/ [chu1 fan4] /first offender/first offense/ [chu1 sheng1] /newborn/nascent/primary (biology)/ [chu1 sheng1 zhi1 du2 bu4 pa4 hu3] /A new-born calf has no fe arlessness of youth./ [chu1 gao3] /first draft (of writing)/ [chu1 deng3] /elementary (i.e. easy)/ [chu1 deng3 dai4 shu4] /elementary algebra/ [chu1 deng3 jiao4 yu4] /primary education/junior school education/ [chu1 ji2] /junior/primary/ [chu1 ji2 zhong1 xue2] /middle school/ [chu1 ji2 xiao3 xue2] /elementary school/abbr. to / [chu1 sheng1] /initial (i.e. initial consonant of a syllable in Asian phonetics)/ [chu1 ye4] /early part (of a decade, century etc)/the first years/ [chu1 zhong1] /original intention or aspiration/ [chu1 she4] /first founded/ [chu1 sai4] /preliminary contest/initial heats of a competition/ [chu1 xuan3] /primary election (US)/ [chu1 lu4] /first sign (of budding talent)/ [chu1 lu4 cai2 hua2] /first sign of budding talent/to display one's abili rst time/ [chu1 lu4 feng1 mang2] /first sign of budding talent/to display one's abi first time/ [chu1 lu4 tou2 jiao3] /lit. to first show one's horns (idiom); fig. a fir erging talent/first sign of emerging talent/budding genius/ [min3] /to scrape/to pare/ [pan4] /to judge/to sentence/to discriminate/to discern/obviously (different)/ [pan4 ling4] /decree/(of a court) to order/ [pan4 xing2] /sentence (to prison etc)/ [pan4 bie2] /to differentiate/to discriminate/ [pan4 bie2 shi4] /discriminant (e.g. b^2-4ac in the formula for the root of a tic equation)/ [pan4 guan1] /magistrate (during Tang and Song dynasties)/mythological underworld judge/ [pan4 ding4] /to judge/to decide/judgment/determination/ [pan4 ju4] /criterion/criteria/ [pan4 duan4] /to decide/to determine/CL: [ge4]/

[pan4 duan4 li4] /ability to judge/judgment/ [pan4 ming2] /to distinguish/to ascertain/ [pan4 jue2] /judgment (by a court of law)/ [pan4 ran2] /markedly/clearly/ [pan4 chu3] /to sentence/to condemn/ [pan4 mei4] /to separate/to part (of friends)/ [pan4 du2] /to interpret/to read and discriminate/ [pan4 pei2] /to sentence (sb) to pay compensation/ [Bie2] /surname Bie/ [bie2] /to leave/to depart/to separate/to distinguish/to classify/other/another/ do not/must not/to pin/ [bie2 ren5] /other people/others/other person/ [bie2 lai2 wu2 yang4] /(literary) I trust you have been well since we las [bie2 zhuan4] /supplementary biography/ [Bie2 ke4] /Buick/ [bie2 ju4 yi1 ge2] /having a unique or distinctive style/ [bie2 chu1 xin1 cai2] /to hit on sth new (idiom); to display originality/ riginal approach/ [bie2 dong4 dui4] /special detachment/commando/an armed secret agent squad/ [bie2 ming2] /alias/alternative name/ [bie2 shu4] /villa/CL:[zhuang4],[zuo4]/ [bie2 tai4 ke4 qi5] /lit. no excessive politeness/Don't mention it!/You'r ease don't stand on ceremony./ [bie2 zi4] /mispronounced or wrongly written character/ [bie2 ke4 qi5] /don't mention it/no formalities, please/ [bie2 ti2 le5] /say no more/don't bring it up/drop the subject/ [bie2 you3] /to have other... (used in fixed expressions)/ [bie2 you3 dong4 tian1] /place of charm and beauty/scenery of exceptional tely different world/ [bie2 you3 yong4 xin1] /to have an ulterior motive (idiom); a hidden agen [bie2 you3 yun4 wei4] /to have quite a lasting charm/ [bie2 shu4 yi1 zhi4] /lit. to fly one's banner on a solitary tree (idiom) as a loner/to stand out/to develop one's own school/to have attitude of one's o wn/ [bie2 shu4 yi1 qi2] /lit. to fly one's banner on a solitary tree (idiom); as a loner/to stand out/to develop one's own school/to have attitude of one's ow n/ [bie2 wu2] /to have no other... (used in fixed expressions)/ [bie2 wu2 ta1 fa3] /there is no alternative/ [bie2 wu2 ta1 wu4] /nothing else/ [bie2 wu2 ta1 yong4] /to have no other use or purpose (idiom)/ [bie2 wu2 xuan3 ze2] /to have no other choice/ [bie2 li3] /don't get involved/ignore it!/don't have anything to do with (him, he etc)/don't speak to/ [bie2 de5] /else/other/ [bie2 cheng1] /another name/alternative name/ [bie2 yan2] /farewell banquet/ [bie2 guan3] /no matter (who, what etc)/ [bie2 xu4] /emotions at time of parting/ [bie2 zhi4] /unusual/unique/ [bie2 zhao2 ji2] /Don't worry!/ [bie2 chu4] /elsewhere/ [bie2 hao4] /alias/ [Bie2 he4 jie2 lie4 fu1] /Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev (1857-1927) st and psychiatrist/ [bie2 zhen1] /pin/CL:[mei2]/ [bie2 kai1 sheng1 mian4] /to start sth new or original (idiom); to break break fresh ground/ [bie2 li2] /take leave of/leave/ [jie2] /variant of , to rob/to plunder/to seize by force/to coerce/calamity/

[jie2] /variant of , to rob/to plunder/to seize by force/to coerce/calamity/ [bao4] /a carpenter's plane/to plane/to level/to make smooth/ [pao2] /to eliminate/to dig/to question/ [bao4 bing1] /shaved or crushed ice dessert or beverage/ [bao4 dao1] /planing tool/ [bao4 zi5] /plane/ [bao4 gong1] /planing/planing machine operator/planer/ [bao4 chuang2] /planer/planing machine/ [pao2 gen1] /lit. to dig up the root/to get to the heart of (the matter)/ [pao2 gen1 r5] /erhua variant of , lit. to dig up the root/to get to the matter)/ [pao2 gen1 wen4 di3] /to dig up roots and inquire at the base (idiom); to ottom of sth/ [bao4 cheng2] /planing length/ [bao4 hua1] /wood shavings/ [bao4 chi3] /gear-shaping/ [Li4] /surname Li/ [li4] /sharp/favorable/advantage/benefit/profit/interest/to do good to/to benefi t/ [li4 shi4] /lucky item (poster, envelope etc) made from red paper, used especiall at Chinese New Year, also written [li4 shi4]/ [li4 ta1] /to benefit others/altruism/ [li4 ta1 zhu3 yi4] /altruism/ [li4 ta1 xing2 wei2] /altruistic behavior/ [li4 ling4 zhi4 hun1] /to lose one's head through material greed (idiom)/ [li4 bo2 man4] /(Connecticut Senator Joseph I.) Lieberman/ [li4 bo2 wei2 er3] /Libreville, capital of Gabon/ [li4 ren4] /sharp blade/ [li4 jian4] /sharp sword/ [Li4 le4 ha1 mo4 er3] /Lillehammer (city in Norway)/ [Li4 gu3 li3 ya4] /Liguria, northwest Italy/ [li4 qi4] /a sharp weapon/effective implement/an outstandingly able individual/ [li4 ji1] /niche/ [li4 hai4] /pros and cons/advantages and disadvantages/gains and losses/ [li4 hai5] /terrible/formidable/serious/devastating/tough/capable/sharp/severe/fi rce/ [li4 hai4 you1 guan1] /to be of vital interest/ [li4 hai4 chong1 tu1] /conflict of interest/ [li4 hai4 guan1 xi5] /stake/vital interest/concern/ [li4 hai4 guan1 xi5 ren2] /stakeholder/interested party/interested pe [li4 hai4 guan1 xi5 fang1] /interested party/ [li4 niao4] /diuresis/ [li4 niao4 ji4] /diuretic/ [Li4 chuan1] /Lichuan county level city in Enshi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefec ure [En1 shi1 Tu3 jia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Hubei/ [Li4 chuan1 shi4] /Lichuan county level city in Enshi Tujia and Miao autonomo ecture [En1 shi1 Tu3 jia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Hubei/ [li4 ji3] /personal profit/to benefit oneself/ [li4 ji3 zhu3 yi4] /egoist/ [li4 shi4] /"lai see" (lucky money)/ [li4 bi4] /pros and cons/merits and drawbacks/advantages and disadvantages/ [li4 de2] /profit/gain/ [li4 de2 shui4] /profit tax/ [li4 xi1] /interest (on a loan)/CL: [bi3]/ [li4 xi5 lu:4] /interest rate/ [li4 yu4] /cupidity/ [li4 yu4 xin1] /cupidity/ [li4 yu4 xun1 xin1] /lit. greed captivates the heart's tunnel/fig. obsess esire for gain/overcome by greed (idiom)/ [li4 yu2] /be beneficial/be good for/

[li4 shi4] /lucky item (poster, envelope etc) made from red paper, used especiall at Chinese New Year, also written [li4 shi4]/ [Li4 wei4 ji4] /Book of Leviticus/Third Book of Moses/ [li4 le4 bao1] /carton (e.g. for milk or juice)/Tetra Pak/ [li4 quan2] /economic rights (e.g. of a state monopoly)/ [Li4 bi3 ya4] /Libya/ [Li4 bi3 li3 ya4] /Liberia/ [Li4 jin1] /Lijin county in Dongying [Dong1 ying2], Shandong/ [Li4 jin1 xian4] /Lijin county in Dongying [Dong1 ying2], Shandong/ [li4 run4] /profits/ [li4 run4 lu:4] /profit margin/ [li4 zhao3] /sharp claw/talon/ [Li4 wu4 pu3] /Liverpool (England)/ [li4 lu:4] /interest rates/ [Li4 Ma3 dou4] /Matteo Ricci (1552-1610), Jesuit missionary and translator in hina/ [li4 yong4] /exploit/make use of/to use/to take advantage of/to utilize/ [li4 yong4 ren2 gong1 chui1 qi4] /oral inflation/ [li4 yi4] /benefit/(in sb's) interest/CL: [ge4]/ [li4 yi4 ji2 tuan2] /interest group/ [li4 mian2 ning4] /chlordiazepoxide/(trade name) Librium (loanword)/ [li4 lu4] /wealth and official post/ [li4 lu4 xun1 xin1] /to be eager for wealth and emolument (idiom)/ [Li4 na4 ke4 si1] /Linux (operating systems)/ [Li4 zi1] /Leeds/ [li4 luo4] /agile/nimble/all settled/in order/ [li4 bin1 na4] /Ribena/ [Li4 xin1] /Lixin county in Bozhou [Bo2 zhou1], Anhui/ [Li4 xin1 xian4] /Lixin county in Bozhou [Bo2 zhou1], Anhui/ [Li4 tong1 qu1] /Litong district of Wuzhong city [Wu2 zhong1 shi [li4 qian2] /interest (on a loan etc)/ [Li4 long2 gui1] /Lilongwe, capital of Malawi/ [Li4 ya3 de2] /Riyadh, capital of Saudi Arabia/ [Li4 ma3] /Lima, capital of Peru/ [Li4 Ma3 dou4] /Matteo Ricci (1552-1610), Jesuit missionary and translator in hina/erroneous spelling of / [Li4 ma3 suo3 er3] /Limassol, Cyprus/Lemesos/ [Li4 mo4 li3 ke4] /Limerick, Ireland/ [shan1] /to delete/ [shan1 diao4] /to delete/ [shan1 jian3] /to delete/to censor out/ [shan1 jie2] /to abridge/to cut a text down to size for publication/ [shan1 jian3 ya1 suo1] /to simplify and condense (a text)/abridged/ [shan1 chu2] /to delete/to cancel/ [gua1] /to scrape/to blow/to shave/to plunder/to extort/ [gua1 shang1] /scratch (wound)/scratch (damage to an object)/ [gua1 dao1] /spatula/scraper/ [gua1 gua1 ka3] /lottery scratchcard/ [gua1 shao2] /scraper/trowel/putty knife/ [gua1 diao4] /scrape/ [gua1 sha1] /gua sha (technique in traditional Chinese medicine)/ [gua1 pi2 dao1] /peeler/potato peeler/ [gua1 mu4 xiang1 kan4] /to esteem someone's progress/to give increased re someone in a new light/also: / [gua1 lian3] /to shave one's face/ [gua1 chan3] /scraper/ [gua1 hu2 dao1] /razor/ [gua1 hu2 zi5] /to shave/ [dao4] /to (a place)/until (a time)/up to/to go/to arrive/ [dao4 bu4 xing2] /extremely/incredibly/

[dao4 liao3] /at last/finally/in the end/ [dao4 wei4] /to get to the intended location/to be in place/to be in position/pre ise/well (done)/ [dao4 lai2] /to arrive/arrival/advent/ [dao4 chang3] /to show up/present (at the scene)/ [dao4 jia1] /perfect/excellent/brought to the utmost degree/ [dao4 an4 jia4] /Cost, Insurance, and Freight (CIF) (transportion)/ [dao4 di3] /finally/in the end/when all is said and done/after all/to the end/to he last/ [dao4 shi2] /at that (future) time/ [dao4 shi2 hou4] /when the moment comes/at that time/ [dao4 qi1] /to fall due (loan etc)/to expire (visa etc)/to mature (investment bon etc)/ [dao4 qi1 ri4] /closing date (of contract)/maturity (of an investment bond)/ [dao4 an4] /to make an appearance in court/ [dao4 ci3] /hereto/hereunto/ [dao4 xian4 zai4] /up until now/to date/ [dao4 mu4 qian2] /up until now/to date/ [dao4 mu4 qian2 wei2 zhi3] /until now/so far/ [dao4 chu4] /everywhere/ [dao4 chu4 ke3 jian4] /ubiquitous/commonplace/found everywhere/ [dao4 huo4] /(of packages or shipments) to arrive/ [dao4 da2] /to reach/to arrive/ [dao4 da2 da4 ting1] /arrival hall/ [dao4 na4 ge4 shi2 hou4] /until this moment/ [dao4 tou2 lai2] /in the end/finally/as a result/ [dao4 qi2] /to be all present/ [chuang4] /establish, create/knife cut/ [kui1] /cut open and clean/ [ku1] /to cut open/rip up/scoop out/ [er4] /cutting off the ears as punishment/ [zhi4] /system/to control/to regulate/variant of [zhi4]/ [zhi4 fu2] /to overpower/to overwhelm/to subdue/to check/to control/ [zhi4 leng3] /refrigeration/ [zhi4 dong4] /brake/ [zhi4 dong4 ta4 ban3] /brake pedal/ [zhi4 tu2] /cartographic/graphics/ [zhi4 ding4] /to draw up/to formulate/ [zhi4 dao3] /to control (the course of sth)/to guide (a missile)/ [zhi4 du4] /system (e.g. political, adminstrative etc)/institution/CL: [ge4]/ [zhi4 du4 hua4] /systematization/ [zhi4 shi4] /standard (format, e.g. PAL or SECAM for TV signal)/system/service pa tern/type of service/ [zhi4 shi4 hua4] /standardization/ [zhi4 cheng2 pin3] /manufactured goods/finished product/ [zhi4 fu2] /to subdue/to check/to bring under control/(in former times) what one s allowed to wear depending on social status/uniform (army, party, school etc)/l ivery (for company employees)/CL:[tao4]/ [zhi4 fu2 ni2] /tweed cloth (used for military uniforms etc)/ [zhi4 zhi3] /to curb/to put a stop to/to stop/to check/to limit/ [zhi4 yue1] /to restrict/condition/ [zhi4 yao4] /to manufacture medicine/ [zhi4 yao4 ye4] /pharmaceutical industry/ [zhi4 heng2] /to check and balance (power)/checks and balances/ [zhi4 yi1] /clothing manufacture/ [zhi4 cai2] /to punish/punishment/sanctions (incl. economic)/ [zhi4 ding4] /to work out/to formulate/ [zhi4 zao4 ye4] /manufacturing industry/ [shua1] /to brush/to paint/to daub/to paste up/to skip class (of students)/to fi re from a job/

[shua4] /to select/ [shua1 ka3] /to use a credit card/ [shua1 zi5] /brush/scrub/CL:[ba3]/ [shua1 xin1] /to renovate/to refurbish/to refresh (computer window)/to write a ne page (in history)/to break (a record)/ [shua1 bao4] /to max out (a credit card)/ [shua1 ya2] /to brush teeth/ [shua1 bang4] /wide paintbrush/ [quan4] /bond (esp. document split in two, with each party holding one half)/con tract/deed (i.e. title deeds)/ticket/voucher/certificate/ [quan4 shang1] /securities dealer/share broker/ [ci1] /whoosh (onomatopoeia)/ [ci4] /thorn/sting/thrust/to prick/to pierce/to stab/to assassinate/to murder/ [ci4 zhong4] /to hit with a piercing blow/ [ci4 wu3 jia1] /manyprickle (Acanthopanax senticosus), root used in tradition ese medicine/ [ci4 shang1] /to stab/ [ci4 r5] /a thorn/fig. to ridicule sb/fig. sth wrong/ [ci4 r5 li3] /gooseberry/ [ci4 r5 hua4] /biting words/stinging words/ [ci4 r5 tou2] /an awkward person/a difficult person to deal with/ [ci4 dao1] /bayonet/ [ci4 ci4 bu4 xiu1] /to talk incessantly/to chatter on and on/ [ci4 shi3] /provincial governor (old)/ [ci4 zi4] /to tattoo/ [ci4 ke4] /assassin/murderer/ [ci4 ji3] /variant of [ci4 ji1], to irritate/stimulus/ [ci4 chuo1] /to puncture/to pierce/ [ci4 tan4] /pry/ [ci4 bai3] /Chinese juniper/ [ci4 tong2] /Indian coral tree/sunshine tree/tiger's claw/Erythrina variegata (bo any)/ [ci4 huai2] /false acacia/Robinia pseudoacacia/ [ci4 si3] /to murder/to assassinate/ [ci4 sha1] /to assassinate/murderous/ [ci4 ji1] /to provoke/to irritate/to upset/to stimulate/to excite/irritant/ [ci4 ji1 ji4] /irritant agent/ [ci4 ji1 qi3 dong4 bu4 tong2 bu4] /stimulus onset asymmetry/ [ci4 ji1 xing4] /thrilling/exciting/stimulating/irritating/provocative/pungen / [ci4 ji1 wu4] /stimulus/ [ci4 ji1 su4] /growth hormone/ [ci4 ji1 qun2] /stimulus constellation/ [ci4 tong4] /stab of pain/sting/fig. stimulus to action/a prick/ [ci4 yan3] /to dazzle/to offend the eyes/dazzling/harsh (light)/crude (colors)/un ightly/ [ci4 chuan1] /to skewer/to impale/to pierce through/ [ci4 si1 nang2] /nematocyst/capsule of nettle cells of medusa or anemone/ [ci4 si1 bao1] /cnidocyte/nettle cell of medusa or anemone/ [ci4 si1 bao1 dong4 wu4] /Cnidaria (animal phylum including jellyfish )/ [ci4 xiu4] /to embroider/embroidery/ [ci4 xiu4 pin3] /embroidery/ [ci4 er3] /ear-piercing/ [ci4 bao1] /cnidocyte/nettle cell of medusa/ [ci4 bao1 dong4 wu4] /Cnidaria (animal phylum including jellyfish and ses [ci4 qin2 gu1] /king trumpet mushroom (Pleurotus eryngii)/ [ci4 xian4] /prickly amaranth (Amaranthus spinosus)/ [ci4 wei4] /hedgehog/ [ci4 shen1] /sashimi/

[ci4 gang1 si1] /barbed wire/ [ci4 qing1] /tattoo/ [ci4 gu3] /piercing/cutting/bone-chilling/penetrating (cold)/ [ke4] /quarter (hour)/moment/to carve/to engrave/to cut/oppressive/classifier fo r short time intervals/ [ke4 bu4 rong2 huan3] /to brook no delay/to demand immediate action/ [ke4 yin4] /to engrave a seal/stamp mark/to print with carved type/to leave a dee impression/ [ke4 xie3] /inscribe/ [ke4 du4] /marked scale/graduated scale/ [ke4 du4 pan2] /dial (e.g. of a radio etc)/ [ke4 yi4] /meticulous/painstaking/deliberate/ [ke4 yi4 qiu2 gong1] /assiduous and painstaking/ [ke4 yi4 wei2 zhi1] /to make a conscious effort/to do something deliberat [ke4 ben3] /block printed edition/ [ke4 ban3] /stiff/inflexible/mechanical/stubborn/to cut blocks for printing/ [ke4 ban3 yin4 xiang4] /stereotype/ [ke4 du2] /spiteful/venomous/ [ke4 ban3] /engraved blocks (for printing)/ [ke4 hua4] /to portray/ [ke4 hen2] /notch/ [ke4 zhou1 qiu2 jian4] /lit. a notch on the side of a boat to locate a sw verboard (idiom); fig. an action made pointless by changed circumstances/ [ke4 ku3] /hardworking/assiduous/ [ke4 ku3 nu3 li4] /assiduous/taking great pains/ [ke4 ku3 xue2 xi2] /to study hard/assiduous/ [ke4 ku3 nai4 lao2] /to bear hardships and work hard (idiom); assiduous a ring/hard-working and capable of overcoming adversity/ [ke4 ku3 zuan1 yan2] /to study diligently/ [ke4 bo2] /unkind/harsh/cutting/mean/acrimony/to embezzle by making illegal deduc ions/ [ke4 lu4] /to record on a CD or DVD/to burn a disc/ [ke4 lu4 ji1] /disk burner/ [ke4 gu3] /ingrained/entrenched/deep-rooted/inveterate/virulent/ [ke4 gu3 xiang1 si1] /lit. ones feelings arved into ones bones/to are ly (idiom)/ [ke4 gu3 ming2 xin1] /lit. arved in bones and engraved in the heart (idi ed in one s memory/unforgettable/ [jie2] /variant of , to rob/to plunder/to seize by for e/to oer e/ alamity/ [duo4] /to hop (meat)/to ut/ [duo4 sui4] /min e/ [ti4] /to shave/ [ti4 guang1 tou2] /to shave the whole head lean/ rushing defeat/ [ti4 dao1] /razor/ [ti4 du4] /to take the tonsure/to shave the head/tonsure (shaved head of Buddhist monk)/ [ti4 tou2] /to have one s head shaved/ [ti4 fa4 ling4] /the Qing order to all men to shave their heads but keep a qu rst ordered in 1646/ [ti4 fa4 liu2 bian4] /to shave the head but keep the queue/ [ti4 xu1 dao1] /razor/ [jing3] / ut the throat/ [ze2] / onjun tion used to express ontrast with a previous senten e or lause/s tandard/norm/rule/to imitate/to follow/then/prin iple/ lassifier for written ite ms (su h as an offi ial statement)/ [ze2 ge4] /(old senten e-final expression used for emphasis)/ [Ze2 bu4 long2] /Zabulon or Zebulun, bibli al land between Jordan and Galilee ew 4:15)/ [Ze2 la4 hei1] /Zerah (name)/ [ uo4] /to file/

[xiao1] /to s rape/ [xue1] /to redu e/to pare (away)/to ut (down)/Taiwan pr. [xue4]/ [xue1 ruo4] /to weaken/to impair/to ripple/ [xue1 jian3] /to ut down/to redu e/to lower/ [xiao1 qiu2] /(sport) to hop/to ut/ [xue1 ji2] /(of an offi ial) dismissal from offi e (old)/ [xue1 zhi2] /demotion/to have one s job ut/ [xue1 zhi2 wei2 min2] /demotion to ommoner (idiom)/ [xue1 zu2 shi4 lu:3] /to ut the feet to fit the shoes (idiom); to for e s to a Pro rustean bed)/impra ti al or inelegant solution/ [xiao1 qian1 bi3 ji1] /pen il sharpener (me hani al or ele tri )/ [xue1 fa4] /to shave one s head/fig. to be ome a monk or nun/to take the tonsure/ [Ke4] /Ke ( . 2000 BC), seventh of the legendary Flame Emperors, [Yan2 di4] des e ded from Shennong [Shen2 nong2] Farmer God/ [ke4] /variant of [ke4]/to subdue/to overthrow/to restrain/ [kei1] /to scold/to beat/ [ke4 ji3] /self-restraint/discipline/selflessness/ [ke4 ji3 feng4 gong1] /self-restraint and devotion to public duties (idio dedication/to serve the public interest wholeheartedly/ [ke4 kou4] /to embezzle/ [ke4 xing1] /nemesis/bane/fated to be ill-matched/ [ke4 jia4] /to scuffle/to come to blows/ [la2] /to slash/ [la4] /perverse/unreasonable/absurd/ [qian2] /front/forward/ahead/ago/before/first/former/formerly/future/BC (e.g. 293 / [qian2 yi1 tian1] /the day before (an event)/ [qian2 bu4 jiu3] /not long ago/not long before/ [qian2 shi4] /previous generations/previous incarnation (Buddhism)/ [qian2 shi4 yin1 yuan2] /a marriage predestined in a former life (idiom)/ [qian2 shi4] /past events/antecedent/what has happened/ [qian2 shi4 bu4 wang4 , hou4 shi4 zhi1 shi1] /don't f ture (idiom); benefit from past experience/ [qian2 xie1] /a few (days, years etc) ago/ [qian2 ren2] /predecessor/forebears/the person facing you/ [qian2 ren2 zai1 shu4 , hou4 ren2 cheng2 liang2] /to s predecessors. (idiom)/ [qian2 pu1 hou4 ji4] /one falls, the next follows (idiom); stepping into replace fallen comrades/advancing wave upon wave/ [qian2 yang3 hou4 he2] /to sway to and fro/to rock back and forth/ [qian2 jian4] /antecedent (logic)/ [qian2 ren4] /predecessor/ex-/former/ [qian2 lai2] /to come (formal)/before/previously/ [qian2 li4] /precedent/ [qian2 xin4 hao4 deng1] /car front indicator/ [qian2 fu3 hou4 yang3] /to rock one's body backward and forward/to be con laughter etc)/ [qian2 chuan2] /forward pass (sport)/ [qian2 zhuan4] /prequel/ [qian2 qing1] /to lean forward/ [qian2 zhao4] /omen/to foreshadow/ [qian2 r5] /before/day before yesterday/ [qian2 guan1] /heading/prefix/ [qian2 lie4] /the very front/ [qian2 lie4 xian4] /prostate/ [qian2 lie4 xian4 yan2] /prostatitis/ [qian2 lie4 xian4 ai2] /prostate cancer/ [qian2 lie4 xian4 su4] /prostaglandin/ [qian2 ban4 ye4] /first half of the night (from nightfall to midnight)/ [qian2 ban4 tian1] /morning/a.m./first half of the day/

[qian2 ban4 tian1 r5] /erhua variant of , morning/a.m./first half o [qian2 ban4 shang3] /morning/a.m./first half of the day/ [qian2 ban4 shang3 r5] /erhua variant of , morning/a.m./first half [qian2 xiang4 yong1 sai1 tong1 zhi1] /Forward Explicit Congestion [qian2 yan1] /prepharynx (biology)/ [qian2 shao4] /outpost/ [qian2 yin1] /antecedents/ [qian2 yin1 hou4 guo3] /cause and effects (idiom); entire process of deve [qian2 chen2] /the past/impurity contracted previously (in the sentient world) (B ddhism)/ [qian2 xi1] /eve/the day before/ [qian2 ye4] /the eve/the night before/ [qian2 tian1] /the day before yesterday/ [qian2 fu1] /former husband/ [qian2 zou4] /prelude/presage/ [qian2 zou4 qu3] /prelude (music)/ [qian2 qi1] /ex-wife/ [qian2 xian2] /former hatred/bygone enmity/ [qian2 han2 wu3 ji4] /pre-Cambrian, geological period before c. 540m year [qian2 dao3] /to precede/to guide/ [qian2 nian2] /the year before last/ [qian2 ji3 tian1] /a few days before/ [qian2 ting2] /front courtyard/vestibule/ [qian2 ting2 chuang1] /fenestra vestibuli (of inner ear)/ [qian2 lang2] /front porch/ [qian2 ting1] /anteroom/vestibule/lobby (of a hotel etc)/ [qian2 wang3] /to leave for/to proceed towards/to go/ [qian2 hou4] /around/from beginning to end/all around/front and rear/ [qian2 hou4 wen2] /context/the surrounding words/same as / [qian2 pa4 lang2 hou4 pa4 hu3] /lit. to fear the wolf in front an ); fig. needless fears/scare mongering/reds under the beds/ [qian2 qing2] /former love/former circumstances/ [qian2 xi4] /foreplay/ [qian2 fang2 jiao3] /anterior chamber (the front chamber of the eye)/ [qian2 suo3 wei4 you3] /unprecedented/ [qian2 suo3 wei4 you3 de5] /unprecedented/ [qian2 suo3 wei4 wen2] /unheard-of/unprecedented/ [qian2 suo3 wei4 jian4] /unprecedented/never seen before/ [qian2 lu:e4 yi4] /swept-forward wing (on jet fighter)/ [qian2 ti2] /premise/precondition/prerequisite/ [qian2 ti2 tiao2 jian4] /pre-conditions/ [qian2 jie1] /(the item) named above/aforementioned/cited above/op. cit./ [qian2 bai3] /last time/ [qian2 di2] /front line (military)/ [qian2 fang1] /ahead/the front/ [qian2 ri4] /day before yesterday/ [qian2 jing3] /foreground/vista/(future) prospects/perspective/ [qian2 jing3 ke3 qi1] /to have a promising future/to have bright prospect [qian2 chao2] /the previous dynasty/ [qian2 qi1] /preceding period/early stage/ [qian2 wei2] /foremast/ [Qian2 qiao2] /Maebashi (surname or place name)/ [qian2 ci3] /before today/ [qian2 duan4] /first part/front end/forepart/front segment/the preceding section/ [qian2 yan2] /front-line/forward position/outpost/extending ahead/frontier (of sc ence, technology etc)/ [Qian2 Liang2] /Former Liang of the Sixteen Kingdoms (314-376)/ [Qian2 Han4] /Former Han Dynasty (206 BC-8 AD), also called [Xi1 Han4], ynasty/ [Qian2 Han4 Shu1] /History of the Former Han Dynasty, second of the 24 dynast

ories [Er4 shi2 xi4 Shi3], composed by Ban Gu [Ban1 Gu4] in 82 during Eastern H er Han), 100 scrolls/ [qian2 wu2 gu3 ren2 hou4 wu2 lai2 zhe3] /to surpass all o have neither predecessors nor successors/ [qian2 deng1] /headlight/ [qian2 yan1] /Former Yan of the Sixteen Kingdoms (337-370)/ [qian2 sheng1] /pre-existence/ [qian2 sheng1 yuan1 nie4] /predestined relationship/ [qian2 sheng1 zhao4 huan4] /foreordination/ [qian2 jia3 ban3] /forward deck (of a boat)/ [qian2 zhan1] /forward-looking/prescient/foresight/forethought/outlook/ [qian2 zhan1 xing4] /farsightedness/perspicacity/prescience/forward-looking/ [qian2 mo2 chi3] /premolar tooth/ [qian2 ke1] /criminal record/previous convictions/ [Qian2 Qin2] /Former Qin of the Sixteen Kingdoms (351-395)/ [qian2 cheng2] /future (career etc) prospects/ [qian2 cheng2 yuan3 da4] /to have a future full of promise/ [qian2 kong1 fan1] /forward somersault/front flip/ [qian2 duan1] /front/front end/forward part of sth/ [qian2 zhui4] /prefix (linguistics)/ [qian2 xian4] /front line/military front/workface/cutting edge/ [qian2 yuan2 wei4 liao3] /ones predestined fate is yet to be fulfilled ( [qian2 zong3 li3] /former prime minister/ [qian2 zong3 tong3] /former president/ [qian2 zhi4 i2] /preposition/ [qian2 hi4] /front wing (of inse t)/ [qian2 zhe3] /the former/ [qian2 zhi1] /forelimb/foreleg/ [qian2 xiong1] /human hest/breast/ [qian2 tui3] /forelegs/ [qian2 bi4] /forearm/ [qian2 tai2] /front platform/front of theatri al stage/foreground in politi s et (sometimes derog.)/front desk/re eption desk/ [qian2 jiu4 hi3] /premolar tooth (immediately behind anine teeth in some ma [qian2 ang1] /fore hold (on ship)/bow abin/ [qian2 mao2] /forward patrol (miitary)/ [qian2 Su1 lian2] /former Soviet Union/ [qian2 wei4] /advan ed guard/vanguard/avant-garde/forward (so er position)/ [qian2 yan2] /prefa e/forward/introdu tion/ [qian2 i2 dian3 yu3 yin1 jia1 gong1] /prelexi al phonology/ [qian2 i2 hui4 jia1 gong1] /pre-lexi al a ess/ [qian2 i2 hui4 yu3 yin1 jia1 gong1] /pre-lexi al phonologi a [qian2 i2 hui4 jie1 duan4] /pre-lexi al stage/ [qian2 fu4 hou4 ji4] /to advan e dauntlessly in wave upon wave (idiom)/ [Qian2 Zhao4] /Former Zhao of the Sixteen Kingdoms (304-329)/ [qian2 shen1] /forerunner/prede essor/pre ursor/previous in arnation (Buddhism)/j ket front/ [qian2 he1 zhu3] /previous owner (of a ar for sale)/ [qian2 he1 zhi1 fu4 , hou4 he1 zhi1 jian4] /lit. th following art (idiom); fig. draw lesson from the failure of one s prede essor/ learn from past mistake/on e bitten twi e shy/ [qian2 he1 zhi1 jian4] /to learn a lesson from the mistakes of one s pre om)/ [qian2 huo4] /prefix/ [qian2 bei4] /senior/older generation/pre ursor/ [qian2 lun2] /front wheel/ [qian2 shu4] /aforestated/stated above/the pre eding statement/ [qian2 tu2] /prospe ts/future outlook/journey/ [qian2 tu2 wei4 bu3] /hanging in the balan e/the future is hard to fore a nows what the future holds?/

[qian2 tu2 miao3 mang2] /not knowing what to do next/at a loose end/ [qian2 tu2 wu2 liang4] /to have boundless prospe ts/ [qian2 jin4] /to go forward/to forge ahead/to advan e/onward/ [Qian2 jin4 qu1] /Qianjin distri t of Kiamusze or Jiamusi ity [Jia1 mu iang/ [qian2 bian5] /front/the front side/in front of/ [qian2 bian5 r5] /erhua variant of [qian2 bian5]/ [qian2 bu4] /front part/front section/nose (of a plane)/ [qian2 bu4 pi2 ceng2 xia4 sun3 shang1] /anterior subcortical [Qian2 guo1 er3 Luo2 si1 Meng3 gu3 zu2 zi4 zh yuan , Jilin/ [Qian2 guo1 xian4] /Qian Gorlos Mongol autonomous county in Songyuan , Ji [Qian2 guo1 zhen4] /Qian Gorlos township, capital of Qian Gorlos Mongol auton ounty , Songyuan, Jilin/ [Qian2 jin1] /Qianjin or Chienchin district of Kaohsiung city [Gao1 xiong2 th Taiwan/ [Qian2 jin1 qu1] /Qianjin or Chienchin district of Kaohsiung city [Gao1 outh Taiwan/ [qian2 feng1] /vanguard/front line/a forward (sports)/ [qian2 ju4 ji1] /serratus anterior muscle (upper sides of the chest)/ [Qian2 zhen4] /Qianzhen or Chienchen district of Kaohsiung city [Gao1 xiong outh Taiwan/ [Qian2 zhen4 qu1] /Qianzhen or Chienchen district of Kaohsiung city [Ga south Taiwan/ [Qian2 men2] /Qianmen subway station on Beijing Subway Line 2/ [qian2 men2] /front door/main entrance/honest and upright approach (as opposed to ack-door or under the counter)/ [qian2 men2 da3 hu3 , hou4 men2 da3 lang2] /to beat a wolf come in at the back (idiom); fig. facing one problem after another/ [qian2 men2 ju4 hu3 , hou4 men2 jin4 lang2] /to beat wolf come in at the back (idiom); fig. facing one problem after another/ [qian2 mian4] /ahead/in front/preceding/above/ [qian2 tou5] /in front/at the head/ahead/above/ [qian2 e2] /forehead/ [qian2 shou3 xiang4] /former prime minister/ [qian2 ti3] /precursor/ [qian2 bi2 yin1] /alveolar nasal/consonant n produced in the nose with the to ainst the alveolar ridge/ [qian2 chi3 yin2] /alveolar/front part of the alveolar ridge/ [cha4] /Buddhist monastery, temple or shrine (abbr. for , Sanskrit ksetra)/ [sha1] /to brake/ [sha1 bu4 zhu4] /unable to brake (stop)/ [sha1 zhu4] /to stop/to come to a halt/ [sha1 ba3] /brake lever/crank handle for stopping or turning off machinery/ [cha4 shi2] /in a flash/in the twinkling of an eye/ [sha1 che1] /to brake (when driving)/to stop/to switch off/to check (bad habits)/ brake/ [sha1 che1 deng1] /brake light/ [cha4 na4] /an instant (Sanskrit: ksana)/split second/the twinkling of an eye/ [cuo4] /to cut/to carve/ [ti1] /pick (as teeth)/ [ti1 ya2] /to pick one's teeth/ [ti1 chu2] /to reject/to discard/to get rid of/ [fei4] /amputation of limbs as corporal punishment/variant of , calf/ [pou1] /to cut open/to analyze/Taiwan pr. [pou3]/ [pou1 gong1 chan3] /Cesarean section/ [pou1 gong1 chan3 shou3 shu4] /Cesarean section operation/ [pou1 xi1] /dissection/self-analysis/ [pou1 bai2] /to explain oneself/ [pou1 gan1 li4 dan3] /to be open and respectful (idiom)/

[pou1 fu4] /to cut open the abdomen/to disembowel/to speak from the heart/ [pou1 fu4 chan3] /Cesarean section/ [pou1 fu4 chan3 shou3 shu4] /Cesarean section operation/ [pou1 fu4 zi4 sha1] /hara-kiri/ [pou1 fu4 cang2 zhu1] /lit. cutting one's stomach to hide a pearl (idiom) a lot of effort on trivialities/ [pou1 shi4] /to analyze/to dissect/ [pou1 shi4 tu2] /section view/cutaway view/ [pou1 bian4] /to analyze/to explain/ [pou1 mian4] /profile/section/ [zi4] /erect/stab/ [gang1] /hard/firm/strong/just/barely/exactly/ [gang1 yi1] /to be just about to/to have just started to/ [gang1 jian4] /energetic/robust/ [gang1 gang5] /just recently/just a moment ago/ [gang1 jing4] /bold/vigorous/ [gang1 hao3] /just/exactly/happen to be/ [Gang1 cha2] /Gangcha county (Tibetan: rkang tsha rdzong) in Haibei Tibetan auton mous prefecture [Hai3 bei3 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ [Gang1 cha2 xian4] /Gangcha county (Tibetan: rkang tsha rdzong) in Haibei Tib tonomous prefecture [Hai3 bei3 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ [gang1 qiao3] /by chance/by coincidence/by good luck/ [gang1 du4] /stiffness/ [gang1 qiang2] /firm/unyielding/ [gang1 xing4] /rigidity/ [gang1 bi4] /headstrong/perverse/ [gang1 bi4 zi4 yong4] /obstinate and self-opinionated (idiom)/ [gang1 cai2] /just now/a moment ago/ [Gang1 guo3] /Congo/ [Gang1 guo3 min2 zhu3 gong4 he2 guo2] /Democratic Republic of [Gang1 guo3 he2] /Congo river/ [gang1 jia4] /rigid frame/ [gang1 rou2 bing4 ji4] /to couple strength and gentleness (idiom)/ [gang1 zheng4] /honest/upright/ [gang1 zheng4 bu4 e1] /upright and plainspoken/ [gang1 yi4] /resolute/steadfast/stalwart/ [gang1 yi4 mu4 ne4] /stalwart and plain spoken (idiom); unwavering and pr [gang1 mao2] /bristle/ [gang1 yu4] /corundum (mineral)/ [gang1 zhi2] /upright and outspoken/ [gang1 cai2] /(just) a moment ago/ [gang1 ti3] /rigid body/ [gang1 ti3 zhuan3 dong4] /rigid rotation/ [wan1] /to scoop out/to gouge out/ [bao1] /to peel/to skin/to shell/to shuck/ [bo1] /to peel/to skin/to flay/to shuck/ [bo1 xue1] /to exploit/exploitation/ [bo1 xue1 zhe3] /exploiter (of labor)/ [bo1 xue1 jie1 ji2] /exploiting class (in Marxist theory)/ [bo1 zhuo2] /tap (on a door or window)/ [bo1 duo2] /to deprive/to expropriate/to strip (sb of his property)/ [bo1 diao4] /pare/ [bo1 cai3 bi3] /stripping-to-ore ratio/stripping ratio/ [bao1 pi2] /to skin/to flay/to excoriate/to peel/to bark at sb/to physically puni h sb/ [bo1 pi2] /same as [bao1 pi2]/ [bo1 pi2 qi4] /peeler (e.g. for vegetables)/ [bo1 luo4] /to peel off/ [bo1 shi2] /to corrode/to expose by corrosion (geology)/ [bo1 li2] /to peel/to strip/to peel off/to come off (of tissue, skin, covering et

)/ [ji1] /curved wood graver/ [duo1] /to prick/to cut blocks, to engrave/ [shan4] /river in Zhejiang/ [yan3] /sharp/ [jian4] /Japanese variant of / [ji4] /Japanese variant of / [sheng4] /to remain/to be left/to have as remainder/ [sheng4 xia4] /to remain/left over/ [sheng4 nu:3] /"leftover woman" (successful career woman who has remained single) [sheng4 ci2] /residual magnetism/ [sheng4 cai4] /leftovers (food)/ [sheng4 qian2] /to have money left/remaining money/ [sheng4 fan4] /left-over food/ [sheng4 yu2] /remainder/surplus/ [sheng4 yu2 jia4 zhi2] /surplus value/ [sheng4 yu2 ding4 li3] /the Remainder Theorem/ [sheng4 yu2 fang4 she4 xing4] /residual radioactivity/ [sheng4 yu2 fu2 she4] /residual radiation/ [Jian3] /surname Jian/ [jian3] /scissors/shears/clippers/CL:[ba3]/to cut with scissors/to trim/to wipe o ut or exterminate/ [jian3 dao1] /scissors/CL:[ba3]/ [jian3 dao1 cha1] /prices scissor (caught between low income and high prices) [jian3 qie1] /to shear/shearing (force)/ [jian3 qie1 li4] /shear/shearing force/ [jian3 qie1 xing2 bian4] /shearing/shear deformation/ [jian3 li4] /shear/shearing force/ [jian3 bao4] /newspaper cutting/clippings/ [jian3 zi5] /clippers/scissors/shears/CL:[ba3]/ [jian3 cai3] /to cut the ribbon (at a launching or opening ceremony)/ [jian3 ying3] /paper-cut silhouette/outline/sketch/ [jian3 ying4 li4] /shear stress/ [jian3 cheng2] /cut into/ [jian3 diao4] /to cut off/to cut away/to trim/ [jian3 jie1] /film-editing/montage/to cut or edit film/ [jian3 duan4] /shear/ [jian3 zhi1] /to prune (branches etc)/ [jian3 zhi3] /papercutting (Chinese folk art)/to make paper cutouts/ [jian3 cai3] /to cut the ribbon (at an opening)/ [jian3 cao3 ji1] /grass mower/ [jian3 cao3 chu2 gen1] /lit. cut grass and pull out roots (idiom); fig. t t and branch/to eradicate/ [jian3 cai2] /to tailor (clothes)/to trim (expenditure)/ [jian3 tie1 ban3] /clipboard (computing)/ [jian3 tie1 bu4] /scrapbook/ [jian3 ji2] /to edit (video images, film)/ [jian3 chu2] /to eradicate/to exterminate/ [jian3 tou2 fa5] /(to get a) haircut/ [gua3] /cut off the flesh as punishment/ [fu4] /secondary/auxiliary/deputy/assistant/vice-/abbr. for adverb/classifi pairs, sets of things & facial expressions/ [fu4 zhu3 ren4] /deputy director/assistant head/ [fu4 zhu3 xi2] /vice-chairperson/ [fu4 zuo4 yong4] /side effect/ [fu4 shang1 han2] /paratyphoid fever/ [fu4 kan1] /supplement/ [fu4 si1 ling4] /second in command/ [fu4 guo2 wu4 qing1] /Under-Secretary of State/ [fu4 di4 ji2 shi4] /sub-prefecture level city (county level division, adm

province, not under a prefecture)/ [fu4 jiang4] /deputy general/ [fu4 zhou1 zhang3] /deputy governor (of a province or colony)/lieutenant gove US state/ [fu4 shi4 zhang3] /deputy mayor/ [fu4 shou3] /assistant/ [fu4 jiao4 shou4] /associate professor (university post)/ [fu4 shu1 ji5] /deputy secretary/ [fu4 ben3] /duplicate/transcript/ [fu4 xiao4 zhang3] /vice-principal/ [fu4 ye4] /sideline/part time business/hobby/ [fu4 biao1 ti2] /subheading/subtitle/ [fu4 fa3 xiang4 liang4] /binormal vector (to a space curve)/ [fu4 re4 dai4] /subtropical (zone or climate)/ [fu4 chan3 pin3] /by-product/ [fu4 chan3 wu4] /byproduct material/ [Fu4 xiang1] /Fuxiang, alternative name for Yushi [Yu Shi], the Imperial Cens ynastic China/ [fu4 sheng3 ji2] /sub-provincial (not provincial status, but independent)/ [fu4 sheng3 ji2 cheng2 shi4] /subprovincial city (having independent hin a province)/ [fu4 mi4 shu1 chang2] /vice-secretary/ [fu4 jing1 li3] /deputy director/assistant manager/ [fu4 zong3 li3] /vice-premier/vice prime minister/deputy prime minister/ [fu4 zong3 tong3] /vice-president/ [fu4 zong3 cai2] /vice-chairman/deputy director (of a company etc)/ [fu4 shen4] /adrenal glands/ [fu4 ci2] /adverb/ [fu4 yi4 zhang3] /vice-chairman/ [fu4 bu4 zhang3] /assistant (government) minister/ [fu4 yuan4 zhang3] /deputy chair of board/vice-president (of a university etc [fu4 shi2] /non-staple food/CL: [zhong3]/ [fu4 shi2 pin3] /non-staple foods/ [fu4 jia4 shi3 yuan2] /co-pilot/second driver/ [fu4 nian2 ye4 bing4 du2] /paramyxovirus/ [sheng4] /Japanese variant of / [ge1] /to cut/to cut apart/ [ge1 shang1] /slash/ [ge1 bao1 pi2] /to circumcise/ [ge1 qu3] /to cut off/ [ge1 ju4] /to set up an independent regime/to secede/segmentation/division/fragme tation/ [ge1 duan4] /to cut off/to sever/ [ge1 li3] /circumcision/ [ge1 xian4] /line interval/secant/ [ge1 she3] /to give up/to part with/ [ge1 cao3] /mow grass/ [ge1 cao3 ji1] /lawn mower (machine)/ [ge1 rang4] /to cede/cession/ [ge1 chu2] /to amputate/to excise (cut out)/ [ge1 ji1 yan1 yong4 niu2 dao1] /lit. why use a pole-ax to slaught fort on a trifling matter (idiom)/ [kai3] /carefully/moderately/ [chuang1] /a wound/cut/injury/trauma/ [chuang4] /to begin/to initiate/to inaugurate/to start/to create/ [chuang4 xia4 gao1 piao4 fang2] /to set a box office record/ [chuang4 shi4] /the creation (in mythology and Genesis 1-2)/the first foundationa steps/ [chuang4 shi4 ji4] /creation myth/ [Chuang4 shi4 ji4] /Book of Genesis/First Book of Moses/

[chuang4 shi4 lun4] /creationism (religion)/ [chuang4 zuo4] /to create/to produce/to write/creative work/creation/CL: [ge4 [chuang4 zuo4 li4] /originality/ [chuang4 zuo4 zhe3] /originator/creator/author (of some project)/inventor/ [chuang1 shang1] /wound/injury/trauma/ [chuang1 shang1 hou4] /post-traumatic/ [chuang1 shang1 hou4 ya1 li4] /post-traumatic stress/ [chuang1 shang1 hou4 ya1 li4 wen3 luan4] /post-traumatic stre [Chuang4 jia4 Xue2 hui4] /Soka Gakkai International/ [chuang4 you1] /to strive for excellence/ [chuang4 kan1] /to start publishing/to found a journal/ [chuang4 kan1 hao4] /first issue/ [chuang4 li4] /to make a profit/ [chuang4 hui4] /to earn foreign exchange/ [chuang1 kou3] /a wound/a cut/ [chuang1 ke3 tie1] /band-aid/sticking plaster/ [chuang4 shi3] /to initiate/to found/ [chuang4 shi3 ren2] /creator/founder/initiator/ [chuang4 shi3 zhe3] /creator/initiator/ [chuang1 ju4 tong4 shen1] /untold pain and suffering (idiom); deeply scar [chuang4 jian4] /to found/to establish/ [chuang4 jian4 zhe3] /founder/creator/ [chuang4 yi4] /creative/creativity/ [chuang4 tou2 ji1 jin1] /venture capital fund/ [chuang4 shou1] /to make money/earned income/ [chuang4 xin1] /innovation/to bring forth new ideas/to blaze new trails/ [chuang4 xin1 jing1 shen2] /creativity/ [chuang4 ye4] /to begin an undertaking/to start a major task/to initiate/to ventu e/venture/entrepreneurship/ [chuang4 ye4 tou2 zi1] /venture capital/ [chuang4 ye4 ban3 shang4 shi4] /Growth Enterprise Markets (GEM)/ [chuang4 ye4 jing1 shen2] /enterprising spirit/pioneering spirit/ [chuang4 ye4 zhe3] /entrepreneur/ [chuang4 pai2 zi5] /to establish a brand/to establish a reputation for qualit [chuang1 tong4] /pain from a wound/ [chuang4 li4] /to establish/to set up/to found/ [chuang4 li4 ren2] /founder/ [chuang4 li4 zhe3] /founder/ [chuang4 ji4 lu4] /record-breaking/ [chuang4 ju3] /pioneering work/ [chuang4 zhi4] /to create/to inaugurate/to contrive/to build (a mechanism)/ [chuang4 jian4] /an original idea/ [chuang4 jian4 xing4] /original (idea, discovery etc)/ [chuang4 ji4 lu4] /to set a record/ [chuang4 she4] /to establish/to found/to create (a good environment)/ [chuang4 yi4] /to propose/proposal/ [chuang4 ban4] /to establish/to found/to launch/ [chuang4 ban4 ren2] /founder (of an institution etc)/ [chuang4 ban4 zhe3] /founder/creator/author/ [chuang4 zao4] /to create/to bring about/to produce/to set (a record)/ [chuang4 zao4 li4] /ingenuity/creativity/ [chuang4 zao4 xing4] /creativeness/creativity/ [chuang4 zao4 zhe3] /creator/ [chuang4 zao4 lun4] /creationism (religion)/ [chan3] /to level off/to root up/ [chan3 chu2] /to root out/to eradicate/to sweep away/to abolish/ [tuan2] /slash/ [li2] /mark/ [piao1] /to rob/swift/nimble/Taiwan pr. [piao4]/ [piao1 han4] /swift and fierce/

[piao1 qie4] /pirate/to plagiarize/ [chao1] /to plagiarize/ [jiao3] /to destroy/to extirpate/ [jiao3 fei3] /to send armed forces to suppress/ [jiao3 mie4] /to eliminate (by armed force)/ [chao1 xi2] /variant of [chao1 xi2]/ [chao1 shuo1] /to plagiarize/ [qiao1] /to neuter livestock/ [jue2] /chisel/engrave/ [hua2] /to scratch/ [hua4] /to delimit/to transfer/to assign/to differentiate/to mark off/to draw (a line)/to delete/stroke of a Chinese character/ [hua4 yi1] /uniform/to standardize/ [hua4 yi1 bu4 er4] /fixed/unalterable/ [hua2 shang1] /to damage by scratching/ [hua4 jia4] /to price (medical prescription)/ [hua4 fen1] /to divide/ [hua4 yuan2 fang2 shou3] /to counter (a stroke in fencing)/ [hua4 ding4] /to demarcate/to delimit/to allocate/ [hua4 diao4] /to cross out/to cross off/ [hua4 bo1] /to assign/to allocate/to transfer (money to an account)/ [hua4 shi2 dai4] /epoch-marking/ [hua4 gui1] /to incorporate/to put under (external administration)/ [hua4 qing1] /clear dividing line/to distinguish clearly/ [hua2 hen2] /a scratch/ [hua4 po4] /to scratch (damage by cutting)/to slash/to streak across (lightning, eteor etc)/to pierce (scream, searchlight etc)/ [hua4 xian4] /to delineate/to draw a line/to underline/ [hua2 xian4 ban3] /ruler (used for drawing lines)/ [hua4 hua1] /engraving (on porcelain etc)/ [zha2] /write down/ [ju4] /drama/play/show/severe/ [ju4 zuo4 jia1] /playwright/ [ju4 tuan2] /theatrical troupe/ [ju4 chang3] /theater/CL: [ge4]/ [ju4 zeng1] /dramatic increase/ [ju4 tan2] /the world of Chinese opera/theatrical circles/ [ju4 qing2] /story line/plot/ [ju4 ben3] /script for play, opera, movie etc/screenplay/scenario/ [ju4 du2] /acute poison/ [ju4 lie4] /violent/acute/severe/fierce/ [ju4 zhao4] /still pose (in stage work)/stage photo/ [ju4 tong4] /acute pain/sharp pain/twinge/stab/pang/ [ju4 she4] /theater company/ [ju4 zu3] /cast and crew/performers and production team/ [ju4 bian4] /fast change of scene/ [ju4 tou4] /plot leak/spoiler/ [ju4 yuan4] /theater/CL:[jia1],[zuo4]/ [pi1] /to hack/to chop/to split open/(of lightning) to strike/ [pi3] /to split in two/to divide/ [pi3 cha4] /the splits (move in dancing)/to do the splits/Taiwan pr. [pi3 cha1]/ [pi1 pa1] /onomat. for crack, slap, clap, clatter etc/ [pi1 qing2 cao1] /have a heart-to-heart chat (mainly used in Shanghai)/see al in1]/ [pi1 gua4 quan2] /Piguaquan "Chop-Hanging Fist" (Chinese Martial Art)/ [pi1 chai2] /to chop firewood/to split logs/ [pi3 chai2] /chopped wood/firewood/ [pi1 kong1 ban1 hai4] /damaged by groundless slander (idiom)/ [pi1 tui3] /to do the splits (gymnastics)/two-timing (in romantic relationships)/ [pi1 lie4] /to split open/to cleave/to rend/

[pi1 li5 pa1 la5] /variant of [pi1 li5 pa1 la5]/ [pi1 li5 pa1 la5] /variant of [pi1 li5 pa1 la5]/ [pi1 kai1] /to cleave/to split open/to spread open (fingers, legs)/ [pi1 li2] /split/ [pi1 tou2 gai4 lian3] /lit. splitting the head and covering the face (idi ting (with rain etc)/showering down/ [Liu2] /surname Liu/ [Liu2 Bo2 wen1] /Liu Bowen (1311-1375), general under the first Ming emperor zhang , with a reputation as a military genius/also called Liu Ji / [Liu2 Bei4] /Liu Bei (161-223), warlord at the end of the Han dynasty and founder of the Han kingdom of Shu (c. 200-263), later the Shu Han dynasty/ [Liu2 Guang1 di4] /Liu Guangdi, one of the Six Gentlemen Martyrs o orm movement of 1898/ [Liu2 gong1 dao3] /Liugong island in the Yellow sea/ [Liu2 Jian4 feng1] /Liu Jianfeng (1936-), second governor of Hainan/ [Liu2 Hou4 zong3] /Liu Houzong (1904-1949), originally Hunan guerilla leader, ed by Chiang Kaishek for killing Xiang Ying during the 1941 New Fourth Army incid nt / [Liu2 Ji1] /Liu Ji or Liu Bowen (1311-1375), general under the firs uanzhang , with a reputation as a military genius/ [Liu2 Tian1 hua2] /Liu T'ien-hua/ [Liu2 Shi4] /Liu Shi, personal name of Han Emperor Yuandi [Han4 Yuan [Liu2 lao3 lao5 jin4 Da4 guan1 yuan2] /Granny Liu visits the person) to be overwhelmed by new experiences and luxurious surroundings/ [Liu2 An1] /Liu An (179-122 BC), King of Huainan under the Western Han, ordered t e writing of the [Huai2 nan2 zi5]/ [Liu2 Song4] /Song of the Southern dynasties (420-479), with capital at Na [Liu2 Song4 shi2 dai4] /Song of the Southern dynasties (420-479), with ca ing/ [Liu2 jia1 kuang3] /Liujiakuang township in Muping district , Ya [Liu2 jia1 kuang3 zhen4] /Liujiakuang township in Muping district [Liu2 jia1 cun1] /Liujia village in Zhangdian district of Zhibo city dong/ [Liu2 Jia1 hui1] /Gordon Liu (1955-), Hong Kong action actor/ [Liu2 Shao4 qi2] /Liu Shaoqi (1898-1969), Chinese communist leader, a martyr Cultural Revolution/ [Liu2 De2 hua2] /Andy Lau/ [Liu2 Xin1 wu3] /Liu Xinwu (1942-), novelist/ [Liu2 Heng2] /Liu Heng, personal name of Han emperor Han Wendi /Liu ist, author of The damned grain / [Liu2 Xu4] /Liu Xu (887-946), politician in Later Jin of the Five Dynasties d History of Early Tang Dynasty / [Liu2 Xiao3 bo1] /Liu Xiaobo (1955-), Beijing writer and human rights activis nizer of petition Charter 2008 [ling2 ba1 xian4 zhang1], Nobel Peace Prize 2010/ [Liu2 Yi4] /Liu Yi (-285), famous incorruptible official of Western Jin dynasty t e Western Jin dynasty [Xi1 jin4] (265-316)/Liu Yi (-412), general of Eastern Jin d nasty [Dong1 Jin4] (317-420)/ [liu2 hai3] /bangs or fringes of hair/ [Liu2 Juan1 zi3] /Liu Juanzi, legendary alchemist and creator of magic potion [Liu2 Juan1 zi3 gui3 yi2 fang1] /Liu Juanzi's medical recipes beq g Fugui / [Liu2 Yuan1] /Liu Yuan, warlord at the end of the Western Jin dynasty , found heng Han of the Sixteen Kingdoms (304-347)/ [Liu2 Xi1] /Liu Xi (late Han, fl. 180), author of etymological dictionary [Liu2 Chan2] /Liu Chan (207-271), son of Liu Bei, reigned as Shu Han em / [Liu2 Yu3 xi1] /Liu Yuxi (772-842), Tang poet/ [Liu2 Xiang2] /Liu Xiang (1983-), Chinese gold-medal hurdler of the 2004 Olympic ames/

[Liu2 Biao3] /Liu Biao (142-208), warlord/ [Liu2 yu4] /Liu Yu, founder of Song of the Southern dynasties , broke aw rn Jin in 420, reigned as Emperor Wudi of Song / [Liu2 Gui4 jin1] /Liu Guijin (1945-), PRC diplomat, special representative to from 2007, Chinese specialist on Sudan and the Darfur issue/ [Liu2 Bin1 yan4] /Liu Binyan (1925-2005), journalist and novelist, condemned as rightist faction in 1957, subsequently dissident writer/ [Liu2 Bang1] /Liu Bang (256 or 247-195 BC), bandit leader who became first Han em eror Han Gaozu (reigned 202-195 BC)/ [Liu2 Jin1 bao3] /Liu Jinbao/ [Liu2 Yun2 shan1] /Liu Yunshan (1947-), PRC career politician, background in ism in inner Mongolia, from 2002 head of party Central Propaganda Section / [Liu2 qing1 yun2] /Lau Ching-Wan (1964-), Hong Kong actor/ [Liu2 E4] /Liu E (1857-1909), late Qing novelist, author of / [gui4] /to amputate/to cut off/also pr. [kuai4]/ [gui4 zi5 shou3] /executioner/headsman/slaughterer/fig. indiscriminate murder [gui4] /cut/injure/ [jian4] /double-edged sword/CL:[kou3],[ba3]/classifier for blows of a sword/ [jian4 ke4] /fencer (i.e. sportsman involved in fencing)/ [jian4 jian1] /point/sharp end/ [Jian4 chuan1] /Jianchuan county in Dali Bai autonomous prefecture zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ [Jian4 chuan1 xian4] /Jianchuan county in Dali Bai autonomous prefecture zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ [jian4 ba2 nu3 zhang1] /lit. with swords drawn and bows bent (idiom); fig mutual hostility/at daggers drawn/ [jian4 bing3] /sword hilt/ [Jian4 qiao2] /Cambridge, university city in England/ [Jian4 qiao2 Da4 xue2] /University of Cambridge/ [Jian4 he2] /Jianhe county in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous prefecture 1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ [Jian4 he2 xian4] /Jianhe county in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous pref dong1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ [jian4 fa3] /fencing/sword-play/ [jian4 shu4] /fencing/ [Jian4 Zou3 pian1 feng1] /Jian Zoupianfeng, pseudonym of prolific modern [jian4 zou3 pian1 feng1] /the sword moves with side stroke (modern idiom) ted winning move/unconventional gambit/ [jian4 zou3 qing1 ling2] /the sword moves like a dragon-fly (modern idiom cted winning move/unconventional gambit/ [jian4 shen1] /sword blade/ [jian4 dao4] /kend (sports)/ [Jian4 ge2] /Jiange county in Guangyuan [Guang3 yuan2], Sichuan/ [Jian4 ge2 xian4] /Jiange county in Guangyuan [Guang3 yuan2], Sichua [jian4 yu2 zuo4] /Dorado (constellation)/ [jian4 ma2] /sisal hemp/ [jian4 chi3 hu3] /saber-toothed tiger/ [jian4 long2] /stegosaurus/ [ji4] /dose/ [ji4 xing2] /delivery mechanism of a medicine (e.g. pill, powder etc)/ [ji4 liang4] /dosage/prescribed dose of medicine/ [ji4 liang4 xiao4 ying4] /dose effect/ [ji4 liang4 dang1 liang2] /dose equivalent/ [ji4 liang4 jian1 kong4] /monitoring/ [yi4] /cut off the nose/ [chan2] /bore/cut/polish/ [mo2] /whittle/ [li2] /a divide, to partition/ [Li4] /surname Li/ [li4] /power/force/strength/ability/strenuously/

[li4 bu4 cong2 xin1] /less capable than desirable (idiom); not as strong wish/the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak/ [li4 zhu3] /advocate strongly/ [li4 zuo4] /to put effort into (work, farming, writing etc)/a masterpiece/ [li4 cu4] /to urge/to press (for action)/ [li4 bao3] /to seek to protect/to ensure/to maintain/to guard/ [li4 ou3] /moment of forces (mechanics)/ [li4 chuan2 di4] /mechanical transmission/ [li4 tu2] /to try hard to/to strive to/ [li4 chang3] /force field (physics)/ [li4 shi4] /strong man/ [li4 da4 wu2 bi3] /having matchless strength/ [li4 xue2] /mechanics/to study hard/ [li4 xue2 chuan2 di4] /mechanical transmission/ [li4 xue2 bo1] /mechanical wave/ [li4 bao3] /Lippo (Group) (Indonesian business concern)/ [li4 du5] /strength/vigor/dynamism/ [li4 zheng1] /by force/to conquer by force of arms/power/ [li4 xin1] /fulcrum/center of force/ [li4 jie4] /to try everything to avoid/to guard against/ [li4 zhan4] /to fight with all one's might/ [li4 suo3 neng2 ji2] /as far as one's capabilities extend (idiom); to the s ability/within one's powers/ [Li4 Tuo4] /Rio Tinto (UK-Australian mining corporation)/ [li4 cuo4] /to win as a result of tenacious effort/to fight off tough competition [li4 wan3 kuang2 lan2] /to pull strongly against a crazy tide (idiom); fi d to save a desperate crisis/ [li4 pai2 zhong4 yi4] /to stand one's ground against the opinion of the m / [li4 gong1] /to assault/to attack in force/ [li4 qi5] /strength/CL:[ba3]/ [li4 qiu2] /to make every effort to/striving to do one's best/ [li4 bo1] /Reeb beer/ [li4 zheng1] /to work hard for/to do all one can/to contend strongly/ [li4 zheng1 shang4 you2] /to strive for mastery (idiom); aiming for the b have high ambitions/ [li4 chu4] /draft animal/beast of burden/ [li4 jin4 shen2 wei1] /totally exhausted as result of over-exertion (idio [li4 ju3] /torque/ [li4 bi4] /lever arm (i.e. perpendicular distance from the fulcrum to the line of force)/ [li4 xing2] /to practice diligently/to act energetically/ [li4 zu2 yi3 zuo4] /afford/able to/ [li4 liang5] /power/force/strength/ [li4 liang4 jun1 heng2] /balance of power/ [li4 zu3] /to block/to prevent by force/ [gong1] /meritorious deed or service/achievement/result/service/accomplishment/w ork (physics)/ [gong1 bu4 ke3 mo4] /one's contributions cannot go unnoticed (idiom)/ [gong1 ling4] /decree/ [gong1 li4] /utility/ [gong1 li4 zhu3 yi4] /utilitarianism/ [gong1 dao4 zi4 ran2 cheng2] /effort will undoubtedly lead to success [gong1 li4] /merit/efficacy/competence/skill/power/ [gong1 xun1] /achievement/meritorious deed/contributions (for the good of society / [gong1 lao2] /contribution/meritorious service/credit/ [gong1 ming2] /scholarly honor (in imperial exams)/rank/achievement/fame/glory/ [gong1 ming2 li4 lu4] /position and wealth (idiom); rank, fame and fortun [gong1 fu5] /skill/art/kung fu/labor/effort/

[gong1 fu5 qiu2] /see [tie3 qiu2]/ [gong1 fu5 cha2] /very concentrated type of tea drunk in Chaozhou, Fujian and / [gong1 wan2 xing2 man3] /to fully achieve ones ambitions (idiom)/ [gong1 di3] /having good foundational training/a solid ba kground/ [gong1 de2] /a hievements and virtue/ [gong1 de2 yuan2 man3] /virtuous a hievements ome to their su essful o om)/ [gong1 de2 wu2 liang4] /no end of virtuous a hievements (idiom); boundles / [gong1 heng2 bu4 ju1] /not to laim personal redit for a hievement (idi [gong1 heng2 ming2 jiu4] /to win su ess and re ognition (idiom)/ [gong1 xiao4] /effi a y/ [gong1 bai4 hui2 heng2] /to fail within sight of su ess (idiom); laste/to fall at the last hurdle/snat hing defeat from the jaws of vi tory/ [gong1 ye4] /a hievement/outstanding work/glorious deed/ [gong1 lie4] /a hievement/ [gong1 lu:4] /rate of work/power (output)/ [gong1 lu:4 e4 hua4] /power penalty/ [gong1 lu:4 shu1 hu1] /power output (of an ele tri al devi e et )/ [gong1 yong4] /fun tion/ [gong1 ji4] /feat/ ontribution/merits and a hievements/ [gong1 zui4] /a hievements and rimes/ [gong1 hao4] /ele tri onsumption/power wastage/ [gong1 neng2] /fun tion/ apability/ [gong1 neng2 tuan2] /fun tional group ( hemistry)/ [gong1 neng2 xing4] /fun tionality/ [gong1 neng2 mo2 kuai4] /fun tional module/ [gong1 neng2 i2 gong4 zhen4 heng2 xiang4 shu4] /fun tio / [gong1 neng2 qun2] /fun tional group/ [gong1 neng2 biao3] /menu (software)/ [gong1 neng2 i2] /fun tion word/ [gong1 neng2 ji2] /fun tion library/ [gong1 hen2] /minister who has given outstanding servi e/ [gong1 kui1 yi1 kui4] /lit. to ruin the enterprise for the sake of one ba il through la k of a final effort/to spoil the ship for a ha penny worth of tar (idiom)/ [gong1 ke4] /homework/assignment/task/ lasswork/lesson/study/CL: [men2]/ [gong1 guo4] /merits and demerits/contributions and errors/ [gong1 gao1 bu4 shang3] /high merit that one can never repay (idiom); inv vements/ [gong1 gao1 wang4 zhong4] /high merit and worthy prospects (idiom)/ [Jia1] /abbr. for Canada [Jia1 na2 da4]/ [jia1] /to add/plus/ [jia1 shang4] /plus/to put in/to add/to add on/to add into/in addition/on top of hat/ [jia1 zhi1] /moreover/in addition to that/ [jia1 yi3] /in addition/moreover/(before polysyllabic verb) to handle it/to deal ith (the subject just mentioned)/ [Jia1 lai2 hai3 xia2] /Strait of Calais in the English channel/Strait of Calais, dpartement of France/ [jia1 feng4] /to raise one's pay/ [jia1 bei4] /to double (output)/to redouble (efforts)/ [jia1 zhi2 xing2 wang3 lu4] /value added network/VAN/ [jia1 jia4] /to increase price/ [jia1 ru4] /to become a member/to join/to mix into/to participate in/to add in/ [jia1 mian3] /to crown/coronation/ [jia1 guan1] /(in former times) coming-of-age ceremony at 20 years/ [jia1 bing1] /on the rocks (a drink)/

[jia1 bing1 kuai4] /on the rocks/with ice/iced/ [Jia1 li4 li4] /Galilee (in biblical Palestine)/ [Jia1 li4 fu2 ni2 ya4] /California/ [Jia1 li4 fu2 ni2 ya4 Da4 xue2] /University of California/ [Jia1 li4 fu2 ni2 ya4 Da4 xue2 Luo4 shan1 [Jia1 li4 fu2 ni2 ya4 zhou1] /California/ [Jia1 li4 fu2 ni2 ya4 Li3 gong1 Xue2 yuan4] /Californ [Jia1 li4 lei4 ya4] /Galilee (in biblical Palestine)/ [Jia1 li4 xi1 ya4] /Galicia, province and former kingdom of northwest Spa [jia1 ju4] /to intensify/to sharpen/to accelerate/to aggravate/to exacerbate/to e bitter/ [Jia1 jia1 lin2] /Yuri Gagarin (1934-1968), Russian cosmonaut, first human in [jia1 jin4] /to increase efforts/to make extra efforts/ [jia1 jin4 r5] /erhua variant of , to increase efforts/to make extra [Jia1 le4 bi3] /Caribbean/ [Jia1 le4 bi3 Guo2 jia1 Lian2 meng2] /Association of Caribbea [Jia1 le4 bi3 Hai3] /Caribbean Sea/ [jia1 ji2 yu2] /porgy (Pagrosomus major)/ [jia1 gu4] /to reinforce (a structure)/to strengthen/ [jia1 sai1 r5] /to push into a line out of turn/to cut in line/to queue-jump/ [jia1 ya1] /to pressurize/to pile on pressure/ [jia1 ya1 fu3] /pressure chamber/pressurized cauldron/ [jia1 da4] /to increase (e.g. one's effort)/ [jia1 da4 li4 du4] /to try harder/to redouble one's efforts/ [jia1 da4 nu3 li4] /to try harder/to redouble one's efforts/ [jia1 da4 you2 men2] /to accelerate/to step on the gas/ [Jia1 yang1] /Kangar city, capital of Perlis state [Bo1 li2 shi4], Malaysia [jia1 wei3] /to ratify (an election, by higher authority)/confirmation (by higher committee)/ [jia1 guan1] /promotion/to take additional post/ [jia1 guan1 jin4 jue2] /to confer a title an official position/ [jia1 guan1 jin4 ji2] /new post and promotion/ [jia1 guan1 jin4 wei4] /promotion in official post and salary raise (idio [jia1 guan1 jin4 jue2] /promotion to the nobility (idiom)/ [jia1 guan1 jin4 lu4] /promotion in official post and salary raise (idiom [jia1 hai4] /to injure/ [jia1 mi4] /to encrypt/encryption/ [jia1 mi4 tao4 jie1 zi4 xie2 yi4 ceng2] /Secure Sockets L [jia1 mi4 hou4 de5] /encrypted/ [jia1 kuan1] /widen/ [jia1 feng1] /to seal up (a door with a paper seal, or a document)/to confer an a ditional title on a nobleman/ [jia1 feng1 guan1 jie1] /to confer additional titles on a nobleman/ [jia1 lun2] /gallon/ [Jia1 zhou1] /California/ [Jia1 zhou1 Da4 xue2] /University of California/abbr. for [Jia1 zhou1 Ji4 shu4 Xue2 yuan4] /California Institute of Technol n / [Jia1 zhou1 Li3 gong1 Xue2 yuan4] /California Institute of Techno [jia1 gong1] /to process/processing/working (of machinery)/ [jia1 gong1 chang3] /processing plant/ [jia1 gong1 cheng2 ben3] /processing cost/ [jia1 gong1 xiao4 lu:4] /processing efficiency/ [jia1 gong1 shi2 xu4] /time course/ [jia1 gong1 mao4 yi4] /process trade/trade involving assembly/ [jia1 qiang2] /to reinforce/to strengthen/to increase/ [jia1 qiang2 guan3 zhi4] /to tighten control (over sth)/ [Jia1 de2 shi4] /Caltex (petroleum brand name)/ [Jia1 de2 man3 du1] /Kathmandu, capital of Nepal/ [Jia1 de2 na4] /Gardner (name)/

[jia1 de2 xi1] /Gardasil (HPV vaccine)/ [jia1 kuai4] /to accelerate/to speed up/ [jia1 ji2] /to become more urgent/more rapid/urgent/to handle a matter urgently/ [jia1 yi4] /paying special care/with particular attention/ [Jia1 la1 jia1 si1] /Caracas, capital of Venezuela/ [Jia1 la1 tai4 shu1] /Epistle of St Paul to the Galatians/ [jia1 la1 ba1 ge1 si1] /Galapagos/ [jia1 la1 ba1 ge1 si1 qun2 dao3] /Galapagos islands/ [Jia1 la1 pa4 ge1 si1 qun2 dao3] /Galapagos Islands/ [Jia1 la1 han3] /Leo Karakhan (1889-1937), Soviet ambassador to China 1921-26 ted in Stalin's 1937 purge/ [Jia1 na2 da4] /Canada/Canadian/ [Jia1 na2 da4 Tai4 ping2 yang2 tie3 lu4] /Canadian Pacifi [Jia1 na2 da4 Huang2 jia1] /HMCS (Her Majesty's Canadian Ship)/prefix Vessels/ [Jia1 na2 da4 Huang2 jia1 hai3 jun1] /Royal Canadian Navy RCN [jia1 liao4] /to feed in/to load (raw material, supplies, fuel etc)/to supply/for ified (with added material)/ [jia1 shi2] /overtime/ [Jia1 cha2] /Gyaca county, Tibetan: Rgya tsha rdzong, in Lhokha prefecture 4 qu1], Tibet/ [Jia1 cha2 xian4] /Gyaca county, Tibetan: Rgya tsha rdzong, in Lhokha prefect 2 di4 qu1], Tibet/ [Jia1 ge2 da2 qi2] /Jiagedaqi district of Daxing'anling prefecture d northeast Inner Mongolia/ [Jia1 ge2 da2 qi2 qu1] /Jiagedaqi district of Daxing'anling prefectur and northeast Inner Mongolia/ [jia1 quan2 ping2 jun1] /weighted average/ [jia1 qi4] /to aerate/to ventilate/ [jia1 qing1 you2] /hydrogenated oil/ [Jia1 sha1] /Gaza/same as [Jia1 sha1 di4 dai4], the Gaza strip/ [Jia1 sha1 di4 dai4] /Gaza strip/ [jia1 you2] /to add oil/to top up with gas/to refuel/to accelerate/abbr. for u2 men2]/to step on the gas/fig. to make an extra effort/fig. to cheer sb on/ [jia1 you2 gong1] /gas station attendant/ [jia1 you2 tian1 cu4] /to add interest (to a story)/to sex up/ [jia1 you2 zhan4] /gas station/ [jia1 fa3] /addition/ [jia1 zhu4] /to increase a bet/to raise (poker)/to raise the stakes/ [Jia1 tai4 luo2 ni2 ya4] /Catalonia/ [jia1 pai4] /to reinforce/to dispatch troops/ [jia1 shen1] /to deepen/ [jia1 shen1 yin4 xiang4] /to make a deeper impression on sb/ [jia1 shen1 li3 jie3] /to get a better grasp of sth/ [jia1 tian1] /augment/add/ [jia1 jian3 cheng2 chu2] /four rules of arithmetic/addition, subtraction, on and division/ [jia1 jian3 hao4] /plus-minus sign ()/plus and minus signs (+ and -)/ [jia1 wen1] /to heat/to add warmth/to raise temperature/fig. to stimulate/ [jia1 yan3] /encore/to give an extra performance/ [jia1 shi1 qi4] /humidifier/ [jia1 re4] /to heat/ [Jia1 er3 ge4 da2] /Calcutta (India)/ [Jia1 er3 wen2] /Calvin (1509-1564), French protestant reformer/ [jia1 te4 lin2] /Gatling (name)/Richard J. Gatling (1818-1903), inventor of t ing gun/ [Jia1 te4 lin2 ji1 qiang1] /Gatling gun/ [jia1 ban1] /to work overtime/ [jia1 tian2] /sweeten/ [Jia1 bai3 lie4] /Gabriel (name)/Archangel Gabriel of the Annunciation/

[Jia1 de5 fu1] /Cardiff/ [Jia1 di4 si1] /Cdiz, Spain/ [jia1 meng2] /to become a member of an alliance or union/to align/to join/partici ate/ [jia1 ma3] /to raise the price of commodities/to raise stakes (in gambling)/to in rease a position (e.g. in futures markets)/to encode/mark-up/ [Jia1 na4] /Ghana, West Africa/ [jia1 jin3] /to intensify/to speed up/to step up/ [jia1 zong3] /sum (result of addition)/addition/total/to add up a number of items to accumulate/ [Jia1 luo2 lin2 qun2 dao3] /Caroline Islands/ [Jia1 hang2] /Air Canada/ [Jia1 zi1 ni2] /Ghazni (Afghan province)/ [Jia1 zi1 ni2 sheng3] /Ghazni or Ghaznah province of Afghanistan/ [Jia1 fei1 mao1] /Garfield (comic strip cat created by Jim Davis)/ [jia1 gai4] /to seal (with official stamp)/to stamp/fig. to ratify/to put lid on cooking pot)/to cap/to build an extension or additional storey/ [Jia1 peng2] /Gabon/ [jia1 xin1] /raise salary/ [Jia1 teng2] /Kato or Katou, common Japanese surname/ [jia1 hao4] /plus sign + (math.)/ [Jia1 xi1 ya4] /Garcia (person name)/ [jia1 shi4] /to add material to an exam/supplementary exam/ [jia1 hu4] /intensive care (in hospital)/ [jia1 hu4 bing4 fang2] /intensive care (in hospital)/ [jia1 sai4] /a play-off/replay/ [jia1 che1] /extra bus or train/ [jia1 zai4] /(of cargo etc) to load/ [jia1 nong2] /cannon (loanword)/ [jia1 nong2 pao4] /cannon (loanword)/ [jia1 su4] /accelerate/expedite/ [jia1 su4 qi4] /accelerator (computing)/particle accelerator/ [jia1 su4 du4] /acceleration/ [jia1 su4 ta4 ban3] /accelerator pedal/ [jia1 jin4] /to add/to mix in/to incorporate/ [Jia1 da2 li3] /Guattari (philosopher)/ [Jia1 na4 li4 qun2 dao3] /Canary Islands/ [Jia1 li3] /Gary (name)/ [jia1 li3] /potassium/ [Jia1 li3 ning2 ge2 le4] /Kaliningrad, town on Baltic now in Russian igsberg, capital of East Prussia/ [Jia1 li3 ning2 ge2 le4 zhou1] /Kaliningrad Oblast/ [Jia1 li3 man4 dan1] /Kalimantan (Indonesian part of the island of Borneo [Jia1 li3 man4 dan1 dao3] /Kalimantan island (Indonesian name for Bor [Jia1 li3 bo1 di4] /Guiseppe Garibaldi (1807-1882), Italian military comm itician/ [Jia1 li3 lei4 ya4] /Galilee/ [Jia1 li3 lei4 ya4 Hai3] /Sea of Galilee (Palestine)/ [jia1 zhong4] /to make more serious/ [jia1 chang2] /to lengthen/ [jia1 dian3] /to work extra hours/to do overtime/ [lie4] /inferior/ [lie4 shi4] /inferior/disadvantaged/ [lie4 bi4 qu1 zhu2 liang2 bi4] /bad money drives out good money ( [lie4 zhi4] /shoddy/of poor quality/ [lie4 ji4] /bad record (esp. of a public official)/unsavory track record/ [lie4 ji4 ban1 ban1] /notorious for one's misdeeds/ [lie4] /unending exertion/ [xie2] /variant of [xie2]/to cooperate/combined labor/ [zhu4] /to help/to assist/

[zhu4 ren2 wei2 kuai4 le4 zhi1 ben3] /pleasure from helping o [zhu4 ren2 wei2 le4] /pleasure from helping others (idiom)/ [zhu4 ji4] /additive/reagent/ [zhu4 li4] /a helping hand/help/assistance/ [zhu4 dong4 ci2] /auxiliary verb/modal verb/ [zhu4 dong4 che1] /scooter (gas powered)/ [zhu4 wei1] /to cheer for/to encourage/to boost the morale of/ [zhu4 xue2 dai4 kuan3] /student loan/ [zhu4 shou3] /assistant/helper/ [zhu4 shou3 xi2] /passenger's side/ [zhu4 jiao4] /teaching assistant/ [zhu4 rong2 ji4] /flux/ [zhu4 li3] /assistant/ [zhu4 chan3] /to help a mother give birth/ [zhu4 chan3 shi4] /midwife/ [zhu4 yi4] /benefit/help/ [zhu4 zhou4 wei2 nu:e4] /helping tyrant Zhu in his oppression (idi of the evil-doer/giving succor to the enemy/ [zhu4 ting1 qi4] /hearing aid/ [zhu4 xing4] /to add to the fun/to liven things up/ [zhu4 ji4 fang1 fa3] /mnemonic method/ [zhu4 ji4 fu2] /mnemonic sign/ [zhu4 ci2] /particle (grammatical)/ [zhu4 xuan3 huo2 dong4] /campaign meeting/ [zhu4 zhang3] /to encourage/to foster/to foment/ [zhu4 zhen4] /to cheer/to root for/ [nu3] /to exert/to strive/ [nu3 chu1] /to extend/to push out (hands as a gesture)/to pout (i.e. push out lip )/ [nu3 li4] /great effort/to strive/to try hard/ [nu3 li4 yi3 fu4] /to use ones best efforts to do sth (idiom)/ [nu3 jin4 r5] /to extend/to put forth/ [nu3 zui3] /to pout/to sti k out one s lips/ [nu3 zui3 r5] /erhua variant of , to pout/to sti k out one s lips/ [Nu3 bi3 ya4] /Nubia/ [Nu3 er3 ha1 hi4] /Nurha i (1559-1626), founder and first Khan of the Ma n dynasty (from 1616)/ [Nu3 wa3 ke4 xiao4 te4] /Nouakchott, capital of Mauritania/ [Nu3 na4 wu3 te4] /Nunavut territory, Canada/ [jie2] /to rob/to plunder/to seize by force/to coerce/calamity/abbr. for kalpa [j e2 bo1]/ [jie2 fei3] /bandit/robber/ [jie2 qiu2] /to break a prisoner out of jail/ [jie2 duo2] /to seize by force/to abduct/ [jie2 fu4 ji4 pin2] /to rob the rich to help the poor/ [jie2 zhai4] /to seize a stronghold/to surprise the enemy in his camp/ [jie2 hou4 yu2 sheng1] /after the calamity, renewed life (idiom); new lea [jie2 chi2] /to kidnap/to hijack/to abduct/to hold under duress/ [jie2 chi2 zhe3] /hijacker/kidnapper/ [jie2 lu:e4] /looting/plunder/ [jie2 shu4] /predestined fate (Buddhism)/ [jie2 shu4 nan2 tao2] /Destiny is inexorable, there is no fleeing it (idi m is at hand./ [jie2 ji1] /hijacking/air piracy/ [jie2 sha1] /to rob and kill/ [jie2 xi3] /to loot/plunder/ [jie2 ying2] /to seize a camp/to surprise the enemy in bed/ [jie2 yu4] /to break into jail/to forcibly release prisoners/ [jie2 che1] /to carjack/carjacking/ [jie2 dao4] /to kidnap/to hijack/

[jie2 nan4] /calamity/ [jie2 yu2] /remnants after a disaster/aftermath/ [qu2] /labor/ [Shao4] /surname Shao/ [shao4] /stimulate to effort/ [lao2] /Japanese variant of / [quan4] /variant of /bond (esp. document split in two, with each party holding on e half)/contract/deed (i.e. title deeds)/ticket/voucher/certificate/ [xiao4] /Japanese variant of / [kuang1] /zealous/ [jie2] /careful/diligent/firm/ [he2] /impeach/ [jin4] /strength/energy/enthusiasm/CL:[ba3]/ [jing4] /stalwart/sturdy/strong/powerful/ [jin4 r5] /erhua variant of [jin4]/ [jin4 li4] /force/strength/ [jing4 zu2] /elite soldiers/a crack force/ [jing4 chui1] /(the wind) blows violently/ [jing4 she4] /shooting vigorously (with gun)/power shot (e.g. in soccer)/ [jing4 qiao4] /strong (wind)/cutting (cold wind)/ [jin4 du4 xi4 shu4] /coefficient of restitution (in Hooke's law)/ [jing4 ji2] /strong and swift/ [jing4 ba2] /tall and straight/ [jing4 ting3] /strong/ [jing4 di2] /formidable opponent/ [jing4 lu:3] /strong contingent/elite squad/ [jing4 lie4] /violent/ [jing4 zhi2] /strong and upright/ [jing4 cao3] /tough upright grass/fig. a staunch character able to withstand toug test/ [jin4 tou2] /enthusiasm/zeal/vigor/strength/ [jing4 feng1] /strong wind/gale/ [bo2] /flourishing/prosperous/suddenly/abruptly/ [Bo2 lie4 ri4 nie4 fu1] /Leonid Brezhnev/ [Bo2 li4] /Boli county in Qitaihe [Qi1 tai2 he2], Heilongjiang/ [Bo2 li4 xian4] /Boli county in Qitaihe [Qi1 tai2 he2], Heilongjiang/ [bo2 bo2] /thriving/vigorous/exuberant/ [Bo2 gu4] /Pegu city in south Myanmar (Burma)/ [Bo2 gu4 shan1 mai4] /Pegu Yoma (mountain range) of south central Myanmar arating Irrawaddy and Sittang basins/ [Bo2 gu4 he2] /Pegu river of south central Myanmar (Burma)/ [Bo2 la1 mu3 si1] /Brahms (name)/Johannes Brahms (1833-1897), German roma / [Bo2 lang3 ning2] /Browning, US firearm brand/ [Bo2 hai3] /Han dynasty province around the Bohai sea/renamed after the Han/ [bo2 ran2] /agitatedly/excitedly/vigorously/ [bo2 ran2 bian4 se4] /to suddenly change color showing displeasure, bewil [bo2 fa1] /thrive/prosper/break out/ [bo2 xing1] /to rise suddenly/to grow vigorously/ [bo2 gen3 di4] /Burgundy (Bourgogne), kingdom during medieval period, now reg France/ [Bo2 lan2 deng1 bao3] /Brandenburg (e.g. gate, concertos)/ [bo2 qi3] /erection/to have an erection/ [chi4] /Japanese variant of /imperial decree/ [yong3] /brave/ [yong3 li4] /courage and strength/ [yong3 shi4] /a warrior/a brave person/ [yong3 wang3 zhi2 qian2] /to advance bravely/ [yong3 han4] /brave/ [yong3 gan3] /brave/courageous/

[yong3 yu2] /to dare to/to be brave enough to/ [yong3 wu3] /brave/ [yong3 qi4] /courage/valor/ [yong3 jue2] /decisive/brave/ [yong3 meng3] /bold and powerful/brave and fierce/ [yong3 lu:e4] /brave and cunning/ [mian3] /exhort/to make an effort/ [mian3 li4] /to strive/to make an effort/to exert oneself/to encourage/ [mian3 li4 er2 wei2] /to try one's best to do sth (idiom)/ [mian3 mian3 qiang3 qiang3] /to achieve with difficulty/only just up to t y adequate/ [mian3 li4] /to encourage/ [mian3 qiang3] /to do with difficulty/to force sb to do sth/reluctant/barely enou h/ [Mian3 xian4] /Mian county in Hnzhng [Han4 zhong1], Shnx/ [qing2] /violent/strong/ [meng3] /variant of /brave/fierce/ [Meng3 hai3] /Menghai county in Xishuangbanna Dai autonomous prefecture zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ [Meng3 hai3 xian4] /Menghai county in Xishuangbanna Dai autonomous prefecture ai3 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ [Meng3 la4] /Mengla county in Xishuangbanna Dai autonomous prefecture 2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ [Meng3 la4 xian4] /Mengla county in Xishuangbanna Dai autonomous prefecture 3 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ [le4] /rein in/ [lei1] /to choke/to throttle/to strangle/ [le4 ling4] /to order/to force/ [le4 ha1 fei4 er3] /Le Havre (French town)/ [Le4 wei1 ye1] /Urbain Le Verrier (1811-1877), French mathematician and astro ho predicted the position of Neptune/ [le4 jie4] /to force sb (to give up drug)/to enforce abstinence/to break drug dep ndence/ [lei1 bi4] /to strangle or throttle to death/ [Le4 si1 bo1 si1] /Lesbos (Greek island in Aegean)/ [Le4 si1 bo1 si1 dao3] /Lesbos (Greek island in Aegean)/ [lei1 si3] /to strangle/ [lei1 sha1] /to strangle/ [le4 suo3] /to blackmail/to extort/ [le4 suo3 zui4] /blackmail/ [Le4 wei2 fu5] /Lviv (Lvov), town in western Ukraine/ [Le4 wei2 na4 si1] /Levinas (philosopher)/ [lei1 jin3] /to tighten (bond)/ [lei1 jin3 ku4 dai4] /to tighten one's belt/ [lei1 bo2 zi5] /to throttle/to strangle/ [le4 bi1] /to coerce/to force/to press sb into doing sth/ [le4 ma3] /to rein in a horse/ [Le4 Pang2] /Jean-Marie Le Pen (1928-), French Front National extreme right-wing olitician/ [dong4] /to use/to act/to move/to change/abbr. for verb [dong4 ci2]/ [dong4 bu5 dong4] /apt to happen (usually of sth undesirable)/frequently/happ asily (e.g. accident or illness)/ [dong4 luan4] /turmoil/upheaval/unrest/ [dong4 ren2] /touching/moving/ [dong4 ren2 xin1 po4] /to move and thrill (idiom); exciting/ [dong4 zuo4] /movement/motion/action/CL: [ge4]/ [dong4 zuo4 pian4] /action movie/CL:[bu4]/ [dong4 li4] /power/motion/propulsion/force/ [dong4 li4 fan3 ying4 dui1] /power reactor/ [dong4 li4 xue2] /dynamics (math.)/kinetics/

[dong4 li4 xi4 tong3] /mechanical system/ [dong4 kou3] /use mouth (to reason with someone)/ [dong4 ming2 ci2] /gerund/ [dong4 xiang4] /trend/tendency/ [dong4 yuan2] /to mobilize/to arouse/mobilization/CL:[ci4], [ge4]/ [dong4 wen4] /may I ask/ [dong4 zui3] /talk/ [dong4 zui3 pi2] /lip service/ [dong4 zui3 pi2 r5] /erhua variant of [dong4 zui3 pi2 zi [dong4 zui3 pi2 zi5] /lip service/ [dong4 yin1] /motivation/moving force/underlying force/agent/ [dong4 rong2] /to be emotionally moved/ [dong4 gong1] /to start (a building project)/ [dong4 ping2 heng2] /dynamic equilibrium/dynamic balancing/ [dong4 tan5] /to budge/ [dong4 tan5 bu5 de2] /to be unable to move a single step/ [dong4 xin1] /to be moved/to be tempted/ [dong4 nu4] /to get angry/ [dong4 qing2] /to get excited/passionate/aroused to passion/to fall in love/on he t (of animals)/ [dong4 qing2 qi1] /estrus/the rutting season/on heat/ [dong4 qing2 ji1 su4] /estrogen/ [dong4 qing2 su4] /estrogen/ [dong4 gan3] /innervation/dynamism/ [dong4 tai4] /development/trend/dynamic state/movement/moving/ [dong4 tai4 zhu4 ci2] /aspect particle, such as [zhe5], [le5], [dong4 tai4 tu2 xing2] /animated graphics/animation/ [dong4 tai4 cun2 chu3 qi4] /dynamic memory/ [dong4 tai4 ying3 xiang4] /video/ [dong4 tai4 geng1 xin1] /dynamic update (Internet)/ [dong4 tai4 wang3 ye4] /dynamic webpage/ [dong4 tai4 lian4 jie1 ku4] /dynamic-link library (DLL)/shared librar [dong4 shou3] /to set about (a task)/to hit/to punch/to touch/ [dong4 shou3 dong4 jiao3] /to come to blows/to paw/to grope/to get fresh/ [dong4 yao2] /to sway/to waver/to rock/to rattle/to destabilize/to pose a challen e to/ [dong4 zhi2 wu4] /plants and animals/flora and fauna/ [dong4 zhi2 wu4 fen1 lei4] /taxonomy/ [dong4 ji1] /motor/locomotive/motive/motivation/intention/ [dong4 qi4] /to get angry/ [dong4 man4] /cartoons and comics/animes and mangas/cartoon (animated movie)/anim / [dong4 wu4] /animal/CL: [zhi1],[qun2], [ge4]/ [dong4 wu4 fen1 lei4] /taxonomy/classification of animals/ [dong4 wu4 yuan2] /zoo/CL: [ge4]/ [dong4 wu4 xue2] /zoological/zoology/ [dong4 wu4 xing4] /animacy/ [dong4 wu4 xing4 ming2 ci2] /animate noun/ [dong4 wu4 xing4 si4 liao4] /animal feed/ [dong4 wu4 du2 su4] /zootoxin/ [dong4 wu4 you2] /animal fat/ [dong4 wu4 jie4] /animal kingdom/ [dong4 wu4 zhi1 fang2] /animal fat/ [Dong4 wu4 zhuang1 yuan2] /Animal farm (1945), novel and famous satire on volution by George Orwell [Qiao2 zhi4 Ao4 wei1 er3]/also transla [Dong4 wu4 nong2 chang3] /Animal farm (1945), novel and famous satire on olution by George Orwell [Qiao2 zhi4 Ao4 wei1 er3]/ [dong4 yong4] /to utilize/to put sth to use/ [dong4 hua4] /animation/cartoon/ [dong4 hua4 pian4] /animated film/

[dong4 dang4] /variant of [dong4 dang4]/ [dong4 ting1] /pleasant to listen to/ [dong4 gan1 huo3] /to get angry/ [dong4 neng2] /kinetic energy/ [dong4 neng2 che1] /non-petrol vehicle (e.g. hydrogen powered etc)/ [dong4 mai4] /artery/ [dong4 mai4 ying4 hua4] /hardening of the arteries/arteriosclerosis/ [dong4 mai4 zhou1 yang4 ying4 hua4] /atherosclerosis/ [dong4 nao3] /to use one's brain/ [dong4 nao3 jin1] /to use one's brains/to think/ [dong4 dang4] /unrest (social or political)/turmoil/upheaval/commotion/ [dong4 jian4 guan1 zhan1] /to be watched closely (idiom)/ [dong4 jue2] /kinesthesia/perception of one's bodily surroundings and movement/ [dong4 ci2] /verb/ [dong4 ci2 jie2 gou4] /verbal construction (clause)/ [dong4 ci2 chong2 die2] /verb reduplication/ [dong4 yi4] /motion/proposal/ [dong4 bin1 shi4] /verb-object construction/ [dong4 shen1] /to go on a journey/to leave/ [dong4 zhe2] /easily/readily/frequently/at every turn/at the slightest pretext/ [dong4 zhe2 de2 jiu4] /faulted at every turn (idiom); can't get anything [dong4 liang4] /momentum/ [dong4 liang4 ci2] /verbal classifier (in Chinese grammar)/measure word apply nly to verbs/ [dong4 jing4] /sound of activity or people talking/news of activity/ [dong4 po4] /shocking/shattering/ [dong4 po4 jing1 xin1] /shaking one to the core (idiom); extremely distur ng/hair-raising/ [dong4 dian3] /moving point/ [dong4 L] /flowing/flexible/lively (internet slang)/ [xu4] /exhort/stimulate/ [xu4] /exhort/stimulate/ [kan1] /to investigate/to survey/to collate/ [kan1 ding4] /to demarcate/to survey and determine/ [kan1 cha2] /to reconnoiter/to explore/to survey/ [Kan1 cha2 jia1] /Kamchatka (far eastern province of Russia)/ [Kan1 cha2 jia1 ban4 dao3] /Kamchatka peninsula in the Russian far ea [kan1 tan4] /exploration/ [kan1 cha2] /variant of [kan1 cha2]/ [kan1 ce4] /to investigate/to survey/ [kan1 jie4] /boundary survey/ [kan1 po4] /see [kan4 po4]/ [kan1 wu4] /to correct printing errors/ [kan1 wu4 biao3] /corrigenda/ [kan1 yan4] /to investigate/examination/ [wu4] /affair/business/matter/ [wu4 shi2] /pragmatic/dealing with concrete issues/ [Wu4 chuan1 Yi4 lao3 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4 n'yi [Zun1 yi4], northeast Guizhou/ [Wu4 chuan1 xian4] /Wuchuan Klau and Hmong autonomous county in Zun'yi heast Guizhou/ [Wu4 chuan1 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Wuchuan Klau and Hmong autonomous county northeast Guizhou/ [wu4 bi4] /must/to need to/to be sure to/ [wu4 xu1] /to discuss guidelines/to discuss principles to be followed/ [wu4 qing3] /please (formal)/ [xun1] /medal/merit/ [xun1 ye4] /meritorious achievement/ [xun1 zhang1] /medal/decoration/ [sheng4] /victory/success/to beat/to defeat/to surpass/victorious/superior to/to

get the better of/better than/surpassing/superb (of vista)/beautiful (scenery)/ wonderful (view)/(arch. pronunciation shng) able to bear/equal to (a task)/ [sheng4 bu4 jiao1 , bai4 bu4 nei3] /no arrogance in victory, [sheng4 zhang4] /victory/victorious battle/ [sheng4 ren4] /qualified/competent (professionally)/to be up to a task/ [sheng4 ren4 neng2 li4] /competency/ [sheng4 si4] /to surpass/better than/superior to/ [sheng4 li4] /victory/CL: [ge4]/ [sheng4 li4 zhe3] /victor/winner/ [sheng4 di4] /well-known scenic spot/ [sheng4 bai4] /victory or defeat/result/ [sheng4 jing3] /wonderful scenery/ [sheng4 suan4] /odds of success/stratagem that ensures success/to be sure of succ ss/ [sheng4 su4] /to win a court case/ [sheng4 fu4] /victory or defeat/the outcome of a battle/ [sheng4 guo4] /to excel/to surpass/ [sheng4 xuan3] /to win an election/ [lao2] /toil/ [lao4] /to console/ [lao2 zuo4] /work/manual labor/ [Lao2 lun2 si1] /Lawrence (person name)/ [lao2 li4] /work force/labor/ [Lao2 li4 shi4] /Rolex (Swiss wristwatch brand)/ [lao2 dong4] /work/toil/physical labor/CL:[ci4]/ [lao2 dong4 ren2 min2] /working people/the workers of Socialist theory or ous Chinese past/ [lao2 dong4 bao3 xian3] /labor insurance/ [lao2 dong4 li4] /labor force/manpower/ [lao2 dong4 he2 tong5] /labor contract/contract between employer and empl ng wages and conditions/ [Lao2 dong4 bao4] /Trud (Russian newspaper)/ [lao2 dong4 gai3 zao4] /reeducation through labor/laogai (prison camp)/ [lao2 dong4 jiao4 yang3] /reeducation through labor/ [Lao2 dong4 xin1 wen2] /Rodong Sinmun (Workers' news), the official newsp orth Korean WPK's Central Committee/ [lao2 dong4 mo2 fan4] /model worker/ [lao2 dong4 ying2] /labor camp/prison camp with hard labor/ [lao2 dong4 jie2] /International Labor Day (May Day)/ [lao2 dong4 zhe3] /worker/laborer/ [lao2 dong4 neng2 li4] /ability to work/ [Lao2 dong4 hao4] /Nodong, series of North Korean medium range missiles/ [lao2 lao2 lu4 lu4] /tiring/difficult to get by/painful/ [Lao2 ai1 de2] /Lloyd (name)/Lloyd's (London-based insurance group)/ [lao2 wei3 hui4] /labor committee/abbr. for / [lao2 gong1] /labor/laborer/ [lao2 yi4] /forced labor/corve (labor required of a serf)/animal labor/ [lao2 xin1] /to work with one's brains/to rack one's brains/to worry/ [lao2 xin1 ku3 si1] /to rack one's brains/to think hard/ [lao2 la1 xi1 pan4] /lorazepam/ [lao2 gai3] /abbr. for [lao2 dong4 gai3 zao4]/reform through lab [lao2 gai3 ying2] /correctional labor camp/ [lao2 jiao4] /reeducation through labor/ [lao2 jiao4 suo3] /correctional institution/labor camp/ [Lao2 si1 Lai2 si1] /Rolls-Royce/ [lao2 mo2] /model worker/ [lao2 yan4 fen1 fei1] /not wishing to part/ [lao2 lu4] /tiring/ [lao2 shen2] /to be a tax on (one's mind)/to bother/to trouble/to be concerned/ [lao2 lei4] /tired/exhausted/worn out/to toil/

[lao2 er2 wu2 gong1] /to work hard while accomplishing little/to toil to [lao2 ku3] /labor/toil/ [lao2 zi1] /labor and capital/labor and management/ [lao2 zi1 guan1 xi4] /industrial relations/relations between labor and ca [lao2 yi4] /work and rest/ [lao2 yi4 jie2 he2] /to strike a balance between work and rest (idiom)/ [lao2 gu4] /labor and employer/ [lao2 gu4 guan1 xi4] /relations between labor and employer/industrial rel [lao2 dun4] /fatigued/wearied (literary)/ [lao2 jia4] /excuse me/ [mu4] /canvass for contributions/to recruit/to collect/to raise/ [mu4 hua4] /to collect alms (Buddhism)/ [mu4 juan1] /to solicit contributions/to collect donations/ [mu4 kuan3] /raise funds/fund-raising/raise money/ [mu4 ji2] /to raise/to collect/ [shi4] /power/influence/potential/momentum/tendency/trend/situation/conditions/o utward appearance/sign/gesture/male genitals/ [shi4 bu4 liang3 li4] /the two cannot exist together (idiom); irreconcila es/incompatible standpoints/ [shi4 bu4 ke3 dang1] /impossible to resist (idiom); an irresistible force [shi4 li4] /selfishly concerned with gaining advantages for oneself/ [shi4 li5 xiao3 ren2] /snob/ [shi4 li4 yan3] /be self-interested/ [shi4 li5] /power/(ability to) influence/ [shi4 zai4 bi4 de2] /to be determined to win (idiom)/ [shi4 zai4 bi4 xing2] /circumstances require action (idiom); absolutely n rative/ [shi4 jun1 li4 di2] /evenly matched adversaries (idiom)/ [shi4 ru2 po4 zhu2] /sweeping/ [shi4 zi5] /gesture/posture/ [shi4 bi4] /to be bound to/undoubtedly will/ [shi4 tai4] /situation/state/ [shi4 cheng2 qi2 hu3] /if you ride a tiger, it's hard to get off (idiom); ble to stop halfway/ [shi4 zu2] /influential family/powerful clan/ [shi4 shu1 shi4 yi4] /lit. conditions unique and matters different/things same as before (idiom)/ [shi4 neng2] /potential energy/ [shi4 yao4] /influential figure/powerful person/ [shi4 jing3] /potential well (physics)/ [shi4 jiang4] /potential drop (elec.)/ [shi4 tou2] /power/momentum/tendency/impetus/situation/the look of things/ [ji4] /variant of /merit/accomplishment/ [qin2] /diligent/industrious/hardworking/frequent/regular/constant/ [qin2 jian3] /hardworking and frugal/ [qin2 jian3 wu4 shi2] /hardworking, thrifty and pragmatic/ [qin2 jian3 jian4 guo2] /to build up the country through thrift and hard [qin2 jian3 pu3 shi2] /hardworking, thrifty, plain, and honest (idiom)/ [qin2 jian3 pu3 su4] /hardworking, thrifty, plain, and simple (idiom)/ [qin2 jian3 wei2 fu2 wu4 zhi1 ben3] /hardwork and thriftiness (idiom)/ [qin2 jian3 jie2 yue1] /diligent and thrifty (idiom)/ [qin2 jian3 nai4 lao2] /diligent and able to endure hardship (idiom)/ [qin2 jian3 qi3 jia1] /to build up a family by thrift and hard work (idio [qin2 jian3 ban4 qi3 ye4] /to run an enterprise diligently and thrift [qin2 jian3 ban4 xue2] /to run a school diligently and thriftily/ [qin2 jian3 ban4 she4] /to run an organization diligently and thriftily/ [qin2 ze2 bu4 kui4] /If one is industrious, one will not be in want. (idi [qin2 li4] /hardworking/diligent/ [qin2 mian3] /diligence/diligent/industrious/

[qin2 wu4] /service/duties/an orderly (military)/ [qin2 wu4 bing1] /army orderly/ [qin2 wu4 yuan2] /odd job man/army orderly/ [qin2 lao2] /hardworking/industrious/diligent/ [qin2 lao2 bu4 yu2 kui4 fa2] /Poverty is a stranger to industry. [qin2 lao2 zhe3] /worker/ [qin2 lao2 zhi4 fu4] /to become rich by one's own efforts/self-made/ [qin2 qin2] /attentive/solicitous/earnest/sincere/ [qin2 qin2 ken3 ken3] /industrious and conscientious/assiduous/ [qin2 fen4] /hardworking/diligent/ [qin2 fen4 ke4 ku3] /diligent/assiduous/ [qin2 xue2 ku3 lian4] /to study diligent/to train assiduously/ [qin2 mi4] /often/frequently/ [qin2 gong1 jian3 xue2] /to work part time while studying/work-study prog [qin2 kuai4] /diligent/hardworking/ [qin2 ken3] /diligent and attentive/assiduous/sincere/ [qin2 zheng4 lian2 zheng4] /honest and industrious government functionari [qin2 pu3] /simple and industrious/hardworking and frugal/ [qin2 Wang2] /to serve the king diligently/to save the country in times of danger to send troops to rescue the king/ [qin2 ku3] /hardworking/assiduous/ [qin2 jin3] /diligent and painstaking/ [qin2 za2] /odd jobs/servant or army orderly doing odd jobs/ [chao1] /variant of , to plagiarize/ [jiao3] /variant of , to destroy/to extirpate/ [quan4] /Japanese variant of / [yi4] /toil/ [dan1] /exhausted/ [xie2] /harmonious/ [mai4] /put forth effort/ [xun1] /variant of [xun1]/ [xun1] /variant of [xun1]/ [xun1 jue2] /Lord (UK hereditary nobility)/UK life peer/ [xun1 ji4] /exploit/ [Li4] /surname Li/ [li4] /to encourage/to urge/ [li4 zhi4] /to encourage/encouragement/ [rang2] /haste/ [quan4] /to advise/to urge/to try to persuade/to exhort/ [quan4 mian3] /to advise/to encourage/ [quan4 dong4] /to incite/ [quan4 hua4] /to persuade/to urge virtue (in Buddhism)/ [quan4 gao4] /to advise/to urge/to exhort/exhortation/advice/CL:[xi2]/ [quan4 he2] /to mediate/to urge peace/ [quan4 shan4 cheng2 e4] /to encourage virtue and punish evil (idiom); fig ice/you get what's coming to you/ [quan4 xue2] /On learning, classic book by Confucian philosopher Xun Zi (c. BC)/ [quan4 dao3] /to advise/to attempt to convince/ [quan4 wei4] /to console/ [quan4 jie4] /to warn/to admonish/to advise against sth/ [quan4 jiao4] /to advise and teach/to persuade and instruct/ [quan4 fu2] /prevail/convince/ [quan4 jia4] /to mediate in a quarrel/to urge end to stop a fight/ [quan4 jie3] /conciliation/mediation/to mollify/to propitiate/to reconcile/ [quan4 jie4] /to exhort/to admonish/ [quan4 shuo1] /persuade/persuasion/advise/ [quan4 ke4] /to encourage and supervise (esp. state officials promoting agricultu e)/ [quan4 jian4] /to admonish/

[quan4 nong2] /to promote agriculture/ [quan4 nong2 shi3] /envoy charge with promoting agriculture (in Han dynasty)/ [quan4 zu3] /to advise against/to dissuade/ [quan4 jia4] /to persuade sb to accept job offer/to urge a position on sb/ [bao1] /archaic variant of [bao1]/ [shao2] /spoon/ladle/CL:[ba3]/abbr. for [gong1 shao2], centiliter (unit of volu [shao2 zi5] /scoop/ladle/CL:[ba3]/ [yun2] /even/well-distributed/uniform/to distribute evenly/to share/ [yun2 shi5] /even/uniform/ [yun2 zheng3] /neat and well-spaced/ [yun2 jing4] /even/uniform/ [yun2 liu5] /even and smooth/ [yun2 chen4] /well proportioned/well shaped/ [yun2 su4] /uniform velocity/ [gou1] /to attract/to arouse/to tick/to strike out/to delineate/to collude/varia nt of [gou1], hook/ [gou4] /affair/to reach for (with hand)/ [gou1 san1 da1 si4] /to make hanky-panky/to seduce women/ [gou1 ren2] /sexy/seductive/ [gou1 chu1] /to delineate/to articulate/to evoke/to draw out/to tick off/ [gou1 hua4] /to sketch/to delineate/ [gou1 le4] /to draw the outline of/to outline/to sketch/to delineate contours of/ o give a brief account of/ [gou1 yin3] /to seduce/to tempt/ [gou1 xin1 dou4 jiao3] /(in palace construction) center hook and corner l constant strife (idiom)/ [gou1 shou3] /hook shot/ [gou1 quan2] /hook (punch in boxing)/ [gou1 da5] /to gang up/to fool around with/to make up to/ [gou1 lan2] /brothel/theater/carved balustrade/ [gou1 yu4] /magatama (Japanese curved beads)/ [gou1 liu2] /to stay/to stop over/to break one's journey/ [gou1 hua4] /blueprinted/ [gou4 dang4] /shady business/ [gou1 jie2] /to collude with/to collaborate with/to gang up with/ [gou1 feng4] /to point a brick wall/to grout a tiled surface/ [gou1 gu3 ding4 li3] /Pythagorean theorem/ [gou1 qian4] /to thicken with cornstarch/ [gou1 qi3] /to evoke/to induce/to call to mind/to pick up with a hook/ [Gou1 Jian4] /King Gou Jian of Yue (c. 470 BC), sometimes considered one of the F ve Hegemons / [gou1 xiao1] /to write off/to cancel/ [gou1 lan2] /variant of [gou1 lan2]/ [wu4] /do not/ [wu4 wang4 guo2 chi3] /Never forget national humiliation, refers to Mukde ident of 18th September 1931 and subsequent Japanese annexation of Ma [wu4 wang4 wo3] /forget-me-not, genus Myosotis (botany)/ [wu4 ti4 jing4 dian3] /to continue to respect ancient canons (idiom)/ [xx5] /momme (textiles) (Japanese kokuji)/ [Bao1] /surname Bao/ [bao1] /to cover/to wrap/to hold/to include/to take charge of/to contract (to or for)/package/wrapper/container/bag/to hold or embrace/bundle/packet/CL: [ge4], [zh 1]/ [bao1 cheng2] /to charter (a car, ship, plane)/ [bao1 cheng2 zhi4] /chartering system/ [bao1 cheng2 zu3] /chartering charge/ [bao1 gan1 r5] /an allocated task/a contractual responsibility/work that one onsible for completing/ [bao1 er4 nai3] /to cohabit with and financially support a mistress/ [bao1 huo3] /contracted communal meals/

[bao1 zhu4] /to envelop/to wrap/to enclose/ [bao1 jia4 lu:3 you2] /package holiday/ [Bao1 Gong1] /Lord Bao or Judge Bao, fictional nickname of Bao Zheng [Bao1 Zh 999-1062), Northern Song official renowned for his honesty/ [bao1 jiao3] /to surround and annihilate (bandits)/ [bao1 bao1] /bag or purse etc/small bump or pimple/hillock/ [bao1 han2] /to contain/to embody/to include/ [bao1 nang2] /bundle/bag/ [bao1 wei2] /to surround/to encircle/to hem in/ [bao1 yuan2 r5] /buy the whole lot/finish up or off/ [bao1 yuan2 r5] /to buy the whole lot/to take everything remaining/ [bao1 chang3] /book a whole theater/ [bao1 zi5] /steamed stuffed bun/CL: [ge4]/ [bao1 rong2] /to pardon/to forgive/to show tolerance/to contain/to hold/ [bao1 feng1] /to seal/to close up a package with a seal/ [bao1 ceng2] /cladding/covering (on a fiber)/ [bao1 gong1] /undertake to perform work within a time limit and according to spec fications/contract for a job/contractor/ [bao1 gong1 tou2] /chief labor contractor/ [bao1 jin1] /headscarf/turban/ [bao1 gan1] /an allocated task/a contractual responsibility/work that one is resp nsible for completing/ [bao1 gan1 zhi4] /a system of payment partly in kind and partly in cash/ [bao1 bi4] /to shield/to harbor/to cover up/ [bao1 xiang1] /box (in a theater or concert hall)/ [Bao1 Dai4 zhi4] /Bao Daizhi, "Edict Attendant Bao", fictional name used for ng [Bao1 Zheng3] (999-1062), Northern Song official renowned for his honesty/ [bao1 fang2] /compartment (of train, ship etc)/private room at restaurant/rented oom for karaoke/hotel room rented by the hour/ [bao1 za1] /variant of [bao1 za1]/ [bao1 da3 tian1 xia4] /to run everything (idiom); to monopolize the whole allow anyone else to have a look in/ [bao1 cheng2 zhi4] /responsible crew system/ [bao1 cheng2 zu3] /(responsible) crew/ [bao1 chao1] /to outflank/to envelop/ [bao1 kuo4] /to comprise/to include/to involve/to incorporate/to consist of/ [bao1 kuo4 nei4 zhi4 pei4 zhong4] /integrated weights (diving)/ [Bao1 Zheng3] /Bao Zheng (999-1062), Northern Song official renowned for his hone ty/modern day metaphor for an honest politician/ [bao1 tan4] /detective (in former times)/ [bao1 huan4] /to guarantee replacement (of faulty goods)/warranty/ [bao1 lan3] /to monopolize/to take on responsibility over everything/to undertake the whole task/ [bao1 lan3 ci2 song4] /to canvas for lawsuits (idiom); to practice chican [bao1 shu1 pi2] /book cover/ [bao1 yue4] /to make monthly payments/monthly payment/ [Bao1 rou2 shi4 luo2 xuan2 ti3] /Borrelia, genus of Spirochaete b [bao1 ji1] /chartered plane/to charter a plane/ [Bao1 shi4 luo2 xuan2 ti3] /Borrelia, genus of Spirochaete bacteria/ [Bao1 he2] /Baohe district of Hefei city [He2 fei2 shi4], Anhui/ [Bao1 he2 qu1] /Baohe district of Hefei city [He2 fei2 shi4], Anhui/ [bao1 zhi4 bai3 bing4] /guarantee to cure all diseases/ [bao1 han2] /excuse/forgive/bear with/ [Bao1 er3] /Borr (Norse deity)/ [bao1 chan3] /make a production contract/ [bao1 chan3 dao4 hu4] /fixing of farm output quotas for each household/ [bao1 chan3 dao4 hu4 zhi4] /system of quotas for farm output per hous [bao1 pi2] /wrapping/wrapper/foreskin/ [bao1 pi2 huan2 qie1] /circumcision/ [bao1 pi2 huan2 qie1 shu4] /circumcision/

[bao1 piao4] /guarantee certificate/ [bao1 zu1] /to rent/to charter/to rent land or a house for subletting/fixed rent or farmland/ [bao1 gu3] /maize/corn/ [bao1 guan3] /assure/guarantee/ [bao1 mi3] /variant of [bao1 mi3]/ [bao1 su4] /corn/maize/ [bao1 za1] /to wrap up/to pack/to bind up (a wound)/ [bao1 luo2] /include/cover/embrace/ [bao1 luo2 wan4 xiang4] /all-embracing/all-inclusive/ [bao1 ju3] /to summarize/to swallow up/to annex/to merge/ [bao1 chuan2] /to charter a ship/ [bao1 mao2] /bundled thatch/ [bao1 huang1] /to be tolerant/to be forgiving/to conceal/to cover/ [bao1 cang2] /to contain/to harbor/to conceal/ [bao1 cang2 huo4 xin1] /to harbor evil intentions (idiom); concealing mal [bao1 yi1] /capsule (containing medicine)/husk (of corn)/ [bao1 yi1 zhong3 zi5] /seed enclosed in artificial capsule/ [bao1 bei4] /peridium (envelope or coat of fungi, e.g. puffballs)/ [bao1 fu5] /cloth-wrapper/a bundle wrapped in cloth/load/weight/burden/ [bao1 fu5 di3 r5] /family heirloom/most precious family possession/person e's best performance/ [bao1 zhuang1] /to pack/to package/to wrap/packaging/ [bao1 zhuang1 zhi3] /wrapping paper/ [bao1 guo3] /wrap up/bind up/bundle/parcel/package/CL: [ge4]/ [Bao1 hao2 si1] /Bauhaus (German school of modern architecture and design)/ [bao1 pei2] /guarantee to pay compensations/ [bao1 shen1 gong1] /indentured laborer/ [bao1 che1] /hired car/chartered car/ [bao1 ban4] /to undertake to do everything by oneself/to run the whole show/ [bao1 ban4 dai4 ti4] /to do everything oneself (idiom); not to allow othe act/ [bao1 ban4 hun1 yin1] /forced marriage/arranged marriage (without the con ndividuals)/ [Bao1 li3 si1] /Boris (name)/ [bao1 jin1] /cover with gold leaf/gild/ [bao1 yin2] /contracted payment (esp. actors' salary in former times)/ [bao1 xiao1] /have exclusive selling rights/be the sole agent for a production un t or firm/ [bao1 jian1] /private room (in a restaurant, or for karaoke etc)/parlor/booth/com artment/ [Bao1 Qing1 tian1] /Bao Qingtian, fictional nickname of Bao Zheng [Bao1 Z 062), Northern Song official renowned for his honesty/ [Bao1 tou2] /Baotou prefecture level city in inner Mongolia/ [bao1 tou2] /turban/headband/ [Bao1 tou2 di4 qu1] /Baotou prefecture in inner Mongolia/ [Bao1 tou2 shi4] /Baotou prefecture level city in inner Mongolia/ [bao1 fan4] /get or supply meals at a fixed rate/board/ [bao1 jiao3 zi5] /to wrap jiaozi (dumplings or potstickers)/ [bao1 yang3] /to provide for/to keep (a mistress)/ [Bao1 Long2 tu2] /Bao Longtu, Bao of the Dragon Image, fictional name used ng [Bao1 Zheng3] (999-1062), Northern Song official renowned for his honesty/ [cong1] /hurried/hasty/ [cong1 cu4] /hastily/in a hurry/ [cong1 cong1] /hurriedly/ [cong1 cu4] /old variant of , hurried/hasty/abrupt/ [cong1 mang2] /hasty/hurried/ [cong1 cu4] /hurried/hasty/abrupt/ [cong1 ju4] /hurried/impetuous/rash/ [Xiong1] /Hungary/Hungarian/abbr. for [Xiong1 ya2 li4]/

[xiong1] /old variant of [xiong1]/ [Xiong1 nu2] /Xiongnu/Huns/general term for nomadic people/ [Xiong1 ya2 li4] /Hungary/ [Xiong1 ya2 li4 yu3] /Hungarian language/ [Xiong1 yu3] /Hungarian language/ [peng1] /noise of waters/ [ju2] /receive with both hands/ [tao2] /pottery/ [pu2] /crawl/lie prostrate/ [pu2 fu2] /to crouch/to crawl/to creep/ [pu2 fu2] /to crawl/to creep/ [pu2 fu2 qian2 jin4] /to crawl forward/ [pao2] /bottle gourd/Lagenaria vulgaris/ [fu2] /fall prostrate/ [bi3] /dagger/ladle/ancient type of spoon/ [bi3 shou3] /dagger/ [hua1] /variant of / [hua4] /to make into/to change into/-ization/to ... -ize/to transform/abbr. for a4 xue2]/ [hua4 zuo4] /to change into/to turn into/to become/ [hua4 dong4] /to defrost/ [hua4 he2] /chemical combination/ [hua4 he2 jia4] /valence (chemistry)/ [hua4 he2 wu4] /chemical compound/ [hua4 ming2] /to use an alias/assumed name/pseudonym/ [hua4 zhuang1] /to put on makeup/ [hua4 zhuang1 pin3] /cosmetic/makeup product/ [hua4 zhuang1 shi4] /powder room/(euphemism for) ladies' toilet/dressing room [hua4 zhuang1 wu3 hui4] /masquerade/ [hua1 zi5] /beggar (old term)/same as / [hua4 xue2] /chemistry/chemical/ [hua4 xue2 xin4 xi1 su4] /semiochemical/ [hua4 xue2 yuan2 su4] /chemical element/ [hua4 xue2 fen1 xi1] /chemical analysis/ [hua4 xue2 ji4 liang4 ji4] /chemical dosimeter/ [hua4 xue2 fan3 ying4] /chemical reaction/ [hua4 xue2 pin3] /chemicals/ [hua4 xue2 jia1] /chemist/ [hua4 xue2 gong1 ye4] /chemical industry, abbr. to [hua4 gong1]/ [hua4 xue2 gong1 cheng2] /chemical engineering/ [hua4 xue2 shi1] /chemist/apothecary/ [hua4 xue2 shi4] /chemical formula (e.g. water H2O)/ [hua4 xue2 dan4 yao4] /chemical ammunition/ [hua4 xue2 xing4] /chemical/ [hua4 xue2 xing4 zhi4] /chemical property/ [hua4 xue2 cheng2 fen4] /chemical composition/ [hua4 xue2 zhan4] /chemical warfare/ [hua4 xue2 zhan4 ji4] /chemical warfare agent/ [hua4 xue2 zhan4 ji4 jian3 du2 xiang1] /chemical detection ki [hua4 xue2 zhan4 dou3 bu4] /chemical warhead/ [hua4 xue2 fang1 cheng2 shi4] /chemical equation/ [hua4 xue2 wu3 qi4] /chemical weapon/ [hua4 xue2 wu3 qi4 chu3 bei4] /chemical weapons storage/ [hua4 xue2 wu3 qi4 fang2 hu4] /chemical weapon defense/ [hua4 xue2 bi3 se4 fa3] /chemical colorimetry/ [hua4 xue2 zhi4 liao2] /chemotherapy/ [hua4 xue2 ji1 guang1 qi4] /chemical laser/ [hua4 xue2 wu4] /chemicals/ [hua4 xue2 xi4] /department of chemistry/ [hua4 xue2 xian1 wei2] /chemical fiber/

[hua4 xue2 neng2] /chemical energy/ [hua4 xue2 hang2 dan4] /chemical bomb/ [hua4 xue2 bian4 hua4] /chemical change/chemical transformation/ [hua4 xue2 jian4] /chemical bond/ [hua4 xue2 xu1 yang3 liang4] /chemical oxygen demand (an environmenta [Hua4 zhou1] /Huazhou county level city in Maoming , Guangdong/ [Hua4 zhou1 shi4] /Huazhou county level city in Maoming , Guangdong/ [hua4 gong1] /chemical industry, abbr. of [hua4 xue2 gong1 ye4]/ r. of [hua4 xue2 gong1 cheng2]/ [hua4 gong1 chang3] /chemical factory/ [Hua4 de2] /Huade county in Ulaanchab [Wu1 lan2 cha2 bu4], Inner [Hua4 de2 xian4] /Huade county in Ulaanchab [Wu1 lan2 cha2 b [hua4 zheng3 wei2 ling2] /to break up the whole into pieces (idiom); deal gs one by one/divide and conquer/ [hua4 di2 wei2 you3] /to convert an enemy into a friend (idiom)/ [hua4 ri4] /sunlight/daytime/ [hua4 you2 qi4] /carburetor/ [hua4 wei2 pao4 ying3] /lit. to turn into soap bubbles/to come to nothing [hua4 tan2] /to transform phlegm (traditional Chinese medicine)/ [hua4 liao2] /chemotherapy/ [hua4 shi2] /fossil/ [hua4 shi2 ran2 liao4] /fossil fuel/ [hua4 shi2 qun2] /fossil assemblage/ [hua4 fen4 chi2] /septic tank/ [hua4 yuan2] /(of a monk) to beg/ [hua4 xian1] /synthetic fiber/ [hua4 fei2] /fertilizer/ [hua4 nong2] /to fester/to suppurate/to be infected/ [hua4 nong2 xing4] /purulent (containing pus)/septic/ [hua4 yong3] /to pupate/to turn into a chrysalis/ [hua4 zhuang1] /(of actors) to make up/to disguise oneself/ [hua4 jie3] /to dissolve/to resolve (contradictions)/to dispel (doubts)/to iron o t (difficulties)/to defuse (conflicts)/to neutralize (fears)/ [hua4 shen1] /incarnation/reincarnation/embodiment (of abstract idea)/personifica ion/ [hua4 kai1] /to spread out after being diluted or melted/to dissolve into a liqui / [Hua4 long2] /Hualong Huizu autonomous county in Haidong prefecture Qinghai/ [Hua4 long2 hui2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Hualong Huizu autonomou ong1 di4 qu1], Qinghai/ [Hua4 long2 xian4] /Hualong Huizu autonomous county in Haidong prefecture u1], Qinghai/ [hua4 xian3 wei2 yi2] /to turn peril into safety (idiom); to avert disast [hua4 yan4] /laboratory test/chemical experiment/assay/ [hua4 zhai1] /to beg for food (of monks)/ [bei3] /north/to be defeated (classical)/ [Bei3 Ya4] /North Asia/ [Bei3 jing1] /Beijing, capital of People's Republic of China/Peking/PRC governmen / [Bei3 jing1 Zhong1 yi1 yao4 Da4 xue2] /Beijing University of [Bei3 jing1 ren2] /Beijing resident/Peking ape-man, Homo erectus pekinensis ( 000 BC), discovered in 1921 at Zhoukoudian [Zhou1 kou3 dian4], Beijing/ [Bei3 jing1 ren2 min2 da4 hui4 tang2] /the Great Hall of the [Bei3 jing1 Dong4 wu4 yuan2] /Beijing Zoo/ [Bei3 jing1 zhou1 bao4] /Beijing Review/also written / [Bei3 jing1 shang1 wu4 zhong1 xin1 qu1] /Beijing central busi [Bei3 jing1 guo2 jia1 you2 yong3 zhong1 xin1] /Beijing na e of Beijing 2008 Olympic games/ [Bei3 jing1 Guo2 jia1 Ti3 yu4 chang3] /Beijing National Stadi

[Bei3 jing1 di4 qu1] /the Beijing area/ [Bei3 jing1 Da4 xue2] /Peking University/ [Bei3 jing1 Ao4 yun4] /the Beijing 2008 Olympic games/ [Bei3 jing1 Gong1 ren2 Ti3 yu4 chang3] /Workers Stadium/ [Bei3 jing1 Gong1 ye4 Da4 xue2] /Beijing University of Technology [Bei3 jing1 Shi4] /Beijing/capital of People's Republic of China/one of the f icipalities [zhi2 xia2 shi4]/ [Bei3 jing1 shi1 fan4 da4 xue2] /Beijing Normal University/ [Bei3 jing1 Guang3 bo1 Xue2 yuan4] /Beijing Broadcasting Institut 2 mei2 Da4 xue2]/ [Bei3 jing1 Jiao4 yu4 Xue2 yuan4] /Beijing Institute of Education [Bei3 jing1 ri4 bao4] /Beijing Daily (newspaper), [Bei3 jing1 Shi2 jian1] /Chinese Standard Time/ [Bei3 jing1 wan3 bao4] /Beijing Evening News/ [Bei3 jing1 chen2 bao4] /Beijing morning post, [Bei3 jing1 Lin2 ye4 Da4 xue2] /Beijing Forestry University/ [Bei3 jing1 he2 wu3 qi4 yan2 jiu1 suo3] /Nuclear Weapon I [Bei3 jing1 qi4 che1 zhi4 zao4 chang3 you3 xi [Bei3 jing1 kao3 ya1] /Peking Duck/ [Bei3 jing1 Wu4 zi1 Xue2 yuan4] /Beijing Materials University/ [Bei3 jing1 yuan2 ren2] /Peking ape-man/Homo erectus pekinensis (c. 600,0 vered in Zhoukoudian [Zhou1 kou3 dian4] in 1921/ [Bei3 jing1 Li3 gong1 Da4 xue2] /Beijing Institute of Technology/ [Bei3 jing1 Huan2 qiu2 Jin1 rong2 Zhong1 xin1] /Beijing W [Bei3 jing1 chan3 quan2 jiao1 yi4 suo3] /China Beijing Equity [Bei3 jing1 Ke1 ji4 Da4 xue2] /University of Science and Technolo [Bei3 jing1 zhan4] /Beijing railway station/ [Bei3 jing1 Wu3 dao3 Xue2 yuan4] /Beijing Dance Academy/ [Bei3 jing1 Hang2 kong1 Xue2 yuan4] /Beijing Aeronautical and Ast r. to )/ [Bei3 jing1 Hang2 kong1 Hang2 tian1 Da4 xue2] /Beijing Un ics/ [Bei3 jing1 yi4 shu4 xue2 yuan4] /Beijing Academy of Fine Arts/ [Bei3 jing1 hua4] /Beijing dialect/ [Bei3 jing1 Yu3 yan2 Da4 xue2] /Beijing Language and Culture Univ [Bei3 jing1 Yu3 yan2 Xue2 yuan4] /Beijing Language Institute/form xue2] Beijing Language and Culture University (BLCU)/ [Bei3 jing1 Jun1 qu1] /Beijing Military Region/ [Bei3 jing1 zhou1 bao4] /Beijing Review/ [Bei3 jing1 Dian4 ying3 Xue2 yuan4] /Beijing Film Academy/ [Bei3 jing1 qing1 nian2 bao4] /Beijing Youth Daily, [Bei3 jing1 yin1] /Beijing pronunciation/ [bei3 fa2] /the Northern Expedition, the Nationalists' campaign of 1926-1927 unde Chiang Kaishek against the Northern Warlords/ [Bei3 fa2 zhan4 zheng1] /the Northern Expedition, the Nationalists' campa 927 under Chiang Kaishek against the Northern Warlords/ [bei3 fa2 jun1] /the Northern Expeditionary Army/ [bei3 lao3] /northerner, person from Northern China (Cantonese)/ [Bei3 lun2] /Beilun district of Ningbo city [Ning2 bo1 shi4], Zhejia [Bei3 lun2 qu1] /Beilun district of Ningbo city [Ning2 bo1 shi4] [Bei3 cang1 qu1] /erroneous variant of [Bei3 lun2 qu1], Beilun d ng/ [bei3 ce4] /north side/north face/ [bei3 mian3 zuo4] /Corona Borealis (constellation)/ [Bei3 bing1 yang2] /Arctic ocean/ [Bei3 qu1] /north district of city/north zone/Pei north district of a Taiwanese c ty/ [bei3 ban4 qiu2] /the northern hemisphere/ [Bei3 Ka3 luo2 lai2 na4] /North Carolina, US state/ [Bei3 Ka3 luo2 lai2 na4 zhou1] /North Carolina, US state/

[bei3 Yin4 du4 yu3] /Hindi/a north Indian language/ [Bei3 shi3] /History of the Northern Dynasties, fifteenth of the 24 dynastic hist ries , compiled by Li Yanshou in 659 during Tang dynasty, 100 scrolls [Bei3 Zhou1] /the Northern Zhou Dynasty (557-581)/one of the Northern Dynasties/ [Bei3 hui2 gui1 xian4] /Tropic of Cancer/ [bei3 guo2] /the northern part of the country/the North/ [bei3 po1] /north slope/ [Bei3 bu4] /Beibu or Peipu township in Hsinchu county [Xin1 zhu2 xia an/ [Bei3 bu4 xiang1] /Beibu or Peipu township in Hsinchu county [Xi Taiwan/ [Bei3 ta3] /North tower/Beita district of Shaoyang city [Shao4 yang2 [Bei3 ta3 qu1] /North tower district/Beita district of Shaoyang city Hunan/ [Bei3 tang2] /Beitang district of Wuxi city [Wu2 xi1 shi4], Jiangsu/ [Bei3 tang2 qu1] /Beitang district of Wuxi city [Wu2 xi1 shi4], [Bei3 Da4] /Beijing University (abbr. for )/ [bei3 da4 huang1] /the Great Northern Wilderness (in Northern China)/ [Bei3 Da4 xi1 yang2] /North Atlantic/ [Bei3 Da4 xi1 yang2 gong1 yue1 zu3 zhi1] /Nor [Bei3 wei1 zhou1] /North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany/ [Bei3 an1] /Bei'an county level city in Heihe [Hei1 he2], Heilongjiang/ [Bei3 an1 shi4] /Bei'an county level city in Heihe [Hei1 he2], Heilongjia [Bei3 an1 pu3 dun1] /Northampton, town in central England, county town of hire [Bei3 an1 pu3 dun1 jun4]/ [Bei3 Song4] /the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127)/ [Bei3 Song4 si4 da4 bu4 shu1] /Four great compilations of Norther xtensive records of the Taiping era (978) , Imperial readings of the Taipi ise of the record bureau , Finest blossoms in the garden of literature [bei3 han2 dai4] /the north frigid zone/ [Bei3 tun2] /Beitun city or town in Altay prefecture [A1 le4 [Bei3 tun2 qu1] /Peitun north district of a Taiwanese city/ [Bei3 tun2 shi4] /Beitun city or town in Altay prefecture [Bei3 tun2 zhen4] /Beitun city or town in Altay prefecture [Bei3 shan1] /northern mountain/refers to Mt Mang at Luoyang in Henan/ [Bei3 Dao3] /Bei Dao (Chinese poet)/ [bei3 yue4] /Mt Heng in Shanxi, one of the Five Sacred Mountains / [Bei3 chuan1] /Beichuan county level city in Mianyang prefecture , Sichu [Bei3 chuan1 xian4] /Beichuan Qiang autonomous county in Mianyang [M Sichuan/ [Bei3 chuan1 Qiang1 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Beichuan Qiang auton ng2], north Sichuan/ [Bei3 shi4 qu1] /North city district/ [Bei3 shi1] /Beijing Normal University/abbr. for [Bei3 j [Bei3 ping2] /Peiping or Beiping (name of Beijing at different periods, esp. 1928 1949)/ [bei3 zheng1] /punitive expedition to the north/ [Bei3 Ai4] /abbr. for [Bei3 Ai4 er3 lan2], Northern Ireland/ [Bei3 Ai4 er3 lan2] /Northern Ireland/ [Bei3 dai4 he2] /Beidaihe district of Qinhuangdao city [Qin2 [Bei3 dai4 he2 qu1] /Beidaihe district of Qinhuangdao city [Bei3 tou2] /Beitou or Peitou district of Taipei City [Tai2 bei3 shi [Bei3 tou2 qu1] /Beitou or Peitou district of Taipei City [Tai2 [Bei3 dou3] /Great Bear/Big Dipper/Peitou town in Changhua county [Z Taiwan/ [bei3 dou3 qi1 xing1] /Ursa Major/Great Bear/Big Dipper/ [Bei3 dou3 xing1] /the Big Dipper/the Plow/ [Bei3 dou3 zhen4] /Peitou town in Changhua county [Zhang1 hua4 x [bei3 fang1] /north/the northern part a country/China north of the Yellow River/ [bei3 fang1 lao3] /northerner/guy from the north/Yankee/

[Bei3 fang1 Gong1 ye4] /Norinco/ [Bei3 fang1 Min2 zu2 Da4 xue2] /Northern Nationalities University a (former Northwestern Second College for Nationalities)/ [Bei3 fang1 bang1] /Uttar Pradesh (state in India)/ [Bei3 Chao2] /Northern Dynasties (386-581)/ [Bei3 Chao2 xian3] /North Korea (esp. Japanese usage)/ [Bei3 lin2] /Beilin district of Suihua city , Heilongjiang/ [Bei3 lin2 qu1] /Beilin district of Suihua city , Heilongjiang/ [bei3 chai2 hu2] /honewort/Cryptotaenia japonica/ [bei3 ji2] /the North Pole/the Arctic Pole/the north magnetic pole/ [bei3 ji2 guang1] /Northern lights/aurora borealis/ [Bei3 ji2 quan1] /Arctic Circle/ [Bei3 ji2 xing1] /North Star/Polaris/ [bei3 ji2 xiong2] /polar bear/ [Bei3 Ou1] /north Europe/Scandinavia/ [Bei3 Ou1 hang2 kong1 gong1 si1] /Scandinavian airlines system, S [Bei3 jiang1] /Beijiang River/ [Bei3 qi4] /Beijing automobile works BAW/abbr. for g1 si1]/ [bei3 yang2] /the Qing Dynasty name for the coastal provinces of Liaoning, Hebei, and Shandong/ [Bei3 yang2 zheng4 fu3] /the Warlord government of Northern China that de the Qing Beiyang army after the Xinhai revolution of 1911/ [Bei3 yang2 shui3 shi1] /north China navy (esp. the ill-fated Chinese nav war with Japan)/ [Bei3 yang2 xi4] /Beiyang faction of Northern Warlords/ [Bei3 yang2 jun1] /north China army, a modernizing Western-style army set up late Qing, and a breeding ground for the Northern Warlords after the Qinghai rev olution/ [bei3 yang2 jun1 fa2] /the Northern Warlords (1912-1927)/ [Bei3 yang2 lu4 jun1] /north China army (esp. during the warlords period) [bei3 pai4 tang2 lang2 quan2] /Beipai Tanglang Quan - "Northern Prayi Martial Art)/ [Bei3 liu2] /Beiliu county level city in Yulin [Yu4 lin2], Guangxi/ [Bei3 liu2 shi4] /Beiliu county level city in Yulin [Yu4 lin2], Guangxi/ [Bei3 hai3] /Beihai, park in Beijing to the Northwest the Forbidden City/the Nort Sea (Europe)/Beihai prefecture level city and seaport in Guangxi/Bohai Sea/Lake Baikal/ [Bei3 hai3 shi4] /Beihai prefecture level city and seaport in Guangxi/ [Bei3 hai3 Jian4 dui4] /North Sea Fleet/ [Bei3 hai3 dao4] /Hokkaid, Japan/ [bei3 liang2] /Northern Liang of the Sixteen Kingdoms (398-439)/ [Bei3 gang3] /Beigang or Peikang town in Yunlin county [Yun2 lin2 xi [Bei3 gang3 zhen4] /Beigang or Peikang town in Yunlin county [Yu [Bei3 hu2 qu1] /North lake district/Beihu district of Chenzhou city [Ch Hunan/ [bei3 wen1 dai4] /the north temperate zone/ [Bei3 Han4] /Han of the Five dynasties (951-979), one of ten kingdoms during the ive Dynasties, Ten Kingdoms period (907-960)/ [bei3 yan1] /Northern Yan of the Sixteen Kingdoms (409-436)/ [Bei3 Jiang1] /North of Xinjiang/ [Bei3 bei4] /Beibei district of central Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichu n/ [Bei3 bei4 qu1] /Beibei district of central Chongqing municipality, formerly uan/ [Bei3 piao4] /Beipiao county level city in Chaoyang , Liaoning/ [Bei3 piao4 shi4] /Beipiao county level city in Chaoyang , Liaoning/ [bei3 duan1] /northern extremity/ [Bei3 gan1] /Peikan Island, one of the Matsu Islands/Peikan township in Lienchian county [Lian2 jiang1 xian4], Taiwan/

[Bei3 gan1 xiang1] /Peikan township in Lienchiang county [Lian2 tsu Islands, Taiwan/ [Bei3 yue1] /NATO/abbr. for [Bei3 Da4 xi1 yang2 ization/ [bei3 wei3] /latitude north/ [Bei3 xian4] /abbr. for [Tai2 bei3 xian4], Taipei county in north Ta [Bei3 Mei3] /North America/ [Bei3 Mei3 zhou1] /North America/ [Bei3 yuan4] /Beiyuan neighborhood of Beijing/ [Bei3 He2 lan2] /North Holland/ [Bei3 lai2 yin1 Wei1 si1 te4 fa3 lun2 zhou1] /N [Bei3 Yue4] /North Vietnam/North Vietnamese/ [Bei3 chen2] /Polaris/North Star/ [Bei3 chen2 qu1] /Beichen suburban district of Tianjin municipality [Ti [Bei3 Da2 ke1 ta1] /North Dakota, US state/ [Bei3 Da2 ke1 ta1 zhou1] /North Dakota, US state/ [bei3 bian1] /north/north side/northern part/to the north of/ [bei3 bian1 r5] /erhua variant of , north/north side/northern part/t [Bei3 Mang2] /Mt Mang at Luoyang in Henan, with many Han, Wei and Jin dynasty roy l tombs/ [bei3 bu4] /northern part/Tonkin (region in Vietnam)/ [bei3 bu4 di4 qu1] /Northern Areas/ [bei3 bu4 la1 ban1 te4] /Noord Brabant/ [Bei3 bu4 Wan1] /Gulf of Tonkin/ [Bei3 zhen4] /Beizhen county level city in Jinzhou , Liaoning/ [Bei3 zhen4 shi4] /Beizhen county level city in Jinzhou , Liaoning/ [Bei3 zhen4 man3 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Beizhen Manzu autonomou [Bei3 men2] /Peimen township in Tainan county [Tai2 nan2 xian4], Tai [Bei3 men2 xiang1] /Peimen township in Tainan county [Tai2 nan2 [Bei3 guan1] /Beiguan district of Anyang city [An1 yang2 shi4], Hena [Bei3 guan1 qu1] /Beiguan district of Anyang city [An1 yang2 shi [Bei3 Fei1] /North Africa/ [bei3 mian4] /northern side/north/ [Bei3 han2] /North Korea (esp. South Korean usage)/ [Bei3 ling3 di4] /Northern Territory, sparsely populated federal territory ex from center to north of Australia/ [Bei3 ma3 li3 ya4 na4] /Northern Mariana Islands/ [Bei3 Ma3 li3 ya4 na4 qun2 dao3] /Northern Mariana Islands/ [Bei3 Wei4] /Wei of the Northern Dynasties (386-534), founded by the Tuoba b f Xianbei / [Bei3 Qi2] /Qi of the Northern Dynasties (550-557)/ [Bei3 Qi2 shu1] /History of Qi of the Northern dynasties, eleventh of the 24 c histories , compiled by Li Baiyao in 636 during Tang dynasty, 50 sc [chi2] /spoon/ [fang1] /radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 22), occurring in , , e ee also [san1 kuang4 lan2]/see also [qu1 zi4 kuang4]/ [yi2] /washbasin with a tubular handle/ [za1] /go round/ [Za1 jia1 li4 ya4] /Zechariah/ [za1 yue4] /(formal) a full month/ [za1 dao4] /freeway ramp/ [kang4] /couch for two/ [jiang4] /craftsman/ [Kuang1] /surname Kuang/ [kuang1] /to rectify/ [kuang1 fu2 she4 ji4] /to earnestly support ones ountry (idiom)/ [xia2] /box/ [xia2 zi5] /small box/ [fei3] /bandit/ [fei3 yi2 suo3 si1] /fantasti /freak (a ident et )/

[fei3 bang1] /gang of bandits/ riminal gang (formerly often used of politi al opp nents)/ [fei3 tu2] /gangster/bandit/ [fei3 tu2 ji2 tuan2] /gangster/ [fei3 dao4] /bandit/ [fei3 xue2] /bandit den/rebel stronghold/ [fei3 shou3] /bandit/ [gui3] /small box/ [hui4] /remit/to onverge (of rivers)/to ex hange/ [hui4 jia4] /ex hange rate/ [hui4 dui4] /remittan e/funds paid to a bank a ount/ [hui4 ru4] /to flow into/to onverge (of river)/ [hui4 hu1] /to remit (money)/to repatriate (funds)/to export data (e.g. from a d tabase)/ [hui4 hu1 hang2] /remitting bank/ [hui4 hua4] /remittan e/ [hui4 he2] / onfluen e/to onverge/to join/to fuse/fusion/ [hui4 hui2] /to remit home/ [hui4 bao4] /to report/to give an a ount of/to olle t information and report ba k/ [hui4 ji4] /remit/ [Hui4 huan1] /Hui huan distri t of Zun yi ity [Zun1 yi4 shi4], Gui [Hui4 chuan1 qu1] /Huichuan district of Zun'yi city [Zun1 yi4 sh [hui4 cha1] /difference in exchange rates in different regions/ [hui4 long3] /to collect/to gather/ [hui4 ye4 cai2 jing1 ji2 tuan2] /Delta Asia financial group (Maca [hui4 ye4 yin2 hang2] /Banco Delta Asia S.A.R.L., Macau/ [hui4 kuan3] /to remit money/remittance/ [hui4 shui3] /remittance fee/ [hui4 zhu4] /to flow into/to converge/ [hui4 liu2] /confluence/converging together/ [hui4 liu2 huan2] /slip-ring/rotary electrical interface/collector ring/ [hui4 yan3] /joint performance/ [hui4 lu:4] /exchange rate/ [hui4 piao4] /bill of exchange/bank draft/ [hui4 bian1] /collection/compilation/compile/also written / [hui4 bian1 yu3 yan2] /assembly language/ [hui4 zong3] /summary/to summarize/to collect (data, receipts etc)/to gather and eport/ [hui4 ju4] /convergence/to come together/ [Hui4 feng1] /Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC)/ [Hui4 feng1 yin2 hang2] /Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC [hui4 fei4] /remittance fee/ [hui4 jin1] /finance/ [hui4 ji2] /to collect/to compile/to converge/also written [hui4 ji2]/ [hui4 dian3] /confluence/a meeting point/ [Kui4] /surname Kui/ [gui4] /variant of [gui4]/ [kui4] /to lack/lacking/empty/exhausted/ [kui4 fa2] /to be deficient in sth/to be short of sth (supplies, money etc)/ [kui4 jie2] /exhausted/ [kui4 que1] /to be deficient in sth/to be short of sth (supplies, money etc)/ [xi4] /"cover" or "conceal" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 23)/se e also [fang1]/ [pi1] /mate/one of a pair/ [pi3] /classifier for horses, mules etc/Taiwan pr. [pi1]/ordinary person/classif ier for cloth: bolt/horsepower/ [pi3 ou3] /a married couple/ [pi3 fu1] /ordinary man/ignorant person/coarse fellow/ [pi3 di2] /to be equal to/to be well-matched/rival/

[pi3 ou3] /variant of [pi3 ou3]/ [Pi3 zi1 bao3] /Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania)/ [pi3 pei4] /to mate or marry/to match/matching/compatible/ [pi3 ma3 li4] /horsepower/ [yan3] /to hide, to secrete, to repress/to bend/ [bian3] /a tablet/a board with an inscription/a sign hung above a door/ [bian3 e2] /a horizontal inscribed board/ [ni4] /to hide/ [ni4 ming2] /anonymous/ [ni4 bao4] /to withhold information/ [ni4 ying3 cang2 xing2] /to hide from public view/to conceal one's identi / [ni4 ji4] /to go into hiding/ [Ou1] /surname Ou/ [qu1] /area/region/district/small/distinguish/CL: [ge4]/ [qu1 wei4] /location/geographical position/position on a grid or spreadsheet, whe e denotes the row and the column/ [qu1 fen1] /to differentiate/to find differing aspects/ [qu1 fen1 da4 xiao3 xie3] /case sensitive/distinguishing capitals fro s/ [qu1 bie2] /difference/to distinguish/to discriminate/to make a distinction/CL: ]/ [qu1 hua4] /subdivision (e.g. of provinces into counties)/ [qu1 qu1] /trivial/ [qu1 yu4] /area/region/district/ [qu1 yu4 xing4] /regional/ [qu1 yu4 wang3 luo4] /local area network/LAN/ [qu1 yu4 wang3 lu4] /local area network/LAN/ [qu1 yu4 wang3 lu4 ji4 shu4] /LAN technology/ [qu1 kuai4] /separate block/specific section/chunk/ [qu1 zi4 kuang4] /name of radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 22)/s [fang1]/ [qu1 qi2] /district flag/ [qu1 hua4] /subdivision (e.g. of provinces into counties)/ [qu1 ma3] /area code/telephone dialing code/ [qu1 chu3] /to handle/to treat/ [qu1 hao4] /area code/ [qu1 yi4 hui4] /district council/ [qu1 zhang3] /district chief/ [qu1 jian1] /interval (math.)/ [qu1 jian1 che1] /shuttle bus (or train)/train or bus traveling only part of mal route/ [qu1 ge2] /to mark off/interval/segment (e.g. of market)/compartment/segmentation [shi2] /ten/10/ [shi2 yi1] /first of October/PRC National day/same as [guo2 qing4] [shi2 yi1] /eleven/11/ [shi2 yi1 nian2] /eleven years/ [shi2 yi1 yue4] /November/eleventh month (of the lunar year)/ [shi2 yi1 yue4 fen4] /November/ [shi2 yi1 lu4] /(colloquial) going on foot/ [shi2 qi1] /seventeen/17/ [Shi2 qi1 kong3 qiao2] /Seventeen arch bridge in the Summer Palace [shi2 san1] /thirteen/13/ [shi2 san1 ri4] /thirteenth day of a month/ [shi2 san1 jing1] /the Thirteen Confucian Classics, namely: Book of Songs tory , Rites of Zhou , Rites and Ceremonies , Classic of Rites nals , Mr Gongyang's Annals , Mr Gu Liang's Annals , The encius / [shi2 san1 dian3] /half-witted/nitwit/ [shi2 jiu3] /nineteen/19/

[shi2 er4] /twelve/12/ [shi2 er4 fen1] /exceedingly/hundred percent/everything and more/ [shi2 er4 di4 zhi1] /the 12 earthly branches , , , , , , , ar and as ordinal numbers)/ [shi2 er4 gong1] /the twelve equatorial constellations or signs of the zodiac tern astronomy and astrology, namely: Aries [bai2 yang2], Taurus [jin4 niu2], Gemin [Shuang1 zi3], Cancer [Ju4 xie4], Leo [Shi4 zi5], Virgo [Shi4 nu Scorpio [Tian1 xie1], Sagittarius [ren2 ma3], Capricorn [Mo2 jie2], A Pisces [Shuang1 yu2]/ [shi2 er4 ping2 jun1 lu:4] /equal temperament/ [shi2 er4 zhi3 chang2] /duodenum/ [shi2 er4 zhi1] /the 12 earthly branches , , , , , , , , , and as ordinal number)/ [shi2 er4 xing1 zuo4] /the twelve constellations on the ecliptic plane/th e zodiac/ [shi2 er4 shi2 chen5] /twelve divisions of the day of early Chinese and B e-keeping and astronomy/ [shi2 er4 yue4] /December/twelfth month (of the lunar year)/ [shi2 er4 yue4 fen4] /December/ [shi2 er4 ma3] /12-yard (sports)/penalty kick/ [shi2 er4 jing1] /twelve channels of traditional Chinese medicine/ [shi2 er4 jing1 mai4] /twelve channels of traditional Chinese medicine/ [shi2 er4 jiao3 xing2] /dodecagon/ [shi2 er4 bian1 xing2] /dodecagon/ [shi2 er4 mian4 ti3] /dodecahedron/ [shi2 wu3] /fifteen/15/ [shi2 wu3 nian2] /fifteen years/ [shi2 wei4] /the tens place (or column) in the decimal system/ [shi2 bei4] /tenfold/ten times (sth)/ [shi2 yi4] /one billion/giga-/ [shi2 yi4 wei4 yuan2] /gigabit/ [shi2 yi4 wei4 yuan2 yi3 tai4 wang3 luo4] /Gigabit Ethern [shi2 yi4 wei4 yuan2 yi3 tai4 wang3 luo4 lian2 me [shi2 ke4] /decagram/ [shi2 quan2 shi2 mei3] /complete and beautiful/to be perfect(idiom)/ [shi2 ba1] /eighteen/18/ [shi2 liu4] /sixteen/16/ [shi2 liu4 wei4 yuan2] /16-bit (computing)/ [shi2 liu4 guo2] /Sixteen Kingdoms of five non-Han people (ruling most of Chi 439)/also written / [Shi2 liu4 guo2 Chun1 qiu1] /history of the Sixteen Kingdoms 304-439 towards the end of Wei of the Northern Dynasties , 100 scrolls/ [shi2 liu4 wan2 zhi2] /cetane number (quality of light diesel fuel, measu nition delay)/ [shi2 liu4 jin4 zhi4] /hexadecimal/ [shi2 fen1] /to divide into ten equal parts/very/hundred percent/completely/extre ely/utterly/absolutely/ [shi2 fen1 zhi1 yi1] /one tenth/ [shi2 cun4 kou3 pao4] /ten inch caliber canon/ [shi2 si4] /fourteen/14/ [shi2 si4 hang2 shi1] /sonnet/ [shi2 guo2 chun1 qiu1] /History of Ten States of South China (1669) by Wu lls/ [Shi2 yan4] /Shiyan prefecture level city in Hubei/ [Shi2 yan4 shi4] /Shiyan prefecture level city in Hubei/ [shi2 duo1 yi4] /over one billion/more than a billion/ [shi2 da4 shen2 shou4] /the Baidu 10 mythical creatures (a set of hoax an s linked to PRC internet censorship)/ [shi2 tian1 gan1] /the 10 heavenly stems , , , , , , , , , nd as ordinal number like Roman I, II, III)/

[shi2 zi4] /cross road/cross-shaped/crucifix/the character ten/ [shi2 zi4 xing2] /cruciform/cross shape/ [shi2 zi4 jia4] /cross/crucifix/yoke one has to endure/ [shi2 zi4 jia4 xing2] /crucifiction/ [shi2 zi4 xiu4] /cross-stitch/ [shi2 zi4 hua1 ke1] /Cruciferae or Brassicaceae (taxonomic family includi tc whose flowers have a cross of 4 petals)/ [shi2 zi4 lu4 kou3] /crossroads/intersection/ [shi2 zi4 jun1] /crusaders/army of crusaders/the Crusades/ [shi2 zi4 jun1 dong1 zheng1] /the Crusades/crusaders' eastern expedit [shi2 zi4 jun1 yuan3 zheng1] /the Crusades/ [shi2 zi4 tou2 luo2 dao1] /Phillips screwdriver (i.e. with cross slit [shi2 chang2 shi4] /Ten Permanent Functionaries at the end of Han, a byword f uption/ [shi2 gan1] /same as /the 10 heavenly stems , , , , , , , , r and as ordinal number like Roman I, II, III)/ [shi2 nian2] /decade/ [shi2 nian2 shu4 mu4 , bai3 nian2 shu4 ren2] /It take d years to train a man (idiom). A good education program takes a long time to de velop./ [shi2 ji3] /more than ten/a dozen or more/ [shi2 ji3 ge4 yue4] /ten months or so/about ten months/ [shi2 cheng2] /completely/ [shi2 cheng2 jiu3 wen3] /to be 90 per cent sure (idiom)/ [shi2 jie4] /the ten commandments (religion)/ [shi2 na2 jiu3 wen3] /extremely certain/ninety percent sure/ [shi2 shu4] /more than ten/a dozen or more/ [shi2 yue4] /October/tenth month (of the lunar year)/ [shi2 yue4 fen4] /October/ [shi2 yue4 ge2 ming4] /October Revolution/ [shi2 wan4] /hundred thousand/ [shi2 wan4 wei4] /the hundred thousands place (or column) in the decimal syst [shi2 wan4 huo3 ji2] /most urgent/post-haste/express/ [shi2 jiao3 xing2] /decagon/ [shi2 jie4] /ten commandments/ [shi2 zu2] /ample/complete/hundred percent/a pure shade (of some color)/ [shi2 jin4] /decimal/calculations to base 10/ [shi2 jin4 wei4] /decimal system/ [shi2 jin4 wei4 fa3] /decimal system/ [shi2 jin4 zhi4] /decimal/ [shi2 jin4 suan4 shu4] /decimal calculation/ [shi2 bian1 xing2] /decagon/ [shi2 li3 yang2 chang3] /to evoke the glamour of Shanghai in the 1930s a / [shi2 mian4 mai2 fu2] /Ambush from ten sides (pipa solo pie e)/House of F (2004 movie by Zhang Yimou [Zhang1 Yi4 mou2])/ [shi2 xiang4] /ten items/decathlon (athletics)/ [shi2 xiang4 quan2 neng2] /decathlon/ [xin4] /(archaic) to fly rapidly/ [qian1] /thousand/ [qian1 fu2] /kilovolt/ [qian1 wei4] /the thousands place (or column) in the decimal system/ [qian1 wei4 yuan2] /kilobit/ [qian1 Fo2 dong4] /Buddhist grottos/ [qian1 yi4] /myriads/hundred billion/ [qian1 ke4] /kilogram/ [qian1 dao1 wan4 gua3] /to make mincemeat of sb/to hack sb to pieces (use ng)/ [qian1 qian1 wan4 wan4] /lit. by the thousands and tens of thousands (idi umbers/innumerable/thousands upon thousands/

[qian1 ka3] /kilocalorie (Kcal)/ [qian1 gu3] /for all eternity/throughout all ages/ [qian1 gu3 zui4 ren2] /sb condemned by history (idiom)/ [qian1 gu3 yi2 hen4] /to have eternal regrets (idiom)/ [qian1 ding1 wan4 zhu3] /repeatedly urging/imploring over and over again/ [qian1 zhou1] /kilohertz/kHz/ [qian1 dun1] /kiloton/ [qian1 dun1 ji2 he2 wu3 qi4] /kiloton weapon/ [qian1 fu1] /a lot of people (literary)/ [qian1 qi2 bai3 guai4] /fantastic oddities of every description (idiom)/ [qian1 zi1 bai3 tai4] /in different poses and with different expressions/ of postures (idiom)/ [qian1 zi4 wen2] /Thousand character classic, 6th century poem used as tradit eading primer/ [qian1 zi4 jie2] /kilobyte/ [qian1 jia1 wan4 hu4] /(saying) every family/ [qian1 ceng2 mian4] /lasagna/ [Qian1 shan1 qu1] /Qianshan district of Anshan city [An1 shan1 shi4], L [qian1 dao3 lie4 dao3] /Kuril Islands (chain between Kamchatka and Hokkai [Qian1 dao3 hu2] /Qiandao Lake/ [Qian1 dao3 qun2 dao3] /Kuril island chain between Kamchatka and Hokkaid ima-rett/same as / [qian1 dao3 jiang4] /thousand island dressing/ [qian1 cha1 wan4 bie2] /manifold diversity/ [qian1 pa4] /kiloPascal (kPa, unit of pressure)/ [qian1 nian2] /millennium/ [qian1 nian2 qian2] /a thousand years ago/ [qian1 lu:4 yi1 shi1] /reflect a thousand times and you can still make a m); to err is human/ [qian1 lu:4 yi1 de2] /a thousand tries leads to one success (idiom, humbl n without any notable ability on my part, I may still get it right sometimes by good luck./ [qian1 jin1 ding3] /jack (for lifting weight)/ [qian1 fang1 bai3 ji4] /lit. thousand ways, a hundred plans (idiom); by e means/ [qian1 wa3] /kilowatt (unit of electric power)/ [qian1 chuang1 bai3 kong3] /riddled with gaping wounds/afflicted with all [qian1 zhen1 wan4 que4] /absolutely true (idiom)/manifold/true from many w/ [qian1 xi3 nian2] /Millennium/ [qian1 qiu1] /a thousand years/your birthday (honorific)/ [qian1 qiu1 wan4 dai4] /throughout the ages/ [qian1 pian1 yi1 lu:4] /thousand articles, same rule (idiom); stereotyped ve/once you've seen one, you've seen them all/ [qian1 mi3] /kilometer/ [qian1 si1 wan4 lu:3] /linked in countless ways/ [qian1 jing1 wan4 juan3] /lit. a thousand sutras, ten thousand scrolls; f Buddhist canon/ [qian1 wan4] /ten million/countless/many/one must by all means/ [Qian1 ye4] /Chiba, Japan/ [Qian1 ye4 xian4] /Chiba prefecture, Japan/ [qian1 yan2 wan4 yu3] /thousands of words (idiom); having a lot of things ng nonstop/ [qian1 bian4 wan4 hua4] /countless changes/constant permutation/ [qian1 bian4 wan4 zhen3] /constantly changing, ever-varying (idiom)/ [qian1 he4] /kilohertz/ [qian1 he4 zi1] /kilohertz/kHz/ [qian1 zu2 chong2] /millipede/ [qian1 jun1 yi4 de2 , yi1 jiang4 nan2 qiu2] /Easy to find a good general. (idiom)/

[qian1 jun1 wan4 ma3] /magnificent army with thousands of men and horses essive display of manpower/all the King's horses and all the King's men/ [qian1 zai3 nan2 feng2] /lit. hard to meet in a thousand years (idiom); e opportunity/once in a blue moon/ [qian1 xin1 wan4 ku3] /to suffer untold hardships (idiom); trials and tri h difficulty/after some effort/ [qian1 li3] /a thousand miles/a thousand li (i.e. 500 kilometers)/a long distance [qian1 li3 zhi1 di1 , kui4 yu2 yi3 xue2] /An ant hole damage from a moment's negligence. (idiom)/ [qian1 li3 zhi1 wai4] /thousand miles distant/ [qian1 li3 zhi1 xing2 , shi3 yu2 zu2 xia4] /lit. a th tep/fig. big accomplishments come from an accumulation of little achievements ma de one by one/ [qian1 li3 ji4 e2 mao2] /goose feather sent from afar (idiom); a trif weighty thought behind it/also written / [qian1 li3 yan3] /clairvoyance/ [qian1 li3 tiao2 tiao2] /from distant parts/ [qian1 li3 song4 e2 mao2] /goose feather sent from afar (idiom); a tr a weighty thought behind it/ [qian1 li3 song4 e2 mao2 , li3 qing1 ren2 yi4 t but weighty meaning (idiom); It's not the present the counts, it's the thought behind it./ [qian1 li3 song4 e2 mao2 , li3 qing1 qing2 yi sent with a weighty thought behind it (idiom); It's not the gift that counts, bu t the thought behind it./ [Qian1 li3 da2 he2 Duo1 ba1 ge1] /Trinidad and Tobago/ [qian1 li3 ma3] /lit. ten thousand mile horse/fine steed/ [qian1 li3 e2 mao2] /goose feather sent from afar (idiom); a trifling gif hty thought behind it/also written [qian1 li3 song4 e2 mao2]/ [qian1 jin1] /thousand jin (pounds) of gold/money and riches/(honorific) inval e (support)/(honorific) daughter/ [qian1 jin1 yi1 zhi4] /lit. stake a thousand pieces of gold on one throw hrow away money recklessly/extravagant/ [qian1 jin1 yi1 nuo4] /a promise worth one thousand in gold (idiom); a pr st be kept/ [Qian1 jin1 fang1] /Prescriptions Worth a Thousand in Gold, early Tang compen herbal medecine by Sn Smio [Sun1 Si1 miao3]/ [Qian1 jin1 yao4 fang1] /Prescriptions Worth a Thousand in Gold, early Ta of herbal medecine by Sn Smio [Sun1 Si1 miao3]/ [qian1 jin1 nan2 mai3] /can't be bought for one thousand in gold (idiom)/ [qian1 jun1 yi1 fa4] /a thousand pounds hangs by a thread (idiom)/imminen ter of life or death/ [qian1 chui2 bai3 lian4] /(idiom) after hard work and numerous revisions/ des of life/ [Qian1 yang2] /Qianyang county in Boj [Bao3 ji1], Shnx/ [Qian1 yang2 xian4] /Qianyang county in Boj [Bao3 ji1], Shnx/ [qian1 nan2 wan4 nan2] /extremely difficult/ [qian1 tou2 wan4 xu4] /plethora of things to tackle/multitude of loose en icated/chaotic/ [Qian1 niao3 yuan1 guo2 jia1 gong1 mu4] /Chidori ga fuchi, na so called Tomb of the Unknown Soldier/ [qian1 jian3 ji1 dui4] /thousand base pair (kbp)/ [nian4] /twenty, twentieth/ [sa4] /thirty/ [zu2] /variant of , soldier/to die/ [sheng1] /to raise/to hoist/to promote/metric liter (also written )/measure for d y grain equal to one-tenth dou / [sheng1 ren4] /to be promoted to/ [sheng1 tian1] /lit. to ascend to heaven/to die/ [sheng1 xue2] /to enter the next grade school/

[sheng1 guan1] /to get promoted/ [sheng1 guan1 fa1 cai2] /to be promoted and gain wealth (idiom)/ [sheng1 shi4] /rising prices/bull market/ [sheng1 fu2] /extent of an increase/percentage rise/ [sheng1 xi1] /to raise interest rates/ [sheng1 dou3] /lit. liter and decaliter dry measure/fig. wretchedly poor ration/g inding poverty/ [sheng1 dou3 xiao3 min2] /poor people (idiom)/lit. people surviving on etchedly poor ration/in grinding poverty/ [sheng1 qi2] /to raise a flag/to hoist a flag/ [sheng1 qi2 yi2 shi4] /flag raising ceremony/ [sheng1 ge2] /promotion/upgrade/ [sheng1 gong3] /mercuric chloride (HgCl)/ [sheng1 ji2] /to escalate (in intensity)/to go up by one grade/to be promoted/to pgrade (computing)/ [sheng1 jie2 chang2] /ascending colon (anatomy)/first section of large intest [sheng1 hua2] /to sublimate/sublimation (physics)/to raise to a higher level/to r fine/promotion/ [sheng1 qi3] /to raise/to hoist/to rise/ [sheng1 xia2] /to pass away (of an emperor)/ [sheng1 qian1] /promote/promotion/ [sheng1 jiang4 ji1] /aerial work platform (e.g. cherry picker or scissor lift elevator/ [sheng1 teng2] /to rise/to ascend/to leap up/ [wu3] /7th earthly branch: 11 a.m.-1 p.m., noon, 5th solar month (6th June-6th J uly), year of the Horse/ [wu3 qian2] /morning/a.m./ [wu3 ye4] /midnight/ [wu3 an1] /Good afternoon!/Hello (daytime greeting)/ [wu3 yan4] /lunch banquet/ [wu3 hou4] /afternoon/ [wu3 shi2] /11 am-1 pm/ [wu3 jiao4] /siesta/afternoon nap/ [wu3 fan4] /lunch/CL:[fen4], [dun4],[ci4],[can1]/ [wu3 can1] /lunch/luncheon/CL:[fen4], [dun4],[ci4]/ [wu3 can1 hui4] /luncheon/ [wu3 ma3] /Year 7, year of the Horse (e.g. 2002)/ [hui4] /plants/ [ban4] /half/semi-/incomplete/(after a number) and a half/ [ban4 shi4 ji4] /half century/ [ban4 zhong1 yao1] /middle/halfway/ [ban4 ru3 tang2] /galactose (CH2O)6/brain sugar/ [ban4 ru3 tang2 xue4 zheng4] /galactosemia/ [ban4 ren2 ma3] /centaur (mythology)/ [Ban4 ren2 ma3 zuo4] /Centaurus (constellation)/ [ban4 yi3 shang4] /more than half/ [ban4 bao3 liu2 fu4 zhi4] /semiconservative replication/ [ban4 xin4 ban4 yi2] /half-believe, half-doubt/ [ban4 ge5] /half of sth/ [ban4 ge5 shi4 ji4] /half a century/ [ban4 jia4] /half price/ [ban4 gong1 jin1] /half kilo/ [ban4 gong1 kai1] /semi-overt/more or less open/ [ban4 lao2 dong4 li4] /one able to do light manual labor only/semi-able-b time (farm) worker/ [ban4 ban4 la1 la1] /incomplete/unfinished/ [ban4 diao4 zi5] /dabbler/smatterer/tactless and impulsive person/ [ban4 yuan2] /semicircle/ [ban4 yuan2 yi2] /protractor/ [ban4 yuan2 xing2] /semi-circular/

[Ban4 po1] /Banpo neolithic Yangshao culture archaeological site east of Xi'an [ban4 po1 cun1] /archaeological site near Xi'an/ [Ban4 po1 yi2 zhi3] /Banpo neolithic Yangshao culture archaeological site n / [ban4 chang3] /half of a game or contest/half-court/ [ban4 bi4 jiang1 shan1] /half of country/ [ban4 xia4] /Pinellia ternata/ [ban4 ye4] /midnight/in the middle of the night/ [ban4 ye4 san1 geng1] /in the depth of night/late at night/ [ban4 tian1] /half of the day/a long time/quite a while/CL: [ge4]/ [ban4 shi1 ye4] /semi-employed/partly employed/underemployed/ [ban4 guan1 fang1] /semi-official/ [ban4 feng1 jian4] /semi-feudal/ [ban4 feng1 jian4 ban4 zhi2 min2 di4] /semi-feudal and semi-c escription of China in the late Qing and under the Guomindang)/ [ban4 dao3 ci2] /semi-conducting ceramic (electronics)/ [ban4 dao3 ti3] /semiconductor/ [ban4 dao3 ti3 tan4 ce4 qi4] /semiconductor detector/ [ban4 dao3 ti3 chao1 dian3 zhen4] /semiconductor superlattice/ [ban4 xiao3 shi2] /half hour/ [ban4 lu:3 dai4] /half-track (vehicle with both wheels and caterpillar treads [ban4 shan1 qu1] /mid-levels (in Hong Kong)/ [ban4 dao3] /peninsula/Al Jazeera (Arabic-language news network)/ [Ban4 dao3 he2 dong1 fang1 hang2 hai3] /P&O/Peninsula and Ori [Ban4 dao3 Guo2 ji4 Xue2 xiao4] /International School of the Penn [ban4 dao3 dian4 shi4 tai2] /Al-Jazeera Television/ [ban4 gong1 ban4 du2] /part work, part study/work-study program/ [ban4 nian2] /half a year/ [ban4 jing4] /radius/ [ban4 fu4 sai4] /eighth finals/ [ban4 cheng2 pin3] /semi-manufactured goods/semi-finished articles/semi-finis ducts/ [ban4 jie2] /half (of a section)/half-finished/ [ban4 jie2 shan1] /upper jacket/ [ban4 da2] /half a dozen/ [ban4 tuo1] /day care/ [ban4 la3] /half/ [ban4 gong3] /semiarch/half arch/ [ban4 pai2 chu1 qi1] /half-life/ [ban4 tui1 ban4 jiu4] /half willing and half unwilling (idiom); to yield a show of resistance/ [ban4 shu4] /half the number/half/ [ban4 shu4 yi3 shang4] /more than half/ [ban4 wen2 mang2] /semiliterate/ [ban4 jin1 ba1 liang3] /not much to choose between the two/tweedledum and [ban4 qi2] /half-mast/half-staff/ [ban4 ri4 zhi4 xue2 xiao4] /half-day (or double-shift) school/ [ban4 ri4 gong1 zuo4] /part time work/ [ban4 ming2 bu4 mie4] /a poor light but nevertheless inextinguishable (id [ban4 shang3] /half of the day/a long time/quite a while/ [ban4 yue4] /half-moon/fortnight/ [ban4 yue4 kan1] /fortnightly/twice a month/ [ban4 tiao2 ming4] /Half-Life (video game)/ [ban4 si3] /half dead (of torment, hunger, tiredness etc)/(tired) to death/(terri ied) out of one's wits/(beaten) to within an inch of one's life/(knock) the dayl ights out of sb/ [ban4 zhi2 min2 di4] /semi-colonial/ [ban4 jue2 sai4] /semifinals/ [ban4 liu2 ti3] /semi-fluid/ [ban4 wu2 xian4] /semi-infinite/

[ban4 shu2 lian4] /semi-skilled/ [ban4 qiu2] /hemisphere/ [ban4 ping2 cu4] /dabbler/smatterer/ [ban4 sheng1] /half a lifetime/ [ban4 bai2] /fifty (years of age)/ [ban4 zhen1 ban4 jia3] /(idiom) half true and half false/ [ban4 piao4] /half-price ticket/half fare/ [ban4 kong1] /midair/ [ban4 kong1 zhong1] /in mid air/in the air/ [ban4 tang2 fu1 qi1] /weekend spouse/relationship involving a sugar-daddy [ban4 chi4 mu4] /Hemiptera (suborder of order Homoptera, insects including ci nd aphids)/ [ban4 lao3 xu2 niang2] /middle-aged but still attractive woman/lady of a [ban4 zhi2] /part-time work/ [ban4 guang1 an1 suan1] /cysteine (Cys), an amino acid/mercaptoethyl amin [ban4 tuo1 chan3] /partly released from productive labor/partly released from regular work/ [ban4 yao1] /middle/halfway/ [ban4 jian4 ji1] /semitendinosus, one of the hamstring muscles in the thigh/ [ban4 mo2 ji1] /semimembranosus (anatomy)/ [ban4 zi4 dong4] /semi-automatic/ [ban4 zi4 geng1 nong2] /semi-tenant peasant/semi-owner peasant/ [ban4 shuai1 qi1] /half-life/ [ban4 luo3 ti3] /half-naked/ [ban4 gui1 ze2] /quasi-regular/ [ban4 gui1 guan3] /semicircular canal/ [ban4 shi4 ye3] /half visual field/ [ban4 jia1 zuo4] /sitting with one leg crossed (usu. of Bodhisattva)/ [ban4 lu4] /halfway/midway/on the way/ [ban4 lu4 chu1 jia1] /switch to a job one was not trained for/ [ban4 shen1 bu4 sui4] /paralysis of one side of the body/hemiplegia/ [ban4 shen1 xiang4] /half-length photo or portrait/bust/ [ban4 zhou2] /semi-axis/half axle/ [ban4 zai3] /half a year/ [ban4 zai4] /half load/ [ban4 bei4 zi5] /half of a lifetime/ [ban4 tou4 ming2] /translucent/semitransparent/ [ban4 tu2] /halfway/midway/ [ban4 tu2 er2 fei4] /to give up halfway (idiom); leave sth unfinished/ [ban4 tong1 bu4 tong1] /to not fully understand (idiom)/ [ban4 bian1] /half of sth/one side of sth/ [ban4 bian1 tian1] /half the sky/women of the new society/women folk/ [ban4 chang2 zhou2] /semi-axis/radius/ [ban4 kai1 hua4] /semi-civilized/ [ban4 kai1 ban4 guan1] /half-open, half closed/ [ban4 kai1 men2] /half-open door/fig. prostitute/ [ban4 kai1 men2 r5] /erhua variant of , half-open door/fig. [ban4 gan1 bu4 ga4] /shallow/not thorough/superficial/ [ban4 yin1] /semitone/ [ban4 yin1 cheng2] /semitone/ [ban4 xiang3] /half the day/a long time/quite a while/ [ban4 dian3] /the least bit/ [shi4] /old variant of [shi4]/ [xi4] /40/ [wan4] /swastika, Buddhist mystic symbol/ [wan4] /swastika, Buddhist mystic symbol/ [bei1] /low/base/vulgar/inferior/humble/ [bei1 xia4] /base/low/ [bei1 bu4 zu2 dao4] /not worth mentioning/ [bei1 zhi1 , wu2 shen4 gao1 lun4] /my opinion, nothing very i

on); my humble point is a familiar opinion/what I say is really nothing out of t he ordinary/ [bei1 zhi1 , wu2 shen4 gao1 lun4] /my opinion, nothing very i on); my humble point is a familiar opinion/what I say is really nothing out of t he ordinary/ [bei1 lie4] /base/mean/despicable/ [bei1 bei1 bu4 zu2 dao4] /to be too petty or insignificant to mention ntioning (idiom)/ [Bei1 nan2] /Beinan or Peinan township in Taitung county [Tai2 dong1 Taiwan/ [Bei1 nan2 zu2] /puyuma, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan/ [Bei1 nan2 xiang1] /Beinan or Peinan township in Taitung county east Taiwan/ [bei1 wei1] /petty and low/ [bei1 qie4] /mean and cowardly/abject/ [bei1 wu1] /despicable and filthy/foul/ [Bei1 er3 gen1] /Bergen/ [bei1 jian4] /lowly/mean and low/ [bei1 gong1 qu1 jie2] /bow and scrape/cringe/act servilely/ [bei1 gong1 qu1 xi1] /to bow and bend the knee (idiom); fawning/bending a o curry favor/ [bei1 ci2 hou4 bi4] /humble expression for generous donation/ [bei1 ci2 hou4 li3] /humble expression for generous gift/ [bei1 bi3] /base/mean/contemptible/despicable/ [bei1 bi3 wo4 chuo4] /sordid and contemptible (idiom); vile and repulsive ter or action)/ [bei1 lou4 wo4 chuo4] /sordid and contemptible (idiom); vile and repulsiv cter or action)/ [cu4] /variant of , abrupt/sudden/unexpected/ [zu2] /soldier/servant/to finish/to die/finally/at last/pawn in Chinese chess/ [cu4 zhong4] /stroke/cerebral hemorrhage/ [zu2 ye4] /to complete a course of study (old)/to graduate/ [Zhuo2] /surname Zhuo/ [zhuo2] /outstanding/ [zhuo2 hu1 bu4 qun2] /standing out from the common crowd (idiom); outstan nt/ [Zhuo2 ni2] /Jon or Zhuoni county in Gannan Tibetan autonomous prefecture zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Gansu/ [Zhuo2 ni2 xian4] /Jon or Zhuoni county in Gannan Tibetan autonomous prefect ang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Gansu/ [zhuo2 you3 cheng2 xiao4] /highly effective/fruitful/ [Zhuo2 xi1] /Zhuoxi or Chohsi township in Hualien county [Hua1 lian2 n/ [Zhuo2 xi1 xiang1] /Zhuoxi or Chohsi township in Hualien county Taiwan/ [zhuo2 ran2] /outstanding/eminent/ [zhuo2 er3 bu4 qun2] /standing above the common crowd (idiom); outstandin nd unrivaled/ [zhuo2 zhu4] /outstanding/eminent/brilliant/ [Zhuo2 lan2] /Zhuolan or Cholan town in Miaoli county [Miao2 li4 xia an/ [Zhuo2 lan2 zhen4] /Zhuolan or Cholan town in Miaoli county [Mia Taiwan/ [zhuo2 shi2] /superior judgement/sagacity/ [Zhuo2 zi1] /Zhuozi county in Ulaanchab [Wu1 lan2 cha2 bu4], Inn [Zhuo2 zi1 xian4] /Zhuozi county in Ulaanchab [Wu1 lan2 cha2 [zhuo2 yue4] /outstanding/surpassing/distinguished/splendid/ [Zhuo2 yue4 wang3] / [xie2] /to cooperate/to harmonize/to help/to assist/to join/ [xie2 zuo4] /cooperation/coordination/

[xie2 li4] /unite in common effort/ [xie2 zhu4] /to provide assistance/to aid/ [xie2 tong2] /to cooperate/in coordination with/coordinated/collaborate/collabora ion/collaborative/ [xie2 tong2 zuo4 yong4] /synergy/cooperative interaction/ [xie2 he2] /mediate/harmonize/(mus.) consonant/cooperation/Concorde (the Anglo-Fr nch aircraft)/ [xie2 shang1] /to consult with/to talk things over/agreement/ [xie2 shang1 hui4 yi4] /consultative conference (political venue during e t rule)/consultative meeting/deliberative assembly/ [xie2 zou4] /to perform (a concerto)/ [xie2 zou4 qu3] /concerto/ [xie2 ding4] /(reach an) agreement/protocol/ [xie2 fang1 cha1] /(statistics) covariance/ [xie2 hui4] /an association/a society/CL: [ge4],[jia1]/ [xie2 li3] /assistant manager/to cooperate in managing/ [xie2 guan3] /to assist in managing (e.g. traffic police or crowd control)/to ste ard/ [xie2 guan3 yuan2] /assistant manager/steward/ [xie2 yue1] /entente/pact/agreement/negotiated settlement/ [xie2 yue1 guo2] /Allies/entente (i.e. Western powers allied to China in WW1) [xie2 tiao2] /to coordinate/to harmonize/negotiation/ [xie2 tiao2 shi4 jie4 shi2] /Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)/ [xie2 tiao2 ren2] /coordinator/ [xie2 tiao2 yuan2] /coordinator/ [xie2 yi4] /agreement/pact/protocol/CL: [xiang4]/ [xie2 yi4 shu1] /contract/protocol/ [xie2 ban4] /assist/help sb do something/cooperate in doing something/ [xie2 yun4] /to rhyme/ [Nan2] /surname Nan/ [nan2] /south/ [nan2 san1 jiao3 zuo4] /Triangulum Australe (constellation)/ [nan2 xia4] /southward/ [Nan2 dan1] /Nandan county in Hezhou [He4 zhou1], Guangxi/ [Nan2 dan1 xian4] /Nandan county in Hezhou [He4 zhou1], Guangxi/ [nan2 ru3] /fermented soya bean curd/ [nan2 Ya4] /southern Asia/ [Nan2 Ya4 Qu1 yu4 He2 zuo4 Lian2 meng2] /South Asian Asso [Nan2 jing1] /Nanjing subprovincial city on the Changjiang, capital of Jiangsu pr vince /capital of China at different historical periods/ [Nan2 jing1 Da4 xue2] /Nanjing University, NJU/ [Nan2 jing1 Da4 tu2 sha1] /the Nanjing Massacre of 1937-38/ [Nan2 jing1 Da4 tu2 sha1 Shi4 jian4] /The Rape of Nanking (19 ng )/ [Nan2 jing1 shi4] /Nanjing subprovincial city on the Changjiang, capital of J province /capital of China at different historical periods/ [Nan2 jing1 tiao2 yue1] /Treaty of Nanjing (1842) that concluded the Firs etween Qing China and Britain/ [Nan2 jing1 Li3 gong1 Da4 xue2] /Nanjing University of Science an [Nan2 jing1 lu4] /Nanjing St., large commercial street in Shanghai/ [Nan2 jing1 Nong2 ye4 Da4 xue2] /Nanjing Agricultural University/ [Nan2 jing1 You2 dian4 Da4 xue2] /Nanjing Post and Communications [nan2 ce4] /south side/south face/ [Nan2 chong1] /Nanchong prefecture level city in Sichuan/ [Nan2 chong1 di4 qu1] /Nanchong prefecture in Sichuan/ [Nan2 chong1 shi4] /Nanchong prefecture level city in Sichuan/ [nan2 mian3 zuo4] /Corona Australis (constellation)/ [Nan2 bing1 yang2] /the Antarctic Ocean/ [Nan2 hua4] /Nanhua township in Tainan county [Tai2 nan2 xian4], Tai [Nan2 hua4 xiang1] /Nanhua township in Tainan county [Tai2 nan2

[nan2 bei3] /north and south/north to south/ [Nan2 bei3 chao2] /Northern and Southern dynasties (420-589)/ [nan2 bei3 ji2] /south and north poles/ [Nan2 Bei3 Mei3] /North and South America/ [nan2 bei3 chang2] /north-south distance/ [nan2 bei3 Han2] /North and South Korea/ [Nan2 hui4] /Nahui former district of Shanghai, now in Pudong New District 1 qu1], Shanghai/ [Nan2 hui4 qu1] /Nahui former district of Shanghai, now in Pudong New Distric in1 qu1], Shanghai/ [Nan2 qu1] /south district of city/south zone/Nan south district of a Taiwanese c ty/ [nan2 shi2 zi4 zuo4] /Crux (constellation)/Southern Cross/ [Nan2 ban4 qiu2] /Southern hemisphere/ [Nan2 Ka3 luo2 lai2 na4] /South Carolina, US state/ [Nan2 Ka3 luo2 lai2 na4 zhou1] /South Carolina, US state/ [Nan2 zhao4] /Nanzhao county in Nanyang [Nan2 yang2], Henan/ [Nan2 zhao4 xian4] /Nanzhao county in Nanyang [Nan2 yang2], Henan/ [Nan2 shi3] /History of the Southern Dynasties, fourteenth of the 24 dynastic his ories , compiled by Li Yanshou in 659 during Tang dynasty, 80 scrolls [Nan2 he2] /Nanhe county in Xingtai [Xing2 tai2], Hebei/ [Nan2 he2 xian4] /Nanhe county in Xingtai [Xing2 tai2], Hebei/ [Nan2 Tang2] /Tang of the Five Southern Dynasties 937-975/ [Nan2 Qiao2 zhi4 ya4 dao3 he2 Nan2 Sang1 wei1 qi2 [Nan2 hui2 gui1 xian4] /Tropic of Capricorn/ [nan2 po1] /south slope/ [Nan2 ping2] /Nanping, common place name/Nanping township in Nan'an district of C ongqing/ [Nan2 cheng2] /Nancheng county in Fuzhou , Jiangxi/ [Nan2 cheng2 xian4] /Nancheng county in Fuzhou , Jiangxi/ [Nan2 Da4] /Nanjing University, NJU/abbr. for [Nan2 jing1 Da4 xu [Nan2 tian1 men2] /The Southern Heavenly Gates/a name for a mountain pass gat veral places/ [Nan2 Ao4 sai1 ti1] /South Ossetia, autonomous region of Georgia in the C ains/ [Nan2 an1] /Nan'an county level city in Quanzhou [Quan2 zhou1], Fujian/ [Nan2 an1 shi4] /Nan'an county level city in Quanzhou [Quan2 zhou1], Fuji [nan2 an1 pu3 dun1] /Southampton, town in south England/ [Nan2 song4] /the Southern Song dynasty (1127-1279)/ [Nan2 ding4] /Nam Dinh, Vietnam/ [Nan2 gong1] /Nangong county level city in Xingtai [Xing2 tai2], Hebei/ [Nan2 gong1 shi4] /Nangong county level city in Xingtai [Xing2 tai2], Heb [Nan2 ning2] /Nanning prefecture level city and capital of Guangxi Zhuang autonom us region in south China /Zhuang: Namzningz/ [Nan2 ning2 di4 qu1] /Nanning prefecture in Guangxi Zhuang autonomous reg China / [Nan2 ning2 shi4] /Nanning prefecture level city and capital of Guangxi Zhuan omous region in south China /Zhuang: Namzningz/ [Nan2 tun2 qu1] /Nantun south district of a Taiwanese city/ [Nan2 shan1] /Nanshan or Namsan, common place name/Nanshan district of Shenzhen C ty , Guangdong/ [Nan2 shan1 qu1] /Nanshan district of Shenzhen City , Guangdong/Nanshan ang city [He4 gang3], Heilongjiang/ [Nan2 shan1 kuang4 qu1] /Nanshan mining district, old name of Dabancheng heng2 qu1] of Urumqi city, Xinjiang/ [Nan2 cha4] /Nancha district of Yichun city [Yi1 chun1 shi4], Heilongjiang/ [Nan2 cha4 qu1] /Nancha district of Yichun city [Yi1 chun1 shi4], Heilo [Nan2 an4] /Nananqu district of central Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichu n/ [Nan2 an4 qu1] /Nananqu district of central Chongqing municipality, formerly

uan/ [nan2 dao3] /South Island/ [nan2 dao3 min2 zu2] /Austronesian/ [Nan2 gang3] /Nangang district of Harbin [Ha1 er3 bin1] in Heilongji [Nan2 gang3 qu1] /Nangang district of Harbin [Ha1 er3 bin1] in H [Nan2 ling3] /Nanling mountain, on the border of Hunan, Jiangxi, Guangdong and Gu ngxi/ [Nan2 yue4] /Nanyue district of Hengyang city [Heng2 yang2 shi4], Hu , one of the Five Sacred Mountains / [Nan2 yue4 qu1] /Nanyue district of Hengyang city [Heng2 yang2 s [Nan2 chuan1] /Nanchuan district of Fuling suburbs of Chongqing municipality, for erly in Sichuan/ [Nan2 chuan1 qu1] /Nanchuan district of Fuling suburbs of Chongqing municipal rmerly in Sichuan/ [Nan2 zhou1] /Nanchou township in Pingtung county [Ping2 dong1 xian4 [Nan2 zhou1 xiang1] /Nanchou township in Pingtung county [Ping2 [Nan2 shi4 qu1] /South city district/ [Nan2 xi1] /Nancy/ [Nan2 ping2] /Nanping prefecture level city in Fujian/ [Nan2 ping2 di4 qu1] /Nanping district (old term)/since 1983, Nanping cou y, Fujian/ [Nan2 ping2 shi4] /Nanping prefecture level city in Fujian/ [Nan2 kang1] /Nankang county level city in Ganzhou , Jiangxi/ [Nan2 kang1 shi4] /Nankang county level city in Ganzhou , Jiangxi/ [nan2 zheng1] /punitive expedition to the south/ [nan2 zheng1 bei3 fa2] /war on all sides (idiom); fighting from all four [nan2 zheng1 bei3 zhan4] /war on all sides (idiom); fighting from all fou [nan2 zheng1 bei3 tao3] /war on all sides (idiom); fighting from all four [Nan2 tou2] /Nantou city and county in central Taiwan/ [Nan2 tou2 shi4] /Nantou city in central Taiwan, capital of Nantou county/ [Nan2 tou2 xian4] /Nantou county in central Taiwan/ [nan2 quan2] /Nanquan - "Southern Fist" (Chinese Martial Art)/ [Nan2 Quan2 Ma1 ma1] /Nan Quan Mama, a Taiwanese Music Group/ [Nan2 si1 la1 fu1] /Yugoslavia, 1943-1992/ [nan2 fang1] /south/the southern part of the country/the South/ [Nan2 fang1 Zhou1 mo4] /Southern Weekend (newspaper)/ [Nan2 fang1 ao4 Yu2 gang3] /Nanfang-ao Port in Yilan county [Nan2 chang1] /Nanchang prefecture level city and capital of Jiangxi province theast China/also Nanchang county/ [Nan2 chang1 shi4] /Nanchang prefecture level city and capital of Jiangxi pro southeast China/ [Nan2 chang1 xian4] /Nanchang county in Nanchang , Jiangxi/ [Nan2 chang1 Qi3 yi4] /Nanchang Uprising, 1st August 1927, the beginning evolt by the Communists in the Chinese Civil War/ [Nan2 ming2] /Nanming district of Guiyang city [Gui4 yang2 shi4], Gu [Nan2 ming2 qu1] /Nanming district of Guiyang city [Gui4 yang2 s [Nan2 pu3 tuo2 si4] /Nanputuo Temple in Xiamen [Xia4 men2]/ [Nan2 Chao2] /Southern Dynasties (420-589)/ [Nan2 chao2 Song4] /Song of the Southern dynasties (420-479), with capital at g/also known as Liu Song / [Nan2 chao2 Liang2] /Liang of the Southern dynasties (502-557)/ [Nan2 chao2 Chen2] /Chen of the Southern dynasties (557-589)/ [Nan2 chao2 xian3] /South Korea (esp. North Korean usage)/ [Nan2 chao2 Qi2] /Qi of Southern dynasties (479-502)/ [Nan2 mu4 lin2] /Namling county, Tibetan: Rnam gling rdzong, in Shigatse pref Tibet/ [Nan2 mu4 lin2 xian4] /Namling county, Tibetan: Rnam gling rdzong, in Shi ure, Tibet/ [Nan2 ke1 yi1 meng4] /lit. a dream of Nanke/fig. dreams of grandeur/ [Nan2 tong2 kuang4 qu1] /Nantong coal mining area of Chongqing/

[nan2 ji2] /south pole/ [nan2 ji2 zuo4] /Octans (constellation)/ [Nan2 ji2 zhou1] /Antarctica/ [Nan2 ji2 zhou1 ban4 dao3] /the Antarctic Peninsula (jutting out towa [Nan2 le4] /Nanle county in Puyang [Pu2 yang2], Henan/ [Nan2 le4 xian4] /Nanle county in Puyang [Pu2 yang2], Henan/ [Nan2 Ou1] /Southern Europe/ [Nan2 jiang1] /Nanjiang county in Panzhihua [Pan1 zhi1 hua1], south Sichuan [Nan2 jiang1 xian4] /Nanjiang county in Panzhihua [Pan1 zhi1 hua1], sou [Nan2 sha1] /Nansha Islands/Spratly Islands/Nansha district of Guangzhou city hou1 shi4], Guangdong/ [Nan2 sha1 qu1] /Nansha district of Guangzhou city [Guang3 zhou1 [Nan2 sha1 qun2 dao3] /Spratly islands, disputed between China, Malaysia, nes, Taiwan and Vietnam/ [Nan2 ni2 wan1] /Nanniwan/ [Nan2 yang2] /Southeast Asia/South seas/ [Nan2 yang2 Shang1 Bao4] /Nanyang Siang Pau (Malay's oldest newspaper)/ [Nan2 yang2 Li3 gong1 Da4 xue2] /Nanyang Technological University [nan2 pai4 tang2 lang2] /Chow Gar - "Southern Praying Mantis" - Martial A [Nan2 pu3 shi4] /Nampo city in North Korea/ [Nan2 hai3] /South China Sea/ [Nan2 hai3 qu1] /Nanhai district of Foshan city [Fo2 shan1 shi4], Guang [Nan2 hai3 Jian4 dui4] /South Sea Fleet/ [Nan2 Liang2] /Southern Liang of the Sixteen Kingdoms (397-414)/ [Nan2 gang3] /Nankang district of Taipei City [Tai2 bei3 shi4], Taiw [Nan2 gang3 qu1] /Nankang district of Taipei City [Tai2 bei3 shi [Nan2 hu2] /Nanhu district of Jiaxing city [Jia1 xing1 shi4], Zhejia [Nan2 hu2 qu1] /Nanhu district of Jiaxing city [Jia1 xing1 shi4] [Nan2 xi1] /Nanxi county in Yibin [Yi2 bin1], Sichuan/ [Nan2 xi1 xian4] /Nanxi county in Yibin [Yi2 bin1], Sichuan/ [Nan2 Han4] /Southern Han/ [Nan2 zhang1] /Nanzhang county in Xiangfan [Xiang1 fan2], Hubei/ [Nan2 zhang1 xian4] /Nanzhang county in Xiangfan [Xiang1 fan2], Hubei/ [Nan2 xun2] /Nanxun district of Huzhou city [Hu2 zhou1 shi4], Zhejiang/ [Nan2 xun2 qu1] /Nanxun district of Huzhou city [Hu2 zhou1 shi4], Zheji [Nan2 jian4 yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Nanjian Yizu autonomous refecture [Da4 li3 Bai2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ [Nan2 ao4] /Nan'ao county in Shantou , Guangdong/Nan'ao township in Yilan cou 2 xian4], Taiwan/ [Nan2 ao4 da4 li4 ya4 zhou1] /South Australia, Australian state/ [Nan2 ao4 dao3] /Nan'ao Island in Shantou prefecture , Guangdong pro [Nan2 ao4 xian4] /Nan'ao county in Shantou , Guangdong/ [Nan2 ao4 xiang1] /Nan'ao township in Yilan county [Yi2 lan2 xia [na1 mo4] /Buddhist salutation or expression of faith (loanword from Sanskrit)/ [nan2 yan1] /Southern Yan of the Sixteen Kingdoms (398-410)/ [Nan2 te4] /Nantes (city in France)/ [nan2 gua1] /pumpkin/ [nan2 gua1 deng1] /jack-o'-lantern/ [Nan2 Jiang1] /southern border (of a country)/South Xinjiang/ [Nan2 pi2] /Nanpi county in Cangzhou [Cang1 zhou1], Hebei/ [Nan2 pi2 xian4] /Nanpi county in Cangzhou [Cang1 zhou1], Hebei/ [nan2 meng2] /southern league/abbr. for ASEAN (Association of southeast Asian sta es) [dong1 nan2 ya4 guo2 jia1 lian2 meng2]/ [Nan2 piao4] /Nanpiao district of Huludao city , Liaoning/ [Nan2 piao4 qu1] /Nanpiao district of Huludao city , Liaonin [nan2 duan1] /southern end or extremity/ [Nan2 gan1] /Nankan Island, one of the Matsu Islands/Nankan or Nangan township in Lienchiang county [Lian2 jiang1 xian4], Taiwan/ [Nan2 gan1 xiang1] /Nankan or Nangan township in Lienchiang county .e. the Matsu Islands, Taiwan/

[nan2 ji1 bei3 dou3] /the Winnowing Basket in the southern sky, and the B the north (idiom); sth which, despite its name, is of no practical use/ [nan2 wei3] /latitude south/ [Nan2 xian4] /southern county/Nan county in Yiyang [Yi4 yang2], Hunan/ [Nan2 Mei3] /South America/ [nan2 mei3 li2] /avocado (Persea americana)/also written [e4 li2]/ [Nan2 Mei3 zhou1] /South America/ [nan2 qiang1 bei3 diao4] /a regional accent/ [Nan2 jiao1 he2] /Nanjiao River (Shandong province, flows into Qingdao harbor [Nan2 Hang2] /China Southern Airlines/ [Nan2 fen1] /Nanfen district of Benxi city , Liaoning/ [Nan2 fen1 qu1] /Nanfen district of Benxi city , Liaoning/ [Nan2 He2 lan2] /South Holland/ [Nan2 zhuang1] /township in Miaoli county [Miao2 li4 xian4], northwe [Nan2 zhuang1 xiang1] /township in Miaoli county [Miao2 li4 xian [Nan2 Hua2] /South China/Nanhua county in Chuxiong Yi autonomous prefecture 2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ [nan2 hua2] /south or southern China/ [nan2 hua2 zao3 bao4] /South China Morning Post (newspaper in Hong Kong)/ [Nan2 hua2 xian4] /Nanhua county in Chuxiong Yi autonomous prefecture i4 zhou1], Yunnan/ [Nan2 Su1 dan1] /South Sudan/ [Nan2 xi1 zhu1 dao3] /Ryukyu islands/Okinawa [Chong1 sheng2] and Japan/ [Nan2 zhao4] /Nanzhao kingdom 738-937 in southwest China and southeast Asia/ [Nan2 zhao4 guo2] /Nanzhao, 8th and 9th century kingdom in Yunnan, at times a ith Tang against Tibetan Tubo pressure/ [Nan2 qiao2] /Nanqiao district of Chuzhou city [Chu2 zhou1 shi4], Anhui/ [Nan2 qiao2 qu1] /Nanqiao district of Chuzhou city [Chu2 zhou1 shi4], A [Nan2 feng1] /Nanfeng county in Fuzhou , Jiangxi/ [Nan2 feng1 xian4] /Nanfeng county in Fuzhou , Jiangxi/ [Nan2 shan4 bu4 zhou1] /Jambudvipa/ [Nan2 Yue4] /South Vietnam/South Vietnamese/ [nan2 yuan2 bei3 zhe2] /to act in a way that defeats one's purpose (idiom [Nan2 jia1 Ba1 wa3 feng1] /Namcha Barwa (Himalayan mountain)/ [Nan2 tong1] /Nantong prefecture level city in Jiangsu/ [Nan2 tong1 di4 qu1] /Nantong prefecture in Jiangsu/ [Nan2 tong1 shi4] /Nantong prefecture level city in Jiangsu/ [Nan2 Da2 ke1 ta1] /South Dakota, US state/ [Nan2 Da2 ke1 ta1 zhou1] /South Dakota, US state/ [nan2 bian5] /south/south side/southern part/to the south of/ [nan2 bian5 r5] /erhua variant of , south/south side/southern part/t [Nan2 jiao1 qu1] /Nanjiao district of Datong city [Da4 tong2 shi4], Sha [nan2 bu4] /southern part/ [Nan2 bu4 xian4] /Nanbu county in Nanchong [Nan2 chong1], Sichuan/ [Nan2 guo1] /surname Nanguo/ [Nan2 zheng4] /Nanzheng county in Hnzhng [Han4 zhong1], Shnx/ [Nan2 zheng4 xian4] /Nanzheng county in Hnzhng [Han4 zhong1], Shn [Nan2 chang2] /Nanchang district of Wuxi city [Wu2 xi1 shi4], Jiangs [Nan2 chang2 qu1] /Nanchang district of Wuxi city [Wu2 xi1 shi4] [Nan2 men2 er4] /Alpha Centauri or Rigel Kentaurus/ [Nan2 kai1] /Nankai district of Tianjin municipality [Tian1 jin1 shi4]/ [Nan2 kai1 qu1] /Hebei district of Tianjin municipality [Tian1 jin1 shi [Nan2 kai1 Da4 xue2] /Nankai University (Tianjin)/ [Nan2 guan1] /Nanguan district of Changchun city , Jilin/ [Nan2 guan1 qu1] /Nanguan district of Changchun city , Jilin/ [Nan2 ling2] /Nanling county in Wuhu [Wu2 hu2], Anhui/ [Nan2 ling2 xian4] /Nanling county in Wuhu [Wu2 hu2], Anhui/ [Nan2 yang2] /Nanyang prefecture level city in Henan/ [Nan2 yang2 di4 qu1] /Nanyang prefecture in Henan/

[Nan2 yang2 shi4] /Nanyang prefecture level city in Henan/ [Nan2 yang2 xian4] /Nanyang county in Henan/ [Nan2 xiong2] /Nanxiong county level city in Shaoguan , Guangdong/ [Nan2 xiong2 shi4] /Nanxiong county level city in Shaoguan , Guangdo [Nan2 jing4] /Najing county in Zhangzhou [Zhang1 zhou1], Fujian/ [Nan2 jing4 xian4] /Najing county in Zhangzhou [Zhang1 zhou1], Fujian/ [Nan2 Fei1] /South Africa/ [Nan2 fei1 yu3] /Afrikaans (language)/ [nan2 mian4] /south side/south/ [Nan2 han2] /South Korea/ [nan2 fei1 guo4 dong1] /(of birds) to migrate south for the winter/ [nan2 yu2 zuo4] /Piscis Austrinus (constellation)/ [Nan2 Qi2] /Qi of Southern dynasties (479-502)/ [Nan2 Qi2 shu1] /History of Qi of the Southern dynasties, seventh of the 24 d histories , compiled by Xiao Zixian in 537 during Liang of the South olls/ [dan1] /Japanese variant of / [bo2] /extensive/ample/rich/obtain/aim/to win/to get/plentiful/to gamble/ [Bo2 yi1 xi1] /Boise, Idaho/ [bo2 dong4] /pulsation/to throb/ [bo2 you3] /lit. blog friend/ [bo2 qu3] /to win (favors, confidence etc)/ [Bo2 gu3] /Bo Gu (1907-1946), Soviet trained Chinese communist, journalist and pr pagandist, 1930s left adventurist, subsequently rehabilitated, killed in air cra sh/ [bo2 gu3 tong1 jin1] /conversant with things past and present/erudite and [bo2 shi4] /doctor/court academician (in feudal China)/Ph.D./ [bo2 shi4 xue2 wei4] /doctoral degree/PhD/same as Doctor of Philosophy [bo2 shi4 hou4] /postdoc/a postdoctoral position/ [bo2 shi4 mai3 lu:2] /lit. the scholar buys a donkey (idiom); fig. long-w e that never gets to the point/idiom mocking scholastic pomposity/ [bo2 da4] /enormous/broad/extensive/ [bo2 da4 jing1 shen1] /wide-ranging and profound/broad and deep/ [bo2 xue2] /learned/erudite/ [bo2 xue2 duo1 cai2] /erudite and multi-talented (idiom); versatile and a [bo2 ke4] /blog (loanword)/weblog/blogger/ [bo2 ke4 quan1] /blogosphere/ [bo2 ke4 xie3 shou3] /blogger/blog writer/ [bo2 ke4 hua4 ju4] /blog drama (netspeak)/ [Bo2 shan1] /Boshan district of Zibo city [Zi1 bo2 shi4], Shandong/ [Bo2 shan1 qu1] /Boshan district of Zibo city [Zi1 bo2 shi4], Shandong/ [Bo2 pa4 er3] /Bhopal, capital of central Indian state of Uttar Pradesh [bo2 yi4] /games (such as chess, dice etc)/gambling/contest/ [bo2 yi4 lun4] /game theory/ [bo2 cai3] /lottery/ [bo2 de2] /to win/to gain/ [Bo2 de2] /Bod (city in Norway)/ [Bo2 ai4] /Bo'ai county in Jiaozuo [Jiao1 zuo4], Henan/ [bo2 ai4] /universal fraternity (or brotherhood)/universal love/ [Bo2 ai4 xian4] /Bo'ai county in Jiaozuo [Jiao1 zuo4], Henan/ [bo2 wen2] /blog article/to write a blog article (netspeak)/ [Bo2 si1 wo4 si1] /Bosworth (name)/Stephen Bosworth (1939-), US academic special representative for policy on North Korea from 2009/ [Bo2 si1 teng2 hu2] /Lake Bosten in Xinjiang/ [Bo2 ge2] /Borg (name)/Bjorn Borg (1956-), Swedish tennis star/ [Bo2 ge2 duo1] /Bogdo, last Khan of Mongolia/ [Bo2 ge2 duo1 han4 gong1] /the Bogdo Palace in Ulan Bator, Mongolia/ [Bo2 ge2 da2 shan1 mai4] /Bogda Mountain range in Tianshan mountains/ [Bo2 ge2 da2 feng1] /Mt Bogda in eastern Tianshan/ [Bo2 le4] /Brtala Shehiri, county level city in Brtala Mongol autonomous prefec

[Bo2 le4 shi4] /Brtala Shehiri of Bole City, county level city in Brtala Mo mous prefecture , Xinjiang/ [Bo2 luo4 ni2 ya4] /Bologna/ [Bo2 hu2] /Bohu county, Baghrash nahiyisi or Bohu county in Bayin'guoleng Mongol utonomous prefecture, Xinjiang [Ba1 yin1 guo1 leng4 Meng3 gu3 zi4 zhi4 zh [Bo2 hu2 xian4] /Bohu county, Baghrash nahiyisi or Bohu county in Bayin'guole ol autonomous prefecture, Xinjiang [Ba1 yin1 guo1 leng4 Meng3 gu3 zi4 zhi ng/ [Bo2 er3 ta3 la1 Meng3 gu3 zi4 zhi4 zhou1] /Brtala M [Bo2 er3 de2] /Boulder, Colorado/ [Bo2 er3 he4 si1] /Jorge Luis Borges/ [Bo2 er3 dun4] /Bolton (name)/ [bo2 wu4] /natural science/ [bo2 wu4 duo1 wen2] /wide and knowledgeable/well-informed and experienced [bo2 wu4 qia4 wen2] /to have a wide knowledge of many subjects (idiom)/ [bo2 wu4 yuan4] /museum/ [bo2 wu4 guan3] /museum/ [Bo2 deng1 hu2] /Lake Constance (between Germany, Austria and Switzerland)/ [Bo2 bai2] /Bobai county in Yulin [Yu4 lin2], Guangxi/ [Bo2 bai2 xian4] /Bobai county in Yulin [Yu4 lin2], Guangxi/ [Bo2 fu2 si1] /Bofors, Swedish arms company involved in major corruption case 1980s/ [Bo2 luo2] /Boluo county in Huizhou [Hui4 zhou1], Guangdong/ [Bo2 luo2 xian4] /Boluo county in Huizhou [Hui4 zhou1], Guangdong/ [bo2 er2 bu4 jing1] /extensive but not refined (idiom); to know something hing/Jack of all trades and master of none./ [bo2 wen2 duo1 shi2] /learned and erudite/knowledgeable and experienced/ [bo2 wen2 qiang2 ji4] /have wide learning and a retentive memory/have enc wledge/ [bo2 wen2 qiang2 shi2] /erudite/widely read and knowledgeable/ [Bo2 xing1] /Boxing county in Binzhou [Bin1 zhou1], Shandong/ [Bo2 xing1 xian4] /Boxing county in Binzhou [Bin1 zhou1], Shandong/ [Bo2 ci2 wa3 na4] /Botswana/ [bo2 ci2 wa3 na4] /Botswana/ [bo2 di4] /birdie (one stroke under par in golf)/ [Bo2 meng2 te4] /Beaumont/ [bo2 lan3] /to read extensively/ [bo2 lan3 hui4] /exposition/international fair/ [Bo2 xun4] /Boxun, US based dissident Chinese news network/ [Bo2 xun4 xin1 wen2 wang3] /Boxun, US based dissident Chinese news ne [bo2 shi2] /knowledgeable/erudite/erudition/proficient/ [bo2 shi2 duo1 tong1] /knowledgeable and perspicacious (idiom)/ [bo2 shi2 qia4 wen2] /knowledgeable/erudite (idiom)/ [Bo2 ye3] /Boye county in Baoding [Bao3 ding4], Hebei/ [Bo2 ye3 xian4] /Boye county in Baoding [Bao3 ding4], Hebei/ [bo2 ya3] /learned/ [bo2 dou4] /to fight or argue on a blogging site (netspeak)/ [Bo2 ao2] /see [Bo2 ao2 zhen4]/ [Bo2 ao2 Ya4 zhou1 Lun4 tan2] /Bo'ao Forum for Asia (since 2001)/ [Bo2 ao2 zhen4] /Bo'ao seaside resort, Hainan/ [lu:4] /variant of , rate/frequency/ [shuai4] /variant of , to lead/to command/rash/hasty/frank/straightforward/genera lly/usually/ [Bu3] /surname Bu/ [bu3] /to divine/to forecast or estimate/(of a place to live etc) to choose/ [Bo5 bo5 mi3] /Rice Krispies/ [bu3 zhan1] /to divine/to prophecy/to foretell the future/ [bu3 gua4] /to divine using the trigrams/fortune telling/ [bu3 wen4] /to predict by divining/to look into the future/ [bu3 zhai2] /to choose a capital by divination/to choose a home/to choose one's b

rial place by divination/ [bu3 ju1] /to choose a home/ [bu3 zheng1] /to ask oracle for war forecast/ [bu3 zhou4 bu3 ye4] /day and night (to toil, to abandon oneself to pleasu [bu3 jia3] /oracle tortoise shell/ [bu3 shi4] /divination/ [bu3 ke4] /divination/fortune telling/ [bu3 ci2] /oracle inscriptions of the Shang Dynasty (16th-11th century BC) on tor oiseshells or animal bones/ [bu3 gu3] /oracle bone/bone used for divination, esp. animal scapula/ [gong3] /classical variant of / [guan4] /two bunches of hair on a child/ [kuang4] /classical variant of [kuang4]/ [Bian4] /surname Bian/ [bian4] /hurried/ [bu3] /see , porphyrin/see , porphin/ [bu3 fen1] /porphin C20H14N4/ [bu3 lin2] /porphyrin (organic chemical essential to hemoglobin and chlorophyll)/ [zhan1] /to observe/to divine/ [zhan4] /to take possession of/to occupy/to take up/ [zhan4 zhu3 dao3 di4 wei4] /dominant/predominant/to occupy a leading [zhan4 you1] /dominance/traditional form also written / [zhan1 bu3] /to divine/ [zhan4 di4] /to take up space/to occupy (space)/ [zhan4 di4 r5] /to take up space/ [zhan4 di4 fang5] /to take up space/ [zhan1 xing1] /to divine by astrology/horoscope/ [zhan1 xing1 xue2] /astrology/ [zhan1 xing1 jia1] /astrologer/ [zhan1 xing1 shi1] /astrologer/ [zhan1 xing1 shu4] /astrology/ [zhan4 you3 lu:4] /market share/ [zhan4 man3] /to fill/to occupy completely/ [ka3] /to stop/to block/card/CL: [zhang1],[pian4]/calorie/ [qia3] /to block/to be stuck/to be wedged/customs station/a clip/a fastener/a ch eckpost/Taiwan pron. [ka3]/ [ka3 ding1 che1] /kart racing/ [ka3 jie4 miao2] /BCG vaccine/bacillus Calmette-Gurin vaccine/ [Ka3 xian1 ni2] /Cassini space probe/ [ka3 zhu4] /to jam/to choke/to clutch/also pr. [qia3 zhu4]/ [Ka3 nei4 ji1] /Carnegie (name)/Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919), Scots American s llionaire and philanthropist/ [Ka3 nei4 ji1 Mei2 long2 Da4 xue2] /Carnegie Mellon Universit [Ka3 li4 ka3 te4] /Calicut, town on Arabian sea in Kerala, India/ [Ka3 li4 duo1 ni2 ya4] /Caledonia/ [ka3 li4 ke1] /calico (woven cloth from Caldicot, Kerala, India)/ [ka3 wa1 yi1] /cute/adorable/charming (loanword from Japanese)/ [ka3 ta3 ni2 ya4] /Catania, Sardinia/ [Ka3 ta3 er3] /Qatar/ [Ka3 ta3 he4 na4] /Cartagena/ [Ka3 fu1] /Kraft, US food company/ [Ka3 fu1 ka3] /Franz Kafka (1883-1924), Czech Jewish writer/ [ka3 chi3] /calipers/ [ka3 ba1 lai2] /cabaret/ [ka3 bu4 qi2 nuo4] /cappuccino/ [ka3 bu4 qi2 nuo4 ka1 fei1] /cappuccino coffee/ [ka3 bu4 qi2 nuo4] /cappuccino (coffee)/ [ka3 pa4] /kappa (Greek letter )/ [ a3 dai4] /cassette tape/ [ a3 shi4] /cassette style (tape and tape player)/

[ a3 dan4] /to jam (rifle)/ [Ka3 en1] /Kahn/ [Ka3 zha1 fei1] /(Colonel Muammar) Gaddafi (1942-), de facto leader of Libya 69/ [Ka3 la1] /Kara (Togo)/ [Ka3 la1 shi2 ni2 e1 fu1] /Kalashni ov (the AK-47 assault rifle) [Ka3 la1 qi2] /Karachi (Pa istan)/ [Ka3 la1 ji1 na4] /Krajina (former Yugoslavia)/ [Ka3 la1 mu3 chang1 de2] /Karamchand (name)/ [Ka3 la1 ji4 ji1] /Radovan Karadi (1945-), former Bosnian Serb leader a [Ka3 la1 bu4 li3 ya4] /Calabria, southernmost Italian province/ [Ka3 la1 bi3 la1] /Karabilah (Iraqi city)/ [ a3 la1 jiao1] /carageenan (chemistry)/ [Ka3 la1 ma3 zuo3 fu1 xiong1 di4] /Brothers Karamazov by Dost [ a3 la1 O K] / arao e (singing to recorded instrumental accompaniment; J y orchestra)/ [Ka3 wen2 di2 shi2] /Cavendish (name)/Henry Cavendish (1731-1810), Englis d pioneer experimental scientist/ [Ka3 si1 te4 li4 weng1] /Castelln/ [Ka3 si1 te4 luo2] /Castro (name)/Fidel Castro or Fidel Alejandro Castro Cuban revolutionary leader, prime minister 1959-1976, president 1976-2008/ [Ka3 si1 cui4] /Castries, capital of Saint Lucia/ [Ka3 si1 di4 li4 ya4] /Castilla, old Spanish ingdom/modern Spanish p a-Leon and Castilla-La Mancha/ [Ka3 si1 di4 li4 ya4 lai2 ang2] /Castilla-Leon, north S [ka3 fang1] /chi-square (math.)/ [ka3 ang2] /Caen (French town)/ [Ka3 sang1 de2 la1] /Cassandra (name)/Cassandra, daughter of king Priam i logy/prophet of doom/ [Ka3 mei2 lun2] /Cameron (name)/ [Ka3 le4 xing1] /Carl's Jr. (fast-food restaurant chain)/ [ka3 si3] /jammed/stuck/frozen (computer)/ [Ka3 bo1 ye1 la1] /Capoeira/ [ka3 bo1 xi1 shi4 rou4 liu2] /Kaposi's sarcoma/ [ka3 luo4 na4] /calzone (Italian pocket), folded pizza/ [Ka3 luo4 si1] /Carlos (name)/ [Ka3 er3] /Karl (name)/ [Ka3 er3 Ma3 ke4 si1] /Karl Marx (1818-1883), German socialist vist and founder of Marxism/ [Ka3 er3 jia1 li3] /Calgary, largest city of Alberta, Canada/ [Ka3 er3 ba1 la1] /Karbala (city in Iraq)/ [Ka3 er3 de2 long2] /Calderon (Hispanic name)/ [Ka3 er3 wen2] /Calvin (name)/ [Ka3 er3 wen2 Ke4 lai2 yin1] /Calvin Klein CK (brand)/ [Ka3 er3 si1 lu3 e4] /Karlsruhe (city in Germany)/ [Ka3 er3 za1 yi1] /Hamid Karzai (1957-), Afghan politician, president fro [Ka3 er3 dun4] /Carleton/ [ka3 pian4] /card/ [Ka3 te4] /Carter (name)/James Earl (Jimmy) Carter (1924-), US Democrat politicia , president 1977-1981/ [Ka3 te4 bi3 le4 gong1 si1] /Caterpillar Inc./ [Ka3 wa3 ge2 bo2 feng1] /Mt Kawakarpo (6740 m) in Yunnan, the highest mountains [Mei2 li3 xue3 shan1]/ [ka3 da1 sheng1 , di1 da5 sheng1] /onomat. clunk click/tick t [Ka3 na4 ta3 ke4 bang1] /Karnataka, southwest Indian state, capital B r3]/formerly Mysore/ [Ka3 na4 wei2 la1 er3 jiao3] /Cape Canaveral, Florida, home of Ke Hang2 tian1 Zhong1 xin1]/ [Ka3 na4 wei2 er3 jiao3] /Cape Canaveral, Florida/ [ka3 zhi3] /cardboard/card stock/

[Ka3 luo2 li4 na4] /Carolina (Puerto Rico)/ [Ka3 mei3 la1] /Gamera (Japanese Gamera), Japanese movie monster/ [Ka3 mei3 luo4] /Camelot, seat of legendary King Arthur/ [qia3 bo2 zi5] /to strangle (literally or figuratively)/ [Ka3 sa4 bu4 lan2 ka3] /Casablanca (Morocco's economic capital)/ [Ka3 xi1 ni2] /Cassini (proper name)/ [Ka3 xi1 ou1] /Casio/ [Ka3 xi1 mi3 er3 xiao4 ying4] /Casimir effect (attraction between s due to quantum mechanical vacuum effects)/ [Ka3 xi1 mo4 fu1] /Kasimov (town in Russia)/ [ka3 bin1 qiang1] /carbine rifle/ [ka3 lu4 li3] /calorie (loanword)/ [ka3 che1] /truck/CL: [liang4]/ [ka3 tong1] /cartoon/ [Ka3 da2] /Qatar/ [Ka3 men2] /Carmen (name)/Carmen, 1875 opera by Georges Bizet based on novel per Mrime [Mei2 li3 mei3]/ [Ka3 men2 bo2 ru3 lao4] /Camembert (soft, creamy French cheese)/ [ka3 men2 bei4] /camembert cheese/ [you3] /wine container/ [gua4] /divinatory trigram/one of the eight divinatory trigrams of the Book of C hanges / [gua4 yi4] /interpretation of the divinatory trigrams/ [gua4 ci2] /to interpret the divinatory trigrams/ [xie4] /used in old names/phonetic seol used in Korean names/ [jie2] /archaic variant of [jie2]/ [xx5] /one of the characters used in kwukyel, an ancient Korean writing system/ [Ang2] /surname Ang/ [ang2] /I (regional colloquial)/me/variant of , to lift/to raise/to raise one's h ead/high/high spirits/soaring/expensive/ [zhi1] /goblet/ [mao3] /mortise (slot cut into wood to receive a tenon)/4th earthly branch: 5-7 a.m., 2nd solar month (6th March-4th April), year of the Rabbit/ [mao3 tu4] /Year 4, year of the Rabbit (e.g. 2011)/ [mao3 shi2] /5-7 am/ [mao3 sun3] /mortise and tenon (slot and tab forming a carpenter's joint)/ [mao3 yan3] /mortise/slit/ [Yin4] /surname Yin/abbr. for [Yin4 du4]/ [yin4] /to print/to mark/to engrave/a seal/a print/a stamp/a mark/a trace/image/ [yin4 xin4] /official seal/legally binding seal/ [yin4 shua1] /print/ [yin4 shua1 pin3] /printed products/ [yin4 shua1 chang3] /printing house/print shop/ [yin4 shua1 suo3] /printing press/printing office/printer/ [yin4 shua1 ye4] /typography/printing business/ [yin4 shua1 ji1] /printing press/ [yin4 shua1 ban3] /printing plate/ [yin4 shua1 zhe3] /printer/ [yin4 shua1 shu4] /printing/printing technology/ [yin4 shua1 dian4 lu4 ban3] /printed circuit board/ [yin4 shua1 ti3] /printed letters (as opposed to handwriting)/typeface/ [Yin4 gu3 shi2] /Ingushetia region of Russia North of the Caucasus/ [Yin4 di4 an1 na4] /Indiana, US state/ [Yin4 di4 an1 na4 zhou1] /Indiana, US state/ [Yin4 di4 yu3] /Hindi (language)/ [yin4 zi5] /trace/impression (e.g. footprint)/abbr. of [yin4 zi5 qia [yin4 zi5 qian2] /usury/high interest loan (in former times)/ [Yin4 ni2] /Indonesia (abbr. for )/ [Yin4 ni2 dun4] /Indonesian rupiah/ [Yin4 Ba1] /India and Pakistan/

[Yin4 du4] /India/ [Yin4 du4 ren2] /Indian (person)/CL: [ge4]/Indian people/ [Yin4 du4 ren2 min2 dang3] /Bharatiya Janata Party/ [Yin4 du4 Guo2 da4 dang3] /Indian Congress party/ [Yin4 du4 ni2 xi1 ya4] /Indonesia/ [Yin4 du4 ni2 xi1 ya4 yu3] /Indonesian language/ [Yin4 du4 zhi1 na4] /Indo-China (transliteration)/ [Yin4 du4 zhi1 na4 ban4 dao3] /Indo-China peninsula (old term, es ritten / [Yin4 du4 jiao4] /Hinduism/Indian religion/ [Yin4 du4 jiao4 tu2] /Hindu/adherent of Hinduism/ [Yin4 du4 si1 tan3] /Hindustan/ [yin4 du4 shi2 bao4] /India Times/ [Yin4 du4 he2] /Indus river/ [Yin4 du4 yang2] /Indian Ocean/ [Yin4 du4 Yan3 jing4 she2] /Indian Cobra (Naja naja)/ [Yin4 du4 hang2 kong1 gong1 si1] /Air India/ [Yin4 du4 ao3] /Parsee or Parsi, member of the Zoroastrian sect (religion)/ [Yin4 du4 yin1 yue4] /Bhangra, Indian music (music genre)/ [Yin4 du4 gui3 jiao1] /see [duan4 hun2 jiao1]/ [yin4 ba4 zi5] /seal of authority/official seal/ [Yin4 zhi1 ban4 dao3] /Indo-China peninsula (abbr. for colonial term [Yin4 Zhi1 qi1] /Indo-Chinese epoch (geology)/Indosinian orogeny/ [yin4 ben3] /printed book/copy/ [yin4 ran3] /printing and dyeing/ [yin4 ci4] /number of print run/ [yin4 ou1 ren2] /Indo-European (person)/ [yin4 ou1 wen2] /Indo-European (language)/ [yin4 ou1 yu3] /Indo-European (language)/ [Yin4 Ou1 yu3 xi4] /Indo-European system of languages/ [yin4 ou1 yu3 yan2] /Indo-European (language)/ [Yin4 jiang1] /Yinjiang Tujia and Hmong autonomous county in Tongren prefecture n2 di4 qu1], Guizhou/ [Yin4 jiang1 Tu3 jia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian Tongren prefecture [Tong2 ren2 di4 qu1], Guizhou/ [Yin4 jiang1 xian4] /Yinjiang Tujia and Hmong autonomous county in Tongren pr e [Tong2 ren2 di4 qu1], Guizhou/ [yin4 ni2] /red ink paste used for seal/ [yin4 ban3] /printing plate/ [yin4 xi3] /official seal/imperial or royal seal/papal bull/ [yin4 hen2] /molding/printed impression/ [yin4 fa1] /to publish/to print and distribute/ [yin4 he2] /seal case/box for seal and ink pad/ [yin4 zhang1] /seal/signet/chop/stamp/CL:[fang1]/ [Yin4 di4 an1] /(American) Indian/native American/indigenous peoples of the A / [yin4 di4 an1 ren2] /American Indians/ [Yin4 di4 an1 zuo4] /Indus (constellation)/ [Yin4 di4 an1 na4] /Indiana, US state/ [Yin4 di4 an1 na4 zhou1] /Indiana, US state/ [Yin4 di4 an1 na4 bo1 li4 si1] /Indianapolis, Indiana/ [yin4 niu3] /decorated knob protruding from seal, allowing it to be strung on a c rd/ [yin4 shou4] /sealed ribbon fastening correspondence (in former times)/ [Yin4 tai2] /Yintai district of Tngchun city [Tong2 chuan1 shi4], [yin4 tai2] /ink pad/stamp pad/ [Yin4 tai2 qu1] /Yintai district of Tngchun city [Tong2 chuan1 [Yin4 hang2] /Air India (abbr.)/ [yin4 hua1] /tax stamp/ [yin4 hua1 shui4] /stamp duty/

[yin4 xing2] /to print and distribute/to publish/ [yin4 biao3 ji1] /printer/ [yin4 zhi4] /to print/to produce (a publication)/ [yin4 zhi4 dian4 lu4] /printed circuit/ [yin4 zhi4 dian4 lu4 ban3] /printed circuit board/ [yin4 ji4] /imprint/trace/ [yin4 zheng4] /to seal/to confirm/to corroborate/to verify/ [yin4 pu3] /collection of seal stamps/ [yin4 xiang4] /impression/ [yin4 xiang4 zhu3 yi4] /impressionism/ [yin4 xiang4 pai4] /impressionism/ [yin4 xiang4 shen1 ke4] /to impress/ [yin4 ji4] /footprint/ [yin4 chao1 piao4] /printing money/ [yin4 niu3] /decorated knob protruding from seal, allowing it to be strung on a c rd/ [yin4 jian4] /seal impression/stamp/mark from a seal serving as signature/ [yin4 shu3 ke4 zao3] /oriental rat flea (Xenopsylla cheopis)/ [yin4 bi2] /decorated knob protruding from seal, allowing it to be strung on a co d/ [Wei1] /surname Wei/ [wei1] /danger/to endanger/Taiwan pr. [wei2]/ [wei1 wang2] /at stake/in peril/ [wei1 ji2] /to endanger/to jeopardize/a danger (to life, national security etc)/ [wei1 zai4 dan4 xi1] /lit. danger now morning or evening (idiom); on the h/expected any moment now/The crisis is imminent./ [Wei1 di4 ma3 la1] /Guatemala/see also [Gua1 di4 ma3 la1 [Wei1 di4 ma3 la1 ren2] /Guatemalan (person)/ [wei1 jing4] /dangerous situation/venerable old age/ [wei1 ru2 zhao1 lu4] /precarious as the morning dew (idiom); fig. ephemer ious nature of human existence/ [wei1 ru2 lei3 luan3] /precarious as pile of eggs (idiom); ready to fall any moment/in a dangerous state/ [wei1 hai4] /to jeopardize/to harm/to endanger/CL: [ge4]/ [wei1 hai4 xing4] /harmfulness/ [wei1 hai4 ping2 jia4] /hazard assessment/ [wei1 ju2] /perilous situation/ [wei1 jing4] /steep and perilous path/ [wei1 ji2] /critical/desperate (situation)/ [wei1 xing4] /risk/ [wei1 ju4] /afraid/apprehensive/ [wei1 fang2] /decrepit house/ [wei1 lou2] /dangerous housing/building that is about to collapse/ [wei1 ji1] /crisis/CL: [ge4]/ [wei1 dai4] /grave danger/in jeopardy/in a critical condition/ [wei1 du3] /deathly ill/ [wei1 er2 bu4 chi2] /national danger, but no support (idiom, from Analect e of the nation is at stake but no-one comes to the rescue/ [wei1 ruo4 zhao1 lu4] /precarious as morning dew (idiom); unlikely to las / [wei1 yan2 song3 ting1] /frightening words to scare people (idiom); alarm under the beds/ [wei1 ci2 song3 ting1] /to startle sb with scary tale/ [wei1 po4] /urgent/pressing danger/ [wei1 tu2] /dangerous road/ [wei1 zhong4] /critically ill/ [wei1 zhong4 bing4 ren2] /critically ill patient/ [wei1 xian3] /danger/dangerous/ [wei1 xian3 pin3] /hazardous materials/ [wei1 xian3 jing3 gao4 deng1] /hazard lights/

[wei1 nan4] /calamity/ [Shao4] /surname Shao/ [ji2] /namely/that is/i.e./prompt/at once/at present/even if/prompted (by the oc casion)/to approach/to come into contact/to assume (office)/to draw near/ [ji2 fu4] /to pay on demand/ [ji2 fu4 ji2 da3] /pay as you go/ [ji2 wei4] /to succeed to the throne/accession/ [ji2 shi3] /even if/even though/given that/ [ji2 bian4] /even if/even though/right away/immediately/ [ji2 ke4] /immediately/instant/instantly/ [ji2 ke3] /that will do/ [Ji2 mo4] /Jimo county level city in Qingdao , Shandong/ [Ji2 mo4 shi4] /Jimo county level city in Qingdao , Shandong/ [ji2 ru2] /such as/ [ji2 jiang1] /on the eve of/to be about to/to be on the verge of/ [ji2 jiang1 lai2 lin2] /imminent/ [ji2 cha1 ji2 yong4] /plug-and-play/ [ji2 ri4] /this or that very day/in the next few days/ [ji2 zao3] /as soon as possible/ [ji2 shi2] /immediate/ [ji2 shi2 ji2 di4] /moment-to-moment/ [ji2 shi2 tong1 xun4] /instant messaging (IM)/instant message/ [ji2 rong2 ka1 fei1] /instant coffee/ [ji2 wei2] /to be considered to be/to be defined to be/to be called/ [ji2 you2] /namely/ [ji2 xing4] /improvisation (in the arts)/impromptu/extemporaneous/ [ji2 xing4 zhi1 zuo4] /improvisation/ [ji2 xing4 fa1 hui1] /improvisation/ [ji2 shi2] /instant (food)/ [luan3] /egg/ovum/spawn/ [luan3 yuan2] /oval/ellipse/ [luan3 yuan2 xing2] /oval/ellipsoidal/ [luan3 yuan2 chuang1] /oval window between middle and inner ear/ [luan3 zi3] /ovum/ [luan3 zi5] /testicles/penis/ [luan3 chao2] /ovary/ [luan3 chao2 wo1] /ovary/ [luan3 xing2] /oval/egg-shaped (leaves in botany)/ [luan3 mo2] /ootype (site of egg composition in flatworm biology)/ [luan3 mu3 xi4 bao1] /egg cell/ [luan3 pao4] /follicle/ [luan3 shi2] /cobble/pebble/ [luan3 lin2 zhi1] /lecithin (phospholipid found in egg yolk)/ [luan3 jing1 chao2] /ovaries and testes/ [luan3 lie4] /cleavage of fertilized ovum into cells/ [luan3 huang2] /egg yolk/ [luan3 huang2 nang2] /yolk sac (ectodermal cells attaching fetus to uterus be e development of the placenta)/ [luan3 huang2 guan3] /vitelline duct/ [luan3 huang2 xian4] /vitelline glands/vitellaria (in biology)/ [juan3] /to roll up/roll/classifier for small rolled things (wad of paper money, movie reel etc)/ [juan4] /scroll/book/volume/chapter/examination paper/classifier for books, pain tings: volume, scroll/ [juan3 ren4] /curved blade/ [juan3 tu3 chong2 lai2] /to return in a swirl of dust/to make a stage com / [juan3 di4 pi2] /to plunder the land and extort from the peasant/corrupt prac [juan3 zi5] /steamed roll/spring roll/ [juan4 zi5] /test paper/examination paper/

[juan4 zong1] /file/folder/dossier/ [juan3 chi3] /tape measure/tape rule/CL:[ba3]/ [juan3 ceng2 yun2] /cirrostratus (cloud)/also written [juan3 cen [juan3 ba1] /to bundle up/ [juan3 lian2 men2] /roll-up door/ [juan4 zhi4] /book/ [juan4 zhi4 hao4 fan2] /a huge amount (of books and papers)/ [juan3 xin1 cai4] /cabbage/CL:[ke1]/ [juan3 yan1] /cigarette/cigar/ [juan3 bi3 dao1] /pencil sharpener (blade-only type)/ [juan3 rao4] /to wind/to coil/to spool/to loop around/winding/ [juan3 she2 yuan2 yin1] /retroflex vowel (e.g. the final r of putonghua)/ [juan3 qi3] /to roll up/to curl up/to furl (a flag, umbrella etc)/to swirl (of du t, wind, sandstorm etc)/twist (in gymnastics)/ [juan4 zhou2] /scroll/book/reel/ [juan3 yun2] /cirrus (cloud)/ [juan3 fa4] /to curl hair/ [juan3 xu1] /tendril/ [xie4] /to unload/to unhitch/to remove or strip/to get rid of/ [xie4 xia4] /unload/ [xie4 ren4] /to leave office/ [xie4 tao4] /to loosen a yoke/to remove harness (from beast of burden)/ [xie4 zhuang1] /to remove makeup/to take off formal dress and ornaments (traditio al)/ [xie4 mo4 sha1 lu:2] /lit. to kill the donkey when the grinding is done ( rid of sb once he has ceased to be useful/ [xie4 zhi2] /to resign from office/to dismiss from office/ [xie4 jian1 r5] /lit. a weight off one's shoulders/fig. to resign a post/to l a burden/to be relieved of a job/ [xie4 zhuang1] /to unload/ [xie4 huo4] /to unload/to discharge cargo/ [xie4 zai4] /to disembark/to off-load cargo/to uninstall (software)/ [xu4] /anxiety/sympathy/to sympathize/to give relief/to compensate/ [que4] /but/yet/however/while/to go back/to decline/to retreat/nevertheless/even though/ [que4 zhi1 bu4 gong1] /to refuse would be impolite/ [que4 dao4] /but on the contrary/but unexpectedly/ [que4 cai2] /just now/ [que4 bu4] /to step back/ [que4 bing4] /to prevent or treat a disease/ [que4 shuo1] /and the story continues thus: (literary auxiliary particle [wu4] /uncomfortable/unsteady/ [ji2] /variant of , promptly/ [qing1] /high ranking official (old)/term of endearment between spouses (old)/(f rom the Tang Dynasty onwards) term used by the emperor for his subjects (old)/ho norific (old)/ [qing1 qing1 wo3 wo3] /to bill and coo (idiom)/to whisper sweet nothings r/to be very much in love/ [han3] /"cliff" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 27), occurring in , , etc/ [chang3 zi4 pang2] /name of "cliff" radical in simplified Chinese characte radical 27)/ [e4] /distressed/ [E4 shen2 ta3] /rsta (city in Norway)/ [E4 luo4 si1] /Eros, cherub in Greek mythology, son of Aphrodite a [E4 er3 Ni2 nuo4] /El Nio, equatorial climate variation in the Pacific/ [e4 er3 ni2 nuo4 xian4 xiang4] /El Nio effect, equatorial climat ic Ocean/ [E4 er3 bu4 lu3 shi4] /Mt Elbrus, the highest peak of the Caucasus mo [E4 gua1 duo1 er3] /Ecuador/

[E4 li4 te4 li3 ya4] /Eritrea/ [e4 yun4] /bad luck/misfortune/adversity/ [zhi3] /whetstone/ [ya2] /old form of (cliff) and (bank)/ [zhi4] /river bent/ [pang2] /huge/ [ti2] /old stone or mineral, possibly related to antimony Sb [ti1]/ [Ti2 xi1] /old place name (in Yan of Warring states, in modern Beijing city)/ [li2] /one hundredth/centi-/ [li2 ke4] /centigram/ [li2 sheng1] /centiliter/ [li2 mi3] /centimeter/also written / [li2 jin1] /a form of transit taxation in China introduced to finance armies to s ppress the Taiping Rebellion/ [She4] /surname She/ [hou4] /thick/deep or profound/kind/generous/rich or strong in flavor/to favor/t o stress/ [hou4 bao4] /generous reward/ [hou4 shi5] /thick/substantial/sturdy/solid/ [hou4 du4] /thickness/ [hou4 dai4] /generous treatment/ [hou4 wang4] /great hopes/great expectations/ [hou4 ci3 bo2 bi3] /to favour one and discriminate against the other/ [hou4 si3 bo2 sheng1] /lit. to praise the dead and revile the living/fig. he past (idiom)/ [hou4 sheng1 lao2 dong4 sheng3] /Japanese ministry of health, labor a [hou4 sheng1 xiang4] /minister of health (of Japan, UK etc)/ [hou4 sheng1 sheng3] /Japanese ministry of health, labor and welfare/ [hou4 li3] /generous gifts/ [hou4 lian3 pi2] /brazen/shameless/impudent/cheek/thick-skinned/ [hou4 bao2] /thickness/also pr. [hou4 bo2]/ [hou4 bo2] /to favor one and discriminate against the other (abbr. for [h i3])/ [hou4 yi4] /generous friendship/ [hou4 dao5] /kind and honest/generous/sincere/ [hou4 zhong4] /thick/heavy/thickset (body)/massive/generous/extravagant/profound/ ignified/ [hou4 yan2] /shameless/ [hou4 yan2 wu2 chi3] /shameless/ [hou4 yang3 bo2 zang4] /generous care but a thrifty funeral/to look after s generously, but not waste money on a lavish funeral/ [zui1] /a mountain peak/ [cuo4] /bury/to place/dispose/ [yuan2] /former/original/primary/raw/level/cause/source/ [yuan2 ren2] /prehistoric man/primitive man/ [yuan2 jian4] /the original/original document/master copy/ [yuan2 wei4] /original position/ [yuan2 zhu4 min2] /indigenous peoples/aborigine/ [yuan2 zhu4 min2 zu2] /original inhabitant/indigenous people/ [yuan2 zuo4] /original works/original text/original author/ [yuan2 lai2] /original/former/originally/formerly/at first/so... actually/ [yuan2 xian1] /former/original/ [yuan2 han2 shu4] /antiderivative/ [yuan2 ze2] /principle/doctrine/CL: [ge4]/ [yuan2 ze2 shang5] /in principle/generally/ [yuan2 ze2 xing4] /principled/ [yuan2 chuang4] /originality/creativity/innovation/ [yuan2 chuang4 xing4] /originality/ [yuan2 dong4 li4] /motive force/prime mover/first cause/agent/ [yuan2 Nan2 si1 la1 fu1] /former Yugoslavia (1945-1992)/

[yuan2 ming2] /original name/ [yuan2 gao4] /complainant/plaintiff/ [yuan2 yin1] /cause/origin/root cause/reason/CL: [ge4]/ [yuan2 di4] /former place/indigenous/local/ [yuan2 di4 ta4 bu4] /to mark time (military)/to make no headway/ [yuan2 zhi3] /original location/ [yuan2 xing2] /original shape/mold/original form/archetype/ [yuan2 shi3] /first/original/primitive/original (document etc)/ [yuan2 shi3 lin2] /old growth forest/primary forest/original forest cover/ [yuan2 shi3 re4 dai4 yu3 lin2] /virgin tropical rainforest/ [yuan2 shi3 she4 hui4] /primitive society/ [yuan2 wei3] /the whole story/ [yuan2 zi3] /atom/atomic/ [yuan2 zi3 ban4 jing4] /atomic radius/ [yuan2 zi3 fan3 ying4 dui1] /atomic reactor/ [yuan2 zi3 dui1] /atomic pile (original form of nuclear reactor)/ [yuan2 zi3 xu4 shu4] /atomic number/ [yuan2 zi3 dan4] /atom bomb/atomic bomb/A-bomb/ [yuan2 zi3 he2] /atomic nucleus/ [yuan2 zi3 wu3 qi4] /atomic weapon/ [yuan2 zi3 bao4 dan4] /atom bomb/ [yuan2 zi3 bao4 po4 dan4 yao4] /atomic demolition munition/ [yuan2 zi3 ke1 xue2 jia1] /atomic scientist/nuclear scientist/ [yuan2 zi3 ke1 xue2 jia1 tong1 bao4] /Journal of Atomic Scien [yuan2 zi3 bi3] /ballpoint pen/also written / [yuan2 zi3 neng2] /atomic energy/ [yuan2 zi3 neng2 fa1 dian4 zhan4] /atomic power station/ [yuan2 zi3 lun4] /atomic theory/ [yuan2 zi3 zhi4 liang4] /atomic mass/ [yuan2 zi3 liang4] /atomic weight/atomic mass/ [yuan2 zi3 zhong1] /atomic clock/ [yuan2 ding4] /originally planned/originally determined/ [yuan2 feng1 bu4 dong4] /sticking unmoving to the original (idiom); not a d/untouched/ [yuan2 ju1] /indigenous/ [Yuan2 zhou1] /Yuanzhou district of Guyuan city [Gu4 yuan2 shi4], Ningxia/ [Yuan2 zhou1 qu1] /Yuanzhou district of Guyuan city [Gu4 yuan2 shi4], N [Yuan2 ping2] /Yuanping county level city in Xinzhou [Xin1 zhou1], Shanxi/ [Yuan2 ping2 shi4] /Yuanping county level city in Xinzhou [Xin1 zhou1], S [yuan2 xing2] /archetype/original shape/true colors/ [yuan2 xing2 bi4 lu4] /original identity fully revealed (idiom); fig. to pose the whole truth/ [yuan2 xing4] /original nature/ [yuan2 yi4] /original meaning/original intention/ [yuan2 wen2] /original text/ [yuan2 liao4] /raw material/CL: [ge4]/ [yuan2 liao4 jia4 ge2] /price of raw materials/ [yuan2 you3] /original/former/ [yuan2 mu4] /logs/ [yuan2 ben3] /originally/original/ [yuan2 cai2 liao4] /raw materials/unprocessed materials/ [yuan2 he2] /prokaryotic (cell)/ [yuan2 he2 sheng1 wu4] /prokaryote/ [yuan2 he2 sheng1 wu4 jie4] /Kingdom Monera/prokaryote/ [yuan2 he2 xi4 bao1] /prokaryote/prokaryotic cell/ [yuan2 he2 xi4 bao1 xing2 wei1 sheng1 wu4] /prokaryotic c [yuan2 yang4] /original shape/the same as before/ [yuan2 zhi1] /stock (liquid from stewing meat etc)/ [yuan2 zhi1 yuan2 wei4] /original/authentic/lit. original juices, origina [yuan2 you2] /crude oil/

[yuan2 bao4] /atom bomb/contraction of [yuan2 zi3 bao4 dan4]/ [yuan2 bao4 dian3] /ground zero/ [yuan2 wu4 liao4] /source material/raw materials/ [yuan2 li3] /principle/theory/ [yuan2 sheng1] /way of life/ecology/primary/ [yuan2 sheng1 dong4 wu4] /protozoan (bacteria)/ [yuan2 sheng1 sheng1 wu4] /protist/primitive organism/ [yuan2 sheng1 zhi4] /protoplasm/ [yuan2 chan3] /original production/native to (of species)/ [yuan2 chan3 guo2] /country of origin/ [yuan2 chan3 di4] /original source/place of origin/provenance/ [yuan2 fa1 xing4 jin4 xing2 xing4 shi1 yu3] /primary prog r (sometimes related to dementia)/ [yuan2 gao3] /manuscript/original copy/ [yuan2 ji2] /ancestral home (town)/birthplace/ [yuan2 xian1 wei2] /fibril/protofilament/ [yuan2 zui4] /original sin/ [yuan2 yi4] /original meaning/ [yuan2 se4] /primary color/ [yuan2 zhu4] /original work (not translation or abridged)/ [yuan2 Su1 lian2] /former Soviet Union/ [yuan2 chu4] /original spot/previous place/where it was before/ [yuan2 bei4 gao4] /plaintiff and defendant/prosecution and defense (lawyers)/ [yuan2 liang4] /to excuse/to forgive/to pardon/ [yuan2 mao4] /the original form/ [yuan2 dao4] /original path/essay by Tang philosopher Han Yu / [yuan2 ye3] /plain/open country/ [Yuan2 yang2] /Yuanyang county in Xinxiang [Xin1 xiang1], Henan/ [Yuan2 yang2 xian4] /Yuanyang county in Xinxiang [Xin1 xiang1], Hena [yuan2 dian3] /origin (math.)/origin of coordinates/ [yuan2 dian3 ju3] /(statistics) moment/ [li4] /to calculate/the calendar/ [jue2] /to faint/to lose consciousness/his/her/its/their/ [jin3] /hut/ [qin2] /variant of [qin2]/ [yan4] /to loathe/ [yan4 shi4] /world-weary/pessimistic/ [yan4 juan4] /to be weary of/to be fed up with/tedious/ [yan4 hen4] /to hate/to detest/ [yan4 wu4] /to loath/to hate/disgusted with sth/ [yan4 wu4 ren2 lei4 zhe3] /misanthrope/ [yan4 qi4] /to spurn/to reject/ [yan4 qi4] /fed up with/loathsome/ [yan4 yang3] /anaerobic/ [yan4 yang3 jun1] /anaerobic bacteria/ [yan4 fan2] /bored/fed up with sth/sick of sth/ [yan4 ni4] /to detest/to abhor/ [yan4 bo2] /to despise/to look down upon sth/ [yan4 ku4 qiu2 bao1 zi3 jun1] /Coccidioides immitis/ [yan4 shi2] /anorexia/ [si1] /variant of [si1]/ [chang3] /variant of / [Li4] /surname Li/ [li4] /strict/severe/ [li4 hai5] /difficult to deal with/difficult to endure/ferocious/radical/serious/ errible/violent/tremendous/awesome/ [li4 mu4 er2 shi4] /to cut sb a severe look (idiom)/ [li4 sheng1] /stern voice/ [li4 gui3] /malicious spirit/devil/ [yan2] /Japanese variant of /

[yan3] /operculum (Latin: little lid)/a covering flap (in various branches of an atomy)/ [qiu2] /spear/ [rou2] /to trample/ [qu4] /to go/to go to (a place)/to cause to go or send (sb)/to remove/to get rid of/(when used either before or after a verb) to go in order to do sth/to be apa rt from in space or time/(after a verb of motion indicates movement away from th e speaker)/(used after certain verbs to indicate detachment or separation)/(of a time or an event etc) just passed or elapsed/ [qu4 shi4] /to pass away/to die/ [qu4 ni3 de5] /Go to hell!/ [qu4 guang1 shui3] /nail polish remover/ [qu4 qi2 zao1 po4] /to remove the dross/to discard the dregs/ [qu4 shi4] /to neuter/neutered/ [qu4 qu3] /to accept or reject/ [qu4 qu3 zhi1 jian1] /undecided between taking and leaving/ [qu4 xiang4] /the position of sth/whereabouts/ [qu4 xiang4 bu4 ming2] /missing/lost/ [qu4 guo2 wai4] /to go abroad/ [qu4 gou4 ji4] /detergent/ [qu4 nian2] /last year/ [qu4 nian2 di3] /late last year/the end of last year/ [qu4 de5] /can go/ [qu4 diao4] /to get rid of/to exclude/to eliminate/to remove/to delete/to strip o t/to extract/ [qu4 si3] /go to hell!/drop dead!/ [qu4 yang3 he2 tang2 he2 suan1] /deoxyribonucleic acid/DNA/ [qu4 yang3 ma2 huang2 jian3] /methamphetamine/ [qu4 huo3] /to reduce internal heat (traditional Chinese medicine)/ [qu4 liu2] /going or staying/ [qu4 pi2] /to peel/to remove the skin/net weight/ [qu4 sheng1] /falling tone/fourth tone in modern Mandarin/ [qu4 zhi2] /to leave office/ [qu4 Tai2] /to go to Taiwan/refers to those who left China for Taiwan before the ounding of PRC in 1949/ [qu4 Tai2 ren2 yuan2] /those who left China for Taiwan before the foundin 949/ [qu4 wu2 cun2 jing1] /lit. to get rid of the weeds and keep the flowers/t e wheat from the chaff (idiom)/ [qu4 chu4] /place/destination/ [qu4 lu4] /the way one is following/outlet/ [qu4 shi4] /pass away/die/ [qu4 chu2] /to remove/to dislodge/ [xx5] /one of the characters used in kwukyel (phonetic "keum"), an ancient Korea n writing system/ [du1] /to tap lightly/ [san1] /variant of [san1]/ [san1] /three (banker's anti-fraud numeral)/ [can1] /take part in/participate/join/attend/to join/unequal/varied/irregular/to counsel/uneven/not uniform/abbr. for Senate, Upper House/ [shen1] /ginseng/ [can1 liang3 yuan4] /both houses of US Congress/ [can1 jia1] /to participate/to take part/to join/ [can1 jia1 zhe3] /participant/ [can1 he2] /to accuse/to impeach/(in Imperial China) to level charges against an fficial/ [can1 ban4] /half/half and half/both ... and .../just as much ... as .../equally/ [can1 tian1] /reach high to the sky/tall/of great height/ [Can1 sun1] /Samson (name)/biblical hero around 1100 BC/ [Shen1 xiu4] /Three Stars (Chinese constellation)/

[Shen1 xiu4 qi1] /Rigel (star)/lit. seventh star of the Three Stars Chinese c ation/ [can1 zhan3] /to exhibit at or take part in a trade show etc/ [cen1 ci1] /uneven/jagged/snaggletooth/ragged/serrated/ [cen1 ci1 bu4 qi2] /unevenly matched (idiom); scraggly/jagged/ [cen1 ci1 cuo4 luo4] /uneven and jumbled (idiom); irregular and disorderl d mess/ [can1 wu4] /perceive through meditation/ [can1 zhan4] /to go to war/to engage in war/ [can1 bai4] /to formally call on/to worship (a God)/to pay homage to sb/ [can1 zheng4] /to be involved in politics/participation in politics/ [can1 zheng4 quan2] /suffrage/voting rights/ [can1 shu4] /parameter/ [can1 jiao4] /to proofread/to revise one or more editions of a text using an auth ritative edition as a source book/to editorially revise a text/ [can1 zhao4] /to consult a reference/to refer to (another document)/ [can1 zhao4 xi4] /frame of reference/coordinate frame (math.)/ [can1 kan4] /see also/please refer to/confer (cf.)/to consult for reference/ [can1 chan2] /to practice Chan Buddhist meditation/to practice Zen meditation/to it in meditation/ [can1 kao3] /consultation/reference/to consult/to refer/ [can1 kao3 wen2 xian4] /cited material/reference (to the literature)/bibl [can1 kao3 shu1] /reference book/ [can1 kao3 cai2 liao4] /reference material/source documents/ [Can1 kao3 Xiao1 xi1] /Reference News (PRC limited-distribution daily new [can1 kao3 xi4] /frame of reference/ [can1 kao3 zi1 liao4] /reference material/bibliography/ [can1 gu3] /equity participation (finance)/ [can1 yu4] /to participate (in sth)/ [can1 yu4 zhe3] /participant/ [shen1 rong2] /ginseng and young deer antler (used in traditional Chinese medicin )/ [shen1 shu3] /Dioscorea alata (Kinampay or aromatic purple yam, a sweet root crop / [can1 jian4] /to refer to/see also/confer (cf.)/to pay respect to/ [can1 guan1] /to look around/to tour/to visit/ [can1 fang3 tuan2] /delegation/ [can1 mou2] /staff officer/to give advice/ [can1 mou2 zong3 zhang3] /army Chief of Staff/ [can1 mou2 zhang3] /chief of staff/ [can1 yi4] /consultant/adviser/ [can1 yi4 yuan2] /senator/ [can1 yi4 yuan4] /senate/upper chamber (of legislative assembly)/ [can1 sai4] /to compete/to take part in a competition/ [can1 sai4 zhe3] /competitor/CL:[ming2]/ [can1 zan4] /diplomatic officer/attache/ [can1 jun1] /to join the army/ [can1 xuan3 ren2] /election participant/candidate/ [can1 zhuo2] /to consider (a matter)/to deliberate/ [can1 liang4] /parameter (math)/quantity used as a parameter/modulus (math.)/ [can1 liang4 kong1 jian1] /moduli space (math.)/parameter space/ [can1 yue4] /to consult/to refer to/to read (instructions)/ [can1 yuan4] /abbr. for [can1 yi4 yuan4], senate/upper chamber (of l )/ [can1 za2] /to mix/ [san1] /variant of [san1]/ [you4] /(once) again/also/both... and.../again/ [you4 yi1 ci4] /yet again/once again/once more/ [you4 lai2 le5] /Here we go again/ [you4 ji2] /P.S./postscript/

[you4 ming2] /also known as/alternative name/to also be called/ [you4 chao3 you4 nao4] /to make a lot of noise/to be disorderly/ [you4 cheng1] /also known as/ [you4 hong2 you4 zhong3] /to be red and swollen (idiom)/ [cha1] /fork/pitchfork/prong/pick/cross/intersect/"X"/ [cha2] /to cross/be stuck/ [cha3] /to diverge/to open (as legs)/ [cha1 zi5] /fork/CL:[ba3]/ [cha1 xing2] /forked/ [cha1 jia4] /trestle/X-shaped frame/ [cha1 shao1] /char siu/barbecued pork/ [cha1 shao1 bao1] /roast pork bun/cha siu baau/ [cha1 ji1] /cross product/ [cha1 che1] /forklift truck/CL: [tai2]/ [cha1 tou2] /prong of a fork/ [ji2] /and/to reach/up to/in time for/ [ji2 qi2] /and/as well as/ [ji2 zao3] /at the earliest possible time/as soon as possible/ [ji2 shi2] /in time/promptly/without delay/timely/ [ji2 shi2 xing4] /timeliness/promptness/ [ji2 shi2 chu3 li3] /timely handling/a stitch in time/ [ji2 shi2 chu3 li3 , shi4 ban4 gong1 bei4] /timely ha fort/the right approach saves effort and leads to better results/a stitch in tim e saves nine/ [ji2 shi2 xing2 le4] /to enjoy the present (idiom); to live happily with the future/make merry while you can/carpe diem/ [ji2 shi2 yu3] /timely rain/fig. timely assistance/ [ji2 ge2] /to pass a test/ [ji2 ge2 xian4] /passing line or score (in an examination)/ [ji2 wu4] /transitive/ [ji2 wu4 dong4 ci2] /transitive verb/ [ji2 ji1] /to reach marriageable age (a girl's fifteenth birthday)/ [ji2 di4] /to pass an imperial examination/ [ji2 zhi4] /by the time that/ [ji2 feng1 er2 shi4] /lit. to reach the tip and try (idiom); to have a go s peak/ [you3] /friend/ [you3 ren2] /friend/ [you3 shan4] /friendly/ [You3 hao3] /Youhao district of Yichun city [Yi1 chun1 shi4], Heilongjiang/ [you3 hao3] /friendly/amicable/close friend/ [You3 hao3 qu1] /Youhao district of Yichun city [Yi1 chun1 shi4], Heilo [you3 hao3 fang3 wen4] /friendly visit/ [you3 hao3 guan1 xi4] /good relations/ [you3 ti4] /brotherly bond/ [you3 qing2] /friendly feelings/friendship/ [you3 ai4] /friendly affection/fraternal love/ [you3 yi4] /companionship/fellowship/friendship/ [You3 yi4 di4 jiu3 tian1 chang2] /Auld Lang Syne, Scottish song w s [Luo2 bo2 te4 Bo2 en1 si1], sung to mark the start of a ne ered [You3 yi4 wan4 sui4] or [You3 yi4 tian1 chan [You3 yi4 tian1 chang2 di4 jiu3] /see [Y [you3 yi4 feng1] /Mt Friendship, the highest peak of the Altai mountains/ [You3 yi4 xian4] /Youyi county in Shuangyashan [Shuang1 ya1 shan [You3 yi4 wan4 sui4] /see [You3 yi4 di4 jiu3 tia [you3 yi4 sai4] /friendly match/friendly competition/ [you3 jun1] /friendly forces/allies/ [you3 bang1] /friendly state/ally/ [You3 bang1 bao3 xian3 gong1 si1] /American International Group ( [fan3] /contrary/in reverse/inside-out or upside-down/to reverse/to return/to op

pose/opposite/against/anti-/to rebel/to use analogy/instead/abbr. for phonetic sy stem/ [fan3 zhi1] /on the other hand.../conversely.../ [fan3 zhi1 yi4 ran2] /vice versa/ [fan3 ren2 dao4 zui4] /a crime against humanity/ [fan3 ren2 dao4 zui4 xing2] /crime against humanity/ [fan3 ren2 lei4] /inhuman/ [fan3 ren2 lei4 zui4] /crimes against humanity/ [fan3 zuo4 yong4] /opposite reaction/ [fan3 li4] /counter-example/ [fan3 dao4] /but on the contrary/but expectedly/ [fan3 ce4] /to toss and turn/ [fan3 chuan2 suan4 fa3] /back propagation algorithm/ [fan3 qing1 xiao1] /anti-dumping/ [fan3 guang1] /to reflect light/ [fan3 guang1 jing4] /reflector/reflecting mirror/ [fan3 guang1 mian4] /reflecting surface/ [fan3 gong4] /anti-communist/ [fan3 gong4 zhu3 yi4] /anti-communism/ [fan3 gong4 xuan1 chuan2] /anticommunist propaganda (as a crime)/ [fan3 gong4 xuan1 chuan2 zui4] /the crime of anticommunist propaganda [fan3 qi2 dao4 er2 xing2 zhi1] /to do the very opposite/to act in way/ [fan3 han2 shu4] /inverse function (math.)/ [fan3 fen1 lie4 fa3] /anti-secession law of 2005 (whereby PRC claims the de Taiwan)/ [fan3 qie4] /traditional system expressing the phonetic value of a Chinese charac er using two other characters, the first for the initial consonant, the second f or the rhyme and tone/ [fan3 jian3] /with hands behind one's back/trussed/ [fan3 dong4] /reaction/reactionary/ [fan3 dong4 fen4 zi3] /reactionaries/reactionary elements/ [fan3 dong4 shi4 li5] /reactionary forces (esp. in Marxist rhetoric)/ [fan3 dong4 pai4] /reactionaries/ [fan3 fan3 fu4 fu4] /repeatedly/time and time again/ [fan3 pan4] /rebel/revolt/ [fan3 pan4 fen4 zi3] /insurgent/rebel/ [fan3 kou3] /to correct oneself/to renege/to break one's word/ [fan3 you4] /anti-rightist/abbr. for [fan3 you4 pai4 dou4 zh [fan3 you4 pai4 dou4 zheng1] /struggle against rightist faction (Maoi [fan3 you4 yun4 dong4] /anti-right movement, Mao's purge of 1957/ [fan3 xiang4] /opposite direction/reverse/ [fan3 yao3 yi1 kou3] /to make a false counter-charge/ [fan3 bu3] /to support one's parents in their old age/to show filial piety/to to epay/to return a favor/ [fan3 chun2 xiang1 ji1] /mutual bickering and ridicule (idiom); sarcastic [fan3 wen4] /to ask (a question) in reply/to answer a question with a question/rh torical question/ [fan3 wen4 ju4] /rhetorical question/ [fan3 wen4 yu3 qi4] /tone of one's voice when asking a rhetorical questio [fan3 zui3] /to answer back/to contradict/to renege/to go back on one's word/ [fan3 wei2 jiao3] /communist attack against the Guomindang's encircle and ann campaign/ [fan3 wei2 gong1] /attack against siege/ [fan3 zuo4] /to sentence the accuser (and free the falsely accused defendant)/ [fan3 tan3 ke4] /anti-tank/ [fan3 dian4] /earthern goblet stand also known as [xu4] (old)/ [fan3 Ji1 du1] /the anti-Christ/ [fan3 long3 duan4] /anti-trust legislation/anti-monopoly/ [fan3 long3 duan4 fa3] /anti-trust law/legislation again monopolies/

[fan3 ke4 wei2 zhu3] /lit. the guest acts as host (idiom); fig. to turn f o active behavior/ [fan3 mi4 ma3 zi5] /anticodon/ [fan3 she4] /to reflect/reflection (from a mirror etc)/reflex (i.e. automatic rea tion of organism)/ [fan3 she4 zuo4 yong4] /reflex/reflection/ [fan3 she4 guang1] /to reflect light/reflection/reflected light/ [fan3 she4 dong4 zuo4] /reflex action/ [fan3 she4 ou1 zhi4 liao2] /reflexology (alternative medicine)/ [fan3 she4 hu2] /reflex arc/ [fan3 she4 xing1 yun2] /reflection nebula/ [fan3 she4 liao2 fa3] /reflexology (alternative medicine)/ [fan3 she4 jing4] /reflecting telescope/ [fan3 she4 mian4] /reflecting surface/ [fan3 dui4] /to fight against/to oppose/to be opposed to/opposition/ [fan3 dui4 pai4] /opposition faction/ [fan3 dui4 piao4] /a vote against/a veto/ [fan3 dui4 dang3] /opposition (political) party/ [fan3 dao3] /anti-missile/ [fan3 dao3 dao3 dan4] /anti-missile missile (such as the Patriot Missile) [fan3 dao3 dan4] /anti-missile/ [fan3 dao3 xi4 tong3] /anti-missile system/missile defense system/ [fan3 cha1] /contrast/discrepancy/ [fan3 di4] /anti-imperialist/anti-imperialists/ [fan3 chang2] /unusual/abnormal/ [fan3 shi4] /trans- (isomer) (chemistry)/see also [shun4 shi4]/ [fan3 shi4 zhi1 fang2] /trans fat/trans-isomer fatty acid/ [fan3 tan2] /to bounce/to bounce back/to boomerang/to ricochet/rebound (of stock arket etc)/bounce/backlash/negative repercussions/ [fan3 dan4 dao3 dan4] /antimissile missile/ [fan3 fu4] /repeatedly/over and over/ [fan3 si1] /to think back over sth/to review/to revisit/to rethink/reflection/rea sessment/ [fan3 kong3] /anti-terrorism/to fight against terrorism/ [fan3 kong3 zhan4 zheng1] /war on terrorism/ [fan3 hui3] /to renege/to go back (on a deal)/to back out (of a promise)/ [fan3 gan3] /to be disgusted with/to dislike/bad reaction/antipathy/ [fan3 ying4] /to react/to respond/reaction/response/reply/chemical reaction/CL: ]/ [fan3 ying4 dui1] /reactor/ [fan3 ying4 dui1 ran2 liao4 yuan2 jian4] /fuel element/ [fan3 ying4 dui1 xin1] /reactor core/ [fan3 ying4 shi4] /equation of a chemical reaction/ [fan3 ying1 shi2] /response time/ [fan3 ying1 shi2 jian1] /response time (technology)/ [fan3 ying4 guo1] /reaction pot (chemical engineering)/cauldron (at Hogwarts [fan3 zhan4] /anti-war/ [fan3 zhan4 kang4 yi4] /antiwar protest/ [fan3 shou3] /to turn a hand over/to put one's hand behind one's back/fig. easily done/ [fan3 tuo1 la1 si1] /antitrust (loanword)/ [fan3 pi1 ping2] /counter-criticism/ [fan3 kang4] /to resist/to rebel/ [fan3 kang4 zhe3] /rebel/ [fan3 zhang3] /lit. to turn over one's palm/fig. everything is going very well./ [fan3 jie1] /trussed/with hands tied behind the back/ [fan3 zhuang4] /recoil (of a gun)/ [fan3 pu1] /to counter-attack/to come back after a defeat/to retrieve lost ground [fan3 ji1] /to strike back/to beat back/to counterattack/ [fan3 gong1] /to counter-attack/a counter-offensive/

[fan3 zheng4 fu3] /anti-government (protest)/ [fan3 bai4 wei2 sheng4] /to turn defeat into victory (idiom); to turn the [fan3 san4 she4] /backscatter/ [fan3 wen2 pang2] /(colloquial) grapheme (variant form of Kangxi radical 6 [fan3 xie2 gang4] /backslash (comp.)/ [fan3 xie2 xian4] /backslash (comp.)/reversed diagonal/ [fan3 ri4] /anti-Japan/ [fan3 ying4] /to mirror/to reflect/mirror image/reflection/fig. to report/to make known/to render/used erroneously for , response or reaction/ [fan3 ying4 lun4] /theory of reflection (in dialectic materialism), i.e. ever ption reflects physical reality/ [fan3 shi2 shi4] /unconventional/ [fan3 shi2 zhen1] /counterclockwise/ [fan3 du4 lin2 lun4] /Anti-Dhring/ [fan3 he2] /anti-nuclear (e.g. protest)/ [fan3 zheng4] /to put things back in order/to return to the correct path/in any e ent/come what may/whatever happens (I'm still sure it's right)/anyway/ [fan3 zheng4 yi1 yang4] /whether it's right or wrong doesn't make a lot o six of one and half a dozen of the other/as broad as it is long/ [fan3 bi3] /inversely proportional/inverse ratio/ [fan3 shui3] /turncoat/traitor/ [fan3 qiu2 zhu1 ji3] /to seek the cause in oneself rather than sb else/ [fan3 pai4] /villain (of a drama etc)/ [fan3 qing1] /anti-Qing/refers to the revolutionary movements in late 19th and ea ly 20th century leading up to 1911 Xinhai revolution [Xin1 hai4 ge2 ming4]/ [fan3 yan3] /inversion (geometry)/ [fan3 qian2] /anti-submarine/antisubmarine/ [fan3 zhao4] /reflection/ [fan3 zhao4 lu:4] /reflectivity/albedo/ [fan3 wu4 zhi4] /antimatter/ [fan3 You2 tai4 zhu3 yi4] /antisemitism/ [fan3 sheng1 wu4 zhan4] /biological (warfare) defense/ [fan3 yong4 huan4 liu2 qi4] /inverter, device that converts AC electr e versa/ [fan3 bai2] /reverse type (white on black)/reversed-out (graphics)/highlighting ( f selected text on a computer screen)/ [fan3 mu4] /to quarrel/to fall out with sb/ [fan3 mu4 cheng2 chou2] /to become enemies (idiom); to fall out with sb/ [fan3 xing3] /to engage in introspection/soul-searching/ [fan3 zhi1 shi5] /anti-intellectual/ [fan3 she4 hui4] /antisocial (behaviour)/ [fan3 she4 hui4 xing2 wei2] /antisocial behaviour/ [fan3 ke1 xue2] /anti-science/anti-scientific/ [fan3 kong1 jiang4] /anti-aircraft defense/ [fan3 li4 zi3] /antiparticle (physics)/ [fan3 Mei3] /anti-American/ [fan3 yi4] /opposite/contrary/ [fan3 yi4 zi4] /character with opposite meaning/antonym/opposite characters/ [fan3 yi4 ci2] /opposite (meaning)/antonym/ [fan3 er2] /instead/on the contrary/contrary (to expectations)/ [fan3 pin4] /to re-hire retired personnel/ [fan3 wei4] /retching/vomiting/ [fan3 fu3] /anti-corruption/ [fan3 fu3 bai4] /to oppose corruption/anti-graft (measures, policy etc)/ [fan3 lian3 wu2 qing2] /to turn one's face against sb and show no mercy ( rn against a friend/ [fan3 xing1 fen4 ji4] /anti-doping/anti-stimulant/policy against drugs in [fan3 jian4 dao3 dan4] /anti-ship missile/ [fan3 jian4 ting3] /anti-ship/ [fan3 jian4 ting3 xun2 hang2 dao3 dan4] /anti-ship cruise mis

[fan3 chu2] /to ruminate/to chew the cud/ [fan3 chu2 dong4 wu4] /ruminant/ [fan3 Ying1] /anti-English/ [fan3 ying1 xiong2] /antihero/ [fan3 Hua2] /anti-Chinese/ [fan3 chong1] /recoil (of a gun)/to bounce back/backlash/ [fan3 chong1 li4] /backlash/recoil/reactive force/ [fan3 Yuan2] /opposing Yuan Shikai in War of national protection 19 [fan3 Yuan2 yun4 dong4] /opposing Yuan Shikai in War of nat [fan3 Yuan2 dou4 zheng1] /war of 1915 against Yuan Shikai and for the Rep [fan3 qiu2 fu4 chu2] /to wear one's coat inside out and carry firewood on [fan3 fu4] /to turn sth over/ [fan3 guan1] /by contrast/but as for this.../viewed from another angle/subjective y/introspection/ [fan3 su4] /counter-claim/counter-charge (law)/ [fan3 su4 zhuang4] /counterclaim/ [fan3 shi1] /verse criticizing officials/satirical verse/ [fan3 jie2] /to ask (a question) in reply/to answer a question with a question/rh torical question/ [fan3 hua4] /irony/ironic remark/ [fan3 yu3] /irony/ [fan3 yu3 fa3] /irony/ [fan3 wu1] /to make a false countercharge/ [fan3 feng3] /irony/sarcasm/to satirize with opposites/ [fan3 zheng4] /disproof/rebuttal/reductio ad absurdum/ [fan3 zheng4 fa3] /reductio ad absurdum/ [fan3 tan1] /anti-corruption (policy)/ [fan3 tan1 wu1] /anticorruption/ [fan3 tan1 fu3] /anti-corruption/ [fan3 chi4 dao4 liu2] /equatorial counter current/ [fan3 zou3 si1] /to oppose smuggling/anti-contraband (measures, policy etc)/ [fan3 shen1] /to turn around/ [fan3 shen1 dai4 ci2] /reflexive pronoun/ [fan3 gong1 zi4 wen4] /introspection/to ask oneself/ [fan3 zhuan3] /reversal/inversion/to reverse/to invert (upside-down, inside-out, ack-to-front, white to black etc)/ [fan3 zhuan3 xuan3 ze2] /to invert the selection (on computer)/ [fan3 zhuan3 lu4] /reverse transcription/ [fan3 zhuan3 lu4 bing4 du2] /retrovirus/ [fan3 guo5 lai2] /conversely/in reverse order/in an opposite direction/ [fan3 guo4 lai2 shuo1] /on the other hand/ [fan3 ku4 xing2 zhe2 mo2 gong1 yue1] /UN convention against t ified by PRC in 1988)/ [fan3 lu4 bing4 du2] /reverse transcription virus/retrovirus/ [fan3 suo3] /locked in (with the door locked from the outside)/ [fan3 chan3] /backhoe/ [fan3 jian4] /to sow dissension/to drive a wedge between (one's enemies)/ [fan3 jian4 ji4] /stratagem of sowing dissension/CL: [tiao2]/ [fan3 jian4 die2] /counter-intelligence/protection against espionage/ [fan3 dian4 zi3] /positron/also called [zheng4 dian4 zi3]/ [fan3 mian4] /reverse side/backside/the other side (of a problem etc)/negative/ba / [fan3 mian4 ren2 wu4] /negative character/bad guy (in a story)/ [fan3 mian4 r5] /erhua variant of , reverse side of sth/opposite side of e other side/ [fan3 ge2 ming4] /counter-revolutionary/ [fan3 ge2 ming4 xuan1 chuan2] /counter-revolutionary propaganda/ [fan3 ge2 ming4 xuan1 chuan2 shan1 dong4 zui4] /the crime propaganda/ [fan3 ge2 ming4 zheng4 bian4] /an anti-revolutionary coup/

[fan3 ge2 ming4 an4 jian4] /counterrevolutionary case (law)/ [fan3 xiang3] /repercussions/reaction/echo/ [fan3 gu4] /to glance back/fig. to regret/to have second thoughts about sth/ [fan3 kui4] /to send back information/feedback/ [fan3 bo2] /to retort/to refute/ [fan3 gao1 chao2] /anticlimax/ [fan3 dang3] /anti-party/ [shou1] /Japanese variant of / [shu1] /uncle/father's younger brother/husband's younger brother/Taiwan pr. [shu 2]/ [shu1 zhang4 ren2] /wife's uncle/ [shu1 zhang4 mu3] /wife's aunt/ [shu1 bai5] /(of cousins) descending from the same grandfather or great-grandfath r/ [shu1 gong1] /great uncle/grandfather's younger brother/husband's father's younge brother/ [shu1 shu5] /father's younger brother/uncle/Taiwan pr. [shu2 shu5]/CL: [ge4]/ [shu1 po2] /aunt by marriage/husband's aunt/husband's father's younger brother's ife/ [shu1 zi5] /brother-in-law/husband's younger brother/ [shu1 yue4] /wife's uncle/ [Shu1 ben3 hua2] /Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860), German post-Kantian philos [shu1 mu3] /aunt/wife of father's younger brother/ [shu1 fu4] /father's younger brother/uncle/ [shu1 zu3] /grandfather's younger brother/ [shu1 zu3 mu3] /wife of paternal grandfather's younger brother/ [qu3] /to take/to get/to choose/to fetch/ [qu3 dai4] /to replace/to supersede/to supplant/(chemistry) substitution/ [qu3 bao3 shi4 fang4] /to be released on bail (law)/ [qu3 qi2 jing1 hua2] /to take the best/to absorb the essence/ [qu3 qi2 jing1 hua2 , qu4 qi2 zao1 po4] /take the cre ional slogan)/keep what is good, discard the rest/You need to be selective when studying./In modernizing the country, don't accept uncritically all foreign idea s./ [qu3 chu1] /to take out/to extract/to draw out/ [qu3 sheng4] /to score a victory/to prevail over one's opponents/ [qu3 ming2] /to name/to be named/christen/seek fame/ [qu3 xiang4] /orientation/direction/ [qu3 hui2] /to retrieve/ [qu3 qiao3] /quick fix/opportune short cut (around a difficulty)/cheap trick (to et what one wants)/to pull a fast one/ [qu3 de2] /to acquire/to get/to obtain/ [qu3 de2 yi1 zhi4] /to reach a consensus/ [qu3 de2 sheng4 li4] /to prevail/to achieve victory/to be victorious/ [qu3 yue4] /to try to please/ [qu3 she3] /to choose/to accept or reject/ [qu3 jing3 qi4] /viewfinder (of a camera etc)/ [qu3 nuan3] /to warm oneself (by a fire etc)/ [qu3 cai2] /to collect material/ [qu3 le4] /to find amusement/to amuse oneself/ [qu3 yang4] /sampling (signal processing)/ [qu3 yang4 shu4 liang4] /sample size (statistics)/ [qu3 kuan3] /to withdraw money from a bank/ [qu3 kuan3 ji1] /ATM/ [qu3 shui3] /water intake/to obtain water (from a well etc)/ [qu3 jue2] /to depend upon/to hinge upon/ [qu3 xiao1] /to cancel/cancellation/ [qu3 xiao1 jin4 ling4] /to lift a prohibition/to lift a ban/ [qu3 yong4] /to access/to make use of/ [qu3 xiao4] /to tease/to make fun of/

[qu3 jing1] /to fetch the scriptures/ [qu3 di4] /to ban/to prohibit (publications, customs etc)/to outlaw/to suppress ( iolators)/ [qu3 er2 dai4 zhi1] /to substitute for sb/to remove and replace/ [qu3 zheng4] /to collect evidence/ [qu3 zou3] /to remove/to take away/ [qu3 yin2] /to take silver/to come second in a competition/ [qu3 qian2] /withdraw money/ [qu3 chang2 bu3 duan3] /lit. use others' strengths to make up for one's w diom from Mencius)/to use this in place of that/what you lose on the swings, you win on the roundabouts/ [shou4] /to receive/to accept/to suffer/subjected to/to bear/to stand/pleasant/( passive marker)/ [shou4 bu4 liao3] /unbearable/unable to endure/can't stand/ [shou4 shi4] /object (of a transitive verb)/to receive a task/ [shou4 xiang3] /to enjoy/ [shou4 ren4] /appointment (to a job)/to be appointed (to high office)/to accept a appointment/entrusted with responsibilities/same as / [shou4 bao3 ren2] /the insured person/the person covered by an insurance poli [shou4 bao3 zhang4 jian1 du1 de5 she4 shi1] /safeguarded [shou4 feng4] /to receive an official's salary/ [shou4 shang1] /to sustain injuries/wounded (in an accident etc)/harmed/ [shou4 shang1 hai4] /injured/ [shou4 gu4] /to be employed/to be hired/hired/paid/ [shou4 xing2] /beaten/tortured/executed/ [shou4 xing2 ren2] /person being executed/victim of corporal punishment/perso ng a sentence/ [shou4 dao4] /to receive/to suffer/obtained/given/ [shou4 dao4 ying3 xiang3] /affected (usually adversely)/to suffer/ [shou4 zhi4] /controlled (by sb)/to suffer under a yoke/ [shou4 qu3] /to accept/to receive/ [shou4 ming4] /ordained or appointed to a post/to benefit from counsel/ [shou4 ming4 yu2 tian1] /to become Emperor by the grace of Heaven/to "rec ate of Heaven" (traditional English translation)/ [shou4 kun4] /trapped/stranded/ [shou4 gou4] /to have had enough of/to be fed up with/to have had one's fill of/ [shou4 yun4] /to become pregnant/to conceive/impregnated/insemination/ [shou4 hai4] /to suffer damage, injury etc/damaged/injured/killed/robbed/ [shou4 hai4 ren2] /victim (of accident or murder)/ [shou4 hai4 zhe3] /person who suffers damage, injury etc/a casualty/a victim/ njured and wounded/ [shou4 han2] /affected by cold/to catch cold/ [shou4 shen3] /on trial (for a crime)/to stand trial/ [shou4 chong3] /to receive favor (from superior)/favored/pampered/ [shou4 chong3 ruo4 jing1] /overwhelmed by favor from superior (humble exp [shou4 xing4] /inborn (ability, defect)/ [shou4 hui4] /to benefit/favored/ [shou4 cheng2 fa2] /punished/ [shou4 jie4] /to take oaths as a monk (Buddhism)/to take orders/ [shou4 chi2] /to accept and maintain faith (Buddhism)/ [shou4 cuo4] /thwarted/obstructed/setback/ [shou4 sun3] /damaged/ [shou4 zhi1 pei4] /subject to (foreign domination, emotions etc)/ [shou4 jiao4] /to receive instruction/to benefit from advice/ [shou4 shu3] /affected by heat/to suffer heatstroke or sunstroke/ [shou4 ge2] /objective/ [shou4 ye4] /to study/to learn from a master/(pupils's first person pronoun) I, y ur student/ [shou4 quan2] /authorized/entrusted (with authority)/ [shou4 huan1 ying2] /popular/welcome/

[shou4 qi4] /(to suffer) maltreatment/a bullied (person)/ [shou4 qi4 bao1] /middle child/a person who is bullied/ [shou4 fa3 lu:4 bao3 hu4 quan2] /right to protection by law (law) [shou4 xi3] /to receive baptism/baptized/ [shou4 xi3 ming4 ming2] /to be christened/ [shou4 liang2] /to catch cold/ [shou4 chao2] /damp/affected by damp and cold/ [shou4 zai1] /disaster-stricken/to be hit by a natural calamity/ [shou4 zai1 di4 qu1] /disaster area/ [shou4 re4] /heated/sunstroke/ [shou4 li3] /to accept a (legal) case/to deal with/to handle/ [shou4 yong4] /convenient to use/ [shou4 bing4] /to fall ill/ [shou4 bie3] /discomfited/to get into a mess/ [shou4 yi4] /to benefit from/profit/ [shou4 yi4 ren2] /the beneficiary/the person who benefits/ [shou4 jin4] /to suffer enough from/to suffer all kinds of/to have one's fill of/ [shou4 kan4] /good-looking/ [shou4 zhong4] /target audience/audience/ [shou4 zhi1] /recognized (for one's talents)/ [shou4 shan4] /to accept abdication/ [shou4 li3] /to accept a gift/to acknowledge greetings/ [shou4 jiong3] /embarrassed/bothered/in an awkward position/ [shou4 qiong2] /poor/ [shou4 jing1] /to receive sperm/fertilized/insemination/ [shou4 jing1 luan3] /fertilized ovum/ [shou4 jing1 nang2] /seminal receptacle/ [shou4 yue1 shu4] /restricted/constrained/ [shou4 na4] /to accept/to receive (tribute)/ [shou4 lei3] /to get dragged into/to get involved (on sb else's account)/ [shou4 lei4] /to be put to a lot of trouble/ [shou4 zui4] /to endure/to suffer/hardships/torments/a hard time/a nuisance/ [shou4 pin4] /hired (for employment)/invited (e.g. to lecture)/engaged (for a tas )/(in olden times) betrothal gift from the groom's family/ [shou4 pin4 yu2] /to be employed at/ [shou4 ting1] /nice to hear/worth listening to/ [shou4 tai1] /to become pregnant/to conceive/impregnated/insemination/ [shou4 ku3] /to suffer/hardship/ [shou4 nu:e4] /to suffer sexual abuse/masochism/ [shou4 xun4] /to receive training/ [shou4 tuo1] /to be entrusted/to be commissioned/ [shou4 tuo1 ren2] /(law) trustee/ [shou4 tuo1 zhe3] /trustee/ [shou4 fang3 zhe3] /participant in a survey/an interviewee/those questioned/ [shou4 ci2] /object (linguistics)/ [shou4 shi4 zhe3] /those tested/ [shou4 hui4] /to accept a bribe/bribery/ [shou4 hui4 an4] /bribery case/ [shou4 shang3] /to receive a prize/ [shou4 ru3] /insulted/humiliated/disgraced/ [shou4 zu3] /blocked/obstructed/detained/ [shou4 xiang2] /to accept surrender/ [shou4 xiang2 yi2 shi4] /a surrender ceremony/ [shou4 nan4] /to suffer a calamity/to suffer (e.g. under torture)/distress/ [Shou4 nan4 Ri4] /Good Friday/ [shou4 nan2 ji4 nian4] /memorial/ [shou4 nan4 zhe3] /sufferer/a victim of a calamity/a person in distress/ [shou4 dian4 gong1] /pantograph (transportation)/ [shou4 ling3] /to receive/ [shou4 ling3 zhe3] /a recipient/

[shou4 pian4] /to be cheated/to be taken in/to be hoodwinked/ [shou4 jing1] /startled/ [shou4 ti3] /receptor/ [jia3] /false/ [pan4] /to betray/to rebel/to revolt/ [pan4 luan4] /armed rebellion/ [pan4 luan4 zui4] /the crime of armed rebellion/ [pan4 fei3] /rebel bandit/ [pan4 guo2] /treason/ [pan4 guo2 zui4] /the crime of treason/ [pan4 tu2] /traitor/turncoat/rebel/renegade/insurgent/ [pan4 jiao4] /apostasy/ [pan4 bian4] /to defect/to betray/to mutiny/ [pan4 bian4 de5 sheng3 fen4] /renegade province (term PRC uses for Ta [pan4 zei2] /renegade/traitor/ [pan4 mai4] /to betray/ [pan4 jun1] /rebel army/ [pan4 tao2] /to defect/to desert/to betray and flee/ [pan4 ni4] /to rebel/to revolt/a rebel/ [pan4 ni4 zhe3] /traitor/ [pan4 li2] /to betray/to desert/to defect from/to turn renegade/ [pan4 dang3] /to betray one's party/to defect (from the communist party)/renegade faction/ [sou3] /old gentleman/old man/ [rui4] /variant of [rui4]/ [cong2] /cluster/collection/collection of books/thicket/ [cong2 zhong3] /mass grave/cluster of graves/ [cong2 shu1] /a series of books/a collection of books/ [cong2 lin2] /jungle/thicket/forest/Buddhist monastery/ [cong2 sheng1] /growing as a thicket/overgrown/breaking out everywhere (of diseas , social disorder etc)/ [Cong2 tai2] /Congtai district of Handan city [Han2 dan1 shi4], Hebe [Cong2 tai2 qu1] /Congtai district of Handan city [Han2 dan1 shi [cong2 tan2] /discussion/forum/ [kou3] /mouth/classifier for things with mouths (people, domestic animals, canno ns, wells etc)/classifier for bites or mouthfuls/ [kou3 bu4 ying4 xin1] /to say one thing but mean another/to dissimulate/ [kou3 gan1 she2 zao4] /lit. dry mouth and tongue (idiom); to talk too muc [kou3 jiao1] /oral sex/ [kou3 ling4] /oral command/a word of command (used in drilling troops or gymnasts /password (used by sentry)/ [kou3 gong4] /confession/oral evidence, as opposed to written evidence [ atement made under examination/ [kou3 chuan2] /orally transmitted/ [kou3 bei3] /north of the Great Wall/ [kou3 kou5 sheng1 sheng1] /to keep on saying (idiom); to repeat over and [kou3 chi1] /to stammer/to stutter/also pronounced [kou3 ji2]/ [kou3 tu3 du2 yan4] /lit. a mouth spitting with poisonous flames/to speak b (idiom)/ [kou3 xi1 pan2] /oral sucker (e.g. on blood-sucking parasite)/ [kou3 wen3] /tone of voice/connotation in intonation/accent (regional etc)/snout/ uzzle/lips/protruding portion of an animal's face/ [kou3 wei4] /a person's preferences/tastes (in food)/flavor/ [kou3 shao4] /whistle/ [kou3 qi4] /mouthparts (of animal or insect)/ [kou3 zi5] /a hole/an opening/a cut/a gap/a gash/ [kou3 shi2] /food/salary (old)/a pretext/a cause for gossip/ [kou3 an4] /a port for external trade/a trading or transit post on border between countries/ [kou3 xian2] /Jew's harp/

[kou3 jing4] /caliber/diameter of opening/ [kou3 gan3] /taste/texture (of food)/how food feels in the mouth/ [kou3 cai2] /eloquence/ [kou3 ji4] /beat boxing/vocal mimicry/ventriloquism/ [kou3 ji4 biao3 yan3 zhe3] /ventriloquist/ [kou3 shi4 xin1 fei1] /lit. mouth says yes, heart no (idiom); duplicity/e [kou3 fu2] /oral (administered by mouth)/to profess conviction/to say that one is convinced/ [kou3 qi4] /tone of voice/the way one speaks/manner of expression/tone/ [kou3 shui3] /saliva/ [kou3 mo4] /spittle/saliva/ [kou3 yin2] /oral sex/fellatio/ [kou3 ke3] /thirsty/ [Kou3 hu2] /Kouhu township in Yunlin county [Yun2 lin2 xian4], Taiwa [Kou3 hu2 xiang1] /Kouhu township in Yunlin county [Yun2 lin2 xi [kou3 wu2 ze2 yan2] /to offer many needless alternatives (idiom)/ [kou3 wu2 zhe1 lan2] /to blab/to shoot one's mouth off/to commit a gaffe/ [kou3 qin2] /harmonica/ [kou3 chuang1] /mouth ulcer/ [kou3 bai2] /narrator/spoken parts in an opera/ [kou3 bei1] /public praise/public reputation/commonly held opinions/current idiom [kou3 bei1 liu2 chuan2] /widely praised (idiom); with an extensive public [kou3 bei1 zai4 dao4] /lit. praise fills the roads (idiom); praise everyw l approbation/ [kou3 fu2] /fortuitous knack for getting to eat excellent food/luck and good timi g when tasty food is involved/ [kou3 cheng1] /to speak/to say/ [kou3 huang2] /Jew's harp/ [kou3 huang2 qin2] /Jew's harp/ [kou3 liang2] /ration/ [kou3 hong2] /lipstick/ [kou3 luo4] /muzzle (over a dog's mouth)/ [kou3 zhao4] /mask (surgical etc)/ [kou3 qiang1] /oral cavity/ [kou3 qiang1 yan2] /stomatitis/ulceration of oral cavity/inflammation of the lining of the mouth/ [kou3 chou4] /bad breath/halitosis/ [kou3 she2] /dispute or misunderstanding caused by gossip/to talk sb round/ [kou3 ruo4 xuan2 he2] /mouth like a torrent (idiom)/eloquent/glib/voluble t of the gab/ [kou3 mo2] /Saint George's mushroom (Tricholoma mongplicum)/ [kou3 hao4] /slogan/catchphrase/CL: [ge4]/ [kou3 mi4 fu4 jian4] /lit. honeyed words, a sword in the belly (idiom); f cal and murderous/ [kou3 dai4] /pocket/bag/sack/CL: [ge4]/ [kou3 jiao3] /corner of the mouth/ [kou3 jue2] /altercation/wrangle/angry argument/ [kou3 jiao3 zhan4] /war of words/ [kou3 jue2] /mnemonic chant/rhyme for remembering (arithmetic tables, character s roke order etc)/ [kou3 shi4] /oral examination/oral test/ [kou3 yu3] /colloquial speech/spoken language/vernacular language/slander/gossip/ L: [men2]/ [kou3 yu3 zi4 ci2 shi2 bie2] /recognition of spoken word/ [kou3 yu3 gou1 tong1] /oral communication (psychology)/ [kou3 yi4] /interpreting/ [kou3 yi4 yuan2] /interpreter/oral translator/ [kou3 ti2 yi4] /foot-and-mouth disease (FMD)/aphthous fever/ [kou3 shu4] /to dictate/to recount orally/ [kou3 feng1] /manner of speech/tone of voice/

[kou3 yin1] /oral speech sounds (linguistics)/ [kou3 yin5] /voice/accent/ [kou3 tou2] /oral/verbal/ [kou3 tou2 chan2] /lit. Zen saying repeated as cant/fig. popular saying/catch clich/ [kou3 tou2 yu3] /pet phrase/regularly used expression/manner of speaking/ [kou3 feng1] /meaning behind the words/what sb really means to say/one's intentio s as revealed in one's words/tone of speech/ [kou3 xiang1 tang2] /chewing gum/ [kou3 bi2] /mouth and nose/ [kou3 chi3] /mouth and teeth/enunciation/to articulate/diction/age (of cattle, ho ses etc)/ [kou3 chi3 bu4 qing1] /to lisp/unclear articulation/inarticulate/ [kou3 chi3 ling2 li4] /eloquent and fluent speaker (idiom); grandiloquenc the gab/ [kou3 chi3 qing1 chu5] /clear diction/clear articulation/ [kou3 chi3 sheng1 xiang1] /eloquence that generates perfume (idiom); prof ificant text/ [Gu3] /surname Gu/ [gu3] /ancient/old/paleo-/ [Gu3 zhang4] /Guzhang county in Xiangxi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture jia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1]/ [Gu3 zhang4 xian4] /Guzhang county in Xiangxi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefe Tu3 jia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1]/ [Gu3 jiao1] /Gujiao county level city in Taiyuan [Tai4 yuan2], Shanxi/ [Gu3 jiao1 shi4] /Gujiao county level city in Taiyuan [Tai4 yuan2], Shanx [gu3 ren2] /people from ancient times/the ancients/the late (i.e. person who has assed away)/ [gu3 ren2 lei4] /ancient hominid species such as Homo erectus, Neanderthal ma [gu3 jin1] /then and now/ancient and modern/ [gu3 jin1 zhong1 wai4] /at all times and in all places (idiom)/ [Gu3 jin1 xiao3 shuo1] /Tales old and new by Feng Menglong , tales/ [gu3 dai4] /ancient times/olden times/ [gu3 dai4 shi3] /ancient history/ [gu3 lai2] /since ancient times/it has ever been the case that/see also ]/ [Gu3 jie2 la1 er3] /Gujral (name)/Inder Kumar Gujral (1919-), Indian Jana , prime minister 1997-1998/ [Gu3 jie2 la1 te4 bang1] /Gujarat, Indian state/ [gu3 dian3] /classical/ [gu3 dian3 wen2 xue2] /classical literature/ [gu3 dian3 yue4] /classical music (mainly western)/ [gu3 dian3 pai4] /classicists/ [gu3 dian3 yu3 yan2] /classical language/ [gu3 dian3 yin1 yue4] /classical music/ [Gu3 ye3] /Guye district of Tangshan city [Tang2 shan1 shi4], Hebei/ [Gu3 ye3 qu1] /Guye district of Tangshan city [Tang2 shan1 shi4], Hebei [gu3 cha4] /old Buddhist temple/ [gu3 bei3 jie4] /northern Eurasia (in geography)/ [gu3 shi3] /ancient history/ [Gu3 ji2 la1 te4] /Gujarat, state in west India/ [Gu3 ji2 la1 te4 bang1] /Gujarat, state in west India/ [gu3 guo2] /ancient country/ [gu3 di4 ci2] /paleomagnetism/ [Gu3 keng1] /Gukeng or Kukeng township in Yunlin county [Yun2 lin2 x [Gu3 keng1 xiang1] /Gukeng or Kukeng township in Yunlin county [ [gu3 cheng2] /old town/ [Gu3 cheng2 qu1] /Old town district/Gucheng district of Lijiang city unnan/

[gu3 bao3] /ancient castle/ [Gu3 ta3] /Guta district of Jinzhou city , Liaoning/ [Gu3 ta3 qu1] /Guta district of Jinzhou city , Liaoning/ [gu3 mu4] /old tomb (archaeology)/ [gu3 mu4 zang4] /ancient tomb/ [gu3 mu4 zang4 qun2] /ancient burial complex (archaeological site in Xinj [gu3 mu4 li4 ying3] /Tomb Raider (computer game)/ [gu3 zi4] /old character/archaic form of a Chinese character/ [gu3 zhai2] /former residence/ [Gu3 ba1] /Cuba/ [Gu3 ba1 Gong4 chan3 dang3] /Communist Party of Cuba/ [gu3 ba1 bi3 lun2] /ancient Babylon/ [gu3 Xi1 la4] /ancient Greece/ [gu3 xi1 la4 yu3] /ancient Greek (language)/ [gu3 bi4] /old coin/ [gu3 wang3 jin1 lai2] /since ancient times/since times immemorial/ [gu3 guai4] /eccentric/grotesque/oddly/queer/ [gu3 huo4 zai3] /gangster/hooligan/problem youth/at-risk youth/ [gu3 la1 ge2] /gulag/ [gu3 wen2] /old language/the Classics/classical Chinese as a literary model, esp. in Tang and Song prose/classical Chinese as a school subject/ [gu3 wen2 zi4 xue2] /paleography/ [gu3 wen2 ming2] /ancient civilization/ [gu3 wen2 yun4 dong4] /cultural movement aspiring to study and emulate cl at different periods of history, esp. Tang and Song/ [gu3 si1 ta3 fu1 duo1 lei2] /Gustave Dore (1832-1883), Fren [Gu3 si1 ta3 fu1 Shi1 te4 lei2 ze2 man4] /Gusta g the Weimar Republic)/ [Gu3 xin1 shi4] /Palaeocene (geological epoch from 65m-55m years ago)/ [gu3 xin1 tong3] /Palaeocene system (geology)/ [gu3 shi2] /antiquity/ [gu3 shi2 hou5] /in ancient times/in olden days/ [Gu3 jin4] /Kuching (city in Malaysia)/ [gu3 shu1] /ancient book/old book/ [gu3 ban3] /out-moded/old-fashioned/inflexible/ [gu3 ke1] /(botany) coca (source of cocaine)/ [gu3 ke1 shu4] /coca plant (source of cocaine)/ [gu3 ke1 jian3] /cocaine/also written [ke3 ka3 yin1]/ [Gu3 gen1 hai3 mu3] /Guggenheim (name)/ [Gu3 gen1 han3] /Guggenheim (name)/ [Gu3 gen1 han3 Pen1 qi4 Tui1 jin4 Yan2 jiu1 Z California Institute of Technology (GALCIT, from 1926)/Guggenheim Jet Propulsion Center (from 1943)/ [gu3 pu3] /simple and unadorned (of art, architecture etc)/ [gu3 qi4 hou4 xue2] /paleoclimatology/ [Gu3 bo1] /Gubo (a personal name)/ [Gu3 lang4] /Gulang county in Wuwei [Wu3 wei1], Gansu/ [Gu3 lang4 xian4] /Gulang county in Wuwei [Wu3 wei1], Gansu/ [gu3 feng1 sui4] /ancient fire beacon towers (archaeological sites in Xinjian [Gu3 er3 ban1 tong1 gu3 te4 sha1 mo4] /Gurbantunggut Dese [gu3 er3 bang1 jie2] /Eid al-Azha festival of sacrifice on tenth of twelf uslim lunar calendar/ [gu3 wu4] /antique/ [gu3 wan2] /antique/curio/ [gu3 wan2 dian4] /antique store/ [gu3 qin2] /guqin, a long zither with 5 or 7 strings, plucked with a plectrum/the ancestor of the long zither family, dating back to pre-classical times (playing it was an essential accomplishment of a Confucian gentleman)/ [Gu3 sheng1 dai4] /Paleozoic, geological era 545-250m years ago, covering Cam vician , Silurian , Devonian , Carboniferous

[gu3 sheng1 wu4] /paleo-organism/ [gu3 sheng1 wu4 xue2] /palaeontology/ [gu3 sheng1 wu4 xue2 jia1] /palaeontologist/paleobiologist/ [Gu3 tian2] /Gutian county in Ningde [Ning2 de2], Fujian/ [Gu3 tian2 xian4] /Gutian county in Ningde [Ning2 de2], Fujian/ [Gu3 deng1 bao3] /Gutenberg (name)/Johannes Gutenberg (c. 1400-1468), invento rope of the printing press/Beno Gutenberg (1889-1960), German-born US seismologi st, coinventor of the Richter magnitude scale/ [gu3 dao4 niao3] /Archaeoraptor (bird-like dinosaur)/ [gu3 yan4] /antique ink slab/CL:[tai2]/ [gu3 xi1] /seventy years old/ [gu3 zheng1] /zither or guzheng/large zither with 13 to 25 strings, developed fro guqin during Tang and Song times/ [gu3 ji2] /antiquarian book/ [Gu3 xian4] /Gu county in Linfen [Lin2 fen2], Shanxi/ [gu3 Luo2 ma3] /ancient Rome/ [gu3 yi4] /ancient meaning/original or etymological meaning of a word/ [gu3 lao3] /ancient/old/age-old/ [gu3 ji2 zhui1 dong4 wu4 xue2] /vertebrate paleontology/ [gu3 jiu4] /archaic/ [gu3 se4 gu3 xiang1] /interesting and appealing (of old locations, object [gu3 dong3] /curio/antique/ [Gu3 dong3 tan1] /Gudong desert or Antiques desert at Han dynasty Yangguan pa guan1], named after many Han dynasty archaeological discoveries/ [Gu3 lin4] /Gulin county in Luzhou [Lu2 zhou1], Sichuan/ [Gu3 lin4 xian4] /Gulin county in Luzhou [Lu2 zhou1], Sichuan/ [gu3 lan2 jing1] /Koran (Islamic scripture)/Quran/ [gu3 zhuang1 ju4] /costume drama/ [gu3 shi1] /old verse/classical Chinese poem/ [gu3 yu3] /ancient language/old expression/ [gu3 yan4] /ancient proverbs/quotations of ancient origin/ [Gu3 nuo4] /Gounod (name)/Charles Gounod (1818-1893), French musician and opera c mposer/ [gu3 ji4] /places of historic interest/historical sites/CL: [ge4]/ [gu3 dao4] /old road/ [gu3 du1] /the old capital/ [gu3 li3 gu3 guai4] /quaint/odd and picturesque/weird and wonderful/ [gu3 tong2 se4] /bronze color/ [gu3 Ya3 dian3] /ancient Athens/ [gu3 ling2 jing1 guai4] /weird/bizarre/ [gu3 feng1] /antiquity/ [Gu3 teng2 bao3 Ji4 hua4] /Project Gutenberg/ [Gu3 Long2] /Gu Long (Taiwanese writer)/ [gou1] /variant of [gou1]/ [ju4] /sentence/clause/phrase/classifier for phrases or lines of verse/ [ju4 ju4 shi2 hua4] /to speak honestly (idiom)/ [ju4 xing2] /sentence pattern (in grammar)/ [ju4 zi5] /sentence/CL: [ge4]/ [Ju4 rong2] /Jurong county level city in Zhenjiang [Zhen4 jiang1], Jiang [Ju4 rong2 shi4] /Jurong county level city in Zhenjiang [Zhen4 jiang [ju4 shi4] /sentence pattern/sentence structure/syntax/ [ju4 shu4] /number of sentences/number of lines (in verse etc)/ [ju4 fa3] /syntax/ [ju4 fa3 fen1 xi1] /syntactic analysis/ [ju4 fa3 yi4 shi2] /syntactic awareness/ [ju4 qun2] /discourse/group of sentences with clear meaning/narrative/ [ju4 hao4] /period (punct.)/ [ju4 dou4] /pausing at the end of a phrase or sentence (in former times, before p nctuation marks were used)/punctuation/periods and commas/sentences and phrases/ [ju4 dou4] /punctuation of a sentence (in former times, before punctuation marks

ere used)/period and comma /sentences and phrases/ [ju4 shou3] /start of phrase or sentence/ [Ju4 li2 he2] /pre-Han name of Liao river / [ling4] /other/another/separate/separately/ [ling4 yi1] /another/the other/ [ling4 yi1 ban4] /other half/fig. spouse/one's better half/ [ling4 yi1 fang1 mian4] /on the other hand/another aspect/ [ling4 yi1 zhong3] /another kind/ [ling4 ce4] /the Other List (Qing dynasty register of outlaws)/a blacklist of und sirables/ [ling4 jia1] /to add to/supplementary/ [ling4 wai4] /additional/in addition/besides/separate/other/moreover/furthermore/ [ling4 cun2 wei4] /save as (a file)/ [ling4 ji4] /to mail separately/ [ling4 you3] /to have some other (reason etc)/ [ling4 you3 qi3 tu2] /to have an axe to grind (idiom)/ [ling4 an4] /another case (in law)/a case to treat separately/ [ling4 yong4] /diversion/ [ling4 yan3 xiang1 kan4] /to view in a new light/ [ling4 jian4] /cf/see also/ [ling4 mi4 xin1 huan1] /to seek happiness elsewhere (euphemism for extraa bit on the side/ [ling4 qing3 gao1 ming2] /please find sb better qualified than me (idiom) [ling4 qi3 lu2 zao4] /lit. to set up a separate kitchen (idiom); to start /back to square one/to start of on a new path/ [ling4 kai1] /to break up/to divide property and live apart/to start on a new (pa h)/ [ling4 lei4] /offbeat/alternative/avant-garde/unconventional/weird/ [ling4 lei4 yi1 liao2] /alternative medicine/ [dao1] /garrulous/ [tao1] /to receive the benefit of/ [dao1 dao5] /to chatter/to hog the conversation/ [dao1 lao5] /to be chattersome/to talk on and on without stopping/to nag/ [kou4] /to knock/to kowtow/ [kou4 ying4] /call-in (loanword)/ [kou4 bai4] /to bow in salute/to kowtow/ [kou4 qiu2] /spike (volleyball)/ [kou4 jian4] /to kowtow in salute/ [kou4 ye4] /to visit (esp. one's superiors)/ [kou4 men2] /to knock on a door/ [kou4 guan1] /to knock at the gate (old)/to make an approach/to invade/to attack he goal (sports)/ [kou4 tou2] /to kowtow (traditional greeting, esp. to a superior, involving kneel ng and pressing one's forehead to the ground)/also written [ke1 tou2]/ [kou4 shou3] /to kowtow/also written [ke1 tou2]/ [zhi3] /only/merely/just/but/ [zhi3 bu5 guo4] /only/merely/nothing but/no more than/ [zhi3 bu4 guo4 ji3 nian2 qian2] /only a few years ago/just a few [zhi3 ke3 yi4 hui4 , bu4 ke3 yan2 chuan2] /can be und angzi ); mysterious and subtle/ [zhi3 hao3] /without any better option/to have to/to be forced to/ [zhi3 zi4 bu4 ti2] /not to mention (idiom); to say not one word/fig. to o of a non-person or embarrassing topic)/to censor/ [zhi3 de2] /to have no alternative but to/to be obliged to/ [zhi3 pa4] /I'm afraid that.../perhaps/maybe/very likely/ [zhi3 shi4] /merely/simply/only/but/ [zhi3 you3] /only/ [zhi3 qian4 dong1 feng1] /all we need is an east wind (idiom); lacking on rucial item/ [zhi3 zhi1 qi2 yi1 , bu4 zhi1 qi2 er4] /to know the f

partial information/ [zhi3 guan3] /solely engrossed in one thing/just (one thing, no need to worry abo t the rest)/simply/by all means/please feel free/do not hesitate (to ask for sth )/ [zhi3 neng2] /can only/obliged to do sth/to have no other choice/ [zhi3 yao4] /if only/so long as/ [zhi3 yao4 gong1 fu5 shen1 , tie3 chu3 mo2 ch nd an iron bar into a needle./cf idiom , to grind an iron bar down to a fi iom); fig. to persevere in a difficult task/to study diligently/ [zhi3 jian4 shu4 mu4 bu4 jian4 sen1 lin2] /unable to see to see isolated details, and not the bigger picture/ [zhi3 yan2 pian4 yu3] /just a word or two (idiom); a few isolated phrases [zhi3 xu3 zhou1 guan1 fang4 huo3 , bu t the fire/Gods may do what cattle may not/quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi/ [zhi3 du2] /read-only (computing)/ [zhi3 xian4 yu2] /to be limited to/ [zhi3 gu4] /solely preoccupied (with one thing)/engrossed/focusing (on sth)/to lo k after only one aspect/ [jiao4] /to shout/to call/to order/to ask/to be called/by (indicates agent in th e passive mood)/ [jiao4 zuo4] /to call/to be called/ [jiao4 zuo4] /to be called/to be known as/ [jiao4 hua1 zi5] /variant of [jiao4 hua1 zi5]/ [jiao4 han3] /exclamation/outcry/shout/yell/ [jiao4 huan5] /to cry out/to bark out a sound/ [jiao4 rang3] /to shout/to bellow one's grievances/ [jiao4 xiao1] /to hoot/ [jiao4 hao3] /to applaud/to cheer/ [jiao4 qu1] /to complain of an injustice/to lament sb's misfortune/ [jiao4 chuang2] /to moan (in bed)/cries of pleasure during love-making/ [jiao4 chuang2 sheng1] /to moan (in bed)/cries of pleasure during love-making [jiao4 ban3] /to signal the musicians (in Chinese opera, by prolonging a spoken w rd before attacking a song)/(coll.) to challenge/ [jiao4 pai2] /to bid (bridge and similar card games)/ [jiao4 sheng1] /yelling (sound made by person)/barking/braying/roaring (sound mad by animals)/ [jiao4 hua1 zi5] /beggar/to beg/ [jiao4 ku3] /to whine about hardships/to complain of one's bitter lot/to complain to grumble/ [jiao4 ku3 bu5 die2] /to complain without stopping (idiom); to bitch endl nt grievances/ [jiao4 ku3 lian2 tian1] /to whine on for days (idiom)/to endlessly grumbl incessant whining/ [jiao4 dao4] /to call/to shout/ [jiao4 xing3] /to awaken/to wake sb up/to rouse/ [jiao4 xing3 fu2 wu4] /morning call/wake-up call (hotel service)/ [jiao4 ji1] /rooster/cock/ [jiao4 xiang3] /to gain fame and success/ [Shao4] /surname Shao/name of an ancient state that existed in what is now Shaan xi Province/ [zhao4] /to call together/to summon/to convene/temple or monastery (used in plac e names in Inner Mongolia)/ [zhao4 huan4] /to summon/to beckon/to call/ [zhao4 hui2] /to recall (a product, an ambassador etc)/ [zhao4 jian4] /call in (one's subordinates)/summon (an envoy of a foreign country to an interview/ [zhao4 kai1] /to convene (a conference or meeting)/to convoke/to call together/ [zhao4 kai1 hui4 yi4] /to call a conference/to convene a meeting/ [Shao4 ling2] /Shaoling district of Luohe city [Luo4 he2 shi4], Henan/ [Shao4 ling2 qu1] /Shaoling district of Luohe city [Luo4 he2 shi4], Hen

[zhao4 ji2] /to convene/to gather/ [ba1] /denote a sound or sharp noise (gunfire etc)/ [ba1 la1 gou3] /bulldog/ [ding1] /sting (of mosquito, bee etc)/to say repeatedly/to urge insistently/to a sk repeatedly/to stick to a point/onomat. tinkling or jingling sound/ [ding1 ding1] /onomat. tinkling or jingling sound/ [ding1 ding1 dang1 dang1] /onomat. ding dong/jingling of bells/clanking s [ding1 dong1] /onomat. ding dong/jingling of bells/clanking sound/ [ding1 yao3] /sting/bite (of insect)/ [ding1 wen4] /to question closely/to make a detailed inquiry/to probe/to ask repe tedly/ [ding1 dang1 sheng1] /tinkle/ [ding1 ning2] /to warn/to urge/to exhort/to give instructions carefully and insis ently/ [ding1 zhu3] /to warn repeatedly/to urge/to exhort again and again/ [ding1 dang1] /onomat. ding dong/jingling of bells/clanking sound/ [ding1 dang1 xiang3] /onomat. ding dong/jingling of bells/clanking sound/ [ding1 ling2] /jingle/ [ke3] /can/may/able to/to approve/to permit/certain(ly)/to suit/very (particle u sed for emphasis)/ [ke3 bu5 shi4] /that's just the way it is/exactly!/ [ke3 yi3] /can/may/possible/able to/ [ke3 yi3 yi4 hui4 , bu4 ke3 yan2 chuan2] /can be unde ngzi ); mysterious and subtle/ [ke3 zuo4] /can be used for/ [ke3 gong1 jun1 yong4] /having possible military application/ [ke3 xin4] /trustworthy/ [ke3 xin4 ren4] /trusty/ [ke3 xin4 du4] /degree of credibility/reliability/ [ke3 gong4 huan4 nan4] /to go through thick and thin together (idiom)/ [ke3 zai4 sheng1] /renewable (resource)/ [ke3 zai4 sheng1 yuan2] /renewable resource/ [ke3 fen1] /can be divided (into parts)/one can distinguish (several types)/ [ke3 dong4] /movable/ [ke3 ka3 yin1] /cocaine/ [ke3 qu3] /desirable/worth having/ [ke3 kou3] /tasty/to taste good/ [Ke3 kou3 ke3 le4] /Coca-Cola/ [Ke3 kou3 Ke3 le4 Gong1 si1] /The Coca-Cola Company/ [ke3 ke3] /cocoa/ [Ke3 ke3 tuo1 hai3] /Keketuohai town in Fuyun county [Fu4 yu njiang/ [Ke3 ke3 tuo1 hai3 zhen4] /Keketuohai town in Fuyun county , Xinjiang/ [Ke3 ke3 mi3] /Cocoa Krispies/ [Ke3 ke3 xi1 li3] /Hoh Xil or Kekexili, vast nature reserve on Qinghai-Ti [Qing1 Zang4 gao1 yuan2]/ [ke3 chi1] /edible/ [ke3 fou3] /is it possible or not?/ [ke3 ai1] /miserably/ [ke3 xi3] /making one happy/gratifying/heartening/ [ke3 hui2 shou1] /recyclable/ [ke3 zhi2 xing2] /executable (computing)/ [ke3 su4 xing4] /plasticity/ [ke3 sai4] /xi or ksi (Greek letter )/ [ke3 ya1 suo1] /compressible/ [ke3 hao3] /good or not?/luckily/fortuitously/ [ke3 rong2 ren3] /tolerable/ [ke3 zun1 jing4] /respectable/ [ke3 un2 zhi3] /addressable (comp.)/accessible via an address/

[ke3 dao3] /differentiable (calculus)/ [ke3 zhan3 qu1 mian4] /(math.) a developable surface/ [ke3 qiao3] /by happy coincidence/ [ke3 dai4 yin1] /codeine/ [ke3 de2 dao4] /available/ [ke3 wei1] /differentiable (math.)/ [ke3 pa4] /awful/dreadful/fearful/formidable/frightful/scary/hideous/horrible/ter ible/terribly/ [ke3 guai4] /strange/curious/surprising/ [ke3 chi3] /shameful/disgraceful/ignominious/ [ke3 hen4] /hateful/ [ke3 bei1] /lamentable/ [ke3 i1] /it is a pity/what a pity/unfortunately/ [ke3 wu4] /repulsive/vile/hateful/abominable/ [ke3 iang3 iang4] /conceivable/ [ke3 iang3 er2 zhi1] /it is obvious that.../as one can well imagine.../ [ke3 ai4] /adorable/cute/lovely/ [ke3 zeng1] /disgusting/ [ke3 lian2] /pitiful/pathetic/to have pity on/ [ke3 lian2 chong2] /pitiful creature/wretch/ [ke3 dong3 du4] /intelligibility/ [ke3 chi2 u4] /sustainable/ [ke3 chi2 u4 fa1 zhan3] /sustainable development/ [ke3 jie1 shou4 ing4] /acceptability/ [ke3 ju1] /that one can grasp (of smile, anger)/palpable/fig. sincere/ [ke3 cao1 zuo4 de5 yi4 shu4] /the art of the possible (Bismarck o [ke3 ca1 ie3] /erasable/ [ke3 ca1 ie3 ke3 bian1 cheng2 zhi1 du2 cun2 / [ke3 kuo4 zhan3 biao1 ji4 yu3 yan2] /e tensible markup langua [ke3 zhi1 fu4 ing4] /affordability/ [ke3 jing4] /venerable/ [ke3 shu3] /countable/denumerable/ [ke3 shu3 ming2 ci2] /countable noun (in grammar of European languages)/ [ke3 shu3 ji2] /countable set (math.)/denumerable set/ [ke3 shi4] /but/however/ [ke3 you3 ke3 wu2] /not essential/dispensable/ [ke3 wang4 qu3 sheng4 zhe3] /favorite (to win a race or championship) tant/ [ke3 wang4 er2 bu4 ke3 ji2] /unattainable/ [ke3 wang4 er2 bu4 ke3 ji2] /unattainable/ [ke3 le4] /amusing/entertaining/cola/ [ke3 qi1] /gullible/easily bullied/weak/ [ke3 ge1 ke3 qi4] /lit. you can sing or you can cry (idiom); fig. deeply and sad/inspiring and tragic/ [ke3 bi3] /comparable/ [Ke4 han2] /Khan/Qaghan/ [ke3 jue2] /to adopt/to pass/to vote approval (of a law etc)/ [ke3 jue2 lu:4] /proportion needed to approve a decision/ [ke3 jue2 piao4] /affirmative vote/ [ke3 rong2] /soluble/ [ke3 rong2 ing4] /solubility/ [ke3 ran2] /inflammable/ [ke3 ran2 bing1] /clathrate hydrates/ [ke3 ran2 ing4] /flammable/flammability/ [ke3 yi2] /suspicious/dubious/ [ke3 zhi1] /evidently/clearly/no wonder/knowable/ [ke3 zhi1 lun4] /gnosticism, the philosophical doctrine that everything about iverse is knowable/ [ke3 ci2 hua4 ti3] /magnetic medium/material capable of being magnetized/

[ke3 yi2 zhi2] /portable (programming language)/ [ke3 yi2 zhi2 ing4] /portability (programming language)/ [ke3 iao4] /funny/ridiculous/ [ke3 jie2 he2 ing4] /associativity ( y)z = (yz) (math.)/ [ke3 bian1 cheng2] /programmable/ [ke3 geng1 di4] /cultivable/ [ke3 neng2] /might (happen)/possible/probable/possibility/probability/maybe/perha s/CL: [ge4]/ [ke3 neng2 xing4] /possibility/probability/ [Ke3 lan2 jing1] /Quran (Islamic scripture)/ [ke3 xing2] /feasible/ [ke3 xing2 xing4] /feasibility/ [ke3 xing2 xing4 yan2 jiu1] /feasibility study/ [ke3 lie4 bian4] /fissile/ [ke3 lie4 bian4 cai2 liao4] /fissile material/ [ke3 jian4] /it can clearly be seen (that this is the case)/it is (thus) clear/cl ar/visible/ [ke3 jian4 guang1] /visible light/light in optical spectrum/ [ke3 shi4 dian4 hua4] /videophone/ [ke3 qin1] /kindly/nice/amiable/ [ke3 guan1] /considerable/impressive/significant/ [ke3 jie3] /soluble (i.e. can be solved)/ [ke3 yan2] /it may be said/ [ke3 tiao2] /adjustable/ [ke3 wei4] /it could even be said/ [ke3 du2 yin1 xing4] /pronounceability/ [ke3 bian4] /variable/ [ke3 bian4 hua4 he2 jia4] /variable valency/ [ke3 bian4 shen4 tou4 xing4 mo2 xing2] /Varying Permeability decompression schedules in diving)/ [ke3 gui4] /to be treasured/praiseworthy/ [ke3 shen1] /to fit well (clothes)/ [ke3 zhuan3 huan4 tong2 wei4 su4] /fertile isotope/ [ke3 zhuan3 rang4] /transferable/negotiable/ [ke3 zhuan3 rang4 zheng4 quan4] /negotiable securities/ [ke3 ni4] /reversible/ [ke3 ni4 xing4] /reversibility/ [ke3 tong1] /passable/possible to reach/ [ke3 tong1 yue1] /commensurable/having a common measure/ [ke3 da2] /can reach/can get as high as/up to/ [ke3 xuan3 ze2 diu1 qi4] /discard eligible (Frame Relay)/DE/ [ke3 bi3] /base/mean/despicable/ [ke3 kao4] /reliable/ [ke3 kao4 xing4] /reliability/ [ke3 shi2] /edible/ [ke3 jing1] /astonishing/ [ke3 ti3] /well-fitting (of clothes)/ [Tai2] /Taiwan (abbr.)/surname Tai/ [tai2] /(classical) you (in letters)/platform/ [Tai2 zhong1] /Taizhong or Taichung city and county in central Taiwan/ [Tai2 zhong1 xian4] /Taichung or Taizhong county in central Taiwan/ [Tai2 er2 zhuang1 qu1] /Tai'erzhuang district of Zaozhuang city ng/ [Tai2 qian2] /Taiqian county in Puyang [Pu2 yang2], Henan/front of the s [Tai2 qian2 xian4] /Taiqian county in Puyang [Pu2 yang2], Henan/ [Tai2 bei3] /Taibei or Taipei, capital of Taiwan/ [Tai2 bei3 shi4] /Taibei or Taipei, capital of Taiwan/ [Tai2 bei3 jie2 yun4] /Taipei Metro/ [Tai2 bei3 xian4] /Taibei or Taipei county in north Taiwan/ [Tai2 nan2] /Tainan (city and county in Taiwan)/

[Tai2 nan2 shi4] /Tainan city in Tainan county [Tai2 nan2 xian4] [Tai2 nan2 xian4] /Tainan county in south Taiwan/ [Tai2 shang1] /Taiwanese businessman/Taiwanese company/ [Tai2 da4] /abbr. for [Tai2 wan1 Da4 xue2]/ [Tai2 an1] /Tai'an county in Anshan [An1 shan1], Liaoning/ [tai2 ke4] /stereotypical Taiwanese person (often derogatory)/ [Tai2 shan1] /Taishan county level city in Jiangmen , Guangdong/ [Tai2 shan1 shi4] /Taishan county level city in Jiangmen , Guangdong [Tai2 zhou1] /Taizhou prefecture level city in Zhejiang/ [Tai2 zhou1 di4 qu1] /Taizhou prefecture, Zhejiang/ [Tai2 zhou1 shi4] /Taizhou prefecture level city in Zhejiang/ [Tai2 bi4] /New Taiwan dollar/ [tai2 zuo4] /pedestal/ [tai2 shi4] /(of an appliance) tabletop model/(of a computer) desktop model/ [tai2 shi4 dian4 nao3] /desktop computer/ [Tai2 dong1] /Tidong or Taitung city and county in Taiwan/ [Tai2 dong1 shi4] /Taitung city in southeast Taiwan, capital of Taitung count [Tai2 dong1 xian4] /Tidong or Taitung county in southeast Taiwan/ [Tai2 jiang1] /Taijiang district of Fuzhou city [Fu2 zhou1 shi4], Fujian/ [Tai2 jiang1 qu1] /Taijiang district of Fuzhou city [Fu2 zhou1 shi4], F [Tai2 jiang1 xian4] /Taijiang county in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous ure [Qian2 dong1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ [Tai2 wan1] /variant of [Tai2 wan1]/ [Tai2 wan1 Da4 xue2] /National Taiwan University/abbr. to / [Tai2 wan1 Min2 zhu3 Zi4 zhi4 Tong2 meng2] /Taiwan Democr [Tai2 wan1 Hai3 xia2] /Taiwan Strait/ [Tai2 wan1 Ye4 bi2 fu2] /leaf-nosed bat/ [Tai2 wan1 hua4] /Taiwanese Chinese (language)/ [Tai2 wan1 guan1 xi4 fa3] /Taiwan Relations Act (of US Congress, 1979 [tai2 qiu2] /billiards/ [tai2 qiu2 zhuo1] /billiards table/ [tai2 bang4] /platform balance/ [Tai2 gu3] /Taipei Stock Exchange, abbr. for [Tai2 bei3 Gu3 shi4 [Tai2 xi1] /Taixi or Taihsi township in Yunlin county [Yun2 lin2 xia [Tai2 xi1 xiang1] /Taixi or Taihsi township in Yunlin county [Yu [tai2 ci2] /an actor's lines/script/ [Tai2 yu3] /Taiwanese/Hokklo/ [Tai2 die2] /Taiwan spy/ [Tai2 zi1] /Taiwan capital or investments/ [chi4] /to scold/shout at/to hoot at/ [chi4 zha4] /variant of [chi4 zha4]/to rebuke angrily/ [chi4 zha4 feng1 yun2] /variant of [chi4 zha4 feng1 yun2 [chi4 he1] /to shout angrily/to yell/ [chi4 duo1] /to reprimand/to berate/ [chi4 zha4] /to rebuke angrily/ [chi4 zha4 feng1 yun2] /lit. to rebuke Heaven and Earth (idiom); fig. sha e world/all-powerful/ [chi4 wen4] /to call sb to account/to question angrily/ [chi4 he4] /to shout at/to berate/ [chi4 ma4] /to curse/to berate angrily/ [chi4 ze2] /to upbraid/ [Shi3] /surname Shi/ [shi3] /history/annals/title of an official historian in ancient China/ [shi3 shang4] /in history/ [Shi3 dan1 fu2 da4 xue2] /Stanford University/ [Shi3 dan1 dun4 dao3] /Staten Island, borough of New York City/ [shi3 zhuan4] /historical biography/ [shi3 zhuan4 xiao3 shuo1] /historical novel/ [shi3 ce4] /annals/ [shi3 qian2] /prehistory/

[shi3 qian2 ren2] /prehistoric man/ [shi3 qian2 gu3 qi4 wu4] /prehistoric artifacts/ancient artifacts/ [shi3 qian2 shi2 zhuo1] /menhir/prehistoric stone table/ [Shi3 zhuo2] /Straw (name)/Jack Straw (1946-), UK Labour Party politician, foreig secretary 2001-2006/ [Shi3 wei1 shi4] /Schweppes (soft drinks company)/ [shi3 xue2] /historiography/ [shi3 xue2 jia1] /historian/ [shi3 guan1] /scribe/court recorder/historian/also translated as historiographer/ [shi3 jia1] /historian/ [Shi3 mi4 si1] /Smith (name)/ [shi3 mi4 te4] /Schmitt/ [shi3 shi2] /historical fact/ [shi3 si1 ming2] /Shi Siming (703-761), non-Han military man and colleague of han , eventually conspirator with him in the 755-763 Anshi rebellion asty/ [Shi3 ti2 fu1 Jia3 bo2 si1] /Steve Jobs (1955-), US co-foun [shi3 liao4] /historical material or data/ [Shi3 Jing3 qian1] /Jonathan D Spence (1936-), distinguished British US histo China, author of The search for modern China / [shi3 shu1] /history book/ [Shi3 mo4 te4 lai2] /Agnes Smedley (1892-1950), US journalist and activis n China, esp. the communist side/ [shi3 wu2 qian2 li4] /unprecedented in history/ [shi3 wa3 ji4 lan2] /Swaziland/ [Shi3 wa3 xin1 ge2] /Arnold Schwarzenegger/also written [Shi3 zhou4 pian1] /Shizhoupian, early school primer in great seal script , attributed to King Xuan of Zhou [Zhou1 Xuan1 wang2] but probably dating from c. 5 00 BC/ [shi3 ji2] /historical records/ [shi3 chen2] /official in charge of public records/ [Shi3 di4 fu1] /Steve (male name)/ [Shi3 di4 fu1 Qiao2 bu4 si1] /Steve Jobs (1955-), US co-fou [Shi3 di4 wen2] /Steven, Stephen (name)/ [Shi3 di4 wen2 si1] /Stephens/Stevens/ [Shi3 di4 fen1 Ha1 po4] /see [Si1 di4 fen1 Ha1 po [shi3 guan1] /historical point of view/historically speaking/ [Shi3 ji4] /Record of the Grand Historian, by [Si1 ma3 Qian1], first histories [er4 shi2 si4 shi3]/ [shi3 shi1] /an epic/poetic saga/ [shi3 shi1 xing4] /epic/ [shi3 shi1 ban1] /epic/ [Shi3 di2 wei1] /Joseph Stilwell/ [Shi3 dai4 xi1] /Stacy (name)/ [you4] /right (-hand)/the Right (politics)/west (old)/ [you4 shang4] /upper right/ [you4 xia4] /lower right/ [you4 ce4] /right side/ [you4 qing1] /right-deviation/ [you4 fen1 zhi1 guan1 xi4 cong2 ju4] /right branching relativ [you4 qian2 wei4] /right forward (soccer position)/ [you4 shou3] /right hand/right-hand side/ [you4 fang1] /right-hand side/credit side of a balance sheet/also / [You4 jiang1] /Youjiang district of Baise city [Bai3 se4 shi4], Guangxi/ [You4 jiang1 qu1] /Youjiang district of Baise city [Bai3 se4 shi4], Gua [you4 pai4] /(political) right/right wing/rightist/ [you4 pai4 fen4 zi3] /rightist elements/ [You4 yu4] /Youyu county in Shuozhou [Shuo4 zhou1], Shanxi/ [You4 yu4 xian4] /Youyu county in Shuozhou [Shuo4 zhou1], Shanxi/ [you4 jian4 tou2] /right-pointing arrow/

[you4 jian4 tou2 jian4] /right arrow key (on keyboard)/ [you4 yi4] /the right flank/(politically) right-wing/ [you4 duo4] /right rudder/ [you4 xian2] /starboard (of a ship)/ [you4 tan3] /to take sides with/to be partial to/to be biased/to favor one side/ [you4 zhuan3] /to turn right/ [you4 bian5] /right side/right, to the right/ [you4 bian5 r5] /erhua variant of [you4 bian5]/ [po3] /not/thereupon/ [xie2] /to be in harmony/ [xie2 yun4] /to rhyme/also written / [Si1] /surname Si/ [si1] /to take charge of/to manage/department (under a ministry)/ [si1 ling4] /commanding officer/ [si1 ling4 yuan2] /commander/ [si1 ling4 guan1] /commander/officer in charge/ [si1 ling4 bu4] /headquarters/military command center/ [Si1 ge4 te4] /Scott (name)/Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832), Scottish romantic n / [si1 shou4 ren2 yuan2] /bus crew/driver and conductor/ [si1 tian1 tai2] /Observatory or Bureau of Astronomy (official title) from th dynasty onwards/ [Si1 kou4] /two-character surname Sikou/ [si1 kou4] /minister of criminal justice (official rank in Imperial China)/ [Si1 tu2] /minister of education (history)/two-character surname Situ/ [si1 ji1] /chauffeur/driver/CL: [ge4]/ [si1 fa3] /judicial/(administration of) justice/ [si1 fa3 ren2 yuan2] /law-enforcers/ [si1 fa3 guan1] /law officer/ [si1 fa3 ji1 guan1] /judicial authorities/ [si1 fa3 quan2] /jurisdiction/ [si1 fa3 du2 li4] /judicial independence/ [Si1 fa3 bu4] /Justice Department (of the US government)/ [si1 fa3 yuan4] /Judicial yuan, the high court under the constitution of Repu China, then of Taiwan/ [Si1 tang1 da2] /Stendhal/ [si1 lu2] /stoker (worker operating a coal fire, esp. for a steam engine)/ [si1 kong1 jian4 guan4] /a common occurrence/ [si1 xian4 yuan2] /line judge (tennis etc)/ [si1 duo2] /priest/ [si1 zhang3] /bureau chief/ [Si1 ma3] /official post of minister of war in pre-han Chinese states/two-charact r surname Sima/ [Si1 ma3 Guang1] /Sima Guang (1019-1086), politician and historian of Norther author of Comprehensive Mirror for aid in Government / [Si1 ma3 Yi4] /Sima Yi (179-251), warlord under Cao Cao and subsequently foun the Jin dynasty/ [Si1 ma3 Cheng2 zheng4] /Sima Chengzheng (655-735), Daoist priest in Tang [Si1 ma3 Zhao1 zhi1 xin1 lu4 ren2 suo3 zhi1] /Sima Zh an open secret/ [Si1 ma3 Fa3] /Methods of Sima, also called Sima Rangjus Art of War, one itary Classics of ancient China [Wu3 jing1 Qi1 Shu1], written by Sima Rang ]/ [Si1 ma3 Yan2] /Sima Yan (236-290), founding emperor of Jin dynasty after Kingdoms period, reigned 265-290 as Emperor Wu of Jin / [Si1 ma3 Rang2 ju1] /Sima Rangju (c. 800 BC, dates of birth and death unk ry strategist of the Qi State [Qi2 Guo2] and author of Methods of Sima of the Seven Military Classics of ancient China [Wu3 jing1 Qi1 Shu1]/ [Si1 ma3 Tan2] /Sima Tan (-110 BC), Han dynasty scholar and historian, and fa [Si1 ma3 Qian1]/

[Si1 ma3 Qian1] /Sima Qian (145-86 BC), historian, author of [Shi3 j ather of Chinese historiography/ [Si1 ma3 Liao2 tai4 lang2] /SHIBA Ryotar (1923-1996), Japanese autho s/ [le4] /place names/ [diao1] /to hold in the mouth/ [xu1] /sh/hush/ [yu4] /implore/ [xu1 xu1] /to pant/to gasp for breath/ [chi1] /to eat/to consume/to eat at (a cafeteria etc)/to eradicate/to destroy/to absorb/to suffer/ [ji2] /stammer/ [chi1 yi1 qian4 , chang2 yi1 zhi4] /Fall into the moat and yo . One only learns from one's mistakes./ [chi1 bu5 shang4] /unable to get anything to eat/to miss a meal/ [chi1 bu5 xia4] /not feel like eating/be unable to eat any more/ [chi1 bu5 liao3 dou1 zhe5 zou3] /lit. if you can't eat it all, yo (idiom)/fig. you'll have to take the consequences/ [chi1 bu5 zhu4] /be unable to bear or support/ [chi1 bu5 lai2] /not be fond of certain food/ [chi1 bu5 fu2] /not be accustomed to eating sth/not be used to certain food/ [chi1 bu5 xiao1] /to be unable to tolerate or endure/to find sth difficult to / [chi1 bu5 kai1] /be unpopular/won't work/ [chi1 le5 ding4 xin1 wan2] /to feel reassured/ [chi1 ren2] /exploitative/oppressive/ [chi1 dao1] /penetration of a cutting tool/ [chi1 li4] /to entail strenuous effort/to be a strain/to toil at a task/strenuous laborious/ [chi1 li4 bu4 tao3 hao3] /arduous and thankless task (idiom); strenuo [chi1 he1] /food and drink/diet/ [chi1 he1 piao2 du3] /to go dining, wining, whoring and gambling/to lead sipation/ [chi1 he1 wan2 le4] /to eat, drink and be merry (idiom)/to abandon onesel f pleasure/ [chi1 huai4] /to get sick because of bad food/ [chi1 da4 hu4] /mass seizure of food from landlords during famines before lib / [chi1 da4 kui1] /to cost one dearly/to end disastrously/to pay bitterly/ [chi1 nai3] /to suck the breast (for milk)/ [chi1 nai3 zhi1 li4] /all one's strength/ [chi1 nai3 de5 li4 qi5] /all one's strength/ [chi1 nai3 de5 qi4 li4] /utmost effort/ [chi1 wan2] /to finish eating/ [chi1 bu4] /to catch on cloth (e.g. of a zip fastener)/ [chi1 de5 zhu4] /to be able to bear/to be able to support/ [chi1 diao4] /to eat up/to consume/ [chi1 fa3] /way of eating/how something is eaten/how a dish is prepared/the way a dish is to be cooked/ [chi1 lao2 fan4] /to do prison time (Taiwan)/ [chi1 bai2 shi2] /to eat without paying/to freeload/ [chi1 huang2 liang2] /lit. to eat from government coffers/to serve as a gover mployee/to live off government money/ [chi1 kong4 e4] /to embezzle by adding to the payroll employees existing in n y/ [chi1 kong4 xiang3] /to embezzle by adding to the payroll employees existing only/ [chi1 chuan1] /food and clothing/ [chi1 su4] /to be a vegetarian/ [chi1 jin3] /in short supply/dire/tense/critical/hard-pressed/important/

[chi1 rou4] /to eat meat/ [chi1 ku3] /to bear/hardships/ [chi1 ku3 nai4 lao2] /hardworking and enduring hardships (idiom)/ [chi1 ku3 tou5] /to suffer/to suffer for one's actions/to pay dearly/to burn ingers/ [chi1 yao4] /to take medicine/ [chi1 kui1] /to suffer losses/to come to grief/to lose out/to get the worst of it to be at a disadvantage/unfortunately/ [chi1 kui1 shang4 dang4] /to be taken advantage of/ [chi1 li3 pa2 wai4] /to work against the interests of sb one derives supp ouble-cross one's employer/to bite the hand that feeds you/ [chi1 jiao3 zi5 lao3 hu5] /slot machine/ [chi1 dou4 ren2] /Pac-Man (computer game)/ [chi1 dou4 fu5] /to eat tofu/to flirt/to tease/ [chi1 dou4 dou4] /see [chi1 dou4 ren2]/ [chi1 ruan3 fan4] /to live off a woman/ [chi1 cu4] /to feel jealous/ [chi1 cuo4 yao4] /confused (slang)/ [chi1 xian2 fan4] /to live as a parasite/doing nothing to earn one's keep/ [chi1 ba4 wang2 can1] /to dine and dash/to leave without paying/ [chi1 shi2] /to eat (of bird or animal)/to feed/ [chi1 shi5] /food/edibles/ [chi1 fan4] /to eat a meal/ [chi1 bao3 le5 fan4 cheng1 de5] /having nothing better to do/see [chi1 bao3 cheng1 zhe5] /having nothing better to do/ [chi1 xiang1] /very popular/ [chi1 jing1] /to be startled/to be shocked/to be amazed/ [ge4] /each/every/ [ge4 bu4 xiang1 tong2] /to have nothing in common with each other (idiom) [ge4 ren2] /each one/everyone/ [ge4 ren2 zi4 sao3 men2 qian2 or step, don't worry about the frost on your neighbor's roof (idiom)/ [ge4 wei4] /everybody (a term of address)/ [ge4 wei4 ting1 zhong4] /Ladies and Gentlemen (on radio)/Dear Listeners.. [ge4 wei4 guan1 zhong4] /Ladies and Gentlemen (on TV)/Dear Viewers.../ [ge4 ge4] /every/various/separately one-by-one/ [ge4 bie2] /distinct/characteristic/in different ways/different/ [ge4 qu3 suo3 xu1] /each takes what he needs (idiom)/ [ge4 guo2] /each country/every country/various countries/ [ge4 di4] /in all parts of (a country)/various regions/ [ge4 zhi2 yi1 ci2] /each sticks to his own version (idiom); a dialogue of [ge4 zhi2 ji3 jian4] /each sticks to his own view (idiom); a dialogue of [ge4 zhi2 suo3 jian4] /each sticks to his own view/ [ge4 ben4 qian2 cheng2] /each goes his own way (idiom); each person has h o lead/ [ge4 ben4 dong1 xi1] /to go separate ways (idiom)/to part ways with someo [ge4 shi4 ge4 yang4] /(of) all kinds and sorts/various/ [ge4 de2 qi2 suo3] /each in the correct place/each is provided for/ [ge4 shu1 ji3 jian4] /everyone gives their own view/ [Ge4 la1 dan1 dong1 shan1] /Mount Geladaindong or Geladandong in Qing ain peak of the Tanggula mountain range [Tang2 gu3 la1 shan1 mai4]/ [Ge4 la1 dan1 dong1 feng1] /Mount Geladaindong or Geladandong in Qing ain peak of the Tanggula mountain range [Tang2 gu3 la1 shan1 mai4]/ [ge4 chi2 ji3 jian4] /each sticks to his own opinion (idiom); chacun son [ge4 fang1] /parties (law)/ [ge4 you3 suo3 hao4] /Each has his likes and dislikes (idiom). There is n for tastes./chacun son gout/ [ge4 yang4] /many different types/ [ge4 jie4] /all walks of life/all social circles/ [ge4 jie4 ren2 shi4] /all walks of life/

[ge4 yi4] /all different/each unto his own/ [ge4 jin4 suo3 neng2] /each does his utmost (idiom)/from each according t [ge4 zhong3] /every kind of/all kinds of/various kinds/ [ge4 zhong3 ge4 yang4] /various sorts and varieties/ [ge4 zhong3 yan2 se4] /multicolored/a variety of colors/ [ge4 ji2] /all levels/ [ge4 zi4] /each/respective/apiece/ [ge4 se4 ge4 yang4] /lit. each color and each form (idiom)/diverse/variou f/ [ge4 chu4] /every place/ [ge4 hang2 ge4 ye4] /every trade/all professions/all walks of life/ [ge4 lei4] /all categories/ [ge4 xian3 suo3 chang2] /strong points are obvious in each of us (idiom)/ [song4] /variant of , to sue/to argue/to engage in polemics/ [xuan1] /variant of clamor/noise/noisy/ [yao1] /to shout/to bawl/to yell (to urge on an animal)/to hawk (one's wares)/ [yao1 wu3 he4 liu4] /lit. to shout out hoping for fives and sixes when ga ice; a hubbub of gambling/ [yao1 hu1] /to shout (orders)/ [yao1 han3] /to shout/to yell/ [yao1 he5] /to shout/to bawl/to yell (to urge on an animal)/to hawk (one's wares) to denounce loudly/to shout slogans/ [ge3] /100 ml/one-tenth of a peck/measure for dry grain equal to one-tenth of sh eng or liter, or one-hundredth dou / [he2] /to close/to join/to fit/to be equal to/whole/together/round (in battle)/c onjunction (astronomy)/1st note of pentatonic scale/old variant of [he2]/ [he2 yi1] /to unite/ [he2 shang4] /to close (box, book, mouth etc)/ [he2 bu4 lai2] /unable to get along together/incompatible/ [he2 bing4] /variant of , to merge/to annex/ [he2 hu1] /to accord with/conforming to/ [he2 yu2 shi2 yi2] /timely/at the right moment/appropriate to the occasio o fit current fashion/ [he2 huo3] /to act jointly/to form a partnership/ [he2 huo3 ren2] /partner/associate/ [he2 zuo4] /to cooperate/to collaborate/to work together/cooperation/CL: [ge4 [he2 zuo1 huo3 ban4] /cooperative partner/ [he2 zuo4 hua4] /collectivization (in Marxist theory)/ [he2 zuo4 xie2 yi4] /cooperation agreement/ [He2 zuo4 shi4] /Hezuo county level city in Gannan Tibetan autonomous prefect Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Gansu/ [he2 zuo4 she4] /cooperative/workers' or agricultural producers' cooperative [he2 zuo4 zhe3] /co-worker/collaborator/also collaborator with the enemy/ [he2 zuo4 nong2 chang3] /collective farm, Russian: kolkhoz/ [he2 bing4] /to merge/to annex/ [he2 gong4] /altogether/in sum/ [he2 li4] /cooperate/ [he2 qu3] /connective/conjunction/ [he2 chi1 zu2] /lit. joint eaters/a restaurant social gathering, esp. organiz ne among strangers/ [he2 tong5] /(business) contract/CL: [ge4]/ [he2 tong5 ge4 fang1] /parties to a contract (law)/ [he2 tong5 fa3] /contract law/ [he2 chang4] /chorus/to chorus/ [he2 chang4 tuan2] /chorus/ [he2 si4 yi3 chi3 gong1] /names of the five notes of the Chinese pent sponding roughly to do, re, mi, sol, la/ [he2 wei2] /to surround/to encircle/to close in on/ [he2 huo3] /variant of [he2 huo3]/ [he2 huo3 ren2] /variant of [he2 huo3 ren2]/

[he2 zou4] /to perform music (as ensemble)/ [he2 hun1] /casting a couple's fortune based on their bithdates (old)/ [he2 zi3] /zygote (biology)/ [he2 zi5] /pasty (i.e. pastry stuffed with meat or vegetables)/ [he2 yi2] /appropriate/ [he2 jia1] /whole family/entire household/ [he2 jia1 huan1] /group photo of whole family/ [He2 shan1] /Heshan county level city in Laibin [Lai2 bin1], Guangxi/ [He2 shan1 shi4] /Heshan county level city in Laibin [Lai2 bin1], Gu [He2 chuan1] /Hechuan suburban district of Chongqing municipality, formerly in Si huan/ [He2 chuan1 qu1] /Hechuan suburban district of Chongqing municipality, former ichuan/ [he2 jin3] /to share nuptial cup/fig. to get married/ [he2 shi4] /suitable/fitting/decent/to fit/also written [he2 shi4]/ [he2 ying3] /joint photo/group photo/ [he2 de5 lai2] /to get along well/compatible/also written [he2 d [he2 xin1] /acting together/to one's liking/it suits me/ [he2 qing2 he2 li3] /reasonable and fair (idiom)/ [he2 yi4] /acceptable/desirable/ [he2 cheng2] /to compose/to constitute/compound/synthesis/mixture/synthetic/ [he2 cheng2 dai4 xie4] /anabolism (biology)/constructive metabolism (usin ake proteins etc)/assimilation/ [he2 cheng2 qi4] /synthesizer/ [he2 cheng2 shu4] /composite number (i.e. not prime, has a factorization)/ [he2 cheng2 xiang4 jiao1] /synthetic rubber/ [he2 cheng2 fa3] /(chemical) synthesis/ [he2 cheng2 xi3 di2 ji4] /synthetic detergent/ [he2 cheng2 wu4] /compound/composite/cocktail/ [he2 cheng2 shi2 you2] /synthetic oil/ [he2 cheng2 xian1 wei2] /synthetic fiber/ [he2 cheng2 ci2] /compound word/ [he2 cheng2 yu3 jing4] /composite context/ [he2 cheng2 yu3 yin1] /assembled phonology/ [he2 cheng2 lei4 gu4 chun2] /anabolic steroids/ [he2 bao4] /to wrap one's arm around (used to describe the girth of a tree trunk) [he2 pai1] /in time with (i.e. same rhythm)/to keep in step with/fig. to cooperat / [he2 zhang3] /to clasp hands/to put one's palms together (in prayer)/ [he2 zhang3 gua1] /see [fo2 shou3 gua1]/ [he2 ji1] /combined assault/to mount a joint attack/ [he2 long3] /to fold/to close/ [he2 shu4] /composite number (i.e. not prime, has a factorization)/ [he2 yu2] /to tally/to accord with/to fit/ [he2 shi2] /in fashion/suiting the time/seasonable/timely/ [he2 shi2 yi2] /timely/at the right moment/appropriate to the occasion/opport fit current fashion/ [he2 ge2] /qualified/meeting a standard/eligible (voter)/ [he2 ge2 zheng4] /certificate of conformity/ [he2 qi4 dao4] /aikido (Japanese martial art)/hapkido (Korean martial art)/ [He2 shui3] /Heshui county in Qingyang [Qing4 yang2], Gansu/ [He2 shui3 xian4] /Heshui county in Qingyang [Qing4 yang2], Gansu/ [He2 jiang1] /Hejiang county in Luzhou [Lu2 zhou1], Sichuan/ [He2 jiang1 xian4] /Hejiang county in Luzhou [Lu2 zhou1], Sichuan/ [he2 fa3] /lawful/legitimate/legal/ [he2 fa3 hua4] /to legalize/to make legal/legalization/ [he2 fa3 xing4] /legitimacy/ [he2 liu2] /to converge/to flow together/fig. to act alike/to evolve together/ [He2 pu3 xian4] /Hepu county in Beihai [Bei3 hai3], Guangxi/ [he2 yan3] /to act together/to put on a joint performance/

[he2 wei2] /to combine/ [he2 zhao4] /to pose for a photo/ [he2 ying2] /to operate jointly/a joint venture/cooperative/ [he2 li3] /rational/reasonable/fair/ [he2 li3 hua4] /to rationalize/to make compatible/to streamline/rationalizati [he2 li3 xing4] /reason/rationality/rationale/reasonableness/ [he2 bi4] /to match harmoniously/ [he2 yong4] /to share/to use in common/suitable/fit for purpose/useable/ [he2 yan3] /to close one's eyes/to get to sleep/ [he2 yan3 mo1 xiang4] /to touch an elephant with closed eyes (idiom); to ly/ [he2 zhong4] /mass/involving everyone/united/lit. to assemble the multitude/ [He2 zhong4 guo2 ji4 she4] /United Press International (UPI, US news [he2 zhong4 wei2 yi1] /united as one/e pluribus unum/ [He2 zhong4 yin2 hang2] /Bancorp, a US bank/ [he2 zu1] /co-renting/ [he2 cheng1] /common term/general term/ [he2 suan4] /worthwhile/be a good deal/be a bargain/reckon up/calculate/ [he2 yue1] /treaty/contract/ [he2 bian1] /to compile in collaboration with/to merge and reorganize (army units etc)/ [he2 feng4] /to form a seam/to join up/ [He2 Zong4] /Vertical Alliance, clique of the School of Diplomacy [Z ring the Warring States Period (425-221 BC)/ [He2 zong4 Lian2 heng2] /Vertical and Horizontal Alliance, opposing strat by the School of Diplomacy [Zong4 heng2 jia1] during the Warring States Perio 221 BC)/ [he2 qun2] /to fit in/to get on well with others/sociable/to form a social group or cooperation/ [he2 er2 wei2 yi1] /to merge together (idiom); to unify disparate element ole/ [he2 gu3] /joint stock/ply (e.g. 2-ply yarn)/ [he2 gu3 xian4] /twine/ [He2 fei2] /Hefei, capital of Anhui province in south central China/ [He2 fei2 Gong1 ye4 Da4 xue2] /Hefei University of Technology/ [He2 fei2 shi4] /Hefei, capital of Anhui province in south central Chi [he2 jiao3] /fitting one's feet (of shoes or socks)/ [he2 ye4] /hinge/ [he2 zhu4] /to write jointly/to co-author/ [he2 zang4] /to bury husband and wife together/joint interment/ [he2 gui1] /compliance/ [he2 ding4 ben3] /bound volume/one-volume edition/ [he2 ji4] /to add up the total/to figure what sth amounts to/to consider/ [he2 gai1] /ought to/should/ [he2 mou2] /to conspire/to plot together/ [he2 yi4] /to discuss together/to try to reach a common judgment/panel discussion [he2 yi4 ting2] /colliagiate bench (law)/ [he2 zi1] /joint venture/ [he2 shen1] /well-fitting (of clothes)/ [he2 ji2] /compilation/compilation album/ [he2 zhe2] /on the same track/in agreement/rhyming/ [he2 zhe2 r5] /erhua variant of , on the same track/in agreement/rhy [he2 ban4] /to cooperate/to do business together/ [he2 shi4] /suitable/fitting/decent/to fit/ [he2 jin1] /alloy/ [He2 yang2] /Heyang county in Winn [Wei4 nan2], Shnx/ [He2 yang2 xian4] /Heyang county in Winn [Wei4 nan2], Shnx/ [he2 ji2] /collection/compilation/ [he2 ye4] /hinge/ [he2 ti3 zi4] /a Chinese character formed by combining existing elements - i.

mbined ideogram or radical plus phonetic / [he2 long2] /closure (civil engineering)/join of segments to complete a project ( am, bridge, dike etc)/ [Ji2] /surname Ji/abbr. for Jilin Province [Ji2 lin2 sheng3]/ [ji2] /lucky/giga- (meaning billion or 10^9)/ [Ji2 zhi1 dao3] /JUSCO, Japanese chain of hypermarkets/ [ji2 shi4 guo3] /churro/ [Ji2 ya4 ka3 mo2] /Giacomo (name)/ [ji2 ta1] /guitar/CL:[ba3]/ [ji2 ta1 shou3] /guitar player/ [ji2 ta1 pu3] /guitar tablature/ [ji2 bo2 te4 shi4 zheng4 hou4 qun2] /Gilbert's Syndrome/ [ji2 zhao4] /lucky omen/ [ji2 xiong1] /good and bad luck (in astrology)/ [Ji2 lie4] /Gillette (brand)/ [Ji2 li4] /Geely, Chinese car make/ [ji2 li4] /auspicious/lucky/propitious/ [Ji2 li4 qu1] /Jili district of Luoyang City in Henan province [Ji2 le4] /Gilles (name)/ [Ji2 bu3 li4 gong1 zuo4 shi4] /Studio Ghibli, Japanese film studi [ji2 bu3 sai4] /gypsy (may refer to Roma people, or to Bohemian lifestyle)/ [ji2 da4 gang3] /Chittagong (Bangladesh port city)/ [Ji2 wa2 wa5] /Chihuahua (dog)/ [ji2 zi4 jie2] /gigabyte (2^30 or approximately a billion bytes)/ [ji2 ta1] /a guitar/ [Ji2 an1] /Ji'an prefecture level city in Jiangxi/also Ji'an county/Ji'an or Chi' n township in Hualien county [Hua1 lian2 xian4], east Taiwan/ [Ji2 an1 di4 qu1] /Ji'an prefecture in Jiangxi/ [Ji2 an1 shi4] /Ji'an prefecture level city in Jiangxi/ [Ji2 an1 xian4] /Ji'an county in Ji'an , Jiangxi/ [Ji2 an1 xiang1] /Ji'an or Chi'an township in Hualien county [Hu wan/ [Ji2 ni2 si1] /Guinness (name)/Guinness (Irish black beer)/Guinness book of r [Ji2 zhou1] /Jizhou district of Ji'an city , Jiangxi/Kilju county in North province, North Korea/ [Ji2 zhou1 qu1] /Jizhou district of Ji'an city , Jiangxi/ [Ji2 zhou1 jun4] /Kilju county in North Hamgyeong province, North Korea/ [Ji2 bu4 ti2] /Djibouti/ [Ji2 qiang2 zhen4] /Jiqiang town in Xiji county [Xi1 ji2], Guyuan [Gu [ji2 en1] /Gene (name)/ [Ji2 da3] /Kedah, state of northwest Malaysia, capital Alor Star [Ji2 la1 ni2] /Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani (1952-), Pakistan people's party polit prime minister from 2008/ [Ji2 la1 de2] /Gillard (name)/ [ji2 ri4] /propitious day/lucky day/ [Ji2 pu3] /Jeep/ [ji2 pu3 sai1 ren2] /Gypsy (European ethnic group)/Romany/Tsigane/ [Ji2 pu3 si1 kua1] /Gipuzkoa or Guipzcoa, one of the seven Basque provin ain/ [ji2 pu3 sai4 ren2] /gypsy/ [ji2 pu3 che1] /jeep, GP (general purpose)/military vehicle originally made i [Ji2 mu4 nai3] /Jeminay county or Jminey nahiyisi in Altay prefecture injiang/ [Ji2 mu4 nai3 xian4] /Jeminay county or Jminey nahiyisi in Altay prefect ], Xinjiang/ [Ji2 mu4 sa4 er3] /Jimsar county or Jimisar nahiyisi in Changji Hui auton ure [Chang1 ji2 Hui2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xingjiang/ [Ji2 mu4 sa4 er3 xian4] /Jimsar county or Jimisar nahiyisi in Changji fecture [Chang1 ji2 Hui2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xingjiang/ [Ji2 ben3 si1] /Gibbons (name)/

[Ji2 lin2] /Jilin province (Kirin) in northeast China, abbr. , capital fecture level city, Jilin province/ [Ji2 lin2 Da4 xue2] /Jilin University/ [Ji2 lin2 shi4] /Jilin prefecture level city in Jilin province in nort [Ji2 lin2 sheng3] /Jilin province (Kirin) in northeast China, abbr. , capit un / [Ji2 shui3] /Jishui county in Ji'an , Jiangxi/ [Ji2 shui3 xian4] /Jishui county in Ji'an , Jiangxi/ [Ji2 er3 bo2 te4] /Gilbert (name)/ [Ji2 er3 bo2 te4 qun2 dao3] /Gilbert Islands/ [Ji2 er3 ji2 si1] /Kyrgyz/Kyrgyzstan/ [Ji2 er3 ji2 si1 ren2] /Kyrgyz (person)/ [Ji2 er3 ji2 si1 tan3] /Kyrgyzstan/ [Ji2 er3 ji2 si1 si1 tan3] /Kyrgyzstan/ [Ji2 er3 ji2 si1 zu2] /Kyrgyz ethnic group/also written [ji2 er3 da2] /gelada (Theropithecus gelada), Ethiopian herbivorous monkey si o baboon/ [Ji2 bai3 li4] /Cadbury (name)/Cadbury (brand)/ [ji2 xiang2] /lucky/auspicious/propitious/ [ji2 xiang2 wu4] /mascot/ [Ji2 mi3] /Jimmy, Jimmie or Jimi (name)/ [Ji2 xian4] /Ji county in Linfen [Lin2 fen2], Shanxi/ [Ji2 lan2 dan1] /Kelantan (state of Malaysia)/ [Ji2 lan2 dan1 zhou1] /Kelantan sultanate of Malaysia, near Thai border, Baharu [Ge1 da3 ba1 lu3]/ [Ji2 lan2 dan1 he2] /Kelantan River of Malaysia, near Thai border/ [ji2 bei4] /kapok (Ceiba pentandra)/ [Ji2 di2 en1] /Gideon (name, from Judges 6:11-ffoll.)/also written / [Ji2 da2] /Jeddah (Saudi city, on Red Sea)/ [Ji2 ye3] /Yoshino (name)/ [Ji2 ye3 jia1] /Yoshinoya (Japanese fast food chain)/ [Ji2 long2] /Gyirong county, Tibetan: Skyid grong rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet/ [Ji2 long2 po1] /Kuala Lumpur, capital of Malaysia/ [Ji2 long2 xian4] /Gyirong county, Tibetan: Skyid grong rdzong, in Shigatse p re, Tibet/ [ji2 dian4 zi3 fu2] /giga electron volt GeV (unit of energy equal to 1.6 s)/ [Ji2 shou3] /Jishou county level city and capital of Xiangxi Tujia and Miao auton mous prefecture [Xiang1 xi1 Tu3 jia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Hen [Ji2 shou3 shi4] /Jishou county level city and capital of Xiangxi Tujia and M onomous prefecture [Xiang1 xi1 Tu3 jia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], [diao4] /to suspend/to hang up/to hang a person/ [diao4 r5 lang2 dang1] /sloppy/ [diao4 ju4] /spreader (for pallet, container etc)/ [diao4 juan4] /to consult the archives/ [diao4 yan4] /to offer condolences (for the deceased)/to condole/ [diao4 sang3 zi5] /voice training (for Chinese opera)/ [diao4 ta3] /a tower crane/ [diao4 zhui4] /a pendant (jewelry)/ [diao4 shen3] /to bring to trial/to bring to court/ [diao4 dai4] /suspenders/garters/shoulder strap/brace/sling/ [diao4 dai4 shan1] /halter top/spaghetti strap top/sun top/ [diao4 chuang2] /hammock/ [diao4 shan4] /a ceiling fan/a punka/ [diao4 da3] /to hang sb up and beat him/ [diao4 kou4] /to suspend (a licence etc)/ [diao4 gua4] /to hang (e.g. a painting)/dangling/hanging (from the ceiling)/ [diao4 dou3] /(a container) carried suspended or underslung/cable car bucket/ [diao4 gan1] /a boom (i.e. transverse beam for hanging objects)/

[diao4 ti1] /a rope ladder/ [diao4 gang4] /trapeze (gymnastics)/ [diao4 lou2] /a building supported on pillars projecting over a river/a mountain ut supported on pillars/ [diao4 qiao2] /drawbridge/suspension bridge/ [diao4 dang4 ku4] /baggy pants/sagging pants/ [diao4 si3] /death by hanging/to hang oneself/ [diao4 si3 gui3] /hangman (word game)/ [diao4 deng1] /chandelier/ [diao4 qiu2] /drop shot (in tennis or volleyball)/ [diao4 huan2] /hanging rings (gymnastics)/ [diao4 ping2] /infusion bag or bottle (for an IV)/ [diao4 ping2 zu2] /"infusion clan", patients who prefer medication by drip ra an orally or by injection etc/ [diao4 chuang1] /a sash window/ [diao4 lan2] /hanging basket (for flowers)/gondola (of cable car)/ [diao4 suo3] /rope tackle hanging from a mast/crow foot (system of ropes through ackle to hold up an awning)/ [diao4 xian4] /plumbline/ [diao4 sheng2] /sling/ [diao4 wei4 kou3] /to tease (slang)/to flirt/to tantalize/to whet one's appet [diao4 bang3 zi5] /to flirt (derogatory)/ [diao4 zhe5] /dangle/ [diao4 lan2] /hanging orchid (Chlorophytum comosum)/bracket plant/ [diao4 zhuang1] /to construct by hoisting ready-built components into place/ [diao4 wa4 dai4] /suspenders (for stockings)/ [diao4 qi3] /to hoist/ [diao4 che1] /a hoist/a crane/an elevator/ [diao4 yun4] /to transport by crane/to convey/ [diao4 gou1] /suspended hook/hanging hook/hanger/ [diao4 xiao1] /to suspend (an agreement)/to revoke/ [diao4 pu4] /suspended bunk/ [diao4 men2] /an overhung door/a door that hinges upwards/ [diao4 jing3] /to hang oneself/ [cun4] /inch (English)/ [tong2] /like/same/similar/together/alike/with/ [tong2 yi1] /identical/the same/ [tong2 yi1 ge4 shi4 jie4 , tong2 yi1 ge4 meng Olympic games/ [tong2 shang4] /as above/ditto/idem/ [tong2 shi4] /colleague/co-worker/CL: [ge4],[wei4]/ [tong2 ren2] /colleagues/fellowship (among people)/ [Tong2 ren2] /Tongren county in Huangnan Tibetan autonomous prefecture i4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ [tong2 ren2] /variant of / [Tong2 Ren2 Tang2] /Tong Ren Tang/ [Tong2 ren2 xian4] /Tongren county in Huangnan Tibetan autonomous prefecture u2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ [tong2 chou2 di2 kai4] /anger against a common enemy (idiom); joined in o the same adversary/ [tong2 huo3] /colleague/co-conspirator/accomplice/ [tong2 ban4] /companion/comrade/fellow/ [tong2 wei4] /par/ [tong2 wei4 su4] /isotope/ [tong2 wei4 su4 fen1 li2] /isotopic separation/ [tong2 chuan2 er3 mai4] /simultaneous interpretation headset/ [tong2 liao2] /colleague/fellow-worker/ [tong2 chai2] /peer/member of the same class, generation or social group/ [tong2 chai2 tuan2 ti3] /peer group/ [tong2 chai2 ya1 li4] /peer pressure/

[tong2 chai2 shen3 cha2] /peer review/ [tong2 chai2 fu2 chi2] /peer support/ [tong2 chai2 jian3 shi4] /peer review/ [tong2 chai2 zi1 shang1] /peer counseling/ [tong2 fen1 yi4 gou4 ti3] /isomer/ [tong2 hua4] /assimilation (cultural, digestive, phonemic etc)/ [tong2 hua4 zuo4 yong4] /assimilation/anabolism (biology)/constructive me ng energy to make proteins etc)/ [tong2 luan3] /(of twins) identical/monozygotic/ [tong2 luan3 shuang1 bao1 tai1] /identical twins/ [tong2 ming2 tong2 xing4] /having same given name and family name/ [tong2 xi3] /Thank you for your congratulations!/The same to you! (returning a co pliment)/ [tong2 zai4] /to be with/ [tong2 xing2 xing4] /isomorphism/ [tong2 xing2 pei4 zi3] /isogamete/ [tong2 tang2] /to live under the same roof (of different generations)/ [tong2 zi4 kuang4] /name of radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 13) so [jiong1]/ [tong2 xue2] /to study at the same school/fellow student/classmate/CL:[wei4], [Tong2 an1] /Tong'an district of Xiamen city [Xia4 men2 shi4] (Amoy) [Tong2 an1 qu1] /Tong'an district of Xiamen city [Xia4 men2 shi4 [Tong2 an1 xian4] /former Tong'an county, now Tong'an district [ city, Fujian/ [tong2 shi4 cao1 ge1] /wielding the halberd within the household (idiom); strife/ [tong2 ju1] /to live together/ [tong2 wu1] /roommate/CL: [ge4]/ [tong2 gong1] /fellow workers/ [tong2 gong1 tong2 chou2] /equal pay for equal work/ [tong2 nian2] /the same year/ [tong2 chuang2 yi4 meng4] /lit. to share the same bed with different drea stensible partners with different agendas/strange bedfellows/marital dissension/ [Tong2 de2] /Tongde county in Hainan Tibetan autonomous prefecture i4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ [Tong2 de2 xian4] /Tongde county in Hainan Tibetan autonomous prefecture u2 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ [Tong2 xin1] /Tongxin county in Wuzhong [Wu2 zhong1], Ningxia/ [tong2 xin1] /with common wishes/spirit of cooperation/concentric/ [tong2 xin1 xie2 li4] /to work with a common purpose (idiom); to make con s/to pull together/to work as one/ [tong2 xin1 tong2 de2] /of one mind (idiom)/ [Tong2 xin1 xian4] /Tongxin county in Wuzhong [Wu2 zhong1], Ningxia/ [tong2 zhi4] /comrade/homosexual (slang)/CL: [ge4]/ [tong2 xing4] /same nature/homosexual/ [tong2 xing4 ai4] /homosexual/ [tong2 xing4 lian4] /homosexuality/gay person/gay love/ [tong2 xing4 lian4 kong3 ju4 zheng4] /homophobia/ [tong2 xing4 lian4 zhe3] /homosexual/gay person/ [tong2 qing2] /compassion/relent/sympathize/sympathy/ [tong2 qing2 zhe3] /supporter/sympathizer (esp. of political cause)/fellow tr [tong2 yi4] /to agree/to consent/to approve/ [tong2 gan3] /similar feeling/fellow felling/sympathy/understanding/consensus/ [tong2 tai4] /homomorphism (math.)/ [tong2 fang2] /to cohabit (esp. to live as man and wife)/ [Tong2 wen2 guan3] /the first modern Chinese library established in 1898 by W A.P. Martin , becoming the foundation for Beijing University library/ [tong2 ri4] /same day/simultaneous/ [tong2 ri4 er2 yu3] /lit. to speak of two things on the same day (idiom); hings on equal terms (often with negatives: you can't mention X at the same time

as Y)/ [tong2 shi2] /at the same time/simultaneously/ [tong2 shi2 dai4] /contemporary/ [tong2 shi2 qi1] /at the same time/contemporary/ [tong2 qi1] /the corresponding time period (in a different year etc)/concurrent/s nchronous/ [tong2 an4 fan4] /accomplice/ [tong2 zhuo1] /desk-mate/seat-mate/ [tong2 ye4] /same trade or business/person in the same trade or business/ [tong2 ye4 gong1 hui4] /trade association/ [tong2 ye4 chai1 jie4] /call loan/short term loan within banking/ [tong2 gou4] /isomorphism/isomorphic/ [tong2 yang4] /same/equal/equivalent/ [tong2 bu4] /synchronous/to synchronize/to keep step with/ [tong2 bu4 jia1 su4 qi4] /synchrotron/ [tong2 bu4 shu4 wei4 jie1 ceng2] /synchronous digital hierarchy/S [Tong2 jiang1] /Tongjiang county level city in Kiamusze or Jiamusi city [Ji ], Heilongjiang/ [Tong2 jiang1 shi4] /Tongjiang county level city in Kiamusze or Jiamusi city si1], Heilongjiang/ [Tong2 zhi4] /reign name of Qing emperor (1861-1875)/ [tong2 liu2 he2 wu1] /to wallow in the mire with sb (idiom); to follow th of others/ [tong2 yuan2] /homology (biology)/a common origin/ [tong2 yuan2 ci2] /cognate/words having a common origin/ [Tong2 ji4] /abbr. of [Tong2 ji4 Da4 xue2]/ [Tong2 ji4 Da4 xue2] /Tongji University/ [Tong2 ji4 Yi1 ke1 Da4 xue2] /Tongji Medical College/ [tong2 ban1] /to be in the same class/to be in the same squad/classmate/ [tong2 ban1 tong2 xue2] /classmate/ [Tong2 li3] /Tongli, a city in Jiangsu Province, China/ [tong2 li3] /for the same reason/ [tong2 li3 xin1] /empathy/ [tong2 gan1 gong4 ku3] /shared delights and common hardships (idiom); to joys and sorrows/for better or for worse/ [tong2 gan1 ku3] /to share joys and sorrows/sharing good times and hard times s / [tong2 bing4 xiang1 lian2] /fellow sufferers empathize with each other (i loves company/ [tong2 meng2] /alliance/ [tong2 meng2 guo2] /allied nation/ally/confederation/ [Tong2 meng2 hui4] /Tongmenghui, Sun Yat-sen's alliance for democracy, founde became the Guomindang in 1912/ [tong2 zhi1] /government sub-prefect (old)/ [tong2 yan4] /classmate/fellow student/ [tong2 chuang1] /schoolmate/fellow student/ [tong2 fu2 he2 qi4] /same sign, joint aim (idiom); fig. completely compat l/ [tong2 deng3] /equal to/having the same social class or status/ [tong2 ji2] /on the same level/ranking equally/ [tong2 ji2 ping2 shen3] /peer review/ [tong2 su4 yi4 xing2 ti3] /allotropy/ [tong2 yi4] /synonym/ [tong2 yi4 fan3 fu4] /tautology/ [tong2 yi4 zi4] /synonym/ [tong2 yi4 ci2] /synonym/ [tong2 yi4 yu3] /synonym/ [tong2 chi4 mu4] /Homoptera (insect suborder including cicadas, aphids, plant s, shield bugs etc)/ [tong2 sheng1 yi1 ku1] /to share ones feeling of grief with others (idio

[tong2 sheng1 chuan2 yi4] /simultaneous interpretation/ [tong2 sheng1 fan1 yi4] /simultaneous translation/ [tong2 bao1] /born of the same parents/sibling/fellow citizen/compatriot/ [tong2 bao1 xiong1 mei4] /sibling/ [tong2 zhou1 gong4 ji4] /cross a river in the same boat (idiom); fig. hav terests/obliged to collaborate towards common goals/ [tong2 hang2] /person of the same profession/of the same trade, occupation or ind stry/ [tong2 xing2] /journey together/ [tong2 diao4] /same tone/in agreement with/homology (invariant of a topological s ace in math.)/ [tong2 mou2] /to conspire with sb/to plot/a conspirator/a partner in crime/an acc mplice/ [tong2 zhi4] /homogeneous/ [tong2 lu4] /to go the same way/ [tong2 zhou2] /coaxial/concentric/ [tong2 zhou2 yuan2 hu2] /coaxial circular arc/concentric arc (in spherica [tong2 zhou2 dian4 lan3] /coaxial cable/ [tong2 bei4] /peer/ [tong2 tu2 shu1 gui1] /same road out, different ones bac / [tong2 dao4] /same principle/ [tong2 dao4 zhong1 ren2] / indred spirit/ [tong2 dao4 zhe3] /fellow-traveler/li e-minded person/ [tong2 xiang1] /person from the same village, town, or province/ [tong2 xiang1 qin1 gu4] /fellow countryman (from the same village)/the fo / [tong2 pei4 sheng1 zhi2] /isogamy/ [tong2 liang4] /commensurable/commensurate/ [tong2 liang4 yi4 wei4 su4] /nuclear isobar/ [tong2 dui4] /team mate/ [tong2 yin1] /unison/homophone/ [tong2 yin1 zi4] /homophonic characters/ [tong2 yin1 ci2] /homophonic words/ [tong2 yun4 ci2] /words with the same phonetic ending/rhyme/ [tong2 lei4] /similar/same type/ali e/ [tong2 lei4 chan3 pin3] /similar product/ [tong2 lei4 xiang1 xi1] /Li e attracts li e./ [tong2 lei4 xiang1 shi2] /cannibalism/ [tong2 yu2] /congruent (math.)/having same residue modulo some number/ [tong2 yu2 shi4] /congruence (math.)/equation for residue modulo some number/ [tong2 yu2 lei4] /congruence class (of integers modulo n)/ [tong2 ling2] /of the same age/ [tong2 ling2 ren2] /peer/one s contemporary/person of the same age/ [ming2] /name/noun (part of speech)/place (e.g. among winners)/famous/classifier for people/ [ming2 xia4] /under sb s name/ [ming2 bu4 fu4 shi2] /the name does not reflect the reality (idiom); more in fact/Reality does not live up to the name./Excellent theory, but the practic e does not bear it out./ [ming2 bu5 zheng4 yan2 bu5 shun4] /unjustified and undeserving of y or status is unverified, or inconsistent in detail/unworthy of the title (or n ame), or reputation/no valid reason as justification/words without weight/cf [ming2 bu4 fu2 shi2] /the name does not correspond to reality (idiom); it up to its reputation/ [ming2 bu4 xu1 chuan2] /lit. name is not in vain (idiom); a fully justifi /enjoys a well-deserved reputation/ [ming2 bu4 jian4 jing1 zhuan4] /(lit.) name not encountered in the cl son)/nobody/ [ming2 ren2] /personage/celebrity/ [ming2 ren2 lu4] /record of famous men/anthology of biographies/

[ming2 wei4] /fame and position/official rank/ [ming2 zuo4] /masterpiece/famous work/ [ming2 you1] /outstanding/excellent quality/ [ming2 r5] /name/fame/ [ming2 ce4] /roll (of names)/register/CL:[ben3]/ [ming2 fen4] /a person's status/ [ming2 lie4] /famous/among the most famous/ [ming2 lie4 qian2 mao2] /to rank among the best/ [ming2 li4] /fame and profit/ [ming2 li4 shuang1 shou1] /both fame and fortune (idiom)/both virtue and [ming2 ci4] /visiting card/name card/ [ming2 fu4 qi2 shi2] /not just in name only, but also in reality (idiom)/ [ming2 sheng4] /a place famous for its scenery or historical relics/scenic spot/C : [chu4]/ [ming2 sheng4 gu3 ji4] /historical sites and scenic spots/ [Ming2 gu3 wu1] /Nagoya, city in Japan/ [ming2 ju4] /famous saying/celebrated phrase/ [ming2 jiao4] /called/named/ [ming2 dan1] /list (of names)/ [ming2 zui3] /popular TV or radio host/ [ming2 zao4 yi1 shi2] /to achieve fame among one's contemporaries (idiom) r local celebrity/ [ming2 chui2 qing1 shi3] /lit. reputation will go down in history (idiom) ements will earn eternal glory/ [ming2 cheng2] /famous city/ [ming2 tang5] /variety/result/reason/ [ming2 shi4] /famous scholar/worthy/celebrity, esp. distinguished literary person having no official post/ [ming2 ji4] /famous courtesan/ [ming2 yuan2] /young lady of note/debutante/ [ming2 zi5] /name (of a person or thing)/CL: [ge4]/ [ming2 cun2 shi2 wang2] /the name remains, but the reality is gone (idiom [ming2 xue2] /(archaic term) logic/ [Ming2 jia1] /School of Logicians of the Warring States Period (475-220 BC), also called the School of Names/ [ming2 shi2] /name and reality/whether reality lives up to its reputation/ [ming2 jiang4] /famous general/ [Ming2 shan1] /famous mountain/Mingshan county in Ya'an [Ya3 an1], Sichuan/ [Ming2 shan1 da4 chuan1] /famous mountains and great rivers/ [Ming2 shan1 xian4] /Mingshan county in Ya'an [Ya3 an1], Sichuan/ [ming2 tie3] /name card/business card/ [ming2 shi1] /famous master/great teacher/ [ming2 shi1 chu1 gao1 tu2] /A famous teacher trains a fine student (i an will have a deep influence on his successors./ [ming2 cong2 zhu3 ren2] /named after (the original owner)/ [ming2 shou3] /master/famous artist or sportsman/ [ming2 shu4] /(grammar) number plus classifier/household (in census)/ [ming2 qu3] /famous song/well-known piece of music/ [ming2 wang4] /renown/ [ming2 xiao4] /famous school/ [ming2 ci4] /position in a ranking of names/ [ming2 zheng4 yan2 shun4] /right and proper/authoritative and fair/(modif ucian Analects) with the right title (or reputation), the words carry weight/ [ming2 qi4] /reputation/fame/ [ming2 liu2] /gentry/celebrities/ [ming2 yuan2] /origin of names/etymology/ [ming2 man3 tian1 xia4] /world famous/ [ming2 wei2] /named as/ [Ming2 jue2] /MG Motor (car manufacturer)/ [ming2 pian4] /(business) card/

[ming2 pai2] /famous brand/ [ming2 zhuang4] /to express/to describe/ [ming2 chan3] /staple/name-brand product/ [ming2 hua4] /famous painting/ [ming2 hua4 jia1] /famous painter/ [ming2 mu4] /name of an item/fame/ [ming2 mu4 fan2 duo1] /names of many kinds (idiom); items of every descri [ming2 xiang4] /famous prime minister (in ancient China)/names and appearances (B ddhism)/ [ming2 cheng1] /name (of a thing)/name (of an organization)/ [ming2 cheng1 biao1 qian1] /name tag/ [ming2 cheng1 quan2] /copyright/rights to a trademark/ [ming2 pian1] /famous piece of writing/ [ming2 qian1] /name tag/ [ming2 yi4] /name/titular/nominal/in name/ostensible purpose/ [ming2 yi4 shang4] /nominally/ [ming2 yi4 jia4 zhi2] /nominal value/ [ming2 yi4 zhang4 hu4] /nominal bank account/ [ming2 wen2] /famous/of good reputation/ [ming2 sheng1] /reputation/ [ming2 chen2] /important official or statesman (in feudal China)/ [ming2 cai4] /famous dishes/specialty dishes/ [ming2 luo4 sun1 shan1] /(idiom) to fail in imperial exam/ [ming2 zhu4] /masterpiece/ [ming2 hao4] /name/good reputation/title/ [ming2 jue2] /famous actor/ [ming2 jue2 r5] /erhua variant of , famous actor/ [ming2 yan2] /saying/ [ming2 ci2] /noun/ [ming2 hui4] /taboo name (e.g. of emperor)/ [ming2 yu4] /fame/reputation/honor/honorary/emeritus (of retired professor)/ [ming2 yu4 bo2 shi4] /honorary doctorate/Doctor Honoris Causae/ [ming2 yu4 bo2 shi4 xue2 wei4] /honorary doctorate/Doctor Honoris [ming2 yu4 xue2 wei4] /honorary degree/academic degree Honoris Causa/ [ming2 yu4 sao3 di4] /to be thoroughly discredited/to fall into disrepute [ming2 gui4] /famous and valuable/rare/precious/ [ming2 jiu3] /a famous wine/ [ming2 yi1] /famous doctor/ [ming2 zhong4 shi2 an4] /of great reputation but shallow in knowledge (id [ming2 liang4 ci2] /nominal classifier (in Chinese grammar)/measure word appl inly to nouns/ [ming2 lu4] /directory/ [ming2 lu4 fu2 wu4] /name service/ [ming2 biao3] /famous watch (i.e. expensive brand of wristwatch)/ [ming2 men2] /famous family/prestigious house/ [ming2 men2 wang4 zu2] /offspring a famous family (idiom); good breeding/ [Ming2 jian1] /Mingjian or Mingchien township in Nantou county [Nan2 al Taiwan/ [Ming2 jian1 xiang1] /Mingjian or Mingchien township in Nantou county central Taiwan/ [ming2 jiang1 li4 suo3] /lit. fettered by fame and locked up by riches (i own by reputation and wealth/the victim of one's own success/ [ming2 e2] /fixed number of people/quota/ [ming2 chi2 xia2 er3] /To have one's fame spread far and wide. (idiom)/ [Hou4] /surname Hou/ [hou4] /empress/queen/ [hou4 fei1] /imperial wives and concubines/ [hou4 zuo4] /empress's throne/(fig.) first place in a feminine competition/ [Hou4 Yi4] /Houyi, mythological Chinese archer whose wife was Chang'e/ [Hou4 li3] /Houli township in Taichung county [Tai2 zhong1 xian4], T

[Hou4 li3 xiang1] /Houli township in Taichung county [Tai2 zhong [hou4 fa4 zuo4] /Coma Berenices (constellation)/ [li4] /minor government official or functionary (old)/ [li4 zhi4] /style of governing (of minor official)/achievement in office/ [li4 xu1] /minor official/ [Li4 Bu4] /Ministry of Appointments in Imperial China/ [tu3] /to spit/to put/to say/ [tu4] /to vomit/to throw up/ [tu3 kou3] /to spit/fig. to spit out (a request, an agreement etc)/ [tu3 si1] /toast (loanword)/ [tu3 zi4] /diction/enunciation/to pronounce the words correctly (in opera)/ [tu3 gu4 na4 xin1] /lit. to breathe out stale air and breathe in fresh (i uangzi ); fig. to get rid of the old and bring in the new/ [tu3 gen1] /ipecac/ [tu3 qi4] /to spurn/to reject/ [tu3 qi4] /aspirated/to blow off steam/ [tu4 mo5] /saliva/spittle/ [Tu3 huo3 luo2 ren2] /Tokharian Indo-European people of central Asia/same [tu3 wa3 lu3] /Tuvalu/ [tu3 tan2] /to spit/to expectorate/ [tu3 sui4] /to have the ears of grain come up/ [tu3 xu4] /cotton boll splits open and reveals its white interior/ [tu3 si1 zi4 fu4] /to spin a cocoon around oneself (idiom); enmeshed in a s own devising/hoist with his own petard/ [tu3 shou4 ji1] /turkey/ [tu3 yan4] /to burst into bloom/ [tu3 ku3 shui3] /to have bitter digestive fluids rising to the mouth/fig. to n bitterly/to pour out one's sufferings/ [Tu3 bo1] /Tubo, old name for Tibet/the Tibetan Tubo dynasty 7th-11th century AD/ [Tu3 fan1] /Tubo, ancient name for Tibet/the Tibetan Tubo dynasty 7th-11th centur AD/ [Tu3 bo1 wang2 chao2] /the Tibetan Tubo dynasty 7th-11th century AD/ [tu3 su4] /to pour forth (one's opinions)/ [Tu3 yu4 hun2] /Tuyuhun, a Xianbei nomadic people/a state in Qinhai AD/ [tu3 lu4] /to tell/to disclose/to reveal/ [Tu3 lu3 fan1] /Turpan City in Xinjiang (Chinese: Tulufan)/ [Tu3 lu3 fan1 di4 qu1] /Turpan prefecture in Xinjiang/ [Tu3 lu3 fan1 shi4] /Turpan City in Xinjiang (Chinese: Tulufan)/ [tu3 lu3 fan1 pen2 di4] /the Turpan depression in Xinjiang/ [Xiang4] /surname Xiang/ [xiang4] /towards/to face/to turn towards/direction/to support/to side with/shor tly before/formerly/always/all along/ [xiang4 shang4] /upward/up/to advance/to try to improve oneself/to make progress/ [xiang4 xia4] /down/downward/ [xiang4 he2 chu4] /whither/ [xiang4 lai2] /always (previously)/ [xiang4 li4] /custom/usual practice/convention up to now/ [xiang4 qian2] /forward/onward/ [xiang4 qian2 fan1 teng2] /forward somersault/ [xiang4 bei3] /northward/facing north/ [xiang4 bei3 di4] /northward/ [xiang4 nan2] /southward/ [xiang4 you4] /facing right/rightwards/to the right/ [xiang4 you4 guai3] /to turn right/ [xiang4 bi4 xu1 gou4] /facing a wall, an imaginary construction (idiom); ication/ [xiang4 bi4 xu1 zao4] /facing a wall, an imaginary construction (idiom); ication/ [xiang4 wai4] /out/outward/

[xiang4 zuo3] /facing left/leftwards/to the left/ [xiang4 zuo3 guai3] /to turn left/ [Xiang4 ba1 ping2 cuo4] /Qiangba Puncog (1947-), chairman of government o governor)/ [xiang4 hou4] /backward/ [xiang4 hou4 fan1 teng2] /backward somersault/ [xiang4 xin1 li4] /centripetal force/ [xiang4 xing4] /tropism/ [xiang4 mu4] /to adore/ [xiang4 xie2] /syncline (geology)/ [xiang4 ri4 kui2] /sunflower (Helianthus annuus)/ [xiang4 mu4] /towards evening/ [xiang4 dong1] /eastwards/ [xiang4 huo3] /to warm oneself facing the fire/ [xiang4 pan2] /compass/ [xiang4 bei4] /to support or oppose/ [xiang4 xi1] /westward/ [xiang4 xi1 nan2] /southwestward/ [xiang4 liang4] /vector/ [xiang4 liang4 dai4 shu4] /vector algebra/ [xiang4 liang4 tu2 xing2] /vector graphics (computer)/ [Xiang4 yang2] /Xiangyang district of Kiamusze or Jiamusi city [Jia1 mu4 si gjiang/Xiangyang district of Hegang city [He4 gang3], Heilongjiang/ [xiang4 yang2] /facing the sun/exposed to the sun/ [Xiang4 yang2 qu1] /Xiangyang district of Kiamusze or Jiamusi city [Jia ongjiang/ [xiang4 yang2 hua1] /sunflower/ [zha1] /used for the sound "zha" in certain names/ [zha4] /variant of [zha4]/ [ye1] /onomat. for surprise, amazement and sigh/ [a1] /phonetic a, similar to /-azine, see [a1 qin2]/ [a1 ding4] /acridine (antiseptic and disinfectant)/ [a1 qin2] /-azine/heterocyclic compound containing nitrogen in their ring such as pyridine [bi3 ding4] C5H5N, pyrazine [da1 qin2] C4H4N2 or pyrimidine [mi4 ding4 2/ [jun1] /monarch/lord/gentleman/ruler/ [jun1 zhu3] /monarch/sovereign/ [jun1 zhu3 zhi4] /monarchy/ [jun1 zhu3 guo2] /monarchy/sovereign state/ [jun1 zhu3 zheng4 zhi4] /monarchy/ [jun1 zhu3 zheng4 ti3] /monarchy/autocracy/ [jun1 zhu3 li4 xian4 zhi4] /constitutional monarchy/ [jun1 wei4] /royal title/ [Jun1 shi4 tan3 ding1 bao3] /Constantinople, capital of Byzantium/ [jun1 zi3] /nobleman/person of noble character/ [jun1 zi3 zhi1 jiao1] /friendship between gentlemen, insipid as water (id angzi [Zhuang1 zi3])/ [jun1 zi3 zhi1 jiao1 dan4 ru2 shui3] /a gentleman's friendshi m Zhuangzi [Zhuang1 zi3])/ [jun1 zi3 dong4 kou3 bu4 dong4 shou3] /a gentleman uses his m [jun1 zi5 tan3 dang4 dang4 , xiao3 ren2 chang but) there is no rest for the wicked/ [jun1 zi3 lan2] /scarlet kafir lily/Clivia miniata (botany)/ [Jun1 shan1] /Junshan district of Yueyang city [Yue4 yang2 shi4], Hu [Jun1 shan1 qu1] /Junshan district of Yueyang city [Yue4 yang2 s [Jun1 yue4] /Grand Hyatt (hotel brand)/ [jun1 quan2] /monarchial power/ [jun1 wang2] /sovereign king/ [jun1 chen2] /a ruler and his ministers (old)/ [chou3] /(onomat.)/

[lin4] /stingy/ [lin4 se4] /stingy/mean/miserly/ [lin4 se4 gui3] /miser/penny-pincher/ [lin4 xi1] /to stint/to be miserly/ [tun1] /to swallow/to take/ [tun1 bing4] /to annex/ [tun1 chi1] /to devour/ [tun1 tu3] /to take in and send out (in large quantities)/ [tun1 tun1 tu3 tu3] /to hum and haw (idiom); to mumble as if hiding sth/t reak off, then start again/to hold sth back/ [tun1 yan4] /to swallow/to gulp/ [tun1 shi4] /to swallow/to engulf/to gobble up/ [tun1 shi4 zuo4 yong4] /phagocytosis (ingesting and destroying foreign ma [tun1 shi4 xi4 bao1] /phagocyte (cell that ingests and destroys foreign m [tun1 na2] /tuna (loanword)/ [tun1 na2 yu2] /tuna (loanword)/ [tun1 fu2] /to swallow/to take (medicine)/ [tun1 mo4] /to embezzle/to swallow up/to engulf/ [tun1 mie4] /to absorb/ [Tun1 mi3 Sang1 bu4 zha2] /Tunmi Sanghuzha (6th century AD), originat cript/ [tun1 sheng1] /to swallow one's cries/ [tun1 jin1] /to commit suicide by swallowing gold/ [tun1 shi2] /to devour/ [yin2] /to moan/to hum/ [yin2 e2] /to chant/to recite rhythmically/to polish verse/ [yin2 chang4] /to chant/to recite/ [yin2 yong3] /to recite/to sing (of poetry)/ [yin2 shi1] /to recite poetry/ [yin2 song4] /to read aloud/to recite rhythmically/to chant/to intone (esp. poems in rhythm)/ [yin2 you2] /to wander as minstrel/ [yin2 feng1 nong4 yue4] /lit. singing of the wind and the moon; fig. vacu mental (of poetry or art)/ [fei4] /to bark/ [fei4 jiao4] /bark/yelp/ [fei4 tuo2] /Vedas (Hindu sacred writings or legends)/ [bi3] /used as phonetic bi- or pi-/ [Bi3 le4] /Perak (state of Malaysia)/ [bi3 ding4] /pyridine C5H5N/ [bi3 la1 xi1 tan3] /piracetam (loanword)/see [yi3 xian1 an4 [fou3] /to negate/to deny/not/ [pi3] /clogged/evil/ [fou3 ze2] /if not/otherwise/else/or else/ [fou3 ding4] /to negate/to deny/to reject/negative (answer)/negation/ [fou3 ding4 ju4] /negative sentence/ [fou3 you3 xiao4] /inefficient/ [pi3 ji2 tai4 lai2] /extreme sorrow turns to joy (idiom)/ [fou3 jue2] /veto/ [fou3 jue2 quan2] /veto power/ [fou3 jue2 piao4] /veto/ [fou3 ren4] /to declare to be untrue/to deny/ [ba1] /bar (serving drinks, or providing internet access etc)/to puff (on a pipe etc)/onomat. bang/ [ba5] /(modal particle indicating suggestion or surmise)/...right?/...OK?/...I p resume./ [ba1 tai2] /counter of a bar (pub)/ [ba1 ji1] /squishing sound (onomatopoeia)/ [ba1 ji5] /to smack one's lips/ [ba1 ji5 ba1 ji5] /smacking the lips (onomatopoeia)/

[ba1 da5] /(onomatopoeia) patter, splatter, click/to smack one's lips/to pull (on a pipe)/ [ba1 tuo1] /scam girl/woman who lures men to an exorbitantly priced bar [jiu3 [ba1 tuo1 nu:3] /scam girl/woman who lures men to an exorbitantly priced bar ]/ [fen1] /leave instructions/to order/ [fen1 fu4] /to tell/to instruct/to command/ [e2] /move/ [han2] /to keep/to contain/to suck (keep in your mouth without chewing)/ [han2 yuan1] /wronged/to suffer false accusations/ [han2 han2 hu2 hu2] /(of speech) obscure/unclear/(of actions) vague/ineff [han2 wei4 juan4 yong3] /fine, lasting flavor (of literature)/ [han2 shang1 ju3 zheng1] /permeated with beautiful music (idiom)/ [han2 gou4 ren3 ru3] /to bear shame and humiliation (idiom)/ [han2 gong1 ju3 zheng1] /permeated with beautiful music (idiom)/ [Han2 shan1] /Hanshan county in Chaohu [Chao2 hu2], Anhui/ [Han2 shan1 xian4] /Hanshan county in Chaohu [Chao2 hu2], Anhui/ [han2 ren3 chi3 ru3] /to eat humble pie/to accept humiliation/to turn the [han2 qing2 mo4 mo4] /full of tender feelings (idiom); tender-hearted/ [han2 yi4] /meaning/ [han2 you3] /to contain/including/ [han2 qi4] /containing air/ [han2 shui3] /watery/ [han2 sha1 she4 ying3] /to attack someone by innuendo (idiom)/to make obl to make insinuations/to insinuate/ [han2 sha1 liang4] /sand content/quantity of sediment (carried by a river)/ [han2 you2] /containing oil/oil-bearing/ [han2 you2 yan2] /oil bearing rock/ [han2 hun4] /vague/unclear/ambiguous/ [han2 lin2] /phosphoric/ [han2 pian4] /lozenge/cough drop/ [han2 tan4] /carbonic/ [han2 lin2] /containing phosphate/ [han2 shui4] /tax inclusive/ [han2 xiao4] /to have a smile on one's face/ [han2 hu2] /obscurity/vague/ [han2 hu2 qi2 ci2] /to equivocate/to talk evasively (idiom)/ [han2 xiu1 cao3] /mimosa/sensitive plant (that closes its leaves when touched [han2 yi4] /meaning (implicit in a phrase)/implied meaning/hidden meaning/hint/co notation/ [han2 ying1 ju3 hua2] /to savor fine writing (idiom)/ [han2 xu4] /implicit/implied/unspoken/veiled (of criticism)/reserved (of a person /to contain/to embody/ [han2 xin1 ru2 ku3] /to suffer every possible torment (idiom); bitter har one's cross/ [han2 liang4] /content/quantity contained/ [han2 jin1] /metal bearing (ore)/gold bearing/ [han2 gai4] /containing calcium/ [hang2] /throat/ [keng1] /to utter/ [keng1 keng1] /coughing, grunting etc (onomatopoeia)/ [keng1 chi5] /to puff and blow/to whimper/ [keng1 qi4] /to utter a sound/ [keng1 sheng1] /to utter a word/ [shun3] /to suck/ [shun3 xi1] /to suck/ [hong2] /clang/ [zhi1] /creaking or groaning sound (onomatopoeia)/ [zi1] /(of mice) to squeak/(of small birds) to chirp or peep (onomatopoeia)/ [zi1 zi1 ga1 ga1] /creaking and grating (onomat.)/

[zi1 zi1 sheng1] /squeak/ [zhi1 ga1] /creak/crunch (onomatopoeia)/ [zhi1 sheng1] /to cheep/ [yin3] /see , indole C8H7N/ [yin3 duo3] /indole C8H7N (heterocyclic organic compound)/ [Wu2] /surname Wu/area comprising southern Jiangsu, northern Zhejiang and Shangh ai/name of states in Southern China at different historical periods/ [Wu2 xia4 a1 Meng2] /General L Meng of the southern state of W provement by diligent study (from unlettered soldier to top strategist of Wu)/ [Wu2 zhong1] /Wuzhong district of Suzhou city [Su1 zhou1 shi4], Jian [Wu2 zhong1 qu1] /Wuzhong district of Suzhou city [Su1 zhou1 shi [Wu2 Ren4 chen2] /Wu Renchen (1628-1689), Qing dynasty polymath and historian r of History of Ten States of South China / [Wu2 Zuo4 dong4] /Goh Chok Tong (1941-), Singapore businessman and politician minister 1990-2004/ [Wu2 Yi2] /Wu Yi (vice-premiers of the PRC State Council)/ [Wu2 nong2 jiao1 yu3] /pleasant-sounding Wu dialect/also written [Wu2 nong2 ruan3 yu3] /pleasant-sounding Wu dialect/ [Wu2 ge1 cheng2] /Ankorwat, Cambodia/ [Wu2 ge1 ku1] /Angkor Wat, temple complex in Cambodia/ [Wu2 Jia1 jing1] /Wu Jiajing (1618-1684), early Qing dynasty poet/ [Wu2 guo2] /Wu state (in south China, in different historical periods)/Wu state 2 0-280, founded by Sun Quan the southernmost of the three Kingdoms/ [Wu2 bu3] /Wubu county in Yln [Yu2 lin2], Shnx/ [Wu2 bu3 xian4] /Wubu county in Yln [Yu2 lin2], Shnx/ [Wu2 Tian1 ming2] /Wu Tianming (1939-), PRC film director/ [Wu2 zi3] /Wu-zi, one of the Seven Military Classics of ancient China written by Wu Qi [Wu2 Qi3]/ [Wu2 Meng4 chao1] /Wu Mengchao (1922-), Chinese medical scientist and surgeon lizing in liver and gallbladder disorders/ [Wu2 Guan1 zheng4] /Wu Guanzheng/ [Wu2 Zun1] /Wu Zun or Chun Wu (1979-), Bruneian actor, vocalist of Fei Lun Hai (F hrenheit)/ [Wu2 chuan1] /Wuchuan county level city in Zhanjiang [Zhan4 jiang1], Guangdon [Wu2 chuan1 shi4] /Wuchuan county level city in Zhanjiang [Zhan4 jiang1], [Wu2 shi4 chui1 xiao1] /to beg while playing the xiao (mouth organ)/cf e refugee from Chu , busked in Wu town c. 520 BC, then became a powerful politici an/ [Wu2 Jian4 hao2] /Wu Jianhao or Vanness Wu (1978-), Taiwan pop star and actor nd member/ [Wu2 zhong1] /Wuzhong prefecture level city in Ningxia/ [Wu2 zhong1 shi4] /Wuzhong prefecture level city in Ningxia/ [Wu2 Cheng2 en1] /Wu Cheng'en (1500-1582), author (or compiler) of novel Jour the West / [Wu2 Jing4 zi3] /Wu Jingzi (1701-1754), Qing dynasty novelist, author of The s / [Wu2 qi2] /Wuqi town and county, Shaanxi/old spelling of Wuqi [Wu2 qi3]/ [Wu2 qi2 xian4] /Wuqi county, Shaanxi/old spelling of [Wu2 qi3 x [Wu2 Han2] /Wu Han (1909-1969), historian, author of biography of Zhu Yuanzhang nded to his death together with several members of his family during the cultura l revolution/ [Wu2 Chu3] /southern states of Wu and Chu/the middle and lower Yangtze valley/ [Wu2 qiao2] /Wuqiao county in Cangzhou [Cang1 zhou1], Hebei/ [Wu2 qiao2 xian4] /Wuqiao county in Cangzhou [Cang1 zhou1], Hebei/ [Wu2 Yong3 gang1] /Wu Yonggang (1907-1982), Chinese film director/ [Wu2 jiang1] /Wujiang county level city in Suzhou [Su1 zhou1], Jiangsu/ [Wu2 jiang1 shi4] /Wujiang county level city in Suzhou [Su1 zhou1], [Wu2 song1] /Wusong river and dock area in Shanghai/ [Wu2 Qing1 yuan2] /Go Seigen (1914-), Go player/ [Wu2 niu2 jian4 yue4] /cow from Wu is terrified by the moon, mistaking it

[Wu2 Yu4 zhang1] /Wu Yuzhang (1878-1966), writer, educator and communist poli [Wu2 wang2 He2 Lu2] /King Helu of Wu (-496 BC, reigned 514-496 BC)/also c [Wu2 wang2 He2 Lu:2] /King Helu of Wu (-496 BC, reigned 514-496 BC), some red one of the Five Hegemons /also called / [Wu2 Yong4] /Wu Yong, character of [Shui3 hu3 Zhuan4], nicknamed Res o1 xing1]/ [Wu2 xian4] /Wu county in Jiangsu/ [Wu2 Zi4 mu4] /Wu Zimu (lived c. 1270), writer at the end of the Song dynasty [Wu2 xing1] /Wuxing district of Huzhou city [Hu2 zhou1 shi4], Zhejiang/ [Wu2 xing1 qu1] /Wuxing district of Huzhou city [Hu2 zhou1 shi4], Zheji [Wu2 yu3] /southern Chinese dialects/ [Wu2 Qi3] /Wu Qi (440-381 BC), military leader and politician of the Warring Stat s Period (475-220 BC), author of Wu-zi [Wu2 zi3], one of the Seven Military Clas of ancient China [Wu3 jing1 Qi1 Shu1]/ [Wu2 qi3] /Wuqi county in Yan'an [Yan2 an1], Shaanxi/ [Wu2 qi3 xian4] /Wuqi county in Yan'an [Yan2 an1], Shaanxi/ [Wu2 Yue4] /states of south China in different historical periods/proverbially pe petual arch-enemies/ [Wu2 Yue4 tong2 zhou1] /Wu and Yue in the same boat (idiom); fig. coopera natural rivals/to collaborate towards a common end/in the same boat together/ [Wu2 Yue4 chun1 qiu1] /History of the Southern States Wu and Yue (traditi compiled by Han historian Zhao Ye , 10 extant scrolls/ [Wu2 Yue4 qu1] /folk song from Wu or from south China more generally/ [Wu2 Jian3 ren2] /Wu Jianren (1867-1910), late Qing dynasty novelist, author strange state of the world witnessed over 20 years / [Wu2 Bang1 guo2] /Wu Bangguo (1941-), PRC electrical engineer and politician, ro member from 2002/ [Wu2 Zhen4 yu3] /Francis Ng Chun-Yu (1961-), Hong Kong actor/ [Wu2 tou2 Chu3 wei3] /lit. head in Wu and tail in Chu (idiom); fig. close d-to-tail/one thing starts where the other leaves off/ [chao3] /to quarrel/to make a noise/noisy/to disturb by making a noise/ [chao1 chao5] /to make a racket/to quarrel/ [chao3 chao3 rang3 rang3] /to make an (unnecessary) racket (idiom)/ [chao3 zui3] /to quarrel/ [chao3 rang3] /to make a racket/clamour/uproar/ [chao3 jia4] /to quarrel/to have a row/CL: [dun4]/ [chao3 xing3] /to cause by noise to wake/ [chao3 nao4] /noisy/ [chao3 nao4 sheng1] /noise/ [na4] /battle cry/ [na5] /sentence-final particle (abbr. for [ne5 a5] or variant of [na5])/ [na4 han3] /shout/rallying cry/cheering/to shout/ [xi1] /to breathe/to suck in/to absorb/to inhale/ [xi1 zhu4] /to draw (towards)/to be drawn to/to be sucked in/ [xi1 ru4] /to breathe in/to suck in/to inhale/ [xi1 ru4 qi4] /inhaler/ [xi1 ru4 fa2] /suction valve/ [xi1 li4] /attraction (in gravitation or electrostatics)/attractive force/ [xi1 qu3] /to absorb/to draw (a lesson, insight etc)/to assimilate/ [xi1 qu3 jiao4 xun5] /to draw a lesson (from a setback)/ [xi1 kou3] /sucker mouth/ [xi1 shun3] /to suck in/ [xi1 chen2 qi4] /vacuum cleaner/dust catcher/ [xi1 chen2 ji1] /vacuum cleaner/ [xi1 yin3] /to attract (interest, investment etc)/CL: [ge4]/ [xi1 yin3 li4] /attractive force (such as gravitation)/sex appeal/attractiven [xi1 yin3 zi5] /attractor (math., dynamical systems)/ [xi1 yin3 zi3 wang3 luo4] /attractor network/ [xi1 shou1] /to absorb/to assimilate/to ingest/ [xi1 shou1 ji4 liang4] /absorbed dose/

[xi1 du2] /to take drugs/addiction/ [xi1 du2 cheng2 yin3] /drug addiction/ [xi1 qi4] /to inhale/to draw in breath/ [xi1 qi4 qi4] /inhaler/ [xi1 yang3] /to breathe/to absorb oxygen/ [xi1 shui3] /absorbent/ [xi1 shi1] /to absorb/absorbent/ [xi1 shi1 xing4] /absorbent/ [xi1 yan1] /to smoke/ [xi1 yan1 qu1] /smoking area/ [xi1 yan1 shi4] /smoking room/ [xi1 re4] /heat absorption/ [xi1 liu2] /to absorb/to take in and retain/ [xi1 jin4] /to absorb completely/to drink up/ [xi1 pan2] /suction pad/sucker/ [xi1 jing1] /eye-catching/ [xi1 tan4] /to absorb carbon/ [xi1 tan4 cun2] /carbon sink/ [xi1 ji1] /accretion/ [xi1 guan3] /(drinking) straw/pipette/eyedropper/snorkel/CL:[zhi1]/ [xi1 na4] /to take in/to absorb/to admit/to accept/ [xi1 sheng1] /sound absorption/ [xi1 zhuo2] /sorption (generic term for absorption, adsorption, diffusion, precip tation etc)/ [xi1 chong2] /trematoda/fluke/trematode worm, approx 6000 species, mostly parasit , incl. on humans/ [xi1 chong2 gang1] /Class Trematoda/fluke/trematode worm, a parasite incl. on / [xi1 xie3] /to suck blood/ [xi1 xue4 zhe3] /blood sucker/a leech/leecher/ [xi1 xue4 gui3] /a leech/blood-sucking vermin/a vampire (translated European /fig. a cruel exploiter, esp. a capitalist exploiting the workers/ [xi1 jin4] /to inhale/to breathe in/ [xi1 tie3 shi2] /a magnet/same as / [xi1 men2] /epiglottis/ [xi1 fu4] /absorption (chemistry)/ [xi1 fu4 ji4] /absorbent/ [xi1 fu4 xing4] /absorption/absorbability (chemistry)/ [xi1 fu4 xi3 xiao1 ji4] /absorbing decontaminant/ [xi1 yin1] /sound-absorbing/ [xi1 ding3 deng1] /flush-mounted ceiling lamp (loanword)/ [xi1 shi2] /to suck/to take in/ [chui1] /to blow/to play a wind instrument/to blast/to puff/to boast/to brag/to end in failure/to fall through/ [chui1 gan1] /to blow-dry/ [chui1 le5] /failed/busted/to have not succeeded/to have died/to have parted comp ny/to have chilled (of a relationship)/ [chui1 leng3 feng1] /to blow cold/damping expectations by discouraging or rea words/ [chui1 kou3 shao4] /whistle/ [chui1 chui1 pai1 pai1] /to boast and flatter/ [chui1 la3 ba5] /to praise sb/lit. blowing the trumpet/ [chui1 xu1] /to brag/ [chui1 zou4] /to play (wind instruments)/ [chui1 kong3] /(of a musical instrument) blow hole/ [chui1 fu2] /to brush/to caress (of breeze)/to praise/ [chui1 peng3] /to flatter/to laud sb's accomplishments/adulation/ [chui1 san4] /to disperse/ [chui1 mao2 qiu2 ci1] /lit. to blow apart the hairs upon a fur to discove (idiom); fig. to be fastidious/nitpick/

[chui1 qi4] /to blow air (into)/ [chui1 hui1] /to blow away dust/ [chui1 hui1 zhi1 li4] /as easy as pie/ [chui1 xi1] /to blow out (a flame)/ [chui1 niu2] /to talk big/to shoot off one's mouth/to chat (dialect)/ [chui1 yu2 shou3] /player of the yu (free reed mouth organ)/ [chui1 di2 zhe3] /piper/ [chui1 guan3] /blowpipe/ [chui1 guan3 yue4] /woodwind music/ [chui1 xiao1] /to play the xiao (mouth organ)/to beg while playing pipes; cf p ician Wu Zixu , c. 520 BC destitute refugee in Wu town, /to busk/vir uty, cf /fellatio (oral sex)/a blowjob/ [chui1 xiao1 qi3 shi2] /to beg while playing the xiao (mouth organ)/cf e refugee from Chu , busked in Wu town c. 520 BC, then became a powerful politici an/ [chui1 kang1 jian4 mi3] /instant results/lit. blow the husk and see the r [chui1 ye4 ji1] /leaf blower (machine)/ [chui1 hao4] /to blow a brass instrument/ [chui1 xi2] /storm struck/to attack (of wind)/ [chui1 feng1 ji1] /hair dryer/ [wen3] /kiss/to kiss/mouth/ [wen3 bie2] /to kiss goodbye/ [wen3 he2] /to be a good fit/to be identical with/to adjust oneself to/to fit in/ [wen3 ji4] /kissing technique/ [wen3 hen2] /hickey/love bite/ [hou3] /roar or howl of an animal/bellow of rage/ [hou3 jiao4] /to howl/ [hou3 sheng1] /roar/ [hong1] /sound of a Buddhist incantation/ [hou3] /roar or howl of an animal/bellow of rage/ [ou1 ya2] /sound of dogs fighting, also written [ou1 ya2]/ [Wu2] /surname Wu/ [wu2] /I/my (old)/ [Wu2 er3 kai1 xi1] /rkesh Dlet (1968-), one of the main leaders of the emocracy movement of 1989/ [wu2 sheng1 ye3 you3 ya2 , er2 zhi1 ye3 wu2 y ta brevis/ [ya5] /(particle equivalent to after a vowel, expressing surprise or doubt)/ [Lu:3] /surname L/ [lu:3] /pitchpipe, pitch standard, one of the twelve semitones in the traditiona l tone system/ [Lu:3 Bu4 wei2] /L Buwei (?291-235 BC), merchant and politician of the State 2 Guo2], subsequent Qin Dynasty [Qin2 Dai4] Chancellor, allegedly the father of Yi ng Zhen [Ying2 Zheng4], who subsequently became the first emperor Qin Shihuang [Q Shi3 huang2]/ [Lu:3 sai1 er3 si1 hai3 mu3] /Rsselsheim, city in Germany/ [Lu:3 song4 dao3] /Luzon Island, north Philippines/ [Lu:3 Yan2] /L Yan (lived c. 874), Tang dynasty poet/ [Lu:3 Bu4] /L Bu (-198), general and warlord/ [lu:3 bu4 ji3] /snake halberd/ [Lu:3 liang2] /Lliang prefecture level city in Shanxi / [Lu:3 liang2 shi4] /Lliang prefecture level city in Shanxi / [Lu:3 shi4 chun1 qiu1] /lit Mr L's Spring and Autumn (Annals), compend hies of the Hundred Schools of Thought [zhu1 zi3 bai3 jia1], compiled arou er the patronage of Qin Dynasty [Qin2 Dai4] Chancellor L Buwei. [Lu:3 Bu4 [Lu:3 Meng2] /L Meng (178-219), general of the southern state of Wu/ [Lu:3 lan3] /Mr L's Annals, same as / [Lu:3 bei4 ke4] /Lbeck, Germany/ [e4] /(exclamation)/to hiccup/ [dai1] /foolish/stupid/expressionless/blank/to stay/

[dai1 zhu4] /to be dumbfounded/to be astonished/ [dai1 zi5] /fool/sucker/ [dai1 zhang4] /bad debt/ [dai1 hui4 r5] /see [dai1 hui4 r5]/ [dai1 ban3] /stiff/inflexible/also pr. [ai2 ban3]/ [dai1 gen1] /fool/stupid/ [dai1 zhi4] /dull/lifeless/sluggish/ [dai1 ben4] /dimwitted/ [dai1 ruo4 mu4 ji1] /lit. dumb as a wooden chicken (idiom); fig. dumbstru [dai1 zhang4] /bad debt/ [qi3] /star/ [cheng2] /to assume (a form)/to submit/to petition/to show/to present/to offer/ [cheng2 bao4] /to (submit a) report/ [cheng2 wen2] /petition (submitted to a superior)/ [cheng2 xian4] /to appear/to emerge/to present (a certain appearance)/to demonstr te/ [cheng2 qing3] /to submit (to superiors)/ [Cheng2 gong4] /Chenggong county in Kunming [Kun1 ming2], Yunnan/ [Cheng2 gong4 xian4] /Chenggong county in Kunming [Kun1 ming2], Yunnan/ [cheng2 song4] /to present/to render/ [cheng2 di4] /to present/to submit/ [cheng2 yang2 xing4] /to test positive/ [Wu2] /Japanese variant of / [gao4] /to tell/to inform/to say/ [gao4 yi1 duan4 luo4] /to come to the end of a phase (idiom)/ [gao4 bian4] /to ask to be excused/to ask leave to go to the toilet/ [gao4 bie2] /to leave/to bid farewell to/to say good-bye to/ [gao4 bie2 shi4] /parting ceremony/funeral/ [gao4 chui1] /to fizzle out/to come to nothing/ [gao4 mi4] /to inform against sb/ [gao4 mi4 zhe3] /tell-tale/informer (esp. to police)/whistle-blower/grass/ [gao4 ji2] /to be in a state of emergency/to report an emergency/to ask for emerg ncy assistance/ [gao4 qiu2] /to ask/ [gao4 zhuang4] /to complain/to sue/to bring a lawsuit/to lodge a complaint agains sb with a manager/ [gao4 fa1] /to lodge an accusation/accusation (law)/ [gao4 bai2] /to pronounce/public announcement/to express oneself/to justify/ [gao4 zhi1] /to inform/ [gao4 shi5] /announcement/ [gao4 shi4 pai2] /notice/placard/signboard/ [gao4 zhong1] /to end/to reach an end/ [gao4 qing4] /to run out/to have exhausted/ [gao4 jie3] /the (Christian) confessional/ [gao4 su5] /to tell/to inform/to let know/ [gao4 yu3] /to inform/to tell/ [gao4 jie4] /to warn/to admonish/ [gao4 song4] /to tell/to inform/ [gao4 ci2] /to say goodbye/to take one's leave/ [gao4 tui4] /to petition for retirement (old)/to ask for leave to withdraw/to ask to be excused/ [fu1] /see furan or furacilinum/ [fu1 nan2] /furan (furfuran, used in making nylon)/ [fu1 nan2 xi1 lin2] /furacilinum/ [chi3] /foot (unit of length equal to 0.3048 m)/old form of modern [ying1 chi3]/ [sheng1] /gallon/quart/ [tai1] /tie/necktie/tire (Cantonese)/ [pen1] /to spurt/to blow out/to puff out/to snort/ [wen3] /the corners of the mouth/the lips/ [ne5] /particle indicating that a previously asked question is to be applied to

the preceding word ("What about ...?", "And ...?")/particle for inquiring about location ("Where is ...?")/particle serving as a pause, to emphasize the precedi ng words and allow the listener time to take them on board ("ok?", "are you with me?")/(at the end of a declarative sentence) particle indicating continuation o f a state or action/particle indicating strong affirmation/ [ni1] /this (Cantonese)/see also [li1]/ [ni2] /woolen material/ [ni2 ni2] /garrulous/talkative/ [ni2 ni2 chi1 chi1] /docile/ [ni2 nan2] /onomat. twittering of birds/whispering/murmuring/ [ni2 nan2 xi4 yu3] /whispering in a low voice (idiom); murmuring/ [m2] /interjection, exclamation or a grunt expressing question( interjection)/ [m4] /interjection, exclamation or a grunt expressing consent ( interjection)/um/ [ling2] /purine (chemistry)/to whisper/ [you1] /bleating of the deer/ [di3] /vex/ [Zhou1] /surname Zhou/Zhou Dynasty (1046-256 BC)/ [zhou1] /to make a circuit/to circle/circle/circumference/lap/cycle/complete/all /all over/thorough/to help financially/ [Zhou1 Yi1 yue4] /York Chow or Chow Yat-ngok (1947-), Hong Kong doctor and po n, Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food since 2004/ [zhou1 san1 jing4 yi1] /circumference of a circle is proverbially three t us/ [Zhou1 dai4] /Zhou dynasty (1046-221 BC)/ [Zhou1 Zuo4 ren2] /Zhou Zuoren (1885-1967), brother of Lu Xun , acad d Greek studies, briefly imprisoned after the war as Japanese collaborator, pers ecuted and died of unknown causes during the Cultural Revolution/ [Zhou1 Jie2 lun2] /Jay Chou (1979-), Taiwanese pop star/ [Zhou1 Chuan2 ying1] /Zhou Chuanying (1912-1988), Kunqu opera actor/ [zhou1 quan2] /thorough/to bring one's help/to assist/ [Zhou1 Bo2] /Zhou Bo (?-169 BC), military man and politician at the Qin-Han trans tion, a founding minister of Western Han/ [Zhou1 kou3] /prefecture level city in east Henan / [Zhou1 kou3 di4 qu1] /Zhoukou prefecture in Henan/ [Zhou1 kou3 shi4] /Zhoukou prefecture level city in east Henan / [Zhou1 kou3 dian4] /Zhoukoudian in Fanshan district [Fang2 shan1 [zhou1 wei2] /surroundings/environment/to encompass/ [zhou1 wei2 xing4 xuan4 yun4] /peripheral vertigo/ [zhou1 wei2 huan2 jing4] /one's surroundings/environment/ [zhou1 bao4] /weekly paper/magazine/ [Zhou1 Xuan1 wang2] /King Xuan, eleventh King of Zhou, reigned (828-782 BC)/ [zhou1 jia1] /the Zhou family (household, firm etc)/Jow-Ga Kung Fu - Martial Art/ [zhou1 mi4] /careful/thorough/ [Zhou1 ning2] /Zhouning county in Ningde [Ning2 de2], Fujian/ [Zhou1 ning2 xian4] /Zhouning county in Ningde [Ning2 de2], Fujian/ [Zhou1 Xiao3 chuan1] /Zhou Xiaochuan (1948-), PRC banker and politician, gove People's Bank of China [Zhong1 guo2 ren2 min2 yin2 hang2] from 20 [zhou1 yan2] /exhaustive/distributed (logic: applies to every instance)/ [Zhou1 En1 lai2] /Zhou Enlai (1898-1976), Chinese communist leader, prime min 949-1976/ [Zhou1 ba1 pi2] /Zhou the exploiter, archetypal character in short story 4]/ [zhou1 zhe2] /complication/twists and turns/problem/setback/ [Zhou1 Dun1 yi2] /Zhou Dun'yi (1017-1073), Song dynasty neo-Confucian scholar [Zhou1 Wen2 Wang2] /King Wen of Zhou state (c. 1152-1056 BC), reigned c. 1099 C as king of Zhou state, leading figure in building the subsequent Western Zhou dynasty, father of King Wu of Zhou the first Zhou dynasty king/ [zhou1 xuan2] /to mix with others/to socialize/to deal with/to contend/ [zhou1 yi4] /another name for Book of Changes (I Ching) / [Zhou1 Xing1 chi2] /Stephen Chow (1962-), Hong Kong film director/

[zhou1 zui4] /one full year (e.g. on child's first birthday)/same as [zh [Zhou1 shu1] /History of Zhou of the Northern dynasties, twelfth of the 24 dynast c histories , compiled under Linghu Defen in 636 during Tang dynasty, 50 s [zhou1 hui4] /weekly meeting/weekly assembly/ [Zhou1 chao2] /Zhou Dynasty/Eastern Zhou (1046-771 BC) and Western Zhou [zhou1 qi1 han2 shu4] /periodic function/ [Zhou1 cun1] /Zhoucun district of Zibo city [Zi1 bo2 shi4], Shandong/ [Zhou1 cun1 qu1] /Zhoucun district of Zibo city [Zi1 bo2 shi4], Shandon [Zhou1 Liang2 Shu1 yi2] /Selina Chow (Chow Liang Shuk-yee)(1945-), Hong K n/ [Zhou1 Shu4 ren2] /Zhou Shuren, the real name of author Lu Xun / [Zhou1 Wu3 wang2] /King Wu of Zhou (-1043), personal name Ji Fa , re as first king of Western Zhou dynasty 1046-1043 BC/ [Zhou1 Wu3 wang2 Ji1 Fa1] /King Wu of Zhou, personal name Ji Fa, reig first king of Western Zhou dynasty 1046-1043 BC/ [zhou1 sui4] /one full year (e.g. on child's first birthday)/ [Zhou1 Yong3 kang1] /Zhou Yongkang (1942-), PRC petroleum engineer and politi [Zhou1 Yu2 min2] /Zhou Yumin or Vic Zhou (1981), Taiwan singer and actor, mem pop group F4/ [Zhou1 Run4 fa1] /Chow Yun-Fat (1955-), Hong Kong TV and film star/ [Zhou1 Ji4] /Zhou Ji (1781-1839), Qing writer and poet/ [zhou1 ji4] /help to the needy/emergency relief/charity/to give to poorer relativ /(also )/ [zhou1 gou3] /obedient dog/lackey/ [Zhou1 wang2 chao2] /the Zhou dynasty from 1027 BC/ [Zhou1 Yu2] /Zhou Yu or Chou Y (175-210), famous general of the southern Wu king and victor of the battle of Redcliff/in Romance of the Three Kingdoms, absolute ly no match for Zhuge Liang/ [Zhou1 Yu2 da3 Huang2 Gai4] /fig. with the connivance of both sides/f nt/cf Wu patriot Huang Gai submits to mock beating at the hands of General Zhou Yu to deceive Cao Cao before the 208 battle of Redcliff [Chi4 bi4 zhi [Zhou1 Shou4 juan1] /Zhou Shoujuan (1895-1968), writer, translator and art co in Suzhou, a victim of the cultural revolution/ [zhou1 zhi1] /well known/ [Zhou1 li3] /the rites of Zhou (in Confucianism)/ [Zhou1 Mu4 Wang2] /King Mu, fifth king of Zhou, said to have lived to 105 and d 976-922 BC or 1001-947 BC, rich in associated mythology/ [Zhou1 Li4 bo1] /Zhou Libo (1908-1979), left-wing journalist, translator and t/ [zhou1 zhang1] /effort/trouble/pains (to get sth done)/flustered/frightened/ [Zhou1 zong3 li3] /Premier Zhou Enlai (1898-1976)/ [Zhou1 zhi4] /Zhouzhi county in Xi'an [Xi1 an1], Shaanxi/ [Zhou1 zhi4 xian4] /Zhouzhi county in Xi'an [Xi1 an1], Shaanxi/ [Zhou1 zhuang1] /Zhouzhuang, east suburb of Jiangyin , Wuxi, Jiangsu t near Taihu lake / [Zhou1 zhuang1 zhen4] /Zhouzhuang, east suburb of Jiangyin , Wux spot near Taihu lake / [Zhou1 Chu3] /Zhou Chu (236-297), Jin dynasty general/ [zhou1 xiang2] /meticulous/thorough/comprehensive/complete/detailed/ [zhou1 shen1] /whole body/ [zhou1 zhuan3] /turnover (in cash or personnel)/to have enough resources to cover a need/ [zhou1 zhuan3 jin1] /petty cash/turnover (accountancy)/ [zhou1 su4] /cycle time/cycle speed/ [zhou1 you2] /to travel around/to tour/to cross/ [zhou1 you2 shi4 jie4] /to travel around the world/ [zhou1 you2 lie4 guo2] /to travel around many countries (idiom); peregrin to the travels of Confucius/ [zhou1 zao1] /surrounding, nearby/ [zhou1 bian1] /periphery/rim/

[zhou1 chang2] /perimeter/circumference/ [tie4] /to mutter/to talk indistinctly/ [zhan1] /to drink/to sip/to taste/to lick/whisper/petty/ [tie4 tie4] /to whisper/ [tie4 bi4] /to read aloud/ [zhan1 dun1] /xanthene (chemistry)/ [zhan1 dun1 tong2] /xanthone (chemistry)/ [tie4 ru2] /to whisper/ [tie4 nie4] /onomat. muttering/to whisper/mouthing words/ [tie4 bi4] /to read aloud/also written / [xi4] /to rest/ [ping2] /bang!/sound of a gong, a gun firing etc (onomatopoeia)/ [zi3] /to slander/to blame/to revile/ [gu1] /crying sound of child/ [gua1 gua1] /onomat. sound of frogs, ducks etc/ [zi1] /variant of , projecting teeth/to grimace/to bare one's teeth/ [zi1 ya2 lie3 zui3] /to grimace (in pain)/to show one's teeth/to bare one [wei4] /taste/smell/ [wei4 r5] /taste/ [wei4 tong2 jiao2 la4] /tastes as if one is chewing wax (idiom)/tasteless [wei4 ceng1 tang1] /Japanese miso soup/miso-shiru/ [wei4 jing1] /monosodium glutamate (MSG)/Ajinomoto/ [wei4 mei3 si1 jiu3] /vermouth (loanword)/Italian spiced fortified wine/ [wei4 lei3] /taste bud(s)/ [wei4 jue2] /basic taste/ [wei4 jue2 chi2 dun4] /amblygeustia/loss of food taste/ [wei4 dao5] /flavor/smell/hint of/ [xu1] /breathe on/yawn/roar/ [a1] /variant of [a1]/ [he1] /expel breath/my goodness/ [he1 chi4] /variant of [he1 chi4]/to berate/to excoriate/ [he1 he1] /gentle laughter/chuckle (onomatopoeia)/ [he1 he4] /to shout loudly/to bellow/to berate/ [he1 chi4] /to berate/to excoriate/to chide/also written [he1 chi4]/ [he1 qian4] /to yawn/ [he1 jin4] /to berate/to shout loudly/ [he1 hu4] /to bless/to cherish/to take good care of/to conserve/ [he1 ze2] /to abuse/to berate/ [nao2] /clamor/ [xia1] /suck, swallow, drink/ [ga1 ga1] /onomat. quack/honk/also written / [pei1] /pah!/bah!/pooh!/to spit (in contempt)/ [xiao1] /voice of anger/vast/spacious/ [shen1] /groan/ [shen1 yin2] /to moan/to groan/ [hu1] /to call/to cry/to shout/to breath out/to exhale/ [Hu1 zhong1] /Huzhong district of Daxing'anling prefecture [Hu1 zhong1 qu1] /Huzhong district of Daxing'anling prefecture [hu1 zhi1 ji2 lai2] /to come when called (idiom); ready and compliant/alw eck and call/ [hu1 zhi1 ji2 lai2 , hui1 zhi1 ji2 qu4] /to come when at sb's beck and call/ [hu1 lai2 he4 qu4] /to call to come and shout to go (idiom); to yell orde sing people around/ [Hu1 lun2 hu2] /Lake Hulun of inner Mongolia/ [Hu1 lun2 bei4 er3] /Hulunbuir prefecture level city in Inner Mongolia/ [Hu1 lun2 bei4 er3 shi4] /Hulunbuir prefecture level city in Inner Mo [Hu1 lun2 bei4 er3 meng2] /Hulunbeir league (equivalent to prefecture [Hu1 lun2 bei4 er3 cao3 yuan2] /Hulunbuir grasslands of inner Mon [hu1 chu1] /to exhale/to breathe out/

[hu1 jiao4] /to shout/to yell/ [hu1 jiao4 zhong1 xin1] /call center/ [hu1 jiao4 qi4] /pager/beeper/ [hu1 jiao4 sheng1] /whoop/ [hu1 zhao4] /to call (to do something)/ [hu1 xi1] /to breathe/ [hu1 xi1 qi4] /ventilator (artificial breathing apparatus used in hospitals)/ [hu1 xi1 guan3] /snorkel/ [hu1 xi1 xi4 tong3] /respiratory system/ [hu1 xi1 tiao2 jie2 qi4] /regulator (diving)/ [hu1 xi1 dao4] /respiratory tract/ [hu1 hu1] /(onomatopoeia) the sound of the wind or the breathing of sb who is sou d asleep/ [hu1 hu1 bo1] /colloquial word for hoopoe bird (Upupa epops)/ [hu1 hu1 sheng1] /whir/ [Hu1 he2 hao4 te4] /Hohhot prefecture level city, capital of Inner Mongol region / [Hu1 he2 hao4 te4 shi4] /Hohhot prefecture level city, capital of Inn ous region / [hu1 xiu1] /onomat. whoosh/ [hu1 chi1] /onomat. sound of panting/ [hu1 chi5 hu1 chi5] /rapid breathing (onomatopoeia)/ [hu1 la1 la1] /flapping sound/ [hu1 la1 quan1] /hula hoop/ [hu1 han3] /to shout (slogans etc)/ [hu1 huan4] /to call out (a name etc)/to shout/ [hu1 he4] /to shout/ [hu1 xiao4] /to whistle/to scream/to whiz/ [hu1 hao2] /to roar (of animals)/to wail/to cry out in distress/see also [hu1 lu1] /(onomat. for gurgling sounds, snoring etc)/ [hu1 lu1 lu1] /onomat. to snore/wheezing/ [Hu1 tu2 bi4] /Hutubi county in Changji Hui autonomous prefecture zhi4 zhou1], Xingjiang/ [Hu1 tu2 bi4 xian4] /Hutubi county in Changji Hui autonomous prefecture zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xingjiang/ [hu1 ying4] /echoed/echo/ [hu1 la1 quan1] /hula hoop/ [hu1 jiu4] /to call for help/ [hu1 peng2 yin3 lei4] /to call up all one's associates/rent-a-crowd/ [hu1 ji1] /pager/ [hu1 qi4] /to breathe out/ [hu1 niu2 zuo4 ma3] /to call sth a cow or a horse (idiom); it doesn't mat call it/Insult me if you want, I don't care what you call me./ [hu1 niu2 hu1 ma3] /to call sth a cow or a horse (idiom); it doesn't matt all it/Insult me if you want, I don't care what you call me./ [Hu1 ma3] /Huma county in Daxing'anling prefecture , Hei [Hu1 ma3 xian4] /Huma county in Daxing'anling prefecture [hu1 yu4] /to call on (sb to do sth)/to appeal (to)/an appeal/ [hu1 sheng1] /a shout/fig. opinion or demand, esp. expressed by a group/ [Hu1 lan2] /Hulan district of Harbin [Ha1 er3 bin1] in Heilongjiang/ [Hu1 lan2 qu1] /Hulan district of Harbin [Ha1 er3 bin1] in Heilo [hu1 hao2] /to wail/to cry out in distress/ [hu1 feng1 huan4 yu3] /to call the wind and summon the rain (idiom); to e al powers/fig. to stir up troubles/ [ming4] /life/fate/order or command/to assign a name, title etc/ [ming4 bu4 jiu3 yi3] /at death's door/ [ming4 zhong4] /to hit (a target)/ [ming4 zhong4 lu:4] /hit rate/scoring rate/ [ming4 zhong1 zhu4 ding4] /decreed by fate (idiom)/destined/fated/ [ming4 ling4] /order/command/CL:[dao4], [ge4]/

[ming4 wei1] /critical/life threatening (medicine)/ [ming4 ming2] /to give a name to/to dub/to christen/to designate/named after/nami g/ [ming4 ming2 zuo4 ye4] /naming task/ [ming4 ming2 fa3] /nomenclature/ [ming4 ming2 xi4 tong3] /system of nomenclature/ [ming4 zai4 dan4 xi1] /to be at deaths door (idiom)/ [ming4 an4] /fatal case (legal, criminal, medical etc)/ [ming4 li3 xue2] /numerology/ [ming4 pan2] /natal chart (astrology)/ [ming4 xiang4] /horoscope/ [ming4 mai4] /lifeline/ [ming4 fu4 Huang2 quan2] /to visit the Yellow Springs/to die/ [ming4 tu2] /the course of one s life/one s fate/ [ming4 tu2 an3 e3] /to have a tough life/to meet much adversity in one [ming4 yun4] /fate/destiny/CL: [ge4]/ [ming4 yun4 zhu4 ding4] /ordain/ [ming4 ti2] /proposition/to assign an essay topic/ [ming4 ti2 luo2 ji5] /propositional logic/ [qu1] /to yawn/ [ju3] /to chew/to masticate/ [ju3 jue2] /to chew/to think over/ [gan1] /so (Cantonese)/Mandarin equivalent: [zhe4 yang4]/ [za1] /to sip/to smack one's lips/to taste/to savor/ [duo1] /noise of rage/to cry out in anger/Taiwan pr. [duo4]/ [duo1 duo1] /to cluck one's tongue/tut-tut/ [duo1 duo1 guai4 shi4] /strange/absurd/paradoxical/extraordinary/ [duo1 duo1 cheng1 qi2] /to cluck one's tongue in wonder/ [duo1 duo1 bi1 ren2] /overbearing/forceful/aggressive/menacing/imperious/ [pao2] /to roar/ [pao2 xiao4] /to roar/to thunder/to snarl/to bluster (of wind, waves etc)/crashin waves (onomatopoeia)/to rage (of a person)/ [pao2 xiao4 ru2 lei2] /to be in a thundering rage (idiom)/ [bi4] /fragrant/ [fu2] /oppose/ [za3] /dialectal equivalent of [zen3 me5]/ [ze2] /gnaw/ [zha4] /loud noise/shout/suddenly/ [zha1 hu5] /bluster/ruckus/to boast loudly/ [zha4 she2] /to be speechless/also pr. [ze2 she2]/ [He2] /surname He/ [he2] /and/together with/with/sum/union/peace/harmony/Japanese related/Taiwan pr . [han4]/ [he4] /cap (a poem)/to respond in singing/ [hu2] /to complete a set in mahjong or playing cards/ [huo2] /soft/warm/ [huo4] /to mix together/to blend/ [he2 he2 qi4 qi4] /polite and amiable/ [he2 shan4] /good-natured/ [he2 hao3] /to become reconciled/ [he2 hao3 ru2 chu1] /to bury the hatchet/to become reconciled/ [he2 shang5] /Buddhist monk/ [he2 shang5 da3 san3] /lit. monk holding an umbrella: no hair, no sky/fig on from law (punning on [fa4] vs [fa3]) or from heaven/ [he2 ju2] /draw/tied game/ [He2 bu4 ke4 sai4 er3 xian4] /Hoboksar Mongol autonomous county o om nahiyisi in Tacheng prefecture [Ta3 cheng2 di4 qu1], Xinjiang/ [He2 bu4 ke4 sai4 er3 Meng3 gu3 zi4 zhi4 xian4] / gghul aptonom nahiyisi in Tacheng prefecture [Ta3 cheng2 di4 qu1], Xinjian [He2 ping2] /Heping district of Shenyang city , Liaoning/Hoping town

unty [Tai2 zhong1 xian4], Taiwan/ [he2 ping2] /peace/ [he2 ping2 zhu3 yi4] /pacifism/ [he2 ping2 gong4 chu3] /peaceful coexistence of nations, societies etc/ [he2 ping2 gong4 chu3 wu3 xiang4 yuan2 ze2] /Zhou Enlai's nce/1954 Panchsheel series of agreements between PRC and India/ [he2 ping2 li4 yong4] /peaceful use/ [He2 ping2 qu1] /Heping or Peace district (of many towns)/Heping district of municipality [Tian1 jin1 shi4]/Heping district of Shenyang city , Liaon [he2 ping2 xie2 yi4] /peace agreement/ [he2 ping2 hui4 tan2] /peace talks/peace discussions/ [he2 ping2 tiao2 yue1] /peace treaty/ [he2 ping2 te4 shi3] /peace envoy/ [he2 ping2 jiang3] /a peace prize/ [he2 ping2 tong3 yi1] /peaceful reunification/ [He2 ping2 xian4] /Heping county in Heyuan [He2 yuan2], Guangdong/ [he2 ping2 jie3 jue2] /peace settlement/peaceful solution/ [he2 ping2 tan2 pan4] /peace negotiations/ [He2 ping2 xiang1] /Hoping township in Taichung county [Tai2 zho [He2 ping2 li3] /Hepingli neighborhood of Beijing/ [he2 ping2 ge1] /dove of peace/ [he2 xian2] /chord (music)/ [he2 de5 lai2] /to get along well/compatible/also written [he2 d [He2 zheng4] /Hezheng county in Linxia Hui autonomous prefecture hou1], Gansu/ [He2 zheng4 xian4] /Hezheng county in Linxia Hui autonomous prefecture i4 zhou1], Gansu/ [he2 san3 na4] /Hosanna (in Christian praise)/ [he2 shi2 jian1 sai4 pao3] /to race against time/ [he2 nuan3] /soft and warm/ [he2 hui4] /peace conference/ [he2 fu2] /kimono/Japanese: traditional national clothing, as opposed to Western lothing / [He2 lin2 ge2 er3] /Horinger county in Hohhot [Hu1 he2 hao4 te4], [He2 lin2 ge2 er3 xian4] /Horinger county in Hohhot [Hu1 he2 [he2 qi2] /draw or tie in chess etc/CL: [pan2]/ [he2 le4] /harmonious and happy/ [he2 le4 xie4] /Hele crab/ [he2 ge1] /waka (style of Japanese poetry)/ [He2 ge1 shan1] /Wakayama prefecture in central Japan/ [He2 ge1 shan1 xian4] /Wakayama prefecture in central Japan/ [he2 qi5] /friendly/polite/amiable/ [he2 qi4 sheng1 cai2] /(idiom) amiability makes you rich/ [he2 qi4 zhi4 xiang2] /(idiom) amiability leads to harmony/ [he2 qia4] /harmonious/ [he2 xu4] /warm/genial/ [hu2 pai2] /to win in mahjong/ [He2 tian2] /Hoten or Khotan city and prefecture in Xinjiang/ [He2 tian2 di4 qu1] /Hoten Wilayiti/Khotan prefecture in Xinjiang/ [He2 tian2 shi4] /Hoten Shehiri/Khotan city in Xinjiang/ [He2 tian2 he2] /Hotan river in Xinjiang/ [He2 tian2 yu4] /nephrite/Hetian jade/ [He2 tian2 xian4] /Hoten Nahiyisi/Khotan county in Xinjiang/ [he2 pan2 tuo1 chu1] /lit. to put everything out including the tray/to re ng/to make a clean breast of it all/ [he2 mu4] /peaceful relations/harmonious/ [he2 mu4 xiang1 chu3] /to live in harmony/to get along with each other/ [He2 shuo4] /Hoxud county, Xoshut nahiyisi or Heshuo county in Bayin'guoleng Mong l autonomous prefecture, Xinjiang [Ba1 yin1 guo1 leng4 Meng3 gu3 zi4 zhi4 g/

[He2 shuo4 xian4] /Hoxud or Heshuo county or Xoshut nahiyisi in Bayin'guoleng autonomous prefecture [Ba1 yin1 guo1 leng4 Meng3 gu3 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xi [huo4 xi1 ni2] /to try to smooth things over/ [he2 yue1] /peace treaty/ [he2 huan3] /mild/gentle/to ease up/to relax/ [He2 xian4] /He county in Chaohu [Chao2 hu2], Anhui/ [He2 mei3] /Homei town in Changhua county [Zhang1 hua4 xian4], Taiwa [he2 mei3] /harmonious/in perfect harmony/ [He2 mei3 zhen4] /Homei town in Changhua county [Zhang1 hua4 xia [he2 sheng1] /harmony/ [he2 wei4 li4 qi4] /to harmonize the stomach and rectify qi [qi4] (C [he2 ai3] /kindly/nice/amiable/ [he2 ai3 ke3 qin1] /affable/genial/ [he2 jie3] /to settle (a dispute out of court)/to reconcile/settlement/conciliati n/to become reconciled/ [he2 jie3 fei4] /money settlement (fine or payment to end a legal dispute)/ [He2 ji4 huang2 pu3] /Hutchison Whampoa/ [he2 tan2] /peace talks/ [he2 xie2] /harmonious/harmony/ [he2 xie2 xing4] /compatibility/mutual harmony/ [He2 da2 Qing1 fu1] /Wadati Kiyo (1902-1995), pioneer Japanese sei [He2 jing4] /Xjing nahiyisi or Hejing county in Bayin'guoleng Mongol autonomous fecture, Xinjiang [Ba1 yin1 guo1 leng4 Meng3 gu3 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjian [He2 jing4 xian4] /Xjing nahiyisi or Hejing county in Bayin'guoleng Mongol a prefecture, Xinjiang [Ba1 yin1 guo1 leng4 Meng3 gu3 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xin [He2 shun4] /Heshun county in Jinzhong [Jin4 zhong1], Shanxi/ [He2 shun4 xian4] /Heshun county in Jinzhong [Jin4 zhong1], Shanxi/ [he2 yan2 yue4 se4] /amiable manner/pleasant countenance/ [he2 feng1] /breeze/ [huo2 mian4] /to knead dough (for bread)/ [He2 long2] /Helong county level city in Yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture [He2 long2 shi4] /Helong county level city in Yanbian Korean autonomous prefe [hai1] /(interj.)/happy/sound of laughter/ [jiu4] /fault/to blame/to punish/calamity/misfortune/ [jiu4 you3 ying1 de2] /to deserve what one gets (punishment, mishap etc)/ [fu4] /to order/ [da1] /da! (sound used to move animals along)/ [zhou4] /incantation/magic spell/curse/malediction/to revile/to put a curse on s b/ [zhou4 wen2] /incantation/spell/to curse/ [zhou4 ma4] /to damn/to curse/to revile/ [zhou4 zu3] /to curse/to revile/ [zhou4 yu3] /incantation/spell/enchantment/curse/ [ka3] /(used as phonetic "ka")/ [ka3 ta4 ka3 ta4] /onomat. clatter/ [ka3 da5 sheng1] /onomat. clunk/ [ka1 cha1] /sound of breaking or snapping (onomatopoeia)/cut it out/stop it (coll quial)/also written [ka1 cha1]/ [gu1] /onomatopoeia for the sound of a bird, an empty stomach etc/ [gu1 gu1 jiao4] /sound made by an empty stomach/ [gu1 dong1] /splash/onomatopoeia for heavy things falling down/ [gu1 lao3 rou4] /sweet and sour meat (pork)/ [gu1 ji1] /to whisper/to mutter/ [gu1 nong5] /to murmur/to mumble/to grumble/to mutter/ [gu1 lu1] /grunt/ [gu1 lu1 rou4] /sweet and sour meat (pork)/ [gu1 rang5] /to wriggle about/to move around/ [ka1] /coffee/class/grade/ [ka1 li5] /curry/ [ka1 fei1] /coffee/CL:[bei1]/

[ka1 fei1 yin1] /caffeine/ [ka1 fei1 shi4] /coffee shop/ [ka1 fei1 wu1] /coffee house/caf/CL:[jia1]/ [ka1 fei1 dian4] /caf/coffee shop/ [ka1 fei1 ting1] /coffee shop/ [ka1 fei1 ji1] /coffee machine/coffee maker/ [ka1 fei1 se4] /coffee color/brown/ [ka1 fei1 dou4] /coffee beans/ [ka1 fei1 guan3] /caf/coffee shop/CL:[jia1]/ [ka1 fei1 guan3 r5] /caf/coffee shop/ [ga1 li2] /curry/ [ga1 li2 fen3] /curry powder/ [zuo3] /Cantonese particle equivalent to [le5] or [guo4]/ [dong1] /boom (of a drum)/ [Dong1 dong5] /Dongdong, cheerleading mascot of 2008 Beijing Olympics/ [dong1 dong1] /onomat. thud/thumping/thudding/pounding/ [qi4] /to whisper/to blame, to slander/ [er4] /space between mouth and ears/ [e4] /beat a drum/startle/ [guang1] /bang/sound of door banging shut (onomatopoeia)/ [guang1 dang1] /crash/bang/ [zha4] /see [chi4 zha4]/ [die2] /gnaw/bite/ [xi4] /loud laugh/ [yi2] /expression of surprise/ [lie1] /see [lie1 lie1]/ [lie3] /to draw back the corners of one's mouth/ [lie5] /modal particle expressing exclamation/ [lie1 lie1] /(dialect) to cry/to whimper/to talk drivel/ [lie3 zui3] /to grin/ [lie3 kai1 zui3 xiao4] /to laugh/ [zi1] /consult/ [zi1 ke4] /hostess/ [zi1 wen2] /official communication (between gov. offices of equal rank)/report de ivered by the head of gov. on affairs of state/ [zi1 xun2] /to consult/to seek advice/consultation/(sales) inquiry (formal)/ [mie1] /the bleating of sheep/final particle which transforms statements into qu estions that indicate doubt or surprise (Cantonese)/ [mi1] /sound to call cat/ [mi1 mi1] /oboe-like musical instrument used in folk music of Gansu, Qinghai etc/ onomat. for cat mewing) miaow/kitty kitty!/Mimi (Western name)/tits (i.e. slang for breasts)/ [zhi3] /8 in. length unit of Zhou dynasty/ [zhi3 chi3] /very close/very near/ [yao3] /to bite/to nip/ [yao3 ren2 gou3 r5 bu4 lu4 chi3] /the dog that bites does not You can't tell the really dangerous enemy from his external appearance./ [yao3 shang1] /bite (e.g. snake bite, mosquito bite)/ [yao3 nie4] /to gnaw/ [yao3 jiao2] /to chew/to masticate/to ruminate/to mull over/ [yao3 wen2 jiao2 zi4] /to bite words and chew characters (idiom); punctil nutiae of wording/ [yao3 ya2] /to clench one's teeth/to grind the teeth/gnaw/ [yao3 ya2 qie4 chi3] /gnashing one's teeth (idiom); displaying extreme an th rage between gritted teeth/ [yao3 hen2] /bite scar/ [yao3 jin3 ya2 guan1] /lit. to bite the teeth tightly (idiom); fig. to gr h and bear the pain/to bite the bullet/ [yao3 she2 zi4 jin4] /to commit suicide by biting off one's tongue/ [yao3 gou1] /to bite/

[yao3 nie4] /variant of [yao3 nie4]/to gnaw/ [ji1] /variant of [ji1]/ [ji1 ji1 gua1 gua1] /onomat. giggling noise/ [zhou4] /beak of bird/peck at/ [ge1] /(phonetic)/ [lo5] /(final particle similar to , indicating that sth is obvious)/ [luo4] /to cough up/also pr. [ka3]/ [ge1 ge1] /onomat. gurgle/ [ge1 ge1 xiao4] /chuckle/ [ge1 cha1] /to break into two (onomatopoeia)/ [za2] /see [zan2]/ [zan2] /I or me/we (including both the speaker and the person spoken to)/ [zan2 lia3] /the two of us/ [za2 men5] /see [zan2 men5]/ [zan2 men5] /we or us (including both the speaker and the person(s) spoken to)/I r me/you/ [zan2 jia1] /I/our/my home/our house/ [xiao4] /old variant of , laugh/smile/ [hai1] /sound of sighing/ [ke2] /cough/ [ke2 sou5] /to cough/CL: [zhen4]/ [tao2] /wail/ [Xian2] /surname Xian/ [xian2] /all/everyone/each/widespread/harmonious/ [Xian2 an1 qu1] /Xian'an district of Xianning city [Xian2 ning2 [Xian2 ning2] /Xianning prefecture level city in Hubei/ [Xian2 ning2 di4 qu1] /Xianning prefecture in Hubei/ [Xian2 ning2 shi4] /Xianning prefecture level city in Hubei/ [xian2 xing1] /Hamhung, North Korea/ [xian2 xing1 shi4] /Hamhung, North Korea/ [Xian2 feng1] /reign name of Qing emperor (1850-1861)/Xianfeng county in Enshi Tu ia and Miao autonomous prefecture [En1 shi1 Tu3 jia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 [Xian2 feng1 xian4] /Xianfeng county in Enshi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefe u3 jia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Hubei/ [Xian2 jing4] /Hamgyeongdo Province of Joseon Korea, now divided into North Hamgy ong Province [Xian2 jing4 bei3 dao4] and South Hamgyeong Province orth Korea/ [Xian2 jing4 bei3 dao4] /North Hamgyeong Province in northeast of North K Chongjin [Qing1 jin1 shi4]/ [Xian2 jing4 dao4] /Hamgyeongdo Province of Joseon Korea, now divided into No gyeong Province [Xian2 jing4 bei3 dao4] and South Hamgyeong Province f North Korea/ [Xian2 yang2] /Xinyng prefecture level city in Shnx / [Xian2 yang2 di4 qu1] /Xianyang prefecture, Shaanxi/ [Xian2 yang2 shi4] /Xinyng prefecture level city in Shnx / [Xian2 yang2 qiao2] /Xianyang bridge/ [e4] /eh?/ [xuan3] /glorious/sob/weep/ [xiu1] /call out/jeer/ [Guo1] /surname Guo/ [yan1] /narrow pass/throat/pharynx/ [yan4] /to swallow/ [ye4] /to choke (in crying)/ [yan4 xia4] /to swallow/to suppress/ [yan4 zhu4] /to suppress (a sob, harsh words etc)/ [yan1 hou2] /throat/ [yan1 xia2] /isthmus of the fauces/ [yan1 xia2 yan2] /angina/sore throat/ [yan1 yan2] /pharyngitis/ [yan1 gu3 guan3] /Eustachian tube (linking pharynx to tympanic cavity

auditory tube/ [lao3] /a noise/a sound/ [yi1] /to squeak (onomatopoeia)/ [Ai1] /Ai (c. 2000 BC), sixth of legendary Flame Emperors [Yan2 di4] descended fr m Shennong [Shen2 nong2] Farmer God, also known as Li [Li2]/ [ai1] /sorrow/grief/pity/to grieve for/to pity/to lament/to condole/ [ai1 shang1] /grief/distress/bereavement/grieved/heart-broken/dejected/ [ai1 shang1 de5] /pathetically/ [ai1 bing1 bi4 sheng4] /an army burning with righteous indignation is bou iom)/ [ai1 quan4] /to persuade by all possible means/to implore/ [ai1 gao4] /to beg piteously/to supplicate/ [ai1 gao4 bin1 fu2] /to bring tribute as sign of submission (idiom); to s [ai1 ku1] /to weep in sorrow/ [ai1 ku1 qie4 chi3] /weeping and gnashing one's teeth (idiom)/ [ai1 qi3] /obituary (archaic term)/ [ai1 tan4] /to sigh/to lament/to bewail/ [ai1 hao2] /to howl in grief/anguished wailing/same as / [ai1 shi1] /bereavement/ [ai1 wan3] /melancholy/sad and moving/ [ai1 zi3] /son orphaned of his mother/ [ai1 jia1] /queen widow (role in opera)/ [ai1 si1] /grief-stricken thoughts/mourning/ [ai1 yuan4] /grief/resentment/aggrieved/plaintive/ [ai1 dao4] /to grieve over sb's death/to lament sb's death/mourning/ [ai1 chou2] /sorrow/sadness/distressed/sorrowful/ [ai1 tong4] /to be deeply grieved/ [ai1 qi1] /sorrow/grief/ [ai1 lian2] /to feel compassion for/to pity on/to feel sorry for/ [ai1 min3] /to take pity on/to feel sorry for/ [ai1 rong2] /funeral pomp/ [ai1 yue4] /funeral music/plaint/dirge/ [ai1 ge1] /mournful song/dirge/elegy/ [ai1 qiu2] /to entreat/to implore/to plead/ [Ai1 Jiang1 nan2 fu4] /Lament for the South, long poem in Fu style by Yu he passing of Liang of the Southern dynasties / [ai1 qi4] /to wail/ [ai1 tong4] /to grieve/to mourn/deep sorrow/grief/ [ai1 di4 mei3 dun1 shu1] /ultimatum (loanword)/ [ai1 jin1] /to take pity on/to feel sorry for/ [ai1 er2 bu4 shang1] /deeply felt but not mawkish (idiom)/ [ai1 yan4] /plaintive and beautiful/melancholy but gorgeous/ [ai1 mo4 da4 yu2 xin1 si3] /nothing sadder than a withered heart/ fucius by Zhuangzi )/other possible translations: no greater sorrow than a heart t at never rejoices/The worst sorrow is not as bad as an uncaring heart./Nothing i s more wretched than apathy./ [ai1 hao2] /to cry piteously/anguished wailing/same as / [ai1 ci2] /dirge/lament/ [ai1 ming2] /plaintive whine/wail/ [ai1 hong2 bian4 ye3] /lit. plaintive whine of geese (idiom); fig. land s disaster victims/starving people fill the land/ [pin3] /article/commodity/product/goods/kind/grade/rank/character/disposition/na ture/temperament/variety/to taste sth/to sample/to criticize/to comment/to judge /to size up/ [pin3 wei4] /rank/grade/quality/(aesthetic) taste/ [pin3 ming2] /name of product/brand name/ [pin3 wei4] /to sample/to taste/to appreciate/one's taste (i.e. in music, literat re, fashion, food and drink etc)/good taste/ [pin3 wei4 sheng1 huo2] /to appreciate life/ [pin3 chang2] /to taste a small amount/to sample/

[pin3 xue2] /conduct and learning (of an individual)/moral nature and skill/ [pin3 xue2 jian1 you1] /excelling both in morals and studies (idiom); top udies and for behaviour (at school)/a paragon of virtue and learning/ [Pin3 ke4] /Pringles (potato chip brand)/ [Pin3 chuan1] /Shinagawa River/Shinagawa district of Tokyo/ [Pin3 chuan1 qu1] /Shinagawa district of Tokyo/ [pin3 de2] /moral character/ [pin3 xing4] /nature/characteristic/moral character/ [pin3 zu2] /strain (of a species)/ [pin3 yue4] /light blue/ [pin3 fu2] /costume/ceremonial dress (determining the grade of an official)/ [pin3 ge2] /one's character/fret (on fingerboard of lute or guitar)/ [pin3 pai2] /brand name/trademark/ [pin3 mu4] /item/ [pin3 zhong3] /breed/variety/CL: [ge4]/ [pin3 di4] /grade (i.e. quality)/rank/ [pin3 deng3] /grade (quality of product)/ [pin3 guan3] /quality control/ [pin3 jie2] /character/integrity/ [pin3 hong2] /pink/light red/ [pin3 ji2] /workmanship/ [pin3 lu:4] /light green/ [pin3 xi4] /strain (of a species)/ [pin3 tuo1] /pint (approx. 0.47 liter)/ [pin3 se4] /variety/kind/ [pin3 ming2] /to taste tea/to sip tea/ [pin3 cha2] /to taste tea/to sip tea/ [pin3 lan2] /pinkish blue/ [pin3 xing2] /behavior/moral conduct/ [pin3 ping2] /to judge/to assess/ [pin3 yi4] /to judge/ [pin3 mao4] /behavior and appearance/ [pin3 zhi4] /quality/ [Pin3 da2] /Pindar, Greek poet/ [pin3 jiu3] /to taste wine/to sip wine/ [pin3 jian4] /to judge/to examine/to evaluate/ [pin3 tou2 lun4 zu2] /lit. to assess the head and discuss the feet (idiom ticism of a woman's appearance/fig. to find fault in minor details/nit-picking/o ver-critical/ [pin3 ti2] /to evaluate (an individual)/to appraise/ [pin3 lei4] /category/kind/ [shen3] /smile/ [shen3 na4] /(lit.) please kindly accept/ [hong1] /roar of laughter (onomatopoeia)/hubbub/to roar (as a crowd)/ [hong3] /to deceive/to coax/to amuse (a child)/ [hong1 dong4 yi1 shi2] /variant of [hong1 dong4 yi1 shi2 [hong3 quan4] /to coax/ [hong1 tai2] /to artificially inflate/to bid up (the price)/ [hong1 qiang3] /looting/ [hong1 ran2] /boisterous/uproarious/ [hong3 man2] /to deceive/ [hong1 xiao4] /to roar with laughter/hoots of laughter/guffaw/ [hong3 pian4] /to deceive/to cheat/ [duo1] /quiver/woolen cloth/ [duo1 suo5] /to tremble/to shiver/uncontrolled shaking of the body/ [Duo1 luo1 mei3 yuan3] /Torobiawan, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiw [Duo1 luo1 mei3 yuan3 zu2] /Torobiawan, one of the indigenous peoples [wa1] /Wow!/sound of child's crying/sound of vomiting/ [wa5] /replaces [a5] when following the vowel "u" or "ao"/ [wa1 wa1] /sound of crying/

[wa1 sai1] /see [wa1 sai1]/ [wa1 sai1] /exclamation used to express a feeling of amazement (slang)/wow!/ [wa1 kao4] /(lit.) I cry!/Oh, bosh!/Shoot!/(Taiwanese , POJ pr. [go khu])/ [Ha1] /abbr. for Kazakhstan/abbr. for Harbin/ [ha1] /laughter/yawn/ [ha3] /a Pekinese/a pug/ [ha1 bo2] /Hubble (US astronomer)/ [Ha1 bo2 tai4 kong1 wang4 yuan3 jing4] /Hubble Space Telescop [Ha1 bo2 ma3 si1] /Habermas (philosopher)/ [Ha1 fo2] /Harvard/ [Ha1 fo2 da4 xue2] /Harvard University/ [Ha1 ke4 bei4 li4 Fen1 li4 xian3 ji4] /Adventures o [Ha1 li4] /Harry/ [Ha1 li4 Bo1 te4] /Harry Potter, boy wizard in the novels by J.K. R [ha1 li4 bo2 dun4] /Halliburton (US construction company)/ [Ha1 li4 fa3 ke4 si1] /Halifax (name)/Halifax city, capital of Nova S ax, town in West Yorkshire, England/ [Ha1 li4 di2 ya4] /Habbaniyah (Iraqi city)/ [Ha1 nu3 ka3] /Hanukkah (Chanukah), 8 day Jewish holiday starting on the 25th Kislev (can occur from late Nov up to late Dec on Gregorian calendar)/also call ed and / [Ha1 nu3 ka3 jie2] /Hanukkah (Chanukah), 8 day Jewish holiday starting on of Kislev (can occur from late Nov up to late Dec on Gregorian calendar)/also c alled and simply / [Ha1 bo2] /Hubble (name)/Edwin Hubble (1889-1953), US astronomer/ [Ha1 bo2 luo2 nei4] /Gaborone, capital of Botswana/ [ha1 ji2] /haji or hadji (Islam)/ [ha1 ha1] /laughing out loud (onomatopoeia)/ [ha1 ha1 da4 xiao4] /to laugh heartily/to burst into loud laughter/ [ha1 la5] /rancid/to kill/to slaughter/ [ha1 la2 zi5] /(dialect) saliva/ [ha1 luo2 de2] /Harold, Harald, Harrod (name)/Harrods (department store etc)/ [ha1 shi4 qi2] /husky (sled dog)/ [Ha1 nu2 man4] /Hanuman, a monkey God in the Indian epic Ramayana/ [Ha1 mu3 lei2 te4] /Hamlet (name)/the Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmar William Shakespeare / [Ha1 ji4 qi2] /Goran Hadi (1958-), Croatian Serb leader until 1994, indicte nal/ [Ha1 mi4] /Kumul city in injiang (Chinese: Hami)/ [Ha1 mi4 di4 qu1] /Kumul prefecture in injiang/ [Ha1 mi4 shi4] /Kumul city in injiang (Chinese: Hami)/ [ha1 mi4 gua1] /Hami melon (a variety of mus melon)/honeydew/ [Ha1 ni2 zu2] /Hani ethnic group/ [Ha1 ba1 he2] /Habahe county or Qaba nahiyisi in Altay prefecture iang/ [Ha1 ba1 he2 xian4] /Habahe county or Qaba nahiyisi in Altay prefecture Xinjiang/ [Ha1 ba1 luo2 fu1 si1 ke4] /Khabarovsk, far eastern Russian city r with Heilongjiang province of China/ [ha1 ba1 gu3 shu1] /Book of Habakkuk/ [Ha1 ba1 xue3 shan1] /Mt Haba (Nakhi: golden flower), in Lijiang [Ha1 bu4 si1 bao3] /Hapsburg (European dynasty)/ [Ha1 de2 xun4 He2] /Hudson River, New York State, USA/ [Ha1 en1] /Jan, Spain/ [ha1 la1 zi5] /(dialect) saliva/also written [ha1 la2 zi5]/ [Ha1 la1 er3 Wu3 shi4] /Harald V of Norway/ [Ha1 la1 lei2] /Harare, capital of Zimbabwe/ [Ha1 mo2 la4] /Gomorrah/ [ha1 ri4] /Japanophile/ [Ha1 ri4 zu2] /Japanophile (refers to teenage craze for everything Japanese,

lly mainly in Taiwan)/ [ha1 pu3 xi1 ke1 de2] /harpsichord/ [Ha1 gen1 Da2 si1] /Hagen-Dazs/ [Ha1 sang1] /Hassan (person name)/Hassan District/ [Ha1 mei2 nei4 yi1] /Khamenei, Ayatollah Aly (1939-), Supreme Leader of I Khamenei/ [ha1 qian5] /yawn/ [Ha1 er3 si1 ta3] /Harstad (city in Norway)/ [Ha1 er3 bin1] /Harbin, subprovincial city and capital of Heilongjiang provin g2 jiang1] in northeast China/ [Ha1 er3 bin1 Gong1 ye4 Da4 xue2] /Harbin Institute of Techno [Ha1 er3 bin1 shi4] /Harbin, subprovincial city and capital of Heilongjia long2 jiang1] in northeast China/ [Ha1 er3 deng1] /Halden (city in Norway)/ [Ha1 te4 fu2 de2] /Hartford/ [Ha1 po4] /Harper (name)/see also [Si1 di4 fen1 Ha1 po4]/ [Ha1 wa3 na4] /Havana, capital of Cuba/ [Ha1 mi3 ji2 duo1 dun4] /Armageddon (in Revelation 16:16)/ [Ha1 mi3 er3 ka3] /Hamilcar (c. 270-228 BC), Carthaginian statesman and g [ha1 yao1] /to bend/ [Ha1 li4 Bei4 rui4] /Halle Berry (1966-), US actress/ [Ha1 lai2 mu3] /Harlem district of Manhattan/ [Ha1 sa4 ke4] /Kazakhstan/Kazakh ethnic group in PRC/ [Ha1 sa4 ke4 ren2] /Kazakh person/Kazakh people/ [Ha1 sa4 ke4 wen2] /Kazakh written language/ [Ha1 sa4 ke4 si1 tan3] /Kazakhstan/ [Ha1 sa4 ke4 zu2] /Kazakh ethnic group of Xinjiang/ [Ha1 sa4 ke4 yu3] /Kazakh language/ [Ha1 su1] /Hasselblad (camera manufacturer)/ [ha1 mi4 gua1] /Hami melon (a variety of muskmelon)/honeydew/also written [Ha1 xi1 na4] /Ms Sheikh Hasina (1947-), Bangladesh politician, prime ministe 2001 and from 2008/ [ha1 gai1 shu1] /Book of Haggai/ [Ha1 feng1 jiao3] /Cape Ras Hafun, Somalia, the easternmost point in Africa/ [ha1 bei4 er3] /(Webster) Hubbell (former Associate Attorney-General)/ [Ha3 di2] /Hardy or Hardie (name)/ [ha1 mi2] /Harry Potter fan (slang)/ [ha3 da2] /Tibetan ceremonial scarf ("khata"), usually white and of silk, which h lds special significance in terms of etiquette and expression of appreciation, p laying an important role in traditional Tibetan and Mongolian culture/ [Ha1 li3] /Harry or Hari (name)/ [Ha1 li3 si1 bao3] /Harrisburg, Pennsylvania/ [Ha1 li3 sen1 Shi1 mi4 te4] /Harrison Schmitt (Apollo 17 as [Ha1 li3 fa1] /Khalfah or Caliph (Arabic: successor), head of state in Calip [Ha1 li3 fa1 Ta3] /Burj Khalifa/ [Ha1 li3 fa1 di4 guo2] /Caliphate (Islamic empire formed after the de Mohammed in 632)/ [Ha1 lei2 hui4 xing1] /Halley's comet/ [ha1 ling2 gen1] /Harlingen, the Netherlands/ [Ha1 ma3 si1] /Hamas (radical Palestinian group)/ [Ha1 ma3 er3] /Hamar (town in Norway)/ [zai1] /(exclamatory or interrogative particle)/ [di4] /(Cant.) plural for pronouns/ [pai4] /used in transliteration/ [pai4 qin2] /piperazine (medicine)/ [pai4 ti4 ding4] /pethidine (aka meperidine or Demerol)/ [ai1] /hey!/(interjection used to attract attention or to express surprise or di sapprobation)/ [ai1 ya1] /interjection of wonder, shock or admiration/ [ai1 yo1] /interjection of pain or surprise/also written /

[ai1 yo1] /hey/ow/ouch/interjection of pain or surprise/ [gen2] /funny/odd/interesting/ [hen3] /old variant of , fierce/ominous/also old variant of , very/also used as a exclamation of anger/ [kuang1] /phonetic/onomat. clang/see , clatter/ [kuang1 kuang1 lang1 lang1] /onomat. crash/clank/clatter/ [kuang1 lang1] /onomat. clang/clatter/bang/crash/clank/ [duo3] /see , indole C8H7N/ [mou1] /moo (sound made by cow)/ [yuan2] /person/employee/member/ [yuan2 wai4] /landlord (old usage)/ [Yuan2 shan1] /Yuanshan township in Yilan county [Yi2 lan2 xian4], T [Yuan2 shan1 xiang1] /Yuanshan township in Yilan county [Yi2 lan [yuan2 gong1] /staff/personnel/employee/ [Yuan2 lin2] /Yuanlin town in Changhua county [Zhang1 hua4 xian4], T [Yuan2 lin2 zhen4] /Yuanlin town in Changhua county [Zhang1 hua4 [yuan2 jing3] /police officer/policeman/ [long4] /to sing or chirp (of birds)/music sound/ [mang2] /jargon/ [ge1] /elder brother/ [ge1 men5] /Brothers!/brethren/dude (colloquial)/brother (diminutive form of addr ss between males)/ [ge1 men5 r5] /erhua variant of , Brothers!/brethren/dude (colloquia ive form of address between males)/ [Ge1 lun2 bu4] /Cristbal Coln or Christopher Columbus (1451-1506)/ [ge1 lun2 bu4 ji4] /Columbus/ [Ge1 lun2 bi3 ya4] /Colombia/Columbia (District of, or University etc)/ [Ge1 lun2 bi3 ya4 da4 xue2] /Columbia University/ [Ge1 lun2 bi3 ya4 guang3 bo1 gong1 si1] /Columbia Broadca [Ge1 lun2 bi3 ya4 te4 qu1] /District of Columbia, USA/ [ge1 r5] /brothers/boys/ [Ge1 li4 ya4] /Goliath/ [Ge1 ji2 la1] /Godzilla (Japanese Gojira)/see also [Ge1 si1 la1] [ge1 ge5] /older brother/CL: [ge4],[wei4]/ [Ge1 Da4] /Columbia University (abbr.)/ [Ge1 ni2 si1 bao3] /(until WWII) Knigsberg, capital of East Prussia on t e WWII) Kaliningrad, Russian Republic/ [Ge1 de2 bao3] /Gothenburg (city in Sweden)/ [Ge1 de2 ba1 he4 cai1 xiang3] /the Goldbach conjecture in number [Ge1 da3 ba1 lu3] /Kota Bharu, city in Malaysia on border with Thailand, lantan sultanate/ [Ge1 si1 da4 Li2 jia1] /Costa Rica/ [Ge1 si1 la1] /Godzilla (Japanese Gojira)/ [Ge1 si1 da2 Li2 jia1] /Costa Rica/ [Ge1 ben3 ha1 gen1] /Copenhagen or Kbenhavn, capital of Denmark/ [Ge1 lin2 duo1] /Corinth/ [Ge1 lin2 duo1 qian2 shu1] /First epistle of St Paul to the Corinthia [Ge1 lin2 duo1 hou4 shu1] /Second epistle of St Paul to the Corinthia [Ge1 te4 ren2] /Goth (e.g. Ostrogoth or Visigoth)/ [ge1 te4 shi4] /gothic/ [Ge1 bai2 ni2] /Mikolaj Kopernik or Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543), Polish a er, mathematician and polymath/ [ge1 luo2 fang1] /chloroform CHCl3/trichloromethane/ [Ge1 sa4 ke4] /Cossack (people)/ [e2] /to chant/ [o2] /oh (interjection indicating doubt or surprise)/ [o4] /oh (interjection indicating that one has just learned sth)/ [chi1] /sound of giggling/see [hu1 chi1]/ [shao4] /a whistle/sentry/ [shao4 bing1] /sentinel/

[shao4 qia3] /border sentry post/ [shao4 zi5] /a whistle/ [shao4 zi5 sheng1] /whistling sound/ [shao4 suo3] /watchhouse/sentry post/ [shao4 di2] /a whistle/ [li1] /this (Cantonese)/see also [ni1]/see also [li1 li1 luo1 luo1 [li3] /mile (unit of length equal to 1,609.344 m)/old form of modern [ying1 li3]/ [li5] /(modal final particle similar to [ne5] or [la5])/ [li1 li1 la1 la1] /scattered/intermittent/sporadic/on and off/stop and go [li1 li5 luo1 luo1] /verbose or unclear in speech/rambling and indistinct [li1 li1 luo1 luo1] /endless mumbling (onomatopoeia)/verbose and incompre ing endlessly/ [li1 liu1 wai1 xie2] /crooked/deformed/twisted/ [na3] /how/which/ [na5] /(particle equivalent to after noun ending in -n)/ [nei3] /which? (interrogative, followed by classifier or numeral-classifier)/ [na3 yi1 ge5] /which/ [na3 xie1] /which ones?/who?/what?/ [na3 ge5] /which/who/ [na3 xiang4] /unlike/in contrast to/ [na3 r5] /where?/wherever/anywhere/ [Ne2 zha5] /Nezha, protection deity/ [na3 hu2 bu4 kai1 ti2 na3 hu2] /lit. mention the pot that doe ouch a sore spot/to talk about sb's weak point/ [na3 pa4] /even/even if/even though/no matter how/ [na3 zhi1] /who would have imagined?/unexpectedly/ [na3 li3] /where?/somewhere/anywhere/wherever/nowhere (negative answer to questio )/humble expression denying compliment/also written / [na3 li3] /where?/somewhere/anywhere/wherever/nowhere (negative answer to questio )/humble expression denying compliment/ [na3 li5 na3 li5] /there is nothing to pardon/you flatter me/ [zu2] /to cajole/ [ku1] /to cry/to weep/ [ku1 ku5 ti2 ti2] /to weep endlessly/interminable wailing/ [ku1 han3] /to wail/ [ku1 sang1] /to wail at a funeral/formal wailing while offering sacrifice to the eparted/ [ku1 sang1 bang4] /mourning staff draped in white, held at a funeral to show piety/ [ku1 sang5 lian3] /to pull a long face/sullen/also written / [ku1 sang5 zhe5 lian3] /sullen/to scowl miserably/ [ku1 tian1 mo3 lei4] /to wail and whine/piteous weeping/ [ku1 qi4] /to weep/ [Ku1 qiang2] /Wailing Wall, or Western Wall (Jerusalem)/ [ku1 qiu1 feng1] /autumnal sadness/ [ku1 qiong2] /to bewail one's poverty/to complain about being hard up/to pretend o be poor/ [ku1 xiao4 bu4 de2] /lit. not to know whether to laugh or cry (idiom); bo extremely embarrassing/in a desperate state/between laughter and tears/ [ku1 sheng1] /sound of weeping/ [ku1 sheng1 zhen4 tian1] /lit. cries of grief shake the heavens/great sor [ku1 qiang1] /sobbing tone/sob/dirge/opera tune portraying mourning/ [ku1 lian3] /to weep/to snivel/ [ku1 su4] /to lament/to complain tearfully/to wail accusingly/ [ku1 ling2] /to weep before a coffin or a memorial to the dead/ [ku1 bi2 zi5] /to snivel (usually humorous)/ [xiao1] /pant/roar/bark (of animals)/ [xiao4 chuan3] /asthma/ [xiao4 chuan3 bing4] /asthma/ [xiao4 ming2] /wheezing/

[lao2] /see [lan2 lao2], confused talk/ [bo1] /phonetic bo/used in onomatopoeia/see [hu1 hu1 bo1], hoopoe bird/ [zhe2] /philosophy/wise/ [zhe2 ren2] /wise man/ [zhe2 ren2 qi2 wei3] /a wise man has passed away (idiom)/ [zhe2 ren2 shi2] /philosopher's stone/ [zhe2 xue2] /philosophy/CL: [ge4]/ [zhe2 xue2 bo2 shi4 xue2 wei4] /PhD degree (Doctor of Philosophy) [zhe2 xue2 shi3] /history of philosophy/ [zhe2 xue2 jia1] /philosopher/ [zhe2 li3] /philosophic theory/philosophy/ [Zhe2 bang4 si4] /Drepung monastery, Lhasa, Tibet/ [zha1] /see , onomat., twitter/twittering sound/ [mie1] /to bleat/ [bu3] /to feed/ [bu3 ru3] /breast feeding/to suckle/to nurse/ [bu3 ru3 dong4 wu4] /mammal/ [bu3 ru3 gang1] /Mammalia, the class of mammals/ [bu3 ru3 lei4] /mammals/also written / [bu3 ru3 lei4 dong4 wu4] /mammals/ [bu3 mu3 ru3] /breast feeding/ [bu3 yu4] /feed/nurture/foster/ [bu3 yang3] /feed/rear/ [heng1] /to groan/to snort/to hum/to croon/humph!/ [heng1 r5 ha1 r5] /to hem and haw (loanword)/ [heng1 chi1] /to puff hard (e.g. after running)/ [heng1 ji5] /whisper/ [heng1 chang4] /to hum/to croon/ [heng1 sheng1] /hum/ [geng3] /choking/ [geng3 ye4] /to choke with sobs/ [ge3] /excellent/happy/well-being/ [yan4] /to extend condolences/ [yan4 xin4] /a letter of condolence/ [yan4 han2] /a message of condolence/ [yan4 lao4] /to offer condolences/ [yan4 dian4] /a telegram of condolence/ [bai4] /to chant/see [fan4 bai4]/ [bei5] /modal particle indicating indicating lack of enthusiasm/modal particle i ndicating that things should only or can only be done a certain way/ [han1] /a sound/to put in the mouth/ [suo1] /to suck/to incite/ [chun2] /lip/ [chun2 wang2 chi3 han2] /lit. without the lips, the teeth feel the cold ( intimately interdependent/ [chun2 yin4] /lips-mark/hickey/ [chun2 xing2 ke1] /Labiatae, the taxonomic family including lavender, mint/ [chun2 cai3] /lip gloss/lipstick/ [chun2 qiang1 she2 jian4] /fight a battle of words/cross verbal swords/ [chun2 qiang1 she2 zhan4] /war of words/ [chun2 gao1] /lipstick/ [chun2 she2] /argument/words/lips and tongue/ [chun2 jiao3] /corner of the mouth/labial angle/ [chun2 e4 lie4] /cleft lip and palate/ [chun2 chi3] /lit. lips and teeth (idiom); fig. close partners/interdependent/ [chun2 chi3 xiang1 yi1] /lit. as close as lips and teeth (idiom); closely rdependent/ [yi4] /palpitation/short breathing/ [ai1] /interjection or grunt of agreement or recognition (e.g. yes, it's me!)/to sigh/

[ai4] /alas/oh dear/ [ai1 ai1] /onomat. sighing voice/crying sound/ [ai1 jie3] /granny (dialect)/ [ai1 sheng1 tan4 qi4] /sighing voice, wailing breath (idiom)/to heave dee gh in despair/ [li4] /(final particle)/sound/noise/ [li5] /variant of [li5]/ [xi1] /sound of sobbing/ [xi1 li1 hua1 la1] /onomat. clatter (of mahjong tiles etc)/ [xi1 xu1] /(onomat.) to sigh/to sob/ [Tang2] /Tang dynasty (618-907)/surname Tang/ [tang2] /to exaggerate/empty/in vain/old variant of / [Tang2 san1 zang4] /Tripitaka (602-664) Tang dynasty Buddhist monk and transl ho traveled to India 629-645/same as / [Tang2 Zhong1 zong1] /Emperor Zhongzong of Tang, reign name of fourth Tang em i Zhe [Li3 Zhe2] (656-710), reigned 705-710/ [Tang2 ren2 jie1] /Chinatown/CL: [tiao2],[zuo4]/ [Tang2 dai4] /Tang dynasty (618-907)/ [Tang2 Dai4 zong1] /Emperor Taizong of Tang (727-779), reign name of ninth Ta ror Li Yu [Li3 Yu4], reigned 762-779/ [Tang2 Bo2 hu3] /Tang Bohu or Tang Yin (1470-1523), Ming painter and poe r great southern talents of the Ming / [Tang2 Xi1 zong1] /Emperor Xizong of Tang, reign name of nineteenth Tang Empe Xuan [Li3 Xuan1] (862-888), reigned 873-888/ [Tang2 seng1] /Xuanzang (602-664) Tang dynasty Buddhist monk and translator, who raveled to India 629-645/ [Tang2 chu1 Si4 Da4 jia1] /Four Great Poets of early Tang/refers to Y n2], Ouyang Xun [Ou1 yang2 Xun2], Chu Suiliang [Chu3 Sui4 liang2] and Xu [tang2 ka3] /thangka (Buddhist banner)/ [Tang2 gu3 la1] /Dangla or Tanggula mountain range on the Qinghai-Tibetan Pla Zang4 gao1 yuan2]/ [Tang2 gu3 la1 shan1] /Dangla or Tanggula mountain range on the Qinhai-Ti [Tang2 gu3 la1 shan1 mai4] /Dangla or Tanggula mountain range on the u/ [Tang2 gu3 la1 feng1] /Dangla or Tanggula mountain on the Qinhai-Tibet pl [Tang2 Ai1 di4] /Emperor Aidi of Tang, reign name of twenty-first and last Ta ror Li Zhu [Li3 Zhu4] (892-908), reigned 904-907/ [Tang2 Yao2] /Yao or Tang Yao (c. 2200 BC), one of Five legendary Emperors , son of Di Ku / [Tang2 Tai4 zong1] /Emperor Taizong of Tang, reign name of second Tang empero imin [Li3 Shi4 min2] (599-649), reigned 626-649/ [Tang2 Tai4 zong1 Li3 Wei4 Gong1 Wen4 Dui4] /Duke Li of ilitary treatise attributed to Li Jing [Li3 Jing4] and one of the Seven Military C lassics of ancient China [Wu3 jing1 Qi1 Shu1]/ [Tang2 Song4] /the Tang (618-907) and Song (960-1279) dynasties/ [Tang2 Song4 ba1 da4 jia1] /Eight Giants of Tang and Song prose, esp. assics movement , namely: Han Yu , Liu Zongyuan , Ouyang Xi shi , Zeng Gong / [Tang2 Xuan1 zong1] /Emperor Xuanzong of Tang (810-859), reign name of sevent ang emperor Li Chen [Li3 Chen2], reigned 846-859/ [Tang2 jia1 shan1] /area in Beichuan county Sichuan/ [Tang2 Jia1 xuan2] /Tang Jiaxuan (1938-), politician and diplomat/ [Tang2 Yin2] /Tang Bohu or Tang Yin (1470-1523), Ming painter and poet, on great southern talents of the Ming / [Tang2 ning2 jie1] /Downing Street (London)/ [Tang2 shan1] /Tang Shan prefecture level city in Hebei/ [Tang2 shan1 di4 qu1] /Tangshan county (old name)/ [Tang2 shan1 Da4 di4 zhen4] /Great Tangshan Earthquake (1976)/ [Tang2 shan1 shi4] /Tangshan prefecture level city in Hebei/ [Tang2 De2 zong1] /Emperor Dezong of Tang (742-805), reign name of tenth Tang

r Li Kuo [Li3 Kuo4], reigned 779-805/ [Tang2 en1 Dou1 le4] /Dunkin' Donuts/ [Tang2 Xian4 zong1] /Emperor Xianzong of Tang (778-820), reign name of twelft emperor Li Chun [Li3 Chun2] reigned 805-820/ [Tang2 Yi4 zong1] /Emperor Yizong of Tang (833-873), reign name of eighteenth mperor Li Cui [Li3 Cui3], reigned 859-873/ [Tang2 zhao1 ti2 si4] /Toushoudaiji, the temple in Nara, Japan founded by c Buddhist monk Jianzhen or Ganjin and his last resting place/ [Tang2 Jing4 zong1] /Emperor Jingzong of Tang (809-827), reign name of fourte ng emperor [Li3 Zhan4], reigned 825-827/ [Tang2 Wen2 zong1] /Emperor Wenzong of Tang (809-840), reign name of fifteent emperor [Li3 Ang2], reigned 827-840/ [Tang2 Ming2 huang2] /Emperor Ming of Tang (685-762), also known as Emperor X of Tang [Tang2 Xuan2 zong1], reigned 712-756/ [Tang2 Zhao1 zong1] /Emperor Zhaozong of Tang, reign name of twentieth Tang e 1 Ye4] (867-904), reigned 888-904/ [Tang2 shu1] /same as , History of the Early Tang Dynasty, sixteenth histories , compiled under Liu Xu in 945 during Later Jin of the Fi crolls/ [Tang2 chao2] /Tang dynasty (618-907)/ [Tang2 mo4] /late Tang/the last years of the Tang dynasty/around 900/ [tang2 di4] /shadbush or shadberry (genus Amelanchier)/painter and poet of the Yu n Dynasty (1279-1368)/ [tang2 lou2] /tenement house (esp. in southern China and Hong Kong)/ [Tang2 Wu3 zong1] /Emperor Wuzong of Tang (814-846), reign name of sixteenth peror Li Chan [Li3 Chan2], reigned 840-846/ [Tang2 Shang1 Di4] /Emperor Shang of Tang, reign name of fifth Tang emperor L mao [Li3 Chong2 mao4] (c. 695-715), reigned 710/ [tang2 shi4 er2] /Down's syndrome child/ [Tang2 shi4 zheng4] /Down's syndrome/mongolism/ [Tang2 he2] /Tanghe county in Nanyang [Nan2 yang2], Henan/ [Tang2 he2 xian4] /Tanghe county in Nanyang [Nan2 yang2], Henan/ [Tang2 hai3] /Tanghai county in Tangshan [Tang2 shan1], Hebei/ [Tang2 hai3 xian4] /Tanghai county in Tangshan [Tang2 shan1], Hebei/ [tang2 gou3] /mongrel/ [Tang2 Xuan2 zong1] /Tang Emperor Xuanzong (685-762), also known as Emperor M Tang [Tang2 Ming2 huang2], reign name of seventh Tang emperor [Li3 Long1 ji1], 712-756/ [tang2 huang2] /a dandy/a fop/Don Juan/a ladies man/ [Tang2 Rui4 zong1] /Emperor Ruizong of Tang, reign name of sixth Tang emperor [Li3 Dan4] (662-716), reigned 684-690 and 710-712/ [Tang2 Mu4 zong1] /Emperor Muzong of Tang (795-825), reign name of thirteenth mperor [Li3 Heng2] reigned 821-825/ [tang2 tu1] /to be rude/to offend/to pass oneself or sth off as/ [tang2 na4] /Tanner (name)/ [Tang2 na4 de2] /Donald (name)/ [Tang2 na4 de2 Chuan1 pu3] /Donald Trump (1946-), American busi [Tang2 Shao4 yi2] /Tang Shaoyi (1862-1939), politician and diplomat/ [Tang2 xian4] /Tang county in Baoding [Bao3 ding4], Hebei/ [Tang2 lao3 ya1] /Donald Duck/ [Tang2 Su4 zong1] /Emperor Suzong of Tang (711-762), reign name of eighth Tan or Li Heng [Li3 Heng1], reigned 756-762/ [tang2 zhuang1] /Tang suit (traditional Chinese jacket)/ [Tang2 shi1] /Tang poetry/a Tang poem/ [Tang2 shi1 san1 bai3 shou3] /Three hundred Tang dynasty poems, a sta cted around 1763 by Sun Zhu / [Tang2 Shun4 zong1] /Emperor Shunzong of Tang (761-806), reign name of eleven emperor Li Song [Li3 Song4], reigned 805-806/ [Tang2 Gao1 zong1] /Emperor Gaozong of Tang, reign name of third Tang emperor [Li3 Zhi4] (628-683), reigned 649-683/

[Tang2 Gao1 zu3] /Emperor Gaozu of Tang, reign name of first Tang emperor Li Yuan1] (566-635), reigned 618-626/ [Tang2 Gao1 zu3 Li3 Yuan1] /Li Yuan (566-635), first Tang emperor Gao / [zuo4] /azole (chemistry)/ [wu2] /oh (expression of agreement or surprise)/(Cantonese) not/ [wu2 hao3 di4] /unattractive (Cantonese)/Mandarin equivalent: [bu4 hao3 [zao4] /variant of or lu zo , to make trouble/ [qin4] /to vomit (of dogs and cats)/to rail against/to talk nonsense/ [dou3] /to take a rest (Yue topolect)/ [zao4] /see , to create a disturbance/to make trouble/to harass/ [ji1] /onomat. to pump (water)/ [ji1 gu5] /onomat. whisper/ [ji1 ji1] /onomat. chirping of insects, sighing noise etc/ [ji1 ji1 zha1 zha1] /onomat. chattering or giggling/ [ji1 ji1 ga2 ga2] /onomat. giggling noise/ [ji1 jiu1] /onomat. babble/twittering of birds/ [ji1 tong3] /a pump/water pump/ [Ji1 tong3 zuo4] /Antlia (constellation)/ [feng3] /recite/chant/ [hu3] /a tiger's roar/to scare/ [shou4] /to sell/to make or carry out (a plan or intrigue etc)/ [shou4 jia4] /to sell for/selling price/ [shou4 wan2] /to sell out/ [shou4 wan2 ji2 zhi3] /while stocks last/subject to availability/ [shou4 hou4 fu2 wu4] /after-sales service/ [shou4 piao4 kou3] /ticket window/ [shou4 piao4 yuan2] /ticket seller/ [shou4 piao4 da4 ting1] /ticket office/ [shou4 piao4 chu4] /ticket office/ [shou4 qing4] /to be completely sold out/to sell out/ [shou4 huo4] /to sell goods/ [shou4 huo4 yuan2] /salesperson/CL: [ge4]/ [shou4 huo4 tai2] /vendor's stall/ [shou4 mai4] /to sell/ [wei2] /-ism/only/alone/ [wei3] /yes/ [wei2 yi1] /only/sole/ [wei2 yi1 xing4] /uniqueness/ [wei2 li4 shi4 tu2] /to seek nothing but profit (idiom); personal profit hing/self-seeking/ [wei3 wei3 nuo4 nuo4] /to be a yes-man/ [wei2 xin1 zhu3 yi4] /philosophy of idealism, the doctrine that external product of consciousness/ [wei2 xin1 lun4] /philosophy of idealism, the doctrine that external reality oduct of consciousness/ [wei2 kong3] /for fear that/lest/also written / [wei2 kong3 tian1 xia4 bu4 luan4] /motivated by a desire to see t l under heaven's not in chaos and disorder/ [wei2 yi4 zhi4 lun4] /voluntarism/metaphysical view, esp. due to Schopenh a2], that the essence of the world is willpower/ [wei2 you3] /only/ [wei2 wu4 zhu3 yi4] /materialism, philosophical doctrine that physical ma hole of reality/ [wei2 wu4 lun4] /the philosophy of materialism, doctrine that physical matter whole of reality/ [wei2 du2] /only/just (i.e. it is only that...)/all except/unique/ [wei2 mei3] /aesthetics/ [wei2 du2] /read only (computing)/ [shua1] /onomat. quick slick up/

[chang4] /sing/to call loudly/to chant/ [chang4 gong1] /singing skill/to sing very well/ [chang4 fan3 diao4] /to sing an opposite tune/to contradict/to express an opp iew/to strike a discordant note/ [chang4 ming2] /solfege/ [chang4 he4] /antiphon (i.e. solo voice answered by chorus)/sung reply (in agreem nt with first voice)/to reply with a poem in the same rythm/ [chang4 re3] /to chant out answer to a teacher/"Please sir, yes sir"/ [chang4 dui4 tai2 xi4] /to put on a rival show (idiom); to set oneself up o get into confrontation/ [chang4 xi4] /to perform in opera/ [chang4 qu3] /to sing a song/ [chang4 ben3] /opera libretto/ [chang4 ji1] /gramophone/ [chang4 ge1] /to sing a song/ [chang4 duan4] /aria (in opera)/ [chang4 fa3] /singing style/singing method/ [chang4 pian4] /gramophone record/LP/CL: [zhang1]/ [chang4 bai2 lian3] /to play the part of the villain in opera/lit. to sing th face/ [chang4 pan2] /turntable/ [chang4 die2] /gramophone record/LP/ [chang4 piao4] /to read ballot slips out loud/ [chang4 qiang1] /vocal music (in opera)/aria/ [chang4 bi4] /tone-arm (tracking arm of gramophone)/ [chang4 shi1 ban1] /choir/ [chang4 zhen1] /stylus (gramophone needle)/ [chang4 shuang1 huang2] /lit. to sing a duet/fig. to collaborate with sb/also atirically: to play second fiddle to/ [chang4 tou2] /pick-up (carrying gramophone needle)/ [chang4 gao1 diao4] /to sing the high part/to speak fine sounding but empty w diom)/ [chang4 gao1 diao4 r5] /erhua variant of [chang4 gao1 diao4] [er2] /forced laughter/ [li4] /cry of a crane or wild goose/ [an3] /syllable/ [an3 ma5 ni2 ba1 mi1 mou1] /Om Mani Padma Hum (sanskrit), or Om m the Avalokiteshvara mantra/ [an3 ma5 mi1 ba5 ni2 mou1] /Om Mani Padma Hum (sanskrit), or Om m the Avalokiteshvara mantra/also written / [jie4] /sigh, groan/loud laughter/ [yo1] /(interjection expressing surprise) Oh!/My!/ [yo5] /final particle expressing exhortation, admiration etc/ [nian4] /variant of , to read aloud/ [nian4 nian4 you3 ci2] /variant of [nian4 nian4 you3 ci2 [nian4 zhu1] /prayer beads/ [yu2] /to smile at/ [lai4] /(onomatopoeia)/ [sha3] /to speak evil/gobbling sound made by ducks/ [tuo4] /saliva/to spit/ [tuo4 shou3 ke3 de2] /within spitting distance (idiom); within easy reach [tuo4 qi4] /spurned/ [tuo4 mo5] /spittle/saliva/ [tuo4 mo4 xing1 zi5] /sputter/ [tuo4 ye4] /saliva/ [tuo4 ye4 xian4] /saliva gland/ [tuo4 ma4] /to spit on and curse/to revile/ [tuo4 mian4 zi4 gan1] /to be spat on in the face and let it dry by itself it off (idiom); to turn the other cheek/to drain the cup of humiliation/ [tuo4 yu2] /crumbs from the table of one's master/castoffs/bits of rubbish/idle t

lk/casual remarks/ [hu1] /to whistle (with fingers in one's mouth)/onomat. for the sound of the win d/ [hu1 shao4] /to whistle (with fingers in one's mouth)/nowadays written / [hu1 la3] /whoosh/ [hu1 la4 la4] /roar of the wind/ [zhou1] /twittering of birds/ [ken3] /to gnaw/to nibble/to bite/ [ken3 shu1] /lit. to gnaw a book/to study/to cram/ [zhuo2] /to peck/ [zhuo2 mu4 niao3] /woodpecker/ [zhao4] /chirp/ [Shang1] /the Shang dynasty, 16th to 11th century BC/ [shang1] /commerce/to consult/quotient/2nd note in pentatonic scale/ [Shang1 qiu1] /Shangqiu prefecture level city in Henan/ [Shang1 qiu1 di4 qu1] /Shangqiu prefecture in Henan/ [Shang1 qiu1 shi4] /Shangqiu prefecture level city in Henan/ [shang1 ren2] /merchant/businessman/ [shang1 ren2 yin2 hang2] /merchant banking/ [Shang1 dai4] /the prehistoric Shang dynasty (c. 16th-11th century BC)/ [shang1 dui4] /to negotiate/to consider/ [shang1 wu4] /commercial affairs/commercial/commerce/business/ [shang1 wu4 zhong1 xin1 qu1] /central business district (e.g. CBD of [Shang1 wu4 yin4 shu1 guan3] /Commercial Press, Shanghai (from 1897)/ [Shang1 wu4 Han4 yu3 kao3 shi4] /Business Chinese Test (BCT)/ [shang1 wu4 bu4] /Department of Trade/Department of Commerce/ [Shang1 nan2] /Shangnan county in Shnglu [Shang1 luo4], Shnx/ [Shang1 nan2 xian4] /Shangnan county in Shnglu [Shang1 luo4], Shnx/ [shang1 pin3] /good/commodity/merchandise/CL: [ge4]/ [shang1 pin3 jia4 zhi2] /commodity value/ [shang1 pin3 hua4] /commodification/ [shang1 pin3 jing1 ji4] /commodity economy/ [Shang1 cheng2] /see [Shang1 cheng2 xian4]/ [shang1 cheng2] /shopping center/department store/ [Shang1 cheng2 xian4] /Shangcheng county, Henan/ [shang1 yu4] /field of fractions (math)/ [shang1 bu4] /commercial port/trading port/treaty port (old)/ [shang1 bao4] /business newspaper/ [shang1 chang3] /market/bazaar/CL:[jia1]/ [shang1 nu:3] /female singer (archaic)/ [shang1 xue2] /business studies/commerce as an academic subject/ [shang1 xue2 yuan4] /business school/university of business studies/ [shang1 ding4] /to agree/to decide after consultation/to come to a compromise/ [shang1 jia1] /merchant/business/enterprise/ [shang1 zhan3] /trade show/exhibition of goods/ [Shang1 zhou1] /Shangzhou district of Shnglu city [Shang1 luo4 shi4], Sh [Shang1 zhou1 qu1] /Shangzhou district of Shnglu city [Shang1 luo4 sh [shang1 dian4] /store/shop/CL:[jia1], [ge4]/ [shang1 zhan4] /trade war/ [shang1 hu4] /merchant/trader/businessman/firm/ [shang1 shu4] /quotient (math.)/ [shang1 lu:3] /traveling merchant/ [shang1 hui4] /chamber of commerce/ [Shang1 chao2] /Shang Dynasty (c. 1600-1046 BC)/ [shang1 zhan4] /inn/caravansary/ [shang1 ye4] /business/trade/commerce/ [shang1 ye4 zhong1 xin1] /business center/commerce center/ [shang1 ye4 hua4] /to commercialize/ [shang1 ye4 qu1] /business district/downtown/ [shang1 ye4 ying4 yong4] /business application/

[shang1 ye4 mo2 shi4] /business model/ [shang1 ye4 ji1 gou4] /commercial organization/ [shang1 ye4 ban3 ben3] /commercial version (of software)/ [shang1 ye4 fa1 piao4] /commercial invoice/ [shang1 ye4 guan3 li3] /business administration/ [shang1 ye4 xing2 wei2] /business activity/commercial activity/ [shang1 ye4 ji4 hua4] /business plan/ [shang1 ye4 yin2 hang2] /commercial bank/ [shang1 que4] /to discuss/to bring up various ideas for discussion/ [shang1 biao1] /trademark/logo/ [shang1 ji1] /business opportunity/commercial opportunity/ [shang1 jian3] /to inspect goods/ [shang1 min2] /merchant/ [Shang1 shui3] /Shangshui county in Zhoukou [Zhou1 kou3], Henan/ [Shang1 shui3 xian4] /Shangshui county in Zhoukou [Zhou1 kou3], Henan/ [Shang1 he2] /Shanghe county in Ji'nan [Ji3 nan2], Shandong/ [Shang1 he2 xian4] /Shanghe county in Ji'nan [Ji3 nan2], Shandong/ [Shang1 Luo4] /Shnglu prefecture level city in Shnx / [Shang1 Luo4 shi4] /Shnglu prefecture level city in Shnx / [shang1 qia4] /to parley/to negotiate/to discuss/ [shang1 gang3] /commercial port/trading harbor/ [Shang1 Tang1] /Shang Tang (1646-? BC), legendary founder of the Shang Dynasty/ [shang1 jie4] /business world/business community/ [shang1 qi2] /business is auspicious/conventional greeting at the foot of a lette : May your business go well!/ [Shang1 ke1] /Shangke corporation, PRC IT company (since 1994)/ [shang1 ke1] /business studies/ [shang1 ke1 yuan4 xiao4] /Business school/ [Shang1 ke1 ji2 tuan2] /Shangke corporation, PRC IT company (since 1994)/ [shang1 shui4] /tax on trade/ [Shang1 Zhou4 wang2] /King Zhou of Shang (11th century BC), notorious as a cr ant/ [shang1 yue1] /trade treaty/ [shang1 pu4] /shop/store/ [shang1 chuan2] /merchant ship/ [shang1 hao4] /store/a business/ [shang1 hang2] /trading company/ [shang1 ji4] /to negotiate/to discuss/ [shang1 tao3] /to discuss/to deliberate/ [shang1 diao4] /to negotiate over transfer of personnel/ [shang1 tan2] /confer/discuss/engage in talks/ [shang1 yi4] /to negotiate/discussion/proposal/ [shang1 yu4] /reputation of a firm's product/ [shang1 fan4] /trader/peddler/ [shang1 mao4] /trade and commerce/ [shang1 gu3] /merchant/ [shang1 lu4] /trade route/ [shang1 ban4] /to consult and act upon/privately run/commercial/ [Shang1 du1] /Shangdu county in Ulaanchab [Wu1 lan2 cha2 bu4], I [Shang1 du1 xian4] /Shangdu county in Ulaanchab [Wu1 lan2 ch [shang1 zhuo2] /to deliberate/ [shang1 liang5] /to consult/to talk over/to discuss/ [shang1 dui4] /caravan/ [Shang1 Yang1] /Shang Yang (c. 390-338 BC), legalist philosopher and important st tesman of Qin state whose militaristic reforms in 356 and 350 BC played a key rol in establishing Qin power/ [Shang1 Yang1 bian4 fa3] /Shang Yang's political reform of Qin state C, that put it on the road to world domination/ [shang1 biao1 xu2 qi3] /the autumn breeze comes gently (idiom)/ [lin2] /see , porphyrin/

[a1] /interjection of surprise/Ah!/Oh!/ [a2] /interjection expressing doubt or requiring answer/Eh?/what?/to show realiz ation/to stress/ [a3] /interjection of surprise or doubt/Eh?/My!/what's up?/ [a4] /interjection or grunt of agreement/uhm/Ah, OK/expression of recognition/Oh , it's you!/ [a5] /modal particle ending sentence, showing affirmation, approval, or consent/ [a1 ya1] /interjection of surprise/Oh my!/ [a1 yo5] /interjection of surprise or pain/Oh/Ow/My goodness!/ [tun1] /move slowly/ [wu3] /obstinate, disobedient, intractable/ [wen4] /to ask/ [wen4 shi4] /to be published/to come out/ [wen4 zhu4] /to stump sb with a question/ [wen4 hou4] /to give one's respects/to send a greeting/ [wen4 juan4] /questionnaire/CL:[fen4]/ [wen4 ming2] /to enquire, according to custom, after the name and horoscope of in ended bride/one of a set of six traditional marriage protocols( ), in which name as well as date and time of birth (for horoscope) are formally requested of the pro spective bride's family/ [wen4 hao3] /to say hello to/to send one's regards to/ [wen4 an1] /to pay one's respects/to give regards to/ [wen4 xin1 you3 kui4] /to have a guilty conscience/ [wen4 xin1 wu2 kui4] /lit. look into one's heart, no shame (idiom); with ience/ [wen4 jin1] /to make inquiries/to show interest/ [wen4 da2] /question and answer/ [wen4 zui4] /to declaim/to denounce/to decry/to condemn/to call to account/to bri g to task/to inveigh against/ [wen4 zui4 zhi1 shi1] /punitive force/a person setting out to deliver sev [wen4 hao4] /question mark (punct.)/unknown factor/unsolved problem/interrogation [wen4 xun4] /interrogation/greeting/ [wen4 hua4] /questioning (a suspect)/interrogation/ [wen4 ze2] /to hold accountable/to blame/to censure/to apportion blame/ [wen4 ze2 xing4] /accountability/ [wen4 lu4] /ask for directions/ [wen4 dao4] /to ask the way/to ask/ [wen4 ti2] /question/problem/issue/topic/CL: [ge4]/ [wen4 ding3] /lit. to inquire of the tripods (idiom); fig. to plan to seize power of the whole country/grand ambitions to win/ [wen4 ding3 zhong1 yuan2] /lit. to inquire of the tripods (idiom); fig. t ze power of the whole country/grand ambitions to win/ [wen4 ding3 qing1 zhong4] /lit. to inquire whether the tripods are light om); a laughable attempt to seize power/ [cui4] /sip/spit/ [qi3] /variant of [qi3]/ [tao2] /wail/ [dan4] /to eat/to taste/to entice (using bait)/ [dan4] /eat/entice/ [chuo4] /to drink/to taste/to sip/to suck/ [chuo4 yin3] /sip/ [ya1] /(onomat.)/ [ya3] /dumb/mute/hoarse/husky/unexploded (of artillery shell etc)/ [ya3 ju4] /to mime/a dumb show/ [ya3 kou3] /as if dumb/speechless/ [ya3 kou3 wu2 yan2] /dumbstruck and unable to reply (idiom); left speechl for words/ [ya3 zi5] /mute person/dumb person/(more commonly called [ya3 ba5])/ [ya3 ba5] /mute/muted/a dumb person/to be dumb/ [ya3 ba5 chi1 huang2 lian2] /no choice but to suffer in silence (idio

edes [you3 ku3 shuo1 bu5 chu1])/ [ya3 ba5 chi1 huang2 lian2] /no choice but to suffer in silence (idio edes [you3 ku3 shuo1 bu5 chu1])/ [ya3 ba5 chi1 huang2 lian2 , you3 ku3 shuo1 b peak of one's bitter suffering/sometimes written , , [ya3 ba5 kui1] /pent up unspoken grievances/suffering not willingly or possib en of/ [ya3 ran2 wu2 sheng1] /silence reigns (idiom)/ [ya1 zhong1 duan1] /dumb terminal/ [ya3 ling2] /dumbbell (weight)/ [ya3 dian3] /blind spot/dead spot/ [ya3 gu3] /drum practice pad (music)/a practice drum (music)/ [Qi3] /Qi son of Yu the Great [Yu3], reported founder of the Xia Dynasty [Xia4 2] (c. 2070-c. 1600 BC)/ [qi3] /to open/to start/to initiate/to enlighten or awaken/to state/to inform/ [qi3 shi4] /announcement (written, on billboard, letter, newspaper or website)/to post information/a notice/ [qi3 dong4] /to start (a machine)/to set in movement/to launch (an operation)/to ctivate (a plan)/ [qi3 dong4 zuo4 ye4] /priming task/ [qi3 dong4 qu1] /boot sector (computing)/ [qi3 dong4 zi5] /promoter/ [qi3 dong4 ji4 shu4] /priming technique/ [qi3 zou4] /to submit a report to the king/to talk to the king/ [Qi3 De2 Ji1 chang3] /Kai Tak Airport/ [qi3 ying4 qi2 dao3] /Introitus (section of Catholic mass)/ [Qi3 ming2] /classical Chinese name for planet Venus in the east before dawn/ [qi3 ming2 xing1] /(astronomy) Venus/ [Qi3 dong1] /Qidong county level city in Nantong [Nan2 tong1], Jiangsu/ [Qi3 dong1 shi4] /Qidong county level city in Nantong [Nan2 tong1], Jiang [qi3 yong4] /start using/enable (as in 'enable a feature')/ [qi3 fa1] /to enlighten/to explain and arouse interest/to inspire/inspiration/heu istic (attributively)/to teach/CL: [ge4]/ [qi3 fa1 shi4] /heuristic/ [qi3 fa1 fa3] /heuristic method/heuristics/ [qi3 meng2] /variant of [qi3 meng2]/to instruct the young/ [qi3 meng2 zhuan1 zhi4 jun1 zhu3] /enlightened dictatorship/ [qi3 shi4] /enlightenment/revelation/apocalypse/ [qi3 shi4 zhe3] /revelator/ [Qi3 shi4 lu4] /the Revelation of St John the divine/the Apocalypse/ [qi3 cheng2] /to set out on a journey/ [qi3 hang2] /(of a ship) to set sail/(of an aeroplane) to take off/also written hang2]/ [qi3 meng2] /to instruct the young/to initiate/to awake sb from ignorance/to free sb from prejudice or superstition/primer/enlightened/the Enlightenment/Western l earning from the late Qing dynasty/ [Qi3 meng2 zhu3 yi4] /Enlightenment (philosophy)/ [Qi3 zhe2] /Waking from Hibernation/old variant of , Insects Wake, 3rd o r terms 6th-20th March/ [qi3 di2] /to edify/enlightenment/ [qi3 chi3] /to open one's mouth/to start talking/ [fei1] /coffee/ [liang3] /ounce/ [xian2] /variant of [xian2]/ [pi2] /beer/ [pi2 jiu3] /beer/CL:[bei1],[ping2],[guan4],[tong3],[gang1]/ [pi2 jiu3 chang3] /brewery/ [pi2 jiu3 jie2] /Beer Festival/ [pi2 jiu3 hua1] /hops/ [sha2] /dialectal equivalent of [shen2 me5]/

[la1] /(onomat.)/(phonetic)/ [la5] /sentence-final particle, contraction of , indicating exclamation/particle laced after each item in a list of examples/ [la1 la1 dui4] /support team/cheering squad/cheerleader/ [la1 la1 dui4 zhang3] /cheer leader/ [pa1] /(sound) bang/ [pa1 da1] /onomat., sound of object falling into water/plop/ [zhe3] /particle used for interjection (Cantonese)/see also [zhe3 li1]/ [zhe3 li1] /jelly (loan)/gel/ [zhe3 li2] /variant of [zhe3 li1]/ [yan1] /correct/suitable/to suit sb/just now (Cantonese)/ [di1] /some/few/a little (Cantonese)/ [di1 da1] /tick-tock (sound of clock)/ [bo1] /(onomatopoeia)/to bubble/ [bo5] /grammatical particle equivalent to / [bo1 bo1] /onomat. bubbling noise/ [ding4] /idine (chemistry)/ [lang1] /onomat. bang/clank/see , clatter/ [lang1 dang1] /more or less/or so (of approx age or number)/and so on/ [tang2] /old variant of / [chi4] /only (classical, usually follows negative or question words)/(not) just/ [ti2] /to cry/to weep aloud/to crow/to hoot/ [ti2 xiao4 jie1 fei1] /lit. not to know whether to laugh or cry (idiom); d extremely embarrassing/in a desperate state/between laughter and tears/ [ti2 sheng1] /ululation/to howl/ [ti2 ji1 hao2 han2] /hunger cries and cold roars (idiom); wretched povert [an2] /to speak (Cantonese)/ [jiu1] /wailing of child/chirp/ [ka1] /(onomat.)/ [Ka1 shi2] /Kashgar or Qeshqer (Ksh) city and prefecture in the west of Xinjian r Kyrgyzstan/ [Ka1 shi2 ga2 er3] /Kashgar or Qeshqer (Chinese Kashi) in the west of Xin rgyzstan/ [Ka1 shi2 di4 qu1] /Qeshqer wilayiti, Kashgar or Ksh prefecture in west rgyzstan/ [Ka1 shi2 shi4] /Qeshqer Shehiri (Kashgar city) in the west of Xinjiang near tan/ [ka1 la1 ka1 la1] /onomat. clank/ [Ka1 la1 kun1 lun2 Gong1 lu4] /Karakorum Highway, linking Pakista [Ka1 la1 kun1 lun2 shan1] /Karakorum mountain range in west Xinjiang/ [Ka1 la1 kun1 lun2 shan1 mai4] /Karakorum mountain range in west [Ka1 la1 qin4] /Harqin (Mongol: guard)/Harqin banner or Kharchin khoshuu in C hi4 feng1], Inner Mongolia/also Harqin Left Mongol autonomous county in Chaoyang , Liaoning/ [Ka1 la1 qin4 zuo3 yi4 Meng3 gu3 zu2 zi4 zhi4 ng , Liaoning/ [Ka1 la1 qin4 qi2] /Harqin banner or Kharchin khoshuu in Chifeng [Chi golia/ [ka1 da1] /onomat. click/ [ka1 da5 sheng1] /onomat. clunk/ [ka1 cha1] /sound of breaking or snapping (onomatopoeia)/ [Ka1 tu3 mu4] /Khartoum, capital of Sudan/ [ka1 nu2 te4] /Knuth or Canute (name)/ [Ka1 shan1] /Kazan/ [Ka1 bu4 er3] /Kabul, capital of Afghanistan/ [Ka1 la1 ka1 tuo1 huo3 shan1] /Krakatoa (volcanic island in Indon [Ka1 la1 kun1 lun2 shan1] /Karakorum mountains/ [Ka1 la1 la1 bang1] /Kerala (state in India)/ [Ka1 la1 han4 guo2] /Karakhan dynasty of central Asia, 8th-10th century/ [Ka1 la1 han4 wang2 chao2] /Karakhan dynasty of central Asia, 8th-10t

[ka1 si1 te4] /karst (loanword)/weathered limestone often forming caves/ [ka1 si1 te4 di4 mao4] /karst landform (weathered limestone, often fo [ka1 na4 si1 hu2] /Lake Kanas in Xinjiang/ [Ka1 mai4 long2] /Cameroon/ [yong2] /breathing (of fish)/ [yong2 yong2] /looking up expectantly/speaking softly (Taiwan pr. [yu2 yu2])/ [wei4] /hello (interj., esp. on telephone)/hey/to feed (sb or some animal)/ [nan2] /mumble in repetition/ [nan2 nan2] /onomat. to mutter/to mumble/to murmur/ [nan2 zi4] /Vietnam characters (like Chinese characters but native to Vietnam)/ [shan4] /good (virtuous)/benevolent/well-disposed/good at sth/to improve or perf ect/ [shan4 shi4] /good deeds/ [shan4 ren2] /philanthropist/charitable person/well-doer/ [Shan4 hua4] /Shanhua town in Tainan county [Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwa [Shan4 hua4 zhen4] /Shanhua town in Tainan county [Tai2 nan2 xia [shan4 zai1] /excellent/ [shan4 shi3 shan4 zhong1] /where there's a start, there's a finish (idiom once one starts sth/to carry things through/I started, so I'll finish./ [Shan4 cun2] /Centrum (brand)/ [shan4 dai4] /to treat well/ [shan4 hou4] /to deal with the aftermath (arising from an accident)/funeral arran ements/reparations/ [shan4 hou4 jie4 kuan3] /reconstruction loan provided by Great Powers to n 1913/ [shan4 xin1] /kindness/benevolence/philanthropy/virtuous intentions/ [shan4 wang4] /forgetful/amnesia/ [shan4 si1] /thoughtfulness/wholesome thinking (Buddhism)/ [shan4 e4] /good and evil/good versus evil/ [shan4 yi4] /goodwill/benevolence/kindness/ [shan4 yi4 de5 huang3 yan2] /white lie/ [shan4 gan3] /sensitive/emotional/ [shan4 yu2] /to be good at/to be adept at/ [shan4 you3 shan4 bao4] /virtue has its rewards (idiom); one good turn de r/ [shan4 you3 shan4 bao4 , e4 you3 e4 bao4] /Virtue has [shan4 you3 shan4 has its recompense. The payback is just a matter of time/ [shan4 ben3] /old book/good book/reliable book/rare book/ [shan4 kuan3] /contributions/donations/ [shan4 yong4] /be good at using something/ [shan4 nan2 xin4 nu:3] /lay practitioners of Buddhism/ [shan4 ce4] /wise policy/best policy/ [shan4 yuan2] /good karma/ [shan4 ba4 gan1 xiu1] /to leave the matter at that/to be prepared to let ing to take things lying down/ [shan4 zhe3 bu4 bian4 , bian4 zhe3 bu4 shan4] /Good w re not good (idiom, from Laozi 81). Do not be taken in by appearances./ [shan4 neng2] /to be good at/ [shan4 zi4 zhen1 she4] /take good care of yourself! (idiom)/ [shan4 liang2] /good and honest/kind-hearted/ [shan4 xing2] /good actions/ [shan4 jie3 ren2 yi4] /understanding people's views (idiom); fair and con [shan4 yan2] /good words/ [shan4 bian4] /fickle/mercurial/changeable/capricious/to be apt to change/ [shan4 cai2] /to cherish wealth/ [shan4 cai2 nan2 she3] /to cherish wealth and find it hard to give up (id g to contribute to charity/skinflint/miserly/ [shan4 bian4] /eloquent/good at arguing/ [shan4 feng1] /fair wind/

[zhe2] /a sage/wise/sagacious/ [la1] /(onomat.)/ [la3] /(phonetic)/ [la3 ba5] /horn (automobile, alarm siren, musical etc) which produces a sound/lou speaker/brass wind instrument/trumpet/suona [suo3 na4]/ [la3 ba5 xing2] /flared/funnel-shape/trumpet-shape/ [la1 ba1 shui3 xian1] /daffodil/ [la3 ba5 hua1] /morning glory/ [la3 ba1 qun2] /flared skirt/ [la3 ba5 ku4] /flared trousers/bell-bottomed pants/ [La3 he2] /Rahab (mother of Boaz)/ [La3 ma5] /Lama, spiritual teacher in Tibetan Buddhism/ [La3 ma5 miao4] /Lamasery/temple of Tibetan Buddhism/ [La3 ma5 jiao4] /Lamaism/Tibetan Buddhism/ [jie1] /harmonious (of music)/ [hou2] /throat/larynx/ [hou2 yan1] /laryngopharynx/fig. a key position/ [hou2 long2] /throat/larynx/ [hou2 se4 yin1] /glottal stop/ [hou2 ji2] /anxious/worrying/ [hou2 ca1 yin1] /guttural fricative/ [hou2 yan2] /laryngitis/ [hou2 sha1] /scarlet fever/ [hou2 jie2] /Adam's Apple/laryngeal prominence/ [hou2 she2] /mouthpiece/spokesperson/ [hou2 lun2] /viuddha or visuddha, the throat chakra , residing in the neck [hou2 bu4] /neck/throat/ [hou2 jing4] /laryngoscope/ [hou2 tou2] /throat/larynx/ [hou2 ming2] /throat sound such as choking, donkey's bray etc/ [han3] /to yell/to shout/to call out for (a person)/ [han3 yuan1] /to cry out a grievance/ [han3 jiao4] /to cry out/to shout/ [han3 sheng1] /to yell/hubbub/ [han3 dao4] /to yell/ [die2] /flowing flood/to chatter/ [die2 die2] /to chatter a lot/ [die2 die2 bu4 xiu1] /to chatter or jabber on and on/ [die2 xue4] /bloodbath/carnage/ [zhou1] /syllable/ [wai1] /a wry mouth/ [re3] /to salute/make one's curtsy/ [yin1] /dumb/ [yin1 ya3] /hoarse/raspy/ [zan2] /a dual pronoun, I, you and me, we two/ [yao1] /grasshopper chirp/mosquito buzz/ [o1] /I see/oh/ [wo5] /(particle) marker of surprise, sudden realization, reminder/ [chuan3] /to gasp/to pant/asthma/ [chuan3 bu5 guo4] /to be unable to breathe easily/ [chuan3 bu5 guo4 qi4 lai2] /to be unable to breathe/ [chuan3 xu1 xu1] /to puff and blow/ [chuan3 xi1] /to gasp for breath/to take a breather/ [chuan3 zhen4] /surge (of a compressor)/ [chuan3 qi4] /to breathe deeply/to pant/ [chuan3 cu1 qi4] /to pant heavily/ [hui4] /beak/snout/mouth/to pant/ [huan4] /to call/ [huan4 zuo4] /be called/be known as/ [huan4 zuo4] /be called/

[huan4 qi3] /to waken (to action)/to rouse (the masses)/to evoke (attention, reco lection etc)/ [huan4 xing3] /to wake sb/to rouse/ [huan4 yu3 hu1 feng1] /to call the wind and summon the rain (idiom)/to ex l powers/fig. to stir up troubles/also [hu1 feng1 huan4 yu3]/ [huan4 tou5] /bell or gong used by street peddlers, barbers etc to attract attent on/ [xi3] /to be fond of/to like/to enjoy/to be happy/to feel pleased/happiness/deli ght/glad/ [xi3 bu4 zi4 sheng4] /unable to contain one's joy (idiom)/ [xi3 bu4 zi4 jin1] /unable to contain one's joy (idiom)/ [xi3 shi4] /happy occasion/wedding/ [Xi3 lai2 deng1] /Sheraton (hotel chain)/ [xi3 chu1 wang4 wai4] /overjoyed at unexpected good news (idiom)/ [xi3 ze2 qi4 huan3] /joy depresses one's qi vital breath/an excess of joy sluggishness of vital energy (traditional Chinese medicine)/ [xi3 ju4] /comedy/CL:[bu4],[chu1]/ [Xi3 li4] /Heineken (Dutch brewing company)/see also [Hai3 ni2 gen1]/ [xi3 yin2 yin2] /joyful/happy/ [xi3 xi3 huan1 huan1] /happily/ [xi3 bao4] /announcement of joyful news/CL: [zhang1]/ [xi3 shou4] /77th birthday (honorific, archaic or Japanese term)/ [xi3 hao4] /to like/fond of/to prefer/to love/one's tastes/preference/ [xi3 niang2] /matron of honour (old)/ [xi3 zi5] /Tetragnatha (long-jawed spider)/same as / [xi3 zi1 zi1] /euphoria/transport/bliss/ [xi3 yan4] /wedding banquet/ [xi3 pa4] /bridal veil (covering the face)/ [xi3 tie3] /wedding invitation/ [xi3 zhang4] /celebratory hanging scroll/ [xi3 xing2 yu2 se4] /face light up with delight (idiom); to beam with joy [xi3 cong2 tian1 jiang4] /joy from heaven (idiom); overjoyed at unexpecte nlooked-for happy event/ [Xi3 de2] /Xide county in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture u1], south Sichuan/ [Xi3 de2 xian4] /Xide county in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture zhou1], south Sichuan/ [xi3 nu4 ai1 le4] /likes and dislikes/ [xi3 yue4] /happy/joyous/ [xi3 e4] /likes and dislikes/ [xi3 ai4] /to like/to love/to be fond of/favorite/ [xi3 qing4] /jubilation/festive/ [xi3 xin1 yan4 jiu4] /lit. to like the new, and hate the old (idiom); fig th new people (e.g. new girlfriend), bored with the old/ [xi3 ji2 er2 qi4] /crying tears of joy (idiom)/ [xi3 le4] /joy/ [xi3 ge1 ju4 yuan4] /musical theater/Opra Comique, Paris/ [xi3 huan5] /to like/to be fond of/ [xi3 huan1 chao3 jia4] /quarrelsome/ [xi3 qi4 yang2 yang2] /full of joy (idiom); jubilation/ [xi3 yang2 yang2] /radiant with joy/ [xi3 zi1 zi1] /pleased/happy/ [xi3 ying2 ying2] /happy/joyful/ [xi3 xiao4 yan2 kai1] /face covered in smiles (idiom); beaming with happi [xi3 yan2] /wedding banquet/congratulatory feast/ [xi3 tang2] /sweet given on a happy occasion (esp. wedding)/ [xi3 qun2 fei1] /gregarious/ [xi3 wen2 le4 jian4] /a delight to see (idiom); an attractive spectacle/ [xi3 se4] /happy expression/cheerful look/ [xi3 dan4] /red-painted eggs, traditional celebratory gift on third day after bir

h of new baby/ [xi3 chong1 chong1] /to beam with joy/in a happy mood/ [xi3 xun4] /good news/glad tidings/ [xi3 yue4] /to jump for joy/ [xi3 che1] /wedding car/carriage for collecting the bride/ [xi3 jiu3] /wedding feast/liquor drunk at a wedding feast/ [xi3 qian5] /tip given on a happy occasion (traditional)/ [xi3 yang2] /heliophile/tending towards the sun/heliotropism/ [xi3 yu3] /welcome fall of rain/seasonable rain/ [Xi3 ma3 la1 ya3] /the Himalayas/ [Xi3 ma3 la1 ya3 shan1] /Himalayas/ [Xi3 ma3 la1 ya3 shan1 mai4] /Himalayas/ [xi3 que5] /black-billed magpie (Pica pica), legendary bringer of good luck/ [he1] /to drink/My goodness!/ [he4] /to shout loudly/ [he4 ling4] /to shout an order or command/ [he4 dao4 cai3] /to boo or jeer (as a sign of displeasure at an actor)/ [he1 guang1] /to drink up/to finish (a drink)/ [he1 chi4] /variant of [he1 chi4]/to berate/to excoriate/ [he4 cai3] /to acclaim/to cheer/ [he1 diao4] /to drink up/to finish (a drink)/ [he1 chi4] /to berate/to excoriate/to chide/also written [he1 chi4]/ [he1 cha2] /to drink tea/ [he1 xi1 bei3 feng1] /lit. drink the northwest wind (idiom); cold and hun [he1 jiu3] /to drink (alcohol)/ [he1 zui4] /to get drunk/ [he4 cai3] /acclaim/cheer/ [kui4] /to sigh/ [xu3] /to breathe upon/ [huang2] /sobbing/sound of bell/ [du4] /used in location words (Cantonese)/Mandarin equivalent: [li3]/ [nie4] /talkative/ [xuan1] /clamor/noise/ [xuan1 hua2] /hubbub/clamor/to make a racket/ [xuan1 hua2 yu3 sao1 dong4] /The Sound and the Fury (novel by William na4])/ [xuan1 xiao1] /to clamor/to make noise/ [xuan1 rao3] /to disturb by noise/ [xuan1 nao4] /make a noise/noisy/ [liang4] /clear/resounding/ [yu4] /Japanese variant of / [sang1] /to make funeral arrangements/to be in mourning/corpse (old)/ [sang4] /to lose/to flee/to be defeated/to die/ [sang1 luan4] /tragic disaster/disturbance and bloodshed/ [sang1 shi4] /funeral arrangements/undertaking/ [sang4 wang2] /to die/ [sang1 jia4] /funeral leave/ [sang4 ou3] /bereaved of one's spouse (literary)/ [sang1 yi2] /funeral ceremony/ [sang4 ming4] /to lose one's life/ [sang4 tian1 hai4 li3] /devoid of conscience (idiom)/ [sang4 shi1] /to lose/to forfeit/ [sang4 shi1 dai4 jin4] /to lose everything/ [sang4 qi1] /deceased wife/ [sang4 jia1 zhi1 quan3] /lit. a homeless dog (idiom); fig. homeless and w o go/ [sang4 de2] /wicked/offending morality/ [sang4 xin1 bing4 kuang2] /frenzied (idiom); completely crazy and ridicul eason/insane/crazed cruelty/ [sang4 zhi4] /lose determination/

[sang1 fu2] /mourning garment/ [sang4 bang1] /cold and offensive (talk or manner)/ [sang1 bang4] /funeral stick (held by the son as a sign of filial piety)/ [sang4 quan2 ru3 guo2] /to forfeit sovereignty and humiliate the country rrender territory under humiliating terms/ [sang4 qi4] /to feel disheartened/ [sang4 qi5] /unlucky/ [sang4 qi4 hua4] /demoralizing talk/ [sang4 qi4 gui3] /downcast wretch/bad-tempered and unpleasant person/ [sang4 fu4] /to be orphaned of one's father/ [sang4 sheng1] /to die/lose one's life/ [sang4 jin4] /completely lose/ [sang4 jin4 tian1 liang2] /devoid of conscience (idiom); utterly heartles [sang1 li3] /funeral/ [sang4 dan3] /panic-stricken/scared out of one's wits/ [sang1 huang1] /mourning ceremonial/ [sang1 zang4] /funeral/burial/ [sang1 zang4 fei4] /funeral expenses/ [sang4 qin1] /bereavement/to lose a relative/ [sang1 zhong1] /knell/ [sang1 men2 xing1] /messenger of death (cf Irish banshee)/person bringing bad [sang1 men2 shen2] /messenger of death (cf Irish banshee)/person bringing bad [sang4 hun2 shi1 po4] /lit. lost soul, vanished spirit (idiom); distraugh /heart-broken/ [sang4 hun2 luo4 po4] /scared out of one's wits (idiom); in a panic/ [chi1] /variant of /to eat/to have one's meal/to eradicate/to destroy/to absorb/t o suffer/to exhaust/ [chi1 bu4 dao4 pu2 tao5 shuo1 pu2 tao5 suan1] /sour g y grapes are sour when you can't eat them/ [Qiao2] /surname Qiao/ [qiao2] /tall/ [Qiao2 dan1] /Jordan (name)/ [Qiao2 Guan1 hua4] /Qiao Guanhua (1913-1973), PRC politician and diplomat/ [Qiao2 ba1 shan1] /Choibalsan, city in Mongolia, capital of the eastern aimag nce) of Dornod/Khorloogiin Choibalsan (1895-1952), Communist leader of the Mongo lian People's Republic (mid-1930s-1952)/ [Qiao2 bu4 si1] /Jobs (name)/see also [Shi3 di4 [Qiao2 ge1 li3 feng1] /K2, Mt Qogir or Chogori in Karakorum section of Hi [qiao2 mu4] /tree, esp. with recognizable trunk (as opposed to [guan4 mu4], b shrub)/ [qiao2 lin2] /forest (esp. of tall trees)/high forest/ [Qiao2 ge2 li3 feng1] /K2, Mt Qogir or Chogori in Karakorum section of Hi written / [Qiao2 zhi4] /George (name)/ [Qiao2 zhi4 Ao4 wei1 er3] /George Orwell (1903-1950), British n arm and 1984/ [Qiao2 zhi4 Suo3 luo2 si1] /George Soros or Gyrgy Schwartz (19 ncial speculator and millionaire philanthropist/ [Qiao2 zhi4 Hua2 sheng4 dun4] /George Washington (1732-1799), f [Qiao2 zhi4 Yi1 shi4] /George I of Great Brittain/ [Qiao2 zhi4 ya4] /Georgia (country)/ [Qiao2 zhi4 cheng2] /Georgetown/(the spelling is more common)/ [Qiao2 zhi4 cheng2 Da4 xue2] /Georgetown University in Washington D.C y Jesuit university and for its basketball team/ [Qiao2 zhi4 dun1] /Georgetown/ [qiao2 shi2] /Qiao Shi (Chinese leadership contender)/ [Qiao2 da1 mo2] /Gautama, surname of the Siddhartha, the historical Buddha/ [Qiao2 Hong2] /Qiao Hong/ [Qiao2 na4 sen1] /Jonathan (name)/ [qiao2 zhuang1] /to pretend/to feign/to disguise oneself/

[qiao2 zhuang1 da3 ban4] /to dress up in disguise (idiom); to pretend for of deceit/ [qiao2 qian1] /to move (to a superior place)/promotion/ [qiao2 qian1 zhi1 xi3] /congratulations on house-moving or promotion (idi hes for your new home!/ [yan4] /condole with/ [Chan2] /see [Chan2 yu2]/ [Shan4] /surname Shan/ [dan1] /bill/list/form/single/only/sole/odd number/CL: [ge4]/ [dan1 yi1] /single/only/sole/ [dan1 yi1 he2 ti3 zi4] /unique compound/ [dan1 yi1 ma3] /Unicode/also written / [dan1 yi1 huo4 bi4] /single currency/ [Chan2 yu2] /Chanyu (Han dynasty name for chiefs of Xiongnu Huns )/ [dan1 ren2] /single person/ [dan1 ren2 chuang2] /single bed/CL: [zhang1]/ [dan1 ren2 jian1] /single room (hotel)/ [dan1 wei4] /a unit/unit (of measure)/work unit (one's workplace)/CL: [ge4]/ [dan1 wei4 xin4 tuo1] /unit trust (finance)/ [dan1 wei4 yuan2] /identity element (math.)/ [dan1 wei4 qie1 xiang4 liang4] /unit tangent vector/ [dan1 wei4 xiang4 liang4] /unit vector/ [dan1 wei4 gen1] /root of unity/ [dan1 ge5] /single/alone/individually/an odd one/ [dan1 ge4 r5] /erhua variant of [dan1 ge4]/ [dan1 bei4 ti3] /haploid (single chromosome)/ [dan1 ce4] /one-sided/unilateral/ [dan1 jia4] /price of item/ [dan1 yuan2] /unit/entrance number/staircase (for residential buildings)/ [dan1 yuan2 pin2 lu:4] /unit frequency/ [dan1 ke4 long2 kang4 ti3] /monoclonal antibody/ [dan1 dao1 zhi2 ru4] /to get straight to the point (idiom)/ [Dan1 cong1] /a class of Oolong tea/ [dan1 kou3 xiang4 sheng1] /comic monologue/one-person comic sketch/ [dan1 ju4] /simple sentence (grammar)/ [dan1 xiang4] /uni-directional/ [dan1 xiang4 dian4 liu2] /direct current (elec.)/also written / [dan1 wei4 yao4] /medicine made from a single herb/drug made from a single su / [dan1 dan1] /only/merely/just/ [dan1 tao4] /single set/ [dan1 zi5] /list of items/ [dan1 zi3 ye4] /monocotyledon (plant family distinguished by single embryonic includes grasses, orchids and lilies)/ [dan1 zi4] /individual character/separate character/ [dan1 ning2 suan1] /tannin/ [dan1 she4] /injective map (i.e. one-to-one map between sets in math.)/ [dan1 ceng2] /single layer/single story/single deck/single level/ [dan1 ceng2 ta3] /single storied pagoda/ [dan1 feng1 tuo2] /dromedary/ [dan1 gan4] /to work on one's own/to work single-handed/individual farming/ [dan1 yi4] /unambiguous/having only one meaning/ [dan1 lian4] /unrequited love/one-sided love/ [dan1 fang2 cha1] /single person supplement (for a hotel room etc)/ [dan1 shou3] /one hand/single-handed/ [dan1 da3] /singles (in sports)/CL: [chang3]/ [dan1 tiao1] /to pick/to choose/to fight a duel/ [dan1 ji1] /single-click/ [dan1 ju4] /receipts/invoices/transaction records/ [dan1 fang4 ji1] /tape player/video player/(media) player/play-only device/

[dan1 shu4] /positive odd number (also written )/singular (grammar)/ [dan1 fang1] /unilateral/one-sided/home remedy/folk prescription(same as )/si ug prescription (same as [ji1 fang1], one of the seven kinds of prescriptions of C hinese medicine [qi1 fang1])/metaphorically. a good solution/ [dan1 fang1 xiang4] /unidirectional/single-aspect/ [dan1 fang1 xuan1 gao4] /unilateral declaration/ [dan1 fang1 kong3 he4] /unilateral threat/ [dan1 fang1 jue2 ding4] /to decide without reference to other parties inv ral decision/ [dan1 fang1 zhi4 ji4] /prescribed preparation/ [dan1 fang1 guo4 shi1 peng4 zhuang4] /collision in which only one [dan1 fang1 mian4] /unilateral/ [dan1 ri4] /on a single day/ [dan1 jing1] /monocrystalline/ [dan1 jing1 gui1 bang4] /single crystal silicon rod/ [dan1 qu3] /single (music)/ [dan1 yue4] /monthly/in a single month/ [dan1 ban3 ji1] /single-board computer/ [dan1 ban3 hua2 xue3] /to snowboard/ [dan1 he2 xi4 bao1] /monocyte/mononuclear cell/ [dan1 he2 xi4 bao1 zeng1 duo1 zheng4] /mononucleosis/ [dan1 ji2] /unipolar/ [dan1 qiang1 pi3 ma3] /lit. single spear and horse (idiom); fig. single h panied/ [dan1 gang4] /bar/bold line/horizontal bar (gymnastics event)/ [dan1 mo2] /single mode/ [dan1 mo2 guang1 xian1] /single mode fiber/ [dan1 yuan2 duo1 bei4 ti3] /autopolyploid (polyploid with chromosomes / [dan1 yuan2 lun4] /theory of single origin (of mankind)/ [dan1 pian4 ji1] /microcontroller/one-chip computer/ [dan1 du2] /alone/by oneself/on one's own/ [dan1 ban1 ke4] /individual lesson/one-on-one class/ [dan1 ban4] /single petal/single valve/ [dan1 yong4] /use separately/ [dan1 mang2] /single-blind (scientific experiment)/ [dan1 xiang4] /single phase (elec.)/ [dan1 xiang1 si1] /one-sided lovesickness/unrequited longing/ [dan1 yan3] /ommatidium (single component of insect's compound eye)/ [dan1 yan3 pi2] /single eyelid/ [dan1 cheng2] /one way (ticket)/ [dan1 duan1 bao1 mei2 xi1 lei4 du2 su4] /trichothecenes ( [dan1 duan1 bao1 mei2 xi1 lei4 du2 su4 zhong1 [dan1 huang2 guan3] /clarinet/ [dan1 tang2] /monosaccharide/ [dan1 chun2] /simple/pure/alone/merely/ [dan1 chun2 pao4 zhen3] /herpes simplex (med.)/ [dan1 chun2 pao4 zhen3 bing4 du2] /herpes simplex virus (HSV, med [dan1 xi4 bao1] /single-celled (organism)/unicellular/ [dan1 xi4 bao1 sheng1 wu4] /single-celled organism/ [Shan4 xian4] /Shan county in Heze [He2 ze2], Shandong/ [dan1 yi4 fei1 ji1] /monoplane/ [dan1 jian1 bao1] /shoulder bag/ [dan1 bao1 zao3] /single-celled algae/ [dan1 jiao3 tiao4] /to hop/to jump on one leg/ [dan1 se4] /monochrome/monochromatic/black and white/ [dan1 se4 zhao4 pian4] /monochrome photo/black and white picture/ [dan1 se4 hua4] /monochrome picture/black and white picture/ [dan1 ye4 shuang1 qu1 mian4] /hyperboloid of one sheet (math.)/ [dan1 xing2] /to come individually/to treat separately/separate edition/one-way t

affic/ [dan1 xing2 ben3] /single volume edition/offprint/ [dan1 xing2 xian4] /one-way road/ [dan1 xing2 dao4] /one way street/ [dan1 yi1] /unlined garment/ [dan1 qin1] /single parent/ [dan1 qin1 jia1 ting2] /single parent family/ [dan1 ci2] /word/CL: [ge4]/ [dan1 ci2 chan3 sheng1 qi4 mo2 xing2] /logogen model/ [dan1 diao4] /monotonous/ [dan1 diao4 fa2 wei4] /donkeywork (idiom)/ [dan1 zheng4] /documentation/ [dan1 zhi4] /simple substance (consisting purely of one element, such as diamond) [dan1 tang4] /single trip/ [dan1 shen1] /unmarried/single/bachelorhood/ [dan1 shen1 han4] /bachelor/unmarried man/ [dan1 che1] /bicycle/bike/ [dan1 gui3] /single track/ [dan1 lun2 che1] /unicycle/ [dan1 lian2 jie1 zhan4] /single attachment station/ [dan1 bian1] /unilateral/ [dan1 bian1 zhu3 yi4] /unilateralism/ [dan1 ge4] /monochrome/ [dan1 jian4] /single bond (chemistry)/ [dan1 lian4] /single chain/refers to RNA as opposed to the double helix DNA/ [dan1 jing4 fan3 guang1 xiang1 ji1] /single-lens reflex camera (S [dan1 yuan4] /single house (assembly)/ [dan1 xie2] /unpadded shoes/ [dan1 yin1 jie2] /monosyllabic/a monosyllable/ [dan1 yin1 ci2] /monosyllabic word/ [dan1 yun4 mu3] /simple finals/ [dan1 xiang4] /single-item/ [dan1 ti3] /monomer/ [dan1 dian3] / la carte/ [li2] /grain weight/ [yo1] /Oh! (interjection indicating slight surprise)/ [yo5] /(sentence-final particle expressing exhortation)/(syllable filler in a so ng)/ [cha1] /see [cha1 cha5]/ [zha1] /onomatopoeic for chirp, twitter, etc/ [cha1 cha5] /whisper/to whisper/ [miao1] /onomat. meow/cat's mewing/ [ying2] /Japanese variant of / [kui2] /see [kui2 lin2]/ [kui2 lin2] /quinoline C6H4(CH)3N (pharmacology)/ [kui2 nuo4 tong2] /quinolone (a hydroxylated quinoline, inhibiting the replic f bacterial DNA)/ [xi3] /to be at, in or on (Cantonese)/Mandarin equivalent: [zai4]/ [Yu4] /surname Yu/ [yu4] /to describe sth as/an analogy/a simile/a metaphor/an allegory/ [jie2] /box (topolect)/used to transliterate words with sounds kip-, cap- etc/ [jie2 zhi1] /Worcestershire sauce/ [sao4] /chirping of birds/ [huo4] /to vomit/ [he4] /scold with severity/ [a2] /variant of , interjection expressing doubt or requiring answer/Eh?/what?/to show realization/to stress/ [sha4] /hoarse/ [xiu4] /to smell/to sniff/to nose/ [xiu4 jue2] /sense of smell/

[qiang1] /to choke (because of swallowing the wrong way)/ [qiang4] /to irritate the nose/to choke (of smoke, smell etc)/pungent/ [qiang1 gu5] /to discuss (dialect)/ [se4] /stingy/ [yong1] /to choke/ [su4] /crop (of bird)/ [su4 nang2] /crop (anatomy)/ [hong3] /sing/ [ma3] /see , morphine/ [ma5] /(question tag)/ [ma3 na3] /manna (Israelite food)/ [ma3 fei1] /morphine/ [hai4] /exclamation of regret/ [ke4] /to crack (seeds) with front teeth/ [ke4 yao4] /to take (illegal) drugs/ [ta4] /to despair/ [sang3] /throat/voice/ [sang3 zi5] /throat/voice/CL:[ba3]/ [sang3 men2] /voice/windpipe/ [sang3 yin1] /voice/ [chen1] /to be angry at/to be displeased and annoyed/ [chen1 he4] /to yell at sb in rage/ [chen1 nu4] /to get angry/ [chen1 guai4] /to blame/to rebuke/ [chen1 chi4] /to rebuke/to scold/ [chen1 kuang2] /to be deranged/ [chen1 mu4] /glare/angry look/to open one's eyes wide/to stare angrily/to glare/t glower/ [chen1 ni4] /to look askance at sb in anger/ [chen1 se4] /angry or sullen look/ [chen1 zhe5] /to blame sb for sth (colloquial)/ [chen1 shi4] /to look angrily at/ [chen1 gou4] /to berate/to curse in rage/ [Ru4] /ancient tribe of northern China/ [sou1] /whooshing sound/swishing/rustle of skirts (onomatopoeia)/ [sou1 sou1] /whooshing sound/swishing/rustle of skirts (onomatopoeia)/laughingly/ [pang3] /bang! (onomatopoeia)/ [wu1] /onomat. for humming or whimpering/ [wu1 hu1] /alas/alack/welladay/wellaway/to die/ [wu1 hu1 ai1 zai1] /alas/all is lost/ [wu1 ye4] /to sob/to whimper/ [wu1 wu1] /(interj) boo hoo/ [qian4] /pouch/hold/content/ [shi4] /addicted to/fond of/stem corresponding to -phil or -phile/ [shi4 hao4] /fondness/hobby/indulgence/ [shi4 yu4] /lust/ [shi4 sha1 cheng2 xing4] /bloodthirsty/ [shi4 jia1 cheng2 pi3] /to have strange and dangerous addictions (idiom)/ [shi4 shui4 zheng4] /hypersomnia/excessive sleepiness (medical)/ [shi4 xue4] /blood-thirsty/blood-sucking/hemophile/ [shi4 xue4 gan3 jun1] /hemophile bacteria/hemophilus/ [shi4 jiu3 ru2 ming4] /to love wine as one's life (idiom); fond of the bo [shi4 suan1 ru3 gan1 jun1] /Lactobacillus acidophilus/ [shi4 suan1 xing4 qiu2] /eosinophil granulocyte (type of white blood cell [shi4 suan1 xing4 li4 xi4 bao1] /eosinophil (type of white blood [shi4 jian3 xing4 qiu2] /basophil granulocyte (type of white blood cell)/ [shi4 jian3 xing4 li4 xi4 bao1] /basophil granulocytes (rarest ty [ge2] /hiccup/belch/ [jie1] /sigh/also pr. [jue1]/ [weng1] /onomat. buzz/hum/drone/

[weng1 weng1] /buzz/drone/hum/ [weng1 weng1 jiao4] /hum/drone/buzz (of insects)/ [weng1 weng1 dan4] /buzzing bomb/ [weng1 weng1 zu3 la1] /vuvuzela (horn blown by sports fans)/ [weng1 weng1 sheng1] /hum/drone/buzz/ [si4] /succession (to a title)/to inherit/continuing (a tradition)/posterity/ [si4 wei4] /to succeed to a title/to inherit/ [si4 guo2] /to accede to a throne/ [si4 zi3] /heir/adopted son/ [si4 hou4] /from then on/after/afterwards/thereafter/ [si4 hui1] /heritage/the continuation (of a tradition)/ [si4 sui4] /the following year/next year/ [si4 xiang3] /lit. a following echo/fig. to continue (a tradition)/ [chi1] /laugh at/jeer/scoff at/sneer at/ [chi1 zhi1 yi3 bi2] /to look down upon; to treat with contempt (idiom)/ [chi1 xiao4] /to sneer at/ [hao2] /howl/bawl/to bark/roar/ [hao2 jiao4] /to growl/to howl/ [suo1] /suck/ [hai1] /oh alas/hey!/hi! (loanword)/ [suo3] /see [suo3 na4]/ [suo3 na4] /suona, Chinese shawm (oboe), used in festivals and processions or for military purposes/also written /also called [la3 ba5]/ [qin2] /used in phonetic transcription -xine, -zine or -chin/ [he1] /hey! (exclamation)/I say!/ [en1] /(a groaning sound)/ [en4] /(nonverbal grunt as interjection)/OK, yeah/what?/ [en5] /interjection indicating approval, appreciation or agreement/ [en5 heng1] /uh-huh/ [ge3] /that (Cantonese)/Mandarin equivalent: [na4]/ [dia3] /coy/childish/ [tong1] /thump (onomat.)/thud/ [tong1 tong1 gu3] /tom-tom (drum)/ [bi4] /beiges/serge/ [bi4 bi4 pa1 pa1] /onomat. flopping sound/ [bi4 ji1] /serge/ [ao2] /loud clamor/the sound of wailing/ [ao2 ao2 dai4 bu3] /cry piteously for food/ [lian2] /chattering/ [sou4] /cough/ [sou3] /to urge on/incite/ [tan3] /sound of many people eating/ [di2] /backbite/ [di2 gu5] /to whisper/ [di1 da1] /onom. tick tock/ [qi1] /whispering sound/ [qi1 qi5 cha1 cha1] /chattering/ [jiao4] /loud/ [kai4] /possessive particle (Cantonese)/Mandarin equivalent: [de5]/ [tan4] /sigh/gasp/exclaim/ [tan4 xi1] /to sigh/to gasp (in admiration)/ [tan4 wan3 guan1 zhi3] /to admire as the greatest/ [tan4 xi1] /sigh of regret/ [tan4 fu2] /(to gasp) with admiration/ [tan4 qi4] /to sigh/to heave a sigh/ [tan4 wei2 guan1 zhi3] /to gasp in amazement/to acclaim as the peak of pe [tan4 ci2] /interjection/exclamation/ [tan4 shang3] /to admire/to express admiration/ [cao2] /bustling/tumultuous/noisy/ [cao2 za2] /noisy/clamorous/

[cao2 za2 sheng1] /noise/din/ [Jia1] /surname Jia/ [jia1] /excellent/auspicious/ [Jia1 ren2] /Yoshihito, personal name of Japanese emperor Taish emperor (1879-19 , reigned 1912-1926/ [Jia1 shan4] /Jiashan county in Jiaxing [Jia1 xing1], Zhejiang/ [Jia1 shan4 xian4] /Jiashan county in Jiaxing [Jia1 xing1], Zhejiang [Jia1 shi4 bo2] /Carlsberg/ [Jia1 ding4] /Jiading district of northwest Shanghai/final reign name 1208-1224 o South Song emperor Ningzong [Ning2 zong1]/ [Jia1 ding4 qu1] /Jiading district of northwest Shanghai/ [Jia1 shan1] /Jiashan former county 1932-1992 in northeast Anhui, now part of Chu hou prefecture [Chu2 zhou1]/provincial level scenic area in Hunan/ [Jia1 shan1 xian4] /Jiashan former county 1932-1992 in northeast Anhui, now p Chuzhou prefecture [Chu2 zhou1]/ [Jia1 yu4 guan1] /Jiayuguan prefecture level city in Gansu/ [Jia1 yu4 guan1 cheng2] /Jiayuguan fort in the Gansu corridor/Ming dynast rt, the western end of the Great Wall/ [Jia1 yu4 guan1 shi4] /Jiayuguan prefecture level city in Gansu/ [jia1 nian2 hua2] /carnival (loanword)/ [Jia1 qing4] /Jiaqing, reign name of Qing emperor (1796-1820)/ [Jia1 ying1 Da4 xue2] /Jiaying University (Guangdong)/ [jia1 hui4] /auspicious occasion/grand feast/ [Jia1 bo2 long2 li3] /Gaborone, capital of Botswana/also written [jia1 jiang3] /to award/commendation/citation/ [Jia1 xiang2] /Jiaxiang county in Ji'ning , Shandong/ [Jia1 xiang2 xian4] /Jiaxiang county in Ji'ning , Shandong/ [Jia1 he2] /Jiahe county in Chenzhou [Chen1 zhou1], Hunan/ [Jia1 he2 xian4] /Jiahe county in Chenzhou [Chen1 zhou1], Hunan/ [Jia1 yi4] /Jiayi or Chiayi city and county in west Taiwan/ [Jia1 yi4 shi4] /Chiayi city in central Taiwan/ [Jia1 yi4 xian4] /Jiayi or Chiayi county in west Taiwan/ [Jia1 xing1] /Jiaxing prefecture level city in Zhejiang/ [Jia1 xing1 di4 qu1] /Jiaxing prefecture, Zhejiang/ [Jia1 xing1 shi4] /Jiaxing prefecture level city in Zhejiang/ [Jia1 yin4] /Jiayin county in Yichun [Yi1 chun1 shi4], Heilongjiang/ [Jia1 yin4 xian4] /Jiayin county in Yichun [Yi1 chun1 shi4], Heilongjia [jia1 xu3] /favorable/praise/ [jia1 bin1] /esteemed guest/honored guest/guest (on a show)/ [Jia1 ling2] /Jialing district of Nanchong city [Nan2 chong1 shi4], Sichuan [Jia1 ling2 qu1] /Jialing district of Nanchong city [Nan2 chong1 shi4], [Jia1 ling2 jiang1] /Jialing river in Sichuan (a tributary of the Yangtze)/ [Jia1 yu2] /Jiayu county in Xianning [Xian2 ning2], Hubei/ [Jia1 yu2 xian4] /Jiayu county in Xianning [Xian2 ning2], Hubei/ [Jia1 li2] /Lhari county, Tibetan: Lha ri rdzong, in Nagchu prefecture central Tibet/ [Jia1 li2 xian4] /Lhari county, Tibetan: Lha ri rdzong, in Nagchu prefecture u1], central Tibet/ [ai2] /to growl (of dog)/to bare fangs/ [piao1] /fast/speedy/ [piao4] /purine/see [piao4 ling4]/ [piao4 ling4] /purine/ [lou2] /subordinates in gang of bandits/ [lou5] /(final particle equivalent to )/ [lou2 luo5] /bandit/ [lou2 zi5] /variant of [lou2 zi5]/ [ga2] /cackling sound/ [ga1 zhi1] /creak/crunch (onomatopoeia)/ [ga1 la5] /rumbling/rattling (onomatopoeia)/ [ga2 la5] /to quarrel (Northeastern Mandarin)/

[ga1 ga1] /onomat. quack/honk/also pr. [ga1 ga5], [ga2 ga5] etc/ [Ga1 ga1 Xiao3 jie5] /Lady Gaga (1986-), US pop singer/ [ga1 la1 ha4] /(Manchu loanword) knucklebones/see [yang2 guai3]/ [ga1 ran2] /screech of a sudden stop (onomatopoeia)/suddenly stop (of sounds)/cri ply and clearly (of sounds)/ [gu3] /good fortune/longevity/ [jia3] /far/grand/ [xiao1] /boastful/bombastic/ [hui4] /shrill sound/twinkling/ [guo1] /sound of swallowing/croak/ [ou3] /vomit/ [ou3 chu1 wu4] /vomitus/ [ou3 tu4] /to vomit/ [ou3 tu4 wu4] /vomit/ [ou3 xin1 li4 xue4] /lit. to spit out one's heart and spill blood (idiom) s heart out/blood, sweat and tears/ [ou4 qi4] /variant of [ou4 qi4]/ [ze2] /(interj. of admiration or of disgust)/to click one's tongue/to attempt to (find an opportunity to) speak/ [ze2 ze2] /to click one's tongue/ [chang2] /to taste/to try/already/ever/once/ [chang2 jin4 xin1 suan1] /to be dispirited and down hearted (idiom)/ [chang2 shi4] /to try/to attempt/CL:[ci4]/ [de1] /onomat. for the sound of horsehoofs/ [de1 bo5] /garrulous (colloquial)/ [ma5] /modal particle indicating that sth is obvious/particle indicating a pause for emphasis/ [ma4] /mark/ [lei5] /sentence-final particle similar to [le5], but carrying a tone of approval / [du1] /toot/honk/to pout/ [du1 du1 nong2 nong2] /to mumble in whispers/to mutter to oneself/ [du1 du1 che1] /tuk tuk (three wheeler taxi)/ [du1 du1 xiang3] /onomat. toot/honk/beeping/tooting noise/ [du1 nong5] /to mutter/to mumble complaints/to grumble/ [du1 nong5 bu4 ping2] /to constantly complain (idiom)/ [du1 lu5] /bunch/cluster/classifier for bunched objects/to hang down in a bunch/t droop/ [du1 nang5] /to mumble to oneself/ [du1 zhe5 zui3] /to pout/ [ye3] /thing/matter (Cantonese)/see also [mie1 ye3]/ [beng1] /sound of an explosion/sound of sth throbbing or bursting/ [sai1] /to waste (Cantonese)/ [jiao4] /if only/so long as/(contraction of and )/ [mi4] /(phonetic) as in pyrimidine/ [mi4 ding4] /pyrimidine C4H4N2/ [hua1] /crashing sound/ [hua2] /cat-calling sound/clamor/noise/ [hua1 la1] /onomat. sound of a crash/with a crash/ [hua2 la5] /to collapse/ [hua1 la1 yi1 sheng1] /with a crash/with a thunderous noise/ [hua1 la1 la1] /crashing sound (onomatopoeia)/ [hua1 hua1] /sound of gurgling water/ [hua2 ran2] /in uproar/commotion/causing a storm of protest/tumultuous/ [hua2 zhong4 qu3 chong3] /sensationalism/vulgar claptrap to please the cr to the gallery/demagogy/ [hua2 xiao4] /uproarious laughter/ [hua2 bian4] /mutiny/rebellion/ [chuai4] /to gnaw/eat ravenously/ [zuo1] /suck/

[peng1] /onomat. bang/ [lao2] /to chatter/ [lao4] /to gossip/to chat (topolect)/ [lao2 dao5] /to prattle/to chatter/talkative/garrulous/to nag/ [lao2 zhe4 che3 na4] /to talk about nothing in particular (idiom)/ [xiao4] /to hiss/to whistle/ [ji1] /grumble/ [ji1 ji1 zha1 zha1] /onomat. chirp/twitter/buzzing/to chatter continuousl [ji1 ji1 ga2 ga2] /onomat. giggling noise/ [chao2] /to ridicule/to mock/ [zhao1] /see , onomat., twitter/twittering sound/ [zhao1 zha1] /onomat., twitter/twittering sound/ [chao2 nong4] /to tease/to poke fun at/to make fun of/ [chao2 xiao4] /to jeer at/to deride/to ridicule/mockery/derision/ [chao2 feng3] /to sneer at/to ridicule/to taunt/ [chao2 xue4] /to mock and ridicule/ [zui3] /mouth/beak/spout (of teapot etc)/CL: [zhang1], [ge4]/ [zui3 chun2] /lip/CL:[pian4]/ [zui3 yan2] /prudent in speech/ [zui3 zi5] /mouth/beak/spout/mouthpiece/ [zui3 ba5] /mouth/CL: [zhang1]/slap in the face/CL: [ge4]/ [zui3 ba5 zi5] /slap/ [zui3 kuai4 xin1 zhi2] /lit. quick jaws and a straight heart/to be outspo re (idiom)/ [zui3 qin2] /Jew's harp/ [zui3 tian2] /sweet-talking/ingratiating/ [zui3 tian2 xin1 ku3] /sweet mouth, bitter heart (idiom); insincere flatt [zui3 pi2 zi5] /lit. lips/glib talker/having a ready tongue/ [zui3 zhi2] /straight shooter/ [zui3 ying4] /reluctant to admit a mistake/ [zui3 wen3] /able to keep a secret/ [zui3 lian3] /features, face (esp. derogatorily)/look/appearance/countenance/ [zui3 li3] /mouth/in the mouth/on one's lips/speech/words/ [zui3 jiao3] /corner of the mouth/ [zui3 chan2] /gluttonous/ravenous/ [zui3 song1] /loose-tongued/ [xiao1] /a cry of alarm/querulous/ [si1] /hiss/neigh/Ss! (sound of air sucked between the teeth, indicating hesitat ion or thinking over)/ [si1 jiao4] /to whinny (of a horse)/to neigh/to shout/ [si1 hou3] /to yell/to shout/ [si1 ya3] /onomat. coarse crowing/hoarse/husky/ [si1 ya3 sheng1] /hoarse/ [si1 han3] /to shout/ [si1 si1 sheng1] /hiss/ [si1 ming2] /to whinny (of a horse)/to neigh/ [fu3] /unclear/an expletive/ [wu3 xia1 mi3] /Boshiamy (Hoklo: [b-si-mih] it's nothing) input meth [fu3 xia1 mi3 shu1 ru4 fa3] /Boshiamy (Hoklo: [b-si-mih] [liao2] /clear sound/cry (of cranes etc)/ [liao2 liang4] /loud and clear/resonant/ [xi1] /laugh/giggle/ [xi1 ha1] /hip-hop (music genre)/ [xi1 xi1] /hee hee/happy/ [xi1 pi2] /hippie/ [chan3] /see [chan3 chan3]/see [chan3 huan3]/ [tan1] /see [tan1 tan1]/ [chan3 chan3] /relaxed and leisurely/ [tan1 tan1] /(of an animal) to pant/grand/majestic/ [chan3 huan3] /relaxed/unhurried/

[hei1] /hey/ [hei1 xiu1] /to make love (colloquial)/ [xun4] /spurt out of the mouth/ [e3] /variant of [e3], esp. used in names of chemical components/ [e3 qin2] /oxazine C4H5NO/ [e3 xin1] /variant of [e3 xin1]/ [zun3] /talk together/ [hui1] /to speak falsely or wrongly/ugly/ [chuang2] /to eat (archaic)/ [dan4] /eat/entice/ [ceng1] /to scold/whoosh!/ [cheng1] /sound of bells etc/ [jiao4] /to chew/ [jiao4 lei4] /a living being (esp. human)/ [ye1] /to choke (on)/to choke up/to suffocate/ [ye1 zhu4] /to choke (on)/to choke off (in speech)/ [xi1] /to gossip/to babble (Cantonese)/ [xu1] /exhale/hiss/ [xu1 xu1] /to pee pee (kiddie or feminine slang)/ [xu1 han2 wen4 nuan3] /to ask about sb's health/ [xu1 sheng1] /hissing sound/to hiss (as a sign of displeasure)/ [deng1] /thud/thump (onomatopoeia)/ [deng1 deng1] /thump/thud (onomatopoeia)/ [pu1] /sound of escaping laughter/water/ [Pu1 lang4] /Plurk (micro-blogging service)/ [jue1] /variant of , to pout/to stick out one's tongue or lips/ [jue1 zui3] /to pout (to express anger or displeasure)/ [qin2] /to hold in (usually refers the mouth or eyes)/ [xun2] /fathom/ [si1] /to hiss/to whistle/to whiz/to fizz (onomatopoeia)/ [si1 si1 sheng1] /hissing sound (onomatopoeia)/ [yan3] /the movement of a fish's mouth at the surface of the water/ [da1] /(phonetic)/command to a horse/clatter (of horses' hoofs)/ [da1 qin2] /pyrazine C4H4N2/diazine/ [o1] /Oh!/ [o1 yun4 hui4] /variant of , the Olympic games/ [jin4] /unable to speak/silent/ [jin4 sheng1 ling4] /gag order/ [jin4 ruo4 han2 chan2] /to keep quiet out of fear (idiom)/ [nong2] /garrulous/ [hui4] /see [hui4 hui4]/ [yue3] /to puke/to hiccup/ [hui4 hui4] /rythmical sound of a bell/ [qi4] /device/tool/utensil/CL: [tai2]/ [qi4 jian4] /device/component/ [qi4 ju4] /implement/ware/ [qi4 yu3 xuan1 ang2] /variant of [qi4 yu3 xuan1 ang2]/ [qi4 guan1] /organ (part of body tissue)/apparatus/ [qi4 guan1 juan1 xian4 zhe3] /organ donor/ [qi4 guan1 yi2 zhi2] /organ transplant/ [qi4 cai2] /equipment/material/ [qi4 xie4] /special or precision equipment/apparatus/ [qi4 yue4] /instrumental music/ [qi4 wu4] /implements/utensils/ [qi4 min3] /household utensils/ [qi4 zhi4 xing4] /(of medical disorders) organic/ [qi4 zhong4] /to regard highly/ [qi4 liang4] /tolerance/ [e4] /startling/ [e4 meng4] /nightmare/

[e4 hao4] /news of sb's death/grievous news/ [e4 yun4] /variant of [e4 yun4]/ [zao4] /the chirping of birds or insects/noise/clamor/buzzing/disturbance/ [zao4 sheng1] /noise/ [zao4 sheng1 wu1 ran3] /noise pollution/ [zao4 za2] /a clamor/a din/ [zao4 yin1] /rumble/noise/static (in a signal)/ [zao4 yin1 he2] /boombox/ghetto blaster/ [yi1] /yeah (interjection of approval)/to belch/ [shi4] /to devour/to bite/ [shi4 yao3] /to bite/ [shi4 jun1 ti3] /bacteriophage/phage/virus that infects bacteria/ [jiao4] /shout/ [ai3] /(interj. of disapproval)/ [ai4] /(interj. of regret)/ [jue2] /loud laughter/ [xue2 tou2] /amusing speech or act/jokes/antics/funny/amusing/Taiwan pr. [xue1 to 2]/ [Kuai4] /surname Kuai/ [kuai4] /throat/to swallow/ [yu3] /herd/stag/buck/ [pen1] /to puff/to spout/to spray/to spurt/ [pen4] /fragrant/ [pen1 chu1] /spout/spray/belch/to well up/to puff out/to spurt out/ [pen1 chu1 yan2] /extrusive rock (geology)/ [pen1 zui3] /nozzle/extrusion nozzle/ [pen1 zui3 r5] /erhua variant of , nozzle/ [pen1 ti4] /sneeze/ [pen1 ti4 ji4] /sternutator/ [pen1 mo4] /ink jet/ [pen1 hu2] /spray bottle/ [pen1 she4] /to spurt/to spray/to jet/spurt/spray/jet/ [pen1 tong3] /watering can/ [pen1 qi4] /jet/blast of air/spurt of gas/ [pen1 qi4 shi4] /jet-propelled/ [pen1 qi4 shi4 fei1 ji1] /jet aircraft/ [Pen1 qi4 Tui1 jin4 Shi2 yan4 shi4] /Jet Propulsion Laborator [pen1 qi4 ji1] /jet (engine, plane)/ [pen1 qi4 fa1 dong4 ji1] /jet engine/ [pen1 shui3 hu2] /watering can/sprinkling can/ [pen1 shui3 chi2] /a fountain/ [pen1 chi2] /spray pool/spray condensing pool/ [pen1 quan2] /fountain/ [pen1 yong3] /to bubble out/to squirt/ [pen1 qi1] /to spray paint or lacquer/lacquer/ [pen1 qi1 tui1 jin4] /jet propulsion/ [pen1 sa3] /to spray/to sprinkle/ [pen1 sa3 qi4] /a spray/ [pen1 huo3] /to shoot flames/to erupt (of volcanoes)/flaming (of flowers)/ [pen1 huo3 qi4] /flamethrower/ [pen1 fa1] /to erupt/an eruption/ [pen1 si1 tou2] /spinneret/extrusion nozzle/ [pen1 bo2] /to gush/to squirt/to surge/to well out/to overflow/ [pen1 bo2 yu4 chu1] /to emerge in blazing glory (idiom)/ [pen1 wu4] /mist spray/atomizing/ [pen1 wu4 qi4] /nebulizer/spray/atomizer/ [pen1 tou2] /nozzle/spray-head/ [pen1 bi2 xi1] /to snort/ [ga2] /phonetic ga (used in rendering Tibetan and Mongolian sounds)/Tibetan Ge: language of Buddha/dialect final particle (esp. in Yunnan) similar to le/

[ga2 lun2] /Tibetan government official/same as / [Ga2 ha1 wu1 zu2] /Kaxabu or Kahabu, one of the indigenous peoples of Tai [ga2 lang1 lang1] /onomat. hum and clatter/ [ga2 la3] /onomat./same as / [ga2 ta4] /onomat. clattering/ [ga2 beng1] /onomat. kaboom/ [ga2 ga2] /onomat./ [ga2 bu4 lun2] /Tibetan government official/ [ga2 xia4] /government of Tibet, dissolved in 1959/ [ga2 la1] /onomat./same as / [Ga2 la1 Duo1 jie2 Ren2 bo1 qie4] /Garab Dorje Ri rs/ [Ga2 er3] /Gar county in Ngari prefecture, Tibet, Tibetan: Sgar rdzong/ [Ga2 er3 xian4] /Gar county in Ngari prefecture, Tibet, Tibetan: Sgar rdzong/ [Ga2 ma3 lan2] /Kavalan, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan/old name of nty, Taiwan/ [Ga2 ma3 lan2 zu2] /Kavalan, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan/ [Ga2 dang1 pai4] /Bkar-dgam-pa sect of Tibetan Buddhism/ [Ga2 ju3 pai4] /Geju (Tibetan: transmit word of Buddha) sect of Tibetan Buddh [ga2 long2] /Tibetan government official/same as / [ga2 fei1] /old transliteration of coffee, now / [hen4] /interjection expressing disagreement, reproach or dissatisfaction/ [dun1] /ton/Taiwan pr. [dun4]/ [dun1 wei4] /tonnage/ [dun1 gong1 li3] /ton-kilometer (unit of capacity of transport system)/ [dun1 shu4] /tonnage/ [dun1 ji2] /tonnage/class in tons (of a passenger ship)/ [dang1] /onomat. dong/ding dong bell/ [dang1 dang1 che1] /tram, especially Beijing trams during period of operation 956 (colloquial)/also written / [sai1] /used in transliteration/ [sai1 zuo4] /thiazole (chemistry)/ [pi1] /child's buttocks (esp. Cantonese)/see , onomat. for crack, slap, clap er etc/ [pi1 pa1] /onomat. for crack, slap, clap, clatter etc/ [pi1 pa1] /see [pi1 pa1]/ [ning2] /enjoin/ [ta4] /to drink/to swallow/ [huo4] /stunned and speechless/ [o3] /(interj. of surprise)/ [ru2] /chattering/ [hao1] /sound/noise/ [he4] /to scare/to intimidate/to threaten/(interjection showing disapproval) tut -tut/(interjection showing astonishment)/ [xia4] /to frighten/to scare/ [xia4 yi1 tiao4] /startled/to frighten/scared out of one's skin/ [xia4 dao3] /to be frightened/ [xia4 sha3] /to terrify/to scare sb/ [xia4 hu5] /to threaten/ [xia4 huai4] /to be really frightened/ [xia4 de2 fa1 dou3] /tremble with fear/ [xia4 hun1] /to faint from fear/to be frightened into fits/shell-shocked/ [xia4 feng1] /to be scared senseless/ [xia4 po4 dan3] /to be scared out of one's wits/to scare stiff/ [he4 sheng1] /ho/ [ji4] /sip/ [hao2] /howl/bawl/ [hao2 ku1] /to bawl/to cry/to wail/to howl/also written [hao2 ku1]/ [hao2 tao2 da4 ku1] /to wail/to bawl (idiom)/ [ti4] /sneeze/

[ti4 pen5] /to sneeze/ [chang2] /to taste/ [ca1] /screech (onomatopoeia)/ [cha1] /snap, pop (onomatopoeia)/see [ka1 cha1]/ [ca1 ca1] /screech (onomatopoeia)/ [lu1] /grumble/chatter/ [lu1 su1] /see [luo1 suo5]/ [lu1 su5] /long-winded (dialect)/to talk at length/ [nie4] /to gnaw/to erode/ [nie4 chi3] /a rodent (rat, rabbit etc)/ [nie4 chi3 dong4 wu4] /rodent/ [nie4 chi3 mu4] /order of rodents (rats, rabbits etc)/ [nie4 chi3 lei4] /rodents (rat, rabbit etc)/ [yin2] /insincere/stupid/ [me5] /(final particle)/ [li4] /used in transliteration/ [yan4] /to swallow/ [yan4 qi4] /to die/to breathe one's last/ [li4] /sound of splitting/cracking/ [long2] /throat/ [pin2] /knit the brows/ [pi3] /great/great fortune/ [xiang4] /to tend toward/to guide/variant of / [xiang4 dao3] /guide/ [xiang4 wang3] /to yearn for/to look forward to/ [huo4] /onomat. expressing admiration or surprise/onomat. sound of a laugh/ [duo3] /hang down/ [ku4] /one of the five legendary emperors, also called / [Yan2] /surname Yan/ [yan2] /tight (closely sealed)/stern/strict/rigorous/severe/father/ [yan2 le5 yan3 r5] /up to the eyeballs/full to overflowing/jampacked/ [yan2 yi3 ze2 ji3 kuan1 yi3 dai4 ren2] /to be severe with om)/ [yan2 dong1] /severe winter/ [yan2 xing2] /strict law/cruel punishment/to carry out cruel law rigorously/ [yan2 jia1] /to increase vigilance/to take more rigorous (precautions)/ [yan2 jia1 shen1 chi4] /serious warning/ [yan2 li4] /severe/strict/ [yan2 li4 da3 ji1] /to strike a severe blow/to crack down/to take strong [yan2 li4 pi1 ping2] /to criticize severely/to slate/ [yan2 yan2 shi2 shi2] /solid/firm/ [yan2 shou3] /to strictly maintain/ [yan2 mi4] /strict/tight (organization, surveillance etc)/ [yan2 han2] /bitter cold/severe winter/ [yan2 shi5] /tight/close/safely hidden/safely/securely/ [Yan2 dao3] /Itsukushima island in Hiroshima prefecture, Japan, with a famous shr ne/ [Yan2 dao3 shen2 she4] /Itsukujima shrine in Hiroshima prefecture, Japan/ [yan2 jun4] /grim/severe/rigorous/ [Yan2 Fu4] /Yan Fu (1853-1921), influential Chinese writer and translator of West rn books, esp. on social sciences/ [yan2 ci2] /strict and compassionate/strict as a father and tender as a mother/ [yan2 cheng2] /to punish severely/ [yan2 cheng2 bu4 dai4] /to punish strictly with no leniency (idiom); to p w no mercy/zero tolerance/ [yan2 da3] /to crack down on/to take severe measures against/ [yan2 ba3] /to be strict/to enforce vigorously (procedures, quality control etc)/ [yan2 chi4] /to scold/to censure/ [yan2 yu2 lu:4 ji3] /to be strict with oneself/ [yan2 ming2] /strict and impartial/firm/

[yan2 cha2] /to investigate strictly/ [yan2 ge2] /strict/stringent/tight/rigorous/ [yan2 ge2 lai2 shuo1] /strictly speaking/ [yan2 ge2 lai2 jiang3] /strictly speaking/ [yan2 ge2 an4 zhao4] /strictly according to/ [yan2 ge2 ge2 li2] /rigorous isolation/ [yan2 zheng4] /sternly/solemn/ [yan2 fu4] /strict or stern father/ [yan2 jin4] /strictly prohibit/ [yan2 jun4] /tight/strict/severe/stern/difficult/ [yan2 jin3] /strict/tight/ [yan2 su4] /solemn/grave/serious/earnest/severe/ [yan2 ke1] /severe/harsh/ [yan2 ci2] /forceful (criticism etc)/to use strong words/ [yan2 jin3] /rigorous/strict/careful/cautious/compact/well-knit/ [yan2 ci2] /stern words/ [yan2 ku4] /bitter/harsh/grim/ruthless/severe/cut-throat (competition)/ [yan2 zhong4] /grave/serious/severe/critical/ [yan2 zhong4 wei1 hai4] /severe harm/critical danger/ [yan2 zhong4 wen4 ti2] /serious problem/ [yan2 zhong4 hou4 guo3] /grave consequence/serious repercussion/ [yan2 zhong4 xing4] /seriousness/ [yan2 zhong4 po4 huai4] /serious damage/ [yan2 zhong4 guan1 qie4] /serious concern/ [yan2 fang2] /to take strict precautions/on your guard/ [yan2 chi4] /careful/precise/ [chan2] /gluttonous/greedy/ [ying1] /calling of birds/ [rang3] /blurt out/to shout/ [rang3 pi1] /shout oneself hoarse/ [rang1 rang5] /to argue noisily/to shout/to make widely known/to reproach/ [jiao2] /to chew/also pr. [jue2]/ [jiao2 zi5] /bit/mouthpiece/ [jiao2 she2] /to gossip/to argue unnecessarily/ [jiao2 she2 gen1] /to gossip/to argue unnecessarily/ [jiao2 she2 tou2] /to gossip/to argue unnecessarily/ [jiao2 la4] /insipid/ [zhuan4] /to sing (of birds or insects)/to warble/to chirp/to twitter/ [nie4] /move the mouth as in speaking/ [nie4 tie4] /to whisper/ [nie4 ru2] /to stammer/to mumble/to speak haltingly/ [nie4 nie4] /talkative/light and soft (of voice)/ [xiao1] /clamor/ [xiao1 zhang1] /rampant/unbridled/arrogant/aggressive/ [xiao1 zhang1 qi4 yan4] /overweening attitude/threatening manner/ [chan3] /smilingly/ [yi4] /talk in sleep/ [yi4 yu3] /to talk in one's sleep/crazy talk/ [luo1] /see [luo1 suo5]/ [luo5] /(final exclamatory particle)/ [luo1 suo1] /see [luo1 suo5]/ [luo1 suo5] /long-winded/wordy/troublesome/pesky/ [luo1 su1] /see [luo1 suo5]/ [luo1 man4 dai4 ke4] /romantic (loanword)/ [nang2] /sack/purse/pocket (for money)/ [nang2 zhong1 xiu1 se4] /to be embarrassingly short of money/ [nang2 kuo4] /to include/to embrace/to bring together/ [nang1 chuai4] /soft, fat meat of pig's belly/sow's sagging teats/weakling/flabby person/also written / [nang2 pao4] /vesicle/

[nang2 zhong3] /cyst (med.)/ [nang1 chuai4] /soft, fat meat of pig's belly/sow's sagging teats/weakling/flabby person/also written / [Nang2 qian1] /Nangqn county (Tibetan: nang chen rdzong) in Yushu Tibetan autono s prefecture [Yu4 shu4 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ [Nang2 qian1 xian4] /Nangqn county (Tibetan: nang chen rdzong) in Yushu Tibe omous prefecture [Yu4 shu4 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ [su1] /see [luo1 su1]/ [xi3] /double happiness (similar to )/symbol of good luck, esp. marriage/ [zhu3] /to enjoin/to implore/to urge/ [zhu3 fu4] /to tell/to exhort/injunction/ [zhu3 tuo1] /to entrust a ask to sb else/ [lan2] /confused chatter/incomprehensible babble/variant of , to accuse unjustly [lan2 lao2] /confused talk/ [Lan2 dun1] /old form of London, capital of United Kingdom/now written / [nie4] /gnaw/ [nang1] /muttering, indistinct speech/ [nang1 nang5] /to murmur/to speak in a low voice/ [wei2] /enclosure/ [hui2] /variant of [hui2]/ [qiu2] /prisoner/ [qiu2 tu2] /prisoner/ [qiu2 fan4] /a prisoner/a convict/ [qiu2 jin4] /to imprison/captivity/ [si4] /four/4/ [si4 yi1 er4] /12th April/refers to Chiang Kai-shek's coup of 12th April 1927 t the communists in Shanghai/ [si4 yi1 er4 shi4 bian4] /the coup of 12th Mar 1927, an attempt by Ch ppress the communists/called or in PRC literature/ [si4 yi1 er4 fan3 ge2 ming4 zheng4 bian4] /counterrevolut g Kai-shek's coup against the communists in Shanghai/ [si4 yi1 er4 can3 an4] /the massacre of 12th Mar 1927/the Shanghai co by Chiang Kai-shek against the communists/ [si4 xia4] /everywhere/ [si4 xia4 li5] /all around/ [Si4 shi4 tong2 tang2] /Four Generations under One Roof, novel by Lao She [si4 shi4 tong2 tang2] /four generations under one roof (idiom)/ [si4 yi3 ji1 qian1 zhong1 du2] /tetraethyl lead poisoning/ [si4 ren2 bang1] /Gang of Four: Jiang Qing , Zhang Chunqiao , Yao W served as scapegoats for the excesses of the cultural revolution/ [si4 ge4 xian4 dai4 hua4] /Deng Xiaoping's four modernizations practi (possibly planned together with Zhou Enlai), namely: modernization of industry, agriculture, national defense and science and technology/abbr. to / [si4 yuan2 shu4] /quaternion (math)/ [si4 fen1 zhi1 yi1] /one-quarter/ [si4 fen1 wu3 lie4] /all split up and in pieces (idiom); disunity (in an /complete lack of unity/to disintegrate/falling apart/to be at sixes and sevens/ [si4 fen1 wei4] /quarterback (QB) (American football)/ [si4 fen1 yin1 fu2] /crotchet (music)/ [si4 hua4] /abbr. for Deng Xiaoping's four modernizations / [si4 shi2] /forty/40/ [si4 shi2 er4 zhang1 jing1] /The Sutra in Forty-two Sections Spoken b irst Chinese Buddhist text, translated in 67 by Kasyapa-Matanga and Gobharana raksha)/ [si4 shi2 duo1] /more than 40/ [si4 he2 yuan4] /courtyard house (type of Chinese residence)/ [si4 zhou1] /all around/ [Si4 guo2] /Shikoku (one of the four main islands of Japan)/ [si4 guo2 quan3] /Shikoku (dog)/ [si4 wei2] /all around/on all sides/encircled/

[si4 jing4] /all the borders/ [si4 bi4 xiao1 ran2] /four bare walls/ [si4 da4] /the four elements: earth, water, fire, and wind (Buddhism)/the four fr edoms: speaking out freely, airing views fully, holding great debates, and writi ng big-character posters, [da4 ming2 da4 fang4], [da4 bian4 l [Si4 da4 Fo2 jiao4 Ming2 shan1] /Four Sacred Mountains of Buddhis , Mt Emei in Sichuan, Mt Jiuhua in Anhui, Mt Potala in Zhejiang [si4 da4 ming2 zhu4] /the Four Classic Novels of Chinese literature, name f Red Mansions , Romance of Three Kingdoms , Water Margin [si4 da4 tian1 wang2] /the four heavenly kings (Sanskrit vajra)/the four warrior attendants of Buddha/ [si4 da4 fa1 ming2] /the four great Chinese inventions: paper, printing, ass and gunpowder/ [si4 da4 jie1 kong1] /lit. the four elements are vanity (idiom)/this worl ion/ [si4 da4 pen2 di4] /four great basin depressions of China, namely: Tarim , Jungar and Tsaidam or Qaidam in north Xinjian [si4 da4 shi2 ku1] /Four great caves, namely: Longmen grottoes ng, Henan, Yungang caves [Yun2 gang1 shi2 ku1] at Datong, Shanxi, Mogao ca 1] at Dunhuang, Gansu, and Mt Maiji caves [Mai4 ji1 shan1 shi2 ku1] at [si4 da4 mei3 nu:3] /Four legendary beauties of ancient China, namely: Xi ojun , Diaochan and Yang Yuhuan or Yang Guifei / [si4 da4 xu1 sheng1] /Four great beards of Beijing opera, namely: Ma Lian , Yang Baosen , Xi Xiaobo / [Si4 zi3 wang2] /Siziwang banner or Drvn-xxed khoshuu in Ulaanchab ongolia/ [Si4 zi3 wang2 qi2] /Siziwang banner or Drvn-xxed khoshuu in Ulaancha Mongolia/ [si4 ji4] /four seasons, namely: spring , summer , autumn and winter / [si4 ji4 ru2 chun1] /four seasons like spring/favorable climate throughou [si4 ji4 dou4] /green bean/French bean/runner bean/ [si4 ji4 dou4 fu5] /four seasons beancurd/ [si4 she4] /to radiate all around/ [Si4 Xiao3 long2] /Four Asian Tigers/East Asian Tigers/Four Little Dragons (E an economic powers: Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore and Hong Kong)/ [Si4 chuan1] /Sichuan province (Szechuan) in southwest China, abbr. or , cap engdu / [Si4 chuan1 Da4 di4 zhen4] /Great Sichuan Earthquake (2008)/ [Si4 chuan1 Da4 xue2] /Sichuan University/ [Si4 chuan1 ri4 bao4] /Sichuan Daily/ [Si4 chuan1 pen2 di4] /Sichuan basin/ [Si4 chuan1 sheng3] /Sichuan province (Szechuan) in southwest China, abbr. al Chengdu / [Si4 ping2] /Siping prefecture level city in Jilin province in northeast C [si4 ping2 ba1 wen3] /everything steady and stable (idiom); overcautious ry/ [Si4 ping2 di4 qu1] /former Siping prefecture, Jilin/ [Si4 ping2 shi4] /Siping prefecture level city in Jilin province in no [si4 nian2 zhi4 de5 da4 xue2] /four-year university/ [si4 nian2 qian2] /four years previously/ [si4 ku4] /the four book depositories, namely: classics , history , philos e-lettres / [si4 ku4 quan2 shu1] /Siku Quanshu (collection of books compiled during Q [si4 qiang2] /semifinals/ [si4 de2] /four Confucian injunctions (for men), namely: piety to one ect to one's older brother, loyalty to one's monarch, faith to one's male friend s/the four Confucian virtues for women of morality , physical charm , propriety in speech and efficiency in needlework / [si4 she3 wu3 ru4] /to round up to the nearest integer/to discard four, b as whole (of decimal points)/

[si4 san4] /to disperse/to scatter in all directions/ [si4 fang1] /four-way/four-sided/ [Si4 fang1 qu1] /Sifang district of Qingdao city , Shandong/ [si4 fang1 bu4] /a slow march/ [si4 fang1 lian3] /square-jawed face/ [Si4 fang1 tai2] /Sifangtai district of Shuangyashan city [Shuan ng/ [Si4 fang1 tai2 qu1] /Sifangtai district of Shuangyashan city iang/ [si4 fang1 xiang3 ying4] /a response from every direction (idiom)/ [si4 pang2] /nearby regions/ [Si4 ri4 shi4] /Yokaichi City in Mi'e prefecture [San1 chong2 xi [Si4 ri4 shi4 shi4] /Yokkaichi, Mie prefecture [San1 chong2 [si4 xun2 jie2] /First Sunday of Lent/ [si4 xun2 zhai1] /Lent (Christian period of forty days before Easter)/ [si4 shi2] /the four seasons, namely: spring , summer , autumn and winter [si4 geng1] /fourth of the five night watch periods 01:00-03:00 (old)/ [Si4 shu1] /Four Books, namely: the Great Learning , the Doctrine of the lects of Confucius , and Mencius / [Si4 hui4] /Sihui county level city in Zhaoqing [Zhao4 qing4], Guangdong [Si4 hui4 shi4] /Sihui county level city in Zhaoqing [Zhao4 qing4], [si4 yue4] /April/fourth month (of the lunar year)/ [si4 yue4 fen4] /April/ [si4 ci4] /fourth/four times/quartic/ [si4 fu2 hua4 gui1] /silicon tetrafluoride SiF4/ [si4 fu2 hua4 you2] /uranium tetrafluoride (UF4)/ [si4 qing1 da4 ma2 fen1] /Tetrahydrocannabinol, THC/ [si4 lu:4 yi3 xi1] /tetrachloroethylene/ [si4 lu:4 hua4 tan4] /carbon tatrachloride/ [si4 hai3 sheng1 ping2] /lit. all four oceans are peaceful/worldwide peac [si4 hai3 wei2 jia1] /to regard the four corners of the world all as home eel at home anywhere/to roam about unconstrained/to consider the entire country, or world, to be one's own/ [si4 hai3 jie1 zhun3] /appropriate to any place and any time (idiom); uni icable/a panacea/ [si4 hai3 piao1 ling2] /drifting aimlessly all over the place (idiom)/ [si4 qing1] /see [si4 qing1 yun4 dong4]/the Four Clean-ups Mov [si4 qing1 yun4 dong4] /the Four Clean-ups Movement (1963-66), a nation clean things up in the fields of politics, economy, organization and ideology (h istorical)/ [Si4 hu2] /Si or Ssuhu township in Yunlin county [Yun2 lin2 xian4], [Si4 hu2 xiang1] /Si or Ssuhu township in Yunlin county [Yun2 li [si4 jian4] /(foam flying) in all directions/ [si4 wu4 tang1] /four-substance decoction (si wu tang), tonic formula used in e medicine/ [si4 huan2 su4] /tetracycline/ [si4 tan4 tang2] /tetrose (CH20)4, monosaccharide with four carbon atoms/ [si4 ji2] /grade 4/fourth class/category D/ [si4 ji2 shi4 guan1] /sergeant first class/ [si4 wei2] /the four social bonds: propriety, justice, integrity and honour/see lian2 chi3]/the four directions/the four limbs (Chinese medicine)/four-dimension al/ [si4 wei2 shi2 kong1] /four dimensional space-time (in relativity)/ [si4 wei2 kong1 jian1] /four dimensional space (math.)/ [si4 sheng4 di4] /the Four Noble Truths (Buddhism)/see also [si4 di4 [si4 sheng1] /the four tones of classical Chinese phonetics, namely: level or eve tone , third tone , fourth tone , entering tone /the f pronunciation, namely: First or high level tone , Second or rising tone ling-raising tone , Fourth or falling tone / [si4 zhi1] /the four limbs of the body/

[si4 jiao3 chao2 tian1] /four legs facing the sky (idiom); flat on one's [si4 jiao3 she2] /lizard/common spoken equivalent of [xi1 yi4]/ [si4 jiu4] /the Four Olds (target of the Cultural Revolution)/ [si4 chu4] /all over the place/everywhere and all directions/ [si4 hao4 dian4 chi2] /AAA battery (Taiwan)/PRC equivalent: [si4 jiao3] /the four corners (of a rectangle)/the eaves that the four corners of a building/ [si4 jiao3 xing2] /square/quadrilateral/ [si4 jiao3 zhu4 ti3] /cuboid/rectangular prism (math.)/ [si4 jiao3 hao4 ma3] /four corner code (input method for Chinese characte [si4 jiao3 ku4] /boxer shorts/ [si4 di4] /the Four Noble Truths (Budd.), covered by the acronym : all li ng , the cause of suffering is desire , emancipation comes only by eliminating pas sions , the way to emancipation is the Eight-fold Noble Way / [si4 xiang4] /four divisions (of the twenty-eight constellations [er4 shi f the sky into groups of seven mansions), namely: Azure Dragon [Qing1 long2], Whit Tiger [Bai2 hu3], Vermilion Bird [Zhu1 que4], Black Tortoise [Xuan2 wu3]/ [si4 qi3] /to spring up everywhere/from all around/ [si4 lun2 ma3 che1] /chariot/ [si4 lun2 qu1 dong4] /four wheel drive/ [si4 jin4] /nearby/ [si4 tong1 ba1 da2] /roads open in all directions (idiom); accessible fro [si4 bian1] /four sides/ [si4 bian1 xing2] /quadrilateral/ [si4 jiao1] /suburb/outskirts (of town)/ [si4 bu4 qu3] /tetralogy/ [si4 lin2] /one's nearest neighbors/ [si4 chong2 zou4] /quartet (musical ensemble)/ [si4 men2 jiao4 che1] /sedan (motor car)/ [si4 ling2] /four divinities/four divine emperors/four mythical creatures symboli of propsperity and longevity, namely phoenix [feng4], turtle [gui1], dragon ], Chinese unicorn [qi2 lin2]/also [si4 xiang4], the four division of the sky/ [si4 mian4] /all sides/ [si4 mian4 ba1 fang1] /in all directions/all around/far and near/ [si4 mian4 chu3 ge1] /lit. on all sides, the songs of Chu (idiom)/fig. su nemies, isolated and without help/ [si4 mian4 ti3] /tetrahedron/ [si4 tou2 ji1] /quadriceps muscle group/thigh muscles/ [si4 gu4] /to look around/ [si4 ti3] /one's four limbs/two arms and two legs/ [si4 ti3 bu4 qin2 , wu3 gu3 bu4 fen1] /never move you ops (idiom); living as a parasite/ [jian3] /child/ [hui2] /to circle/to go back/to turn around/to answer/to return/to revolve/Hui e thnic group (Chinese Muslims)/time/classifier for acts of a play/section or chap ter (of a classic book)/ [hui2 jiao1] /backcrossing (i.e. hybridization with parent)/ [hui2 Jing1] /to return to the capital/ [hui2 yong4] /commission/sales/ [hui2 lai5] /to return/to come back/ [hui2 xin4] /to reply/to write back/letter written in reply/CL:[feng1]/ [hui2 xin4 di4 zhi3] /return address/ [hui2 chong1] /to recharge/ [hui2 guang1 fan3 zhao4] /final radiance of setting sun/fig. dying flash or activity, prior to demise)/ [hui2 guang1 fan3 zhao4] /final radiance of setting sun/fig. dying flash or activity, prior to demise)/ [hui2 guang1 jing4] /concave reflector (e.g. in spotlight)/ [hui2 dao4] /to return to/ [hui2 sheng1] /to rise again after a fall/to pick up/

[hui2 qu5] /to return/to go back/ [hui2 kou3] /to answer back/ [hui2 he2] /round (of negotiations)/bout (of sporting competition, boxing match, onfrontation etc)/rally (in volley-ball, tennis etc)/ [hui2 wei4] /to reflect on/to ponder over/aftertaste/ [hui2 wei4 wu2 qiong2] /leaving a rich aftertaste/(fig.) memorable/linger / [hui2 dan1] /receipt/ [hui2 dan1 r5] /erhua variant of , receipt/ [hui2 chen1 zuo4 xi3] /to go from anger to happiness (idiom)/ [hui2 hui2] /time and again/every time/Hui ethnic group (Chinese Muslims)/ [hui2 hui2 qing1] /cobalt blue/Mohammedan blue/ [hui2 guo2] /to return to one's home country/ [hui2 bao4] /(in) return/reciprocation/payback/retaliation/to report back/to reci rocate/ [hui2 mo4 yin4] /self-inking stamp/ [hui2 tian1] /lit. to reverse the rotation of the sky/fig. to reverse a desperate situation/ [hui2 feng4] /to return a compliment/to give a return present/ [hui2 niang2 jia1] /return of wife to her parental home/return to one's old s [hui2 jia1] /to return home/ [hui2 xing2 zhen1] /paper clip/ [hui2 fu4] /to reply/to recover/to return (to a previous condition)/Re: in reply o (email)/ [hui2 xin1 zhuan3 yi4] /to change ones mind (idiom)/ [hui2 xiang3] /to recall/to recollect/to thin bac / [hui2 yi4] /to recall/recollection/CL: [ge4]/ [hui2 yi4 lu4] /memoir/ [hui2 ying4] /response/respond/ [hui2 kou4] /brokerage/a commission paid to a middleman/euphemism for a bribe/a k ckback/ [hui2 zhe2] /diffraction (physics)/ [hui2 zhe2 ge2 zi5] /diffraction grating (physics)/ [hui2 bai4] /to pay a return visit/ [hui2 cai3] /stoping (excavating ore using stepped terraces)/to extract ore/extra tion/to pull back/ [hui2 miao2] /flyback (of electron beam in cathode ray tube)/retrace/ [hui2 ji1] /to fight back/to return fire/to counterattack/ [hui2 shou1] /to recycle/to reclaim/to retrieve/to recover/to recall (a defective product)/ [hui2 shou1 jia4 zhi2] /recyclable value/ [Hui2 jiao4] /Islam/ [hui2 jing4] /to return a compliment/to give sth in return/ [hui2 wen2] /palindrome/ [hui2 xuan2] /to cycle around/cyclotron/slalom/ [hui2 xuan2 jia1 su4 qi4] /cyclotron (particle accelerator)/ [hui2 xuan2 yu2 di4] /leeway/latitude/room for freedom of action/ [Hui2 zu2] /Hui Islamic ethnic group living across China/ [Hui2 zu2 ren2] /Hui person/member of Hui ethnic group living across China/ [hui2 chun1] /return of spring/ [hui2 nuan3] /warming up again/ [hui2 tiao2] /receipt/note acknowledging receipt/ [hui2 gui1] /to return to/to retreat/regression (statistics)/ [hui2 gui1 nian2] /the solar year/the year defined as the period between succ equinoxes/ [hui2 gui1 re4] /recurring fever/ [hui2 gui1 xian4] /tropic/one of the two latitude lines, Tropic of Capricorn ic of Cancer/ [Hui2 min2] /Hui ethnic group (Chinese muslims)/ [Hui2 min2 qu1] /Huimin district of Hohhot city [Hu1 he2 hao4 te4 s

[hui2 chong1] /backwash/ [hui2 bo1] /echo (e.g. radar)/returning wave/ [hui2 liu2] /to flow back/reflux/circumfluence/refluence/backward flow/returning low (e.g. of talent)/ [hui2 su4] /recall/look back upon/ [hui2 chao2] /to become moist again/to revive (usually of sth bad)/resurgence/ [hui2 huo3] /to temper (iron)/flare-back (in gas burner)/ [hui2 lu2] /to melt down/to remelt (metals)/fig. to acquire new education/to bake again/ [hui2 mu4] /chapter title (in a novel)/ [hui2 mou2] /to glance back/to look back/retrospective/ [hui2 lu4] /traditional Fire God/destruction by fire/ [hui2 lu4 zhi1 zai1] /to have one's house burned down/fire disaster/ [hui2 li3] /to return a greeting/to send a gift in return/ [hui2 cheng2] /return trip/ [hui2 bing3] /to report back to one's superior/ [hui2 kong1] /to return empty (i.e. to drive back with no passengers or freight)/ [hui2 da2] /to reply/to answer/the answer/CL: [ge4]/ [hui2 long2] /to steam again/to rewarm food in a bamboo steamer/to withdraw curre cy from circulation/ [Hui2 he2] /Huihe, pre-Tang name of ethnic group corresponding to modern Uighur/ [hui2 wen2 zhen1] /paper clip/ [hui2 jue2] /rebuff/ [hui2 rao4] /winding/ [hui2 lao3 jia1] /to go back to one's roots/to return to one's native place/b to join one's ancestors (i.e. to die)/ [hui2 hao4] /to write back/to send a reply/ [hui2 sheng1] /echo/ [hui2 sheng1 ding4 wei4] /echolocation/ [hui2 chang2] /ileum (segment of small intestine between the jejunum [ko nd appendix [mang2 chang2])/ [hui2 chang2 dang4 qi4] /soul-stirring (of drama, poem or artwork)/hearty moving/ [hui2 hang2] /to return to port/ [Hui2 Liang2 yu4] /Hui Liangyu (1944-) PRC Hui national career politician fro n, background in economics, politburo member from 2002, deputy chair of State Co uncil from 2003/ [hui2 luo4] /to fall back/to return to low level after a rise (in water level, pr ce etc)/ [hui2 dang4] /to resound/to reverberate/to echo/ [hui2 fu4] /to reply/to recover/variant of [hui2 fu4]/ [hui2 jian4] /See you later!/ [hui2 shi4] /regression (psychology)/ [hui2 fang3] /(pay a) return visit/ [hui2 hua4] /to reply/ [hui2 die1] /to fall back (of water level or share prices)/ [hui2 lu4] /to return/circuit (e.g. electric)/loop/ [hui2 che1] /enter (computer key)/ [hui2 che1 jian4] /carriage return/ [hui2 zhuan3] /to rotate/to turn round/slalom/ [hui2 zhuan3 shou4 si1] /revolving belt sushi (restaurant)/ [hui2 fan3] /to return/to go back/to come back/ [hui2 bi4] /variant of [hui2 bi4]/ [hui2 huan2] /to return/ [hui2 you2 xin4 feng1] /self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE)/ [hui2 guo1] /to cook again/to rewarm food/ [hui2 guo1 you2] /to use the same oil repeatedly for deep frying (a possible hazard)/ [hui2 guo1 rou4] /twice cooked pork/ [hui2 luan2] /return of the emperor/

[hui2 men2] /first return of bride to her parental home/ [hui2 dian4] /to reply to a telegram/to wire back/ [hui2 yin1] /echo/reply/turn (ornament in music)/ [hui2 xiang3] /to echo/ [hui2 ye4 shou3] /hyperlink to top of webpage/ [hui2 tou2] /to turn round/to turn one's head/later/by and by/ [hui2 tou2 ke4] /repeat customer/ [hui2 tou2 jian4] /See you!/Bye!/ [hui2 gu4] /to look back/to review/ [hui2 gu4 zhan3] /retrospective (exhibition)/ [hui2 gu4 li4 shi3] /to look back at history/ [hui2 kui4] /to give back/feedback/ [hui2 shou3] /to turn around/to look back/to recollect/ [hui2 ma3 qiang1] /sudden thrust (that catches the opponent off guard)/ [hui2 bo2] /to refute/ [Hui2 hu2] /Huihu, Tang dynasty name of ethnic group corresponding to modern Uigh r [Wei2 wu2 er3]/ [xin4] /fontanel (gap between the bones of an infant's skull)/ [xin4 nao3 men2] /fontanel (gap between the bones of an infant's skull)/ [xin4 men2] /fontanel (gap between the bones of an infant's skull)/ [yin1] /cause/reason/because/ [yin1 ren2 cheng2 shi4] /to get things done relying on others (idiom); wi elp from his friends/ [yin1 ren2 er2 yi4] /varying from person to person (idiom); different for ual/ [yin1 gong1 xun4 zhi2] /to die as in the line of duty (idiom)/ [yin1 li4 cheng2 bian4] /(idiom) to rely on the most favorable method/ [yin1 shi4 li4 dao3] /to take advantage of the new situation (idiom)/to m of new opportunities/ [yin1 ye1 fei4 shi2] /lit. not eating for fear of choking (idiom); fig. t 's nose to spite one's face/to avoid sth essential because of a slight risk/ [yin1 di4 zhi4 yi2] /(idiom) to use methods in line with local circumstan [yin1 ru2 ci3] /because of this/ [yin1 zi3] /factor/(genetic) trait/(math.) factor/divisor/ [yin1 yun4 er2 hun1] /shotgun wedding (idiom)/ [yin1 xiao3 shi1 da4] /to save a little only to lose a lot (idiom)/ [yin1 shi4] /factor/divisor (of a math. expression)/ [yin1 shi4 fen1 jie3] /factorization/ [yin1 xun2] /to continue the same old routine/to carry on just as before/to procr stinate/ [yin1 xun2 shou3 jiu4] /(idiom) to continue in the same old rut/diehard c ttitudes/ [yin1 ai4 cheng2 hen4] /hatred caused by love (idiom)/to grow to hate som of unrequited love for that person/ [yin1 ying4] /to respond accordingly to/to adapt to/to cope with/ [yin1 gu4] /for some reason/ [yin1 shu4] /factor (of an integer)/divisor/ [Yin1 si1 bu4 lu3 ke4] /Innsbruck/ [yin1 shi2 zhi4 yi2] /(idiom) to use methods appropriate to the current s [yin1 cai2 shi1 jiao4] /(idiom) to teach in line with the student's abili [yin1 guo3] /karma/cause and effect/ [yin1 ci3] /thus/consequently/as a result/ [yin1 wei4] /because/owing to/on account of/ [yin1 Fu4 zhi1 Ming2] /in the Name of the Father (in Christian worship)/ [yin1 te4 wang3] /Internet/ [yin1 te4 wang3 ti2 gong1 shang1] /Internet service provider (ISP [yin1 te4 wang3 lian2 tong1] /Internet connection/ [yin1 you2] /reason/cause/predestined relationship (Buddhism)/ [yin1 huo4 de2 fu2] /to profit from a disaster (idiom); some good comes o ck/It's an ill wind that blows nobody any good./

[Yin1 niu3 te4] /Inuit (politically correct term for Eskimo [Yin1 niu3 te4 ren2] /Inuit/ [yin1 su4] /element/factor/CL: [ge4]/ [yin1 yuan2] /chance/opportunity/predestined relationship/(Buddhist) principal an secondary causes/chain of cause and effect/ [yin1 er2] /therefore/as a result/thus/and as a result, .../ [yin1 xi2] /to follow old patterns/to imitate existing models/to continue along t e same lines/ [yin1 bian4 liang4] /implicit variable/ [Yin1 tuo2 luo2] /Indra (a Hindu deity)/ [yin1 lou4 jiu4 jian3] /crude but simple methods (idiom); use whatever me /to do things simply and thriftily/It's not pretty but it works./ [nan1] /child/daughter/ [nan1 nan1] /little darling/baby/ [tuan2] /Japanese variant of / [dun4] /bin for grain/ [tun2] /to store/hoard/ [tun2 ji1] /to stock up/to lay in supplies/to hoard (for speculation)/to corner t e market in sth/ [tun2 ji1 ju1 qi2] /to hoard and profiteer/to speculate/ [kang4] /to hide/store/ [jiong3] /variant of , velvetleaf (Abutilon avicennae), plant of the jute family/ bright/used as emoticon ("smiley") meaning embarrassed, sad :-(, depressed or fr ustrated/ [pian1] /expression of contempt equivalent to [pei1]/ [chuang1] /variant of [chuang1]/ [cong1] /chimney/ [cong1 men2] /window/chimney/ [hu2] /whole/in one lump/ [hu2 lun2] /complete/whole/ [hu2 lun2 tun1 xia4] /to swallow it whole/to act without thinking (idiom) [hu2 lun2 tun1 zao3] /to read or lap up information without understanding [e2] /decoy/ [guo2] /variant of / [kun4] /to trap/to surround/hard-pressed/stranded/destitute/ [kun4 juan4] /tired/weary/ [kun4 jing4] /predicament/in difficulty/ [kun4 shou3] /to stand a siege/trapped in a besieged city/ [kun4 ju2] /dilemma/predicament/difficult situation/ [kun4 huo4] /bewildered/perplexed/confused/difficult problem/perplexity/ [kun4 huo4 bu4 jie3] /to feel perplexed/ [kun4 rao3] /to perplex/to disturb/to cause complications/ [kun4 jiong3] /embarrassment/ [kun4 ku3] /deprivation/distressed/miserable/ [kun4 nan5] /(financial etc) difficulty/problem/issue/CL: [ge4]/ [kun4 nan2 zai4 yu2] /the problem is.../ [kun4 dun4] /fatigued/exhausted/poverty-stricken/in straitened circumstances/ [wei2] /Japanese variant of / [tu2] /Japanese variant of / [guo2] /variant of /country/ [jun1] /granary/ [ling2] /see [ling2 yu3]/ [ling2 yu3] /prison/ [ling2 yu3] /variant of [ling2 yu3]/ [gu4] /hard/strong/solid/sure/assuredly/undoubtedly/of course/indeed/admittedly/ [gu4 jian4] /firmware/ [gu4 hua4] /to solidify/solidification (chemistry)/ [Gu4 yuan2] /Guyuan city and prefecture in Ningxia/ [Gu4 yuan2 di4 qu1] /Guyuan prefecture in Ningxia/ [Gu4 yuan2 shi4] /Guyuan city in Ningxia/

[gu4 zhi2] /persistent/stubborn/ [gu4 zhi2 ji3 jian4] /to persist in one's views/ [Gu4 shi3] /Gushi county in Xinyang , Henan/ [Gu4 shi3 xian4] /Gushi county in Xinyang , Henan/ [gu4 shou3] /to strongly defend one's position/to be entrenched/to cling to/ [Gu4 an1] /Gu'an county in Langfang [Lang2 fang2], Hebei/ [Gu4 an1 xian4] /Gu'an county in Langfang [Lang2 fang2], Hebei/ [gu4 ding4] /fixed/set/regular/ [gu4 ding4 shou1 ru4] /fixed income/ [gu4 ding4 xu1 ni3 lian2 jie1] /Permanent Virtual Connection/PVC/ [gu4 ding4 ci2 zu3] /set phrase/ [gu4 ding4 zi1 chan3] /fixed assets/ [gu4 ding4 dian3] /fixed point/calibration point/ [gu4 xing2 wu4] /solid particles in liquid/ [gu4 tai4] /solid state (physics)/ [gu4 you3] /intrinsic to sth/inherent/native/ [gu4 you3 ming2 ci2] /proper noun/ [gu4 you3 ci2] /native words (i.e. not derived from Chinese, in Korean and Ja etc)/ [gu4 ran2] /admittedly (it's true that...)/ [gu4 wang3 dian4 xin4] /landline (fixed-line) telecommunications/ [gu4 chun2] /steroid/ [Gu4 zhen4] /Guzhen county in Bengbu [Beng4 bu4], Anhui/ [Gu4 zhen4 xian4] /Guzhen county in Bengbu [Beng4 bu4], Anhui/ [Gu4 yang2 xian4] /Guyang county in Baotou [Bao1 tou2], Inner Mongol [gu4 ti3] /solid/ [gu4 ti3 rong2 ti3] /solid solution/ [gu4 ti3 re4 rong2 ji1 guang1 qi4] /solid state hot condensed [gu4 ti3 wu4 li3] /solid state physics/ [gu4 ti3 wu4 zhi4] /solid substance/ [you4] /park/to limit/be limited to/ [guo2] /variant of /country/ [hun4] /grain-fed animals/pigsty/ [pu3] /garden/orchard/ [yu3] /prison/to imprison/ [lun2] /complete/ [juan1] /to confine/to lock up/to pen in/ [juan4] /pen (pig)/a fold/ [quan1] /circle/ring/loop/classifier for loops, orbits, laps of race etc/CL: [ge4 /to surround/to circle/ [quan1 nei4] /close circle/community/(esp.) the show business milieu/ [quan1 quan5] /to draw a circle/cliques/circles/ [quan1 di4] /staking a claim to territory/enclosure/ [Quan1 di4 Yun4 dong4] /Enclosure Movement/ [quan1 tao4] /trap/snare/trick/ [quan1 zi5] /circle/ring/ [quan1 shu4] /number of laps/ [quan1 zhuang4 wu4] /hoop/ [yu3] /horse stable/frontier/ [yu3 ren2] /horse trainer/groom/ [yu3 xian4] /boundary/limit/ [qing1] /pigsty/rest-room/ [Guo2] /surname Guo/ [guo2] /country/nation/state/national/CL: [ge4]/ [guo2 zhong1] /junior high school (Taiwan)/abbr. for [guo2 min2 [guo2 zhong1 zhi1 guo2] /state within a state/ [guo2 shi4] /affairs of the nation/politics/ [guo2 shi4 fang3 wen4] /state visit/ [guo2 ren2] /compatriots (literary)/fellow countrymen/ [guo2 qi3] /state enterprise/

[Guo2 zhen1 ju2] /abbr. for / [guo2 zhai4] /national debt/government debt/ [guo2 nei4] /domestic/internal (to a country)/civil/ [guo2 nei4 wai4] /domestic and international/at home and abroad/ [guo2 nei4 zhan4 zheng1] /civil war/internal struggle/ [guo2 nei4 sheng1 chan3 zong3 zhi2] /gross domestic product (GDP) [guo2 nei4 xian4] /domestic flight/internal line (air, train, ferry etc)/ [guo2 gong4] /Guomindang and Chinese communist party / [Guo2 gong4 nei4 zhan4] /Chinese Civil War, also known as War of Liberati [guo2 gong4 liang3 dang3] /Guomindang and Chinese communist [guo2 gong4 he2 zuo4] /First United Front between Guomindang and Communis -1927/ [guo2 li4] /a nation's power/ [guo2 wu4] /affairs of state/ [guo2 wu4 qing1] /Secretary of State/ [guo2 wu4 wei3 yuan2] /member of State Council (in China)/ [guo2 wu4 ci4 qing1] /Under Secretary of State/ [guo2 wu4 zong3 li3] /minister of state (old usage)/ [guo2 wu4 zhang3 guan1] /secretary of state (esp. historical, or Japanese age)/ [Guo2 Wu4 Yuan4] /State Council (PRC)/State Department (USA)/ [Guo2 wu4 yuan4 Tai2 wan1 Shi4 wu4 Ban4 gong1 shi [Guo2 Wu4 Yuan4 Guo2 you3 zi1 cha nd administration commission of State Council SACAC/abbr. to [Guo2 Zi1 Wei3]/ [Guo2 wu4 yuan4 Xin1 wen2 Ban4 gong1 shi4] /State Council epublic of China/ [guo2 wu4 yuan4 fa3 zhi4 ju2] /State Council Legislative Affairs [Guo2 wu4 yuan4 Gang3 Ao4 Shi4 wu4 Ban4 gong1 shi ncil, of PRC)/ [guo2 shi4] /national strength/situation in a state/ [guo2 shi4 ri4 shuai1] /national decline/ [guo2 shi3] /national history/dynastic history/ [guo2 ming2] /name of country/ [guo2 jun1] /monarch/ [guo2 tu3] /country's territory/national land/ [guo2 tu3 an1 quan2] /homeland security/ [guo2 tu3 an1 quan2 ju2] /Department of Homeland Security (DHS)/ [guo2 tu3 an1 quan2 bu4] /(US) Department of Homeland Security/ [guo2 jing4] /national border/frontier/ [guo2 wai4] /abroad/external (affairs)/overseas/foreign/ [guo2 wai4 nei4] /international and domestic/ [guo2 wai4 shi4 chang3] /foreign market/ [Guo2 da4 dang3] /Indian Congress party/ [guo2 ao4 hui4] /national Olympic committee/abbr. for I [Guo2 xing4] /Guoxing or Kuohsing township in Nantou county [Nan2 to Taiwan/ [Guo2 xing4 xiang1] /Guoxing or Kuohsing township in Nantou county tral Taiwan/ [guo2 wei1] /national prestige/ [Guo2 zi3 jian4] /Imperial College (or Academy), the highest educational body erial China/ [guo2 zi4] /(Chinese) characters native to Korea, Japan, Vietnam etc/Japanese kok ji/Korean gugja/ [guo2 zi4 lian3] /square face/ [guo2 xue2] /Chinese national culture/studies of ancient Chinese civilization/the Imperial College (history)/ [guo2 an1 ju2] /abbr. for [guo2 jia1 an1 quan2 ju2]/Nati ecurity Agency (NSA)/ [Guo2 an1 bu4] /PRC Ministry of State Security/abbr. for [guo2 yan4] /state banquet/

[guo2 jia1] /country/nation/state/CL: [ge4]/ [Guo2 jia1 yi1 ji2 bao3 hu4] /Grade One State protected (species) [guo2 jia1 zhu3 yi4] /statism/ [guo2 jia1 dai4 ma3] /country code/ [guo2 jia1 yuan2 shou3] /head of state/ [guo2 jia1 gong1 yuan2] /national park/ [guo2 jia1 tu2 shu1 guan3] /national library/ [Guo2 jia1 di4 zhen4 ju2] /China earthquake administration (CEA)/Stat eau/ [Guo2 jia1 Wai4 hui4 Guan3 li3 ju2] /State Administration of [Guo2 jia1 yu3 hang2 he2 tai4 kong1 shu3] /National Aeron [guo2 jia1 an1 quan2] /national security/ [guo2 jia1 an1 quan2 ju2] /National Security Bureau (NSB)/National Se / [Guo2 jia1 an1 quan2 bu4] /PRC Ministry of State Security/ [guo2 jia1 guang3 bo1 dian4 ying3 dian4 shi4 zong dia/PRC film censorship bureau/abbr. / [guo2 jia1 zheng4 ce4] /state policy/ [Guo2 jia1 wen2 wu4 wei3 yuan2 hui4] /National Committee of C [Guo2 jia1 wen2 wu4 ju2] /PRC State Administration of Cultural Herita [Guo2 jia1 wen2 wu4 jian4 ding4 wei3 yuan2 hui4] /Nat cultural heritage/ [guo2 jia1 lu:3 you2 du4 jia4 qu1] /National Resort District [guo2 jia1 biao1 zhun3 Zhong1 wen2 jiao1 huan4 ma3] / in Taiwan, 1986-1992/ [guo2 jia1 biao1 zhun3 hua4 guan3 li3 wei3 yuan2 [guo2 jia1 biao1 zhun3 ma3] /Guo Biao or GB, the standard PRC encodin [guo2 jia1 ji1 mi4] /state secret/ [guo2 jia1 hai3 yang2 ju2] /State Oceanic Administration (PRC)/ [Guo2 jia1 Han4 ban4] /Office of Chinese Language Council International ( ially as "Hanban"), an organ of the PRC government which develops Chinese langua ge and culture teaching resources worldwide, and has established Confucius Insti tutes [Kong3 zi3 Xue2 yuan4] internationally/abbr. to [Han4 ban4] [guo2 jia1 huo3 shan1 gong1 yuan2] /Volcanoes national park, Hawa [guo2 jia1 huan2 bao3 zong3 ju2] /PRC environmental protection ag [guo2 jia1 liu2 xue2 ji1 jin1 guan3 li3 wei3 [guo2 jia1 fa1 zhan3 he2 gai3 ge2 wei3 yuan2 hui4 , set up in 2003 to replace previous State Planning Committee/ [Guo2 jia1 Fa1 zhan3 Gai3 ge2 Wei3] /PRC National Development [guo2 jia1 fa1 zhan3 ji4 hua4 wei3 yuan2 hui4] /PRC S t up 1998 to replace State Planning Committee , replaced in 20 reform commission / [guo2 jia1 she4 hui4 zhu3 yi4] /national socialism/Nazism/ [guo2 jia1 ji2] /national level (e.g. nature reserve)/ [guo2 jia1 jing1 ji4 mao4 yi4 wei3 yuan2 hui4] /State [guo2 jia1 xing1 wang2 , pi3 fu1 you3 ze2] /The rise diom). Everyone bears responsibility for the prosperity of society./ [Guo2 jia1 Hang2 tian1 ju2] /National Space Administration/China Nati ration (CNSA)/ [guo2 jia1 hang2 kong1 gong1 si1] /flag carrier/ [guo2 jia1 ji4 hua4 wei3 yuan2 hui4] /PRC State Planning Comm in 1998 by State Development and Planning Committee form commission / [guo2 jia1 ji4 wei3] /PRC State Planning Committee, abbr. for [guo2 jia1 zhi4 liang4 jian1 du1 jian3 ya ality Supervision and Quarantine/ [guo2 jia1 jun1 pin3 mao4 yi4 ju2] /State Bureau of Military [guo2 jia1 jun1 pin3 mao4 yi4 guan3 li3 wei3 Products Trade (SACMPT)/ [Guo2 jia1 Zhong4 dian3 Xue2 ke1] /National Key Disciplines (disc

ortant and supported by PRC central government, including medicine, science, che mistry, engineering, commerce and law)/ [Guo2 jia1 Zhong4 dian3 Shi2 yan4 shi4] /State Key Laboratori PRC supported by the central government)/ [Guo2 jia1 Kai1 fa1 Yin2 hang2] /China Development Bank/ [guo2 jia1 dui4] /the national team/ [Guo2 jia1 Dian4 li4 Jian1 guan3 Wei3 yuan2 hui4] /St / [Guo2 jia1 dian4 wang3 gong1 si1] /State Grid Corporation of Chin [Guo2 jia1 Shi2 pin3 Yao4 pin3 Jian1 du1 Guan [guo2 jia1 ti3 wei3] /PRC sports and physical culture commission/ [Guo2 fu4 lun4] /The Wealth of Nations (1776) by Adam Smith [guo2 bao3] /National Treasure (officially designated by the state cultural autho ities in China, Japan and Korea)/ [guo2 xiao3] /elementary school (Taiwan)/abbr. for [guo2 min2 xi [guo2 shi1] /teachers of the state/ [guo2 du4] /country/ [guo2 ku4] /public purse/state treasury/national exchequer/ [guo2 ku4 quan4] /treasury bond/ [guo2 ruo4 min2 qiong2] /the country weakened and the people empoverished [guo2 hui1] /national emblem/coat of arms/ [guo2 chi3] /national humiliation, refers to Japanese incursions into China in th 1930s and 40s, and more especially to Mukden railway incident of 18th September 1931 and subsequent Japanese annexation of Manchuria/ [guo2 qing2] /current state of a country/national conditions/(US) State of the Un on/ [guo2 qing4] /national celebration/ [guo2 qing4 ri4] /national day of many countries/PRC National Day on Oct 1st/ National Day on Oct 10/ [Guo2 qing4 jie2] /PRC National Day (October 1st)/ [guo2 ji4] /national pastime/national sport/ [guo2 zheng4] /national politics/archaic rank, "Minister of State"/common given n me/ [guo2 jiao4] /state religion/ [guo2 xin1 ban4] /State Council Information Office of the People's Republic o /abbr. for [Guo2 wu4 yuan4 Xin1 wen2 Ban4 gong1 shi4]/ [guo2 qi2] /flag (of a country)/CL:[mian4]/ [guo2 shu1] /credentials (of a diplomat)/documents exchanged between nations/nati nal or dynastic history book/ [guo2 hui4] /parliament/Congress/diet/ [guo2 hui4 da4 sha4] /capitol/ [Guo2 hui4 shan1] /Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C./ [guo2 hui4 yi4 yuan2] /member of congress/congressman/ [guo2 hui4 yi4 zhang3] /chair (or president, speaker etc) of national con [guo2 you3] /nationalized/public/government owned/state-owned/ [guo2 you3 qi3 ye4] /nationalized business/state-owned business/ [guo2 you3 gong1 si1] /state enterprise/ [guo2 you3 hua4] /nationalization/ [Guo2 you3 Zi1 chan3 Jian1 du1 Guan3 li3 Wei3 stration Commission SASAC/ [guo2 qi2] /abbr. for , chess/ [guo2 huai2] /locust tree (Sophora japonica)/ [guo2 huai2 shu4] /locust tree (Sophora japonica)/ [guo2 yue4] /national music/Chinese traditional music/ [guo2 biao1] /Guo Biao or GB, the standard PRC encoding, abbr. for [guo2 biao1 ma3] /Guo Biao or GB, the standard PRC encoding, abbr. for [guo2 biao1 wu3] /international standard ballroom dancing/ [guo2 ge1] /national anthem/ [guo2 min2] /national/ [guo2 min2 zhong1 xue2] /junior high school (Taiwan)/abbr. to [g

[guo2 min2 xiao3 xue2] /elementary school (Taiwan)/ [guo2 min2 shou1 ru4] /measures of national income and output/ [Guo2 min2 zheng4 fu3] /Nationalist government 1920s-1949 under Chiang Ka [guo2 min2 sheng1 chan3 zong3 zhi2] /gross national product (GNP) [guo2 min2 jing3 wei4 dui4] /National Guard (United States)/ [guo2 min2 yi4 hui4] /Assemble nationale (French lower chamber)/national [Guo2 min2 Ge2 ming4 jun1] /National Revolutionary Army/ [Guo2 min2 dang3] /Guomindang or Kuomintang/nationalist party/KMT/ [guo2 min2 dang3 jun1 dui4] /nationalist forces/ [guo2 fa3] /national law/ [Guo2 tai4] /Cathay Pacific (Hong Kong airline)/ [guo2 tai4 min2 an1] /the country prospers, the people at peace (idiom); sperity/ [Guo2 tai4 hang2 kong1] /Cathay Pacific, a Hong Kong based airline/ [guo2 ying2] /state-run (company etc)/nationalized/ [guo2 ying2 qi3 ye4] /nationalized industry/ [guo2 fu4] /father or founder of a nation/Father of the Republic (Sun Yat-sen)/ [guo2 wang2] /king/CL: [ge4]/ [guo2 xi3] /seal of state/ [guo2 chan3] /made in one's own country/made in China/ [guo2 jie4] /national boundary/border between countries/ [guo2 jie4 xian4] /border between countries/line forming the border/ [guo2 hua4] /national painting/Chinese art/ [guo2 po4 jia1 wang2] /the country ruined and the people starving (idiom) [guo2 li4] /national/state-run/public/ [Guo2 li4 Tai2 bei3 Ke1 ji4 Da4 xue2] /National Taipei Un [Guo2 li4 Tai2 wan1 Ji4 shu4 Da4 xue2] /National Taiwan U [guo2 li4 xian3 zhong1 yuan4] /Korean national memorial cemetery at D [Guo2 li4 Shou3 er3 Da4 xue2] /Seoul National University SNU/ [guo2 ce4] /a national policy/ [guo2 ji2] /nationality/ [guo2 cui4] /national essence/quintessence of national culture/ [Guo2 mei3] /Guo mei or Gome electronics chain/ [Guo2 mei3 dian4 qi4] /Guo mei or Gome electronics chain/ [Guo2 lian2] /abbr. for , League of Nations (1920-1946), based i e UN/ [Guo2 tai2 ban4] /PRC state council office for Taiwan affairs, abbr. for wu4 Ban4 gong1 shi4]/ [Guo2 Hang2] /Air China/abbr. for [Zhong1 guo2 G [guo2 se4 tian1 xiang1] /national grace, divine fragrance (idiom); an out ty/ [guo2 hua1] /national flower/ [guo2 cai4] /national food specialty/ [guo2 zang4] /state funeral/ [guo2 hao4] /title of current dynasty (as the name of China), such as Tang or Min /name of a country (such as People's Republic of China or Rep [guo2 du4] /traitor/public enemy/ [guo2 shu4] /martial arts/ [Guo2 yu3] /Chinese language (Mandarin), emphasizing its national nature/Chinese s a primary or secondary school subject/Chinese in the context of the Nationalis t Government/Guoyu, book of historical narrative c. 10th-5th century BC/ [Guo2 yu3 zhu4 yin1 fu2 hao4 di4 yi1 shi4] /Mandarin onetic system of writing Chinese used in Taiwan)/Bopomofo/abbr. to [zhu4 yin1 yi1 s i4]/ [Guo2 yu3 luo2 ma3 zi4] /"Gwoyeu Romatzyh" romanization system for Ch ao Yuanren in 1926/ [guo2 mao4] /abbr. for [guo2 ji4 mao4 yi4]/ [Guo2 Zi1 Wei3] /see [guo2 zei2] /traitor to the nation/ [guo2 bin1] /state visitor/visiting head of state/

[guo2 bin1 guan3] /state guesthouse/ [guo2 yun4] /fate of the nation/ [guo2 dao4] /national highway/ [guo2 du1] /national capital/ [guo2 fang2] /national defense/ [guo2 fang2 li4 yi4] /(national) defense interests/ [guo2 fang2 gong1 ye4] /defense industry/ [guo2 fang2 xian4 dai4 hua4] /modernization of national defense, one Four Modernizations/ [guo2 fang2 ke1 ji4 gong1 ye4 wei3 yuan2 hui4] /State stry for National Defense (COSTIND)/ [Guo2 fang2 Yu3 yan2 Xue2 yuan4] /US Defense Language Institute ( [guo2 fang2 bu4] /Defense Department/Ministry of National Defense/ [guo2 fang2 bu4 zhang3] /Defense secretary/Defense Minister/ [guo2 fang2 yu4 suan4] /defense budget/ [guo2 dui4] /national team/ [guo2 ji4] /international/ [guo2 ji4 zhu3 yi4] /internationalism/ [guo2 ji4 hu4 lian2 wang3 luo4] /Internet/ [guo2 ji4 ren2 quan2 biao1 zhun3] /international human rights nor [Guo2 ji4 Xian1 qu1 Lun4 tan2 bao4] /International Herald Tri [Guo2 ji4 Er2 tong2 Jie2] /International Children's Day (June 1)/ [guo2 ji4 gong1 ren4] /internationally recognized/ [guo2 ji4 gong4 chan3 zhu3 yi4 yun4 dong4] /Comintern/the [Guo2 ji4 Xing2 shi4 Jing3 cha2 Zu3 zhi1] /International l)/ [guo2 ji4 xing2 jing3 zu3 zhi1] /Interpol (International Criminal [Guo2 ji4 Lao2 dong4 Jie2] /May Day/International Labor Day (May 1)/ [Guo2 ji4 Lao2 gong1 Zu3 zhi1] /International Labor Organization/ [guo2 ji4 hua4] /to internationalize/internationalization/ [guo2 ji4 xie2 hui4] /international association/ [guo2 ji4 yuan2 zi3 neng2 ji1 gou4] /International Atomic Ene [guo2 ji4 yuan2 zi3 neng2 jie2 gou4] /International Atomic En [guo2 ji4 he2 zuo4] /international cooperation/ [guo2 ji4 he2 ping2 ji1 jin1 hui4] /international peace found [Guo2 ji4 Shang1 hui4] /International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)/ [guo2 ji4 shang1 ye4 ji1 qi4] /International Business Machines/IB [guo2 ji4 dan1 wei4] /international unit/ [guo2 ji4 dan1 wei4 zhi4] /International System of Units/ [guo2 ji4 wai4 jiao1] /foreign policy/ [guo2 ji4 da4 she4] /Amnesty International/same as / [guo2 ji4 tai4 kong1 zhan4] /International Space Station/ [Guo2 ji4 Ao4 wei3 hui4] /International Olympic Committee/ [Guo2 ji4 Ao4 lin2 pi3 ke4 Wei3 yuan2 hui4] /Internat [Guo2 ji4 Fu4 nu:3 Jie2] /International Women's Day (March 8)/ [guo2 ji4 mei2 ti3] /the international media/ [guo2 ji4 xing4] /international/internationalism/ [guo2 ji4 zhan4 zheng1 zui4 fa3 ting2] /International war cri [Guo2 ji4 Shu4 xue2 Lian2 meng2] /International Mathematical Unio [Guo2 ji4 wen2 chuan2 tong1 xun4 she4] /Interfax News Agency/ [guo2 ji4 xin1 wen2] /world news/ [guo2 ji4 ri4 qi1 bian4 geng1 xian4] /international date line [guo2 ji4 qi2 lian2] /International Chess Federation/ [guo2 ji4 biao1 zhun3] /international standard/ [Guo2 ji4 Biao1 zhun3 hua4 Zu3 zhi1] /International Organizat [guo2 ji4 ji1 chang3] /international airport/ [Guo2 ji4 ge1] /The Internationale/ [Guo2 ji4 Min2 hang2 Zu3 zhi1] /International Civil Aviation Orga [guo2 ji4 min2 jian1 zu3 zhi1] /international humanitarian organi [guo2 ji4 fa3] /international law/

[Guo2 ji4 Fa3 ting2] /International court of justice in the Hague/ [Guo2 ji4 Hai3 shi4 Zu3 zhi1] /International Maritime Organizatio [Guo2 ji4 Qing1 suan4 Yin2 hang2] /Bank for International Settlem [guo2 ji4 te4 she4] /Amnesty International/ [guo2 ji4 te4 she4 zu3 zhi1] /Amnesty International/ [guo2 ji4 she4 hui4] /the international community/ [guo2 ji4 si1 fa3] /conflict of laws/ [Guo2 ji4 Bi3 hui4] /International PEN/ [Guo2 ji4 Mi3 lan2] /FC Internazionale Milano (football club)/abbr. for le4 bu4]/ [Guo2 ji4 Mi3 lan2 Zu2 qiu2 Ju4 le4 bu4] /FC Internaz [Guo2 ji4 Mi3 lan2 Dui4] /FC Internazionale Milano (football club)/ab Ju4 le4 bu4]/ [guo2 ji4 ji2] /(at an) international level/ [guo2 ji4 zu3 zhi1] /international organization/ [guo2 ji4 wang3 luo4] /Internet/ [guo2 ji4 wang3 luo4 gong1 si1] /internet company/ [guo2 ji4 wang3 luo4 men2 hu4] /internet portal/ [Guo2 ji4 Yu3 mao2 qiu2 Lian2 he2 hui4] /International Ba [Guo2 ji4 lian2 meng2] /League of Nations (1920-1946), based in Geneva, p he UN/ [guo2 ji4 hang2 kong1 lian2 he2 hui4] /Fdration Aronautiqu gliding and aeronautic sports/ [Guo2 ji4 Hang2 kong1 Yun4 shu1 Xie2 hui4] /International [guo2 ji4 jian4 wen2] /International Background Knowledge/ [guo2 ji4 xiang4 qi2] /chess/CL:[fu4]/ [Guo2 ji4 Huo4 bi4 Ji1 jin1] /International Monetary Fund (IMF)/ [guo2 ji4 huo4 bi4 ji1 jin1 zu3 zhi1] /International Mone [guo2 ji4 huo4 yun4 dai4 li3] /international transport agency/ [guo2 ji4 mao4 yi4] /international trade/ [Guo2 ji4 Zu2 qiu2 Lian2 he2 hui4] /FIFA/International Federa [Guo2 ji4 Zu2 lian2] /abbr. for , FIFA, inte [guo2 ji4 tiao4 qi2] /checkers (western board game)/ [guo2 ji4 yi1 liao2 zhong1 xin1] /International Medical Center/ [Guo2 ji4 Jin1 rong2 Gong1 si1] /International Finance Corporatio [guo2 ji4 guan1 xi4] /international relations/ [Guo2 ji4 Guan1 xi4 Xue2 yuan4] /University of International Rela [guo2 ji4 dian4 xin4 lian2 meng2] /International Telecommunicatio [Guo2 ji4 Dian4 bao4 Dian4 hua4 Zi1 xun2 Wei3 sultative Committee (CCITT)/ [guo2 ji4 dian4 hua4] /international call/ [guo2 ji4 dian4 hua4 dian4 bao4 zi1 xun2 wei3 Telephone and Telegraph/CCITT (now ITU)/ [guo2 ji4 yin1 biao1] /international phonetic alphabet/ [Guo2 ji4 Ti3 cao1 Lian2 he2 hui4] /Fdration Internationale [guo2 yin1] /official state pronunciation/ [guo2 ti3] /state system/national prestige/ [chui2] /name of a mountain/ [Wei2] /surname Wei/ [wei2] /to encircle/to surround/all around/to wear by wrapping around (scarf, sh awl)/ [wei2 zhu4] /to surround/to gird/ [wei2 dou1] /bib/ [wei2 jiao3] /to encircle and annihilate/refers to repeated campaigns of the Guom ndang against the communists from 1930 onwards/ [wei2 kun4] /to besiege/ [wei2 zuo4] /to sit in a circle/seated around (a narrator)/ [Wei2 cheng2] /Fortress Besieged, 1947 novel by Qian Zhongshu , film [wei2 cheng2] /siege/besieged city/ [wei2 cheng2 da3 yuan2] /to besiege and strike the relief force (idiom);

urrounding a unit to entice the enemy to reinforce, then striking the new troops / [wei2 yan4] /a cofferdam/ [Wei2 chang3] /Weichang Manchu and Mongol autonomous county in Chengde [Cheng Hebei/ [wei2 chang3] /enclosure/pig pen/hunting ground exclusively kept for emperor or n bility (in former times)/ [Wei2 chang3 Man3 zu2 Meng3 gu3 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian in Chengde [Cheng2 de2], Hebei/ [Wei2 chang3 xian4] /Weichang Manchu and Mongol autonomous county in Chengde e2], Hebei/ [wei2 du3] /to besiege/to surround and block up/ [wei2 ken3] /to reclaim land by diking/ [wei2 jin1] /scarf/shawl/CL: [tiao2]/ [wei2 bu3] /to fish by casting a net/to capture/to surround and seize/ [wei2 ji1] /to besiege/ [wei2 long3] /to crowd around/ [wei2 gong1] /to besiege/to beleaguer/to attack from all sides/to jointly speak o write against sb/ [wei2 qi2] /the game of Go/ [wei2 lan2] /fencing/railings/fence/ [wei2 qiang2] /enclosure/CL:[dao4]/ [wei2 li2] /fence/paling/ [wei2 wang3] /seine net/wire mesh fence/fence screen/ [wei2 rao4] /to revolve around/to center on (an issue)/ [wei2 bo2] /muffler/scarf/ [wei2 qun2] /apron/ [wei2 guan1] /to stand in circle and watch/ [wei2 hu4] /to protect from all sides/ [wei2 qi3] /to surround/to encircle/to enclose/to fence in/ [wei2 wei4 jiu4 zhao4] /to besiege [Wei4] and rescue [Zhao4]/to re by attacking the home base of the besiegers (idiom)/ [quan1] /Japanese variant of / [Yuan2] /surname Yuan/ [yuan2] /land used for growing plants/site used for public recreation/ [yuan2 ding1] /gardener/ [yuan2 qu1] /site developed for a group of related enterprises/(industrial or tec nology) park/ [yuan2 di4] /garden area/ [yuan2 lin2] /gardens/park/landscape garden/ [yuan2 yi4] /gardening/horticultural/ [yuan2] /circle/round/circular/spherical/(of the moon) full/unit of Chinese curr ency (Yuan)/tactful/to justify/ [yuan2 guang1] /radiance emanating from the head/halo/ [yuan2 han2 shu4] /the trigonometric functions/ [yuan2 kou3 gang1 ji3 zhui1 dong4 wu4] /cyclostome (marine bi [yuan2 zhou1] /circumference/ [yuan2 zhou1 lu:4] /the circular ratio/pi = 3.1415926/ [yuan2 quan1] /circle/ [yuan2 tu2] /a pie chart/ [yuan2 chang3] /to mediate/to broker a compromise/ [yuan2 meng4] /to interpret a dream/to realize one's dream/ [yuan2 zi5] /kind of dumpling/sticky rice ball/ [yuan2 kong3] /round hole/ [yuan2 ji4] /death/to pass away (of Buddhist monks, nuns etc)/ [yuan2 wu1 ding3] /dome/ [yuan2 hu2] /arc of a circle/circular arc/ [yuan2 xing2] /round/circular/ [yuan2 xing2 mu4 cai2] /log/ [yuan2 xing2 mian4 bao1] /bun/

[yuan2 xin1] /center of circle/ [yuan2 fang2] /(of a child bride) to consummate marriage/ [yuan2 kuo4 hao4] /parentheses/round brackets ( )/ [yuan2 gong3] /a round vault/ [Yuan2 ming2 yuan2] /Yuanmingyuan, the Old Summer Palace, destroyed by the Br nd French army in 1860/ [yuan2 yue4] /full moon/ [yuan2 zhu4] /column/cylinder/ [yuan2 zhu4 xing2] /cylindrical/ [yuan2 zhu4 ti3] /cylinder (geometry)/ [yuan2 zhuo1] /round table/ [yuan2 zhuo1 hui4 yi4] /round table conference/ [yuan2 hua2] /smooth and evasive/slick and sly/ [yuan2 gun3 gun3] /plump/ [yuan2 man3] /satisfactory/consummate/perfect/ [yuan2 run4] /mellow and full/suave/smooth and round/rich (in voice)/ [yuan2 zhu1] /ball/bead/ballpoint/ [yuan2 zhu1 xing2 li2 zi3 jiao1 huan4 ji4] /bead-type ion [yuan2 zhu1 bi3] /ballpoint pen/CL:[zhi1],[zhi1]/ [yuan2 qiu2] /ball/sphere/globe/ [Yuan2 Ying1] /Yuan Ying (1878-1953), Buddhist monk/ [yuan2 huan2] /rotary/traffic circle/ring/ [yuan2 bai2 cai4] /round white cabbage (i.e. western cabbage)/ [yuan2 pan2] /disk/ [yuan2 shi2 tou5] /boulder/ [yuan2 tong3] /circular cylinder/drum/ [yuan2 fu4 fei1] /round herring/ [yuan2 wu3] /round dance/ [yuan2 wu3 qu3] /waltz/ [yuan2 gui1] /compass (drafting)/ [yuan2 gui1 zuo4] /Circinus (constellation)/ [yuan2 gui3 dao4] /circular orbit (in astronomy and in astronautics)/ [yuan2 tong1] /flexible/accommodating/ [yuan2 zhui1] /conical/(cf a cone)/ [yuan2 zhui1 xing2] /conical/coniform/ [yuan2 zhui1 qu1 xian4] /conic section/ [yuan2 zhui1 zhuang4] /conical/ [yuan2 zhui1 ti3] /cone/ [yuan2 zao2 fang1 rui4] /see [fang1 rui4 yuan2 zao2]/ [yuan2 ding3] /dome/ [yuan2 ling3] /crew neck/round neck (of pull-over garment, e.g. T-shirt)/ [yuan2 mian4 bing3] /round flat bread/pita bread/ [yuan2 dian3] /dot/ [yuan2 gu3 gu3] /round and bulging/rotund/protruding/ [tu2] /diagram/picture/drawing/chart/map/CL: [zhang1]/to plan/to scheme/to attemp /to pursue/to seek/ [Tu2 men5] /Tumen county level city in Yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture [Tu2 men5 shi4] /Tumen county level city in Yanbian Korean autonomous prefect [Tu2 men5 jiang1] /Tumen river in Jilin province , forming the eastern hina and North Korea/ [tu2 xiang4] /image/picture/graphic/ [tu2 xiang4 hu4 huan4 ge2 shi4] /GIF/graphic interchange format/ [tu2 xiang4 yong4 hu4 jie4 mian4] /graphical user interface/GUI/ [tu2 xiang4 chu3 li3] /image processing/ [tu2 ke4] /(Gary L.) Tooker (Motorola Chairman of the Board)/ [tu2 tan3 ka3 men2] /Tutankhamen/ [tu2 xing2] /picture/figure/diagram/graph/depiction/graphical/ [tu2 xing2 ka3] /graphics card/ [tu2 xing2 yong4 hu4 jie4 mian4] /graphical user interface (GUI)/ [tu2 xing2 jie4 mian4] /Graphical User Interace (GUI) (computing)/

[Tu2 en1] /Thun, Switzerland/ [tu2 shu1] /books (in a library or bookstore)/CL:[ben3], [ce4],[bu4]/ [tu2 shu1 guan3 li3 yuan2] /librarian/ [tu2 shu1 guan3] /library/CL:[jia1], [ge4]/ [tu2 shu1 guan3 yuan2] /librarian/ [Tu2 mu4 shu1 ke4] /Tumxuk shehiri (Tumshuq city) or Tmshk subprefect t Xinjiang/ [Tu2 mu4 shu1 ke4 shi4] /Tumxuk shehiri (Tumshuq city) or Tmshk s west Xinjiang/ [Tu2 lin2 gen1] /Thuringia (state in Germany)/ [tu2 an4] /design/pattern/ [tu2 biao1] /icon (computing)/ [tu2 yang4] /diagram/blueprint/ [Tu2 bo1 lie4 fu1] /Tupolev, Russian plane make/ [Tu2 er3] /Tours (city in France)/ [Tu2 er3 ku4] /Turku (city in Finland)/ [tu2 pian4] /image/picture/photograph/CL: [zhang1]/ [Tu2 pian4 bao4] /Bild-Zeitung/ [tu2 ban3] /an engraved printing plate/a photographic plate/ [Tu2 wa3 lu2] /Tuvalu/ [tu2 hua4] /drawing/picture/ [tu2 lu2 si1] /Toulouse (France)/ [Tu2 lu2 zi1] /Toulouse (city in France)/ [tu2 zhang1] /stamp/seal/CL:[fang1]/ [tu2 qian1] /(computer) icon/ [tu2 zhi3] /blueprint/drawing/design plans/graph paper/ [tu2 biao3] /chart/diagram/ [Tu2 xi1 zu2] /Tutsi, an ethnic group in Rwanda and Burundi/ [tu2 jie3 shuo1 ming2] /illustrate/ [tu2 mou2] /to conspire/ [tu2 pu3] /archive of graphics (e.g. maps, documents or botanical figures)/atlas/ ollection of illustrations or sheet music/ [tu2 xiang4] /image/picture/ [tu2 ji2] /slide show/photo gallery (on website)/ [tu2 ding1] /thumbtack/ [tu2 lu4] /catalog/ [Tu2 men2 jiang1] /variant of [Tu2 men5 jiang1]/Tumen river in J eastern border between China and North Korea/ [Tu2 a1 lei2 ge2] /Tuareg (nomadic people of the Sahara)/ [tu2 ji2] /atlas/CL:[ben3],[bu4]/ [Tu2 ling2 jiang3] /Turing Award/ [tu2 teng2] /totem (religious symbol)/ [tuan2] /regiment/round/circular/group/society/ [tuan2 huo3] /(criminal) gang/gang member/accomplice/crony/ [tuan2 yuan2] /member/group member/ [tuan2 yuan2] /to have a reunion/ [tuan2 tuan2 zhuan4] /to go round and round/running around in circles/fig. fr ly busy/ [tuan2 qi4] /Christian association/fellowship/ [tuan2 nian2] /Spring festival family reunion/ [tuan2 jie2] /a rally/to hold a rally/to join forces/ [tuan2 jie2 jiu4 shi4 li4 liang5] /Unity is strength (revolutiona g of 1943)/ [tuan2 jie2 gong1 hui4] /Solidarity (Polish worker's union)/ [tuan2 lian4] /local militia formed to suppress peasant rebellion (old)/ [tuan2 ju4] /to reunite/to have a reunion/ [tuan2 gou4] /group buying/collective buying/buying by a group of individuals who negotiate a discount for the group/ [tuan2 zhang3] /regimental command/head of a delegation/ [tuan2 dui4] /team/

[tuan2 dui4 jing1 shen2] /group mentality/collectivism/solidarity/team sp [Tuan2 feng1] /Tuanfeng county in Huanggang [Huang2 gang1], Hubei/ [Tuan2 feng1 xian4] /Tuanfeng county in Huanggang [Huang2 gang1], Hu [tuan2 ti3] /group/organization/team/CL: [ge4]/ [tuan2 ti3 guan4 jun1] /group championship/ [tuan2 ti3 xing2] /group travel/ [yi4] /mist rolling upwards/ [huan2] /circle/encircle/ [yuan2] /circle/round/ [luan2] /round/ [Tu3] /Tu (ethnic group)/surname Tu/ [tu3] /earth/dust/clay/local/indigenous/crude opium/unsophisticated/one of the e ight ancient musical instruments [ba1 yin1]/ [tu3 qiu1] /mound/hillock/barrow/ [tu3 ren2] /native/aborigine/clay figure/ [Tu3 lun2] /Toulon (city in France)/ [tu3 dao4 bu4 xing2] /old-fashioned/extremely kitsch/ [tu3 bao1 zi5] /country bumpkin/boor/unsophisticated country person (humble, to oneself)/burial mound/ [tu3 fei3] /bandit/ [tu3 si1] /system of appointing national minority hereditary headmen in the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties/toast/ [tu3 di4] /land/soil/territory/CL:[pian4]/ [tu3 di5] /local god/genius loci/ [tu3 di4 gong1] /Tudi Gong, the God of the earth/ [tu3 di4 li4 yong4 gui1 hua4] /land use plan (official P.R.C. gov [tu3 di4 gai3 ge2] /land reform/ [tu3 di4 zi1 yuan2] /land resources/ [tu3 kan3] /earthen steps/ [tu3 kan3 r5] /earthen steps/ [tu3 pi1] /mud brick/adobe/unfired earthenware/ [tu3 geng3] /embankment or foothpath between paddy fields/ [Tu3 cheng2] /Tucheng city in Taipei county [Tai2 bei3 xian4], Taiwa [Tu3 cheng2 shi4] /Tucheng city in Taipei county [Tai2 bei3 xian [tu3 dui1] /mound/ [tu3 rang3] /soil/ [tu3 rang3 xue2] /pedology (soil study)/ [tu3 ba4] /earth dam/dam of earth and rocks (as opposed to waterproof dam of clay or concrete)/ [Tu3 jia1 zu2] /Tujia ethnic group of Hunan/ [tu3 ceng2] /layer of soil/ground level/ [tu3 gang3] /mound/hillock/ [tu3 beng1 wa3 jie3] /to collapse/to fall apart/ [tu3 bu4] /homespun cloth/ [Tu3 ku4] /Tuku town in Yunlin county [Yun2 lin2 xian4], Taiwan/ [Tu3 ku4 man4] /Turkmenistan/Republic of Turkmenistan, former Soviet republic ing Iran/ [Tu3 ku4 man4 ren2] /Turkmen (person)/ [Tu3 ku4 man4 si1 tan3] /Turkmenistan/ [Tu3 ku4 zhen4] /Tuku town in Yunlin county [Yun2 lin2 xian4], T [tu3 jian4] /civil engineering/same as [tu3 mu4 gong1 cheng2]/ [tu3 la1 fu2 shi4 jun1] /Francisella tularensis/ [tu3 bo1 shu3] /groundhog/ [tu3 gai3] /land reform/same as [tu3 di4 gai3 ge2]/ [Tu3 zu2] /Tu or White Mongol ethnic group of Qinghai/ [Tu3 xing1] /Saturn (planet)/ [tu3 yao4 ri4] /traditional Chinese name for Saturday/ [tu3 mu4] /building/construction/civil engineering/ [tu3 mu4 gong1 cheng2] /civil engineering/ [tu3 mu4 xing2 hai2] /earth and wood framework (idiom); plain and undecor

[tu3 mu4 shen1] /one's body as wood and earth/undecorated/unvarnished (truth) [Tu3 sang1] /Tucson (city in Arizona)/ [tu3 fa3] /traditional method/ [tu3 yang2 bing4 ju3] /combining native and foreign methods/ [tu3 yang2 jie2 he2] /combining native and foreign methods (idiom); sophi many-sided/ [tu3 wen1] /temperature of the soil/ [tu3 kang4] /heated brick common bed/ [Tu3 er3 qi2 si1 tan3] /Turkestan/ [tu3 niu2] /clay ox/mound of earth on a dike (ready for emergency repairs)/ [tu3 niu2 mu4 ma3] /clay ox, wooden horse (idiom); shape without substanc bject/ [tu3 te4 chan3] /local specialty/ [tu3 gou3] /mole cricket/colloquial word for agricultural pest Gryllotalpa / [tu3 lang2] /aardwolf (Proteles cristatus), a small insectivorous relative of the hyena/ [tu3 sheng1 tu3 zhang3] /home-grown/indigenous/native born and bred/ [tu3 chan3] /produced locally/local product (with distinctive native features)/ [tu3 huang2 di4] /local tyrant/ [tu3 shen2] /earth God/ [tu3 gu3 ci2] /local monastery/ [tu3 yao2] /earthen kiln/loess cave/ [Tu3 er3 qi2] /Turkey/ [Tu3 er3 qi2 ren2] /a Turk/Turkish person/ [Tu3 er3 qi2 xuan2 zhuan3 kao3 rou4] /Turkish dner kebab/ [Tu3 er3 qi2 yu3] /Turkish (language)/ [tu3 hui2 xiang1] /dill seed/ [tu3 zhu4] /aboriginal/ [tu3 zhu4 ren2] /indigenous person/aboriginal/ [tu3 zang4] /burial (in earth)/ [Tu3 wei4 er4] /Enceladus (moon of Saturn)/ [tu3 wei4 liu4] /Titan/Saturn's sixth moon/ [tu3 zhi4] /locally manufactured/ [tu3 hua4] /vernacular/slang/dialect/patois/ [tu3 yu3] /dialect/patois/ [tu3 dou4] /potato/CL: [ge4]/ [tu3 dou4 ni2] /mashed potato/ [tu3 dou4 si1] /shredded potato/ [tu3 tun2] /aardvark/ [tu3 hao2] /local tyrant/local strong man/ [tu3 hao2 lie4 shen1] /local bosses, shady gentry (idiom); dominant local [tu3 zhu1] /aardvark/ [tu3 cai2 zhu3] /local wealthy landlord/country money-bags/rich provincial/ [tu3 huo4] /local produce/ [tu3 bang1] /native state (term used by British Colonial power to refer to indepe dent states of India or Africa)/ [Tu3 men2] /Tumen or Bumin Khan (-553), founder of Gktrk khanate/ [tu3 jie1 mao2 wu1] /lit. earthen steps and a small cottage/frugal living idiom)/ [tu3 jie1 mao2 ci2] /lit. earthen steps and a thatched hut/frugal living diom)/ [tu3 tuo1 yu2] /see [ma3 jiao1 yu2]/ [tu3 ling2 yu2] /mud carp (Cirrhina molitorella)/ [tu3 bie1] /ground beetle/ [Tu3 mo4 te4 you4 qi2] /Tumed right banner, Mongolian Tmed baruun kh ou2], Inner Mongolia/ [Tu3 mo4 te4 zuo3 qi2] /Tumed left banner, Mongolian Tmed zn khosh e4], Inner Mongolia/ [ya1] /Japanese variant of /

[zai4] /(located) at/(to be) in/to exist/in the middle of doing sth/(indicating an action in progress)/ [zai4 yi1 qi3] /together/ [zai4 xia4] /under/myself (humble)/ [zai4 xia4 fang1] /beneath/ [zai4 xia4 mian4] /underneath/ [zai4 shi4] /to be alive/ [zai4 hu5] /determined by/to care about/to mind/ [zai4 jin1 nian2 nian2 di3] /at the end of this year/ [zai4 wei4] /on the throne/reigning (monarch)/ [zai4 wei4 shi2 dai4] /reign (of a king, emperor etc)/ [zai4 chuan2 shu1 guo4 cheng2 zhong1] /while transmitting/during [zai4 nei4] /including/ [zai4 qi2 zhong1] /therein/wherein/ [zai4 qian2] /forward/ [zai4 ji2] /near at hand/imminent/within sight/ [zai4 di4 xia4] /underground/ [zai4 chang3] /to be present/to be on the scene/ [zai4 wai4] /outer/ [zai4 da4 duo1 shu4 qing2 kuang4 xia4] /in most instances/ [zai4 tian1 yuan4 zuo4 bi3 yi g wing to wing, on earth to be two trees with branches intertwined/wishing for c onjugal bliss/ [zai4 shi4 nei4] /indoors/ [zai4 mi4 qie4 zhu4 yi4] /to pay close attention (to sth)/ [zai4 zuo4] /to be present/ [zai4 hou4] /behind/ [zai4 yi4] /to care about/to mind/ [zai4 wo3 kan4] /in my opinion, in my view/ [zai4 hu4 wai4] /outdoors/ [zai4 suo3 bu4 ji4] /irrespective of/to have no concerns whatsoever about [zai4 suo3 bu4 ci2] /under no circumstances decline to (idiom)/without he ave no reservations to/ [zai4 suo3 nan2 mian3] /to be unavoidable (idiom)/ [zai4 wo4] /(figuratively) to hold in one's hands/to be within grasp/ [zai4 yu2] /to be in/to lie in/to consist in/to depend on/to rest with/ [zai4 pang2] /alongside/nearby/ [zai4 chao2] /sitting (currently serving, e.g. board members)/ [zai4 xiao4 yuan2] /on campus/ [zai4 xiao4 yuan2 nei4] /on campus/ [zai4 ci3] /hereto/here/ [zai4 ci3 zhi1 qian2] /before that/beforehand/previously/ [zai4 ci3 zhi1 hou4] /after this/afterwards/next/ [zai4 ci3 zhi1 ji4] /meanwhile/at the same time/ [zai4 ci3 hou4] /after this/from then on/ [zai4 shui3 bu4 xing2] /wade/ [zai4 shen1 chu4] /deeply/ [zai4 zhen1 kong1 zhong1] /in a vacuum/ [zai4 yan3 qian2] /now/at the present/ [zai4 xian4] /online/ [zai4 zhi2] /to be employed/to be in post/on-the-job/ [zai4 zhi2 xun4 lian4] /on-the-job training/ [zai4 Hua2] /within China/during one's visit to China/ [zai4 hang2] /to be adept at sth/to be an expert in a trade or profession/ [zai4 su4 song4 qi1 jian1] /pendente lite/during litigation/ [zai4 tao2] /to be at large (of a criminal)/ [zai4 tu2] /in transit (of passengers, goods etc)/ [zai4 zhe4 zhi1 qian2] /before then/up until that point/ [zai4 zhe4 qi1 jian1] /during time/in this time/ [zai4 na5 r5] /(adverbial expression indicating that the attention of the sub

the verb is focused on what they are doing, not distracted by anything else)/ju st (and nothing else)/ [zai4 ye3] /be out of (political) office/out of power/ [zai4 ye3 dang3] /opposition party/ [zai4 fu4 jin4] /nearby/ [zai4 gao1 chu4] /aloft/ [wei2] /dike/ [ge1] /(phonetic)/ [ge1 da5] /lump/pimple/mound/same as / [wu1] /to plaster/whitewash/ [gui1] /jade tablet/ [Gui1 ya4 na4] /Guyana/ [pi3] /destroyed/injure/ [yi2] /bridge, bank/ [de5] /-ly/structural particle: used before a verb or adjective, linking it to p receding modifying adverbial adjunct/ [di4] /earth/ground/field/place/land/CL:[pian4]/ [di4 san1 xian1] /dish consisting of stir-fried potato, eggplant and green pe [di4 shang5] /on the ground/on the floor/ [di4 xia4] /underground/subterranean/covert/ [di4 xia4 shi4] /basement/cellar/ [di4 xia4 he2 bao4 zha4] /nuclear underground burst/underground nucle [di4 xia4 he2 shi4 yan4] /underground nuclear test/ [di4 xia4 shui3] /groundwater/ [di4 xia4 tong1 dao4] /underpass/subway/tunnel/ [di4 xia4 tie3 lu4] /subway/ [Di4 zhong1 hai3] /Mediterranean sea/ [di4 zhong1 hai3 xing2 pin2 xue4] /thalassemia/Mediterranean anem [di4 zhong1 hai3 pin2 xue4] /thalassemia (medicine)/ [di4 zhu3] /landlord/land-owner/ [di4 zhu3 jia1 ting2] /land-owning household/ [di4 zhu3 jie1 ji2] /land-owning classes/ [di4 jiu3 tian1 chang2] /enduring while the world lasts (idiom, from Laoz or ever and ever (of friendship, hate etc)/also written / [di4 wei4] /position/status/place/CL: [ge4]/ [di4 bao3] /magistrate/ [di4 li4] /favorable location/in the right place/productivity of land/ [di4 li4 ren2 he2] /favorable geographical and social conditions (idiom); n and the people satisfied/ [di4 li4] /soil fertility/land capability/ [di4 dong4] /earthquake (old term)/ [di4 dong4 yi2] /the world's first seismograph invented by Zhang Heng in r / [di4 dong4 shan1 yao2] /the earth quaked, the mountains shook (idiom); a ttle/ [di4 shi4] /terrain/topography relief/ [di4 qin2 ren2 yuan2] /(airport) ground crew/ [di4 qu1] /local/regional/district (not necessarily formal administrative unit)/r gion/area/as suffix to city name, means prefecture or county (area administered by a prefecture level city or county level city)/CL: [ge4]/ [di4 qu1 cha1 jia4] /local differences in price/regional price variation/ [di4 qu1 xing4] /regional/local/ [di4 qu1 fa3 yuan4] /regional court/ [di4 qu1 jing1 ji4] /local economy/regional economy/ [di4 qu1 chong1 tu1] /local or regional confrontation/ [di4 tai2] /floor/platform/ [di4 shi3] /earth history/geological history/ [di4 ming2] /placename/toponymy/ [di4 tu2] /map/CL: [zhang1],[ben3]/ [di4 tu2 ce4] /atlas/

[di4 tu2 ji2] /collection of maps/atlas/ [di4 di4 dao4 dao4] /thoroughgoing/authentic/100%/to the core/ [di4 zhi3] /address/CL: [ge4]/ [di4 zhi3 de5 zhuan3 huan4] /address translation/ [di4 zhi3 jie3 xi1 xie2 yi4] /address resolution protocol/ARP/ [di4 yu4] /area/district/region/ [di4 ji1] /foundations (of a building)/base/ [di4 bao3] /bunker (underground fortification)/ [di4 kuai4] /tectonic plate/ [di4 sai1 mi3 song1] /dexamethasone/ [di4 qian4] /trench, rift valley/ [di4 tan2] /Temple of Earth (in Beijing)/ [di4 long3] /lines on ridges on ploughed field/ [di4 da4 wu4 bo2] /a place of abundant resources (idiom)/ [di4 qi4] /deed (for land)/CL: [zhang1],[fen4]/ [di4 wei3] /prefectural Party committee/ [di4 gong1] /underground palace (as part of imperial tomb)/ [di4 dui4 kong1 dao3 dan4] /ground-to-air missile/ [di4 ceng2] /stratum (geology)/ [di4 ceng2 xue2] /stratigraphy (geology)/ [di4 jia3] /cape (geography)/headland/ [di4 dai4] /zone/CL: [ge4]/ [di4 man4] /the mantle of the earth (geology)/ [di4 ping2 xian4] /horizon/ [di4 di3] /subterranean/underground/ [di4 fu3] /hell/the nether world/Hades/ [di4 xing2] /topography/terrain/landform/ [di4 xing2 tu2] /topographic map/ [di4 xin1] /the earth's core/geocentric/ [di4 xin1 xi1 li4] /gravitation/ [di4 xin1 yin3 li4] /earth's gravity/ [di4 xin1 wei3 du4] /geocentric latitude (i.e. angle between the equatori straight line from center of the earth)/ [di4 xin1 shuo1] /geocentric theory/ [Di4 la1 na4] /Tirana, capital of Albania/ [di4 zhi1] /the 12 earthly branches [zi3], [chou3], [yin2], [mao3], [ch , [wei4], [shen1], [you3], [xu1], [hai4], used cyclically in the calendar and as nal numbers I, II etc/ [di4 fang1] /region/regional (away from the central administration)/local/ [di4 fang5] /area/place/space/room/territory/CL: [chu4], [ge4], [kuai [di4 fang1 zhu3 yi4] /regionalism/favoring one's local region/ [di4 fang5 ting2 che1] /parking place/ [di4 fang1 guan1] /local official/ [di4 fang1 guan1 zhi2 wei4] /prefecture/ [di4 fang1 xing4] /local/ [di4 fang1 xing4 ban1 zhen3 shang1 han2] /murine typhus fever [di4 fang1 fa3 yuan4] /county court/district court/ [di4 fang1 zi4 zhi4] /local autonomy/home rule/ [di4 ban3] /floor/ [di4 he2] /core of the earth (geology)/ [di4 biao1] /landmark/ [di4 jian3 shu3] /district prosecutor's office/ [di4 bu4] /condition/situation/plight/extent/room for action/ [di4 duan4] /section/district/ [di4 qiao4] /the Earth's crust/ [di4 qiao4 yun4 dong4] /crustal movement/movement of tectonic plates/ [di4 tan3] /carpet/rug/ [di4 tan3 tuo1 xie2] /carpet slippers/ [di4 dong4] /a dug-out/a burrow/ [di4 hua2] /landslide/

[di4 lou4] /drain/underground drainpipe/floor gutter/25th of 2nd lunar month/ [di4 re4] /geothermal/ [di4 re4 fa1 dian4 chang3] /geothermal electric power station/ [di4 re4 neng2] /geothermal energy/ [di4 re4 zi1 yuan2] /geothermal resources/ [di4 re4 dian4 zhan4] /geothermal electric power station/ [di4 lu2] /fire pit/ [di4 lao2] /prison/dungeon/ [di4 yu4] /hell/infernal/underworld/ [di4 qiu2] /the Earth/planet/CL: [ge4]/ [di4 qiu2 yi2] /globe/ [di4 qiu2 hua4 xue2] /geochemistry/ [di4 qiu2 da4 qi4] /earth's atmosphere/ [di4 qiu2 wu4 li3] /geophysics/ [di4 qiu2 wu4 li3 xue2] /geophysics/ [di4 qiu2 ci2 chang3] /earth's magnetic field/ [di4 qiu2 ke1 xue2] /earth science/ [di4 qiu2 gui3 dao4] /earth orbit/ [di4 li3] /geography/ [di4 li3 wei4 zhi5] /geographical location/ [di4 li3 xue2] /geography/ [di4 li3 xue2 jia1] /geographer/ [di4 li3 ji2] /geographic pole/north and south poles/ [di4 gua1] /sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas)/yam (family Dioscoreaceae)/ [di4 gua1 mian4] /sweet potato or yam noodles/ [di4 chan3] /estate/ [Di4 chan3 Da4 heng1] /Monopoly (game)/known as [Da4 fu4 weng1] in [di4 mu3] /area of farmland/ [di4 pi3] /bully/local ruffian/ [di4 pi2] /lot, section of land, ground/ [di4 pan2] /domain/territory under one's control/foundation of a building/base of operations/crust of earth/ [di4 ci2 chang3] /the earth's magnetic field/ [di4 qi2] /earth spirit/ [di4 zu1] /land rent/land tax/ [di4 zu1 shou1 ru4] /rent income (esp. from arable land)/ [di4 shui4] /rates (tax)/ [di4 ji1 dan1] /unit of area (e.g. [mu3], Chinese acre)/ [di4 jiao4] /cellar/basement/ [di4 ji2] /prefecture level/ [di4 ji2 shi4] /prefecture level city/ [di4 xian4] /earth (wire)/ground/ [di4 yuan2] /regional/ [di4 yuan2 zhan4 lu:e4] /geostrategic/ [di4 yuan2 zheng4 zhi4] /geopolitical/regional politics/ [di4 yuan2 zheng4 zhi4 xue2] /geopolitics/ [di4 mai4] /geographical position according to the principles of feng shui i3]/ley lines/ [Di4 zang4] /Kitigarbha, the Bodhisattva of the Great Vow (to save all souls bef accepting Bodhi)/also translated Earth Treasury, Earth Womb, or Earth Store Bod hisattva/ [Di4 zang4 wang2 Pu2 sa4] /Kitigarbha Bodhisattva, the Bodhisattva o ave all souls before accepting Bodhi)/also translated Earth Treasury, Earth Womb , or Earth Store Bodhisattva/ [Di4 zang4 Pu2 sa4] /Kitigarbha Bodhisattva, the Bodhisattva of the Grea all souls before accepting Bodhi)/also translated Earth Treasury, Earth Womb, or Earth Store Bodhisattva/ [di4 chu3] /to be located at/to be situated in/ [di4 yi1] /lichen/ [di4 biao3] /the surface (of the earth)/

[di4 biao3 shui3] /surface water/ [di4 xi1 pan4] /Valium/diazepam/ [di4 jiao3 tian1 ya2] /The ends of the earth/ [di4 mao4] /relief/landform (geology)/ [di4 zhi4] /geology/ [di4 zhi4 xue2] /geology/ [di4 zhi4 xue2 jia1] /geologist/ [di4 zhi4 nian2 dai4 biao3] /geological time scale/ [di4 zhi4 nian2 biao3] /geological time scale/ [di4 tang3 quan2] /Di Tang Quan - "Ground-Prone Fist"/"Ground Tumbling Boxing tial Art/ [di4 zhou2] /the earth's axis/ [di4 su4] /groundspeed (of an aircraft etc)/ [di4 dao4] /tunnel/causeway/ [di4 dao5] /authentic/genuine/typical/from a place known for the product/thorough conscientious/ [di4 lin2] /neighbor on farmland/ [di4 qian2] /liverwort (Marchantia polymorpha)/ [di4 tie3] /subway/metro/ [di4 tie3 zhan4] /subway station/metro station/MRT station/ [di4 lei2] /landmine/CL: [ke1]/ [di4 zhen4] /earthquake/ [di4 zhen4 zhong1] /earthquake epicenter/ [di4 zhen4 yi2] /seismometer/ [di4 zhen4 qu1] /seismic zone/earthquake belt/ [di4 zhen4 xue2] /seismology/science of earthquakes/ [di4 zhen4 xue2 jia1] /seismologist/earthquake scientist/ [di4 zhen4 ju2] /earthquake bureau/ [di4 zhen4 dai4] /seismic zone/earthquake belt/ [di4 zhen4 bo1] /seismic wave/ [di4 zhen4 huo2 dong4 dai4] /seismic zone/earthquake belt/ [di4 zhen4 lie4 du4] /earthquake intensity (measure of its destructive po [di4 mian4] /floor/ground/surface/ [di4 mian4 ceng2] /ground floor/first floor/ [di4 mian4 kong4 zhi4] /ground control (of airborne or space operation)/ [di4 mian4 he2 bao4 zha4] /surface nuclear explosion/ [di4 mian4 qi4 ya1] /ground pressure/ [di4 mian4 shui3] /surface water/ [di4 mian4 guan4 gai4] /surface irrigation/ [di4 mian4 bu4 dui4] /ground troops/ [Di4 mian4 Ling2 dian3] /Ground Zero (refers to the site of the World Tra troyed in 9-11-2001 attack)/ [di4 mian4 ling2 dian3] /ground zero/ [di4 tou2 she2] /local bully/tyrant/regional mafia boss/ [di4 huang2] /Chinese foxglove (Rehmannia glutinosa), its rhizome used in traditi nal Chinese medicine/ [di4 dian3] /place/site/location/venue/CL: [ge4]/ [zhen4] /furrow in field, small drainage/ [zhuo2] /footprint/ [qi2] /boundary/a border/ [ji1] /see [la1 ji1]/Taiwan pr. [se4]/ [zhi3] /location/site/ [ban3] /Japanese or nonstandard variant of / [fen2] /variant of /grave/tomb/ [mei2] /variant of /plum/ [jun1] /equal/even/all/uniform/ [jun1 yi1] /even/uniform/homogeneous/ [jun1 zhi2] /average value/ [jun1 fen1] /to split/to divide equally/ [jun1 shi4] /equilibrium of forces/balance of power/

[jun1 yun2] /even/well-distributed/homogeneous/ [jun1 yun2 xing4] /homogeneity/ [jun1 ke3] /all are OK/both are OK/all can/both can/also can/ [jun1 cha1] /relief (i.e. height of land in geography)/ [jun1 tan1] /to share equally/to distribute evenly/ [jun1 fang1] /mean square/ [jun1 ri4 zhao4] /average annual sunshine/ [jun1 zhan1] /to share (profits)/ [jun1 shi1] /to moisten evenly (e.g. in tanning leather)/ [jun1 re4] /to heat evenly (e.g. in smelting metal)/ [jun1 tian2 zhi4] /equal-field system of Wei of the Northern dynasties a ties/ [jun1 deng3] /equal/impartial/fair/ [jun1 deng3 hua4] /to equalize/leveling/making uniform/ [jun1 xian4] /graph of average values/ [jun1 xian4 zhi3 biao1] /moving average index (used in financial analysis [jun1 heng2] /equal/balanced/harmony/equilibrium/ [jun1 bian4 lun4] /uniformitarianism/ [jun1 zhi4] /homogenous/uniform/homogenized/ [Fang1] /surname Fang/ [fang1] /lane (usually as part of a street name)/memorial archway/ [fang2] /workshop/mill/ [Fang1 zi3] /Fangzi district of Weifang city [Wei2 fang1 shi4], Shan [Fang1 zi3 qu1] /Fangzi district of Weifang city [Wei2 fang1 shi [fang1 jian1] /street stalls/bookshops/in the streets/ [fen4] /dust, earth/a bank of earth/to dig/to bring together/ [fen4 li4] /silt/ [ben4] /to bring together/dust/ [tan1] /collapse/ [tan1 ta1] /collapse/ [tan1 fang1] /to collapse/landslide/ [kan3] /pit/threshold/one of the Eight Trigrams [ba1 gua4], symbolizing water// [kan3 r5] /critical juncture/key moment/ [kan3 r5 jing3] /karez, qanat or "horizontal well" (irrigation and water mana system used in Xinjiang, Central Asia and Middle East)/ [kan3 kan3] /(dialect) just now/ [kan3 ke3] /bumpy (of a road)/rough (of life)/to be down on one's luck/to be full of frustrations and dashed hopes/ [kan3 ke3 bu4 ping2] /pot-holed and bumpy road (idiom); fig. full of disa d dashed hopes/ [kan3 ke3 duo1 chuan3] /full of trouble and misfortune (usu. referring to fe)/ [Kan3 ta3 bu4 lian2] /Cantabria in north Spain/Spanish Basque country/ [Kan3 ta3 bu4 lian2 shan1 mai4] /Cantabrian mountain range in nor s from Castilla-Leon/ [Kan3 ta3 bu4 lian2 hai3] /Bay of Biscay (Spanish: Mare Cantabrico)/ [kan3 lan3] /to meet with misfortune/ [Kan3 da4 ha1] /Kandahar (town in Southern Afghanistan)/ [Kan3 da4 ha1 sheng3] /Kandahar province of Afghanistan/ [kan3 zi5] /raised ground/bank/ [Kan3 pa4 la1] /Kampala, capital of Uganda/ [kan3 de2 la1] /candela (unit of luminosity)/standard candle/ [Kan3 kun1] /Cancn/ [Kan3 te4 bo2 lei2] /Canterbury, England/ [Kan3 te4 bo2 lei2 da4 zhu3 jiao4] /Archbishop of Canterbury, [kan3 jian1] /sleeveless jacket (usually cotton)/Chinese waistcoat/ [kan3 jian1 r5] /erhua variant of , sleeveless jacket (usually cotton)/Ch at/ [Kan3 bei4 er3] /Campbell (name)/ [Kan3 bei4 er3 zhu1 ru2 cang1 shu3] /Campbell's dwarf hamster

[Zuo4] /surname Zuo/ [zuo4] /to sit/to take a seat/to take (a bus, airplane etc)/to bear fruit/ [zuo4 xia5] /sit down/ [zuo4 bu4 chui2 tang2] /lit. don't sit under overhanging eaves (idiom); f y in danger area/ [zuo4 jing3 guan1 tian1] /lit. to view the sky from the bottom of a well rant and narrow-minded/ [zuo4 xiang3 qi2 cheng2] /to reap where one has not sown (idiom)/ [zuo4 yi3 dai4 bi4] /to sit and wait for death (idiom); resigned to one's [zuo4 bian4 qi4] /pedestal type WC/ [zuo4 xiang4] /seated image (of a Buddha or saint)/ [zuo4 leng3 ban3 deng4] /to hold a title without the obligations of offic waiting for an assignment or audience with a VIP/to be out in the cold/to be sid elined/ [zuo4 li4] /see [hou4 zuo4 li4]/ [zuo4 hua4] /to die in a seated posture (Buddhism)/ [zuo4 tai2 xiao3 jie3] /bar girl/professional escort/ [zuo4 shang1] /tradesman/shopkeeper/ [zuo4 chi1 xiang3 fu2] /vegetative existence/to consume passively without ng useful/ [zuo4 po1] /kick-back/bribe/to sit leaning backwards (topolect) (slang)/ [zuo4 dian4] /cushion/(motorbike) seat/CL: [kuai4]/ [zuo4 dun1] /Chinese drum-shaped stool/ [zuo4 shi1] /to let sth slip by/to miss an opportunity/ [zuo4 shi1 ji1 yi2] /to sit and waste a good opportunity (idiom); to lose [zuo4 shi1 liang2 ji1] /to sit and waste a good opportunity (idiom); to l e/ [zuo4 hao3] /to sit properly/to sit up straight/ [zuo4 ding4] /to be seated/ [zuo4 shan1 guan1 hu3 dou4] /sit on the mountain and watch the tigers ety whilst others fight then reap the rewards when both sides are exhausted (idi om)/ [zuo4 ce4] /seating toilet/ [zuo4 ce4 dian4] /toilet seat/ [zuo4 tan4] /inside informer/mole/plant/ [zuo4 shou1 yu2 li4] /benefit from others' dispute (idiom)/ [zuo4 yue4] /see [zuo4 yue4 zi5]/ [zuo4 yue4 zi5] /to convalesce for a month following childbirth, following a diet, and observing various taboos to protect the body from exposure to the "wi nd"/ [zuo4 guo3] /to bear fruit/ [zuo4 yi3] /seat/chair/ [zuo4 biao1] /coordinate (geometry)/ [zuo4 lao2] /to be imprisoned/ [zuo4 ban1] /to work office hours/on duty/ [zuo4 ban1 fang2] /to be in prison/ [zuo4 chan2] /sit in meditation/to meditate/ [zuo4 li4 bu4 an1] /lit. agitated sitting or standing (idiom)/restless/fi [zuo4 li4 nan2 an1] /unable to sit or stand still (out of nervousness etc [zuo4 er2 lun4 dao4] /to sit and pontificate; to find answers through the hrough practice (idiom)/ [zuo4 tai2] /to work as a hostess in a bar or KTV/ [zuo4 luo4] /to be situated/to be located (of a building)/ [zuo4 yao4] /suppository/ [zuo4 la4] /to be embarrassed/to be put in a difficult situation/ [zuo4 shi4 bu4 li3] /to sit and watch, but remain indifferent (idiom)/ [zuo4 shi4 wu2 du3] /to turn a blind eye to/ [zuo4 guan1 cheng2 bai4] /to sit and await success or failure (idiom); to the outcome of a fight before taking sides/to sit on the fence/ [zuo4 che1] /to take the car, bus, train etc/

[zuo4 fei1 ji1] /to catch a plane/ [zuo4 gu3] /ischium/ [zuo4 gu3 shen2 jing1] /sciatic nerve/ [zuo4 gu3 shen2 jing1 tong4] /sciatica/ [keng1] /hole/pit/tunnel/to defraud/ [Keng1 kou3] /Hang Hau (area in Hong Kong)/ [keng1 kan3] /uneven (road)/depression (in terrain)/ [keng1 keng5 wa1 wa1] /bumpy/full of pot-holes/ [keng1 mu4] /pit prop/ [keng1 sha1] /to bury alive/to ensnare/ [keng1 dong4] /hole/pit/pothole/ [keng1 wa1] /pothole/dip in the road/ [bi4] /to compare/to match/to equal/ [jing3] /variant of [jing3]/ [po1] /slope/CL: [ge4]/sloping/slanted/ [po1 lei3] /Hainan hopea (Hopea hainanensis) (botany)/ [po1 du4] /gradient/slope/ [po1 lu4] /sloping road/hill road/ [po1 dao4] /road on a slope/inclined path/ramp/ [Po1 tou2] /Potou district of Zhanjiang city [Zhan4 jiang1 shi4], Guangdong [Po1 tou2 qu1] /Potou district of Zhanjiang city [Zhan4 jiang1 shi4], G [po1 lu4] /Eld's deer (Cervus eldii)/ [kun1] /one of the Eight Trigrams [ba1 gua4], symbolizing earth/female principle/ [Kun1 dian4] /Pontianak city, capital of Kalimantan, Indonesia/ [tan3] /flat/open-hearted/level/smooth/ [Tan3 pei4 lei2] /Tampere (Swedish Tammerfors), Finland's second city/ [tan3 ke4] /tank (military vehicle) (loanword)/ [tan3 ke4 che1] /tank (armored vehicle)/ [Tan3 bo2 la1] /Tambora, volcano on Indonesian island of Sumbawa , whos is greatest in recorded history/ [Tan3 ga2 ni2 ka1] /Tanganyika on continent of West Africa, one component [Tan3 ga2 ni2 ka1 hu2] /Lake Tanganyika in West Africa/ [tan3 cheng2] /to confess/to admit/to come clean/calmly/ [Tan3 sang1 ni2 ya4] /Tanzania/ [tan3 ran2] /calm/undisturbed/ [tan3 ran2 wu2 ju4] /remain calm and undaunted/ [tan3 shuai4] /frank (discussion)/blunt/open/ [tan3 bai2] /honest/forthcoming/to confess/ [tan3 dang4] /magnanimous/broad and level/ [tan3 cheng2] /candid/frank/plain dealing/ [tan3 cheng2 xiang1 jian4] /to trust one another fully/to treat sb with s [tan3 tu2] /highway/level road/ [tuo2] /see [tuo2 zi5]/ [tuo2 r5] /classifier for lumps of soft things (colloquial)/ [tuo2 zi5] /lump/heap/ [gan1] /crucible/ [gan1 guo1] /crucible/ [ping2] /a plain/ [Ping2 lin2] /Pinglin township in Taipei county [Tai2 bei3 xian4], T [Ping2 lin2 xiang1] /Pinglin township in Taipei county [Tai2 bei [dian4] /stand for goblets/ [ni2] /variant of [ni2]/ [pi1] /blank (e.g. for a coin)/unburnt earthenware/semifinished product/ [pi1 jian4] /blank (for a coin etc)/breed or strain/ [pi1 bu4] /unbleached and undyed cloth/grey cloth/ [pi1 liao4] /semifinished materials/CL: [kuai4]/ [pi1 mu2] /mold/ [jiong1] /environs/wilderness/ [yang3] /fine dust/plentiful/vast/ [ao4] /a depression/cavity/hollow/

[ao4 xian4] /depression/low-lying area/ [liu4] /a clod of earth/land/ [qiu1] /earthenware, earthenware vessel/ [ke3] /uneven (path)/unfortunate (in life)/ [chi2] /islet/rock in river/ [di3] /place name/ [che4] /to crack/to split/to break/to chap/ [chui2] /to hang (down)/droop/dangle/bend down/hand down/bequeath/nearly/almost/ to approach/ [chui2 xia4] /to hang down/ [chui2 wei1] /close to death/life-threatening (illness)/ [chui2 mu4] /canopy/ [chui2 gan3] /drape effect (fashion)/ [chui2 xuan2 fen1 ci2] /hanging participle (error of grammar in English)/ [chui2 gua4] /to hang down/suspended/ [chui2 mu4 zhi1 nian2] /old age/ [chui2 yang2 liu3] /weeping willow/ [chui2 si3] /dying/ [chui2 si3 zheng1 zha2] /deathbed struggle/final struggle (idiom)/ [chui2 qi4] /to shed tears/ [chui2 xian2] /to water at the mouth/to drool/ [chui2 xian2 san1 chi3] /to drool (over) (idiom)/to yearn for/to covet/to [chui2 xian2 yu4 di1] /to drool with desire (idiom); to envy/to hunger fo [chui2 lei4] /to shed tears/ [chui2 zhi2] /perpendicular/vertical/ [chui2 zhi2 he2 duan3 ju4 qi3 luo4 fei1 ji1] /vertica [chui2 zhi2 sou1 suo3] /vertical search/semantic search/top-down search/ [chui2 zhi2 xian4] /vertical line/ [chui2 zhi2 qi3 luo4 fei1 ji1] /vertical take-off and landing air [chui2 lian2 ting1 zheng4] /lit. to govern from behind the curtain/to rul the emperor (idiom)/ [chui2 diao4] /angling/ [chui2 qing1] /to show appreciation for sb/to look upon sb with favor/ [chui2 tou2 sang4 qi4] /hanging one's head dispiritedly (idiom); dejected [chui2 ti3] /pituitary gland/ [la1] /see [la1 ji1]/Taiwan pr. [le4]/ [la1 ji1] /trash/refuse/garbage/Taiwan pr. [le4 se4]/ [la1 ji1 dui1] /garbage heap/ [la1 ji1 gong1] /garbage collector/ [la1 ji1 tong3] /rubbish bin/Taiwan pr. [le4 se4 tong3]/ [la1 ji1 tong3] /trashcan/ [la1 ji1 xiang1] /rubbish can/garbage can/trash can/ [la1 ji1 che1] /garbage truck (or other vehicle)/ [la1 ji1 you2 jian4] /junk mail/spam/unsolicited mail/ [la1 ji1 dian4 you2] /see [la1 ji1 you2 jian4]/ [dai4] /used in place names/Japanese -nuta/Korean -dae/ [xing2] /model/type (e.g. blood type)/ [xing2 kuai4 shan3 ji4 yi4 ti3] /flash memory/ [xing2 ban3] /template/ [xing2 zhuang4] /shape/ [xing2 nan2] /fashionable and good-looking guy (slang)/ [xing2 hao4] /model number/ [ji4] /hard earth/ [gai1] /boundary/ [Gai1 xia4] /ancient place name, in Anhui province/ [yin1] /to restrain/to dam a stream and change its direction/a mound/ [hou4] /thick/ [zhao4] /sacrifice/ [yao2] /variant of , legendary emperor Yao, c. 2200 BC/embankment/ [duo3] /battlement/target/

[duo4] /pile/ [duo3 kou3] /crenel/ [gui3] /to destroy/to damage/dilapidated/collapsed/ [gui3 yuan2] /collapsed wall/ruined wall/ [cha2] /place name/ [yang2] /clay sheep buried with the dead/ [yin2] /limit/border/river bank/ [gou4] /dirt/disgrace/ [yuan2] /wall/ [Yuan2 qu3] /Yuanqu county in Yuncheng [Yun4 cheng2], Shanxi/ [Yuan2 qu3 xian4] /Yuanqu county in Yuncheng [Yun4 cheng2], Shanxi/ [yuan2 yi1] /moss under old walls/ [die2] /anthill/mound/ [shang3] /unit of land area, with value varying from area to area (worth one hec tare or 15 m in parts of northeast China, but only 3 or 5 m in northwest China)/ [kua3] /to collapse/to break or wear down/to defeat/ [kua3 ta1] /to collapse (of building, dam or bridge)/ [kua3 tai2] /to fall from power/to collapse/to demise/ [da5] /see , lump/pimple/mound/ [an3] /(used in place names)/variant of [an3]/ [han4] /small dike/ [xu4] /earthern goblet stand also known as [fan3 dian4] (old)/old variant of / [chui2] /trad variant of /to hand down/ [geng3] /strip of high ground/low earth dyke separating fields/ [ai1] /dust/dirt/Angstrom or ngstrm, unit of length equal to 10^-10 meters/phoneti c ai or e/abbr. for Egypt [Ai1 ji2]/ [Ai1 ke4 tuo1] /Hector (name)/ [Ai1 ke4 tuo1 Bo2 liao2 zi1] /Hector Berlioz (1803-1869), F f Symphonie Fantastique/ [Ai1 li4 si1 Dao3] /Ellis Island/ [Ai1 bo2 la1 bing4 du2] /Ebola virus/ [Ai1 ji2] /Egypt/ [Ai1 ji2 gu3 wu4 xue2] /Egyptology/ [Ai1 ji2 gu3 wu4 xue2 zhe3] /Egyptologist/ [Ai1 yin1 huo4 wen1] /Eindhoven (city in the Netherlands)/ [Ai1 ta3] /ETA (Euskadi Ta Askatasuna or Basque homeland and freedom), Basque arm d separatist group/ [Ai1 sai4 e2 bi3 ya4] /Ethiopia/ [ai1 sai1 e2 bi3 ya4 yu3] /Ethiopic (language)/ [Ai1 fu1 bo2 li3] /Avebury (stone circle near Stonehenge)/ [Ai1 ao4 luo2 si1] /Aeolus, Greek God of winds/ [ai1 ju1] /cu (French coin from 13th century)/ [Ai1 bu4 luo2] /Ebro river (in northeast Spain)/ [ai1 bu4 luo2 he2] /Ebro river (in northeast Spain)/ [Ai1 fu2 dun4] /Everton (town in northwest England)/Everton soccer team/ [Ai1 de2] /Ed (name - Eduard)/ [Ai1 de2 Mi3 li4 ban1 de2] /Ed Milliband, UK labor politici [Ai1 de2 jia1] /Edgar (name)/ [Ai1 de2 jia1 Ai4 lun2 Po1] /Edgar Allen Poe (1809-18 [Ai1 de2 jia1 Si1 nuo4] /Edgar Snow (1905-1972), American journ 1928-1941, author of Red Star Over China/ [Ai1 de2 meng2 dun4] /Edmonton, capital of Alberta, Canada/ [Ai1 la1 tuo1 se4 ni2 si1] /Eratosthenes of Cyrene (c. 276-c. 195 matician and inventor/ [Ai1 la1 te4] /Eilat, Israeli port and resort on the Red sea/ [Ai1 Xu4] /Egypt-Syria/ [Ai1 wen2] /Evan/Avon/Ivan/ [Ai1 wen2 si1] /Evans/Ivins/Ivens/ [Ai1 wen2 he2 pan4 Si1 te4 la1 te4 fu2] /Stratford-up [Ai1 wen2 mao2 si1] /Avonmouth in southwest England/same as the Bristol c

r3 hai3 xia2]/ [ai1 si1 ku4 duo1] /escudo (Spanish and Portugese: shield), former curren l and other countries/ [Ai1 si1 ku4 luo2 si1] /Aeschylus (c. 524 BC -c. 455 BC), Greek trage Persians, Seven against Thebes etc/ [Ai1 si1 te4 ha1 qi2] /Esterhazy (name)/ [Ai1 si1 te4 lang3] /Anders Jonas Angstrom or ngstrm (1814-1874), Swedi [Ai1 ge2 er3 song1] /Egersund (city in Norway)/ [Ai1 sen1] /Essen, main city of the Ruhr , Germany/ [Ai1 sen1 zhe2] /Accenture (company)/ [Ai1 sen1 na4 he4] /Eisenach (German city)/ [Ai1 nie4 a1 si1] /Aeneas, hero of Virgil's Aeneid/ [Ai1 nie4 a1 si1 ji4] /Virgil's Aeneid (epic about the foundation of [Ai1 er3 nan2 de2 si1] /Hernndez (name)/ [Ai1 er3 duo1 an1] /Erdogan (name)/Recep Tayyip Erdoan (1954-), Turkish me minister from 2003/ [Ai1 er3 pa4 suo3] /El Paso (Texas)/ [Ai1 er3 lang3 gen1] /Erlangen (town in Bavaria)/ [Ai1 er3 lang3 gen1 gang1 ling3] /Felix Klein's Erlangen program oup theory/ [Ai1 er3 fu2 te4] /Erfurt (German city)/ [Ai1 er3 wei2 si1 Pu3 lei2 si1 li4] /Elvis Presley [Ai1 er3 jin1] /James Bruce, 8th Earl of Elgin (1811-1863), British High Comm r to China who ordered the looting and destruction of the Old Winter Palace Yuan mingyuan in 1860/Thomas Bruce, 7th Earl of Elgin (1766-1841), who stole the P n Marbles in 1801-1810/ [Ai1 er3 jin1 da4 li3 shi2] /the Elgin Marbles, the Parthenon mar by Thomas Bruce, 7th Earl of Elgin/ [Ai1 te4 na4 huo3 shan1] /Mt Etna, volcano in Italy/ [Ai1 lin2 na4] /Elena (name)/ [Ai1 mi3 er3] /Emir (Muslim ruler)/Amir/ [Ai1 fei1 er3 Tie3 ta3] /Eiffel Tower/ [Ai1 di2 ka3 la1] /Ediacaran (c. 635-542 million years ago), late phase o n geological era/ [Ai1 di2 ka3 la1 ji4] /Ediacaran period (c. 635-542 million years ago e-Cambrian geological era/ [Ai1 li3 wen1] /Yerevan, capital of Armenia [Ya4 mei3 ni2 ya [beng3] /variant of / [feng1] /landmark used during the Song Dynasty (960-1279 AD)/ [que4] /stony/ [yong3] /raised path/ [Yong3 qiao2] /Yongqiao district of Suzhou city [Su4 zhou1 shi4], Anhui/ [Yong3 qiao2 qu1] /Yongqiao district of Suzhou city [Su4 zhou1 shi4], A [jun4] /variant of /steep/ [mai2] /to bury/ [man2] /to blame/ [mai2 fu2] /to ambush/to lie in wait for/to lie low/ambush/ [mai2 ming2] /to conceal one's identity/to live incognito/ [mai2 dan1] /to pay the bill in a restaurant/ [man2 tian1 yuan4 di4] /lit. to blame the heavens and reproach the earth/ and rant/ [man2 yuan4] /to complain/to grumble (about)/to reproach/to blame/ [mai2 mo4] /to engulf/to bury/to overlook/to stifle/to neglect/to fall into obliv on/ [mai2 xian4] /sunken cord (used in bookbinding)/ [mai2 zang4] /to bury/ [mai2 cang2] /to bury/to hide by burying/hidden/ [mai2 tou2] /to immerse oneself in/engrossed in sth/to lower the head (e.g. to av id rain)/countersunk (of screws, rivets etc)/ [mai2 tou2 ku3 gan4] /to bury oneself in work (idiom); to be engrossed in

an all-out effort/up to the neck in work/ [lang4] /wasteland/wild/ [cheng2] /city walls/city/town/CL:[zuo4],[dao4], [ge4]/ [Cheng2 zhong1 qu1] /city central district/Chengzhong district of Liuzhou cit ou1 shi4], Guangxi/Chengzhong district of Xining city [Xi1 ning2 shi4], Qingha [cheng2 zhong1 cun1] /village within a city/shantytown/ghetto/ [Cheng2 bei3 qu1] /north city district/Chengbei district of Xining city Qinghai/ [cheng2 qu1] /city district/urban area/ [Cheng2 kou3] /Chengkou county in Wanzhou suburbs of north Chongqing municipality formerly in Sichuan/ [Cheng2 kou3 xian4] /Chengkou county in Wanzhou suburbs of north Chongqing mu ity, formerly in Sichuan/ [Cheng2 gu4] /Chenggu county in Hnzhng [Han4 zhong1], Shnx/ [Cheng2 gu4 xian4] /Chenggu county in Hnzhng [Han4 zhong1], Shnx [cheng2 yuan2] /city wall/ [cheng2 yu4 wang3] /metropolitan area network/ [cheng2 bao3] /castle/rook (chess piece)/ [cheng2 wai4] /outside of a city/ [Cheng2 zi5 he2] /Chengzihe district of Jixi city [Ji1 xi1], Heilong [Cheng2 zi5 he2 qu1] /Chengzihe district of Jixi city [Ji1 xi1], [cheng2 shi4] /city/town/CL:[zuo4]/ [cheng2 shi4 yi1 lai4 zheng4] /"urban dependence disease" (sufferers ve up city comforts and return to the countryside)/ [cheng2 shi4 hua4] /urbanization/ [cheng2 shi4 qu1 yu4] /urban area/city district/ [cheng2 shi4 re4 dao3] /city heat island (i.e. large city centers are hot [cheng2 shi4 gui1 hua4] /town planning/ [cheng2 shi4 yun4 dong4 hui4] /National Games, Chinese athletics comp every four years since 1988/ [cheng2 fu3] /subtle/shrewd/sophisticated/ [Cheng2 xiang1] /Chengxiang district of Putian city [Pu2 tian2 shi4], Fujia [Cheng2 xiang1 qu1] /Chengxiang district of Putian city [Pu2 tian2 shi4 [Cheng2 dong1 qu1] /east city district/Chengdong district of Xining city , Qinghai/ [cheng2 lou2] /city gate tower/ [Cheng2 bu4] /Chengbu Miao autonomous county in Shaoyang [Shao4 yang2], [Cheng2 bu4 xian4] /Chengbu Miao autonomous county in Shaoyang [Shao [Cheng2 bu4 miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Chengbu Miao autonomou , Hunan/ [cheng2 chi2] /city/ [cheng2 qiang2] /city wall/ [cheng2 guan3] /city management/ [Cheng2 xi1 qu1] /west city district/Chengxi district of Xining city nghai/ [cheng2 yun4 hui4] /abbr. for , National Games, Chinese y four years since 1988/ [cheng2 bang1] /a city state (Greek polis)/ [cheng2 jiao1] /suburbs/outskirts of a city/ [cheng2 guo1] /a city wall/ [cheng2 xiang1] /city and countryside/ [cheng2 li3] /in the city/ [cheng2 zhen4] /town/cities and towns/ [cheng2 zhen4 hua4] /urbanization/ [cheng2 zhen4 hua4 shui3 ping2] /urbanization level (of a city or tow [cheng2 tie3] /rapid transit system/urban railway/ [cheng2 men2] /city gate/ [cheng2 men2 shi1 huo3 , yang1 ji2 chi2 yu2] /a fire e fish in the moat (idiom); the bystander will also suffer/fig. you can't escape responsibility for your actions/ask not for whom the bell tolls - it tolls for

thee/ [cheng2 guan1] /area outside a city gate/ [Cheng2 guan1 qu1] /Chengguan district of Lhasa city [La1 sa4 sh n kon chus, Tibet/Chengguan district of Lanzhou city [Lan2 zhou1 shi4], Gansu/ [Cheng2 guan1 zhen4] /Chengguan town (common place name)/ [cheng2 fang2] /city defense/ [Cheng2 yang2] /Chengyang district of Qingdao city , Shandong/ [Cheng2 yang2 qu1] /Chengyang district of Qingdao city , Shandon [Cheng2 Huang2] /Shing Wong (deity in Chinese mythology)/ [shan1] /to mix water with clay/ [yan2] /boundary/ [lei4] /enclosure, dike, embankment/ [bu4] /port/wharf/pier/ [pu3] /port/flat land next to a river or ocean/ [Bu4 xin1] /Puhsin township in Changhua county [Zhang1 hua4 xian4], [Bu4 xin1 xiang1] /Puhsin township in Changhua county [Zhang1 hu [Bu4 li3] /Buli or Puli town in Nantou county [Nan2 tou2 xian4], cen [Bu4 li3 zhen4] /Buli or Puli town in Nantou county [Nan2 tou2 x [Bu4 yan2] /Puyan township in Changhua county [Zhang1 hua4 xian4], T [Bu4 yan2 xiang1] /Puyan township in Changhua county [Zhang1 hua [cheng2] /earthen jar/ [bu4] /wharf/dock/jetty/trading center/port/place name/ [ye3] /open country, field/wilderness/ [yu4] /field/region/area/domain (taxonomy)/ [yu4 ming2] /domain name/ [yu4 ming2 qiang3 zhu4] /cybersquatting/domain squatting/ [yu4 ming2 fu2 wu4 qi4] /domain name server/ [yu4 ming2 zhu4 ce4] /domain name registration/ [yu4 wai4] /outside the country/abroad/foreign/extraterritorial/ [Yu4 duo1 li4 huang2 hou4] /Queen Victoria (1819-1901), reigned 1837 [bu4] /wharf/port/pier/ [bu4 tou2] /wharf/pier/ [ya4] /character used in place names/ [pi2] /low wall/ [Pi2 tou2] /Pitou township in Changhua county [Zhang1 hua4 xian4], T [Pi2 tou2 xiang1] /Pitou township in Changhua county [Zhang1 hua [ju4] /diked pond/ [dai4] /dam/ [an3] /hole in the ground to plant seeds in/to make a hole for seeds/to dibble/ [cai4] /allotment to a feudal noble/ [beng3] /see [weng3 beng3]/classifier for walls (Cantonese)/ [kan3] /a pit, a hole, a snare, a danger/a crisis/a mortar/ [zhi2] /soil with large clay content/ [duo3] /solid earth/ [yi4] /skill/art/ [zhi2] /to execute (a plan)/to grasp/ [zhi2 shi4] /to perform one's job/attendant/job/duties/(respectful appellation fo the addressee) you/your Excellency/ [zhi2 shi5] /paraphernalia of a guard of honor/ [zhi2 qin2] /to be on duty/to serve/watch (of a military guard etc)/ [zhi2 wei3 hui4] /executive committee/ [zhi2 dao3] /to direct (a film, play etc)/ [zhi2 yi4] /be determined to/insist on/ [zhi2 niu4] /stubborn/willful/pigheaded/ [zhi2 zhang3] /to wield (power etc)/ [zhi2 zheng4] /to hold power/in office/ [zhi2 zheng4 guan1] /consulate/ [zhi2 zheng4 fang1 shi4] /governing method/ [zhi2 zheng4 zhe3] /ruler/ [zhi2 zheng4 neng2 li4] /governing capacity/

[zhi2 zheng4 dang3] /ruling party/the party in power/ [zhi2 jiao4] /to teach/to be a teacher/to train/to coach/ [zhi2 ye4] /to work in a profession (e.g. doctor, lawyer)/practitioner/profession l/ [zhi2 fa3] /to enforce a law/law enforcement/ [zhi2 fa3 ru2 shan1] /to maintain the law as firm as a mountain (idiom); e law strictly/ [zhi2 zhao4] /a license/a permit/ [zhi2 bi3] /to write/to do the actual writing/ [zhi2 fu2] /to attend a funeral/ [zhi2 zhuo2] /attachment/stubborn/be attached to/persistent/persevering/ [zhi2 xing2] /to implement/to carry out/to execute/to run/ [zhi2 xing2 ren2] /executioner (hangman)/business executor/ [zhi2 xing2 zhi3 hui1 guan1] /executing commander/ [zhi2 xing2 zhang3] /chief executive/ [zhi2 mi2] /to be obsessive/to persist obstinately/ [zhi2 mi2 bu4 wu4] /persist in your own wrong doings/ [yi4] /border/ [pei2] /to cultivate/to earth up/ [pei2 xiu1] /to repair earthworks/ [Pei2 le4 zi1] /Perez (name)/ [pei2 tu3] /to earth up/ [pei2 gen1] /bacon/ [pei2 zhi2] /to cultivate/to train/cultivation/training/ [pei2 yu4] /to train/to breed/ [pei2 xun4] /to cultivate/to train/to groom/training/ [pei2 xun4 ban1] /training class/ [Pei2 li3 ke4 li4 si1] /Pericles (c. 495-429 BC), Athenian strategist ore and at the start of the Peloponnesian war/also written [Bo2 li3 ke4 li4]/ [pei2 yang3] /to cultivate/to breed/to foster/to nurture/to educate/to groom (for a position)/education/fostering/culture (biology)/ [pei2 yang3 ji1] /culture medium/ [pei2 yang3 ye4] /culture fluid (in biological lab.)/ [pei2 yang3 min3] /Petri dish/ [ji1] /base/foundation/basic/radical (chemistry)/ [Ji1 jia1 li4] /Kigali, capital of Rwanda/ [ji1 yin1] /gene (loanword)/ [ji1 yin1 xiu1 gai3] /genetic modification/ [ji1 yin1 tu2 pu3] /mapping of genome/ [ji1 yin1 xing2] /genotype/ [ji1 yin1 xue2] /genetics/ [ji1 yin1 gong1 cheng2] /genetic engineering/ [ji1 yin1 ku4] /gene bank/ [ji1 yin1 ji4 shu4] /genetic technology/biotechnology/ [ji1 yin1 kuo4 da4] /gene amplification/ [ji1 yin1 gai3 zao4] /genetic modification (GM)/ [ji1 yin1 ran3 se4 ti3 yi4 chang2] /genetic chromosome abnorm [ji1 yin1 zhi4 liao2] /gene therapy/ [ji1 yin1 ma3] /genetic code/ [ji1 yin1 tu1 bian4] /genetic mutation/ [ji1 yin1 zu3] /genome/ [ji1 yin1 biao3 da2] /gene expression/ [ji1 yin1 bian4 yi4] /genetic variation/ [ji1 tuan2] /radical (chemistry)/ [ji1 di4] /base (of operations)/industrial or military base/al-Qaeda/ [Ji1 di4 kong3 bu4 zu3 zhi1] /Al Qaeda/same as / [ji1 di4 zu3 zhi1] /Al Qaeda/ [ji1 zhi3] /foundation/footing/base/ruins (of a historical building)/ [ji1 keng1] /foundation groove/trench for building foundation/ [Ji1 duo1] /Quito, capital of Ecuador/

[ji1 ceng2] /basic level/grass-roots unit/basement layer/ [ji1 yan2] /base rock/bedrock/ [ji1 bu4 zi1] /kibbutz/ [Ji1 xi1 ne4 wu1] /Chiinu or Chisinau, capital of Moldova/ [ji1 chuang2] /foundation (of building)/bed (e.g. bedrock)/substrate/ [ji1 di3] /plinth/base/substrate/ [ji1 di3 dong4 mai4] /basilar artery (central artery of the brain)/ [ji1 di3 shen2 jing1 jie2 sun1 sun3 shang1] /basal gangli [ji1 di3 xi4 bao1 ai2] /Basal cell carcinoma/ [ji1 zuo4] /underlay/foundation/pedestal/ [ji1 jian4] /capital construction (project)/infrastructure/ [Ji1 la1 wei2 e4] /Kilauea, Hawaii, the world's most active volcano/ [ji1 shu4] /cardinal number/ [ji1 shu4 ci2] /cardinal numeral/ [ji1 yu2] /because of/on the basis of/in view of/on account of/ [ji1 ben3] /basic/fundamental/main/elementary/ [ji1 ben3 shang5] /basically/on the whole/ [ji1 ben3 li4 lu:4] /base rate (e.g. interest rate set by central bank)/ [ji1 ben3 gong1] /basic skills/fundamentals/ [ji1 ben3 yuan2 ze2] /fundamental doctrine/guiding principle/raison d'tr [ji1 ben3 yuan2 li3] /fundamental principle/ [ji1 ben3 dan1 wei4] /basic unit/fundamental building block/ [ji1 ben3 duo1 wen2 zhong3 ping2 mian4] /basic multilingual p [ji1 ben3 wan2 cheng2] /fundamentally complete/basically finished/ [ji1 ben3 ding4 li3] /fundamental theorem/ [ji1 ben3 gai4 nian4] /basic concept/ [ji1 ben3 fa3] /Basic Law/ [ji1 ben3 li3 lun4] /basic theory/ [ji1 ben3 li4 zi3] /elementary particle/ [ji1 ben3 ci2 hui4] /basic word/ [ji1 ben3 xu1 yao4] /basic necessity/fundamental need/ [ji1 ben3 dian3] /basis point (finance), abbr. to [ji1 dian3]/ [ji1 ban3] /substrate/ [Ji1 sang1 jia1 ni2] /Kisangani (city in the Democratic Republic of the C [ji1 ye4] /foundation/base/family estate/ [ji1 ji2] /base electrode (in transistor)/ [ji1 zhuang1] /foundation piles/ [ji1 min2 dang3] /Christian democratic party/ [ji1 bo1] /fundamental (wave)/ [ji1 zhun3] /norm/standard/standard of reference/base/base point/base line/benchm rk/reference point/reference frame/criterion/data/ [Ji1 er3] /Kiel (German city)/ [Ji1 dian4] /Gideon (name, from Judges 6:11-ffoll.)/also written / [Ji1 du1] /Christ/ [Ji1 du1 cheng2] /Christchurch (New Zealand city)/ [Ji1 du1 tu2] /Christian/ [Ji1 du1 jiao4] /Christianity/Christian/ [Ji1 du1 jiao4 tu2] /a Christian/ [Ji1 du1 jiao4 Min2 zhu3 Lian2 meng2] /Christian Democratic U [Ji1 du1 jiao4 pai4] /Christian denomination/ [Ji1 du1 jiao4 Ke1 xue2 pai4] /Christian Science/ [Ji1 du1 xin1 jiao4] /Protestant church/ [Ji1 du1 Sheng4 ti3 jie2] /Corpus Christi (Catholic festival on secon it Sunday)/ [ji1 shi2] /cornerstone/ [ji1 chu3] /base/foundation/basis/underlying/CL: [ge4]/ [ji1 chu3 wen4 ti2] /basic issue/fundamental question/ [ji1 chu3 jiao4 yu4] /elementary education/ [ji1 chu3 jie2 gou4] /infrastructure/ [ji1 chu3 she4 shi1] /infrastructure/

[ji1 chu3 ke4] /basic course/core curriculum/ [ji1 chu3 su4 lu:4] /basic rate (as in ISDN)/ [ji1 zhan4] /base station/ [ji1 wang3] /base net (in geodetic survey)/ [ji1 xian4] /base (of a triangle)/base line (in geodetic survey)/horizontal/ [ji1 jiao3] /footing/pedestal/ [ji1 diao4] /main key (of a musical composition)/keynote (speech)/ [ji1 xie2 bo1] /fundamental frequency/base harmonic/ [Ji1 nuo4 zu2] /Jinuo ethnic group/ [ji1 zhi4] /base solvent (of chemical compound)/stroma (framing biological tissue / [ji1 zhi4 mo2] /basal plasma membrane/ [Ji1 fu3] /Kiev, capital of Ukraine/ [Ji1 fu3 Luo2 si1] /Kievan Rus'/ [Ji1 xin1 ge2] /Henry Kissinger (1923-), US academic and politician, Secretar ate 1973-1977/ [Ji1 li3 ba1 si1] /Kiribati (formerly the Gilbert Islands)/ [Ji1 li3 ba1 si1 Gong4 he2 guo2] /Kiribati/ [ji1 jin1] /fund/ [ji1 jin1 hui4] /foundation (institution supported by an endowment)/ [Ji1 long2] /Chilung or Keelung, city and major port in north Taiwan/ [Ji1 long2 shi4] /Chilung or Keelung, city and major port in north Taiwan/ [ji1 mian4] /ground plane (in perspective drawing)/ [ji1 yin1] /fundamental tone/ [ji1 pin2] /fundamental frequency/ [ji1 ti3] /base body/matrix/substrate/ [ji1 dian3] /main point/crux/central point/ [qi2] /headland/ [sao4] /broom/dike/ [ku1] /cave/hole/ [tang2] /(main) hall/large room for a specific purpose/relationship between cous ins etc on the paternal side of a family/of the same clan/classifier for sets (o r suites) of furniture, classes etc/CL: [jian1]/ [Tang2 Ji2 he2 de2] /Don Quixote (hero of novel by Cervantes)/ [tang2 xiong1] /older male cousin (sharing paternal grandfather)/ [tang2 xiong1 di4] /father's brother's sons/paternal male cousin/ [Tang2 ji2 he1 de2] /Don Quixote/ [tang2 ge1] /older male cousin (sharing paternal grandfather)/ [tang2 tang2] /grand/magnificent/stately/majestic appearance/ [tang2 tang2 zheng4 zheng4] /displaying strength and discipline/impressiv frank/square/ [tang2 mei4] /younger female cousin (sharing paternal grandfather)/ [tang2 zi3 mei4] /father's brother's daughters/paternal female cousin/ [tang2 jie3] /older female cousin (sharing paternal grandfather)/ [tang2 zhi2] /nephew by the male line/ [tang2 wu1] /central room of a traditional Chinese house/ [tang2 wu3] /side room of a hall/ [tang2 di4] /younger male cousin (sharing paternal grandfather)/ [tang2 fang2] /remote relatives (with the same family name)/ [tang2 huang2] /imposing/grand/ [tang2 er2 huang2 zhi1] /overt/to make no secret (of one's presence)/gran eat scope/ [kun1] /variant of [kun1]/ [ni4] /parapet/ [jian1] /strong/solid/firm/unyielding/resolute/ [jian1 bu4 ke3 cui1] /invulnerable, indestructible, impregnable/ [jian1 xin4] /to believe firmly/without any doubt/ [jian1 xin4 li3] /confirmation (Christian ceremony)/ [jian1 gu4] /firm/firmly/hard/stable/ [jian1 gu4 xing4] /firmness/

[jian1 zhi2] /to persist/to continue upholding/to persevere/to stick to sth/stubb rn/ [jian1 bi4] /to cache/to hide supplies (from the enemy)/ [jian1 bi4 qing1 ye3] /to fortify defenses and raze the fields (idiom); t ng for the invader/scorched earth policy/ [jian1 ru2 pan2 shi2] /solid as a boulder (idiom); absolutely secure/rock ielding/ [jian1 shou3] /to hold fast to/to stick to/ [jian1 ding4] /firm/steady/staunch/resolute/ [jian1 ding4 bu4 yi2] /unswerving/unflinching/ [jian1 ding4 xing4] /firmness/steadfastness/ [jian1 shi2] /firm and substantial/solid/ [jian1 qiang2] /staunch/strong/ [jian1 qiang2 bu4 qu1] /staunch and unyielding (idiom); steadfast/ [jian1 ren3] /persevering/ [jian1 ren3 bu4 ba2] /fortitude/ [jian1 chi2] /to persevere with/to persist in/to insist on/ [jian1 chi2 xia4 qu4] /to press on/ [jian1 chi2 bu4 xie4] /to persevere unremittingly (idiom); to keep going / [jian1 chi2 bu4 yu2] /to stick to sth without change (idiom); to persever [jian1 zhen4] /confirmation (Christian ceremony)/ [jian1 zhen4 li3] /confirmation (Christian ceremony)/ [jian1 ting3] /firm and upright/strong (of currency)/ [jian1 ming2] /to consolidate and clarify/ [jian1 guo3] /nut/ [jian1 yi4] /firm and persistent/unswerving determination/ [jian1 jue2] /firm/resolute/determined/ [jian1 jue2 fou3 ren4] /to firmly deny/ [jian1 lao2] /strong/firm/ [jian1 ying4] /hard/solid/ [jian1 cheng1] /to claim/to insist/ [jian1 zhi4] /robust and fine textured/ [jian1 ku3 zhuo2 jue2] /persisting despite trials and tribulations (idiom s determination/ [jian1 zhen1] /faithful/chaste/loyal to the end/ [jian1 zhen1 bu4 qu1] /faithful and unchanging (idiom); steadfast/ [jian1 zhen1 bu4 yu2] /unyielding integrity (idiom); unwavering/ [jian1 ren4] /tough and durable/tenacious/ [jian1 ren4 bu4 ba2] /firm and indomitable (idiom); tenacious and unyield [dui1] /to pile up/to heap up/a mass/pile/heap/stack/large amount/ [dui1 lei3] /to pile up/accumulative/ [dui1 lei3 shu4 lun4] /additive number theory (math.)/ [dui1 fang4] /to pile up/to stack/ [dui1 an4 ying2 ji1] /lit. piles of work and papers (idiom); fig. accumul of work/ [dui1 zhan4] /stack (computing)/storehouse/warehouse/ [dui1 man3] /to pile up/ [dui1 qi4] /lit. to pile up (bricks)/to pack/fig. to pad out (writing with fancy hrases)/ornate rhetoric/ [dui1 ji1] /to pile up/to heap/accumulation/ [dui1 ji1 mu4] /to play with stacking blocks/ [dui1 fei2] /compost/ [dui1 xin1] /reactor core/ [dui1 jin1 ji1 yu4] /lit. pile up gold and jade/very rich/ [dui1 gao1 ji1] /forklift/ [Dui1 long2 de2 qing4] /Doilungdqn county, Tibetan: Stod lung bde chen sa4], Tibet/ [Dui1 long2 de2 qing4 xian4] /Doilungdqn county, Tibetan: Stod lung sa [La1 sa4], Tibet/

[jin3] /yellow loam/clay/season/few/ [gang1] /earthen jug, crock, cistern/ [yu4] /fertile soil/ [e4] /to whitewash/to plaster/ [peng2] /target in archery/ [gu4] /place name/ [tu4] /side of bridge/ [ling2] /mound/tomb/ [nao3] /small hill/used in geographic names/ [yin1] /bury/mound/to dam/close/ [guo1] /crucible/ [die2] /battlements/ [hou4] /mounds for beacons/ [bao3] /an earthwork/castle/position of defense/stronghold/used in place names, often as phonetic bao for "burg" or "bad"/ [pu4] /variant of /used in place names/ [bao3 lei3] /fort/ [bao3 zhai4] /fort/fortress/CL:[zuo4]/ [bao3 jiao1] /barrier reef/ [di1] /dike/ [di1 ba4] /dam/ [di1 an4] /embankment/bank/levee/ [di1 fang2] /dike/embankment/levee/ [di1 ding3 da4 lu4] /promenade/ [ruan2] /adjoin/ [e4] /dam/to stop/check/ [kan1] /to endure/may/can/ [Kan1 pei2 la1] /Canberra, capital of Australia/ [Kan1 cha2 jia1] /Kamchatka (peninsula of Russian Pacific)/ [kan1 cha2 jia1 ban4 dao3] /Kamchatka peninsula/ [kan1 cheng1] /can be rated as/can be said to be/ [Kan1 sa4 si1] /Kansas, US state/ [Kan1 sa4 si1 zhou1] /Kansas, US state/ [kan1 yu2] /geomancy/ [huang2] /a dry moat outside a city wall/a dry ditch/ [e4] /a boundary/a border/ [Yao2] /surname Yao/Yao or Tang Yao (c. 2200 BC), one of Five legendary Emperors , second son of Di Ku / [Yao2 du1] /Yaodu district of Linfen city [Lin2 fen2 shi4], Shanxi/ [Yao2 du1 qu1] /Yaodu district of Linfen city [Lin2 fen2 shi4], [yan4] /weir/ [yan4 se4 hu2] /dammed lake/lake formed by landslip or lava flow/ [yan4 ting2 zuo4] /Chamaeleon (constellation)/ [bao4] /to announce/to inform/report/newspaper/recompense/revenge/CL:[fen4], [z 1]/ [bao4 shang4] /in the newspaper/ [bao4 ting2] /kiosk/newsstand/ [bao4 ren2] /newsman/journalist (archaic)/ [bao4 chou2] /to revenge (oneself)/to avenge/ [bao4 chou2 xue3 chi3] /to take revenge and erase humiliation (idiom)/ [bao4 chou2 xue3 hen4] /to take revenge and wipe out a grudge (idiom)/ [bao4 yi3] /to give in return/ [bao4 xin4] /to notify/to inform/ [bao4 jia4] /quoted price/ [bao4 jia4 dan1] /quotation/price list/written estimate of price/ [bao4 chang2] /repay/recompense/ [bao4 fen1] /call the score/ [bao4 kan1] /newspapers and periodicals/the press/ [bao4 kan1 tan1] /newsstand/ [bao4 dao4] /to report for duty/to check in/to register/

[bao4 gong1] /to report a heroic deed/to mention sb in dispatches/ [bao4 wu4 yuan2] /telegraph operator/radio operator/ [bao4 ming2] /to sign up/to enter one's name/to apply/to register/to enroll/to en ist/ [bao4 ming2 biao3] /application form/registration form/CL: [zhang1]/ [bao4 ming2 fei4] /registration fee/ [bao4 gao4] /to inform/to report/to make known/speech/talk/lecture/CL:[pian1], , [ge4],[tong4]/ [bao4 gao4 yuan2] /spokesperson/announcer/ [bao4 gao4 wen2 xue2] /reportage/ [bao4 gao4 shu1] /written report/ [bao4 gao4 hui4] /public lecture (with guest speakers etc)/ [bao4 xi3] /to announce good news/to report success/ [bao4 xi3 bu4 bao4 you1] /to report only the good news, not the bad n pleasant news/to sweep bad news under the carpet/ [bao4 sang1] /to announce sb's demise/to predict death/ [bao4 dan1] /a tax declaration form/a tax return/ [bao4 guo2] /to dedicate oneself to the service of one's country/ [bao4 shi1] /report the loss to the authorities concerned/ [bao4 zi5] /bearer of good news (esp. announcing success in imperial examinations / [bao4 guan1] /to report a case to the authorities (old)/ [bao4 shen3] /to report for judgment/to submit for approval/ [bao4 dao3] /to cover (report) news/news reporting/story/article/ [bao4 tie3] /to announce good news in red letters/ [bao4 zhang4] /render an account/submit an expense account/apply for reimbursemen / [bao4 mu4] /announce the items on a (theatrical) program/ [bao4 fei4] /report as worthless/discard as worthless/reject/scrap/ [bao4 fu4] /to make reprisals/to retaliate/revenge/retaliation/ [bao4 de2] /to repay debts of gratitude/to repay kindness/ [bao4 yuan4] /to make a complain/to pay back a score/to get revenge/to requite/ [bao4 en1] /pay a debt of gratitude/ [bao4 you1] /to report bad news/to announce failure, shortcoming or disaster/ [bao4 ying4] /retribution/judgment/ [bao4 ying4 bu4 shuang3] /appropriate retribution (idiom)/ [bao4 hu4 kou3] /apply for a resident permit/ [bao4 pi1] /to report for criticism/to submit for approval to higher authority/ [bao4 jie2] /report a success/announce a victory/ [bao4 zhai1] /news digest/ [bao4 tan1] /newsstand/ [bao4 xiao4] /render service to repay kindness/ [bao4 shu4] /number off! (command in military drill)/count off!/ [bao4 chun1 hua1] /primrose (Primula malacoides)/ [bao4 shi2] /give the correct time/ [bao4 xiao3] /herald the break of day/ [bao4 ben3 fan3 shi3] /ensure that you pay debts of gratitude (idiom)/ [bao4 an4] /to report a case to the authorities/ [bao4 tiao2] /report of success from a candidate to the imperial examination (old /list of deaths/ [bao4 jian3] /quarantine inspection/ [bao4 jie4] /the press/journalistic circles/the journalists/ [bao4 she4] /general office of a newspaper/newspaper office/CL:[jia1]/ [bao4 jin4] /restrictions on the publication of newspapers/press restrictions/ [bao4 shui4] /to declare dutiable goods (at customs)/to make a tax declaration/ [bao4 shui4 dan1] /to declare to customs or to the taxman/ [bao4 shui4 biao3] /a tax return/a tax declaration form/ [bao4 wo1] /brood/hatch/ [bao4 zhang1] /newspapers/ [bao4 tong2] /paperboy/

[bao4 duan1] /in the newspaper(s)/ [bao4 da2] /to repay/to requite/ [bao4 xi4] /newspaper chain/syndicate/ [bao4 zhi3] /newspaper/newsprint/CL:[fen4],[qi1], [zhang1]/ [bao4 zhi3 bao4 dao3] /newspaper report/ [bao4 kao3] /to enter oneself for an examination/ [bao4 biao3] /forms for reporting statistics/report forms/ [bao4 hua4 ji1] /walkie-talkie/portable radio transmitter/ [bao4 qing3] /to report, requesting approval/written request for instructions/ [bao4 qian1] /sorry/ [bao4 jing3] /to give a warning/to sound an alarm/to report sth to the police/war ing/omen/ [bao4 jing3 qi4] /alarm (e.g. burglar or fire alarm)/warning device/detector/ [bao4 zhang4] /to report expenses/to submit accounts/ [bao4 zai3] /newspaper report/ [bao4 dao4] /report/CL:[pian1],[fen4]/ [bao4 dao4 shuo1] /to report (speaking)/ [bao4 chou2] /reward/remuneration/ [bao4 xiao1] /to submit an expense account/to apply for reimbursement/to write-of /to wipe out/ [bao4 lu4] /entry pass for imperial examination/ [bao4 lu4 ren2] /bearer of good news (esp. announcing success in imperial exa ns)/ [bao4 guan1] /declare at customs/apply to customs/ [bao4 tou2] /masthead (of a newspaper etc)/nameplate/ [bao4 guan3] /newspaper office/ [ji2] /hate/ [mei2] /low wall/ [chang2] /threshing floor/classifier for events and happenings: spell, episode, bout/ [chang3] /large place used for a specific purpose/stage/scene (of a play)/classi fier for sporting or recreational activities/classifier for number of exams/ [chang3 qu1 ying1 ji2] /area emergency/ [chang3 he2] /situation/occasion/ [chang3 di4] /space/site/place/sports pitch/ [chang3 di4 zi4 xing2 che1] /track cycling/ [chang3 wai4 ying1 ji2] /off-site emergency/ [chang3 suo3] /location/place/ [chang3 jing3] /scene/scenario/setting/ [chang3 ji4 ban3] /clapper board/ [chang3 lun4] /field theory (physics)/ [chang2 yuan4] /threshing floor/ [chang3 mian4] /scene/spectacle/occasion/situation/ [chang3 guan3] /sporting venue/arena/ [du3] /to stop up/(to feel) stifled or suffocated/wall/classifier for walls/ [du3 zhu4] /to block up/ [du3 jiao3 fei3 tu2] /to hinder and exterminate bandits (idiom)/ [du3 se4] /to block/to stop/blockage/ [du3 se4 fei4] /congestion charge/ [du3 ji1] /to intercept and attack (military)/ [du3 si3] /to block (a road)/to plug (a hole)/to stop up/ [du3 che1] /traffic jam/choking/ [gang1] /mound/ [jian3] /variant of [jian3]/base/soda/ [lei3] /Japanese variant of / [ji4] /to brick a grave/to snuff out/ [kuai4] /lump (of earth)/chunk/piece/classifier for pieces of cloth, cake, soap etc/colloquial word for yuan (or other unit of currency such as Hong Kong or US dollar etc), usually as / [kuai4 r5 ba1 mao2] /one yuan or less/around 80 cents or one dollar/

[kuai4 lei3] /gloom/a lump on the heart/ [kuai4 gen1] /starchy tuber on roots of plants/ [kuai4 mei2] /lump coal/ [kuai4 zhuang4] /lump/ [kuai4 jing1] /starchy tuber on stem of plants/ [kuai4 jun4] /truffle (edible root fungus)/ [kuai4 gui1] /a gauge block (block for accurate measurement)/ [kuai4 tou2] /size/body size/ [kuai4 ti3] /a block/body of person or animal as a block/ [ying2] /a grave/ [ta1] /collapse/ [ta1 xia4] /collapse/ [ta1 shi5] /solid/on a firm footing/dependable/steady/calm/peace of mind/ [ta1 fang1] /to cave in/to collapse/landslide/ [ta1 ke1 cai4] /Brassica narinosa (broadbeaked mustard)/Chinese flat cabbage/ [ta1 xian4] /to subside/to sink/to cave in/ [cheng2] /raised path between fields/ [kai3] /dry terrain/ [su4] /to model (a figure) in clay/ [su4 xiang4] /(molded or modeled) statue/ [su4 hua4 ji4] /plasticizer/ [su4 feng1] /to laminate/laminated/laminate/ [su4 xing4] /plasticity/ [su4 liao4] /plastics/CL: [zhong3]/ [su4 liao4 dai4] /plastic bag/ [su4 mo2] /plastic film (abbr. for [su4 liao4 bo2 mo2])/ [su4 jiao1] /plastic/synthetic resin/plastic cement/ [su4 jiao1 bao4 zha4] /plastic explosive/ [su4 jiao1 pao3 dao4] /synthetic athletics track/tartan track/ [su4 shen1] /body sculpting (weight loss and exercise)/ [su4 zao4] /to model/to mould/plastic (arts)/flexible/to portray (in sculpture or in words)/ [su4 zao4 cheng2] /to shape into/to mould (into some form)/to fashion into/ [shi2] /hen roost/ [mi4] /to plaster/whitewash (wall)/ [ta3] /pagoda/tower/minaret/stupa (abbr. loanword from Sanskrit tapo)/CL:[zuo4]/ [Ta3 shi2 gan1] /Tashkent, capital of Uzbekistan/ [Ta3 shi2 ku4 er3 gan1 Ta3 ji2 ke4 zi4 zhi4 x jik aptonom nahiyisi) in Kashgar prefecture [Ka1 shi2 di4 qu1], west Xinji [Ta3 shi2 ku4 er3 gan1 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Taxkorgan Tajik a tonom nahiyisi) in Kashgar prefecture [Ka1 shi2 di4 qu1], west Xinjiang/ [Ta3 shi2 ku4 er3 gan1 xiang1] /Taxkorgan township in Kashgar pre Xinjiang/ [Ta3 ke4 la1 ma3 gan4] /Taklaman desert in Xinjiang/ [Ta3 ke4 la1 ma3 gan1 sha1 mo4] /Taklamakan (desert in Centra [ta3 ke4 la1 ma3 gan1] /Taklamakan (desert)/ [Ta3 gong1] /Lhagang grassland in Dartsendo county [Kang1 ding4 xian utonomous prefecture, Sichuan/ [Ta3 gong1 si4] /Lhagang temple in Dartsendo county [Kang1 ding4 tonomous prefecture, Sichuan/ [Ta3 lie4 lang3] /Talleyrand (name)/Prince Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Pri 4-1838), famous French diplomat who served in turn Louis XVI, the French revolut ion Napolon I and three subsequent French kings/ [Ta3 li4 ban1] /Taliban (Farsi: student), Afghan guerrilla faction/ [ta3 cha4] /Buddhist ornamentation decorating the upper story of a pagoda/ [Ta3 jia1 lu4 zu2 yu3] /Tagalog (language)/ [ta3 tai2] /control tower/ [Ta3 ji2 ke4] /Tajik ethnic group/Tajikistan, former Soviet republic adjoinin ang and Afghanistan/ [Ta3 ji2 ke4 ren2] /Tajik (person)/

[Ta3 ji2 ke4 si1 tan3] /Tajikistan/ [Ta3 ji2 ke4 zu2] /Tajik ethnic group/ [ta3 diao4] /tower crane/ [Ta3 cheng2] /Tarbaghatay or Tacheng city in Tacheng prefecture jiang/ [Ta3 cheng2 di4 qu1] /Tarbaghatay wilayiti or Tacheng prefecture in Xinji [Ta3 cheng2 shi4] /Tarbaghatay or Tacheng city in Tacheng prefecture Xinjiang/ [Ta3 ta3 r5] /Tartar (person)/ [Ta3 ta3 r5 ren2] /Tartar (person)/ [Ta3 ta3 er3] /Tatar ethnic group of Xinjiang/ [Ta3 ta3 er3 zu2] /Tatar ethnic group of Xinjiang/ [ta3 fu1 chou2] /taffeta/ [ta3 jian1] /spire/peak of a pagoda/ [ta3 beng1] /tabun/ [ta3 beng1 shui3 jie3 mei2] /tabunase/ [Ta3 za1] /Taza (a city in northern Morocco)/ [Ta3 la1 wa3] /Tarawa, capital of Kiribati/ [Ta3 si1 man4 ni2 ya4] /Tasmania/ [Ta3 si1 man4 ni2 ya4 dao3] /Tasmania/ [Ta3 si1 she4] /TASS/Information Telegraph Agency of Russia/ [Ta3 si1 ke1 la1] /Tuscola (county in Michigan)/ [Ta3 si1 ma3 ni2 ya4 zhou1] /Tasmania/ [ta3 mu4 de2 jing1] /Talmud/ [Ta3 lin2] /Tallinn, capital of Estonia/ [ta3 lou2] /tower (of building)/ [Ta3 he2] /Tahe county in Daxing'anling prefecture , Hei [Ta3 he2 xian4] /Tahe county in Daxing'anling prefecture [Ta3 er3 si4] /Kumbum (Chinese Ta'er), monastery in Qinhai, formerly Amdo pro f Tibet/ [Ta3 ma3 er3] /Tamar (name)/ [Ta3 wa3 si1 ke1] /Tabasco (south Mexican state)/ [ta3 luo2] /tarot (loanword)/ [ta3 luo2 ka3] /tarot card/Tarouca/ [Ta3 di2 qi2] /Tadich (name)/Boris Tadi (1958-), Serbian politician, preside 004/ [Ta3 na4 na4 li4 fo2] /Antananarivo, capital of Madagascar/ [Ta3 li3 mu4] /the Tarim Basin in southern injiang/ [Ta3 li3 mu4 he2] /Tarim river of injiang/ [Ta3 li3 mu4 pen2 di4] /Tarim Basin depression in southern injiang/ [weng3] /flying dust (topolect)/dust/ [weng3 beng3] /dust storm/ [tu2] /to apply (paint etc)/to smear/to daub/to blot out/to scribble/to scrawl/m ud (literary)/ [tu2 jia1] /painter/artist/ [tu2 xie3] /to daub/to scribble (graffiti)/ [tu2 jing4] /path/road/ [tu2 mo3] /to paint/to smear/to apply (ma eup etc)/to doodle/to erase/to oblitera e/ [tu2 fu1] /to smear/to daub/to plaster/to apply (ointment)/ [tu2 liao4] /paint/ [tu2 you2] /to grease/to oil/to baste (coo ery)/ [tu2 you2 yu2] /anoint/ [tu2 jiang4 tai2] /pasting table (for wallpapering)/ [tu2 tan2] /muddy water in a pool or pond/ [tu2 zhuang1] /painted ornament/livery (on airline or company vehicle)/ [tu2 shi4 ji4] /coating agent/finishing agent/ [tu2 ya1] /graffiti/scrawl/poor calligraphy/to write badly/to scribble/ [tu2 ya1] /variant of [tu2 ya1]/graffiti/scrawl/poor calligraphy/to writ ribble/

[tang2] /dyke/embankment/pool or pond/hot-water bathing pool/ [Tang2 gu1] /Tanggu former district of Tianjin, now part of Binhai subprovincial istrict [Bin1 hai3 xin1 qu1]/ [Tang2 gu1 qu1] /Tanggu former district of Tianjin, now part of Binhai subpro district [Bin1 hai3 xin1 qu1]/ [tang2 shi1] /catfish (family Clariidae)/ [tang2 e2] /pelican (Morus bassanus)/gannet/booby/ [que4] /truly/ [zhong3] /variant of [zhong3]/burial mound/Unicode: (U+FA10)/Unicode compatibilit y character corresponding to (U+585A) - see [zhong3]/ [zhong3 zhong1 ku1 gu3] /dried bones in burial mound (idiom); dead and bu [bang4] /the edge/border of a field/ [Sai1] /Serbia/Serbian/abbr. for [Sai1 er3 wei2 ya4]/ [sai1] /to stop up/to squeeze in/to stuff/cork/stopper/ [sai4] /strategic pass/tactical border position/ [se4] /to stop up/to stuff/to cope with/ [Sai4 nei4 jia1 er3] /Senegal/ [Se4 ge1 wei2 ya4] /Segovia, Spain/ [sai4 wai4] /beyond the Great Wall/ [sai1 zi5] /cork/plug/ [sai1 chi3] /gauge/ [Sai1 ba1 si1 di4 an1] /Sebastian (name)/ [sai4 la1 fan2] /(Sonny) Seraphin (Haitian ambassador to Taiwan)/ [Sai4 la1 li4 ang2] /Sierra Leone/ [Sai1 zu2] /Serb nationality/ethnic Serb/Serbs/ [Sai4 pu3 lu4 si1] /Cyprus/ [sai1 yuan1] /honest and far-seeing/ [sai1 man3] /to stuff full/to cram in/packed tight/chock full/ [Sai4 er3 nan2] /Eugene Cernan (1934-), US astronaut in Apollo 10 and Apollo ions, "Last man on the moon"/ [sai1 er3 te4] /Celtic/ [sai1 er3 te4 yu3] /Celtic language/ [Sai1 er3 wei2 ya4] /Serbia/ [sai1 er3 wei2 ya4 ke4 luo2 di4 ya4 yu3] /Serbo-Croat [Sai1 er3 wei2 ya4 he2 Hei1 shan1] /Serbia and Montenegro (af 992)/ [Sai1 er3 wei2 ya4 Min2 zhu3 dang3] /Democratic Party of Serb [sai1 er3 wei2 ya4 yu3] /Serbian (language)/ [Sai1 wa3 si1 tuo1 bo1 er3] /Sevastopol/ [Sai1 na4 he2] /Seine/ [sai1 gei3] /to slip sb sth/to press sb to accept sth/to insert surreptitiously/t foist sth off on sb/ [Sai1 wei2 li4 ya4] /Sevilla, Spain/ [Sai1 mu2 er3] /Samuel (name)/ [Sai1 mu2 er3 Yue1 han4 xun4] /Samuel Johnson (1709-1784) o lexicographer/ [Sai4 weng1 shi1 ma3] /The old man lost his mare, but it all turned out f idiom); fig. a blessing in disguise/It's an ill wind that blows no-one any good. / [sai4 weng1 shi1 ma3 an1 zhi1 fei1 fu2] /the old man lost the best (idiom); fig. a blessing in disguise/it's an ill wind that blows nobody any good/also written / [sai4 weng1 shi1 ma3 yan1 zhi1 fei1 fu2] /the old man los the best (idiom); fig. a blessing in disguise/it's an ill wind that blows nobod y any good/ [sai1 er3] /earplug/earwax/ [Sai4 she2 er3] /the Seychelles/ [Sai4 she2 er3 qun2 dao3] /the Seychelles/ [Sai4 yu3] /Serb language/ [se4 ze2] /to carry out one's duties perfunctorily/to fulfill one's responsibilit

/ [sai1 che1] /traffic jam/ [Sai4 wei2 li3 nuo4] /(Jean-Michel) Severino, CEO of the Agence Franaise (AFD)/ [se4 yin1] /plosive/stop consonant/ [tian2] /variant of [tian2]/ [wu4] /dock/low wall/ [xun1] /ocarina/wind instrument consisting of an egg-shaped chamber with holes/ [ge2] /dry clay lump/ [yan2] /Japanese variant of / [tian2] /to fill or stuff/(of a form etc) to fill in/ [tian2 chong1] /pad/padding/ [tian2 chong1 ji4] /bulking agent/ [tian2 di4] /landfill/ [tian2 du3] /to stuff/to cram into/ [tian2 se4] /to fill up/to cram/to stuff/ [tian2 se4 wu4] /stuffing/filling material/ [tian2 mi4] /packing/packaging/ [tian2 xie3] /to fill in a form/to write data in a box (on a questionnaire or web form)/ [tian2 fang2] /second wife (of a widower)/ [tian2 liao4] /packing material/ [tian2 hai3] /land reclamation/ [tian2 man3] /to cram/ [tian2 kong4] /to fill a job vacancy/to fill in a blank (e.g. on questionnaire or exam paper)/ [tian2 biao3] /fill a form/ [tian2 bu3] /to fill a gap/to fill in a blank (on a form)/to overcome a deficienc / [tian2 ci2] /to compose a poem (to a given tune)/ [tian2 bao3] /to feed to the full/to cram/ [tian2 ya1 shi4] /force feeding (as a teaching method)/ [yuan2] /plateau, esp. loess plateau of northwest China/same as / [yuan2 di4] /fertile arable soil of loess plateau/ [lang3] /raised bank/mud wall/ [chang2] /variant of , threshing floor/ [chang3] /variant of , place, open space/ [chen2] /dust/dirt/earth/ [chen2 shi4] /this mortal life/the mundane world/ [chen2 xiao1] /hubbub/hustle and bustle/ [chen2 tu3] /dust/ [chen2 ai1] /dust/ [Chen2 ai1 luo4 ding4] /"Red Poppies", novel by [A1 lai2]/ [chen2 ai1 luo4 ding4] /the dust settles (idiom)/to settle down/to have d ertain conclusion/complicated things become clear in the end/ [chen2 feng1] /covered in dust/dusty/lying unused for a long time/ [chen2 bao4] /dust devil/ [chen2 man3] /dust mite/ [chen2 yun2] /dust cloud/ [chen2 wu4] /cloud of dust/smog/ [qian4] /moat around a city/ [zhuan1] /brick/ [shuang3] /elevated prominent ground/ [shu2] /private tutorage/ [lou3] /small mound/ [chi2] /courtyard/ [man4] /to plaster/ [jing4] /border/place/condition/boundary/circumstances/territory/ [jing4 nei4] /within the borders/internal (to a country, province, city etc)/dome tic/

[jing4 nei4 wai4] /within and without the borders/domestic and foreign/home a ad/ [jing4 di4] /circumstances/ [jing4 wai4] /outside (a country's) borders/ [jing4 kuang4] /circumstances/ [jing4 jie4] /boundary/state/realm/ [jing4 yu4] /circumstance/ [shu4] /villa/ [kan4] /cliff/ [yong1] /fortified wall/city wall/ [yong1 yuan2] /city wall/ [dian4] /pad/cushion/mat/ [dian4 shang4] /to pay for sb/ [dian4 fu4] /to advance funds to sb for later repayment/ [dian4 juan4] /to spread litter in a cowshed, pigsty etc/ [dian4 quan1] /washer (on bolt)/toilet seat/ [dian4 zi5] /cushion/mat/pad/ [dian4 ping2] /to level (surfaces)/ [dian4 di3 r5] /foundation layer/underlay/fig. to lay foundations/to snack/ [dian4 zhi1] /to pay first/advanced payment/ [dian4 liao4] /packing material/lagging/litter/ [dian4 kuan3] /advance (of funds)/ [Dian4 jiang1] /Dianjiang county in Fuling suburbs of Chongqing municipality, for erly in Sichuan/ [Dian4 jiang1 xian4] /Dianjiang county in Fuling suburbs of Chongqing municip formerly in Sichuan/ [dian4 pian4] /spacer/shim/ [dian4 jian1] /shoulder pad/ [dian4 bei4] /funerary mat/fig. to serve as scape-goat/to act as fall guy for sb lse's misdemeanors/ [dian4 jiao5] /litter (animal bedding)/ [dian4 jiao3 shi2] /stepping stone/fig. person used to advance one's career/ [dian4 bei4] /mattress/ [dian4 bu5] /to appropriate funds intended for another purpose/to borrow/to snack [dian4 gao1] /a support/to raise/to bolster/to jack up/ [jin3] /bury/plaster with mud/ [shang1] /the moisture content of the soil/ [shang1 tu3] /the moisture content of the soil/ [shang1 qing2] /the state of moisture in the soil (and whether it can support a c op)/ [mu4] /grave/tomb/mausoleum/ [mu4 zhu3] /occupant of tomb/person buried/ [mu4 yuan2] /cemetery/graveyard/ [mu4 di4] /cemetery/graveyard/ [mu4 keng1] /tomb pit/ [mu4 keng1 hang1 tu3 ceng2] /layer filled with rammed earth in a tomb [mu4 ta3] /funerary pagoda/ [mu4 shi2] /tombstone/gravestone/ [mu4 bei1] /gravestone/tombstone/ [mu4 xue2] /tomb/grave/ [mu4 zang4] /to bury in a grave/grave/tomb/ [mu4 zang4 qu1] /burial area/ [mu4 zhi4 ming2] /epitaph/ [mu4 dao4] /path leading to a grave/tomb passage/aisle leading to the coffin cham er of an ancient tomb/ [zeng1] /variant of / [zhui4] /to fall/to drop/to weigh down/ [zhui4 ru4] /to drop into/to fall into/ [zhui4 ji1] /airplane crash/ [zhui4 hui3] /plane crash/

[zhui4 hai3] /to fall into the ocean/to crash into the ocean/ [zhui4 luo4] /to fall/to drop/ [qiao1] /stony soil/ [zeng1] /to increase/to expand/to add/ [zeng1 san1 he2 xian2] /augmented triad (musical chord)/ [zeng1 zhi2] /to appreciate (financially)/to increase in value/value-added (accou tancy)/ [zeng1 zhi2 shui4] /value-added tax (VAT)/ [zeng1 guang1] /to add luster/to add glory/ [zeng1 bing1] /to reinforce/to increase troop numbers/reinforcements/extra troops [zeng1 kan1] /additional publication/supplement (to a newspaper)/ [zeng1 shan1] /add and delete/ [zeng1 jia1] /to raise/to increase/ [zeng1 jia1 zhi2] /value added (accountancy)/ [Zeng1 cheng2] /Zengcheng county level city in Guangzhou [Guang3 zhou1], [Zeng1 cheng2 shi4] /Zengcheng county level city in Guangzhou [Guang / [zeng1 su4 ji4] /plasticizer/ [zeng1 ya1] /to pressurize/to boost/to supercharge/ [zeng1 duo1] /to increase/to grow in number/ [zeng1 da4] /to enlarge/to amplify/to magnify/ [zeng1 fu2] /growth rate/amplification/ [zeng1 guang3] /to widen/ [zeng1 qiang2] /to increase/to strengthen/ [zeng1 yuan2] /to reinforce/ [zeng1 zhi2] /growth/increase/ [zeng1 zhi2 fan3 ying4 dui1] /breeder reactor/ [zeng1 tian1] /to add/to increase/ [zeng1 jian3] /to add or subtract/to increase or decrease/to go up or go down/ [zeng1 wen1 ceng2] /thermosphere/ionosphere/ [zeng1 sheng1] /growth (of organism)/proliferation/supernumerary candidate (in im erial examation system)/ [zeng1 chan3] /to increase production/ [zeng1 bai2 ji4] /whitener/whitening agent/ [zeng1 yi4] /to increase/gain (electronics)/ [zeng1 chou2] /to thicken/ [zeng1 chou2 ji4] /thickener/ [zeng1 bu3] /to augment/to supplement/to add/ [zeng1 ding4] /revise and enlarge/ [zeng1 ding4 ben3] /revised and enlarged edition/ [zeng1 she4] /to add sth new/ [zeng1 su4] /to speed up/to accelerate/growth rate (economics)/ [zeng1 jin4] /to promote/to enhance/to further/to advance (a cause etc)/ [zeng1 liang4] /increment/ [zeng1 liang4 can1 shu4] /incremental parameter/ [zeng1 zhang3] /to grow/to increase/ [Zeng1 zhang3 tian1] /Virudhaka (one of the Heavenly Kings)/ [zeng1 zhang3 lu:4] /growth rate (esp. in economics)/ [zeng1 fang2] /to reinforce defenses/ [zeng1 gao1] /to heighten/to raise/to increase/to rise/ [xu1] /mound/ruins/grave/ [xu1 li3] /village/ [shan4] /level spot for sacrifices/ [fan2] /a grave/ [Mo4] /surname Mo/abbr. for [Mo4 xi1 ge1], Mexico/ [mo4] /ink stick/China ink/CL: [kuai4]/corporal punishment consisting of tattooin characters on the victim's forehead/ [Mo4 qiu1 li4] /Mercury (Greek god)/ [mo4 xing2] /corporal punishment consisting of carving and inking characters on t e victim's forehead/

[mo4 xia2] /ink cartridge/ [Mo4 zi3] /Mozi (c. 470-391 BC), founder of the Mohist School [Mo4 jia1] of t ing States Period (475-220 BC)/ [mo4 shou3 cheng2 gui1] /hidebound by convention (idiom)/ [mo4 ke4] /literary person/ [Mo4 jia1] /Mohist School of the Warring States Period (475-220 BC), founded by t e philosopher [Mo4 zi3]/ [mo4 dou3] /carpenter's straight line marker (an inked cord stretched tight then owered onto timber)/ [mo4 shui3] /ink/CL:[ping2]/ [mo4 shui3 r5] /erhua variant of , ink/ [mo4 shui3 ping2 jia4] /inkstand/ [mo4 zhi1] /prepared Chinese ink/ [Mo4 jiang1 Ha1 ni2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Mojiang Ha'ni au nan/ [Mo4 jiang1 xian4] /Mojiang Ha'ni autonomous county in Pu'er [Pu3 er3], Y [mo4 zi4] /ink stain/ink blot/spot/smudge/ [Mo4 Wan1] /Gulf of Mexico/ [Mo4 er3 ben3] /Melbourne, Australia/ [Mo4 er3 bo1] /see [Mo4 er3 ben3]/ [Mo4 yu4] /Qaraqash Nahiyisi/Karakash county in Khotan prefecture njiang/ [Mo4 yu4 xian4] /Qaraqash Nahiyisi/Karakash county in Khotan prefecture , Xinjiang/ [mo4 he2] /ink cartridge/ [mo4 yan4] /ink slab/ink stone/ [Mo4 zhu2 gong1 ka3] /Maizhokunggar county, Tibetan: Mal gro gung dkar rd [La1 sa4], Tibet/ [Mo4 zhu2 gong1 ka3 xian4] /Maizhokunggar county, Tibetan: Mal gro gu hasa [La1 sa4], Tibet/ [mo4 bi3] /writing brush/ [mo4 zhi3] /blotting paper/ [Mo4 suo3 li3 ni2] /Benito Mussolini (1883-1945), Italian fascist dictato president 1922-1943/ [Mo4 lei4] /Murray (name)/ [Mo4 lei4 Da2 ling4 liu2 yu4] /Murray-Darling river system in sou [mo4 lu:4 se4] /dark or deep green/ [mo4 xian4] /inked line/carpenter's straight line marker (an inked cord stretched tight then lowered onto timber)/ [Mo4 zhe3] /Mohist/follower of Mohist school/ [Mo4 tuo1] /Mdog county, Tibetan: Me tog rdzong, in Nyingchi prefecture ], Tibet/ [Mo4 tuo1 xian4] /Mdog county, Tibetan: Me tog rdzong, in Nyingchi prefectur qu1], Tibet/ [Mo4 xi1 ge1] /Mexico/ [Mo4 xi1 ge1 ren2] /Mexican/ [Mo4 xi1 ge1 cheng2] /Mexico City, capital of Mexico/ [Mo4 xi1 ge1 Wan1] /Gulf of Mexico/ [Mo4 xi1 na2] /Messina, Sicilian city/ [Mo4 xi1 na2 hai3 xia2] /strait of Messina between Calabria and Sicil [mo4 ji4] /ink marks/original calligraphy or painting of famous person/ [mo4 jing4] /sunglasses/CL: [zhi1], [shuang1],[fu2]/ [mo4 yu2] /squid/ink fish/cuttlefish/ [dun1] /block/gate pillar/pier/classifier for clusters of plants/classifier for rounds in a card game: trick/ [dun1 bu4] /swap/mob/CL:[ba3]/ [zun1] /goblet/bottle/wine-jar/ [di4] /variant of [di4]/ [duo4] /to fall/to degenerate/ [duo4 lou2] /to jump to one's death/

[duo4 tai1] /to induce an abortion/induced abortion/ [duo4 luo4] /to morally degenerate/to become depraved/a fall from grace/a fall in o sin or depravity/ [duo4 yun2 wu4 zhong1] /lit. to become lost in a fog (idiom); fig. at a c [tan2] /variant of [tan2]/ [fen2] /grave/tomb/CL:[zuo4]/embankment/mound/ancient book/ [fen2 qiu1] /a tomb/ [fen2 di4] /graveyard/cemetery/ [fen2 chang3] /cemetery/ [fen2 mu4] /sepulcher/tomb/ [fen2 shan1] /hill cemetery/ancestral grave, traditionally sited on mountain acc. to rules of fengshui / [ao4] /building-plot/ [qiang2] /variant of , wall/ [ken3] /to reclaim (land)/to cultivate/ [Ken3 ding1] /Kenting town, at tourist resort in Pingtung county [Pi outh Taiwan/ [Ken3 ding1 guo2 jia1 gong1 yuan2] /Kenting National Park on the ban4 dao3], Pingtung county, south Taiwan/ [Ken3 ding1 shi4] /Kenting town, at tourist resort in Pingtung county , south Taiwan/ [Ken3 li4] /Kenli county in Dongying [Dong1 ying2], Shandong/ [Ken3 li4 xian4] /Kenli county in Dongying [Dong1 ying2], Shandong/ [ken3 huang1] /to open up land (for agriculture)/ [bi4] /wall/rampart/ [bi4 zhu4] /help/assistant/ [bi4 bao4] /wall newspaper/ [bi4 lei3] /rampart/barrier/ [bi4 lei3 yi1 xin1] /to have ones defenses in good order (idiom)/ [bi4 lei3 sen1 yan2] /closely guarded/strongly fortified/sharply divided/ [bi4 xiang1] /lateral/side/to the side/beside/ [bi4 gua4] /wall hanging/ [bi4 xiao4 ying4] /wall effect/ [bi4 jia4] /ledge/ [bi4 chu2] /a built-in wardrobe or cupboard/closet/ [bi4 tan3] /tapestry (used as a wall hanging)/ [bi4 deng1] /wall lamp/brac et light/CL: [zhan3]/ [bi4 lu2] /fireplace/ [bi4 qiu2] /squash (sport)/ [bi4 hua4] /mural (painting)/fresco/ [bi4 li4] /(of cliffs etc) stand like a wall/rise steeply/ [bi4 zhi3] /wallpaper/ [bi4 hu3] /gecko/house lizard/ [bi4 shi1] /tick/bedbug/ [bi4 kan1] /niche (in a wall)/ [yong1] /to obstruct/to stop up/to heap soil around the roots of a plant/ [yong1 mu4 bu4 zheng1] /to be reverent and non-contentious (idiom)/ [bo2] /stiff, hard clay or rocky strata/crack in a jar/ [tan2] /altar/ [lan3] /disappointed/ [huai4] /Japanese variant of / [rang3] /Japanese variant of / [xun1] /ancient porcelain wind-instrument/ [he4] /gully/ [he4 gou1] /ditch/narrow strip of water/moat/ [he4 gu3] /low-lying humid terrain/ [ai4] /dust/mud/ [ya1] /to press/to push down/to keep under (control)/pressure/ [ya4] /in the first place/to crush/ [ya1 bu5 sui4] /crush-proof/unbreakable/indomitable/

[ya1 di1] /to lower (one's voice)/ [ya1 dao3] /to overwhelm/to overpower/overwhelming/ [ya1 dao3 xing4] /overwhelming/ [ya1 jia4] /to depress prices/ [ya1 zhi4] /to suppress/to inhibit/to stifle/ [ya1 li4] /pressure/ [ya1 li4 rong2 qi4] /pressure vessel/autoclave/ [ya1 li4 qiang2 du4] /pressure (as measured)/ [ya1 li4 ji4] /pressure gauge/manometer/piezometer/ [ya1 li4 guo1] /pressure cooker/ [ya1 mai2] /to crush and bury/ [ya1 ya5 jiao3] /to help out/ [ya1 ya5 jiao3 r5] /erhua variant of [ya1 ya5 jiao3]/ [ya1 huai4] /to crush/ [ya1 qiang2] /pressure/ [ya1 bian3] /squash/squeeze/ [ya1 yi4] /to constrain or repress emotions/oppressive/stifling/depressing/repres ion/ [ya1 ji3] /to squeeze out/to extrude/ [ya4 ban3] /a see-saw/ [ya4 gen1] /from the start/absolutely/entirely/simply/ [ya4 gen1 r5] /erhua variant of [ya4 gen1]/from the start/absolutely [ya1 zha4] /to press/to squeeze/to extract juice, oil etc by squeezing/ [ya1 sui4 qian2] /money given to children as new year present/ [ya1 sui4] /crush/ [ya1 jin3] /to compress/ [ya1 xian4] /pressure crease/fig. to toil for sb else's benefit/line ball (i.e. o the line)/ [ya1 suo1] /to compress/compression/ [ya1 suo1 qi4] /compressor/ [ya1 suo1 ji1] /compactor/compressor/ [ya1 suo1 bi3] /compression ratio/ [ya1 er2 bu4 fu2] /coercion will never convince (idiom)/ [ya1 she2 ban3] /tongue depressor/spatula/ [ya1 hua1] /to emboss/coining/knurling/ [ya1 suan4 qi4] /garlic press/ [ya1 lu4 ji1] /road roller/ [ya1 che1] /variant of [ya1 che1]/ [ya1 zhou4 hao3 xi4] /see [ya1 zhou4 xi4]/ [ya1 zhou4 xi4] /next-to-last item on a program (theater)/climax/ [ya1 po4] /to oppress/to repress/to constrict/oppression/stress (physics)/ [ya1 dian4] /piezoelectricity (physics)/ [ya1 dian4 ti3] /piezo-electric/ [ya1 yun4] /to rhyme/usually written / [dao3] /column/cylinder/ [hao2] /air-raid shelter/trench/ [hao2 gou1] /trench/moat/ [ruan2] /land on water edge or under wall/ [lei3] /rampart/base (in baseball)/ [Lei3 gu4] /Loi-kaw, capital of Kaya state, Myanmar/ [lei3 qiu2] /softball/ [lei3 qi4] /to build a structure out of layered bricks or stones/ [kuang4] /tomb/ [lu2] /clay/shop/ [tan2] /variant of [tan2]/ [wei3] /a mound, an embankment/the earthen altar to the god of the soil/ [huai4] /bad/spoiled/broken/to break down/ [huai4 shi4] /to ruin sth/to spoil/to sour/to make things bad/evil deed/bad actio /dishonesty/criminality/corruption/ [huai4 ren2] /an evil-doer/a malefactor/

[huai4 bao1 r5] /rascal/rogue/little devil (term of endearment)/ [huai4 jia1 huo3] /bad guy/scoundrel/dirty bastard/ [huai4 diao4] /spoilt/ruined/ [huai4 dong1 xi5] /bastard/scoundrel/rogue/ [huai4 si3] /necrosis/ [huai4 shui3] /evil tricks/ [huai4 zhong3] /bad kind/scoundrel/ [huai4 pi2 qi4] /bad temper/ [huai4 chu5] /harm/troubles/CL: [ge4]/ [huai4 dan4] /bad egg/scoundrel/bastard/ [huai4 xue4 bing4] /scurvy/ [huai4 hua4] /unpleasant talk/malicious words/ [huai4 zhang4] /bad debt/ [huai4 tou4] /completely bad/ [huai4 tou4 huai4 jue2] /to be completely and utterly bad (idiom)/ [huai4 yun4] /bad luck/misfortune/ [long3] /ridge between fields/row of crops/grave mound/ [long3 duan4] /to enjoy market dominance/to monopolize/ [long3 duan4 fan4 mai4] /monopoly/ [long3] /ridge between fields/row of crops/grave mound/old variant of / [rui4] /variant of [rui4]/ [li4] /hole, pit/ [rang3] /soil/earth/ [rang3 tu3] /loam/ [Rang3 tang2] /Zamtang county (Tibetan: 'dzam thang rdzong) in Ngawa Tibetan and iang autonomous prefecture [A1 ba4 Zang4 zu2 Qiang1 zu [Rang3 tang2 xian4] /Zamtang county (Tibetan: 'dzam thang rdzong) in Ngawa Ti nd Qiang autonomous prefecture [A1 ba4 Zang4 zu2 Qiang [ba4] /dam/dike/embankment/CL: [tiao2]/ [Shi4] /surname Shi/ [shi4] /member of the senior ministerial class (old)/scholar (old)/bachelor/hono rific/first class military rank/specialist worker/ [Shi4 dan1 li4] /Stanley (name)/ [shi4 ren2] /scholar/ [shi4 bing1] /soldier/CL: [ge4]/ [Shi4 li4 jia4] /Snickers (candy bar)/ [shi4 zu2] /soldier/private (army)/ [shi4 da4 fu1] /scholar officials/ [shi4 zi3] /official/scholar (old)/ [shi4 xue2 wei4] /bachelor's degree/ [Shi4 shi1 ji4] /Book of Judges/ [shi4 zu2] /land-owning class, esp. during Wei, Jin and North-South dynasties [Shi4 lin2] /Shilin or Shihlin district of Taipei City [Tai2 bei3 sh [Shi4 lin2 qu1] /Shilin or Shihlin district of Taipei City [Tai2 [shi4 qi4] /morale/ [ren2] /ninth of 10 heavenly stems /ninth in order/letter "I" or roman "IX" in "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc/nona/ [ren2 wu3] /nineteenth year I7 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 2002 or 2062/ [ren2 zi3] /forty ninth year I1 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1972 or 2032/ [ren2 yin2] /thirty ninth year I3 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1962 or 2022/ [ren2 xu1] /fifty ninth year I11 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1982 or 2042/ [ren2 shen1] /ninth year I9 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1992 or 2052/ [ren2 chen2] /twenty ninth year I5 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 2012 or 2072/ [ren2 chen2 wo1 luan4] /Imjin war, Japanese invasion of Korea 1592-1598/ [xx5] /one of the characters used in kwukyel (phonetic "san"), an ancient Korean writing system/ [Zhuang4] /Zhuang ethnic group of Guangxi, the PRC's second most numerous ethnic group/Zhuang: Bouxcuengh/ [zhuang4] /to strengthen/strong/robust/ [zhuang4 ding1] /able-bodied man (capable of fighting in a war)/

[Zhuang4 wei2] /Zhuangwei or Chuangwei township in Yilan county [Yi2 n/ [Zhuang4 wei2 xiang1] /Zhuangwei or Chuangwei township in Yilan county Taiwan/ [zhuang4 shi4] /hero/fighter/brave strong guy/warrior (in armor)/ [zhuang4 da4] /to expand/to strengthen/ [zhuang4 nian2] /lit. robust years/prime of life/summer/able-bodied (fit for mili ary service)/mature (talent, garden etc)/ [zhuang4 zhi4] /great goal/magnificent aspiration/ [Zhuang4 zu2] /Zhuang ethnic group of Guangxi, the PRC's second most numerous eth ic group/Zhuang: Bouxcuengh/ [zhuang4 lie4] /brave/heroic/ [zhuang4 mei3] /magnificent/ [zhuang4 ju3] /magnificent feat/impressive feat/heroic undertaking/heroic attempt [zhuang4 guan1] /spectacular/magnificent sight/ [Zhuang4 yu3] /Zhuang language/language of the Zhuang ethnic group [Zhua uangxi/ [zhuang4 yu3] /magnificent talk/exaggeration/ [zhuang4 qi3 dan3 zi5] /to proceed with sth even though scared/to put on [zhuang4 li4] /magnificence/magnificent/majestic/glorious/ [yi1] /Japanese variant of banker's anti-fraud numeral one/ [mai4] /Japanese variant of /to sell/ [yi1] /one (banker's anti-fraud numeral)/ [yi1 bai4 tu2 di4] /beaten and wiped over the floor (idiom); to fail utte g defeat/failed and in a hopeless position/ [hu2] /pot/classifier for bottled liquid/ [hu2 ling2] /kettlebell, girya/ [Hu2 guan1] /Huguan county in Changzhi [Chang2 zhi4], Shanxi/ [Hu2 guan1 xian4] /Huguan county in Changzhi [Chang2 zhi4], Shanxi/ [xu4] /variant of , son-in-law/husband/ [kun3] /palace corridor/fig. women's quarters/women/ [Shou4] /surname Shou/ [shou4] /long life/old age/age/life/birthday/funerary/ [shou4 bao3 xian3 gong1 si1] /life insurance company/ [Shou4 guang1] /Shouguang county level city in Weifang [Wei2 fang1], Sha [Shou4 guang1 shi4] /Shouguang county level city in Weifang [Wei2 fa [shou4 si1] /sushi/ [shou4 ming4] /life span/life expectancy/ [shou4 tang2] /mourning hall/a hall for a birthday celebration/ [Shou4 ning2] /Shouning county in Ningde [Ning2 de2], Fujian/ [Shou4 ning2 xian4] /Shouning county in Ningde [Ning2 de2], Fujian/ [shou4 shu5] /predestined length of life/ [shou4 shu4 yi3 jin3] /to die (when one's predestined life span is up)/ [shou4 xing1] /god of longevity/ [shou4 cai2] /coffin/ [shou4 tao2] /(myth.) peaches of immortality, kept by Xi Wangmu/fresh or confecti nery peaches offered as a birthday gift/ [shou4 tao2 bao1] /longevity peach bun/birthday peach bun/ [shou4 bi3 Nan2 shan1] /Live as long as Mt Nan! (idiom, conventional gree you a Happy Birthday and many more of them./ [Shou4 wang2 fen2] /Shouwangfen town, in Chengde [Cheng2 de2 shi4], Heb [Shou4 wang2 fen2 zhen4] /Shouwangfen town, in Chengde [Cheng2 de2 [shou4 li3] /birthday present (for an old person)/ [shou4 yan2] /birthday banquet/ [shou4 zhong1 zheng4 qin3] /to die of old age/to die in one's bed at a ri [Shou4 xian4] /Shou county in Lu'an [Lu4 an1], Anhui/ [shou4 kao3] /long life/life span/ [shou4 yi1] /burial clothes/ [Shou4 feng1] /Shoufeng township in Hualien county [Hua1 lian2 xian4 [Shou4 feng1 xiang1] /Shoufeng township in Hualien county [Hua1

/ [shou4 chen2] /birthday (of an old person)/ [shou4 xian4] /lifetime/length of life/ [Shou4 yang2] /Shouyang county in Jinzhong [Jin4 zhong1], Shanxi/ [Shou4 yang2 xian4] /Shouyang county in Jinzhong [Jin4 zhong1], Shan [shou4 xian3] /life insurance/abbr. for / [shou4 mian4] /birthday noodles (for longevity)/ [zun1] /goblet/bottle/wine-jar/ [zhi3] /"walk slowly" component in Chinese characters/see also [dong1 zi [jiang4] /old variant of [jiang4]/ [xiang2] /old variant of [xiang2]/ [feng2] /to butt (as horned animals)/ [bian4] /Japanese variant of , to change/to transform/to alter/to rebel/ [sui1] /see [zhi3]/ [ling2] /to dawdle/the name of the father of the Emperor Yao/ [Xia4] /the Xia or Hsia dynasty c. 2000 BC/Xia of the Sixteen Kingdoms (407-432) /surname Xia/ [xia4] /summer/ [Xia4 dai4] /Xia or Hsia dynasty c. 2000 BC/ [xia4 ling4] /summer/summer weather/ [xia4 ling4 shi2] /daylight saving time/ [xia4 ling4 ying2] /summer camp/ [Xia4 li4] /Xiali, car brand by Tianjin FAW Xiali Motor Company/ [Xia4 Shang1 zhou1] /Xia, Shang and Zhou, the earliest named Chinese dynastie [Xia4 shi4 lian2] /Hazeline, Unilever range of skin care products/ [xia4 tian1] /summer/CL: [ge4]/ [Xia4 wei1 yi2] /Hawaii, US state/ [Xia4 wei1 yi2 dao3] /Hawaii island/ [Xia4 wei1 yi2 zhou1] /Hawai, US state/ [Xia4 wa2] /Eve/ [xia4 ji4] /summer/ [Xia4 zhou1] /old place name (up to Tang), in Hengshan county , Yuli [Xia4 Jing4 qu2] /Xia Jingqu (1705-1787), Qing novelist, author of monumental Ysu pyn Humble words of a rustic elder/ [xia4 ri4] /summertime/ [xia4 shi2 zhi4] /daylight saving time/ [xia4 li4] /the traditional Chinese lunar calendar/ [Xia4 Chao2] /Xia Dynasty (2070-1600 BC)/ [Xia4 Zheng4 min2] /Justice Michael Hartmann (1944-), Hong Kong High Court ju [Xia4 he2] /Xiahe county in Gannan Tibetan autonomous prefecture [G zhi4 zhou1], Gansu, formerly Amdo province of Tibet/ [Xia4 he2 xian4] /Xiahe county in Gannan Tibetan autonomous prefecture zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Gansu, formerly Amdo province of Tibet/ [Xia4 luo4 ke4] /Shylock (in Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice)/Sherlock (name [Xia4 luo4 te4] /Charlotte (name)/ [Xia4 Luo4 te4 Bo2 liang2 te4] /Charlotte Bront (1816-1855 e Bront sisters, author of Jane Eyre / [Xia4 luo4 te4 dun1] /Charlottetown, capital of Prince Edward Island, Can [Xia4 luo4 te4 A1 ma3 li4 ya4] /Charlotte Amalie, capital of s (USVI)/ [Xia4 jin1] /Xiajin county in Dezhou [De2 zhou1], Shandong/ [Xia4 jin1 xian4] /Xiajin county in Dezhou [De2 zhou1], Shandong/ [Xia4 er3 ba1 ren2] /Sherpa/ [Xia4 wang2 chao2] /Xia dynasty, unconfirmed but placed at c. 2070-c. 1600 BC [Xia4 mu4 shu4 shi2] /Natsume Sseki (1867-1916), one of the first modern ist/ [Xia4 xian4] /Xia county in Yuncheng [Yun4 cheng2], Shanxi/ [Xia4 zhi4] /Xiazhi or Summer Solstice, 10th of the 24 solar terms [Xia4 zhi4 dian3] /the summer solstice/ [xia4 chong2 bu4 ke3 yi3 yu3 bing1] /A summer insect (which d

not talk about ice/to have limited experience and knowledge (idiom)/ [Xia4 Yan3] /Xia Yan (1900-1995), Chinese writer, playwright, socialist critic an movie pioneer/ [Xia4 yi4] /Xiayi county in Shangqiu [Shang1 qiu1], Henan/ [Xia4 yi4 xian4] /Xiayi county in Shangqiu [Shang1 qiu1], Henan/ [Xia4 Huang2 gong1] /Xia Huanggong also known as Huang Shigong [ of birth and death uncertain), Daoist hermit of the Qin Dynasty [Qin2 Dai4] and p urported author of Three Strategies of Huang Shigong [Huang2 Shi2 go the Seven Military Classics of ancient China [Wu3 jing1 Qi1 Shu1]/ [Kui2] /one-legged mountain demon of Chinese mythology/Chinese mythical figure w ho invented music and dancing/Chinese rain god/surname Kui/ [kui2 kui2] /awestruck/fearful/ [Kui2 zhou1] /Kuizhou, ancient area of modern Fengjie county [Feng4 ing/ [xi1] /dusk/evening/Taiwan pr. [xi4]/ [xi1 zhao4] /glow of the setting sun/ [xi1 yang2] /sunset/the setting sun/ [xi1 yang2 chan3 ye4] /sunset industry/declining industry/ [xi1 yang2 xi1 xia4] /the sun sets in the west (idiom)/ [wai4] /outside/in addition/foreign/external/ [wai4 dan1] /Taoist external alchemy/ [wai4 shi4] /foreign affairs/ [wai4 shi4 chu4] /Foreign Affairs Office (at a university)/Foreign Affairs De t/ [wai4 jiao1] /diplomacy/diplomatic/foreign affairs/CL: [ge4]/ [wai4 jiao1 shi4 wu4] /foreign affairs/ [wai4 jiao1 da4 chen2] /Foreign Secretary/(UK) Secretary of State for For onwealth Affairs/ [Wai4 jiao1 Xue2 yuan4] /China Foreign Affairs University/ [wai4 jiao1 guan1] /diplomat/ [wai4 jiao1 jia1] /diplomat/ [wai4 jiao1 bi4 hu4] /diplomatic asylum/ [wai4 jiao1 shou3 wan4] /diplomatic/ [wai4 jiao1 zheng4 ce4] /foreign policy/ [wai4 jiao1 bu4] /Foreign Affairs ministry/foreign office/Dept. of State/ [wai4 jiao1 bu4 zhang3] /minister of foreign affairs/ [wai4 jiao1 guan1 xi4] /foreign relations/diplomatic relations/ [Wai4 jiao1 Guan1 xi4 Li3 shi4 hui4] /Council on Foreign Rela [wai4 jiao1 feng1 bo1] /diplomatic crisis/ [wai4 ren2] /outsider/foreigner/stranger/ [wai4 qi3] /foreign enterprise/company established in mainland China with direct nvestment from foreign entities or from investors in Taiwan, Macao or Hong Kong/ abbr. for / [wai4 lai2] /external/foreign/outside/ [wai4 lai2 ren2] /foreigner/ [wai4 lai2 cheng2 yu3] /loan idiom/ [wai4 lai2 tou2 zi1] /foreign investment/ [wai4 lai2 wu4 zhong3] /an introduced species/ [wai4 lai2 ci2] /loanword/ [wai4 lai2 yu3] /imported word/ [wai4 lai2 huo4] /imported product/ [wai4 ce4] /outer side/ [wai4 ce4 gou1] /lateral sulcus or Sylvian fissure (a main division of the br [wai4 ce4 lie4] /lateral sulcus or Sylvian fissure (a main division of the br [wai4 ce4 lie4 zhou1 qu1] /perisylvian (the part of the brain surroun lcus or Sylvian fissure), involved in speech/ [wai4 ce4 lie4 zhou1 wei2] /perisylvian (the part of the brain surrou ulcus or Sylvian fissure), involved in speech/ [wai4 chuan2] /to tell others (a secret)/to divulge to an outsider/to be rumored/ [wai4 zhuan4] /unofficial biography (as opposed to official dynastic biography)/

[wai4 zhai4] /foreign debt/ [wai4 qiao2] /foreigner/ [wai4 ba1 zi4 jiao3] /splayed feet/ [wai4 ba1 zi4 tui3] /bow legs/bandy legs/ [wai4 gong1] /(informal) mother's father/maternal grandfather/ [wai4 dian3 xie3 zuo4] /apocryphal writings/ [wai4 chu1] /to go out/to go away (on a trip etc)/ [wai4 chu1 fang3 wen4] /to travel on business (often abroad)/ [wai4 fen1 mi4] /exocrine/external secretion (e.g. saliva)/ [wai4 fen1 mi4 xian4] /exocrine gland/gland producing external secretion / [wai4 li4] /external force/pressure from outside/ [wai4 jia1] /in addition/extra/ [wai4 jia1 ji4] /additive/ [wai4 jia1 fu4 jian4] /add-on (software)/plug-in (software)/ [wai4 wu4] /foreign affairs/ [wai4 wu4 sheng3] /foreign ministry (e.g. of Japan or Korea)/ [wai4 wu4 bu4] /ministry of foreign affairs/ [wai4 qin2] /field work/field personnel/any occupation that involves a great deal of field work/ [wai4 bao1] /outsourcing/ [wai4 hui4] /foreign (currency) exchange/ [wai4 hui4 chu3 bei4] /foreign-exchange reserves/ [wai4 hui4 shi4 chang3] /foreign currency market/ [wai4 xiang4] /outward-looking/extrovert/extroverted (personality)/export-oriente (economy)/ [wai4 xiang4 xing2] /export-oriented (economic model)/ [wai4 shang1] /foreign businessman/ [wai4 shang1 du2 zi1 qi3 ye4] /Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprise (W y in China)/Wholly Owned Foreign Enterprise (WOFE)/see also [wai4 zi1 qi3 [wai4 shang1 zhi2 jie1 tou2 zi1] /overseas foreign direct investm [wai4 guo2] /foreign (country)/CL: [ge4]/ [wai4 guo2 ren2] /foreigner/ [wai4 guo2 ren2 ju1 zhu4 zheng4 ming2] /foreigner's certifica [wai4 guo2 gong1 si1] /foreign company/ [wai4 guo2 mei2 ti3] /foreign news media/ [wai4 guo2 tou2 zi1 zhe3] /foreign investor/ [wai4 guo2 lu:3 you2 zhe3] /foreign traveler/ [wai4 guo2 hua4] /foreign languages/ [wai4 guo2 yu3] /a foreign language/ [wai4 guo2 zi1 ben3] /foreign capital/ [wai4 guo2 dian4 ying3] /foreign film/foreign movie/ [wai4 wei2] /surrounding/ [wai4 yuan2 nei4 fang1] /lit. outside-flexible, inside-firm (idiom)/fig. [wai4 zai4] /external/extrinsic/ [wai4 di4] /parts of the country other than where one is/foreign lands/ [wai4 di4 ren2] /stranger, outsider/ [Wai4 bu4] /Waipu township in Taichung county [Tai2 zhong1 xian4], T [Wai4 bu4 xiang1] /Waipu township in Taichung county [Tai2 zhong [wai4 chang3] /outfield (baseball)/ [wai4 tai4 kong1] /outer space/ [wai4 tao4] /coat/CL:[jian4]/ [wai4 po2] /(informal) mother's mother/maternal grandmother/ [wai4 mei2] /foreign news media/abbr. of / [wai4 sun1] /daughter's son/grandson/descendant via the female line/ [wai4 sun1 nu:3] /daughter's daughter/granddaughter/ [wai4 sun1 nu:3 r5] /granddaughter (one's daughter's daughter)/ [wai4 kuan1 nei4 ji4] /outwardly admiring, inwardly jealous (idiom)/ [wai4 xiao3 tui3] /shin/ [wai4 ceng2] /outer layer/outer shell/

[wai4 ceng2 kong1 jian1] /outer space/ [wai4 dai4] /take-out (fast food)/(outer part of) tire/as well/besides/into the b rgain/outer zone/ [wai4 bi4] /foreign currency/ [wai4 yan2] /extension (semantics)/ [wai4 xing2] /figure/shape/external form/contour/ [wai4 jing4] /external diameter (including thickness of the wall)/ [wai4 xin1] /bad faith (in a marriage)/unfaithful intentions/ [wai4 huan4] /foreign aggression/ [wai4 shou3] /right-hand side (of a machine)/right-hand side (passenger side) of vehicle/ [wai4 gua4 cheng2 shi4] /plug-in (software)(Taiwan)/ [wai4 tui1] /to extrapolate/ [wai4 tui1 fa3] /extrapolation (math.)/to extrapolate/ [wai4 yuan2] /external help/foreign aid/ [wai4 da1 cheng2 shi4] /add-on software (Taiwan)/ [wai4 jiao4] /foreign teacher (abbr. for )/greenhorn/novice/amat n Buddhism (term used by Buddhists)/ [wai4 fu1] /to apply externally/ [wai4 wen2] /foreign language (written)/ [wai4 wen2 xi4] /department of foreign languages/modern languages (college de t)/ [wai4 xie2 ji1] /external oblique muscle (sides of the chest)/ [wai4 xing1 ren2] /space alien/extra-terrestrial/ [wai4 xing1 sheng1 ming4] /extraterrestrial life/ [wai4 ke2] /envelope/outer shell/hull/cover/case/ [wai4 xie4] /to leak (usually secret information)/ [wai4 liu2] /outflow/to flow out/to drain/ [wai4 hai3] /offshore/open sea/ [wai4 yuan2] /exogenous/ [wai4 ji1 su4] /pheromone/ [Wai4 tan1] /the Shanghai Bund or Waitan/ [wai4 zhao4 she4] /external irradiation/ [wai4 qiang2] /facade/external wall/ [wai4 huan2 xian4] /outer ring (road or rail line)/ [wai4 sheng1] /sister's son/wife's sibling's son/ [wai4 sheng5 nu:3] /sister's daughter/wife's sibling's daughter/ [wai4 sheng5 nu:3 xu5] /sister's daughter's husband/ [wai4 sheng5 xi2 fu4] /sister's son's wife/ [wai4 yong4] /external/ [wai4 jie4] /the outside world/external/ [wai4 pi2] /outer skin/carapace/ [wai4 xiang4] /Foreign Minister/ [wai4 yan3 jiao3] /outer corner of the eye/ [wai4 zu3 mu3] /mother's mother/maternal grandmother/ [wai4 zu3 fu4] /maternal grandfather (i.e. mother's father)/ [wai4 yu4 qi2 wu3] /internal disunity dissolves at the threat of an invas ide (idiom)/ [wai4 ke1] /surgery/"external" medicine, i.e. surgical intervention, as opposed t [nei4 ke1] "internal" treatment by administering drugs/surgical department/ [wai4 ke1 xue2] /surgery/ [wai4 ke1 shou3 shu4] /surgery/ [wai4 ke1 yi1 sheng1] /surgeon/as opposed to physician [ rily by administering drugs/ [wai4 fu1] /husk/outside shell of grain/ [wai4 ji1] /exterior product/the cross product of two vectors/ [wai4 ji2] /foreign nationality/ [wai4 ji2 lao2 gong1] /foreign worker/ [wai4 ji2 hua2 ren2] /overseas Chinese/persons of Chinese origin having f nship/

[wai4 er3] /outer ear/ [wai4 er3 dao4] /external auditory meatus/auditory canal, between the outer e ympanum / [wai4 pei1 ceng2] /ectoderm (cell lineage in embryology)/ [Wai4 Meng3 gu3] /Outer Mongolia/ [wai4 hao4] /nickname/ [wai4 hang2] /layman/amateur/ [wai4 yi1] /outer clothing/semblance/appearance/ [wai4 biao3] /external/outside/outward appearance/ [wai4 pao2] /robe/ [wai4 guan1] /exterior appearance/to view sth from the outside/exterior condition [wai4 guan1 she4 ji4] /look/external appearance/design/overall brand look can be patented/ [wai4 she4] /peripherals/ [wai4 yu3] /foreign language/CL: [men2]/ [wai4 mao4] /profile/appearance/ [wai4 mao4] /foreign trade/ [wai4 zi1] /foreign investment/ [wai4 zi1 qi3 ye4] /abbr. for [wai4 shang1 du2 z [wai4 jia3] /take-away food/ [wai4 bin1] /foreign guest/international visitor/ [wai4 mai4] /to go/take out (relates to food bought at a restaurant)/ [wai4 zhi4 mo2] /external plasma membrane/ [wai4 ban4] /foreign affairs office/ [wai4 song4] /to send out/fast food delivered/ [wai4 tao2] /to flee abroad/to run away/to desert/outflow/ [wai4 yu4] /an extramarital affair/ [wai4 bian5] /outside/outer surface/abroad/place other than one's home/ [wai4 bian5 r5] /erhua variant of [wai4 bian5]/ [wai4 bang1 ren2] /gentile/ [wai4 bu4] /external part/external/ [wai4 bu4 lian2 jie1] /external link/ [wai4 bu4 lian4 jie1] /external link (on website)/ [wai4 guo1 cheng2] /outer city wall/ [wai4 xiang1] /another part of the country/some other place/ [wai4 xiang1 ren2] /a stranger/out-of-towner/ [wai4 xiao1] /to export/to sell abroad/ [wai4 cuo4 jiao3] /outer alternate angles (where one line meets two parallel [wai4 zhang3] /foreign minister/secretary of state/minister of foreign affairs/ [wai4 jian1] /outer room/the external world/outside/ [wai4 yuan4] /outer courtyard/ [wai4 dian4] /reports from foreign news agencies/ [wai4 lu4] /exposed/appearing on the outside/ [wai4 mian4] /surface/exterior/external appearance/ [wai4 mian5] /outside/ [wai4 tou5] /outside/out/ [wai4 gu3 ge2] /exoskeleton (the carapace of insects, crabs etc)/ [Wai4 Gao1 jia1 suo3] /South Caucasus/ [wai4 wu4] /to get involved in things which are not one's business/ [yuan4] /to turn over when asleep/ [mao3] /variant of /variant of / [su4] /morning/early/long-held/long-cherished/ [su4 ye4] /morning and night/always/at all times/ [su4 ye4 fei3 xie4] /to work from morning to night (idiom)/ [su4 xian2] /old grudge/long-standing resentment/ [su4 di2] /old foe/long-standing enemy/ [su4 ri4] /at ordinary times/ [su4 xing1 ye4 mei4] /to rise early and sleep late (idiom); to work hard/ gently/to burn the candle at both ends/ [su4 nuo4] /old promise/long-standing commitment/

[su4 yuan4] /long-cherished wish/ [su4 yuan4 yi3 chang2] /a long-cherished ambition is realized/ [su4 yuan4 de2 chang2] /to have a long-cherished wish realized/ [duo1] /many/much/a lot of/numerous/more/in excess/how (to what extent)/multi-/T aiwan pr. [duo2] when it means "how"/ [duo1 jiu3] /how long?/ [duo1 shi4] /meddlesome/eventful/ [duo1 shi4 zhi1 qiu1] /troubled times/eventful period/ [duo1 ren4 wu5] /multi-task/ [duo1 yi1 er3] /Doyle (name)/ [Duo1 fo2] /Dover/ [Duo1 fo2 er3] /Dover/ [duo1 ge5] /many/multiple/multi- (faceted, ethnic etc)/ [duo1 bei4 ti3] /polyploid (multiple chromosomes)/ [Duo1 lun2] /Duolun county in Xilin Gol league [Xi1 lin2 guo [Duo1 lun2 duo1] /Toronto, capital of Ontario, Canada/ [Duo1 lun2 xian4] /Duolun county in Xilin Gol league [Xi a/ [duo1 zhi2] /multivalued (math.)/ [duo1 zhi2 han2 shu4] /multivalued function (math.)/ [duo1 ce4 mian4] /many-sided/ [duo1 yuan2] /poly-/multi-/multielement/multivariant/multivariate (math.)/ [duo1 yuan2 bu4 bao3 he2 zhi1 fang2 suan1] /polyunsaturat [duo1 yuan2 hua4] /diversification/pluralism/to diversify/ [duo1 yuan2 yu3 zhou4] /multiverse (cosmology)/ [duo1 yuan2 xing4] /diversity/ [duo1 yuan2 wen2 hua4 zhu3 yi4] /multiculturalism/ [duo1 yuan2 lun4] /pluralism, philosophical doctrine that the universe consis ifferent substances/ [duo1 yuan2 zhi3] /polyester/ [Duo1 li4] /Dolly the sheep/ [Duo1 li4 duo1 zi1] /Doritos (brand of tortilla chips)/ [duo1 gong1 neng2] /multi-functional/multi-function/ [duo1 gong1 neng2 biao3] /multifunction meter (e.g. for gas and electrici [duo1 zhu4] /receiving much help (from outside)/well supported/ [duo1 dong4 zheng4] /attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)/ [duo1 lao2 duo1 de2] /work more and get more/ [duo1 ban4] /chiefly/likelihood/ [duo1 chi1 duo1 zhan4] /taking or eating more than one's due (idiom); gre sh/ [duo1 zan5] /when?/what time?/whenever/ [Duo1 ha1] /Doha, capital of Qatar/ [Duo1 ha1 hui2 he2] /Dohar round (from 2001 meeting of WTO in Doha, Qatar [Duo1 ge1] /Togo, West Africa/ [duo1 zui3] /talkative/to speak out of turn/to blab/to shoot one's mouth off/rumo s fly/ [duo1 zui3 duo1 she2] /to gossip and meddle/to shoot one's mouth off/talk [duo1 guo2] /multinational/ [duo1 guo2 gong1 si1] /multinational/ [duo1 bao4] /to overstate/ [duo1 shi4] /toast (loanword)/ [duo1 duo1] /many/much/a lot/lots and lots/more/even more/ [duo1 duo1 shao3 shao3] /to some extent/more or less/ [duo1 duo1 yi4 shan4] /the more the better/ [Duo1 duo1 ma3] /Dodoma, capital of Tanzania/ [duo1 da4] /how big/how much/how old etc/ [duo1 da4 dian3 shi4] /trivial matter/Big deal!/ [duo1 qi1 zhi4] /polygamy/ [duo1 zi1] /many postures/ [duo1 zi1 duo1 cai3] /diversity (of forms and colors)/

[duo1 mei2 ti3] /multimedia/ [duo1 mei2 ti3 zi1 xun4] /multimedia information/ [duo1 zi3 duo1 fu2] /the more sons, the more happiness (idiom)/ [duo1 kong3 dong4 wu4] /Porifera (phylum of sponges)/ [duo1 kong3 xing4] /porous/having many holes (e.g. filter gauze or sieve)/ [duo1 kong3 cai2 liao4] /multicellular material/spongy substance/porous m [duo1 zi4 jie2] /multibyte/ [duo1 xue2 ke1] /interdisciplinary/ [duo1 gua3] /number/amount/ [duo1 bao3 yu2] /turbot/European imported turbot/same as / [duo1 shao3] /number/amount/somewhat/ [duo1 shao5] /how much/how many/which (number)/as much as/ [duo1 ceng2 da4 sha4] /multistory building/ [duo1 ceng2 cai2] /plywood/ [duo1 ceng2 ci4 fen1 xi1 mo2 xing2] /multilevel analysis mode [duo1 ceng2 fu4] /multiple cover/many-sheeted cover (math.)/ [duo1 ceng2 fu4 die2] /many-sheeted covering (math.)/ [duo1 shan1] /mountainous/ [duo1 shan1 di4 qu1] /mountainous district/ [duo1 gong1] /to multiplex/multiple/multi-/ [duo1 gong1 zuo4 ye4] /multitasking/ [duo1 gong1 hua4] /to multiplex/ [duo1 gong1 qi4] /multiplexer/ [duo1 gong1 yun4 zuo4] /multithreading/ [duo1 ba1 an4] /dopamine/ [duo1 mu4 ju4] /play in several acts/full-length drama/ [duo1 ping2 tai2] /multi-platform (computing)/ [duo1 nian2 lai2] /for the past many years/ [duo1 nian2 sheng1] /perennial (of plants)/ [duo1 xing2 he2 bai2 xi4 bao1] /polymorphonuclear leukocyte/ [duo1 cai3] /colorful/flamboyant/ [duo1 de5 shi4] /there's no shortage/there are plenty/ [duo1 xin1] /oversensitive/suspicious/ [duo1 chou2 shan4 gan3] /melancholy and moody (idiom); depressed personal [duo1 chou2 duo1 bing4] /much sorrows and illness (idiom); melancholy and [duo1 cai2] /multi-talented/many-sided skills/ [duo1 cai2 duo1 yi4] /multi-talented/ [duo1 cai3] /multicolored/varied/also written / [duo1 fang4] /add extra (of a spice etc)/ [duo1 shu4] /majority/most/ [duo1 shu4 jue2] /majority decision/ [duo1 shu4 dang3] /majority party/ [duo1 fang1] /in many ways/from all sides/ [duo1 fang1 wei4] /many-sided/versatile/various aspects/all-round/multi-direc [duo1 fang1 mian4] /many-sided/in many aspects/ [duo1 yu2] /more than/greater than/ [duo1 ri4 sai4] /race of several days/many day competition/ [duo1 zao3 wan3] /when?/ [Duo1 ming2 ni2 jia1] /Dominica/Dominican Republic/also written / [Duo1 ming2 ni2 jia1 Gong4 he2 guo2] /Dominican Republic, tra [duo1 xing1] /starry/ [Duo1 pu3 le4] /Christian Johann Doppler, Austrian physicist who discovered t ler effect/ [Duo1 pu3 le4 xiao4 ying4] /the Doppler effect/ [Duo1 pu3 da2] /Dopod (company name)/ [duo1 jing1 gui1] /polycrystalline silicon (used in electronics)/ [duo1 shu4] /multibeam (e.g. laser)/ [duo1 zai1 hua1 shao3 zai1 ci4] /talk nicely and avoid disputes/g emarks/ [duo1 ji2 hua4] /multi-polarization/multipolarization/multi-polarity/multipol

alization/ [duo1 mo2] /multimode/ [duo1 mo2 guang1 xian1] /multimode fiber/ [duo1 mo2 kuai4] /many modules/multiblock/ [duo1 yang4] /diverse/diversity/manifold/ [duo1 yang4 hua4] /diversification/to diversify/ [duo1 yang4 xing4] /variegation/diversity/ [duo1 shu4 mu4] /wooded/ [duo1 ci4] /many times/repeatedly/ [duo1 ci3 yi1 ju3] /to do more than is required (idiom); superfluous/guil / [duo1 min2 zu2] /multi-ethnic/ [duo1 min2 zu2 guo2 jia1] /multi-ethnic state/ [duo1 lu:4 lian2 ben3] /polychlorinated biphenyl/PCB/ [duo1 shui3 fen4] /juicy/ [duo1 zhi1] /succulent/juicy/ [duo1 zai1 duo1 nan4] /to be plagued with misfortunes/precarious/ [Duo1 er3] /Dole (name)/Bob Dole (1923-), US Republican politician, Kansas senato 1969-1996/ [Duo1 er3 gun3] /Dorgon (1612-1651), fourteenth son of Nurhaci mental in Manchu conquest of China, ruled China as regent 1644-1650 for his neph ew Emperor Shunzhi / [Duo1 te4 meng2 de2] /Dortmund city in the Ruhr , Germany/ [duo1 nao3] /the Danube/ [Duo1 nao3 he2] /Danube/ [duo1 ban4 suan4] /Chinese elephant garlic/ [duo1 chan3] /prolific/fertile/high yield/ [duo1 yong4] /multipurpose/having several uses/ [duo1 yong4 hu4] /multiuser/ [duo1 yong4 tu2] /multi-purpose/ [duo1 yi2] /mistrustful/suspicious/paranoid/ [duo1 fa1 xing4 ying4 hua4 zheng4] /multiple sclerosis/ [duo1 fa1 bing4] /frequently re-occurring disease/ [duo1 mu4 di4] /multi-purpose/ [duo1 shen2 jiao4] /polytheism, belief in the existence of many gods/ [duo1 shen2 lun4] /polytheism (belief in a plurality of Deities)/ [duo1 shen2 lun4 zhe3] /polytheist (believer in a plurality of Deities)/ [duo1 li3] /too polite/over-courteous/ [duo1 zhong3] /many kinds of/multiple/diverse/multi-/ [duo1 zhong3 duo1 yang4] /manifold/all sorts/many and varied/ [duo1 zhong3 yu3 yan2] /multilingual/ [duo1 zhong3 yu3 yan2 zhi1 chi2] /multilingual support/ [duo1 zhan4] /multistation/ [duo1 zhan4 di4 zhi3] /multicast address/multistation address/ [duo1 duan1] /multifarious/multifold/many and varied/multiport/multistation/multi erminal/ [duo1 duan1 zhong1 ji4 qi4] /multiport repeater/ [duo1 guan3 xian2 shi4] /meddling in other people's business/ [Duo1 mi3 ni2 ke4] /Dominica/Dominican Republic/also written / [Duo1 mi3 ni2 jia1] /Dominica/Dominican Republic/ [Duo1 mi3 ni2 jia1 Gong4 he2 guo2] /Dominican Republic, simpl [Duo1 mi3 ni2 jia1 lian2 bang1] /Dominican Republic/ [duo1 mi3 nuo4] /domino (loanword)/ [duo1 mi3 nuo4 gu3 pai2] /dominoes/ [duo1 li4 zi3] /many-particle (physics)/ [duo1 li4 zi3 xi4 tong3] /many particle systems (physics)/ [duo1 tang2] /polysaccharide (complex carbohydrate such as starch and c [duo1 lei4] /I have troubled you/ [duo1 xi4 bao1] /multicellular/ [duo1 xi4 bao1 sheng1 wu4] /multicellular life form/

[duo1 yi4] /having several meanings/ambiguous/equivocal/ambivalent/ [duo1 yi4 xing4] /equivocality/ [duo1 yi4 ci2] /word having several related meanings/ambivalent word/ [duo1 yi4 guan1 xi4] /equivocality/ [Duo1 wen2 tian1] /Vaisravana (one of the Heavenly Kings)/ [duo1 yu4] /prolific/bearing many offspring/ [duo1 tai4] /polypeptide, chain of amino acids linked by peptide bonds CO-NH, a c mponent of protein/ [duo1 tai4 lian2] /polypeptide chain/ [duo1 tai1 ren4 shen1] /multiple pregnancy/ [duo1 bao1 xing2] /polytope/ [duo1 xian4 ran3 se4 ti3] /polytene chromosome/ [duo1 chuan3] /full of trouble and misfortune (usu. referring to sb's life)/ [duo1 fei1 shi2] /dogfish (loanword)/ [duo1 ye4] /leafy/ [duo1 kui1] /thanks to/luckily/ [duo1 xing2 bu4 yi4 bi4 zi4 bi4] /persisting in evil brings a [duo1 jiao3 xing2] /polygon/same as / [duo1 jiao3 ti3] /polyhedron/polytope/ [duo1 yan2] /wordy/talkative/ [duo1 yu3 yan2] /polyglot/many language/ [duo1 mou2 shan4 duan4] /resourceful and decisive/resolute and sagacious/ [duo1 xie4] /many thanks/thanks a lot/ [duo1 bian4] /fickle/multi-variate (math.)/ [duo1 zu2 dong4 wu4] /myriapod/centipedes and millipedes/ [duo1 zu2 lei4] /centipedes and millipedes/ [duo1 lun2] /in many stages/multilayered/multipronged (attack)/ [duo1 da2] /up to/no less than/as much as/ [duo1 bian1] /multilateral/polygon/ [duo1 bian1 xie2 ding4] /multilateral agreement/cooperation agreement bet t parties/ [duo1 bian1 he2 zuo4] /multilateral cooperation/ [duo1 bian1 xing2] /polygon/ [duo1 bian1 mao4 yi4] /multilateral trade/ [duo1 bian1 mao4 yi4 tan2 pan4] /multilateral trade talks/ [Duo1 na3 tai4 luo2] /Donatello (c. 1386-1466)/Donato di Niccol di Betto early renaissance painter and sculptor/ [duo1 tang2] /polysaccharide/ [duo1 chong2] /multi- (faceted, cultural, ethnic etc)/ [duo1 chong2 guo2 ji2] /dual nationality/ [duo1 chong2 xing4] /multiplicity/ [duo1 qian2 shan4 gu3] /much capital, good business (idiom); fig. good tr ons/ [duo1 hua2 li2] /multishare or multifurrow plow/ [duo1 nan4 xing1 bang1] /much hardships may awaken a nation (idiom); cala mpts renewal/ [duo1 yun2] /cloudy (meteorology)/ [duo1 mian4 shou3] /multi-talented person/versatile person/all-rounder/ [duo1 mian4 jiao3] /solid angle/ [duo1 mian4 ti3] /polyhedron/polytope/ [duo1 yin1] /polyphony/ [duo1 yin1 duo1 yi4 zi4] /character having several readings and meani [duo1 yin1 zi4] /character with two or more readings/ [duo1 yin1 jie2 ci2] /polysyllabic word/Chinese word made up of three or rs/ [duo1 xiang4 shi4] /polynomial (math.)/multinomial/ [duo1 xiang4 shi4 fang1 cheng2] /(math.) polynomial equation/ [duo1 xiang4 shi4 fang1 cheng2 zu3] /(math.) system of polynomial [duo1 tou2] /many-headed/many-layered (authority)/devolved (as opposed to central zed)/pluralistic/(as classifier) number of animals/long term (finance)/long (inv

estment)/ [duo1 yu2] /superfluous/unnecessary/surplus/ [duo1 xiang1 guo3] /all-spice (Pimenta dioica)/Jamaican pepper/ [duo1 me5] /how (wonderful etc)/what (a great idea etc)/however (difficult it may be etc)/ [duo1 dang3] /multiparty/ [duo1 dang3 zhi4] /multi-party system/ [duo1 dang3 xuan3 ju3] /multiparty election/ [ye4] /night/ [ye4 bu4 gui1 su4] /to stay out all night (idiom)/ [ye4 bu4 bi4 hu4] /lit. doors not locked at night (idiom); fig. stable so [ye4 yi3 ji4 ri4] /night and day (idiom); continuous strenuous effort/ [ye4 lai2 xiang1] /tuberose/Cestrum nocturnum, see also / [ye4 guang1] /luminous/ [ye4 ban4] /midnight/ [ye4 cha4] /yaksha (nature spirits)/ [ye4 hu2] /chamber pot/ [ye4 ye4] /every night/ [ye4 da4 xue2] /evening college/ [ye4 xiao1] /midnight snack/ [ye4 xiao1 r5] /erhua variant of , supper/ [ye4 shi4] /night market/ [ye4 mu4] /curtain of night/gathering darkness/ [ye4 mu4 jiang4 lin2] /nightfall/ [ye4 dian4] /night club/ [ye4 zhao1 dai4 jiu3 hui4] /evening cocktail reception/ [ye4 wan3] /night/CL: [ge4]/ [ye4 jing3] /nightscape/ [ye4 qu3] /night melody, nocturne/ [ye4 xiao4] /evening school/night school/ [ye4 shen1 ren2 jing4] /in the dead of night (idiom)/ [ye4 ban1] /night shift/ [ye4 sheng1 huo2] /night life/ [ye4 mang2 zheng4] /night blindness/nyctalopia/ [ye4 shen2 xian1] /night owl/late sleeper/ [ye4 kong1] /night sky/ [ye4 zong3 hui4] /nightclub/nightspot/ [ye4 se4] /night scene/the dim light of night/ [ye4 se4 cang1 mang2] /gathering dusk/ [ye4 xing2] /night walk/night departure/nocturnal/ [ye4 xing2 xing4] /nocturnal/ [ye4 xing2 zhou4 fu2] /to travel at night and lie low by day (idiom)/ [ye4 xing2 jun1] /a night march/ [ye4 li5] /during the night/at night/nighttime/ [ye4 xi2] /night attack/ [ye4 mao1 zi5] /owl/(fig.) night owl/ [Ye4 lang2] /small barbarian kingdom in southern China during the Han dynasty/ [Ye4 lang2 zi4 da4] /lit. Yelang thinks highly of itself (idiom)/fig. foo [ye4 jian1] /nighttime/evening or night (e.g. classes)/ [ye4 lan2] /late at night/in the dead of night/ [ye4 lan2 shan1] /late at night/ [ye4 xiang1 mu4] /Cestrum nocturnum/ [ye4 niao3] /a nocturnal bird/ [ye4 ying1] /nightingale/ [ye4 ying1] /night hawk/ [ye4 lu4] /black-crowned night heron (Nycticorax nycticorax)/ [gou4] /to reach/to be enough/ [gou4 bu5 zhao2] /to be unable to reach/ [gou4 shou4 de5] /to be quite an ordeal/to be hard to bear/ [gou4 wei4] /lit. just the right flavor/just right/just the thing/excellent/

[gou4 qiang4] /unbearable/terrible/enough/unlikely/ [gou4 de5 zhao2] /to reach/to be up to/ [gou4 yi4 si5] /wonderful/great/delightful/very kind/generous/ [gou4 qiang4] /variant of [gou4 qiang4]/ [gou4 peng2 you5] /to be a real friend/ [gou4 ben3] /to break even/to get one's money's worth/ [gou4 ge2] /able to pass muster/qualified/apt/presentable/ [meng4] /dream/CL: [chang2], [ge4]/ [meng4 zhong1] /in a dream/ [meng4 yi4] /talking in one's sleep/delirious ravings/nonsense/sheer fantasy/ [meng4 jing4] /dreamland/ [meng4 mei4] /to dream/to sleep/ [meng4 mei4 yi3 qiu2] /desire of one's dreams/ [meng4 huan4] /dream/illusion/reverie/ [meng4 huan4 pao4 ying3] /lit. dreams and visions in a bubble (idiom); fi ry nature of the world in Buddhism/illusion/pipe dream/ [meng4 xiang3] /(figuratively) to dream of/dream/ [meng4 xiang3 jia1] /dreamer/visionary/ [meng4 jing3] /dreamscape/ [Meng4 luo2 yuan2] /Menlo Park, New Jersey, the home of Thomas Edison's resea oratory/ [meng4 xing2 zheng4] /somnambulism/sleep walking/ [meng4 jian4] /to dream/to see in a dream/ [meng4 hua4] /talking in one's sleep/words spoken during sleep/fig. speech bearin no relation to reality/delusions/ [meng4 you2] /sleep walking/fig. dream voyage/ [meng4 you2 zheng4] /somnambulism/sleep walking/ [meng4 yi2] /wet dream/nocturnal emission (ejaculation)/ [meng4 xiang1] /the land of dreams/slumberland/ [meng4 mo2] /nightmare/ [meng4 yan3] /nightmare/ [yin2] /late at night/ [yin2 yuan2] /to curry favor/to advance one's career by graft/ [yin2 yuan2 pan1 fu4] /to cling to the rich and powerful (idiom); to adva eer by currying favor/social climbing/ [huo3] /companion/partner/group/classifier for groups of people/to combine/toget her/ [huo3] /many/numerous/ [huo3 ban4] /variant of [huo3 ban4]/ [huo3 ji5] /variant of [huo3 ji5]/ [huo3 yi2] /very many/wow! (an exclamation of surprise and admiration)/ [da4] /big/huge/large/major/great/wide/deep/oldest/eldest/ [dai4] /see [dai4 fu5]/ [da4 yi1] /first-year university student/ [da4 yi1 xie1] /a bit bigger/ [da4 yi1 tong3] /unification (of the nation)/large scale unification/ [da4 yi1 tong3 zhi4] /Dayuan Dayi Tongzhi, Yuan dynasty geographical ency piled 1285-1294 under Jamal al-Din and Yu Yinglong , 755 scr [da4 zhang4 fu5 neng2 qu1 neng2 shen1] /A leader can submit o eady to give and take/flexible/ [da4 san1] /third-year university student/ [da4 san1 he2 xian2] /major triad do-mi-so/ [da4 san1 du4] /major third (musical interval)/ [da4 bu4 liao3] /at worst/if worst comes to worst/serious/alarming/ [da4 bu5 lie5 die5] /to be too casual or informal/ [Da4 Bu4 lie4 dian1] /Great Britain/ [da4 bu4 xiang1 tong2] /not at all the same/substantially different/ [Da4 bu4 li3 shi4] /Tabriz city in northwest Iran, capital of Iranian Eas [da4 bu4 wei3] /great error/heinous crime/ [da4 zhong1 xue2 sheng5] /university and high school students/

[da4 Zhong1 hua2 qu1] /greater China/refers to China, Taiwan, Hong Kong a . in finance and economics)/refers to all areas of Chinese presence (esp. in the cultural field), including parts of Southeast Asia, Europe and the Americas/ [da4 zhu3 jiao4] /archbishop/primate (of a church)/metropolitan/ [Da4 jiu3 bao3] /Japanese surname and place name Oukubo/ [Da4 jiu3 bao3 Li4 tong1] /Oukubo Toshimichi (1830-1878), Japanese po [Da4 sheng4] /Mahayana, the Great Vehicle/Buddhism based on the Mayahana sutras, s spread to Central Asia, China and beyond/also pr. [Da4 cheng2]/ [da4 shi4] /major event/major political event (war or change of regime)/major soc al event (wedding or funeral)/(do sth) in a big way/CL:[jian4], [zhuang1]/ [da4 shi4 hua4 xiao3 , xiao3 shi4 hua4 le5] /to turn blems into no problems at all/ [da4 er4] /second-year university student/ [da4 wu3 ma3] /Big5 Chinese character coding (developed by Taiwanese companie 1984)/ [da4 wu3 zhi3 tiao4 shu3] /great jerboa (Allactaga major)/ [Da4 ya4 wan1] /Daya Bay/ [da4 heng1] /big shot/top gun/superstar/VIP/ [da4 ren5] /adult/grownup/title of respect toward superiors/ [da4 xian1] /great immortal/ [da4 zhong4 ma3] /Alexandre Dumas, pre/ [da4 jian4] /large/bulky/ [da4 huo3] /everybody/everyone/we all/ [da4 huo3 r5] /erhua variant of [da4 huo3]/ [da4 bo2] /husband's older brother/brother-in-law/ [da4 bai3 zi5] /(coll.) husband's elder brother/ [da4 zuo4] /to make sth big of it/sudden big and impressive event (sound, flash, urst, wind)/to exaggerate/ [da4 lao3] /big shot (leading some field or group)/godfather/ [da4 shi3] /ambassador/envoy/CL:[ming2],[wei4]/ [da4 shi3 ji2] /ambassadorial/ [da4 shi3 guan3] /embassy/CL:[zuo4], [ge4]/ [da4 bian4] /to defecate/excrement/feces/ [da4 bian4 gan1 zao4] /constipated/ [da4 bian4 mi4 jie2] /constipation/ [da4 xia2] /knight/swordsman/noble warrior/ [da4 xiu1] /overhaul/ [da4 xiu1 dao4 yuan4] /abbey/large monastery or convent/ [da4 xiu1 dao4 yuan4 zhang3] /abbot/ [da4 ge4 r5] /tall person/ [da4 Lun2 dun1 di4 qu1] /Greater London/London region, England/ [Da4 wei3] /David (name)/ [da4 shang1 yuan2 qi4] /to ruin one's constitution/ [da4 sha3 gua1] /a fool/a jerk/lit. a silly big melon/ [Da4 Yuan2 da4 yi1 tong3 zhi4] /Dayuan Dayi Tongzhi, Yuan dynasty a, compiled 1285-1294 under Jamal al-Din and Yu Yinglong , 7 [Da4 xian1 zhi1 shu1] /the biblical books of the prophets/ [Da4 nei4] /Tanei township in Tainan county [Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwa [Da4 nei4 xiang1] /Tanei township in Tainan county [Tai2 nan2 xi [da4 quan2] /all-inclusive/complete/comprehensive collection/ [da4 gong1 si1] /large company/corporation/ [da4 gong1 guo2] /Grand Duchy/ [Da4 gong1 Guo2 ji4] /Dagong Global Credit Rating, credit rating agency b / [Da4 gong1 Bao4] /Dagong Bao, popular newspaper name/Ta Kung Pao, newspaper f 1902 in Beijing, now published in Hong Kong/ [da4 gong1 wu2 si1] /the common good above everything without no regard f nterests (idiom); to behave altruistically/impartial and selfless/just and fair/ [Da4 ye3] /Daye county level city in Huangshi [Huang2 shi2], Hubei/ [Da4 ye3 shi4] /Daye county level city in Huangshi [Huang2 shi2], Hu

[da4 fan2] /generally/in general/ [da4 fan2 cu1 zhi1] /a rough acquaintance with sth/ [da4 chu1 qi2 han4] /to sweat buckets (idiom)/ [da4 dao1] /broadsword/large knife/machete/ [da4 dao1 hui4] /Great Sword Society, an offshoot of the White Lotus in the l g dynasty, involved in anti-Western activity at the time of the Boxer rebellion/ [da4 dao1 kuo4 fu3] /bold and decisive/ [da4 fen1 zi3] /macromolecule (chemistry)/ [Da4 fen1 jie4 ling3] /Great Dividing Range, mountain range in Eastern Au [Da4 fen1 xian4] /ita prefecture, Japan/ [Da4 bie2 shan1] /Dabie mountain range on the borders of Henan, Anhui and Hub inces/ [Da4 li4 la1] /Delilah (person name)/ [da4 la4 la4] /pompous/with a swagger/casual/ [da4 qian2 ti2] /major premise/ [da4 jian3 dao1] /shears/large scissors/secateurs/ [da4 fu4] /substantially/by a big amount/ [da4 li4] /energetically/vigorously/ [da4 li4 shi4] /strong man/brute force/Hercules/ [da4 li4 fa1 zhan3] /vigorous expansion/rapid development/ [da4 li4 shen2] /Titan/ [da4 gong1] /great merit/great service/ [da4 gong1 gao4 cheng2] /successfully accomplished (project or goal)/to b essful/ [da4 jia1 na4 li4 dao3] /Gran Canaria (in the Canary islands)/ [da4 yong3 ruo4 qie4] /a great hero may appear timid (idiom); the really remains level-headed/ [da4 yong3 ruo4 qie4 , da4 zhi4 ruo4 yu2] /a great he upid (idiom); the general public may not recognize great talent/ [da4 dong4 mai4] /main artery (blood vessel)/fig. main highway/arterial road/ [da4 sheng4] /great victory/ [da4 shi4 suo3 qu1] /general trend/irresistible trend/ [Da4 shi4 zhi4 Pu2 sa4] /Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva, the Great Stre [da4 bao1 da4 lan3] /to take complete charge (idiom)/ [Da4 hua4 Yao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Dahua Yao autonomous coun [Da4 hua4 xian4] /Dahua Yao autonomous county in Hezhou [He4 zhou1], [da4 ban4] /more than half/greater part/most/probably/most likely/ [da4 ka3] /kilocalorie/ [da4 yin4] /stamp/official seal/ [da4 shu1] /uncle/ [da4 kou3] /big mouthful (of food, drink, smoke etc)/open mouth/gulping/gobbling/ aping/ [da4 kou3 jing4] /large caliber/ [da4 ke3 bu4 bi4] /need not/unnecessary/ [da1 si1 nong2] /Grand Minister of Agriculture in Imperial China, one of the nisters [jiu3 qing1]/ [da4 chi1] /to gorge oneself/to pig out/ [da4 chi1 yi1 jing1] /to have a surprise (idiom); shocked or startled/gob [da4 chi1 er4 he1] /to eat and drink extravagantly/to binge/ [da4 chi1 da4 he1] /to eat and drink as much as one likes/to make a pig o [da4 chi1 ku3 tou5] /to suffer/to suffer for one's actions/to pay dearly/ fingers/ [da4 ji2] /very auspicious/extremely lucky/ [da4 ji2 da4 li4] /great luck, great profit (idiom); everything is thrivi [Da4 tong2] /Datong or Great community in neo-Confucian philosophy, sim. New Jeru alem/Datong or Tatung district of Taipei City [Tai2 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/Datong ure level city in Shanxi /Datong or Tatung township in Yilan county [Yi2 l aiwan/ [Da4 tong2 qu1] /Datong or Tatung district of Taipei City [Tai2 district of Daqing city [Da4 qing4], Heilongjiang/

[da4 tong2 xiao3 yi4] /virtually the same/differing only on small points/ [Da4 tong2 shi4] /Datong prefecture level city in Shanxi / [Da4 tong2 xian4] /Datong county in Datong [Da4 tong2], Shanxi/ [Da4 tong2 xiang1] /Datong or Tatung township in Yilan county [Y [da4 tong2 xiang1] /person from the same province/ [Da4 ming2] /Daming county in Handan [Han2 dan1], Hebei/ [da4 ming2] /great name/your name (honorary)/one's formal personal name/ [Da4 ming2 xian4] /Daming county in Handan [Han2 dan1], Hebei/ [da4 ming2 ding3 ding3] /grand reputation/renowned/famous/ [da4 tun1 shi4 xi4 bao1] /macrophage/ [da4 chao3 da4 nao4] /to shout and scream (idiom); to kick up a fuss/to m [da4 chui1 da4 lei2] /make an exhibition of oneself/ostentation/ [da4 hu1 xiao3 jiao4] /to shout and quarrel/to make a big fuss/ [Da4 hu1 la1 er3] /State Great Khural or Great State Assembly, Mongolian [Da4 he2] /Yamato (possibly 3rd century AD), Japanese state before written record began in 7th century AD, its real dating is controversial/ [da4 yuan2] /high official/ [da4 ge1] /eldest brother/ [da4 ge1 da4] /mobile phone/cell phone (old usage)/ [da4 ku1] /to cry loudly/ [da4 tang2] /the Tang dynasty (618-907)/ [da4 tang2 Di2 gong1 an4] /Three murder cases solved by Judge Dee (li Di Renji case), 1949 novel by R.H. van Gulik featuring Tang dynasty politician Di Renjie [Di2 Ren2 jie2] as master sleuth/ [Da4 Tang2 Xi1 yu4 ji4] /Report of the regions west of Great Tang/tra Zang / [da4 han3] /to shout/ [da4 han3 da4 jiao4] /shouting and screaming (idiom); to scream loudly/to up a racket/to conduct vigorous propaganda/ [da4 xi3] /exultation/ [da4 xi3 guo4 wang4] /overjoyed at unexpected good news (idiom)/ [da4 sang3] /loud voice/ [da4 qi4 wan3 cheng2] /lit. it takes a long time to make a big pot (idiom at talent matures slowly/in the fullness of time a major figure will develop int o a pillar of the state/Rome wasn't built in a day/ [da4 si4] /fourth-year university student/ [da4 guo2] /a power (i.e. a dominant country)/ [Da4 Guo2 jia1 Dang3] /South Korean Grand national party/ [Da4 yuan2] /Dayuan or Tayuan township in Taoyuan county [Tao2 yuan2 an/ [Da4 yuan2 xiang1] /Dayuan or Tayuan township in Taoyuan county Taiwan/ [da4 yuan2] /great circle (in spherical geometry)/ [da4 yuan2 quan1] /great circle (in spherical geometry)/ [da4 di4] /earth/mother earth/ [da4 di4 zhu3] /a large landowner/ [Da4 di4 zhi1 ge1] /Song of the Earth/Das Lied von der Erde/ [da4 di4 tu2] /atlas/ [da4 di4 dong4] /cavern/ [da4 di4 ce4 liang2 xue2] /geodesy/ [da4 di4 xian4] /a geodesic (curve)/ [da4 di4 zhen4] /great earthquake/ [Da4 ban3] /old name for saka (city in Japan), changed in the beginning of Era because could, if the radicals were read separately, be interpreted as "(wil l) return to soil"/ [da4 keng1] /Tai Hang District, Hong Kong/ [da4 xing2] /large/large-scale/ [da4 xing2 qi3 ye4] /large scale industry/major industry/ [Da4 xing2 Qiang2 zi3 Dui4 zhuang4 Ji1] /Large Hadron Collide rland/

[Da4 cheng2] /Dacheng county in Langfang [Lang2 fang2], Hebei/Tacheng townshi anghua county [Zhang1 hua4 xian4], Taiwan/ [da4 cheng2 shi4] /major city/big city/metropolis/large city/ [Da4 cheng2 xian4] /Dacheng county in Langfang [Lang2 fang2], Hebei/ [Da4 cheng2 xiang1] /Tacheng township in Changhua county [Zhang1 [Da4 bu4] /Dabu county in Meizhou , Guangdong/Tai Po district of New Territor ng Kong/Dabu or Tabu township in Chiayi county [Jia1 yi4 xian4], west Taiwan/ [Da4 bu4 xian4] /Dabu county in Meizhou , Guangdong/ [Da4 bu4 xiang1] /Dabu or Tabu township in Chiayi county [Jia1 y [Da4 pi2] /Dapi or Tapi township in Yunlin county [Yun2 lin2 xian4], [Da4 pi2 xiang1] /Dapi or Tapi township in Yunlin county [Yun2 l [da4 tang2] /lobby/ [Da4 bao3 jiao1] /Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia/ [Da4 chang3 Dong1] /OHBA Tsugumi (pen-name), author of cult series Death Note 3 ji4]/ [da4 kuai4 duo3 yi2] /to chew on a large slab (idiom); a large mouthful i w/to tuck into a great meal/ [da4 kuai4 tou2] /heavy man/fat man/lunkhead/lummox/lug/ [da4 huai4 dan4] /scoundrel/bastard/ [da4 ba4] /dam/ [da4 Xia4] /ancient kingdom at Khotan in modern Xinjiang/ [da4 duo1] /for the most part/many/most/the greater part/mostly/ [da4 duo1 shu4] /(great) majority/ [da4 duo1 shu4 ren2] /most people/the majority of people/ [da4 huo3] /variant of [da4 huo3]/ [da4 da4] /greatly/enormously/uncle/ [da4 da4 lie1 lie1] /carefree/offhand/casual/ [da4 da4 xiao3 xiao3] /large and small, of all sizes/ [da4 da4 fang1 fang1] /confident/calm/natural/poised/ [dai4 fu5] /doctor/minister of state (in pre-Han states)/CL: [ge4],[wei4]/ [da4 shi1 suo3 wang4] /greatly disappointed/ [Da4 kuang3] /Dakuang township in Laiyang , Yantai, Shandong/ [Da4 kuang3 zhen4] /Dakuang township in Laying , Yantai, Shandong/ [da4 jie3] /big sister/elder sister/older sister (also polite term of address for a girl or woman slightly older than the speaker)/ [da4 gu1] /father's oldest sister/husband's older sister/sister-in-law/ [Da4 yao2] /Dayao county in Chuxiong Yi autonomous prefecture u1], Yunnan/ [Da4 yao2 xian4] /Dayao county in Chuxiong Yi autonomous prefecture zhou1], Yunnan/ [da4 yi2] /(informal) wife's elder sister/sister-in-law/ [da4 yi2 zi5] /sister-in-law/wife's older sister/ [da4 niang2] /(informal) father's older brother's wife/aunt (polite address)/ [da4 mei2] /matchmaker/ [da4 mei2 ti3] /macromedia/ [da4 ma1] /father's elder brother's wife/aunt (affectionate term for an elderly w man)/ [da4 sao3] /older brother's wife/sister-in-law/elder sister (respectful appellati n for an older married woman)/ [da4 zi4 bao4] /big-character poster/ [Da4 xue2] /the Great Learning, one of the Four Books [Si4 shu1] in Conf [da4 xue2] /university/college/CL:[suo3]/ [da4 xue2 cheng2] /university city/ [da4 xue2 ben3 ke1] /university undergraduate course/ [da4 xue2 sheng1] /university student/college student/ [da4 xue2 yu4 ke1] /university preparatory course/ [Da4 yu3] /Daewoo (Korean conglomerate)/ [Da4 an1] /Da'an or Ta'an district of Taipei City [Tai2 bei3 shi4], ip in Taichung county [Tai2 zhong1 xian4], Taiwan/Da'an county level city in B , Jilin/

[Da4 an1 qu1] /Da'an or Ta'an district of Taipei City [Tai2 bei3 rict of Zigong city [Zi4 gong4 shi4], Sichuan/Ta'an township in Taichung count g1 xian4], Taiwan/ [Da4 an1 shi4] /Da'an county level city in Baicheng , Jilin/ [Da4 an1 di4 lie4 si1] /Greater Antilles, Caribbean archipelago/ [Da4 an1 di4 lie4 si1 qun2 dao3] /Greater Antilles, Caribbean [Da4 an1 xiang1] /Ta'an township in Taichung county [Tai2 zhong1 [da4 zong1] /large amount/staple/influential family of long standing/ [Da4 Yuan1] /ancient state of south west Asia/ [da4 ke4 che1] /coach/ [da4 jia1] /everyone/influential family/great expert/ [da4 rong2 liang4] /high capacity/ [da4 fu4 da4 gui4] /very rich/millionaire/ [Da4 fu4 weng1] /Monopoly (game)/known as [Di4 chan3 Da4 hen [Da4 han2] /Great Cold, 24th of the 24 solar terms 20th Jan [Da4 ning2] /Daning county in Linfen [Lin2 fen2], Shanxi/ [Da4 ning2 xian4] /Daning county in Linfen [Lin2 fen2], Shanxi/ [da4 zhai4] /Dazhai/ [da4 xie3] /capital letters/uppercase letters/block letters/banker's anti-fraud n merals/ [da4 xie3 zi4 mu3] /capital letters/uppercase letters/ [da4 xie3 suo3 ding4] /caps lock/ [Da4 liao2] /Taliao township in Kaohsiung county [Gao1 xiong2 xian4] [Da4 liao2 xiang1] /Taliao township in Kaohsiung county [Gao1 xi iwan/ [Da4 bao3] /Taiho (era)/ [da4 si4 yuan4] /abbey/large monastery/ [da4 jiang4] /a general or admiral/ [da4 jiang1 jun1] /important general/generalissimo/ [da4 zhuan1] /three-year college/junior college/professional training college/ [da4 wei4] /captain (army rank)/senior captain/ [da4 xiao3] /dimension/magnitude/size/measurement/large and small/at any rate/adu ts and children/consideration of seniority/ [da4 xiao3 san1 du4] /major and minor third (musical interval)/ [da4 xiao3 bian4] /using the toilet/urination and defecation/ [da4 xiao3 jie5] /eldest daughter of an affluent family/(polite) your daughte or indulged young woman/Miss High and Mighty/ [da4 xiao3 xie3] /capitals and lower case letters/ [da4 ju2] /general situation/present conditions/ [da4 tu2 sha1] /massacre/Holocaust/ [da4 tu2 sha1 shi4 jian4] /massacre/Holocaust/ [Da4 tun2 huo3 shan1] /Mt Tatun, volcanic area to the north of Taipei/ [Da4 shan1] /Dashan, stage name of Canadian Mark Henry Rowswell (1965-), actor an well-known TV personality in PRC/ [Da4 shan1 gu3 zhou1 li4 da4 xue2] /Grand Valley State Univer [da4 shan1 mao1] /Lynx rufus/ [Da4 xia2 gu3] /great valley/Grand Canyon of Colorado River/ [Da4 yu3 shan1] /Lantau Island/ [da4 ba1] /a big coach/tourist bus/ [da4 shi1] /great master/master/ [da4 fu2] /a big margin/substantially/ [da4 fu2 du4] /by a wide margin/substantial/ [da4 du4 bao1 rong2] /extreme tolerance/generous and forgiving/ [da4 ting2 guang3 zhong4] /public place with numerous people/ [Da4 yong1] /Dayong, former name of Zhangjiajie [Zhang1 jia1 jie4], [Da4 yu3 ling3] /Dayu mountain range between southwest Jiangxi and Guangdong/ [da4 sha4] /large building/edifice/mansion/CL:[zuo4]/ [da4 sha4 jiang1 qing1] /great mansion on the verge of collapse (idiom); ation/ [Da4 chang3] /Dachang Hui autonomous county in Langfang [Lang2 fang2], Hebei/

[Da4 chang3 Hui2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Dachang Hui autonomous Hebei/ [Da4 chang3 xian4] /Dachang Hui autonomous county in Langfang [Lang2 fang [da4 ting1] /hall/lounge/ [da4 zhang1 ta4 fa2] /to attack on a grand scale/ [da4 zhang1 qi2 gu3] /fanfare/ [da4 zhang1 sheng1 shi4] /to spread one's voice wide (idiom); wide public [da4 hou4 tian1] /three days from now/day after day after tomorrow/ [da4 hou4 nian2] /three years from now/year after year after next year/ [da4 che4 da4 wu4] /to achieve supreme enlightenment or nirvana (Buddhism [da4 zhi4] /high aims/ [da4 mang2 ren2] /busy bee/very busy person/ [da4 kuai4 ren2 xin1] /to the satisfaction of everyone/ [da4 kuai4 duo3 yi2] /to gorge oneself/to eat heartily (idiom)/ [da4 nu4] /angry/indignant/ [Da4 wu4] /Dawu county in Xiaogan [Xiao4 gan3], Hubei/ [Da4 wu4 xian4] /Dawu county in Xiaogan [Xiao4 gan3], Hubei/ [da4 huo4 bu4 jie3] /do not understand a certain thing/ [da4 yi4] /general idea/main idea/ [da4 yi5] /careless/ [da4 yu2] /idiot/ignorant fool/ [Da4 ci2 en1 si4] /Daci'en Buddhist temple in Xi'an/ [Da4 qing4] /Daqing prefecture level city in Heilongjiang province [ in northeast China/ [Da4 qing4 shi4] /Daqing prefecture level city in Heilongjiang province 1] in northeast China/ [da4 dui4] /archenemy/chief enemy/ [da4 xian4 zhang1] /Magna Carta/ [da4 ji3 ke1] /Euphorbiaceae (plant family including rubber and cassava)/ [da4 zhan4] /great war/ [da4 hu4] /great family/rich family/large landlord/conspicuous spender or consume / [da4 shou3 da4 jiao3] /extravagant (idiom); to throw away money by the ha l/ [da4 cai2 xiao3 yong4] /lit. making little use of great talent/to use a s o crack a nut/ [da4 pi1] /large quantities of/ [da4 tou2 zi1 jia1] /big investor/ [da4 di3] /in all/ [Da4 mu5 zhi3] /Tom Thumb (small person in folk tales)/ [da4 mu5 zhi3] /thumb/ [da4 kuo4 hu2] /square brackets/ [da4 kuo4 hao4] /braces/curly brackets { }/ [da4 zhi3] /first (index) finger/big toe/ [da4 bu3 tou2] /head constable/ [da4 ti2 qin2] /cello/violoncello/CL:[ba3]/ [da4 ti2 qin2 shou3] /cellist/ [da4 yao2 da4 bai3] /to strut/swaggering/ [da4 fang4 guang1 ming2] /great release of light (idiom)/ [da4 fang4 jue2 ci2] /great release of talk (idiom); to spout nonsense/ [da4 fang4 bei1 sheng1] /great release of sorrow/to burst into tears/ [da4 fang4 yi4 cai3] /to shine (of talents, skills, accomplishment)/to de raordinary talent or skill/ [Da4 zheng4 Yi4 zan4 hui4] /Taisei Yokusankai, Japanese fascist organ 1940/ [da4 bai4] /to defeat/to inflict a defeat on sb/ [da4 jiao4 tang2] /cathedral/ [da4 di2 dang1 qian2] /facing a powerful enemy (idiom); fig. confronting lties/Enemy at the Gates, 1991 movie by Jean-Jacques Annaud/ [Da4 shu4] /Tarsus, Mediterranean city in Turkey, the birthplace of St Paul/

[da4 shu4] /a large number/ [da4 shu4 xue2 jia1] /great mathematician/ [da4 wen2 ge2] /giant clam/geoduck (Panopea abrupta)/elephant trunk clam/same 4 ba2 bang4]/ [da4 liao4] /Chinese anise/star anise/ [Da4 xin1] /Daxin county in Chongzuo [Chong2 zuo3], Guangxi/ [Da4 xin1 xian4] /Daxin county in Chongzuo [Chong2 zuo3], Guangxi/ [da4 fang1] /expert/scholar/mother earth/a type of green tea/ [da4 fang5] /generous/magnanimous/stylish/in good taste/easy-mannered/natural and relaxed/ [Da4 fang1 xian4] /Dafang county in Bijie prefecture [Bi4 ji [da4 yu2] /greater than/bigger than/ [da4 qi2] /banner/ [Da4 ri4 ru2 lai2] /Vairocana, Buddha of supreme enlightenment/ [Da4 ming2 li4] /the 5th century Chinese calendar established by Zu Chongzhi [da4 xing1 qin2] /great masterwort (Astrantia major)/ [Da4 zhao1 si4] /Jokhang, main Buddhist temple in Lhasa, a sacred place of Ti uddhism/ [da4 zhi4 ru2 yu2] /the wise may appear stupid (idiom); a genius not appr s own time/ [da4 zhi4 hui4] /great wisdom and knowledge (Buddhism)/ [da4 zhi4 ruo4 yu2] /great intelligence may appear to be stupidity (idiom [Da4 shu3] /Dashu or Great Heat, 12th of the 24 solar terms [da4 hui4] /general assembly/general meeting/convention/CL: [ge4], [jie4] [da4 hui4 bao4 gao4 qi3 cao3 ren2] /rapporteur/ [da4 yue4] /solar month of 31 days/a lunar month of 30 days/ [Da4 yue4 zhi1] /Tokhara/Tokharians (historic people of central Asia)/ [Da4 yue4 zhi1] /Tokhara/Tokharians (historic people of central Asia)/ [da4 you3] /plentiful (e.g. harvest)/ [da4 you3 ren2 zai4] /there are plenty of such people/ [da4 you3 zuo4 wei2] /the prospects are very good/sth well worth doing/ [da4 you3 ke3 wei2] /with great prospects for the future (idiom); well wo [da4 you3 xi1 wang4] /very probably/a very good chance (of success)/ [da4 you3 wen2 zhang1] /some deeper meaning in this/more to it than meets e's sth behind all this/ [da4 you3 bi4 yi4] /bringing great benefits (idiom); very useful/of great elp greatly/to serve one well/ [da4 ben3 Nie4 pan2 jing1] /the great Nirvana sutra: every living thi e./ [da4 ben3 ying2] /headquarters/base camp/ [da4 cai2 xiao3 yong4] /using a talented person in an insignificant posit ammer to crack a nut/ [Da4 cun1] /Dacun township in Changhua county [Zhang1 hua4 xian4], T [Da4 cun1 xiang1] /Dacun township in Changhua county [Zhang1 hua [Da4 dong1] /Dadong district of Shenyang city , Liaoning/ [Da4 Dong1 Ya4 gong4 rong2 quan1] /Great East Asia co-prosperity slogan for their short-lived Pacific Empire, first enunciated by Prime Minister Prince KONOE Fumimaro in 1938/ [Da4 dong1 qu1] /Dadong district of Shenyang city , Liaoning/ [Da4 lin2] /Dalin or Talin town in Chiayi county [Jia1 yi4 xian4], w [Da4 lin2 zhen4] /Dalin or Talin town in Chiayi county [Jia1 yi4 [Da4 chai2 dan4] /Da Qaidam county level subdivision of Haixi Mongol and Tibe onomous prefecture [Hai3 xi1 Meng3 gu3 zu2 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Q [Da4 chai2 dan4 xing2 zheng4 qu1] /Da Qaidam county level subdivi Tibetan autonomous prefecture [Hai3 xi1 Meng3 gu3 zu2 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi [Da4 chai2 dan4 xing2 zheng4 wei3 yuan2 hui4] /Da Qaidam gol and Tibetan autonomous prefecture , Qinghai/ [Da4 chai2 dan4 zhen4] /Da Qaidam town in Haixi Mongol and Tibetan autono re [Hai3 xi1 Meng3 gu3 zu2 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ [da4 xiao4] /senior ranking officer in Chinese army/senior colonel/

[da4 gen1 lan2] /Cymbidium macrorrhizum Lindl./ [da4 tong3] /barrel/vat/ [Da4 liang2] /capital of Wei during Warring states/CL:[gen1]/ [da4 tiao2] /poop/shit/ [da4 bang4] /big-stick/ [da4 ye4] /great cause/great undertaking/ [da4 gai4] /roughly/probably/rough/approximate/about/ [da4 lou2] /large building/CL:[zhuang4],[zuo4]/ [da4 yang4] /arrogant/full-page proofs (of newspaper)/detailed drawing/ [Da4 shu4] /Tashu township in Kaohsiung county [Gao1 xiong2 xian4], [da4 shu4 bo1 luo2] /jackfruit/ [Da4 shu4 xiang1] /Tashu township in Kaohsiung county [Gao1 xion an/ [Da4 Qiao2] /Da Qiao, one of the Two Qiaos, according to Romance of the Three Kin doms [San1 guo2 Yan3 yi4], the two great beauties of ancient China/ [da4 qiao2] /great bridge/ [da4 quan2] /power/authority/ [da4 quan2 zai4 wo4] /to be in a position of power/ [da4 kuan3] /very wealthy person/ [Da4 zheng4] /Taish, reign name 1912-1926 of Japanese emperor Yoshihito / [da4 bu4] /large strides/ [da4 bu4 liu2 xing1] /at a stride/taking large steps (while walking)/ [da4 bu4 zou3] /stride/ [Da4 wu3] /Dawu or Tawu township in Taitung county [Tai2 dong1 xian4 / [Da4 wu3 kou3] /Dawukou district of Shizuishan city [Shi2 zui3 shan1 [Da4 wu3 kou3 qu1] /Dawukou district of Shizuishan city [Shi2 zui [Da4 wu3 xiang1] /Dawu or Tawu township in Taitung county [Tai2 aiwan/ [da4 sha4 feng1 jing3] /to be a blot on the landscape/to dampen spirits/t un/to be a wet blanket/ [da4 dian4] /main hall of a Buddhist temple/ [da4 bi3 mu4 yu2] /halibut/ [da4 chang3] /overcoat/cloak/cape/CL:[jian4]/ [da4 qi4] /atmosphere/heavy breathing/magnanimity/ [da4 qi4 hou4] /atmosphere/ [da4 qi4 r5] /erhua variant of [da4 qi4]/ [da4 qi4 quan1] /atmosphere/ [da4 qi4 ya1] /atmospheric pressure/ [da4 qi4 ya1 li4] /atmospheric pressure/ [da4 qi4 ya1 qiang2] /atmospheric pressure/ [da4 qi4 ceng2] /atmosphere/ [da4 qi4 ceng2 he2 shi4 yan4] /atmospheric nuclear test/ [da4 qi4 nuan3 hua4] /atmospheric warming/ [da4 qi4 wu1 ran3] /air pollution/atmospheric pollution/ [da4 qi4 huan2 liu2] /atmospheric circulation/ [da4 yang3 ba1] /source of oxygen (of forests and nature reserves)/(clich) l he planet/ [da4 shui3] /flood/ [da4 han4] /sweat/perspiration/ [da4 han4 lin2 li2] /dripping with sweat/ [Da4 jiang1 Jian4 san1 lang2] /Oe Kenzaburo (1935-) Japanese novelist reate/ [Da4 sha1 he2] /Dasha River in Shanxi/Dasha River in Jinagsu/ [da4 sha1 mo4] /great desert (e.g. the Taklamakan [Ta3 k )/ [da4 he2] /large river (esp the Yellow River)/ [Da4 gu1 kou3 pao4 tai2] /Taku Forts, maritime defense works in Tianj he Ming dynasty, playing a prominent role during the Opium Wars (1839-1860)/ [Da4 gu1 pao4 tai2] /Taku Forts, maritime defense works in Tianjin dating

Ming dynasty, playing a prominent role during the Opium Wars (1839-1860)/ [da4 fa3 guan1] /grand justice/high court justice/supreme court justice/ [da4 yang2] /oceans/silver yuan/ [da4 yang2 zhong1 ji3] /mid-ocean ridge (geology)/ [da4 yang2 xing2 di4 qiao4] /oceanic crust (geology)/ [Da4 yang2 Zhou1] /Oceania/ [da4 zhou1] /continents/ [Da4 pu3 dong4] /Taepodong, North Korean rocket series/ [Da4 pu3 dong4 er4] /Taepodong 2, North Korean rocket/ [Da4 pu3 dong4 er4 hao4] /Taepodong 2, North Korean rocket/ [da4 lang4] /billow/surge/ [da4 hai3] /sea/ocean/ [da4 hai3 lao1 zhen1] /lit. to fish a needle from the sea/to find a needl ck (idiom)/ [da4 hai3 gou1] /marine trench/ [Da4 Qing1] /the (great) Ch'ing or Qing dynasty (1644-1911)/ [Da4 Qing1 di4 guo2] /the (great) Ch'ing or Qing dynasty (1644-1911)/Qing [da4 qing1 zao3] /early in the morning/ [Da4 du4 kou3] /Dadukou district of central Chongqing municipality, formerly uan/ [Da4 du4 kou3 qu1] /Dadukou district of central Chongqing municipality, f chuan/ [Da4 du4 he2] /Dadu river in Sichuan/ [Da4 gang3] /Dagang former district of Tianjin, now part of Binhai subprovincial istrict [Bin1 hai3 xin1 qu1]/ [Da4 gang3 qu1] /Dagang former district of Tianjin, now part of Binhai subpro district [Bin1 hai3 xin1 qu1]/ [Da4 Mei2 gong1 he2 ci4 qu1 yu4] /Greater Mekong Subregion (G on between China and Vietnam/ [Da4 Mei2 gong1 he2 ci4 qu1 yu4 he2 zuo4] /Greater Me program between China and Vietnam/ [Da4 hu2] /Dahu or Tahu township in Miaoli county [Miao2 li4 xian4], [da4 hu2 qu1] /Lake district, north England/ [Da4 hu2 xiang1] /Dahu or Tahu township in Miaoli county [Miao2 wan/ [Da4 xi1] /Daxi or Tahsi town in Taoyuan county [Tao2 yuan2 xian4], [da4 xi1 dou4 gan1] /Tahsi or Dasi dried dofu, Taiwanese Taoyuan speciali [Da4 xi1 zhen4] /Daxi or Tahsi town in Taoyuan county [Tao2 yuan [da4 mie4 jue2] /global extinction/ [da4 man3 guan4] /grand slam/ [da4 han4] /big person/the great Han dynasty/ [da4 Han4 zu2 zhu3 yi4] /Greater Han nationalism/ [da4 run4 fa1] /RT Mart (department store chain)/ [da4 chao2] /tidal bore/tidal wave/ [da4 huo3] /conflagration/large fire/CL: [chang2]/ [da4 zao4] /big stove/stove in a common mess/ [da4 zai1] /plague/ [da4 pao4 da3 wen2 zi5] /cannon fire to hit a mosquito/to use a sledg nut/ [Da4 wu1 su1 li3 dao3] /Bolshoi Ussuriisk Island in the Heilongjiang outh of the Ussuri River opposite Khabarovsk/same as Heixiazi Island / [da4 wu1 ya1] /a raven/ [da4 wu2 wei4] /utterly fearless/ [da4 yan1] /opium/ [da4 sha4 feng1 jing3] /see [da4 sha4 feng1 jing3]/ [da4 xiong2 zuo4] /Ursa Major, the Great Bear (constellation)/ [da4 xiong2 mao1] /giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca)/ [da4 rong2 lu2] /lit. large smelting furnace/fig. the mixing of different eth s and cultures/Melting Pot/ [da4 re4] /great heat/very popular/

[Da4 bao4 zha4] /Big Bang (cosmology)/ [da4 ye2] /arrogant idler/self-centred show-off/ [da4 ye5] /(informal) father's older brother/uncle/term of respect for older man/ [da4 pian4] /wide expanse/large area/vast stretch/extending widely/blockbuster mo ie/ [da4 pai2] /strong card/honor card (card games)/very popular or successful person self-important/ [da4 quan3 zuo4] /Canis Major (constellation)/ [da4 xing1 xing5] /gorilla/ [da4 yu4] /jail/prison/ [da4 jiang3] /the big prize (e.g. lottery)/ [da4 huo4 quan2 sheng4] /to seize total victory (idiom); an overwhelming n by a landslide (in election)/ [da4 wang2] /king/magnate/person having expert skill in something/ [dai4 wang5] /robber baron (in opera, old stories)/magnate/ [da4 ban1] /tai-pan/business executive/foreign business manager/top class of kind rgarten or school grade/ [da4 qiu2] /sports such as soccer, basketball and volleyball that use large balls see also [xiao3 qiu2]/ [Da4 li3] /Dali Bai autonomous prefecture in Yunnan/ [da4 li3] /judicial officer/justice of the peace (old)/ [da4 li3 yan2] /marble/ [Da4 li3 zhou1] /abbr. for , Dali Bai autonomous prefecture in [Da4 li3 shi4] /Dali city, capital of Dali Bai autonomous prefecture [Da4 li3 Bai2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1] /Dali Bai autonomous prefec [da4 li3 shi2] /marble/ [da4 huan2] /Tai Wan (bay in Hong Kong)/ [da4 yong4] /to put sb in powerful position/to empower/ [Da4 tian2] /Datian county in Sanming [San1 ming2], Fujian/Daejeon Metropolit , capital of South Chungcheong Province [Zhong1 qing1 nan2 dao4], South Korea/ [Da4 tian2 shi4] /Daejeon Metropolitan City, capital of South Chungcheong Pro g1 qing1 nan2 dao4], South Korea/ [Da4 tian2 guang3 yu4 shi4] /Daejeon Metropolitan City, capital of So vince [Zhong1 qing1 nan2 dao4], South Korea/ [Da4 tian2 xian4] /Datian county in Sanming [San1 ming2], Fujian/ [Da4 jia3] /Tachia town in Taichung county [Tai2 zhong1 xian4], Taiw [Da4 jia3 zhen4] /Tachia town in Taichung county [Tai2 zhong1 xi [da4 nan2 zi3 zhu3 yi4] /male chauvinism/ [da4 nan2 zi3 zhu3 yi4 zhe3] /male chauvinist/ [da4 lu:e4] /a broad outline/the general idea/roughly/ [da4 bing4] /serious illness/ [da4 chuang1] /ulcer or sore of venereal origin/ [da4 fa1 lei2 ting2] /to be furious/to fly into a terrible rage/ [da4 bai2 tian1] /broad daylight/ [da4 bai2 cai4] /bok choy/Chinese cabbage/Brassica pekinensis/CL:[ke1]/ [da4 bai2 hua4] /colloquial speech/ [da4 bai2 sha1] /great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias)/ [da4 pan2 zi5] /platter/ [da4 yan3 jiao3] /inner corner of the eye/ [Da4 zhong4] /Volkswagen (automobile manufacturer)/ [da4 zhong4] /the masses/the great bulk of the population/popular (of music, scie ce etc)/ [da4 zhong4 chuan2 bo1] /mass communication/ [da4 zhong4 hua4] /mass-oriented/to cater for the masses/popularized/ [da4 zhong4 jie2 yun4] /mass rapid transit MRT/ [da4 zhong4 wen2 hua4] /mass culture/popular culture/ [Da4 zhong4 qi4 che1] /Volkswagen/ [Da4 shi2 qiao2] /Great stone bridge or Dashiqiao county level city in Yingko ng/ [Da4 shi2 qiao2 shi4] /Great stone bridge or Dashiqiao county level city

oning/ [da4 pao4] /big gun/cannon/artillery/one who talks big/trad. form also used/ ],[zun1]/ [Da4 she4] /Tashe township in Kaohsiung county [Gao1 xiong2 xian4], [Da4 she4 xiang1] /Tashe township in Kaohsiung county [Gao1 xion an/ [Da4 xiang2] /Daxiang district of Shaoyang city [Shao4 yang2 shi4], [Da4 xiang2 qu1] /Daxiang district of Shaoyang city [Shao4 yang2 [da4 ji4 si1] /High Priest/ [da4 huo4] /disaster/calamity/ [da4 huo4 lin2 tou2] /facing imminent catastrophe/calamity looms/all hell oose/ [Da4 Yu3] /Yu the Great (c. 21st century BC) mythical leader who tamed the floods [Da4 Qin2] /Han Dynasty term for the Roman Empire [Luo2 ma3 Di4 [Da4 wa1] /Dawa county in Panjin , Liaoning/ [Da4 wa1 xian4] /Dawa county in Panjin , Liaoning/ [Da4 zhu2] /Dazhu county in Dazhou [Da2 zhou1], Sichuan/ [Da4 zhu2 xian4] /Dazhu county in Dazhou [Da2 zhou1], Sichuan/ [da4 xiao4] /to laugh heartily/a belly laugh/ [da4 qing4 shan1] /mountain in Heilongjiang province/ [da4 fan4 wei2] /large-scale/ [da4 zhuan4] /the great seal/used narrowly for /used broadly for many pre-Qin s/ [da4 peng2 che1] /schooner/ [da4 mi3] /rice/ [da4 fen4] /human excrement/night soil (human manure traditionally used as agricu tural fertilizer)/ [Da4 Ji4 yuan2] /Epoch Times, US newspaper/ [Da4 Ji4 yuan2 shi2 bao4] /Epoch Times, US newspaper/ [da4 yue1] /approximately/about/ [da4 hong2] /crimson/ [da4 hong2 bi2 zi5] /rhinophyma (red nose, often related to rosacea or ex ol)/brandy nose/ [da4 zi3 jing1 xun1 zhang1] /Great Bauhinia Medal (GBM), Hong Kong's [da4 jue2 mie4] /mass extinction/ [da4 gang1] /main point/leading principles/synopsis/syllabus/ [da4 zong3 tong3] /president (of a country)/same as / [da4 ma4] /to rain curses (on sb)/to let sb have it/to bawl sb out/ [da4 yi4] /righteousness/virtuous cause/a woman's marriage/main points of a piece of writing/ [da4 yi4 lin3 ran2] /devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence (i [da4 yi4 mie4 qin1] /to place righteousness before family (idiom); ready 's own family if justice demands it/ [da4 lao3 cu1] /uncooth fellow/rustic/ [da4 sheng4] /great sage/mahatma/king/emperor/outstanding personage/Buddha/ [da4 sheng1] /loud voice/in a loud voice/loudly/ [da4 sheng1 han3 jiao4] /to shout loudly/ [da4 sheng1 ji2 hu1] /to call loudly (idiom); to get people's attention/t views known/ [da4 sheng1 shuo1 hua4] /speak loudly/ [da4 si4] /wantonly/without restraint (of enemy or malefactor)/unbridled/ [da4 si4 gong1 ji1] /to vilify sb wantonly/unrestrained attack (on sb)/ [da4 si4 gu3] /to advocate/to praise/ [Da4 du4] /Tatu township in Taichung county [Tai2 zhong1 xian4], Tai [da4 du4 zi5] /pregnant/ [da4 du4 zi5 jing1 ji4] /"Pregnancy-oriented Economy", new market con ut by a predicted baby boom in China/ [Da4 du4 xiang1] /Tatu township in Taichung county [Tai2 zhong1 [da4 gu3 dong1] /large stockholder/majority shareholder/ [da4 neng2] /almighty/

[da4 wan4] /star/big shot/celebrity/leading actor/authority (slang)/ [da4 nao3] /brain/cerebrum/ [da4 nao3 si3 wang2] /brain dead/ [da4 nao3 bi3 yu4] /brain metaphor/ [da4 jiao3] /bigfoot (mythological animal popular in the US)/ [da4 chang2] /the large intestine/ [da4 chang2 gan3 jun1] /Escherichia coli (E. coli)/ [da4 tui3] /thigh/ [da4 dan3] /brazen/audacious/outrageous/bold/daring/fearless/ [da4 chen2] /chancellor (of a monarchy)/cabinet minister/ [da4 zi4 ran2] /nature (the natural world)/ [da4 zhi4] /more or less/roughly/approximately/ [da4 jiu4 zi5] /(informal) wife's older brother/ [Da4 xing1] /Daxing district of Beijing, formerly Daxing county/ [da4 xing1] /to go in for something in a big way/to undertake on a large scale/ [Da4 xing1 qu1] /Daxing district of Beijing, formerly Daxing county/ [da4 xing1 wen4 zui4 zhi1 shi1] /to launch a punitive campaign/to [da4 xing1 tu3 mu4] /to carry out large scale construction/ [Da4 xing1 an1 ling3] /Daxing'anling mountain range in northwest Heilongj [Hei1 long2 jiang1] in northeast China/Daxing'anling prefecture/ [Da4 xing1 an1 ling3 di4 qu1] /Daxing'anling prefecture in northw [Hei1 long2 jiang1] in northeast China/ [Da4 xing1 an1 ling3 shan1 mai4] /Daxing'anling mountain range in rovince/ [da4 ju3] /carry out a large-scale (military) operation/ [da4 ban1 Nie4 pan2 jing1] /Nirvana sutra/ [Da4 Duo4 shou3] /the Great Helmsman (Mao Zedong)/ [Da4 ying1] /Daying county in Suining [Sui4 ning2], Sichuan/Great Britis [Da4 Ying1 bo2 wu4 guan3] /British museum/ [Da4 ying1 Di4 guo2] /British Empire/ [Da4 ying1 xian4] /Daying county in Suining [Sui4 ning2], Sichuan/ [Da4 ying1 lian2 he2 wang2 guo2] /United Kingdom/ [da4 hui2 xiang1] /Chinese anise/star anise/ [da4 hui2 xiang1 zi5] /aniseed/ [da4 cao3 yuan2] /prairie/savanna/ [Da4 li4] /Dali county in Winn [Wei4 nan2], Shnx/ [Da4 li4 xian4] /Dali county in Winn [Wei4 nan2], Shnx/ [da4 ling2 ping2] /turbot/ [da4 ye4 xing4 fei4 yan2] /lobar pneumonia/ [da4 suan4] /garlic/ [da4 gai4 mao4] /peaked cap/service cap/visor cap/ [da4 cong1] /leek/Chinese onion/ [da4 xiao1 tiao2] /the Great Depression (1929-c. 1939)/ [da4 zang4 jing1] /Tripitaka Koreana, Buddhist scriptures carved on 81,340 wo blets and housed in Haeinsa [Hai3 yin4 si4] in South Gyeongsang province of South K orea/ [da4 chu4 zhuo2 yan3] /View the big picture while handling the details (i [da4 chu4 zhuo2 yan3 , xiao3 chu4 zhuo2 shou3] /View (idiom)./ [da4 hao4] /tuba/ [Da4 she2 wan2] /Orochimaru, Japanese folktale hero/Orochimaru, character in uto manga series/ [da4 rong2 lu2] /melting pot/ [da4 chong2] /tiger/ [da4 rong2 yuan2] /Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus davidianus)/ [da4 jie1] /street/main street/CL: [tiao2]/ [da4 jie1 xiao3 xiang4] /great streets and small alleys (idiom); everywhe y/ [Da4 wei4] /David (name)/Jacques-Louis David (1748-1825), French neoclassical pai ter/

[Da4 wei4 Mi3 li4 ban1 de2] /David Miliband (1965-), UK pol [Da4 wei4 Ai4 deng1 bao3] /David Attenborough (1926-), British author of Life on Earth [di4 qiu2 shang4 de5 sheng1 wu4]/ [Da4 wei4 ying2 he2 yue1] /the Camp David agreement of 1978 brokered Carter between Israel and Egypt/ [da4 yi1] /overcoat/topcoat/cloak/CL:[jian4]/ [da4 dai4 zi5] /sack/ [da4 lie4 gu3] /great rift valley/ [Da4 xi1 guo2] /Atlantis/ [Da4 xi1 bi4 a1] /Scipio Africanus (235-183 BC), Roman general and states [Da4 xi1 yang2] /Atlantic Ocean/ [Da4 xi1 yang2 zhong1 ji3] /Atlantic mid-ocean ridge/ [Da4 xi1 yang2 guo2] /Historical name for Portugal during the Qing dynast [Da4 xi1 yang2 yang2 zhong1 ji3] /Atlantic mid-ocean ridge/ [da4 yao4] /abstract/gist/main points/ [da4 gui1 mo2] /large scale/extensive/wide scale/broad scale/ [da4 gui1 mo2 sha1 shang1 xing4 wu3 qi4] /weapons of mass [Da4 guan1] /Daguan district of Anqing city [An1 qing4 shi4], Anhui/ [Da4 guan1 qu1] /Daguan district of Anqing city [An1 qing4 shi4] [Da4 guan1 yuan2] /Prospect Garden/Grand View Garden, a garden in Dream of th hamber/ [da4 jie3] /to defecate/to empty one's bowels/ [da4 yan2] /to exaggerate/to boast/ [da4 yan2 bu4 can2] /to boast shamelessly/to talk big/ [da4 ji4] /large scale program of lasting importance/project of paramount importa ce/to think big/annual national audit/ [da4 hua4 tou2] /liar's dice (dice game)/ [da4 diao4] /major key (in music)/ [da4 tan2] /to harangue/to yak/ [da4 tan2 te4 tan2] /to keep on talking about/ [da4 bian4] /huge changes/ [da4 dou4] /soybean/ [Da4 feng1] /Dafeng county level city in Yancheng [Yan2 cheng2], Jiangsu [Da4 feng1 shi4] /Dafeng county level city in Yancheng [Yan2 cheng2] [da4 xiang4] /elephant/CL: [zhi1]/ [da4 fei4 zhou1 zhang1] /to take great pains/to go to a lot of trouble/ [da4 mai4 chang3] /hypermarket/large warehouse-like self-service retail store [da4 jian4 mai4] /to sell at a big discount/ [da4 she4] /amnesty/general pardon/ [da4 she4 guo2 ji4] /Amnesty International/ [da4 qi3 da4 luo4] /significant ups and downs (idiom)/ [Da4 zu2] /Dazu suburban county in Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/ [Da4 zu2 xian4] /Dazu suburban county in Chongqing municipality, formerly in / [da4 die1] /large fall/ [da4 die1 shi4] /great market fall/market crash/ [da4 lu4] /avenue/CL: [tiao2]/ [da4 lu4 huo4] /staple goods/ [da4 yue4 jin4] /the Great Leap Forward (1958-1960), in retrospect widely vie an unprecedented economic and social disaster, with estimated 20 million people dying of starvation/ [da4 jun1 qu1] /PLA military region/ [da4 zhou4 xi4] /last item on a program (theater)/ [da4 pi4] /death sentence/crime punishable by death/ [da4 nong2 chang3] /ranch/ [Da4 tong1] /Datong district of Huainan city [Huai2 nan2 shi4], Anhui/Daton Tu autonomous county in Xining [Xi1 ning2], Qinghai/ [Da4 tong1 qu1] /Datong district of Huainan city [Huai2 nan2 shi4], Anh [Da4 tong1 Hui2 zu2 Tu3 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Datong H g2], Qinghai/

[Da4 tong1 xian4] /Datong Hui and Tu autonomous county in Xining [Xi [Da4 lian2] /Dalian subprovincial city in Liaoning province in nort [Da4 lian2 shi4] /Dalian subprovincial city in Liaoning province [Da4 lian2 Li3 gong1 Da4 xue2] /Dalian University of Technology/ [Da4 yun4] /Mandate of Heaven/the Grand Canal, 1800 km from Beijing to Hangzhou, uilt starting from 486 BC/usually written [Da4 yun4 he2]/ [Da4 yun4 he2] /the Grand Canal, 1800 km from Beijing to Hangzhou, built star om 486 BC/ [da4 dao4] /main street/avenue/ [da4 xuan3] /general election/ [Da4 yi4] /Dayi county in Chengdu [Cheng2 du1], Sichuan/ [Da4 yi4 xian4] /Dayi county in Chengdu [Cheng2 du1], Sichuan/ [Da4 qiu1] /Daegu Metropolitan City, capital of North Gyeongsang Province ei3 dao4] in east South Korea/ [Da4 qiu1 shi4] /Daegu Metropolitan City, capital of North Gyeongsang Provinc 4 bei3 dao4] in east South Korea/ [Da4 qiu1 guang3 yu4 shi4] /Daegu Metropolitan City, capital of North e [Qing4 shang4 bei3 dao4] in east South Korea/ [da4 bu4] /most of/the majority of sth/ [da4 bu4 fen5] /in large part/the greater part/the majority/ [Da4 du1] /Dadu, capital of China during the Yuan Dynasty (1280-1368), modern day Beijing/ [da4 dou1] /for the most part/on the whole/also pr. [da4 du1]/ [da4 du1] /for the most part/on the whole/metropolitan/ [da4 du1 shi4] /metropolis/large city/megacity/ [da4 du1 shi4 di4 qu1] /metropolitan area/ [da4 du1 hui4] /metropolitan/ [da4 jiu3 dian4] /grand hotel/ [da4 chun2 xiao3 ci1] /great despite minor blemishes/a rough diamond/ [Da4 li3] /Tali or Dali city in Taichung county [Tai2 zhong1 xian4], [Da4 li3 shi4] /Tali or Dali city in Taichung county [Tai2 zhong [da4 liang4] /great amount/large quantity/bulk/numerous/generous/magnanimous/ [da4 liang4 sha1 shang1 wu3 qi4] /weapons of mass destruction/ [da4 liang4 sheng1 chan3] /to manufacture in bulk/mass production/ [da4 fu3] /cauldron/ [da4 gang1 qin2] /grand piano/ [da4 chui2] /sledge/ [da4 qian2] /high denomination of banknotes or coins/lots of money/a big sum (e.g a bribe)/ [da4 cuo4] /blunder/ [da4 cuo4 te4 cuo4] /to be gravely mistaken (idiom)/ [da4 guo1] /a big wok/cauldron/ [da4 guo1 fan4] /lit. big rice pan/communal feeding/fig. egalitarianism (equa ment for everyone in same institution)/ [da4 jian4 qin2] /a harpsichord/ [da4 rong2 lu2] /variant of , lit. large smelting furnace/fig. t hnicities and cultures/Melting Pot/ [da4 lian2 dao1] /scythe/ [Da4 chang2 jin1] /Dae Chang Kum, a Korean Drama (GM)/ [da4 men2] /entrance/door/gate/ [da4 kai1] /to open wide/ [Da4 kai1 zhai1] /see [Kai1 zhai1 jie2]/ [da4 guan1] /(reach a) critical point/ [Da4 guan1 xian4] /Daguan county in Zhaotong [Zhao1 tong1], Yunnan/ [Da4 ban3] /saka, a city and prefecture in Japan/ [Da4 ban3 fu3] /saka prefecture/ [da4 ruan3] /daruan or bass lute, like pipa and zhongruan but bigger an / [da4 a1 yi2] /auntie, eldest of sisters in mother's family/ [da4 xian4] /the limit/maximum/one's allocated lifespan/

[da4 xian4 dao4 lai2] /to die/one's allocated lifespan is accomplished/ [da4 xian4 lin2 tou2] /facing the end (idiom); at the end of one's life/w in the grave/ [da4 yuan4] /courtyard (surrounded by many buildings)/compound/great institution/ [da4 pei2 shen3 tuan2] /grand jury/ [Da4 lu4] /mainland China (reference to the PRC)/ [da4 lu4] /continent/mainland/CL: [ge4]/ [da4 lu4 po1] /continental slope (boundary of continental shelf)/ [da4 lu4 kuai4] /continental plates (geology)/ [da4 lu4 xing4] /continental/ [da4 lu4 xing4 qi4 hou4] /continental climate/ [da4 lu4 jia4] /continental shelf/ [da4 lu4 piao1 yi2] /continental drift/ [da4 lu4 hua4] /Mainland Chinese (language)/ [da4 dui4] /group/a large body of/production brigade/military group/ [da4 zhi1] /big/ [da4 yan4] /wild goose/CL: [zhi1]/ [Da4 yan4 ta3] /Dayan pagoda in Xi'an/ [da4 xiong2] /great hero/main Buddhist image (in temple)/ [da4 xiong2 bao3 dian4] /Hall of Great Strength, main hall of a Buddhist ning the main image of veneration [da4 xiong2]/ [Da4 ya3] /Taya township in Taichung county [Tai2 zhong1 xian4], Tai [da4 ya3] /one of the three main divisions of the Book of Song / [Da4 ya3 xiang1] /Taya township in Taichung county [Tai2 zhong1 [da4 za2 hui4] /mix-up/mish-mash/pot-pourri/ [da4 za2 yuan4] /compound with many families living together/ [da4 nan4] /great catastrophe/ [da4 nan4 bu4 si3] /to just escape from calamity/ [da4 yu3] /heavy rain/CL: [chang2]/ [da4 yu3 ru2 zhu4] /pouring with rain/rain bucketing down/ [Da4 xue3] /Daxue or Great Snow, 21st of the 24 solar terms [da4 wu4] /thick fog/ [da4 qing1 shan1] /mountain in Heilongjiang province/ [da4 ge2 ming4] /great revolution/ [Da4 han2 di4 guo2] /Korean empire, from fall of Joseon dynasty in 1897 t by Japan in 1910/ [Da4 han2 min2 guo2] /Republic of Korea (South Korea)/ [da4 xiang4] /main item (of program)/ [da4 tou2 mu4] /the boss/ [da4 tou2 ding1] /tack/thumbtack/push pin/ [da4 ti2 xiao3 zuo4] /to cut a long story short/a brief treatment of a co ject/fig. to treat an important question as a minor matter/ [Da4 yuan4 Di4 zang4 Pu2 sa4] /Kitigarbha Bodhisattva, the Bodhi save all souls before accepting Bodhi)/also translated Earth Treasury, Earth Wo mb, or Earth Store Bodhisattva/ [da4 lei4] /main type/main class/main category/ [da4 xian3 shen2 tong1] /to display one's remarkable skill or prowess/to y to one's brilliant abilities/ [da4 xian3 shen1 shou3] /(idiom) fully displaying one's capabilities/ [da4 feng1] /gale/CL: [chang2]/ [da4 bao3 kou3 fu2] /to eat one's fill/to have a good meal/ [da4 bao3 yan3 fu2] /to feast one's eyes/ [da4 bing3] /large flat bread/ [da4 can1] /great meal/banquet/ [Da4 yu2] /Dayu county in Ganzhou , Jiangxi/ [Da4 yu2 xian4] /Dayu county in Ganzhou , Jiangxi/ [Da4 Ma3] /abbr. for , Malaysia/big horse/ [Da4 ma3 shi4 ge2] /Damascus, capital of Syria/ [Da4 ma3 shi4 ge2 li3] /damson (fruit)/ [da4 jia4] /imperial chariot/

[da4 jing1] /with great alarm/ [da4 jing1 shi1 se4] /to turn pale with fright (idiom)/ [da4 jing1 xiao3 guai4] /much fuss about nothing/ [da4 ti3] /in general/more or less/in rough terms/basically/on the whole/ [da4 ti3 shang4] /overall/in general terms/ [da4 nao4] /to cause havoc/to run amok/ [da4 nao4 tian1 gong1] /Monkey wreaks havoc in heaven, story about the Mo Wukong [Sun1 Wu4 kong1] from the novel Journey to the West / [da4 ni2] /giant salamander (Andrias japonicus)/ [da4 die2 yu2] /turbot fish/ [da4 e4] /lit. big crocodile/fig. major figure/big shot/top boss (esp. criminal)/ [da4 bao3] /great bustard/ [da4 hong2 lu2] /Grand Herald in Imperial China, one of the Nine Ministers ]/ [da4 peng2] /roc (mythical bird of prey)/ [da4 peng2 niao3] /roc (mythical bird of prey)/ [da4 lu4] /moose/ [da4 li4 hua1] /dahlia/ [da4 mai4] /barley/ [Da4 Mai4 ke4] /see [Ju4 wu2 ba4]/ [Da4 Mai4 ke4 Zhi3 shu4] /see [Ju4 w [da4 mai4 di4] /place name in Ningxia with rock carving conjectured to be a s the development of Chinese characters/ [da4 ma2] /hemp (Cannabis sativa)/cannabis/marijuana/ [Da4 ma2 li3] /Damali or Tamali township in Taitung county [Tai2 Taiwan/same as Taimali [Tai4 ma2 li3]/ [Da4 ma2 li3 xiang1] /Damali or Tamali township in Taitung county east Taiwan/same as Taimali [Tai4 ma2 li3]/ [dai4 huang2] /rhubarb/ [da4 huang2 feng1] /bumblebee/ [da4 huang2 yu2] /Croceine croaker (Pseudosciaena crocea), a fish popular in se cooking/ [da4 gu3] /big bass drum/ [da4 shu3] /rat/ [da4 zhai1] /to fast/to abstain from food/ [da4 zhai1 qi1] /Lent (Christian period of forty days before Easter)/ [da4 zhai1 jie2] /great fast/Christian lent/ [da4 ling2] /older (than average in a group, at school, for marriage etc)/ [da4 ling2 qing1 nian2] /young people in their late 20s or older who are ed/ [tian1] /day/sky/heaven/ [tian1 shang4] /celestial/heavenly/ [tian1 xia4] /land under heaven/the whole world/the whole of China/realm/rule/dom nation/ [tian1 xia4 da4 luan4] /the whole country in rebellion/ [tian1 xia4 tai4 ping2] /the whole world at peace (idiom); peace and pros [tian1 xia4 mei2 you3 bu4 san4 de5 yan4 xi2] /all goo [tian1 xia4 wu2 nan2 shi4 , zhi3 pa4 you3 xin ur mind is set (idiom)/ [tian1 xia4 di4 yi1] /first under heaven/number one in the country/ [tian1 xia4 xing1 wang2 , pi3 fu1 you3 ze2] /The rise idiom). Everyone bears responsibility for the prosperity of society./ [Tian1 zhu3] /God (in Catholicism)/abbr. for [Tian1 zhu3 jiao4], Catholicis [Tian1 zhu3 jiao4] /Catholicism/ [Tian1 zhu3 jiao4 tu2] /Catholic/follower of Catholicism/ [Tian1 zhu3 Jiao4 hui4] /the Catholic Church/ [Tian1 zhu3 de5 Gao1 yang2] /the Lamb of God/ [tian1 jing3] /courtyard/patio/veranda/atrium/acupuncture point TB10/ [tian1 liang4] /daylight/ [tian1 ren2] /Man and Heaven/celestial being/

[tian1 ren2 he2 yi1] /oneness of heaven and humanity/the theory that man l part of nature/ [tian1 ren2 gan3 ying4] /interactions between heaven and mankind (Han Dyn )/ [tian1 xian1] /immortal (esp. female)/deity/fairy/Goddess/fig. beautiful woman/ [tian1 fen4] /variant of [tian1 fen4]/ [tian1 di1 Wu2 Chu3 , yan3 kong1 wu2 wu4] /the sky ha he eye can see (idiom); nothing to see to the broad horizon/ [tian1 you4 wu2 ren2 ji1 ye4] /annuit coeptis/ [tian1 shi3] /angel/ [Tian1 shi3 bao4 xi3 jie2] /Annunciation (Christian festival on 25th [tian1 hou4] /weather/ [tian1 lun2] /family bonds/ethical family relations/ [tian1 lun2 zhi1 le4] /family love and joy/domestic bliss/ [tian1 jia4] /extremely expensive/sky-high price/ [Tian1 yuan2 qu1] /Tianyuan district of Zhuzhou city , Hunan/ [tian1 r5] /the weather/ [tian1 tu4 zuo4] /Lepus (constellation)/ [Tian1 quan2] /Tianquan county in Ya'an [Ya3 an1], Sichuan/ [Tian1 quan2 xian4] /Tianquan county in Ya'an [Ya3 an1], Sichuan/ [tian1 gong1] /heaven/lord of heaven/ [tian1 gong1 di4 dao4 di4 dao4] /absolutely fair and reasonable ( [tian1 bing1 tian1 jiang4] /celestial troops and generals (idiom)/fig. su / [tian1 dong1 an1 suan1] /aspartic acid (Asp), an amino acid/ [tian1 dong1 ben3 bing3 er4 tai4 zhi3] /aspartame C14H18N2O ( [tian1 dong1 xian1 an4] /asparagine (Asn), an amino acid/ [tian1 leng3] /cold weather/ [tian1 fen4] /natural gift/talent/ [tian1 qian2 pei4] /soul mates/before heaven match/ [tian1 nan2 di4 bei3] /distant places/all over the country/(to talk) abou at/ [tian1 nan2 hai3 bei3] /see [tian1 nan2 di4 bei3]/ [Tian1 tai2] /Mt Tiantai near Shaoxing in Zhejiang, the center of Tiant ntai county in Taizhou [Tai2 zhou1], Zhejiang/ [Tian1 tai2 zong1] /Tiantai school of Buddhism/ [Tian1 tai2 shan1] /Mt Tiantai near Shaoxing in Zhejiang, the cente sm / [Tian1 tai2 xian4] /Tiantai county in Taizhou [Tai2 zhou1], Zhejiang/ [tian1 ge4 yi1 fang1] /(of relatives or friends) to live far apart from e [Tian1 hou4] /Tin Hau, Empress of Heaven, another name for the goddess Matsu ]/Tin Hau (Hong Kong area around the MTR station with same name)/ [Tian1 hou4 zhan4] /Tin Hau MTR station (Eastern District, Hong Kong Island)/ [tian1 ya5] /Heavens!/My goodness!/ [Tian1 ming4] /Mandate of Heaven/destiny/fate/one's life span/ [tian1 na5] /Good gracious!/For goodness sake!/ [tian1 guo2] /Kingdom of Heaven/ [tian1 di4] /heaven and earth/world/scope/field of activity/ [tian1 di4 xuan2 ge2] /lit. a gulf between heaven and earth/wide differen (idiom)/ [tian1 di4 hui4] /Tiandihui (Chinese fraternal organization)/ [tian1 di4 xuan2 huang2] /first line of Thousand character classic [Tian1 cheng2 wen2] /Devanagari alphabet used in India and Nepal/ [tian1 tang2] /paradise/heaven/ [tian1 tan2] /Temple of Heaven (in Beijing)/ [tian1 tan2 zuo4] /Ara (constellation)/ [tian1 rang3 zhi1 bie2] /lit. night and day difference (idiom)/as differe earth/opposite extremes/a world of difference (between them)/a far cry from/ [tian1 wai4 lai2 ke4] /visitors from outer space/ [tian1 da4] /gargantuan/as big as the sky/enormous/

[tian1 tian1] /every day/ [tian1 du4 ying1 cai2] /heaven is jealous of heroic genius (idiom); the g at hardship to contend with/those whom the Gods love die young/ [tian1 fu4 luo1] /tempura/deep-fried cooking/ [tian1 zi3] /the (rightful) emperor/"Son of Heaven" (traditional English translat on)/ [Tian1 sun1 Niang2 niang2] /Goddess of Fertility/ [Tian1 an1 men2] /Tiananmen (square)/ [Tian1 an1 men2 Guang3 chang3] /Tiananmen Square/ [Tian1 gong1] /Temple in Heaven (e.g. of the Jade Emperor)/ [tian1 han2 di4 dong4] /cold weather, frozen ground (idiom); bitterly col [Tian1 ning2] /Tianning district of Changzhou city [Chang2 zhou1 shi4], Jia [Tian1 ning2 qu1] /Tianning district of Changzhou city [Chang2 zhou1 sh [Tian1 shan1] /Tianshan mountain range between XinJiang and Mongolia and Kyrgyzst n/ [Tian1 shan1 qu1] /Tianshan district (Uighur: Tiyanshan rayoni) of Urumqi cit i2 shi4], Xinjiang/ [Tian1 e2] /Tian'e county in Hezhou [He4 zhou1], Guangxi/ [Tian1 e2 xian4] /Tian'e county in Hezhou [He4 zhou1], Guangxi/ [Tian1 jun4] /Tianjun county (Tibetan: then cun rdzong) in Haixi Mongol and Tibet n autonomous prefecture [Hai3 xi1 Meng3 gu3 zu2 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou [Tian1 jun4 xian4] /Tianjun county (Tibetan: then cun rdzong) in Haixi Mongol betan autonomous prefecture [Hai3 xi1 Meng3 gu3 zu2 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 [tian1 beng1 di4 lie4] /heaven falls and earth rends (idiom); rocked by a er/fig. violent revolution/major social upheaval/ [Tian1 di4] /God of heaven/Celestial emperor/ [tian1 gan1] /the 10 heavenly stems [jia3], [yi3], [bing3], [ding1], [w ], [xin1], [ren2], [gui3], used cyclically in the calendar and as ordinal numbers I , II etc/ [tian1 ping2] /scales (to weigh things)/ [tian1 nian2] /natural life span/ [tian1 xing4] /providential good luck/a narrow escape/ [tian1 di3 xia5] /in this world/under the sun/ [Tian1 fu3] /Heavenly province (epithet of Sichuan, esp. area around Chengdu)/lan of plenty/ [Tian1 fu3 zhi1 guo2] /land of plenty/Heavenly province (epithet of Sichu around Chengdu)/ [Tian1 xin1] /Tianxin district of Changsha city [Chang2 sha1 shi4], [tian1 xin1] /center of the sky/will of heaven/will of the Gods/the monarch's wil / [Tian1 xin1 qu1] /Tianxin district of Changsha city [Chang2 sha1 [tian1 xing4] /inborn/ [tian1 yi4] /providence/the Will of Heaven/ [tian1 cheng2] /as if made by heaven/ [tian1 cai2] /talent/gift/genius/talented/gifted/ [tian1 cai2 chu1 zi4 qin2 fen4] /genius comes from hard effort/Ge ration and ninety-nine percent perspiration (Thomas Edison)/ [tian1 yao2 di4 zhuan3] /lit. the sky shakes and the ground revolves/mome are underway (idiom)/ [tian1 ze2] /natural selection/ [tian1 di2] /predator/natural enemy/ [tian1 wen2] /astronomy/ [tian1 wen2 tai2] /observatory/ [tian1 wen2 dan1 wei4] /Astronomical Unit/AU/149,567,892 km/ [tian1 wen2 xue2] /astronomy/ [tian1 wen2 xue2 da4 cheng2] /the Almagest by Ptolemy/ [tian1 wen2 xue2 jia1] /astronomer/ [tian1 wen2 guan3] /planetarium/ [Tian1 fang1] /old Chinese word for Arabia or Arabs/ [tian1 fang1 ye4 tan2] /a fantasy story/The Arabian Nights (classic story

[tian1 xuan2 di4 zhuan4] /the sky spins, the earth goes round (idiom); gi s head spinning/fig. huge changes in the world/ [tian1 ming2] /dawn/daybreak/ [Tian1 xing1 ma3 tou2] /Star Ferry terminal, Hong Kong/ [tian1 shi2] /the time/the right time/weather conditions/destiny/course of time/h aven's natural order/ [tian1 shi2 di4 li4 ren2 he2] /the time is right, geographical an avorable (idiom); a good time to go to war/ [tian1 xiao3 de5] /Heaven knows!/ [tian1 shu1] /imperial edict/heavenly book (superstition)/obscure or illegible wr ting/double dutch/ [tian1 you3 bu4 ce4 feng1 yun2] /fortune as unpredictable as the pected may happen at any moment/ [tian1 you3 bu4 ce4 feng1 yun2 , ren2 every day may bring fortune or calamity (idiom); sth unexpected may happen at an y moment/ [Tian1 chao2] /Celestial Empire, tributary title conferred on Imperial China/Taip ng Heavenly Kingdom/ [Tian1 ping2 zuo4] /Libra (constellation and sign of the zodiac)/erroneous va f / [Tian1 zhu4] /Tianzhu county in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous prefecture ng1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ [tian1 zhu4] /pillars supporting heaven/ [Tian1 zhu4 xian4] /Tianzhu county in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous pr e [Qian2 dong1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ [tian1 ti1] /stairway to heaven/high mountain road/tall ladder on a building or o her large structure/space elevator/ [tian1 peng2] /ceiling/awning/ [Tian1 shu1] /alpha Ursae Majoris/ [tian1 shu1 xing1] /alpha Ursae Majoris in the Big Dipper/ [Tian1 qiao2] /Tianqiao district of Ji'nan city [Ji3 nan2 shi4], Sha [tian1 qiao2] /overhead walkway/pedestrian bridge/ [Tian1 qiao2 qu1] /Tianqiao district of Ji'nan city [Ji3 nan2 sh [Tian1 qiao2 li4] /Ama-no-hashidate in north of Kyto prefecture on th [tian1 ji1] /mystery known only to heaven (archaic)/inscrutable twist of fate/fig top secret/ [tian1 ji1 bu4 ke3 xie4 lou4] /lit. mysteries of heaven must not not be revealed/I am not at liberty to inform you./ [tian1 ji1 bu4 ke3 xie4 lu4] /lit. mysteries of heaven must not b not be revealed/I am not at liberty to inform you./ [tian1 quan2] /delta Ursae Majoris in the Big Dipper/ [tian1 qi4] /weather/ [tian1 qi4 yu4 bao4] /weather forecast/ [Tian1 shui3] /Tianshui prefecture level city in Gansu/ [Tian1 shui3 di4 qu1] /Tianshui prefecture in Gansu/ [Tian1 shui3 shi4] /Tianshui prefecture level city in Gansu/ [Tian1 chi2] /Lake Tianchi in Xinjiang/ [Tian1 he2] /Milky Way/Tianhe district of Guangzhou city [Guang3 zho / [Tian1 he2 qu1] /Tianhe district of Guangzhou city [Guang3 zhou1 [Tian1 jin1] /Tianjin, a municipality in northeast China, abbr. / [Tian1 jin1 Da4 xue2] /Tianjin University/ [Tian1 jin1 shi4] /Tianjin, a municipality in northeast China, abbr. / [Tian1 jin1 hui4 yi4 zhuan1 tiao2] /Tianjin agreement of 1885 bet hang1] and IT Hirobumi [Yi1 teng2 Bo2 wen2] to pull Qing and Japanese troops out o orea/ [Tian1 jin1 tiao2 yue1] /Treaty of Tianjin of 1858, a sequence of unequal sia, USA, England, France and Qing China/ [Tian1 jin1 Huan2 qiu2 Jin1 rong2 Zhong1 xin1] /Tianjin W .a. the Tianjin Tower or Jin Tower/abbr. to [Jin1 ta3]/

[tian1 ya2] /the other end of the world/a far-away place/ [tian1 ya2 bi3 lin2] /far-flung realms as next door (idiom); close in spi far away/absence makes the heart grow fonder/ [Tian1 ya2 hai3 jiao3] /Cape Haijiao in Sanya [San1 ya4], Hainan [tian1 ya2 hai3 jiao3] /the ends of the earth/separated worlds apart/ [tian1 ya2 ruo4 bi3 lin2] /far-flung realms as next door (idiom); clo gh far away/absence makes the heart grow fonder/ [tian1 yuan1] /distance between two poles/poles apart/ [tian1 yuan1 zhi1 bie2] /a complete contrast/totally different/ [tian1 qing1 ri4 yan4] /a day of sunshine and peace (idiom)/ [tian1 yan3] /natural change/evolution (early translation, since replaced by [tian1 yan3 lun4] /the theory of evolution (early translation, since replaced [Tian1 han4] /the Milky Way/ [tian1 zai1] /natural disaster/ [tian1 zai1 ren2 huo4] /natural and man-made disasters (idiom); natural c ood, drought, earthquake) added to human calamity (fire, famine, war, Microsoft software)/ [tian1 zai1 di4 nie4] /catastrophes and unnatural phenomena/Heaven-sent w [tian1 wu2 jue2 ren2 zhi1 lu4] /Heaven never bars one's way (idio will find a way through./Never give up hope./Never say die./ [tian1 ran2] /natural/ [tian1 ran2 ben3 di4] /natural background/ [tian1 ran2 xiang4 jiao1] /natural rubber/ [tian1 ran2 du2 su4] /natural toxin/ [tian1 ran2 qi4] /natural gas/ [tian1 ran2 zhao4 liang4] /natural lighting/ [tian1 ran2 xian1 wei2] /natural fiber/ [tian1 ran2 you2] /natural uranium/ [tian1 yan4 zuo4] /Apus (constellation)/ [tian1 lu2 zuo4] /Fornax (constellation)/ [tian1 fu4] /Heavenly Father/ [tian1 niu2] /Longhorn beetle/ [Tian1 lang2 xing1] /Sirius, a double star in constellation Canis Major [tian1 wang2] /emperor/god/Hong Xiuquan's self-proclaimed title/see also [H quan2]/ [Tian1 wang2 xing1] /Uranus (planet)/ [tian1 qiu2] /celestial sphere/ [Tian1 li3 jiao4] /Tenrikyo (Japanese religion)/ [Tian1 qin2 zuo4] /Lyra (constellation)/ [tian1 qin2 xing1 zuo4] /Lyra, constellation containing Vega [tian1 xuan2] /beta Ursae Majoris in the Big Dipper/ [tian1 ji1] /gamma Ursae Majoris in the Big Dipper/ [tian1 sheng1] /nature/disposition/innate/natural/ [tian1 sheng1 de5 yi1 dui4] /couple who were made for each other/ [tian1 jie4] /heaven/ [Tian1 huang2] /Emperor of Japan/Tenn/Mikado/ [tian1 zhen1] /naive/innocent/artless/ [Tian1 zhu4 xian4] /Tianzhu Tibetan autonomous county in Wuwei [Wu3 wei1] [Tian1 zhu4 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Tianzhu Tibetan autono Gansu/ [tian1 shen2] /a God/a deity/ [tian1 lu4] /auspicious sculpted animal, usu. a unicorn or deer with a long tail/ ossession of the empire/ [Tian1 cheng4] /Libra (star sign)/ [Tian1 cheng4 zuo4] /Libra (constellation and sign of the zodiac)/ [tian1 kong1] /sky/ [tian1 chuang1] /hatchway/skylight/sun roof/ [Tian1 zhu2] /the Indian subcontinent (esp. in Tang or Buddhist context)/ [tian1 zhu2 mu3 dan5] /dahlia/ [tian1 zhu2 kui2] /geranium (Pelargonium hortorum)/

[tian1 zhu2 shu3] /guinea pig/cavy/ [Tian1 deng3] /Tiandeng county in Chongzuo [Chong2 zuo3], Guangxi/ [Tian1 deng3 xian4] /Tiandeng county in Chongzuo [Chong2 zuo3], Guangxi/ [tian1 jian4 zuo4] /Sagitta (constellation)/ [tian1 peng2] /canopy/ [tian1 lai4] /sounds of nature/ [tian1 jing1 di4 yi4] /lit. heaven's law and earth's principle (idiom); f proper/right and unalterable/a matter of course/ [tian1 wang3 hui1 hui1] /Heaven's net is wide meshed, but nothing escapes rom Laozi 73)./ [tian1 wang3 hui1 hui1 , shu1 er2 bu4 shi1] /Heaven's (idiom, from Laozi 73)./ [tian1 wang3 hui1 hui1 , shu1 er2 bu4 lou4] /The net [tian1 xian4] /antenna/mast/connection with high-ranking officials/ [Tian1 xian4 Bao3 bao3] /Teletubbies/ [tian1 gang1 xing1] /the Big Dipper/ [tian1 fan1 di4 fu4] /sky and the earth turning upside down (idiom); fig. fusion/everything turned on its head/ [tian1 zhi2] /vocation/duty/mission in life/ [tian1 zhou1 zuo4] /Argo (constellation, now divided into Carina and P [tian1 liang2] /conscience/ [tian1 se4] /time of the day/ [tian1 hua1] /smallpox/ [tian1 hua1 ban3] /ceiling/ [tian1 hua1 bing4 du2] /variola virus/ [tian1 zang4] /sky burial/ [tian1 lan2] /sky blue/ [tian1 lan2 se4] /azure/ [tian1 lou2] /mole cricket/slang word for agricultural pest Gryllotalpa/ [Tian1 xie4 zuo4] /Cancer (constellation and sign of the zodiac)/variant of [tian1 xie1] /Scorpio (constellation)/ [Tian1 xie1 zuo4] /Scorpio or Scorpius (constellation and sign of the zodiac) [tian1 xing2 chi4 yan3] /acute contagious conjunctivitis (TCM)/ [tian1 yao4 luo4 yu3 , niang2 yao4 jia4 ren2] /the ra om)/fig. the natural order of things/something you can't go against/ [tian1 zhu1] /heavenly punishment/king's punishment/ [tian1 xiang4] /meteorological or astronomical phenomenon (e.g. rainbow or eclips )/ [tian1 xiang4 yi2] /planetarium projector/ [tian1 mao1 zuo4] /Lynx (constellation)/ [tian1 zi1] /innate talent/gift/flair/native resource/dowry/ [tian1 ci4] /bestowed by heaven/ [tian1 fu4] /gift/innate skill/ [Tian1 lu4 Li4 cheng2] /Pilgrim's Progress, 1678 novel by John Bunyan (fi ranslation 1851)/ [tian1 che1] /gantry traveling crane/ [tian1 zao4 di4 she4] /lit. made by Heaven and arranged by Earth(idiom)/i (of a match) made in heaven/to be made for one another/ [tian1 dao4] /natural law/heavenly law/weather (dialect)/ [tian1 dao4 chou2 qin2] /Heaven rewards the diligent. (idiom)/ [tian1 bian1] /horizon/ends of the earth/remotest places/ [Tian1 zhen4] /Tianzhen county in Datong [Da4 tong2], Shanxi/ [Tian1 zhen4 xian4] /Tianzhen county in Datong [Da4 tong2], Shanxi/ [Tian1 chang2] /Tianchang county level city in Chuzhou [Chu2 zhou1], Anhui/ [tian1 chang2 di4 jiu3] /enduring while the world lasts (idiom)/eternal/ [Tian1 chang2 shi4] /Tianchang county level city in Chuzhou [Chu2 zhou1], [tian1 chang2 ri4 jiu3] /after a long time (idiom)/ [Tian1 men2] /Tianmen sub-prefecture level city in Hubei/ [tian1 men2 dong1] /asparagus/ [tian1 men2 dong1 ke1] /Asparagaceae, family of flowering plants which in

gus/ [Tian1 men2 shi4] /Tianmen sub-prefecture level city in Hubei/ [tian1 ji4] /horizon/ [tian1 xian3] /a natural stronghold/ [tian1 yu4 lu4 hua2] /roads are slippery when wet (idiom)/ [tian1 yu3 shun4 yan2] /weather permitting (idiom)/ [tian1 qing1 shi2] /lapis lazuli/ [tian1 ding3] /zenith/ [Tian1 shun4] /Tianshun Emperor, reign name of eighth Ming Emperor [ 27-1464), reigned 1457-1464, Temple name Yingzong [Ying1 zong1]/ [tian1 xiang1 guo2 se4] /divine fragrance, national grace (idiom); an out ty/ [tian1 ma3 xing2 kong1] /like a heavenly steed, soaring across the skies riting, calligraphy etc) bold and imaginative/unconstrained in style/ [tian1 ti3] /celestial body/nude body/ [tian1 ti3 zhu3 yi4] /nudism/ [tian1 ti3 li4 xue2] /celestial mechanics/ [tian1 ti3 wu4 li3] /astrophysics/ [tian1 ti3 wu4 li3 xue2] /astrophysics/ [tian1 ti3 wu4 li3 xue2 jia1] /astrophysicist/ [tian1 mo2] /demonic/devil/ [tian1 ge1 zuo4] /Columba (constellation)/ [tian1 e2] /swan/ [tian1 e2 zuo4] /Cygnus (constellation)/ [Tian1 e2 Hu2] /Swan Lake/ [tian1 e2 rong2] /velvet/swan's down/ [tian1 he4 zuo4] /Grus (constellation)/ [tian1 ying1 zuo4] /Aquila (constellation)/ [tian1 long2 ba1 bu4] /Demigods, semidevils, wuxia (, martial arts ch n Yong and its TV and screen adaptations/ [tian1 long2 zuo4] /Draco (constellation)/ [tai4] /highest/greatest/too (much)/very/extremely/ [tai4 shang4] /title of respect for taoists/ [Tai4 shang4 huang2] /Taishang Huang/Retired Emperor/father of the reigning e fig. puppet master/ [Tai4 bao3] /Taibao or Taipao city in Chiayi county [Jia1 yi4 xian4] [tai4 bao3] /a very high official in ancient China/juvenile delinquents/ [Tai4 bao3 shi4] /Taibao or Taipao city in Chiayi county [Jia1 y [Tai4 cang1] /Taicang county level city in Suzhou [Su1 zhou1], Jiangsu/ [Tai4 cang1 shi4] /Taicang county level city in Suzhou [Su1 zhou1], [tai4 pu2] /Grand Servant in Imperial China, one of the Nine Ministers [jiu3 [Tai4 pu2 si4] /Court of imperial stud, office originally charged with horse g/Taibus banner in Xilin Gol league [Xi1 lin2 guo1 le4 meng2], Inner M [Tai4 pu2 si4 qing1] /Minister of imperial stud, originally charged with g/ [Tai4 pu1 si4 qi2] /Taibus banner in Xilin Gol league / [tai4 gong1] /great-grandfather/ [Tai4 gong1 bing1 fa3] /alternative name for Three Strategies of Huang S San1 lu:e4], one of the Seven Military Classics of ancient China [Wu3 jin [tai4 gong1 diao4 yu2 , yuan4 zhe3 shang4 gou1] /Jian k (idiom, refers to early sage fishing with no bait and the hook above the wa o put one's head in the noose/ [tai4 chu1] /the absolute beginning/ [tai4 ban4] /more than half/a majority/most/mostly/ [Tai4 yuan2] /Taiyuan prefecture level city and capital of Shanxi province l north China/ [Tai4 yuan2 shi4] /Taiyuan prefecture level city and capital of Shanxi provin tral north China/ [tai4 gu3] /immemorial/

[Tai4 gu3 dai4] /Archaeozoic (geological era before 2500m years ago)/ [Tai4 gu3 zhou4] /Archaean (geological eon before 2500m years ago)/ [Tai4 gu3 yang2 hang2] /Butterfield and Swire (Hong Kong banking giant)/ [tai4 shi3 ling4] /grand scribe (official position in many Chinese states up Han)/ [tai4 shi3 gong1] /Grand Scribe, the title by which Sima Qian r ds of the Historian / [tai4 hou4] /Empress Dowager/ [Tai4 he2] /Taihe County in Fuyang [Fu4 yang2], Anhui/Taihe district of oning/ [Tai4 he2 qu1] /Taihe district of Jinzhou city , Liaoning/ [Tai4 he2 dian4] /the central pavilion of the Forbidden City rendered in Engl "Hall of Supreme Harmony"/ [Tai4 he2 xian4] /Taihe County in Fuyang [Fu4 yang2], Anhui/ [tai4 tai5] /married woman/Mrs./Madam/wife/CL: [ge4],[wei4]/ [tai4 hao3 le5] /very good/ [tai4 fei1 tang2] /toffee/ [tai4 po2] /great-grandmother/ [tai4 zi3] /crown prince/ [Tai4 zi3 Dan1] /Prince Dan of Yan (-226 BC), commissioned the attempted assa on of King Ying Zheng of Qin (later the First Emperor ) by Jing Ke in 227 [Tai4 zi3 shi2 san1 feng1] /thirteen peaks of Meri snow mountains in nomous prefecture [Di2 qing4 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan / [tai4 zi3 tai4 bao3] /tutor to the crown prince in Imperial China/ [Tai4 zi3 he2 qu1] /Taizi district of Liaoyang city [Liao2 y [Tai4 zi3 gang3] /Port-au-Prince, capital of Haiti/ [Tai4 xue2] /Imperial College of Supreme Learning, established in 124 BC, and the highest educational institute in ancient China until the Sui Dynasty/ [tai4 shou3] /governor of a province/ [Tai4 zong1] /posthumous name given to second emperor of a dynasty/King Taejong o Joseon Korea (1367-1422), reigned 1400-1418/ [tai4 shi1] /imperial tutor/ [tai4 chang2] /Minister of Ceremonies in Imperial China, one of the Nine Minister [jiu3 qing1]/ [Tai4 ping2] /place name/ [tai4 ping2] /peace and security/ [Tai4 ping2 qu1] /Taiping district of Fuxin city , Liaoning/ [Tai4 ping2 Tian1 guo2] /Taiping Heavenly Kingdom (1851-1864)/ [Tai4 ping2 shi4] /Taiping city in Taichung county [Tai2 zhong1 [Tai4 ping2 Guang3 ji4] /Extensive records of the Taiping era (978), fict edited by Li Fang / [Tai4 ping2 yu4 lan3] /Imperial Readings of the Taiping Era, general Song clopedia compiled during 977-983 under Li Fan , 1000 scrolls/ [Tai4 ping2 yang2] /Pacific Ocean/ [Tai4 ping2 yang2 qu1 yu4] /the Pacific region/the Pacific rim/ [tai4 ping2 yang2 zhou1 bian1] /variant of , Pac [Tai4 ping2 yang2 Zhan4 zheng1] /Pacific war between Japan and the US [tai4 ping2 yang2 lian2 he2 tie3 lu4] /Union Pacific railroad [tai4 ping2 yang2 zhou1 bian1] /Pacific Rim/ [tai4 ping2 sheng4 shi4] /peace and prosperity (idiom)/ [tai4 ping2 shen1 shi4] /Justice of the Peace (JP)/ [tai4 ping2 men2] /emergency exit/ [tai4 ping2 jian1] /mortuary/morgue/ [Tai4 kang1] /Taikang county in Zhoukou [Zhou1 kou3], Henan/ [Tai4 kang1 xian4] /Taikang county in Zhoukou [Zhou1 kou3], Henan/ [tai4 mang2] /too busy/ [Tai4 ji2] /the Absolute or Supreme Ultimate, the source of all things according o some interpretations of Chinese mythology/ [tai4 ji2 jian4] /a kind of traditional Chinese sword-play/

[Tai4 ji2 tu2] /diagram of cosmological scheme/Yin-Yang symbol/ / [Tai4 ji2 tu2 shuo1] /philosophical book by Song dynasty scholar Zhou Dun m an interpretation of the Book of Changes/ [tai4 ji2 quan2] /shadowboxing or Taiji, T'aichi or T'aichichuan/traditional physical exercise or relaxation/a martial art/ [Tai4 sui4] /Taisu, God of the year/archaic name for the planet Jupiter [Mu4 nickname for sb who is the most powerful in an area/ [Tai4 ye4 chi2] /area to the west of the Forbidden City, now divided into Zho i and Beihai/ [Tai4 hu2] /Taihu lake near Wuxi City , bordering on Jiangsu and Zhejian na's largest fresh water lakes, currently heavily polluted/ [Tai4 hu2 xian4] /Taihu county in Anqing [An1 qing4], Anhui/ [tai4 ye2] /(respectful for) one's grandfather/sb's father/older people/the head f the house (used by servants)/a district magistrate/ [Tai4 bai2] /Taibai county in Boj [Bao3 ji1], Shnx/Venus/ [Tai4 bai2 xing1] /Venus (planet)/ [tai4 bai2 fen3] /cornstarch/potato starch/ [Tai4 bai2 xian4] /Taibai county in Boj [Bao3 ji1], Shnx/ [tai4 jian4] /court eunuch/palace eunuch/ [tai4 shi2 cun1] /Taishi village (in Guangdong province)/ [tai4 zu3] /Great Ancestor (posthumous title, e.g. for the founder of a dynasty)/ [tai4 kong1] /outer space/ [tai4 kong1 ren2] /astronaut/ [tai4 kong1 tan4 suo3] /space exploration/ [tai4 kong1 fu2] /spacesuit/ [tai4 kong1 suo1] /space shuttle/ [tai4 kong1 bu4] /moonwalk (dance)/ [tai4 kong1 man4 bu4] /space walk/ [tai4 kong1 zhan4] /space station/ [tai4 kong1 wu3 bu4] /moonwalk (dance)/ [tai4 kong1 chuan2] /spaceship/ [tai4 kong1 cang1] /space capsule/ejection capsule (cabin)/ [tai4 kong1 xing2 zou3] /spacewalk/ [tai4 kong1 you2] /space tourism/ [tai4 kong1 fei1 chuan2] /space shuttle/ [Tai4 xu1] /Taixu (famed Buddhist monk, 1890-1947)/ [tai4 xu1] /great emptiness/the void/heaven/the skies/universe/cosmos/original es ence of the cosmos/ [Tai4 hang2 shan1] /Taihang Mountains on the border between Hebei and Shanxi/ [Tai4 gu3] /Taigu county in Jinzhong [Jin4 zhong1], Shanxi/ [Tai4 gu3 xian4] /Taigu county in Jinzhong [Jin4 zhong1], Shanxi/ [tai4 guo4] /excessively/too/ [tai4 yin1] /the Moon (esp. in Daoism)/ [tai4 yang2] /sun/CL: [ge4]/ [tai4 yang2 guang1] /sunlight/ [tai4 yang2 guang1 zhu4] /solar pillar/sun pillar (atmospheric optics)/ [tai4 yang2 gong1 si1] /Sun corporation/ [Tai4 yang2 bao4] /Sun newspaper/ [Tai4 yang2 Wei1 xi4 tong3 gong1 si1] /Sun Microsystems/ [tai4 yang2 ri4] /solar day/ [tai4 yang2 yong3 bu4 luo4] /(on which) the sun never sets/ [tai4 yang2 huo2 dong4] /sunspot activity/solar variation/ [Tai4 yang2 Zhao4 Zai4 Sang1 gan1 He2 Shang4] /The Sun Sh ian novel by Ding Ling, winner of 1951 Stalin prize/ [tai4 yang2 deng1] /sunlamp/ [tai4 yang2 yan3 jing4] /sunglasses/ [tai4 yang2 shen2] /Sun God/Apollo/ [tai4 yang2 shen2 jing1 cong2] /solar plexus chakra/ [tai4 yang2 shen2 ji4 hua4] /the Apollo project/ [tai4 yang2 xue2] /temple (on the sides of human head)/

[tai4 yang2 chuang1] /sun window/sun roof (of car)/ [tai4 yang2 wo1] /temple (on the sides of human head)/ [tai4 yang2 xi4] /solar system/ [tai4 yang2 yi4] /solar panel/ [tai4 yang2 neng2] /solar energy/ [tai4 yang2 neng2 ban3] /solar panel/ [tai4 yang2 neng2 dian4 chi2] /solar cell/ [tai4 yang2 lun2] /solar plexus chakra/ [tai4 yang2 jing4] /sunglasses/ [tai4 yang2 dian4 chi2] /solar cell/ [tai4 yang2 dian4 chi2 ban3] /solar panel/ [tai4 yang2 feng1] /solar wind/ [tai4 yang2 hei1 zi3] /sunspot/ [tai4 yang2 hei1 zi3 zhou1] /sunspot cycle/ [Tai4 lu3 ge2] /Taroko gorge national park in Hualien county [Hu aroko ethnic group Taiwan/ [Tai4 lu3 ge2 zu2] /Taroko, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan/ [Tai4 ma2 li3] /Taimali township in Taitung county [Tai2 dong1 x [Tai4 ma2 li3 xiang1] /Taimali township in Taitung county [T wan/ [fu1] /husband/man/manual worker/conscripted laborer (old)/ [fu2] /form word, grammar particle or demonstrative pronoun (classical)/ [fu1 ren5] /lady/madam/Mrs./CL:[wei4]/ [fu1 chang4 fu4 sui2] /fig. the man sings and the woman follows/fig. mari [fu1 qi1] /husband and wife/married couple/ [fu1 qi1 fan3 mu4] /man and wife fall out (idiom, from Book of Changes); e/ [fu1 qi1 dian4] /family-run shop/ [fu1 fu4] /a (married) couple/husband and wife/CL: [dui4]/ [fu1 zi3] /Master/(old form of address for teachers, scholars)/pedant/ [Fu1 zi3 zi4 dao4] /appearing to be praising others while actually praisi ne's criticism of others exposes one's own faults/ [fu1 quan2] /authority over the household/ [Fu1 yu2] /Pu'yo, Korean Buyeo (c. 200 BC-494 AD), ancient kingdom in northeast f ontier region of China/ [guai4] /decisive/ [yao1] /tender/gentle/to die prematurely/ [yao1 zhe2] /to die young or prematurely/to come to a premature end/to be aborted prematurely/ [yang1] /beg/center/ [yang1 zhong1] /to ask for mediation/to request sb to act as a go-between/ [yang1 ji2] /to ask/to plead/to beg/to involve/ [yang1 gao5] /to implore/to plead/to ask earnestly/ [yang1 qiu2] /to implore/to plead/to ask earnestly/ [yang1 hang2] /Central bank (abbr. for )/People's Bank of China [yang1 shi4] /China Central Television (CCTV), abbr. for ai2]/ [yang1 shi4 guo2 ji4] /CCTV international/ [yang1 tuo1] /to request assistance/to ask sb to do sth/ [Yang1 Cai2] /Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing/abbr. for i2 jing1 Da4 xue2]/ [ben4] /variant of [ben4]/ [hang1] /to tamp/ [hang1 ju4] /rammer/tamper/ [hang1 tu3] /rammed earth/ [hang1 tu3 ji1] /rammer/tamper/ [hang1 shi2] /to tamp/to ram (earth etc)/ [hang1 ge1] /rammers' work chant/ [hang1 han4] /carrier who carries heavy loads on his shoulder (topolect)/ [hang1 tuo2] /rammer/tamper/

[ben4 huo4] /fool/stupid/ [shi1] /to lose/to miss/to fail/ [shi1 zhu3] /owner of lost property/ [shi1 zhi1 jiao1 bi4] /to miss narrowly/to let a great opportunity slip/ [shi1 zhi1 dong1 yu2 , shou1 zhi1 sang1 yu2] /to lose compensate later for one's earlier loss/what you lose on the swings you gain on the roundabouts/ [shi1 zhi1 hao2 li2 , miu4 yi3 qian1 li3] /a tiny lap nor discrepancy leading to enormous losses/ [shi1 zhi1 hao2 li2 , cha4 zhi1 qian1 li3] /a tiny la inor discrepancy leading to enormous losses/ [shi1 zhi1 hao2 li2 , cha4 yi3 qian1 li3] /a tiny lap nor discrepancy leading to enormous losses/ [shi1 shi4] /to be involved in a crash/accident/ [shi1 xin4] /to break a promise/ [shi1 xiu1] /disrepair/ [shi1 chuan2] /not transmitted/no longer extant/lost in transmission/ [shi1 yi2] /discourteous/failure of etiquette/ [shi1 li4] /to lose/to suffer defeat/ [shi1 qu4] /to lose/ [shi1 qu4 yi4 shi2] /unconscious/ [shi1 kou3] /slip of the tongue/indiscretion/to blurt out a secret/ [shi1 he2] /disharmony/to become estranged/ [shi1 dan1] /list of lost articles/ [shi1 di4] /to lose land/dispossessed/ [shi1 xue2] /unable to go to school/an interruption to one's education/ [shi1 yi2] /inappropriate/improper/ [shi1 cha2] /to fail in observing or supervising/to miss/to let sth slip through/ [shi1 chong3] /to lose favor/in disfavor/disgraced/ [shi1 chang2] /not normal/an aberration/ [shi1 zhang1 shi1 zhi4] /out of one's mind/ [shi1 hu4] /to be orphaned of one's father/ [shi1 shi4] /to lose sb one relies upon/to lose one's mother/ [shi1 hui3] /to regret/to feel remorse/ [shi1 yi4] /disappointed/frustrated/ [shi1 tai4] /to forget one's manners/to forget oneself/to lose self-control (in a situation)/ [shi1 yi4 zheng4] /amnesia/ [shi1 lian4] /to lose one's love/to break up (in a romantic relationship)/to feel jilted/ [shi1 shou3] /a slip/miscalculation/unwise move/accidentally/by mistake/to lose c ntrol/to be defeated/ [shi1 diao4] /to lose/to miss/ [shi1 kong4] /out of control/ [shi1 cuo4] /to be at a loss/ [shi1 xiao4] /to fail/to lose effectiveness/ [shi1 xiao4 ri4 qi1] /expiry date (of document)/ [shi1 bai4] /to be defeated/to lose/to fail (e.g. experiments)/failure/defeat/CL: i4]/ [shi1 bai4 zhu3 yi4] /defeatism/ [shi1 bai4 shi4 cheng2 gong1 zhi1 mu3] /Failure is the mother [shi1 bai4 zhe3] /loser/ [shi1 san4] /to lose touch with/missing/scattered/separated from/ [shi1 ming2] /to lose one's eyesight/to become blind/blindness/ [shi1 wang4] /disappointed/to lose hope/to despair/ [shi1 qi1] /late (for an appointed time)/ [shi1 zhen3] /a crick in the neck/stiff neck/ [shi1 ge2] /to overstep the rules/to go out of bounds/disqualification/to lose fa e/disqualified/ [shi1 ye4] /unemployment/to lose one's job/

[shi1 ye4 lu:4] /unemployment rate/ [shi1 ye4 zhe3] /an unemployed person/ [shi1 huan1] /to lose favor/to become estranged/ [shi1 huo3] /to catch fire/on fire/fire (alarm)/ [shi1 wu4 ren4 ling3] /lost and found/ [shi1 dang4] /inappropriate/improper/ [shi1 dao4] /to have sth stolen/to lose to theft/robbed/ [shi1 zhen1] /to lack fidelity/ [shi1 mian2] /to suffer from insomnia/ [shi1 zhan1] /to fail to greet in timely manner/ [shi1 shen2] /absent-minded/to lose spirit/despondent/ [shi1 li3] /lacking in manners/ [shi1 qie4] /to lose by theft/to have one's property stolen/ [shi1 ce4] /to blunder/to miscalculate/miscalculation/unwise (move)/ [shi1 suan4] /to miscalculate/miscalculation/ [shi1 jie2] /to be disloyal (to one's country, spouse etc)/to lose one's chastity [shi1 yue1] /to miss an appointment/ [shi1 zong4] /disappear/ [shi1 er2 fu4 de2] /to regain/to lose and win back/to find again/regained [shi1 cong1] /to go deaf/to lose hearing/ [shi1 zhi2] /to lose one's job/unemployment/not to fulfil one's obligations/to ne lect one's job/dereliction of duty/ [shi1 se4] /to lose color/to turn pale/ [shi1 luo4] /to lose/ [shi1 zhao1] /unwise move/miscalculation/ [shi1 xue4] /blood loss/ [shi1 xue4 xing4 pin2 xue4] /blood loss anemia/ [shi1 heng2] /to unbalance/an imbalance/ [shi1 yan2] /slip of the tongue/indiscretion/to blurt out a secret/ [shi1 yu3] /loss of speech (e.g. as a result of brain damage)/aphasia/ [shi1 yu3 zheng4] /aphasia or aphemia (loss of language)/ [shi1 wu4] /lapse/mistake/to make a mistake/fault/service fault (in volleyball, t nnis etc)/ [shi1 diao4] /out of tune (music)/ [shi1 tiao2] /imbalance/to become dysfunctional/to lack proper care (after an ill ess etc)/ [shi1 du2 zheng4] /alexia/ [shi1 ze2] /breach of responsibility/failure to carry out one's duty/ [shi1 zu2] /to take a wrong step in life/ [shi1 zong1] /to be missing/to disappear/unaccounted for/ [shi1 shen1] /to lose one's virginity/to lose one's chastity/ [shi1 shen1 fen4] /demeaning/ [shi1 ying2] /failure to meet/(humble language) I'm sorry not to have come to mee you personally/ [shi1 mi2] /to lose one's way/to get lost (on the road etc)/ [shi1 dao4] /to lose the way/unjust/moral failing/ [shi1 dao4 gua3 zhu4] /an unjust cause find little support (idiom, from M st cause attracts much support/ [shi1 zhong4] /weightlessness/ [shi1 cuo4] /mistake/slip-up/by accident/ [shi1 pei2] /goodbye (modest formula)/Excuse me, I must leave./ [shi1 ling2] /out of order (of machine)/not working properly/a failing (of a syst m)/ [shi1 mian4 zi5] /to lose face/to be humiliated/ [shi1 feng1] /trouble/damage/setback/sth goes wrong/ [shi1 ti3 tong3] /lacking in propriety/bad form/ [shi1 ti3 mian4] /to lose face/ [shi1 hun2] /to panic/ [shi1 hun2 luo4 po4] /lit. lost soul, dropped spirit (idiom); driven to d ared out of one's wits/

[bi3] /arch. variant of / [yi2] /non-Han people, esp. to the East of China/barbarians/to wipe out/to exter minate/to tear down/to raze/ [yi2 ping2] /to level/to raze to the ground/ [yi2 lu4] /to massacre/ [yi2 kuang4] /expansive/level and broad/broad-minded/ [Yi2 zhou1] /land of barbarians/name of Taiwan in 3rd century AD/ [yi2 mie4] /to massacre/to die out/ [yi2 wei2 ping2 di4] /to level/to raze to the ground/ [yi2 ran2] /calm/ [yi2 di2] /non-Han tribes in the east and north of ancient China/barbarians/ [yi2 you2] /to hesitate/ [Yi2 men2] /the Yi gate of , capital of Wei during Warring states/ [Yi2 ling2] /Yiling (barbarian mound), historical place name in Yichang county first mentioned in history (after its destruction by Qin) as burial place of the former Chu kings/Yiling district of Yichang city [Yi2 chang1 shi4], Hubei/ [Yi2 ling2 qu1] /Yiling district of Yichang city [Yi2 chang1 shi4], Hub [kua1] /see [kua1 ke4]/ [kua1 ke4] /quark (physics)/ [kuang3] /low ground/hollow/depression (used in Shandong place names)/ [jia1] /to press from either side/to place in between/to sandwich/to carry sth u nder armpit/wedged between/between/to intersperse/to mix/to mingle/clip/folder/ [jia2] /double-layered/lined (garment)/ [jia1 qi1 jia1 ba1] /completely mixed up/in a muddle/ [jia1 ke4] /jacket (loanword)/ [jia1 ju4] /clamp/pliers/ [jia1 sai1 r5] /to cut into a line/queue-jumping/ [jia1 zi5] /clip/clamp/tongs/folder/wallet/ [jia1 ceng2] /interval between two layers/double-layered/mezzanine/ [Jia1 shan1 guo2 jia1 sen1 lin2 gong1 yuan2] /Jiashansi N , Hunan/ [Jia1 shan1 si4] /Jiashan Temple, Buddhist temple in Shimen , Changde rted final home and burial place of late Ming peasant rebel leader Li Zicheng / [jia1 dai4] /to smuggle/to carry secretly/notes smuggled into an exam/ [jia1 xin1] /to fill with stuffing (e.g. in cooking)/stuffed/ [jia1 pi1] /critical annotations between the lines/ [jia1 chi2] /to clamp/tongs/ [jia1 ji1] /pincer attack/attack from two or more sides/converging attack/attack n a flank/fork in chess, with one piece making two attacks/ [jia1 gong1] /attack from two sides/pincer movement/converging attack/attack on a flank/fork in chess, with one piece making two attacks/ [jia1 duan4] /to nip (i.e. cut short)/to pinch off/ [jia1 ban3] /splint/clamp/vise (as torture instrument)/ [jia1 ban3 qi4] /criticized by both sides/ [jia1 gun4] /leg vise (torture instrument)/ [Jia1 jiang1] /Jiajiang county in Leshan [Le4 shan1], Sichuan/ [Jia1 jiang1 xian4] /Jiajiang county in Leshan [Le4 shan1], Sichuan/ [jia1 sheng1] /half cooked/not completely done/ [jia1 sheng1 fan4] /half cooked rice/ [jia1 dang1] /crucial moment/critical time/ [jia1 dang1 r5] /erhua variant of , crucial moment/critical time/ [jia1 zhu2 tao2] /oleander (Nerium indicum)/ [jia1 jin3] /clamp/vise/ [jia1 feng4] /crack/crevice/ [ga1 zhi5 wo1] /armpit/also written [ga1 zhi5 wo1]/ [jia2 ao3] /lined jacket/double layered jacket/CL:[jian4]/ [jia1 jiao3] /angle (between two intersecting lines)/ [jia1 qi3 wei3 ba5] /to tuck one's tail between one's legs/fig. to back d liating situation/ [jia1 dao4] /a narrow street (lined with walls)/to line the street/

[jia1 dao4 huan1 ying2] /to line the streets in welcome/ [jia1 qian2] /tongs/ [jia1 za2] /to mix together (disparate substances)/to mingle/a mix/to be tangled p with/ [jia1 xian4] /stuffed (of food)/with filling/ [Yan3] /surname Yan/ [yan1] /variant of [yan1]/to castrate/variant of [yan1]/to delay/ [yan3] /suddenly/abruptly/hastily/to cover/to surround/ [yan3 lie4] /omelet/ [yan3 yan3 yi1 xi1] /dying/at one's last gasp/ [ji1] /odd (number)/ [qi2] /strange/odd/weird/wonderful/ [qi2 shi4] /marvel/ [qi2 ren2] /an eccentric/odd person/extraordinary talent/ [qi2 wei3] /singular and majestic/strange and grand/ [ji1 ou3] /parity/odd and even/ [ji1 ou3 xing4] /parity (odd or even)/ [qi2 bing1] /troops appearing suddenly (in a raid or ambush)/ [ji1 han2 shu4] /odd function (math.)/ [qi2 nu3 ke4] /Chinook (helicopter)/ [Qi2 tai2] /Qitai county or Guchung nahiyisi in Changji Hui autonomous prefecture ji2 Hui2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xingjiang/ [Qi2 tai2 xian4] /Qitai county or Guchung nahiyisi in Changji Hui autonomous ure [Chang1 ji2 Hui2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xingjiang/ [qi2 shi4] /odd person/an eccentric/ [qi2 miao4] /fantastic/wonderful/ [qi2 jue2] /strange and prominent/ [qi2 huan4] /fantasy (fiction)/ [qi2 xing2 guai4 zhuang4] /fantastic oddities of every description (idiom y shaped/ [qi2 cai3] /unexpected splendour/ [qi2 zhi4] /high aspiration/ [qi2 guai4] /strange/odd/to marvel/to be baffled/ [qi2 chi3 da4 ru3] /extraordinary shame and humiliation (idiom)/ [qi2 cai2] /genius/ [qi2 ji4] /brilliant skill/uncanny feat/ [ji1 shu4] /odd number/ [qi2 wen2] /remarkable work/peculiar writing/ [qi2 wen2 gong4 shang3] /lit. remarkable work appreciated by all (idiom); praised (original meaning)/incomprehensible nonsense/preposterous bullshit/ [qi2 kun1 gu3 ni2 ya4 re4] /Chikungunya fever/ [qi2 kun1 gu3 ni2 ya4 bing4 du2] /Chikungunya virus/ [qi2 jing3] /marvel/ [qi2 te4] /peculiar/unusual/queer/ [qi2 zhen1] /a rare treasure/sth priceless and unique/ [qi2 zhen1 yi4 bao3] /rare treasure (idiom)/ [Qi2 rui4] /Chery (car manufacturer)/ [Qi2 wa3 wa3] /Chihuahua, Mexico/ [qi2 yi4] /fantastic/bizarre/odd/astonished/ [qi2 yi4 kua1 ke4] /strange quark (physics)/ [qi2 yi4 guo3] /kiwi fruit/Chinese gooseberry/ [qi2 yi4 bi3] /marker (writing instrument)/ [qi2 huo4] /unexpected calamity/sudden disaster/ [qi2 jue2] /strange/rare/bizarre/ [qi2 que1] /very short of (food, clean water etc)/extreme shortage/deficit/ [ji1 xian4] /surplus/profit/ [qi2 wen2] /anecdote/fantastic story/ [qi2 neng2] /special ability/ [qi2 neng2 yi4 shi4] /extraordinary hero with special abilities/martial a o/

[qi2 hua1 yi4 hui4] /exotic flowers and rare herbs (idiom)/ [qi2 hua1 yi4 cao3] /(saying) very rarely seen, unusual/ [qi2 pa1] /out of the ordinary/rarely seen/ [qi2 pa1 yi4 hui4] /rare and exotic flora (idiom)/ [qi2 zhuang1 yi4 fu2] /bizarre dress/ [qi2 xi2] /surprise attack/raid/ [qi2 lan3] /singular excursion/off the beaten track/ [qi2 guan1] /spectacle/ [qi2 jie3] /singular solution (to a math. equation)/ [qi2 tan2] /odd story/exotic tale/fig. ridiculous argument/ [qi2 jue2] /strange and deceitful/sly/treacherous/ [qi2 huo4 ke3 ju1] /rare commodity that can be hoarder/object for profite [qi2 ji4] /miracle/miraculous/wonder/marvel/ [ji1 ti2 mu4] /Perissodactyla/order of odd-toed ungulate (including horse, ta inoceros)/ [ji1 ti2 lei4] /Perissodactyla (odd-toed ungulates, such as horses, zebras et [qi2 yu4] /happy encounter/fortuitous meeting/adventure/ [qi2 chou3] /grotesque/extremely ugly/hideous/ [qi2 chou3 wu2 bi3] /extremely ugly/incomparably hideous/ [qi2 li4] /singularly beautiful/weird and wonderful/ [nai4] /how can one help/ [nai4 he2] /to do something to sb/to deal with/to cope/how?/to no avail/ [Nai4 man4] /Naiman banner or Naiman khoshuu in Tongliao [Tong1 liao2], a/ [Nai4 man4 qi2] /Naiman banner or Naiman khoshuu in Tongliao [Tong1 lia/ [nai4 miao3] /nanosecond, ns, 10^-9 s (Taiwan)/PRC equivalent: [na4 miao [Nai4 liang2] /Nara, an old capital of Japan/ [Nai4 liang2 shi2 dai4] /Nara period (710-794) in early Japanese history/ [Nai4 liang2 xian4] /Nara prefecture in central Japan/ [feng4] /to offer (tribute)/to present respectfully (to superior, ancestor, deit y etc)/to esteem/to revere/to believe in (a religion)/to wait upon/to accept ord ers (from superior)/ [feng4 shang4] /to offer/ [feng4 gong1] /to pursue public affairs/ [feng4 gong1 ke4 ji3] /self-restraint and devotion to public duties (idio dedication/to serve the public interest wholeheartedly/ [feng4 gong1 shou3 fa3] /to carry out official duties and observe the law [feng4 quan4] /may I offer a bit of advice (honorary)/ [Feng4 hua4] /Fenghu county level city in Ningbo [Ning2 bo1], Zhejiang/ [Feng4 hua4 shi4] /Fenghu county level city in Ningbo [Ning2 bo1], Z [feng4 zhao4] /to receive orders/ [feng4 gao4] /(honorific) to inform/ [feng4 ming4] /to receive orders/to follow orders/to act under orders/ [Feng4 tian1] /old name for Shenyang in modern Liaoning province/ [feng4 cheng5] /to fawn on/to flatter/to ingratiate oneself/flattery/ [feng4 cheng2 zhe3] /flatterer/ [feng4 cheng5 tao3 hao3] /to curry favor/to get the desired outcome by fl [Feng4 xin1] /Fengxin county in Yichun , Jiangxi/ [Feng4 xin1 xian4] /Fengxin county in Yichun , Jiangxi/ [feng4 zhi3] /on imperial orders/ [feng4 xian4] /to consecrate/to dedicate/to devote/ [feng4 xian4] /offering/ [feng4 shen1 he4 jing4] /polite congratulations (i.e. on a greeting card) [feng4 si4] /to offer sacrifice (to Gods or ancestors)/to consecrate/dedicated to [Feng4 jie2] /Fengjie county in Wanzhou suburbs of north Chongqing municipality, ormerly in Sichuan/ [Feng4 jie2 xian4] /Fengjie county in Wanzhou suburbs of north Chongqing muni y, formerly in Sichuan/ [Feng4 xi4] /Fengtian clique (of northern warlords)/

[Feng4 xi4 jun1 fa2] /Fengtian clique (of northern warlords)/ [feng4 zhi2] /devotion to duty/ [feng4 ruo4 shen2 ming2] /to honor sb as a God (idiom); to revere/to wors to make a holy cow of sth/to put sb on a pedestal/ [feng4 xing2] /to pursue (a course, a policy)/ [feng4 zhao4] /to receive an imperial command/ [Feng4 xian2] /Fengxian suburban district of Shanghai/ [Feng4 xian2 qu1] /Fengxian suburban district of Shanghai/ [feng4 zeng4] /(honorific) to present/to give as a present/ [feng4 xin1 bi3 ke4 dang3] /Funcinpec (royalist Cambodian political p [feng4 ying2] /(honorific) to greet/to fawn/ [feng4 song4] /(honorific) to give/ [feng4 huan2] /to return with thanks/to give back (honorific)/ [feng4 pei2] /(honorific) to accompany/to keep sb company/ [feng4 yang3] /to look after (elderly parents)/to serve/to support/ [kui2] /crotch/15th of the 28th constellations of Chinese astronomy/ [kui2 ning2] /quinine/ [kui2 ning2 shui3] /tonic water/quinine water/ [Kui2 tun2] /Kuitun city or Kytun shehiri in Ili Kazakh autonomous prefecture zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang/ [Kui2 tun2 shi4] /Kuitun city or Kytun shehiri in Ili Kazakh autonomous pref ke4 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang/ [Kui2 tuo1] /Quito, capital of Ecuador, usually written as / [Kui2 wen2] /Kuiwen district of Weifang city [Wei2 fang1 shi4], Shan [Kui2 wen2 qu1] /Kuiwen district of Weifang city [Wei2 fang1 shi [Kui2 xing1] /Kuixing, the Great Bear, one of the 28 constellations/ [zou4] /to play music/to achieve/to present a memorial to the emperor (old)/ [zou4 tie3] /memorial to the emperor (folded in accordion form)/ [zou4 zhe2] /memorial to the emperor (folded in accordion form)/ [zou4 xiao4] /to show results/effective/ [zou4 yue4] /to perform music/to play a tune/ [zou4 ming2 qu3] /sonata/ [zou4 ming2 qu3 shi4] /sonata form (one of the large-scale structures use classical music)/ [Huan4] /surname Huan/ [huan4] /excellent/ [qi4] /to carve/carved words/to agree/a contract/a deed/ [Qi4 dan1] /Qidan/Khitan/ethnic group in ancient China, a branch of the Eastern H people inhabiting the valley of the Xar Murun River in the upper reaches of the Liaohe River/ [qi4 he2] /agreement/to agree/to get on with/congenial/agreeing with/to ally ones lf with sb/ [qi4 ju4] /deed/ [qi4 ji1] /opportunity/turning point/juncture/ [Qi4 sha1 bi3 ke4 wan1] /Chesapeake bay/ [qi4 jian4] /arrow used as a token of authority (by field commanders)/ [qi4 yue1] /agreement/contract/ [qi4 yue1 qiao2 pai2] /contract bridge (card game)/ [Qi4 he1 fu1] /Anton Pavlovich Chekhov (1860-1904), Russian writer famous for ort stories and plays/ [chi3] /old variant of [chi3]/ [she1] /old variant of [she1]/ [zha4] /to open/to spread/ [ben1] /to hurry or rush/to run quickly/to elope/ [ben4] /go to/towards/ [ben1 ming4] /rush about on errands/be kept on the run/ [ben1 sang1] /hasten home for the funeral of a parent or grandparent/ [ben1 ben1 zu2] /lit. Rushing Clan, generation born between 1975-1985 and Chi st hedonistic and hard-working social group (netspeak)/ [ben1 mang2] /be busy rushing about/bustle about/

[ben1 fang4] /bold and unrestrained/untrammeled/ [ben4 yue4] /to fly to the moon/ [ben1 bo1] /to rush about/to be constantly on the move/ [ben1 liu2] /flow at great speed/pour/racing current/ [ben1 xie4] /(of torrents) rush down/pour down/ [ben1 xi2] /long-range raid/ [ben1 zou3] /to run/to rush about/to be on the go/ [ben1 fu4] /to rush to/to hurry to/ [ben1 pao3] /to run/ [ben1 tao2] /flee/run away/ [ben4 tou2] /sth to strive for/prospect/ [ben4 tou2 r5] /erhua variant of /sth to strive for/prospect/ [ben1 ma3] /runaway horses/ [Ben1 chi2] /Benz (name)/Mercedes-Benz, German car make/ [ben1 chi2] /to run quickly/to speed/to gallop/ [ben1 teng2] /(of waves) to surge forward/to roll on in waves/to gallop/ [yi4] /abundant/graceful/ [Yi4 xin1] /Grand Prince Yixin (1833-1898), sixth son of Emperor Daoguang, promin nt politician, diplomat and modernizer in late Qing/ [Yi4 zhu3] /given name of Qing Emperor Xianfeng / [tao4] /cover/sheath/to encase/a case/to overlap/to interleave/bend (of a river or mountain range, in place names)/harness/classifier for sets, collections/tau (Greek letter )/ [ ao4 zhong1 ren2] /a conserva ive/ [ ao4 zuo4] /in ercropping/growing several crops oge her/ [ ao4 er5] /loop of rope/noose/scheme/ploy/ [ ao4 li4] /arbi rage/ [ ao4 li4 zhe3] /arbi rager/ [ ao4 bao1] /collar par of horse harness/ [ ao4 hui4] /illegal currency exchange/arbi rage/ [ ao4 yin4] /color prin ing using several overlayed images/ [ ao4 qu3] / o acquire fraudulen ly/an illegal exchange/ [ ao4 kou3 gong4] / o rap a suspec in o a confession/ [ ao4 wen4] / o sound sb ou / o find ou by ac ful indirec ques ioning/ [ ao4 ao5] /me hods/ he old ricks/ [ ao4 zi5] /cap/ [ ao4 fang2] /sui e/apar men /fla / [ ao4 huan4] / o change (currency) illegally/fraudulen exchange/ [ ao4 shu4] /song cycle in Chinese opera/fig. a series of ricks/poli e remarks/ [ ao4 qu3] /diver imen o (music)/ [ ao4 fu2] /a sui (of clo hes)/ [ ao4 qi1 bao3 zhi2] / o hedge (one's be s)/ o defend agains risk/ [ ao4 lao2] / o immobilize wi h a lasso/ o be rapped in he s ock marke / [ ao4 yong4] / o copy a se pa ern mechanically/ o crib/ [ ao4 die2] /overlapping/nes ing/ o in erleave/ [ ao4 zhong4] /one crop grown oge her wi h o hers/ [ ao4 ong3] /sleeve/a ube for wrapping/ [ ao4 guan3] /pipe casing/ [ ao4 hong2] /prin ing in red (e.g. a banner headline)/ [ ao4 suo3] /a lasso/noose/ [ ao4 jie2] /a noose/ [ ao4 sheng2] /a lasso/ [ ao4 shai3] /color prin ing using several overlayed images/ [ ao4 shan1] /a pullover/ [ ao4 shan1 r5] /a pullover/ [ ao4 xiu4] /sleeve cover/ [ ao4 qun2] /woman's sui /dress worn over a pe icoa / [ ao4 zhuang1] /ou fi or sui (of clo hes)/se of coordina ed i ems/ki / [ ao4 ku4] /leggings/ [ ao4 hua4] /poli e alk/conven ional gree ings/

[ ao4 yu3] /poli e se phrases/ [ ao4 gou4] /a fraudulen purchase/ o buy up s h illegally/ [ ao4 lu4] /sequence of movemen s in mar ial ar s/rou ine/pa ern/s andard me hod [ ao4 che1] / o harness (a horse o a car )/ [ ao4 zhong1] /chime/ [ ao4 jian1] /ves ibule/small inner room (opening o o hers)/ [ ao4 xie2] /overshoes/galoshes/ [ ao4 can1] /se meal/produc or service package (e.g. for a cell phone subscrip on)/ [ ao4 ma3] / o harness a horse/ o lasso a horse/ [ ao4 ma3 gan3] /lasso on long wooden pole/ [zang4] /grea / [zhuang3] /fa /s ou / [Xi1] /surname Xi/ [xi1] /(li erary) wha ?/where?/why?/ [Xi1 Xiao4 bo2] /Xi Xiaobo (1910-1977), Beijing opera s ar, one of he Four g ards / [xi1 luo4] /to taunt/to ridicule/to jeer at/to treat coldly/to abandon/ [fei3] /big/ [dian4] /to fix/to settle/a libation to the dead/ [dian4 yi2] /a gift of money to the family of the deceased/ [dian4 ji1] /groundbreaking/to lay foundation/ [dian4 ji1 ren2] /founder/pioneer/ [dian4 ji1 shi2] /a foundation stone/a cornerstone/ [dian4 ji1 zhe3] /founder/pioneer/ [dian4 ding4] /to establish/to fix/to settle/ [Dian4 ji4 gong1] /Dianji Temple in Keelung, Taiwan/ [dian4 ji4] /pouring of wine on ground for sacrifice/ [dian4 du1] /to determine the position of the capital/to found a capital/ [dian4 jiu3] /a libation/ [ao4] /haughty/vigorous/ [she1] /extravagant/ [she1 chi3] /luxurious/extravagant/wasteful/ [she1 chi3 pin3] /luxury good/ [she1 ru4 jian3 nan2] /it is hard to become frugal after becoming accusto (idiom)/ [she1 yi4 jian3 nan2] /easy to become accustomed to luxury, hard to becom to frugality (idiom)/ [she1 wang4] /an extravagant hope/to have excessive expectations/ [she1 qiu2] /to make extravagant demands/an unreasonable request/ [she1 tai4] /extravagant/sumptuous/wasteful/ [she1 pan4] /an extravagant hope/to have unrealistic expectations/ [she1 hua2] /luxurious/sumptuous/lavish/ [she1 mi2] /extravagant/ [She1 Xiang1] /She Xiang (c. 1361-1396), lady who served as Yi ethnic group leade in Yunnan in early Ming times/ [she1 li4] /sumptuous/a luxury/ [weng3] /clear and cloudless sky/ [Ao4] /Austria/Austrian/abbr. for [Ao4 di4 li4]/Olympic/Olympics/abbr. f ]/ [ao4] /obscure/mysterious/ [Ao4 ding1] /Odin (god in Norse mythology)/ [Ao4 ding1 xie2 zhen4 qi4] /Oudin coil/Oudin resonator/ [Ao4 shi2] /Osh (city in Kyrgyzstan)/ [Ao4 ke4 la1 he2 ma3 zhou1] /Oklahoma/ [Ao4 ke4 si1 na4 de2] /Oxnard, California/ [Ao4 ke4 su1 si1 He2] /Oxus River/alternative name for Amu Darya [Ao4 ke4 lan2] /Auckland (New Zealand city)/Oakland (California, US city)/ [Ao4 qie1 nuo4 si1] /Oceanus, Titan God of the seas before Poseidon/ [Ao4 li4 ao4] /Oreo cookies/

[Ao4 li4 an1] /Orion (constellation, loan word)/also written / [Ao4 Xiong1 di4 guo2] /Austro-Hungarian empire 1867-1918/ [Ao4 gu3 si1 du1] /Augustus (name)/ [Ao4 guo2] /Austria/ [Ao4 di4 li4] /Austria/ [Ao4 se4 ti1] /Ossetia (a Caucasian republic)/ [Ao4 sai1 luo2] /Othello, 1604 tragedy by William Shakespeare [ao4 miao4] /subtle/ [ao4 mu3 zhen1 li3 jiao4] /Aum Shinrikyo, the Japanese death cult res 95 sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway/ [Ao4 wei3 hui4] /Olympic committee/ [Ao4 wei1 er3] /Orwell (name)/George Orwell (1903-1950), British novelist, au Animal farm and 1984 / [ao4 mi4 ke4 rong2] /omicron (Greek letter)/ [Ao4 ba1 ma3] /Barack Obama (1961-), US Democrat politician, Senator for Illi om 2005, president from 2009/ [Ao4 bu4 li3] /Aubrey (name)/ [Ao4 kang1 nei4 er3] /O'Connell (name)/Daniel O'Connell (1775-1847), Iris and catholic activist/ [Ao4 kang1 na4] /O'Connor (name)/Thomas Power O'Connor (1848-1929), Irish jou and nationalist political leader/ [Ao4 de2 xiu1 si1] /Odysseus/ [Ao4 de2 sai4] /Homer's Odyssey/ [Ao4 tuo1] /Otto/ [Ao4 si1 ding1] /Austin or Austen (name)/Austin, Texas/also written / [Ao4 si1 ka3] /Oscar, The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences annual L: [jie4]/ [Ao4 si1 ka3 jin1 xiang4 jiang3] /Academy Awards/Oscars/CL: [ [Ao4 si1 wei1 xin1] /Auschwitz (concentration camp)/ [Ao4 si1 wei1 xin1 ji2 zhong1 ying2] /Auschwitz concentration [Ao4 si1 man4] /Ottoman (empire)/ [Ao4 si1 man4 di4 guo2] /the Ottoman empire/ [Ao4 si1 ting1] /Austin or Austen (name)/Austin, Texas/ [Ao4 si1 wa3 er3 de2] /Oswald/ [Ao4 si1 lu4] /Oslo, capital of Norway/ [Ao4 lin2 pi3 ya4] /Olympia (Greece)/ [Ao4 lin2 pi3 ke4] /Olympic/ [Ao4 lin2 pi3 ke4 jing1 shen2] /Olympic spirit/ [Ao4 lin2 pi3 ke4 yun4 dong4 hui4] /Olympic Games/the Olympic [Ao4 lin2 pi3 ke4 yun4 dong4 hui4 zu3 zhi [Ao4 lin2 pi3 ke4 ti3 yu4 chang3] /Olympic Stadium/ [Ao4 er3 ba1 ni2] /Albany, New York/ [Ao4 er3 bu4 lai4 te4] /(Madeleine) Albright (US Secretary of State)/ [Ao4 er3 de2 ni2 dao3] /Alderney (Channel Islands)/ [Ao4 er3 liang2] /Orlans/ [Ao4 te4 man4] /Ultraman, Japanese science fiction superhero/ [Ao4 te4 lang3 tuo1] /Otranto city on the southeast heel of Italy/ [Ao4 te4 lang3 tuo1 hai3 xia2] /strait of Otranto between the hee [ao4 te4 lai2 si1] /outlets (loanword)/retail outlet (e.g. specializing i famous brands)/factory outlet retail store/ [Ao4 lu2] /Oulu (city in Finland)/ [ao4 mi4] /secret/mystery/ [ao4 mi3 ga1] /omega (Greek letter )/ [ao4 mi3 ke3 rong2] /omicron (Greek letter )/ [A 4 zu3 wei3] /Olympic rganizing c mmittee/abbr. f r [Ao4 wei2 ye1 duo1] /Oviedo (Asturian: Uviu), capital of Asturias in nor [Ao4 lan2 duo1] /Orlando/ [Ao4 lan2 qun2 dao3] /land Islands, Finland/ [Ao4 xi1 nuo2 si1] /Oceanus, Titan God of the seas before Poseidon/ [Ao4 lai4 en1] /Orion (NASA spacecraft)/

[Ao4 sai4 luo2] /Othello (play by Shakespeare)/ [Ao4 di2] /Audi/ [Ao4 di2 xiu1 si1] /Odysseus, hero of Homer's Odyssey/ [ao4 ji4] /Holy mystery/Holy sacrament (of Orthodox church)/ [Ao4 yun4] /abbr. for /Olympic Games/the Olympics/ [Ao4 yun4 gong1 huo4 shang1] /supply of Olympic merchandise/ [Ao4 yun4 cheng2 shi4] /Olympic city/ [Ao4 yun4 hui4] /abbr. for /Olympic Games/the Ol [Ao4 yun4 cun1] /Olympic Village/ [Ao4 yun4 sai4] /Olympic competition/ [Ao4 li3 sa4 bang1] /Orissa, eastern Indian state bordering Bangladesh/ [Ao4 li3 li3 ya4] /Aurelia, a hypothetical planet/ [Ao4 tao2 xi4] /Ordovician system (geology)/see / [Ao4 tao2 ji4] /Ordovician (geological period 495-440m years ago)/ [Ao4 ma3 ha1] /Omaha/ [Ao4 ma3 er3] /Omar (Arabic name)/ [Ao4 dai4 li4] /Audrey/variant of / [Ao4 dai4 li4] /Audrey/ [jiang3] /Japanese variant of [jiang3]/ [lian2] /bridal trousseau/ [duo2] /to seize/to take away forcibly/to wrest control of/to compete or strive for/to force one's way through/to leave out/to lose/ [duo2 ou3] /to contend for a mate/ [duo2 guan4] /to seize the crown/fig. to win a championship/to win gold medal/ [duo2 qu3] /to seize/to capture/to wrest control of/ [duo2 de2] /to force one's way/to achieve by force/to seize (power)/ [duo2 biao1] /to compete for first prize/ [duo2 quan2] /to seize power/ [duo2 mu4] /to dazzle the eyes/ [duo2 zou3] /to snatch away/ [duo2 jin1] /to snatch gold/to take first place in a competition/ [duo2 men2 er2 chu1] /to rush out through a door (idiom)/ [duo2 kui2] /to seize/to win/ [yun1] /deep and broad (expanse of water)/abyss/ [jiang3] /variant of / [Shi4] /surname Shi/ [shi4] /majestic manner/red/angry/ [fen4] /exert oneself/ [fen4 bu4 gu4 shen1] /to dash on bravely with no thought of personal safe ndaunted by dangers/regardless of perils/ [fen4 li4] /to do everything one can/to spare no effort/one's best/ [fen4 yong3] /dauntless/to summon up courage and determination/using extreme forc of will/ [fen4 zhan4] /to fight bravely/ [fen4 wu3 yang2 wei1] /a show of strength/ [fen4 fa1] /to rouse to vigorous action/energetic mood/ [fen4 fa1 tu2 qiang2] /to work energetically for prosperity (of the count [fen4 bi3 ji2 shu1] /to write at a tremendous speed/ [fen4 mei4] /to roll up one's sleeves for action/ [fen4 qi3] /to rise vigorously/a spirited start/ [Fen4 qi3 hu2] /Fenchihu, town in Chiayi County, Taiwan/ [fen4 qi3 zhi2 zhui1] /to catch up vigorously/to set off in hot pursuit/ [fen4 jin4] /to advance bravely/to endeavor/ [fen4 jin4 hao4] /space shuttle Endeavor/ [fen4 fei1] /to spread wings and fly/ [fen4 dou4] /to strive/to struggle/ [bi4] /anger/ [nu:3] /female/woman/daughter/ [ru3] /archaic variant of [ru3]/ [nu:3 zhu3 ren2] /hostess/mistress/

[nu:3 zhu3 ren2 gong1] /heroine (of a novel or film)/main female protagon [nu:3 cheng2 wu4 yuan2] /stewardess/female flight attendant/ [nu:3 ren2] /woman/ [nu:3 ren5] /wife/ [nu:3 ren2 qi4] /womanly temperament/femininity/effeminate (of male)/cowardly [nu:3 ban4] /female companion/ [nu:3 xiu1 dao4] /convent/ [nu:3 xiu1 dao4 zhang1] /abbess/ [nu:3 xiu1 dao4 yuan4] /convent/ [nu:3 jie2] /woman of distinction/a woman to be admired or respected/ [nu:3 yong1] /(female) maid/ [nu:3 pu2] /female servant/drudge/ [nu:3 bin1 xiang4] /bridesmaid/ [nu:3 er2] /daughter/ [nu:3 er2 qiang2] /crenelated parapet wall/ [nu:3 er2 hong2] /kind of Chinese wine/ [nu:3 gong1 zi3] /noble lady/(honorific) your daughter/ [nu:3 gong1 jue2] /duchess/ [nu:3 gong1] /working woman/needlework/ [nu:3 you3] /girlfriend/ [nu:3 tong2 bao1] /fellow country woman/ [nu:3 shi4] /lady/madam/CL: [ge4],[wei4]/Miss/Ms/ [nu:3 shi4 you1 xian1] /Ladies first!/ [Nu:3 wa2] /mythological daughter of Fiery Emperor [Yan2 di4] who turned into ingwei [Jing1 wei4] after drowning/ [nu:3 xu5] /daughter's husband/son-in-law/ [Nu:3 wa1] /Nwa (creator of humans in Chinese mythology)/ [Nu:3 wa1 shi4] /Nwa (creator of humans in Chinese mythology)/ [nu:3 ying1] /female baby/ [nu:3 zi3] /woman/female/ [nu:3 zi3 can1 zheng4 quan2] /women's suffrage/ [nu:3 hai2] /girl/lass/ [nu:3 hai2 r5] /daughter/ [nu:3 hai2 zi5] /girl/ [nu:3 jia1] /bride's family (in marriage)/ [nu:3 gong1] /working woman/needlework/ [nu:3 wu1] /witch/ [nu:3 dian4 yuan2] /salesgirl/female shop assistant/ [nu:3 ce4] /ladies washroom/ladies toilet/ [nu:3 qiang2 ren2] /successful career woman/able woman/ [nu:3 xing4] /woman/the female sex/ [nu:3 xing4 zhu3 yi4] /feminism/ [nu:3 xing4 hua4] /to feminize/feminization/ [nu:3 xing4 yan4 wu4] /misogyny/ [nu:3 xing4 bian3 yi4] /misogyny/ [nu:3 fang2 dong1] /landlady/ [nu:3 pai2] /women's volleyball/abbr. of / [nu:3 fang1] /the bride's side (of a wedding)/of the bride's party/ [nu:3 xing1] /female star/famous actress/ [nu:3 shu1] /N Shu writing, a phonetic syllabary for Yao ethnic group d and used by women in Jiangyong county in southern Hunan/ [nu:3 peng2 you5] /female friend/girlfriend/ [nu:3 quan2] /women's rights/ [nu:3 quan2 zhu3 yi4] /feminism/ [nu:3 wu3 shen2] /valkyrie/ [nu:3 qiang2] /crenelated parapet wall/ [nu:3 fan4] /female offender in imperial China (old)/ [nu:3 wang2] /queen/ [nu:3 sheng1] /female student/ [nu:3 sheng1 wai4 xiang4] /woman's duty to get married (in former times)/

tation to her husband's family (traditional Confucian assumption)/ [nu:3 yong4 nei4 yi1] /chemise/ [nu:3 huang2] /empress/ [Nu:3 huang2 Da4 xue2] /Queen's University (Belfast)/ [Nu:3 huang2 di4] /empress/refers to Tang empress Wuzetian (624 [Nu:3 zhen1] /Nzhen or Jurchen, a Tungus ethnic group, predecessor of the Manchu hnic group who founded the later Jin dynasty and Qing dynasty/ [nu:3 juan4] /the females in a family/womenfolk/ [nu:3 shen2] /goddess/nymph/ [nu:3 shen2 ge2] /geoduck (Panopea abrupta)/elephant trunk clam/same as g4]/ [nu:3 tong2] /small girl/ [nu:3 guan3 jia1] /housekeeper/ [nu:3 gong1] /the feminine arts (e.g. needlework)/ [nu:3 ji4 cheng2 ren2] /inheritress/ [nu:3 she4 jian1] /matron/ [nu:3 se4] /female charms/femininity/ [nu:3 zhuang1] /women's clothes/ [nu:3 zhuang1 cai2 feng5 shi1] /dressmaker/ [nu:3 chen4 shan1] /blouse/ [nu:3 jing3] /policewoman/ [nu:3 jing3 yuan2] /a policewoman/ [nu:3 lang2] /young woman/maiden/girl/CL: [ge4],[wei4]/ [nu:3 yin1] /vulva/pudenda/ [nu:3 gao1 yin1] /soprano/ [nu2] /slave/ [nu2 pu2] /servant/ [Nu2 er2 gan1] /part of Heilongjiang and the Vladivostok area ruled by the Mi sty/ [Nu2 er2 gan1 du1 si1] /the Ming dynasty provincial headquarters in t Vladivostok area/ [nu2 bi4] /slave servant/ [nu2 gong1] /slave labor/ [nu2 yi4] /to enslave/slavery/ [nu2 cai5] /slave/fig. flunkey/ [nu2 li4] /slave/ [nu2 li4 zhu3] /slave owner/ [nu2 li4 zhi4] /slavery/ [nu2 li4 zhi4 du4] /slavery/ [nu2 li4 she4 hui4] /slave-owning society (precedes feudal society [nu2 yan2 bi4 xi1] /servile and bending the knee (idiom); fawning/bending to curry favor/ [nai3] /breast/lady/milk/ [nai3 ming2] /pet name for a child/infant name/ [nai3 pin3] /dairy product/ [nai3 zui3] /nipple (on baby's bottle)/pacifier/ [nai3 zui3 r5] /erhua variant of , nipple/teat (on baby's bottle)/ [nai3 nai5] /(informal) grandma (paternal grandmother)/(respectful) mistress of t e house/CL:[wei4]/ [nai3 ma1] /wet nurse/ [nai3 zi5] /breast/milk/ [nai3 xi1] /milkshake/ [nai3 shui3] /mother's milk/also fig. the hand that feeds you/ [nai3 you2] /cream or butter (meaning varies regionally)/ [nai3 you2 cai4 hua1] /creamed cauliflower/ [nai3 you2 ji1 dan4] /cream sponge/ [nai3 niu2] /milk cow/dairy cow/ [nai3 niu2 chang3] /dairy farm/ [nai3 ping2] /baby's feeding bottle/ [nai3 zhan4] /dairy/

[nai3 fen3] /powdered milk/ [nai3 zhao4] /bra/brassire/ [nai3 cha2] /milk tea/ [nai3 zhi4 pin3] /dairy product/ [nai3 nong2] /dairy farming/ [nai3 su1] /butter biscuit/butter bun/ [nai3 lao4] /cheese/CL: [kuai4],[he2],[pian4]/ [nai3 lao4 huo3 guo1] /fondue/ [nai3 tou2] /nipple/teat (on baby's bottle)/ [nai3 huang2 bao1] /custard bun/ [jian1] /wicked/crafty/traitor/variant of [jian1]/ [jian1 ren2] /crafty scoundrel/villain/ [jian1 ning4] /crafty and fawning/ [jian1 shang1] /an unscrupulous businessman/a profiteer/a shark/dishonest busines / [jian1 fu1] /male adulterer/ [jian1 gui3] /an evil-doer/a malefactor/ [jian1 guan1] /a treacherous official/a mandarin who conspires against the state/ [jian1 guan1 wu1 li4] /traitor minister and corrupt official (idiom); abu tion/ [jian1 shi1] /Necrophilia/ [jian1 tu2] /a crafty villain/ [jian1 e4] /crafty and evil/ [jian1 min2] /a scoundrel/a villain/ [jian1 hua2] /treacherous/crafty/deceitful/ [jian1 xiao4] /evil smile/sinister smile/ [jian1 xi5] /a spy/a crafty person/ [jian1 chen2] /a treacherous court official/a minister who conspires against the tate/ [jian1 ji4] /evil plan/evil schemes/ [jian1 zha4] /treachery/devious/a rogue/ [jian1 zei2] /a traitor/a treacherous bandit/ [jian1 xie2] /crafty and evil/a treacherous villain/ [jian1 xian3] /malicious/treacherous/wicked and crafty/ [jian1 dang3] /a clique of traitors/ [ta1] /she/ [ta1 men5] /they/them (for females)/ [Ta1 ma3] /Tamir (mother of Perez and Zerah)/ [ta1 jing1 ji4] /"she-economy" reflecting women's economic contribution/euphe r prostitution-based economy/ [cha4] /beautiful/see [cha4 zi3 yan1 hong2]/ [cha4 nu:3] /beautiful girl/mercury/ [cha4 zi3 yan1 hong2] /fig. beautiful purples and brilliant reds (idiom); ul flowers/ [hao3] /good/well/proper/good to/easy to/very/so/(suffix indicating completion o r readiness)/ [hao4] /to be fond of/to have a tendency to/to be prone to/ [hao3 bu5 hao3] /(coll.) all right?/OK?/ [hao3 bu4 rong2 yi4] /very difficult/after all the trouble/ [hao3 jiu3] /quite a while/ [hao3 jiu3 bu5 jian4] /Long time no see/ [hao3 shi4] /good action, deed, thing or work (also sarcastic, "a fine thing inde d")/charity/happy occasion/Daoist or Buddhist ceremony for the souls of the dead / [hao4 shi4] /to be meddlesome/ [hao3 shi4 bu4 chu1 men2 , e4 shi4 chuan2 qia l deeds spread a thousand miles/a good deed goes unnoticed, but scandal spreads fast (idiom)/ [hao3 shi4 duo1 mo2] /the road to happiness is strewn with setbacks (idio [hao4 shi4 zhe3] /busybody/CL: [ge4]/

[hao3 xie1] /a good deal of/quite a lot/ [hao3 si4] /to seem/to be like/ [hao3 shi3] /so that/in order to/easy to use/ [hao3 xiang4] /as if/to seem like/ [Hao3 bing1 Shuai4 ke4] /The Good Soldier vejk (Schweik), satirical nove or Jaroslav Haek (1883-1923)/ [hao4 dong4] /active/restless/energetic/ [hao4 sheng4] /eager to win/competitive/aggressive/ [hao3 ban4 tian1] /most of the day/ [hao3 qu4] /bon voyage/god speed/ [hao3 you3] /close friend/pal/(social networking website) friend/CL: [ge4]/ [hao3 shou4] /feeling better/to be more at ease/ [hao3 chi1] /tasty/delicious/ [hao4 chi1] /to be fond of eating/to be gluttonous/ [hao4 chi1 lan3 zuo4] /lit. eats a lot but never works (idiom); fig. a pa [hao3 wa1] /hurray!/hurrah!/yippee!/ [hao3 he1] /tasty (drinks)/ [hao3 zai4] /luckily/fortunately/ [hao3 huai4] /good and bad/advantageous and disadvantageous/ [hao3 duo1] /many/quite a lot/much better/ [hao3 meng4 nan2 cheng2] /a beautiful dream is hard to realize (idiom)/ [hao4 da4 xi3 gong1] /to rejoice in grandiose deeds/to strive to achieve things/ [hao4 qi2] /inquisitive/curious/inquisitiveness/curiosity/ [hao4 qi2 shang4 yi4] /liking what odd, interested in what is different ( us about the exotic/inquisitive/ [hao4 qi2 xin1] /interest in sth/curiosity/inquisitive/ [hao4 qi2 hui4 chi1 ku3 tou5 de5] /Curiosity killed the cat./ [hao3 hao3] /well/carefully/nicely/properly/ [Hao3 hao3 xian1 sheng5] /Mr Goody-goody/yes-man (sb who agrees with anyt [hao3 hao1 r5] /in good condition/perfectly good/carefully/well/thoroughly/ [hao3 hao3 xue2 xi2 , tian1 tian1 xiang4 shang4] /stu om)/ [hao4 xue2] /eager to study/studious/erudite/ [hao4 xue2 jin4 hu5 z ledge, to study diligently is akin to benevolence, to know shame is akin to cour age (Confucius)/ [hao4 ke4] /hospitality/to treat guests well/to enjoy having guests/hospitable/fr endly/ [hao3 rong2 yi4] /with great difficulty/have a hard time/ [hao3 shi4 duo1] /Costco (warehouse club chain)/ [hao3 ji3] /several/quite a few/ [hao3 ji3 nian2] /several years/ [hao3 kang1] /benefit/advantage/ [hao4 qiang2] /eager to be first/ [hao3 xin1] /kindness/good intentions/ [hao3 xin1 dao4 zuo4 le5 lu:2 gan1 fei1] /lit. to mistake and lungs (idiom)/fig. to mistake good intentions for ill intent/ [hao3 pa4 de5] /worthy of being afraid of/ [hao4 wu4] /lit. likes and dislikes/preferences/taste/ [hao3 yi4] /good intention/kindness/ [hao3 yi4 si5] /to have the nerve/what a cheek!/to feel no shame/to overcome me/(is it) proper? (rhetorical question)/ [hao3 gan3] /good opinion/favorable impression/ [hao4 zhan4] /warlike/ [hao3 shou3] /expert/professional/ [hao3 gu4 shi5 bai3 ting1 bu4 yan4] /The story is so good it' ./One never tires of hearing good new./ [Hao3 shi2] /Hershey's (brand)/ [hao3 peng2 you5] /good friend/

[Hao3 wang4 Jiao3] /Cape of Good Hope/ [hao3 bang4] /excellent (interjection)/ [hao3 yang4 de5] /(idiom) a good person, used to praise sb's moral integrity age/ [hao3 dai3] /good and bad/most unfortunate occurrence/in any case/whatever/ [hao3 si3 bu4 ru2 lai4 huo2 zhe5] /Better a bad life than a g [hao3 bi3] /be just like/can be compared to/ [hao3 qi4] /to be happy/to be in a good mood/ [hao3 qi4 wan4 qian1] /deliriously happy (idiom)/ [hao4 yang3] /aerobic/ [hao3 han4] /hero/strong and courageous person/CL: [tiao2]/ [hao3 han4 zuo4 shi4 , hao3 han4 dang1] /daring to act an ility for it/a true man has the courage to accept the consequences of his action s/the buck stops here/ [hao3 wu4] /fine goods/ [hao3 wan2] /fun (to do)/ [hao3 wan2 r5] /interesting/delightful/amusing/ [hao3 yong4] /useful/serviceable/effective/handy/easy to use/ [hao3 kan4] /good-looking/nice-looking/good (of a movie, book, TV show etc)/ [hao3 di4] /good-looking (Cantonese)/ [hao3 shui4] /good night/ [Hao3 li4 ke4] /Horlicks milk drink (popular in Hong Kong)/ [hao3 duan1 duan1] /perfectly all right/without rhyme or reason/ [hao3 xiao4] /laughable/funny/ridiculous/ [hao3 ting1] /pleasant to hear/ [hao3 zi4 wei2 zhi1] /to do one's best/to shape up/to behave/ [hao4 se4] /to want sex/given to lust/lecherous/lascivious/horny/ [hao4 se4 zhi1 tu2] /lecher/womanizer/dirty old man/ [Hao3 lai2 wu4] /Hollywood/ [hao3 chu5] /benefit/advantage/gain/profit/also pronounced [hao3 chu4]/CL: [g [hao3 ji4] /easy to remember/ [hao3 ping2] /favorable criticism/positive evaluation/ [hao3 hua4] /words of praise/to speak well of/ [hao3 shuo1] /you're too kind (humble)/with pleasure! (indicating agreement)/easy to handle/ [hao3 xiang4] /seem/be like/ [hao3 zou3] /bon voyage/god speed/ [hao3 qi3 lai5] /to get better/to improve/to get well/ [hao3 zhuan3] /to improve/to take a turn for the better/improvement/ [hao3 yun4] /good luck/ [hao3 yun4 fu2] /good luck charm/ [hao3 guo4] /to have an easy time/(feel) well/ [hao3 dao4] /don't tell me .../could it be that...?/ [hao3 jiu3 tan1 bei1] /good wine taken in excess (idiom); fond of the bot [hao3 fan4 bu4 pa4 wan3] /The meal is remembered long after the wait od things in life are worth waiting for/ [hao3 ma3 bu4 chi1 hui2 tou2 cao3] /lit. a good horse doesn't (idiom)/fig. one should not go back to one's past experiences (of love, job etc) / [hao4 dou4] /to be warlike/to be belligerent/ [Shuo4] /surname Suo/ [shuo4] /matchmaker/see [mei2 shuo4]/ [ru2] /as/as if/such as/ [ru2 xia4] /as follows/ [ru2 jin1] /nowadays/now/ [ru2 he2] /how/what way/what/ [ru2 lai2] /tathagata (Buddha's name for himself, having many layers of meaning Sanskrit: thus gone, having been Brahman, gone to the absolute etc)/ [ru2 jia3 bao1 huan4] /replacement guaranteed if not genuine/fig. authent [ru2 qi2 suo3 hao4] /as one pleases (idiom)/

[ru2 chu1 yi1 zhe2] /to be precisely the same/to be no different/ [ru2 tong2] /like/as/ [ru2 duo4 yan1 wu4] /as if degenerating into smoke (idiom); ignorant and where things are heading/ [ru2 shi2] /as things really are/realistic/ [ru2 ce4] /to go to the toilet/ [ru2 yi4] /as one wants/according to one's wishes/ [ru2 yi4 suan4 pan2] /counting one's chickens before they are hatched/ [ru2 yi4 lang2 jun1] /ideal husband/"Mr. Right"/ [ru2 shi4] /thus/ [ru2 shi4 wo3 wen2] /so I have heard (idiom)/the beginning clause of Budd ns as recorded by his disciple, Ananda (Buddhism)/ [ru2 you3 suo3 shi1] /to seem as if something is amiss (idiom)/ [ru2 qi1] /as scheduled/on time/punctual/ [Ru2 dong1] /Rudong county in Nantong [Nan2 tong1], Jiangsu/ [Ru2 dong1 xian4] /Rudong county in Nantong [Nan2 tong1], Jiangsu/ [ru2 guo3] /if/in case/in the event that/ [ru2 ci3] /in this way/so/ [ru2 fa3 pao4 zhi4] /lit. to follow the recipe (idiom)/to follow the same [ru2 huo3] /fiery/ [ru2 huo3 ru2 cha2] /common erroneous version of [ru2 huo3 ru2 tu vigorous (momentum)/magnificent/ [ru2 huo3 ru2 tu2] /lit. white cogon flower like fire (idiom); fig. a mig wildfire/daunting and vigorous (momentum)/flourishing/magnificent/ [ru2 huo3 wan3 xia2] /clouds at sunset glowing like fire/ [ru2 lang2 si4 hu3] /lit. like wolves and tigers/ruthless/ [ru2 huo4 zhi4 bao3] /as if gaining the most precious treasure/ [ru2 hua4] /picturesque/ [Ru2 gao1] /Rugao county level city in Nantong [Nan2 tong1], Jiangsu/ [Ru2 gao1 shi4] /Rugao county level city in Nantong [Nan2 tong1], Jiangsu [ru2 huang2 zhi1 she2] /lit. a tongue like a reed (idiom)/fig. a glib ton [ru2 jiao1 si4 qi1] /stuck together as by glue (of lovers)/joined at the [ru2 hua1] /flowery/ [ru2 ruo4] /if/ [ru2 cao3] /grassy/ [ru2 hu3 tian1 yi4] /lit. like a tiger that has grown wings/with redouble m)/ [ru2 yi3 fu4 shan1] /like ants pursuing a stink (idiom); the mob chases t owerful/the crowd runs after trash/ [ru2 ying2 zhu2 chou4] /like flies pursuing a stink (idiom); the mob chas nd powerful/the crowd runs after trash/ [ru2 shi1 ru2 hua4] /poetic and picturesque/ [ru2 zui4 ru2 chi1] /lit. as if drunk and stupefied (idiom); intoxicated ed with/mad about sth/ [ru2 jin1 si4 yu4] /gold having the appearance of jade (idiom)/ [ru2 lei2 guan4 er3] /lit. like thunder piercing the ear/a well-known rep m)/ [ru2 ti2] /refer to the title or subject (in an online forum)/ [ru2 yuan4] /to have one's wishes fulfilled/ [ru2 yuan4 yi3 chang2] /to have one's wish fulfilled/ [ru2 ji1 si4 ke3] /to hunger for sth (idiom); eagerly/to long for sth/ [ru2 yu2 de2 shui3] /like a fish back in water (idiom); glad to be back i r surroundings/ [fei1] /imperial concubine/ [fei1 pin2] /imperial concubine/ [fei1 zi5] /imperial concubine/ [wang4] /absurd/fantastic/presumptuous/rash/ [wang4 xia4 ci2 huang2] /to alter a text indiscriminately (idiom)/to make e criticism/ [wang4 ren2] /presumptuous and ignorant person/

[wang4 dong4] /to rush indiscriminately into action/ [wang4 qu3] /to take sth without permission/ [wang4 tu2] /to try in vain/futile attempt/ [wang4 nian4] /wild fantasy/unwarranted thought/ [wang4 xiang3] /to attempt vainly/a vain attempt/ [wang4 xiang3 kuang2] /paranoia/megalomaniac/ [wang4 duan4] /to jump to an unfounded conclusion/ [wang4 qiu2] /inappropriate or presumptuous demands/ [wang4 wei2] /to take rash action/ [wang4 sheng1 chuan1 zao2] /a forced analogy (idiom); to jump to an unwar sion/ [wang4 cheng1] /to make a false and unwarranted declaration/ [wang4 zi4 zun1 da4] /ridiculous self-importance (idiom); arrogance/ [wang4 zi4 fei3 bo2] /to be unduly humble (idiom)/to undervalue oneself/ [wang4 yan2] /lies/wild talk/to tell lies/to talk nonsense/fantasy (literature)/ [wang4 yan2 wang4 ting1] /unwarranted talk the listener can take or leave not to be taken too seriously/ [wang4 yu3] /to tell lies/to talk nonsense/ [wang4 shuo1] /to talk irresponsibly/ridiculous presumption talk/ [ren4] /pregnant/pregnancy/ [ren4 shen1] /pregnancy/gestation/ [ren4 shen1 shi4 yan4] /pregnancy test/ [ren4 fu4] /expecting mother/ [yan2] /beautiful/ [yan2 li4] /beautiful/ [du4] /to envy (success, talent)/jealous/ [du4 ji2] /to be jealous/ [du4 ji4] /jealous/jealousy/ [du4 neng2 hai4 xian2] /jealous of the able, envious of the clever (idiom [du4 xian2 ji4 neng2] /to envy the virtuous and talented (idiom)/ [ji4] /prostitute/ [ji4 nu:3] /prostitute/hooker/ [ji4 yuan4] /brothel/whorehouse/ [yao1] /goblin/witch/devil/bewitching/enchanting/monster/phantom/demon/ [yao1 ren2] /magician/sorcerer/ [yao1 ye3] /pretty and flirtatious/ [yao1 nu:3] /beautiful woman/ [yao1 fu4] /witch (esp. European)/ [yao1 mei4] /seductive/ [yao1 rao2] /enchanting/alluring (of a girl)/ [yao1 nie4] /evildoer/ [yao1 guai4] /monster/devil/ [yao1 qi4] /sinister appearance/monster-like appearance/ [yao1 wu4] /monster/ [yao1 jing5] /evil spirit/alluring woman/ [yao1 yan4] /pretty and flirtatious/ [yao1 shu4] /sorcery/ [yao1 yan2] /heresy/ [yao1 xie2] /evil monster/ [yao1 feng1] /evil wind/ [yao1 mo2] /demon/ [yao1 mo2 gui3 guai4] /demons and ghosts/ghouls and bogies/ [jin4] /wife of mother's brother/ [jin4 zi5] /(informal) mother's brother's wife/maternal uncle's wife/ [miao4] /clever/wonderful/ [miao4 bu4 ke3 yan2] /too wonderful for words/ [miao4 pin3] /a fine work of art/ [miao4 zai4 bu4 yan2 zhong1] /the charm lies in what is left unsaid ( [Miao4 miao4 xiong2 Li4 xian3 ji4] /Adventures of the Gummi Bears /

[miao4 shou3] /miraculous hands of a healer/highly skilled person/brilliant move n chess or weiqi (go) / [miao4 shou3 hui2 chun1] /magical hands bring the dying back to life (idi cure/brilliant doctor/ [miao4 shou3 kong1 kong1] /petty thief (lit. quick fingered and vanish)/e aving nothing/ [Miao4 tan4 xun2 xiong1] /Cluedo (board game)/ [miao4 zhi4 hui4] /wondrous wisdom and knowledge (Buddhism)/ [Miao4 fa3 lian2 hua2 jing1] /The Lotus Sutra/ [miao4 bi3] /talented, gifted or ingenious writing/ [miao4 bi3 sheng1 hua1] /gifted or skillful writing/ [miao4 chu4] /ideal place/suitable location/merit/advantage/ [miao4 ji4] /excellent plan/brilliant scheme/ [miao4 yu3 ru2 zhu1] /smart words like a string of pearl/scintillating wi [miao4 yu3 heng4 sheng1] /to be full of wit and humor/ [miao4 qu4 heng2 sheng1] /endlessly interesting (idiom)/very witty/ [miao4 ling2] /puberty/nubile/ [pei1] /variant of [pei1]/embryo/ [zhuang1] /(of a woman) to adorn oneself/makeup/adornment/trousseau/stage makeup and costume/ [zhuang1 lian2] /trousseau/lady's dressing case/ [zhuang1 ban3] /to decorate/to adorn/to dress up/ [zhuang1 shi4] /to dress up/ [zhuang1 dian3] /to decorate/ [niu1] /little girl/ [niu1 niu5] /little girl/ [bi3] /deceased mother/ [yu2] /handsome/fair/ [tuo3] /suitable/adequate/ready/settled/ [tuo3 xie2] /to compromise/to reach terms/a compromise/ [tuo3 shan4] /appropriate/proper/ [Tuo3 ba4] /former county from 1983 in Chamdo prefecture [Chang1 aced by Qamdo, Zhag'yab and Jomdo counties in 1999/ [Tuo3 ba4 xian4] /former county from 1983 in Chamdo prefecture divided into Qamdo, Zhag'yab and Jomdo counties in 1999/ [tuo3 tie1] /properly/satisfactorily/firmly/very fitting/appropriate/proper/to be in good order/also written t, s/ [tuo3 dang5] /appropriate/proper/ready/ [tuo3 tie1] /properly/satisfactorily/firmly/very fitting/appropriate/proper/to be in good order/also written / [fang2] /hinder/harm/ [fang2 hai4] /to impair/damaging/harmful/a nuisance/ [fang2 ai4] /to hinder/to obstruct/ [fang2 ai4 qiu2] /stymie (golf)/ [du4] /Japanese variant of , envy/jealousy/ [ni1] /girl/phonetic "ni" (in girl's name)/ [Ni1 ke3 Ji1 de2 man4] /Nicole Kidman (1967-), film actress/ [ni1 zi5] /little girl/ [Ni1 wei2 ya4] /Nivea, skin and body care brand/ [Ni1 wei2 ya3] /Nivea, skin and body care brand/ [zhou2] /wives of brothers/ [zhou2 li5] /sister-in-law/ [Da2] /female personal name (archaic)/ [Da2 ji3] /Daji (c. 11th century BC), mythical fox spirit and concubine of the la t Shang Dynasty Emperor Zhou Xin [Zhou4 Xin1]/ [ni3] /you (female)/variant of [ni3]/ [tou3] /(feminine name)/beautiful/fair/ [mei4] /younger sister/ [mei4 fu5] /younger sister's husband/ [mei4 mei5] /younger sister/fig. younger woman (esp. girl friend or rival)/CL:

/ [mei4 zi5] /designation towards a girl younger than oneself/ [mo4] /wife of the last ruler of the Xia dynasty/ [qi1] /wife/ [qi4] /to marry off (a daughter)/ [qi1 er2] /wife and child/ [qi1 qie4] /wife or concubine/ [qi1 zi3] /wife and children/ [qi1 zi5] /wife/CL: [ge4]/ [qi1 zi5 guan3 de2 yan2] /hen-pecked male (esp. one obliged to forsak [qi1 shi4] /wife/ [qi1 guan3 yan2] /hen-pecked male (esp. one obliged to forsake male friends)/ [qi1 li2 zi3 san4] /a family wrenched apart (idiom)/ [qie4] /concubine/I, your servant (deprecatory self-reference for women)/ [qie4 shi4] /maids and concubines/ [xu3] /chatter like old woman/cheerful/ [ban4] /menstruation/ [mu3] /female tutor (old)/woman who looks after small children/ [Mu3 lao3] /Mulao ethnic group of Guangxi/ [Mu3 lao3 zu2] /Mulao ethnic group of Guangxi/ [mu3 ma1] /mom/mother (dialect)/ [Mu3 ba1 ba1 na4] /Mbabane, capital of Swaziland/ [Mu3 la1 di2 qi2] /Mladi (name)/Rat o Mladi (1942-), army chief of Bosn 96 and indicted war criminal/ [mu3 zhi3] /thumb/ [jie3] /Japanese variant of /older sister/ [zi3] /older sister/Taiwan pr. [jie3]/ [zi3 zhang4] /older sister s husband/ [zi3 fu5] /older sister s husband/ [zi3 mei4] /(older and younger) sisters/ [zi3 zi3] /older sister/ [Zi3 Gui1 xian4] /Zigui county in Hubei province/ [shi3] /to begin/to start/then/only then/ [shi3 zuo4 yong3 zhe3] /lit. the first person to bury funerary dolls (idi originator of an evil practice (refers to Mencius )/ [shi3 jian4] /to start building/first built/ [shi3 liao4 wei4 ji2] /unexpected at first (idiom)/unforeseen/ [Shi3 xin1 shi4] /Eocene (geological epoch from 55m-34m years ago)/ [shi3 xin1 ji4] /Eocene (geological epoch from 55m-34m years ago)/ [shi3 xin1 tong3] /Eocene system (geology)/ [shi3 mo4] /whole story/the ins and outs/ [shi3 zu3] /primogenitor/founder of a school or trade/ [shi3 zu3 niao3] /Archaeopteryx/ [shi3 zhong1] /from beginning to end/all along/ [shi3 zhong1 ru2 yi1] /unswerving from start to finish (idiom)/ [Shi3 xing1] /Shixing county in Shaoguan , Guangdong/ [Shi3 xing1 xian4] /Shixing county in Shaoguan , Guangdong/ [shi3 dian3] /starting point/initial point/ [shan1] /to deprecate/lithe (of a woman's walk)/leisurely/slow/ [shan1 shan1 lai2 chi2] /to be late/to arrive slowly/to be slow in the co [jie3] /older sister/ [jie3 fu5] /(informal) older sister's husband/ [jie3 mei4] /sisters/ [Jie3 mei4 lia3] /The Sisters (short story)/ [jie3 jie5] /older sister/CL: [ge4]/ [gu1] /paternal aunt/husband's sister/husband's mother (old)/nun/for the time be ing (literary)/ [gu1 zhang4] /husband of paternal aunt/ [gu1 qie3] /temporarily/the time being/for the moment/provisional/tentatively/ [gu1 fu5] /father's sister's husband/husband of paternal aunt/uncle/

[gu1 nai3 nai5] /(informal) father's father's sister/great aunt/ [gu1 wang4 yan2 zhi1] /to just talk for the sake of talking/ [gu1 gu5] /paternal aunt/CL: [ge4]/ [gu1 lao3 lao5] /mother's father's sister (informal)/great aunt/ [gu1 niang5] /girl/young woman/young lady/daughter/paternal aunt (old)/CL: [g [gu1 po2] /grandfather's sister/sister of a woman's father-in-law/ [gu1 ma1] /(coll.) father's married sister/paternal aunt/ [gu1 xi1] /excessively tolerant/to indulge/to appease/ [gu1 xi1 yi2 huan4] /to tolerate is to abet/ [gu1 xi1 yang3 jian1] /to tolerate is to nurture an evildoer (idiom); spa d spoil the child/ [gu1 mu3] /father's sister/paternal aunt/ [gu1 fu5] /father's sister's husband/husband of paternal aunt/uncle/ [gu1 die1] /husband of father's sister/uncle/ [gu1 ye5] /son-in-law (used by wife's family)/uncle (husband of father's sister)/ [gu1 zhi4 wu4 lun4] /to put something aside for the time being (idiom)/ [Si4] /surname Si/ [si4] /wife or senior concubine of husbands older brother (old)/elder sister (ol d)/ [Si4 Wen2 ming4] /Si Wenming, personal name of Yu the Great [Da4 Yu3]/ [xing4] /family name/surname/name/CL: [ge4]/ [xing4 ming2] /name and surname/CL: [ge4]/ [xing4 shi4] /family name/ [Wei3] /surname Wei/ [wei1] /same as in winding, curved/ [wei3] /to entrust/to cast aside/to shift (blame etc)/to accumulate/roundabout/w inding/dejected/listless/committee member/council/end/actually/certainly/ [wei3 ren4] /appoint/ [Wei3 nei4 rui4 la1] /Venezuela/ [wei3 nei4 rui4 la1 ma3 nao3 yan2 bing4 du2] /Venezue [wei3 yuan2] /committee member/committee/council/CL: [ge4]/ [wei3 yuan2 hui4] /committee/ [wei3 yuan2 hui4 hui4 yi4] /committee meeting/ [wei3 yuan2 zhang3] /head of a committee/ [wei3 wai4] /to outsource/ [wei3 wei3 qu1 qu1] /to feel aggrieved/ [wei3 wan3] /tactful/euphemistic/ [wei3 wan3 ci2] /euphemism/ [wei3 wan3 yu3] /euphemism/ [wei3 wan3] /variant of [wei3 wan3]/ [wei3 qu5] /to feel wronged/to cause sb to feel wronged/grievance/ [wei3 tuo1 ren2] /(law) client/trustor/ [wei3 qu1] /sinuous/devious/full details of a story/to stoop/ [wei3 qu1 qiu2 quan2] /to accept a compromise/ [wei3 pai4] /to appoint/ [wei3 tuo1] /to entrust/to trust/to commission/ [wei3 tuo1 shu1] /commission/proxy/power of attorney/authorization/warrant/ [wei3 mi3] /dispirited/depressed/ [pin1] /be a mistress or lover/ [pin1 fu1] /lover (of a woman)/illicit partner/paramour/ [pin1 ju1] /to cohabit with a lover in an illicit manner/ [ren4] /variant of [ren4]/ [Yao2] /surname Yao/ [yao2] /handsome/good-looking/ [Yao2 an1] /Yao'an county in Chuxiong Yi autonomous prefecture ou1], Yunnan/ [Yao2 An1 xian4] /Yao'an county in Chuxiong Yi autonomous prefecture 4 zhou1], Yunnan/ [Yao2 Si1 lian2] /Yao Silian (557-637), Tang writer and compiler of [Yao2 Wen2 yuan2] /Yao Wenyuan (1931-2005), one of the Gang of Four/

[Yao2 Ming2] /Yao Ming (Chinese NBA star player)/ [Yao2 Bin1] /Yao Bin (1957-), PRC champion ice skater during early 1980s and more recently national skating coach/ [Yao2 Xue3 yin2] /Yao Xueyin (1910-1999), PRC novelist, author of historical i Zicheng / [Jiang1] /surname Jiang/ [Jiang1 Wen2] /Jiang Wen, sixth generation Chinese movie director/ [shu1] /pretty woman/ [Ji2] /surname Ji/ [Jiao1] /surname Jiao/ [jiao1] /cunning/pretty/ [gou4] /copulate/good/ [lao3] /grandma (maternal)/ [mu3] /governess/old woman/ [lao3 lao5] /(informal) mother's mother/maternal grandmother/ [lao3 niang2] /maternal grandmother (dialectal)/ [lao3 ye5] /maternal grandfather (dialectal)/ [jian1] /to fornicate/to defile/adultery/rape/ [jian1 qing2] /adultery/ [jian1 sha1] /to rape and murder/ [jian1 wu1] /to rape/to violate/ [jian1 yin2] /fornication/adultery/rape/seduction/ [jian1 xiong2] /person who seeks advancement by any means/career climber/unscrupu ous careerist/ [jian1] /variant of [jian1], adultery, villain/ [yi2] /mother's sister/aunt/ [yi2 zhang4] /mother's sister's husband/husband of mother's sister/ [yi2 tai4 tai5] /concubine/ [yi2 fu5] /mother's sister's husband/husband of mother's sister/ [yi2 nai3 nai5] /father's mother's sister (informal)/great aunt/ [yi2 mei4] /wife's younger sister/sister-in-law/ [yi2 jie3] /wife's elder sister/sister-in-law/ [yi2 lao3 lao5] /mother's mother's sister/great-aunt/ [yi2 niang2] /maternal aunt/father's concubine (old)/ [yi2 ma1] /(informal) mother's sister/maternal aunt/ [yi2 mu3] /mother's sister/maternal aunt/ [yi2 fu5] /mother's sister's husband/husband of mother's sister/ [yi2 sheng5 nan2 nu:3] /wife's sister's children/ [zhi2] /nephew by the male line/ [zhi2 nu:3] /niece/brother's daughter/ [zhi2 nu:3 xu5] /brother's daughter's husband/niece's husband/ [zhi2 xi2 fu5] /brother's son's wife/nephew's wife/ [zhi2 zi5] /brother's son or daughter/nephew/ [zhi2 sun1] /grandnephew/ [zhi2 sun1 nu:3] /grand niece/ [ji1] /Japanese variant of /princess/imperial concubine/ [Ji1 lu4 shi4] /Himeji city in Hygo prefecture , Japan/ [Ji1] /surname Ji/family name of the Zhou Dynasty [Zhou1 dai4] (1046-256 BC)/ [ji1] /woman/concubine/female entertainer (archaic)/ [ji1 qie4] /concubine/ [ji1 song1 rong2] /himematsutake mushroom (Agaricus subrufescens or Agaricus Murill)/ [Ji1 lu4 cheng2] /Himeji-j, castle complex in Himeji, Hygo prefecture [heng2] /feminine name (old)/ [Heng2 e2] /see [Chang2 e2]/ [kua1] /fascinating/pretty/ [yan2] /variant of /beautiful/ [xian3] /name of an ancient state/ [yin1] /marriage connections/ [yin1 yuan2] /a marriage predestined by fate/

[yin1 qin1] /affinity/in-laws/ [gui3] /quiet and nice/ [zi1] /beauty/disposition/looks/appearance/ [zi1 shi4] /posture/position/ [zi1 rong2] /looks/appearance/ [zi1 tai4] /attitude/posture/stance/ [zi1 tai4 e1 nuo2] /to have an elegant countenance (idiom)/ [zi1 se4] /good looks (of a woman)/ [song1] /name of an ancient state/ [wei1] /power/might/prestige/ [Wei1 xin4] /Weixin county in Zhaotong [Zhao1 tong1], Yunnan/ [wei1 xin4] /prestige/reputation/trust/credit with the people/ [wei1 xin4 sao3 di4] /to lose every scrap of reputation/ [Wei1 xin4 xian4] /Weixin county in Zhaotong [Zhao1 tong1], Yunnan/ [wei1 yi2] /majestic presence/awe-inspiring manner/ [Wei1 li4] /Wylie (name)/Turrell Wylie, originator of the Wylie transcription of ibetan script/ [Wei1 li4 si1] /Willis (name)/ [wei1 li4 you4] /intimidation then bribery/ [wei1 li4] /might/formidable power/ [wei1 shi4] /might/power and influence/ [wei1 hua4 bing3 gan1] /wafer/wafer cookie/ [wei1 li4] /awe-inspiring/majestic/ [wei1 ming2] /fame for fighting prowess/military glory/ [wei1 he4] /to threaten/to intimidate/to cow/ [wei1 yan2] /dignified/imposing/august/awe-inspiring/awe/prestige/dignity/ [Wei1 ji1 ji1] /Waikiki (Hawaii)/ [Wei1 shi4] /VISA (credit card)/ [wei1 shi4 ji4] /whisky/whiskey/ [wei1 shi4 ji4 jiu3] /whisky/whiskey/ [wei1 qi2 tuo1] /Wichita (city in Kansas)/ [Wei1 Tuo3 ma3] /Sir Thomas Francis Wade (1818-1895), British diplomat and si t, originator of the Wade-Giles Chinese romanization system/ [Wei1 tuo3 ma3 pin1 fa3] /Wade-Giles system (romanization of Chinese) [Wei1 tuo3 ma3 pin1 yin1] /Wade-Giles system (romanization of Chinese [wei1 ke4] /Witkey, question-and-answer website [wei1 rong2] /grave and dignified/ [Wei1 ning2 Yi2 zu2 Hui2 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zh n Bijie prefecture [Bi4 jie2 di4 qu1], Guizhou/ [Wei1 ning2 xian4] /Weining Yi, Hui and Miao autonomous county in Bijie prefe 2 di4 qu1], Guizhou/ [wei1 zun1 ming4 jian4] /orders weightier than life/ [Wei1 ni2 si1] /Venice/Venezia/ [Wei1 ni2 si1 shang1 ren2] /the Merchant of Venice by William Shakesp [Wei1 zhou1 zhen4] /Weizhou town, seat of Wenchuan county in northwest [Wei1 lian2] /William or Wilhelm (name)/ [Wei1 lian2 Fu2 ke4 na4] /William Faulkner (1897-1962), America [Wei1 lian2 Sha1 shi4 bi3 ya4] /William Shakespeare (1564-1 [Wei1 lian2 si1 bao3] /Williamsburg, Virginia/ [wei1 de2] /powerful benevolent rule/ [wei1 she4] /to cower by military force/deterrence/ [wei1 she4 li4 liang5] /deterrent force/deterrent/ [Wei1 si1 kang1 xing1] /Wisconsin, US state/ [Wei1 si1 kang1 xing1 zhou1] /Wisconsin, US state/ [Wei1 si1 kang1 xin1] /Wisconsin/ [Wei1 si1 min3 si1 te4 Jiao4 tang2] /Westminster Abbey, Londo [wei1 wang4] /prestige/ [wei1 wu3] /might/formidable/ [wei1 wu3 bu4 qu1] /not to submit to force/ [Wei1 shi4 zhu4 yin1 fa3] /Wade-Giles transliteration scheme for Chin

[Wei1 hai3] /Weihai prefecture level city in Shandong/ [Wei1 hai3 shi4] /Weihai prefecture level city in Shandong/ [Wei1 hai3 wei4] /Weihaiwei, late Qing naval port in Weihai , Shandong/ [wei1 lie4] /fierce/formidable/ [Wei1 er3 shi4] /Wales, constituent nation of UK/ [wei1 er3 shi4 yu3] /Welsh (language)/ [Wei1 er3 te4 jun4] /Wiltshire (English county)/ [Wei1 er3 xun4] /Wilson (name)/ [wei1 meng3] /bold and powerful/ [Wei1 ma3] /Weimar (German city)/ [Wei1 ma3 Gong4 he2 guo2] /Weimar Republic (German Reich, 1919-1933)/ [Wei1 ma3 pin1 fa3] /Wade-Giles system (romanization of Chinese)/ [Wei1 ma3 pin1 yin1] /Wade-Giles system (romanization of Chinese)/ [wei1 fu2 zi4 ji3] /to abuse power/conflict of interest/power to judge as one's own case/ [Wei1 xian4] /Wei county in Xingtai [Xing2 tai2], Hebei/ [wei1 xie2] /to threaten/to menace/ [wei1 po4] /coercion/to intimidate/ [wei1 bi1] /to threaten/to coerce/to intimidate/ [wei1 bi1 li4 you4] /to threaten and bribe/to beat with a stick but offer [Wei1 yuan3] /Weiyuan county in Neijiang [Nei4 jiang1], Sichuan/ [Wei1 yuan3 xian4] /Weiyuan county in Neijiang [Nei4 jiang1], Sichua [wei1 zhong4] /august/majestic/ [wei1 zhen4 tian1 xia4] /formidable renown gives one authority over the w [wei1 ling2] /authority/prestige/supernatural spirit/ [Wei1 ling2 dun4] /Wellington (name)/Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington (17 )/ [wei1 xian3] /awe-inspiring/power/ [wei1 feng1] /might/awe-inspiring authority/impressive/ [wei1 feng1 lin3 lin3] /majestic/awe-inspiring presence/impressive power/ [wei1 hai4] /to intimidate/ [wei1 feng4 yi1 yu3] /lit. one phoenix feather; fig. a glimpse that revea [wa2] /baby/doll/ [wa2 er2] /children (colloquial)/ [wa2 wa5] /baby/small child/doll/ [wa2 wa5 bing1] /child soldier/ [wa2 wa5 sheng1] /infant's part in opera, usually played by child actor/ [wa2 wa5 lian3] /baby face/doll face/ [wa2 wa5 zhuang1] /baby-doll dress/ [wa2 wa5 qin1] /arranged betrothal of minors/ [wa2 wa5 che1] /baby transport/stroller/baby carriage/ [wa2 wa5 yu2] /Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus)/ [wa2 zi5] /baby/small child/(arch.) slave among ethnic minorities/ [ping1] /graceful/ [li3] /husband's brother's wife/ [suo1] /(phonetic)/loose/ [wei3] /active/comply with/ [niang2] /mother/young lady/ [niang2 r5 men5] /(dialect) woman/wife/ [niang2 niang5] /queen/empress/imperial concubine/Goddess, esp. Xi Wangmu her of the West/mother/aunt/ [Niang2 niang2 miao4] /temple of Goddess of Fertility/ [niang2 niang5 qiang1] /sissy/effeminate/ [niang2 jia5] /married woman's parent's home/ [niang2 jia5 xing4] /maiden name (of married woman)/ [niang2 tai1] /mother's womb/ [yu2] /amuse/ [yu2 le4] /to entertain/to amuse/entertainment/recreation/amusement/hobby/fun/joy [yu2 le4 zhong1 xin1] /recreation center/entertainment center/used in nam ompanies, schools etc/

[yu2 le4 chang3] /place of entertainment/casino/resort/ [yu2 le4 chang3 suo3] /place of entertainment/ [yu2 qian3] /amusement/ [na4] /(phonetic na)/used esp. in girl's names such as Anna or Diana / [nuo2] /elegant/graceful/ [Na4 ta3 li4] /Natalie (name)/ [Na4 na4] /Nana (name)/Nana (1880 novel by mile Zola)/Nana (Japanese manga serie [juan1] /beautiful/graceful/ [juan1 xiu4] /beautiful/graceful/ [shen1] /pregnant/ [di4] /wife of a younger brother/ [di4 si4] /sisters-in-law (old)/various concubines of a husband (old)/ [e2] /good/beautiful/ [mian3] /give birth to a child/ [wan3] /complaisant/agreeable/ [ai1] /see [ai1 jie3], father's mother/granny (dialect)/respectful form of addres for older lady/ [ai1 jie3] /father's mother/granny (dialect)/respectful form of address for older lady/ [yu2] /pleasure/enjoyment/amusement/Japanese variant of / [ju1] /(feminine name)/(star)/ [qu3] /to take a wife/to marry (a woman)/ [qu3 qi1] /to take a wife/to get married (man)/ [qu3 xi2 fu4] /to get oneself a wife/to take a daughter-in-law/ [qu3 qin1] /to take a wife/ [qi2] /to ridicule/ugly/ [chang1] /prostitute/ [chang1 nu:3] /prostitute/ [chang1 ji4] /prostitute/ [chang1 fu4] /prostitute/ [chang1 jia1] /brothel/ [e1] /graceful/willowy/unstable/ [e1 nuo2] /(of a woman's bearing) graceful/elegant/lithe/ [Lou2] /surname Lou/one of the 28 lunar mansions in Chinese astronomy/ [lou2 zi5] /trouble/blunder/ [Lou2 di3] /Loudi prefecture level city in Hunan/ [Lou2 di3 di4 qu1] /Loudi prefecture in Hunan/ [Lou2 di3 shi4] /Loudi prefecture level city in Hunan/ [Lou2 xing1] /Louxing district of Loudi city [Lou2 di3 shi4], Hunan/ [Lou2 xing1 qu1] /Louxing district of Loudi city [Lou2 di3 shi4] [Lou2 fan2] /Loufan county in Taiyuan [Tai4 yuan2], Shanxi/ [Lou2 fan2 xian4] /Loufan county in Taiyuan [Tai4 yuan2], Shanxi/ [po2] /grandmother/matron/mother-in-law/ [Po2 luo2 zhou1] /Borneo island (of Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei)/ [po2 suo1] /dancing/whirling/hovering/ [po2 po5] /husband's mother/mother-in-law/grandma/ [po2 po5 ma1 ma1] /kindhearted/motherly/effeminate/old-womanish/fainthear reful/overly sensitive/maudlin/ [po2 zi5] /old woman/ [po2 jia5] /husband's family/ [Po2 luo2 fu2 tu2] /Borobudur (in Java, Indonesia)/ [Po2 luo2 men2] /Brahman (Hindu God)/eternal origin/ [po2 luo2 men2 jiao4] /Brahmanism/Hinduism/ [wan3] /graceful/tactful/ [wan3 ru2] /variant of [wan3 ru2]/ [wan3 miao4] /sweet/soft/lovely (of sounds and voices)/ [wan3 ju4] /to tactfully decline/to turn down gracefully/ [wan3 cheng1] /euphemism (tactful expression for sth unpleasant such as death)/ [wan3 yue1] /graceful and subdued (style)/ [wan3 yan2] /tactful/diplomatic/mild and indirect/

[wan3 ci2] /euphemism (tactful expression for sth unpleasant such as death)/ [wan3 zhuan3] /sweet and agreeable/mild and indirect/tactful/ [wan3 ci2] /euphemism (tactful expression for sth unpleasant such as death)/ [biao3] /prostitute/ [biao3 zi5] /prostitute/whore/ [wo3] /maid/ [jie2] /handsome/ [hun1] /to marry/marriage/wedding/to take a wife/ [hun1 shi4] /wedding/marriage/CL: [men2], [zhuang1]/ [hun1 dian3] /wedding/marriage celebration/ [hun1 qian2] /pre-marital/pre-nuptial/ [hun1 qian2 xing4 xing2 wei4] /pre-marital sex/ [hun1 qian2 cai2 chan3 gong1 zheng4] /prenuptial agreement/dowry [hun1 wai4] /extramarital/ [hun1 wai4 xing4 jie1 chu4] /extramarital sex/ [hun1 wai4 qing2] /extramarital affair/ [hun1 yin1] /matrimony/wedding/marriage/CL:[ci4]/ [hun1 yin1 fa3] /marriage law/ [hun1 yin1 tiao2 jie3] /marriage counseling/ [hun1 jia4] /marriage/ [hun1 yan4] /wedding reception/ [hun1 qing4] /wedding celebration/ [hun1 lian4] /love and marriage/ [hun1 qi1] /wedding day/ [hun1 shen2 xing1] /Ceres, an asteroid/ [hun1 li3] /wedding ceremony/wedding/ [hun1 yan2] /wedding reception/ [hun1 yue1] /engagement/wedding contract/ [hun1 sha1] /wedding dress/CL:[shen1]/ [hun1 sha1 she4 ying3] /wedding photos (done in studio, kit and caboodle by the studio)/ [hun1 pei4] /to marry/ [hun1 ling2] /marrying age/ [xing4] /upright/ [bi4] /slave girl/maid servant/ [bi4 nu:3] /slave girl/servant girl/ [zhou1] /(feminine name)/ [chuo4] /weak/delicate/ [fu4] /woman/ [fu4 ren2] /married woman/ [fu4 nu:3] /woman/ [Fu4 nu:3 jie2] /International Women's Day (March 8)/ [fu4 nu:3 lian2 he2 hui4] /women's union/ [fu4 nu:3 neng2 ding3 ban4 bian1 tian1] /Woman can hold up ha have an equal part to play in society/ [fu4 nu:3 yun4 dong4] /women's movement/feminism/ [fu4 gu1 bo2 xi1] /dispute among womenfolk (idiom); family squabbles/ [fu4 ru2 jie1 zhi1] /understood by everyone (idiom); well known/a househo [fu4 chan3 ke1] /department of gynecology and obstetrics/birth clinic/ [fu4 ke1] /gynecology/ [fu4 lian2] /women's league/women's association/ [fu4 dao5 ren2 jia5] /woman (derogatory)/ [jing4] /modest/supple/ [lan2] /avaricious/ [yin2] /obscene, licentious, lewd/ [ya4] /address term between sons-in-law/ [ting2] /graceful/ [yao3] /svelte/sylphlike/ [yao3 niao3] /svelte/sylphlike/ [yao3 niao3] /svelte/sylphlike/

[yao3 niao3] /svelte/sylphlike/ [wu4] /beautiful/ [Wu4 cheng2] /Wucheng district of Jinhua city [Jin1 hua2 shi4], Zhej [Wu4 cheng2 qu1] /Wucheng district of Jinhua city [Jin1 hua2 shi [wu4 nu:3] /(name of a constellation)/ [Wu4 yuan2] /Wuyuan county in Shangrao , Jiangxi/ [Wu4 yuan2 xian4] /Wuyuan county in Shangrao , Jiangxi/ [chuo4] /recalcitrant/ [jia3] /good/ [xu4] /son-in-law/ [mei3] /beautiful/ [qian2] /planet Venus in the morning/ [mei2] /medium/intermediary/matchmaker/go-between/abbr. for [mei2 ti3], medi news media/ [mei2 ren5] /go-between/matchmaker/ [mei2 jie4] /media/medium/ [mei2 shuo4] /matchmaker/go-between (marital)/ [mei2 po2] /matchmaker/ [mei2 jie4] /medium/vehicle/ [mei2 zhi4] /medium/ [mei2 ti3] /media, esp. news media/ [mei2 ti3 bao4 dao3] /media report/news report/ [mei2 ti3 jie1 kou3 lian2 jie1 qi4] /medium interface connect [mei2 ti3 zi4 you2] /freedom of the media/ [mei2 ti3 fang3 wen4 kong4 zhi4] /Media Access Control/MAC/ [an1] /undecided/ [mei4] /flatter/charm/ [mei4 su2] /to cater to the public's taste/kitsch/commercial/ [mei4 wai4] /to fawn on foreigners/to pander to foreign powers/ [mei4 wa2] /Veela (Harry Potter)/ [mei4 yan3] /charming eyes/coquettish glances/ [mei4 xiao4] /enchanting smile/ [mei4 ci2] /flattery/ [yuan2] /beautiful (woman)/ [yuan4] /a beauty/ [ti2] /used as phonetic/girl's name/ [xie4] /to lust for/ [mao4] /envious/ [Wa1] /surname Wa/sister of legendary emperor Fu Xi / [bao3] /governess/nurse/ [tou1] /improper/irregular/ [Gui1] /surname Gui/name of a river/ [pi4] /to match/to pair/ [pi4 mei3] /to match/is comparable with/ [xi2] /daughter in law/ [xi2 fu4] /daughter-in-law/wife (of a younger man)/young married woman/young woma / [xi2 fu5 r5] /wife/young married woman/ [ying4] /maid escorting bride to new home/concubine/ [ying4 shi4] /concubine (old)/ [chi1] /ugly woman/ [mei3] /beautiful/ [pan2] /to move/ [ao3] /old woman/ [ma1] /ma/mom/mother/ [ma1 mi5] /mommy (loanword)/ [ma1 ma5] /mama/mommy/mother/CL: [ge4],[wei4]/ [ma1 de5] /see [ta1 ma1 de5]/ [ma1 mi5] /variant of [ma1 mi5]/ [Ma1 zu3] /Matsu, name of a sea goddess still widely worshipped on the SE China c

ast and in SE Asia/ [gou4] /to marry/to copulate/ [gou4 he2] /to make peace/ [kui4] /ashamed/ [jia4] /(of a woman) to marry/to marry off a daughter/to shift (blame etc)/ [jia4 ren2] /to get married (of woman)/ [jia4 nu:3] /to marry off a daughter/ [jia4 zhuang5] /dowry/ [jia4 qu3] /marriage/ [jia4 jie1] /to graft (a branch to a rootstock)/ [jia4 huo4] /to impute/to shift the blame onto someone else/ [jia4 huo4 yu2 ren2] /to pass the misfortune on to sb else (idiom); to bl pass the buck/ [jia4 zi1] /dowry/CL:[fen4], [bi3]/ [jia4 ji1 sui2 ji1] /If you marry a chicken, follow the chicken (idiom); d follow whatever her husband orders./We must learn to accept the people around us./ [jia4 ji1 sui2 ji1 , jia4 gou3 sui2 gou3] /lit if you marry a dog follow the dog (idiom)/ [sao3] /older brother's wife/sister-in-law/ [sao3 sao5] /older brother's wife/sister-in-law/(polite address to a younger marr ed woman) sister/ [sao3 zi5] /(informal) older brother's wife/sister-in-law/CL: [ge4]/ [yuan2] /name of an empress/ [ying1] /attentively/carefully/ [ji2] /jealousy/be jealous of/ [ji2 du4] /to be jealous/to envy/to hate/ [ji2 hen4] /to hate out of jealousy/to resent/ [niao3] /delicate/graceful/ [xian2] /to dislike/suspicion/resentment/enmity/abbr. for [xian2 fan4], criminal uspect/ [xian2 yan4] /to loathe/ [xian2 ji4] /suspicion/ [xian2 yuan4] /grievance/hatred/ [xian2 hen4] /hatred/ [xian2 wu4] /to loathe/to abhor/hatred/revulsion/ [xian2 qi4] /to avoid sb (out of dislike)/to turn one's back on sb/to ignore/ [xian2 fan4] /criminal suspect/ [xian2 cai1] /suspicion/ [xian2 yi2] /suspicion/(be) suspected (of)/ [xian2 yi2 ren2] /a suspect/ [xian2 yi2 fan4] /a suspect/ [xian2 fei2 tiao1 shou4] /to choose sth over another to suit one's own co [xian2 xi4] /hostility/animosity/suspicion/ [Lang2] /see [Lang2 huan2]/ [Lang2 huan2] /mythical place where the Celestial Emperor stores his books/(fig.) library/ [yi4] /compliant/yielding/easy-going/ [piao2] /to visit a prostitute/ [piao2 ji4] /to visit a prostitute/ [piao2 chang1] /to visit prostitutes/to go whoring/ [piao2 ke4] /patron of a brothel/ [piao2 su4] /to spend the night at a brothel/ [piao2 zi1] /prostitute's fee for service/ [yu4] /old woman/to brood over/to protect/ [Lei2] /surname Lei/ [Man4] /surname Man/ [man4] /insult/ [zhang1] /husband's father/ [li2] /widow/

[li2 fu4] /widow (formal)/ [li2 jie2] /chastity of a widow (old usage)/ [di2] /first wife/son of first wife/ [di2 chuan2] /handed down in a direct line from the founder/ [di2 zi3] /son of first wife/ [di2 xi4] /direct line of descent/under one's personal command/school or faction assing on faithfully one's doctrine/ [di2 qin1] /closely related by blood/ [yan1] /captivating/ [yan1 ran2] /beautiful/sweet/engaging/ [yan1 ran2 yi1 xiao4] /to smile sweetly/ [chang2] /a legendary beauty who flew to the moon/the lady in the moon/ [Chang2 e2] /Chang'e, the lady in the moon (Chinese mythology)/one of the Chang'e series of PRC lunar spacecraft/ [nen4] /tender/soft/delicate/light (color)/inexperienced/unskilled/ [Nen4 jiang1] /Nenjiang county in Heihe [Hei1 he2], Heilongjiang/ [Nen4 jiang1 di4 qu1] /Nenjiang county in Heihe [Hei1 he2], Heilongji [Nen4 jiang1 xian4] /Nenjiang county in Heihe [Hei1 he2], Heilongjiang/ [nen4 lu:4] /tender green/soft green/ [nen4 ya2] /soft shoot/ [nen4 miao2] /seedling/soft shoots/sprout/ [Nen4 miao2 gui1] /Turtwig, Japanese comic character, turtle with seedling gr ut of its head/ [nen4 ye4] /newly-grown leaves/tender leaves/ [Lao4] /surname Lao/ [lao4] /longing (unrequited passion)/ [Lao4 Ai3] /Lao Ai (-238 BC), man of Qin famous for his giant penis/in fiction, b gus eunuch and the consort of king Ying Zheng's mother lady Zhao/ [mo2] /ugly woman/ [nen4] /old variant of [nen4]/tender/delicate/ [wu3] /flatter/to please/ [wu3 mei4] /lovely/charming/ [xian2] /variant of [xian2]/ [xian2] /elegant/refined/to be skilled at/ [xian2 shu2] /adept/skilled/ [xian2 ya3] /refined/graceful/elegant/serene/ [xian2 jing4] /gentle and refined/ [liao2] /good/smart/to play/ [hua4] /tranquil/ [xu1] /elder sister/ [hua2] /beautiful/used in girls' names/ [rao2] /graceful/ [xi1] /amusement/ [xi1 xi4] /to frolic/fun/a romp/ [xi1 pi2 shi4] /hippie/ [xi1 pi2 xiao4 lian3] /happy and giggling (idiom); frivolous/ [xi1 xiao4] /to be laughing and playing/to giggle/ [xi1 xiao4 nu4 ma4] /lit. merry laughter and angry scolding/ironic and in ng (idiom)/ [xi1 you2] /to amuse oneself/to have fun/ [chan2] /beautiful/graceful/ [chan2 juan1] /a beautiful woman/graceful and elegant posture/moon/ [chan2 yuan2] /(of a woman) graceful/to be interwoven/to be emotionally involved/ [jiao1] /lovable/pampered/tender/delicate/frail/ [jiao1 er2] /beloved son/ [jiao1 chen1] /to protest coquettishly/to pout playfully/ [jiao1 mei4] /flirtatious/coquettish/sweet and charming/beautiful young woman (ol )/ [jiao1 nen5] /tender and lovely/fragile/delicate/ [jiao1 chong3] /to indulge/to spoil/

[jiao1 xiao3] /petite/delicate/dainty/ [jiao1 ruo4] /delicate/ [jiao1 duo4] /spoilt and slovenly/ [jiao1 tai4] /charming attitude/lascivious pose/ [jiao1 guan4] /to pamper/to coddle/to spoil/ [jiao1 qi4] /delicate/squeamish/finicky/ [jiao1 di1 di1] /sweet/cute/delicately pretty/ [jiao1 sheng1 guan4 yang3] /pampered and spoiled since childhood/ [jiao1 chi1] /spoilt and naive/ [jiao1 hong2] /tender pink/ [jiao1 zong4] /to indulge (a child)/to pamper/to spoil/ [jiao1 mei3] /dainty/ [jiao1 cui4] /tender green (shoots)/ [jiao1 yan4] /tender and beautiful/also written / [jiao1 gui4] /pampered/fragile/finicky/ [jiao1 huang2] /tender yellow/ [fu4] /baby rabbit/ [bi4] /(treat as a) favorite/ [shan4] /changes and succession/ [shan4 bian4] /transmutation/ [qiang2] /female court officials/ [huan2] /(used in names)/ [qiong2] /alone/solitary/ [xuan1] /see [pian2 xuan1]/ [niao3] /delicate/graceful/ [ai4] /your daughter (honorific)/ [niang2] /Japanese variant of /daughter/girl/wife/ [ma1] /ma/mamma/ [chou2] /(archaic) used in ladies' names/ [pin2] /imperial concubine/ [pin2 fei1] /imperial concubine/ [xu1] /mistress, concubine/weak/ [nai3] /breast/lady/milk/ [ying1] /infant/baby/ [ying1 er2] /infant/baby/CL: [ge4]/lead (Pb)/ [ying1 er2 shou3 tui1 che1] /baby buggy/ [ying1 er2 qi1] /infancy/ [ying1 er2 cu4 si3 zong1 he2 zheng4] /sudden infant death syn [ying1 er2 che1] /baby carriage/pram/stroller/ [ying1 hai2] /infant/ [ying1 you4 er2] /baby/ [niao3] /to tease/to disturb/ [Ying2] /surname Ying/ [ying2] /old variant of [ying2], to win, to profit/old variant of [ying2], ful [Ying2 Zheng4] /Ying Zheng (260-210 BC), personal name of the first emperor 3 huang2]/ [shen3] /wife of father's younger brother/ [shen3 shen5] /wife of father's younger brother/aunt/ [shen3 zi5] /(informal) father's younger brother's wife/aunt/ [shen3 mu3] /wife of father's younger brother/aunt/ [xing4] /old variant of [xing4]/ [lan3] /lazy/ [yan4] /lovely/ [shuang1] /widow/ [shuang1 fu4] /widow (formal)/ [shuang1 wu4] /widow/ [shuang1 ju1] /to live in widowhood (formal)/ [shuang1 gui1] /a widow's chamber (old usage)/ [niang2] /variant of [niang2]/ [niang2 zi5] /wife/

[niang2 re3] /Nyonya/see [ba1 ba1 niang2 re3]/ [xian1] /cunning/slender/ [luan2] /beautiful/ [luan2 tong2] /catamite (boy as homosexual partner)/kept man/gigolo/ [luan2 tong2 zhe3] /child molester/sex tourist/ [lan3] /old variant of /lazy/ [zi3] /son/child/seed/egg/small thing/1st earthly branch: 11 p.m.-1 a.m., midnig ht, 11th solar month (7th December to 5th January), year of the Rat/Viscount, fo urth of five orders of nobility [wu3 deng3 jue2 wei4]/ [zi5] /(noun suffix)/ [zi3 chou3] /first two of the twelve earthly branches /by ext., the earth [zi3 jing1] /see [zi3 jing1]/ [zi3 dai4] /offspring/child's generation/ [zi3 gong1 si1] /subsidiary company/subsidiary corporation/ [zi3 wu3 xian4] /meridian/ [zi3 ju4] /clause (grammar)/ [zi3 nang2 jun1] /ascomycete/ [zi3 yu4] /subfield (math.)/ [zi3 ye4] /midnight/ [zi3 nu:3] /children/sons and daughters/ [zi3 zi3 sun1 sun1] /one's posterity/ [zi3 xiao4 fu4 ci2] /see [fu4 ci2 zi3 xiao4]/ [zi3 sun1] /offspring/posterity/ [zi3 sun1 niang2 niang5] /goddess of fertility/ [zi3 gong1] /uterus/womb/ [zi3 gong1 nei4 bi4 yun4 qi4] /intrauterine device (IUD)/ [zi3 gong1 bi4] /wall of the uterus/ [zi3 gong1 huan2] /intrauterine device (IUD)/ [zi3 gong1 ji1 liu2] /fibroid tumor of the uterus/hysteromyoma/ [zi3 gong1 jing3] /cervix/neck of the uterus/ [zi3 gong1 jing3 ai2] /cervical cancer/ [zi3 ceng2] /sublayer/ [zi3 di4] /child/the younger generation/ [zi3 dan4] /bullet/CL:[li4], [ke1], [fa1]/ [zi3 dan4 huo3 che1] /bullet train/Shinkansen , Japanese hig [zi3 fang2] /ovary/ [zi3 shi2] /11 pm-1 am/ [zi3 yue1] /Confucius says:/ [zi3 mo2 xing2] /submodel/ [zi3 mu3 dan4] /(military) cluster bomb/shrapnel/ [zi3 mu3 pao4 dan4] /artillery cluster bomb/ [zi3 mu3 zha4 dan4] /cluster bomb/ [zi3 min2] /people/ [Zi3 zhou1] /Zishou county in Yln [Yu2 lin2], Shnx/ [Zi3 zhou1 xian4] /Zishou county in Yln [Yu2 lin2], Shnx/ [zi3 jue2] /viscount/ [Zi3 Chan3] /Zi Chan (?-522 BC), statesman and philosopher during the Spring and utumn period/ [zi3 dian1 qian2 zheng4] /pre-eclampsia, toxaemia of pregnancy (medicine) [zi3 mu4] /subheading/specific item/ [zi3 mu4 lu4] /subdirectory (computing)/ [zi3 cheng2 xu4] /subroutine/ [zi3 kong1 jian1] /subspace (math.)/ [zi3 li4] /seed/ [zi3 jing1] /"fetal essence", i.e. semen (medical term)/ [zi3 xi4 tong3] /subsystem/ [zi3 xi4 bao1] /daughter cell/ [zi3 wang3] /subnetwork/ [zi3 wang3 ping2 bi4 ma3] /subnet mask (computing)/ [zi3 qun2] /subgroup (math.)/

[zi3 ye4] /cotyledon (first embryonic leaf)/ [zi3 gui1] /cuckoo/ [Zi3 Gong4] /Zi Gong or Duanmu Ci [Duan1 mu4 Ci4] (520 BC-), discipl [Zi3 Lu4] /Zi Lu (542-480 BC), disciple of Confucius [Kong3 fu1 zi3], also i Lu [Ji4 Lu4]/ [Zi3 chang2] /Zichang county in Yan'an [Yan2 an1], Shaanxi/ [Zi3 chang2 xian4] /Zichang county in Yan'an [Yan2 an1], Shaanxi/ [zi3 ji2] /subset/ [zi3 ji2 he2] /subset (math.)/ [zi3 yin1] /consonant/ [zi3 shu3] /Year 1, year of the Rat (e.g. 2008)/ [jie2] /alone/mosquito larvae/small/ [jie2 jie2] /outstanding/conspicuous/prominent/tiny/ [jie2 jie2 wei2 yi4] /petty favors/ [jie2 jue2] /mosquito larva/ [jie2 ying3 gu1 dan1] /to be all alone by oneself/ [jie2 ran2] /solitary/lonely/alone/ [jie2 ran2 yi1 shen1] /to be all alone in the world/ [jie2 li4] /to be alone/to stand in isolation/ [jie2 li4 wu2 yi1] /to stand alone/to have no one to rely on/ [jie2 shen1] /all by oneself/all alone/ [jie2 yi2] /sole survivor/few survivors/ [jue2] /larvae of mosquito/ [Kong3] /surname Kong/ [kong3] /hole/CL: [ge4]/classifier for cave dwellings/ [Kong3 Qiu1] /Confucius/ [Kong3 Yi3 ji3] /Kong Yiji, protagonist of short story by Lu Xun [Lu [Kong3 cong2 zi3] /Kong family Master's anthology, collection of fictional de etween Confucius, possibly forged in third century by Wang Su / [Kong3 fu1 zi3] /Confucius (551-479 BC), Chinese thinker and social philosoph o known as [Kong3 zi3]/ [Kong3 zi3] /Confucius (551-479 BC), Chinese thinker and social philosopher, also known as [Kong3 fu1 zi3]/ [Kong3 zi3 Xue2 yuan4] /Confucius Institute, organization established int by the PRC, promoting Chinese language and culture/ [Kong3 zi5 jia1 yu3] /book of sayings of Confucius and his disciples, pro d century forger Wang Su / [Kong3 Meng4] /Confucius and Mencius/ [Kong3 Meng4 zhi1 dao4] /the teaching of Confucius and Mencius/ [Kong3 miao4] /Temple of Confucius/ [kong3 jing4] /diameter of hole/ [Kong3 si1 bei4 ge2] /Kongsberg (city in Norway)/ [Kong3 ming2] /name of Zhuge Liang / [kong3 dong1] /condom (loanword)/see [an1 quan2 tao4]/ [Kong3 lin2] /the Confucius family mausoleum at Qufu , rebuilt and extended b dynasty/ [kong3 yan3] /hole (e.g. of sieve or colander)/ [kong3 xue2] /aperture/hole/cavity/ [Kong3 sheng4 ren2] /the Sage Confucius/ [Kong3 Rong2] /Kong Rong (153-208), poet of the Three Kingdoms period/ [kong3 dao4] /opening providing access/the teaching of Confucius/ [Kong3 men2] /Confucius' school (i.e. his direct disciples)/ [kong3 que4] /peacock/ [kong3 que4 zuo4] /Pavo (constellation)/ [Kong3 que4 he2] /Peacock river in Xinjiang/ [Kong3 que4 wang2 chao2] /Maurya dynasty of India (322-185 BC)/ [yun4] /pregnant/ [yun4 tu4] /morning sickness (during pregnancy)/ [yun4 fu4] /pregnant woman/ [yun4 fu4 zhuang1] /maternity dress/

[yun4 qi1] /gestation/duration of pregnancy/ [yun4 ji1 su4] /progesterone/ [yun4 chan3] /pregnancy and childbirth/obstetrics and gynecology/ [yun4 sui4] /the embryonic development of grain while still on the stem/ [yun4 yu4] /to be pregnant/to produce offspring/to nurture (a development, school of thought, artwork etc)/fig. replete with (culture etc)/ [zi1] /twins/ [zi4] /letter/symbol/character/word/CL: [ge4]/courtesy or style name traditionall given to males aged 20 in dynastic China/ [zi4 chuan4] /character string/ [zi4 yuan2] /(computer) character (tw)/ [zi4 yuan2 ji2] /character set/ [zi4 dian3] /dictionary/character dictionary/CL:[ben3]/ [zi4 ju4] /words/expressions/writing/ [zi4 tu2] /glyph/ [zi4 xing2] /font/typeface/ [zi4 zi4 zhu1 yu4] /every word a gem (idiom); magnificent writing/ [zi4 wei3] /suffix/ [zi4 tie4] /copybook (for calligraphy)/ [zi4 mu4] /caption/subtitle/ [zi4 hui4] /(computer) character repertoire/glossary, lexicon/ [zi4 hui4 pan4 duan4 ren4 wu4] /character decision task/ [zi4 xing2] /form of a Chinese character/variant of [zi4 xing2]/ [zi4 ju4] /written pledge/contract/IOU/ [zi4 shu4] /number of written characters/number of words/word-count/ [zi4 zhen1 ju4 zhuo2] /weighing every word/ [zi4 shu1] /character book (i.e. school primer)/ [zi4 gen1] /character root/word root/etymon/ [zi4 gen1 he2 ti3 zi4] /stem compound/ [zi4 gen1 biao3] /table of component used in wubi input method [zi4 gen1 tong1 yong4 ma3] /common coding for components of Chinese c eng coding [Zheng4 ma3]/ [zi4 tiao2] /brief note/ [zi4 yang4] /model or template character/words written in large letters (e.g. slo an on banner, stamp "air mail" or header "first draft" etc)/ [zi4 duan4] /(numeric, data) field/ [zi4 mu3] /letter (of the alphabet)/CL: [ge4]/ [zi4 mu3 biao3] /alphabet/ [zi4 mu3 shun4 xu4] /order of letters in an alphabet/ [zi4 mu3 shun4 xu4 gai4 lu:4] /probability of letter sequences/ [zi4 hua4] /the strokes of a character/calligraphy and painting/ [zi4 yan3] /wording/ [zi4 ma3] /character code/ [zi4 fu2] /word-symbol/character/ [zi4 fu2 chuan4] /string (computer science)/ [zi4 fu2 ji2] /character set (e.g. ASCII [zi4 jie2] /byte/ [zi4 jie2 shu4] /byte count/ [zi4 zhi3 lou3] /wastepaper basket/ [zi4 zhi3 lou3 zi5] /see [zi4 zhi3 lou3]/ [zi4 su4] /grapheme/ [zi4 zu3] /block (of data)/code word/ [zi4 yi4] /meaning of a character/ [zi4 jiao3] /serif/hook at the end of brushstroke/ [zi4 hao4] /character size/font size/fame/reputation/ [zi4 li3 hang2 jian1] /between the words and the lines (idiom); implied m ations/ [zi4 ci2] /letters or words/words or phrase/ [zi4 diao4] /tone of a character/ [zi4 mi2] /letter puzzle/

[zi4 ji4] /handwriting/ [zi4 ji2] /character set/ [zi4 mian4] /literal/typeface/ [zi4 yin1] /phonetic value of a character/ [zi4 shou3] /prefix/ [zi4 ti3] /calligraphic style/typeface/font/ [cun2] /to exist/to deposit/to store/to keep/to survive/ [cun2 wang2] /to live or die/to exist or perish/ [cun2 wang2 you1 guan1] /a make-or-break matter/a matter of life and deat [cun2 chu3] /to store up/to stockpile/(computer) to save/to store/memory/storage/ [cun2 chu3 ka3] /memory card/ [cun2 chu3 qi4] /memory (unit)/ [cun2 ru4] /to deposit (e.g. in a bank account)/ [cun2 qu3] /access/ [cun2 zai4] /to exist/to be/existence/ [cun2 zai4 zhu3 yi4] /existentialism/ [cun2 xin1] /deliberately/ [cun2 hu4] /depositor (in bank or shares)/ [cun2 zhe2] /(bank) deposit book/ [cun2 zhe2] /passbook/bankbook/ [cun2 fang4] /to deposit/to leave in sb's care/ [cun2 gen1] /stub/ [cun2 dang4] /to file/to save a file (computer)/ [cun2 kuan3] /to save money in a bank/bank deposit/ [cun2 kuan3 zhun3 bei4 jin1] /reserve requirement (finance)/ [cun2 kuan3 dan1] /certificate of deposit/ [cun2 kuan3 zhun3 bei4 jin1 lu:4] /deposit-reserve ratio/ [cun2 kuan3 zhe3] /saver/investor/account holder/ [cun2 kuan3 zheng4] /certificate of deposit/ [cun2 huo2] /to survive (a serious accident)/survival/ [cun2 huo2 lu:4] /(med.) survival rate/(med.) recovery rate/ [cun2 liu2] /remaining/extant/ [cun2 bu4] /savings book/bank account passbook/ [cun2 xu4] /to continue to exist/ [cun2 tuo1 ping2 zheng4] /depository share/depository receipt (DR)/ [cun2 huo4] /stock/inventory (of material)/ [cun2 dai4] /bank deposits and loans/lending and borrowing in bank/ [cun2 dai4 kuan3] /bank deposit/savings/ [cun2 che1 chang3] /bike park/ [cun2 che1 chu4] /parking lot (for bicycles)/ [cun2 liang4] /reserves/ [cun2 qian2] /to deposit money/to save money/ [cun2 qian2 guan4] /piggy bank/coin bank/money box/ [fu2] /to trust/to believe in/ [bei4] /comet/ [bei4 xing1] /comet (arch.)/ [zi1] /hard-working/industrious/ [zi1 zi1] /diligent/hardworking/industrious/assiduous/ [zi1 zi1 bu4 juan4] /lit. diligent and never slacking (idiom); continuous effort/assiduous (in study)/to concentrate/ [zi1 zi1 yi3 qiu2] /diligent and tireless (idiom)/ [zi1 zi1 ku1 ku1] /diligently/ [zi1 ran2] /cumin (Cuminum cyminum)/ [zi1 ran2 qin2] /cumin/ [xiao4] /filial piety or obedience/mourning apparel/ [Xiao4 nan2] /Xiaonan district of Xiaogan city [Xiao4 gan3 shi4], Hubei/ [Xiao4 nan2 qu1] /Xiaonan district of Xiaogan city [Xiao4 gan3 shi4], H [xiao4 zi3] /filial son/ [xiao4 lian2] /xiaolian, two examination subjects in Han, later a single subject n Ming and Qing/successful second degree candidate/

[xiao4 si1 bu4 kui4] /to be forever filial (idiom)/ [xiao4 ti4] /filial piety and fraternal duty/ [xiao4 ti4 zhong1 xin4] /Confucian moral injunctions of fidelity/piety to s, respect to one's older brother, loyalty to one's monarch, faith to one's male friends/ [Xiao4 gan3] /Xiaogan prefecture level city in Hubei/ [Xiao4 gan3 di4 qu1] /Xiaogan prefecture in Hubei/ [Xiao4 gan3 shi4] /Xiaogan prefecture level city in Hubei/ [Xiao4 cheng2 Wang2] /King Xiaocheng of Zhao , reigned 266-245 BC/ [xiao4 jing4] /to show filial respect/to give presents (to one's elders or superi rs)/to support one's aged parents/ [Xiao4 chang1] /Xiaochang county in Xiaogan [Xiao4 gan3], Hubei/ [Xiao4 chang1 xian4] /Xiaochang county in Xiaogan [Xiao4 gan3], Hubei/ [xiao4 fu2] /mourning clothes/ [Xiao4 Jing1] /Xiao Jing (Classic of Filial Piety)/ [Xiao4 yi4] /Xiaoyi county level city in Lliang [Lu:3 liang2], Shanxi [Xiao4 yi4 shi4] /Xiaoyi county level city in Lliang [Lu:3 liang2], [Xiao4 su4] /Xiaosu, posthumous name of Bao Zheng [Bao1 Zheng3] (999-1062), N Song official renowned for his honesty/ [xiao4 dao5] /filial piety (Confucian virtue)/to be a good son or daughter/ [xiao4 shun4] /filial piety/to be obedient to one's parents/ [Meng4] /surname Meng/ [meng4] /first month of a season/eldest amongst brothers/ [Meng4 jia1 la1] /Bengal/Bangladesh/ [Meng4 jia1 la1 Ren2 min2 Gong4 he2 guo2] /People's Repub stan)/ [meng4 jia1 la1 gong4 he2 guo2] /Bangladesh/ [Meng4 jia1 la1 guo2] /Bangladesh (formerly East Pakistan)/ [Meng4 jia1 la1 wan1] /Bay of Bengal/ [meng4 jia1 la1 yu3] /Bengali (language)/ [Meng4 chang2 jun1] /Lord Menchang of Qi, Chancellor of Qi and of Wei during ring States Period (475-221 BC)/ [Meng4 jiang1 nu:3] /heroine of Qin dynasty folk tale, who searched for and whose tears broke down a stretch of the Great Wall to reveal his body/ [Meng4 zi3] /Mencius (c. 372-c. 289 BC), Confucian philosopher second only to Con ucius/book of the same name, one of the classics of Confucianism/ [Meng4 zhou1] /Mengzhou county level city in Jiaozuo [Jiao1 zuo4], Henan/ [Meng4 zhou1 shi4] /Mengzhou county level city in Jiaozuo [Jiao1 zuo4], H [Meng4 de2 si1 jiu1] /Charles de Secondat, baron de Montesquieu/ [Meng4 Si1 cheng2] /Maeng Saseong (1360-1438), Korean politician of the Gorye n transition, famous for his honesty and wisdom/ [Meng4 cun1] /Mengcun Hui autonomous county in Cangzhou [Cang1 zhou1], H [Meng4 cun1 Hui2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Mengcun Hui autonomous Hebei/ [Meng4 cun1 xian4] /Mengcun Hui autonomous county in Cangzhou [Cang1 [Meng4 jin1] /Mengjin county in Luoyang , Henan/ [Meng4 jin1 xian4] /Mengjin county in Luoyang , Henan/ [Meng4 Hao4 ran2] /Meng Haoran (689-740), Tang Dynasty Poet/ [meng4 lang4] /hasty/rash/impetuous/ [Meng4 lu4 zhu3 yi4] /Monroe Doctrine/ [Meng4 xian4] /Meng former county, now Mengzhou city [Meng4 zhou1 shi4] in o1 zuo4], Henan/ [Meng4 liang2 gu4] /Mt Mengliang in Mengyin county [Meng2 yin1 x ndong/ [Meng4 liang2 gu4 zhan4 yi4] /battle of Mt Mengliang in Shandong of 1 ionalists and Communists/ [meng4 fei1 si1] /Memphis (Egypt, or Tennessee)/ [Meng4 mai3] /Mumbai (formerly Bombay)/ [Meng4 ke1] /Mencius (c. 372-c. 289), Confucian philosopher/ [Meng4 lian2 Dai3 zu2 la1 hu4 zu2 Wa3 zu2

in Pu'er [Pu3 er3], Yunnan/ [Meng4 lian2 xian4] /Menglian Dai, Lahu and Va autonomous county in Pu'er unnan/ [Meng4 Jiao1] /Meng Jiao (751-814), Tang dynasty essayist and poet/ [bao1] /spore/ [bao1 zi3] /spore/ [Ji4] /surname Ji/ [ji4] /season/the last month of a season/fourth or youngest amongst brothers/cla ssifier for seasonal crop yields/ [ji4 shi4] /final phase/end of a historical era/ [ji4 hou4] /season/ [ji4 dong1] /final month of winter (i.e. twelfth month of lunar calendar)/ [ji4 kan1] /quarterly publication/ [ji4 bao4] /quarterly report/ [ji4 xia4] /final month of summer (i.e. sixth month of lunar calendar)/ [ji4 zi3] /youngest brother/a period of two or three months/ [ji4 du4] /quarter (finance, publishing, schools etc)/season (sports)/period of t ree months/ [ji4 hou4 sai4] /a playoff/ [ji4 chun1] /final month of spring (i.e. third month of lunar calendar)/ [ji4 hui4] /quarterly meeting/ [ji4 fu4] /youngest uncle/fourth uncle/ [ji4 xiang4] /characteristic nature of some season/ [ji4 jie2] /time/season/period/CL: [ge4]/ [ji4 jie2 xing4] /seasonal/ [ji4 jing1] /menstruation/regular periods/ [Ji4 Xian4 lin2] /Ji Xianlin (1911-2009), Chinese linguist and Indologist/ [ji4 lei4] /upper abdomen, below the lowest rib/ [Ji4 mo4 shen1 ke1] /Tymoshenko (name)/Yulia Tymoshenko (1960-), Ukrainia [ji4 nuo4] /a promise that can be realized/ [Ji4 Lu4] /Ji Lu (542-480 BC), disciple of Confucius [Kong3 fu1 zi3], also 3 Lu4]/ [ji4 jun1] /third in a race/bronze medalist/ [ji4 yu3 lin2] /monsoon forest/ [ji4 feng1] /monsoon/ [gu1] /lone/lonely/ [gu1 ao4] /proud and aloof/ [gu1 pi4] /antisocial/reclusive/eccentric/ [gu1 er2] /orphan/ [gu1 er2 yao4] /orphan drug/ [gu1 er2 yuan4] /orphanage/child asylum/ [gu1 dan1] /lone/lonely/loneliness/ [gu1 shuang1] /widow/ [gu1 jie2] /lonesome/solitary/ [gu1 jie2 te4 li4] /to be all alone in the world/ [gu1 ji4] /lonesome/desolate/ [gu1 han2] /alone and poor/humble/(Cantonese) miserly/ [gu1 gua3] /orphans and widows/to be lonely/loneliness/ [gu1 dao3] /isolated region/ [gu1 zheng1] /to act on one's own/to fight alone/ [gu1 guai3] /cheekbone/ankle/ [Gu1 ba2] /Amde Courbet (1826-1885), a French admiral who won a series of impor land and naval victories during the Tonkin campaign and the Sino-French War/ [gu1 zhang3 nan2 ming2] /It's hard to clap with only one hand./It takes t t's difficult to achieve anything without support./ [gu1 zhu4 yi1 zhi4] /to stake all on one throw/ [gu1 du2] /lonely/solitary/ [gu1 du2 wu2 yuan2] /lonely and isolated (idiom)/ [gu1 li4] /isolate/isolated/ [gu1 li4 zi3] /soliton (physics)/

[gu1 li4 zi3 bo1] /instanton (math.)/ [gu1 li4 wu2 yuan2] /isolated and without help/ [gu1 lao3] /solitary old man or woman/regular patron (at brothels)/ [gu1 dan3] /solitary hero/maverick/ [gu1 dan3 ying1 xiong2] /solitary hero/maverick/ [gu1 fang1 zi4 shang3] /lone flower admiring itself (idiom); narcissism/s [gu1 ku3 ling2 ding1] /solitary and impoverished (idiom)/ [gu1 zheng4 bu4 li4] /unacceptable as uncorroborated evidence (in law or iticism)/ [gu1 fu4] /variant of [gu1 fu4]/ [gu1 shen1 zhi1 ying3] /lit. a lonely body with only a shadow for company one (idiom)/ [gu1 lou4] /ignorant/ill-informed/ [gu1 lou4 gua3 wen2] /ignorant and inexperienced/ill-informed and narrow [gu1 ci2 sheng1 zhi2] /parthenogenesis (biol. a female reproducing withou on)/ [gu1 ling2 ling2] /lone/isolated and without help/all alone/solitary/ [gu1 gao1] /arrogant/ [gu1 hun2] /lonely soul/ [gu1 niao3] /lone bird/marginalized (country, person etc)/ [nu2] /child/offspring/ [hai2] /child/ [hai2 er2] /child/ [hai2 zi5] /child/ [hai2 zi5 men5] /children/ [hai2 zi5 qi4] /boyish/childish/ [hai2 tong2] /child/ [Sun1] /surname Sun/ [sun1] /grandson/descendant/ [Sun1 Zhong1 shan1] /Dr Sun Yat-sen (1866-1925), first president of the Repub China and co-founder of the Guomintang /same as / [Sun1 Chuan2 fang1] /Sun Chuanfang (1885-1935) one of the northern warlord, m in Tianjin in 1935/ [Sun1 wu2] /Sunwu county in Heihe [Hei1 he2], Heilongjiang/ [Sun1 wu2 xian4] /Sunwu county in Heihe [Hei1 he2], Heilongjiang/ [Sun1 Jian1] /Sun Jian (155-191), famous general at end of Han dynasty, forerunne of the southern kingdom of Wu of the Three Kingdoms/ [Sun1 da4 sheng4] /Great-Sage Sun/Sun Wukong [Sun1 Wu4 kong1]/ [sun1 nu:3] /son's daughter/granddaughter/ [sun1 nu:3 r5] /granddaughter (son's daughter)/ [sun1 nu:3 xu5] /son's daughter's husband/granddaughter's husband/ [sun1 xi2 fu5] /son's son's wife/grandson's wife/ [Sun1 zi3] /Sun Tzu, also known as Sun Wu [Sun1 Wu3] (c. 500 BC, dates o eath uncertain), general, strategist and philosopher of the Spring and Autumn Pe riod (700-475 BC), believed to be the author of the Art of War [Sun1 zi3 of the Seven Military Classics of ancient China [Wu3 jing1 Qi1 Shu1]/ [sun1 zi5] /grandson/son's son/ [Sun1 zi3 Bing1 fa3] /Art of War, one of the Seven Military Classics of 1 Qi1 Shu1], written by Sun Tzu [Sun1 zi3]/ [Sun1 zi5 ding4 li3] /the Chinese remainder theorem/ [Sun1 Si1 miao3] /Sn Smio (c. 581-682), doctor and herbalist of the Sui an y, author of Prescriptions Worth a Thousand in Gold [Qian1 jin1 yao4 fang1]/ [Sun1 Yue4] /Sun Yue (1973-), PRC female pop star/Sun Yue (1985-), PRC basketball star, plays for Los Angeles Lakers from 2007/ [Sun1 Wu4 kong1] /Sun Wukong, the Monkey King, character with supernatural po the novel Journey to the West / [Sun1 Quan2] /Sun Quan (reigned 222-252), southern warlord and king of state of W in the Three Kingdoms period/ [Sun1 Wu3] /Sun Wu, also known as Sun Tzu [Sun1 zi3] (c. 500 BC, dates o eath uncertain), general, strategist and philosopher of the Spring and Autumn Pe

riod (700-475 BC), believed to be the author of the Art of War [Sun1 zi3 of the Seven Military Classics of ancient China [Wu3 jing1 Qi1 Shu1]/ [Sun1 Wu3 zi3] /Sun Wu, famous general, strategist and Legalist philosopher, orary with Confucius [Kong3 zi3] (551-479 BC), author of the Art of War a3]/also known as Sun Tzu [Sun1 zi3]/ [Sun1 Yu4 tang2] /Sun Yutang (1911-1985), historian and poet, studied in Toky rd and Harvard/ [Sun1 Yan4 zi1] /Stefanie Sun (1978-), Singaporean singer-songwriter/ [Sun1 Li2] /Sun Li (1913-2002), novelist/ [Sun1 Ji4 hai3] /Sun Jihai (1977-), Chinese footballer, played for Manchester [Sun1 Bin4] /Sun Bin (-316 BC), political strategist of the School of Diplomacy heng2 jia1] during the Warring States Period (425-221 BC)/ [Sun1 Bin4 Bing1 fa3] /Sun Bin's Art of War/ [Sun1 xing2 zhe3] /Sun Wukong [Sun1 Wu4 kong1], the Monkey King, ral powers in the novel Journey to the West [Xi1 you2 ji4]/ [Sun1 Zhu1] /Sun Zhu (1711-1778), poet and compiler of Three hundred Tang dynasty poems [Tang2 shi1 san1 bai3 shou3]/also known by assumed name [Sun1 Yi4 xian1] /Dr Sun Yat-sen (1866-1925), first president of the Republic na and co-founder of the Kuomintang/same as / [huai4] /bad (same as , informal abbr. of , also pronounced [nao1])/dastard/ [nao1] /bad (informal abbr. of , also pronounced [huai4])/dreadful/scoundrel/dast rd/see [nao1 zhong3] coward/ [nao1 zhong3] /coward/useless scoundrel/ [mie1] /to carry on the back or shoulders (Cantonese)/ [shu2] /who/which/what/ [shu2 zhen1 shu2 jia3] /what is true and what is fake/ [shu2 neng2 sheng1 qiao3] /practice makes perfect/ [can4] /see [can4 tou5]/ [chan2] /coward/weak/ [can4 tou5] /(dialect) weakling/coward/ [zi1] /industrious/produce/bear/ [zi1 ru3] /to multiply (kinds, difficulties)/to reproduce/to derive (compounds)/ [zi1 zi1] /diligent/hardworking/industrious/assiduous/ [zi1 sheng1] /to multiply/to breed/ [fu1] /breeding/to incubate/to hatch/ [fu1 hua4] /breeding/to incubate/innovation (esp. in commerce and marketing)/ [fu1 hua4 qi4] /incubator/apparatus for incubating eggs/ [fu1 hua4 chang3] /incubator/hatchery (for poultry etc)/ [fu1 hua4 qi1] /incubation period/time for sth to develop/ [fu1 yu4] /to incubate/to rear (chicks)/ [fu1 dan4] /to incubate/ [xue2] /to learn/to study/science/-ology/ [xue2 guai1] /to learn from experience (colloquial)/ [xue2 yi3 zhi4 yong4] /to study sth to apply it/study for practical appli [xue2 wei4] /academic degree, e.g.: BSc [xue2 shi4 xue2 wei4], M ma [xue2 wei4 zheng4 shu1], PhD [bo2 shi4 xue2 wei4]/ [xue2 wei4 lun4 wen2] /a dissertation/a PhD thesis/ [xue2 wei4 zheng4 shu1] /diploma/ [xue2 fen1] /course credit/ [xue2 fen1 zhi4] /credit system/grading system (in schools, universities etc) [xue2 fen1 xiao3 shi2] /credit hour (in an academic credit system)/see al ]/ [xue2 zhi4] /educational system/length of schooling/ [xue2 qu1] /school district/ [xue2 ming2] /scientific name/Latin name (of plant or animal)/(according to an ol system of nomenclature) on entering school life, a formal personal name given t o new students/ [xue2 yuan2] /student/member of an institution of learning/officer cadet/ [xue2 wen4] /learning/knowledge/CL: [ge4]/ [xue2 tang2] /college/school/

[xue2 bao4] /a scholarly journal/Journal, Bulletin etc/ [xue2 huai4] /to follow bad examples/to be corrupted by bad examples/ [xue2 shi4] /bachelor's degree/person holding a university degree/ [xue2 shi4 xue2 wei4] /bachelor's degree/ [xue2 hao3] /to follow good examples/ [xue2 ru2 ni4 shui3 xing2 zhou1 , bu4 jin4 ze o drop back/ [xue2 mei4] /junior or younger female schoolmate/ [xue2 jie3] /senior or older female schoolmate/ [xue2 zi3] /(literary) student/scholar/ [xue2 jia1] /scholar/ [xue2 fu4 wu3 che1] /of great erudition and scholarship (idiom)/ [xue2 nian2] /academic year/ [xue2 fu3] /educational establishment/ [xue2 di4] /junior or younger male schoolmate/ [xue2 tu2] /apprentice/ [xue2 mo5] /variant of [xue2 mo5]/ [xue2 shi2] /class hour/period/ [xue2 hui4] /to learn/to master/institute/learned society/(scholarly) association [xue2 hui4 yuan4 shi4] /academician/fellow of academy/ [xue2 qi1] /term/semester/CL: [ge4]/ [xue2 xiao4] /school/CL:[suo3]/ [xue2 ye4] /studies/schoolwork/ [xue2 yang4] /to follow suit/to imitate somebody's example/ [xue2 li4] /educational background/academic qualifications/ [xue2 pai4] /school of thought/ [xue2 hai3] /sea of learning/erudite/knowledgeable person/scholarship/ [xue2 hai3 fan4 zhou1] /sailing on the sea of learning (idiom)/ [xue2 hai3 wu2 ya2] /sea of learning, no horizon (idiom); no limits to wh has to learn/ars longa, vita brevis/ [xue2 wu2 zhi3 jing4] /no end to learning (idiom); There's always somethi dy./You live and learn./ [xue2 ran2 hou4 zhi1 bu4 zu2] /to learn is to know one's ignoranc [xue2 sheng5] /student/schoolchild/ [xue2 sheng5 hui4] /student union/ [xue2 sheng5 zheng4] /student identity card/ [xue2 sheng5 yun4 dong4] /student movement/ [Xue2 jia3] /Hsuehchia town in Tainan county [Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiw [Xue2 jia3 zhen4] /Hsuehchia town in Tainan county [Tai2 nan2 xi [xue2 ke1] /subject/branch of learning/course/academic discipline/ [xue2 tong2] /schoolboy/ [xue2 ji2] /school roll(s)/ [xue2 ji2] /class/ [xue2 xi2] /to learn/to study/ [xue2 xi2 ke4 ku3] /to study hard/assiduous/ [xue2 zhe3] /scholar/ [xue2 er2 bu4 si1 ze2 wang3 , si1 er2 nk without learning is idleness (Confucius)./Learning without reasoning leads to confusion, thinking without learning is wasted effort./ [xue2 yi4] /to learn a skill or art/ [xue2 shu4] /learning/science/academic/CL: [ge4]/ [xue2 shu4 shui3 ping2] /academic level/ [xue2 shu4 jie4] /academic circles/academia/ [xue2 shu4 zi4 you2] /academic freedom/ [xue2 shuo1] /theory/doctrine/ [xue2 shi2] /erudition/scholarly knowledge/ [xue2 fei4] /tuition fee/tuition/CL: [ge4]/ [xue2 xian2] /academic title/rank/ [xue2 zhang3] /senior or older male schoolmate/ [xue2 yuan4] /college/educational institute/school/faculty/CL:[suo3]/

[xue2 yuan4 pai4] /academism (art)/ [xue2 feng1] /style of study/academic atmosphere/school discipline/school traditi ns/ [xue2 ling2] /school age/ [Ru2] /surname Ru/ [ru2] /child/ [ru2 ren2] /(old) wife/mother/ [lai2] /last/ [nie4] /son born of a concubine/disaster/sin/evil/ [nie4 bao4] /bad karma/ [nie4 zi3] /unfilial son/unworthy son/illegitimate son/concubine's son/ [Nie4 hai3 hua1] /Flower in the sea of evil, late Qing novel of denunciation Tianhe / [nie4 chu4] /evil creature (multipurpose curse)/evil domestic animal/ [nie4 zhong3] /bane of one's existence/vile spawn/ [nie4 yuan2] /ill-fated relationship/ [nie4 zhang4] /evil creature/ [luan2] /twins/ [luan2 sheng1 su4 shu4] /(math.) twin primes/ [mian2] /"roof" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 40), occurring in , , etc/see also [bao3 gai4]/ [zhu4] /to store/to stand/space between the door and the entrance screen/ [ta1] /it/ [ta1 men5] /they (for inanimate objects)/ [ta1 ben3 shen1] /itself/ [gui3] /traitor/ [zhai2] /residence/ [zhai2 nu:3] /female geek/female nerd/otaku girl/ [zhai2 zi5] /house/residence/ [zhai2 du4 jia4] /staycation/residential vacation/ [zhai2 nan2] /male addicted to computers, computer games, adult cartoons etc (200 s Taiwan slang, derived from Japanese otaku house male)/fan of computer games/by e xtension, nerd/ [zhai2 jing1] /one of the earliest classics about Fengshui/see also g1]/ [zhai2 she4] /house/residence/ [zhai2 pei4] /home delivery/ [zhai2 yuan4] /house/house with a courtyard/ [yu3] /room/universe/ [yu3 zhou4] /universe/cosmos/ [yu3 zhou4 xue2] /cosmology/ [yu3 zhou4 she4 xian4] /cosmic ray/ [yu3 zhou4 sheng1 cheng2 lun4] /cosmology/ [yu3 zhou4 xian4] /cosmic ray/ [Yu3 zhou4 hao4] /Cosmos, Russian spacecraft series/ [yu3 zhou4 guan1] /world view/ [yu3 zhou4 su4 du4] /escape velocity/ [yu3 zhou4 fei1 chuan2] /spacecraft/ [Yu3 wen2] /a branch of the Xianbei nomadic people/ [yu3 pu3 xi1 long2] /upsilon (Greek letter )/ [y 3 hang2] /space flight/ [y 3 hang2 y an2] /astrona t/ [y 3 hang2 j 2] /space agency/ [y 3 hang2 f 2] /spaces it/ [sho 3] /to g ard/to defend/to keep atch/to abide by the la /to observe (r les or rit al)/nearby/adjoining/ [sho 3 zh 5] /to hold on to/to defend/to keep/to g ard/ [sho 3 xin4] /to keep promises/ [sho 3 xin4 yong4] /to keep one's ord/tr st orthy/ [sho 3 ho 4] /to ait for/to expect/to atch over/to n rse/







[sho 3 bei4] /to garrison/to stand g ard/on garrison d ty/ [sho 3 bing1] /g ard/garrison soldier/ [sho 3 fen4] /to abide by the la /to respect the la / [sho 3 zhi4] /to go into mo rning for one's parents/ [sho 3 ze2] /r les/reg lations/ [sho 3 shi4] /defensive position/g ard/ [sho 3 ko 3 r 2 ping2] /lit. to g ard one's mo th like a closed bottle (i lipped/reticent/not breathing a ord/ [sho 3 sang1] /to keep atch beside a coffin/to observe period of mo rning/ [sho 3 t 3] /to g ard one's territory/to protect the co ntry/ [sho 3 t 3 yo 3 ze2] /d ty to defend the co ntry (idiom)/ [sho 3 ye4] /night vigil/ [sho 3 xiao4] /to observe mo rning for one's parents/ [sho 3 gong1] /gecko/ho se lizard/ [sho 3 g a3] /to live as ido /to observe ido hood/ [sho 3 heng2] /conservation (e.g. of energy, moment m or heat in physics)/to rema n constant (of a n mber)/ [sho 3 heng2 ding4 l :4] /conservation la / [sho 3 cheng2] /to preserve the accomplishments of previo s generations/to carry n the good ork of one's predecessors/ [sho 3 zh o1] /to remain honest and poor/ [sho 3 di2] /enemy defense/enemy garrison/ [sho 3 shi2] /p nct al/ [sho 3 geng1] /to keep atch d ring the night/ [sho 3 f 2] /to observe mo rning for one's parents/ [sho 3 ang4] /to keep atch/on g ard/ [sho 3 ang4 xiang1 zh 4] /to keep atch and defend one another (idiom, f to join forces to defend against external aggressors/m t al help and protection / [sho 3 zh 1 dai4 t 4] /lit. to g ard a tree-st mp aiting for rabbits (id idly for opport nities/to tr st to chance rather than sho initiative/ [sho 3 zh 1 dai4 t 4 , y an2 m 4 qi 2 y 2] /to g ard a tree to catch fish (idiom); itho t any practical co rse of action/ [sho 3 zh 1 y an2 m 4] /to g ard a tree-st mp aiting for rabbits and cli catch fish (idiom); itho t any practical co rse of action/abbr. of , [shou3 ye4] /to preserve one's heritage/to defend the accomplishments of previous generations/to carry on the good work/to keep one's business going/ [shou3 zheng4 bu4 e1] /to be strictly just and impartial/ [shou3 sui4] /to see in the New Year/ [shou3 fa3] /to abide by the law/ [shou3 huo2 gua3] /to stay at home while one's husband is away/grass widow/ [shou3 yu4] /to defend/ [shou3 kong1 fang2] /to stay home alone (of married woman)/ [shou3 jie2] /faithful (to the memory of betrothed)/constant (of widow who remain unmarried)/ [shou3 yue1] /to keep an appointment/to keep one's word/ [shou3 zhi2] /to observe one's duty steadfastly/devoted to one's job/ [shou3 jiu4] /conservative/reactionary/ [shou3 jiu4 pai4] /the conservative faction/reactionaries/ [shou3 wei4] /to guard/to defend/ [shou3 wei4 zhe3] /defender/a guard/ [shou3 gui1 ju5] /to abide by the rules/ [shou3 hu4] /to guard/to protect/ [shou3 hu4 shen2] /protector God/patron saint/ [shou3 cai2 nu2] /miser/scrooge/ [shou3 shen1] /to keep oneself pure/to preserve one's integrity/to remain chaste/ [shou3 shen1 ru2 yu4] /to keep oneself pure/to preserve one's integrity/t te/ [shou3 che1] /guard's van (on train)/caboose/ [shou3 jun1] /defenders/













[shou3 men2] /to keep goal/on duty as gate-keeper/ [shou3 men2 ren2] /gatekeeper/ [shou3 men2 yuan2] /goal-keeper/ [shou3 ling2] /to keep watch beside a coffin/ [shou3 zhai1] /to fast/ [An1] /surname An/ [an1] /content/calm/still/quiet/safe/secure/in good health/to find a place for/t o install/to fix/to fit/to bring (a charge against sb)/to pacify/security/safety /peace/ampere/ [An1 Hai3 se4 wei1] /see [An1 ni2 Hai3 se4 wei1]/ [An1 qiu1] /Anqiu county level city in Weifang [Wei2 fang1], Shandong/ [An1 qiu1 shi4] /Anqiu county level city in Weifang [Wei2 fang1], Sh [an1 nai3 jin4] /analgin/ [an1 zhi1 ruo4 su4] /bear hardship with equanimity/regard wrongdoing with [an1 ren2] /to pacify the people/landlady (old)/wife of [yuan2 wai4], la [An1 ren2] /Anren county in Chenzhou [Chen1 zhou1], Hunan/ [An1 ren2 xian4] /Anren county in Chenzhou [Chen1 zhou1], Hunan/ [an1 fen4] /not going beyond one's bounds/also written [an1 fen4]/ [an1 bao3] /to maintain security (abbr.)/ [An1 bei4] /Japanese surname Abe/ [An1 bei4 Jin4 san1] /ABE Shinz (1954-), Japanese LDP politician, 7/ [An1 ke4 la1 zhi4] /Anchorage (Alaska)/ [An1 ke4 lei2 qi2] /Anchorage (city in Alaska)/ [an1 quan2] /safe/secure/safety/security/ [an1 quan2 wen4 ti2] /safety issue/security issue/ [an1 quan2 tao4] /condom/ [an1 quan2 ju2] /security bureau/ [an1 quan2 dai4] /seat belt/ [an1 quan2 mao4] /safety helmet/CL: [zhi1], [ding3]/ [an1 quan2 xing4] /security/safety/ [an1 quan2 gan3] /sense of security/ [an1 quan2 che4] /emergency stop/ [an1 quan2 cuo4 shi1] /safety feature/security measure/ [an1 quan2 jian3 cha2] /safety check/security inspection (at airports)/ [an1 quan2 ke2] /containment vessel/ [an1 quan2 qi4 nang2] /safety airbag (auto.)/ [an1 quan2 wu2 shi4] /safe and sound/ [an1 quan2 wu2 yu2] /safe and secure/ [an1 quan2 deng1] /safety lamp/safelight/ [An1 quan2 Li3 shi4 hui4] /(United Nations) Security Council/ [an1 quan2 yan3 zhao4] /safety goggles/ [an1 quan2 wang3] /safety net/ [an1 quan2 kao3 lu:4] /security consideration/ [an1 quan2 yu3 jiao1 huan4 wei3 yuan2 hui4] /US Securitie [an1 quan2 fa2] /safety valve/ [an1 fen4] /not going beyond one's bounds/law-abiding/ [an1 fen4 shou3 ji3] /to abide by the law and behave oneself (idiom)/to k ce/to not meddle in others' affairs/ [An1 li4] /Amway (brand)/ [An1 hua4] /Anhua county in Yiyang [Yi4 yang2], Hunan/ [An1 hua4 xian4] /Anhua county in Yiyang [Yi4 yang2], Hunan/ [An1 nan2] /Kofi Annan (1938-), UN Secretary General 1997-2007/old name for Vietn m/Annan district of Tainan City [Tai2 nan2 shi4], Taiwan/ [An1 nan2 qu1] /Annan district of Tainan City [Tai2 nan2 shi4], [An1 nan2 shan1 mai4] /old term for Truong Son Ra , moun Vietnam and Laos and Kampuchea/ [An1 ka3 la1] /Ankara, capital of Turkey/ [an1 wei1] /safety and danger/safety/ [an1 ke3] /encore (follow up music performance)/

[An1 Shi3 zhi1 luan4] /An Shi rebellion (755-763) of [An1 Lu atastrophic setback for Tang dynasty/ [An1 ji2] /Anji county in Huzhou [Hu2 zhou1], Zhejiang/ [an1 ji2 er3] /angel (loanword)/ [An1 ji2 xian4] /Anji county in Huzhou [Hu2 zhou1], Zhejiang/ [An1 ge1 la1] /Angola/ [An1 guo2] /Anguo county level city in Baoding [Bao3 ding4], Hebei/ [An1 guo2 shi4] /Anguo county level city in Baoding [Bao3 ding4], Hebei/ [An1 tu2] /Antu county in Yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture [An1 tu2 xian4] /Antu county in Yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture [an1 tu3 zhong4 qian1] /hate to leave a place where one has lived long/be one's native land and unwilling to leave it/ [An1 gui1 la1] /Anguilla/ [An1 di4 si1] /the Andes mountains/ [an1 pei2] /ampere/ [an1 pei2 ji4] /ammeter (loanword from "ampere meter")/ [An1 sai1] /Ansai county in Yan'an [Yan2 an1], Shaanxi/ [An1 sai1 xian4] /Ansai county in Yan'an [Yan2 an1], Shaanxi/ [An1 duo1] /Amdo county, Tibetan: A mdo rdzong, in Nagchu prefecture entral Tibet/ [An1 duo1 xian4] /Amdo county, Tibetan: A mdo rdzong, in Nagchu prefecture ], central Tibet/ [An1 da4 lu:e4 hu2] /Lake Ontario, one of the Great Lakes [Wu3 da4 [An1 da4 lu:e4 sheng3] /Ontario province, Canada/ [an1 hao3] /safe and sound/well/ [an1 ru2 Tai4 Shan1] /as secure as Mount Taishan/as solid as a rock/ [an1 ru2 pan2 shi2] /as solid as rock (idiom); as sure as houses/ [An1 ni1] /Annie (name)/ [An1 ni2 Xia4 fei1 wei2] /see [An1 ni2 Hai3 se4 w [An1 ni2 Hai3 se4 wei1] /Anne Hathaway (1982-), American actres [An1 na4] /Anna (person's name)/ [An1 ding4] /Anting township in Tainan county [Tai2 nan2 xian4], Tai [an1 ding4] /stable/quiet/settled/stabilize/maintain/stabilized/calm and orderly/ [an1 ding4 hua4] /stabilization/ [An1 ding4 qu1] /Anding district of Dingxi city [Ding4 xi1 shi4], Gansu [An1 ding4 xiang1] /Anting township in Tainan county [Tai2 nan2 [An1 ding4 men2] /Andingmen neighborhood of Beijing/ [an1 jia1] /to settle down/to set up a home/ [an1 jia1 li4 ye4] /stable household, established profession (idiom); set ortably off/ [an1 jia1 luo4 hu4] /make one's home in a place/settle/ [an1 fu4 xu4 qiong2] /to give sympathy to the rich and relief to the poor [an1 fu4 xu4 pin2] /to give sympathy to the rich and relief to the poor ( [An1 ning2] /Anning district of Lanzhou city [Lan2 zhou1 shi4], Gans [an1 ning2] /peaceful/tranquil/calm/composed/free from worry/ [An1 ning2 qu1] /Anning district of Lanzhou city [Lan2 zhou1 shi [An1 ning2 shi4] /Anning county level city in Kunming [Kun1 ming2], Yunna [an1 ning2 pian4] /meprobamate/ [An1 ju1] /Anju district of Suining city [Sui4 ning2 shi4], Sichuan/ [an1 ju1] /to settle down/to live peacefully/ [An1 ju1 qu1] /Anju district of Suining city [Sui4 ning2 shi4], [an1 ju1 gong1 cheng2] /housing project for low-income urban residents/ [an1 ju1 le4 ye4] /live in peace and work happily (idiom)/ [an1 shan1 yan2] /andesite (geology)/ [An1 yue4] /Anyue county in Ziyang [Zi1 yang2], Sichuan/ [An1 yue4 xian4] /Anyue county in Ziyang [Zi1 yang2], Sichuan/ [An1 ping2] /Anping county in Hengshui [Heng2 shui3], Hebei/Anping district o n City [Tai2 nan2 shi4], Taiwan/ [An1 ping2 qu1] /Anping district of Tainan City [Tai2 nan2 shi4] [An1 ping2 xian4] /Anping county in Hengshui [Heng2 shui3], Hebei/

[An1 kang1] /nkng prefecture level city in Shnx / [an1 kang1] /good health/ [An1 kang1 di4 qu1] /Ankang prefecture, Shaanxi/ [An1 kang1 shi4] /nkng prefecture level city in Shnx / [An1 tu2 sheng1] /Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875)/ [An1 de2 la1 bang1] /Andhra Pradesh or Andhra State in southeast India/ [An1 De2 hai3] /An Dehai (-1869), the Qing equivalent of Rasputin, all-powerf t eunuch with the dowager empress Cixi , executed in 1869 by her rival Empress Moth r Empress Dowager Ci'an / [An1 de2 lie4] /Andre (person name)/ [An1 de2 lei4] /Andrew (Catholic transliteration)/also (Protest [An1 de2 lu3] /Andrew/ [An1 hui1] /Anhui province (Anhwei) in south central China, abbr. , capital Hef [An1 hui1 Zhong1 yi1 Xue2 yuan4] /Anhui College of Traditional Ch [An1 hui1 Da4 xue2] /Anhui University/ [An1 hui1 Gong1 cheng2 Ke1 ji4 Xue2 yuan4] /Anhui Univers [An1 hui1 Jian4 zhu4 Gong1 ye4 Xue2 yuan4] /Anhui Univers [An1 hui1 sheng3] /Anhui province (Anhwei) in south central China, abbr. , fei / [an1 xin1] /at ease/to feel relieved/to set one's mind at rest/to keep one's mind on sth/ [an1 xi1] /to rest/to go to sleep/to rest in peace/(history) Parthia/ [An1 xi1 guo2] /Parthia/ [an1 xi1 ri4] /Sabbath/ [an1 xi1 hui2 xiang1] /see [zi1 ran2], cumin/ [an1 xi1 xiang1] /Styrax officinalis or Styrax benzoin/benzoin resin, used in ional Chinese medicine/Benzoinum/ [an1 xi1 xiang1 shu3] /Styrax (tree genus)/snowdrop/benzoin/ [an1 xi1 xiang1 ke1] /Styracaceae, tree family including silver-bell, sno zoin/ [an1 xi1 xiang1 zhi1] /benzoinum/benzoin resin, used in traditional Chine [an1 wei4] /to comfort/to console/CL: [ge4]/ [an1 wei4 ji4] /placebo/ [an1 wei4 jiang3] /consolation prize/booby prize/ [An1 qing4] /Anqing prefecture level city in Anhui/ [An1 qing4 di4 qu1] /Anqing prefecture, Anhui/ [An1 qing4 shi4] /Anqing prefecture level city in Anhui/ [an1 di3] /to arrive safely/ [An1 la1] /Allah (Arabic name of God)/ [an1 pai2] /to arrange/to plan/to set up/ [An1 ti2 gua1 he2 Ba1 bu4 da2] /Antigua and Barbuda/ [An1 ti2 gua1 dao3] /Antigua/ [an1 cha1] /to place in a certain position/to assign to a job/to plant/resettleme t (old)/ [an1 fu3] /to placate/to pacify/to appease/ [an1 fang4] /lay/place/put in a certain place/ [An1 xin1] /Anxin county in Baoding [Bao3 ding4], Hebei/ [An1 xin1 xian4] /Anxin county in Baoding [Bao3 ding4], Hebei/ [an1 yu2] /to feel contented with/ [an1 yu2 xian4 zhuang4] /to take things as they are (idiom)/to leave a si is/to be happy with the status quo/ [An1 man4] /Amman, capital of Jordan/ [An1 dong1 ni2] /Anthony (name)/ [An1 dong1 ni2 yu3 Ke4 li4 ao4 pei4 te4 la1] /Ant speare / [An1 ge2 er3] /Ingres (painter)/ [An1 le4] /Anle district of Keelung City [Ji1 long2 shi4], Taiwan/ [an1 le4] /peace and happiness/ [An1 le4 qu1] /Anle district of Keelung City [Ji1 long2 shi4], Taiwan/ [an1 le4 si3] /euthanasia/

[an1 le4 wo1] /comfortable niche/ [an1 jian3] /safety check/ [An1 ci4] /Anci district of Langfang city [Lang2 fang2 shi4], Hebei/ [An1 ci4 qu1] /Anci district of Langfang city [Lang2 fang2 shi4], Hebei [an1 xie1] /to go to bed/to retire for the night/ [an1 bu4 dang4 che1] /walk over leisurely instead of riding in a carriage than ride/ [an1 min2 gao4 shi4] /a notice to reassure the public/advance notice (of [An1 yuan2] /Anyuan district of Pingxiang city , Jiangxi/ [An1 yuan2 qu1] /Anyuan district of Pingxiang city , Jiangxi/ [An1 xi1] /Anxi county in Quanzhou [Quan2 zhou1], Fujian/ [An1 xi1 xian4] /Anxi county in Quanzhou [Quan2 zhou1], Fujian/ [An1 ze2] /Anze county in Linfen [Lin2 fen2], Shanxi/ [An1 ze2 xian4] /Anze county in Linfen [Lin2 fen2], Shanxi/ [an1 ran2] /safely/peacefully/at a rest/ [an1 ran2 wu2 yang4] /safe and sound (idiom); to come out unscathed (e.g. dent or illness)/to live to fight another day/ [an1 ying2] /pitch a camp/camp/ [An1 te4 wei4 pu3] /Antwerp (city in Belgium)/ [An1 Li3 hui4] /(United Nations) Security Council/ [an1 qi2 er2] /angel (loanword)/ [An1 wa3 er3] /Anwar (name)/Anwar bin Ibrahim (1947-), Malaysian politician, prime minister 1993-1998, imprisoned 1999-2004 on charges including alleged homo sexual acts, subsequently overturned/ [an1 bu4] /ampoule (loanword)/ [an1 bu4 ping2] /ampoule (loanword)/ [an1 sheng1] /peaceful/restful/quiet/still/ [an1 mian2] /sleep peacefully/ [an1 mian2 yao4] /sleeping pill/CL:[li4]/ [an1 mian2 tong2] /methaqualone/hyminal/ [an1 shi2 liu2] /pomegranate/ [an1 zu3 hua1] /Anthurium hybrida, tropical flower originally from Colombia/ [an1 shen2] /to calm (soothe) the nerves/to relieve uneasiness of body and mind/ [an1 xiang2] /serene/composed/unruffled/ [An1 Lu4 shan1] /An Lushan (703-757), famous general and favorite of Tang emp anzong, eventually precipitated catastrophic An Shi rebellion (755-763)/ [An1 fu2] /Anfu county in Ji'an , Jiangxi/ [An1 fu2 xian4] /Anfu county in Ji'an , Jiangxi/ [an1 wen3] /smooth and steady/ [An1 di4 si1] /the Andes mountain chain/ [An1 di4 si1 shan1] /the Andes mountain range/ [An1 di4 si1 shan1 mai4] /Andes mountain chain of South America/ [An1 na4 tuo1 li4 ya4] /Anatolia, Asia minor/ [An1 na4 bo1 li4 si1] /Annapolis (place name)/ [An1 xian4] /An county in Mianyang [Mian2 yang2], north Sichuan/ [an1 zhi4] /to find a place for/to help settle down/to arrange for/to get into be /placement/ [An1 yi4] /Anyi county in Nanchang , Jiangxi/ [An1 yi4 xian4] /Anyi county in Nanchang , Jiangxi/ [an1 hua2] /Anwar/ [an1 zang4] /to bury (the dead)/ [an1 zhuang1] /to install/to erect/to fix/to mount/installation/ [An1 xi1] /Anxi county, former name of Guazhou county [Gua1 zhou1 xi quan2], Gansu/ [An1 xi1 xian4] /Anxi county, former name of Guazhou county [Gua [Jiu3 quan2], Gansu/ [an1 she4] /to install/to set up/ [an1 xiang2] /serene/ [an1 mi4] /tranquil/peaceful/ [an1 zhen1] /Antei (Japanese reign name, 1227-1229)/

[an1 shen1] /make one's home/take shelter/ [an1 shen1 li4 ming4] /settle down and get on with one's pursuit/ [an1 yi4] /easy and comfortable/easy/ [An1 dao4 er3] /Andorra/ [An1 dao4 er3 gong4 he2 guo2] /Andorra/ [An1 dao4 er3 cheng2] /Andorra la Vella, capital of Andorra/ [An1 da2] /Anda county level city in Suihua , Heilongjiang/ [An1 da2 shi4] /Anda county level city in Suihua , Heilongjiang/ [An1 da2 man4 dao3] /Andaman islands/variant of / [An1 da2 man4 Hai3] /the Andaman sea/ [An1 da2 man4 qun2 dao3] /Andaman islands/ [An1 yuan3] /Anyuan county in Ganzhou , Jiangxi/ [An1 yuan3 xian4] /Anyuan county in Ganzhou , Jiangxi/ [an1 shi4] /quiet and comfortable/ [an1 bang1] /to bring peace and stability to a country, region etc/ [An1 xiang1] /Anxiang county in Changde [Chang2 de2], Hunan/ [An1 xiang1 xian4] /Anxiang county in Changde [Chang2 de2], Hunan/ [An1 Zhong4 gen1] /An Jung-geun or Ahn Joong-keun (1879-1910), Korean indepen ctivist, famous as assassin of Japanese prime minister IT Hirobumi [Yi1 teng2 Bo2 2] in 1909/ [an1 xian2] /at one's ease/carefree/ [an1 xian2 zi4 zai5] /leisurely and free (idiom); carefree and at ease/ [an1 xian2 zi4 de2] /feeling comfortably at ease (idiom)/ [an1 xian2 shu1 shi4] /leisurely and free (idiom); carefree and at ease/ [an1 xian2 sui2 yi4] /leisurely and free (idiom); carefree and at ease/ [an1 xian2] /peaceful and carefree/leisurely/ [An1 lu4] /Anlu county level city in Xiaogan [Xiao4 gan3], Hubei/ [An1 lu4 shi4] /Anlu county level city in Xiaogan [Xiao4 gan3], Hubei/ [An1 yang2] /Anyang prefecture level city in Henan/ [An1 yang2 di4 qu1] /Anyang prefecture in Henan/ [An1 yang2 shi4] /Anyang prefecture level city in Henan/ [An1 yang2 xian4] /Anyang county in Anyang [An1 yang2], Henan/ [an1 jing4] /quiet/peaceful/calm/ [an1 fei1 ta1 ming4] /amphetamine (medical) (loanword)/ [an1 fei1 ta1 ming2] /amphetamine/ [An1 shun4] /Anshun prefecture level city in Guizhou [Gui4 zhou1]/ [An1 shun4 di4 qu1] /Anshun prefecture in Guizhou/ [An1 shun4 shi4] /Anshun prefecture level city in Guizhou [Gui4 zhou [an1 dun4] /to find a place for/to help settle down/to arrange for/undisturbed/pe ceful/ [an1 hun2 mi2 sa5] /Requiem Mass (Catholic)/ [An1 long2] /Anlong county in Qianxinan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ [An1 long2 xian4] /Anlong county in Qianxinan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefe 2 xi1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ [jia1] /archaic variant of / [tu2] /variant of / [Song4] /surname Song/the Song dynasty (960-1279)/also Song of the Southern dyna sties (420-479)/ [Song4 dai4] /Song dynasty (960-1279)/ [Song4 shi3] /History of the Song dynasty, twentieth of the 24 dynastic histories mposed under Toktoghan in 1345 during the Yuan dynasty, 496 scrolls/(not to be co nfused with )/ [Song4 si4 da4 shu1] /Four great compilations of Northern Song dynasty, n ive records of the Taiping era (978) , Imperial readings of the Taiping er f the record bureau , Finest blossoms in the garden of literature [Song4 si4 jia1] /four famous Song calligraphers, namely: Su Shi , H d Cai Xiang / [Song4 Tai4 zu3] /Emperor Taizu of Song, posthumous title of the founding Son or Zhao Kuangyin (927-976), reigned from 960/

[Song4 Hui1 zong1] /Emperor Huizong (Song Dynasty)/ [Song4 Ci2] /Song Ci (1186-1249), Southern Song lawyer, editor of Record of Washe Grievances (1247), said to be the world's first legal forensic text/ [Song4 Qing4 ling2] /Song Qingling or Rosemonde Soong (1893-1981), wife of Su en [Sun1 Zhong1 shan1]/ [Song4 Jiao4 ren2] /Song Jiaoren (1882-1913), politician of the revolutionary involved in the 1911 Xinhai revolution, murdered in Shanghai in 1913/ [Song4 shu1] /History of Song of the Southern dynasties or Liu Song ynastic histories , compiled by Shen Yue in 488 during Liang of the Southern d s , 100 scrolls/(not to be confused with )/ [Song4 chao2] /Song Dynasty (960-1279)/also Song of Southern dynasties (42 [Song4 Chu3 yu2] /James Soong (1942-), Taiwanese politician expelled from Guo in 2000 when he founded People First Party / [Song4 wu3 di4] /Emperor Wudi of Song/Liu Yu, founder of Song of the Southern ies , broke away from Eastern Jin in 420/ [Song4 wu3 di4 Liu2 yu4] /Liu Yu, founder of Southern dynasty Song n Jin in 420/ [Song4 Jiang1] /Song Jiang, a principal hero of the novel Water Margin [Song4 Lian2] /Song Lian (1310-1381), Ming dynasty writer, historian and politici n/ [Song4 bai2] /Song Bai (936-1012), Northern Song literary man/ [Song4 Qi2] /Song Qi (998-1061), Song dynasty poet and writer, coauthor of Histor of the Later Tang Dynasty / [Song4 Mei3 ling2] /Soong Mei-ling or Song Meiling (1898-2003), Chiang Kai-sh fe (subsequently widow)/ [Song4 Xiang1 gong1] /Duke Xiang of Song (reigned 650-637 BC), sometimes cons one of the Five Hegemons / [song4 ti3] /Mincho/Song font/ [wan2] /to finish/to be over/whole/complete/entire/ [wan2 shi4 da4 ji2] /everything is finished (idiom); And there you are!/ [wan2 ren2] /perfect person/ [wan2 bei4] /faultless/complete/perfect/to leave nothing to be desired/ [wan2 bei4 xing4] /completeness/ [wan2 quan2] /complete/whole/totally/entirely/ [wan2 quan2 jian1 rong2] /completely compatible/ [wan2 quan2 dong3 de5] /to understand completely/ [wan2 quan2 gui1 na4 tui1 li3] /inference by complete induction/ [wan2 quan2 yu4 fu4] /complete recovery (after illness)/ [wan2 shan4] /perfect/to make perfect/to improve/ [wan2 hao3] /intact/in good condition/ [wan2 hao3 wu2 sun3] /excellent and undamaged/intact/ [wan2 hao3 wu2 que1] /excellent and intact/without any deficiency/ [wan2 wan2 quan2 quan2] /completely/ [wan2 gong1] /to finish work/to complete a project/ [wan2 xing2] /total form/coherent whole/Gestalt/holistic/ [wan2 xing2 xin1 li3 xue2] /Gestalt psychology (concerned with treati oherent whole)/ [wan2 xing2 xin1 li3 zhi4 liao2] /Gestalt psychotherapy/ [wan2 xing2 ce4 yan4] /Gestalt test/ [wan2 cheng2] /to complete/to accomplish/ [wan2 cheng2 shi2] /perfect tense (grammar)/ [wan2 zheng3] /complete/intact/ [wan2 zheng3 xing4] /integrity/completeness/ [wan2 man3] /successful/satisfactory/ [wan2 bi4 gui1 Zhao4] /lit. to return the jade annulus to Zhao (idiom); f something intact to its rightful owner/ [wan2 bi4] /to finish/to end/to complete/ [wan2 jie2] /to finish/to conclude/completed/ [Wan2 xian4] /Wan former county, now Shunping county [Shun4 ping2 xi ding4], Hebei/

[wan2 mei3] /perfect/perfection/perfectly/ [wan2 mei3 zhu3 yi4 zhe3] /perfectionist/ [wan2 mei3 wu2 que1] /perfect and without blemish/flawless/to leave nothi red/ [wan2 dan4] /fallen from power/destroyed/finished/all over for (him)/gone to the ogs/ [hong2] /great/magnificent/macro (comp.)/macro-/ [hong2 wei3] /grand/imposing/magnificent/ [Hong2 wei3 qu1] /Hongwei district of Liaoyang city [Liao2 yang2 [hong2 ru2] /learned scholar/ [hong2 tu2] /major undertaking/vast plan/grand prospect/ [hong2 da4] /great/grand/massive/ [hong2 bing4 du2] /macro virus (computing)/ [Hong2 qi2] /Acer, Taiwanese PC company/ [Hong2 qi2 ji2 tuan2] /Acer, Taiwanese PC company/ [hong2 guan1] /macro-/macroscopic/holistic/ [hong2 guan1 shi4 jie4] /macrocosm/the world in the large/ [hong2 guan1 jing1 ji4] /macro-economic/ [hong2 guan1 tiao2 kong4] /macro-control/ [Mi4] /surname Mi/ [mi4] /still/silent/ [dang4] /dissipated/put off/ [Dang4 chang1] /Dangchang county in Longnan [Long3 nan2], Gansu/ [Dang4 chang1 xian4] /Dangchang county in Longnan [Long3 nan2], Gans [dang4 ji1] /to crash (of a computer)/Taiwanese term for [dang4 ji1]/ [Zong1] /surname Zong/ [zong1] /school/sect/purpose/model/ancestor/clan/to take as one's model (in acad emic or artistic work)/classifier for batches, items, cases (medical or legal), reservoirs/ [Zong1 ka1 ba1] /Tsongkhapa (1357-1419), Tibetan religious leader, founder of lugpa school [Ge2 lu3 pai4]/ [zong1 shi4] /imperial clan/member of the imperial clan/clansman/ancestral shrine [zong1 shi1] /great scholar respected for learning and integrity/ [zong1 miao4] /temple/ancestral shrine/ [zong1 jiao4] /religion/ [zong1 jiao4 yi2 shi4] /religious ceremony/ [zong1 jiao4 tuan2] /religious order/religious grouping/ [zong1 jiao4 tuan2 ti3] /religious organization/ [zong1 jiao4 xue2] /religious studies/ [zong1 jiao4 tu2] /adherent of religion/disciple/ [zong1 jiao4 gai3 ge2] /(Protestant) Reformation/ [Zong1 jiao4 Fa3 ting2] /Inquisition (religion)/ [zong1 zu2] /Chinese clan/ [zong1 zhi3] /objective/aim/goal/ [zong1 zheng4] /Director of the Imperial Clan in Imperial China, one of the Nine inisters [jiu3 qing1]/ [zong1 pai4] /sect/ [zong1 pai4 zhu3 yi4] /sectarianism/ [zong1 jin1] /penis (Chinese medicine)/ [Zong1 sheng4 hou2] /hereditary title bestowed on Confucius' descendants/ [Zong1 Sheng4 gong1] /hereditary title bestowed on Confucius' descendants/ [Guan1] /surname Guan/ [guan1] /official/government/organ of body/CL: [ge4]/ [guan1 wei4] /official post/ [guan1 feng4] /salaries of government officials/ [guan1 dao3] /speculation by officials/profiteering by government employees/burea cratic turpitude/ [guan1 liao2] /official/bureaucrat/government employee who doesn't do any work/ [guan1 liao2 zhu3 yi4] /bureaucracy/ [guan1 jia4] /official price/

[guan1 bing1] /officers and men/ [guan1 zhi4] /the civil service system/the bureaucratic system/ [guan1 yin4] /official seal/ [guan1 si5] /lawsuit/CL: [chang2]/ [guan1 ming2] /name of job in Imperial bureaucracy/official position/ [guan1 li4] /a functionary/an office holder/ [guan1 yuan2] /official (in an organization or government)/administrator/ [guan1 bao4 si1 chou2] /to take advantage of official post for personal r )/ [guan1 chang3] /officialdom/bureaucracy/ [guan1 chang3 xian4 xing2 ji4] /Observations on the current state of ing novel of denunciation by Li Boyuan or Li Baojia / [guan1 zi3] /endgame (in go)/ [guan1 xue2] /school or academic institution (old)/ [guan1 guan1 xiang1 hu4] /officials shield one another (idiom); a cover-u [guan1 ke4] /male guest at party/ [guan1 huan4] /functionary/official/ [guan1 huan4 ren2 jia1] /family of a functionary (i.e. educated middle cl imes)/ [guan1 jia1] /emperor/government/official/ [guan1 chai1] /official business/government workmen/odd-job men/ [guan1 fu3] /authorities/feudal official/ [Guan1 ting1 shui3 ku4] /Guanting or Kuan-ting reservoir in Hebei, one of er reservoirs serving Beijing/ [guan1 fu4 yuan2 zhi2] /restored to one's official post/to send sb back t post/ [guan1 fang2 zhang3 guan1] /defense secretary (esp. Japan)/ [guan1 fang1] /official/(by the) government/ [guan1 fang1 yu3 yan2] /official language/ [guan1 jia4 zi5] /putting on official airs/ [guan1 gui4] /Chinese cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia)/also written [rou4 gui4]/ [guan1 yang4] /official manner/ [Guan1 du4] /Guandu district of Kunming city [Kun1 ming2 shi4], Yunnan/ [Guan1 du4 zhi1 zhan4] /battle of Guandu of 199 that established Cao Cao' ver north China, at Guandu (near modern [Xu3 chang1] in north Henan)/ [Guan1 du4 qu1] /Guandu district of Kunming city [Kun1 ming2 shi4], Yun [guan1 jue2] /official ranking/titles and honors/ [Guan1 tian2] /Kuantien township in Tainan county [Tai2 nan2 xian4], [Guan1 tian2 xiang1] /Kuantien township in Tainan county [Tai2 n [guan1 si1 he2 ying2] /public and private interests working together (idi [guan1 cheng1] /title/official appellation/ [guan1 shu3] /official institution/state bureau/ [guan1 lao3 ye5] /nickname for official/ [guan1 zhi2] /an official position/a job in the bureaucracy/ [guan1 neng2] /function/capability/sense (i.e. the five senses of sight , he smell , taste and touch )/faculty (i.e. specific ability)/ [guan1 neng2 tuan2] /functional group (chemistry)/ [guan1 neng2 ji1] /functional group (chemistry)/ [guan1 cang1] /second class cabin (on ship)/ [guan1 hua4] /"officialese"/bureaucratic language/Mandarin/ [guan1 fei4] /government funded/paid by state stipend/ [guan1 jun1] /official army government army/ [guan1 ban4] /government run/state enterprise/ [guan1 bi1 min2 fan3] /a government official drives the people to revolt nister provokes a rebellion by exploiting the people/ [guan1 yun4 heng1 tong1] /(of a political career) everything is going smo / [guan1 di3] /official residence/ [guan1 xian2] /title/official rank/ [guan1 jie1] /official rank/

[guan1 fei1] /lawsuit (from Cantonese)/ [zhou4] /universe/ [Zhou4 si1] /Zeus/ [zhou4 si1 dun4] /Zeus's shield/Aegis combat system (US missile guidance)/ [ding4] /to set/to fix/to determine/to decide/to order/ [ding4 wei4] /position/location/localization/ [ding4 zuo4] /to have sth made to order/ [ding4 li4] /usual practice/routine/ [ding4 zuo4] /to have something made to order/ [ding4 jia4] /to set a price/to fix a price/ [ding4 guan4 ci2] /definite article (grammar)/ [ding4 chu1] /to determine/to fix upon/to set (a target, a price etc)/ [ding4 fen4] /predestination/one's lot (of good and bad fortune)/ [ding4 shi4] /regular tendency/ [Ding4 nan2] /Dingnan county in Ganzhou , Jiangxi/ [Ding4 nan2 xian4] /Dingnan county in Ganzhou , Jiangxi/ [ding4 xiang4] /to determine the direction/directed (breeding, enrollment etc)/or enteering (sport)/ [ding4 xiang4 pei2 yu4] /directed breeding/ [ding4 xiang4 yue4 ye3] /cross-country orienteering/ [ding4 yuan2] /fixed complement (of crew, passengers etc)/ [ding4 dan1] /order form for goods/ [ding4 xing2] /to finalize (a design etc)/stereotype/permanent wave or perm (hair ressing)/ [ding4 xing2 shui3] /hairspray/ [ding4 chang3 bai2] /first soliloquy (introducing opera character)/ [ding4 chang3 shi1] /first soliloquy text (introducing opera character)/ [ding4 duo2] /to make a decision/to determine/ [ding4 hun1] /be betrothed/get engaged/ [Ding4 an1] /Ding'an county, Hainan/ [Ding4 an1 xian4] /Ding'an county, Hainan/ [ding4 ju2] /foregone/ [ding4 ju1] /to settle/to fix a place to live/ [ding4 ju1 zhe3] /settler/ [ding4 ju1 dian3] /settlement/ [Ding4 zhou1] /Dingzhou county level city in Baoding [Bao3 ding4], Hebei/ [Ding4 zhou1 shi4] /Dingzhou county level city in Baoding [Bao3 ding4], H [ding4 chang2 tai4] /constant state/fixed state/ [ding4 zuo4 lu:4] /occupancy (i.e. proportion of seats occupied)/ [ding4 shi4] /joseki (fixed opening pattern in go game)/ [ding4 xian2] /tuning (stringed instrument)/ [ding4 ying3] /to fix a photographic image/ [ding4 lu:4] /scientific law/ [ding4 xin1 wan2] /tranquilizer/sth that sets one's mind at ease/ [ding4 xing4] /to determine the nature (usually of error or crime)/to determine c emical composition/qualitative/fixed/ [ding4 xing4 fen1 xi1] /qualitative inorganic analysis/ [ding4 xing4 li3 lun4] /qualitative theory/ [ding4 shu4] /constant (math.)/quota/fixed number (e.g. of places on a bus)/fixed quantity (e.g. load of truck)/destiny/ [ding4 yu2] /set at/scheduled at/ [Ding4 ri4] /Tingri town and county, Tibetan: Ding ri rdzong, in Shigatse prefect re, central Tibet/ [Ding4 ri4 xian4] /Tingri county, Tibetan: Ding ri rdzong, in Shigatse prefec ibet/ [ding4 shi2] /to fix a time/fixed time/timed (of explosive etc)/ [ding4 shi2 xin4 guan3] /a timed detonator/ [ding4 shi2 zha4 dan4] /time bomb/ [ding4 shi2 zhong1] /timer/timing clock/alarm clock/ [ding4 qi1] /regularly/at regular intervals/

[ding4 qi1 chu3 xu4] /fixed deposit (banking)/ [ding4 qi1 cun2 kuan3] /fixed deposit/time deposit (banking)/ [ding4 ge2] /to fix/to confine to/freeze frame/stop motion (filmmaking)/ [ding4 an4] /to reach a verdict/to conclude a judgment/ [ding4 biao1] /to calibrate (measure or apparatus)/fixed coefficient/ [ding4 biao1 qi4] /scaler/ [ding4 yang2] /(payment) account/ [Ding4 hai3] /Dinghai district of Zhoushan city [Zhou1 shan1 shi4], Zhejian asty name of / [Ding4 hai3 qu1] /Dinghai district of Zhoushan city [Zhou1 shan1 shi4], [ding4 ran2] /certainly/of course/ [ding4 li3] /established theory/theorem (math.)/ [ding4 jie4] /demarcation/boundary/delimited/bound (math.)/ [ding4 jie4 fu2] /delimiter (comp.)/ [ding4 dang1] /necessarily/ [ding4 dang4] /settled/ready/finished/ [ding4 pan2 xing1] /the zero point indicator marked on a steelyard/fixed opin id idea/decisive plan/ [ding4 zhi2 xian4] /directrix of a parabola/ [ding4 jing1] /to stare at/ [ding4 shen2] /to compose oneself/to concentrate one's attention/ [ding4 piao4] /to reserve tickets/ [ding4 li3] /betrothal gift/bride-price/ [ding4 yue1] /to conclude a treaty/to make an agreement/contract (at bridge)/ [Ding4 jie2] /Dinggy county, Tibetan: Gding skyes rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture ibet/ [Ding4 jie2 xian4] /Dinggy county, Tibetan: Gding skyes rdzong, in Shigatse e, Tibet/ [ding4 bian1] /fixed allocation/ [ding4 zui4] /to convict (sb of a crime)/ [ding4 yi4] /definition/ [ding4 yi4 yu4] /domain (math.)/ [ding4 neng2] /to be definitely able (to do sth)/ [Ding4 xing1] /Dingxing county in Baoding [Bao3 ding4], Hebei/ [Ding4 xing1 xian4] /Dingxing county in Baoding [Bao3 ding4], Hebei/ [ding4 cang1] /(of freight or cargo) to book/ [ding4 zhi4] /custom made/made to order/to have something custom made/ [Ding4 xiang1] /Dingxiang county in Xinzhou [Xin1 zhou1], Shanxi/ [Ding4 xiang1 xian4] /Dingxiang county in Xinzhou [Xin1 zhou1], Shanxi/ [Ding4 xi1] /Dingxi prefecture level city in Gansu/ [Ding4 xi1 di4 qu1] /Dingxi prefecture in Gansu/ [Ding4 xi1 shi4] /Dingxi prefecture level city in Gansu/ [ding4 yu3] /attributive (modifier)/ [ding4 diao4] /to set the tone/ [ding4 diao4 zi5] /to set the tone/ [ding4 lun4] /final conclusion/accepted argument/ [ding4 huo4] /to order goods/to place an order for materials/ [ding4 gou4] /to order goods/to place an order/ [Ding4 yuan3] /Dingyuan county in Chuzhou [Chu2 zhou1], Anhui/ [Ding4 yuan3 ying2] /old name of Bayan Hot [Ba1 yan4 hao4 te shan4 meng2], Inner Mongolia/ [Ding4 yuan3 xian4] /Dingyuan county in Chuzhou [Chu2 zhou1], Anhui/ [Ding4 bian1] /Dingbian county in Yln [Yu2 lin2], Shnx/ [Ding4 bian1 xian4] /Dingbian county in Yln [Yu2 lin2], Shnx/ [ding4 liang4] /quantity/fixed amount/ration/ [ding4 liang4 fen1 kuai4] /chunking/ [ding4 liang4 fen1 xi1] /quantitative analysis/ [ding4 jin1] /down payment/advance payment/ [ding4 yin2] /deposit/down payment/ [ding4 qian5] /security deposit/earnest money (real estate)/good-faith deposit/

[ding4 yue4] /to subscribe to a periodical or newspaper/ [Ding4 tao2] /Dingtao county in Heze [He2 ze2], Shandong/ [Ding4 tao2 xian4] /Dingtao county in Heze [He2 ze2], Shandong/ [ding4 yin1] /to call the tune/to make the final decision/ [ding4 yin1 gu3] /timpani/ [ding4 e2] /fixed amount/quota/ [ding4 e2 zu3] /quorum/ [ding4 feng1 zhen1] /wind vane/anemometer/weathercock/ [ding4 dian3] /fixed point or location/point of reference/(math.) fixed point/to etermine a location/ [ding4 dian3 qi3 ye4] /a specialized enterprise/ [ding4 dian3 chang3] /factory designated by the state to make a particular pr [ding4 ding3] /lit. to set up the sacred tripods (following Yu the Great)/to fix he capital/to found a dynasty/used in advertising/ [Wan3] /surname Wan/ [wan3] /winding/as if/ [Wan3 cheng2] /Wancheng district of Nanyang city [Nan2 yang2], Henan/ [Wan3 cheng2 qu1] /Wancheng district of Nanyang city [Nan2 yang2], H [wan3 ru2] /to be just like/ [wan3 ran2] /as if/just like/ [Yi2] /surname Yi/ [yi2] /proper/should/suitable/appropriate/ [yi2 ren2] /nice/pleasant/charming/hospitable to people/ [Yi2 jun1] /Yijun county in Tngchun [Tong2 chuan1], Shnx/ [Yi2 jun1 xian4] /Yijun county in Tngchun [Tong2 chuan1], Shnx/ [Yi2 cheng2] /Yicheng county level city in Xiangfan [Xiang1 fan2], Hubei/ [Yi2 cheng2 shi4] /Yicheng county level city in Xiangfan [Xiang1 fan2], H [Yi2 jia1] /IKEA (Ingvar Kamprad Elmtaryd Agunnaryd), Scandinavian-style furnitur store/ [yi2 ju1] /livable/ [Yi2 shan1] /former Yishan county and town, now called Yizhou [Yi2 zhou1] in 2 chi2], Guangxi/ [Yi2 shan1 xian4] /former Yishan county, now called Yizhou [Yi2 zhou1] in 2], Guangxi/ [Yi2 shan1 zhen4] /former Yizhan town, now called Yizhou county level city hi4] in Hechi [He2 chi2], Guangxi/ [Yi2 chuan1] /Yichuan county in Yan'an [Yan2 an1], Shaanxi/ [Yi2 chuan1 xian4] /Yichuan county in Yan'an [Yan2 an1], Shaanxi/ [Yi2 zhou1] /Yizhou county level city in Hechi [He2 chi2], Guangxi/ [Yi2 zhou1 shi4] /Yizhou county level city in Hechi [He2 chi2], Guangxi/ [Yi2 chang1] /Yichang prefecture level city in Hubei/ [Yi2 chang1 di4 qu1] /Yichang prefecture in Hubei/ [Yi2 chang1 shi4] /Yichang prefecture level city in Hubei/ [Yi2 chang1 xian4] /Yichang county in Hubei/ [Yi2 chun1] /Yichun prefecture level city in Jiangxi/ [Yi2 chun1 di4 qu1] /Yichun prefecture in Jiangxi/ [Yi2 chun1 shi4] /Yichun prefecture level city in Jiangxi/ [Yi2 xiu4] /Yixiu district of Anqing city [An1 qing4 shi4], Anhui/ [Yi2 xiu4 qu1] /Yixiu district of Anqing city [An1 qing4 shi4], [Yi2 zhang1] /Yizhang county in Chenzhou [Chen1 zhou1], Hunan/ [Yi2 zhang1 xian4] /Yizhang county in Chenzhou [Chen1 zhou1], Hunan/ [Yi2 xing1] /Yixing county level city in Wuxi [Wu2 xi1], Jiangsu/ [Yi2 xing1 shi4] /Yixing county level city in Wuxi [Wu2 xi1], Jiangs [Yi2 liang2] /Yiliang county in Kunming [Kun1 ming2], Yunnan/ [Yi2 liang2 xian4] /Yiliang county in Kunming [Kun1 ming2], Yunnan/ [Yi2 lan2] /Yilan city and county [Yi2 lan2 xian4], northeast Taiwan [Yi2 lan2 shi4] /Yilan city in Yilan county [Yi2 lan2 xian4], no [Yi2 lan2 xian4] /Yilan county in northeast Taiwan/ [Yi2 feng1] /Yifeng county in Yichun , Jiangxi/ [Yi2 feng1 xian4] /Yifeng county in Yichun , Jiangxi/

[Yi2 bin1] /Yibin prefecture level city in Sichuan/ [Yi2 bin1 di4 qu1] /Yibin prefecture level city in Sichuan/ [Yi2 bin1 shi4] /Yibin prefecture level city in Sichuan/ [Yi2 bin1 xian4] /Yibin county in Yibin [Yi2 bin1], Sichuan/ [Yi2 du1] /Yidu county level city in Yichang [Yi2 chang1], Hubei/ [Yi2 du1 shi4] /Yidu county level city in Yichang [Yi2 chang1], Hubei/ [Yi2 yang2] /Yiyang county in Luoyang , Henan/ [Yi2 yang2 xian4] /Yiyang county in Luoyang , Henan/ [Yi2 huang2] /Yihuang county in Fuzhou , Jiangxi/ [Yi2 huang2 xian4] /Yihuang county in Fuzhou , Jiangxi/ [shi2] /Japanese variant of / [ke4] /customer/visitor/guest/ [ke4 chuan4] /amateur player in theater/guest performer (in a show)/guest appeara ce (in film credits)/ [ke4 ren2] /visitor/guest/customer/client/CL:[wei4]/ [ke4 tang2] /room to meet guests/parlor/ [ke4 chang3] /away-game arena/away-game venue/ [ke4 tao4] /polite greeting/courtesy (in words)/ [ke4 tao4 hua4] /conventional greeting/polite formula/ [ke4 guan1] /(polite appellation for a guest at a hotel etc)/ [ke4 shi4] /guest room/ [Ke4 jia1] /Hakka ethnic group (Han Chinese migrants from north to south China)/ [Ke4 jia1 ren2] /Hakka people/ [Ke4 jia1 hua4] /Hakka dialect/ [Ke4 jia1 yu3] /Hakka (a Chinese dialect)/ [ke4 ju1] /expatriate/visitor/ [ke4 dian4] /small hotel/inn/ [ke4 zuo4 jiao4 shou4] /visiting professor/guest professor/ [ke4 ting1] /drawing room (room for arriving guests)/living room/CL: [jian1]/ [ke4 hu4] /client/customer/ [ke4 hu4 ying4 yong4] /client application/ [ke4 hu4 fu2 wu4] /customer service/client service/ [ke4 hu4 fu2 wu4 zhong1 xin1] /customer service center/ [ke4 hu4 fu2 wu4 qi4 jie2 gou4] /client server architecture/ [ke4 hu4 fu2 wu4 bu4] /customer service division/ [ke4 hu4 ji1] /client (computer)/ [ke4 hu4 ji1 fu2 wu4 qi4 huan2 jing4] /client-server envi [ke4 hu4 ji1 ruan3 jian4] /client software/ [ke4 hu4 duan1] /client (computing)/ [ke4 fang2] /guest room/ [ke4 fu2] /customer service/ [ke4 zhan4] /tavern/guest house/inn/hotel/ [ke4 ji1] /passenger plane/ [ke4 si3] /to die in a foreign land/to die abroad/ [ke4 qi5] /polite/ [ke4 qi5 hua4] /words of politeness/politesse/decorous talking/talk with prop [ke4 man3] /to have a full house/to be sold out/no vacancy/ [ke4 chuan2] /passenger ship/ [ke4 cang1] /passenger cabin/ [ke4 zao3] /flea (Xenopsylla spp.)/ [ke4 zao3 shu3] /Xenopsylla (the flea genus)/ [Ke4 xi1 ma3 ni2 yuan2] /Garden of Gethsemane/ [Ke4 xi1 ma3 ni2 hua1 yuan2] /Garden of Gethsemane (in the Christ [ke4 guan1] /objective/impartial/ [ke4 guan1 shi4 jie4] /the objective world (as opposed to empirical obser [ke4 guan1 zhu3 yi4] /objectivist philosophy/ [ke4 guan1 wei2 xin1 zhu3 yi4] /objective idealism (in Hegel's ph [ke4 guan1 xing4] /objectivity/ [Ke4 yu3] /Hakka dialect/ [ke4 che1] /coach/bus/passenger train/

[ke4 lun2] /passenger ship/ [ke4 yun4] /passenger traffic/ [ke4 yun4 liang4] /amount of passenger traffic/ [ke4 dui4] /visiting team (at sports event)/visiting side/ [ke4 ti3] /object (philosophy)/ [Xuan1] /surname Xuan/ [xuan1] /to declare (publicly)/to announce/ [xuan1 chuan2] /to disseminate/to give publicity to/propaganda/CL: [ge4]/ [xuan1 chuan2 ce4] /commercial brochure/advertising pamphlet/flyer/ [xuan1 chuan2 gong1 shi4] /marketing campaign/ [xuan1 chuan2 hua4] /propaganda poster/advertising hoarding/ [Xuan1 chuan2 Bu4] /Propaganda Department/ [xuan1 pan4] /to pronounce a sentence (after a verdict in a court of law)/ [Xuan1 hua4] /Xuanhua district of Zhangjiakou city [Zhang1 jia1 county in Zhangjiakou/ [Xuan1 hua4 qu1] /Xuanhua district of Zhangjiakou city [Zhan [Xuan1 hua4 xian4] /Xuanhua county in Zhangjiakou [Zhang1 jia1 k [xuan1 gao4] /to declare/to proclaim/ [Xuan1 cheng2] /Xuancheng prefecture level city in Anhui/ [Xuan1 cheng2 shi4] /Xuancheng prefecture level city in Anhui/ [Xuan1 wei1] /Xuanwei county level city in Qujing [Qu3 jing4], Yunnan/ [Xuan1 wei1 shi4] /Xuanwei county level city in Qujing [Qu3 jing4], Yunna [Xuan1 zhou1] /Xuanzhou district of Xuancheng city [Xuan1 cheng2 shi4], Anh [Xuan1 zhou1 qu1] /Xuanzhou district of Xuancheng city [Xuan1 cheng2 sh [xuan1 bu4] /to declare/to announce/to proclaim/ [xuan1 bu4 po4 chan3] /to declare bankruptcy/ [Xuan1 de2] /Xuande Emperor, reign name of fifth Ming emperor Zhu Zhanji [Z ji1] (1398-1435), reigned 1426-1436, Temple name [Ming2 Xuan1 zong1]/ [Xuan1 en1] /Xuanen county in Enshi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Hubei/ [Xuan1 en1 xian4] /Xuanen county in Enshi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefectur ia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Hubei/ [xuan1 zhan4] /to declare war/ [xuan1 yang2] /to proclaim/to make public or well known/ [xuan1 jiao4] /to preach a religion/ [Xuan1 wu3 qu1] /Xuanwu district of central Beijing/ [Xuan1 wu3 men2] /Xuanwumen/ [xuan1 xie4] /to drain (by leading off water)/to unburden oneself/to divulge/to l ak a secret/ [Xuan1 han4] /Xuanhan county in Dazhou [Da2 zhou1], Sichuan/ [Xuan1 han4 xian4] /Xuanhan county in Dazhou [Da2 zhou1], Sichuan/ [xuan1 shi4] /to vow/to pledge/ [xuan1 cheng1] /to assert/to claim/ [xuan1 zhi3] /fine writing paper, originally from Jing county , Xuanchen [Xuan1 tong3] /reign name (1909-1911) of the last Qing emperor Pu Yi / [xuan1 yan2] /declaration/manifesto/ [xuan1 ren4] /public declaration/ [xuan1 shi4] /to swear an oath (of office)/to make a vow/ [xuan1 shi4 gong4 ci2 zheng4 ming2] /affidavit/deposition (law)/ [xuan1 shi4 jiu4 zhi2] /to swear the oath of office/ [xuan1 shi4 zheng4 yan2] /sworn testimony/ [xuan1 jiang3] /to preach/to explain publicly/ [xuan1 du2] /to read out loud to an audience/a prepared speech (e.g. to a party c nference)/ [xuan1 dao4] /to preach (the gospel)/ [Shi4] /surname Shi/ [shi4] /room/work unit/grave/scabbard/family or clan/one of the 28 constellation s of Chinese astronomy/ [shi4 nei4] /indoor/ [shi4 nei4 yue4] /chamber music/

[shi4 nei4 zhuang1 huang2] /interior decorating/ [shi4 nei4 she4 ji4] /interior design/ [shi4 you3] /roommate/ [shi4 wai4] /outdoor/ [Shi4 nu:3] /unmarried lady/virgin/Virgo (star sign)/ [Shi4 nu:3 zuo4] /Virgo (constellation and sign of the zodiac)/ [shi4 wen1] /room temperature/ [Shi4 ting3] /Muromachi bakufu, the feudal government of Japan (1338-1573) under he Ashikaga shoguns/ [Shi4 ting3 mu4 fu3] /Muromachi bakufu, the feudal government of Japan (1 er the Ashikaga shoguns/ [shi4 er3 ren2 xia2] /to long for somebody far away/to grieve over the de [you4] /to forgive/to help/profound/ [Huan4] /surname Huan/ [huan4] /imperial official/court eunuch/ [huan4 guan1] /eunuch/functionary/ [huan4 hai3] /officialdom/bureaucracy/ [huan4 hai3 feng1 bo1] /lit. raging sea of bureaucracy/officials causing [huan4 men2] /family of officials/family with connections to the bureaucracy (i.e the middle classes in imperial China)/ [huan4 qi2] /horse guard/imperial cavalry guard (of officials or eunuchs)/ [yi2] /northeastern corner of a room/ [tiao3] /variant of [tiao3]/ [cheng2] /library stack/storage/ [Gong1] /surname Gong/ [gong1] /palace/castration (as corporal punishment)/first note in pentatonic sca le/ [gong1 zhu3] /imperial empress/milady/ [gong1 ren2] /imperial concubine or palace maid/imperial secretary (old)/ [gong1 bao3 ji1 ding1] /Kung Pao Chicken/spicy diced chicken/ [gong1 nei4 jie2 yu4 qi4] /intrauterine device (IUD)/ [gong1 xing2] /castration (archaic punishment)/ [gong1 shang1 jue2 zhi3 yu3] /pre-Tang names of the five notes of the corresponding roughly to do, re, mi, sol, la/ [Gong1 cheng2] /Miyagi prefecture in north of Japan's main island Honsh [Ben [Gong1 cheng2 xian4] /Miyagi prefecture in north of Japan's main island Honsh u1]/ [gong1 nu:3] /palace maid/CL: [ge4],[ming2],[wei4]/ [Gong1 qi2] /Miyazaki/ [Gong1 qi2 Wu2 lang3] /Miyazaki Goro (1967-), Japanese director/ [Gong1 qi2 xian4] /Miyazaki prefecture in east Kysh , Japan/ [Gong1 qi2 Jun4] /Miyazaki Hayao (1941-), Japanese director/ [gong1 ting2] /court (of king or emperor)/ [gong1 ye4] /palace apartments/ [gong1 dian4] /palace/CL:[zuo4]/ [Gong1 ze2 xi3 yi1] /Kiichi Miyazawa (former Japanese prime minister)/ [gong1 bao4 rou4 ding1] /stir-fried diced pork/ [gong1 bao4 ji1 ding1] /gong bao chicken/spicy diced chicken/ [gong1 suo1] /contraction of the uterus (during childbirth)/ [gong1 guan4] /Taoist temple/ [gong1 diao4] /modes of ancient Chinese music/ [gong1 que4] /palace/ [gong1 jing3] /cervix/neck of the uterus/ [gong1 jing3 mo3 pian4] /cervical smear/ [zai3] /to slaughter livestock/to govern or rule/to cheat customers/Imperial off icial in dynastic China/ [Zai3 Yu3] /Zai Yu (522-458 BC), disciple of Confucius/ [Zai3 Yu3 zhou4 qin3] /Zai Yu sleeps by day (idiom); refers to story in A nfucius remonstrating bitterly with his student for sleeping during lectures/ [zai3 ren2] /to overcharge/to rip somebody off/

[zai3 zhi4] /to rule/to dominate/ [zai3 ge1] /to invade/ [zai3 ke4] /to cheat customers/to overcharge/ [zai3 sha1] /to slaughter/to butcher/to put down/ [zai3 xiang4] /prime minister (in feudal China)/ [hai4] /to do harm to/to cause trouble to/harm/evil/calamity/ [hai4 ren2] /to harm sb/to inflict suffering/to victimize/pernicious/ [hai4 ren2 bu4 qian3] /to cause a lot of trouble/to inflict much sufferin [hai4 ren2 jing1] /goblin that kills or harms people/fig. wicked scoundrel/te pest/ [hai4 ren2 chong2] /pest/evil-doer/ [hai4 kou3] /morning sickness during pregnancy/to be pregnant/ [hai4 ming4] /to kill sb/to murder/ [hai4 xi3] /morning sickness during pregnancy/to have a strong appetite for certa n foods (during pregnancy)/ [hai4 de5] /to cause or lead to sth bad/ [hai4 pa4] /to be afraid/to be scared/ [hai4 yue4 zi5] /morning sickness (in pregnancy)/ [hai4 si3] /to kill/to cause death/to do sb to death/ [hai4 shou4] /vermin/harmful animal/ [hai4 bing4] /to fall sick/to contract an illness/ [hai4 xiang1 si1 bing4] /sick with love/ [hai4 yan3] /to have eye trouble/ [hai4 xiu1] /shy/embarrassed/bashful/ [hai4 qun2 zhi1 ma3] /lit. the black horse of the herd (idiom)/fig. troub black sheep of the family/ [hai4 sao4] /to be bashful/to feel ashamed/ [hai4 chu5] /damage/harm/CL: [ge4]/ [hai4 chong2] /injurious insect/pest/ [hai4 ma3] /lit. the black horse of the herd/fig. trouble-maker/the black sheep o the family/ [yan4] /feast/repose/ [yan4 xi2] /banquet/feast/ [yan4 hui4] /banquet/feast/dinner party/CL:[xi2], [ge4]/ [yan4 hui4 ting1] /ballroom/banqueting hall/ [yan4 le4] /peace and happiness/feasting/making merry/ [yan4 qing3] /to entertain (for dinner)/to invite to dinner/ [yan4 yin3] /a banquet/ [yan4 xiang3] /to host a banquet/feast/banquet/ceremony of sacrifice/ [xiao1] /night/ [xiao1 ye4] /midnight snack/late-night snack/ [xiao1 zheng1] /night journey/punitive expedition by night/ [xiao1 jin4] /night curfew/ [Jia1] /surname Jia/ [jia1] /home/family/classifier for families or businesses/refers to the philosop hical schools of pre-Han China/noun suffix for specialists in some activity such as musician or revolutionary, corresponds to English -ist, -er, -ary or -ian/CL : [ge4]/ [jia1 shi4] /family background/ [jia1 shi4 han2 wei1] /to be of humble origin (idiom)/ [jia1 zhong1] /one's family/ [jia1 shi4] /family matters/domestic affairs/ [jia1 ren2] /household/(one's) family/ [jia1 ren2 yi1 deng3] /a cut above/top quality/ [jia1 huo5] /household dish, implement or furniture/domestic animal/guy (slang)/c ap/ [jia1 xin4] /letter (to or from) home/ [jia1 ju4] /variant of [jia1 ju4]/ [jia1 yong1] /domestic helper/ [jia1 chuan2] /handed down in a family/family traditions/

[jia1 tong2] /servant/ [jia1 ju4] /furniture/CL:[jian4],[tao4]/ [jia1 wu4] /household duties/housework/ [jia1 he2 wan4 shi4 xing1] /if the family lives in harmony all affair om)/ [jia1 yu4 hu4 xiao3] /understood by everyone (idiom); well known/a househ [jia1 yuan2] /home/homeland/ [jia1 pei2] /cultivated/home grown/ [jia1 jing4] /family financial situation/family circumstances/ [jia1 ba4 shui3 dian4 zhan4] /hydroelectric power plant of Three Gorg [jia1 zi3] /my sister/ [jia1 zi5] /household/family/ [jia1 shi4] /wife/ [jia1 jia1 you3 ben3 nan2 nian4 de5 jing1] /Every family [jia1 ju1] /home/residence/household (furniture etc)/ [jia1 shu3] /family member/(family) dependent/ [jia1 chang2] /the daily life of a family/ [jia1 chang2 bian4 fan4] /simple home-style meal/common occurrence/nothin ordinary/ [jia1 chang2 cai4] /home cooking/ [jia1 chang2 dou4 fu5] /home-style tofu/ [jia1 ting2] /family/household/CL: [hu4], [ge4]/ [jia1 ting2 zhu3 fu1] /househusband/ [jia1 ting2 zhu3 fu4] /housewife/ [jia1 ting2 zuo4 ye4] /homework/ [jia1 ting2 di4 zhi3] /home address/ [jia1 ting2 cheng2 yuan2] /family member/ [jia1 ting2 jiao4 shi1] /tutor/ [jia1 ting2 bao4 li4] /domestic violence/ [jia1 ting2 xiao1 fei4 zhe3] /household consumer/ [jia1 ting2 zhu3 fu1] /househusband/ [jia1 zheng4] /housekeeping/ [jia1 zheng4 yuan2] /housekeeping staff/ [jia1 zheng4 xue2] /family and consumer science/ [jia1 jiao4] /family education/upbringing/to bring sb up/private tutor/ [jia1 zu2] /household/clan/ [jia1 zu2 shu4] /a family tree/ [jia1 jing3] /the state of family finance/ [jia1 bao4] /domestic violence/ [jia1 ye4] /family property/ [Jia1 le4 fu2] /Carrefour, French supermarket chain/ [jia1 zao4] /hearth/ [jia1 yan4] /barn swallow/ [jia1 chan3] /family property/ [jia1 yong4] /home-use/domestic/family expenses/housekeeping money/ [jia1 yong4 dian4 qi4] /domestic electric appliance/ [jia1 yong4 dian4 nao3] /home computer/ [jia1 chu4] /domestic animal/livestock/cattle/ [jia1 dang4] /familial property/belongings/ [jia1 juan4] /one's wife and children/ [jia1 po4 ren2 wang2] /family bankrupt and the people dead (idiom); ruine d/destitute and homeless/ [jia1 qin2] /poultry/domestic fowl/ [jia1 tong2] /servant/ [jia1 lei3 qian1 jin1 , zuo4 bu4 chui2 tang2] /rich p prudent not to place oneself in danger/ [jia1 ji3 ren2 zu2] /lit. each household provided for, enough for the ind m); comfortably off/ [jia1 chen2] /counselor of king or feudal warlord/henchman/ [jia1 ying2] /house fly/

[jia1 can2] /the common silkworm (Bombyx mori)/ [jia1 li3] /home/ [jia1 ji4] /family livelihood/a household's economic situation/family property/ [jia1 xun4] /instructions to one's children/family precepts/ [jia1 pu3] /genealogy/family tree/ [jia1 pin2 ru2 xi3] /extreme poverty (idiom); destitute/penniless/poor as [jia1 zi1 wan4 guan4] /immensely rich/ [jia1 jiao4] /privately-owned car/ [jia1 xiang1] /hometown/native place/CL: [ge4]/ [jia1 xiang1 ji1] /home town chicken (item on a menu)/ [jia1 chou3] /family scandal/skeleton in the closet/ [jia1 chou3 bu4 ke3 wai4 chuan2] /lit. family shames must not be g. don't wash your dirty linen in public/ [jia1 chou3 bu4 ke3 wai4 chuan2 , liu amily, don't believe rumors lightly (common expression); Don't wash your dirty l inen in public, don't listen to others' gossip./ [jia1 chou3 bu4 ke3 wai4 yang2] /lit. family shames must not be s don't wash your dirty linen in public/ [jia1 zhang3] /head of a household/family head/patriarch/parent or guardian of a hild/ [jia1 zhang3 zhi4] /patriarchal system/ [jia1 men2] /house door/family clan/ [jia1 dian4] /household electric appliance/abbr. for / [jia1 yang3] /domestic (animals)/home reared/ [jia1 ya1] /farm duck/ [jia1 ya1 lu:4 tou2 ya1] /mallard/duck (Anas platyrhyncha)/ [chen2] /imperial apartments/ [rong2] /to hold/to contain/to allow/appearance/look/countenance/ [rong2 bu5 de2] /unable to tolerate/intolerant/unable to bear sth/ [rong2 guang1 huan4 fa1] /face glowing (idiom); looking radiant/all smile [Rong2 ke4] /Junker (German aristocracy)/ [rong2 shou4] /to tolerate/to accept (criticism, resignation etc)/same as shou4]/ [rong2 qi4] /receptacle/vessel/ [Rong2 cheng2] /Rongcheng county in Baoding [Bao3 ding4], Hebei/ [Rong2 cheng2 xian4] /Rongcheng county in Baoding [Bao3 ding4], Hebei/ [rong2 ren3] /to put up with/to tolerate/ [rong2 yi4] /easy/likely/liable (to)/ [Rong2 Zu3 er2] /Joey Yung (1980-), Hong Kong pop singer and actress/ [rong2 ji1] /volume/capacity/ [rong2 ji1 xiao4 lu:4] /volumetric efficiency (engine technology)/ [rong2 na4] /to hold/to contain/to accommodate/to tolerate (different opinions)/ [Rong2 xian4] /Rong county in Yulin [Yu4 lin2], Guangxi/ [rong2 hua2 jue2 dai4] /to be blessed with rare and radiant beauty (idiom [rong2 xu3] /to permit/to allow/ [rong2 rang4] /to make a concession/to be accommodating/ [rong2 mao4] /one's appearance/one's aspect/looks/features/ [rong2 liang4] /capacity/volume/quantitative (science)/ [rong2 liang4 fen1 xi1] /quantitative analysis/volumetric analysis/ [rong2 yan2] /countenance/personage/ [rong2 yan2 shi1 se4] /of pale or colorless complexion (idiom)/ [Su4] /surname Su/ [su4] /lodge for the night/old/former/ [xiu3] /night/classifier for nights/ [xiu4] /constellation/ [su4 zhu3] /host/ [su4 chou2] /feud/vendetta/old foe/ [su4 zhai4] /long-standing debt/ [su4 ru2] /experienced scholar/old expert in the field/ [su4 fen4] /predestined relationship/

[Su4 wu4] /Cebu (province in the Philippines)/ [su4 ming4] /predestination/karma/ [su4 ming4 lun4] /fatalism/fatalistic/ [Su4 cheng2] /Sucheng district of Suqian city [Su4 qian1 shi4], Jian [Su4 cheng2 qu1] /Sucheng district of Suqian city [Su4 qian1 shi [su4 ye4] /to stay overnight/ [su4 chang1] /to visit a prostitute/ [su4 jiang4] /veteran general/ [Su4 zhou1] /Suzhou prefecture level city in Anhui/ [Su4 zhou1 shi4] /Suzhou prefecture level city in Anhui/ [su4 bi4] /long-standing abuse/continuing fraud/ [su4 yuan4] /an old grudge/old scores to settle/ [su4 hen4] /old hatred/ [su4 di2] /old enemy/ [su4 xi1] /formerly/in the past/ [Su4 song1] /Susong county in Anqing [An1 qing4], Anhui/ [Su4 song1 xian4] /Susong county in Anqing [An1 qing4], Anhui/ [su4 gen1] /perennial root (botany)/ [su4 ying2] /living quarters/accommodation/camp/ [su4 ying2 di4] /location of camp/ [su4 ji2] /chronic ailment/ [su4 yuan2] /predestine relationship/ [Su4 xian4] /Su county in Anhui/ [Su4 xian4 di4 qu1] /Suxian county, Anhui/ [su4 she4] /dormitory/dorm room/living quarters/hostel/CL: [jian1]/ [su4 she4 lou2] /dormitory building/CL:[zhuang4],[zuo4]/ [su4 cao3] /last year's grass (on sb's grave)/ [su4 chu4] /lodging house/ [su4 jian4] /long-held opinion/long-cherished view/ [su4 nuo4] /old promises/unfulfilled promises/ [Su4 yu4] /Suyu district of Suqian city [Su4 qian1 shi4], Jiangsu/ [Su4 yu4 qu1] /Suyu district of Suqian city [Su4 qian1 shi4], Ji [Su4 qian1] /Suqian prefecture level city in Jiangsu/ [Su4 qian1 shi4] /Suqian prefecture level city in Jiangsu/ [su4 jiu3] /still drunk from the previous night/ [su4 zui4] /hangover/ [su4 ti2] /assignment/ [su4 yuan4] /long-cherished wish/ [cai4] /feudal estate/ [zan3] /swift/ [ji4] /silent/solitary/Taiwan pr. [ji2]/ [ji4 ji4] /quiet/ [ji4 mo4] /lonely/lonesome/quiet/silent/ [ji4 liao2] /lonely/still/desolate/(classical)/ [ji4 mie4] /to die out/to fade away/nirvana (Buddhism)/ [ji4 ran2] /silent/quiet/ [ji4 jing4] /quiet/ [yuan1] /trad. variant of /injustice/grievance/wrong/ [ji4] /to live (in a house)/to lodge/to mail/to send/to entrust/to depend/ [ji4 zhu3] /host (of a parasite)/ [ji4 yu2] /to place (hope, importance etc) on/to express/to show/to give/ [ji4 yu3 hou4 wang4] /to place high hopes/ [ji4 ren2 li2 xia4] /to lodge under another person's roof (idiom); to liv sb else's charity/ [ji4 jian4 ren2] /sender/ [ji4 chu1] /to mail/to send by post/ [ji4 ming2] /adopted name/to take a name (of one's adoptive family)/ [ji4 shou4] /sale on consignment/ [ji4 cun2] /to deposit/to store/to leave sth with sb/ [ji4 cun2 qi4] /processor register/

[ji4 cun2 chu3] /a warehouse/a temporary store/a left-luggage office/a cloak [ji4 su4] /to lodge/to live (in rented accommodation)/ [ji4 su4 xue2 xiao4] /boarding school/ [ji4 su4 sheng1] /boarder/ [ji4 ju1] /to live away from home/ [ji4 ju1 xie4] /hermit crab/ [ji4 huai2] /emotions expressed in writing/ [ji4 fang4] /left in care/to leave sth with sb/ [ji4 wang4] /to place hopes on/ [ji4 mu3] /foster-mother/ [ji4 sheng1] /to live in or on another organism as a parasite/to live by taking a vantage of others/parasitism/parasitic/ [ji4 sheng1 wu4] /parasite/ [ji4 sheng1 sheng1 huo2] /parasitism/parasitic life-style/ [ji4 sheng1 zhe3] /parasite (human)/ [ji4 sheng1 chong2] /parasite/drone/ [ji4 fa1] /to dispatch/to send out (mail)/ [ji4 ji2] /to register as domiciled in another land/naturalization/ [ji4 tuo1] /to have sb look after sb/to entrust the care of sb/to place (hope etc on/ [ji4 mai4] /to consign for sale/ [ji4 ji4] /to live away from home temporarily/ [ji4 ci2] /to send a message/ [ji4 song4] /to send/to transmit/ [ji4 da2] /to send sth by mail/ [ji4 di4] /delivery (of mail)/ [ji4 xiao1] /to dispatch/consigned (goods)/ [ji4 dun4] /to place in safe keeping/to leave sth with sb/ [ji4 yang3] /to place in the care of sb (a child, pet etc)/to foster/to board out [yin2] /3rd earthly branch: 3-5 a.m., 1st solar month (4th February-5th March), year of the Tiger/ [yin2 shi2] /3-5 am/ [yin2 hu3] /Year 3, year of the Tiger (e.g. 2010)/ [mi4] /secret/confidential/close/thick/dense/ [mi4 bu4 tou4 feng1] /wrapped up tight/bundled up tight/closed up tight/a [mi4 ling4] /secret instruction/secret order/ [mi4 jian4] /secret documents/abbr. for / [mi4 shi3] /secret envoy/ [Mi4 ke4 luo2 ni2 xi1 ya4] /Micronesia in southwest pacific/ [mi4 han2] /secret letter/ [mi4 qie4] /close/familiar/intimate/closely (related)/to foster close ties/to pay close attention/ [mi4 qie4 zhu4 yi4] /close attention (to sth)/ [mi4 qie4 zhu4 shi4] /to watch closely/ [mi4 qie4 xiang1 lian2] /to relate closely/closely related/ [mi4 qie4 xiang1 guan1] /closely related/ [mi4 qie4 guan1 xi4] /close relations/intimate connections/ [mi4 you3] /close friend/ [mi4 he2] /close-fitting/tightly sealed/ [mi4 gao4] /to report secretly/to tip off/ [mi4 shang1] /to negotiate in secret/confidential discussions/ [mi4 bao4] /secret report/ [mi4 zong1] /tantra/ [mi4 shi4] /cell/private room/ [mi4 mi4] /thick/dense/close/ [mi4 mi5 za1 za1] /thick/concentrated/dense/ [mi4 mi5 shi2 shi5] /thick/concentrated/ [mi4 mi5 ceng2 ceng2] /tightly packed/closely layered/ [mi4 mi4 zha1 zha1] /thick/dense/ [mi4 mi5 ma2 ma2] /close and numerous/densely packed/thickly dotted/thick

[mi4 shi2] /close (texture)/dense/densely woven/ [mi4 feng1] /to seal up/ [mi4 feng1 cang1] /sealed compartment/ [mi4 feng1 fu2 she4 yuan2] /sealed radiation source/ [Mi4 shan1] /Mishan county level city in Jixi [Ji1 xi1], Heilongjiang/ [Mi4 shan1 shi4] /Mishan county level city in Jixi [Ji1 xi1], Heilon [mi4 bu4] /to cover densely/ [mi4 zhang4] /secret account (e.g. bank account)/ [mi4 du4] /density/thickness/ [mi4 du4 bo1] /density wave/ [mi4 du4 ji4] /density gauge/ [mi4 pai2] /leading (between lines of type)/ [mi4 tan4] /secret agent/detective/covert investigator/ [mi4 jie1] /closely connected/inseparably related/ [mi4 jiao4] /esoteric Buddhism/ [mi4 wen2] /coded text/cypher/ [mi4 hui4] /secret meeting/to meet secretly/ [mi4 lin2] /jungle/ [mi4 zhi2] /close planting/ [Mi4 xie1 gen1] /Michigan, US state/ [Mi4 xie1 gen1 Da4 xue2] /University of Michigan/ [Mi4 xie1 gen1 zhou1] /Michigan, US state/ [Mi4 xie1 gen1 hu2] /Lake Michigan, one of the Great Lakes [Wu3 da4 [Mi4 er3 wo4 ji1] /Milwaukee (city)/ [Mi4 te4 lang3] /Mitterrand/ [mi4 ma3] /code/secret code/password/pin number/ [mi4 ma3 bao3 hu4] /password protection/ [mi4 ma3 zi5] /codon/ [mi4 ma3 xue2] /cryptography/ [mi4 ma3 suo3] /combination lock/ [mi4 ma3 dian4 bao4] /coded telegram/ciphered cable/ [mi4 yan2 ta3] /multi-eaved pagoda/ [mi4 yue1] /secret appointment/ [mi4 zhi4] /dense/close spaced/ [Mi4 xian4] /Mi county in Henan/ [mi4 feng2] /tight seam/to calk/ [mi4 zhi1] /closely woven/ [mi4 er2 bu4 xuan1] /confidential/secret/hush-hush/ [Mi4 su1 li3] /Missouri/ [Mi4 su1 li3 zhou1] /Missouri/ [Mi4 xi1 xi1 bi3] /Mississippi/ [Mi4 xi1 xi1 bi3 zhou1] /Mississippi, US state/ [Mi4 xi1 xi1 bi3 he2] /Mississippi River/ [mi4 zhao4] /secret imperial edict/ [mi4 yu3] /secret talk/coded language/cypher/code/ [mi4 tan2] /commune/private discussion/ [mi4 mou2] /conspiracy/secret plan/to conspire/ [mi4 song4] /Bcc (for email)/Blind carbon copy (for email)/ [mi4 bi4] /sealed/airtight/ [mi4 bi4 shi4 xun2 huan2 zai4 hu1 xi1 shu [mi4 bi4 cang1] /sealed cabin/ [mi4 bi4 huo4 cang1] /sealed cabin/ [mi4 bi4 men2] /airtight door/ [mi4 ji2] /concentrated/crowded together/intensive/compressed/ [Mi4 yun2] /Miyun town and county in Beijing/ [Mi4 yun2 xian4] /Miyun county in Beijing/ [mi4 dian4] /coded telegram/secret telegram/ [mi4 ma2 ma2] /dense/many and crowded/ [kou4] /to invade/to plunder/bandit/foe/enemy/ [kou4 rang3] /to rob and steal/

[Kou4 Zhun3] /Kou Zhun (961-1023), Northern Song politician and poet/ [Fu4] /surname Fu/ [fu4] /rich/abundant/wealthy/ [fu4 er4 dai4] /children of entrepreneurs who became wealthy under Deng Xiaop conomic reforms in the 1980s/see also [qiong2 er4 dai4]/ [fu4 yu2] /to be full of/to be rich in/ [fu4 ren2] /rich man/ [fu4 shang1] /rich merchant/ [fu4 guo2] /rich country/make the country wealthy (political slogan)/ [fu4 guo2 an1 min2] /to make the country rich and the people at peace/ [fu4 guo2 qiang2 bing1] /lit. rich country, strong army (idiom); slogan o ilosophers in pre-Han times/Make the country wealthy and the military powerful, slogan of modernizers in Qing China and Meiji Japan (Japanese pronunciation: Fuk oku kyhei)/ [Fu4 shi4] /Fuji (Japanese company)/ [Fu4 shi4 shan1] /Mt. Fuji, Japan/ [Fu4 shi4 kang1] /Foxconn Technology Group/abbr. of [Fu4 shi4 kang1 ke1 ji4 ji2 tuan2] /Foxconn Technology Group/ [Fu4 shi4 tong1] /Fujitsu/ [fu4 po2] /wealthy woman/ [fu4 shuang1] /rich widow/ [fu4 fu4 you3 yu2] /richly provided for/having enough and to spare/ [Fu4 ning2] /Funing county in Wenshan Zhuang and Miao autonomous prefecture Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ [Fu4 Ning2 xian4] /Funing county in Wenshan Zhuang and Miao autonomous prefec zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ [Fu4 chuan1 Yao2 zu2 Zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Fuchuan Yao autonomous gxi/ [Fu4 chuan1 xian4] /Fuchuan Yao autonomous county in Hezhou [He4 zho [fu4 bu4 lai4 te4] /Fulbright (scholarship)/ [Fu4 ping2] /Fuping county in Winn [Wei4 nan2], Shnx/ [Fu4 ping2 xian4] /Fuping county in Winn [Wei4 nan2], Shnx/ [fu4 shu4] /populous and affluent/ [fu4 qiang2] /rich and powerful/ [fu4 de5 liu2 you2] /affluent/very rich/ [fu4 tai5] /(euphemism) stout/portly/ [fu4 hu4] /rich family/large landlord/ [Fu4 la1 er3 ji1] /Fularji district of Qiqihar city [Qi2 [Fu4 la1 er3 ji1 qu1] /Fularji district of Qiqihar city [fu4 yu2 xiang3 xiang4] /imaginative/ [Fu4 chun1 jiang1] /Fuchun River in Zhejiang/ [fu4 shi2] /FTSE (British provider of stock exchange indices such as FTSE 100)/ [fu4 you3] /rich/full of/ [Fu4 min2] /Fumin county in Kunming [Kun1 ming2], Yunnan/ [fu4 min2] /to enrich the people/ [Fu4 min2 xian4] /Fumin county in Kunming [Kun1 ming2], Yunnan/ [Fu4 yuan2] /Fyuan county in Qujing [Qu3 jing4], Yunnan/ [Fu4 yuan2 xian4] /Fyuan county in Qujing [Qu3 jing4], Yunnan/ [fu4 kuang4] /high-grade ore/ [Fu4 na4 fu4 ti2] /Funafuti, capital of Tuvalu/ [Fu4 xian4] /Fu county in Yan'an [Yan2 an1], Shaanxi/ [fu4 weng1] /rich person/millionaire/billionaire/ [fu4 se4 cai3] /colorful/ [Fu4 yun4] /Fuyun county in Altay prefecture [A1 le4 tai4 di [Fu4 yun4 xian4] /Fuyun county in Altay prefecture [A1 l [Fu4 lan2 ke4 lin2] /Franklin/Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), US Founding tist and author/surname Franklin/ [Fu4 yu4] /Fuyu county in Qiqihar [Qi2 qi2 ha1 er3], Heilongjian [fu4 yu4] /prosperous/well-to-do/well-off/ [Fu4 yu4 xian4] /Fuyu county in Qiqihar [Qi2 qi2 ha1 er3], H

[fu4 hao2] /rich and powerful person/ [fu4 gui4] /riches and honor/ [fu4 gui4 bu4 neng2 yin2] /not corrupted by wealth and honors/ [fu4 gui4 shou4 kao3] /rank, wealth, and long life/ [fu4 gui4 bing4] /rich person's ailment (needing expensive treatment and long ration)/ [Fu4 gui4 jiao3] /Cape Fukuei, the northernmost point of Taiwan Island/ [fu4 zu2] /rich/plentiful/ [fu4 nong2] /rich peasant/social class of people farming their own land, intermed ate between land-owner class [di4 zhu3] and poor peasant [pin2 nong2]/ [Fu4 li3] /Fuli township in Hualien county [Hua1 lian2 xian4], east [Fu4 li3 xiang1] /Fuli township in Hualien county [Hua1 lian2 xi [Fu4 jin3] /Fujin county level city in Kiamusze or Jiamusi [Jia1 mu4 si1], ng/ [Fu4 jin3 shi4] /Fujin county level city in Kiamusze or Jiamusi city [J ilongjiang/ [Fu4 yang2] /Fuyang county level city in Hangzhou [Hang2 zhou1], Zhejiang/ [Fu4 yang2 shi4] /Fuyang county level city in Hangzhou [Hang2 zhou1], Zhe [Fu4 shun4] /Fushun county in Zigong [Zi4 gong4], Sichuan/ [Fu4 shun4 xian4] /Fushun county in Zigong [Zi4 gong4], Sichuan/ [fu4 yu5] /in surplus/ [fu4 rao2] /fertile/richly provided/ [fu4 li4 tang2 huang2] /sumptuous mansions (idiom); splendorous and majes [bing4] /nightmare/start in sleep/ [mei4] /to sleep soundly/ [Mei4 long2] /Mei, dinosaur genus/Mei long, dinosaur species/ [han2] /cold/poor/to tremble/ [Han2 ting2] /Hanting district of Weifang city [Wei2 fang1 shi4], Sh [Han2 ting2 qu1] /Hanting district of Weifang city [Wei2 fang1 s [han2 jia4] /winter vacation/ [han2 guang1 shan3 shan3] /to glitter like frost and snow (idiom)/ [han2 dong1] /wintry/ [han2 leng3] /cold (climate)/frigid/very cold/ [han2 xuan1] /to discuss the weather/to exchange conventional greetings/ [han2 jin4] /a shiver/ [han2 tian1] /agar-agar (loanword from Japanese)/ [han2 dai4] /polar climate/ [han2 wei1] /of humble origin/ [han2 xin1] /disillusioned/bitterly disappointed/terrified/ [han2 yi4] /a nip in the air/chilliness/ [han2 zhan4] /shiver/ [han2 xuan1] /exchanging conventional greetings/to talk about the weather/ [Han2 wu3] /Cambrian (geological period 545-495m years ago)/ [han2 wu3 bao4 fa1] /the Cambrian explosion/ [Han2 wu3 ji4] /Cambrian geological period (545-495m years ago)/ [Han2 wu3 ji4 da4 bao4 fa1] /the Cambrian explosion/ [Han2 wu3 ji4 sheng1 ming4 da4 bao4 fa1] /the Cambrian ex [han2 mao2] /fine hair on the human body/ [han2 qi4] /cold air/ [han2 liu2] /cold stream/ [han2 chao2] /cold wave/CL:[gu3]/ [han2 chen5] /ugly/shameful/to ridicule/ [han2 she4] /my humble home/ [han2 chan2] /cicada in winter/fig. mournful sound/ [han2 suan1] /wretched/poverty-stricken/unpresentable (for clothing, gifts etc)/ [han2 men2] /poor and humble family/my family (humble)/ [Han2 lu4] /Hanlu or Cold Dew, 17th of the 24 solar terms 8 [han2 feng1 ci4 gu3] /bone chilling wind (idiom)/ [han2 shi2] /cold food (i.e. to abstain from cooked food for 3 days around the Qi gming festival )/the Qingming festival/

[yu4] /to reside/to imply/to contain/residence/ [yu4 ju1] /to make one's home in/to reside in/to inhabit/ [yu4 yi4] /moral (of a story)/lesson to be learned/implication/message/import/met phorical meaning/ [yu4 yi4 shen1 yuan3] /the implied message is deep (idiom); having deep i [yu4 yi4 shen1 chang2] /to have profound import (idiom); to be deeply sig [yu4 suo3] /dwelling/ [yu4 guan3 li3 Yu2 fu2 wu4 zhi1 zhong1] /integrated servi [yu4 yan2] /fable/CL: [ze2]/ [shi2] /really/solid/ [jin4] /to immerse/to soak/ [zhi4] /put aside, put down/discard/ [yu3] /bad/useless/weak/ [kuan1] /Japanese variant of / [mo4] /lonesome/ [cha2] /to examine/to inquire/to observe/to inspect/to look into/obvious/clearly evident/ [Cha2 ge3 tai2] /Chagatai (died 1241), a son of Genghis Khan/ [Cha2 ha1 er3 you4 yi4 zhong1 qi2] /Chahar Right Center banne oshuu in Ulaanchab [Wu1 lan2 cha2 bu4], Inner Mongolia/ [Cha2 ha1 er3 you4 yi4 qian2 qi2] /Chahar Right Front banner in Ulaanchab [Wu1 lan2 cha2 bu4], Inner Mongolia/ [Cha2 ha1 er3 you4 yi4 hou4 qi2] /Chahar Right Rear banner or u in Ulaanchab [Wu1 lan2 cha2 bu4], Inner Mongolia/ [cha2 cha2] /clean/spotless/ [cha2 cha2 wei2 ming2] /keenly observant of trivial details/ [Cha2 bu4 cha2 er3] /Qapqal Xibe autonomous county in Ili Kazakh autonomo [Yi1 li2 Ha1 sa4 ke4 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang/ [Cha2 bu4 cha2 er3 xian4] /Qapqal Xibe autonomous county in Ili Kazak ture [Yi1 li2 Ha1 sa4 ke4 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang/ [Cha2 bu4 cha2 er3 Xi1 bo2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Qapqal Xi us prefecture [Yi1 li2 Ha1 sa4 ke4 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjia [cha2 wei1 zhi1 zhu4] /to examine tiny clues to know general trend (idiom he whole story from small traces/ [Cha2 er3 han4 yan2 hu2] /Qarhan salt lake in west Qinghai/ [cha2 kan4] /to watch/to look carefully at/ [cha2 na4] /to investigate and accept/ [cha2 jue2] /to sense/to perceive/to become aware of/to detect/ [cha2 yan2 guan1 se4] /to observe sb's words and gestures (idiom, from An xamine words and moods for a clue as to sb's thoughts/mind reading/ [cha2 fang3] /to make an investigative visit/to go and find out from the source/ [Cha2 yu2] /Zay county, Tibetan: Rdza yul rdzong, in Nyingchi prefecture 1], Tibet/ [Cha2 yu2 xian4] /Zay county, Tibetan: Rdza yul rdzong, in Nyingchi prefectu 4 qu1], Tibet/ [Cha2 ya3] /Zhag'yab county, Tibetan: Brag g-yab rdzong, in Chamdo prefecture di4 qu1], Tibet/ [Cha2 ya3 xian4] /Zhag'yab county, Tibetan: Brag g-yab rdzong, in Chamdo pref du1 di4 qu1], Tibet/ [cha2 yan4] /to examine/ [ju4] /poor/rustic/ [gua3] /few/widowed/ [gua3 bu4 di2 zhong4] /the few are no match for the many/heavily outnumbe possible odds (idiom)/ [gua3 ren2] /solitary/lone person/I, the sovereign (a special Chinese word, a mod st self appointed name)/Royal we (a modest form of)/ [gua3 zhu4] /finding little support/neglected/ [gua3 fu5] /widow/ [gua3 ju1] /to live as a widow/ [gua3 yan2] /taciturn/reticent/

[gua3 lou4] /having little knowledge/not well-read/ [gua3 tou2] /oligarch/ [gua3 tou2 long3 duan4] /oligopoly/ [gua3 tou2 zheng4 zhi4] /oligarchy/ [qin3] /to lie down/ [qin3 shi4] /bedroom/dormitory/CL: [jian1]/ [qin3 shan1 zhen3 kuai4] /bed of straw and pillow of clay (idiom); the co te for filial son during Confucian mourning period/ [qin3 shi2 nan2 an1] /lit. cannot rest or eat in peace (idiom)/fig. extre and troubled/ [wu4] /to awake from sleep/ [wu4 mei4] /lit. awake or asleep/at any time/ [liao2] /empty/lonesome/very few/ [liao2 liao2] /very few/ [liao2 liao2 ke3 shu3] /just a very few (idiom); tiny number/just a handf t all/You count them on your fingers./ [liao2 liao2 wu2 ji3] /just a very few (idiom); tiny number/not many at a them on your fingers./ [liao2 luo4] /sparse/few and far between/ [shi2] /real/true/honest/really/solid/fruit/seed/definitely/ [shi2 shi4] /fact/actual thing/practical matter/ [shi2 shi4 qiu2 shi4] /to seek truth from facts (idiom)/to be practical a [shi2 fu4] /actually paid/net (payment)/ [shi2 li4] /an actual example/UNIX shell/ [shi2 zhi2] /real-valued (math.)/taking real numbers as values (of a function)/ [shi2 fen1 xi1] /real analysis/calculus of real variables/ [shi2 li4] /advantage/gain/net profit/ [shi2 li4 zhu3 yi4] /utilitarianism/ [shi2 ze2] /actually/in fact/ [shi2 li4] /strength/ [shi2 wu4] /practice (customary action, as opposed to theory)/practical/ [shi2 shou5 zi1 ben3] /paid-up capital/ [shi2 ming2 zhi4] /system for identifying users (on a rail network, the Inter )/ [shi2 zai4] /really/actually/indeed/true/real/honest/dependable/(philosophy) real ty/ [shi2 di4] /on-site/ [shi2 di4 fang3 shi4] /onsite visit/ [shi2 nu:3] /female suffering absence or atresia of vagina (as birth defect)/ [shi2 shu3 bu4 yi4] /really not easy (idiom)/ [shi2 gan4] /on the job/solid practical work/pragmatic/ [shi2 gan4 jia1] /practical person/constructive person/ [shi2 dan4] /live ammunition/ [shi2 xin1] /sincere/solid/ [shi2 xin1 pi2 qiu2] /medicine ball/ [shi2 qing2] /actual situation/truth/ [shi2 hui4] /tangible benefit/material advantages/advantageous (deal)/substantial (discount)/ [shi2 yi4] /sincere/ [shi2 zhan4] /real combat/actual combat/ [shi2 pai1] /candid photograph/genuine photograph (not set up or doctored)/ [shi2 shou1] /net receipts/real income/ [shi2 shu4] /real number (math)/actual value/ [shi2 shu4 zhi2] /real-valued (math.)/taking real numbers as values (of a fun [shi2 shu4 ji2] /set of real numbers/ [shi2 shi1] /to implement/to carry out/ [shi2 shi2] /real time/ [shi2 shi2 jia1 gong1] /on-line processing/ [shi2 shi2 ji4 shu4] /on-line technique/ [shi2 shi2 cao1 zuo4 huan2 jing4] /real time operating environmen

[shi2 jing3] /real scene (not set up or posed)/real location (not a film studio s t or theatre)/live action (not animation)/ [shi2 gen1] /real root (of a polynomial)/ [shi2 ye4] /industry/commercial enterprise/ [shi2 ye4 jia1] /industrialist/ [shi2 sui4] /method of calculating a person's age in years from birth/see also ui4]/see also [zu2 sui4]/ [shi2 kuang4] /live (e.g. broadcast or recording)/what is actually happening/scen /the real situation/ [shi2 kuang4 zhuan3 bo1] /live relay/broadcast of actual scene/to broadca [shi2 kuang4 lu4 yin1] /live recording/ [shi2 ce4] /on-the-spot survey/real measurement/ [shi2 wu4] /material object/concrete object/original object/in kind/object for pr ctical use/definite thing/reality/matter (physics)/ [shi2 wu4 jiao4 xue2] /object lesson/ [shi2 xian4] /to achieve/to implement/to realize/to bring about/ [shi2 yong4] /practical/functional/pragmatic/applied (science)/ [shi2 yong4 zhu3 yi4] /pragmatism/ [shi2 yong4 jia4 zhi2] /practical value/ [shi2 xiang4] /actual situation/the ultimate essence of things (Buddhism)/ [shi2 xian4] /solid line/ [shi2 xi2] /to practice/field work/to intern/internship/ [shi2 xi2 sheng5] /intern (student)/ [shi2 zhi2] /active participation/ [shi2 zhou3] /full arm (method of painting)/ [shi2 xing2] /to implement/to carry out/to put into practice/ [shi2 ci2] /content word/ [shi2 hua4] /truth/ [shi2 zheng4] /actual proof/concrete evidence/empirical/ [shi2 zheng4 zhu3 yi4] /positivism/empiricism/ [shi2 bian4] /(math.) real variable/ [shi2 bian4 han2 shu4] /function of a real variable (math.)/ [shi2 bian4 han2 shu4 lun4] /(math.) theory of functions of a real va [shi2 zhi4] /substance/essence/ [shi2 zhi4 shang4] /virtually/essentially/ [shi2 zhi4 xing4] /substantive/substantial/material/considerable/ [shi2 zu2] /full/complete/all of/ [shi2 jian4] /to practice/to put into practice/to fulfill/ [shi2 jian4 shi4 jian3 yan4 zhen1 li3 de5 for judging truth (item from Deng Xiaoping theory, from 1978)/ [shi2 ji4] /actual/reality/practice/ [shi2 ji4 shang4] /in fact/in reality/as a matter of fact/in practice/ [shi2 ji4 xing4] /practicality/ [shi2 ji4 qing2 kuang4] /actual circumstances/the real situation/reality/ [shi2 ji4 ying4 yong4] /practical application/ [shi2 yan4] /experiment/test/CL: [ge4],[ci4]/experimental/to experiment/ [shi2 yan4 shi4] /laboratory/CL: [jian1]/ [shi2 yan4 shi4 gan3 ran3] /laboratory infection/ [shi2 yan4 xin1 li3 xue2] /experimental psychology/ [shi2 yan4 suo3] /laboratory/institute/ [shi2 ti3] /entity/substance/thing that has a material existence (as opposed to a conceptual, virtual or online existence)/the real thing (as opposed to an image or model of it)/ [shi2 ti3 ceng2] /physical layer (OSI)/ [shi2 ti3 dian4] /brick and mortar business/physical (rather than online) ret re/ [Ning2] /abbr. for Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region [Ning2 Nanjing [Nan2 jing1]/surname Ning/ [ning2] /peaceful/rather/ [ning4] /rather/to prefer/

[Ning2 hua4] /Ninghua county in Sanming [San1 ming2], Fujian/ [Ning2 hua4 xian4] /Ninghua county in Sanming [San1 ming2], Fujian/ [Ning2 nan2] /Ningnan county in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture i4 zhou1], south Sichuan/ [Ning2 nan2 xian4] /Ningnan county in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture 4 zhi4 zhou1], south Sichuan/ [ning4 ke3] /preferably/one would prefer to...(or not to...)/would rather/(would) be better to/(to pick) the lesser of two evils/ [Ning2 guo2] /Ningguo county level city in Xuancheng [Xuan1 cheng2], Anhui/ [Ning2 guo2 shi4] /Ningguo county level city in Xuancheng [Xuan1 cheng2], [Ning2 cheng2] /Ningcheng county of Chifeng , Inner Mongolia/ [Ning2 cheng2 xian4] /Ningcheng county of Chifeng , Inner Mongolia/ [Ning2 xia4] /Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, abbr. [Ning2], capital Yinchuan an1]/ [Ning2 xia4 Hui2 zu2 Zi4 zhi4 qu1] /Ningxia Hui Autonomous Re chuan [Ying2 chuan1]/ [Ning2 xia4 sheng3] /former Ningxia province, now Ningxia Hui Autonomous Regi zu2 Zi4 zhi4 qu1]/ [Ning2 an1] /Ning'an county level city in Mudanjiang , Heilongjiang/ [Ning2 an1 shi4] /Ning'an county level city in Mudanjiang , Heilongjian [Ning2 zong1] /Emperor Ningzong of Southern Song (1168-1224)/ [ning2 ding4 dan4 bo2] /to live in contentment (idiom)/ [Ning2 gang1] /former Ninggang county in Jiangxi, now within Jinggangshan county evel city [Jing3 gang1 shan1 shi4] in Ji'an , Jiangxi/ [Ning2 gang1 xian4] /former Ninggang county in Jiangxi, now within Jinggangsh ty level city [Jing3 gang1 shan1 shi4] in Ji'an , Jiangxi/ [ning4 zuo3 wu4 you4] /to find peace on the left but not on the right (id [Ning2 qiang2] /Ningqiang county in Hnzhng [Han4 zhong1], Shnx/ [Ning2 qiang2 xian4] /Ningqiang county in Hnzhng [Han4 zhong1], Sh [Ning2 de2] /Ningde prefecture level city in Fujian/ [Ning2 de2 di4 qu1] /Ningde prefecture in Fujian/ [Ning2 de2 shi4] /Ningde prefecture level city in Fujian/ [Ning2 ming2] /Ningming county in Chongzuo [Chong2 zuo3], Guangxi/ [Ning2 ming2 xian4] /Ningming county in Chongzuo [Chong2 zuo3], Guangxi/ [Ning2 jin4] /Ningjin county in Xingtai [Xing2 tai2], Hebei/ [Ning2 jin4 xian4] /Ningjin county in Xingtai [Xing2 tai2], Hebei/ [Ning2 wu3] /Ningwu county in Xinzhou [Xin1 zhou1], Shanxi/ [Ning2 wu3 xian4] /Ningwu county in Xinzhou [Xin1 zhou1], Shanxi/ [ning4 si3 bu4 qu1] /rather die than submit (idiom)/ [Ning2 jiang1] /Ningjiang district of Songyuan city , Jilin/ [Ning2 jiang1 qu1] /Ningjiang district of Songyuan city , Jilin/ [Ning2 he2] /Ninghe county in Tianjin [Tian1 jin1]/ [Ning2 he2 xian4] /Ninghe county in Tianjin [Tian1 jin1]/ [Ning2 bo1] /Ningbo subprovincial city in Zhejiang/ [Ning2 bo1 di4 qu1] /Ningbo prefecture, Zhejiang/ [Ning2 bo1 shi4] /Ningbo subprovincial city in Zhejiang/ [Ning2 jin1] /Ningjin county in Dezhou [De2 zhou1], Shandong/ [Ning2 jin1 xian4] /Ningjin county in Dezhou [De2 zhou1], Shandong/ [Ning4 er3] /Ning'er county in Yunnan/abbr. for Ning'er Hani and Yi autonomous co nty / [Ning2 er3 Ha1 ni2 zu2 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /N apital Pu'er city /formerly Pu'er Hani and Yi autonomous county/ [Ning4 er3 xian4] /Ning'er county in Yunnan/abbr. for Ning'er Hani and Yi aut county / [Ning2 hai3] /Ninghai county in Ningbo [Ning2 bo1], Zhejiang/ [Ning2 hai3 xian4] /Ninghai county in Ningbo [Ning2 bo1], Zhejiang/ [ning4 wei2 yu4 sui4 , bu4 wei2 wa3 quan2] /Better br able to dishonor. (idiom)/ [Ning2 xian4] /Ning county in Qingyang [Qing4 yang2], Gansu/ [ning4 que1 wu2 lan4] /better to have nothing (than substandard choice) (

prefer to go without than accept shoddy option/ [ning4 ken3] /would rather.../it would be better.../would prefer/ [Ning2 lang4] /abbr. for , Ninglang Yizu autonomous [Ning2 lang4 yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Ninglang Yizu autonomou Yunnan/ [Ning2 lang4 xian4] /Ninglang Yizu autonomous county in Lijiang [Li4 [Ning2 yuan3] /Ningyuan county in Yongzhou [Yong3 zhou1], Hunan/ [Ning2 yuan3 xian4] /Ningyuan county in Yongzhou [Yong3 zhou1], Hunan/ [Ning2 bian1] /Yongbyon (Ryeongbyeon), site of North Korean nuclear reactor/ [Ning2 du1] /Ningdu county in Ganzhou , Jiangxi/ [Ning2 du1 xian4] /Ningdu county in Ganzhou , Jiangxi/ [Ning2 xiang1] /Ningxiang county in Changsha [Chang2 sha1], Hunan/ [Ning2 xiang1 xian4] /Ningxiang county in Changsha [Chang2 sha1], Hu [Ning2 shan3] /Ningshan county in nkng [An1 kang1], Shnx/ [Ning2 shan3 xian4] /Ningshan county in nkng [An1 kang1], Shnx/ [Ning2 ling2] /Ningling county in Shangqiu [Shang1 qiu1], Henan/ [Ning2 ling2 xian4] /Ningling county in Shangqiu [Shang1 qiu1], Henan/ [Ning2 yang2] /Ningyang county in Tai'an [Tai4 an1], Shandong/ [Ning2 yang2 xian4] /Ninguang county in Tai'an [Tai4 an1], Shandong/ [ning2 jing4] /tranquil/tranquility/serenity/ [ning2 jing4 zhi4 yuan3] /tranquility yields transcendence (idiom); quiet ound study/cf Still waters run deep./ [ning4 yuan4] /would rather/better/ [zhai4] /stronghold/stockade/camp/village/ [shen3] /to examine/to investigate/carefully/to try (in court)/ [shen3 pan4] /a trial/to try sb/ [shen3 pan4 xi2] /judgment seat/ [shen3 pan4 ting2] /court/tribunal/courtroom/ [shen3 pan4 lan2] /judgment bar/ [shen3 pan4 quan2] /jurisdiction/judicial authority/ [shen3 pan4 zhe3] /judge/ [shen3 pan4 zhang3] /presiding judge/ [shen3 wen4] /to interrogate/to examine/to question/ [shen3 ding4] /to examine and approve/to finalize/ [shen3 cha2] /to investigate/to examine closely/ [shen3 gan4] /to examine the cadres/same as / [shen3 duo2] /to observe and form a judgment/ [shen3 duo2 shi2 shi4] /to examine and judge the situation/ [shen3 shen4] /prudent/cautious/ [shen3 shen4 xing2 shi4] /to act prudently/steering a cautious course/ [shen3 pi1] /to examine and approve/to endorse/ [shen3 gai3] /to check and revise/ [shen3 duan4] /to examine/ [shen3 shi2 duo2 shi4] /to judge the hour and size up the situation/to ta [shen3 cha2] /to examine/to investigate/to censor out/censorship/ [shen3 jiao4] /to proof-read/to review (a text)/ [shen3 he2] /to audit/to investigate thoroughly/ [shen3 li3] /to hear (a case)/ [shen3 gao3 ren2] /reviewer (of a paper)/ [shen3 ji2] /appeal (to higher courts)/ [shen3 ji2 zhi4 du4] /system of appeals (to higher court)/ [shen3 jie2] /to adjudicate/to finish a trial/to try and pass verdict/ [shen3 mei3] /esthetics/appreciating the arts/taste/ [shen3 mei3 kuai4 gan3] /esthetic pleasure/ [shen3 mei3 huo2 dong4] /appreciating the arts/esthetic activity/ [shen3 mei3 yan3 guang1] /an eye for beauty/aesthetic judgment/ [shen3 mei3 guan1] /esthetic conception/esthetic point of view/standard/ [shen3 chu3] /to deliberate and decide/to try and punish/trial and execution/ [shen3 he2] /see [shen3 he2]/ [shen3 shi4] /to look closely at/to examine/

[shen3 ding4] /to revise/to examine and revise/ [shen3 ji4] /to audit/to examine finances/ [shen3 ji4 yuan2] /accountant/auditor/ [shen3 ji4 shu3] /audit office/public accounts committee/ [shen3 ji4 zhang3] /auditor/ [shen3 xun4] /inquest/trial/interrogation/to try/to interrogate/ [shen3 di4] /to look at sth carefully/to examine/ [shen3 yi4] /deliberation/pondering/due consideration/ [shen3 du2] /to read (a draft)/to review/ [shen3 zhuo2] /examination/to check and review/ [shen3 yue4] /to review or peruse/ [Wei3] /surname Wei/ [xie3] /to write/ [xie3 xia4] /to write down/ [xie3 zuo4] /writing/written works/ [xie3 xin4] /to write a letter/ [xie3 zi4] /to write characters/ [xie3 zi4 lou2] /office building/ [xie3 zi4 tai2] /writing desk/ [xie3 wan2] /to finish writing/ [xie3 yi4] /freehand (drawing, painting etc)/spontaneous expression/relaxed/ [xie4 yi4] /enjoyable/comfortable/ [xie3 yi4 hua4] /freehand drawing or painting in traditional Chinese style/ [xie3 cheng2] /to compile/to form through writing/ [xie3 shou3] /person who writes articles - newspapers, magazines, blogs (informal /scribe/copyist/a talented writer of articles or of calligraphy/ [xie3 fa3] /method of writing/spelling/ [xie3 zhao4] /portrayal/ [xie3 sheng1] /to sketch from nature/to do a still life drawing/ [xie3 zhen1] /portrait/to describe sth accurately/ [Kuan1] /surname Kuan/ [kuan1] /lenient/wide/broad/ [kuan1 liang4] /wide and bright/without worries/deep and sonorous (voice)/ [kuan1 yi3 dai4 ren2] /to be lenient with others (idiom)/ [kuan1 jia3] /to pardon/to excuse/ [kuan1 mian3] /to reduce payment/to annul (debts, bills, taxes etc)/to let sb off paying/ [kuan1 hou4] /tolerant/generous/magnanimous/thick and broad (build)/thick and dee (voice)/ [kuan1 kou3] /wide mouth/ [kuan1 wen3 hai3 tun2] /bottle-nosed dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)/ [Kuan1 cheng2] /Kuancheng district of Changchun city , Jilin/Kuanche s county in Chengde [Cheng2 de2], Hebei/ [Kuan1 cheng2 qu1] /Kuancheng district of Changchun city , Jilin [Kuan1 cheng2 Man3 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Kuancheng Manchu auto de2], Hebei/ [Kuan1 cheng2 xian4] /Kuancheng Manchu autonomous county in Chengde [Chen i/ [kuan1 da4] /spacious/wide/lenient/ [kuan1 da4 ren2 ai4] /tolerant and lenient (idiom)/ [kuan1 da4 wei2 huai2] /magnanimous (idiom)/generous/ [kuan1 hong2] /magnanimous/ [kuan1 hong2 da4 du4] /magnanimous/generous/broad-minded/ [kuan1 hong2 da4 liang4] /magnanimous (idiom); generous/ [kuan1 you4] /to pardon/to forgive/ [kuan1 rong2] /lenient/tolerant/indulgent/charitable/to forgive/ [kuan1 ping2] /widescreen/ [kuan1 zhan3] /happy/ [kuan1 dai4] /broadband/ [kuan1 du4] /width/

[kuan1 guang3] /wide/broad/extensive/vast/ [kuan1 guang3 du4] /width/breadth/ [kuan1 hong2] /magnanimous/generous/broad-minded/wide/resonant (voice)/ [kuan1 ying3 pian4] /wide-screen movie/ [kuan1 dai4] /to treat leniently/liberal treatment/ [kuan1 xin1] /relieved/comforted/to relieve anxieties/at ease/relaxed/reassuring/ appy/ [kuan1 xin1 wan2] /reassuring explanation/consolatory words/ [kuan1 xin1 wan2 r5] /erhua variant of , reassuring explanat [kuan1 shu4] /to forgive/forgiveness/ [kuan1 wei4] /to console/to sooth/relieved/ [kuan1 da3 zhai3 yong4] /to give oneself leeway (idiom)/to allow room for [kuan1 chang5] /spacious/wide/ [kuan1 fu3] /broadax/ax with a wide blade/ [kuan1 chang4] /with no worries/cheerful/spacious/ [kuan1 kuang4] /vast/extensive/ [kuan1 fan4] /wide meaning/broad/ [kuan1 hong2] /magnanimous/generous/broad-minded/wide/resonant (voice)/ [kuan1 hong2 da4 du4] /magnanimous/generous/broad-minded/ [kuan1 hong2 da4 liang4] /magnanimous/generous/broad-minded/ [kuan1 jian3] /tax relief/ [kuan1 shuang3] /happy/ [Kuan1 dian4] /Kuandian Manchu autonomous county in Liaoning/abbr. for [Kuan1 dian4 Man3 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Kuandian Manchu autono ], Liaoning/ [Kuan1 dian4 xian4] /Kuandian Manchu autonomous county in Liaoning/abbr. for [kuan1 zhai3] /width/breadth/ [kuan1 chuo4] /spacious/generously proportioned/ [kuan1 huan3] /relieved/tensions relax/ [kuan1 jiao1 dai4] /duct tape/ [kuan1 shu1] /happy/carefree/ [kuan1 yi1] /Please take off your coat (honorific)/ [kuan1 yu4] /comfortably off/ample/plenty/ [kuan1 jie3] /to relieve anxieties/ [kuan1 dai4] /to pardon/to excuse/ [kuan1 she4] /to forgive/ [kuan1 yin2 mu4 dian4 ying3] /wide-screen movie/ [kuan1 kuo4] /expansive/wide/width/thickness/ [kuan1 xian4] /to extend (a deadline etc)/ [kuan1 xian4 qi1] /grace period/period of grace/ [kuan1 pin2] /broadband/ [kuan1 yu2] /ample/plentiful/affluent/relaxed/comfortable circumstances/ [kuan1 rao2] /to forgive/to spare/ [kuan1 song1] /to relax (policy)/relaxed/ [Liao2] /Laos/ [liao2] /hut/shack/small window/variant of [liao2]/ [huan2] /large domain/extensive region/ [huan2 zhong1 shu3] /locusts/ [bao3] /variant of , treasure/ [chong3] /to love/to pamper/to spoil/to favor/ [chong3 xin4] /to dote on and trust/ [chong3 er2] /pet/favorite/darling/ [chong3 huai4] /to spoil (a child etc)/ [chong3 ai4] /to dote on sb/ [chong3 shan4 zhuan1 fang2] /an especially favored concubine (idiom)/ [chong3 wu4] /house pet/ [chong3 wu4 dian4] /pet store/ [chong3 chen2] /favored minister/ [bao3] /jewel/gem/treasure/precious/ [bao3 dian3] /canonical text/treasury (i.e. book of treasured wisdom)/

[bao3 dao1 wei4 lao3] /treasure knife does not age (idiom); old but still [bao3 jian4] /a double-edged sword/CL:[fang1]/ [Bao3 di3] /Baodi rural district in Tianjin [Tian1 jin1]/ [Bao3 di3 qu1] /Baodi rural district in Tianjin [Tian1 jin1]/ [bao3 ta3] /pagoda/ [Bao3 ta3 qu1] /Baota or Pagoda district of Yan'an city [Yan2 an1 shi4] [Bao3 an1] /Bao'an district of Shenzhen City , Guangdong/ [Bao3 an1 qu1] /Bao'an district of Shenzhen City , Guangdong/ [bao3 bao3] /darling/baby/ [Bao3 shan1] /Baoshang district of Shanghai/Baoshan district of Shuangyashan city ng1 ya1 shan1], Heilongjiang/Baoshan or Paoshan township in Hsinchu county [Xi xian4], northwest Taiwan/ [Bao3 shan1 qu1] /Baoshang district of Shanghai/Baoshan district of Shuangyas y [Shuang1 ya1 shan1], Heilongjiang/ [Bao3 shan1 xiang1] /Baoshan or Paoshan township in Hsinchu county thwest Taiwan/ [bao3 zuo4] /throne/ [bao3 ku4] /treasure-house/treasury/treasure-trove (often fig., book of treasured wisdom)/ [Bao3 ying1] /Baoying county in Yangzhou [Yang2 zhou1], Jiangsu/ [Bao3 ying1 xian4] /Baoying county in Yangzhou [Yang2 zhou1], Jiangs [Bao3 Cheng2 tie3 lu4] /Baoji-Chengdu Railway/ [bao3 shu1] /treasured book/ [Bao3 lin2] /Po Lam (area in Hong Kong)/ [bao3 dian4] /king's palace/throne hall/ [Bao3 qing1] /Baoqing county in Shuangyashan [Shuang1 ya1 shan1], He [Bao3 qing1 xian4] /Baoqing county in Shuangyashan [Shuang1 ya1 [Bao3 jie2] /Procter & Gamble (consumer goods company)/ [Bao3 jie2 Gong1 si1] /Procter & Gamble/ [bao3 wu4] /treasure/CL:[jian4]/ [bao3 te4 ping2] /plastic bottle/ [bao3 yu4] /precious jade/treasures/ [Bao3 ping2] /Aquarius (star sign)/ [Bao3 ping2 zuo4] /Aquarius (constellation and sign of the zodiac)/also calle [Bao3 sheng1 fo2] /Ratnasambhava Buddha/ [bao3 shi2] /precious stone/gem/CL:[mei2], [ke1]/ [Bao3 xing1] /Baoxing county in Ya'an [Ya3 an1], Sichuan/ [Bao3 Xing1 xian4] /Baoxing county in Ya'an [Ya3 an1], Sichuan/ [Bao3 lai2 wu4] /Bollywood (film industry based in Mumbai, India)/ [bao3 hu2 lu5] /magic gourd, granting your every wish/ [bao3 hu2 lu5 de5 mi4 mi4] /Secret of the magic gourd (1958), pri ry tale by Zhang Tian'yi [Zhang1 Tian1 yi4]/ [bao3 gai4] /name of "roof" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 40)/see also [mian2]/ [bao3 lan2] /sapphire blue/ [bao3 zang4] /precious (mineral) deposits/(budd.) the treasure of Buddha's law/ [Bao3 feng1] /Baofeng county in Pingdingshan [Ping2 ding3 shan1], He [Bao3 feng1 xian4] /Baofeng county in Pingdingshan [Ping2 ding3 [bao3 bei4] /treasured object/treasure/darling/baby/cowry/good-for-nothing or que r character/ [bao3 bei4 r5] /erhua variant of , treasure/darling/ [bao3 bei4 ge1 da5] /(of a child) apple of one's eye/ [bao3 huo4] /precious object/treasure/ [bao3 gui4] /valuable/precious/to value/to treasure/to set store by/ [bao3 gang1] /Baosteel, China's largest steel maker/ [bao3 gang1 ji2 tuan2] /Baosteel, China's largest steel maker/ [Bao3 ji1] /Boj prefecture level city in Shnx /called Chencang [Bao3 ji1 shi4] /Boj prefecture level city in Shnx /called Chencang [Bao3 ma3] /BMW (car company)/ [bao3 ma3] /precious horse/

[bao3 ma3 che1] /BMW car/ [bao3 ma3 xiang1 che1] /precious horses and magnificent carriage (idiom); with extravagant lifestyle/ostentatious display of luxury/ [bao3 li4 jin1] /PolyGram/ [cun4] /a unit of length/inch/thumb/ [cun4 kou3] /location on wrist over the radial artery where pulse is taken in tra itional Chinese medicine/ [cun4 kou3 mai4] /pulse taken at the wrist (in traditional Chinese medicine)/ [cun4 bu4 bu4 li2] /to follow somebody closely; to keep close to (idiom)/ [cun4 mai4] /pulse taken at the wrist (in traditional Chinese medicine)/ [cun4 cao3 bu4 sheng1] /"not even a blade of grass grows"/ [cun4 jin1 nan2 mai3 cun4 guang1 yin1] /An ounce of gold can' common saying); Money can't buy you time./Time is precious./ [si4] /buddhist temple/mosque/government office (old)/ [si4 miao4] /temple/monastery/shrine/ [si4 yuan4] /cloister/temple/monastery/CL:[zuo4]/ [dui4] /old variant of / [Feng1] /surname Feng/ [feng1] /to confer/to grant/to bestow a title/to seal/classifier for sealed obje cts, esp. letters/ [Feng1 qiu1] /Fengqiu county in Xinxiang [Xin1 xiang1], Henan/ [Feng1 qiu1 xian4] /Fengqiu county in Xinxiang [Xin1 xiang1], Henan/ [feng1 ru4] /to enclose/ [feng1 dong4] /to freeze over (of water or land)/ [feng1 dao1] /to hang up the sword/ [feng1 yin4] /seal (on envelopes)/ [feng1 kou3] /to close up/to heal (of wound)/ [feng1 tu3] /to heap earth (to close a tomb)/a mound (covering a tomb)/ [feng1 di4] /feudal fiefdom/land held as a vassal in feudal society/enfeoffment/ [feng1 qi1 yin4 zi3] /(of a deserving official) to grant his wife a title son heir to his titles/ [feng1 cun2] /to sequester/to seal up (for safe keeping)/to freeze (an account)/t mothball/ [feng1 guan1 xu3 yuan4] /to confer an official position with lavish promi pport/ [feng1 di3] /the back cover of a book/ [feng1 jian4] /system of enfeoffment/feudalism/feudal/feudalistic/ [feng1 jian4 zhu3] /feudal ruler/ [feng1 jian4 zhu3 yi4] /feudalism/ [feng1 jian4 zhi4 du4] /feudalism/ [feng1 jian4 si1 xiang3] /feudal way of thinking/ [feng1 jian4 shi2 dai4] /feudal times/ [feng1 jian4 she4 hui4] /feudal society/ [feng1 tiao2] /seal/ [feng1 yan2 ban3] /barge board/weather board/eaves board (construction)/ [feng1 sha1] /to shut out/to block/to smother/ [feng1 sha1 yu4 lin2] /to plant trees in order to stabilize sand (idiom)/ [feng1 he2 qi1] /freezing over of river in winter/ [feng1 ni2] /sealing clay/lute/ [feng1 gang3] /to seal off a port/ [feng1 huo3] /to cover a fire (to make it burn slowly)/ [feng1 jue2] /same as [jue2 wei4], order of feudal nobility, namely: Duke [ rquis [hou2], Count [bo2], Viscount [zi3], Baron [nan2]/ [feng1 jiang1] /border region/regional general acting as governor (in Ming and Qi g times)/ [feng1 pi2] /outer skin/envelope/cover/(legal) seal/ [feng1 shen2 bang3] /Investiture of the Gods, major Ming dynasty vernacular n mythology and fantasy, very loosely based on King Wu of Zhou's overthrow of the S hang, subsequent material for opera, film, TV series, computer games etc/ [feng1 shen2 yan3 yi4] /Investiture of the Gods, major Ming dynasty verna

f mythology and fantasy, very loosely based on King Wu of Zhou's overthrow of the Shang, subsequent material for opera, film, TV series, computer games etc/ [feng1 jin4] /forbidden/ [feng1 wang3] /to seal a net (e.g. in tennis)/to block (a network)/internet censo ship/ [feng1 gai4] /cap/seal/cover/to cover/blocked shot (basketball)/ [feng1 hao4] /title granted to a person (archaic)/ [feng1 zhuang1] /to encapsulate/to enclose/to wrap/to seal inside/ [feng1 zhuang1 kuai4] /capsule/encapsulated unit (e.g. circuit board)/ [feng1 guo3] /to wrap up/to pack up/ [feng1 yi4] /grant of territory by an emperor or monarch (old)/ [feng1 suo3] /to blockade/to seal off/ [feng1 suo3 xian4] /blockade line/CL:[dao4]/ [feng1 bi4] /to seal/to close/to confine/to seal off/to close down/sealed/confine /closed/unreceptive/ [feng1 bi4 xing4] /encapsulation/ [Feng1 bi4 xing4 Kai1 ju2] /Closed Game/Double Queen Pawn Opening (ch [Feng1 kai1] /Fengkai county in Zhaoqing [Zhao4 qing4], Guangdong/ [Feng1 kai1 xian4] /Fengkai county in Zhaoqing [Zhao4 qing4], Guangd [feng1 mian4] /cover (of a publication)/ [feng1 ding3] /to put a roof (on a building)/to cap the roof (finishing a buildin project)/fig. to put a ceiling (on spending, prize, ambition etc)/to top off/fi g. to reach the highest point (of growth, profit, interest rates)/to stop growin g (of plant bud or branch)/ [feng1 ding3 yi2 shi4] /ceremony of capping the roof (to mark the complet ding project)/ [feng1 zhai1] /fast (in several religions)/Ramadan (Islam)/see also [Zha [feng1 zhai1 jie2] /Lent/ [zhuan1] /Japanese variant of / [fu1] /to state to, to announce/ [she4] /to shoot/to launch/to allude to/radio- (chemistry)/ [she4 zhong4] /to shoot at a target/ [she4 chu1] /emission/ejaculation/ [she4 gan1] /blackberry lily (Belamcanda chinensis)/leopard lily/ [she4 ying3] /projection (geometry)/projective/ [she4 ying3 ji3 he2] /projective geometry/ [she4 ying3 ji3 he2 xue2] /projective geometry/ [she4 ying3 bian4 huan4] /a projective transformation/ [she4 shou3] /bowman/ [She4 shou3 zuo4] /Sagittarius (constellation and sign of the zodiac)/popular t of / [she4 ji1] /to shoot/to fire (a gun)/ [she4 ji1 xue2] /ballistics/ [she4 ji1 bi3 sai4] /shooting match/ [she4 sha1] /shooting to death/to gun down/ [She4 hong2] /Shehong county in Suining [Sui4 ning2], Sichuan/ [She4 hong2 xian4] /Shehong county in Suining [Sui4 ning2], Sichuan/ [she4 liu2] /jet (math.)/ [she4 deng1] /spotlight/ [she4 cheng2] /range/reach/firing range/ [she4 jian4] /archery/to shoot an arrow/ [she4 jing1] /ejaculation/to ejaculate/ [she4 jing1 guan3] /ejaculatory duct/ [she4 xian4] /ray/ [she4 ding1 qiang1] /nail gun/stud gun/ [She4 yang2] /Sheyang county in Yancheng [Yan2 cheng2], Jiangsu/ [She4 yang2 xian4] /Sheyang county in Yancheng [Yan2 cheng2], Jiangs [she4 dian4] /radio wave (astronomy)/ [she4 pin2] /a radio frequency/RF/ [she4 pin2 zao4 sheng1] /radio frequency noise/

[she4 pin2 gan1 rao3] /radio interference/RF interference/ [she4 pin2 tiao2 xie2 qi4] /RF tuner/ [she4 pin2 shi2 bie2] /radio-frequency identification (RFID)/ [she4 diao1 ying1 xiong2 zhuan4] /Legend of the Condor Heroes, wuxia lry) novel by Jin Yong and its screen adaptations/ [ke4] /variant of , to subdue/to destroy/to overcome/ [jiang1] /will/shall/to use/to take/to checkmate/just a short while ago/ [jiang4] /general/commander-in-chief (military)/king (chess piece)/to command/to lead/ [qiang1] /to desire/to invite/to request/ [jiang1 jin1 lun4 gu3] /to observe the present to study the past/ [qiang1 bo2] /to ask for assistance/ [qiang1 bo2 zhi1 zhu4] /assistance that one gets from another/ [jiang1 lai2] /in the future/future/the future/CL: [ge4]/ [jiang1 xin4 jiang1 yi2] /half believing, half doubting/skeptical/ [jiang1 qin2 bu3 chu4] /to compensate for lack of ability through hard wo [jiang4 shi4] /officers and soldiers/ [jiang4 guan1] /general/ [jiang1 jiu5] /to accept (a bit reluctantly)/to put up with/ [jiang4 shuai4] /commander-in-chief, the equivalent of king in Chinese chess/ [jiang4 cai2] /talented field commander (military)/ [jiang1 hui4] /auxiliary verb introducing future action: may (be able to)/will (c use)/should (enable)/going to/ [jiang4 qi2] /Japanese chess (shgi)/ [Jiang1 le4] /Jiangle county in Sanming [San1 ming2], Fujian/ [Jiang1 le4 xian4] /Jiangle county in Sanming [San1 ming2], Fujian/ [jiang1 si3] /to checkmate (in chess)/to be about to die/ [jiang4 pai2] /trump (suit of cards)/ [jiang1 yao4] /will/shall/be going to/ [jiang1 ji4 jiu4 ji4] /to beat somebody at their own game (idiom)/ [Jiang1 jun1] /Chiangchun township in Tainan county [Tai2 nan2 xian4 [jiang1 jun1] /general/high-ranking military officer/to check or checkmate/fig. t embarrass/to challenge/to put sb on the spot/ [jiang1 jun1 du4 zi5] /beer belly (complimentary)/ [Jiang1 jun1 xiang1] /Chiangchun township in Tainan county [Tai2 [jiang1 jin4] /almost/nearly/close to/ [jiang1 cuo4 jiu4 cuo4] /lit. if it's wrong, it's wrong (idiom); to make r a mistake/to accept an error and adapt to it/to muddle through/ [jiang4 ling3] /high-ranking military officer/ [zhuan1] /for a particular person, occasion, purpose/focused on one thing/specia l/expert/particular (to sth)/concentrated/specialized/ [zhuan1 yi1] /single-minded/concentrated/ [zhuan1 shi4] /specialized/ [zhuan1 ren2] /specialist/person appointed for specific task/ [zhuan1 ren4] /full time/to appoint sb to a specific task/ [zhuan1 lie4] /special train/abbr. for [zhuan1 men2 lie4 che1]/ [zhuan1 li4] /patent/ [zhuan1 li4 ju2] /patent office/ [zhuan1 li4 quan2] /patent right/ [zhuan1 li4 fa3] /patent law/ [zhuan1 li4 yao4 pin3] /patent drugs/ [zhuan1 zhi4] /autocracy/dictatorship/ [zhuan1 zhi4 zhu3 yi4] /absolutism/despotism/autocracy/ [zhuan1 zhi4 jun1 zhu3 zhi4] /absolute monarchy/autocracy/ [zhuan1 qu1] /special district/prefecture/ [zhuan1 si1] /specialist (responsible some task)/ [zhuan1 ming2] /proper noun/ [zhuan1 ming2 ci2] /proper noun/ [zhuan1 yuan2] /assistant director/commissioner/ [zhuan1 jia1] /expert/specialist/CL: [ge4]/

[zhuan1 jia1 xi4 tong3] /expert system/ [zhuan1 jia1 ping2 jia4] /expert evaluation/ [zhuan1 jia1 ping2 lun4] /expert commentary/ [zhuan1 shu3] /exclusive/ [zhuan1 shu3 jing1 ji4 qu1] /exclusive economic zone/ [zhuan1 zheng1] /to go on a personal punitive expedition/ [zhuan1 xin1] /to concentrate/absorption/concentration/engrossed/ [zhuan1 xin1 yi1 yi4] /to concentrate on/ [zhuan1 xin1 zhi4 zhi4] /with single-hearted devotion (idiom)/ [zhuan1 yi4] /deliberately/on purpose/ [zhuan1 kong4] /exclusive control/ [zhuan1 shan4] /without authorization/to act on one's own initiative/ [zhuan1 gong1] /to specialize in/to major in/ [zhuan1 zheng4] /dictatorship/ [zhuan1 duan4] /to act arbitrarily/to make decisions without consulting others/ [zhuan1 you3] /exclusive/proprietary/ [zhuan1 you3 ming2 ci2] /proper noun/ [zhuan1 an4] /project (Taiwanese)/special case for investigation/ [zhuan1 an4 zu3] /special investigating team (legal or judicial)/ [zhuan1 ye4] /specialty/specialized field/main field of study (at university)/maj r/CL: [men2], [ge4]/professional/ [zhuan1 ye4 ren2 cai2] /expert (in a field)/ [zhuan1 ye4 hua4] /specialization/ [zhuan1 ye4 xing4] /professionalism/expertise/ [zhuan1 ye4 hu4] /family firm producing a special product/cottage industry/ [zhuan1 ye4 jiao4 yu4] /specialized education/technical school/ [zhuan1 ye4 zhi1 shi5] /specialized knowledge/ [zhuan1 heng4] /imperious/peremptory/ [zhuan1 lan2] /special column/ [zhuan1 quan2] /autocracy/dictatorship/ [zhuan1 kuan3] /special fund/money allocated for a particular purpose/ [zhuan1 zhi4] /(of medicine) to use specifically for the treatment of/ [zhuan1 zhu4] /concentrated/single-mindedly devoted to/ [zhuan1 ying2] /special trade/monopoly/ [zhuan1 ying2 dian4] /exclusive agency/franchised shop/authorized store/ [zhuan1 yong4] /special/dedicated/ [zhuan1 yong4 wang3 lu4] /dedicated network/ [zhuan1 yong4 ji2 cheng2 dian4 lu4] /application-specific integra [zhuan1 ke1] /specialized subject/branch (of medicine)/specialized training schoo / [zhuan1 ke1 xue2 xiao4] /specialized school/college for professional trai nic/ [zhuan1 ke1 yuan4 xiao4] /academy/ [zhuan1 cheng2] /special-purpose trip/ [zhuan1 guan3] /to be in charge of something specific/ [zhuan1 xian4] /special-purpose phone line or communications link/hotline/special rail line (e.g. between airport and city)/CL: [tiao2]/ [zhuan1 mei3 yu2 qian2] /to take advantage of the good reputations of oth [zhuan1 zhi2] /special duty/assigned full time to a task/ [zhuan1 zhu4] /monograph/specialized text/ [zhuan1 fang3] /exclusive interview/ [zhuan1 ze2] /specific responsibility/ [zhuan1 mai4] /monopoly/exclusive right to trade/ [zhuan1 mai4 dian4] /specialty store/ [zhuan1 che1] /special (or reserved) train (or other vehicle)/ [zhuan1 ji2] /album/record (music)/special collection of printed or broadcast mat rial/ [zhuan1 chang2] /specialty/special knowledge or ability/ [zhuan1 men2] /specialist/specialized/customized/ [zhuan1 men2 ren2 yuan2] /specialist/specialized staff/

[zhuan1 men2 lie4 che1] /special train/ [zhuan1 men2 hua4] /to specialize/ [zhuan1 men2 jia1] /specialist/ [zhuan1 men2 ji1 gou4] /specialized agency/ [zhuan1 xiang4] /special/dedicated/ [zhuan1 ti2] /special topic/ [Wei4] /surname Wei/ [wei4] /military officer/ [Wei4 shi4] /Weishi county in Kaifeng [Kai1 feng1], Henan/ [Wei4 shi4 xian4] /Weishi county in Kaifeng [Kai1 feng1], Henan/ [Yu4 li2] /Lopnur nahiyisi or Yuli county in Bayin'guoleng Mongol autonomous pref cture, Xinjiang [Ba1 yin1 guo1 leng4 Meng3 gu3 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang/ [Yu4 li2 xian4] /Lopnur nahiyisi or Yuli county in Bayin'guoleng Mongol auton refecture, Xinjiang [Ba1 yin1 guo1 leng4 Meng3 gu3 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinji [Wei4 Liao2] /Wei Lao (c. 450 BC, dates of birth and death unknown), advisor to t e first Qin emperor Qin Shihuang [Qin2 Shi3 huang2], possible author of the Wei Lia o-zi [Wei4 Liao2 zi5] text on military strategy/ [Wei4 Liao2 zi5] /Wei Liao-zi, one of the Seven Military Classics of ancient possibly written by Wei Liao [Wei4 Liao2] during the Warring States Period (475-22 BC)/ [Yu4 chi2] /surname Yuchi/ [Wei4 Chi2 gong1] /General Wei Chigong (585-658), famous military man instrum n founding the Tang dynasty/ [zun1] /senior/of a senior generation/to honor/to respect/honorific/classifier f or cannons and statues/ancient wine vessel/ [zun1 gong1] /(honorific) your father/ [zun1 bei1] /seniors and juniors/ [zun1 jun1] /(honorific) your father/ [zun1 ming4] /your order (honorific)/ [zun1 yan2] /dignity/sanctity/honor/majesty/ [zun1 tang2] /(honorific) your mother/ [zun1 feng4] /worship/to revere/to venerate/ [zun1 rong2] /your face (usually mocking)/ [zun1 shang4] /to value highly/to hold up sth as a model/ [zun1 chong2] /to revere/to admire/to honor/to venerate/ [zun1 shi1] /revered master/ [zun1 shi1 ai4 tu2] /title of a Daoist priest/revered master/ [zun1 shi1 gui4 dao4] /to revere the master and his teaching/ [zun1 cong2] /to obey/to observe/to follow/ [zun1 yi4] /(honorific) your respected opinion/What do you think, your majesty?/ [zun1 jing4] /respect/to revere/ [zun1 rong2] /honor and glory/ [zun1 cheng1] /to address sb deferentially/title/honorific/ [zun1 weng1] /(honorific) your father/ [zun1 lao3] /respect the aged/ [zun1 lao3 ai4 you4] /respect the old and cherish the young/ [zun1 zhe3] /honored sir (a person of higher status or seniority, or a Buddhist m nk)/ [zun1 hao4] /honorific title/form of address reserved for a queen, ancestor, empe or etc/ [zun1 qin1] /(honorific) your parent/ [zun1 gui4] /respected/respectable/honorable/ [zun1 xian2 shi3 neng2] /to respect talent and make use of ability (Menci [zun1 xian2 ai4 wu4] /to honor the wise and love the people/respecting no ile protecting the common people/ [zun1 zhong4] /to esteem/to respect/to honor/to value/eminent/serious/proper/ [zun1 zhang3] /one's superior/one's elders and betters/ [zun1 jia4] /lit. your honored carriage/your highness/honored Sir (also sarcastic /you/ [zun1 yu2] /trout/

[xun2] /to search/to look for/to seek/ [xun2 shi4 sheng1 fei1] /to look for trouble/ [xun2 chou2] /to carry out a vendetta against sb/ [xun2 lai2 fan4 chou2] /(math.) derived category/ [xun2 chu1] /to find out/to search out/to uncover/to discover/ [xun2 wei4] /to think sth over/ [xun2 wen4] /to inquire/ [xun2 hui2 quan3] /retriever/ [xun2 zhi3] /to address/to search for address/to input data into memory/ [xun2 bao3] /treasure hunt/ [xun2 chang2] /usual/common/ordinary/ [xun2 zhao3] /to seek/to look for/ [xun2 gen1 wen4 di3] /lit. to examine roots and inquire at the base (idio the bottom of sth/ [xun2 ji1] /to look for an opportunity/ [xun2 huan1 zuo4 le4] /pleasure seeking (idiom); life of dissipation/ [xun2 si3] /to attempt suicide/to court death/ [xun2 qiu2] /to seek/to look for/ [Xun2 wu1] /Xunwu county in Ganzhou , Jiangxi/ [Xun2 wu1 xian4] /Xunwu county in Ganzhou , Jiangxi/ [Xun2 dian4 Hui2 zu2 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Xundian 1 ming2], Yunnan/ [Xun2 dian4 xian4] /Xundian Hui and Yi autonomous county in Kunming [Kun1 an/ [xun2 di4] /homing/target-seeking (military)/ [xun2 duan3 jian4] /to commit suicide/ [xun2 zu1] /rent seeking (economics)/ [xun2 hua1] /flower-viewing/to visit a prostitute/ [xun2 hua1 wen4 liu3] /lit. to visit the flowers and willow enjoy (idiom) brothels/to enjoy the spring scenery/to sow one's wild oats/ [xun2 mi4] /to look for/ [xun2 fang3] /to inquire after/to look for (sb)/ [xun2 xin4] /to pick a quarrel/to start a fight/ [xun2 kai1 xin1] /to make fun of/to seek diversion/ [shu4] /standing up/to stand (something) up/ [dui4] /couple/pair/to be opposite/to oppose/to face/versus/for/to/correct (answ er)/to answer/to reply/to direct (towards sth)/right/ [dui4 shang4] /to fit one into the other/to bring two things into contact/ [dui4 bu4 shang4] /to disagree/I can't agree with that./ [dui4 bu4 zhu4] /to let sb down/to be unfair/I'm sorry/pardon me (formal)/ [dui4 bu4 dui4] /right or wrong?/Is it right?/OK, yes? (colloquial)/ [dui4 bu5 qi3] /unworthy/to let down/I'm sorry/excuse me/pardon me/if you ple ry? (please repeat)/ [dui4 yao1] /pair of aces (in dominoes)/double one/ [dui4 yi3 xian1 an1 ji1 fen1] /paracetamol/acetaminophen/ [dui4 le5] /Correct!/Oh, that's right, ... (when one suddenly remembers sth one w nted to mention)/Oh, by the way, .../ [dui4 zhang4] /antithesis (two lines of poetry matching in sense and sound)/to fi ht/to wage war/ [dui4 fu5] /to handle/to deal with/to cope/to get by with/ [dui4 wei4] /counterpoint (in music)/ [dui4 ou3] /dual/duality/antithesis/coupled phrases (as rhetorical device)/spouse [dui4 ou3 duo1 mian4 ti3] /dual polyhedron/ [dui4 ou3 xing4] /(math.) duality/ [dui4 jia4] /consideration (in exchange for shares)/a quid pro quo/ [dui4 nei4] /internal/national/domestic (policy)/ [dui4 ci4] /bayonet practice in pairs/ [dui4 jin4] /suitable/to one's liking/to get along together/ [dui4 jin4 r5] /erhua variant of [dui4 jin4]/suitable/to one's likin ther/

[dui4 ban4] /half-and-half/50-50/to double/ [dui4 kou3] /(of two performers) to speak or sing alternately/to be fit for the p rposes of a job or task/(of food) to suit sb's taste/ [dui4 kou3 xing2] /lip synching/ [dui4 kou3 jing4] /to arrange to give the same story/ [dui4 kou3 xiang4 sheng1] /comic cross talk/formalized comic dialog betwe up comics: leading role [dou4 gen2] and fall-guy [peng3 gen2]/ [dui4 kou3 ci2] /dialog (for stage performance)/ [dui4 wei4 r5] /tasty/to one's liking/ [dui4 chang4] /in duet/answering phrase/antiphonal answer/ [dui4 di4] /targeted (e.g. attacks)/ [dui4 lei3] /to face one other/confrontation/encamped face-to-face/counter-works/ [dui4 wai4] /external/foreign/pertaining to external or foreign (affairs)/ [dui4 wai4 zheng4 ce4] /foreign policy/ [Dui4 wai4 Jing1 ji4 Mao4 yi4 Da4 xue2] /University of In [dui4 wai4 lian2 luo4 bu4] /CPC central committee's external affairs inese communist party's foreign office)/ [dui4 wai4 mao4 yi4] /foreign trade/ [dui4 wai4 mao4 yi4 jing1 ji4 he2 zuo4 bu4] /Ministry (MOFTEC)/ [dui4 wai4 guan1 xi4] /foreign relations/ [dui4 zi3] /pair of antithetical phrases/antithetical couplet/ [dui4 jia1] /partner (in four person game)/family of proposed marriage parnter/ [dui4 dui4 zi3] /to supply the answering phrase/ [dui4 dui4 peng4] /concentration (a pair-matching game)/ [dui4 ju2] /opposing sides (in chess etc)/position (of opposing forces)/ [dui4 an4] /opposite bank (of a body of water)/ [dui4 zhi4] /to stand opposite/to confront/confrontation/ [Dui4 dao3] /Tsushima islands, between Japan and South Korea/ [dui4 gong1] /proper/ [dui4 gong1 r5] /proper/ [dui4 zhang4] /to verify accounting records/also written [dui4 zhang4]/ [dui4 yi4] /to play go, chess etc/ [dui4 dai4] /to treat/treatment/ [dui4 de5 qi3] /not to let sb down/to treat sb fairly/be worthy of/ [dui4 xin1] /congenial/to one's liking/ [dui4 xin1 r5] /erhua variant of , congenial/to one's liking/ [dui4 ying4] /to correspond/a correspondence/corresponding/homologous/matching wi h sth/counterpart/ [dui4 wo3 lai2 shuo1] /as far as I'm concerned/ [dui4 shou3] /opponent/adversary/match/ [dui4 kang4] /to withstand/to resist/to stand off/antagonism/confrontation/ [dui4 kang4 xing4] /antagonistic/ [dui4 kang4 bian1 dong4] /anti-inflammatory (medicine)/ [dui4 kang4 zhe3] /adversary/opponent/ [dui4 kang4 sai4] /duel/match/competition between paired opponents (e.g. spor [dui4 jie1] /to join up/to dock/a joint (between components)/ [dui4 huan4] /to exchange/to swap/ [dui4 zhe2] /to sell at a 50% discount/to fold in two/ [dui4 zhuang4] /to collide/collision/ [dui4 zhuang4 ji1] /a particle collider/ [dui4 gong1] /to attack (one another)/ [dui4 di2] /to confront/to face the enemy/ [dui4 di2 zhe3] /rival/ [dui4 shu4] /logarithm/ [dui4 shu4 han2 shu4] /logarithmic function/ [dui4 fang1] /counterpart/other person involved/opposite side/other side/receivin party/ [dui4 fang1 fu4 kuan3 dian4 hua4] /collect call/ [dui4 fang1 fu4 fei4 dian4 hua4] /collect call/

[dui4 yu2] /regarding/as far as sth is concerned/with regards to/ [dui4 Ri4] /(policy etc) towards Japan/ [dui4 ben3] /(a return) equal to the capital/100 percent profit/ [dui4 bei1] /to raise glasses together/to toast one another/ [dui4 an4] /counter-proposal/ [dui4 ge1] /answering phrase of duet/to sing antiphonal answer/ [dui4 bi3] /to contrast/contrast/ratio/CL: [ge4]/ [dui4 bi3 du4] /contrast (balance of black and white in TV screen setup)/degr ontrast/ [dui4 bi3 wen1 du4] /temperature contrast/difference in temperature (of b rroundings)/ [dui4 bi3 lian2 xiang3] /word association/association of ideas/ [dui4 bi3 se4] /color contrast/ [dui4 an1 ji1 ben3 bing3 tong2] /p-aminopropiophenone/ [dui4 jue2] /versus/stand off between two opponents/ [dui4 liu2] /convection/ [dui4 liu2 ceng2] /troposphere/lower atmosphere/ [dui4 liu2 ceng2 ding3] /tropopause/top of troposphere/ [dui4 xiao1] /in equilibrium/to cancel out (of opposite forces) (physics)/ [dui4 zhun3] /to aim at/to target/to point at/to be directed at/registration/alig ment (mechanical engineering)/ [dui4 huo3] /to ask for a light/ [dui4 jiao1] /to focus (a camera)/focusing/ [dui4 zhao4] /to contrast/to compare/to place side by side for comparison (as par llel texts)/to check/ [dui4 zhao4 biao3] /comparison table/ [dui4 niu2 tan2 qin2] /to play the lute to a cow (idiom); fig. offering a nappreciative audience/to cast pearls before swine/caviar to the general/to prea ch to deaf ears/to talk over sb's head/ [dui4 sheng1] /opposite (botany)/ [dui4 zheng4] /correct diagnosis/to prescribe the right cure for an illness/to su t the medicine to the illness/ [dui4 zheng4 xia4 yao4] /lit. to prescribe the right medicine for an illn fig. to study a problem to find the right way to solve it/to take appropriate st eps/ [dui4 zheng4 fa1 yao4] /lit. to prescribe the right medicine for an illne ig. to study a problem to find the right way to solve it/to take appropriate ste ps/ [dui4 bai2] /stage dialog/ [dui4 yan3] /to squint/to one's liking/ [dui4 chen4] /symmetry/symmetrical/ [dui4 chen4 xing4] /symmetry/ [dui4 chen4 po4 que1] /symmetry breaking (physics)/ [dui4 chen4 kong1 jian1] /symmetric space (math.)/ [dui4 chen4 mei3] /symmetry (as an aesthetic quality)/ [dui4 chen4 zhou2] /axis of symmetry/central axis (in Chinese architecture)/ [dui4 kong1 she4 ji1] /anti-aircraft fire/to shoot at enemy planes/ [dui4 kong1 huo3 qi4] /anti-aircraft gun/ [dui4 li4] /to oppose/to set sth against/to be antagonistic to/antithetical/relat ve opposite/opposing/diametrical/ [dui4 li4 mian4] /opposite/antonym/the opposite side (in a conflict)/ [dui4 deng3] /equal status/equal treatment/parity (under the law)/equity/reciproc ty/ [dui4 da2] /a reply/answer/ [dui4 da2 ru2 liu2] /able to reply quickly and fluently (idiom); having a / [dui4 ce4] /countermeasure for dealing with a situation/ [dui4 bu4] /to confront sb with accusation/written charge in court (in former tim s)/to take sb to court/ [dui4 bu4 gong1 tang2] /public courtroom accusation (idiom)/legal confron

e sb to court/to sue/ [dui4 Mei3] /(policy etc) towards America/ [dui4 lian2] /rhyming couplet/pair of lines of verse written vertically down the ides of a doorway/CL:[fu2]/ [dui4 wei4 kou3] /to one's taste/tasty/fig. sth one enjoys/ [dui4 tai2] /(policy etc) towards Taiwan/ [dui4 ben3 kun1] /1,4-benzoquinone (chemistry)/para-benzoquinone/ [dui4 cha2 r5] /to agree with/of the same opinion/to coincide/ [dui4 Hua2] /(policy etc) towards China/ [dui4 zhe5 gan4] /to adopt confrontational posture/to meet head-on/to compete [dui4 hao4] /checkmark/number for verification (serial number, seat number etc)/f g. two things match up/ [dui4 hao4 ru4 zuo4] /lit. to take one's appointed place (according to th )/fig. to put sb in his place/to accept one's social role/to admit criticism/ [dui4 xia1] /prawn/shrimp/ [dui4 xia1 ke1] /penaeidae (the prawn or shrimp family)/ [dui4 chong1] /hedging (finance)/ [dui4 chong1 ji1 jin1] /hedge fund/ [dui4 jin1] /buttoned Chinese jacket/ [dui4 chen4] /to serve as foil to one another/ [dui4 shi4] /to look face to face/ [dui4 qin1] /courting/meeting for purpose of marriage/to settle into a relationsh p/ [dui4 jiao3] /opposite angle/ [dui4 jiao3 xian4] /diagonal/ [dui4 ci2] /to rehearse one's lines (of actor)/ [dui4 hua4] /dialog/CL: [ge4]/ [dui4 hua4 kuang4] /dialog box (computing)/ [dui4 hua4 ke4] /conversation class/ [dui4 ke4] /to give answering phrase (school exercise in memory or composition)/ [dui4 diao4] /to swap places/to exchange roles/ [dui4 tan2] /to talk with somebody (face to face)/discussion/talk/chat/ [dui4 jiang3 ji1] /intercom/walkie-talkie/ [dui4 jiang3 dian4 hua4] /intercom/ [dui4 zheng4] /confrontation/ [dui4 zheng4 ming4 ming2] /confrontation naming/ [dui4 xiang4] /target/object/partner/boyfriend/girlfriend/CL: [ge4]/ [dui4 zhi4] /direct confrontation/ [dui4 zhang4] /to verify accounting records/also written [dui4 zhang4]/ [dui4 lu4] /suitable/to one's liking/ [dui4 guo4] /across/opposite/the other side/ [dui4 zhuo2] /to sit face-to-face and drink/ [dui4 jiu3 dang1 ge1] /lit. sing to accompany wine (idiom); fig. life is erry while you can/ [dui4 biao3] /to set or synchronize a watch/ [dui4 men2] /the building or room opposite/ [dui4 kai1] /running in opposite direction (buses, trains, ferries etc)/ [dui4 zhen4] /poised for battle/to square up for a fight/ [dui4 mian4] /opposite/ [dui4 ding3 jiao3] /angle to the vertical/angle (between two lines or two pla [dui4 tou2] /correct/normal/to be on good terms with/on the right track/right/ [dui4 tou5] /(longstanding) opponent/enemy/inimical/adversary/opponent/ [Dui4 ma3 dao3] /Tsushima island, between Japan and South Korea/ [Dui4 ma3 hai3 xia2] /Strait of Tsushima, between Japan and South Korea/ [dui4 qi2] /to line up in correct order/to align/ [dao3] /to transmit/to lead/to guide/to conduct/to direct/ [dao3 ru4] /to introduce into/to channel/to lead/to guide into/ [dao3 ru4 qi1] /introductory phase or period/ [dao3 chu1] /to derive/to get out a conclusion/to deduce/to export (computer data /

[dao3 chu1 zhi2] /value deduced by calculation/derived value/ [dao3 han2 shu4] /derived function/derivative f' of a function f/ [dao3 xiang4] /to be oriented towards/orientation/ [dao3 bao4] /guide (used in newspaper names)/ [dao3 niao4] /urinary catheterization/ [dao3 shi1] /tutor/teacher/academic advisor/ [dao3 yin3] /same as [yin3 dao3]/Dao Yin, Daoist exercises involving bre ching and self-massage/ [dao3 dan4] /guided missile/cruise missile/missile/CL:[mei2]/ [dao3 dan4 he2 qian2 ting3] /nuclear-powered missile submarine/ [dao3 dan4 wu3 qi4 ji4 shu4 kong4 zhi4 zhi4 du4] [dao3 dan4 qian2 ting3] /(guided) missile submarine/ [dao3 shu4] /derivative/ [dao3 liu2 ban3] /spoiler (automotive)/ [dao3 ye4 guan3] /(med.) catheter/ [dao3 yan3] /to direct/director (film etc)/ [dao3 huo3 suo3] /a fuse (for explosive)/ [dao3 huo3 xian4] /a fuse (for explosives)/fig. proximate cause/the last stra [dao3 re4 xing4] /heat conduction/ [dao3 mang2 quan3] /guide dog (for the blind)/Seeing Eye dog/ [dao3 guan3] /duct/conduit/vessel/catheter/ [dao3 guan3 zu3 zhi1] /vascular tissue/ [dao3 xian4] /electrical lead/ [dao3 zhi4] /to lead to/to create/to cause/to bring about/ [dao3 zhi4 si3 wang2] /to lead to death/to result in death/ [dao3 hang2] /navigation/ [dao3 hang2 yuan2] /navigator (on a plane or boat)/ [dao3 yan2] /introduction/preamble/ [dao3 yu3] /preamble/introduction/(journalism) lede/lead paragraph/ [dao3 lun4] /introduction/ [dao3 du2] /guide (e.g. book or other printed material)/ [dao3 gou4] /shopper's guide/shop assistant/sales staff/ [dao3 lun2] /guide pulley/foreword/preface/ [dao3 you2] /tour guide/guidebook/to conduct a tour/ [dao3 dian4] /to conduct electricity/ [dao3 dian4 xing4] /conductivity (elec.)/ [dao3 ti3] /conductor (of electricity or heat)/ [xiao3] /small/tiny/few/young/ [xiao3 san1] /sb who is romantically involved with sb already in a committed rela ionship/the other woman/the other man/abbr. for / [xiao3 san1 he2 xian2] /minor triad la-do-mi/ [xiao3 san1 du4] /minor third (musical interval)/ [xiao3 bu5 dian3] /tiny/very small/tiny thing/small child/baby/ [xiao3 chou3] /clown/ [xiao3 chou3 yu2] /clownfish/anemonefish/ [xiao3 qiu1] /hill/knoll/ [xiao3 cheng2] /Hinayana, the Lesser Vehicle/Buddhism in India before the Mayahan sutras/ [xiao3 jiu3 jiu3] /multiplication tables/(fig.) plan/scheme/ [xiao3 shi4] /trifle/trivial matter/CL: [dian3]/ [xiao3 er4] /waiter/ [Xiao3 ya4 xi4 ya4] /Asia minor/Anatolia/ [xiao3 ren2] /person of low social status (old)/I, me (used to refer humbly to on self)/nasty person/vile character/ [xiao3 ren2 shu1] /children's picture story book/CL:[ben3]/ [xiao3 qi3 ye4] /small enterprise/ [xiao3 huo3 zi5] /lad/young fellow/youngster/CL: [ge4]/ [xiao3 bian4] /to urinate/to pass water/urine/ [xiao3 bian4 qi4] /urinal/ [xiao3 bian4 dou3] /urinal/

[xiao3 tou1] /thief/ [xiao3 zhuan4] /sketch biography/profile/ [xiao3 er2] /son/ [xiao3 er2 ma2 bi4] /variant of /infantile paralysis/pol [xiao3 er2 ke1] /pediatrics/pediatric (department)/(slang) childish/ [xiao3 er2 ruan3 gu3 bing4] /rickets (medicine)/ [xiao3 er2 ma2 bi4] /polio (poliomyelitis)/ [xiao3 er2 ma2 bi4 bing4 du2] /poliovirus/ [xiao3 er2 ma2 bi4 zheng4] /poliomyelitis/infantile paralysis/ [xiao3 liang3 kou3 r5] /young married couple/ [xiao3 gong1 gong4] /mini bus (used for public transportation)/ [xiao3 ce4 zi5] /booklet/pamphlet/leaflet/information sheet/menu/CL:[ben3]/ [Xiao3 dong1] /Xiaodong (person name)/ [xiao3 dao1] /knife/CL:[ba3]/ [xiao3 dao1 hui4] /Dagger Society, anti-Qing secret society who mounted an un ful rebellion in 1855/ [xiao3 bao1] /packet/ [xiao3 qu1] /neighborhood/district/ [xiao3 zu2] /foot soldier/minor figure/a nobody/(chess) pawn/ [xiao3 shu1] /husband's younger brother/brother-in-law/ [xiao3 chi1] /snack/refreshments/CL:[jia1]/ [xiao3 chi1 dian4] /snack bar/lunch room/CL:[jia1]/ [xiao3 tong2 xiang1] /person from the same county/ [xiao3 ming2] /pet name for a child/childhood name/ [xiao3 tun1 shi4 xi4 bao1] /microphage (a type of white blood cell)/ [xiao3 pin3] /short, simple literary or artistic creation/essay/skit/ [xiao3 shang1 fan4] /small trader/peddler/ [xiao3 tuan2 ti3 zhu3 yi4] /cliquism/small-group mentality/ [xiao3 xing2] /small scale/small size/ [xiao3 xing2 qi3 ye4] /small business/ [xiao3 xing2 ba1 shi4] /minibus/microbus/ [xiao3 xing2 he2 wu3 qi4] /mini-nuke/ [xiao3 xing2 gui4 chu2] /cabinet/ [xiao3 xing2 qi4 che1] /compact car/ [xiao3 xing2 huo4 che1] /light van/ [xiao3 xing2 che1] /compact car/ [xiao3 cheng2] /small town/ [xiao3 bao4] /tabloid newspaper/ [xiao3 ye4 qu3] /serenade/ [Xiao3 tian1 e2] /Little Swan (PRC appliance brand)/ [xiao3 tian1 e2] /tundra swan/ [xiao3 nu:3] /my daughter (humble)/ [xiao3 yao1] /small demon/ [xiao3 yao1 jing1] /goblin/hussy/floozy/ [xiao3 mei4] /little sister/girl/ [xiao3 jie5] /young lady/miss/(slang) prostitute/CL: [ge4],[wei4]/ [xiao3 gu1] /husband's younger sister/sister-in-law/ [xiao3 yi2] /(informal) wife's younger sister/sister-in-law/ [xiao3 wa2] /child/ [xiao3 wa2 wa5] /baby/ [xiao3 xu4] /my son-in-law (humble)/I (spoken to parents-in-law)/ [xiao3 xi2 fu5 r5] /young married woman/scapegoat/young girl engaged to s nts (idiom)/ [xiao3 zi5] /boy/young fellow/(derog.) chap/ [xiao3 hai2] /child/CL: [ge4]/ [xiao3 hai2 r5] /erhua variant of , child/ [xiao3 xue2] /primary school/CL: [ge4]/ [xiao3 xue2 sheng1] /primary school student/schoolchild/CL: [ge4],[ming [xiao3 guan1] /petty official/minor functionary/ [xiao3 jia1 zi5 qi4] /petty/small-minded/

[xiao3 jia1 shu3] /mouse/ [Xiao3 han2] /Lesser Cold, 23rd of the 24 solar terms 6th-1 [xiao3 xie3] /lowercase/ [xiao3 xie3 zi4 mu3] /lowercase (letters)/ [xiao3 xiao3] /very small/very few/very minor/ [xiao3 pi4 hai2] /wimpy kid/brat/ [xiao3 pi4 hai2 ri4 ji4] /Diary of a Wimpy Kid/ [xiao3 wu1] /cabin/lodge/cottage/chalet/hut/shed/ [xiao3 shan1 bao1 bao5] /a landscape dotted with low hills and hillocks ( [xiao3 yan2 dong4] /grotto/ [xiao3 dao3] /isle/ [xiao3 qiao3] /small and exquisite/delicate/fine (features)/compact/nifty/ [xiao3 wu1 jian4 da4 wu1] /lit. minor magician in the presence of a g insignificance by comparison/ [xiao3 xiang4] /alley/ [xiao3 dian4] /small store/ [Xiao3 dian4 qu1] /Xiaodian district of Taiyuan city [Tai4 yuan2 shi4], [xiao3 kang1] /comparatively good living standard/a period of peace and prosperit / [xiao3 kang1 she4 hui4] /middle-class society/ [xiao3 di4] /little brother/I, your little brother (humble)/ [xiao3 di4 di5] /little brother/penis (slang)/ [xiao3 dan4] /bomblet (of cluster bomb)/ [xiao3 jing4] /alley/ [xiao3 xin1] /to be careful/to take care/ [xiao3 xin1 yan3] /narrow-minded/petty/ [xiao3 xin1 yan3 r5] /small-minded/petty/narrow-minded/ [xiao3 xin1 yi4 yi4] /cautious and solemn (idiom); very carefully/prudent autiously/ [xiao3 xin1 jin3 shen4] /cautious and timid (idiom); prudent/careful/ [xiao3 yi4 si5] /small token/mere trifle (used of one's gifts)/ [xiao3 qi4] /to rest for a bit/to take a breather/ [xiao3 cheng2 da4 jie4] /lit. to punish a little to prevent a lot (idiom) e former mistakes firmly to prevent large scale repetition/ [xiao3 bian3 dou4] /lentil/ [xiao3 shou3 xiao3 jiao3] /mean/stingy/to be lacking in boldness/timid/ [xiao3 da3 xiao3 nao4] /small-scale/ [xiao3 ji4] /small skills/folk musical theater/ [xiao3 mu3 zhi3] /little finger/pinkie/ [xiao3 kuo4 hao4] /brackets/parentheses ( )/ [xiao3 zhi3] /little finger/ [xiao3 ti2 qin2] /fiddle/violin/ [xiao3 ti2 qin2 shou3] /violinist/fiddler/ [xiao3 tan1] /vendor's stall/ [xiao3 tan1 r5] /erhua variant of , vendor's stall/ [xiao3 shu4] /decimal digit/ [xiao3 shu4 dian3] /decimal point/ [xiao3 ban1 dian3] /speckle/ [xiao3 yu2] /less than, </ [Xiao3 hao4] /Xiaohao (c. 2200 BC), leader of the Dongyi [Dong1 yi2] or rians/ [Xiao3 zhao1 si4] /Ramoche Temple, Lhasa/ [xiao3 shi2] /hour/CL: [ge4]/ [xiao3 shi2 hou5] /in one's childhood/ [xiao3 shi2 hou5 r5] /erhua variant of , in one's childhood/ [xiao3 shi2 gong1] /hourly worker/hourly job/ [Xiao3 shu3] /Xiaoshu or Lesser Heat, 11th of the 24 solar terms [xiao3 peng2 you3] /children/CL: [ge4]/ [xiao3 ben3] /small capital/on a shoestring/ [Xiao3 lin2] /Kobayashi (name)/

[xiao3 chui2] /mallet/drumstick/ [xiao3 biao1 ti2] /subtitle/closed-captioning/ [xiao3 yang4] /galley proof (printing)/unimpressive/(coll.) little guy (mild insu t also used as an affectionate term)/ [xiao3 shu4] /shrub/small tree/sapling/CL:[ke1]/ [xiao3 shu4 lin2] /grove/ [Xiao3 Qiao2] /Xiao Qiao, one of the Two Qiaos, according to Romance of the Three Kingdoms [San1 guo2 Yan3 yi4], the two great beauties of ancient China/ [xiao3 bu4 wu3 qu3] /minuet/ [xiao3 duan4 zi5] /short paragraph/news article/ [xiao3 mao2 chong2] /slug/ [xiao3 qi4] /stingy/petty/miserly/narrow-minded/ [xiao3 qi4 hou4] /microclimate/fig. local situation/ [xiao3 qi4 qiang1] /small air cavity/ [xiao3 qi4 gui3] /miser/penny-pincher/ [Xiao3 chi2 Bai3 he2 zi5] /KOIKE Yuriko (1952-), Japanese LDP p nse during 2008/ [xiao3 qi4 che1] /compact car/ [xiao3 he2] /brook/ [Xiao3 he2 qu1] /Xiaohe district of Guiyang city [Gui4 yang2 shi [Xiao3 quan2] /Koizumi (name)/KOIZUMI Jun'ichir, Japanese LDP politician, prime ister 2001-2006/ [Xiao3 quan2 Chun2 yi1 lang2] /KOIZUMI Jun'ichir (1942-), Japa nister 2001-2006/ [xiao3 pao4] /vesicles/ [xiao3 bo1] /wavelet (math.)/ [xiao3 dong4 bu4 du3 chen2 da4 chuan2] /A small hole not plug [xiao3 dong4 bu4 du3 , da4 dong4 shou4 ku3] /A small hole (idiom). A stitch in time saves nine./ [xiao3 dong4 bu4 du3 , da4 dong4 chi1 ku3] /A small h hole (idiom). A stitch in time saves nine./ [xiao3 dong4 bu4 du3 , da4 dong4 nan2 bu3] /If you do be hard to repair (idiom). A stitch in time saves nine./ [xiao3 dong4 bu4 bu3 da4 dong4 chi1 ku3] /A small hole no hole (common saying); a stitch in time saves nine/ [xiao3 tao2 qi4] /rascal/ [xiao3 yuan1 hui4 san1] /Obuchi Keiz (1937-2000), Japanese politician/ [Xiao3 gang3] /Xiaogang or Hsiaokang district of Kaohsiung city [Gao1 xiong outh Taiwan/ [Xiao3 gang3 qu1] /Xiaogang or Hsiaokang district of Kaohsiung city [Ga south Taiwan/ [Xiao3 tang1 shan1] /Xiaotangshan town in Beijing municipality/ [xiao3 xi1] /brook/streamlet/ [xiao3 di1] /a drop/ [Xiao3 man3] /Xiaoman or Lesser Full Grain, 8th of the 24 solar terms [xiao3 chao2] /neap tide (the smallest tide, when moon is at first or third quart r)/ [xiao3 pu4 bu4] /cascade/ [xiao3 xiong2 zuo4] /Ursa Minor (constellation)/ [Xiao3 xiong2 Wei2 ni2] /Winnie-the-Pooh (bear character in children's st . Milne adapted by Disney)/ [xiao3 xiong2 mao1] /lesser panda/red panda/firefox/ [Xiao3 ying2 pan2 zhen4] /Xiaoyingpan township in Brtala Shehiri or Bole [xiao3 niu2] /calf/ [xiao3 niu2 rou4] /veal/ [xiao3 pin4 niu2] /heifer/ [xiao3 quan3] /puppy/my son (humble)/ [xiao3 quan3 zuo4] /Canis Minor (constellation)/ [xiao3 gou3] /pup/puppy/ [xiao3 shi1 zuo4] /Leo Minor (constellation)/

[xiao3 wan2 yi4] /gadget/widget (small item of software)/ [xiao3 qiu2] /sports such as ping pong and badminton that use small balls/see als [da4 qiu2]/ [xiao3 chan3] /to miscarry/a miscarriage/an abortion/ [Xiao3 tian2 Jian4] /OBATA Takeshi, manga artist, illustrator of cult series ote [si3 wang2 bi3 ji4]/ [xiao3 bing4] /minor illness/indisposition/ [xiao3 bai2 lian3] /attractive young man (usually derog.)/pretty boy/gigolo/ [xiao3 bai2 lian3 r5] /erhua variant of , attractive young m gigolo/ [xiao3 bai2 cai4] /bak choy/Brassica chinensis/CL:[ke1]/ [xiao3 bai2 shu3] /little white mouse (esp. laboratory animal)/fig. guinea pi human participant in experiment/ [xiao3 bai3 ke1 quan2 shu1] /micropedia/ [xiao3 de5] /I (when talking to a superior)/ [xiao3 kan4] /to look down on/to underestimate/ [xiao3 yan3 jiao3] /outer corner of the eye/ [xiao3 zhong4] /minority of the population/non-mainstream (activity, pursuit etc) niche (market etc)/ [xiao3 shui4] /to nap/to doze/ [xiao3 die2 zi5] /saucer/ [xiao3 bi3 dian4] /mini laptop or notebook (computer)/netbook/CL: [tai2], [xiao3 suan4 pan2] /lit. small abacus/fig. selfish calculations/bean-counting [xiao3 jie2] /a minor matter/trivia/bar (music)/ [xiao3 jie2 xian4] /barline (music)/ [xiao3 fan4 wei2] /small-scale/local/to a limited extent/ [xiao3 zhuan4] /the small or lesser seal, the form of Chinese character standardi ed by the Qin dynasty/ [xiao3 long2 bao1] /steamed dumpling/ [xiao3 mi3] /millet/ [xiao3 fen3] /(wheat) starch/amylum/ [xiao3 jing1 ling2] /elf/ [Xiao3 hong2] /Xiaohong (person name)/ [Xiao3 hong2 mao4] /Little Red Riding Hood/ [xiao3 hong2 mei2] /cranberry/ [Xiao3 hong2 luo2 bo5] /radish (the small red kind)/ [xiao3 zu3] /group/ [xiao3 zu3 wei3 yuan2 hui4] /subcommittee/ [xiao3 jie2] /summary/short/brief/wrap-up/ [xiao3 lu:4 ren2] /little green men from Mars/ [xiao3 gang1 gang5 r5] /small mug (baby language)/ [xiao3 yang2] /lamb/ [xiao3 ling2 yang2] /gazelle/ [xiao3 yi4 da4 li4] /Little Italy/ [xiao3 lao3 po2] /concubine/junior wife/mistress/ [xiao3 cong1 ming5] /clever-clever/clever in trivial matters/sharp but petty [xiao3 sheng1] /in a low voice/(speak) in whispers/ [xiao3 du4 ji1 chang2] /lit. small belly, chicken's gut (idiom); narrow-m [xiao3 nao3] /cerebellum (part of the brain)/ [xiao3 jiao3] /bound feet (traditional)/ [xiao3 chang2] /small intestine/ [xiao3 tui3] /calf (of the leg)/ [xiao3 jiu4 zi5] /(informal) wife's younger brother/ [xiao3 she2] /uvula/ [xiao3 chuan2] /boat/ [xiao3 hua1 yuan3 zhi4] /small-flowered milkwort (Polygala arvensis Willd hioides), with roots used in Chinese medicine/ [xiao3 hui2 xiang1] /fennel/fennel seed/ [xiao3 cai4] /appetizer/small side dish/easy job/piece of cake/see also [ 1 die2]/

[xiao3 cai4 yi1 die2] /a small appetizer/a piece of cake; very easy (idio [xiao3 cai4 r5] /erhua variant of [xiao3 cai4]/ [xiao3 cai4 die2 r5] /erhua variant of [xiao3 cai4 yi1 die2]/ [xiao3 cong1] /shallot/spring onion/CL:[ba3]/ [xiao3 xun1] /Xiao Xun (Taiwan actress, 1989-)/ [xiao3 su1 da2 fen3] /baking soda/ [Xiao3 lan2] /Xiaolan (person name)/ [xiao3 hao4] /trumpet/ [xiao3 mi4] /(derog.) girlfriend of a married man/ [xiao3 xia1 mi5] /shrimp/fig. small fry/minor player/ [xiao3 du4] /bark beetle (zoology)/ [xiao3 xing2 xing1] /asteroid/minor planet/ [xiao3 xing2 xing1 dai4] /asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter/ [xiao3 chong1 tu1] /skirmish/ [xiao3 dai4] /pouch/ [xiao3 dai4 shu3] /wallaby/pademelon/ [xiao3 shi4] /to belittle/to look down upon/to despise/ [xiao3 qu4] /to despise/to have contempt for/ [xiao3 jie3] /to urinate/to empty one's bladder/ [xiao3 ji4] /subtotal/ [xiao3 shuo1] /novel/fiction/CL:[ben3],[bu4]/ [Xiao3 shuo1 jia1] /School of Minor-talks, one of the Hundred Schools of Thou bai3 jia1] during the Warring States Period (475-221 BC)/ [xiao3 shuo1 jia1] /novelist/ [xiao3 diao4] /minor key (in music)/ [xiao3 huang3] /fib/ [xiao3 dou4 kou4] /Indian cardamom (Amomum cardamomum)/ [xiao3 mao1] /kitten/ [Xiao3 bei4] /"Becks", nickname of British footballer David Beckham (see u3])/ [xiao3 huo4 che1] /pickup truck/ [xiao3 fan4] /peddler/hawker/ [xiao3 fei4] /tip/ [xiao3 zi1] /petit bourgeois/yuppie/abbr. of / [xiao3 zi1 chan3 jie1 ji2] /petty bourgeois/ [xiao3 mai4 bu4] /kiosk/snack counter/retail department or section inside a l usiness/ [Xiao3 chi4 bi4] /Little Red Cliff, nickname of Bitan [Bi4 tan2], Xindian ty, Taiwan/ [xiao3 qi3 zhong4 ji1] /jack/ [xiao3 lu4] /lane/ [xiao3 che1] /small model car/mini-car/small horse-cart/barrow/wheelbarrow/type o folk dance/ [xiao3 lun2 che1] /cycling BMX/ [xiao3 you2] /outing/short trip/ [xiao3 dao4] /bypath/trail/bribery as a means of achieving a goal/minor arts (Con ucian reference to agriculture, medicine, divination, and other professions unwo rthy of a gentleman)/ [xiao3 dao4 xin1 wen2] /news from the grapevine/ [xiao3 zhuo2] /drinks with snacks/ [Xiao3 ye3 Bu4 you2 mei3] /Ono Fuyumi (1960-), Japanese novelist/ [xiao3 liang4] /a small quantity/ [Xiao3 jin1] /Xiaojin county (Tibetan: btsan lha rdzong) in Ngawa Tibetan and Qia g autonomous prefecture [A1 ba4 Zang4 zu2 Qiang1 zu2 z [xiao3 jin1 ku4] /supplementary cash reserve/private fund/private hoard/slush [Xiao3 jin1 xian4] /Xiaojin county (Tibetan: btsan lha rdzong) in Ngawa Tibet Qiang autonomous prefecture [A1 ba4 Zang4 zu2 Qiang1 z [xiao3 gang1 qiu2] /iron pellet/shrapnel/ [xiao3 chan3 zi5] /trowel/ [xiao3 a1 yi2] /auntie, youngest of sisters in mother's family/

[xiao3 chu2 xi1] /the day before New Year's Eve/ [Xiao3 yan4 ta3] /Xiaoyan pagoda in Xi'an/ [xiao3 ya3] /one of the three main divisions of the Book of Songs / [xiao3 ji2 tuan2] /faction/clique/ [xiao3 ji1] /chick/ [xiao3 ji1 ji1] /penis (child's word)/ [xiao3 yu3] /light rain/drizzle/ [Xiao3 xue3] /Xiaoxue or Lesser Snow, 20th of the 24 solar terms r/ [xiao3 ling2 tong1] /mobile phone (with a local, 7-digit phone number)/ [xiao3 ling2 tong1 ji1 zhan4] /cell phone base or repeater station (t [xiao3 qing1] /name of a person, Xiaoqing, from Madam White Snake/ [xiao3 qing1 nian2] /young person/youngster/ [xiao3 xiang4] /small item/event (of program)/ [xiao3 ti2 da4 zuo4] /to make a big fuss over a minor issue (idiom)/ [xiao3 e2 rong2 zi1] /microfinance/ [xiao3 e4] /mandible (lower jaw)/ [xiao3 shi2 zhong1 xin1] /Food court/ [xiao3 fan4 guan3] /tearoom/canteen/cafeteria/ [xiao3 ma3] /colt/pony/ [xiao3 ma3 zuo4] /Equuleus (constellation)/ [xiao3 zang1 gui3] /dirty little devil (affectionate, of child)/ [xiao3 song1 gao1] /muffin/ [xiao3 gui3] /(idiom) an endearing term of address to a child; little demon/ [xiao3 niao3 yi1 ren2] /lit. like a little bird relying on people (idiom) d helpless-looking/ [xiao3 e2] /gosling/ [xiao3 ying1 hao4] /Kitty Hawk (US aircraft carrier)/ [xiao3 mai4] /wheat/CL:[li4]/ [xiao3 mai4 pei1 ya2] /wheat germ/ [xiao3 mian4 bao1] /bread roll/bun/ [xiao3 huang2 gua1] /gherkin/ [xiao3 shu3] /mouse/ [xiao3 long2] /young dragon/ [xiao3 long2 tang1 bao1] /steamed soup dumpling/ [xiao3 long2 xia1] /crayfish/langoustine/chicken lobster/ [shao3] /few/little/lack/ [shao4] /young/ [shao3 bu5 liao3] /cannot do without/to be unavoidable/are bound to be many/ [shao3 bu5 de2] /cannot be avoided/cannot do without/ [shao3 zhi1 you4 shao3] /very few/very little/ [shao4 xian1 dui4] /Young Pioneers (primary school league, a preparation for st Youth League)/ [shao4 xian1 dui4 yuan2] /member of the Young Pioneers/ [shao4 er2] /child/ [shao3 ke4] /a short while/soon/ [shao3 luo1 suo1] /Shut up!/Stop grumbling!/Give me a break!/ [shao4 zhuang4 bu4 nu3 li4 , lao3 da4 tu2 sha ry in your old age/ [shao4 zhuang4 pai4] /young guard/young and vigorous group with new ideas/new [shao4 nu:3] /maiden/ [shao4 nu:3 feng1] /Jungfrau, peak in Switzerland/ [shao4 nu:3 lu4 xiao4 lian3 , hun1 shi4 ban4 ob is half done. (idiom)/ [shao3 nai3 nai5] /young lady of the house/wife of the young master/ [shao4 fu4] /young married woman/ [shao4 jiang4] /major general/rear admiral/air vice marshal/ [shao4 wei4] /second lieutenant (army rank)/ [shao4 nian2] /youngster/juvenile/ [shao4 nian2 fan4] /young criminal/juvenile delinquent/

[shao3 fu3] /Minor Treasurer in Imperial China, one of the Nine Ministers [ji 1]/ [shao3 cheng2 duo1] /Many little things add up to sth great (idiom); many a m akes a muckle/ [shao3 fang4] /to add less (of a spice etc)/ [shao3 shu4] /small number/few/minority/ [shao3 shu4 min2 zu2] /national minority/ethnic group/ [shao3 shu4 min2 zu2 xiang1] /ethnic township (formal village level s ounty)/ [shao3 you3] /rare/infrequent/ [Shao4 lin2] /the Shaolin monastery and martial arts school/ [Shao4 lin2 si4] /Buddhist monastery famous for its kungfu monks/ [Shao3 lin2 wu3 gong1] /Shaolin martial arts/ [shao4 xiao4] /junior ranking officer in Chinese army/major/lieutenant commander/ [shao4 ye5] /son of the boss/young master of the house/your son (honorary)/ [shao4 nan2 shao4 nu:3] /boys and girls/teenagers/ [shao3 tu1 jiao1 zhi4] /oligodendrocytes (Greek: cells with few branches) ell in central nervous system/oligodendroglia/ [shao3 guan3 xian2 shi4] /Mind your own business!/Don't interfere!/ [shao3 jian4] /rare/not familiar (to the speaker)/sth rarely experience/hard to s e/ [shao3 jian4 duo1 guai4] /lit. rarely seen, very strange (idiom); to expr due to lack of experience/naive expression of excitement due to ignorance/ [shao3 xu3] /a little/a few/ [shao3 shuo1 wei2 jia1] /Few words are best./Brevity is the soul of wit./ [shao3 liang4] /a smidgen/a little bit/a few/ [shao3 jian4] /soon/a short while/a narrow gap/slightly better (state of health)/ [shao3 yang2 bing4] /name of disease in traditional Chinese medicine/ [shao3 yang2 jing1] /one of the channels of traditional Chinese medicine/ [shao3 qing3] /in a short while/presently/ [er3] /thou/ [er3] /variant of / [ga3] /little (dialect)/ [jian1] /point (of needle)/sharp/shrewd/pointed/ [jian1 dao1] /dagger/ [jian1 li4] /sharp/keen/cutting/shrill/piercing/ [jian1 ke4] /caustic/biting/piquant/acerbic/vitriolic/acrimonious/ [jian1 jiao4] /to screech/to shriek/ [jian1 zui3 yu2] /Indo-Pacific wrasse (Gomphosus varius)/ [jian1 ta3] /spire/minaret/ [jian1 zi5] /best of its kind/cream of the crop/ [jian1 jian1] /sharp/pointed/ [Jian1 shan1] /Jianshan district of Shuangyashan city [Shuang1 ya1 s / [Jian1 shan1 qu1] /Jianshan district of Shuangyashan city [Shuan ng/ [jian1 feng1] /peak/top/ [Jian1 zha1] /Jianzha county in Huangnan Tibetan autonomous prefecture i4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ [Jian1 zha1 xian4] /Jianzha county in Huangnan Tibetan autonomous prefecture u2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ [jian1 kuo4 hao4] /angle brackets < >/ [jian1 xin1] /fresh/new and pointed/ [jian1 jiao1] /chili pepper/ [Jian1 sha1 zui3] /Tsim Sha Tsui, urbanized area in Hong Kong/ [jian1 ya2] /canine tooth/fang/tusk/ [Jian1 shi2] /Jianshi or Chienshih township in Hsinchu county [Xin1 est Taiwan/ [Jian1 shi2 xiang1] /Jianshi or Chienshih township in Hsinchu county orthwest Taiwan/

[jian1 duan1] /sharp pointed end/the tip/the cusp/tip-top/most advanced and sophi ticated/highest peak/the best/ [jian1 guan3 mian4] /penne pasta/ [jian1 xi4] /taper/ [jian1 sheng1 ti2 ku1] /squeal/ [Jian1 cao3 ping2] /Jiancaoping district of Taiyuan city [Tai4 yuan2 sh [Jian1 cao3 ping2 qu1] /Jiancaoping district of Taiyuan city [Tai4 [jian1 suan1 ke4 bo2] /sharp and unkind (words)/ [jian1 rui4] /sharp/intense/penetrating/pointed/acute (illness)/ [jian1 rui4 hua4] /to intensify/to become acute/to come to a head/ [jian1 rui4 pi1 ping2] /sharp criticism/ [Jian1 ge2 lie4 dao3] /Senkaku Islands (Japanese name for Diaoyu Islands) as the Pinnacle Islands/ [jian1 ding3] /pointed object/cusp/pinnacle/steeple/ [shu1] /archaic variant of [shu1]/archaic variant of [shu1]/ [shang4] /variant of , still/yet/to value/to esteem/ [Shang4] /surname Shang/ [shang4] /still/yet/to value/to esteem/ [shang4 qie3] /(not) even/yet/still/ [Shang4 zhi4] /Shangzhi county level city in Harbin [Ha1 er3 bin1], [Shang4 zhi4 shi4] /Shangzhi county level city in Harbin [Ha1 er [shang4 mu4 jie2] /James Sasser (US Ambassador to China)/ [shang4 fang1 jian4] /imperial sword (giving bearer arbitrary powers)/in fict inese version of 007's license to kill/ [shang4 fang1 bao3 jian4] /variant of [shang4 fang1 jian4]/i bitrary powers)/in fiction, Chinese version of 007's license to kill/ [shang4 shu1] /same as Book of History/high official/government ministe [shang4 shu1 jing1] /Book of History/a compendium of documents in various sty king up the oldest extant texts of Chinese history, from legendary times down to the times of Confucius/ [shang4 shu1 lang2] /ancient official title/ [shang4 wei4] /not yet/still not/ [shang4 wei4 jie3 jue2] /unsolved/as yet unsettled/ [shang4 wu3] /to promote a martial spirit/to revere military skills/warlike/ [shang4 wu2] /not yet/not so far/ [Shang4 yi4] /Shangyi county in Zhangjiakou [Zhang1 jia1 kou3], Hebe [Shang4 yi4 xian4] /Shangyi county in Zhangjiakou [Zhang1 jia1 k [shang4 xiang3] /I beg you to partake of this sacrifice (used at the end of an el giac address)/ [ga2] /toy formed of a spindle with two sharp ends/ [ga2 r5] /erhua variant of /toy formed of a spindle with two sharp ends/ [ga2 ga5] /toy formed of a spindle with two sharp ends/brochette (such as corncob / [xian3] /few/rare/ [wang1] /lame/ [You2] /surname You/ [you2] /outstanding/particularly, especially/a fault/to express discontentment a gainst/ [you2 ke4 li3 li3 qin2] /ukulele/traditional form also written [you2 qi2] /especially/particularly/ [you2 qi2 shi4] /especially/most of all/above all/in particular/ [You2 li4 ya4 Ji4 mo4 shen1 ke1] /Yulia Tymoshenko (196 [You2 li4 xi1 si1] /Ulysses (novel)/ [you2 jia1 li4] /eucalyptus (loanword)/ [You2 ka3 tan3] /Yucatan (Mexican province)/ [You2 ka3 tan3 ban4 dao3] /Yucatan peninsula (Mexico)/ [You2 kan3] /Rjukan (city in Norway)/ [You2 de2] /Sir Edward Youde (1924-1986), British diplomat, ambassador to Beijing 1974-1978, governor of Hong Kong 1982-1986/ [you2 zhi3] /especially/particularly/

[You2 wen2 tu2 si1] /Juventus, Italian football team/ [You2 xi1] /Youxi county in Sanming [San1 ming2], Fujian/ [You2 xi1 xian4] /Youxi county in Sanming [San1 ming2], Fujian/ [you2 wei2] /especially/ [You2 er3 qin1 ke1] /Yurchenko (name)/Natalia Yurchenko (1965-), Russian enko, a type of jump-off for vaulting/ [you2 wu4] /rarity/rare object/rare person/extraordinarily beautiful woman/ [you2 gou4] /shame/disgrace/ [You2 li3 si1 Yi1 wen2 si1] /Joris Ivens (1898-1989), Dutch ted communist/ [you2 jin1 sai4 er3 nan2] /Eugene Cernan (Apollo 17 astronaut)/ [liao4] /to give a backward kick (e.g. of a horse)/ [liao4 jue3 zi5] /(of mules, horses etc) to kick backward/to kick with the hi /fig. to flare up in anger/to display defiance/ [Pang2] /surname Pang/ [mang2] /shaggy dog/striped/ [pang2] /old variant of [pang2]/huge/enormous/ [wang1] /feeble/lame/ [ga4] /in an embarrassing situation/ [zhong3] /swell/ [jiu4] /at once/right away/only/just (emphasis)/as early as/already/as soon as/t hen/in that case/as many as/even if/to approach/to move towards/to undertake/to engage in/to suffer/subjected to/to accomplish/to take advantage of/to go with ( of foods)/with regard to/concerning/ [jiu4 shi4 lun4 shi4] /to discuss sth on its own merits/to judge the matt ds/ [jiu4 ren4] /to take office/to assume a post/ [jiu4 ban4] /to act as companion/ [jiu4 bian4] /at sb's convenience/in passing/while doing it/ [jiu4 di4] /locally/on the spot/ [jiu4 di4 qu3 cai2] /to draw on local resources/using materials at hand/ [jiu4 di4 zheng4 fa3] /to execute on the spot (idiom); summary execution/ the law on the spot/ [jiu4 qin3] /to go to sleep/to go to bed (literary)/ [jiu4 qin3 shi2 jian1] /bedtime/ [jiu4 qin2] /to be taken prisoner/ [jiu4 shi4] /(emphasizes that sth is precisely or exactly as stated)/precisely/ex ctly/even/if/just like/in the same way as/ [jiu4 shi4 shuo1] /in other words/that is/ [jiu4 wan3 le5] /then it's too late (colloquial)/ [jiu4 mu4] /to die/(lit.) to enter one's coffin/ [jiu4 ye4] /looking for employment/getting a job/to start a career/ [jiu4 ye4 pei2 xun4] /employment training/ [jiu4 ye4 ji1 hui4] /employment opportunity/job opening/ [jiu4 ye4 lu:4] /employment rate/ [jiu4 ci3] /and thus/thereupon/ [jiu4 suan4] /granted that/even if/ [jiu4 fan4] /to submit/to give in/ [jiu4 xu4] /to be ready/to be in order/ [jiu4 yi4] /to be killed for a righteous cause/to die a martyr/ [jiu4 zhi2] /to take office/to assume a post/ [jiu4 zhi2 dian3 li3] /inauguration/ [jiu4 zhi2 yan3 shuo1] /inaugural speech/ [jiu4 zhi2 yan3 jiang3] /inaugural lecture/ [jiu4 zhe5] /to be next to (colloquial)/ [jiu4 li3] /an internal matter/inside story/ [jiu4 yao4] /will/shall/to be going to/ [jiu4 zhen3] /to see a doctor/to seek medical advice/ [jiu4 du2] /to go to school/ [jiu4 jin4] /nearby/in a close neighborhood/

[jiu4 dao4] /to set off/to take to the road/ [jiu4 yi1] /to receive medical treatment/ [jiu4 can1] /to dine/ [gan1] /embarrassed/ill at ease/ [gan1 ga4] /awkward/embarrassed/ [shi1] /person representing the dead (during burial ceremonies)/to put a corpse on display (after execution)/variant of /corpse/ [Yin3] /surname Yin/ [yin3] /to administer/to oversee/to run/magistrate (old)/ [Yin3 Pu3 shan4] /Yun Poseon (1897-1990), South Korean Democratic party polit mayor of Seoul from 1948, president 1960-1962/ [che3] /one of the characters used to represent a musical note in gongche notati on, [gong1 che3 pu3]/ [chi3] /a Chinese foot/one-third of a meter/a ruler/a tape-measure/one of the th ree acupoints for measuring pulse in Chinese medicine/CL:[zhi1],[ba3]/ [chi3 zi5] /rule/ruler (measuring instrument)/CL:[ba3]/ [chi3 cun5] /size/dimension/measurement/ [chi3 cun5 guo4 da4] /oversize (baggage, cargo etc)/ [chi3 du4] /scale/yardstick/ [chi3 ma3] /size/fitting (of apparel)/ [chi3 huo4] /looper caterpillar, larva of moth in family Geometridae/inch worm/ [chi3 huo4 e2] /moth in family Geometridae/ [chi3 gui1] /ruler and compass (in geometric constructions)/ [chi3 gui1 zuo4 tu2] /ruler and compass construction (geometry)/ [chi3 gu3] /ulna (anatomy)/bone of the forearm/ [kao1] /coccyx/tailbone at end of spine/rear joint of meat animal/ [kao1 men2 zi5] /anus (rural coll.)/ [kao1 gu3] /coccyx/tailbone at end of spine/ [ni2] /Buddhist nun/(often used in phonetic spellings)/ [Ni2 ya4 jia1 la1 pu4 bu4] /Niagara Falls/ [Ni2 ya4 mei3] /Niamey, capital of Niger/ [Ni2 ke4] /Nick (name)/ [Ni2 ke4 song1] /Richard Nixon (1913-1994), US politician, President 1969-197 me Nixon/ [Ni2 ke4 sen1] /Nixon (name)/Richard M Nixon (1913-1994), US president 1969-1 [Ni2 jia1 la1 gua1] /Nicaragua/ [Ni2 le4 ke4] /Nilka county or Nilqa nahiyisi in Ili Kazakh autonomous prefec ke4 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang/ [Ni2 le4 ke4 xian4] /Nilka county or Nilqa nahiyisi in Ili Kazakh autonom e [Yi1 li2 Ha1 sa4 ke4 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang/ [Ni2 e4 li4 de2] /Nereids (Greek sea nymphs, fifty daughters of Nereus an id, moon of Neptune/ [ni2 gu3 ding1] /nicotine/ [Ni2 ge1 di3 mu3] /Nicodemus, prominent Jew of the time of Christ, mentio spel of John/ [Ni2 mu3] /Nmes (city in France)/ [ni2 gu1] /Buddhist nun/ [Ni2 an1 de2 ta3] /Neanderthal (man)/ [Ni2 an1 de2 ta3 ren2] /Neanderthal man/ [ni2 an1 de2 lu3 ren2] /Neandertal man/ [Ni2 bu4 chu3 tiao2 yue1] /Treaty of Nerchinsk (1698) between Qing Ch [Ni2 bu4 jia3 ni2 sa1] /Nebuchadnezzar/ [ni2 xi1 mi3 ji4] /Book of Nehemiah/ [Ni2 kang1] /Nikon corporation/ [Ni2 de2 lan2] /the Netherlands/ [Ni2 cai3] /Friedrich Nietzsche (1846-1900), German philosopher/ [Ni2 si1] /Nice (city in France)/ [Ni2 si1 hu2 shui3 guai4] /Loch Ness Monster/ [Ni2 ri4 li4 ya4] /Nigeria, West Africa/ [Ni2 ri4 er3] /Niger (African state)/Niger River, West Africa/

[Ni2 ri4 er3 he2] /Niger River of West Africa/ [Ni2 mu4] /Nymo county, Tibetan: Snye mo rdzong in Lhasa [La1 sa4], Tib [Ni2 mu4 xian4] /Nymo county, Tibetan: Snye mo rdzong in Lhasa [La1 [ni2 ge2 luo2] /negro (loanword)/ [Ni2 sang1] /Nissan, Japanese car make (derived from )/ [Ni2 bo2 er3] /Nepal/ [Ni2 bo2 er3 Gong4 chan3 dang3] /Communist Party of Nepal/ [Ni2 bo2 er3 guo2 wang2] /Nepalese monarchy/ [Ni2 er3 xun4] /Nelson or Nillson (name)/Horatio Nelson (1758-1805), British ero/ [Ni2 ma3] /Nyima county, Tibetan: Nyi ma rdzong in Nagchu prefecture entral Tibet/ [Ni2 ma3 xian4] /Nyima county, Tibetan: Nyi ma rdzong in Nagchu prefecture ], central Tibet/ [Ni2 ke1 xi1 ya4] /Nicosia, capital of Cyprus/ [Ni2 mi3 zi1] /Chester William Nimitz (1885-1966), US admiral/ [Ni2 mi3 zi1 hao4] /Nimitz class, US nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, 8 since 1975/ [Ni2 luo2] /the Nile/ [Ni2 luo2 he2] /Nile (river)/ [Ni2 he4 lu3] /Jawaharlal Nehru (1889-1964), Indian politician, first prime m 1947-1964/ [Ni2 ya3] /Niya, ancient kingdom near Khotan in Xinjiang, 1st century BC-4th cent ry AD/ [Ni2 ya3 he2] /Niya River in south Xinjiang/ [ni2 long2] /nylon/ [ni2 long2 da1 kou4] /nylon buckle/velcro/ [wei3] /tail/remainder/remnant/extremity/sixth of the 28 constellations/classifi er for fish/ [yi3] /horse's tail/pointed posterior section of a locust etc/ [wei3 da4 bu4 diao4] /large tail obstructs action (idiom); bottom heavy/f ineffective by subordinates/ [wei3 zi5] /tail/end/small change/odd sum remaining after large round number/ [wei3 ba5] /tail/ [Wei3 zhang1 guo2] /Owari or Owari-no-kuni, Japanese fiefdom during 11th-15th y, current Aichi prefecture around Nagoya/ [wei3 ji1] /attack from the rear/ [wei3 shu4] /remainder (after rounding a number)/decimal part (of number after th decimal point)/mantissa (i.e. fractional part of common logarithm in math.)/sma ll change/balance (of an account)/ [wei3 qi1] /final period/the end (of a term)/the close/ [wei3 shao1] /the tip/the end/the very end/ [wei3 qian4] /balance due/small balance still to pay/final remaining debt/ [wei3 kuan3] /balance (money remaining due)/ [wei3 qi4] /exhaust (i.e. waste gas from engine)/emissions/ [wei3 shui3] /tailwater/outflow (from mill or power plant)/ [wei3 shui3 qu2 dao4] /outflow channel/ [wei3 liu2] /wake/ [wei3 deng1] /tail light (on vehicle)/ [wei3 ya2] /a year-end dinner for employees/ [Wei3 Sheng1] /Wei Sheng (legendary character who waited for his love under a bri ge until he was drowned in the surging waters)/sb who keeps to their word no mat ter what/ [wei3 kuang4] /mining waste/waste remaining after processing ore/tailings/ [wei3 kuang4 ku4] /slag heap/dump of mining waste/ [wei3 zhui4] /final syllable/ [wei3 yu3] /tail feathers/ [wei3 yu3 long2] /caudipteryx (a feathered dinosaur)/ [wei3 yi4] /tail wing/empennage (arrow feathers or tail assembly of plane)/tail u it/

[wei3 sheng1] /coda/epilogue/end/ [wei3 you4] /tailed larva/Cercaria (microscopic larva of parasitic Miracidium fla worm)/ [wei3 bu4] /back part/rear or tail section/ [wei3 lu:2 gu3] /coccyx/ [wei3 sui2] /to tail behind/to tag along/to follow on the heels of/ [wei3 yin1] /final sound of a syllable/rhyme (e.g. in European languages)/ [wei3 yun4] /rhyme/ [wei3 ye4] /last page/ [wei3 gu3] /coccyx/tailbone/ [wei3 qi2] /tail or caudal fin/ [niao4] /to urinate/urine/CL:[pao1]/ [sui1] /more commonly read as [niao4]/to urinate/urine/ [niao4 bu4 shi1] /disposable diaper (colloquial)/ [niao4 mi4 ding4] /uracil nucleotide (U, pairs with adenine A in RNA)/ [niao4 niao4] /to pee/ [niao4 bu4] /diaper/ [niao4 chuang2] /bed-wetting/ [sui1 yang4] /urine/urine sample/ [niao4 du2] /uremia (medicine)/ [niao4 du2 zheng4] /uremia (medicine)/ [niao4 ye4] /urine/ [niao4 sheng1 zhi2 guan3 dao4] /urinogenital tract/ [niao4 su4] /carbamide/urea (NH2)2CO/ [sui1 pao1] /bladder/ [niao4 dao4] /urethra/urinary tract/ [ju2] /office/situation/classifier for games: match, set, round etc/ [ju2 zhong1 ren2] /participant/protagonist/a player (in this affair)/ [ju2 cu4] /narrow (surrounding)/short (of time)/ [ju2 cu4 yi1 yu2] /to be cramped in a corner (idiom)/ [ju2 cu4 bu4 an1] /ill at ease/uncomfortable/ [ju2 shi4] /situation/state (of affairs)/ [ju2 di4] /local area/ [ju2 yu4 wang3] /local area network (LAN)/ [ju2 wai4] /outside (a group etc)/not connected (with an event etc)/external/ [ju2 wai4 zhong1 li4] /neutralism/ [ju2 zi5] /police station/ [ju2 bu4] /part/local/ [ju2 bu4 xing4] /local/ [ju2 bu4 yu3 jing4] /local context/ [ju2 bu4 lian2 jie2 wang3 luo4] /local connectionist network/ [ju2 bu4 lian2 guan4 xing4] /local coherence/ [ju2 bu4 ma2 zui4] /local anesthetic/ [ju2 bu4 ma2 zui4 ji4] /local anesthetic/ [ju2 zhang3] /bureau chief/CL:[wei4], [ge4]/ [ju2 xian4] /to limit/to confine/to restrict sth within set boundaries/ [ju2 xian4 xing4] /limitations/ [ju2 xian4 yu2] /to be limited to/ [ju2 mian4] /aspect/phase/situation/ [pi4] /fart/flatulence/nonsense/ [pi4 shi4] /(vulgar) trifling matter/mere trifle/goddamn thing/goddamn business/ [pi4 gun3 niao4 liu2] /to piss in one's pants in terror (idiom); scared w [pi4 yan3 r5] /bastard/slob/asshole/ [pi4 gu5] /buttocks/bottom/butt/back part/ [pi4 hua4] /shit/nonsense/ [bi1] /vulva (medical)/pussy/cunt (vulgar)/see also [bi1]/ [Ju1] /surname Ju/ [ji1] /(archaic) sentence-final particle expressing a doubting attitude/ [ju1] /to reside/to be (in a certain position)/to store up/to be at a standstill /residence/house/restaurant/classifier for bedrooms/

[ju1 zhong1] /positioned between (two parties)/to mediate between/ [ju1 ren2] /inhabitant/ [ju1 wei4] /to occupy a high position (in administration)/ [ju1 zhu4] /to reside/to dwell/to live in a place/resident in/ [ju1 zhu4 di4] /current address/place of residence/ [ju1 zhu4 yu2] /to inhabit/ [ju1 zhu4 zhe3] /inhabitant/ [ju1 zhu4 zheng4] /residence permit/ [ju1 gong1] /to claim credit for oneself/ [ju1 gong1 zi4 ao4] /satisfied with one's accomplishment and arrogant as om); resting on one's laurels and despising others/ [ju1 duo1] /to be in the majority/ [ju1 qi2] /to hoard/to speculate/profiteering/ [ju1 wei3 hui4] /neighbourhood committee/ [ju1 shuang1] /to remain widowed (formal)/ [ju1 zhai2] /dwelling/ [ju1 an1 si1 wei1] /to think of danger in times of safety/to be vigilant (idiom)/ [ju1 guan1] /to secure a position/to take an official appointment/ [ju1 shi4] /room/apartment/ [ju1 jia1] /to live at home/ [Ju1 chao2] /Juchao district of Chaohu city [Chao2 hu2], Anhui/ [Ju1 chao2 qu1] /Juchao district of Chaohu city [Chao2 hu2 shi4], Anhui [Ju1 yong1 guan1] /Juyongguan, frontier fortress on Great Wall north of Beiji Changping district [Chang1 ping2 qu1]/ [ju1 xin1] /to harbor (evil) intentions/to be bent on/a tranquil heart or mind/ [ju1 xin1 bu4 liang2] /with treacherous intent (idiom); two-faced/malicio itous/ [ju1 xin1 po3 ce4] /with treacherous intent (idiom); two-faced/malicious us/ [ju1 xin1 xian3 e4] /with treacherous intent (idiom); intentional malice/ [ju1 suo3] /residence/ [ju1 zheng4] /(literary) to follow the right path/ [ju1 min2] /resident/inhabitant/ [ju1 min2 qu1] /living area/ghetto/ [ju1 min2 xiao1 fei4 jia4 ge2 zhi3 shu4] /consumer price [ju1 min2 dian3] /residential area/ [ju1 min2 dian3 r5] /variant of [ju1 min2 dian3]/ [ju1 ran2] /unexpectedly/to one's surprise/go so far as to/ [ju1 liu2] /residence/to reside/ [ju1 liu2 quan2] /right of abode (law)/ [ju1 liu2 zheng4] /residence permit/ [ju1 li3] /see [ju1 li3]/ [Ju1 li3 Fu1 ren5] /Maria Sk d wska-Curie r Marie Curie (1867-1934), d e-winner in Physics 1903 and Chemistry 1911/ [ju1 di4] /h using/high class residence/ [ju1 jing1] /menstruati n/regular peri ds/ [ju1 li3] /curie (Ci)/ [Ju1 li3 Fu1 ren5] /see [Ju1 li3 Fu1 ren5]/ [ju1 jian1] /positioned between (two parties)/to mediate between/ [ju1 shou3] /leading/in first place/top of the list/ [ju1 gao1 lin2 xia4] /to live high and look down (idiom); occupying the h g. arrogance based on one's social position/ [jie4] /to arrive at (place or time)/period/to become due/classifier for events, meetings, elections, sporting fixtures, years (of graduation)/ [jie4 shi2] /when the time comes/at the scheduled time/ [jie4 man3] /the end of fixed period in office/expiration of a term/ [tian2] /cave/hole/ [Qu1] /surname Qu/ [qu1] /bent/to feel wronged/


[qu1 guang1 du4] /diopter/ [Qu1 Yuan2] /Qu Yuan (340-278 BC), famous Warring States statesman and poet, auth r of Sorrow at Parting Lisao in Songs of Chu / [Qu1 Yuan2 ci2] /Qu Yuan memorial temple on the Miluo river at [Qu1 Yuan2 ji4 nian4 guan3] /Qu Yuan memorial hall in Zigui county a major tourist attraction since then/ [qu1 cong2] /to capitulate/ [qu1 cai2] /to waste talent/ [qu1 zhe2 yu3] /to inflect (in grammar)/to decline/to conjugate/ [qu1 zhi3] /to count on one's fingers/ [qu1 zhi3 yi1 suan4] /to count on one's fingers/ [qu1 zhi3 ke3 shu3] /You count them on your fingers (idiom). tiny number/ ew/just a handful/not many at all/ [qu1 qu1] /crooked/ [qu1 fu2] /to surrender/to yield/ [qu1 xi1 li3] /curtsy/ [qu1 ru3] /to humiliate/humiliating/ [qu1 ti3] /pike position (diving)/ [wu1] /house/room/CL: [jian1], [ge4]/ [wu1 qi3] /home/family (Cantonese)/Mandarin equivalent: [jia1]/ [wu1 wai4] /outside the room/ [wu1 zi5] /house/room/CL: [jian1]/ [wu1 jia4] /a building/the frame of a building/roof beam/truss/ [wu1 yan2] /eaves/rafts/ [wu1 ji3] /roof ridge/ [wu1 mian4] /roof/ [wu1 mian4 wa3] /room tiles/ [wu1 ding3] /roof/CL: [ge4]/ [diao3] /penis/to fuck (Cantonese)/cool or extraordinary (colloquial)/ [shi1] /corpse/ [shi1 jiang1] /rigor mortis/ [shi1 bu4] /pall (casket covering)/ [shi1 ban1] /livor mortis/ [shi1 jian3] /autopsy/ [shi1 lu4] /to hold a sinecure/ [shi1 shou5] /corpse/carcass/dead body/ [shi1 gu3] /skeleton of the dead/ [shi1 ti3] /dead body/corpse/carcass/CL:[ju4]/ [shi1 ti3 pou1 jian3] /autopsy/ [shi1 ti3 dai4] /body bag/ [shi1 ti3 jie3 pou1] /autopsy/postmortem/ [shi3] /stool/feces/ear wax/nasal mucus/ [shi3 ke2 lang4] /see [shi3 ke1 lang2]/ [shi3 ke1 lang2] /dung beetle/ [bing1] /see [bing1 ying2]/ [bing3] /to get rid of/to put aside/to reject/to keep control/to hold (one's bre ath)/ [ping2] /(standing) screen/ [Ping2 nan2] /Pingnan county in Ningde [Ning2 de2], Fujian/ [Ping2 nan2 xian4] /Pingnan county in Ningde [Ning2 de2], Fujian/ [Ping2 shan1] /Pingshan county in Yibin [Yi2 bin1], Sichuan/ [Ping2 shan1 xian4] /Pingshan county in Yibin [Yi2 bin1], Sichuan/ [ping2 mu4] /screen (TV, computer or movie)/ [ping2 mu4 bao3 hu4 cheng2 xu4] /screen saver/ [bing3 xi1] /hold one's breath/ [Ping2 dong1] /Pingtung city, county and military airbase in south Taiwan/ [Ping2 dong1 shi4] /Pngdong or Pingtung city in south Taiwan/ [Ping2 dong1 xian4] /Pingtung county in south Taiwan/ [ping2 tiao2] /set of (usually four) hanging scrolls/ [bing3 qi4] /hold one's breath/

[bing1 ying2] /with fear and trepidation/ [ping2 bi4] /to screen/to block (sth or sb)/to shield/(protective) shield/ [ping2 bi4 guan4] /cask/ [Ping2 bian1 miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Pingbian Mianzu auton Yi autonomous prefecture [Hong2 he2 Ha1 ni2 zu2 Y [ping2 men2] /screen door/ [bing3 chu2] /to get rid of/to dismiss/to brush aside/ [ping2 zhang4] /protective screen/ [ping2 feng1] /screen/ [ji1] /clogs/ [xie4] /bits/fragments/crumbs/filings/trifling/trivial/to condescend to/ [xi4] /variant of [xi4]/ [Zhan3] /surname Zhan/ [zhan3] /to spread out/to open up/to exhibit/to put into effect/to postpone/to p rolong/exhibition/ [zhan3 wei4] /relative position of exhibition booth/allocated floor space for dis lay stall/allotted exhibit area/ [zhan3 chu1] /to put on display/to be on show/to exhibit/ [zhan3 lie4] /to lay out one's products/to display/ [zhan3 pin3] /exhibit/displayed item/ [zhan3 shi4] /exhibition room/ [zhan3 kuan1] /to widen/ [zhan3 bu4] /to spread/distribution/ [zhan3 fan1] /to unfurl (a sail)/ [zhan3 ping2] /to flatten out (paper, film, metal plates etc)/ [zhan3 bo1] /to exhibit as broadcast/to show (on TV)/ [zhan3 wang4] /outlook/prospect/to look ahead/to look forward to/ [zhan3 qi1] /to extend the period/to reschedule (a debt)/ [zhan3 wan2] /to view close up/to examine and admire/ [zhan3 xian4] /to come out/to emerge/ [zhan3 mei2] /to beam with joy/all smiles/ [zhan3 shi4] /to reveal/to display/to show/to exhibit sth/ [zhan3 huan3] /to postpone/to extend/ [zhan3 chi4] /to spread wings/ [zhan3 chi4 gao1 fei1] /spread your wings and soar (idiom); to develop on freely/ [zhan3 tai2] /exhibition case/display case/ [zhan3 lan3] /to put on display/to exhibit/exhibition/show/CL: [ge4],[ci4]/ [zhan3 lan3 hui4] /exhibition/show/CL: [ge4]/ [zhan3 lan3 guan3] /exhibition hall/ [zhan3 ping2] /to display for evaluation/to exhibit and compare/ [zhan3 zhuan3] /to toss about in bed/to pass through many hands or places/also wr tten [zhan3 zhuan3]/ [zhan3 zhuan3 teng2 nuo2] /to triumph after much effort (idiom)/ [zhan3 xiao1] /to display and sell (e.g. at a fair)/sales exhibition/ [zhan3 xiao1 hui4] /trade fair/sales exhibition/ [zhan3 kai1] /to unfold/to carry out/to be in full swing/to launch/ [zhan3 kai1 tu2] /expansion plan/development graph/ [zhan3 lu4] /to expose/to reveal/ [zhan3 guan3] /exhibition hall/(expo) pavilion/ [xi1] /variant of , rhinoceros/sharp/ [man3] /the youngest/ [e1] /to defecate/ [e1 niao4] /to urinate/ [e1 shi3] /to defecate/ [ping2] /variant of [ping2]/ [ti4] /drawer/tier/tray/ [fei4] /coarse/sandals/ [Tu2] /surname Tu/ [tu2] /slaughter/slaughter man/

[tu2 bo2] /butcher/fig. brutal killer/ [tu2 dao1] /butcher's knife/abattoir hatchet/ [tu2 cheng2] /massacre (of everyone in a captured city)/blood-bath/slaughter hous /killing fields/ [tu2 chang3] /slaughter-house/abattoir/ [tu2 fu1] /butcher/fig. murderous dictator/ [Tu2 yao1 jie2] /Deepavali (Hindu festival)/ [tu2 zai3] /to slaughter/to butcher/ [tu2 zai3 chang3] /slaughterhouse/abattoir/ [tu2 lu4] /slaughter/massacre/ [tu2 hu4] /butcher/ [Tu2 ge2 nie4 fu1] /Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev (1818-1883), Russian novelis [tu2 sha1] /to massacre/massacre/bloodbath/carnage/ [tu2 sha1 zhe3] /killer/butcher/ [tu2 du2] /poison/to murder by poison/ [tu2 du2 bi3 mo4] /poisonous writing/disparaging writing/calumny/ [lu:3] /time and again/repeatedly/frequently/ [lu:3 chu1 kuang2 yan2] /repeated gaffes/ [lu:3 jia1] /ply/ [lu:3 lu:3] /again and again/repeatedly/ [lu:3 jiao4 bu4 gai3] /lit. not to change, despite repeated admonition/in repentant/ [lu:3 ci4] /repeatedly/time and again/ [lu:3 jin4 bu4 zhi3] /to continue despite repeated prohibition (idiom)/ [lu:3 jin4 bu4 jue2] /to continue despite repeated prohibition (idiom)/ [lu:3 jian4 bu4 xian1] /a common occurrence (idiom)/ [lu:3 zao1] /to suffer repeatedly/ [lu:3 zao1 bu4 ce4] /beset by a series of mishaps (idiom)/ [xi3] /slippers/ [ceng2] /layer/stratum/laminated/floor (of a building)/storey/classifier for lay ers/repeated/sheaf (math.)/ [ceng2 chu1 bu4 qiong2] /more and more emerge/innumerable succession/bree es (idiom)/ [ceng2 bao4] /to report to higher authorities through layers of hierarchy/ [ceng2 ya1] /lamination/ [ceng2 ya1 shi4 tui1 xiao1] /pyramid scheme/ [ceng2 zi5] /stratum/ [ceng2 ceng2] /layer upon layer/ [ceng2 ceng2 jia1 ma3] /to increase bit by bit/repeated increments/ [ceng2 luan2] /range upon range of mountains/ [ceng2 luan2 die2 zhang4] /range upon range of mountains (idiom)/ [ceng2 yan2] /stratified rock/flagstone/ [ceng2 lou2] /multistoried building/tower/pagoda/ [ceng2 ci4] /arrangement of ideas/administrative level/level/stage/phase/ [ceng2 liu2] /laminar flow/ [ceng2 zhuang4] /stratified/bedded (geology)/ [ceng2 li3] /stratification/ [ceng2 die2] /layer upon layer/tiered/ [ceng2 ji1 yun2] /stratocumulus cloud/ [ceng2 ji2] /level/hierarchy/ [ceng2 jian4 die2 chu1] /to occur frequently/to occur repeatedly/ [ceng2 yun2] /stratus (cloud)/ [ceng2 mian4] /plane/level/ [lu:3] /shoe/to tread on/ [lu:3 dai4] /caterpillar track/shoes and belt/ [lu:3 dai4 che1] /a caterpillar track vehicle/ [lu:3 li4] /curriculum vitae/career information/career/ [lu:3 li4 pian4] /curriculum vitae (CV)/ [lu:3 li4 biao3] /curriculum vitae (CV)/resume/ [lu:3 yue1] /to keep an promise/to keep an appointment/to honor an agreement/to p

actice economy/ [lu:3 yue1 bao3 zheng4 jin1] /performance bond (international trade)/ [lu:3 xi4 jiao1 cuo4] /lit. shoes and slippers muddled together (idiom); sts come and go/a lively party/ [lu:3 xing2] /to fulfill (one's obligations)/to carry out (a task)/to implement ( n agreement)/to perform/ [lu:3 jian4] /to carry out (a task)/ [lu:3 xian3 ru2 yi2] /to cross a ravine like flat ground/fig. to handle a tlessly/to keep a cool head in a crisis/ [xie4] /wooden shoes/ [ju4] /sandals/ [jue1] /(old) hemp sandals/Taiwan pr. [jue2]/ [liao2] /penis/ [shu3] /category/genus (taxonomy)/family members/dependents/to belong to/subordi nate to/affiliated with/be born in the year of (one of the 12 animals)/to be/to prove to be/to constitute/ [zhu3] /to join together/to fix one's attention on/to concentrate on/ [shu3 xia4] /subordinate/affiliated to/subsidiary/ [shu3 shi4] /of this world/ [shu3 guo2] /vassal state/ [shu3 di4] /dependency/possession/annexed territory/ [shu3 shi2] /turn out to be true/verified/true/ [shu3 xing4] /attribute/property/ [zhu3 yi4] /to set one's heart on/to set one's choice on/ [zhu3 wen2] /to write prose/ [shu3 yu2] /to be classified as/to belong to/to be part of/ [shu3 ge2] /genitive case (in grammar)/ [shu3 xiang4] /colloquial term for [sheng1 xiao4] the animals associated with ars of a 12-year cycle/ [shu3 xiang4] /variant of [shu3 xiang4]/ [shu3 ling2] /spiritual/ [xi4] /see [Bi4 xi4]/ [che4] /plants sprouting/ [tun2] /to station (soldiers)/to store up/village/ [zhun1] /difficult/stingy/ [tun2 ken3] /to open up land for cultivation/to garrison troops to open up land/ [tun2 ken3 yuan2 qu1] /area of land opened up for cultivation/kibbutz/ [tun2 zi5] /village/ [tun2 shu4] /garrison/soldier stationed in some place/ [Tun2 chang1] /Tunchang County, Hainan/ [Tun2 chang1 xian4] /Tunchang County, Hainan/ [Tun2 xi1] /Tunxi district of Huangshan city [Huang2 shan1 shi4], An [Tun2 xi1 qu1] /Tunxi district of Huangshan city [Huang2 shan1 s [Tun2 te4] /Twente (region in the Netherlands)/ [Tun2 te4 Da4 xue2] /University of Twente/ [Tun2 liu2] /Tunliu county in Changzhi [Chang2 zhi4], Shanxi/ [Tun2 liu2 xian4] /Tunliu county in Changzhi [Chang2 zhi4], Shanxi/ [tun2 luo4] /village/ [Tun2 Men2] /Tuen Mun district of New Territories, Hong Kong/ [tun2 zhu4] /to be stationed/to be quartered/ [Shan1] /surname Shan/ [shan1] /mountain/hill/anything that resembles a mountain/CL:[zuo4]/bundled straw in which silkworms spin cocoons/gable/ [Shan1 shang4] /Shanshang township in Tainan county [Tai2 nan2 xian4 [Shan1 shang4 xiang1] /Shanshang township in Tainan county [Tai2 [shan1 qiu1] /hill/ [shan1 zhong1 sheng4 xun4] /the Sermon on the Mount/ [Shan1 dan1] /Shandan county in Zhangye [Zhang1 ye4], Gansu/ [Shan1 dan1 xian4] /Shandan county in Zhangye [Zhang1 ye4], Gansu/ [Shan1 ting2] /Shanting district of Zaozhuang city [Zao3 zhuang1 shi

[Shan1 ting2 qu1] /Shanting district of Zaozhuang city [Zao3 zhu [shan1 ao1] /mountain cave, hole, recess etc/ [shan1 shi4] /mountain form/ [shan1 qu1] /mountain area/CL: [ge4]/ [Shan1 nan2] /Lhokha prefecture of Tibet, Tibetan: Lho kha/ [Shan1 nan2 di4 qu1] /Lhokha prefecture of Tibet, Tibetan: Lho kha sa khu [Shan1 kou3] /Yamaguchi (name and place name)/Yamaguchi prefecture in southwest o Japan's main island Honsh [Ben3 zhou1]/ [Shan1 kou3 yang2] /Singkawang city (Kalimantan, Indonesia)/ [Shan1 kou3 xian4] /Yamaguchi prefecture in southwest of Japan's main island 3 zhou1]/ [shan1 di4] /mountainous region/hilly area/hilly country/ [shan1 di4 zi4 xing2 che1] /mountain bike/ [shan1 po1] /hillside/ [shan1 ai1] /cyanide (loanword)/same as / [Shan1 cheng2] /Shancheng district of Hebi city [He4 bi4 shi4], Hena [Shan1 cheng2 qu1] /Shancheng district of Hebi city [He4 bi4 shi [shan1 he4] /gullies/valleys/ [shan1 nai4] /Thai ginger/lesser galangale (Kaempferia galanga)/cyanide (loanword /same as / [shan1 nai4 jia3] /potassium cyanide KCN/same as / [shan1 zi5] /rock garden/rockery/ [shan1 zhai4] /fortified hill village/mountain stronghold (esp. of bandits)/fig. utside government supervision/evading tax or copyright law/knockoff (goods)/imit ation/parody/ [shan1 zhai4 ji1] /black market product/fake/imitation or counterfeit of bran duct/ [shan1 zhai4 huo4] /black market product/fake/imitation or counterfeit of bra oduct/ [shan1 gang1] /mound/small hill/ [shan1 feng1] /(mountain) peak/ [shan1 xia2] /gorge/canyon/mountain valley/ [Shan1 qi2] /Yamasaki (name)/ [shan1 ya2] /cliff/ [shan1 beng1] /landslide/landslip/ [shan1 yu2 cai4] /wasabi (Eutrema wasabi Maxim), a kind of fern used in Japan king/ [shan1 ling3] /mountain ridge/ [shan1 yue4] /mountain/hill/lofty mountain/ [shan1 luan2] /mountain range/unbroken chain of peaks/ [shan1 luan2 chong2 die2] /overlapping ranges of high mountains (idiom)/ [shan1 dian1] /summit/ [Shan1 xing2] /Yamagata prefecture in north of Japan's main island Honsh [Be / [Shan1 xing2 xian4] /Yamagata prefecture in north of Japan's main island Hons ou1]/ [shan1 ga1 la2] /recess in mountains/ [Shan1 ben3] /Yamamoto (name)/ [Shan1 ben3 Wu3 shi2 liu4] /YAMAMOTO Isoroku (1884-1943), Japanese ad [shan1 cun1] /mountain village/ [Shan1 dong1] /Shandong province (Shantung) in northeast China, abbr. , capi [Shan1 dong1 ban4 dao3] /Shandong Peninsula/ [Shan1 dong1 Da4 xue2] /Shandong University/ [Shan1 dong1 sheng3] /Shandong province (Shantung) in northeast China, abbr. l Ji'nan / [Shan1 dong1 Ke1 ji4 Da4 xue2] /Shandong University of Science an [shan1 an4 zuo4] /Mensa (constellation)/ [shan1 li2] /rowan or mountain-ash (genus Sorbus)/ [Shan1 li2 xian4] /Yamanashi prefecture, Japan/ [shan1 li2 chun2] /sorbitol C6H14O6 (sugar substitute and mild laxative)/

[shan1 jiao1 yu2] /Hynobius formosanus/Taiwan salamander/ [shan1 zha1] /hawthorn tree (rose family, genus Crataegus)/rose hip (hawthorn fru t)/ [shan1 lan3 ke1] /Sapotaceae (botany)/ [shan1 ge1] /folk song/mountain song/ [shan1 mao2 ju3] /beech/ [Shan1 shui3] /Sansui, Japanese company/ [shan1 shui3] /landscape/ [shan1 shui3 hua4] /landscape painting/ [shan1 shui3 shi1] /landscape poetry/ [shan1 he2] /mountains and rivers/the whole country/ [Shan1 he2 zhen4] /Shanhe town in Zhengning county [Zheng4 ning2 g2], Gansu/ [shan1 ni2 qing1 xie4] /a landslide/ [shan1 dong4] /cavern/cave/ [shan1 hong2] /mountain flash flood/mountain torrent/ [Shan1 Hai3 Jing1] /Classic of Mountain and Sea, probably compiled c. 500 BCcontains wide range of geography, mythology, witchcraft, popular customs etc/ [Shan1 hai3 guan1] /Shanhai pass, the Eastern pass of the Great Wall/Shanhaig trict of Qinhuangdao city [Qin2 huang2 dao3 shi4], Hebei/ [Shan1 hai3 guan1 qu1] /Shanhaiguan district of Qinhuangdao city ei/ [shan1 gou1] /valley/gully/mountain region/ [shan1 jian4] /mountain stream/ [shan1 huo3] /wildfire/forest fire/ [shan1 shi1] /mountain lion/ [shan1 zhen1 hai3 wei4] /exotic delicacies/luxury foodstuff from distant [shan1 zhen1 hai3 cuo4] /rarities from the mountain and the sea (idiom); ous spread of food delicacies/ [shan1 rui4] /wattle-necked soft-shelled turtle (Palea steindachneri)/ [shan1 rui4 bie1] /wattle-necked soft-shelled turtle (Palea steindachneri)/ [shan1 meng2 hai3 shi4] /to pledge undying love (idiom); oath of eternal by all the Gods/ [shan1 shen2] /mountain god/ [shan1 qiong2 shui3 jin4] /mountain and river exhausted (idiom); at the e e/nowhere to go/ [shan1 zhu2] /mangosteen/ [shan1 yang2] /goat/ [Shan1 yang2 zuo4] /Capricorn (constellation and sign of the zodiac)/Japanese t of / [shan1 yang2 rong2] /cashmere/ [shan1 qiang1] /Reeves's Muntjac/Muntiacus reevesi (zoology)/ [shan1 hu2 tao2 mu4] /hickory/ [shan1 mai4] /mountain range/CL: [tiao2]/ [shan1 ji3] /mountain ridge/ [shan1 yao1] /halfway up a mountain/lit. waist of mountain/ [shan1 jiao3] /foot of a mountain/ [shan1 yu4] /sweet potato/ [shan1 zhu1 yu2] /Cornus officinalis/sour mountain date/herb associated with ty/ [shan1 cha2] /camellia/ [shan1 cha2 hua1] /camellia/ [shan1 zhuang1] /manor house/villa/(used in hotel names)/ [shan1 mei2] /raspberry/ [shan1 kui2] /horseradish/wasabi/ [shan1 yao5] /Dioscorea opposita/yam/ [shan1 xing2] /mountain hike/ [Shan1 xi1] /Shanxi province (Shansi) in north China between Hebei and Shaanxi, a br. capital Taiyuan / [Shan1 xi1 Da4 xue2] /Shanxi University/

[Shan1 xi1 shou4] /Shansitherium fuguensis (early giraffe)/ [Shan1 xi1 sheng3] /Shanxi province (Shansi) in north China between Hebei and i, abbr. capital Taiyuan / [shan1 gu3] /valley/ [shan1 mao1] /leopard/mountain cat/ [shan1 zei2] /brigand/ [shan1 lu4] /mountain road/ [Shan1 da2 ji1] /Scientology/ [shan1 xiang1] /mountain area/ [shan1 ye3] /mountain and fields/ [shan1 men2] /monastery main gate (Buddhism)/monastery/ [Shan1 yin1] /Shanyin county in Shuozhou [Shuo4 zhou1], Shanxi/ [Shan1 yin1 xian4] /Shanyin county in Shuozhou [Shuo4 zhou1], Shanxi/ [Shan1 yang2] /Shangyang district of Jiaozuo city [Jiao1 zuo4 shi4], Henan/ ounty in Shnglu [Shang1 luo4], Shnx/ [Shan1 yang2 qu1] /Shangyang district of Jiaozuo city [Jiao1 zuo4 shi4] [Shan1 yang2 xian4] /Shanyang county in Shnglu [Shang1 luo4], Shnx/ [shan1 dian4] /mercury/ [shan1 ding3] /hilltop/ [shan1 tou2] /mountain top/ [shan1 tui2 mu4 huai4] /lit. the mountains crumble and the trees lie ruin ge has died (idiom)/ [shan1 ti3] /form of a mountain/ [shan1 gao1 shui3 chang2] /high as the mountain and long as the river (id ble and far-reaching/ [shan1 gao1 shui3 xian3] /lit. the mountains are high and the torrents sw ake an arduous task or journey (idiom)/ [shan1 gao1 hai3 shen1] /high as the mountain and deep as the sea (idiom) te bounty/ [shan1 dou4] /leading light (of a generation etc)/(honorific appellation)/ [shan1 lu4] /foothills/ [li4] /high mountain range/ [yi4] /high and steep/ [yi4 li4] /to tower/to stand straight (of person's bearing)/ [qi3] /mountain without vegetation/the residence of one's mother/see also [hu4]/ [wu4] /bare hill/ [jie2] /mountain peak/ [ji2] /lofty peak/perilous/ [ji2 ji2 ke3 wei1] /imminent danger (idiom); approaching a crisis/ [qian1] /name of a mountain/ [qi2] /divergent/side road/steep/ [Qi2 shan1] /Qishan county in Boj [Bao3 ji1], Shnx/ [Qi2 shan1 xian4] /Qishan county in Boj [Bao3 ji1], Shnx/ [qi2 shi4] /discrimination (against sb)/also written / [qi2 lu4 deng1] /Lamp in the Side Street (c. 1777), novel by Qing dynasty wri Lyuan [Li3 Lu:4 yuan2]/ [Qi2 fu4 xian4] /Gifu prefecture, Japan/ [Cen2] /surname Cen/ [cen2] /small hill/ [Cen2 Peng2] /Cen Peng (died 35 AD), Chinese general/ [Cen2 xi1] /Cenxi county level city in Wuzhou [Wu2 zhou1], Guangxi/ [Cen2 xi1 shi4] /Cenxi county level city in Wuzhou [Wu2 zhou1], Guangxi/ [Cen2 gong3] /Cengong county in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous prefecture ng1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ [Cen2 gong3 xian4] /Cengong county in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous pr e [Qian2 dong1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ [qian2] /character used in place names/ [cha4] /fork in road/bifurcation/branch in road, river, mountain range etc/to br anch off/to turn off/to diverge/to stray (from the path)/to change the subject/t o interrupt/to stagger (times)/

[cha4 kou3] /junction/fork in road/ [cha4 zi5] /branch road/setback/accident/hiccup/ [cha4 liu2] /branch stream/ [cha4 diao4] /to lose one's voice (coll.)/ [cha4 lu4] /fork in the road/ [cha4 dao4] /side road/byway/ [cha4 kai1] /to diverge/to branch off the road/to change (the subject)/ [Zuo4] /name of a mountain in Shandong/ [gang1] /ridge/mound/ [gang1 shang4 ji1] /supraspinatus muscle/ [gang1 xia4 ji1] /infraspinatus muscle/ [Gang1 ren2 bo1 qi2] /Mt Gang Rinpoche in Tibet/also called Mount Kailash [Gang1 ren2 bo1 qi2 feng1] /Mt Gang Rinpoche in Tibet/also called Mou [Gang1 shan1] /Kangshan town in Kaohsiung county [Gao1 xiong2 xian4] Okayama prefecture in southwest of Japan's main island Honsh [Ben3 zhou1]/ [Gang1 shan1 xian4] /Okayama prefecture in southwest of Japan's main island H zhou1]/ [Gang1 shan1 zhen4] /Kangshan town in Kaohsiung county [Gao1 xio wan/ [Gang1 di3 si1 shan1] /Mt Gangdis (6656m) in southwest Tibet, revered by e center of the universe/ [Gang1 di3 si1 shan1 mai4] /Gangdis mountain range in southwest Tibe [Gang1 ben3] /Okamoto (Japanese name)/ [Gang1 bi3 ya4] /Gambia/ [ke3] /see [Ke3 lan2]/ [Ke3 lan2] /Kelan county in Xinzhou [Xin1 zhou1], Shanxi/ [Ke3 lan2 xian4] /Kelan county in Xinzhou [Xin1 zhou1], Shanxi/ [gou3] /name of a hill in Hunan/ [tiao2] /lofty peak/ [qu1] /rocky hill/ [yan2] /cliff/rock/ [yan2 cang1] /Iwakura, Japanese name and place-name/ [Yan2 cang1 shi3 jie2 tuan2] /the Iwakura mission (Japanese diplomati ission to US and Europe of 1871)/ [yan2 tu3 ti3] /gneiss/ [yan2 he4] /rocky mountain valley/ [yan2 xie4] /(rock) debris/scree/ [yan2 ceng2] /rock strata/ [yan2 jing4] /mountain path/ [Yan2 shou3] /Iwate prefecture in north of Japan's main island Honsh [Ben3 z [Yan2 shou3 xian4] /Iwate prefecture in north of Japan's main island Honsh / [yan2 sha1 hai3 kui2 du2 su4] /palytoxin/ [yan2 liu2 quan1] /asthenosphere (geology)/ [yan2 rong2] /karst, kind of porous limestone (geology)/ [yan2 jiang1] /lava/magma/ [yan2 jiang1 yan2] /igneous rock/ [yan2 jiang1 liu2] /lava flow/ [yan2 shi2] /rock/ [yan2 shi2 quan1] /lithosphere (in geology, the rigid crust of the earth)/ [yan2 shi2 xue2] /petrology/lithology/study of rocks/ [yan2 shi2 ceng2] /rock stratum/ [yan2 xue2] /grotto/cave/ [yan2 yang2] /bharal/ [yan2 yan2] /rock salt/ [xiu4] /cave/mountain peak/ [Xiu4 yan2 man3 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Xiuyan Manzu autonomous oning/ [Xiu4 yan2 xian4] /Xiuyan Manzu autonomous county in Anshan [An1 shan1], [jia3] /cape (geography)/headland/

[jia3 jiao3] /cape/headland/promontory/ [Dai4] /Mt Tai in Shandong/same as / [Dai4 zong1] /another name for Mt Tai in Shandong as principal or ancestor o ive Sacred Mountains /Mt Thai as resting place for departed souls/ [Dai4 shan1] /Daishan county in Zhoushan [Zhou1 shan1], Zhejiang/ [Dai4 shan1 xian4] /Daishan county in Zhoushan [Zhou1 shan1], Zhejiang/ [Dai4 yue4 qu1] /Daiyue district of Tai'an city [Tai4 an1 shi4], Shando [Dai4 miao4] /Dai Temple, a temple in Shandong for the god of Mount Tai/ [Yue4] /surname Yue/ [yue4] /wife's parents and paternal uncles/ [yue4 zhang4] /father-in-law (wife's father)/ [yue4 jia1] /wife's parents' home/ [Yue4 pu3 hu2] /Yopurgha nahiyisi (Yopurga county) in Kashgar prefecture , west Xinjiang/ [Yue4 pu3 hu2 xian4] /Yopurgha nahiyisi (Yopurga county) in Kashgar prefe qu1], west Xinjiang/ [yue4 mu3] /wife's mother, mother-in-law/ [Yue4 chi2] /Yuechi county in Guang'an [Guang3 an1], Sichuan/ [Yue4 chi2 xian4] /Yuechi county in Guang'an [Guang3 an1], Sichuan/ [yue4 fu4] /wife's father, father-in-law/ [Yue4 xi1] /Yuexi county in Anqing [An1 qing4], Anhui/ [Yue4 xi1 xian4] /Yuexi county in Anqing [An1 qing4], Anhui/ [Yue4 yang2] /Yueyang prefecture level city in Hunan/ [Yue4 yang2 di4 qu1] /Yueyang prefecture in Hunan/ [Yue4 yang2 shi4] /Yueyang prefecture level city in Hunan/ [Yue4 yang2 lou2] /Yueyang tower, famous beauty spot in Yueyang, north Hunan ng Dongting lake /one of three famous pagodas in China along with Yellow crane towe r in Wuhan, Hubei and Tengwang tower in Nanchang, Jiangxi / [Yue4 yang2 lou2 ji4] /On Yueyang Tower (1045), essay by Song writer Fan [Yue4 Fei1] /Yue Fei (1103-1142), Song dynasty patriot and general/ [Yue4 lu4 shan1] /Mt Yuelu in Changsha , famous for scenery, temples [hu4] /mountain covered with vegetation/the residence of one's father/see also [q i3]/ [min2] /name of a river in Sichuan/ [Min2 jiang1] /Minjiang River (Sichuan)/ [Min2 xian4] /Min county in Dingxi [Ding4 xi1], Gansu/ [an4] /bank/shore/beach/coast/CL: [ge4]/ [an4 shang4] /ashore/ [an4 biao1] /lighthouse/shore beacon/ [an4 ran2] /solemn/serious/ [an4 bian1] /shore/ [mao3] /round yellow dirt mount (in the Northwest of China)/ [Ba1] /Bali Island/, now written /cave/ [ke1] /cave/ [ba1 ba1 niang2 re3] /Nyonya, an ethnic group of Chinese residing in the la (also known as Straits Chinese)/ [Ba1 li2] /Bali Island, Indonesia/ [xun2] /ranges of hills/ [dong4] /cave/cavern/ [tong2] /name of a mountain/ [Dong4 ren2] /variant of [Dong4 ren2]/ [Dong4 ju4] /variant of [Dong4 ju4]/ [dong4 shi4] /underground mine storage room/mine passage/ [yi2] /place name/ [zhi4] /peak/to store/ [wei2] /high and uneven/ [qia3] /mountain pass (Japanese kokuji)/ [e2] /lofty/name of a mountain/ [e2 guan1 bo2 dai4] /official class/intellectual class (idiom)/ [E2 shan1 yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Eshan Yizu autonomous coun

[E2 shan1 xian4] /Eshan Yizu autonomous county in Yuxi [Yu4 xi1], Yunnan/ [E2 mei2 shan1] /Mt Emei in Sichuan, one of the Four Sacred Mountains and Bod of Samantabhadra / [E2 mei2 shan1 shi4] /Emeishan city in Sichuan/ [e2 mei2 quan2] /Emeiquan, E mei quan - "O Mei Ch'uan/ [E2 mei2] /Emei township in Hsinchu county [Xin1 zhu2 xian4], northw [E2 mei2 shan1] /Mt Emei in Sichuan, one of the Four Sacred Mountains and Bod of Samantabhadra /Emeishan city/ [E2 mei2 shan1 shi4] /Emeishan county level city in Leshan [Le4 [E2 mei2 xiang1] /Emei township in Hsinchu county [Xin1 zhu2 xia [E2 bian1 yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Ebian Yizu autonomous coun [E2 bian1 xian4] /Ebian Yizu autonomous county in Leshan [Le4 shan1] [e2] /variant of [e2], lofty/name of a mountain/ [yu4] /valley/ [qiao4] /high and steep/precipitous/severe or stern/ [qiao4 bi4] /cliff/steep/precipice/ [feng1] /variant of , peak/summit/apex/hump of a camel/ [feng1] /(of a mountain) high and tapered peak or summit/mountain-like in appear ance/highest level/classifier for camels/ [feng1 zhi2] /peak value/ [feng1 zhi2 shu1 chu1 gong1 neng2] /peak power output (of an elec [feng1 hui2 lu4 zhuan3] /A mountain road twists and turns (idiom); In a c tuation, you need a twisty approach./ [Feng1 feng1 kuang4] /Fengfengkuang district of Handan city [Han [Feng1 feng1 kuang4 qu1] /Fengfengkuang district of Handan city [feng1 luan2] /high mountain range/ridges and peaks/ [feng1 hui4] /summit meeting/ [feng1 huo3 tai2] /fire beacon towers (historical sites on the Great Wall and jiang)/ [feng1 xian4] /mountain ridge line/ [feng1 ding3] /summit/crest/ [nao2] /name of a mountain/ [xian4] /abbr. for [Xian4 shou3 shan1]/Mt Xianshou in Hubei/steep hill/u names/ [Xian4 gang3] /Da Nang or Danang, Vietnam/ [Xian4 shou3 shan1] /Mt Xianshou in Hubei/ [dao3] /island/CL: [ge4],[zuo4]/ [dao3 guo2] /island nation/ [dao3 yu3] /island/ [dao3 hu2] /island arc (geology)/forearc/ [dao3 gai4 bu4] /pars perculairs/ [tu2] /name of a mountain/ [jun4] /(of mountains) high/harsh or severe/ [jun4 li4] /pitiless/merciless/ [jun4 qiao4] /high and steep/ [jun4 ling3] /lofty mountain range/ [xia2] /gorge/ [Xia2 jiang1] /Xiajiang county in Ji'an , Jiangxi/ [Xia2 jiang1 xian4] /Xiajiang county in Ji'an , Jiangxi/ [xia2 wan1] /a fjord/ [xia2 gu3] /canyon/gill/ravine/ [wu2] /name of a mountain/ [lang4] /place name in hunan province/ [kan4] /see [Chi4 kan3 lou2]/ [Kan3 ding3] /Kanting township in Pingtung county [Ping2 dong1 xian4 [Kan3 ding3 xiang1] /Kanting township in Pingtung county [Ping2 [kong1] /name of a mountain/ [Kong1 tong2] /Kongtong district of Pingliang city [Ping2 liang2 shi [Kong1 tong2 qu1] /Kongtong district of Pingliang city [Ping2 li [Chong2] /surname Chong/

[chong2] /high/sublime/lofty/to esteem/to worship/ [Chong2 ren2] /Chongren county in Fuzhou , Jiangxi/ [Chong2 ren2 xian4] /Chongren county in Fuzhou , Jiangxi/ [Chong2 xin4] /Chongxin county in Pingliang [Ping2 liang2], Gansu/ [Chong2 xin4 xian4] /Chongxin county in Pingliang [Ping2 liang2], Ga [Chong2 an1] /Chong'an (common place name)/Chong'an district of Wuxi city ], Jiangsu/ [Chong2 an1 qu1] /Chong'an district of Wuxi city [Wu2 xi1 shi4], [chong2 shang4] /to hold up (as an model)/to hold in esteem/to revere/to advocate [Chong2 chuan1] /Chongchuan district of Nantong city [Nan2 tong1 shi4], Jia [Chong2 chuan1 qu1] /Chongchuan district of Nantong city [Nan2 tong1 sh [Chong2 zhou1] /Chongzhou county level city in Chengdu [Cheng2 du1], Sichuan/ [chong2 zhou1] /name of town in Sichuan/ [Chong2 zhou1 shi4] /Chongzhou county level city in Chengdu [Cheng2 du1], [Chong2 zuo3] /Chongzuo prefecture level city in Guangxi/ [Chong2 zuo3 shi4] /Chongzuo prefecture level city in Guangxi/ [Chong2 qing4] /variant of , Chongqing city (Chungking), formerly in Sic , a municipality since 1997, abbr. / [chong2 bai4] /to worship/adoration/ [chong2 bai4 yi2 shi4] /worship service/ [chong2 bai4 zhe3] /worshipper/ [chong2 jing4] /to revere/high esteem/ [Chong2 wen2 qu1] /Chongwen district of central Beijing/ [chong2 wen2 men2] /Chongwenmen in Beijing/ [Chong2 ming2] /Chongming island county, Shanghai/ [Chong2 ming2 dao3] /Chongming/ [Chong2 ming2 xian4] /Chongming island county, Shanghai/ [chong2 yang2] /to idolize foreign things/ [chong2 yang2 mei4 wai4] /to revere everything foreign and pander to over idiom); blind worship of foreign goods and ideas/ [Chong2 zhen1] /Chongzhen, reign name of last Ming emperor (1628-1644)/ [Chong2 li3] /Chongli county in Zhangjiakou [Zhang1 jia1 kou3], Hebe [Chong2 li3 xian4] /Chongli county in Zhangjiakou [Zhang1 jia1 k [Chong2 yi4] /Chongyi county in Ganzhou , Jiangxi/ [Chong2 yi4 xian4] /Chongyi county in Ganzhou , Jiangxi/ [Chong2 yang2] /Chongyang county in Xianning [Xian2 ning2], Hubei/ [Chong2 yang2 xian4] /Chongyang county in Xianning [Xian2 ning2], Hu [chong2 gao1] /majestic/sublime/ [hua2] /flowery/illustrious/Chinese/ [ju1] /mountain name/ [lai2] /name of a mountain in Sichuan/ [qi2] /mountainous/ [qi2 qu1] /rugged/ [kun1] /used in place names, notably Kunlun Mountains [Kun1 lun2]/(also used ansliteration)/ [Kun1 ju4] /see [Kun1 qu3]/ [Kun1 shi4 lan2] /Queensland, northeast Australian state/ [Kun1 shan1] /Kunshan county level city in Suzhou [Su1 zhou1], Jiangsu/ [Kun1 shan1 shi4] /Kunshan county level city in Suzhou [Su1 zhou1], [Kun1 lun2] /Kunlun (Karakorum) mountain range in Xinjiang/ [Kun1 lun2 shan1] /Kunlun Mountain range/ [Kun1 lun2 shan1 mai4] /Kunlun Mountain range/ [Kun1 qu3] /Kunqu opera, influential musical theater originating in Kunshan, Jian su province in Yuan times/ [Kun1 qiang1] /see [Kun1 qu3]/ [cui4] /jagged mountain peaks (poetic)/rocky peaks/lofty and dangerous/ [zu2] /rocky peaks/lofty and dangerous/ [Cui1] /surname Cui/ [cui1] /high mountain/precipitous/ [Cui1 Ya4 lin2] /Charles Yah Lin Trie (Arkansas restaurateur)/

[Cui1 Jian4] /Cui Jian (1961-), father of Chinese rock music/ [Cui1 Gui1 xia4] /Choe Gyuha (1919-2006), South Korean politician, president 80/ [Cui1 Wei2] /Cui Wei (1912-1979), actor, dramatist and movie director/ [cui1 wei2] /stony mound/rocky mountain/lofty/towering/ [cui1 wei1] /tall/towering/ [Cui1 Ming2 hui4] /Christine Choy, Chinese-American film director/ [Cui1 Yong3 yuan2] /Cui Yongyuan (1963-), TV presenter/ [Cui1 Ying2] /Choi Yeong (1316-1388), general of Korean Goryeo dynasty/ [Cui1 Hao4] /Cui Hao (-754), Tang dynasty poet and author of poem Yellow Crane To er / [Cui1 Hong2] /Cui Hong, historian at the end of Wei of the Northern Dynasties [ya2] /precipice/cliff/Taiwan pr. [yai2]/ [ya2 ke4] /rock carving/cliff engraving/words carved into cliff face/ [ya2 bi4] /escarpment/precipice/cliff/ [ya2 he4] /valley/gulley/ [ya2 an4] /cliff/steep slope/fig. arrogant and difficult person/ [Ya2 Zhou1] /ancient name for Hainan Island [Hai3 nan2 Dao3]/ [ya2 lu:e4] /outline/essentials/ [ya2 gu3] /valley/ravine/ [ya2 xian4] /cliff barring the way/fig. brick wall/ [gang3] /mound/policeman's beat/ [Gang3 ren2 bo1 qi2] /Mt Gang Rinpoche in Tibet/also written [gang3 wei4] /a post/a job/ [Gang3 ba1] /Gamba county, Tibetan: Gam pa rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet/ [Gang3 ba1 xian4] /Gamba county, Tibetan: Gam pa rdzong, in Shigatse prefectu et/ [gang3 lou4] /watchtower/observation tower/police booth/ [lun2] /Kunlun (Karakorum) mountain range in Xinjiang/ [Lun2 bei4] /Lunbei or Lunpei township in Yunlin county [Yun2 lin2 x [Lun2 bei4 xiang1] /Lunbei or Lunpei township in Yunlin county [ [leng2] /lofty (as of mountain)/ [jue2] /towering as a peak/ [jue2 di4 er2 qi3] /lit. arising suddenly above the level ground (idiom); ence of prominent new feature/ [jue2 li4] /to tower over/rising (to a dominant position)/ [jue2 qi3] /to rise abruptly (to a towering position)/to tower over/to spring up/ o emerge suddenly/the emergence (e.g. of a power)/ [guo1] /name of a mountain/ [yin2] /high/rugged mountains/steep/ [dong1] /place name in Guangxi province/ [zheng1] /excel/lofty/ [zheng1 ying2] /lofty (of mountain)/deep (of valley)/ [yao2] /mountain in Henan/ [yan1] /name of a mountain in Gansu/ [song1] /lofty/name of a mountain in Henan/ [beng1] /to collapse/to fall into ruins/death of king or emperor/demise/ [beng1 dao3] /to collapse/to crash down/to fall down in a heap/ [beng1 tan1] /landslide/collapse (of mountain side)/talus slide/ [beng1 ta1] /talus slide/to crumble (of scree slope)/to collapse/landslide/ [beng1 huai4] /crash/breakdown (of social values etc)/burst/to crumble/to collaps / [beng1 huai4 zuo4 yong4] /mass wasting (geology)/slope movement/ [beng1 cui1] /to collapse/to shatter/ [beng1 cu2] /to die/demise (archaic, of King or Emperor)/ [beng1 hui3] /collapse/ [beng1 jue2] /to burst (of dam)/to be breached/to collapse/ [beng1 lou4] /uterine bleeding/ [beng1 kui4] /to collapse/to crumble/to fall apart/ [beng1 zheng4] /metrorrhagia (vaginal bleeding outside the expected menstrual per

od)/ [beng1 luo4] /talus slide/to crumble (of scree slope)/to collapse/landslide/ [beng1 lie4] /to rupture/to burst open/to break up/ [beng1 xian4] /to fall in/to cave in/ [Beng1 long2 zu2] /the Benglong (Penglung) ethnic group of Yunnan/ [gu4] /steep-sided flat-topped mountain/mesa/(element in mountain names)/ [ze2] /lofty/ [yu2] /county in Shandong province/ [wei1] /high, lofty/precipitous/ [feng1] /name of a legendary hill/ [zai3] /child/young animal/ [e4] /cliff/precipice/ [lu:4] /to rise sharply/to tower/ [Ji1] /surname Ji/name of a mountain/ [sheng4] /name of a district in Zhejiang/ [Sheng4 zhou1] /Shengzhou county level city in Shaoxing [Shao4 xing1], Z [Sheng4 zhou1 shi4] /Shengzhou county level city in Shaoxing [Shao4 [Sheng4 si4] /Shengsi county in Zhoushan [Zhou1 shan1], Zhejiang/ [Sheng4 si4 lie4 dao3] /Shengsi islands, making up Shengsi county in Zhou n1], Zhejiang/ [Sheng4 si4 xian4] /Shengsi county in Zhoushan [Zhou1 shan1], Zhejiang/ [Sheng4 xian4] /Sheng county in Zhejiang/ [mei2] /name of a mountain in Sichuan/ [kan3] /see [Chi4 kan3 lou2]/ [qian4] /to inlay/to embed/ [qian4 ru4] /integration/ [qian4 jin4] /embedded/embedding/ [yu2] /mountain range/ [lan2] /mist/name of a mountain/ [Lan2 shan1] /Lanshan district of Rizhao city [Ri4 zhao4 shi4], Shandong/ [Lan2 shan1 qu1] /Lanshan district of Rizhao city [Ri4 zhao4 shi4], Sha [Lan2 gao1] /Langao county in nkng [An1 kang1], Shnx/ [Lan2 gao1 xian4] /Langao county in nkng [An1 kang1], Shnx/ [Lan2 xian4] /Lan county in Lliang [Lu:3 liang2], Shanxi / [yan2] /cliff/ [yan2] /variant of [yan2]/variant of [yan2]/ [sui4] /variant of , year/years old/ [ke1] /place name/ [yu2] /place name in Shandong/ [Tu2] /Mt Tu in Zhejiang/also written / [Tu2 shan1] /Mt Tu in Zhejiang/also written / [weng3] /of mountainous appearance/ [song1] /lofty/Mt Song in Henan/ [Song1 shan1] /Mt Song in Henan, central of the Five Sacred Mountains / [Song1 ming2] /Songming county in Kunming [Kun1 ming2], Yunnan/ [Song1 ming2 xian4] /Songming county in Kunming [Kun1 ming2], Yunnan/ [Song1 xian4] /Song county in Luoyang , Henan/ [zi1] /name of a mountain in Gansu/ [wei2] /rocky/ [cuo2] /lofty (as of mountain)/ [ji2] /ridge/crest/apex/ [chan3] /winding mountain path/ [cen1] /uneven/not uniform/ [lou3] /mountain peak/ [zhang4] /cliff/range of peaks/ [chan2] /variant of [chan2]/ [zhan3] /variant of [zhan3]/ [chan2] /precipitous/ [zhan3] /high/very/ [zhan3 liang4] /shining/brilliant/

[zhan3 jin4] /very hard-working/assiduous/ [zhan3 xin1] /brand new/ [zhan3 qing2] /clear weather/ [zhan3 ran2] /outstanding/towering/ [zhan3 lu4 tou2 jiao3] /to reveal outstanding talent (idiom); to stand ou ously brilliant/ [zhan3 qi2] /orderly/tidy/ [qu1] /rugged/ [dao3] /variant of , island/used as second component of Japanese names with phon tic value -shima or -jima/ [dao3] /variant of , island/used in Japanese names with reading -shima or -jima/ [ceng2] /lofty/precipitous/ [bo1] /name of a mountain/ [qin1] /loftiness (of mountain)/ [lao2] /name of a mountain in Shandong/ [Lao2 shan1] /Laoshan district of Qingdao city , Shandong/ [Lao2 shan1 qu1] /Laoshan district of Qingdao city , Shandong/ [lin2] /ranges of hills/ [lin2 xun2] /bony (of people)/craggy/rugged (of terrain)/upright (of people)/ [deng4] /path leading up a mountain/ [duo4] /mountain peak/ [jiao4] /highest peak/ [gui4] /precipitous/mountainous/ [jue2] /sacrificial vessel/ [yao2] /high/steep/to tower/ [yi4] /name of hills in Shandong/ [Yi4 cheng2] /Yicheng district of Zaozhuang city [Zao3 zhuang1 shi4] [Yi4 cheng2 qu1] /Yicheng district of Zaozhuang city [Zao3 zhuan [xue2] /big rocky mountain/ [e4] /elevated, lofty/ [xian3] /precipitous/rugged/ [xie4] /mountain valley/ [xi1] /a name of an old town in Sichuan/cuckoo/revolution of a wheel/ [ao4] /plain in the middle of the mountains/used in place names, esp. in [Zhe4 ji ng1] and [Fu2 jian4]/ [yi2] /name of a mountain in Hunan/ [rong2] /lofty/ [ling3] /mountain range/mountain ridge/ [Ling3 nan2] /south of the five ranges/old term for south China, esp. Guandong an Guangxi/ [ling3 ying2] /lofty (of mountain)/deep (of valley)/ [Ling3 dong1] /Lingdong district of Shuangyashan city [Shuang1 ya1 s / [Ling3 dong1 qu1] /Lingdong district of Shuangyashan city [Shuan ng/ [yu3] /islet/ [Yue4] /surname Yue/ [yue4] /high mountain/highest peak of a mountain ridge/ [Yue4 tang2] /Yuetan district of Xiangtan city [Xiang1 tan2 shi4], Hunan/ [Yue4 tang2 qu1] /Yuetan district of Xiangtan city [Xiang1 tan2 shi4], [yue4 de2 er3 ge1] /to yodel/ [Yue4 yang2 lou2 qu1] /Yueyang tower district of Yueyang city [Yue4 yang2 xian4] /Yueyang county in Yueyang [Yue4 yang2], Hunan/ [Yue4 lu4] /Yuelu district of Changsha city [Chang2 sha1 shi4], Huna [Yue4 lu4 qu1] /Yuelu district of Changsha city [Chang2 sha1 shi [Yue4 lu4 shu1 yuan4] /Yuelu Academy in Changsha, Hunan, famous ancient a [sui3] /place name in Sichuan/ [long2] /steep/precipitous (of mountain)/ [hong1] /onomat. crashing sound/same as / [ying2] /see [ling3 ying2] and [zheng1 ying2], lofty (of mountain)/

[xi1] /mountain-gorge/ravine/ [chan2] /cliff/ [kui1] /high and mighty (of mountain)/hilly/ [wei1] /lofty/towering/ [Wei1 shan1 Yi2 zu2 Hui2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Weishan utonomous prefecture [Da4 li3 Bai2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ [Wei1 shan1 xian4] /Weishan Yi and Hui autonomous county in Dali Bai autonomo ecture [Da4 li3 Bai2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ [wei1 e2] /lofty/towering/majestic/ [wei1 ran2] /majestic/towering/imposing/ [luan2] /mountain ranges/ [dian1] /same as [dian1]/summit/mountain peak/mountain top/ [dian1] /summit/ [dian1 feng1] /summit/at its peak, or at its most advanced state/ [yan2] /variant of [yan2]/ [yan2 ceng2] /variant of [yan2 ceng2]/rock strata/ [yan2 chuang2] /bedrock/ [yan2 hua4] /rock painting/picture or writing carved on rocks/ [yan3] /peak of mountain/ [chuan1] /archaic variant of [chuan1]/ [chuan1] /river/creek/plain/an area of level country/abbr. for Sichuan Province n southwest China/ [Chuan1 ju4] /Sichuan opera/ [Chuan1 hui4] /Chuanhui district of Zhoukou city [Zhou1 kou3 shi4], Henan/ [Chuan1 hui4 qu1] /Chuanhui district of Zhoukou city [Zhou1 kou3 shi4], [Chuan1 qi2] /Kawasaki (name)/ [Chuan1 sha1] /Chuansha, name of street and park in Pudong New District u1], Shanghai/ [chuan1 liu2 bu4 xi1] /the stream flows without stopping (idiom); unendin [Chuan1 Dian1 Zang4] /Sichuan, Yunnan and Tibet/ [chuan1 gu3] /Job's tears (Coix lacryma)/erroneously called Chinese pearl barley/ [Chuan1 duan1 Kang1 cheng2] /Kawabata Yasunari, Japanese literature Nobel [chuan1 xiong1] /chuanxiong rhizome/ [Chuan1 cai4] /Sichuan or Szechuan cuisine/ [chuan1 cai4 ting1] /a Sichuan restaurant/ [Chuan1 Zang4] /Sichuan and Tibet/ [Chuan1 xi1] /Western Sichuan/ [chuan1 zi1] /travel expenses/ [Chuan1 zhen4] /Sichuan great earthquake, the magnitude 8 earthquake of May 2008 t Wenchuan , Sichuan, that killed more than 80,000 people/same as [Si4 chuan1 hen4]/ [chuan1 dang3] /Sichuan codonopsis (Codonopsis pilosula, root used in traditional Chinese medicine)/ [chuan1 dang3 shen1] /Sichuan codonopsis (Codonopsis pilosula, root used in t nal Chinese medicine)/ [zhou1] /prefecture/state (e.g. of US)/province (old)/administrative division (o ld)/ [zhou1 jie4] /state border/state line/ [zhou1 li4] /state-run/ [Zhou1 li4 Da4 xue2] /State University (US)/ [zhou1 zhang3] /governor (of a province or colony)/US state governor/ [huang1] /a watery waste/to reach/ [xun2] /to patrol/to make one's rounds/ [xun2 hui2] /to tour/ [xun2 hui2 fa3 ting2] /court of assizes/circuit court/ [xun2 hui2 yan3 chu1] /theatrical tour/series of performance by a visitin show/ [xun2 yi4] /cruise/patrol by a ship/ [xun2 fu3] /inspector-general of province in Ming and Qing times/ [xun2 cha2] /to patrol/

[xun2 yang2 jian4] /cruiser (warship)/battle cruiser/ [xun2 ce4 yi2] /survey meter/ [xun2 hang2] /to cruise/ [xun2 hang2 dao3 dan4] /cruise missile/ [xun2 shi4] /go on an inspection tour/ [xun2 jing3] /police officer/ [xun2 hui2] /to go around/to roam/ [xun2 hui2 fen1 xi1 duan1 kou3] /Roving Analysis Port/RAP/ [xun2 you2] /to cruise/to patrol/ [xun2 luo2] /to patrol (police, army or navy)/ [xun2 luo2 chuan2] /patrol vessel/cutter/ [xun2 luo2 ting3] /patrol boat/ [xun2 luo2 che1] /patrol car/ [xun2 luo2 dui4] /(army, police) patrol/ [Chao2] /surname Chao/ [chao2] /nest/ [Chao2 hu2] /Chaohu prefecture level city in Anhui/Chaohu lake/ [Chao2 hu2 di4 qu1] /Chaohu prefecture, Anhui/ [Chao2 hu2 shi4] /Chaohu prefecture level city in Anhui/ [chao2 xue2] /lair/nest/den/hideout/ [chao2] /Japanese variant of / [gong1] /work/worker/skill/profession/trade/craft/labor/ [gong1 shi4] /defensive structure/fortification/structure used to protect troops/ [gong1 ren2] /worker/CL: [ge4],[ming2]/ [Gong1 ren2 ri4 bao4] /Workers' Daily, [gong1 ren2 jie1 ji2] /working class/ [gong1 ren2 dang3] /Workers' Party (Singapore opposition party)/ [gong1 zuo4] /job/work/construction/task/CL: [ge4],[fen4], [xiang4]/ [gong1 zuo4 ren2 yuan2] /staff member/ [gong1 zuo4 dan1 wei4] /work unit/ [gong1 zuo4 bao4 gao4] /working report/operating report/ [gong1 zuo4 wei3 yuan2 hui4] /working committee/ [gong1 zuo4 shi4] /studio/workshop/ [gong1 zuo4 ri4] /workday/working day/weekday/ [gong1 zuo4 shi2 jian1] /working hours/ [gong1 zuo4 fu2] /work clothes/ [gong1 zuo4 tai2] /workbench/work station/ [gong1 zuo4 liu2] /workflow/ [gong1 zuo4 liu2 cheng2] /workflow/ [gong1 zuo4 kuang2] /workaholic/ [gong1 zuo4 zhan4] /(computer) workstation/ [gong1 zuo4 zu3] /a work team/a working group/a task force/ [gong1 zuo4 zhe3] /worker/ [gong1 zuo4 biao3] /worksheet/ [gong1 zuo4 ji4 yi4] /working memory/ [gong1 zuo4 guo4 du4] /overwork/ [gong1 zuo4 liang4] /workload/volume of work/ [gong1 zuo4 dui4] /a working group/a task force/ [gong1 zuo4 mian4] /workface/a working surface/ [Gong1 xin4 bu4] /Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (abbr)/ [gong1 shang1] /industrial injury/ [gong1 shang1 jia4] /injury leave/ [gong1 bing1] /military engineer/ [gong1 ju4] /tool/instrument/utensil/means (to achieve a goal etc)/ [gong1 ju4 shu1] /reference book (such as dictionary, almanac, gazetteer etc) [gong1 ju4 tiao2] /toolbar (in computer software)/ [gong1 ju4 ji1] /machine tool/ [gong1 ju4 lan2] /toolbar (in computer software)/ [gong1 ju4 xiang1] /toolbox/ [gong1 jiang4] /artisan/smith/

[gong1 you3] /workmate/ [gong1 shang1] /industry and commerce/ [gong1 shang1 ye4] /business/ [gong1 shang1 jie4] /industry/the world of business/ [gong1 shang1 guan3 li3 shuo4 shi4] /Master of Business Administr [Gong1 Shang1 Yin2 hang2] /Industrial and Commercial Bank of China/ [gong1 di4] /construction site/ [gong1 fu1] /casual labor/ [gong1 fu5] /time/spare time/skill/labor/effort/ [gong1 fu5 cha2] /very concentrated type of tea consumed in Chaozhou, Fujian wan/variant of / [gong1 wei3] /working committee/ [gong1 xue2] /engineering/industrial science/ [gong1 xue2 yuan4] /school of engineering/college of engineering/ [gong1 che3 pu3] /traditional Chinese musical notation using Chinese characte epresent musical notes/ [Gong1 bu4 jiang1 da2] /Gongbo'gyamda county, Tibetan: Kong po rgya mda' ingchi prefecture [Lin2 zhi1 di4 qu1], Tibet/ [Gong1 bu4 jiang1 da2 xian4] /Gongbo'gyamda county, Tibetan: Kong po n Nyingchi prefecture [Lin2 zhi1 di4 qu1], Tibet/ [gong1 xu4] /working procedure/process/ [gong1 chang3] /factory/CL:[jia1],[zuo4]/ [gong1 zheng3] /fine work/carefully and neatly done/ [gong1 shi2] /man-hour/ [gong1 hui4] /labor union/trade union/CL: [ge4]/ [gong1 qi1] /time allocated for a project/completion date/ [gong1 xiao4] /technical school/abbr. for [gong1 ye4 xue2 xiao4] [gong1 ye4] /industry/ [gong1 ye4 qi1 guo2 ji2 tuan2] /G7, the group of 7 industrialized itain, Germany, France, Italy and Canada (now G8, including Russia)/ [gong1 ye4 hua4] /to industrialize/industrialization/ [gong1 ye4 hua4 guo2 jia1] /industrialized country/ [gong1 ye4 qu1] /industrial zone/ [gong1 ye4 pin3] /manufactured goods/ [gong1 ye4 guo2] /industrialized countries/ [gong1 ye4 yuan2 qu1] /industrial park/ [gong1 ye4 da4 xue2] /technical university/engineering college/ [gong1 ye4 xue2 xiao4] /technical or industrialschool/CL: [ge4],[s [gong1 ye4 xian4 dai4 hua4] /modernization of industry, one of Deng X rnizations/ [gong1 ye4 de5 ju4 tou2] /industry mogul/ [gong1 ye4 she4 ji4] /industrial design/ [gong1 ye4 ge2 ming4] /Industrial Revolution, c. 1750-1830/ [gong1 yu4 shan4 qi2 shi4 , bi4 xian1 li4 qi2 s (idiom). Good tools are prerequisite to the successful execution of a job/ [gong1 kuang4] /industry and mining/ [gong1 kuang4 yong4 di4] /industrial and mining area/ [gong1 ke1] /engineering as an academic subject/ [gong1 cheng2] /engineering/an engineering project/project/undertaking/CL: [g ng4]/ [gong1 cheng2 tu2] /engineering graphics/technical drawing/ [gong1 cheng2 tu2 xue2] /engineering graphics/technical drawing/ [gong1 cheng2 xue2] /engineering/ [gong1 cheng2 shi1] /engineer/CL: [ge4],[wei4],[ming2]/ [gong1 xin1 jie1 ceng2] /salaried class/ [gong1 yi4] /arts and crafts/industrial arts/ [gong1 yi4 pin3] /handicraft article/handiwork/CL: [ge4]/ [gong1 yi4 mei3 shu4] /applied art/ [gong1 feng1] /worker bee/ [gong1 hang2] /ICBC (Industrial and Commercial Bank of China)/abbr. for

[gong1 zhuang1 ku4] /overalls (clothing)/ [gong1 du2 xue2 xiao4] /the reformatory/reform school/ [gong1 zi1] /wages/pay/CL: [ge4],[fen4],[yue4]/ [Gong1 nong2] /Gongnong district of Hegang city [He4 gang3], Heilongjian [gong1 nong2] /workers and peasants/ [gong1 nong2 bing1] /workers, peasants, and soldiers/the proletariat/ [Gong1 nong2 qu1] /Gongnong district of Hegang city [He4 gang3], Hei [gong1 nong2 ye4] /industry and agriculture/ [Gong1 Bu4] /Ministry of Transport & Irrigation in Imperial China/ [gong1 qian2] /salary/wages/ [gong1 tou2] /foreman/ [gong1 dang3] /worker's party/labor party/ [gong1 ling2] /length of service/seniority/ [Zuo3] /surname Zuo/ [zuo3] /left/the Left (politics)/east/unorthodox/queer/wrong/differing/opposite/ variant of [zuo3]/ [zuo3 shang4] /upper left/ [zuo3 xia4] /lower left/ [zuo3 bu5 guo4] /anyhow/in any event/just/only/ [Zuo3 Qiu1 ming2] /Zuo Qiuming or Zuoqiu Ming (556-451), famous blind histori Lu to whom the history Zuo Zhuan is attributed/ [zuo3 ce4] /left side/ [Zuo3 zhuan4] /Zuozhuan or Tsochuan, Mr Zuo's annals or Mr Zuo's commentary on ly history c. 400 BC attributed to famous blind historian Zuo Qiuming / [zuo3 qing1] /left-leaning/progressive/ [zuo3 qing1 ji1 hui4 zhu3 yi4] /leftist opportunism (blamed for f ists from 1927)/left adventurism/cf Mao's purges following 1935 Zunyi conference [Zun1 yi4 hui4 yi4]/ [zuo3 quan4] /a sure thing/a certainty/copy of a contract held by a creditor/ [zuo3 quan4 zai4 wo4] /to be assured of success (idiom)/ [zuo3 qian2 wei4] /left forward (soccer position)/ [zuo3 you4] /left and right/approximately/attendant/to control/to influence/ [zuo3 you4 liang3 nan2] /dilemma/quandary/Scylla and Charybdis/between th he deep blue sea (idiom)/ [zuo3 you4 gou1 quan2] /left hook and right hook (boxing)/the old one-two [zuo3 you4 shou3] /left and right hands/fig. collaboration/ [zuo3 you4 tan3] /to take sides with/to be partial to/to be biased/to favor o / [zuo3 you4 feng2 yuan2] /lit. to strike water right and left (idiom)/fig. ything into gold/to have everything going one's way/to benefit from both sides/ [zuo3 zi4 tou2] /"top of character" component in Chinese characters/ [Zuo3 an4] /Left Bank (in Paris)/ [Zuo3 Si1] /Zuo Si (3rd century), Jin dynasty writer and poet/ [zuo3 si1 you4 xiang3] /to turn over in one's mind (idiom); to think thro erent angles/to ponder/ [zuo3 shou3] /left hand/left-hand side/ [Zuo3 la1] /Zola (name)/mile Zola (1840-1902), French naturalist novelist/ [zuo3 pie3 zi5] /left-handed/ [zuo3 zhi1 you4 chu4] /to be in straitened circumstances/ [Zuo3 quan2] /Zuoquan county in Jinzhong [Jin4 zhong1], Shanxi/ [Zuo3 quan2 xian4] /Zuoquan county in Jinzhong [Jin4 zhong1], Shanxi [Zuo3 shi4 chun1 qiu1] /Mr Zuo's Spring and Autumn Annals, attributed to historian Zuo Qiuming /usually called Zuo Zhuan / [zuo3 pai4] /(political) left/left wing/leftist/ [Zuo3 ying2] /Zuoying or Tsoying district of Kaohsiung city [Gao1 xiong2 sh Taiwan/ [Zuo3 ying2 qu1] /Zuoying or Tsoying district of Kaohsiung city [Gao1 x th Taiwan/ [zuo3 jian4 tou2] /left-pointing arrow/ [zuo3 jian4 tou2 jian4] /left arrow key (on keyboard)/

[zuo3 yi4] /left-wing (political)/ [zuo3 zhi4 you4] /left-to-right/ [zuo3 duo4] /left rudder/ [zuo3 xian2] /port (side of a ship)/ [zuo3 tan3] /to take sides with/to be partial to/to be biased/to favor one side/ [Zuo3 gong4] /Zogang county, Tibetan: Mdzo sgang rdzong, in Chamdo prefecture di4 qu1], Tibet/ [Zuo3 gong4 xian4] /Zogang county, Tibetan: Mdzo sgang rdzong, in Chamdo pref du1 di4 qu1], Tibet/ [zuo3 lun2 shou3 qiang1] /revolver/ [zuo3 zhuan3] /to turn left/ [zuo3 jin4] /near by/ [zuo3 dao4 huo4 zhong4] /to delude the masses with heretical doctrines (i [zuo3 bian5] /left/the left side/to the left of/ [zuo3 bian5 r5] /erhua variant of [zuo3 bian5]/ [zuo3 lin2 you4 she4] /neighbors/next-door neighbors/related work units/c ng related work/ [zuo3 lin2 you4 li3] /see [zuo3 lin2 you4 she4]/ [Zuo3 zhen4] /Tsochen township in Tainan county [Tai2 nan2 xian4], T [Zuo3 zhen4 xiang1] /Tsochen township in Tainan county [Tai2 nan [Zuo3 yun2] /Zuoyun county in Datong [Da4 tong2], Shanxi/ [Zuo3 yun2 xian4] /Zuoyun county in Datong [Da4 tong2], Shanxi/ [zuo3 mian4] /left side/ [zuo3 gu4 you4 pan4] /glancing to left and right (idiom); to look all aro [qiao3] /opportunely/coincidentally/as it happens/skillful/timely/ [qiao3 ke4 li4] /chocolate (loanword)/CL: [kuai4]/ [qiao3 ke4 li4 cui4 pian4] /chocolate chip/ [qiao3 jiang4] /skilled workman/ [qiao3 he2] /coincidence/coincidental/to coincide/ [qiao3 miao4] /ingenious/clever/ingenuity/artifice/ [qiao3 fu4] /clever wife/ingenious housewife/ [qiao3 fu4 nan2 wei2 wu2 mi3 zhi1 chui1] /The cleverest h iom). You won't get anywhere without equipment./ [Qiao3 jia1] /Qiaojia county in Zhaotong [Zhao1 tong1], Yunnan/ [Qiao3 jia1 xian4] /Qiaojia county in Zhaotong [Zhao1 tong1], Yunnan/ [qiao3 gan4] /to work resourcefully/to apply intelligence/ [qiao3 shou3] /skillful hands/dexterous/a dab hand/ [qiao3 li4 ming2 mu4] /to fabricate excuses (idiom)/to concoct various it pad an expense account)/ [qiao3 ji4] /maneuver/scheme/ [qiao3 bian4] /to argue skillfully or plausibly/rhetoric/ [ju4] /very large/huge/tremendous/gigantic/ [ju4 ren2] /giant/ [ju4 jiang4] /master craftsman/ [ju4 shi4 xi4 bao1] /macrophage/ [ju4 xing2] /giant/enormous/ [ju4 da4] /huge/immense/very large/tremendous/gigantic/enormous/ [ju4 da4 ya1 li4] /enormous pressure/tremendous pressure/ [ju4 da4 ying3 xiang3] /huge influence/ [ju4 fu4] /enormous sum/millionaire/very rich/ [ju4 fu2] /extremely large (of paintings, photographs etc)/ [ju4 bo4] /thumb/authority (knowledgeable person)/ [ju4 xing1] /giant star/superstar/ [ju4 kuan3] /huge sum of money/CL: [bi3]/ [ju4 liu2] /strong current/CL:[gu3]/ [Ju4 wu2 ba4] /Big Mac (McDonald's hamburger)/ [Ju4 wu2 ba4 han4 bao3 bao1 Zhi3 shu4] /Big Mac Index, a y (PPP) between currencies/ [ju4 jue2 zuo4] /Crater (constellation)/ [ju4 shou4] /large animals/

[ju4 shi2] /giant stone/ [ju4 shi2 zhu4 qun2] /Stonehenge/ [ju4 shi2 zhen4] /giant stone arrangement/Stonehenge/ [ju4 xi4] /big and small/ [ju4 xi4 bao1 bing4 du2] /cytomegalovirus (CMV)/ [ju4 xi4 bao1 bing4 du2 shi4 wang3 mo2 yan2] /Cytomeg that can lead to blindness/CMV retinitis/ [ju4 zhu4] /monumental (literary) work/ [ju4 she2 wei3] /serpens cauda/ [ju4 she2 zuo4] /Serpens (constellation)/ [ju4 dan4] /oval-shaped stadium/dome/arena/ [ju4 xi1] /monitor lizards (family Varanidae)/ [ju4 mang3] /python/ [Ju4 xie4] /Cancer (star sign)/ [Ju4 xie4 zuo4] /Cancer (constellation and sign of the zodiac)/ [ju4 du4] /public enemy number one/ [ju4 bian4] /great changes/ [ju4 zi1] /huge investment/vast sum/ [ju4 lun2] /large ship/large wheel/ [Ju4 ye3] /Juye county in Heze [He2 ze2], Shandong/ [Ju4 ye3 xian4] /Juye county in Heze [He2 ze2], Shandong/ [ju4 ji2] /(computer science) macro (primarily Hong Kong and Taiwan)/ [ju4 xiang3] /loud sound/ [ju4 tou2] /tycoon/magnate/big player (including company, country, school etc)/bi shot/ [ju4 e2] /large sum (of money)/a huge amount/ [Ju4 lu4] /Julu county in Xingtai [Xing2 tai2], Hebei/ [Ju4 lu4 xian4] /Julu county in Xingtai [Xing2 tai2], Hebei/ [Wu1] /surname Wu/also pr. [Wu2]/ [wu1] /witch/wizard/shaman/also pr. [wu2]/ [wu1 po2] /witch/sorceress/female shaman/ [Wu1 shan1] /Wushan county in Wanzhou suburbs of north Chongqing municipality, fo merly in Sichuan/ [wu1 shan1] /Mt Wu on the Changjiang River (Yangtze) by the Three Gorges/ [Wu1 shan1 xian4] /Wushan county in Wanzhou suburbs of north Chongqing munici formerly in Sichuan/ [Wu1 xia2] /Wuxia gorge on the Changjiang or Yangtze, the middle of the Three gor es [san1 xia2]/ [wu1 shi1] /wizard/magician/ [Wu1 xi1] /Wushi county in Wanzhou suburbs of north Chongqing municipality, forme ly in Sichuan/ [Wu1 xi1 xian4] /Wushi county in Wanzhou suburbs of north Chongqing municipal rmerly in Sichuan/ [wu1 gu3] /witchcraft/ [wu1 gu3 zhi1 huo4] /91 BC attempted coup d'etat against Emperor Wu of Ha accusations of witchcraft/ [wu1 shu4] /witchcraft/ [wu1 xi2] /shaman/wizard/witch/ [wu1 yi1] /witch doctor/medicine man/shaman/ [cha1] /difference/discrepancy/to differ/error/to err/to make a mistake/ [cha4] /to differ from/to fall short of/lacking/wrong/inferior/ [chai1] /to send/to commission/messenger/mission/ [ci1] /uneven/ [cha4 yi1 dian3] /not quite/not good enough/almost/barely/a bit different/jus to/nearly starting/on the verge of/see also [cha4 dian3]/ [cha4 yi1 dian3 r5] /erhua variant of [cha4 yi1 dian3]/ [cha4 bu5 duo1] /almost/nearly/more or less/about the same/good enough/not ba [cha4 bu5 duo1 de5] /the great majority/ [cha4 bu4 li2] /a little inferior/not good enough/ [cha4 bu4 li2 r5] /erhua variant of , a little inferior/not

[cha1 zhi1 hao2 li2 , shi1 zhi1 qian1 li3] /the sligh )/a miss is as good as a mile/ [cha1 zhi1 hao2 li2 , miu4 yi3 qian1 li3] /the slight )/a miss is as good as a mile/ [cha4 shi4] /poor/not up to standard/ [chai1 shi5] /errand/assignment/job/commission/CL:[jian4]/see also [chai1 s [chai1 shi3] /to send/to assign/to appoint/servants of an official/official messe ger/ [chai1 shi5] /official post/billet/commission/CL:[jian4]/see also [chai1 sh [cha1 jia4] /difference in price/ [cha1 fen1] /difference/increment/ [cha1 fen1 fang1 cheng2] /difference equation (math.)/ [cha1 bie2] /difference/distinction/diversity/disparity/ [cha4 jin4] /bad/no good/below average/disappointing/ [cha1 dong4 chi3 lun2] /differential gear/ [cha1 shang1] /the quotient of differences (slope of a line in coordinate geometr )/ [cha1 shi1] /mistake/slip-up/ [cha1 qiang2 ren2 yi4] /(idiom) just passable/barely satisfactory/ [cha1 yi4] /forced labor of feudal tenant (corve)/bailiff of feudal yamen/ [cha4 de2 duo1] /fall short by a large amount/ [cha1 shu4] /difference (the result of subtraction)/ [chai1 lu:3 fei4] /business travel expenses/ [chai1 pai4] /to dispatch/ [cha4 sheng1] /weak student/ [cha1 yi4] /difference/discrepancy/ [cha1 yi4 xing4] /difference/ [cha1 e2] /error/mistake/ [cha4 ping2] /poor evaluation/adverse criticism/ [cha1 wu4] /mistake/ [cha4 miu4] /error/ [cha1 ju4] /disparity/gap/ [cha1 su4 qi4] /differential (gear)/ [cha4 yuan3] /inferior/not up to par/to fall far short/to be mistaken/ [chai1 qian3] /to send (on errand)/ [cha1 cuo4] /mistake/slip-up/fault/error (in data transmission)/accident/mishap/ [cha1 e2] /balance (financial)/discrepancy (in a sum or quota)/difference/ [cha1 e2 xuan3 ju3] /competitive election (i.e. with more than one candid [cha4 dian3] /not quite/not good enough/almost/barely/a bit different/just about o/nearly starting/on the verge of/ [cha4 dian3 r5] /erhua variant of , not quite/not good enough/almost rent/just about to/nearly starting/on the verge of/ [qiu2] /hydrosulfuryl/ [ji3] /self/oneself/sixth of 10 heavenly stems /sixth in order/letter "F" or ro "VI" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc/hexa/ [ji3 chou3] /twenty sixth year F2 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 2009 or 2069/ [ji3 hai4] /thirty sixth year F12 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1959 or 2019/ [ji3 mao3] /sixteenth year F4 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1999 or 2059/ [ji3 xing2 gan1 yan2] /hepatitis F/ [ji3 si4] /sixth year F6 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1989 or 2049/ [ji3 suo3 bu4 yu4 , wu4 shi1 yu2 ren2] /What you don' iom, from the Confucian analects)/Do as you would be done by./Do not do to other s what you would not have them do to you./ [ji3 wei4] /fifty sixth year F8 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1979 or 2039/ [ji3 tang2] /hexose (CH2O)6, monosaccharide with six carbon atoms, such as glucos [pu2 tao5 tang2]/ [ji3 jian4] /one's own viewpoint/ [ji3 you3] /forty sixth year F10 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1969 or 2029/ [yi3] /already/to stop/then/afterwards/ [yi3 jiu3] /already a long time ago/

[yi3 zuo4 chu1 bao3] /to do sth under oath (idiom)/ [yi3 zuo4 gu4 ren2] /lit. to have already written a testament for an old friend has passed on (idiom)/ [yi3 hun1] /married/ [yi3 wang3] /the past/ [yi3 cheng2 xing2] /pre-formed/ [yi3 gu4] /the late/deceased/ [yi3 mie4] /extinct/ [yi3 ran2] /to be already so/ [yi3 zhi1] /known (to science)/ [yi3 jing1] /already/ [yi3 jian4 fen1 xiao3] /the result becomes apparent/(after) the dust has [si4] /6th earthly branch: 9-11 a.m., 4th solar month (5th May-5th June), year o f the Snake/ [si4 shi2] /9-11 am/ [si4 she2] /Year 6, year of the Snake (e.g. 2001)/ [Ba1] /Ba state during Zhou dynasty (in east of modern Sichuan)/abbr. for east S ichuan or Chongqing/surname Ba/abbr. for Palestine or Palestinian/abbr. for Paki stan/ [ba1] /to long for/to wish/to cling to/to stick to/sth that sticks/close to/next to/spread open/informal abbr. for bus /bar (unit of pressure)/nominalizing suffix on certain nouns, such as , tail/ [ba1 san1 lan3 si4] /to talk about this and that (idiom); to ramble incoh [ba1 bu4 de2] /to be eager for/to long for/to look forward to/ [ba1 bu4 neng2 gou4] /avid/eager for/longing for/to look forward to/ [Ba1 zhong1] /Bazhong prefecture level city in Panzhihua [Pan1 zhi1 hua1], uan/ [Ba1 zhong1 di4 qu1] /Bazhong prefecture in Panzhihua , south Sichu [Ba1 zhong1 shi4] /Bazhong prefecture level city in Panzhihua [Pan1 zhi ichuan/ [Ba1 Yi3] /Palestinian-Israeli (relations)/ [Ba1 yi1 lan2 Da4 xue2] /Bar-Ilan University, in Israel/ [Ba1 fa2 li4 ya4] /Bavaria/ [Ba1 lun2 zhi1 Hai3] /Barents Sea/ [Ba1 lun2 xi1 ya4] /Valencia, Spain/ [ba1 ke4 xia4 zhu1] /Berkshire pig/Berkshire swine/ [Ba1 ke4 ke1 si1] /Bacchus, Roman God of wine/ [Ba1 ke4 lai2] /Barclay or Berkeley (name)/ [Ba1 ke4 lai2 yin2 hang2] /Barclays bank/ [ba1 er2 gou3] /pekingese (a breed of dog)/sycophant/lackey/ [Ba1 bie2 ta3] /Tower of Babel, in Genesis 11:5-foll./ [Ba1 li4] /Pali, language of Theravad Pali canon/Barry (name)/Gareth Barry (1981, English footballer/ [Ba1 li4 wen2] /Pali, language of Theravad Pali canon/ [ba1 qian2 suan4 hou4] /thinking and pondering (idiom); to turn sth over /to consider repeatedly/ [Ba1 li4] /Baal/ [Ba1 le4 si1 tan3] /Palestine/ [Ba1 le4 si1 tan3 Min2 zu2 Quan2 li4 Ji1 gou4] /P [Ba1 le4 si1 tan3 Jie3 fang4 Zu3 zhi1] /Palestine Liberat [Ba1 le4 mo4] /Palermo, Italy/ [Ba1 nan2] /Banan district of central Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan [Ba1 nan2 qu1] /Banan district of central Chongqing municipality, formerly in n/ [Ba1 li2] /Bali (island in Indonesia)/ [Ba1 li2 dao3] /Bali (island in Indonesia)/ [Ba1 ha1 yi1] /Baha'i (religion)/ [Ba1 ha1 ma3] /the Bahamas/ [ba1 ji5] /variant of [ba1 ji5]/ [ba1 ji5 ba1 ji5] /variant of [ba1 ji5 ba1 ji5]/

[Ba1 tan3 qun2 dao3] /Batan Islands in Bashi Channel between Taiwan and t s/ [Ba1 ji1 si1 tan3] /Pakistan/ [Ba1 tang2] /Batang county (Tibetan: 'ba' thang rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomo s prefecture [Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Sichuan (formerly in Kham p Tibet)/ [Ba1 tang2 xian4] /Batang county (Tibetan: 'ba' thang rdzong) in Garze Tibeta omous prefecture [Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Sichuan (formerly in Kh e of Tibet)/ [Ba1 sai1 er3] /Basel, Switzerland/ [Ba1 sai4 luo2 na4] /Barcelona/ [ba1 shi4] /bus/motor coach/ [ba1 shi4 di3] /the Bastille (Paris)/ [Ba1 shi4 la1] /Basra (city in Iraq)/ [Ba1 shi4 hai3 xia2] /Bashi Channel between south Taiwan and Luzon Island hilippines/ [ba1 shi4 zhan4] /bus stop/ [Ba1 zai3 zu2] /Pazeh, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan/ [Ba1 ni2 ya4 Lu2 ka3] /Banja Luka (city in Bosnia)/ [Ba1 shan1] /Mt Ba in eastern Sichuan/ [Ba1 shan1 ye4 yu3] /rain on Mt Ba (idiom); lonely in a strange land/Even 0 movie about the Cultural revolution/ [Ba1 shan1 Shu3 shui3] /mountains and rivers of Sichuan (idiom)/ [ba1 shan1 yue4 ling3] /to climb hills and pass over mountains (idiom); t ain after mountain/good at climbing mountains/ [Ba1 zhou1] /East Sichuan and Chongqing/also abbr. for Bayin'guoleng Mongol auton mous prefecture of Xinjiang/abbr. for [Ba1 yin1 guo1 leng4 Meng3 gu3 zi4 [Ba1 ba1 duo1 si1] /Barbados/ [ba1 ba1 jie1 jie1] /to manage with difficulty/only just getting by/in a ition/ [Ba1 bu4 Di2 lun2] /Bob Dylan, American folk singer (1941-)/ [Ba1 bu4 ya4 Xin1 Ji3 nei4 ya4] /Papua New Guinea/ [Ba1 bu4 ya4 Niu3 Ji1 nei4 ya4] /Papua New Guinea (esp. Taiwa [Ba1 bu4 yan2 qun2 dao3] /Babuyan Archipelago in Luzon Strait north o [Ba1 bu4 la1 zu2] /Papora or Papura, one of the indigenous peoples of Tai [Ba1 bu4 er3] /Zaheeruddin Babur (1483-1530), first ruler of Mughal dynasty o / [Ba1 xi1 er3] /Bashir (name)/Omar Hasan Ahmad al-Bashir (1944-), Sudanese mil an and politician, President of Sudan from 1989/ [Ba1 ku4] /Baku, capital of Azerbaijan/ [Ba1 yan4] /Bayan county in Harbin [Ha1 er3 bin1], Heilongjiang/ [Ba1 yan4 hao4 te4] /Bayan Hot, capital of Alxa league [A1 la1 sh a/ [Ba1 yan4 hao4 te4 shi4] /Bayan Hot, capital of Alxa league [ olia/also written [Ba1 yan4 hao4 te4 zhen4]/ [Ba1 yan4 hao4 te4 zhen4] /Bayan Hot, capital of Alxa league golia/ [Ba1 yan4 nao4 er3] /Bayan Nur prefecture level city in Inner Mongolia/ [Ba1 yan4 nao4 er3 shi4] /Bayan Nur prefecture level city in Inner Mo [Ba1 yan4 xian4] /Bayan county in Harbin [Ha1 er3 bin1], Heilong [Ba1 de2 er3] /Baldr or Baldur, god in Norse mythology/Andreas Baader (1943-1 eader of Red Army Faction, a.k.a. the Baader-Meinhof group/ [ba1 ji3] /morinda root (Morinda officinalis), plant used in Chinese medicine/ [Ba1 la1 ke4] /Barack, Barak, Ballack (name)/ [Ba1 la1 gui1] /Paraguay/ [Ba1 la1 ji1 lie4 fu1] /M.A. Balakirev, Russian composer/ [Ba1 la1 ba1 si1] /Barabbas (in the Biblical passion story)/ [ba1 la1 di2] /Mohamed El Baradei (born 1942) Director of International Atomi y Agency and Nobel laureate/ [ba1 na2 fen1] /paraffin/variant of [shi2 la4]/

[Ba1 na2 ma3] /Panama/ [Ba1 na2 ma3 Cheng2] /Panama City/ [Ba1 na2 ma3 Yun4 he2] /Panama Canal/ [ba1 zhang3] /palm/hand/ [Ba1 kong4 Ke4 shi2 mi3 er3] /Pakistan administered Kashmir/ [Ba1 si1] /Bath city in southwest England/ [Ba1 si1 ke4] /Basque/the Basque Country/ [ba1 si1 ke4 yu3] /Basque (language)/ [Ba1 si1 de2] /Louis Pasteur (1822-1895), French chemist and microbiologist/ [Ba1 si1 te4 er3] /Basseterre, capital of Saint Kitts and Nevis/ [ba1 si1 di4 ya4] /Bastia (French town on Corsica island)/ [Ba1 xin1] /abbr. for Papua New Guinea [Ba1 bu4 ya4 [ba1 dan4 xing4] /almond/ [ba1 wang4] /to look forward to/ [Ba1 dong1] /Badong county in Enshi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Hubei/ [Ba1 dong1 xian4] /Badong county in Enshi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefectur ia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Hubei/ [ba1 song1 guan3] /bassoon/also written or / [Ba1 lin2] /Bahrain/ [Ba1 lin2 you4] /Bairin Right banner or Baarin Baruun khoshuu in Chifeng Inner Mongolia/ [Ba1 lin2 you4 qi2] /Bairin Right banner or Baarin Baruun khoshuu in Chif ], Inner Mongolia/ [Ba1 lin2 zuo3] /Bairin Left banner of Baarin Zn khoshuu in Chifeng [Ch Mongolia/ [Ba1 lin2 zuo3 qi2] /Bairin Left banner of Baarin Zn khoshuu in Chifeng r Mongolia/ [Ba1 ku1 ning2 zhu3 yi4] /Bakuninism, a 19th century socialist theory [Ba1 ge2 lan2] /Baghlan province of north Afghanistan/ [Ba1 ge2 lan2 sheng3] /Baghlan province of north Afghanistan/ [Ba1 ge2 da2] /Baghdad, capital of Iraq/ [Ba1 chu3] /Maralbeshi nahiyisi (Maralbexi county) in Kashgar prefecture 1], west Xinjiang/ [Ba1 chu3 xian4] /Maralbeshi nahiyisi (Maralbexi county) in Kashgar prefectur 4 qu1], west Xinjiang/ [Ba1 bi3 lun2] /Babylon/ [ba1 bi3 tuo3] /barbitone/barbital/ [Ba1 shi4] /Pasteur/ [ba1 shi4 sha1 jun1 fa3] /pasteurization/ [Ba1 er3] /Baltic/ [Ba1 er3 ke4 nen4 de2] /Jan Pieter Balkenende (1956-), prime minister from 2002/ [Ba1 er3 ka1 shi2 hu2] /Lake Balkash in southeast Kazakhstan/ [Ba1 er3 duo1 lu4 mao4] /Bartholomew/ [Ba1 er3 gan1] /Balkan/ [Ba1 er3 gan1 Ban4 dao3] /Balkan Peninsula/ [Ba1 er3 zha1 ke4] /Honor de Balzac (1799-1850), French novelist, author omdie humaine/ [Ba1 er3 di4 mo2] /Baltimore (place name, surname etc)/ [Ba1 er3 she3 fu1 si1 ji1] /(Charlene) Barshefsky, US trade negot [Ba1 te4] /Barth or Barthes (name)/Roland Barthes (1915-1980), French critic and emiotician/ [Ba1 te4 wa3 zu2] /see [Te4 wa3 zu2]/ [Ba1 te4 na4] /Batna, town in eastern Algeria/ [Ba1 sheng1] /Klang (city in Malaysia)/ [Ba1 fu3 Luo4 fu1] /Pavlov (name)/Ivan Petrovich Pavlov (1849-1936), Russ tal psychologist/ [Ba1 deng1] /Baden (region in Germany)/ [Ba1 deng1 Fu2 teng2 bao3 zhou1] /Baden-Wrttemberg, southw

[Si1 tu2 jia1 te4]/ [Ba1 niu3] /abbr. for Papua New Guinea [Ba1 bu4 ya4 [ba1 jie5] /to fawn on/to curry favor with/to make up to/ [Ba1 xian4] /Ba county in Chongqing , Sichuan/ [Ba1 luo2 zuo3] /Jose Manuel Barroso (EU Commission President)/ [ba1 luo2 ke4] /baroque (period in western art history)/ [Ba1 ye1 li4 ba1] /Paya Lebar, a place in Singapore (GM)/ [Ba1 Mo4] /Ba Maw/ [Ba1 shu3] /Sichuan/originally two provinces of Qin and Han/ [Ba1 xi1] /Brazil/ [Ba1 xi1 li4 ya4] /Brasilia, capital of Brazil/ [Ba1 xi1 zhan4 wu3] /capoeira/ [Ba1 jie3] /Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)/abbr. for i1]/ [Ba1 jie3 Zu3 zhi1] /Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)/abbr. for u3 zhi1]/ [ba1 dou4] /croton (Croton tiglium), evergreen bush of Euphorbiaceae family ke1]/croton seed, a strong purgative/ [ba1 dou4 shu3] /Croton, genus of evergreen bush of Euphorbiaceae family [ba1 dou4 shu4] /croton bush (Croton tiglium), evergreen bush of Euphorbiacea y [da4 ji3 ke1], with seed having strong purgative properties/ [ba1 dou4 ke2] /bark of Croton tiglium used as purgative/ [ba1 bei4 xi1 ya4 yuan2 chong2 bing4] /babesiosis/ [Ba1 he4] /Bach/ [Ba1 li3] /Bari (Puglia, Italy)/ [Ba1 li3 kun1] /Barkol Kazakh autonomous county or Barkl Qazaq aptonom nahiy mul prefecture [Ha1 mi4 di4 qu1], Xinjiang/ [Ba1 li3 kun1 Ha1 sa4 ke4 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Barkol Kaz nahiyisi in Kumul prefecture [Ha1 mi4 di4 qu1], Xinjiang/ [Ba1 li3 kun1 xian4] /Barkol Kazakh autonomous county or Barkl Qazaq apt n Kumul prefecture [Ha1 mi4 di4 qu1], Xinjiang/ [Ba1 li3 kun1 cao3 yuan2] /Barkol grasslands near Hami in Xinjiang/ [Ba1 li3 dao3] /island of Bali/ [Ba1 Jin1] /Ba Jin (1904-2005), novelist, author of the trilogy , , / [Ba1 jin1 sen1 shi4 zheng4] /Parkinson's disease/ [Ba1 lu4] /Baruch (name)/Baruch, disciple of Jeremiah/book of Baruch in the Apocr pha/ [ba1 bi4] /arrogant/flashy/impressive (Cantonese)/ [Ba1 A1] /Pakistan-Afghan/ [Ba1 qing1] /Baqn county, Tibetan: Sbra chen rdzong, in Nagchu prefecture ], central Tibet/ [Ba1 qing1 xian4] /Baqn county, Tibetan: Sbra chen rdzong, in Nagchu prefect qu1], central Tibet/ [Ba1 yin1 bu4 ke4 cao3 yuan2] /Bayanbulak grasslands in Uldus bas [Ba1 yin1 man3 du1 hu1] /Bayan Mandahu, village in Bayan Nur a, noted for Cretaceous dinosaur fossils/ [Ba1 yin1 guo1 leng4 zhou1] /abbr. for Bayin'guoleng Mongol autonomou jiang/abbr. for [Ba1 yin1 guo1 leng4 Meng3 gu3 zi4 zhi4 zhou1]/ [Ba1 yin1 guo1 leng4 Meng3 gu3 zi4 zhi4 zhou1] /Bayin njiang/ [Ba1 yin1 guo1 leng2 Meng3 gu3 zi4 zhi4 zhou1] /Bayin njiang/ [ba1 song4 guan3] /bassoon/also written or / [ba1 tou2 tan4 nao3] /to poke one's head in and pry (idiom); to spy/nosy/ [Ba1 yan2 ka1 la1] /Bayankala mountain range in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, wa ng He river/ [Ba1 ma3 gan1 lao4] /Parmesan cheese/ [Ba1 ma3 Yao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Bama Yaozu autonomous coun [Ba1 ma3 ke1] /Bamako, capital of Mali/ [Ba1 ma3 xian4] /Bama Yaozu autonomous county in Hezhou [He4 zhou1],

[ba1 gao1 wang4 shang4] /to wish for higher status (idiom); to curry favo of promotion/ [ba1 dou4] /round-bottomed wicker basket/ [Ba1 li2] /Paris, capital of France/ [Ba1 li2 gong1 she4] /Paris Commune 1871, an unsuccessful proletarian upr the French third republic/ [Ba1 li2 Da4 xue2] /University of Paris/ [ba1 li2 lu:4] /Paris green/copper(II) acetoarsenite Cu(C2H3O2)23Cu(AsO2)2/ [xiang4] /lane/alley/ [xiang4 long4] /alley/lane/ [jin3] /nuptial wine cup/ [jin3 yin3] /to share nuptial cup/fig. to get married/ [juan3] /Japanese variant of / [xun4] /to obey/one of the Eight Trigrams [ba1 gua4], symbolizing wood and wind/ [jin1] /towel/general purpose cloth/women's headcovering (old)/Kangxi radical 50 / [jin1 guo2] /woman/woman's headdress (ancient)/ [jin1 guo2 xu1 mei2] /woman with a manly spirit/ [fu2] /revolve, make circuit, turn/ [shi4] /market/city/CL: [ge4]/ [Shi4 zhong1 qu1] /central city district/ [shi4 zhong1 xin1] /city center/downtown/ [shi4 zhan4 lu:4] /market share/abbr. for / [shi4 jia4] /market value/ [shi4 kuai4] /unscrupulous businessperson/profiteer/ [shi4 nei4] /inside the city/ [shi4 liang3] /Chinese unit of weight equivalent to 50 grams/ [shi4 zhi4] /Chinese units of measurement/ [Shi4 bei3 qu1] /Shibei district of Qingdao city , Shandong/ [shi4 qu1] /urban district/downtown/city center/ [Shi4 nan2 qu1] /Shinan district of Qingdao city , Shandong/ [shi4 chang3] /market place/market (also in abstract)/abbr. for [shi4 chang3 fen4 e2] /market share/ [shi4 chang3 zhan4 you3 lu:4] /market share/ [shi4 chang3 jia4] /market price/ [shi4 chang3 hua4] /marketization/ [shi4 chang3 ding4 wei4] /positioning (marketing)/ [shi4 chang3 zhun3 ru4] /access to markets/ [shi4 chang3 ying2 xiao1] /marketing/ [shi4 chang3 jing4 zheng1] /market competition/ [shi4 chang3 jing1 ji4] /market economy/ [shi4 chang3 diao4 cha2] /market research/ [shi4 wei3] /municipal committee/ [shi4 rong2] /appearance of a city/ [shi4 yin3] /unit of distance equal to one-thirtieth km or 33.33 meters/ [shi4 zheng4] /municipal administration/ [shi4 zheng4 fu3] /city hall/city government/ [shi4 zheng4 ting1] /city hall/ [shi4 zheng4 shui4] /city council rates/municipal taxes/ [shi4 cao2] /market/official in charge of small merchants/ [shi4 min2] /city resident/ [shi4 min2 she4 hui4] /civil society (law)/ [shi4 ying2 lu:4] /PE ratio/ [shi4 li4] /municipal/city/city-run/ [shi4 xian4] /towns and counties/ [shi4 yi4 yuan2] /town councilor/city councilor/alderman/ [shi4 yi4 hui4] /city council/ [shi4 xia2 qu1] /city district (county-level administrative unit)/ [shi4 jiao1] /outer city/suburb/ [shi4 zhen4] /small town/

[shi4 zhang3] /mayor/ [shi4 ji2] /fair/small town/ [shi4 mian4] /market/ [shi4 qing3] /unit of area equal to 100 [mu3] or 6.67 hectares/ [bu4] /cloth/to declare/to announce/to spread/to make known/ [bu4 ding1] /pudding/ [bu4 xia4] /to arrange/to lay out/ [Bu4 shi2] /Bush (name)/George H.W. Bush, US president 1988-1992/George W. Bush, S President 2000-2008/ [bu4 wu3] /to deploy troops/ [Bu4 jia1 di2] /Bugatti (name)/Bugatti Automobiles S.A.S. (French car company [Bu4 yi1] /Buyei ethnic group/ [Bu4 lun2 ni2] /Brnnysund (city in Nordland, Norway)/ [Bu4 jia1 le4 si1 te4] /Bucharest, capital of Romania/ [Bu4 lao2 en1] /Browne (person name)/ [bu4 pi3] /cloth (by the yard)/ [Bu4 ni4 zhan4 zheng1] /the three Punic wars (264-146 BC) between Rome an [Bu4 ji2 he2] /Buji River, tributary of Shenzhen or Shamchun river [She uangdong/ [Bu4 ha1 la1] /Bokhara or Bukhara city in Uzbekistan/ [Bu4 ha1 lin2] /Nikolai Ivanovich Bukharin (1888-1938), Soviet revolutionary t, executed after a show trial in 1937/ [bu4 nang2] /cloth bag/ [Bu4 kan3 nan2] /Buchanan/ [Bu4 cheng2] /Putrajaya, federal administrative territory of Malaysia, south of K ala Lumpur city / [Bu4 ji1 na4 fa3 suo3] /Burkina Faso, West Africa/ [bu4 wa2 wa5] /rag doll/ [Bu4 yi2 nuo4 si1 Ai4 li4 si1] /Buenos Aires, capital of Arge [Bu4 ni2 ya4 bing4 du2] /Bunyavirus/virus of the family Bunyaviridae/ [bu4 ni2 ya4 bing4 du2] /the bunyaviridae family of viruses/ [Bu4 xi1 wei1 ke4] /Bushwick, a neighborhood in Brooklyn, in New York Cit [bu4 bo2] /cloth and silk/cotton and silk textiles/ [bu4 bo2 shu1 su4] /cloth/silk/beans and grain/food and clothing/daily ne [bu4 mu4] /screen/ [bu4 gan1 wei2 er3] /Bougainville, Papua New Guinea/ [Bu4 gan1 wei2 er3 dao3] /Bougainville island, Papua New Guinea/ [bu4 jian4] /to progressively extend (service delivery, network etc) to a wider a ea/rollout/also written / [Bu4 tuo1] /Bhutto (name)/Zulfikar Ali Bhutto (1928-1979), president of Pakistan 971-1979 executed by General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq/Benazzir Bhutto (1953-2007), tw ice president of Pakistan 1988-1990 and 1993-1996, murdered by Al Qaeda/ [Bu4 la1 de2 Bi3 te4] /William Bradley "Brad" Pitt (1963-), US [Bu4 la1 chai2 wei2 er3] /Brazzaville, capital of Congo/ [Bu4 la1 ge2] /Prague, capital of Czech Republic/ [Bu4 la1 suo3 fu1] /Braov, Romania/ [Bu4 la1 di2 si1 la1 fa1] /Bratislava/ [Bu4 tuo1] /Butuo county in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture hou1], south Sichuan/ [Bu4 tuo1 xian4] /Butuo county in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture i4 zhou1], south Sichuan/ [bu3 fei3] /buffet (loanword)/ [bu4 liao4] /cloth/material/ [bu4 shi1] /Dana (Buddhist practice of giving)/ [Bu4 lang3] /Brown (name)/Gordon Brown (1951-), UK politician, prime minister 200 -2010/ [Bu4 lang3 ke4 shi4] /The Bronx, borough of New York City/ [Bu4 lang3 ke4 si1] /The Bronx, borough of New York City/Bronx County (co h The Bronx)/also written / [Bu4 lang3 shi4] /The Bronx, borough of New York City/Bronx County (coextensi

The Bronx)/also written / [Bu4 lang3 da4 xue2] /Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island/ [bu4 lang3 yun4 dong4] /Brownian motion/ [Bu4 lin2 di2 xi1] /Brindisi, port city on southeast heel of Italy/ [bu4 shi4 gan3 jun1 bing4] /brucellosis (undulant fever or Mediterran [bu4 shi4 jun1 miao2] /Brucella vaccine/ [bu4 shi4 fei1 ji4] /zebra tilapia/Tilapia buttikoferi (zoology)/ [Bu4 fa3 luo2] /Buffalo, New York state/ [bu4 luo4 fen1] /Ibuprofen or Nurofen/also called / [bu4 man3] /to be covered with/to be filled with/ [bu4 sa3 qi4] /disperser/ [Bu4 re4 jin1 si1 ji1] /Brzezinski (name)/Zbigniew Brzezinski (1928-) cademic and politician, US National Security Adviser 1977-1981/ [Bu4 er3 shi2 wei2 ke4] /Bolshevik/ [bu4 er3 dai4 shu4] /Boolean algebra/ [bu4 er3 qiao2 ya4] /bourgeois (loanword)/ [Bu4 er3 jin1] /Burqin county or Burchin nahiyisi in Altay prefecture Xinjiang/ [Bu4 er3 jin1 xian4] /Burqin county or Burchin nahiyisi in Altay prefectu 1], Xinjiang/ [Bu4 qiong2 bu4 la1] /Bujumbura, capital of Burundi/ [Bu4 hen2 wa3 er3 de2] /Buchenwald/ [bu4 xian4] /wiring/ [Bu4 lai2 ke4 shi3 mi4 si1] /Blacksmith (name)/ [Bu4 lai2 ke4 ben3] /Blackburn/ [Bu4 lai2 ni2] /Bryne (City in Rogaland, Norway)/ [Bu4 lai2 en1] /Brian (name)/ [Bu4 lai2 er3] /Blair (name)/Braille (name)/Louis Braille (1809-1852), the in of the Braille alphabet for the blind/ [Bu4 lan2 ni1 Si1 pi2 er3 si1] /Britney Spears (1981-), [bu4 yi1 wei2 dai4] /in hemp cloth and with a leather belt/poorly dressed [Bu4 dai4] /pouch/sack/bag/Budai (the Laughing Buddha)/Budai or Putai town in Chi yi county [Jia1 yi4 xian4], west Taiwan/ [bu4 dai4 xi4] /glove puppetry/ [Bu4 dai4 zhen4] /Budai or Putai town in Chiayi county [Jia1 yi4 [Bu4 li3 tan3 ni2] /Brittany (France)/Bretagne/ [Bu4 li3 si1 tuo1 er3] /Bristol port city in southwest England/ [bu4 gu3] /onomat. cuckoo/ [bu4 gu3 niao3] /cuckoo (Cercococcyx spp.)/same as [du4 juan1 ni [Bu4 nong2 zu2] /Bunun, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan/ [Bu4 di2 ya4] /Baudrillard (name)/ [bu4 dao4] /to preach (the Christian gospel)/ [Bu4 da2 pei4 si1] /Budapest, capital of Hungary/ [Bu4 da2 la1 gong1] /Potala, winter palace of Dalai Lamas in Lhasa, Tibet [Bu4 da2 la1 shan1] /Mt Potala in Lhasa, with Potala Palace [Bu4 li3 qi2 dun4] /Bridgetown, capital of Barbados/ [bu4 li3 si1 tuo1] /Bristol/ [Bu4 li3 si1 tuo1 er3 hai3 xia2] /Bristol channel in southwes [Bu4 li3 si1 ban1] /Brisbane, capital of Queensland, Australia/ [bu4 fang2] /to lay out a defense/ [bu4 fang2 ying2 zhan4] /to prepare to meet the enemy head-on/ [Bu4 long1 bo2 ge2] /Blumberg or Bloomberg (name)/ [Bu4 long2 fang1 dan1] /Bloemfontein/ [Bu4 long2 di2] /Burundi/ [bu4 xie2] /cloth shoes/CL: [shuang1], [zhi1]/ [bu4 xu1 man4 ren2] /bushman (African ethnic group)/ [Bu4 lu3 ke4] /Brook (name)/Peter Brook (1925), British theater director/ [Bu4 lu3 ke4 lin2] /Brooklyn, borough of New York City/ [Bu4 lu3 ke4 lin2 Da4 qiao2] /Brooklyn Bridge/ [bu4 lu3 ke4 hai3 wen2 guo2 jia1 shi2 yan4 shi4]

[bu4 lu3 ke4 hai3 wen2 shi2 yan4 shi4] /Brookhaven Nation [Bu4 lu3 sai4 er3] /Brussels, capital of Belgium/ [bu4 lu3 si1] /blues (music)/ [Bu4 lu3 ri4] /Bruges (Dutch Brugge), medieval town in Belgium/ [bu4 lu3 shi4 jun1 bing4] /Brucella/ [fan1] /sail/Taiwan pr. [fan2], except [fan1 bu4] canvas/ [fan1 san3] /parasail/parasailing/ [fan1 bu4] /canvas/sailcloth/ [fan1 bu4 xie2] /canvas shoes/ [fan1 zhang1 feng1 man3] /sails unfurling in the wind (idiom)/ [fan1 ban3] /sailboard/windsurfing/ [fan1 chuan2] /sailboat/ [xi1] /rare/infrequent/ [Xi1 ren2] /Xiren, courtesy title of Bao Zheng [Bao1 Zheng3] (999-1062), Nort ng official renowned for his honesty/ [Xi1 bo2 lai2] /Hebrew/ [Xi1 bo2 lai2 ren2] /Hebrew person/Israelite/Jew/ [Xi1 bo2 lai2 shu1] /Epistle of St Paul to the Hebrews/ [Xi1 bo2 lai2 yu3] /Hebrew language/ [Xi1 bo2 lai2] /Hebrew/ [Xi1 bo2 lai2 Da4 xue2] /the Hebrew University, Jerusalem/ [Xi1 bo2 lai2 wen2] /Hebrew language/ [Xi1 bo2 lai2 yu3] /Hebrew language/ [Xi1 xia4 bang1 ma3 feng1] /Mt Shishapangma or Xixiabangma in Tibet ( [xi1 qi2] /rare/strange/ [xi1 qi2 gu3 guai4] /crazy/bizarre/weird/fantastic/strange/ [Xi1 lu:4 wang2] /King Herod (in the biblical nativity story)/ [Xi1 si1 luo1] /Heathrow (a London airport)/ [Xi1 la1 ke4] /Jacques Ren Chirac (1932-), President of France 1995-2007/ [Xi1 la1 rui3] /Hillary (person name)/ [Xi1 la1 li3] /Hillary (person name)/Hillary Rodham Clinton (1947-), US Democ olitician, First lady during Bill Clinton's presidency 1993-2001, Senator for Ne w York since 2001, US Secretary of state from 2009/ [Xi1 la1 li3 Ke4 lin2 dun4] /Hillary Rodham Clinton (1947-) lady during Bill Clinton's presidency 1993-2001, Senator for New York since 200 1, US Secretary of state from 2009/ [Xi1 si1] /Heath (name)/ [Xi1 si1 Lai2 jie2] /Heath Ledger, Australian actor (1979-2008)/ [Xi1 si1 lun2] /Hezron (son of Perez)/ [xi1 si1 luo2 ji1 chang3] /Heathrow Airport/ [xi1 wang4] /to wish for/to desire/hope CL: [ge4]/ [xi1 wang4 luo4 kong1] /hopes are dashed/ [Xi1 ge2 si1] /Higgs (name)/Peter Higgs (1929-), British theoretical physicis proposer of the Higgs mechanism or Higgs boson to explain the mass of elementary particles/ [Xi1 ge2 si1 ji1 zhi4] /the Higgs mechanism, explaining the mass of e in the Standard Model/ [Xi1 ge2 si1 li4 zi3] /Higgs particle or Higgs boson, predicted eleme ired to explain the mass of elementary particles in the Standard Model/ [Xi1 wo4 te4] /Sievert (Sv), unit of radiation damage used in radiotherapy/Ro milian Sievert (1896-1966), Swedish physicist/ [Xi1 hong2] /Gijn (Asturian: Xixn), city in northwest Spain on the bay of Bisca [Xi1 er3] /Hill (name)/Christopher Hill, US undersecretary of state of East Asian affairs/ [Xi1 er3 bo2 te4] /David Hilbert (1862-1943), German mathematician/ [Xi1 er3 nei4 ke1 si1] /Kirkenes (city in Finnmark, Norway)/ [Xi1 er3 fu2 se4 mu3] /Hilversum, city in Netherlands/ [Xi1 er3 dun4] /Hilton (hotel chain)/ [Xi1 te4 le4] /Adolf Hitler (1889-1945)/ [Xi1 shen2] /Greek mythology/abbr. for [Xi1 la4 shen2 hua4]/

[xi1 han5] /variant of [xi1 han5]/ [Xi1 luo2 di3] /Herodium (town in biblical Judea)/ [Xi1 er3 bo2 te4] /David Hilbert (1862-1943), German mathematician/ [Xi1 la4] /Greece/ [xi1 la4 zi4 mu3] /Greek alphabet/ [Xi1 la4 wen2] /Greek literature/ [Xi1 la4 shen2 hua4] /Greek mythology/ [Xi1 la4 yu3] /Greek language/ [Xi1 meng3 Pei4 lei2 si1] /Shimon Peres, ninth president of Isr [Xi1 xi1 jia1] /Hezekiah or Ezekias (740-687 BC), twelfth king of Judah (Juda [tang3] /state treasury/public funds/ [tang3 zang4] /state treasury, also written [tang3 zang1]/ [pei4] /cape/ [pa4] /to wrap/kerchief/handkerchief/headscarf/(used as phonetic, e.g. Pamir)/ [Pa4 nei4 er3] /Parnell (name)/Charles Stewart Parnell (1846-1891), Irish nat t politician/ [Pa4 lao2] /Republic of Palau or Belau (Pacific island nation)/ [Pa4 tai2 nong2] /Parthenon (Temple on the Acropolis, Athens)/ [Pa4 tai2 nong2 shen2 miao4] /Parthenon Temple on the Acropolis, Athe [Pa4 ta3 ya4] /Pattaya or Phatthaya city in Chon Buri province of east Thaila [pa4 zi5] /kerchief/handkerchief/headscarf/ [Pa4 ni2 ba1 te4] /Panipat, ancient city in India/ [Pa4 la1 se4 er3 shi4] /Paracelsius (Auroleus Phillipus Theostratus B eim, 1493-1541), Swiss alchemist and prominent early European scientist/ [Pa4 la1 ma3 li3 bo2] /Paramaribo, capital of Suriname/ [Pa4 ti2 ya4 ren2] /Parthian/ [pa4 ti2 nong2 shen2 miao4] /the Parthenon, Athens/ [Pa4 si1] /Perth, capital of Western Australia/ [Pa4 si1 ka3] /Pascal (name)/Blaise Pascal (1623-1662), French mathematician/ [pa4 si1 ka3 san1 jiao3 xing2] /Pascal's Triangle (math.)/ [pa4 si1 ka3 liu4 bian1 xing2] /Pascal's hexagon/ [Pa4 si1 ka3 er3] /Pascal (name)/ [pa4 er3 wa3 di4] /Parvati (the consort of Shiva)/ [Pa4 te4 li3 ke4] /Patrick (name)/ [Pa4 te4 li3 xia4] /Patricia/ [Pa4 te4 li2 xia4] /Patricia/ [pa4 wa3 di4] /Parvati (the consort of Shiva)/ [Pa4 fu2 si1] /Paphos, Cyprus/ [Pa4 mi3 er3] /Pamir high plateau on the border between Xinjiang and Tajikist [pa4 mi3 er3 shan1 mai4] /the Pamir mountains/ [Pa4 mi3 er3 Gao1 yuan2] /Pamir high plateau on the border between Xi an/ [Pa4 lei4 tuo1 zui4 you1] /Pareto efficiency (economics)/Pareto optim [Pa4 lei4 tuo1 fa3 ze2] /Pareto principle/ [Pa4 di4 er3] /Patil (name)/Pratibha Patil, female Indian Congress party poli president from 2007/ [Pa4 sa4 te4] /Passat (automobile)/ [Pa4 lan2 ka3] /Palanka (a personal name)/ [pa4 xi1] /Parsi/Farsi/Persian/ [Pa4 jin1 sen1] /Parkinson (name)/ [Pa4 jin1 sen1 bing4] /Parkinson's disease/ [Pa4 jin1 sen1 zheng4] /Parkinson's disease/ [Pa4 ma3 sen1] /Parmesan/ [Pa4 li4 si1 Xi1 er3 dun4] /Paris Hilton/ [tie1] /fitting snugly/appropriate/suitable/to paste (same as [tie1])/to obey (s me as [tie1])/ [tie3] /invitation card/notice/ [tie4] /rubbing from incised inscription/ [tie3 zi5] /card/invitation/message/(forum) post/ [tie3 sa1 luo2 ni2 jia1] /Thessalonica/

[Tie3 sa1 luo2 ni2 jia1 qian2 shu1] /First epistle of St Paul [Tie3 sa1 luo2 ni2 jia1 hou4 shu1] /Second epistle of St Paul [Tie1 mu4 er2] /Timur or Tamerlane (1336-1405), Mongol emperor and conqueror/ [Tie1 mu4 er2 Da4 han4] /Timur or Tamerlane (1336-1405), Mongol emper [fu2] /object held by dancer/ [lian2] /flag used as a shop sign/variant of [lian2]/ [lian2 mu4] /hanging screen/curtain over shop door (for privacy and serving as ad ertisement)/ [Zhi4] /surname Zhi/ [zhi4] /book cover/ [zhou3] /broom/ [bo2] /silk/ [Bo2 liu2] /Palau/ [bo2 hua4] /painting on silk/ [bo2 jin1] /traditional money gift at a funeral/ [di4] /emperor/ [di4 wei4] /the title of Emperor/ [Di4 E2] /Tsarist Russia/ [Di4 jun4] /Dijun, Shang dynasty protector God/possibly same as legendary Emperor [di4 zhi4] /autocratic monarchy/imperial regime/ [di4 li4] /Dili, capital of East Timor/ [di4 hou4] /empress/imperial consort/ [Di4 Ku4] /Di Ku or Emperor Ku, one of Five legendary Emperors , great-grands ellow Emperor / [di4 guo2] /empire/imperial/ [di4 guo2 zhu3 yi4] /imperialism/ [di4 guo2 li3 gong1 xue2 yuan4] /Imperial College, London/ [Di4 wen4 dao3] /Timor island/ [Di4 wen4 Hai3] /Timor Sea/ [di4 wang2] /regent/monarch/ [di4 wang2 qi3 e2] /emperor penguin/ [di4 wang2 qie1 kai1] /Cesarean section/ [di4 wang2 pu3] /list of emperors and kings/dynastic genealogy/ [Di4 Xin1] /Emperor Xin, last ruler of Shang (11th Century BC), famous as a tyran / [di4 du1] /imperial capital/ [yi4] /canopy/ [ping2] /shelter, screen, awning/ [juan4] /a bag which holds 30 pecks (i.e. approx 3 kg dry measure)/ [shuai4] /handsome/graceful/smart/commander in chief/ [shuai4 dai1 le5] /awesome/brilliant/magnificent/ [shuai4 ge1] /handsome guy/lady-killer/handsome (form of address)/ [shuai4 qi5] /handsome/smart/dashing/elegant/ [shui4] /handkerchief/ [shi1] /teacher/master/expert/model/army division/(old) troops/to dispatch troop s/ [shi1 fu5] /master/qualified worker/respectful form of address for older men/CL: 4],[wei4],[ming2]/ [shi1 xiong1] /senior male fellow student or apprentice/son (older than oneself) f one's teacher/ [shi1 xing1 di4] /fellow apprentices/fellow students (male)/ [shi1 chu1 you3 ming2] /lit. to have sufficient reason to send troops (id mething with good reason/to have just cause/ [shi1 chu1 wu2 ming2] /lit. to go to war without just cause (idiom)/to ac tification/ [shi1 you3] /friend who you can seek advice/ [shi1 gu3] /following the ways of old/in imitation of ancient style/ [shi1 da4] /abbr. for , Normal University/teacher-training colle [shi1 mei4] /junior female student or apprentice/daughter (younger than oneself) f one's teacher/

[shi1 jie3] /senior female fellow student or apprentice/daughter (older than ones lf) of one's teacher/ [Shi1 zong1] /Shizong county in Qujing [Qu3 jing4], Yunnan/ [Shi1 zong1 xian4] /Shizong county in Qujing [Qu3 jing4], Yunnan/ [shi1 di4] /young disciple (of the same master)/younger or junior male schoolmate [shi1 tu2] /master and disciple/ [shi1 mu3] /term of respect for your teacher's wife/ [shi1 fu5] /used for (in Taiwan)/master/qualified worker/ [shi1 fu5 ling3 jin4 men2 , xiu1 xing2 zai4 g up to you/you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink/ [shi1 sheng1] /teachers and students/ [shi1 fan4] /teacher-training/pedagogical/normal (school, e.g. Beijing Normal Uni ersity)/ [shi1 fan4 da4 xue2] /Normal University/teacher-training college/ [shi1 fan4 xue2 yuan4] /teacher's college/normal school/ [shi1 biao3] /paragon of virtue and learning/exemplary character/ [shi1 zi1] /qualified teachers/teachers/ [shi1 zhang3] /military division level commander/teacher/ [Xi2] /surname Xi/ [xi2] /banquet/woven mat/seat/place in a democratic assembly/ [xi2 wei4] /a seat (in a theater, stadium etc)/parliamentary or congressional sea / [Xi2 fan2 ning2 gen1] /Scheveningen, resort in Den Haag (The Hague), Neth [Xi2 le4] /Schiller (name)/Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller or Friedrich S hiller (1759-1805), German poet and dramatist/ [xi2 juan3 ya4 zhou1] /to sweep through Asia/ [Xi2 de2 ni2] /Sidney or Sydney (name)/ [xi2 juan3] /to engulf/to sweep/to carry away everything/ [dai4] /Japanese variant of / [gui1] /Japanese variant of / [zhang4] /covering veil/canopy/screen/tent/variant of [zhang4]/ [zhang4 dan1] /bill/check/ [zhang4 zi5] /mosquito net/CL: [ding3]/ [zhang4 lian2] /drapery/ [zhang4 mu4] /tent/ [zhang4 hu4] /(bank, computer etc) account/ [zhang4 peng5] /variant of [zhang4 peng5]/ [zhang4 peng5] /tent/CL: [ding3],[zuo4]/ [zhang4 bu4] /account book/ [zhang4 hao4] /account number/ [dai4] /band/belt/girdle/ribbon/tire/area/zone/region/CL: [tiao2]/to wear/to carr /to take along/to bear (i.e. to have)/to lead/to bring/to look after/to raise/ [dai4 lai2] /to bring/to bring about/to produce/ [dai4 r5] /erhua variant of , band/belt/girdle/ribbon/ [dai4 fen1 shu4] /mixed fraction/mixed number (i.e. with an integer part and ion part, e.g. four and three quarters)/see also: improper fraction [jia1 fen1 and proper fraction [zhen1 fen1 shu4]/ [dai4 dao4] /to bring to/ [dai4 ci4] /thorn/to be barbed/sarcastic/ [dai4 jin4] /energetic/exciting/of interest/ [dai4 dong4] /to spur/to provide impetus/to drive/ [dai4 qu5] /to bring away/ [dai4 hui2] /to bring back/ [dai4 zi3] /belt/band/ribbon/strap/girdle/audio or video tape (informal)/ [dai4 zi5] /band/belt/ [dai4 kuan1] /bandwidth/ [Dai4 ling3] /Dailing district of Yichun city [Yi1 chun1 shi4], Heilongjian [Dai4 ling3 qu1] /Dailing district of Yichun city [Yi1 chun1 shi4], Hei [dai4 you3] /to have/to involve/ [dai4 biao1 shi2] /marker/

[dai4 qi4] /carbonated (drink)/sparkling (mineral water)/to display annoyance/to e dissatisfied/ [dai4 niu2 pei4 du2] /to abandon armed struggle and return to raising cat [dai4 zhuang4 pao4 zhen3] /shingles/herpes zoster (medicine)/ [dai4 bing4] /to carry a disease/carrier/vector/ [dai4 hong2 se4] /reddish/ [dai4 lei4] /to get someone involved in one's trouble/ [dai4 gei3] /to carry to/ [dai4 zhe5 xi1 wang4 qu4 ully than to arrive./ [dai4 xin1 xiu1 jia4] /paid leave/ [dai4 diao4] /to have a tone mark/ [dai4 zou3] /to carry/to take away/to carry out (esp. food)/take-out (esp. food)/ [dai4 lu4] /to lead the way/to guide/to show the way/fig. to instruct/ [dai4 lu4 ren2] /a guide/fig. instructor/ [dai4 chou3 wen2] /scandalous/ [dai4 kou4] /buckle/ [dai4 dian4] /to electrify/to charge/electrification/live (as in "live wire")/ [dai4 dian4 li4 zi3] /electrically charged particles/ [dai4 mei2] /musty/moldy/ [dai4 lu4] /dewy/ [dai4 ling3] /to guide/to lead/ [dai4 tou2] /to take the lead/to be the first/to set an example/ [dai4 yu2] /ribbonfish/hairtail/beltfish/cutlassfish (family Trichiuridae)/ [wei2] /curtain/screen/ [wei2 man4] /drapery/curtain/ [wei2 mu4] /heavy curtain/ [Chang2] /surname Chang/ [chang2] /always/ever/often/frequently/common/general/constant/ [chang2 ren2] /ordinary person/ [chang2 ren4] /permanent/ [chang2 ren4 li3 shi4 guo2] /permanent member state (of UN Security C [chang2 zhu4] /long term resident/permanent residence/eternalism (permanence of s ul, Sanskrit vata-vda)/ [chang2 zhu4 lun4] /eternalism (permanence of soul, Sanskrit vata-vda)/ [chang2 feng4] /fixed salary of an official/ [chang2 wu4] /routine/everyday business/daily operation (of a company)/ [chang2 wu4 wei3 yuan2 hui4] /standing committee (e.g. of National Pe [chang2 wu4 li3 shi4] /permanent member of council/ [chang2 sheng4 jun1] /Ever Victorious Army (1860-1864), Qing dynasty army equ nd trained jointly with Europeans and used esp. against the Taiping rebels/ [chang2 wen4 wen4 ti2] /frequently asked questions/FAQ/ [chang2 zuo4 qi4 che1 zhe3] /motorist/ [chang2 wei3] /member of standing committee/ [chang2 wei3 hui4] /standing committee/ [chang2 ke4] /frequent visitor/fig. sth that crops up frequently/ [Chang2 ning2] /Changning county level city in Hengyang [Heng2 yang2], H [Chang2 ning2 shi4] /Changning county level city in Hengyang [Heng2 [Chang2 shan1] /Changshan county in Quzhou [Qu2 zhou1], Zhejiang/ [Chang2 shan1 xian4] /Changshan county in Quzhou [Qu2 zhou1], Zhejiang/ [Chang2 zhou1] /Changzhou prefecture level city in Jiangsu/ [Chang2 zhou1 shi4] /Changzhou prefecture level city in Jiangsu/ [chang2 chang2] /frequently/usually/often/ [chang2 nian2] /all year round/for years on end/average year/ [chang2 wei1 fen1 fang1 cheng2] /ordinary differential equation (ODE) [Chang2 de2] /Changde prefecture level city in Hunan/ [Chang2 de2 di4 qu1] /Changde prefecture in Hunan/ [Chang2 de2 shi4] /Changde prefecture level city in Hunan/ [chang2 qing2] /reason/sense/ [chang2 tai4] /normal state/

[chang2 tai4 fen1 bu4] /normal distribution (in statistics)/ [chang2 tai4 fen1 bu4] /normal distribution (in statistics)/ [chang2 tai4 hua4] /normalization of relations/ [chang2 shu4] /a constant (math.)/ [chang2 chun1 teng2] /ivy/ [chang2 shi2] /frequently/often/usually/regularly/ [chang2 ran3 se4 ti3] /autosomal chromosome/autosome/autosomal/ [chang2 wen1] /room temperature/ordinary temperatures/ [Chang2 shu2] /Changshu county level city in Suzhou [Su1 zhou1], Jiangsu [Chang2 shou2 shi4] /Changshou county level city in Suzhou [Su1 zhou [chang2 li3] /common sense/conventional reasoning and morals/ [chang2 yong4] /in common usage/ [chang2 yong4 pin3] /everyday implement/object of everyday use/ [chang2 yong4 zi4] /everyday words/ [chang2 lu:4] /evergreen/ [chang2 lu:4 zhi2 wu4] /evergreen plant/ [chang2 lu:4 shu4] /evergreen tree/ [Chang2 heng2 zhi4] /Avoirdupois Weight, a system of weights based on the 16ound (or 7,000 grains)/ [chang2 jian4] /commonly seen/common/to see sth frequently/ [chang2 jian4 wen4 ti2] /common problems/FAQ/ [chang2 gui1] /conventional (weapons)/conventional/common/routine/ [chang2 gui1 wu3 qi4] /conventional weapon/ [chang2 gui1 tong2 dian4 hua4 xian4] /ordinary copper telephone l [chang2 yan2] /common saying/ [chang2 yan2 shuo1 de5 hao3] /as the saying goes/as they say.../ [chang2 she4] /(of an organization etc) standing or permanent/ [chang2 shi2] /common sense/general knowledge/CL: [men2]/ [chang2 gui3] /normal practice/ [chang2 dao4] /normal and proper practice/conventional practice/common occurrence [chang2 qing1] /ever-green/ [chang2 qing1 teng2] /ivy/ [chang2 qing1 teng2 ba1 xiao4] /Ivy League/ [chang2 xiang4] /constant term (in a math expression)/ [chang2 zhu4] /resident/permanent (representative)/ [qie4] /man's headband (arch.)/ [sha4] /kerchief covering head (arch.)/ [sha4 yi2] /kerchief covering head (arch.)/ [mao4] /hat/cap/ [mao4 jiang4] /milliner/ [Mao4 tian1 shan1] /Mt Maotian in Chengjiang county [Cheng2 jian nan/ [mao4 zi5] /hat/cap/CL: [ding3]/ [mao4 zi5 xi4 fa3] /hat trick (when one player scores three goals)/ [mao4 gu1 r5] /the ribbon around a cap/ [zheng4] /frame/one of a pair (scrolls)/picture/ [zheng4 zhong1 ji4] /frame relay/ [zheng4 tai4 chang2] /oversize frame/giant/ [zheng4 ge2 shi4] /frame format/ [zheng4 jian3 yan4 xu4 lie4] /frame check sequence/FCS/ [zheng4 shou3 ding4 jie4 fu2] /start of frame delimiter/ [wei2] /curtain/women's apartment/tent/ [wei2 mu4] /screen/backdrop/ [wo4] /tent/ [fu2] /width/roll/classifier for textiles or pictures/ [fu2 yuan2] /a country's surface area/extent of a country/ [fu2 she4] /variant of , radiation/to radiate/ [fu2 du4] /width/extent/range/scope/ [pan2] /large scarf/ [huang3] /advertising sign/pretense/facade/pretext/

[huang3 zi5] /shop sign/signboard/(fig.) pretense/ [jia4] /cloth (archaic), esp. of southern ethnic groups/ [man4] /curtain/ [man4 zi5] /curtain/veil/ [mu4] /curtain or screen/canopy or tent/headquarters of a general/act (of a play )/ [mu4 liao2] /aids and advisors of top officials/ [mu4 bu4] /(theater) curtain/ [mu4 fu3] /(orig.) tents forming the offices of a commanding officer/administrati n of a military government/(medieval Japan) "bakufu", administration of the shog un/ [mu4 hou4] /behind the scenes/ [mu4 hou4 hua1 xu4] /news from behind the scenes/photo gallery with snipp [mu4 jian1] /interval (between acts in theater)/ [guo2] /cap worn by women/feminine/ [ze2] /conical cap/ [mu4] /curtain/screen/ [zhang4] /hanging scroll/ [fu2] /old form of turban/variant of , cloth wrapper for bundles/ [zhi4] /flag/ [hu1] /arrogant/rude/to cover/ [fan1] /banner/ [fan1 ran2] /to change quickly and completely/also written / [fan1 ran2 gai3 tu2] /to change a plan as quickly as a flag (changes in t m)/ [chuang2] /banner/ [zhuang4] /classifier for buildings/carriage curtain (old)/ [chuang2 chuang2] /(shadows) flickering/dancing/ [bi4] /money/coins/currency/silk/ [bi4 zhi2] /value of a currency/ [bi4 bie2] /specific currency/ [bi4 zhi4] /currency system/ [mi4] /chariot canopy/ [chan1] /curtain in carriage/screen/ [fen2] /ornamental tassel on bridle/ [meng2] /cover/ [bang1] /to help/to assist/to support/for sb (i.e. as a help)/hired (as worker)/ side (of pail, boat etc)/outer layer/group/gang/clique/party/secret society/ [bang1 dao4 mang2] /be more of a hindrance than a help/ [bang1 xiong1] /variant of [bang1 xiong1]/ [bang1 xiong1] /accomplice/accessory/ [bang1 zhu4] /assistance/aid/to help/to assist/ [bang1 zi5] /outer (of cabbage etc)/upper (of a shoe)/ [Bang1 bao3 shi4] /(brand) Pampers/ [bang1 gong1] /help with farm work/helper/ [bang1 chu2] /help in the mess kitchen/ [bang1 mang2] /to help/to lend a hand/to do a favor/to do a good turn/ [bang1 shou3] /helper/assistant/ [bang1 jiao4] /to mentor/ [bang1 hui4] /secret society/underworld gang/ [bang1 pai4] /faction/ [bang1 qiang1] /vocal accompaniment in some traditional Chinese operas/ [bang1 chen4] /to help/to assist financially/ [bang1 ban4] /assist in managing/deputy/ [bang1 xian2] /to hang on to and serve the rich and powerful by literary hack wor etc/ [chou2] /canopy/curtain/ [dao4] /canopy/ [mie4] /carriage cover/ [jie2] /wipe/

[xian3] /curtain at front of carriage/ [gan1] /to concern/to interfere/shield/stem/ [gan4] /to work/to do/to manage/ [gan1 xiu1] /to let matters rest/ [gan1 xi4] /responsibility/ [gan1 ge1] /weapons of war/arms/ [gan1 bian3 dou4 jiao3] /green beans in sauce, popular Beijing dish/ [gan1 nao2] /variant of [gan1 rao3], to interfere/ [gan1 rao3] /to interfere/obstruction/ [gan1 rao3 su4] /interferon/ [gan1 zhi1] /the 10 heavenly stems and 12 earthly branches /sexagena [gan1 she4] /to interfere/to meddle/interference/ [gan1 she4 yi2] /interferometer (physics)/ [gan1 yu4] /variant of [gan1 yu4]/ [gan1 zheng4] /witness (in a law suit)/ [Gan1 yi4] /Cognac/brandy [bai2 lan2 di4] from the Cognac region of [gan1 yu4] /to meddle/to intervene/intervention/ [Ping2] /surname Ping/ [ping2] /flat/level/equal/to tie (make the same score)/to draw (score)/calm/peac eful/see also [ping2 sheng1]/ [ping2 ren2] /ordinary person/common people/ [ping2 ze4] /level and oblique tones (technical term for classical Chinese rhythm c poetry)/ [ping2 fu2] /to pacify/to calm/calm/quiet/to lie on one's belly/ [ping2 xin4] /ordinary mail (as opposed to air mail etc)/ [ping2 jia3 ming2] /hiragana (Japanese script)/ [ping2 jia4] /cheap/cut-price/par value/ [ping2 fan2] /commonplace/ordinary/mediocre/ [ping2 fen1] /divide equally/ [Ping2 li4] /Pingli county in nkng [An1 kang1], Shnx/ [Ping2 li4 xian4] /Pingli county in nkng [An1 kang1], Shnx/ [Ping2 nan2] /Pingnang county in Guigang [Gui4 gang3], Guangxi/ [Ping2 nan2 xian4] /Pingnang county in Guigang [Gui4 gang3], Guangxi [ping2 yuan2] /field/plain/CL: [ge4]/ [Ping2 yuan2 xian4] /Pingyuan county in Dezhou [De2 zhou1], Shandong/ [ping2 fan3] /political rehabilitation/ [ping2 pan4] /to put down a revolt/to pacify a rebellion/ [Ping2 he2] /Pinghe county in Zhangzhou [Zhang1 zhou1], Fujian/ [ping2 he2] /gentle/mild/moderate/placid/ [Ping2 he2 xian4] /Pinghe county in Zhangzhou [Zhang1 zhou1], Fujian/ [ping2 di4] /to level the land/level ground/plain/ [ping2 di4 ji1] /land grader/road grader/ [ping2 di4 qi3 jia1] /to start from scratch (idiom)/ [ping2 jun1] /average/ [ping2 jun1 zhu3 yi4] /egalitarianism/ [ping2 jun1 zhi2] /average value/ [ping2 jun1 zhi2 ding4 li3] /the mean value theorem (in calculus)/ [ping2 jun1 ji4 liang4] /average dose/ [ping2 jun1 shou4 ming4] /life expectancy/ [ping2 jun1 lu:4] /equal temperament (music)/ [ping2 jun1 zhi3 shu4] /average index (e.g. Dow Jones or Nikkei index)/ [ping2 jun1 shou1 ru4] /average income/ [ping2 jun1 shu4] /mean (statistics)/ [ping2 jun1 qi4 wen1] /average temperature/ [ping2 tan3] /level/even/smooth/flat/ [Ping2 xing2 guan1] /Pingxing pass on the Great Wall near Datong, famous for over the Japanese in Sep 1937/ [Ping2 xing2 guan1 da4 jie2] /victory of Pingxingguan pass, famous vi Chinese forces over the Japanese in Sep 1937/ [Ping2 cheng2] /Pyongsong (city in North Korea)/

[Ping2 pu3 zu2] /Pingpu or Pepo indigenous people/ethnic group (Taiwan), "pla es"/ [Ping2 tang2] /Pingtang county in Qiannan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ [Ping2 tang2 xian4] /Pingtang county in Qiannan Buyei and Miao autonomous pre [Qian2 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ [Ping2 rang3] /Pyongyang, capital of North Korea/ [Ping2 rang3 shi4] /Pyongyang, capital of North Korea/ [Ping2 ba4] /Pingba county in Anshun [An1 shun4], Guizhou/ [Ping2 ba4 xian4] /Pingba county in Anshun [An1 shun4], Guizhou/ [ping2 an1] /safe and sound/well/without mishap/ [Ping2 an1 bei3 dao4] /North P'yong'an Province in west of North Korea, a aoning/ [Ping2 an1 nan2 dao4] /South P'yong'an Province in west of North Korea/ [ping2 an1 ye4] /Christmas Eve/ [Ping2 an1 shi2 dai4] /Heian period (794-1192), period of Japanese histor oto imperial court/ [Ping2 an1 shen2 gong1] /Heian Jing or Heian shrine, in east Kyto , [Ping2 an1 xian4] /Ping'an county in Haidong prefecture [Hai [Ping2 an1 dao4] /P'yong'ando Province of Joseon Korea, now divided into Sout 'an Province [Ping2 an1 nan2 dao4] and North Pyong'an Province [Ping2 an1 b North Korea/ [Ping2 an1 li3] /Ping'an Li (street name in Beijing)/ [Ping2 ding4] /Pingding county in Yangquan [Yang2 quan2], Shanxi/ [ping2 ding4] /to pacify/ [Ping2 ding4 xian4] /Pingding county in Yangquan [Yang2 quan2], Shan [ping2 shi2] /simple and unadorned/plain/(of land) level/even/ [ping2 bao3 gai4] /name of "cover" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radi /see also [mi4]/ [ping2 ju2] /a draw (in competition)/a tie/ [Ping2 shan1] /Pingshan county in Shijiazhuang [Shi2 jia1 zhuang1], rict of Benxi city , Liaoning/ [Ping2 shan1 qu1] /Pingshan district of Benxi city , Liaoning/ [Ping2 shan1 xian4] /Pingshan county in Shijiazhuang [Shi2 jia1 [Ping2 chuan1] /Pingchuan district of Baiyin city [Bai2 yin2 shi4], [Ping2 chuan1 qu1] /Pingchuan district of Baiyin city [Bai2 yin2 [ping2 chang2] /ordinary/common/usually/ordinarily/ [ping2 chang2 ri4] /weekday/ [ping2 ping2] /average/mediocre/ [ping2 ping2 chang2 chang2] /nothing out of the ordinary/unglamorous/ [ping2 nian2] /common year/ [ping2 di3] /flat bottomed/low heeled/ [ping2 di3 guo1] /saucepan/ [Ping2 du4] /Pingdu county level city in Qingdao , Shandong/ [Ping2 du4 shi4] /Pingdu county level city in Qingdao , Shandong/ [ping2 yong1] /mediocre/indifferent/commonplace/ [ping2 yong1 zhi1 bei4] /a nobody/a nonentity/ [ping2 fu4] /to pacify/to calm down/to be cured/to be healed/ [ping2 kuai4 che1] /local express/ [ping2 xi1] /to settle (a dispute)/to quieten down/to suppress/ [Ping2 cheng2] /Heisei, reign name of Japanese Emperor Akihito, from 1989/ [Ping2 fang2] /Pingfang district of Harbin [Ha1 er3 bin1] in Heilong [ping2 fang2] /bungalow/single-story house/ [Ping2 fang2 qu1] /Pingfang district of Harbin [Ha1 er3 bin1] in [ping2 fu3] /to calm/to appease/to quieten/ [ping2 zheng3] /smooth/level/to level off/to flatten (remove bumps)/ [ping2 fang1] /square (as in square foot, square mile, square root)/ [ping2 fang1 gong1 li3] /square-kilometer/ [ping2 fang1 qian1 mi3] /square kilometer/ [ping2 fang1 fan3 bi4 ding4 lu:4] /the inverse square law (in gra

s)/ [ping2 fang1 fan3 bi3 lu:4] /inverse square law (physics)/ [ping2 fang1 cheng2 fan3 bi3] /proportional to inverse square (physic [ping2 fang1 gen1] /square root/ [ping2 fang1 mi3] /square meter/ [ping2 fang1 ying1 chi3] /square foot (unit of area equal to 0.093 square [ping2 ri4] /ordinary day/everyday/ordinarily/usually/ [Ping2 chang1] /Pingchang county in Panzhihua [Pan1 zhi1 hua1], south Sichu [Ping2 chang1 xian4] /Pingchang county in Panzhihua [Pan1 zhi1 hua1], s [ping2 yi4] /amiable (manner)/unassuming/written in plain language/easy to take i / [ping2 yi4 jin4 ren2] /amiable and approachable (idiom); easy-going/modes ing/(of writing) plain and simple/easy to understand/ [ping2 shi2] /ordinarily/in normal times/in peacetime/ [ping2 shi2 bu4 shao1 xiang1 , lin2 shi2 bao4 r arises (idiom); fig. to profess devotion only when in trouble/doing things at the last minute/to make a hasty last-minute effort (often refers to cramming for exams)/ [ping2 yue4] /February of a common year/ [ping2 ban3] /tablet/flat/ [ping2 ban3 dian4 nao3] /tablet computer (iPad, Android devices etc)/ [Ping2 guo3] /Pingguo county in Baise [Bai3 se4], Guangxi/ [Ping2 guo3 xian4] /Pingguo county in Baise [Bai3 se4], Guangxi/ [Ping2 le4] /Pingle county in Guilin [Gui4 lin2], Guangxi/ [Ping2 le4 xian4] /Pingle county in Guilin [Gui4 lin2], Guangxi/ [ping2 qiao2] /Pingqiao district of Xinyang city , Henan/ [Ping2 qiao2 qu1] /Pingqiao district of Xinyang city , Henan/ [ping2 bu4 qing1 yun2] /to rapidly go up in the world/meteoric rise (of a al position etc)/ [Ping2 wu3] /Pingwu county in Mianyang [Mian2 yang2], north Sichuan/ [Ping2 wu3 xian4] /Pingwu county in Mianyang [Mian2 yang2], north Si [ping2 hui3] /to level/to raise to the ground/to destroy/ [ping2 min2] /ordinary people/commoner/civilian/ [Ping2 jiang1] /Pingjiang district of Suzhou city [Su1 zhou1 shi4], ounty in Yueyang [Yue4 yang2], Hunan/ [Ping2 jiang1 qu1] /Pingjiang district of Suzhou city [Su1 zhou1 [Ping2 jiang1 xian4] /Pingjiang county in Yueyang [Yue4 yang2], Huna [Ping2 quan2] /Pingquan county in Chengde [Cheng2 de2], Hebei/ [Ping2 quan2 xian4] /Pingquan county in Chengde [Cheng2 de2], Hebei/ [Ping2 jin1 zhan4 yi4] /Pingjin Campaign/ [ping2 liu2 ceng2] /stratosphere/ [Ping2 liang2] /Pingliang prefecture level city in Gansu/ [Ping2 liang2 di4 qu1] /Pingliang prefecture in Gansu/ [Ping2 liang2 shi4] /Pingliang prefecture level city in Gansu/ [ping2 dan4] /flat/dull/ordinary/nothing special/ [ping2 dan4 wu2 qi2] /ordinary and mediocre (idiom); nothing to write hom [ping2 jian3] /to deflate/to decrease (number, esp. price)/ [Ping2 hu2] /Pinghu county level city in Jiaxing [Jia1 xing1], Zhejiang/ [Ping2 hu2 shi4] /Pinghu county level city in Jiaxing [Jia1 xing1], [Ping2 xi1] /Pinghsi township in Taipei county [Tai2 bei3 xian4], Ta [Ping2 xi1 xiang1] /Pinghsi township in Taipei county [Tai2 bei3 [ping2 hua2] /flat and smooth/ [ping2 hua2 zi4] /sans serif (typography)/ [ping2 hua2 ji1] /smooth muscle (anatomy)/non-striated muscle/ [Ping2 tan2] /Pingtan county in Fuzhou [Fu2 zhou1], Fujian/ [Ping2 tan2 xian4] /Pingtan county in Fuzhou [Fu2 zhou1], Fujian/ [ping2 sheng1] /all one's life/ [ping2 sheng1 bu4 zuo4 kui1 x not fear the knock in the night./Rest with a clear conscience./ [ping2 chou2] /level farmland/well-cultivated land/

[ping2 bai2] /for no reason/gratuitously/ [ping2 bai2 wu2 gu4] /without good cause/ [ping2 zhi2] /smooth/level/ [ping2 yi2] /translation (geometry)/ [ping2 wen3] /smooth/steady/ [ping2 deng3] /equal/equality/ [ping2 deng3 zhu3 yi4] /equalism/ [ping2 deng3 hu4 li4] /mutual benefit/to share profits equitably/ [ping2 deng3 de5 fa3 lu:4 di4 wei4] /equal legal status (law) [ping2 mi3] /square meter/short for / [ping2 su4] /usually/habitually/ordinarily/normally/ [ping2 huan3] /level/almost flat/not strongly sloping/fig. moderate/mild-mannered gentle/ [Ping2 luo2] /Pingluo county in Shizuishan [Shi2 zui3 shan1], Ningxia/ [Ping2 luo2 xian4] /Pingluo county in Shizuishan [Shi2 zui3 shan1], Nin [ping2 sheng1] /level or even tone/first and second tones in modern Mandarin/ [ping2 tai2] /platform/terrace/flat-roofed building/ [ping2 she2 yin1] /alveolar/consonants z, c, s produced with the tip of the t n the alveolar ridge/ [ping2 gu1] /oyster mushroom/ [ping2 wu2] /open grassland/ [ping2 xing2] /parallel/of equal rank/simultaneous/ [ping2 xing2 gong1 she4] /the parallel postulate (geometry)/Euclid's fift [ping2 xing2 si4 bian1 xing2] /parallelogram/ [ping2 xing2 xian4] /parallel lines/ [ping2 heng2] /balance/equilibrium/ [ping2 heng2 tai4] /balance/(state of) equilibrium/ [ping2 heng2 mu4] /beam (gymnastics)/balance beam/ [ping2 zhuang1] /paperback/paper-cover/ [ping2 zhuang1 ben3] /paperback (book)/ [ping2 hua4] /storytelling dramatic art dating back to Song and Yuan periods, sin le narrator without music, often historical topics with commentary/ [Ping2 gu3] /Pinggu rural district of Beijing, formerly Pinggu county/ [Ping2 gu3 qu1] /Pinggu rural district of Beijing, formerly Pinggu county/ [Ping2 gu3 xian4] /former Pinggu county, now Pinggu rural district in Beijing [ping2 zou3 man4 bu4] /to be flatfooted (idiom)/ [ping2 shen1] /please rise (superior saying to inferior)/ [ping2 bei4] /of the same generation/ [Ping2 yu2] /Ping'yu county in Zhumadian [Zhu4 ma3 dian4], Henan/ [Ping2 yu2 xian4] /Ping'yu county in Zhumadian [Zhu4 ma3 dian4], [Ping2 yao2] /Pingyao county in Jinzhong [Jin4 zhong1], Shanxi/ [Ping2 yao2 xian4] /Pingyao county in Jinzhong [Jin4 zhong1], Shanxi [Ping2 yuan3] /Pingyuan county in Meizhou , Guangdong/ [Ping2 yuan3 xian4] /Pingyuan county in Meizhou , Guangdong/ [Ping2 yi4] /Pingyi county in Linyi [Lin2 yi2], Shandong/ [Ping2 yi4 xian4] /Pingyi county in Linyi [Lin2 yi2], Shandong/ [Ping2 xiang1] /Pingxiang county in Xingtai [Xing2 tai2], Hebei/ [Ping2 xiang1 xian4] /Pingxiang county in Xingtai [Xing2 tai2], Hebei/ [ping2 guo1] /pan/ [Ping2 zhen4] /Pingzhen or Pingchen city in Taoyuan county [Tao2 yua iwan/ [Ping2 zhen4 shi4] /Pingzhen or Pingchen city in Taoyuan county Taiwan/ [Ping2 yin1] /Pingyin county in Ji'nan [Ji3 nan2], Shandong/ [Ping2 yin1 xian4] /Pingyin county in Ji'nan [Ji3 nan2], Shandong/ [Ping2 lu4] /Pinglu county in Yuncheng [Yun4 cheng2], Shanxi/ [Ping2 lu4 xian4] /Pinglu county in Yuncheng [Yun4 cheng2], Shanxi/ [Ping2 yang2] /Pingyang county in Wenzhou [Wen1 zhou1], Zhejiang/ [Ping2 yang2 xian4] /Pingyang county in Wenzhou [Wen1 zhou1], Zhejia [ping2 jing4] /to suppress rebellion and quell unrest/to bring calm and order to/

alm and peaceful/tranquil/ [ping2 jing4] /tranquil/undisturbed/serene/ [ping2 mian4] /plane (flat surface)/print media/ [ping2 mian4 tu2] /a plan/a planar graph/a plane figure/ [ping2 mian4 tu2 xing2] /a plane figure/ [ping2 mian4 ji3 he2] /plane geometry/ [ping2 mian4 qu1 xian4] /(math.) plane curve/ [ping2 mian4 bo1] /a plane wave/ [ping2 mian4 jiao3] /a plane angle/ [ping2 ding3] /flat roof/ [Ping2 ding3 shan1] /Pingdingshan prefecture level city in Henan/ [Ping2 ding3 shan1 shi4] /Pingdingshan prefecture level city in Henan/ [Ping2 shun4] /Pingshun, county in Shanxi/ [ping2 shun4] /smooth/smooth-going/plain sailing/ [Ping2 shun4 xian4] /Pingshun county, Shanxi/ [ping2 tou2] /flattop (hairstyle)/ [Ping2 lu3] /Pinglu district of Shuozhou city [Shuo4 zhou1 shi4], Shanxi/ [Ping2 lu3 qu1] /Pinglu district of Shuozhou city [Shuo4 zhou1 shi4], S [nian2] /year/CL: [ge4]/ [nian2 san1 shi2] /last day of the lunar year/Chinese New Year's Eve/ [nian2 xia4] /lunar new year/ [nian2 zhong1] /mid-year/ [nian2 jiu3 shi1 xiu1] /worn down by years of non-repair/ [nian2 zhi1 jiu3] /period of ... years/ [nian2 shi4] /years of age/age/ [nian2 shi4 yi3 gao1] /old in years/ [nian2 dai4] /a decade of a century (e.g. the Sixties)/age/era/period/CL: [ge [nian2 dai4 chu1] /beginning of an age/beginning of a decade/ [nian2 dai4 xue2] /chronology (the science of determining the dates of past e [nian2 yi3 lai2] /since the year .../ [nian2 fen5] /particular year/certain year/given year/ [nian2 lai2] /this past year/over the last years/ [nian2 feng4] /yearly salary/ [nian2 xiong1] /lit. older brother/fig. fellow students who are successful in the imperial examinations/ [nian2 nei4] /during the current year/ [nian2 chu1] /beginning of the year/ [nian2 qian2] /...years ago/ [nian2 gong1 jia1 feng4] /increase in salary according to one's service r year (idiom)/ [nian2 you3] /friendship of people in same year/one's contemporaries/ [nian2 jun1] /annual average (rate)/ [nian2 jun1 zeng1 zhang3 lu:4] /annual rate of growth/ [nian2 jun1 ri4 zhao4] /average annual sunshine/ [nian2 bao4] /annual report/ [nian2 shou4] /length of life/life span/ [nian2 ye4] /eve of lunar new year/ [nian2 ye4 fan4] /New Year's Eve family dinner/ [nian2 fu4 li4 qiang2] /young and vigorous (idiom)/ [nian2 zun1] /aged and respected/senior/ [nian2 shao4] /young/junior/ [nian2 wei3] /end of the year/ [nian2 yi3 cuo1 tuo2] /the years slip away/fig. the inexorable passage of too old/ [nian2 nian2] /year after year/yearly/every year/annually/ [nian2 you4] /young/underage/ [nian2 di3] /the end of the year/year-end/ [nian2 geng1] /date and time of a person's birth/age/ [nian2 du4] /year (e.g. school year, fiscal year)/annual/ [nian2 du4 bao4 gao4] /annual report/

[nian2 du4 da4 hui4] /annual meeting/annual general meeting (AGM)/ [nian2 du4 gu3 dong1 da4 hui4] /annual shareholders' meeting/ [nian2 du4 yu4 suan4] /annual budget/ [nian2 fu4 yi1 nian2] /over the years/year after year/ [nian2 xi1] /annual interest/ [nian2 shou1 ru4] /annual income/ [nian2 li4] /calendar/diary/ [nian2 hui4] /annual meeting/ [nian2 yue4] /months and year/time/days of one's life/ [nian2 mo4] /end of the year/ [Nian2 chu3 he2] /Nyang qu or Nian chu River in Tibet, a tributary of Yarlung o/ [nian2 sui4] /years of age/age/ [nian2 chan3] /annual production/ [nian2 hua4 r5] /New Year (Spring Festival) picture/ [nian2 jie2] /the New Year festival/ [nian2 gao1] /nian gao, New Year cake made of steamed glutinous rice/Japanese moc i/ [nian2 ji4] /age/CL:[ba3], [ge4]/ [nian2 ji2] /grade/CL: [ge4]/ [nian2 zhong1] /end of the year/ [nian2 lao3] /aged/ [nian2 lao3 li4 shuai1] /old and weak (idiom)/ [nian2 lao3 ti3 ruo4] /old and weak (idiom)/ [nian2 hua2] /years/time/age/ [nian2 xin1] /annual salary/ [nian2 hao4] /era name (subdivision in the reign of an emperor)/ [nian2 biao3] /timeline/chronology/annals/financial year/year/ [nian2 yi4] /friendship between classmates/one's contemporaries/ [nian2 pu3] /chronicle (of sb's life)/ [nian2 huo4] /merchandise sold for Chinese New Year/ [nian2 zi1] /age and experience/seniority/ [nian2 zai3] /a year, more or less/years/ [nian2 qing1] /young/ [nian2 qing1 ren2] /young people/ [nian2 qing1 li4 zhuang4] /young and vigorous (idiom)/ [nian2 qing1 hua4] /to make more youthful/to promote younger staff/ [nian2 qing1 you3 wei2] /young and promising/ [nian2 qing1 qi4 sheng4] /full of youthful vigor (idiom)/in the prime of [nian2 lun2] /growth ring/ [nian2 yu2 gu3 xi1] /over seventy years old/ [nian2 mai4] /old/aged/ [nian2 jin1] /annuity/pension/superannuation/ [nian2 jian4] /almanac/ [nian2 jian4] /almanac/yearbook/ [nian2 zhang3] /senior/ [nian2 jian1] /in the years of/during those years/period (of dynasty or decade)/ [nian2 guan1] /end of the year/ [nian2 xian4] /age limit/fixed number of years/ [nian2 qing1] /youthful/ [nian2 tou2] /year/start of the year/whole year/a particular year/many years' dur tion/epoch/a year's harvest/prospects for a year/ [nian2 tou2 r5] /erhua variant of , year/start of the year/whole yea /many years' duration/epoch/a year's harvest/prospects for a year/ [nian2 gao1 de2 shao4] /to be advanced in both years and virtue (idiom)/ [nian2 ling2] /(a person's) age/CL:[ba3], [ge4]/ [nian2 ling2 zu3] /age group/ [qian1] /even level. to raise in both hands/ [bing4] /variant of [bing4]/variant of [bing4]/ [Xing4] /surname Xing/

[xing4] /fortunate/lucky/ [xing4 shi4] /sth fortunate/a lucky chance/ [xing4 mian3] /narrowly and luckily escape/ [xing4 xi3] /fortunately/ [xing4 hao3] /fortunately/ [xing4 cun2] /survivor (of a disaster)/ [xing4 cun2 zhe3] /survivor/ [xing4 hui4] /nice to meet you/ [xing4 zai1 le4 huo4] /lit. to take joy in calamity and delight in disast ig. to rejoice in other people's misfortune/Schadenfreude/ [xing4 shen4] /very fortunate/sth to rejoice at/ [xing4 fu2] /happiness/happy/blessed/ [xing4 fu2 xue2] /eudemonics/hedonomics/ [xing4 er2] /by good fortune/luckily/ [xing4 kui1] /fortunately/luckily/ [xing4 jin4] /to get through by luck/to be promoted by a fluke/ [xing4 yun4] /fortunate/lucky/fortune/luck/ [xing4 yun4 er2] /winner/lucky guy/person who always gets good breaks/ [xing4 yun4 chou1 jiang3] /lucky draw/lottery/ [gan4] /tree trunk/main part of sth/to manage/to work/to do/capable/cadre/to kil l (slang)/to fuck (vulgar)/ [gan4 shi5] /administrator/executive secretary/ [gan4 shi5 zhang3] /secretary general/ [gan4 zhang4] /to quarrel (dialect)/ [gan4 jin4] /enthusiasm for doing sth/ [gan4 sha2] /do what?/ [gan4 ma2] /see [gan4 ma2]/ [gan4 ma2] /what are you doing?/whatever for?/why on earth?/ [gan4 jiang4] /capable person/ [gan4 cai2] /ability/capable/ [gan4 diao4] /to get rid of/ [gan4 cai2] /ability/capable/ [gan4 xiao4] /school for cadres/May 7 Cadre School / [gan4 huo2] /to work/to be employed/manual labor/ [gan4 huo2 r5] /to work/manual labor/ [gan4 liu2] /main stream (of a river)/ [gan4 qu2] /trunk canal/ [gan4 shen2 me5] /what are you doing?/what's he up to?/ [gan4 xi4 bao1] /stem cell/ [gan4 xian4] /main line/trunk line/ [gan4 lian4] /capable and experienced/ [gan4 qun2] /cadres and masses/party officials and ordinary people/ [gan4 jing3] /police/police cadres/ [gan4 dao4] /arterial road/main road/main watercourse/ [gan4 bu4] /personnel/employees/cadre (in communist party)/CL: [ge4]/ [gan4 ma2] /see [gan4 ma2]/ [huan4] /fantasy/ [huan4 jing4] /land of fantasy/fairyland/ [huan4 ying3] /phantom/mirage/ [huan4 xiang3] /delusion/fantasy/ [huan4 mie4] /to disillusion/disillusionment/vanishing (illusions, hopes, aspirat ons etc)/ [huan4 deng1] /lantern slides/ [huan4 deng1 pian4] /slide (photography, presentation software)/filmstrip/tra cy/ [huan4 jue2] /illusion/hallucination/figment of one's imagination/ [huan4 jue2 ji4] /hallucinogen/ [huan4 xiang4] /illusion/ [you4] /young/ [you4 er2] /child/

[you4 er2 yuan2] /kindergarten/nursery school/ [you4 wu2 you4 , yi3 ji2 ren2 zhi1 you4] /to care for [you4 nu:3] /young girl/ [you4 mei4] /younger sister/ [you4 nian2] /childhood/infancy/ [you4 di4] /younger brother/ [you4 shi2] /childhood/ [you4 shou4] /cub/ [You4 fa1 la1 di3] /Euphrates (river in Iraq)/ [You4 fa1 la1 di3 he2] /Euphrates river/ [you4 fa1 la1 di3 he2 gu3] /Euphrates river valley/ [you4 zhi4] /young/childish/naive/ [you4 zhi4 yuan2] /kindergarten/ [you4 miao2] /young sprout/bud/sapling/seedling/ [you4 chong2] /larva/ [you4 chu2] /young bird/nestling/ [you4 ma3] /young horse/colt/filly/ [you4 ti3] /larva/ [you1] /remote/hidden away/secluded/serene/peaceful/to imprison/in superstition indicates the underworld/ancient district spanning Liaonang and Hebei provinces/ [you1 pi4] /secluded/quiet and remote/obscure and faraway/ [you1 ming2] /dark/hell/netherworld/hades/ [you1 ling2] /to keep in confinement/to confine/ [You1 zhou1] /Youzhou, ancient province in north Hebei and Liaoning/Fanyang city near modern Beijing/ [you1 jing4] /secluded path/ [you1 yuan4] /hidden bitterness, secret grudge/ [you1 an4] /gloom/ [you1 hui4] /lover's rendezvous/tryst/ [you1 fu2] /U.F.O./unidentified flying object/space ship/ [you1 shen1] /serene and hidden in depth or distance/ [you1 jin4] /to imprison/to place under house arrest/ [you1 mei3] /(of a location) beautiful and tranquil/ [you1 gu3] /deep valley/ [you1 sui4] /profound and unfathomable/ [you1 bi4 kong3 ju4] /claustrophobia/ [you1 bi4 kong3 ju4 zheng4] /claustrophobia/ [you1 ya3] /serene and elegant (of a place)/ethereal (of music)/ [you1 ling2] /specter/apparition/ghost/ [you1 jing4] /quiet/secluded/isolated/peaceful/ [you1 mo4] /(loanword) humor/humorous/ [you1 mo4 gan3] /sense of humor/ [ji1] /almost/ [ji3] /how much/how many/several/a few/ [ji1 ding1] /chitin/ [ji1 ding1 zhi4] /chitin/ [ji1 hu1] /almost/nearly/practically/ [ji1 hu1 bu4] /hardly/seems not/ [ji1 hu1 wan2 quan2] /almost entirely/almost completely/ [ji1 hu1 mei2 you3] /scarcely/hardly any/ [ji3 wei4] /several people (honorific)/Ladies and Gentlemen!/ [ji3 he2] /geometry/how much/ [ji3 he2 guang1 xue2] /geometric optics/ [Ji3 he2 Yuan2 ben3] /Euclid's Elements/ [ji3 he2 xue2] /geometry/ [ji3 he2 tuo4 pu1] /(math.) geometric topology/ [ji3 he2 tuo4 pu1 xue2] /(math.) geometric topology/ [ji3 he2 xian4] /geometric straight line/ [ji3 he2 liang4] /geometric quantity/ [ji3 ge5] /a few/several/how many/

[ji3 ge5 yue4] /several months/the last few months/ [ji3 bei4] /several times (bigger)/double, treble, quadruple etc/ [Ji1 nei4 ya4] /Guinea/ [Ji1 nei4 ya4 Bi3 shao4] /Guinea-Bissau/ [Ji3 nei4 ya4 Wan1] /Gulf of Guinea/ [ji3 shi2 yi4] /several billion/ [ji3 shi2 nian2] /several tens of years/several decades/ [ji3 qian1] /several thousand/ [ji3 tian1] /several days/ [ji3 tian1 lai2] /for the past few days/ [ji1 xi1] /not much/very little (e.g. difference)/ [ji3 nian2] /a few years/several years/how many years/ [ji3 nian2 lai2] /for the past several years/ [ji1 wei1] /tiny/infinitesimal/ [ji3 shi2] /what time?/when?/ [ji1 an4] /table/long table/ [ji3 yang4] /several kinds/ [ji3 ci4] /several times/ [ji3 ci4 san1 fan1] /lit. twice then three times (idiom); fig. repeatedly r again/ [ji1 yu4] /almost/nearly going to/ [ji3 sui4] /some years/How many years?/How old are you? (familiar, or to child, e uivalent to for older person)/ [ji1 lu:4] /probability/odds/ [ji3 bai3] /several hundred/ [Ji1 mi3] /Jimmy Liao (1958-), pen name of [Liao4 Fu2 bin1], Taiwanese illu d picture book writer/ [ji3 jing1] /many times/ [ji1 zhi4] /almost/ [ji1 jian4] /to admonish (a senior person)/a euphemism politely criticizing an ol er person/ [ji1 jin4] /to be on the brink of/to be on the verge of/ [ji3 dian3] /what time?/when?/ [ji3 dian3 le5] /What's the time?/ [pi3] /to prepare/ [ting1] /Japanese variant of / [guang3] /Japanese variant of / [zhuang1] /variant of / [bi4] /to protect/cover/shelter/hide or harbor/ [bi4 you4] /to bless/to protect/protection (esp. divine)/ [bi4 you4] /to bless/to protect/protection (esp. divine)/also written [bi4 yo [bi4 yin4] /to give shade (of a tree etc)/to shield/ [Bi4 xi1 te4 la1 tu2] /Pisistratus (-528 BC), tyrant (ruler) of Athen s between 561 BC and 528 BC/ [bi4 hu4] /asylum/shelter/to shield/to put under protection/to take under one's w ng/ [qin2] /(person)/ [dun4] /a village/to dwell together/ [chuang2] /bed/couch/classifier for beds/CL: [zhang1]/ [chuang2 wei4] /bed (in hospital, hotel, train etc)/berth/bunk/ [chuang2 ce4] /bedside/ [chuang2 dan1] /bed sheet/CL: [tiao2],[jian4], [zhang1],[chuang2]/ [chuang2 dian4] /mattress/CL: [zhang1]/ [chuang2 yan2] /bedside/ [chuang2 li4] /fitted bed sheet/ [chuang2 bian1] /bedside/ [chuang2 pu4] /bed/ [chuang2 tou2] /bedhead/bedside/headboard/ [chuang2 tou2 gui4] /bedside cabinet/ [gui3] /a cupboard or pantry to store/

[xu4] /order/sequence/preface/ [xu4 lie4] /sequence/ [xu4 lie4 hao4] /serial number/product key (software)/ [xu4 mu4] /prologue/ [xu4 shu4] /ordinal number/ [xu4 wen2] /preface/foreword/preamble/recital (law)/also written [xu4 we [xu4 qu3] /overture/ [xu4 yan2] /preface/introductory remarks/preamble/prelude/ [xu4 ba2] /preface and postscript/ [de5] /(equivalent to as possessive particle)/ [di3] /background/bottom/base/the end of a period of time/towards the end of (la st month)/ [di3 xia5] /the location below sth/afterwards/ [di3 kua1 ke4] /bottom quark (physics)/ [di3 zi5] /base/foundation/bottom/ [di3 ceng2] /ground or first floor/bottom (of a pile)/lowest rung (of society)/ [di3 zuo4] /base/pedestal/foundation/ [Di3 ge2 li3 si1] /Tigris River, Iraq/ [Di3 ge2 li3 si1 he2] /Tigris River, Iraq/ [di3 qi1 you3 kong3 chong2] /benthic foramanifera/seabed plankton/ [Di3 bi3 si1] /Thebes, place name in ancient Egypt/Thebes, ancient Greek city [di3 qi4] /lung power/stamina/confidence/ [di3 zhi1] /stock (cooking)/base (of sauce or gravy)/ [di3 pian4] /negative/photographic plate/ [di3 ban3] /photographic plate/ [Di3 te4 lu:4] /Detroit, Michigan/ [di3 jie4] /lower boundary/ [di3 pan2] /chassis/ [di3 xi4] /inside information/the ins and out of the matter/how things stand/what s up/ [di3 xian4] /to underline/base line (in sports)/fig. the legal limits/a spy (in e emy territory)/ [di3 xin1] /basic salary/base pay/salary floor/ [di3 yun4] /inside information/concrete details/ [di3 bian1] /base (of a triangle)/base line/hem line (of skirt)/ [di3 bu4] /bottom/ [Di3 xi1 si1 hai3] /Thetys (hypothetical ocean between Africa and Eurasia l history)/ [di3 fa2] /bottom valve/foot valve/ [di3 xian4] /minimum/ [di3 mian4] /bottom/bottom side/bottom surface/ [pao2] /kitchen/ [pao2 chu2] /kitchen/cook/chef/ [Pao2 xi1 shi4] /another name for [Fu2 Xi1], consort of [Nu:3 wa [dian4] /inn/shop/store/CL:[jia1]/ [dian4 zhu3] /shop owner/ [dian4 huo3] /shop assistant/shop clerk/ [dian4 yuan2] /shop assistant/salesclerk/salesperson/ [dian4 tang2] /show room/ [dian4 jia1] /proprietor of a shop or restaurant/landlord/ [dian4 pu4] /store/shop/ [dian4 qian2] /room charge in a hotel/accommodation expenses/ [dian4 mian4] /shop front/ [geng1] /age/seventh of the 10 Heavenly Stems /seventh in order/letter "G" or r "VII" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc/hepta/ [geng1 wu3] /seventh year G7 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1990 or 2050/ [geng1 zi3] /thirty seventh year G1 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1960 or 2020/cf is year of 1900 involving the Boxer uprising and the eight nation military invas ion/ [geng1 zi3 guo2 bian4] /the crisis year of 1900 involving the Boxer upris

ight nation military invasion/ [geng1 yin2] /twenty seventh year G3 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 2010 or 2070/ [geng1 xu1] /forty seventh year G11 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1970 or 2030/ [geng1 shen1] /fifty seventh year G9 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1980 or 2040/ [geng1 tang2] /heptose (CH2O)7, monosaccharide with seven carbon atoms/ [geng1 chen2] /seventeenth year G5 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 2000 or 2060/ [fu3] /seat of government/government repository (archive)/official residence/man sion/presidential palace/(honorific) Your home/prefecture (from Tang to Qing tim es)/ [fu3 cheng2] /capital of prefecture (from Tang to Qing times)/prefectural seat [fu3 yin3] /magistrate/prefect/ [fu3 mu4] /government advisor/ [fu3 ku4] /government treasury/ [fu3 zhi4] /seat of prefectural government (from Tang to Qing times)/ [fu3 di4] /mansion house/official residence/ [fu3 chou2] /poplin (cotton cloth used for shirts)/ [Fu3 gu3] /Fugu county in Yln [Yu2 lin2], Shnx/ [Fu3 gu3 xian4] /Fugu county in Yln [Yu2 lin2], Shnx/ [fu3 di3] /mansion house/official residence/ [xiang2] /asylum for the aged/school/ [zhi4] /to prepare/ [xiu1] /protection/shade/ [du4] /to pass/to spend (time)/measure/limit/extent/degree of intensity/degree ( angles, temperature etc)/kilowatt-hour/classifier for events and occurrences/ [duo2] /to estimate/ [du4 jia4] /to go on vacation/ [du4 jia4 qu1] /(vacation) resort/ [du4 wai4] /outside the sphere of one's consideration/ [du4 shu4] /degree/ [du4 ri4] /scratch out a difficult, meager existence/ [du4 ri4 ru2 nian2] /a day drags past like a year (idiom); time hangs hea s when one is wretched/ [du4 guo4] /to pass/to spend (time)/to survive/to get through/ [du4 liang4] /measure/tolerance/breadth/magnanimity/ [du4 liang4 heng2] /measurement/ [zuo4] /seat/base/stand/CL: [ge4]/classifier for buildings, mountains and similar immovable objects/ [zuo4 wei4] /seat/CL: [ge4]/ [zuo4 r5] /rickshaw seat (Beijing dialect)/patron (of teahouse, cinema)/passenger (in taxi, rickshaw etc)/ [zuo4 you4 ming2] /motto/maxim/ [zuo4 zi5] /pedestal/plinth/saddle/ [zuo4 xi2] /seat (at banquet)/by ext. guest of honor/ [zuo4 yi3] /seat/ [zuo4 yi3 tao4 zi5] /seat cover/ [zuo4 biao1] /see [zuo4 biao1]/ [zuo4 biao1 fa3] /method of coordinates (geometry)/ [zuo4 biao1 kong1 jian1] /coordinate space/ [zuo4 biao1 xi4] /coordinate system (geometry)/ [zuo4 biao1 zhou2] /coordinate axis/ [zuo4 wu2 xu1 xi2] /lit. a banquet with no empty seats/full house/capacit ing room only/ [zuo4 sheng1 shui3 mu3] /sessile medusa/sea anemone/ [zuo4 cang1] /cockpit/cabin/ [zuo4 luo4] /to be situated/located at (of building)/also written [zuo4 luo4] [zuo4 tan2] /to have an informal discussion/CL:[ci4], [ge4]/ [zuo4 tan2 hui4] /conference/symposium/rap session/ [zuo4 che1] /(railway) carriage/ [zuo4 zhong1] /desk clock/ [Zuo4 tou2 Shi4] /Zatoichi/

[zuo4 tou2 jing1] /humpback whale/ [ku4] /warehouse/storehouse/ [Ku4 lun2] /Charles-Augustin de Coulomb (1736-1806), French physicist/Coulomb (un t of charge)/ [Ku4 lun2 ding4 lu:4] /Coulomb's law/the inverse square law of electrosta [Ku4 lun2 ji4] /voltameter/ [Ku4 lun2] /Kulun, the former name for modern Ulan Bator, capital of Mongolia (Mo golian: temple)/ [Ku4 lun2 qi2] /Hure banner or Xree khoshuu in Tongliao [Tong1 liao [Ku4 lun2 zhen4] /Hure town in Tongliao [Tong1 liao2], Inner Mongoli [Ku4 ke4] /Cook (name)/Captain James Cook (1728-1779), British navigator and expl rer/ [Ku4 ke4 shan1] /Mt Cook on New Zealand South Island, national park and highe / [Ku4 ke4 qun2 dao3] /Cook Islands/ [Ku4 ke4 chuan2 zhang3] /Captain James Cook (1728-1779), British navigato r/ [Ku4 mu3] /Qom (holy city in Iran)/ [ku4 mu3 ta3 ge2 sha1 mo4] /Kumutage Desert/ [ku4 cun2] /property or cash held in reserve/stock/ [ku4 cun2 xian4 jin1] /cash in hand/(accountancy)/ [ku4 gong1 dang3] /abbr. for Kurdish Worker's Party/ [Ku4 bu4 li3 ke4] /Kubrick/ [ku4 fang2] /a place for storage/storeroom/warehouse/ [Ku4 mu4 tu3 la1 qian1 fo2 dong4] /Kumutula thousand-Buddha g [ku4 mo2 kuai4] /library module/ [ku4 er3] /Chur (city in Switzerland)/ [Ku4 er3 le4] /Korla shehiri, Korla or Ku'erle city, capital of Bayin'guoleng autonomous prefecture, Xinjiang [Ba1 yin1 guo1 leng4 Meng3 gu3 zi4 zhi4 / [Ku4 er3 le4 shi4] /Korla shehiri, Korla or Ku'erle city, capital of Bayi gol autonomous prefecture, Xinjiang [Ba1 yin1 guo1 leng4 Meng3 gu3 zi4 zh [Ku4 er3 ni2 ke1 wa2] /Anna Sergeevna Kournikova (1981-), Russian ten model/ [Ku4 er3 de2] /Kurd/Kurdish/ [Ku4 er3 de2 ren2] /Kurdish person or people/ [Ku4 er3 de2 gong1 ren2 dang3] /Kurdish people's party KPP/ [Ku4 er3 de2 si1 tan3] /Kurdistan/ [Ku4 er3 si1 ke4] /Kursk (city)/ [Ku4 er3 te4 Wa3 er3 de2 hai3 mu3] /Kurt Waldheim ( Secretary-General of UN 1972-1981, President of Austria 1986-1992/ [ku4 po4 dai4] /the Kuiper belt (in the outer reaches of the Solar system)/ [ku4 na4 nan2] /(Andrew) Cunanan (alleged serial killer)/ [ku4 cang2] /to store/to have sth in storage/ [Ku4 che1] /Kuchar Nahiyisi or Kuche county in Aksu , Xinjia [Ku4 che1 xian4] /Kuchar Nahiyisi or Kuche county in Aksu [Ku4 li3 ti2 ba1] /Curitiba (city in Brazil)/ [Ku4 ye4 dao3] /Kuril Islands (chain between Kamchatka and Hokkaido)/ [pang2] /huge/ [ting2] /main hall/front courtyard/law court/ [ting2 yuan2] /flower garden/ [ting2 tang2] /courtyard in front of a palace/ [ting2 wai4] /out-of-court (settlement)/ [ting2 shen3] /court hearing/ [ting2 xun4] /tuition within family/education from father/ [ting2 zhang3] /presiding judge/ [ting2 yuan4] /courtyard/ [ting2 chu2] /front court/courtyard/ [Cheng3] /surname Cheng/ancient area of modern day Danyang City, Jiangsu Provinc e/

[bi4] /low-built house/ [ji2] /place name/ [an1] /hut/small temple/nunnery/ [an1 tang2] /Buddhist nunnery/ [shu4] /numerous/common people (or populace)/born of a concubine/ [shu4 ji2 shi4] /title of the temporary position in the Hanlin Academy, confe meritorious candidates until the next examination/ [shu4 zi3] /bastard/commoner son of royalty/ [shu4 shi4] /concubine/ [shu4 ji1] /similar/almost/if only/maybe/ [shu4 min2] /the multitude of common people (in highbrow literature)/plebeian/ [Kang1] /surname Kang/ [kang1] /healthy/peaceful/abundant/ [kang1 nai3 xin1] /carnation or clove pink/Dianthus caryophyllus (botany)/ [Kang1 qian2 zong1 jia1 feng1] /Kachenjunga (Himalayan peak)/ [kang1 qian2 sheng4 shi4] /booming and golden age of Qing dynasty (from K n Long emperors)/ [Kang1 jia1] /Kongka (brand)/ [Kang1 bao3] /Kangbao county in Zhangjiakou [Zhang1 jia1 kou3], Hebe [Kang1 bao3 xian4] /Kangbao county in Zhangjiakou [Zhang1 jia1 k [kang1 jian4] /healthy/fit/ [Kang1 qu1] /former Tibetan province of Kham, now split between Tibet and Sichuan [Kang1 duo1 li4 zha1 Lai4 si1] /Rice (name)/Condoleezza Ric rom 2005/ [Kang1 nai4 er3] /Cornell (US University)/ [Kang1 nai4 er3 da4 xue2] /Cornell University/ [Kang1 ding4] /Dartsendo, Dardo or Kangding county (Tibetan: dar mdo rdzong) in G rze Tibetan autonomous prefecture [Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Sichua y in Kham province of Tibet)/ [Kang1 ding4 xian4] /Dartsendo, Dardo or Kangding county (Tibetan: dar mdo rd n Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture [Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Si merly in Kham province of Tibet)/ [Kang1 ba1] /Khampa, subdivision of Tibetan ethnic group/former Tibetan province f Kham, now split between Tibet and Sichuan/ [Kang1 ba1 di4 qu1] /former Tibetan province of Kham, now split between T uan/ [Kang1 ba1 Zang4 qu1] /former Kham province of Tibet, now split between T uan/ [Kang1 ping2] /Kangping county in Shenyang , Liaoning/ [kang1 ping2] /peace and prosperity/ [Kang1 ping2 xian4] /Kangping county in Shenyang , Liaoning/ [Kang1 Guang3 ren2] /Kang Guangren (1867-1898), younger brother of Kang Youwe 3 wei2] and one of the Six Gentlemen Martyrs of the unsuccessful reform movement 1898/ [kang1 qiang2] /strong and healthy/fit/ [kang1 fu4] /to recuperate/to recover (health)/to convalesce/ [Kang1 de2] /Immanuel Kant (1724-1804), German philosopher/ [Kang1 si1 wei2 en1 ge2] /Kongsvinger (city in Hedemark, Norway)/ [Kang1 si1 tan3 cha2] /Constanta (city in Romania)/ [Kang1 si1 tan3 ci2] /Konstanz (Germany)/ [Kang1 You3 wei2] /Kang Youwei (1858-1927), Confucian intellectual, educator ld-be reformer, main leader of the failed reform movement of 1898/ [Kang1 le4] /Kangle county in Linxia Hui autonomous prefecture u1], Gansu/ [Kang1 le4 xian4] /Kangle county in Linxia Hui autonomous prefecture zhou1], Gansu/ [Kang1 qiao2] /Cambridge (city), from a poem by Xu Zhimo / [kang1 tai4] /safe and healthy/ [Kang1 nie4 di2 ge2] /Connecticut, US state/ [Kang1 nie4 di2 ge2 zhou1] /Connecticut, US state/

[Kang1 xi1] /Kangxi or K'ang Hsi, second Qing Emperor (1661-1722)/ [Kang1 xi1 zi4 dian3] /the Kangxi Dictionary/ [Kang1 Sheng1] /Kang Sheng (1896-1975), Chinese communist leader, a politburo mem er during the Cultural Revolution and posthumously blamed for some of its excess es/ [Kang1 ke1 de2] /Concord (place name)/Concord, capital of US state New Hampsh [Kang1 xian4] /Kang county in Longnan [Long3 nan2], Gansu/ [kang1 zhuang1 da4 dao4] /broad and open road (idiom); fig. brilliant fut / [kang1 qu2] /through street/thoroughfare/ [Kang1 tuo1 er3] /Cantor (name)/Georg Cantor (1845-1918), German mathematicia der of set theory [ji2 he2 lun4]/ [Kang1 ma3] /Kangmar county, Tibetan: Khang dmar rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, ibet/ [Kang1 ma3 xian4] /Kangmar county, Tibetan: Khang dmar rdzong, in Shigatse pr e, Tibet/ [yong1] /ordinary/to use/ [yong1 ren2] /mediocre person/ [yong1 ren2 yong1 fu2] /fools have good fortune (idiom)/ [yong1 ren2 zi4 rao3] /to feel hopelessly worried or get in trouble for i s/ [yong1 su2] /filthy/vulgar/debased/ [yong1 su2 zuo4 pin3] /vulgar art, art in bad taste, kitsch/ [yong1 su2 hua4] /debasement/vulgarization/ [yong1 yong1 lu4 lu4] /ordinary/mediocre/ [yong1 cai2] /mediocrity/ [yong1 lu4] /mediocre/mediocre person/ [yong1 lu4 wu2 neng2] /mediocre and incompetent/ [yong1 yi1] /quack/charlatan/ [tuo3] /length of 2 outstretched arms/ [Yu3] /surname Yu/name of a mountain/ [Yu3 Xin4] /Yu Xin (513-581), poet from Liang of the Southern dynasties Lament for the South / [miao4] /variant of / [ce4] /rest-room/toilet/lavatory/ [ce4 ju4] /toilet fittings/ [ce4 suo3] /toilet/lavatory/CL: [jian1], [chu4]/ [xiang1] /box (in theater)/side room/side/ [xiang1 shi4 che1] /van/ [xiang1 fang2] /wing (of a traditional house)/side room/ [fei4] /old variant of / [jiu4] /stable/barn/ [hui4] /a room/the wall of a house/a man's name/ [Xia4] /abbr. for Xiamen or Amoy [Xia4 men2], Fujian/ [sha4] /tall building/mansion/rear annex/lean-to/also pr. [xia4]/ [Xia4 men2] /Xiamen or Amoy, subprovincial city in Fujian, abbr. [Xia4]/ [Xia4 men2 da4 xue2] /Xiamen University/ [Xia4 men2 shi4] /Xiamen, subprovincial city in Fujian/also known as Amoy/ [Lian2] /surname Lian/ [lian2] /incorruptible/honest/inexpensive/to investigate (old)/side wall of a tr aditional Chinese house (old)/ [lian2 feng4] /extra allowances paid to government officials in the Qing dynasty/ [lian2 jia4] /cheaply-priced/ [lian2 chi3] /honor and shame/sense of honour/ [lian2 zheng4] /honest or clean politics/ [lian2 zheng4 gong1 shu3] /Independent Commission Against Corruption, Hon / [Lian2 jiang1] /Lianjiang county level city in Zhanjiang [Zhan4 jiang1], Guan [Lian2 jiang1 shi4] /Lianjiang county level city in Zhanjiang [Zhan4 jian g/

[lian2 jie2] /honest/not coercive/honesty/integrity/incorruptible/ [lian2 zhi2] /upright and honest/incorruptible/squeaky clean/ [lian2 shu3] /ICAC Independent Commission Against Corruption, Hong Kong/ [Lian2 Po1] /Lian Po (327-243 BC), famous general of Zhao , repeatedly v r Qin and Qi / [lang2] /corridor/veranda/porch/ [Lang2 fang2] /Langfang prefecture level city in Hebei/ [Lang2 fang2 di4 qu1] /Langfang county (old name)/ [Lang2 fang2 shi4] /Langfang prefecture level city in Hebei/ [lang2 miao4] /imperial court/ [lang2 wu3] /portico/stoa/colonnade/ [sou1] /to search/be concealed/ [zhi4] /unicorn/ [qing3] /room/small hall/ [jiu4] /variant of , stable/barn/ [jiu4] /variant of , stable/barn/ [jin3] /careful/hut/variant of [jin3]/ [qin2] /variant of [qin2]/ [ao2] /granary/ [kuo4] /big/empty/open/ [kuo4 qing1] /to clear up/to wipe out/to eradicate/ [yin4] /variant of [yin4], shade/ [Liao4] /surname Liao/ [Liao4 Mo4 sha1] /Liao Mosha (1907-1990), journalist and communist propagandi erely criticized and imprisoned for 10 years during the Cultural Revolution/ [chu2] /kitchen/ [chu2 ju4] /kitchen implements/ [chu2 si1] /cook, chef/ [chu2 zi5] /cook/ [chu2 shi1] /cook/chef/ [chu2 shi1 zhang3] /executive chef/head chef/ [chu2 fang2] /kitchen/CL: [jian1]/ [chu2 wei4] /kitchens and bathrooms/ [chu2 yu2] /kitchen waste/food waste (recycling)/ [chan2] /market place/ [si1] /mutually/with one another/manservant/boy servant/guy (derog.)/ [si1 shou3] /to stay together/to rely on one another/ [si1 da3] /to fight together/to come to blows/ [si1 bo2] /to fight at close quarters/to tussle/ [si1 sha1] /to fight at close quarters/hand-to-hand/ [si1 hun4] /to hang out together with (derog.)/to mix with/ [si1 shu2] /familiar with one another/ [si1 chan2] /to tangle with/to get involved/to pester/ [si1 luo2] /small gong/ [xin1] /to prepare horses and chariots for battle/ [miao4] /temple/ancestral shrine/CL:[zuo4]/temple fair/ [miao4 zhu3] /head priest of a temple/ [Miao4 kou3] /Miaokou, market district in Keelung, Taiwan/ [miao4 tang2] /imperial ancestral temple/imperial court/temple/ [miao4 ta3] /temples and pagodas/ [miao4 yu3] /temple/ [miao4 hui4] /temple fair/ [miao4 zhu4] /acolyte in charge of incense in a temple/ [miao4 hao4] /temple name of a deceased Chinese emperor/ [chang3] /factory/yard/depot/workhouse/works/(industrial) plant/ [chang3 zhu3] /factory owner/ [chang3 shi3] /factory history/ [chang3 shang1] /company/firm/ [chang3 zhi3] /factory site/location/ [chang3 zi5] /yard/depot/

[chang3 jia1] /factory/factory owners/ [chang3 gong1] /factory/factory worker/ [chang3 fang2] /a building used as a factory/factory (building)/CL:[zuo4], [chang3 pai2] /brand (of a product)/ [chang3 kuang4] /factories and mines/ [chang3 li3 bai4] /day off (work)/ [chang3 si1] /filature silk/ [chang3 gui1] /factory regulations/ [chang3 zhang3] /factory director/ [wu2] /variant of [wu2]/ [wu3] /small rooms facing or to the side of the main hall or veranda/ [fei4] /to abolish/to abandon/to abrogate/to discard/to depose/to oust/crippled/ abandoned/waste/ [fei4 ren2] /handicapped person/useless person/ [fei4 pin3] /production rejects/seconds/scrap/discarded material/ [fei4 xu1] /ruins/ [fei4 qin3 wang4 shi2] /to neglect sleep and forget about food (idiom)/to leep and meals/to be completely wrapped up in one's work/ [fei4 qin3 wang4 can1] /to neglect sleep and food (idiom); to skip one's ls/to be completely wrapped up in one's work/ [fei4 qin3 shi2] /to neglect sleep and food/ [fei4 chi2] /to fall into disuse (of laws, customs etc)/to neglect/ [fei4 diao4] /to depose (a king)/ [fei4 liao4] /waste products/refuse/garbage/good-for-nothing (derogatory)/ [fei4 qi4] /to discard/to abandon (old ways)/to invalidate/ [fei4 zhi3] /to repeal (a law)/to put an end to/abolition/annulled/ [fei4 qi4] /exhaust gas/industrial waste gas/steam/ [fei4 shui3] /waste water/drain water/effluent/ [fei4 ye4] /waste liquids/ [fei4 zha1] /industrial waste product/slag/ [fei4 ran2] /depressed/dejected/ [fei4 wu4] /rubbish/waste material/useless person/ [fei4 wu4 xiang1] /ash-bin/litter-bin/ [fei4 zhi3] /waste paper/ [fei4 tong3] /"abandonment of reunification", abolition of the cross-straits reun fication committee/ [fei4 zhi4] /to discard/to shelve as useless/ [fei4 jiu4] /worn out/old fashioned and dilapidated/ [fei4 fan1 zhi4 xian4] /to abolish the feudal Han and introduce modern pr fers to reorganization during Meiji Japan)/ [fei4 hua4] /nonsense/rubbish/superfluous words/You don't say!/No kidding! (gentl sarcastic)/ [fei4 tong2 lan4 tie3] /scrap metal/a pile of junk/ [fei4 gang1] /scrap metal/steel scrap/ [fei4 tie3] /scrap iron/ [fei4 chu2] /to abolish/to abrogate/to repeal/ [fei4 chu2 jun1 bei4] /to disarm/ [fei4 chu4] /to depose (a king)/ [Guang3] /surname Guang/ [guang3] /wide/numerous/to spread/ [Guang3 Jiu3] /Guangdong and Kowloon (e.g. railway)/ [Guang3 Jiu3 tie3 lu4] /Guangdong and Kowloon railway/ [Guang3 Jiao1 Hui4] /China Export Commodities Fair also known as the Canton F [guang3 chuan2] /to propagate/ [Guang3 yuan2] /Guangyuan prefecture level city in Sichuan/ [Guang3 yuan2 shi4] /Guangyuan prefecture level city in Sichuan/ [Guang3 nan2] /Guangnan county in Wenshan Zhuang and Miao autonomous prefecture zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ [Guang3 nan2 xian4] /Guangnan county in Wenshan Zhuang and Miao autonomous pr e [Wen2 shan1 Zhuang4 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Y

[guang3 bo2] /extensive/ [guang3 gao4] /to advertise/a commercial/advertisement/CL: [xiang4]/ [guang3 gao4 shang1] /advertising company/ [guang3 gao4 tiao2 fu2] /banner advertisement/ [guang3 gao4 pian4] /advertising film/TV commercial/ [guang3 gao4 pai2] /advertisement/hoarding/signboard/ [guang3 gao4 shan1] /promotional T-shirt/CL:[jian4]/ [guang3 gao4 she4 ji4 shi1] /advertising copywriter/ [guang3 yu4 shi4] /metropolitan city, South Korean analog of PRC municipality shi4]/ [guang3 yu4 wang3] /wide area network/WAN/ [guang3 yu4 wang3 lu4] /wide area network/WAN/ [guang3 chang3] /public square/plaza/ [guang3 chang3 kong3 bu4 zheng4] /agoraphobia/ [guang3 chang3 kong3 ju4] /agoraphobia/ [guang3 chang3 kong3 ju4 zheng4] /agoraphobia/ [guang3 da4] /(of an area) vast or extensive/large-scale/widespread/(of people) n merous/ [Guang3 an1] /Guang'an prefecture level city in Sichuan/ [Guang3 an1 di4 qu1] /Guang'an prefecture level city in Sichuan/ [Guang3 an1 shi4] /Guang'an prefecture level city in Sichuan/ [Guang3 an1 men2] /Guanganmen in Xuanwu district of southwest B [Guang3 zong1] /Guangzong county in Xingtai [Xing2 tai2], Hebei/ [Guang3 zong1 xian4] /Guangzong county in Xingtai [Xing2 tai2], Hebei/ [Guang3 ning2] /Guangning county in Zhaoqing [Zhao4 qing4], Guangdong/ [Guang3 ning2 xian4] /Guangning county in Zhaoqing [Zhao4 qing4], Gu [Guang3 dao3] /Hiroshima, Japan/ [Guang3 dao3 xian4] /Hiroshima prefecture, Japan/ [Guang3 zhou1] /see [Guang3 zhou1 shi4]/ [Guang3 zhou1 Zhong1 yi1 yao4 Da4 Xue2] /Guangzhou University [Guang3 zhou1 shi4] /Guangzhou subprovincial city and capital of Guangdong/Ca [Guang3 zhou1 ri4 bao4] /Guangzhou Daily/ [Guang3 zhou1 Mei3 shu4 xue2 yuan4] /Guangzhou Academy of Fine Ar [Guang3 ping2] /Guangping county in Handan [Han2 dan1], Hebei/ [Guang3 ping2 xian4] /Guangping county in Handan [Han2 dan1], Hebei/ [guang3 du4] /breadth/ [Guang3 de2] /Guangde county in Xuancheng [Xuan1 cheng2], Anhui/ [Guang3 de2 xian4] /Guangde county in Xuancheng [Xuan1 cheng2], Anhui/ [guang3 bo1] /broadcast/CL: [ge4]/broadcasting/to broadcast/(formal) to propa publicize/ [guang3 bo1 ju4] /radio drama/ [guang3 bo1 he2 wei4 zhi1 fu2 wu4 qi4] /Broadcast and Unk [guang3 bo1 yuan2] /(radio) broadcaster/ [guang3 bo1 di4 zhi3] /broadcast address/ [guang3 bo1 shi4] /broadcasting room/ [guang3 bo1 jie2 mu4] /radio program/broadcast schedule/ [guang3 bo1 wang3] /network/ [guang3 bo1 wang3 lu4] /broadcast network/ [guang3 bo1 dian4 ying3 dian4 shi4 zong3 ju2] /state comm C film censorship bureau/abbr. / [guang3 bo1 dian4 tai2] /radio station/broadcasting station/CL: [ge4] [Guang3 chang1] /Guangchang county in Fuzhou , Jiangxi/ [Guang3 chang1 xian4] /Guangchang county in Fuzhou , Jiangxi/ [Guang3 dong1] /Guangdong province (Kwangtung) in south China, abbr. , capital gzhou / [Guang3 dong1 ren2] /Cantonese (people)/ [Guang3 dong1 Hai3 yang2 Da4 xue2] /Guangdong Ocean University/ [Guang3 dong1 sheng3] /Guangdong province (Kwangtung) in south China, abbr. Guangzhou / [Guang3 dong1 Ke1 xue2 ji4 shu4 Zhi2 ye4 Xue2 yua

y/ [Guang3 dong1 Yao4 Xue2 yuan4] /Guangdong Pharmaceutical University/ [Guang3 dong1 hua4] /Cantonese language/ [Guang3 dong1 Yi1 xue2 yuan4] /Guangdong Medical College/ [Guang3 shui3] /Guangshui county level city in Suizhou [Sui2 zhou1], Hub [Guang3 shui3 shi4] /Guangshui county level city in Suizhou [Sui2 zh [Guang3 he2] /Guanghe county in Linxia Hui autonomous prefecture hou1], Gansu/ [Guang3 he2 xian4] /Guanghe county in Linxia Hui autonomous prefecture i4 zhou1], Gansu/ [guang3 fan4] /extensive/wide range/ [guang3 fan4 ying3 xiang3] /wide ranging influence/ [guang3 mo4] /vast and empty/ [Guang3 han4] /Guanghan county level city in Deyang [De2 yang2], Sichuan [Guang3 han4 shi4] /Guanghan county level city in Deyang [De2 yang2] [Guang3 mu4 tian1] /Virupaksa (on of the Four Heavenly Kings)/ [Guang3 Yan4] /Guangnan and Yanshan (in Yunnan)/ [guang3 jie2 liang2 yuan2] /to earn peoples praise thr ugh nes g d de [guang3 yi4] /wide sense/generalizati n/general/ [guang3 yi4 xiang1 dui4 lun4] /general relativity/Einstein s the ry [guang3 er2 ga 4 zhi1 guang3 ga 4 g ng1 si1] /China Mass [guang3 ma 4] /vast/ [Guang3 xi1] /Guangxi Zhuang aut n m us regi n (Zhu west China on the border with Vietnam, abbr. , capital Nanning /until 1959, Guan province/ [Guang3 xi1 Zhuang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 qu1] /Guangxi Zhuang autonom ouxcuengh Swcigih) in southwest China on the border with Vietnam, abbr. , capital Nanning /until 1959, Guangxi province/ [Guang3 xi1 sheng3] /Guangxi province in south China/since 1959, Guangxi Zhua nomous region , location of the Zhuang ethnic group, abbr. , [guang3 jiao3] /wide-angle/panoramic/fig. wide perspective/panorama/ [guang3 jiao3 jing4] /wide-angle lens/ [guang3 jiao3 jing4 tou2] /wide angle camera shot/ [guang3 pu3] /broad spectrum/ [Guang3 feng1] /Guangfeng county in Shangrao , Jiangxi/ [Guang3 feng1 xian4] /Guangfeng county in Shangrao , Jiangxi/ [guang3 you2] /to travel widely (esp. as Daoist priest or Buddhist monk)/ [guang3 kuo4] /wide/vast/ [Guang3 ling2] /Guangling district of Yangzhou city [Yang2 zhou1 shi [Guang3 ling2 qu1] /Guangling district of Yangzhou city [Yang2 z [Guang3 yang2] /Guangyang district of Langfang city [Lang2 fang2 shi4], Heb [Guang3 yang2 qu1] /Guangyang district of Langfang city [Lang2 fang2 sh [Guang3 ya3] /earliest extant Chinese encyclopedia from Wei of the Three Kingdoms 3rd century, modeled on Erya [Er3 ya3], 18150 entries/ [guang3 dian4] /state committee on films and broadcast media/PRC film censorship ureau/abbr. for / [guang3 dian4 zong3 ju2] /state committee on films and broadcast media/PR ship bureau/abbr. for / [Guang3 ling2] /Guangling county in Datong [Da4 tong2], Shanxi/ [Guang3 ling2 xian4] /Guangling county in Datong [Da4 tong2], Shanxi/ [guang3 yun4] /Guangyun, Song dynasty rhyming dictionary/ [Guang3 rao2] /Guanrao county in Dongying [Dong1 ying2], Shandong/ [Guang3 rao2 xian4] /Guanrao county in Dongying [Dong1 ying2], Shand [kuai4] /barn/granary/ [kuai4 cang1] /granary/ [qiang2] /wall/ [xie4] /office/ [lin3] /government granary/ [lu2] /hut/ [Lu2 shan1] /Lushan district of Jiujiang city , Jiangxi/Mt Lushan in Jiujia



as summer holiday spot/ [Lu2 shan1 qu1] /Lushan district of Jiujiang city , Jiangxi/ [Lu2 jiang1] /Lujiang county in Chaohu [Chao2 hu2], Anhui/ [Lu2 jiang1 xian4] /Lujiang county in Chaohu [Chao2 hu2], Anhui/ [Lu2 yang2] /Luyang district of Hefei city [He2 fei2 shi4], Anhui/ [Lu2 yang2 qu1] /Luyang district of Hefei city [He2 fei2 shi4], Anhui/ [yong1] /harmonious/ [ting1] /(reception) hall/office/ [ting1 tang2] /hall/ [ting1 zhang3] /head of provincial PRC government department/ [Yan2] /surname Yan/ [yan2] /to prolong/to extend/to delay/ [yan2 shen1] /to extend/to spread/ [Yan2 ji2] /Yanji county level city, capital of Yanbian Korean autonomous prefect re , Jilin/ [Yan2 ji2 shi4] /Yanji county level city, capital of Yanbian Korean autonomou cture , Jilin/ [Yan2 ping2 dao3] /Yeonpyeong island on Yellow Sea coast of Korea/ [Yan2 shou4] /Yanshou county in Harbin [Ha1 er3 bin1], Heilongjiang/ [Yan2 shou4 xian4] /Yanshou county in Harbin [Ha1 er3 bin1], Hei [Yan2 an1] /Yn'n prefecture level city in Shnx , communist headquart [Yan2 an1 di4 qu1] /Yan'an prefecture, Shaanxi/ [Yan2 an1 shi4] /Yn'n prefecture level city in Shaanxi , communist e war/ [yan2 dang4] /to postpone/to keep putting sth off/ [yan2 zhan3] /to extend/to stretch out/ductable/to scale/scalable/ [yan2 zhan3 xing4] /ductability/ [Yan2 chuan1] /Yanchuan county in Yan'an [Yan2 an1], Shaanxi/ [Yan2 chuan1 xian4] /Yanchuan county in Yan'an [Yan2 an1], Shaanxi/ [Yan2 ping2] /Yanping district of Nanping city [Nan2 ping2 shi4] Fujian/Yan hip in Taitung county [Tai2 dong1 xian4], southeast Taiwan/ [Yan2 ping2 qu1] /Yanping district of Nanping city [Nan2 ping2 shi4] Fu [Yan2 ping2 xiang1] /Yanping township in Taitung county [Tai2 do wan/ [yan2 nian2] /to prolong life/ [yan2 nian2 yi4 shou4] /to make life longer/to promise longevity/(this pr xtend your life/ [yan2 hou4] /to postpone/to defer/to delay/ [yan2 xing4] /ductility/ [Yan2 qing4] /Yanqing county in Beijing/ [Yan2 qing4 xian4] /Yanqing county in Beijing/ [yan2 jie1] /to receive sb/ [yan2 ge1] /to delay/to procrastinate/ [yan2 lan3] /to recruit talent/to round up/to enlist the services of sb/ [yan2 hui4] /to postpone a meeting/ [yan2 qi1] /to delay/to extend/to postpone/to defer/ [yan2 qi1 fu4 kuan3] /to defer payment/to pay back over long term/ [Yan2 jin1] /Yanjin county in Xinxiang [Xin1 xiang1], Henan/ [Yan2 jin1 xian4] /Yanjin county in Xinxiang [Xin1 xiang1], Henan/ [yan2 fa1] /delayed action/ [yan2 mian2] /to extend continuously/ [yan2 huan3] /to defer/to postpone/to put off/to retard/to slow sth down/ [yan2 xu4] /to continue/to go on/to last/ [yan2 pin4] /to hire/to employ/to engage/ [yan2 pin4 zhao1 lan3] /to enlist the services of sb/ [yan2 jian4] /to introduce/to receive sb/ [yan2 wu5] /delay/hold-up/wasted time/loss caused by delay/ [yan2 wu5 fei4] /demurrage (shipping)/ [yan2 qing3] /to employ/to send for sb promising employment/ [yan2 chi2] /to delay/to postpone/to keep putting sth off/to procrastinate/

[Yan2 bian1] /Yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture anji city / [Yan2 bian1 di4 qu1] /Yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture al Yanji city / [Yan2 bian1 Da4 xue2] /Yanbian University (Jilin province)/ [Yan2 bian1 zhou1] /Yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture al Yanji city / [Yan2 bian1 Chao2 xian1 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1] /Yanbian Kore vince in northeast China, capital Yanji city / [Yan2 chang2] /Yanchang county in Yan'an [Yan2 an1], Shaanxi/ [yan2 chang2] /to prolong/to extend/to delay/ [yan2 chang2 xian4] /extension cord/extended line/powerstrip/ [Yan2 chang2 xian4] /Yanchang county in Yan'an [Yan2 an1], Shaanxi/ [yan2 jing3 qi3 zhong3] /to stand on tiptoe and crane one's neck (idiom); n for sth/ [yan2 sui3] /medulla oblongata (part of hind brain continuing the spinal chord)/ [ting2] /palace courtyard/ [ting2 wei4] /Commandant of Justice in Imperial China, one of the Nine Ministers u3 qing1]/ [Ting2 ba1 ke4 tu2] /Timbuktoo (town and historical cultural center in Ma eritage site)/ [Ting2 bu4] /Thimphu, capital of Bhutan/ [ting2 shi4] /court examination, the top grade imperial exam/ [di2] /variant of , to enlighten/to follow/phonetic di/ [po4] /variant of /to persecute/to oppress/embarrassed/ [jian4] /to establish/to found/to set up/to build/to construct/ [Jian4 san1 jiang1] /Jiansanjiang, large-scale agricultural development in Sa river plain in Heilongjiang/ [jian4 jiao1] /to establish diplomatic relations/ [jian4 zhi4] /organizational structure/ [jian4 gong1 li4 ye4] /to achieve or accomplish goals/ [jian4 guo2] /to found a country/nation-building/the foundation of PRC by Mao Zed ng in 1949/ [jian4 ji1] /to lay foundations/ [Jian4 tang2 zhen4] /Jiantang, capital of Dqn or Diqing Tibetan autonomous ng4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], northwest Yunnan/ [Jian4 shi3] /Jianshi county in Enshi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture 1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Hubei/ [Jian4 shi3 xian4] /Jianshi county in Enshi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefect jia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Hubei/ [Jian4 an1] /reign name (196-219) at the end of the Han dynasty/ [Jian4 ning2] /Jianning county in Sanming [San1 ming2], Fujian/ [Jian4 ning2 xian4] /Jianning county in Sanming [San1 ming2], Fujian/ [jian4 wu1 hu4 zhu4 hui4] /building society (finance)/ [Jian4 ping2] /Jianping county in Chaoyang , Liaoning/ [Jian4 ping2 xian4] /Jianping county in Chaoyang , Liaoning/ [Jian4 kang1] /old name for Nanjing , esp. during Southern dynasties/ [Jian4 de2] /Jiande county level city in Hangzhou [Hang2 zhou1], Zhejiang/ [Jian4 de2 shi4] /Jiande county level city in Hangzhou [Hang2 zhou1], Zhe [jian4 cheng2] /to establish/to build/ [jian4 cheng2 qu1] /built-up area/urban area/ [jian4 zheng4] /to establish a government/esp. refers to communist take-over of 1 49/ [Jian4 Wen2] /Jianwen Emperor, reign name of second Ming Emperor Zhu Yunwen 3 wen2] (1377-1402), reigned 1398-1402/ [Jian4 wen2 di4] /reign name of second Ming emperor, reigned 1398-1402, depos 402 (mysterious disappearance is ongoing conspiracy theory)/ [Jian4 chang1] /Jianchang county in Huludao , Liaoning/ [Jian4 chang1 xian4] /Jianchang county in Huludao , Liaoning/ [jian4 cai2] /building materials/

[Jian4 ye4] /an old name for Nanjing, called Jiankang or Jianye during the E Jin (317-420)/ [jian4 gou4] /to construct (often sth abstract, such as good relations)/to set up to develop/construction (abstract)/architecture/ [jian4 gou4 zheng4 yi4 li3 lun4] /constructivist theory/ [jian4 shu4] /to make a contribution/to establish/to found/contribution/ [Jian4 shui3] /Jianshui county in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture, Yunna / [Jian4 shui3 xian4] /Jianshui county in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefect nnan/ [Jian4 hu2] /Jianhu county in Yancheng [Yan2 cheng2], Jiangsu/ [Jian4 hu2 xian4] /Jianhu county in Yancheng [Yan2 cheng2], Jiangsu/ [Jian4 ou1] /Jian'ou county level city in Nanping [Nan2 ping2] Fujian/ [Jian4 ou1 shi4] /Jian'ou county level city in Nanping [Nan2 ping2] Fujia [jian4 bai2] /to propose/to suggest/to state a view/ [jian4 li4] /to establish/to set up/to found/ [jian4 li4 zheng4 shi4 wai4 jiao1 guan1 xi4] /formally es [jian4 li4 zhe3] /founder/ [jian4 zhu4] /to construct/building/CL: [ge4]/ [jian4 zhu4 xue2] /architectural/architecture/ [jian4 zhu4 gong1 ren2] /construction worker/builder/ [jian4 zhu4 shi1] /architect/ [jian4 zhu4 ye4] /building industry/ [jian4 zhu4 wu4] /building/structure/edifice/ [jian4 zhu4 qun2] /building complex/ [Jian4 hua2] /Jianhua district of Qiqihar city [Qi2 qi2 ha1 er3] [Jian4 hua2 qu1] /Jianhua district of Qiqihar city [Qi2 qi2 [Jian4 hang2] /China Construction Bank (abbr.)/ [jian4 yan2] /to declare/to state/(strong) suggestion/ [jian4 she4] /to build/to construct/construction/constructive/ [jian4 she4 xing4] /constructive/constructiveness/ [jian4 she4 xing4 de5 pi1 ping2] /constructive criticism/ [jian4 yi4] /to propose/to suggest/to recommend/proposal/suggestion/recommendatio /CL: [ge4], [dian3]/ [Jian4 jun1 jie2] /Army Day (August 1)/ [jian4 zao4] /to construct/to build/ [jian4 du1] /to establish a capital/ [Jian4 ye4] /Jian'ye district of Nanjing City in Jiangsu / [Jian4 ye4 qu1] /Jian'ye district of Nanjing City in Jiangsu [Jian4 yang2] /Jianyang county level city in Nanping [Nan2 ping2] Fujian/ [Jian4 yang2 shi4] /Jianyang county level city in Nanping [Nan2 ping2] Fu [jian4 dang3] /party-founding/ [Jian4 Dang3 Jie2] /CPC Founding Day (July 1st)/ [hui2] /variant of , to turn around/to revolve/to return/to go back/ [nai3] /variant of [nai3]/ [gong3] /hands joined/ [nian4] /twenty (20), in a limited number of set expressions/also written using banker's character / [nian4 ba1 chan2] /the twenty-eight constellations/also written [er4 [nian4 si4 shi3] /twenty four dynastic histories (or 25 or 26 in modern editi me as / [bian4] /cap/ [long4] /lane/alley/ [nong4] /to do/to manage/to handle/to play with/to fool with/to mess with/to fix /to toy with/ [nong4 bu5 qing1] /unable to figure out/ [nong4 diu1] /to lose/ [nong4 luan4] /to mess up/to put into disorder/to meddle with/to confuse/ [nong4 jia3 cheng2 zhen1] /pretense that turns into reality (idiom); to p elieve, but accidentally make it true/

[nong4 shang1] /to bruise/to hurt (something)/ [nong4 jiang1] /to bring to deadlock/to result in a stalemate/ [nong4 dao4] /to get hold of/to obtain/to secure/to come by/ [nong4 dao4 shou3] /to get in hand/to get (one's) hands on/to get hold of (in nse of to acquire)/ [nong4 zui3 nong4 she2] /to cause a dispute through boastful gossip (idio [nong4 huai4] /to ruin/to spoil/to break/ [nong4 qiao3 cheng2 zhuo1] /to outsmart oneself/to shoot oneself in the f [nong4 ping2] /to flatten/ [nong4 dong3] /to make sense of/to grasp the meaning of/to figure out/ [nong4 dong3 nong4 tong1] /to have a thorough understanding of sth (idiom [nong4 ming2 bai5] /to figure out how to do something/ [nong4 wai1] /to distort/ [nong4 si3] /to kill/to put to death/ [nong4 hun2] /to confuse (fail to differentiate)/ [nong4 qing1] /to clarify/to fully understand/ [nong4 zhou4] /crumple/ [nong4 zhi2] /to straighten/ [nong4 duan3] /to shorten/shortening/ [nong4 sui4] /crumble/ [nong4 zao1] /spoil/ [nong4 xu1 zuo4 jia3] /to practice fraud (idiom); by trickery/ [nong4 xing3] /to wake sb up/ [nong4 cuo4] /to err/to get sth wrong/to miscalculate/to misunderstand/ [nong4 zang1] /to make dirty/to defile/to smear/ [yan3] /to cover/trap/ [yi4] /ancient name for go (Chinese board game)/ [bi4] /detriment/fraud/harm/defeat/ [bi4 bing4] /malady/evil/malpractice/drawback/disadvantage/ [bi4 duan1] /malpractice/abuse/corrupt practice/ [yi4] /to shoot/ [Yi4 jiang1] /Yijiang district of Wuhu city [Wu2 hu2 shi4], Anhui/ [Yi4 jiang1 qu1] /Yijiang district of Wuhu city [Wu2 hu2 shi4], [Yi4 yang2] /Yiyang county in Shangrao , Jiangxi/ [Yi4 yang2 xian4] /Yiyang county in Shangrao , Jiangxi/ [yi1] /archaic variant of banker's anti-fraud numeral one/ [er4] /archaic variant of , banker's anti-fraud numeral two/ [san1] /archaic variant of , banker's anti-fraud numeral three/ [shi4] /type/form/pattern/style/ [shi4 zi5] /formula/mathematical expression/ [shi4 wei1] /(literary) to decline/to wane/title of a section in the Book of Song [Shi1 Jing1]/ [shi4 yang4] /style/ [er4] /Japanese variant of , banker's anti-fraud numeral two/ [shi4] /murder a superior/ [shi4 jun1] /regicide/to commit regicide/ [shi4 mu3] /matricide/to commit matricide/ [shi4 fu4] /patricide/to kill one's own father/ [Gong1] /surname Gong/ [gong1] /a bow (weapon)/CL: [zhang1]/ [gong1 xian2] /bowstring/ [gong1 xian2 r5] /bowstring/ [gong1 nu3] /crossbow/ [gong1 nu3 shou3] /crossbow/ [gong1 xing2] /circular segment/ [gong1 zhuang4] /bowed/curved like a bow/ [gong1 jian4] /bow and arrow/ [gong1 jian4 shou3] /archer/ [gong1 jian4 bu4] /bow-and-arrow step (dance step)/ [gong1 yao1] /to bow/to bend at the waist/

[gong1 shen1] /to bend the body at the waist/to bow/ [Gong1 chang2 ling3] /Gongchangling district of Liaoyang city [L g/ [Gong1 chang2 ling3 qu1] /Gongchangling district of Liaoyang city ing/ [diao4] /a string of 100 cash (arch.)/to lament/to condole with/ [diao4 gu3] /to revisit the past/to commemorate/ [diao4 yan4] /variant of [diao4 yan4]/ [diao4 sang1] /condolences/a condolence visit/ [diao4 xiao4] /a condolence visit/ [diao4 ke4] /a visitor offering condolences/ [diao4 wei4] /to offer condolences/to console the bereaved/ [diao4 wen2] /paper prayers for the dead burnt at funerals/ [diao4 si3 wen4 ji2] /to grieve for the sick and the dying/to show great eople's suffering/ [diao4 min2 fa2 zui4] /to console the people and punish the tyrant/ [diao4 ji4] /a worship ceremony for the dead/to offer sacrifice (to ancestors)/a ibation/ [diao4 wei4 kou3] /variant of [diao4 wei4 kou3]/ [diao4 gui3] /bizarre/paradoxical/a paradox (from Daoist classic Zhuangzi [diao4 gui3 jin1 qi2] /strange and paradoxical/ [yin3] /to draw (e.g. a bow)/to pull/to stretch sth/to extend/to lengthen/to inv olve or implicate in/to attract/to lead/to guide/to leave/to provide evidence or justification for/old unit of distance equal to 10 [zhang1], one-thirtieth of a km or 33.33 meters/ [yin3 ren2 ru4 sheng4] /to enchant/fascinating/ [yin3 ren2 zhu4 yi4] /to attract attention/eye-catching/conspicuous/ [yin3 ren2 zhu4 mu4] /to attract attention/eye-catching/conspicuous/ [yin3 yi3 wei2 ao4] /to be intensely proud of sth (idiom)/ [yin3 yi3 wei2 han4] /to consider sth regrettable (idiom)/ [yin3 xin4] /a detonator/ [yin3 xin4 xi4 tong3] /fuzing system/ [yin3 ru4] /to draw into/to pull into/to introduce/ [yin3 ru4 mi2 tu2] /to mislead/to lead astray/ [yin3 chu1] /to extract/to draw out/ [yin3 bie2] /to leave/to say goodbye/ [yin3 li4] /gravitation (force)/attraction/ [yin3 li4 chang3] /gravitational field/ [yin3 li4 bo1] /gravitational wave/ [yin3 xiang4] /to lead to/to draw to/to steer towards/ [yin3 hang2 gao1 ge1] /to sing at the top of one's voice (idiom)/ [yin3 jiu4] /to take the blame/to accept responsibility (for a mistake)/ [yin3 jiu4 ci2 zhi2] /to admit responsibility and resign/ [yin3 xian2] /to avoid arousing suspicions/ [yin3 zi5] /introduction/primer/opening words/ [yin3 dao3] /to guide/to lead (around)/to conduct/to boot/introduction/primer/ [yin3 dao3 yuan2] /usher/guide/ [yin3 dao3 shan4 qu1] /boot sector/ [yin3 de2] /index (loanword)/ [yin3 zheng1] /quotation/citing/to cite/to reference/ [yin3 qing2] /engine (loanword)/CL: [tai2]/ [yin3 xu4] /reported speech (in grammar)/ [yin3 wen2] /quotation/citation/ [yin3 chai2] /kindling (to light a fire)/ [yin3 shui3] /to pilot a ship/to channel water/to draw water (for irrigation)/ [yin3 shui3 ru4 qiang2] /lit. to lead the water through the wall/to ask f diom)/ [yin3 shui3 gong1 cheng2] /water-induction engineering/irrigation enginee [yin3 jue2] /to commit suicide/ [yin3 he2] /irrigation channel/

[yin3 du4] /to extradite/ [yin3 huo3] /to kindle/to light a fire/ [yin3 huo3 chai2] /kindling/ [yin3 huo3 shao1 shen1] /to invite trouble/ [yin3 bao4] /to cause to burn/to ignite/to detonate/a fuse/ [yin3 bao4 zhuang1 zhi4] /detonator/ [yin3 bao4 dian3] /tipping point/ [yin3 gou3 ru4 zhai4] /to lead the wolf into the woodpile (idiom); to lea en to attack/to act imprudently, asking for trouble/ [yin3 lang2 ru4 shi4] /to lead the wolf into the house (idiom); to leave to attack/to act imprudently, asking for trouble/ [yin3 yu4 zhi1 zhuan1] /lit. a brick thrown after a jade/enticing sb to c idiom)/ [yin3 chan3] /to induce labor (childbirth)/ [yin3 yong4] /to quote/to cite/to recommend/to appoint/ [yin3 yong4 ju4] /quotation/ [yin3 shen1] /to extend (the meaning of a word, an analogy etc)/derivation/ [yin3 shen1 yi4] /extended meaning (of an expression)/derived sense/ [yin3 fa1] /to lead to/to trigger/to initiate/to cause/to evoke (emotions)/ [yin3 jing1 ju4 dian3] /lit. to quote the classics/to quote chapter and v [yin3 xian4] /a fuse/an electrical lead/a leading-line/a pull-through/ [yin3 xian4 chuan1 zhen1] /a pull-through to thread a needle/fig. to act / [yin3 er2 bu4 fa1] /to pull the bow without shooting (idiom from Mencius) aiting for action/to go through the motions/to practice/a trial run/ [yin3 zhao2] /to ignite/to kindle/ [yin3 jian4] /to recommend sb/to give a referral/ [yin3 hao4] /quotation mark (punct.)/ [yin3 she2 chu1 dong4] /lit. to pull a snake from its hole/to expose a ma om)/ [yin3 yan2] /foreword/introduction/ [yin3 you4] /to coerce (sb into doing sth bad)/to lure (into a trap)/to seduce/ [yin3 yu3] /quotation/ [yin3 zheng4] /to cite/to quote/to cite as evidence/ [yin3 qi3] /to give rise to/to lead to/to cause/to arouse/ [yin3 lu4] /to guide/to show the way/ [yin3 che1] /to pull a car/ [yin3 shu4] /to quote/ [yin3 tui4] /to retire from office/to resign/ [yin3 dou4] /to tantalize/to lead on/to tease/ [yin3 jin4] /to recommend/to introduce (from outside)/ [yin3 ling3] /to crane one's neck/to await eagerly/to lead/to show the way/ [yin3 jing3] /to crane one's neck/(fig.) with one's neck outstretched in expectat on/ [yin3 jing3 jiu4 lu4] /to extend ones neck in preparati n f r executi n [yin3 ti3 xiang4 shang4] /chin-up (physical exercise)/ [yin3 gui3 shang4 men2] /t lead the devil t the d r (idi m); t invite n f criminals/t leave neself pen t attack/ [fu2] /n t/ [Fu2 ji2 ni2 ya4] /variant f /Virginia, US state/ [Fu2 ji2 ni2 ya4 zhou1] /Virginia, US state/ [fu2 sai1 qi2] /Versace (fashion designer)/ [fu2 ai4] /phi (Greek letter )/ [Fu2 la1 ji1 mi3 er3] /Vladimir/ [Fu2 la1 mang2] /Flemish, inhabitant o Flanders (Belgium)/ [Fu2 ge2 sen1] /Ferguson (surname)/ [Fu2 luo4 yi1 de2] /Floyd (name)/Freud (name)/Dr Sigmund Freud (1856-1939 or o psychoanalysis/ [Fu2 luo4 lun2 di4 nuo4 Pei4 lei2 si1] /Florentino t of Real Madrid football club/

[Fu2 luo4 lei1 si1 dao3] /Flores, Indonesia/also written [Fu2 luo4 mu3] /Fromm (psychoanalyst)/ [Fu2 luo4 li3 si1 dao3] /Flores, Indonesia/also written [Fu2 luo2 ci2 wa3 fu1] /Wroclaw, Polish city/ [Fu2 luo2 li3 da2] /Florida, US state/ [Fu2 luo2 li3 da2 zhou1] /Florida, US state/ [Fu2 lai2 wei1 e4 si1] /Flavius (Roman historian of 1st century AD)/ [fu2 lai2 fu2 lan2] /Flevoland/ [Fu2 luo4 yi1 de2] /Freud (name)/ [Fu2 lan2 ke4] /Frank (name)/ [Fu2 lan2 zi1] /Franz (name)/ [Fu2 lan2 xi1 si1] /Francis (name)/ [Fu2 lan2 xi1 si1 Pei2 gen1] /Francis Bacon (1561-1626), En early scientist/ [Fu2 di2 nan2] /Ferdinand (name)/ [Fu2 li3 de2 li3 xi1] /Friedrich (name)/ [Fu2 li3 de2 li3 xi1] /Friedrich (name)/ [Fu2 li3 de2 li3 xi1 Xi2 le4] /Friedrich Schiller or Jo 1759-1805), German poet and dramatist/ [Fu2 li3 dun1] /Freetown, capital of Sierra Leone/ [fu2 li3 si1 lan2] /Friesland/ [Fu2 li3 man4] /Freeman (surname)/ [Fu2 lei2] /Freyr (god in Norse mythology)/ [Fu2 lei2 de2 li3 ke4] /Frederick/ [Fu2 lei2 de2 li3 ke4 dun4] /Fredericton, capital of New Brunswic [hong2] /great/liberal/ [hong2 yang2] /to enhance/to promote/to enrich/ [Hong2 zhi4] /Hongzhi Emperor, reign name of ninth Ming emperor [Zhu1 You4 70-1505), reigned 1487-1505, Temple name [Ming2 Xiao4 zong1]/ [hong2 fa3] /to propagate Buddhist teachings/ [chi2] /to unstring a bow/to slacken/to relax/to loosen/ [chi2 huan3] /to relax/to slacken/relaxation (in nuclear magnetic resonance)/ [ba4] /the part of a bow grasped when shooting/ [di4] /younger brother/junior male/I (modest word in letter)/ [ti4] /variant of [ti4]/ [di4 xiong5] /brothers/comrade/ [di4 xiong1 men5] /brethren/ [di4 mei4] /younger sibling/younger brother's wife/ [di4 fu4] /younger brother's wife/sister-in-law/ [di4 xi2] /younger brother's wife/sister-in-law/ [di4 zi3] /disciple/follower/ [di4 di5] /younger brother/CL: [ge4],[wei4]/ [tao1] /bow case/to cover/ [fu3] /handle of bow/ [di3] /carved bow/ [xian2] /bow string/string of musical instrument/watchspring/chord (segment of c urve)/hypotenuse/CL:[gen1]/ [xian2 qie1 jiao3] /chord angle (i.e. angle a chord of a curve makes to the t / [xian2 wai4 zhi1 yi4] /variant of , overtone (idiom); meaning bey ning/reading between the lines/ [xian2 wai4 zhi1 yin1] /overtone (idiom); meaning beyond the words/implie ding between the lines/ [xian2 wai4 zhi1 xiang3] /variant of , overtone (idiom); meaning meaning/reading between the lines/ [xian2 shu4] /number of strings (of an instrument)/ [xian2 yue4] /half-moon/the 7th and 8th and 22nd and 23rd of the lunar month/ [xian2 yue4 chuang1] /a narrow slit window/a lunette/ [xian2 yue4] /string music/ [xian2 yue4 qi4] /string instrument/

[xian2 yue4 dui4] /a string orchestra/ [xian2 ge1] /song to stringed accompaniment/ [xian2 li3 lun4] /string theory/ [xian2 er2 gu3 zhi1] /lit. to tune one's zither then play it; fig. to liv equences of one's actions/to make one's bed then lie on it/ [xian2 song4 bu4 chuo4] /variant of [xian2 song4 bu4 chu [xian2 song4 bu4 chuo4] /incessant playing of instruments and reciting of )/ [xian2 lun4] /string theory (in theoretical physics)/ [xian2 bei4 si1] /acoustic bass (guitar)/ [xian2 ming2 yue4 qi4] /string instrument/ [hu2] /arc/ [hu2 guang1] /arc light/ [hu2 guang1 deng1] /arc lamp/ [hu2 du4] /radian/ [hu2 xing2] /arch/ [hu2 xian4] /arc (of curve)/curve/curved line/arched/ [hu2 xian4 chang2] /arc length/length of a curve segment/ [hu2 chang2] /arc length (the length of a curve segment)/ [hu2 chang2 can1 shu4] /parametrization by arc length (of a space curve)/ [chao1] /unbent bow/ [nu3] /cross-bow/ [nu3 bing1] /archer/infantry armed with crossbow/ [nu3 pao4] /catapult/ballista (siege catapult firing stone blocks)/ [mi3] /to stop/repress/ [juan4] /variant of , curled up scroll/ [quan1] /crossbow (arch.)/ [shao1] /ends of a bow/ [ruo4] /weak/feeble/young/inferior/(following a decimal or fraction) slightly le ss than/ [ruo4 bu4 jin1 feng1] /too weak to stand up to the wind (idiom); extremel agile state of health/ [ruo4 zuo4 yong4] /weak interaction/ [ruo4 zuo4 yong4 li4] /the weak force (in particle physics)/ [ruo4 ce4] /weak side/off side (sports)/ [ruo4 shi4] /vulnerable/weak/ [ruo4 shi4 qun2 ti3] /disadvantaged social groups (e.g. the handicapped)/ lly and politically marginalized/the dispossessed/ [ruo4 hua4] /weaken/make weaker/ [ruo4 shou4] /submissive/yielding/weak/opposite: , dominant/ [ruo4 xiao3] /small and weak/puny/a child/ [ruo4 zhi4] /weak-minded/mentally deficient/retarded/ [ruo4 xiang1 hu4 zuo4 yong4] /weak interaction (in particle physics)/ [ruo4 rou4 qiang2 shi2] /lit. the weak are prey to the strong (idiom); fi behavior/the law of the jungle/ [ruo4 mai4] /weak pulse/ [ruo4 shi4] /amblyopia/ [ruo4 suan1] /weak acid/ [ruo4 dian4 tong3 yi1] /electro-weak interaction in fermion particle phys [ruo4 yin1 ta4 ban3] /soft pedal (on piano)/una corda pedal/ [ruo4 jian3] /weak base (alkali)/ [ruo4 dian3] /weak point/failing/ [jing4] /radian (math.)/now written / [jing4 du4] /radian (math.)/now written / [Zhang1] /surname Zhang/ [zhang1] /to open up/to spread/sheet of paper/classifier for flat objects, sheet /classifier for votes/ [Zhang1 San1] /John Doe/Zhang San, name for an unspecified person, first of a ser es of three: , [Li3 Si4], [Wang2 Wu3] Tom, Dick and Harry/ [Zhang1 san1 Li3 si4] /Zhang and Li (idiom); Zhang with tight trousers an

e hat/Tom, Dick and Harry/ [Zhang1 san1 , Li3 si4 , Wang2 wu3 , Zhao4 li [Zhang1 Dan1] /Zhang Dan/ [Zhang1 Zhi1 dong4] /Zhang Zhidong (1837-1909), prominent politician in late [Zhang1 Er4 hong2] /Jung Chang (1952-), British Chinese writer, aut ao Zedong, the unknown story : : / [Zhang1 bo2 lun2] /Chamberlain/ [Zhang1 Zuo4 lin2] /Zhang Zuolin (c. 1873-1928), warlord of Manchuria 1916-19 [Zhang1 Seng1 you2] /Zhang Sengyou (active c. 490-540), one of the Four Great rs of the Six dynasties / [Zhang1 Yi2] /Zhang Yi (-309 BC), political strategist of the School of Diplomacy 4 heng2 jia1] during the Warring States Period (475-221 BC)/ [Zhang1 guan1 Li3 dai4] /lit. to put Zhang's hat on Li's head/to attribut wrong person (idiom)/to confuse one thing with another/ [zhang1 li4] /tension/ [Zhang1 bei3] /Zhangbei county in Zhangjiakou [Zhang1 jia1 kou3], He [Zhang1 bei3 xian4] /Zhangbei county in Zhangjiakou [Zhang1 jia1 [zhang1 kou3] /to gape/to yawn/to open one's mouth/to start speaking/to talk care essly/to talk out of place/ [zhang1 kou3 jie2 she2] /agape and tongue-tied (idiom); at a loss for wor speechless/ [Zhang1 Guo2 rong2] /Leslie Cheung/ [Zhang1 Guo2 tao1] /Zhang Guotao (1897-1979), Chinese communist leader in the and 1930s, defected to Guomindang in 1938/ [Zhang1 Da4 qian1] /Zhang Daqian/ [Zhang1 Tian1 yi4] /Zhang Tian'yi (1906-1985), children's writer, author of p nning fairy tale Secret of the magic gourd / [Zhang1 Tai4 lei2] /Zhang Tailei (1898-1927), founding member of Chinese comm arty/ [Zhang1 Xue2 you3] /Jacky Cheung or Hok Yau Jacky (1961-), cantopop and film [Zhang1 Xue2 liang2] /Zhang Xueliang (1901-2001) son of Fengtian clique warlo n senior general for the Nationalists and subsequently for the People's Liberati on Army/ [Zhang1 jia1 kou3] /Zhangjiakou prefecture level city in Hebei/ [Zhang1 jia1 kou3 di4 qu1] /Zhangjiakou prefecture in Hebei/ [Zhang1 jia1 kou3 shi4] /Zhangjiakou prefecture level city in Hebei/ [Zhang1 jia1 chuan1 hui2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Zhanjiachua [Zhang1 jia1 gang3] /Zhangjiagang county level city in Suzhou [Su1 z [Zhang1 jia1 gang3 shi4] /Zhangjiagang county level city in Suzhou [Zhang1 jia1 jie4] /Zhangjiajie prefecture level city in Hunan, formerly Dayo ong1]/ [Zhang1 jia1 jie4 shi4] /Zhangjiajie prefecture level city in Hunan/ [Zhang1 jia1 chang2 , Li3 jia1 duan3] /lit. the Zhangs are be to gossip about the neighbors/ [Zhang1 Ning2] /Zhang Ning/ [Zhang1 Bao3] /Zhang Bao/ [Zhang1 Ju1 zheng4] /Zhang Juzheng (1525-1582), Grand Secretary during the Mi sty, credited with bringing the dynasty to its apogee/ [Zhang1 Dai4] /Zhang Dai (1597-c. 1684), late Ming scholar/ [Zhang1 dian4] /Zhangdian district of Zibo city [Zi1 bo2 shi4], Shandong/ [Zhang1 dian4 qu1] /Zhangdian district of Zibo city [Zi1 bo2 shi4], Sha [Zhang1 Ting2 yu4] /Zhang Tingyu (1672-1755), Qing politician, senior ministe ree successive emperors, oversaw compilation of History of the Ming dynasty and t he Kangxi dictionary / [zhang1 chi2] /tension and relaxation/ [zhang1 xin1] /to be troubled/to be concerned/ [Zhang1 Zhi4 xin1] /Zhang Zhixin (1930-1975) female revolutionary and martyr, llowed the true Marxist-Leninist line as a party member, and was arrested in 196 9, murdered in 1975 after opposing the counter-revolutionary party-usurping cons piracies of Lin Biao and the Gang of Four, and only rehabilitated posthumously i

n 1979/ [Zhang1 yi2] /Zhang Yi (1608-1695), prolific author and poet spanning interregnum between Ming and Qing/ [Zhang1 Yi2 ning2] /Zhang Yining/ [Zhang1 Hui4 mei4] /A-Mei/ [Zhang1 Ai4 ling2] /Eileen Chang (1920-1995), famous Chinese-American novelis [Zhang1 Rong2] /Jung Chang (1952-), British Chinese writer, name at birth Zhang E hong author of Wild Swans and Mao Zedong, the unknown story [Zhang1 ye4] /Zhangye prefecture level city in Gansu/ [Zhang1 ye4 di4 qu1] /Zhangye prefecture, Gansu (old term)/Zhangye prefec ty [Zhang1 ye4 shi4] (district in Gansu)/ [Zhang1 ye4 shi4] /Zhangye prefecture level city in Gansu/ [Zhang1 Yi1] /Zhang Yi (c. 3rd century), literary figure from Wei of the Three Ki gdoms, other name [Zhi4 rang4], named as compiler of earliest extant Chinese encyc opedia [Guang3 ya3] and several lost works/ [Zhang1 Yang2] /Zhang Yang (1967-), PRC film director and screenwriter/ [zhang1 yang2] /to publicize/to make known/to show off/ [Zhang1 Ze2 duan1] /Zhang Zeduan (1085-1145), Song dynasty painter/ [Zhang1 Chang2] /Zhang Chang, official and scholar of the Eastern Han dynasty/ [Zhang1 Bin1] /Zhang Bin (1979-), CCTV sports presenter/ [Zhang1 Xu4] /Zhang Xu (probably early 8th century), Tang dynasty poet and callig apher, most famous for his grass script / [Zhang1 yi4 zhi1] /Zhang Yizhi (-705), Tang dynasty politician and favorite o ss Wu Zetian [Wu3 Ze2 tian1]/ [Zhang1 Chun1 fan1] /Zhang Chunfan (-1935), late Qing novelist, author of The ailed Turtle / [Zhang1 Chun1 qiao2] /Zhang Chunqiao (1917-2005), one of the Gang of Four/ [Zhang1 Man4 yu4] /Maggie Cheung, Hong Kong actress/ [zhang1 wang4] /to peep (through a crack)/to look around/ [Zhang1 Bo2 zhi1] /Cecilia Cheung (1980-), Hong Kong actress and pop singer/ [Zhang1 Zhi4 zhong1] /Zhang Zhizhong/ [Zhang1 Pu3] /Zhang Pu (1602-1641), Ming dynasty scholar and prolific writer, pro onent of [fu4 she4] cultural renewal movement, author of Five tombstone inscriptio s [wu3 ren2 mu4 bei1 ji4]/ [Zhang1 wan1] /Zhangwan district of Shiyan city [Shi2 yan4 shi4], Hubei/ [Zhang1 wan1 qu1] /Zhangwan district of Shiyan city [Shi2 yan4 shi4], H [zhang1 deng1 jie2 cai3] /be decorated with lanterns and colored banners/ [zhang1 ya2 wu3 zhao3] /to bare fangs and brandish claws (idiom); to make gestures/ [Zhang1 Xian4 zhong1] /Zhang Xianzhong/ [Zhang1 Wang2 Li3 Zhao4] /anyone/Mr Average/any Tom, Dick or Harry/ [zhang1 mu4] /to open one's eyes wide/ [Zhang1 Qiu1] /Cho Chang (Harry Potter)/ [Zhang1 Ji2] /Zhang Ji (767-830), Tang Dynasty poet/ [Zhang1 Chun2 ru2] /Iris Chang (1968-2004), Chinese American historian and au the Rape of Nanjing/ [zhang1 luo5] /to attend to/to get busy about/to raise money/to greet guests/ [Zhang1 Wen2 tian1] /Zhang Wentian/ [Zhang1 Zi4 zhong1] /Zhang Zizhong/ [Zhang1 Ruo4 xu1] /Zhang Ruoxu (c. 660-720), Tang dynasty poet, author of yue River on a spring night / [Zhang1 Hua4] /Zhang Hua (232-300), Western Jin writer, poet and politician/Zhang Hua (1958-1982), student held up as a martyr after he died saving an old peasant from a septic tank/other Zhang Hua's too numerous to mention/ [Zhang1 Hua2 guang1] /Zhang Huaguang (person name)/ [Zhang1 Hua2 ming2] /Zhang Huaming (person name)/ [Zhang1 Yi4 mou2] /Zhang Yimou (1950-), PRC film director/ [Zhang1 Heng2] /Zhang Heng (78-139) great Han dynasty astronomer and mathematicia / [Zhang1 Jue2] /Zhang Jue (-184), leader of the Yellow turban rebels during the la

e Han/ [zhang1 tie1] /to post (a notice)/to advertise/ [zhang1 liang4] /tensor (math.)/ [zhang1 kai1] /to open up/to spread/to extend/ [Zhang1 Zhen4] /Chang Chen (1976-), Taiwanese film actor/ [Zhang1 Jing4 chu1] /Zhang Jingchu (1980-), PRC actress/ [Zhang1 Shao2 han2] /Angela Chang (1982-), Taiwanese pop singer and actress/ [Zhang1 Fei1] /Zhang Fei (168-221), general of Shu and blood-brother of Liu Bei i Romance of the Three Kingdoms, famous as fearsome fighter and lover of wine/ [Zhang1 fei1 da3 Yue4 fei1] /lit. Zhang Fei fights Yue Fei/fig. an im n/an impossible turn of events (idiom)/ [Zhang1 Qian1] /Zhang Qian (-114 BC), Han dynasty explorer of 2nd century BC/ [jiang4] /snare/to snare/ [Qiang2] /surname Qiang/ [jiang4] /stubborn/unyielding/ [qiang2] /strong/powerful/better/slightly more than/vigorous/violent/best in the ir category, e.g. see [bai3 qiang2]/ [qiang3] /to force/to compel/to strive/to make an effort/ [qiang2 zhong1 zi4 you3 qiang2 zhong1 shou3] /However strong e stronger/There is always sth more to learn (applied to art or learning)./Never be satisfied to rest on you laurels./There is no room for complacency./ [qiang3 ren2 suo3 nan2] /to force someone to do something/ [qiang2 ling4] /to order by force/peremptory/ [qiang2 si4] /to be better than/ [qiang2 zhan4] /to occupy by force/ [qiang2 zuo4 yong4] /strong interaction (governing hadrons in nuclear physics [qiang2 zuo4 yong4 li4] /the strong force (in nuclear physics)/ [qiang2 shi3] /to force/to oblige/ [qiang2 jian4] /sturdy/ [qiang2 guang1] /glare/ [qiang2 bing1] /strong soldiers/make the military powerful (political slogan)/ [qiang2 zhi4] /to enforce/enforcement/forcibly/compulsory/ [qiang2 li4] /powerful/ [qiang2 jia1] /to impose/to force upon/ [qiang2 jing4] /powerful/with force/ [qiang2 shi4] /mighty/ [qiang2 hua4] /to strengthen/to intensify/ [jiang4 zui3] /to talk back/to reply defiantly/ [qiang2 guo2] /powerful country/great power/ [qiang2 zhuang4] /strong/sturdy/robust/ [qiang2 da4] /large/formidable/powerful/strong/ [qiang2 jian1] /rape/ [qiang2 jian1 zui4] /rape/ [qiang2 zi3] /hadron (physics)/elementary particle affected by strong force, as o posed to leptons and photons / [qiang2 jiang4 shou3 xia4 wu2 ruo4 bing1] /There are no poor [qiang2 gan4] /competent/capable/ [qiang2 du4] /strength/intensity/CL: [ge4]/ [qiang2 nu3 zhi1 mo4] /lit. an arrow at the end of its flight (idiom)/fig / [qiang2 ruo4] /strong or weak/intensity/amount of force or pressure/ [qiang2 xin1 ji4] /cardiac stimulant/ [qiang2 xin1 zhen1] /heart-strengthening shot/fig. a shot in the arm/ [qiang2 ren3] /to resist (with great difficulty)/ [qiang2 ren3 bei1 tong4] /to try hard to suppress ones grie (idiom)/ [qiang2 han4] /valiant/ [qiang2 da3] /promotion ( or a product)/advertisement/ [qiang3 la1] /tug/ [qiang2 gong1] /dominant/controlling/strong/opposite: weak, yielding /to take rm (military)/

[qiang2 di2] /power ul enemy/ [qiang2 bao4] /violent/to rape/ [qiang2 you3 li4] /strong/ orce ul/ [qiang2 liang2] /ru ian/bully/ [qiang2 heng4] /surly and unreasoning/bullying/tyrannical/ [qiang2 dang4] /prime time/ [qiang2 quan2] /power/might/ [qiang3 qiu2] /to orce sb to do sth/to importune/to demand insistently/insistenc / [qiang2 liu2] /high current (e.g. electric)/ [qiang2 lie4] /intense/(violently) strong/ [qiang2 lie4 an3 dui4] /to oppose strongly/violently opposed to/ [qiang2 lie4 yuan4 wang4] /intense desire/ [Jiang4 sheng1] /Johnson (surname)/ [Qiang2 sheng1 Gong1 si1] /Johnson & Johnson/ [qiang2 sheng4] /rich and power ul/ [qiang2 dao4] /to rob (with orce)/bandit/robber/CL: [ge4]/ [qiang2 xiang1 hu4 zuo4 yong4] /strong interaction (in particle physi [qiang2 ying4] /tough/unyielding/hard-line/ [qiang2 ying4 tai4 du4] /unyielding attitude/ [qiang2 ying4 pai4] /hardline faction/hawks/ [qiang2 ying4 li4 chang3] /tough position/ [qiang2 xing2] /to force/to break/ [qiang3 ci2 duo2 li3] /powerful words devoid of sense (idiom); sophistry/ making up for fallacious argument/shoving false arguments down people's throats /to argue illogically/ [qiang2 diao4] /to emphasize (a statement)/to stress/ [qiang3 mai3 qiang3 mai4] /to force sb to buy or sell/to trade using coer [qiang2 fu2 she4 qu1] /radioactive hot spot/ [qiang3 po4] /to compel/to force/ [qiang3 po4 lao2 dong4] /forced labor (as punishment in criminal case)/ [qiang3 po4 xing4] /compulsive/obsessive/ [qiang3 po4 xing4 chu3 wu4 zheng4] /compulsive hoarding/ [qiang3 po4 xing4 xing4 xing2 wei2] /sexual obsession/ [qiang2 po4 zheng4] /obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)/ [qiang3 po4 guan1 nian4] /compelling notion/obsession/ [qiang3 bi1] /to compel/to force/ [qiang2 dui4] /a powerful team (sports)/ [qiang2 zhen4] /powerful earthquake/abbr. for / [qiang2 yin1 ta4 ban3] /loud pedal (on piano)/sustaining pedal/ [qiang2 feng1] /strong breeze (meteorology)/ [qiang2 jian3] /strong alkali/ [qiang2 long2 bu4 ya1 di4 tou2 she2] /lit. strong dragon cann . a local gangster who is above the law/ [beng1] /full/stretch/ [bi4] /assist/ [dan4] /Japanese variant of / [gou4] /enough/ [kou1] /nock at end of bow/stretch/ [bie4] /to make sb change their ways, opinions etc/ [bie4 zui3] /mouthful (awkward speech)/tongue-twister/ [bie4 niu5] /awkward/difficult/uncomfortable/not agreeing/at loggerheads/gauche/a kward (writing or speech)/ [dan4] /crossball/bullet/shot/shell/ball/ [tan2] /to pluck (a string)/to play (a string instrument)/to spring or leap/to s hoot (e.g. with a catapult)/(of cotton) to fluff or tease/to flick/to flip/to ac cuse/to impeach/elastic (of materials)/ [dan4 wan2] /pellet/ [tan2 guan1 xiang1 qing4] /lit. to flick dust off sb's cap (idiom); to ce ficial appointment/to congratulate and celebrate (promotion, graduation etc)/

[tan2 chu1] /to eject/to exit from/to pop up/ [tan2 li4] /elasticity/elastic force/spring/rebound/bounce/ [tan2 he2] /to accuse of misconduct (in official task)/to impeach/ [dan4 xia2] /magazine (for ammunition)/ [tan2 chang4] /to sing and play (plucked string instrument)/ [tan2 hui2] /to rebound/ [dan4 keng1] /bomb crater/ [tan2 tu2 yu2] /mudskipper (amphibious fish)/ [tan2 ya1] /to suppress/to quell (a disturbance)/repression/ [dan4 jia2] /ammunition clip/cartridge clip/magazine (for ammunition)/ [tan2 zou4] /to play (musical instrument, esp. string)/ [dan4 zi5] /slingshot pellet/playing marbles/billiards/CL:[li4], [ke1]/ [tan2 zi5] /towrope/ [dan4 zi5 suo3] /pin tumbler lock/spring lock/ [dan4 kong3] /bullet hole/ [tan2 she4] /to catapult/to launch/to eject (from a plane)/to shoot/ [tan2 she4 chu1] /to catapult/to shoot/ [tan2 she4 zuo4 yi3] /ejection seat/ [tan2 she4 zuo4 cang1] /ejection capsule (cabin)/ [dan4 gong1] /catapult/sling/ [tan2 xing4] /flexibility/elasticity (physics)/ [tan2 xing4 xing2 bian4] /elastic deformation/ [tan2 xing4 mo2 liang4] /modulus of elasticity/coefficient of restitution [tan2 zhi3] /a snap of the fingers/a short moment/in a flash/in the twinkling of n eye/ [tan2 zhi3 zhi1 jian1] /a snap of the fingers (idiom); in an instant/in a /in a flash/in the twinkling of an eye/ [tan2 bo1] /to pluck (a string)/ [tan2 bo1 yue4] /plucked string music/ [tan2 bo1 yue4 qi4] /plucked string instrument/CL:[jian4]/ [tan2 chi4] /accuse and criticize/ [dan4 ke2] /ammunition case/ [dan4 pian4] /shrapnel/splinter from shell/ [tan2 ya2] /al dente/ [dan4 zhu1] /marbles/ [tan2 qiu2] /to play marbles/ [tan2 qiu2 pan2] /pachinko/ [tan2 qin2] /to play or strum a lute or other stringed instrument/ [dan4 hen2] /bullet hole/shell hole/ [dan4 hen2 lei2 lei2] /bullet-ridden/ [dan4 jin4 yuan2 jue2] /out of ammunition and no hope of reinforcements ( sperate straits/ [dan4 jin4 liang2 jue2] /out of ammunition and no food left (idiom); in d its/ [tan2 huang2] /spring/ [tan2 huang2 dao1] /flick knife/switchblade/spring-loaded knife/ [tan2 huang2 cheng4] /spring balance/ [tan2 huang2 suo3] /spring lock/ [tan2 huang2 men2] /swing door/ [tan2 jiu1] /to accuse/to impeach/ [tan2 hua1] /to soften cotton fiber by fluffing/ [dan4 yao4] /ammunition/ [dan4 yao4 ku4] /ammunition dump/ [dan4 yao4 bu3 ji3 zhan4] /ammunition depot/ [tan2 ci2] /ballad tune in southern dialects, usually to sanxian or pipa nt/ [tan2 tiao4] /to bounce/to jump/to leap/ [tan2 tiao4 ban3] /springboard/ [dan4 dao4] /trajectory (of projectile)/ballistic/ [dan4 dao4 dao3 dan4] /missile/

[dan4 tou2] /warhead/ [jiang4] /willful/ [qiang2] /strong/superior/ [qiang3] /compel/ [mi2] /full/to fill/completely/more/ [Mi2 le4] /Mile county in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture, Yunnan/Maitre a, the future Bodhisattva, to come after Shakyamuni Buddha/ [Mi2 le4 fo2] /Maitreya/the Bodhisattva that will be the next to come after S ni Buddha/ [Mi2 le4 xian4] /Mile county in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture, Yun [Mi2 le4 Pu2 sa4] /Maitreya Bodhisattva/ [mi2 he2] /to cause a wound to close up and heal/ [mi2 tian1] /filling the entire sky/covering everything (of fog, crime, disaster tc)/ [mi2 tian1 da4 huang3] /a pack of lies (idiom)/ [mi2 feng1] /to sign across the seal (as a precaution against fraud)/ [mi2 sa5] /(Catholic) Mass/ [mi2 san4] /to dissipate everywhere (of light, sound, gas etc)/ [mi2 yue4] /full moon/first full moon after birth (i.e. entering the second month / [mi2 wang4] /a full view/ [Mi2 du4] /Midu county in Dali Bai autonomous prefecture [Da4 li3 B ], Yunnan/ [Mi2 du4 xian4] /Midu county in Dali Bai autonomous prefecture hou1], Yunnan/ [mi2 man3] /to be full/ [mi2 man4] /to pervade/to fill the air/diffuse/everywhere present/about to inunda e (water)/permeated by (smoke)/filled with (dust)/to saturate (the air with fog, smoke etc)/ [mi2 liu2] /seriously ill and about to die/ [mi2 meng2] /impenetrable thick fog or smoke/ [mi2 feng2] /to cover up mistakes or crimes/to stitch up/to fix/ [mi2 bu3] /to complement/to make up for a deficiency/ [Mi2 sai4 ya4] /Messiah/ [mi2 jia1 shu1] /Book of Micah/ [Mi2 tuo2] /Amitabha, the Buddha of the Western Paradise/abbr. for p in Kaohsiung county [Gao1 xiong2 xian4], southwest Taiwan/ [Mi2 tuo2 xiang1] /Mituo or Mito township in Kaohsiung county [G est Taiwan/ [wan1] /bend/bent/CL:[dao4]/ [wan1 zi5] /bend/turn/curve/ [wan1 wan1 qu1 qu1] /curved/meandering/zigzagging/ [wan1 zhe2] /to bend/ [wan1 qu1] /to bend/to curve around/curved/crooked/to wind/to warp/ [wan1 qu1 du4] /camber/curvature/ [wan1 qu1 kong1 jian1] /curved space/ [wan1 guan3 mian4] /elbow pasta/ [wan1 yao1] /to stoop/ [wan1 yao1 tuo2 bei4] /slouch/stoop/poor posture/ [lu4] /to carve wood/ [tuan4] /to foretell the future using the trigrams of the Book of Changes / [tuan4 ci2] /to interpret the divinatory trigrams/ [hui4] /comet/ [hui4 xing1] /comet/ [zhi4] /swine/ [hui4] /class/collection/ [hui4 bao4] /to report/to give an account of/report/ [hui4 zheng3] /to collect and organize (papers etc)/to archive (data)/to summariz (evidence etc)/summary/ [hui4 ying4] /joint screening/consecutive screening of collection of movies/

[hui4 zhu4] /annotated collection/ [hui4 bian1] /collection/compilation/compile/ [hui4 zong3] /summary/to summarize/to collect (data, receipts etc)/to gather and eport/also written / [hui4 ji2] /to collect/to compile/to converge/ [yi2] /ancient wine vessel/ancient sacrificial vessel/Yi ethnic group/normal nat ure of man/laws and rules/ [yi2 lun2] /cardinal human relationships/ [Yi2 ju4] /Yi opera/ [yi2 qi4] /ritual objects/sacral vessels/ [yi2 xian4] /laws/regulations/rules/ [Yi2 zu2] /Yi ethnic group/ [Yi2 liang2] /Yiliang county in Zhaotong [Zhao1 tong1], Yunnan/ [Yi2 liang2 xian4] /Yiliang county in Zhaotong [Zhao1 tong1], Yunnan/ [yi2 xun4] /regular exhortations/ [huo4] /see [Wu3 Shi4 huo4]/ [huo4] /ancient variant of [huo4]/ [xing2] /to appear/to look/form/shape/ [xing2 shang4] /metaphysics/ [xing2 xiang4] /form/image/ [xing2 shi4] /circumstances/situation/terrain/CL: [ge4]/ [xing2 shi4 yan2 jun4] /in grave difficulties/the situation is grim/ [xing2 tong2 xu1 she4] /to exist in name only/empty shell/useless (idiom) [xing2 dan1 ying3 zhi1] /lonely soul/solitary/ [xing2 rong2] /to describe/description/appearance/look/ [xing2 rong2 ci2] /adjective/ [xing2 rong2 ci2] /adjective/ [xing2 shi4] /form/shape/situation/circumstance/CL: [ge4]/ [xing2 shi4 zhu3 yi4] /Formalism (art)/ [xing2 xing2 se4 se4] /all kinds of/all sorts of/every (different) kind o [xing2 ying3 bu4 li2] /inseparable (as form and shadow)/ [xing2 ying3 xiang1 diao4] /with only body and shadow to comfort each oth tremely sad and lonely/ [xing2 ying3 xiang1 sui2] /lit. body and shadow follow each other (idiom) able/ [Xing2 yi4 quan2] /Xingyiquan (Chinese martial art)/ [xing2 tai4] /shape/form/pattern/morphology/ [xing2 tai4 xue2] /morphology (in biology or linguistics)/ [xing2 tai4 fa1 sheng1 su4] /morphogen/ [xing2 cheng2] /to form/to take shape/ [xing2 cheng2 ceng2] /vascular cambium (layer of tissue responsible for growt e wood)/ [xing2 yu2 se4] /to show one's feelings/to show it in one's face/ [xing2 pang2] /part of Chinese character indicating the meaning/also called signi icative or radical/ [xing2 zhuang4] /form/shape/CL: [ge4]/ [xing2 shen2] /body and soul/physical and spiritual/material form and internal sp rit/ [xing2 er2 shang4 xue2] /metaphysics/ [xing2 sheng1] /ideogram plus phonetic (one of the Six Methods of formi aracters)/also known as phonogram, phonetic compound or picto-phonetic character / [xing2 sheng1 zi4] /radical plus phonetic (one of the Six Methods o haracters)/also known as phonogram, phonetic compound or picto-phonetic characte r/ [xing2 bian4] /deformation/bending/ [xing2 xiang4] /image/form/figure/CL: [ge4]/visualization/vivid/ [xing2 xiang4 da4 shi3] /person who represents an organization and enhanc ambassador/ [xing2 mao4] /appearance/

[xing2 zhi4] /form/structure/design/ [xing2 ji4] /movements and expression of a person/bearing/ [xing2 chou3 xin1 shan4] /an ugly face may hide a virtuous heart (idiom)/ [xing2 hai2] /the human body/skeleton/ [xing2 ti3] /form and structure/ [Tong2] /surname Tong/ [tong2] /red/ [tong2 guan3 yi2] /presents between lovers/ [yan4] /accomplished/elegant/ [yu4] /accomplished/elegant/ [cai3] /(bright) color/variety/applause/applaud/lottery prize/ [cai3 xin4] /multi-media messaging service (MMS) (telecommunications)/ [cai3 juan3] /color film/abbr. for /lottery ticket/ [cai3 su4] /painted clay figure/ [cai3 dai4] /colored ribbon/streamer/CL: [tiao2]/ [cai3 dan4] /paintball/ [cai3 pai2] /dress rehearsal/ [cai3 kuo4] /to enlarge color photos/color film processing/ [cai3 qi2] /colored flag/ [cai3 hua4] /color painting/ [cai3 piao4] /lottery ticket/ [cai3 hui4] /painted/colored painted-on designs/ [cai3 se4] /color/multi-colored/CL: [zhong3]/ [cai3 hong2] /rainbow/ [cai3 bang4] /painted shell/painting on shell/ [cai3 dan4] /Easter egg/colored egg/painted eggshell/ [cai3 yi1] /coloured clothes/motley attire/ [Cai3 Chao1] /Color Doppler Imaging (CDI) (medicine)/ [cai3 che1] /float (in a parade)/ [cai3 ling2] /caller ring-back tone (CRBT)/ring-back tone (RBT)/ [cai3 yun2] /rosy clouds/CL: [duo3]/ [cai3 dian4] /color TV/ [cai3 dian4 shi4] /color TV/ [cai3 xia2] /clouds tinged with sunset hues/ [biao1] /tiger stripes/tiger cub/(old) classifier for troops/ [biao1 xiu1] /angry/wrathful/ [biao1 ge4 zi5] /tall and strong physique/ [biao1 zhuang4] /tall and husky/hefty/ [biao1 zi5] /a frolicsome creature/ [biao1 xing2] /husky/burly/ [biao1 xing2 da4 han4] /burly chap/husky fellow/ [biao1 han4] /intrepid/doughty/valiant/ [biao1 bing3] /shining/splendid/ [biao1 bing3 qian1 gu3] /to shine through the ages (idiom)/ [biao1 huan4] /brilliant and shining/outstanding and elegant/ [biao1 meng2] /to develop the mind/ [Biao1 ma3] /Puma (brand)/ [diao1] /variant of [diao1], to engrave/ [bin1] /ornamental/refined/ [bin1 bin1] /refined, gentle, and elegant/ [bin1 bin1 jun1 zi3] /refined gentleman/ [bin1 bin1 you3 li3] /refined and courteous/urbane/ [Bin1 xian4] /Bin county in Xinyng [Xian2 yang2], Shnx / [bin1 wei4] /erudite and refined/ [Bin1 ma3 na4] /Pyinmana, former jungle county town in central Myanmar (Burma signated the national capital and renamed Naypyidaw in November 2005/ [Peng2] /surname Peng/ [Peng2 heng1] /Pahang province of Malaysia/ [Peng2 jia1 yu3] /Pengjia Island, administered as part of Chilung or Keelung 2], Taiwan/

[Peng2 Bo2] /Peng Bo/ [Peng2 bo2 tong1 xun4 she4] /Bloomberg L.P., financial software servi company/ [Peng2 Ding4 kang1] /Chris Patten (1944-), last British Governor of Hong Kong 997/ [Peng2 shan1] /Pengshan county in Meishan [Mei2 shan1 shi4], Sichuan/ [Peng2 shan1 xian4] /Pengshan county in Meishan [Mei2 shan1 shi4], Sichua [Peng2 zhou1] /Pengzhou county level city in Chengdu [Cheng2 du1], Sichuan/ [Peng2 zhou1 shi4] /Pengzhou county level city in Chengdu [Cheng2 du1], S [Peng2 De2 huai2] /Peng Dehuai (1898-1974), top communist general, subsequent tician and politburo member, disgraced after attacking Mao's failed policies in 1959, and died after extensive persecution during the Cultural Revolution/ [Peng2 shui3 xian4] /Pengshui Miao and Tujia autonomous county in Qianjiang s of Chongqing municipality/ [Peng2 shui3 Miao2 zu2 Tu3 jia1 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian Qianjiang suburbs of Chongqing municipality/ [Peng2 hu2] /Penghu island county of Taiwan, off the coast of Kaohsiung/ [Peng2 hu2 dao3] /Penghu island county of Taiwan, off the coast of Kaohsiung/ [Peng2 ze2] /Pengze county in Jiujiang , Jiangxi/ [Peng2 ze2 xian4] /Pengze county in Jiujiang , Jiangxi/ [Peng2 Zhen1] /Peng Zhen (1902-1997), Chinese communist leader/ [Peng2 Zu3] /Peng Zu (legendary figure of Taoism who lived 800 years)/ [Peng2 xian4] /Peng county in Sichuan/ [Peng2 yang2] /Pengyang county in Guyuan [Gu4 yuan2], Ningxia/ [Peng2 yang2 xian4] /Pengyang county in Guyuan [Gu4 yuan2], Ningxia/ [Peng2 Yang3 ou1] /Peng Yangou, late Qing novelist, author of Black register souls / [zhang1] /manifest/ [Zhang1 hua4] /Zhanghua or Changhua city and county in west Taiwan/ [Zhang1 hua4 shi4] /Zhanghua or Changhua city in west Taiwan, capital of Chan unty/ [Zhang1 hua4 xian4] /Zhanghua or Changhua county in west Taiwan/ [zhang1 shan4 dan4 e4] /to distinguish good and evil (idiom); to uphold v demn evil/to praise good and expose vice/ [zhang1 zhang1] /obvious/manifest/clearly visible/ [zhang1 ming2] /to show clearly/to make public/obvious/ [zhang1 ming2 jiao4 zhu4] /obvious/clear for all to see/ [Zhang1 wu3] /Zhangwu county in Fuxin , Liaoning/ [Zhang1 wu3 xian4] /Zhangwu county in Fuxin , Liaoning/ [zhang1 xian3] /to manifest/ [ying3] /picture/image/film/movie/photograph/reflection/shadow/trace/ [ying3 xiang4] /image/ [ying3 xiang4 hui4 yi4] /video conference/ [ying3 xiang4 dang4] /image file/ [ying3 xiang4 chu3 li3] /image processing/ [ying3 r5] /shadow/ [ying3 ju4] /film and theater/screen and stage/ [ying3 ju4 yuan4] /cinema/movie theater/ [ying3 yin4] /photographic reproduction/photocopying/photo-offset/ [ying3 yin4 ben3] /a photocopy/ [ying3 yin4 ji1] /photocopier (Taiwan)/ [ying3 tan2] /moviedom/the world of movies/film circles/ [ying3 zi5] /shadow/reflection/CL: [ge4]/ [ying3 zi5 nei4 ge2] /shadow cabinet/ [ying3 she4] /to reflect/ [ying3 xing1] /film star/ [ying3 ye4] /film industry/ [ying3 pian4] /film/movie/CL:[bu4]/ [ying3 die2] /DVD/CL:[pian4], [zhang1]/ [ying3 die2 ji1] /DVD player/

[ying3 shi4] /movies and television/ [ying3 ping2] /film review/ [ying3 zong1] /trace/sign/ [ying3 mi2] /film enthusiast/movie fan/CL: [ge4]/ [ying3 yuan4] /cinema/movie theater/ [ying3 ji2] /photo album/CL:[ben3]/ [ying3 yin1] /recorded media (CD and DVD)/sound and movies/ [ying3 xiang3] /an influence/an effect/to influence/to affect (usually adversely) to disturb/CL:[gu3]/ [ying3 xiang3 li4] /influence/impact/ [chi1] /variant of / [chi4] /step with left foot/ [zhuo2] /bridge/ [fang3] /seemingly/ [pang2] /irresolute/ [fang3 si4] /variant of [fang3 si4]/ [fang3 fu2] /to seem/as if/alike/similar/ [pang2 yang2] /unsettled/doubtful/to roam about/ [pang2 huang2] /to pace back and forth/to hesitate/to be indecisive/Pang Huang or Wandering About, a collection of short stories by Lu Xun / [zhong1] /restless, agitated/ [yi4] /forced labor/corve/obligatory task/military service/to use as servant/to e nserf/servant (old)/war/campaign/battle/ [yi4 shi3] /to put to work (servant or animal)/to make use of for labor/ [yi4 shi3 dong4 wu4] /draft animals/beasts of burden/ [yi4 chu4] /draft animal/beast of burden/ [bi3] /that/those/(one) another/ [bi3 yi1 shi2 ci3 yi1 shi2] /that was one thing, and this is anot [bi3 chang4 ci3 he2] /to chorus sb else's lead (idiom); to chime in in ag [bi3 chang4 ci3 he2] /to chorus sb else's lead (idiom); to chime in in ag [bi3 an4] /the other shore/paramita/ [Bi3 de2] /Peter (name)/ [Bi3 de2 qian2 shu1] /First Epistle of Peter (in New Testament)/ [Bi3 de2 bao3] /Petersburg (place name)/Saint Petersburg, Russia/ [Bi3 de2 hou4 shu1] /Second Epistle of Peter (in New Testament)/ [Bi3 de2 ge2 le4] /Petrograd, variant spelling of , Saint Petersbur [Bi3 de2 luo2 wei2 qi2] /Petrovich (name)/ [Bi3 de2 li3 min3] /Petri dish/ [Bi3 la1 duo1] /Pilate (Pontius Pilate in the Biblical passion story)/ [bi3 ci3] /each other/one another/ [Bi3 er3 mu3] /Perm, Russian city in the Urals/ [chi2] /go to and fro/ [fu2] /seemingly/ [Fu2 lei2 ze2 er3] /Frazer (name)/ [wang3] /to go (in a direction)/to/towards/(of a train) bound for/past/previous/ [wang3 shi4] /past events/former happenings/ [wang3 shi4 ru2 feng1] /the past is vanished like the wind; gone beyond r [wang3 lai2] /dealings/contacts/to go back and forth/ [wang3 lai2 zhang4 hu4] /current account (in bank)/ [wang3 qian2] /to move forwards/ [wang3 gu3] /in former times/in olden days/ [wang3 wai4] /out/outbound/departing/ [wang3 chang2] /habitually (in the past)/as one used to do formerly/as it used to be/ [wang3 nian2] /in former years/in previous years/ [wang3 wang3] /often/frequently/ [wang3 wang3 you3 zhi1] /to have always had (idiom)/ [wang3 hou4] /from now on/in the future/time to come/ [wang3 fu4] /to go and come back/to make a return trip/backwards and forwards (e. . of piston or pump action)/to reciprocate (of machine part)/

[wang3 fu4 yun4 dong4] /backwards and forwards action (e.g. of piston or cating motion/ [wang3 ri4] /in former days/ [wang3 xi1] /in the past/ [wang3 shi2] /past events/former times/ [wang3 sui4] /in former years/in olden days/ [wang3 ni4 li3 cai3] /to belittle/to attack sb/ [wang3 sheng1] /future life (Buddhism)/ [wang3 cheng2] /outbound leg (of a bus or train journey etc)/ [wang3 lian3 shang4 mo3 hei1] /to bring shame to/to smear/to disgrace [wang3 ji4] /past events/former times/ [wang3 fan3] /to go back and forth/to go to and fro/round trip/ [wang3 huan2] /contacts/dealings/ [zheng1] /journey/trip/expedition/to go on long campaign/to attack/ [zheng1 ren2] /traveler (on a long journey)/participant in an expedition/garrison soldier/new recruit/ [zheng1 fa2] /to go on or send a punitive expedition/ [zheng1 jiao3] /to mount a punitive expedition against bandits/ [zheng1 di4] /to requisition land/ [zheng1 chen2] /the dust of a long journey/ [zheng1 fu1] /traveler/soldier on expedition/soldier taking part in battle/ [zheng1 fan1] /expedition ship/ [zheng1 zhong1] /scared/badly frightened/ [zheng1 de2] /to seek approval/ [zheng1 shu4] /garrison/ [zheng1 zhan4] /campaign/expedition/ [zheng1 shou1] /to levy (a fine)/to impose (a tariff)/ [zheng1 lian3] /to extort taxes/ [zheng1 lian3 wu2 du4] /to extort taxes excessively/ [zheng1 pei4] /pennant used on expedition/war pennant/ [zheng1 fu2] /to conquer/to subdue/to vanquish/ [zheng1 fu2 zhe3] /conqueror/ [zheng1 yong4] /expropriate/commandeer/ [zheng1 cheng2] /journey/expedition/voyage/ [zheng1 yi1] /traveler's clothing/military uniform/ [zheng1 shan1] /traveler's clothing/by extension, traveler/ [zheng1 tao3] /to go on a punitive expedition/ [zheng1 xun2] /to consult/to query/to solicit opinion/ [zheng1 tu2] /long journey/trek/course of an expedition/ [zheng1 ma3] /horse capable of long expedition/army horse/ [zheng1 jia4] /horses and wagons for an expedition/vehicles and horses used in ba tle/ [cu2] /to go/to reach/ [dai1] /stay/delay/ [dai4] /to wait/to treat/to deal with/to need/going to (do sth)/about to/intendi ng to/ [dai4 ren2] /to treat sb/ [dai4 ren2 jie1 wu4] /the way one treats people/ [dai4 ding4] /to await a decision/to be pending/ [dai4 xiao1 cao3] /evening primrose/ [dai4 fu4] /to be advised/awaiting an answer/ [dai1 hui4 r5] /in a moment/later/Taiwan pr. [dai1 hui3 r5]/ [dai4 ye4] /to await job assignment (term used only in mainland China)/ [dai4 ji1] /to wait for an opportunity/to seize a chance/pragmatic/ [dai4 xu4] /to be continued/ [dai4 kao3] /under investigation/currently unknown/ [dai4 yao4] /to be about to/ [dai4 jie3] /unresolved/awaiting solution/ [dai4 yu4] /treatment/pay/wages/status/salary/ [xun4] /to follow/to give in to/to expose publicly/variant of [xun4]/variant of [

un4]/ [xun4 si1 wang3 fa3] /to bend the law for one's own profit (idiom)/ [xun4 si1 wu3 bi4] /bribery and fraud (idiom)/ [hen3] /(adverb of degree)/quite/very/awfully/ [hen3 duo1 shi2] /often/ [hen3 xiang3] /to miss sb/to very much want to/ [yang2] /to walk back and forth/ [huai2] /see [pai2 huai2], to dither/to hesitate/to pace back and forth/irresolut / [lu:4] /law/ [lu:4 lu:3] /tuning/temperament/ [lu:4 shi1] /lawyer/ [lu:4 shi1 shi4 wu4 suo3] /law firm/ [Lu:4 zheng4 si1] /Department of Justice (Hong Kong)/ [lu:4 fa3] /laws and decrees/ [lu:4 shi1] /regular verse/strict poetic form with eight lines of 5, 6 or 7 sylla les and even lines rhyming/ [hou4] /back/behind/rear/afterwards/after/later/ [hou4 shi4] /later generations/ [hou4 shi4] /future events/and what happened next... (in fiction)/funeral arrange ents/ [hou4 ren2] /later generation/ [hou4 fu4] /payment made afterwards/postpaid/ [hou4 dai4] /posterity/later periods/later ages/later generations/ [hou4 lai2] /afterwards/later/ [hou4 lai2 ju1 shang4] /lit. late-comer lives above (idiom); the up-and-c er outstrips the older generation/the pupil surpasses the master/ [hou4 xin4 hao4 deng1] /car rear indicator/ [hou4 bei4] /reserve/backup/ [hou4 bei4 jun1] /rearguard/ [hou4 r5] /the day after tomorrow/ [hou4 liang3 zhe3] /the latter two/ [hou4 jia1] /postposition (grammar)/ [hou4 qin2] /logistics/ [hou4 qin2 xue2] /military logistics/ [hou4 ban4] /latter half/ [hou4 ban4 chang3] /second half (of sporting competition)/ [hou4 ban4 ye4] /latter half (of a decade, century etc)/ [hou4 tai2] /backstage/ [Hou4 Zhou1] /Later Zhou of the Five Dynasties (951-960), centered on Shandong an Hebei, with capital at Kaifeng / [hou4 wei4] /after-taste/ [Hou4 Tang2] /Later Tang of the Five Dynasties (923-936)/ [hou4 si4] /heir/descendant/posterity/ [hou4 zuo4] /recoil (of a gun)/backlash/back seat/pillion/ [hou4 zuo4 li4] /recoil (of a gun)/backlash/reactive force/ [hou4 chen2] /lit. trailing dust/fig. sb's footsteps/course in life/ [Hou4 bi4] /Houpi township in Tainan county [Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwa [Hou4 bi4 xiang1] /Houbi township in Tainan county [Tai2 nan2 xi [hou4 tian1] /the day after tomorrow/post-natal/acquired (not innate)/a posterior / [hou4 tian1 xing4] /acquired (characteristic etc)/ [hou4 niang2] /stepmother (informal)/ [hou4 ma1] /(coll.) stepmother/ [hou4 xue2] /junior scholar or pupil in imperial China/ [hou4 gong1] /harem/chambers of imperial concubines/ [hou4 nian2] /the year after next/ [hou4 ying3] /rear view/figure seen from behind/view of the back (of a person or bject)/ [hou4 xin1] /middle of the back/

[hou4 pa4] /lingering fear/fear after the event/post-traumatic stress/ [hou4 hui3] /to regret/to repent/ [hou4 hui3 bu4 die2] /no time for regrets/too late to do anything/ [hou4 hui3 mo4 ji2] /too late for regrets (idiom); It is useless to repen vent./ [hou4 huan4 wu2 qiong2] /it will cause no end of trouble (idiom); nip the he bud/ [hou4 gan3] /afterthought/reflection after an event/a review (of a movie etc)/ [hou4 gan3 jue2] /after-sensation/after-impression/ [hou4 pai2] /the back row/ [hou4 yan3 bi4] /backward masking/ [hou4 yuan2] /reinforcement/back-up/supporting force/ [hou4 che4] /to pull back (an army)/to retreat/ [hou4 dang3 ban3] /backboard/ [hou4 xiao4] /after-effect/ [hou4 fang1] /the rear/far behind the front line/ [hou4 ri4] /the day after tomorrow/from hence/from now/from now on/henceforth/ [Hou4 Jin4] /Later Jin of the Five Dynasties (936-946)/ [hou4 hui4 you3 qi1] /I'm sure we'll meet again some day. (idiom)/Hope to n./ [hou4 hui4 wu2 qi1] /to meet again at unspecified date/meeting postponed [hou4 qi1] /late stage/later period/ [hou4 guo3] /consequences/aftermath/ [Hou4 Liang2] /Later Liang of the Five Dynasties (907-923)/ [hou4 duan4] /final part/rear/back end/final segment/the following section/last p ragraph/ [hou4 mu3] /stepmother/ [Hou4 Liang2] /Later Liang of the Sixteen Kingdoms (386-403)/ [Hou4 Han4] /Later Han or Eastern Han dynasty (25-220)/Later Han of the Five Dyna ties (947-950)/ [Hou4 Han4 shu1] /History of Eastern Han (later Han), third of the 24 dynasti ries , composed by Fan Ye in 445 during Song of the Southern Dynasties [hou4 deng1] /taillight/ [Hou4 Yan4] /Later Yan of the Sixteen Kingdoms (384-409)/ [hou4 xian4 dai4 zhu3 yi4] /post-modernism/ [hou4 sheng1] /young generation/youth/young man/ [hou4 sheng1 dong4 wu4] /metazoa/the animal kingdom/ [hou4 sheng1 ke3 wei4] /will be redoubtable in later life (idiom); a youn ilities must be respected, though inexperienced/the younger generations will sur pass us in time/ [hou4 jia3 ban3] /afterdeck/ [hou4 dun4] /support/ [Hou4 Qin2] /Later Qin of the Sixteen Kingdoms (384-417)/ [hou4 kong1 fan1] /backward somersault/backflip/ [hou4 zhui4] /suffix (linguistics)/ [hou4 yuan2] /trailing edge (of airplane wing)/ [hou4 xu4] /follow-up/(dialect) to remarry/ [hou4 xu4 de5 jie3 shi4 guo4 cheng2] /post-interpretive proce [hou4 zhi4] /to place after (e.g. in grammar)/postposition/ [hou4 zhi4 ci2] /postposition/suffix/word placed after/ [hou4 chi4] /back wing (of insect)/ [hou4 fan1 jin1 dou4] /backward somersault/ [hou4 zhe3] /the latter/ [hou4 zhi1] /hind legs/ [hou4 nao3] /hindbrain/back of the head/ [hou4 nao3 shao2] /back of the head/ [hou4 yao1] /lower back/ [hou4 tai2] /backstage/the area behind a theatrical stage/backstage supporter/ [hou4 gai4] /back cover/shell (of crab etc)/ [hou4 wei4] /rear guard/backfield/fullback/

[hou4 yi4] /descendant/ [Hou4 Xi1 you2 ji4] /one of three Ming dynasty sequels to Journey to the [hou4 shi4 jing4] /rearview mirror/ [hou4 ji4] /an epilogue/afterword/ [hou4 zhen3] /post-operative examination/ [hou4 ci2 hui4 jia1 gong1] /post-lexical access/ [hou4 hua4] /something to be taken up later in speech or writing/ [hou4 zhang4] /undisclosed account/to settle matters later/to blame sb after the vent/ [hou4 qi3 zhi1 xiu4] /an up-and coming youngster/new talent/a brilliant y tion/ [Hou4 Zhao4] /Later Zhao of the Sixteen Kingdoms (319-350)/ [hou4 lu4] /escape route/retreat route/communication lines to the rear/alternativ course of action/room for maneuver/ [hou4 che1 zhi1 jian4] /lit. warning to the following cart (idiom); don't rack of an overturned cart/fig. draw lesson from the failure of one's predecesso r/learn from past mistake/once bitten twice shy/ [hou4 che1 zhou2] /back axle (of car)/ [hou4 chuo4] /suffix/ [hou4 bei4] /younger generation/ [hou4 lun2] /rear wheel/ [hou4 tui4] /recoil/draw back/fall back/retreat/ [hou4 song4] /evacuation (military)/ [hou4 song4 yi1 yuan4] /evacuation hospital (military)/ [hou4 jin4] /less advanced/underdeveloped/lagging behind/ [hou4 jin4 xian1 chu1] /to come late and leave first/last in, first out ( [hou4 yi2 zheng4] /medical after-effects/repercussions of an illness/ [hou4 bian5] /back/rear/behind/ [hou4 bian5 r5] /erhua variant of [hou4 bian5]/ [hou4 bu4] /back section/ [Hou4 Jin1] /Later Jin dynasty (from 1616-)/Manchu Khanate or kingdom that took o er as Qing dynasty in 1644/ [hou4 gou1] /unfinished business/ [hou4 gou1 r5] /erhua variant of [hou4 gou1]/ [hou4 men2] /the back door/fig. under the counter (indirect way for influence or ressure)/anus/ [hou4 fu4] /attachment/appendix/addendum/ [hou4 yuan4] /rear court/back garden/backyard (also fig.)/ [hou4 yuan4 qi3 huo3] /a fire in one's backyard/conflict close to home/ [hou4 mian5] /rear/back/behind/later/afterwards/ [hou4 tou5] /behind/in the back/the rear side/later/in future/ [hou4 gu4 zhi1 you1] /fears of trouble in the rear (idiom); family worrie g freedom of action)/worries about the future consequences/often in negative exp ressions, meaning "no worries about anything"/ [Hou4 Wei4] /Wei of the Northern Dynasties 386-534/ [hou4 bi2 yin1] /velar nasal/consonant ng or produced in the nose with the he tongue against the soft palate/ [Hou4 long2] /Houlung town in Miaoli county [Miao2 li4 xian4], north [Hou4 long2 zhen4] /Houlung town in Miaoli county [Miao2 li4 xia [Xu2] /surname Xu/ [xu2] /slowly/gently/ [Xu2 Shi4 chang1] /Xu Shichang (1855-1939), politician associated with the No Warlords, president of China in 1921/ [Xu2 Jun4] /Xu Jun (1962-), Chinese Chinese chess grandmaster/ [Xu2 Guang1 qi3] /Xu Guangqi (15621633), agricultural scientist, astronomer, ematician in the Ming dynasty/ [xu2 ke4] /Tsui Hark, a movie director/ [Xu2 Kuang1 di2] /Xu Kuangdi/ [Xu2 hui4 qu1] /Xuhui district, central Shanghai/ [xu2 niang2 ban4 lao3] /middle-aged but still attractive woman/lady o a

[Xu2 jia1 hui4] /Xujiahui, an area in [Xu2 hui4 qu1], Xuhui dist [Xu2 zhou1] /Xuzhou prefecture level city in Jiangsu/ [Xu2 zhou1 di4 qu1] /Xuzhou prefecture in Jiangsu/ [Xu2 zhou1 shi4] /Xuzhou prefecture level city in Jiangsu/ [xu2 xu2] /slowly/gently/ [Xu2 Zhi4 mo2] /Xu Zhimo (1897-1931), writer and poet/ [Xu2 Bei1 hong2] /Xu Beihong (1895-1953), famous European trained painter and ntial art teacher/ [Xu2 Xing1] /Xu Xing (1969-), Chinese palaeontologist/Xu Xing (1956-), Chinese sh rt story writer/ [xu2 bu4] /to stroll/to walk slowly/ [Xu2 shui3] /Xushui county in Baoding [Bao3 ding4], Hebei/ [Xu2 shui3 xian4] /Xushui county in Baoding [Bao3 ding4], Hebei/ [Xu2 Wei4] /Xu Wei, Chinese painter/ [Xu2 Xi1 yuan2] /Xu Xiyuan or Hsu Hsiyuan or Barbie Hsu (1976-), Taiwan pop s actress, F4 band member/also called S/ [Xu2 Zhen1 qing1] /Xu Zhenqing (1479-1511), Ming writer, one of Four great so talents of the Ming / [Xu2 Fu2] /Xu Fu/ [xu2 huan3] /slow/sluggish/lazily/to slow down/ [Xu2 Ji4 yu2] /Xu Jiyu (1795-1873), Chinese geographer/ [Xu2 wen2] /Xuwen county in Zhanjiang [Zhan4 jiang1], Guangdong/ [Xu2 wen2 xian4] /Xuwen county in Zhanjiang [Zhan4 jiang1], Guangdong/ [xu2 xing2] /walk slowly, stroll/ [Xu2 Xuan4] /Xu Xuan (-991), author of commentaries on Shuowen [jing4] /footpath/track/diameter/straight/directly/ [jing4 xiang4] /radial (direction)/ [jing4 ting2] /completely different/ [jing4 qing2 zhi2 sui4] /to achieve ones ambitions (idiom)/ [jing4 liu2] /runo / [jing4 zhi2] /directly/ [jing4 zi4] /without leave/without consulting anyone/ [jing4 sai4] /track events (athletics competition)/ [jing4 ji4] /track/trajectory/path/way/means/diameter/directly/ [jing4 lu4] /route/path/ [jing4 dao4] /path/short-cut/ [Tu2] /surname Tu/ [tu2] /disciple/apprentice/believer/on oot/bare or empty/to no avail/only/priso n sentence/ [tu2 xing2] /prison sentence/ [tu2 lao2] / utile/ [tu2 lao2 wu2 gong1] /to work to no avail (idiom)/ [tu2 lao2 wu2 yi4] / utile endeavor (idiom)/ [tu2 hu1 u4 u4] /to eel powerless and ull o shame (idiom)/ [tu2 gong1] /apprentice/trainee worker/ [tu2 di4] /apprentice/disciple/ [tu2 shou3] /with bare hands/unarmed/ ighting hand-to-hand/ reehand (drawing)/ [tu2 shou3 bo2 ji1] /arm wrestling/ [tu2 shou3 hua4] / reehand drawing/ [tu2 yong1 xu1 ming2] /to possess an undeserved reputation (idiom)/ [tu2 you3 qi2 ming2] /with an undeserved reputation (idiom); unwarranted near as good as he s made out to be/ [tu2 you3 xu1 ming2] /with an undeserved reputation (idiom); unwarranted near as good as he s made out to be/ [tu2 bu4] /to be on oot/ [tu2 bu4 lu:3 xing2] /hiking/ [tu2 ran2] /in vain/ [tu2 zi4 jing1 rao3] /to alarm onesel unnecessarily (idiom)/ [tu2 xi1] /bare ooted and barebreasted/ [cong2] /Japanese variant o /

[de2] /to obtain/to get/to gain/to catch (a disease)/proper/suitable/proud/conte nted/to allow/to permit/ready/finished/ [de5] /structural particle: used after a verb (or adjective as main verb), linki ng it to following phrase indicating effect, degree, possibility etc/ [dei3] /to have to/must/ought to/to need to/ [de2 bu4 chang2 shi1] /(saying) the gains do not make up for the losses/ [de2 bu4 dao4] /cannot get/cannot obtain/ [de2 zhong4] /to succeed in an imperial examination/successful/to hit the target/ o win (the lottery)/suitable/proper/just right/ [de2 zhu3] /the recipient (of a prize)/ [de2 le5] /all right!/that's enough!/ [de2 liao3] /(emphatically, in rhetorical questions) possible/ [de2 yi3] /able to/so that sb can/enabling/in order to/finally in a position to/w th sth in view/ [de2 lai2 su4] /drive-thru (loanword)/ [De2 ke4 sa4 si1] /Texas, US state/ [De2 ke4 sa4 si1 zhou1] /Texas, US state/ [de2 chu1] /to obtain (results)/to arrive at (a conclusion)/ [de2 fen1] /to score/ [de2 dao4] /to get/to obtain/to receive/ [de2 li4] /able/capable/competent/efficient/ [de2 sheng4] /to triumph over an opponent/ [de2 shi4] /to win power/to get authority/to become dominant/ [de2 ming2] /to get one's name/named (after sth)/ [de2 tian1 du2 hou4] /(of an area) rich in resources/(of a person) gifted om)/ [de2 shi1] /gains and losses/ [de2 yi2] /proper/appropriate/suitable/ [de2 chong3] /to be a favorite/favor/ [de2 cun4 jin4 chi3] /lit. win an inch, want a foot (idiom); fig. not sat mall gains/give him an inch, and he'll want a mile/ [de5 hen3] /very (much, good etc)/ [de2 xin1 ying4 shou3] /lit. what the heart wishes, the hand accomplishes led at the job/entirely in one's element/going smoothly and easily/ [de2 xi1] /to learn about/to be informed/ [de2 yi4] /proud of oneself/pleased with oneself/complacent/ [de2 yi4 wang4 xing2] /so pleased as to lose one's sense of measure/besid h joy/ [de2 yi4 yang2 yang2] /variant of [de2 yi4 yang2 yang2]/ [de2 yi4 yang2 yang2] /joyfully satisfied/to be immensely proud of onesel air of complacency/ [de2 shou3] /to go smoothly/to come off/to succeed/ [de2 jiu4] /obtain salvation/ [De2 wen2] /Devon (county of southwest England)/ [De2 rong2] /Drong county (Tibetan: sde rong rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomous efecture [Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Sichuan (formerly [De2 rong2 xian4] /Drong county (Tibetan: sde rong rdzong) in Garze Tibetan s prefecture [Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Sichuan (formerly in Kham p Tibet)/ [de2 biao1] /to win a bid/to win a trophy in a contest/ [dei3 er3 ta3] /delta (Greek letter )/ [ e2 jiang3] /to win a prize/ [ e2 ang4] /appropriate/suitable/ [ e2 bing4] /to fall ill/to contract a isease/ [ e2 yi4] /to erive benefit/ [ e2 zhi1] /to fin out/to know/to learn about/ [ e2 piao4] /vote-getting/ [ e2 piao4 lu:4] /percentage of votes obtaine / [ e2 zui4] /to commit an offense/to violate the law/excuse me! (formal)/see also 2 zui5]/



[ e2 zui5] /to offen somebo y/to make a faux pas/a faux pas/see also [ e2 zu [ e2 er2 fu4 shi1] /to lose what one has just obtaine (i iom)/ [ e2 se4] /please with oneself/ [ e2 zhao2] /to obtain/ [ ei3 kui1] /luckily/fortunately/ [ e2 zhi4] /to accomplish one's ambition/a ream come true/to enjoy success/ [ e2 zheng4] /to obtain a proof/Q.E.D./ [ e2 cheng3] /to have one's way/to prevail/to succee / [ e2 guo4 qie3 guo4] /satisfie just to get through (i iom); to mu le th high ambitions, but getting by/ [ e2 ao4] /to achieve the Dao/to become an immortal/ [ e2 ao4 uo1 zhu4] /a just cause enjoys abun ant support (i iom); those stice will fin help all aroun / [ e2 ao4 uo1 zhu4 , shi1 ao4 gua3 zhu4] /A just ca n s little (i iom, from Mencius)/ [ e2 Long3 wang4 Shu3] /lit. covet Sichuan once Gansu has been seize /fig e /insatiable esire/ [ e2 rao2 ren2 chu4 qie3 rao2 ren2] /where it is possible to e them (i iom); anyone can make mistakes, forgive them when possible/ [ e2 ti3] /appropriate to the occasion/fitting/ [ e2 yu2 wang4 quan2] /lit. catch fish then forget the trap (i iom, from to take help for granted/ [pai2] /irresolute/ [pai2 huai2] /to dither/to hesitate/to pace back and forth/by ext. to hover aroun /to linger/ [xi3] /change one's residence/ [chang2] /sit cross-legged/walk back and forth/ [chang2 yang2] /to wander about unhurriedly/to linger/to loiter/ [Cong2] /surname Cong/ [cong1] /lax/yielding/unhurried/ [cong2] /from/via/passing through/through (a gap)/past/ever (followed by negativ e, meaning never)/(formerly pr. [zong4] and related to ) to follow/to comply with /to obey/to join/to engage in/adopting some mode of action or attitude/follower/ retainer/accessory/accomplice/related by common paternal grandfather or earlier ancestor/ [zong4] /second cousin/ [cong2 yi1 er2 zhong1] /faithful unto death (i.e. Confucian ban on widow [cong2 bu4] /never/ [cong2 zhong1] /from/therefrom/ [cong2 shi4] /to go for/to engage in/to undertake/to deal with/to handle/to do/ [cong2 shi4 yan2 jiu1] /to do research/to carry out research/ [cong2 jing3 jiu4 ren2] /to jump into a well to rescue sb else (idiom); f thers at the risk to oneself/ [cong2 he2] /whence?/where from?/ [cong2 lai2] /always/at all times/never (if used in negative sentence)/ [cong2 lai2 bu4] /never/ [cong2 lai2 mei2] /never/ [cong2 lai2 mei2 you3] /have never/never before/ [cong2 you1] /preferential treatment/most favored terms/ [cong2 qian2] /previously/formerly/once upon a time/ [cong2 dong4] /-driven (of mechanism, driven by a component)/slave (wheel, pulley / [Cong2 hua4] /Conghua county level city in Guangzhou [Guang3 zhou1], Gua [Cong2 hua4 shi4] /Conghua county level city in Guangzhou [Guang3 zh [cong2 ju4] /clause/ [cong2 ming4] /to obey an order/to comply/to do sb's bidding/to do as requested/ [cong2 shan4 ru2 liu2] /readily following good advice (idiom); willing to people's views/ [cong2 yan2] /strict/rigorous/severely/ [cong2 yan2 cheng2 chu3] /to deal with sb severely (idiom)/





[cong2 rong2] /to go easy/unhurried/calm/Taiwan pr. [cong1 rong2]/ [cong2 rong2 bu4 po4] /calm/unruffled/ [cong2 xiao3] /from childhood/as a child/ [cong2 shu3] /subordinate/ [cong2 cong2 rong2 rong2] /unhurried/all in good time/ [cong2 xin1 suo3 yu4] /whatever you like/to do as one pleases/ [cong2 wei4] /never/ [cong2 ye4] /to practice (a trade)/ [cong2 ye4 ren2 yuan2] /employee/person employed in a trade or profession [cong2 ci3] /from now on/since then/henceforth/ [cong2 ci3 wang3 hou4] /from here on/ [Cong2 jiang1] /Congjiang county in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous prefectu e [Qian2 dong1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ [Cong2 jiang1 xian4] /Congjiang county in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomou cture [Qian2 dong1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ [cong2 mei2] /never (in the past)/never did/ [cong2 fan4] /accessory to a crime/accomplice/ [cong2 huan3] /not to hurry/to procrastinate/to postpone/ [cong2 zhe3] /follower/attendant/ [cong2 er2] /thus/thereby/ [cong2 jian4 ru2 liu2] /to follow admonition as natural flow (idiom); to ism or correction (even from one's inferiors)/ [cong2 jun1] /to enlist/to serve in the army/ [cong2 qing1] /to be lenient (in sentencing)/ [cong1 chang2 ji4 yi4] /to take one's time making a decision (idiom)/to c ngth/ [cong2 nan2 cong2 yan2] /to be arduous and strict (idiom)/ [cong2 tou2] /anew/from the start/ [cong2 tou2 dao4 wei3] /from start to finish/from head to tail/the whole [cong2 tou2 dao4 jiao3] /from head to foot/ [lai2] /to come/ [yu4] /to resist/imperial/(classical) to drive (a chariot)/to manage/to govern/ [yu4 shi3] /imperial censor (formal title of a dynastic official)/ [yu4 zhai2 zu2] /otaku, a Japanese term for people with obsessive interests s anime, manga, and video games/see also [zhai2 nan2]/see also [zhai2 nu:3]/ [yu4 di4] /emperor's young brother/ [yu4 rong2] /(military) chariot driver (old)/ [yu4 shou3] /the emperor's hand/person in charge of pack animals, also [ ariot driver, also [yu4 shou3]/ [yu4 shan4 fang2] /imperial kitchen/ [yu4 ci4] /to be bestowed, conferred, or granted by the emperor/ [yu4 jiu3] /imperial wine/sacred wine/ [yu4 jia4 qin1 zheng1] /the emperor leads his troops into battle (idiom)/ personally in an expedition/ [huang2] /irresolute/ [fu4] /to go and return/to return/to resume/to return to a normal or original st ate/to repeat/again/to recover/to restore/to turn over/to reply/to answer/to rep ly to a letter/to retaliate/to carry out/ [fu4 jiao1] /to reopen diplomatic relations/ [fu4 chou2] /avenge/vengeance/ [fu4 wei4] /to reset (a broken or dislocated bone)/to regain power/to regain the hrone/ [fu4 xin4] /to reply to a letter/ [fu4 xiu1] /to restore (an ancient temple)/ [fu4 jian4] /rehabilitation/recuperate/ [fu4 yuan2] /variant of , to return to former state/to restitute/to reco ness)/to heal/recovery/ [fu4 chu1] /to come back out of retirement/to get involved again after having wit drawn/ [fu4 fen1 jie3 fan3 ying4] /metathesis (chemistry)/

[fu4 yuan2] /to return to former state/to restitute/to recover (from illness)/to eal/recovery/ [fu4 gu3] /to return to old ways (a Confucian aspiration)/to turn back the clock/ eoclassical school during Tang and Song associated with classical writing /retro ( fashion style based on nostalgia, esp. for 1960s)/ [fu4 gu3 hui4] /anti-Qing revolutionary party set up in 1904 under Cai Yuanpe / [fu4 he2] /to be reunited/ [fu4 xi1] /to resume smoking (after giving up)/to relapse into smoking or drug ab se/ [fu4 ming4] /to report on completion of a mission/debriefing/ [fu4 yuan2] /to demobilize/demobilization/ [Fu4 Da4] /Fudan University, Shanghai, abbr. for [Fu4 dan4 Da4 x [fu4 hun1] /to remarry (the same person)/ [fu4 xue2] /to return to school (after an interruption)/to resume one's studies/ [fu4 shen3] /to review a judicial case/to reexamine/ [fu4 gong1] /to return to work (after stoppage)/ [Fu4 dan4] /Fudan University, Shanghai, abbr. for [Fu4 dan4 Da4 [Fu4 dan4 Da4 xue2] /Fudan University, Shanghai/ [fu4 hui4] /to resume a meeting/ [fu4 cha2] /rechecking/re-inspection/reexamination/ [fu4 gui1] /to return/to come back/ [fu4 huo2] /resurrection/ [Fu4 huo2 de5 jun1 tuan2] /the Resurrected Army (CCTV documentary ser cotta army)/ [Fu4 huo2 jie2] /Easter/ [Fu4 huo2 jie2 dao3] /Easter Island/ [fu4 huo2 sai4] /repechage (supplementary qualifying round in sports)/ [fu4 xian4] /to reappear/to persist (in memory)/ [fu4 sheng1] /to be reborn/to recover/to come back to life/to regenerate/ [fu4 su1] /to recover (health, economic)/to resuscitate/anabiosis/ [fu4 fa1] /to recur (of a disease)/to reappear/to relapse (into a former bad stat )/ [fu4 xi2] /to revise/to review/revision/CL:[ci4]/ [fu4 zhi2] /to resume a post/ [Fu4 xing1] /Fuxing district of Handan city [Han2 dan1 shi4], Hebei/ ownship in Taoyuan county [Tao2 yuan2 xian4], north Taiwan/ [fu4 xing1] /to revive/to rejuvenate/ [Fu4 xing1 qu1] /Fuxing district of Handan city [Han2 dan1 shi4] [Fu4 xing1 shi2 dai4] /the Renaissance/ [Fu4 xing1 xiang1] /Fuxing or Fuhsing township in Taoyuan county h Taiwan/ [Fu4 xing1 men2] /Fuxingmen neighborhood of Beijing/ [Fu4 xing1 dang3] /Baath Party/ [fu4 jiu4] /to restore old way/to return to the past/ [fu4 meng2] /to germinate again/ [fu4 su1] /variant of [fu4 su1]/to recover (health, economic)/to resusci s/ [fu4 he2] /to reconsider/to reexamine/to review (e.g. a report prior to accepting it)/ [fu4 zhen3] /another visit to doctor/further diagnosis/ [fu4 shi4] /secondary examination/ [fu4 ke4] /to resume classes/ [fu4 yi4] /to reconsider/ [fu4 du2] /to study again/ [fu4 du2 sheng1] /adult student returning to education/ [fu4 sai4] /semi-final/intermediary heat of a competition/ [fu4 zhuan3] /to demobilize/to transfer to other tasks (of troops)/ [fu4 bi4] /to recover one's power or authority/restoration (of a past regime)/ [fu4 shu4] /to repeat/to retell/

[xun2] /to follow/to adhere to/to abide by/ [Xun2 hua4] /Xunhua Salazu autonomous county in Haidong prefecture Qinghai/ [Xun2 hua4 Sa3 la1 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Xunhua Salazu aut ong1 di4 qu1], Qinghai/ [Xun2 hua4 xian4] /Xunhua Salazu autonomous county in Haidong prefecture 1], Qinghai/ [xun2 xu4 jian4 jin4] /in sequence, step by step (idiom); to make steady ementally/ [xun2 xun2 shan4 you4] /to guide patiently and systematically (idiom)/ [xun2 huan2] /to cycle/to circulate/circle/loop/ [xun2 huan2 shi3 yong4] /recycle/to use in cyclic order/ [xun2 huan2 xiao3 shu4] /recurring decimal/ [xun2 huan2 xing4] /recurrent/ [xun2 huan2 jie2] /recurring section of a rational decimal/ [xun2 huan2 xi4 tong3] /circulatory system/ [xun2 huan2 lun4 zheng4] /circular argument/logical error consisting of b estion/Latin: petitio principii/ [xun2 huan2 sai4] /round-robin tournament/ [xun2 zhe5] /to follow/ [xun2 gui1 dao3 ju3] /to follow the compass and go with the set square (i low the rules inflexibly/to act according to convention/ [pang2] /irresolute/ [yao2] /compulsory service/ [Wei1] /surname Wei/ancient Chinese state near present day Chongqing/Taiwan pr. [wei2]/ [wei1] /tiny/miniature/profound/abtruse/to decline/one millionth part of/micro-/ Taiwan pr. [wei2]/ [wei1 bu4 zu2 dao4] /negligible/insignificant/ [wei1 hu1 qi2 wei1] /a tiny bit; very little; next to nothing (idiom)/ [wei1 guang1] /glimmer/ [wei1 ke4] /milligram (mg)/ [wei1 fen1] /an infinitesimal/differentiation/differential calculus/ [wei1 fen1 xue2] /calculus/ [wei1 fen1 ji3 he2] /differential geometry/ [wei1 fen1 ji3 he2 xue2] /differential geometry/ [wei1 fen1 fang1 cheng2] /differential equation (math.)/ [wei1 chuang1 shou3 shu4] /minimally invasive surgery/ [wei1 dong4 mai4] /capillary artery/ [wei1 sheng1] /microliter/ [wei1 bo2] /micro-blogging/microblog/ [wei1 bo2 ke4] /micro-blogging/microblog/ [wei1 shang1] /quotient of infinitesimals (in calculus)/ [wei1 nang2] /microcapsule/caplet (pharmaceutical)/ [wei1 xing2] /miniature/micro-/tiny/ [wei1 xing2 feng1 zhuang1 kuai4] /microcapsule/ [wei1 miao4] /subtle/ [wei1 kong3 mo2] /microporous membrane/ [wei1 an1] /microampere (one millionth of amp)/also written / [wei1 an1 pei2] /microampere (one millionth of amp)/ [wei1 xiao3] /minute (i.e. extremely small)/infinitesimal/ [wei1 xiao3 bing4 du2 ke1] /Picornaviridae (virus family including ma /small RNA virus/ [Wei1 shan1] /Weishan county in Ji'ning , Shandong/ [Wei1 shan1 xian4] /Weishan county in Ji'ning , Shandong/ [wei1 ruo4] /weak/faint/feeble/ [wei1 jing4] /small path/ [wei1 wei1] /slight/faint/humble/ [wei1 rao3] /infinitesimal disturbance/perturbation (physics)/ [wei1 rao3 zhan3 kai1] /perturbative expansion (physics)/

[wei1 rao3 lun4] /perturbation theory/ [wei1 ming2] /twilight/ [Wei1 xing1] /Micro-Star International/ [wei1 jing1] /microcrystal/structure only visible at microscopic scale/ [wei1 jing1 pian4] /microchip/ [wei1 fu2] /in plain clothes (of royalty)/ [wei1 mo4] /tiny/negligible/ [wei1 ji1] /micro (computer)/ [wei1 ji1 hua4] /miniaturization/micro-miniaturization/ [wei1 bo1] /ripple/microwave/ [wei1 bo1 tian1 xian4] /microwave antenna/ [wei1 bo1 lu2] /microwave oven/CL: [tai2]/ [wei1 rong2] /slightly soluble/ [wei1 mo4] /faint (almost inaudible or invisible)/ [wei1 huo3] /a low fire (for roasting)/ [wei1 sheng1 wu4] /microorganism/ [wei1 sheng1 wu4 xue2] /microbiology/ [wei1 sheng1 wu4 xue2 jia1] /microbiologist/ [wei1 miao3] /microsecond, s, 10^-6 s/ [wei1 ji1 fen1] /calculus/differentiation and integration/calculus of infinit and integrals / [wei1 ji1 fen1 ji1 ben3 ding4 li3] /fundamental theorem of ca [wei1 ji1 fen1 xue2] /infinitesimal calculus/calculus/ [wei1 xiao4] /smile/CL: [ge4], [si1]/to smile/ [wei1 guan3] /tubule/microtubule/ [wei1 guan3 dan4 bai2] /tubulin/ [wei1 mi3] /micron (one thousandth of a millimeter or 10^-6 meter)/ [wei1 li4] /speck/particle/ [wei1 xi4] /microminiature (technology)/ [wei1 xi4 jia1 gong1] /microminiature technology/ [wei1 si1] /microfilament/ [wei1 si1 xue4 guan3] /capillary blood vessels/ [wei1 suo1] /compact/micro-/miniature/to miniaturize/ [wei1 suo1 jiao1 juan3] /microfilm/ [wei1 ju4 jiao1] /microfocus x-ray computed tomography (microCT)/ [wei1 jiao1 nang2 ji4 shu4] /microencapsulation/ [wei1 chen2] /this small official/humble servant/ [wei1 mang2] /hazy/blurred/ [wei1 jun1] /bacterium/germ/ [wei1 bo2] /scanty/meager/ [wei1 chu3 li3 qi4] /microprocessor/ [wei1 chu3 li3 ji1] /microprocessor/ [wei1 xue4 guan3] /capillary/ [wei1 guan1] /micro-/sub-atomic/ [wei1 guan1 shi4 jie4] /microcosm/the microscopic world/ [wei1 guan1 jing1 ji4] /micro-economic/ [wei1 jian4] /humble/lowly/ [Wei1 ruan3] /Microsoft corporation/ [Wei1 ruan3 gong1 si1] /Microsoft corporation/ [wei1 la4] /mildly spicy/ [wei1 xun1] /tipsy/ [wei1 liang4 yuan2 su4] /trace element (chemistry)/ [wei1 liang4 bai2 dan4 bai2] /microalbumin/ [wei1 diao1] /a miniature (carving)/ [wei1 dian4 zi3] /microelectronics/ [wei1 dian4 zi3 xue2] /microelectronics/ [wei1 dian4 nao3] /microcomputer/ [wei1 jing4 mai4] /capillary vein/ [wei1 feng1] /breeze/light wind/ [xi1] /footpath/wait for/

[xi1 jing4] /path/way (method)/ [de2] /Japanese variant of / [zheng1] /Japanese variant of / [zheng1] /to request/to impose (taxes)/to levy (troops)/to draft (for military s ervice)/phenomenon/symptom/characteristic sign (used as proof)/evidence/ [zhi3] /4th note in pentatonic scale/ [zheng1 hou4] /sign/indication/symptom/ [zheng1 zhuan4] /narrative of long journey/campaign record/ [zheng1 zhao4] /omen/sign (that sth is about to happen)/warning sign/ [zheng1 bing1] /to levy troops/recruitment/ [zheng1 mu4] /to conscript/ [zheng1 zhao4] /to enlist/to draft/to conscript/to appoint to an official positio / [zheng1 ming2 ze2 shi2] /to seek out the real nature based on the name (i ge sth at face value/ [zheng1 shi4] /soldier (in battle)/ [zheng1 hun1] /to look for a partner/ [zheng1 shi2] /levies in kind/grain tax/ [zheng1 qiu2] /to solicit/to seek/to request (opinions, feedback etc)/to petition [zheng1 fa1] /a punitive expedition/a requisition/ [zheng1 shui4] /to levy taxes/ [zheng1 gao3] /to solicit subscription (to a publication)/ [zheng1 pin4] /to invite job applications/to recruit/ [zheng1 xiang4] /sign/symptom/ [zheng1 ji2] /to collect/to recruit/ [De2] /Germany/German/abbr. for [De2 guo2]/ [de2] /virtue/goodness/morality/ethics/kindness/favor/character/kind/ [De2 ren2] /Naruhito (1960-), crown prince of Japan/ [De2 ling4 ha1] /Delingha city in Haixi Mongol and Tibetan autonomous prefect g3 gu3 zu2 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ [De2 ling4 ha1 shi4] /Delingha city in Haixi Mongol and Tibetan autonomou Meng3 gu3 zu2 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ [De2 bao3] /Debao county in Baise [Bai3 se4], Guangxi/ [De2 bao3 xian4] /Debao county in Baise [Bai3 se4], Guangxi/ [de2 lun2 te4] /Drenthe/ [De2 ke4 sa4 si1] /Texas/ [De2 ke4 sa4 si1 zhou1] /state of Texas/ [De2 le4 ba1 ke4] /Drbak (city in Akershus, Norway)/ [De2 le4 zi1] /Deleuze (philosopher)/ [De2 sheng4 men2] /Deshengmen/ [De2 hua4] /Dehua county in Quanzhou [Quan2 zhou1], Fujian/ [De2 hua4 xian4] /Dehua county in Quanzhou [Quan2 zhou1], Fujian/ [De2 gu3 la1] /Dracula, novel by Bram Stoker/Vlad III, Prince of Wallachia (1 6), nicknamed Vlad the Impaler or Dracula/ [De2 guo2] /Germany/German/ [De2 guo2 zhi1 sheng1] /Deutsche Welle/ [De2 guo2 ren2] /German person or people/ [De2 guo2 xue2 shu4 jiao1 liu2 zong3 shu3] /German Academ name)/ [De2 guo2 zhan4 che1] /Rammstein (German metal band)/ [De2 guo2 Han4 sha1 Hang2 kong1 Gong1 si1] /Deutsche Luft [De2 guo2 tong3 yi1 she4 hui4 dang3] /Sozialistische Einheits unity party of Germany 1949-), the ruling communist party of the former German D emocratic Republic (East Germany)/ [De2 guo2 suan1 cai4] /sauerkraut/ [De2 guo2 ma3 ke4] /German mark/ [De2 guo2 ma2 zhen3] /German measles/rubella/ [De2 cheng2] /Decheng district of Dezhou city [De2 zhou1 shi4], Shandong/ [De2 cheng2 qu1] /Decheng district of Dezhou city [De2 zhou1 shi4], Sha [De2 an1] /De'an county in Jiujiang , Jiangxi/

[De2 an1 xian4] /De'an county in Jiujiang , Jiangxi/ [De2 hong2] /Dehong prefecture in Yunnan (Dai and Jingpo autonomous prefecture)/ [De2 hong2 Dai3 zu2 Jing3 po1 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1] west Yunnan, surrounded on three sides by Myanmar (Burma), capital Luxi / [De2 hong2 zhou1] /abbr. for , Dehon three sides by Myanmar (Burma)/ [De2 chuan1] /Tokugawa, the ruling clan of Japan from 1550-1850/ [De2 zhou1] /Dezhou prefecture level city in Shandong/abbr. for [De2 zhou1 Yi2 qi4] /Texas Instruments/ [De2 zhou1 di4 qu1] /Dezhou prefecture in Shandong/ [De2 zhou1 shi4] /Dezhou prefecture level city in Shandong/ [De2 bu4 le4 sen1] /Debrecen, Hungary's second city, capital of Hajd-Bih o2 er3 zhou1] in east Hungary on the border with Romania/ [De2 gan1] /Deccan (India)/ [De2 biao1 xi1] /Claude Debussy (1862-1918), French composer/ [de2 lu:4 feng1] /telephone/ [de2 xing5] /revolting behaviour (coll.)/ [De2 hui4] /Dehui county level city in Changchun , Jilin/ [De2 hui4 di4 qu1] /Dehui county in Changchun , Jilin/ [De2 hui4 shi4] /Dehui county level city in Changchun , Jilin/ [De2 yi4 zhi4] /German (phonetic rendition of "Deutsch")/Germany/ [De2 yi4 zhi4 Xue2 shu4 Jiao1 liu2 Zhong1 xin1] /Germ [De2 yi4 zhi4 Min2 zhu3 Gong4 he2 guo2] /German democrati 5-1990/ [De2 yi4 zhi4 Lian2 bang1 Gong4 he2 guo2] /Federal Republ 5-1990, now simply Germany/ [De2 yi4 zhi4 Yin2 hang2] /Deutsche Bank/ [De2 qing4] /Deqing county in Zhaoqing [Zhao4 qing4], Guangdong/ [De2 qing4 xian4] /Deqing county in Zhaoqing [Zhao4 qing4], Guangdon [de2 cai2] /ethics and ability/virtuous and talented/ [de2 cai2 jian1 bei4] /having both integrity and talent (idiom)/ [De2 la1 ke4 luo2 wa3] /Delacroix (painter)/ [De2 la1 men2] /Drammen (city in Buskerud, Norway)/ [de2 zheng4] /benevolent government/ [De2 wen2] /German (language)/ [De2 ang2] /De'ang (ethnic group)/ [De2 chang1] /Dechang county in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture i4 zhou1], south Sichuan/ [De2 chang1 xian4] /Dechang county in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture 4 zhi4 zhou1], south Sichuan/ [de2 zhi4 ti3 mei3] /the aims of education: morality, intelligence, physi nd aesthetic sense/ [De2 ge2] /Dg county (Tibetan: sde dge rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomous pref e [Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Sichuan (formerly in Kham province of [De2 ge2 xian4] /Dg county (Tibetan: sde dge rdzong) in Garze Tibetan auton cture [Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Sichuan (formerly in Kham province / [De2 qin1] /Dechen county in Diqing Tibetan autonomous prefecture zhou1], Yunnan (formerly in Kham province of Tibet)/ [De2 qin1 xian4] /Dechen county in Diqing Tibetan autonomous prefecture zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan (formerly in Kham province of Tibet)/ [De2 jiang1] /Dejiang county in Tongren prefecture [Tong2 ren2 d [De2 jiang1 xian4] /Dejiang county in Tongren prefecture [To [De2 wo4 xia4 ke4] /Antonin Dvok (1841-1904), Bohemian composer, author es including the New World symphony/ [de2 zhi4] /rule by virtue/rule by setting virtuous example (Confucian ideal)/ [de2 fa3 nian2 jian4] /Deutsch-franzsische Jahrbcher (published once in x and bourgeois radical Arnold Ruge)/ [De2 qing1] /Deqing county in Huzhou [Hu2 zhou1], Zhejiang/ [De2 qing1 xian4] /Deqing county in Huzhou [Hu2 zhou1], Zhejiang/

[de2 wu1 pa4] /Sher Bahadur Deuba (former prime minister of Nepal)/ [De2 ban1] /Durban (city in South Africa)/ [De2 lei4 si1 dun4] /Dresden, capital of Saxony [Sa4 ke4 [de2 wei2 er3 pan1] /(Dominique) de Villepin (French name)/ [de2 yu4] /moral education/ [De2 xing1] /Dexing county level city in Shangrao , Jiangxi/ [De2 xing1 shi4] /Dexing county level city in Shangrao , Jiangxi/ [De2 hang2] /Lufthansa (German airline)/abbr. for [de2 bo2 neng2 xian3] /little virtue and meager abilities (idiom); I'm a and not much use at anything (Song writer Ouyang Xiu )/ [de2 xing2] /morality and conduct/Taiwan pr. [de2 xing4]/ [de2 xing5] /variant of [de2 xing5]/ [De2 yu3] /German (language)/ [De2 gui4 li4 lei4] /daiquir/ [De2 du1] /Dejun, former county, merged into Wudalianchi [Wu3 da eilongjiang/ [De2 du1 xian4] /Dejun, former county, merged into Wudalianchi e, Heilongjiang/ [De2 li3] /Delhi/New Delhi, capital of India/same as [Xin1 De2 li3]/ [De2 li3 da2] /Jacques Derrida (1930-2004), philosopher/ [De2 yang2] /Deyang prefecture level city in Sichuan/ [De2 yang2 shi4] /Deyang prefecture level city in Sichuan/ [De2 lei2 si1 dun4] /Dresden, Germany/ [De2 lei2 er3] /Dreyer (name)/June Teufel Dreyer, China expert at Univ. of Mi Foreign Policy Research Institute/ [De2 lei2 fu2 si1] /Dreyfus (name)/Alfred Dreyfus (1859-1935), French art r of Alsatian and Jewish background, infamously imprisoned 1894 in miscarriage o f justice/ [De2 lei2 fu2 si1 an4 jian4] /Dreyfus affair 1894-1906, notorious nce case involving antisemitism and miscarriage of justice/ [de2 gao1 wang4 zhong4] /a person of virtue and prestige/a person of good ng and reputation/ [De2 hei1 lan2] /Tehran, capital of Iran/ [che4] /thorough/penetrating/to pervade/to pass through/ [che4 ye4] /the whole night/ [che4 ye4 bu4 mian2] /to be sleepless all night/ [che4 di3] /thorough/thoroughly/complete/ [che4 di3 shi1 bai4] /utter failure/ [che4 wu4] /fully aware/to recognize fully/ [che4 cha2] /to investigate thoroughly/ [Che4 xi1] /Chelsea, suburb of London/Chelsea football club/ [che4 tou2 che4 wei3] /lit. from head to tail (idiom); thoroughgoing/thro gh/out and out/from top to bottom/ [che4 gu3] /to the bone/to the marrow/fig. to a very large degree/ [wei4] /a wide room/ [jiao3] /by mere luck/ [jiao4] /boundary/go around/ [jiao3 xing4] /variant of [jiao3 xing4]/ [jiao3 xing4] /variant of [jiao3 xing4]/ [hui1] /badge/emblem/insignia/crest/logo/coat of arms/ [Hui1 ju4] /Anhui opera/ [Hui1 mo4] /Anhui ink (known for its quality)/ [Hui1 zhou1] /Huizhou district of Huangshan city [Huang2 shan1 shi4] [Hui1 zhou1 qu1] /Huizhou district of Huangshan city [Huang2 sha [hui1 zhi4] /banner/ [hui1 zhang1] /badge/emblem/insignia/crest/logo/coat of arms/ [Hui1 xian4] /Hui county in Longnan [Long3 nan2], Gansu/ [Hui1 cai4] /Anhui cuisine/ [hui1 hao4] /title of honor/term of respect/ [hui1 ji4] /crest/insignia/

[Hui1 yu3] /Huizhou dialect of Gan, spoken in southern parts of Anhui Province/ [Hui1 diao4] /Anhui opera/ [xiang1] /to stroll/to ramble/ [xin1] /heart/mind/intention/centre/core/CL: [ke1], [ge4]/ [xin1 shang4 ren2] /sweetheart/one's beloved/ [xin1 xia4] /in mind/ [xin1 bu4 zai4 yan1] /absent-minded/preoccupied/inattentive/with one's th ing/ [xin1 zhong1] /central point/in one's thoughts/in one's heart/ [xin1 zhong1 you3 shu4] /to know what's going on/ [xin1 zhong1 you3 gui3] /to harbor ulterior motives (idiom)/ [xin1 luan4 ru2 ma2] /one's thoughts in a whirl (idiom); confused/disconc [xin1 shi4] /a load on one's mind/worry/CL:[zong1], [zhuang1]/ [xin1 yi2] /to admire/ [xin1 li4 jiao1 cui4] /to be both mentally and physically exhausted (idio [xin1 jin4] /thoughts/what one has in one's heart/ [xin1 dong4] /heartbeat/palpitation/one's heartbeat quickens/tachycardia/fig. emo ionally affected/aroused (of desire, emotion, interest etc)/startled/shocked/per turbed/ [xin1 dong4 tu2] /cardiogram (medicine)/ [xin1 bao1] /pericardium/ [xin1 kou3] /pit of the stomach/solar plexus/words and thoughts/ [xin1 kou3 bu4 yi1] /heart and mouth at variance (idiom); keeping one's r s to oneself/saying one thing but meaning sth different/ [xin1 kou3 ru2 yi1] /lit. heart and mouth as one (idiom); to say what you and straightforward/ [xin1 tu3] /subsoil/ [xin1 di4] /character/ [xin1 di4 shan4 liang2] /kind-hearted/good-natured/ [xin1 kan3] /bottom of one's heart/ [xin1 jing4] /mood/mental state/frame of mind/ [xin1 ru2 zhi3 shui3] /to be at peace with oneself/ [xin1 cun2 bu4 man3] /to be discontented/to be dissatisfied/ [xin1 cun2 huai2 yi2] /to be suspicious/ [xin1 xue2] /School of Mind/Neo-Confucian Idealistic School (from Song to mid-Qin times, c. 1000-1750, typified by the teachings of Wang Yangming [Wang2 Yang2 / [xin1 an1 li3 de2] /to have a clear conscience/to have no qualms about st [xin1 an1 shen2 xian2] /with ones heart at ease and ones spirit at rest [xin1 shi4] /ventricle (heart)/ [Xin1 xiu4 er4] /Antares, the brightest star in Scorpio [Tian1 x [xin1 han2] /bitterly disappointed/frightened/ [xin1 kuan1 ti3 pang4] /big-hearted and serene (idiom); contended and eas [xin1 jian1] /bottom tip of the heart/fig. innermost feelings/coll. my darling/ [xin1 ping2 qi4 he2] /tranquil and even-tempered (idiom); calmly and with [xin1 di3] /bottom of one's heart/ [xin1 guang3 ti3 pang4] /big-hearted and serene (idiom); contended and ea [xin1 xian2] /heartstrings/ [xin1 ying3 er2] /(Taiwan usage) child in need of help (orphaned, abandoned, etc)/ [xin1 de2] /knowledge gained/CL: [ge4]/ [xin1 de2 an1] /propranolol (beta-blocker used to treat high blood pressure)/ [xin1 xin1 xiang1 yin4] /two hearts beat as one (idiom); a kindred spirit [xin1 zhi4] /will/resolution/ [xin1 si5] /thought/idea/to think hard about sth/inclination/mood/ [xin1 ji2] /hurried/ruffled/impatient/short-tempered/ [xin1 ji2 chi1 bu5 dao4 re4 dou4 fu5] /hasty men don't ge s to be patient/haste will ruin everything/ [xin1 ji2 huo3 liao3] /to burn with anxiety/ [xin1 peng1 peng1 tiao4] /The heart thumps wildly. (idiom)/

[xin1 xing4] /one's nature/temperament/ [xin1 yue4 cheng2 fu2] /cheerful and committed (idiom from Mencius )/ rely willing/ [xin1 ji4] /palpitation/ [xin1 qing2] /mood/frame of mind/CL: [ge4]/ [xin1 xiang3] /to think to oneself/to think/to assume/ [xin1 xiang3 shi4 cheng2] /to have one's wishes come true/wish you the be [xin1 yi4] /regard/kindly feelings/intention/ [xin1 ai4] /beloved/ [xin1 tai4] /attitude (of the heart)/state of one's psyche/way of thinking/mental ty/ [xin1 huang1] /to be flustered/(dialect) irregular heart-beat/ [xin1 huai2] /to harbor (thoughts)/to cherish/to entertain (illusions)/ [xin1 huai2 po3 ce4] /concealing wicked intentions (idiom); malicious/to [xin1 fang2] /cardiac atrium/ [xin1 fang2 chan4 dong4] /atrial fibrillation/ [xin1 zhuo1 kou3 ben4] /variant of [xin1 zhuo1 kou3 ben4]/ [xin1 zhuo1 kou3 ben4] /dull-witted and tongue-tied/ [xin1 zhe2] /convinced/to admire from the heart/enchanted/ [xin1 zhi4] /wisdom/ [xin1 kuang4 shen2 yi2] /lit. heart untroubled, spirit pleased (idiom); c elaxed/ [xin1 you3 ling2 xi1 yi1 dian3 tong1] /hearts linked as one, os communicates emotion telepathically through his single horn (idiom); fig. two hearts beat as one/ [xin1 you3 yu2 ji4] /to have lingering fears/trepidation remaining after om)/ [xin1 you3 yu2 er2 li4 bu4 zu2] /The will is there, but not t ian Analects)./I really want to do it, but don't have the resources./The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak./ [xin1 you3 yu2 , li4 bu4 zu2] /The will is there, but not the n Analects)./I really want to do it, but don't have the resources./The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak./ [xin1 fu2] /to be convinced/ [xin1 fu2 kou3 fu2] /lit. convinced in heart and by word (idiom); sincere and ready to concede/to convince/to get one's message across/ [xin1 cai2] /pith/central core (of tree)/ [xin1 geng3] /abbr. for [xin1 ji1 geng3 sai1], myocardial infarction/hear [xin1 ji1] /thinking/scheme/ [xin1 du2] /cruel/vicious/ [xin1 du2 shou3 la4] /vicious and ruthless/ [xin1 qi4] /intention/motive/state of mind/ambition/aspiration/heart qi in tradit onal Chinese medicine/ [xin1 man3 yi4 zu2] /perfectly contented (idiom)/perfectly satisfied/ [xin1 chao2 peng2 pai4] /to be overwhelmed by emotions/ [xin1 hui1 yi4 leng3] /discouraged/downhearted/ [xin1 hui1 yi4 lan3] /discouraged/downhearted/ [xin1 wu2 er4 yong4] /one cannot concentrate on two things at the same ti [xin1 jiao1] /worried/anxious/ [xin1 zhao4] /intuitive sympathy/to understand tacitly/ [xin1 zhao4 bu4 xuan1] /a tacit mutual understanding/ [xin1 fan2] /to feel agitated/to be troubled/to be annoyed/an upset or distractio / [xin1 fan2 yi4 luan4] /lit. heart distracted, thoughts in turmoil (idiom) with anxiety/ [xin1 hen3 shou3 la4] /vicious and merciless (idiom)/ [xin1 yuan2 yi4 ma3] /lit. heart like a frisky monkey, mind like a canter iom); fig. capricious (derog.)/to have ants in one's pants/hyperactive/adventuro us and uncontrollable/ [xin1 lu:4] /pulse/rate of heartbeat/

[xin1 li3] /mental/psychological/ [xin1 li3 zuo4 yong4] /mental reaction/ [xin1 li3 xue2] /psychology/ [xin1 li3 xue2 jia1] /psychologist/ [xin1 li3 zhan4] /psychological warfare/psychological operations/psyop/ [xin1 li3 su4 zhi4] /psychological quality (in ideological education)/ [xin1 li3 zhen3 suo3] /psychological clinic/ [xin1 li3 ci2 dian3] /mental lexicon/ [xin1 gan1] /to be willing/to be satisfied/ [xin1 gan1 qing2 yuan4] /delighted to (do sth, idiom)/perfectly happy to ng to do/ [xin1 yi2] /to suspect/ [xin1 teng2] /to love dearly/the pain of love/ [xin1 bing4] /anxiety/sore point/secret worry/mental disorder/heart disease (medi ine)/ [xin1 tong4] /to feel distressed about sth/heartache/cardiac pain/ [xin1 mu4] /mind/view/ [xin1 zhi2 kou3 kuai4] /frank and outspoken/straight speaking/to say what [xin1 zhi2 zui3 kuai4] /frank and outspoken/straight speaking/to say what [xin1 yan3] /heart/intention/conscience/consideration/cleverness/tolerance/ [xin1 yan3 r5] /one's thoughts/mind/intention/willingness to accept new ideas ss suspicions/ [xin1 yan3 duo1] /have unfounded doubts/over concerned/ [xin1 yan3 da4] /magnanimous/considerate/thoughtful/able to think of everythi needs to be thought of/ [xin1 yan3 hao3] /well-intentioned/good-natured/kind-hearted/ [xin1 yan3 xiao3] /selfish (derog.)/inconsiderate/selfishly oversensitive/ [xin1 peng1 peng1 tiao4] /variant of [xin1 peng1 peng1 tiao4]/ [xin1 ying4] /hardhearted/callous/ [xin1 sui4] /heart-broken/extreme depth of sorrow/ [xin1 shen2] /mind/state of mind/attention/(Chinese medicine) psychic constitutio / [xin1 shen2 bu4 an1] /to feel ill-at-ease/ [xin1 shen2 bu4 ning2] /to feel ill-at-ease/ [xin1 shen2 huang3 hu1] /perturbed (idiom)/ [xin1 xiu4] /not manifesting one's inner quality/ [xin1 zhai3] /narrow-minded/intolerant/ [xin1 wo1 r5] /one's breast/the pit of one's stomach/ [xin1 qiao4] /lit. tunnel to the heart (traditional concept)/clear thought/recogn tion/understanding/ [xin1 xi4] /careful/scrupulous/ [xin1 jie2] /an issue that weighs heavily on one's mind/preoccupation/ [xin1 jiao3 tong4] /angina/ [xin1 jing1] /the Heart Sutra/ [xin1 xu4] /state of mind/mood/ [xin1 xu4 bu4 ning2] /unquiet state of mind/ [xin1 xian4] /to admire/ [xin1 sheng1] /thoughts/feelings/aspirations/heartfelt wishes/inner voice/ [xin1 ji1] /myocardium/ [xin1 ji1 geng3 se4] /myocardial infarction/heart attack/ [xin1 ji1 geng3 si3] /myocardial infarction/heart attack/ [xin1 ji1 yan2] /myocarditis/ [xin1 gan1] /conscience/darling/character/sincerity/cordiality/ [xin1 fei4 fu4 su1 shu4] /cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)/ [xin1 xiong1] /breadth of mind/ [xin1 xiong1 xia2 zhai3] /narrow-minded (idiom); petty/ungenerous/ [xin1 xiong1 xia2 ai4] /narrow/petty-minded/ [xin1 xiong1 kai1 kuo4] /broad/open-minded/ [xin1 chang2] /heart/intention/one's inclination/state of mind/to have the heart or sth/mood/

[xin1 fu4] /trusted aide/confidant/reliable agent/to confide/ [xin1 fu4 zhi1 huan4] /lit. calamity within one's bosom (idiom); major tr within/ [xin1 zang4] /heart/CL: [ke1], [ge4]/ [xin1 zang4 da1 qiao2 shou3 shu4] /coronary bypass operation/ [xin1 zang4 shou1 suo1 ya1] /systolic blood pressure/ [xin1 zang4 ji2 huan4] /heart disease/ [xin1 zang4 bing4] /heart disease/ [xin1 zang4 yi2 zhi2] /heart transplant/ [xin1 zang4 shu1 zhang1 ya1] /diastolic blood pressure/ [xin1 hua1 nu4 fang4] /to burst with joy (idiom)/to be over the moon/to b [xin1 dang4 shen2 chi2] /to be infatuated with/ [xin1 xu1] /lacking in confidence/diffident/to have a guilty conscience/ [xin1 xue4] /heart's blood/expenditure (for some project)/meticulous care/ [xin1 xue4 lai2 chao2] /to be prompted by a sudden impulse/carried away b a brainstorm/ [xin1 xue4 guan3] /cardiovascular/ [xin1 xue4 guan3 ji2 bing4] /cardiovascular disease/ [xin1 shu4] /designs/schemes/intentions/scheming/calculating (of a person)/ [xin1 li3 yang3 yang5] /lit. itchy heart/to be itching to do sth (idiom)/ [xin1 li5 mei3 luo2 bo5] /Chinese roseheart radish (shinrimei radish) ide, purple-red on the inside, a favorite Beijing vegetable/ [xin1 li5] /chest/heart/mind/ [xin1 li3 you3 pu3] /to have a plan in mind/ [xin1 li5 hua4] /(to express one's) true feelings/what is on one's mind/secre [xin1 ji4] /carefully planned/scheming/cunning/crafty/ [xin1 xu3] /to consent tacitly/unspoken approval/ [xin1 ji4] /true motive/true feelings/ [xin1 lu4] /scheme/artifice/tolerance/intention/motive/train of thought/brains/wi /ideas/ [xin1 tiao4] /heartbeat/pulse/ [xin1 ruan3] /to be softhearted/to be tenderhearted/to be kindhearted/ [xin1 zhou2] /central axis/spindle/ [xin1 lun2] /anhata or anahata, the heart chakra , residing in the chest/ [xin1 suan1] /to feel sad/ [xin1 zui4] /enchanted/fascinated/charmed/ [xin1 zui4 shen2 mi2] /ecstatic/enraptured/ [xin1 zhong4] /over-anxious/neurotic/ [xin1 dian4 tu2] /electrocardiogram/ [xin1 ling2] /bright/smart/quick-witted/heart/thoughts/spirit/ [xin1 ling2 shang4] /spiritual/ [xin1 ling2 gan3 ying4] /telepathy/ [xin1 jing4] /tranquil/calm/ [xin1 jing4 zi4 ran2 liang2] /a calm heart keeps you cool (idiom)/ [xin1 yin1] /sound of the heart/heartbeat/ [xin1 ling3] /I appreciate your kindness (conventional reply to turn down an offe )/ [xin1 ling3 shen2 wu4] /to understand tacitly (idiom)/to know intuitively d thoroughly/ [xin1 ling3 shen2 hui4] /to understand tacitly (idiom)/to know intuitivel nd thoroughly/ [xin1 tou2] /heart/thoughts/mind/ [xin1 tou2 rou4] /favorite/ [xin1 yuan4] /cherished desire/dream/craving/wish/aspiration/ [xin1 chi2 shen2 wang3] /one's thoughts fly to a longed-for place or pers r/infatuated/fascinated/ [xin1 jing1] /fearful/apprehensive/ [xin1 jing1 rou4 tiao4] /lit. heart alarmed, body leaping (idiom); fear a n in the face of disaster/ [xin1 jing1 dan3 zhan4] /lit. heart alarmed, trembling in fear (idiom); p

fear/scared witless/ [xin1 gao1 qi4 ao4] /proud and arrogant/ [bi4] /certainly/must/will/necessarily/ [bi4 bu4 ke3 shao3] /absolutely necessary/indispensable/essential/ [bi4 bu4 ke3 shao3 zu3 cheng2] /absolute necessity/sine qua non/ [bi4 xiu1] /a required course/ [bi4 xiu1 ke4] /required course/compulsory course/ [bi4 bei4] /essential/ [Bi4 sheng4 Ke4] /Pizza Hut/ [Bi4 huo2 Bi4 tuo4] /BHP Billiton (Anglo-Australian mining corporation)/ [bi4 ding4] /be bound to/be sure to/ [bi4 jiang1] /inevitably/ [bi4 dei3] /must/have to/ [Bi4 ying4] /Bing (search engine)/ [bi4 si3 zhi1 zheng4] /terminal illness/incurable condition (also fig.)/ [bi4 ran2] /inevitable/certain/necessity/ [bi4 ran2 jie2 guo3] /inevitable outcome/inescapable consequence/ [bi4 you2 zhi1 lu4] /the road one must follow or take/the only way/ [bi4 jing1] /unavoidable/the only (road, entrance etc)/ [bi4 yao4] /necessary/essential/indispensable/required/ [bi4 yao4 xing4] /necessity/ [bi4 yao4 tiao2 jian4] /requirement/necessary condition (math)/ [bi4 xu1] /to need/to require/essential/indispensable/ [bi4 xu1 pin3] /necessity/essential (thing)/ [bi4 xu1] /to have to/must/compulsory/necessarily/ [dao1] /grieved/ [ji4] /to be jealous of/fear/dread/scruple/to avoid or abstain from/to quit/to g ive up sth/ [ji4 kou3] /abstain from certain food (as when ill)/avoid certain foods/be on a d et/ [ji4 du5] /to be jealous of/to envy/jealousy/envy/ [ji4 hen4] /hate (due to envy etc)/ [ji4 dan4] /be afraid of/fear/ [ji4 hui4] /taboo/to avoid as taboo/to abstain from/ [ji4 chen2] /anniversary of a death/ [ren3] /to bear/to endure/to tolerate/to restrain oneself/ [ren3 bu5 zhu4] /cannot help/unable to bear/ [ren3 jun4] /smiling/ [ren3 jun4 bu4 jin1] /cannot help laughing/unable to restrain a smile/ [ren3 shou4] /to bear/to endure/ [ren3 gou4 tou1 sheng1] /to bear humiliation to save one's skin (idiom)/ [ren3 de5 zhu4] /to refrain/to be able to endure it/ [ren3 xin1] /to have the heart to do sth/to steel oneself to a task/ [ren3 chi3] /to endure humiliation/ [ren3 qi4 tun1 sheng1] /to submit to humiliation (idiom); to suffer in si low one's anger/to grin and bear it/ [ren3 wu2 ke3 ren3] /more than one can bear (idiom); at the end of one's last straw/ [ren3 tong4] /to suffer/fig. reluctantly/ [ren3 zhe3] /Japanese: ninja/ [ren3 nai4] /to show restraint/to repress (anger etc)/to exercise patience/ [ren3 nai4 li4] /patience/fortitude/ [ren3 rang4] /to exercise forbearance/patient and accommodating/ [ren3 ru3 tou1 sheng1] /to bear humiliation to save one's skin (idiom)/ [ren3 ru3 han2 gou4] /to eat humble pie/to accept humiliation/to turn the [ren3 ru3 qiu2 quan2] /to endure humiliation to preserve unity/ [ren3 ru3 fu4 zhong4] /to endure humiliation as part of an important miss to suffer in silence/ [ren3 ji1 ai2 e4] /starving/famished/ [tan3] /nervous/

[tan3 te4] /perturbed/mentally disturbed/fidgety/ [tan3 te4 bu4 an1] /restless/apprehensive/ [te4] /nervous/ [te4] /to err/to change/ [tei1] /too/very (dialect)/ [cun3] /to ponder/to speculate/to consider/to guess/ [cun3 duo2] /to speculate/to surmise/to wonder whether/to guess/ [cun3 si1] /to reckon/to consider/to ponder/to estimate/ [cun3 liang4] /to turn things over in one's mind/to conjecture/to guess/ [zhi4] /aspiration/ambition/the will/ [zhi4 bu4 zai4 ci3] /to have unachievable ambitions based on current circ iom)/ [Zhi4 dan1] /Zhidan county in Yan'an [Yan2 an1], Shaanxi/ [Zhi4 dan1 xian4] /Zhidan county in Yan'an [Yan2 an1], Shaanxi/ [zhi4 tong2 dao4 he2] /like-minded/fellow enthusiast/kindred spirit/ [zhi4 xiang4] /ambition/goal/ideal/aspiration/ [zhi4 zai4 si4 fang1] /to aspire to travel far and make ones mark (idiom [zhi4 jian1 dan3 zhuang4] /to have the stomach and determination to do st [zhi4 shi4 ren2 ren2] /gentleman aspiring to benevolence (idiom); people eals/ [zhi4 gong1] /volunteer/ [zhi4 qi4] /ambition/resolve/backbone/drive/spirit/ [Zhi4 liu2 xi4] /Silurian system (geology)/see / [Zhi4 liu2 ji4] /Silurian (geological period 440-417m years ago)/ [zhi4 yuan4] /aspiration/ambition/to volunteer/ [zhi4 yuan4 bing1] /volunteer soldier/CL:[ming2]/ [zhi4 yuan4 zhe3] /volunteer/ [zhi4 yuan4 jun1] /volunteer army/ [zhi4 gao1 qi4 yang2] /high-spirited and smug/ [wang4] /to forget/to overlook/to neglect/ [wang4 bu4 liao3] /cannot forget/ [wang4 hu1 suo3 yi3] /to get carried away/to forget oneself/ [wang4 ba1 dan4] /turtle's egg (highly offensive when directed at sb)/ [wang4 ba1 dan4] /turtle's egg (highly offensive when directed at sb)/ [wang4 que4] /to forget (esp. in writing)/ [wang4 nian2 jiao1] /friends despite the difference in age/ [wang4 en1 fu4 yi4] /to forget favors and violate justice (idiom); ingrat iend/to kick a benefactor in the teeth/ [wang4 qing2] /unmoved/indifferent/unruffled by sentiment/ [wang4 you1 cao3] /daylily (Hemerocallis fulva)/ [wang4 huai2] /to forget/ [wang4 wo3] /selflessness/altruism/ [wang4 diao4] /to forget/ [wang4 ji4] /to forget/ [wang4 ji4 mi4 ma3] /forgotten password?/ [wang4 can1] /to forget one's meals/ [mang2] /busy/hurriedly/to hurry/to rush/ [mang2 bu4 die2] /hurriedly/in haste/ [mang2 bu4 guo4 lai2] /too busy to attend (to some business)/ [mang2 zhong1 you3 shi1] /Rushed work lead to slip-ups (idiom). Mistakes times of stress./ [mang2 zhong1 you3 cuo4] /Rushed work lead to errors (idiom). Mistakes ar imes of stress./ [mang2 hu1] /to be busy (colloquial)/ [mang2 luan4] /rushed and muddled/ [mang2 yu2] /busy with/ [mang2 huo5] /to be really busy/pressing business/ [mang2 lu4] /busy/bustling/ [mang2 zhe5] /to be occupied with (doing sth)/ [mang2 jin4 mang2 chu1] /very busy/

[ying4] /Japanese variant of / [tian3] /to shame/ [min2] /to encourage oneself/ [min3] /ancient variant of [min3]/ [wen3] /disorderly/messy/chaotic/ [zhong1] /loyal/devoted/honest/ [zhong1 xin4] /faithful and honest/loyal and sincere/ [zhong1 yong3] /loyal and brave/ [Zhong1 nan2 Da4 xue2 xiao4] /Chungnam National University, Daejeon, [zhong1 hou4] /honest and considerate/ [zhong1 gao4] /advice/advise/ [zhong1 shi2] /faithful/ [zhong1 xin1] /good faith/devotion/loyalty/dedication/ [zhong1 xin1 geng3 geng3] /loyal and devoted (idiom); faithful and true/ [zhong1 yu2] /to be loyal to/ [Zhong1 qing1] /Chungcheong Province of Joseon Korea, now divided into North Chun cheong province [Zhong1 qing1 bei3 dao4] and South Chungcheong province [Zh n2 dao4] of South Korea/ [Zhong1 qing1 bei3 dao4] /North Chungcheong Province, South Korea, capita [Zhong1 qing1 nan2 dao4] /South Chungcheong Province, South Korea, capita tian2]/ [Zhong1 qing1 dao4] /Chungcheong Province of Joseon Korea, now divided into N ungcheong province [Zhong1 qing1 bei3 dao4] and South Chungcheong province nan2 dao4] of South Korea/ [zhong1 lie4] /sacrifice oneself for one's country/martyr/ [Zhong1 xian4] /Zhong county in Wanzhou suburbs of north Chongqing municipality, ormerly in Sichuan/ [zhong1 yi4] /loyal and righteous/fealty/loyalty/ [zhong1 yan2] /loyal advice/sincere advice/ [zhong1 yan2 ni4 er3] /loyal advice jars on the ears (idiom)/ [zhong1 cheng2] /devoted/fidelity/loyal/loyalty/ [zhong1 zhen1] /loyal and dependable/ [zhong1 zhen1 bu4 yu2] /unswerving in one's loyalty (idiom); faithful and [chong1] /grieved/distressed/sad/uneasy/ [wu3] /disobedient/unfilial/ [wu3 ni4] /disobedient to parents/ [zhong1] /restless/agitated/ [kuai4] /rapid/quick/speed/rate/soon/almost/to make haste/clever/sharp (of knive s or wits)/forthright/plain-spoken/gratified/pleased/pleasant/ [kuai4 zhong1 zi3] /fast neutrons/ [kuai4 xin4] /letter by express mail/ [kuai4 dao1 zhan3 luan4 ma2] /lit. quick sword cuts through tangled h ve action in a complex situation/cutting the Gordian knot/ [kuai4 dao1 duan4 luan4 ma2] /lit. quick sword cuts through tangled h ve action in a complex situation/cutting the Gordian knot/ [kuai4 qu3] /cache (computing)/ [Kuai4 ke3 li4] /Quickly, tapioca milk tea franchise/ [kuai4 bao4] /bulletin board/ [kuai4 kuai4 le4 le4] /happy/ [kuai4 yi4] /pleased/elated/ [kuai4 gan3] /pleasure/thrill/delight/joy/pleasurable sensation/a high/ [kuai4 gan3 zhong1 xin1] /pleasure center/ [kuai4 man4] /speed/ [kuai4 wei4] /to feel pleased/ [kuai4 jie2] /quick/fast/nimble/agile/(computer) shortcut/ [kuai4 jie2 fang1 shi4] /(computer) shortcut/ [kuai4 jie2 jian4] /(computer) shortcut key/hotkey/ [kuai4 gong1] /fast break/quick attack (ball sports)/ [kuai4 ban3] /allegro/ [kuai4 ban3 r5] /clapper talk/patter song (in opera) with clapperboard accomp

/ [kuai4 le4] /happy/merry/ [kuai4 le4 xing4 fu2] /cheerful/happy/ [kuai4 bu4] /quick step/ [kuai4 bu4 liu2 xing1] /to walk quickly/striding quickly/ [kuai4 bu4 pao3] /to trot/ [kuai4 huo5] /happy/cheerful/ [kuai4 zhao4] /snapshot/photo/ [kuai4 ban1] /fast stream (in school)/ [kuai4 ting3] /speedboat/motor launch/ [kuai4 xing2 dao4] /fast lane/express lane/ [kuai4 yao4] /almost/nearly/almost all/ [kuai4 xun4] /newsflash/ [kuai4 pao3] /to run fast/to sprint/to gallop/Gee up!/Run for it!/ [kuai4 che1] /express (train, bus etc)/ [kuai4 che1 dao4] /fast lane/ [kuai4 tui4] /fast-rewind (media player)/ [kuai4 su4] /fast/high-speed/rapid/ [kuai4 su4 yi3 tai4 wang3 luo4] /Fast Ethernet/ [kuai4 su4 fa1 zhan3] /rapid growth/rapid expansion/ [kuai4 su4 ji4 yi4 fa3] /mnemotechnic method/ [kuai4 jin4] /fast-forward (media player)/ [kuai4 di4] /express delivery/ [kuai4 men2] /shutter/ [kuai4 can1] /fast food/snack/quick meal/ [kuai4 can1 jiao1 you3] /speed dating/ [kuai4 can1 dian4] /fast food shop/ [kuai4 can1 bu4] /snack bar/buffet/ [kuai4 dian3] /to do sth more quickly/Hurry up!/Get a move on!/ [kuai4 dian3 r5] /erhua variant of to do sth more quickly/Hurry up! [bian4] /delighted/pleased/ [zhi4] /aggressive/ [chen2] /sincerity/honesty/ [nian4] /to read/to study (a degree course)/to read aloud/to miss (sb)/idea/reme mbrance/twenty (banker's anti-fraud numeral corresponding to , 20)/ [nian4 fo2] /to pray to Buddha/to chant the names of Buddha/ [nian4 dao5] /to talk about often/to discuss/to reminisce about/ [nian4 xue2 wei4] /to study for a degree/to take a degree course/ [nian4 nian4 bu4 wang4] /to keep in mind constantly (idiom)/ [nian4 nian4 you3 ci2] /to mumble/to mutter to oneself/ [nian4 ri4] /memorial day/commemoration day/ [nian4 shu1] /to read/to study/ [nian4 jing1] /recite or chant Buddhist scripture/ [nian4 jiu4] /to remember old friends/to cherish old friendships/for old time's s ke/ [nian4 song4] /to read out/to recite/to remember sb (while talking about sth else / [nian4 tou5] /thought/idea/intention/ [niu3] /accustomed to/blush/be shy/ [niu3 niu3 ni2 ni2] /timid/bashful/ [niu3 ni2] /bashful/blushing/ [xin1] /happy/ [Xin1 cheng2] /Xincheng county in Laibin [Lai2 bin1], Guangxi/ [Xin1 cheng2 xian4] /Xincheng county in Laibin [Lai2 bin1], Guangxi/ [Xin1 zhou1] /Xinzhou prefecture level city in Shanxi / [Xin1 zhou1 shi4] /Xinzhou prefecture level city in Shanxi / [Xin1 fu3] /Xinfu district of Xinzhou city [Xin1 zhou1 shi4], Shanxi/ [Xin1 fu3 qu1] /Xinfu district of Xinzhou city [Xin1 zhou1 shi4], Shanx [Hu1] /surname Hu/ [hu1] /to neglect/to overlook/to ignore/suddenly/

[hu1 shang4 hu1 xia4] /to fluctuate sharply/ [hu1 shao4] /to whistle (with fingers in one's mouth)/nowadays written / [hu1 de5] /suddenly/ [hu1 bu4] /hops/ [hu1 wei1] /minuscule quantity/minor matter/ [Hu1 bi4 lie4] /Khubilai Khan (1215-1294), grandson of Genghis Khan , emperor, reigned 1260-1294/ [hu1 hu1] /fleeting (of quick passage time)/in a flash/distracted manner/vacantly frustratedly/ [hu1 hu1 you1 you1] /indifferent to the passing of time/careless/ [hu1 you5] /to rock/to sway/to flicker (e.g. of lights reflected on water)/to flu ter (e.g. of a flag)/to trick sb into doing sth/to dupe/to con/ [hu1 ran2] /suddenly/all of a sudden/ [hu1 lu:e4] /to neglect/to overlook/to ignore/ [hu1 wen2] /to hear suddenly/to learn of sth unexpectedly/ [hu1 shi4] /to neglect/to ignore/ [hu1 shan3] /to glitter/to gleam/to sparkle/to flash/ [hu1 yin3 hu1 xian4] /intermittent/now you see it, now you don't/ [Hu1 lu3 mo2 si1] /old Chinese name for Hormuz/now called [fen4] /anger/indignation/hatred/ [fen4 fen4 bu4 ping2] /variant of [fen4 fen4 bu4 ping2]/ [fen4 nu4] /angry/wrath/ [fen4 hen4] /variant of [fen4 hen4]/ [fen4 men4] /indignant/furious/ [zuo4] /ashamed/ [zen3] /how/ [zen3 yang4] /how/why/ [zen3 sheng1] /how/why/ [zen3 de5] /what for/why/how/ [zen3 neng2] /how can?/ [zen3 me5] /how?/what?/why?/ [zen3 me5 le5] /What's up?/What's going on?/What happened?/ [zen3 me5 hui2 shi4] /what's the matter?/what's going on?/how could that hat come about?/what it's all about/ [zen3 me5 de2 liao3] /how can this be?/what's to be done?/what an awful m [zen3 me5 gao3 de5] /How did it happen?/What's wrong?/What went wrong?/Wh [zen3 me5 yang4] /how?/how about?/how was it?/how are things?/ [zen3 me5 zhao1] /what?/how?/how about?/whatever/also pron. [zen3 me5 zhe5]/ [zen3 me5 ban4] /what's to be done/ [zen3 me5] /variant of [zen3 me5]/ [zen3 me5 le5] /variant of [zen3 me5 le5]/ [yang4] /discontented/ [nu4] /anger/fury/flourishing/vigorous/ [nu4 bu4 ke3 e4] /unable to restrain one's anger (idiom); in a towering r [nu4 hou3] /to bellow/to rave/to snarl/ [nu4 rong2] /angry look/ [nu4 rong2 man3 mian4] /scowling in anger/rage written across one's face/ [nu4 xing2 yu2 se4] /to betray anger (idiom); fury written across one's f [nu4 hen4] /extreme hatred/animosity/spite/ [nu4 fang4] /in full bloom/ [nu4 chi4] /to angrily rebuke/to indignantly denounce/ [Nu4 zu2] /Nu ethnic group/ [nu4 qi4] /anger/ [nu4 qi4 chong1 chong1] /spitting anger (idiom); in a rage/ [Nu4 jiang1] /Nujiang river of south Tibet and northwest Yunnan, the upper reache of Salween river , forming border of Myanmar and Thailand/ [Nu4 jiang1 Li4 su4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 qu1] /Nujiang Lisu auton capital Liuku or Lutku [Liu4 ku4 zhen4]/ [Nu4 jiang1 Li4 su4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1] /Nujiang Lisu aut n, capital Liuku or Lutku [Liu4 ku4 zhen4]/

[Nu4 jiang1 Da4 xia2 gu3] /the Grand Canyon of the Nujiang river in T [Nu4 jiang1 zhou1] /abbr. for , Nujiang Lisu autonomous prefe tal Liuku or Lutku [Liu4 ku4 zhen4]/ [nu4 chong1 chong1] /furiously/ [nu4 chao2] /(tidal) bore/raging tide/ [nu4 huo3] /rage/fury/hot anger/ [nu4 mu4] /with glaring eyes/glowering/ [nu4 mu4 qie4 chi3] /to gnash one's teeth in anger/ [nu4 mu4 xiang1 xiang4] /to glower at each other (idiom)/ [nu4 mu4 er2 shi4] /to glare at/ [nu4 ma4] /to curse in rage/ [nu4 se4] /angry look/glare/scowl/ [nu4 yan2 xiang1 bao4] /to shoot a vengeful look at sb (idiom)/ [nu4 fa4 chong1 guan1] /lit. hair stands up in anger and tips off one's h g. seething in anger/raise one's hackles/ [zheng1] /to stare blankly/startled/ [zheng4] /stumped for words/to stare blankly/ [zheng1 chong1] /(of the heart) palpitating with fear/palpitation (Chinese medici e)/ [zheng1 zhong1] /frightened/scared/terrified/ [zheng4 zheng4] /in a daze/ [zheng1 shen2 r5] /lost in thought/in a daze/ [Pa4] /surname Pa/ [pa4] /to be afraid/to fear/to dread/to be unable to endure/perhaps/ [pa4 shi4] /timid/to be afraid of getting involved/to be afraid of getting into t ouble/ [pa4 si3 gui3] /afraid to die (contemptuous term)/ [pa4 sheng1] /fear of strangers/to be afraid of strangers (of small children)/ [pa4 xiu1] /coy/shy/bashful/ [bu4] /terror/terrified/afraid/frightened/ [tie1] /peaceful/quiet/ [hu4] /to rely on/father (formal)/ [hu4 shi4] /to rely on/father and mother (classical)/ [ju4] /dull, stupid, suspicious/ [da2] /distressed/alarmed/shocked/grieved/ [si1] /to think/to consider/ [si1 zhi1 xin1 tong4] /a thought that causes heartache (idiom)/ [si1 qian2 xiang3 hou4] /to consider past cause and future effect (idiom) er the past and future/to ponder over reasons and connection/ [Si1 nan2] /Sinan county in Tongren prefecture [Tong2 ren2 di4 q [Si1 nan2 xian4] /Sinan county in Tongren prefecture [Tong2 [si1 cun3] /to ponder/to reckon/to turn sth over in one's mind/ [si1 nian4] /to think of/to long for/to miss/ [si1 qing2] /to miss/to long for/ [si1 xiang3] /thought/thinking/idea/ideology/CL: [ge4]/ [si1 xiang3 jiao1 liu2] /exchange of ideas/ [si1 xiang3 bao1 fu5] /a load on one's mind/ [si1 xiang3 shi3] /intellectual history/ [si1 xiang3 jia1] /thinker/ [si1 xiang3 ku4] /think tank (committee set up to study a problem)/ [si1 xiang3 yi4 shi2] /consciousness/ [si1 xiang3 su4 zhi4] /quality of thought (in ideological education)/ [si1 xiang3 wan2 dun4] /blunt thinking/apathy/ [si1 xiang3 ti3 xi4] /system of thought/ideology/ [si1 mu4] /to cherish the memory of sb/to think of with respect/ [si1 lu:4] /to think sth through/to consider carefully/ [si1 lian4] /to miss/to long for/ [Si1 ming2] /Siming district of Xiamen city [Xia4 men2 shi4] (Amoy), [Si1 ming2 qu1] /Siming district of Xiamen city [Xia4 men2 shi4] [si1 chao2] /tide of thought/way of thinking characteristic of a historical perio

/Zeitgeist/ [si1 chao2 qi3 fu2] /thoughts surging in one's mind (idiom)/different tho to mind/ [Si1 ke1] /Cisco Systems Company/ [si1 suo3] /think deeply/ponder/ [si1 wei2] /(line of) thought/thinking/ [si1 wei2 min3 jie2] /quick-witted/agile of mind/ [si1 xu4] /train of thought/emotional state/mood/feeling/ [si1 kao3] /to reflect on/to ponder over/ [Si1 mao2] /Simao city in Yunnan, renamed Pu'er city in 2007/ [Si1 mao2 qu1] /Simao district of Pu'er city [Pu3 er3 shi4], Yunnan/ [Si1 mao2 di4 qu1] /Simao prefecture in Yunnan/ [Si1 mao2 shi4] /Simao city in Yunnan, renamed Pu'er city in 2007/ [si1 qin1] /to remember one's parents/to feel homesick for one's relatives/ [si1 mou2] /to consider/to turn over in one's mind/ [si1 yi4] /to imagine/to comprehend/ [si1 lu4] /train of thought/thinking/reason/reasoning/ [si1 lu4 min3 jie2] /quick-witted/ [si1 guo4] /to reflect on one's past errors/ [si1 xiang1] /to be homesick/ [si1 xiang1 bing4] /homesick/homesickness/ [si1 liang5] /to reckon/to consider/to turn over in one's mind/ [zhou4] /to grieve/sorrowful/ [dai4] /idle/lazy/negligent/careless/ [dai4 gong1] /slow working/go-slow (as a form of strike)/lazy strike/ [dai4 hu1] /to neglect/ [dai4 duo4] /idleness/ [dai4 man4] /to slight/to neglect/ [yi2] /harmony/pleased/ [Yi2 bao3] /Ipoh city in Malaysia, capital of Sultanate of Perak on Malayan penin ula/ [Yi2 bao3 shi4] /Ipoh city in Malaysia, capital of Sultanate of Perak on Mala insula/ [yi2 yue4] /pleasant/happy/ [yi2 ran2] /happy/joyful/ [yi2 ran2 zi4 de2] /happy and content (idiom)/ [ji2] /urgent/pressing/rapid/hurried/worried/ [ji2 bu4 ke3 dai4] /impatient/eager to/anxious to/ [ji2 bu4 ke3 nai4] /unable to wait/ [ji2 zhong1 sheng1 zhi4] /quick witted in an emergency/able to react reso [ji2 ren2 zhi1 nan4] /anxious to help others resolve difficulties (idiom) [ji2 cu4] /urgent/hurried and brief/rushing/ [ji2 cu4 sheng1] /patter/ [ji2 xian1 feng1] /daring vanguard/pioneer/leading figure/ [ji2 gong1 hao4 yi4] /public-spirited/ [ji2 qie4] /eager/impatient/ [ji2 sha1 che1] /emergency braking/ [ji2 ju4] /rapid/sudden/ [ji2 gong1 jin4 li4] /seeking instant benefit (idiom); shortsighted visio ly for fast return/ [ji2 wu4] /urgent task/pressing matter/ [ji2 cong1 cong1] /hurried/hasty/ [ji2 zui3 ji2 she2] /lit. quick mouth and quick tongue/fig. to interrupt nd say one's piece/to chime in rapidly/ [ji2 zao4] /irritable/irascible/impetuous/also written / [ji2 ru2 xing1 huo3] /lit. as hurried as a shooting star (idiom); requiri action/extremely urgent/ [ji2 dai4] /to need urgently/to need doing without delay/ [ji2 mang2] /hastily/ [ji2 ji2 mang2 mang2] /hurriedly/

[ji2 xing4] /acute/ [ji2 xing4 ren2] /impetuous person/excitable person/ [ji2 xing4 zi5] /impetuous person/excitable person/ [ji2 xing4 qing2 hua4 wu4 zhong1 du2] /acute cyanide poisonin [ji2 xing4 zhao4 she4] /acute exposure/ [ji2 xing4 bing4] /acute illness/fig. impetuous/impatient/ [ji2 xing4 chang2 yan2] /acute enteritis/ [ji2 xing4 lan2 wei3 yan2] /acute appendicitis (medicine)/ [ji2 pai1 pai1] /hurried/impatient/rushed/ [ji2 jiu4] /first aid/emergency treatment/ [ji2 jiu4 zhan4] /emergency desk/first aid office/ [ji2 yu2] /anxious/impatient/ [ji2 yu2 xing1 huo3] /see [ji2 ru2 xing1 huo3]/ [ji2 yu2 qiu2 cheng2] /anxious for quick results (idiom); to demand insta patient for result/impetuous/ [ji2 zhi4] /quick witted/able to think fast in an emergency/ [ji2 pai4] /to rush/ [ji2 liu2] /torrent/ [ji2 yong4] /to need sth urgently/urgently required/ [ji2 zheng4] /acute disease/medical emergency/ [ji2 yan3] /to be anxious/to get angry with sb/ [ji2 zhe5] /urgently/ [ji2 xing2 jun1] /rapid advance/forced march/ [ji2 xi2] /sudden attack/ [ji2 yao4] /urgent/ [ji2 zhen3] /emergency call/emergency (medical) treatment/ [ji2 zhen3 shi4] /emergency room/ [ji2 chi4 bai2 lian3] /to worry oneself sick/to fret/ [ji2 zao4] /irritable/irascible/impetuous/ [ji2 zhuan3] /to whirl/to turn around quickly/ [ji2 zhuan3 wan1] /to make a sudden turn/ [ji2 zhuan3 zhi2 xia4] /to develop rapidly after abrupt turn (idiom); dra [ji2 po4] /urgent/pressing/imperative/ [ji2 su4] /hurried/at a great speed/rapid (development)/ [ji2 ju4] /rapid/sudden/ [ji2 nan4] /misfortune/crisis/grave danger/critical situation/disaster/emergency/ o be zealous in helping others out of a predicament/ [ji2 xu1] /to urgently need/urgent need/ [ji2 chi2] /to ride urgently/to speed along/ [ji2 zhou4] /rapid/hurried/ [peng1] /impulsive/ [peng1 peng1] /thumping sound (onomatopoeia)/to be eager and anxious (to do sth)/ aithful and upright/ [peng1 ran2] /with a sudden shock, bang etc/ [peng1 ran2 xin1 dong4] /palpitating with eagerness to do sth (idiom)/ [xing4] /nature/character/property/quality/attribute/sexuality/sex/gender/suffix forming adjective from verb/suffix forming noun from adjective, corresponding t o -ness or -ity/essence/CL: [ge4]/ [xing4 shi4] /sex/ [xing4 jiao1] /sexual intercourse/ [xing4 jiao1 yi4] /prostitution/commercial sex/the sex trade/ [xing4 jiao1 gao1 chao2] /orgasm/ [xing4 huo3 ban4] /sexual partner/ [xing4 ban4] /sexual partner/ [xing4 ban4 lu:3] /sex partner/ [xing4 qin1] /sexual assault (law)/ [xing4 qin1 hai4] /sexual assault (law)/ [xing4 qin1 fan4] /to violate sexually/to harass sexually/to molest/ [xing4 pian1 hao4] /sexual preference/ [xing4 jian4 kang1] /sexual health/

[xing4 chuan2 bo1] /sexually transmitted/ [xing4 jia4 bi3] /quality-price ratio/ [xing4 leng3 gan3] /frigidity (lack of libido)/ [xing4 leng3 dan4] /frigidity/ [xing4 bie2] /gender/sex/distinguishing between the sexes/ [xing4 bie2 qi2 shi4] /sex discrimination/sexism/ [xing4 bie2 bi3] /sex ratio/ [xing4 bie2 jue2 se4] /gender role/ [xing4 qu3 xiang4] /sexual orientation (e.g. gay)/ [xing4 ming4] /life/ [xing4 ming4 you1 guan1] /vitally important/a matter of life and death/ [xing4 shan4] /the theory of Mencius that people are by nature good/ [xing4 qi4] /sex organ/ [xing4 qi4 guan1] /sexual organ/ [xing4 di4] /innate quality/natural disposition/ [xing4 gou4] /sexual intercourse/ [xing4 zi5] /temper/ [xing4 gong1 zuo4] /employment as sex worker/prostitution/ [xing4 zheng1] /sexual desire/sex drive/ [xing4 kuai4 gan3] /sexual pleasure/ [xing4 ji2] /impatient/ [xing4 qing2] /nature/temperament/ [xing4 ai4] /sex/lovemaking/ [xing4 gan3] /sex appeal/eroticism/sexuality/sexy/ [xing4 yu4] /sexual desire/lust/ [xing4 yu4 gao1 chao2] /orgasm/ [xing4 cheng2 shu2] /sexual maturity/ [xing4 zhi3 xiang4] /sexual orientation (e.g. gay)/ [xing4 jie1 chu4] /sexual encounter/ [xing4 jiao4 yu4] /sex education/ [xing4 fu2 wu4] /sexual service/prostitution/ [xing4 fu2 wu4 chan3 ye4] /sex service industry/ [xing4 ge2] /nature/disposition/temperament/character/CL: [ge4]/ [xing4 ge2 bu4 he2] /incompatibility of temperament/ [xing4 le4] /sexual pleasure/orgasm/ [xing4 man3 zu2] /sexual gratification/ [xing4 ji1 su4] /sex hormone/ [xing4 wu4 lian4] /(sexual) fetishism/ [xing4 zhuang4] /nature (i.e. properties of sth)/character/ [xing4 sheng1 huo2] /sex life/ [xing4 chan3 ye4] /the sex industry/ [xing4 ji2 bing4] /sexually transmitted disease/venereal disease/ [xing4 bing4] /sexually transmitted disease/venereal disease/ [xing4 yin3] /sexual addiction/ [xing4 duan3 xun4] /sexting/sexually explicit text message/ [xing4 jin4 ji4] /sexual taboo/ [xing4 xi4 bao1] /sexual cell/germline cell/gamete/ [xing4 neng2] /function/performance/ [xing4 xian4] /gonad/sex gland/ [xing4 nu:e4 dai4] /sexual abuse/ [xing4 xing2] /sexual activity/ [xing4 xing2 wei2] /sexual behavior/ [xing4 chong1 dong4] /sex drive/ [xing4 zhi4] /nature/characteristic/CL: [ge4]/ [xing4 zhi4 ming4 ti2] /categorical proposition (logic)/ [xing4 guan1 xi5] /sexual relations/sexual contact/intercourse/ [xing4 sao1 rao3] /sexual harassment/ [xing4 gao1 chao2] /orgasm/climax/ [yuan4] /to blame/to complain/ [yuan4 ou3] /an unhappy couple (formal writing)/

[yuan4 ming4] /to complain about one's fate/to bemoan one's lot/ [yuan4 tian1 you2 ren2] /(idiom) to blame the gods and accuse others/ [yuan4 tian1 zai4 dao4] /lit. cries of complaint fill the roads (idiom); se all around/discontent is openly voiced/ [yuan4 nu:3] /senior palace maiden/unmarried woman/ [yuan4 hen4] /to hate/hate/grudge/ [yuan4 dui4] /resentment/grudge/ [yuan4 qi4] /grievance/resentment/complaint/ [yuan4 ou3] /variant of [yuan4 ou3]/ [yuan4 sheng1] /wail/lament/voice of complaint/ [yuan4 sheng1 zai4 dao4] /lit. cries of complaint fill the roads (idiom); ise all around/discontent is openly voiced/ [yuan4 yan2] /complaint/ [ni2] /shy/timid/bashful/to look ashamed/ [guai4] /bewildering/odd/strange/uncanny/devil/monster/to wonder at/to blame/qui te/rather/ [guai4 bu5 de5] /lit. you can't blame it!/no wonder!/so that's why!/ [guai4 shi4] /strange occurrences/ [guai4 ren2] /strange person/eccentric/ [guai4 ren2 Ao4 er3 Yang2 ke1 wei2 qi2] /"Weird Al" rody songs/ [guai4 jie2] /monstre sacr (i.e. artist famous for being deliberately prepostero / [guai4 pi4] /eccentric/peculiar/ [guai4 shu1 shu5] /queer uncle, referring to a young to middle-aged male pedo Internet slang)/ [guai4 wei4] /strange odor/ [guai4 quan1] /vicious circle/(abnormal) phenomenon/ [guai4 nian4 tou5] /eccentric notion/strange whim/ [guai4 shou3] /excavator/backhoe/ [guai4 mo2 guai4 yang4] /outlandish/strange-looking/grotesque/ [guai4 yang4] /odd expression/funny looks/queer face/to grimace/to give sb funny ooks/to pull faces/ [guai4 qi4] /weird (temperament)/ [guai4 wu5] /monster/freak/eccentric person/ [guai4 wu4 si4] /monstrous/ [guai4 shou4] /rare animal/mythical animal/ [guai4 yi4] /monstrous/strange/strange phenomenon/ [guai4 pi3] /eccentricity/peculiarity/strange hobby/ [guai4 xiang4] /grotesque visage/grimace/ [guai4 mi4] /strange/mystic/ [guai4 zui4] /to blame/ [guai4 sheng1 guai4 qi4] /strange voice/affected manner of speaking/ [guai4 tai1] /freak/abnormal embryo/fetus with deformity/ [guai4 shu3 shu3] /see [guai4 shu1 shu5]/ [guai4 ya4] /astonished/ [guai4 hua4] /ridiculous talk/preposterous remark/ [guai4 dan4] /freak/weird/ [guai4 dan4 bu4 jing1] /uncanny/unbelievable/ridiculous/outrageous/ [guai4 dao4] /no wonder!/ [guai4 li3 guai4 qi4] /eccentric/odd-looking/peculiar/ [fei4] /anger/ [fu2] /anxious/ [fu2 ran2] /angry/enraged/Taiwan pr. [fei4 ran2]/ [bi4] /frivolous/rude/ [qie4] /timid/cowardly/rustic/ [qie4 zi5] /person with country accent/rustic/country bumpkin/ [qie4 ruo4] /timid/weak/ [qie4 nuo4] /timid/gutless/weakling/ [qie4 sheng1] /shy/

[qie4 sheng1 sheng1] /shy/ [qie4 sheng1 qie4 qi4] /to speak in a frightened voice that lacks courage [cong1] /variant of [cong1]/ [bing3] /sad/mournful/ [huang3] /variant of [huang3]/ [chu4] /fearful/timid/to fear/ [chu4 ti4] /scare/fright/ [chu4 ju4] /fear/dread/panic/ [chu4 ran2] /fearful/ [chu4 mu4 jing1 xin1] /lit. shocks the eye, astonishes the heart (idiom); rible to see/a ghastly sight/also written / [xi1] /obscure variant of /Achyranthes bidentata, a root used in Chinese medicine , equivalent to / [tan1] /he/she/(courteous, as opposed to [ta1])/ [nin2] /you (polite)/ [ren4] /to think/this/which?/how? (literary)/ [ren4 ban1] /(old) this way/this much/ [ren4 me5] /(old) this way/what?/ [xun2] /sincere/ [shi4] /to rely on/mother (formal)/ [shi4 qiang2 qi1 ruo4] /to use one's strength to mistreat people (idiom)/ [shi4 cai2 ao4 wu4] /to be inordinately proud of one's ability/to be conc temptuous (idiom)/ [Heng2] /surname Heng/ [heng2] /permanent/constant/fixed/usual/ordinary/rule (old)/one of the 64 trigra ms of the Book of Changes/ [heng2 jiu3] /constant/persistent/long-lasting/eternal/ [heng2 li4] /constant force/ [heng2 jia1 su4 du4] /constant acceleration/ [heng2 ding4] /constant/ [Heng2 shan1] /Mt Heng in Shanxi, northern of the Five Sacred Mountains trict of Jixi city [Ji1 xi1], Heilongjiang/ [Heng2 shan1 qu1] /Hengshan district of Jixi city [Ji1 xi1], Heilong [heng2 chang2] /constant/constantly/ [heng2 xin1] /perseverance/ [heng2 xing1] /(fixed) star/ [heng2 xing1 nian2] /the sidereal year (astronomy)/the year defined in terms fixed stars/ [heng2 xing1 xi4] /stellar system/galaxy/ [heng2 xing1 ji4] /interstellar/between the fixed stars/ [Heng2 chun1] /Hengchun town in Pingtung county [Ping2 dong1 xian4], [Heng2 chun1 ban4 dao3] /Hengchun Peninsula in Pingtung county thernmost point of Taiwan Island/ [Heng2 chun1 zhen4] /Hengchun town in Pingtung county [Ping2 don [Heng2 he2] /Ganges River/ [Heng2 he2 sha1 shu4] /countless as the grains of sand in the Ganges (idi [Heng2 he2 hou2] /rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta)/rhesus monkey/lit. river Ga nkey of north India/ [heng2 wen1] /constant temperature/ [heng2 wen1 qi4] /thermostat/ [heng2 ya2] /permanent tooth (as opposed to deciduous tooth )/adult tooth/ [heng2 sheng1] /Hang Seng (name)/ [Heng2 sheng1 Zhong1 zi1 qi3 ye4 zhi3 shu4] /Hang Seng Ch [heng2 sheng1 yin2 hang2] /Hang Seng bank, Hong Kong/ [heng2 deng3] /identity (math., logic)/i entical/ [heng2 eng3 shi4] /i entity (math.)/ [heng2 su4 lu:4] /constant velocity/ [kuang1] /to fear/apprehensive/ [zhi3] /purport/ [tiao1] /frivolous/

[huang3] / isappointe /flurrie /in istinct/ [huang3 ru2] /to be as if.../to be rather like.../ [huang3 ru2 ge2 shi4] /like a thing of the previous generation/as if it w e ago/ [huang3 hu1] /variant of [huang3 hu1]/ [huang3 hu1] /absent-min e / istracte / azzle /vaguely/ imly/ [huang3 ran2] /su enly (un erstan sth)/in a flash/ [huang3 ran2 a4 wu4] /to su enly realize/to su enly see the light/ [huang3 ran2 xing3 wu4] /a su en realisation/to realise sth in a flash/ [huang3 shen2] /to be off in another worl /to suffer a lapse in concentration/ [huang3 ruo4] /as if/as though/rather like/ [huang3 ruo4 ge2 shi4] /see [huang3 ru2 ge2 shi4]/ [hao4] /to esire/ [kong3] /afrai /frightene /to fear/ [kong3 tong2] /see [kong3 tong2 zheng4]/ [kong3 tong2 zheng4] /homophobia/ [kong3 he4] /to threaten/to menace/ [kong3 pa4] /fear/to rea /I'm afrai that.../perhaps/maybe/ [kong3 bu4] /terrible/frightful/frightening/terror/terrorist/ [kong3 bu4 zhu3 yi4] /terrorism/ [kong3 bu4 zhu3 yi4 zhe3] /terrorist/ [kong3 bu4 fen4 zi5] /terrorist/ [kong3 bu4 fen4 zi3] /terrorist/ [kong3 bu4 pian4] /horror movie/CL:[bu4]/ [kong3 bu4 pian1 r5] /erhua variant of [kong3 bu4 pian4], horror mo [kong3 bu4 zheng4] /phobia/ [kong3 bu4 zu3 zhi1] /terrorist organization/ [kong3 bu4 xi2 ji1] /terrorist attack/ [kong3 bu4 ian4 ying3] /horror movie/ [kong3 huang1] /panic/panicky/panic-stricken/ [kong3 ju4] /fear/ rea /phobia/ [kong3 ju4 zheng4] /phobia/ [kong3 kuang4 zheng4] /agoraphobia/ [kong3 shui3 bing4] /rabies/ [kong3 shui3 zheng4] /rabies/hy rophobia/ [kong3 fa3 zheng4] /Francophobia/ [kong3 Han2 zheng4] /Koreaphobia/ [kong3 gao1 zheng4] /acrophobia/fear of heights/ [kong3 niao3] /monstrous bir /moa (genus Dinornithi ae, extinct bir of New Zeala )/ [kong3 long2] / inosaur/CL: [tou2]/ [kong3 long2 zong3 mu4] /Dinosauria, super-order within class Sauropsida nosaurs and birds/ [kong3 long2 lei4] /dinosaurs/ [heng2] /variant of [heng2]/ [Heng2 Sheng1 zhi3 shu4] /Hang Seng index (of Hong Kong stock market)/ [Heng2 Sheng1 Yin2 hang2] /Hang Seng Bank/ [xi1] /troubled/vexed/ [xi1 huang2] /busy and restless/unhappy/ [xiao4] /cheerful/ [shu4] /to forgive/ [shu4 zui4] /please forgive me/ [qiu1] /meaning uncertain, related to [li4], to violate/ [yang4] /sickness/ [yang4 chong2 bing4] /Scrub typhus/Tsutsugamushi disease/Mite-borne typhus fe [hui4] /rage/ [hui2] /disordered/indistinct doubtful/blurred/ [jia2] /indifferent/ [xiong1] /scared, nervous/ [guai4] /variant of [guai4]/




[hui1] /to restore/to recover/great/ [hui1 hong2] /vast/broad/to develop/ [hui1 fu4] /to reinstate/to resume/to restore/to recover/to regain/to rehabilitat / [hui1 fu4 yuan2 zhuang4] /to restore sth to its original state/ [hui1 fu4 ming2 yu4] /to rehabilitate/to regain one's good name/ [hui1 fu4 chang2 tai4] /to return to normal/ [hui1 fu4 qi1] /convalescence/ [hui1 hui1] /vast/extensive (literary)/ [hui1 hui1 you3 yu2] /lit. to have an abundance of space/room to maneuver [zi4] /to abandon restraint/to do as one pleases/comfortable (topolect)/ [zi4 qing2] /to indulge in something to one's heart's content/wanton or willful/ [zi4 yi4] /without restraint/unbridled/reckless/ [zi4 yi4 wang4 wei2] /to behave unscrupulously/ [zi4 yi4 xing2 le4] /to abandon restraint and have a fling (idiom)/ [zi4 yu4] /to follow lustful desires/ [zi4 si4] /unrestrained/unbridled/free and unrestrained (style)/bold/ [zi4 xing2 wu2 ji4] /to behave recklessly/ [xu4] /anxiety/sympathy/to sympathize/to give relief/to compensate/ [xu4 kui4] /to relieve the distressed/ [xu4 li2] /to give relief to widows/ [chi3] /shame/disgrace/ [chi3 xiao4] /to sneer at sb/to ridicule/ [chi3 ma4] /to abuse/to mock/ [chi3 ru3] /disgrace/shame/humiliation/ [chi3 gu3] /pubis (bones)/ [nu:4] /ashamed/ [hen4] /to hate/to regret/ [hen4 bu5 de2] /wishing one could do sth/to hate to be unable/itching to do s t wait for/to wish one could do sth/to desire strongly/ [hen4 bu5 neng2] /see [hen4 bu5 de2]/ [hen4 zhi1 ru4 gu3] /to hate somebody to the bone (idiom)/ [hen4 wu4] /to despise/ [hen4 yi4] /rancor/hatred/bitterness/resentfulness/ [hen4 hai3 nan2 tian2] /sea of hatred is hard to fill (idiom); irreconcil / [hen4 tou4] /to hate bitterly/ [hen4 tie3 bu4 cheng2 gang1] /lit. to hate iron for not becoming stee towards sb for failing to meet expectations and impatient to see improvement (i diom)/ [en1] /favor/grace/kindness/ [en1 ren2] /a benefactor/a person who has significantly helped sb else/ [en1 chou2] /debt of gratitude coupled with duty to avenge/ [en1 feng4] /pension granted as a favor/ [en1 gong1] /benefactor/ [en1 dian3] /favor/grace/ [en1 zhun3] /approved by His (or Her) Majesty/permission graciously granted (from highly authoritative position)/to graciously permit/to condescend to allow/ [En1 pei2 duo1 ke4 lei1] /Empedocles (490-430 BC), Greek Sicilian pre er/ [en1 wei1 jian1 shi1] /to employ both kindness and severity (idiom)/ [en1 chong3] /special favor from a ruler/Emperor's generosity towards a favorite/ [en1 jiang1 chou2 bao4] /to bite the hand that feeds one (idiom)/ [en1 shi1] /(greatly respected) teacher/ [En1 ping2] /Enping county level city in Jiangmen , Guangdong/ [En1 ping2 shi4] /Enping county level city in Jiangmen , Guangdong/ [en1 de2] /benevolence/favor/ [en1 yuan4] /(feeling of) resentment/(longstanding) grudge/ [en1 qing2] /kindness/affection/grace/favor/ [en1 hui4] /favor/grace/

[en1 ai4] /conjugal love/ [en1 ci2] /bestowed kindness/ [En1 si1 he4 de2] /Enschede, city in the Netherlands/ [En1 shi1] /Enshi prefecture level city in southwest Hubei, capital of Enshi Tuji and Miao autonomous prefecture / [En1 shi1 Tu3 jia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1] bei/ [En1 shi1 di4 qu1] /Enshi in Hubei/abbr. for Enshi Tujia and Miao autonom e [En1 shi1 Tu3 jia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1]/ [En1 shi1 shi4] /Enshi prefecture level city in Hubei, capital of Enshi Tujia ao autonomous prefecture / [En1 shi1 xian4] /Enshi county in southwest Hubei/ [En1 ge2 si1] /Friedrich Engels (1820-1895), socialist philosopher and one of under of Marxism/ [En1 ge2 er3] /Ernst Engel/ [en1 bi3 tian1 da4] /to be as kind and benevolent as heaven (idiom)/ [en1 mian3] /kind patronage/ [en1 gao1] /rich favor/ [En1 jia3 mei2 na4] /N'Djamena, capital of Chad/ [en1 ci4] /favor/to give charity to sb out of pity/ [En1 li3 ke1 Fei4 mi3] /Enrico Fermi (1901-1954), Italian born [Ke4] /surname Ke/ [ke4] /respectful/scrupulous/ [ke4 shou3] /to scrupulously abide by/ [ke4 shen4] /careful/reverently/ [ke4 zun1] /to scrupulously observe (rules, traditions etc)/ [dong4] /frighten/ [dong4 he4] /to intimidate/to threaten/ [tian2] /quiet/calm/tranquil/peaceful/ [tian2 bu4 zhi1 chi3] /to have no sense of shame/ [tian2 he2] /quiet and gentle/ [tian2 zao4] /to caw/ [tian2 yu2] /easy/ [tian2 yu2 zhi1 an1] /comfortably at peace (idiom)/ [tian2 chang4] /comfortable and happy/ [tian2 bo1] /calm waters/ [tian2 dan4] /quiet and contented/indifferent to fame or gain/ [tian2 mo4] /indifferent and undisturbed/ [tian2 dan4] /variant of [tian2 dan4]/ [tian2 ran2] /unperturbed/nonchalant/ [tian2 mei3] /quiet and nice/ [tian2 mi4] /quiet/peaceful/ [tian2 tui4] /contented/uninterested in wealth and glory/ [tian2 yi4] /free from worry and disturbance/ [tian2 shi4] /quiet and comfortable/ [tian2 ya3] /retired and quiet/calm and graceful/ [tian2 jing4] /still/peaceful/quiet/ [gong1] /respectful/ [gong1 hou4] /to look forward to sth/to wait respectfully/ [gong1 xi3] /congratulations/greetings/ [gong1 xi3 fa1 cai2] /May you have a prosperous New Year! (New Year's gre [Gong1 cheng2] /Gongcheng Yao autonomous county in Guilin [Gui4 lin2], Guangx [Gong1 cheng2 Yao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Gongcheng Yao autonom Guangxi/ [Gong1 cheng2 xian4] /Gongcheng Yao autonomous county in Guilin [Gui4 lin [gong1 jing4] /deferential/respectful/ [gong1 jing4 bu4 ru2 cong1 ming4] /deference is no substitute for llow sb's precepts is the sincerest form of respect/ [gong1 zhu4] /to congratulate respectfully/to wish good luck and success (esp. to a superior)/with best wishes (in writing)/

[gong1 wei5] /to flatter or give a compliment/ [Gong1 qin1 wang2] /Grand Prince (Qing title)/ [Gong1 qin1 wang2 Yi4 xin1] /Grand Prince Yixin (1833-1898), sixth so ng, prominent politician, diplomat and modernizer in late Qing/ [gong1 he4 jia1 jie2] /season's greetings (idiom)/ [gong1 he4 xin1 xi3] /Happy New Year/ [gong1 shun4] /deferent/ [xi1] /news/interest/breath/rest/Taiwan pr. [xi2]/ [xi1 shi4 ning2 ren2] /to keep the peace; to patch up a quarrel (idiom)/ [Xi1 feng1 xian4] /Xifeng county in Guizhou/ [xi1 nu4] /calm down/stop being angry/ [xi1 xi1 xiang1 guan1] /closely bound up (idiom); intimately related/ [Xi1 feng1] /Xifeng county in Guiyang [Gui4 yang2], Guizhou/ [Xi1 feng1 xian4] /Xifeng county in Guiyang [Gui4 yang2], Guizhou/ [xi1 zheng1 he2 hao3] /lit. break of a struggle and become reconciled/to het (idiom)/ [xi1 lu:4] /interest rate/ [xi1 piao4] /interest coupon/dividend coupon/ [Xi1 xian4] /Xi county in Xinyang , Henan/ [qia4] /exactly/just/ [qia4 si4] /just like/exactly like/ [qia4 dao4 hao3 chu4] /it's just perfect/it's just right/ [qia4 hao3] /as it turns out/by lucky coincidence/ [qia4 ru2] /just as if/ [qia4 ru2 qi2 fen4] /appropriate/judicious/accurate (assessment etc)/ [qia4 ru2 qi2 fen4] /(saying) to say or do something appropriate/ [qia4 qiao3] /fortunately/unexpectedly/by coincidence/ [Qia4 pa4 si1 zhou1] /Chiapas/ [qia4 qia4] /exactly/just/precisely/ [qia4 dang4] /appropriate/suitable/ [hui4] /Japanese variant of /favor/blessing/ [yong3] /to urge/to incite/ [yong3] /to be angry/to like/variant of [yong3]/ [juan1] /angry/sad/ [juan4] /impatient/ [kun3] /sincere/ [qiao3] /quiet/sad/ [qiao1 qiao1] /quietly/secretly/stealthily/quiet/worried/Taiwan pr. [qiao3 qiao3] [qiao1 qiao5 hua4] /whisperings/private words/confidences/sweet nothings/ [qiao1 wu2 sheng1 xi1] /quietly/noiselessly/ [qiao3 ran2] /quietly/sorrowfully/ [qiao3 ran2 wu2 sheng1] /absolutely quiet/ [qiao3 sheng1] /quietly/in a low voice/ [yue4] /pleased/ [yue4 na4] /to find acceptable/ [yue4 er3] /sweet-sounding/beautiful (of sound)/ [yu4] /happy/ [xi1] /in all cases/know/ [Xi1 ni2] /Sydney, capital of New South Wales, Australia/ [Xi1 de2 ni2] /Sidney or Sydney (name)/ [xi1 shu3] /to enumerate in detail/to explain clearly/ [xi1 shu4] /all/every single one/the entire sum/ [zhe2] /to respect/old variant of [zhe2]/philosophy/wisdom/intuitive knowledge/to revere/ [ti4] /to do one's duty as a younger brother/ [ti4 you3] /to show brotherly love for friends/ [ti4 mu4] /to live at peace as brothers/ [han4] /heroic/intrepid/valiant/dauntless/fierce/ferocious/violent/ [han4 yong3] /intrepid/valiant/dauntless/ [han4 fu4] /violent woman/shrew/

[han4 ran2] /outrageous/brazen/flagrant/ [han4 ran2 bu4 gu4] /outrageous and unconventional (idiom); flying in the hority, convention, public opinion etc)/ [ti4] /respect, regard/to stand in awe of, to be alarmed/ [yi4] /anxiety/worry/ [hui3] /to regret/ [hui3 bu4 dang1 chu1] /to regret one's past deeds (idiom)/ [hui3 zhi1 wu2 ji2] /too late for regrets (idiom); It is useless to repen vent./ [hui3 hun1] /to break a promise of marriage/ [hui3 hen4] /remorse/repentance/ [hui3 hen4 jiao1 jia1] /to feel remorse and shame (idiom)/ [hui3 wu4] /to repent/ [hui3 yi4] /remorse/ [hui3 gai3] /to repent/repentance/ [hui3 qi2] /to withdraw a move (chess)/ [hui3 zui4] /conviction/ [hui3 guo4] /to regret/to repent/ [hui3 guo4 shu1] /written repentance/ [hui3 guo4 zi4 xin1] /to repent and start afresh (idiom); to turn over a [bei4] /to go against/to be contrary to/perverse/rebellious/ [bei4 hui4] /muddleheaded (colloquial)/ [bei4 miu4] /variant of [bei4 miu4]/ [bei4 lun4] /paradox (logic)/ [bei4 miu4] /absurd/irrational/ [bei4 ni4] /contrary/ [song3] /frightened/ [quan1] /to reform/ [cheng3] /obscure/ [kui1] /to laugh at/ [li3] /worried/afflicted/ [wu4] /to comprehend/to apprehend/to become aware/ [wu4 ru4] /to understand/to comprehend the ultimate essence of things (Buddhism)/ [wu4 xing4] /perception/wits/power of understanding/comprehension/ [Wu4 jing4] /Sha Wujing, character from the Journey to the West/ [Wu4 Kong1] /Sun Wukong, the Monkey King, character with supernatural powers from the novel Journey to the West [Xi1 You2 Ji4]/ [Wu4 neng2] /Zhu Bajie [Zhu1 Ba1 jie4] or Zhu Wuneng, Pigsy or Pig ( est)/ [you1] /long or drawn out/remote in time or space/leisurely/to swing/pensive/wor ried/ [you1 jiu3] /established/long/ [you1 zai1 you1 zai1] /free and unconstrained (idiom); leisurely and care [you1 zai1 you2 zai1] /see [you1 zai1 you1 zai1]/ [you1 you1] /lasting for ages/long drawn out/remote in time or space/unhurried/a reat number (of events)/preposterous/pensive/ [you1 yang2] /melodious/mellifluous/ [you1 ran2] /unhurried/leisurely/ [you1 ran2 shen2 wang3] /thoughts wandering far away/ [you1 zhe5] /to take it easy/ [you1 yuan3] /long time ago/distant/far away/ [you1 chang2] /long/drawn-out/prolonged/lingering/ [you1 xian2] /variant of /leisurely/ [you1 xian2] /ease/leisurely/ [huan4] /to suffer (from illness)/to contract (a disease)/misfortune/trouble/dan ger/worry/ [huan4 er2] /child victim of disaster or disease/afflicted child/ [huan4 de2 huan4 shi1] /to worry about personal gains and losses/ [huan4 wan3 qi1] /terminal stage (of illness)/ [huan4 you3] /to contract (an illness)/to be afflicted with/to suffer from/

[huan4 bing4] /to sicken/to fall ill/ [huan4 bing4 zhe3] /person suffering (from a disease or poisoning)/a patient/ [huan4 zhe3] /patient/sufferer/ [huan4 chu4] /afflicted part/ [huan4 nan4] /trials and tribulations/ [huan4 nan4 zhi1 jiao1] /a friend in times of tribulations (idiom); a fri s a friend indeed/ [huan4 nan4 zhi1 jiao1 cai2 shi4 zhen1 zheng4 English proverb)/cf idiom , a friend in need/ [huan4 nan4 jian4 qi4] /to leave somebody holding the baby/to shrug respo iom)/ [huan4 nan4 jian4 zhen1 qing2] /a friend in need is a friend indeed ( [cong1] /variant of [cong1]/ [li4] /smooth/active/clever/sharp/ [nin2] /you (courteous, as opposed to informal [ni3])/ [nin2 hao3] /hello (polite)/ [nao3] /Japanese variant of / [e4] /Japanese variant of / [wu4] /to impede/to neglect/to delay/ [cong2] /joy/ [fei3] /want but cannot speak/ [bei1] /sad/sadness/sorrow/grief/ [bei1 bu4 zi4 sheng4] /unable to control one's grief (idiom); overwrought h sorrow/heart-broken/ [bei1 shang1] /sad/sorrowful/ [bei1 qie4] /mournful/ [bei1 ju4] /tragedy/CL:[chu1]/ [bei1 ju4 xing4] /tragic/ [bei1 ju4 que1 xian4] /tragic flaw (Aristotle's hamartia)/ [bei1 ai1] /grieved/sorrowful/ [bei1 xi3 jiao1 ji2] /mixed feelings of grief and joy/ [bei1 xi3 ju4] /tragicomedy/ [bei1 tan4] /to bewail/to sigh mournfully/to lament/ [bei1 zhuang4] /solemn and stirring/moving and tragic/ [bei1 tian1 min3 ren2] /bemoan the state of the universe and pity the fat [bei1 dao4] /mourn/grieve over sb's death/ [bei1 chou2] /melancholy/ [bei1 chuang4] /sorrow/tragic/ [bei1 can3] /miserable/tragic/ [Bei1 can3 shi4 jie4] /Les Misrables (1862) by Victor Hugo [bei1 tong4] /mournful/ [bei1 fen4] /grief and indignation/ [bei1 min3] /to take pity on sb/compassionate/ [bei1 qi1] /mournful/ [bei1 ge1] /sad melody/stirring strains/elegy/dirge/threnody/sing with solemn fer or/ [bei1 ge1 dang4 ku1] /to sing instead of weep (idiom)/ [bei1 tan4] /to bewail/to sigh mournfully/to lament/ [bei1 huan1 li2 he2] /joys and sorrows/partings and reunions/the vicissit [bei1 qi4] /to weep with grief/ [bei1 liang2] /sorrowful/dismal/ [bei1 tong4] /grieved/sorrowful/ [bei1 sheng1 zai4 dao4] /lamentations fill the roads (idiom); severe suff und/ [bei1 guan1] /pessimistic/ [bei1 ming2] /utter sad calls/lament/ [de2] /variant of /virtue/goodness/morality/ethics/ [cui4] /haggard/sad/downcast/distressed/ [cui4 nu2] /feeble slave/ [chang4] /regretful/upset/despair/depressed/

[chang4 wang3] /distracted/listless/in low spirits/ [chang4 ran2] /disappointed and frustrated/ [men1] /stuffy/shut indoors/to smother/to cover tightly/ [men4] /bored/depressed/melancholy/sealed/airtight/tightly closed/ [men4 men4 bu4 le4] /depressed/sulky/moody/unhappy/ [men1 re4] /sultry/sultriness/hot and stuffy/stifling hot/ [men1 sheng1 bu4 xiang3] /to keep silent/ [men4 hu2 lu5] /lit. closed gourd/fig. enigma/complete mystery/taciturn perso [men4 jiu3] /alcohol drunk to drown one's sorrows/ [ji4] /to palpitate/ [ji4 dong4] /to pound/to throb/ [ji4 li4] /to tremble with fear/ [xing4] /angry/ [xing4 xing4] /angry/resentful/ [dao4] /mourn/lament/ [dao4 nian4] /to grieve/ [Dao4 xiang1 Wang2] /King Daoxiang of Zhao , reigned 245-236 BC/ [dao4 ci2] /memorial speech/eulogy/ [dao4 ci2] /variant of , eulogy/memorial speech/ [qi1] /variant of [qi1]/sad/mournful/ [qi1 ai1] /desolate/mournful/ [qi1 ce4] /heartbroken/sorrowful/ [qi1 can3] /plaintive/mournful/miserable/ [kong1] /simple-minded/sincere/ [ni4] /distressed/famished/ [qing2] /feeling/emotion/passion/situation/ [qing2 bu4 ke3 que4] /unable to refuse because of affection/ [qing2 bu4 zi4 jin4] /unable to restrain emotions/cannot help/ [qing2 shi4] /case/phenomenon/circumstance/feelings/ [qing2 ren2] /lover/sweetheart/ [qing2 ren2 yan3 li3 chu1 Xi1 Shi1] /lit. in the eyes of a lo ig. beauty is in the eye of the beholder/ [qing2 ren2 yan3 li3 you3 Xi1 Shi1] /In the eyes of the lover ty in the eye of the beholder/ [Qing2 ren2 jie2] /Valentine's Day/ [qing2 he2 yi3 kan1] /how can this be endured! (idiom)/ [qing2 lu:3] /sweethearts/lovers/ [qing2 lu:3 ying1 wu3] /lovebirds/ [qing2 er2] /illicit lover/secret lover/extra-marital lover/ [qing2 fen4] /mutual affection/friendship/ [qing2 shi4] /situation/circumstance/ [qing2 tong2 shou3 zu2] /as close as one's hands and feet (idiom); loving as brothers/deep friendship/closely attached to one another/ [qing2 tong2 gu3 rou4] /as close as flesh and bones (idiom); deep friends [qing2 shang1] /emotional quotient (EQ)/emotional IQ/abbr. for [ [qing2 bao4] /(spy) intelligence/information-gathering/ [qing2 bao4 guan1 yuan2] /intelligence official/ [qing2 bao4 ju2] /intelligence agency/ [qing2 bao4 chu4] /source (of information)/ [qing2 bao4 zi1 liao4] /intelligence data/intelligence information/ [qing2 bao4 bu4] /intelligence agency/ [qing2 bao4 bu4 men2] /intelligence agency/ [qing2 chang3] /affairs of the heart/mutual relationship/ [qing2 jing4] /situation/atmosphere/ [qing2 jing4 mo2 xing2] /situational model/ [qing2 fu4] /mistress/paramour (of married man)/ [qing2 xing5] /circumstances/situation/CL: [ge4]/ [qing2 ji2] /anxious/ [qing2 ji2 zhi1 xia4] /in a moment of desperation/ [qing2 ji2 liao3] /mythical talking bird/mynah bird/

[qing2 ji2 zhi4 sheng1] /inspiration in a moment of desperation (idiom)/a [qing2 yi4] /friendly regard/affection/ [qing2 ai4] /affection/friendly feelings towards sb/love/ [qing2 gan3] /feeling/emotion/to move (emotionally)/ [qing2 su4] /sentiment/feeling/ [qing2 yu4] /lust/desire/sensual/ [qing2 huai2] /feelings/mood/ [qing2 tou2 yi4 he2] /two parties be congenial/share much in common/ [qing2 cao1] /sentiment/character/ [qing2 di2] /rival in love/ [qing2 jing3] /scene/sight/circumstances/CL: [ge4]/ [qing2 shu1] /love letter/ [qing2 you3 ke3 yuan2] /pardonable (of interruption, misunderstanding etc [qing2 you3 du2 zhong1] /to have a feeling for sth (affection, sympathy, [qing2 you3 du2 zhong1] /to have a feeling for sth (affection, sympathy, [qing2 ge1] /love song/ [qing2 sha1] /to murder for love/a crime of passion/ [qing2 kuang4] /circumstances/state of affairs/situation/CL: [ge4], [zhon [qing2 kuang4 xia4] /under (these) circumstances/ [qing2 zhuang4] /situation/circumstances/ [qing2 li3] /reason/sense/ [qing2 chi1] /infatuated/lovesick person/ [qing2 zhong4] /affectionate/an affectionate person/ [qing2 dou4 chu1 kai1] /first awakening of love (usually of a girl) (idio [qing2 jie2] /plot/circumstances/ [qing2 jie2] /complex (psychology)/ [qing2 xu4] /mood/state of mind/moodiness/CL: [zhong3]/ [qing2 xu4 hua4] /emotional/sentimental/ [qing2 xu4 shang1 shu4] /emotional quotient (EQ)/emotional IQ/ [qing2 xu4 zhuang4 tai4] /emotional state/ [qing2 yuan2] /predestined love/love affinity/ [qing2 yi4] /affection/comradeship/ [qing2 se4] /erotic (of art etc)/facial expression (archaic)/ [qing2 shi1] /love poem/ [qing2 hua4] /terms of endearment/words of love/ [qing2 yi4] /friendship/camaraderie/ [qing2 diao4] /sentiment/tone and mood/taste/ [qing2 zi1] /abbr. for [qing2 bao4 zi1 liao4]/ [qing2 qu4] /one's temperament and interests/emotional appeal/ [qing2 yu2 gu3 rou4] /as close as flesh and bones (idiom); deep friendshi [qing2 lang2] /boyfriend/paramour (of a woman)/ [qing2 sui2 shi4 qian1] /circumstances alter cases (idiom)/ [qing2 mian4] /feelings and sensibilities/sentiment and face/sensitivity to other s feelings/ [qing2 yuan4] /willingness/would rather (agree to X than Y)/ [chou2] /forlorn/vexed/disappointed/ [chou2 chang4] /melancholy/depression/ [chou2 chang4 ruo4 shi1] /to feel despondent (idiom)/ [dun1] /kindhearted/honest/ [wan3] /to sigh in regret or pity/Taiwan pr. [wan4]/ [wan3 xi1] /to feel sorry for a person over sth that should have happened/ [yuan1] /to bear a grudge against/ [ji4] /injure/vilify/ [lin2] /avaricious/greedy/ [huo4] /confuse/ [huo4 xing1] /planet/also written [xing2 xing1]/ [quan2] /earnest/ [yan3] /cheerful/ [ti4] /fearful/respectful/ [ti4 ran2] /to be afraid, fearful of/

[wang3] /disappointed/perplexed/ [chuo4] /mournful/uncertain/ [hu1] /indistinct/ [hun1] /confused/forgetful/silly/ [hun1 mao4] /senile/senility/ [xi1] /pity/regret/to rue/to begrudge/Taiwan pr. [xi2]/ [xi1 bie2] /reluctant to part/ [xi1 fu2] /to appreciate one's good fortune/ [chang3] /disappointed/listless/frightened/also pr. [tang3]/ [chang3 huang3] /hurt and disappointed/blurry and unclear/ [wei2] /-ism/only/ [wei2 yi1] /only/sole/variant of [wei2 yi1]/ [wei2 miao4 wei2 xiao4] /to imitate to perfection/to be remarkably true t [wei2 kong3] /for fear that/lest/also written / [wei2 kong3 tian1 xia4 bu4 luan4] /motivated by a desire to see t l under heaven's not in chaos and disorder/ [wei2 du2] /only/solely/this one alone/ [Hui4] /surname Hui/ [hui4] /favor/benefit/to give sb property or advantage/honorific/ [Hui4 lai2] /Huilai county in Jieyang , Guangdong/ [Hui4 lai2 xian4] /Huilai county in Jieyang , Guangdong/ [Hui4 cheng2] /Huicheng district of Huizhou city [Hui4 zhou1 shi4], Guangdo [Hui4 cheng2 qu1] /Huicheng district of Huizhou city [Hui4 zhou1 shi4], [Hui4 zi5] /Hui-zi also known as Hui Shi [Hui4 Shi1] (c. 370-310 BC), politic philosopher of the School of Logicians [Ming2 jia1] during the Warring States Pe riod (475-220 BC)/ [Hui4 an1] /Hui'an county in Quanzhou [Quan2 zhou1], Fujian/ [Hui4 an1 xian4] /Hui'an county in Quanzhou [Quan2 zhou1], Fujian/ [Hui4 shan1] /Huishan district of Wuxi city [Wu2 xi1 shi4], Jiangsu/ [Hui4 shan1 qu1] /Huishan district of Wuxi city [Wu2 xi1 shi4], [Hui4 zhou1] /Huizhou prefecture level city in Guangdong/ [Hui4 zhou1 shi4] /Huizhou prefecture level city in Guangdong province/ [Hui4 si1 le4] /Whistler (name)/ [hui4 si1 te4] /whist (loanword)/ [Hui4 Shi1] /Hui Shi, also known as Hui-zi [Hui4 zi5](c. 370-310 BC), politic philosopher of the School of Logicians [Ming2 jia1] during the Warring States Pe riod (475-220 BC)/ [hui4 pu3] /Hewlett-Packard/ [Hui4 Pu3 Gong1 si1] /Hewlett-Packard/HP/ [Hui4 geng1 si1] /Huygens (name)/Christiaan Huygens (1629-1695), Dutch mathem and astronomer/ [Hui4 dong1] /Huidong county in Huizhou [Hui4 zhou1], Guangdong/ [Hui4 dong1 xian4] /Huidong county in Huizhou [Hui4 zhou1], Guangdong/ [Hui4 min2] /Huimin county in Binzhou [Bin1 zhou1], Shandong/ [hui4 min2] /to benefit the people/ [Hui4 min2 xian4] /Huimin county in Binzhou [Bin1 zhou1], Shandong/ [Hui4 shui3] /Huishui county in Qiannan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture an2 zhou1], Guizhou/ [Hui4 shui3 xian4] /Huishui county in Qiannan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefe n2 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ [Hui4 ji4] /Huiji district of Zhengzhou city [Zheng1 zhou1 shi4], He [Hui4 ji4 qu1] /Huiji district of Zhengzhou city [Zheng1 zhou1 s [hui4 er2 bu4 fei4] /a kind act that costs nothing/ [Hui4 nong2] /Huinong district of Shizuishan city [Shi2 zui3 shan1 shi4], [Hui4 nong2 qu1] /Huinong district of Shizuishan city [Shi2 zui3 shan [Hui4 yuan3 si4] /Huiyuan Monastery in Dawu County [Dao4 fu2 xia mous prefecture, Sichuan/ [Hui4 yang2] /Huiyang district of Huizhou city [Hui4 zhou1 shi4], Guangdong [Hui4 yang2 qu1] /Huiyang district of Huizhou city [Hui4 zhou1 shi4], G [Hui4 yang2 di4 qu1] /Huizhou prefecture [Hui4 zhou1], Guangdong/

[Hui4 ling2 dun4] /Wellington, capital of New Zealand/ [hui4 gu4] /your patronage/ [e3] /see [e3 xin1]/ [e4] /evil/fierce/vicious/ugly/coarse/to harm/ [wu4] /to hate/to loathe/ashamed/to fear/to slander/ [e4 shi4] /evil/malicious deed/ [e4 shi4 chuan2 qian1 li3] /evil deeds spread a thousand miles (idiom like wildfire/ [e4 ren2] /evil person/vile creature/ugly man/ [e4 ren2 xian1 gao4 zhuang4] /the guilty party files the suit/the thi [e4 zhang4] /hard fighting/fierce battle/ [e4 zuo4 ju4] /mischief/mischievous/practical joke/prank/ [e4 su2] /bad habit/evil custom/vulgarity/ [e4 xiong1 xiong1] /fierce/ [e4 lie4] /vile/nasty/of very poor quality/ [e4 lie4 ying3 xiang3] /evil influence/ [e4 shi4 li5] /evil forces/criminals elements/ [e4 hua4] /to worsen/ [e4 cha1 bai2 lai4] /evil behavior (idiom); brazen villainy/ [e4 kou3] /bad language/foul mouth/ [e4 ming2] /bad name/evil reputation/ [e4 ming2 r5] /erhua variant of , bad name/evil reputation/ [e4 ming2 zhao1 zhang1] /notorious/ [e4 ming2 zhao1 zhu4] /to be notorious (idiom)/ [e4 zuo4 lin2] /oxacillin/ [e4 zuo4 lin2 tong2] /oxacillin/ [e4 bao4] /retribution/ [e4 meng4] /nightmare/ [e4 fu4] /vicious wife/ [e4 shao4] /young thug/malicious young ruffian/ [e4 tu2] /hoodlum/bad guy/ [e4 de2] /wickedness/evil behavior/ [e3 xin1] /nausea/to feel sick/disgust/nauseating/ [e4 xin1] /bad habit/vicious habit/vice/ [e4 xing4] /malignant/wicked/vicious (circle)/producing evil/rapid (decline)/runa ay (inflation)/ [e4 xing4 xun2 huan2] /vicious circle/ [e4 xing4 nu:e4 yuan2 chong2] /plasmodium falciparum (malaria parasit [e4 xing4 zhong3 liu2] /malignant tumor/ [e4 xing4 tong1 huo4 peng2 zhang4] /hyperinflation/ [e4 hen4] /to hate/to abhor/ [e4 e4 shi2 shi2] /very fierce/ [e4 yi4] /malice/evil intention/ [e4 yi4 zhong1 shang1] /malicious libel/slander/ [e4 yi4 dai4 ma3] /malicious code (e.g. virus)/malware/ [e4 gan3] /malice/ill will/ [e4 zhan4] /hard fighting/fierce battle/ [e4 sun3] /to ridicule/ [e4 gao3] /a spoof (web based genre in PRC acquiring cult status from 2005, invol ing humorous, satirical or fantastical videos, photo collections, texts, poems e tc)/ [e4 gao3 wen2 hua4] /spoofing culture (web based genre in PRC acquiring c om 2005, involving humorous, satirical or fantastical videos, photo collections, texts, poems etc)/ [e4 you3 e4 bao4] /evil has its retribution (idiom); to suffer the conseq 's bad deeds/sow the wind and reap the whirlwind (Hosea 8:7)/ [e4 guo3] /evil consequence/retribution (in Buddhism)/ [e4 gun4] /scoundrel/rogue/bully/villain/ [e4 sui4] /lean year/year of bad harvest/ [e4 du2] /malicious/

[e4 qi4] /evil smell/resentment/unpleasant manner/ [e4 shui3] /dirty water/water that is unfit to drink/slops/treacherous rapids/ [e4 lang4] /violent wave/fierce billow/fig. depraved force/ [e4 han4] /overbearing fiend/ [e4 zhuo2] /filthy/foul/ [e4 sha4] /demon/fiend/ [e4 hen3] /fierce and vicious/ [e4 hen3 hen3] /very fierce/ [e4 ji2] /unpleasant ailment/foul disease/ [e4 bing4 zhi4] /Cachexia (physical wasting associated with long-term illness [e4 pi3] /bad habit/ [e4 xiang4] /evil countenance/vicious appearance/ [e4 shen2] /malignant deity/fiend/ [e4 ma4] /to curse fiercely/ [e4 xi2] /bad habit/vice/ [e4 sheng1] /malicious abuse/lewd song/evil reputation/ [e4 chou4] /stink/ [e4 chou4 pu1 bi2] /the stink assaults the nostrils/ [e4 she2] /vicious talk/malicious tongue/ [e4 xing2] /evil or wicked conduct/ [e4 bu3] /to overdose one supplementary medicine/to cram too hard/ [e4 yan2] /evil tongue/malicious talk/ [e4 yan2 shang1 ren2] /to insult/to direct bad language at sb/to slag off [e4 shi4] /evil oath/ [e4 yu3] /evil words/malicious talk/ [e4 yu3 zhong4 shang1] /vicious slander/to calumny maliciously/ [e4 yu3 shang1 ren2] /to insult/to direct bad language at sb/to slag off/ [e4 guan4 man3 ying2] /lit. strung through and filled with evil (idiom); xtreme evil/replete with vice/guilty of monstrous crimes/ [e4 ji4] /evil conduct/ [e4 la4] /ruthless/ [e4 yun4] /variant of [e4 yun4]/ [e4 ba4] /evil tyrant/ [e4 dou4] /hard fighting/fierce battle/ [e4 gui3] /evil spirit/devil/ [e4 mo2] /demon/fiend/ [yong3] /old variant of [yong3]/ [dian4] /to think of/to remember/to miss/ [dian4 ji4] /to think of/to keep thinking about/to be concerned about/ [de2] /variant of , ethics/ [duo4] /lazy/ [duo4 xing4] /inert (chemistry)/apathy/inertia/laziness/ [duo4 xing4 qi4 ti3] /inert gas/noble gas (chemistry)/ [nao3] /to get angry/ [nao3 ren2] /annoying/irksome/to irritate/ [nao3 nu4] /resentful/angry/to enrage sb/ [nao3 hen4] /to hate and resent/angry and full of grievances/ [nao3 huo3] /to get angry/irritated/to annoy/to aggravate/annoying/ [nao3 xiu1 cheng2 nu4] /to fly into a rage out of humiliation/to be asham (idiom)/ [Yun4] /surname Yun/ [xiang3] /to think/to believe/to suppose/to wish/to want/to miss/ [xiang3 bu5 dao4] /unexpected/hard to imagine/it had not occurred to me/who c ve thought that/ [xiang3 bu5 tong1] /unable to understand/unable to get over/ [xiang3 bu5 kai1] /cannot figure out/to be unable to take a lighter view/to t ngs too hard/to be depressed/to fret over trifles/ [xiang3 lai2] /it may be assumed that/ [xiang3 dao3 mei3] /see [xiang3 de2 mei3]/ [xiang3 xiang4] /to imagine/to conceive of/to visualize/imagination/

[xiang3 xiang4 li4] /conception/imagination/ [xiang3 ru4 fei1 fei1] /to indulge in fantasy (idiom); to let one's imagi ld/ [xiang3 chu1] /to figure out/to work out (a solution etc)/to think up/to come up ith (an idea etc)/ [xiang3 dao4] /to think of/to call to mind/to anticipate/ [xiang3 jia1] /homesick/ [xiang3 de2 mei3] /in your dreams (colloquial derog.)/ [xiang3 de5 kai1] /to not take to heart/to be free of worried thoughts/to ado ghthearted perspective/lighthearted/ [xiang3 bi4] /presumably/probably/in all likelihood/surely/ [xiang3 nian4] /to miss/to remember with longing/to long to see again/ [xiang3 xiang5] /to have a think about it/recall.../ [xiang3 xiang3 kan4] /to think about it/ [xiang3 fang1 she4 fa3] /to think up every possible method (idiom); to de means/to try this, that and the other/ [xiang3 fa3] /idea/notion/train of thought/what sb is thinking/to think of a way to do sth)/CL: [ge4]/ [xiang3 dang1 ran2] /to take sth for granted/ [xiang3 shui4] /drowsy/sleepy/ [xiang3 yao4] /to want to/to feel like/to fancy/to care for sb/desirous of/ [xiang3 xiang4] /to imagine/to fancy/CL: [ge4]/ [xiang3 xiang4 li4] /imagination/ [xiang3 qi3] /to recall/to think of/to call to mind/ [xiang3 qi5 lai5] /to remember/to recall/ [xiang3 ban4 fa3] /to think of a method/ [xiang3 tong1] /to figure out/to realize/to become convinced/to come round (to an idea)/ [xiang3 kai1] /to get over (a shock, bereavement etc)/to avoid dwelling on unplea ant things/to accept the situation and move on/ [zhui4] /anxious/worried/ [huang2] /frightened/ [huang2 kong3] /terrified/ [huang2 kong3 bu4 an1] /to be in a state of consternation (idiom)/ [huang2 huo4] /anxious and perplexed/uneasy and confused/suspicious and fearful/ [huang2 huang2] /alarmed/anxious/ [chun3] /blunt/stupid/to wiggle (of worms)/ [qiong2] /variant of [qiong2]/alone/desolate/ [re3] /to provoke/to irritate/to vex/to stir up/to anger/to attract (troubles)/t o cause (problems)/ [re3 luan4 zi5] /to stir up trouble/to get into trouble/ [re3 shi4] /to cause trouble/ [re3 ren2] /to provoke (esp. annoyance, disgust etc)/to offend/to attract (attent on)/ [re3 ren2 yan4] /annoying/disgusting/ [re3 ren2 xin1 fan2] /to annoy people/to be a pain in the neck/ [re3 ren2 zhu4 yi4] /to attract attention/ [re3 ren2 zhu4 mu4] /to attract attention/noticeable/ [re3 lou2 zi5] /variant of [re3 lou2 zi5]/ [re3 lou2 zi5] /to stir up trouble/to bring trouble upon oneself/ [re3 nu4] /to provoke anger/ [re3 nao3] /to offend/ [re3 shi4 sheng1 fei1] /to stir up trouble/ [re3 lou2 zi5] /variant of [re3 lou2 zi5]/ [re3 mao2] /(coll.) to irritate/to annoy/to piss sb off/ [re3 huo3] /to stir up the fire/fig. to provoke and offend people/to ruffle feath rs/ [re3 huo3 shao1 shen1] /stir up the fire and you get burnt (idiom); to ge rs burnt/fig. to suffer on account of one's own meddling/ [re3 huo4] /stirring up trouble/to invite disaster/

[re3 cao3 nian1 hua1] /to moisten the flower and beckon the leaves (idiom e/to frequent brothels/to sow one's wild oats/ [re3 cao3 zhan1 hua1] /to moisten the flower and beckon the leaves (idiom e/to frequent brothels/to sow one's wild oats/ [re3 qi3] /provoke, incite/stir up/arouse (attention)/ [re3 ma2 fan5] /to create difficulties/to invite trouble/to be troublesome/ [xing1] /tranquil/understand/ [xing1 song1] /drowsy-eyed/wavering/indecisive/awake/conscious/clearheaded/ [xing1 xing1 xi1 xing1 xing1] /people of talent appreciate one anothe [xing1 song1] /variant of [xing1 song1]/ [ce4] /sorrowful/ [ce4 yin3] /sympathetic/empathetic/ [qiao3] /change countenance/worry/ [chou2] /to worry about/ [chou2 mei2 ku3 lian3] /frowning and worried (idiom); showing concern/ [chou2 xu4] /melancholy/ [chou2 chang2] /anxiety/worries/ [chou2 chang2 bai3 jie2] /hundred knots of worry in one's intestines (idi down with anxiety/ [chou2 ku3] /anxiety/distress/ [xuan1] /well-being/ [qian1] /fault/transgression/ [qian1 you2] /crime/offense/fault/ [qian1 qi1] /(formal) to delay/to miss a deadline/to fail to do sth at the appoin ed time/ [yu4] /the more...(the more...)/to recover/to heal/better/ [yu4 lai2 yu4] /more and more/ [yu4 jia1] /all the more/even more/further/ [yu4 he2] /to heal/to fuse/ [yu4 miao2 yu4 hei1] /see [yue4 miao2 yue4 hei1]/ [yu4 yan3 yu4 lie4] /ever more critical/problems get more and more intens [yu2] /pleased/ [yu2 kuai4] /cheerful/cheerily/delightful/pleasant/pleasantly/pleasing/happy/deli hted/ [yu2 yue4] /joyful/cheerful/delighted/joy/delight/ [bi4] /melancholy/sincere/ [min3] /pity/sympathize/ [bi4] /perverse/obstinate/willful/ [Yi4] /Italy/Italian/abbr. for [Yi4 da4 li4]/ [yi4] /idea/meaning/thought/to think/wish/desire/intention/to expect/to anticipa te/ [yi4 xia4 ru2 he2] /how about it?/what do you think?/ [yi4 zhong1] /according with one's wish or expectation/ [yi4 zhong1 shi4] /sth that is expected or wished for/ [yi4 zhong1 ren2] /sweetheart/one's true love/the person of one's thoughts/ [yi4 ji2] /which means/(this) means (that)/ [yi4 xiang4] /intention/purpose/intent/inclination/disposition/ [yi4 xiang4 shu1] /Letter of Intent (LOI) (commerce)/ [yi4 wei4] /meaning/implication/flavor/overtone/ [yi4 wei4 zhe5] /to signify/to mean/to imply/ [yi4 tu2] /intent/intention/intend/schematic diagram/ [yi4 jing4] /artistic mood or conception/creative concept/ [yi4 wai4] /unexpected/accident/mishap/CL: [ge4]/ [yi4 wai4 shi4 gu4] /accident/ [Yi4 da4 li4] /Italy/Italian/ [Yi4 da4 li4 ren2] /Italian person/ [Yi4 da4 li4 zhi2 mian4] /spaghetti/ [Yi4 da4 li4 yu3] /Italian (language)/ [Yi4 da4 li4 qing1 gua1] /zucchini/ [Yi4 da4 li4 mian4] /lit. Italian noodles/spaghetti/pasta/

[yi4 shi4 nong2 suo1 ka1 fei1] /espresso/Italian style strong cof [yi4 zhi4] /will/willpower/determination/CL: [ge4]/ [yi4 zhi4 li4] /willpower/ [yi4 nian4] /idea/thought/ [yi4 si5] /idea/opinion/meaning/wish/desire/CL: [ge4]/ [yi4 xiang3 bu4 dao4] /unexpected/previously unimagined/ [yi4 tai4] /bearing/attitude/ [yi4 zhi3] /to mean/to imply/ [yi4 liao4] /to anticipate/to expect/to reckon ahead/ [yi4 hui4] /to sense/to grasp intuitively/ [yi4 le4] /joy/happiness/ [yi4 qi4 yong4 shi4] /to let emotions affect one's decisions/ [yi4 qi4 xiang1 tou2] /congenial/ [yi4 qi4 feng1 fa1] /high-spirited and vigorous/ [yi4 han2] /implication/connotation/ [yi4 yin2] /to fantasize/sexual fantasy/ [yi4 you2 wei4 jin4] /to wish to continue sth/to have not fully expressed [yi4 fu2] /part of Chinese character indicating the meaning/also called significa ive or radical/ [Yi4 di4 xu4 yu3] /Yiddish language/ [yi4 yi4] /sense/meaning/significance/importance/CL: [ge4]/ [yi4 yi4 bian4 hua4] /change of meaning/ [yi4 xing4] /interest/enthusiasm/ [yi4 yun4] /inner meaning/implication/connotation/ [yi4 jian4] /idea/opinion/suggestion/objection/complaint/CL: [dian3], [ti [yi4 jian4 bu4 he2] /to disagree/dissent/ [yi4 jian4 xiang1] /suggestion box/ [yi4 wei4] /to mean/meaning/ [yi4 shi2] /consciousness/awareness/consciously (i.e. deliberately)/to be aware/ [yi4 shi2 xing2 tai4] /ideology/ [yi4 shi2 liu2] /stream of consciousness (in literature)/ [yi4 yi4] /meaning (of foreign expression)/translation of the meaning (as opposed to literal translation )/paraphrase/free translation/ [yi4 qu4] /interest/point of particular charm and interest/ [yi4 yuan4] /aspiration/wish (for)/desire/ [mian3] /shy/ [yong3] /variant of [yong3]/ [kai4] /to desire/ [dang4] /profligate/ [yin1] /peaceful/solemn/ [e4] /startled/ [e4 ran2] /shocking/amazing/ [ke4] /variant of [ke4]/ [yu2] /to be stupid/to cheat or deceive/me or I (modest)/ [yu2 bu4 ke3 ji2] /impossibly stupid/ [yu2 ren2] /stupid person/ignoramus/ [yu2 ren2 jie2] /April fool's day/ [yu2 ren2 jie2 kuai4 le4] /April Fool!/ [yu2 gong1 yi2 shan1] /the old man moves mountains (idiom); fig. where th there's a way/ [yu2 wang4] /stupid and arrogant/ [yu2 nong4] /to make a fool out of/to fool/to dupe/ [yu2 yi4] /in my humble opinion (lit. stupid opinion)/ [yu2 nuo4] /ignorant and weak/ [yu2 zhuo1] /clumsy and stupid/ [yu2 mei4] /ignorant/uneducated/ [yu2 mei4 wu2 zhi1] /stupid and ignorant (idiom)/ [yu2 min2] /ignorant masses/to keep the people in ignorance/ [yu2 meng2] /fool/stupid person/ [yu2 meng2] /ignorant/block-head/

[yu2 ben4] /stupid/clumsy/ [yu2 chun3] /silly/stupid/ [yu2 jian4] /in my humble opinion (lit. stupid opinion)/ [yu2 dun4] /stupid/slow-witted/ [yu2 lou4] /ignorant and backward/ [yu2 wan2] /ignorant and stubborn/ [yu2 ai2] /stupid/foolish/ [yu2 lu3] /simple-minded and ill-informed/ [ai4] /to love/affection/to be fond of/to like/ [Ai4 ding1 bao3] /Edinburgh, capital of Scotland/ [ai4 shang4] /to fall in love with/to be in love with/ [ai4 bu4 ren3 shi4] /to love sth too much to part with it (idiom)/ [ai4 bu4 shi4 shou3] /to love sth too much to part with it (idiom); to fo ly/ [ai4 zhi1 ru2 ming4] /inordinately fond of sth/lit. to love it as one's l [ai4 ren5] /spouse/husband/wife/sweetheart/CL: [ge4]/ [ai4 ren2 ru2 ji3] /love others as self/ [ai4 lu:3] /lovers/ [ai4 ke4 si1 guang1] /X-ray/Rntgen or Roentgen ray/ [ai4 ke4 si1 she4 xian4] /X-ray radiation/ [Ai4 wen4] /, the search engine of Sina / [Ai4 yin1 si1 tan3] /Albert Einstein (1879-1955), famous Austrian physici [ai4 guo2] /to love one's country/patriotic/ [ai4 guo2 zhu3 yi4] /patriotism/ [ai4 guo2 ru2 jia1] /to love one's country as one's own family (praise fo ruler)/ [Ai4 guo2 zhe3] /MIM-104 Patriot surface-to-air missile/ [ai4 guo2 zhe3] /patriot/ [Ai4 guo2 Wei4 sheng1 Yun4 dong4 Wei3 yuan2 hui4] /Pa [Ai4 ao4 ni2 ya4 hai3] /Ionian sea between Italy and Greece/ [Ai4 ao4 hua2] /Iowa, US state/ [Ai4 ao4 hua2 zhou1] /Iowa, US state/ [Ai4 nu2] /Ainu ethnic group of north Japan/ [Ai4 nu2 ren2] /Ainu ethnic group of north Japan/ [ai4 hao4] /to like/to take pleasure in/keen on/fond of/interest/hobby/appetite f r/CL: [ge4]/ [ai4 hao4 zhe3] /lover (of art, sports etc)/amateur/enthusiast/fan/ [ai4 zi3] /beloved son/ [ai4 wu1 ji2 wu1] /lit. love the house and its crow (idiom); involvement veryone connected/Love me, love my dog./ [ai4 wu1 ji2 niao3] /variant of /lit. love the house and b and everyone connected/Love me, love my dog./ [ai4 gang3 jing4 ye4] /industrious and hard-working/conscientious and met [Ai4 zhou1] /Iowa, US state/abbr. for / [Ai4 de2] /Aide (brand)/ [Ai4 de2 si1 wo4 er3] /Eidsvoll (city in Norway)/ [Ai4 de2 ling2] /Adeline (name)/ [Ai4 de2 hua2] /Edward/douard (name)/ [Ai4 de2 hua2 Da2 la1 di4] /douard Daladier (1884-1970), F [Ai4 de2 hua2 dao3] /Prince Edward Island, province of Canada/ [Ai4 de2 hua2 wang2 zi3 dao3] /Prince Edward island, a province o [Ai4 de2 hua2 zi1] /Edwards (name)/ [ai4 xin1] /compassion/CL:[pian4]/ [ai4 qing2] /romance/love (romantic)/CL: [ge4]/ [ai4 qing2 xi3 ju4] /romantic comedy/ [ai4 qing2 zheng1 fu2 yi1 qie4] /love conquers all/omnia vincit a [ai4 xi1] /to cherish/to treasure/to use sparingly/ [ai4 yi4] /love/ [ai4 mu4] /to adore/to admire/ [ai4 zeng1] /love and hate/

[ai4 lian2] /to show tenderness/to coo over/affection/ [ai4 lian4] /in love with/to feel deeply attached to/ [ai4 dai4] /to love and respect/love and respect/ [ai4 fu3] /to caress/to fondle/to look after (tenderly)/affectionate care/ [Ai4 si1 ji1 mo2] /Eskimo/Inuit/ [Ai4 si1 ji1 mo2 ren2] /Eskimo/also called Inuit / [Ai4 xin1 Jue2 luo2] /Aisin gioro (Manchu: Golden clan)/the Manchu surnam emperors/ [ai4 ni4] /intimate/loving/ [Ai4 wan3 ting2] /Aiwan Pavilion, one Mt Yuelu in Hubei, famous beauty [ai4 yue4] /music-loving/philharmonic/ [ai4 yue4 yue4 tuan2] /philharmonia/philharmonic orchestra/ [Ai4 min2] /Aimin district of Mudanjiang city , Heilongjiang/ [Ai4 min2 qu1] /Aimin district of Mudanjiang city , Heilongjiang/ [ai4 min2 ru2 zi3] /to love the common people as one's own children (prai uous ruler)/ [Ai4 sha1 ni2 ya4] /Estonia/ [ai4 he2] /the river of love/a stumbling block on the path to enlightenment (Budd ism)/ [ai4 zi1] /AIDS (loanword)/see also [ai4 zi1 bing4]/ [ai4 zi1 bing4] /variant of [ai4 zi1 bing4]/ [ai4 zi1 bing4 du2] /HIV/the AIDS virus/ [ai4 piao4 liang5] /to like looking attractive (usually of girls)/aestheticis [Ai4 er3 lan2] /Ireland/ [Ai4 er3 lan2 ren2] /Irish person/ [Ai4 er3 lan2 Gong4 he2 guo2] /Republic of Ireland/ [Ai4 er3 lan2 Gong4 he2 Jun1] /Irish Republican Army/ [Ai4 er3 lan2 hai3] /Irish sea between Ireland and north England/ [Ai4 er3 lan2 yu3] /Irish language/ [ai4 quan3] /beloved pet dog/ [ai4 xian4] /to enjoy showing off (colloquial)/ [ai4 li3 bu4 li3] /to look cold and indifferent/standoffish/ [Ai4 qin2] /Aegean (sea between Greece and Turkey)/ [Ai4 qin2 hai3] /Aegean sea/ [Ai4 ma3] /Emma (name)/ [Ai4 ma3 Wo4 te4 sen1] /Emma Watson (1990-), British actress/ [Ai4 liu2 gen1 na4] /Eriugena, John Scottus (c. 810-880) Irish poet, theo hilosopher of Neoplatonism/ [Ai4 zhi1] /Aichi (prefecture in Japan)/ [Ai4 zhi1 xian4] /Aichi prefecture, central Japan/ [ai4 shen2] /god of love/ [ai4 cheng1] /term of endearment/pet name/diminutive/ [ai4 wo1 wo5] /glutinous rice cake with a sweet filling/also written [Ai4 li4 xin4] /Ericsson (Swedish telecommunications company)/ [ai4 mei3] /love of beauty/wishing to appear beautiful/to set store by one's appe rance/ [ai4 lao3 hu3 ni3] /I love you (jocular transliteration from English)/ [ai4 neng2 yi2 shan1] /love can move mountains/ [Ai4 he2 hua2] /Iowa (US state)/ [Ai4 li4 si1] /Iris (name)/ [Ai4 mo4 li4 wei2 er3] /Emeryville, town on San Fransico bay, Califor [ai4 mo4 da4 yu2 xin1 si3] /nothing more sad than a withered hear a heart that never rejoices/(popular culture misquotation of , say us by Zhuangzi )/ [ai4 mo4 neng2 zhu4] /unable to help however much one would like to (idio we sympathize, there is no way to help you./My hands are tied./ [Ai4 Wei4 Hui4] /Patriotic Health Committee, abbr. of 4]/ [ai4 ci2 ba4] /I-ciba (word master), online dictionary [ai4 hu4] /to cherish/to treasure/to take care of/to love and protect/

[ai4 cai2] /avaricious/ [Ai4 hui1] /Aihui district of Heihe city [Hei1 he2], Heilongjiang/ [Ai4 hui1 qu1] /Aihui district of Heihe city [Hei1 he2], Heilongjiang/ [Ai4 di2 sheng1] /Edison (name)/Thomas Edison (1847-1931), famous American in [ai4 di2 sheng1] /Edison (name)/Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931)/ [ai4 you2 wan2] /playful/ [Ai4 da2 he2] /Idaho, US state/ [Ai4 da2 he2 zhou1] /Idaho, US state/ [ai4 mian4 zi5] /to save face/to worry about losing face/proud of one's reput ensitive about losing prestige/sense of propriety/ [Ai4 li2 si1 quan2] /Alice Springs, town in central Australia/ [Ai4 li4 she3 gong1] /Elyse palace, the residence of the President of th ic/ [Ai4 li4 si1] /Alice (name)/ [Ai4 li4 si1 man4 you2 qi2 jing4 ji4] /Alice in Wonderlan [qie4] /cheerful/satisfied/ [qie4 yi4] /satisfied/pleased/contented/ [gan3] /to feel/to move/to touch/to affect/ [gan3 ren2] /touching/moving/ [gan3 pei4] /to admire with gratitude/ [gan3 shang1] /sad/down-hearted/sentimental/pathos/melancholy/ [gan3 guang1] /light-sensitive/ [gan3 mao4] /to catch cold/(common) cold/CL: [chang2],[ci4]/ [gan3 mao4 yao4] /medicine for colds/ [gan3 dao4] /to feel/to sense/to have the feeling that/to think that/to move/to a fect/ [gan3 dong4] /to move (sb)/to touch (sb emotionally)/moving/ [gan3 hua4] /corrective influence/to reform (a criminal)/redemption (of a sinner) to influence (a malefactor to a better life)/to guide sb back to the right path by repeated word and example/ [gan3 hua4 yuan4] /reformatory/reform school/ [gan3 shou4] /to sense/perception/to feel (through the senses)/a feeling/an impre sion/an experience/ [gan3 shou4 qi4] /sensory receptor/ [gan3 zhao4] /to rally/to call/to move and inspire/inspiration (e.g. divine inspi ation)/to impel/ [gan3 zhao4 li4] /inspiration/the power to inspire/ [gan3 tong2 shen1 shou4] /to feel as if it had happened to oneself/to sym te expression of gratitude for a favor received by a friend etc) I take it as a personal favor/ [gan3 kui4] /sighing with emotion/ [gan3 tan4] /to sigh (with feeling)/ [gan3 tan4 ju4] /exclamation/exclamatory phrase/ [gan3 tan4 hao4] /exclamation mark ! (punct.)/ [gan3 tan4 ci2] /interjection (part of speech)/exclamation/ [gan3 tan4 yu3] /exclamation/expletive/ [gan3 fen4] /moved and inspired/fired with enthusiasm/ [gan3 guan1] /sense/sense organ/ [gan3 nian4] /to recall fondly/to remember with emotion/ [gan3 xing4] /sensibility/ [gan3 xing4 ren4 shi5] /perceptual awareness/ [gan3 en1] /thanksgiving/ [gan3 en1 tu2 bao4] /grateful and seeking to repay the kindness (idiom)/ [gan3 en1 dai4 de2] /deeply grateful/ [Gan3 en1 jie2] /Thanksgiving Day/ [gan3 wu4] /to come to realize/to appreciate (feelings)/ [gan3 qing2] /feeling/emotion/sensation/likes and dislikes/deep affection for sb r sth/relationship (i.e. love affair)/CL: [ge4], [zhong3]/ [gan3 qing2 yong4 shi4] /to act impetuously (idiom); on an impulse/ [gan3 xiang3] /impressions/reflections/thoughts/CL:[tong4], [ge4]/

[gan3 kui4] /to feel gratitude mixed with shame/ [gan3 kai3] /to sigh with sorrow, regret etc/rueful/deeply moved/ [gan3 fen4] /moved to anger/indignant/ [gan3 ying4] /response/reaction/interaction/irritability (biol.)/induction (elec. /inductance/ [gan3 ying4 qi4] /inductor (elec.)/ [gan3 ying4 xian4 quan1] /induction coil/solenoid/ [gan3 huai2] /to recall with emotion/to feel sentiments/ [gan3 dai4] /sincerely grateful/ [gan3 ran3] /infection/to infect/to influence/ [gan3 ran3 ren2 shu4] /number of infected persons/ [gan3 ran3 li4] /inspiration/infectious (enthusiasm)/ [gan3 ran3 xing4 fu4 xie4] /infective diarrhea/ [gan3 ran3 lu:4] /rate of infection (usu. of a disease)/ [gan3 ran3 zhe3] /infected person/ [gan3 tan4] /variant of , to sigh/ [gan3 tan4 ci2] /variant of , interjection (part of speech)/excl [gan3 ji1] /to be grateful/to appreciate/thankful/ [gan3 ji1 bu4 jin4] /can't thank sb enough (idiom)/ [gan3 ji1 ti4 ling2] /to shed tears of gratitude (idiom); moved to tears/ [gan3 fa1] /to move and inspire/ [gan3 zhi1] /perception/awareness/ [gan3 zhi1 li4] /perceptive/perceptivity/ [gan3 xing4 qu4] /to be interested/ [gan3 jue2] /to feel/to become aware of/feeling/sense/perception/CL: [ge4]/ [gan3 jue2 dao4] /to feel/to sense/to detect/to perceive/to become aware/ [gan3 jue2 qi4] /sense organ/ [gan3 jue2 qi4 guan1] /sense organs/the five senses/ [gan3 chu4] /one's thoughts and feelings/emotional stirring/moved/touched/ [gan3 xie4] /(express) thanks/gratitude/grateful/thankful/thanks/ [gan3 yu4] /gratitude for good treatment/to sigh/to lament/ [gan3 yu4 shi1] /a lament (poem)/ [leng4] /to look distracted/to stare blankly/distracted/blank/(coll.) unexpected ly/rash/rashly/ [leng4 jin4 r5] /dash/pep/vigor/ [leng4 gan4] /to do things recklessly/to persist in doing sth in one's own way/ [leng4 shen2 r5] /to stare blankly/to be in a daze/ [leng4 shuo1] /to insist/to allege/to assert/ [leng4 tou2 r5 qing1] /hothead/rash individual/ [leng4 tou2 leng4 nao3] /rash/impetuous/reckless/ [kui4] /ashamed/ [kui4 bu4 gan3 dang1] /lit. I'm ashamed and dare not (accept the honor); deserve your praise./You flatter me too much./ [kui4 zuo4] /ashamed/ [kui4 hen4] /ashamed and sorry/suffering shame and remorse/ [kui4 hui3 wu2 di4] /ashamed and unable to show one's face (idiom)/ [kui4 han4] /sweating from shame/extremely ashamed/ [kui4 jiu4] /to feel guilty/ashamed and uneasy/ [kui4 se4] /ashamed look/ [kui4 nan3] /to blush in shame/red-faced/ [kui4 nan2 jian4 ren2] /to be ashamed to be seen in public (idiom)/ [que4] /honest/ [su4] /guileless/sincere/ [su4] /complain/sue/tell/ [yao2] /distressed, agitated/ [song3] /old variant of [song3]/ [chuang4] /mournful/sad/grieved/sorry/ [kai3] /joyful/kind/ [kai3 ti4] /variant of [kai3 ti4]/ [Kai3 che4] /variant of , Caesar (emperor) used by Yan Fu /

[kai3 ti4] /happy and easygoing/friendly/ [Kai3 sa3] /Caesar (name)/Gaius Julius Caesar 100-42 BC/by extension, emperor, Ka ser, Tsar/ [shen4] /variant of , to act with care/cautious/ [kai4] /anger/ [hun4] /confused/dishonor/ [yong3] /old variant of [yong3]/ [li4] /afraid/trembling/ [sao1] /agitated/ [tao1] /rejoice/ [yin1] /solicitous/ [ci2] /compassionate/gentle/merciful/kind/humane/ [Ci2 li4] /Cili county in Zhangjiajie [Zhang1 jia1 jie4], Hunan/ [Ci2 li4 xian4] /Cili county in Zhangjiajie [Zhang1 jia1 jie4], [ci2 he2] /kindly/amiable/ [ci2 shan4] /benevolent/charitable/ [ci2 shan4 jia1] /philanthropist/humanitarian/charity donor/ [ci2 shan4 chou1 jiang3] /a raffle (for charity)/ [ci2 shan4 ji1 gou4] /charity/ [ci2 shan4 zu3 zhi1] /charity organization/ [ci2 gu5] /arrowhead (Sagittaria subulata, a water plant)/ [ci2 bei1] /mercy/ [ci2 bei1 wei2 ben3] /mercy as the guiding principle (idiom); the Buddhis at nothing is valid except compassion/ [ci2 ai4] /love/devotion (to children)/affection, esp. towards children/ [ci2 mu3] /tender and motherly/ [Ci2 jiang1 dao4] /Chagang province, at far north of north Korea, adjacent to [Ci2 xi1] /Cixi county level city in Ningbo [Ning2 bo1], Zhejiang/ [Ci2 xi1 shi4] /Cixi county level city in Ningbo [Ning2 bo1], Zhejia [Ci2 zhao4 si4] /Jishji in northeast Kyto , Japan, the official name of ver pavilion [yin2 ge2 si4]/ [ci2 mei2 shan4 mu4] /kind brows, pleasant eyes (idiom); amiable looking/ [ci2 mei2 shan4 yan3] /kind brows, pleasant eyes (idiom); amiable looking / [ci2 shi2] /magnetite Fe3O4/ [ci2 xiang2] /kindly/benevolent (often of older person)/ [ci2 fu2 xing2 dong4] /Operation Blessing (charitable relief organization [Ci2 Xi3] /Empress Dowager Cixi or Ts'u Hsi (reigned 1861-1908)/ [Ci2 xi3 Tai4 hou4] /Empress Dowager Cixi or Ts'u Hsi (1835-1908), regent [ci2 ai3] /kindly and amiable/ [ci2 yan2] /one's mother's loving face/ [xu4] /to foster/to bear/ [qian4] /dissatisfied/ [qie4] /contented/ [tai4] /attitude/ [tai4 shi4] /posture/situation/ [tai4 zi5] /state of matter (solid, liquid or gas)/ [tai4 she4] /morphism (math.)/homomorphism/ [tai4 du5] /manner/bearing/attitude/approach/CL: [ge4]/ [tai4 yang4] /form/pattern/ [tai4 die2 jia1] /superposition of states (quantum mechanics)/ [huang1] /to get panicky/to lose one's head/ [huang1 luan4] /frenetic/hurried/ [huang1 zhang1] /confused/flustered/ [huang1 de5] /hurriedly/in a frenzy/ [huang1 mang2] /in a great rush/in a flurry/ [huang1 huang1 zhang1 zhang1] /helter-skelter/ [huang1 shen2] /to get agitated/to panic/ [yun4] /indignant/feel hurt/ [shen4] /careful/cautious/

[shen4 ru4] /keep away!/proceed with caution!/ [shen4 mi4] /cautious/with meticulous care/ [shen4 du2] /to preserve a proper behavior in private life/ [shen4 zhong1 zhui1 yuan3] /to pay careful attention to one's parents' fu [shen4 yan2] /to speak cautiously/to guard one's tongue/ [shen4 zhong4] /cautious/careful/prudent/ [mu4] /admire/ [mu4 ming2] /to admire sb's reputation/to seek out famous person or location/ [mu4 ming2 er2 lai2] /to come to a place on account of its reputation (id ed to visit a famous location/ [Mu4 rong2] /a branch of the Xianbei nomadic people/two-character surna [Mu4 ni2 hei1] /Mnchen or Munich, capital of Bavaria, Germany/ [mu4 dao4 you3] /religious investigator/ [can3] /miserable/wretched/cruel/inhuman/seriously/badly/tragic/ [can3 bu4 ren3 du3] /spectacle too horrible to endure (idiom); tragic sig scenes of devastation/ [can3 bu4 ren3 wen2] /too horrible to endure (idiom); tragic spectacle/ap s of devastation/ [can3 shi4] /disaster/ [can3 ju4] /tragedy/calamity/atrocity/ [can3 jiao4] /to scream/blood-curdling screech/miserable shriek/ [can3 jing4] /wretched situation/ [can3 da2] /grieved/distressed/ [can3 bai4] /to suffer a crushing defeat/ [can3 jing3] /wretched sight/ [can3 an4] /massacre/tragedy/CL:[qi3]/ [can3 si3] /to die tragically/to violently die/ [can3 sha1] /to slaughter/to kill mercilessly/ [can3 du2] /cruel/vicious/ [can3 kuang4] /tragic situation/dreadful state/ [can3 dan4] /dark/gloomy/dismal/by painstaking effort/ [can3 dan4 jing1 ying2] /to manage by painstaking effort (idiom)/ [can3 lie4] /bitter/desperate/ [can3 wu2 ren2 dao4] /inhuman (idiom)/brutal and unfeeling/ [can3 ran2] /grieved/distressed/ [can3 zhuang4] /devastation/miserable condition/ [can3 tong4] /bitter/painful/deeply distressed/ [can3 bai2] /deathly pale/ [can3 huo4] /terrible tragedy/grave mishap/ [can3 xiao4] /bitter smile/ [can3 jue2 ren2 huan2] /extremely tragic (idiom); with unprecedented brut [can3 bian4] /disastrous turn/tragic event/ [can3 zao1] /suffer/ [can3 zao1 bu4 xing4] /to meet with disaster/to die tragically/ [can3 zhong4] /disastrous/ [can2] /ashamed/ [can2 kui4] /ashamed/ [te4] /evil thought/ [tong4] /grief/ [man4] /slow/ [man4 dong4 zuo4] /slow motion/ [man4 hua4 ji4] /moderator/ [man4 tun1 tun1] /very slow/exasperatingly slow/ [man4 cheng2 shi4] /slow-paced town/ [man4 gong1 chu1 qiao3 jiang4] /patient work makes a skilled craftsma [man4 gong1 chu1 xi4 huo4] /patient work makes a fine product/ [man4 dai4] /to slight (treat badly)/ [man4 xing4] /slow and patient/chronic (disease)/slow to take effect (e.g. a slow poison)/ [man4 xing4 zi5] /slow-tempered/phlegmatic/a slowcoach/

[man4 xing4 teng2 tong4] /chronic pain/ [man4 xing4 ji2 bing4] /a chronic illness/a disease that takes effect slo [man4 xing4 bing4] /a chronic illness/a disease that takes effect slowly/ [man4 you1 you1] /unhurried/ [man4 man4] /slowly/ [man4 man4 chi1] /Enjoy your meal!/Bon appetit!/ [man4 man5 tun1 tun1] /very slow/ [man4 tiao2 si1 li3] /with calculated unhurried steps (idiom); slow and d hodical/ [man4 bu4] /at a slow pace/ [man4 re4 xing2] /slow to get started/ [man4 ban1] /slow stream (in school)/ [man4 lei3 ji1] /accumulates slowly/cumulative (e.g. poison)/ [man4 xing2] /to walk slowly/ [man4 xing2 dao4] /slow lane/ [man4 shuo1] /not to mention ... (i.e. in addition to sth)/ [man4 zou3] /Don't go yet!/Please stay a while longer!/ [man4 pao3] /jogging/to jog/to canter/a slow trot/ [man4 che1] /local bus or train/slow train with many stops/ [man4 jing4 tou2] /slow motion/ [man4 chang2] /extremely long/unending/ [man4 teng2 teng2] /leisurely/unhurried/sluggish/ [guan4] /accustomed to/used to/indulge/to spoil (a child)/ [guan4 li4] /convention/usual practice/ [guan4 huai4] /to spoil (a child)/ [guan4 chang2] /usual/customary/ [guan4 xing4] /inertia/ [guan4 xing4 xi4] /inertial system/inertial frame (mechanics)/ [guan4 yong4] /to use habitually/habitual/customary/ [guan4 yong4 yu3] /commonly used phrase/idiom/colloquial usage/ [guan4 liang4] /inertia (mechanics)/ [guan4 yang3] /to spoil/to indulge sb (usu. a child)/ [zao4] /sincere/ [hui4] /intelligent/ [hui4 yan3] /an all-seeing mind/mental perception/insight/acumen/ [kai3] /generous/sad/ [kai3 tan4] /to sigh with regret/lament/ [ou4] /to annoy/to irritate/to be annoyed/to sulk/ [ou4 qi4] /to sulk/to squabble/ [song3] /terrified/ [song3 yong3] /to instigate/to incite/to egg sb on/ [jin3] /brave/cautious/sad/ [lu:4] /to think over/to consider/anxiety/ [wei4] /to comfort/to console/to reassure/ [wei4 lao2] /to express sympathy for sb/to comfort/condolences/ [wei4 yan4] /to console/ [wei4 wen4] /to express sympathy, greetings, consolation etc/ [wei4 an1 fu4] /comfort woman/ [wei4 ji2] /solace/comfort/ [wei4 jie4] /to console/to comfort/consolation/ [tuan2] /sad/ [qian1] /stingy/ [qian1 jian3] /to be frugal/ [zhe2] /terrified/ [yong1] /lethargic/ [yong1 lan3] /languid/indolent/ [qing4] /celebrate/ [Qing4 yuan2] /Qingyuan county in Lishui [Li2 shui3], Zhejiang/ [Qing4 yuan2 xian4] /Qingyuan county in Lishui [Li2 shui3], Zhejiang [qing4 dian3] /a celebration/

[qing4 gong1] /to celebrate a heroic deed/ [Qing4 cheng2] /Qingcheng county in Qingyang [Qing4 yang2], Gansu/ [Qing4 cheng2 xian4] /Qingcheng county in Qingyang [Qing4 yang2], Ga [qing4 da4 mei2 su4] /gentamycin (antibiotic)/ [Qing4 an1] /Qing'an county in Suihua , Heilongjiang/ [Qing4 an1 xian4] /Qing'an county in Suihua , Heilongjiang/ [Qing4 shang4 bei3 dao4] /North Gyeongsang Province, in east South Korea, u [Da4 qiu1]/ [Qing4 shang4 nan2 dao4] /South Gyeongsang Province, in south east South l Changwon [Chang1 yuan2]/ [Qing4 shang4 bei3 dao4] /North Gyeongsang Province, in east South Korea, u [Da4 qiu1]/ [Qing4 shang4 nan2 dao4] /South Gyeongsang Province, in south east South l Changwon [Chang1 yuan2]/ [Qing4 shang4 dao4] /Gyeongsang Province of Joseon Korea, now divided into No ongsang Province [Qing4 shang4 bei3 dao4] and South Gyeongsang Province 4]/ [Qing4 zhou1] /Qingzhou, old name of Ningxia in Gansu/Gyeongju City, So [qing4 xing4] /to celebrate success/ [Qing4 li4 xin1 zheng4] /failed reform of Northern Song government in 104 [qing4 zhu4] /to celebrate/ [qing4 zhu4 hui4] /celebration/ [Qing4 hua2] /Ching-hua/ [qing4 he4] /to congratulate/to celebrate/ [Qing4 yang2] /Qingyang prefecture level city in Gansu/ [Qing4 yang2 di4 qu1] /Qingyang prefecture in Gansu/ [Qing4 yang2 shi4] /Qingyang prefecture level city in Gansu/ [Qing4 yun2] /Qingyun county in Dezhou [De2 zhou1], Shandong/ [Qing4 yun2 xian4] /Qingyun county in Dezhou [De2 zhou1], Shandong/ [kang1] /generous/magnanimous/ [kang1 kai3] /vehement/fervent/generous/giving/liberal/ [kang1 kai3 juan1 sheng1] /sacrificing one's life generously (idiom); to self fervently to the cause/ [kang1 kai3 jie3 nang2] /to contribute generously (idiom); help sb genero ey/to give generously to charity/ [kang1 kai3 fu4 yi4] /heroically sacrificing one's life (idiom); to sacri fervently to the cause/ [kang1 kai3 shu1 jiang1] /to donate generously (idiom)/ [qi1] /grief/sorrow/ [Qi1 shu4 yan4] /Qishu district of Changzhou city [Chang2 zhou1 shi4], [Qi1 shu4 yan4 qu1] /Qishu district of Changzhou city [Chang2 zhou1 [qi1 qi1] /sorrowful/distressed/ [yu4] /desire/appetite/passion/lust/greed/ [yu4 he4 nan2 tian2] /bottomless pit of desire (idiom); insatiable greed/ gs are never satisfied and are a main obstruction on the path to enlightenment/ [yu4 wang4] /desire/longing/appetite/craving/ [yu4 huo3] /lust/ [yu4 huo3 fen2 shen1] /burning with desire/ [liao2] /to rely on/ [you1] /to worry/to concern oneself with/worried/anxiety/sorrow/a parent's funer al/inconvenienced by being orphaned/ [you1 shang1] /distressed/laden with grief/ [you1 xin1] /concerned/worried/disturbed/anxious/ [you1 xin1 chong1 chong1] /deeply worried and sick at heart (idiom)/ [you1 si1] /to be anxious and worried/agitated/pensive/ [you1 yi4] /anxious/distressed/burdened with care/ [you1 huan4] /suffering/misery/hardship/ [you1 men4] /depressed/full of worries/feeling down/ [you1 chou2] /to be worried/ [you1 lu:4] /to worry/anxiety (about)/

[you1 ju4] /apprehension/apprehensive/ [you1 zhuo2] /worrying/ [you1 ku3 yi3 zhong1] /worried to death (idiom)/ [you1 yu4] /sullen/depressed/melancholy/dejected/ [you1 yu4 zheng4] /(psychology) depression/ [chong1] /foolish, stupid, dull, silly/ [bei4] /exhausted/ [bei4 juan4] /tired and sleepy/tipsy/ [bei4 lan3] /naughty/mischievous person/ [bie1] /to choke/to stifle/to restrain/to hold back/to hold in (urine)/to hold ( one's breath)/ [bie1 men5] /to feel oppressed/to be depressed/to feel dejected/ [bie1 qi4] /to feel suffocated or oppressed/to choke with resentment/to feel inju ed or resentful/ [jiao1] /arrogant/ [zeng1] /to detest/ [zeng1 hen4] /to detest/hatred/ [zeng1 e4] /to hate evil/see also [zeng1 wu4]/ [zeng1 wu4] /to loathe/to hate/to abhor/see also [zeng1 e4]/ [lian2] /to pity/ [lian2 xi1] /to take pity on/to feel tenderness toward/ [lian2 ai4] /to have tender affection for/to love tenderly/to pamper sb/ [lian2 min3] /to take pity on/pity/mercy/ [lian2 xiang1 xi1 yu4] /to be kind to women/ [ping2] /to lean against/to rely on/on the basis of/no matter (how, what etc)/pr oof/ [ping2 zhang4] /to rely on/to depend on/ [ping2 yi1] /to rely on/to base oneself on/ [ping2 xin4] /to trust/ [ping2 yi3] /to rely on/ [ping2 jie4] /to rely on/to depend on/by means of/thanks to/sth that one relies o / [ping2 dan1] /bill of warrant (certificate, allowing one to collect money or valu bles)/ [ping2 diao4] /to visit a place for the memories/to pay homage to (the deceased)/ [ping2 shi4] /to depend on/to rely on/ [ping2 ju4] /evidence/ [ping2 ben3 neng2 zuo4 shi4] /to follow one's nose/ [ping2 tiao2] /paper docket confirming a transaction/ [ping2 lan2] /to lean on a parapet/ [ping2 zhun3] /evidence (that one can rely on)/grounds (for believing sth)/ [ping2 zhao4] /certificate/license/ [ping2 tiao4] /to lean on sth and gaze into the distance/ [Ping2 xiang2] /Pingxiang county level city in Chongzuo [Chong2 zuo3], Guangx [Ping2 xiang2 shi4] /Pingxiang county level city in Chongzuo [Chong2 zuo3 [ping2 piao4 ru4 chang3] /admission by ticket only/ [ping2 kong1] /baseless (lie)/without foundation/ [ping2 kong1 nie1 zao4] /fabrication relying on nothing (idiom); frame-up [ping2 jie4] /to rely on/to depend on/by means of/thanks to/sth that one relies o /also written [ping2 jie4]/ [ping2 zheng4] /proof/certificate/receipt/voucher/ [ping2 shi4 jie2 zhe2] /to drive non-stop as fast as one can (idiom)/ [ping2 ling2] /to ride roughshod over/to encroach/ [ping2 xian3] /(to resist the enemy) relying on inaccessible territory/ [ping2 kao4] /to use/to rely on/by means of/ [kui4] /confused/troubled/ [qiao2] /haggard/ [qiao2 cui4] /wan and sallow/thin and pallid/haggard/(of plants) withered/ [yin4] /injured/moreover/preferably/ [xi3] /variant of /fond of/to like/to enjoy/to be happy/to feel pleased/happiness

/delight/glad/ [dan4] /dread/fear/dislike/ [dui4] /dislike/hate/ [fen4] /indignant/anger/resentment/ [fen4 shi4 ji2 su2] /to be cynical/to be embittered/ [fen4 fu4] /to hate the rich/ [fen4 nu4] /angry/indignant/wrath/ire/ [fen4 hen4] /to hate/hatred/to resent/embittered/ [fen4 kai3] /to resent/resentment/ [fen4 fen4] /extremely angry/ [fen4 fen4 bu4 ping2] /to feel indignant/to feel aggrieved/ [fen4 men4] /depressed/resentful/discontented/indignant/perturbed/ [fen4 ji1] /indignant/outraged/ [fen4 qing1] /angry youth/positive term used to describe young Chinese with extre e nationalistic tendencies/see also [fen4 qing1]/ [chong1] /irresolute/unsettled/ [chong1 jing3] /to long for/to look forward to/longing/vision for future/ [han1] /silly/simple-minded/foolish/naive/sturdy/tough/heavy (of rope)/ [han1 hou5] /simple and honest/straightforward/ [han1 shi2] /simple and honest/ [han1 zhi2] /honest and straightforward/ [Han1 dou4 Xian1 sheng5] /Mr. Bean (TV)/ [qi4] /to rest/ [qi4 shi4 yan2] /diverticulitis/ [qi4 xi1 chu4] /rest area/ [xian2] /composed, contented/ [min3] /to sympathize/to pity/to feel compassion for/ [jing3] /awaken/ [jing3 ran2] /to be aware/to be knowing/ [liao3] /clear/intelligible/severe/cold/ [wu3] /disappointed/startled/ [can3] /already/sorrowful/ [xian4] /statute/constitution/ [xian4 bing1] /military police/ [xian4 bing1 dui4] /the Kempeitai or Japanese Military Police 1881-1945 (Japa unterpart of the Gestapo during WWII)/ [xian4 zheng4] /constitutional government/ [xian4 fa3] /constitution (of a country)/CL:[bu4]/ [xian4 fa3 fa3 yuan4] /Constitutional Court/ [xian4 fa3 jian1 hu4 wei3 yuan2 hui4] /Guardian Council, body govern Iran/ [xian4 zhang1] /charter/ [xian4 zhang1 pai4] /the Chartist movement (in the 1840s in England)/ [yi4] /to recollect/to remember/memory/ [yi4 ku3 si1 tian2] /to view one's past as miserable and one's present as )/ [yi4 ku3 fan4] /unsavory meal taken in remembrance of past hardships/fig. poo ng meal/ [chu4] /to be afraid/ [chu4 chang3] /to get stage fright/ [chu4 tou2] /to be afraid to stick out/ [xian1] /artful/flattering/ [dan4] /peace/ [han4] /regret (sense of loss or dissatisfaction)/ [han4 hen4] /resentful, hateful/ [dong3] /to understand/to know/ [dong3 shi4] /sensible/thoughtful/intelligent/ [dong3 ju2] /to know the business/to know the ropes/in the know/to know one's oni ns/professional/au fait/ [dong3 de5] /to understand/to know/to comprehend/

[dong3 hang2] /to know the ropes/ [dong3 men2 r5] /one who knows his business/professional/expert/au fait/ [qin2] /solicitous/thoughtful/ [qu2] /bashful/ashamed/ [cao3] /anxious/sad/ [ken3] /earnest/ [ken3 qie4] /earnest/sincere/ [ken3 qiu2] /to beg/to beseech/to entreat/entreaty/ [ken3 qing3] /to request earnestly/ [ken3 ci2] /to decline with sincere thanks/ [xie4] /lax/negligent/ [xie4 chi2] /slack (discipline)/ [xie4 dai4] /slack/lazy/remiss/ [xie4 duo4] /slack/idle/ [xie4 qi4] /to slacken off/to take it easy/ [Ying4] /surname Ying/ [ying1] /to answer/to respond/to agree (to do sth)/should/ought to/ [ying4] /to answer/to respond/to comply with/to deal or cope with/ [Ying1 ren2 zhi1 luan4] /nin war 1467-1477 between factions of Ashikaga [ying4 fu5] /to deal with/to cope/ [ying1 fu4 zhang4 kuan3] /accounts payable/ [ying4 fu5 zi4 ru2] /to handle matters with ease (idiom); equal to the si [ying4 fu5 yu4 ru2] /handling any occasion smoothly (idiom); equal to any [ying1 fen4] /should be divided/part of the job/one's duty under the circumstance / [ying4 zhi4] /to write a poem on the order of the Emperor/ [ying4 li4] /stress (physics)/ [ying4 li4 chang3] /stress field/ [ying4 mao3] /to answer the roll call at [mao3 shi2], i.e. between 5 and put in a conventional appearance/ [ying4 zhao4] /to respond to a call/ [ying1 ming2 r5] /nominally/in name only/ [ying4 he4] /to echo one another/to respond (in agreement)/ [Ying1 cheng2] /Yingcheng district of Xiaogan city [Xiao4 gan3 shi4], Hubei [Ying1 cheng2 qu1] /Yingcheng district of Xiaogan city [Xiao4 gan3 shi4 [Ying1 cheng2 shi4] /Yingcheng county level city in Xiaogan [Xiao4 gan3], [ying4 bao4] /see [bao4 ying4]/ [ying4 tian1 cheng2 yun4] /lit. to respond to heaven and suit the times ( le according to the will of heaven/the Divine Right of kings/ [ying4 tian1 shun4 shi2] /lit. to respond to heaven and suit the times (i e according to the will of heaven/the Divine Right of kings/ [ying4 dui4] /response/to answer/to reply/ [ying4 dui4 ru2 liu2] /to respond fluently/to answer smartly/ [ying1 jie4] /this year's/the current year's/ [ying1 jie4 bi4 ye4 sheng1] /student graduating in the current year/r [ying4 shi4] /to respond to the market/to buy or sell according to market conditi ns/ [ying1 de2] /deserve/ [ying4 cong2] /to assent/to comply with/ [ying4 zheng1] /to apply (for a job)/to reply to a job advertisement/ [ying4 ji2] /emergency/to respond to an emergency/to meet a contingency/ [ying4 ji2 chu1 kou3] /emergency exit/ [ying1 ji2 dai4 ming4] /emergency standby/ [ying4 ji2 cuo4 shi1] /emergency measure/ [ying1 ji2 zhao4 she4] /emergency exposure/ [ying1 ji2 zhuang4 tai4] /emergency state/ [ying4 zhan4] /to take up a challenge/to face an attack and meet it/ [ying4 shou3] /to handle/convenient/ [Ying1 Cai3 er2] /Cherrie Ying Choi-Yi (1983-), actress/ [ying4 jie1] /to attend to/to deal with/

[ying4 jie1 bu4 xia2] /no time to deal with so many things (idiom); to ha s full/ [ying1 shou1] /(of a sum of money etc) receivable/ [ying1 shou1 zhang4 kuan3] /accounts receivable/ [ying4 di2] /to face the enemy/to meet an attack/ [ying4 shi2] /timely/occasional/ [ying4 jing3] /according with the times/seasonal/ [ying4 jing3 r5] /according with the times/seasonal/ [ying1 you3] /proper/ [ying1 you3 jin4 you3] /everything that should be here is here (idiom); a ink of is on hand/to have all one needs/ [ying4 ji1 li4 duan4] /to act on an opportunity (idiom); to take prompt a situation/ [ying1 ji1 xing4] /irritable/sensitive/excitable/ [ying4 yong4] /to use/to apply/application/applicable/ [ying4 yong4 ceng2] /application layer (computing)/ [ying4 yong4 ping2 tai2] /application platform (computing)/ [ying4 yong4 shu4 xue2] /applied mathematics/ [ying4 yong4 wen2] /applied writing/writing for practical purposes (business , advertising etc)/ [ying4 yong4 wu4 li3] /applied physics/ [ying4 yong4 ke1 xue2] /applied science/ [ying4 yong4 cheng2 shi4] /application/(computer) program/ [ying4 yong4 cheng2 shi4 jie4 mian4] /application programming int [ying4 yong4 ruan3 jian4] /application software/ [ying4 yong4 ruan3 ti3] /application software/ [ying1 dang1] /should/ought to/ [ying4 da2] /to reply/ [Ying1 xian4] /Ying county in Shuozhou [Shuo4 zhou1], Shanxi/ [ying4 xian4 mu4 ta3] /the Yingxian wooden pagoda or Sakyamuni Pagoda nea hanxi province/ [ying4 pin4] /to accept a job offer/to apply for an advertised position/ [ying4 pin4 zhe3] /person taking a job/job applicant/CL:[wei4]/ [ying4 sheng1] /an answering voice/to answer a voice/to respond/to copy a voice/t parrot/ [ying1 sheng1 chong2] /yes-man/opinionless person/ [ying4 ju3] /to sit for imperial examinations/ [ying1 ji4] /accrual (accounting)/ [ying1 ji4 ji1 chu3] /accruals basis (accounting)/ [ying1 xu3] /to promise/to allow/ [ying4 zhen3] /to see patients (of doctor)/to hold a surgery/ [ying4 zhao4] /to respond to an imperial decree/ [ying4 shi4] /to take an exam/ [ying4 shi4 jiao4 yu4] /exam-oriented education/teaching to the test/ [ying1 gai1] /ought to/should/must/ [ying4 nuo4] /to promise/to agree to do sth/ [ying4 bian4] /to meet a contingency/to adapt oneself to changes/ [ying4 bian4 li4] /adaptability/resourcefulness/ [ying4 yun4] /to conform with destiny/as the occasion demands/ [ying4 yun4 er2 sheng1] /to emerge to meet a historic destiny (idiom); to opportune time/able to take advantage of an opportunity/to rise to the occasion/ [ying4 yao1] /at sb's invitation/on invitation/ [ying4 chou5] /social niceties/social interaction/a dinner party/ [ying4 men2] /to answer the door/ [ying4 yan4] /to come true/to come about as predicted/to be fulfilled/ [ying4 dian3] /to act on one's word/ [ao4] /to regret/ [ao4 sang4] /dejected/despondent/depressed/ [ao4 hui3] /to feel remorse/to repent/to regret/ [ao4 nao3] /annoyed/vexed/upset/

[mao4] /to be hardworking/luxuriant/splendid/ [yi4] /pleased/rejoice/ [lin3] /fear/ [huai2] /Japanese variant of / [meng2] /variant of / [dui4] /dislike/hate/ [qi2] /angry/ [men4] /melancholy/ [men4 ran2] /dejectedly/ [chou2] /grieved, pained/ [zhi4] /enraged/ [nuo4] /imbecile/timid/ [nuo4 fu1] /coward/ [nuo4 ruo4] /cowardly/weak/ [yan1] /see [yan1 yan1]/ [yan1 yan1] /weak/worried/sickly/wan/ [zhi2] /enraged/resentful/to hate/to desist/ [you3] /grievous/relaxed/ [you1 lu:4] /(feel) anxiety/concern/ [liu2] /lovely/beautiful/ [mie4] /variant of [mie4]/ [cheng2] /to punish/to reprimand/to warn/ [cheng2 yi1 jing3 bai3] /lit punish one, warn one hundred/to make an exam iom)/ [cheng2 yi1 jing3 bai3] /lit punish one, warn one hundred/to make an exam o written [cheng2 yi1 jing3 bai3] (idiom)/ [cheng2 qian2 bi4 hou4] /lit. to punish those before to prevent those aft o criticize former mistakes firmly to prevent them happening again/ [cheng2 jie4] /to discipline/reprimand/ [cheng2 zhi4] /to punish/ [cheng2 fa2] /penalty/punishment/to punish/ [cheng2 fa2 xing4] /punitive/ [cheng2 chu3] /to punish/to administer justice/ [cheng2 ban4] /to punish (someone)/to take disciplinary action against (someone)/ [meng3] /stupid/ [meng3 dong3] /confused/ignorant/ [meng3 meng3 dong3 dong3] /confused/ignorant/ [lan3] /lazy/ [lan3 ren2] /lazy person/ [lan3 de2] /not wishing to do anything/disinclined/ [lan3 de5 da1 li3] /not wishing to acknowledge sb/unwilling to respond/ [lan3 dai4] /lazy/ [lan3 duo4] /idle/lazy/ [lan3 san3] /inactive/careless/lazy/indolent/negligent/ [lan3 yang1 yang1] /lazily/ [lan3 han4] /idle fellow/lazybones/ [lan3 yao1] /stretch/ [lan3 chong2] /lazy fellow (insult)/idle slob/ [lan3 ban4 fa3] /to loaf about/lazy/to hang around (and cause trouble to ever [lan3 lu:2 shang4 mo4 shi3 niao4 duo1] /(proverb) A lazy pers lay working/lit. When a lazy donkey is turning a grindstone, it takes a lot of t ime off for peeing and pooing/ [lan3 gu3 tou5] /lazybones/ [lan3 gui3] /lazybones/idle bum/ [Huai2] /surname Huai/ [huai2] /bosom/heart/mind/to think of/to harbor in one's mind/to conceive (a chi ld)/ [Huai2 ren2] /Huairen county in Shuozhou [Shuo4 zhou1], Shanxi/ [Huai2 ren2 xian4] /Huairen county in Shuozhou [Shuo4 zhou1], Shanxi/ [Huai2 lai2] /Huailai county in Zhangjiakou [Zhang1 jia1 kou3], Hebe

[Huai2 lai2 xian4] /Huailai county in Zhangjiakou [Zhang1 jia1 k [Huai2 e2 ming2] /Wyoming, US state/ [Huai2 e2 ming2 zhou1] /Wyoming, US state/ [Huai2 hua4] /Huaihua prefecture level city in Hunan/ [Huai2 hua4 shi4] /Huaihua prefecture level city in Hunan/ [Huai2 hua4 xian4] /Huaihua county, Hunan/ [huai2 gu3] /to recall the past/to cherish memory of past event/ [huai2 ren4] /gestation/pregnancy/ [huai2 yun4] /pregnant/to have conceived/gestation/pregnancy/ [Huai2 an1] /Huai'an county in Zhangjiakou [Zhang1 jia1 kou3], Hebei [Huai2 an1 xian4] /Huai'an county in Zhangjiakou [Zhang1 jia1 ko [Huai2 ning2] /Huaining county in Anqing [An1 qing4], Anhui/ [Huai2 ning2 xian4] /Huaining county in Anqing [An1 qing4], Anhui/ [huai2 bao3 dun4 shi4] /to hide ones light under a bushel (idiom)/ [huai2 nian4] /to cherish the memory o /to think o /reminisce/ [huai2 hen4] /to nurse hatred/to harbor a grudge/spite ul/ [huai2 cai2 bu4 yu4] /to cherish one s unrecognized talents (idiom); to h t no opportunity/not living up to one s abilities/under-achieving/ [huai2 bao4] /to hug/to cherish/within the bosom (o the amily)/to embrace (also ig. an ideal, aspiration etc)/ [huai2 di2 yi4] /hostile/ [Huai2 rou2] /Huairou rural district o Beijing, ormerly Huairou county/ [huai2 rou2] /to conciliate/to appease/ [Huai2 rou2 qu1] /Huairou rural district o Beijing municipality, ormerly Hu ounty/ [Huai2 rou2 xian4] / ormer Huairou county, now Huairou rural district o Beij [Huai2 te4] /White (name)/ [huai2 bi4 qi2 zui4] /lit. treasuring a jade ring becomes a crime (idiom) trouble on account o a cherished item/ ig. A person s talent will arouse the e nvy o others./ [huai2 yi2] /to doubt/to suspect/doubt/suspicion/skeptical/ [huai2 yi2 pai4] /skeptical/ [huai2 yi2 zhe3] /skeptic/suspecter/ [huai2 lu4] /to yearn or a high o icial position/ [huai2 tai1] /to become pregnant/to carry a child in the womb/ [huai2 jiu4] / ond remembrance o times past/nostalgia/ [huai2 jiu4 gan3] / eeling o nostalgia/ [huai2 li3] /embrace/bosom/ [Huai2 yuan3] /Huaiyuan county in Bengbu [Beng4 bu4], Anhui/ [Huai2 yuan3 xian4] /Huaiyuan county in Bengbu [Beng4 bu4], Anhui/ [huai2 xiang1] /homesick/ [huai2 biao3] /pocket watch/ [Huai2 ji2] /Huaiji county in Zhaoqing [Zhao4 qing4], Guangdong/ [Huai2 ji2 xian4] /Huaiji county in Zhaoqing [Zhao4 qing4], Guangdon [xuan2] /to hang or suspend/to worry/public announcement/unresolved/baseless/wit hout foundation/ [xuan2 chui2] /overhang/ [xuan2 hu2 ji4 shi4] /practice medicine or pharmacy to help the people or [xuan2 yan2] /cliff/ [xuan2 ya2] /precipice/overhanging cliff/ [xuan2 ya2 le4 ma3] /lit. to rein in the horse at the edge of the precipi ig. to act in the nick of time/ [xuan2 ya2 qiao4 bi4] /sheer cliffs and precipitous rock faces (idiom)/ [xuan2 ya2 jue2 bi4] /sheer cliffs and precipitous rock faces (idiom)/ [xuan2 nian4] /suspense in a movie, play etc/concern for sb's welfare/ [xuan2 gua4] /to suspend/to hang/suspension (cable car)/ [xuan2 gua4 shi4 hua2 xiang2] /hang-gliding/ [xuan2 gua4 shi4 hua2 xiang2 ji1] /hang-glider/ [xuan2 an4] /unresolved question/unresolved case/ [xuan2 liang2 ci4 gu3] /to study assiduously and tirelessly (idiom)/see a



hui1 ci4 gu3]/ [xuan2 shu1] /a wide gap/big contrast/large disparity/a mismatch/ [xuan2 fu2] /to float (in the air etc)/suspension/ [xuan2 fu2 wei1 li4] /particulates/particulate matter/ [xuan2 fu2 wu4] /suspended matter/suspension (of atmospheric pollution)/ [xuan2 yi2] /suspense/ [xuan2 dang4] /to hang/suspended/ [xuan2 kong1] /midair/ [xuan2 kong1 si4] /Xuankong Temple or Suspended Temple near Yanyuan in Shanxi [xuan2 suo3 qiao2] /suspension bridge/ [xuan2 er2 wei4 jue2] /pending a decision/hanging in the balance/ [xuan2 shang3] /to offer a reward/bounty/ [xuan2 shang3 ling4] /an order to post a reward (for the capture of a crimina [xuan2 yong1 chui2] /uvula (biology)/ [chan4] /feel remorse/regret/repent/ [chan4 hui3] /to confess/to repent/remorse/repentance/penitent/confession (Buddhi m)/ [ju4] /to fear/ [ju4 pa4] /to be afraid/ [ju4 gao1 zheng4] /acrophobia/ [huan1] /pleased/ [she4] /afraid/be feared/to fear/to frighten/to intimidate/ [yi4] /restrain/virtuous/ [yi4 zhi3] /an imperial decree/ [lian4] /to feel attached to/to long for/to love/ [lian4 ren2] /lover/sweetheart/ [lian4 qing2] /romantic love/ [lian4 ai4] /(romantic) love/CL: [ge4], [chang3]/in love/to have an affai [lian4 lian4 bu4 she3] /reluctant to part/ [lian4 zhan4] /to be reluctant to give up a post/ [lian4 mu3 qing2 jie2] /Oedipus complex/ [lian4 wu4] /(sexual) fetishism/ [lian4 wu4 kuang2] /(sexual) fetishism/ [lian4 wu4 pi3] /(sexual) fetishism/ [lian4 tong2 pi3] /pedophilia/ [lian4 jiao3 pi3] /foot fetish/ [lian4 jiao3 pi3 zhe3] /foot fetishist/ [nan3] /stand in awe/ [jue2] /fear/be in awe/sudden glance/ [gang4] /stupid (Wu topolect)/ [zhuang4] /simple/honest/ [gang4 du1] /stupid, ignorant (Wu topolect)/ [gang4 tou2 gang4 nao3] /stupid (Wu topolect)/ [Ge1] /surname Ge/ [ge1] /spear/ [Ge1 bi4] /Gobi (desert)/ [Ge1 bi4 sha1 mo4] /Gobi desert/ [Ge1 bi4 tan1] /Gobi desert/ [Ge1 bi4 huang1 tan1] /barren sands of the Gobi desert/ [Ge1 de2 si1 tong1] /Goldstone (name)/ [Ge1 si1 la1 er3] /Goslar, Germany/ [Ge1 er3] /Gore (name)/Al Gore (1948-), US vice-president 1993-2001 under Bill Cl nton, subsequently environmental campaigner and Nobel Peace laureate/ [Ge1 er3 ba1 qiao2 fu1] /Gorbachev/Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev (193 of the Soviet Union 1991-1995/ [Ge1 lan2 Gao1 di4] /Golan Heights/ [yue4] /variant of battle-ax/ [wu4] /fifth of 10 heavenly stems /fifth in order/letter "E" or roman "V" in li A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc/penta/ [wu4 wu3 chun2] /xylitol/also written [mu4 tang2 chun2]/

[wu4 wu3] /fifty fifth year E7 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1978 or 2038/ [wu4 zuo4 chun2] /tebuconazole (antifungal agent)/ [wu4 xing2 gan1 yan2] /hepatitis E/ [wu4 zi3] /twenty fifth year E1 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 2008 or 2068/ [wu4 yin2] /fifteenth year E3 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1998 or 2058/ [wu4 ba1 bi3 tuo3 na4] /pentasorbital sodium (a sedative)/ [wu4 xu1] /thirty fifth year E11 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1958 or 2018/cf mpt to reform the Qing dynasty in 1898/ [wu4 xu1 liu4 jun1 zi3] /the six gentlemen martyrs of the failed refo , executed in its aftermath, namely: Tan Sitong , Lin Xu , Yang Shenxiu gren and Yang Rui / [wu4 xu1 zheng4 bian4] /coup by Dowager Empress Cixi [Ci2 Xi3 tai ttempt to reform the Qing dynasty/ [wu4 xu1 wei2 xin1] /failed attempt to reform the Qing dynasty in 1898/al [wu4 xu1 bian4 fa3] /failed attempt to reform the Qing dynasty in 1898/al he hundred days reform / [wu4 shen1] /forty fifth year E9 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1968 or 2028/ [wu4 tang2] /pentose (CH2O)5, monosaccharide with five carbon atoms, such as ribo e [he2 tang2]/ [wu4 chen2] /fifth year E5 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1988 or 2048/ [wu4 chun2] /amyl alcohol/ [xu1] /11th earthly branch: 7-9 p.m., 9th solar month (8th October-6th November) , year of the Dog/ [xu1 shi2] /7-9 pm/ [xu1 gou3] /Year 11, year of the Dog (e.g. 2006)/ [shu4] /garrison/ [shu4 zu2] /garrison soldier/ [shu4 shou3] /to guard/ [shu4 jiao3] /garrison trumpet call/ [shu4 bian1] /to garrison the border/to guard the frontier/exile to a border garr son post/ [Rong2] /surname Rong/ [rong2] /generic term for weapons (old)/army (matters)/military affairs/ [rong2 shi4] /military affairs/ [rong2 shi4 kong3 zong3] /a time of military urgency/war crisis/ [rong2 ji1] /opportunity for a fight/war/ [rong2 jia3] /weapons and armor/ [rong2 hang2] /troops/military affairs/ [rong2 yi1] /military uniform/ [rong2 zhuang1] /martial attire/ [rong2 che1] /military vehicle/ [rong2 ma3] /military horse/by extension, military matters/ [rong2 ma3 sheng1 ya2] /army life (idiom)/the experience of war/ [Cheng2] /surname Cheng/ [cheng2] /to succeed/to finish/to complete/to accomplish/to become/to turn into/ to be all right/OK!/one tenth/ [cheng2 chuan4] /cluster/bunch/ [cheng2 ye3 Xiao1 He2 , bai4 ye3 Xiao1 He2] /raised u success or failure depends solely on one individual/ [cheng2 le5] /to be done/to be ready/that's enough!/that will do!/ [cheng2 jiao1] /to complete a contract/to reach a deal/ [cheng2 jiao1 jia4] /sale price/negotiated price/price reached in an auction/ [cheng2 ren2] /adult/ [cheng2 ren2] /to die for a good cause/ [cheng2 xian1] /to become immortal/ [cheng2 fen4] /composition/make-up/ingredient/element/component/one's social stat s/same as / [cheng2 fen4 gu3] /share included in composite index/ [cheng2 he2 ti3 tong3] /What a scandal!/Whatever next?/ [cheng2 xiang4] /imaging/

[cheng2 quan2] /to help sb accomplish his aim/to help sb succeed/to complete/to m ke whole/to round off/ [cheng2 fen4] /composition/make-up/ingredient/element/component/one's social stat s/CL: [ge4]/ [Cheng2 gong1] /Chenggong or Chengkung town in Taitung county [Tai2 east Taiwan/ [cheng2 gong1] /success/to succeed/CL:[ci4], [ge4]/ [cheng2 gong1 gan3] /sense of accomplishment/ [Cheng2 gong1 zhen4] /Chenggong or Chengkung town in Taitung county outheast Taiwan/ [cheng2 qian1] /thousands/ [cheng2 qian1 shang4 wan4] /lit. by the thousands and tens of thousands ( d numbers/innumerable/thousands upon thousands/ [cheng2 qian1 cheng2 wan4] /lit. by the thousands and tens of thousands ( d numbers/innumerable/thousands upon thousands/ [cheng2 qian1 lei3 wan4] /lit. by the thousands and tens of thousands (id numbers/innumerable/thousands upon thousands/ [cheng2 fan3 bi3] /to vary inversely/inversely proportional to/ [Cheng2 ji2 si1 han4] /Genghis Khan (1162-1227)/ [cheng2 ming2] /to make one's name/to become famous/ [cheng2 ming2 zuo4] /work that makes one's name/ [cheng2 pin3] /finished goods/a finished product/ [cheng2 pin3 you2] /refined oil/ [cheng2 yuan2] /member/ [cheng2 yuan2 guo2] /member country/ [cheng2 yin1] /cause/factor/ [cheng2 quan1] /wreathe/ [Cheng2 jun1 guan3] /Koryo Seonggyungwan, university dating back to Korean Go nasty, in Gaesong, North Korea/Sungkyun kwan university, Seoul/ [cheng2 xing2] /to become shaped/to become formed/ [Cheng2 Bao4] /Sing Pao Daily News/ [cheng2 tian1] /(coll.) all day long/all the time/ [cheng2 tao4] /forming a complete set/complementing one another/ [Cheng2 an1] /Chang'an county in Handan [Han2 dan1], Hebei/ [Cheng2 an1 xian4] /Chang'an county in Handan [Han2 dan1], Hebei/ [cheng2 jia1] /to settle down and get married (of a man)/to become a recognized e pert/ [cheng2 jia1 li4 ye4] /to get married and start a career (idiom)/to settl ablish oneself/ [cheng2 jiu4] /accomplishment/success/attain a result/achievement/CL: [ge4]/ [cheng2 ceng2] /layered/stratified/ [cheng2 nian2] /adult/ [cheng2 nian2 ren2] /adult person/ [cheng2 nian2 zhe3] /adult/ [cheng2 xin1] /intentional/deliberate/on purpose/ [cheng2 xing4] /to become second nature/by nature/ [cheng2 pi1] /in batches/in bulk/ [cheng2 xiao4] /effect/result/ [cheng2 bai4] /success or failure/ [cheng2 bai4 li4 dun4] /succeed or fail, sharp or blunt (idiom); advantag antages/success and failure/You win some, you lose some./ [cheng2 wen2] /written/statutory/ [cheng2 wen2 fa3] /statute/ [cheng2 fang1 r5] /set prescription (i.e. medicine specifically prescribed fo inite condition)/ [cheng2 ri4] /all day long/the whole day/the whole time/ [cheng2 shu1] /publication/a book's first appearance/ [cheng2 ben3] /(manufacturing, production etc) costs/ [cheng2 guo3] /result/achievement/gain/profit/CL: [ge4]/ [cheng2 yang4] /seemly/presentable/

[cheng2 yang4 zi5] /seemly/presentable/ [Cheng2 wu3] /Chengwu county in Heze [He2 ze2], Shandong/ [Cheng2 wu3 xian4] /Chengwu county in Heze [He2 ze2], Shandong/ [cheng2 huo2] /to survive/ [cheng2 huo2 lu:4] /survival rate/rate of success/ [Cheng2 Yu2] /Chengdu and Chongqing / [Cheng2 Han4] /Cheng Han of the Sixteen Kingdoms (304-347)/ [cheng2 zai1] /disastrous/to turn into a disaster/ [cheng2 wei2] /to become/to turn into/ [cheng2 shu2] /mature/ripe/to mature/to ripen/Taiwan pr. [cheng2 shou2]/ [cheng2 shu2 fen1 lie4] /meiosis (in sexual reproduction)/ [Cheng2 tian2] /Narita (Japanese surname and place name)/ [Cheng2 tian2 ji1 chang3] /Narita airport (Tokyo)/ [cheng2 yin3] /to be addicted/addiction/ [cheng2 bai3 shang4 qian1] /hundreds/a large number/lit. by the hundreds / [cheng2 zhen1] /to come true/ [cheng2 li4] /to establish/to set up/to be tenable/to hold water/ [cheng2 zu3] /to make up (out of components)/ [Cheng2 xian4] /Cheng county in Longnan [Long3 nan2], Gansu/ [cheng2 ji4] /achievement/performance records/grades/CL: [xiang4], [ge4]/ [cheng2 ji4 zhuo2 ran2] /to achieve astounding results (idiom)/ [cheng2 ji4 dan1] /school report or transcript/ [cheng2 qun2] /in groups/large numbers of/grouping/ [cheng2 qun2 jie2 dui4] /making up a group, forming a troupe (idiom); in /as a large crowd/ [cheng2 kao3 yi2 min2] /mandatory college exam for immigrants/ [cheng2 se4] /relative purity of silver or gold/purity in carat weight/quality/fi eness/ [Cheng2 hua2] /Chenghua district of Chengdu city [Cheng2 du1 shi4], Sichuan [Cheng2 hua2 qu1] /Chenghua district of Chengdu city [Cheng2 du1 shi4], [cheng2 yao4] /patent medicine/medicine already made up/ [cheng2 yong3] /to pupate/to become a chrysalis/ [cheng2 chong2] /imago (adult, sexually mature insect, the final stage of its dev lopment)/ [cheng2 xing2] /to embark on a journey/ [cheng2 yi1] /ready-made clothes/ [cheng2 jian4] /preconceived idea/bias/prejudice/ [cheng2 gui1] /established rules/the beaten track/ [cheng2 qin1] /to get married/ [cheng2 hua4] /to make sense/ [cheng2 yu3] /Chinese set expression, often made up of 4 characters or two couple s of 4 characters each, often alluding to a story or historical quotation/idiom; proverb; saying; adage; set expression/CL: [tiao2],[ben3],[ju4]/ [cheng2 yu3 dian3 gu4] /idiom that quotes a classic story/ [cheng2 yu3 jie1 long2] /game where the last word of one idiom [ of the next/ [cheng2 shuo1] /accepted theory or formulation/ [cheng2 xiang4] /to form an image/to call to mind/ [cheng2 jun1] /lit. to form an army/to set up (team, group, band, organization et )/to found/opening (ceremony)/to commission (arms system, naval vessel)/to gradu ate from an apprenticeship/ [Cheng2 du1] /Chengdu subprovincial city and capital of Sichuan province in st China/ [Cheng2 du1 shi4] /Chengdu subprovincial city and capital of Sichuan province hwest China/ [Cheng2 du1 Ti3 yu4 Da4 xue2] /Chengdu Sports University/ [cheng2 zhang3] /to mature/to grow/growth/ [cheng2 zhang3 lu:4] /growth rate/ [cheng2 gu3] /bone formation/osteogenesis/

[cheng2 gu3 bu4 quan2 zheng4] /osteogenesis imperfecta (OI)/brittle b [cheng2 ti3] /adult/fully formed/developed/ [Cheng2 Long2] /Jackie Chan (1954-), kungfu film and cantopop star/ [wo3] /I/me/my/ [wo3 ren2] /we/ [wo3 men5] /we/us/ourselves/our/ [wo3 guo2] /our country/China/ [wo3 fang1] /our side/we/ [wo3 deng3] /we/us (archaic)/ [wo3 xing2 wo3 su4] /to continue in one's own way (idiom); to ignore advi whatever others say/ [wo3 zui4 yu4 mian2] /lit. I'm drunk and would like to sleep (idiom)/(use one's sincere and straightforward nature)/ [wo3 kao4] /bosh!/crap!/see also [wa1 kao4]/ [jie4] /to guard against/to exhort/to admonish or warn/to give up or stop doing sth/Buddhist monastic discipline/ring (for a finger)/ [jie4 bei4] /to take precautions/to guard against (emergency)/ [jie4 bei4 sen1 yan2] /heavily-guarded/ [jie4 dao1] /Buddhist monk's knife (not used for killing)/ [jie4 ming4] /prohibition/ [jie4 yan2] /to impose martial law/to impose curfew/martial law/curfew/emergency easures/ [jie4 yan2 ling4] /martial law/ [jie4 yan2 qu1] /restricted area/ [jie4 tan2] /the place for monastic vows (e.g. altar)/ [jie4 she1 chong2 jian3] /to refrain from high standard of living (idiom) [jie4 zi5] /ring/ [jie4 lu:4] /monastic discipline/commandment/ [jie4 xin1] /vigilance/wariness/ [jie4 ji4] /a taboo/to avoid sth (as taboo)/ [jie4 shen4] /prudence/vigilance/ [jie4 ju4] /fearful/ [jie4 zhi5] /(finger) ring/ [jie4 tiao2] /commandment/precept/ [jie4 du2] /to give up drug/to quit (an addiction)/to break (dependence)/ [jie4 du2 suo3] /drug rehabilitation center/ [jie4 yan1] /to give up smoking/ [jie4 jue2] /abstinence/to give up (a bad habit)/ [jie4 xing2] /adhere to the Buddhism's monastic rules/ [jie4 gui1] /religious precept/taboo/rule/ [jie4 jiu3] /teetotal/to give up drinking/a ban on alcohol/ [jie4 chu2] /to quit/to give up (a bad habit)/ [jie4 jiao1 jie4 zao4] /to guard against pride and impatience (idiom); to t and keep cool/ [jian1] /narrow/small/ [jian1 jian1] /small/tiny/ [qiang1] /to kill/to injure/Taiwan pr. [qiang2]/ [qiang1 hai4] /to injure/ [huo4] /maybe/perhaps/might/possibly/or/ [huo4 duo1 huo4 shao3] /more or less/ [huo4 shi4] /or/either one or the other/ [huo4 ran2] /probable/ [huo4 cheng1] /also called/also known as/a.k.a./ [huo4 zhe3] /or/possibly/maybe/perhaps/ [huo4 xu3] /perhaps/maybe/ [Qi1] /surname Qi/ [qi1] /relative/grief (borrowed meaning from rarely used )/sorrow/ [qi1 you3] /relatives and friends/ [qi1 shu3] /relative/family member/dependent/ [qi1 qi1] /intimate/closely related/sorrowful/distressed/

[qi1 zu2] /family members/fellow clansman/ [Qi1 Ji4 guang1] /Qi Jiguang (1528-1588), military leader/ [qi1 yi4] /relation/close friendship/ [jia2] /lance/to tap/to scrape/to chirp/custom/ [jia2 jia2] /difficult/challenging/original/ [jia2 jia2 du2 zao4] /creative/original/ [jia2 ran2] /(literary) to stop abruptly (of a sound)/to be loud and clear/ [jia2 ran2 er2 zhi3] /with a grunting sound it stops (idiom); to come to neously (esp. of sound)/ [Jia2 na4] /Cannes (France)/ [zei2] /old variant of [zei2]/ [jia2] /variant of [jia2]/ [ji3] /halberd/long handled weapon with pointed tip and crescent blade/combined spear and battle-ax/ [shi4] /a sword. potter's clay. to gather/ [kan1] /kill/suppress/ [kan1 luan4 ping2 fan3] /to suppress a rebellion (idiom)/ [Ji2] /surname Ji/ [ji2] /to restrain oneself/to collect/to hoard/to store up/to cease/ [kui2] /a lance/ [gai4] /infringe upon a trade mark/ [deng3] /small steelyard for weighing money/ [zhan4] /Japanese variant of / [qiang1] /contrary/pushing against/bump/knock/used as equivalent for [qiang1]/ [qiang1 feng1] /a headwind/a contrary wind/ [jian3] /carry to the utmost/to cut/ [jie2] /to cut off (a length)/to stop/to intercept/section/chunk/length/ [jie2 tu2] /screenshot (computing)/ [jie2 ta3] /zeta (Greek letter )/ [jie2 duo2] /intercept/ [jie2 wei3] /to dock/to trim (esp. the tail of an animal)/ [jie2 ping2] /screenshot/to capture an image displayed on a computer screen/ [jie2 quan2 dao4] /Jeet Kun Do or Way of the Intercepting Fist, a fusion of e and western martial arts led by Bruce Lee / [jie2 ji1] /to intercept (military)/ [jie2 duan4] /to cut off/ [jie2 zhi3] /to close/to stop/to put a stop to sth/cut-off point/stopping point/d adline/ [jie2 ran2] /completely/sharply (differing)/ [jie2 huo4] /to intercept/to cut off and capture/ [jie2 tan1] /paraplegia/paralysis/ [jie2 cheng2 xu4] /routine/ [jie2 xian4] /intersecting line/ [jie2 zhi1] /amputation (medicine)/to amputate/ [jie2 zhi4] /up to (a time)/by (a time)/ [jie2 ju4] /intercept (the point at which a line crosses the x- or y-axis)/ [yan3] /spear/ [lu4] /to kill/ [lu4 li4 tong2 xin1] /concerted efforts in a common cause (idiom); united together/ [xi4] /Japanese variant of / [zhan4] /to fight/fight/war/battle/ [zhan4 luan4] /chaos of war/ [zhan4 shi4] /fighting/ [zhan4 fu2] /prisoner of war/ [zhan4 bei4] /war preparation/ [zhan4 jing1] /to tremble/to be on guard/ [zhan4 jing1 jing1] /shaking with fear/ [zhan4 lie4 jian4] /battleship/ [zhan4 li4 pin3] /plunder/

[zhan4 li4] /military strength/military power/military capability/ [zhan4 gong1] /outstanding military service/ [zhan4 sheng4] /to prevail/to surmount/ [zhan4 qu1] /war zone/(military) theater of operations/ [zhan4 you3] /comrade-in-arms/battle companion/ [zhan4 guo2] /the Warring States period (475-221 BC)/ [zhan4 guo2 qi1 xiong2] /Seven Powerful States of the Warring States, nam u3], [Yan1], [Han2], [Zhao4], [Wei4] and [Qin2]/ [zhan4 guo2 shi2 dai4] /the Warring States period (475-221 BC)/Japanese W period (15th-17th centuries)/ [zhan4 guo2 mo4] /late Warring States period, c. 250-221 BC before the First 's Qin Dynasty/ [zhan4 guo2 mo4 nian2] /late Warring States period, c. 250-221 BC before eror's Qin Dynasty/ [Zhan4 guo2 ce4] /"Strategies of the Warring States", chronicle of the Warrin s Period (475-220 BC), possibly written by Su Qin [Su1 Qin2]/ [zhan4 tuan2] /fighting group/by extension, a fight/a fray/ [zhan4 di4] /battlefield/ [zhan4 chang3] /battlefield/CL: [ge4]/ [zhan4 hao2] /trench warfare/ [zhan4 hao2 re4] /trench fever/ [zhan4 shi4] /fighter/soldier/warrior/CL: [ge4]/ [zhan4 yi4] /military campaign/ [zhan4 hou4] /after the war/post-war/ [zhan4 li4] /to tremble/shudder/ [zhan4 zhan4 jing1 jing1] /trembling with fear/with fear and trepidation/ [zhan4 zhan4 li4 li4] /to tremble with fear/ [zhan4 dou3] /to shudder/to tremble/ [zhan4 bai4] /to lose a war/ [zhan4 qi2] /a war flag/an army banner/ [zhan4 shi2] /wartime/ [zhan4 shu1] /written war challenge/ [zhan4 ji1] /opportunity in a battle/fighter aircraft/ [zhan4 kuang4] /battlefield situation/battle progress/ [zhan4 fa3] /military strategy/ [zhan4 huo3] /conflagration/the fire of war/ [zhan4 huo3 fen1 fei1] /fire of war everywhere (idiom); enveloped in the / [zhan4 wu2 bu4 sheng4] /to triumph in every battle (idiom); invincible/to very undertaking/ [zhan4 wu2 bu4 sheng4 , gong1 wu2 bu4 ke4] /to triump m); all-conquering/ever victorious/nothing they can't do/ [zhan4 wu2 bu4 sheng4 , gong1 wu2 bu4 qu3] /to triump m); all-conquering/ever victorious/nothing they can't do/ [zhan4 zheng1] /war/conflict/CL: [chang2],[ci4]/ [zhan4 zheng1 zui4] /war crime/ [zhan4 zheng1 zui4 xing2] /war crime/ [Zhan4 zheng1 yu3 He2 ping2] /War and Peace by Tolstoy [zhan4 fan4] /war criminal/ [zhan4 lu:e4] /strategy/ [zhan4 lu:e4 huo3 ban4] /strategic partner/ [zhan4 lu:e4 huo3 ban4] /variant of [zhan4 lu:e4 huo3 ba [zhan4 lu:e4 jia1] /a strategist/ [zhan4 lu:e4 xing4] /strategic/ [zhan4 lu:e4 he2 li4 liang5] /strategic nuclear force/ [zhan4 lu:e4 he2 wu3 qi4] /strategic nuclear weapon/ [zhan4 lu:e4 yao4 dian3] /strategic point/ [zhan4 lu:e4 hong1 zha4 ji1] /strategic bomber/ [zhan4 lu:e4 fang2 yu4 chang4 yi4] /strategic defense initiative [zhan4 huo4] /disaster of war/

[zhan4 xian4] /battle line/battlefront/front/ [zhan4 chuan2] /warship/ [zhan4 jian4] /battleship/warship/ [zhan4 shu4] /tactics/ [zhan4 shu4 dao3 dan4] /tactical missile/ [zhan4 shu4 he2 wu3 qi4] /tactical nuclear weapons/ [zhan4 che1] /war chariot/tank/ [zhan4 ma3] /war-horse/ [zhan4 dou4] /to fight/to battle/CL: [chang2],[ci4]/ [zhan4 dou4 li4] /fighting strength/ [zhan4 dou4 ji1] /fighter (aircraft)/ [zhan4 dou4 qun2] /battle group/naval formation headed by an aircraft carrier [zhan4 dou4 zhe3] /fighter/ [zhan4 dou4 jian4] /battleship/ [xi4] /variant of [xi4]/play/drama/ [xi4] /trick/drama/play/show/CL:[chu1], [chang3], [tai2]/ [xi4 fang3] /parody/imitation/ [xi4 wu3] /to insult/ [xi4 ju4] /drama/play/theater/ [xi4 ju4 hua4] /theatrical/ [xi4 ju4 jia1] /dramatist/playwright/ [xi4 ju4 xing4] /dramatic/ [xi4 nong4] /to caper/to jest/ [xi4 qu3] /Chinese opera/ [xi4 fa3] /magic trick/ [xi4 shua3] /to amuse oneself/to play with/to tease/ [xi4 tai2] /stage/ [xi4 yan2] /joking matter/to go back on one's words/ [xi4 shuo1] /dramatic form consisting of historical narration/history as jocular arrative/to stretch history for a joking story/amusing story with strained inter pretations of history/to make an unreasonable comparison in jest/ [xi4 shuo1 ju4] /period costume drama (on TV)/ [xi4 xue4] /to banter/to crack jokes/to ridicule/ [xi4 yuan4] /theater/ [chuo1] /to jab/to poke/to stab/to sprain/to blunt/to fuck (vulgar)/to stand sth upright/ [chuo1 bu4 zhu4] /not up to it/cannot stand the test/ [chuo1 fen4 r5] /to flaunt/ [chuo1 ge4 r5] /physique/ [chuo1 r5] /stamp/seal/ [chuo1 ci4 gan3] /pins and needles (in muscle)/paresthesia/ [chuo1 li4] /to work toward/to endeavor/an attempt/ [chuo1 gu1] /to stir up behind sb's back/to incite secretly/ [chuo1 bi4 jiao3] /to criticize behind sb's back/back-biting/ [chuo1 zi5] /stamp/seal/ [chuo1 de5 zhu4] /up to it/can stand the test/ [chuo1 xin1 guan4 sui3] /sarcasm/ [chuo1 da1] /to knock/to jab/ [chuo1 po4] /puncture/to expose/ [chuo1 huo4] /to stir up trouble/ [chuo1 chuan1] /to puncture/to lay bear or expose (lies etc)/ [chuo1 chuan1 shi4 yan4] /puncture test/ [chuo1 ji3 liang5] /to criticize behind sb's back/back-biting/ [chuo1 ji3 liang5 gu3] /to criticize behind sb's back/back-biting/ [chuo1 ji4] /stamp/seal/ [Dai4] /surname Dai/ [dai4] /to put on or wear (glasses, hat, gloves etc)/to respect/to bear/to suppo rt/ [dai4 shang5] /to put on (hat etc)/ [dai4 sheng4] /hoopoe (Upupa epops)/

[Dai4 Ming2 shi4] /Dai Mingshi (1653-1713), early Qing writer/ [dai4 tao4] /to wear a condom/ [dai4 ao4 xin1] /dioxin, carcinogenic heterocyclic hydrocarbon (esp. Taiwan u [Dai4 an1 na4] /Diana (name)/ [Dai4 an1 na4 wang2 fei1] /Diana, Princess of Wales (1961-1997)/ [dai4 you3 se4 yan3 jing4] /to wear colored glasses/to have a prejudi [Dai4 er3] /Dell/ [dai4 pen2 wang4 tian1] /lit. viewing the sky with a basin on one's head; o get a clear view of the sky while carrying a platter on one's head/fig. it is hard to get on in one's career while encumbered by family obligations/one can't perform a major task while bothered by other duties/ [Dai4 Bing3 guo2] /Dai Bingguo (1941-), a Chinese politician and professional at/ [dai4 lu:4 mao4 zi5] /a cuckold/to be cuckolded by one's wife/ [dai4 lu:4 tou2 jin1] /lit. to wear green headband (to visit a Yuan dynas uckold/ [Dai4 wei2 si1] /Davis or Davies (name)/ [Dai4 wei2 si1 bei1] /Davis cup (international tennis team competition)/ [Dai4 wei2 ying2] /Camp David/ [dai4 ju2] /goldcrest (Regulus satrapa)/ [dai4 ju2 niao3] /kinglet/bird of Regulus genus/ [dai4 biao3] /to wear a watch/a homophone for used to avoid internet censors the PRC/ [Dai4 Gao1 le4] /Charles De Gaulle (1890-1970), French general and politician r of the Free French during World War II and President of the Republic 1959-1969 / [hu4] /a household/door/family/ [hu4 zhu3] /head of the household/ [hu4 nei4] /indoors/within the home/ [hu4 kou3] /population (counted as number of households for census or taxation)/r gistered residence/ [hu4 kou3 zhi4] /PRC system of compulsory registration/ [hu4 kou3 zhi4 du4] /PRC system of compulsory registration/ [hu4 kou3 bu4] /household register/ [hu4 gao4 ren2 xiao3] /to make known to every household (idiom); to disse /to shout from the rooftops/ [hu4 jun1] /household average/ [hu4 wai4] /outdoor/ [hu4 shu1 bu4 du4] /lit. a door hinge never becomes worm-eaten/constant a nts decay (idiom)/ [hu4 you3] /door and window/the home/ [hu4 ji2] /census register/household register/ [Hu4 xian4] /Hu county in Xi'an [Xi1 an1], Shaanxi/ [Hu4 Bu4] /Ministry of Revenue in Imperial China/ [hu4 bu4 shang4 shu1] /Minister of Revenue (from the Han dynasty onwards) [hu4 xian4] /threshold/ [hu4 xian4 wei4 chuan1] /an endless stream of visitors (idiom)/ [hu4 tou2] /bank account/CL: [ge4]/ [hu4] /variant of / [shi4] /door pivot/ [li4] /Japanese variant of /to twist back/to return/ [mao3] /variant of / [hu4] /water bucket for irrigation/ [hu4 shui3] /to bail (i.e. scoop water)/ [li4] /to bend/to violate/to go against/ruthless and tyrannical/ [li4 long2] /mythical evil serpent/evil dragon in Western mythology, cf Revelatio s 14:12/ [Fang2] /surname Fang/ [fang2] /house/room/CL: [jian1]/ [fang2 xia4] /one's wife (traditional)/

[fang2 zhu3] /landlord, house-owner/ [fang2 shi4] /sexual intercourse (between married couple)/ [fang2 jia4] /house price/cost of housing/ [fang2 ka3] /room card (in a hotel)/ [fang2 di4 chan3] /real estate/ [Fang2 di4 mei3] /Freddie Mac, US mortgage company/formerly Federal Home Loan ge Corp./ [fang2 qi4] /deed (for a house)/CL: [zhang1],[fen4]/ [fang2 nu2] /a slave to one's housing/a slave of high rent or mortgage repayment/ [fang2 zi5] /house/building (single- or two-story)/apartment/room/CL: [dong4] 4],[zuo4],[tao4]/ [fang2 zi5 zu1] /house rent/ [fang2 ke4] /tenant/ [fang2 shi4] /room/ [fang2 wu1] /house/building/CL:[suo3],[tao4]/ [fang2 wu1 zhong1 jie4] /housing agent/real estate agent/ [Fang2 shan1] /Fangshan district of Beijing, formerly Fangshan county/ [Fang2 shan1 qu1] /Fangshan district of Beijing, formerly Fangshan county/ [fang2 dong1] /landlord/ [fang2 ya2] /real estate agent/ [fang2 ya2 zi3] /real estate agent/ [Fang2 Xuan2 ling2] /Fang Xuanling (579-648), Tang dynasty historian, compile story of Jin dynasty / [fang2 chan3] /real estate/the property market (e.g. houses)/ [fang2 chan3 zhong1 jie4] /real estate agent/ [fang2 chan3 zheng4] /title deeds/certificate of property ownership/ [fang2 zu1] /rent for a room or house/ [Fang2 xian4] /Fang county in Shiyan [Shi2 yan4], Hubei/ [fang2 cang1] /(ship's) cabin/ [fang2 dai4] /home loan/ [fang2 dai4 yin2 hang2] /home loan bank/ [fang2 fei4] /room charge/ [fang2 che1] /recreational vehicle/ [fang2 qian2] /charges for a room/house rental/ [fang2 men2] /door of a room/ [fang2 jian1] /room/CL: [jian1]/ [fang2 ding3] /housetop/roof/ [fang2 mo2] /"housing devil", real estate developer or realtor accused of manipul ting the property market in their favor/ [suo3] /actually/place/classifier for houses, small buildings, institutions etc/ that which/particle introducing a relative clause or passive/CL: [ge4]/ [suo3 yi3] /therefore/as a result/so/ [suo3 yi3 ran2] /the reason why/ [suo3 zuo4 suo3 wei2] /one's conduct and deeds/ [suo3 ji2] /to reach as far as/within reach/ [suo3 xiang4 pi1 mi3] /to sweep everything before one/to be invincible (i [suo3 xiang4 wu2 di2] /to be invincible/unrivalled/ [suo3 zhou1 zhi1] /as is well known/as everyone knows/ [suo3 zai4] /place/location/whereabouts/domicile/to be located/to belong to (orga ization etc)/ [suo3 zai4 di4] /location/site/ [Suo3 duo1] /Soto/ [Suo3 duo1 ma3] /Sodom/ [Suo3 duo1 ma3 yu3 E2 mo2 la1] /Sodom and Gomorrah/ [suo3 ju1] /residence/dwelling/dwelling place/ [suo3 shu3] /one's affiliation (i.e. the organization one is affiliated with)/sub rdinate (i.e. those subordinate to oneself)/belonging to/affiliated/under one's command/ [suo3 shu3 dan1 wei4] /affiliated unit/subsidiary/ [suo3 xing4] /fortunately (formal writing)/

[suo3 de2] /what one acquires/one's gains/ [suo3 de2 shui4] /income tax/ [suo3 si1] /what one thinks/ [suo3 xiang3] /what one considers/one's thoughts/ [suo3 zhi3] /the objects indicated/as pointed out/ [suo3 liao4] /expectation/what one anticipates/ [suo3 you3] /all/to have/to possess/to own/ [suo3 you3 zhu3] /owner/proprietor/ [suo3 you3 zhi4] /ownership of the means of production (in Marxism)/system of hip/ [suo3 you3 quan2] /ownership/possession/property rights/title (to property)/ [suo3 you3 wu4] /belongings/ [suo3 you3 zhe3] /proprietor/owner/ [suo3 wei2] /what one does/doings/ [suo3 sheng1] /parents (father and mother)/ [suo3 fa1 xian4] /discovered/what one discovers/ [suo3 zhi1] /known/what one knows/ [Suo3 luo2 ba1 bo2] /Zerubbabel (son of Shealtiel)/ [Suo3 luo2 men2] /Solomon (name)/ [Suo3 luo2 men2 qun2 dao3] /Solomon Islands in southwest Pacific/ [suo3 wen2] /heard/what one hears/ [suo3 neng2] /according to one's capabilities/what sb is capable of/ [suo3 zhi4] /to be caused by/ [suo3 jian4] /seen/what one sees/ [suo3 jian4 ji2 suo3 de2] /What you see is what you get (WYSIWYG)/ [suo3 jian4 suo3 wen2] /what one hears and sees (idiom)/ [suo3 wei4] /so-called/what is called/ [suo3 zhang3] /head of an institute etc/ [suo3 xu1] /necessary (for)/required/ [suo3 yuan4] /wished-for/desired/ [Pian1] /surname Pian/ [bian3] /flat/(old form of character , horizontal tablet with inscription)/ [pian1] /small boat/ [bian3 yuan2] /oblate/ [bian3 pi1] /slab/ [bian3 ping2] /flat/planar/ [pian1 xing2 dong4 wu4] /flatworm/phylum of Platyhelminthes/ [pian1 xing2 dong4 wu4 men2] /flatworm/phylum of Platyhelminthes/ [bian3 dan5] /carrying pole/shoulder pole/CL:[gen1]/ [bian3 tao2] /almond tree/almond/flat peach/ [bian3 tao2 xian4] /tonsil/ [bian3 tao2 xian4 yan2] /tonsillitis/ [bian3 tao2 ti3] /tonsil/ [bian3 tao2 ti3 yan2] /tonsillitis/ [bian3 xue2] /tonsil/now written [bian3 tao2 ti3]/ [pian1 zhou1] /small boat/skiff/ [bian3 shi1] /tick (zoology)/ [bian3 chong2] /flatworm/ [bian3 dou4] /hyacinth bean/haricot/ [bian3 qiao1 xing2 chong2] /giant stag beetle (Dorcus titanus)/ [bian3 e2] /variant of [bian3 e2]/ [bian3 gu3] /flat bone/ [dian4] /door latch/ [dian4 xie1] /door latch/ [jiong1] /shut/ [Yi3] /surname Yi/ [yi3] /screen/ [shan1] /to fan/to slap sb on the face/ [shan4] /fan/sliding, hinged or detachable flat part of sth/classifier for doors , windows etc/

[shan1 dong4] /to fan/to flap/to incite/to instigate (a strike etc)/ [shan4 qu1] /disk sector (computing)/ [shan1 zi5] /fan/CL:[ba3]/ [shan4 xing2] /circular sector/ [shan4 bei4] /scallop (genus Pecten)/ [shan1 mian4 qin2] /same as yangqin , dulcimer/ [Hu4] /surname Hu/ [hu4] /retinue/ [fei1] /door with only one leaf/ [fei1 hua4] /frontpage picture/ [fei1 ye4] /title page/flyleaf/end paper/ [yan3] /upright bar for fastening a door/ [shou3] /hand/(formal) to hold/person engaged in certain types of work/person sk illed in certain types of work/personal(ly)/convenient/CL: [shuang1], [zhi1]/ [shou3 xia4] /leadership/under one's control or administration/subordinates/to ta e action/to run out of money/ [shou3 xia4 liu2 qing2] /lit. start off leniently (idiom); please do not with me/Do not judge me too harshly./Look favorably on my humble efforts./ [shou3 jiao1] /handjob/manual stimulation/ [shou3 ce4] /manual/handbook/ [shou3 dao4 nian2 lai2] /stretch a hand and grab it (idiom); easy to do/ [shou3 dao4 qin2 lai2] /stretch a hand and grab it (idiom); very easy/ [shou3 sha1 che1] /handbrake/ [shou3 dong4] /manual/manually operated/manual gear-change/ [shou3 dong4 dang3] /manual gear-change/shift stick/ [shou3 dong4 bian4 su4 qi4] /manual gearbox/manual transmission/ [shou3 shi4] /gesture/sign/signal/ [shou3 bao1] /handbag/ [shou3 tao4] /glove/mitten/CL: [shuang1], [zhi1]/ [shou3 tao4 xiang1] /glove compartment (auto.)/glovebox (sci.)/ [shou3 xie3] /handwriting/ [shou3 xie3 shi2 bie2] /handwriting recognition/ [shou3 xie3 bian4 shi2] /handwriting recognition/ [shou3 xie3 ti3] /handwriting/ [Shou3 dao3 Kui2] /TESHIMA Aoi (1987-), Japanese female pop singer/ [shou3 gong1] /handwork/manual/ [shou3 gong1 ye4] /handicraft/ [shou3 gong1 tai2] /workbench/ [shou3 gong1 yi4] /handicraft/arts and crafts/ [shou3 qiao3] /to be skillful with one's hands/to be manually adroit/ [shou3 jin1] /hand towel/ [shou3 pa4] /handkerchief/CL:[fang1]/ [shou3 shi4] /gesture/same as [shou3 shi4]/ [shou3 tan2] /fingered (bass)/ [shou3 ying3] /hand shadow drama/ [shou3 xin1] /palm (of one's hand)/control (extended meaning from having somethin in the palm of one's hand)/ [shou3 xin1 li5] /hollow of one's hand/ [shou3 mang2 jiao3 luan4] /to act with confusion/to be in a flurry/to be [shou3 da3] /hand typewriter (as opposed to electric typewriter), abbr. for [shou3 da3 zi4 ji1] /hand typewriter (as opposed to electric typewriter)/ [shou3 ban1 hu2 lu5] /lever hoist pulley/ [shou3 zhua1 yang2 rou4] /hand-held mutton (mutton pieces on the bone, ea fingers)/ [shou3 la1 shou3] /to join hands/hand in hand/ [shou3 la1 hu2 lu5] /hand chain pulley block/ [shou3 la1 che1] /cart/ [shou3 zhi3] /finger/CL: [ge4], [zhi1]/ [shou3 zhi3 tou5] /fingertip/finger/ [shou3 juan3] /hand scroll (horizontal format for Chinese landscape painting)/han

roll (Japanese: temaki, style of fish cuisine)/hand rolled cigarette/hand roll (many contexts)/roll up/ [shou3 zhang3] /palm/ [shou3 che4] /handbrake/game controller (Cantonese)/ [shou3 kong4] /manual control/ [shou3 tui1 che1] /trolley/cart/barrow/handcart/wheelbarrow/baby buggy/ [shou3 ti2] /portable/ [shou3 ti2 bao1] /(hand)bag/hold-all/ [shou3 ti2 xiang1] /suitcase/ [shou3 ti2 dian4 nao3] /portable computer/ [shou3 yao2 feng1 qin2] /hand organ/hurdy-gurdy/ [shou3 zhang4] /cane/CL:[ba3]/ [shou3 ban3 hu2 lu5] /lever pulley block/ [shou3 bing3] /handle/video game controller/ [shou3 liu2 dan4] /hand grenade/ [shou3 qiang1] /pistol/CL:[ba3]/ [shou3 ji1] /cell phone/mobile phone/CL:[bu4],[zhi1]/ [shou3 ji1 chong1 zhi2 ka3] /phone recharge card/ [shou3 duan4] /method/means (of doing sth)/strategy/trick/CL: [ge4]/ [shou3 qi4] /luck (in gambling)/ [shou3 fa3] /technique/trick/skill/ [shou3 yin2] /to masturbate/masturbation/ [shou3 wu2 cun4 tie3] /lit. not an inch of steel (idiom); unarmed and def [shou3 wu2 fu4 ji1 zhi1 li4] /without the strength to truss a chi [shou3 qiu2] /team handball/ [shou3 yong4] /hand-used/hand (tool)/ [shou3 xiang4] /palmistry/features of a palm (in palmistry)/ [shou3 gao3] /manuscript/script/ [shou3 juan4] /handkerchief/CL: [zhang1], [kuai4]/ [shou3 feng2] /to sew by hand/hand-sewn/ [shou3 xu4] /procedure/CL:[dao4], [ge4]/formalities/ [shou3 xu4 fei4] /service charge/processing fee/commission/ [shou3 zhou3] /elbow/ [shou3 bei4] /back of the hand/ [shou3 bo2 zi5] /wrist (dialect)/ [shou3 wan4] /wrist/trickery/finesse/ability/skill/ [shou3 wan4 zi5] /wrist/ [shou3 wan4 shi4] /wrist .../ [shou3 wan4 shi4 zhi3 bei3 zhen1] /wrist compass/ [shou3 jiao3] /hand and foot/movement of limbs/action/trick/ [shou3 bi4] /arm/helper/ [shou3 ju3] /a salute/hands raised/ [shou3 wu3 zu2 dao3] /hands dance and feet trip (idiom); dancing and gest joy/ [shou3 yi4] /craftmanship/workmanship/handicraft/trade/ [shou3 shu4] /(surgical) operation/surgery/CL: [ge4]/ [shou3 li3] /in hand/(a situation is) in sb's hands/ [shou3 yu3] /sign language/ [shou3 zu2] /hands and feet/(fig.) brothers/retinue, henchmen, accomplices/ [shou3 zu2 zhi1 qing2] /brotherly affection/ [shou3 zu2 kou3 bing4] /hand foot and mouth disease, HFMD, caused by a nu tinal viruses, usually affecting young children/ [shou3 zu2 kou3 zheng4] /human hand foot and mouth disease, a viral infec [shou3 zu2 wu2 cuo4] /at a loss to know what to do (idiom); bewildered/ [shou3 zu2 qin1 qing2] /brotherly kindness/ [shou3 ji4] /sb's original handwriting or painting/ [shou3 kao4] /manacles/handcuffs/ [shou3 chui2] /mallet/drumstick/ [shou3 biao3] /wrist watch/CL: [kuai4], [zhi1], [ge4]/ [shou3 lian4] /bracelet/

[shou3 zhuo2] /bracelet/ [shou3 zuan1] /gimlet/ [shou3 lei2] /grenade/ [shou3 dian4] /flashlight/torch/ [shou3 dian4 tong3] /flashlight/electric hand torch/ [shou3 tou2] /in hand (e.g. cash)/ [shou3 tou2 xian4 jin1] /cash in hand/ [shou3 feng1 qin2] /accordion/ [cai2] /ability/talent/sb of a certain type/a capable individual/only/only then/ just now/ [cai2 bu4] /by no means/definitely not/as if!/yeah right!/ [cai2 jian1 wen2 wu3] /talent in both military and civil field (idiom)/ [cai2 wai4 liu2] /brain drain/ [cai2 nu:3] /talented girl/ [cai2 zi3] /gifted scholar/ [cai2 zi3 jia1 ren2] /gifted scholar, beautiful lady (idiom); pair of ide With his brains and her looks.../ [cai2 xue2] /talent and learning/scholarship/ [cai2 gan4] /ability/competence/ [cai2 si1] /imaginative power/creativeness/ [cai2 guai4] /it'd be a wonder if... (following a verb phrase that is usually neg tive)/ [cai2 zhi4] /ability and wisdom/ [cai2 qi4] /talent (usually literary or artistic)/ [cai2 qi4 guo4 ren2] /an outstanding talent (idiom)/surpassing insight an [cai2 lu:e4] /ability and sagacity/ [cai2 shu1 xue2 qian3] /(humble expr.) of humble talent and shallow learn Pray forgive my ignorance,.../ [cai2 neng2] /talent/ability/capacity/ [cai2 hua2] /literary or artistic talent/CL:[fen4]/ [cai2 hua2 chu1 zhong4] /outstanding talent (idiom); incomparable artisti [cai2 hua2 heng2 yi4] /brimming over with talent (esp. literary)/brillian [cai2 hua2 gai4 shi4] /peerless talent (idiom); incomparable artistic mer [cai2 yi4] /talent/ [cai2 yi4 ji4 neng2] /talent/ [cai2 yi4 xiu4] /talent show/ [cai2 shi2] /ability and insight/ [cai2 shi2 guo4 ren2] /an outstanding talent (idiom)/surpassing insight a [cai2 mao4 shuang1 quan2] /talented and good-looking (idiom)/ [zha1] /to prick/to run or stick (a needle etc) into/jug (a classifier for liqui ds such as beer)/ [zha2] /penetrating (as of cold)/struggle/ [zha1 yi1 er3] /Zaire/ [zha1 zhu4] /to stop/Taiwan pr. [zha3 zhu4]/ [zha1 pi2] /draught beer/ [Za1 nang2] /Zhanang county, Tibetan: Gra nang rdzong, in Lhokha prefecture i4 qu1], Tibet/ [Za1 nang2 xian4] /Zhanang county, Tibetan: Gra nang rdzong, in Lhokha prefec n2 di4 qu1], Tibet/ [zha1 dui1] /to gather together/ [zha1 shi5] /strong/solid/sturdy/firm/practical/ [zha1 shi5 tui1 jin4] /solid progress/ [zha1 zha1] /(onomatopoeia) crunch (of marching feet etc)/ [zha1 zha5 shi2 shi2] /firm/solid/reliable/real/practical/ [zha1 gen1] /take root/ [Za1 ge2 luo2 si1] /Zagros mountains of southwest Iran/ [Za1 ge2 luo2 si1 shan1 mai4] /Zagros mountains of southwest Iran [zha1 kuan3] /to obtain money/to earn money (slang)/ [Za1 er3 da2 li3] /Asif Ali Zardari (1956-), Pakistani People's Party pol wer of murdered Benazir Bhutto, president of Pakistan from 2008/

[zha1 meng3 zi5] /to swim with head submerged/ [zha1 chuan1] /to prick/to puncture/ [Zha1 lan2 tun2] /Zhalantun county level city, Mongolian Zalan-ail xot, in Hu [Hu1 lun2 bei4 er3], Inner Mongolia/ [Zha1 lan2 tun2 shi4] /Zhalantun county level city, Mongolian Zalan-ail x uir [Hu1 lun2 bei4 er3], Inner Mongolia/ [Zha1 lai4 te4] /Jalaid or Zhalaid (name)/Jalaid banner, Mongolian Zhalaid kh in Hinggan league [Xing1 an1 meng2], east Inner Mongolia/ [Zha1 lai4 te4 qi2] /Jalaid banner, Mongolian Zhalaid khoshuu, in Hinggan meng2], east Inner Mongolia/ [zha1 zhen1] /to give or have an acupuncture treatment/ [Za1 lu3 te4] /Jarud banner or Jarud khoshuu in Tongliao [Tong1 liao [Za1 lu3 te4 qi2] /Jarud banner or Jarud khoshuu in Tongliao [To a/ [le4] /divination by straw/ [ba1] /to hold on to/to cling to/to dig up/to rake/to push aside/to climb/to pul l out/to strip off/ [pa2] /to rake up/to steal/to braise/to crawl/ [pa2 shou3] /pickpocket/ [ba1 la1] /to push lightly/to flick to one side/to get rid of/ [ba1 lou1] /to pile together/to cram food into one's mouth (with chopsticks)/to e t fast/ [pa2 hui1] /incest between father-in-law and daughter-in-law/ [pa2 li2] /sledge/also written / [ba1 pi2] /to exploit/to take advantage of/ [pa2 qie4] /to steal/to pick pockets/to frisk/ [pa2 gao1] /buckwheat pudding (snack of buckwheat noodles with sauce)/ [ba1 fen4] /muckraking/to stir up scandal/to expose (corruption)/ [ba1 che1] /to pull oneself up onto a moving vehicle/ [ba1 ding1] /cramp/ [ba1 kai1] /to push aside/ [ba1 tou5 r5] /handhold (to pull oneself up)/ [pa2 gao1 cai3 di1] /crawl high, step low (idiom); unprincipled crawling, ne's superiors and trampling on one's juniors/toadying and bullying/ [da2] /dozen/ [da3] /to beat/to strike/to hit/to break/to type/to mix up/to build/to fight/to fetch/to make/to tie up/to issue/to shoot/to calculate/to play (a game)/since/fr om/ [da3 xia4] /to lay (a foundation)/to conquer (a city etc)/to shoot down (a bird e c)/ [da3 xia4 shou3] /to act in a supporting role/fig. to play second fiddle/ [da3 bu5 tong1] /cannot get through (on phone)/ [da3 bu5 guo4] /unable to defeat/to be no match for sb/ [da3 zhong4] /to hit (a target)/ [da3 jiao1 dao4] /to come into contact with/to have dealings/ [da3 zhang4] /to fight a battle/to go to war/ [da3 lai2] /to come to attack/ [da3 lai2 hui2] /to make a round trip/a return journey/ [da3 bao3 piao4] /to vouch for/to guarantee/ [da3 dao3] /to overthrow/to knock down/Down with ... !/ [da3 shang1] /bruise/injure/ [da3 guang1 gun4] /to live as bachelor/ [da3 dui4] /to arrange (colloquial)/to transfer creditor's rights (in a debt case / [da3 fen1] /to grade/to give a mark/ [da3 jie2] /to loot/to rob/to plunder/to ransack/ [da3 dong4] /to move (to pity)/arousing (sympathy)/touching/ [da3 gou1] /to check/to tick/to buy (traditional)/ [da3 gou1 gou1] /see [la1 gou1]/ [da3 bao1] /to wrap/to pack/to ask for a doggy bag (at a restaurant)/

[da3 ka3] /to clock in or out (of a job etc)/ [da3 gua4] /to tell sb's fortune using divinatory trigrams/ [da3 yin4] /to print/to seal/to stamp/ [da3 yin4 fu2 wu4 qi4] /print server/ [da3 yin4 ji1] /printer/ [da3 yin4 tou2] /print head/ [da3 he1 qian4] /to yawn/ [da3 hu1] /to snore/ [da3 hu1 lu1] /to snore/ [da3 hong3] /to fool around/to kid around/ [da3 duo1 suo5] /to tremble/to shiver (of cold)/to shudder/ [da3 ha1 ha5] /to joke/to laugh insincerely/to make merry/to talk irrelevantl [da3 ha1 ha5 r5] /erhua variant of [da3 ha1 ha5]/ [da3 bo1] /to kiss/ [da3 ge2] /to hiccup/to belch/to burp/ [da3 ge2 r5] /erhua variant of , to hiccup/to belch/to burp/ [da3 zui3] /to slap sb's face/to slap one's own face/fig. to fail to live up to a boast/ [da3 zui3 ba5] /to slap/ [da3 pen1 ti4] /to sneeze/ [da3 ti4 pen5] /to sneeze/ [da3 yuan2 chang3] /to help to resolve a dispute/to smooth things over/ [da3 di4 pu4] /to make one's bed on the floor/ [da3 zuo4] /sit in meditation/to meditate/ [da3 kua3] /to defeat/to strike down/to destroy/ [da3 chang2] /to thresh grain (on the floor)/ [da3 hang1] /to ram/to tamp/ [da3 nai3] /lit. to beat milk/to churn (to make butter)/milk foamer (for cappucci o)/ [da3 kong3 qi4] /hole puncher/ [da3 kong3 zuan4] /auger/drill/ [da3 zi4] /to type/ [da3 zi4 yuan2] /typist/ [da3 zi4 ji1] /typewriter/ [da3 guan1 si5] /to file a lawsuit/to sue/to dispute/ [da3 guan1 qiang1] /to talk officiously/to assume the air of a functionary/to n official jargon/ [da3 guan1 hua4] /to talk officiously/to assume the air of a functionary/to t official jargon/ [da3 jia1 jie2 she4] /to break into a house for robbery (idiom)/ [da3 fu4 ji4 pin2] /to rob the rich to help the poor (idiom)/ [da3 dui4 zhang4] /to compete/ [da3 dui4 tai2] /to compete/to rival/ [da3 xiao3 bao4 gao4] /tattletale/to rat on sb/ [da3 xiao3 suan4 pan2] /lit. to count on a narrow abacus (idiom); petty a elfishly/concerned with petty interests/selfish and uncaring of the interests of others/bean counter/ [da3 jian1] /to stop for a snack while traveling/ [da3 pi4] /to chat idly/ [da3 pi4 gu5] /to spank sb's bottom/ [da3 cha4] /interruption/to interrupt (esp. talk)/to change the subject/ [da3 gong1] /to work a temporary or casual job/(of students) to have a job outsid of class time, or during vacation/ [da3 gong1 mei4] /junior female of the household who goes out to work/ [da3 gong1 zai3] /young household member who goes out to work/ [da3 di3] /underpainting/ [da3 de5 huo3 re4] /to carry on intimately with (idiom); ardent relations ween lovers)/billing and cooing/ [da3 cong2] /from/(ever) since/ [da3 xin1 yan3 li5] /from the bottom of one's heart/heartily/sincerely/

[da3 qing2 ma4 qiao4] /to tease a woman by pretending to be displeased wi rt with a member of the opposite sex/to banter flirtatiously/ [da3 cheng2 yi1 pian4] /to merge/to integrate/to become as one/to unify t [da3 cheng2 ping2 shou3] /to draw (a competition)/to fight to a standstil [da3 shou5] /hired thug/ [da3 shou3 qiang1] /to masturbate/ [da3 ban5] /to decorate/to dress/to make up/to adorn/manner of dressing/style of ress/ [da3 ba3 shi5] /drill (in sword play)/to thrash around/to demonstrate gymnast ls/to solicit financial help (in an indirect way)/to show off/ [da3 ba3 shi5] /variant of [da3 ba3 shi5]/ [da3 zhe2] /to give a discount/ [da3 zhe2 kou4] /to give a discount/to be of less value than anticipated/ [da3 bao4 bu4 ping2] /to come to the aid of sb suffering an injustice/to tice/ [da3 pai1] /to beat time/to mark rhythm on drum or clapper boards/ [da3 pai1 zi5] /to beat time/ [da3 zhao1 hu5] /to greet sb by word or action/to give prior notice/ [da3 gong3] /to bow with clasped hands/ [da3 gong3 zuo4 yi1] /to bow respectfully with clasped hands/to beg humbl [da3 quan2] /to do shadowboxing/ [da3 pin1] /to struggle/to fight/to strive/ [da3 sao3] /to clean/to sweep/ [da3 tan4] /to make discreet inquiries/to scout out/ [da3 lao1] /to salvage/to dredge/to fish out (person or object from the sea)/ [da3 pu1 ke4] /to play cards/to play poker/ [da3 ji1] /to hit/to strike/to attack/to crack down on sth/a setback/a blow/percu sion (music)/ [da3 ji1 yue4 qi4] /percussion instrument/ [da3 ji1 she4 hui4 cai2 fu4] /countervalue/ [da3 ji1 jun1 shi4 li4 liang5] /counterforce/ [da3 rao3] /to disturb/to bother/to trouble/ [da3 jiao3] /to disturb/to trouble/ [da3 bai4] /to defeat/to overpower/to beat/to suffer a defeat/to be defeated/ [da3 duan4] /to interrupt/to break off/to break (a bone)/ [da3 xuan2] /to revolve/ [da3 xuan2 r5] /erhua variant of [da3 xuan2]/ [da3 geng1] /to sound the night watches (on clappers or gongs, in former times)/ [da3 cha4] /pruning (branches)/ [da3 jia4] /to fight/to scuffle/to come to blows/CL: [chang2]/ [da3 ge2 zi5] /to draw a rectangular grid (e.g. of farmland)/to checker/ [da3 gun4 zi5] /to bludgeon/to hit with a big stick/ [da3 qiang1] /to fire a gun/to substitute for sb in sitting an examination/ [da3 zhuang1] /to drive piles into/ [da3 zhuang1 ji1] /pile driver (machinery)/ [da3 heng2 pao4] /speak unwarrantedly/ [da3 si3] /to kill/to beat to death/ [da3 sha1] /to kill/ [da3 qi4] /to inflate/to pump up/fig. to encourage/to boost morale/ [da3 qi4 tong3] /a bicycle pump/ [da3 shui3 piao1] /to skim stones/to squander/to spend but get nothing in ret [da3 you2 shi1] /humorous poem/limerick/ [da3 fa3] /to play (a card)/to make a move in a game/ [da3 xiao1] /to dispel (doubts, misgivings etc)/to give up on/ [da3 hun4] /to muddle things up/to goof off/to hang around/ [da3 gun3] /to roll about/ [da3 huo3 ji1] /lighter/cigarette lighter/ [da3 huo3 shi2] /flint/ [da3 pao4] /to open fire with artillery/to make one's stage debut/(slang) to ejac late/

[da3 yang4] /to close shop in the evening/ [da3 bao4] /to blow out/to blow off/(computer games) to zap/(phone) to ring off t e hook/to be jammed/to max out (credit card etc)/ [da3 pai2] /to play mahjong or cards/ [da3 ya2 ji4] /to have a large and sumptuous meal (traditionally on the 1st a of each month)/ [da3 gou3] /to beat a dog/old name for Kaohsiung in southern Taiwan/ [da3 gou3 qi1 zhu3] /to beat a dog and bully its owner/fig. to humiliate by bullying a subordinate/ [da3 lie4] /to go hunting/ [da3 qiu2] /to play ball/to play with a ball/ [da3 li3] /to take care of/to sort out/to manage/to put in order/ [da3 fa5] /to dispatch sb to do sth/to send sb away/to pass the time/ [da3 fa1 shi2 jian1] /to pass the time/ [da3 bai2 tiao2] /to write an IOU or promissory note/ [da3 di1] /(slang) to take a taxi/to go by taxi/ [da3 dun3] /to doze off/to drop to sleep momentarily/(see also )/ [da3 dun3 r5] /erhua variant of [da3 dun3], to doze off/to fall asleep mo [da3 yan3] /to drill or bore a hole/ [da3 ke1 shui4] /to doze off/to fall asleep/see also [da3 dun3]/ [da3 duan3 r5] /casual labor/to work for a bit/ [da3 po4] /to break/to smash/ [da3 sui4] /to shatter/to smash/to break into pieces/ [da3 mo2] /polish/grind/ [da3 chan2] /to meditate (of Buddhist)/ [da3 gao3 zi5] /to produce a draft manuscript/ [da3 gu3] /to thresh/ [da3 gu3 chang2] /threshing floor/ [da3 gu3 ji1] /threshing machine/ [da3 gu1] /to hoop/to put a hoop around sth/ [da3 suan4] /to plan/to intend/to calculate/plan/intention/calculation/CL: [g [da3 jie2] /to tie a knot/to tie/ [da3 wang3] /to net sth/to catch sth with a net/ [da3 jin3] /important/ [da3 ma4] /to beat and scold/ [da3 fan1] /to overturn/to overthrow/to strike down (an enemy)/ [da3 fan1 le5 de5 niu2 nai3 er2 ku1 qi4] /to weep ove [da3 fan1 shen1 zhang4] /to work hard towards a turn-around/to fight to r [da3 er3 guang1] /to slap on the face/to box sb's ears/ [da3 ting5] /to ask about/to inquire about/ [da3 tai1] /to have an abortion/ [da3 zhong3 lian3 chong1 pang4 zi5] /lit. to swell one's face up posing (idiom); to seek to impress by feigning more than one's abilities/ [da3 cao3 jing1 she2] /lit. beat the grass to scare the snake/to inadvert n enemy/to punish sb as a warning to others (idiom)/ [da3 she2 bu4 si3] /beat the snake to death or it will cause endless cala saying); nip the problem in the bud/ [da3 she2 bu4 si3 , hou4 huan4 wu2 qiong2] /beat the amity (common saying); nip the problem in the bud/ [da3 chong2] /to swat an insect/to get rid of intestinal parasite with drugs/ [da3 chong1 feng1] /to lead the charge/ [da3 zhi4] /forge/ [da3 zhi4 shi2 qi4] /a chipped stone (paleolithic) implement/ [da3 du3] /to bet/to make a bet/a wager/ [da3 lai4] /to deny/to disclaim/to disavow/ [da3 chi4 jiao3] /to bare the feet/ [da3 qu4] /to make fun of/ [da3 pao3] /to run off rebuffed/to fend off/(to fight off and make sb) run off/ [da3 gen1 tou5] /somersault/to turn head over heels/to tumble/ [da3 dun3 r5] /to buy wholesale/

[da3 gong1 zuo4 yi1] /to bow respectfully with clasped hands/to beg humbl [da3 che1] /to take a taxi (in town)/to hitch a lift/ [da3 zhuan4] /to spin/to rotate/to revolve/ [da3 tui4] /to beat back/to repel/to repulse/ [da2 tui4 tang2 gu3] /lit. to beat the return drum/fig. to give up/to tur [da3 tong1] /to open access/to establish contact/to remove a block/to put through (a phone connection)/ [da3 tong1 xiao1] /to spend the whole night/ [da3 zao4] /to create/to build/to develop/to forge (of metal)/ [da3 jin4] /to breach/to invade/ [da3 dao4 hui2 fu3] /to go home (in a ceremonial procession)/to return ho [da3 jiu3] /to have a drink/ [da3 jiang4 you2] /to buy soy sauce/it's none of my business ("Im just here me soy sauce")/ [da3 liang5] /to si e sb up/to take measure of/to suppose/to reckon/ [da3 hen1] /to give or have an injection/ [da3 gou1] /to tick/to check/tick mark/check mark/ [da3 cuo4] /to err/to dial a wrong number/to make a typo/ [da3 tie3] /to forge ironware/ [da3 chang2 gong1] /to work as long-term hired hand/ [da3 chang2 tu2] /to make a long distance call/ [da3 men2] /to knock on the door/to take a shot on goal (sports)/ [da3 kai1] /to open/to show (a ticket)/to turn on/to switch on/ [da3 kai1 tian1 chuang1 shuo1 liang4 hua4] /not to mince word [da3 a2] /to do odd jobs/to do unskilled work/ [da3 xue3 hang4] /to have a snowball fight/ [da3 lei2] /to rumble with thunder/clap of thunder/ [da3 dian4 hua4] /to make a telephone call/ [da3 ba3] /target shooting/ [da3 xiang3] /to start shooting or firing/to win an initial success/to succeed (o a plan)/ [da3 xiang3 ming2 hao4] /to become well-known/ [da3 dun4] /to pause/ [da3 dun4 r5] /erhua variant of , to pause/ [da3 fei1 ji1] /to masturbate (slang)/ [da3 shi2] /to go in search of food (of animals)/to take medicine for indigestion or gastro-intestinal upsets/ [da3 gao1 er3 fu1] /to play golf/ [da3 gao1 er3 fu1 qiu2] /to play golf/ [da3 dou4] /to fight/ [da3 yu2] /to fish/ [da3 niao3] /to play badminton/ [da3 hei1] /to crack down on illegal activities/to fight organized crime/ [da3 dian3] /run batted in/ [da3 gu3] /to beat a drum/to play a drum/(fig.) to feel nervous/ [da3 han1] /to snore/ [da3 zhai1] /to beg for (vegetarian) food/ [reng1] /to throw/to throw away/ [reng1 xia4] /to throw down/to drop (bomb)/ [reng1 diao4] /to throw away/to throw out/ [reng1 qi4] /to abandon/to discard/to throw away/ [fu2] /Japanese variant of /to brush away/ [tuo1] /prop/support (for weight)/rest (e.g. arm rest)/thanks to/to hold in one' s hand/to support in one's palm/to give/to base/to commit/to set/Torr (unit of p ressure)/ [tuo1 fu4] /entrust/ [Tuo1 ke4 tuo1] /Togtoh county, Mongolian Togtox khoshuu, in Hohhot [ Inner Mongolia/alternative spelling of [Tuo1 tuo1], Yuan dynasty politician Toktog an (1314-1355)/ [Tuo1 ke4 tuo1 xian4] /Togtoh county, Mongolian Togtox khoshuu, in Hohhot


4], Inner Mongolia/ [Tuo1 ke4 xun4] /Toksun county or Toqsun nahiyisi in Turpan prefecture , Xinjiang/ [Tuo1 ke4 xun4 xian4] /Toksun county or Toqsun nahiyisi in Turpan prefect qu1], Xinjiang/ [tuo1 er2] /childcare/ [tuo1 r5] /shill/tout/phony customer who pretends to buys things so as to lure re l customers/ [tuo1 er2 suo3] /nursery/ [Tuo1 li4 dang3 ren2] /Tory (political party) (loanword)/ [Tuo1 le4 mi4] /Ptolemy, kings of Egypt after the partition of Alexander the Empire in 305 BC/Ptolemy or Claudius Ptolemaeus (c. 90-c. 168), Alexandrian Gre ek astronomer, mathematician and geographer, author of the Almagest /s ]/ [Tuo1 le4 mi4 Wang2] /Ptolemy, kings of Egypt after the partition of Alex at's Empire in 305 BC/ [Tuo1 le4 mei2] /Ptolemy or Claudius Ptolemaeus (c. 90-c. 168), Alexandrian G tronomer, mathematician and geographer, author of the Almagest /see al [Tuo1 ta3 tian1 wang2] /the pagoda bearing god/ [tuo1 bi4] /to rely on sb for protection/ [tuo1 la1 si1] /trust (commerce)(loanword)/ [Tuo1 mu4 er3] /Mt Tomur (Russian: Pik Pobeda), the highest peak of Tianshan ns on the border between Xinjiang and Kyrgyzstan/ [Tuo1 mu4 er3 feng1] /Mt Tomur (Russian: Pik Pobeda), the highest peak of ntains on the border between Xinjiang and Kyrgyzstan/ [tuo1 jia4] /bracket/ [Tuo1 er3 si1 tai4] /Tolstoy (name)/Count Lev Nikolayevich Tostoy (1828-1 ussian novelist, author of War and Peace / [Tuo1 er3 jin1] /J.R.R. Tolkien (1892-1973), British philologist and author o sy fiction such as Lord of the Rings / [Tuo1 te4] /Thoth (ancient Egyptian deity)/ [Tuo1 fu2] /TOEFL/Test of English as a Foreign Language/ [tuo1 fu2] /(old) thanks to your lucky influence (polite reply to health inquirie )/ [tuo1 guan3] /trusteeship/to trust/ [tuo1 bo1 xiu1 hui4] /mendicant religious order in Catholicism/Franciscan [Tuo1 luo2 si1 shan1] /Taurus mountains of south Turkey/ [Tuo1 lai2 duo1] /Toledo, Spain/ [tuo1 zu2 wu2 men2] /to be unable to find a place to stay (idiom)/ [tuo1 ci2] /pretext/excuse/also written / [tuo1 yun4] /to consign (goods)/to check through (baggage)/ [tuo1 yun4 xing2 li5] /luggage that has been checked in (on flight)/ [Tuo1 li3] /Toli county in Tacheng prefecture [Ta3 cheng2 di4 qu [Tuo1 li3 chai1 li4] /Evangelista Torricelli (1608-1647), Italian physici of Galileo/ [Tuo1 li3 xian4] /Toli county in Tacheng prefecture [Ta3 che [Tuo1 ma3 si1] /Thomas (male name)/ [Tuo1 ma3 si1 A1 kui2 na4] /Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274), Ita ican Order, philosopher and theologian in the scholastic tradition/ [gang1] /to raise aloft with both hands/ [kang2] /to carry on one's shoulder/ [han4] /ward off, withstand, resist/ [cha1] /to fork/ [chi3] /drag along/ [gu3] /clean/to rub/ [xi4] /sprightful/ [kou4] /to fasten/to button/button/buckle/knot/to arrest/to confiscate/to deduct (money)/discount/to knock/to smash or spike (a ball)/to cover (with a bowl etc) /fig. to tag a label on sb/ [kou4 shang4] /to buckle up/to fasten/

[kou4 ren2 xin1 xian2] /to excite/to thrill/exciting/thrilling/cliff-hang [kou4 zhu4] /to detain/to hold back by force/to buckle/to hook/ [kou4 fen1] /to deduct marks (when grading school work)/to have marks deducted/pe alty points/to lose points for a penalty or error/ [kou4 qu4] /to deduct (points etc)/ [kou4 ya1] /to withhold/to hold sth back (and prevent it being known)/ [kou4 nu:3] /(slang) to pick up girls/to chase after girls/ [kou4 shi3 kui1 zi5] /(northern dialect) lit. to cap in excrement/fig. to th absurd unfounded accusations/to vilify/ [kou4 mao4 zi5] /to tag sb with unfair label/power word/ [kou4 shi4 dian4 chi2] /button cell/watch battery/ [kou4 ying4] /to call in (to a broadcast program) (loanword) (Taiwan)/ [kou4 ya1] /to detain/to hold in custody/to distrain/to seize property/ [kou4 ji1] /to smash a ball/ [kou4 cha2] /to detain and question/ [kou4 sha1] /to smash a ball/to spike/ [kou4 qiu2] /to smash a ball/to spike/ [kou4 liu2] /to detain/to arrest/to hold/to confiscate/ [kou4 fa1] /to deprive/to withhold/to hold sth back (and prevent it being known)/ [kou4 lan2] /slam dunk/ [kou4 jiao3] /to withhold/to garnish (wages etc)/ [kou4 rou4] /steamed pork/ [kou4 guan1] /variant of [kou4 guan1]/ [kou4 chu2] /to deduct/ [kou4 ti2] /to stick to the topic/ [wu4] /to shake/to sway/ [qian1] /graft (tree)/stick in/ [niu3] /to turn/to twist/to wring/to sprain/to swing one's hips/ [niu3 shang1] /a sprain/a crick/to sprain/ [niu3 li4] /torque/turning force/torsion/ [niu3 da3] /to wrestle/to grapple/to scuffle/ [niu3 niu3 nie1 nie1] /affecting shyness or embarrassment/coy/mincing (wa speech)/mannered/ [Niu3 niu3 le4] /Twister (game)/ [niu3 nie5] /affecting shyness or embarrassment/coy/mincing (walk, manner of spee h)/mannered/ [niu3 bai3] /to twist and sway (one's body)/ [niu3 qu1] /to twist/to warp/to distort/ [niu3 ju3] /torque/turning force/ [niu3 jie2] /to tangle up/to twist together/to wind/ [niu3 kui1] /to make good a deficit/to reverse a loss/ [niu3 jiao3 ling2] /takin (Budorcas taxicolor)/goat-antelope/ [niu3 zhuan3] /to reverse/to turn around (an undesirable situation)/ [niu3 tou2] /to turn one's head/to turn around/ [ban4] /to disguise oneself/to dress up/adorn/ [ban4 yan3] /to play the role of/to act/ [ban4 xiang4] /stage costume/ [ban4 zhuang1] /makeup/ [ban4 zhuang1 huang2 hou4] /drag queen/female impersonator/ [che3] /to pull/to tear/(of cloth, thread etc) to buy/to chat/to gossip/ [che3 zhu4] /to grasp firmly/ [che3 sang3 zi5] /to exercise one's voice/ [che3 jia1 chang2] /to engage in small talk/to chit chat/ [che3 hou4 tui3] /to be a drag or hindrance on sb/ [che3 dan4] /to talk nonsense/ [che3 pi2] /to wrangle/wrangling/ [che3 po4] /tear apart/ [che3 lie4] /rip/ [che3 tan2] /to talk nonsense (topolect)/ [che3 huang3] /to tell a lie/

[che3 ling2] /diabolo/Chinese yo-yo/ [xi1] /to collect/to receive/ [ban1] /to pull/to draw out/to turn/ [pan1] /variant of [pan1]/ [ban1 bu4 dao3 r5] /tumbler/roly-poly/ [ban1 jia4] /to raise price/ [ban1 dong4] /to pull out/to pull a lever/ [ban1 zi5] /spanner/wrench/CL:[ba3]/ [ban1 ping2] /to equalize/to level the score/to pull back the advantage/ [ban1 shou3] /spanner/wrench/lever (on a machine)/ [ban1 zhi3 r5] /jadeite thumb ring/ [ban1 ben3] /to recoup losses (in gambling)/ [ban1 ben3 r5] /to recoup losses (in gambling)/ [ban1 ji1] /trigger/ [ban1 zeng1] /to lift the fishnet/ [ban1 dao4] /railroad switch/ [ban1 dao4 yuan2] /pointsman/switchman/ [ban1 dao4 cha4] /railroad switch/ [ban1 qian2] /wrench/spanner/ [ban1 long2 fu4 feng4] /hitching a ride to the sky on the dragon and phoe fig. currying favor with the rich and powerful in the hope of advancement/ [fu2] /to support with the hand/to help sb up/to support oneself by holding onto something/to help/ [fu2 ji1] /planchette writing/to do planchette writing/ [fu2 ta1 lin2] /voltaren, a trade name for diclofenac sodium, a non-steroidal nflammatory drug used to reduce swelling and as pain-killer/ [Fu2 yu2 xian4] /Fuyu county in Songyuan , Jilin/ [fu2 zhu4] /to assist/ [fu2 wei1] /to help those in distress/ [fu2 wei1 ji4 kun4] /to help those in distress (idiom)/ [fu2 ruo4 yi4 qiang2] /to support the weak and restrain the strong (idiom e rich to help the poor/ [fu2 shou3] /handrail/armrest/ [fu2 shou3 yi3] /armchair/ [fu2 chi2] /to help/to assist/ [fu2 ye4] /to support/to help/ [fu2 yu2] /to raise high/to uphold/ [Fu2 sang1] /Fusang, mythical island of ancient literature, often interpreted as apan/ [fu2 ti1] /ladder/ [fu2 zhi2] /foster/support/ [fu2 lan2] /handrail/ [fu2 zheng4 ya1 xie2] /to uphold good and suppress evil (idiom)/ [fu2 Qing1 mie4 yang2] /Support the Qing, annihilate the West! (Boxer reb )/ [Fu2 gou1] /Fugou county in Zhoukou [Zhou1 kou3], Henan/ [Fu2 gou1 xian4] /Fugou county in Zhoukou [Zhou1 kou3], Henan/ [fu2 li2] /to put one's hand to the plow/ [fu2 ji1] /planchette writing (for taking dictation from beyond the grave)/Ouija oard/ [Fu2 sui2] /Fusui county in Chongzuo [Chong2 zuo3], Guangxi/ [Fu2 sui2 xian4] /Fusui county in Chongzuo [Chong2 zuo3], Guangxi/ [fu2 pin2] /assistance to the poor/poverty alleviation/ [fu2 pin2 ji4 kun4] /to help the poor/almsgiving for the needy/to assist ds or poor regions/ [Fu2 lun2 she4] /Rotary Club/ [fu2 an1 shang4 ma3] /to mount a horse (idiom)/ [Fu2 feng1] /Fufeng county in Boj [Bao3 ji1], Shnx/ [Fu2 feng1 xian4] /Fufeng county in Boj [Bao3 ji1], Shnx/ [fu2 yang3] /to foster/to bring up/to raise/

[Fu2 yu2] /Fuyu county in Songyuan , Jilin/Pu'yo, Korean Buyeo (c. 200 BC-494 ncient kingdom in northeast frontier region of China/ [Fu2 yu2] /variant of Korean: Buyeo (c. 200 BC-494 AD), ancient kingdom frontier region of China/ [pi1] /to ascertain/to act on/to criticize/to pass on/classifier for batches, lo ts, military flights/tier (for the ranking of universities and colleges)/ [pi1 jian4] /approved document/document with written instructions/ [pi1 jia4] /to approve vacation/ [pi1 ba1 zi4] /to have one's fortune read/system of fortune telling based on n's date and time of birth, according to (sexagenary cycle)/ [pi1 zhun3] /to approve/to ratify/ [pi1 pan4] /to criticize/critique/CL: [ge4]/ [pi1 hui4] /to approve use of foreign currency/ [pi1 ming4] /to tell sb's fortune/ [pi1 li5 pa1 la5] /to crackle (of firecrackers etc) (onomatopoeia)/to spl [pi1 fu4] /to reply officially to a subordinate/ [pi1 gai3] /to mark (homework, exam scripts etc)/to correct and criticize (an art cle)/to check/to correct/a correction (to a piece of writing)/ [pi1 wen2] /(of documents) offical approval/ [pi1 liu2 nian2] /to cast sb's yearly horoscope/ [pi1 fa1] /wholesale/bulk trade/distribution/ [pi1 fa1 jia4] /wholesale price/ [pi1 fa1 shang1] /a wholesale business/distributor/ [pi1 fa1 ye4] /wholesale business/bulk trade/ [pi1 shi4] /to comment on and criticize a lower government report/written comment from higher authorities/ [pi1 dang4] /cement-sand wall plaster/ [pi1 sa4] /pizza/ [pi1 chu3 li3] /batch file/ [pi1 hao4] /lot number/batch number/ [pi1 fu4] /to give an official response/ [pi1 zhu4] /to annotate/to add marginal comments on/criticism/marginalia/ [pi1 ping2] /to criticize/criticism/CL: [ge4]/ [pi1 ping2 jia1] /critic/ [pi1 ping2 zhe3] /critic/person who complains/ [pi1 yu3] /criticism/commentary/ [pi1 zhuan3] /to approve and forward/to endorse/stamp "approved for distribution" [pi1 ban4] /to approve and carry out/to issue approval/ [pi1 xi4 dao3 kuan3] /to get right to the heart of the matter (idiom)/ [pi1 liang4] /batch/lot/ [pi1 liang4 sheng1 chan3] /to mass produce/ [pi1 liang4 gou4 mai3] /to buy in bulk/bulk buying/ [pi1 yue4] /to read through to evaluate/to referee/ [pi1 jia2] /to slap sb's cheeks/ [pi1 bo2] /to criticize/to refute/ [pi1 dou4] /(during the cultural revolution) to criticize and denounce sb publicl for their errors (often imaginary)/ [zi4] /to strike/to run against/to throw, as a stone/ [e4] /to grip forcefully/to clutch at/to guard/to control/to hold/ [e4 zhi4] /to control/to restrain/ [e4 hou2 fu3 bei4] /to strangle and slap the back (idiom); fig. to occupy post/ [e4 shou3] /to hold a pass/to guard (a strategic location)/ [e4 si3] /to strangle/to throttle/to stifle (opinions)/ [e4 sha1] /to strangle/to throttle/ [e4 wan4] /to wring one's hands (literally wring one's wrists)/ [e4 jin1 kong4 yan1] /to secure a stranglehold (idiom); fig. to hold a st [e4 yao4] /to the point/concise/ [e4 jing3] /to strangle/to throttle/ [dun4] /to move, to shake/

[zhao3] /to try to find/to look for/to call on sb/to find/to seek/to return/to g ive change/ [zhao3 bu5 dao4] /can't find/ [zhao3 bu4 zi4 zai5] /to ask for trouble/to bring misfortune on oneself/ [zhao3 bu5 zhao2] /to be unable to find/ [zhao3 bu5 zhao2 bei3] /to be confused and disoriented/ [zhao3 shi4] /to look for employment/to pick a quarrel/ [zhao3 jie4 kou3] /to look for a pretext/ [zhao3 chu1] /to find/to search out/ [zhao3 dao4] /to find/ [zhao3 ci4 r5] /to find fault/ [zhao3 tai2 jie1 r5] /to find an excuse/to look for a pretext/ [zhao3 hui2] /to retrieve/ [zhao3 xun2] /to look for/to seek/to find fault/ [zhao3 dui4 xiang4] /to seek a marriage partner/looking for a mate/ [zhao3 cha4 zi5] /to look for blemishes/to find fault/nitpicking/ [zhao3 ping2] /to level (ground)/to make level/ [zhao3 ji1 hui4] /to look for an opportunity/ [zhao3 si3] /to court death/taking risks/ [zhao3 cha2] /variant of [zhao3 cha2]/ [zhao3 cha2 r5] /to pick a quarrel/to find fault/nitpicking/ [zhao3 cha2] /to pick fault with/to spot the differences/to nitpick/to pick a qua rel/to find complaint with/ [zhao3 zhao2] /to find/ [zhao3 zhe2] /to look for a pretext/ [zhao3 bian4] /to search everywhere/to search high and low/to comb/ [zhao3 qian2] /to give change/ [zhao3 tou5] /change (from money paid)/ [zhao3 fan4 wan3] /to look for a job/ [zhao3 ma2 fan5] /to look for trouble/ [zhao3 qi2] /to make uniform/to even up/to make good a deficiency/ [Cheng2] /surname Cheng/Cheng (c. 2000 BC), third of the legendary Flame Emperor s [Yan2 di4] descended from Shennong [Shen2 nong2] Farmer God/ [cheng2] /to bear/to carry/to hold/to continue/to undertake/to take charge/owing to/due to/to receive/ [cheng2 shang4 qi3 xia4] /to follow the past and herald the future (idiom historical transition/forming a bridge between earlier and later stages/ [cheng2 fa2] /to accept a position on a provisional basis, in the absence of bett r qualified candidates (humble expr.)/ [cheng2 fu4] /to promise to pay/ [cheng2 zuo4] /to undertake/to take on (i.e. to accept a task)/ [cheng2 dui4] /to accept checks etc/to honor a check/ [cheng2 qian2 qi3 hou4] /to follow the past and herald the future (idiom) istorical transition/forming a bridge between earlier and later stages/ [cheng2 bao1] /to contract/to undertake (a job)/ [cheng2 bao1 ren2] /contractor/ [cheng2 bao1 shang1] /contractor/ [cheng2 shou4] /to bear/to support/to inherit/ [cheng2 shou4 li4] /tolerance/capability of adapting oneself/ [cheng2 shen3 fa3 guan1] /trial judge/ [cheng2 jian4] /to construct under contract/ [Cheng2 de2] /Chengde prefecture level city in Hebei/also Chengde county/ [Cheng2 de2 di4 qu1] /Chengde prefecture (old name)/now Chengde prefectur [Cheng2 de2 shi4] /Chengde prefecture level city in Hebei/ [Cheng2 de2 xian4] /Chengde county in Chengde [Cheng2 de2], Hebei/ [cheng2 ying4] /to agree/to promise/ [cheng2 jie1] /to receive/to accept/to carry on/ [cheng2 dan1] /to undertake/to assume (responsibility etc)/ [cheng2 lan3] /to contract for an entire project/ [cheng2 wang4] /to expect (often in negative combination, I never expected...)/to

look forward to/ [cheng2 huan1] /to cater to sb to make them happy (esp. of one's parents)/ [cheng2 zu1 fang1] /borrower/leaser/the hiring side of a contract/ [cheng2 ji2] /to inherit a rank (from a predecessor)/ [cheng2 ji4] /adoption (e.g. of a nephew as a son)/to inherit/ [cheng2 meng2] /to be indebted (to sb)/ [cheng2 meng2 guan1 zhao4] /to be indebted to sb for care/thank you for l me/ [cheng2 xi2] /to inherit/to follow/to adopt/ [cheng2 ren4] /to admit/to concede/to recognize/recognition (diplomatic, artistic etc)/to acknowledge/ [cheng2 ren4 kong4 zui4] /guilty plea (law)/ [cheng2 nuo4] /to promise/to undertake to do something/commitment/ [cheng2 rang4] /you let me win (said politely after winning a game)/ [cheng2 rang4 ren2] /grantee (law)/ [cheng2 zai4] /to bear the weight/to sustain/ [cheng2 zhuan3] /to transmit a document (up or down a chain of bureaucracy)/ [cheng2 ban4] /to undertake/to accept a contract/ [cheng2 yun4] /to provide transport/to accept the Mandate of Heaven/to acknowledg one's calling to be emperor/ [cheng2 yun4 ren2] /carrier (of goods etc)/ [cheng2 zhong4] /to sustain/to bear the weight (of the upper storeys in architect re)/load-bearing/ [cheng2 zhong4 sun1] /eldest grandson (to sustain upper storeys of ancestor w / [cheng2 xiao1] /to underwrite (i.e. guarantee financing)/underwriting/to sell as gent/consignee/ [cheng2 xiao1 ren2] /sales agent/salesman/consignee/underwriter/ [cheng2 xiao1 jia4 cha1] /underwriting spread/ [cheng2 xiao1 li4 cha1] /underwriting spread/ [cheng2 xiao1 pin3] /goods on consignment/ [cheng2 xiao1 shang1] /underwriting company/dealership/sales agency/ [cheng2 xiao1 tuan2] /underwriting group/ [cheng2 xiao1 dian4] /dealership/ [cheng2 xiao1 huo4 wu4] /goods on consignment/ [cheng2 shun4] /to comply with/to submit to/ [cheng2 tou2] /to take responsibility/ [ji4] /skill/ [ji4 liang3] /trick/scheme/ploy/tactic/stratagem/gimmick/ruse/trickery/skill/usua ly written / [Ji4 jia1] /GIGABYTE Technology Co., Ltd./ [ji4 gong1] /mechanic/ [ji4 qiao3] /skill/technique/ [ji4 shi1] /technician/technical expert/ [ji4 neng2] /technical ability/skill/ [ji4 yi4] /skill/art/ [ji4 shu4] /technology/technique/skill/CL: [men2], [zhong3], [xiang4] [ji4 shu4 ren2 yuan2] /technical staff/ [ji4 shu4 yuan2] /technician/CL: [ge4]/ [ji4 shu4 xing4] /technical/technological/ [ji4 shu4 qing2 bao4] /information technology/IT/ [ji4 shu4 suo3 xian4] /technical limitations/ [ji4 shu4 zhi3 dao3] /technical instructor/coach/ [ji4 shu4 yuan2 zhu4] /technical assistance/ [ji4 shu4 gu4 zhang4] /technical breakdown/malfunction/ [ji4 shu4 biao1 zhun3] /technology standard/ [ji4 shu4 qian2 shui3] /technical diving/ [ji4 shu4 fa1 zhan3] /technological development/ [ji4 shu4 zhi1 shi5] /technical knowledge/ [ji4 shu4 gui1 fan4] /technical specification/

[bian4] /to applaud/ [bian4 yue4] /to clap one's hands in joy/ [bian4 zhang3] /to clap/to applaud/ [chao1] /to make a copy/to plagiarize/to search and seize/to raid/to grab/to go off with/to take a shortcut/to make a turning move/to fold one's arms/ [chao1 jian4] /duplicate (copy)/ [chao1 jia1] /to search a house and confiscate possessions/ [chao1 xie3] /to copy/to transcribe/ [chao1 hou4 lu4] /to outflank and attack from the rear/ [chao1 shou3] /to fold one's arms/copyist/wonton (topolect, esp. Sichuan)/ [chao1 ben3] /handwritten copy/ [chao1 cha2] /to search and confiscate/ [chao1 huo4] /to search and seize/ [chao1 wang3] /dip net/ [chao1 xi2] /to plagiarize/to copy/to attack the flank or rear of an enemy/ [chao1 shen1] /to search (a person)/to frisk/ [chao1 jin4] /to take a shortcut/ [chao1 jin4 r5] /erhua variant of , to take a shortcut/ [chao1 jin4 lu4] /to take a shortcut/ [chao1 song4] /to make a copy (and send it to someone)/Cc (for email)/Carbon Copy (for email)/ [chao1 dao4] /to take a shortcut/ [chao1 lu4] /to make a copy of/ [wen4] /wipe/ [yue4] /to bend/ [jue2] /to pick out/to single out/ [jue2 gao3] /to choose/to expose and censure/ [jue2 ze2] /to choose (literary)/ [ba3] /to hold/to contain/to grasp/to take hold of/handle/particle marking the f ollowing noun as a direct object/classifier for objects with handle/classifier f or small objects: handful/ [ba4] /handle/ [ba3 xiong1 di4] /sworn brothers/ [ba4 r5] /a handle/ [ba3 mei4] /to chase girls/to pick up girls/ [ba4 zi5] /handle/ [ba3 shou3] /to guard/ [ba3 niao4] /to help pee/ [ba3 shi4] /person skilled in a trade/skill/ [ba3 xi4] /acrobatics/jugglery/cheap trick/game/ [ba3 shou3] /handle/grip/knob/ [ba3 chi2] /control/dominate/monopolize/ [ba3 chi2 bu4 ding4] /indecisive (idiom)/ [ba3 wo4] /to grasp (also fig.)/to seize/to hold/assurance/certainty/sure (of the outcome)/ [ba3 bing3] /handle/ [ba3 wen3] /trustworthy/dependable/ [ba3 zong3] /low-level officer of the army from the Ming to the mid Qing Dynasty/ [ba3 mai4] /to take pulse/ [ba3 duo4] /hold the rudder/hold (take, be at) the helm/steer/ [ba3 mei4] /to have an intimate friendship/ [ba3 jiu3] /raise one's wine cup/fill a wine cup for sb/ [ba3 men2] /to stand as a goalkeeper/to keep guard on a gate/ [ba3 guan1] /to guard a pass/to check on sth/ [ba3 tou2] /labor contractor/gangmaster/ [ba3 feng1] /keep watch (during a clandestine activity)/be on the lookout/ [zhen3] /to bale out water, to dip/ [wan2] /variant of , to walk/to tour/to roam/to travel/ [yi4] /to restrain/to restrict/to keep down/or/ [yi4 zhi4] /to inhibit/to keep down/to suppress/

[yi4 zhi4 zuo4 yong4] /inhibition/ [yi4 zhi4 ji4] /suppressant/inhibitor/ [yi4 zhi4 mei2] /inhibiting enzyme/ [yi4 huo4] /or/could it be that...?/ [yi4 yang2] /modulation (rising and falling pitch)/intonation/a cadence/to rise a d fall (of a body floating in water)/ [yi4 yang2 sheng1 jiang4 xing4] /property of rising and lowering/ [yi4 yang2 ge2] /iambic/ [yi4 yang2 dun4 cuo4] /pattern or falling, remaining even and rising in p m/inflection/intonation/cadence/ [yi4 su4] /chalone (protein inhibiting cell proliferation)/ [yi4 yu4] /depressed/despondent/gloomy/depression/ [yi4 yu4 bu4 ping2] /in a state of depression (idiom)/ [yi4 yu4 zheng4] /clinical depression/ [shu1] /to strain/pour out/ [shu1 xie3] /to express (emotions in prose)/a written description (of emotions)/ [shu1 qing2] /to express emotion/lyric/ [shu1 qing2 shi1] /lyric poetry/a lyric song/to serenade/ [shu1 huai2] /to express emotion/ [shu1 fa1] /to express (an emotion)/to give vent/ [zhua1] /to grab/to catch/to arrest/to snatch/to scratch/ [zhua1 zhu4] /to grab/to capture/ [zhua1 shang1] /to injure by scratching or clawing/ [zhua1 li4] /grip/ [zhua1 gong1 fu5] /to maximize one's time/to catch some time out/to find enou /(also )/ [zhua1 bao1] /to catch sb in the act/ [zhua1 qu4] /to arrest and take away/ [zhua1 qu3] /to seize/ [zhua1 qu3 cheng2 xu4] /spider or crawler bot (Internet)/ [zhua1 di4] /grip on the road/roadholding/ [zhua1 di4 li4] /traction/ [zhua1 zi3 r5] /kids' game involving throwing and grabbing/ [zhua1 gong1 fu5] /to maximize one's time/to catch some time out/to find enou /(also )/ [zhua1 pai1] /to capture (an image)/to snap (a photo)/ [zhua1 bu3] /to seize/to capture/ [zhua1 nao5] /to scratch/to mess about with/to quarrel/to scramble to do/sb or st that one can rely on/ [zhua1 kuang2] /to blow one's top/to be driven mad/to become frantic/ [zhua1 huo4] /to arrest/ [zhua1 yang3] /to scratch an itch/ [zhua1 jin3] /to grasp firmly/to pay special attention to/to rush in/to make the ost of/ [zhua1 jin3 xue2 xi2] /to concentrate on studying hard/ [zhua1 jin3 shi2 jian1] /to snatch time/to rush/to hurry (up)/to seize th [zhua1 ju3] /snatch (weightlifting technique)/ [zhua1 yao4] /to make up a prescription (of herbal medicine)/ [zhua1 zei2] /to catch a thief/ [zhua1 zou3] /to arrest/ [zhua1 bian4 zi5] /to grab sb by the pigtail/to seize on weak points/to explo opponent's shortcomings/ [zhua1 fan4] /pilau/pilaf/a type of food popular among Muslims/ [pou2] /take up in both hands/ [tou2] /to throw/to send/to invest/ [tou2 zhong4] /to throw at a target/to shoot (in soccer, basketball etc)/ [tou2 jing3 xia4 shi2] /to throw stones at sb who fell down a well (idiom erson who is down/ [tou2 bao3] /to take out insurance/to insure/ [tou2 bao3 ren2] /policy holder/insured person/

[tou2 bao3 fang1] /policyholder (insurance)/ [tou2 ru4] /to throw into/to put into/to throw oneself into/to participate in/to nvest in/absorbed/engrossed/ [tou2 he2] /to agree/to get along well with sb/to go to sb for help or protection [tou2 ben1] /to seek shelter/to seek asylum/ [tou2 she4] /dart/projection/ [tou2 shi1] /to join a guru for instruction/ [tou2 bi4] /coin-operated/ [tou2 bi4 kou3] /coin slot/ [tou2 dian4] /to stop at a hostel/ [tou2 dan4] /to throw an explosive charge/to bomb/ [tou2 ying3] /to project/a projection/ [tou2 ying3 zhong1 xin1] /center of projection/ [tou2 ying3 yi2] /projector/ [tou2 ying3 tu2] /perspective drawing/ [tou2 ying3 ji3 he2] /projective geometry/same as / [tou2 ying3 ji3 he2 xue2] /projective geometry/same as [tou2 ying3 ji1] /projector/ [tou2 ying3 xian4] /line of project/projection line/ [tou2 ying3 mian4] /plane of projection (in perspective drawing)/ [tou2 shou3] /thrower/pitcher/bowler/ [tou2 zhi4] /to throw sth a long distance/to hurl/to throw at/to throw (dice etc) to flip (a coin)/ [tou2 fang4] /to input/to throw in/to unload/to put into circulation/ [tou2 fang4 shi4 chang3] /to put sth on the market/ [tou2 di2] /to go over to the enemy/to defect/ [tou2 shu1] /to deliver/to send a letter/a letter (of complaint, opinion etc)/to hrow a book/ [tou2 tao2 bao4 li3] /toss a peach, get back a plum (idiom); to return a ange gifts/Scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours./ [tou2 an4] /to surrender to the authorities/to turn oneself in (for a crime)/ [tou2 biao1] /to bid/to make a tender/ [tou2 ji1] /to speculate (on financial markets)/opportunistic/congenial/agreeable [tou2 ji1 dao3 ba3] /speculation and profiteering (idiom); buying and sel lation/ [tou2 ji1 qu3 qiao3] /to seize every opportunity/to be full of tricks/ [tou2 ji1 zhe3] /speculator/ [tou2 ji1 mai3 mai4] /buying and selling on speculation/ [tou2 huan2] /variant of [tou2 huan2]/ [tou2 sheng1] /reborn (of departed spirit)/to be reincarnated/to leave home for a new life/ [tou2 chan3] /to put into production/to put into operation/ [tou2 ying4 bi4] /coin-operated/to insert a coin/ [tou2 piao4] /to vote/vote/ [tou2 piao4 di4 dian3] /voting place/ [tou2 piao4 ji1 qi4] /voting machine/ [tou2 piao4 quan2] /suffrage/right to vote/ [tou2 piao4 lu:4] /proportion of vote/turnout in election/ [tou2 piao4 zhan4] /polling station (for a vote)/ [tou2 piao4 xiang1] /ballot box/ [tou2 piao4 zhe3] /voter/ [tou2 gao3] /to submit articles for publication/to contribute (writing)/ [tou2 bi3 cong2 rong2] /to lay down the pen and take up the sword (idiom) military (esp. of educated person)/ [tou2 lan2] /to throw at a basket/to shoot (in soccer, basketball etc)/ [tou2 lan2 ji1] /arcade basketball machine/miniature hoops/ [tou2 yuan2] /to be kindred spirits/to hit it off/ [tou2 huan2] /to hang oneself/to commit suicide by hanging/ [tou2 huan2 zi4 yi4] /to hang oneself (idiom)/ [tou2 kao3] /to sign up for an examination/to apply for admission (to a universit

etc)/to apply (for a position)/ [tou2 tai1] /to re-enter the womb (of departed spirit)/reincarnation/ [tou2 su4] /complaint/to file a complaint/to sue/ [tou2 cheng2] /to defect/to surrender/to capitulate/ [tou2 zi1] /investment/to invest/ [tou2 zi1 ren2] /investor/ [tou2 zi1 bao4 chou2 lu:4] /return on investment/rate of return/ [tou2 zi1 jia1] /investor/ [tou2 zi1 zhe3] /investor/ [tou2 zi1 yin2 hang2] /investment banking/ [tou2 zi1 feng1 xian3] /investment risk/ [tou2 shen1] /to throw oneself into sth/ [tou2 jun1] /to join up/to enlist (e.g. in the military)/ [tou2 di4] /to deliver/ [tou2 di4 yuan2] /courier/mailman/ [tou2 xiang2] /to surrender/surrender/ [tou2 kao4] /to rely on help from sb/ [tou2 bian1 duan4 liu2] /arms enough to stem the stream (idiom); formidab [tou2 shu3 ji4 qi4] /lit. to refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of vases (idiom)/to not act against an evil so as to prevent harm to innocents/ [dou3] /to tremble/to shake out/to reveal/to make it in the world/ [dou3 dong4] /to tremble/ [dou3 lou5] /to shake out/to bring to light/to squander/ [dou3 sou3] /to rouse/to invigorate/to enliven/to put sb into high spirits/con br o/ [dou3 sou3 jing1 shen2] /to gather one's spirits/to pull oneself together [dou3 suo1] /to cower/to tremble/ [dou3 luo4] /to shake out/ [kang4] /to resist/to fight/to defy/anti-/ [kang4 qing1 fu4] /anticapsizing/ [kang4 ning2 xue4 ji4] /anticoagulant/ [kang4 yuan2] /antigen/ [kang4 yuan2 jue2 ding4 cu4] /antigen determinant (causing immunologi pe/ [kang4 ming4] /against orders/to disobey/to refuse to accept orders/ [kang4 ya1] /to resist pressure or stress/pressure-resistant/ [kang4 huai4 xue4 suan1] /vitamin C/ascorbic acid/ [kang4 xing4] /resistance/capability of resisting/ [kang4 you1 yu4 yao4] /antidepressant/ [kang4 zhan4] /war of resistance, especially the war against Japan (1937-1945)/ [kang4 kang4 sheng1 su4] /antibiotic resistance/ [kang4 ju4] /to resist/to defy/to oppose/ [kang4 juan1] /to refuse to pay taxes/to boycott a levy/ [kang4 ji1] /resist (a military attack)/ [kang4 di2] /to resist the enemy/ [kang4 Ri4] /to resist Japan (esp. during WW2)/anti-Japanese (esp. wartime activi ies)/ [Kang4 Ri4 Zhan4 zheng1] /(China's) War of Resistance against Japan (1937 [kang4 Ri4 jiu4 wang2 tuan2 ti3] /Save the Nation anti-Japanese o [kang4 Ri4 jiu4 wang2 yun4 dong4] /the Save the Nation anti-Japan ming from the Manchurian railway incident of 18th July 1931 / [kang4 han4] /drought-resistant/to weather a drought/ [kang4 he2 jia1 gu4] /nuclear hardening/ [kang4 du2 su4] /antitoxins/ [kang4 yang3 hua4 ji4] /antioxidant/ [kang4 shui3] /waterproof/water resistant/ [kang4 hong2] /to fight a flood/ [kang4 lao4] /defenses against floods/ [kang4 zai1] /defense against natural disasters/ [kang4 yan2 xing4] /anti-inflammatory (medicine)/

[kang4 zheng1] /to resist/to make a stand and fight (against)/ [kang4 sheng1 su4] /antibiotic/ [kang4 bing4] /disease resistant/ [kang4 bing4 du2] /antiviral/ [kang4 bing4 du2 yao4] /antivirals/ [kang4 ai2] /anti-cancer/ [kang4 zhi2] /unyielding/ [kang4 zhen1 jun1] /antifungal/ [kang4 li3] /to behave informally as equals/not to stand on ceremony/ [kang4 shui4] /to refuse to pay taxes/to boycott taxes/ [kang4 jing1 shen2 bing4] /antipsychotic (drug)/ [kang4 zu3 zhi1 an4] /antihistamine/ [kang4 zu3 an4] /antihistamine/ [kang4 zu3 an4 ji4] /antihistamine (medicine)/ [kang4 zu3 an4 yao4] /antihistamine/ [kang4 Mei3 yuan2 Chao2] /Resist US, help North Korea (1950s slogan)/ [kang4 nai4 jia3 yang3 xi1 lin2 jin1 pu2 jun1] /methi A)/ [kang4 jun1] /antibacterial/ [kang4 jun1 jia3 xiao1 zuo4] /anti-bacterial metronidazole/ [kang4 jun1 su4] /antibiotic/ [kang4 jun1 yao4] /antibacterial/ [kang4 yao4] /drug-resistance (of a pathogen)/ [kang4 yao4 xing4] /resistance to action of a drug/ [kang4 yao4 neng2 li4] /drug-resistance (of a pathogen)/ [kang4 xue4 qing1] /antiserum/ [kang4 heng2] /contend against/ [kang4 su4] /to protest against a verdict/to lodge an appeal/ [kang4 yi4] /to protest/protest/ [kang4 yi4 zhe3] /protester/ [kang4 bian4] /to counter accusations/to protest/to remonstrate/to retort/to plea /to demur/a plea (of not guilty)/a defense (against an allegation)/to enter a pl ea to a charge (in a law court)/ [kang4 zhen4] /anti-seismic measures/seismic defenses/earthquake resistant/ [kang4 zhen4 jiu4 zai1 zhi3 hui1 bu4] /earthquake relief head [kang4 zhen4 jie2 gou4] /earthquake resistant construction/ [kang4 ti3] /antibody/ [she2] /to break (e.g. stick or bone)/a loss/ [zhe1] /to turn sth over/to turn upside-down/to tip sth out (of a container)/ [zhe2] /to break/to fracture/to snap/to suffer loss/to bend/to twist/to turn/to change direction/convinced/to convert into (currency)/discount/rebate/tenth (in price)/classifier for theatrical scenes/to fold/accounts book/ [zhe2 zhong1] /to compromise/to take the middle road/a trade-off/eclectic/ [zhe2 guang1] /refraction/ [zhe2 dui4] /to cash/to change gold or silver into money/ [zhe2 dao1] /clasp knife/folding knife/ [zhe2 dao1 r5] /a clasp knife/a folding knife/ [zhe2 ban4] /to reduce by fifty percent/half-price/ [zhe2 he2] /to convert into/to amount to/to be equivalent to/ [zhe2 hui2] /to turn back/to retrace one's steps/ [zhe2 she4] /to refract/refraction/to reflect (in the figurative sense: to show t e nature of)/ [zhe2 she4 lu:4] /index of refraction/ [zhe2 shan4] /folding fan/ [zhe2 kou4] /discount/ [zhe2 cuo4] /to frustrate/to inhibit/to make things difficult/ [zhe2 duan4] /to snap sth off/to break/ [zhe2 fu2] /to convince/to subdue/to be convinced/to be bowled over/ [she2 ben3] /a loss/to lose money/ [zhe2 zhi1] /massage/

[zhe2 gui4] /to win the laurels/to pass an imperial examination/to win a champion hip/ [zhe2 sha1] /to not deserve (one's good fortune etc)/ [zhe2 sha1] /variant of [zhe2 sha1]/ [zhe2 xian4] /to discount/ [zhe2 xian4 lu:4] /discount rate/ [zhe2 die2] /to fold/ [zhe2 die2 shi4] /folding (i.e. portable)/ [zhe2 die2 yi3] /folding chair/deck chair/ [zhe2 mo2] /to persecute/to torment/ [she2 cheng4] /discrepancy in weight/ [zhe2 bi3] /against the bristles (brush movement in painting)/ [zhe2 suan4] /to convert (between currencies)/ [zhe2 jie2 du2 shu1] /to start reading furiously, contrary to previous ha [zhe1 luo2] /mixed dish of the food left over from a banquet/ [zhe2 xian4] /broken line (continuous figure made up of straight line segments)/p lygonal line/dog leg/ [zhe2 feng2] /welt seam (doubled over and sewed again from topside)/ [zhe2 zui4] /to atone for a crime/to compensate/ [she2 hao4] /loss of goods/damage to goods/shrinkage/ [zhe2 jiu4] /depreciation/ [zhe2 jiu4 lu:4] /rate of deprecation/ [zhe2 chong1 zun1 zu3] /lit. to stop the enemy at the banquet table/fig. tter of an enemy during diplomatic functions/ [zhe2 zhong1] /to compromise/to take the middle road/a trade-off/eclectic/ [zhe2 zhong1 zhu3 yi4] /eclecticism/ [zhe2 zhong1 ying1 wu3] /Eclectus roratus (red-green parrot of Papua-New [zhe2 bian4] /to sell off sth/ [zhe1 gen1 tou5] /to do a somersault/to turn head over heels/ [zhe2 zhuan3] /reflex (angle)/to turn back/ [zhe2 fan3] /to turn back/ [zhe1 guo4 r5] /to turn over/ [she2 qian2] /a loss/to lose money/ [zhe2 tou5] /discount/ [zhe1 teng5] /to toss from side to side (e.g. sleeplessly)/to repeat sth over and over again/to torment sb/to play crazy/ [ba2] /Japanese variant of / [ze2] /Japanese variant of / [peng1] /attack/impeach/ [peng1 ji1] /to attack (verbally or in writing)/ [pi1] /to drape over one's shoulders/to open/to unroll/to split open/to spread o ut/ [pi1 jin1] /shawl/ [pi1 gua4] /to put on a suit of armor/to put on dress/to wear/ [pi1 xing1 dai4 yue4] /to travel or work through night and day/to toil aw ours/(also written [pi1 xing1 dai4 yue4])/ [pi1 xing1 dai4 yue4] /to travel or work through night and day/to toil aw ours/ [pi1 jia3] /to don armor/ [pi1 hong2] /to drape sb in red silk as a sign of honour/ [pi1 suo3] /Peso (currency in Lat. Amer.)/also written [bi3 suo3]/ [pi1 gan1 li4 dan3] /lit. to open one's liver and drip gall (idiom); whol alty/ [pi1 jian1] /cape/shawl/(of long hair) to trail over one's shoulders/ [pi1 sa4] /pizza/ [pi1 lan3] /to pore over a book/to look and admire/ [pi1 yue4] /to peruse/to browse/ [pi1 lu4] /to reveal/to publish/to make public/to announce/ [pi1 mi3] /to be swept by the wind/to be blown about by the wind/to be routed (in battle etc)/

[Pi1 tou2 si4 yue4 tuan2] /The Beatles/ [pi1 tou2 san4 fa4] /with dishevelled hair (idiom)/with one's hair down/ [pi1 feng1] /cloak/cape/ [pi1 ma2 dai4 xiao4] /to wear mourning clothes/to be in mourning/also wri [pi1 ma2 dai4 xiao4] /to wear mourning clothes/to be in mourning/also wri [tai2] /to lift/to raise/(of two or more persons) to carry/ [tai2 gang4] /to bicker/to argue for the sake of arguing/to carry on poles (toget er with sb else)/to carry a coffin on poles/ [tai2 qi3] /to lift up/ [tai2 jiao4 zi5] /to carry sb in a sedan chair/flatter/sing praises/ [tai2 tou2] /to raise one's head/to gain ground/account name, or space for writin the name on checks, bills etc/ [tai2 gao1] /to raise (price etc)/ [bao4] /to hold/to carry (in one's arms)/to hug or embrace/surround/cherish/ [bao4 bu4 ping2] /be outraged by an injustice/ [bao4 fo2 jiao3] /lit. to clasp the Buddha's feet (without ever having burned e) (idiom); fig. to profess devotion only when in trouble/panic measures in plac e of timely preparation/ [bao4 hai2 zi5] /to hold the baby in one's arms/ [bao4 ding4] /to hold on firmly/to cling (to a belief)/stubbornly/ [bao4 qu1] /feel wronged/ [bao4 yuan4] /to complain/to grumble/ [bao4 hen4] /have a gnawing regret/ [bao4 kui4] /feel ashamed/ [bao4 bao4] /to hug/to embrace/ [bao4 bao4 tuan2] /Free Hugs Campaign/ [bao4 bao4 zhuang1] /"hug shirt" worn by members of the Free Hugs Campaign (s 1 tuan2])/ [bao4 shuai1] /body slam (wrestling move)/ [bao4 you3] /have/possess/ [bao4 zhen3] /bolster/a long pillow or cushion/ [bao4 qian4] /to be sorry/to feel apologetic/sorry!/ [bao4 can2 shou3 que1] /to cherish the outmoded and preserve the outworn ervative/stickler for tradition/ [Bao4 du2 gu4] /Mt Baodu in Cangshan county [Cang1 shan1 xian4], ndong/ [bao4 bing4] /be ill/be in bad health/ [bao4 cu1 tui3] /latch on to the rich and powerful/ [bao4 xin1 jiu4 huo3] /lit. to carry firewood to put out a fire (idiom); a problem worse by inappropriate action/ [bao4 fu4] /aspiration/ambition/ [bao4 tou2 tong4 ku1] /to weep disconsolately/to cry on each other's shou [bao4 tou2 shu3 cuan4] /to cover one's head and sneak away like a rat (id ignominiously/ [bao4 tou2 shu3 cuan1] /to cover one's head and sneak away like a rat (id ignominiously/also written / [bao4 yang3] /adopt (a child)/ [di3] /to press against/to support/to prop up/to resist/to equal/to balance/to m ake up for/to mortgage/to arrive/ [di3 zhu4] /to resist/to press against/to brace/ [di3 zhai4] /to repay a debt in kind or by labor/ [di3 chang2] /to compensate/to make good (a financial loss)/ [di3 chong1] /to use in payment/to compensate/ [di3 zhi4] /to resist/to boycott/to refuse (to cooperate)/to reject/resistance/re usal/ [di3 an4] /to come ashore/ [di3 kou4] /to deduct from/to compensate/ [di3 kang4] /to resist/resistance/ [di3 kang4 li4] /resistance/immunity/ [di3 ya1] /mortgage/

[di3 ya1 pin3] /security (property held against a loan)/mortgaged property/ [di3 ya1 dai4 kuan3] /mortgage loan/ [di3 ya1 dai4 kuan3 wei1 ji1] /mortgage crisis/ [di3 ju4] /to resist/to stand up to/ [di3 dang3] /to resist/to hold back/to stop/to ward off/to withstand/ [di3 xiao1] /to counteract/to cancel out/to offset/ [di3 jian3] /to claim a credit against/tax reduction/ [di3 wu3] /to conflict with/to contradict/contradiction/ [di3 yong4] /to be of use/to serve the purpose/ [di3 yong4 quan4] /coupon/voucher/ [di3 yu4] /to resist/to withstand/ [di3 zui4] /to be punished for a crime/ [di3 hua2] /to arrive in China (of a foreign national)/to settle in China/ [di3 bu3] /to compensate for/to make good/ [di3 chu4] /to conflict/to contradict/ [di3 zhang4] /to repay a debt in kind or by labor/ [di3 lai4] /to deny/ [di3 zu2 er2 mian2] /lit. to live and sleep together (idiom); fig. a clos [di3 zu2 er2 wo4] /lit. to live and sleep together (idiom); fig. a close [di3 da2] /to arrive/to reach (a destination)/ [di3 xiao1] /variant of [di3 xiao1]/ [chi4] /beat/flog/ [ma1] /to wipe/ [mo3] /to smear/to wipe/to erase/classifier for wisps of cloud, light-beams etc/ [mo4] /to plaster/to go around/to skirt/ [mo3 yi1 bi2 zi5 hui1] /lit. to rub one's nose with dust/to suffer a rebuff/ [mo3 bu4 xia4 lian3] /to be unable to keep a straight face (idiom)/ [mo3 dao1] /scraper/trowel/putty knife/ [mo3 qu4] /to erase/ [ma1 bu4] /cleaning rag/also pr. [mo3 bu4]/ [mo3 sha1] /to erase/to cover traces/to obliterate evidence/to expunge/to blot ou /to suppress/ [mo3 you2] /to anoint/ [mo3 pian4] /smear (used for medical test)/ [mo3 xi1 ni2] /to try to gloss over things (idiom)/ [mo4 xiong1] /old feminine garment, covering chest and abdomen/ [mo3 cha2] /green tea powder (Japanese: matcha)/ [mo3 xiang1 jing1] /sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus)/cachalot/ [mo3 hei1] /to discredit/to defame/to smear sb's name/to bring shame upon (onesel or one's family etc)/to blacken (e.g. commando's face for camouflage)/to black out or obliterate (e.g. censored words)/ [chen1] /to pull/to stretch/to draw sth out/ [chen1 mian4] /to make noodles by pulling out dough/hand-pulled noodles/ [ya1] /mortgage/to pawn/to detain in custody/ [ya1 ping2 sheng1 yun4] /to restrict to even tone (i.e. final rhyming syl classical first or second tone )/ [ya1 sha1 long2] /Absalom/ [ya1 zhu4] /to bet/to wager/ [ya1 zu1] /rent deposit/ [ya1 jie4] /to send away under escort (criminals, goods etc)/ [ya1 che1] /to escort (goods) during transportation/to delay unloading (a truck, rain etc)/ [ya1 song4] /to send under escort/to transport a detainee/ [ya1 yun4] /to escort (goods or funds)/to convey under guard/ [ya1 yun4 yuan2] /supercargo (in maritime law)/agent responsible for goods/an / [ya1 jin1] /deposit/down payment/ [ya1 yun4] /to rhyme/sometimes written / [chou1] /to draw out/to pull out from in between/to remove part of the whole/(of

certain plants) to sprout or bud/to whip or thrash/ [chou1 zhong4] /to win (a prize in a lottery)/ [chou1 chu1] /to take out/to extract/ [chou1 dong4] /to twitch/to throb/a spasm/to extract and use/ [chou1 qu3] /to extract (a medical sample)/ [chou1 ye4] /to sob/ [chou1 zui3 ba5] /to slap/ [chou1 ye1] /to sob/ [chou1 ti5] /drawer/ [chou1 da3] /to whip/to flog/to thrash/ [chou1 chou5 ye1 ye1] /to sob and sniffle/ [chou1 cha1] /to slide in and out/thrusting/ [chou1 chu4] /to twitch/ [chou1 da1] /to sob/to cry/ [chou1 dou3] /drawer/ [chou1 shi2 jian1] /to (try to) find the time to/ [chou1 cha2] /random inspection/to do a spot check/ [chou1 yang4] /sample/sampling/ [chou1 jian3] /sampling/spot check/random test/ [chou1 qi4] /to draw air out/ [chou1 shui3 ji1] /water pump/ [chou1 shui3 beng4] /water pump/ [chou1 shui3 zhan4] /water pumping station/ [chou1 shui3 ma3 tong3] /flush toilet/ [chou1 you2 yan1 ji1] /range hood/kitchen exhaust hood/ [chou1 qi4] /to sob spasmodically/ [chou1 yan1] /to smoke (a cigarette, tobacco)/ [chou1 jiang3] /to draw a prize/a lottery/a raffle/ [chou1 tong4] /to throb with pain/throbbing pain/twang/pang/CL: [zhen4]/ [chou1 kong4] /to find the time to do sth/ [chou1 jin1] /a cramp/charley horse/to pull a tendon/ [chou1 qian1] /variant of [chou1 qian1]/ [chou1 qian1] /to perform divination with sticks/to draw lots/a ballot (in share ealing)/ [chou1 si1] /to spin silk/ [chou1 si1 bao1 jian3] /lit. to spin silk from cocoons/fig. to make a pai stigation (idiom)/ [chou1 zhi1] /liposuction/ [chou1 yan1] /variant of [chou1 yan1]/to smoke (a cigarette, tobacco)/ [chou1 xue4] /to take blood/to draw blood (e.g. for a test)/ [chou1 diao4] /to transfer (personnel or material)/ [chou1 xiang4] /abstract/abstraction/CL: [zhong3]/ [chou1 xiang4 dai4 shu4] /abstract algebra/ [chou1 xiang4 yu4] /abstract field (math.)/ [chou1 xiang4 si1 wei2] /abstract thought/logical thinking/ [chou1 xiang4 ci2] /abstract word/ [chou1 feng1] /to ventilate/to induce a draught/spasm/convulsion/ [min3] /purse up (lips)/to smooth/ [fu2] /to brush away/ [fu2 dong4] /to brush into motion/to swish/to dust/ [fu2 sao3] /whisk/ [fu2 xiao3] /daybreak/approach of dawn/ [fu2 xiu4 er2 qu4] /to brush with one's sleeve then go (idiom); to turn a ptly/ [zha3] /span (unit of length based on the width of the expanded human hand)/to s pan (measure with one's hand)/ [zhu3] /to lean on/to prop on/ [chai1] /to tear open/to tear down/to tear apart/to open/ [chai1 xia4] /to dismantle/to take apart/ [chai1 jie4] /short term loan/

[chai1 fen1] /separate/broken up into separate items/ [chai1 xie4] /to unload/to dismantle/ [chai1 zi4] /fortune telling by unpicking Chinese characters/ [chai1 xi1] /daily interest on a loan/ [chai1 fang4 kuan3] /funds on call/invested sum that can be cashed/ [chai1 san4] /to break up (a marriage, family etc)/ [chai1 dong1 qiang2 bu3 xi1 qiang2] /lit. pull down the east wall (idiom); fig. temporary expedient/Rob Peter to pay Paul/ [chai1 dong1 bu3 xi1] /lit. pull down the east wall to repair the west (i emporary expedient/Rob Peter to pay Paul/ [chai1 hui3] /to dismantle/to demolish/ [chai1 xi3] /to unpick and wash (e.g. padded garment)/ [chai1 yong4] /to tear down and reuse/to cannibalize/ [chai1 chuan1] /to expose/to unmask/to see through (a lie etc)/ [chai1 xian4] /to remove stitches (from a wound)/ [chai1 tai2] /to undermine/destructive spoiling/ [chai1 jie3] /to disassemble/ [chai1 zhang4] /to work in an enterprise for a share of the profits/ [chai1 qian1] /to demolish a building and relocate the inhabitants/ [chai1 kai1] /to dismantle/to disassemble/to open up (sth sealed)/to unpick/ [chai1 chu2] /to tear down/to demolish/to dismantle/to remove/ [mu3] /thumb/big toe/ [mu3 zhan4] /finger-guessing game/ [mu3 zhi3] /thumb/big toe/ [mu3 zhi3 jia5] /thumbnail/ [mu3 zhi3] /big toe/ [nian1] /to nip/to grasp with the fingers/to fiddle with/Taiwan pr. [nian2]/ [nian1 zhi3] /a snap of the fingers/a short moment/in a flash/in the twinkling of an eye/ [nian1 hua1 re3 cao3] /to play with flowers and grass (idiom); to philand t brothels/to sow one's wild oats/ [nian1 xiang1] /burn incense/ [la1] /to pull/to play (string instruments)/to drag/to draw/to chat/ [la1 ding1] /Latin/(in former times) to press-gang/to kidnap and force people int service/ [La1 ding1 hua4] /romanization/ [La1 ding1 zi4 mu3] /Latin alphabet/ [La1 ding1 wen2] /Latin (language)/ [La1 ding1 wen2 zi4] /the alphabet/latin letters/ [la1 ding1 fang1 kuai4] /Latin square (math. puzzle)/ [La1 ding1 Mei3 zhou1] /Latin America/ [la1 ding1 wu3] /Latin American dancing/ [La1 ding1 yu3] /Latin (language)/ [La1 shi2 ka3 er3 Jia1] /Lashkar Gah, capital of Helmand province in [La1 shi2 mo4 er3 shan1] /Mt Rushmore National Memorial, South Dakota [la1 shen1] /to draw/to stretch/ [la1 ge5 shou3] /to hold hands/ [la1 dao3] /lit. pull and fall/(coll.) the deal is off/forget about it!/let it go at that!/ [la1 shang1] /to pull/to injure by straining/ [la1 ke4 ti4 chun2] /lactitol, a sugar alcohol/ [la1 ru4] /to pull into/to draw in/ [la1 zhi4] /manufacture/ [la1 li4] /tension/ [la1 li4 sai4] /rally (car race)(loanword)/ [la1 gou4 r5] /to cross little fingers (between children) as a promise/ [La1 bao1 er3] /Rabaul, port city and capital of New Britain, island of north pua New Guinea/ [La1 za1 lu4] /Lazarus (Catholic transliteration)/ [La1 bu3 leng4 si4] /Labrang monastery, Tibetan: bLa-brang bkra-shis-'khy

county [Xia4 he2 xian4], Gannan Tibetan autonomous prefecture, Gansu, formerly rovince of Tibet/ [La1 ge4 si1] /Lagos (Nigerian city)/ [La1 he2 er3] /Lahore (city in Pakistan)/ [la1 ji1] /variant of /trash/refuse/garbage/Taiwan pr. [le4 se4]/ [la4 da4 bian4] /to poop/to defecate/ [la1 da4 qi2 zuo4 hu3 pi2] /lit. to wave a banner as if it were a to borrow sb's prestige/to take the name of a great cause as a shield/ [la1 da4 tiao2] /to defecate (slang)/ [la1 fu1] /to force into service/press-gang/ [La1 fu1 bao3] /Loughborough, English city/ [La1 fu1 bao3 da4 xue2] /Loughborough University/ [La1 fu1 sang1 jia3 ni2] /Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani/ [la1 fu1 luo2 fu1] /Lavrov (name)/Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov (1950-), Russ and politician, Foreign minister from 2004/ [La1 kui2 la1] /L'Aquila, Italy/ [La1 mu3 an1 la1] /Ramallah/ [La1 mu3 si1 fei1 er3 de2] /(Donald) Rumsfeld, secretary of Defen [La1 zi1] /Lhaz county, Tibetan: Lha rtse rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet/ [La1 zi1 xian4] /Lhaz county, Tibetan: Lha rtse rdzong, in Shigatse prefectu / [la1 jia1 dai4 kou3] /to bear the burden of a household (idiom); encumber y/tied down by family obligations/ [la1 jia1 chang2] /to talk or chat about ordinary daily life/ [La1 Ni2 na4] /La Nia, equatorial climatic variation over the Eastern Pacifi osed to El Nio / [la1 ni2 ya4] /Rania (name)/ [la1 shi3] /to defecate/to shit/to crap/ [La1 gang1] /Lacan (psychoanalyst)/ [La1 ba1 si1] /La Paz, administrative capital of Bolivia/ [La1 ba1 te4] /Rabat, capital of Morocco/ [La1 bu4 la1 duo1] /Labrador, Canada/Labrador (a breed of dog)/ [La1 pa4 si1] /La Paz, administrative capital of Bolivia, usually written as [la1 ping2] /to bring to the same level/to even up/to flare out/to flatten out/ [la1 de2] /rad (unit of radiation)/ [la1 shou3] /to hold hands/to shake hands/ [la1 shou5] /a handle/to pull on a handle/ [la1 che5] /to drag/to pull/to raise a child (through difficulties)/to help/to su port/to drag in/to chat/ [La1 la1] /Lala, Philippines/ [la1 la1] /lesbian (net slang)/ [la1 la1 dui4] /support team/cheering squad/cheerleader/also written [La1 sa3 lu4] /Lazarus (Protestant transliteration)/ [la1 long3] /to rope in/fig. to involve sb/to entice/ [La1 wen2 ke4 lao2] /Ravenclaw (Harry Potter)/ [La1 wen2 na4] /Ravenna on the Adriatic coast of Italy/ [La1 fei3 er3] /Raphael/ [La1 fei3 te4] /Lafayette/ [La1 si1 pa4 er3 ma3 si1] /Las Palmas, Spain/ [La1 si1 mu4 sen1] /Rasmussen (name)/ [La1 si1 Wei2 jia1 si1] /Las Vegas, Nevada/ [La1 pu3 la1 si1] /Pierre Simon Laplace (1749-1827), French mathematician [La1 pu3 lan2] /Lapland (northern Europe)/ [la1 gan1] /tension bar/ [la1 jia4] /to try to stop a fight/to intervene in a fight/ [La1 ge2 lang3 ri4] /Lagrange (name)/Joseph-Louis Lagrange (1735-1813), F tician and physicist/ [La1 ge2 bi3] /Rugby (game)/Rugby school in England/ [la1 bi3] /rabbi/ [la1 sha1 bing4 du2] /Lassa virus/

[la1 fa3 ge2] /Lafargue (name)/Paul Lafargue (1842-1911), French socialist an utionary activist, son-in-law of Karl Marx/ [La1 fa3 lan2] /Raffarin, prime minister of France under Jacques Chirac/ [La1 fa3 he4] /Rafah/ [La1 er3 wei2 ke4] /Larvik (city in Vestfold, Norway)/ [La1 te4 ge2 si1 Da4 xue2] /Rutgers University (Newark, New Jerse [La1 di2 ke4] /Karl Bernardovich Radek (1995-1939), bolshevik and Comintern l first president of Moscow Sun Yat-sen university, died in prison during Stalin's purges/ [la1 huan2] /ring pull (can)/strap handle (on bus or train)/circular door handle/ [La1 wa3 er3] /Laval (name)/ [La1 wa3 xi1] /Antoine Lavoisier (1743-1794), French nobleman and scientist, red the father of modern chemistry/ [La1 deng1] /(Osama) bin Laden (1957-2011), leader of Al Qaeda/ [la1 pi2] /to have a facelift/facelift/ [la1 pi2 tiao2] /to procure/to act as pimp/ [La1 hu4 zu2] /Lahu ethnic group of Yunnan/ [la1 piao4] /to campaign for votes/to ask voters for support/ [La1 Ke1 lu3 ni2 ya4] /La Corua or A Corua (city in Galicia, Spain) [la1 jin1] /stretching (exercise)/ [la1 guan3] /trombone/ [La1 mi3 fu1 ding4] /Lamivudine, reverse transcriptase inhibitor marketed hKline and widely used in the treatment of hepatitis B and AIDS/brand names incl ude Zeffix, Heptovir, Epivir and Epivir-HBV/ [la1 na4 ka3] /Larnaca (city in Cyprus)/Larnaka/ [la1 si1 mo2] /die (i.e. tool for cutting wire to a given diameter)/ [la1 jin3] /to pull tight/tensioning/ [La1 Mei3] /Latin America/abbr. for / [La1 mei3 xi1 si1] /Rameses (name of pharaoh)/ [la1 du4 zi5] /diarrhea/ [La1 tuo1 wei2 ya4] /Latvia/ [La1 zi1 mo4 fu1 si1 ji1] /Razumovsky (name)/Prince Andrey Kirill 36), Russian diplomat/ [la1 cha2] /teh tarik, an Indian-style tea with milk (GM)/ [La1 mo4 si1] /(Philippine President Fidel) Ramos/ [la1 fei1 cao3] /raffia (loanword)/ [La1 gai4 er3] /Laguerre (name)/Edmond Laguerre (1834-1886), French mathemati [La1 sa4] /Lhasa, capital city of Tibet autonomous region / [La1 sa4 shi4] /Lhasa, Tibetan: Lha sa grong khyer, capital of Tibet autonomo on / [La1 sa4 tiao2 yue1] /Treaty of Lhasa (1904) between British empire and T [la1 hua4] /to chat/ [La1 bei4] /(John) Rabe (German eyewitness to Nanjing massacre)/ [La1 jia3 si1 tan3 bang1] /Rajasthan (state in India)/ [La1 he4 man4 ni2 nuo4 fu1] /Rachmaninoff/Rachmaninov/ [La1 xin1] /Jean Racine (French dramatist)/ [la1 da2 ke4] /Ladakh, the eastern part of Jammu and Kashmir in northwest Ind acent to Kashmir and Tibet, know as "Little Tibet"/ [la1 na4 lie4] /(Prince) Ranariddh (son of King Sihanouk of Cambodia)/ [la1 li3] /lari (currency of Georgia)/ [la1 gou1] /pinky swear/ [la1 ju4] /a two-man saw/fig. to-and-fro between two sides/ [la1 ju4 zhan4] /to-and-fro tussle/closely-fought contest/ [la1 suo3] /zipper/ [la1 lian4] /zipper/ [la1 chang2] /to lengthen/to pull sth out longer/ [la1 chang2 lian3] /to pull a long face/to scowl/ [la1 kai1] /to pull open/to pull apart/to space out/to increase/ [la1 guan1 xi4] /to seek contact with sb for one's own benefit/to suck up to [la1 za2] /disorganized/rambling/incoherent/

[La1 qing1 ge2] /Ratzinger (German surname of Pope Benedict XVI)/ [La1 dun4] /Rodan (Japanese Radon), Japanese movie monster/ [la1 ma3 te4 gan1] /Ramat Gan, city in Israel, location of Bar-Ilan Unive [la1 gao1] /to pull up/ [La1 lu3] /Lhalu, Tibetan name and place name/Lhalu Tsewang Dorje (1915-), Tibeta pro-Chinese politician/Lhalu suburb of Lhasa/ [La1 lu3 shi1 di4 guo2 jia1 zi4 ran2 bao3 hu4 [la1 mian4] /pulled noodles/ramen/ [La1 qi2 ao4] /Lazio (region in Italy)/ [fu3] /pat/ [fu3 zhang3] /to clap hands/ [fu3 bi4] /to slap one's own buttocks in excitement or despair/ [pao1] /to throw/to toss/to fling/to cast/to abandon/ [pao1 xia4] /to throw down/to dump/to abandon/thrown down/ [pao1 xia4 mao2] /to drop anchor/ [pao1 guang1] /to polish/to burnish/ [pao1 chu1] /to toss/to throw out/ [pao1 que4] /to discard/ [pao1 shou4] /to dump (selling abroad more cheaply than cost price at home)/ [pao1 mei4 yan3] /to throw amorous or flirtatious glances at sb (esp. of a wo [pao1 she4] /to throw/to shoot/ [pao1 she4 wu4] /a projectile/ [pao1 she4 ti3] /a projectile/ [pao1 sa3] /to sprinkle/ [pao1 zhi4] /to throw/to cast/ [pao1 qi4] /to abandon/to discard/to renounce/to dump (sb)/ [pao1 sa3] /to drip/to flow out/to sprinkle/ [pao1 wu4 xian4] /parabola/ [pao1 wu4 mian4] /paraboloid (geometry)/ [pao1 sheng1 ou3] /to entice an inexperienced man/ [pao1 zhuan1 yin3 yu4] /lit. to throw a brick to attract jade (idiom); fi humble remark, please give us your valued opinion (e.g. commonplace remarks as a foreword to a distinguished speech)/ [pao1 kong1] /to sell short (i.e. to sell future assets)/ [pao1 xiu4 qiu2] /to throw an embroidered ball/to choose a husband (idiom)/ [pao1 lian3] /to lose face/humiliation/ [pao1 huang1] /to lie idle (of arable land)/fig. rusty because of lack of practic / [pao1 bu3] /cover (i.e. insurance against loss in financial deals)/ [pao1 bu3 tao4 li4] /covered arbitrage/ [pao1 fei4] /to waste/to squander/ [pao1 mao2] /to drop anchor/to break down (of a car etc)/ [pao1 kai1] /to throw out/to get rid of/ [pao1 li2] /to desert/to leave/to forsake/ [pao1 tou2 lou4 mian4] /to show your face in public (derog.)/ [ban4] /to mix/to mix in/to toss (a salad)/ [ban4 huo4] /to mix and stir/to blend/ [ban4 zui3] /to bicker/to squabble/to quarrel/ [ban4 zui3 dou4 she2] /to quarrel/ [ban4 zhong3] /seed dressing/ [ban4 suan4] /to stagger (walk unsteadily)/ [ban4 fan4] /bibimbap/ [ban4 mian4] /noodles served with soy sauce/sesame butter etc/ [pai1] /to pat/to clap/to slap/to swat/to take (a photo)/to shoot (a film)/racke t (sports)/beat (music)/ [pai1 chu1] /to sell at auction/to reach a given price at auction/ [pai1 po2 zi5] /to chase girls/to hang around with girls/ [pai1 zi5] /racket (sports)/bat/beat (music)/ [pai1 an4] /to beat the short (of waves)/ [pai1 xi4] /to shoot a movie/

[pai1 shou3] /to clap one's hands/ [pai1 da3] /to slap/ [pai1 tuo1] /to date sb/ [pai1 ji1] /to smack/to beat/ [pai1 she4] /to film/to shoot (a picture)/ [pai1 ban3] /clapper-board/auctioneer's hammer/to beat time with clappers/ [pai1 an4] /lit. to slap the table (in amazement, praise, anger, resentment etc)/ ig. astonishing!, wonderful!, dreadful! etc/ [pai1 an4 jiao4 jue2] /lit. slap the table and shout with praise (idiom); ul!/amazing!/great!/ [pai1 an4 er2 qi3] /lit. to slap the table and stand up (idiom); fig. at e's tether/unable to take it any more/ [pai1 an4 jing1 qi2] /to slap the table in amazement (idiom); wonderful!/ [pai1 dang4] /partner/ [pai1 zhao4] /to take a picture/ [pai1 pian4] /to film/to make a film/ [pai1 fa1] /to send/to cable (a telegram)/ [pai1 xiong1 pu2] /to vouch for/ [pai1 hao4] /time signature (music)/ [pai1 mai4] /to auction/auction sale/to sell at a reduced price/ [pai1 mai4 shang1] /auctioneer/auction house/ [pai1 mai4 hui4] /auction/CL: [chang3]/ [pai1 dian4] /to send a telegram/ [pai1 dian4 ying3] /to make a movie/ [pai1 ma3] /to urge on a horse by patting its bottom/fig. to encourage/same as tter or toady/ [pai1 ma3 pi4] /to flatter/to fawn on/to butter sb up/toadying/boot-licking/ [pai1 ma3 zhe3] /flatterer/toady/ [lin1] /to lift/to carry in one's hand/Taiwan pr. [ling1]/ [lin1 bao1] /handbag or shopping bag (topolect)/ [lin1 qi3] /to pick up (from the ground with one's hands)/ [na2] /apprehend/take/ [guai3] /to turn/to kidnap (esp. through trickery)/to shanghai/a cane/ [guai3 wan1] /to go round a curve/to turn a corner/fig. a new direction/ [guai3 wan1 r5] /erhua variant of , to go round a curve/to turn a co ection/ [guai3 wan1 mo4 jiao3] /lit. (of road) winding and turning (idiom); to sp dabout way/to equivocate/to beat about the bush/ [guai3 zhang4] /crutches/crutch/walking stick/ [guai3 jiao3] /to turn a corner/ [guai3 mai4] /human trafficking/to abduct and sell/to kidnap and sell/ [guai3 pian4] /swindle/abduct/ [guai3 dian3] /turning point/breaking point/inflexion point (math., a point of a urve at which the curvature changes sign)/ [qian2] /pliers/pincers/to clamp/ [ju4] /to resist/to repel/to refuse/ [ju4 bu4 jie1 shou4] /refusing to accept/ [ju4 zhi1 men2 wai4] /to lock one's door and refuse to see sb/ [ju4 fu4] /to refuse to accept a payment/to refuse to pay/to stop (a cheque or pa ment)/ [ju4 bu3] /to resist arrest/ [ju4 shou1] /to reject/to refuse to accept/ [ju4 chi4] /to reject/ [ju4 qian1] /to refuse (a visa application etc)/ [ju4 jue2] /to refuse/to decline/to reject/ [ju4 zai4] /to refuse to take a passenger (of taxi)/ [Tuo4] /surname Tuo/ [ta4] /to make a rubbing (e.g. of an inscription)/ [tuo4] /to expand/to push sth with the hand/to develop/to open up/ [ta4 yin4] /stone rubbing (to copy an inscription)/

[tuo4 zhan3] /to expand/ [Tuo4 ba2] /branch of the Xianbei nomadic people, founders of Wei asties (386-534)/also written / [tuo4 pu1] /topology (math.)/topology of a network (elec.)/ [tuo4 pu1 xue2] /topology (math.)/ [tuo4 pu1 kong1 jian1] /topological space (math.)/ [tuo4 pu1 jie2 gou4] /topological structure/ [ta4 ben3] /rubbing of inscription/ [ta4 pian4] /rubbings from a tablet/ [tuo4 huang1] /to open up land (for agriculture)/ [tuo4 huang1 zhe3] /pioneer/groundbreaker/ [Tuo4 ba2] /branch of the Xianbei nomadic people, founders of Wei asties (386-534)/also written / [Tuo4 ba2 Wei4] /Wei of the Northern Dynasties (386-534)/ [ba2] /to pull up/to pull out/to draw out by suction/to select/to pick/to stand out (above level)/to surpass/to seize/ [ba2 qu3] /to pick out/to select and recruit/to pluck/to pull/ [ba2 di4] /to rise steeply from level ground/ [ba2 jian1] /top-notch (colloquial)/to push oneself to the front/ [ba2 jian1 r5] /erhua variant of [ba2 jian1]/ [ba2 diao4] /to pluck/to pull off/to pull out/to unplug/ [ba2 zhuo2] /select the best people for promotion/ [ba2 ran3] /discharge/ [ba2 gen1] /uproot/ [ba2 du2] /draw out pus by applying a plaster to the affected area/ [ba2 mao2] /to pull out hair/to pluck/epilation/ [ba2 mao2 lian2 ru2] /lit. pull up a plant and the roots follow (idiom); olving others/inextricably tangled together/Invite one and he'll tell all his fr iends./ [ba2 he2] /tug-of-war/to take part in a tug-of-war/ [ba2 hai3] /elevation (above sea level)/ [ba2 huo3 guan4] /suction cup (used in Chinese medicine to draw the blood and tachable suction chimney to make a stove draw/ [ba2 huo3 guan4 r5] /erhua variant of , suction cup (used in Chines blood and qi )/detachable suction chimney to make a stove draw/ [ba2 ying2] /to strike camp/ [ba2 ya2] /to extract a tooth/ [ba2 yang1] /to pull up seedlings (for transplanting)/ [ba2 jie2] /jointing (agriculture)/ [ba2 jie2 qi1] /elongation stage/jointing stage (agriculture)/ [ba2 si1] /wire drawing/candied floss (cooking)/spun sugar or toffee (coating)/ [ba2 guan4] /cupping glass/fire cupping (acupressure technique of Chinese medicin , with fired vacuum cup applied to the skin)/ventouse (vacuum method used in obs tetrics)/ [ba2 guan4 zi3] /cupping technique used in traditional Chinese medicine/ [ba2 guan4 fa3] /fire cupping (acupressure technique of Chinese medicine, wit vacuum cup applied to the skin)/ventouse (vacuum method used in obstetrics)/ [ba2 tui3] /to break into a run/ [ba2 miao2 zhu4 zhang3] /to spoil things through excessive enthusiasm (id [ba2 mao2 ru2] /lit. pull up a plant and the roots follow/fig. also involving /inextricably tangled together/Invite one and he'll tell all his friends./ [ba2 mao2 lian2 ru2] /lit. pull up a plant and the roots follow (idiom);f lving others/inextricably tangled together/Invite one and he'll tell all his fri ends./ [ba2 cui4] /to stand out from one's fellows/high level examination for official c ndidacy (traditional)/ [ba2 ding1 chui2] /claw hammer/ [ba2 mao2] /to weigh anchor/ [ba2 chu2] /to pull out/to remove/ [ba2 ding3] /topping (mining)/

[tuo1] /to drag/to pull/to trail/to delay/to drag on/ [tuo1 xia4 shui3] /lit. to pull sb into the water/to involve sb in a messy bu to get sb into trouble/ [tuo1 ren2 xia4 shui3] /lit. to pull sb into the water/fig. to involve sb usiness/to get sb into trouble/ [tuo1 zhu4] /to hold up/to hinder/to stall/ [tuo1 zhai4] /to default on a debt/ [tuo1 er2 dai4 nu:3] /supporting a wife and children/dragged down by havi o feed/ [tuo1 dong4] /to drag (mouse operation) (computing)/ [tuo1 dong4 li4] /motive force/traction/ [tuo1 diao4 che1] /tow truck/ [tuo1 tang2] /to drag out a lesson/to insist on extending class after the bell/ [tuo1 dang4] /to delay/to postpone/ [tuo1 jia1 dai4 kou3] /dragged down by having a family to feed/ [tuo1 wei3 ba5] /to obstruct/to be a drag on sb/to delay finishing off a job/ [tuo1 bu4] /mop/ [tuo1 dai4] /traction/towing/pulling/ [tuo1 yan2] /to adjourn/to delay/to defer/adjournment/procrastination/ [tuo1 yan2 zhan4 shu4] /delaying tactics/deliberate procrastination/ [tuo1 yan2 shi2 jian1] /to procrastinate/to stall for time/to filibuster/ [tuo1 hou4 tui3] /to impede/to obstruct/to hold back/ [tuo1 man4] /to retard/to slow sth down/ [tuo1 ba3] /mop/ [tuo1 la1] /dilatory/slow/sluggish/ [tuo1 la1 ji1] /tractor/CL: [tai2]/ [tuo1 tuo1 la1 la1] /to procrastinate/ [tuo1 tuo1 ta4 ta4] /dragging one's feet/ [tuo1 gua4] /to pull/to tow/ [tuo1 fang4] /drag-and-drop (computing)/ [tuo1 dou3] /small open trailer/ [tuo1 ye4] /to pull/to drag/to haul/ [tuo1 ye4 ji1] /tractor/ [tuo1 qian4] /in arrears/behind in payments/to default on one's debts/ [tuo1 ta4] /dilatory/procrastinating/obstructive/ [tuo1 you2 ping2] /to remarry (of a widow, contemptuous)/woman's children by s marriage (derog.)/step-children (discriminatory term)/ [tuo1 ni2 dai4 shui3] /lit. wading in mud and water/a slovenly job/sloppy [tuo1 qian1 suo3 dao4] /anchor lift (ski-lift)/ [tuo1 mo2] /dawdling/to waste time/ [tuo1 lei3] /to encumber/to be a burden on/to implicate/ [tuo1 wang3] /dragnet/trawl/trawlnet/ [tuo1 chuan2] /a tow/tugboat/ [tuo1 zou3] /to drag away/ [tuo1 che1] /to tow/towed vehicle/towing vehicle/ [tuo1 che1 tou2] /trailer truck/ [tuo1 lun2] /a tow/tugboat/ [tuo1 jin4] /to drag in/ [tuo1 lian4] /drag chain/tow/ [tuo1 chang2] /to lengthen/to drag out/ [tuo1 xie2] /slippers/CL: [shuang1], [zhi1]/ [tuo1 bo2] /barge/lighter (pulled by a tugboat)/ [ao4] /to bend in two so as to break/to defy/to disobey/also pr. [ao3]/ [niu4] /stubborn/obstinate/ [ao4 kou3] /hard to pronounce/awkward-sounding/ [ao4 kou3 ling4] /tongue twister/ [ao4 duan4] /to break by twisting/ [ao4 xian4] /geological depression/ [ju1] /to capture/to restrain/to constrain/to adhere rigidly to/inflexible/ [ju1 chuan2] /subpoena/to summon (for questioning)/

[ju1 qiu2] /to imprison/prisoner/ [ju1 zhi2] /rigid/inflexible/ [ju1 shou3] /to hold tight/to cling to/to adhere/stubborn/to detain sb as prisone / [ju1 yi4] /detention/ [ju1 ji4] /to have scruples/to have misgivings/ [ju1 ya1] /to arrest/to take into custody/ [ju1 ya1 ying2] /detention center/prison camp/ [ju1 na2] /to arrest/ [ju1 bu3] /to arrest/ [ju1 luan2] /cramps/muscular spasm/fig. constrained/ill at ease/ [ju1 luan2 r5] /erhua variant of , cramps/muscular spasm/ [ju1 shu4] /to restrict/to restrain/constrained/awkward/ill at ease/uncomfortable reticent/ [ju1 jian3] /restrained and cautious/ [ju1 ni4] /to be a stickler for formalities/to rigidly adhere to/to cling to/cons rained/ill at ease/ [ju1 qian1] /restrained/confined/ [ju1 liu2] /to detain (a prisoner)/to keep sb in custody/ [ju1 liu2 suo3] /detention center/prison/ [ju1 piao4] /warrant (for arrest)/ [ju1 jin4] /constraint/to detain/to take into custody/ [ju1 li3] /to stand on ceremony/punctilious/ [ju1 jin3] /reserved/overcautious/ [ju1 yu1] /inflexible/stubborn/ [zhuo1] /awkward/clumsy/dull/inelegant/(polite) my/Taiwan pr. [zhuo2]/ [zhuo1 zuo4] /my unworthy manuscript (humble expr.)/my humble writing/ [zhuo1 lie4] /clumsy/botched/ [zhuo1 zui3 ben4 she2] /lit. clumsy mouth and broken tongue (idiom); awkw [Zhuo1 zheng4 Yuan2] /The Humble Administrator's Garden in Suzhou, Jiangsu/ [zhuo1 yu2 yan2 ci2] /to be unable to express oneself clearly (idiom)/ [zhuo1 pu3] /austere/humble/ [zhuo1 se4] /clumsy and incomprehensible/botched writing/ [zhuo1 zhi2] /simple and frank/ [zhuo1 gao3] /my unworthy manuscript (humble expr.)/my humble writing/ [zhuo1 ben4] /clumsy/awkward/lacking skill/ [zhuo1 bi3] /my clumsy writing (humble expr.)/my humble pen/ [zhuo1 jing1] /my humble wife/ [zhuo1 zhu4] /my unworthy writing (humble expr.)/my worthless manuscript/ [zhuo1 jian4] /my unworthy opinion (humble expr.)/ [pan4] /to disregard/to reject/ [pin1] /variant of [pin1]/ [pan4 qu4] /to reject/to abandon/ [pan4 ming4] /see [pin1 ming4]/ [pan4 qi4] /to abandon/to discard/to throw away/ [pan4 si3] /to risk one's life/ [pan4 cai2] /to make rash speculations/ [pin1 tie1] /pastiche/collage/also written / [pan4 chu2] /to reject/to abandon/ [zhao1] /to recruit/to provoke/to beckon/to incur/to infect/contagious/a move (c hess)/a maneuver/device/trick/to confess/ [zhao1 ren2] /to be infectious/to recruit/ [zhao1 ren2 xi3 huan5] /charming/attractive/delightful/ [zhao1 lai2] /to attract/to incur/ [zhao1 gong4] /to confess/ [zhao1 bing1] /to recruit soldiers/ [zhao1 bing1 mai3 ma3] /to recruit soldiers and buy horses (idiom); to ra rmy/fig. to expand business/to recruit new staff/ [zhao1 mu4] /to recruit/to enlist/ [zhao1 hu5] /to call out to sb/to greet sb/to inform sb/to instruct sb to do sth/

o take care of sb/CL: [ge4]/ [zhao1 hu5 zhan4] /request bus stop/ [zhao1 shang1] /to seek investment or funding/investment promotion/ [zhao1 shang1 yin3 zi1] /investment promotion/ [zhao1 an1] /to enlist enemy or rebel soldiers by offering amnesty/ [zhao1 zhan3] /to flutter/to sway/ [zhao1 shi4] /style/manner/ [zhao1 yin3] /to attract/ [zhao1 dai4] /to receive (guests)/to entertain/reception/ [zhao1 dai4 yuan2] /usher/greeter/ [zhao1 dai4 suo3] /guest house/small hotel/ [zhao1 dai4 hui4] /(press) conference/reception/CL: [ge4],[ci4]/ [zhao1 lai2] /to canvass (for customers)/to solicit/to recruit/ [zhao1 yuan4] /to arouse animosity/ [zhao1 re3] /to provoke/to tease/ [zhao1 shou3] /to wave/to beckon/ [zhao1 tou2 biao1] /bid inviting and bid offering/bidding/auction/ [zhao1 yao2] /to act ostentatiously/to brag/to show off/ [zhao1 fu3] /to enlist enemy or rebel soldiers by offering amnesty/to bring to ne otiated surrender/ [zhao1 lan3] /to attract (customers)/to drum up (trade)/ [zhao1 lan3 sheng1 yi5] /to advertise/to solicit business/ [zhao1 shou1] /to hire/to recruit/ [zhao1 shu4] /move (in chess, on stage, in martial arts)/gambit/trick/scheme/move ent/same as [zhao1 shu4]/ [zhao1 jia4] /to resist/to ward off/to hold one's own/to receive guests/ [zhao1 biao1] /to invite bids/ [zhao1 fa3] /move/method of use/trick for success/ [zhao1 chao2 xie4] /fiddler crab (genus Uca)/ [zhao1 zai1 re3 huo4] /to invite disaster/ [zhao1 pai5] /signboard/shop sign/reputation of a business/ [zhao1 pai2 dong4 zuo4] /signature move/ [zhao1 pai2 cai4] /signature dish/a restaurants most famous dish/ [ hao1 sheng1] /to enroll new students/recruitment/ [ hao1 kao3] /to advertise an entrance examination for an academic institution (o d)/ [ hao1 pin4] /recruitment/to invite applications for a job/ [ hao1 pin4 xie2 tiao2 ren2] /recruiting coordinator/ [ hao1 pin4 hui4] /recruitment meeting/job fair/ [ hao1 pin4 ji1 gou4] /recruiting agency/ [ hao1 pin4 he3] /prospective employer/person advertising a job/recruiter/ [ hao1 gu3] /share offer/ [ hao1 gu3 shu1] /prospectus (setting out share offer)/offering circular/ [ hao1 gu3 shuo1 ming2 shu1] /prospectus/ [ hao1 hi4] /to recruit (followers)/to scout for (talent etc)/to incur/to lead t / [ hao1 qin1] /to invite the groom (who will live with the bride s family)/to take a wife by one s own choice/ [ hao1 ren4] /to confess/ [ hao1 you4] /to invite/to recruit/to attract/to entice/ [ hao1 qing3] /to recruit/to take on (an employee)/ [ hao1 cai2] /lit. inviting wealth/We wish you success and riches (cf idiom in4 bao3])/ [zhao1 cai2 jin4 bao3] /ushering in wealth and prosperity (idiom and trad ing, esp. at New Year); We wish you wealth and success!/ [zhao1 tie1] /poster/sticker/ [zhao1 tie1 hua4] /picture poster (for advertising or propaganda)/ [zhao1 xian2 na4 shi4] /invite the talented and call the valorous (idiom) talent/ [Zhao1 yuan3] /Zhaoyuan county level city in Yantai , Shandong/



[Zhao1 yuan3 shi4] /Zhaoyuan county level city in Yantai , Shandong/ [zhao1 xiang2 na4 pan4] /to recruit surrendered enemy and deserters (idio together a gang of villains/ [zhao1 ji2] /to recruit/to gather together (volunteers)/ [zhao1 feng1] /to catch the wind/fig. conspicuous and inviting trouble/ [zhao1 feng1 re3 cao3] /lit. call the fire to burn the grass (idiom); to el by provocation/to stir up trouble/ [bai4] /to pay respect/worship/visit/salute/ [bai4 ren2 wei2 shi1] /to acknowledge as one's teacher/ [bai4 Fo2] /to worship Buddha/ [bai4 dao3] /prostrate oneself/fall on one's knees/grovel/ [Bai4 lun2] /George Byron, 6th Baron Byron/ [bai4 bie2] /to take leave/ [Bai4 zhan4 ting2] /Byzantium/Byzantine or Eastern Roman empire (395-1453)/ [Bai4 cheng2] /Bay nahiyisi (Baicheng county) in Aksu [A1 ke [Bai4 cheng2 xian4] /Bay nahiyisi (Baicheng county) in Aksu ng/ [bai4 tang2] /ritual kneeling to heaven and earth by bride and groom in a old-fas ioned wedding ceremony/same as / [bai4 shou4] /congratulate an elderly person on his birthday/offer birthday felic tations/ [bai4 tian1 di4] /to worship heaven and earth/ritual kneeling by bride and gr a old-fashioned wedding ceremony/also called / [bai4 shi1] /to formally become an apprentice to a master/ [bai4 nian2] /pay a New Year call/wish sb a Happy New Year/ [bai4 ba3 zi5] /become sworn brothers/ [bai4 bai4] /bye-bye (loanword)/worshipping festival (Taiwan)/to worship (the god )(Taiwan)/ [bai4 hui4] /pay an official call/call on/visit in an official capacity/ [bai4 wang4] /to call to pay one's respect/to call on/ [Bai4 quan2] /Baiquan county in Qiqihar [Qi2 qi2 ha1 er3], Heilo [Bai4 quan2 xian4] /Baiquan county in Qiqihar [Qi2 qi2 ha1 e [Bai4 huo3 jiao4] /sun worship/Zoroastrianism/see also [Xian1 jiao4]/ [bai4 wu4 jiao4] /fetishism/ [Bai4 deng1] /Baden or Biden (name)/Joe Biden (1942-), US democrat politician, se ator for Delaware from 1972, several times chair of Senate foreign relations com mittee, vice-president of USA from 2009/ [bai4 ji4] /worship/ [Bai4 ke1 nu3 er3] /Baikonur (Russian space launch site in Kazakhstan)/ [bai4 ke1 nu3 er3 hang2 tian1 fa1 she4 ji1 di4] / [bai4 jie2] /to pay respects during a festival/ [bai4 jian4] /to pay a formal visit/to call to pay respects/to meet one's senior r superior/ [bai4 tuo1] /to request sb to do sth/please!/ [bai4 fang3] /to pay a visit/to call on/ [bai4 ye4] /pay a formal visit/call to pay respects/pay homage (at a monument, ma soleum etc)/ [bai4 jin1 zhu3 yi4] /money worship/ [bai4] /Japanese variant of / [ju4] /Japanese variant of / [kuo4] /Japanese variant of / [hen2] /to pull/to drag/to stop/ [kuo4] /to enclose/to include/also pr. [gua1]/ [kuo4 hu2] /parenthesis/ [kuo4 du2] /venomous/fig. cruel/ [kuo4 yue1 ji1] /sphincter/ [kuo4 xian4] /small angle brackets / [kuo4 hao4] /parentheses/brackets/ [shi4] /wipe/ [shi4 zi5] /swab/cotton pad/smear (for medical test)/

[shi4 mo3] /to swab/to wipe up with a mop/ [shi4 mu4] /to wipe one's eyes/fig. to remain vigilant/ [shi4 mu4 yi3 dai4] /lit. to wipe one's eyes and wait (idiom); to wait an [shi4 mu4 qing1 er3] /to watch and listen attentively/ [shi4 chu2] /to wipe off/ [jie2] /antagonistic/laboring hard/pressed/ [jie2 ju1] /hard pressed for money/in financial straits/ [zheng3] /to raise/to aid/to support/to save/to rescue/ [zheng3 jiu4] /to save/to rescue/ [gong3] /to cup one's hands in salute/to surround/to arch/to dig earth with the snout/arched/ [Gong3 shu4] /Gongshu district of Hangzhou city [Hang2 zhou1 shi4], Zhejian [Gong3 shu4 qu1] /Gongshu district of Hangzhou city [Hang2 zhou1 shi4], [gong3 dun1] /pillar of a vault/ [gong3 ba4] /an arch dam/ [gong3 du4] /arched/convex curve surface/camber (slightly arched road surface)/ [gong3 lang2] /triforium (gallery of arches above side-aisle vaulting in the nave of a church)/ [gong3 xing2] /arch/ [gong3 shou3] /to cup one's hands in obeisance or greeting/fig. submissive/ [gong3 shou3 pang2 guan1] /to watch from the sidelines and do nothing (id [gong1 shou3 xiang1 rang4] /to bow and give way (idiom)/to surrender sth [gong3 bao4] /to enfold/to encircle/ [gong3 zhu4] /pillar of a vault/ [gong3 qiao2] /arch bridge/ [gong3 zhuang4] /arch/vault/arched/ [gong3 bi4] /a flat round jade ornament with a hole at the center/fig. a treasure [gong3 jian1] /a spandrel (wall filling the shoulder between two neighboring arch s)/ [gong3 wei4] /to surround and protect/ [gong3 dao4] /archway/ [gong3 men2] /arched door/ [gong3 ding3] /an arched roof/a dome/a vault/ [quan2] /fist/boxing/ [quan2 shi1] /boxing coach/pugilist master/ [quan2 shou3] /boxer/ [quan2 da3] /to punch/ [quan2 da3 jiao3 ti1] /lit. to punch and kick (idiom); to beat up/fig. de ort out a problem/ [quan2 quan2] /earnest/sincere/ [quan2 ji1] /boxing/ [quan2 ji1 shou3] /boxer/ [quan2 ji1 bi3 sai4] /boxing match/ [quan2 ji1 tai2] /boxing ring/ [quan2 ji1 xuan3 shou3] /boxer/ [quan2 qu1] /to curl up/to bend/ [quan2 bang4] /martial arts/lit. fist and staff/ [quan2 fa3] /boxing/fighting technique/ [quan2 wang2] /boxing champion/ [quan2 jiao3] /Chinese boxing/fist and feet/punching and kicking/ [quan2 shu4] /Chinese boxing/fisticuffs/ [quan2 tou5] /fist/clenched fist/CL: [ge4]/competitive (product)/ [quan2 tou5 chan3 pin3] /competitive product/superior goods/with real pun [shuan1] /to tie up/ [shuan1 zhu4] /hitch/ [zan3] /to press or squeeze hard/ [zan3 xing2] /squeezing the fingers between sticks (old form of torture)/ [zan3 zi5] /sticks used for squeezing the fingers (old form of torture)/ [zan3 zhi3] /to squeeze the fingers (old form of torture)/ [kao3] /to beat/to flog/to examine under torture/

[kao3 wen4] /to question via torture/ [kao3 da3] /to beat/to flog/ [kao3 lu:e4] /to torture/ [kao3 hua1] /to emboss/ [kao3 bei4] /to copy (loanword)/ [pin1] /to piece together/to join together/to stake all/adventurous/at the risk of one's life/to spell/ [pin1 dao4 di3] /to brave it out/to the bitter end/ [pin1 ci4] /bayonet charge/ [pin1 ci4 dao1] /bayonet charge/ [pin1 li4] /to spare no efforts/ [pin1 he2] /to fit together/to put together/ [pin1 ming4] /to do one's utmost/with all one's might/at all costs/(to work or fi ht) as if one's life depends on it/ [pin1 ming4 san1 lang2] /brave man, willing to risk his life/ [pin1 ming4 tao3 hao3] /to throw oneself at sb or sth/to bend over backwa [pin1 tu2] /jigsaw puzzle/ [pin1 tu2 wan2 ju4] /jigsaw puzzle/ [pin1 zi4] /spelling/ [pin1 xie3] /to spell/to transliterate/ [pin1 xie3 cuo4 wu4] /spelling mistake/written error/ [pin1 cheng2] /to put sth together from component parts/ [pin1 jie1] /to put together/to join/ [pin1 bo2] /to struggle/to wrestle/ [pin1 qiang3] /to fight desperately (at the risk of one's life)/ [pin1 long3] /to put together/ [pin1 cuan2] /to assemble/ [pin1 ban3] /lamination/ [pin1 ban3 wan2 ju4] /jigsaw puzzle/wood block puzzle/ [pin1 ban3 jiao1] /laminating glue/ [pin1 ban3 you2 xi4] /jigsaw puzzle/wood block puzzle/ [pin1 si3] /to go all out for sth at risk of one's life/ [pin1 si3 pin1 huo2] /one's utmost/(to fight or work) desperately hard/to e or death struggle/at all costs/ [pin1 sha1] /to grapple (with the enemy)/to fight at the risk of one's life/ [pin1 fa3] /spelling/orthography/ [pin1 cou4] /to assemble/to put together/ [pin1 huo3] /to exchange fire/ [pin1 zheng1] /to fight desperately/ [pin1 ban3] /to typeset/to make up (printers' plates)/ [pin1 pan2] /assorted cold dishes/hors douvres/ [pin1 hui4] /to join together/ [pin1 hua1 di4 ban3] /floor with tiled design/ [pin1 huang1] /to assemble/ [pin1 du2] /phonetic reading/combine sounds into words/ [pin1 tie1] /pastiche/collage/ [pin1 qi5 lai5] /to put together/ [pin1 che1] /carpool/to carpool/ [pin1 cuo4] /to misspell/to piece together incorrectly/ [pin1 yin1] /phonetic writing/pinyin (Chinese romani ation)/ [pin1 yin1 i4 mu3] /phonetic letters/ [pin1 yin1 wen2 i4] /phonetic alphabet/alphabetic writing system/ [pin1 yin1 jie1 duan4] /alphabetic stage/ [pin1 dou4] /to engage (in a fight)/ [ye4] /to drag/to haul/ [ huai1] /to throw/to fling/ [ huai3] /alternate writing of [ huai3]/ [ huai4] /to pull/to tug at (sth)/ [ huai4 bu4] /to take long strides/to hurry (while walking)/ [she4] /to ascend in light steps/



[shi2] /to pick up/to collate or arrange/ten (banker s anti-fraud numeral)/ [shi2 ren2 ti4 tuo4] /lit. to pick up other people s snot (idiom); fig. t [shi2 ren2 ya2 hui4] /to pick up what others say (idiom); to pass off oth pinions as one s own/to parrot/ [shi2 duo1] /to clear up/to tidy up/to pick up/ [shi2 wu4] /picked up items (i.e. lost property)/ [she4 ji2] /to go up or down stairs step by step/ [she4 ji2 er2 shang4] /to mount a flight to steps (idiom)/ [shi2 jie4] /to pick up cress/fig. sth easy to do/a piece of cake/ [shi2 huang1] /to glean/to collect scraps/to eke out a meager living/ [shi2 yi2] /to pick up lost property/to expropriate other s property/finders kee ers/ [shi2 yi2 bu3 que1] /to correct/to remedy defects/ [shi2 jin1 bu4 mei4] /to pick up money and not hide it (idiom); to return its owner/ [shi2 ling2] /to pick up bits/to collect scrap material/tidbits/gleanings (used a gossip)/ [shi2 yin1 qi4] /pickup (electro-acoustic transducer)/ [na2] /to hold/to sei e/to catch/to apprehend/to take/ [na2 bu4 hun3] /in doubt/unsure of sth/unable to decide/indecisive/ [na2 bu4 chu1 shou3] /not presentable/shoddy and too embarrassing to show [na2 bu5 dong4] /to be unable to carry/lift (sth heavy)/ [na2 hu3 yi5] /to make a decision/to make up one s mind/ [na2 ren2] /making things awkward/to cause difficulties/to exert influence/to att act/ [na2 lai2] /to bring/to fetch/to get/ [Na2 e2 mi3] /Naomi (name)/ [na2 chu1] /to take out/to put out/to provide/to put forward (a proposal)/to come up with (evidence)/ [na2 chu1 shou3] /not presentable/not fit to be seen in company/ [na2 qiao2] /pretentious/striking a pose/ [na2 da4] /to put on airs/self-important/high and mighty/ [na2 da4 ding3] /to do a handstand/ [na2 de5 qi3 fang4 de5 xia4] /to be adaptable to circumstances (i [na2 shou3] /expert in/good at/ [na2 shou3 cai4] /specialty (dish)/ [na2 nie1] /to grasp/(dialect) affecting shyness/coy/to create difficulties/ [na2 bu3] /to detain/to apprehend/to capture/ [Na2 sa3 le4] /Na areth (in Biblical Palestine)/ [na2 jia4 i5] /to throw one s weight around/to put on airs/ [na2 quan2] /to hold power/in the driving seat/ [na2 huo4] /to capture/to apprehend/ [Na2 po4 lun2] /Napoleon (name)/Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821), Emperor of Fr 04-1815/ [Na2 po4 lun2 Bo1 na2 ba1] /Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821), [na2 zhe5 ji1 mao2 dang4 ling4 jian4] /to wave a chicken feat iom); to assume unwarranted authority on the basis of some pretext/ [na2 zou3] /to take away/ [na2 qi3] /to pick up/ [na2 ban4] /to arrest for punishment/ [na2 tie3] /latte (loanword)/ [na2 tie3 ka1 fei1] /latte (coffee)/caf latte/ [na2 ding3] /to do a handstand/ [Na2 shun4] /Nashon (son of Amminadab)/ [Na2 sao1] /Nassau, capital of The Bahamas/ [chi2] /to hold/to grasp/to support/to maintain/to persevere/to manage/to run (i .e. administer)/to control/ [chi2 bu4 tong2 zheng4 jian4] /(politically) dissenting/dissident/ [chi2 bu4 tong2 zheng4 jian4 zhe3] /(political) dissident/ [chi2 jiu3] /lasting/enduring/persistent/permanent/protracted/endurance/persisten

e/to last long/ [chi2 jiu3 xing4 du2 ji4] /persistent agent/ [chi2 jiu3 zhan4] /prolonged war/war of attrition/ [chi2 zhi1 yi3 heng2] /to pursue unremittingly (idiom); to persevere/ [chi2 dao1] /to hold a knife/knife-wielding/ [chi2 ka3 ren2] /cardholder/ [Chi2 guo2 tian1] /Dhritarashtra (one of the Four Heavenly Kings)/ [chi2 shou3] /maintain/guard/ [chi2 jia1] /to housekeep/housekeeping/ [chi2 ping2] /to stay level (of exchange rate, market share etc)/ [chi2 you3] /to hold (passport, views etc)/ [chi2 you3 ren2] /holder/ [chi2 qiang1 qiang1 jie2] /armed robbery/ [chi2 tuo2 zan1 bi3] /to serve as a counselor (idiom)/ [chi2 xu4] /to continue/to persist/sustainable/preservation/ [chi2 xu4 xing4 zhi2 wu4 ren2 zhuang4 tai4] /persistent v [chi2 xu4 xing4 zhi2 wu4 zhuang4 tai4] /persistent vegetative [chi2 xu4 shi2 jian1] /duration/ [chi2 zhong4] /prudent/cautious/to be in charge of ritual ceremonies/to hold an i portant office/ [zhi3] /finger/to point at or to/to indicate or refer to/to depend on/to count o n/(of hair) to stand on end/ [zhi3 shi4] /ideogram (one of the Six Methods of forming Chinese charac character indicating an idea, such as up and down/also known as self-explanator y character/ [zhi3 shi4 zi4] /ideogram (one of the Six Methods of forming Chines se character indicating an idea, such as up and down/also known as self-explanat ory character/ [zhi3 dai4] /to refer to/to be used in place of/ [zhi3 ling4] /order/command/instruction/ [zhi3 ling4 ming2 zi4] /command name/ [zhi3 shi3] /to incite/to prompt (sb to do smthing)/ [zhi3 chu1] /to indicate/to point out/ [zhi3 dao4] /to point at/to indicate/ [zhi3 bei3 zhen1] /compass/ [zhi3 nan2] /to guide/guidebook/ [Zhi3 nan2 gong1] /Zhinan Temple/ [zhi3 nan2 che1] /a mechanical compass invented by Zu Chongzhi / [zhi3 nan2 zhen1] /compass/ [zhi3 yin4] /fingerprint/finger mark/thumbprint/ [zhi3 ming2] /to mention by name/to designate/designated/ [zhi3 xiang4] /to point towards/aimed at/facing/the direction indicated/ [zhi3 xiang4 zhuang1 zhi4] /pointing device (for notebook computer)/ [zhi3 ya1] /chiropractic/acupressure/ [zhi3 ding4] /to appoint/to assign/to indicate clearly and with certainty/designa ed/ [zhi3 dao3] /to guide/to give directions/to direct/to coach/guidance/tuition/CL: 4]/ [zhi3 dao3 yuan2] /instructor/coach/political instructor (in the PLA)/ [zhi3 dao3 jiao4 shou4] /adviser/advising professor/ [zhi3 dao3 zhe3] /coach/mentor/counselor/instructor/director/guide/conductor/ [zhi3 dao3 ke4] /tutorial/period of tuition for one or two students/ [zhi3 jian1] /fingertips/ [zhi3 yin3] /to guide/to show/to point (the way)/ [zhi3 zheng1] /indication/ [zhi3 zhan4 yuan2] /PLA commanders and fighters/ [zhi3 shou3 hua4 jiao3] /to gesticulate while talking (idiom); to explain e's hands/to criticize or give orders summarily/also written / [zhi3 shou3 hua4 jiao3] /to gesticulate while talking (idiom)/to explain 's hands/to criticize or give orders summarily/

[zhi3 zhi3 dian3 dian3] /to gesticulate/to point out/to point the finger [zhi3 shou4] /to instruct/to direct/ [zhi3 kong4] /accusation/a (criminal) charge/to accuse/ [zhi3 hui1] /to conduct/to command/to direct/conductor (of an orchestra)/CL: [zhi3 hui1 zhong1 xin1] /command center/ [zhi3 hui1 guan1] /commander/ [zhi3 hui1 jia1] /conductor (music)/ [zhi3 hui1 you3 fang1 , ren2 ren2 le4 cong2] /Command idiom)/ [zhi3 hui1 bang4] /baton/ [zhi3 hui1 zhe3] /conductor/director/ [zhi3 zhai1] /to criticize/to point out/ [zhi3 mo2] /fingerprint/thumbprint/also written [zhi3 mo2]/ [zhi3 jiao4] /to give advice or comments/ [zhi3 shu4] /(numerical, statistical) index/ [zhi3 shu4 han2 shu4] /exponential function/ [zhi3 shu4 ji1 jin1] /index fund/ [zhi3 shu4 tao4 li4] /index arbitrage/ [zhi3 shu4 qi1 quan2] /index options/ [zhi3 chi4] /to denounce/to censure/to rebuke/ [zhi3 ri4 ke3 dai4] /imminent/just around the corner (idiom)/ [zhi3 ming2] /to show clearly/to designate/to indicate/ [zhi3 wang4] /to hope for sth/to count on/hope/ [zhi3 sang1 ma4 huai2] /lit. to point at the mulberry tree and curse the ig. to scold sb indirectly/to make oblique accusations (idiom)/ [zhi3 biao1] /norm/index/target/ [zhi3 mo2] /fingerprint/thumbprint/also written [zhi3 mo2]/ [zhi3 zheng4] /to point out mistakes or weak points for correction/to comment/cri icism/ [zhi3 fa3] /finger method (in painting)/ [zhi3 pai4] /assignment/ [zhi3 jia5] /fingernail/ [zhi3 jia5 dao1] /nail clipper/ [zhi3 jia5 jian3] /nail clipper/ [zhi3 jia5 you2] /nail polish/ [zhi3 ding1] /whitlow/felon/ [zhi3 shi4] /to point out/to indicate/to instruct/directives/instructions/CL: [zhi3 shi4 dai4 ci2] /demonstrative pronoun/ [zhi3 shi4 ji4] /indicator/ [zhi3 shi4 qi4] /indicator/ [zhi3 shi4 fu2] /indicator/ [zhi3 wen2] /fingerprint/finger-print/ [zhi3 ren4] /to identify/ [zhi3 zheng4] /to testify/to give evidence/ [zhi3 ze2] /to criticize/to find fault with/to denounce/ [zhi3 lu4] /to give directions/ [zhi3 zhen1] /pointer on a gauge/clock hand/cursor/ [zhi3 guan1 jie2] /knuckle/ [zhi3 ji1 ma4 gou3] /fig. to point at the chicken while scolding the dog to find a scapegoat/ [zhi3 tou5] /finger/toe/CL: [ge4]/ [zhi3 lu4 zuo4 ma3] /to take a deer and call it a horse (idiom); delibera of the truth/ [zhi3 lu4 wei2 ma3] /making a deer out to be a horse (idiom); deliberate tion/ [zhi3 dian3] /to give directions/to show how (to do sth)/to censure/to pick at/ [zhi3 dian3 mi2 lu:4] /to show sb how to get to the right path/ [qie4] /to raise/to lift/to take along (e.g. one's family)/ [qie4 dai4] /to take along/ [qie4 qie4] /alone/solitary/

[an4] /to press/to push/to leave aside or shelve/to control/to restrain/to keep one's hand on/to check or refer to/according to/in the light of/(of an editor or author) to make a comment/ [an4 xia4] /to press down/to press a button/ [an4 xia4 hu2 lu2 fu2 qi3 piao2] /solve one problem only to f [an4 bing1 bu4 dong4] /to hold back one's troops without moving (idiom); time/ [an4 lao2 fen1 pei4] /distribution according to work/ [an4 tu2 suo3 ji4] /lit. looking for a fine horse using only a picture (i hings along rigid, conventional lines/to try and find smth with the help of a cl ue/ [an4 ya1] /to press/to push (a button)/ [an4 tian1] /daily (law)/per diem/ [an4 ji4] /according to season/quarterly/ [an4 cha2] /to investigate (old)/ [an4 shou3 li3] /ordination/ [an4 na4] /to restrain/to control/ [an4 na4 bu5 zhu4] /to be unable to hold back/ [an4 jie1] /a mortgage/to buy property on a mortgage/ [an4 mo2] /massage/to massage/ [an4 mo2 bang4] /vibrator/dildo/ [an4 ri4] /daily (law)/per diem/ [an4 shi2] /on time/before deadline/on schedule/ [an4 shi2 jian1 xian1 hou4] /chronological/ [an4 yue4] /monthly/per mensem/ [an4 qi1] /on schedule/on time/ [an4 bu4 jiu4 ban1] /follow the prescribed order/keep to conventional way [an4 zhao4] /according to/in accordance with/in the light of/on the basis of/ [an4 zhao4 zi4 mian4] /literally/ [an4 zhao4 fa3 lu:4] /according to the law/ [an4 zhao4 ji4 hua4] /according to (the) plan .../ [an4 li3] /according to reason/in the ordinary course of events/normally/ [an4 li3 shuo1] /it is reasonable to say that.../ [an4 li4] /ordination/ [an4 li4 xian4 zhi4 guo2] /to rule a country according to the constit [an4 mai4] /feel (take) the pulse/ [an4 wen2] /anopheles/malarial mosquito/ [an4 gui1 ding4] /according to regulation/ [an4 yu3] /note/comment/ [an4 shuo1] /in the ordinary course of events/ordinarily/normally/ [an4 zhi4 ding4 jia4] /to fix a price based on quality (idiom)/ [an4 bu4 jiu4 ban1] /to follow the prescribed order; to keep to the worki diom)/ [an4 niu3] /push button/ [an4 jian4] /button or key (on a device)/keystroke/CL: [ge4]/to press a butto [an4 jian4 yin1] /keypad tone/key tone/ [an4 xu1] /on demand/according to demand/ [an4 xu1 chu1 ban3] /publishing on demand/ [an4 xu1 fen1 pei4] /distribution according to need/ [ge2] /fight/ [jiao4] /compare/criticize/ [kua4] /to carry (esp. slung over the arm, shoulder or side)/ [kua4 dou1] /satchel/backpack/ [kua4 dou1 r5] /erhua variant of / [kua4 bao1] /satchel/bag/ [kua4 dou3] /sidecar/ [na2] /apprehend/take/ [tiao1] /to carry on a shoulder pole/to choose/to pick/to nitpick/ [tiao3] /to raise/to dig up/to poke/to prick/to incite/to stir up/ [tiao1 san1 jian3 si4] /to be picky/to be choosy/

[tiao3 san1 wo1 si4] /to sow discord everywhere/ [tiao1 ci4] /to carp/nitpicking/petty criticism/ [tiao1 ti5] /picky/fussy/ [tiao3 dong4] /to entice/to arouse/to provoke/ [tiao1 kou3 ban3] /fascia/eaves board/ [tiao3 suo1] /to incite/to stir up/to instigate/ [tiao3 zui3] /to sow discord/picky about food/ [tiao3 da4 liang2] /to play a leading role/to bear a heavy responsibility/ [tiao1 fu1] /porter/ [tiao3 nong4] /to incite/to provoke/to tease/ [tiao3 zhan4] /to challenge/challenge/ [tiao3 zhan4 zhe3] /challenger/ [tiao3 zhan4 zhe3 hao4] /space shuttle Challenger/ [tiao3 ba2] /to provoke/ [tiao1 jian3] /to pick and choose/to select/ [tiao3 bo1] /to incite disharmony/to instigate/ [tiao3 bo1 shi4 fei1] /to incite a quarrel (idiom); to sow discord betwee ell tales/to make mischief/ [tiao3 bo1 li2 jian4] /to sow dissension (idiom); to drive a wedge betwee [tiao3 ming2] /to illuminate/to open up (a topic)/ [tiao1 ran3] /highlight (hair)/partial hair dye/ [tiao1 mao2 ti1 ci4] /to find fault/to carp/nitpicking/ [tiao1 mao2 ti1 ci4 r5] /erhua variant of , to find fault/to [tiao1 mao2 bing4] /to nitpick/petty criticism/to nag/ [tiao3 deng1] /to light a lamp/to raise a lantern/ [tiao3 deng1 ye4 zhan4] /to raise a lantern and fight at night (idiom); f nto the night/to burn the midnight oil/ [tiao3 deng1 bo1 huo3] /to sow discord/to provoke/ [tiao3 yan2] /eaves/ [tiao1 fei2 xian2 shou4] /to choose sth over another to suit one's own co [tiao3 hua1] /cross-stitch (embroidery)/ [tiao3 hua1 yan3] /(fig.) to get cross-eyed/to be bewildered/ [tiao3 qi3] /to provoke/to stir up/to incite/ [tiao3 dou4] /to provoke/to entice/to lure/to tantalize/to tease/to titillate/ [tiao3 dou4 xing4] /provocative/tantalizing/titillating/ [tiao1 xuan3] /to choose/to select/ [tiao3 xin4] /to provoke/provocation/ [tiao3 tou2] /to take the lead/to be first to (do sth)/to pioneer/ [tiao3 tou2 r5] /erhua variant of , to take the lead/to be first to / [tiao1 shi2] /to be picky about food/ [zha1] /to open out/to expand/ [wa1] /to dig/to excavate/to scoop out/ [wa1 tu3 ji1] /excavator/backhoe/ [wa1 diao4] /to dig out/to eradicate/ [wa1 jue2] /to excavate/to dig/to unearth/ [wa1 jue2 ji1 xie4] /excavator/bulldozer/ [wa1 dong4] /to dig a hole/ [wa1 jun4] /to dredge/ [wa1 qiang2 jiao3] /to undermine/to let someone down/to seduce someone away f ething/ [wa1 xue2] /to excavate/to dig out a cave/ [wa1 kong1] /to excavate/to hollow/ [wa1 kong1 xin1 si5] /to dig for thoughts (idiom); to search everything f to rack one's brains/ [wa1 rou4 bu3 chuang1] /to cut one's flesh to cover a sore (idiom); faced nt crisis, to make it worse by a temporary expedient/ [wa1 ku3] /to speak sarcastically/to make cutting remarks/ [wa1 jue2] /to poach (talent, personnel from competitors)/to raid (a competitor f r its talent)/Taiwan pr. [wa1 jiao3]/

[wa1 kai1] /to dig into/to cut a mine into/ [wa1 bi2 zi5] /to pick one's nose/ [ju3] /Japanese variant of / [ai1] /in order/in sequence/close to/adjacent to/ [ai2] /to suffer/to endure/to pull through (hard times)/to delay/to stall/to pla y for time/to dawdle/ [ai1 bu4 shang4] /to be irrelevant/to be superfluous/ [ai1 ge4] /one by one/in turn/ [ai1 ge4 r5] /erhua variant of [ai1 ge4]/ [ai2 kei1] /to be rebuked/to suffer blows/ [ai2 ci1 r5] /to suffer a rebuke/criticized/ [ai1 jia1] /from house to house, one by one/ [ai1 jia1 ai1 hu4] /to go from house to house/house-to-house (search)/ [ai1 hu4] /from house to house, one by one/ [ai1 hu4 , ai1 jia1] /to go from house to house/house-to-house (searc [ai2 da3] /to take a beating/to get thrashed/to come under attack/ [ai2 da3 shou4 qi4] /to suffer bullying and beating (idiom)/ [ai2 da3 shou4 ma4] /to suffer beatings and receive abuse (idiom)/ [ai2 pi1] /to be criticized/to suffer blame/ [ai2 zou4] /to be beaten/to take a drubbing/buffeted/knocked about/ [ai2 ji3] /to crowd together/to jostle/squeezed/ [ai1 ca1] /to press against/to nuzzle up to/ [ai2 zheng3] /to be the target of an attack/ [ai2 shi2 jian1] /to stall/to play for time/ [ai2 ban3 zi5] /to suffer beating/fig. to be severely criticized/to take a ha / [ai1 ci4] /in sequence/in the proper order/one by one/in turn/ [ai2 ma4] /to receive a scolding/ [ai1 jian1 r5] /in rapid succession (of children, close in age)/shoulder-to-s / [ai1 zhe5] /near/ [Ai1 Ti1] /information technology (IT) (loanword)/ [ai1 jin4] /to approach/to get close to/to sneak up on/near to/ [ai1 bian1] /to keep close to the edge/near the mark/close to (the true figure)/r levant (used with negative to mean totally irrelevant)/ [ai1 bian1 r5] /erhua variant of /to keep close to the edge/near the true figure)/relevant (used with negative to mean totally irrelevant)/ [ai1 men2] /from door to door, one by one/ [ai1 men2 , ai1 hu4] /to go from house to house/house-to-house (searc [ai2 tou2 zi5] /to be criticized/to suffer blame/ [ai2 ji1 di3 e4] /to suffer from hunger/ [ai2 e4] /to go hungry/to endure starvation/famished/ [ai2 dou4] /to suffer censure/denounced/ [nuo2] /to shift/to move/ [Nuo2 ya4] /Noah/ [nuo2 jie4] /to borrow money for a short time/ [nuo2 dong4] /to move/to shift/ [Nuo2 wei1] /Norway/ [nuo2 yong4] /to embezzle/to divert funds/ [nuo2 wo1 r5] /to move (house)/to move elsewhere/ [cuo4] /obstructed/to fail/to oppress/to repress/to lower the tone/to bend back/ to dampen/ [cuo4 zhe2] /setback/reverse/check/defeat/frustration/disappointment/to frustrate to discourage/to set sb back/to blunt/to subdue/ [cuo4 zhe2 gan3] /frustration/ [cuo4 bai4] /to thwart/to foil (sb's plans)/to defeat/ [zhen4] /to shake/to flap/to vibrate/to resonate/to rise up with spirit/to rouse oneself/ [zhen4 zuo4] /to bestir oneself/to pull oneself together/to cheer up/to uplift/to stimulate/

[zhen4 dong4] /vibration/ [zhen4 fen4] /to stir oneself up/to raise one's spirits/to inspire/ [Zhen4 an1] /Zhen'an district of Dandong city [Dan1 dong1 shi4], Lia [Zhen4 an1 qu1] /Zhen'an district of Dandong city [Dan1 dong1 sh [zhen4 fu2] /amplitude/ [zhen4 zhen4 you3 ci2] /to speak forcefully and with justice (idiom); to e courage of one's convictions/ [zhen4 zhen4 you3 ci2] /to speak forcefully and with justice (idiom); to e courage of one's convictions/also written / [zhen4 long2 fa1 kui4] /lit. so loud that even the deaf can hear (idiom); the apathetic/ [zhen4 bi4 yi1 hu1] /to issue a call for action/to raise one's hand and i g call (idiom)/ [Zhen4 xing1] /Zhengxing district of Dandong city [Dan1 dong1 shi4], [zhen4 xing1] /to revive/to revitalize/to invigorate/to re-energize/ [Zhen4 xing1 qu1] /Zhengxing district of Dandong city [Dan1 dong [zhen4 dang4] /vibration/oscillation/ [zhen4 dang4 qi4] /oscillator/ [zhen4 pin2] /frequency of vibration/ [suo1] /feel/to fondle/ [ju2] /structure for carrying dirt/ [yi4] /to ladle out/to dip/to pour out/ [yi4 qu3] /to ladle out/to scoop up/ [yi4 ju1] /to scoop up water with the hands/ [yi4 zhu4] /to shift resources into areas of need/to inject funds/to balance reso rces/ [yi4 zhuo2] /to pour out wine/ [ting3] /to stick out/to (physically) straighten up/to endure or hold out/straig ht/stiff/outstanding/extraordinary/rather/quite/very/classifier for machine guns / [ting3 zhu4] /to stand firm/to stand one's ground (in the face of adversity or pa n)/ [ting3 hao3] /very good/ [ting3 ba2] /tall and straight/ [ting3 gan3] /tappet (machine part)/ [ting3 li4] /to stand erect/to stand upright/ [ting3 ju3] /clean and jerk (weightlifting technique)/ [ting3 shen1] /to straighten one's back/ [ting3 shen1 er2 chu1] /to step forward bravely/ [ting3 jin4] /progress/to advance/ [wan3] /to pull/to draw (a cart or a bow)/to lead (an animal)/an elegy (for use in funeral procession)/to turn (change direction)/to roll up (a scroll)/to coil/ [wan3 ju4] /harness/ [wan3 li4] /pulling power (of draught animals)/ [wan3 hui2] /to retrieve/to redeem/ [wan3 zhang4] /large elegiac scroll/ [wan3 jiu4] /to save/to remedy/to rescue/ [wan3 jiu4 er2 tong2] /to rescue a child/Save the Children, a British cha [wan3 ge1] /a dirge/an elegy/ [wan3 liu2] /to persuade sb to stay/ [wan3 lian2] /elegiac couplet/ [wan3 ci2] /an elegy/elegiac words/ [wan3 ci2] /an elegy/elegiac words/ [wan3 e2] /elegiac tablet/ [jia1] /hold between/ [xie2] /to clasp under the arm/to coerce/ [xie2 tian1 zi3 yi3 ling4 tian1 xia4] /(expr.) hold the feuda whole country/ [xie2 tian1 zi3 yi3 ling4 zhu1 hou2] /(expr.) hold the feudal assals/

[xie2 dai4] /to carry along/to carry on one's person/to carry secretly/ [xie2 yuan4] /to hold a grudge/ [xie2 chi2] /to seize/ [xie2 chi2 gu4 zhu3] /gherao (from Hindi, SE Asian method of protest)/ [xie2 xi4 na2 cu1] /to provoke/ [xie2 zhi4] /forced submission/to exploit advantage to force sb to do one's biddi g/ [xie2 gui4 zi4 zhong4] /to be proud of ones dignified position (idiom)/ [cha1] /Japanese variant of [cha1]/ [wu3] /to resist/ [jun4] /gather/to sort/ [jiu4] /to rescue/ [tong3] /to stab/to poke/to prod/to nudge/to disclose/ [tong3 lou2 i5] /variant of [tong3 lou2 zi5]/ [tong3 lou2 zi5] /to make a mess of sth/ [tong3 lou2 zi5] /variant of [tong3 lou2 zi5]/ [tong3 po4] /to pierce/to prod through/ [tong3 ma3 feng1 wo1] /to poke through a hornets' nest/to attack a diffic lutely/ [kun3] /a bunch/to tie together/bundle/ [kun3 bang3] /to bind/ [kun3 fu4] /bondage/ [zhuo1] /to clutch/to grab/to capture/ [zhuo1 zhu4] /to catch/to grapple with/to hold onto/ [zhuo1 qu3] /to capture/ [zhuo1 qu3 tu2 xiang4] /capture image/ [zhuo1 nong4] /to tease/ [zhuo1 na2] /to arrest/to catch a criminal/ [zhuo1 na2 gui1 an4] /bring to justice/ [zhuo1 bu3 qi4] /trap (for animals etc)/ [zhuo1 mo1] /to predict (often uncertain)/to grope (for the truth)/to fathom/to a certain/ [zhuo1 huo4] /to capture/ [zhuo1 mi2 cang2] /to play hide-and-seek/ [lu:3] /to smooth or arrange sth using one's fingers/to stroke/ [luo1] /to hold sth long and run one's hand along it/ [luo1 ge1 bo5] /to push up one's sleeves/ [luo1 bi4 xuan1 quan2] /lit. to push up one's sleeves and bare one's fist to get started/ [luo1 hu3 xu1] /lit. to stroke the tiger's whiskers/to do sth very daring/ [luo1 xiu4 zi5] /to push up one's sleeves/ [ba1] /eight (banker's anti-fraud numeral)/split/ [han4] /ward off (a blow)/ [han4 wei4] /to defend/to uphold/to safeguard/ [han4 wei4 zhe3] /proponent/supporter/upholder/ [shao1] /to bring sth to sb/to deliver/ [shao1 lai2] /to bring sth to sb (news etc)/ [shao1 xin4] /to take a letter/to send word/ [nie1] /to pinch (with one's fingers)/to knead/to make up/ [nie1 gu5] /to act as a go-between/ [nie1 he2] /to act as a go between/ [nie1 ji1] /chiropractic/ [nie1 ji3 zhi4 liao2] /chiropractic (medicine)/ [nie1 zao4] /to make up/to fabricate/ [juan1] /to contribute/to donate/contribution/tax/to abandon/ [juan1 zhu4] /offer/contribution/donation/ [juan1 mu4] /to solicit contributions/to collect donations/ [juan1 ming4] /to lay down one's life/ [juan1 qi4] /to relinquish/to abandon/ [juan1 kuan3] /to donate money/to contribute funds/donation/contribution (of mone

)/ [juan1 kuan3 zhe3] /donor/benefactor/contributor (to charity)/ [juan1 wu4] /to donate goods (to a relief effort)/to contribute material/ [juan1 xian4] /to donate/to contribute/donation/contribution/ [juan1 ban1] /to contribute/ [juan1 sheng1] /to sacrifice one's life/ [juan1 yi4 biao3] /tax benefits table/ [juan1 shui4] /taxes and levies/ [juan1 gei3] /to donate/ [juan1 bei4] /to die/ [juan1 xue4] /to donate blood/also written / [juan1 xue4 zhe3] /blood donor/also called / [juan1 zi1] /variant of [juan1 zi1]/ [juan1 zi1] /to contribute funds/ [juan1 zeng4] /to contribute (as a gift)/to donate/benefaction/ [juan1 zeng4 ying2 yu2] /surplus from donation (accountancy)/ [juan1 zeng4 zhe3] /donor/contributor/ [juan1 qu1] /to sacrifice one's life/ [juan1 xuan3] /to select/ [bu3] /to catch/to seize/to capture/ [bu3 fu2] /to capture enemy personnel (for intelligence purposes)/ [bu3 shou3] /catcher/ [bu3 na2] /to arrest/to capture/to catch/ [bu3 zhuo1] /to catch/to seize/to capture/ [bu3 lao1] /to fish for (aquatic animals and plants)/to catch/ [bu3 sha1] /hunt and kill (an animal or fish)/ [bu3 huo4] /to catch/to capture/to seize/ [bu3 lie4] /hunting/ [bu3 qin2 ren2] /bird-catcher/fowler/ [bu3 lu3 yan2] /xenolith (geology)/ [bu3 chong2 ye4] /insect-catching leaf/ [bu3 tou2] /constable/ [bu3 feng1 zhuo1 ying3] /lit. chasing the wind and clutching at shadows ( groundless accusations/to act on hearsay evidence/ [bu3 shi2] /to prey on/to catch and feed on/to hunt for food/ [bu3 yu2] /catch fish/fish/ [bu3 jing1] /whaling/ [bu3 jing1 chuan2] /whaler/whale catcher/ [bu3 shu3 qi4] /mousetrap/ [bu4] /make progress/ [zun4] /push/ [yi4] /erroneous variant of [ye4]/ [sou1] /Japanese variant of /to search/ [wan4] /to bend the wrist/ [peng3] /to clasp/to cup the hands/to hold up with both hands/to offer (esp. in cupped hands)/to praise/to flatter/ [peng3 shang4 tian1] /to praise to the skies/ [peng3 dao4 tian1 shang4] /lit. to hold up to the skies/fig. to praise la [peng3 gen2] /fall-guy/supporting role in comic dialog [dui4 kou [peng3 chang3] /to cheer on (originally esp. as paid stooge)/to root for sb/to si g sb's praises/to flatter/ [peng3 tuo1] /to hold up with both hands/ [peng3 bei1] /to win a championship/to come out top/to take the cup/ [peng3 sha1] /causing sb to fail due to excessive praise/ [peng3 fu4] /uproarious/hilarious/to split one's sides laughing/lit. to hold one' belly with both hands/ [peng3 fu4 da4 xiao4] /uproarious/hilarious/to split one's sides laughing one's belly with both hands/ [peng3 fu4 jue2 dao3] /doubled up with laughter/ [peng3 hua1] /(wedding) bouquet/

[peng3 jue2] /to praise an actor/adulation/ [peng3 jue2 r5] /erhua variant of , to praise an actor/adulation/ [peng3 du2] /to read (honorific: e.g. your distinguished article)/ [she3] /to give up/to abandon/to give alms/ [she3 xia4] /to abandon/to lay down/ [she3 bu5 de5] /to hate to do sth/to hate to part with/to begrudge/ [she3 ming4] /to risk one's life/ [she3 ji3] /selfless/self-sacrifice (to help others)/self-renunciation/altruism/ [she3 ji3 jiu4 ren2] /to abandon self for others (idiom); to sacrifice on the people/altruism/ [she3 ji3 wei4 ren2] /to abandon self for others (idiom, from Analects); one's own interest for other people/altruism/ [she3 ji3 wei4 gong1] /to give up one's private interests for the public to behave altruistically/selfless and public spirited/ [she3 de5] /to be willing to part with sth/ [she3 qi4] /to give up/to abandon/to abort/ [she3 zheng4 cong2 xie2] /to be corrupted by evil influences (idiom)/ [she3 sheng1 qu3 yi4] /to give up life for righteousness (idiom, from Men ose honor over life/would rather sacrifice one's life than one's principles/ [she3 sheng1 wang4 si3] /bravery with no thought of personal safety (idio ife and limb/undaunted by perils/ [she3 shen1] /to give one's life/ [she3 shen1 qiu2 fa3] /to abandon one's body in the search for Buddha's t [she3 ju1 bao3 shuai4] /rook sacrifice to save the king (in Chinese chess otect a senior figure by blaming an underling/to pass the buck/ [lie4] /tear/twist/ [men2] /lay hands on/to cover/ [men2 xin1 wu2 kui4] /lit. look into one's heart, no shame (idiom); with ience/ [men2 xin1 zi4 wen4] /to ask oneself honestly/to search in one's heart/ [bai3] /spread out/to open/ [bai4] /weed/ [ju1] /see [jie2 ju1]/ [ju4] /variant of [ju4]/ [ai2] /variant of [ai2]/ [ai2 yan2] /to delay/to stretch out/to play for time/ [juan3] /to roll (up)/to sweep up/to carry on/roll/ [juan3 ru4] /to be drawn into/to be involved in/ [juan3 ceng2 yun2] /cirrostratus (cloud)/also written [juan3 cen [juan3 lian2 men2] /roll-up door/ [juan3 dai4] /tape/ [juan3 xin1 cai4] /variant of [juan3 xin1 cai4]/ [juan3 yang2] /a whirlwind/ [juan3 yang2 ji1] /a capstan/ [juan3 qu3] /to curl (hair)/to crimp/to roll up/curly/ [juan3 ji1 yun2] /cirrocumulus (cloud)/ [juan3 xian4 qi4] /fishing reel/ [juan3 she2 yuan2 yin1] /retroflex vowel (e.g. the final r of putonghua)/ [juan3 qi3] /variant of [juan3 qi3]/ [juan3 tao2] /to bundle up valuables and abscond/ [juan3 pu1 gai4] /to pack and quit/to be sacked/ [juan3 pu1 gai4 zou3 ren2] /to pack one's things and leave/ [juan3 bing3] /rolled-up pastry/roll/turnover (patisserie)/ [juan3 xu1] /tendril/ [chui2] /beat with the fist/to hammer/to cudgel/ [chui2 zi5] /hammer/CL:[ba3]/ [chui2 da3] /to beat/to pound/to thump/ [chui2 ji1] /to beat/to thump/ [chui2 xiong1] /to beat one's chest/ [chui2 xiong1 dun4 zu2] /to beat one's chest and stamp one's feet (idiom)

[Jie2] /Czech/Czech Republic/abbr. for [Jie2 ke4]/ [jie2] /victory/triumph/quick/nimble/prompt/ [Jie2 ke4] /Czech/Czech Republic (from 1993)/Czechia/ [Jie2 ke4 ren2] /Czech person/ [Jie2 ke4 gong4 he2 guo2] /Czech Republic/ [Jie2 ke4 Si1 luo4 fa2 ke4] /Republic of Czechoslovakia (1918-199 [Jie2 ke4 yu3] /Czech (language)/ [jie2 bao4] /report of success/report of a victory/ [jie2 bao4 pin2 chuan2] /victory reports pour in (idiom); news of success s stream/ [Jie2 an1 te4] /Giant Manufacturing/ [jie2 jing4] /a shortcut/ [Jie2 er3 ren4 si1 ke4] /Dzerzhinsk, Russian city/ [Jie2 er3 mei2 zi1] /Termez city in southeast Uzbekistan/ [Jie2 yu3] /Czech language/ [Jie2 bao4] /Jaguar (car brand)/ [jie2 zu2 xian1 deng1] /(int) dibs/ [jie2 yun4] /rapid transit/subway/ [Jie2 da2] /Jetta (car produced by Volkswagen)/ [Jie2 da2 Hang2 kong1 Huo4 yun4] /Jett8 Airlines Cargo (based in [na4] /(downwards-right concave character stroke)/press down firmly/ [nian3] /to twirl (in the fingers)/ [Nian3 jun1] /Nien Rebellion/ [nuo2] /to rub/to crumple/ [zuo2] /to seize/Tw pr. [zu2]/ [xian1] /to lift (a lid)/to rock/to convulse/ [xian1 dong4] /to stir/to lift/to set sth in motion/ [xian1 tian1 jie1 di4] /earth-shattering/ [xian1 diao4] /to remove/to tear off/ [xian1 yong3] /to seethe/to bubble up/ [xian1 qi3] /to lift/to raise in height/to begin/upsurge/to set off (a campaign)/ [xian1 kai1] /to lift open/to tear open/ [xian1 feng1 gu3 lang4] /to raise a storm/to stir up trouble/to instigate [xian1 teng2] /to surge up/raging (billows)/ [dian1] /to weigh in the hand/to estimate/ [dian1 liang5] /to weigh in the hand/to consider/to ponder/ [sao3] /to sweep/ [sao4] /broom/ [sao3 di4] /to sweep the floor/to reach rock bottom/to be at an all-time low/ [sao3 mu4] /to sweep the tombs (of one's ancestors)/the Qingming festival/ [sao3 she4] /to rake with machine gunfire/to strafe/to machine-gun down/ [sao4 zhou5] /broom/ [sao4 zhou5 xing1] /comet/jinx/bearer of ill luck/ [sao4 ba3] /broom/ [sao4 ba3 xing1] /bearer of ill luck/person with the evil eye/comet/ [sao3 miao2] /to scan/ [sao3 miao2 yi2] /scanner (device)/ [sao3 miao2 qi4] /scanner/ [sao3 luo2] /Saul (name)/biblical king around 1000 BC/ [sao3 xing4] /to have one's spirits dampened/to feel disappointed/ [sao3 dang4] /to root out/to wipe out/ [sao3 dang4 tui3] /leg sweep/ [sao3 jie1] /to sweep the streets/to canvas (for votes, sales etc)/ [sao3 shi4] /to run one's eyes over/to sweep one's eyes over/ [sao3 chu2] /to sweep/to clean with a brush/to sweep away (often fig.)/ [sao3 chu2 tian1 xia4] /to sweep away evil/to purge (the world of crime)/ [sao3 chu2 ji1] /mechanical sweeper/ [sao3 lei2] /minesweeper (computer game)/ [sao3 lei2 ting3] /minesweeper/ [sao3 lei2 jian4] /minesweeper/

[sao3 huang2] /campaign against pornography/ [sao3 huang2 yun4 dong4] /campaign against pornography/ [lun1] /to whirl (one's arm)/ [lun2] /to select/ [duo1] /to pick up/to collect/gather up/ [Duo1 dao1] /Duodao district of Jingmen city [Jing1 men2 shi4], Hube [Duo1 dao1 qu1] /Duodao district of Jingmen city [Jing1 men2 shi [duo1 tun2 peng3 pi4] /to hold up buttocks and praise a fart (idiom); to o get what one wants/to toady/boot-licking/ [shou4] /to teach/to instruct/to award/to give/ [shou4 ru3] /lactation/breast-feeding/ [shou4 yu3] /to award/to confer/ [shou4 ren2 yi3 bing3] /to hand someone the swordhilt (idiom)/to give som n oneself/ [shou4 ren2 yi3 yu2 bu4 ru2 shou4 ren2 yi3 yu2] / ch a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime/knowledge is the best charity/ [shou4 ren4] /appointment (to a job)/to be appointed (to high office)/to accept a appointment/entrusted with responsibilities/same as / [shou4 xin4] /to extend credit (finance)/ [shou4 xun1] /to award an honor/ [shou4 shou4] /to give and accept/ [shou4 shou4 bu4 qin1] /(in ancient times) no direct contact between men [shou4 ming4] /to give orders/ [shou4 yi4] /to inspire/to incite/ [shou4 shi2] /time service/ [shou4 ye4] /to teach/to bequeath/ [shou4 quan2] /to authorize/ [shou4 quan2 ling4] /warrant (law)/ [shou4 quan2 fan4 wei2] /scope of authority/mandate/ [shou4 jiang3] /to award a prize/ [shou4 fen3] /pollination/ [shou4 jing1] /insemination/ [shou4 yu3] /grant/confer/ [shou4 ji4] /to confide a plan to sb/ [shou4 ke4] /to teach/to give lessons/ [shou4 xian2] /rank of professor/academic title/ [diao4] /to fall/to drop/to lag behind/to lose/to go missing/to reduce/fall (in prices)/to lose (value, weight etc)/to wag/to swing/to turn/to change/to exchang e/to swap/to show off/to shed (hair)/ [diao4 xia4] /to drop down/to fall/ [diao4 yi3 qing1 xin1] /treat sth lightly/to lower one's guard/ [diao4 jia4] /drop in price/devalued/to have one's status lowered/ [diao4 jia4 r5] /erhua variant of , drop in price/devalued/to have o / [diao4 bao1] /to substitute in secret (a fake for the genuine item)/to palm off/ [diao4 xiang4] /to turn/to adjust one's direction/to lose one's bearings/ [diao4 huan4] /to shift uneasily/to chop and change/to swap (positions)/to replac / [diao4 shu1 dai4] /lit. to drop a bag of books (idiom); fig. to drop quotatio ppear learned/to quote classical texts as a parade of erudition/ [diao4 lei4] /to shed tears/ [diao4 qiu2] /drop shot (in volleyball, tennis etc)/ [diao4 cheng4] /to lose weight (of cattle)/ [diao4 xian4] /to get disconnected (from the Internet)/ [diao4 biao1] /to lose weight (of cattle)/ [diao4 se4] /to lose color/to fade/also pr. [diao4 shai3]/ [diao4 luo4] /to fall down/ [diao4 zhuan3] /to turn around/ [diao4 guo4] /to swap places/ [diao4 guo4 r5] /erhua variant of , to swap places/

[diao4 dui4] /to fall behind/to drop out/ [diao4 tou2] /to turn through 180 degrees/a U-turn/to turn around/ [diao4 dian3 r5] /drip of rain/ [pou2] /take up in both hands/ [pou3] /break up/hit/ [zhang3] /palm of the hand/sole of the foot/paw/horseshoe/to slap/to hold in one 's hand/to wield/ [zhang3 shang4 dian4 nao3] /handheld computer/PDA (personal digital assis PC/ [zhang3 zui3] /to slap/ [zhang3 chu2] /to prepare meals/chef/ [zhang3 xin1] /hollow of the palm/ [zhang3 kong4] /to control/in control of/ [zhang3 wo4] /to grasp (often fig.)/to control/to seize (initiative, opportunity, destiny)/to master/to know well/to understand sth well and know how to use it/fl uency/ [zhang3 wo4 dian4 nao3] /PDA/Personal Digital Assistant/ [zhang3 ji1] /slap/ [zhang3 gu4] /anecdote/tales (esp. about historical figure)/ [zhang3 gui4] /shopkeeper/ [zhang3 quan2] /to wield (political etc) power/be in power/ [zhang3 deng1] /to hold a lamp/to light a lamp/ [zhang3 xi3 da4 chen2] /chancellor (rank in various European states)/gran [zhang3 xi3 guan1] /chancellor (rank in various European states)/ [zhang3 xiang4] /palmistry/features of a palm (in palmistry)/ [zhang3 guan3] /in charge of/to control/ [zhang3 sheng1] /applause/CL: [zhen4]/ [zhang3 sheng1 lei2 dong4] /thunderous applause (idiom)/ [zhang3 duo4] /to steer (a ship)/ [zhang3 gu3] /metacarpal bone (long bones in the hand and feet)/ [ji3] /drag/ [tao1] /to fish out (from pocket)/to scoop/ [tao1 chu1] /to fish out/to take out (from a pocket, bag etc)/ [tao1 bao1] /to pick pockets/ [tao1 xin1 tao1 fei4] /to be totally devoted (to a person)/ [tao1 yao1 bao1] /to pay/to foot the bill/ [qia1] /to pick (flowers)/to pinch/to nip/to pinch off/to clutch/(slang) to figh t/ [qia1 duan4] /cut off/disconnect/ [qia1 si3] /to throttle/to strangle/ [qia1 suan4] /to count with one's fingers/on the spot calculation/ [pai2] /a row/a line/to set in order/to arrange/to line up/to eliminate/to drain /to push open/platoon/raft/classifier for lines, rows etc/ [pai2 ta1] /exclusive, excluding/ [pai2 ou3] /parallel and antithesis (paired sentences as rhetoric device)/ [pai2 ru4] /to discharge into/to secrete into/ [pai2 chu1] /to discharge/ [pai2 lie4] /array/arrangement/permutation (i.e. ordered choice of n elements out of m)/ [pai2 lie4 ming2 ci4] /league table/ordered list/ [pai2 lie4 ci4 xu4] /ranking/ordering in list/ [pai2 yin4] /typesetting and printing/ [pai2 luan3] /to ovulate/ [pai2 ming2] /ranking/ordered list/to rank nth out of 100/to be placed/roll of ho or/ [pai2 ming2 bang3] /ranking/ordered list/top 20/roll of honor/to come nth out / [pai2 ming2 biao3] /league table/roll of honor/ [pai2 chang5] /ostentation/a show of extravagance/grand style/red tape/ [pai2 wai4] /xenophobic/anti-foreigner/

[pai2 ke4] /paid queuer/person paid to stand in line for another/ [pai2 she4] /a barrage of fire/a salvo/ [pai2 niao4] /to urinate/ [pai2 wu1] /terraced house/ [pai2 shan1 dao3 hai3] /lit. to topple the mountains and overturn the sea rth-shattering/fig. gigantic/of spectacular significance/ [pai2 xu4] /to sort/to arrange in order/ [pai2 lu:4] /long poem in lshi form / [pai2 you1 jie3 nan4] /to resolve a difficult situation and leave worries m)/ [pai2 dang3] /gear/ [pai2 dang3 su4 lu:4] /gear/gear speed/ [pai2 ji3] /to crowd out/to push aside/to supplant/ [pai2 fang4] /emission/discharge/exhaust (gas etc)/ [pai2 chi4] /to reject/to exclude/to eliminate/to remove/to repel/ [pai2 cha2] /to inspect/to run through a checklist/to take stock/to audit/ [pai2 cha2 gu4 zhang4] /to troubleshoot/to check components individually troubleshooting/ [pai2 dang3] /gear (of car etc)/stall (of market etc)/ [pai2 dang3 su4 lu:4] /gear/gear speed/ [pai2 jian3] /to arrange for ease of search/to catalogue for retrieval/ [pai2 du2] /to expel poison (from the system)/to detox/ [pai2 bi3] /parallelism (grammar)/ [pai2 qi4] /to ventilate/ [pai2 qi4 kong3] /an air vent/a ventilation shaft/ [pai2 qi4 guan3] /exhaust pipe/ [pai2 shui3] /to drain/ [pai2 shui3 qu2] /drainage/ [pai2 shui3 gou1] /gutter/ [pai2 shui3 guan3] /drainpipe/waste pipe/ [pai2 shui3 liang4] /displacement/ [pai2 wu1] /to drain sewage/ [pai2 wu1 di4 xia4 zhu3 guan3 wang3] /underground sewage netw [pai2 wu1 guan3] /sewer/ [pai2 xie4] /to excrete/evacuation (of bowels)/drainage (of factory waste etc)/ [pai2 xie4] /to drain (liquid)/ [pai2 xie4 wu4] /excrement/waste/ [pai2 xie4 xi4 tong3] /drainage system/excretory system/ [pai2 hong2] /to drain flood-water/ [pai2 yan3] /to rehearse (a performance)/ [pai2 lao4] /to drain flooded fields/ [pai3 xie4] /to excrete/ [pai3 xie4 wu4] /excrement/ [Pai2 wan1 zu2] /Paiwan, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan/ [pai2 pao4] /to fire a salvo/broadside/cannonade/ [pai2 ban3] /typesetting/ [pai2 you2] /to eliminate Jews/antisemitism/ [pai2 you2 zhu3 yi4] /antisemitism/ [pai2 qiu2] /volleyball/CL: [ge4]/ [pai2 kong1] /to fly up to the sky/ [pai2 sheng1] /reed-pipe wind instrument with a keyboard/ [pai2 xiao1] /xiao, a free reed mouth organ with five or more pipes blown from th bottom/also translated as pan pipes/ [pai2 lian4] /to rehearse/rehearsal/ [pai2 chi4] /whole-piece shark's fin/ [pai2 wu3] /a dance in formation/choreographed dance/line dance/ [pai2 hua2] /anti-Chinese (policies, actions, sentiments etc)/Sinophobia/ [pai2 Hua2 fa3 an4] /Chinese Exclusion Act, a US law restricting Chinese rom 1882-1943/ [pai2 xiao1] /panpipe/

[pai2 hang2] /seniority/ranking/ [pai2 hang2 bang3] /the charts (of best-sellers)/table of ranking/ [pai2 jie3] /to mediate/to reconcile/to make peace/to intervene/ [pai2 qi3 chang2 dui4] /to form a long line (i.e. of people waiting)/ [pai2 qian3] /to divert oneself from loneliness/ [pai2 liang4] /discharge volume/engine capacity/engine displacement (volume of ai fuel mixture drawn in during one cycle)/ [pai2 cuo4] /troubleshooting/debugging/debug/erratum/to arrange in incorrect sequ nce/ [pai2 zhang3] /platoon leader/sergeant/ [pai2 chu2] /to eliminate/to get rid of/to remove/ [pai2 dui4] /to line up/ [pai2 nan4 jie3 fen1] /to remove perils and solve disputes (idiom); to re rences/ [pai2 lei2] /mine clearance/ [pai2 tou2 bing1] /lit. frontline troops/leader/trailblazer/pacesetter/ [pai2 feng1 kou3] /exhaust vent/ [pai2 gu3] /pork chop/pork cutlet/spare ribs/ [qian1] /lead along/substantial/ [ye1] /to tuck (into a pocket)/to hide/to conceal/ [ye4] /support by the arm/to help/to promote/at the side/ [ye1 gu5] /to toss aside/to misplace/ [ye4 yuan2] /sidewalls of a palace/ [ye1 ting2] /palace residence of concubine/palace office/ [ye4 ting2] /side quarters of a palace/ [ye1 ye1 gai4 gai4] /stealthily/clandestinely/ [ye4 men2] /small side door of a palace/ [ya4] /attach/brandish/hold/ [jue2] /dig/ [jue2 chu1] /to exhume/to unearth/to dig out/ [jue2 mu4 gong1 ren2] /grave digger/ [jue2 mu4 bian1 shi1] /to exhume a body for public flogging (idiom)/ [Jue2 ke4] /Digg (social news website)/ [zheng1] /struggle/ [zheng4] /to earn/to make (money)/ [zheng1 zha2] /to struggle/ [zheng4 tuo1] /to throw off/to struggle free of/ [zheng4 qian2] /to make money/ [gua4] /to hang or suspend (from a hook etc)/(of a telephone call) to hang up/to be worried or concerned/to make a phone call (topolect)/to register or record/t o hitch/classifier for sets or clusters of objects/ [gua4 zai5 zui3 shang5] /to pay lip service to/to keep mentioning (withou ing)/to blather on about sth/ [gua4 zai4 zui3 bian1] /to keep saying (sth) over and over/ [gua4 zhui4 he2] /locket/ [gua4 shi1] /to report the loss of something/ [gua4 hao3] /to hang up properly (telephone, picture, clothes etc)/ [gua4 shuai4] /to take command/to assume leadership/to dominate/over-emphasis/dom nating over other considerations/ [gua4 shuai4 de5 she4 hui4] /a society in which that is regarded as a [gua4 cai3] /to decorate for festive occasions/to be wounded in action/ [gua4 nian4] /concerned/ [gua4 lu:4] /to worry about/ [gua4 huai2] /concerned/troubled/having sth on one's mind/ [gua4 dang3] /to put into gear/to engage the gear/gear-change/ [gua4 duan4] /to hang up (a phone)/ [gua4 li4] /wall calendar/ [gua4 pai2] /lit. to hang up a plate/to open up for business/listed (on stock mar et)/ [gua4 ai4] /worry/

[gua4 yang2 tou2 , mai4 gou3 rou4] /to hang a sheep's head wh o cheat/dishonest advertising/wicked deeds carried out under banner of virtue/ [gua4 zhi2] /temporary assignment to a Chinese government or CPC post/ [gua4 lan2] /hanging orchid (Chlorophytum comosum)/bracket plant/ [gua4 hao4] /to register (a letter etc)/ [gua4 hao4 xin4] /registered letter/ [gua4 hao4 zheng4] /register card/ [gua4 gou1 r5] /erhua variant of [gua4 gou1]/ [gua4 gou1] /hook (on which to hang sth)/to couple/to link together/to establish ontact with/hook/coupling links (e.g. between two railway coaches)/ [gua4 suo3] /padlock/ [gua4 zhong1] /wall clock/ [gua4 ma3] /Trojan horse, to add malware to a website or program (computing)/ [gua4 mian4] /pasta/noodles/ [gua4 chi3] /to mention (e.g. "don't mention it")/ [shan4] /easy/quiet/ [lu:e4] /to take over by force/to rob/to plunder/to brush over/to skim/to sweep/ [lu:e4 qu3] /to plunder/to pillage/to loot/ [lu:e4 duo2] /to plunder/to rob/also written / [lu:e4 duo2 zhe3] /robber/plunderer/predator/ [lu:e4 mei3] /to claim credit due to others/ [lu:e4 mai4] /to press-gang sb and sell into slavery/ [lu:e4 mai4 hua2 gong1] /Chinese people press-ganged and sold into slaver ern colonialism/ [lu:e4 guo4] /to flit across/to sweep past/to glance (strike at an angle)/ [lu:e4 shi2] /hunting for food/raptor/ [cai3] /to pick/to pluck/to collect/to select/to choose/to gather/ [cai3 fa2] /fell/cut/ [cai3 guang1] /lighting/day lighting/ [cai3 chu1] /to extract/to mine/ [cai3 zhi4] /collect and process/ [cai3 qu3] /to adopt or carry out (measures, policies, course of action)/to take/ [cai3 qu3 cuo4 shi1] /to adopt measures/to take steps/ [cai3 qu3 xing2 dong4] /to take action/to adopt policies/to move on some [cai3 chang3] /slope/ [cai3 jue2] /excavate/ [cai3 zhai1] /pluck/pick/ [cai3 ze2] /to choose and use/to adopt (a decision)/ [cai3 shou1 lu:4] /recovery ratio/ [cai3 jing3] /to choose a location/to frame a shot (for filming, photography etc) [cai3 nuan3] /heating/ [cai3 guo3] /fruit picking/ [cai3 mian2 ji1] /cotton picker/ [cai3 yang4] /sampling/ [cai3 yang4 lu:4] /sampling rate/ [cai3 you2] /oil extraction/oil recovery/ [cai3 mei2] /coal mining/coal extraction/coal cutting/ [cai3 zhu1] /to dive for pearls/ [cai3 zhu1 ren2] /the Pearl Fishers, 1863 opera by Georges Bizet [Bi4 cai [cai3 yong4] /to adopt/to employ/to use/ [cai3 shi2 chang3] /stone pit/quarry/ [cai3 sha1 chang3] /sandpit/sand quarry/ [cai3 kuang4] /mining/ [cai3 kuang4 ye4] /mining/ [cai3 zhong3] /seed collecting/ [cai3 na4] /to accept/to adopt/ [cai3 zhi1] /tree tapping/ [cai3 hua1] /to pick flowers/to enter houses at night in order to rape women/ [cai3 hua1 da4 dao4] /lit. flower thief/fig. rapist/ [cai3 hua1 zei2] /lit. flower thief/fig. rapist/

[cai3 lan2 zeng4 shao2] /lit. pick orchids and present peonies (idiom); f between lovers/ [cai3 fang3] /to interview/to gather news/to hunt for and collect/to cover/ [cai3 fang3 ji4 zhe3] /investigative reporter/ [cai3 zheng4] /to collect evidence/ [cai3 mai3] /purchase/buy/ [cai3 gou4] /to procure (for an enterprise etc)/to purchase/ [cai3 gou4 yuan2] /buyer/purchasing agent/ [cai3 ban4] /buy on a considerable scale/purchase/ [cai3 yi4] /fief/benefice/ [cai3 lu4] /collect and record/ [cai3 ji2] /to gather/to collect/to harvest/ [cai3 feng1] /collect folk songs/ [cai3 shi2] /to forage/to gather for eating/to pick and eat/ [tan4] /to explore/to search out/to scout/to visit/to stretch forward/ [tan4 jing3] /test pit/exploratory shaft/test well (mineralogy)/ [tan4 shang1] /to inspect for damage/flaw detection/metal crack detection/ [tan4 shang1 qi4] /metal crack detector/ [tan4 kan1] /prospecting/exploration/a survey/ [tan4 kou3 qi4] /to sound out opinions/to get sb's views by polite or indirec ioning/also written [tan4 kou3 feng1]/ [tan4 kou3 feng1] /to sound out opinions/to get sb's views by polite or indir stioning/ [tan4 wen4] /to inquire into/to ask after/ [tan4 nang2 qu3 wu4] /to feel in one's pocket and take sth (idiom); as ea the bag/ [tan4 qi2] /to seek unusual scenery or places/ [tan4 zi5] /intelligence gatherer/spy/detective/scout/sound (medical instrument)/ ong and narrow probing and sampling utensil/ [tan4 jia1] /to make a trip home/ [tan4 cha2] /to investigate/to observe/to scout/to seek out and examine/to explor / [tan4 xun2] /to search/to seek/to explore/ [tan4 chi3] /dipstick/measuring rod/ [tan4 ge1] /tango (dance)/ [tan4 mo1] /to feel for sth/to grope/ [tan4 ming2] /to ascertain/to verify/ [tan4 yue4] /lunar exploration/ [tan4 wang4] /to visit/ [tan4 cha2] /to examine/to probe/to scout out/to nose around/ [tan4 qiu2] /to seek/to pursue/to investigate/ [tan4 ce4] /to probe/to take readings/to explore/exploration/ [tan4 ce4 qi4] /detector/probe/craft/ [tan4 ce4 zi4] /probe (character)/ [tan4 ce4 ci2] /probe word/ [tan4 zhao4 deng1] /searchlight/ [tan4 bing4] /to visit a sick person or patient/ [tan4 jian1] /to visit a prisoner (usu. a relative or friend)/ [tan4 kan4] /to visit/to go to see what's going on/ [tan4 kuang4] /to prospect/to dig for coal or minerals/ [tan4 kuang4 zhe3] /prospector/person exploring for minerals/ [tan4 mi4] /to explore a mystery/to probe the unknown/ [tan4 jiu1] /to investigate/to delve/to probe/to enquire into/to look into/ [tan4 jiu1 shi4] /exploratory/ [tan4 suo3] /to explore/to probe/ [tan4 suo3 xing4] /exploratory/ [tan4 ting1] /to make inquiries/to try to find out/to pry/ [tan4 hua1] /candidate who came third in the Han-lin examination/see [zh [tan4 shi4] /to visit (a patient, prisoner etc)/to look inquiringly/ [tan4 shi4 quan2] /visitation rights (law)/

[tan4 qin1] /to go home to visit one's family/ [tan4 tao3] /to investigate/to probe/ [tan4 fang3] /to seek by inquiry or search/to call on/to visit/ [tan4 xun2] /to inquire into/to ask after/ [tan4 lu4] /to find a path/ [Tan4 lu4 zhe3] /Pathfinder, NASA spacecraft sent to Mars in 1977/ [tan4 shen1] /to lean forward/to lean out (of a window, door etc)/ [tan4 shen1 zi5] /to bend forward/to lean out/ [tan4 zhen1] /probe/ [tan4 xian3] /to explore/ [tan4 xian3 jia1] /explorer/ [tan4 xian3 zhe3] /explorer/ [tan4 lei2] /to detect mines/mine detection/ [tan4 lei2 ren2 yuan2] /mine detector (employee)/ [tan4 tou2] /to extend one's head (out or into)/a probe/detector/search unit/ [tan4 tou2 tan4 nao3] /to stick one's head out and look around (idiom)/ [tan4 tou2 tan4 nao3 r5] /erhua variant of , to stic [tan4 feng1] /to make inquiries about sb or sth/to fish for information/ [tan4 ma3] /mounted scout (arch.)/ [tan4 li2 de2 zhu1] /to pluck a pearl from the black dragon (idiom, from g. to pick out the salient points (from a tangled situation)/to see through to t he nub/ [che4] /to pull/to draw/to pull back/to withdraw/to flash past/ [che4 dian4] /to flash/a flash (literary)/ [bing1] /arrow-quiver/ [jie1] /to receive/to answer (the phone)/to meet or welcome sb/to connect/to cat ch/to join/to extend/to take one's turn on duty/to take over for sb/ [jie1 xia4] /continuing on/ [jie1 xia4 lai2] /to accept/to take/next/following/ [jie1 er4 lian2 san1] /one after another (idiom)/in quick succession/ [jie1 ren2] /to meet a person/ [jie1 dao4] /to receive (letter etc)/ [jie1 li4] /relay/ [jie1 li4 sai4] /relay race/CL: [chang3]/ [jie1 li4 sai4 pao3] /relay race/ [jie1 shou4] /to accept/to receive/ [jie1 shou4 shen3 wen4] /under interrogation (for a crime)/on trial/ [jie1 shou4 zhe3] /recipient/person receiving sth/ [jie1 kou3] /interface/port/connector/ [jie1 kou3 mo2 kuai4] /interface module/ [jie1 he2] /to connect/to join/to assemble/ [jie1 he2 jun1 gang1] /Zygomycetes/ [jie1 wen3] /kiss/ [jie1 dan1] /order (for goods etc)/ [jie1 di4] /earth (electric connection)/to earth/ [jie1 rang3] /to border on/ [jie1 ke4] /to receive guests/to receive patrons (of prostitutes)/ [jie1 dai4] /to receive (a visitor)/to admit (allow sb to enter)/ [jie1 dai4 yuan2] /receptionist/ [jie1 dai4 shi4] /reception room/ [jie1 ying4] /to provide support/to come to the rescue/ [jie1 xi4] /to accept an acting role/ [jie1 shou3] /to take over (duties etc)/catcher (baseball etc)/ [jie1 shou1] /reception (of transmitted signal)/to receive/to accept/to admit/to ake over (e.g. a factory)/to expropriate/ [jie1 shou1 qi4] /receiver/ [jie1 shou1 qi4 ling2 min3 du4] /receiver sensitivity/ [jie1 shou1 ji1] /receiver/TV or radio receiver/ [jie1 ti4] /to replace/to take over (a position or post)/ [jie1 zhi1] /(tree) graft/

[jie1 ji1] /jointing machine/riveter/welder/sealer/to meet a plane (i.e. to meet b at airport)/to service a plane (of airport workers)/ [jie1 bo2 che1] /shuttle bus/ [jie1 qia4] /to discuss a matter with sb/to get in touch with/to arrange/ [jie1 ji4] /to give material assistance to/ [jie1 huo4] /to receive (a call, report etc)/ [jie1 ban1] /to work one's shift/to succeed to a position/to take over a job (on he next shift)/to relieve sb as successor/ [jie1 ban1 ren2] /successor/ [jie1 qiu2] /to receive a served ball (volleyball, tennis etc)/to catch a ball th own by sb/ [jie1 sheng1] /to deliver (a newborn child)/ [jie1 zhong4] /to vaccinate/to inoculate/ [jie1 sui4] /scion (branch or bud that is grafted onto rootstock)/ [jie1 guan3] /to take over/to assume control/ [jie1 na4] /to admit (to membership)/ [jie1 xian4] /wiring/to connect a wire/ [jie1 xian4 yuan2] /switchboard operator/ [jie1 feng4] /seam/join/juncture/ [jie1 xu4] /to follow/to continue/ [jie1 zhe5] /to catch and hold on/to continue/to go on to do sth/to follow/to car y on/then/after that/subsequently/to proceed/to ensue/in turn/in one's turn/ [jie1 jian4] /to receive sb/to grant an interview/ [jie1 chu4] /to touch/to contact/access/in touch with/ [jie1 chu4 bu4 liang2] /loose or defective contact (elec.)/ [jie1 chu4 qi4] /contactor/ [jie1 zhong3] /to follow on sb's heels/ [jie1 zhong3 er2 lai2] /to come one after the other/ [jie1 gui3] /railtrack connection/to integrate into sth/to dock/to connect/to be n step with/to bring into line with/to align/ [jie1 jin4] /to approach/to get close to/ [jie1 song4] /picking up and dropping off/greeting and sending off/shuttle (trans ort service)/ [jie1 tong1] /to connect/to put through/ [jie1 tong1 fei4] /connection charge/ [jie1 lian2] /on end/in a row/in succession/ [jie1 lian2 bu4 duan4] /in unbroken succession (idiom)/ [jie1 tou2] /to join/to connect/connection/junction/fitting (plumbing)/connector/ erminal (electrical engineering)/ [jie1 feng1] /to hold a welcoming dinner or reception/ [jie1 bo2] /to access/to transfer passengers between two railway lines/ [jie1 bo2 che1] /shuttle bus ferrying passengers between train stations on tw rent rail lines/ [jie1 gu3 mu4] /elder or elderberry (genus Sambucus)/ [jie1 dian3] /(electrical) contact/ [kong4] /to accuse/to charge/to control/to sue/ [kong4 jian4] /a control (e.g. button, text box etc) (computing)/ [kong4 zhi4] /control/to exercise control over/to contain/ [kong4 zhi4 shi4] /control room/ [kong4 zhi4 gan3] /to (have) control (over)/to contain/ [kong4 zhi4 bang4] /control rods/ [kong4 zhi4 quan2] /control (e.g. to win control)/controlling right/ [kong4 zhi4 tai2] /control desk/console/ [kong4 zhi4 lun4] /control theory (math.)/cybernetics/ [kong4 gao4] /to accuse/to charge/to sue/to indict/ [kong4 zui4] /criminal charge/accusation/ [kong4 gu3] /to own a controlling number of shares in a company/ [kong4 gui1] /regulatory plan/ [kong4 su4] /to accuse/to denounce/to make a complaint against/denunciation/ [kong4 bian4] /the prosecution and the defense (law)/

[kong4 bian4 jiao1 yi4] /plea bargaining/plea agreement/ [kong4 bian4 xie2 yi4] /plea bargain (law)/ [tui1] /to push/to cut/to refuse/to reject/to decline/to shirk (responsibility)/ to put off/to delay/to push forward/to nominate/to elect/ [tui1 san1 zu3 si4] /to use all sorts of excuses/ [tui1 jie4] /promotion/to promote/to introduce and recommend/ [tui1 gu1] /to estimate/ [tui1 lai2 tui1 qu4] /(idiom) to rudely push and pull others/(idiom) to e bility and push it to others/ [tui1 dao3] /to push over/to overthrow/ [tui1 chu1] /to push out/to release/to launch/to publish/to recommend/ [tui1 dong4] /to push (for acceptance of a plan)/to push forward/to promote/to ac uate/CL: [ge4]/ [tui1 dong4 li4] /driving force/ [tui1 xie4] /to avoid (esp. responsibility)/to shift (the blame)/to pass the buck [tui1 ji2] /to spread/to extend/ [tui1 wen4] /to interrogate/ [tui1 tu3 ji1] /bulldozer/ [tui1 wei3] /shirking responsibilities/to blame others/to pass the buck/to unload one's responsibilities/ [tui1 zi5] /hair clippers/ [tui1 dang4] /to postpone/to delay/to put sth off/ [tui1 guan1] /prefectural judge in Imperial China/ [tui1 ding4] /to infer/to consider and come to a judgment/to recommend/to estimat /deduced to be/ [tui1 zun1] /to esteem/to revere/to think highly of sb/ [tui1 xun2] /to examine/to investigate/ [tui1 dao3] /derivation/to deduce/ [tui1 zhan3] /to propagate/to popularize/ [tui1 chong2] /to esteem/to think highly of/to accord importance to/to revere/ [tui1 du4] /to infer/to guess/ [tui1 guang3] /to extend/to spread/to popularize/generalization/promotion (of a p oduct etc)/ [tui1 yan2] /to procrastinate/ [tui1 hou4] /to push back (progress, the times etc)/ [tui1 xin1] /to treat sincerely/to confide in/ [tui1 xin1 zhi4 fu4] /to give one's bare heart into sb else's keeping (id one's absolute confidence/to trust completely/to confide in sb with entire since rity/ [tui1 en1] /to extend kindness/ [tui1 xiang3] /to reckon/to infer/to imagine/ [tui1 dai4] /to endorse (sb for leader)/ [tui1 tuo1] /to make excuses/to give an excuse (for not doing something)/ [tui1 la1 men2] /sliding door/ [tui1 na2] /tui na (form of Chinese manual therapy)/ [tui1 wan3] /to push and pull/to move sth forward by shoving and pulling/ [tui1 tang2] /to offer excuses (colloquial)/to stall/ [tui1 gu4] /to find a pretext for refusing/ [tui1 qiao1] /to think over/ [tui1 chi4] /repulsion/repulsive force (physics)/ [tui1 chi4 li4] /repulsion/repulsive force (physics)/ [tui1 duan4] /to infer/to deduce/to predict/to extrapolate/ [tui1 fu2] /to esteem/to admire/ [tui1 ben3 su4 yuan2] /to go back to the source/ [tui1 gan1] /push rod or tappet (mechanics)/putter (golf)/to putt (golf)/ [tui1 qiu2] /to inquire/to ascertain/ [tui1 bo1 zhu4 lan2] /to push the wave and add to the billows (idiom); to /to encourage sth to get bigger/to add fuel to the fire/ [tui1 ce4] /speculation/to conjecture/to surmise/to speculate/ [tui1 su4] /to trace back to/

[tui1 yan3] /to deduce/to infer/to derive/an implication/ [Tui1 te4] /Twitter (microblogging service)/ [tui1 li3] /reasoning/speculative/inference/ [tui1 zhi1] /to infer/ [tui1 yi2] /(of time) to elapse or pass/(of a situation) to develop or evolve/ [tui1 jiu1] /to study/to examine/to probe/to study the underlying principles/ [tui1 suan4] /to calculate/to reckon/to extrapolate (in calculation)/ [tui1 suo3] /to inquire into/to ascertain/ [tui1 fan1] /to overthrow/ [tui1 tuo1] /to evade/to shirk/ [tui1 ju3] /to elect/to choose/press (weightlifting technique)/ [tui1 jian4] /to recommend/recommendation/ [tui1 jian4 xin4] /recommendation letter/ [tui1 jian4 shu1] /recommendation letter/ [tui1 xing2] /to put into effect/to carry out/ [tui1 yan3] /to deduce/to infer/an implication/same as / [tui1 ji4] /to estimate/to deduce (by calculation)/ [tui1 xu3] /to esteem/to commend/ [tui1 xiang2] /to study in detail/ [tui1 shuo1] /to plead/to claim as an excuse/ [tui1 wei3] /to decline/to avoid/shirking responsibilities/to blame others/to pas the buck/to unload one's responsibilities/to try to get out of a task/ [tui1 lun4] /to infer/inference/corollary/reasoned conclusion/ [tui1 xian2 rang4 neng2] /to cede to the virtuous and yield to the talent [tui1 che1] /cart/trolley/to push a cart/ [tui1 ci2] /to decline (an appointment, invitation etc)/ [tui1 jin4] /to impel/to carry forward/to push on/to advance/to drive forward/ [tui1 jin4 ji4] /propellant/rocket fuel/ [tui1 jin4 ji1] /engine/propulsion/ [tui1 jin4 cang1] /propulsion module/service module (astronautics)/ [tui1 chi2] /to postpone/to put off/to defer/ [tui1 xuan3] /to elect/to choose/to nominate/ [tui1 zhong4] /to esteem/to think highly of/to accord importance to/to revere/ [tui1 xiao1] /to market/to sell/ [tui1 xiao1 yuan2] /sales representative/salesperson/ [tui1 kai1] /to push open (a gate etc)/to push away/to reject/to decline/ [tui1 chan3] /to elucidate/to study and expound/ [tui1 chen2 bu4 xin1] /to push out the old and bring in the new (idiom); o go beyond old ideas/advancing all the time/ [tui1 chen2 chu1 xin1] /to push out the old and bring in the new (idiom); to go beyond old ideas/advancing all the time/ [tui1 tou2] /to clip hair/to have a haircut/ [yan3] /to cover up/to close/to surprise/ [yan3 ren2 er3 mu4] /to block the ears and eyes (idiom); to hoodwink/to d deceive/surreptitious/ [yan3 mai2] /to bury/ [yan3 yang4 fa3] /illusion/ [yan3 sha1] /to make a surprise attack/to pounce on (an enemy)/ [yan3 er3] /to refuse to listen/ [yan3 er3 dao4 ling2] /lit. to cover one's ears whilst stealing a bell/to elf/to bury one's head in the sand (idiom)/ [yan3 gai4] /to conceal/to hide behind/to cover up/ [yan3 bi4] /shelter/screen/cover/protection/ [yan3 cang2] /hidden/covered/concealed/ [yan3 hu4] /to screen/to shield/to cover/protection/cover/CL:[mian4]/ [yan3 mian4 er2 qi4] /to bury ones head in ones hands and weep (idiom)/ [yan3 shi4] /to conceal a fault/to gloss over/ [yan3 ti3] /bunker (military)/ [cuo4] /to handle/to manage/to put in order/to arrange/to administer/to execute/ to take action on/to plan/

[Cuo4 qin2] /Coqen county in Ngari prefecture, Tibet, Tibetan: Mtsho chen rd ong/ [Cuo4 qin2 xian4] /Coqen county in Ngari prefecture, Tibet, Tibetan: Mtsho ch ng/ [cuo4 da4] /worthless scholar/useless wretch/ [cuo4 yi4] /to pay attention to/ [cuo4 shou3] /to deal with/to manage/to proceed/ [cuo4 shou3 bu4 ji2] /no time to deal with it (idiom); caught unprepared/ [cuo4 shi1] /measure/step/CL: [ge4]/ [cuo4 zhi4] /to handle/to arrange/ [cuo4 zhi4 yu4 ru2] /to handle easily (idiom); effortless/ [Cuo4 mei3] /Comai county, Tibetan: Mtsho smad rdzong, in Lhokha prefecture i4 qu1], Tibet/ [Cuo4 mei3 xian4] /Comai county, Tibetan: Mtsho smad rdzong, in Lhokha prefec n2 di4 qu1], Tibet/ [cuo4 ju3] /move/measure/step (to some end)/ [cuo4 ci2] /wording/way of expressing something/turn of phrase/diction/ [cuo4 ban4] /to plan/to administer/ [cuo4 ci2] /wording/way of expressing something/turn of phrase/diction/ [cuo4 ci2 qiang2 ying4] /strongly-worded/ [zou1] /beat the night watches/grasp/ [ju1] /to hold with both hands/to grasp firmly/fig. to offer up sincerely/ [ju1 shui3] /to scoop up water/ [ju1 cheng2] /wholeheartedly/sincerely/ [ju1 yin3] /to drink water by scooping it up with both hands/ [qian2] /to carry on the shoulder/ [qian2 ke4] /broker/agent/ [ken4] /to push down/to make things difficult/to take by force/ [bai1] /to break with both hands/ [bai1 kai1] /to pull apart/to pry open with the hands/ [bai1 kai1 rou2 sui4] /lit. to pull apart and knead to a pulp/fig. to ana from every angle/to chew sth over/ [shou3] /pickpocket/ [jie1] /Japanese variant of / [peng4] /to bump/to meet by chance/ [yuan4] /official/ [jian3] /to choose/to pick/to sort out/to pick up/ [jian3 fo2 shao1 xiang1] /to choose which Buddha to burn incense to (idio urry favor from the right person/ [jian3 xin4 shi4] /mail sorting office/ [jian3 qi3] /to pick up/ [jian3 xuan3] /to select/to sort out/ [jian1] /shear/ [yu2] /to draw out/to let hanging/ [yu2 yang2] /to praise/to extol/to publicize/to advocate/ [yu2 mei4] /to walk with the hands in one's sleeves/ [yan2] /grind fine/study/research/ [kui2] /consider/estimate/ [rou2] /to knead/to massage/to rub/ [rou2 zhi4] /to knead (leather)/ [rou2 he2] /to knead (clay)/ [rou2 cuo5] /to rub/to torment/to torture/ [rou2 sui4] /to crush/to crumble into pieces/ [rou2 mo5] /to torment/to torture/ [sai1] /to shake/ [zou4] /to beat up/to break to pieces/ [zou4 si3] /to beat to death/ [xuan1] /to roll up one's sleeves/to slap with the palm/ [miao2] /depict/to trace (a drawing)/to copy/to touch up/ [miao2 tu2] /to trace/ [miao2 xie3] /to describe/to depict/to portray/description/

[miao2 mo2] /to describe/to portray/ [miao2 hua4] /to draw/to describe/ [miao2 hong2] /to trace over red characters (as a method of learning to write)/ [miao2 hui4] /to describe/to portray/ [miao2 shu4] /to describe/description/ [miao2 jin1] /to outline in gold/ [ti2] /to carry (hanging down from the hand)/to lift/to put forward/to mention/t o raise (an issue)/upwards character stroke/lifting brush stroke (in painting)/s coop for measuring liquid/ [ti2 jiao1] /to submit (a report etc)/to refer (a problem) to sb/ [ti2 ren4] /to promote and appoint/ [ti2 gong1] /to offer/to supply/to provide/to furnish/ [ti2 gong1 shang1] /provider (company)/ [ti2 gong1 zhe3] /supplier/provider/ [ti2 chang4] /to promote/to advocate/ [ti2 chang4 zhe3] /proponent/advocate/pioneer/ [ti2 jia4] /to raise the price/ [Ti2 ke4 li3 te4] /Tikrit/ [ti2 chu1] /to raise (an issue)/to propose/to put forward/to suggest/to post (on website)/to withdraw (cash)/ [ti2 chu1 jian4 yi4] /to propose/to raise a suggestion/ [ti2 chu1 kang4 bian4] /to plead (not guilty)/to enter a plea/ [ti2 chu1 yi4 yi4] /to disagree/to object/to differ/to challenge (a state [ti2 lie4] /to make provision (against a loss)/a bookkeeping entry/ [ti2 dao4] /to mention/to raise (a subject)/to refer to/ [ti2 qian2] /to shift to an earlier date/to bring forward/to advance/ [ti2 qian2 tou2 piao4] /early vote/ [ti2 qian2 qi3 bao4] /"fizzle" (atomic bomb misfire)/preinitiation/ [ti2 bao1] /handbag/bag/valise/ [ti2 ji2] /to mention/to raise (a subject)/to bring to sb's attention/ [ti2 qu3] /to extract/to refine/to withdraw (from a bank or warehouse)/to pick up [ti2 ming2] /to nominate/ [ti2 gao4] /to raise a legal plaint/to sue/ [ti2 gao4 ren2] /plaintiff/ [ti2 wei4] /to improve taste/to make sth palatable/ [ti2 wen4] /to question/to quiz/to grill/ [ti2 dan1] /bill of lading/ [ti2 hu2] /pelican/same as / [ti2 hu2 lu2] /pelican/same as / [ti2 duo1] /Titus/ [Ti2 duo1 shu1] /Epistle of St Paul to Titus/ [Ti2 mu3 Luo2 bin1 si1] /Tim Robbins, American actor/ [ti2 hun1] /to propose marriage/ [ti2 zi3] /to capture stones (in Go)/ [ti2 zi5] /grape/raisin/ [ti2 xue2 yu4 shi3] /superintendent of education (formal title)/ [ti2 shen3] /to commit sb for trial/to bring sb before the court/ [ti2 gan4] /to rise through the ranks (as a party cadre)/ [ti2 xin1] /worry/ [ti2 xin1 diao4 dan3] /(saying) to be very scared and on edge/ [ti2 cheng2] /to take a percentage/ [ti2 shou3] /a handle/ [ti2 la1 mi3 su1] /tiramis (loanword from Italian meaning "pull-me-up")/ ladyfingers dipped in coffee and mascarpone cream/ [ti2 ba2] /to promote to a higher job/to select for promotion/ [ti2 qie4] /to hold by the hand/fig. to nurture/to foster/to bring up/to support/ [ti2 ye1] /to recommend sb for a promotion/to guide and support sb/ [ti2 mo2 tai4] /Timothy/ [Ti2 mo2 tai4 qian2 shu1] /First epistle of St Paul to Timothy/ [Ti2 mo2 tai4 hou4 shu1] /Second epistle of St Paul to Timothy/

[ti2 xie2] /to lead by the hand/to guide/to support/ [ti2 zao3] /ahead of schedule/sooner than planned/to bring forward (to an earlier time)/ [ti2 sheng1] /to promote/to upgrade/ [ti2 an4] /proposal/draft resolution/motion (to be debated)/to propose a bill/to ake a proposal/ [ti2 an4 ren2] /proposer/ [ti2 liang2] /handle in the shape of a hoop/ [ti2 kuan3] /to withdraw money/to take money out of the bank/ [ti2 kuan3 ka3] /bank debit card/ATM card/ [ti2 kuan3 ji1] /bank autoteller/ATM/ [ti2 shui3 gong1 cheng2] /project to raise low-lying water for irrigation [ti2 fa3] /wording (of a proposal)/formulation/a technique of Chinese bone settin / [di1 liu1] /to carry/ [ti2 lian4] /to extract (ore, minerals etc)/to refine/to purify/to process/ [ti2 deng1] /a portable lamp/ [ti2 er3] /Tyre (Lebanon)/ [ti2 er3 shi4] /Tyre (Lebanon)/ [ti2 xian4] /to withdraw funds/ [ti2 qin2] /violin family/CL:[ba3]/ [ti2 liu2] /to withdraw (money) and retain it/ [ti2 he2] /box with tiered compartments and a handle/lunch box/ [ti2 du1] /the local commander/provincial governor (in Qing and Ming times)/ [ti2 shi4] /to prompt/to present/to point out/to draw attention to sth/hint/brief cue/ [ti2 shen2] /to freshen up/to be cautious or vigilant/to watch out/stimulant to e hance mental performance/stay-awake drug/agrypnotic/ [ti2 shen2 ji4] /stimulant/psychostimulant/agrypnotic/ [ti2 bi3] /to take up one's pen/to start to write/ [ti2 bi3 wang4 zi4] /to have difficulty remembering how to write Chinese [ti2 xiang1] /a suitcase/a traveling-bag/ [ti2 lan2] /a basket/ [ti2 lan2 r5] /a basket/ [ti2 chun2] /to purify/ [ti2 ji2] /a step up/to rise to the next level/ [ti2 gang1] /the key point/outline/ [ti2 gang1 qie4 ling3] /to concentrate on the main points (idiom); to bri sentials/ [ti2 xian4 mu4 ou3] /marionette/ [ti2 hua1] /Jacquard weave (machine weaving leaving protruding pattern)/ [ti2 hu2 lu2] /pelican/same as / [ti2 xin1] /to receive a raise in salary/ [ti2 zhi4] /to refine/to extract/ [ti2 yao4] /summary/abstract/ [ti2 qin1] /to propose marriage/ [ti2 qin1 shi4] /to propose marriage/ [ti2 xun4] /to bring sb to trial/ [ti2 ci2] /to prompt/a cue/ [ti2 diao4] /to supervise (troops)/to appoint (officers)/to select and assign/ [ti2 qing3] /to propose/ [ti2 yi4] /proposal/suggestion/to propose/to suggest/ [ti2 huo4] /to accept delivery of goods/to pick up goods/ [ti2 huo4 dan1] /bill of lading/ [ti2 pei2] /to make a claim (for damages etc)/ [ti2 qi3] /to mention/to speak of/to lift/to pick up/to arouse/to raise (a topic, a heavy weight, one's fist, one's spirits etc)/ [ti2 qi3 gong1 su4] /to raise a charge/to sue/to institute proceedings/ [ti2 qi3 jing1 shen5] /to raise one's spirits/to take courage/ [ti2 shu4] /to refer to/

[ti2 su4] /to increase the specified cruising speed/to pick up speed/to speed up/ [ti2 xing3] /to remind/to call attention to/to warn of/ [ti2 xing3 wu4] /reminder/ [di1 fang2] /to guard against/to be vigilant/watch you don't (slip)/also pr. [ti2 fang2]/ [ti2 ling3] /to withdraw (cash from an ATM)/ [ti2 tou2 r5] /to give a lead/ [ti2 gao1] /to raise/to increase/ [cha1] /to insert/stick in/pierce/to take part in/to interfere/to interpose/ [cha1 shang5] /to plug into/to insert/to stick in/ [cha1 jian4] /plug-in (software component)/ [cha1 zhi2] /interpolation/ [cha1 ru4] /to insert/to stick/to thrust/ [cha1 ru4 yin1 zi3] /insertion element/ [cha1 ru4 yu3] /interjection/ [cha1 kou3] /socket (for electric plug)/ [cha1 zui3] /to interrupt (sb talking)/to butt in/to cut into a conversation/ [cha1 tu2] /illustration/ [cha1 kong3] /jack/socket/ [cha1 zuo4] /socket/outlet/ [cha1 shou3] /to get involved in/to meddle/interference/ [cha1 qu3] /episode/interlude/ [cha1 hua4] /illustration/ [cha1 ke1 da3 hun4] /to include impromptu comic material in opera perform to jest/buffoonery/ [cha1 yang1] /transplant rice seedlings/ [cha1 xian4 ban3] /power strip/powerboard (with multiple electrical sockets)/ [cha1 chi4 nan2 fei1] /lit. even given wings, you couldn't fly (idiom); f e to escape/ [cha1 yao1] /to put one's hands on one's hips/ [cha1 jiao3] /to shove in/to edge in/fig. to poke one's nose into people's busine s/prong/ [cha1 hua1] /flower arranging/ikebana/ [cha1 bu3] /interpolation (mathematics)/ [cha1 hua4] /to insert a minor item in a bigger work/to interrupt (sb speaking)/t interpose/ [cha1 jin4] /to plug in (an electronic device)/ [cha1 xiao1] /to plug/ [cha1 suo3] /mortise lock/ [cha1 dui4] /to cut in line/to jump a queue/to live on a rural community (during he Cultural Revolution)/ [cha1 tou2] /plug/ [zhen4] /to hit/to thrust/ [yi1] /to greet by raising clasped hands/ [shun3] /strike, hit with hand/tap/ [huang2] /to strike/to stab/ [yong2 bi4] /to stab/ [yang2] /to raise/to hoist/the action of tossing or winnowing/scattering (in the wind)/to flutter/to propagate/ [Yang2 zhong1] /Yangzhong county level city in Zhenjiang [Zhen4 jiang1], [Yang2 zhong1 shi4] /Yangzhong county level city in Zhenjiang [Zhen4 [yang2 ming2] /to become famous/to become notorious/ [yang2 ming2 si4 hai3] /known throughout the country (idiom); world-famou [Yang2 zi3 jiang1] /Changjiang or Yangtze River/old name for Changj wer reaches around Yangzhou / [Yang2 zhou1] /Yangzhou prefecture level city in Jiangsu/ [Yang2 zhou1 shi4] /Yangzhou prefecture level city in Jiangsu/ [yang2 fan1] /to set sail/ [yang2 yi4 ge2] /trochaic/ [yang2 qing1 ji1 zhuo2] /lit. drain away filth and bring in fresh water (

dispel evil and usher in good/eliminate vice and exalt virtue/ [yang2 qin2] /yangqin/dulcimer (hammered string musical instrument)/ [yang2 mei2] /to raise eyebrows/ [Yang2 ke1 wei2 qi2] /Jankovic/Yankovic/Yankovich/Jelena Jankovic (1985-) nis player/ [yang2 gu3] /to winnow/ [yang2 sheng1 qi4] /speaker/ [Yang2 cai4] /Jiangsu cuisine/ [yang2 yan2] /to put about (a story, plan, threat etc)/to let it be known (esp. o threat or malicious story)/to threaten/ [yang2 qi3] /to raise one's head/to perk up/ [yang2 chang2 er2 qu4] /to shake one's sleeve and leave (idiom); to turn uptly/ [Yang2 Xiong2] /Yang Xiong (53 BC-18 AD), scholar, poet and lexicographer, author of dialect dictionary / [yang2 bian1] /to whip on/to raise a whip/by ext. to swagger/ [huan4] /to change/to exchange/ [huan4 cheng2] /to change train (plane, bus etc)/transfer between modes of transp rt/ [huan4 dai4] /change of dynasties/to pass on to the next generation/new product ( n advertising)/ [huan4 lai2 huan4] /to repeatedly exchange/ [huan4 ge4 r5] /to change places/to swap places/ [huan4 qu3] /to give sth and get sth in return/ [huan4 ju4 hua4 shuo1] /in other words/ [huan4 xiang4] /commutation (electricity)/ [huan4 dan1] /bill of exchange (international trade)/ [huan4 gang3] /to relieve a sentry/to change the guard/ [huan4 gong1] /to change workshifts/ [huan4 fang2 lu:3 you2] /house-swap vacation/ [huan4 dang3] /to change gear/ [huan4 dang3 gan3] /gear lever/ [huan4 xin1] /to replace with something new/to upgrade/ [huan4 dang4] /to change gear/ [huan4 dang4 gan3] /gear lever/ [huan4 mao2] /to molt (of birds)/to change feathers/ [huan4 qi4] /to take a breath (in swimming)/to ventilate/ [huan4 tang1 bu4 huan4 yao4] /different broth but the same old medici e in name only/a change in form but not in substance/ [huan4 re4 qi4] /heat exchanger/ [huan4 ya2] /to grow replacement teeth (zoology)/to grow permanent teeth in place of milk teeth/ [huan4 ban1] /to change shift/the next work shift/to relieve (a workman on the pr vious shift)/to take over the job/ [huan4 suan4] /convert/conversion/translation/ [huan4 zhi4] /to swap/to exchange/to transpose/to replace/ [huan4 yu3] /to molt/to change feathers/ [huan4 cha2] /rotation of crops/ [huan4 yan2 zhi1] /in other words/ [huan4 qian2] /change money/sell/ [huan4 fang2] /to relieve a garrison/to change guard complement/ [yan3] /cover up/to surprise/ [zuan4] /to hold in the hand, to grasp/to wring/ [an3] /to apply (medicinal powder to a wound)/to cover up/to conceal/ [ya4] /to eradicate/to pull up/ [ya4 miao2 zhu4 zhang3] /see [ba2 miao2 zhu4 zhang3]/ [wo4] /to hold/to grasp/to clench (one's fist)/to master/classifier: a handful/ [wo4 zhu4] /to grip/to hold/ [wo4 bie2] /to shake hands/ [wo4 li4] /(strength of one's) grip/

[wo4 shou3] /to shake hands/ [wo4 quan2] /to make a fist/ [wo4 you3] /to grasp and own/to hold (power)/ [chuai1] /to put into/ [chuai3] /to estimate/to guess/to figure/to surmise/ [chuai1 zai4 huai2 li3] /to tuck into one's bosom/also written [chuai3 duo2] /to estimate/to surmise/to appraise/ [chuai3 xiang3] /to conjecture/ [chuai3 mo2] /to try to figure out/to rack one's brains/ [chuai3 ce4] /to guess/to conjecture/ [ti4] /get rid of/ivory hairpin/ [kai1] /to wipe/ [kai1 you2] /to take advantage of sb/to freeload/ [jiu1] /to seize/to clutch/to hold tight/to grip/ [jiu1 zhu4] /to grab/ [jiu1 chu1] /to grab and open out/to uncover/to ferret out (the culprit)/ [jiu1 xin1] /lit. grips the heart/worried/anxious/ [jiu1 xin1 ba1 gan1] /lit. grips the heart, seizes the liver (idiom); fea eart/worried out of one's wits/scared stiff/ [jiu1 xin1 jiu1 fei4] /heart-wrenching/ [jiu1 jiu1] /creased and crumpled/depressed/ [jiu1 bian4 zi5] /to grab sb by the queue (i.e. hair)/to seize on weak points loit the opponent's shortcomings/ [jiu1 song4] /to seize and send (to court, to face punishment)/ [jiu1 cuo4] /lit. to grab wrong/misconception/blunder/howler/ [jiu1 dou4] /to seize and struggle with/to tussle with/fig. to seize and subject o public criticism (e.g. right-roaders during cultural revolution)/ [jiu1] /gather/collect/ [jie1] /to take the lid off/to expose/to unmask/ [jie1 mu4] /opening/unveiling/ [jie1 mu4 shi4] /opening ceremony/unveiling/ [jie1 pi1] /to expose and criticize/ [jie1 xiao3] /to announce publicly/to publish/to make known/to disclose/ [Jie1 dong1] /Jiedong county in Jieyang , Guangdong/ [Jie1 dong1 xian4] /Jiedong county in Jieyang , Guangdong/ [jie1 zhu1] /to disclose/to announce/ [jie1 fa1] /to expose/to bring to light/to disclose/revelation/ [jie1 po4] /to uncover/ [jie1 shi4] /to show/to make known/ [jie1 mi4] /to unmask/to uncover the secret/ [jie1 chuan1] /expose/uncover/ [Jie1 xi1] /Jiexi county in Jieyang , Guangdong/ [Jie1 xi1 xian4] /Jiexi county in Jieyang , Guangdong/ [jie1 di4] /revealer (protective god)/ [jie1 zai3] /to publish/ [jie1 kai1] /to uncover/to open/ [Jie1 yang2] /Jieyang prefecture level city in Guangdong/ [Jie1 yang2 shi4] /Jieyang prefecture level city in Guangdong province/ [jie1 lu4] /to expose/to unmask/to ferret out/to disclose/disclosure/ [jie1 hei1] /to uncover (mistakes, corruption etc)/whistle-blowing/ [hui1] /to wave/to brandish/to wipe away/to command/to conduct/to scatter/to dis perse/ [hui1 zhi1 bu4 qu4] /impossible to get rid of/ [hui1 dong4] /to wave sth/to brandish/ [hui1 shi1] /in command of the army/ [hui1 ge1] /to brandish a spear/ [hui1 shou3] /to wave/to flourish (one's arm or a flag)/ [hui1 gan1] /swing (golf)/ [hui1 hao2] /to write or draw with a brush/to put pen to paper/to write/ [hui1 hao2 sa3 mo4] /to flourish with the pen and sprinkle ink; to write

le (idiom)/ [hui1 han4 ru2 yu3] /to drip with sweat/sweat poured off (him)/ [hui1 han4 cheng2 yu3] /to drip with sweat/sweat poured off (him)/ [hui1 lei4] /to brush away a tear/to shed tears/ [hui1 sa3] /to sprinkle/to shed (tears, blood etc)/fig. free, unconstrained/to wr te in a free style/ [hui1 fa1] /volatile/volatility/ [hui1 fa1 xing4] /volatility/ [hui1 fa1 xing4 cun2 chu3 qi4] /volatile memory/ [hui1 fa1 you2] /volatile oil (in general)/gasoline/ [hui1 wu3] /to brandish/to wave sth/ [hui1 jin1 ru2 tu3] /lit. to squander money like dirt/extravagant/to spen water/ [hui1 huo4] /to squander money/extravagant/prodigal/free and easy/agile/ [hui1 huo4 lang4 fei4] /to spend extravagantly/to squander/ [hui1 huo4 wu2 du4] /extravagance/extravagant/ [hui1 zhu3] /to brandish/ [chong4] /poke out/punch/push into/ [she2] /sort out divining stalks/ [yuan2] /to help/to assist/to aid/ [yuan2 jiao1] /abbr. for [yuan2 zhu4 jiao1 ji4]/ [yuan2 jiao1 mei4] /prostitute (slang)/see also [yuan2 zhu4 [yuan2 jiao1 xiao3 jie5] /girl who engages in enjo-ksai/see also [yuan2 bing1] /reinforcement/ [yuan2 zhu4] /to help/to support/to aid/aid/assistance/ [yuan2 zhu4 zhi1 shou3] /a helping hand/ [yuan2 zhu4 jiao1 ji4] /Enjo-ksai or "compensated dating", a practice wh in Japan where older men give money or luxury gifts to women for their companion ship and sexual favors/ [yuan2 zhu4 ji1 gou4] /relief agency/emergency service/rescue organisatio [yuan2 yin3] /to quote/to cite/to recommend (one's friend's, associates etc)/ [yuan2 shou3] /succor/ [yuan2 jiu4] /to come to the aid of/to save/to rescue from danger/to relieve/ [yuan2 Zang4] /pro-Tibet/to support Tibet/to support Tibetan independence/ [qian2] /carry/ [ye2] /to gesticulate/to play antics/ [ye2 yu2] /to mock/to ridicule/ [zha1] /to stretch fingers out/ [bei1] /variant of [bei1]/ [bei1 zhai4] /be in debt/be saddled with debts/ [bei1 fu4] /bear/carry on the back/have on one's shoulder/ [yao2] /Japanese variant of / [gou4] /implicate/reach to/ [que4] /consult/knock/beat/ [chou1] /pluck (stringed instrument)/ [chuai1] /to knead/to rub/to clear a drain with a pump/to conceal sth in one's b osom/to carry sth under one's coat/ [chuai1 zai4 huai2 li3] /to tuck into one's bosom/also written [chuai1 zi5] /plunger (for clearing drains)/ [chuai1 mian4] /to knead dough/ [zhan3] /to sop up/to dab/ [sun3] /to decrease/to lose/to damage/to harm/to speak sarcastically or deride ( topolect)/mean or shabby (topolect)/one of the 64 trigrams of the Book of Change s (old)/ [sun3 ren2 bu4 li4 ji3] /to harm others without benefiting oneself (i [sun3 ren2 li4 ji3] /harming others for one's personal benefit (idiom); p to the detriment of others/ [sun3 shang1] /to harm/to damage/to injure/impairment/loss/disability/ [sun3 gong1 fei2 si1] /to damage the public interest for personal profit onal profit at public expense/venal and selfish behavior/

[sun3 you3] /bad friend/ [sun3 huai4] /to damage/to injure/ [sun3 shi1] /loss/damage/CL: [ge4]/to lose/to damage/ [sun3 hai4] /harm/to damage/to impair/ [sun3 hui3] /damage/ [sun3 yi4] /profit and loss/increase and decrease/ [sun3 yi4 biao3] /income statement (US)/profit and loss account (UK)/ [sun3 shui4] /crippling taxation/ [sun3 hao4] /wear and tear/ [sun3 hao4 pin3] /consumables/ [sun3 zeng4] /to donate/donation/ [sun1] /to rub with the hand/to stroke/ [bo2] /to fight/to combat/to seize/ [bo2 dong4] /beat rhythmically/throb/pulsate/ [bo2 zhan4] /to fight/to struggle/to wage war/ [bo2 ji1] /to fight, esp. with hands/wrestling (as a sport)/to wrestle/to wrestle (against fate, with a problem etc)/to capture prey/ [bo2 dou4] /to wrestle/to fight/to struggle/ [bo2 sha1] /fighting/killing/ [bo2 bi4] /to beat time by slapping one's thighs/ [chu4] /lead/pull/ [cuo1] /to rub or roll between the hands or fingers/to twist/ [cuo1 rou2] /to knead/to rub/ [cuo1 xi3] /to rub clean (garments)/to scrub/ [cuo1 ma2 jiang4] /to play mahjong/ [sao1] /to scratch/old variant of [sao1]/ [sao1 yang3] /to scratch (an itch)/to tickle/ [sao1 shou3 nong4 zi1] /to stroke one's hair coquettishly (idiom)/ [ke4] /to strike/to take in the hand/ [yao2] /shake/to rock/ [yao2 guang1] /eta Ursae Majoris in the Big Dipper/ [yao2 dong4] /to shake/to sway/ [yao2 yao2 bai3 bai3] /swaggering/staggering/waddling/ [yao2 yao2 yu4 zhui4] /tottering/on the verge of collapse/ [yao2 han4] /to shake/to rock/ [yao2 bai3] /to sway/to wobble/to waver/ [yao2 bai3 bu4 ding4] /indecisive/wavering/ [yao2 bai3 wu3] /swing (dance)/ [yao2 qi2 na4 han3] /to wave flags and shout battle cries (idiom); to egg e support to/ [yao2 huang4] /to rock/to shake/to sway/ [yao2 ye4] /to flicker (of flame)/to sway/to bend (in the wind)/to oscillate/to f utter/free and untied/loose/ [yao2 ye4 duo1 zi1] /swaying gently/moving elegantly/ [yao2 gan3] /rocker/rocking lever/ [yao2 lu3] /to scull/to row/ [yao2 gun3] /to shake and boil/rock and roll (music)/ [yao2 gun3 yue4] /rock music/rock 'n roll/ [yao2 lan2] /cradle/ [yao2 chuan2] /to scull/to row a boat/ [yao2 hao4] /lottery/ [yao2 shen1] /lit. to shake one's body/refers to abrupt transformation/same as [yao2 shen1 yi1 bian4] /to change shape in a single shake/fig. to take on of life/ [yao2 qian2 shu4] /a legendary tree that sheds coins when shaken/a source of ney (idiom)/ [yao2 tou2] /to shake one's head/ [yao2 tou2 wan2] /Ecstasy/MDMA/ [yao2 tou2 bai3 wei3] /to nod one's head and wag one's tail (idiom)/to be with oneself/to have a lighthearted air/

[dao3] /pound/beat/hull/attack/disturb/stir/ [dao3 luan4] /to disturb/to look for trouble/to stir up a row/to bother sb intent onally/ [dao3 shi2] /to ram (earth)/to compact earth by ramming/ [dao3 nong4] /to move back and forward/to trade/ [dao3 hui3] /to destroy/to smash/sabotage/ [dao3 sui4] /smash/ [dao3 dan4] /to cause trouble/to stir up trouble/ [dao3 dan4 gui3] /trouble-maker/ [dao3 yi1] /to launder clothes by pounding/ [dao3 mai4] /to resell at a profit/ [dao3 teng2] /to buy and sell/peddling/ [dao3 teng5] /to turn over sth repeatedly/ [dao3 gui3] /to play tricks/to cause mischief/ [dao3 gu5] /to fiddle with sth/to trade with sth/ [zhi1] /prop up/ [sou1] /to search/ [sou1 gua1] /to extort (money)/to fleece/ [sou1 xun2] /to search/to look for/ [sou1 xun2 yin3 qing2] /Internet search engine/also written / [sou1 xun2 ruan3 ti3] /search software/ [sou1 bu3] /to hunt and arrest (fugitives)/to track down and arrest/a manhunt/ [sou1 jiu4] /search and rescue/ [sou1 jiu4 quan3] /search and rescue dog/ [sou1 cha2] /to search/ [sou1 jian3] /to search out/to check/ [sou1 qiu2] /to seek/to look for/ [Sou1 hu2] /Sohu, Chinese web portal and online media company/ [Sou1 hu2 wang3] /Sohu, Chinese web portal and online media company/ [Sou1 gou3] /Sougou (searching dog) search engine, [sou1 huo4] /to find/to capture (after search)/to uncover (evidence)/ [sou1 suo3] /to search/to look for sth/to scour (search meticulously)/to look sth up/internet search/database search/ [sou1 suo3 yin3 qing2] /Internet search engine/ [sou1 suo3 ku1 chang2] /to search dry guts (idiom); to racks one's brains ording (of a poet)/ [sou1 luo2] /to gather/to collect/to bring together/ [sou1 chang2 gua1 du4] /to search one's guts and belly (idiom); to racks for a solution/ [sou1 zheng4] /search warrant/to look for evidence/ [sou1 ji2] /to gather/to collect/ [gao3] /to do/to make/to go in for/to set up/to get hold of/to take care of/ [gao3 luan4] /to mess up/to mismanage/to bungle/to confuse/to muddle/ [gao3 hao3] /to do well at/to do a good job/ [gao3 ding4] /to fix/to settle/to wangle/ [gao3 guai4] /to do something wacky/wacky/wacky behaviour/ [gao3 huo2] /to enliven/to invigorate/to revitalize/ [gao3 hun4] /to confuse/to muddle/to mix up/ [gao3 wu1 long2] /to mess something up/see also [wu1 long2 qiu2] [gao3 xiao4] /funny/hilarious/ [gao3 xiao4 pian4] /comedy film/comedy/CL:[bu4]/ [gao3 hua1 yang4] /to play tricks/to cheat/to deceive/ [gao3 hua1 yang4 r5] /erhua variant of [gao3 hua1 yang4]/ [gao3 tong1] /to make sense of sth/ [gao3 qian2] /to get money/to accumulate money/ [gao3 cuo4] /mistake/to make a mistake/to blunder/mistaken/ [gao3 gui3] /to make mischief/to play tricks in secret/ [shuo4] /daub/thrust/ [sang3] /push back/push over/ [jin4] /shake/stick into/strike/

[mie4] /to peel/to pull out/to peel/to tear/to pinch/ [e4] /hold (strategic position)/ [chui2] /beat with the fist/to hammer/ [nuo4] /take hold/ [shan1] /variant of [shan1]/ [ta4] /make rubbing/ [tang2] /to keep out/to hold off/to ward off/to evade/to spread/to coat/to smear /to daub/ [tang2 se4] /to muddle through/to fob somebody off/to beat around the bush/to dod e/ [tang2 ci2] /enamel/ [tang2 tu1] /variant of [tang2 tu1]/ [ban1] /to move/to shift/to remove/to transport/to apply indiscriminately/to cop y mechanically/ [ban1 bing1] /to call for reinforcements/to bring in troops/ [ban1 chu1 qu4] /to move out of/ [ban1 dong4] /to move (sth around)/to move house/ [ban1 kou3] /to pass on stories (idiom); to sow dissension/to blab/to tell tales/ [ban1 suo1] /to stir up trouble/ [ban1 chun2 di4 she2] /to pass on stories (idiom); to sow dissension/to b ales/ [ban1 chang3] /to move (house)/to relocate/removal/ [ban1 jia1] /to move house/removal/ [ban1 nong4] /to fiddle with/to play and move sth about/to show off (what one can do)/to parade (one's capabilities)/to cause trouble/ [ban1 nong4 shi4 fei1] /to incite a quarrel (idiom); to sow discord betwe tell tales/to make mischief/ [ban1 zhi3] /jadeite thumb ring/same as [ban1 zhi3 r5]/ [ban1 yong4] /to apply mechanically/to copy and use/ [ban1 shi2 tou5 za2 zi4 ji3 de5 jiao3] /to move a stone a the foot (idiom)/ [ban1 zhuan1 za2 jiao3] /to hurt oneself by one's own doing/to boomerang/ elf in the foot (idiom)/ [ban1 yi2] /to move (house)/to relocate/removals/ [ban1 qing3] /to request/to call for/ [ban1 zou3] /to carry/ [ban1 yun4] /freight/transport/portage/to transport/to carry/ [ban1 yun4 gong1] /a porter/ [ban1 qian1] /to move/to relocate/removal/ [ban1 qian1 hu4] /relocated household/unit that has moved/ [ban1 pu4] /to arrange (for the dying)/ [da1] /to put up/to build (scaffolding)/to hang (clothes on a pole)/to connect/t o join/to arrange in pairs/to match/to add/to throw in (resources)/to take (boat , train)/ [da1 cheng2] /to embark/ [da1 huo3] /to join up with sb/to become partner/to take meals regularly in cafet ria/ [da1 ban4] /travel with another/accompany another/ [da1 bian4] /at one's convenience/in passing/ [da1 bian4 che1] /to hitch a ride/ [da1 gu1] /to connect/to discuss/ [da1 zui3] /to answer/ [da1 zuo4] /to travel by/to ride on/ [da1 bang1] /to travel together/thanks to/ [da1 jian4] /to build (esp. with simple materials)/to knock together (a temporary shed)/to rig up/ [da1 kou4] /a buckle or fastener for clothing that does not use a button and butt nhole (e.g. the buckle on metal wristwatches)/ [da1 ba3 shou3] /to help out/ [da1 ba3 shou3 r5] /erhua variant of [da1 ba3 shou3]/

[da1 la5] /variant of [da1 la5]/ [da1 jie1] /to join/to connect up/ [da1 jie1 pian4] /buckle/connector/overlapping joint/ [da1 jiu4] /rescue/ [da1 jia4 zi5] /to put up scaffolding/to build a framework/to launch an enter [da1 zhuo1] /charity performance (theater in former times)/ [da1 dang4] /to cooperate/partner/ [da1 li5] /variant of [da1 li5]/ [da1 jie4] /an interface/to relate with/to affiliate/ [da1 bai2] /to answer/ [da1 feng4] /overlaid seam/ [da1 jian1] /to help lift up onto one's shoulders/to stand on sb's shoulder/ [da1 bei4] /harness pad (on draught animal)/ [da1 qiang1] /to answer/to respond/to converse/ [da1 yao1] /harness pad (on draught animal)/ [da1 jiao3 shou3 jia4] /to put up scaffolding/ [da1 bo2] /shoulder bag/ [da1 cha2] /to respond/ [da1 cha2 r5] /erhua variant of , to respond/ [da1 gai4] /to build (esp. with simple materials)/to knock together (a temporary hed)/to rig up/ [da1 jie1 fang5] /to become neighbors/ [da1 bu3] /to subsidize/to make up (deficit)/ [da1 lian5] /variant of [da1 lian5]/ [da1 shan4] /to hit on someone/to strike up a conversation/to start talking to en an awkward silence or embarrassing situation/ [da1 hua4] /to talk/to get into conversation with/to send word/ [da1 diao4] /to match/in tune/reasonable/ [da1 shan4] /see [da1 shan4]/ [da1 che1] /to ride (in a vehicle)/to get a lift/to hitch-hike/ [da1 zai4] /to transport (people, a payload etc)/ [da1 qing1 tie3] /Hong Kong LRT/ [da1 lian2] /to bridge over/colligation (linguistics)/ [da1 lian5] /variant of [da1 lian5]/ [da1 pei4] /to pair up/to match/to arrange in pairs/to add sth into a group/ [da1 gou1] /a hook/to make contact with sb/ [tao1] /variant of [tao1]/ [hu2] /dig/mix/ [wa1] /to clutch/to grab/to capture/ [wa3] /to crawl/to climb/scoop up/ [wa4] /to pull/to drag/ [hua2] /see [hua2 quan2]/ [hua2 quan2] /same as [hua2 quan2]/ [qian1] /to seize/to pull/to hold up the hem of clothes/ [qian1 qi2] /to pull and capture the enemy's flag/ [wen3] /to look for (Cantonese)/Mandarin equivalent: [zhao3]/ [wen4] /to wipe off (tears)/to press using one's fingers/to make money/ [wen4 shi2] /to earn one's living (Cantonese)/Mandarin equivalent: [mou2 [qiang1] /see [qiang1 feng1]/ [qiang3] /to fight over/to rush/to scramble/to grab/to rob/to snatch/ [qiang3 zhan4] /to seize (the strategic high ground)/ [qiang3 xiu1] /to repair in a rush/urgent repairs/ [qiang3 xian1] /to rush (to do sth urgent)/to try to be the first/to forestall/ [qiang3 jie2] /to rob/looting/ [qiang3 jie2 an4] /robbery/holdup/ [qiang1 jie2 zui4] /robbery/ [qiang3 duo2] /to plunder/to pillage/to forcibly take/ [qiang3 hun1] /marriage by capture/bride kidnapping/ [qiang3 shou3] /(of goods) popular/in great demand/ [qiang3 shou3 huo4] /a best-seller/a hot property/

[qiang3 lu:e4] /to loot/looting/ [qiang3 jiu4] /rescue/ [qiang3 tan1] /to make an amphibious assault/to seize a beachhead/to gain a footh ld in (a new market)/ [qiang3 sheng1 yi5] /to undercut competitors/to hustle/to compete for busines [qiang3 bai2] /rebuke/reprimand/ [qiang3 yan3] /eye-catching/ [qiang3 qin1] /marriage by capture/bride kidnapping/ [qiang3 gou4] /panic buying/rushing to buy/ [qiang3 zou3] /to snatch (esp related to a robbery)/ [qiang3 pao3] /to jump the gun/to make a false start/ [qiang3 tong1] /to rush through urgently (e.g. emergency supplies)/ [qiang3 jing4 tou2] /to scoop the best camera shots/to grab the limelight/ [qiang3 xian3] /emergency (measures)/to react to an emergency/ [qiang3 xian3 jiu4 zai1] /to provide relief during times of emergency and iom)/ [qiang1 feng1] /a headwind/a contrary wind/ [qiang1 feng1 hang2 xing2] /to tack against the wind (sailing)/ [qiang3 feng1 tou2] /to steal the show/to grab the limelight/ [chen1] /to beat/to winnow/ [cha2] /apply (ointment, powder)/smear/paint on/ [zha4] /oppress/to extract/ [ge2] /to hug/ [wu3] /to cover/to seal/to muffle/ [wu3 zhu4] /to cover/to bury one's face/ [wu3 zhu4 lian3] /to cover the face/to bury one's face in one's hands/ [en4] /to press (with finger)/ [en4 ding1 r5] /thumbtack/ [en4 kou4 r5] /a popper/a snap fastener/ [she4] /Japanese variant of / [gang1] /old variant of [gang1]/ [liao2] /to strangle/to inquire into/ [guo2] /to slap/ [bing4] /to discard/to get rid of/ [bing4 qi4] /to abandon/to discard/to spurn/to forsake/ [bing4 chu2] /to get rid of/to dismiss/ [feng2] /wide/to sew/ [shuai1] /to throw down/to fall/to drop and break/ [shuai1 jiao1] /to tumble/to blunder/wrestling/ [shuai1 dao3] /to fall down/to slip and fall/a throw (in wrestling)/ [shuai1 shang1] /bump/bruise/child's injury from falling/ [shuai1 huai4] /to drop and break/ [shuai1 da5] /to knock/to grasp sth in the hand and beat it/to toughen oneself up [shuai1 duan4] /to fall and break/to break (bones) by falling/ [shuai1 si3] /to fall to one's death/ [shuai1 po4] /to fall and smash into pieces/ [shuai1 jiao3] /to wrestle/wrestling/ [shuai1 gen1 tou5] /to fall/fig. to suffer a setback/ [shuai1 jiao1] /to trip and fall/wrestling (sports)/ [zhai1] /to take/to borrow/to pick (flowers, fruit etc)/to pluck/to select/to re move/to take off (glasses, hat etc)/ [zhai1 xia4] /to tear down/ [zhai1 jie4] /to borrow money/ [zhai1 qu3] /to pluck/to take/ [zhai1 mao4] /lit. to take off a hat/fig. to be cleared of an unfair charge/rehab litation/ [zhai1 mao4 zi5] /lit. to take off a hat/fig. to be cleared of an unfair char bilitation/ [zhai1 yin3] /quote/ [zhai1 chao1] /to extract/to excerpt/

[zhai1 pai2] /delisting (of company on stock market)/ [zhai1 you2] /high points (of a document)/resume/ [zhai1 yao4] /summary/abstract/ [zhai1 ji4] /to take notes/to excerpt/ [zhai1 yi4] /quoted (from)/translation of selected passages/ [zhai1 lu4] /to extract/to excerpt/ [zhai1 chu2] /to excise/ [lian3] /to transport/to remove to take/ [chi1] /to spread (fame)/wield (pen)/ [guan4] /fling/smash/ [luo4] /to pile up/to stack/a pile/a stack/ [luo4 guan3] /to masturbate/ [lou1] /graft (money)/solicit/to gather/to collect/ [lou3] /to hug/to embrace/to hold in one's arms/ [lou3 zhu4] /to hold in one's arms/to embrace/ [lou3 bao4] /to hug/to embrace/ [zong3] /general/in every case/to hold/ [hua4] /wide/broad/ [cui1] /to break/to destroy/to devastate/to ravage/to repress/ [cui1 can2] /to ravage/to ruin/ [cui1 hui3] /to destroy/to wreck/ [mo2] /to rub/ [Mo2 heng1 zuo3 da2 luo2] /Moenjo-daro, capital of Indus valley ind province, Pakistan, UNESCO World Heritage Site/ [Mo2 jia1 di2 sha1] /Mogadishu, Indian ocean seaport and capital of Somal [mo2 ka3] /mocha/ [mo2 ka3 ka1 fei1] /mocha coffee/ [Mo2 cheng2] /Mo i Rana (city in Nordland, Norway)/ [mo2 tian1] /skyscraping/towering into the sky/ [mo2 tian1 da4 sha4] /skyscraper/CL:[zuo4]/ [mo2 tian1 da4 lou2] /skyscraper/CL:[zuo4]/ [mo2 tian1 lou2] /skyscraper/CL:[zuo4]/ [mo2 tian1 lun2] /Ferris wheel/observation wheel/ [mo2 suo1] /variant of [mo2 suo1]/ [Mo2 ni2] /Manes (3rd century AD), Persian prophet and founder of Manichaeism/ [Mo2 ni2 jiao4] /Manicheanism/ [Mo2 de2 na4] /Modena, Italy/ [mo2 tuo1] /motor (transliteration)/motorbike/ [Mo2 tuo1 luo2 la1] /Motorola (company)/ [Mo2 tuo1 luo2 la1] /Motorola/ [mo2 tuo1 che1] /motorbike/motorcycle/CL: [liang4],[bu4]/ [mo2 tuo1 che1 di2 shi4] /motorcycle taxi/ [ma1 sa5] /to gently stroke/to rub/to massage/to do sth in a slipshod manner (col oquial)/ [mo2 sa1] /to smooth out (with one's hand)/ [mo2 suo1] /to stroke/to caress/ [Mo2 jie1 tuo2] /Magadha, ancient India kingdom reported to be the birthplace dhism/ [ma1 sa5] /variant of [ma1 sa5]/ [mo2 ca1] /friction/rubbing/chafing/fig. disharmony/conflict/same as / [mo2 ca1 li4] /friction/ [mo2 ca1 zu3 li4] /parasitic drag/ [Mo2 si1 la1] /Mothra (Japanese Mosura), Japanese movie monster/ [Mo2 gen1] /Morgan (name)/ [Mo2 gen1 Fu2 li3 man4] /Morgan Freeman, American actor/ [Mo2 gen1 Shi4 dan1 li4] /Morgan Stanley (financial services company) [Mo2 suo1] /Mosuo ethnic group of Yunnan and Sichuan/ [Mo2 suo1 zu2] /Mosuo ethnic group of Yunnan and Sichuan/ [Mo2 luo4 ge1] /Morocco/ [Mo2 er3] /Moore or Moor (name)/see also [Mo2 er3 ren2]/

[mo2 er3] /mole (chemistry)/ [Mo2 er3 ren2] /a Moor/ [Mo2 er3 duo1 wa3] /Moldova/Republic of Moldova, former Soviet republic o with Romania/ [Mo2 er3 duo1 wa3 ren2] /Moldovan (person)/ [Mo2 er3 gen1] /Morgan (name)/ [mo2 deng1] /modern (loanword from English)/fashionable/ [Mo2 deng1 Yuan2 shi3 ren2] /The Flintstones (TV Series)/ [mo2 di1] /motorcycle taxi/abbr. for [mo2 tuo1 che1 di2 shi4 [mo2 hou2 luo2 jia1] /Mahoraga, snake's headed Indian deity/a protector d ist law/ [Mo2 na4 ge1] /Monaco/ [Mo2 jie2] /Capricorn (star sign)/northern people in classical times, a branch of the Huns or Xiongnu / [Mo2 jie2 zuo4] /Capricornus/ [mo2 jian1 jie1 zhong3] /lit. rubbing shoulders and following in each oth s/a thronging crowd/ [mo2 suo1] /variant of [mo2 suo1]/ [Mo2 sa4 de2] /Mossad/ [Mo2 su1 er3] /Mosul (Iraqi city)/ [Mo2 xie4 zuo4] /Capricorn (constellation and sign of the zodiac)/used errone or / [Mo2 xi1] /Moses/ [Mo2 xi1 wu3 jing1] /the Pentateuch/the five books of Moses in the Old Te [Mo2 xi1 lu:4 fa3] /law of Moses/ [Mo2 xi1 de5 lu:4 fa3] /Mosaic Law/ [mo2 he1] /transliteration of Sanskrit mah, great/ [Mo2 he1 po2 luo2 duo1] /Mahbhrata, second great Indian epic after originally c. 4th century BC/ [Mo2 men2] /Mormon (religion)/ [Mo2 men2 jing1] /Book of Mormon/ [mo2 ding3 fang4 zhong3] /to rub one's head and heels (idiom); to slave f t of others/to wear oneself out for the general good/ [zhi2] /pick up/to select/ [ao2] /to rattle/to shake. to smite/ [Zhi4] /surname Zhi/ [zhi4] /sincere/ [zhi4 qie4] /sincere/fervent/ [zhi4 you3] /intimate friend/close friend/ [zhi4 you3 liang2 peng2] /intimate friend and companion (idiom)/ [zhi4 qing2] /true feelings/ [zhi4 ai4] /true love/ [zhi4 cheng2] /sincere/ [nie4] /to seize with the hand/to grasp. to advance. to breakdown/ [shan4] /to cut down/mow/ [kou1] /to dig out/to pick out (with one's fingers)/to carve/to cut/to study met iculously/to lift one's clothes/stingy/miserly/ [kou1 zi4 yan3] /to be fastidious about phrasing, diction, or choice of words [kou1 zi4 yan3 r5] /erhua variant of [kou1 zi4 yan3]/ [shu1] /dice/gambling/to release/ [tuan2] /to roll up into a ball with one's hands/spiral/circle/variant of [tuan2 / [tuan2 sha1] /lacking in cohesion and unity of purpose/ [tuan2 feng1] /to rise very quickly/ [tuan2 fan4] /to roll rice balls/ [jiao3] /to knock/strike/ [mo1] /to feel with the hand/to touch/to stroke/to grope/to feel (one's pulse)/ [mo2] /variant of [mo2]/ [mo1 bu5 zhao2] /unable to clearly understand (a situation etc)/ [mo1 bu5 zhao2 tou2 nao3] /to be unable to make any sense of the matt

[mo1 ba1] /touch bar (hostess bar that allows physical contact)/ [mo1 cai3] /to draw lots/raffle/lottery/ [mo1 pai2] /thorough search/ [mo1 pa2 gun3 da3] /to go through arduous training or hard work/ [mo1 shi2 tou5 guo4 he2] /lit. crossing the river by feeling for ston al-and-error/move cautiously/ [mo1 suo5] /to feel about/to grope about/to fumble/to do things slowly/ [mo1 mai4] /to feel sb's pulse/ [mo1 zhe5 shi2 tou5 guo4 he2] /to wade the river by groping for s step by step/to feel one's way around/ [mo1 xiang4] /to touch an elephant (of proverbial blind people)/ [mo1 hei1] /to grope about in the dark/ [mo2] /to imitate/to copy/ [mo2 fang3] /variant of [mo2 fang3]/ [mo2 hua4] /to describe/ [Mo2 za1 te4] /Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791), Austrian composer/also wr [zhe2] /variant of [zhe2]/to fold/ [zhe2] /document folded in accordion form/to fold/ [zhe2 guang1] /refraction/ [zhe2 zou4] /memorial to the emperor (folded in accordion form)/ [zhe2 zi5] /folding notebook/accounts book/ [zhe2 zi5 xi4] /highlights from opera/ [zhe2 chi3] /folding ruler/ [zhe2 yi3] /folding chair/ [zhe2 zhou4] /fold/crease/wrinkle/pucker/ [zhe2 zhi3] /paper folding/origami/ [zhe2 xian4] /variant of [zhe2 xian4], broken line (continuous figure ma ight line segments)/polygonal line/dog leg/ [zhe2 qun2] /pleated skirt/ [zhe2 zhuan3] /reflex (angle)/to turn back/ [chan1] /to mix/ [shan3] /to grasp/ [chan1 jia3] /to mix in fake material/to adulterate/ [chan1 huo5] /to mix/to mingle/to meddle/to interfere/ [chan4 shui3] /to dilute/to water down/watered down/ [chan1 za2] /to mix/to blend/to dilute/ [biao1] /sign/to signal/ [piao3] /to fall/ [liao4] /to put down/to leave behind/to throw or knock down/to abandon or discar d/ [liao4 dao3] /to knock down/to mow down/ [liao4 tiao1] /lit. to put down the load/to quit one's job or responsibiities/ [ji1] /Japanese variant of [ji1]/ [jue1] /to protrude/to stick out/to pout (also written )/to embarrass (people)/ [jue1 zui3] /to pout/ [pie1] /to cast away/to fling aside/ [pie3] /to throw/to cast/left-slanting downward brush stroke (calligraphy)/ [pie1 xia5] /to cast away/ [pie1 qu4] /skim/ [pie3 zui3] /to twitch one's mouth/ [pie1 diao4] /to skim froth or foam from the surface of a liquid/ [pie3 qing1] /to say a matter has no relationship with the individual referred to to emphasise one is innocent or in the clear/ [pie3 hao4] /apostrophe ' (punct.)/accent mark/prime symbol (math.)/ [pie1 kai1] /to disregard/to leave aside/ [pie1 kai1 bu4 tan2] /to ignore an issue (idiom)/ [lao1] /to fish up/to dredge up/ [lao1 yi1 ba3] /to profiteer/to gain some underhand advantage/ [lao1 shi2 zi5] /encumbrance/burden/that awful thing (colloquial)/nuisance/ [lao1 qu3] /to fish for/to seek profit (by improper means)/

[lao1 ben3] /to get one's money back (esp. gambling)/to recoup one's losings/ [lao1 dao4 cao3] /to fish for a straw/futile attempt to gain profit/ [lao1 qian2] /lit. to dredge for money/to make money by reprehensible means/to fi h for a quick buck/ [xian4] /valiant/wrathful/ [ruan2] /to rub between the hands/ [xian2] /to pull out (esp. hair or feathers)/to pick/to pluck/fig. to extract (l ines from a text)/ [cheng1] /to support/to prop-up/to push or move with a pole/to maintain/to open or unfurl/to fill to bursting point/brace/stay/support/ [cheng1 gan1] /a pole/a prop/ [cheng1 gan1 tiao4] /pole-vaulting/ [cheng1 gan1 tiao4 gao1] /pole-vaulting/ [cheng1 gan1 tiao4] /pole-vaulting/also written / [cheng1 gan1 tiao4 gao1] /pole vault/also written / [cheng1 yao1] /to support/to brace/ [sa1] /to let go/to cast/to let loose/to discharge/to give expression to/ [sa3] /to scatter/to sprinkle/to spill/ [sa1 ya1 zi5] /(dialect) to rush off/to scamper off double-quick/to take to o els/to make oneself scarce/ [Sa1 dan4] /variant of , Satan or Shaitan/ [Sa1 ke4 xun4] /Saxon (people)/ [Sa1 ke4 xun4 ren2] /Saxon (people)/ [Sa1 qie1 er3] /Thatcher (name)/Baroness Thatcher or Margaret Thatcher (1925ish conservative politician, prime minister 1979-1990/ [Sa1 qie1 er3 fu1 ren5] /Mrs Thatcher/Baroness Thatcher or Margaret T itish conservative politician, prime minister 1979-1990/ [Sa1 ha1 la1] /Sahara/ [Sa1 ha1 la1 yi3 nan2] /sub-Saharan/ [sa1 ha1 la1 yi3 nan2 Fei1 zhou1] /Sub-Saharan Africa/ [Sa3 ha1 la1 sha1 mo4] /Sahara desert/ [sa1 yi4 zheng1] /somniloquy/to talk or act in one's sleep/sleep-walking/ [sa1 jiao1] /to act like a spoiled child/to throw a tantrum/to act coquettishly/ [sa1 niao4] /to pass water/to piss/to urinate/to wee wee/ [sa1 shou3] /to let go of sth/to give up/ [sa1 shou3 jian3] /to play one's trump card/ [sa1 shou3 bi4 yan3] /to have nothing further to do with a matter (idiom) [Sa1 la1] /Salar ethnic group of Qinghai province/ [Sa1 la1 zu2] /Salar ethnic group of Qinghai province/ [Sa1 la1 yu3] /Salar, language of Salar ethnic group of Qinghai province/ [Sa3 la1 tie3] /Shealtiel (son of Jeconiah)/ [sa3 bo1] /to sow (seeds by scattering)/scatter sowing/ [Sa1 dan4] /Satan or Shaitan/ [Sa1 mu3 er3 ji4 shang4] /First book of Samuel/ [Sa1 mu3 er3 ji4 xia4] /Second book of Samuel/ [Sa1 mu3 er3 ji4 shang4] /First book of Samuel/ [Sa1 mu3 er3 ji4 xia4] /Second book of Samuel/ [sa1 qi4] /to leak (of air)/to go flat (of a tire)/to vent one's anger/ [sa1 po1] /to make an unreasonable scene/ [sa1 ran2] /sudden/ [Sa1 er3 meng4] /Salmon (name)/ [Sa3 du1] /Zadok (son of Azor and father of Achim in Matthew 1:13)/ [sa1 ke1 da3 hun4] /to intersperse comic dialog (as they do in operas)/ [sa3 zhong3] /to sow seeds/ [sa1 wang3] /to throw a net/ [sa1 wang3 bu3 feng1] /lit. the wind cannot be caught in a net/to waste o iom)/ [Sa1 luo2 man3] /Solomon (name)/ [sa1 jiao3] /to run off/to beat it/ [sa1 tui3] /to take to one s heels/to scram/

[sa1 huang3] /to tell lies/ [sa1 lai4] /to make a scene/to raise hell/ [Sa1 jia1 li4 ya4] /Zechariah (name)/Zechariah (Old Testament prophet)/ [Sa1 jia1 li4 ya4 shu1] /Book of Zechariah/ [sa1 du1 gai1 ren2] /Sadducees/ [sa1 jiu3 feng1] /to get drunk and act cra y/roaring drunk/ [sa1 ye3] /terrible bad manners/atrocious way (of treating a guest)/ [Sa3 men2] /Salmon (son of Nashon)/ [Sa3 ma3 er3 gan4] /Samarkand, city in U bekistan/also written [Sa3 ma3 er3 han3] /Samarkand, city in Uzbekistan/ [nao2] /to scratch/to thwart/to yield/ [nao2 bai4] /defeated/routed/crushed/ [nao2 qu1] /to bend/flexing/deflection/ [nao2 lu:4] /the torsion (of a space curve)/ [nao2 lie4] /split due to repeated folding/flex crack/ [nao2 gou1] /iron hook at the end a long pole/ [nao2 tou2] /tricky/problematic/difficult/to scratch one's head (in puzzlement)/ [si1] /to tear/ [si1 che3] /to tear apart/ [si1 diao4] /to tear out (and throw away)/to rip away/ [si1 hui3] /to tear up/to rip up/too shred/ [si1 po4] /to tear/ [si1 po4 lian3] /to have no consideration for sb's feelings/ [si1 po4 lian3 pi2] /see [si1 po4 lian3]/ [si1 sui4] /to tear to shreds/ [si1 piao4] /lit. to tear the ticket/to kill a hostage (usually held for ransom)/ [si1 lie4] /to rip apart/to tear/laceration/rent/ [zun3] /to reduce or cut down on/to rein in/to restrain/ [nian3] /to play tricks on or toy with/delicate/exquisite (Cantonese)/ [hui1] /to split/to direct/to brandish/humble/ [hui1 yi4] /to be extremely modest and polite/ [hui1 sun3] /to humble/ [zhuang4] /to hit/to strike/to meet by accident/to run into/to bump against/to b ump into/ [zhuang4 shang1] /bruise/bump/ [zhuang4 da4 yun4] /to have a lucky stroke/to try one's luck/ [zhuang4 ji1] /to strike/to hit/to ram/ [zhuang4 ji1 shi4 yin4 biao3 ji1] /impact printer/ [zhuang4 ji1 shi4 da3 yin4 ji1] /impact printer/ [zhuang4 si3] /to knock down and kill sb with a car/to run over sb/to run sb down [zhuang4 hui3] /to smash/ [zhuang4 lan4] /to destroy by smashing/smashed up/ [zhuang4 jian4] /to meet by accident/ [zhuang4 che1] /crash (cars)/ [zhuang4 yun4 qi5] /to try one's luck/to rely on fate/ [zhuang4 zhen1] /firing pin/ [zhuang4 suo3] /lock/ [zhuang4 pian4] /to swindle/ [jiao3] /to raise/to lift/to pretend/counterfeit/unyielding/variant of [jiao3]/t correct/ [dan3] /to dust/ [dan3] /to brush away/to dust off/brush/duster/CL:[ba3]/ [dan3 zi5] /duster/CL:[ba3]/ [Shan4 bang1] /Shan state of east Myanmar (Burma)/ [Shan4 bang1 gao1 yuan2] /Shan plateau of east Myanmar (Burma)/ [che4] /to remove/to take away/to withdraw/ [che4 bing4] /to consolidate/to merge/ [che4 qiao2] /to evacuate (e.g. foreign civilians from a war zone)/ [che4 bing1] /withdraw troops/retreat/ [che4 chu1] /to withdraw/to leave/to retreat/to pull out/

[che4 hui2] /withdraw/ [che4 diao4] /to cut/to throw out/to depose (from office)/to tear off/ [che4 huan4] /recall/dismiss and replace/ [che4 kuan3] /to withdraw money/ [che4 ying2] /to withdraw troops/ [che4 zhi2] /to eliminate/to sack/to remove from office/ [che4 zou3] /to retire/to remove/to withdraw/to evacuate/ [che4 jun1] /to withdraw troops/to retreat/ [che4 tui4] /to retreat/ [che4 xiao1] /to repeal/to revoke/to undo (computing)/ [che4 chu2] /to remove/to dismantle/ [che4 li2] /to withdraw from/to evacuate/ [bo1] /to push aside/to appropriate (money)/to move/to set aside/to poke/to stir /group (of people)/batch/to dial/ [bo1 luan4 fan3 zheng4] /bring order out of chaos/set to rights things wh thrown into disorder/ [bo1 fu4] /appropriate sum of money/ [bo1 rong3] /to find time to do sth in the midst of pressing affairs/ [bo1 chu1] /to pull out/ [bo1 ci1] /splash (of a fish)/ [bo1 dong4] /to stir/to prod/to poke/to move sideways/to turn over coals with a p ker/ [bo1 zou4] /pizzicato/ [bo1 zi5] /plectrum/ [bo1 zi3 tan2] /plectrum/ [bo1 nong4] /to move to and fro (with hand, foot, stick etc)/to fiddle with/to st r up/ [bo1 xian2 yue4 qi4] /plucked string or stringed instrument/plucked instr [bo1 da3] /to call/to dial/ [bo1 kuan3] /allocate funds/appropriation/ [bo1 zheng4] /set right/correct/ [bo1 lang4 gu3] /a drum-shaped rattle (used by peddlers or as a toy)/rattle-d [bo1 huo3 gun4] /poker/ [bo1 yong4] /appropriation/ [bo1 hao4] /dial (a telephone)/ [bo1 hao4 pan2] /telephone dial/ [bo1 hao4 lian2 jie1] /dial-up connection/dial-up networking/ [bo1 hao4 yin1] /dial tone/ [bo1 kai1] /to move aside/ [bo1 yun2 jian4 ri4] /lit. to dispel the clouds and see the sun (idiom); re justice/ [che3] /to tear/pull at/ [jue1] /to break off/to snap/ [liao1] /to lift up (sth hanging down)/to raise (hem of skirt)/to pull up (sleev e)/to sprinkle (water with cupped hands)/ [liao2] /stitch/to take/to tease/to provoke/to stir up (emotions)/ [liao2 ren2] /to attract/to titillate/ [liao2 dong4] /to stir up/to provoke/ [liao2 re3] /to provoke/to tease/ [liao2 bo1] /to provoke/to tease/ [liao2 shi4 sheng1 fei1] /to stir up trouble/to provoke angry exchange/ [liao1 qi3] /to raise/to lift up (curtains, clothing etc)/ [liao2 dou4] /to provoke/to tease/ [fu3] /to comfort/to console/to stroke/to caress/an old term for province or pro vincial governor/ [Fu3 ning2] /Funing county in Qinhuangdao [Qin2 huang2 dao3], Hebei/ [Fu3 ning2 xian4] /Funing county in Qinhuangdao [Qin2 huang2 dao [Fu3 zhou1] /Fuzhou prefecture level city in Jiangxi/ [Fu3 zhou1 shi4] /Fuzhou prefecture level city in Jiangxi/ [fu3 ping2] /to calm (sb) down/

[fu3 xu4 jin1] /compensation payment (for injury)/relief payment/ [fu3 wei4] /to console/to comfort/to soothe/ [fu3 wei4 jin1] /consolation money/compensation/ [fu3 bao4] /caress/ [fu3 mo2] /to stroke/to caress/ [fu3 mo1] /to gently caress and stroke/to pet/to fondle/ [Fu3 song1] /Fusong county in Baishan , Jilin/ [Fu3 song1 xian4] /Fusong county in Baishan , Jilin/ [fu3 qin2] /to play the zither/classical variant of [tan2 qin2]/ [fu3 sui2] /to appease/to pacify/ [fu3 yu4] /to nurture/to raise/to foster/to tend/ [Fu3 yuan3] /Fuyuan county in Kiamusze or Jiamusi city [Jia1 mu4 si1], Heil [Fu3 yuan3 san1 jiao3 zhou1] /Bolshoi Ussuriisk Island in the Heilong , at mouth of the Ussuri River opposite Khabarovsk/same as Heixiazi Island [Fu3 yuan3 xian4] /Fuyuan county in Kiamusze or Jiamusi city [Jia1 mu4 ng/ [Fu3 shun4] /Fushun prefecture level city in Liaoning province in n Fushun county/ [Fu3 shun4 shi4] /Fushun prefecture level city in Liaoning province [Fu3 shun4 xian4] /Fushun county in Fushun , Liaoning/ [fu3 yang3] /to foster/to bring up/to raise/ [fu3 yang3 cheng2 ren2] /to bring up (a child)/ [fu3 yang3 quan2] /custody (of a child etc)/ [fu3 yang3 fei4] /child support payment (after a divorce)/ [qiao4] /to lift/to pry open/to lever open/ [qiao4 gang4] /crowbar/ [qiao4 qie4] /burglary/house-breaking/ [qiao4 men2] /to break in/to force a door/ [qiao4 kai1] /to pry open/to lever open/ [bo1] /to sow/to scatter/to spread/to broadcast/Taiwan pr. [bo4]/ [bo1 chu1] /to broadcast/to put out TV programs/ [bo1 bao4] /to announce/to read (the news)/ [bo1 bao4 yuan2] /announcer/ [bo1 ke4] /radio broadcast/podcast/internet audio subscription service/ [bo1 nong5] /to order people about/to stir up/to sow discord/ [bo1 fang4] /to broadcast/to transmit/ [bo1 fang4 lie4 biao3] /playlist/ [bo1 fang4 ji1] /player (e.g. CD player)/ [bo1 ying4] /to broadcast a film/to televise/ [bo1 zhong3] /to sow seeds/sowing/seed/ [bo1 song4] /broadcast/transmit/beam/ [bo1 yin1] /to transmit/to broadcast/ [cuo1] /little bit/to bring together/to shovel/to gather up/to scoop up/to extra ct/ [cuo1 he5] /to play matchmaker/to act as a middleman/ [zhuan4] /to compose/to compile/ [zhuan4 xie3] /to write/to compose/ [zhuan4 ni3] /to draft/to draw up/to compose (a plan or document)/ [zhuan4 wen2] /article (in publication)/ [zhuan4 gao3] /to write (an article for publication)/ [zhuan4 gao3 ren2] /author (of a manuscript)/ [zhuan4 lu4] /to compile and record/ [tuo3] /clip/shorten/throw away/ [pu1] /to throw oneself at/to pounce on/to devote one's energies/to flap/to flut ter/to dab/to pat/to bend over/ [pu1 dao3] /to fall down/ [pu1 ke4] /poker (game)/deck of playing cards/ [pu1 ke4 pai2] /poker (card game)/playing card/CL:[fu4]/ [pu1 shan5] /to flutter/to flap/ [pu1 jiu4] /firefighting/to extinguish a fire and save life and property/to dive

of goalkeeper in soccer)/ [pu1 shuo4] /see [pu1 shuo4 mi2 li2]/ [pu1 shuo4 mi2 li2] /impossible to unravel/confusing/ [pu1 sha1] /to kill/to cull/ [pu1 mie4] /to eradicate/to extinguish/ [pu1 man3] /piggy bank/ [pu1 leng1] /fluttering or flapping of wings (onomatopoeia)/ [pu1 leng5] /to do sth repeatedly/ [pu1 lian3 r5] /strikes you in the face/ [pu1 tong1] /onomat., sound of object falling into water/plop/ [pu1 shan3] /to wink/to blink/ [pu1 mian4] /lit. sth hits one in the face/directly in one's face/sth assaults th senses/blatant (advertising)/eye catching/(a smell) assaults the nostrils/ [pu1 mian4 er2 lai2] /lit. sth hits one in the face/directly in one's fac s the senses/blatant (advertising)/eye catching/(a smell) assaults the nostrils/ [pu1 teng5] /pitter-patter/ [pu1 bi2] /to assail the nostrils (of fragrance and odours)/ [qin4] /to press (bell)/ [ta4] /flog/rapid/ [han4] /to shake/to vibrate/ [han4 tian1 dong4 di4] /earth-shaking/ [han4 shu4 pi2 fu2] /lit. an ant trying to shake a tree/to overrate onese [zhua1] /beat/ [jian3] /to pick up/to collect/to gather/ [gan3] /to roll (dough etc)/ [gan3 mian4 zhang4] /rolling pin/ [yong1] /to hold/to embrace/to wrap around/to gather around (sb)/to throng/to sw arm/to support/Taiwan pr. [yong3]/ [yong1 se4] /jam (of traffic, crowd etc)/congestion/to block up/ [yong1 dai4] /to give one's allegiance/(popular) support/ [yong1 bao4] /to embrace/to hug/ [yong1 ji3] /crowded/to throng/congestion/ [yong1 ji3 bu4 kan1] /overcrowded/jam-packed/ [yong1 you3] /to have/to possess/ [yong1 you3 quan2] /right of ownership/ [yong1 hu4] /to endorse/to support/ [yong1 hu4 zhe3] /supporter (person)/ [yong1 dun3] /fan/fanatic/ [lei2] /beat/to grind/ [lei4] /to beat (a drum)/ [lei2 gu3 ming2 jin1] /to beat the drum and sound the gong (idiom); fig. dvance or retreat/to egg people on or to call them back/ [lu3] /to capture/to seize/ [lu3 ren2 le4 shu2] /kidnapping for ransom/ [lu3 lu:e4] /to loot/to pillage/to sack/ [lu3 huo4] /to capture a prisoner/to take sb captive/ [shan4] /without authority/to usurp/to arrogate to oneself/to monopolize/expert in/to be good at/ [shan4 chang3] /to excel in some field/expert at sth/ [shan4 duan4] /arbitrary/ [shan4 quan2] /to arrogate power/ [shan4 mei3] /to enjoy fame without sharing it/to take the credit/ [shan4 zi4] /without permission/of one's own initiative/ [shan4 chang2] /to be good at/to be expert in/ [shan4 chuang3] /to enter without permission/to trespass/ [shan4 li2 zhi2 shou3] /AWOL (Absent Without Leave, military term)/ [ze2] /to select/to choose/to pick over/to pick out/to differentiate/to eliminat e/also pr. [zhai2]/ [zhai2 bu5 kai1] /impossible to separate/impossible to disentangle/cannot tak out/

[ze2 ou3] /to choose a spouse/ [zhai2 ci4] /to pick out the bones in a fish/ [ze2 shan4 gu4 zhi2] /to choose what is good and hold fast to it (idiom)/ [ze2 shan4 er2 cong2] /to choose the right course and follow it (idiom)/ [ze2 ding4] /select (a date)/ [ze2 ri4] /to fix a date (for an event)/to select an auspicious date/ [zhai2 ri4 zi5] /to pick an auspicious day/ [zhai2 cai4] /to pick the edible part of vegetables/ [chuo4] /to pierce/to break through/ [ji1] /to hit/to strike/to break/Taiwan pr. [ji2]/ [ji1 zhong4] /to hit (a target etc)/to strike/ [ji1 dao3] /to knock down/knocked down/ [ji1 ci4] /to stab/to hack/ [ji1 jian4] /fencing (sport)/ [ji1 jian4 zhe3] /fencer (i.e. sportsman involved in fencing)/ [ji1 zhui4] /to shoot down/ [ji1 xian2 bei4 si1] /slap bass (bass guitar technique)/ [ji1 xian2 lei4] /hammered string type (of musical instrument)/ [ji1 xian2 lei4 yue4 qi4] /hammered string musical instrument/ [ji1 da3] /beat/lash/ [ji1 zhang3] /to clap one's hands/to clap each other's hands/high five/ [ji1 bai4] /to defeat/to beat/ [ji1 bi4] /to kill/to shoot dead/ [ji1 hui3] /to attack and destroy/ [ji1 chen2] /to attack and sink (a ship)/ [ji1 kui4] /to defeat/to smash/to rout/ [ji1 qiu2] /to bat/to hit a ball (sport)/ [ji1 qiu2 yuan2] /lit. striking sportsman/striker (baseball)/batsman (cricket [ji1 sui4] /to smash to pieces/ [ji2 fou3] /to beat time with a percussion instrument made of pottery/ [ji1 luo4] /to shoot down (a plane)/ [ji1 tui4] /to beat back/to repel/ [ji1 gu3 ming2 jin1] /to beat the drum and sound the gong (idiom); fig. t vance or retreat/to egg people on or to call them back/ [dang3] /to resist/to obstruct/to hinder/to keep off/to block (a blow)/to get in the way of/cover/gear/ [dang4] /to arrange/to put in order/ [dang3 wei4] /gear level (i.e. first gear, high gear etc)/ [dang3 zhu4] /to obstruct/ [dang3 chai1] /pick and roll (basketball)/screen and roll/ [dang3 ni2 ban3] /mudguard/ [dang3 jian4 pai2] /shield/(fig.) excuse/ [dang3 lu4] /blocking the way/ [dang3 yu3] /to protect from the rain/ [dang3 feng1 qiang2] /lit. windbreak/fig. protector/ [dang3 feng1 bo1 li5] /windshield/wind screen/ [cao1] /to grasp/to hold/to operate/to manage/to control/to steer/to exercise/to drill (practice)/to play/to speak (a language)/ [cao4] /to fuck (vulgar)/also written [cao4]/ [cao1 zhi1 guo4 ji2] /to act with undue haste (idiom); eager and impatien [cao1 zuo4] /to work/to operate/to manipulate/ [cao1 zuo4 tai2] /operating desk/control panel/console/ [cao1 zuo4 yuan2] /operator/ [cao1 zuo4 huan2 jing4] /operating environment/ [cao1 zuo4 xi4 tong3] /operating system/ [cao1 zuo4 zhe3] /operator/ [cao1 zuo4 gui1 cheng2] /operating rules/work regulations/ [cao1 zuo4 su4 lu:4] /operating speed/ [cao4 ni3 ma1] /fuck your mother (vulgar)/ [cao1 dian3] /drill book/

[cao1 dao1 shou3] /person charged with decisive action/hatchet man/ [cao1 qie4] /rash/hasty/ [cao1 lao2] /to work hard/to look after/ [cao1 ping2] /drill ground/ [cao1 chang3] /playground/sports field/drill ground/CL: [ge4]/ [cao1 shou3] /personal integrity/ [cao4 bi1] /to fuck (vulgar)/also written [cao4 bi1]/ [cao1 xin1] /to worry about/ [cao1 chi5] /to manage/to handle/ [cao1 kong4] /to control/to manipulate/ [cao1 fu3 fa2 ke1] /(cf Book of Songs) How to fashion an ax handle? You n . to follow a principle/fig. to act as match-maker/ [cao1 fa3] /drill rules/ [cao1 yan3] /demonstration/ [cao1 pan2 shou3] /trader or dealer (of stocks and shares etc)/ [cao1 shen2] /to worry about/to look after/to take care of/ [cao1 lian4] /drill/practice/ [cao1 zong4] /to operate/to control/to rig/to manipulate/ [cao1 zong4 gan3] /joystick/control lever/ [cao1 zong4 zi4 ru2] /ease of operation/to control smoothly/ [cao1 hang2] /to take the helm/to steer (a ship)/ [cao1 duo4] /to steer (a vessel)/to hold the rudder/at the helm/ [cao1 duo4 shi4] /pilothouse/ [cao4 dan4] /damn it!/fuck! (vulgar)/Satan (loan)/devil/ [cao1 xing2] /(student's) behavior/ [cao1 gu1] /to write/to compose/ [cao1 ke4] /military drill/ [cao1 ban4] /to arrange matters/ [cao4 bi1] /to fuck (vulgar)/also written [cao4 bi1]/ [qing2] /to raise (hand)/ [qing2 quan2 he2 zhang3] /to clasp hands/to put one's palms together (in [huan4] /pass through/to get into (armor)/ [qin2] /to capture/ [qin2 zei2 qin2 wang2] /to defeat the enemy by capturing their chief (idi [dan1] /to undertake/to carry/to shoulder/to take responsibility/ [dan4] /picul (100 catties, 50 kg)/two buckets full/carrying pole and its load/c lassifier for loads carried on a shoulder pole/ [dan1 ren4] /to hold a governmental office or post/to assume office of/to take ch rge of/to serve as/ [dan1 bao3] /to guarantee/to vouch for/ [dan4 zi5] /load/a carrying pole and the loads on it/CL:[fu4]/ [dan1 dai4] /to pardon/please excuse (me)/to take responsibility/ [dan1 xin1] /anxious/worried/uneasy/to worry/to be anxious/ [dan1 you1] /to worry/to be concerned/ [dan1 you1] /worry/anxiety/ [dan4 dan4 mian4] /dan dan noodles/ [dan1 jia4] /stretcher/litter/bier/ [dan1 jia4 bing1] /stretcher bearer (military)/ [dan1 jia4 chuang2] /stretcher/ [dan1 jia4 tai2] /stretcher (for the injured)/ [dan1 dang1] /to take upon oneself/to assume/ [dan1 he4] /shoulder a burden/ [dan1 fu4] /to shoulder/to bear/to undertake/ [xie2] /old variant of [xie2]/ [ge3] /scrape/ [pi3] /to beat the breast/ [bo4] /thumb/break/tear/pierce/split/to analyze/ [bo4 hua4] /to plan/to arrange/ [bo4 hua4] /variant of , to plan/to arrange/ [bo4 kai1] /to break open/

[ju4] /according to/to act in accordance with/to depend on/to seize/to occupy/ [ju4 gu1 ji4] /according to estimates/ [ju4 xin4] /according to reports/is reported as.../ [ju4 chuan2] /it is rumored that .../it is reported that .../ [ju4 bao4] /it is reported/according to reports/ [ju4 bao4 dao3] /according to (news) reports/ [ju4 bao4 dao4] /according to a report/It is reported that.../ [ju4 shou3] /to guard/to hold a fortified position/entrenched/ [ju4 shou3 tian1 xian3] /to guard a natural stronghold/ [ju4 shi2] /according to the facts/ [ju4 xi1] /according to reports/it is reported (that)/ [ju4 qing2 ban4 li3] /to handle a situation according to the circumstance [ju4 wo3 kan4] /in my view/in my opinion/from what I can see/ [ju4 liao4] /according to forecasts/it is expected that.../ [ju4 you3] /to occupy/to hold/to possess/ [ju4 ci3] /according to this/on the ground of the above/(formally introduces repo ted speech in writing)/ [ju4 wei2 ji3 you3] /to take for one's own/to expropriate/ [ju4 li3] /according to reason/in principle/ [ju4 li3 li4 zheng1] /to contend on strong grounds/to argue strongly for / [ju4 cheng1] /it is said/allegedly/according to reports/or so they say/ [ju4 tong3 ji4] /according to statistics/ [ju4 wen2] /accounts/one's understanding/ [ju4 shuo1] /it is said that/reportedly/ [ju4 xian3] /to rely on natural barriers (for one's defense)/ [ju4 dian3] /stronghold/defended military base/base for operations/strategic poin /foothold/(market) presence/ [ji3] /crowded/to squeeze/ [ji3 shang4 qu5] /to squeeze oneself up into (a crowded vehicle etc)/ [ji3 lai2 ji3 qu4] /to mill about/to jostle/ [ji3 dui4] /a run on a bank/ [ji3 ru4] /to squeeze in/to force oneself into/to cram into/to intrude/ [ji3 chu1] /to squeeze out/to extrude/to drain/to find the time/to burst out/ [ji3 dao4] /to squeeze (an opponent into third place)/ [ji3 zhan4] /to seize/to push aside and occupy/ [ji3 gu1] /to wink at/ [ji3 ya1] /to squeeze/to press/to extrude/ [ji3 ya1 chu1] /to extrude/ [ji3 nai3] /to milk/ [ji3 dui4] /(colloquial) to mock/to bully/to force (a concession out of sb)/ [ji3 ti2] /bank run/ [ji3 ji3 cha1 cha1] /crowded tightly/jam-packed/ [ji3 man3] /crowded to bursting point/filled to overflowing/jam-packed/ [ji3 ya2 gao1] /lit. to squeeze out toothpaste/fig. to extract a confession u essure/ [ji3 mei2 nong4 yan3] /to make eyes/to wink/ [ji3 yan3] /to wink/ [ji3 jin3] /to squeeze/ [ji3 luo4] /(colloquial) to push aside/ [ji3 ta4] /stampede/ [ji3 ya4] /to bump and shove/ [ji3 jin4] /to break into/to force one's way into/to barge into/ [ji3 guo4] /to squeeze through/to force one's way through/ [tai2] /variant of [tai2]/ [tai2 ju5] /to praise/to promote (as a favour)/ [zhuo2] /to pull out/to select/to promote/ [zhuo2 sheng1] /to promote (sb)/to upgrade/to ascend/ [zhuo2 di4] /to pass the civil service examination in Imperial China/ [dao3] /stir/to pound/

[xing3] /blow nose/ [xing3 bi2 ti4] /to blow one's nose/ [ca1] /to wipe/to erase/rubbing (brush stroke in painting)/to clean/to polish/ [ca1 gan1] /to wipe dry/ [ca1 liang4] /to polish/ [ca1 liang4 yan3 jing1] /remove the scales from one's eyes/sharpen one's [ca1 shang1] /scratch/abrasion/graze/friction burn/bruise to scrape/ [ca1 xie3] /to erase/ [ca1 shi4] /clean/cleanse/ [ca1 diao4] /wipe/ [ca1 bang4 qiu2] /foul tip/ [ca1 you2] /to oil/to anoint/ [ca1 xi3] /to clean (with water or alcohol)/to wipe and wash/to swab/to scrub/ [ca1 zao3] /rub oneself down with a wet towel/take a sponge bath/ [ca1 wan3 bu4] /dish cloth/tea towel/ [ca1 wang3 qiu2] /net ball/ [ca1 jian1 er2 guo4] /brief encounter/to brush past sb/ [ca1 bian1 qiu2] /lit. to hit a ball or shuttlecock on the sideline/fig. to s e line legally or morally/ [ca1 xie2 dian4] /doormat/ [ca1 yin1] /fricative/ [ca1 hei1 r5] /dusk/ [ju3] /variant of , to raise/to hold up/ [ye2] /archaic variant of [ye2]/ [ru3] /to stain, to dye/ [ye4] /to press down/ [ni3] /to plan to/to draft (a plan)/to imitate/to assess/to compare/pseudo-/ [ni3 ren2] /personification/anthropomorphism/ [ni3 zuo4] /to write in the style of some author/to write as if from the mouth of sb/a pastiche/ [ni3 gu3] /to emulate a classic/to work in the style of a classic (author)/ [ni3 gu3 zhi1 zuo4] /a work in a classic style/a pastiche/ [ni3 he2] /to fit (data to a model)/a (close) fit/ [ni3 ding4] /to draw up/to draft/to formulate/ [ni3 tai4] /(biol.) mimicry/(protective) mimicry/camouflage/ [ni3 yu2 bu4 lun2] /to draw an impossible comparison/ [ni3 qiu2] /(math.) pseudosphere, a surface in ordinary space of constant negativ curvature/ [ni3 gao3] /to draft (a statement)/ [ni3 sheng1] /onomatopoeia/ [ni3 sheng1 chang4 fa3] /scat singing/ [ni3 sheng1 ci2] /onomatopoeia/ [ni3 zhi4] /to copy (a model)/ [ni3 ding4] /to draw up (a plan)/ [ni3 yi4] /proposal/recommendation/to draft/ [ni3 a1 tuo1 pin3 yao4 wu4] /atropinemimetic drug/ [ni3 yin1] /to make a sound effect/sound effect/ [ni3 lu3 su4] /pseudohalogen, e.g. cyanogen (CN)2/ [huo4] /trap/ [bin4] /to reject/to expel/to discard/to exclude/to renounce/ [bin4 chi4] /to reject/to dismiss/ [bin4 qi4] /to abandon/to discard/to cast away/ [bin4 chu2] /to discard/to get rid of/to dispense with/ [ning2] /to pinch/wring/ [ning3] /mistake/to twist/ [ning4] /stubborn/ [ning2 cheng2 yi1 gu3 sheng2] /to twist together to form a rope/(fig. together/ [ning3 kai1] /to wrench apart/ [ge1] /to place/to put aside/to shelve/

[ge2] /to bear/to stand/to endure/ [ge1 ban3] /shelf/ [ge1 qian3] /to be stranded (of ship)/to run aground/fig. to run into difficultie and stop/ [ge1 bi3] /to put down the pen/to stop writing/ [ge1 zhi4] /to shelve/to set aside/ [ge1 jiao3 ban3] /footrest/ [ge1 jiao3 wu4] /footrest/ [zhi4] /to toss/to throw dice/Taiwan pr. [zhi2]/ [zhi4 shai3] /to throw the dice/ [zhi4 huan2] /"please return" (mail)/ [zhi4 tou2 zi5] /to throw the dice/ [kuo4] /enlarge/ [kuo4 chong1] /to expand/ [kuo4 yin4] /to enlarge (a photo)/to print larger/ [kuo4 ji2] /to extend to/ [kuo4 zeng1] /amplification/ [kuo4 zeng1 shi2 jing4] /augmented reality (computing)/ [kuo4 da4] /to expand/to enlarge/to broaden one's scope/ [kuo4 da4 zai4 sheng1 chan3] /to expand production/to reproduce on an [kuo4 da4 hua4] /to extend the scope/to exaggerate/ [kuo4 kong3] /to widen a tube/to ream (i.e. widen a hole)/ [kuo4 zhan3] /to extend/to expand/extension/expansion/ [kuo4 jian4] /to extend a building/ [kuo4 zhang1] /expansion/dilation/to expand (e.g. one's power or influence)/to br aden/ [kuo4 san4] /to spread/to proliferate/to diffuse/spread/proliferation/diffusion/ [kuo4 ban3] /to increase the format of a publication/ [kuo4 bian1] /to expand (esp. by new recruitment)/to increase the army/to augment [kuo4 xiong1 qi4] /chest expander (gymnastic apparatus)/ [kuo4 jun1] /armament/to expand armed forces/ [kuo4 yin1] /to amplify (sound)/ [kuo4 yin1 qi4] /megaphone/loudspeaker/amplifier/microphone/ [kuo4 yin1 ji1] /amplifier/loudspeaker/hearing aid/ [xie2] /to collect/Taiwan pr. [jie2]/ [xie2 qu3] /to pick/to select/to take/to capture (data)/to acquire/to pick up (a ignal)/ [lie4] /to hold, to grasp/to hold the hair/to pull at/ [bai3] /to arrange/to exhibit/to move to and fro/a pendulum/ [bai3 shi4 shi2 jiang3 dao4 li3] /present the facts and reason th [bai3 chu1] /to assume/to adopt (a look, pose, manner etc)/to bring out for displ y/ [bai3 dong4] /oscillation/swing/sway/ [bai3 di4 tan1] /lit. to set up a stall on the ground/fig. to start up a new s/ [bai3 zi3] /malaria/ [bai3 bu4] /to order about/to manipulate/ [bai3 ping2] /to be fair/to be impartial/to take care of (a matter etc)/ [bai3 nong4] /to move back and forth/to fiddle with/ [bai3 shou3] /to wave one's hands/ [bai3 tan1] /to set up a vendor's stall in the street/ [bai3 tan1 zi5] /to set up a stall/to maintain a large staff and organization [bai3 fang4] /to set up/to arrange/to lay out/ [bai3 ming2] /to show clearly/ [bai3 jia4 zi3] /put on airs/assume great airs/ [bai3 yang4 zi5] /to do sth for show/to keep up appearances/ [bai3 du4] /ferry/ [bai3 man3] /to spread over an area/ [bai3 wu1 long2] /to mess something up/to screw up/ [bai3 xian4] /cycloid/

[bai3 tuo1] /to break away from/to cast off (old ideas etc)/to get rid of/to brea away (from)/to break out (of)/to free oneself from/to extricate oneself/ [bai3 tuo1 wei1 ji1] /to break out of a crisis/ [bai3 hua1 jia4 zi5] /lit. to arrange a shelf of flowers/superficial disp [bai3 dang4 diao4 huan2] /swinging rings/ [bai3 she4] /to arrange/to set out/to decorate/to display/decorative items/ [bai3 she5 r5] /decorative items/ornaments/ [bai3 pu3] /to put on airs/to be ostentatious/ [bai3 pu3 r5] /erhua variant of [bai3 pu3]/ [bai3 mai4] /hawking/street vending/ [bai3 lun2] /balance (of a watch or clock)/balance wheel/ [bai3 zao4 xing2] /to pose (for a picture)/ [bai3 zhong1] /pendulum clock/ [bai3 men2 mian4] /keep up appearances/ [bai3 kuo4] /parade one's wealth/be ostentatious and extravagant/ [bai3 long2 men2 zhen4] /chat/gossip/spin a yarn/ [sou3] /shake/trembling/ [lu1] /(dialect) to rub one's hand along/to fire (an employee)/to reprimand/ [lu:e4] /tickle/ticklish, funny/ [rao3] /to disturb/ [rao3 luan4] /to disturb/to perturb/to harass/ [rao3 dong4] /disturbance/agitation/turmoil/ [rao3 rang3] /bustling/to create trouble/to disturb/ [rao3 liu2 ban3] /spoiler (automotive)/ [ti1] /to select/to nitpick/to expose/ [zhi4] /to scratch/old variant of [zhi4]/ [pan1] /to climb (by pulling oneself up)/to implicate/to claim connections of hi gher status/ [pan1 gong4] /to implicate others, without foundation, in confessing one's own cr me/ [pan1 hai4] /damaged by slander/ [pan1 yan2] /rock climbing/ [pan1 che3] /to implicate/ [pan1 yuan2] /to climb up (a rope etc)/climbing (plant)/ [pan1 sheng1] /rising/ [Pan1 zhi1 hua1] /kapok (cotton flower)/Panzhihua prefecture level city in so huan, bordering Yunnan, famous for steel production and pollution/ [Pan1 zhi1 hua1 di4 qu1] /Panzhihua prefecture in south Sichuan, bord [Pan1 zhi1 hua1 shi4] /Panzhihua prefecture level city in south Sichuan, nan, famous for steel production and pollution/ [pan1 bi3] /to make invidious comparisons/to compete with/to emulate/ [pan1 pa2] /to climb/ [pan1 deng1] /to climb/to pull oneself up/to clamber/to scale/fig. to forge ahead in the face of hardships and danger/ [pan1 qin1] /to claim kinship/to seek a relation/ [pan1 qin1 dao4 gu4] /to use old friends to climb socially (idiom); to su [pan1 wu1] /to frame/to accuse unjustly/ [pan1 wu1 xian4 hai4] /unjust accusation/miscarriage of justice/ [pan1 tan2] /to chat/ [pan1 yue4] /to climb over/to get over (difficulties)/to scale/to surmount/ [pan1 fu4] /to climb (of climbing plants)/to creep/to cling on to/fig. to seek co nection (with the rich and powerful)/social climbing/ [pan1 fu4 quan2 gui4] /to cling to the powerful and rich (idiom); social [pan1 gao1 jie2 gui4] /lit. to cling to the high, connect to the rich (id to attach oneself to the rich and powerful/social climbing/ [pan1 long2 fu4 feng4] /see [ban1 long2 fu4 feng4]/ [sa4] /preceding/ [shu1] /set forth/to spread/ [nian3] /to expel/to oust/ [nian3 chu1] /to expel/to drive out/to oust/

[nian3 zou3] /to drive out/to oust/ [huo1] /to shovel/ [huo1 mei2 ji1] /coal-shovel machine/ [long3] /to gather together/to collect/to approach/to draw near to/to add/to sum up/to comb (hair)/ [long3 zuan4] /to grasp/to clutch/ [qian1] /variant of , to hold up the hem of clothes/to lift up the skirts/ [qian1] /variant of , to seize/ [lan2] /to cut off/to hinder/ [lan2 zhu4] /to stop/to bar the way/ [lan2 jie2] /to mug/to intercept and rob/ [lan2 jie2] /to intercept/ [lan2 wang3] /to intercept at the net (volleyball, tennis etc)/to block/ [lan2 che1] /to thumb a lift/to hitchhike/ [lan2 zu3] /to block/to obstruct/ [ying1] /oppose/to attack/ [rang3] /to push up one's sleeves/to reject or resist/to seize/to perturb/to ste al/ [rang3 shan4] /to claim credit due to others/to appropriate other's credit or hon r/ [rang3 chang3] /to spread harvested grain over an area/ [rang3 wai4] /to resist foreign aggression/ [rang3 wai4 an1 nei4] /to resist foreign aggression and pacify the interi ntry (idiom)/ [rang3 yi2] /to repel the barbarians/ [rang3 duo2] /to seize/ [rang3 rang3] /disorderly/confused/chaotic/ [rang3 zai1] /to ward off calamities/to avoid disaster/ [rang3 qie4] /to usurp/to steal/ [rang3 yang2] /to take home sb else's stray sheep/ [rang3 bi4] /to bare one's arms (in agitation)/ [rang3 mei4] /to rise to action with a determined shake of the arms/ [rang3 xiu4] /to roll up the sleeves/ [rang3 gou4] /to clear oneself of dishonor/ [rang3 bi4] /to stand off/to make way/ [rang3 chu2] /to get rid of/to weed out/to reject/ [chan1] /to assist by the arm/to mix/to support/to sustain/ [chan1 jia3] /to dilute/to debase (by mixing with fake material)/ [chan1 dui4] /to mix (different substances together)/to blend/ [chan1 he2] /to mix together/mixture/blend/ [chan1 huo5] /to mix/to mingle/to interfere/to meddle/also written / [chan1 fu2] /to lend an arm to support sb/ [chan1 za2] /to mix/to blend/to dilute/also written / [cuan1] /rush/stir up/throw/fling/hurry/rage/ [cuan1 duo5] /to urge sb on/ [xie2] /to carry/to take along/to bring along/to hold (hands)/also pr. [xi1]/ [xie2 jia1 dai4 kou3] /to take all one's family along (idiom); encumbered tied down by family obligations/ [xie2 jia1 dai4 juan4] /to take all one's family along (idiom); encumbere /tied down by family obligations/ [xie2 dai4] /to carry (on one's person)/to support (old)/Taiwan pr. [xi1 dai4]/ [xie2 dai4 zhe3] /carrier/ [xie2 shou3] /hand in hand/to join hands/to collaborate/ [xie2 shou3 bing4 jian1] /hand in hand and shoulder to shoulder/ [xie2 shou3 tong2 xing2] /to walk hand in hand/to cooperate/ [xie2 kuan3] /to take funds (esp. illegally or corruptly obtained)/ [xie2 juan4] /accompanied by one's dependents/encumbered by wife and children/ [she4] /to take in/to absorb/to assimilate/to act for/to take a photo/photo shoo t/photo/to conserve (one's health)/ [she4 xiang4] /to videotape/

[she4 xiang4 ji1] /video camera/CL:[bu4]/ [she4 xiang4 tou2] /webcam/ [she4 ru4] /to take in/to absorb/to consume/intake/consumption/ [she4 ru4 liang4] /intake (quantity)/ [she4 qu3] /absorb (nutrition)/take a photo/ [she4 ying3] /to take a photograph/photography/to shoot (a movie)/ [she4 ying3 jia1] /photographer/ [she4 ying3 shi1] /photographer/cameraman/ [she4 ying3 peng2] /film studio/television studio/ [she4 ying3 ji1] /camera/movie camera/ [she4 ying3 shu4] /photography/ [she4 ying3 ji4 zhe3] /photo journalist/ [she4 zheng4] /regent/ [she4 zheng4 wang2] /regent/ [she4 shi4] /Celsius/centigrade/ [she4 shi4 du4] /degrees centigrade/ [She4 shi4 wen1 du4] /Celsius (C)/ [She4 shi4 wen1 biao1] /Celsius (centigrade) temperature scale/ [she4 zhi4] /to produce (a TV show etc)/ [she4 hu4 xian4] /prostate/also written / [she4 hu4 xian4 zhong3 da4] /benign prostate hypertrophy/enlargement [she4 shi2] /to consume/ [cuan2] /to bring together/ [zan3] /to collect/to hoard/to accumulate/to save/ [cuan2 cu4] /to gather closely together/ [luan2] /twisted/bent/crooked/cramped/ [tan1] /to spread out/vendor's stand/ [tan1 wei4] /vendor's booth/ [tan1 r5] /erhua variant of [tan1]/ [tan1 shou4] /to set up stall/ [tan1 shang1] /stall-keeper/street peddler/ [tan1 zi5] /booth/vendor's stall/organizational structure/scale of operations/ [tan1 ti2] /amortize/amortization/ [tan1 shai4] /to lay sth out to dry/ [tan1 pai4] /to distribute proportionately/to share out/ [tan1 pai2] /to lay one's cards on the table/ [tan1 bo2] /dilution/ [tan1 bo2 hou4 mei3 gu3 ying2 li4] /diluted earnings per shar [tan1 fan4] /stall-keeper/peddler/ [tan1 xiao1] /to amortize/amortization/ [tan1 qian2] /to bear part of the cost/ [tan1 kai1] /to spread out/to unfold/ [tan1 ji1 dan4] /scrambled eggs/ [tan1 tou2] /a vendor's stall/ [tan1 dian3] /place for a vendor's stall/ [zuan4] /to hold/to grip/to grasp/ [dang3] /hinder/resist/ [jiao3] /to disturb/to annoy/to mix/to stir/ [jiao3 luan4] /to confuse/ [jiao3 dong4] /to mix/to stir/ [jiao3 huo5] /to mix (up)/to blend/to spoil/ [jiao3 ban4] /to stir/to agitate/ [jiao3 ban4 ji1] /blender/food mixer/ [jiao3 rao3] /to disturb/to annoy/ [jiao3 hun5] /to mix/to blend/ [jue2] /to seize/to snatch/to grab/ [jue2 qu3] /to plunder/to loot/robbery/pillage/ [jue2 duo2] /to seize/to pillage/to plunder/ [lan3] /to monopolize/to seize/ [lan3 pei4 cheng2 qing1] /lit. to seize the reins and quell disorder/to a

d decisively (idiom)/ [nang3] /to fend off/to stab/ [Zhi1] /surname Zhi/ [zhi1] /to support/to sustain/to erect/to raise/branch/division/to draw money/cl assifier for rods such as pens and guns, for army divisions and for songs or com positions/ [zhi1 fu4] /to pay (money)/ [zhi1 fu4 bu4 qi3] /to be unable to pay/unaffordable/ [zhi1 fu4 de2 qi3] /to be able to pay/affordable/ [zhi1 guang1] /watt, unit of power used for electric bulbs/ [zhi1 gong1 si1] /subsidiary/branch/ [zhi1 chu1] /to spend/to pay out/expense/ [zhi1 nu3 gan1] /Chinook (helicopter)/ [zhi1 yuan2 ti3] /Mycoplasma (parasitic bacteria without cell wall)/ [zhi1 yuan2 ti3 fei4 yan2] /Mycoplasma pneumonia/ [zhi1 qu3] /to withdraw (money)/ [zhi1 wu2] /to resist/to deal with/ [zhi1 wu5] /to respond evasively or vaguely/to elude/to stall/ [zhi1 wu2 qi2 ci2] /(idiom) to talk in a roundabout way to cover up the t [zhi1 chai1] /to assign corve duties (forced labor)/ [zhi1 dian4] /branch store/ [zhi1 zuo4] /abutment/ [zhi1 kong3] /to support terrorism/abbr. for [zhi1 chi2 [zhi1 cheng2] /to support/to bear the weight of (a building)/ [zhi1 cheng2 xiao1] /fulcrum pin/ [zhi1 chi2] /to be in favor of/to support/to back/support/backing/to stand by/CL: e4]/ [zhi1 chi2 du4] /degree of support/percentage of vote/ [zhi1 chi2 lu:4] /support level/popularity rating/ [zhi1 chi2 zhe3] /supporter/ [zhi1 yuan2] /to provide assistance/to support/to back/ [zhi1 cheng1] /to prop up/to support/strut/brace/ [zhi1 cheng1 jia4] /bracket/ [zhi1 zhi1 wu2 wu2] /to hem and haw/to stall/to stammer/to mumble/to falt [zhi1 jiao4] /program bringing education to underdeveloped areas/to work in such program/ [zhi1 zu2] /subfamily/ [zhi1 jia4] /trestle/support/frame/to prop sth up/ [zhi1 zhu4] /mainstay/pillar/prop/backbone/ [zhi1 zhu4 chan3 ye4] /mainstay industry/ [zhi1 gen1] /branching root/rootlet/ [zhi1 qi4 guan3 yan2] /bronchitis/ [zhi1 liu2] /tributary (river)/ [zhi1 piao4] /check (bank)/cheque/CL:[ben3]/ [zhi1 piao4 bu4] /check book (on bank account)/ [zhi1 xi4] /branch or subdivision of a family/ [zhi1 xi4 tong3] /subsystem/ [zhi1 xian4] /branch line/side road/spur/fig. secondary plot (in a story)/ [zhi1 yu3 liu2 yi4] /lit. branches and descendants/of a similar kind/rela [zhi1 hang2] /sub-branch of a bank/ [zhi1 zou3] /to send sb away (with an excuse)/ [Zhi1 na4] /phonetic transcription of China (Japanese: Shina), colonial term, gen rally considered discriminatory/ [zhi1 bu4] /branch, esp. grass root branches of a political party/ [zhi1 pei4] /to control/to dominate/to allocate/ [zhi1 pei4 li4] /power or force to dominate/ [zhi1 pei4 quan2] /authority to dispose of sth/ [zhi1 dui4] /detachment (of troops)/ [zhi1 li2] /fragmented/disorganized/incoherent/ [zhi1 li2 po4 sui4] /scattered and smashed (idiom)/

[zhi1 dian3] /fulcrum (for a lever)/ [gui4] /totally exhausted (Cantonese)/Mandarin equivalent: [lei4]/ [qi1] /up/uneven/ [shou1] /to receive/to accept/to collect/in care of (used on address line after name)/ [shou1 zhi1 sang1 yu2] /to lose at sunrise but gain at sunset (idiom); to ater for one's earlier loss/what you lose on the swings you gain on the roundabo uts/ [shou1 jian4 ren2] /recipient (of mail)/To: (email header)/ [shou1 jian4 xia2] /inbox (email)/ [shou1 jian4 xiang1] /inbox/ [shou1 fu2] /to force an enemy to surrender/to subdue/ [shou1 ru4] /to take in/income/revenue/CL: [bi3], [ge4]/ [shou1 ru4 zheng4 ce4] /income policy/ [shou1 bing1] /to retreat/to withdraw troops/to recall troops/fig. to finish work to wind up/to call it a day/used with negatives: the task is far from over/ [shou1 dong1] /harvest season/autumn/ [shou1 dao4] /to receive/ [shou1 ge1] /to harvest/to reap/to gather in crops/ [shou1 ge1 zhe3] /reaper/ [shou1 hui4] /foreign exchange collection (finance)/ [shou1 qu3] /to receive/to collect/ [shou1 kou3] /to cast off (in knitting)/to sew a finishing hem/to close up (of wo nd)/to heal/ [shou1 hui2] /to regain/to retake/to take back/to withdraw/to revoke/ [shou1 bao4] /to receive mail/to receive a telegraph/ [shou1 bao4 ren2] /recipient (of mail or a message)/ [shou1 bao4 yuan2] /telegraph operator/ [shou1 bao4 shi4] /mail room/radio reception room/ [shou1 bao4 ji1] /telegraph receiver/ [shou1 chang3] /the end/an ending/to wind down/to conclude/ [shou1 cun2] /to receive for storage/delivery of goods/to gather and store/to sto e safely/safe keeping/ [shou1 cun2 xiang1] /delivery box/drop box/ [shou1 guan1] /final part of a go game (see [guan1 zi3])/endgame/ [shou1 rong2] /to take in (to a hostel)/to shelter/ [shou1 rong2 suo3] /temporary shelter/hospice/refuge (e.g. for animals)/ [shou1 wei3] /to wind up/to bring to an end/to finish/ [shou1 wei3 yin1] /final (i.e. final consonant or stop of some syllables in A onetics)/ [shou1 gong1] /to stop work for the day (generally of laborers)/to knock off/ [shou1 fei4 zhan4] /garbage collection point/trash dump/ [shou1 fu4] /to recover (lost territory etc)/to recapture/ [shou1 fu4 shi1 di4] /to recover lost territory/ [shou1 xin1] /to concentrate on the task/to curb one's evil instincts/ [shou1 cheng2] /harvest/ [shou1 fang2] /to take as a concubine/ [shou1 ya1] /in custody/to keep sb in detention/ [shou1 shi5] /to put in order/to tidy up/to pack/to repair/to punish (colloquial) to manage/ [shou1 ju4] /receipt/CL: [zhang1]/ [shou1 lan3] /to win the support of/to get over to one's side/to keep control of/ [shou1 zhi1] /cash flow/financial balance/income and expenditure/ [shou1 zhi1 ping2 heng2 dian3] /break-even point/ [shou1 zhi1 xiang1 di3] /to break even/balance between income and expendi [shou1 xiao4] /to yield results/ [shou1 lian3] /to vanish/to moderate/to exercise restraint/to curb (ones' mirth, rrogance etc)/to astringe/to converge/ [shou1 lian3 xu4 lie4] /convergent sequence (math.)/ [shou1 lian3 xing4] /convergence (math.)/astringent/

[shou1 lian3 ji2 shu4] /convergent series (math.)/ [shou1 lian3 feng1 mang2] /to draw in one's claws/to show some modesty/ [shou1 fang1] /receiving party/recipient/debit side (of balance sheet), as oppose to credit side [fu4 fang1]/ [shou1 fu2] /to subdue/to force to capitulate/to reduce to submission/to soothe/ [shou1 tiao2] /receipt/ [shou1 kuan3 tai2] /checkout counter/cashier's desk/ [shou1 can2 zhui4 yi4] /to gather and patch up sth that is badly damaged [shou1 huo4] /variant of [shou1 huo4]/ [shou1 sheng1 po2] /midwife/ [shou1 liu2] /to offer shelter/to have sb in one's care/ [shou1 liu2 suo3] /barrack/ [shou1 fa1] /to receive and send/to receive and transmit/ [shou1 fa1 shi4] /mail room/radio room (i.e. reception and transmission)/ [shou1 fa1 duan3 xin4] /to text/to receive and send SMS messages/ [shou1 yi4] /earnings/profit/ [shou1 yi4 zhang4 hu4] /income account (accountancy)/ [shou1 jian1] /to imprison/to take into custody/ [shou1 pan2] /market close/ [shou1 pan2 jia4] /closing price (of share, commodity etc)/./ [shou1 kan4] /to view/to watch TV/to receive TV channels/ [shou1 piao4 yuan2] /ticket collector/ [shou1 li3] /to accept a gift/to receive presents/ [shou1 shui4] /to collect tax/ [shou1 huo4] /to harvest/to reap/to gain/crop/harvest/profit/gain/bonus/reward/ [shou1 huo4 jie2] /harvest festival/ [shou1 na4] /to accept/ [shou1 jin3] /to tighten up (restrictions etc)/ [shou1 bian1] /to incorporate into one's troops/to weave in/ [shou1 suo1] /to pull back/to shrink/to contract/ [shou1 suo1 ya1] /systolic blood pressure/ [shou1 jiao3] /to recover (illegally obtained property)/to seize/to capture/to fo ce sb to hand over sth/to levy/ [shou1 luo2] /to gather (people)/to collect (talent)/to come to an end/ [shou1 ting1] /to listen (to)/to listen (in)/ [shou1 cang2] /to hoard/to collect/collection/to bookmark (internet)/ [shou1 cang2 jia1] /favorites folder (web browser)/ [shou1 cang2 jia1] /a collector (e.g. of artworks)/ [shou1 shi4 lu:4] /ratings/ [shou1 xun4] /(wireless) reception/ [shou1 ci2] /to collect words/to harvest entries for a dictionary/ [shou1 huo4 ren2] /addressee/consignee/ [shou1 mai3] /to purchase/to bribe/ [shou1 fei4] /fee/charge/ [shou1 fei4 zhan4] /tollbooth/ [shou1 gou4] /to purchase (from various places)/to acquire (a company)/ [shou1 yin2] /cash out/ [shou1 yin2 ji1] /cash register/check out counter/ [shou1 lu4] /to include/included in/to record/ [shou1 ji2] /to gather/to collect/ [shou1 ji2 qing2 bao4] /to gather intelligence/ [shou1 yin1 ji1] /radio/CL: [tai2]/ [shou1 yang3] /to adopt a child/adoption/ [kao3] /variant of /to check/to verify/to test/to examine/to take an exam/ [you1] /distant, far/adverbial prefix/ [You1 xian4] /You county in Zhuzhou , Hunan/ [you1 guan1] /of great concern/ [gai3] /to change/to alter/to transform/to correct/ [gai3 xin4] /to convert (to another religion)/ [gai3 yuan2] /to change an emperor's or ruler's reign title (old)/

[gai3 pan4] /to amend a judgement/to overrule the original decision/to commute (a sentence)/ [Gai3 ze2] /Gerze county in Ngari prefecture, Tibet, Tibetan: Sger rtse rdzong/ [Gai3 ze2 xian4] /Gerze county in Ngari prefecture, Tibet, Tibetan: Sger rtse / [gai3 dong4] /to alter/to modify/to revise/ [gai3 kou3] /to correct oneself/to withdraw or modify one's previous remark/ [gai3 ming2] /to change ones name/ [gai3 shan4] /to make better/to improve/CL: [ge4]/ [gai3 shan4 tong1 xun4] /to improve communications/ [gai3 shan4 guan1 xi5] /to improve relations/ [gai3 zui3] /to deny/to go back on one's word/ [gai3 tian1] /another day/some other time/to find another day (for appointment et )/to take a rain check/ [gai3 jia4] /to remarry (of widow)/ [gai3 xie3] /to revise/to edit/ [gai3 jian4] /to rebuild/to transform (a building)/to refurbish/ [gai3 xian2 yi4 zhe2] /change of string, move out of rut (idiom); dramati irection/to dance to a different tune/ [gai3 hui3] /to mend one's ways/ [gai3 e4 xiang4 shan4] /turn away from evil and follow virtue/ [gai3 cheng2] /to convert/to turn into (sth else)/to adapt (a story to another me ium)/ [gai3 diao4] /to drop a bad habit/ [gai3 ri4] /another day/some other day/ [gai3 chao2] /change of dynasties/ [gai3 chao2 huan4 dai4] /transition period between dynasties/an interregn [gai3 qi1] /to reschedule/to rearrange (e.g. a meeting)/to postpone/ [gai3 ye4] /to change profession or business/ [gai3 yang4] /to change completely/ [gai3 zheng4] /to correct/to amend/to put right/correction/CL: [ge4]/ [gai3 wei2] /to change into/ [gai3 ban3] /to revise the current edition/revised edition/ [gai3 cheng1] /to change a name/to rename/ [gai3 gao3] /to revise a manuscript/ [gai3 zu3] /to reorganize/to reshuffle (posts etc)/ [gai3 bian1] /to adapt/to rearrange/to revise/ [gai3 liang2] /to improve/ [gai3 liang2 zhu3 yi4] /reformism (i.e. favoring gradual change as oppose on)/ [gai3 hang2] /to change profession/ [gai3 zhuang1] /to change one's costume/to repackage/to remodel/to refit/to modif /to convert/ [gai3 guan1] /change of appearance/to revise one's point of view/ [gai3 ding4] /to revise (text, plan etc)/ [gai3 ding4 Yi1 li2 tiao2 yue1] /Treaty of Saint Petersburg of 18 to hand back Yili province to Qing China in exchange for compensation payment a nd unequal treaty rights/ [gai3 yi4] /to correct (improve) a translation/ [gai3 bian4] /to change/to alter/to transform/ [gai3 bian4 xin4 yang3 zhe3] /a convert/ [gai3 bian4 xing2 xiang4] /transfiguration/ [gai3 zao4] /to transform/to reform/to remodel/to remould/ [gai3 jin4] /to improve/to make better/CL: [ge4]/ [gai3 guo4] /to correct/to fix/ [gai3 guo4 zi4 xin1] /to reform and start afresh (idiom); to turn over a [gai3 dao4] /to change route/to divert (a road or a watercourse)/ [gai3 xuan3] /reelection/to reelect/ [gai3 xie2 gui1 zheng4] /(saying) to give up evil and return to good/ [gai3 zhui1] /screwdriver/CL:[ba3]/

[gai3 cuo4] /to correct an error/ [gai3 ge2] /reform/CL:[ci4], [zhong3], [xiang4]/to reform/ [gai3 ge2 jia1] /reformer/ [gai3 ge2 pai4] /the reformist party/ [gai3 ge2 zhe3] /reformer/ [gai3 ge2 jin4 cheng2] /reform process/ [gai3 ge2 kai1 fang4] /to reform and open to the outside world/refers to 's policies from around 1980/ [gai3 tou2 huan4 mian4] /to adjust one's head and turn one's face (idiom) anges/Despite superficially new policies, the substance remains unchanged./ [gong1] /to attack/to accuse/to study/ [gong1 fa2] /to attack/to go to war on sb/ [gong1 zhan4] /attack and occupy/ [gong1 ke4] /to capture/to take/to overcome/to solve/ [gong1 ru4] /to force entrance into/to score a goal (sport)/ [gong1 shi4] /(military) offensive/ [gong1 qu3] /to attack and seize/ [gong1 cheng2] /to besiege (a town)/ [gong1 cheng2 mu4] /battering ram/ [gong1 da3] /attack/assault/ [gong1 ji1] /to attack/to accuse/to charge/an attack (terrorist or military)/ [gong1 ji1 xing2 he2 qian2 ting3] /nuclear-powered attack submari [gong1 ji1 ji1] /ground attack aircraft/ [gong1 ji1 mu4 biao1] /attack target/ [gong1 ji1 xian4] /the front line/the attack (e.g. football forwards)/ [gong1 mie4] /to conquer/to defeat (militarily)/ [gong1 wu2 bu4 ke4 , zhan4 wu2 bu4 sheng4] /to triump m); all-conquering/ever victorious/nothing they can't do/ [gong1 lu:e4] /strategy/directions/guide/how-to/ [gong1 bian1] /to perform acupuncture/ [gong1 po4] /to make a breakthrough/to break through/to breach (military)/ [gong1 jie2] /to attack sb by exposing faults/to denounce/ [gong1 du2] /to major (in a field)/to study a specialty to obtain a higher degree [gong1 guan1] /to storm a strategic pass/fig. to tackle a key problem/ [gong1 fang2] /attack and defense/the midfield (in soccer)/ [gong1 xian4] /to overcome/to take (a fortress)/to fall (to an attack)/to surrend r/ [ban1] /variant of / [fang4] /to release/to free/to let go/to put/to place/to let out/to set off (fir eworks)/ [fang4 xia5] /to put down/to let go/to set aside/to digress/ [fang4 xia5 bao1 fu5] /to lay down a heavy burden/ [fang4 xia4 tu2 dao1 , li4 di4 cheng2 fo2] /lay down t (idiom); instant rehabilitation/to repent and be absolved of one's crimes/ [fang4 bu5 xia4] /to be unable to let go/to be unable to stop (doing sth)/ [fang4 bu5 xia4 xin1] /cannot stop worrying/ [fang4 zhi1 si4 hai3 er2 jie1 zhun3] /appropriate to any plac ally applicable/a panacea/ [fang4 ren4] /to ignore/to let alone/to indulge/ [fang4 ren4 zheng4 ce4] /laissez-faire policy/non-interference/ [fang4 ren4 zi4 liu2] /to let sb do whatever they want/to indulge/to give o/to let things slide/to drift aimlessly/laissez-faire/ [fang4 di1] /to lower/to be humble/ [fang4 jia4] /to have a holiday or vacation/ [fang4 zhai4] /to lend money (for interest)/to give credit/ [fang4 chu1] /to let off/to give out/ [fang4 diao1] /to act wickedly/to bully/to make life difficult for sb by unreason ble actions/ [fang4 gao4] /to release a statement/ [fang4 zai4 xin1 shang4] /to care about/to take seriously/to take to hear

[fang4 da4] /to enlarge/to magnify/ [fang4 da4 qi4] /amplifier/ [fang4 da4 zhi3] /enlarging paper (photography)/bromide paper/ [fang4 da4 jing4] /magnifying glass/ [fang4 xue2] /to dismiss students at the end of the school day/ [fang4 xue2 hou4] /after school/ [fang4 kuan1] /to relax restrictions/ [fang4 she4] /to radiate/radioactive/ [fang4 she4 zuo4 zhan4] /radiological operations/ [fang4 she4 mian3 yi4 ce4 ding4] /radioimmunoassay/ [fang4 she4 xue2] /radiology/ [fang4 she4 xing4] /radioactive/ [fang4 she4 xing4 yuan2 su4] /radioactive element/ [fang4 she4 xing4 tong2 wei4 su4] /radioactive isotope/radioisoto [fang4 she4 xing4 fei4 wu4] /radioactive waste/ [fang4 she4 xing4 zui4 qiang2 dian3] /radioactive hot spot/ [fang4 she4 xing4 cai2 liao4] /radioactive material/ [fang4 she4 xing4 he2 su4] /radioactive nuclide/radionuclide/ [fang4 she4 xing4 wu3 qi4] /radiological weapon/ [fang4 she4 xing4 wu1 ran3] /radioactive contamination/ [fang4 she4 xing4 zhan1 ran3] /radioactive contamination/ [fang4 she4 xing4 zhan1 ran3 wu4] /radioactive contaminant/ [fang4 she4 xing4 huo2 du4] /radioactivity/ [fang4 she4 xing4 yan1 yu3] /radiation plume/ [fang4 she4 xing4 fa1 guang1 cai2 liao4] /radiophosphor/ [fang4 she4 xing4 sui4 pian4] /radioactive debris/ [fang4 she4 xing4 dian3] /radioactive iodine/ [fang4 she4 xing4 luo4 xia4 hui1] /radioactive fallout/ [fang4 she4 xing4 shuai1 bian4] /radioactive decay/ [fang4 she4 xing4 ji4 shi2] /radiometric dating/ [fang4 she4 zhi4 liao2] /radiotherapy/ [fang4 she4 yuan2] /radiation source/ [fang4 she4 wu4] /radioactive material/ [fang4 she4 sheng1 cheng2 wu4] /radiogenic material/ [fang4 she4 bing4] /radiation sickness/ [fang4 she4 liao2 fa3] /radiotherapy/ [fang4 she4 xian4] /radiation/rays of radiation/ [fang4 she4 chong2] /radiolarian (single-celled animal)/ [fang4 she4 fang2 hu4] /radiological defense/ [fang4 pi4] /to fart/to break wind/to talk nonsense/Utter rubbish!/ [fang4 gong1] /to knock off work for the day/ [fang4 ping2] /to set level/to lay flat/ [fang4 de5 xia4] /to be able to accomodate/to have room for/to be able to put down/ [fang4 xin1] /to feel relieved/to feel reassured/to be at ease/ [fang4 shou3] /to let go one's hold/to give up/to have a free hand/ [fang4 shou3 yi1 bo2] /to put one's all into the fight/ [fang4 ying4] /to show (a movie)/to screen/ [fang4 ying4 shi4] /cinema room/viewing room/ [fang4 song1 guan3 zhi4] /deregulation/ [fang4 qi4] /to renounce/to abandon/to give up/ [fang4 qiang1] /to open fire/to shoot a gun/ [fang4 du2] /to poison/fig. to spread vicious rumors/ [fang4 qi4] /to release breath/to deflate/to fart/ [fang4 shui3] /to turn on the water/to let water out/to throw a game (sports)/ [fang4 lang4] /unrestrained/dissolute/dissipated/unconventional/immoral/to debauc /to dissipate/ [fang4 lang4 bu4 ji1] /wanton and unrestrained (idiom); dissolute/ [fang4 huo3] /to set on fire/to commit arson/to create a disturbance/ [fang4 yan4 kou3] /to feed the starving ghosts (i.e. offer sacrifice to prote

departed spirit)/ [fang4 yan1 mu4 dan4] /to spread a smokescreen/ [fang4 re4 fan3 ying4] /exothermic reaction/ [fang4 bao4 zhu2] /to set off firecrackers/ [fang4 mu4] /graze/ [fang4 yan3] /to survey/to view broadly/ [fang4 yan3 wang4 qu4] /as far as the eye can see/ [fang4 huan3] /to slow/to slow down (the pace of)/ [fang4 zong4] /to indulge/to pamper/to connive at/permissive/indulgent/self-indul ent/unrestrained/undisciplined/uncultured/boorish/ [fang4 zhi4] /to put/ [fang4 yang2] /to tend a flock of sheep/to let sheep out to pasture/fig. to throw off the reins/to leave sb alone/acting freely and irresponsibly/ [fang4 yang2 wa2] /shepherd/shepherd boy/ [fang4 sheng1] /to shout/ [fang4 si4] /wanton, unbridled/ [fang4 dan3] /to act boldly/ [fang4 zhe5 ming2 bai5 zhuang1 hu2 tu5] /to pretend not to kn [fang4 dang4] /unconventional/licentious/wanton/easy in one's morals/ [fang4 dang4 bu4 ji1] /wanton and unrestrained (idiom); dissolute/ [fang4 xie3] /see [fang4 xue4]/ [fang4 xue4] /to let blood (Chinese medicine)/to bleed/to stab sb (slang)/ [fang4 xing2] /to let pass/ [fang4 hua4] /to give orders/to spread news or rumors/to leak certain information intentionally/ [fang4 dan4] /untrammeled/reckless/wanton/ [fang4 dan4 bu4 ju1] /wanton and unrestrained (idiom); dissolute/ [fang4 dan4 bu4 ji1] /wanton and unrestrained (idiom); dissolute/ [fang4 zou3] /to release/to set free/to allow (a person or an animal) to go/to li erate/ [fang4 song4] /to broadcast/to announce over loudspeakers/ [fang4 zhu2] /to banish/to deport/to send into exile/to be marooned/ [fang4 jin4] /to put into/ [fang4 guo4] /to let off/to let slip by/to let sb get away with sth/ [fang4 chang2 xian4 diao4 da4 yu2] /use a long line to catch a bi rm plan for major returns/ [fang4 kai1] /to unleash/to release/ [fang4 dian4] /electrical discharge/ [fang4 bian1 pao4] /to set off firecrackers/ [fang4 feng1] /to allow in fresh air/to allow a prisoner out for exercise/to give out information/ [fang4 fei1] /to allow to fly/ [fang4 fei1 ji1] /to ditch sb (slang)/ [fang4 yang3] /to breed (livestock, fish, crops etc)/to grow/to raise/ [fang4 ma3 hou4 pao4] /to fire after the horse has bolted (idiom); to act be effective/ [fang4 ma3 hou4 pao4] /to fire after the horse has bolted (idiom); to act be effective/ [fang4 song1] /to loosen/to relax/ [fang4 ge1 zi5] /to stand someone up/ [zheng4] /political/politics/government/ [zheng4 shi4] /politics/government affairs/ [zheng4 ling4] /government decree/ [zheng4 wu4] /government affairs/ [Zheng4 Xie2] /CPPCC (Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference)/abbr. o [Zhong1 guo2 Ren2 min2 Zheng4 zhi4 Xie2 shang1 Hu [Zheng4 he2] /Zhenghe county in Nanping [Nan2 ping2] Fujian/ [Zheng4 he2 xian4] /Zhenghe county in Nanping [Nan2 ping2] Fujian/ [zheng4 quan1] /government circle/political circle/ [zheng4 tan2] /political circles/

[zheng4 wei3] /political commissar (within the army)/ [zheng4 ke4] /politician/ [zheng4 shen3] /examine sb's political record/political investigation/ [zheng4 ju2] /political situation/ [zheng4 gong1] /political work/ideological work/ [zheng4 fu3] /government/CL: [ge4]/ [zheng4 fu3 zhai4 quan4] /government bonds (investments)/ [zheng4 fu3 da4 xue2 yuan4] /the name of Academia Sinica w [zheng4 fu3 guan1 yuan2] /government employee/ [zheng4 fu3 xin1 wen2 chu4] /information services department/ [zheng4 fu3 ji1 gou4] /government organization/ [zheng4 fu3 ji1 guan1] /government (viewed as an organization)/institutio ent/government office/ [zheng4 fu3 ji1 guan1 kai1 fang4 xi4 tong n Profile/GOSIP/ [zheng4 fu3 jing3 gao4] /government warning/ [zheng4 fu3 jun1] /government army/ [zheng4 fu3 bu4 men2] /government branch/ [zheng4 fu3 shou3 nao3] /head of state/government leader/ [zheng4 qing2] /political situation/ [zheng4 jiao4] /punishment and rewards as part of political re-education/ [zheng4 jiao4 he2 yi1] /union of religious and political rule/theocracy/C [zheng4 di2] /political enemy/opponent/ [zheng4 bing3] /at the helm of state/political power/regime/ [zheng4 quan2] /regime/(wield) political power/ [zheng4 quan2 zhen1 kong1] /power vacuum/political vacuum/ [zheng4 zhi4] /politics/political/ [zheng4 zhi4 ren2 wu4] /political figure/politician/statesman/ [zheng4 zhi4 hua4] /to politicize/ [zheng4 zhi4 shi3] /political history/ [zheng4 zhi4 wei3 yuan2] /political commissar (during Russian and Chinese volutions)/ [zheng4 zhi4 xue2] /politics/political science/ [zheng4 zhi4 jia1] /statesman/politician/CL: [ge4],[wei4],[ming2]/ [zheng4 zhi4 ju2] /politburo/ [zheng4 zhi4 ju2 mian4] /political climate/ [zheng4 zhi4 bi4 hu4] /political asylum/ [zheng4 zhi4 si1 xiang3] /political thought/ideology/ [zheng4 zhi4 xing4] /political/ [zheng4 zhi4 gai3 ge2] /political reform/ [zheng4 zhi4 ji1 gou4] /political organization/ [zheng4 zhi4 qi4 hou4] /political climate/ [zheng4 zhi4 fan4] /political prisoner/ [zheng4 zhi4 sheng1 huo2] /political life/ [zheng4 zhi4 yi4 yi4 ren2 shi4] /political dissident/ [zheng4 zhi4 li4 chang3] /political position/ [zheng4 zhi4 su4 zhi4] /political quality (in ideological education)/ [zheng4 zhi4 jing1 ji4 xue2] /political economy/ [zheng4 zhi4 wu3 tai2] /political arena/ [zheng4 zhi4 yun4 dong4] /political movement/ [zheng4 zhi4 bi4 nan4] /political asylum/ [zheng4 zhi4 bu4] /political division/cadre department/ [zheng4 zhi4 guan1 xi4] /political relations/ [zheng4 zhi4 ti3 zhi4] /form of government/ [zheng4 fa3] /political law/politics and law/ [zheng4 pai4] /political group/faction/ [zheng4 li3] /politics/government affairs/ [zheng4 jie4] /political and government circles/ [zheng4 ce4] /policy/CL: [ge4]/ [zheng4 ji4] /rules for political staff/political discipline/

[zheng4 gang1] /political program/platform/ [zheng4 ji4] /(political) achievements/track record/ [zheng4 yao4] /important political leader/government dignitary/ [zheng4 jian4] /political views/ [zheng4 xun4 chu4] /political training office (during Chinese revolution, sin med political division )/ [zheng4 lun4] /political commentary/ [zheng4 bian4] /coup d'tat/ [zheng4 tong1 ren2 he2] /efficient government, people at peace (idiom); a th the state and the people/ [zheng4 ti3] /form of government/system of government/ [zheng4 dang3] /political party/CL: [ge4]/ [dian1] /to weigh in the hand, to estimate/to shake/ [min3] /strong/robust/vigorous/ [gu4] /happening/instance/reason/cause/intentional/former/old/therefore/hence/(o f people) to die, dead/ [gu4 shi4] /to die/to pass away/ [gu4 shi4] /old practice/CL: [ge4]/ [gu4 shi5] /narrative/story/tale/ [gu4 shi5 pian4] /fictional film/feature film/ [gu4 yun2] /that's why it is called.../ [gu4 jiao1] /former acquaintance/old friend/ [gu4 ren2] /old friend/ [gu4 ji4] /usual trick/old tactics/ [gu4 ji4 chong2 yan3] /to repeat an old stratagem/up to one's old tricks/ [gu4 zuo4] /to pretend/to feign/ [gu4 zuo4 zi1 tai4] /a pose/a pretense/ [gu4 zuo4 shen1 chen2] /to play the profound thinker/ [gu4 zuo4 duan1 zhuang1] /artificial show of seriousness/to pretend to be [gu4 dian3] /old classics/old customs/cause/ [gu4 qu4] /to die/death/ [gu4 you3] /late friend/deceased friend/ [gu4 guo2] /country with an ancient history/ [gu4 yuan2] /one's home town/ [gu4 tu3] /native country/one's homeland/ [gu4 di4] /once familiar places/former haunts/ [gu4 di4 chong2 you2] /to revisit old haunts (idiom); down memory lane/ [gu4 zhi3] /one's former address/ [gu4 cheng2] /old city/ [Gu4 cheng2 xian4] /Gucheng county in Hengshui [Heng2 shui3], Hebei/ [gu4 mu4] /old tomb/ [gu4 zhai2] /former home/ [gu4 gong1] /Palace Museum/the Forbidden City/former imperial palace/ [Gu4 gong1 Bo2 wu4 yuan4] /Palace museum in Forbidden City, Beijing/N um in Taibei/ [gu4 jia1] /old and respected family/family whose members have been officials fro generation to generation/ [gu4 jia1 zi3 di4] /descended from an old family/ [gu4 ju1] /former residence/ [gu4 nong4 xuan2 xu1] /deliberately mystifying/to make sth unnecessarily [gu4 yi4] /deliberately/on purpose/ [gu4 tai4 fu4 meng2] /to revert to old ways/ [gu4 wo3] /one's former self/back on form/ [gu4 ye4] /old estate/former empire/former occupation/ [gu4 ci3] /therefore/ [gu4 bu4 zi4 feng1] /stuck in the old ways (idiom); refusing to acknowled stagnating and conservative/ [gu4 sha1] /premeditated murder/ [gu4 zhi1] /a close friend over many years/ [gu4 di4] /former residence/

[gu4 zhi3 dui1] /a pile of old books/ [gu4 er2] /therefore/ [gu4 jiu4] /old friends/ [gu4 jiu4 bu4 qi4] /do not neglect old friends/ [gu4 xun4] /old teaching (e.g. religious instruction)/ [gu4 ji4] /historical ruins/ [gu4 zhe2] /former track/old rut/stuck in old conventions/ [gu4 dao4] /old road/old way/old course (of a river)/ [gu4 du1] /former capital/ancient capital/ [gu4 xiang1] /home/homeland/native place/CL: [ge4]/ [gu4 li3] /hometown/native place/ [gu4 zhang4] /malfunction/breakdown/defect/shortcoming/fault/failure/impediment/e ror/bug (in software)/ [gu4 zhang4 pai2 chu2] /fault resolution/trouble clearing/ [chi4] /Imperial command or edict/ [xiao4] /effect/efficacy/to imitate/ [xiao4 jia4] /potency/titer (measure of effective concentration in virology or ch mical pathology, defined in terms of potency after dilution by titration)/valenc e (perceived value in psychology)/valency/ [xiao4 jia4 neng2] /potency/titer (measure of effective concentration in viro chemical pathology, defined in terms of potency after dilution by titration)/ [xiao4 li4] /effectiveness/positive effect/to serve (in some capacity)/ [xiao4 lao2] /to serve (in some capacity)/to work for/ [xiao4 you2] /to follow a bad example/ [xiao4 zhong1] /to vow loyalty and devotion to/ [xiao4 zhong1 shi4 ci2] /pledge of allegiance/ [xiao4 ying4] /effect (scientific phenomenon)/ [xiao4 guo3] /result/effect/quality/CL: [ge4]/ [xiao4 fa3] /to imitate/to follow the example of/ [xiao4 lu:4] /efficiency/ [xiao4 yong4] /usefulness/effectiveness/ [xiao4 yi4] /benefit/effectiveness/efficiency/ [xiao4 neng2] /efficacy/effectiveness/ [mi3] /peaceful/ [jiao4] /variant of , to teach/ [min3] /quick/nimble/agile/clever/smart/ [min3 gan3] /sensitive/susceptible/politically sensitive (pretext for censorship) [min3 gan3 xing4] /sensitive/sensitivity/ [min3 gan3 wu4 zhi4] /sensitive materials/ [min3 jie2] /nimble/quick/shrewd/ [min3 rui4] /keen/sharp/acute/ [jiu4] /to save/to assist/to rescue/ [jiu4 shi4] /salvation/ [jiu4 shi4 zhu3] /the Savior (in Christianity)/ [jiu4 shi4 jun1] /Salvation Army (protestant philanthropic organization found ondon in 1865)/ [jiu4 zhu3] /Savior/ [jiu4 wang2] /to save from extinction/to save the nation/ [jiu4 chu1] /to rescue/to pluck from danger/ [jiu4 zhu4] /aid/to help sb in trouble/ [jiu4 ming4] /to save sb's life/(interjection) Help!/(interjection) Save me!/ [jiu4 guo2] /to save the nation/ [jiu4 shi4] /market rescue (by central bank)/ [jiu4 ji2 bu4 jiu4 qiong2] /help the starving but not the poor (idiom [jiu4 en1] /salvation/ [jiu4 en1 ji4 hua4] /plan of salvation/ [jiu4 yuan2] /to save/to support/to help/to assist/ [jiu4 yuan2 dui4] /rescue team/ [jiu4 lao1 ju2] /sea rescue service/lifeboat service/ [jiu4 xing1] /lit. saving star (cf star of Bethlehem in biblical nativity story)/

ig. savior (individual or organization)/liberator/emancipator/knight in shining armor/cf Mao Zedong in north Shaanxi folk song The East is red / [jiu4 zhi4] /to rescue and give medical treatment/ [jiu4 huo2] /to bring back to life/ [jiu4 ji4] /emergency relief/to help the needy with cash or goods/ [jiu4 ji4 liang2] /relief grain/emergency provisions/ [jiu4 huo3] /fire fighting/ [jiu4 zai1] /to relieve disaster/to help disaster victims/ [jiu4 zai1 jiu4 ji4 si1] /emergency aid committee (of PRC Ministry of [jiu4 zai1 kuan3] /disaster relief funds/ [jiu4 zai1 wu4 zi1] /relief provisions/material assistance/ [jiu4 fen2 yi4 xin1] /add firewood to put out the flames (idiom); fig. il ion that only makes the problem worse/to add fuel to the fire/ [jiu4 sheng1] /to save a life/life-saving/ [jiu4 sheng1 quan1] /life buoy/life belt/ [jiu4 sheng1 fa2] /a life raft/ [jiu4 sheng1 chuan2] /lifeboat/ [jiu4 sheng1 ting3] /lifeboat/ [jiu4 sheng1 ting3 jia3 ban3] /boat deck (upper deck on which lifeboa [jiu4 sheng1 yi1] /life jacket/life vest/ [jiu4 sheng1 dai4] /safety chute/ [jiu4 sheng1 dui4] /rescue team/CL:[zhi1]/ [jiu4 hu4] /rescue/administer first-aid/ [jiu4 hu4 ren2 yuan2] /rescue worker/ [jiu4 hu4 che1] /ambulance/CL: [liang4]/ [jiu4 shu2] /to rescue and redeem/ [jiu4 shu2 zhu3] /Redeemer/ [jiu4 nan2] /to rescue/rescue (operation, workers)/ [yu3] /percussion instrument shaped as a hollow wooden tiger, with serrated stri p across the back, across which one runs a drumstick/ [chi4] /imperial orders/ [chi4 ling4] /Imperial order or edict (old)/ [chi4 feng1] /to appoint sb to a post or confer a title on sb by imperial order/ [Ao2] /surname Ao/ [ao2] /to ramble/to rove/old variant of [ao2]/ [Ao2 Guang3] /Ao Guang/ [Ao2 de2 sa4] /Odessa (city in Ukraine)/ [Ao2 han4] /Aohan banner or Aokhan khoshuu in Chifeng [Chi4 feng1], Inner Mon [Ao2 han4 qi2] /Aohan banner or Aokhan khoshuu in Chifeng [Chi4 feng1], I / [Ao2 bei4 de2] /Obed (name)/ [ao2 you2] /to saunter/to travel/ [Ao2 run4] /Dragon King of the West Sea, Ao Run, also Ao Ji ()/ [Ao2 Shun4] /Ao Shun, Dragon King of the North Sea in [Xi1 you2 ji4] [bai4] /be defeated/to defeat/loss/ [bai4 bu4 cheng2 jun1] /The army is completely routed. (idiom)/ [bai4 zhang4] /lost battle/defeat/ [bai4 guang1] /to squander one's fortune/to dissipate one's wealth/ [bai4 bei3] /to suffer defeat/to lose (a battle, an election)/the loser/ [bai4 huai4] /to ruin/to corrupt/to undermine/ [bai4 zi3 hui2 tou2] /return of the prodigal son/ [bai4 jia1 zi3] /spendthrift/wastrel/prodigal/ [bai4 ju2] /lost game/losing battle/ [bai4 de2] /evil conduct/ [bai4 zhan4] /to lose a war/fig. the loser (in a competition or election)/ [bai4 liu3 can2 hua1] /broken flower, withered willow (idiom); fig. falle [bai4 huo3] /relieve inflammation or internal heat/ [bai4 bi3] /a faulty stroke in calligraphy or painting/a faulty expression in wri ing/ [bai4 xu4] /ruined/broken down/shabby/

[bai4 ji4] /be utterly defeated/be routed/ [bai4 wei4] /spoil one's appetite/ [bai4 xing4] /disappointed/ [bai4 luo4] /decline (in wealth and position)/ [bai4 xue4 zheng4] /septicaemia/ [bai4 su4] /lose a lawsuit/ [bai4 zou3] /to run away (in defeat)/ [bai4 tui4] /retreat in defeat/ [bai4 zhen4] /be defeated on the battlefield/be beaten in a contest/ [bai4 lu4] /(of a plot etc) to fall through and stand exposed/ [bai4 lei4] /scum of a community/degenerate/ [xu4] /to narrate/to chat/abbr. for Syria / [xu4 shi4] /narrative/ [xu4 shi4 shi1] /narrative poem/ [Xu4 li4 ya4] /Syria/ [Xu4 li4 ya4 wen2] /Syriac language (from c. 2nd century BC)/the Syriac s [xu4 gong1 xing2 shang3] /to review records and decide on rewards (idiom) [Xu4 la1 gu3] /Syracuse, Sicily/also written [Xi1 la1 ku4 sa [xu4 wen2] /variant of [xu4 wen2]/ [xu4 ming2] /detailed accounting/ [Xu4 yong3] /Xuyong county in Luzhou [Lu2 zhou1], Sichuan/ [Xu4 yong3 xian4] /Xuyong county in Luzhou [Lu2 zhou1], Sichuan/ [xu4 jiu4] /to reminisce/to talk about former times/ [xu4 tan2] /to chat/ [xu4 shu4] /to relate (a story or information)/to tell or talk about/to recount/n rration/telling/narrative/account/ [xu4 shu4 xing4] /narrative/ [Jiao4] /surname Jiao/ [jiao1] /to teach/ [jiao4] /religion/teaching/to make/to cause/to tell/ [jiao4 zhu3] /founder or head of a religion (possibly legendary)/figure (man or G d) worshipped by a religious sect/modern pop or film star worshipped by fans/ [jiao4 yi2] /ordinance/ [jiao4 ju4] /teaching aids/educational materials/ [jiao4 wu4] /educational administration/ [jiao4 wu4 shi4] /school administration office/ [jiao4 qu1] /parish/ [jiao4 you3] /church member/ [jiao4 you3 da4 hui4] /church conference/ [jiao4 yuan2] /teacher/instructor/CL: [ge4]/ [jiao4 suo1] /to conspire with/to abet/to urge on a criminal act/to foment/ [jiao4 tang2] /church/chapel/CL: [jian1]/ [jiao4 tang2 mu4 di4] /churchyard/ [jiao4 shi4] /churchman/clergy/ [jiao4 zi3] /to teach one's children/godchild (in Christianity)/ [jiao4 xue2] /teacher and student/education/CL: [men2], [ge4]/ [jiao4 xue2 lou2] /teaching block/school building/ [jiao4 xue2 ji1 gou4] /educational organization/ [jiao4 xue2 fa3] /teaching method/pedagogics/ [jiao4 xue2 xiang1 zhang3] /when you teach someone, both teacher and stud fit/ [jiao4 an1] /teach in peace (polite phrase to end a letter to a teacher)/ [jiao4 zong1] /the pope/also called / [jiao4 guan1] /military instructor/ [jiao4 shi4] /classroom/CL: [jian1]/ [jiao4 dao3] /to instruct/to teach/guidance/teaching/ [jiao4 shi1] /teacher/CL: [ge4]/ [Jiao4 shi1 jie2] /Teachers' Day (September 10th) (PRC)/Teachers' Day (Confuc rthday, September 28th) (Taiwan)/ [jiao4 ting2] /the Papacy/the Vatican/the Church government/Holy See/

[jiao4 ting2 da4 shi3] /an ambassador of the church/an Apostolic Nuncio ( can)/ [jiao4 tu2] /disciple/follower of a religion/ [jiao4 shou4] /professor/to instruct/to lecture on/CL: [ge4],[wei4]/ [jiao4 shou4 bi4 jing4 shi4 jiao4 shou4] /professors are (aft [jiao1 shu1] /to teach (in a school)/ [jiao1 hui4] /to show/to teach/ [jiao4 hui4] /Christian church/ [jiao4 cai2] /teaching material/CL:[ben3]/ [jiao4 an4] /lesson plan/teaching plan/a "missionary case" (a dispute over Christ an missionaries during the late Qing)/ [jiao4 tiao2] /creed/doctrine/religious dogma/ [jiao4 tiao2 zhu3 yi4] /dogmatism/ [jiao4 quan2] /religious rule/ [jiao4 mu3] /godmother/ [jiao4 min2] /adherent to a religion/convert/ [jiao4 fa3] /legislation/statute/canon/also written /creed/doctrine/teachings ng method/ [jiao4 pai4] /sect/ [jiao4 fu4] /godfather/ [Jiao4 huang2] /Roman Catholic pope/Supreme Pontiff/ [jiao4 yan2 shi4] /teaching and research section/ [jiao4 ke1 wen2 zu3 zhi1] /UNESCO, United Nations Educational, Scient rganization/ [jiao4 ke1 shu1] /textbook/CL:[ben3]/ [jiao4 cheng2] /lecture course/teaching module at university/tutorial/textbook/co rse of study/ [jiao4 lian4] /instructor/sports coach/trainer/CL: [ge4],[wei4],[ming2]/ [jiao4 lian4 yuan2] /sports coach/training personnel/ [jiao4 lian4 ji1] /trainer (aircraft)/ [jiao4 yi4] /creed/doctrine/teachings/ [Jiao4 yi4 he2 Sheng4 yue1] /Doctrine and Covenants/ [jiao4 zhi2 yuan2] /teaching and administrative staff/ [jiao4 zhi2 yuan2 gong1] /teaching and administrative staff/ [jiao4 zhi2 gong1] /teaching and administrative staff/ [jiao4 yu4] /to educate/to teach/education/ [jiao4 yu4 wei3 yuan2 hui4] /school board/ [jiao4 yu4 xue2] /pedagogy/ [jiao4 yu4 jia1] /educationalist/ [jiao4 yu4 gong1 zuo4 zhe3] /educator/ [jiao4 yu4 xing4] /instructive/educational/ [jiao4 yu4 jie4] /academic world/academic circles/academia/ [jiao4 yu4 xiang1 tan2] /education counselor/ [jiao4 yu4 bei4 jing3] /educational background/ [jiao4 yu4 bu4] /Ministry of Education/ [jiao4 yu4 bu4 zhang3] /Minister of Education/Director of Education Depar [jiao4 yu4 dian4 shi4] /Educational Television (Hong Kong)/ [jiao4 gui1] /canon/religious rules/ [jiao4 xun5] /lesson/moral/to chide sb/to lecture sb/ [jiao4 hui4] /to instruct/ [jiao4 zhang3] /dean/mullah/imam (Islam)/see also [yi1 ma3 mu4]/ [jiao4 bian1] /teacher's pointer/ [jiao4 tou2] /sporting coach/military drill master (in Song times)/ [jiao4 yang3] /to train/to educate/to bring up/to nurture/education/culture/upbri ging/early conditioning/ [nie4] /to fill up or cover up a hole/ [bi4] /my (polite)/poor/ruined/shabby/worn out/defeated/ [bi4 xi3] /worn-out shoes/a worthless thing/ [bi4 xi3 zun1 rong2] /to care nothing for worldly fame and glory (idiom)/ [bi4 zhou3 qian1 jin1] /lit. my worn-out broom, a thousand in gold (idiom

mental value/I wouldn't be parted with it for anything./ [bi4 zhou3 zi4 zhen1] /to value the broom as one's own (idiom); to attach because it is one's own/a sentimental attachment/ [chang3] /open to the view of all/spacious/to open wide/to disclose/ [chang3 liang4] /bright and spacious/ [chang3 kou3] /open-mouthed (jar etc)/(of speech) freely/exposure (finance)/ [chang3 peng2 qi4 che1] /convertible (car)/ [chang3 peng2 che1] /convertible car/open car/ [chang3 che1] /open wagon/flatcar/ [chang3 kai1] /to open wide/unrestrictedly/ [chang3 kai1 r5] /unrestrictedly/ [gan3] /to dare/daring/(polite) may I venture/ [gan3 bu4 cong2 ming4] /to not dare to disobey an order (idiom)/ [gan3 zuo4 gan3 dang1] /daring to act and courageous enough to take respo it/a true man has the courage to accept the consequences of his actions/the buc k stops here/ [gan3 nu4 er2 bu4 gan3 yan2] /angry, but not daring to speak out n silent about one's resentment/unable to voice objections/ [gan3 yu2] /to have the courage to do sth/to dare to/bold in/ [gan3 wei2] /to dare to do/ [gan3 wei2 ren2 xian1] /to dare to be first/to pioneer (idiom)/ [Gan3 da2] /Gundam, Japanese animation franchise/ [san3] /leisurely/loosen/powdered medicine/to scatter/to come loose/ [san4] /to break up (of couples)/to distribute/to let out/to fire or discharge ( sb)/ [san4 luan4] /in disorder/messy/ [san4 wang2] /dispersed and lost/ [san3 jian4] /spare parts/odds and ends/ [san4 huo3] /to break up into components/to disband/to disperse/ [san4 bu4] /to disseminate/ [san3 guang1] /astigmatism/see also [san4 guang1]/ [san4 guang1] /to diffuse light/see also [san3 guang1]/ [san3 bing1] /loose and disorganized soldiers/stragglers/fig. a loner/ [san3 bing1 keng1] /foxhole (military)/ [san3 bing1 you2 yong3] /lit. straggling and disbanded soldiers (idiom); ized uncoordinated action/ [san4 chu1] /shed/ [san3 ji4] /powder medicine/ [san3 fei3] /scattered bandits/fig. random jottings/marginal notes/ [san4 chang3] /(of a theater) to empty/(of a show) to end/ [san4 shi1] /to squander/lost/ [san4 xue2] /end of school/ [san3 she4] /scattering/ [san3 ju1] /(of a group of people) to live scattered over an area/ [san3 gong1] /day labor/piece-time work/ [san4 gong1] /to release from work at the end of the day/ [san4 xi2] /end of a banquet/ [san3 zuo4] /single seat (in theater)/irregular passenger (in rickshaw)/ [san3 zuo4 r5] /erhua variant or /single seat (in theater)/irregular pass kshaw)/ [san4 xin1] /to drive away cares/to relieve boredom/ [san4 xin1 jie3 men4] /to divert ones mind from boredom (idiom)/ [san4 men4] /to divert oneself from melancholy/ [san4 xi4] /end of a show/ [san3 hu4] /individual (shareholder)/the small investor/ [san4 da3] /mixed martial arts/ [san4 bo1] /to spread/to disperse/to disseminate/ [san4 tan1 i5] /to break up/to disband/ [san4 san4 bu4] /to have a stroll/ [san3 wen2] /prose/essay/

[san3 wen2 shi1] /prose poem/ [san3 qu3] /verse or song form from Yuan, Ming and Qing/ [san4 hui4] /to disperse a meeting/to adjourn/finished/ [san4 shu4] /scattering of bundle (of electrons in vacuum tube)/debunching/ [san3 ban3] /to fall apart/opera section in free rhythm/ [san3 jia4] /to fall apart/exhaustion/ [san4 bu4] /to take a walk/to go for a walk/ [san4 shui3] /apron (sloping brickwork to disperse water)/ [san3 sha1] /scattered sand/fig. lacking in cohesion or organi ation/ [san3 man4] /undisciplined/unorgani ed/ [san4 re4] /dissipate heat/ [san4 re4 qi4] /lit. scatter heat device/cooling panel/heat sink/heat spreade adiator/fan (computer)/ [san4 re4 pian4] /heat sink/ [san4 fa1] /to distribute/to emit/to issue/ [san4 jin4] /to be totally dispersed (crowd)/ [san3 sui4] /in fragments/ [san3 fen3] /loose powder (makeup)/ [san3 hi2] /sinecure/ [san4 luo4] /to disperse/to fall scattered/to sprinkle/ [san3 huang1] /loose goods/goods sold open/draft (of beer, as opposed to bottled / [san3 jian4] /seen periodically/ [san3 ji4] /random jottings/travel notes/ [san3 hua4] /digression/ [san3 dan4] /free and unfettered/ [san4 yi4] /dispersal/ [san3 qian2] /small sum of money/loose change/Cantonese equivalent of [l [san4 qian2] /to scatter money/to give to charity/ [san4 kai1] /to separate/to disperse/ [san3 yang3] /free-range raising (of poultry, cattle etc)/ [san3 ti3] /free prose style/ [dun1] /kind-hearted/place name/ [dun1 cu4] /to press/to urge/to hasten/ [Dun1 hua4] /Dunhua county level city in Yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture [Dun1 hua4 shi4] /Dunhua county level city in Yanbian Korean autonomous prefe [dun1 hou4] /genuine/honest and sincere/ [Dun1 huang2] /Dunhuang county level city in Jiuquan , Gansu/ [Dun1 huang2 shi4] /Dunhuang county level city in Jiuquan , Gansu/ [Dun1 huang2 shi2 ku1] /Dunhuang caves in Gansu/refers to Mogao caves [dun1 mu4] /to promote friendly relations/ [dun1 hao2 kuai4 di4] /DHL/ [Dun1 hao2 kuai4 di4 gong1 si1] /DHL/ [qi3] /to pick up thing with chopsticks or pincers./ [duo2] /to weigh/to cut/to come without being invited/ [jing4] /to respect/to venerate/to salute/to offer/ [jing4 shang4] /yours truly/yours sincerely (at the end of a letter)/ [jing4 yang3] /to revere/highly esteemed/ [jing4 pei4] /to esteem/to admire/ [jing4 bei4] /(humble expr.) prepare to offer humble hospitality/please accept my inadequate (food or drink)/ [jing4 gao4] /to tell respectfully/to announce reverentially/ [jing4 qi3] /respectful closing to a letter/ [jing4 feng4] /to worship piously/to present/to dedicate/ [jing4 xi1] /(honorific) revered news/the most valuable information (in your rece t letter, book etc)/Thank you for your letter./ [jing4 yi4] /respect/tribute/ [jing4 ai4] /respect and love/ [jing4 bai4] /to worship/ [jing4 fu2] /deference/esteem/to admire/


[jing4 ye4] /to be dedicated to one's work/to respect one's work/ [jing4 ye4 le4 qun2] /diligent and sociable (idiom); meticulous in work a eerfully with one's colleagues/ [jing4 yan1] /to offer a cigarette (to a guest)/ [jing4 wei4] /to revere/ [jing4 zhu4] /to offer humbly (written at the end of letter from sb of lower stat s to higher status)/your humble servant/ [jing4 shen2] /to respect a deity/to pray to a God/ [jing4 li3] /to salute/salute/ [jing4 cheng1] /term of respect/honorific/ [jing4 lao3] /respect for the aged/ [jing4 lao3 zun1 xian2] /to respect the wise and venerate the worthy (idi the great and the good/ [jing4 lao3 xi2] /priority seating for the aged (on buses etc)/ [jing4 lao3 yuan4] /home of respect for aged/nursing home/ [jing4 er2 yuan3 zhi1] /to show respect from a distance (idiom); to remai tful distance/ [jing4 ruo4 shen2 ming2] /to hold sb in the same regard as one would a go [jing4 cha2] /to serve tea (to guests)/ [jing4 qian2] /devout/ [jing4 ci2] /term of esteem/honorific (in Chinese grammar)/polite form of pronoun (in European grammar)/ [jing4 yu3] /honorific (e.g. in grammar of oriental languages)/ [jing4 qing3] /please (do sth) (deferential form)/ [jing4 xie4 bu4 min3] /I beg to be excused/ [jing4 he4 xin1 chun1] /the Chinese New Year/ [jing4 xian2 li3 shi4] /to respect ability and honor scholarship (idiom)/ [jing4 ci2] /term of respect/honorific title/honorific (in grammar)/ [jing4 jiu3] /to toast/to propose a toast/ [jing4 jiu3 bu4 chi1 chi1 fa2 jiu3] /to refuse a toast only t fig. to hesitate to do sth until forced to do even more/ [jing4 zhong4] /to respect deeply/to revere/to esteem/ [jing4 gui3 shen2 er2 yuan3 zhi1] /to respect Gods and demons fro remain at a respectful distance/ [ai2] /able (in administrating)/to govern forcefully/ [qiao1] /to hit/to strike/to tap/to rap/to knock/to rip sb off/to overcharge/ [qiao1 zhong1 bei4] /to receive oral sex from a prostitute/ [qiao1 ru4] /to key in/to input/ [qiao1 sang1 zhong1] /a knell/ [qiao1 da4 bei4] /to have sex with a prostitute/ [qiao1 ding4] /to conclude/a resolution/ [qiao1 xiao3 bei4] /to be masturbated by a prostitute/ [qiao1 shan1 zhen4 hu3] /a deliberate show of strength as a warning/ [qiao1 da3] /to beat sb/to beat (a drum)/ [qiao1 da3 luo2 gu3] /lit. to beat a gong; fig. to irritate sb/a provocat [qiao1 ji1] /to pound/to rap/ [qiao1 qiao1 da3 da3] /to provoke with words/ [qiao1 zha4] /to wring/to extort (money)/to rip off/clothes-wringer/ [qiao1 zhu2 gang4] /extortion by taking advantage of sb's weakness/ [qiao1 bei4] /back-knocking massage/ [qiao1 zha4] /to extort with threats/extortion/a protection racket/blackmail/ [qiao1 zha4 le4 suo3 zui4] /extortion and blackmail/ [qiao1 zha4 zui4] /extortion/ [qiao1 bian5 gu3] /to back sb up/to support sb in an argument/(lit. to beat n rum)/ [qiao1 ding1 zuan1 jiao3] /to make doubly sure (idiom)/ [qiao1 zhong1] /to beat a drum/ [qiao1 luo2] /to beat a gong/ [qiao1 men2] /knock on a door/ [qiao1 men2 zhuan1] /lit. a brick as a door knocker (idiom); fig. a temporary

ent/to use sb as a stepping stone to fortune/ [qiao1 xiang3] /to sound a bell/to raise the alarm/ [zheng3] /exactly/in good order/whole/complete/entire/in order/orderly/to repair /to mend/to renovate/to make sb suffer/to punish/to fix/to give sb a hard time/ [zheng3 bing4] /to merge/to consolidate/consolidation/ [zheng3 xiu1] /to repair/to refurbish/to renovate/to refit/to mend/to rebuild/ [zheng3 ge4] /whole/entire/total/ [zheng3 ge4 di4 qiu2] /the whole world/ [zheng3 bei4 shu4] /integer multiple/ [zheng3 he2] /to conform/to integrate/ [zheng3 di4] /to prepare the soil (agriculture)/ [zheng3 ye4] /the whole night/all through the night/ [zheng3 tian1] /all day long/whole day/ [zheng3 tao4] /entire set/ [zheng3 zhuang1] /same as /to get ready (for a journey)/ [zheng3 rong2] /plastic surgery/ [zheng3 nian2 lei3 yue4] /all year round/over a long period/ [zheng3 xing2] /shaping/reshaping/plastic surgery or orthopedics (abbr. of g2 wai4 ke1])/ [zheng3 xing2 wai4 ke1] /plastic surgery/orthopedics/ [zheng3 xing2 wai4 ke1 yi1 sheng1] /plastic surgeon/ [zheng3 gai3] /to reform/to rectify and improve/ [zheng3 zheng3] /whole/full/ [zheng3 zheng3 qi2 qi2] /neat and tidy/ [zheng3 shu4] /whole number/integer (math.)/ [zheng3 shu4 bei4 shu4] /integral multiple/ [zheng3 shu4 ji2 he2] /set of integers (math.)/ [zheng3 tiao2] /entire/whole (fish, road etc)/ [zheng3 zhi4] /to renovate/to restore/to repair/to restore a waterway by dredging corrective punishment/to get sth ready/ [zheng3 liu2] /to rectify (alternating current to direct current)/ [zheng3 liu2 qi4] /rectifier (transforming alternating electric current to di rrent)/ [zheng3 jie2] /neatly/tidy/ [zheng3 li3] /to arrange/to tidy up/to sort out/to straighten out/to list systema ically/to collate (data, files)/to pack (luggage)/ [zheng3 huan2] /integral ring (math)/ [zheng3 sheng1] /to tune (a musical instrument)/to regulate the sound/ [zheng3 su4] /strict/serious/solemn/dignified/to tidy upto clean up/to purge/to a just/ [zheng3 zhuang1] /to equip/to fit out/to get ready (for a journey)/to arrange (cl thes) to be ready/ [zheng3 zhuang1 dai4 fa1] /to get ready (for a journey)/ready and waiting [zheng3 xun4] /to drill troops/to build up and train/ [zheng3 chu2] /to divide exactly without remainder (in integer arithmetic)/exact ivision/ [zheng3 chu2 shu4] /factor/exact divisor/ [zheng3 dui4] /to dress (troops)/to line up (to arrange in a straight line)/ [zheng3 dun4] /to tidy up/to reorganize/to consolidate/to rectify/ [zheng3 feng1] /Rectification or Rectifying incorrect work styles, Maoist slogan/ f Rectification campaign , army purge of 1942-44 and anti-rightist purge o [zheng3 feng1 yun4 dong4] /Rectification campaign/political purge/cf Mao' paign at Yanan, and his 1950 and 1957 anti-rightist purges/ [zheng3 ti3] /whole entity/entire body/synthesis/as a whole (situation, construct on, team etc)/global/macrocosm/integral/holistic/whole/ [zheng3 ti3 shu4 wei4 fu2 wu4 wang3 lu4] /Integrated Serv [zheng3 ti3 fu2 wu4 shu4 wei4 wang3 lu4] /Integrated Serv [zheng3 qi2] /orderly/neat/even/tidy/ [zheng3 qi2 hua4 yi1] /to be adjusted to uniformity (usually of weights a (idiom)/

[di2] /enemy/match/to resist/to withstand/ [di2 ren2] /enemy/CL: [ge4]/ [di2 zhan4 qu1] /enemy occupied territory/ [di2 guo2] /enemy country/ [di2 di4] /enemy territory/ [Di2 ji1 du1] /Antichrist/ [di2 hai4] /pest/vermin/animal that is harmful to crops or to another species/ene y/predator/ [di2 jiang4] /the enemy general/ [di2 dui4] /hostile/enemy (factions)/combative/ [di2 dui4 xing4] /hostile/hostility/ [di2 qing2] /the situation in the enemy camp/intelligence about the enemy/ [di2 yi4] /enmity/hostility/ [di2 wo3] /the enemy and us/ [di2 wo3 mao2 dun4] /contradictions between ourselves and the enemy/Eithe us or against us./ [di2 shou3] /opponent/substantial adversary/worthy match/antagonist/in the enemy' hands/ [di2 tan4] /enemy spy/ [di2 di2 wei4] /dichlorvos C4H7Cl2PO4, organic phosphate used as insecticide/ lled dimethyl dichloro-vinyl phosphate DDVP/ [di2 fang1] /enemy/ [di2 ji1] /enemy plane/ [di2 dang4] /rival productions (of the same opera in neighboring theaters)/ [Di2 sha1 si3] /Decis (insecticide brand)/ [di2 ying2] /enemy camp/ [di2 te4] /enemy (agents)/(class) enemy/ [di2 te4 fen4 zi3] /enemy agents in our midst/reds under the beds/ [di2 bai3 chong2] /trichlorphon C4H8Cl3PO4, organic phosphate used as insecti so called dipterex/ [di2 tai2] /defensive tower/look-out tower/enemy radio station/ [di2 zhong4 wo3 gua3] /multitude of enemies, few friends (idiom from Menc outnumbered/beaten by weight of numbers/ [di2 shi4] /hostile/malevolence/antagonism/to view as enemy/to stand against/ [di2 jun1] /enemy troops/hostile forces/CL:[gu3]/ [di2 zhen4] /the enemy ranks/ [fu1] /to spread/to lay out/to apply (powder, ointment etc)/sufficient (to cover )/enough/ [fu1 bu4] /medical dressing/bandage/ [fu1 liao4] /medical dressing/ [fu1 yan3] /variant of /to elaborate (on a theme)/to expound (the meaning of ssics)/ [fu1 fen3] /to sprinkle powder/a dusting/ [fu1 yan3] /to elaborate (on a theme)/to expound (the classics)/perfunctory/to sk mp/to botch/to do sth half-heartedly or just for show/barely enough to get by/ [fu1 yan3 liao3 shi4] /to skimp/to work half-heartedly/not to bother/ [fu1 yan3 se4 ze2] /to skimp on the job/to work half-heartedly/not to tak iously/ [fu1 guo3] /medical dressing/ [fu1 she4] /to lay/to spread out/ [fu1 tie1] /to smear/to apply glue or ointment to a surface/ [fu1 chen2] /to give an orderly account/a thorough narrative/ [shu3] /to count/to enumerate/to criticize (i.e. enumerate shortcomings)/ [shu4] /number/figure/several/CL: [ge4]/ [shuo4] /frequently/repeatedly/ [shu3 yi1 shu3 er4] /to enumerate/reckoned to be first or second best (id the very best/ [shu3 bu4 shang4] /does not count/is not important/ [shu3 bu4 sheng4 shu3] /too many to count (idiom); innumerable/ [shu4 bu4 duo1] /a small number/one of a very few/

[shu3 bu4 qing1] /countless/innumerable/ [shu4 bu5 jin4] /countless/ [shu3 bu4 zhao2] /does not count/is not important/ [shu3 jiu3] /nine periods of nine days each after winter solstice, the coldest ti e of the year/ [shu3 jiu3 tian1] /nine periods of nine days each after winter solstice, the time of the year/ [shu3 jiu3 han2 tian1] /nine periods of nine days each after winter solst est time of the year/ [shu4 yi3 yi4 ji4] /countless/innumerable/ [shu4 yi3 qian1 ji4] /thousands (of smth)/ [shu4 yi3 bai3 ji4] /hundreds of/ [shu4 yi3 wan4 ji4] /tens of thousands/numerous/ [shu3 fu2] /same as [san1 fu2 tian1], three periods forming the hottest per mmer, from mid-July to mid-August, namely: (mid-July), (late July to early August , (mid-August)/ [shu4 wei4] /digital/ [shu4 wei4 xin4 hao4] /digital signal/ [shu4 wei4 wang3 lu4] /digital network/ [shu3 lai2 bao3] /folk theater consisting of recitation accompanied by clappe rhythm/ [shu4 zhi2] /numerical/ [shu4 zhi2 fen1 xi1] /numerical analysis (math.)/ [shu4 zhi2 jie3] /numerical solution/ [shu3 dian3 wang4 zu3] /to recount history but omit one's ancestors (idio one's roots/ [shu3 chu1] /count in/ [shu4 lie4] /sequence of numbers/numerical series/ [shu4 shi2 yi4] /several billion/ [shu4 zhou1] /several weeks/also written / [shu4 yu4] /number field (math.)/subfield of the field of complex numbers/ [shu4 zi4] /numeral/digit/number/figure/amount/digital (electronics etc)/CL: [shu4 zi4 xin4 hao4] /digital signal/ [shu4 zi4 fen1 pin2] /digital frequency sharing/ [shu4 zi4 hua4] /to digitalize/digital/ [shu4 zi4 ming4 li3 xue2] /numerology/ [shu4 zi4 dao3 lan3 she4 shi1] /digital navigation equipment/ [shu4 zi4 shi2 zhong1] /digital clock/ [Shu4 zi4 Ban3 quan2 Guan3 li3] /Digital Rights Management (DRM)/ [shu4 zi4 wang3] /digital network/ [shu4 zi4 ding4 gou4 xian4 lu4] /digital subscriber line/DSL/ [shu4 zi4 tong1 xin4] /digital communications/ [shu4 zi4 zhong1] /digital clock/ [shu4 zi4 dian4 shi4] /digital television/ [shu4 zi4 dian4 lu4] /digital circuit/ [shu4 xue2] /mathematics/mathematical/ [shu4 xue2 gong1 shi4] /formula/ [shu4 xue2 fen1 xi1] /mathematical analysis/calculus/ [shu4 xue2 jia1] /mathematician/ [shu4 xue2 mo2 xing2] /mathematical model/ [shu4 xue2 wu4 li3] /mathematical physics/ [shu4 xue2 wu4 li3 xue2] /mathematical physics/ [shu4 xiao3 shi2] /several hours/ [shu4 nian2] /several years/many years/ [shu3 nian4] /to enumerate one by one/ [shu4 ju4] /data/numbers/digital/ [shu4 ju4 jie4 mian4] /data interface/ [shu4 ju4 chuan2 shu1] /data transmission/ [shu4 ju4 ya1 suo1] /data compression/ [shu4 ju4 ku4] /database/

[shu4 ju4 ku4 ruan3 jian4] /database software/ [shu4 ju4 wa1 jue2] /data mining/ [shu4 ju4 jie1 kou3] /data interface/ [shu4 ju4 duan4] /data segment/ [shu4 ju4 liu2] /data stream/data flow/ [shu4 ju4 wang3 luo4] /data network/ [shu4 ju4 zong3 xian4] /data bus (computer)/ [shu4 ju4 chu3 li3] /data processing/ [shu4 ju4 tong1 xin4] /data communication/ [shu4 ju4 lian4 lu4] /data link/ [shu4 ju4 lian4 lu4 ceng2] /data link layer/ [shu4 ju4 lian4 lu4 lian2 jie1 shi2 bie2 ma3] /Data L [shu3 shu4] /to count/to reckon/ [shu4 yue4] /several months/ [shu4 fa3] /method of counting (e.g. decimal or Roman numbers)/ [shu3 qing1] /to count/to enumerate exactly/ [shu4 du2] /sudoku (Japanese: s doku)/ [shu4 zhu1] /rosary/prayer beads/ [shu3 zhu1 nian4 fo2] /to count ones prayer beads and chant Buddhas nam [shu4 li3] /mathematical sciences/ [shu4 li3 fen1 xi1] /mathematical analysis/calculus/ [shu4 li3 luo2 ji2] /mathematical logic/symbolic logic/ [shu4 bai3] /several hundred/ [shu4 bai3 wan4] /several million/ [shu4 mu4] /amount/number/ [shu4 ma3] /number/numerals/figures/digital/amount/numerical code/ [shu4 ma3 hua4] /to digitali e (e.g. data)/digitali ation/ [shu4 ma3 sao3 miao2] /a digital scan/ [shu4 ma3 gang3] /cyberport/ [shu4 ma3 hao4 xiang4 ji1] /digital camera/ [shu4 ma3 xiang4 ji1] /digital camera/ [Shu4 ma3 tong1] /SmarTone-Vodafone (Hong Kong and Macau company)/ [shu4 hong3] /numerous types/many kinds/ [shu4 u3] /array/ [shu4 wan4] /several tens of thousands/many thousand/ [shu3 luo4] /to enumerate sb s shortcomings/to critici e/to scold/to talk on and n/ [shuo4 jian4 bu4 xian1] /a common occurrence (idiom)/ [shu4 ci2] /numeral/ [shu4 lun4] /number theory (math.)/ [shu4 hou2] /number line/ [shu4 hou1] /several weeks/ [shu4 liang4] /amount/quantity/CL: [ge4]/quantitative/ [shu4 liang4 fen1 xi1] /quantitative analysis/ [shu4 liang4 ji1] /scalar product (of vectors)/ [shu4 liang4 ji2] /order of magnitude/ [shu4 e2] /amount/sum of money/fixed number/ [shu3 huang2 dao4 hei1] /to enumerate what is black and yellow (idiom); t b behind his back to incite quarrels/also written [shu3 hei1 lun4 huang2]/ [shu3 hei1 lun4 bai2] /to enumerate what is black and yellow (idiom); to behind his back to incite quarrels/also written [shu3 hei1 lun4 huang2]/ [shu3 hei1 lun4 huang2] /to enumerate what is black and yellow (idiom); t b behind his back to incite quarrels/ [shu3 dian3] /to count/to itemize/ [liao2] /keep tidy and repaired/sew/ [qu1] /expel/urge on/ [Xiong4] /surname Xiong/ [jiao3] /tie up (laces)/ [yi4] /be weary of/ [lian3] /to hold back/to restrain/to control (oneself)/to collect/Taiwan pr. [li


an4]/ [lian4] /variant of [lian4]/ [lian3 bu4] /to restrain motion/to check one's step/ [lian3 ren4] /old-fashioned women's obeisance/Taiwan pr. [lian4 ren4]/ [lian3 cai2] /to accumulate wealth by dishonest means/ [lian3 ji4] /to refrain/to give up evil (temporarily)/to cover one's traces/to li low/to retire (from view)/ [lian3 qian2] /to collect money/to raise funds (for charity)/ [bi4] /to die violently/ [bi4 ming4] /meet violent death/get killed/ [tai2] /ancient place name (a Han dynasty town in Shaanxi)/variant of / [Wen2] /surname Wen/ [wen2] /language/culture/writing/formal/literary/gentle/(old) classifier for coi ns/Kangxi radical 118/ [wen2 ren2] /scholar/literati/ [wen2 yi3 zai4 dao4] /words of truth/moral expressed in words/written art ng a moral/ [wen2 jian4] /document/file/CL:[fen4]/ [wen2 jian4 da4 xiao3] /file size/ [wen2 jian4 jia1] /folder/file (paper)/ [wen2 jian4 fu2 wu4 qi4] /file server/ [wen2 jian4 ge2 shi4] /file format/ [wen2 ju4] /stationery/item of stationery (pen, pencil, eraser, pencil sharpener tc)/ [wen2 ju4 shang1] /stationer/ [wen2 hua4] /culture/civilization/cultural/CL: [ge4], [zhong3]/ [wen2 hua4 jiao1 liu2] /cultural exchange/ [wen2 hua4 chuan2 tong3] /cultural tradition/ [wen2 hua4 shi3] /cultural history/ [wen2 hua4 juan4] /cultural camp/ [wen2 hua4 cheng2] /city of culture/ [Wen2 hua4 Da4 ge2 ming4] /Cultural Revolution (1966-1976)/ [wen2 hua4 gong1] /cultural palace/ [wen2 hua4 ceng2] /culture level (in archaeological site)/ [wen2 hua4 shui3 ping2] /educational level/ [wen2 hua4 re4] /cultural fever/cultural craze/ [wen2 hua4 de5 jiao1 liu2] /cultural exchange/ [wen2 hua4 chong1 ji1] /cultural shock/ [wen2 hua4 yi2 chan3] /cultural heritage/ [wen2 hua4 zhang4 ai4] /cultural barrier/ [wen2 shi3] /literature and history/ [wen2 yuan2] /office worker/clerk/ [wen2 mo4] /writing/culture/ [wen2 tan2] /literary circles/ [Wen2 Tian1 xiang2] /Wen Tianxiang (1236-1283), Song dynasty politician and p lk hero in resisting Mongol invasion in Jiangxi in 1275/ [wen2 zi4] /character/script/writing/written language/writing style/phraseology/C : [ge4]/ [wen2 zi4 xue2] /philology/ [wen2 zi4 xue2 jia1] /expert on writing systems/ [wen2 zi4 gai3 ge2] /reform of the writing system/ [wen2 zi4 dang4] /text file/ [wen2 xue2] /literature/CL: [zhong3]/ [wen2 xue2 bo2 shi4] /Doctor of Letters/ [wen2 xue2 shi3] /history of literature/ [wen2 xue2 shi4] /Bachelor of Arts/B.A./BA/A.B./Artium Baccalaureus/ [wen2 xue2 jia1] /writer/man of letters/CL: [ge4]/ [wen2 xue2 ju4 jiang4] /literary master/ [Wen2 an1] /Wen'an county in Langfang [Lang2 fang2], Hebei/ [Wen2 an1 xian4] /Wen'an county in Langfang [Lang2 fang2], Hebei/

[Wen2 zong1] /Wenzong Emperor, reign name of Yuan Dynasty emperor Tugh Temr (130 332), reigned 1328-1332/ [wen2 zong1] /sb whose calligraphy serves as a model/ [wen2 xuan1 bu4] /propaganda department/ [Wen2 shan1] /Wenshan county in Wenshan Zhuang and Miao autonomous prefecture u2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/Wenshan district of Taipei City [Tai2 bei , Taiwan/ [Wen2 shan1 qu1] /Wenshan district of Taipei City [Tai2 bei3 shi [Wen2 shan1 Zhuang4 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1] /We in Yunnan / [Wen2 shan1 zhou1] /abbr. for [Wen2 shan iao autonomous prefecture in Yunnan / [wen2 shan1 hui4 hai3] /a mountain of paperwork and a sea of meetings (id [Wen2 shan1 xian4] /Wenshan county in Wenshan Zhuang and Miao autonomous pref g4 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ [Wen2 feng1] /Wenfeng district of Anyang city [An1 yang2 shi4], Hena [Wen2 feng1 qu1] /Wenfeng district of Anyang city [An1 yang2 shi [Wen2 feng1 zhen4] /Wenfeng town (common place name)/ [wen2 ku4] /collection of documents/library/book series/sequence of data, esp. ge ome/ [Wen2 Kang1] /Wen Kang (mid-19th century), Manchu-born novelist, author of The Ga lant Maid [Er2 nu:3 Ying1 xiong2 zhuan4]/ [Wen2 hui4 bao4] /Wenwei po or Wenhui bao, Hong Kong newspaper/ [Wen2 Zheng1 ming2] /Wen Zhengming (1470-1559), Ming painter, one of Four gre hern talents of the Ming / [wen2 si1] /the train of thought in writing/ [wen2 ping2] /diploma/ [Wen2 cheng2] /Wencheng county in Wenzhou [Wen1 zhou1], Zhejiang/ [Wen2 cheng2 xian4] /Wencheng county in Wenzhou [Wen1 zhou1], Zhejia [wen2 fang2 si4 bao3] /Four Treasures of the Study, namely [bi3], /the essentials of calligraphy and scholarship (idiom)/ [wen2 zhai1] /digest (of literature)/to make a digest (of data)/summary/ [wen2 jiao4] /culture and education/ [wen2 dan4] /pomelo/ [Wen2 chang1] /Wenchang City, Hainan/ [Wen2 chang1 shi4] /Wenchang City, Hainan/ [wen2 chang1 yu2] /lancelet (Branchiostoma lanceolatum), a primitive fish/ [wen2 ming2] /civilized/civilization/culture/CL: [ge4]/ [wen2 ming2 hua4] /civilize/ [Wen2 ming2 xiao3 shi3] /Short history of civilization, late Qing novel b Li Baojia describing the turmoil after the 1900 Eight nation intervention/ [wen2 shu1] /document/official correspondence/secretary/secretariat/ [wen2 shu1 chu3 li3] /word processing/ [wen2 ben3] /version/text/ [wen2 ben3 bian1 ji2 qi4] /text editor/ [wen2 dang4] /(computer) file/ [Wen2 dang4 Dui4 xiang4 Mo2 xing2] /Document Object Model (DOM)/ [wen2 wu3] /civil and military/ [wen2 wu3 he2 yi1] /civilians and the military (working) hand in hand (id [wen2 wu3 bai3 guan1] /civil and military officials/ [wen2 wu3 shuang1 quan2] /well versed in letters and military technology scholar and soldier/master of pen and sword/ [Wen2 shu1] /Manjushri, the Bodhisattva of keen awareness/ [Wen2 shu1 shi1 li4 Pu2 sa4] /Manjushri, the Bodhisattva of keen [Wen2 shu1 Pu2 sa4] /Manjushri, the Bodhisattva of keen awareness/ [Wen2 shui3] /Wenshui county in Lliang [Lu:3 liang2], Shanxi / [Wen2 shui3 xian4] /Wenshui county in Lliang [Lu:3 liang2], Shanxi [wen2 jiang1 xue2 hai3] /river of literacy, sea of learning (idiom); ars revis/ [wen2 zhi4 wu3 gong1] /political and military achievements (idiom)/

[wen2 fa3] /grammar/ [wen2 huo3] /small flame (when cooking, simmering etc)/ [wen2 die2] /official document/ [wen2 wu4] /cultural relic/historical relic/CL:[jian4], [ge4]/ [wen2 xian4] /document/ [wen2 xian4 xue2] /Philology/Historical Linguistics/ [wen2 li3] /arts and sciences/ [Wen2 deng1] /Wendeng county level city in Weihai , Shandong/ [Wen2 deng1 shi4] /Wendeng county level city in Weihai , Shandong/ [wen2 mang2] /illiterate/ [wen2 shi2] /aragonite (geology)/ [wen2 ke1] /liberal arts/humanities/ [wen2 ke1 xue2 shi4] /Bachelor of Arts B.A./ [wen2 mi4] /secretary/ [Wen2 Zhong3] /Wen Zhong (-467 BC), adviser to the state of Yue during Spring and Autumn period/ [wen2 gao3] /manuscript/article (in newspaper)/draft/ [wen2 zhang1] /article/essay/literary works/writings/hidden meaning/CL:[pian1], 4], [ye4]/ [wen2 tong2] /a person studying for the imperial examinations/ [wen2 zhu2] /setose asparagus/ [wen2 bi3] /writing style/ [wen2 zhou1 zhou1] /bookish/genteel/erudite/ [Wen2 xian4] /Wen county in Longnan [Long3 nan2], Gansu/ [Wen2 sheng4 qu1] /Wensheng district of Liaoyang city [Liao2 yan [Wen2 lian2] /abbr. for , China Federati [wen2 zhi2] /civilian post (as opposed to military)/civil service/administration/ [wen2 chen2] /civilian court official (in former times)/ [wen2 yuan4] /the literary world/ [Wen2 yuan4 ying1 hua2] /Finest blossoms in the garden of literature, Son lection of poetry, odes, songs and writings compiled during 982-986 under Li Fan , Xu Xuan , Song Bai and Su Yijian , 1000 scrolls/ [Wen2 lai2] /Brunei Darussalam, independent sultanate in northwest Borneo/ [Wen2 lai2 Da2 lu3 sa4 lan2 guo2] /Brunei Darussalam/ [wen2 yi4] /literature and art/ [wen2 yi4 zuo4 pin3] /literary work/art work/ [Wen2 yi4 fu4 xing1] /the Renaissance/ [wen2 yi4 yan3 chu1] /theatrical performance/CL: [chang3]/ [wen2 ge2] /clam/bivalve mollusc, many spp./ [wen2 yan2] /classical Chinese/ [wen2 yan2 wen2] /classical Chinese/ [wen2 zhou1 zhou1] /bookish/genteel/erudite/ [wen2 hao2] /literary giant/great writer/eminent writer/ [wen2 zhi4 bin1 bin1] /refined in manner/gentle/ [wen2 shen1] /tattoo/ [wen2 ci2] /language/words/ [wen2 xuan3] /a compilation/selected works/ [Wen2 bu4] /Wenbu or Ombu village in Nyima county [Ni2 ma3 xian4], N entral Tibet/Tang dynasty equivalent of , personnel office/ [wen2 bu4 sheng3] /ministry of culture (Japanese: monbush)/ [Wen2 bu4 xiang1] /Wenbu or Ombu village in Nyima county [Ni2 ma re, central Tibet/ [wen2 cai3] /literary talent/literary grace/rich and bright colors/ [Wen2 Jin3 Du4] /Man Kam To (place in Hong Kong)/ [wen2 ya3] /elegant/refined/ [wen2 ji2] /collected works/ [wen2 jing4] /quiet/silent/ [Wen2 ge2] /Cultural Revolution (1966-76)/abbr. for [Wen2 hua4 Da4 ge2 [wen2 feng1] /writing style/ [wen2 feng1 bu4 dong4] /absolutely still/fig. not the slightest change/al

[wen2 shi4] /to polish a text/rhetoric/ornate language/to use florid language to onceal errors/to gloss over/ [wen2 ti3] /genre of writing/literary form/style/literary recreation and sporting activities/ [qi2] /old variant of / [bin1] /variant of [bin1]/ [zhai1] /Japanese variant of [zhai1]/ [Fei3] /surname Fei/ [fei3] /phonetic fei or fi/elegant/phi (Greek letter , )/ [Fei3 ji4] /Fiji (tropical volcanic island in southwest Paci ic)/ [Fei3 ji4 dao3] /Fiji/ [Fei3 li3 bo2] /Philip/ [Fei3 li3 bo2 shu1] /Epistle o St Paul to the Philipians/ [Fei3 di2 nan2] /Ferdinand (name)/ [ban1] /spot/colored patch/stripe/spotted/striped/variegated/ [ban1 yan2] /porphyry (geology)/ [ban1 ban1] / ull o stains or spots/ [ban1 lan2] /gorgeous/brightly colored/multi-colored/ [ban1 hai3 bao4] /spotted seal (Phoca largha)/ [ban1 zhen3 shang1 han2] /typhus/ [ban1 zhen3 re4] /spotted ever/ [ban1 bai2] /grizzled/graying/ [ban1 zhu2] /mottled bamboo/ [ban1 wen2] /stripe/streak/ [ban1 ling2] /Nemorhaedus goral, a species o antelope ound in Xinjiang/ [ban1 chi4 shan1 chun2] /partridge/ [ban1 lan2] /brightly colored/gorgeous/multi-colored/ [ban1 tou2 yan4] /bar-headed goose (Anser indicus)/ [ban1 ma3] /zebra/CL:[pi3]/ [ban1 ma3 xian4] /crosswalk/zebra crossing/ [ban1 ma3 yu2] /zebra ish/ [ban1 bo2] /mottled/motley/ [ban1 bo2 lu4 li2] /variegated/ [ban1 bie1] /Yangtze giant so t-shell turtle (Ra etus swinhoei), a critically end ngered species/ [ban1 li3] /snakehead mullet/Channa maculata/ [ban1 dian3] /spot/stain/speckle/ [ban1] /variegated/striped/marbled/ [lan2] /see [ban1 lan2]/ [Dou3] /abbr. for the Big Dipper constellation [Bei3 dou3 xing1]/ [dou3] /dry measure for grain equal to ten [sheng1] or one-tenth of a [dan4]/deca iter/peck/cup or dipper shaped object/old variant of [dou3]/ [Dou3 liu4] /Douliu or Touliu city in Yunlin county [Yun2 lin2 xian4 [Dou3 liu4 shi4] /Douliu or Touliu city in Yunlin county [Yun2 l [Dou3 nan2] /Dounan or Tounan town in Yunlin county [Yun2 lin2 xian4 [Dou3 nan2 zhen4] /Dounan or Tounan town in Yunlin county [Yun2 [dou3 da4] /huge/ [dou4 pi1 gai3] /(Cul. Rev.) struggle-criticism-transformation/ [dou3 bing3] /handle of the Big Dipper/ [Dou3 Niu2] /Big Dipper and Altair (astronomy)/ [dou4 yan3] /cross-eyed/ [dou3 li4] /conical bamboo hat/ [dou3 shao1] /an ancient bamboo container/narrow-mindedness/ [dou3 shao1 zhi1 ren2] /a small-minded person/a bean-counter/ [dou3 shao1 zhi1 qi4] /person narrow-minded and shortsighted/ [dou3 shao1 zhi1 cai2] /person of limited capacity/ [dou3 peng2] /cloak/mantle/ [dou3 dan3] /(courteous) to be so bold as to/ [Dou3 zhuan3 xing1 yi2] /lit. the Big Dipper [Bei3 dou3 xing1] has ave moved/time flies/also written [xing1 yi2 Dou3 zhuan3]/

[dou3 jiu3 zhi1 ji1] /lit. a chicken and a bottle of wine (idiom); fig. r an offering to the deceased, or to entertain guests/ [Dou3 men2] /Doumen district of Zhuhai city [Zhu1 hai3 shi4], Guangdong/ [Dou3 men2 qu1] /Doumen district of Zhuhai city [Zhu1 hai3 shi4], Guang [liao4] /material/stuff/grain/feed/to expect/to anticipate/to guess/ [liao4 shi4 ru2 shen2] /to prophecy with supernatural accuracy (idiom); i esight/ [liao4 cang1] /granary/storehouse/ [liao4 dao4] /to foresee/to anticipate/ [liao4 ji2] /to anticipate/forecast/expectation/anticipation/ [liao4 qi4] /glassware/colored glass household vessel/ [liao4 dui1] /to stockpile/ [liao4 zi5] /material/ [liao4 ding4] /certain/to know for sure/ [liao4 qiao4] /spring chill in the air/cold/ [liao4 du4] /to reckon/to imagine/ [liao4 xiang3] /to expect/to presume/to think (sth is likely)/ [liao4 chi2] /to arrange/to manage/to attend to/to take care of/to look after (th cooking)/ [liao4 dou3] /cattle feeder/hopper (wicker basket)/ [liao4 li3] /to arrange/to handle/to cook/cuisine/art of cooking/ [liao4 li3 dian4] /restaurant/ [liao4 dou4 r5] /cooked black soya bean as animal fodder/ [liao4 jiu3] /cooking wine/ [liao4 tou2] /remainder of cloth/scraps/ [liao4 tou2 r5] /erhua variant of , remainder of cloth/scraps/ [hu2] /ancient measuring vessel/fifty liters/dry measure for grain equal to five dou (before Tang, ten pecks)/ [xie2] /inclined/slanting/oblique/tilting/ [xie2 jiao1] /bevel/oblique/ [xie2 yi3] /to recline/ [xie2 po1] /slope/incline/ [xie2 ta3] /leaning tower/ [xie2 she4 qiu2] /a sliced ball (tennis or table tennis)/ [xie2 dui4] /catty-corner/to be diagonally opposite to/ [xie2 du4] /slope/gradient/inclination/ [xie2 jing4] /sloping path/ [xie2 leng5 yan3] /to squint/ [xie2 leng5 yan3 r5] /erhua variant of [xie2 leng5 yan3]/ [xie2 tou2 ying3] /oblique projection/ [xie2 fang1 xing2] /trapezium (geometry)/ [xie2 fang1 ji1] /trapezius muscle (of the upper back and neck)/ [xie2 gang4] /oblique bar/slash (computing)/ [xie2 lu:4] /slope/ [xie2 yan3] /to look askance/cross or wall-eyed/ [xie2 yan3 kan4] /from the side of the eye/askance/ [xie2 ni4] /to cast sidelong glances at sb/ [xie2 guan3 mian4] /penne pasta/ [xie2 wen2 zhi1] /twill weave/ [xie2 wen2 ruan3 ni2] /tweed/ [xie2 xian4] /diagonal line/slanting line/slash (punct.)/forward slash (comp.)/ [xie2 xian4 hao4] /slash (punct.)/forward slash (comp.)/virgule/slanting line e line/ [xie2 ji1] /diagonal muscle/ [xie2 shi4] /a squint/sideways glance/to look askance/ [xie2 jiao3] /bevel angle/oblique angle/ [xie2 tang3] /to recline/ [xie2 zhou2] /oblique axes (math.)/ [xie2 bian1] /sloping side/hypotenuse (of a right-angled triangle)/ [xie2 gou1] /(downwards-right concave hooked character stroke)/

[xie2 chang2 shi2] /plagioclase (rock-forming mineral, type of feldspar)/ [xie2 yang2] /setting sun/ [xie2 kao4] /to recline/ [xie2 mian4] /inclined plane/ [xie2 ti3] /italics/slanting typeface/ [xie2 ti3 zi4] /italic letter/slanting typeface/ [jia3] /small jade cup with ears/ [yu3] /stack of grain/dry measure equivalent to 16 [dou3] or 160 liters/ [zhen1] /pour/to deliberate/ [zhen1 zhuo2] /to consider/to deliberate/to fill up a cup to the brim/ [zhen1 zhuo2 zi4 ju4] /to measure one's words/ [zhen1 zhuo2 zhen1 zhuo2] /to think the matter over (and over) again/ [zhen1 zhuo2 jue2 ding4 quan2] /discretionary power/ [zhen1 jiu3] /to pour wine or liquor/ [jiao4] /(old) instrument to even out the grain in a measuring vessel/to proofre ad/to collate/ [wo4] /to turn/ [wo4 xuan2] /to mediate (a conflict etc)/ [tou3] /to plunder/ [jin1] /catty/weight equal to 0.5 kg/ [jin1 dou3] /variant of [jin1 dou3]/ [jin1 jin1 ji4 jiao4] /to haggle over every ounce/fig. to worry unduly ov ers/ [jin1 jin1 jiao4 liang4] /to bicker at length over a trivial matter (idio [chi4] /to blame/to reprove/to reprimand/to expel/to oust/to reconnoiter/(of ter ritory) to expand/saline marsh/ [chi4 hou4] /to reconnoiter/to scout/scout/ [chi4 li4] /repulsion (in electrostatics)/repulsive force/ [chi4 ma4] /to scold/ [chi4 ze2] /to lash out/to reprimand/ [chi4 zi1] /to spend/to allocate funds/ [chi4 lu3] /saline marsh/salt/ [fu3] /hatchet/ [fu3 zi5] /axe/hatchet/CL:[ba3]/ [fu3 yue4 zhi1 zhu1] /to die by battle-ax (idiom); to be executed/ [fu3 yue4 tang1 huo4] /battle-ax and boiling cauldron (idiom); facing tor ution/ [fu3 tou2] /ax/hatchet/CL:[bing3]/ [qiang1] /axe/ [zhuo2] /to chop/to hack/to carve wood/ [zhuo2 sang4] /to ravage/to devastate/ [zhuo2 ying2] /to attack a camp/ [zhuo2 yu2] /to clear land for agricultural use/ [zhuo2 bai2] /to strip bark/ [zhan3] /to behead (as form of capital punishment)/to chop/ [zhan3 duan4] /to cut off/ [zhan3 sha1] /to kill and behead/ [zhan3 yan3] /to blink (literary)/ [zhan3 er2 bu4 zou4] /to do sth and not report the fact (idiom)/ [zhan3 cao3 chu2 gen1] /to cut weeds and eliminate the roots (idiom); to and branch/to eliminate completely/ [zhan3 ding1 jie2 tie3] /to chop the nail and slice the iron (idiom); res isive/unhesitating/definitely/without any doubt/ [zhan3 shou3] /to behead/ [zhuo2] /cut off/ [Si1] /Slovakia/Slovak/abbr. for [Si1 luo4 fa2 ke4]/ [si1] /(phonetic)/this/ [si1 pei4 lin2] /Spelling (e.g. Spelling Entertainment Group)/ [Si1 pei4 luo2] /Spero (surname)/ [Si1 ke4 li3 ya4 bin1] /Scriabin (composer)/

[Si1 ka3 bo2 le4 Jiao1] /Scarborough Shoal (Philippines' name for Hua [Si1 ge1 te4] /Scott (name)/ [Si1 tu2 jia1 te4] /Stuttgart city in southwest Germany and capital of Ba [Ba1 deng1 Fu2 teng2 bao3 zhou1]/ [Si1 tan3 fo2] /Stanford (name)/Stanford University, Palo Alto, California/ [Si1 tan3 fo2 Da4 xue2] /Stanford University, Palo Alto, California/ [Si1 tan3 li4] /Stanley (name)/ [Si1 tan3 yin1] /Stein (name)/Marc Aurel Stein (1862-1943), British adventure rchaeologist who explorer Xinjiang in early 20th century/ [Si1 tan3 fu2] /Stanford (University)/ [Si1 tan3 fu2 Lai2 fo2 shi4] /Stamford Raffles (1781-1826), the city of Singapore/ [Si1 tan3 fu2 Da4 xue2] /Stanford University/ [Si1 tan3 bei4 ke4] /John Steinbeck (1902-1968), US novelist/ [Si1 kan1 di4 na4 wei2 ya4] /Scandinavia/ [Si1 ta3 xi1] /Stacy (name)/ [Si1 da4 lin2] /Joseph Stalin (1879-1953), Soviet dictator/ [Si1 da4 lin2 zhu3 yi4] /Stalinism/ [Si1 da4 lin2 ge2 le4] /Stalingrad, former name of Volvograd [Si1 da4 lin2 ge2 le4 Zhan4 yi4] /Battle of Stalingrad (1942d World War and one of the bloodiest battles in history, when the Germans failed to take Stalingrad, were then trapped and destroyed by Soviet forces/ [Si1 da4 lin2 ge2 le4 Hui4 zhan4] /Battle of Stalingrad (1942 [Si1 wei1 shi4 lan2] /Swaziland/ [Si1 mi4] /Smith (name)/also rendered as / [Si1 mi4 Yue1 se4] /Joseph Smith, Jr. (1805-1844), founder of the Latter ement/ [Si1 ba1 da2] /Sparta/ [Si1 ba1 lu3] /Subaru/ [Si1 pa4 si1 ji1] /Spassky (name)/ [Si1 de2 ge1 er3 mo2] /Stockholm, capital of Sweden/ [Si1 che4 da2 er3] /Stjrdal (city in Trndelag, Norway)/ [Si1 tuo1 ken3 li4 shi2 quan1] /Stonehenge stone circle/ [Si1 la1 fu1] /Slavic/ [Si1 la1 fu1 yu3] /Slavic language/ [Si1 jie2 pan1] /Stepan or Stefan (name)/ [Si1 mo2 leng2 si1 ke4] /Smolensk (Russian city)/ [si1 wen2] /refined/educate/cultured/intellectual/polite/gentle/ [Si1 wen2 Hai3 ding4] /Sven Hedin (1865-1952), famous Swedish adven st, whose 1894-1900 Central Asian expeditions uncovered Kroraina or Loulan /also w itten / [Si1 wen2 He4 ding4] /Sven Hedin (1865-1952), famous Swedish advent t, whose 1894-1900 Central Asian expeditions uncovered Kroraina or Loulan / [Si1 pu3 li4 te4] /Split (city in Croatia)/ [Si1 pu3 la1 Te4 li4 qun2 dao3] /Spratly islands, disputed be ippines, Taiwan and Vietnam/same as / [Si1 pu3 lin2 fei1 er3 de2] /Springfield/ [Si1 ke1 da2] /koda, Czech Republic car manufacturer, a subsidiary of Volksw p/ [Si1 wo4 qi2] /Swatch (Swiss brand)/ [Si1 tai4 en1 xie4 er3] /Steinkjr (city in Trndelag, Norway)/ [Si1 tai4 xi1] /Stacy (name)/ [Si1 luo4 fa2 ke4] /Slovak/Slovak republic (from 1992)/Slovakia/ [Si1 luo4 fa2 ke4 yu3] /Slovak (language)/ [Si1 luo4 wen2 ni2 ya4] /Slovenia/ [Si1 luo4 wen2 ni2 ya4 gong4 he2 guo2] /Republic of Slove [Si1 luo4 wei2 ni2 ya4] /Slovenia/ [Si1 te4 fan2 nuo4 pu3 luo4 si1] /Stephanopoulos (e.g. former ulos)/ [Si1 te4 en1] /Stern (name)/

[Si1 te4 la1 si1 bao3] /Strasbourg/ [Si1 te4 la1 te4 fu2] /Stratford (place name)/Stratford-upon-Avon, UK re and birthplace of William Shakespeare [Sha1 shi4 bi3 ya4]/ [Si1 wa3 xi1 li3] /Swahili/ [Si1 wa3 xi1 li3 yu3] /Swahili (language)/Kiswahili/ [Si1 wa3 te4] /Swat province in Pakistani Northwest Frontier/ [Si1 wa3 te4 gu3 di4] /Swat valley in Pakistani Northwest Frontier/ [Si1 dang1 dong1] /Stanton (name)/Baron George Stanton, the second-in-command Macartney Mission of 1793/ [Si1 pi2 er3 bo2 ge2] /Steven Spielberg (1946-), US film director/ [Si1 fu2 er3 wa3 er3] /Svolvr (city in Nordland, Norway)/ [Si1 ke1 pu3 li3] /Skopje/ [Si1 wei2 er3 de2 luo4 fu1] /Yakov Mikhailovich Sverdlov (1885-19 ordered the murder of the Tsar's family in 1918, died of Spanish influenza/ [Si1 kao3 te4] /Scott (name)/ [Si1 fen1 ke4 si1] /Sphinx (Egyptian mythical beast)/ [si1 fen1 ke4 si1] /sphinx (myth.)/ [Si1 lai2 te4 lin2] /Slytherin (Harry Potter)/ [Si1 di4 wen2] /Steven (name)/Simon Stevin (1548-1620), Flemish engineer and tician, played a key role in introducing the decimal system to Europe/ [Si1 di4 wen2 sen1] /Stevenson or Stephenson (name)/ [Si1 di4 fen1] /Stephen or Steven (name)/ [Si1 di4 fen1 Ha1 po4] /Stephen Harper (1959-), Canadian politi 006/ [Si1 nuo4] /Snow (name)/Edgar Snow (1905-1972), American journalist, reported fro China 1928-1941, author of Red Star Over China/ [si1 nuo4 ke4] /snooker/ [Si1 bin1 se4] /Spencer or Spence (name)/ [Si1 bin1 nuo4 sha1] /Baruch or Benedict Spinoza (1632-1677), rationalist [Si1 tong1 heng1 zhi4 shi2 lan2] /Stonehenge stone circle/ [Si1 li3 Ba1 jia1 wan1 gang3] /Bandar Seri Begawan, capital of Br [Si1 li3 lan2 ka3] /Sri Lanka/(formerly) Ceylon/ [Si1 lei2 bu4 lei2 ni2 cha2] /Srebrenica, Bosnia-Herzegovina/ [Xin1] /abbr. for Xinjiang [Xin1 jiang1] or Singapore [Xin1 jia1 po1]/ [xin1] /new/newly/meso- (chemistry)/ [xin1 yi1 dai4] /new generation/ [Xin1 bu4 lun2 rui4 ke4] /New Brunswick province, Canada/ [Xin1 Bu4 lie4 dian1 dao3] /New Britain, island of northeast Papua Ne [xin1 shi4 ji4] /21st century/New Century (commonly used name)/ [Xin1 Wu3 dai4 shi3] /Later History of the Five Dynasties (between Tang a eteenth of the 24 dynastic histories , compiled under Ouyang Xiu in 1 Song dynasty, 74 scrolls/ [xin1 Jing1 bao4] /Beijing news (newspaper)/ [xin1 ren2] /new age person/new type of person/newly-wed, esp. new bride/bride an groom/ [xin1 ren4] /newly-appointed/newly elected/new (in a political office)/ [xin1 xiu1] /revise/revised/ [Xin1 xiu1 ben3 cao3] /Tang dynasty compendium of herbal medicine/ [xin1 ru2 jia1] /New Confucianism/a social and political movement founded in hina that combines aspects of Western and Eastern philosophy/see / [Xin1 Yuan2 shi3] /New history of the Yuan dynasty, sometimes listed as one o 4 dynastic histories , compiled by Ke Shaomin in 1920/ [xin1 bing1] /new (army) recruit/ [xin1 chu1 lu2] /fresh out of the oven/fig. novelty just announced/recently m ilable/ [xin1 chu1 sheng1] /newly born/ [Xin1 ju4 tong2 zhi4 hui4] /New Dramatic Society, Chinese theatrical a continuation of Tokyo Spring willow society / [Xin1 jia1 po1] /Singapore/ [Xin1 jia1 po1 ren2] /Singaporean person/Singaporean/

[Xin1 jia1 po1 Guo2 li4 Da4 xue2] /National University of Sin [Xin1 hua4] /Xinhua county in Loudi [Lou2 di3], Hunan/Hsinhua town in Ta nan2 xian4], Taiwan/ [Xin1 hua4 shi4] /Xinhua city in Hunan/ [Xin1 hua4 xian4] /Xinhua county in Loudi [Lou2 di3], Hunan/ [Xin1 hua4 zhen4] /Hsinhua town in Tainan county [Tai2 nan2 xian [Xin1 bei3] /Xinbei district of Changzhou city [Chang2 zhou1 shi4], Jiangsu r New Taipei city in north Taiwan/ [Xin1 bei3 qu1] /Xinbei district of Changzhou city [Chang2 zhou1 shi4], [Xin1 bei3 shi4] /Hsinpei or New Taipei city in north Taiwan/ [Xin1 Nan2 Wei1 er3 shi4] /New South Wales, southeast Australian stat [Xin1 Nan2 Wei1 er3 shi4 zhou1] /New South Wales (Australian stat [xin1 gu3 dian3 zhu3 yi4] /neoclassicism/ [Xin1 tai2 bi4] /New Taiwan dollar (NTD)/ [Xin1 he2] /Toqsu nahiyisi (Xinhe county) in Aksu [A1 ke4 su [Xin1 he2 xian4] /Toqsu nahiyisi (Xinhe county) in Aksu [Xin1 Tang2 shu1] /History of the Later Tang Dynasty, seventeenth of the 24 d histories , compiled under Ouyang Xiu and Song Qi in 1060 durin ls/ [Xin1 Ka1 li3 duo1 ni2 ya4] /New Caledonia/ [Xin1 si4 jun1] /New Fourth army of Republic of China, set up in 1937 and con by the communists/ [Xin1 yuan2] /Hsinyuan township in Pingtung county [Ping2 dong1 xian [Xin1 yuan2 xiang1] /Hsinyuan township in Pingtung county [Ping2 [xin1 tu3] /freshly dug up earth/ [xin1 xing2] /new type/new kind/ [Xin1 cheng2] /Xincheng or Hsincheng township in Hualien county [Hua t Taiwan/ [Xin1 cheng2 qu1] /new town district/Xincheng district of Xi'an city [X aanxi/Xincheng district of Hohhot city [Hu1 he2 hao4 te4 shi4], Inner Mongolia/ [xin1 cheng2 bing4] /Newcastle Disease/ [Xin1 cheng2 xian4] /Xincheng county in Hebei/ [Xin1 cheng2 xiang1] /Xincheng or Hsincheng township in Hualien county , east Taiwan/ [Xin1 cheng2 Dian4 tai2] /Metro Radio Hong Kong/ [Xin1 bu4] /Xinbu or Hsinpu town in Hsinchu county [Xin1 zhu2 xian4] [Xin1 bu4 zhen4] /Xinbu or Hsinpu town in Hsinchu county [Xin1 z wan/ [Xin1 pi2] /Hsinpi township in Pingtung county [Ping2 dong1 xian4], [Xin1 pi2 xiang1] /Hsinpi township in Pingtung county [Ping2 don [Xin1 tang2] /Xintang, common town or village name/Xintang village in Guangdong p ovince/ [Xin1 Mo4 xi1 ge1] /New Mexico, US state/ [Xin1 Mo4 xi1 ge1 zhou1] /New Mexico, US state/ [xin1 da4 lu4] /the New World/the Americas as opposed to the Old World Eurasia/ [Xin1 tian1 di4] /Xintiandi (shopping, eating and entertainment district of S )/ [xin1 qi2] /novelty/new and odd/ [Xin1 Ao4 er3 liang4] /New Orleans/ [Xin1 ao4 er3 liang2] /New Orleans, Louisiana/ [xin1 wei1 xie2] /new danger/ [xin1 niang2] /bride/ [xin1 hun1] /newly wed/ [xin1 hun1 fu1 fu4] /newly married couple/newly-weds/ [xin1 hun1 yan4 er3] /newlyweds/love birds/ [xin1 hun1 yan4 er3] /newlyweds/love birds/ [Xin1 an1] /Xin'an county in Luoyang , Henan/ [Xin1 An1 xian4] /Xin'an county in Luoyang , Henan/ [xin1 guan1 shang4 ren4 san1 ba3 huo3] /the new boss cracks t

sweeps clean/fig. vigorous new policies/ [Xin1 su4] /Shinjuku, Tokyo/ [Xin1 mi4] /Xinmi county level city in Zhengzhou [Zheng1 zhou1], Henan/ [Xin1 mi4 shi4] /Xinmi county level city in Zhengzhou [Zheng1 zhou1] [Xin1 ning2] /Xinning county in Shaoyang [Shao4 yang2], Hunan/ [Xin1 ning2 xian4] /Xinning county in Shaoyang [Shao4 yang2], Hunan/ [xin1 ju1] /new residence/new home/ [Xin1 wu1] /Xinwu or Hsinwu township in Taoyuan county [Tao2 yuan2 x / [Xin1 wu1 xiang1] /Xinwu or Hsinwu township in Taoyuan county [T aiwan/ [Xin1 shan1] /Johor Bahru (city in Malaysia)/ [Xin1 ba1 er3 hu3 you4 qi2] /New Barag right banner in Hulunbuir lia/ [Xin1 ba1 er3 hu3 zuo3 qi2] /New Barag left banner in Hulunbuir ia/ [Xin1 shi4] /Hsinshih township in Tainan county [Tai2 nan2 xian4], T [Xin1 shi4 qu1] /New city district/ [Xin1 shi4 xiang1] /Hsinshih township in Tainan county [Tai2 nan [xin1 shi4 zhen4] /new town/ [Xin1 gan1] /Xingan county in Ji'an , Jiangxi/ [Xin1 gan1 xian4] /Xingan county in Ji'an , Jiangxi/ [Xin1 ping2 Yi2 zu2 Dai3 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Xinping 1], Yunnan/ [Xin1 ping2 xian4] /Xinping Yi and Dai autonomous county in Yuxi [Yu4 xi1 [xin1 nian2] /New Year/CL: [ge4]/ [xin1 nian2 qian2 xi1] /New Year's eve/ [xin1 nian2 kuai4 le4] /Happy New Year!/ [xin1 nian2 jin4 bu4] /Happy New Year!/ [Xin1 gan4 xian4] /Shinkansen (Japanese high-speed train)/ [Xin1 ji3 nei4 ya4] /New Guinea/ [Xin1 dian4] /Xindian or Hsintien city in Taipei county [Tai2 bei3 x [Xin1 dian4 shi4] /Xindian or Hsintien city in Taipei county [Ta [Xin1 dian4 xi1] /Xindian or Hsintian Creek, one of the rivers through Taipei n/ [Xin1 jian4] /Xinjian county in Nanchang , Jiangxi/ [xin1 jian4] /new construction/newly built/ [Xin1 jian4 xian4] /Xinjian county in Nanchang , Jiangxi/ [xin1 shi4] /new type/latest type/new-style/ [xin1 shi4 pin1 fa3] /new spelling (linguistics)/ [Xin1 De2 li3] /New Delhi, capital of India/ [xin1 si1 xiang3] /new ideas/ [xin1 chou2 jiu4 hen4] /new worries added to old hatred (idiom); afflicte old and new/ [xin1 yi4] /a new conception/ [xin1 mu4 dao4 tuan2] /neo Catechumenal way/ [xin1 fang2] /brand new house/bridal chamber/ [xin1 shou3] /new hand/novice/raw recruit/ [xin1 ji4 shu4] /new technology/ [Xin1 fu3 qu1] /Xinfu district of Fushun city , Liaoning/ [xin1 zheng4] /new policy/New Deal (Roosevelt's 1933 policy to deal with the Grea Depression)/ [xin1 jiao4] /Protestant church/Protestantism/ [xin1 jiao4 tu2] /Protestant/adherent of Protestantism/ [Xin1 si1 ke1 she4] /Nova Scotia province, Canada/ [xin1 xin1 ren2 lei4] /new generation of youths (generation X, Y etc)/ [Xin1 chang1] /Xinchang county in Shaoxing [Shao4 xing1], Zhejiang/ [xin1 xing1] /nova (astronomy)/ [xin1 chun1] /Chinese New Year/ [xin1 chun1 jia1 jie2] /Chinese New Year festivities/

[xin1 shi2 dai4] /new age/ [xin1 shi2 shang4] /new fashion/ [Xin1 huang3] /Xinhuang Dong autonomous county in Huaihua [Huai2 hua4], [Xin1 huang3 Dong4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Xinhuang Dong autonom , Hunan/ [Xin1 huang3 xian4] /Xinhuang Dong autonomous county in Huaihua [Hua [Xin1 hui4] /Xinhui county and district of Jiangmen city , Guangdong [Xin1 hui4 qu1] /Xinhui district of Jiangmen city , Guangdong/ [Xin1 hui4 shi4] /Xinhui city in Guangdong/ [Xin1 hui4 xian4] /Xinhui county in Guangdong/ [xin1 yue4] /new moon/crescent/ [Xin1 chao2] /the Xin dynasty (8-23 AD) of Wang Mang , forming the interregnu en the former and later Han/ [xin1 cun1] /new housing development/ [Xin1 lin2] /Xinlin district of Daxing'anling prefecture [Xin1 lin2 qu1] /Xinlin district of Daxing'anling prefecture [xin1 Bo2 la1 tu2 zhu3 yi4] /neo-Platonism (philosophical system mysticism)/ [Xin1 rong2] /Xinrong district of Datong city [Da4 tong2 shi4], Shanxi/ [Xin1 rong2 qu1] /Xinrong district of Datong city [Da4 tong2 shi4], Sha [Xin1 le4] /Xinle county level city in Shijiazhuang [Shi2 jia1 zhuan [Xin1 le4 shi4] /Xinle county level city in Shijiazhuang [Shi2 j [xin1 kuan3] /new style/ [xin1 zhi2 min2 zhu3 yi4] /neocolonialism/ [xin1 zhi2 min2 hua4] /neocolonialization/ [Xin1 min2] /Xinmin county level city in Shenyang , Liaoning/ [Xin1 min2 zhu3 zhu3 yi4] /New Democracy/ [Xin1 Min2 zhu3 zhu3 yi4 Lun4] /On New Democracy (1940), by Mao Z [Xin1 min2 zhu3 zhu3 yi4 ge2 ming4] /New Democracy revolution [Xin1 min2 shi4] /Xinmin county level city in Shenyang , Liaoning/ [Xin1 min2 Wan3 bao4] /Xinmin Evening News/ [Xin1 yi2] /Xin'yi city in Xuzhou [Xu2 zhou1], Jiangsu/ [Xin1 yi2 shi4] /Xin'yi city in Xuzhou [Xu2 zhou1], Jiangsu/ [Xin1 he2] /Xinhe county in Xingtai [Xing2 tai2], Hebei/ [Xin1 he2 xian4] /Xinhe county in Xingtai [Xing2 tai2], Hebei/ [Xin1 tai4] /Xintai county level city in Tai'an [Tai4 an1], Shandong/ [Xin1 tai4 shi4] /Xintai county level city in Tai'an [Tai4 an1], Shandong [Xin1 jin1] /Xinjin county in Chengdu [Cheng2 du1], Sichuan/ [Xin1 jin1 xian4] /Xinjin county in Chengdu [Cheng2 du1], Sichuan/ [Xin1 zhou1] /Xinzhou district of Wuhan city [Wu3 han4 shi4], Hubei/ [Xin1 zhou1 qu1] /Xinzhou district of Wuhan city [Wu3 han4 shi4] [xin1 pai4] /new faction/ [Xin1 pu3] /Xinpu district of Lianyungang city [Lian2 yun2 gang3 [Xin1 pu3 qu1] /Xinpu district of Lianyungang city [Lian2 yu [Xin1 lang4] /Sina, Chinese web portal and online media company/ [Xin1 lang4 wang3] /Sina, Chinese web portal and online media company/ [Xin1 Hai3 xia2 Shi2 bao4] /New Strait Times (newspaper)/ [Xin1 gang3] /Xingang or Hsinkang township in Chiayi county [Jia1 yi an/ [Xin1 gang3 xiang1] /Xingang or Hsinkang township in Chiayi county Taiwan/ [Xin1 yuan2] /Xinyuan county or Knes nahiyisi in Ili Kazakh autonomous prefectur ke4 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang/ [Xin1 yuan2 xian4] /Xinyuan county or Knes nahiyisi in Ili Kazakh autonomous re [Yi1 li2 Ha1 sa4 ke4 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang/ [Xin1 xi4] /Niigata, a city and prefecture in Japan/ [Xin1 xi4 xian4] /Niigata prefecture in northwest Japan/ [xin1 chao2] /modern/fashionable/ [Xin1 ze2 xi1] /New Jersey, US state/ [Xin1 ze2 xi1 zhou1] /New Jersey, US state/

[xin1 re4 dai4 jie4] /Neotropic (ecozone)/ [Xin1 ying2] /Hsinying city in Tainan county [Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiw [Xin1 ying2 shi4] /Hsinying city in Tainan county [Tai2 nan2 xia [xin1 ban3] /new edition/new version/ [xin1 sheng1] /newborn/new student/ [Xin1 sheng1 dai4] /Cenozoic (geological era covering the last 65m years)/ [xin1 sheng1 er2] /newborn baby/neonate/ [xin1 chan3 pin3] /new product/ [Xin1 tian2] /Xintian county in Yongzhou [Yong3 zhou1], Hunan/ [Xin1 tian2 xian4] /Xintian county in Yongzhou [Yong3 zhou1], Hunan/ [Xin1 jie4] /New Territories (in Hong Kong)/ [xin1 yi4] /new and different/novelty/ [Xin1 ji1 nei4 ya4] /Papua New Guinea/ [Xin1 jiang1] /Xinjiang/Uighur autonomous region [Xin1 jiang1 xiao3 pan2 ji1] /Xinjiang small-plate chicken (typical d China)/ [Xin1 jiang1 Wen1 su4 xian4] /Wensu County in Xinjiang/ [Xin1 jiang1 Wei2 wu2 er3 Zi4 zhi4 qu1] /Xinjiang Uighur mqi or rmqi / [Xin1 shi2 qi4] /Neolithic/ [Xin1 shi2 qi4 Shi2 dai4] /Neolithic Era/ [Xin1 she4] /Hsinshe township in Taichung county [Tai2 zhong1 xian4] [Xin1 she4 xiang1] /Hsinshe township in Taichung county [Tai2 zh [xin1 xi3] /Happy New Year!/ [xin1 ying3] /lit. new bud/fig. new and original/ [Xin1 zhu2] /Xinzhu or Hsinchu city in northern Taiwan, noted for high tech indus ries/Xinzhu or Hsinchu county in northwest Taiwan/ [Xin1 zhu2 shi4] /Hsinchu, city in north Taiwan noted for its high tech indus [Xin1 zhu2 xian4] /Xinzhu or Hsinchu county in northwest Taiwan/ [Xin1 ji4 yuan2] /New Age (movement)/ [xin1 ji4 yuan2] /new era/new epoch/ [Xin1 yue1] /New Testament/ [Xin1 yue1 quan2 shu1] /New Testament/ [Xin1 jiang4] /Xinjiang county in Yuncheng [Yun4 cheng2], Shanxi/ [Xin1 jiang4 xian4] /Xinjiang county in Yuncheng [Yun4 cheng2], Shan [Xin1 xian4] /Xin county in Xinyang , Henan/ [Xin1 Han3 bu4 shi2 er3] /New Hampshire, US state/ [Xin1 Han3 bu4 shi2 er3 zhou1] /New Hampshire, US state/ [Xin1 luo2] /Silla, Korean kingdom 57 BC-935 AD/one of the Korean Three Kingdoms rom 1st century AD, defeating its rivals Paikche [Bai3 ji4] and Koguryo round 660 in alliance with Tang China/unified Silla 658-935/ [Xin1 luo2 qu1] /Xinluo district of Longyan city , Fujian/ [Xin1 luo2 wang2 chao2] /Silla, Korean kingdom 57 BC-935 AD/one of the Ko ngdoms from 1st century AD, defeating its rivals Paikche [Bai3 ji4] and Koguryo 4 li2] around 660 in alliance with Tang China/unified Silla 658-935/ [Xin1 yi4 zhou1 shi4] /Shin'iju, capital of North Pyong'an Province, Nor [xin1 wen2] /news/CL: [tiao2], [ge4]/ [xin1 wen2 zhu3 bo1] /newsreader/anchor/ [Xin1 wen2 Chu1 ban3 Zong3 shu3] /General Administration of Press te censorship organization)/ [Xin1 wen2 Zhou1 kan1] /Newsweek magazine/ [xin1 wen2 mei2 ti3] /news media/ [xin1 wen2 xue2] /journalism/ [xin1 wen2 gong1 zuo4 zhe3] /journalist/ [xin1 wen2 jie4] /the press/the media/ [xin1 wen2 fa1 bu4 hui4] /a news conference/ [xin1 wen2 fa1 bu4 hui4] /a news conference/ [xin1 wen2 fa1 yan2 ren2] /spokesman/ [xin1 wen2 gao3] /press release/ [xin1 wen2 zu3] /newsgroup/

[xin1 wen2 wang3] /news agency/ [xin1 wen2 zi4 you2] /freedom of the press/ [xin1 wen2 chu4] /news service/information agency/ [xin1 wen2 ji4 zhe3] /journalist/ [Xin1 wen2 Zhou1 kan1] /Newsweek magazine/also written / [Xin1 xing1] /Xinxing county in Yunfu [Yun2 fu2], Guangdong/Xinxing or H rict of Kaohsiung city [Gao1 xiong2 shi4], south Taiwan/ [xin1 xing1] /new/up-and-coming/newly developing/rising/ [Xin1 xing1 qu1] /Xinxing district of Qitaihe city [Qi1 tai2 he2], Heil or Hsinhsing district of Kaohsiung city [Gao1 xiong2 shi4], south Taiwan/ [xin1 xing1 chan3 ye4] /emerging industry/ [xin1 xing1 jing1 ji4 guo2 jia1] /developing economic state/devel [Xin1 xing1 xian4] /Xinxing county in Yunfu [Yun2 fu2], Guangdong/ [Xin1 fen1 dang3] /Sinn Fein/ [xin1 ya2] /sprout/bud/ [Xin1 Ying1 ge2 lan2] /New England/ [Xin1 zhuang1] /Hsinchuang city in Taipei county [Tai2 bei3 xian4], [Xin1 zhuang1 shi4] /Hsinchuang city in Taipei county [Tai2 bei3 [Xin1 Hua2] /Xinhua (the official Chinese news agency)/ [Xin1 hua2 qu1] /Xinhua city district (various)/Xinhua district of Shijiazhua [Shi2 jia1 zhuang1 shi4], Hebei/Xinhua district of Cangzhou city [Xin1 hua2 ri4 bao4] /Xinhua Daily newspaper/ [Xin1 Hua2 shu1 dian4] /Xinhua (New China) bookstore/ [Xin1 hua2 she4] /Xinhua news agency/ [Xin1 hua2 wang3] /Xinhua news network/ [Xin1 cai4] /Xincai county in Zhumadian [Zhu4 ma3 dian4], Henan/ [Xin1 cai4 xian4] /Xincai county in Zhumadian [Zhu4 ma3 dian4], [Xin1 xi1 bo2 li4 ya4] /Novosibirsk (city in Russia)/ [Xin1 xi1 bo2 li4 ya4 shi4] /Novosibirsk, city in Russia/ [Xin1 xi1 lan2] /New Zealand/ [Xin1 feng1] /Xinfeng county in Shaoguan , Guangdong/Xinfeng or Hsinfeng Hsinchu county [Xin1 zhu2 xian4], northwest Taiwan/ [Xin1 feng1 xian4] /Xinfeng county in Shaoguan , Guangdong/ [Xin1 feng1 xiang1] /Xinfeng or Hsinfeng township in Hsinchu county rthwest Taiwan/ [xin1 gui4] /nouveau riche/upstart/new appointee/ [Xin1 bin1 man3 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Xinbin Manchu autonomous [Xin1 bin1 xian4] /Xinbin county in Fushun , Liaoning/ [xin1 jun1] /new army/ [xin1 jin4] /newly/ [Xin1 zao4] /Xinzao town, Guangdong/ [xin1 zao4] /newly made/ [Xin1 zao4 zhen4] /Xinzao town, Guangdong/ [xin1 xuan3] /newly elected/ [Xin1 qiu1] /Xinqiu district of Fuxin city , Liaoning/ [Xin1 qiu1 qu1] /Xinqiu district of Fuxin city , Liaoning/ [Xin1 shao4] /Xinshao county in Shaoyang [Shao4 yang2], Hunan/ [Xin1 shao4 xian4] /Xinshao county in Shaoyang [Shao4 yang2], Hunan/ [xin1 lang2] /bridegroom/groom/ [Xin1 du1] /Xindu or Newtown district of Chengdu city [Cheng2 du1 shi4], Si [Xin1 du1 qu1] /Xindu or Newtown district of Chengdu city [Cheng2 du1 s [Xin1 du1 qiao2] /Xinduqiao town in Dartsendo county [Kang1 ding utonomous prefecture, Sichuan/ [Xin1 du1 qiao2 zhen4] /Xinduqiao town in Dartsendo county [ an autonomous prefecture, Sichuan/ [Xin1 xiang1] /Xinxiang prefecture level city in Henan/ [Xin1 xiang1 di4 qu1] /Xinxiang prefecture in Henan/ [Xin1 xiang1 shi4] /Xinxiang prefecture level city in Henan/ [Xin1 xiang1 xian4] /Xinxiang county in Xinxiang [Xin1 xiang1], Hena [Xin1 zheng4] /Xinzheng county level city in Zhengzhou [Zheng1 zhou1], H

[Xin1 zheng4 shi4] /Xinzheng county level city in Zhengzhou [Zheng1 [Xin1 ye3] /Xinye county in Nanyang [Nan2 yang2], Henan/ [Xin1 ye3 xian4] /Xinye county in Nanyang [Nan2 yang2], Henan/ [Xin1 jin1 xian4] /Xinjin county in Liaoning/ [xin1 rui4] /cutting-edge (in technology, science, fashion, the arts etc)/novel a d competitive/new and dashing/ [xin1 chen2 dai4 xie4] /metabolism (biology)/the new replaces the old (id [xin1 jie1 duan4] /new level/higher plane/ [xin1 ya3] /fresh/new and elegant/ [Xin1 qing1] /Xinqing district of Yichun city [Yi1 chun1 shi4], Heilongjian [Xin1 qing1 qu1] /Xinqing district of Yichun city [Yi1 chun1 shi4], Hei [xin1 feng1] /new trend/new custom/ [Xin1 yu2] /Xinyu prefecture level city in Jiangxi/ [Xin1 yu2 shi4] /Xinyu prefecture level city in Jiangxi/ [Xin1 Ma3] /abbr. for Singapore and Malaysia / [xin1 xian1] /fresh (experience, food etc)/freshness/ [Xin1 dang3] /New Party (Republic of China)/ [Xin1 long2] /Xinlong county (Tibetan: nyag rong rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonom us prefecture [Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Sichuan (formerly in Kham f Tibet)/ [Xin1 long2 xian4] /Xinlong county (Tibetan: nyag rong rdzong) in Garze Tibet nomous prefecture [Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Sichuan (formerly in K ce of Tibet)/ [zhuo2] /chop/carve wood/ [duan4] /to break/to snap/to cut off/to give up or abstain from sth/to judge/(us u. used in the negative) absolutely, definitely,decidedly/ [duan4 hu1] /certainly/ [duan4 jiao1] /break off diplomatic relations/ [duan4 dai4] /periodization (of history)/ [duan4 ju4] /to pause at appropriate points in reading aloud unpunctuated writing to punctuate/ [duan4 nai3] /to wean/ [duan4 ding4] /to conclude/to determine/to come to a judgment/ [duan4 ceng2] /geologic fault/CL:[dao4], [ge4]/ [duan4 ceng2 xian4] /geological fault line/ [duan4 ya2] /steep cliff/crag/precipice/ [duan4 xian2] /widowed/lit. broken string, cf [qin2 se4] qin and se, two inst epitomizing marital harmony/ [duan4 xiang3] /brief commentary/ [duan4 duan4 xu4 xu4] /intermittent/off and on/discontinuous/stop-go/stam nted/inarticulate/ [duan4 an4] /to judge a case/ [duan4 qiao2] /The Broken Bridge (at West Lake in Hangzhou)/ [duan4 dang4] /sold out/to be out of stock/ [duan4 qi4] /to stop breathing/to breathe one's last/to die/to cut the gas supply [duan4 liu2] /to run dry (of river)/ [duan4 gang3 jue2 huang2] /to be unable to continue/to come to a dead end [duan4 mie4] /annihilation (of soul, Sanskrit uccheda)/ [duan4 mie4 lun4] /annihilation (of soul, Sanskrit uccheda)/ [duan4 ran2] /absolutely/certainly/ [duan4 yu4] /to pass judgement on a legal case/ [duan4 wa3 can2 yuan2] /the tiles are broken, the walls dilapidated/ [duan4 zhang1 qu3 yi4] /lit. to take meaning from cut segment (idiom); to t of context/to focus attention on one phrase without regard to the meaning of t he whole piece/ [duan4 liang2] /to run out of food/ [duan4 jue2] /to sever/to break off/ [duan4 xian4] /disconnected/cut off/ [duan4 xian4 feng1 zheng1] /a kite with cut string (idiom); fig. gone bey [duan4 xu4] /intermittent/

[duan4 bei4] /homosexual, cf Ang Lee's Brokeback Mountain/ [Duan4 bei4 shan1] /Brokeback Mountain, film by Ang Lee/ [duan4 chang2] /heartbroken/to break one's heart/ [duan4 tui3] /broken leg/ [duan4 xing2] /to carry out resolutely/ [duan4 xiu4] /homosexual/ [duan4 xiu4 zhi1 pi3] /lit. cut sleeve (idiom); fig. euphemism for homose inating from History of Western Han : emperor Han Aidi (real name Liu Xin) was in ed with his lover Dong Xian, and had to attend a court audience that morning. No t wishing to awaken Dong Xian, who was sleeping with his head resting on the emp eror's long robe sleeve, Aidi used a knife to cut off the lower half of his slee ve./ [duan4 lie4] /fracture/rupture/ [duan4 lie4 dai4] /fault zone (geology)/ [duan4 lie4 mo2 shu4] /modulus rupture/ [duan4 yan2] /affirm/assertion/ [duan4 yu3] /conclusion/judgement/verdict/ [duan4 lu4 qi4] /circuit breaker/ [duan4 song4] /to forfeit (future profit, one's life etc)/ruined/ [duan4 kai1] /to break/to sever/to turn off (electric switch)/ [duan4 dian4] /power cut/electric power failure/ [duan4 tou2 tai2] /guillotine/scaffold/ [duan4 shi2] /to fast/hunger strike/ [duan4 hun2 jiao1] /king cobra or ghost chili (Naga jolokia)/ [zhu3] /cut/ [Fang1] /surname Fang/ [fang1] /square/power or involution (mathematics)/upright/honest/fair and square /direction/side/party (to a contract, dispute etc)/place/method/prescription (me dicine)/just when/only or just/classifier for square things/abbr. for square or cubic meter/ [Fang1 zhang5] /one of three fabled islands in Eastern sea, abode of immortals/ [fang1 zhang5] /square zhang (i.e. unit of area 10 feet square)/monastic room 10 eet square/Buddhist or Daoist abbot/abbot's chamber/ [fang1 wei4] /direction/points of the compass/bearing/position/azimuth/ [fang1 wei4 jiao3] /azimuth/ [fang1 bian4] /convenient/to help out/to make things easy for people/convenience/ uitable/having money to spare/(euphemism) to go to the toilet/ [fang1 bian4 mian4] /instant noodles/ [fang1 ce4] /ancient books and volumes/classical writings/ [fang1 ji4] /prescription/recipe (Chinese medicine)/ [fang1 xiang4] /direction/orientation/path to follow/CL: [ge4]/ [fang1 xiang4 xing4] /directionality (molecular biology)/ [fang1 xiang4 pan2] /steering wheel/ [fang1 ming4] /against orders/to disobey/to refuse to accept orders/ [fang1 yuan2] /circumference/ [Fang1 cheng2] /Fangcheng county in Nanyang [Nan2 yang2], Henan/ [fang1 cheng2] /square castle/mahjong layout (with the tiles laid out as a square / [Fang1 cheng2 xian4] /Fangcheng county in Nanyang [Nan2 yang2], Hena [fang1 kuai4] /cube/block/square/rectangle/diamond (in card games)/ [fang1 kuai4 zi4] /Chinese characters/ [fang1 kuai4 cao3 pi2] /divot (golf)/ [Fang1 ni1] /Fanny (name)/ [fang1 zi5] /prescription (of medicine)/ [fang1 cun4] /square cun (Chinese unit of area: 1 cun 1 cun, or 3 cm 3 cm)/ d/ [Fang1 shan1] /Fangshan county in Lliang [Lu:3 liang2], Shanxi / [Fang1 shan1 xian4] /Fangshan county in Lliang [Lu:3 liang2], Shanx [fang1 cha1] /(statistics) variance/ [fang1 shi4] /way (of life)/pattern/style/mode/manner/CL: [ge4]/

[fang1 xing2] /square/square-shaped/ [fang1 zhi4] /local chronicles/district records/ [fang1 cai2] /just now/then/ [fang1 kuo4 hao4] /square brackets [ ]/ [fang1 fang1 zheng4 zheng4] /square shaped/ [fang1 fang1 mian4 mian4] /all sides/all aspects/multi-faceted/ [fang1 rui4 yuan2 zao2] /to put a square peg in a round hole/incompatible [fang1 gen1] /square root/ [fang1 ge2] /square box character (in Chinese text) indicating illegible characte / [fang1 ge2 zhi3] /squared paper/graph paper/grid paper (manuscript paper with s for Chinese characters)/ [fang1 kuang4 tu2] /flowchart/block diagram/ [fang1 an4] /plan/program (for action etc)/proposal/proposed bill/CL: [ge4], [Fang1 zheng4] /Fangzheng county in Harbin [Ha1 er3 bin1], Heilongji [fang1 zheng4] /clear and square/neat/square (person)/ [Fang1 zheng4 xian4] /Fangzheng county in Harbin [Ha1 er3 bin1], [Fang1 Yi4] /Fang Yi (1916-1997), senior party apparatchik/ [fang1 fa3] /method/way/means/CL: [ge4]/ [fang1 fa3 xue2] /methodology/ [fang1 fa3 lun4] /methodology/Discours de la mthode by Ren Descartes [fang1 zi1 wei4 ai4] /flourishing and still in the ascendant (idiom); rap g/still growing strong/on the up/ [fang1 wu4] /produced locally/local product (with distinctive native features)/ [fang1 cheng2] /mathematical equation/ [fang1 cheng2 shi4] /equation/ [fang1 cheng2 zu3] /(math.) simultaneous equations/system of equations/ [fang1 tang2] /sugar cube/ [fang1 neng2] /can then (and only then)/ [fang1 tui3] /processed ham product/ [fang1 lian3 tu1 e2] /to have a square face and a protruding forehead (id [Fang1 La4] /Fang La/ [fang1 xing1 wei4 yi3] /flourishing and still in the ascendant (idiom); r ing/still growing strong/on the up/ [fang1 xing1 wei4 ai4] /flourishing and still in the ascendant (idiom); r ing/still growing strong/on the up/ [fang1 zhou1] /ark/ [Fang1 zhuang1] /Fangzhuang neighborhood of Beijing/ [fang1 shu4] /arts of healing, divination, horoscope etc/supernatural arts (old)/ [fang1 jie3 shi2] /calcite (CaCO3 as rock-forming mineral)/ [fang1 yan2] /dialect/ [fang1 zhen1] /policy/guidelines/CL: [ge4]/ [fang1 xi4] /(arch.) metal horn attached as shield to horse or to the axle of a c ariot/ [fang1 qian1 kuang4] /galena/ [fang1 zhen4] /matrix (mathmatics)/ [fang1 mian4] /respect/aspect/field/side/CL: [ge4]/ [fang1 ding3] /square roof/ [fang1 tou2] /square headed/ [fang1 tou2 kuo4 hao4] /square brackets [ ]/ [fang1 tou2 luo2 mao4] /square headed nut/ [Yu2] /surname Yu/ [yu2] /in/at/to/from/by/than/out of/ [wu1] /(literary) Oh!/Ah!/ [yu2 shi4 wu2 bu3] /unhelpful/useless/ [yu2 shi4] /thereupon/as a result/consequently/thus/hence/ [Yu2 tian2] /Kriye Nahiyisi/Yutian county in Khotan prefecture ng/ [Yu2 tian2 xian4] /Kriye Nahiyisi/Yutian county in Khotan prefecture njiang/

[Yu2 du1] /Yudu county in Ganzhou , Jiangxi/ [Yu2 du1 xian4] /Yudu county in Ganzhou , Jiangxi/ [yu2 wu4 ai3 zhi1 zhong1] /to be beclouded/ [Shi1] /surname Shi/ [shi1] /to grant/to give/to bestow/to act/to carry out/ [shi1 zhu3] /designation of a person by a monk/ [shi1 shi4] /(ling.) agent/ [shi1 jia1] /to exert (effort or pressure)/ [shi1 ya1] /to pressure/ [shi1 zhan3] /to use fully/to put to use/ [shi1 gong1] /construction/to carry out construction or large-scale repairs/ [shi1 gong1 dan1 wei4] /unit in charge of construction/builder/ [shi1 hui4] /to give charity to sb/to oblige/ [shi1 she3] /to give in charity/to give alms (to the poor)/ [shi1 fang4] /to fire/to discharge/to release (fireworks, smokescreen, poison gas virus etc)/ [shi1 zheng4] /administration/ [shi1 zheng4 bao4 gao4] /administrative report/ [shi1 jiao4] /teaching/ [Shi1 Ming2 de2] /Shih Ming-te (1941-), Taiwanese politician, imprisoned 1962 nd 1980-1990 under the Guomindang, subsequently a leader of DPP , since 2006 l f protests against Chen Shui-Bian [Chen2 Shui3 bian3]/ [Shi1 le4] /Xerox/ [shi1 xi3] /baptize/ [Shi1 xi3 Yue1 han4] /John the Baptist/ [Shi1 xi3 zhe3 Yue1 han4] /John the Baptist/ [Shi1 te4 lao2 si1] /Strauss/ [Shi1 wa3 bu4] /Schwab (name)/ [Shi1 wa3 xin1 ge2] /Arnold Schwarzenegger (1947-), US actor and politici of California since 2003/ [shi1 yong4] /to implement/to use/ [Shi1 dian4] /Shidian county in Baoshan [Bao3 shan1], Yunnan/ [Shi1 dian4 xian4] /Shidian county in Baoshan [Bao3 shan1], Yunnan/ [shi1 li3] /to salute/to greet/ [Shi1 bing3] /Shibing county in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous prefecture ng1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ [Shi1 bing3 xian4] /Shibing county in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous pr e [Qian2 dong1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ [shi1 zhou1 she3 fan4] /to provide alms and rice (idiom)/ [Shi1 luo2 de2] /Schrder (name)/Gerhard Schrder (1944-), German SPD politic llor 1998-2005/ [Shi1 Nai4 an1] /Shi Nai'an (1296-1371), author of Water Margin or Outlaws of rsh [Shui3 hu3 Zhuan4]/ [shi1 fei2] /to spread manure/to apply fertilizer/ [shi1 yu3] /to donate/to give/to grant/to distribute/to administer/ [Shi1 hua2 luo4 shi4 qi2 shui3 jing1] /Swarovski crystal/ [shi1 di4 li4 er3] /Styria province of Austria/ [shi1 di4 li4 er3 zhou1] /Styria province of Austria/ [shi1 nu:e4 shou4 nu:e4] /sado-masochism/ [shi1 xing2] /to put in place/put into practice/take effect/ [pei4] /variant of , pennant/banner/ [you2] /scallops along lower edge of flag/ [mie5] /phonetic "myeo" used in place names (Korean gugja)/ [pang2] /beside/one side/other/side/self/the right-hand side of split Chinese ch aracter, often the phonetic/ [pang2 ren2] /other people/bystanders/onlookers/outsiders/ [pang2 qiao1 ce4 ji1] /glancing knock, sideways stroke (idiom); fig. circ in words or writing/to attack by innuendo/to satirize/to cast oblique aspersion s/ [Pang2 shi4] /Pond's (brand of skin care products)/

[pang2 bai2] /background narrator or commentator in a play/chorus (as a subsidiar character in a play)/ [pang2 ting1] /to visit (a meeting, class, trial etc)/ [pang2 jian4 ji1] /see [guo2 pang2 jian4 ji1]/hamstring (ana [pang2 guan1] /spectator/non-participant/ [pang2 guan1 zhe3] /observer/spectator/ [pang2 guan1 zhe3 qing1] /The person on the spot is baffled, the onlooker idiom). The spectator sees more of the game./ [pang2 zheng4] /circumstantial evidence/ [pang2 lu4] /to bypass/ [Pang2 zhe1 pu3] /Punjab state of India/Punjab province of Pakistan/ [Pang2 zhe1 pu3 sheng3] /Punjab province of Pakistan/ [Pang2 zhe1 pu3 bang1] /Punjab state in northwest India bordering Pakista [pang2 bian1] /lateral/side/to the side/beside/ [pang2 bian1 r5] /erhua variant of , lateral/side/to the side/beside [pang2 men2] /side door/ [pang2 men2 zuo3 dao4] /dissenting religious sect (idiom); heretical scho /dissident group/ [pang2 wu4] /to be inattentive/to be distracted by sth/ [qi2] /flag/variant of / [zhan1] /felt/silken banner/ [mao2] /banner decorated with animal's tail/ [mao4] /variant of [mao4]/ [mao4 ni2] /variant of [mao4 ni2]/ [mao4 qi1] /variant of [mao4 qi1]/ [mao2 che1] /an ancient war chariot/CL: [liang4]/ [lu:3] /trip/travel/to travel/ [lu:3 ke4] /traveler/tourist/ [lu:3 ju1] /to stay away from home/residence abroad/sojourn/ [lu:3 dian4] /inn/small hotel/ [lu:3 cheng2] /journey/trip/ [lu:3 cheng2 biao3] /itinerary/ [lu:3 she4] /inn/small hotel/hostel/ [lu:3 xing2] /to travel/journey/trip/CL:[tang4],[ci4], [ge4]/ [lu:3 xing2 tuan2] /tour group/ [lu:3 xing2 zhi1 piao4] /a traveler's check/ [lu:3 xing2 she4] /travel agency/ [lu:3 xing2 zhe3] /traveler/ [lu:3 xing2 dai4] /travel bag/ [lu:3 xing2 zhuang1 bei4] /outfit/ [lu:3 fei4] /travel expenses/ [lu:3 tu2] /journey/trip/ [lu:3 you2] /trip/journey/tourism/travel/tour/ [lu:3 you2 sheng4 di4] /tourist center/ [lu:3 you2 tuan2] /a tour group/ [lu:3 you2 cheng2 shi4] /tourist city/ [lu:3 you2 ke4] /a tourist/ [lu:3 you2 jing3 dian3] /tourist attraction/travel sight/ [lu:3 you2 ye4] /tourism industry/ [lu:3 you2 re4 dian3] /a hot tourist attraction/a tourist trap/ [lu:3 you2 zhe3] /tourist/traveler/visitor/ [lu:3 you2 ji2 san4] /tourism center or hub/ [Lu:3 shun4] /Lshun/Lshunkou district of Dalian city , Liaoning/ca Russian occupation and Russian-Japanese war of 1905/ [Lu:3 shun4 kou3] /Lshunkou district of Dalian city , Liaoning/ [Lu:3 shun4 kou3 qu1] /Lshunkou district of Dalian city , L [Lu:3 shun4 gang3] /Lshun port, on the tip of the Liaoning peninsula/called ur during Russian occupation and Russian-Japanese war of 1905/in Lshunkou distric t of Dalian , Liaoning/ [lu:3 guan3] /hotel/CL:[jia1]/

[pei4] /pennant/streamer/ [xuan2] /to revolve/a loop/a circle/ [xuan4] /to whirl/immediately/variant of [xuan4]/ [xuan2 qian2 zhuan3 kun1] /lit. overturning heaven and earth (idiom); ear /a radical change/ [xuan2 guang1] /rotation of plane of polarization of light/ [xuan2 qian2 ji1] /pronator teres muscle (below the elbow)/ [xuan2 ji2] /soon after/shortly/ [xuan2 hui2] /to cycle/ [xuan2 zi5] /torsor (math)/ [xuan4 zi5] /whirlwind somersault (in gymnastics or martial arts)/ [xuan2 lu:4] /melody/rhythm/ [xuan2 ti1] /spiral stairs/winding stairs (gymnastic equipment)/ [xuan2 liu2] /rotating flow/ [xuan2 yuan1] /abyss/ [xuan2 wo1] /spiral/whirlpool/eddy/vortex/ [xuan2 wo1 xing1 xi4] /spiral galaxy/ [xuan2 wo1 xing1 yun2] /spiral nebula/ [xuan2 wo1 zhuang4] /spiral shaped/ [xuan2 tong3] /rotor/turbine/ [xuan2 rao4] /to curl up/to wind around/ [xuan2 yi4] /rotor wing/ [xuan2 bi4] /spiral arm/ [xuan2 wu3] /whirling dance/ [xuan2 hua1 ke1] /Convolvulaceae, herbaceous plant family/ [xuan2 fu4 hua1] /(botany) convolvulvus/Flos Inulae (Chinese herb)/ [xuan2 zhong3] /to turn on one's heel/in the twinkle of an eye/instantly/ [xuan2 zhuan3] /to rotate/to revolve/to spin/to whirl/ [xuan2 zhuan3 li4] /turning force/torque/ [xuan2 zhuan3 tai2] /rotating platform/luggage carousel/ [xuan2 zhuan3 zhi3 biao1] /winding number/ [xuan2 zhuan3 qu1 mian4] /a surface of revolution (math)/ [xuan2 zhuan3 mu4 ma3] /merry-go-round/carousel/Carousel, South Korean TV [xuan2 zhuan3 ji2] /pole of rotation/ [xuan2 zhuan3 kao3 rou4] /dner kebab/ [xuan2 zhuan3 qiu2] /spin ball/ [xuan2 zhuan3 xing2 li5 chuan2 song4 dai4] /luggage conveyor [xuan2 zhuan3 jiao3] /angle of rotation/ [xuan2 zhuan3 jiao3 su4 du4] /rotational angular velocity/ [xuan2 zhuan3 zhou2] /axis of rotation/ [xuan2 zhuan3 yun4 dong4] /rotation/rotary motion/ [xuan2 zhuan3 can1 ting1] /revolving restaurant/ [xuan2 li3] /to return home/ [xuan2 liang4] /spinor (math)/ [xuan2 niu3] /knob (e.g. handle or radio button)/ [xuan2 zha2] /rotor sluice gate/ [xuan4 feng1] /whirlwind/tornado/ [xuan4 feng1 jiao3] /whirlwind kick (martial arts)/ [jing1] /banner/make manifest/ [Jing1 de2] /Jingde county in Xuancheng [Xuan1 cheng2], Anhui/ [Jing1 de2 xian4] /Jingde county in Xuancheng [Xuan1 cheng2], Anhui/ [jing1 qi2] /gonfanon/banner/ [Jing1 yang2] /Jingyang district of Deyang city [De2 yang2 shi4], Si [Jing1 yang2 qu1] /Jingyang district of Deyang city [De2 yang2 s [ni3] /fluttering of flags/ [zu2] /race/nationality/ethnicity/clan/by extension, social group (e.g. office w orkers )/ [zu2 ren2] /clansman/clan members/relatives/ethnic minority/ [zu2 mie4] /to execute all of sb's relatives (as punishment) (old)/ [zu2 qun2] /ethnic group/community/

[zu2 zhu1] /to execute all of sb's relatives (as punishment) (old)/ [zu2 pu3] /genealogy/ [zu2 lei4] /clan/race/ [zhao4] /banner/ [liu2] /tassel/ [shao1] /serrated edges on a Chinese flag/ [yi3] /fluttering of flag/ [yi3 ni3] /charming and gentle/ [qi2] /banner/flag/(in Qing times) refers to Manchurian ruling class, from [ba1 q 2] eight banners/administrative subdivision in inner Mongolia equivalent to [xian 4] county/CL:[mian4]/ [qi2 ding1] /Manchurian foot soldier/ [qi2 xia4] /under the banner of/ [qi2 ren2] /Manchurian/refers to eight banners/ [qi2 bing1] /Manchurian soldier/ [qi2 zi5] /flag/banner/CL:[mian4]/ [qi2 guan1] /Manchurian official/ [Qi2 shan1] /Chishan town in Kaohsiung county [Gao1 xiong2 xian4], s [Qi2 shan1 zhen4] /Chishan town in Kaohsiung county [Gao1 xiong2 / [qi2 fu2] /to fly (from a flagpole)/to flutter in the wind/ [qi2 zhi4] /ensign/flag/ [qi2 zhi4 xian1 ming2] /to show one's colors/to have a clear-cut stand (i [qi2 shou3] /a flag carrier (army)/ensign/ [qi2 gan1] /flagpole/ [qi2 xiao4] /Manchurian officer/ [Qi2 jin1] /Qijin or Chichin district of Kaohsiung city [Gao1 xiong2 shi4], wan/ [Qi2 jin1 qu1] /Qijin or Chichin district of Kaohsiung city [Gao1 xiong aiwan/ [qi2 pai2] /flag or banner/ [qi2 ji2] /Manchurian national/ [qi2 jian4] /flagship/ [qi2 hao4] /lit. a banner to distinguish an army unit or the name of its general/ ig. to act in the name (of an idea or an organization)/to fly the flag (as a cov er for shady business)/used for semaphore/ [qi2 pao2] /Chinese-style dress/cheongsam/ [qi2 yu3] /signal flags (for communicating between ships or army units)/semaphore [qi2 kai1 de2 sheng4] /lit. to win a victory on raising the flag (idiom); t on sth and have immediate success/success in a single move/ [qi2 gu3 xiang1 dang1] /lit. two armies have equivalent banners and drums . evenly matched/roughly comparable (opponents)/ [fan1] /pennant/ [kuai4] /(old) banner/signal flag/ [yu2] /banner with falcons/mussed up hair/ [ji4] /choke on something eaten/ [ji4] /already/since/both... (and...)/ [ji4 lai2 zhi1 , ze2 an1 zhi1] /Since they have come, we shou ). Since we're here, take it easy./Since this is so, we should accept it./Now we have come, let's stay and take the rough with the smooth./If you can't do anyth ing to prevent it, you might as well sit back and enjoy it./ [ji4 wang3 bu4 jiu4] /to forget and not bear recriminations (idiom); to l bygones/There is no point in crying over spilt milk./ [ji4 de2] /vested in/already obtained/vesting/ [ji4 de2 li4 yi4] /vested interest/ [ji4 de2 qi1 jian1] /vesting period (in finance)/ [ji4 cheng2 shi4 shi2] /fait accompli/ [ji4 shi4] /since, as/being the case that/ [ji4 you3] /existing/ [ji4 ran2] /since/as/this being the case/

[ji4 shi4 gan3] /dj vu/ [ji4] /variant of /already/since/both... (and...)/ [ri4] /sun/day/date, day of the month/abbr. for Japan/ [ri4 dian4] /cable sent on given date/n n means news item of nth of [Ri4 Zhong1] /Japan-China/ [ri4 zhong1] /noon/midday/zenith/ [ri4 jiu3 sui4 shen1] /to last for an eternity (idiom)/ [ri4 jiu3 sheng1 qing2] /familiarity breeds fondness (idiom)/ [Ri4 E2 Zhan4 zheng1] /the war of 1904-1905 between Russia and Japan/ [ri4 pian1 shi2] /partial eclipse of the sun/ [Ri4 yuan2] /Japanese yen (unit of currency)/also written / [ri4 guang1] /sunlight/ [ri4 guang1 yu4] /sunbathing/ [ri4 guang1 yu4 shi4] /sun room/solarium/ [ri4 guang1 yu4 yu4 chuang2] /sunbed/ [ri4 guang1 deng1] /fluorescent light/ [ri4 guang1 jie2 yue1 shi2] /daylight saving time/ [Ri4 nei4 wa3] /Geneva, Switzerland/ [ri4 quan2 shi2] /total eclipse of the sun/ [ri4 mian3] /corona/ [ri4 mian3 ceng2] /the sun's corona/ [ri4 chu1] /sunrise/ [ri4 kan1] /daily (publication)/ [ri4 qian2] /the other day/a few days ago/ [ri4 hua4] /household chemicals (cleaning products etc) and toiletries/abbr. for [Ri4 nan2 jun4] /Han dynasty province in Vietnam/ [Ri4 ming2] /Japanese name or placename/ [Ri4 ka1 ze2] /Shigatse or Xigaze, Tibetan: Gzhis ka rtse, city and prefectur ntral Tibet/ [Ri4 ka1 ze2 di4 qu1] /Shigatse or Xigaze prefecture in central Tibet rtse sa khul, Chinese Rikaze/ [Ri4 ka1 ze2 shi4] /Shigatse or Xigaze, Tibetan: Gzhis ka rtse, city and central Tibet, Chinese Rikaze/ [Ri4 yuan2] /Japanese yen (unit of currency)/CL: [ge4]/ [Ri4 tu3] /Rutog county in Ngari prefecture, Tibet, Tibetan: Ru thog rdzong/ [Ri4 tu3 xian4] /Rutog county in Ngari prefecture, Tibet, Tibetan: Ru thog rd [ri4 bao4] /daily newspaper/ [ri4 zeng1] /increasing by the day/ [ri4 ye4] /day and night/around the clock/ [ri4 ye4 jian1 cheng2] /to travel day and night/ [Ri4 mei2] /Japanese news media/ [ri4 zi5] /day/a (calendar) date/days of one's life/ [ri4 chang2] /daily/everyday/ [ri4 chang2 gong1 zuo4] /routine/ [Ri4 shi4] /Japanese style/ [ri4 hou4] /sometime/someday (in the future)/ [ri4 fu4 yi1 ri4] /day after day/ [ri4 xin1 shuo1] /heliocentric theory/the theory that the sun is at the cente e universe/ [Ri4 re3] /Jogyakarta, central Java/ [Ri4 wen2] /Japanese (language)/ [ri4 xin1] /in constant progress/ [ri4 xin1 yue4 yi4] /daily renewal, monthly change (idiom); every day see ments/rapid progress/ [Ri4 fang1] /the Japanese side or party (in negotiations etc)/ [ri4 ri4] /every day/ [ri4 gui3] /sundial/ [ri4 mu4] /sunset/ [ri4 mu4 tu2 qiong2] /sunset, the end of the road (idiom); in terminal de ad end/

[ri4 li4] /calendar/CL: [zhang1],[ben3]/ [ri4 yao4 ri4] /Sunday (used in Ancient Chinese astronomy)/ [ri4 shai4 shang1] /sunburn/ [ri4 shai4 yu3 lin2] /scorched and drenched by sun and rain (idiom); suff ure to the elements/weather-beaten/ [ri4 yue4] /the sun and moon/day and month/every day and every month/season/life nd livelihood/ [ri4 yue4 wu3 xing1] /sun, moon and the five visible planets/ [ri4 yue4 ru2 suo1] /the sun and moon like a shuttle (idiom); How time fl [ri4 yue4 yun4] /halo/ring of light around the sun or moon/ [Ri4 yue4 tan2] /Sun and moon lake (e.g. Dalian, Taiwan etc)/ [ri4 yue4 cuo1 tuo2] /days and months slip away/fig. the inexorable passa [ri4 yue4 chong2 guang1] /the sun and moon shine once more/fig. things ge mal after an upheaval/ [Ri4 Chao2] /Japan and Korea (esp. North Korea)/ [ri4 qi1] /date/CL: [ge4]/ [Ri4 ben3] /Japan/Japanese/ [Ri4 ben3 ren2] /Japanese person or people/ [Ri4 ben3 Gong4 tong2 she4] /Kyd, Japanese news agency/ [Ri4 ben3 Gong4 chan3 dang3] /Japanese Communist Party/ [Ri4 ben3 dao1] /Japanese sword/katana/ [Ri4 ben3 Yuan2 zi3 Neng2 Yan2 jiu1 suo3] /Japan Atomic E [Ri4 ben3 guo2 zhi4] /A record of Japan by Huan Zunxian , an an/ [Ri4 ben3 tian1 huang2] /Emperor of Japan/ [Ri4 ben3 xue2] /Japanology/ [Ri4 ben3 Fang4 song4 Xie2 hui4] /NHK (Nihon Hs Kykai), Japane y/ [Ri4 ben3 shu1 ji4] /Nihonshoki or Chronicles of Japan (c. 720) book of m history/ [Ri4 ben3 hai3] /Sea of Japan/Korean: East sea [Dong1 hai3]/ [Ri4 ben3 She4 hui4 dang3] /Japan Socialist Party/ [Ri4 ben3 zhu2 kuai4] /disposable chopsticks/ [Ri4 ben3 mi3 jiu3] /Japanese rice wine/sake/ [Ri4 ben3 Jing1 ji4 Xin1 wen2] /Nikkei Shimbun, Japanese equivale [Ri4 ben3 nao3 yan2] /Japanese encephalitis/ [Ri4 ben3 hang2 kong1] /Japanese airline (JAL, Japanese: Nihonkoukuu)/ [Ri4 ben3 Yin2 hang2] /Bank of Japan/ [Ri4 ben3 Dian4 bao4 Dian4 hua4 Gong1 si1] /Nippon Telegr [Ri4 ben3 gui3 zi5] /Japanese devil (common term of abuse in wartime Chin equent writing)/ [Ri4 ben3 Hei1 dao4] /Yakuza (Japanese mafia)/ [Ri4 bi3 gu3 gong1 yuan2] /Hibiya Park in central Tokyo/ [ri4 mo4] /sunset/sundown/ [ri4 jian4] /to progress (or increase, change etc) day by day/more (or better etc with each passing day/ [ri4 wu2 xia2 gui3] /no time to spare (idiom)/ [Ri4 zhao4] /Rizhao prefecture level city in Shandong/ [ri4 zhao4] /sunshine/ [Ri4 zhao4 shi4] /Rizhao prefecture level city in Shandong/ [ri4 huan2 shi2] /an annular eclipse of the sun/ [Ri4 chan3] /Nissan, Japanese car make/also transliterated / [ri4 yong4] /daily expenses/of everyday use/ [ri4 yong4 pin3] /articles for daily use/CL:[jian4], [ge4]/ [ri4 yi4] /day by day/more and more/increasingly/more and more with each passing ay/ [ri4 yi4 zeng1 jia1] /to increase daily/ [ri4 sheng4] /more flourishing by the day/ [Ri4 zhi1 lu4] /Rizhilu or Record of daily study, by early Confucian philosop Yanwu /

[Ri4 shen2] /the Sun God/Apollo/ [ri4 cheng2] /schedule/itinerary/CL: [ge4]/ [ri4 cheng2 biao3] /daily schedule/ [ri4 ji1 yue4 lei3] /to accumulate over a long period of time/ [Ri4 li4] /Hitachi, Ltd./ [ri4 xi4] /Japanese section (of school)/Japanese-related (business)/ [ri4 jing1] /Nikkei, abbr. for Nikkei Shimbun [Ri4 ben3 225 index [Ri4 jing1 zhi3 shu4]/ [Ri4 jing1 ping2 jun1] /Nikkei 225 stock market index/ [Ri4 jing1 ping2 jun1 zhi3 shu4] /Nikkei 225 stock market index/ [ri4 jing1 ping2 jun1 zhi3 shu4] /Nikkei index/ [Ri4 jing1 zhi3 shu4] /Nikkei 225 stock market index/ [Ri4 Mei3] /Japan-US/ [Ri4 er3 man4] /Germanic/ [Ri4 er3 man4 yu3] /Germanic language/ [ri4 zhi4] /solstice/the winter solstice and summer solstice / [ri4 zhen1] /to reach day after day for/ [ri4 hang2] /Japanese airline JAL, abbr. for / [Ri4 Ying1 lian2 jun1] /Anglo-Japanese allied army (intervention during R tion and civil war 1917-1922)/ [ri4 luo4] /sundown/sunset/ [ri4 luo4 xi1 shan1] /the sun sets over western hills (idiom); the day ap end/fig. time of decline/the end of an era/Sic transit gloria mundi/ [ri4 luo4 feng1 sheng1] /a gentle breeze comes with sunset (idiom)/ [ri4 shi2] /eclipse/ [ri4 li3] /daytime/during the day/ [Ri4 yi4] /of Japanese descent/ [ri4 ji4] /diary/CL: [ze2],[ben3],[pian1]/ [ri4 ji4 ben3] /diary (book)/ [ri4 zhi4] /journal/log (computing)/ [Ri4 yu3] /Japanese language/ [Ri4 huo4] /Japanese goods/ [ri4 qu1] /(increasing) day by day/(more critical) with every passing day/gradual y/ [ri4 qu1 yan2 zhong4] /more critical with every passing day/ [Ri4 jun1] /Japanese army/Japanese troops/ [ri4 jian1] /daytime/ [Ri4 dian4] /NEC (Nippon Electronic Company)/abbr. for / [Ri4 dian4 dian4 zi3] /NEC (Nippon Electronic Company)/ [ri4 tou2] /sun (dialect)/daytime/date/ [ri4 shi2] /solar eclipse/ [dan4] /dawn/morning/day-break/day/ [dan4 jiao3] /Dan, female roles in Chinese opera (played by specialized male acto s)/ [zhi3] /imperial decree/purport/aim/purpose/ [zhi3 zai4] /with the purpose of/ [zhi3 yi4] /decree/order/ [zhi3 qu4] /objective/ [zao3] /early/morning/Good morning!/ [zao3 shang5] /early morning/CL: [ge4]/ [zao3 shang5 hao3] /Good morning!/ [zao3 xie1] /a bit earlier/ [zao3 wang2] /premature death/ [zao3 lai2] /to come early/already/early/ [zao3 xian1] /previously/before/ [zao3 chu1 wan3 gui1] /to leave early and return late (idiom)/ [zao3 qian2] /previously/ [zao3 dong4 shou3 , zao3 shou1 huo4] /The sooner you set to w rewards. (idiom)/ [zao3 zai4] /as early as/

[zao3 bao4] /morning newspaper/ [zao3 chang3] /morning show (at theater)/matinee/ [zao3 hun1] /to marry too early/ [zao3 an1] /Good morning!/ [zao3 jiu4] /already at an earlier time/ [zao3 yi3] /long ago/for a long time/ [zao3 shi4] /morning market/ [zao3 nian2] /early years/adolescence/ [zao3 lian4] /puppy love/ [zao3 bo1] /to plant early/to sow seeds in early spring/early sowing/ [zao3 cao1] /morning exercises (physical exercises commonly performed en masse at schools and workplaces in East Asian countries)/ [zao3 ri4] /soon/shortly/on a day quite soon/promptly/ [zao3 ri4 kang1 fu4] /Get well soon!/to recover health quickly/ [zao3 zao3 r5] /as soon as possible/as early as one can/ [zao3 chun1] /early spring/ [zao3 wan3] /morning and evening/sooner or later/ [zao3 chen2] /early morning/CL: [ge4]/ [zao3 qi1] /early period/early phase/early stage/ [zao3 qi1 xiao4 ying4] /early effect/ [zao3 sui4] /early years/adolescence/ [zao3 si3] /early demise/untimely death/ [zao3 xie4] /premature ejaculation/ [zao3 shu2] /precocious/early-maturing/ [zao3 ban1] /early shift/morning work shift/ [zao3 ban1 r5] /early shift/morning work shift/ [zao3 sheng1 gui4 zi3] /give birth to a son soon (propitiatory compliment -weds)/ [zao3 chan3] /premature birth/premature labor/ [zao3 zhi1] /foresight/foreknowledge/if one had known earlier,.../ [zao3 zhi1 jin1 ri4 he4 bi4 dang1 chu1] /if I (you, she, s, I (you, she, he...) would not have acted thus (idiom)/to regret vainly one's past behaviour/ [zao3 zhi1 dao5] /If I had known earlier.../ [zao3 qiu1] /early autumn/ [zao3 dao4] /early season rice/rice at transplanting or still unripe/ [Zao3 dao4 tian2 Da4 xue2] /Waseda University (private university in [zao3 lao3 su4] /presenilins/ [zao3 cha2] /morning tea/ [zao3 shuai1] /premature senility/ [zao3 ke4] /matins/morning service (in Catholic church)/morning chorus (of birds) [zao3 qi3] /to get up early/ [zao3 che1] /morning bus/early train/ [zao3 tui4] /early retirement/to leave a meeting too early/ [zao3 shi4] /early demise/untimely death/ [zao3 shuang1] /early frost/ [zao3 fan4] /breakfast/CL:[fen4], [dun4],[ci4],[can1]/ [zao3 can1] /breakfast/CL:[fen4], [dun4],[ci4]/ [zao3 dian3] /light breakfast/ [xun2] /ten days/ten years/full period/ [xun2 shi3] /comet from Saturn, traditionally described as yellow/evil omen/ [xun2 nian2] /full year/ten years/ [xun2 ri4] /(literary) ten days/short period/ [xun2 shi2] /ten days/ [xun2 shuo4] /ten days/one month/short period/ [xun2 qi1] /ten days/ [xun2 sui4] /full year/first birthday/ [xun2 ke4] /test every ten day/periodic deadline/ [xun2 shu1 yue4 song4] /pay every ten days, give tribute every month (idi t and ever more complicated demands/

[Xun2 yi4] /Xunyi county in Xinyng [Xian2 yang2], Shnx / [Xun2 yi4 xian4] /Xunyi county in Xinyng [Xian2 yang2], Shnx [Xun2 yang2] /Xunyang county in nkng [An1 kang1], Shnx/ [Xun2 yang2 xian4] /Xunyang county in nkng [An1 kang1], Shnx/ [xun2 shou3] /start of a ten day period/ [xu4] /dawn/rising sun/ [xu4 ri4] /the rising sun/ [ga1] /see [ga1 la2]/ [ga1 la2] /corner/nook/recess/out-of-the-way place/ [ga1 la2 r5] /erhua variant of [ga1 la2]/ [la2] /see [ga1 la2]/ [gan4] /sunset/evening/ [han4] /drought/ [han4 bing1] /roller skating/ [han4 qing2] /drought conditions/ [han4 lao4 bao3 shou1] /to provide a stable crop, regardless of drought o ing a stable income/ [han4 zai1] /drought/ [han4 ya1 zi5] /non-swimmer/ [xu1] /dawn/ [shi2] /time (old form of )/season/era/age/period/ [wang4] /prosperous/flourishing/(of flowers) blooming/(of fire) roaring/ [wang4 ji4] /busy season/peak period/see also [dan4 ji4]/ [wang4 yue4] /busy (business) month/ [Wang4 bo1 ri4 shan1] /Mt Wangbur, Dagz county [Da2 zi1 xia [wang4 sheng4] /vigorous/exuberant/ [Wang4 cang1] /Wangcang county in Guangyuan [Guang3 yuan2], Sichuan/ [Wang4 cang1 xian4] /Wangcang county in Guangyuan [Guang3 yuan2], Si [Wang4 Jiao3] /Mong Kok (area in Hong Kong)/ [min2] /heaven/ [min2] /gentle and affable/ [tun1] /morning sun, sunrise/ [yun2] /sun light/used in personal name/ [ang2] /to lift/to raise/to raise one's head/high/high spirits/soaring/expensive / [Ang2 ren2] /Ngamring county, Tibetan: Ngam ring rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, ibet/ [Ang2 ren2 xian4] /Ngamring county, Tibetan: Ngam ring rdzong, in Shigatse pr e, Tibet/ [Ang2 li4] /Henri (name)/ [ang2 fen4] /buoyant/high-spirited/vigorous/ [Ang2 shan1] /Aung san (1915-1947), Burmese general and politician, hero of Myanm r independence movement and father of opposition leader Aung san Su ji /also writte / [Ang2 shan1 Su4 ji1] /Aung san Suu kyi (1945-), Myanmar opposition leader el Peace laureate/also written / [Ang2 shan1 Su4 ji4] /Aung san Suu kyi (1945-), Myanmar opposition leader el Peace laureate/also written / [ang2 yang2] /elated/high-spirited/ [ang2 ang2] /high-spirited/brave-looking/ [Ang2 ang2 xi1] /Ang'angxi district of Qiqihar city [Qi2 qi2 [Ang2 ang2 xi1 qu1] /Ang'angxi district of Qiqihar city [ang2 ran2] /upright and unafraid/ [Ang2 na4 ke4] /Honecker (name)/Erich Honecker (1912-1994), East German commu litician, party general Secretary 1971-1989, tried for treason after German unif ication/ [Ang2 chuan2 zhou1] /Stonecutters Island/ [ang2 cang2] /tall and strongly built/stalwart/courageous/ [ang2 gui4] /expensive/costly/ [ang2 shou3] /head high/in high spirits/to raise one's head (e.g. of neighing hor

e)/ [ang2 shou3 ting3 xiong1] /head high, chest out (idiom); to keep up one's ine mettle (of animal)/ [ang2 shou3 kuo4 bu4] /striding forward with head high (idiom); to walk w and vigorous step/to strut/ [ze4] /afternoon/decline/ [ban3] /great/expansive/ [kun1] /descendant/elder brother/a style of Chinese poetry/ [kun1 zhong4] /(literary) brothers/elder and younger brother/ [Kun1 ka3] /Cuenca/ [Kun1 shi4 lan2 zhou1] /Queensland (Australia)/ [Kun1 ting2] /Quentin (name)/ [Kun1 ming2] /Kunming prefecture level city and capital of Yunnan province in sou hwest China/ [Kun1 ming2 shi4] /Kunming, prefecture-level city and capital of Yunnan provi southwest China/ [Kun1 ming2 Hu2] /Kunming Lake/ [Kun1 ting1] /Quentin (name)/Quentin Tarantino (1963-), American film director/ [Kun1 ting1 Ta3 lun2 ti2 nuo4] /Quentin Tarantino (1963-), [Kun1 ting1 Ta3 lun2 di4 nuo4] /Quentin Tarantino (1963-), [kun1 chong2] /insect/CL: [zhi1],[qun2],[dui1]/ [kun1 chong2 xue2] /entomology/ [Kun1 du1 lun2] /Kundulun district of Baotou city [Bao1 tou2 shi [Kun1 du1 lun2 qu1] /Kundulun district of Baotou city [Bao1 [Kun1 yang2] /Kunyang town and former county in Yunnan/ [sheng1] /ascend/peaceful/ [sheng1 zhi2] /to rise in value/to appreciate/ [sheng1 kong1] /to rise to the sky/to lift off/to levitate/lift-off/ [sheng1 diao4] /rising tone (phonetics, e.g. on a question in English)/ [sheng1 qi3] /variant of , to raise/to hoist/to rise/ [sheng1 jiang4] /rising and lowering/ [sheng1 gao1] /to raise/to ascend/ [fang3] /dawn/to begin/ [Hao4] /surname Hao/ [hao4] /vast and limitless/the vast sky/ [hao4 tian1] /clear sky/ [Chang1] /surname Chang/ [chang1] /prosperous/flourishing/ [Chang1 yuan2] /Changwon City, capital of South Gyeongsang Province o4], South Korea/ [Chang1 yuan2 shi4] /Changwon City, capital of South Gyeongsang Province dao4], South Korea/ [Chang1 ji2] /Changji Hui autonomous prefecture [Chang1 ji2 Hui2 zu gjiang/ [Chang1 ji2 Hui2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1] /Sanji or Changji Hui au / [Chang1 ji2 zhou1] /Sanji or Changji Hui autonomous prefecture 4 zhou1], Xingjiang/ [Chang1 ji2 shi4] /Changji county level city in Changji Hui autonomous prefec i2 Hui2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xingjiang/ [Chang1 tu2] /Changtu county in Tieling , Liaoning/ [Chang1 tu2 xian4] /Changtu county in Tieling , Liaoning/ [Chang1 ning2] /Changning county in Baoshan [Bao3 shan1], Yunnan/ [Chang1 ning2 xian4] /Changning county in Baoshan [Bao3 shan1], Yunnan/ [Chang1 ping2] /Changping district of Beijing, formerly Changping county/ [Chang1 ping2 qu1] /Changping district of Beijing, formerly Changping county/ [chang1 pi1] /variant of [chang1 pi1]/ [Chang1 le4] /Changle county in Weifang [Wei2 fang1], Shandong/ [Chang1 le4 xian4] /Changle county in Weifang [Wei2 fang1], Shandong [Chang1 Jiang1] /Chang River, Jiangxi/

[Chang1 jiang1] /Changjiang district of Jingdezhen city , Jiangx ous county, Hainan/ [Chang1 jiang1 qu1] /Changjiang district of Jingdezhen city [Chang1 jiang1 xian4] /Changjiang Lizu autonomous county, Hainan/ [Chang1 jiang1 Li2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Changjiang Lizu auton [chang1 sheng4] /prosperous/ [Chang1 di2 jia1 er3] /Chandighar, capital of Punjab state of northwest I [Chang1 yi4] /Changyi county level city in Weifang [Wei2 fang1], Shandon [Chang1 yi4 qu1] /Changyi district of Jilin city , Jilin province/ [Chang1 yi4 shi4] /Changyi county level city in Weifang [Wei2 fang1] [Chang1 du1] /Kham or Chamdo, Tibetan: Chab mdo historic capital of Kham prefectu e of Tibet (Chinese Qamdo or Changdu)/also Qamdo county/ [Chang1 du1 di4 qu1] /Kham or Chamdo prefecture in Tibet, Tibetan: Chab m hinese Qamdo or Changdu/ [Chang1 du1 xian4] /Qamdo county, Tibetan: Chab mdo rdzong, in Chamdo prefect 1 di4 qu1], Tibet/ [Chang1 li2] /Changli county in Qinhuangdao [Qin2 huang2 dao3], Hebe [Chang1 li2 xian4] /Changli county in Qinhuangdao [Qin2 huang2 d [Ming2] /Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)/surname Ming/Ming (c. 2000 BC), fourth of the legendary Flame Emperors, [Yan2 di4] descended from Shennong [Shen2 nong2] Far / [ming2] /bright/opposite: dark [an4]/(of meaning) clear/to understand/next/public or open/wise/generic term for a sacrifice to the gods/ [ming2 liao3] /to understand clearly/to be clear about/plain/clear/also written 2 liao3]/ [ming2 liang4] /brightness/ [ming2 ren2 bu4 zuo4 an4 shi4] /The honest person does nothing un what you want to do openly and without dissimulation./ [Ming2 ren2] /Akihito, Emperor of Japan (reigned from 1989 under the reign name H isei )/ [Ming2 Ren2 zong1] /Ming Renzong, Temple name of fourth Ming emperor Zhu Gaoc 1 chi4]/ [Ming2 dai4] /the Ming dynasty (1368-1644)/ [ming2 xin4 pian4] /postcard/ [ming2 xiu1 zhan4 dao4 , an4 du4 Chen2 cang1] /lit. r crossing the Wei river at Chencang (idiom, refers to a stratagem used by Liu Bang in 206 BC against Xiangyu of Chu); fig. feign one thing while doing an t under cover of a diversion/ [Ming2 guang1] /Mingguang county level city in Chuzhou [Chu2 zhou1], Anhui/ [Ming2 guang1 shi4] /Mingguang county level city in Chuzhou [Chu2 zhou1], [ming2 guang1 du4] /luminosity/ [ming2 guang1 lan2] /lavender blue/ [ming2 r5] /tomorrow/one of these days/some day/ [Ming2 chu1] /the early Ming (i.e. from second half of 14th century)/ [Ming2 shi2 san1 ling2] /the Ming tombs (mausoleum park of the Ming emper ing district of Beijing)/ [Ming2 gu3 lu3] /Bengkulu (Indonesian town on the south coast of Sumatra)/ [Ming2 gu3 lu3 shi4] /Bengkulu (Indonesian town on the south coast of Sum [Ming2 shi3] /History of the Ming dynasty, twenty fourth of the 24 dynastic histo ies , compiled under Zhang Tingyu in 1739 during the Qing dynasty, 33 [Ming2 he2] /Minghe, rail station in South Taiwan/Meiwa (Japanese reign name 1764 1772)/Meiwa (common name for Japanese companies or schools)/ [Ming2 Bao4] /Ming Pao newspaper (Hong Kong)/ [ming2 tian1] /tomorrow/ [Ming2 Tian1 qi3] /Tianqi Emperor, reign name of fifteenth Ming emperor Zhu Y u1 You2 xiao4] (1605-1627), reigned 1620-1627, Temple name [Ming2 Xi1 zong1]/ [ming2 tian1 jian4] /see you tomorrow/ [Ming2 Tai4 zu3] /Ming Taizu, Temple name of first Ming emperor Hongwu [H [ming2 mei2 zheng4 qu3] /to be officially wed/ [ming2 mei4] /bright and beautiful/

[Ming2 xiao4 ling2] /Ming tombs in Nanjing, tomb of founding Ming emperor Zhu ang , a World Hertage site/ [Ming2 Xuan1 zong1] /Temple name of fifth Ming emperor Xuande [Xuan1 de2] [ming2 cha2] /to note clearly/to perceive/ [ming2 cha2 an4 fang3] /open enquiries and secret search (idiom); to inve y and in secret/taking information from all sides/ [ming2 cha2 qiu1 hao2] /lit. seeing clearly the downy feather of autumn ( encius); fig. sensitive to the finest detail/to distinguish right and wrong with acuity/omniscient/ [ming2 shi2 lu4] /annals of the Ming Dynasty [Ming2 chao2] (1368-1644)/ [Ming2 ni2 su1 da2] /Minnesota, USA/ [Ming2 ni2 su1 da2 zhou1] /Minnesota/ [Ming2 ni2 a1 bo1 li4 si1] /Minneapolis, a nameplace in the USA, [Ming2 shan1] /Mingshan district of Benxi city , Liaoning/ [Ming2 shan1 qu1] /Mingshan district of Benxi city , Liaoning/ [ming2 gang3 an4 shao4] /both covert and undercover (officers) keeping wa [ming2 nian2] /next year/ [Ming2 de2] /highest virtue/illustrious virtue/Middlebury (College)/ [ming2 de2 zhen4] /Middlebury (name of town in Vermont)/ [ming2 hui4] /intelligent/brilliant/ [Ming2 Cheng2 zu3] /Ming Chengzu, Temple name of third Ming Emperor Yongle [ming2 shou3] /dummy (in bridge)/ [ming2 bai3 zhe5] /evident/clear/undoubted/ [Ming2 jiao4] /Manicheism/same as / [ming2 wen2] /to state in writing (laws, rules etc)/ [ming2 wen2 gui1 ding4] /expressly stipulated (in writing)/ [Ming2 si1 ke4] /Minsk, capital of Belarus/ [ming2 ri4] /tomorrow/ [ming2 ming2] /obviously/plainly/undoubtedly/definitely/ [ming2 xing1] /star/celebrity/ [ming2 xi1] /clarity/lucid/ [ming2 zhi4] /sensible/wise/judicious/sagacious/ [ming2 zhi4 zhi1 ju3] /sensible act/ [ming2 yue4] /bright moon/refers to , a legendary pearl that can glow in th lun2]/ [ming2 yue4 qing1 feng1] /bright moon and clear wind (idiom); fig. clear mosphere/everything in the garden is roses/ [ming2 lang3] /bright/clear/obvious/forthright/open-minded/bright and cheerful/ [Ming2 chao2] /Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)/ [ming2 zhao1] /tomorrow morning/the following morning/ [Ming2 chao2 ti3] /Mincho font/ [Ming2 mo4] /late Ming/first half of the 17th century/ [Ming2 mo4 Qing1 chu1] /late Ming and early Qing/around the middle of the / [ming2 zhang4] /white cane (used by the blind)/ [ming2 cha2 an4 fang3] /open enquiries and secret search (idiom); to inve y and in secret/taking information from all sides/ [ming2 qiang1 hao3 duo3 , an4 jian4 nan2 fang2] /lit. to avoid a stab in the dark (idiom); it is hard to guard against secret conspira cies/ [ming2 qiang1 yi4 duo3 , an4 jian4 nan2 fang2] /lit. o avoid a stab in the dark (idiom); it is hard to guard against secret conspirac ies/ [Ming2 Wu3 zong1] /Ming Wuzong, temple name of eleventh Ming emperor Zhengde e2]/ [Ming2 shui3] /Mingshui county in Suihua , Heilongjiang/ [Ming2 shui3 xian4] /Mingshui county in Suihua , Heilongjiang/ [Ming2 zhi4] /Meiji (Japanese reign name 1868-1912)/ [Ming2 zhi4 wei2 xin1] /the Japanese Meiji restoration of 1868/ [ming2 jing4] /bright and clean/luminous/

[Ming2 Qing1] /the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties/ [Ming2 xi1] /Mingxi county in Sanming [San1 ming2], Fujian/ [Ming2 xi1 xian4] /Mingxi county in Sanming [San1 ming2], Fujian/ [ming2 che4] /clear/limpid/ [ming2 huo3] /flame/open fire/ [Ming2 Xi1 zong1] /Ming Xizong, Temple name of fifteenth Ming emperor Tianqi qi3]/ [ming2 zheng1 an4 dou4] /struggling in the light and fighting in the dark . intriguing against each other/locked in constant strife/ [ming2 zhu1] /pearl/jewel (of great value)/ [ming2 li3] /sensible/reasonable/an obvious reason, truth or fact/to understand t e reason or reasoning/ [ming2 bai5] /clear/obvious/unequivocal/to understand/to realize/ [ming2 jiao3] /clear and bright/ [ming2 mu4 zhang1 dan3] /openly and without fear/brazenly/ [ming2 mou2 hao4 chi3] /to have bright eyes and white teeth/ [ming2 liao3] /to understand clearly/to be clear about/plain/clear/ [ming2 zhi1] /to be fully aware of/to know perfectly well/ [ming2 zhi1 gu4 wen4] /to ask about something while already knowing the a [ming2 zhi1 gu4 fan4] /deliberate violation (idiom); intentional crime/ [ming2 que4] /clear-cut/definite/explicit/to clarify/to specify/to make definite/ [ming2 chuang1 jing4 ji1] /lit. clear window and clean table (idiom); fig clean/ [ming2 xi4] /clear and detailed/definite/details (are as follows:)/ [ming2 xi4 biao3] /schedule/subsidiary ledger/a detailed list/ [ming2 jiao1] /gelatin/ [ming2 chu4] /clear place/out in the open/ [ming2 xia1] /prawn/ [ming2 yan2] /to say clearly/to argue clearly/to pronounce/pronounced/ [ming2 ding4] /to stipulate/to state expressly/to explicitly provide for/ [ming2 bian4] /to discern/to distinguish clearly/ [ming2 bian4 shi4 fei1] /to distinguish right and wrong (idiom)/ [ming2 da2] /reasonable/of good judgement/ [ming2 da2 shi4 li3] /reasonable/sensible/ [ming2 sui4] /glistening and piercing/ [Ming2 jing4] /Der Spiegel/ [ming2 jing4] /bright mirror/fig. a mirror into the conscience/ [ming2 jing4 gao1 xuan2] /a bright mirror hung high (idiom); fig. a mirro nscience of officials/Big brother is watching you./ [ming2 xian3] /clear/distinct/obvious/ [ming2 xian3 de5 ju4 fa3 xian4 suo3] /explicit syntactic cue/ [ming2 ti3] /Mincho/Song font/ [ming2 li4] /bright and beautiful/(of a landscape) gorgeous/(of a color) vibrant/ [hun1] /muddle-headed/twilight/to faint/to lose consciousness/ [hun1 luan4] /dazed/confused/fuddled/ [hun1 jue2] /to faint/ [hun1 tian1 hei1 di4] /lit. dark sky and black earth (idiom)/fig. pitch d out/disorderly/troubled times/ [hun1 ding4 chen2 xing3] /seeing to bed in the evening and visiting in th cient filial duty)/ [hun1 hun1 yu4 shui4] /drowsy/sleepy (idiom)/ [hun1 hun1 chen2 chen2] /dizzy/ [hun1 an4] /dusky/ [hun1 chen2] /murky/dazed/befuddled/dizzy/ [hun1 shui4] /sleep/drowse when unconscious/lethargic sleep/lethargy/ [hun1 shui4 bing4] /sleeping sickness/African trypanosomiasis/see also g2 bing4]/ [hun1 kui4] /muddle-headed/ [hun1 hua1] /dim (eyesight)/blurred (vision)/ [hun1 mi2] /to lose consciousness/to be in a coma/stupor/coma/stunned/disoriented

[hun1 mi2 bu4 xing3] /to remain unconscious/ [hun1 tou2 hun1 nao3] /confused/dizzy/fainting/ [qin3] /bright/ [Yi4] /surname Yi/ [yi4] /easy/amiable/to change/to exchange/ [yi4 yu2] /very likely/prone to/ [Yi4 Zhuan4] /Yi Zhuan, commentary on the "Book of Changes" or "I Ching" [yi4 chu1 lian2 hua1] /Lotus (department store chain)/ [Yi4 bei3 he2] /Elbe river/ [Yi4 bu3 la1 xin1] /Ibrahim (name)/Arabic and Islamic version of Abraham [Yi4 bu3 sheng1] /Henrik Ibsen (1828-1906), Norwegian dramatist, author of Do use / [yi4 qu3 de2] /accessible/ [yi4 shou4 gong1 ji1] /vulnerable/ [Yi4 si1 ma3 yi2] /Ismail (name)/Shh Ismil I (1487-1524), founder of Pe asty, reigned 1501-1524/ [yi4 ru2 fan3 zhang3] /easy as a hand's turn (idiom); very easy/no effort [yi4 xue2] /easy to learn/ [yi4 shou3 nan2 gong1] /easily guarded, hard to attack/ [Yi4 Jian4 lian2] /Yi Jianlian (1987-), Chinese basketball player for the New Nets (NBA)/ [yi4 wan1] /flexible/ [yi4 dong3] /easy to understand/ [yi4 la1 guan4] /pull-top can/easy-open can (with ring-pull)/ [yi4 jie1 jin4] /accessible/ [yi4 rong2] /soluble/ [yi4 ran2 wu4] /flammable substance/ [yi4 ran2 wu4 pin3] /flammable articles/ [yi4 li3 jie3] /easy to grasp/easily understood/ [yi4 sui4] /brittle/fragile/ [Yi4 jing1] /The Book of Changes ("I Ching")/ [Yi4 xian4] /Yi county in Baoding [Bao3 ding4], Hebei/ [yi4 yan2 zhi1] /in other words/ [yi4 du2] /legible/readable/ [yi4 bian4] /mutable/volatile/variable/ [yi4 qu4] /eBay (web auction company)/ [Yi4 men2] /Yimen county in Yuxi [Yu4 xi1], Yunnan/ [Yi4 men2 xian4] /Yimen county in Yuxi [Yu4 xi1], Yunnan/ [Xi1] /surname Xi/ [xi1] /former times/the past/Taiwan pr. [xi2]/ [xi1 nian2] /former years/previous years/ [xi1 ri4] /formerly/in olden days/ [Xi1 yang2] /Xiyang county in Jinzhong [Jin4 zhong1], Shanxi/ [Xi1 yang2 xian4] /Xiyang county in Jinzhong [Jin4 zhong1], Shanxi/ [xin1] /dawn/ [yang2] /to open out, to expand/bright, glorious/ [Zan3] /surname Zan/ [bing3] /variant of [bing3]/ [xing1] /star/satellite/small amount/ [xing1 guang1] /starlight/ [xing1 ming2] /star name/ [xing1 ming4 jia1] /astrologer (esp. Daoist)/ [xing1 tu2] /star atlas/ [xing1 tuan2] /star cluster/ [Xing1 xing2 wang3] /Star network/ [Xing1 zi3] /Xingzi county in Jiujiang , Jiangxi/ [Xing1 zi3 xian4] /Xingzi county in Jiujiang , Jiangxi/ [xing1 guan1] /Chinese constellations/ [xing1 jia1] /astrologist (in former times)/ [xing1 xiu4] /constellation (arch., now )/one of the 28 constellations of tra

l Chinese astronomy and astrology/motion of stars since one's birth (predetermin ing one's fate in astrology)/ [Xing1 xiu4 hai3] /Xingxiuhai, high plateau in Qinhai close to the source of low River/ [Xing1 dao3] /Sing Tao, Hong Kong media group and publisher of Sing Tao Daily [Xing1 dao3 Ri4 bao4] /Sing Tao Daily, Hong Kong newspaper/ [Xing1 ba1 ke4] /Starbucks, US coffee shop chain/ [xing1 zuo4] /constellation/CL: [zhang1]/ [xing1 dou3] /stars/ [xing1 xing5] /star in the sky/ [xing1 xing5 zhi1 huo3] /a single spark (idiom); an insignificant cause c sive effect/ [xing1 xing5 zhi1 huo3 , ke3 yi3 liao2 yuan2] /a sing insignificant cause can have a massive effect/ [xing1 li4] /astronomic calendar/ [xing1 yao4] /heavenly bodies (esp. the sun, moon or five visible planets)/ [xing1 yue4] /the moon and the stars/ [xing1 qi1] /week/CL: [ge4]/day of the week/Sunday/ [xing1 qi1 yi1] /Monday/ [xing1 qi1 san1] /Wednesday/ [xing1 qi1 er4] /Tuesday/ [xing1 qi1 wu3] /Friday/ [xing1 qi1 liu4] /Saturday/ [xing1 qi1 si4] /Thursday/ [xing1 qi1 tian1] /Sunday/CL: [ge4]/ [xing1 qi1 ji3] /which day of the week/ [xing1 qi1 ri4] /Sunday/CL: [ge4]/ [Xing1 zhou1 Ri4 bao4] /Sin Chew Daily, Malaysian newspaper/ [xing1 liu2 dian4 ji1] /meteor shower and violent thunderclaps (idiom); o nt development/portentous signs/ [xing1 liu2 ting2 ji1] /meteor shower and violent thunderclaps (idiom); o nt development/portentous signs/ [xing1 han4] /Milky Way/our galaxy/ [xing1 qiu2] /celestial body (e.g. planet, satellite etc)/heavenly body/ [Xing1 qiu2 Da4 zhan4] /Star Wars/ [xing1 xiang4] /horoscope/ [xing1 xiang4 tu2] /star chart/ [xing1 xiang4 xue2] /astrology/ [xing1 xiang4 shi1] /astrologer/ [xing1 xiang1 shu4] /astrology/ [xing1 yi2 Dou3 zhuan3] /lit. the Big Dipper [Bei3 dou3 xing1] has ave moved/time flies/also written [Dou3 zhuan3 xing1 yi2]/ [xing1 kong1] /starry sky/the heavens/ [xing1 deng3] /magnitude of a star/ [xing1 xi4] /see [heng2 xing1 xi4]/ [xing1 luo2 qi2 bu4] /scattered about like stars in the sky or chess piec (idiom); spread all over the place/ [xing1 qun2] /star cluster/constellation/ [xing1 hao4] /asterisk (punct.)/ [xing1 biao3] /star catalog/ [xing1 xiang4] /aspect of the celestial bodies (astrology)/ [xing1 xiang4 tu2] /star chart/also written / [xing1 xiang4 e4 yao4] /unlucky star (evil portent in astrology)/ [xing1 chen2] /stars/ [xing1 ji4] /interstellar/interplanetary/ [xing1 ji4 lu:3 xing2] /Star Trek (US TV and film series)/ [Xing1 ji4 zheng1 ba4] /a real-time strategy game (StarCraft) made by Ame , Blizzard Entertainment/ [xing1 yun2] /nebula/ [xing1 yun2 biao3] /catalog of stars and nebulae/

[xing1 chi2] /rapidly/ [xing1 ti3] /celestial body (planet, satellite etc)/ [ying4] /reflect/shine/ [ying4 xiang4] /reflection/image (in a mirror)/ [ying4 xiang4 guan3] /CRT used in TV or computer monitor/picture tube/kinesco [ying4 she4] /map (math.)/ [ying4 she4 guo4 cheng2] /mapping process/ [ying4 shan1 hong2] /Indian azalea (Rhododendron simsii)/ [ying4 zhao4] /to shine upon/to reflect/ [ying4 chen4] /to set off by contrast/antithesis/analogy parallelism (linguistics / [xuan4] /long day/extended/relaxed/ [ling1] /sunshine/ [chun1] /spring (time)/gay/joyful/youthful/love/lust/life/ [chun1 ling4] /spring/springtime/spring weather/ [chun1 jia4] /spring break/ [chun1 guang1] /scenes of springtime/the radiance of spring/ [chun1 guang1 zha4 xie4] /spring sunshine emerges to bring the world aliv give a glimpse of sth intimate (e.g. one's underwear)/ [chun1 guang1 ming2 mei4] /lovely spring sunshine/ [Chun1 fen1] /Chunfen or Spring Equinox, 4th of the 24 solar terms [chun1 fen1 dian3] /the spring equinox/ [chun1 xia4 qiu1 dong1] /the four seasons/spring, summer, autumn and wint [chun1 meng4] /spring dream/short-lived illusion/erotic dream/ [chun1 da4 mai4] /spring barley/ [chun1 tian1] /spring (season)/CL: [ge4]/ [chun1 ji4] /springtime/ [chun1 gong1] /Crown Prince's chambers/by extension, the Crown Prince/erotic pict re/ [Chun1 cen2] /Hill of Spring (derivation of Tel Aviv from the b [Chun1 chuan1 shi4] /Chuncheon city, capital of Gangwon province [Jiang outh Korea/ [chun1 xin1] /amorous feelings/stirrings of love/ [chun1 yi4] /beginning of spring/thoughts of love/ [chun1 juan3] /egg roll/spring roll/ [chun1 bo1] /spring sowing/ [Chun1 ri4] /Chunri or Chunjih township in Pingtung county [Ping2 do [Chun1 ri4 xiang1] /Chunri or Chunjih township in Pingtung county iwan/ [chun1 jing3] /spring scenery/ [Chun1 liu3] /Spring willow society, pioneering Chinese theatrical company set up in Tokyo in 1906, part of New Culture movement, continued in China from 1912 as [Chun1 liu3 ju4 chang3] /Spring willow society, pioneering Chinese theatr set up in Tokyo in 1906, part of New Culture movement, continued in China from 1 912 as / [Chun1 liu3 she4] /Spring willow society, pioneering Chinese theatrical compa up in Tokyo in 1906, part of New Culture movement, continued in China from 1912 as / [Chun1 wu3 li3 fu3] /Chonburi province of east Thailand/ [chun1 xun4] /spring flood/ [Chun1 jiang1 hua1 yue4 ye4] /River on a spring night, long yuefu poe [chun1 guan4] /spring irrigation/ [Chun1 deng1 mi2] /Spring lantern riddles (guessing game at Lantern festival of Spring festival )/ [chun1 sheng1 , xia4 zhang3 , qiu1 shou1 , do n autumn, store in winter (idiom)/ [Chun1 qiu1] /Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC)/Spring and Autumn Annals, chr nicle of Lu State (722-481 BC)/ [chun1 qiu1] /spring and autumn/four seasons/year/a person's age/annals (used in ook titles)/

[Chun1 qiu1 san1 zhuan4] /Three commentaries on the Spring and Autumn ann Mr Gongyang's annals , Mr Guliang's annals and Mr Zuo's annals [chun1 qiu1 wu3 ba4] /the Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn period ( namely: Duke Huan of Qi , Duke Wen of Jin , King Zhuang of Chu f Song and Duke Mu of Qin or King Helu of Wu and Kin [chun1 qiu1 da4 meng4] /grand dreams/unrealistic ideas (idiom)/ [chun1 qiu1 Zuo3 shi4 zhuan4] /Mr Zuo's Spring and Autumn Annals, att lind historian Zuo Qiuming /usually called Zuo Zhuan / [chun1 qiu1 zhan4 guo2] /the Spring and Autumn (770-476 BC) and Warring S 1 BC) periods/ [Chun1 qiu1 Zhan4 guo2 shi2 dai4] /the Spring and Autumn (770-476 475-221) periods/Eastern Zhou (770-221 BC)/ [chun1 qiu1 shi2 dai4] /Spring and Autumn period (770-476 BC)/ [chun1 qiu1 fan2 lu4] /Rich dew of spring and autumn, ideological tract b political philosopher Dong Zhongshu / [chun1 qiu1 ding3 sheng4] /the prime of one's life/ [Chun1 jie2] /Spring Festival (Chinese New Year)/ [chun1 geng1] /to plow a field in the spring/ [chun1 lian2] /Spring Festival couplets/New Year scrolls/ [chun1 se4] /colors of spring/spring scenery/ [chun1 cha2] /spring tea/tea-leaves gathered at spring time/ [chun1 gu1] /spring mushroom/ [chun1 yao4] /aphrodisiac/ [Chun1 can2] /Silkworms in Spring (1933), Chinese silent movie in socialist reali t style, based on novel by Mao Dun [Mao2 Dun4]/ [chun1 yun4] /(increased) passenger transportation around Chinese New Year/ [chun1 yu3] /spring rain/gift from above/ [chun1 lin2] /spring rains/ [chun1 feng1 yi1 du4] /to have sexual intercourse (once)/ [chun1 feng1 hua4 yu3] /lit. spring wind and rain (idiom); fig. the longe of a solid education/ [chun1 feng1 he2 qi4] /(idiom) amiable as a spring breeze/ [chun1 feng1 de2 yi4] /flushed with success/proud of one's success (in ex n etc)/as pleased as punch/ [Chun1 feng1 shen1 zui4 de5 wan3 shang5] /Intoxicating spring [chun1 feng1 man3 mian4] /pleasantly smiling/radiant with happiness/ [chun1 bing3] /spring pancake/ [chun1 huang2 ju2] /yellow chrysanthemum/chamomile (Anthemis spp.)/ [chun1 huang2 ju2 shu3] /Anthemis, genus of flowers in Compositae includi [mei4] /conceal/dark/ [mei4 xin1] /against one's conscience/ [mei4 si3] /to risk one's life/ [mei4 mo4] /veiled/obscure/ [mei4 liang2 xin1] /it goes against one's conscience/ [zuo2] /yesterday/ [zuo2 ye4] /last night/ [zuo2 tian1] /yesterday/ [zuo2 ri4] /yesterday/ [zuo2 wan3] /yesterday evening/last night/ [xu4] /variant of [xu4]/balmy/nicely warm/cozy/ [zhao1] /bright/clear/manifest/to show clearly/ [Zhao1 he2] /Showa, reign name of Emperor Hirohito of Japan 1925-1989/ [Zhao1 ping2] /Zhaoping county in Hezhou [He4 zhou1], Guangxi/ [Zhao1 ping2 xian4] /Zhaoping county in Hezhou [He4 zhou1], Guangxi/ [Zhao1 pi1 ye1 pa4 kang1] /Chao Phya Phra Klang, 18th century Thai po / [Zhao1 pi1 ye1 he2] /Chao Phraya river, the main river of Thailand/ [zhao1 ran2 ruo4 jie1] /abundantly clear/ [zhao1 shi4] /to declare publicly/to make clear/ [Zhao1 su1] /Zhaosu county or Mongghulkre nahiyisi in Ili Kazakh autonomous pref

ure [Yi1 li2 Ha1 sa4 ke4 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang/ [Zhao1 su1 xian4] /Zhaosu county or Mongghulkre nahiyisi in Ili Kazakh auton fecture [Yi1 li2 Ha1 sa4 ke4 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang/ [Zhao1 jue2] /Zhaojue county in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture i4 zhou1], south Sichuan/ [Zhao1 jue2 xian4] /Zhaojue county in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture 4 zhi4 zhou1], south Sichuan/ [Zhao1 tong1] /Zhaotong prefecture level city in Yunnan/ [Zhao1 tong1 di4 qu1] /Zhaotong prefecture in Yunnan/ [Zhao1 tong1 shi4] /Zhaotong prefecture level city in Yunnan/ [Zhao1 yang2] /Zhaoyang district of Zhaotong city [Zhao1 tong1 shi4], Yunna [Zhao1 yang2 qu1] /Zhaoyang district of Zhaotong city [Zhao1 tong1 shi4 [zhao1 xue3] /to exonerate/to clear (from an accusation)/to rehabilitate/ [shi4] /is/are/am/yes/to be/ [shi4 bu4 shi4] /is or isn't/yes or no/whether or not/ [shi4 yi3] /therefore/thus/so/ [shi4 fou3] /whether (or not)/if/is or isn't/ [shi4 sha2 shuo1 sha2] /call a spade a spade (idiom)/ [shi4 gu4] /therefore/so/consequently/ [shi4 de5] /yes/ [shi4 fei1] /right and wrong/quarrel/ [shi4 fei1 bu4 fen1] /unable to distinguish right and wrong (idiom)/ [shi4 fei1 fen1 ming2] /to distinguish right from wrong (idiom)/ [shi4 fei1 qu1 zhi2] /lit. right and wrong, crooked and straight (idiom); and demerits/pros and cons/ [shi4 fei1 zi4 you3 gong1 lun4] /to determine right and wrong bas om)/Public opinion will judge what's right and wrong./ [shi4 fei1 mo4 bian4] /unable to distinguish right and wrong (idiom)/ [shi4] /variant of /name/ [yu4] /bright light/ [yu4 yu4] /variant of [yu4 yu4]/ [die2] /the declining sun in the west/ [mao3] /the Pleiades/ [Mao3 xiu4 xing1 tuan2] /Pleiades M45/ [Mao3 xing1 tuan2] /Pleiades M45/ [ni4] /variant of [ni4]/ [ni4 ai4] /to love dearly/intimacy/close love/ [ni4 bi4] /intimate/ [chang3] /(of the day) long/old variant of [chang4]/ [bing3] /bright/glorious/ [ang2] /variant of ,/to lift/to raise/to raise one's head/high/high spirits/soari ng/expensive/ [Chao2] /surname Chao/ [Shi2] /surname Shi/ [shi2] /o'clock/time/when/hour/season/period/ [shi2 xia4] /at present/right now/ [shi2 bu4 zai4 lai2] /Time that has passed will never come back. (idiom)/ [shi2 bu4 shi2] /from time to time/ [shi2 guai1 ming4 jian3] /bad times, adverse fate (idiom)/ [shi2 shi4] /current trends/the present situation/how things are going/ [shi2 dai4] /age/era/epoch/period/CL: [ge4]/ [shi2 dai4 bu4 tong2 , feng1 shang4 bu4 tong2] /custo ther manners/O Tempora, O Mores!/ [Shi2 dai4 Guang3 chang3] /Times Square/ [Shi2 dai4 Hua2 na4] /Time Warner Inc., US media company/ [shi2 ling4] /in season (usually refers to food)/ [shi2 lai2 yun4 zhuan3] /the time comes, fortune turns (idiom); to have a things change for the better/ [shi2 su2] /prevalent custom of the time/ [shi2 hou5] /time/length of time/moment/period/

[shi2 jia4] /current price/ [shi2 guang1] /time/era/period of time/ [shi2 guang1 sui4 dao4] /time tunnel/ [shi2 fen1] /time/period during the day/one of the 12 two-hour periods enumerated by the earthly branches / [shi2 ke4] /moment/CL: [ge4]/constantly/always/ [shi2 ke4 zhun3 bei4] /ready at any moment/ [shi2 ke4 biao3] /timetable/schedule/ [shi2 shi4] /current situation/circumstances/current trend/ [shi2 shi4 zao4 ying1 xiong2] /Time makes the man (idiom). The trend rth the hero./ [shi2 qu1] /time zone/ [shi2 bao4] /"Times" (newspaper, e.g. New York Times)/ [shi2 da4 shi2 xiao3] /sometimes big, sometimes small/varying/ [shi2 hao3 shi2 huai4] /sometimes good, sometimes bad/ [shi2 yi2] /timely/at the right moment/appropriate to the occasion/opportune/to f t current fashion/ [shi2 xie3 shi2 chuo4] /to write for a bit then give up/to write in fits [shi2 shang4] /fashion/fad/fashionable/ [shi2 ju2] /current political situation/ [shi2 cha1] /time difference/time lag/jet lag/ [shi2 chang2] /often/frequently/ [shi2 xu4] /time course/ [shi2 bi4] /ills of the day/contemporary problems/ [shi2 shi4] /modern/ [shi2 tai4] /(verb) tense/ [shi2 chuo1] /timestamp/ [shi2 xiao4] /effectiveness for a given period of time/prescription (law)/aging ( etallurgy)/ [shi2 duan4 shi2 xu4] /stopping and starting/intermittent/sporadic/on and [shi2 ri4] /time/auspicious time/time and date/long period of time/this day/ [shi2 ri4 wu2 duo1] /time is limited (idiom)/ [shi2 shi2] /often/constantly/ [shi2 shi2 ke4 ke4] /at all times/ [shi2 you3 suo3 wen2] /heard from time to time/one keeps hearing that.../ [shi2 qi1] /period/phase/CL: [ge4]/ [shi2 ji1] /fortunate timing/occasion/opportunity/ [shi2 duan4] /time interval/work shift/time slot/the twelve two hour divisions of the day/ [shi2 duan4 fen1 xi1] /time interval analysis/ [shi2 zha4 dan4] /time bomb/ [shi2 kong1] /space-time (in relativity)/ [shi2 kong1 lu:3 xing2] /time travel/ [shi2 kong1 chuan1 suo1] /a time machine/ [shi2 jie2] /season/time/ [shi2 sui2] /peace all year round (old letter closing)/ [shi2 er2] /occasionally/from time to time/ [shi2 zhi4 jin1 ri4] /lit. the time up to today (idiom); up to the presen [shi2 xing1] /fashionable/popular/ [shi2 cai4] /seasonal vegetable/ [shi2 shu1] /seasonal vegetables/ [shi2 zhuang1] /the latest fashion in clothes/fashionable/ [shi2 zhuang1 ye4] /fashion industry/ [shi2 zhuang1 biao3 yan3] /fashion show/ [shi2 zhuang1 she4 ji4 shi1] /fashion designer/ [shi2 zhuang1 xie2] /dress shoes/ [shi2 xun4] /news/current events/ [shi2 chen5] /time/one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day/ [shi2 chen5 wei4 dao4] /the time has not yet come/ [shi2 su4] /speed per hour/

[shi2 yun4] /circumstances/fate/ [shi2 yun4 bu4 ji4] /fate is unfavorable (idiom); the omens are not good/ [shi2 yun4 heng1 tong1] /our luck is in, everything is going smoothly (id [shi2 zhen1] /hand of a clock/hour hand/ [shi2 zhong1] /clock/ [shi2 zhong1 zuo4] /Horologium (constellation)/ [shi2 jian1] /time/period/CL:[duan4]/ [shi2 jian1 nei4] /within (a period of time)/ [shi2 jian1 qu1 jian1] /time interval/ [shi2 jian1 xu4 lie4] /time series (stats.)/ [shi2 jian1 chuo1] /timestamp/ [shi2 jian1 ce4 ding4 xue2] /chronometry/ [Shi2 jian1 jian3 shi3] /A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking/ [shi2 jian1 xian4] /timeline/ [shi2 jian1 biao3] /schedule/timetable/ [shi2 jian1 zhou2] /time axis/timeline/ [shi2 jian1 jin4 cheng2] /time course/ [shi2 xian4] /time limit/ [shi2 ge2] /separated in time (usu. followed by a quantity of time)/ [shi2 yong1] /concord/harmony/ [shi2 xian3 shi2 yin3] /appearing and disappearing/intermittently visible [shi2 mao2] /in vogue/fashionable/ [shi2 dian3] /point of time (in time-based systems)/ [huang3] /to dazzle/to flash past/ [huang4] /to sway/to shake/ [huang4 dong4] /to sway/to rock/ [huang4 huang5 you1 you1] /swaying/wobbling/ [huang4 dang5] /to rock/to sway/to shake/ [huang3] /old variant of [huang3]/ [xuan1] /light of the sun/to dry in the sun/ [Jin4] /surname Jin/the Jin Dynasties (265-420)/Western Jin [Xi1 Jin4] (265astern Jin [Dong1 Jin4] (317-420) and Later Jin Dynasty (936-946)/short name for S anxi province [Shan1 xi1]/ [jin4] /to move forward/to promote/to advance/ [Jin4 zhong1] /Jinzhong prefecture level city in Shanxi / [Jin4 zhong1 shi4] /Jinzhong prefecture level city in Shanxi / [jin4 sheng1] /to promote to a higher position/ [Jin4 cheng2] /Jincheng prefecture level city in Shanxi / [Jin4 cheng2 shi4] /Jincheng prefecture level city in Shanxi / [Jin4 an1] /Jin'an district of Fuzhou city [Fu2 zhou1 shi4], Fujian/ [Jin4 an1 qu1] /Jin'an district of Fuzhou city [Fu2 zhou1 shi4], Fujian [Jin4 ning2] /Jinning county in Kunming [Kun1 ming2], Yunnan/ [Jin4 ning2 xian4] /Jinning county in Kunming [Kun1 ming2], Yunnan/ [Jin4 Wen2 gong1] /Duke Wen of Jin (697-628 BC, reigned 636-628 BC), one of t Hegemons / [Jin4 shu1] /History of the Jin dynasty, fifth of the 24 dynastic histories under Fang Xuanling in 648 during Tang dynasty , 130 scrolls/ [Jin4 jiang1] /Jinjiang county level city in Quanzhou [Quan2 zhou1], Fujian/ [Jin4 jiang1 di4 qu1] /Jinjiang county (old term)/since 1983, Jinjiang co ty, Fujian/ [Jin4 jiang1 shi4] /Jinjiang county level city in Quanzhou [Quan2 zhou1], [Jin4 yuan2] /Jinyuan district of Taiyuan city [Tai4 yuan2 shi4], Shanxi/ [Jin4 yuan2 qu1] /Jinyuan district of Taiyuan city [Tai4 yuan2 shi4], S [jin4 jue2] /to join the nobility/to rise through the nobility/ [jin4 ji2] /to advance in rank/promotion/advancement/ [Jin4 xian4] /Jin county in Hebei/ [jin4 jian4] /to have an audience with/ [shang3] /part of the day/midday/ [shang3 wu3] /noon/ [Yan4] /surname Yan/

[yan4] /late/quiet/ [Yan4 Ying1] /Yanzi (-c 500 BC), famous statesman from Qi of the Warring States, lso known as , hero of book / [Yan4 zi3] /Yanzi (-c 500 BC), famous statesman from Qi of the Warring States, al o known as , hero of book / [Yan4 zi3 chun1 qiu1] /Tales of Yanzi, book describing the life and wisdo 500 BC), famous statesman from Qi of the Warring States/ [Yan4 Ping2 zhong4] /another name for Yan Ying or Yanzi (-500 m Qi of the Warring States / [yan4 jia4] /to die (exclusively of the Emperor)/ [shai4] /variant of [shai4]/ [han2] /before daybreak/dawn about to break/used in given names/ [wan3] /evening/night/late/ [wan3 shang5] /evening/night/CL: [ge4]/in the evening/ [wan3 shang4 hao3] /Good evening!/ [wan3 shi4] /nowadays/ [wan3 bao4] /evening paper/ [wan3 hun1 wan3 yu4] /to marry and give birth late/ [wan3 an1] /Good night!/Good evening!/ [wan3 yan4] /banquet/dinner party/soiree/ [wan3 nian2] /one's later years/ [wan3 shang3] /evening/ [wan3 hui4] /evening party/CL: [ge4]/ [wan3 qi1] /later period/end stage/terminal/ [wan3 qi1 ai2 zheng4] /terminal cancer/ [wan3 Qing1] /the late Qing/late 19th and early 20th century China/ [wan3 li3 fu2] /evening dress/ [wan3 dao3] /evening prayer/evensong/vespers/ [wan3 yu4] /late childbirth/to have a child at a later age/ [wan3 che1] /night train/ [wan3 bei4] /the younger generation/those who come after/ [wan3 jian1] /evening/night/ [wan3 xia2] /sunset glow/sunset clouds/afterglow/ [wan3 fan4] /evening meal/dinner/supper/CL:[fen4], [dun4],[ci4],[can1]/ [wan3 can1] /evening meal/dinner/CL:[fen4], [dun4],[ci4]/ [wan3 dian3] /late/delayed/a little later/behind schedule/ [xian4] /to appear (of sun)/ [kun1] /descendant/elder brother/ [zhou4] /daytime/ [zhou4 fu2 ye4 chu1] /nocturnal/to hide by day and come out at night/ [zhou4 ye4] /day and night/period of 24 hours/continuously, without stop/ [zhou4 ye4 ping2 fen1 dian3] /the equinox/ [zhou4 duan3 ye4 chang2] /the winter days are short and the nights long ( [xi1] /dawn/to dry in the sun/ [Cheng2] /variant of /surname Cheng/ [sheng4] /brightness of sun/splendor/ [bu1] /3-5 p.m./ [zhe2] /bright/ [wu4] /meet (socially)/ [wu4 mian4] /interview/ [han4] /Anhui province/ [hui4] /dark/night/unlucky/ [hui4 an4] /dark and gloomy/ [hui4 qi4] /bad luck/unlucky/calamitous/wretched/ [hui4 se4] /difficult to understand/cryptic/ [chen2] /morning/dawn/daybreak/ [chen2 bao4] /Morning Post (newspaper)/Aamulehti (Finnish newspaper)/ [chen2 xi1 gong4 chu3] /to be together from morning until night (idiom)/ [chen2 hun1] /morning and twilight/day and night/ [chen2 hun1 ding4 xing3] /morning and evening visits to parents/cf

]/ [chen2 xing1] /morning stars/ [chen2 xi1] /first rays of morning sun/first glimmer of dawn/ [chen2 ge1] /morning chorus (birdsong)/ [chen2 dao3] /matins/morning service (in Catholic church)/ [chen2 lian4] /morning exercise/ [chen2 zhong1 mu4 gu3] /lit. morning bell, evening drum, symbolizing mona (idiom); fig. encouragement to study or progress/ [chen2 lu4] /morning dew/ [wan3] /variant of [wan3]/ [zui4] /1st birthday of a child/ [pu3] /general/popular/everywhere/universal/ [pu3 shi4] /ecumenical/universal/ [pu3 shi4 Ji1 du1 jiao4] /ecumenical/ [pu3 shi4 jiao4 hui4] /ecumenical/ [Pu3 jing1] /Vladimir Putin (1952-), career KGB officer and politician, president of Russian Federation from 2000, prime minister from 2008/ [Pu3 shi2 tu2 yu3] /Pashtu (one of the languages of Afghanistan)/ [Pu3 lie4 xie4 ci2 ke4] /Plesetsk, settlement in Arkhangelsk Oblast, [Pu3 lie4 xie4 ci2 ke4 wei4 xing1 fa1 she4 chang3 a/ [pu3 li4 si1 tong1] /Bridgestone tire company/ [Pu3 li4 ce4 jiang3] /Pulitzer Prize/ [Pu3 li4 mao2 si1] /Plymouth/ [Pu3 jia1 qiao2 fu1] /Yemelyan Ivanovich Pugachov (1742-1775), Russian Co of peasant rebellion 1773-1775 against Catherine the Great/ [pu3 ji2] /popular/to popularize/universal/ubiquitous/pervasive/ [pu3 ji2] /Phuket (city in Thailand)/ [pu3 tian1 xia4] /throughout the world/ [pu3 tian1 tong2 qing4] /everybody celebrating together/universal celebra l rejoicing/ [Pu3 qi4 ni2] /Puccini/ [Pu3 an1] /Puan county in Qianxinan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture n2 zhou1], Guizhou/ [Pu3 an1 xian4] /Puan county in Qianxinan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefectur 1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ [Pu3 ding4] /Puding county in Anshun [An1 shun4], Guizhou/ [Pu3 ding4 xian4] /Puding county in Anshun [An1 shun4], Guizhou/ [Pu3 mi4 peng2] /Bhumibol (b.Dec 5th 1927. King of Thailand since June 9th 19 ng) Bhumibol (Adulyadej)/ [Pu3 mi4 peng2 A1 du4 de2] /Bhumibol Adulyadej (1927-), Kin [pu3 mi4 peng2 a1 du4 de2] /Bhumibol Adulyadej (1927-), King of T [Pu3 ning2] /Puning county level city in Jieyang , Guangdong/ [Pu3 ning2 shi4] /Puning county level city in Jieyang , Guangdong/ [Pu3 xi1 jin1] /Alexandr Sergeevich Pushkin (1799-1837), great Russian romant / [pu3 du4 zhong4 sheng1] /to deliver all living creatures from difficulty [Pu3 la1] /Pula (city in Croatia)/ [Pu3 la1 ya4] /Praia, capital of Cape Verde/ [Pu3 la1 ti2] /Pilates (physical fitness system)/ [pu3 pu3 tong1 tong1] /ordinary/mediocre/nothing special/ [Pu3 lang3 ke4] /Max Planck (1858-1947), German physicist/ [Pu3 lang3 ke4 chang2 shu4] /Planck's constant h, approximately equal Joule.seconds or 4.135 x 10^-15 Electron volt.seconds/ [Pu3 lin2 si1 dun1] /Princeton, New Jersey/ [Pu3 lin2 si1 dun1 da4 xue2] /Princeton University/ [Pu3 lin2 si1 dun4] /Princeton, New Jersey/ [Pu3 lin2 si1 dun4 Da4 xue2] /Princeton University/ [pu3 cha2] /census/general survey/general investigation/reconnaissance survey/ [Pu3 ge2] /Puge county in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture

u1], south Sichuan/ [Pu3 ge2 xian4] /Puge county in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture zhou1], south Sichuan/ [pu3 sang1 jiao4 che1] /Passat/a car model of Volkswagen/ [Pu3 shi4] /Nikolai Mikhailovich Przevalski (1839-1 tions to Central Asian from 1870/ [Pu3 shi4 xiao3 ling2 yang2] /Przevalski's gazelle (Procapra przewals a/ [pu3 shi4 li4 ke4 ci4 ti3] /Rickettsia prowazekii/ [Pu3 shi4 ye3 ma3] /Przevalski horse (Equus przewalskii) wild horse of Ce rst identified in 1881 by Nikolai Mikhailovich Przevalski / [pu3 fa3] /to promote knowledge of laws/rights awareness/ [pu3 fa3 zhan4 zheng1] /Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871)/ [Pu3 er3] /Pu'er prefecture level city in Yunnan/county capital of Ning'er Hani a d Yi autonomous county / [Pu3 er3 Ha1 ni2 zu2 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /for , renamed in 2007 Ning'er Hani and Yi autonomous county [Pu3 er3 shi4] /Pu'er prefecture level city in Yunnan/county capital of Ning' and Yi autonomous county / [Pu3 er3 cha2] /Pu'er tea from the Pu'er region of Yunnan/ [pu3 ji4 zhong4 sheng1] /universal mercy and succor (idiom); the Buddha's er and mercy/ [pu3 zhao4] /to illuminate everything (of the sun)/ [Pu3 er3 re4 wa3 er3 si1 ji1] /Nikolai Mikhailovich Przevalsk who made four expeditions to Central Asian from 1870/abbr. to / [Pu3 mi3 zu2] /Pumi ethnic group/ [pu3 luo2] /proletariat/abbr. for [pu3 luo2 lie4 ta3 li4 [pu3 luo2 lie4 ta3 li4 ya4] /proletariat (loanword)/ [pu3 luo2 da4 zhong4] /proletariat/abbr. for [pu [wu2 chan3 jie1 ji2] in PRC Marxist theory/ [Pu3 luo2 fu1 di2 fu1] /Plovdiv/ [Pu3 luo2 zha1 ke4] /Prozac (also marketed as Fluoxetine)/ [Pu3 luo2 ti2 nuo4] /Plotinus (Neoplatonism philosopher)/ [Pu3 luo2 wang4 si1] /Provence (south of France)/ [Pu3 luo2 wang4 si1 yu3] /Provenal (language)/ [Pu3 luo2 ke1 fei1 fu1] /Sergei Prokofiev (1891-1953), Russian compos [Pu3 luo2 di2] /Prodi (surname)/ [pu3 kao3] /examination for lower levels of Taiwan government service (short for g1 kao3 shi4])/ [Pu3 lai2 si1] /Price (name)/ [pu3 nai4 luo4 er3] /propranolol (beta-blocker used to treat high blood p [Pu3 lan2] /Burang county in Ngari prefecture, Tibet, Tibetan: Spu hreng rdzong/ [Pu3 lan2 dian4] /Pulandian county level city in Dalian [Da4 lian2], [Pu3 lan2 dian4 shi4] /Pulandian county level city in Dalian [Da [Pu3 lan2 xian4] /Burang county in Ngari prefecture, Tibet, Tibetan: Spu hren g/ [pu3 xi1] /psi (Greek letter )/ [Pu3 xian2] /Samantabhadra, the Buddhist Lord of Truth/ [Pu3 xian2 Pu2 sa4] /Samantabhadra, the Buddhist Lord of Truth/ [pu3 sai4] /psi (Greek letter )/ [pu3 tong1] /common/ordinar /general/average/ [pu3 tong1 zhong1 xue2] /general middle school/ [pu3 tong1 ren2] /ordinar person/private citizen/people/the person in the st [pu3 tong1 ming2 ci2] /common noun (grammar)/ [pu3 tong1 wen4 ti2] /common questions/general questions/ [pu3 tong1 jiao4 u4] /general education/ [pu3 tong1 min2 zhong4] /ordinar people/the masses/ [pu3 tong1 fa3] /common law/ [pu3 tong1 lao3 bai3 xing4] /common people/average people/hoi polloi/ [pu3 tong1 gu3] /common stock/

[pu3 tong1 jiao3 shan3 shi2] /hornblende (rock-forming mineral, t pe [pu3 tong1 hua4] /Mandarin (common language)/Putonghua (common speech of the language)/ordinar speech/ [pu3 tong1 chi4 ang2] /alder tree (Alnus glutinosa)/ [pu3 tong1 che1] /local train/ordinar vehicle/ [pu3 tong1 gao1 deng3 xue2 xiao4 trance examination/usuall abbreviated to [gao1 kao3]/ [pu3 bian4] /universal/general/widespread/common/ [pu3 bian4 hua4] /generalization (logic)/ [pu3 bian4 xing4] /ubiquit /universalit / [pu3 bian4 xing4 jia3 she4] /universal h pothesis/ [pu3 bian4 li3 lun4] /universal h pothesis/ [pu3 xuan3] /election with general suffrage/general election/ [pu3 xuan3 quan2] /universal suffrage/ [Pu3 li3 shi2 di4 na4] /Pristina, capital of Kosovo / [Pu3 li3 qie4 te4] /Pratchett (name)/ [Pu3 tuo2] /Putuo district of Zhoushan cit [Zhou1 shan1 shi4], Zhejiang/ [Pu3 tuo2 qu1] /Putuo district, central Shanghai/Putuo district of Zhoushan c shan1 shi4], Zhejiang/ [Pu3 tuo2 shan1] /Mt Potala at Zhoushan in Zhejiang, one of the Four S and Bodhimanda of Guan in (Avalokitevara)/ [pu3 jiang4] /precipitation over a large area/widespread rain/ [pu3 lei2 ke4 si1 liu2 cheng2] /purex/ [Pu3 lei2 si1 bao3] /Pressburg (Slovakia)/ [Pu3 lei2 si1 dun4] /Preston/ [pu3 lu3 ka3 yin1] /Procaine (nerve blocking agent)/ [Pu3 lu3 shi4] /Prussia (historical German state)/ [Pu3 lu3 dong1] /Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (1809-1865), French socialist philoso [Pu3 lu3 dong1 zhu3 yi4] /Proudhonism, 19th century socialist theory/ [Jing3] /surname Jing/ [jing3] /bright/circumstance/scenery/ [jing3 qu1] /scenic area/ [Jing3 ning2] /Jingning Shezu autonomous county in Lishui [Li2 shui3], Z [Jing3 ning2 She1 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Jingning Shezu autonom Zhejiang/ [Jing3 ning2 She1 xiang1] /Jingning Shezu autonomous county in Lishui ng/ [Jing3 ning2 xian4] /Jingning Shezu autonomous county in Lishui [Li2 [Jing3 shan1] /Jingshan (name of a hill in Jingshan park)/ [Jing3 shan1 Gong1 yuan2] /Jingshan Park (park in Beijing)/ [Jing3 de2 zhen4] /Jingdezhen prefecture level city in Jiangxi province , orcelain/ [Jing3 de2 zhen4 shi4] /Jingdezhen prefecture level city in Jiangxi provi r porcelain/ [Jing3 jiao4] /Nestorian Christianity/ [Jing3 dong1] /Jingdong Yizu autonomous county in Yunnan/ [Jing3 dong1 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Jingdong Yi autonomous / [Jing3 dong1 xian4] /Jingdong Yi autonomous county in Pu'er [Pu3 er3], Yu [jing3 qi4] /prosperity/(economic) boom/ [jing3 kuang4] /circumstances/ [Jing3 tai4] /Jingtai county in Baiyin [Bai2 yin2], Gansu/Jiangtai Emper e of seventh Ming Emperor Zhu Qiyu [Zhu1 Qi2 yu4] (1428-1457), reigned 1449-14 ple name [Dai4 zong1]/ [Jing3 tai4 xian4] /Jingtai county in Baiyin [Bai2 yin2], Gansu/ [jing3 tai4 lan2] /cloisonne/cloisonn/ [Jing3 hong2] /Jinghong county level city in Xishuangbanna Dai autonomous prefect re [Xi1 shuang1 ban3 na4 Dai3 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yun [Jing3 hong2 shi4] /Jinghong county level city in Xishuangbanna Dai autonomou cture [Xi1 shuang1 ban3 na4 Dai3 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1],


[jing3 shen1] /depth of field/ [jing3 wu4] /scenery/ [Jing3 fu2 gong1] /Gyeongboggung palace in central Seoul/ [Jing3 xian4] /Jing county in Hengshui [Heng2 shui3], Hebei/ [jing3 zhi4] /view/scenery/scene/ [jing3 se4] /scenery/scene/landscape/view/ [jing3 guan1] /landscape/ [jing3 guan1 she4 ji4] /landscape design/ [Jing3 gu3] /Jinggu Dai and Yi autonomous county in Pu'er [Pu3 er3], Yunnan/ [Jing3 gu3 Dai3 zu2 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Jinggu D ], Yunnan/ [Jing3 gu3 xian4] /Jinggu Dai and Yi autonomous county in Pu'er [Pu3 er3] [jing3 xiang4] /scene/sight (to behold)/ [Jing3 po1] /Jingpo ethnic group of Tibet and Yunnan/ [Jing3 po1 zu2] /Jingpo ethnic group of Tibet and Yunnan/ [jing3 dian3] /scenic spot/place of interest (tourism)/ [xi1] /understanding/ [qing2] /clear/fine (weather)/ [qing2 tian1] /clear sky/sunny day/ [qing2 tian1 pi1 li4] /thunder from a clear sky (idiom); a bolt from the [qing2 hao3] /bright and sunny weather/ [qing2 lang3] /sunny and cloudless/ [qing2 kong1 wan4 li3] /a clear and boundless sky/ [Qing2 long2] /Qinglong county in Qianxinan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 2 xi1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ [Qing2 long2 xian4] /Qinglong county in Qianxinan Buyei and Miao autonomous p re [Qian2 xi1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ [qing2 yu3] /all weather/rain or shine/barometer/ [qing2 yu3 biao3] /barometer/ [jing1] /crystal/ [jing1 liang4] /bright/shiny/ [jing1 guang1] /glittering light/ [jing1 yuan2] /wafer (silicon medium for integrated circuit)/ [jing1 ming2] /bright/shiny/ [jing1 jing1] /the full moon/ [jing1 ge2] /crystal lattice (the regular 3-dimensional pattern formed by atoms i a crystal)/ [jing1 pian4] /chip/wafer/ [jing1 zhuang4] /crystalline/ [jing1 zhuang4 ti3] /lens/crystalline lens/ [jing1 ying2] /sparkling and translucent/ [jing1 gui1 bang4] /single crystal silicon/ [jing1 xi4] /crystal system/ [jing1 ti3] /crystal/ [jing1 ti3 guan3] /transistor/ [jing1 ti3 jie2 gou4] /crystal structure/ [gui3] /sundial/ [zhi4] /wisdom/knowledge/ [zhi4 ren2] /Homo sapiens/ [Zhi4 li4] /Chile/ [zhi4 li4] /intelligence/intellect/ [zhi4 li4 ce4 yan4] /intelligence trial/IQ test/ [zhi4 shang1] /IQ (intelligence quotient)/ [zhi4 nang2 tuan2] /think tank/brain trust/ [zhi4 nang2 ji1 gou4] /think tank/brain trust/ [zhi4 ku4] /think tank/group of talented people/ [zhi4 hui4] /wisdom/knowledge/intelligent/intelligence/ [zhi4 hui4 chan3 quan2] /intellectual property/ [zhi4 hui4 chi3] /wisdom tooth/ [zhi4 zhu1 zai4 wo4] /lit. to hold the pearl of wisdom/to be able to cope

ntualities (idiom)/ [Zhi4 shen2 xing1] /Pallas, an asteroid, discovered in 1802 by H.W. Olbers/ [zhi4 zhe3] /sage/wise man/clever and knowledgeable person/ [zhi4 zhe3 qian1 lu:4 , bi4 you3 yi1 shi1] /lit. a wi till make a mistake (idiom); fig. nobody is infallible/ [zhi4 yu4] /intellectual development/ [zhi4 neng2] /intelligent/able/smart (phone, system, bomb etc)/ [zhi4 neng2 ka3] /smart card/ [zhi4 neng2 da4 lou2] /intelligent building/ [zhi4 neng2 shou3 ji1] /smartphone/ [zhi4 neng2 she4 ji4] /intelligent design (religion)/ [zhi4 neng2 zhang4 ai4] /intellectual disability/cognitive disability/lea ity/mental retardation/ [zhi4 mou2] /resourceful/intelligent/ [zhi4 mou2 guo4 ren2] /surpassingly resourceful/super-intelligent/ [zhi4 zhang4] /learning difficulties (handicap)/retarded/ [zhi4 zhang4 ren2 shi4] /person with learning difficulties (handicap)/ret [Zhi4 yi3] /Zhiyi (538-597), founder of the Tiantai sect of Buddhism/ [zhi4 chi3] /wisdom tooth/ [liang4] /to dry in the air/ [liang4 gan1] /to dry by the sun/ [liang4 yi1 jia1] /clothes pin/ [cheng1] /(used in names)/ [xiao3] /Japanese variant of / [xuan1] /genial and warm/ [xuan1 teng5] /soft and warm (of bread)/ [yi2] /(of the sun) declining/ [xia2] /leisure/ [yun1] /confused/dizzy/giddy/to faint/to swoon/to lose consciousness/to pass out / [yun4] /dizzy/halo/ring around moon or sun/ [yun1 hu5] /dizzy/giddy/ [yun1 dao3] /to faint/to swoon/to black out/to become unconscious/ [yun1 jue2] /to faint/ [yun4 chang3] /to faint from stress (during exam, on stage etc)/ [yun4 ran3] /to smudge (become smeared)/to smudge (create a blurred effect)/shadi g (wash painting technique)/ [yun4 ji1] /to become airsick/ [yun1 si3] /Geez!/Shoot!/No way!/ [yun4 chi2] /to faint in the bathroom (from heat)/ [yun1 xuan4] /daze/giddy/ [yun1 hu5] /dizzy/giddy/ [yun4 chuan2] /to become seasick/ [yun1 xue4 zheng4] /blood phobia/ [yun4 che1] /carsick/ [yun4 zhen1] /to faint during acupuncture or injection/ [yun1 tou2] /dizzy/ [yun1 tou2 zhuan4 xiang4] /confused and disoriented/ [yun4 gao1 r5] /to feel giddy on heights/vertigo/ [hui1] /sunshine/to shine upon/variant of [hui1]/ [hui1 ying4] /variant of [hui1 ying4]/ [min2] /unhappy/worried/depressed/ [min3] /strong/vigorous/ [kui2] /in opposition to/separated from/ [he4] /hot/ [wei3] /the bright shining of the sun/ [shu3] /heat/hot weather/summer heat/ [shu3 cu4] /summer promotion (sale)/ [shu3 jia4] /summer vacation/CL: [ge4]/ [shu3 tian1] /hot (summer) day/

[shu3 qi1] /summer vacation time/ [shu3 qi1 xue2 xiao4] /summer school/ [shu3 qi4] /(summer) heat/ [shu3 wen1] /summer-warm disease (traditional Chinese medicine)/ [shu3 re4] /hot (summer) weather/ [shu3 wen1] /tropical disease/summertime disease/ [nan2] /name of a country/ [jian3] /bright (light)/ [nuan3] /warm/to heat/genial/ [nuan3 hua4] /warming/ [nuan3 huo5] /warm/nice and warm/ [nuan3 hu2] /vacuum flask/thermos flask/ [nuan3 chao2 guan3 jia1] /housekeeper who looks after old people with no hose children do not live with them/ [nuan3 fang2] /heating/central heating/greenhouse/hothouse/to pay a house-warming visit/ [Nuan3 nuan3] /Nuannuan district of Keelung City [Ji1 long2 shi4], Taiwan/ [Nuan3 nuan3 qu1] /Nuannuan district of Keelung City [Ji1 long2 shi4], [nuan3 qi4] /warm air/heating/heater/ [nuan3 qi4 ji1] /radiator/heater/ [nuan3 qi4 pian4] /radiator/ [nuan3 shui3 ping2] /thermos flask or bottle/ [nuan3 yang2 yang2] /warm/comfortably warm/ [nuan3 liu2] /warm current/ [nuan3 hong1 hong1] /nice and warm/cosy/heart-warming/ [nuan3 ping2] /thermos/ [nuan3 se4] /warm color (arch.)/esp. yellow, orange or red/ [nuan3 rong2 rong2] /comfortably warm/cosy/ [nuan3 diao4] /warm tone/warm color/ [nuan3 ge2] /warm room/warm partition of a room/ [nuan3 feng1] /warm breeze/ [an4] /dark/gloomy/hidden/secret/muddled/obscure/in the dark/ [an4 zhong1] /in the dark/in secret/on the sly/surreptitiously/ [an4 zhong1 jian1 shi4] /to monitor secretly/to spy on/ [an4 jing3] /blind shaft/winze/ [an4 shang1] /internal (invisible) injury (damage)/ [an4 guang1 niao3] /black-crowned night heron (Taiwan)/ [an4 gong1 niao3] /black-crowned night heron (Taiwan)/ [an4 he2] /to agree implicitly/of one mind/views coincide without a word exchange / [an4 xi3] /hidden smile/smirk/to rejoice covertly/secret satisfaction concerning ne's evil plans/ [an4 yu4] /metaphor/ [an4 qi4] /concealed weapon/ [an4 di4] /secretly/inwardly/ [an4 di4 li5] /secretly/inwardly/on the sly/ [an4 bao3] /bunker/ [an4 chang1] /unlicensed (unregistered) prostitute/ [an4 shi4] /darkroom/ [an4 hai4] /kill secretly/stab in the back/ [an4 cha2 ming2 fang3] /open enquiries and secret search (idiom); to inve y and in secret/taking information from all sides/ [an4 ying3] /shadow/umbra/ [an4 xiang3] /think to oneself/ [an4 lian4] /to be secretly in love/ [an4 zhi3] /to hint at/to imply/sth hidden/ [an4 tan4] /secret agent/detective/ [an4 xing1 yun2] /dark nebula (visible as a shadow, absorbing light from behi orption nebula/ [an4 mei4] /obscure/remaining unenlightened/

[an4 an4] /secretly/inwardly/ [an4 sha1] /to assassinate/ [an4 he2] /underground river/ [an4 liu2] /undercurrent/ [an4 dan4] /dim/faint/dismal/gloomy/ [an4 du4 Chen2 cang1] /secretly crossing the Wei river at Chencang ( stratagem used by Liu Bang in 206 BC against Xiangyu of Chu); fig. fein ile doing another/to cheat under cover of a diversion/ [an4 chao2] /undercurrent/ [an4 tan1] /hidden shoal/ [an4 hui1 se4] /dark gray/ [an4 wu2 tian1 ri4] /all black, no daylight (idiom); a world without just [an4 ji2] /unmentionable disease/a disease one is ashamed of/ [an4 he2] /magazine/cassette/ [an4 jiao1] /submerged reef (rock)/ [an4 shi4] /to hint/to suggest/suggestion/hint/ [an4 xiao4] /laugh in (up) one's sleeve/snigger/snicker/ [an4 suan4] /to plot against/ [an4 jian4] /attack by a hidden enemy/a stab in the back/ [an4 xiang1] /camera bellows/camera obscura/ [an4 xiang1 cao1 zuo4] /to do something secretly/earmark (politics)/ [an4 zi3 se4] /dark purple/ [an4 xian4 guang1 pu3] /dark-line spectrum/ [an4 zi4] /inwardly/to oneself/secretly/ [an4 hua1 r5] /veiled design incised in porcelain or woven in fabric/ [an4 cang2] /hide/conceal/ [an4 chu4] /secret place/ [an4 hao4] /secret signal (sign)/countersign/cipher/ [an4 dai4] /camera bag (for changing film)/ [an4 ji4 r5] /secret mark/ [an4 fang3] /to make secret inquiries/to investigate in secret/ [an4 yu3] /code word/ [an4 zhuan3] /blackout/ [an4 song4 qiu1 bo1] /make eyes at sb/while others are not looking/stealt the glad eye/make secret overtures to sb/ [an4 shi4 ying4] /dark adaptation/ [an4 suo3] /built-in lock/ [an4 jian1 r5] /inner room/ [an4 lu4] /black-crowned night heron (Taiwan)/ [yang2] /rising sun/sunshine/ [ming2] /dark/ [gao3] /daybreak/bright and brilliant/ [weng3] /see [weng3 meng2]/ [weng3 meng2] /twilight before dawn/ [chang4] /free/unimpeded/smooth/at ease/free from worry/fluent/ [chang4 kuai4] /carefree/ [chang4 xiang3] /to think freely/unfettered imagination/ [chang4 suo3 yu4 yan2] /lit. fluently saying all one wants (idiom); to pr n one's favorite topic/to hold forth to one's heart's content/ [chang4 wang4] /flourishing/brisk (sales, trading)/ [chang4 tan2] /to chat/a long talk/verbose/to talk freely to one's heart's conten / [chang4 tan2 hua4 ka3] /long-term calling card (telephone)/ [chang4 tong1] /unimpeded/free-flowing/straight path/unclogged/move without obstr ction/ [chang4 xiao1] /to sell well/best seller/chart-topping/ [chang4 xiao1 shu1] /a best-seller/a best-selling book/a blockbuster/ [chang4 yin3] /to enjoy drinking/ [li4] /Japanese variant of /the calendar/ [ji4] /and/to reach to/the limits/

[Ji4 nan2 Da4 xue2] /Jinan University in Guangdong Province, with 4 campu hou, Shenzhen and Zhuhai/ [Ji4 Da4] /abbr. for Jinan University [Ji4 nan2 Da4 xue2]/ [men4] /dark/ [zan4] /temporary/Taiwan pr. [zhan4]/ [zan4 qie3] /for now/for the time being/temporarily/ [zan4 zhu4 zheng4] /temporary residence permit/ [zan4 ting2] /to suspend/time-out (e.g. in sports)/stoppage/pause (media player)/ [zan4 ding4] /temporary arrangement/provisional/tentative/ [zan4 xi1] /a lull (in the storm)/brief break (in rain)/ [zan4 tai4] /transient/ [zan4 ge1] /temporarily stopped/in abeyance/ [zan4 shi2] /temporary/provisional/for the time being/ [zan4 ya2] /deciduous tooth/milk tooth/baby tooth/also written [ru3 chi3 [zan4 duan3] /brief (in time)/ [zan4 huan3] /to postpone/ [zan4 que1] /currently in short supply/in deficit (of commodity)/currently vacant (position)/ [zan4 xing2] /provisional/ [mu4] /evening/sunset/ [mu4 nian2] /one's declining years/old age/ [mu4 jing3] /an evening scene/fig. one's old age/ [mu4 qi4] /evening mist/fig. declining spirits/lethargy/ [mu4 qi4 meng2 long2] /obscurity brought by the twilight (idiom)/ [mu4 se4] /twilight/ [mu4 se4 cang1 mang2] /the hazy dusk of twilight (idiom)/ [mu4 ai3] /evening mist/ [mu4 gu3 chen2 zhong1] /lit. evening drum, morning bell (idiom); fig. Bud c practice/the passage of time in a disciplined existence/ [ni4] /familiar/intimate/to approach/ [ni4 cheng1] /nickname/diminutive/term of endearment/ [zhang1] /bright/to rise (of sun)/ [Bao4] /surname Bao/ [bao4] /sudden/violent/cruel/to show or expose/to injure/ [bao4 luan4] /riot/rebellion/revolt/ [bao4 guang1] /exposure/ [bao4 li4] /sudden huge profits/ [bao4 li4 shui4] /windfall profit tax/ [bao4 li4] /violence/(use) force/violent/ [bao4 li4 fa3] /violent method/brute force/ [bao4 li4 fan4 zui4] /violent crime/ [bao4 dong4] /insurrection/rebellion/ [bao4 zu2] /die of sudden illness/die suddenly/ [bao4 jun1] /tyrant/despot/ [bao4 fu4] /to get rich quick/ [bao4 tu2] /bandit/thug/ruffian/ [bao4 nu4] /violent rage/fury/ [bao4 li4] /ruthless/ [bao4 zheng4] /tyranny/despotic rule/ [bao4 lian3] /to overtax/to extort/ [bao4 shai4] /(of the sun) to scorch/to expose to a scorching sun/ [bao4 min2] /a mob of people/ [bao4 hong2] /a sudden/violent flood/flash flood/ [bao4 zhang3] /rise suddenly and sharply/ [bao4 lie4] /violent/fierce/ [bao4 zao4] /variant of [bao4 zao4]/ [bao4 bing4] /sudden attack of a serious illness/ [bao4 fa1] /break out/ [bao4 fa1 hu4] /newly rich/parvenu/upstart/ [bao4 hu3 ping2 he2] /lit. fight tiger bare handed and wade rivers (idiom

headed heroism/ [bao4 nu:e4] /brutal/tyrannical/ [bao4 xing2] /savage act/outrage/atrocity/ [bao4 die1] /steep fall (in price)/slump/ [bao4 tiao4 ru2 lei2] /stamp with fury/fly into a rage/ [bao4 zao4] /irascible/irritable/violent/ [bao4 yu3] /torrential rain/rainstorm/CL: [chang2], [zhen4]/ [bao4 lu4] /to expose/to reveal/to lay bare/also pr. [pu4 lu4]/ [bao4 feng1] /storm wind/storm (force 11 wind)/ [bao4 feng1 yu3] /rainstorm/storm/tempest/ [bao4 feng1 xue3] /snowstorm/blizzard/CL: [chang2]/ [bao4 feng1 zhou4 yu3] /violent wind and rainstorm/hurricane/tempest/ [bao4 yin3 bao4 shi2] /to eat and drink unreasonably/ [bao4 long2] /Tyrannosaurus spp./esp. T. rex/ [bao4 long2 shu3] /genus Tyrannosaurus/ [bao4 long2 ke1] /Tyrannosauridae, the dinosaur family containing Tyrannosaur [han4] /dry/hot/ [liao3] /bright, clear/ [xian1] /sunrise/ [Xian1 luo2] /Siam (old word for Thailand)/Siamese/ [Xian1 luo2 yu3] /Siamese (Thai) language/ [Xian1 luo2] /variant of [Xian1 luo2]/ [jing3] /bright/ [tun1] /sun above the horizon/ [Tun1 yu4 gu3] /Tonyukuk (died c. 724 AD)/ [yi4] /obscure/sun hidden by clouds/ [ye4] /bright light/to sparkle/ [li4] /calendar/ [li4 nian2] /calendar year/ [li4 fa3] /calendar science/calendar system/ [tan2] /dark clouds/ [tan2 hua1] /Dutchman's Pipe (Epiphyllum oxypetalum)/ [tan2 hua1 yi1 xian4] /lit. the night blooming cactus shows once/flash in om)/short-lived/ [tong2] /sun about to rise/ [xiao3] /dawn/daybreak/to know/to let sb know/to make explicit/ [xiao3 yi3 da4 yi4] /to reason with sb/to lecture/ [xiao3 de5] /to know/ [xiao3 shi4] /to tell/to notify/ [Zhao4] /name invented for herself by Tang empress Wu Zetian [Wu3 Ze2 ti [Xiang4] /surname Xiang/ [xiang4] /variant of , direction/orientation/to face/to turn toward/to/towards/sh ortly before/formerly/to side with/to be partial to/all along (previously)/ [ai4] /(of daylight) dim/obscure/clandestine/dubious/ [ai4 mei4] /vague/ambiguous/equivocal/dubious/ [ai4 mei4 guan1 xi4] /shady relationship/affair/adulterous relationship/ [shu3] /daybreak/dawn/the dawn of a new epoch (metaphor)/Taiwan pr. [shu4]/ [shu3 guang1] /dawn/fig. the dawn of a new era/ [meng2] /twilight before dawn/ [xun1] /twilight/sunset/ [yao4] /bright/glorious/one of the seven planets of pre-modern astronomy/ [pu4] /to air/to sun/ [pu4 guang1] /exposure (e.g. of photosensitive material)/to expose (a scandal to he public)/ [bao4 guang1 biao3] /light meter/exposure meter/ [pu4 shai4] /to expose to strong sunlight/ [pu4 lu4] /to expose (to the air, light etc)/to leave uncovered/exposure/ [kuang4] /waste/wilderness/vast/desert/ [kuang4 shi4] /incomparable/none to compare with at that time/ [kuang4 dai4] /unrivalled/without peer in this generation/

[kuang4 gu3] /since the dawn of time/from the year dot/ [kuang4 gu3 wei4 you3] /never before in the whole of history (idiom)/unpr [kuang4 gu3 wei4 wen2] /never before in the whole of history (idiom)/unpr o written / [kuang4 fu1] /bachelor/unmarried man/ [kuang4 gong1] /to skip work/absence without leave/ [kuang4 fei4] /to neglect (work)/to waste (one's talents)/ [kuang4 ri4 chi2 jiu3] /protracted (idiom)/long drawn-out/ [kuang4 miao3] /remote and vast/ [kuang4 ke4] /to play truant/to cut classes/ [kuang4 ye3] /wilderness/ [kuang4 kuo4] /vast/ [die2] /variant of [die2], to fold/to fold over in layers/to furl/to layer/to pi e up/to repeat/to duplicate/ [xi1] /light of day/ [long2] /twilight/approaching light of dawn/dim/ [nang3] /in former times/ [shai4] /to dry in the sun/to sunbathe/to share files (loan from "share")/ [shai4 gan1] /to dry in the sun/ [shai4 shang1] /sunburn (injury)/ [shai4 you3] /file sharer/same as [shai4 ke4]/ [shai4 tu2] /blueprint/to make a blueprint/ [shai4 ke4] /file sharer/ [shai4 shai4] /to leave out in the sun/to share files/ [shai4 shai4 tai4 yang2] /to leave out in the sun/to share files/ [shai4 yi1 sheng2] /clothes line/ [shai4 yi1 sheng2 zi5] /clothes line/ [shai4 luo4 tuo5] /xylitol (Cantonese)/see also [mu4 tang2 chun2]/ [shai4 hei1] /to sunbathe/to tan/to get sunburnt/to expose unfair practices (on a consumer protection website)/ [shai4 hei1 zu2] /net-based consumer protection alliance [shai4 hei1 wang3] /consumer protection website [yue1] /to speak/to say/ [qu1] /bent/crooked/wrong/ [qu3] /tune/song/CL:[zhi1]/ [qu1 bie2 zhen1] /paperclip/ [Qu3 zhou1] /Quzhou county in Handan [Han2 dan1], Hebei/ [Qu3 zhou1 xian4] /Quzhou county in Handan [Han2 dan1], Hebei/ [qu1 qi2] /cookie (loanword)/ [qu3 zi5] /poem for singing/tune/music/CL:[zhi1]/ [qu1 chi3] /set square (tool to measure right angles)/ [qu1 chi3 lou2 ti1] /staircase with right-angled turn/L-shaped staircase/ [qu1 yi4 fu3 jiu4] /to be persuaded to debase oneself (idiom)/ [qu1 zhe2] /complicated/winding/ [Qu3 song1] /Qusum county, Tibetan: Chu gsum rdzong, in Lhokha prefecture qu1], Tibet/ [Qu3 song1 xian4] /Qusum county, Tibetan: Chu gsum rdzong, in Lhokha prefectu di4 qu1], Tibet/ [qu1 bing3] /crank handle/ [qu1 bing3 zuan4] /hand drill with a crank handle/ [qu1 gun4] /bent stick/hockey stick/ [qu1 gun4 qiu2] /hockey/ [Qu3 shui3] /Qx county, Tibetan: Chu shur rdzong in Lhasa [La1 sa4], T [Qu3 shui3 xian4] /Qx county, Tibetan: Chu shur rdzong in Lhasa [L [Qu3 jiang1] /Qujiang district of Shaoguan City , Guangdong/ [Qu3 jiang1 qu1] /Qujiang district of Shaoguan City , Guangdong/ [qu1 chi2 xue2] /Quchi acupoint LI11, at the lateral end of the elbow crease/ [Qu3 wo4] /Quwo county in Linfen [Lin2 fen2], Shanxi/ [Qu3 wo4 xian4] /Quwo county in Linfen [Lin2 fen2], Shanxi/ [qu1 lu:4] /curvature/

[qu1 lu:4 xiang4 liang4] /curvature vector/ [qu3 mu4] /repertoire/program/song/piece of music/ [qu1 zhi2] /lit. crooked and straight/fig. right and wrong, good and evil/ [qu1 bi3] /falsification in writing/misrepresentation in written history/delibera e digression/ [qu3 zhong1 zou4 ya3] /perfect finish (idiom)/ [qu1 xian4] /curve/curved line/indirect/in a roundabout way/ [qu1 xian4 tu2] /line graph/line diagram/ [qu1 xian4 ni3 he2] /curve fitting/ [qu1 xian4 lun4] /the theory of curves/ [qu1 gong1 er2 zhen3] /lit. to use one's bent arm as a pillow (idiom)/fig h simple things/ [qu3 yi4] /folk musical theater/ [qu1 li3 guai3 wan1] /winding and turning (idiom)/ [qu1 jie3] /distort/ [qu3 diao4] /tune/melody/ [qu1 zhou2] /crankshaft/ [Qu1 fu4] /Qufu county level city in Ji'ning [Ji4 ning2], Shandong/home cius [Kong3 zi3]/ [Qu1 fu4 Kong3 miao4] /temple to Confucius in his home town Qufu/ [Qu1 fu4 shi4] /Qufu county level city in Ji'ning [Ji4 ning2], Shand nfucius [Kong3 zi3]/ [Qu3 yang2] /Quyang county in Baoding [Bao3 ding4], Hebei/ [Qu3 yang2 xian4] /Quyang county in Baoding [Bao3 ding4], Hebei/ [qu3 mei2 du2 su4] /aspergillus/ [Qu3 jing4] /Qujing prefecture level city in Yunnan/ [Qu3 jing4 di4 qu1] /Qujing prefecture in Yunnan/ [Qu3 jing4 shi4] /Qujing prefecture level city in Yunnan/ [qu1 mian4] /curved surface/surface/ [qu1 mian4 lun4] /the theory of surfaces/ [qu1 jing3 ping2] /retort/bottle with curved neck/ [Qu3 ma2 lai2] /Qumarleb county (Tibetan: chu dmar leb rdzong) in Yushu Tibet nomous prefecture [Yu4 shu4 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai [Qu3 ma2 lai2 xian4] /Qumarleb county (Tibetan: chu dmar leb rdzong) in Y autonomous prefecture [Yu4 shu4 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qin [ye4] /drag/ [geng1] /to change or replace/to experience/one of the five two hour periods int o which the night was formerly divided/watch (e.g. of a sentry or guard)/ [geng4] /more/even more/further/still/still more/ [geng4 shang4 yi1 ceng2 lou2] /to take it up a notch/to bring it up a [geng1 dai4] /substitution/replacing former general/change of leader/ [geng1 pu2 nan2 shu3] /too many to count/very many/innumerable/ [geng4 jia1] /more (than sth else)/even more/ [geng1 dong4] /to change/to replace/to alter/ [geng1 zu2] /soldier (serving alternate watch)/ [geng1 ming2] /to change name/ [geng4 huai4] /worse/ [geng4 duo1] /more/even more/ [geng1 fu1] /night watchman (in former times)/ [geng4 hao3] /better/more/ [geng1 shi3] /to make a new start/to regenerate/ [geng1 nian2 qi1] /menopause/ [geng1 zhang1] /lit. to restring one's bow/to reform and start over again/ [geng1 huan4] /to replace (a worn-out tire etc)/to change (one's address etc)/ [geng1 gai3] /to alter/ [geng1 xin1] /to replace the old with new/to renew/to renovate/to upgrade/to upda e/to regenerate/ [Geng1 xin1 shi4] /Pleistocene (geological epoch from 2m years ago, covering t recent ice ages)/ [geng1 xin1 huan4 dai4] /reform and renewal/generational change/

[geng1 xin1 ban3] /new edition/new version/update/ [geng1 ti4] /to take over (from one another)/to alternate/to replace/to relay/ [geng4 you3 shen4 zhe3] /furthermore (idiom)/ [geng1 lou2] /watch tower/drum tower marking night watches/ [geng1 ci4] /one watch (i.e. two hour period during night)/ [geng1 zheng4] /to correct/to make a correction/ [geng1 shen1] /deep at night/ [geng1 shen1 ren2 jing4] /midnight and all is quiet/deep at night and nob [geng1 lou4] /water clock used to mark night watches/ [geng4 wei2] /even more/ [geng1 sheng1] /resurrection/rebirth/reinvigorated/rejuvenated/a new lease of lif / [geng1 fan1] /alternately/by turns/ [geng1 yi1] /to change clothes/to go to the toilet (euphemism)/ [geng1 yi1 shi4] /change room/dressing room/locker room/toilet/ [geng1 die2] /to alternate/to change/ [geng1 di4] /to change/to substitute/ [geng4 yuan3] /farther/ [geng4 chi2] /later/ [geng1 lan2] /deep night/ [geng4 gao1] /higher/even higher/ [geng1 gao1 xing4 neng2] /high performance/ [geng1 gu3] /drum marking night watches/night watchman's clapper/ [he2] /why/how/when/what/where/ [shu1] /book/letter/CL:[ben3], [ce4],[bu4]/see also Book of History [shu1 bu4 jin4 yan2] /I have much more to say than can be written in this entional letter ending) (idiom)/ [shu1 ting2] /book kiosk/ [shu1 xin4] /letter/epistle/ [shu1 xin4 ji2] /collected letters/ [shu1 kan1] /books and publications/ [shu1 zha2] /letter/also written / [shu1 bao1] /schoolbag/satchel/CL: [ge4], [zhi1]/ [shu1 juan4] /volume/scroll/ [shu1 ming2] /name of a book/reputation as calligrapher/ [shu1 ming2 hao4] /Chinese guillemet(punct. used for names of books etc)/ [shu1 dai1 zi5] /bookworm/pedant/bookish fool/ [shu1 bao4] /papers and books/ [shu1 tan2] /the calligraphic community/ [shu1 xie3] /to write/ [shu1 xie3 bu4 neng2 zheng4] /agraphia/ [shu1 xie3 fu2 hao4] /writing symbol/ [shu1 xie3 yu3 yan2] /written language/ [shu1 ju2] /book store/publishing house/ [shu1 dian4] /bookstore/CL:[jia1]/ [shu1 ku4] /a store room for books/fig. an erudite person/the Bibliotheca and Epi ome of pseudo-Apollodorus/ [shu1 fang2] /study (room)/studio/CL: [jian1]/ [shu1 hui4] /calligraphy society/village school (old)/literary society (old)/ [shu1 ben3] /book/CL:[ben3]/ [shu1 zha2] /letter/ [shu1 ban3] /(writing) tablet/ [shu1 jia4] /bookshelf/CL: [ge4]/ [shu1 zhuo1] /desk/CL: [zhang1]/ [shu1 gui4] /bookcase/ [shu1 chu2] /bookcase/ [shu1 fa3] /calligraphy/handwriting/penmanship/ [shu1 fa3 jia1] /calligrapher/ [shu1 du2] /letter/wooden writing strips (arch.)/general term for letters and doc ments/

[shu1 hua4] /painting and calligraphy/ [shu1 hua4 jia1] /calligrapher and painter/ [shu1 hua4 zhan1] /felt desk pad for calligraphy/ [shu1 pi2] /book cover/book jacket/ [shu1 pi2 r5] /erhua variant of [shu1 pi2]/book cover/book jacket/ [shu1 mu4] /booklist/bibliography/title catalogue/CL:[ben3]/ [shu1 mei2] /header/top margin on a page/ [shu1 she4] /a reading group/press (i.e. publishing house)/ [shu1 gao3] /manuscript of a book/ [shu1 qie4] /bookcase/ [shu1 qian1] /bookmark/CL: [zhang1]/also written [shu1 qian1]/ [shu1 ji2] /books/works/ [shu1 qian1] /bookmark/CL: [zhang1]/ [shu1 yue1] /book contract/ [shu1 jing1] /the Book of History, one of the Five Classics of Confucianism 1], a compendium of documents which make up the oldest extant texts of Chinese h istory, from legendary times down to the time of Confucius, also known as [Sha 1 Jing1], [Shang4 Shu1], [Shu1]/ [Shu1 sheng4] /great calligraphy master/the Sage of Calligraphy, traditional refe ence to Wang Xizhi [Wang2 Xi1 zhi1] (303-361)/ [shu1 ji3] /spine of a book/ [shu1 chong2] /bookworm/ [shu1 du4] /bookworm (literal and figurative)/book louse/pedant/ [shu1 jiao3] /corner of a page/ [shu1 ji5] /secretary/clerk/CL: [ge4]/ [shu1 ji5 chu4] /secretariat/ [shu1 ping2] /book review/book notice/ [shu1 zheng4] /written evidence/ [shu1 ji4] /extant work of a calligrapher/ [shu1 yuan4] /academy of classical learning (Tang Dynasty - Qing Dynasty)/ [shu1 mian4] /in writing/written/ [shu1 mian4 xu3 ke3] /written permission/written authorization/ [shu1 mian4 yu3] /written language/ [shu1 ye4] /page of a book/ [shu1 feng1] /calligraphic style/ [shu1 guan3] /teashop with performance by story tellers/(attached to na ing houses)/(in former times) private school/library (of classic texts)/ [shu1 guan3 r5] /teashop with performance by story tellers/ [shu1 xiang1] /literary reputation/ [shu1 xiang1 men2 di4] /family with a literary reputation (idiom); litera [shu1 ti3] /calligraphic style/font/ [shu1 zhai1] /study (room)/ [Cao2] /surname Cao/Zhou Dynasty vassal state/ [cao2] /class or grade/generation/plaintiff and defendant (old)/government depar tment (old)/ [Cao2 Bu4 xing1] /Cao Buxing or Ts'ao Pu-hsing (active c. 210-250), famous se ndary painter, one of the Four Great Painters of the Six dynasties / [Cao2 Pi1] /Cao Pi (187-226), second son of Cao Cao , king then emperor of Ca om 220, ruled as Emperor Wen , also a noted calligrapher/ [Cao2 Gang1 chuan1] /Cao Gangchuan (1935-), former artillery officer, senior itician and army leader/ [Cao2 Cao1] /Cao Cao (155-220), famous statesman and general at the end of Han, n ted poet and calligrapher, later warlord, founder and first king of Cao Wei , fath er of Emperor Cao Pi /the main villain of novel the Romance of Three Kingdoms [Cao2 Zhi2] /Cao Zhi (192-232), son of Cao Cao , noted poet and calligrapher/ [Cao2 Chong1] /Cao Chong (196-208), son of Cao Cao [Cao2 Cao1]/ [cao2 bai2 yu2] /Chinese herring (Ilisha elongata)/white herring/slender shad [Cao2 Yu2] /Cao Yu (1910-1997), PRC dramatist/ [Cao2 xian4] /Cao county in Heze [He2 ze2], Shandong/ [Cao2 Kun1] /Cao Kun (1862-1938), one of the Northern Warlords/

[Cao2 Xue3 qin2] /Cao Xueqin (c. 1715-c. 1764), accepted author of Dream of R ions / [Cao2 Jing4 hua2] /Cao Jinghua (1897-1987), translator from Russian, professo ijing University and essayist/ [Cao2 Yu2 zhang1] /Cao Yuzhang (1924-), modern writer and publisher, author o tive history / [Cao2 Wei4] /Cao Wei, the most powerful of the Three Kingdoms, established as a d nasty in 220 by Cao Pi , son of Cao Cao, replaced by Jin dynasty in 265/ [man4] /handsome/large/long/ [Man4 qie1 si1 te4] /Manchester/also written / [Man4 ha1 tan3] /Manhattan island/Manhattan borough of New York City/also wri [Man4 ha1 dun4] /Manhattan island/Manhattan borough of New York City/ [Man4 ha1 dun4 qu1] /Manhattan borough of New York City/ [Man4 cheng2] /Manchester, England/Manchester City football club/ [Man4 cheng2 dui4] /Manchester City football team/ [Man4 tuo3 si1] /Mentos, a brand of candy produced by European company Perfet Melle/ [Man4 dao3] /Isle of Man, British Isles (Taiwanese usage)/see also [ [Man4 de2 le4] /Mandalay, province and second city of Myanmar (Burma)/ [Man4 de2 la1] /Nelson Mandela (1918-), South African ANC politician, preside outh Africa 1994-1999/ [Man4 che4 si1 te4] /Manchester/ [Man4 che4 si1 te4 bian1 ma3] /Manchester encoding/ [Man4 hai3 mu3] /Mannheim, German city at the confluence of Rhine and Neckar/ [Man4 Lian2] /Manchester United Football Club/ [Man4 lian2 qiu2 mi2] /Manchester United fan/ [Man4 lian2 dui4] /Manchester United football team/ [Man4 he2 lian2 Nu:3 zi3 Xue2 yuan4] /Mount Holyoke College ( [man4 tu2 luo2] /mandala (loan, Buddhism)/ [Man4 su1 er3] /Al-Mansur/Abu Jafar al Mansur (712-775), second Abassid calip [Man4 gu3] /Bangkok, capital of Thailand/ [Man4 da2 er3] /Mandal (city in Agder, Norway)/ [man4 tuo2 luo2] /flower of north India (Datura stramonium, Sanskrit: mandara idered sacred and grown in temples, similar to belladonna/ [ceng2] /variant of [ceng2]/already/former/used in Japanese names with phonetic v alue zo, so or s/ [Zeng1] /surname Zeng/ [ceng2] /once/already/former/previously/(past tense marker used before verb or c lause)/ [zeng1] /great-grand (father, child etc)/ [Zeng1 Guo2 fan1] /Zeng Guofan (1811-1872), Qing dynasty politician and milit / [zeng1 wai4 zu3 mu3] /great-grandmother (mother's grandmother)/ [zeng1 wai4 zu3 fu4] /great-grandfather (mother's grandfather)/ [Zeng1 xiao4 gu3] /Zeng Xiaogu (1873-1937), actor and pioneer of Chinese dram w Culture style/ [zeng1 sun1] /great-grandson/ [zeng1 sun1 nu:3] /great-granddaughter/ [ceng2 ji3 he2 shi2] /just a while before/not so long ago/everyone can re / [Zeng1 Qing4 hong2] /Zeng Qinghong (1939-), politician, vice-president of PRC 2003 and party secretary-general from 2007/ [Zeng1 Pu3] /Zheng Pu (1872-1935), novelist and publisher/ [zeng1 zu3] /great-grandfather (father of one's paternal grandfather)/ [zeng1 zu3 mu3] /father's father's mother/paternal great-grandmother/ [zeng1 zu3 fu4] /father's father's father/paternal great-grandfather/ [ceng2 zu3 fu4 mu3] /great-grandparents/ [Zeng1 Ji4 ze2] /Cang Jize or Tseng Chi-tse (1839-1890), pioneer diplomat of ng, serve as imperial commissioner (ambassador) to UK, France and Russia/ [ceng2 jing1] /once/already/former/previously/ever/(past tense marker used before

verb or clause)/ [ceng2 jing1 cang1 hai3] /lit. having crossed the vast ocean (idiom)/fig. ienced in the vicissitudes of life/ [ceng2 jing1 cang1 hai3 nan2 has crossed the ocean, and no clouds to one who has passed Mount Wu (idiom)/one who has seen the world doesn't stop at small things/ [Zeng1 Fan2 ren2] /President of Shandong University from February 1998 until 00/ [Zeng1 Yin4 quan2] /Sir Donald Tsang or Tsang Yam-Kuen (1944-)/ [Zeng1 du1] /Zengdu district of Suizhou city [Sui2 zhou1 shi4], Hube [Zeng1 du1 qu1] /Zengdu district of Suizhou city [Sui2 zhou1 shi [Zeng1 Jin1 yan4] /Zeng Jinyan, wife of jailed dissident activist Hu Jia d active campaigner for his release/ [Zeng1 Gong3] /Zeng Gong (1019-1083), Song dynasty writer, one of the Eight Giant / [ti4] /to substitute for/to take the place of/to replace/for/on behalf of/to sta nd in for/ [ti4 dai4] /to substitute for/to replace/to supersede/ [ti4 dai4 pin3] /substitute/alternative/ [ti4 dai4 ran2 liao4] /alternative fuel/ [ti4 gu3 ren2 dan1 you1] /to fret over the worries of long-departed p orry unnecessarily/crying over spilt milk/often used with negatives, e.g. no nee d to worry about past issues/ [ti4 gu3 ren2 dan1 you1] /to fret over the worries of long-departed p orry unnecessarily/crying over spilt milk/often used with negatives, e.g. no nee d to worry about past issues/ [ti4 gong1] /replacement worker/substitute worker/ [ti4 huan4] /to exchange/to replace/to substitute for/to switch/ [ti4 si3 gui3] /person blamed for sb else's faults/scapegoat/fall-guy/ [ti4 ban1] /to act as substitute/to fill in for sb/ [ti4 ban1 r5] /erhua variant of , to act as substitute/to fill in for sb/ [ti4 zui4] /to cancel out a crime/to receive punishment as a scapegoat/ [ti4 zui4 yang2] /scapegoat/ [ti4 zui4 gao1 yang2] /scapegoat/sacrificial lamb/same as / [ti4 bu3] /to substitute for sb/reserve player/ [ti4 jue2] /substitute/sb ready to substitute at any time for principal player/un erstudy (substitute actor)/ [ti4 jue2 r5] /erhua variant of , substitute/sb ready to substitute at an incipal player/understudy (substitute actor)/ [ti4 shen1] /stuntman/to work as substitute for sb else/scapegoat/fall-guy/ [ti4 shen1 yan3 yuan2] /substitute actor (esp. in fights of theatrical st n/ [zui4] /most/the most/-est (superlative suffix)/ [zui4 di1 chao2] /lit. low tide/fig. the lowest point (e.g. of a relationship [zui4 di1 gu3] /lowest point/nadir/ [zui4 di1 xian4 du4] /minimum/ [zui4 di1 xian4 du4 li3 lun4] /minimalist theory/ [zui4 di1 yin1] /lowest voice/lowest pitch/lowest note/ [zui4 di1 dian3] /lowest point/minimum (point)/ [zui4 jia1] /optimum/optimal/peak/best (athlete, movie etc)/ [zui4 jia1 li4 yi4] /best interests/ [zui4 jia1 hua4] /optimization (math.)/ [zui4 you1] /optimal/optimum/ [zui4 you1 hua4] /optimization (math.)/ [zui4 xian1] /(the) very first/ [zui4 chu1] /first/primary/initial/ [zui4 shan4] /optimal/the best/ [zui4 xi3 ai4] /favorite/ [zui4 da4 gong1 yin1 zi3] /highest common factor HCF/greatest common [zui4 da4 gong1 yue1 shu4] /highest common factor HCF/greatest common

[zui4 da4 hua4] /to maximize/ [zui4 da4 su4 lu:4] /maximum speed/maximum velocity/ [zui4 hao3] /best/(you) had better (do what we suggest)/ [zui4 mi4 dui1 ji1] /close-packing of spheres (math)/ [zui4 xiao3 er4 cheng2] /least square (estimate)/ [zui4 xiao3 zhi2] /least value/minimum/ [zui4 xiao3 gong1 bei4 shu4] /least common multiple/ [zui4 xiao3 gong1 fen1 mu3] /lowest common denominator/ [zui4 xiao3 hua4] /minimize (computing)/ [zui4 cha1] /least/worst/the least/the worst/ [zui4 nian2 zhang3] /eldest/ [zui4 hou4] /final/last/finally/ultimate/ [zui4 hou4 yi1 tian1] /final day/ [zui4 hou4 wan3 can1] /the Last Supper (in the biblical Passion story)/ [zui4 hou4 geng1 xin1] /latest update/most recent update/ [zui4 hou4 qi1 xian4] /deadline/final time limit (for project)/ [zui4 hou4 de5 wan3 can1] /the Last Supper (in the Christian Passion [zui4 hou4 tong1 die2] /ultimatum/ [zui4 hui4 guo2] /most-favored nation (trade status)/ [zui4 hui4 guo2 dai4 yu4] /most favored nation/ [zui4 xin1] /latest/newest/ [zui4 wei2] /the most/ [zui4 niu2] /tough as nails/ [zui4 zhong1] /final/ultimate/ [Zui4 zhong1 Huan4 xiang3] /Final Fantasy (video game)/ [zui4 jin4] /recent/recently/these days/latest/soon/nearest (of locations)/shorte t (of routes)/ [zui4 jin4 ji3 nian2] /the last few years/last several years/recent years [zui4 yuan3] /furthest/most distant/at maximum distance/ [Zui4 gao1 Ren2 min2 Jian3 cha2 yuan4] /PRC Supreme People's ice)/ [Zui4 gao1 Ren2 min2 Fa3 yuan4] /Supreme People's Court (PRC)/ [zui4 gao1 gong1 zi1 xian4 e2] /wage ceiling/ [zui4 gao1 fa3 yuan4] /supreme court/ [zui4 gao1 deng3] /highest level/top class/ [zui4 gao1 xian4 e2] /maximum amount/ceiling/upper limit/quota/ [zui4 gao1 yin1] /highest voice/highest pitch/highest note/ [can3] /if, supposing, nevertheless/ [hui4] /can/be possible/be able to/will/be likely to/be sure to/to assemble/to m eet/to gather/to see/union/group/association/CL: [ge4]/a moment (Taiwan pr. for th is sense is [hui3])/ [kuai4] /to balance an account/accountancy/accounting/ [hui4 bu4 hui4] /(posing a question: whether sb, something) can or cannot?/is o or not/ [hui4 yan4] /epiglottis/ [hui4 you3] /membership/ [hui4 he2] /to meet/to rendezvous/to merge/to link up/meeting/confluence/ [hui4 he2 chu4] /joint/ [Hui4 tong2] /Huitong county in Huaihua [Huai2 hua4], Hunan/ [hui4 tong2] /to handle sth jointly/ [Hui4 tong2 xian4] /Huitong county in Huaihua [Huai2 hua4], Hunan/ [hui4 fou3] /can or cannot/is it possible?/ [hui4 yuan2] /member/ [hui4 yuan2 guo2] /member nation/ [hui4 shang1] /to confer/to consult/to negotiate/to hold a conference/ [hui4 tang2] /meeting hall/assembly hall/ [hui4 chang3] /meeting place/place where people gather/CL: [ge4]/ [hui4 shi4] /member of religious order/penitent/frater/translation of French agre (holder of teaching certificate)/ [hui4 shi4 kao3 shi4] /agrgation (exam for teaching diploma in French un

[Hui4 an1] /Hoi An (in Vietnam)/ [hui4 ke4] /to receive a visitor/ [hui4 ke4 shi4] /parlor/ [Hui4 ning2] /Huining county in Baiyin [Bai2 yin2], Gansu/ [Hui4 ning2 xian4] /Huining county in Baiyin [Bai2 yin2], Gansu/ [hui4 shen3] /joint hearing/to review jointly (i.e. with other checkers)/ [hui4 zhan3] /conferences and exhibitions, abbr. of [hui4 yi4 zh [hui4 shi1] /to collaborate/to join forces/to effect a junction/ [hui4 mu4] /tabernacle (biblical word for a meeting hall or tent)/ [hui4 xin1] /knowing (of a smile, look etc)/ [hui4 xin1 wei1 xiao4] /a knowing smile (idiom)/ [hui4 yi4] /combined ideogram (one of the Six Methods of forming Chines /Chinese character that combines the meanings of existing elements/also known as joint ideogram or associative compounds/ [hui4 yi4 zi4] /combined ideogram (one of the Six Methods of formin s)/Chinese character that combines the meanings of existing elements/also known as joint ideogram or associative compounds/ [hui4 zhan4] /battle/decisive engagement between opposing armed forces/fig. campa gn/ [hui4 gong1] /to attack jointly/ [Hui4 chang1] /Huichang county in Ganzhou , Jiangxi/ [Hui4 chang1 xian4] /Huichang county in Ganzhou , Jiangxi/ [hui4 wu4] /to meet/meeting/conference/ [hui4 qi1] /session/ [Hui4 dong1] /Huidong county in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture i4 zhou1], south Sichuan/ [Hui4 dong1 xian4] /Huidong county in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture 4 zhi4 zhou1], south Sichuan/ [hui4 si3] /mortal/ [hui4 lou4] /leak/ [Hui4 ze2] /Huize county in Qujing [Qu3 jing4], Yunnan/ [Hui4 ze2 xian4] /Huize county in Qujing [Qu3 jing4], Yunnan/ [Hui4 li3] /Huili county in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture hou1], south Sichuan/ [Hui4 li3 xian4] /Huili county in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture i4 zhou1], south Sichuan/ [hui4 meng2] /meetings conducted by rulers in feudal China for the purpose of for alizing alliances, finalizing treaties/ [hui4 zhong4] /audience/participants/congregation (of religious sect)/ [hui4 she4] /a guild/(in olden times) an association such as a political party, r ligious group or trade guild/the Japanese word for company/ [hui4 ji2] /membership (of a club etc)/ [hui4 kao3] /unified examination/ [hui4 yao4] /dynastic records of Imperial China/ [hui4 jian4] /to meet with (sb who is paying a visit)/CL:[ci4]/ [kuai4 ji4] /accountant/accountancy/accounting/ [kuai4 ji4 zhi4 du4] /accounting system/ [kuai4 ji4 xue2] /accounting/accountancy/ [kuai4 ji4 shi1] /accountant/ [kuai4 ji4 zhun3 ze2 li3 shi4 hui4] /accounting standards cou [kuai4 ji4 ke1 mu4] /account/ [hui4 zhen3] /consultation (medical)/to meet for diagnosis/(by extension) consult tion of different specialists/ [hui4 shi4] /metropolitan examination (imperial civil service examination)/ [hui4 hua4] /conversation/CL: [ge4],[ci4]/ [hui4 tan2] /talks/discussions/CL:[ci4]/ [hui4 yi4] /meeting/conference/CL: [chang3], [jie4]/ [hui4 yi4 shi4] /meeting/conference room/ [hui4 yi4 zhan3 lan3] /conferences and exhibitions/ [hui4 yi4 ting1] /conference hall/

[hui4 bian4] /variable/ [hui4 fei4] /membership dues/ [Hui4 li3 xian4] /Huili county in Sichuan/ [hui4 zhang3] /president of a club, committee etc/ [hui4 zhang3 tuan2] /presidency/ [hui4 men2] /main entrance/secret society/ [hui4 yin1] /perineum/ [hui4 mian4] /to meet with/meeting/ [hui4 guan3] /provincial or county guild hall/ [hui4 shou3] /head of a society/sponsor of an organization/ [hui4 dang3] /anti-Qing secret societies/ [qie4] /to leave/to abandon/ [fen1] /not yet (Wu dialect)/ [yue4] /moon/month/CL: [ge4], [lun2]/ [yue4 xia4 lao3 ren2] /minor divinity concerned with marriage/matchmaker/ [yue4 xia4 hua1 qian2] /in flowers by moonlight (idiom); fig. courtship/h [yue4 zhong1] /middle of month/ [yue4 shi4] /menses/menstruation/a woman's periods/ [yue4 liang5] /moon/ [yue4 liang5 nu:3 shen2] /the Moon Goddess/name of Japanese moon space pr [yue4 ling4] /typical weather in a given season/ [yue4 fen4] /month/ [yue4 fen4 hui4 yi4] /monthly meeting/monthly conference/ [yue4 fen4 pai2] /calendar (esp. illustrated)/ [yue4 feng4] /monthly salary/ [yue4 pian1 shi2] /partial eclipse of the moon/ [yue4 guang1] /moonlight/ [yue4 guang1 qi1] /from new moon to full moon/ [yue4 guang1 shi2] /moonstone/ [yue4 guang1 yin3 dun4] /to live in hiding/living as a recluse/to hide fr [yue4 quan2 shi2] /total lunar eclipse/ [yue4 fen4] /month/also written [yue4 fen4]/ [yue4 kan1] /monthly magazine/ [yue4 chu1] /start of month/early in the month/ [yue4 li4] /monthly interest/ [yue4 ban4] /15th of the month/ [yue4 keng1] /lunar crater/ [yue4 cheng2] /semicircular defensive enclosure around city gates/crescent-shaped barbican/ [yue4 bao4] /monthly (used in names of publications)/monthly bulletin/ [yue4 xi1] /Mid-autumn Festival on lunar 15th August/ [yue4 ye4] /moonlit night/ [yue4 nu:3 shen2] /Moon Goddess/ [yue4 po2 zi5] /woman in late pregnancy (colloquial)/ [yue4 sao3] /woman hired to take care of a newborn child and its mother in the mo th after childbirth/ [yue4 zi5] /traditional one-month confinement period following childbirth/puerper um/ [yue4 zi5 bing4] /puerperal fever/ [yue4 bei4] /lunar apogee (point in the moon's orbit furthest from earth)/imagina y heavenly body occupying the second focus of the moon's elliptic orbit/dark moo n/Lilith/ [yue4 ji4] /Chinese rose (Rosa sinensis)/ [yue4 gong1] /Palace in the Moon (in folk tales)/ [yue4 wei3] /end of the month/ [yue4 yan2] /moon rock/ [yue4 gong1] /worker employed by the month/ [yue4 di3] /end of the month/ [yue4 duo2] /monthly/ [yue4 jing4] /moonlit path/diameter of the moon/diameter of the moon's orbit/

[yue4 xi1] /monthly interest/ [Yue4 zhi1] /Tokhara/Tokharians (historic people of central Asia)/ [yue4 shou1 ru4] /monthly income/ [yue4 yun4] /ring around the moon/lunar halo/ [yue4 li4] /monthly calendar/ [yue4 yao4 ri4] /Monday (used in Ancient Chinese astronomy)/ [yue4 yue4] /every month/ [yue4 shuo4] /the first day of each month/ [yue4 mo4] /end of month/late in the month/ [yue4 miao3] /last few days of the month/ [yue4 gui4] /laurel (Laurus nobilis)/bay tree/bay leaf/ [yue4 gui4 guan1] /laurel crown/victory garland (in Greek and western culture [yue4 gui4 shu4] /laurel tree (Laurus nobilis)/bay tree/ [yue4 gui4 shu4 ye4] /laurel leaf/bay leaf/ [yue4 gui4 ye4] /bay leaf/laurel leaf/ [Yue4 zhi1] /Tokhara/Tokharians, historic Indo-European people of central Asia/sa e as / [Yue4 zhi1 ren2] /Tokharian Indo-European people of central Asia/same as [yue4 hai3] /lunar mare/ [Yue4 hu2] /Yuehu district of Yingtan city , Jiangxi/ [Yue4 hu2 qu1] /Yuehu district of Yingtan city , Jiangxi/ [yue4 ya2] /crescent moon/ [yue4 ya2 xing2] /crescent/ [yue4 qiu2] /the moon/ [yue4 qiu2 che1] /moon buggy/ [yue4 qin2] /yueqin, a lute with oval or octagonal sound box/ [yue4 xiang1] /phases of moon, namely: new moon [shuo4], first quarter or waxin on [shang4 xian2], full moon [wang4] and last quarter or waning moon [xia4 xian2] [yue4 piao4] /monthly ticket/ [yue4 jing1] /menstruation/a woman's period/ [yue4 jing1 dian4] /sanitary towel/menopad/ [yue4 jing1 mian2 shuan1] /tampon/ [yue4 lao3] /matchmaker/go-between/same as [yue4 xia4 lao3 ren2]/ [yue4 tai2] /railway platform/ [yue4 tai2 piao4] /platform ticket/ [yue4 se4] /moonlight/ [yue4 hua2] /moonlight/ [yue4 xin1] /monthly income (in kind)/ [yue4 lan2] /light blue/ [yue4 kui1] /waning moon/period of decrease/ [yue4 shi2] /lunar eclipse/eclipse of the moon/ [yue4 lun2] /full moon/ [yue4 qian2] /monthly payment/ [yue4 lan2] /the halo of the moon/ [yue4 tou2 r5] /start of the month (colloquial)/ [yue4 shi2] /lunar eclipse/eclipse of the moon/ [yue4 bing3] /mooncake (esp. for the Mid-Autumn Festival)/ [yue4 li3] /snakehead mullet/Channa asiatica/ [yue4 hei1] /the dark/night/ [yue4 hei1 tian1] /the dark/night/ [you3] /to have/there is/there are/to exist/to be/ [you3 yi1 xie1] /somewhat/rather/some/ [you3 yi1 ju4 mei2 yi1 ju4] /to speak one minute and be quiet the [you3 yi1 ci4] /once/once upon a time/ [you3 yi1 dian3 r5] /a bit/a little/ [you3 zhu3 jian4] /opinionated/having one's own strong views/ [you3 le5] /I've got a solution!/to have a bun in the oven (abbr. for [you3 )/ [you3 le5 tai1] /pregnant/to carry a child/ [you3 shi4] /to be occupied with sth/to have sth on one's mind/there is something

the matter/ [you3 xie1] /some/somewhat/ [you3 xie1 ren2] /some people/ [you3 ren2] /someone/people/anyone/there is someone there/occupied (as in restroo )/ [you3 ren2 zai4 xiang3 ni3] /Bless you! (after a sneeze)/ [you3 ren2 qing2] /humane/ [you3 ren2 xiang3 ni3] /Bless you! (after a sneeze)/ [you3 fen4] /to have a share of (responsibility etc)/to be concerned/to be involv d/ [you3 zuo4 yong4] /effective/to have impact/ [you3 bei4 wu2 huan4] /Preparedness averts peril./to be prepared, just in / [you3 jia4 zhi2] /valuable/ [you3 jia4 zheng4 quan4] /securities/collateral (for loan)/ [you3 chang2] /paying/paid (not free)/ [you3 liang3 xia4 zi5] /to have real skill/to know one's stuff/ [you3 qi2 shi1 , bi4 you3 qi2 tu2] /As the teacher, so th [you3 qi2 fu4 bi4 you3 qi2 zi3] /like father, like son (idiom [you3 bie2] /different/distinct/unequal/variable/ [you3 li4] /advantageous/to have advantages/favorable/ [you3 li4 ke3 tu2] /profitable/ [you3 chuang4 zao4 li4] /ingenious/ [you3 li4] /powerful/forceful/vigorous/ [you3 zhu4] /helpful/beneficial/to help/conducive to/ [you3 zhu4 yu2] /to contribute to/to promote/ [you3 yong3 wu2 mou2] /bold but not very astute/ [you3 lao2] /(polite) thank you for your trouble (used when asking a favor or aft r having received one)/ [you3 lao2 de2 jiang3] /a good dog deserves a bone (idiom)/ [you3 kou3 wu2 xin1] /(saying) to speak harshly but without any bad inten [you3 kou3 jie1 bei1] /every voice gives praise (idiom); with an extensiv tation/ [you3 ke3 neng2] /it's possible/ [you3 shi3 yi3 lai2] /since the beginning of history/ [you3 tong2 qing2 xin1] /sympathetic/ [you3 ming2] /famous/well-known/ [you3 ming2 wang2 shi2] /lit. has a name but no reality (idiom); exists o ominal/ [you3 ming2 wu2 shi2] /lit. has a name but no reality (idiom); exists onl inal/ [you3 wei4] /tasty/ [you3 xi3] /to be expecting/to be with child/ [you3 zui3 mo4 she2] /struck dumb/speechless/ [you3 zui3 wu2 xin1] /to talk without any intention of acting on it/empty [you3 xing2] /stylish/ [you3 zeng1 wu2 yi3] /constantly increasing without limit (idiom); rapid ll directions/ [you3 zeng1 wu2 jian3] /to increase or get worse steadily (idiom)/ [You3 xia4] /China/ [you3 shi1] /to fail or lose (used in fixed expressions)/ [you3 shi1 hou4 dao5] /to be ungenerous/ [you3 shi1 shen1 fen4] /to be beneath one's dignity/ [you3 hao4 qi2 xin1] /curious/ [you3 hao3 chu4] /advantageous/a plus/good for/advisable/helpful/ [you3 ru2] /to be like sth/similar to/alike/ [you3 shi3 you3 zhong1] /where there's a start, there's a finish (idiom); ce one starts sth/to carry things through/I started, so I'll finish./ [you3 shi3 wu2 zhong1] /to start but not finish (idiom); to fail to carry gh/lack of sticking power/short attention span/

[you3 zi3 cun2 yan1] /I still have sons, don't I?/fig. future generations e the work/ [you3 kong3 chong2] /foramanifera (a form of plankton)/ [you3 xue2 wen4] /erudite/learned/informed/scholarly/ [you3 hai4] /destructive/harmful/damaging/ [you3 hai4 wu2 li4] /harmful and without benefit (idiom); more harm than [you3 hai4 wu2 yi4] /harmful and without benefit (idiom); more harm than [you3 bao3 he2 bi4 ren2 qian2 kua1] /There is no need to boas )/ [you3 ju2] /vulnerable (in bridge)/ [you3 xi1 wang4] /hopeful/promising/prospective/ [you3 bang1 zhu4] /helpful/ [you3 nian2] /for years/ [you3 nian2 tou5] /for donkey's years/for ages/ [you3 xing4] /fortunately/ [you3 xu4] /regular/orderly/successive/in order/ [you3 xu4 hua4] /ordering (of a list, encyclopedia etc)/ [you3 tan2 xing4] /flexible/ [you3 xing2] /material/tangible/visible/shapely/ [you3 ying3 xiang3] /influential/ [you3 zheng1 wu2 zhan4] /to win without a fight (idiom)/ [you3 dai4] /not yet (done)/pending/ [you3 de2 you3 shi1] /you win some, you lose some (idiom)/gains and losse [you3 de2 xing2] /virtuous/ [you3 xin1] /to have a mind to/to intend to/deliberately/considerate/ [you3 xin1 ren2] /resolute person/person with aspirations/people who feel/peo use their heads/ [you3 xin1 yan3] /clever/sharp/ [you3 zhi4] /to be ambitious/ [you3 zhi4 qi4] /ambitious/ [you3 zhi4 jing4 cheng2] /persevere and you will succeed (idiom); where t , there's a way/ [you3 zhi4 zhe3 shi4 jing4 cheng2] /a really determined person wi ); where there's a will, there's a way/ [you3 xing4 sheng1 zhi2] /sexual reproduction/ [you3 shi4 wu2 kong3] /secure in the knowledge that one has backing/ [you3 xi1] /interest-bearing (bank account)/ [you3 bei4 yu2] /to go against/ [you3 qing2] /to be in love/sentient beings (Buddhism)/ [you3 qing2 ren2] /lovers/ [you3 qing2 ren2 zhong1 cheng2 juan4 shu3] /If there are love o come together. (idiom)/ [you3 yi4] /to intend/intentionally/interested in/ [you3 yi4 zhi4] /conscious/having a will/ [you3 yi4 si5] /interesting/meaningful/enjoyable/fun/ [you3 yi4 zai1 hua1 hua1 bu4 wers do not bloom, you poke a stick in the mud and it grows into a tree/fig. thi ngs do not always turn out as one would expect/well-laid plans may fail, and suc cess may come where you least expect it/ [you3 yi4 wu2 yi4] /intentionally or otherwise/ [you3 yi4 yi4] /to make sense/to have meaning/to have significance/meaningful icant/worthwhile/important/interesting/ [you3 yi4 shi2] /conscious/ [you3 suo3] /somewhat/to some extent/ [you3 suo3 bu4 tong2] /to differ to some extent (idiom)/ [you3 shou3 you3 jiao3] /lit. have hands have feet/to be able bodied (idi he ability to work/ [you3 cai2 gan4] /capable/ [you3 sun3] /to be harmful (to)/ [you3 sun3 ya1 suo1] /compression loss (in digital technology)/

[you3 gong1 ji1 xing4] /offensive/ [you3 xiao4] /effective/in effect/valid/ [you3 xiao4 xing4] /validity/ [you3 xiao4 cuo4 shi1] /effective action/ [you3 xiao4 qi1] /period of validity/sell-by date/ [you3 xiao4 qi1 nei4] /within the period of validity/before the sell-by d [you3 xiao4 fu4 zai4] /payload/ [you3 jiao4 wu2 lei4] /education for everyone, irrespective of background [You3 jiao4 wu2 lei4 fa3] /No Child Left Behind Act, USA 2001/ [you3 liao4] /impressive/ [you3 xin1 yi4] /modern/up-to-date/ [you3 fang1] /to do things right/to use the correct method/ [you3 shi2] /sometimes/now and then/ [you3 shi2 hou5] /sometimes/ [you3 wang4] /hopeful/promising/ [you3 zhao1] /one day/sometime in the future/ [you3 zhao1 yi1 ri4] /one day/sometime in the future/ [you3 qi1 tu2 xing2] /limited term of imprisonment (i.e. anything less th sonment)/ [you3 ban3 you3 yan3] /orderly/methodical/rythmical/ [you3 zhi1 you3 ye4] /to become bogged down in the details (idiom)/ [you3 ran3] /to have an affair with sb/ [you3 he2 guo2 jia1] /nuclear weapon states/ [you3 tiao2 bu4 wen3] /regular and thorough (idiom); methodically arrange [you3 tiao2 you3 li3] /everything clear and orderly (idiom); neat and tid [you3 tiao2 you3 li3 de5] /methodically/systematically/ [you3 tiao2 wen2] /striped/ [you3 ji1] /organic/ [you3 ji1 fen1 zi3] /organic molecule/ [you3 ji1 hua4 he2 wu4] /organic compound/ [you3 ji1 hua4 xue2] /organic chemistry/ [you3 ji1 dan4] /organic nitrogen/ [you3 ji1 wu4] /organic substance/organic matter/ [you3 ji1 bo1 li5] /plexiglass/ [you3 ji1 lin2] /organic phosphate/ [you3 ji1 lin2 du2 ji4] /organophosphorus agent/ [you3 ji1 lin2 suan1 zhi3 lei4] /organophosphate/ [you3 ji1 ti3] /organism/ [you3 quan2] /to have authority/ [you3 quan2 shi4 zhe3] /person in power/the one with authority/the guy in [you3 quan2 wei1] /authoritative/ [you3 ci4 xu4] /ordered/ [you3 yi4 li4] /persevering/unwavering/ [you3 du2] /poisonous/ [you3 qi4 pai4] /lordly/ [you3 qi4 wu2 li4] /weakly and without strength (idiom); dispirited/ [you3 qi4 zhi2] /to have character/to have class/classy/ [you3 qi4 yin1] /aspirated consonant (in phonetics)/ [you3 shui3] /supplied with water (of a house)/ [you3 qiu2 bi4 ying4] /to grant whatever is asked for/to accede to every [you3 jue2 xin1] /determined/ [you3 chen2 you3 fu2] /to have one's ups and downs/ [you3 huo2 li4] /energetic/vital/ [you3 qian2 li4] /promising/showing potential/ [you3 wei2] /promising/to show promise/ [you3 wu2] /to have or have not/surplus and shortfall/tangible and intangible/cor oreal and incorporeal/ [you3 wu2 xiang1 tong1] /mutual exchange of assistance (idiom)/to recipro erial assistance/ [you3 yan1 mei2] /smokey coal/

[you3 li3 shu4] /rational number (i.e. fraction of two integers, math)/ [you3 li3 shu4 yu4] /field of rational numbers (math.), usually denoted b [you3 li3 shu4 ji2] /set of rational numbers (math.)/ [you3 sheng1 yi3 lai2] /since birth/for one's whole life/ [you3 chan3 zhe3] /property owner/the wealthy/ [you3 yong4] /useful/ [you3 jie4] /bounded/ [you3 de5] /(there are) some (who are...)/some (exist)/ [you3 de5 shi4] /have plenty of/there's no lack of/ [you3 de5 shi2 hou4] /sometimes/at times/ [you3 yi4] /useful/profitable/ [you3 yi4 chu5] /beneficial/ [you3 mu4 gong4 du3] /anyone with eyes can see it (idiom); obvious to all or itself/is there for all to see/ [you3 mu4 gong4 jian4] /anyone with eyes can see it (idiom); obvious to a for itself/is there for all to see/ [you3 mu4 gong4 shang3] /as everyone can appreciate (idiom); clear to all [you3 mu4 wu2 du3] /has eyes but can't see (idiom); unable or unwilling t ortance of sth/blind (to sth great)/ [you3 mei2 mu4] /to begin to take shape/to be about to materialize/ [you3 yan3 guang1] /to have good taste/ [you3 ma3] /pixelated or censored (of video)/ [you3 shen2 lun4] /theism (the belief in the existence of God)/ [you3 shen2 lun4 zhe3] /theist (believer in one or more Deities)/ [you3 fu2] /to be blessed/ [you3 fu2 tong2 xiang3 , you3 huo4 tong2 dang1] /To e er (idiom); for better or for worse/ [you3 fu2 tong2 xiang3 , you3 nan4 tong2 dang1] /To e er (idiom); for better or for worse/ [you3 li3 mao4] /courteous/polite/ [you3 leng2 you3 jiao3] /(of a shape) sharp and clearcut/(of a person) de opinion/ [you3 zhong3] /to have guts/to have courage/to be brave/ [you3 kong4] /to have time (to do sth)/ [you3 jie2] /segmented/ [you3 jie2 zhi4] /temperate/ [you3 nian2 xing4] /viscous/glutinous/ [you3 jing1 shen2 bing4] /insane/ [you3 xi4 tong3] /systematic/ [you3 jie2 guo3] /effective/ [you3 tong3 ji4 xue2 yi4 yi4] /statistically significant/ [you3 si1 fen1 lie4] /mitosis/ [you3 xian4] /wired/cable (television)/ [you3 xian4 xin1 wen2 wang3] /Cable Network News/CNN/ [you3 xian4 dian4 shi4] /cable television/ [you3 yuan2] /related/brought together by fate/same karma/ [you3 yuan2 wu2 fen4] /destined to meet but not fated to be together (idi [you3 zui4] /guilty/ [you3 nai4 jiu3 li4] /durable/ [you3 lian2 xi4] /to be connected/to be related/ [you3 sheng1 you3 se4] /having sound and color (idiom); vivid/dazzling/ [you3 sheng1 du2 wu4] /audiobook/recording of a person reading the text o [you3 neng2 li4] /able/ [you3 dan3 liang4] /courageous/ [you3 lian3] /lit. having face/to have prestige/to command respect/to have the ne ve (e.g. to ask sth outrageous)/to have the gall/not ashamed to/ [you3 xing4 qu4] /interested/interesting/ [you3 liang2 xin1] /conscientious/ [you3 se4] /colored/non-white/non-ferrous (metals)/ [you3 se4 ren2 zhong3] /colored races/

[you3 se4 jin1 shu3] /non-ferrous metals (all metals excluding iron, chro se and their alloys)/ [you3 ku3 shuo1 bu5 chu1] /having unspeakable bitter suffering/(often ang2 lian2])/ [you3 zhe5] /to have/to possess/ [you3 yao4 yin3 zhe3] /addict/ [you3 hua4 yao4 shuo1] /to speak one's mind/ [you3 shuo1 fu2 li4] /convincing/ [you3 qing3] /to request the pleasure of seeing sb/to ask sb in/to ask sb to do s h (e.g. make a speech)/ [you3 pu3] /to have a plan/to know what one is doing/ [you3 pu3 r5] /erhua variant of [you3 pu3]/ [you3 ze2 ren4] /liable/responsible/ [you3 zi1 ge2] /to be entitled/to qualify/to be qualified/ [you3 lai4 yu2] /to rely on/to depend on/ [you3 qu4] /interesting/fascinating/amusing/ [you3 ti2 dong4 wu4] /ungulates (animals with hooves)/ [you3 gui3] /tracked (tramcar)/ [you3 gui3 dian4 che1] /tramway/tram/ [you3 ban4 fa3] /can find methods/resourceful/creative/ [you3 jin4 qu3 xin1] /aggressive/go-getter/ [you3 dao4] /learned and virtuous/reasonable/right/lawful/to have attained the wa /to adhere to principles of truth and right/Good government prevails./ [you3 dao4 li5] /to make sense/reasonable/ [you3 xuan3 ju3 quan2] /constituent/ [you3 bian1 r5] /to be likely or possible/to begin to take shape/to be likely ceed/ [you3 gou1 tao1 chong2] /tapeworm (Taenia solium)/ [you3 qian2] /well off/wealthy/ [you3 qian2 ren2] /the rich/the wealthy/ [you3 qian2 you3 shi4] /rich and powerful (idiom)/ [you3 qian2 neng2 shi3 gui3 tui1 mo2] /lit. money will make t ); with money, you can do anything you like./ [you3 guan1] /to have sth to do with/to relate to/related to/to concern/concernin / [you3 guan1 xi5] /to relate to/to be relevant/to have involvement/to have con s/ [you3 guan1 ge4 fang1] /all parties involved/ [you3 guan1 lian2] /related to/concerning/to be correlated/ [you3 guan1 lian2] /relate/ [you3 xian4] /limited/finite/ [you3 xian4 yuan2] /finite element (method)/ [you3 xian4 yuan2 fa3] /finite element method/ [you3 xian4 gong1 si1] /limited company/corporation/ [you3 xian4 dan1 yuan2] /finite element (method)/ [you3 xian4 qun2] /finite group (math.)/ [you3 xian4 ji2] /finite set/ [you3 yin1 ying3] /shadowy/ [you3 xiong2 xin1] /ambitious/ [you3 dian4] /electric (apparatus)/electrified/having electricity supply (of a ho se)/ [you3 qing3] /shortly thereafter/for a moment/ [you3 yu4 mou2] /premeditated/ [you3 he2] /jawed (fish)/ [you3 tou2 you3 wei3] /where there's a start, there's a finish (idiom); t one starts sth/to carry things through/I started, so I'll finish./ [you3 tou2 wu2 wei3] /to start but not finish (idiom); to fail to carry t /lack of sticking power/short attention span/ [you3 feng1] /windy/ [you3 yu2] /to have an abundance/

[you3 mei4 li4] /attractive/charming/ [you3 dian3] /a little/ [you3 dian3 r5] /slightly/a little/somewhat/ [ruan3] /protein/ [ruan3 bing4 du2] /prion (pathogen)/ [peng2] /friend/ [peng2 ke4] /punk (music style)/ [peng2 you5] /friend/CL: [ge4],[wei4]/ [peng2 bi3 wei2 jian1] /to conspire/to gang up/ [peng2 dang3] /clique/ [fu2] /clothes/dress/garment/to serve/to obey/to convince/to acclimatize/to take (medicine)/mourning clothes/to wear mourning clothes/ [fu4] /dose (measure word for medicine)/ [fu2 shi4] /to serve (a ruler)/to assume an official position/to do hard labor/to attend to or wait upon (see [fu2 shi5], also written )/ [fu2 ta1 ling2] /voltaren, a trade name for diclofenac sodium, a non-steroida inflammatory drug used to reduce swelling and as pain-killer/also called / [fu2 shi5] /to attend to/to care for (patients etc)/to look after/to wait upon/to serve/also written , see also [fu2 shi4]/ [fu2 xing2] /to serve a prison sentence/ [fu2 wu4] /to serve/service/CL: [xiang4]/ [fu2 wu4 tai2] /service desk/information desk/reception desk/ [fu2 wu4 yuan2] /waiter/waitress/attendant/customer service personnel/CL: [fu2 wu4 qi4] /server (computer)/CL: [tai2]/ [fu2 wu4 guang3 gao4 xie2 yi4] /Service Advertisement Protocol/SA [fu2 wu4 ti2 gong1 shang1] /(Internet) service provider/ [fu2 wu4 ti2 gong1 zhe3] /service provider/ [fu2 wu4 ye4] /service industry/ [fu2 wu4 sheng1] /server (at a restaurant)/ [fu2 wu4 tai2] /service desk/information desk/reception desk/ [fu2 wu4 gui1 zhang1] /service regulation/ [fu2 wu4 fei4] /service charge/cover charge/ [fu2 wu4 zhi4 liang4] /Quality of Service/QOS/ [fu2 sang1] /in mourning/ [fu2 wan2] /serve out (a sentence)/ [fu2 yi4] /to serve in the army/in active service/ [fu2 cong2] /to obey (an order)/to comply/to defer/ [fu4 fu5] /clothes (baby talk)/ [fu2 du2] /to take poison/ [fu2 qi4] /to be convinced/to accept/ [fu2 fa3] /to submit to the law/to obey the law/ [fu2 man3] /to have completed the mourning period (traditional)/to have served on 's time/ [fu2 yong4] /to take (medicine)/ [fu2 zui4] /to admit to a crime/to plead guilty/ [fu2 lao3] /to admit to one's advancing years/to acquiesce to old age/ [fu2 ying1] /to bear in mind/ [fu2 yao4] /to take drugs/ [fu2 yao4 guo4 liang4] /overdose of drugs/ [fu2 zhuang1] /dress/clothing/costume/clothes/CL:[shen1]/ [fu2 zhuang1 xiu4] /fashion show/clothes show/ [fu2 tie1] /calm, relaxed (emotions)/docile/also [fu2 tie1]/ [fu2 shu1] /to concede/to admit defeat/to admit sth is wrong after insisting it i right/ [fu2 bian4] /written confession/letter of repentance/ [fu2 shi4] /apparel/clothing and personal adornment/ [fei3] /crescent moon/ [Qu2] /surname Qu/ [tiao4] /scorch/western moon before sunrise/ [shuo4] /beginning/first day of lunar month/

[Shuo4 cheng2] /Shuocheng district of Shuozhou city [Shuo4 zhou1 shi4], Sha [Shuo4 cheng2 qu1] /Shuocheng district of Shuozhou city [Shuo4 zhou1 sh [Shuo4 zhou1] /Shuozhou prefecture level city in Shanxi / [Shuo4 zhou1 shi4] /Shuozhou prefecture level city in Shanxi / [shuo4 ri4] /first day of the lunar month/ [shuo4 shi2 kong1] /early universe/ [shuo4 yue4] /new moon/first day of the lunar month/ [shuo4 wang4] /the new moon/the first day of the lunar month/ [shuo4 wang4 chao2] /spring tide (biggest tide, at new moon or full moon)/ [shuo4 feng1] /north wind/ [shuo4 feng1 lin3 lie4] /The north wind is icy cold./ [zhen4] /I/we (imperial use)/subtle/ [zhen4 zhao4] /omen/sign (that sth is about to happen)/warning sign/ [lang3] /clear/bright/ [lang3 yin2] /to read out resounding and clear/ [lang3 mu3] /rum (beverage) (loanword)/ [lang3 mu3 jiu3] /rum (loanword)/ [Lang3 wen2] /Longman (name)/ [Lang3 xian4] /Nang county, Tibetan: Snang rdzong, in Nyingchi prefecture qu1], Tibet/ [lang3 song4] /read aloud with expression/recite/declaim/ [lang3 du2] /read aloud/read loudly and clearly/ [juan1] /to reduce/to exploit/ [wang4] /full moon/to hope/to expect/to visit/to gaze (into the distance)/to loo k towards/towards/ [Wang4 jing1] /Wangjing neighborhood of Beijing/ [Wang4 cheng2] /Wangcheng county in Changsha [Chang2 sha1], Hunan/ [Wang4 cheng2 xian4] /Wangcheng county in Changsha [Chang2 sha1], Hu [wang4 chen2 mo4 ji2] /lit. to see only the other rider's dust and have n ching up (idiom)/to be far inferior/ [wang4 fu1 shi2] /Amah Rock/ [Wang4 kui2] /Wangkui county in Suihua , Heilongjiang/ [Wang4 kui2 xian4] /Wangkui county in Suihua , Heilongjiang/ [wang4 zi3 cheng2 long2] /lit. to hope one's son becomes a dragon (idiom) g for one' s child to succeed in life/to have great hopes for one's offspring/to give one's child the best education as a career investment/ [Wang4 an1] /Wangan township in Penghu county [Peng2 hu2 xian4] (Pes aiwan/ [Wang4 an1 xiang1] /Wangan township in Penghu county [Peng2 hu2 s), Taiwan/ [wang4 wen2 sheng1 yi4] /lit. view a text and interpret (idiom); to inter word without understanding the meaning/a far-fetched interpretation/ [wang4 zu2] /distinguished or prominent family/influential clan (old)/ [wang4 ri4] /the full moon/the fifteenth day of each lunar month/ [wang4 yue4] /full moon/ [wang4 mei2 zhi3 ke3] /lit. to quench one's thirst by thinking of plums ( o console oneself with illusions/ [Wang4 jiang1] /Wangjiang county in Anqing [An1 qing4], Anhui/ [Wang4 jiang1 xian4] /Wangjiang county in Anqing [An1 qing4], Anhui/ [wang4 er2 que4 bu4] /to shrink back/to flinch/ [wang4 er2 sheng1 wei4] /intimidate at the first glance (idiom); awe-insp ing/overwhelming/ [wang4 er2 xing1 tan4] /to look and sigh/to feel helpless/not knowing wha [Wang4 hua1] /Wanghua district of Fushun city , Liaoning/ [Wang4 hua1 qu1] /Wanghua district of Fushun city , Liaoning/ [wang4 jian4] /to espy/to spot/ [Wang4 mo2] /Wangmo county in Qianxinan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ [Wang4 mo2 xian4] /Wangmo county in Qianxinan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefe 2 xi1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/

[wang4 yuan3 jing4] /telescope/CL:[fu4],[fu4],[bu4]/ [wang4 yuan3 jing4 zuo4] /Telescopium (constellation)/ [Wang4 du1] /Wangdu county in Baoding [Bao3 ding4], Hebei/ [Wang4 du1 xian4] /Wangdu county in Baoding [Bao3 ding4], Hebei/ [wang4 feng1 bu3 ying3] /see [bu3 feng1 zhuo1 ying3]/ [Chao2] /abbr. for [Chao2 xian3] Korea/ [chao2] /imperial or royal court/government/dynasty/reign of a sovereign or empe ror/court or assembly held by a sovereign or emperor/to make a pilgrimage to/fac ing/towards/ [zhao1] /morning/ [zhao1 san1 mu4 si4] /lit. say three in the morning but four in the eveni o change sth that is already settled upon/indecisive/to blow hot and cold/ [zhao1 bu4 bao3 xi1] /at dawn, not sure of lasting to evening (idiom); pr e/imminent crisis/living from hand to mouth/ [zhao1 bu4 lu:4 xi1] /at dawn, not sure of lasting to evening (idiom); pr e/imminent crisis/living from hand to mouth/ [Chao2 Zhong1] /North Korea-China/ [Chao2 zhong1 she4] /abbr. for [Chao2 xian1 zhon [chao2 dai4] /dynasty/reign (of a king)/ [zhao1 ling4 xi1 gai3] /to make frequent or unpredictable changes in poli [chao2 qian2] /facing forwards/ [Chao2 lao2 dong4 dang3] /Workers' Party of Korea (WPK), the ruling party ea/ [chao2 xiang4] /toward/to face/to open onto/to turn towards/orientation/exposure/ ibla (Islam)/ [zhao1 xi1] /morning and night/all the time/ [Chao2 tian1] /Chaotian district of Guangyuan city [Guang3 yuan2 shi [chao2 tian1] /to have an audience with the Emperor/to be presented at court/to l ok skyward/to look up/ [Chao2 tian1 qu1] /Chaotian district of Guangyuan city [Guang3 y [chao2 shan1 jin4 xiang1] /to go on a pilgrimage and offer incense (idiom [chao2 ting2] /court/imperial household/dynasty/ [chao2 hou4] /backwards/facing back/ [zhao1 si1 mu4 xiang3] /to yearn for sth day and night (idiom)/ [chao2 fang2] /reception room for officials (in former times)/ [chao2 bai4] /to worship/to make customary deferences to/a pilgrimage/ [chao2 bai4 sheng4 shan1] /a pilgrimage to a holy mountain/ [Chao2 zu2] /Korean ethnic group of Jilin province and northeast China/same as [Zhao1 ri4] /Asahi (Japanese place name, company name etc)/ [zhao1 ri4] /morning sun/ [Chao2 ri4 Fang4 song4] /Asahi Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)/ [Chao2 ri4 Xin1 wen2] /Asahi Shimbun (Japanese newspaper)/ [chao2 fu2] /court dress in former times/ [zhao1 zhao1 mu4 mu4] /from dawn to dusk/all the time/ [Chao2 he2 wen4 ti2] /Korean nuclear problem/ [Zhao1 ge1] /Zhaoge, capital of the Shang dynasty /Zhaoge town in Qi county / [Zhao1 ge1 zhen4] /Zhaoge town in Qi county , Hebi , Henan/ [zhao1 qi4] /vitality/dynamism/ [zhao1 qi4 peng2 bo2] /full of youthful energy (idiom); vigorous/energeti ark/ [Chao2 yong3 Zhen4 yi1 lang2] /TOMONAGA Shin'ichir (1906-1979) bel prize laureate with Richard Feynman and Julian Schwinger/ [chao2 zhu1] /court beads (derived from Buddhist prayer beads)/ [zhao1 Qin2 mu4 Chu3] /serve Qin in the morning Chu in the evening (idiom witch sides/ [chao2 gang1] /laws and discipline of imperial court/ [chao2 sheng4] /to make a pilgrimage/a pilgrimage to a holy mountain/ [chao2 sheng4 zhe3] /pilgrim/ [zhao1 wen2 xi1 gai3] /lit. heard in the morning and changed by the eveni

an error very quickly (idiom)/ [chao2 chen2] /court councilor/ [chao2 zhe5] /facing/advancing (towards)/ [chao2 jian4] /to have an audience (with the Emperor)/ [chao2 jin4] /to give audience (of emperor)/retainers' duty to pay respect to sov reign/hajj (Islam)/ [chao2 gong4] /to present tribute (to the emperor)/ [zhao1 guo4 xi1 gai3] /to correct in the evening a fault of the morning ( ckly amend one's ways/ [chao2 ye3] /all levels of society/the imperial court and the ordinary people/ [chao2 men2] /entrance portal (to a palace)/propylaeum/ [Chao2 yang2] /Chaoyang district in east and northeast Beijing, a county level di trict of Beijing municipality/Chaoyang prefecture level city in Liaoning provinc e in northeast China/Chaoyang district of Changchun city , Jilin ang , Liaoning/ [chao2 yang2] /to be exposed to the sun/in a position facing the sun/ [zhao1 yang2] /the morning sun/ [Chao2 yang2 qu1] /Chaoyang inner district of Beijing/Chaoyang district, Chan ity, Jilin/ [Zhao1 yang2 di4 qu1] /Zhaoyang district in Liaoning/ [Chao2 yang2 shi4] /Chaoyang prefecture level city in Liaoning province na/ [zhao1 yang2 chan3 ye4] /sunrise industry/ [Chao2 yang2 xian4] /Chaoyang county in Chaoyang , Liaoning/ [Chao2 yang2 men2] /Chaoyangmen neighborhood of Beijing/ [zhao1 yu3] /morning rain/ [zhao1 lu4] /morning dew/fig. precarious brevity of human life/ephemeral/ [zhao1 lu4 mu4 ai3] /morning dew, evening mist (idiom); ephemeral/imperma [zhao1 lu4 ke4 zhi4] /the morning dew will swiftly dissipate (idiom); fig nd precarious nature of human existence/ [Chao2 Han2] /North and South Korea/ [Chao2 xian3] /Korean Joseon or Chosun dynasty 1392-1910/North Korea/Korea as geo raphic term/ [Chao2 xian3 zhong1 yang1 xin1 wen2 she4] /Korean Central New [Chao2 xian1 zhong1 yang1 tong1 xun4 she4] /North Korean Cent [Chao2 zhong1 she4]/ [Chao2 xian3 ren2] /North Korean (person)/ [Chao2 xian3 ba1 dao4] /the eight provinces of Yi dynasty Korea/ [Chao2 xian3 lao2 dong4 dang3] /Workers' Party of Korea (WPK), the ru Korea/ [Chao2 xian3 Ban4 dao3] /Korean Peninsula/ [Chao2 xian3 Tai4 zong1] /King Taejong of Joseon Korea (1367-1422), reign [Chao2 xian3 zi4 mu3] /hangeul , Korean phonetic alphabet/Korean letter [Chao2 xian3 zhan4 zheng1] /Korean war (1950-1953)/ [Chao2 xian3 wen2] /Korean written language/ [Chao2 xian3 zu2] /Korean ethnic group in China (mainly in northeast China)/t ans (major ethnic group on the Korean Peninsula)/ [Chao2 xian3 ri4 bao4] /Chosun Ilbo, a South Korean newspaper/ [Chao2 xian3 he2 tan2] /talks on North Korea's nuclear program/ [Chao2 xian3 min2 zhu3 zhu3 yi4 ren2 min2 gon rth Korea)/ [Chao2 xian3 hai3 xia2] /Korea strait/Tsushima straits (between Japan and [Chao2 xian3 zheng1] /kayagum/Korean 12-stringed zither/ [Chao2 xian3 zong3 du1 fu3] /Japanese colonial administration of Kore [Chao2 xian3 yu3] /Korean language/ [qi1] /a period of time/phase/stage/(used for issue of a periodical, courses of study)/time/term/period/to hope/Taiwan pr. [qi2]/ [qi1 zhong1] /interim/midterm/ [qi1 zhong1 kao3] /mid-term exam/ [qi1 kan1] /periodical/

[qi1 dai4] /to look forward to/to await/expectation/ [qi1 kao3] /end of term examination/ [qi1 wang4] /to have expectations/to earnestly hope/expectation/hope/ [qi1 wang4 zhi2] /expected value/ [qi1 mo4] /end of term/ [qi1 quan2] /option/ [qi1 man3] /to expire/to run out/to come to an end/ [qi1 pan4] /hope and expectation/to anticipate/to look forward to/to await expect ntly/ [qi1 piao4] /promissory note/IOU/ [qi1 zhong1] /end of a fixed term/ [qi1 kao3] /end of term examination/ [qi1 xu3] /to hope/to expect/expectation(s)/ [qi1 huo4] /futures (on goods)/ [qi1 jian1] /period of time/time/time period/period/CL: [ge4]/ [qi1 xian4] /time limit/deadline/allotted time/ [ying1] /color of the moon/ [wang4] /15th day of month (lunar calendar)/ [tong2] /light from the rising moon/ [meng2] /deceive/indistinct/ [meng2 zai4 gu3 li3] /variant of [meng2 zai4 gu3 li3]/li om); completely in the dark/ [meng2 long2] /hazy/ [meng2 long2 shi1] /Misty Poets/ [long2] /rising moon/ [Mu4] /surname Mu/ [mu4] /tree/wood/coffin/wooden/simple/numb/one of the eight ancient musical inst ruments [ba1 yin1]/ [mu4 nai3 yi1] /mummy (preserved corpse)/ [mu4 nai3 yi1 hua4] /to mummify/mummification/ [mu4 ren2 shi2 xin1] /lit. body made of wood, heart made of stone (idiom) ss/ [mu4 ou3] /puppet/ [mu4 ou3 xiu4] /puppet show/ [mu4 ke4] /woodcut/ [mu4 jian4] /wooden sword/ [mu4 jiang4] /carpenter/ [mu4 ka3 mu3] /muqam, Uyghur melody types that are the basis for a set of sui [Mu4 zha5] /Muzha/ [mu4 qi4] /wooden articles/ [mu4 kuai4] /block/ [Mu4 lei3 Ha1 sa4 ke4 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Mori Kazakh autono iyisi in Changji Hui autonomous prefecture [Chang1 ji2 Hui2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou ang/ [Mu4 lei3 xian4] /Mori Kazakh autonomous county or Mori Qazaq aptonom nahiyis angji Hui autonomous prefecture [Chang1 ji2 Hui2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xingjia [mu4 hang1] /wooden tamp/ [Mu4 Zi3 mei3] /Mu Zimei, Chinese celebrity/ [mu4 ji1] /wooden clogs/ [mu4 gong1] /woodwork/carpentry/woodworker/carpenter/ [mu4 yi3 cheng2 zhou1] /lit. the timber has been turned into a boat alrea g. what is done cannot be undone/ [mu4 liao4] /lumber/timber/ [Mu4 xing1] /Jupiter (planet)/ [mu4 yao4 ri4] /Thursday (used in Ancient Chinese astronomy)/ [mu4 ben3 zhi2 wu4] /woody plant/ [mu4 cai2] /wood/ [Mu4 cun1] /Kimura (common Japanese name)/ [mu4 ban3] /slab/board/plank/CL: [zhang1], [kuai4]/ [mu4 chai2] /firewood/

[mu4 chai2 dui1] /pile of firewood/funeral pyre/ [Mu4 zha4] /Muzha (old spelling, Mucha), was a district in Taipei City merged wit Jingmei is now called Wenshan/ [Mu4 zha4 xian4] /Muzha line, also Taipei Metro Muzha Line (TRTS, [Mu4 ge2 cuo4] /Lake Mibgai Co or Miga Tso, in Dartsendo or Kangding [Kan rze Tibetan autonomous prefecture, Sichuan/ [mu4 kuang4] /wooden frame/ [mu4 tong3] /cask/ [mu4 gan1] /wooden pole/wood (golf club)/ [mu4 mian2] /cotton/ [mu4 mian2 ke1] /Bombacaceae (botany)/ [mu4 mian2 hua1] /cotton/ [mu4 gun4] /wooden stick/ [mu4 zhou4] /type of wood used to make punting poles for boats (old)/ [mu4 tan4] /charcoal/ [mu4 pian1] /wood chip/CL: [kuai4],[pian4]/ [mu4 ban3] /plank/board/ [mu4 xi5] /osmanthus/ [mu4 xi5 rou4] /pork and scrambled eggs/ [mu4 qin2] /xylophone/ [mu4 gua1] /papaya/ [mu4 wa3] /shingle/ [mu4 mu4 jin1] /mokuma-gane (loanword)/ [mu4 fa2] /wooden raft/log raft/ [mu4 guan3 yue4 qi4] /woodwind instrument/ [mu4 tang2] /xylose (type of sugar)/ [mu4 tang2 chun2] /xylitol/ [mu4 er3] /edible tree fungus/CL: [duo3]/ [mu4 ju4 tang2] /xylan/ [mu4 chuan2] /wooden boat/ [mu4 fu2 rong2] /cotton rose hibiscus (Hibiscus mutabilis)/ [mu4 mei2] /raspberry/ [mu4 shu3] /cassava, a tropical tuber plant/ [mu4 shu3 dian4 fen3] /tapioca/ [Mu4 lan2] /Mulan county in Harbin [Ha1 er3 bin1], Heilongjiang/ [mu4 lan2] /lily magnolia (Magnolia liliflora)/ [mu4 lan2 shu3] /Magnolia, genus of trees and shrubs/ [mu4 lan2 ke1] /Magnoliaceae, family of trees and shrubs/ [mu4 lan2 gang1] /Magnoliopsidae or Dicotyledoneae (class of plants distingui two embryonic leaves)/ [Mu4 lan2 xian4] /Mulan county in Harbin [Ha1 er3 bin1], Heilong [mu4 lan2 hua1] /magnolia/ [mu4 shi1] /woodlouse/ [mu4 du4] /wood moth/carpenter moth/CL: [zhi1]/ [mu4 du4 e2] /wood moth/carpenter moth/CL: [zhi1]/ [mu4 zhi4] /wooden/ [mu4 ne4] /wooden and slow/plain spoken/slow and prudent/inarticulate/ [mu4 ne4 gua3 yan2] /slow and inarticulate (idiom); person of few words/ [mu4 ne4 lao3 ren2] /ungraduated ruler/straight edge/ [mu4 zhi4] /wooden/ [mu4 zhi4 su4] /lignin/ [mu4 zhi4 bu4] /xylem/ [mu4 tong2 tang2] /xylulose (type of sugar)/ [mu4 chun2] /wood alcohol/wood spirit/methyl alcohol/methanol CH3OH/same as [ un2]/ [Mu4 li3 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Muli Tibetan autonomous c s prefecture [Liang2 shan1 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], south Sich [mu4 ding1] /peg/ [mu4 ju4] /a woodsaw/ [mu4 xie2] /clogs (footwear)/sabot/

[mu4 tou5] /slow-witted/blockhead/log (of wood, timber etc)/CL: [kuai4],[ge [mu4 xiang1] /costus root (medicinal herb)/aucklandia/Saussurea costus/Dolomiaea ouliei/ [mu4 ma3] /wooden horse/rocking horse/vaulting horse (gymnastics)/trojan horse (c mputing)/ [mu4 ma3 bing4 du2] /Trojan horse (type of computer virus)/ [mu4 ma3 ji4] /wooden horse stratagem (cf Trojan horse)/ [Mu4 gu3 du1 shu4] /Chinese name for African kingdom in Somalia, cf Mogad [mu4 yu2] /mokugyo/wooden fish (percussion instrument)/ [mu4 chi3 pa2] /a rake (with wooden teeth)/ [xx5] /one of the characters used in kwukyel (phonetic "pin"), an ancient Korean writing system/ [wei4] /not yet/did not/have not/not/8th earthly branch: 1-3 p.m., 6th solar mon th (7th July-6th August), year of the Sheep/ [wei4 liao3] /unfinished/outstanding (business)/unfulfilled/ [wei4 wang2 ren2] /a widow (a widow's way of referring to herself in former t [wei4 lai2] /future/tomorrow/CL: [ge4]/approaching/coming/pending/ [wei4 lai2 xue2] /future studies/ [wei4 lai2 shi4] /future tense/ [wei4 lai2 ye4 ji4] /future yield (of investment)/ [wei4 bian4] /not in a position to do so/I can't do it without authorization/ [wei4 mian3] /unavoidable/a bit too much/over the top (you exaggerate)/ [wei4 guan1] /minor (old usage, person under 20)/ [wei4 chu1 huo4] /not yet dispatched/ [wei4 shan1 jie2 ban3] /unabridged edition/uncut edition/ [wei4 bu3] /not foreseen/unpredictable/not on the cards/ [wei4 bu3 xian1 zhi1] /predictable/sth one can predict without being a cl [wei4 ji2] /before (the end of a moment)/not involving/none of your business/ [wei4 shou4 ying3 xiang3] /unaffected/not inconvenienced/ [wei4 shou4 jing1] /unfertilized (of ova, not soil)/ [wei4 ke3] /cannot/ [wei4 ke3 hou4 fei1] /not to be censured too strictly (idiom)/not altoget le/understandable/ [wei4 ke3 tong2 ri4 er2 yu3] /lit. mustn't speak of two things on t to be mentioned in the same breath/incomparable/ [wei4 ming2] /untitled/unnamed/no name/nameless/unknown name/unknown (attributive y)/ [wei4 ming4 ming2] /untitled/unnamed/no name/nameless/unknown name/ [wei4 chang2] /not ever/not necessarily/ [wei4 bao4] /unavenged/still demanding retribution/ [Wei4 yang1] /Weiyang district of Xi'an city [Xi1 an1 shi4], Shaanxi/ [wei4 yang1] /(literary) not ended/not yet over/close to the end/ [Wei4 yang1 qu1] /Weiyang district of Xi'an city [Xi1 an1 shi4], Shaanx [wei4 shi3] /not necessarily/may not turn out to be/maybe not/ [wei4 qu3] /a bachelor/an unmarried man/ [wei4 qu3 qi1] /not yet married/bachelor/ [wei4 hun1] /unmarried/ [wei4 hun1 fu1] /fianc/ [wei4 hun1 qi1] /fiance/ [wei4 fu1] /unhatched/ [wei4 wan2 cheng2] /imperfect/incomplete/ [wei4 ding4] /undecided/indeterminate/still in doubt/ [wei4 ji3] /soon/before long/ [wei4 bi4] /not necessarily/maybe not/ [wei4 cheng2] /minor (i.e. person under 18)/incomplete/unachieved/failed/abortive [wei4 cheng2 guan1] /minor (old usage, person under 20)/ [wei4 cheng2 nian2 ren2] /minor (i.e. person under 18)/ [wei4 cheng2 nian2 zhe3] /minor (not an adult)/ [wei4 zhe2 xian4] /undiscounted/full price/ [wei4 ti2 ji2] /not mentioned/

[wei4 gan3 gou3 tong2] /can't agree with/ [wei4 liao4] /to not anticipate/to not expect/unanticipated/unexpected/ [wei4 shi2] /1-3 pm/ [wei4 ceng2] /never before/ [wei4 you3] /is not/has never been/never occurring/unprecedented/ [wei4 wu3 zhuang1] /unarmed/ [wei4 jue2] /as yet undecided/unsolved/still outstanding/ [wei4 jue2 ding4] /pending/ [wei4 ran2] /in advance/before it happens (cf preventative measures)/forestalling [wei4 shu2] /unripe/ [wei4 fa1 huo4] /goods not yet dispatched/ [wei4 zhi1] /unknown/ [wei4 zhi1 shu4] /unknown quantity/ [wei4 zhi1 shu4 r5] /erhua variant of [wei4 zhi1 shu4]/ [wei4 que4 ding4] /indeterminate/ [wei4 jing4] /unfinished/incomplete/ [wei4 jing4 zhi1 zhi4] /unfulfilled ambition/ [wei4 qian1 zi4 zhe3] /non-signatory/ [wei4 jie2 shu4] /unfinished/unresolved/ [wei4 jing1] /not (yet)/ [wei4 jing1 zheng4 shi2] /unconfirmed/ [wei4 zhi4 ke3 fou3] /to refuse to comment/same as / [wei4 yang2] /Year 8, year of the Ram (e.g. 2003)/ [wei4 lao3 xian1 shuai1] /to age prematurely/ [wei4 neng2] /cannot/to fail to/unable to/ [wei4 neng2 mian3 su2] /unable to break the custom (idiom)/bound by conve [wei4 chu3 li3] /as yet unprocessed/ [wei4 jie3] /unsolved (problem)/ [wei4 jie3 zhi1 mi2] /unsolved mystery/ [wei4 jie3 jue2] /unsolved/as yet unsettled/ [wei4 sui4] /not accomplished/unsuccessful (attempt at assassination)/abortive/ [wei4 huang2 duo1 rang4] /no time to concede much/not outdone by/not infe espect/in no way conceding to/ [wei4 da2 yi1 jian4] /differing only slightly/not much between them/ [wei4 yu3 chou2 mou2] /lit. before it rains, bind around with silk (idiom f Songs ); fig. to plan ahead/to prepare for a rainy day/ [mo4] /tip/end/final stage/latter part/inessential detail/powder/dust/opera role of old man/ [mo4 shi4] /last phase (of an age)/ [mo4 liao3] /in the end/ [mo4 dai4] /final generation/ [mo4 dai4 huang2 di4] /the Last Emperor, biopic of Pu Yi by Ber [mo4 fu2] /middle ten days of August, the last of sn f, three hottest peri year/ [mo4 r5] /powder/puree/ [mo4 ming2 jiang3 pin3] /booby prize/wooden spoon/ [mo4 zi5] /powder/dust/ [mo4 wei3] /tip/extremity/ [mo4 xie4] /bits/scraps/ [mo4 xi2] /end seat/place for less senior person/ [mo4 nian2] /the final years (of a regime)/ [Mo4 di3 gai3] /Mordechai (name)/ [mo4 zuo4] /end seat/final place (for less senior person)/ [mo4 hou4] /finally/ [Mo4 ri4] /Judgment Day (in Christian eschatology)/ [mo4 ri4] /last day/end/final days/doomsday/ [mo4 ri4 lun4] /eschatology/ [mo4 qi1] /end (of a period)/last part/final phase/ [mo4 shao1] /tip/end/last few days/ [mo4 shao1 shen2 jing1] /peripheral nerve/

[mo4 duan4] /final segment/last stage/ [mo4 liu2] /late degenerate stage/ [mo4 mei2] /slack coal (final poor quality coal)/ [mo4 ban1 che1] /last bus or train/last chance/ [mo4 duan1] /tip/extremity/ [mo4 jie2] /inessentials/minor detail/ [mo4 pian1] /final installment/last phase/end/ [mo4 cha2] /tea powder (matcha)/ [mo4 ye4] /final years/end (of a decade, era etc)/ [mo4 yi4] /small skill/my humble capabilities/ [mo4 yao4] /myrrh (Commiphora myrrha)/also written / [mo4 lu4] /end of the road/final road/fig. dead end/impasse/ [mo4 su4] /terminal velocity/ [mo4 zao4] /final phase/ [mo4 ye4] /last page/ [mo4 yuan4] /final vows (in a religious order or congregation of the Catholic Chu ch)/ [ben3] /roots or stems of plants/origin/source/this/the current/root/foundation/ basis/classifier for books, periodicals, files etc/originally/ [Ben3 La1 deng1] /Osama bin Laden (1957-2011), leader of Al Qaeda/ [ben3 shi4] /source material/original story/ [ben3 shi5] /ability/skill/ [ben3 ren2] /the person himself/I (humble form used in speeches)/oneself/myself/i person/personal/ [ben3 ren2 de5 guan1 dian3] /(one's) personal view/ [ben3 fen4] /one's duty/ [ben3 wei4] /standard/one's own department or unit/ [ben3 wei4 zhu3 yi4] /selfish departmentalism/departmental selfishness/ [ben3 wei4 zhi4] /monetary standard/ [ben3 wei4 huo4 bi4] /local currency/our own currency/abbr. / [ben3 lai2] /original/originally/at first/it goes without saying/of course/ [ben3 lai2 mian4 mu4] /true colors/true features/ [ben3 feng4] /basic salary/ [ben3 jie2 ming2] /Benjamin (person name)/ [Ben3 jie2 ming2 Fu4 lan2 ke4 lin2] /Benjamin Franklin , inventor, politician and diplomat/ [ben3 fen4] /(to play) one's part/one's role/one's duty/(to stay within) one's bo nds/ [ben3 chu1 zi3 wu3 xian4] /the first meridian/the prime meridian/ [Ben3 yin1 fang1] /Honinbo/Honinbou/ [Ben3 yin1 fang1 Xiu4 ce4] /Honinbo Shusaku (1829-1862), Japanese Go [ben3 gu4 zhi1 rong2] /when the root is firm/the branches flourish/ [ben3 guo2] /one's own country/ [ben3 guo2 ren2] /natives of one's own country/ [ben3 tu3] /one's native country/native/local/metropolitan territory/ [ben3 tu3 hua4] /to localize/localization/ [ben3 tu3 hua4 ruan3 jian4] /software localization/ [ben3 tu3 pai4] /local faction/pro-localization faction (in Taiwanese politic [ben3 di4] /local/this locality/ [ben3 di4 ren2] /native person (of a country)/ [ben3 di4 hua4] /localization/adaptation (to foreign environment)/ [ben3 di4 guan3 li3 jie4 mian4] /Local Management Interface/LMI/ [ben3 bu4] /this city/this town/ [ben3 bao4] /this newspaper/ [ben3 lei3] /home base/home plate (in baseball)/ [ben3 lei3 da3] /home run (baseball)/ [ben3 zi5] /book/notebook/edition/CL:[ben3]/ [ben3 zi4] /(ling.) original character/ [ben3 jia1] /a member of the same clan/a distant relative with the same family na e/

[Ben3 ni2 di2] /Benedictus/ [ben3 jie4] /current/this year/ [ben3 dao3] /main island/ [Ben3 zhou1] /Honsh, the main island of Japan/ [ben3 shi4] /this city/our city/ [ben3 bi4] /local currency/our own currency/abbr. for / [ben3 bang1 cai4] /Shanghainese food/ [ben3 nian2 du4] /this year/the current year/ [ben3 di3] /background/ [ben3 di3 ji4 shu4] /background count/ [ben3 di3 diao4 cha2] /background investigation/ [ben3 di3 fu2 she4] /background radiation/ [ben3 ying3] /umbra/ [ben3 zheng1 zhi2] /eigenvalue (math.)/also written / [ben3 zheng1 xiang4 liang4] /eigenvector (math.)/also written [ben3 xing4] /natural instincts/nature/inherent quality/ [ben3 xing4 nan2 yi2] /It is hard to change one's essential nature (idiom change who you are./Can the leopard change his spots? (Jeremiah 13:23)/ [ben3 xi1] /principal and interest (on a loan)/ [ben3 yi4] /original idea/real intention/etymon/ [ben3 ying1] /should have/ought to have/ [ben3 wo3] /id/the self/ [Ben3 La1 deng1] /(Osama) bin Laden (1957-2011), leader of Al Qaeda/ [ben3 wen2] /this text/article/the main body of a book/ [ben3 zu2 yu3] /native language/mother tongue/ [ben3 ri4] /today/ [ben3 xing1 qi1] /this week/ [ben3 yue4] /this month/the current month/ [ben3 chao2] /the current dynasty/ [ben3 qi1] /the current period/this term (usually in finance)/ [ben3 mo4] /the whole course of an event from beginning to end/ins and outs/the f ndamental and the incidental/ [ben3 mo4 dao4 zhi4] /lit. to invert root and branch (idiom); fig. confus effect/to stress the incidental over the fundamental/to put the cart before the horse/ [ben3 ben3] /notebook computer (diminutive)/laptop/ [ben3 ben3 zhu3 yi4] /book worship/bookishness/ [ben3 yuan2] /origin/source/ [Ben3 xi1] /Benxi prefecture level city in Liaoning province in nor [Ben3 xi1 shi4] /Benxi prefecture level city in Liaoning province [Ben3 xi1 Man3 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Benxi Manchu autonomous c [Ben3 xi1 xian4] /Benxi Manchu autonomous county in Benxi , Liaoning/ [ben3 sheng1 deng1] /Bunsen burner/ [Ben3 tian2] /Honda (Japanese name)/ [ben3 yi4 bi3] /price-earnings (PE) ratio/ [ben3 xiang4] /original form/ [ben3 piao4] /cashier's check/ [ben3 ke1] /undergraduate course/undergraduate (adjective)/ [ben3 ke1 sheng1] /undergraduate student/ [Ben3 du3 shi2 liu4 shi4] /Benedict XVI (Pope)/Joseph Alois Rat 005/ [ben3 ji4] /biographic sketch of an emperor/ [ben3 jing1] /classic book/sutra/ [ben3 zui4] /actual sin (Christian notion, as opposed to original sin )/ [ben3 yi4] /original meaning/literal sense/ [ben3 zhi2] /one's job/ [ben3 neng2] /instinct/ [ben3 tai2] /this radio station/ [ben3 se4] /inherent qualities/natural qualities/distinctive character/true quali ies/

[ben3 shai3] /natural color/ [Ben3 ci2] /Benz (name)/Karl Benz (1844-1929), motor car pioneer/ [ben3 cao3] /a book on Chinese (herbal) medicine/Chinese materia medica/ [ben3 cao3 gang1 mu4] /Compendium of medical herbs 1596, compiled by L S [ben3 zhe5] /based on.../in conformance with../taking as one's main principle/ [ben3 chu4] /here/this place/ [ben3 hang2] /one's line/one's own profession/ [ben3 zhi4] /essence/nature/innate character/intrinsic quality/ [ben3 zhi4 shang4] /essentially/inherent/ [ben3 shen1] /itself/in itself/per se/ [Ben3 na4 bi3] /see [Ben3 na4 bi3 shi4]/ [Ben3 na4 bi3 shi4] /Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada/ [ben3 bu4] /headquarters/home office/ [ben3 xiang1] /home village/one's native place/ [ben3 jin1] /capital/principal/ [ben3 qian2] /capital/ [ben3 ling3] /skill/ability/capability/CL: [xiang4], [ge4]/ [ben3 ti2] /the subject under discussion/the point at issue/ [ben3 ti3] /main part/torso/the thing in itself/noumenon (object of purely intell ctual perception according to Kant)/ [ben3 ti3 lun4] /ontology/ [zha2] /short note/ [Zha2 Huang3] /Sapporo, Japan/ [Zha2 ge2 la1 bu4] /Zagreb, capital of Croatia [Ke4 luo2 [Zha2 ge2 rui4 bu4] /Zagreb, capital of Croatia [Ke4 luo [zha2 ji4] /reading notes/CL:[pian1]/ [Zha2 da2] /Zanda county in Ngari prefecture, Tibet, Tibetan: Rtsa mda' rdzong/ [Zha2 da2 xian4] /Zanda county in Ngari prefecture, Tibet, Tibetan: Rtsa mda' / [Zha2 ma3 la2 ding1] /see [Za1 ma3 la2 ding1]/ [Zha2 ma3 lu3 ding1] /see [Za1 ma3 la2 ding1]/ [shu4] /variant of [shu4]/ [zhu2] /variant of [zhu2]/ [xx5] /one of the characters used in kwukyel (phonetic "teul"), an ancient Korea n writing system/ [Zhu1] /surname Zhu/ [zhu1] /vermilion/ [Zhu1 Jun4] /Zhu Jun (-195), politician and general at the end of later Han/ [Zhu1 Yun3 wen2] /Zhu Yuanwen, personal name of second Ming Emperor Jianwen 2]/ [Zhu1 Yuan2 zhang1] /Zhu Yuanzhang, personal name of first Ming dynasty emper wu [Hong2 Wu3]/ [Zhu1 li4 ya4 ni2] /Giuliani (name)/Rudolph W (Rudy) Giuliani (1944-), US olitician, Mayor of New York City 1994-2001/ [Zhu1 li4 ya4] /Julia (name)/ [Zhu1 Hou4 zhao4] /Zhu Houzhao, personal name of tenth Ming emperor [Zhen -1521), reigned 1505-1521/ [zhu1 gu3 li4] /chocolate (loanword)/CL: [kuai4]/ [Zhu1 zi5] /Master Zhu, another name for Zhu Xi / [Zhu1 Xiao4 tian1] /Ken Zhu (1979-), Taiwanese singer/actor/ [Zhu1 Rong2 ji1] /common erroneous form of , Zhu Ronji (1928-), 998-2003/ [Zhu1 bi4 te4] /Jupiter (Roman god)/ [Zhu1 Guang3 hu4] /Zhu Guanghu (1949-), PRC soccer coach/ [Zhu1 De2] /Zhu De (1886-1976), communist leader and founder of the People's Libe ation Army/ [Zhu1 Di4] /Zhu Di, personal name of third Ming Emperor Yongle [Yong3 le [Zhu1 Wen1] /Zhu Wen (852-912), military governor [jie2 du4 shi3] at ounder of Later Liang of the Five Dynasties (907-923)/also called [Hou4 Li ]/

[Zhu1 Rong2 ji1] /common erroneous form of , Zhu Ronji (1928-), 998-2003/ [Zhu1 Xi1] /Zhu Xi or Chu Hsi (1130-1200), also known as Master Zhu , Song dy onfucian writer and propagandist, founder of neo-Confucianism/ [Zhu1 You2 xiao4] /personal name of fifteenth Ming emperor Tianqi -1627), reigned 1620-1627/ [Zhu1 Zhan1 ji1] /Zhu Zhanji, personal name of fifth Ming emperor Xuande [zhu1 sha1] /cinnabar/mercuric sulfide HgS/also written [zhu1 sha1]/ [Zhu1 Qi2 yu4] /Zhu Qiyu, personal name of seventh Ming emperor Jingtai [ 1428-1457), reigned 1449-1457/ [Zhu1 Qi2 zhen4] /Zhu Qizhen, personal name of sixth and eighth Ming emperor ng [Zheng4 Tong3], afterwards Tianshun Emperor [Tian1 shun4] (1427-1464), -1449 and 1457-1464/ [zhu1 fen3] /red lead oxide Pb3O4/ [zhu1 hong2] /vermilion/ [Zhu1 Hong2 deng1] /Zhu Hongdeng, one of the leaders of the Boxer Rebellion/ [Zhu1 Zi4 qing1] /Zhu Ziqing (1898-1948), poet and essayist/ [Zhu1 li4 ya4] /Julia (name)/ [Zhu1 nuo4] /Juneau, capital of Alaska/Juno, Roman goddess of marriage/ [Zhu1 di2 ya4] /Judea/ [Zhu1 Rong2 ji1] /Zhu Ronji (1928-), PRC politician, premier 1998-2003/ [Zhu1 que4] /Vermilion Bird (the seven mansions of the south sky)/ [Zhu1 Yun2 zhe1 kan3] /Mr Zhu Yun breaks the railing (idiom); to challeng h boldly/ [Zhu1 Gao1 chi4] /Zhu Gaochi, personal name of fourth Ming emperor Hongxi [zhu1 lu4] /ibis/Japanese crested ibis (Nipponia nippon)/same as / [zhu1 huan2] /ibis/toki or Japanese crested ibis (Nipponia nippon)/ [Zhu1 li4 ya4] /Julia (name)/ [Zhu1 li4 ye4] /Juliet or Juliette (name)/ [ba1] /tree/ [Piao2] /surname Piao/Korean surname (Park, Pak, or Bak)/also pron. [Pu2]/ [po4] /Celtis sinensis var. japonica/ [Po4 zi3] /Pozi or Putzu city in Chiayi county [Jia1 yi4 xian4], wes [Po4 zi3 shi4] /Pozi or Putzu city in Chiayi county [Jia1 yi4 xi [Pu3 Zheng4 xi1] /Park Chung-Hee (1917-1979), South Korean military man and d , president 1963-1979, influential in developing Korean industry, murdered by hi s bodyguard/ [duo3] /flower/earlobe/fig. item on both sides/classifier for flowers, clouds et c/ [duo3 yi2] /to move the jaw/to munch/to masticate/ [duo3] /variant of / [xiu3] /rotten/ [xiu3 huai4] /rotten/ [xiu3 mu4] /rotten wood/ [xiu3 lan4] /rotten/ [xiu3 du4] /to decay and be eaten by worms etc/to over-hoard grain so that it rot / [ting2] /to bump/ [ci4] /stab/ [yu2] /bowl/tub/ [gan1] /pole/CL: [tiao2],[gen1]/ [gan1 zi5] /pole/ [wu1] /to plaster/whitewash/ [cha1] /fork of a tree/pitchfork/ [cha4] /branches of a tree/fork of a tree/ [shan1] /fir/pine/colloquial pr. [sha1]/ [Shan1 Shan1 bin1] /Tsugiyama Akira, secretary at the Japanese legation kille g the Boxer uprising/ [Shan1 lin2] /Shanlin township in Kaohsiung county [Gao1 xiong2 xian n/

[Shan1 lin2 xiang1] /Shanlin township in Kaohsiung county [Gao1 Taiwan/ [wu4] /low stool/ [Li3] /surname Li/ [li3] /plum/ [Li3 Shi4 min2] /Li Shimin, personal name of second Tang emperor Taizong ng1] (599-649), reigned 626-649/ [Li3 Ya4 peng2] /Li Yapeng (1971-), PRC actor/ [Li3 Heng1] /Li Heng, personal name of eighth Tang emperor Suzong [Su4 zong1] 62), reigned 756-762/ [Li3 dai4 shu4] /Lie algebra (math.)/ [li3 dai4 tao2 jiang1] /lit. the plum tree withers in place of the peach itute one thing for another/to carry the can for sb/ [Li3 Bo2 yuan2] /Li Boyuan or Li Baojia (1867-1906), late Qing social observer, author of Observations on the current state of officialdom [Li3 Jun4] /Li Jun, fictional character from [Shui3 hu3 Zhuan4]/ [Li3 Xiu1 xian2] /Danny Lee Sau-Yin (1953-), Hong Kong actor and director/ [Li3 Xuan1] /Li Xuan, personal name of nineteenth Tang emperor Xizong [Xi1 zh 862-888), reigned 873-888/ [Li3 Yuan2 hao4] /Li Yuanhao (1003-1048), founding king of Xixia in/ [Li3 Xian1 nian4] /Li Xiannian (1909-1992), PRC general and politician/ [Li3 Guang1 yao4] /Lee Kuan Yew (1923-), founding prime minister of Singapore 990/ [Li3 Ke4 qiang2] /Li Keqiang (1955-), PRC politician, deputy premier from 200 [Li3 Gong1 pu3] /Li Gongpu (-1946), communist killed by Guomindang in Kunming 6/ [Li3 Bing1] /Li Bing (c 230 BC) historical hydraulic engineer of DuJiangYan [Li3 Bing1 bing1] /Li Bingbing (1973-), PRC film actress and pop star/ [Li3 Jie2 ren2] /Li Jieren (1891-1962), novelist/ [Li3 bo5 ke4 nei4 xi1] /Wilhelm Liebknecht (1826-1900), political act member of the German Socialist Party SPD/ [Li3 Shu1 tong2] /Liu Shutong (1880-1942), painter, Buddhist monk and disting figure in New Culture movement after the Xinhai revolution of 1911/ [Li3 Zhe2] /Li Zhe, personal name of fourth Tang Emperor Zhongzong [Tang2 Z 1] (656-710), reigned 705-710/ [Li3 Shang1 yin3] /Li Shangyin (c. 813-858), Tang poet/ [Li3 Jia1 xin1] /Michele Monique Reis (1970-) actress, model and former Miss ng & Miss Chinese International/ [Li3 Jia1 cheng2] /Sir Li Ka-shing (1928-), Hong Kong businessman/ [Li3 Si4] /Li Si, name for an unspecified person, second of a series of three: 1 San1], , [Wang2 Wu3] Tom, Dick and Harry/ [Li3 Si4 guang1] /Li Siguang (1889-1971), Mongol-born, Japanese trained geolo rominent in early PRC oil exploration/ [Li3 Guo2 hao2] /Brandon Lee (1965-1993), American actor, son of Bruce Lee/ [Li3 Da4 zhao1] /Li Dazhao (1889-1927), early Chinese Marxist and founding me the communist party/ [Li3 tian1 wang2] /the pagoda bearing god/ [Li3 Wa2 zhuan4] /Tale of courtesan Li Wa, novel by Tang writer Bai Xingjian ines of La Traviata, favorite opera plot/ [Li3 Na4] /Li Na (1982-), Chinese tennis player, first Asian player to win a Gran Slam singles title (2011 French Open women's singles)/ [li3 zi5] /plum/CL: [ge4]/ [Li3 An1] /Ang Li (1954-), Taiwanese-American film director (films include Crouch ng Tiger, Hidden Dragon and Brokeback Mountain )/ [Li3 Zong1 ren2] /Li Zongren (1891-1969), a leader of Guangxi warlord faction [Li3 Fu4 chun1] /Li Fuchun (1900-1975), communist politician/ [Li3 Ning2] /Li Ning (1963-), PRC gymnast, winner of three gold medals at Los Ang les 1984 Olympic games/ [Li3 Bao3 jia1] /Li Boyuan or Li Baojia (1867-1906), late Qing journal d social observer, author of Observations on the current state of officialdom

[Li3 Xiao3 long2] /Bruce Lee (1940-1973), Hong Kong actor and martial arts ex [Li3 Lan2 qing1] /Li Lanqing/ [Li3 xi1 huo4 fen1] /Ferdinand von Richthofen (1833-1905), German geologi er who published a major foundational study of the geology of China in 1887 and first introduced the term Silk Road / [Li3 Guang3] /Li Guang (-119 BC), Han dynasty general, nicknamed Flying General ch feared by the Xiongnu / [Li3 Yan2 shou4] /Li Yanshou (fl. 650), compiler of History of the Southern ern Dynasties / [Li3 Jian4 cheng2] /Li Jiancheng (589-626), eldest son of first Tang emperor , murdered by his brother in the Xuanwu Gate coup specialist in satellite geodesy/ [Li3 Yan4 hong2] /Robin Li (1968-), founder and CEO of Baidu , a PRC Inte [Li3 Hou4 zhu3] /Li Houzhu (c. 937-978), the final Southern Tang ruler (ruled 5) and a renowned poet/given name Li Yu / [Li3 De2] /Otto Braun (1900-1974), Comintern adviser to the Chinese communist par y 1932-1939/ [Li3 De2 lin2] /Li Delin (530-590), historian of Northern Wei and Sui dynasty [Li3 Chen2] /Li Chen, personal name of seventeenth Tang emperor Xuanzong [Xua 1] (810-859), reigned 846-859/ [Li3 Heng2] /Li Heng, personal name of thirteenth Tang emperor Muzong [Mu4 Zo 95-824), reigned 821-825/ [Li3 Kui1] /Li Kui (455-395 BC), legalist philosopher and statesman of Wei state 4 guo2]/ [Li3 Huai2 yuan3] /Li Huaiyuan (-756), senior Tang dynasty official/ [Li3 Cheng2 gui4] /Yi Seong-gye (1335-1408), founder and first king of Korean asty (1392-1910)/ [Li3 Cheng2 jiang1] /Li Chengjiang/ [Li3 Cheng2 wan3] /Syngman Rhee (1875-1965), US trained Korean politician and or, president of Republic of Korea 1948-1960/ [Li3 Zhen4 fan1] /Bruce Lee/ [Li3 Zheng4 dao4] /Tsung-Dao Lee (1926-), Chinese American physicist, Columbi rsity, 1957 Nobel laureate/ [Li3 Min3 yong3] /Li Minyong (1947-), Taiwanese poet/ [Li3 Si1] /Li Si (c. 280-208 BC), Legalist philosopher, calligrapher and Prime mi ister of Qin kingdom and Qin dynasty from 246 to 208 BC/ [Li3 si1 te4] /Ferenc (Franz) Liszt (1811-1886), Hungarian composer/Joseph Li 883-1897), British surgeon and bacteriologist/ [Li3 si1 te4 shi4 gan3 jun1] /listeria bacillus/ [Li3 si1 te4 shi4 jun1] /listeria bacillus/ [li3 si1 te4 jun1] /Listeria monocytogene/ [Li3 Dan4] /Li Dan, personal name of sixth Tang emperor Ruizong [Tang2 Rui4 z 662-716), reigned 684-690 and 710-712/ [Li3 Ang2] /Li Ang, personal name of fifteenth Tang emperor Wenzong [Wen2 zon 9-840), reigned 827-840/ [Li3 Fang3] /Li Fang (925-996), scholar between Tang and Song dynasties, author o fictional history/ [Li3 Chang1 hao4] /Lee Chang-ho/ [Li3 Ming2 bo2] /Lee Myung-bak (1941-), South Korean businessman, one-time ch of Hyundai, President of South Korea from 2007/ [Li3 Shi2 zhen1] /L Shzhn (1518-1593), Ming botanist and pharmacologist, a endium of medical herbs / [Li3 Ye4] /Li Ye, personal name of twentieth Tang emperor Zhaozong [Zhao1 zon 7-904), reigned 888-904/ [Li3 Hui4 chang1] /Lee Hoi-chang/ [Li3 Chao2 wei1] /Li Chaowei (c. 766-c. 820), Tang writer of fantasy fiction f / [li3 mu4] /blackthorn/ [Li3 Lin2 fu3] /Li Linfu (-752), Tang politician, chancellor under Tang emper zong /

[Li3 Ge2 fei1] /Li Gefei (active c. 1090), Northern Song writer and father of rn Song female poet Li Qingzhao / [li3 shu4] /plum tree/ [Li3 shi4] /the Korean Yi or Lee Dynasty (1392-1910)/ [Li3 shi4 chao2 xian3] /Korean during the Yi or Lee Dynasty (1392-1910)/ [Li3 Ru3 zhen1] /Li Ruzhen (c. 1763-c. 1830), Qing novelist and phonologist, of fantasy novel Jinghua Yuan or Flowers in the Mirror/ [Li3 Zhi4] /Li Zhi, personal name of third Tang emperor Gaozong [Tang2 Gao1 628-683), reigned 649-683/ [Li3 Hong2 zhi4] /Li Hongzhi, founder of the Falunggong spiritu [Li3 Yuan1] /Li Yuan, personal name of first Tang emperor Gaozu [Tang2 Gao1 -635), reigned 618-626/ [Li3 Qing1 zhao4] /Li Qingzhao (1084-c. 1151), southern Song female poet/ [Li3 Zhan4] /Li Zhan, personal name of fourteenth Tang emperor Jingzong [Jing ] (809-827), reigned 825-827/ [Li3 cang1] /Licang district of Qingdao city , Shandong/ [Li3 cang1 qu1] /Licang district of Qingdao city , Shandong/ [Li3 Yu2] /Li Yu (1611-c. 1680), late Ming and early Qing writer and dramatist/ [Li3 Cui3] /Li Cui, personal name of eighteenth Tang emperor Yizong [Yi4 zong -873), reigned 859-873/ [Li3 Ze2 kai3] /Richard Li/ [Li3 Chan2] /Li Chan, personal name of sixteenth Tang Emperor Wuzong [Wu3 zon 4-846), reigned 840-846/ [Li3 Yu4] /Li Yu (c. 937-978), given name of the final ruler of Tang of the Five outhern dynasties Li Houzhu , a renowned poet/ [Li3 er3 wang2] /King Lear, 1605 tragedy by William Shakespeare [Li3 Wen2] /Coco Lee (1975-), pop singer, songwriter and actress/ [Li3 Rui4 huan2] /Li Ruihuan/ [Li3 Deng1 hui1] /Lee Teng-hui (1923-), Taiwanese politician, President of RO 2000/ [Li3 Bai2] /Li Bai (701-762), famous Tang Dynasty poet/ [Li3 Bai3 yao4] /Li Baiyao (565-648), Tang dynasty writer and historian, comp History of Qi of the Northern dynasties / [Li3 Zhi2 fu1] /Li Zhifu (c. 14th century), Yuan dynasty playwright in the yle/ [Li3 Zhu4] /Lizhu, personal name of twenty-first and last Tang emperor Aidi [ ] (892-908), reigned 904-907/ [Li3 Yue1 se4] /Joseph Needham (1900-1995), British biochemist and author of and Civilization in China/ [Li3 Chun2] /Li Chun, personal name of twelfth Tang emperor Xianzong [Xi 78-820), reigned 805-820/ [Li3 Lu:4 yuan2] /Li Lyuan (1707-1790), Qing dynasty writer, author of novel the Side Street [qi2 lu4 deng1]/ [Li3 wei2] /Titus Livius or Livy (59 BC-17 AD), Roman historian/ [Li3 wei2 Shi3 tuo2] /Lvi-Strauss (social anthropologist)/ [Li3 Ying1] /Li Ying (1963-), Japanese-educated Chinese documentary film director [Li3 qun2] /Lie group (math.)/ [Li3 Ao2] /Li Ao (774-836), Tang dynasty scholar and writer, colleague of Han Yu promoting classical writing / [Li3 Er3] /Lao Zi/ [li3 zhao4 xing1] /Li Zhaoxing (PRC foreign minister)/ [Li3 Zhao4] /Li Zhao (c. 800), Tang dynasty scholar and official/ [Li3 Zi4 cheng2] /Li ZiCheng (1605-1645), leader of peasant rebellion at the the Ming Dynasty/ [Li3 Shun4 chen2] /Yi Sunshin (1545-1598), Korean admiral and folk hero, famo sea victories over the Japanese invaders/ [Li3 Ying1 ru2] /Li Yingru (1913-1989), calligrapher and writer, author of ma ls about the war as seen by the communists/ [Li3 Wei4 Gong1] /Li Wei Gong/Duke Li of Wei, official title of Li Jing [ [Li3 Cheng2 en1] /Euna Li, US-Korean woman journalist imprisoned as spy by No

ea in 2009/ [Li3 Song4] /Li Song, personal name of eleventh Tang emperor Shunzong [S 761-806), reigned 805-806/ [Li3 Yu4] /Li Yu, personal name of ninth Tang emperor Taizong [Tai4 zong1] (7 , reigned 762-779/ [Li3 He4] /LiHe (790-816), Tang poet and author of / [Li3 Zhi4] /Li Zhi (1527-1602), late Ming philosopher, historian and writer/ [Li3 Kuo4] /Li Kuo, personal name of tenth Tang emperor Dezong [De2 Zong1], ( ), reigned 779-805/ [Li3 Lian2 jie2] /Li Lianjie or Jet Li (1963-), martial arts sportsman, subse film star and director/ [Li3 Kui2] /Li Kui, character from the novel Water Margin/ [Li3 Yuan3 zhe2] /Yuan T. Lee (Taiwanese-born Chemist, Nobel Prize winner in [Li3 Chong2 mao4] /Li Chongmao, personal name of fifth Tang emperor Shang i4] (c. 695-715), reigned 710/ [Li3 Tie3] /Li Tie (1977-), footballer/ [Li3 chang2 chun1] /Li Changchun (1944-), PRC politician/ [Li3 Kai1 fu4] /Lee Kai-Fu (1961-), Taiwanese computer scientist and IT execu rom 2005 Vice president of Google and president of Google China/ [Li3 Ling2] /Li Ling (-74 BC), Han dynasty general whose defeat by the Xiongnu 04 BC led to a major scandal/ [Li3 Long1 ji1] /personal name of seventh Tang emperor Xuanzong [Tang2 5-762), reigned 712-756/ [Li3 Xue3 jian4] /Li Xuejian/ [Li3 Yun2 na4] /Euna Lee (phonetic transcription), US woman journalist impris spy by North Korea in 2009/also written [Li3 Cheng2 en1]/ [Li3 Jing4] /Li Jing (570-649 AD), Tang Dynasty general and purported author of e Li of Wei answering Emperor Taizong of Tang [Tang2 Tai4 f the Seven Military Classics of ancient China [Wu3 jing1 Qi1 Shu1]/ [Li3 Xian3 long2] /Lee Hsien Loong (1952-), Singapore PAP politician, eldest Lee Kuan Yew [Li3 Guang1 yao4], prime minister from 2004/ [Li3 Hong2 zhang1] /Li Hung-chang or Li Hongzhang (1823-1901), Qing dynasty g politician and diplomat/ [Li3 Peng2] /Li Peng (1928-), leading PRC politician, prime minister 1987-1998, r portedly leader of the conservative faction advocating the June 1989 Tian'anmen clampdown/ [Li3 Li4 shan1] /Lee Lai Shan/ [xing4] /apricot/ [xing4 ren2] /almond/apricot/ [xing4 ren2 dou4 fu5] /almond junket/ [xing4 zi5] /apricot/ [xing4 lin2] /forest of apricot trees/fig. honorific term for fine doctor (cf Dr ong Feng , 3rd century AD, asked his patients to plant apricot trees instead of pa ying fees)/Xinglin district of Xiamen city (renamed Haicang in 2003)/ [Xing4 lin2 qu1] /Xinglin district of Xiamen city (renamed Haic [xing4 shu4] /apricot tree/ [xing4 hua1] /apricot blossoms/ [Xing4 hua1 ling3] /Xinghualing district of Taiyuan city [Tai4 yuan2 sh [Xing4 hua1 ling3 qu1] /Xinghualing district of Taiyuan city [Tai4 [xing4 hua1 cun1] /village in Shaanxi province, famous among poets for its wi [cai2] /material/timber/ability/aptitude/a capable individual/coffin (old)/ [cai2 liao4] /material/data/makings/stuff/CL: [ge4], [zhong3]/ [cai2 liao4 xue2] /material science/ [cai2 liao4 ke1 xue2] /materials science/ [cai2 ji1] /volume (of timber)/ [cai2 zhi4] /texture of timber/quality of material/material (that sth is made of) [cun1] /village/ [Cun1 shang4 Chun1 shu4] /MURAKAMI Haruki (1949-), Japanese novelis [Cun1 shang4 Long1] /Murakami Takashi (1963-), Japanese artist/ [cun1 wei3 hui4] /village committee/

[cun1 zi5] /village/ [Cun1 shan1 fu4 shi4] /Tomiichi Murayama (former prime minister of Japan) [cun1 cun1 zhai4 zhai4] /every village and stockade (idiom)/ [cun1 min2] /villager/ [cun1 she4] /cottage/ [cun1 zhuang1] /village/hamlet/CL:[zuo4]/ [cun1 luo4] /village/ [cun1 zheng4 fang2] /"village-certificated house", residence supposedly only rable to other village residents but often sold on the open market/ [cun1 zhen4] /hamlet (place)/ [cun1 zhang3] /village chief/village head/ [biao1] /(star)/ [shao2] /ladle/ [shao2 zi5] /scoop/ [shao2 qiu2 chang3] /golf course/ [di4] /lone-standing tree/ [zhang4] /a staff/a rod/cane/walking stick/to flog with a stick (old)/ [zhang4 xing2] /beating with wooden staves (as corporal punishment)/ [zhang4 tou2 mu4 ou3] /zhangtou wooden rod puppetry/ [mang2] /ridge-pole in roof/ [yi4] /post for tethering animals/ [Du4] /surname Du/ [du4] /birchleaf pear (tree)/to stop/to prevent/to restrict/ [du4 zhong4] /eucommia (a kind of rubber tree)/ [Du4 yi1 si1 bao3] /Duisburg city in the Ruhr , Germany/ [du4 kou3] /to remain silent/ [du4 kou3 guo3 zu2] /too frightened to move or speak/ [du4 se4] /to stop/to block/ [Du4 sai1 er3 duo1 fu1] /Dsseldorf (Germany)/ [Du4 se4 dao4 fu1] /Dsseldorf (Germany)/also written [Du4 Wei1] /Du Wei (1982-), Shanghai soccer star/Dewey (name)/ [du4 yu3] /cuckoo/same as / [Du4 shang4 bie2] /Dushanbe, capital of Tajikistan/ [Du4 bu4 luo2 fu1 ni2 ke4] /Dubrovnik (city in Croatia)/ [Du4 Kang1] /Du Kang, legendary inventor of wine/ [Du4 bai4] /Dubai/(also [Di2 bai4])/ [du4 zhuan4] /to fabricate/to make sth up/invented/ [Du4 Yue4 sheng1] /Du Yuesheng (1888-1951), Shanghai secret-society leader, b industrialist/ [Du4 ben3 nei4] /Dubonnet (name)/Dubonnet (red vermouth aperitif wine)/ [du4 song1 zi3 jiu3] /gin/ [du4 li2] /birchleaved pear (Pyrus betulaefolia)/ [Du4 shi4 xian4] /Dufour gland (produces female sex hormone in bees)/ [Du4 shi4 xian4 ti3] /Dufour gland (produces female sex hormone in bees)/ [du4 jian1 fang2 meng2] /to nip in the bud/ [Du4 er3 bo2 te4] /Dorbod Mongol autonomous county in Daqing [Da [Du4 er3 bo2 te4 xian4] /Dorbod Mongol autonomous county in Daqing g/ [Du4 er3 bo2 te4 Meng3 gu3 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /D , Heilongjiang/ [Du4 Mu4] /Du Mu (803-852) Tang dynasty poet/ [Du4 Qi2 feng1] /Johnnie To (1955-), Hong Kong film director/ [du4 Wa3 li4 ai1] /Duvalier (name)/ [Du4 Fu3] /Du Fu (712-770), great Tang dynasty poet/ [Du4 fu3 cao3 tang2] /Du Fu's thatched cottage in Chengdu/ [Du4 Qiu1 niang2 ge1] /song of lady Du Qiu, poem by Du Mu / [du4 jue2] /to put an end to/ [Du4 Xun2 he4] /Du Xunhe (846-904), Tang poet/ [Du4 suo1 Fu1 ren5] /Madame Tussauds (waxworks)/ [du4 heng2] /Asarum forbesii (wild ginger plant)/

[du4 heng2] /Asarum forbesii (wild ginger plant)/ [Du4 bang1] /DuPont/ [du4 men2] /to close the door (also fig.)/ [du4 men2 bu4 chu1] /to shut the door and remain inside/fig. to cut off c [Du4 ji2] /Duji district of Huaibei city [Huai2 bei3 shi4], Anhui/ [Du4 ji2 qu1] /Duji district of Huaibei city [Huai2 bei3 shi4], Anhui/ [Du4 ma3] /Duma, lower chamber of Russian parliament/ [du4 juan1] /cuckoo (Cercococcyx spp., also written )/Indian azalea i Planch, also written )/ [du4 juan1 ti2 xue4] /the cuckoo cries blood/fig. plaintive lament/ [du4 juan1 zuo4] /Tucana (constellation)/ [du4 juan1 ke1] /Cuculidae, bird family including cuckoo / [du4 juan1 hua1] /Indian Azalea (Rhododendron simsii Planch)/ [du4 juan1 hua1 ke1] /Ericaceae (botany), genus containing rhododendron a [du4 juan1 niao3] /cuckoo (Cercococcyx spp.)/ [yi2] /(tree)/ [Qi3] /surname Qi/Zhou Dynasty vassal state/ [qi3] /Chinese wolfberry shrub (Lycium chinense)/willow/ [Qi3 ren2 zhi1 you1] /man of Q fears the sky falling (idiom); groundless [Qi3 ren2 you1 tian1] /man of Q fears the sky falling (idiom); groundles [Qi3 guo2] /the State of Q in modern Q county , Henan (c. 1500-445 BC) state of Shang and Western Zhou for most of its existence/ [Qi3 guo2 zhi1 you1] /man of Q fears the sky falling (idiom); groundless [Qi3 guo2 you1 tian1] /man of Q fears the sky falling (idiom); groundles [Qi3 tian1 zhi1 lu:4] /man of Q fears the sky falling (idiom); groundles [Qi3 zi3 zhi1 lin2] /forest of wolfberry and catalpa (Lycium chinense and a, idiom); fig. great quantity of talent/ [Qi3 xian4] /Qi county in Kaifeng [Kai1 feng1], Henan/ [Shu4] /surname Shu/ [shu4] /to bind/bunch/bundle/classifier for bunches, bundles, beams of light etc /to control/ [shu4 zhi1 gao1 ge2] /tied up in a bundle on a high shelf/to put sth on t r/no longer a high priority/ [shu4 dai4] /band/belt/loincloth/cummerbund/ [shu4 shou3] /to have one's hands tied/helpless/unable to do anything about it/ [shu4 shou3 jiu4 qin2] /hands tied and waiting to be captured/ [shu4 shou3 jiu4 bi4] /hands tied and expecting the worst/ [shu4 shou3 dai4 bi4] /hands tied and waiting for death (idiom)/ [shu4 shou3 dai4 si3] /hands tied and expecting the worst/ [shu4 shou3 wu2 ce4] /lit. to have one's hands bound and be unable to do t it (idiom); fig. helpless in the face of a crisis/ [shu4 xia2] /narrow (of waterway)/a bottleneck/ [shu4 shi3 nan2 zhe2] /lit. bundled arrows are difficult to break/there i unity (idiom)/ [shu4 jin3] /gird/tighten/ [shu4 fu4] /to bind/to restrict/to tie/to commit/fetters/ [shu4 xiu1] /payment for private tutor/ [shu4 yao1] /girdle/ [shu4 yi1] /corset (clothing)/ [shu4 zhuang1] /to bundle up (one's possessions for a journey)/ [shu4 shen1] /to bind oneself/submission/ [shu4 fa4] /to bind one's hair/headband/ [gang4] /variant of [gang4]/ [gang4 gan3 shou1 gou4] /leveraged buyout (LBO)/ [miao3] /the limit/tip of branch/ [Hang2] /surname Hang/Hangzhou/ [Hang2 ding1 dun4 wu3 dao3 zheng4] /Huntington's disease/ [Hang2 zhou1] /Hangzhou subprovincial city and capital of Zhejiang province in so theast China/ [Hang2 zhou1 shi4] /Hangzhou subprovincial city and capital of Zhejiang provi

southeast China/ [Hang2 zhou1 wan1] /Hangzhou Bay/ [Hang2 zhou1 luo2 bo5 Shao4 xing1 zhong4] /Hangzhou turnip tr [Hang2 jin3] /Hanggin banner, Mongolian Xanggin khoshuu, in Ordos prefecture si1], Inner Mongolia/ [Hang2 jin3 hou4 qi2] /Hanggin Rear banner or Xanggin Xoit khoshuu in Bay 4 er3], Inner Mongolia/ [Hang2 jin3 qi2] /Hanggin banner, Mongolian Xanggin khoshuu, in Ordos prefect o1 si1], Inner Mongolia/ [bei1] /cup/classifier for certain containers of liquids: glass, cup/ [bei1 dian4] /a mug cushion/a beer mat/ [bei1 zi5] /cup/glass/CL: [ge4],[zhi1],[zhi1]/ [bei1 gong1 she2 ying3] /lit. to see a bow reflected in a cup as a snake unnecessary suspicions/overly fearful/ [bei1 tuo1] /a saucer/ [bei1 shui3 che1 xin1] /lit. a cup of water on a burning cart of firewood . an utterly inadequate measure/ [bei1 jiao4] /pair of mussel-shaped objects thrown on the ground for divination p rposes/ [bei1 pan2 lang2 ji2] /cups and dishes in complete disorder (idiom); afte rinking party/ [bei1 jiao3] /see [bei1 jiao4]/ [bei1 ge3] /to boycott/ [bei1 jiu3 jie3 yuan4] /a wine cup dissolves complaints (idiom); a few dr social interaction/ [bei1 jiu3 yan2 huan1] /a few drinks and a nice conversation (idiom)/ [bei1 jiu3 shi4 bing1 quan2] /to dismiss military hierarchy using win ding Emperor Song Taizu holds a banquet in 961 and persuades his senior army comma nders to go home to their provinces/ [jie2] /variant of [jie2]/ [Dong1] /surname Dong/ [dong1] /east/host (i.e. sitting on east side of guest)/landlord/ [dong1 yi1 lang2 tou2 xi1 yi1 bang4 zi5] /banging away cl all vision/ [Dong1 Zhong1 guo2 Hai3] /East China sea/ [dong1 ya4] /East Asia/ [dong1 ya4 yun4 dong4 hui4] /East Asian games/ [Dong1 ya4 Yin2 hang2] /Bank of East Asia/ [Dong1 jiao1 min2 xiang4] /a street to the south of the Forbidden City th gation quarter during the Boxer uprising/ [Dong1 jing1] /Tky, capital of Japan/ [Dong1 jing1 ta3] /Tokyo Tower/ [Dong1 jing1 Da4 xue2] /Tky University, Japan/ [Dong1 jing1 Di4 guo2 Da4 xue2] /Tokyo Imperial University (renam 1945)/ [Dong1 jing1 wan1] /Tky bay/ [Dong1 cang1 li3] /Dongchang-ni, North Korean missile launch site on Yellow S km from Chinese border/ [dong1 dao3 xi1 wai1] /to lean unsteadily from side to side (idiom); to s [dong1 ce4] /east side/east face/ [Dong1 guang1] /Dongguang county in Cangzhou [Cang1 zhou1], Hebei/ [Dong1 guang1 xian4] /Dongguang county in Cangzhou [Cang1 zhou1], He [Dong1 sheng4] /Dongshend district of Ordos city [E4 er3 duo [Dong1 sheng4 qu1] /Dongsheng district of Ordos city [E4 [Dong1 shi4] /Dongshi or Tungshih township in Yunlin county [Yun2 li [Dong1 shi4 xiang1] /Dongshi or Tungshih township in Yunlin county wan/ [Dong1 shi4 zhen4] /Tungshih town in Taichung county [Tai2 zhong [dong1 bei3] /northeast/ [Dong1 bei3 Ya4] /Northeast Asia/

[Dong1 bei3 Da4 xue2] /Northeastern University (in Shenyang oku University, Sendai, Japan/ [dong1 bei3 fang1] /northeast/northeastern/ [dong1 bei3 hu3] /Amur tiger/ [Dong1 qu1] /east district of city/east zone/Tung east district of a Taiwanese ci y/ [dong1 ban4 qiu2] /the Eastern Hemisphere/the Old World/ [dong1 nan2] /southeast/ [dong1 nan2 ya4] /Southeast Asia/ [dong1 nan2 ya4 guo2] /Southeast Asia/ [dong1 nan2 ya4 guo2 jia1 lian2 meng2] /ASEAN (Association of [Dong1 nan2 ya4 Lian2 meng2] /ASEAN (Association of southeast Asian s uo2 jia1 lian2 meng2]/ [Dong1 nan2 Da4 xue2] /Southeast University/ [dong1 nan2 xi1 bei3] /east, south, west and north/all directions/ [dong1 nan2 xi1 bei3 zhong1] /the five directions east, south, w [dong1 nan2 bu4] /southeast part/ [Dong1 Yin4 du4 Gong1 si1] /East India Company/ [Dong1 tai2] /Dongtai county level city in Yancheng [Yan2 cheng2], Jiang [Dong1 tai2 shi4] /Dongtai county level city in Yancheng [Yan2 cheng [Dong1 jun1] /Lord of the East, the sun God of Chinese mythology/ [Dong1 Wu2] /Eastern Wu (222-280)/the southern state of Wu during the Three Kingd ms period, founded by Sun Quan / [Dong1 wu2 Da4 xue2] /Soochow University (Suzhou, PRC from 1900-1952)/Soo ty (Taipei, Taiwan since 1954)/ [dong1 zhou1] /Eastern Zhou (770-221 BC)/ [Dong1 tu3] /the East/China/ [Dong1 po1] /eastern slope/Dongpo district of Meishan city [Mei2 shan1 shi4 / [Dong1 po1 qu1] /Dongpo district of Meishan city [Mei2 shan1 shi4], Sic [Dong1 po1 rou4] /stir-fried pork, favorite of Northern Song writer Su Shi Dongpo / [Dong1 po1 zhou3 zi5] /Dongpo pork shoulder, traditional dish said to hav d by Northern Song dynasty writer Su Dongpo / [Dong1 cheng2] /Dongcheng district of central Beijing/ [Dong1 cheng2 qu1] /Dongcheng district of central Beijing/ [dong1 Tai4 ping2 yang2] /east Pacific/ [Dong1 Tai4 ping2 yang2 long2 qi3] /East Pacific rise (a mid-ocea California down to Antarctica)/ [Dong1 yi2] /Eastern Barbarians, non-Han tribe living to the east of China c 2200 BC/ [dong1 ben1 xi1 zou3] /to run this way and that (idiom); to rush about bu e about/to hopscotch/also [dong1 pao3 xi1 dian1]/ [dong1 ben1 xi1 pao3] /to run this way and that (idiom); to rush about bu e about/ [Dong1 an1] /Dongan county in Yongzhou [Yong3 zhou1], Hunan/Dong'an district njiang city , Heilongjiang/ [Dong1 an1 qu1] /Dong'an district of Mudanjiang city , Heilongjiang/ [Dong1 an1 xian4] /Dongan county in Yongzhou [Yong3 zhou1], Hunan/ [dong1 jia1] /master (i.e. employer)/landlord/boss/ [Dong1 mi4 de2 lan2] /East Midlands, English county/ [Dong1 ning2] /Dongning county in Mudanjiang , Heilongjiang/ [Dong1 ning2 xian4] /Dongning county in Mudanjiang , Heilongjiang/ [Dong1 bao3] /Dongbao district of Jingmen city [Jing1 men2 shi4], Hu [Dong1 bao3 qu1] /Dongbao district of Jingmen city [Jing1 men2 s [Dong1 tun2 qu1] /Tungtun east district of a Taiwanese city/ [Dong1 shan1] /Dongshan county in Zhangzhou [Zhang1 zhou1], Fujian/Tungshan t in Tainan county [Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan/ [dong1 shan1 zai4 qi3] /lit. to return to office after living as a hermit gshan (idiom); fig. to make a comeback/

[Dong1 shan1 qu1] /Dongshan district (Uighur: Dungsen Rayoni) of Urumqi city shi4], Xinjiang/Dongshan district of Hegang city [He4 gang3], Heilongjiang/ [Dong1 shan1 xian4] /Dongshan county in Zhangzhou [Zhang1 zhou1], Fujian/ [Dong1 shan1 xiang1] /Tungshan township in Tainan county [Tai2 n [dong1 yue4] /Mt Tai in Shandong, one of the Five Sacred Mountains [Dong1 chuan1] /Dongchuan district of Kunming city [Kun1 ming2 shi4], Yunna [Dong1 chuan1 qu1] /Dongchuan district of Kunming city [Kun1 ming2 shi4 [Dong1 ba1 wen2 hua4] /Dongba culture of the Nakhi ethnic group of Lijian Yunnan/ [Dong1 di4 wen4] /East Timor (officially Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste)/ [Dong1 ping2] /Dongping county in Tai'an [Tai4 an1], Shandong/ [Dong1 ping2 xian4] /Dongping county in Tai'an [Tai4 an1], Shandong/ [Dong1 yin3] /Tungyin Island, one of the Matsu Islands/Tungyin township in Liench ang county [Lian2 jiang1 xian4], Taiwan/ [Dong1 yin3 xiang1] /Tungyin township in Lienchiang county [Lian Matsu Islands, Taiwan/ [dong1 zhang1 xi1 wang4] /to look in all directions (idiom)/to glance aro [dong1 zheng1] /punitive expedition to the east/ [dong1 zheng1 xi1 yuan4] /war on all sides (idiom); fighting from all fou [dong1 zheng1 xi1 tao3] /war on all sides (idiom); fighting from all four [Dong1 De2] /East Germany (1945-1990)/German democratic republic 2 guo2]/ [dong1 la1 xi1 che3] /to talk about this and that (idiom); to ramble inco [dong1 yan3 xi1 zhe1] /to cover up the truth on all sides (idiom)/ [dong1 fang1] /the East/eastern countries/the orient/ [Dong1 fang1 san1 Bo2 shi4] /the Magi/the Three Wise Kings from the E nativity story/ [Dong1 fang1 shi4] /Dongfang City, Hainan/ [Dong1 fang1 wen2 ming2] /Eastern civilization/ [Dong1 fang1 Ri4 bao4] /Oriental Daily News/ [Dong1 fang1 Ming2 zhu1 Ta3] /Oriental Pearl Tower/ [Dong1 fang1 Ming2 zhu1 Dian4 shi4 Ta3] /Oriental Pearl Telev [dong1 fang1 pao2] /siberian roe deer/capreolus pygargus/ [dong1 fang1 hong2] /The East is red (Dongfanghong), north Shaanxi folk song/ [Dong1 fang1 Hang2 kong1] /China Eastern Airlines/ [Dong1 fang1 A1 chu4 fo2] /Aksobhya, the imperturbable ruler of Easte ti/ [dong1 fang1 ma3 nao3 yan2 bing4 du2] /eastern equine encepha [Dong1 fang1 Li2 zu2 Zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Dongfang Lizu autonomou [dong1 shi1 xiao4 pin2] /to impersonate sb but gain the opposite of the d (idiom)/ [Dong1 chang1] /Dongchang district of Tonghua city , Jilin/ [Dong1 chang1 qu1] /Dongchang district of Tonghua city , Jilin/ [Dong1 chang1 fu3] /Dongchangfu district of Liaocheng city [Liao2 cheng g/ [Dong1 chang1 fu3 qu1] /Dongchangfu district of Liaocheng city [Lia ong/ [Dong1 ming2] /Dongming county in Heze [He2 ze2], Shandong/ [Dong1 ming2 xian4] /Dongming county in Heze [He2 ze2], Shandong/ [Dong1 Jin4] /Eastern Jin dynasty 317-420/ [dong1 dong1] /(colloquial) thing/item/stuff/ [Dong1 tiao2] /Tojo Hideki (1884-1948), Japanese military leader hanged as war cr minal in 1948/ [Dong1 tiao2 Ying1 ji1] /Tojo Hideki (1884-1948), Japanese military leade ar criminal in 1948/ [Dong1 Ou1] /Eastern Europe/ [Dong1 Ou1 ping2 yuan2] /East European Plain/ [Dong1 zheng4 jiao4] /Eastern Orthodox Church/ [dong1 gui1] /lit. to return east/fig. to return to one's homeland/ [Dong1 jiang1] /Dongjiang River/

[Dong1 he2] /Donghe or Tungho township in Taitung county [Tai2 dong1 Taiwan/ [Dong1 he2 qu1] /Donghe district of Baotou city [Bao1 tou2 shi4] [Dong1 he2 xiang1] /Donghe or Tungho township in Taitung county east Taiwan/ [Dong1 yang2] /Eastern world/ [Dong1 yang2 gui3] /foreign devil/wartime term of abuse for Japanese/ [Dong1 yang2 gui3 zi5] /foreign devil/wartime term of abuse for Japanese/ [Dong1 zhou1] /Dongzhou district of Fushun city , Liaoning/ [Dong1 zhou1 qu1] /Dongzhou district of Fushun city , Liaoning/ [Dong1 hai3] /East China sea/ [Dong1 hai3 an4] /East Coast/ [Dong1 hai3 xian4] /Donghai county in Lianyungang [Lian2 yun2 ga [Dong1 hai3 Jian4 dui4] /East Sea Fleet/ [Dong1 gang3] /Tungkang town in Pingtung county [Ping2 dong1 xian4], [Dong1 gang3 qu1] /Donggang district of Rizhao city [Ri4 zhao4 shi4], S [Dong1 gang3 shi4] /Donggang county level city in Dandong [Dan1 dong [Dong1 gang3 zhen4] /Tungkang town in Pingtung county [Ping2 don [Dong1 hu2] /Donghu district of Nanchang city , Jiangxi/ [Dong1 hu2 qu1] /Donghu district of Nanchang city , Jiangxi/ [Dong1 yuan2] /Dongyuan county in Heyuan [He2 yuan2], Guangdong/ [Dong1 yuan2 xian4] /Dongyuan county in Heyuan [He2 yuan2], Guangdong/ [Dong1 gou1] /Donggou town in Liangzihu district [Liang2 zi5 hu2 1 shi4], Hubei/ [Dong1 gou1 zhen4] /Donggou town in Liangzihu district [Lian zhou1 shi4], Hubei/ [Dong1 han4] /Eastern or later Han dynasty, 25-220/ [Dong1 Han4 mo4] /the last years of Eastern Han/the breakup of the Han dynast d 200 AD/ [Dong1 Han4 mo4 nian2] /the last years of Eastern Han/the breakup of the round 200 AD/ [Dong1 wu1 zhu1 mu4 qin4 qi2] /East Ujimqin banner or Zn zemch guo1 le4 meng2], Inner Mongolia/ [Dong1 ying2] /Dongying prefecture level city in Shandong/ [Dong1 ying2 qu1] /Dongying district of Dongying city [Dong1 yin [Dong1 ying2 shi4] /Dongying prefecture level city in Shandong/ [Dong1 wang2 gong1] /Mu Kung or Tung Wang Kung, God of the Immortals (Taoism) [Dong1 xian4 han4 ji4] /Records of the Eastern Han, model for History of [Dong1 Jiang1] /East of Xinjiang/ [dong1 meng2] /ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations)/ [Dong1 zhi2 men2] /Dongzhimen neighborhood of Beijing/ [Dong1 shi2] /Dongshi or Tungshih township in Chiayi county [Jia1 yi an/ [Dong1 shi2 xiang1] /Dongshi or Tungshih township in Chiayi county Taiwan/ [Dong1 tu1] /abbr. for East Turkestan liber [Dong1 tu1 jue2 si1 tan3] /East Turkestan/historical term for Xinjian [Dong1 tu1 jue2 si1 tan3 yi1 si1 lan2 yun4 dong4] [Dong1 tu1 jue2 si1 tan3 jie3 fang4 zu3 zhi1] /East T iang dissident group)/ [Dong1 tu1 zu3 zhi1] /abbr. for Eas [dong1 jing1] /longitude east/ [Dong1 Mian3 gao1 yuan2] /Eastern Myanmar plateau/ [dong1 Luo2 ma3 Di4 guo2] /Eastern Roman empire or Byzantium (395-145 [Dong1 hu2] /Eastern barbarian/ancient ethnic group of northeast frontier of Chin / [Dong1 zhi4] /Dongzhi county in Chizhou [Chi2 zhou1], Anhui/ [Dong1 zhi4 xian4] /Dongzhi county in Chizhou [Chi2 zhou1], Anhui/ [Dong1 xing1] /Donxing district of Neijiang city [Nei4 jiang1 shi4], ounty level city in Fangchenggang [Fang2 cheng2 gang3], Guangxi/

[Dong1 xing1 qu1] /Donxing district of Neijiang city [Nei4 jiang [Dong1 xing1 shi4] /Dongxing county level city in Fangchenggang [Fang2 uangxi/ [Dong1 zhi1] /Toshiba, Japanese electronics company/ [dong1 mao2 cao3 gai4] /thatched roof/ [Dong1 guan3] /Dongguan prefecture level city in Guangdong [Guang3 d [Dong1 guan3 shi4] /Dongguan prefecture level city in Guangdong [Dong1 Hua2 San1 yuan4] /Tung Wah Group of Hospitals/ [Dong1 lan2] /Donglan county in Hezhou [He4 zhou1], Guangxi/ [Dong1 lan2 xian4] /Donglan county in Hezhou [He4 zhou1], Guangxi/ [dong1 xi1] /east and west/ [dong1 xi5] /thing/stuff/person/CL: [ge4],[jian4]/ [dong1 xi1 ban4 qiu2] /East and West hemispheres/ [dong1 xi1 nan2 bei3] /east west south north/ [Dong1 Xi1 Zhou1] /Eastern Zhou (1046-771 BC) and Western Zhou (770-221 BC)/ [dong1 xi1 kuan1] /east-west distance/ [Dong1 Xi1 de2] /East and West Germany/refers to German democratic republic ( rmany) and the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany)/ [dong1 xi1 fang1] /east and west/east to west/ [dong1 xi1 fang1 wen2 hua4] /Eastern and Western culture/ [Dong1 xi1 hu2] /Dongxihu district of Wuhan city [Wu3 han4 shi4] [Dong1 xi1 hu2 qu1] /Dongxihu district of Wuhan city [Wu3 ha [Dong1 guan1 han4 ji4] /History of later Han dynasty, internal palace rec st and 2nd century authors, 143 scrolls/ [dong1 tao3 xi1 zheng1] /war on all sides (idiom); fighting from all four [Dong1 feng1] /Dongfeng county in Liaoyuan , Jilin/ [Dong1 feng1 xian4] /Dongfeng county in Liaoyuan , Jilin/ [dong1 duo3 xi1 shan3] /to dodge about/ [dong1 dao4] /host/ [dong1 dao4 zhu3] /host/official host (e.g. venue for games or a conference)/ [Dong1 liao2] /Dongliao county in Liaoyuan , Jilin/ [Dong1 liao2 xian4] /Dongliao county in Liaoyuan , Jilin/ [dong1 bian5] /east/east side/eastern part/to the east of/ [dong1 bian1 r5] /erhua variant of , east/east side/eastern part/to [dong1 bu4] /the east/eastern part/ [dong1 bu4 shi2 jian1] /Eastern Standard Time (EST)/ [Dong1 xiang1] /Dongxiang or East village (place name)/Donxiang (ethnic group)/Do gxiang County in Fuzhou , Jiangxi/ [Dong1 xiang1 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Dongxiang autonomous county in efecture [Lin2 xia4 Hui2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Gansu/ [Dong1 xiang1 xian4] /Dongxiang county in Fuzhou , Jiangxi/ [Dong1 e1] /Dong'e county in Liaocheng [Liao2 cheng2], Shandong/ [Dong1 e1 xian4] /Dong'e county in Liaocheng [Liao2 cheng2], Shandong/ [Dong1 ling2] /Eastern tombs/Dongling district of Shenyang city , Li [Dong1 ling2 qu1] /Dongling district of Shenyang city , Liaoning [Dong1 yang2] /Dongyang county level city in Jinhua [Jin1 hua2], Zhejian [Dong1 yang2 shi4] /Dongyang county level city in Jinhua [Jin1 hua2] [dong1 Fei1] /East Africa/ [Dong1 Fei1 Gong4 tong2 ti3] /East African Community/ [Dong1 Fei1 da4 di4 qian4] /Great East African rift valley/ [Dong1 Fei1 da4 lie4 gu3] /Great East African rift valley/ [dong1 mian4] /east side (of sth)/ [Dong1 tou2 cun1] /Tung Tau Tseun village, Hong Kong Island/ [Dong1 feng1 qu1] /Dongfeng district of Kiamusze or Jiamusi city [Jia1 gjiang/ [Dong1 Wei4] /Eastern Wei of the Northern dynasties (534-550), formed from the br ak-up of Wei of the Northern Dynasties / [dong1 lin2 xi1 zhao3] /lit. a dragon's scale from the east and a dragon' he west/odds and ends (idiom)/ [Dong1 li4] /Dongli suburban district of Tianjin municipality [Tian1 jin1 s

[Dong1 li4 qu1] /Dongli suburban district of Tianjin municipality [Tian [gao3] /high/sun shines brightly/to shine/ [yao3] /dark and quiet/disappear/ [yao3 ming2] /dim and dusky/far and indistinct/ [yao3 ru2 huang2 he4] /to be gone forever (idiom)/to disappear without a [yao3 yao3] /deep and somber/see also [yao3 yao3]/ [yao3 miao3] /dimly discernible/ [yao3 wu2 ren2 yan1] /dark and uninhabited (idiom); remote and deserted/G [yao3 wu2 xiao1 xi1] /see [yao3 wu2 yin1 xin4]/ [yao3 wu2 yin1 xin4] /to have no news whatever/ [yao3 ran2] /quiet, silent, and lonely/see also [yao3 ran2]/ [yao3 miao3] /variant of [yao3 miao3]/ [yao3 mang2] /distant and out of sight/ [yao3 ai3] /far and deep/ [xian1] /shovel/variant of [xian1]/ [chu3] /pestle/to poke/ [chun1] /(tree)/ [pa2] /see [pi2 pa5]/ [shu1] /to kill/a spear/ [chou3] /handcuffs/ [niu3] /handcuffs/red apricot/ [zhu4] /shuttle of a loom/ [Song1] /surname Song/ [song1] /pine/CL:[ke1]/ [Song1 xia4] /Matsushita (name)/Panasonic, Japanese electronics company/ [Song1 xia4 gong1 si1] /Matsushita Electric Industrial Co./Panasonic/ [Song1 xia4 Dian4 qi4] /Matsushita Electric Industrial Co./Panasonic/ [song1 xia4 dian4 qi4 gong1 ye4] /Matsushita Electronics Industry [song1 ren2] /pine nuts/ [song1 hua4 shi2] /turquoise/also written / [Song1 bei3] /Songbei district of Harbin [Ha1 er3 bin1] in Heilongji [Song1 bei3 qu1] /Songbei district of Harbin [Ha1 er3 bin1] in H [Song1 yuan2] /Songyuan prefecture level city in Jilin province in northea [Song1 yuan2 shi4] /Songyuan prefecture level city in Jilin province i a/ [song1 kou3 mo2] /matsutake (Tricholoma matsutake), edible mushroom considere at delicacy in Japan/ [Song1 shan1] /Songshan or Sungshan district of Taipei City [Tai2 be tsuyama, city in Japan/ [Song1 shan1 qu1] /Songshan or Sungshan district of Taipei City Songshan district of Chifeng city , Inner Mongolia/ [Song1 dao3] /Matsushima (name)/Matsushima town and national park in Miyagi prefe ture, Japan/ [Song1 ling3] /Songling district of Daxing'anling prefecture [Song1 ling3 qu1] /Songling district of Daxing'anling prefecture [Song1 ba1 wa1] /Sumbawa, Indonesian island east of Java/ [Song1 ba1 wa1 dao3] /Sumbawa, Indonesian island east of Java/ [song1 mu4] /pine wood/deal/larch/ [song1 guo3] /pine cone/strobile/strobilus/ [song1 guo3 xian4] /pineal body/ [song1 guo3 ti3] /pineal body/ [song1 bai3] /pine and cypress/fig. chaste and undefiled/fig. tomb/ [Song1 tao2 xian4] /Songtao Hmong autonomous county in Tongren prefecture u1], Guizhou/ [Song1 tao2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Songtao Hmong autonomo [song1 shu4] /pine/pine tree/CL:[ke1]/ [Song1 jiang1] /Songjiang suburban district of Shanghai/ [Song1 jiang1 qu1] /Songjiang suburban district of Shanghai/ [Song1 xi1] /Songxi county in Nanping [Nan2 ping2] Fujian/ [Song1 xi1 xian4] /Songxi county in Nanping [Nan2 ping2] Fujian/

[Song1 zi1] /Songzi county (Hubei)/ [Song1 pan1] /Songpan county (Tibetan: zung chu rdzong) in Ngawa Tibetan and Qian autonomous prefecture [A1 ba4 Zang4 zu2 Qiang1 zu2 zi [Song1 pan1 xian4] /Songpan county (Tibetan: zung chu rdzong) in Ngawa Tibeta iang autonomous prefecture [A1 ba4 Zang4 zu2 Qiang1 zu [song1 shi1 quan3] /Chow Chow (dog breed)/ [Song1 tian2] /Matsuda (name)/ [song1 shi2] /turquoise/tophus (fully hydrated copper-aluminium phosphate)/ [song1 ke1] /pinaceae/ [song1 jie2 you2] /turpentine/ [Song1 hua1 jiang1] /Songhua River in Jilin province through Harbin ongjiang / [song1 hua1 dan4] /thousand-year egg/preserved egg/ [song1 rong2] /matsutake (Tricholoma matsutake), edible mushroom considered a gre t delicacy in Japan/ [song1 jun4] /matsutake (Tricholoma matsutake), edible mushroom considered a grea delicacy in Japan/ [song1 mo2] /matsutake (Tricholoma matsutake), edible mushroom considered a great delicacy in Japan/ [Song1 zan4 Gan4 bu4] /Songtsen Gampo or Songzain Gambo (604-650) Tibetan nder of the Tubo dynasty/ [Song1 zan4 Gan4 bu4 ling2] /the tomb of Tibetan king Songtsen Gampo n Lhoka prefecture/ [Song1 liao2 ping2 yuan2] /Songliao plain of northeast China including So ough Liaoning peninsula/ [Song1 yang2] /Songyang county in Lishui [Li2 shui3], Zhejiang/ [Song1 yang2 xian4] /Songyang county in Lishui [Li2 shui3], Zhejiang [song1 ji1] /grouse/ [song1 lu4] /truffle/ [song1 lu4 zhu1] /truffle hog/ [song1 xiang1] /rosin/pine rosin/ [song1 ya1] /a jay/the Eurasian jay (Garrulus glandarius)/the bird family Corvida (crows, jays, jackdaws and magpies)/ [song1 he4 xia2 ling2] /longevity/ [song1 shu3] /squirrel/ [ban3] /board/plank/plate/shutter/table tennis bat/clappers (music)/CL: [kuai4]/a cented beat in Chinese music/hard/stiff/to stop smiling or look serious/ [ban3 shang4 ding4 ding1] /that clinches it/that's final/no two ways abou [ban3 deng4] /wooden bench or stool/CL: [zhang1], [tiao2]/ [ban3 shua1] /scrubbing brush/ [ban3 kuai4] /block/slab/tectonic plate/continental plate/ [ban3 kuai4 gou4 zao4] /plate tectonics/ [ban3 kuai4 li3 lun4] /plate tectonics/ [ban3 bi4] /wooden partition/ [ban3 zi5] /board/plank/bamboo or birch for corporal punishment/ [ban3 yan2] /slate/ [ban3 shi4 ta3] /distillation tower/bubble tower/plate column/ [ban3 fang2] /temporary housing built with wooden planks or other makeshift mater als/ [ban3 ca1] /blackboard eraser/ [ban3 ca1 r5] /blackboard eraser/ [ban3 fu3] /broad axe/ [ban3 shu1] /writing on the blackboard/ [ban3 ban3] /solemn/ [ban3 ban3 liu4 shi2 si4] /unaccommodating/rigid/ [ban3 li4] /Chinese chestnut/ [ban3 liang2 qiao2] /plate girder bridge/ [ban3 tiao2] /lath/ [ban3 tiao2 xiang1] /crate/ [ban3 zhuang1] /sheet pile/

[ban3 lou2] /slab type building/ [Ban3 qiao2] /Banqiao or Panchiao city in Taiwan/ [Ban3 qiao2 shi4] /Banqiao or Panchiao city in Taipei county [Ta [ban3 you2] /leaf fat/leaf lard/ [ban3 zhi4] /stiff/dull/ [ban3 yan1] /plug (of tobacco)/ [ban3 ya2] /incisor/molar/screw die/threading die/ [ban3 zhuang4] /board-shaped/ [ban3 qiu2] /cricket (ball game)/ [ban3 pi2] /slab/ [ban3 yan3] /measure in traditional Chinese music/orderliness/ [ban3 zhi3] /paperboard/board/ [ban3 jie2] /harden/ [ban3 yu3 qiu2] /battledore and shuttlecock/shuttlecock/ [ban3 hu2] /a bowed stringed instrument with a thin wooden soundboard/ [ban3 lian3] /to put on a straight, stern or blank face/to put on a poker face/ [ban3 lan2 gen1] /indigo woad root/root of Isatis indigotica (used in traditi inese medicine)/ [ban3 gui1] /plate gauge/ [ban3 che1] /handcart/flatbed cart/flatbed tricycle/ [Ban3 men2 dian4] /Panmunjeom, the Joint Security Area in the Korean demilita one/ [Ban3 men2 dian4 ting2 zhan4 cun1] /Panmunjom village on the DMZ orea/ [ban3 ya1] /pressed (dried) salted duck/ [ban3 gu3] /small drum for marking time/ [pi2] /see [pi2 pa5]/ [pi2 pa5] /loquat tree (Eriobotrya japonica)/loquat fruit/ [pi2 pa2 gao1] /Pei Pa Koa, a Traditional Chinese natural herbal remedy/see ci2 an1 pi2 pa2 gao1]/ [wang3] /to twist/crooked/unjust/in vain/ [wang3 lao2] /to work in vain/ [wang3 jing4] /winding lane/ [wang3 rang3] /tumultuous/disorderly/ [wang3 ran2] /in vain/to no avail/ [wang3 fei4] /to waste (one's breath, one's energy etc)/to try in vain/ [wang3 gu4] /to neglect/to misuse/to mistreat/to abuse/ [fang1] /Santalum album/square wooden pillar/ [Fang1 liao2] /Fangliao township in Pingtung county [Ping2 dong1 xia [Fang1 liao2 xiang1] /Fangliao township in Pingtung county [Ping [Fang1 shan1] /Fangshan township in Pingtung county [Ping2 dong1 xia [Fang1 shan1 xiang1] /Fangshan township in Pingtung county [Ping [fen2] /(tree)/ [xi1] /to separate/to divide/to analyze/ [xi1 chu1] /to separate out/ [xi1 hao2 pou1 li2] /to analyze in the finest detail/ [xi1 yi2] /to resolve a doubt/ [ya2] /the coconut tree/rim/ [dou3] /square base for Chinese flagstaff/ [zhen3] /pillow/to pillow/to rest one's head/ [zhen3 leng3 qin1 han2] /cold pillow and lonely bed (idiom); fig. cold an istence/ [zhen3 kuai4] /pillow of clay (used by filial son during Confucian mourning perio )/cf bed of straw and pillow of clay [qin3 shan1 zhen3 kuai4]/ [zhen3 tao4] /pillowcase/ [zhen3 yan2 shu4 liu2] /see [zhen3 shi2 shu4 liu2]/ [zhen3 jin1] /pillow cloth/ [zhen3 xi2] /seating mat/ [zhen3 xi2 r5] /erhua variant of , seating mat/ [zhen3 xin1] /bare pillow (i.e. the pillow without pillow-case)/

[zhen3 ge1 qin3 jia3] /to sleep on one's armor with spear by the pillow ( for battle/determined to kill the enemy/Be prepared!/ [zhen3 ge1 dai4 dan4] /to keep one's spear by the pillow and await the da eady for battle/determined to kill the enemy/Be prepared!/ [zhen3 mu4] /sleeper (wooden support for railway track)/ [zhen3 zhuang4 xuan2 wu3 yan2] /pillow lava (geology)/pillow basalt/ [zhen3 shi2 shu4 liu2] /to live a hermit's life (in seclusion)/a frugal l [zhen3 zuo4] /pillow/ [zhen3 jie4] /to lie in total disorder/lying fallen over one another/ [zhen3 tou5] /pillow/ [zhen3 tou5 tao4] /pillow case/ [zhen3 tou5 xiang1] /pillow casket (box for valuables kept by the bed)/ [zhen3 gu3] /occipital bone (back of the skull)/ [Lin2] /surname Lin/ [lin2] /woods/forest/CL:[pian4]/circle(s) (i.e. specific group of people)/a colle ction (of similar things)/ [Lin2 ke4 ping2 Da4 xue2] /Linkping University, Sweden/ [Lin2 nei4] /Linnei township in Yunlin county [Yun2 lin2 xian4], Tai [Lin2 nei4 xiang1] /Linnei township in Yunlin county [Yun2 lin2 [Lin2 Ze2 xu2] /Lin Zexu or Lin Tse-hsu "Commissioner Lin" (1785-1850), Qing l whose anti-opium activities led to first Opium war with Britain 1840-1842/ [lin2 qu1] /region of forest/ [lin2 ka3] /transliteration of Tibetan lingka: garden/ [Lin2 kou3] /Linkou county in Mudanjiang , Heilongjiang/Linkou township in nty [Tai2 bei3 xian4], Taiwan/ [Lin2 kou3 xian4] /Linkou county in Mudanjiang , Heilongjiang/ [Lin2 kou3 xiang1] /Linkou township in Taipei county [Tai2 bei3 [lin2 ke3 mei2 su4] /lincomycin/ [Lin2 zhou1] /Lhnzhub county, Tibetan: Lhun grub rdzong in Lhasa [La1 s [Lin2 zhou1 xian4] /Lhnzhub county, Tibetan: Lhun grub rdzong in Lhasa [Lin2 yuan2] /Linyuan township in Kaohsiung county [Gao1 xiong2 xian n/ [Lin2 yuan2 xiang1] /Linyuan township in Kaohsiung county [Gao1 Taiwan/ [lin2 di4] /woodland/ [lin2 bao3] /Limburg/ [lin2 chang3] /forestry station/forest management area/ [lin2 he4] /woods and ravines/tranquillity of trees and valleys/ [lin2 nai4] /Carl Linnaeus/Carl Linn/ [lin2 zi5] /woods/grove/forest/ [lin2 xue2] /forestry/ [Lin2 Jia1 qiao2] /Lin Chia-Chiao (1916-), Chinese-American physicist, astron d applied mathematician/ [Lin2 zhou1] /Linzhou county level city in Anyang [An1 yang2], Henan/ [Lin2 zhou1 shi4] /Linzhou county level city in Anyang [An1 yang2], [Lin2 Biao1] /Lin Biao (1908-1971), Chinese army leader at time of the Cultural R volution/ [Lin2 de2 bu4 la1 de2] /Lindeblatt (name)/ [lin2 xin1 ru2] /Ruby Lin (1976-), Taiwanese actress and pop singer/ [lin2 hui1 fu4] /forest restoration/ [Lin2 Yi4 lian2] /Sandy Lam/ [Lin2 Xu4] /Lin Xu, one of the Six Gentlemen Martyrs of the unsuccessf nt of 1898/ [lin2 mu4] /forest/forest tree/ [Lin2 Cun1] /Lam Tsuen/ [Lin2 Sen1] /Lin Sen (1868-1943), revolutionary politician, colleague of Sun Yaten, chairman of the Chinese nationalist government (1928-1932)/ [lin2 ye4] /forest industry/forestry/ [Lin2 Chong1] /Lin Chong, one of the Heroes of the Marsh in Water Margin/ [lin2 huo3] /forest fire/

[Lin2 dian4] /Lindian county in Daqing [Da4 qing4], Heilongjiang/ [Lin2 dian4 xian4] /Lindian county in Daqing [Da4 qing4], Heilongjia [lin2 li4] /to stand in great numbers/ [Lin2 Shu1] /Lin Shu (1852-1924), writer and influential translator and adaptor o vast swathes of Western literature into classical Chinese/ [Lin2 xian4] /Lin county in Henan/ [Lin2 ken3] /Lincoln (name)/Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865), US president 1861-1865/L ncoln, US car make/ [Lin2 ken3 jun4] /Lincolnshire (English county)/ [Lin2 zhi1] /Nyingchi prefecture of Tibet, Tibetan: Nying khri, Chinese Linzhi/ [Lin2 zhi1 di4 qu1] /Nyingchi prefecture of Tibet, Tibetan: Nying khri sa e Linzhi/ [Lin2 zhi1 xian4] /Nyingchi county, Tibetan: Nying khri rdzong, in Nyingchi p re [Lin2 zhi1 di4 qu1], Tibet/ [Lin2 ci2] /Linz (city in Austria)/ [lin2 yin1 da4 dao4] /boulevard/tree-lined avenue/CL: [tiao2]/ [lin2 yin4 dao4] /boulevard/avenue/parkway/mall/ [lin2 sou3] /woods and marshes/ [Lin2 xi1] /Lingxi county of Chifeng , Inner Mongolia/ [Lin2 xi1 xian4] /Lingxi county of Chifeng , Inner Mongolia/ [lin2 feng1 zheng4] /Lin Feng-cheng (Taiwan Minister of the Interior)/ [Lin2 bian1] /Linpien township in Pingtung county [Ping2 dong1 xian4 [Lin2 bian1 xiang1] /Linpien township in Pingtung county [Ping2 [Lin2 xue3 ping2] /Linkping, city in southeast Sweden/ [Lin2 Qing1 xia2] /Brigitte Lin (Taiwan actress, 1954-)/ [Lin2 Dai4 yu4] /Lin Daiyu, female character in The Dream of Red Mansions, co d thwarted lover of Jia Baoyu / [rui4] /tenon/tool handle/wedge/ [rui4 zuo4] /incompatible/ [e4] /tree knot/ [mei2] /classifier for coins, rings, badges, pearls, sporting medals, rockets, s atellites etc/tree trunk/whip/wooden peg, used as a gag for marching soldiers(ol d)/ [Mei2 Cheng2] /Mei Cheng (-c. 140 BC), Han dynasty poet/ [mei2 bu3] /to choose officials by divination (archaic)/to practice divination wi hout a definite question/ [mei2 ju3] /to enumerate/ [guo3] /fruit/result/resolute/indeed/if really/ [guo3 bu4 qi2 ran2] /just as expected/told you so/ [guo3 ren2 r5] /fruit kernel/ [guo3 dong4] /gelatin dessert/ [guo3 wei4 jiao1 tang2] /jujube/ [guo3 pin3] /fruit/ [guo3 yuan2] /orchard/ [guo3 bao4] /karma/preordained fate (Buddhism)/ [guo3 ru2 suo3 liao4] /just as expected/ [guo3 zi5] /fruit/ [guo3 zi5 dong4] /jelly/ [guo3 zi5 li2] /masked palm civet (Paguma larvata)/ [guo3 zi5 jiang4] /marmalade/jellied fruit/ [guo3 zi5 lu4] /fruit drink/ [guo3 shi2] /fruit/gains/ [guo3 shi2 san4 bo1] /fruit dispersal/ [guo3 shi2 lei3 lei3] /prodigious abundance of fruit (idiom); fruit hangs bow/fertile/ [guo3 ling3] /green (golf)/ [guo3 bo1] /dissemination as fruit (evolutionary strategy for seed dispersal)/ [guo3 gan3] /courageous/resolute and daring/ [guo3 liao4 r5] /fruit ingredients (for cakes and desserts)/ [guo3 duan4] /firm/decisive/

[guo3 qi1] /the fruiting season/ [guo3 mu4] /fruit tree/ [guo3 shu4] /fruit tree/CL:[ke1]/ [guo3 zhi1] /fruit juice/ [guo3 zhi1 ji1] /blender (device)/juicer/ [guo3 jue2] /firm/unwavering/ [Guo3 luo4] /Golog Tibetan autonomous prefecture in south Qinghai/ [Guo3 luo4 zhou1] /Golog Tibetan autonomous prefecture (Tibetan: Mgo-log Bodng-skyong-khul) in south Qinghai/ [Guo3 luo4 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1] /Golog Tibetan autonomou Bod-rigs rang-skyong-khul) in south Qinghai/ [guo3 yan4 gao1 dian3] /fruit tart/ [guo3 ran2] /really/sure enough/as expected/if indeed/ [guo3 pi2] /(fruit) peel/ [guo3 zhen1] /really/as expected/sure enough/if indeed.../if it's really.../ [guo3 sui4] /ear of plant (containing fruit)/ [guo3 tang2] /fructose/ [guo3 rou4] /pulp/ [guo3 fu3] /candied fruit/ [guo3 fu4] /to eat one's fill/ [guo3 jiao1] /pectin/ [guo3 ruo4] /if/ [guo3 shu1] /fruit and vegetables/ [guo3 shu1 suan1 suan1 ru3] /fruit sour milk/ [guo3 ying2] /fruit fly/ [guo3 nong2] /fruit farmer/ [guo3 jiu3] /fruit liqor/ [guo3 jiang4] /jam/ [guo3 xian4 bing3] /tart/ [zhi1] /branch/classifier for sticks, rods, pencils etc/ [zhi1 ya1] /variant of [zhi1 ya1]/ [Zhi1 cheng2] /Zicheng town in Yidu county [Yi2 du1], Yichang [Yi2 chang1 [Zhi1 cheng2 zhen4] /Zicheng town in Yidu county [Yi2 du1], Yichang [ [zhi1 zi5] /twig/branch/ [zhi1 ya1] /variant of [zhi1 ya1]/ [zhi1 tiao2] /stem/ [zhi1 ya1] /branch/twig/ [Zhi1 jiang1] /Zhijiang county level city in Yichang [Yi2 chang1], Hubei/ [Zhi1 jiang1 shi4] /Zhijiang county level city in Yichang [Yi2 chang1], H [zhi1 jie2] /lit. branch segment (where new branches should develop)/branches and knots/fig. side issue/minor peripheral problem/ [zhi1 jie2 wen4 ti2] /side issue/peripheral complication/ [zhi1 jie2 heng2 sheng1] /a new branch grows out of a knot (idiom); fig. eep arising/ [zhi1 ye4] /branch and leaf/ [zhi1 man2] /branches and shoots/fig. over-complicated or digressive/ [yun4] /wood streaks/ [ku1] /dried up/ [ku1 gan1] /withered/ [ku1 mu4] /dead tree/ [ku1 xiu3] /withered and rotten/ [ku1 gao3] /withered/haggard/languid/without energy/ [ku1 shui3] /scarce water/low water level/ [ku1 shui3 qi1] /period of low water level (winter in north China)/ [ku1 zao4] /dry and dull/uninteresting/dry-as-dust/ [ku1 zao4 wu2 wei4] /tedious/dreary/ [ku1 jie2] /used up/dried up/exhausted (of resources)/ [ku1 ming2] /(loanword) cumin/ [ku1 cao3] /withered grass/dry grass/ [ku1 cao3 gan3 jun1] /bacillus subtilis/

[ku1 wei3] /to wilt/to wither/wilted/withered/drained/enervated/exhausted/ [ku1 wei3 bing4] /blight/ [ku1 ye4] /dried leaf/ [ping2] /chess-like game/ [xi3] /male nettle-hemp/ [zhi3] /(orange)/hedge thorn/ [guai3] /cane/ [xiao1] /empty/hollow of a tree/ [jia4] /to support/frame/rack/framework/classifier for planes, large vehicles, r adios etc/ [jia4 bu4 zhu4] /(colloquial) unable to withstand/cannot bear/can't stand it/ h for/ [jia4 er4 lang2 tui3] /to stick one leg over the other (when sitting)/ [jia4 shi5] /attitude/position (on an issue etc)/ [jia4 zi5] /shelf/frame/stand/framework/airs/arrogance/ [jia4 zi5 che1] /wooden wheelbarrow/ [jia4 gou4] /to construct/to build/infrastructure/architecture/framework/ [jia4 qiao2] /to bridge/to put up a bridge/ [jia4 ci4] /number of sorties (of military planes)/ [jia4 kong1] /built above the ground (on stilts)/fig. unfounded/impractical (cf c stles in the air)/fig. a mere figurehead/ [jia4 kong1 suo3 dao4] /aerial ropeway/cable car/ [jia4 she4] /to construct/to erect/ [jia1] /cangue (wooden collar like stocks used to restrain and punish criminals in China)/ [jia1 dai4 suo3 zhua1] /in stocks/in fetter for punishment/ [jia1 ban3] /cangue/fig. difficult situation/ [jia1 xiao1] /yoke/chains/shackles/fetters/ [jia1 suo3] /stocks and chain/in fetters/ [gou1] /Acgle sepiaria/ [gou3] /Chinese wolfberry (Lycium chinense)/same as guq / [ju3] /Citrus medica/ [gou3 qi3] /wolfberry shrub (Lycium chinense)/ [gou3 qi3 zi5] /fruit of Chinese wolfberry (Lycium chinense)/ [gou3 qi3] /variant of , Chinese wolfberry shrub (Lycium chinense)/ [ju3 yuan2] /citron (Citrus medica)/grapefruit/ [fu1] /Quercus glandulifera/ [yi4] /oar/stand for correcting a bow/ [tuo2] /main beam of roof/ [yi2] /(tree)/ [ling2] /Eurya japonica/ [bing3] /handle or shaft (of an axe etc)/(of a flower, leaf or fruit) stem/sth t hat affords an advantage to an opponent/classifier for knives or blades/ [bing3 guo2] /to hold state power/to rule/ [bing3 zheng4] /to rule/to be in power/ [bing3 quan2] /to hold power/ [bing3 chen2] /powerful official/big shot/ [ni3] /(tree)/to stop/ [pan2] /plate/ [fu1] /calyx of flower/ [Bai3] /surname Bai/Taiwan pr. [Bo2]/ [bai3] /cedar/cypress/Taiwan pr. [bo2]/ [bo2] /(used for transcribing names)/ [bo4] /variant of [bo4]/ [Bai3 ke4 lai2] /Berkeley (name)/George Berkeley (1685-1753), Bishop of Cloyn us British philosopher/Berkeley, university city in the San Francisco bay area, California/ [Bo2 ke4 jun4] /Berkshire (English county)/ [Bo2 ke4 li3 ke4 qian1 fo2 dong4] /Paziklike thousand-Buddha jiang/

[Bai3 qi2] /Kashiwazaki, Japanese name/Kashiwazaki town near Niigata /Kashiwa itle of a Noh play/ [Bai3 qi2 Yi4 yu3] /Kashiwasaki Kariwa, site of Japanese nuclear power pl ata / [Bai3 qi2 shi4] /Kashiwazaki city, Japan/ [Bo2 yue4] /Park Hyatt (hotel brand)/ [Bo2 la1 tu2] /Plato (c. 427-c. 347 BC), Greek philosopher/ [Bo2 la1 tu2 zhe2 xue2] /Platonism/ [Bo2 lin2] /Berlin, capital of Germany/ [Bo2 lin2 Wei2 qiang2] /Berlin Wall/ [Bo2 lin2 Gong1 ye4 Da4 xue2] /Technical University of Berlin, Ge itaet zu Berlin)/ [Bo2 lin2 Qiang2] /Berlin Wall/ [Bo4 bo4 er3] /Berber people of North Africa/ [bai3 shu4] /cypress tree/Taiwan pr. [bo2 shu4]/ [bai3 you2] /asphalt/tar/pitch/ [Bai3 you2 Jiao3 gen1 zhi1 zhou1] /Tar Heel state/ [bai3 you2 lu4] /tarred road/asphalt road/ [bai3 you2 ma3 lu4] /tarred road/asphalt road/ [bai3 jie2 song1 cao1] /chaste widowhood/ [Bai3 ju3 zhi1 zhan4] /Baiju war of 506 BC, in which Wu scored a crush Chu / [Bo2 di4 qie4 li4] /Sandro Botticelli (1445-1510) Italian painter of the hool/ [Bo2 liao2 zi1] /Hector Berlioz (1803-1869), French romantic composer, author phonie Fantastique/ [Bai3 xiang1] /Baixiang county in Xingtai [Xing2 tai2], Hebei/ [Bai3 xiang1 xian4] /Baixiang county in Xingtai [Xing2 tai2], Hebei/ [mou3] /some/a certain/sb or sth indefinite/such-and-such/ [mou3 shi4] /something/a certain matter/ [mou3 xie1] /some/certain (things)/ [mou3 ren2] /someone/a certain person/some people/I (self-address after one's sur ame)/ [mou3 shi2] /sometime/ [mou3 mou3] /so-and-so/such-and-such/ [mou3 wu4] /something/ [mou3 zhong3] /some kind (of)/ [mou3 chu4] /somewhere/ [gan1] /large tangerine/ [gan1 ju2] /Mandarin orange (Citrus reticulata)/tangerine/ [gan1 ju2 jiang4] /marmalade/ [qi1] /seven (banker's anti-fraud numeral)/ [ran3] /to dye/to catch (a disease)/to acquire (bad habits etc)/to contaminate/t o add colour washes to a painting/ [ran3 bu4] /to dye cloth/ [ran3 chang3] /dye factory/dye-works/ [ran3 zhi3] /to dip a finger (idiom); fig. to get one's finger in the pie/to get share of the action/abbr. for / [ran3 zhi3 chui2 xian2] /lit. dirty finger, mouth watering (idiom); fig. ze sth/ [ran3 zhi3 yu2 ding3] /lit. dip one's finger in the tripod (idiom); fig. finger in the pie/to get a share of the action/ [ran3 liao4] /dye/ [ran3 du2] /contamination/ [ran3 bing4] /to catch an illness/to get infected with a disease/ [ran3 zhi1] /dyeing and weaving/ [ran3 se4] /dye/ [ran3 se4 zhi4] /chromosome/genetic material of chromosome/ [ran3 se4 ti3] /chromosome/ [ran3 se4 ti3 bei4 xing4] /ploidy (number of homologous chromosomes)/

[ran3 feng1 xi2 su2] /bad habits/to get into bad habits through long cust [ran3 fa4] /to dye one's hair/rinse/tint/ [ran3 fa4 ji4] /hair dye/rinse/tint/ [rou2] /soft/flexible/supple/yielding/rho (Greek letter )/ [Rou2 fo2] /Joho (state of Malaysia at south of Malayan peninsula)/ [Rou2 fo2 zhou1] /Joho (state in Malaysia)/ [Rou2 fo2 hai3 xia2] /St aits of Joho between the Malaysian peninsula an [ ou2 he2] /gentle/soft/ [ ou2 nen4] /tende /delicate (textu e)/ [ ou2 uo4] /weak/delicate/ [ ou2 xing4] /flexibility/ [ ou2 qing2] /gentle feelings/tende sentiments/ [ ou2 qing2 si4 shui3] /tende and soft as wate /deeply attached to sb/ [ ou2 qing2 xia2 gu3] /gentle feelings and chival ous disposition (idiom) [ ou2 qing2 mo4 mo4] /full of tende feelings (idiom); tende -hea ted/ [ ou2 chang2 cun4 duan4] /lit. to feel as if ones intestines have been c -hea ted (idiom)/ [ ou2 fu1 shui3] /balancing lotion/ [ ou2 shu4] /conto tion/jjutsu/ [rou2 ruan3] /soft/ [rou2 ruan3 ji4] /emollient/ [rou2 dao4] /(the sport of) judo/ [rou2 ren4] /pliable and tough/supple and strong/flexible/ [rou2 shun4] /gentle and agreeable/supple/yielding/ [zhe4] /a thorny tree/sugarcane/Cudrania triloba/three-bristle cudrania (Cudrani a tricuspidata)/Chinese mulberry (Cudrania)/ [Zhe4 cheng2] /Zhecheng county in Shangqiu [Shang1 qiu1], Henan/ [Zhe4 cheng2 xian4] /Zhecheng county in Shangqiu [Shang1 qiu1], Henan/ [zhe4 gong1] /bow made from the [zhe4] tree/ [zhe4 dan4] /slingshot made from the [zhe4] tree/ [Zhe4 rong2] /Zherong county in Ningde [Ning2 de2], Fujian/ [Zhe4 rong2 xian4] /Zherong county in Ningde [Ning2 de2], Fujian/ [zhe4 liu2] /pomegranate/ [zhe4 liu2 shi2] /garnet/ [zhe4 shu4] /silkworm thorn tree/ [zhe4 jiang1] /sugarcane juice/ [zhe4 yan4] /ink slabs from a place in Shandong/ [zhe4 si1] /silk from worms fed on [zhe4] leaves/ [zhe4 can2] /silkworms fed on the leaves of the [zhe4] tree/ [zhe4 pao2] /imperial yellow robe/ [zhe4 huang2] /yellow dye made from the bark of the [zhe4] tree/ [xia2] /cage/pen/scabbard/ [you4] /pomelo (Citrus maxima or C. grandis)/shaddock/oriental grapefruit/ [you4 zi5] /pomelo (Citrus maxima or C. grandis)/shaddock/oriental grapefruit/ [you4 mu4] /pomelo tree (Citrus maxima or C. grandis)/shaddock/oriental grapefrui / [gui4] /variant of [gui4]/ [ju3] /Salix multinervis/ [tuo4] /watchman's rattle/ [zuo4] /oak/Quercus serrata/ [zuo4 li4] /Mongolian oak (Quercus dentata)/see also [hu2 shu4]/ [Zha4 shui3] /Zhashui county in Shnglu [Shang1 luo4], Shnx/ [Zha4 shui3 xian4] /Zhashui county in Shnglu [Shang1 luo4], Shnx/ [nan2] /variant of , Machilus nanmu/Chinese cedar/Chinese giant redwood/ [di3] /foundation/root/ [zhi2] /threshold/ [zha1] /(hawthorn)/Chaenomeles japonica/ [Zha1] /surname Zha/ [cha2] /to research/to check/to investigate/to examine/to refer to/to search/ [Cha2 ke4 la1] /Chakra (name)/Chakra system of yogic meditation/Chakra (Sansk



sc), one of seven symbolic nodes of the body in spiritual Yoga/ [cha2 ke4 rui4] /Chakra (Sanskrit: disc), one of seven symbolic nodes of the spiritual Yoga/also written [Cha2 ke4 la1]/ [cha2 chu1] /to find out/to discover/ [Cha2 jia1 si1 Bing4] /Chagas disease/American trypanosomiasis/ [cha2 kan1] /to investigate/ [cha2 wen4] /to inquire about/ [cha2 ye4] /night patrol/to make nightly rounds/ [cha2 zi4 fa3] /look-up method for Chinese characters/ [cha2 feng1] /to sequester/to seize (assets)/to seal up/to close down/ [cha2 zhang4] /to audit accounts/to inspect accounting books/ [Cha2 ge1 si1 qun2 dao3] /Chagos Archipelago, coral archipelago in tr , with Diego Garcia [Di2 ge1 Jia1 xi1 ya4 dao3] as largest i [cha2 fang2] /to inspect a room/to do the rounds (medical)/ [cha2 zhao3] /search for/ [cha2 chao1] /take inventory of and confiscate a criminal's possessions/ [cha2 quan2] /Cha Quan - "Cha Fist" - Martial Art/ [cha2 tan4] /to check/to investigate/to probe (into)/ [cha2 ming2] /to investigate and find out/to ascertain/ [Cha2 pu3 man4] /Chapman (name)/ [cha2 he2] /to check/ [Cha2 er3 si1] /Charles/ [Cha2 er3 si1 Ge2 lei2] /Charles Grey/ [Cha2 er3 si1 Di2 geng1 si1] /Charles Dickens (1812-1870), [Cha2 er3 si1 dun4] /Charleston/ [cha2 huo4] /to investigate and capture (a criminal)/to ferret out/to hunt down a d arrest/ [Cha2 li3 da4 di4] /Charlemagne (c. 747-c. 814), King of the Franks, Holy r from 800/ [cha2 kan4] /to look over/to examine/to check up/to ferret out/ [cha2 piao4 yuan2] /ticket inspector/ [cha2 jin4] /to prohibit/to ban/to suppress/ [cha2 jiu1] /to follow up a study/to investigate/ [cha2 ji1] /to investigate and seize/ [cha2 chu3] /to investigate and take care of/ [cha2 he2] /to check/ [cha2 fang3] /to investigate/ [cha2 xun2] /to inquire/inquiry/ [cha2 diao4] /inquiry/inquire/ [cha2 zheng4] /investigate/check out (a story)/ [cha2 ban4] /to investigate and handle (a criminal case)/ [cha2 yue4] /to consult/to refer to/to look sth up in a reference source/ [Cha2 wei2 si1] /Chavez, Spanish name/ [cha2 yan4] /inspection/to examine/ [jiu4] /bier/ [jian3] /card/note/letter/abbr. for [Jian3 pu3 zhai4], Cambodia/ [Jian3 wu2 ge1 wang2 chao2] /the Ankor Dynasty of Cambodia, 802-1431/ [Jian3 pu3 zhai4] /Cambodia/ [Jian3 bu4 zhai4 Ren2 min2 dang3] /Cambodian People's Party/ [duo4] /wood scraps/ [Ke1] /surname Ke/ [ke1] /handle of ax/stem/ [Ke1 nan2 Dao4 er3] /Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930), author of tories / [Ke1 ping2] /Kelpin nahiyisi (Kelpin county) in Aksu [A1 ke4 [Ke1 ping2 xian4] /Kelpin nahiyisi (Kelpin county) in Aksu g/ [Ke1 cheng2] /Kecheng district of Quzhou city [Qu2 zhou1 shi4], Zhejiang/ [Ke1 cheng2 qu1] /Kecheng district of Quzhou city [Qu2 zhou1 shi4], Zhe [ke1 mi4] /Kermit (communications protocol)/

[Ke1 lin2] /Colin (name)/ [Ke1 lin2 si1] /Collins (name)/ [Ke1 di4 hua2] /Dwarkanath Kotnis/ [ke1 sha1 qi2 bing4 du2] /Coxsackievirus/ [Ke1 er3 ke4 zi1] /Kyrghiz ethnic group of Xinjiang/ [Ke1 er3 ke4 zi1 zu2] /Kyrghiz ethnic group of Xinjiang/ [Ke1 er3 ke4 zi1 yu3] /Kyrghiz language/ [Ke1 sa4 qi2 bing4 du2] /Coxsachie A intestinal virus/ [Ke1 xi1] /Augustin-Louis Cauchy (1789-1857), French mathematician/ [Ke1 da2] /Kodak (brand, US film company)/full name Eastman Kodak Company 2 Gong1 si1]/ [Ke1 Shao4 min2] /Ke Shaomin (1850-1933), modern historian, author of New his the Yuan dynasty / [nai4] /crab-apple/how can one help/ [zhu4] /pillar/CL:[gen1]/ [zhu4 xing2 tu2] /bar graph/bar diagram/ [zhu4 zi5] /pillar/CL:[gen1]/ [zhu4 liang2] /pillar/ [zhu4 shi2] /pillar/ [zhu4 ti3] /cylinder/prism (math.)/ [bi4] /weapon handle of bamboo strips/ [Liu3] /surname Liu/ [liu3] /willow/ [liu3 ding1] /tangerine/ [liu3 ding1 an1 chun2] /albuterol (also known as proventil, salbutamol, v asthma drug/ [Liu3 Gong1 quan2] /Liu Gongquan (778-865), Tang calligrapher/ [Liu3 bei3] /Liubei district of Liuzhou city [Liu3 zhou1 shi4], Guangxi/ [Liu3 bei3 qu1] /Liubei district of Liuzhou city [Liu3 zhou1 shi4], Gua [Liu3 nan2] /Liunan district of Liuzhou city [Liu3 zhou1 shi4], Guangxi/ [Liu3 nan2 qu1] /Liunan district of Liuzhou city [Liu3 zhou1 shi4], Gua [liu3 ti2 hua1 yuan4] /desolate/ [Liu3 yuan2] /Liuyuan town in Guazhou county [Gua1 zhou1 xian4] in J [Liu3 yuan2 zhen4] /Liuyuan town in Guazhou county [Gua1 zhou1 x [Liu3 cheng2] /Liucheng county in Liuzhou [Liu3 zhou1], Guangxi/ [Liu3 cheng2 xian4] /Liucheng county in Liuzhou [Liu3 zhou1], Guangxi/ [liu3 zi5 xi4] /Shandong opera/ [Liu3 Zong1 yuan2] /Liu Zongyuan (773-819), Tang essayist and poet, advocate classical writing and neoclassical movements/ [Liu3 zhou1] /Liuzhou prefecture level city in Guangxi/Zhuang: Liujcouh/ [Liu3 zhou1 di4 qu1] /Liuzhou prefecture in Guangxi/Zhuang: Liujcouh/ [Liu3 zhou1 shi4] /Liuzhou prefecture level city in Guangxi/Zhuang: Liujcouh/ [liu3 an4 hua1 ming2] /lit. the willow trees make the shade, the flowers t (idiom); at one's darkest hour, a glimmer of hope/light at the end of the tunn el/ [liu3 qi3] /willow/ [Liu3 lin2] /Liulin county in Lliang [Lu:3 liang2], Shanxi / [Liu3 lin2 xian4] /Liulin county in Lliang [Lu:3 liang2], Shanxi [liu3 tiao2] /willow/willow branches/wicker (material for basketwork)/ [liu3 tiao2 gou1 shi4 bian4] /the Mukden or Manchurian railway incide r 1931 used by the Japanese as a pretext to annex Manchuria/also known as 9-18 i ncident / [liu3 tiao2 bian1] /Willow palisade across Liaoning, 17th century barrier/ [liu3 shu4] /willow/ [liu3 cheng2] /orange (fruit)/ [liu3 cheng2 zhi1] /orange juice/CL:[ping2],[bei1],[guan4],[he2]/see [Liu3 Yi4 zhuan4] /story of Liu Yi, Tang fantasy fiction by Li Chaowei ramatist of subsequent dynasties/ [Liu3 Yong3] /Liu Yong (987-1053), Song poet/ [Liu3 jiang1] /Liujiang county in Liuzhou [Liu3 zhou1], Guangxi/

[Liu3 jiang1 xian4] /Liujiang county in Liuzhou [Liu3 zhou1], Guangxi/ [Liu3 he2] /Liuhe county in Tonghua , Jilin/ [Liu3 he2 xian4] /Liuhe county in Tonghua , Jilin/ [liu3 yan1 hua1 wu4] /lit. willow scent and mist of blossom (idiom); scen delights of spring/ [Liu3 ying2] /Liuying township in Tainan county [Tai2 nan2 xian4], T [Liu3 ying2 xiang1] /Liuying township in Tainan county [Tai2 nan [liu3 qin2] /liuqin lute, smaller soprano version of the pipa , with holes in undbox, and range equivalent to that of a violin/ [liu3 lu:4 hua1 hong2] /green willow and red flowers/all the colors of sp [liu3 ye4 dao1] /lancet (surgeon's knife)/ [liu3 mo4 hua1 qu2] /brothel/ [Liu3 Qing1] /Liu Qing (1916-1978), writer/ [Liu3 ti3] /calligraphic style of Liu Gongquan/ [Chai2] /surname Chai/ [chai2] /firewood/lean (of meat)/thin (of a person)/ [Chai2 ke3 fu1 si1 ji1] /Tchaikovsky (1840-1893), Russian composer/ [chai2 you2] /diesel fuel/ [chai2 you2 ji1] /diesel engine/ [chai2 you2 fa1 dong4 ji1] /diesel engine/ [chai2 huo5] /firewood/ [Chai2 ke1 fu1 si1 ji1] /Piotr Ilyich Tchaikowsky (1840-1893), Russia r of 6 symphonies and the opera Eugene Onegin/ [chai2 mi3 you2 yan2] /lit. firewood, rice, oil and salt/fig. life's dail / [chai2 mi3 you2 yan2 jiang4 cu4 cha2] /lit. firewood, rice, o /fig. life's daily necessities/ [chai2 cao3] /firewood/ [chai2 xin1] /firewood/ [Chai2 da2 mu4] /Tsaidam or Qaidam basin (Mongolian: salt marsh), depression st of the Plateau of Tibet, located between the Qilian Shan and the Kunlun Shan at the northern margin of the Tibetan Plateau./ [Chai2 da2 mu4 pen2 di4] /Tsaidam or Qaidam basin (Mongolian: salt ma rtheast of the Plateau of Tibet, located between the Qilian Shan and the Kunlun Shan at the northern margin of the Tibetan Plateau./ [chai2 men2] /lit. woodcutter's family/humble background/poor family background/ [chai2 men2 xiao3 hu4] /woodcutter's cottage (idiom); poor person's hovel le house/ [chai2 dian4 ji1 che1] /diesel-electric locomotive/ [zha4] /fence/also pr. [shan1]/ [zha4 zi5] /bamboo fence/ [zha4 tiao2] /paling/fence rail/ [shan1 ji2] /grid (electronics)/ [zha4 lan2] /fence/ [zha4 li2] /hedge/fence/ [zha4 men2] /gate/door with grating/turnstile/logical gate (electronics)/ [si4] /spoon/ladle/ [zhu4] /percussion instrument, a tapering wooden bax struck from the inside with a drumstick/ [pei1] /to hate/bear grudge/ [guai3] /old man's staff/ [cha2] /Japanese variant of / [shi4] /persimmon/ [shi4 zi5] /persimmon/CL: [ge4]/ [shi4 zi5 jiao1] /pimento pepper (Capsicum spp.)/bell pepper/ [shi4 bing3] /dried persimmon/ [li4] /archaic variant of , oak/type of tree in ancient books/stable (for horses / [rong2] /glory/honor/flourish/prosper/variant of / [xun2] /cross bar/

[shuan1] /bottle stopper/wooden pin/plug/ [shuan1 ji4] /suppository/ [shuan1 se4] /thrombosis/ [shuan1 pi2 li4] /acorn/ [qi4] /carve/cut/ [Li4] /surname Li/ [li4] /chestnut/ [li4 zi5] /chestnut/ [li4 se4] /maroon (color)/ [li4 shu3] /chinchilla/chipmunk/ [yi2] /shadbush or shadberry (genus Amelanchier)/name for a stable during the Ha n Dynasty/ [gua1] /Juniperus chinensis/measuring-frame/ [bing1] /Trachycarpus excelsa/ [jiao4] /to proofread/to check/to compare/ [xiao4] /school/military officer/CL:[suo3]/ [Xiao4 nei4] /Xiaonei (Chinese social network website)/ [xiao4 nei4] /on-campus/intramural/ [xiao4 kan1] /school magazine/ [jiao4 kan1] /collate/ [xiao4 qu1] /campus/ [xiao4 you3] /schoolmate/alumnus/alumna/ [xiao4 yuan2] /campus/ [xiao4 yuan2 wang3 luo4] /campus network/ [xiao4 yuan2 gu3 gan4] /campus backbone/ [xiao4 di4] /campus/ [jiao4 chang3] /military drill ground/ [xiao4 wai4] /off campus/ [xiao4 guan1] /military officer/ranked officer in Chinese army, divided into [xiao4 wei4] /military officer/ [jiao4 dui4] /proofreader/to proofread/to calibrate/ [xiao4 hui1] /school badge/college insignia/university crest/ [xiao4 qing4] /anniversary of the founding of a school/ [xiao4 fu2] /school uniform/ [jiao4 yang4] /proofs (printing)/ [xiao4 ge1] /school song/ [jiao4 zheng4] /to proofread and correct/to edit and rectify/to correct/to calibr te/ [jiao4 zheng4 zi3] /proof-reader and corrector/ [jiao4 zhun3] /calibrate/ [xiao4 jian4] /supervisor (of school)/principal/ [xiao4 she4] /school building/ [xiao4 hua1] /the prettiest girl in the school (see also )/school beauty quee s belle/prom queen/ [xiao4 cao3] /the most handsome boy in the school (see also )/ [xiao4 gui1] /school rules and regulations/ [jiao4 ding4] /revision/ [xiao4 xun4] /school motto/ [xiao4 che1] /school bus/ [xiao4 zhang3] /(college, university) president/headmaster/CL: [ge4],[wei4] [jiao4 yue4] /to check through (a document)/to proofread/to review (troops)/ [xiao4 ji4] /inter-school/intercollegiate/ [jiao4 yan4] /to check/to examine/ [xiao4 yan4 ma3] /check digit/ [xu3] /Quercus serrata/ [xu3 xu3] /vivid/ [xu3 xu3 ru2 sheng1] /vivid and lifelike (idiom); true to life/realistic/ [zhu1] /tree trunk/stump (tree root)/a plant/classifier for trees or plants/to i nvolve others (in shady business)/ [zhu1 shou3] /to stick to sth stubbornly/never let go/

[zhu1 shi4 hui4 she4] /Japanese limited company/corporation/public compan Corp/Japanese pr. kabushiki-gaisha/ [zhu1 zhi4] /to involve others (in a law case)/ [Zhu1 zhou1] /Zhuzhou prefecture level city, on the Xiangjiang river in Hunan/ [Zhu1 zhou1 shi4] /Zhuzhou prefecture level city, on the Xiangjiang river in [Zhu1 zhou1 xian4] /Zhuzhou county in Zhuzhou , Hunan/ [zhu1 ju4] /spacing/distance between plants (within a row)/ [zhu1 lian2] /to involve others (in a crime)/guilt by association/ [jian4] /fence/palisade/ [er2] /tree mushroom/ [gong3] /post/ [kao3] /chinquapin (Castanopsis fargesii and other spp.), genus of evergreen tre es/ [kao3 shu3] /Castanopsis, genus of evergreen trees/ [kao3 jiao1] /tannin/ [lao3] /basket/ [zhan1] /see [zhan1 tan2]/ [zhan1 tan2] /sandalwood/ [li4] /hedge/ [he2] /pit/stone/nucleus/nuclear/to examine/to check/to verify/ [he2 bu4 kuo4 san4] /nuclear nonproliferation/ [he2 shi4 jian4] /nuclear incident/ [he2 ren2] /nucleolus (within nucleus of cell)/ [he2 jiang1 chi2] /nuclear equipoise/nuclear stalemate/ [hu2 r5] /pit (stone of a fruit)/ [he2 dong1 tian1] /nuclear winter/ [he2 zhun3] /to authorize/to investigate then ratify/ [he2 chu1 kou3 kong4 zhi4] /nuclear export control/ [he2 fen1 lie4] /nuclear fission/ [he2 dong4 li4] /nuclear powered/ [he2 dong4 li4 gong1 ji1 qian2 ting3] /nuclear attack submari [he2 dong4 li4 qian2 ting3] /nuclear submarine/same as [ [he2 dong4 li4 hang2 kong1 mu3 jian4] /nuclear-powered aircra [he2 shi4] /nuclear potential/ [he2 xie2 yi4] /nuclear agreement/ [he2 yuan2 liao4] /nuclear material/ [he2 fan3 ying4] /nuclear reaction/ [he2 fan3 ying4 dui1] /nuclear reactor/ [he2 fan3 ji1] /nuclear counter strike/ [he2 he2 cheng2] /nucleosynthesis/ [he2 wen4 ti2] /the nuclear problem/ [he2 si4 ji2 gong4 zhen4] /nuclear quadrupole resonance (physics)/ [he2 guo2 jia1] /nuclear nations/ [he2 di4 lei2] /nuclear land mine/nuclear mine/ [he2 jun1 shi4] /nuclear parity/ [he2 xing2] /karyotype (genetics)/ [he2 da4 guo2] /a nuclear power (country)/ [he2 wei1] /nuclear strength/nuclear might/ [he2 wei1 she4] /nuclear deterrence/ [he2 wei1 she4 li4 liang5] /nuclear deterrent/ [he2 wei1 she4 zheng4 ce4] /policy of nuclear intimidation/ [he2 zi5] /nuclear/nucleus/ [he2 zi3 yi1 xue2] /nuclear medicine/ [he2 ding4] /to audit and determine/to check and ratify/to appraise and decide/de ermination/on a deemed basis (taxation)/to deem/ [he2 shi2] /to verify/to check/ [he2 dui4 zhi4] /nuclear stalemate/ [he2 dui4 zhang4 mu4] /to verify accounting records/ [he2 dao3 dan4] /nuclear missile/ [he2 xiao3 ti3] /nucleosome/

[he2 ping2 bi4] /nuclear shielding/ [he2 gong1 ye4] /nuclear industry/ [he2 gong1 ye4 bu4] /Ministry of Nuclear Industry/ [he2 gong1 cheng2] /nuclear engineering/ [he2 fei4 wu4] /nuclear waste/ [he2 dan4] /nuclear warhead/ [he2 dan4 tou2] /nuclear reentry vehicle/nuclear warhead/ [he2 xin1] /core/nucleus/ [he2 qing2 bao4] /nuclear intelligence/ [he2 zhan4] /nuclear warfare/ [he2 zhan4 dou3 bu4] /nuclear warhead/ [he2 ji4 shu4] /nuclear technology/ [he2 tui1 jin4] /nuclear propulsion/ [he2 kuo4 san4] /nuclear proliferation/ [he2 zhi1 yuan2] /nuclear support/ [he2 san4 she4] /nuclear scattering/ [he2 yi4 sun3 xing4] /nuclear vulnerability/ [he2 cha2 zhi4 du4] /verification regime/ [he2 cha2 xiao3 zu3] /inspection team/ [he2 zhu4] /nuclear column/ [he2 tao5] /walnut/CL: [ge4],[ke1]/ [he2 tao5 ren2] /walnut kernel/ [he2 mo2 xing2] /nuclear model/ [he2 wu3] /nuclear weapon/ [he2 wu3 qi4] /nuclear weapon/ [he2 wu3 qi4 shi4 gu4] /nuclear weapon accident/ [he2 wu3 qi4 chu3 bei4] /nuclear stockpile/ [he2 wu3 qi4 an1 quan2] /nuclear weapon safety/ [he2 wu3 qi4 cao1 lian4] /nuclear weapon exercise/ [he2 wu3 qi4 cai2 liao4] /nuclear weapon material/weapon's grade mate [he2 wu3 qi4 yan3 lian4] /nuclear weapon maneuver/ [he2 wu3 qi4 shi4 yan4] /nuclear test/ [he2 wu3 ku4] /nuclear arsenal/ [he2 sha1 shang1 po4 huai4 gu1 ji4] /nuclear damage assessmen [he2 xie4 lou4] /nuclear leak/ [he2 qian2 ting3] /nuclear submarine/abbr. for [he2 dong [he2 huo3 jian4 fa1 dong4 ji1] /nuclear rocket engine/ [he2 re4] /nuclear heat/ [he2 ran2 liao4] /nuclear fuel/ [he2 ran2 liao4 yuan2 jian4] /nuclear fuel element/ [he2 ran2 liao4 hou4 chu3 li3] /nuclear fuel reprocessing/ [he2 ran2 liao4 xun2 huan2] /nuclear fuel cycle/ [he2 ran2 liao4 ran2 hao4] /nuclear fuel burnup/ [he2 bao4 zha4] /nuclear explosion/ [he2 bao4 zha4 di4 qiu2 wu4 li3 xiao4 ying4] /geophys [he2 bao4 zha4 xiao4 ying4] /nuclear explosion effect/ [he2 bao4 zha4 yan1 yun2] /nuclear cloud/ [he2 bao4 zha4 zhuang1 zhi4] /nuclear explosion device/ [he2 wu4 li3] /nuclear physics/ [he2 qiu2] /core/pellet/central bulge/caryosphere (biology)/ [he2 sheng1 cun2 neng2 li4] /nuclear survivability/ [he2 dang1 liang4] /nuclear yield/ [he2 fa1 dian4] /nuclear power generation/ [he2 fa1 dian4 chang3] /nuclear power plant/ [he2 xiang1 hu4 zuo4 yong4] /nuclear interaction/ [he2 ci2 gong4 zhen4] /nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)/ [he2 tang2] /ribose/ [he2 tang2 he2 suan1] /ribonucleic acid (RNA)/ [he2 tang2 ti3] /ribosome/ [he2 su4] /nuclide/

[he2 jie2 gou4] /nuclear structure/ [he2 ju4 bian4] /nuclear fusion/ [he2 neng2] /nuclear energy/ [he2 neng2 ji4 shu4] /nuclear technology/ [he2 neng2 yuan2] /nuclear power/ [he2 zi4 xuan2] /nuclear spin/ [he2 gan1] /nucleotide/ [he2 gan1 suan1] /nucleotide/ [he2 cai2 jun1] /nuclear disarmament/ [he2 lie4 bian4] /atomic fission/nuclear fission/fission/ [he2 zhuang1 zhi4] /nuclear device/ [he2 she4 shi1] /nuclear facility/nuclear installation/ [he2 shi4] /nuclear weapons test/ [he2 shi4 bao4] /a nuclear test/ [he2 shi4 yan4] /nuclear test/ [he2 shi4 yan4 dui1] /nuclear test reactor/ [he2 shi4 yan4 chang3] /nuclear test site/ [he2 tan2 pan4] /nuclear negotiations/ [he2 zheng4 mo2 xing2] /verification model/ [he2 bian4 xing2] /nuclear deformation/ [he2 jun1 bei4] /nuclear arms/ [he2 fu2 she4] /nuclear radiation/ [he2 zhuan3 bian4] /nuclear transformation/nuclear transmutation/ [he2 hong1 zha4] /nuclear bomb/ [he2 hong1 zha4 ji1] /nuclear bomber (aircraft)/ [he2 lian2 suo3 fan3 ying4] /nuclear chain reaction/ [he2 tong2 tang2] /ribulose (type of sugar)/ [he2 suan1] /nucleic acid/RNA or DNA/ [he2 xiao1] /to audit and write off/ [he2 men2 jian4] /nuclear threshold/ [he2 fang2 yu4] /nuclear defense/ [he2 tuo2 luo2] /nuclear gyroscope/ [he2 dian4] /nuclear power/ [he2 dian4 chang3] /nuclear power plant/ [he2 dian4 ci2 mai4 chong1] /nuclear electro-magnetic pulse/ [he2 dian4 zhan4] /nuclear power plant/ [he2 dian4 he4 shu4] /electric charge on nucleus/atomic number/ [he2 huang2 su4] /riboflavin (vitamin B2)/ [gen1] /root/basis/classifier for long slender objects, e.g. cigarettes, guitar strings/CL: [tiao2]/radical (chemistry)/ [gen1 ji1] /foundation/ [gen1 shi4] /surd (math.)/algebraic expression involving a square root or other i rationality/ [gen1 ju4] /according to/based on/basis/foundation/CL: [ge4]/ [gen1 ju4 di4] /base of operations/ [gen1 ju4 gui1 ding4] /according to provisions/as stipulated in the rules [gen1 ben3] /fundamental/basic/root/simply/absolutely (not)/(not) at all/CL: [gen1 ben3 fa3] /fundamental law/body of basic laws/ [gen1 di3] /root/foundation/ [Gen1 he2] /Genhe county level city, Mongolian Gegeen-gol xot, in Hulunbuir 4 er3], Inner Mongolia/ [Gen1 he2 shi4] /Genhe county level city, Mongolian Gegeen-gol xot, in Hulunb bei4 er3], Inner Mongolia/ [gen1 zhi4] /to bring under permanent control/to effect a radical cure/ [gen1 shen1 di4 gu4] /deep-rooted (problem etc)/ [gen1 yuan2] /origin/root (cause)/ [Gen1 te4] /Ghent/ [gen1 zhuang4 jing1] /rhizome (biol.)/root stock/ [gen1 xi4] /root system/ [gen1 jue2] /exterminate/

[gen1 cha2] /stubble/ [gen1 jing1] /stolon/runner/rhizome/rhizoma/ [Gen1 xi1 dao3] /Guernsey (Channel Islands)/ [gen1 chu2] /to eradicate/ [gen1 yin1] /root of chord/ [shi4] /(tree)/ [ge2] /square/frame/rule/(legal) case/style/character/standard/pattern/(classica l) to obstruct/to hinder/(classical) to arrive/to come/(classical) to investigat e/to study exhaustively/ [Ge2 dan4 si1 ke4] /Gdansk, city on Baltic in north Poland/ [Ge2 lie4 gao1 li4 li4] /Gregorian calendar/ [Ge2 li4] /Gree (brand)/ [ge2 le4] /onomat. laughing sound/glug-glug haha!/ [ge2 le4 nuo4 bu4 er3] /Grenoble (French town)/ [ge2 wai4] /especially/particularly/ [ge2 zi5] /lattice/check (pattern of squares)/ [ge2 zi5 ni2] /tartan/plaid/ [ge2 zi5 mian2 bu4] /gingham/ [ge2 zi5 hua1 ni2] /tartan/plaid/ [ge2 ju2] /structure/pattern/layout/ [ge2 shi4] /form/specification/format/ [ge2 shi4 hua4] /to format/ [ge2 shi4 ta3] /Gestalt (loanword)/see [Ge2 si1 ta3]/ [Ge2 shi4 ta3 liao2 fa3] /Gestalt therapy/holistic therapy/ [ge2 lu:4] /forms of versification/conventions regarding set number of words and ines, choice of tonal patterns and rhyme schemes for various types of classical Chinese poetic composition/metrical verse/ [Ge2 en1 xi1 dao3] /Guernsey (Channel Islands)/ [Ge2 la1] /Gera (city in Germany)/ [Ge2 la1 si1 ge1] /Glasgow, Scotland/ [Ge2 la1 han4 mu3] /Graham or Graeme (name)/ [Ge2 la1 na4 da2] /Granada, Spain/ [Ge2 la1 ci2] /Graz (city in Austria)/ [Ge2 si1 ta3] /Gestalt (loanword)/coherent whole/technical word used in psych eaning the whole is more than the sum of its parts/holistic/integrated/total/als o written / [Ge2 lin2] /Green or Greene (name)/ [Ge2 lin2 duo1] /Corinthians/ [Ge2 lin2 nai4 er3 da4 xue2] /Grinnell College (private liberal a Iowa, USA)/ [Ge2 lin2 wei1 zhi4] /Greenwich/ [ge2 lin2 wei1 zhi4 cun1] /Greenwich/ [Ge2 lin2 wei1 zhi4 Biao1 zhun3 shi2 jian1] /Greenwich Me [Ge2 lin2 ni2 zhi4] /Greenwich (former location of Greenwich observatory, itude)/refers to Greenwich mean time/ [Ge2 lin2 ni2 zhi4 ben3 chu1 zi3 wu3 xian4] /the Gree [Ge2 lin2 ni2 zhi4 Biao1 zhun3 shi2 jian1] /Greenwich Mea [Ge2 lin2 si1 ban1] /Alan Greenspan (1926-), US economist/ [Ge2 lin2 na4 da2] /Grenada/ [ge2 ge2 bu4 ru4] /(idiom) inharmonious/incompatible/ [ge2 ge2 xiao4] /giggle/ [Ge2 luo4 si1 te4] /Gloucester city in southwest England/ [Ge2 luo4 si1 te4 jun4] /Gloucestershire county in southwest England/ [ge2 luo4 na4 si1] /GLONASS (Globalnaya Navigatsionaya Satelitnaya Sistem avigation Satellite System), the Russian equivalent of GPS/ [ge2 nie4 sha1] /Ganesha (the elephant-headed God in Hinduism, son of Shiva a ati)/ [ge2 er3 fu1 bo1 te4] /Gulf Port (Florida or Mississippi)/ [Ge2 er3 mu4] /Golmud or Ge'ermu city (Tibetan: na gor mo grong khyer) in Hai ol and Tibetan autonomous prefecture [Hai3 xi1 Meng3 gu3 zu2 Zang4 zu2

nghai/ [Ge2 er3 mu4 shi4] /Golmud or Ge'ermu city (Tibetan: na gor mo grong khye ongol and Tibetan autonomous prefecture [Hai3 xi1 Meng3 gu3 zu2 Zang4 z Qinghai/ [ge2 wu4] /to study the underlying principles, esp. in neo-Confucian rational lea ning [li3 xue2]/word for Western natural sciences during late Qing/ [ge2 wu4 zhi4 zhi1] /to study the underlying principle to acquire knowled ursuing knowledge to the end/ [ge2 shai1] /grizzly (mining)/ [ge2 wang3] /(math.) a lattice/ [ge2 zhi4] /to study the underlying principle to acquire knowledge/abbr. for zhi4 zhi1]/word for Western natural sciences during late Qing/ [Ge2 luo2 ning2 gen1] /Groningen, province and city in the Netherlands/ [Ge2 lai2 mei3 jiang3] /Grammy Award (US prize for music recording)/also [ge2 lan2 shi4 yin1 xing4] /Gram negative (of bacteria)/also written [Ge2 lan2 te4] /Grant (name)/ [Ge2 lan2 fen1 duo1] /Gryffindor (Harry Potter)/ [ge2 yan2] /maxim/ [ge2 diao4] /style (of art or literature)/form/one's work style/moral character/ [Ge2 li3 mu3 si1 ta3] /Grimstad (city in Agder, Norway)/ [Ge2 ling2 lan2] /Greenland/ [Ge2 ling2 lan2 dao3] /Greenland/ [Ge2 lei2] /Grey/Gray/ [Ge2 lei2 Bo2 jue2 cha2] /Earl Grey tea/ [Ge2 lei2 Shi4 Jie3 pou1 xue2] /Gray's Anatomy (medical reference [ge2 dou4] /to wrestle/ [Ge2 lu3 ji2 ya4] /Georgia (country)/ [Ge2 lu3 ji2 ya4 ren2] /Gruzian or Georgian (person)/ [Ge2 lu3 pai4] /Gelugpa school of Tibetan buddhism/ [zai1] /to grow/to plant/to insert/to force on sb/to fall head first/ [zai1 pei2] /to grow/to cultivate/to train/to educate/to patronize/ [zai1 zi5] /seedling/young plant/ [zai1 zhi2] /to plant/to transplant/ [zai1 zhong4] /to plant/to grow/ [zai1 zhong4 ji1] /a mechanical planter (for rice, plants)/ [zai1 zang1] /to frame sb (by planting sth on them)/ [zai1 gen1 tou5] /to suffer a setback/ [jie2] /(emperor of Xia dynasty)/cruel/ [Jie2 Wang2] /King Jie, the final ruler of the Xia dynasty (until c. 1600 BC), a otoriously cruel and immoral tyrant/ [jie2 tan1 ao4 zha4] /brutal, greedy, arrogant and deceitful (idiom)/ [jie2 ao4 bu4 xun4] /arrogant and obstinate (idiom); unyielding/ [hang2] /cangue (stocks to punish criminals)/ [heng2] /pole plate/purlin (cross-beam in roof)/ridge-pole/ [heng2 jia4] /truss (weight-bearing construction of cross-beams)/ [heng2 liang2] /brace girder/ [hang2 yang2] /lit. stocks and knives/fig. any punishment equipment/torture instr ment/ [hang2 yang2 dao1 ju4] /lit. stocks and knives/fig. any punishment equipm nstrument/ [Gui4] /surname Gui/abbr. for Guangxi Autonomous Region / [gui4] /cassia/laurel/ [gui4 guan1] /laurel/victory garland (in Greek and western culture)/ [Gui4 bei3 Yue4 cheng2 ling3] /Mt Yuexiu, Guanxi/ [gui4 yuan2] /see [long2 yan3]/ [Gui4 ping2] /Guiping county level city in Guigang [Gui4 gang3], Guangxi [Gui4 ping2 shi4] /Guiping county level city in Guigang [Gui4 gang3] [Gui4 dong1] /Guidong county in Chenzhou [Chen1 zhou1], Hunan/ [Gui4 dong1 xian4] /Guidong county in Chenzhou [Chen1 zhou1], Hunan/

[Gui4 lin2] /Guilin prefecture level city in Guangxi/Zhuang: Gveilinz/ [Gui4 lin2 di4 qu1] /Guilin precture in Guangxi/ [Gui4 lin2 shi4] /Guilin prefecture level city in Guangxi/Zhuang: Gveilinz/ [Gui4 lin2 Yi1 Xue2 yuan4] /Guilin Medical University/ [gui4 zhi1] /cinnamon (Ramulus Cinnamomi)/ [Gui4 ge2] /Quaker/ [gui4 pi2] /Chinese cinnamon (Cinnamonum cassia)/cassia bark/ [Gui4 xi4 jun1 fa2] /Guangxi warlord faction, from 1911-1930/ [Gui4 Lun2 mei3] /Guey Lun-mei (1983-), Taiwanese actress/ [gui4 hua1] /osmanthus flowers/Osmanthus fragrans/ [Gui4 yang2] /Guiyang county in Chenzhou [Chen1 zhou1], Hunan/ [Gui4 yang2 xian4] /Guiyang county in Chenzhou [Chen1 zhou1], Hunan/ [gui4 yu2] /mandarin fish/ [tao2] /peach/ [tao2 ren2] /peach kernel, used in Chinese medicine/ [Tao2 yuan2] /Taoyuan city and county in Taiwan/the Garden of the Peaches of Immo tality/ [Tao2 yuan2 san1 jie2 yi4] /the oath of brotherhood in the Peach Gard i , Zhang Fei and Guan Yu at the start of the Romance of Three [Tao2 yuan2 shi4] /Taoyuan city in north Taiwan, capital of Taoyuan county/ [tao2 yuan2 jie2 yi4] /to make a pact of brotherhood (from Romance of th s [San1 guo2 Yan3 yi4]) (idiom)/ [Tao2 yuan2 xian4] /Taoyuan county in Taiwan/ [Tao2 cheng2] /Taocheng district of Hengshui city [Heng2 shui3 shi4], Hebei [Tao2 cheng2 qu1] /Taocheng district of Hengshui city [Heng2 shui3 shi4 [tao2 zi5] /peach/ [Tao2 shan1] /peach mountain/Taoshan district of Qitaihe city [Qi1 tai2 he2 jiang/ [Tao2 shan1 qu1] /Taoshan district of Qitaihe city [Qi1 tai2 he2], Heil [tao2 xin1] /heart symbol / [tao2 shu4] /peach tree/CL:[zhu1]/ [tao2 xun4] /spring flood (at peach-blossom time)/ [Tao2 jiang1] /Taojiang county in Yiyang [Yi4 yang2], Hunan/ [Tao2 jiang1 xian4] /Taojiang county in Yiyang [Yi4 yang2], Hunan/ [Tao2 yuan2] /Taoyuan county in Changde [Chang2 de2], Hunan/Taoyuan township siung county [Gao1 xiong2 xian4], southwest Taiwan/ [tao2 yuan2] /same as /the Garden of the Peaches of Immortality/Shangri-l and of joy and plenty (sim. Utopia, Cockaigne, Shangri-la)/ [Tao2 yuan2 xian4] /Taoyuan county in Changde [Chang2 de2], Hunan/ [Tao2 yuan2 xiang1] /Taoyuan township in Kaohsiung county [Gao1 Taiwan/ [tao2 hong2] /pink/ [tao2 se4] /pink/peach color/illicit love/sexual/ [tao2 se4 xin1 wen2] /sex scandal/ [tao2 se4 an4 jian4] /case involving sex scandal (law)/ [tao2 hua1] /peach blossom/ [tao2 hua1 xin1 mu4] /mahogany/ [tao2 hua1 xun4] /spring flood (at peach-blossom time)/ [tao2 hua1 yuan2] /same as /the Garden of the Peaches of Immortalit y and plenty (sim. Utopia, Cockaigne, Shangri-la)/ [tao2 hua1 yun4] /luck in love/romance/good luck/ [tao2 jin1 niang2] /rose myrtle (Myrtus communis)/ [tao2 jin1 niang2 ke1] /Myrtaceae (family including myrtle, rosemary, ore [guang1] /see [guang1 lang2]/ [guang4] /woven wood and bamboo utensil/classifier for threads and strings/ [guang1 lang2] /arenga or sugar palm (Arenga pinnata)/ [wei2] /mast/ [wei2 gan1] /mast/ [wei2 gan1] /ship mast/mast/also written / [kuang4] /frame (e.g. door frame)/casing/fig. framework/template/to circle (i.e.

draw a circle around sth)/to frame/to restrict/Taiwan pr. [kuang1]/ [kuang4 tu2] /flowchart/block diagram/ [kuang4 zi5] /frame (of spectacles, small ornament etc)/ [kuang4 jia4] /frame/framework/fig. pattern/outline/organizing plan/ [kuang4 kuang4] /to frame/to circle/pattern/convention/restriction/ [an4] /(legal) case/incident/record/file/table/ [an4 jian4] /law case/legal case/judicial case/CL:[zong1], [zhuang1],[qi3 [an4 li4] /case (law)/CL: [ge4]/ [an4 li4 fa3] /case law/ [an4 bing1 shu4 jia3] /to rest weapons and loosen armor (idiom); to relax g/ [an4 juan4] /records/files/archives/ [an4 zi5] /long table/counter/case/law case/legal case/judicial case/ [an4 qing2] /details of a case/case/ [an4 wen2] /text/ [an4 ban3] /kneading or chopping board/ [an4 you2] /main points of a case/brief/summary/ [an4 jia3 xiu1 bing1] /to put down weapon and let soldiers rest (idiom); fighting/ [an4 fa1] /to investigate a crime on the spot/to occur (of a crime)/to be discove ed (of a crime)/ [an4 cheng4] /counter scale/ [an4 yu3] /variant of [an4 yu3]/ [an4 tou2] /on one's desk/ [an4 yan4] /investigate the evidence of a case/ [an1] /Eucalyptus globulus/ [an1 shu4] /eucalyptus/ [an1 ye4 you2] /eucalyptus oil/ [yi2] /(tree)/ [zhuo1] /table/ [zhuo1 shang4 xing2] /desktop/ [zhuo1 shang4 xing2 dian4 nao3] /desktop computer/ [zhuo1 bie2 lin2] /(Charlie) Chaplin/ [zhuo1 zi5] /table/desk/CL: [zhang1],[tao4]/ [zhuo1 jin1] /tablecloth/ [zhuo1 bu4] /tablecloth/CL: [tiao2], [kuai4]/ [zhuo1 an4] /table/ [zhuo1 yi3 ban3 deng4] /chairs and tables/household furniture/ [zhuo1 deng1] /desk lamp/ [zhuo1 qiu2] /table tennis/billiard/pool/snooker/ [zhuo1 you2] /board game/ [zhuo1 mian4] /desktop/tabletop/ [zhuo1 mian4 r5] /erhua variant of , desktop/tabletop/ [zhuo1 mian4 r5 shang4] /on the table/fig. everything open and above boar [zhuo1 mian4 xi4 tong3] /desktop system/ [zhi4] /fetters/ [tong2] /Chinese wood-oil tree (Aleurites cordata)/ [tong2 ren2] /puppet burial object/wooden effigy buried to put a curse on sb/ [Tong2 cheng2] /Tongcheng county level city in Anqing [An1 qing4], Anhui [Tong2 cheng2 shi4] /Tongcheng county level city in Anqing [An1 qing [Tong2 lu2] /Tonglu county in Hangzhou [Hang2 zhou1], Zhejiang/ [Tong2 lu2 xian4] /Tonglu county in Hangzhou [Hang2 zhou1], Zhejiang/ [tong2 mu4 ou3] /puppet burial object/wooden effigy buried to put a curse on [Tong2 bai3] /Tongbai county in Nanyang [Nan2 yang2], Henan/ [Tong2 bai3 shan1] /Tongbai mountain range, the watershed between Huai a [Tong2 bai3 xian4] /Tongbai county in Nanyang [Nan2 yang2], Henan/ [Tong2 zi3] /Taongzi county in Zun'yi [Zun1 yi4], Guizhou/ [Tong2 zi3 xian4] /Taongzi county in Zun'yi [Zun1 yi4], Guizhou/ [tong2 you2] /tung oil, from the Japanese wood-oil tree Aleurites cordata, used i making lacquer/

[Tong2 xiang1] /Tongxiang county level city in Jiaxing [Jia1 xing1], Zhe [Tong2 xiang1 shi4] /Tongxiang county level city in Jiaxing [Jia1 xi [sang1] /mulberry tree/ [Sang1 nei4 si1] /Sandnes (city in Rogaland, Norway)/ [Sang1 di4 nuo4 Min2 zu2 Jie3 fang4 Zhen4 xian4] /San [Sang1 ta3 na4] /Santana (name)/ [sang1 ba1] /samba (dance)/ [Sang1 pa4 yue1] /Jorge Sampaio/ [Sang1 de2 er3 fu2 de2] /Sandefjord (city in Vestfold, Norway)/ [sang1 tuo1 li3 ni2 dao3] /Santorini (volcanic island in the Aegean s [sang1 na2] /sauna/ [Sang1 ri4] /Sangri county, Tibetan: Zangs ri rdzong, in Lhokha prefecture 4 qu1], Tibet/ [Sang1 ri4 xian4] /Sangri county, Tibetan: Zangs ri rdzong, in Lhokha prefect 2 di4 qu1], Tibet/ [Sang1 zhi2] /Shangzhi county in Zhangjiajie [Zhang1 jia1 jie4], Hun [Sang1 zhi2 xian4] /Shangzhi county in Zhangjiajie [Zhang1 jia1 [sang1 shen4] /mulberry/ [sang1 shu4] /mulberry tree, with leaves used to feed silkworms/ [Sang1 hai3] /Songhay people of Mali and the Sahara/ [Sang1 ke1] /Moraceae (type of flowering plant)/ [Sang1 ji3 ba1 er3] /Zanzibar/ [Sang1 ye1] /Samye town and monastery in central Tibet/ [sang1 na4] /a sauna (bath)/ [Huan2] /surname Huan/ [huan2] /Chinese soapberry (Sapindus mukurossi)/big/pillar (old)/ [Huan2 ren2] /Huanren Manchu autonomous county in Benxi , Liaoning/ [Huan2 ren2 Man3 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Huanren Manchu autonomo [Huan2 ren2 xian4] /Huanren Manchu autonomous county in Benxi , Liaoning/ [Huan2 tai2] /Huantai county in Zibo [Zi1 bo2], Shandong/ [Huan2 tai2 xian4] /Huantai county in Zibo [Zi1 bo2], Shandong/ [huan2 huan2] /mighty/powerful/ [Huan2 Xuan2] /Huan Xuan (369-404), general involved in the break-up of Eastern J n/ [jie2] /Platycodon grandiflorus/ [ju2] /variant of [ju2]/ [ju2 zi5] /tangerine/also written / [jie2 geng3] /Chinese bellflower/ [jiu4] /Tallow tree/Sapium sebiferum/ [ying1] /Japanese variant of /sakura/ [zhan4] /Japanese variant of /wooden crosspiece/warehouse/ [suo1] /horse chestnut/Stewartia pseudocamellia (botany)/ [suo1 luo2] /spinulose tree fern/Cyathea spinulosa (botany)/ [zhen1] /eaves/space between two pillars/ [bei1] /variant of cup/ [ting1] /bed side stand/ [bo2] /quince/ [fu2] /beam/rafter/ [fu2 gu3 xiang1 ying4] /lit. the hammer fits the drum (idiom); appropriat tween the different parts/closely interrelated/ [tong3] /bucket/(trash) can/barrel (of oil etc)/CL: [ge4], [zhi1]/ [tong3 kou3] /bunghole/see [tong3 kong3]/ [tong3 kong3] /bunghole/ [tong3 li3 she4 yu2] /to shoot fish in a barrel/to attempt sth too easy/ [jue2] /rafter/malus toringo/ [lang2] /(palm)/ [gan3] /stick/pole/lever/classifier for long objects such as guns/ [gan3 zi5] /pole/stick/club/gang of bandits/ [gan1 di4] /caddie (golf)/ [gan3 cheng4] /a steelyard (a type of balance)/

[gan3 jun1] /bacillus (any rod-shaped bacteria)/ [Liang2] /name of Kingdoms and Dynasties at different periods/surname Liang/ [liang2] /beam of roof/bridge/ [liang2 shang4 jun1 zi3] /lit. the gentleman on the roof beam/fig. a thie [Liang2 Tang2 Jin4 Han4 Zhou1 shu1] /another name for History of n Tang and Song / [Liang2 Qi3 chao1] /Liang Qichao (1873-1929), influential journalist and a le the failed reform movement of 1898/ [Liang2 yuan2] /Liangyuan district of Shangqiu city [Shang1 qiu1 shi4], Hen [Liang2 yuan2 qu1] /Liangyuan district of Shangqiu city [Shang1 qiu1 sh [Liang2 zi5 hu2] /Liangzihu district of Ezhou city [E4 zhou1 shi4], Hub [Liang2 zi5 hu2 qu1] /Liangzihu district of Ezhou city [E4 zhou1 sh [Liang2 shan1] /Liangshan city and county in Ji'ning , Shandong/ [Liang2 Shan1 bo2 yu3 Zhu4 Ying1 tai2] /Liang Shanbo and Zhu legend/ [Liang2 shan1 shi4] /Liangshan city in Shandong/ [Liang2 shan1 xian4] /Liangshan county in Ji'ning , Shandong/ [Liang2 ping2] /Liangping county in Wanzhou suburbs of north Chongqing municipali y, formerly in Sichuan/ [Liang2 ping2 xian4] /Liangping county in Wanzhou suburbs of north Chongqing ality, formerly in Sichuan/ [Liang2 shu1] /History of Liang of the Southern dynasties, eighth of the 24 dynas ic histories , compiled by Yao Silian in 636 during Tang dynasty, 56 scrolls [Liang2 Chao2] /Liang Dynasty (502-557)/ [liang2 mu4] /beam/rafter/lintel/person able to bear heavy responsibility/mainsta (of organization)/pillar (of state)/ [liang2 jia4] /roof beam/rafters/ [Liang2 he2] /Lianghe county in Dehong Dai and Jingpo autonomous prefecture po1 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ [Liang2 he2 xian4] /Lianghe county in Dehong Dai and Jingpo autonomous prefec ing3 po1 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ [Liang2 Xiang1] /Liang Xiang (1919-1989), first governor of Hainan/ [Liang2 Shu4 ming2] /Liang Shuming (1893-1988), modern philosopher and teache e neo-Confucian tradition/ [Liang2 Zhu4] /Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, pair of lovers in folk legend/ [Liang2 zan4] /Ryazan, Russian town/ [Liang2 Chen2 yu2] /Liang Chenyu (1521-1594), Ming dramatist of the Kunshan o hool/ [Liang2 Jing4 ru2] /Fish Leong (1978-), Malaysian pop singer/also Leong Chui Jasmine Leong/ [liang2 long2] /diplodocus/ [ting3] /a club (weapon)/ [Mei2] /surname Mei/ [mei2] /plum/plum flower/Japanese apricot (Prunus mume)/ [Mei2 lie4] /Meilie district of Sanming city [San1 ming2 shi4], Fujian/ [Mei2 lie4 qu1] /Meilie district of Sanming city [San1 ming2 shi4], Fuj [Mei2 sai4 de2 si1 Ben1 chi2] /Mercedes Benz/abbr. to [B [mei2 zi5] /plum/ [Mei2 shan1] /Meishan township in Chiayi county [Jia1 yi4 xian4], we [Mei2 shan1 xiang1] /Meishan township in Chiayi county [Jia1 yi4 [Mei2 zhou1] /Meizhou prefecture level city in Guangdong/ [Mei2 zhou1 shi4] /Meizhou prefecture level city in Guangdong province/ [Mei2 de2 wei2 jie2 fu1] /Medvedyev (name)/Dmitry Anatolyevich Medved lawyer and politician, President of Russian Federation from 2008/ [mei2 si1] /Metz (city in France)/ [Mei2 si1 mei2 er3] /Mesmer (name)/Franz Anton Mesmer (1734-1815), Austri introduced hypnosis/ [Mei2 lin2] /Merlin/ [mei2 he2 qi4] /(traditional Chinese medicine) plum-pit qi, a feeling of a lu he throat (globus pharyngis) or of stagnant phlegm/

[Mei2 sen1] /Martin Mersenne (1588-1648, French mathematician)/ [mei2 sen1 su4 shu4] /Mersenne prime number (math)/ [mei2 du2] /syphilis/ [Mei2 shi4] /Charles Messier (1730-1817), French astronomer who catalogued nebula and galaxies/ [Mei2 shi4 xian4] /Mehlis gland/ [Mei2 jiang1] /Meijiang district of Meizhou city , Guangdong/ [Mei2 jiang1 qu1] /Meijiang district of Meizhou city , Guangdong/ [Mei2 he2 kou3] /Meihekou county level city in Tonghua , Jilin/ [Mei2 he2 kou3 shi4] /Meihekou county level city in Tonghua , Jilin/ [Mei2 luo4] /Melo (city in Uruguay)/ [mei2 pai4] /the Mei Lanfang School/ [Mei2 se4] /Moses (Catholic translation)/also (Protestant translation)/ [Mei2 na4 de2] /Maynard (name)/ [Mei2 xian4] /Meixian county in Meizhou , Guangdong/ [mei2 hua1] /plum blossom/clubs (a suit in card games)/wintersweet (topolect)/ [mei2 hua1 quan2] /Meihua Quan - "Plum Blossom Fist" (Chinese Martial Art)/ [mei2 hua1 lu4] /sika deer/ [mei2 sa4 lin2] /muslin or mousseline silk fabric/ [Mei2 Lan2 fang1] /Mei Lanfang (1894-1961), famous master of Beijing opera, s st in female roles/ [Mei2 xi1 ye1] /Charles Messier (1730-1817), French astronomer who catalogued s and galaxies/ [Mei2 xi1 ye1 xing1 biao3] /Messier catalog of nebulae and clusters ( [Mei2 xi1 ye4] /Charles Messier (1730-1817), French astronomer who catalogued s and galaxies/ [Mei2 xi1 ye4 xing1 biao3] /Messier catalog of nebulae and clusters ( [Mei2 li3 ya4 mu3 Wei2 bo2 si1 te4] /Merriam-Webste [Mei2 li3 si1] /Meilisi Daur district of Qiqihar city [Qi2 q [Mei2 li3 si1 qu1] /Meilisi Daur district of Qiqihar city [Mei2 li3 si1 Da2 wo4 er3 zu2 qu1] /Meilisi Daur district iang/ [Mei2 li3 mei3] /Prosper Mrime, French scholar and writer, author of novel hich Bizet based his opera/ [Mei2 li3 xue3 shan1] /Meilixue or Meri snow mountains, with peaks up to iqing Tibetan autonomous prefecture [Di2 qing4 Zang4 zu2 zi4 z [mei2 yu3] /Asian rainy season/monsoon/ [bang1] /watchman's rattle/ [bang1 zi5] /watchman's clapper/wooden clappers with bars of unequal length/ [bang1 zi3 qiang1] /a general term for local operas in Shangxi, Henan, Hebei, ng etc/the music of such operas/ [di4] /squeeze out of/extract/ [zao4] /Chinese honey locust (Gleditsia sinensis)/now written zo ji / [gu4] /braces (med.)/fetters/manacles/ [bi4] /stockade/ [zi3] /Catalpa kaempferi/printing blocks/ [Zi3 guan1] /Ziguan or Tzukuan township in Kaohsiung county [Gao1 xi est Taiwan/ [Zi3 guan1 xiang1] /Ziguan or Tzukuan township in Kaohsiung county outhwest Taiwan/ [Zi3 tong2] /Zitong county in Mianyang [Mian2 yang2], north Sichuan/ [Zi3 tong2 xian4] /Zitong county in Mianyang [Mian2 yang2], north Si [zi3 tong2] /appellation of the empress by the emperor/ [zhi1] /gardenia/cape jasmine (Gardenia jasminoides)/same as / [zhi1 zi5] /cape jasmine (Gardenia jasminoides)/ [zhi1 zi5 hua1] /cape jasmine (Gardenia jasminoides)/ [geng3] /branch/stem/stalk/CL:[gen1]/to block/to hinder/ [geng3 se4] /to clog/to block/to obstruct/ [geng3 gai4] /synopsis/outline (of story)/ [geng3 si3] /blockage/obstruction/infarction/

[geng3 quan3] /terrier/ [geng3 zhi2] /blunt (speech)/frank/honest and outspoken/ [geng3 zu3] /to hamper/to obstruct/ [jian3] /bamboo conduit/wooden peg/spout/same as / [jia2] /chopstick/ [tiao2] /strip/item/article/clause (of law or treaty)/classifier for long thin t hings (ribbon, river, road, trousers etc)/ [tiao2 jian4] /condition/circumstances/term/factor/requirement/prerequisite/quali ication/CL: [ge4]/ [tiao2 jian4 fan3 she4] /conditioned reflex/ [tiao2 jian4 fan3 ying4] /conditioned response/ [tiao2 jian4 ju4] /conditional clause/ [tiao2 jian4 shi4] /conditional/ [tiao2 jian4 gai4 lu:4] /conditional probability/ [tiao2 li4] /regulations/rules/code of conduct/ordinances/statutes/ [tiao2 deng4] /bench/ [tiao2 fen1 lu:3 xi1] /to arrange items of an argument in order (idiom); oroughly/ [tiao2 zi5] /short note/slip of paper/cop (slang)/ [tiao2 fu2] /wall scroll (for painting or calligraphy)/banner/ [tiao2 fu2 guang3 gao4] /banner advertisement/ [tiao2 ji1] /long narrow table/ [tiao2 xing2] /a bar/a strip/ [tiao2 xing2 tu2] /bar chart/ [tiao2 xing2 ran2 liao4] /fuel rods/ [tiao2 xing2 ma3] /barcode/ [tiao2 bo1] /to drill (i.e. plant seeds in spaced rows)/ [tiao2 wen2] /clause/explanatory section in a document/ [tiao2 ban1 qie4 du4] /furniture beetle/ [tiao2 chang4] /orderly and logical (of writing)/luxuriant/flourishing/prosperous [tiao2 ban3 xiang1] /crate/ [tiao2 an4] /long narrow table/ [tiao2 tiao2 da4 lu4 tong1 Luo2 ma3] /all roads lead to Rome/ he same result (idiom)/ [tiao2 tiao2 kuang4 kuang4] /fixed framework (idiom); restriction of soci s and taboos (usually derogatory)/regulations and restrictions/ [tiao2 kuan3] /clause (of contract or law)/CL: [xiang4]/ [tiao2 li3] /arrangement/order/tidiness/ [tiao2 hen2] /weal (e.g. from whipping)/streak/ [tiao2 mu4] /clauses and sub-clauses (in formal document)/(dictionary) entry/ [tiao2 ma3] /barcode/ [tiao2 yue1] /treaty/pact/CL: [ge4]/ [tiao2 wen2] /stripe/ [tiao2 gui1] /rule/ [tiao2 guan4] /system/sequence/order/procedures/ [tiao2 chen2] /to lay out (an argument) item by item/memorandum to a superior/ [xiao1] /owl/brave/smuggler/drug pusher/ [xiao1 xiong2] /ambitious and ruthless character/formidable person/ [xiao1 shou3] /to behead/ [xiao1 shou3 shi4 zhong4] /to behead sb and display the head in public/ [lu:3] /beam at the eaves/ [kuan3] /(tree)/stand for sacrifice/ [shao1] /tip of branch/ [chen2] /Chinese ash (Fraxinus chinensis)/ [chen2 shu4] /Chinese ash (Fraxinus chinensis)/ [wu2] /Sterculia platanifolia/ [Wu2 zhou1] /Wuzhou prefecture level city in Guangxi/ [Wu2 zhou1 di4 qu1] /Wuzhou prefecture in Guangxi/ [Wu2 zhou1 shi4] /Wuzhou prefecture level city in Guangxi/ [wu2 tong2] /wutong or Paulownia tree (Fermiana platanifolia), a lightweight stro

g wood used for musical instruments/Chinese parasol tree/ [wu2 tong2 mu4] /Paulownia wood used for musical instruments/ [wu2 tong2 ke1] /Sterculiaceae, family of Malvale trees incl. Cacao, Cola and na/ [Wu2 qi1] /Wuqi or Wuci town in Taichung county [Tai2 zhong1 xian4], [Wu2 qi1 zhen4] /Wuqi or Wuci town in Taichung county [Tai2 zhon [li2] /pear/CL: [ge4]/ [li2 ju1 fei4 tuo2] /Rigveda, Indian religious poem/ [li2 yuan2 zi3 di4] /Chinese opera performers/ [li2 zi5] /pear/CL: [ge4]/ [li2 shu3] /Pyrus, tree genus containing pears/ [li2 guo3] /pome/ [Li2 shu4] /Lishu county in Siping , Jilin/Lishu district of Jixi city ngjiang/ [li2 shu4] /pear tree/ [Li2 shu4 qu1] /Lishu district of Jixi city [Ji1 xi1], Heilongjiang/ [Li2 shu4 xian4] /Lishu county in Siping , Jilin/ [li2] /basket for removing earth/spade/ [suo1] /shuttle (textiles)/to move back and fro/ [suo1 zi5] /shuttle (textile)/cartridge clip/classifier for bullet clips and burs s of gunfire/ [suo1 zi5 yu2] /barracuda/ [suo1 yu2] /barracuda/ [ti1] /ladder/stairs/ [Ti1 ye3 er3] /Adolphe Thiers/ [ti1 zi5] /ladder/ [ti1 ji5] /intimate/private saving of family members/ [ti1 du4] /gradient/ [ti1 du4 hui2 bo1] /gradient echo/ [ti1 shi4 pei4 gu3] /laddering (of stock sales)/ [ti1 xing2] /trapezoid/ [ti1 en1 ti1] /TNT (trinitrotoluene) (loanword)/ [ti1 en1 ti1 dang1 liang4] /TNT equivalent/ [ti1 ban3] /gangplank/gangway/ [ti1 ci4 dui4 xing2] /echelon formation (military)/ [ti1 tian2] /stepped fields/terracing/ [ti1 ji2] /stair/rung of a ladder/ [ti1 dui4] /echelon (military)/(of an organisation) group of persons of one level or grade/ [xie4] /appliance/tool/weapon/shackles/also pr. [jie4]/ [xie4 xi4] /to arrest and shackle/to clap in irons/ [xie4 dou4] /armed confrontation/bust-up between gangs/ [kun3] /movable door sill/ [zhuo2] /club (weapon)/small pillar/ [shu1] /a comb/to comb/ [shu1 zhuang1] /to dress and groom oneself/ [shu1 zhuang1 shi4] /boudoir/lady's dressing room/ [shu1 zhuang1 tai2] /dressing table/ [shu1 zi5] /comb/CL:[ba3]/ [shu1 xi3] /to make oneself presentable/to freshen up/ [shu1 li3] /to comb/fig. to sort out/ [shu1 tou2] /to comb one's hair/ [chan1] /length (of a tree or beam)/long/ [Fan4] /abbr. for [Fan4 jiao4] Brahmanism/abbr. for Sanskrit [Fan4 yu3] abbr. for [Fan4 di4 gang1], the Vatican/ [fan4 ce4 bei4 ye4] /Sanskrit on Talipot palm leaves (idiom); Buddhist sc [Fan4 cha4] /Buddhist temple/monastery/ [fan4 bai4] /chanting of prayers (Buddhism)/ [Fan4 tian1] /Nirvana (in Buddhist scripture)/Lord Brahma (the Hindu Creator)/ [Fan4 di4 gang1] /the Vatican/variant of /

[Fan4 jiao4] /Brahmanism/ [Fan4 wen2] /Sanskrit/ [Fan4 shu1] /Brahmana, ancient Hindu texts/ [fan4 han4 dui4 yin1] /Sanskrit-Chinese transliteration/ [Fan4 di4 gang1] /Vatican City/ [Fan4 di4 gang1 cheng2] /Vatican City, capital of Holy See/ [Fan4 yu3] /Sanskrit (language)/ [Fan4 di4 gang1] /Vatican/ [zhou4] /(wooden) stick/roof beam/ [li2] /variant of [li2], pear/ [qi4] /to abandon/to relinquish/to discard/to throw away/ [qi4 shi4] /to leave this world/to die/ [qi4 bao3 qian2 tao2] /to jump bail/ [qi4 ying1] /to abandon an infant/abandoned baby/ [qi4 shou3] /to give up defending/to yield/to surrender/ [qi4 shi4] /public execution (old)/ [qi4 e4 cong2 shan4] /to renounce evil and turn to virtue (idiom)/ [qi4 he2] /to renounce nuclear weapons/ [qi4 ying1] /abandoned baby/ [qi4 quan2] /to abstain from voting/to forfeit/to waive one's right to vote/to ab icate/ [qi4 yong4] /to stop using/to abandon/abandoned/deprecated/ [qi4 yue1 bei4 meng2] /to abrogate an agreement/to break ones oath (idio [qi4 jue2] /to abandon/to fo sake/ [qi4 zhi4] /to th ow away/to disca d/ [qi4 jiu4 tu2 xin1] /to tu n ove a new leaf/ [qi4 chuan2] /to abandon ship/ [qi4 uo4 bi4 xi3] /to th ow away like wo n out shoes/ [qi4 nong2 jing1 shang1] /to abandon fa ming and become a businessman (id [qi4 xie2 gui1 zheng4] /to give up evil and etu n to vi tue/ [mian2] /gene ic te m fo cotton o kapok/cotton/padded o quilted with cotton/ [mian2 bu4] /cotton cloth/ [mian2 tiao2] /tampon/slive (textiles)/ [mian2 bang4] /cotton swab/cotton bud/ [mian2 mao2] /knitted cotton/ [mian2 qiu2] /cotton ball/swab/tampon/ [mian2 tian2] /cotton field/ [mian2 qian1] /va iant of [mian2 qian1]/cotton swab/ [mian2 qian1] /cotton swab/ [mian2 sha1] /cotton yarn/ [mian2 xu4] /cotton wadding/ [mian2 xian4] /cotton thread/yarn cotton/ [mian2 hua5] /cotton/ [mian2 hua1 quan2 ji1] /Mianhua Quanji - "Cotton Boxing" (Chinese Martial [mian2 hua1 bang4] /cotton swab/cotton bud/ [mian2 hua5 tang2] /cotton candy/candyfloss/marshmallow/ [mian2 yao4 qian1] /variant of [mian2 yao4 qian1]/medical swab/ [mian2 yao4 qian1] /medical swab/ [Mian2 lan2] /Medan (city in Indonesia)/ [Mian2 lan2 lao3 dao3] /Mindanao (island in the Philippines)/ [mian2 yi1] /cotton-padded clothes/CL:[jian4]/ [mian2 bei4] /comforter/quilt/CL: [tiao2],[mian4]/ [mian2 ku4] /quilted cotton trousers/cotton-padded trousers (worn in winter)/ [mian2 ao3] /cotton-padded jacket/ [mian2 ling2] /cotton boll (fruit)/ [qi2] /chess/CL: [pan2]/ [qi2 ju4] /checkers (board and pieces for go or Chinese chess etc) [qi2 zi3] /chess piece/CL: [ge4], [ke1]/ [qi2 shou3] /chess player/ [qi2 ge2 zhuang4] /checkered pattern/chessboard/



[qi2 wang2] /chess champion/ [qi2 pan2] /chessboard/ [qi2 pu3] /kifu (record of a game of go or shogi)/ [qi2 sai4] /chess game/ [gun4] /stick/rod/truncheon/ [gun4 zi5] /stick/rod/ [gun4 zhang4] /wooden staff/shepherd's crook/hockey stick/ [gun4 bang4] /club/ [fei3] /Torreya nucifera/strengthen/ [pai2] /raft/shield/stern of junk/ [bang4] /a stick/club or cudgel/smart/capable/strong/wonderful/classifier for le gs of a relay race/ [bang4 bing1] /popsicle/ [bang4 tan2] /baseball circles/baseball world/ [bang4 zi5] /stick/club/cudgel/maize (corn)/ear of maize/corncob/ [bang4 zi5 mian4] /maize cornflour/corn mush/polenta/ [bang4 zi5 mian4 r5] /erhua variant of [bang4 zi5 mian4]/ [bang4 xuan2 xing1 xi4] /barred spiral galaxy/ [bang4 bang4 tang2] /lollipop/sucker/CL:[gen1]/ [bang4 ji2 le5] /super/excellent/ [bang4 chui2] /wooden club (used to beat clothes in washing)/ [bang4 sha1] /pushing sb to failure by excessive criticism/ [bang4 qiu2] /baseball/CL: [ge4], [zhi1]/ [bang4 qiu2 mi2] /baseball fan/ [bang4 liu2] /roll sulfur/ [bang4 mo2 ji1] /rod mill/ [bang4 tang2] /sucker/lollipop/CL:[gen1]/ [Bang4 Yue1 han4] /Papa John's (pizza chain)/ [zong1] /palm/palm fiber/coir (coconut fiber)/ [zong1 dian4] /palm fiber mat/ [zong1 zhi1 zhu3 ri4] /Palm Sunday (Sunday before Easter)/ [zong1 zhi1 quan2 ri4] /Palm Sunday (Christian Festival one week before E [zong1 shu4] /palm tree/ [zong1 lu:2] /palm tree/Palmetto (name)/ [zong1 lu:2 shu3] /palm tree genus (Areca spp.)/ [zong1 lu:2 shu4] /palm tree/ [zong1 lu:2 you2] /palm oil/ [zong1 lu:2 ke1] /Arecaceae or Palmae, the palm family/ [zong1 mao2] /palm fiber/coir/ [zong1 tan3] /coir mat/palm fiber matting/ [zong1 xiong2] /brown bear/ [zong1 ai3 xing1] /brown dwarf star/ [zong1 suo1 mao1] /variant of [zong1 suo1 mao1]/ [zong1 hong2] /reddish brown/ [zong1 bian1] /woven palm fiber (used in handicraft)/coir/woven coconut fiber/ [zong1 fu4] /palm fiber/rope of palm fiber/coir (coconut fiber)/ [zong1 beng1] /bed frame strung with palm fiber/ [zong1 sheng2] /rope of palm fiber/coir (coconut fiber)/ [zong1 se4] /brown/ [zong1 suo1 mao1] /see [xie4 meng3]/ [zong1 lu:2] /palm/ [zong1 tou2 ou1] /brown-headed gull (Larus brunnicephalus)/ [zong1 huang2] /light brown/ [zong1 hei1] /dark brown/ [cheng2] /door post/ [zao3] /jujube/dates/ [zao3 zi5] /dates/jujube/ [Zao3 qiang2] /Zaoqiang county in Hengshui [Heng2 shui3], Hebei/ [Zao3 qiang2 xian4] /Zaoqiang county in Hengshui [Heng2 shui3], Hebei/ [zao3 shu4] /jujube tree/date tree/Zizyphus vulgaris/CL:[ke1]/

[zao3 ni2] /jujube paste/ [Zao3 zhuang1] /Zaozhuang prefecture level city in Shandong/ [Zao3 zhuang1 shi4] /Zaozhuang prefecture level city in Shandong/ [Zao3 yang2] /Zaoyang county level city in Xiangfan [Xiang1 fan2], Hubei/ [Zao3 yang2 shi4] /Zaoyang county level city in Xiangfan [Xiang1 fan2], H [ji2] /thorns/ [ji2 shou3] /thorny (problem)/intractable/ [ji2 chu3] /thorny problem/troublesome affair/ [ji2 pi2 dong4 wu4] /echinoderm, the phylum containing sea urchins, sea c [ji2 lun2] /ratchet/ [ji2 bi2 Qing1 dao3 long2] /Tsintaosaurus spinorhinus, a 10 meter lon single horn on its duck-billed snout/ [peng2] /shed/canopy/shack/ [peng2 zi5] /shack/shed/CL: [jian1]/ [peng2 hu4] /shacks/shack-dwellers/slum-dwellers/ [peng2 hu4 qu1] /shantytown/ [peng2 jia4] /trellis/scaffolding/ [peng2 jia4 ge2 zi5] /trellis latticework/ [peng2 ding3] /canopy/roof/ceiling/ [yu4] /tray for carrying sacrificial meats/ [dong4] /classifier for houses or buildings/ridgepole (old)/ [dong4 liang2] /ridgepole/ridgepole and beams/person able to bear heavy responsib lity/mainstay (of organization)/pillar (of state)/ [tang2] /cherry-apple/ [di4] /Kerria japonica/ [zhan4] /a wooden or bamboo pen for sheep or cattle/wood or bamboo trestlework/a warehouse/ [zhan4 zhu3] /innkeeper/ [zhan4 dan1] /cargo receipt/landing account/warehouse or storage receipt/CL: ]/ [zhan4 di4 zhi3] /stack address (computing)/ [zhan4 cun2 chu3 qi4] /stack memory (computing)/ [zhan4 shan1 hang2 hai3] /to have a long and hard journey (idiom)/ [zhan4 jing4] /a plank road (built on trestles across the face of a cliff)/ [zhan4 lian4] /sentimental attachment to a person or place/ [zhan4 fang2] /warehouse/storehouse/inn/ [zhan4 ban3] /pallet/ [zhan4 jia4] /trestle/ [zhan4 qiao2] /a pier/a landing-stage/a loading trestle for goods or passengers/a platform/ [zhan4 qiao2 shi4 ma3 tou5] /jetty/pier/ [zhan4 zu1] /warehouse rent/cost of storage/ [zhan4 dou4] /fodder/ [zhan4 che1] /ancient vehicle made of wood and bamboo/CL: [liang4]/ [zhan4 dao4] /a plank road (built on trestles across the face of a cliff)/ [zhan4 ge2] /plank road built along the side of a cliff/CL: [tiao2]/ [zhan4 ding3] /stack top (computing)/ [qi3] /tally for going through a pass/ [yuan1] /crooked (tree)/ [yan3] /(tree)/ [yu4] /(oak)/thorny shrub/ [quan1] /bowl/ [sen1] /forest/ [Sen1 Xi3 lang3] /MORI Yoshir (1937-), Japanese rugby player and polit ster 2000-2001, famous for numerous gaffes/ [sen1 lin2] /forest/CL:[pian4]/ [sen1 lin2 pei2 yu4] /forestry/silviculture/ [sen1 lin2 nao3 yan2] /forest encephalitis/ [sen1 sen1] /dense (of trees)/thick/ghastly/eerie/ [Sen1 hai3 se4 er3] /Sennheiser (brand)/

[sen1 ran2] /(of tall trees) dense, thick/awe-inspiring/ [sen1 luo2] /many things arranged together, or connected together/to go on limitl ssly/ [Sen1 luo2 bao3 dian4] /Yama's palace/ [Sen1 luo2 dian4] /Yama's palace/ [Sen1 mei3 lan2] /Sembilan, state of southwest Malaysia/ [ren3] /jujube tree/ [chui2] /to flog/whip/ [leng2] /square beam/variant of [leng2]/ [qi1] /to perch/to rest (of birds)/to dwell/to live/to stay/ [qi1 zhu4] /to dwell/to live/ [qi1 xi1] /to stay (for a rest)/dwelling/perch (of birds)/ [qi1 xi1 di4] /habitat/ [qi1 mu4] /roost/perch/ [qi1 shen1] /stay at/live in (temporarily)/ [Xi1 xia2] /Xixia county level city in Yantai , Shandong/ [Qi1 xia2 qu1] /Qixia District of Nanjing City in Jiangsu / [Xi1 xia2 shi4] /Xixia county level city in Yantai , Shandong/ [zhuo2] /small pillars that support the roof, those which rest on the main beam/ [ke1] /classifier for trees, cabbages, plants etc/ [Zou1] /surname Zou/ [zhuo1] /variant of [zhuo1]/ [guan1] /coffin/ [guan1 mu4] /coffin/ [guan1 cai2] /coffin/CL:[ju4],[kou3]/ [fen1] /aromatic wood/perfume/fragrance/ [fen1 fang1] /perfume/fragrant/ [fen2] /beams in roof/confused/ [wan3] /variant of [wan3]/ [jie1] /to graft/ [yi3] /chair/ [yi3 deng1] /bench/chairs and stools/ [yi3 zi5] /chair/CL:[ba3],[tao4]/ [yi3 bei4] /the back of a chair/ [chou2] /species of tree resistant to cold weather/ [Chou2 Shui3] /old name of an unidentified river in Henan Province, mentioned by ang1 zi3]/ [diao4 tiao2] /species of tree (old)/ [ju2] /Fagus sylvatica/ [zuo2] /to fit a handle into a socket/a plug or cork/ [liang2] /see [liang2 niao3]/ [liang2 niao3] /starling/gray starling (Sturnus cineraceus)/ [qiang1] /(wooden mus. instr.)/ [zhi2] /to plant/ [zhi2 ru4 shi4 guang3 gao4] /product placement/ [zhi2 zhu1] /plant (horticulture)/ [zhi2 gen1] /to take root/to establish a base/ [zhi2 gen1 yu2] /to be rooted to/to take root in/ [zhi2 shu4] /to plant trees/ [Zhi2 shu4 Jie2] /Arbor Day (March 12th), also known as National Tree Plantin 4 wu4 Zhi2 shu4 Ri4]/ [zhi2 min2] /variant of /colony/ [zhi2 wu4] /botanical/plant/vegetation/CL: [zhong3]/ [zhi2 wu4 ren2] /person in a vegetative state/human vegetable/ [zhi2 wu4 ren2 zhuang4 tai4] /vegetative state (i.e. in a coma)/ [zhi2 wu4 yuan2] /arboretum/botanical gardens/ [zhi2 wu4 xue2] /botany/ [zhi2 wu4 xue2 jia1] /botanist/ [zhi2 wu4 you2] /vegetable oil/ [zhi2 wu4 zhuang4 tai4] /vegetative state (medicine)/

[zhi2 wu4 jie4] /Kingdom Plantae (biology)/ [zhi2 wu4 qun2] /flora/ [zhi2 wu4 zhi1 fang2] /vegetable fat/ [zhi2 bei4] /vegetation/plant cover/ [chui2] /a hammer/ [zhui1] /spine/ [zhui1 jian1 pan2] /intervertebral disk/ [zhui1 gu3] /vertebra/ [ya1] /forking branch/ [ya1 cha4] /variant of [ya1 cha4]/ [ju1] /Zelkowa acuminata/ [bei1] /Fagus sylvatica/ [jiao1] /pepper/ [Jiao1 jiang1] /Jiaojiang district of Taizhou city [Tai2 zhou1 shi4], Zheji [Jiao1 jiang1 qu1] /Jiaojiang district of Taizhou city [Tai2 zhou1 shi4 [zhuo2] /beat/ [ding4] /(plant)/anchor/ [jian3] /Japanese variant of / [luo3] /tree fern/ [peng4] /machilus nanmu, variety of everg/ [ye1] /coconut palm/Taiwan pr. [ye2]/ [ye1 nai3] /coconut milk/ [ye1 zi5] /coconut/ [ye1 zi5 zhi1] /coconut milk/ [ye1 lin2] /coconut grove/ [ye1 ke2] /coconut shell/ [ye1 ke2 xian1 wei2] /coconut fiber/coir/ [ye1 you2] /palm oil/ [ye1 si1] /shredded coconut/ [ye1 cai4] /cabbage/broccoli/cauliflower/ [ye1 cai4 hua1] /cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis)/ [wei1] /the pivots, at the top and bottom of a Chinese door, on which the door t urns/ [duan4] /Hibiscus syriacus/ [jia3] /(grapefruit)/ [jian1] /a box/letters/ [yi2] /clothes-horse/ [shen4] /fruit of mulberry/ [chuan2] /beam/rafters/ [chun1] /Chinese toon (Toona sinensis)/tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima)/(lit erary metaphor) father/ [Yu3] /surname Yu/(arch. name of tree)/ [cha2] /fell trees/raft/to hew/ [zha1] /Chinese quince/hawthorn/ [pian2] /basket-couch in coffin/ [bi4] /ox yoke placed on the horns/ [Yang2] /surname Yang/ [yang2] /poplar/ [Yang2 Cheng2 lin2] /Rainie Yang (1984-), Taiwanese entertainer/ [Yang2 Jun4] /Yang Jun (571-600), son of the first Sui emperor [Yang2 Ji [Yang2 Yi4] /Yang Yi (974-1020), Northern Song dynasty writer and poet/ [Yang2 Ning2 shi4] /Yang Ningshi (873-954) calligrapher of 5 dynasties period n Tang and Song/ [Yang2 Li4 wei3] /Yang Liwei (1965-), astronaut, first Chinese citizen in spa [Yang2 Jian1] /first Sui emperor (541-604) Yang Jian (541-604), reigned 581-604/ [Yang2 Fei1] /see [Yang2 Gui4 fei1]/ [Yang2 Shou3 ren2] /Yang Shouren (1912-2005), PRC agricultural scientist/Yang n (16th century), Ming dynasty scholar/ [Yang2 jia1 jiang4] /Yang Saga, a popular fiction from the Northern Song, dep the heroic Yang family of warriors/

[Yang2 Bao3 sen1] /Yang Baosen (1909-1958), Beijing opera star, one of the Fo t beards / [Yang2 Shang4 kun1] /Yang Shangkun/ [Yang2 Jian4 li4] /Yang JianLi, PRC human rights activist/ [Yang2 Zhen4 ning2] /Chen Ning Yang/ [Yang2 Cai4 ni1] /Charlie Young (1974-),Hong Kong actress and singer/ [Yang2 Bin1] /Yang Bin/ [Yang2 Yue4 qing1] /Yang Yueqing, Chinese-Canadian woman documentary film dir [yang2 liu3] /willow tree/poplar and willow/name of traditional tune/ [yang2 tao2] /carambola/star fruit/ [Yang2 mei2] /Yangmei town in Taoyuan county [Tao2 yuan2 xian4], nor [yang2 mei2] /red bayberry/Chinese bayberry/Japanese bayberry/Myrica rubra/CL: , [ge4]/ [Yang2 mei2 zhen4] /Yangmei town in Taoyuan county [Tao2 yuan2 x [Yang2 Sen1] /Yang Sen/ [Yang2 ye4] /famous Song dynasty family of warriors (c. 10th century AD), resiste the Liao and defended the Song/the subject of the popular fiction Yang Saga [yang2 shu4] /poplar tree/various trees of genus Populus/ [Yang2 pu3 qu1] /Yangpu district, central Shanghai/ [Yang2 Shen1 xiu4] /Yang Shenxiu, one of the Six Gentlemen Martyrs eform movement of 1898/ [Yang2 Jie2 chi2] /Yang Jiechi (1950-), Chinese politician and diplomat, fore ister of PRC from 2007/ [Yang2 Cheng2 zhong1] /Yang Chengzhong (1913-1987), Chinese nuclear physicist [Yang2 Yu4 huan2] /Yang Yuhuan or Yang Guifei (719-756), famous Emperor Xuanzhong , blamed for extravagance and killed as a scapegoat during the An shi rebellion / [yang2 bai3 han4] /Brigham Young/ [yang2 bai3 han4 da4 xue2] /Brigham Young University/ [Yang2 Fu2 jia1] /Yang Fujia (1936-), nuclear physicist, famous for Yang-Mill theory/ [Yang2 Xiu4 qing1] /Yang Xiuqing/ [Yang2 Wei2] /Yang Wei (badminton)/ [Yang2 Zhi4 yuan3] /Jerry Yang (1968-), Taiwan-US millionaire and creator of [Yang2 Hu3 cheng2] /Yang Hucheng (1893-1949), Chinese warlord and Nationalist l/ [Yang2 Gui4 fei1] /Yang Yuhuan or Yang Guifei (719-756), famous Emperor Xuanzhong , blamed for extravagance and killed as a scapegoat during the An shi rebellion / [Yang2 Rui4] /Yang Rui, one of the Six Gentlemen Martyrs of the unsucc vement of 1898/ [Yang2 Kai1 hui4] /Yang Kaihui (1901-1930), Mao Zedong's second wife/ [Yang2 ling2] /Yangling district in Xinyng city [Xian2 yang2 shi4] [Yang2 ling2 qu1] /Yangling district in Xinyng city [Xian2 yan [la4] /to plant trees (old)/ [ben3] /old variant of [ben3]/ [hun2] /clothes-horse/ [feng1] /maple/ [feng1 mu4] /maple/ [feng1 shu4] /maple/ [feng1 ye4] /maple leaf/ [feng1 xiang1 mu4] /Chinese sweetgum (Liquidambar formosana)/ [feng1 xiang1 shu4] /Chinese sweetgum (Liquidambar formosana)/ [xie1] /to wedge/wedge/ [xie1 zi5] /wedge/peg/stopper/prologue (in some modern novels)/prologue or interl de in Yuan dynasty drama/ [xie1 xing2] /cuneiform (letters)/wedge-shape/ [xie1 xing2 wen2 zi4] /cuneiform (Babylonian script)/ [xie1 xing2 wu4] /wedge/ [jian4] /door lock/

[mu4] /ornaments on chariot-shaft/ [mao4] /Cydonia japonica/ [Chu3] /surname Chu/abbr. for Hubei [Hu2 bei3 Sheng3] and Hunan [Hu2 nan2 inces together/Chinese kingdom during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States P eriods (722-221 BC)/ [chu3] /distinct/clear/orderly/pain/suffering/deciduous bush used in Chinese med icine (genus Vitex)/punishment cane (old)/ [Chu3 guo2] /the state of Chu (history)/ [Chu3 zhou1] /Chuzhou district of Huai'an city [Huai2 an1 shi4], Jiangsu/ [Chu3 zhou1 qu1] /Chuzhou district of Huai'an city [Huai2 an1 shi4], Ji [Chu3 Huai2 wang2] /King Huai of Chu (reigned 328-299 BC)/later King Huai of igned 208-205 BC)/ [chu3 chu3] /neat/lovely/ [Chu3 he2 Han4 jie4] /lit. the river that divides Chu and Han/fig. a line rival territories/the mid-line between sides on a Chinese chessboard/ [Chu3 Han4 zhan4 zheng1] /the war of 206-202 BC between Liu Bang / [Chu3 Zhuang1 wang2] /King Zhuang of Chu (reigned 613-591 BC), one of the Fiv ons / [Chu3 ci2] /Chu Ci, the Songs of Chu (ancient book of poems, collected during Han but esp. from country of Chu c. 500 BC)/ [Chu3 xiong2] /Chuxiong county level city, capital of Chuxiong Yi autonomous pref cture [Chu3 xiong2 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1] in central Yunnan/ [Chu3 xiong2 zhou1] /abbr. for [Chu3 xiong2 Yi2 [Chu3 xiong2 shi4] /Chuxiong county level city, capital of Chuxiong Yi autono efecture [Chu3 xiong2 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1] in central Yunna [Chu3 xiong2 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1] /Chuxiong Yi autonomous apital Chuxiong city / [hu4] /(tree)/ [ku3] /broken utensil/ [lian4] /Melia japonica/ [leng2] /variant of , corner/square beam/edge/arris (curve formed by two surface meeting at an edge)/see Sri Lanka/ [leng4] /variant of [leng4]/to look distracted/to stare blankly/distracted/blank/ [leng4 yan2] /one who surmounts all obstacles (Buddhism)/ [leng2 zi5 yan3] /vacant look of a drunk or imbecile/ [Leng2 jia1] /Lanka (old term for Sri Lanka, Ceylon)/ [Leng2 jia1 dao3] /Lanka (old term for Sri Lanka, Ceylon)/ [ting2] /tree/ [nan2] /Machilus nanmu/Chinese cedar/Chinese giant redwood/ [nan2 mu4] /Phoebe zhennan/Machilus nanmu/Chinese cedar/Chinese giant redwood/ [Nan2 ge2 ha1 er3 sheng3] /Nangarhar province of Afghanistan/ [Nan2 zi3] /Nanzi or Nantzu district of Kaohsiung city [Gao1 xiong2 shi4], an/ [Nan2 zi3 qu1] /Nanzi or Nantzu district of Kaohsiung city [Gao1 xiong2 iwan/ [Nan2 xi1] /Nanhsi township in Tainan county [Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiw [Nan2 xi1 xiang1] /Nanhsi township in Tainan county [Tai2 nan2 x [you2] /Quercus glandulifera/ [mei2] /lintel/crossbeam/ [xuan4] /to turn on a lathe/ [xuan4] /block (hat)/stretch (shoe)/ [zhen1] /evergreen shrub/ [pian2] /(tree)/ [die2] /small dish/window/ [ji2] /oar (archaic)/ [jie2] /a peg/tally/score/ [ye4] /business/occupation/study/estate/property/ [ye4 zhu3] /owner/proprietor/ [ye4 wu4] /business/professional work/service/CL: [xiang4]/

[ye4 wu4 mo2 shi4] /business model/ [ye4 wu4 su4 zhi4] /professional quality (in ideological education)/ [ye4 wu4 guo4 shi1] /professional negligence/ [ye4 da4] /part-time college (abbr. for )/ [ye4 yi3] /already/ [ye4 shi1] /teacher/one's teacher/ [ye4 tai4] /(retail industry) format/ [ye4 gen1] /the root cause (of evil)/bane (Buddhism)/ [ye4 hai3] /sea of evil/endless crime/ [ye4 jie4] /industry/ [ye4 jie4 biao1 zhun3] /industry standard/ [ye4 jing1 yu2 qin2] /mastery of study lies in diligence (idiom). You can a subject by assiduous study./Excellence in work is only possible with diligence ./Practice makes perfect./ [ye4 jing1] /already/ [ye4 ji4] /performance/track record/outstanding achievement/great feat/yield (of nvestment)/growth/performance (i.e. company profits)/sales/ [ye4 zhe3] /dealer/trader/person engaged in some industry or trade/ [ye4 huang1 yu2 xi1] /to be distracted from ones wo k and fail to achiev m)/ [ye4 zhang4] / et ibution (fo sins of a p evious inca nation)/evil c eatu e (p e enting a Buddhist monk f om p og essing to enlightenment)/vile spawn/filthy luc e (i.e. money)/fig. te m of abuse fo younge gene ation/ [ye4 yu2] /spa e time/amateu /ext a-cu icula / [ye4 yu2 da4 xue2] /college fo people who attend afte wo k (lit.: spa e )/ [ye4 yu2 ai4 hao3 zhe3] /hobbyist/amateu / [ye4 yu2 jiao4 yu4] /spa e-time education/evening classes/ [ye4 yu2 zhe3] /amateu / [ye4 long2] /evil d agon/ [chu3] /B oussonetia kasinoki/ [chu3 zhi3] /kozogami/ [Chu3 Sui4 liang2] /Chu Suiliang (596-659), one of Fou G eat Poets of ea ly chu1 Si4 Da4 jia1]/ [shun3] /d aw fo th/ho izontal ailing/ [yu2] /(t ee)/ [mei2] /va iant of [mei2]/ [ji2] /ext emely/pole (geog aphy, physics)/utmost/top/ [ji2 le5] /ext emely/exceedingly/ [ji2 zhi2] /maxima and minima/ [ji2 guang1] /au o a (ast onomy)/ [ji2 qi2] /ext emely/ [ji2 xing2] /sup eme penalty/execution/ [ji2 li4] /to make a sup eme effo t/at all costs/ [ji2 hua4] /pola ization/ [ji2 bei3] /ext eme no th/ [ji2 nan2] /ext eme south/ [ji2 you4 fen4 zi3] /an ext eme ight-winge / [ji2 you4 yi4] /ext eme ight (politics)/ [ji2 pin3] /best quality/ [ji2 di4 hu2] /a ctic fox/ [ji2 da4] /maximum/eno mous/ [ji2 da4 zhi2] /maximum value/ [ji2 hao3] /fabulous/supe b/excellent/ [ji2 ke4] /geek (loanwo d) (computing)/ [ji2 xiao3] /minimal/ext emely small/ [ji2 shao3] /ve y little/ve y few/ [ji2 shao3 shu4] /ext emely few/a small mino ity/ [ji2 du4] /ext emely/ [ji2 zuo4 biao1] /pola coo dinates (math.)/












[ji2 zuo4 biao1 xi4] /system of pola coo dinates/ [ji2 jing4] /modulus (distance f om the o igin in pola coo dinates)/ [ji2 xing4] /chemical pola ity/ [ji2 you3 ke3 neng2] /ext emely possible/p obable/ [Ji2 dong1] /the Fa East/East Asia/ [ji2 le4] /bliss/ext eme happiness/ [ji2 le4 shi4 jie4] /pa adise (mainly Buddhist)/Elysium/(Budd.) Sukhavati [ji2 quan2] /totalita ian/ [ji2 quan2 zhu3 yi4] /totalita ianism/ [ji2 shen1 yan2 ji3] /deep and detailed investigation (idiom)/ [ji2 wei2] /ext emely/exceedingly/ [ji2 wei2 pang2 da4] /monumental/ [ji2 sheng4 shi2 qi1] /most flou ishing pe iod/Golden Age/ [ji2 mu4 yuan3 wang4] /as fa as the eye can see/ [ji2 duan1] /ext eme/ [ji2 duan1 zhu3 yi4] /ext emism/ [ji2 duan1 fen4 zi3] /ext emist/ [ji2 xi4 xiao3] /ext emely small/infinitesimal/ [ji2 zhi4] /peak/pinnacle/ultimate/ [Ji2 xi1] /"the Fa West"/old te m fo Eu ope/ [ji2 jiao3] /pola angle/a gument (angle in pola coo dinates)/ [ji2 chao1] /hype -/ult a-/ [ji2 zhou2] /pola axis (x-axis in pola coo dinates)/ [ji2 la4] /ve y spicy/ [ji2 xian4] /limit/ext eme bounda y/ [ji2 dian3] /ext eme point/pole/the o igin (in pola coo dinates)/ [jie1] /Chinese pistachio t ee (Pistacia chinensis)/ [kai3] /model/patte n/ egula sc ipt (callig aphic style)/ [kai3 zi4] /one of the callig aphic styles/ [kai3 shu1] / egula sc ipt (one of the callig aphic styles of Chinese cha acte s / [kai3 mo2] /model/example/ [qiu1] /Catalpa/Mallotus japonicus/ [qiu1 shu4] /Catalpa bungei o Manchu ian Catalpa, a tea plant/ [ying2] /pilla / [huang2] /va iant of , fast ship/ [le4] /Japanese va iant of [le4]/ [yue4] /Japanese variant of [yue4]/ [pin3] /classifier for roof beams and trusses/ [gai4] /general/approximate/ [gai4 xing2] /(math.) a scheme/ [gai4 xing2 li3 lun4] /scheme theory (math.)/ [gai4 xing2] /scheme (in algebraic geometry)/ [gai4 nian4] /concept/idea/CL: [ge4]/ [gai4 nian4 yi1 cun2 mo2 xing2] /conceptual dependency model/ [gai4 nian4 hua4] /conceptualization/ [gai4 nian4 qu1 dong4 jia1 gong1] /concept-driven processing/ [gai4 kuo4] /to summarize/to generalize/briefly/CL: [ge4]/ [gai4 kuo4 hua4] /generalization/ [gai4 shu4] /approximate number (, , etc)/ [gai4 kuang4] /general situation/summary/ [gai4 ce4 fa3] /rough-and-ready method/rule of thumb/ [gai4 lu:4] /probability (math.)/ [gai4 lu:4 he2 shu4 li3 tong3 ji4] /probability and mathemati [gai4 lu:4 lun4] /probability (math.)/ [gai4 yao4] /outline/ [gai4 lun4] /outline/introduction/survey/general discussion/ [gai4 shu4] /overview/ [tan2] /raised path between fields/ [yu2] /elm/










[Yu2 zhong1] /Yuzhong county in Lanzhou [Lan2 zhou1], Gansu/ [Yu2 zhong1 xian4] /Yuzhong county in Lanzhou [Lan2 zhou1], Gansu/ [yu2 mu4 nao3 ke2] /bullet-headed/stubborn/ [Yu2 lin2] /Yln prefecture level city in Shnx / [Yu2 lin2 di4 qu1] /Yulin prefecture, Shaanxi/ [Yu2 lin2 shi4] /Yln prefecture level city in Shnx / [Yu2 shu4] /Yushu county level city in Changchun , Jilin/ [yu2 shu4] /elm/ [Yu2 shu4 shi4] /Yushu county level city in Changchun , Jilin/ [Yu2 ci4] /Yuci district of Jinzhong city [Jin4 zhong1 shi4], Shanxi [Yu2 ci4 qu1] /Yuci district of Jinzhong city [Jin4 zhong1 shi4] [Yu2 she4] /Yushe county in Jinzhong [Jin4 zhong1], Shanxi/ [Yu2 she4 xian4] /Yushe county in Jinzhong [Jin4 zhong1], Shanxi/ [Yu2 wang3] /Yuwang (c. 2000 BC), last of the legendary Flame Emperors [Yan2 efeated by the Yellow Emperor [Huang2 di4]/ [Yu2 yang2] /Yuyang district of Yln city [Yu2 lin2 shi4], Shnx/ [Yu2 yang2 qu1] /Yuyang district of Yln city [Yu2 lin2 shi4], Shnx/ [shen2] /sakaki tree (Japanese kokuji)/ [jia3] /(evergreen shrub)/Celtis sinensis/ [lang2] /tall tree (archaic)/ [lang2 yu2] /Chinese or lacebark elm (Ulmus parvifolia)/ [lang2 kang1] /cumbersome/awkward and clumsy/ [lang2 tou5] /hammer/large hammer/sledgehammer/ [rong2] /banyan tree/Ficus wightiana/ [Rong2 cheng2 qu1] /Rongcheng district of Jieyang City , Guangdo [rong2 shu4] /banyan/ [Rong2 jiang1] /Rongjiang county in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous prefectu e [Qian2 dong1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ [Rong2 jiang1 xian4] /Rongjiang county in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomou cture [Qian2 dong1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ [gu3] /paper mulberry tree/ [ju3] /variant of , carpenter's square/rule/regulation/pattern/to carve/ [zhen1] /hazel tree/Corylus heterophylla/ [zhen1 ren2] /hazelnut kernel/hazelnut "meat"/ [zhen1 ren2 r5] /erhua variant of [zhen1 ren2]/ [zhen1 zi5] /hazelnut/ [zhen1 shi2] /hazelnut/ [zhen1 guo3] /filbert/hazelnut/cobnut/ [zhen1 li4] /hazelnut/ [zhen1 zhen1] /overgrown with wild plants/ [zhen1 pi1 wei4 gai3] /primitive state/ [zhen1 se4] /filbert/ [zhen1 mang3] /luxurious vegetation/ [zhen1 wu2] /wilderness/bushy and weedy/humble/inferior/ [zhen1 sou3] /dense wood/ [zhen1 ji1] /hazel grouse/ [bang4] /to row/oar/Taiwan pr. [beng4]/ [peng4] /to whip/Taiwan pr. [beng4]/ [bang3] /notice or announcement/list of names/public roll of successful examinee s/ [bang3 yang4] /example/model/CL: [ge4]/ [bang3 yan3] /candidate who came second in the Han-lin examination/see [ ]/ [bang4 chi1] /to beat/to flog/to whip/ [Bang3 ge3 la4] /old Chinese name for Bengal or Bangladesh, now written uncertain (possibly [ge2] or [la2])/ [bang3 shou3] /a champion/to be number one (best or worst)/ [ming2] /Chinese quince/ [su4] /Quercus dentata/ [jie2] /a stump on which chickens roost/

[huang3] /screen/ [gan4] /tree trunk/ [fei3] /Torreya nucifera/ [zha4] /salted vegetable/to extract/ [zha4 qu3] /to exploit/ [zha4 you2] /to extract oil from vegetables/to press/ [zha4 cai4] /hot pickled mustard tuber/ [zha4 jiu3 chi2] /winepress/ [ma4] /headboard/ [sun3] /mortise and tenon (slot and tab forming a carpenter's joint)/ [sun3 yan3] /mortise (slot cut into wood to receive a tenon)/ [sun3 xiao1] /dowel/carpenter's pin/ [sun3 zao2] /mortise chisel/ [sun3 tou5] /tenon (wooden projection to fit into a mortise)/ [xie4] /pavilion/ [Rong2] /surname Rong/ [rong2] /glory/honor/thriving/ [rong2 ren4] /to be appointed or elevated to a post/ [rong2 guang1] /glory/ [rong2 guang1 song4] /Gloria (in Catholic mass)/ [Rong2 wei1] /Roewe (brand)/ [rong2 zong1 yao4 zu3] /to bring honor to one's ancestors (idiom)/also wr [Rong2 shi4] /Vinh, Vietnam/ [rong2 xing4] /honored/ [Rong2 cheng2] /Rongcheng county level city in Weihai , Shandong/ [Rong2 cheng2 shi4] /Rongcheng county level city in Weihai , Shandong/ [Rong2 cheng2 wan1] /Roncheng bay near Weihai on north coast of Shando [Rong2 chang1] /Rongchang suburban county in Chongqing municipality, formerly in ichuan/ [Rong2 chang1 xian4] /Rongchang suburban county in Chongqing municipality, fo in Sichuan/ [Rong2 ge2] /Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), Swiss psychiatrist/ [rong2 gui1] /to return home with honor/ [rong2 gui1 zhu3] /Gloria (section of Catholic mass)/ [rong2 gui1 gu4 li3] /to return home with honor/ [Rong2 Yi4 ren2] /Rong Yiren/ [Rong2 he2 xian4] /Ronghe former county in [Yun4 cheng2], Shanxi, pr yi1 xian4]/ [rong2 huo4] /be honored with/ [rong2 deng1] /(of a list, music chart etc) to reach the top/ [rong2 lu4 da4 fu1] /a rank in government service/ [Rong2 xian4] /Rong county in Zigong [Zi4 gong4], Sichuan/ [rong2 mei3] /glorious/ [rong2 yao4] /honor/glory/ [rong2 hua2] /glory and splendor/ [rong2 hua2 fu4 gui4] /glory, splendor, wealth and rank (idiom); high pos at wealth/ [rong2 yu4] /honor/credit/glory/(honorable) reputation/ [rong2 yu4 bo2 shi4] /honorary doctorate/Doctor Honoris Causae/ [rong2 yu4 bo2 shi4 xue2 wei4] /honorary doctorate/Doctor Honoris [rong2 yu4 jiao4 shou4] /emeritus professor/ [rong2 yu4 jun1 ren2] /disabled soldier/ [rong2 ru3 guan1] /view of honor and disgrace/ [zhi1] /base of pillar/prop/ [cui1] /rafter (classical)/ [liu2] /pomegranate/ [liu2 dan4 pao4] /Howitzer/ [liu2 lian2] /variant of [liu2 lian2]/ [liu2 lian2 guo3] /durian fruit/also written / [liu2 lian2] /durian fruit/

[liu2 lian2 guo3] /durian fruit/also written / [liu2 xian4 dan4] /shrapnel shell/shrapnel/also pr. [liu2 san3 dan4]/ [que4] /footbridge/toll, levy/monopoly/ [ta4] /couch/ [ta4 ta4 mi3] /tatami (loanword)/ [ke4] /Pusaetha scandens/ [gu3] /scraps of wood/ [qi1] /alder/ [qi1 shu4] /long peduncled alder (Alnus cremastogyne)/Alnus trebeculata/ [gao3] /dry/rotten (as wood)/ [pan2] /variant of /wooden tray/ [shuo4] /long lance/ [gou4] /to construct/to form/to make up/to compose/literary composition/paper mu lberry (Broussonetia papyrifera)/ [gou4 jian4] /member/component/part/ [gou4 tu2] /(art) composition/ [gou4 jian4] /to construct (sth abstract)/ [gou4 si1] /to design/to plot/to plan out/to compose/to draw a mental sketch/conc ption/plan/idea/composition/ [gou4 xiang3] /to conceive/ [gou4 xiang3 tu2] /notional diagram (i.e. made-up picture or artist's impress news story)/ [gou4 cheng2] /to constitute/to form/to compose/to make up/to configure (computin )/ [gou4 jia4] /structure/ [gou4 zhu4] /to build/to construct/ [gou4 ci2] /composite word/ [gou4 ci2 xue2] /morphology (linguistics)/ [gou4 ci2 fa3 yi4 shi2] /morphological awareness/ [gou4 zao4] /structure/composition/tectonic (geology)/CL: [ge4]/ [gou4 zao4 yun4 dong4] /tectonic movement/movement of earth's crust/ [gou4 xian4] /to frame/to bring false charges against/ [chui2] /mallet/pestle/beetle (for wedging or ramming)/ [chui2 qiu2] /croquet/ [Qiang1] /surname Qiang/ [qiang1] /gun/firearm/rifle/spear/thing with shape or function similar to a gun/ CL:[zhi1],[ba3],[gan3], [tiao2],[zhi1]/to substitute for another person in a te nock/classifier for rifle shots/ [qiang1 shang1] /gunshot wound/ [qiang1 ci4] /bayonet/ [qiang1 fei3] /bandits with guns/an armed criminal/a gunman/ [qiang1 kou3] /muzzle of a gun/at gunpoint/ [qiang1 zi3] /bullet/ [qiang1 beng1] /to shoot/ [qiang1 dan4] /bullet/ [qiang1 zhan4] /gun battle/firefight/ [qiang1 shou3] /gunman/sharpshooter/sb who takes an exam for sb else/sb who produ es a piece of work for sb else to pass off as their own/ [qiang1 da3 chu1 tou2 niao3] /the shot hits the bird that pokes its h conformity gets punished/ [qiang1 tuo1] /butt of a gun/stock/ [qiang1 ba4 r5] /butt of a gun/ [qiang1 ji1] /to shoot with a gun/shooting incident/ [qiang1 ji1 an4] /a shooting/ [qiang1 zhi1] /a gun/guns in general/ [qiang1 bi4] /to execute by firing squad/to shoot dead/fig. to discard/to get rid of/ [qiang1 ti4] /substitute gun/person fraudulently taking exam for sb else/ [qiang1 lin2 jian4 yu3] /forest of spear, rain of arrows/ [qiang1 zhi1] /a gun/guns in general/same as /

[qiang1 shuan1] /trigger of a gun/ [qiang1 gan3] /gun barrel/ [qiang1 gan3 r5] /gun barrel/ [qiang1 gan3 zi5] /gun barrel/ [qiang1 xie4] /firearm/ [qiang1 liu2 dan4] /rifle grenade/ [qiang1 ji1] /bolt of gun/ [qiang1 sha1] /to shoot dead/ [qiang1 jue2] /to execute by firing squad/same as / [qiang1 fa3] /marksmanship/ [qiang1 ban3] /amateur pirated DVD, made e.g. by shooting a running movie/ [qiang1 yan3] /loophole (for firing)/embrasure/ [qiang1 pao4] /firearm/ [qiang1 tong3] /gun cylinder/external barrel of a gun/ [qiang1 guan3] /gun barrel/ [qiang1 sheng1] /crack/shooting sound/gunshot/ [qiang1 tang2] /barrel of a gun/ [qiang1 shu4] /qiang (spear)/ [qiang1 yi1] /gun cover/ [qiang1 shuan1] /breech bolt (e.g. of rifle)/ [cha2] /a raft made of bamboo or wood/to fell trees/to hew/ [huai2] /Chinese scholar tree (Sophora japonica)/Japanese pagoda tree/ [huai2 shu4] /locust tree (Sophora japonica)/ [Huai2 yin4] /Huaiyin district of Ji'nan city [Ji3 nan2 shi4], Shand [Huai2 yin4 qu1] /Huaiyin district of Ji'nan city [Ji3 nan2 shi4 [gang1] /bar/flagpole/footbridge/ [gang4] /thick pole/bar/carrying pole/horizontal bar/lever/crowbar/to sharpen (k nife)/ [gang4 dao1] /to sharpen a knife (or razor etc)/ [gang4 fu1] /pole carrier/coffin-bearer/ [gang4 zi5] /thick bar/solid carrying pole/ [gang4 gan3] /lever/pry bar/crowbar/financial leverage/ [gang4 dang4] /to shake/to rock/ [gang4 ling2] /barbell/ [gang4 tou2] /argumentative man/chief coffin-bearer (arch.)/ [gao1] /water pulley/ [tuo2] /variant of [tuo2]/ [yang4] /Japanese variant of / [zui4] /see [zui4 li3]/see [Zui4 li3]/ [Zui4 li3] /ancient place in modern day Zhejiang Province/ [zui4 li3] /plum with bright red skin/ [xi2] /a hard wood/ [lian2] /see [lian2 jia1], flail/to thresh (using a flail)/ [lian2 jia1] /flail/to thresh (using a flail)/same as / [hui4] /coffin/ [qian4] /wooden tablet/edition/ [guo3] /outer coffin/ [gai4] /variant of /general/approximate/ [qi1] /maple/sycamore/ [qi4] /maple/ [qi1 mu4] /Maple/ [qi1 tang2 jiang1] /maple syrup/ [sen1] /lush growth (trees)/fishing using bundled wood (archaic)/ [you3] /ritual bonfire/ [hu2] /Mongolian oak (Quercus dentata)/see also [hu2 shu4]/ [hu2 ji4 sheng1] /mistletoe/ [hu2 shu4] /Mongolian oak (Quercus dentata)/Daimyo oak/ [hu2 li4] /oriental white oak (Quercus aliena)/ [jiang3] /oar/paddle/ [kang1] /empty space inside a building/

[gui1] /zelkova tree/ [gui1] /Elaeocarpus japonica/ [cao2] /trough/manger/groove/channel/ [cao2 fang5] /brewery/paper making craft shop (in former times)/ [cao2 ya2] /premolar tooth/ [cao2 che1] /tanker (truck)/ [cao2 gang1] /steel groove/V-shaped steel bar/ [cao2 tou2] /feeding trough in stable/ [man2] /(tree)/ [jin3] /Hibiscus syriacus/transient/ [zhuang1] /stump/stake/pile/classifier for items/ [zhuang1 gou4 zhan4 dao4] /pile trestle/ [Le4] /surname Le/ [Yue4] /surname Yue/ [le4] /happy/laugh/cheerful/ [yue4] /music/ [le4 bu4 ke3 zhi1] /overjoyed (idiom); as pleased as punch/ [le4 bu4 si1 Shu3] /indulge in pleasure and forget home and duty (idiom)/ [Le4 zhi1] /Ritz (cracker brand)/ [Le4 shi4] /Lay's (brand)/ [le4 shi4] /pleasure/ [Le4 ting2] /Leting county in Tangshan [Tang2 shan1], Hebei/ [Le4 ting2 xian4] /Leting county in Tangshan [Tang2 shan1], Hebei/ [yue4 ju4] /musical phrase/ [le4 he1 he1] /happily/giddily/ [yue4 qi4] /musical instrument/CL:[jian4]/ [le4 yuan2] /paradise/ [yue4 tuan2] /band/orchestra/ [le4 zai4 qi2 zhong1] /to take pleasure in sth (idiom)/ [yue4 tan2] /music circles/music world/ [le4 tian1] /carefree/happy-go-lucky/optimistic/ [le4 tian1 pai4] /happy-go-lucky people/optimists/ [le4 tian1 zhi1 ming4] /to be content with what one is/ [le4 zi5] /fun/pleasure/laughing matter/ [yue4 xue2 zhe3] /musicologist/ [Le4 an1] /Le'an county in Fuzhou , Jiangxi/ [Le4 an1 xian4] /Le'an county in Fuzhou , Jiangxi/ [Le4 shan1] /Leshan prefecture level city in Sichuan/ [Le4 shan1 di4 qu1] /Leshan prefecture in Sichuan/ [Le4 shan1 shi4] /Leshan prefecture level city in Sichuan/ [yue4 shi1] /musician/ [Le4 ping2] /Leping county level city in Jingdezhen , Jiangxi/ [Le4 ping2 shi4] /Leping county level city in Jingdezhen , Jiang [yue4 fu3] /yuefu (Chinese style of lyric poetry)/ [yue4 fu3 shi1 ji2] /Collection of yuefu lyric poems, compiled in 12th ce Maoqian / [yue4 lu:4] /tuning/temperament/ [le4 yi4] /to be willing to do sth/to be ready to do sth/to be happy to do sth/co tent/satisfied/ [yue4 shou3] /instrumental performer/ [le4 yu2 zhu4 ren2] /willing to help others/ [Le4 shi1 hui4] /Oxfam (Oxford Committee for Famine Relief)/ [Le4 chang1] /Lechang county level city in Shaoguan , Guangdong/ [le4 chang1 zhi1 jing4] /happy wife-husband reunion/ [le4 chang1 fen1 jing4] /happy wife-husband reunion/ [Le4 chang1 shi4] /Lechang county level city in Shaoguan , Guangdong [yue4 qu3] /musical composition/ [Le4 dong1] /Ledong Lizu autonomous county, Hainan/ [Le4 dong1 xian4] /Ledong Lizu autonomous county, Hainan/ [Le4 dong1 Li2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Ledong Lizu autonomous co

[Le4 ye4] /Leye county in Baise [Bai3 se4], Guangxi/ [Le4 ye4 xian4] /Leye county in Baise [Bai3 se4], Guangxi/ [le4 ji2 sheng1 bei1] /extreme joy turns to sorrow (idiom); Don't celebra things could still go wrong!/ [le4 ci3 bu4 pi2] /to enjoy sth and never tire of it (idiom)/ [Le4 lang4 jun4] /Lelang commandery (108 BC-313 AD), one of four Han dynasty eries in north Korea/ [Yue4 qing1] /Yueqing county level city in Wenzhou [Wen1 zhou1], Zhejian [Yue4 qing1 shi4] /Yueqing county level city in Wenzhou [Wen1 zhou1] [yue4 li3] /music theory/ [yue4 zhang1] /movement (of a symphony)/ [yue4 jing1] /Book of Music, said to be one of the Six Classics lost after Qin's urning of the books in 212 BC, but may simply refer to Book of Songs / [le4 yang2 yang2] /Happy sheep (group of five cartoon sheep), mascot of 2010 ou Asian games / [Le4 zhi4] /Lezhi county in Ziyang [Zi1 yang2], Sichuan/ [Le4 zhi4 xian4] /Lezhi county in Ziyang [Zi1 yang2], Sichuan/ [Le4 hua2 Mei2 lan2] /Leroy Merlin (PRC DIY chain)/ [Le4 Di4] /Betty Loh Ti, Chinese actress/ [le4 guan1] /optimistic/hopeful/ [yue4 pu3] /a musical score/sheet music/ [Le4 gou4] /Tesco, UK-based supermarket chain/ [le4 qu4] /delight/pleasure/joy/ [yue4 mi2] /music fan/ [le4 tou4] /lottery/lotto (loanword)/ [Le4 du1] /Ledu county in Haidong prefecture [Hai3 dong1 di4 qu1 [Le4 du1 xian4] /Ledu county in Haidong prefecture [Hai3 don [Le4 ling2] /Leling county level city in Dezhou [De2 zhou1], Shandong/ [Le4 ling2 shi4] /Leling county level city in Dezhou [De2 zhou1], Shandon [yue4 dui4] /band/pop group/CL:[zhi1]/ [yue4 yin1] /musical note/tone/ [le4 dian1 le5 xian4] /ecstatic/overjoyed/ [Le4 gao1] /Lego (toys)/ [cong1] /fir tree/ [cong1 shu4] /fir/ [Zong1 yang2] /Zongyang county in Anqing [An1 qing4], Anhui/ [Zong1 yang2 xian4] /Zongyang county in Anqing [An1 qing4], Anhui/ [chi1] /manjack or cordia (genus Cordia)/ [li2] /rowan or mountain ash (genus Sorbus)/ [Fan2] /surname Fan/ [fan2] /cage/fence/ [Fan2 cheng2] /Fangcheng district of Xiangfan city [Xiang1 fan2 shi4], Hube [Fan2 cheng2 qu1] /Fangcheng district of Xiangfan city [Xiang1 fan2 shi [lei3] /mountain-climbing shoes/ [liang2] /variant of [liang2]/ [lou2] /house with more than 1 story/storied building/floor/CL: [ceng2],[zuo4], 4]/ [lou2 shang4] /upstairs/ [lou2 xia4] /downstairs/ [lou2 zhu3] /original poster (in an online forum)/landlord of a building (traditi nal)/ [lou2 zi5] /pavilion/variant of [lou2 zi5]/ [lou2 yu3] /building/ [lou2 ceng2] /story/floor/ [lou2 shi4] /real estate market/ [lou2 zuo4] /gallery seat (in theater)/ [lou2 xiang1] /loft/ [lou2 fang2] /a building of two or more stories/CL: [dong4],[zhuang4],[zu [lou2 ban3] /floor/floor (ie. metal plate, concrete slab, wooden planking etc)/ [lou2 ti1] /stair/staircase/CL: [ge4]/

[lou2 ti1 kou3] /head of a flight of stairs/ [lou2 ti1 tai2] /staircase balcony/landing/ [lou2 ti1 jian1] /staircase/flight of stairs/ [lou2 lu3] /watch tower/movable battlefield turret/ [lou2 pan2] /building under construction/commercial property/real estate (for sal or rent)/ [lou2 tai2] /balcony/high building (esp. in poetry)/tower/ [lou2 chuan2] /ship with several decks/turreted junk/ [Lou2 lan2] /ancient oasis town of Kroraina or Loulan on the Silk road near Lop N r , modern Xinjiang/ [lou2 dao4] /corridor/passageway (in storied building)/ [lou2 ge2] /building/pavilion/ [lou2 ge2 ta3] /multi-storied pagoda/ [lou2 mian4] /floor/ [lou2 ding3] /top of a building/ [su4] /shrub/ [chu1] /simaroubaceae/ [cheng3] /a pillar/ [tang2] /pillar/door post/door or window frame/classifier for doors or windows/ [biao1] /the topmost branches of a tree/surface/sign/to mark/(outward) sign/indi cation/prize/award/bid/ [biao1 jia4] /mark a price/marked price/ [biao1 bing1] /parade guards (usually spaced out along parade routes)/example/mod l/pacesetter/ [biao1 shou4] /to sell at marked price/ [biao1 tu2] /mark on map or chart/ [biao1 ding4] /to demarcate/ [biao1 chi3] /surveyor's rod/staff/staff gauge/rear sight/ [biao1 zhi4] /an emblem/the epitome (of)/to epitomize/ [biao1 di3] /base number (of a tender)/starting price (for auction)/ [biao1 du4] /scale/ [biao1 xin1 qu3 yi4] /to start on sth new and different (idiom); to displ y/ [biao1 xin1 li4 yi4] /to start on sth new and different (idiom); to displ y/ [biao1 xin1 jing4 yi4] /to start on sth new and different (idiom); to dis ity/ [biao1 xin1 ling3 yi4] /to bring in the new (idiom); new directions, diff n/ [biao1 ming2] /to mark/to indicate/ [biao1 pu3] /Standard and Poor (share index)/abbr. for [Biao1 zh [biao1 shu1] /bid or tender submission or delivery/bid or tender document/ [biao1 ben3] /specimen/sample/the root cause and symptoms of a disease/ [biao1 ben3 chong2] /spider beetle/ [biao1 gan1] /surveyor's pole/CL:[gen1]/benchmark/model/ [biao1 jia4] /a coordinate frame/ [biao1 zhu4] /distance marker/pole marking distance on racetrack/ [biao1 ge2] /style/character/ [biao1 bang3] /to flaunt/to advertise/to parade/boost/excessive praise/ [biao1 qiang1] /javelin/ [biao1 zhuang1] /(marking) stake/ [biao1 zhu4] /to mark out/to tag/to put a sign on sth explaining or calling atten ion to/to annotate (e.g. a character with its pinyin)/ [biao1 zhun3] /(an official) standard/norm/criterion/CL: [ge4]/ [biao1 zhun3 xiang4] /official portrait/ [biao1 zhun3 hua4] /standardization/ [biao1 zhun3 chi3 cun4] /gauge/ [biao1 zhun3 cha1] /(statistics) standard deviation/ [biao1 zhun3 shi2] /standard time/ [Biao1 zhun3 Pu3 er3] /Standard and Poor's (S&P), company specializing in

rket ratings/S&P financial index/ [biao1 zhun3 gan1] /par (golf)/ [biao1 zhun3 mo2 xing2] /Standard Model (of particle physics)/ [biao1 zhun3 zhuang4 tai4] /standard conditions for temperature and press [biao1 zhun3 zhuang4 kuang4] /standard conditions for temperature and pre [biao1 zhun3 zu3 zhi1] /standards organization/standards body/ [biao1 zhun3 gui1 ge2] /standard/norm/ [biao1 zhun3 yu3] /standard language/ [biao1 zhun3 jian1] /standard (hotel) room/two-person room of standard size a ities/abbr. to / [biao1 zhun3 yin1] /standard pronunciation/standard tone (e.g. A = 440 Hz)/ [biao1 deng1] /beacon light/beacon/ [biao1 pai2] /marked price/ [biao1 jie4] /to demarcate a boundary/dividing line/ [biao1 di4] /target/aim/objective/what one hopes to gain/ [biao1 zhuan1] /marker brick (in building)/keystone/ [biao1 shi4] /to indicate/ [biao1 cheng1] /nominal (e.g. nominal value in specification)/ [biao1 cheng1 he2 wu3 qi4] /nominal weapon/ [biao1 gan1] /benchmark/pole serving as mark or symbol/pole with a trophy hung on it/ [biao1 qian1] /label/tag/tab (of a window) (computing)/ [biao1 xian4] /grid lines/graticule/ [biao1 hui4] /mark/plot/ [Biao1 zhi4] /Peugeot/ [biao1 zhi5] /beautiful (of woman)/pretty/ [biao1 hao4] /grade/ [biao1 ji4] /sign/mark/symbol/to mark up/ [biao1 zhi4] /sign/mark/symbol/to symbolize/to indicate/to mark/ [biao1 yu3] /written slogan/placard/CL:[fu2], [zhang1], [tiao2]/ [biao1 yu3 pai2] /placard/ [biao1 zhi4] /variant of [biao1 zhi4]/ [biao1 mai4] /to sell at marked price/to sell by tender/ [biao1 liang4] /scalar quantity/ [biao1 jin1] /standard gold bar/deposit when submitting a tender/ [biao1 jian1] /abbr. for [biao1 zhun3 jian1], standard (hotel) room/ [biao1 yin1 fa3] /phonetic transcription/system of representing spoken sounds [biao1 ti2] /title/heading/headline/caption/subject/ [biao1 ti2 xin1 wen2] /headline news/title story/ [biao1 ti2 lan2] /title bar (of a window) (computing)/ [biao1 ti2 yu3] /title word/entry (in dictionary)/ [biao1 gao1] /elevation/level/ [biao1 dian3] /punctuation/a punctuation mark/to punctuate/CL: [ge4]/ [biao1 dian3 fu2 hao4] /punctuation/a punctuation mark/ [Jiu1] /surname Jiu/ [jiu1] /to hang down/ [shu1] /hinge/pivot/ [shu1 yuan2] /censorate/ [shu1 mi4 yuan4] /privy council/ [shu1 ji1] /cardinal (Catholicism)/ [shu1 ji1 zhu3 jiao4] /Cardinal (of catholic church)/ [shu1 niu3] /hub (e.g. of traffic network)/hinge/pivot/fulcrum/ [shu1 zhou2] /pivot/fulcrum/ [zhang1] /camphor/Cinnamonum camphara/ [Zhang1 mu4] /Dram (Chinese Zhangmu), town at Tibet-Nepal border/ [Zhang1 shu4] /Zhangshu county level city in Yichun , Jiangxi/ [Zhang1 shu4 shi4] /Zhangshu county level city in Yichun , Jiangxi/ [zhang1 nao3] /camphor C10H16O/ [zhang1 nao3 wan2] /camphor balls/moth balls/ [zhang1 nao3 qiu2] /camphor balls/moth balls/

[men2] /elm/gum/ [mo2] /to imitate/model/norm/pattern/ [mu2] /mold/die/matrix/pattern/ [mo2 fang3] /to imitate/to copy/to emulate/to mimic/model/ [mo2 fang3 pin3] /imitation product/counterfeit/fake/ [mo2 si4] /to simulate/to emulate/ [mo2 fang3] /variant of [mo2 fang3]/ [mu2 ju4] /mold/matrix/pattern or die/ [mo2 xing2] /model/mould/matrix/pattern/ [mo2 kuai4] /module (in software)/functional unit/component part/ [mo2 kuai4 hua4] /modularity/ [mo2 kuai4 hua4 li3 lun4] /modularity theory/ [mo2 kuai4 dan1 yuan2] /modular unit/ [mo2 kuai4 shi4] /modular/ [mo2 kuai4 ban3] /module board/ [mu2 ya1] /mold pressing/ [mu2 zi5] /mold/matrix/pattern or die/ [mo2 shi4] /mode/method/ [mo2 shi4 biao1 ben3] /type specimen (used to define a species)/ [mo2 shi4 zhong3] /type species (used to define a genus in taxonomy)/ [mo2 xing2] /pattern/ [mo2 tai4] /modal (computing, linguistics)/ [mo2 ni3] /imitation/to simulate/to imitate/analog (device, as opposed to digital / [mo2 ni3 xin4 hao4] /analog signal/ [mo2 ni3 qi4] /emulator/ [mo2 ni3 fang4 da4 qi4] /analog amplifier/ [mu2 ban3] /template/(architecture) formwork/ [mu2 yang4] /look/style/appearance/approximation/about/CL: [ge4]/ [mo2 te4] /(fashion) model/ [mo2 te4 r5] /(fashion) model/ [mo2 leng2] /ambiguous/undecided and unclear/ [mo2 leng2 liang3 ke3] /to equivocate/to hold two contradictory views at /to sit on the fence/ [mo2 fan4] /model/fine example/ [mo2 hu5] /vague/indistinct/fuzzy/ [mo2 hu5 bu4 qing1] /indistinct/fuzzy/blurred with age/ [mo2 hu5 shu4 xue2] /fuzzy mathematics/ [mo2 hu5 luo2 ji5] /fuzzy logic/ [mo2 zu3] /module (computer)/ [mo2 hu5] /variant of [mo2 hu5]/ [yang4] /manner/pattern/way/appearance/shape/CL: [ge4]/ [yang4 li4] /sample/model/example/ [yang4 pin3] /sample/specimen/ [yang4 dan1] /sample sheet/form/stylesheet (computing)/ [yang4 zi5] /manner/air/looks/aspect/ [yang4 shi4] /type/style/ [yang4 ben3] /sample/specimen/ [yang4 ban3] /template/prototype/model/example/ [yang4 ban3 xi4] /eight model plays/ [yang4 tiao2 han2 shu4] /spline function (math)/ [yang4 yang4] /all kinds/ [yang4 ji1] /prototype/ [yang4 mao4] /appearance/manifestation/ [sha1] /Zanthoxylum ailanthoides/ [xi1] /Osmanthus fragrans/ [quan2] /Japanese variant of , authority/power/right/ [er4] /acid variety of jujube plum/ [zhi2] /stake/picket/ [qiao2] /firewood/gather wood/

[qiao2 fu1] /woodman/ [qiao2 zi3] /woodcutter/ [pu3] /plain and simple/Taiwan pr. [pu2]/ [pu3 shi2] /plain/simple/guileless/down-to-earth/sincere and honest/ [Pu3 ci4 mao2 si1] /Portsmouth, southern English seaport/ [pu3 su4] /plain and simple/unadorned/simple living/not frivolous/ [shu4] /tree/CL:[ke1]/to cultivate/to set up/ [shu4 shang4 kai1 hua1] /to deck the tree with false blossoms/to make som value appear valuable (idiom)/ [shu4 dao3 hu2 sun1 san4] /When the tree topples the monkeys scatter. pportunist abandons an unfavorable cause/Rats leave a sinking ship./ [shu4 guan1] /treetop/ [shu4 hua4 yu4] /wood jade (type of petrified wood)/ [shu4 cong2] /thicket/undergrowth/ [shu4 da4 zhao1 feng1] /lit. a tall tree attracts the wind (idiom); a fam tract criticism/If you're rich or famous, people will envy you./ [shu4 gan4] /tree trunk/ [shu4 mu4] /trees/ [Shu4 lin2] /Shulin city in Taipei county [Tai2 bei3 xian4], Taiwan/ [shu4 lin2] /woods/grove/forest/ [Shu4 lin2 shi4] /Shulin city in Taipei county [Tai2 bei3 xian4] [shu4 zhi1] /branch/twig/ [shu4 gen1] /tree roots/ [shu4 shao1] /the tip of a tree/treetop/ [shu4 qi1] /arboreal/tree-dwelling/ [shu4 zhuang1] /tree stump/ [shu4 yu4 jing4 er2 feng1 bu4 zhi3] /lit. the trees long for ease (idiom)/fig. the world changes, whether you want it or not/ [shu4 ye4] /tree sap/ [shu4 zhuang4 xi4 bao1] /dendritic cell/ [shu4 ta3] /sloth (family Bradypodidae)/ [shu4 pi2] /tree bark/ [shu4 bei1 li4 zhuan4] /lit. to erect a stele and write a biography (idio talize/to glorify/to sing the praises of/ [shu4 zhong3] /tree species/ [shu4 tu1] /dendrite (branched projection of a neuron)/ [shu4 tu1 zhuang4 xi4 bao1] /dendritic cell/ [shu4 li4] /to set up/to establish/ [shu4 li2] /hedge/ [shu4 zhi1] /resin/ [shu4 jiao1] /tree resin/gum/ [shu4 mei2] /bramble/ [shu4 ye4] /tree leaves/ [shu4 yin4] /shade of a tree/ [shu4 wa1] /tree frog/ [shu4 dai4 xiong2] /koala/ [shu4 yin1] /shade (of a tree)/ [hua4] /birch tree/Betula japonica/ [Hua4 nan2] /Hua'nan county in Kiamusze or Jiamusi city [Jia1 mu4 si1], Hei [Hua4 nan2 xian4] /Hua'nan county in Kiamusze or Jiamusi city [Jia1 mu4 ang/ [Hua4 chuan1] /Huachuan county in Kiamusze or Jiamusi city [Jia1 mu4 si1], ng/ [Hua4 chuan1 xian4] /Huachuan county in Kiamusze or Jiamusi city [Jia1 gjiang/ [hua4 mu4] /birch/ [hua4 mu4 ke1] /Betulaceae (broadleaf tree family including birch and alder)/ [hua4 shu4] /birch/ [Hua4 dian4] /Huadian county level city in Jilin prefecture , Jilin province/ [Hua4 dian4 shi4] /Huadian county level city in Jilin prefecture , Jilin

[gui4] /old variant of [gui4]/ [zun1] /goblet/bottle/wine-jar/ [zun1 lei2] /earthen liquor jar/ [yue4] /shade of trees/ [zhan3] /(wood)/ [xun2] /Fraxinus bungeana/ [gan3] /olive/ [gan3 lan3] /Chinese olive/olive/ [gan3 lan3 shan1] /Mount of Olives (in the Christian passion story)/ [gan3 lan3 yan2] /peridotite (geology)/ [gan3 lan3 zhi1] /olive branch/symbol of peace/ [gan3 lan3 shu4] /olive tree/ [gan3 lan3 you2] /olive oil/ [gan3 lan3 qiu2] /football played with oval-shaped ball (rugby, American foot ustralian rules etc)/ [gan3 lan3 shi2] /olivine (rock-forming mineral magnesium-iron silicate (Mg,F )/peridot/ [wu3] /variant of /negative/none/without/apart from/ [qiao1] /sled/sleigh/ [rao2] /radius (anatomy)/bone of the forearm/ [rao2 gu3] /radius (anatomy)/bone of the forearm/ [qiao2] /bridge/CL:[zuo4]/ [qiao2 jie1] /bridging (in computer networks)/ [qiao2 jie1 qi4] /bridge (networking)/ [Qiao2 ben3] /Japanese surname Hashimoto/ [Qiao2 ben3 Long2 tai4 lang2] /HASHIMOTO Rytar (1937-2006), Japanes ister 1996-1998/ [Qiao2 dong1] /Qiaodong city district (various)/Qiaodong district of Shijiazhuang city [Shi2 jia1 zhuang1 shi4], Hebei/ [Qiao2 dong1 qu1] /Qiaodong city district (various)/Qiaodong district of Shij g city [Shi2 jia1 zhuang1 shi4], Hebei/ [qiao2 liang2] /bridge/fig. connection between two areas/ [qiao2 pai2] /contract bridge (card game)/ [Qiao2 xi1] /Qiaoxi city district (various)/Qiaoxi district of Shijiazhuang city a1 zhuang1 shi4], Hebei/ [Qiao2 xi1 qu1] /Qiaoxi city district (various)/Qiaoxi district of Shijiazhua [Shi2 jia1 zhuang1 shi4], Hebei/ [qiao2 mian4] /roadway/floor/deck/bridge floor/ [Qiao2 tou2] /Qiaotou or Chiaotou township in Kaohsiung county [Gao1 thwest Taiwan/ [qiao2 tou2] /either end of a bridge/a bridgehead/ [Qiao2 tou2 xiang1] /Qiaotou or Chiaotou township in Kaohsiung county , southwest Taiwan/ [tuo2] /sack/tube open at both ends/sound of footsteps (onomatopoeia)/ [tuo2 zhong1 zhuang1] /gems/jewels/valuables/ [tuo2 nang2] /sacks/bags/ [tuo2 tuo2] /sound of footsteps (onomatopoeia)/ [tuo2 si4] /bag/satchel/ [tuo2 bi3] /to make one's living by writing/ [tuo2 tuo2] /camel/hunchback/ [tuo2 yue4] /bellows for blowing up the fire in a furnace etc/ [cheng1] /a prop/a shore/ [ju2] /mandarin orange (Citrus reticulata)/tangerine/ [ju2 zi5] /tangerine/CL: [ge4],[ban4]/ [ju2 zi5 shui3] /orangeade/orange squash/CL:[ping2],[bei1],[guan4],[h [ju2 zi5 zhi1] /orange juice/CL:[ping2],[bei1],[guan4],[he2]/see also [ju2 zi5 jiang4] /orange jam/marmalade/ [ju2 gan1] /tangerine/orange/ [ju2 shu4] /orange tree/ [ju2 hong2] /orange (color)/orange peel (used in traditional Chinese medicine)/

[ju2 lu4] /classification of orange trees by 12th century Song dynasty botanist H n Yanzhi [Han2 Yan4 zhi2]/ [ju2 huang2 se4] /tangerine yellow/saffron (color)/ [cheng2] /orange tree/orange (color)/ [cheng2 ji4] /Agent Orange/ [cheng2 zi5] /orange/ [cheng2 zhi1] /orange juice/CL:[ping2],[bei1],[guan4],[he2]/ [cheng2 pi2 guo3 jiang4] /marmalade/ [cheng2 hong2 se4] /red-orange color/dark orange/ [cheng2 se4] /orange (color)/ [cheng2 se4 ji4] /Agent Orange/ [cheng2 se4 zhan4 ji4] /Agent Orange/ [su4] /tall and straight (of trees)/ [jue2] /a peg/low post/ [Ji1] /surname Ji/ [ji1] /machine/engine/opportunity/intention/aircraft/pivot/crucial point/flexibl e (quick-witted)/organic/CL: [tai2]/ [ji1 bu4 ke3 shi1] /No time to lose! (idiom)/ [ji1 bu4 ke3 shi1 , shi2 bu4 zai4 lai2] /Opportunity [ji1 zhi4] /mechanism/ [ji1 dong4] /locomotive/motorized/power-driven/adaptable/flexible (use, treatment timing etc)/ [ji1 dong4 xing4] /flexibility/ [ji1 dong4 che1] /motor vehicle/ [ji1 dong4 che1 liang4] /a motor vehicle/ [ji1 wu4 duan4] /locomotive depot/ [ji1 qi4] /machine/CL: [tai2],[bu4], [ge4]/ [ji1 qi4 ren2] /mechanical person/robot/android/ [ji1 qi4 ren2 xue2] /robotics/ [ji1 qi4 fan1 yi4] /machine translation/ [ji1 chang3] /airport/airfield/CL:[jia1], [chu4]/ [ji1 chang3 da4 sha4] /terminal building/ [ji1 yi2] /guidelines/what to do (under given circumstances)/ [ji1 mi4] /secret/classified (information)/ [ji1 mi4 xing4] /confidentiality/ [ji1 mi4 wen2 jian4] /secret document/ [ji1 wei3] /the rear (tail) of a plane etc/ [ji1 chuang2] /machine tool/a lathe/CL: [zhang1]/ [ji1 ku4] /(aircraft) hangar/ [ji1 fang2] /machine room/engine room/computer room/ [ji1 min3] /agility/ [ji1 zhi4] /quick-witted/tact/witty/resourceful/ [ji1 hui4] /opportunity/chance/occasion/CL: [ge4]/ [ji1 hui4 zhu3 yi4] /opportunism/pragmatism/ [ji1 hui4 dai4 lai2 cheng2 gong1] /Opportunity brings success. (i [ji1 hui4 cheng2 ben3] /opportunity cost/ [ji1 zhu4] /a loom/ [ji1 xie4] /machine/machinery/mechanical/ [ji1 xie4 hua4] /to mechanize/ [ji1 xie4 gong1] /a mechanic/ [ji1 xie4 gong1 ren2] /mechanic/ [ji1 xie4 gong1 cheng2] /mechanical engineering/ [ji1 xie4 shi1] /mechanic/engineer/machinist/machine operator/CL: [ge4], [ji1 xie4 xing4] /mechanical/ [ji1 xie4 ma3] /machine code/ [ji1 xie4 fan1 yi4] /machine translation/ [ji1 xie4 neng2] /mechanical energy/ [ji1 xie4 zhuang1 zhi4] /machinery/ [ji1 xie4 yu3 yan2] /machine language/ [ji1 xie4 zhong1] /mechanical clock/

[ji1 gou4] /mechanism/structure/organization/agency/institution/CL:[suo3]/ [ji1 qiang1] /machine gun/ [ji1 you2] /engine oil/ [ji1 lu:4] /probability/odds/(common in Taiwan)/ [ji1 li3] /mechanism/ [ji1 piao4] /air ticket/passenger ticket/CL: [zhang1]/ [ji1 xiang1] /case (computer) (lit. machine box)/ [ji1 zu3] /flight crew (on a plane)/unit (apparatus)/ [ji1 yuan2] /chance/opportunity/destiny/ [ji1 yi4] /wing (of aircraft)/ [ji1 neng2] /function/ [ji1 cang1] /cabin of a plane/ [ji1 zhi4] /machine processed/machine made/mechanism/ [ji1 zha4] /deceitful/ [ji1 mou2] /stratagem/scheme/shrewdness/ [ji1 jing3] /perceptive/astute/sharp/sharp-witted/vigilant/alert/ [ji1 bian4] /improvisation/flexible/adaptable/pragmatic/ [ji1 shen1] /body of a vehicle or machine/fuselage of a plane/ [ji1 shen1 kuan1 da4] /wide body/wide-bodied (aircraft)/ [ji1 che1] /locomotive/train engine car/scooter (Taiwan)/hard to get along with ( aiwan slang)/ [ji1 zhou2] /arbor/shaft (in a machine)/ [ji1 yu4] /opportunity/favorable circumstance/stroke of luck/ [ji1 yun4] /chance and opportunity/ [ji1 zhang3] /captain/chief pilot/ [ji1 guan1] /mechanism/gear/machine-operated/office/agency/organ/organization/est blishment/institution/body/strategum/scheme/intrigue/plot/trick/CL: [ge4]/ [ji1 guan1 bao4] /official (government-operated) newspaper/ [ji1 guan1 bu4 jing3] /machine-operated stage scenery/ [ji1 guan1 qiang1] /also written /machine gun/ [ji1 guan1 pao4] /machine cannon/machine-gun cannon/ [ji1 guan1 che1] /locomotive/ [ji1 dian4] /machinery and power-generating equipment/ [ji1 ling2] /clever/quick-witted/ [ji1 ding3 he2] /set-top box/decoder for digital or satellite TV signal etc/ [ji1 tou2] /the front (nose) of a plane etc/ [ji1 tou2 zuo4] /headstock/turning head of a screw, drill, lathe etc/ [ji1 ti3] /organism/human body/ [xiang4] /oak/Quercus serrata/ [xiang4 zi5 mian4] /acorn flour/ [xiang4 zi5 mian4 r5] /erhua variant of [xiang4 zi5 mian4]/ [xiang4 mu4] /oaken/ [xiang4 shu4] /oak/ [xiang4 pi2] /rubber/an eraser/CL: [kuai4]/ [xiang4 pi2 ca1] /eraser/rubber/CL: [kuai4]/ [xiang4 pi2 qiu2] /rubber ball/ [xiang4 pi2 jin1] /rubber band/ [xiang4 pi2 xian4] /wire (sheathed in rubber)/cable/ [xiang4 pi2 gao1] /sticking plaster/adhesive bandage/ [xiang4 jiao1] /rubber/caoutchouc/ [xiang4 jiao1 shu4] /rubber tree/ [tuo3] /ellipse/ [tuo3 yuan2] /oval/ellipse/elliptic/ [tuo3 yuan2 han2 shu4] /(math.) elliptic function/ [tuo3 yuan2 xing2] /oval/ [tuo3 yuan2 xing2 ban4 gong1 shi4] /Oval office (in the White Hou [tuo3 yuan2 qu1 xian4] /(math.) elliptic curve/ [tuo3 yuan2 ji1] /elliptical machine (exercise)/ [tuo3 yuan2 ji1 fen1] /(math.) elliptic integral/ [rui3] /dangle/hang loosely/

[zeng1] /dwelling on top of wooden stakes/ [heng2] /horizontal/across/(horizontal character stroke)/ [heng4] /harsh and unreasonable/perverse/unexpected/ [heng2 qi1 shu4 ba1] /in disorder/at sixes and sevens (idiom)/ [heng2 san1 shu4 si4] /in disorder/in a tremendous mess/ [heng2 dao1 duo2 ai4] /to rob sb of sth they cherish (idiom)/ [heng2 qie1] /to cut across/a horizontal cut/ [heng2 pou1 mian4] /horizontal section/ [heng2 jia1] /violently/flagrantly/ [heng2 jia1 zhi3 ze2] /to blame unscrupulously/ [heng2 bian3] /horizontal tablet (for an inscription)/ [heng2 xiang4] /horizontal/orthogonal/perpendicular/lateral/crosswise/ [heng2 shi1 bian4 ye3] /corpses strew the field/deadly (conflict)/ [Heng2 shan1] /Hengshan county in Yln [Yu2 lin2], Shnx/Hengshan township ty [Xin1 zhu2 xian4], northwest Taiwan/ [Heng2 shan1 xian4] /Hengshan county in Yln [Yu2 lin2], Shnx/ [Heng2 shan1 xiang1] /Hengshan township in Hsinchu county [Xin1 iwan/ [Heng2 feng1] /Hengfeng county in Shangrao , Jiangxi/ [Heng2 feng1 xian4] /Hengfeng county in Shangrao , Jiangxi/ [heng2 fu2] /horizontal scroll/banner/streamer/ [heng2 fu2 biao1 yu3] /slogan banner/ [heng2 zuo4 biao1] /horizontal coordinate/abscissa/ [heng2 zheng1 bao4 lian3] /to tax by force and extort levies (idiom); to ut of the people by force/ [heng2 xin1] /determined (to do sth)/bent on/ [heng2 jie2] /intercept, cut across, block one's way/ [heng2 jie2 xian4] /transversal line/ [heng2 jie2 mian4] /cross-section/ [heng2 pi1] /horizontal scroll (for inscription)/ [heng2 zhe2] /(horizontal-starting right angle character stroke)/ [heng2 tiao1 bi2 zi5 , shu4 tiao1 yan3] /to pick on sth i t/ [heng2 zhen4 dong4] /transverse vibration/ [heng2 sao3] /to sweep away/to sweep across/ [heng2 sao3 qian1 jun1] /total annihilation/ [heng2 zhe2] /horizontal fold or tuck/ [heng2 xie2] /oblique/slanting/ [heng2 xie2 gou1] / stroke in Chinese characters/ [heng2 duan4] /to cross (a road, an ocean etc)/to cut across/ [Heng2 duan4 shan1 mai4] /Hengduan mountains, several parallel mountain r border between west Yunnan and Sichuan and east Tibet/ [heng2 duan4 bu4 dao4] /pedestrian crossing/ [heng2 duan4 wu4] /transverse object/ [heng2 duan4 mian4] /horizontal section/ [heng2 shi5] /roughly/anyway/ [heng2 mu4] /horizontal beam/wooden crossbar/thwart/ [heng2 heng2 fan1] /boom sail/ [heng2 liang2] /beam/ [heng2 mei2] /lintel/ [heng2 mei2 zi5] /lintel/ [heng2 gang4] /bar/horizontal bar/ [heng2 biao1] /banner/horizontal slogan or advertisement/ [heng2 zheng4 bao4 lian3] /to levy exorbitant taxes (idiom)/ [heng2 bu4] /sidestep (in dance)/step sideways/ [heng2 si3] /to die by violence/ [Heng2 duan4 shan1 mai4] /Hengduan mountains dividing Sichuan from Tibet/ [heng2 bo1] /transverse wave/ [heng2 liu2] /to overflow/transverse flow/to flow over/cross flow/ [Heng2 bin1] /Japanese spelling of Yokohama (Chinese spelling [Heng2 bin

[heng2 du4] /to cross (a body of water)/ [heng2 yi4] /to overflow/brimming with/ [Heng2 bin1] /Yokohama, Japan/ [Heng2 bin1 shi4] /Yokohama, major port city in Kanagawa prefecture 4], Japan/ [heng2 bin1 lun2 tai1] /Yokohama tire company/ [heng2 pa2 xing2] /to walk sideways/crab-wise/ [heng2 sheng1] /to grow without restraint/overflowing with/to happen unexpectedly [heng2 sheng1 zhi1 jie2] /to deliberately complicate an issue (idiom)/ [heng2 zhi2] /(colloquial) whatever/come what may/ [heng2 mei2] /to concentrate one's eyebrows/to frown/to scowl/ [heng2 mei2 leng3 dui4 qian1 fu1 zhi3] /to face a thousand po l (citation from Lu Xun)/to treat with disdain/to defy/ [heng4 mei2 nu4 mu4] /lit. furrowed brows and blazing eyes/to dart looks (idiom)/ [heng2 mei2 li4 mu4] /to scowl and stare down/to defy/ [heng2 yan3] /from the side of the eye/askance/ [heng2 shen2 jing1] /transverse commissure/ [heng4 huo4] /unexpected calamity/ [heng2 leng2 wen2] /crosswise pattern/ [heng2 kong1] /filling the atmosphere/covering the sky/ [heng2 chuan1] /to cross/to traverse/ [heng2 bi3] /bristles lying down (brush movement in painting)/ [heng2 jin1 dou3] /to tumble/to turn a cartwheel/a somersault/ [heng2 wen2] /horizontal stripe/striation/ [heng2 wen2 ji1] /striated muscle/ [heng2 jie2 chang2] /transverse colon (anatomy)/second section of large intes [heng2 gang1] /yokozuna/ [heng2 xian4] /horizontal line/horizontal coordinate line/ [Heng2 xian4] /Heng county in Nanning [Nan2 ning2], Guangxi/ [heng2 rou4] /fierce-looking/ [heng2 ge2] /diaphragm/ [heng2 wo4] /to recline/ [heng2 xing2] /to go on the rampage/to riot/to run amuck/ [heng2 xing2 ba4 dao4] /to oppress/to rule as a despot/to tyrannize/ [heng2 jie1] /side street/road branching from the main street/ [heng2 chong1 zhi2 zhuang4] /lit. bashing sideways and colliding straight to push through shoving and bumping/to barge/to charge around violently/ [heng2 shuo1 shu4 shuo1] /to explain sth over and over again/to repeat/ [heng2 shu5] /anyway/ [heng2 shu4 jin4 r5] /firmness of determination/ [heng2 cai2] /easy money/windfall/ill-gotten gains/undeserved fortune/illegal pro it/ [heng2 guan4] /horizontal traverse/to cut across/to cross transversally/ [heng2 yue4] /to cross/to pass over/to traverse/trans-/ [heng2 kua4] /to span/to stretch across/ [heng2 lu4] /side street/crossroad/ [heng2 tang3] /to lie flat/ [heng2 tang3 shu4 wo4] /to lie down all over the place/exhausted and in d [heng2 guo4] /to traverse/ [heng2 gou1] /horizontal stroke with a hook at the end (in Chinese characters)/ [heng2 chen2] /to lie in disarray/to cut across/to traverse/ [heng2 dui4] /row/horizontal troop formation/ [heng2 ge2] /tabula (horizontal floor of polyp)/ [heng2 ge2 mo2] /diaphragm/ [Heng2 xu1 he4] /Yokosuka (port and navy base in the Tokyo bay)/ [Heng2 xu1 he4 shi4] /Yokosuka city and US naval base to the west of Yoko [heng2 tou2 heng2 nao3] /coarse and arrogant/always in the right/ [heng2 e2] /horizontal tablet (for an inscription)/ [heng2 fei1] /to splash across/to splatter/

[heng2 gu3] /pubic bone/ [qiao1] /archaic variant of / [shu1] /the hole in the center of a wheel accommodating the axle (archaic)/ [jiang1] /Quercus glauca/ [Tan2] /surname Tan/ [tan2] /sandalwood/hardwood/purple-red/ [Tan2 jun1] /Tangun, legendary founder of Korea in 2333 BC/ [Tan2 jun1 wang2] /Tangun, legendary founder of Korea in 2333 BC/ [tan2 xiang1] /sandalwood/ [Tan2 xiang1 shan1] /Honolulu, capital of Hawaii/also transliterated as [lin3] /cross-beam/ridge-pole/ [yin3] /tool used for shaping wood (old)/ [yin3 kuo4] /straightening machine/also pr. [yin3 gua1]/ [xi2] /dispatch/order/ [zui4] /wooden pestle or rammer/ [cheng1] /tamarisk/ [yi4] /Quercus glauca/ [qin2] /(fruit)/ [yan2] /eaves/ledge or brim/ [yan2 xia4] /underside of the eaves/ [lei2] /logs rolled down in defense of city/ [dang4] /official records/grade (of goods)/file/records/shelves/cross-piece/clas sifier for cross-pieces/Taiwan pr. [dang3]/ [dang4 kou3] /stall/booth/ [dang4 zi5] /classifier for affairs, events etc/ [dang4 qi1] /movie theater schedule/ [dang4 an4] /file/record/archive/ [dang4 an4 chuan2 shu1 xie2 ding4] /File Transfer Protocol (FTP)/ [dang4 an4 fen1 pei4 qu1] /file allocation table/FAT/ [dang4 an4 zhi2 xing2] /file execution/executable file/ [dang4 an4 shu3 xing4] /file attribute/ [dang4 an4 jian4 li4] /file creation/ [dang4 an4 fu2 wu4] /file service/ [dang4 an4 zong3 guan3] /file manager (computing)/(Windows) Explorer/ [dang4 an4 zhuan3 song4] /file transfer/ [dang4 an4 zhuan3 song4 cun2 qu3 ji2 guan3 li3] /File [dang4 an4 guan3] /archive library/ [dang4 ci4] /grade/class/quality/level/ [sui4] /(tree)/ [bo4] /Phellodendron amurense/ [gui4] /Chinese Juniper (Juniperus chinensis)/coffin lid decoration (old)/ [jia3] /Catalpa, a genus of mostly deciduous trees/old term for Camellia sinensi s, the tea plant /also called Thea sinensis/small evergreen shrub (Mallotus japon icus)/ [qing2] /instrument for straightening bows/ [jian3] /to check/to examine/to inspect/to exercise restraint/ [jian3 xiu1] /to overhaul/to examine and fix (a motor)/to service (a vehicle)/ [jian3 chu1] /to detect/to examine and discover/to sense/ [jian3 zi4 fa3] /indexing system for Chinese characters in a dictionary/ [jian3 zi4 biao3] /word index (of a dictionary)/ [jian3 ding4] /a test/determination/to check up on/to examine/to assay/ [jian3 cha2] /to inspect/check up (on)/ [jian3 cha2 guan1] /the prosecution (in a court case)/ [jian3 cha2 yuan4] /prosecutor's office/procuratorate/ [jian3 shi1] /autopsy/necropsy/postmortem examination/ [jian3 kong4] /to prosecute (criminal)/the prosecution/ [jian3 kong4 guan1] /prosecutor/procurator/ [jian3 kong4 fang1] /the prosecuting side (in a trial)/the prosecution/ [jian3 fang1] /the prosecution/prosecutors/ [jian3 shu4] /to regulate/to check and restrict/

[jian3 cha2] /inspection/to examine/to inspect/CL:[ci4]/ [jian3 cha2 yuan2] /inspector/ [jian3 cha2 shao4] /inspection post/checkpoint/ [jian3 cha2 zhan4] /checkpoint/ [jian3 jiao4] /to check/to verify/to proof-read/ [jian3 du2 he2] /detection kit/ [jian3 du2 xiang1] /detection kit/ [jian3 bo1] /to detect (e.g. radio waves)/ [jian3 ce4] /to detect/to test/detection/sensing/ [jian3 ce4 yi2] /sensor/detector/ [jian3 ce4 qi4] /detector/ [jian3 lou4] /to fix a leak (in a roof, pipe etc)/to check for leaks/ [jian3 yi4] /quarantine (inspection)/ [jian3 suo3] /to retrieve (data)/to look up/retrieval/search/ [jian3 ju3] /to report (an offense to the authorities)/to inform against sb/ [jian3 shi4] /inspection/postmortem/to view/to look into/to peep/ [jian3 tao3] /to examine or inspect/self-criticism/review/ [jian3 zheng4] /verification/inspection (loanword from Japanese)/ [jian3 zheng4 cheng2 xu4] /procedure of verification (accountancy)/ [jian3 lu4] /roll-call (e.g. at athletics event)/check the record/ [jian3 yue4] /to inspect/to review (troops etc)/military review/ [jian3 yan4] /to inspect/to examine/to test/ [jian3 yan4 yi1 xue2] /laboratory medicine/ [jian3 dian3] /to examine/to check/to keep a lookout/cautious/restrained (in spee h or mannerisms)/ [qiang2] /boom/mast/ [she1] /mango/ [meng2] /lemon/ [tao2] /dunce/blockhead/ [tao2 wu4] /legendary beast/ [tai2] /desk/platform/ [Tai2 an1 xian4] /Tai'an county in Anshan [An1 shan1], Liaoning/ [tai2 deng1] /desk lamp/table lamp/ [bing1] /betel palm (Areca catechu)/betel nut/Taiwan pr. [bin1]/ [Bin1 cheng2] /Penang (state in Malaysia)/ [bin1 zi5] /binzi/a species of apple which is slightly sour and astringent/ [Bing1 zhou1] /Penang Pulau (Island), Malaysia/also written / [bing1 lang5] /betel palm (Areca catechu)/betel nut/ [Bing1 lang5 yu3] /Penang Pulau (Island), Malaysia/ [huo4] /(tree)/ [ji4] /fringe flower (Loropetalum chinense), evergreen shrub/ [qi3] /variant of , wolfberry shrub (Lycium chinense)/ [ji4 mu4] /fringe flower (Loropetalum chinense), evergreen shrub/ [ji4 hua1] /fringe flower (Loropetalum chinense), evergreen shrub/ [ning2] /lemon/ [ning2 meng2] /lemon/ [ning2 meng2 shui3] /lemonade/ [ning2 meng2 zhi1] /lemon juice/ [ning2 meng2 fu2 mei2 zhuang4 jun1] /Planctomyces citreus/ [ning2 meng2 pian4] /slice of lemon/ [ning2 meng2 cha2] /lemon tea/ [ning2 meng2 cao3] /lemongrass/ [ning2 meng2 suan1] /citric acid/ [ning2 meng2 suan1 xun2 huan2] /citric acid cycle/Krebs cycle/tricarb [ning2 meng2 ji1] /lemon chicken/ [jian4] /banister/balustrade/cage for animal or prisoner/to transport caged pris oner on a cart/ [kan3] /door sill/threshold/ [jian4 hua1 long2 he4] /a flower in a cage, a crane in a basket (idiom); [jian4 che1] /cart with cage, used to escort prisoner/

[zhao4] /oar (archaic)/scull/paddle/to row/a boat/ [gui4] /cupboard/cabinet/wardrobe/ [gui4 zi5] /cupboard/cabinet/ [gui4 tai2] /sales counter/front desk/bar/ [kui2] /see [kui2 shi1] Polaris, the north star/ [kui2 shi1] /Polaris/the north star/same as [bie3 dou3]/ [you1] /harrow/ [lu3] /sculling oar/ [lu:2] /palm tree/ [zhi4] /comb out/weed out, eliminate/ [zhi4 bi3] /lined up close (like teeth of a comb)/ [jie2 shui3 mu3] /comb jellies (Ctenophora)/ [gao1] /weapon case/ [du2] /cabinet/case/casket/ [yuan2] /Citrus medica/ [li4] /oak/Quercus serrata/ [li4 shu4] /oak tree/ [chu2] /wardrobe/closet/cabinet/ [chu2 gui4] /cupboard/cupboard that can also be used as a table/sideboard/ [chu2 chuang1] /display window/ [zhu1] /Quercus glanca/ [lu2] /capital (of column)/smoke tree/ [li4] /type of oak/stable (for horses)/ [zhu1] /Zelkova acuminata/ [chen4] /Sterculia plantanifolia/coffin/ [nie4] /new shoot growing from cut branch or stump/ [nie4 zhi1] /branch stem/ [long2] /bar/cage/gratings/ [ju3] /Zeikowa acuminata/ [ju3 mu4] /beech/ [xiao1] /a type of big tree (archaic)/ [ling2] /variant of [ling2]/ [ying1] /cherry/ [ying1 dao3] /Sakurajima island, an active volcano in Kagoshima prefecture xian4], Japan/ [ying1 tao2] /cherry/ [ying1 tao2 yuan2] /The Cherry Orchard/ [ying1 tao2 xiao3 fan1 qie2] /see [sheng4 nu:3 guo3]/ [ying1 hua1] /oriental cherry (Prunus serrulata or Prunus yedoensis), prized for ts blossom/also known as sakura (Japanese) or Yoshino cherry/ [ying1 hua1 cao3] /primrose/ [yin3] /tool used for shaping wood (old)/old variant of / [xiang1] /inner lining of wooden utensils/component beam used in building constr uction/species of oak tree with medicinal bark (old)/ [bo2] /rafter/ [chan2] /sandalwood (Santalum album), a Nepalese tree producing valuable fragran t oil/comet/ [lan2] /fence/railing/hurdle/column or box (of text or other data)/ [lan2 quan1] /pen/animal yard/ [lan2 gan1] /railing/banister/ [lan2 jia4] /hurdle/ [lan2 zha4] /barrier/ [lan2 mu4] /regular column or segment (in a publication or broadcast program)/pro ram (TV or radio)/ [quan2] /authority/power/right/temporary/ [quan2 wei4] /power and position (politics)/ [quan2 li4] /power/right/privilege/ [quan2 li4 fa3 an4] /bill of rights/ [quan2 li4 sheng1 ming2] /copyright statement/ [quan2 li4 yao1 qiu2] /claim to rights (copyright, patent etc)/

[quan2 li4] /power/authority/ [quan2 li4 jiao1 jie1] /transfer of power/to hand over power/ [quan2 li4 fen1 xiang3] /power sharing/ [quan2 li4 fen1 xiang3 xie2 yi4] /power sharing agreement/ [quan2 li4 fen1 zheng1] /power struggle/ [quan2 li4 dou4 zheng1] /power struggle/ [quan2 shi4] /power/influence/ [quan2 wei1] /authority/authoritative/power and prestige/ [quan2 wei1 xing4] /authoritative/(having) authority/ [quan2 yi2] /expedient/ [quan2 yi2 zhi1 ce4] /stratagem of convenience (idiom); stop-gap measure/ n/interim step/ [quan2 yi2 zhi1 ji4] /plan of convenience (idiom); stop-gap measure/makes m/interim step/ [quan2 zhang4] /scepter/ [quan2 bing3] /authority/ [quan2 dang1] /to act as if/to treat sth as if it were/ [quan2 yi4] /rights and benefits/ [quan2 neng2] /power/ [quan2 shu4] /art of politics/political tricks (often derog.)/power play/to play t politics/underhand trickery/ [quan2 heng2] /to weigh/to consider/to assess/to balance/to trade-off/ [quan2 heng2 li4 bi4] /weigh the pros and the cons/ [quan2 zheng4] /warrant (finance)/ [quan2 gui4] /influential officials/bigwigs/ [quan2 zhong4] /weight/ [quan2 yao4] /keys of authority/ [quan2 xian4] /limits to authority/scope of one's jurisdiction/ [luo2] /see [suo1 luo2]/ [li4] /beam/ [zan4] /gather/ [Luan2] /surname Luan/ [luan2] /Koelreuteria paniculata/ [Luan2 cheng2] /Luancheng county in Shijiazhuang [Shi2 jia1 zhuang1] [Luan2 cheng2 xian4] /Luancheng county in Shijiazhuang [Shi2 jia [Luan2 chuan1] /Luanchuan county in Luoyang , Henan/ [Luan2 chuan1 xian4] /Luanchuan county in Luoyang , Henan/ [lan3] /olive/ [lan3 jiao3] /black olive (Canarium tramdenum)/ [lei2] /sedan/ [ling2] /latticework on a window/ [ling2 chuang2] /variant of [ling2 chuang2]/ [qian4] /deficient/to owe/to lack/yawn/ [qian4 jia1] /suboptimal/subpar/not good enough/ [qian4 zhai4] /in debt/the sum owed/ [qian4 tuo3] /not very proper or appropriate/not satisfactory or dependable/ [qian4 an1] /ill (euphemism)/ [qian4 bian3] /annoying/infuriating/deserving of a good spanking/ [qian4 zou4] /to need a spanking/ [qian4 tiao2] /IOU/certificate of indebtedness/ [qian4 kuan3] /to owe a debt/balance due/debts/ [qian4 que1] /lapse/deficiency/ [qian4 xin1] /to owe wages/back pay/wages arrears/ [qian4 fei4] /arrearage/amount overdue/to owe money/ [qian4 xiang4] /liabilities/debt/ [ci4] /next in sequence/second/the second (day, time etc)/secondary/vice-/sub-/i nfra-/inferior quality/substandard/order/sequence/hypo- (chemistry)/classifier f or enumerated events: time/ [ci4 yi1 ge4] /next one (in order)/ [ci4 zhi1] /second (in a competition)/occupying second place/

[ci4 ya4 liu2 suan1 na4] /sodium hyposulfide Na2S2O3 (hypo)/ [ci4 pin3] /substandard products/defective/seconds/ [ci4 da4 lu4] /subcontinent (e.g. the Indian subcontinent)/ [ci4 nu:3] /second daughter/ [ci4 zi3] /second son/ [ci4 guan1] /undersecretary/secondary official/ [ci4 xu4] /sequence/order/ [ci4 shu4] /frequency/number of times/ordinal number/ [ci4 wen2 hua4] /subculture/ [ci4 fang1] /(raised to the) nth power/ [ci4 yu2] /second after/second only to/ [ci4 ri4] /next day/the morrow/ [ci4 lu:4 suan1] /hypochlorous acid HOCl (bleach)/ [ci4 xiu4 suan1] /hypobromous acid HOBr/ [ci4 sheng1] /derivative/secondary/sub-/ [ci4 sheng1 lin2] /secondary growth of forest/ [ci4 sheng1 zai1 hai4] /secondary disaster (e.g. epidemic following flood [ci4 di4] /order/sequence/one after another/ [ci4 deng3] /second class/second rate/ [ci4 ji2] /secondary/ [ci4 ji2 fang2 wu1 xin4 dai4 wei1 ji1] /subprime mortgage [ci4 ji2 di3 ya1 dai4 kuan3] /subprime mortgage/ [ci4 ji2 dai4 kuan3] /subprime lending/abbr. to / [ci4 jing1] /non-canonical text/dubious classic text/Apocrypha/ [ci4 sheng1 bo1] /infrasonic wave/ [ci4 yao4] /secondary/ [ci4 pin2] /extremely poor but not destitute/ [ci4 huo4] /inferior goods/substandard products/ [ci4 dai4] /subprime lending/abbr. for / [ci4 dai4 wei1 ji1] /subprime mortgage crisis/abbr. for [ci4 zhong4 liang4 ji2] /middle heavyweight (boxing)/ [ci4 zhang3] /deputy chief/ [ci4 yun4] /reply to a poem in the same rhyme/ [xin1] /happy/ [xin1 xi3] /happy/ [xin1 xi3 ruo4 kuang2] /to be wild with joy (idiom)/ [xin1 fu2] /brand name of a glucose injection that caused medical scandal/ [xin1 wei4] /to be gratified/ [xin1 xin1 xiang4 rong2] /luxuriant growth (idiom); flourishing/thriving/ [xin1 shang3] /to appreciate/to enjoy/to admire/ [xu1] /to blow or breathe upon to smile/ [kai4] /cough/sound of laughter/ [yu4] /to wish for/to desire/variant of [yu4]/ [yu4 jia1 zhi1 zui4 , he2 huan4 wu2 ci2] /If you want xt (idiom, from Zuozhuan ); one can always trump up a charge against sb/Give a dog a bad name, then hang him./ [yu4 qu3 gu1 yu3] /variant of [yu4 qu3 gu1 yu3]/to make ins (idiom)/ [yu4 qu3 gu1 yu3] /to make concessions for the sake of future gains (idio [yu4 shan4 qi2 shi4 , bi4 xian1 li4 qi2 qi4] /To diom). Good tools are prerequisite to the successful execution of a job/ [yu4 nian4] /desire/ [yu4 zhen4 fa2 li4] /to try to rouse oneself but lack the strength (idiom [yu4 qin2 gu4 zong4] /In order to capture, one must let loose./to loosen y to grasp them better/ [yu4 hai3] /ocean of lust (Buddhist term)/worldly desires/ [yu4 yi4 fan3 sun3] /wishing for profit, but causing loss (idiom); good i t lead to disaster/It all ends in tears./ [yu4 jue2] /heart-broken/inconsolable/ [yu4 ba4 bu4 neng2] /want to stop but can't (idiom, from Analects); find

to give up/ [yu4 gai4 mi2 zhang1] /trying to hide it makes it more conspicuous (idiom only makes matters worse./ [yu4 su4 ze2 bu4 da2] /lit. to want sth in haste, but cannot get ther ects); more haste, less speed/don't try to run before you can walk/ [yu4 su4 er2 bu4 da2] /lit. to want sth in haste, but cannot get ther ects); more haste, less speed/also written / [kuan3] /to treat well/to detain/variant of [kuan3]/ [shuo4] /to suck/to drink/ [xi1] /to sob/ [xi1 xu1] /see [xi1 xu1]/ [xi1 xu1] /(onomat.) to sob/ [ai3] /sigh/exclamation Eh!/ [yi1] /interjection/ [qi1] /take unfair advantage of/to deceive/to cheat/ [qi1 ren2 tai4 shen4] /to bully intolerably (idiom)/ [qi1 yi3 qi2 fang1] /deceived by a pretense of reason (idiom)/ [qi1 wu3] /to bully/ [qi1 ling2] /to bully and humiliate/ [qi1 hong3] /to dupe/to deceive/ [qi1 ya1] /to bully/to push around/ [qi1 sheng1] /to cheat strangers/to bully strangers/(of domesticated animals) to e rebellious with unfamiliar people/ [qi1 nan2 ba4 nu:3] /to oppress the people/to act tyrannically/ [qi1 man2] /to fool/to hoodwink/to dupe/ [qi1 zha4] /to cheat/ [qi1 zha4 zhe3] /deceiver/ [qi1 fu5] /to bully/ [qi1 ru3] /to humiliate/humiliation/ [qi1 pian4] /to deceive/to cheat/ [chua1] /onomat. crashing sound/ [xu1] /suddenly/also pr. [hu1]/ [chi3] /drink/ [Qin1] /surname Qin/ [qin1] /to respect/to admire/to venerate/by the emperor himself/ [qin1 yang3] /to admire and respect/ [qin1 pei4] /to admire/to look up to/to respect sb greatly/ [Qin1 bei3] /Qinbei district of Qinzhou city [Qin1 zhou1 shi4], Guan [Qin1 bei3 qu1] /Qinbei district of Qinzhou city [Qin1 zhou1 shi [Qin1 nan2] /Qinnan district of Qinzhou city [Qin1 zhou1 shi4], Guan [Qin1 nan2 qu1] /Qinnan district of Qinzhou city [Qin1 zhou1 shi [qin1 ming4] /Imperial order or edict (old)/ [Qin1 nai4] /Chennai, capital of southeast Indian state Tamil Nadu ng1]/formerly called Madras [Ma3 de2 la1 si1]/ [qin1 ding4] /compiled and published by Imperial command (old)/ [Qin1 zhou1] /Qinzhou prefecture level city in Guangxi/Zhuang: Ginhcouh/ [Qin1 zhou1 di4 qu1] /Qinzhou prefecture in Guangxi/Zhuang: Ginhcouh/ [Qin1 zhou1 shi4] /Qinzhou prefecture level city in Guangxi/Zhuang: Ginhcouh/ [qin1 chai1] /imperial envoy/ [qin1 yi4] /to admire and respect/to look up to/ [qin1 jing4] /to admire and respect/ [kuan3] /section/paragraph/funds/CL: [bi3], [ge4]/classifier for versions or (e.g. a version of a device, software etc)/ [kuan3 fu2] /to obey/faithfully following instructions/to admit guilt/ [kuan3 r5] /haughty manner/proud bearing/ [kuan3 dong1] /coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara), plant in sunflower family Asteracae used a cough suppressant/ [kuan3 zi5] /a sum of money/CL: [bi3]/ [kuan3 shi4] /pattern/style/design/CL: [zhong3]/ [kuan3 shi5] /elegant/elegance/good taste/

[kuan3 dai4] /to entertain/to be hospitable to/ [kuan3 xin1] /new (model)/recently developed (product)/ [kuan3 fu2] /to obey/faithfully following instructions/to admit guilt/ [kuan3 kuan3] /leisurely/sincerely/ [kuan3 bu4] /to walk slowly/with deliberate steps/ [kuan3 yu3 yi2 shi2] /to talk slowly and in depth (idiom)/ [kuan3 xiang4] /funds/a sum of money/CL:[zong1]/ [kan3] /discontented with oneself/ [kan3 ran2] /dissatisfied/discontented/lacking happiness/ [kan3] /unsatisfied (of eating)/ [sha4] /to drink/ [sha4 xue4] /to smear one's lips with the blood of a sacrifice as a means of pled ing allegiance (old)/ [xin1] /pleased/moved/ [xie1] /to rest/ [xie1 hou4 yu3] /saying in which the second part, uttered after a pause or to eft out, is the intended meaning of the allegory presented in the first part/ [xie1 xi5] /to have a rest/to stay for the night/to go to bed/to sleep/ [xie1 si1 di3 li3] /hysterical/ [xie1 ye4] /to close down (temporarily or permanently)/to go out of business/ [xie1 qi4] /to have a break/to rest/ [Xie1 luo4 ke4 Fu2 er3 mo2 si1] /Sherlock Holmes/ [xie1 jiao3] /to stop on the way for a rest/ [xie1 huang2] /large warship/ [xie1 cai4] /Stop it! (recent Beijing and internet slang)/Game over!/You're dead! [yu2] /songs/ [qian4] /to apologize/to regret/deficient/ [qian4 yi4] /apology/regret/ [qian4 shou1] /crop failure/poor harvest/ [qian4 jiu4] /remorseful/guilt-ridden/ [xiao1] /vapor/steam/ [ge1] /song/CL:[zhi1],[shou3]/to sing/ [ge1 zai3 xi4] /type of opera from Taiwan and Fujian/ [ge1 r5] /song/ [Ge1 li4 ya4] /Goliath/ [ge1 ju4] /western opera/CL: [chang3],[chu1]/ [ge1 ju4 yuan4] /opera house/ [Ge1 ju4 yuan4 mei4 ying3] /Phantom of the Opera by Andrew Lloyd-Webe [ge1 gong1 song4 de2] /to sing sb's praises (mostly derogatory)/ [ge1 chang4] /to sing/ [ge1 chang4 jia1] /singer/ [ge1 chang4 sai4] /song contest/ [ge1 tan2] /singing stage/music business (esp. pop music)/ [ge1 nu:3] /female singer (archaic)/ [ge1 ji1] /female singer/ [ge1 zi5] /song/ [ge1 ting1] /karaoke hall/disco hall/ [Ge1 de2] /Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832), German poet and dramatist/ [ge1 shou3] /singer/ [ge1 xing1] /singing star/famous singer/ [ge1 qu3] /song/ [ge1 yan2] /a feast which also has a singing performance/ [ge1 luo2 xi1] /Colossia/ [Ge1 luo2 xi1 shu1] /Epistle of St Paul to the Colossians/ [ge1 sheng1] /singing voice/fig. original voice of a poet/ [ge1 wu3] /singing and dancing/ [ge1 wu3 ji4] /kabuki/ [ge1 wu3 sheng1 ping2] /lit. to celebrate peace with songs and dance (idi ake a show of happiness and prosperity/ [ge1 wu3 tuan2] /song and dance troupe/

[ge1 ci2] /song lyric/lyrics/ [ge1 yong3] /singing/ [Ge1 shi1 da2 You2 lun2] /Costa Cruises (brand)/ [ge1 yao2] /folksong/ballad/nursery rhyme/ [ge1 mi2] /fan of a singer/ [ge1 song4] /to sing the praises of/to extol/to eulogize/ [tan4] /to sigh/to gasp/to exclaim/ [tan4 xi1] /to sigh/to gasp (in admiration)/also written / [tan4 hao4] /exclamation mark (punct.)/ [Ou1] /Europe/abbr. for [Ou1 zhou1]/surname Ou/ [ou1] /(used for transliteration)/old variant of [ou1]/ [Ou1 Ya4] /Asia and Europe/Eurasian (continent)/same as / [Ou1 ya4 da4 lu4] /Eurasia/ [Ou1 ren2] /Eugene (name)/ [Ou1 bo2 lin2] /Oberlin/ [ou1 pei4 ke4] /OPEC/Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries/ [Ou1 yuan2] /Euro (currency)/ [Ou1 yuan2 qu1] /Eurozone/ [Ou1 gong4 ti3] /abbr. for , European Community (old ter [ou1 fen1] /Eurocent/ [ou1 ji2 sang1] /uncle (Japanese loanword, respectful appellation for any old / [ou1 mu3] /ohm/ [Ou1 an1 zu3 zhi1] /Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe ( for / [Ou1 bao3] /Opel (car brand)/ [ou1 ba5 sang1] /aunt (Japanese loanword, respectful appellation for any olde e)/ [Ou1 ba1 ma3] /Taiwanese variant of [Ao4 ba1 ma3], Barack Obama tician, Senator for Illinois from 2005, president from 2009/ [Ou1 ji3 li3 de2] /Euclid of Alexandria (c. 300 BC), Greek geometer and a s / [Ou1 ji3 li3 de2] /Euclid of Alexandria (c. 300 BC), Greek geometer and a ents / [ou1 shi4] /in the European style/Euclidean/ [ou1 shi4 ji3 he2] /Euclidean geometry/ [ou1 shi4 ji3 he2 xue2] /Euclidean geometry/ [Ou1 la1] /Leonhard Euler (1707-1783), Swiss mathematician/ [Ou1 wen2] /Owen (name)/Erwin (name)/Irvine, California/ [Ou1 wen2 si1] /Owens (name)/ [Ou1 bo2 lin2] /Oberlin/ [ou1 cha2 guo3] /medlar/ [Ou1 shi4] /Euclid/abbr. for / [Ou1 shi4 ji3 he2 xue2] /Euclidean geometry/ [ou1 bo2] /opal (Sanskrit: upala)/ [Ou1 zhou1] /Europe/European/ [Ou1 zhou1 Zhong1 yang1 Yin2 hang2] /European Central Bank/ [ou1 zhou1 zhi1 xing1] /Eurostar (train line)/ [Ou1 zhou1 ren2] /European (person)/ [Ou1 zhou1 gong4 tong2 shi4 chang3] /European common market (old on)/ [Ou1 zhou1 Gong4 tong2 ti3] /European Community, old term for EU, Eur ]/ [Ou1 zhou1 xing2 jing3 zu3 zhi1] /Europol (European Police Office [ou1 zhou1 yuan2 zi3 neng2 lian2 ying2] /Euratom/ [Ou1 zhou1 da4 lu4] /continent of Europe/ [Ou1 zhou1 an1 quan2 he2 he2 zuo4 zu3 zhi1] /Organiza OCSE/ [ou1 zhou1 an1 quan2 yu3 he2 zuo4 zu3 zhi1] /Organiza (OSCE)/

[Ou1 zhou1 shan1 yang2] /European poplar (Populus tremula)/ [Ou1 zhou1 bei1] /European cup (e.g. soccer)/ [Ou1 zhou1 he2 zi3 zhong1 xin1] /European center for nuclear rese [Ou1 zhou1 he2 zi3 yan2 jiu1 zhong1 xin1] /European cente a/ [Ou1 zhou1 Fa3 yuan4] /European Court of Justice/ [Ou1 zhou1 Li3 shi4 hui4] /European Council/ [Ou1 zhou1 lian2 meng2] /European Union/EU/ [Ou1 zhou1 Zi4 you2 Mao4 yi4 Lian2 meng2] /European Free [Ou1 zhou1 Hang2 tian1 ju2] /European Space Agency (ESA)/ [ou1 zhou1 yu3 yan2] /European language/ [Ou1 zhou1 Yi4 hui4] /European Parliament/ [Ou1 zhou1 huo4 bi4] /Euro/European currency/ [Ou1 zhou1 fang2 feng1] /parsnip (Pastinaca sativa)/ [Ou1 zhou1 dian4 shi4] /European TV/Eurovision/ [Ou1 zhou1 dian4 shi4 ge1 chang4 sai4] /Eurovision song conte [Ou1 po4 lai2] /Aupres, Shiseido's line in China/ [Ou1 meng2] /European Union/EU/ [Ou1 meng2 wei3 yuan2 hui4] /Commission of European Union/ [Ou1 meng2 cheng2 yuan2 guo2] /EU member states/countries of the Euro [ou1 mi3 ga1] /omega (Greek letter )/ [ 1 Mei3] /E rope and America/the West/ [o 1 qin2] /parsley (Petroselin m sativ m)/ [o 1 r o4 la1] /a rora/ [ 1 lai2 ya3] /L' ral ( rench cosmetics company)/ [ 1 shi2 l o2] /c min (C min m cymin m)/ [o 1 die2 y 2] /plaice/ [o 1 che1 qian2] /psylli m (gen s Plantago)/ [ 1 li3 bi4 de2 si1] /E ripides (c. 480-406 BC), Greek tragedian, a an Women etc/ [ 1 yang2] /t o-character s rname yang/ [ 1 yang2 Y 2 qian4] / yang Y qian (1889-1962), Chinese actor/ [ 1 yang2 Xi 1] / yang Xi (1007-1072), Northern Song dynasty prose riter torian/ [ 1 yang2 X n2] / yang X n (557-641), one of o r Great Poets of early Tang Si4 Da4 jia1]/ [h an1] /Japanese variant of / [xu1] /to snort/ [pen1] /old variant of [pen1]/ [xu1] /variant of [xu1]/ [she4] /name of a district in Anhui/ [She4 xian4] /She county in Huangshan [Huang2 shan1], Anhui/ [han1] /to desire/to give/ [lian3] /variant of [lian3]/ [chu4] /(person)/angry/ [yu2] /(final particle expression doubt or surprise, similar to or )/ [chuo4] /sip/suck/ [huan1] /joyous/happy/pleased/ [huan1 shi5] /lively/full of vigor/vibrant/spirited/ [huan1 hu1] /to cheer for/to acclaim/ [huan1 xi3] /happy/joyous/delighted/to like/to be fond of/ [huan1 tian1 xi3 di4] /delighted/wild with joy/lit. pleased with heaven, rth (idiom)/ [huan1 yu2] /to amuse/to divert/happy/joyful/pleasure/amusement/ [huan1 yan4] /feast/celebration/ [huan1 rong2 yue4 se4] /to look happy and contented (idiom)/ [huan1 shi5] /lively/full of vigor/vibrant/spirited/ [huan1 xin1] /favor/liking/love/jubilation/joy/ [huan1 kuai4] /cheerful and lighthearted/lively/ [huan1 yue4] /happiness/joy/to be happy/to be joyous/








[huan1 yu2] /happy/joyous/delighted/ [huan1 qing4] /to celebrate/ [huan1 le4] /gaiety/gladness/glee/merriment/pleasure/happy/joyous/gay/ [huan1 xin1] /elated/ [huan1 xin1 gu3 wu3] /elated and excited (idiom); overjoyed/ [huan1 huan1 xi3 xi3] /happily/ [huan1 xiao4] /to laugh happily/a belly-laugh/ [huan1 ju4 yi1 tang2] /to gather happily under one roof/ [huan1 beng4 luan4 tiao4] /glowing with health and vivacity (idiom)/ [huan1 ying2] /to welcome/welcome/ [huan1 ying2 guang1 lin2] /welcome/ [huan1 song4] /to see off/to send off/ [huan1 teng2] /jubilation/great celebration/CL:[pian4]/ [zhi3] /to stop/to prohibit/until/only/ [zhi3 ke2] /to suppress coughing/ [zhi3 ke2 tang2 jiang1] /cough suppressant syrup/cough mixture/ [zhi3 jing4] /limit/boundary/end/ [zhi3 bu4] /to halt/to stop/to go no farther/ [zhi3 han4 ji4] /anti-perspirant/ [zhi3 teng2 pian1] /painkiller/analgesic/ [zhi3 tong4] /to relieve pain/to stop pain/analgesic/ [zhi3 tong4 ji4] /analgesic/ [zhi3 tong4 fa3] /method of relieving pain/ [zhi3 tong4 yao4] /pain-killer/analgesic/anodyne/ [zhi3 xue4] /to staunch (bleeding)/hemostatic (drug)/ [zhi3 xue4 dian4] /dressing/pad to stop bleeding/ [zhi3 xue4 shuan1] /plug to stop bleeding/tampon/ [zheng1] /first month of the lunar year/ [zheng4] /just (right)/main/upright/straight/correct/positive/greater than zero/ principle/ [zheng4 ding1 mi2] /butyl ether/ [zheng4 zhong1] /middle/center/right in the middle or center/nub/ [zheng4 zhong1 yao4 hai4] /to hit the nail on the head (idiom)/ [zheng4 shi4] /one's proper business/ [zheng4 wu3 bian1 xing2] /regular pentagon/ [zheng4 jiao1] /orthogonality/ [zheng4 jiao1 qun2] /orthogonal group (math.)/ [zheng4 ren2 jun1 zi5] /upright gentleman/man of honor/ [Zheng1 cang1 yuan4] /Shs-in, treasure house belonging to Tdai-ji , ve repository of imperial treasures from Tang times/described as the east-most e nd of the Silk road/ [zheng4 zhi2] /just at the time of/honest/upright/(math.) positive value/ [zheng4 zhuan4] /main subject of long novel/true biography/ [zheng4 liu4 bian1 xing2] /regular hexagon/ [zheng4 qie1] /tangent (of angle), written tan / [zheng4 ze2] /regular (figure in ge metry)/ [zheng4 ze2 can1 shu4] /regular parametrizati n/ [zheng4 ge1] /secant ( f angle), written sec / [zheng4 hua4] /n rmalizati n/t n rmalize/ [zheng4 wu3] /midday/n n/n nday/ [zheng4 ban4 zh u2] /p sitive semi-axis (in c rdinate ge metry)/ [zheng4 fan3] /p sitive and negative/pr s and c ns/inside and utside/ [zheng4 fan3 liang3 mian4] /tw -way/reversible/b th sides f the c in/ [zheng4 shi3] /the 24 r 25 fficial dynastic hist ries/true hist ry, as pp sed ficti nal adaptati n r p pular legends/ [zheng4 ming2] / fficial name/pr per title/t attain a f rmal title/ [zheng4 xiang4 ian2 kan4] /l k-ahead asserti n/ [zheng4 pin3] /certified g ds/ uality pr duct/n rmal pr duct/A-class g ds/ [zheng4 zai4] /in the pr cess f (d ing s mething r happening)/while (d ing)/ [zheng4 du 1 ba 1 xing2] /c nvex p lyt pe/














[zheng4 du 1 mian4 ti3] /regular p lyhedr n/ [zheng4 da4 guang1 ming2] /just and h n rable/ [zheng4 tai4] /y ung, cute b y/derived fr m Japanese l anw rd sh tac n [zhe ng4]/ [zheng4 tai4 k ng4] /sh tac n (Japanese l anw rd)/manga r anime genre depict ng b ys in an er tic manner/ [zheng4 ha 3] /just (in time)/just right/just en ugh/t happen t /t chance t /by chance/it just s happens that/ [zheng4 ru2] /just as/precisely as/ [zheng4 mei4] /beautiful w man/sexy w man/ [zheng4 zi3] /p sitr n/als called [zheng4 dian4 zi3]/ [zheng4 zi4 fa3 mo2 shi4] /orthographic pattern/ [zheng4 zi4 fa3 kong1 jian1] /orthographic space/ [zheng4 zi4 fa3 gui1 ze2] /orthographic rule/ [zheng4 zi4 fa3 jie1 duan4] /orthographic stage/ [Zheng1 An1] /Zheng'an county in Zun'yi [Zun1 yi4], Guizhou/ [Zheng1 An1 xian4] /Zheng'an county in Zun'yi [Zun1 yi4], Guizhou/ [zheng4 zong1] /orthodox school/fig. traditional/old school/authentic/genuine/ [Zheng4 ding4] /Zhengding county in Shijiazhuang [Shi2 jia1 zhuang1] [Zheng4 ding4 xian4] /Zhengding county in Shijiazhuang [Shi2 jia [zheng4 shi4] /first wife/legal wife/ [Zheng1 gong1 Niang2 niang2] /Empress/senior Imperial Consort/Queen Mothe [Zheng4 ning2] /Zhengning county in Qingyang [Qing4 yang2], Gansu/ [Zheng4 ning2 xian4] /Zhengning county in Qingyang [Qing4 yang2], Ga [zheng4 dui4] /directly facing/ [zheng4 qiao3] /just by chance/to happen to (just at the right time)/opportune/ [zheng4 chang2] /regular/normal/ordinary/ [zheng4 chang2 zhi2] /regular value/the norm/ [zheng4 chang2 hua4] /normalization (of diplomatic relations etc)/ [zheng4 chang2 gong1 zuo4] /normal operation/proper functioning/ [zheng4 chang2 cheng2 ben3] /normal cost (accountancy)/ [zheng4 shi4] /formal/official/ [zheng4 shi4 tou2 piao4] /formal vote/ [zheng4 xian2] /sine (of angle), written sin / [zheng4 xian2 ding4 li3] /law f sines/ [zheng4 xian2 xing2] /sinus idal (shaped like a sine wave)/ [zheng4 xian2 b 1] /sine wave/simple harm nic vibrati n/ [Zheng4 De2] /Zhengde Emper r, reign name f eleventh Ming emper r Zhu H uzha H u4 zha 4] (1491-1521), reigned 1505-1521, Temple name [Ming2 Wu3 z ng1]/ [zheng4 nian4] /c rrect mindfulness (buddhism)/ [zheng4 fang2] /central building (in a traditi nal h use)/first wife/ [zheng4 t u2 ying3] / rth g nal pr jecti n/ [zheng4 jia 4] /lit. true religi n/ rth d x religi n/ rth d x Christianity/Islam in the writing f Chinese r Hui the l gians)/ [zheng4 jia 4 zhen1 uan2] /Exegesis f true religi n by Wang Daiyu dy of Islam/also translated as Real hermeneutics of orthodox religion/ [zheng4 zheng3 shu4] /positive integer/ [zheng4 shu4] /positive number/ [zheng4 wen2] /main text (as opposed to footnotes)/main body (of a book)/ [zheng4 duan4 ceng2] /normal fault (geology)/ [zheng4 fang1 xiang4] /orientation/ [zheng4 fang1 xing2] /square/ [zheng4 fang1 ti3] /a rectangular parallelepiped/ [zheng4 dan4] /starring female role in a Chinese opera/ [zheng4 shi4] /(emphasizes that sth is precisely or exactly as stated)/precisely/ xactly/even/if/just like/in the same way as/ [zheng1 yue4] /first month of the lunar year/ [zheng1 yue4 chu1 yi1] /New Year's Day in the lunar calendar/ [zheng4 ye4] /one's regular job/ [zheng4 ji2] /positive pole/














[zheng1 kai3] /regular script (sim. to block capitals)/ [zheng4 zheng4] /neat/orderly/just in time/ [zheng4 bu4] /goose-step (for military parades)/ [zheng4 dian4] /main hall of a Buddhist temple/ [zheng4 bi3] /direct ratio/directly proportional/ [zheng1 bi3 li4] /direct proportionality/ [zheng4 qi4] /healthy environment/healthy atmosphere/righteousness/vital energy ( n Chinese medicine)/ [zheng4 fa3] /to execute/the law/ [zheng4 pai4] /upright/ [zheng4 gang3] /(slang) authentic/genuine/ [zheng4 ran2] /in the process of (doing something or happening)/while (doing)/ [zheng4 ban3] /genuine/legal/see also [dao4 ban3]/ [zheng4 ya2 dai4 huan2] /orthodontic brace/ [zheng4 sheng1] /starring male role in a Chinese opera/ [zheng4 yong4] /correct usage/ [zheng4 dang1] /honest/reasonable/fair/sensible/timely/just (when needed)/ [zheng4 dang1 zhong1] /right in the midpoint/a bull's eye/to hit the nail on d/ [zheng4 dang4 xing4] /(political) legitimacy/ [zheng4 dang1 shi2] /the right time for sth/the right season (for planting ca [zheng4 dang1 li3 you2] /proper reason/reasonable grounds/ [zheng4 dang1 fang2 wei4] /reasonable self-defense/legitimate defense/ [zheng4 zhi2] /upright/upstanding/honest/ [zheng4 yan3] /to look straight forward/to look straight in someone's face/ [zheng4 que4] /correct/proper/ [zheng4 que4 chu3 li3] /to handle correctly/ [zheng4 que4 chu3 li3 ren2 min2 nei4 bu4 mao2 dun tions among the people, Mao Zedong's tract of 1957/ [zheng4 que4 lu4 xian4] /correct line (i.e. the party line)/ [Zheng4 zu3] /Jeonjo (1752-1800), 22nd king of Korean Joseon dynasty/ [Zheng4 Tong3] /Zhengtong Emperor, reign name of sixth Ming Emperor Zhu Qizhen 2 zhen4] (1427-1464), reigned 1435-1449, Temple name Yingzong [Ying1 zong1]/ [zheng4 tong3] /orthodox/ [zheng4 jing1] /decent/honorable/proper/serious/according to standards/ [zheng4 jing1 ba1 bai3] /sincere/serious/ [zheng4 yi4] /justice/righteous/righteousness/ [zheng4 yi4 dou4 zheng1] /righteous struggle/ [Zheng4 yi4 dang3] /Justicialist Party/ [zheng4 zhi2] /official employment/ [zheng4 se4] /stern/grim/resolute/firm/unflinching/fundamental colors/ [zheng4 zhao2] /head on/red-handed/ [Zheng4 lan2 qi2] /Plain Blue banner or Shuluun Hh khoshuu in Xilin Gol leag le4 meng2], Inner Mongolia/also written / [Zheng4 lan2 qi2] /Plain Blue banner or Shuluun Hh khoshuu in Xilin Gol leag le4 meng2], Inner Mongolia/ [zheng4 hao4] /positive value sign + (math.)/plus sign/ [zheng4 zhuang1] /formal dress/ [zheng4 jin1 wei1 zuo4] /to sit upright and still (idiom)/ [zheng4 yao4] /to be just about to/to be on the point of/ [zheng4 gui1] /regular/according to standards/ [zheng4 gui1 jiao4 yu4] /regular education/ [zheng4 gui1 jun1] /regular army/standing army/ [zheng4 shi4] /to face squarely/to meet head on/to face up to/ [zheng4 yan2 li4 se4] /solemn in word and countenance (idiom); strict and so written / [zheng4 wu4] /true or false?/correct or incorrect/to correct errors (in a documen )/ [zheng4 wu4 biao3] /corrigenda/ [zheng4 xiang4] /to be just like/

[zheng4 fu4] /positive and negative/ [zheng4 fu4 hao4] /plus or minus sign (math.)/ [zheng4 fu4 dian4 zi3] /electrons and positrons/ [zheng4 lu4] /the right way/ [zheng4 gui3] /the right track/ [zheng4 dao4] /the correct path/the right way (Buddhism)/ [zheng4 xie2] /opposition between vital energy [zheng4 qi4] and pathogen traditional Chinese medicine/ [zheng4 xie2 xiang1 zheng1] /term in traditional Chinese medicine describ ess of disease as an opposition between vital energy [zheng4 qi4] and pathogeny qi4]/ [zheng4 feng1] /frontal attack (brush movement in painting)/ [Zheng4 xiang1 bai2 qi2] /Plain and Bordered White banner or Shuluun Hv in Xilin Gol league [Xi1 lin2 guo1 le4 meng2], Inner Mongolia/ [zheng1 chang2 shi2] /orthoclase KAlSi3O8 (rock-forming mineral, type of feld [zheng4 men2] /the formal entrance, main gate (to a university etc)/portal/ [Zheng4 yang2] /Zhangyang county in Zhumadian [Zhu4 ma3 dian4], Hena [Zheng4 yang2 xian4] /Zhangyang county in Zhumadian [Zhu4 ma3 di [zheng4 li2 zi3] /positive ion (physics)/ [zheng4 dian4] /positive charge (electricity)/ [zheng1 dian4 zi5] /positron (antiparticle of the electron)/ [zheng4 dian4 zi3 duan4 ceng2] /PET, positron emission tomography (me d)/ [zheng1 dian4 zi3 zhao4 she4 duan4 ceng2 she4 ying3] [zheng1 dian4 zi5 fa1 she4 ceng2 xi1] /positron emission tomo [zheng4 dian4 zi3 fa1 she4 duan4 ceng2 zhao4 xian [zheng4 dian4 zi3 fa1 she4 ji4 suan4 ji1 duan4 ce imaging method)/ [zheng4 dian4 zi3 fa1 she4 ti3 ceng2] /PET, positron emission thod)/ [zheng4 mian4] /front/obverse side/right side/positive/direct/open/ [zheng4 yin1] /standard pronunciation/to correct sb's pronunciation/ [zheng4 yan2 li4 se4] /solemn in countenance (idiom); strict and unsmilin [zheng4 gu3] /bone setting/Chinese osteopathy/ [zheng4 gu3 ba1 fa3] /the eight methods of bone setting/Chinese osteopath [Zheng4 ti3] /standard form/block letter/alternate term for Traditional Chinese c aracter, used in Taiwan/ [zheng4 ti3 zi4] /correct form of a Chinese character (when the common form plain typeface (as opposed to bold or italics)/another name for traditional Chin ese character (mainly in Taiwan)/ [zheng4 dian3] /on time/punctual (of train etc)/awesome (slang)/ [ci3] /this/these/ [ci3 fu2 bi3 qi3] /up here, down there (idiom); to rise and fall in succe er one subsides, the next arises/repeating continuously/occurring again and agai n (of applause, fires, waves, protests, conflicts, uprisings etc)/ [ci3 ke4] /this moment/now/at present/ [ci3 qian2] /before this/before then/previously/ [ci3 di4] /here/this place/ [ci3 di4 wu2 yin2 san1 bai3 liang3] /lit. 300 silver taels no reveal what one intends to hide/ [ci3 wai4] /besides/in addition/moreover/furthermore/ [ci3 hou4] /after this/afterwards/hereafter/ [ci3 shi2] /now/this moment/ [ci3 shi2 yi3 qian2] /heretofore/ [ci3 shi2 ci3 ke4] /at this very moment/ [ci3 shi2 ci3 di4] /here and now/as things stand/ [ci3 ci4] /this time/ [ci3 zhi4] /(used at the end of a letter to introduce a polite salutation)/ [ci3 zhi4 jing4 li3] /respectfully yours (at the end of a letter)/ [ci3 chu4] /this place/here (literary)/

[ci3 qi3 bi3 fu2] /up here, down there (idiom); to rise and fall in succe er one subsides, the next arises/repeating continuously/occurring again and agai n (of applause, fires, waves, protests, conflicts, uprisings etc)/ [ci3 lu4 bu4 tong1] /this road is blocked/fig. This method does not work. s no good./ [ci3 dao4] /such matters/things like this/this line of work/this pursuit/this hob y/this endeavor/ [ci3 jian1] /here/this place/ [ci3 ji4] /then/as a result/ [ci3 lei4] /this kind/these kinds/such/ [bu4] /a step/a pace/walk/march/stages in a process/ [bu4 ren2 hou4 chen2] /to follow in other people's footsteps/ [bu4 fa2] /pace/(measured) step/march/ [bu4 ru4] /to step into/to enter/ [bu4 bing1] /infantry/foot/infantryman/foot soldier/ [bu4 shao4] /sentry/sentinel/ [bu4 zi5] /step/pace/ [bu4 lu:3] /gait/walk/ [bu4 lu:3 wen3 luan4] /to be in complete disorder/ [bu4 lu:3 wei2 jian1] /have difficulty walking/walk with difficulty/ [bu4 tai4] /gait/tread/ [bu4 tai4 pan2 shan1] /to walk unsteadily/ [bu4 yao2] /dangling ornament worn by women/ [bu4 cao1] /foot drill (military, physical exercises etc)/ [bu4 dou3 ta4 gang1] /to worship the astral deities (idiom, refers to Dao )/ [bu4 yue4] /to stroll beneath the moon/ [bu4 qiang1] /rifle/CL:[ba3],[zhi1]/ [bu4 bu4] /step by step/at every step/ [bu4 bu4 wei2 ying2] /to advance gradually and entrench oneself at every lidate at every step/ [bu4 bu4 gao1 sheng1] /to climb step by step/to rise steadily/on the up a [bu4 wu3] /to walk in someone's steps/to follow in someone's footsteps (literary) a step (literary)/ [bu4 fa3] /footwork/ [bu4 ce4] /pacing/ [bu4 li2] /walking plow/ [bu4 gang1 ta4 dou3] /to worship the astral deities (idiom, refers to Dao )/ [bu4 xing2] /to go on foot/to walk/ [bu4 xing2 qu1] /pedestrian area/ [bu4 xing2 zhe3] /pedestrian/ [bu4 xing2 chong2] /ground beetle/ [bu4 xing2 jie1] /car-free zone/ [bu4 hua4 ji1] /walkie-talkie/ [bu4 diao4] /gait/marching order/step/pace/ [bu4 diao4 yi1 zhi4] /to be united in action/ [bu4 jin4 zhi4] /step by step system/ [bu4 jin4 ma3 da2] /stepper motor/ [bu4 dao4] /walking path/pathway/ [bu4 yun4] /to write a poem using another poem's rhymes/ [bu4 zhou4] /procedure/step/ [Wu3] /surname Wu/ [wu3] /martial/military/ [Wu3 Ding1] /Wu Ding (c. 14th century BC), legendary founder and wise ruler of Sh ng dynasty/ [wu3 xian1 zuo4] /Hercules (constellation)/ [Wu3 hou2] /Wuhou district of Chengdu city [Cheng2 du1 shi4], Sichuan/ [Wu3 hou2 qu1] /Wuhou district of Chengdu city [Cheng2 du1 shi4], Sichu [wu3 hou2 ci2] /memorial hall to Zhuge Liang (many of them in d

tourist attraction in Chengdu / [wu3 xia2] /martial arts chivalry (Chinese literary, theatrical and cinema genre) knight-errant/ [wu3 xia2 xiao3 shuo1] /a martial arts (wuxia) novel/ [Wu3 Ze2 tian1] /Wu Zetian (624-705), Tang empress, reigned 690-705/ [wu3 li4] /(make use of) military force/military force/military power/military mi ht/ [Wu3 gong1] /Wugong county in Xinyng [Xian2 yang2], Shnx / [wu3 gong1] /Martial art/military achievement (e.g. number of enemy heads cut off / [Wu3 gong1 shan1] /Mt Wugong in Jiangxi/ [Wu3 gong1 xian4] /Wugong county in Xinyng [Xian2 yang2], Shnx [Wu3 gong1 zhen4] /Wugong village in Shaanxi/ [Wu3 sheng4] /Wusheng county in Guang'an [Guang3 an1], Sichuan/ [Wu3 sheng4 xian4] /Wusheng county in Guang'an [Guang3 an1], Sichuan [wu3 qi4] /weapon/arms/CL: [zhong3]/ [wu3 qi4 ke3 yong4 wu4 zhi4] /weapons-usable material/ [wu3 qi4 jin4 yun4] /embargo on arms sale/ [wu3 qi4 xi4 tong3] /weapon system/ [wu3 qi4 ji2] /weapons-grade/ [wu3 qi4 ji2 bie2 cai2 liao4] /weapons-grade material/ [Wu3 cheng2] /Wucheng county in Dezhou [De2 zhou1], Shandong/ [Wu3 cheng2 xian4] /Wucheng county in Dezhou [De2 zhou1], Shandong/ [wu3 tan2] /martial arts circles/ [wu3 shi4] /warrior/samurai/ [Wu3 Shi4 huo4] /Wu Shihuo (7th century), father of Tang empress Wu Zetian [wu3 shi4 dao4] /bushid or way of the warrior, samurai code of chivalry/ [Wu3 yi2 shan1] /Mt Wuyi in Fujian/Wuyishan nature reserve/Wuyishan county le y in Nanping [Nan2 ping2] Fujian/ [Wu3 yi2 shan1 shi4] /Wuyishan county level city in Nanping [Nan2 pin [Wu3 wei1] /Wuwei prefecture level city in Gansu/ [Wu3 wei1 di4 qu1] /Wuwei prefecture in Gansu/ [Wu3 wei1 shi4] /Wuwei prefecture level city in Gansu/ [Wu3 an1] /Wu'an county level city in Handan [Han2 dan1], Hebei/ [Wu3 an1 shi4] /Wu'an county level city in Handan [Han2 dan1], Hebei [wu3 guan1] /military official/military attach/ [Wu3 ding4] /Wuding reign name (543-550) during Eastern Wei of the Northern Dynas ies [Dong1 Wei4]/Wuding county in Chuxiong Yi autonomous prefecture 4 zhou1], Yunnan/ [Wu3 ding4 xian4] /Wuding county in Chuxiong Yi autonomous prefecture i4 zhou1], Yunnan/ [Wu3 xuan1] /Wuxuan county in Laibin [Lai2 bin1], Guangxi/ [Wu3 xuan1 xian4] /Wuxuan county in Laibin [Lai2 bin1], Guangxi/ [Wu3 ning2] /Wuning county in Jiujiang , Jiangxi/ [Wu3 ning2 xian4] /Wuning county in Jiujiang , Jiangxi/ [wu3 jiang4] /general/military leader/fierce man/ [Wu3 shan1] /Wushan county in Tianshui [Tian1 shui3], Gansu/ [Wu3 shan1 xian4] /Wushan county in Tianshui [Tian1 shui3], Gansu/ [Wu3 shan1 ji1] /see [wu1 gu3 ji1]/black-boned chicken/silky fow [Wu3 gang1] /Wugang county level city in Shaoyang [Shao4 yang2], Hunan/ [Wu3 gang1 shi4] /Wugang county level city in Shaoyang [Shao4 yang2] [Wu3 chuan1] /Wuchuan county in Hohhot [Hu1 he2 hao4 te4], Inner Mongolia [Wu3 chuan1 xian4] /Wuchuan county in Hohhot [Hu1 he2 hao4 te4], Inne [Wu3 ping2] /Wuping county level city in Longyan , Fujian/ [Wu3 ping2 xian4] /Wuping county in Longyan , Fujian/ [wu3 ku4] /arsenal/store of arms/ [Wu3 kang1 zhen4] /Wukang town, Zhejiang / [Wu3 qiang2] /Wuqiang county in Hengshui [Heng2 shui3], Hebei/ [Wu3 qiang2 xian4] /Wuqiang county in Hengshui [Heng2 shui3], Hebei/ [wu3 da3] /acrobatic fighting in Chinese opera or dance/

[wu3 da3 pian4] /action movie/kungfu movie/ [wu3 duan4] /arbitrary/subjective/dogmatic/ [wu3 dan4] /female military role in a Chinese opera/ [Wu3 chang1] /Wuchang district of Wuhan city [Wu3 han4 shi4], Hubei/ [Wu3 chang1 qu1] /Wuchang district of Wuhan city [Wu3 han4 shi4] [Wu3 chang1 qi3 yi4] /the Wuchang Uprising of 10th October 1911 that led n's Xinhai revolution and the fall of the Qing dynasty/ [Wu3 Song1] /Wu Song, a heroic outlaw of Liangshan po in the classic novel gin , whose exploits including killing a tiger with his bare hands/ [wu3 lin2] /martial arts (social) circles/ [Wu3 shui3] /the Wu river in Hunan and Guangdong/formerly Shuang river / [Wu3 jiang1] /Wujiang district of Shaoguan City , Guangdong/ [Wu3 jiang1 qu1] /Wujiang district of Shaoguan City , Guangdong/ [Wu3 qing1] /Wuqing rural district in Tianjin [Tian1 jin1]/ [Wu3 qing1 qu1] /Wuqing rural district in Tianjin [Tian1 jin1]/ [Wu3 xi1] /Wu river in Hunan and Guangdong/formerly Shuang river / [Wu3 han4] /Wuhan city on Changjiang, subprovincial city and capital of Hubei pro ince/ [Wu3 han4 di4 qu1] /the Wuhan area/ [Wu3 han4 Da4 xue2] /Wuhan University/ [Wu3 han4 shi4] /Wuhan city on Changjiang, subprovincial city and capital of rovince/ [Wu3 han4 Gang1 tie3 Gong1 si1] /Wuhan Iron and Steel/ [Wu3 wang2 fa2 Zhou4] /King Wu of Zhou [Zhou1 Wu3 wang2] overthrows g1 Zhou4 wang2]/ [wu3 sheng1] /male military role in a Chinese opera/ [wu3 lu:e4] /military strategy/ [Wu3 dang1 shan1] /Wudang Mountain range in northwest Hubei/ [Wu3 xue2] /Wuxue county level city in Huanggang [Huang2 gang1], Hubei/ [Wu3 xue2 shi4] /Wuxue county level city in Huanggang [Huang2 gang1] [Wu3 jing1 Qi1 Shu1] /Seven Military Classics of ancient China viz "Six S ic Teachings [Liu4 Tao1], Methods of Sima [Si1 ma3 Fa3], Art of W , Wei Liao-zi [Wei4 Liao2 zi5], Three Strategies of Huang Shigong nd Duke Li of Wei answering Emperor Taizong of Tang [Tan [Wu3 Jing1 Zong3 Yao4] /"Collection of the Most Important Military Techni ublished in 1044 during the Northern Song Dynasty/ [Wu3 yi4] /Wuyi county in Jinhua [Jin1 hua2], Zhejiang/ [Wu3 yi4 xian4] /Wuyi county in Jinhua [Jin1 hua2], Zhejiang/ [wu3 zhi2] /military official/military position (i.e. job)/ [wu3 ju3] /successful military candidate in the imperial provincial examination/ [wu3 yi4] /martial art/military skill/ [wu3 yi4 gao1 qiang2] /to be exceptionally skilful in martial arts/ [wu3 shu4] /military skill or technique (in former times)/all kinds of martial ar sports (some claiming spiritual development)/self-defense/tradition of choreogr aphed fights from opera and film (recent usage)/also called kungfu /CL: [zhong3]/ [wu3 zhuang1] /arms/equipment/to arm/military/armed (forces)/ [wu3 zhuang1 fen4 zi3] /armed groups/fighters/gunmen/ [wu3 zhuang1 li4 liang4] /armed force/ [wu3 zhuang1 chong1 tu1] /armed conflict/ [wu3 zhuang1 bu4 dui4] /armed forces/ [wu3 jing3] /armed police/ [wu3 jing3 zhan4 shi4] /armed fighters/armed police/militia/ [wu3 jing3 bu4 dui4] /People's Armed Police/ [Wu3 jin4] /Wujin district of Changzhou city [Chang2 zhou1 shi4], Jiangsu/ [Wu3 jin4 qu1] /Wujin district of Changzhou city [Chang2 zhou1 shi4], J [Wu3 yi4] /Wuyi county in Hengshui [Heng2 shui3], Hebei/ [Wu3 yi4 xian4] /Wuyi county in Hengshui [Heng2 shui3], Hebei/ [Wu3 du1] /Wudu district of Longnan city [Long3 nan2 shi4], Gansu/ [Wu3 du1 qu1] /Wudu district of Longnan city [Long3 nan2 shi4], [Wu3 du1 shi4] /Wudu city in Gansu/

[Wu3 xiang1] /Wuxiang county in Changzhi [Chang2 zhi4], Shanxi/ [Wu3 xiang1 xian4] /Wuxiang county in Changzhi [Chang2 zhi4], Shanxi [Wu3 zhi4] /Wuzhi county in Jiaozuo, Henan/ [Wu3 zhi4 xian4] /Wuzhi county in Jiaozuo, Henan/ [Wu3 ling2] /Wuling district of Changde city [Chang2 de2 shi4], Hunan/ [Wu3 ling2 qu1] /Wuling district of Changde city [Chang2 de2 shi4], Hun [Wu3 ling2 yuan2] /Wulingyuan scenic area, in Zhangjiajie city an/ [Wu3 long2] /Wulong county in Fuling suburbs of Chongqing municipality, formerly n Sichuan/ [Wu3 long2 xian4] /Wulong county in Fuling suburbs of Chongqing municipality, ly in Sichuan/ [Wu3 ming2] /Wuming county in Nanning [Nan2 ning2], Guangxi/ [Wu3 ming2 xian4] /Wuming county in Nanning [Nan2 ning2], Guangxi/ [qi2] /divergent/side road/ [qi2 yi4] /difference/discrepancy/ [qi2 yi4] /ambiguity/several possible meanings/ [qi2 jian4] /disagreement/differing interpretations/ [qi2 shi4] /to discriminate against/discrimination/ [qi2 lu4] /to diverge from the main road, also figuratively/ [qi2 lu4 deng1] /Lamp in the Side Street, novel by Qing dynasty writer Li Ly yuan2]/also written / [qi2 tu2] /fork in a road/wrong road/ [bu4] /Japanese variant of / [wai1] /askew/at a crooked angle/devious/noxious/ [wai1 zui3] /twisted mouth/wry mouth/ [wai1 da3 zheng4 zhao2] /to succeed by a lucky stroke/ [wai1 xie2] /crooked/askew/oblique/slanting/out of plumb/ [wai1 qu1] /to distort/to misrepresent/ [wai1 wai1 niu3 niu3] /crooked/not straight/staggering from side to side/ [wai1 wai1 xie2 xie2] /shuddering/trembling/a trembling scrawl (of handwr [wai1 li3] /fallacious reasoning/preposterous argument/ [wai1 feng1] /unhealthy trend/noxious influence/ [wai1 feng1 xie2 qi4] /noxious winds, evil influences (idiom); malignant / [wai1 dian3 zi5] /illegal device/devious/crooked/ [se4] /archaic variant of [se4]/ [chi3] /Japanese variant of / [se4] /archaic variant of [se4]/ [sui4] /classifier for years (of age)/year/year (of crop harvests)/ [sui4 bu4 wo3 yu3] /Time and tide wait for no man (idiom)/ [sui4 xiu1] /start of the year/ [sui4 feng4] /annual salary/ [sui4 ru4] /revenue/annual income/ [sui4 cha4] /the precession of the equinoxes/ [sui4 xu4] /succession of seasons/ [sui4 shu5] /age (number of years old)/ [sui4 shi2] /season/time of the year/ [sui4 mu4] /end of the year/ [sui4 yue4] /years/passing of time/ [sui4 yue4 ru2 liu2] /the passage of the years/the flow of time/ [sui4 yue4 zheng1 rong2] /eventful years/momentous times/ [sui4 yue4 liu2 shi4] /as time goes by (idiom)/ [sui4 mo4] /end of the year/ [sui4 sui4 ping2 an1] /May you have peace year after year (New Year's gre [sui4 ji4 yu2 chu4] /annual budgetary surplus or deficit (accountancy)/ [sui4 lan2] /late season of a year/ [sui4 shou3] /start of the year/ [sui4] /Japanese variant of / [li4] /old variant of [li4]/

[li4] /to experience/to undergo/to pass through/all/each/every/history/ [Li4 xia4] /Lixia district of Ji'nan city [Ji3 nan2 shi4], Shandong/ [Li4 xia4 qu1] /Lixia district of Ji'nan city [Ji3 nan2 shi4], S [li4 jiu3 mi2 jian1] /to become more resolute with the passing of time (i [li4 dai4] /successive generations/successive dynasties/past dynasties/ [Li4 dai4 zhi4 shang4] /First book of Chronicles/ [Li4 dai4 zhi4 xia4] /Second book of Chronicles/ [li4 ren4] /to hold jobs successively/appointed (from one job to another)/ [li4 lai2] /always/throughout (a period of time)/(of) all-time/ [li4 lai2 zui4 di1 dian3] /all time low (point)/ [li4 shi3] /history/CL: [men2],[duan4]/ [li4 shi3 shang4] /historical/in history/ [li4 shi3 jiu3 yuan3] /ancient history/ [li4 shi3 shi4 jian4] /historical incident/ [li4 shi3 ren2 wu4] /historical person/ [li4 shi3 ju4] /historical drama/ [li4 shi3 bo2 wu4 guan3] /historical museum/ [li4 shi3 xue2] /history/ [li4 shi3 xue2 jia1] /historian/ [li4 shi3 jia1] /historian/ [li4 shi3 xing4] /historic/ [li4 shi3 you1 jiu3] /long-established/time-honored/ [li4 shi3 yi4 yi4] /historic significance/ [li4 shi3 cheng2 ben3] /historic cost (accounting)/ [li4 shi3 xin1 gao1] /all-time high/ [li4 shi3 shi2 qi1] /historical period/ [li4 shi3 yan2 ge2] /historical development/background/ [li4 shi3 ban3 ben3] /historical edition/revision history (of a web page) [li4 shi3 zong3 zai4 chong2 yan3] /History repeats itself./ [li4 shi3 bei4 jing3] /historical background/ [li4 shi3 guan1 dian3] /historical standpoint/ [li4 shi3 yi2 chan3] /heritage/historical legacy/ [li4 shi3 yi2 ji4] /historical remains/historic monuments/ [Li4 cheng2] /Licheng district of Ji'nan city [Ji3 nan2 shi4], Shand [Li4 cheng2 qu1] /Licheng district of Ji'nan city [Ji3 nan2 shi4 [li4 jie4] /all previous sessions/ [li4 nian2] /over the years/bygone years/ [li4 shi2] /to last/to take (time)/period/ [li4 chao2 tong1 su2 yan3 yi4] /Dramatized history of successive publican China) by Cai Dongfan / [li4 ci4] /each (item in sequence)/successive/ [li4 fa3] /variant of calendar/ [li4 jin4] /to have experienced a lot of/to have been through/ [li4 jin4 cang1 sang1] /to have been through the hardships of life/to hav h the mill/ [li4 cheng2] /course/process/ [li4 jing1] /to experience/to go through/ [li4 xian3] /to experience adventures/ [Gui1] /surname Gui/ [gui1] /to return/to go back to/to give back to/(of a responsibility) to be take n care of by/to belong to/to gather together/(used between two identical verbs) despite/to marry (of a woman) (old)/division on the abacus with a one-digit divi sor/ [Gui1 ren2] /Kueijen township in Tainan county [Tai2 nan2 xian4], Ta [Gui1 ren2 xiang1] /Kueijen township in Tainan county [Tai2 nan2 [gui1 bing4] /to put together/to add/to merge/ [gui1 yi1] /to convert to (a religion)/to rely upon/refuge/mainstay/ [gui1 qiao2] /returnees/ [gui1 ru4] /to assign (to a class)/to classify as/to include/ [gui1 gong1] /to commandeer/to take over for the state/

[gui1 gong1] /to give credit/to give sb his due/attribution/ [Gui1 hua4] /old name for district of Hohhot city [Hu1 he2 hao4 te4], Inn [gui1 hua4] /naturalization/ [gui1 xiang4] /to turn toward/ [gui1 jiu4] /to blame/to declare to be at fault/ [gui1 guo2] /to go home (to one's native country)/to return from abroad/ [gui1 tian1] /to die/ [gui1 su4] /place to return to/home/final destination/ending/ [gui1 shu3] /to belong to/to be affiliated to/to fall under the jurisdiction of/ [gui1 shu3 gan3] /loyalty/ [gui1 shu3 quan2] /right of attribution/ [gui1 xin1] /converted to (religion)/ [gui1 xin1 si4 jian4] /with one's heart set on speeding home (idiom)/ [gui1 xin1 zhe3] /religious convert/ [gui1 long3] /to gather/to rake together/to pile up/ [gui1 yu2] /to belong to/affiliated to/to result in sth/to incline towards/ [gui1 gen1] /to return home (after a lifetime's absence)/to go back to one's root / [gui1 gen1 dao4 di3] /(saying) to sum it up.../ [gui1 gen1 jie2 di4] /ultimately/in the final analysis/after all/when all done/ [gui1 an4] /to bring to justice/arrested and brought to trial/ [gui1 dang4] /to file away/to place on file/ [gui1 xing3] /go home for a visit/return to one's parents' home to pay respects/ [gui1 zhen1] /to die (Buddhism)/ [gui1 zhen1 fan3 pu2] /see [fan3 pu2 gui1 zhen1]/ [gui1 cheng2] /return trip/homeward journey/ [gui1 na4] /to sum up/to summarize/to conclude from facts/induction (method of de uction in logic)/ [gui1 na4 tui1 li3] /inference by induction (method of deduction in logic [gui1 na4 fa3] /induction (method of deduction in logic)/ [gui1 jie2] /to sum up/to conclude/in a nutshell/the end (of a story)/ [Gui1 sui2] /old name for Hohhot city [Hu1 he2 hao4 te4], Inner Mongolia/ [gui1 zui4] /to blame sb/ [gui1 xi1] /to die/euphemism, lit. to return West or to the Western Paradise/ [gui1 miu4 fa3] /reductio ad absurdum/arguing by contradiction/also called [gui1 tu2] /the way back/one's journey home/ [gui1 huan2] /to return sth/to revert/ [gui1 fu4] /to submit/ [gui1 chu2] /long division/calculation on the abacus/ [gui1 dui4] /to return to one's unit/to go back to one's station in life/ [gui1 yin3] /to go back to one's native place and live in seclusion/ [Gui1 ling2 di4] /Ground Zero/ [gui1 shun4] /submission/ [gui1 lei4] /to classify/to categorize/ [dai3] /bad/wicked/evil/ [dai3 tu2] /evil-doer/malefactor/gangster/hoodlum/ [dai3 yi4] /evil intent/malice/ [dai3 du2] /vicious/ruthless/malevolent/ [dai3] /old variant of [dai3]/ [si3] /to die/impassable/uncrossable/inflexible/rigid/extremely/ [si3 bu4 liao3] /Portulaca Sundial (a type of plant)/ [si3 bu4 ming2 mu4] /dead but will not close the eyes (idiom); to die wit grievance/also written / [si3 bu4 gai3 hui3] /not to repent even facing death (idiom)/unrepentant/ e/ [si3 bu4 ming2 mu4] /dead but will not close the eyes (idiom); to die wit grievance/ [si3 zhong1 qiu2 sheng1] /to seek life in death (idiom); to fight for one [si3 qi5 bai2 lai4] /to pester someone again and again/

[si3 wang2] /to die/death/ [si3 wang2 ren2 shu4] /number of people killed/death toll/ [si3 wang2 lu:4] /mortality rate/ [si3 wang2 bi3 ji4] /Death note (Japanese: ), translation of cu Tsugumi [Da4 chang3 Dong1] (pen-name) and illustrator OBATA Takeshi [Xia [si3 ren2] /dead person/ [si3 zhang4] /to fight bitterly/hard struggle/ [si3 xin4] /lost letter/letter containing news of sb's death/ [si3 shang1] /casualties/dead and injured/ [si3 shang1 zhe3] /casualty (of an accident)/dead and wounded/ [si3 xing2] /death penalty/ [si3 bie2] /to be parted by death/ [si3 dao4 lin2 tou2] /Death is near at hand. (idiom)/ [si3 qu1] /dead zone/blind spot/ [si3 qu4] /to die/ [si3 qu4 huo2 lai2] /to hover between life and death (idiom)/to suffer te an inch of one's life/ [si3 ming4] /doom/death/desperately/ [si3 qiu2] /prisoner that awaits execution/convict sentenced to death/someone on eath row/ [si3 yin1] /cause of death/ [si3 shou3] /to defend one's property to the death/to cling obstinately to old ha its/die-hard/ [si3 ji4] /deathly stillness/ [si3 dui4 tou5] /arch-enemy/sworn enemy/ [si3 shi1] /a corpse/a dead body/ [si3 xiang4] /blind alley/dead end/ [si3 hou4] /after death/posthumous/ [si3 xin1] /to give up/to admit failure/to drop the matter/to reconcile oneself t loss/to have no more illusions about/ [si3 xin1 ta1 di4] /heart is dead, no plans for anything new (idiom); one rmly made up with no possibility of change/dead set on sth/unswerving/ [si3 xin1 yan3 r5] /stubborn/obstinate/having a one-track mind/ [si3 zhan4] /fight to the death/desperate struggle/ [si3 di2] /mortal enemy/arch-enemy/ [si3 wen2 zi4] /dead language/indecipherable script/ [si3 yu2 an1 le4] /see [sheng1 yu2 y [si3 yu2 fei1 ming4] /violent death (idiom); to die in a disaster/an unna [si3 you3 yu2 gu1] /death cannot wipe out the crimes (idiom); dreadful cr kled even after the perpetrator is dead/ [si3 qi1] /time of death/ [si3 ban3] /rigid/inflexible/ [si3 qi2] /dead piece (in Chess)/stupid move/hopeless case/ [si3 ji1] /to crash (of a computer)/ [si3 ji1 lan2 ping2] /blue screen of death/computer crash screen/ [si3 si3] /rigid/unwavering/unbendable/firm (hold on sth)/tenacious/ [si3 shui3] /stagnant water/backwater/ [si3 huo2 bu4 gu4] /regardless of life or death (idiom)/ [Si3 Hai3] /the Dead Sea/ [Si3 hai3 gu3 juan4] /Dead Sea Scrolls/ [Si3 hai3 jing1 juan4] /Dead Sea Scrolls/ [si3 hui1 fu4 ran2] /lit. ashes burn once more (idiom); fig. sb lost retu nfluence/sth malevolent returns to haunt one/ [si3 wu2 dui4 zheng4] /the dead cannot testify (idiom); dead men tell no [si3 wu2 zang4 shen1 zhi1 di4] /to die without a burial site/to d [si3 sheng1] /life or death/critical (event)/ [si3 chan3] /stillbirth/ [si3 zheng4] /incurable disease/terminal illness/ [si3 pi2 lai4 lian3] /brazen faced (idiom); shameless/ [si3 ying4] /stiff/rigid/obstinate/

[Si3 shen2] /Death personified/Azrael (Angel of Death of Jewish and Islamic mytho ogy)/the Grim Reaper/Bleach (Japanese cartoon series by KUBO Tait )/ [si3 xue2] /lethal point (acupuncture)/vulnerable spot/Achilles' heel/ [si3 jie2] /tight knot/intractable problem/ [si3 jie2 nan2 jie3] /enigmatic knot hard to untie (idiom); thorny proble difficulty/ [si3 jue2] /to die out/to be exterminated/to become extinct/ [si3 huan3] /deferred death sentence/commuted death sentence with forced labor an judicial review after two years (PRC) (legal)/ [si3 zui4] /mortal crime/capital offence/ [si3 qiao4 qiao4] /to die/to drop dead/ [si3 zhe3] /the dead/the deceased/ [si3 er2 bu4 jiang1] /dead but showing no signs of rigor mortis/to die ha die yet not be vanquished (idiom)/ [si3 er2 hou4 yi3] /until death puts an end (idiom); one's whole life/unt day/ [si3 er2 wu2 hui3] /to die without regret (idiom, from Analects)/ [si3 hu2 tong4] /dead end/blind alley/ [si3 li3 tao2 sheng1] /mortal danger, escape alive (idiom); a narrow esca by the skin of one's teeth/ [si3 jiao3] /gap in coverage/gap in protection or defenses/neglected or overlooke area/dead end/ [si3 xun4] /news of sb's death/ [si3 ji4] /cram/rote learning/ [si3 ji4 ying4 bei4] /to learn by rote/to mechanically memorize/ [si3 zhang4] /dormant bank account/ [si3 lu4] /at death's door/one foot in the grave/ [si3 nan2] /die in accident or political incident/ [si3 nan2 zhe3] /victim/casualty/martyr for one's country/ [si3 ma3 dang1 huo2 ma3 yi1] /lit. to give medicine to a dead hor trying everything in a desperate situation/ [si3 gui3] /devil/You devil! (as joke or insult)/the departed/ [si3 mian4] /unleavened dough/ [si3 dian3] /blind spot/dead center/ [si3 dang3] /best friends/inseparable sidekick/diehard followers/ [mo4] /to end/to die/ [mo4] /to end/to die/ [yao3] /die young, die prematurely/ [cu2] /die/ [yang1] /calamity/ [yang1 ji2] /to bring disaster to/ [tian3] /to exterminate/ [dai4] /dangerous/perilous/to endanger/almost/probably/only/ [dai4 jin4] /nearly exhausted/practically nothing left/ [xu4] /damage egg so it does not hatch/ [xun4] /to be buried with the dead/to die for a cause/ [xun4 guo2] /to die for one's country/ [xun4 qing2] /to die together in the name of love/to sacrifice oneself for love/ [xun4 si3] /to be buried alive as sacrifice (together with husband or superior)/ [xun4 zhi2] /to die in the line of duty/ [xun4 zang4] /to bury sth along with the dead/sacrificial grave goods/ [xun4 nan4] /to sacrifice oneself in a just cause/a victim of a disaster/ [shu1] /different/unique/special/very/(classical) to behead/to die/to cut off/to separate/to surpass/ [shu1 bu4 zhi1] /little imagined/scarcely realized/ [Shu1 yu4 zhou1 zi1 lu4] /Ming dynasty record (1574) of exploration a s/ [shu1 zi1] /differing attitude/different posture/ [shu1 rong2] /special glory/distinction/rare honor/one's laurels/it's a privilege (to meet you)/

[shu1 si3] /to behead/capital punishment/desperate struggle/life-and-death/ [shu1 shen1 zhen3 nian4] /extreme solicitude (idiom); expressing the deep es/to feel deeply concerned/ [shu1 yi4] /entirely different/quite separate/ [shu1 zhi4] /different/unusual scene/ [shu1 se4] /beautiful girl/a beauty/ [shu1 tu2 tong2 gui1] /different routes to the same destination (idiom); t means of achieve the same end/ [shu1 xiang1] /foreign land/faraway land/ [piao3] /die of starvation/ [qing2] /swoon/ [zhi2] /to grow/to reproduce/ [zhi2 li4] /to make a profit/ [zhi2 min2] /colony/colonial/ [zhi2 min2 zhu3 yi4] /colonialism/ [zhi2 min2 di4] /colony/ [zhi2 min2 zhe3] /colonialist/ [ye4] /sickness/repeated/ [ye4 die2] /somewhat ill, but still able to sit up/ [can2] /to destroy/to spoil/to ruin/to injure/cruel/oppressive/savage/brutal/inc omplete/disabled/to remain/to survive/remnant/surplus/ [can2 bing1 bai4 jiang4] /ruined army, defeated general (idiom); scattere [can2 dong1 la4 yue4] /final days of the lunar year/ [can2 juan4] /surviving section of a classic work/remaining chapters (while readi g a book)/ [can2 chuan3] /remaining breath/last gasp/ [can2 ao4] /Paralympics/same as Paralympic games [can2 ao4 hui4]/ [can2 ao4 hui4] /Paralympic games/ [can2 cun2] /to survive/remnant/ [can2 hai4] /to injure/to devastate/to slaughter/ [can2 ju2] /endgame (in chess)/desperate situation/aftermath (of a failure)/ [can2 nian2 duan3 jing3] /at the end of the year (idiom)/ [can2 fei4] /deformity/handicapped/ [can2 ren3] /cruel/mean/merciless/ruthless/ [can2 bai4] /dilapidated/in ruins/ [can2 di2] /defeated enemy/ [can2 bao4] /bloody and cruel/a brutal person/to massacre/an atrocity/ [can2 ben3] /extant fragment (of book)/ [can2 zhu1] /stubble/ [can2 sha1] /to massacre/to slaughter/ [can2 sha1 zhe3] /killer/butcher/slaughterer/ [can2 du2] /cruelty/ [can2 min2 hai4 wu4] /to harm people and damage property (idiom)/ [can2 zha1] /remainder/filtered out residue/sediment/waste product/debris/detritu /rubbish/ [can2 zha1 yu2 nie4] /evil elements who have escaped eradication/ [can2 liu2] /to remain/left over/surplus/remnant/ [can2 liu2 wu4] /remnant/residue/material left over/ [can2 ji2] /disabled/handicapped/deformity on a person or animal/ [can2 ji2 ren2] /disabled person/ [can2 ji2 er2] /a child with a birth defect/a deformed child/ [can2 po4] /broken/dilapidated/ [can2 que1] /badly damaged/shattered/ [can2 geng1] /leftovers from a meal/ [can2 geng1 sheng4 fan4] /leftovers from a meal/fig. remnants handed down [can2 hua1 bai4 liu3] /broken flower, withered willow (idiom); fig. falle [can2 cha2 sheng4 fan4] /spoilt tea, leftover food (idiom); remains after s from the feast/ [can2 jing1] /stubble (the stems of plants after harvest)/ [can2 nu:e4] /mistreatment/bullying/tyrannical cruelty/

[can2 bu4] /defeated remnants/scattered survivors/ [can2 ku4] /cruel/cruelty/ [can2 ku4 wu2 qing2] /cruel and unfeeling (idiom)/ [can2 zhang4] /handicapped/ [can2 yu2] /remnant/relic/residue/vestige/surplus/to remain/to leave surplus/ [can2 yu2 zhan1 ran3] /residual contamination/ [can2 yu2 wu4] /litter/trash/ [can2 xiang1] /lingering fragrance/ [can2 hai2] /remains/wreckage/ [hun1] /to die by taking poison/ [ji2] /to put to death/ [die2] /weak (from illness)/half-sitting, half-reclining (meaning unclear)/ [die2 die2] /weak (from illness)/breathing weakly/ [yun3] /to perish/to die/ [yun3 ming4] /to die/to perish/ [yun3 luo4] /see [yun3 luo4]/ [yun3 shen1 bu4 xu4] /to die without regrets (idiom); to sacrifice onesel itation/ [ti4] /fatigue/ [jin4] /die of hunger/ [shang1] /to die in childhood/war dead/ [yin2] /remote/outlying/ [yi4] /to exterminate/ [dan1] /entirely/to exhaust/ [dan1 li4] /to strive/endeavor/ [dan1 xin1] /to devote one's entire mind/ [dan1 men4] /to faint/to swoon/to lose consciousness/ [dan1 can2] /to destroy/ [dan1 jie2] /to use up/to exhaust/ [dan1 jing1 ji2 lu:4] /to exhaust one's thoughts and ingenuity (idiom); t hrough thoroughly/to rack one's brains/to leave no stone unturned/ [dan1 jing1 jie2 lu:4] /to exhaust one's thoughts and ingenuity (idiom); through thoroughly/to rack one's brains/to leave no stone unturned/ [jiang1] /variant of [jiang1]/rigid/stiff (corpse)/ [lian4] /to prepare a dead body for coffin/ [bin4] /a funeral/to encoffin a corpse/to carry to burial/ [bin4 yi2 yuan2] /undertaker/funeral arranger/ [bin4 yi2 guan3] /the undertaker's/funeral parlor/ [bin4 zang4] /funeral and interment/ [bin4 che1] /hearse/ [du2] /an abortion/stillborn/ [jian1] /to annihilate/abbr. for , fighter plane/ [jian1 ji1] /to annihilate/to attack and destroy/Jianji, PRC fighter plane based n Soviet MiG/usually 8 8/ [jian1 ji1 ji1] /fighter plane/ [jian1 mie4] /to wipe out/to crush/to annihilate/ [Shu1] /surname Shu/ [shu1] /spear/ [Duan4] /surname Duan/ [duan4] /paragraph/section/segment/stage (of a process)/classifier for stories, periods of time, lengths of thread etc/ [duan4 shu4] /rank/level/ [Duan4 shi4] /a branch of the Xianbei nomadic people/ [duan4 xun4 qi1] /high water period/spate/ [Duan4 Yu4 cai2] /Duan Yucai (1735-1815), author of Commentary on Shuowen (18 [Duan4 Qi2 rui4] /Duan Qirui (1864-1936), commander of Beiyang Army under Yua i, then politician and powerful warlord/ [Duan4 Quan2 fa3] /Duan Quanfa (1939-2010), Chinese writer/ [duan4 luo4] /phase/time interval/paragraph/(written) passage/end (of phase, para raph etc)/

[duan4 cuo4 wu4] /segmentation fault/ [Yin1] /surname Yin/flourishing/dynasty name at the end the Shang dynasty, after their move to Yinxu in modern Henan province/ [yan1] /dark red/ [yin3] /roll of thunder/ [yin1 qie4] /ardent/eager/earnest/ [yin1 qin2] /politely/solicitously/eagerly attentive/ [Yin1 shang1] /final name of the Shang dynasty after their move to Yinxu in Henan province/ [Yin1 xu1] /Yinxu, ruins of Yinshang city at Anyang in Henan provi ge site/ [yin1 fu4] /well off/prosperous/ [yin1 shi2] /thriving/well-off/substantial/ [Yin1 Hong2 xu4] /Franois Xavier d'Entrecolles (1664-1741), French Jesuit mi to Kangxi court/ [yan1 hong2] /dark red/ [Yin1 du1] /Yindu district of Anyang city [An1 yang2 shi4], Henan/ [Yin1 du1 qu1] /Yindu district of Anyang city [An1 yang2 shi4], [qing4] /variant of [qing4]/ [sha1] /to kill/to murder/to fight/to weaken or reduce/to smart (topolect)/to co unteract/(used after a verb) extremely/ [sha1 yi1 jing3 bai3] /lit. kill one to warn a hundred (idiom); to punish l as an example to others/pour encourager les autres/ [sha1 ren2] /homicide/to murder/to kill (a person)/ [sha1 ren2 bu4 zha3 yan3] /to murder without blinking an eye (idiom)/ ed/ [sha1 ren2 bu4 guo4 tou2 dian3 di4] /It's all exaggeration, y sly/a fuss about nothing/nothing to write home about/ [sha1 ren2 ru2 ma2] /to kill people like scything flax (idiom); human lif politician acting with total disregard for the life of his countrymen/ [sha1 ren2 fang4 huo3] /to kill and burn (idiom); murder and arson/ [sha1 ren2 wei4 sui4] /attempted murder/ [sha1 ren2 an4] /murder case/homicide case/ [sha1 ren2 an4 jian4] /(case of, incident of) murder/ [sha1 ren2 fan4] /murderer/homicide/ [sha1 ren2 kuang2] /homicidal maniac/ [sha1 ren2 yue4 huo4] /to kill sb for his property (idiom); to murder for [sha1 shang1] /to kill and injure/ [sha1 shang1 li4] /killing or wounding power of a weapon/ [sha1 jia4] /to beat down the price/ [sha1 hai4] /to murder/ [sha1 fu4 ji4 pin2] /robbing the rich to help the poor/ [sha1 zhi4 jiao4 zi3] /to kill a pig as a lesson to the children (idiom); teach by example/ [sha1 lu4] /massacre/slaughter/ [sha1 shou3] /killer/murderer/hit man/(sports) formidable player/ [sha1 shou3 ji2 ying4 yong4] /killer application/killer app/ [sha1 diao4] /to kill/ [sha1 di2] /to kill the enemy/ [sha1 si3] /to kill/ [sha1 du2 ruan3 jian4] /antivirus software/ [sha1 qi4] /murderous spirit/aura of death/to vent one's anger/ [sha1 mie4] /to exterminate/ [sha1 shu2] /to swindle associates, friends or relatives/ [sha1 niu2 zai3 yang2] /slaughter the cattle and butcher the sheep/to pre ast (idiom)/ [sha1 sheng1] /kill (life)/ [sha1 zhen1 jun1] /fungicide/ [sha1 jue2] /to exterminate/ [sha1 cao3 kuai4] /diquat/

[sha1 jun1] /disinfectant/to disinfect/ [sha1 jun1 zuo4 yong4] /sterilization/ [sha1 jun4 ji4] /a disinfectant/ [sha1 hu3 zhan3 jiao1] /lit. to kill the tiger and behead the scaly drago [sha1 luo2 ji4] /snail poison/ [sha1 chong2] /insecticide/ [sha1 chong2 ji4] /insecticide/pesticide/ [sha1 chong2 yao4] /insecticide/ [sha1 du4 yao4] /mothicide/ [sha1 zhu1 zai3 yang2] /lit. kill the pigs and slaughter the sheep/to tak ones opp esso s/ [sha1 uan3] /antivi us softwa e/abb . fo [sha1 du2 ruan3 jian4 [sha1 ji1 he2 bi4 yao4 yong4 niu2 dao1 ne5] /don't us non curat praetor (trivial matters are of no concern to a high official)/ [sha1 ji1 jing3 hou2] /lit. killing the chicken to warn the monkey (idiom an individual as an example to others/pour encourager les autres/ [sha1 ji1 xia4 hou2] /lit. killing the chicken to scare the monkey (idiom an individual as an example to others/pour encourager les autres/ [sha1 ji1 zai3 e2] /kill the chickens and butcher the geese (idiom)/ [sha1 ji1 yan1 yong4 niu2 dao1] /don't use a sledgehammer on a nu / [sha1 ji1 gei3 hou2 kan4] /lit. to kill a chicken in front of a monke example of sb (by punishment) to frighten others/ [sha1 ji1 jing3 hou2] /lit. killing the chicken to warn the monkey (idiom an individual as an example to others/pour encourager les autres/ [sha1 qing1] /to put the last hand to (a book, a film etc)/to finalize/to kill-gr en (a step in tea leaves processing)/ [sha1 tou2] /to behead/ [sha1 shu3 yao4] /rat poison/ [qiao4] /variant of [qiao4]/ [qiao4] /shell/carapace/crust (earth's crust etc)/also pr. [ke2]/ [ke2 r5] /shell/crust/ [ke2 man4] /crust-mantle (geology)/ [Qiao4 pai2] /see [Qiao4 pai2 gong1 si1]/ [Qiao4 pai2 gong1 si1] /Shell (oil company)/ [qiao4 zhi4] /chitin/ [yao2] /meat dishes/mixed viands/ [dian4] /palace hall/ [dian4 xia4] /your majesty (honorific)/his highness/ [dian4 tang2] /palace/hall/temple buildings/ [dian4 wei4] /fullback (sports)/ [dian4 shi4] /court examination, the top grade imperial exam/ [dian4 jun1] /runner-up/ [hui3] /to destroy/to damage/to ruin/to defame/to slander/ [hui3 lai2 xing4] /destructive/crushing (defeat)/ [hui3 shang1] /to injure/to damage/ [hui3 huai4] /to damage/to devastate/to vandalize/damage/destruction/ [hui3 jia1 shu1 nan4] /to sacrifice one's wealth to save the state (idiom [hui3 rong2] /to disfigure/to spoil the beauty of/ [hui3 diao4] /to destroy/ [hui3 sun3] /impair, damage/ [hui3 mie4] /to perish/to ruin/to destroy/ [hui3 mie4 xing4] /destructive/devastating/ [hui3 yue1] /to break a promise/breach of contract/ [hui3 bang4] /slander/libel/to malign/to disparage/ [hui3 chu2] /to destroy/ [yi4] /firm and resolute/staunch/ [yi4 li4] /perseverance/willpower/ [yi4 ran2] /firmly/resolutely/without hesitation/ [Ou1] /surname Ou/

[ou1] /to beat up/to hit sb/ [ou1 da3] /to beat up/to come to blows/battery (law)/ [ou1 da3 zui4] /assault and battery (law)/ [ou1 dou4] /to have a fist fight/fist fight/brawl/ [duan4] /infertile egg/ [Wu2] /surname Wu/ [wu2] /no/don't/ [wu2 yong1] /no need for/ [wu2 wang4] /Don't forget! (literary)/ [mu3] /female/mother/ [mu3 ru3] /mother's milk/ [mu3 ru3 dai4] /substitute for mother's milk/milk powder/ [mu3 ru3 wei4 yang3] /breast feeding/ [mu3 gong1 si1] /parent company/ [mu3 han2 shu4] /generating function (math.)/ [mu3 ye4 cha1] /witch/shrew/vixen/ [mu3 nu:3] /mother-daughter/ [mu3 zi3] /mother and child/parent and subsidiary (companies)/principal and inter st/ [mu3 zi3 chui2 zhi2 gan3 ran3] /mother-to-infant transmission/ [mu3 dan4] /parent shell (of a cluster bomb)/ [mu3 ai4] /maternal love/ [mu3 ban3] /motherboard/ [mu3 xiao4] /alma mater/ [mu3 ji1] /machine tool/mother ship/ [mu3 quan2 zhi4] /matriarchy/ [mu3 gang3] /home port (of a ship or fleet)/ [mu3 quan3] /female dog/bitch/ [mu3 qiu2] /cue ball (in billiards)/ [mu3 xi4] /maternal/matriarchal/ [mu3 xi4 she4 hui4] /matrilineality/ [mu3 xian4] /generating line/generatrix (in geometry)/bus (in electronics)/bus ba / [mu3 chuan2] /mother ship/ [mu3 feng1] /queen bee/ [mu3 qin1] /mother/also pr. with light tone [mu3 qin5]/CL: [ge4]/ [mu3 qin1 jie2] /Mother's Day/ [mu3 yu3] /native language/mother tongue/(linguistics) parent language/ [mu3 zhi4] /parent material (e.g. the eroded rock making up sediment)/ [mu3 ji1] /hen/ [mu3 yin1] /vowel/ [mu3 yin1 tiao2 he2] /vowel harmony (in phonetics)/ [mu3 ti2] /motif (loanword)/main idea/theme/ [mu3 ti3] /mother's body/ [mei3] /Japanese variant of / [mei3] /each/every/ [mei3 yi1] /every/ [mei3 yi1 ge4 ren2 dou1 you3 mei3 zho ects./There is always a fly in the ointment./cf idiom [mei3 zhong1 bu4 zu2], everyt ing is fine except for one small defect/ [mei3 ren2] /each person/everybody/per person/ [mei3 ge5 ren2] /everybody/everyone/ [mei3 fen1 mei3 miao3] /all the time/ [mei3 ye4] /nightly/ [mei3 tian1] /every day/everyday/ [mei3 chang2] /frequently (in the past)/regularly/ [mei3 nian2] /every year/each year/yearly/ [mei3 nian2 yi1 du4] /once a year (every year)/ [mei3 ri4] /daily/(soup etc) of the day/ [Mei3 ri4 Kuai4 bao4] /Daily Express (newspaper)/

[Mei3 ri4 Xin1 wen2] /Mainichi Shimbun, a Japanese daily newspaper/ [Mei3 ri4 You2 bao4] /Daily Mail (newspaper)/ [Mei3 ri4 Jing4 bao4] /Daily Mirror (newspaper)/ [mei3 ri4 xian4 jia4] /limit on daily price variation/ [Mei3 ri4 Dian4 xun4 bao4] /Daily Telegraph (newspaper)/ [mei3 shi2 mei3 ke4] /at all times/at every moment/ [mei3 shi2 mei3 ri4] /every day and every hour/hourly and daily (idiom)/ [mei3 yue4] /each month/ [mei3 ci4] /every time/ [mei3 mei3] /often/ [mei3 kuang4 yu4 xia4] /steadily deteriorate/ [mei3 dang1] /whenever/every time/on every/ [mei3 duan1 kou3 jia4 ge2] /price per port/ [mei3 chu4] /everywhere/anywhere/ [mei3 mou2 zhe2 bai4] /to fail at every scheme (idiom)/ [mei3 feng2] /every time/on each occasion/whenever/ [mei3 feng2 jia1 jie2 bei4 si1 qin1] /doubly homesick for our (Tang poet Wang Wei's remembering his brother)/ [mei3 zhou1] /every week/ [mei3 zhou1 yi1 ci4] /once a week/ [mei3 ge2] /at intervals of/every (so often)/ [Ai3] /see historical character Lao Ai /by extension, person of reprehensible mor ls/immoral/adulterer/ [jie3] /mother/ [du2] /poison/narcotics/evil/ [du2 ci4] /venomous sting/ [du2 ji4] /a poison/a toxic agent/poison gas/a chemical weapon/ [du2 ji4 dan4] /gas projectile/ [du2 ji4 zhen4 jian3] /gas detection/ [du2 li4] /virulence/ [du2 hua4] /to poison/to infect/ [du2 pin3] /drugs/narcotics/poison/ [du2 nai3] /poisoned milk/contaminated milk/refers to 2008 PRC scandal involving ilk products adulterated with melamine [san1 ju4 qing2 an4]/ [du2 nai3 fen3] /poisoned milk powder/refers to 2008 PRC scandal involving mi er adulterated with melamine [san1 ju4 qing2 an4]/ [du2 hai4] /poisoning/bane/to poison (people's minds)/ [du2 hai4 ji4 liang4] /poisoning dose/ [du2 xing4] /toxicity/ [du2 gan3] /virus/ [du2 shou3] /evil scheme/ [du2 da3] /beat up/CL: [dun4]/ [du2 zhu1] /(virus) strain/ [du2 xiao1] /drug pusher/ [du2 qi4] /poison gas/toxic gas/manifestation of passion, anger etc (Buddhism)/ [du2 qi4 dan4] /poison gas shell/poison gas grenade/ [du2 ye4] /venom/poisonous fluid/ [du2 zhua3] /the sting (of scorpion etc)/ [du2 wu4] /pest/venom/toxin/ [du2 li3 xue2] /toxology/ [du2 wa3 si1] /poisonous gas/stinking fart/ [du2 liu2] /malignant tumor/ [du2 yin3] /drug addiction/ [du2 su4] /poison/ [du2 xian4] /poison gland/ [du2 cao3 ming2] /hemlock/ [du2 you3 ding4] /picloram/ [du2 xun4] /poisonous mushroom/toadstool/ [du2 yao4] /poison/ [du2 she2] /viper/

[du2 ying2 san3] /fly Amanita or fly agaric (Amanita muscaria)/ [du2 fan4] /drugs trade/ [du2 zhen1] /to inject poison/ [du2 e4] /the sting (of scorpion etc)/ [yu4] /(archaic) to give birth to a child/to rear/ [yu4 ting2] /levonorgestrel tablet (contraception)/ [Bi3] /Belgium/Belgian/abbr. for [Bi3 li4 shi2]/ [bi3] /(particle used for comparison and "-er than")/to compare/to contrast/to g esture (with hands)/ratio/ [bi4] /to associate with/to be near/ [bi3 yi5 bi3] /to make a comparison/to engage in a contest/ [bi3 shang4 bu4 zu2 bi3 xia4 you3 yu2] /fall short of the n pass muster/ [bi3 bu4 shang4] /can't compare with/ [Bi3 qiu1] /Buddhist monk (loanword from Sanskrit "bhiksu")/ [bi3 qiu1 ni2] /Buddhist nun (loanword from Sanskrit "bhiksuni")/ [Bi3 ya4] /Bia, daughter of Pallas and Styx in Greek mythology, personification o violence/ [Bi3 ya4 di2] /BYD Company (company name)/ [Bi3 ya4 di2 qi4 che1] /BYD Auto, PRC car company/ [Bi3 shi2 kai3 ke4] /Bishkek, capital of Kyrgyzstan/ [Bi3 fo2 li4 Shan1] /Beverly Hills/ [bi3 li4] /proportion/scale/ [bi3 li4 chi3] /scale/architect's scale/engineer's scale/ [bi3 zhi2] /specific value/ratio/ [bi3 jia4] /price relations/parity/rate of exchange/ [bi3 fen1] /score/ [Bi3 li4] /Pel (1940-), Edson Arantes Do Nascimento, Brazilian football star/ [Bi3 li4 shi2] /Belgium/ [Bi3 li4 niu2 si1] /Pyrenees mountains/ [Bi3 li4 niu2 si1 shan1] /Pyrenees mountains/ [bi3 hua4] /to gesture/to use sign language/to gesticulate/to engage in body comb t or martial art/to come to blows/ [Bi3 le4 fei4 er3 de2] /Bielefeld (city in Germany)/ [Bi3 le4 tuo2 li4 ya4] /Pretoria, capital of South Africa/ [Bi3 ha1 er3 bang1] /Bihar/ [bi3 yu4] /metaphor/analogy/figure of speech/figuratively/ [Bi3 ai1 zi1 ba1 bo2] /Beelzebub/ [bi3 ji1 ni2] /bikini/ [Bi3 ji1 ni2 dao3] /Bikini atoll, French nuclear test site in South Pacif [bi3 jian1 ni2] /bikini/also written [bi3 ji1 ni2]/ [bi3 ru2] /for example/for instance/such as/ [Bi3 ru2 xian4] /Biru county, Tibetan: 'Bri ru rdzong, in Nagchu prefecture 1], central Tibet/ [bi3 wei1 li4] /yield-to-weight ratio/ [Bi3 an1] /Bienne, Switzerland/ [bi3 rong2] /specific volume/ [bi3 dui4] /comparison/to verify by comparing/ [Bi3 Gan1] /Bi Gan (Chinese god of wealth)/ [bi3 nian2] /(literary) every year/year after year/in recent years/Taiwan pr. [bi nian2]/ [bi3 shou3 hua4 jiao3] /to gesticulate/to make lively gestures (while tal itten / [bi3 shou3 hua4 jiao3] /to gesticulate/to make lively gestures (while tal itten / [Bi4 cai2] /Bizet (name)/Georges Bizet (1838-1875), French musician, composer of pera Carmen/ [bi3 bu3] /(old) to set a time limit for the arrest of a criminal/Taiwan pr. [bi4 bu3]/ [bi3 ni3] /compare/draw a parallel/match/analogy/metaphor/comparison/

[bi3 si1 te4] /Brest (the most Western French town)/ [Bi3 si1 kai1] /Bizkaia or Vizcaya, Spain/ [bi3 fang5] /analogy/instance/ [bi3 fang5 shuo1] /for example/for instance/ [bi3 gan1 sai4] /stroke play (golf)/ [bi3 wu3] /martial arts competition/tournament/to compete in a contest/ [bi3 bi3 jie1 shi4] /can be found everywhere/ [bi3 shi1] /specific humidity/ [bi3 zhao4] /according to/in the light of/contrast/ [bi3 re4] /specific heat/ [Bi3 er3] /Bill (name)/ [Bi3 er3 Gai4 ci2] /Bill Gates (1955-), founder and chairman of Mic [Bi3 er3 bo2] /Bilbo Baggins, hero of Tolkien's The Hobbit / [bi3 te4] /a bit (binary digit)/ [bi3 lu:4] /ratio/rate/percentage/ [bi3 hua4] /gesture/to gesticulate/ [bi3 mu4 yu2] /flatfish/flounder/ [Bi3 suo3] /Peso (currency in Latin America)/ [Bi3 shao4] /Bissau, capital of Guinea-Bissau/ [bi3 yi4] /fly wing to wing/ [bi3 jian1] /to be shoulder to shoulder/to be on an equal level with/Taiwan pr. [ i4 jian1]/ [bi3 se4 fen1 xi1] /colorimetric analysis/ [Bi3 sa4] /Pisa, town in Toscana, Italy/ [bi3 sa4] /pizza/ [Bi3 sa4 Xie2 ta3] /Leaning Tower of Pisa/ [bi3 sa4 bing3] /pizza/CL: [zhang1]/ [bi3 shi4] /have a competition/measure with one's hand or arm/make a gesture of m asuring/ [bi3 sai4] /competition (sports etc)/match/CL: [chang3],[ci4]/ [bi3 sai4 chang3] /stadium/playing field for a competition/ [bi3 sai4 xiang4 mu4] /sporting event/item on program of sports competiti [bi3 qi3] /compared with/ [bi3 jiao4] /to compare/to contrast/comparatively/relatively/quite/comparison/ [bi3 jiao4 fen1 xi1] /comparative analysis/ [bi3 jiao4 xi3 huan1] /to prefer/ [bi3 jiao4 wen2 xue2] /comparative literature/ [bi3 jiao4 ji2] /comparative degree/ [bi3 jiao4 er2 yan2] /comparatively speaking/ [bi3 lin2] /neighbor/next-door neighbor/near/next to/ [bi3 zhong4] /proportion/specific gravity/ [bi3 liang4] /rough measurement (with the hand, a stick, string etc)/ [bi4] /careful/to prevent/ [pi2] /to adjoin/to border on/ [pi2 shi1 nu2] /Vishnu (Hindu deity)/ [Pi2 ye1 suo1] /Vyasa, Indian sage and scribe, supposed author of epic ] and a major figure in it/ [pi2 lian2] /to adjoin/ [pi2 lin2] /bordering/adjacent to/ [pi2] /adjoin/border/ [chan2] /cunning/artful/ [Mao2] /surname Mao/ [mao2] /hair/feather/down/wool/mildew/mold/coarse or semifinished/young/raw/care less/unthinking/nervous/scared/(of currency) to devalue or depreciate/classifier for Chinese fractional monetary unit ( = [jiao3] , = 1/10 yuan or 10 fen [fen1])/ [Mao2 Zhu3 xi2] /Chairman Mao/Mao Zedong (1893-1976), Chinese c [Mao2 Zhu3 xi2 Ji4 nian4 tang2] /Mausoleum of Mao Zedong/ [Mao2 Zhu3 xi2 Yu3 lu4] /Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-Tung, publi bout 1976/ [Mao2 zhu3 yi4] /Maoism/

[mao2 chu1 zai4 yang2 shen1 shang4] /lit. wool comes from the she ts the benefit, but the price has been paid./Nothing comes for free./ [mao2 li4] /gross profit/ [mao2 shua4] /brush/ [mao2 ci4] /barb/whiskers/ [Mao2 nan2 zu2] /Maonan ethnic group of Guangxi/ [mao2 kou3] /metal filings (e.g. from a drill or lathe)/burr/ [mao2 bi4 ji1] /serge/ [mao2 pi1] /semifinished products/ [Mao2 su4 xiang4] /statue of Chairman Mao Zedong (1893-1976) [Ma [mao2 kong3] /pore/ [mao2 xiao3 nang2] /follicle/ [mao2 jin1] /towel/CL: [tiao2]/ [mao2 shou3 mao2 jiao3] /carelessly and haphazardly/to paw/to grope/to ge [mao2 la1] /Mullah (religious leader in Islam)/ [mao2 shou1 ru4] /gross income/gross profit/ [mao2 liao4] /rough lumber/woollen cloth/ [mao2 gen1] /a strand of hair/ [mao2 tiao2] /wool top, semi-processed raw wool/ [Mao2 mao5] /(pet name for a baby or small child)/ [mao2 mao5 chong2] /caterpillar/ [mao2 mao2 yu3] /drizzle/light rain/ [mao2 tan3] /blanket/ [mao2 zhan1] /felt/ [mao2 yang2 huai2] /rose acacia (Robinia hispida, a false acacia)/ [mao2 pai4] /Maoist/ [Mao2 Ze2 dong1] /Mao Zedong (1893-1976), Chinese communist leader/ [Mao2 Ze2 dong1 xian1 wei2 ren2 zhi1 de5 gu n Halliday/ [mao2 ze2 dong1 zhu3 yi4] /Maoism/ [Mao2 Ze2 dong1 Si1 xiang3] /Mao Zedong Thought/Maoism/ [mao2 pian4] /pornographic film/unedited film (old)/fur color/ [mao2 bing4] /fault/defect/shortcomings/ailment/CL: [ge4]/ [mao2 pi2] /fur/pelt/ [mao2 wo1] /cotton-padded shoes/(old) shoes made of woven grass, padded with feat ers/ [mao2 bi3] /writing brush/CL:[zhi1],[guan3]/ [mao2 xi4] /capillary/ [mao2 xi4 kong3] /pore/ [mao2 xi4 xue4 guan3] /capillary blood vessels/ [mao2 rong2 wan2 ju4] /plush toy/cuddly toy/ [mao2 rong2 rong2] /fluffy/furry/ [mao2 xian4] /knitting wool/wool yarn/ [mao2 xian4 yi1] /sweater/woolen knitwear/wool/ [mao2 zhi1 wu4] /woolen textiles/ [mao2 zhi1 yun4 dong4 shan1] /jersey/ [mao2 du3] /tripe (gastronomy)/ [mao2 tui3 sha1 ji1] /Tibetan sandgrouse (Syrrhaptes tibetanus)/ [mao2 se4] /(of an animal) appearance or color of coat/ [mao2 gen4] /buttercup/ [mao2 rong1 rong1] /hairy/shaggy/ [mao2 chong2] /caterpillar/ [mao2 xue4 wang4] /duck's blood, beef and tripe in spicy soup/ [mao2 yi1] /(wool) sweater/CL:[jian4]/ [mao2 dou4] /green soy bean/ [mao2 xiang4] /mammoth/ [Mao2 Sui4] /Mao Sui (third century BC), who proverbially offered his services to the King of Chu , see [Mao2 Sui4 zi4 jian4]/ [Mao2 Sui4 zi4 jian4] /Mao Sui recommends himself (idiom); to offer one's the style of Mao Sui offering his services to king of Chu of the Warring states

)/ [Mao2 Deng4 San1] /Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory & the Three Repre bbr. for [Mao2 Ze2 dong1 Si1 xiang3], [Deng4 Xiao [mao2 suan1 jiang1] /husk ground-cherry/Physalis pubescens/ [Mao2 li3 ta3 ni2 ya4] /Mauritania/ [Mao2 li3 qiu2 si1] /Mauritius/ [mao2 zhong4] /gross weight/ [mao2 lu:2] /donkey/CL: [tou2]/ [mao2 gu3 song3 ran2] /absolutely horrified (idiom)/ [mao2 fa4] /hair/ [rong2] /down/felt/ [hao2] /hair/drawing brush/(in the) least/one thousandth/currency unit, 0.1 yuan / [hao2 bu4] /hardly/not in the least/not at all/ [hao2 bu5 jie4 yi4] /to not mind (at all, a bit)/to not care in the sligh [hao2 bu4 ke4 qi5] /no trace of politeness/unrestrained (criticism)/ [hao2 bu4 huai2 yi2] /without the slightest doubt/ [hao2 bu4 you2 yu4] /without the slightest hesitation/ [hao2 bu4 liu2 qing2] /to show no quarter/ [hao2 bu4 fei4 li4] /effortless/not expending the slightest effort/ [hao2 bu4 xun4 se4] /not inferior in any respect/ [hao2 ke4] /milligram/ [hao2 sheng1] /milliliter/ [hao2 ba1] /millibar (mbar or mb), unit of pressure (equal to hecto-Pascal)/ [hao2 wei1 mi3] /millimicron or one-millionth of a millimeter/ [hao2 mao2] /hair/soft hair/down/ [hao2 wu2] /not in the least/to completely lack/ [hao2 wu2 er4 zhi4] /there cannot be another one like it/ [hao2 wu2 xiao4 guo3] /to no avail/achieving nothing/totally ineffective/ fect/to fall flat (esp. of joke or speech that is completely ignored)/ [hao2 wu2 yi2 wen4] /certainty/without a doubt/ [hao2 wu2 xun4 se4] /not in the least inferior (idiom)/ [hao2 wa3] /milliwatt/ [hao2 miao3] /millisecond, ms/ [hao2 mi3] /millimeter/ [hao2 mi3 shui3 yin2 zhu4] /millibar (unit of pressure)/ [hao2 mi3 gong3 zhu4] /millimeter of mercury/mmHg (unit of pressure)/ [hao2 mi3 bo1] /millimeter wave (radio signal)/ [hao2 fa4] /a hair/the slightest/ [qiu2] /ball/ [tan3] /blanket/rug/ [tan3 zi5] /a blanket/CL: [tiao2], [zhang1],[chuang2],[mian4]/ [cui4] /crisp/brittle/fine animal hair/ [mao4] /restless/ [shu1] /rug/ [jian4] /shuttlecock/ [jian4 zi5] /jianzi (Asian shuttlecock game)/ [ta4] /a coarse, woollen serge/ [san1] /long-haired/shaggy/ [mao2] /a yak (Bos grunniens)/ [mao2 niu2] /yak (Bos grunniens)/ [rong3] /down or fine hair/ [chang3] /overcoat/ [pu3] /thick rough serge from Tibet/ [zhan1] /felt (fabric)/ [sao4] /restless, melancholy/ [zhan1] /variant of [zhan1]/ [lu3] /thick rough serge from Tibet/ [qu2] /woolen rug/ [shi4] /clan name/maiden name/

[zhi1] /see [Yue4 zhi1] and [yan1 zhi1]/ [shi4 zu2] /clan/ [di1] /name of an ancient tribe/ [di3] /foundation/on the whole/ [min2] /the people/nationality/citizen/ [min2 bu4 liao2 sheng1] /The people have no way to make a living (idiom, f the Grand Historian [Shi3 ji4])/no way of getting by/ [min2 zhu3] /democracy/ [min2 zhu3 zhu3 yi4] /democracy/ [min2 zhu3 zhu3 yi4 zhe3] /democrats/ [min2 zhu3 hua4] /to convert to democracy/democratic transformation/ [min2 zhu3 jian4 gang3 xie2 jin4 lian2 meng2] /Democratic Kong (DAB), Hong Kong pro-Beijing party/ [min2 zhu3 zheng4 zhi4] /democracy/democratic/ [min2 zhu3 pai4] /Democratic faction/ [min2 zhu3 qiang2] /Democracy Wall (1978-1989), esp. during the Beijing Sprin racy movement/ [Min2 zhu3 jin4 bu4 dang3] /DPP (Democratic Progressive Party, Taiwan [min2 zhu3 ji2 zhong1 zhi4] /democratic centralism/ [min2 zhu3 ge2 ming4] /democratic revolution/bourgeois revolution (in Mar eory, a prelude to the proletarian revolution)/ [Min2 zhu3 dang3] /Democratic Party/ [min2 zhu3 dang3 ren2] /a Democratic party member/ [min2 shi4] /civil case/agricultural affairs/civil/ [min2 shi4 su4 song4] /common plea/civil appeal (as opposed to criminal c [min2 shi4 ze2 ren4] /civil liability (law)/ [min2 yi3 shi2 wei2 tian1] /Food is the God of the people. (idiom); P the primary need./Food first, ethical niceties second/ [min2 su2] /popular custom/ [min2 su2 xue2] /folklore/ [min2 bing1] /people's militia/militia/ [Min2 qin2] /Minqin county in Wuwei [Wu3 wei1], Gansu/ [Min2 qin2 xian4] /Minqin county in Wuwei [Wu3 wei1], Gansu/ [Min2 he2] /Minhe Hui and Tu autonomous county in Haidong prefecture , Qinghai/ [Min2 he2 Hui2 zu2 Tu3 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Minhe Hui ture [Hai3 dong1 di4 qu1], Qinghai/ [Min2 he2 xian4] /Minhe Hui and Tu autonomous county in Haidong prefecture qu1], Qinghai/ [Min2 guo2] /Republic of China (1912-1949)/used instead of reign name by the nati nalist government, then by Taiwan/used in PRC as reign name of a former dynasty/ [Min2 guo2 tong1 su2 yan3 yi4] /Dramatized history of Republican ongfan , and later chapters by Xu Qinfu / [min2 tuan2] /civil corps/militia/ [min2 zhai2] /house/people's homes/ [min2 jia1] /minka/commoner's house/Bai ethnic group/ [min2 ju1] /houses/homes/ [min2 gong1] /workers (esp. on public project)/ [min2 ting2] /civil court/ [min2 jian4 lian2] /abbr. for , Democratic a g pro-Beijing party/ [min2 yuan4] /popular grievance/complaints of the people/ [min2 yuan4 fei4 teng2] /seething discontent (idiom); popular grievances [min2 yuan4 ding3 fei4] /seething discontent (idiom); popular grievances [min2 qing2] /circumstances of the people/popular sentiment/the mood of the peopl /popular customs/ [min2 yi4] /public opinion/popular will/public will/ [min2 yi4 ce4 yan4] /opinion poll/ [min2 yi4 diao4 cha2] /opinion poll/ [min2 fang2] /private house/

[min2 zheng4 ting1] /Civil affairs bureau/provincial office of PRC Ministry o Affairs (MCA) / [min2 zheng4 bu4] /Ministry of Civil Affairs (MCA) of the PRC/ [Min2 shu4 ji4] /Book of Numbers/Fourth Book of Moses/ [min2 zu2] /nationality/ethnic group/CL: [ge4]/ [min2 zu2 zhu3 yi4] /nationalism/national self-determination/principle of the first of Dr Sun Yat-sen's Three principles of the people between China and the great powers)/racism/ [min2 zu2 zhu3 yi4 qing2 xu4] /nationalist feelings/nationalist s [min2 zu2 tuan2 jie2] /cooperation of ethnic groups/ [Min2 zu2 Da4 xue2] /University for Nationalities (university of ethnic s [min2 zu2 da4 qian1 xi3] /great migration of peoples/ [min2 zu2 xue2] /ethnology/anthropology/ [min2 zu2 gong1 ye4] /national industry/industry run by Chinese nationals inese/ [min2 zu2 ping2 deng3] /equality of ethnic groups/ [min2 zu2 zhi4] /ethnography/ [min2 zu2 she4 hui4 zhu3 yi4] /national socialism/Nazism/ [min2 zu2 zi4 jue2] /self-determination/ [min2 zu2 wu3 dao3] /folk dance/ [min2 zu2 ying1 xiong2] /national hero/ [min2 zu2 za2 ju1 di4 qu1] /mixed ethnic area/ [Min2 yue4] /Minyue county in Zhangye [Zhang1 ye4], Gansu/ [min2 yue4] /folk music, esp. for traditional instruments/ [Min2 yue4 xian4] /Minyue county in Zhangye [Zhang1 ye4], Gansu/ [Min2 quan2] /Minquan county in Shangqiu [Shang1 qiu1], Henan/ [min2 quan2] /civil liberties/ [min2 quan2 zhu3 yi4] /democracy/civil liberties/principle of democracy, Dr Sun Yat-sen's Three principles of the people (at the ti involvement in affairs of state)/ [Min2 quan2 xian4] /Minquan county in Shangqiu [Shang1 qiu1], Henan/ [min2 ge1] /folk song/CL:[zhi1],[shou3]/ [min2 ge1 shou3] /folk singer/ [min2 fa3] /civil law/ [min2 fa3 dian3] /civil code/ [min2 ying2] /privately run (i.e. by a company, not the state)/ [min2 ying2 hua4] /privatization/ [min2 sheng1] /people's livelihood/people's welfare/ [min2 sheng1 zhu3 yi4] /principle of people's livelihood, the third of Dr s Three principles of the people (at the time, meaning redi iciency and internal trade)/ [min2 sheng1 diao1 bi4] /the people's livelihood is reduced to destitutio time of famine and impoverishment/ [min2 yong4] /(for) civilian use/ [min2 yong4 he2 guo2 jia1] /civil nuclear power/ [Min2 Meng2] /China Democratic League (political party)/abbr. for [min2 zhong4] /populace/masses/the people/ [min2 qiong2 cai2 jin4] /the people are impoverished, their means exhaust o drive the nation to bankruptcy/ [Min2 da1 na4 e2 Hai3] /Mindanao Sea/ [min2 zhi1 min2 gao1] /lit. the fat and wealth of the people (idiom); the d-won wealth (esp. as an object of unscrupulous exploitation)/the people's blood , sweat and tears/ [min2 hang2] /civil aviation/ [min2 hang2 ban1 ji1] /civilian plane/commercial flight/ [min2 diao4] /opinion poll/ [min2 yao2] /ballad/ [min2 jing3] /civil police/PRC police/abbr. for / [min2 bian4] /mass uprising/popular revolt/civil commotion/ [min2 bian4 feng1 qi3] /seething discontent (idiom); widespread popular g

[Min2 feng1] /Niye Nahiyisi/Minfeng county in Khotan prefecture iang/ [Min2 feng1 xian4] /Niye Nahiyisi/Minfeng county in Khotan prefecture Xinjiang/ [min2 zei2 du2 fu1] /tyrant and oppressor of the people (idiom); traitoro [min2 ban4] /run by the local people/privately operated/ [Min2 jin4 dang3] /DPP (Democratic Progressive Party, Taiwan)/abbr. for [min2 yun4] /civil transport/movement aimed at the masses/democracy movement (abb .)/ [min2 xuan3] /democratically elected/ [min2 jian1] /among the people/popular/folk/non-governmental/involving people rat er than governments/ [min2 jian1 chuan2 shuo1] /popular tradition/folk legend/ [min2 jian1 gu4 shi5] /folk story/folktale/ [min2 jian1 zu3 zhi1] /humanitarian organization/ [min2 jian1 xi2 su2] /folk customs/ [min2 jian1 wu3] /folk dance/ [min2 jian1 wu3 dao3] /folk dance/ [min2 jian1 yi4 shu4] /folk art/ [min2 jian1 yin1 yue4] /folk music/ [Min2 xiong2] /Minxiong or Minhsiung township in Chiayi county [Jia1 aiwan/ [Min2 xiong2 xiang1] /Minxiong or Minhsiung township in Chiayi county est Taiwan/ [min2 feng1] /popular customs/folkways/ [mang2] /vagrant/ruffian/ [meng2] /people/ [pie1] /protium 1H/light hydrogen, the most common isotope of hydrogen, having n o neutron, so atomic weight 1/ [nai3] /neon (chemistry)/ [qi4] /Japanese variant of / [dao1] /deuterium 2H/heavy hydrogen, isotope of hydrogen having 1 neutron in its nucleus, so atomic weight 2/ [dao1 he2] /deuteron/ [xian1] /xenon (chemistry)/ [chuan1] /tritium 3H/radioactive isotope of hydrogen having 2 neutrons in its nu cleus, so atomic weight 3/ [fen1] /miasma/vapor/ [fen1 wei2] /ambience/atmosphere/ [nei4] /neon Ne (chemistry) (now written [nai3])/ [fu2] /fluorine (chemistry)/ [fu2 li4 ang2] /freon (chemistry)/ [fu2 hua4] /fluoridation/fluorination/ [fu2 hua4 qing1] /hydrofluoric acid/ [fu2 hua4 wu4] /fluoride/ [fu2 shi2] /fluorite CaF2/fluorspar/fluor/ [fu2 gui1 suan1] /fluorosilicic acid H2SiF6/fluorosilicate/ [dong1] /radon (chemistry)/ [qi4] /gas/air/smell/weather/vital breath/to anger/to get angry/to be enraged/ [qi4 bu4 gong1] /indignant/ [qi4 bu4 ping2] /angry at unfairness/ [qi4 bu4 fen4 r5] /furious/indignant/ [qi4 bu5 guo4] /so angry it's unbearable/bitter about unbearable grievances/ [qi4 ren2] /to anger/to annoy/ [qi4 hou4] /climate/atmosphere/situation/CL: [zhong3]/ [qi4 hou4 xue2] /climatology/ [qi4 hou4 xue2 jia1] /a climatologist/ [qi4 hou4 nuan3 hua4] /climate warming/ [qi4 hou4 wen1 he2] /moderate climate/ [qi4 hou4 zhuang4 kuang4] /climatic conditions/atmospheric conditions/

[qi4 hou4 bian4 hua4] /climate change/ [qi4 xiang4 ren2 yuan2] /meteorologist/ [qi4 leng3 shi4 fan3 ying4 dui1] /gas-cooled reactor/ [qi4 ning2 jiao1] /aerogel/ [qi4 li4] /strength/energy/vigor/talent/ [qi4 gong1] /qigong, a system of deep breathing exercises/ [qi4 dong4] /pneumatic/ [qi4 dong4 zao4 sheng1] /aerodynamic noise/ [qi4 dong4 shi4] /pneumatic/ [qi4 dong4 kong4 zhi4] /air operated/ [qi4 dong4 beng4] /pneumatic pump/ [qi4 dong4 hu2 lu5] /pneumatic hoist pulley/ [qi4 dong4 kai1 guan1] /pneumatic switch/ [qi4 dong4 zha2] /pneumatic brake/ [qi4 shi4] /imposing manner/loftiness/grandeur/energetic looks/vigor/ [qi4 shi4 hong2 wei3] /imposing/majestic/ [qi4 shi4 xiong1 xiong1] /aggressive/truculent/overbearing/ [qi4 bao1 zi5] /quick-tempered person/ [qi4 hua4] /to vaporize/evaporation/carburetion/[qi4] transformation in tradition l Chinese medicine (i.e. transformation of yin yang vital breath)/unvoicing of v oiced consonant/ [qi4 kou3] /location on wrist over the radial artery where pulse is taken in trad tional Chinese medicine/ [qi4 wei4] /odor/scent/ [qi4 hu1 hu1] /panting with rage/ [qi4 heng1 heng1] /enraged/furious/livid/ [qi4 chuan3] /labored breathing/shortage of breath due to poor lung capacity/asth a/ [qi4 chuan3 xu1 xu1] /to pant/to gasp for breath/ [qi4 chuan3 chuan3] /breathless/ [qi4 chuan3 ru2 niu2] /(idiom) labored breathing like a cow/to puff like [qi4 chuan3 bing4] /asthma/ [qi4 nang2] /air sac/aerostat gasbag/ [qi4 tuan2] /air mass/ [qi4 sai1] /airlock/air block/fipple (in the mouthpiece of wind instrument)/ [qi4 dian4] /air cushion (as on hovercraft)/ [qi4 dian4 chuan2] /hovercraft/air cushion vehicle/ [qi4 ya1] /atmospheric pressure/barometric pressure/ [qi4 ya1 biao3] /barometer/ [qi4 ya1 ji4] /barometer/ [qi4 zhuang4 shan1 he2] /magnificent/inspiring/ [qi4 kong3] /air-bubble/pore/stoma/ [qi4 yu3] /bearing/manner/ [qi4 yu3 xuan1 ang2] /to have an imposing or impressive appearance/impres ce/straight and impressive looking/ [qi4 du4] /bearing/manner/presence/ [qi4 du4 hui1 hong2] /broad-minded/magnanimous/ [qi4 ji2 bai4 huai4] /flustered and exasperated/utterly discomfited/ [qi4 xi1] /breath/smell/odor/flavor/ [qi4 tai4] /gaseous state (physics)/manner/air/bearing/ [qi4 fen4] /indignant/furious/ [qi4 xuan2] /cyclone/ [qi4 ang2 ang2] /full of vigor/spirited/valiant/ [qi4 gai4] /lofty quality/mettle/spirit/ [qi4 qiang1] /an air gun/ [qi4 lou2] /small ventilation tower on roof of building/ [qi4 si3] /to be very angry/ [qi4 fen1] /atmosphere/mood/ [qi4 chong1 chong1] /furious/enraged/ [qi4 pao4] /bubble/blister (in metal)/(of beverages) sparkling/carbonated/

[qi4 beng4] /air pump/ [qi4 pai4] /imposing manner or style/ [qi4 liu2] /stream of air/airflow/slipstream/draft/breath/turbulence (of aircraft / [qi4 wen1] /air temperature/CL: [ge4]/ [qi4 rong2 jiao1] /aerosol/ [qi4 rong2 jiao1 zhen1 cha2 yi2] /aerosol detector/ [qi4 tan2] /air pocket/ [qi4 zha4] /to burst with rage/to blow one's top/ [qi4 han4] /gas welding/ [qi4 mei2] /gas coal/ [qi4 qiu2] /balloon/ [qi4 ping2] /gas cylinder/air bottle/air tank (diving)/ [qi4 tian2] /gasfield/ [qi4 sheng4] /red-blooded/full of vim/impetuous/ [qi4 tong3] /inflator/bicycle pump/ [qi4 guan3] /windpipe/trachea/respiratory tract/air duct/gas pipe/ [qi4 guan3 qie1 kai1 shu4] /tracheotomy (medicine)/ [qi4 guan3 cha1 guan3 shu4] /tracheotomy (medicine)/ [qi4 guan3 yan2] /bacterial tracheitis (inflammation of the windpipe, often c y Staphylococcus aureus)/henpecked (a pun on used in comic theater)/ [qi4 guan3 jing4 luan2] /breathing convulsions (as in asthma)/tracheospas [qi4 long2] /air pipe/bamboo air pipe used to aerate granary/ [qi4 cu1] /irascible/ranting/ [qi4 jue2] /to take one's last breath/dying/ [qi4 gang1] /cylinder (engine)/ [qi4 xiong1] /pneumothorax (medicine)/ [qi4 se4] /complexion/ [qi4 xue4] /qi and blood (two basic bodily fluids of Chinese medicine)/ [qi4 chong1 niu2 dou3] /extremely angry/infuriated/ [qi4 chong1 xiao1 han4] /(idiom) dauntless/courageous/spirited/ [qi4 xiang4] /meteorological feature/CL: [ge4]/meteorology/atmosphere/ambienc / [qi4 xiang4 tai2] /meteorological office/weather forecasting office/ [qi4 xiang4 xue2] /meteorology/ [qi4 xiang4 xue2 zhe3] /a meteorologist/ [qi4 xiang4 ju2] /weather bureau/meteorological office/ [qi4 xiang4 ting1] /meteorological office/ [qi4 xiang4 zhan4] /weather station/ [qi4 xiang4 wei4 xing1] /weather satellite/ [qi4 xiang4 guan1 ce4 zhan4] /weather station/ [qi4 guan4 chang2 hong2] /spirit reaches to the rainbow/full of noble asp aring/ [qi4 zhi4] /temperament/personality traits/manners/ [qi4 dao4] /flue/air duct/air passage/respiratory tract/ [qi4 liang4] /(lit. quantity of spirit)/moral character/degree of forbearance/bro d-mindedness or otherwise/tolerance/magnanimity/ [qi4 chui2] /pneumatic drill/ [qi4 zuan1] /pneumatic drill/ [qi4 men2] /valve (esp. tire valve)/accelerator (obsolete term for )/sti piracle/ [qi4 zha2] /pneumatic brake/airlock/ [qi4 jing3] /air pocket/ [qi4 xi4] /air vent/air gap/ [qi4 wu4 mian3 yi4] /aerosol immunization/ [qi4 wu4 ji4] /aerosol/ [qi4 wu4 shi4] /cloud chamber/ [qi4 tou2 shang4] /in a fit of anger (idiom); in a temper/ [qi4 nei3] /to be discouraged/ [qi4 ti3] /gas (i.e. gaseous substance)/

[qi4 ti3 kuo4 san4] /gaseous diffusion/ [qi4 ti3 li2 xin1] /gas centrifuge/ [qi4 po4] /spirit/boldness/positive outlook/imposing attitude/ [qi4 ming2 yue4 qi4] /aerophone (music)/ [qi4 gu3 gu3] /seething/fuming/ [yin1] /generative forces/magic emanation/ [yin1 yun1] /dense (of smoke, mist)/ [xi1] /variant of [xian1]/ [hai4] /helium (chemistry)/ [hai4 he2] /helium nucleus/ [yang3] /oxygen (chemistry)/ [yang3 yi3 que1] /oxyacetylene/ [yang3 yi3 que1 ju4] /an oxyacetylene torch/ [yang3 yi3 que1 han4] /oxyacetylene welding/ [yang3 yi3 que1 han4 ju4] /oxyacetylene torch/ [yang3 ge1] /to cut using oxyacetylene torch/ [yang3 hua4] /to oxidize/ [yang3 hua4 ji4] /oxidant/oxidizing agent/ [yang3 hua4 gong3] /mercuric oxide (HgO)/ [yang3 hua4 wu4] /oxide/ [yang3 hua4 guan4] /Hopcalite canister/Hopcalite cartridge/ [yang3 hua4 gai4] /calcium oxide/ [yang3 hua4 you2] /uranium oxide/ [yang3 hua4 lu:3] /aluminum oxide/ [yang3 hua4 xin1] /zinc oxide/ [yang3 hua4 mei3] /magnesium oxide/ [yang3 yuan2 zi3] /oxygen atom/ [yang3 xiao4 ying4] /oxygen effect/ [yang3 qi4] /oxygen/ [yang3 que1 chui1 guan3] /oxyacetylene torch/ [an1] /ammonia/ [an1 a1 ding4] /aminoacridine or aminacrine (antiseptic and disinfectant)/ [an1 xiao1 su4] /clenbuterol/ [an1 ji1] /amino/amino group/ [an1 ji1 jia3 suan1 zhi3 lei4 hua4 he2 wu4] /carbamat [an1 ji1 ben3 suan1] /aminobenzoic acid/ [an1 ji1 pu2 tang2] /glucosamine/abbr. for / [an1 ji1 pu2 tao5 tang2] /glucosamine (C6H13NO5)/ [an1 ji1 suan1] /amino acid/ [an1 qi4] /ammonia (gas)/ [an1 lun2] /spandex/elastane/ [ke4] /krypton (chemistry)/ [qing1] /hydrogen (chemistry)/ [qing1 hua4] /hydrogenation/ [qing1 hua4 qing2] /hydrocyanic acid/hydrogen cyanide/ [qing1 yuan2 zi3] /hydrogen atom/ [qing1 yuan2 zi3 he2] /hydrogen nucleus/ [qing1 dan4] /H-bomb/hydrogen bomb/ [qing1 fu2 ting1] /hydrofluorocarbon(s)/ [qing1 fu2 suan1] /hydrofluoric acid HFl/ [qing1 qi4] /hydrogen (gas)/ [qing1 yang3] /hydroxide (e.g. caustic soda NaOH)/ [qing1 yang3 hua4] /hydroxide (e.g. caustic soda NaOH)/ [qing1 yang3 hua4 wu4] /hydroxide/ [qing1 yang3 hua4 na4] /caustic soda/sodium hydroxide NaOH/ [qing1 yang3 hua4 gai4] /calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2/slaked lime/ [qing1 yang3 hua4 jia3] /potassium hydroxide/ [qing1 yang3 hua4 lu:3] /aluminum hydroxide/ [qing1 yang3 gen1] /hydroxide radical (-OH)/ [qing1 yang3 gen1 li2 zi3] /hydroxide ion OH-/

[qing1 yang3 li2 zi3] /hydroxide ion OH-/ [qing1 lu:4 suan1] /hydrochloric acid HCl/also written / [qing1 jing4 he2 cheng2 you2] /hydrogenated oil/ [qing1 xiu4 suan1] /hydrobromic acid HBr/ [qing1 mei2] /hydrogenase (enzyme)/ [qing1 jian4] /hydrogen bond/ [qing1 lu3 suan1] /hydrohalic acid (e.g. hydrofluoric acid HFl [ loric acid HCl etc)/ [ya4] /argon (chemistry)/ [dan4] /nitrogen (chemistry)/ [dan4 yuan2 zi3] /nitrogen atom/ [dan4 qi4] /nitrogen/ [dan4 yang3 hua4 wu4] /nitrogen oxide/ [dan4 jie4 qi4] /nitrogen mustard/ [lu:4] /chlorine (chemistry)/ [lu:4 ding1 xiang4 jiao1] /neoprene/ [lu:4 yi3 xi1] /vinyl chloride C2H3Cl/chloroethylene/ [lu:4 fang3] /chloroform CHCl3/trichloromethane/ [lu:4 hua4 qing1] /hydrogen chloride/ [lu:4 hua4 qing2] /cyanogen chloride CNCl/ [lu:4 hua4 wu4] /chloride/ [lu:4 hua4 ku3] /chloropicrin/ [lu:4 hua4 na4] /sodium chloride NaCl/common salt/ [lu:4 hua4 gai4] /calcium chloride/ [lu:4 hua4 jia3] /potassium chloride/ [lu:4 hua4 an3] /ammonium chloride/ [lu:4 hua4 lu:3] /aluminum chloride/ [lu:4 hua4 xin1] /zinc chloride/ [lu:4 dan1 zhi4] /molecular chlorine/ [lu:4 kui2] /chloroquine (antimalarial drug)/ [lu:4 an1 tong2] /see [lu:4 an4 tong2]/ketamine/ [lu:4 yi3 xi1] /chloroethylene/ [lu:4 lin2 ke3 mei2 su4] /clindamycin/ [lu:4 qi4] /chlorine/ [lu:4 jie2 mei2 su4] /clindamycin/ [lu:4 jia3 wan2] /methyl chloride CH3Cl/ [lu:4 cuo2 chuang1] /pockmarks/acne/ [lu:4 lin2 ding4] /pralidoxime chloride/ [lu:4 lun2] /polyvinyl chloride fiber/PRC brand name for PVC fiber/ [lu:4 an4 tong2] /ketamine (C13H16ClNO)/ [lu:4 ben3] /chlorobenzene C6H5Cl/ [lu:4 suan1] /chloric acid HClO3/chlorate/ [lu:4 suan1 na4] /sodium chlorate NaClO3/ [lu:4 suan1 jia3] /potassium chlorate/ [lu:4 mei2 su4] /chloramphenicol/chloromycetin/ [qing2] /cyanogen (CN)2/ethane dinitrile/ [qing2 hua4] /cyanide/ [qing2 hua4 wu4] /cyanide/ [qing2 hua4 na4] /sodium cyanide NaCN/ [qing2 hua4 jia3] /potassium cyanide KCN/ [qing2 ji1] /cyan/cyanide radical -CN, stable triple bond with chemical propertie like halogens/ [qing2 ji1 xi4 jun1] /cyanobacteria/ [qing2 an1 hua4 gai4] /calcium cyanamide/ [qing2 xiu4 jia3 ben3] /cyanobenzyl bromide/ [qing2 gan1] /cyanogenetic glucoside/ [qing2 suan1] /cyanic acid HCN/ [qing2 suan1 yan2] /cyanate/ [yun1] /heavy atmosphere/ [Shui3] /surname Shui/

[shui3] /water/river/liquid/beverage/additional charges or income/(of clothes) c lassifier for number of washes/ [Shui3 shang4] /Shuishang township in Chiayi county [Jia1 yi4 xian4] [shui3 shang4] /on water/aquatic/ [shui3 shang4 mo2 tuo1] /jet-ski/ [shui3 shang4 yun4 dong4] /water sports/aquatic motion/movement over wate [Shui3 shang4 xiang1] /Shuishang township in Chiayi county [Jia1 [shui3 shang4 fei1 ji1] /seaplane/ [shui3 xia4] /under the water/submarine/ [shui3 xia4 he2 bao4 zha4] /nuclear underwater burst/underwater nucle [shui3 xia4 he2 shi4 yan4] /underwater nuclear test/ [shui3 zhong1 lao1 yue4] /to fetch the moon out of the sea (idiom); a hop n/ [shui3 jing3] /(water) well/ [shui3 liang4] /moist and glossy/wet look (of lipstick)/ [shui3 xian1] /narcissus/daffodil/legendary aquatic immortal/refers to those buri d at sea/person who wanders abroad and does not return/ [shui3 xian1 hua1] /daffodil/narcissus/CL:[ke1]/ [shui3 wei4] /water level/ [Shui3 yu3 shi4] /Mizumata City in Kumamoto prefecture, Kysh, Japan/ [shui3 yu3 bing4] /Minamata disease (mercury poisoning found in Southern Japa 56)/ [shui3 xian1] /variant of , narcissus/daffodil/legendary aquatic immortal/ref those buried at sea/person who wanders abroad and does not return/ [shui3 bing1] /enlisted sailor in navy/ [shui3 bing1] /water ice (i.e. frozen H2O)/ [shui3 dang4] /pond/ [shui3 fen4] /moisture content/ [shui3 xing2] /water-boarding (torture)/ [shui3 xing2 bi1 gong4] /water-boarding, interrogation technique used by [shui3 li4] /water conservancy/irrigation works/ [shui3 li4 jia1] /water manager/hydraulic engineer/ [shui3 li4 gong1 cheng2] /hydraulic engineering/ [shui3 li4] /water power/hydraulic/water conservancy/irrigation works/ [shui3 li4 xue2] /hydraulics/ [shui3 li4 fa1 dian4] /hydroelectricity/ [shui3 li4 fa1 dian4 zhan4] /hydroelectric power plant/ [shui3 li4 gu3 feng1] /hydraulic bellows/water-driven ventilation (for me furnace)/ [shui3 yin4] /watermark/ [Shui3 yuan2] /Suweon City, capital of Gyeonggi province [Jing1 ji1 dao4], a/ [Shui3 yuan2 shi4] /Suweon City, capital of Gyeonggi province [Jing1 ji orea/ [shui3 he2] /hydration reaction/ [shui3 he2 wu4] /hydrate/hydrated compound/ [shui3 quan1] /the earth's ocean/the hydrosphere (geology)/ [shui3 tu3] /water and soil/surface water/natural environment (extended meaning)/ limate/ [shui3 tu3 bu4 fu2] /not acclimatized/ [shui3 tu3 bao3 chi2] /soil conservation/ [shui3 keng1] /puddle/sump/ [shui3 gou4] /limescale/ [Shui3 cheng2] /Shuicheng county in Liupanshui [Liu4 pan2 shui3], Gu [Shui3 cheng2 xian4] /Shuicheng county in Liupanshui [Liu4 pan2 [shui3 yu4] /(territorial) waters/ [shui3 tang2] /pool/ [shui3 mo4] /ink (used in painting)/ [shui3 mo4 hua4] /ink and wash painting/ [shui3 ya1] /water pressure/

[shui3 ba4] /dam/dike/ [shui3 hu2] /kettle/canteen/watering can/ [shui3 tian1 yi1 se4] /water and sky merge in one color (idiom)/ [shui3 hai4] /flood damage/ [shui3 Fu4] /Shuifu county in Zhaotong [Zhao1 tong1], Yunnan/ [shui3 Fu4 xian4] /Shuifu county in Zhaotong [Zhao1 tong1], Yunnan/ [shui3 shi1] /navy (in Qing times)/ [shui3 ping2] /level (of achievement etc)/standard/horizontal/ [shui3 ping2 yi2] /level (device to determine horizontal)/spirit level/survey vel/ [shui3 ping2 zhou2] /vertical axis/ [shui3 ping2 mian4] /plane/ [shui3 di3] /underwater/ [shui3 di3 xie3 zi4 ban3] /underwater writing tablet/ [shui3 di3 xiang4 ji1] /underwater camera/ [shui3 ku4] /reservoir/CL:[zuo4]/ [shui3 cai3] /watercolor/ [shui3 cai3 hua4] /watercolor/aquarelle/ [shui3 wang3 di1 chu4 liu2] /water flows downhill (whereas man strugg [shui3 xing4 yang2 hua1] /fickle (woman)/ [shui3 huan4] /flooding/water disaster/ [Shui3 hu4 Shi4] /Mito City, capital of Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan/ [shui3 shou3] /mariner/sailor/seaman/ [shui3 wen2] /spam/hydrology/ [Shui3 zu2] /Shui ethnic group of Guangxi/ [shui3 zu2 xiang1] /aquarium/fish tank/ [shui3 zu2 guan3] /aquarium (building or park)/ [shui3 xing1] /Mercury (planet)/ [shui3 jing1] /crystal/ [Shui3 jing1 gong1] /The Crystal Palace/ [shui3 jing1 qiu2] /crystal ball (in Western magic)/ [shui3 nuan3 gong1] /plumber/heating engineer/ [shui3 yao4 ri4] /Wednesday (used in Ancient Chinese astronomy)/ [shui3 shan1] /metasequoia/ [Shui3 lin2] /Shuilin township in Yunlin county [Yun2 lin2 xian4], T [Shui3 lin2 xiang1] /Shuilin township in Yunlin county [Yun2 lin [shui3 guo3] /fruit/CL: [ge4]/ [shui3 guo3 dao1] /paring knife/fruit knife/CL:[ba3]/ [shui3 guo3 jiu3] /wine/ [shui3 zhu4] /stream or column of water/ [shui3 li4] /see [bi2 qi2]/ [shui3 tong3] /bucket/ [shui3 qi1] /aquatic/living in water/ [shui3 yang2 suan1] /salicylic acid/ [shui3 qiang1] /water pistol (toy)/water gun/sprinkler/water cannon/ [shui3 cao2] /sink/ [shui3 heng2 zhi1] /cape jasmine (Gardenia jasminoides), esp. grown as bonsai [shui3 mu3] /jellyfish/medusa/ [shui3 mu3 ti3] /jellyfish/medusa/ [shui3 qi4] /water vapor/steam/ [shui3 ting1] /steam (Shanghainese)/ [shui3 chi2] /pond/pool/ [shui3 wu1 ran3] /water pollution/ [shui3 wang1 wang1] /watery/waterlogged (soil)/limpid/bright and intelligent [shui3 qi4] /water vapor/steam/moisture/ [shui3 pao4] /bubble/blister/ [shui3 bo1] /wave/(water) ripple/ [shui3 ni2] /cement/CL:[dai4]/ [shui3 beng4] /water pump/ [shui3 xie4 bu4 tong1] /lit. not one drop can trickle through (idiom); fi

le (crowd, traffic)/ [shui3 liu2] /river/stream/ [shui3 shen1] /depth (of waterway)/sounding/ [shui3 shen1 huo3 re4] /deep water and scorching fire/abyss of suffering [shui3 qing1 wu2 yu2] /clear water, so few fish (idiom); You cannot expec be squeaky clean./Don't be too picky!/ [shui3 yuan2] /water source/water supply/headwaters of a river/ [shui3 zhun3] /horizontal/level/ [shui3 zhun3 yi2] /level (device to determine horizontal)/spirit level/survey vel/ [shui3 gou1] /gutter/sewer/ [shui3 wen1] /water temperature/ [shui3 wen1 biao3] /engine temperature gauge/coolant temperature gauge/ [shui3 rong2] /water soluble/ [shui3 rong2 xing4] /soluble (in water)/solubility/ [shui3 di1] /drop/ [shui3 di1 shi2 chuan1] /dripping water penetrates the stone (idiom); con rance yields success/You can achieve your aim if you try hard without giving up. /Persistent effort overcomes any difficulty./ [shui3 hu3] /edge of the water/shore or sea, lake or river/seashore/ [Shui3 hu3 Zhuan4] /Water Margin or Outlaws of the Marsh by Shi Nai'an one of the Four Classic Novels of Chinese literature/ [Shui3 hu3 Quan2 zhuan4] /Water Margin or Outlaws of the Marsh by Shi Nai Four Classic Novels of Chinese literature/also written / [shui3 hu3 hou4 zhuan4] /Water Margin sequel, by Chen Chen / [shui3 lu4 lu4] /dripping wet/ [shui3 zhang3 chuan2 gao1] /the tide rises, the boat floats (idiom); fig. th the overall trend/to develop according to the situation/ [shui3 tan2] /puddle/pool/ [shui3 huo3 bu4 rong2] /completely incompatible/lit. incompatible as fire [shui3 huo3 wu2 qing2] /Fire and water have no mercy (idiom). forces of n human control/implacable fate/ [shui3 zai1] /flood/flood damage/ [shui3 yan1] /shredded tobacco for water pipes/ [shui3 yan1 dai4] /water bong/water pipe/hookah/ [shui3 zhu3 dan4] /boiled egg/soft-boiled egg/ [shui3 zhu3 yu2] /Sichuan poached sliced fish in hot chili oil/ [shui3 niu2] /water buffalo/ [shui3 ta3] /otter/ [shui3 yu4] /crystal/old word for / [shui3 qiu2] /water polo/ [shui3 qiu2 chang3] /water polo pool/ [Shui3 ping2 zuo4] /Aquarius (constellation and sign of the zodiac)/variant o [shui3 chan3] /aquatic/produced in sea, rivers or lakes/ [shui3 chan3 zhan3] /seafood show (trade fair)/ [shui3 chan3 ye4] /aquaculture/ [shui3 chan3 yang3 zhi2] /aquaculture/ [shui3 tian2] /paddy field/rice paddy/ [shui3 tian2 jie4] /watercress/ [shui3 dou4] /chickenpox/Varicella zoster (med.)/ [shui3 liao2] /hydrotherapy/aquatherapy/ [shui3 pao4] /blister/ [shui3 yu2] /water pot or goblet (for Chinese calligraphy)/ [shui3 pen2] /basin/ [shui3 xiang1] /aqueous solution/ [shui3 nian3] /water mill/ [Shui3 mo4 gou1] /Shuimogou district (Uighur: Shuymogu Rayoni) of Urumqi city 2 shi4], Xinjiang/ [Shui3 mo4 gou1 qu1] /Shuimogou district (Uighur: Shuymogu Rayoni) of Uru qi2 shi4], Xinjiang/

[shui3 shen2] /river God/ [shui3 dao4] /rice/paddy/CL:[zhu1]/ [shui3 li4 fang1] /Water Cube, nickname of Beijing national aquatics center jing 2008 Olympic games/ [shui3 shao1] /well bucket/pail made of bamboo strips/ [shui3 guan3] /water pipe/ [shui3 guan3 gong1] /plumber/ [shui3 guan3 gong1 ren2] /plumber/ [shui3 guan3 mian4] /tube pasta (e.g. penne, rigatoni, ziti)/macaroni/ [shui3 xiang1] /water tank/radiator (automobile)/cistern/lavabo/ [Shui3 lian2 Dong4] /Shuilian Cave/Water Curtain Cave/ [shui3 xi4] /drainage system/ [shui3 lu:4] /light green/ [shui3 gang1] /water jar/ [shui3 yi4 chuan2] /hydrofoil/ [shui3 lao3 ya1] /common name for cormorant/ [shui3 geng1 fa3] /hydroponics/ [shui3 fei4] /SCUBA (diving)/ [shui3 neng2] /hydroelectric power/ [shui3 neng2 yuan2] /hydroelectric power/ [shui3 zhong3] /(med.) edema/dropsy/ [shui3 zhi4 qing1 ze2 wu2 yu2] /Water that is too clear has few f ritical has few friends (idiom); You cannot expect everyone to be squeaky clean. /Don't be too picky!/ [shui3 hua1] /splash/algal bloom/chickenpox (topolect)/ [shui3 cao3] /water plants/habitat with water source and grass/ [shui3 chang1 pu2] /Acorus calamus/sweet sedge or sweet flag/ [shui3 luo4 gui1 cao2] /spilt water returns to the trough (idiom); fig. p r where they belong/ [shui3 luo4 shi2 chu1] /As the water recedes, the rocks appear (idiom); t s to light/When facts are known, doubts dissipate./Murder will out./Name of a CC TV soap opera set in police station/ [shui3 zheng1 qi4] /vapor/ [shui3 weng4 cai4] /water spinach or ong choy (Ipomoea aquatica), used as a v e in south China and southeast Asia/ [shui3 hu3 yu2] /piranha (fish)/ [shui3 chu3 li3] /water treatment/ [shui3 she2 zuo4] /Hydrus (constellation)/ [shui3 zhi4] /leech/ [shui3 zhi4 su4] /hirudin/ [shui3 mi4 tao2] /honey peach/juicy peach/ [shui3 xi1] /Hydra (freshwater polyp)/ [shui3 xi1 ti3] /sessile polyp/sea anemone/ [shui3 biao3] /water meter/indicator of water level/ [shui3 jie3] /hydrolysis (chemical reaction with water)/ [shui3 diao1] /mink (Mustela lutreola, M. vison)/ [shui3 huo4] /smuggled goods/ [shui3 fei4] /water bill/ [shui3 zi1 yuan2] /water resources/drinking water/ [shui3 zhi4] /water quality/ [shui3 zhi4 wu1 ran3] /water pollution/ [shui3 lu4] /waterway/ [shui3 jun1] /navy (archaic)/ [shui3 lun2] /waterwheel/millwheel/ [shui3 yun4] /waterborne transport/ [shui3 dao4] /aqueduct/sewer/ [shui3 dao4 kou3] /mouth of sewer/ [shui3 bian1] /edge of the water/shore or sea, lake or river/seashore/ [Shui3 li3] /Shuili township in Nantou county [Nan2 tou2 xian4], cen [Shui3 li3 xiang1] /Shuili township in Nantou county [Nan2 tou2

[shui3 liang4] /volume of water/quantity of flow/ [shui3 yin2] /mercury/quicksilver/ [shui3 yin2 deng1] /mercury-vapor lamp/ [shui3 men2 ting1] /cement (Shanghainese)/ [shui3 zha2] /sluice/water gate/waterlocks/floodgate/lock/dam/ [shui3 lu4] /water and land/by water and land (transport)/amphibian/delicacies fr m land and sea/ [shui3 lu4 jiao1 tong1] /water and land transport/ [shui3 lu4 liang3 yong4] /amphibious (vehicle)/ [shui3 lu4 shi1] /army and navy (in Qing times)/ [shui3 zhang4 ai4] /water hazard (golf)/ [shui3 ji1] /moorhen (genus Gallinula)/gallinule/frog/ [shui3 lei2] /naval mine/ [shui3 dian4] /hydroelectric power/ [shui3 dian4 zhan4] /hydroelectric power plant/ [shui3 ling2] /vivid/full of life/fresh/ [shui3 ling2 ling2] /vivid/full of life/fresh/ [shui3 mian4] /water surface/ [shui3 jiao3] /boiled dumpling/ [shui3 jiao3 r5] /erhua variant of , boiled dumpling/ [shui3 ti3] /body of water/ [shui3 niao3] /a water bird/ [shui3 lu4] /Sambar (Cervus unicolor)/ [shui3 long2] /fire hose/fire engine/water dragon/ [shui3 long2 juan3] /waterspout (meteorology)/ [shui3 long2 tou2] /faucet/tap/ [shui3] /"water" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 85), occurring in , , etc/see also [san1 dian3 shui3]/ [bing1] /variant of [bing]/ [yong3] /forever/always/perpetual/ [yong3 bu4] /never/will never/ [yong3 shi4] /eternal/forever/ [yong3 jiu3] /everlasting/perpetual/lasting/forever/permanent/ [yong3 jiu3 dong4 tu3] /permafrost/ [yong3 jiu3 he2 ping2] /lasting peace/enduring peace/ [yong3 jiu3 ju1 min2] /permanent resident/person with the right to live i r territory/ [yong3 jiu3 xing4] /permanent/ [yong3 jiu3 ci2 tie3] /a permanent magnet/ [yong3 jiu3 xu1 dian4 lu4] /Permanent Virtual Circuit/PVC/ [Yong3 ren2] /Yongren county in Chuxiong Yi autonomous prefecture zhou1], Yunnan/ [Yong3 ren2 xian4] /Yongren county in Chuxiong Yi autonomous prefecture zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ [Yong3 xiu1] /Yongxiu county in Jiujiang , Jiangxi/ [Yong3 xiu1 xian4] /Yongxiu county in Jiujiang , Jiangxi/ [yong3 dong4 tu3] /permafrost/ [yong3 bie2] /to part forever/eternal parting (i.e. death)/ [yong3 dong4 ji1] /a perpetual motion machine/ [Yong3 sheng4] /Yongsheng county in Lijiang [Li4 jiang1], Yunnan/ [Yong3 sheng4 xian4] /Yongsheng county in Lijiang [Li4 jiang1], Yunn [Yong3 ji2] /Yongji county in Jilin prefecture , Jilin province/ [Yong3 ji2 di4 qu1] /former Yongji prefecture, Jilin/ [Yong3 ji2 xian4] /Yongji county in Jilin prefecture , Jilin province/ [Yong3 he2] /Yungho city in Taipei county [Tai2 bei3 xian4], Taiwan/ [Yong3 he2 shi4] /Yungho city in Taipei county [Tai2 bei3 xian4] [Yong3 he2 xian4] /Yonghe county in Linfen [Lin2 fen2], Shanxi/ [Yong3 shan4] /Yongshan county in Zhaotong [Zhao1 tong1], Yunnan/ [Yong3 shan4 xian4] /Yongshan county in Zhaotong [Zhao1 tong1], Yunnan/ [Yong3 jia1] /Yongjia county in Wenzhou [Wen1 zhou1], Zhejiang/reign nam

Jin Emperor Huai / [Yong3 jia1 xian4] /Yongjia county in Wenzhou [Wen1 zhou1], Zhejiang [Yong3 jia1 jun4] /Yongjia prefecture in Zhejiang/ [yong3 chui2 bu4 xiu3] /eternal glory/will never be forgotten/ [Yong3 cheng2] /Yongcheng county level city in Shangqiu [Shang1 qiu1], Henan/ [Yong3 cheng2 shi4] /Yongcheng county level city in Shangqiu [Shang1 qiu1 [Yong3 shou4] /Yongshou county in Xinyng [Xian2 yang2], Shnx [Yong3 shou4 xian4] /Yongshou county in Xinyng [Xian2 yang2], Shn [yong3 cun2] /everlasting/to endure forever/ [Yong3 an1] /Yong'an county level city in Sanming [San1 ming2], Fujian/Yong'a ng'an township in Kaohsiung county [Gao1 xiong2 xian4], southwest Taiwan/ [Yong3 an1 shi4] /Yong'an county level city in Sanming [San1 ming2], Fuji [Yong3 an1 xiang1] /Yong'an or Yung'an township in Kaohsiung county southwest Taiwan/ [Yong3 ding4] /Yongding county level city in Longyan , Fujian/Yongding d angjiajie city [Zhang1 jia1 jie4 shi4], Hunan/ [Yong3 ding4 qu1] /Yongding district of Zhangjiajie city [Zh [Yong3 ding4 he2] /the Yongding river to the West of Beijing/ [Yong3 ding4 xian4] /Yongding county in Longyan , Fujian/ [Yong3 ding4 men2] /Yongdingmen/ [Yong3 ning2] /Yongning county in Yinchuan [Yin2 chuan1], Ningxia/ [Yong3 ning2 xian4] /Yongning county in Yinchuan [Yin2 chuan1], Ning [Yong3 chuan1] /Yongchuan suburban district of Chongqing municipality, formerly i Sichuan/ [Yong3 chuan1 qu1] /Yongchuan suburban district of Chongqing municipality, fo in Sichuan/ [Yong3 zhou1] /Yongzhou prefecture level city in Hunan/ [Yong3 zhou1 shi4] /Yongzhou prefecture level city in Hunan/ [Yong3 ping2] /Yongping county in Dali Bai autonomous prefecture [D i4 zhou1], Yunnan/ [Yong3 ping2 xian4] /Yongping county in Dali Bai autonomous prefecture 4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ [Yong3 nian2] /Yongnian county in Handan [Han2 dan1], Hebei/ [Yong3 nian2 xian4] /Yongnian county in Handan [Han2 dan1], Hebei/ [Yong3 kang1] /Yongkang county level city in Jinhua [Jin1 hua2], Zhejian ty in Tainan county [Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan/ [Yong3 kang1 shi4] /Yongkang county level city in Jinhua [Jin1 hua2] city in Tainan county [Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan/ [Yong3 de2] /Yongde county in Lincang [Lin2 cang1], Yunnan/ [Yong3 de2 xian4] /Yongde county in Lincang [Lin2 cang1], Yunnan/ [yong3 zhi4 bu4 wang4] /never to be forgotten/ [yong3 heng2] /eternal/everlasting/fig. to pass into eternity (i.e. to die)/ [Yong3 xin1] /Yongxin county in Ji'an , Jiangxi/ [Yong3 xin1 xian4] /Yongxin county in Ji'an , Jiangxi/ [Yong3 chang1] /Yongchang county in Jinchang [Jin1 chang1], Gansu/ [Yong3 chang1 xian4] /Yongchang county in Jinchang [Jin1 chang1], Gansu/ [Yong3 chun1] /Yonghchun county in Quanzhou [Quan2 zhou1], Fujian/ [Yong3 chun1 xian4] /Yonghchun county in Quanzhou [Quan2 zhou1], Fujian/ [Yong3 le4] /Yongle Emperor, reign name of third Ming emperor Zhu Di [Zhu1 Di 0-1424), reigned 1403-1424, Temple name [Ming2 Cheng2 zu3]/ [Yong3 le4 da4 dian3] /the Yongle Great Encyclopedia (1408)/ [yong3 yong3 yuan3 yuan3] /for ever and ever/ [Yong3 tai4] /Yongtai county in Fuzhou [Fu2 zhou1], Fujian/ [Yong3 tai4 xian4] /Yongtai county in Fuzhou [Fu2 zhou1], Fujian/ [Yong3 qing1] /Yongqing county in Langfang [Lang2 fang2], Hebei/ [Yong3 qing1 xian4] /Yongqing county in Langfang [Lang2 fang2], Hebei/ [Yong3 ji4] /Yongji county level city in Yuncheng [Yun4 cheng2], Shanxi/ [Yong3 ji4 shi4] /Yongji county level city in Yuncheng [Yun4 cheng2] [yong3 wu2 zhi3 jing4] /without end/never-ending/ [Yong3 zhen1] /Vientiane, capital city of Laos/

[yong3 sheng1] /eternal life/ [Yong3 deng1] /Yongdeng county in Lanzhou [Lan2 zhou1], Gansu/ [Yong3 deng1 xian4] /Yongdeng county in Lanzhou [Lan2 zhou1], Gansu/ [yong3 mian2] /eternal rest (i.e. death)/ [yong3 shi3] /forever/ [yong3 ci2] /permanent magnetism/ [Yong3 fu2] /Yongfu county in Guilin [Gui4 lin2], Guangxi/ [Yong3 fu2 xian4] /Yongfu county in Guilin [Gui4 lin2], Guangxi/ [Yong3 xing1] /Yongxing county in Chenzhou [Chen1 zhou1], Hunan/ [Yong3 xing1 xian4] /Yongxing county in Chenzhou [Chen1 zhou1], Hunan/ [yong3 jue2] /to part forever/eternal parting (i.e. death)/ [yong3 jue2 shi4] /funeral/ [Yong3 feng1] /Yongfeng county in Ji'an , Jiangxi/ [Yong3 feng1 xian4] /Yongfeng county in Ji'an , Jiangxi/ [Yong3 zhen1 nei4 shan4] /Yongzhen abdication of 805/ [Yong3 zhen1 ge2 xin1] /Yongzhen reform, Tang dynasty failed reform movem d by Wang Shuwen / [yong3 shi4] /gone forever/to die/ [yong3 yuan3] /forever/eternal/ [Yong3 jing4] /Yongjing county in Linxia Hui autonomous prefecture zhou1], Gansu/Yungching township in Changhua county [Zhang1 hua4 xian4], Taiw [Yong3 jing4 xian4] /Yongjing county in Linxia Hui autonomous prefecture zhi4 zhou1], Gansu/ [Yong3 jing4 xiang1] /Yungching township in Changhua county [Zha [Yong3 shun4] /Yongshun county in Xiangxi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture u3 jia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1]/ [Yong3 shun4 xian4] /Yongshun county in Xiangxi Tujia and Miao autonomous pre [Xiang1 xi1 Tu3 jia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1]/ [dang4] /variant of [dang4]/pool/pit/ditch/cesspit/ [Dang4 zai3] /Taipa, an island of Macau/ [shui3] /archaic variant of [shui3]/ [tun3] /to float/to deep-fry/ [tun3 tang1] /to prepare a soup/ [tun3 tang4] /to blanch (cooking)/ [fan4] /variant of [fan4]/ [fan4 lan4] /variant of [fan4 lan4]/ [gui3] /mountain spring/ [ting1] /sandbar/shoal/sandbank/ [ting1 qu1] /a bend in a stream/ [ting1 zhou1] /shoal/islet in a stream/ [ting1 zhu3] /shoal/islet in a stream/ [ting1 xian4] /lines formed by waves on a beach/ [zhi1] /juice/ [zhi1 ye4] /juice/ [qiu2] /to seek/to look for/to request/to demand/to beseech/ [qiu2 zhi1 bu4 de2] /lit. seek but fail to get (idiom); fig. exactly what king fo / [qiu2 qi3] /to beg/ [qiu2 en2] /to ask fo help/to ask a favo /to ec uit talented people/ [qiu2 zhu4] /to equest help/to appeal (fo help)/ [qiu2 zhu4 yu2 en2] /to call upon othe s fo help/ [qiu2 qu3] /to seek afte /to st ive fo / [qiu2 tong2] /to seek consensus/to seek confo mity/ [qiu2 tong2 cun2 yi4] /to seek common g ound while holding back diffe enc o ag ee to diffe / [qiu2 gao4] /to implo e/to beseech/ [qiu2 he2] /to sue fo peace/to look fo a d aw (chess)/summation (math)/ [qiu2 hun1] /to p opose ma iage/ [qiu2 cun2] /su vival/the st uggle to eke out a living/to seek fo continued exis ence/






[qiu2 xue2] /to study/to seek knowledge/to attend college/at school/lea ning/educ tion/ [qiu2 xue2 wu2 tan3 tu2] /The path of lea ning can neve be smooth./T ad to lea ning. (idiom)/ [qiu2 de2] /to ask fo sth and eceive it/to t y to obtain/to look fo and obtain [qiu2 qing2] /to plea fo leniency/to ask fo a favo / [qiu2 qing2 gao4 ao2] /to beg fo fo giveness (idiom)/ [qiu2 ai4] /to woo/ [qiu2 lian2 jing1] /Ky ie Eleison (section of Catholic mass)/Mise e e nobis/L e me cy upon us/ [qiu2 yuan2] /to ask fo help/ [qiu2 jiu4] /to c y fo help/ [qiu2 jiao4] /to ask fo advice/seeking inst uction/ [qiu2 shi4] /to seek the t uth/ [qiu2 si3 yuan4 wang4] /death wish (t anslated f om English)/Death wish, with Cha les B onson is t anslated as [Meng3 long2 guai4 ke4]/ [qiu2 sheng1] /to seek survival/to possess the will to live/ [qiu2 sheng1 yi4 zhi4] /the will to live/ [qiu2 zhi1] /anxious to learn/keen for knowledge/ [qiu2 zhi1 yu4] /desire for knowledge/ [qiu2 suo3] /to search for sth/to seek/to quest/to explore/ [qiu2 zhi2] /to seek employment/ [qiu2 zhi2 xin4] /cover letter/job application/ [qiu2 zhi2 zhe3] /job applicant/ [qiu2 jie3] /to require a solution/to seek to solve (an equation)/ [qiu2 zheng4] /to seek proof/to seek confirmation/ [qiu2 yi1] /to seek medical treatment/to see a doctor/ [qiu2 yi1 pi3] /Munchausen syndrome/ [qiu2 rao2] /to beg forgiveness/ [cuan1] /quick-boil/to boil for a short time/ [cha4] /branching stream/ [zhuo2] /to pour/ [wan2] /shed tears/ [fan4] /variant of [fan4]/ [fan4 lan4] /variant of [fan4 lan4]/ [xi1] /night tides/evening ebbtide/Taiwan pr. [xi4]/ [Xi1 zhi3] /Hsichih city in Taipei county [Tai2 bei3 xian4], Taiwan/ [Xi1 zhi3 shi4] /Hsichih city in Taipei county [Tai2 bei3 xian4] [qi4] /near/ [shan4] /Swatow/ [Shan4 wei3] /Shanwei prefecture level city in Guangdong/ [Shan4 wei3 shi4] /Shanwei prefecture level city in Guangdong province/ [Shan4 tou2] /Shantou prefecture level city in Guangdong/ [Shan4 tou2 di4 qu1] /Shantou prefecture, Guangdong/ [Shan4 tou2 Da4 xue2] /Shantou University/ [Shan4 tou2 shi4] /Shantou prefecture level city in Guangdong/ [han4] /perspiration/sweat/CL:[di1], [tou2],[shen1]/to be speechless (out of sness, embarrassment etc) (Internet slang used as an interjection)/ [Han4 wei4] /title of Khan (King in Persian, Mongol and Manchu)/ [han4 guo2] /khanate (Mongol state)/ [han4 ru2 yu3 xia4] /sweating like rain (idiom); to perspire profusely/sw pig/ [han4 ban1] /common name for , tinea versicolor/ [han4 mao2] /hair/soft hair/down/ [han4 shui3] /sweat/perspiration/ [han4 jin1 jin1] /sweaty/ [han4 ye4] /sweat/ [han4 man4] /vast/without boundaries/power (of a river or ocean)/ [han4 niu2 chong1 dong4] /lit. enough books to make a pack-ox sweat or to to the rafters (idiom); fig. many books/






[han4 zhu1] /beads of sweat/ [han4 zhu1 zi5] /beads of sweat/ [han4 xian4] /sweat gland/ [han4 chou4] /body odor/ [han4 xue4 bao3 ma3] /Ferghana horse/ [han4 shan1] /vest/undershirt/shirt/ [han4 ta1 r5] /undershirt (topolect)/ [han4 yan2] /to blush with shame (literary)/ [han4 ma3 gong1 lao2] /lit. to ride a laboring horse to great deeds/fig. ribution/ [Han4 teng2 ge2 li3 feng1] /Khan Tengri or Mt Hantengri on the border nd Kazakhstan/ [wu1] /variant of /dirty/filthy/foul/corrupt/to smear/to defile/dirt/filth/ [wu1] /variant of /dirty/filthy/foul/corrupt/to smear/to defile/dirt/filth/ [xun4] /high water/flood/to sprinkle water/ [xun4 qing2] /flood/ [xun4 qi1] /flood season/ [si4] /stream which returns after branching/ [ru3] /thou/ [Ru3 nan2] /Ru'nan county in Zhumadian [Zhu4 ma3 dian4], Henan/ [Ru3 nan2 xian4] /Ru'nan county in Zhumadian [Zhu4 ma3 dian4], H [Ru3 cheng2] /Rucheng county in Chenzhou [Chen1 zhou1], Hunan/ [Ru3 cheng2 xian4] /Rucheng county in Chenzhou [Chen1 zhou1], Hunan/ [Ru3 zhou1] /Ruzhou county level city in Pingdingshan [Ping2 ding3 s [Ru3 zhou1 shi4] /Ruzhou county level city in Pingdingshan [Ping [Ru3 yang2] /Ruyang county in Luoyang , Henan/ [Ru3 yang2 xian4] /Ruyang county in Luoyang , Henan/ [gong3] /mercury (chemistry)/ [Jiang1] /surname Jiang/ [jiang1] /river/CL: [tiao2],[dao4]/ [Jiang1 gan1] /Jianggan district of Hangzhou city [Hang2 zhou1 shi4], Zheji [Jiang1 gan1 qu1] /Jianggan district of Hangzhou city [Hang2 zhou1 shi4 [jiang1 ba1 dian3] /"Jiang Zemin's eight-point formula" (for resuming a dialo Taiwan)/ [Jiang1 bei3] /Jiangbei district of central Chongqing municipality, formerly in S chuan/Chongqing's main airport/Jiangbei district of Ningbo city [Ning2 bo1 shi jiang/ [Jiang1 bei3 qu1] /Jiangbei district of central Chongqing municipality, forme Sichuan/Chongqing's main airport/Jiangbei district of Ningbo city [Ning2 bo1 s hejiang/ [Jiang1 nan2] /south of Changjiang or Yangtze river/south of the lower reaches of Changjiang/often refers to south Jiangsu, south Anhui and north Zhejiang provinc es/a province during Qing times/in literature, refers to the sunny south/ [Jiang1 nan2 qu1] /Jiangnan district of Nanning city [Nan2 ning2 [Jiang1 nan2 si4 da4 cai2 zi3] /Four great southern talents of th , Zhu Zhishan , Wen Zhengming and Xu Zhenqing / [Jiang1 nan2 Da4 xue2] /Jiangnan University (Jiangsu Province)/ [Jiang1 nan2 sheng3] /name of Qing dynasty province covering south Jiangsu, s hui and north Zhejiang provinces, with capital at Nanjing/ [Jiang1 yuan2 dao4] /Gangwon Province of Korea during Joseon Dynasty/Kangwon e of North Korea/Gangwon province in northeast South Korea, capital Chuncheon [Chu n1 chuan1]/ [Jiang1 kou3] /Jiangkou county in Tongren prefecture [Tong2 ren2 [Jiang1 kou3 xian4] /Jiangkou county in Tongren prefecture [ [Jiang1 cheng2 qu1] /Jiangcheng district of Yangjiang city [Yang / [Jiang1 cheng2 Ha1 ni2 zu2 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4 'er [Pu3 er3], Yunnan/ [Jiang1 cheng2 xian4] /Jiangcheng Hani and Yi autonomous county in Pu'er nnan/

[Jiang1 xia4] /Jiangxia district of Wuhan city [Wu3 han4 shi4], Hube [Jiang1 xia4 qu1] /Jiangxia district of Wuhan city [Wu3 han4 shi [Jiang1 zi1] /Gyangz town and county, Tibetan: Rgyal rtse, in Shigatse prefectur Tibet/ [Jiang1 zi1 di4 qu1] /Gyangz county, Tibetan: Rgyal rtse rdzong, in Shig , Tibet/ [Jiang1 zi1 xian4] /Gyangz county, Tibetan: Rgyal rtse rdzong, in Shigatse p , Tibet/ [Jiang1 zi1 zhen4] /Gyangz town, Tibetan: Rgyal rtse, in Shigatse prefecture [Jiang1 an1] /Jiang'an county in Yibin [Yi2 bin1], Sichuan/ [Jiang1 an1 xian4] /Jiang'an county in Yibin [Yi2 bin1], Sichuan/ [Jiang1 ning2] /Jiangning district of Nanjing City in Jiangsu / [Jiang1 ning2 qu1] /Jiangning district of Nanjing City in Jiangsu [Jiang1 shan1] /Jiangshan county level city in Quzhou [Qu2 zhou1], Zhejiang/ [jiang1 shan1] /rivers and mountains/landscape/country/ [Jiang1 shan1 shi4] /Jiangshan county level city in Quzhou [Qu2 zhou1], Z [jiang1 shan1 yi4 gai3 ben3 xing4 nan2 yi2] /rivers and m aracter much harder/ [jiang1 shan1 yi4 gai3 bing3 xing4 nan2 yi2] /rivers and haracter much harder/ [jiang1 shan1 yi4 gai3 , ben3 xing4 nan2 yi2] /The ri s essential nature (idiom). You can't change who you are./Can the leopard change his spots? (Jeremiah 13:23)/ [Jiang1 an4] /Jiang'an district of Wuhan city [Wu3 han4 shi4], Hubei [Jiang1 an4 qu1] /Jiang'an district of Wuhan city [Wu3 han4 shi4 [Jiang1 chuan1] /Jiangchuan county in Yuxi [Yu4 xi1], Yunnan/ [Jiang1 chuan1 xian4] /Jiangchuan county in Yuxi [Yu4 xi1], Yunnan/ [Jiang1 zhou1] /Jiangzhou district of Chongzuo city [Chong2 zuo3 shi4], Gua [Jiang1 zhou1 qu1] /Jiangzhou district of Chongzuo city [Chong2 zuo3 sh [Jiang1 Ping2] /Jiang Ping (person's name)/Jiang Ping (1920-), academic lawyer, w iter on ethnicity and legal systems/ [Jiang1 hu4] /Edo (old name of Tokyo)/ [Jiang1 dong1] /Jiangdong district of Ningbo city [Ning2 bo1 shi4], [Jiang1 dong1 qu1] /Jiangdong district of Ningbo city [Ning2 bo1 [jiang1 shui3] /river water/ [Jiang1 yong3] /Jiangyong county in Yongzhou [Yong3 zhou1], Hunan/ [Jiang1 yong3 xian4] /Jiangyong county in Yongzhou [Yong3 zhou1], Hunan/ [jiang1 he2] /the Changjiang (Yangtze) and Huanghe (Yellow river)/great rivers/ [jiang1 he2 ri4 xia4] /rivers pour away by the day (idiom); going from ba teriorating day by day/ [jiang1 he2 hu2 hai3] /rivers and lakes/ [Jiang1 you2] /Jiangyou prefecture level city in Mianyang [Mian2 yang2], n/ [Jiang1 you2 shi4] /Jiangyou prefecture level city in Mianyang [Mian huan/ [Jiang1 jin1] /Jiangjin suburban district of Chongqing municipality, formerly in ichuan/ [Jiang1 jin1 qu1] /Jiangjin suburban district of Chongqing municipality, form Sichuan/ [Jiang1 pu3] /Jiangpu county, old name of Pukou district [Pu3 kou3 q ngsu/ [Jiang1 pu3 xian4] /Jiangpu county, old name of Pukou district [ Jiangsu/ [Jiang1 hai3] /Jianghai district of Jiangmen city , Guangdong/ [Jiang1 hai3 qu1] /Jianghai district of Jiangmen city , Guangdon [Jiang1 hu2] /rivers and lakes/around the whole country/cf and , Jiangna ubei, Hunan provinces in Qing times/vagrant/itinerant (esp. entertainer, swindle r, quack doctor etc)/ [jiang1 hu2 yi4 ren2] /itinerant entertainer/ [Jiang1 hu2 yi1 sheng1] /quack/charlatan/itinerant doctor and swindler/

[jiang1 hu2 pian4 zi5] /swindler/itinerant con-man/ [Jiang1 yuan2] /Jiangyuan district in Baishan city , Jilin/ [jiang1 yuan2] /river source/ [Jiang1 yuan2 qu1] /Jiangyuan district in Baishan city , Jilin/ [Jiang1 han4] /Jianghan district of Wuhan city [Wu3 han4 shi4], Hube [Jiang1 han4 qu1] /Jianghan district of Wuhan city [Wu3 han4 shi [Jiang1 Ze2 min2] /Jiang Zemin (1926-), politician, President of PRC 1993-200 [jiang1 pan4] /riverbank/ [jiang1 mi3] /polished glutinous rice/ [jiang1 mi3 jiu3] /glutinous rice wine/ [Jiang1 hua2 Yao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Jianghua Yaozu autonom u1], Hunan/ [Jiang1 hua2 xian4] /Jianghua Yaozu autonomous county in Yongzhou [Yong3 / [Jiang1 su1] /Jiangsu province (Kiangsu) in southeast China, abbr. , capital g / [Jiang1 su1 sheng3] /Jiangsu province (Kiangsu) in southeast China, abbr. anjing / [jiang1 li2] /red algae/Gracilaria, several species, some edible/Japanese ogonori [Jiang1 xi1] /Jiangxi province (Kiangsi) in southeast China, abbr. , capital Na ng / [Jiang1 xi1 sheng3] /Jiangxi province (Kiangsi) in southeast China, abbr. , anchang / [jiang1 tun2] /river dolphin/ [jiang1 zhu1] /Chinese river dolphin, Lipotes vexillifer/ [jiang1 lun2] /river steamer/ [jiang1 xun4] /a rushing flow/ [Jiang1 da2] /Jomdo county, Tibetan: 'Jo mda' rdzong, in Chamdo prefecture 4 qu1], Tibet/ [Jiang1 da2 xian4] /Jomdo county, Tibetan: 'Jo mda' rdzong, in Chamdo prefect 1 di4 qu1], Tibet/ [jiang1 bian1] /river bank/ [Jiang1 du1] /Jiangdu county level city in Yangzhou [Yang2 zhou1], Jiang [Jiang1 du1 shi4] /Jiangdu county level city in Yangzhou [Yang2 zhou [jiang1 zhuo2 zhi1 xi3] /feast at the birth of a child/ [Jiang1 men2] /Jiangmen prefecture level city in Guangdong/ [Jiang1 men2 shi4] /Jiangmen prefecture level city in Guangdong/ [Jiang1 yin1] /Jiangyin county level city in Wuxi [Wu2 xi1], Jiangsu/ [Jiang1 yin1 shi4] /Jiangyin county level city in Wuxi [Wu2 xi1], Ji [Jiang1 ling2] /Jiangling county in Jingzhou [Jing1 zhou1], Hubei/ [Jiang1 ling2 xian4] /Jiangling county in Jingzhou [Jing1 zhou1], Hu [Jiang1 yang2 qu1] /Jiangyang district of Luzhou city [Lu2 zhou1 [Jiang1 Qing1] /Jiang Qing (1914-1991), Mao Zedong's fourth wife and leader of th Gang of Four/ [jiang1 mian4] /the surface of the river/ [Chi2] /surname Chi/ [chi2] /pond/reservoir/moat/ [Chi2 shang4] /Chihshang or Chihshang township in Taitung county [Ta utheast Taiwan/ [Chi2 shang4 xiang1] /Chishang or Chihshang township in Taitung county , southeast Taiwan/ [chi2 tang2] /pool/pond/ [chi2 zi5] /pond/CL: [ge4]/ [Chi2 zhou1] /Chizhou prefecture level city in Anhui/ [Chi2 zhou1 shi4] /Chizhou prefecture level city in Anhui/ [chi2 zhao3] /pool/pond/ [chi2 tang1] /large pool in a bathhouse/ [chi2 lu4] /Chinese pond heron (Ardeola bacchus)/ [chi2 yan2] /lake salt/ [wu1] /dirty/filthy/foul/corrupt/to smear/to defile/dirt/filth/

[wu1 qi1 ba1 zao1] /everything in disorder; in a hideous mess; obscene; d (idiom)/also written [wu1 qi1 ba1 zao1]/ [wu1 li4] /a corrupt official/ [wu1 gou4] /filth/ [wu1 sun3] /to contaminate/ [wu1 ran3] /pollution/contamination/CL: [ge4]/ [wu1 ran3 qu1] /contaminated area/ [wu1 ran3 wu4] /pollutant/ [wu1 shui3] /sewage/ [wu1 shui3 keng1] /cesspit/ [wu1 shui3 chu3 li3 chang3] /water treatment plant/ [wu1 ni2] /mud/sludge/ [wu1 zi4] /stain/ [wu1 zhuo2] /dirty/muddy/foul (sewer)/ [wu1 hen2] /blot/ [wu1 hui4] /nasty/sordid/filthy/ [wu1 mie4] /to slander/ [wu1 mie4] /slander/smear/tarnish/ [wu1 yan2 hui4 yu3] /filthy speech/obscenities/ [wu1 ji4] /blotch/stain/ [wu1 ru3] /to humiliate/to insult/to tarnish/to sully/ [wu1 dian3] /stain/taint/ [qian1] /name of a river in Shangdong/marsh/float/ [Mi4] /name of a river, the southern tributary of Miluo river [Mi4 luo2 [Mi4 shui3] /name of a river, the southern tributary of Miluo river [Mi4 luo2] /Miluo city in Hunan/Miluo river in Hunan, famous for Dragon Boat fest val/ [Mi4 luo2 shi4] /Miluo city in Yueyang prefecture , Hunan/ [Mi4 luo2 jiang1] /Miluo river in Jiangxi and Hunan provinces, flows into Don ake/ [gu3] /confused/extinguished/ [Wang1] /surname Wang/ [wang1] /expanse of water/ooze/ [Wang1 Xiao4 feng1] /Wang Xiaofeng (1944-), fourth governor of Hainan/ [wang1 yang2] /vast body of water/CL:[pian4]/ [Wang1 qing1] /Wangqing county in Yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture [Wang1 qing1 xian4] /Wangqing county in Yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture [Wang1 Jing1 wei4] /Wang Ching-wei (1883-1944), left wing Guomingdang politic bsequently Japanese collaborator/ [Wang1 Dao4 han2] /Wang Daohan/ [rui4] /river-bend/ [tai4] /to discard/to eliminate/ [tai4 jiu4 huan4 xin1] /out with the old and in with the new (idiom)/ [Ji2] /surname Ji/ [ji2] /draw water from well/ [ji2 qu3] /to draw/to derive/to absorb/ [ji2 shui3] /to draw water/ [bian4] /Henan/name of an ancient river/ [Bian4] /name of a river in Henan/Henan/ [Bian4 zhou1] /old name of Kaifeng [Kai1 feng1]/ [Bian4 liang2] /old name of Kaifeng [Kai1 feng1]/ [Wen4] /Wen River in northwest Sichuan (same as )/classical name of river in Shan ong, used to refer to Qi / [Wen4 shang4] /Wenshang county in Ji'ning , Shandong/classically, upper n River in Shandong, used to refer to Qi / [Wen4 shang4 xian4] /Wenshang county in Ji'ning , Shandong/ [Wen4 chuan1] /Wenchuan county (Tibetan: wun khron rdzong) in Ngawa Tibetan and Q ang autonomous prefecture [A1 ba4 Zang4 zu2 Qiang1 zu2 [Wen4 chuan1 Di4 zhen4] /Great Sichuan Earthquake (2008)/ [Wen4 chuan1 Da4 di4 zhen4] /Great Sichuan Earthquake (2008)/

[Wen4 chuan1 xian4] /Wenchuan county (Tibetan: wun khron rdzong) in Ngawa Tib d Qiang autonomous prefecture [A1 ba4 Zang4 zu2 Qiang1 [Wen4 lai2] /Brunei Darussalam, independent sultanate in northwest Borneo/also wr tten / [jue2] /to decide/to determine/to execute (sb)/(of a dam etc) to breach or burst /definitely/certainly/ [jue2 yi1 ci2 xiong2] /see [yi1 jue2 ci2 xiong2]/ [jue2 bu4] /not at all/simply (can) not/ [jue2 sheng4 fu4] /a tie-break/to determine the winner/ [jue2 kou3] /be breached/burst/ [jue2 ding4] /to decide (to do something)/to resolve/decision/CL: [ge4], ainly/ [jue2 ding4 xing4] /decisive/conclusive/ [jue2 ding4 cu4] /determinant (causing immunological response)/epitope/ [jue2 ding4 lun4] /determinism/ [jue2 xin1] /determination/resolution/determined/firm and resolute/to make up one s mind/CL: [ge4]/ [jue2 yi4] /to be determined/ [jue2 zhan4] /decisive battle/ [jue2 duan4] /to make a decision/resolution/decisiveness/resolute/ [jue2 ce4] /strategic decision/decision-making/policy decision/to determine polic / [jue2 ce4 shu4] /decision tree/ [jue2 ce4 zhe3] /policymaker/ [jue2 suan4] /final account/to calculate the final bill/fig. to draw up plans to eal with sth/ [jue2 er2 bu4 xing2] /making decisions without implementing them/ [jue2 lie4] /to rupture/to burst open/to break/to break off relations with/a rupt re/ [jue2 yi4] /resolution/decision (of a congress)/ [jue2 yi4 an4] /resolution (of a meeting)/ [jue2 sai4] /finals (of a competition)/ [jue2 xuan3 ming2 dan1] /short list/ [jue2 di1] /dam burst/breach of dike/ [jue2 dou4] /to duel/a duel/decisive struggle/ [qi4] /steam/vapor/ [qi4 hua4] /to boil/to vaporize/ [qi4 hua4 qi4] /carburetor/vaporizer/ [qi4 ti2] /stripping (chemistry)/ [qi4 nuan3] /gas heating/ [qi4 shui3] /soda/pop/ [qi4 you2] /gasoline/ [qi4 deng1] /gas lamp/ [qi4 nian3] /steam roller/steam-driven mill/ [qi4 di2] /steam whistle/ship horn/ [qi4 gang1] /cylinder (of steam engine or internal combustion engine)/ [qi4 chuan2] /steamboat/steamship/ [qi4 ting3] /motor boat/ [qi4 che1] /car/automobile/bus/CL: [liang4]/ [Qi4 che1 Xia4 li4 gu3 fen4 you3 xian4 gong1 si1] hed 1997/ [qi4 che1 zhan3 lan3 hui4] /car show/automobile expo/ [qi4 che1 chang3] /car factory/ [qi4 che1 xi4 yuan4] /drive-in theater/ [qi4 che1 ji4 gong1] /auto mechanic/ [qi4 che1 lu:3 guan3] /motel/motor hotel/ [qi4 che1 zha4 dan4] /car bomb/ [qi4 che1 zha4 dan4 shi4 jian4] /car bombing/ [qi4 che1 zhan4] /bus stop/bus station/ [qi4 che1 hao4 pai2] /vehicle registration plate/license plate/

[qi4 lun2 ji1] /steam turbine/ [qi4 lun2 fa1 dian4 ji1] /steam turbine electric generator/ [qi4 yun4] /bus transport/ [qi4 pei4] /auto parts/ [qi4 jiu3] /sparkling wine/ [qi4 guo1] /steamer (for cooking)/ [qi4 fa2] /steam valve/ [fen2] /name of a river/ [Fen2 he2] /Fen River/ [Fen2 xi1] /Fengxi county in Linfen [Lin2 fen2], Shanxi/ [Fen2 xi1 xian4] /Fengxi county in Linfen [Lin2 fen2], Shanxi/ [Fen2 yang2] /Fenyang county level city in Lliang [Lu:3 liang2], Shanxi [Fen2 yang2 shi4] /Fenyang county level city in Lliang [Lu:3 liang2 [qin4] /to seep/to percolate/ [qin4 ren2 xin1 pi2] /to penetrate deeply into the heart (idiom)/to gladd to refresh the mind/ [qin4 ru4] /to seep/ [Qin4 shui3] /Qinshui county in Jincheng [Jin4 cheng2], Shanxi/ [Qin4 shui3 xian4] /Qinshui county in Jincheng [Jin4 cheng2], Shanxi [Qin4 yuan2] /Qingyuan county in Changzhi [Chang2 zhi4], Shanxi/ [Qin4 yuan2 xian4] /Qingyuan county in Changzhi [Chang2 zhi4], Shanx [Qin4 xian4] /Qin county in Changzhi [Chang2 zhi4], Shanxi/ [Qin4 yang2] /Qinyang county level city in Jiaozuo [Jiao1 zuo4], Henan/ [Qin4 yang2 shi4] /Qinyang county level city in Jiaozuo [Jiao1 zuo4], Hen [Yi2] /Yi River, Shandong/ [Yi2 nan2] /Yi'nan county in Linyi [Lin2 yi2], Shandong/ [Yi2 nan2 xian4] /Yi'nan county in Linyi [Lin2 yi2], Shandong/ [Yi2 shui3] /Yishui county in Linyi [Lin2 yi2], Shandong/ [Yi2 shui3 xian4] /Yishui county in Linyi [Lin2 yi2], Shandong/ [Yi2 yuan2] /Yiyuan county in Zibo [Zi1 bo2], Shandong/ [Yi2 yuan2 xian4] /Yiyuan county in Zibo [Zi1 bo2], Shandong/ [wo4] /fertile/rich/to irrigate/to wash (of river)/ [Wo4 lun2] /Warren (name)/ [Wo4 lun2 Ba1 fei1 te4] /Warren Buffett (1930-), the Sage of Om thropist, principal owner of holding company Berkshire Hathaway/ [Wo4 ke4 si1 hao2 er3] /Vauxhall (English car brand and city)/ [wo4 tu3] /fertile land/ [wo4 rang3] /fertile soil/ [Wo4 zhou1] /Vaud province of Switzerland/ [Wo4 shui3] /Wo river in Shanxi/ [wo4 guan4] /to irrigate/to wash with water/ [Wo4 er3 fu1] /Wolf, Woolf (name)/ [Wo4 er3 fu1 si1 bao3] /Wolfsburg/ [wo4 er3 fu1 jiang3] /the Wolf prize (for science and arts)/ [Wo4 er3 wo4] /Volvo (Swedish car company)/ [Wo4 er3 ma3] /Wal-Mart, Walmart (retailer)/ [Wo4 er3 fen1 sen1] /Wolfson, Wulfsohn etc (name)/ [Wo4 te4 sen1] /Watson (name)/ [wo4 yan3] /rich and fertile (soil)/ [Wo4 da2 feng1] /Vodafone (telephone company)/ [wo4 ye3] /fertile land/ [Wo4 dun4] /Wharton (name)/ [wo4 rao2] /to fertilize/ [yun2] /rushing of a torrent/ [Yuan2] /Yuan river in Guizhou and Hunan/ [Yuan2 shui3] /Yuan River/ [Yuan2 jiang1] /river in Hunan, flowing into Lake Dongting /Yuanjiang count ty in Yiyang [Yi4 yang2], Hunan/ [Yuan2 jiang1 jiu3 lei4] /rare talent/lit. legendary nine-ribbed turtle o [Yuan2 jiang1 shi4] /Yuanjiang county level city in Yiyang [Yi4 yang

[Yuan2 ling2] /Yuanling county in Huaihua [Huai2 hua4], Hunan/ [Yuan2 ling2 xian4] /Yuanling county in Huaihua [Huai2 hua4], Hunan/ [hang4] /a ferry/fog/flowing/ [hang4 xie4] /(literary) evening mist/ [hang4 xie4 yi1 qi4] /to act in collusion (idiom); in cahoots with/villai after one another/ [Yan3] /surname Yan/ [yan3] /archaic variant of [Yan3]/ [Shen3] /surname Shen/place name/ [chen2] /variant of [chen2]/ [Shen3 qiu1] /Shenqiu county in Zhoukou [Zhou1 kou3], Henan/ [Shen3 qiu1 xian4] /Shenqiu county in Zhoukou [Zhou1 kou3], Henan/ [Shen3 bei3 xin1] /Shenbeixin district of Shenyang city , Liaoni [Shen3 bei3 xin1 qu1] /Shenbeixin district of Shenyang city [shen3 guo2 fang4] /Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson/ [Shen3 Cong2 wen2] /Shen Congwen (1902-1988), novelist/ [Shen3 Fu4] /Shen Fu (1763-c. 1810), Qing dynasty writer, author of Six records o a floating life [fu2 sheng1 liu4 ji4]/ [Shen3 he2] /Shenhe district of Shenyang city , Liaoning/ [Shen3 he2 qu1] /Shenhe district of Shenyang city , Liaoning/ [Shen3 ying2] /Shen ying of Wu, governor (268-280) of coastal province of Wu and ompiler of Seaboard geographic gazetteer / [Shen3 Yue1] /Shen Yue (441-513), writer and historian during Liang of Southern d nasties , compiler of History of Song of the Southern dynasties / [Shen3 Bao3 zhen1] /Shen Baozhen, Qing Minister of Navy, founded Fuzhou naval e in 1866/ [Shen3 yang2 shi4] /Shenyang prefecture level city and capital of Liaoning pr ortheast China/old names include Fengtian , Shengjing and Mukden/ [chen2 yu2 luo4 yan4] /lit. fish sink, goose alights (idiom, from Zhuangz beauty captivating even the birds and beasts/ [chen1] /see [hei1 chen1 chen1]/ [chen2] /to submerge/to immerse/to sink/to keep down/to lower/to drop/deep/profo und/heavy/ [chen2 bu4 zhu4 qi4] /to lose one's cool/to get impatient/unable to remai [chen2 zhu4 qi4] /to keep cool/to stay calm/ [chen2 ning2] /stagnant/congealed/fig. grave in manner/low (of voice)/ [chen2 yin2] /to mutter to oneself irresolutely/ [chen2 ji4] /silence/stillness/ [chen2 si1] /to contemplate/to ponder/contemplation/meditation/ [chen2 men4] /oppressive (of weather)/heavy/depressed/not happy/ [chen2 chen2] /deeply/heavily/ [chen2 mo4] /to sink/ [chen2 mo4 cheng2 ben3] /sunk cost (economics)/ [chen2 fu2] /lit. sinking and floating/to bob up and down on water/ebb and flow/f g. rise and fall/ups and downs of fortune/vicissitudes/ [chen2 jin4] /to soak/to permeate/to immerse/ [chen2 lun2] /to sink into (bad connotation)/ [chen2 mian3] /deeply immersed/fig. wallowing in/deeply engrossed in/ [chen2 mian3 jiu3 se4] /to wallow in alcohol and sex (idiom); over-indulg and women/an incorrigible drunkard and lecher/ [chen2 ni4] /to indulge in/to wallow/absorbed in/deeply engrossed/addicted/ [chen2 tan2] /drowning sb tied to a rock (as a form of torture)/ [chen2 dian4] /to settle/to precipitate (solid sediment out of a solution)/ [chen2 dian4 wu4] /precipitate/solid sediment/ [chen2 dian4 dian4] /heavy/ [chen2 tong4] /grief/remorse/deep in sorrow/bitter (anguish)/profound (condolence )/ [chen2 gu4] /chronic illness/fig. deeply entrenched problem/ [chen2 ke1] /grave disease/ [chen2 shui4] /to be fast asleep/

[chen2 ji1] /sediment/deposit/sedimentation (geology)/ [chen2 ji1 zuo4 yong4] /sedimentation (geology)/ [chen2 ji1 yan2] /sedimentary rock (geology)/ [chen2 ji1 dai4] /sedimentary belt (geology)/ [chen2 ji1 wu4] /sediment/ [chen2 wen3] /steady/calm/unflustered/ [chen2 xiang1] /caisson/sink box/ [chen2 huan3] /unhurried/deliberate/ [chen2 chuan2] /shipwreck/sunken boat/sinking ship/ [chen2 chuan2 shi4 gu4] /a shipwreck/a sinking/ [chen2 luo4] /sink, fall/ [chen2 zhuo2] /steady/calm and collected/not nervous/ [chen2 zhuo2 ying4 zhan4] /to remain calm in the face of adversity (idiom [chen2 mi2] /to be engrossed/to be absorbed with/to lose oneself in/to be addicte to/ [chen2 sui4] /deep and profound/ [chen2 zui4] /to become intoxicated/ [chen2 zhong4] /heavy/hard/serious/critical/ [chen2 zhong4 da3 ji1] /to hit hard/ [chen2 jiang4] /to subside/to cave in/subsidence/ [chen2 xian4] /subsidence/caving in/fig. stranded/lost (in contemplation, daydrea s etc)/ [chen2 lei2] /deep growling thunder/ [chen2 jing4] /peaceful/quiet/calm/gentle/ [chen2 xiang1] /Chinese eaglewood/agarwood tree (Aquilaria agallocha)/lignum aloe / [chen2 yu2 luo4 yan4] /lit. fish sink, goose alights (idiom, from Zhuangz beauty captivating even the birds and beasts/ [chen2 mo4] /taciturn/uncommunicative/silent/ [chen2 mo4 gua3 yan2] /habitually silent (idiom)/reticent/uncommunicative [chen2 mo4 shi4 jin1] /Silence is golden. (idiom)/ [dun4] /confused/turbid/ [hu4] /congealed/frozen/ [qi1] /to steep (tea)/ [mu4] /to bathe/to cleanse/to receive/to be given/ [Mu4 chuan1] /Muchuan county in Leshan [Le4 shan1], Sichuan/ [Mu4 chuan1 xian4] /Muchuan county in Leshan [Le4 shan1], Sichuan/ [mu4 en1] /to receive favor/ [mu4 yu4] /to take a bath/to bathe/to immerse/ [mu4 yu4 ru3] /body wash (liquid soap)/ [mu4 yu4 you2] /bath oil/ [mu4 yu4 yong4 pin3] /bath product/ [mu4 yu4 lu4] /shower gel/ [mu4 hou2 er2 guan1] /lit. a monkey wearing a crown/worthless person in i e (idiom)/ [mu4 yu3 zhi4 feng1] /to work unceasingly regardless of the weather (idio [mei2] /(negative prefix for verbs)/have not/not/ [mo4] /drowned/to end/to die/to inundate/ [mei2 shang4 mei2 xia4] /no respect for seniors/lacking in manners/ [mei2 le5] /to be dead/not to be, or cease to exist/ [mei2 shi4] /it's not important/it's nothing/never mind/to have nothing to do/to e free/to be all right (out of danger or trouble)/ [mei2 shi4 r5] /to have spare time/free from work/it's not important/it's not ver mind/ [mei2 ren2 zhu4] /unoccupied/ [mei2 ren2 wei4] /to be lacking in human character/ [mei2 ren2 wei4 r5] /erhua variant of [mei2 ren2 wei4]/ [mei2 shen2 me5] /variant of , nothing/it doesn't matter/it's no [mei2 lai2 you2] /without any reason/for no reason/ [mei2 fen1 cun4] /inappropriate/bad-mannered/

[mei2 jin4] /to have no strength/to feel weak/exhausted/feeling listless/boring/o no interest/ [mei2 jin4 r5] /erhua variant of , to have no strength/to feel weak/ istless/boring/of no interest/ [mei2 kou3] /unreservedly/profusely/ [mei2 chi1 mei2 chuan1] /to be without food or clothing (idiom)/to be ver [mei2 ming4] /to lose one's life/to die/recklessly/desperately/ [mei2 wen4 ti2] /no problem/ [mei2 da4 gai3 bian4] /not significantly changed/ [mei2 da4 mei2 xiao3] /impolite/cheeky/impudent/ [mo4 nai4 he2] /to have no alternative/to be helpless/ [mei2 wan2 mei2 liao3] /without end/incessantly/on and on/ [mei2 ying3] /to vanish/to be nowhere to be found/unfounded (story)/ [mei2 xin1 mei2 fei4] /simple-minded/thoughtless/heartless/nitwitted/ [mei2 xin1 yan3] /outspoken/artless/tactless/ [mei2 xiang3 dao4] /didn't expect/ [mei2 yi4 si5] /boring/of no interest/ [mei2 xi4] /to be hopeless/ [mei2 zhao3 dao4] /didn't find/ [mo4 shou1] /to confiscate/to have sth confiscated/to forfeit/ [mei2 jiu4] /hopeless/incurable/ [mei2 ri4 mei2 ye4] /day and night/regardless of the time of day or night [mei2 you3] /haven't/hasn't/doesn't exist/to not have/to not be/ [mei2 you3 shi4] /not a bit/nothing is up/nothing alarming is happening/ [mei2 you3 ren2 yan1] /uninhabited/ [mei2 you3 jin4 tou2] /to have no strength/to feel weak/feeling listless/ [mei2 you3 jin4 tou2 r5] /erhua variant of , to have [mei2 you3 pin3 wei4] /tasteless/ [mei2 you3 cha1 bie2] /there is no difference/it makes no difference/ [mei2 you3 xing2 zhuang4] /shapeless/ [mei2 you3 bi4 yao4] /there is no need to (do sth)/ [mei2 you3 yi4 si5] /boring/of no interest/ [mei2 you3 yi4 yi4] /not to have any meaning/meaningless/ [mei2 you3 fa3] /at a loss/unable to do anything about it/to have no choice/ [mei2 you3 li3 you2] /without any reason/for no reason/ [mei2 you3 shen2 me5] /it is nothing/there's nothing ... about it/ [mei2 you3 shen2 me5 bu4 ke3 neng2] /nothing is impossible/th it/ [mei2 you3 sheng1 yu4 neng2 li4] /infertile/unable to have childr [mei2 you3 zhi1 jue2] /insensible/ [mei2 you3 lian3] /not to have the nerve/not dare (e.g. to do sth outrageous) [mei2 you3 lian3 pi2] /ashamed/embarrassed/not having the face (to meet p ring (out of shame)/ [mei2 you3 gui1 ju5 , bu4 cheng2 fang1 yuan2] /withou ust follow some rules/ [mei2 you3 gui1 ju3 , he2 yi3 cheng2 fang1 yuan2] ; one must follow some rules/ [mei2 you3 ban4 fa3] /there is nothing to be done/one can't do anything a [mei2 you3 guan1 xi5] /see [mei2 guan1 xi5]/ [mei2 shui3 ping2] /disgraceful/poor quality/sub-standard/ [mei2 zhi4] /hopeless/helpless/incurable/fantastic/out of this world/ [mei2 fa3] /at a loss/unable to do anything about it/to have no choice/ [mei2 zhun3 r5] /not sure/ [mei2 shen2 me5] /nothing/it doesn't matter/it's nothing/never mind/ [mei2 yong4] /useless/ [mei2 kong4 r5] /having no time/ [mei2 jing1 da3 cai3] /listless/dispirited/washed out/ [mei2 jing1 da3 cai3] /listless/dispirited/washed out/also written [mei2 jing1 yan4] /inexperienced/ [mei2 lian3] /ashamed/embarrassed/not having the face (to meet people)/not daring

(out of shame)/ [mei2 lian3 mei2 pi2] /shameless/brazen/ [mo4 luo4] /to decline/to wane/ [mo4 yao4] /myrrh (Commiphora myrrha)/ [mei2 shuo1 de5] /really good/ [mei2 pu3] /to have no idea about sth/to lack bounds or limits/to be unreliable o unsettled/ [mei2 pu3 r5] /clueless/ [mei2 qu4] /embarrassing/dull/unsatisfactory/ [mei2 zhe2] /(idiom) unable to solve; no way to escape a problem/ [mei2 ban4 fa3] /there is nothing to be done/one can't do anything about it/ [mei2 cuo4] /that's right/sure!/rest assured!/that's good/can't go wrong/ [mei2 men2 r5] /no way/impossible/ [mei2 guan1 xi5] /it doesn't matter/ [mei2 dian4] /discharged/flat/dead (of batteries)/ [mei2 tou2 mei2 lian3] /lit. without head, without face (idiom)/fig. fren dly/ [mo4 chi3 bu4 wang4] /lit. will not be forgotten even after one's teeth f member as long as one lives/unforgettable (idiom)/ [mo4 chi3 nan2 wang4] /hard to forget even after one's teeth fall out (id mber a benefactor as long as one lives/undying gratitude/ [Ta4] /surname Ta/ [da2] /classifier for sheets of papers etc: pile, pad/Taiwan pr. [ta4]/ [ta4] /again and again/many/ [mian3] /inundation/name of a river/ [wu4] /abstruse/profound/ [chong1] /(of water) to dash against/to mix with water/to infuse/to rinse/to flu sh/to develop (a film)/to rise in the air/to clash/to collide with/ [chong1 shua1] /to cleanse/to scrub/to scour/to wash down/to erode/to wash away/ [chong1 ji4] /to be taken dissolved in boiling water (of Chinese herbal medicine) [chong1 ta1] /to cause (a dam) to collapse/ [chong1 yi4] /to defer to/to be submissive/ [chong1 diao4] /to wash out/to leach/ [chong1 hun1 tou2 nao3] /lit. to be muddled in the brain (idiom); fig. ex ble to act rationally/to go to one's head/ [chong1 fu2] /to take medicine in solution/infusion/ [chong1 fu2 ji4] /dose of medicine to be taken in solution/infusion/ [chong1 jue2] /to burst (e.g. a dam)/ [chong1 chong1] /excitedly/ [chong1 xi3] /to rinse/to wash/ [chong1 liang2] /to take a shower/to take a bath/to bathe/Cantonese equivalent of i3 zao3]/ [chong1 lin2 yu4] /to take a shower/ [chong1 dan4] /to dilute/ [chong1 zao3] /to take a shower/ [chong1 ji1] /alluvial/ [chong1 ji1 ceng2] /alluvial deposit/ [chong1 ji1 ping2 yuan2] /alluvial plain/ [Chong1 sheng2] /Okinawa, Japan/ [Chong1 sheng2 dao3] /Okinawa Island/ [Chong1 sheng2 xian4] /Okinawa prefecture, Japan/ [chong1 sheng2 qun2 dao3] /the Okinawa archipelago/ [chong1 zou3] /to flush away/ [bi3] /name of a river/ [Sha1] /surname Sha/ [sha1] /granule/hoarse/raspy/sand/powder/CL:[li4]/abbr. for Tsar or Tsarist Russi a/ [sha1 ding1 an4 chun2] /salbutamol (a beta 2 agonist used in treating ast wn as albuterol, proventil and ventolin/ [sha1 ding1 yu2] /sardine/

[sha1 qiu1] /sand dune/sandy hill/ [sha1 jing3] /manhole/ [sha1 jing3 kou3] /manhole/ [Sha1 yi1 ba1 ke4] /Saybagh district (Uighur: Saybagh Rayoni) of Urumqi c hi4], Xinjiang/ [Sha1 yi1 ba1 ke4 qu1] /Saybagh district (Uighur: Saybagh Rayoni) of shi4], Xinjiang/ [Sha1 e2] /Tsarist Russia/ [Sha1 Seng1] /Sha Wujing/ [sha1 li4 ke1 shi2 wei2 li4] /General Shalikashvili (Head of US J [sha1 li4 mai4 du4] /thalidomide/ [Sha1 jia1 mian3 duo2] /Sacramento/ [Sha1 he2 shang5] /Sha Wujing/ [sha1 ya3] /hoarse/rough/ [sha1 tu3] /sandy soil/ [sha1 di4] /sandy beach or river bank/sand-dune/sandy land/sand-lot/ [sha1 keng1] /sandbox/jumping pit (athletics)/sand trap, bunker (golf)/ [sha1 keng1 gan1] /sand wedge (golf)/ [Sha1 po1 tou2] /Shapo district of Zhongwei city [Zhong1 wei4 sh [Sha1 po1 tou2 qu1] /Shapo district of Zhongwei city [Zhong1 [Sha1 ping2 ba4] /Shapingba district of central Chongqing municipality, forme Sichuan/ [Sha1 ping2 ba4 qu1] /Shapingba district of central Chongqing municipalit n Sichuan/ [sha1 bao3] /sand castle/ [sha1 chang3] /sandpit/battleground/battlefield/ [sha1 chen2] /sand/sandstorm (common in spring in north China)/ [sha1 chen2 tian1 qi4] /spring sandstorms (common in Northern China)/ [sha1 chen2 bao4] /sandstorm/ [sha1 ba4] /a sandbank/a sand bar/ [Sha1 mu3 sha1 yi1 he4] /Sharm el-Sheikh/ [sha1 wei1 ma3] /shawarma, Middle Eastern sandwich wrap (loanword)/ [sha1 zi5] /sand/grit/CL:[li4],[ba3]/ [Sha1 jia1 bang1] /Sha family stream/ [sha1 yan2] /sandstone/ [Sha1 ba1] /Sabah, state of Malaysia in north Borneo / [Sha1 shi4] /Shashi district of Jingzhou city [Jing1 zhou1 shi4], Hu [Sha1 shi4 qu1] /Shashi district of Jingzhou city [Jing1 zhou1 s [sha1 mi2] /novice Buddhist monk/ [sha1 lu:4] /salad (loanword)/ [Sha1 Wu4 jing4] /Sha Wujing/ [sha1 la1] /salad/ [Sha1 lao1 yue4] /Sarawak, state of Malaysia in northwest Borneo [sha1 wen2 zhu3 yi4] /chauvinism/ [sha1 bao4] /sandstorm/ [sha1 lang3] /sirloin (loanword)/ [sha1 lang3 niu2 pai2] /sirloin steak/ [sha1 lin2] /sarin/ [sha1 lin2 shui3 jie3 mei2] /sarinase/ [sha1 ji2 shu3] /Sea-buckthorn (Hippophae L.)/ [sha1 sha1] /rustle/ [Sha1 he2] /Shahe county level city in Xingtai [Xing2 tai2], Hebei/ [Sha1 he2 kou3 qu1] /Shahekou district of Dalian [Da4 lian2 [Sha1 he2 shi4] /Shahe county level city in Xingtai [Xing2 tai2], Hebei/ [Sha1 fa3 wei2 wang2 chao2] /Persian Safavid dynasty 1501-1722/ [Sha1 yang2] /Shayang county in Jingmen [Jing1 men2], Hubei/ [Sha1 yang2 xian4] /Shayang county in Jingmen [Jing1 men2], Hubei/ [sha1 zhou1] /sandbank/sandbar/ [sha1 lou4] /hourglass/sand filter/ [sha1 mo4] /desert/CL: [ge4]/

[Sha1 mo4 zhi1 Hu2] /Desert Fox/ [sha1 mo4 hua4] /desertification/ [sha1 tan1] /sand bar/beach/CL:[pian4]/ [sha1 tan1 pai2 qiu2] /beach volleyball/ [sha1 tan1 xie2] /beach shoes/wetsuit booties/ [Sha1 wan1] /Shawan district of Leshan city [Le4 shan1 shi4], Sichua Saven nahisi in Tacheng prefecture [Ta3 cheng2 di4 qu1], Xinjiang/ [Sha1 wan1 qu1] /Shawan district of Leshan city [Le4 shan1 shi4] [Sha1 wan1 xian4] /Shawan county or Saven nahisi in Tacheng prefecture , Xinjiang/ [Sha1 wu1 di4 A1 la1 bo2] /Saudi Arabia/ [sha1 die1] /satay (sauce)/ [sha1 die1 jiang4] /satay sauce/ [Sha1 te4] /Saudi/abbr. for Saudi Arabia/ [Sha1 te4 A1 la1 bo2] /Saudi Arabia/ [Sha1 te4 A1 la1 bo2 ren2] /a Saudi/Saudi Arabian person/ [sha1 te4 lu3] /Chteauroux/Chateauroux (French town)/ [sha1 wa3 ma3] /shawarma, Middle Eastern sandwich wrap (loanword)/ [Sha1 tian2] /Sha Tin town in New Territories, Hong Kong/ [sha1 hua4] /sand picture/ [Sha1 wan3] /Chavannes (name)/ [sha1 fa1] /sofa/CL: [tiao2], [zhang1]/ [Sha1 huang2] /Tsar/ [Sha1 huang2 E2 guo2] /Tsarist Russia/ [sha1 yan3] /trachoma/ [sha1 shi2] /sand and stones/ [sha1 li4] /grains of sand/ [Sha1 Zu3 kang1] /Sha Zukang/ [sha1 li4] /speck/granule/ [Sha1 xian4] /Sha county in Sanming [San1 ming2], Fujian/ [sha1 cha2] /satay (spicy peanut sauce), also spelled sate/ [sha1 chong2] /sandworm/ [sha1 can2] /a sand worm (genus Nereis)/ [sha1 dai4] /a sandbag/ [sha1 xi1 mi3] /sashimi/ [sha1 zhi4] /sandy/ [sha1 guo1] /variant of [sha1 guo1]/ [sha1 men2] /monk (Sanskrit: Sramana, originally refers to north India)/Buddhist onk/ [sha1 men2 shi4 jun1] /Salmonella/ [Sha1 men2 jun1] /salmonella/ [Sha1 ya3] /Shayar nahiyisi (Shaya county) in Aksu [A1 ke4 s [Sha1 ya3 xian4] /Shayar nahiyisi (Shaya county) in Aksu [Sha1 Tou2 Jiao3] /Sha Tau Kok (town in Hong Kong)/ [Sha1 lu4] /Shalu town in Taichung county [Tai2 zhong1 xian4], Taiwa [Sha1 lu4 zhen4] /Shalu town in Taichung county [Tai2 zhong1 xia [sha1 long2] /salon/ [zhi3] /islet/ [pei4] /copious/abundant/ [Pei4 xian4] /Pei county in Xuzhou [Xu2 zhou1], Jiangsu/ [ze2] /Japanese variant of / [mo4] /foam/suds/ [mei4] /dawn/place name/ [shu4] /river in Shandong/ [Shu4 yang2] /Shuyang county in Suqian [Su4 qian1 shi4], Jiangsu/ [Shu4 yang2 xian4] /Shuyang county in Suqian [Su4 qian1 shi4], Jiang [ju3] /to destroy/to stop/ [ju3 sang4] /dispirited/dejected/dismayed/ [tuo1] /to let drop/ [tuo2] /tearful/to branch (of river)/

[Tuo2 tuo2 he2] /source of Changjiang or Yangtze river/ [Tuo2 nang3] /see [Xian4 gang3]/ [tuo2 cha2] /a cake of tea, commonly Pu'er tea [Pu3 er3 cha2], compacted in or nest shape/dome shaped tea-brick/caked tea/ [he2] /river/CL: [tiao2],[dao4]/ [He2 bo2] /name or river God associated with Yellow river/ [He2 nei4] /Hanoi, capital of Vietnam/ [He2 bei3] /Hebei province (Hopeh) in north China surrounding Beijing, abbr. , tal Shijiazhuang / [He2 bei3 qu1] /Hebei district of Tianjin municipality [Tian1 jin1 shi4 [He2 bei3 Gong1 ye4 Da4 xue2] /Hebei University of Technology/ [He2 bei3 ri4 bao4] /Hebei Daily, [He2 bei3 bang1 zi3] /Hebei opera/ [He2 bei3 sheng3] /Hebei province (Hopeh) in north China surrounding Beijing, capital Shijiazhuang / [He2 bei3 Ke1 ji4 Da4 xue2] /Hebei University of Science and Tech [He2 nan2] /Henan province (Honan) in central China, abbr. , capital Zhengzhou [He2 nan2 sheng3] /Henan province (Honan) in central China, abbr. , capital / [He2 nan2 xian4] /He'nan Mengguzu autonomous county in Qinghai/in Huangnan Ti utonomous prefecture [Huang2 nan2 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Q [He2 nan2 Meng2 gu3 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /He'nan Mengguzu nan Tibetan autonomous prefecture [Huang2 nan2 Zang4 zu2 zi4 z [he2 luan3 shi2] /pebble/ [he2 cha4] /river mouth/ [he2 kou3] /estuary/the mouth of a river/ [He2 kou3 qu1] /Hekou district of Dongying city [Dong1 ying2 shi [He2 kou3 Yao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Hekou Yaozu autonomous co nomous prefecture [Hong2 he2 Ha1 ni2 zu2 Yi2 zu2 z [he2 wai4 xing1 xi4] /extragalactic star system/galaxy (not including our [he2 wai4 xing1 yun2] /extragalactic nebula/ [He2 tao4] /the Great Bend of the Yellow River in Inner Mongolia/ [he2 tao4] /river bend/ [He2 mu3 du4] /Hemudu neolithic archaeological site near Ningbo in Zhejiang, ack to c. 5000 BC/ [He2 mu3 du4 yi2 zhi3] /Hemudu neolithic archaeological site near Nin g back to c. 5000 BC/ [he2 an4] /riverside/river bank/ [he2 chuan1] /rivers/ [he2 chuang2] /riverbed/ [He2 qu3] /Hequ county in Xinzhou [Xin1 zhou1], Shanxi/ [he2 qu1] /bend (of a river)/meander/ [He2 qu3 xian4] /Hequ county in Xinzhou [Xin1 zhou1], Shanxi/ [He2 cun1] /Kawamura (name)/ [He2 dong1] /Hedong district of Linyi city [Lin2 yi2 shi4], Shandong [He2 dong1 qu1] /Hedong district of Tianjin municipality [Tian1 jin1 sh ict of Linyi city [Lin2 yi2 shi4], Shandong/ [he2 cao2] /river bed/channel/ [he2 shang1] /River Elegy, influential 1988 CCTV documentary series, said to have stimulated the Beijing Spring democracy movement of 1980s/ [he2 shui3] /river water/ [he2 shui3 bu4 fan4 jing3 shui3] /lit. river water does not inter om); Do not interfere with one another./Mind your own business./ [He2 chi2] /Hechi prefecture level city in Guangxi/Zhuang: Hozciz/ [He2 chi2 di4 qu1] /Hechi prefecture in Guangxi/ [He2 chi2 shi4] /Hechi prefecture level city in Guangxi/Zhuang: Hozciz/ [He2 luo4 ren2] /Hoklo people, southern Chinese people of Taiwan/ [He2 jin1] /Hejin county level city in Yuncheng [Yun4 cheng2], Shanxi/ [He2 jin1 shi4] /Hejin county level city in Yuncheng [Yun4 cheng2], [he2 liu2] /river/CL: [tiao2]/

[he2 qing1 hai3 yan4] /the Yellow River is clear and the sea is calm/the eace (idiom)/ [he2 gang3] /river port/ [He2 yuan2] /Heyuan prefecture level city in Guangdong/ [He2 yuan2 shi4] /Heyuan prefecture level city in Guangdong [Gua [he2 bin1] /brook/rivulet/ [he2 li2] /beaver/ [he2 pan4] /riverside/river plain/ [he2 shen2] /river god/ [he2 fen3] /rice noodles in wide strips/ [he2 bang4] /mussels/bivalves grown in rivers and lakes/ [he2 xie4] /river crab/internet censorship (pun on 'harmonious' [he2 xie blocked by the great firewall of China)/ [He2 xi1] /land west of the Yellow river/Shaanxi, Qinghai and Gansu provinces/ [He2 xi1 qu1] /Hexi district of Tianjin municipality [Tian1 jin1 shi4]/ [He2 xi1 pu4] /Hexipu town in Yongchang county [Yong3 chang1 xia , Gansu/ [He2 xi1 pu3 zhen4] /Hexipu town in Yongchang county [Yong3 ng1], Gansu/ [He2 xi1 Zou3 lang2] /Hexi Corridor (or Gansu Corridor), a string of oase length of Gansu, forming part of the Northern Silk Road/ [he2 gu3] /river valley/ [he2 tun2] /blowfish (Tetraodontidae)/puffer/ [he2 tun2 du2 su4] /tetrodotoxin/tetrodox (TTX)/tetrodonic acid C11H17N3O [he2 dao4] /river way/course of a river/ [he2 bian1] /river bank/ [He2 jian1 shi4] /Hejian county level city in Cangzhou [Cang1 zhou1] [he2 ma3] /hippopotamus/ [li4] /miasma/ [fa1] /to remove evil/to cleanse/to wash away/ [fei4] /to boil/ [fei4 shui3] /boiling water/ [fei4 fei4 yang2 yang2] /bubbling and gurgling/hubbubing/abuzz/ [fei4 shi2] /zeolite/ [fei4 teng2] /boiling/ebullition/ [fei4 dian3] /boiling point/ [you2] /oil/fat/grease/petroleum/to apply tung oil, paint or varnish/oily/greasy /glib/cunning/ [you2 jing3] /oil well/ [you2 liang4] /glossy/shiny/ [you2 jia4] /oil (petroleum) price/ [you2 guang1] /glossy/gleaming/shiny (due to greasiness)/slick/greasy/oily/ [you2 guang1 guang1] /glossy/gleaming/shiny (due to greasiness)/slick/greasy/ [you2 guang1 shui3 hua2] /sleek/shiny and smooth/ [you2 guang1 qi1] /varnish/ [you2 zui3] /eloquent and cunning/silver tongued/ [you2 zui3 hua2 she2] /glib/oily-mouthed and smooth talking/ [you2 gou4] /covered in grease/ [you2 ta3] /oil tank/ [you2 mo4] /printing ink/ [You2 jian1 wang4] /Yau Tsim Mong district of Kowloon, Hong Kong/ [you2 chi3] /dipstick/oil measuring rod/ [you2 bu4] /tarpaulin/ [you2 di3 ke2] /oil sump/ [you2 ku4] /fuel depot/fuel farm/ [you2 liao4] /oilseed/oil/fuel/ [you2 liao4 zuo4 wu4] /oil crop (rape, peanut, soy, sesame etc)/oil-beari [you2 xuan2] /Youxuan, a kind of a pastry/ [you2 song1] /Chinese red pine/ [you2 tao2] /nectarine/

[you2 tiao2] /youtiao (deep-fried breadstick)/CL:[gen1]/ [you2 zong1] /oil palm/ [you2 qi4] /oil and gas/ [you2 qi4 tian2] /oilfields and gasfields/ [you2 wu1] /greasy and dirty/oil pollution/ [you2 wang1 wang1] /dripping with oil/ [you2 you2] /oily/ [you2 beng4] /oil pump/ [you2 hua2] /oily/greasy/unctuous/slippery (character)/ [you2 qi1] /oil paints/lacquer/to paint/CL: [ceng2]/ [you2 zha2] /to deep fry/ [you2 zha2 quan1 bing3] /doughnut/ [you2 ran2 er2 sheng1] /arising involuntarily (idiom); spontaneous/to spr en (of emotion)/ [you2 yan1] /soot/lampblack/ [you2 deng1] /oil lamp/ [you2 hua2] /sly/slick/ [you2 tian2] /oil field/ [you2 hua4] /oil painting/ [you2 sha1] /oil sand (mining)/ [you2 xiang1] /oil tank/ [you2 guan4 che1] /oil tanker truck/fuel tanker/ [you2 hao4] /fuel consumption/ [you2 zhi1] /grease/oil/fat/ [you2 gao1] /balm/ [you2 ni4] /grease/greasy food/oily/rich (of food)/fatty/greasy and dirty/a slipp ry character/ [you2 cai4] /oilseed rape (Brassica campestris)/ [you2 cai4 zi3] /oilseed rape (Brassica campestris)/rapeseed/coleseed/ [you2 lun2] /tanker (ship)/CL:[sou1]/ [you2 guo1] /a deep fryer/ [you2 men2] /accelerator (pedal)/gas pedal/throttle/ [you2 xie2] /waterproof shoes/oiled shoes (for wet weather)/ [you2 ye4 yan2] /oil shale/ [you2 bing3] /deep-fried doughcake/oilcake (animal fodder)/ [you2 mai4] /naked oat (old)/ [you2 mai4 cai4] /lettuce/ [you2 hei1] /glossy black/ [tian2] /turbulent/ [zhi4] /to rule/to govern/to manage/to control/to harness (a river)/cure/treatme nt/to heal/ [zhi4 xia4] /under the jurisdiction of/ [zhi4 sang1] /to prepare for a funeral/ [zhi4 sang4 cong2 jian3] /to be frugal in attending to funeral rites (idi [zhi4 guo2] /to rule a country/ [zhi4 wai4 fa3 quan2] /diplomatic immunity/(history) extraterritoriality, under unequal treaties) of a foreigner to live in China outside Chinese jurisdic tion/ [Zhi4 duo1] /Zhidoi county (Tibetan: 'bri stod rdzong) in Yushu Tibetan autonomou prefecture [Yu4 shu4 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ [Zhi4 duo1 xian4] /Zhidoi county (Tibetan: 'bri stod rdzong) in Yushu Tibetan mous prefecture [Yu4 shu4 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ [zhi4 da4 guo2 ruo4 peng1 xiao3 xian1] /ruling a large nation cy (idiom)/effective government requires minimal intervention/ [zhi4 hao3] /to cure/ [zhi4 xue2] /scholarship/high-level study/to do scholarly research/to pursue a hi h level of study/ [zhi4 an1] /law and order/public security/ [zhi4 wei4 bing4] /preventative treatment (medicine)/ [zhi4 ben3] /to take radical measures/to get to the root (of a problem etc)/

[zhi4 biao1 bu4 zhi4 ben3] /to treat the symptoms but not the root ca [zhi4 si3] /to punish to death/ [zhi4 qi4] /to get angry/ [zhi4 li3] /to govern/to administer/to manage/to control/governance/ [zhi4 bing4] /treat an illness/ [zhi4 bing4 jiu4 ren2] /to cure the sickness to save the patient/to criti in order to help him/ [zhi4 liao2] /to treat/to cure/medical treatment/cure/ [zhi4 liao2 fa3] /therapy/ [zhi4 liao2 yan2 zheng4] /anti-inflammatory (medicine)/ [zhi4 yu4] /to cure/ [zhi4 zui4] /to punish sb (for a crime)/ [zhi4 zhuang1] /to prepare necessities (chiefly clothes) for a journey abroad/ [zhi4 zhuang1 fei4] /expenses for [zhi4 zhuang1]/ [zhi4 jun1] /running of armed forces/military management/to govern armed forces/t direct troops/ [zhao3] /pond/pool/ [zhao3 qi4] /marsh gas/methane CH4/ [zhao3 ze2] /marsh/swamp/wetlands/glade/ [zhao3 ze2 di4] /marsh/swamp/everglade/ [zhao3 ze2 di4 dai4] /marsh/swamp/everglade/ [zhao3 li2] /meerkat/see [hu2 meng3]/ [zhao3 li5] /see [hu2 meng3]/ [Gu1] /abbr. for Tianjin (also )/ [gu1] /to buy/to sell/ [Gu1 yuan2] /Guyuan county in Zhangjiakou [Zhang1 jia1 kou3], Hebei/ [Gu1 yuan2 xian4] /Guyuan county in Zhangjiakou [Zhang1 jia1 kou [zhan1] /to moisten/to be infected by/to receive favors/ [zhan1 guang1] /to bask in the light/fig. to benefit from association with sb or th/reflected glory/ [Zhan1 hua4] /Zhanhu county in Binzhou [Bin1 zhou1], Shandong/ [Zhan1 hua4 xian4] /Zhanhu county in Binzhou [Bin1 zhou1], Shandong/ [zhan1 chun2] /to moisten one's lips/to sip (wine, tea etc)/esp. used with negati es: never touch a drop of the stuff/ [zhan1 ran3] /to pollute (often fig.)/to be infected by/to gain a small advantage [zhan1 ran3 shi4 su2] /to be corrupted by the ways of the world (idiom)/ [zhan1 ran3 kong4 zhi4] /contamination control/ [zhan1 ran3 cheng2 du4 jian3 cha2 yi2] /contamination meter/ [zhan1 ran3 xi2 qi4] /to be tainted with unhealthy habits (idiom)/ [zhan1 zhan1 zi4 xi3] /immeasurably self-satisfied/ [zhan1 shi1] /to moisten/to dampen/to be steeped in/to be imbued with/ [zhan1 ru2] /to moisten/ [zhan1 bian1] /to have a connection with/to be close (to reality)/to be relevant/ o have one's hand in/ [zhan1 jiang4] /dip (cookery)/ [yan2] /along/following (a line)/ [yan4] /riverside (often with erhua)/ [yan2 li4] /following the model/according to precedent/ [yan2 r5] /edge (used directly after a noun, e.g. roadside )/ [yan2 an4] /coastal area/littoral or riparian/ [yan2 an4 di4 qu1] /coastal area/ [yan2 tiao2 r5] /tape seam (in dressmaking)/tape trim/ [yan2 jiang1] /along the river/the region around the river/ [Yan2 he2 Tu3 jia1 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Yanhe Tujia auton n2 di4 qu1], Guizhou/ [Yan2 he2 xian4] /Yanhe Tujia autonomous county in Tongren prefecture Guizhou/ [yan2 hui2] /to go with the stream/ [yan2 hai3] /coastal/ [yan2 hai3 di4 qu1] /coastland/coastal areas/

[yan2 hai3 zhou1] /coastal region/refers to Russian far east Primorsky Krai/ [Yan2 tan1] /Yantan district of Zigong city [Zi4 gong4 shi4], Sichua [Yan2 tan1 qu1] /Yantan district of Zigong city [Zi4 gong4 shi4] [yan2 yong4] /to continue to use (old methods)/to apply as before/according to us ge/ [yan2 xian4] /along the line (e.g. railway)/the region near the line/ [yan2 zhe5] /to go along/to follow/ [yan2 xi2] /to carry on as before/to follow (an old custom etc)/ [yan2 lu4] /along the way/the duration of a journey/ [yan2 tu2] /along the sides of the road/by the wayside/ [yan2 bian1] /close to the border/along the border/ [yan2 bian1 r5] /to trim (border with braid, tape etc)/ [yan2 ge2] /evolution of sth over time/course of development/history/ [kuang4] /moreover/situation/ [kuang4 qie3] /moreover/besides/in addition/furthermore/ [kuang4 wei4] /circumstances/atmosphere/mood/ [jiong3] /vast/ [xie4] /to leak (of water or gas)/to drip/to drain/to discharge/to leak out/to d ivulge (secrets)/to give vent (to anger, spite etc)/to disperse/to reduce/ [xie4 chu1] /to leak out/to release (liquid or gas)/ [xie4 zhi2 gang1 kong3] /cloaca (of bird or reptile)/ [xie4 lou4] /sth leaks/variant of [xie4 lu4]/to divulge (a secret)/to leak/ [xie4 lu4] /to reveal a secret/to divulge/to leak/ [xie4 lou4 tian1 ji1] /to divulge the will of heaven (idiom); to leak a s the cat out of the bag/ [xie4 xie4] /diarrhea/ [xie4 lu4] /to leak (information)/to divulge/ [xie4 lu4 tian1 ji1] /to divulge the will of heaven (idiom); to leak a se he cat out of the bag/ [qiu2] /to swim/ [qiu2 du4] /to swim across/ [qiu2 you2] /to swim/ [yi4] /licentious, libertine, dissipate/ [quan2] /spring (small stream)/mouth of a spring/coin (archaic)/ [Quan2 shan1] /Quanshan district of Xuzhou city [Xu2 zhou1 shi4], Jiangsu/ [Quan2 shan1 qu1] /Quanshan district of Xuzhou city [Xu2 zhou1 shi4], J [Quan2 zhou1] /Quanzhou prefecture level city in Fujian/ [Quan2 zhou1 shi4] /Quanzhou prefecture level city in Fujian/ [quan2 bi4] /coin (archaic)/ [quan2 shui3] /spring water/CL:[gu3]/ [Quan2 gang3] /Quangang district of Quanzhou city [Quan2 zhou1 shi4], Fujia [Quan2 gang3 qu1] /Quangang district of Quanzhou city [Quan2 zhou1 shi4 [quan2 yong3] /to gush/ [quan2 yuan2] /springhead/fountainhead/source/ [quan2 yan3] /mouth of a spring or fountain/ [quan2 shi2 gao1 huang1] /lit. mountain springs and rocks in one's heart ep love of mountain scenery/ [quan2 hua2] /to sinter (metallurgy)/ [quan2 lu4] /netherworld/ [bo2] /to anchor/touch at/to moor/ [bo2 wei4] /berth/ [Bo2 song1] /S.D. Poisson (1781-1840), French mathematician/ [Bo2 song1 fen1 bu4] /Poisson distribution (in statistics)/ [bo2 che1] /parking/ [Bo2 tou2 shi4] /Botou county level city in Cangzhou [Cang1 zhou1], [mi4] /to secrete/to excrete/also pr. [bi4]/ [mi4 niao4] /to urinate/urination/ [mi4 niao4 qi4] /urinary tract/urinary organs/ [mi4 niao4 xi4 tong3] /urinary system/ [Bi4 yang2] /Biyang county in Zhumadian [Zhu4 ma3 dian4], Henan/

[Bi4 yang2 xian4] /Biyang county in Zhumadian [Zhu4 ma3 dian4], [le4] /to write/ [you3] /the vitreous glaze on china, porcelain etc/ [gu1] /name of a river/ [hong2] /clear/vast and deep/classifier for a body of clear water/ [gan1] /slop from rinsing rice/ [gan1 shui3] /slop/swill/ [Fa3] /France/French/abbr. for [Fa3 guo2]/ [fa3] /law/method/way/Buddhist teaching/Legalist/ [fa3 ren2] /legal person/corporation/see also [zi4 ran2 ren2]/ [fa3 ling4] /decree/ordinance/ [fa3 dian3] /legal code/statute/ [Fa3 li4 sai4 ren2] /Pharisee/ [fa3 zhi4] /legal system and institutions/ [Fa3 zhi4 ri4 bao4] /Legal daily, newspaper published by PRC Ministry of [fa3 zhi4 ban4 gong1 shi4] /Legislative Affairs Office (PRC)/ [fa3 ze2] /law/rule/code/ [fa3 li4] /magic power/ [Fa3 le4 si1] /Perez (son of Judah)/ [fa3 ming2] /name in religion (of Buddhist or Daoist within monastery)/same as ao4]/ [fa3 xiang4 liang4] /normal vector/ [fa3 shang1] /"Legal Quotient (LQ)", standard reflecting a lawyer's legal ability based on the four tenets of legal knowledge, situational assessment, conduct and righteousness/ [Fa3 guo2] /France/French/Taiwan pr. [Fa4 guo2]/ [Fa3 guo2 ren2] /Frenchman/French person/ [Fa3 guo2 da4 ge2 ming4] /French revolution (1789-1799)/ [Fa3 guo2 Hang2 kong1] /Air France/ [Fa3 guo2 hang2 kong1 gong1 si1] /Air France/ [Fa3 guo2 hao4] /French horn/ [Fa3 guo2 chang2 gun4] /baguette/ [Fa3 guo2 Ge2 ming4] /French Revolution (1789)/ [fa3 chang3] /execution ground/ [Fa3 ta3 he4] /Fatah, Palestinian organization/ [fa3 wai4] /outside the law/beyond the law/extra-judicial/ [fa3 zi5] /way/method/ [fa3 xue2] /law/legal studies/ [fa3 xue2 bo2 shi4] /Doctor of Laws/Legum Doctor/ [fa3 xue2 shi4] /Bachelor of Laws/Legum Baccalaureus/ [fa3 xue2 jia1] /jurist/member of the pre-Han legalist school/ [fa3 xue2 yuan4] /law school/ [fa3 guan1] /a judge/to judge/ [fa3 ding4] /legal/statutory/rightful/ [fa3 ding4 ren2 shu4] /quorum/ [fa3 ding4 huo4 bi4] /fiat currency/ [Fa3 jia1] /Legalist School of the Warring States Period (475-221 BC) founded by an Fei [Han2 Fei1] and Li Si [Li3 Si1], later adopted by Shang Yang [Shang e reforms helped establish the supremacy of the Qin Dynasty [Qin1 dai4] (221-207 B C)/ [fa3 bao3] /Buddha's teaching/Buddhist monk's apparel, staff etc/(Daoism) magic w apon/talisman/fig. specially effective device/magic wand/ [Fa3 shu3 Gui1 ya4 na4] /French Guiana/ [fa3 shi1] /one who has mastered the sutras (Buddhism)/ [fa3 bi4] /Fabi, first currency issued by the [Guo2 min2 dang3] in 1 948/ [fa3 du4] /(a) law/ [Fa3 ku4] /Faku county in Shenyang , Liaoning/ [Fa3 ku4 xian4] /Faku county in Shenyang , Liaoning/ [fa3 ting2] /court of law/

[Fa3 shi4] /French style/ [fa3 shi4] /rule/method/model/ [Fa3 shi4 se4 la1 jiang4] /French dressing/vinaigrette/ [fa3 lu:4] /law/CL: [tiao2], [tao4], [ge4]/ [fa3 lu:4 zhi4 cai2] /legal sanction/prescribed punishment/punishable by [fa3 lu:4 yue1 shu4 li4] /legal force (i.e. binding in law)/ [fa3 lu:4 ze2 ren4] /legal responsibility/liability/ [Fa3 la1] /Farad, SI unit of electrical capacitance/ [Fa3 la1 li4] /Ferrari/ [Fa3 la1 sheng4] /Flushing Chinatown, a predominantly Chinese and Korean neig d of Queens, New York City/ [Fa3 la1 di4] /Faraday (name)/Michael Faraday (1791-1867), British experiment icist prominent in the development of electricity/ [Fa3 wen2] /French language/ [Fa3 xin1 she4] /Agence France Presse/AFP news agency/ [fa3 hui4] /(Buddhist) religious assembly/ [fa3 an4] /bill/proposed law/ [Fa3 gun4] /baguette (bread)/ [fa3 chui2] /gavel/ [fa3 zhi4] /rule of law/to rule by law/ [fa3 zhi4 jian4 she4] /legislation/constructing legal institutions/ [Fa3 hai3] /Fahai, name of the evil Buddhist monk in Tale of the White Snake [fa3 yuan2] /Origin of Dharma (in Buddhism)/source of the law/ [Fa3 yuan2 si4] /Fayuan or Source of the Law temple in Beijing/ [Fa3 er3 ka3 shi2] /Farkas (Hungarian name)/ [Fa3 wang2] /Sakyamuni/ [fa3 li3] /legal principle/jurisprudence/ [fa3 xiang4 zong1] /Dharma-character school of Buddhism/ [fa3 yan2] /the seat of the Law, on which the one who explains the doctrine is se ted (Buddhism)/ [fa3 ji4] /law and order/rules and discipline/ [fa3 wang3] /the net of justice/rigorous process of the law/the long arm of the l w/ [fa3 wang3 hui1 hui1 , shu1 er2 bu4 lou4] /The net of [fa3 wang3 nan2 tao2] /it is hard to escape the net of justice (idiom)/ [fa3 xian4] /normal line to a surface/ [Fa3 luo2 qun2 dao3] /Faroe Islands/ [fa3 lao3] /pharaoh/ [Fa3 ye1 de2] /Fayed (name)/Mohamed Abdel Moneim Fayed (1933-), controversial an-born businessman and philanthropist, owner of Harrods (London) and Fulham foo tball club/ [Fa3 hang2] /Air France/ [Fa3 zi1 lu3 la1] /Maulana Fazlullah, Pakistan Taleban leader/ [Fa3 hua2 jing1] /The Lotus Sutra/ [Fa3 di4 ma3] /Fatimah (name)/ [Fa3 lan2 ke4] /the Franks (Germanic people who arrived in Europe from 600 AD ok over France)/ [Fa3 lan2 ke4 lin2] /Franklin (name)/Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)/ [Fa3 lan2 ke4 fu2] /Frankfurt (Germany)/ [Fa3 lan2 ke4 fu2 Hui4 bao4] /Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung/ [Fa3 lan2 ke4 fu2 xue2 pai4] /Frankfurt School/ [Fa3 lan2 ke4 fu2 Zheng4 quan4 jiao1 yi4 suo3] /Frank [Fa3 lan2 ke4 fu2 che1 zhan3] /the Frankfurt motor show/ [Fa3 lan2 de2 si1] /Flanders, region (state) of Belgium [Bi3 [Fa3 lan2 si1] /France (phonetic transliteration)/ [Fa3 lan2 xi1] /France/ [Fa3 lan2 xi1 si1] /Francis (name)/ [Fa3 lan2 xi1 si1 Pei2 gen1] /Francis Bacon (1561-1626), En early scientist/ [Fa3 lan2 xi1 si1 Fei3 di2 nan2] /Archduke Francis Ferd

he Hapsburg throne, whose assassination in Sarajevo led to World War I/ [Fa3 lan2 xi1 Ti3 yu4 chang3] /Stade de France/ [fa3 hao4] /name in religion (of Buddhist or Daoist within monastery)/ [fa3 shu4] /magic/ [Fa3 zhi4] /made in France/ [fa3 xi1 si1] /fascist (loanword)/ [fa3 xi1 si1 zhu3 yi4] /fascism/ [fa3 gui1] /legislation/statute/ [Fa3 yu3] /French (language)/ [Fa3 lun2 gong1] /erroneous variant of [Fa3 lun2 gong1], Falungo iritual practice)/ [fa3 jing3] /bailiff/ [Fa3 he4 de2] /King Fahd of Saudi Arabia/ [Fa3 jun1] /French army/ [Fa3 lun2] /the Eternal Wheel of life in Buddhism/ [Fa3 lun2 Gong1] /Falun Gong (Chinese spiritual practice, founded in 1992)/ [Fa3 lun2 gong1 zu3 zhi1] /the Falung Gong organization/ [Fa3 lun2 chang2 zhuan4] /the Wheel turns constantly (idiom); Buddhist te vercome everything/ [fa3 lun2 chang2 zhuan4] /the wheel of life never stops turning (idiom)/ [fa3 ban4] /to bring to justice/to punish according to the law/ [fa3 lang2] /franc/CL: [ge4]/ [fa3 yi1] /forensic investigator/forensic detective/ [fa3 yi1 xue2] /forensics/ [fa3 yuan4] /court of law/court/ [fa3 yuan4 cai2 jue2] /court ruling/ [Fa3 long1 si4] /Hryji, complex of Buddhist temples near Nara , Japan, e Asuka period (c. 600)/ [Fa3 ma3 gu3 si1 ta3] /Famagusta, Cyprus/Ammochostos,Cyprus/ [Fa3 lu3 ke4] /Farouk of Egypt/ [mao3] /still water/ [Si4] /river in Shandong/ [si4] /nasal mucus/ [Si4 shui3] /Sishui county in Ji'ning , Shandong/ [Si4 shui3 xian4] /Sishui county in Ji'ning , Shandong/ [Si4 hong2] /Sihong county in Suqian [Su4 qian1 shi4], Jiangsu/ [Si4 hong2 xian4] /Sihong county in Suqian [Su4 qian1 shi4], Jiangsu [Si4 xian4] /Si county in Suzhou [Su4 zhou1], Anhui/ [Si4 yang2] /Siyang county in Suqian [Su4 qian1 shi4], Jiangsu/ [Si4 yang2 xian4] /Siyang county in Suqian [Su4 qian1 shi4], Jiangsu [ping2] /sound of water splashing/ [ci3] /clear/bright and brilliant/ [fan4] /to float/to be suffused with/general/extensive/non-specific/flood/pan- ( prefix)/ [fan4 dai4 shu4] /universal algebra/ [fan4 han2 fen1 xi1] /(math.) functional analysis/ [fan4 da4 yang2] /Panthalassis (geology)/ [fan4 da4 lu4] /Pangea (geology)/ [fan4 zhi3] /to make a general reference/to be used in a general sense/ [fan4 min2 zhu3 pai4] /pan-Democratic alliance (Hong Kong)/ [fan4 fan4 zhi1 jiao1] /nodding acquaintance/slight familiarity/ [fan4 lan4] /to be in flood/to overflow (the banks)/to inundate/to spread uncheck d/ [fan4 lan4 cheng2 zai1] /flood causes disaster (idiom); fig. swamped with [fan4 zhu1 san1 jiao3] /Pan-Pearl River delta/The nine provinces of South und Guangzhou and the Pearl River delta/South China/ [fan4 zhu1 jiang1 san1 jiao3] /the Pan-Pearl river delta (economic zo provinces around Guangzhou and Hong Kong)/ [fan4 bai2] /to be suffused with white/to be discolored/to blanch/ [fan4 shen2 lun4] /pantheism, theological theory equating God with the Univer

[fan4 cheng1] /general term/ [fan4 hong2] /to blush/to redden/flushed/ [fan4 zi4 ran2 shen2 lun4] /pandeism, theological theory that God cre nd became one with it/ [fan4 zhou1] /to go boating/ [fan4 du2] /extensive reading/ [fan4 suan1] /pantothenic acid/vitamin B5/to surge up (of acid in the stomach)/ [fan4 yin1] /overtone/a harmonic/ [zhi1] /a river in Hebei province/ [su4] /variant of [su4]/ [su4 yuan2] /variant of [su4 yuan2]/ [Ling2] /surname Ling/ [ling2] /sound of water flowing/ [pao1] /puffed/swollen/spongy/small lake (esp. in place names)/classifier for ur ine or feces/ [pao4] /bubble/foam/blister (i.e. skin bubble)/to soak/to steep/to infuse/to daw dle/to shilly-shally/to hang about/to pick up (a girl)/to get off with (a sexual partner)/ [pao4 zhi4] /to brew/to infuse/to pickle/ [pao4 ba1] /to spend time in a bar (alcohol, internet etc)/to go clubbing/ [pao4 niu1] /to pick up girls/to play around with girls/to chase after girls/ [pao1 zi5] /small lake/pond/ [pao4 zi5] /light bulb/ [pao4 ying3] /lit. soap bubble/pie in the sky/nothing/ [pao4 da3 fen3] /baking powder/ [pao1 tong2] /Paulownia tree (Fermiana platanifolia), a lightweight strong wood u ed for musical instruments/Chinese parasol tree/ [pao4 shui3] /to infuse/to soak in water/ [pao4 mo4] /foam/(soap) bubble/(economic) bubble/ [pao4 mo4 jing1 ji4] /bubble economy/ [pao4 pao5] /bubbles/ [pao4 pao4 kou3 xiang1 tang2] /bubble-gum/ [pao4 pao4 yu4] /bubble bath/ [pao4 pao4 yu4 lu4] /bubble bath lotion/ [pao4 pao4 tang2] /bubble gum/ [pao4 pao4 sha1] /seersucker (cotton cloth with pattern of dimples)/ [pao4 tang1] /to dawdle/to go slow deliberately/to fizzle out/to have all one's h pes dashed/ [pao4 wen1 quan2] /to soak in a spa or hot spring/ [pao4 xuan2] /eddy/whirlpool/ [pao4 zao3] /to bathe/to immerse oneself in a warm bath/ [pao4 bing4 hao4] /to dilly-dally on the pretence of being ill/to malinger/ [pao4 zhao4 ta3] /distillation tower/bubble tower/plate column/ [pao4 jiao3] /foot bath/foot soak/ [pao4 cha2] /make tea/ [pao4 cai4] /pickled cabbage/ [pao4 mo2 gu5] /to procrastinate/to shilly-shally and waste time/ [pao1 huo4] /light but bulky goods/ [pao4 fan4] /to soak cooked rice in soup or water/cooked rice reheated in boiling water/ [pao4 teng2] /to bubble/to fizz/to effervesce/ [pao1 mian4] /instant noodles/ [Bo1] /Poland/Polish/abbr. for [Bo1 lan2]/ [bo1] /wave/ripple/storm/surge/ [Bo1 shen2 ge2 lun2] /Porsgrunn (city in Telemark, Norway)/ [bo1 lai2 ke4] /Pleiku, Vietnam/ [bo1 guang1] /gleaming reflection of waves in sunlight/ [bo1 han2 shu4] /wave function (in quantum mechanics)/ [bo1 li4 ni2 xi1 ya4] /Polynesia/ [bo1 dong4] /to undulate/to fluctuate/wave motion/rise and fall/

[bo1 dong4 li4 xue2] /wave mechanics (physics)/ [bo1 dong4 xing4] /fluctuation/ [bo1 ji2] /to spread to/to involve/to affect/ [Bo1 ge1 da4] /Bogota, capital of Colombia/ [Bo1 sai1 dong1] /Poseidon, God of the sea in Greek mythology/ [Bo1 shi4 ni2 ya4] /Bosnia/ [Bo1 shi4 dun4] /Boston, capital of Massachusetts/ [bo1 shi4 dun4 da4 xue2] /Boston University/ [bo1 shi4 dun4 hong2 wa4] /Boston Red Sox (baseball) team/ [Bo1 duo1 ma3 ke4 He2] /see [Bo1 tuo1 ma3 ke4 He [Bo1 duo1 Li2 ge4] /Puerto Rico, self-governing unincorporated territory States/ [Bo1 ji4] /Poti, strategic seaport in Abkhazia, Republic of Georgia/ [Bo1 mi4] /Bomi county, Tibetan: Spo mes rdzong, in Nyingchi prefecture 1], Tibet/ [Bo1 mi4 xian4] /Bomi county, Tibetan: Spo mes rdzong, in Nyingchi prefecture 4 qu1], Tibet/ [bo1 dao3] /wave guide/ [bo1 feng1] /wave crest/ [Bo1 xi1 mi3 ya4] /Bohemia, European country (in current Checkia and Slov [bo1 dai4 pian1] /zone plate/ [bo1 fu2] /amplitude/ [Bo1 fu2 te4 hai3] /Beaufort sea (off Alaska and British Columbia)/ [bo1 xing2] /wave form/ [Bo1 de2] /Johann Elert Bode (1747-1826), German astronomer/ [Bo1 de2 shen1] /Port Dickson (holiday destination in Malaysia)/ [Bo1 en1] /Bonn, a small town on the Rhine, Cold War capital of West Germany 1949 1990/ [Bo1 en1 da4 xue2] /University of Bonn/ [Bo1 tuo1 ma3 ke4 He2] /Potomac River/ [bo1 zhe2] /twists and turns/ [Bo1 na2 ba1] /Bonaparte (name)/Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821), Emperor of Fr 04-1815/ [bo1 shu4] /wave number (reciprocal of frequency)/ [Bo1 si1] /Persia/ [Bo1 si1 ni2 ya4] /Bosnia/ [Bo1 si1 ni2 ya4 he2 Hei1 sai1 ge1 we [Bo1 si1 ni2 ya4 yu3] /Bosnian (language)/ [Bo1 si1 jiao4] /Persian religion/Zoroastrianism or Manicheanism/ [bo1 si1 pu3 lu3 si1] /the Bosphorus/ [bo1 si1 pu3 lu3 si1 hai3 xia2] /the Bosphorus (strait)/ [Bo1 si1 Wan1] /Persian Gulf/ [Bo1 si1 yu3] /Persian (language)/Farsi/ [Bo1 si1 mao1] /Persian (cat)/ [bo1 si1 li3 ya4] /Bosnia (former Yugoslavia)/ [bo1 fang1 cheng2] /wave equation (math. physics)/ [Bo1 pang2] /Bourbon/ [Bo1 ang2] /Bonn, city in Germany (Taiwan)/ [bo1 shu4] /beam/ [bo1 sen1 mei2] /boysenberry (hybrid of raspberry and blackberry)/ [bo1 duan4] /wave band/ [bo1 jiang1 zuo4] /Eridanus (constellation)/ [Bo1 luo4 nie4 si1] /Polonius (name)/Shakespearean character, father of O entally killed by Hamlet/ [bo1 lang4] /wave/ [bo1 tao1] /great waves/billows/ [bo1 tao1 xiong1 yong3] /waves surging forth/roaring sea/ [bo1 tao1 lin2 lin2] /variant of [bo1 tao1 lin2 lin2]/ [bo1 tao1 lin2 lin2] /crystalline waves (idiom)/ [bo1 lan2] /billows/great waves (fig. of a story with great momentum)/

[bo1 lan2 zhuang4 kuo4] /surging forward with great momentum/unfolding on t scale/ [bo1 lan2 lao3 cheng2] /splendid and powerful (of story)/majestic/awesome [bo1 lan2 qi3 fu2] /one climax follows another (of thrilling story)/ [Bo1 er3 duo1] /Bordeaux/ [bo1 er3 duo1 ye4] /Bordeaux mixture/ [Bo1 er3 Bu4 te4] /Pol Pot/ [bo1 er3 gan1] /the Balkans/ [bo1 er3 gan1 di4 qu1] /the Balkans/ [bo1 te4] /baud/ [bo1 te4 lu:4] /baud/ [Bo1 te4 lan2 shi4] /Portland (city)/ [bo1 zhuang4] /wave-shaped/ [bo1 zhuang4 re4] /undulant fever/brucellosis/ [bo1 zhuang4 yun2] /undulatus/ [bo1 li4 er4 xiang4 xing4] /wave-particle duality in quantum mechanic [bo1 wen2] /ripple/corrugation/ [Bo1 luo2] /Polo (car made by Volkswagen)/surname Polo/ [Bo1 luo2 di4 Hai3] /Baltic Sea/ [bo1 mei3 du4] /Baume degrees/ [bo1 mei3 bi3 zhong4 ji4] /Baume hydrometer/ [Bo1 yi4 er3] /Boyle (name)/Robert Boyle (1627-91), British and Irish scienti pioneer chemist/ [Bo1 ci2 tan3] /Potsdam, near Berlin, Germany/ [Bo1 ci2 tan3 Gong1 gao4] /Potsdam Declaration/ [Bo1 ci2 tan3 hui4 yi4] /Potsdam conference, July-August 1945, betwee d British prime ministers Churchill and Attlee/ [Bo1 zi1 nan2] /Poznan (city in Poland)/ [Bo1 zi1 tan3] /Potsdam, Germany/ [bo1 zi1 man4] /Ludwig Boltzmann (1844-1906)/ [bo1 dang4] /heave/surge/ [Bo1 lan2] /Poland/ [Bo1 lan2 si1 ji1] /Polanski (name)/ [bo1 lan2 yu3] /Polish (language)/ [Bo1 xi1 mi3 ya4] /Bohemia/central European country mostly within the mod ublic/person leading unconventional lifestyle, esp. in western intellectual or a rtistic circles/ [Bo1 yu3] /Polish language/ [bo1 pu3] /spectrum/ [bo1 gu3] /trough/ [bo1 su4] /wave velocity/ [bo1 chang2] /wavelength/ [Bo1 a1 si1] /Boaz (son of Salmon and Rahab)/ [Bo1 a1 ci4] /Boaz (name)/ [Bo1 yang2] /Boyang county, former name of Poyang county [Po2 yang2 ang4 rao2], Jiangxi/ [Bo1 yang2 xian4] /Boyang county, former name of Poyang county [ rao [Shang4 rao2], Jiangxi/ [Bo1 long1 na4] /Bologna, city in Northern Italy/ [bo1 sha4] /pulsar (astronomy)/ [bo1 ba4 nai3 cha2] /bubble milk tea (Taiwan)/Boba milk tea/tapioca milk n1 zhu1 nai3 cha2]/ [bo1 mian4] /wave front/ [Bo1 yin1] /Boeing/ [bo1 yin1] /mordent (music)/ [Bo1 hong2] /Bochum (city in Germany)/ [Bo1 Hei1] /abbr. for Bosnia-Herzegovina/ [qi4] /to sob/ [qi4 jian4] /to counsel a superior in tears indicating absolute sincerity/ [ni2] /mud/clay/paste/pulp/

[ni4] /restrained/ [ni2 dao1] /trowel/ [ni4 gu3] /stick-in-the-mud/to stick to old ways/stubbornly conservative/ [ni4 gu3 bu4 hua4] /conservative and unable to adapt (idiom)/ [ni2 tu3] /earth/soil/mud/clay/ [ni2 keng1] /mud pit/mire/morass/ [ni2 tu2 xuan1 mian3] /to despise titles and high offices/ [ni4 zi5] /putty (used by plumbers and glaziers)/ [ni2 hai2] /clay doll/ [ni4 shou3] /stubborn and conservative/ [ni2 feng1] /to seal jars etc with mud, clay or lute/lute/luting/ [ni2 yan2] /mudstone/shale/ [ni2 ba1] /mud/ [ni2 shui3 jiang4] /mason/ [ni2 sha1] /silt/ [ni2 sha1 ju4 xia4] /mud and sand flow together (idiom)/good and bad ming [ni2 zhao3] /swamp/ [ni2 nao4] /mud/muddy swamp/sump/fig. a sticky predicament/ [ni2 jiang1] /slurry/mud/ [ni2 tan2] /quagmire/ [ni2 ning4] /muddy/mud/ [ni2 hui1] /lime plaster (construction)/ [ni2 tan4] /peat/ [ni2 tan4 xian3] /matted sphagnum moss (Sphagnum palustre)/ [ni2 mei2] /peat/ [ni2 niu2 ru4 hai3] /lit. a clay ox enters the sea (idiom); fig. to disap hope of returning/ [ni2 wa3 jiang4] /bricklayer/tiler/mason/ [Ni2 pen2 ji4] /Devonian (geological period 417-354m years ago)/ [ni2 shi2 liu2] /landslide/torrent of mud and stones/mudslide/ [ni2 pu2 sa4] /clay Bodhisattva/ [ni2 pu2 sa4 guo4 jiang1 , zi4 shen1 nan2 bao3] / arantee his own safety/unable to save oneself, let alone others/ [ni2 zhi4] /muddy/ [ni2 zhi4 yan2] /mudstone (geology)/ [ni2 zhi4 ye4 yan2] /mudstone/ [ni2 zui4] /blind drunk/drunk as drunk can be/ [ni2 jin1] /to gild/gilt/ [ni2 chan3] /trowel/ [ni2 qiu5] /loach/mud fish/CL: [tiao2]/ [zhu4] /to inject/to pour into/to concentrate/to pay attention/stake (gambling)/ classifier for sums of money/variant of [zhu4]/ [zhu4 ru4] /to pour into/to empty into/ [zhu4 ce4 ren2] /registrant/ [zhu4 ce4 biao3] /Windows registry/ [zhu4 su4] /injection molding/ [zhu4 she4] /injection/to inject/ [zhu4 she4 ji4] /injection/shot/ [zhu4 she4 qi4] /syringe/ [zhu4 she4 zhen1] /needle/hypodermic needle/ [zhu4 she4 zhen1 tou2] /see [zhu4 she4 zhen1]/ [zhu4 yi4] /to take note of/to pay attention to/ [zhu4 yi4 li4] /attention/ [zhu4 yi4 li4 que1 xian4 guo4 dong4 zheng4] /Attention De [zhu4 yi4 kan4] /watch carefully/ [zhu4 ming2] /to clearly indicate/ [zhu4 shui3] /to pour water into/to inject water into/ [zhu4 mu4] /attention/to stare at/to fix attention on sth/ [zhu4 shi4] /to watch attentively/to gaze/ [zhu4 zi1] /to inject funds/to put money into (the market)/

[zhu4 shi4] /marginal notes/annotation/to annotate/to add comments to text/ [zhu4 zhong4] /to pay attention to/to emphasize/ [zhu4 yin1] /Annotated Sounds, a phonetic transliteration for Chinese used esp. i Taiwan/also known as Bopomofo / [zhu4 yin1 yi1 shi4] /Mandarin Phonetic Symbols 1/Bopomofo/abbr. for i1 shi4]/ [Zhu4 yin1 fu2 hao4] /Annotated Sounds, a phonetic transliteration for Ch p. in Taiwan/also known as Bopomofo / [sheng1] /rising of water/ [xuan4] /weep/ [fu1] /a raft/ [pan4] /melt/ [min3] /to vanish/to die out/to obliterate/ [min3 mie4] /to obliterate/to die out/to disappear/ [tai4] /safe/peaceful/most/grand/Mt Tai [Tai4 shan1] in Shandong/abbr. for Thaila d/ [Tai4 lai2] /Tailai county in Qiqihar [Qi2 qi2 ha1 er3], Heilong [Tai4 lai2 xian4] /Tailai county in Qiqihar [Qi2 qi2 ha1 er3 [tai4 jia1 lin2] /taiga/ [Tai4 le4] /Taylor (name)/ [tai4 ban4] /more than half/a majority/most/mostly/ [Tai4 he2] /see [Tai4 he2 xian4]/ [tai4 he2] /calm and peaceful/ [Tai4 he2 xian4] /Taihe county, Jiangxi/ [Tai4 guo2] /Thailand/Thai/ [tai4 tan3] /Titan/ [Tai4 tan3 ni2 ke4 hao4] /RMS Titanic/ [Tai4 ji1 ling2] /Taj Mahal (mausoleum in India)/ [Tai4 an1] /Tai'an city prefecture level city in Shandong/Tai'an township in Miao i county [Miao2 li4 xian4], northwest Taiwan/ [Tai4 an1 di4 qu1] /Tai'an prefecture in Shandong/ [Tai4 an1 shi4] /Tai'an prefecture level city in Shandong/ [Tai4 an1 xian4] /Tai'an county in Shandong/ [Tai4 an1 xiang1] /Taian township in Miaoli county [Miao2 li4 xi [Tai4 ning2] /Taining county in Sanming [San1 ming2], Fujian/ [Tai4 ning2 xian4] /Taining county in Sanming [San1 ming2], Fujian/ [Tai4 shan1] /Mt Tai in Shandong, eastern of the Five Sacred Mountains / hip in Taipei county [Tai2 bei3 xian4], Taiwan/ [Tai4 shan1 Bei3 dou3] /as weighty as Mt Tai, as brilliant as the Big Dip a giant among men/ [Tai4 shan1 qu1] /Taishan district of Tai'an city [Tai4 an1 shi4], Shan [Tai4 shan1 xiang1] /Taishan township in Taipei county [Tai2 bei [Tai4 shan1 hong2 mao2] /as weighty as Mt Tai, as light as a feather (ref / [Tai4 zhou1] /Taizhou prefecture level city in Jiangsu/ [Tai4 zhou1 shi4] /Taizhou prefecture level city in Jiangsu/ [Tai4 shi4] /Thai-style (of food, massage etc)/ [Tai4 quan2] /Muay Thai - "Thai fist" - Martial Art/ [tai4 wen2] /Thai (language)/ [tai4 dou3] /leading scholar of his time/magnate/ [Tai4 wu4 shi4] /the Times (newspaper)/River Thames, through London/ [Tai4 wu4 shi4 bao4] /Times (newspaper)/ [Tai4 wu4 shi4 he2] /River Thames/ [Tai4 dong1] /the Far East/East Asia/ [Tai4 ge2 Wu3 zi1] /Eldrick "Tiger" Woods (1975-), American golfer/ [Tai4 ge2 er3] /Tegel (name)/Tiger (name)/ [Tai4 wu3] /Taiwu township in Pingtung county [Ping2 dong1 xian4], T [Tai4 wu3 xiang1] /Taiwu township in Pingtung county [Ping2 dong [tai4 ran2] /calm/self-composed/ [tai4 ran2 zi4 ruo4] /cool and collected (idiom); showing no sign of nerv

composed/ [Tai4 er3] /Tyre (city in Lebanon)/ [Tai4 te4 si1 An1 de2 luo4 ni2 ke4 si1] /Titus [Tai4 se4] /Taser (electroshock weapon)/ [Tai4 se4 qiang1] /Taser (electroshock weapon)/ [Tai4 se4 er3 dao3] /Texel island, Netherlands/ [Tai4 Lu2 gu4 yu3] /Telegu, the official language of Andhra Pradesh, Indi [Tai4 mi3 er3] /Tamil/ [Tai4 mi3 er3 Yi1 la1 mu3 Meng3 hu3 Jie3 [tai4 mi3 er3 meng3 hu3 zu3 zhi1] /Tamil Tigers/ [Tai4 mi3 er3 Na4 de2] /Tamil Nadu, southeast Indian state, capital C merly Madras state [Ma3 de2 la1 si1 bang1]/ [Tai4 mi3 er3 Na4 de2 bang1] /Tamil Nadu, southeast Indian state, /formerly Madras state [Ma3 de2 la1 si1 bang1]/ [Tai4 mi3 er3 yu3] /Tamil language/ [Tai4 xian4] /Tai county in Jiangsu/ [Tai4 Luo2] /Tylo (name)/Hollywood actress Hunter Tylo/ [Tai4 xing1] /Taixing county level city in Taizhou [Tai4 zhou1], Jiangsu/ [Tai4 xing1 shi4] /Taixing county level city in Taizhou [Tai4 zhou1], Jia [Tai4 Hua4] /Mt Tai and Mt Hua /another name for Mt Hua/ [Tai4 xi1] /"the Far West"/old term for Europe and America/ [Tai4 xi1 da4 ru2] /Great European Scholar (honorific title of Matteo Ric [tai4 yu3] /Thai (language)/ [tai4 xiang4 pi2] /Chang Beer/ [tai4 di2 xiong2] /teddy bear (loanword)/ [tai4 da2] /TEDA (Tianjin Economic Development Area)/ [Tai4 zhu1] /Thai baht/ [Tai4 ya3 zu2] /Atayal or Tayal, one of the indigenous ethnic groups of Taiwa [Tai4 shun4] /Taishun county in Wenzhou [Wen1 zhou1], Zhejiang/ [Tai4 shun4 xian4] /Taishun county in Wenzhou [Wen1 zhou1], Zhejiang [yang1] /agitated (wind, cloud)/boundless/ [yang1 yang1] /grand/magnificent/vast/ [ji3] /clear wine/name of a river/ [yong3] /swimming/to swim/ [Yong3 Er2] /Vincy Chan, Hong Kong female singer/ [yong3 mao4] /swimming cap/ [yong3 chi2] /swimming pond/ [yong3 yi1] /swimsuit/bathing suit/ [yong3 zhuang1] /swimsuit/ [yong3 ku4] /swim trunks/ [yong3 jing4] /swimming goggles/ [beng4] /pump/ [beng4 bing3] /pump handle/ [beng4 zhan4] /pumping station/ [hui2] /eddy/whirlpool/ [yan1] /variant of [yan1]/ [yin1] /to soak/to blotch/to splotch/ [yin1 shi1] /to soak/ [jian4] /flowing water/successive/ [yang2] /ocean/vast/foreign/silver dollar or coin/ [yang2 zhong1 ji3] /mid-ocean ridge (geology)/ [yang2 ren2] /a foreigner/a westerner/ [yang2 wu4] /foreign affairs (in Qing times)/foreign learning/ [yang2 wu4 xue2 tang2] /college of western learning in late Qing/ [yang2 wu4 pai4] /the foreign learning or Westernizing faction in the late Qi [Yang2 wu4 Yun4 dong4] /Self-Strengthening Movement (period of reforms in -1894), also named / [yang2 hua4] /to westernize/ [yang2 wei4] /western taste/western style/ [yang2 yuan2] /Westerner employed in Qing China (as professor or military advisor

etc)/ [Yang2 ji1] /see [Yang2 ji1 dui4]/New York Yankees (US baseball team [Yang2 ji1 dui4] /New York Yankees (US baseball team)/ [yang2 chang3 e4 shao4] /city infested with foreign adventurers (esp of S e-liberation China) (idiom)/ [yang2 niu1] /young foreign girl/ [yang2 wa2 wa2] /doll/baby of mixed Chinese and Overseas parentage (colloquia [Yang2 xue2] /Western learning/ [Yang2 shan1 gang3] /Yangshan terminal, port of Shanghai/ [yang2 di3] /ocean floor/bottom of the ocean/ [yang2 di3 di4 qiao4] /oceanic crust (geology)/ [yang2 jiao4] /foreign religion (esp. Western Christianity in Qing China)/ [yang2 fu2] /western-style clothes/ [yang2 qiang1] /western style guns (in former times)/ [yang2 huai2] /black locust tree (Robinia pseudoacacia)/ [yang2 huai2 shu4] /black locust tree (Robinia pseudoacacia)/ [yang2 qiao4] /oceanic crust (geology)/ [yang2 qi4] /trendy/fashionable/foreign styles and trends/ [yang2 you2] /imported oil/kerosene/ [yang2 yang2] /vast/impressive/self-satisfied/immensely pleased with oneself/ [yang2 yang2 da4 pian1] /lit. an ocean of writing/an impressive literary [yang2 yang2 de2 yi4] /immensely pleased with oneself (idiom)/proud/compl [yang2 yang2 sa3 sa3] /voluminous/flowing (of speeches, articles etc) (id [yang2 yang2 zi4 de2] /immensely pleased with oneself (idiom)/proud/compl [yang2 liu2] /ocean current/ [Yang2 pu3] /see [Yang2 pu3 jing1 ji4 kai1 fa1 qu1]/ [Yang2 pu3 jing1 ji4 kai1 fa1 qu1] /Yangpu Economic Developme [yang2 yi4] /brimming with/steeped in/ [yang2 piao1 zu2] /lit. ocean drifting people/job-hopping foreigner/ [yang2 pian1] /children's game played with illustrated cards/pogs/menko (Japan)/ [yang2 qin2] /same as , dulcimer/ [yang2 pi2 pa2] /mandolin/ [yang2 gan1 ju2] /Matricaria recutita/chamomile/ [yang2 hua4 r5] /children's game played with illustrated cards/pogs/menko (Ja [yang2 bai2 cai4] /cabbage (round cabbage most commonly found in Western coun [yang2 xiang4] /social gaffe or blunder/faux pas/see [chu1 yang2 xiang4]/ [yang2 fen3] /agar/ [yang2 zi3 jing1] /Hong Kong orchid (Bauhinia blakeana)/ [yang2 zi3 su1] /sage (herb)/ [Yang2 xian4] /Yang county in Hnzhng [Han4 zhong1], Shnx/ [yang2 ji3] /mid-ocean ridge/ [yang2 qiang1 yang2 diao4] /to speak with a foreign accent or using words gn language (usually derogatory) (idiom)/ [yang2 yu4] /potato/ [yang2 yan2 sui5] /parsley/ [yang2 cai4] /agar/ [yang2 pu2 tao2] /love apple/wax apple/Syzygium samarangense (botany)/ [yang2 cong1] /onion (Allium cepa)/bulb onion/ [yang2 ji4] /artichoke/ [yang2 jiang1] /Jerusalem artichoke/ [yang2 su1] /sage (herb)/ [yang2 zhuang1] /western-style dress/ [yang2 huo4] /western goods/imported goods (in former times)/ [yang2 che1] /rickshaw/ [yang2 qian2] /foreign money/flat silver (former coinage)/also written / [yang2 tie3 bo2] /tinfoil/CL: [zhang1]/ [yang2 mian4] /ocean surface/ [yang2 xiang1 cai4] /parsley/ [yang2 gui3] /foreign devil/term of abuse for Westerners/ [yang2 gui3 zi5] /foreign devil/term of abuse for Westerners/

[yang2 jian3] /soap/ [lie4] /pure/to cleanse/ [ji4] /to reach/when/ [er2] /to flow (as water or tears)/ [fu2] /undercurrent eddy/ [xi3] /to wash/to bathe/to develop (photo)/ [xi3 yuan1] /lit. to wash out a grievance/fig. to right a wrong/to redress an inj stice/ [Xi3 yuan1 ji2 lu4] /Record of Washed Grievances (1247) by Song Ci , d's first legal forensic text/ [xi3 shua1] /wash/brush/scrub/ [xi3 jian3 chui1] /shampoo, haircut and blow-dry/ [xi3 jie2] /to loot/to rob/to ransack/to pillage/ [xi3 jie2 yi1 kong1] /to steal everything/ [xi3 xin1 ge2 mian4] /lit. to wash one's heart and renew one's face (idio sincerely and mend one's mistaken ways/to turn over a new leaf/ [xi3 shou3] /to wash one's hands/to go to the toilet/ [xi3 shou3 bu4 gan4] /to totally stop doing something/to reform one's way [xi3 shou3 ye4] /liquid hand soap/ [xi3 shou3 jian1] /toilet/lavatory/washroom/ [xi3 yu4] /bath/ [xi3 xiao1] /decontamination/ [xi3 xiao1 ji4] /decontaminant/decontaminating agent/ [xi3 xiao1 chang3] /decontaminating field/ [xi3 jing4] /to wash clean/ [xi3 di2] /to rinse/to wash/washing/ [xi3 di2 ji4] /cleaning agent/detergent/ [xi3 di2 qi4] /washing appliance/ [xi3 di2 tong3] /washtub/ [xi3 di2 cao2] /washing tank/sink/ [xi3 di2 ji1] /washer/washing machine/rinsing machine/ [xi3 di2 jian1] /washroom/washhouse/ [xi3 di2 ling2] /dishwashing liquid/ [xi3 shu4] /to wash the face and rinse the mouth/ [xi3 shu4] /variant of [xi3 shu4]/ [xi3 jie2 ji4] /detergent/ [xi3 jie2 jing1] /dishwashing liquid/ [xi3 zao3] /to bathe/to take a shower/ [xi3 zao3 jian1] /bathroom/restroom/shower room/CL: [jian1]/ [xi3 zhuo2] /to wash/to cleanse/to launder/ [xi3 zhao4 pian4] /to develop film/ [xi3 pai2] /to shuffle cards/ [xi3 wan3] /to wash up/to do the dishes/ [xi3 wan3 ji1] /dishwasher/ [xi3 wan3 chi2] /kitchen sink/ [xi3 wan3 jing1] /dishwashing liquid/ [xi3 li3] /baptism/ [xi3 lian4] /agile/nimble/deft/ [Xi3 zhe3 Ruo4 han4] /St John the Baptist/ [xi3 er3 gong1 ting1] /to listen with respectful attention/(a polite requ speak)/we are all ears/ [xi3 wei4] /to have one stomach's pumped/gastric lavage (medicine)/ [xi3 tuo1] /to cleanse/to purge/to wash away/ [xi3 nao3] /to brainwash/ [xi3 lian3] /to wash your face/ [xi3 lian3 pen2] /washbowl/basin for washing hands and face/ [xi3 lian3 pen2 xi3 pen2] /washbowl/ [xi3 lian3 pan2] /a hand basin/ [xi3 lian3 tai2] /commode/dressing table/sink/ [xi3 yi1] /laundry/

[xi3 yi1 dian4] /laundry-shop/ [xi3 yi1 fang2] /laundry room/ [xi3 yi1 ban3] /washboard/ [xi3 yi1 ji1] /washer/washing machine/CL: [tai2]/ [xi3 yi1 fen3] /laundry detergent/washing powder/ [xi3 qian2] /money laundering/ [xi3 xue3] /to erase/to wipe out (a previous humiliation etc)/ [xi3 mian4] /facial cleansing/ [xi3 mian4 nai3] /cleansing lotion/ [xi3 fa4 ru3] /shampoo/ [xi3 fa4 ji4] /shampoo/ [xi3 fa4 shui3] /liquid shampoo/ [xi3 fa4 shui3 r5] /shampoo/ [xi3 fa4 zao4] /shampoo/ [xi3 fa4 fen3] /shampoo powder/ [xi3 fa4 lu4] /shampoo/ [xi3 hei1 qian2] /money laundering/ [Zhu1] /surname Zhu/ [zhu1] /name of a river/ [jiang4] /flood/ [Luo4] /surname Luo/old name of several rivers (in Henan, Shaanxi, Sichuan and A nhui)/ [Luo4 pei4 si1] /Lopez (name)/ [Luo4 pei4 zi1] /Lopez (name)/ [Luo4 lun2 ci2] /Lorentz (name)/Hendrik Lorentz (1853-1928), Dutch physicist, obel laureate/ [luo4 ke4 fei1 le4] /Rockefeller/ [luo4 ke4 xi1 de2] /Lockheed (US aerospace company)/ [Luo4 nan2] /Luonan county in Shnglu [Shang1 luo4], Shnx/ [Luo4 nan2 xian4] /Luonan county in Shnglu [Shang1 luo4], Shnx/ [Luo4 ji1] /Loki, god of fire and mischievous destroyer in Norse mythology/ [luo4 ji1 shan1] /Rocky Mountains/also written / [Luo4 ning2] /Luoning county in Luoyang , Henan/ [Luo4 Ning2 xian4] /Luoning county in Luoyang , Henan/ [Luo4 chuan1] /Luochuan county in Yan'an [Yan2 an1], Shaanxi/ [Luo4 chuan1 xian4] /Luochuan county in Yan'an [Yan2 an1], Shaanxi/ [Luo4 Xi1 er3] /Rothschild (name)/ [Luo4 Xi1 er3 yin2 hang2] /Rothschild's bank/ [luo4 de2] /(Winston) Lord (former assistant Secretary of state for East Asia and Pacific Affairs)/ [Luo4 zha1] /Lhozhag county, Tibetan: Lho brag rdzong, in Lhokha prefecture i4 qu1], Tibet/ [Luo4 zha1 xian4] /Lhozhag county, Tibetan: Lho brag rdzong, in Lhokha prefec n2 di4 qu1], Tibet/ [Luo4 shan1 ji1] /Los Angeles, California/ [luo4 shan1 ji1 shi2 bao4] /Los Angeles Times/ [Luo4 lin2] /Lorraine (region in France)/ [Luo4 sang1] /Lausanne (city in Switzerland)/ [Luo4 jiang1] /Luojiang district of Quanzhou city [Quan2 zhou1 shi4], Fujia [Luo4 jiang1 qu1] /Luojiang district of Quanzhou city [Quan2 zhou1 shi4 [Luo4 pu3] /Lop Nahiyisi/Lop county in Khotan prefecture [He2 ti [Luo4 pu3 xian4] /Lop Nahiyisi/Lop county in Khotan prefecture g/ [Luo4 pi2 ta3] /Lawpita Falls on the Balu Chaung river, location of Myanmar's t hydroelectric plant/ [Luo4 pi2 ta3 pu4 bu4] /Lawpita Falls on the Balu Chaung river, locat ggest hydroelectric plant/ [Luo4 ji1 shan1] /Rocky Mountains/ [luo4 ji1 shan1 mai4] /the Rocky Mountains/ [Luo4 mei3] /Lom/Lome, capital of Togo/

[Luo4 Xi1 an1 qu1] /Lothian, Scottish region around Edinburgh/ [Luo4 yang2] /Luoyang prefecture level city in Henan, an old capital from pre-Han times/ [Luo4 yang2 di4 qu1] /Luoyang prefecture in Henan/ [Luo4 yang2 shi4] /Luoyang prefecture level city in Henan, an old capital fro an times/ [Luo4 yang2 zhi3 gui4] /lit. to push up paper prices in Luoyang (idiom); nal popularity of a new book/ [Luo4 long2] /Lhorong county, Tibetan: Lho rong rdzong, in Chamdo prefecture di4 qu1], Tibet/ [Luo4 long2 xian4] /Lhorong county, Tibetan: Lho rong rdzong, in Chamdo prefe du1 di4 qu1], Tibet/ [Luo4 long2] /Luolong district of Luoyang City in Henan province [Luo4 long2 qu1] /Luolong district of Luoyang City in Henan pro [dong4] /cave/hole/zero (unambiguous spoken form when spelling out numbers)/CL: [ e4]/ [Dong4 kou3] /Dongkou county in Shaoyang [Shao4 yang2], Hunan/ [dong4 kou3] /cave mouth/tunnel entrance/ [Dong4 kou3 xian4] /Dongkou county in Shaoyang [Shao4 yang2], Hunan/ [dong4 tian1] /paradise/heavenly or beautiful place/fairyland/ [dong4 kong3] /hole/ [dong4 cha2] /to see clearly/ [dong4 cha2 yi1 qie4] /to see everything clearly/ [dong4 cha2 li4] /insight/ [dong4 fu3] /cave dwelling/legendary abode of immortals/ [Dong4 ting2 hu2] /Dongting Lake in northeast Hunan province/ [dong4 xi1] /to clearly understand/ [dong4 fang2] /secret inner room/bridal room/ [dong4 fang2 hua1 zhu2] /bridal room and ornamented candles/wedding festi )/ [dong4 fang2 hua1 zhu2 ye4] /wedding night/ [dong4 xue2] /cave/cavern/ [dong4 chuan1] /to penetrate/to pierce/to see clearly/to have an insight into/ [dong4 ku1] /a cave/ [dong4 ruo4 guan1 huo3] /clear as a flame (idiom); to see things absolute [dong4 jian4] /insight/to see clearly/ [dong4 jian4] /to examine deeply/to inspect closely/ [dong4 kai1] /to be wide open/ [Dong4 tou2] /Dontou county in Wenzhou [Wen1 zhou1], Zhejiang/ [Dong4 tou2 xian4] /Dontou county in Wenzhou [Wen1 zhou1], Zhejiang/ [yi2] /snivel/ [yi1] /old name of a river in Henan, now written / [Mi3] /Mi river in Hunan, tributary of Xiangjiang / [Mi3 shui3] /Mi river in Hunan, tributary of Xiangjiang / [jin1] /saliva/sweat/a ferry crossing/a ford (river crossing)/abbr. for Tianjin / [Jin1 nan2] /Jinnan suburban district of Tianjin municipality [Tian1 jin1 s [Jin1 nan2 qu1] /Jinnan suburban district of Tianjin municipality [Tian [Jin1 ta3] /Jin Tower/abbr. for [Tian1 jin1 Huan ncial Center, skyscraper a.k.a. the Tianjin Tower/ [Jin1 dao3] /Tsushima, a city in Aichi prefecture, Japan/ [Jin1 ba1 bu4 wei2] /Zimbabwe/ [Jin1 shi4] /Jinshi county level city in Changde [Chang2 de2], Hunan/ [Jin1 shi4 shi4] /Jinshi county level city in Changde [Chang2 de2], Hunan [jin1 liang2] /lit. ferry bridge/fig. interim measure over some difficulty/a guid / [Jin1 gu1] /another name for Tianjin / [jin1 jin1] /enthusiastic/with gusto/ [jin1 jin1 you3 wei4] /with keen interest pleasure (idiom); with gusto/to ly/with great interest/ [jin1 jin1 le4 dao4] /to discuss sth enthusiastically/

[jin1 lang4] /tsunami/same as / [jin1 ye4] /bodily fluids (general term in Chinese medicine)/ [jin1 ze2] /fluids (esp. in plants)/sap/ [jin1 yao4] /a key crossing point/a communications hub/ [jin1 tie1] /allowance/ [wei3] /name of a river/ [Wei3 shui3] /river in Henan/ [Xiao2] /Xiao River in Hebei province/ [Xiao2 he2] /Xiao River in Hebei/ [xie4] /variant of [xie4]/ [xie4 jin4] /to lose heart/to feel discouraged/ [xie4 mi4] /to leak secrets/ [xie4 di3] /to divulge the inside story/ [xie4 nu4] /to give vent to anger/ [xie4 hen4] /to give vent to anger/ [xie4 fen4] /to give vent to anger/ [xie4 zhi2 qiang1] /cloaca/cloacal cavity (of bird, reptile etc)/ [xie4 qi4] /to leak (gas)/to be discouraged/to despair/(disparaging) pathetic/to ent one's anger/(of a tire) to be flat/ [xie4 hong2] /to release flood water/flood discharge/ [xie4 hong2 zha2] /sluice-gate/flood discharge valve/ [xie4 liu2] /drainage/ [xie4 lou4] /variant of [xie4 lou4]/ [xie4 lu4] /variant of [xie4 lu4]/ [xie4 xie4] /loose bowels/diarrhea/to have the runs/ [xie4 li4] /to have diarrhea/ [xie4 si1 fen4] /to vent personal spite/to act out of malice (esp. of crime)/ [xie4 lou4] /variant of [xie4 lou4]/ [xie4 lu4] /variant of [xie4 lu4]/ [Hong2] /surname Hong/ [hong2] /flood/big/great/ [hong2 liang4] /resonant/ringing/ [Hong2 Liang4 ji2] /Hong Liangji (1746-1809), poet and historian/ [Hong2 Fo2] /Hung Fut style kung fu/ [Hong2 Bo2 pei2] /Jon Huntsman, Jr. (1960-) Governor of Utah from 2005 to 200 mbassador to China since August 2009/ [Hong2 bao3] /Humboldt/ [Hong2 Jia1] /the Hong family (household)/Hung Gar Kung Fu - Martial Art/ [Hong2 shan1] /Hongshan district of Wuhan city [Wu3 han4 shi4], Hube [Hong2 shan1 qu1] /Hongshan district of Wuhan city [Wu3 han4 shi [Hong2 miao4 cun1] /Hongmiao village in Mudan [Mu3 dan5 qu1] dis ong/ [hong2 sen1] /Hun Sen (Cambodian leader)/ [Hong2 Wu3] /Hongwu Emperor, also written Hung-wu Ti, reign name of first Ming em eror Zhu Yuanzhang [Zhu1 Yuan2 zhang1] (1328-1398), reigned 1386-1398, Temple name ng2 Tai4 zu3]/ [hong2 shui3] /deluge/flood/ [hong2 shui3 qi1] /flood season/ [hong2 shui3 tao1 tao1] /widespread flooding (idiom)/ [hong2 xun4 qi1] /flood season/ [Hong2 jiang1] /Hongjiang county level city in Huaihua [Huai2 hua4], Hun district of Huaihua city [Huai2 hua4 shi4], Hunan/ [Hong2 jiang1 qu1] /Hongjiang district of Huaihua city [Huai2 hu [Hong2 jiang1 shi4] /Hongjiang county level city in Huaihua [Huai2 h [Hong2 tong2] /Hongtong county in Linfen [Lin2 fen2], Shanxi/ [Hong2 tong2 xian4] /Hongtong county in Linfen [Lin2 fen2], Shanxi/ [hong2 liu2] /a powerful current/a flood (often fig., e.g. a flood of ideas)/ [hong2 yuan1] /vast and profound/ [Hong2 hu2] /Honghu county level city in Jingzhou [Jing1 zhou1], Hubei/ [Hong2 hu2 shi4] /Honghu county level city in Jingzhou [Jing1 zhou1]

[hong2 lao4] /flood/inundation/flooding/ [Hong2 ze2] /Hongze county in Huai'an [Huai2 an1], Jiangsu/ [Hong2 ze2 hu2] /Hongze lake in Jiangsu province/ [Hong2 ze2 xian4] /Hongze county in Huai'an [Huai2 an1], Jiangsu/ [hong2 zai1] /flood/ [Hong2 Xi1] /Hongxi Emperor, reign name of fourth Ming emperor Zhu Gaochi i4] (1378-1425), reigned (1424-1425), Temple name [Ming2 Ren2 zong1]/ [hong2 fu2 qi2 tian1] /flood of good fortune fills the heavens (idiom); a [Hong2 Xiu4 quan2] /Hong Xiuquan or Hung Hsiu-ch'an (1812-1864), leader of t g rebellion or Taiping Heavenly Kingdom/ [Hong2 du1 la1 si1] /Honduras/ [Hong2 ya3] /Hongya county in Meishan [Mei2 shan1 shi4], Sichuan/ [Hong2 ya3 zu2] /Hoanya, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan/ [Hong2 ya3 xian4] /Hongya county in Meishan [Mei2 shan1 shi4], Sichuan/ [xu4] /to ditch/a moat/ [tao2] /to cleanse/name of a river/ [Tao2 bei3] /Taobei district of Baicheng city , Jilin/ [Tao2 bei3 qu1] /Taobei district of Baicheng city , Jilin/ [Tao2 nan2] /Taonan county level city in Baicheng , Jilin/ [Tao2 nan2 shi4] /Taonan county level city in Baicheng , Jilin/ [er3] /name of a river/ [Er3 hai3] /Erhai Lake/ [Er3 yuan2] /Eryuan county in Dali Bai autonomous prefecture [Da4 l hou1], Yunnan/ [Er3 yuan2 xian4] /Eryuan county in Dali Bai autonomous prefecture i4 zhou1], Yunnan/ [zhou1] /continent/island/ [zhou1 fu3] /state government/ [zhou1 ji4] /intercontinental/ [zhou1 ji4 dao3 dan4] /intercontinental ballistic missile ICBM/ [zhou1 ji4 dan4 dao4 dao3 dan4] /intercontinental ballistic missi [ru4] /damp, boggy, marshy/ [ping2] /wash/bleach (fabric)/ [xun2] /truly/whirlpool/ [xiong1] /torrential rush/tumultuous/ [xiong1 yong3] /to surge up violently (of ocean, river, lake etc)/turbulent/ [guang1] /sparkling water/ [huan2] /name of a river/ [ming2] /name of a river/ [huo2] /to live/alive/living/work/workmanship/ [huo2 xia4] /to survive/ [huo2 xia4 qu4] /to survive/to keep on living/ [huo2 bu4 xia4 qu5] /impossible to make a living/ [huo2 ren2] /living person/ [huo2 fo2] /Living Buddha/title of Mongolian Lamas from 17th century/ [huo2 bian4] /nimble/agile/convenient/ [huo2 xiang4] /a living likeness/a spitting image of sb/ [huo2 r5] /work/(lots of) things to do/ [huo2 fen1] /nimble/ [huo2 dao4 lao3 , xue2 dao4 lao3] /One is never too old to le [huo2 li4] /energy/vitality/vigor/vital force/ [huo2 li4 si4 she4] /dynamic/enthusiastic/energetic/ [huo2 dong4] /to exercise/to move about/to operate/activity/loose/shaky/active/mo able/maneuver/to use connections/CL: [xiang4], [ge4]/ [huo2 dong4 zhong1 xin1] /activity center/CL: [chu4]/ [huo2 dong4 ren2 shi4] /activist/ [huo2 dong4 jia1] /political activist/ [huo2 dong4 fang2] /prefabricated building/prefab/ [huo2 dong4 fang2 wu1] /prefabricated building/prefab/mobile home/caravan [huo2 dong4 ban1 shou3] /adjustable spanner/

[huo2 dong4 qu1 chi3] /sliding bevel (to measure angles)/ [huo2 dong4 zhuo1 mian4] /active desktop/ [huo2 dong4 neng2 li4] /mobility/motility/ [huo2 hua4] /activation/ [huo2 hua4 fen1 xi1] /activation analysis/ [huo2 hua4 shi2] /living fossil/ [huo2 ming4] /life/to survive/to save a life/to scrape a living/ [huo2 mai2] /to bury alive/ [huo2 bao4 ju4] /lit. living newspaper/comic skit/street performance (e.g. sa demo)/ [huo2 sai1] /piston/valve/ [huo2 tao4] /noose/running knot/ [huo2 zi4] /movable type/ [huo2 zi4 yin4 shua1] /printing with movable type/ [huo2 bao3] /buffoon/clown/ridiculous person/ [huo2 du4] /activity/ [huo2 xing4] /(chemistry) activity/active/activated/ [huo2 xing4 ji4] /reagent (chemistry)/ [huo2 xing4 tan4] /activated carbon/ [huo2 qi1] /current (esp. in finance)/ [huo2 qi1 cun2 kuan3] /savings account/ [huo2 qi1 zhang4 hu4] /current account (in bank)/ [huo2 qi1 dai4 kuan3] /demand loan (i.e. loan that the borrower can deman ny time)/ [huo2 qi1 zi1 jin1] /funds on call/invested sum that can be cashed/ [huo2 ban3] /trapdoor/ [huo2 fan5] /flexible/adaptable/ [huo2 huo2] /while still alive/ [huo2 po5] /lively/vivacious/brisk/active/ [huo2 huo3] /flaming fire/flames/ [huo2 huo3 shan1] /active volcano/ [huo2 ban3] /typography/movable type/ [huo2 ban3 yin4 shua1] /printing with movable type/typesetting/ [huo2 wu4] /living animals/ [huo2 ban4] /valve/ [huo2 sheng1 sheng1] /real (people)/living (artist)/while still alive (e.g. s alive)/ [huo2 shen2 xian1 si4] /to live like the immortals (advertising real esta [huo2 qin2] /poultry/live fowl/ [huo2 jie2] /a slip-knot/a noose/ [huo2 zui4] /suffering/hardship/living hell/ [huo2 tuo1] /remarkably alike/ [huo2 tuo1 tuo1] /remarkably alike/ [huo2 cha2] /farm work/ [huo2 pu2 sa4] /a living Buddha/fig. compassionate person/saint/ [huo2 zhe5] /alive/ [huo2 xue4] /to improve blood circulation (Chinese medicine)/ [huo2 xue4 zhi3 tong4] /to invigorate blood circulation and alleviate pai [huo2 ji4] /handicraft/needlework/work/ [huo2 gai1] /(coll.) serve sb right/deservedly/ought/should/ [huo2 beng4 luan4 tiao4] /to leap and frisk about (idiom); lively/healthy [huo2 yue4] /active/vigorous/ [huo2 yue4 fen4 zi3] /activist/ [huo2 men2] /valve/ [huo2 ling2 huo2 xian4] /living spirit, living image (idiom); true to lif ealistic/ [huo2 ti3] /living body/live specimen/ [huo2 ti3 jian3 shi4] /biopsy/ [huo2 yu2] /fresh fish/living fish/ [huo2 long2 huo2 xian4] /living spirit, living image (idiom); true to lif

ealistic/ [wa1] /winding ditch/ [qia4] /accord/to make contact/to agree/to consult with/extensive/ [qia4 xun2] /to inquire (of)/to consult/ [qia4 tan2] /to discuss/ [pai4] /clique/school/group/faction/to dispatch/to send/to assign/to appoint/pi (Greek letter )/the circular ratio i = 3.1415926/(loanword) ie/ [ ai4 ren4] /to set a art/to assign sb to a job/ [Pai4 ke4] /Parker Pen Com any/ [ ai4 ke4 da4 yi1] / arka jacket (loanword)/CL:[jian4]/ [ ai4 bing1] /to dis atch troo s/ [ ai4 chu1] /to send/to dis atch/ [ ai4 chu1 suo3] /local olice station/ [ ai4 bie2] /denomination/grou /school/faction/school of thought/ [Pai4 li4 ao4] /Fiat Palio/ [ ai4 shi4] /style/manner/ [ ai4 ding4] /to believe/to be convinced/ [ ai4 dui4] / arty/ [ ai4 wang3] /to dis atch sb somewhere/ [ ai4 xing4] /factionalism/tribalism/ [Pai4 la1 meng3 ying3] /Paramount ictures (US movie com any)/ [ ai4 sheng1] /to roduce (from sth else)/to derive (from raw material)/derivativ / [ ai4 sheng1 ci2] /derivative word/ [ ai4 xi4] /sect/faction/ [ ai4 gei3 gong1 zuo4] /to task/ [Pai4 cui4 xi1 ya4] /Patricia/ [ ai4 gou4] /fixed government urchase (es of farm roducts)/ [ ai4 qian3] /to send (on a mission)/to dis atch/ [ ai4 yi2] /to send (sb) on a mission/to dis atch/ [ ai4 tou2] /manner/style/ anache/ [ ai4 tou2 shi2 zu2] /exuberant manner/ [wu1] /dig (a ond)/stagnant water/ [liu2] /to flow/to disseminate/to circulate or s read/to move or drift/to degene rate/to banish or send into exile/stream of water or sth resembling one/class, r ate or grade/ [liu2 gan1] /to drain/to run dry/ [liu2 wang2] /to force into exile/to be exiled/in exile/ [liu2 wang2 zai4 hai3 wai4] /to be in exile overseas/ [liu2 wang2 zheng4 fu3] /government in exile (e.g. of Tibet)/ [liu2 bu4] /to s read/to circulate/to disseminate/ [liu2 chuan2] /to s read/to circulate/to hand down/ [liu2 ru4] /to flow into/to drift into/influx/inflow/ [liu2 rong3] /the unem loyed workforce/ [liu2 chu1] /to flow out/to disgorge/to effuse/ [liu2 xing2] /exile (as form of unishment)/ [liu2 bie2] /tributary/branch of river/ [liu2 li4] /fluent/ [liu2 dong4] /to flow/to circulate/to go from lace to lace/to be mobile/(of ass ts) liquid/ [liu2 dong4 ren2 kou3] /transient o ulation/floating o ulation/ [liu2 dong4 er2 tong2] /children of migrants/ [liu2 dong4 xing4] /flowing/shifting/fluidity/mobility/liquidity (of funds)/ [liu2 dong4 xing4 da4 sha1 mo4] /shifting sand dunes/ [liu2 dong4 fu4 zhai4] /current liability/ [liu2 dong4 zi1 chan3] /current asset/ [liu2 dong4 zi1 jin1] /money in circulation/fluid funds/ [liu2 yu4] /river basin/valley/drainage area/ [liu2 shi1] /drainage/to run off/to wash away/ [liu2 dang4 wang4 fan3] /to stray and forget to return/


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[liu2 kou4] /roving bandit/rebel band/ [liu2 ju1] /to live in exile/ [liu2 bu4] /to s read/to circulate/to disseminate/ [liu2 nian2] /fleeting time/horosco e for the year/ [liu2 nian2 bu4 li4] /the year's horosco e augurs ill (idiom); an unlucky [liu2 bi4] /mal ractice/long-running abuse/ [liu2 dan4] /stray bullet/ [liu2 xing2] /manifold (math.)/ [liu2 gan3] /flu/influenza/ [liu2 gan3 yi4 miao2] /flu shot/influenza vaccination/ [liu2 gan3 bing4 du2] /influenza virus/flu virus/ [liu2 bo1] /to circulate/to hand around/ [liu2 fang4] /banishment/exile/ [liu2 yu2] /to change (for the worse)/ [liu2 yu2 xing2 shi4] /to become a mere formality/ [liu2 ming2] /lumen (unit of light flux)/ [liu2 xing1] /meteor/shooting star/ [liu2 xing1 gan3 yue4] /lit. a meteor catching u with the moon/swift act [liu2 xing1 yu3] /meteor shower/ [liu2 xing1 ti3] /meteoroid/ [liu2 chang4] /flowing (of s eech, writing)/fluent/smooth and easy/ [liu2 du2] /to s read oison/ ernicious influence/ [liu2 min2] /refugee/ [liu2 mang2] /rogue/hoodlum/gangster/immoral behavior/ [liu2 mang2 guo2 jia1] /rogue state/ [liu2 mang2 wu2 chan3 zhe3] /lum en roletariat (in Marxist theory)/ [liu2 mang2 zui4] /the crime of hooliganism/ [liu2 mang2 ruan3 jian4] /malware (com uting)/ [liu2 mang2 ji2 tuan2] /gang of hoodlums/ [liu2 shui3] /running water/ [liu2 shui3 bu4 fu3] /flowing water does not rot/ [liu2 shui3 bu4 fu3 , hu4 shu1 bu4 du4] /Flowing wate m)/constant activity revents decay/ [liu2 shui3 zhang4] /variant of [liu2 shui3 zhang4]/ [liu2 shui3 zhang4] /day-to-day account/current account/ [liu2 han4] /to sweat/ [liu2 yi4] /to indulge/licentious/ [liu2 pai4] /school (of thought)/ [liu2 lang4] /to drift about/to wander/to roam/nomadic/homeless/unsettled (e.g. p pulation)/vagrant/ [liu2 lang4 er2] /street urchin/waif/ [liu2 lang4 han4] /tramp/wanderer/ [liu2 lang4 zhe3] /rover/vagabond/vagrant/wanderer/ [liu2 tang3] /to flow/ [liu2 lei4] /to shed tears/ [Liu2 qiu2] /variant of , Ryky, e.g. the Ryky Islands [L an to Taiwan/ [liu2 qiu2 qun2 dao3] /the Ryukyu or Luchu islands (incl. Okinawa)/ [liu2 li3 tai2] /kitchen counter/drainer/ [liu2 chan3] /to have a miscarriage/miscarriage/to fail/to fall through/ [liu2 mian3] /to ogle/to glance in a shifty manner/ [liu2 cheng2] /course/stream/sequence of processes/work flow in manufacturing/ [liu2 cheng2 tu2] /flow chart/ [liu2 cheng2 biao3] /flow chart/ [liu2 cuan4] /to flee in all directions/to scatter and run away/ [liu2 cuan4 fan4] /criminal that commits crimes here and there and escapes th r/ [liu2 wen2 yan2] /rhyolite (extrusive igneous rock, chemically equivalent to )/ [liu2 wang3] /drift net (fishing)/



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[liu2 xian4 xing2] /streamline/ [liu2 nao3] /epidemic encephalitis/ [liu2 nong2] /festering boil/ [liu2 fang1] /to leave a good reputation/ [liu2 luo4] /to wander destitute/ [liu2 luo4 ta1 xiang1] /to wander far from home/ [liu2 dang4] /to float/to tramp/to rove/ [liu2 su1] /tassels/ [liu2 ying2] /firefly/ [liu2 xue4] /to bleed/to shed blood/ [liu2 xing2] /to spread/to rage (of contagious disease)/popular/fashionable/preva ent/(math.) manifold/ [liu2 xing2 ji2 xing4 jie2 mo2 yan2] /epidemic acute conjunct [liu2 xing2 xing4] /epidemic/ [liu2 xing2 xing4 gan3 mao4] /influenza/ [liu2 xing2 zhu1] /epidemic strain/ [liu2 xing2 bing4] /epidemic disease/ [liu2 xing2 bing4 xue2] /epidemiology/ [liu2 xing2 yin1 yue4] /popular music/ [liu2 li5 liu2 qi4] /hooliganism/rowdyism/ [liu2 lan3] /to skim/to browse/ [liu2 yan2] /rumor/gossip/to spread rumors/ [liu2 yan2 fei1 yu3] /rumors and slanders (idiom); gossip/lies and slande [liu2 bian4] /to flow and change/development and change (of society)/ [liu2 bian4 xue2] /rheology/ [liu2 bian4 neng2 li4] /rheology/ [liu2 bei4] /a contemporary/similar class of people/ [liu2 zhuan3] /to be on the move/to roam or wander/to circulate (of goods or capi al)/ [liu2 tong1] /to circulate/to distribute/circulation/distribution/ [liu2 shi4] /(of time) to pass/to elapse/ [liu2 su4] /flow speed/rate of flow/ [liu2 lian2] /to loiter (i.e. reluctant to leave)/to linger on/ [liu2 lian2 wang4 fan3] /to linger/to remain enjoying oneself and forget [liu2 liang4] /flow rate/rate/throughput/site traffic (Internet)/ [liu2 liang4 ji4] /flowmeter/ [liu2 li2] /homeless and miserable/forced to leave home and wander from place to lace/to live as a refugee/ [liu2 li2 shi1 suo3] /destitute and homeless (idiom); forced from one's h ring about/displaced/ [liu2 li2 yu4 he2] /to reunite after being homeless refugees/ [liu2 li2 dian1 pei4] /destitute and homeless (idiom); displaced and with [liu2 lu4] /to express/to reveal (one's thoughts or feelings)/ [liu2 lu4 chu1] /to display (talent)/to exude (pleasure)/ [liu2 yun4] /musical sound/flowing rythm (of poetry)/cadence/ [liu2 ti3] /fluid/ [liu2 ti3 li4 xue2] /fluid mechanics/hydrodynamics/ [liu2 ti3 dong4 li4 xue2] /fluid dynamics/ [liu2 ti3 he2 shi4 yan4] /hydronuclear explosion (HNE)/ [liu2 bi2 ti4] /to run at the nose/ [jing4] /Japanese variant of / [Shi1] /Shi, name of river in Xinyang , Henan/ [Shi1 he2] /Shi River in Xinyang , Henan/ [Shi1 he2 qu1] /Shihe district of Xinyang city , Henan/ [Zhe4] /abbr. for Zhejiang province in east China/ [Zhe4 jiang1] /Zhejiang province (Chekiang) in east China, abbr. , capital Hang / [Zhe4 jiang1 San1 men2 xian4] /Sanmen County in Zhejiang/ [Zhe4 jiang1 Da4 xue2] /Zhejiang University/ [Zhe4 jiang1 Tian1 tai2 xian4] /Tiantai County in Zhejiang/

[Zhe4 jiang1 sheng3] /Zhejiang province (Chekiang) in east China, abbr. , c gzhou / [Zhe4 cai4] /Zhejiang cuisine/ [zhe4 gan4] /Zhejiang-Jiangxi/ [jun4] /to deepen (e.g. a ditch)/to extract/to manage/ladle (old)/ [jun4 ni2 chuan2] /dredger/ [jun4 xie4] /to dredge/ [Jun4 xian4] /Jun county in Hebi [He4 bi4], Henan/ [bang1] /stream/creek/ [bin1] /Japanese variant of /used in Japanese place names such as Yokohama n1] with phonetic value hama/ [xi1] /name of a river in Hubei/ [Xi1 shui3] /Xishui county in Huanggang [Huang2 gang1], Hubei/ [Xi1 shui3 xian4] /Xishui county in Huanggang [Huang2 gang1], Hubei/ [bo2] /full/gushing (of fountain)/ [huan4] /to wash/to rinse/any of three 10-day division of the month (during Tang dynasty)/Taiwan pr. [huan3]/also pr. [wan3]/ [huan4 nu:3] /washerwoman/ [huan4 xi3] /to wash (clothes)/ [huan4 di2] /to wash/to rinse/ [huan4 zhuo2] /to wash/to rinse/ [huan4 xiong2] /raccoon (Procyon lotor)/ [huan4 sha1] /to wash silk/ [Huan4 sha1 ji4] /Huansahji or Washing the Silken Gauze, Yuan and Ming saga r by from History of the Southern States Wu and Yue, , a popu [huan4 yi1] /to wash clothes/ [huan4 xue3] /to cleanse oneself of false accusations/ [hong2] /sound of water surging/ [yi4] /damp/moist/ [Pu3] /surname Pu/ [pu3] /river bank/shore/river drainage ditch (old)/ [Pu3 bei3] /Pubei county in Qinzhou [Qin1 zhou1], Guangxi/ [Pu3 bei3 xian4] /Pubei county in Qinzhou [Qin1 zhou1], Guangxi/ [Pu3 kou3] /Pukou district of Nanjing City in Jiangsu / [Pu3 kou3 qu1] /Pukou district of Nanjing City in Jiangsu / [Pu3 cheng2] /Pucheng county in Nanping [Nan2 ping2] Fujian/ [Pu3 cheng2 xian4] /Pucheng county in Nanping [Nan2 ping2] Fujian/ [Pu3 dong1] /Pudong, subprovincial district of Shanghai/ [Pu3 dong1 xin1 qu1] /Pudong New District, subprovincial district of Shan [Pu3 dong1 Ji1 chang3] /Pudong Airport (Shanghai)/ [Pu3 jiang1] /Pujiang county in Jinhua [Jin1 hua2], Zhejiang/ [Pu3 jiang1 xian4] /Pujiang county in Jinhua [Jin1 hua2], Zhejiang/ [Pu3 na4] /Pune, second city of Mahrshtra in west [Pu3 xiang4] /Pohang (city in South Korea)/ [hao4] /grand/vast (water)/ [hao4 jie2] /calamity/catastrophe/apocalypse/ [hao4 bo2] /vast and plentiful/ample/very many/ [hao4 da4] /vast/great/large amount/ [hao4 ru2 yan1 hai3] /vast as the open sea (idiom); fig. extensive (libra [hao4 shi4] /House (music genre)/ [hao4 qi4] /vast spirit/nobility of spirit/ [hao4 hao4] /vast/expansive (universe)/torrential (floods)/ [hao4 hao4 dang4 dang4] /grandiose/majestic/ [hao4 miao3] /vast/extending into the distance/ [hao4 miao3] /vast/extending into the distance/ [hao4 han4] /vast (of ocean)/boundless/ [Hao4 Ran2] /Ho Rn (1932-2008), journalist and proletarian novelist/ [hao4 ran2] /vast/expansive/overwhelming/ [hao4 te4] /nomadic camp/town or village (Mongolian: khot)/ [hao4 fan2] /vast/voluminous/many and varied/numerous/extensive amount of/exhaust

ve/heavy (expenditure)/arduous/strenuous/exhausting/draining/burdensome/ [hao4 mang2] /boundless/unlimited/ [hao4 dang4] /vast and mighty (of river or ocean)/broad and powerful/ [hao4 kuo4] /vast/ [lang4] /wave/breaker/unrestrained/dissipated/ [lang4 ren2] /vagrant/unemployed person/rnin (wandering masterless samurai)/ [Lang4 ka3 zi3] /Nagarz county, Tibetan: Sna dkar rtse rdzong, in Lhokha pre an2 di4 qu1], Tibet/ [Lang4 ka3 zi3 xian4] /Nagarz county, Tibetan: Sna dkar rtse rdzong, in re [Shan1 nan2 di4 qu1], Tibet/ [lang4 zi3] /loafer/wastrel/prodigal son/ [lang4 zi3 hui2 tou2] /the return of a prodigal son (idiom)/ [lang4 zi3 hui2 tou2 jin1 bu4 huan4] /a prodigal son returned [lang4 yong3] /(electrical) surge/ [lang4 man4] /romantic/ [lang4 man4 zhu3 yi4] /romanticism/ [lang4 chao2] /wave/tides/ [lang4 tao1] /ocean wave/billows/ [lang4 chuan2] /swingboat/ [lang4 hua1] /spray/ocean spray/spindrift/fig. happenings from one's life/CL: [d / [lang4 dang4] /to loiter/to hang around/ [lang4 shi2] /wave erosion/ [lang4 fei4] /to waste/to squander/ [lang4 fei4 zhe3] /waster/wastrel/squanderer/ [lang4 fei4 jin1 qian2] /to squander money/to spend extravagantly/ [lang4 ji4] /to roam about/to wander without a home/ [lang4 ji4 jiang1 hu2] /to roam far and wide/to drift with the wind/ [lang4 tou5] /wave/ [li3] /nautical mile/ [geng1] /name of a river in Hebei/ [fu2] /to float/superficial/floating/unstable/movable/provisional/temporary/tran sient/impetuous/hollow/inflated/to exceed/superfluous/excessive/surplus/ [fu2 shang4] /to float up/to rise to the surface/fig. to rise in the world/ [fu2 shi4 hui4] /ukiyo-e/ [fu2 bing1] /ice floe/ [fu2 bing1 qun2] /ice pack/ [fu2 chu1] /to emerge/ [fu2 chu1 shui3 mian4] /to float up (idiom); to become evident/to surface [fu2 li4] /mere worldly, superficial gain, such as wealth and fame/ [fu2 li4] /buoyancy/ [fu2 li4 ding4 lu:4] /Archimedes' law of flotation/ [fu2 li4 tiao2 zheng3 bei4 xin1] /BCD/Buoyancy Compensation Devic [fu2 li4 tiao2 zheng3 zhuang1 zhi4] /BCD/Buoyancy Compensation De [fu2 dong4] /to float and drift/unstable/ [fu2 dong4 di4 yu4] /floating hell/slave ships/ [fu2 tu2] /Buddha/Buddhist stupa (transliteration of Pali thupo)/also written [Fu2 shi4 de2 bo2 shi4] /Dr Faustus/ [fu2 jia1 fan4 zhai2] /lit. to live on a boat/to drift from place to plac [fu2 tu2] /Buddha/Buddhist stupa (transliteration of Pali thupo)/ [Fu2 shan1] /Fushan county in Linfen [Lin2 fen2], Shanxi/ [Fu2 shan1 xian4] /Fushan county in Linfen [Lin2 fen2], Shanxi/ [fu2 xiang3] /passing thought/an idea that comes into one's head/recollection/ [Fu2 liang2] /Fuliang county in Jingdezhen , Jiangxi/ [Fu2 liang2 xian4] /Fuliang county in Jingdezhen , Jiangxi/ [fu2 biao1] /buoy/ [fu2 qiao2] /pontoon bridge/ [fu2 qi4] /fickleness/caprice/ [fu2 chen2] /ups and downs (of life etc)/to drift along/to sink and emerge/ [fu2 you2 sheng1 wu4] /plankton/

[fu2 hua2] /(of language or behavior) flippant and insincere/ [fu2 piao1] /see [piao1 fu2]/ [fu2 qian2] /to snorkel/snorkeling/ [fu2 qian2 qi4 ju4] /diving equipment/ [fu2 lan4] /excessive/exorbitant/excessively/ [fu2 zao4] /variant of [fu2 zao4]/ [fu2 xian4] /to appear before one's eyes/to come into view/to float into appearan e/to come back (of images from the past)/to emerge/it emerges/it occurs (to me t hat..)/ [fu2 sheng1 liu4 ji4] /Six records of a floating life, autobiographical n ription of Qing dynasty life by [Shen3 Fu4], published 1808/ [fu2 zhong3] /edema (accumulation of interstitial fluids in internal organs)/drop y/ [fu2 zhong3 bing4] /edema (accumulation of interstitial fluids in internal or ropsy/ [fu2 hua2] /ostentatious/pretentious/showy/ [fu2 zhe5] /afloat/ [fu2 bao2] /frivolous/philandering/ [fu2 ci2] /pleonasm/circumlocution/ [fu2 kua1] /to exaggerate/to be boastful/pompous/grandiose/ [fu2 zhi4] /aerosol/ [fu2 qi3] /to float/to emerge/ [fu2 zao4] /fickle and impatient/restless/giddy/scatterbrained/ [fu2 xuan3] /flotation process/ [fu2 diao1] /relief sculpture/ [fu2 diao1 qiang2 zhi3] /anaglypta (sculptured wallpaper)/ [fu2 yun2] /floating clouds/fleeting/transient/ [fu2 yun2 zhao1 lu4] /floating clouds, morning dew (idiom); fig. ephemera uman existence/ [fu2 mian4] /surface (of a liquid)/superficial/ [fu2 dian3] /floating point/ [fu2 dian3 shu4] /floating point/ [fu2 dian3 yun4 suan4] /floating point operation/ [li4] /to attend (official functions)/ [yu4] /bath/to bathe/ [yu4 chang3] /bathing spot/ [yu4 shi4] /bathroom (room used for bathing)/CL: [jian1]/ [yu4 jin1] /bath towel/CL: [tiao2]/ [yu4 mao4] /shower cap/CL: [ding3]/ [yu4 gui4] /bathroom cabinet/ [yu4 chi2] /public bath/ [yu4 pen2] /bathtub/ [yu4 lian2] /shower curtain/ [yu4 gang1] /bathtub/ [yu4 xue4] /blood-soaked/ [yu4 xue4 ku3 zhan4] /a blood soaked and hard-fought struggle (idiom)/ [yu4 yi1] /bathrobe/ [yu4 yan2] /bath salts/ [hai3] /ocean/sea/CL: [ge4],[pian4]/ [hai3 shang4] /maritime/ [hai3 shang4 qi2 shu1] /literary journal published in 1892-93 by Han Bang rialized novels in classical Chinese and Jiangsu vernacular/ [hai3 shang4 hua1 lie4 zhuan4] /The Sing-Song Girls of Shanghai by Ha of lower life in classical Chinese and Jiangsu vernacular/translated into Putong hua as by Iris Chang/ [hai3 shang4 yun4 dong4] /water sports (sailing, windsurfing etc)/ [hai3 shi4 ju2] /PRC Maritime Safety Agency/ [hai3 shi4 fa3 yuan4] /maritime court/ [hai3 shi4 chu4] /Marine Department/ [Hai3 yu2 ge2 song1] /Haugesund (city in Rogaland, Norway)/

[Hai3 bo2 li4] /Highbury (name)/ [Hai3 xin4] /Hisense (brand)/ [Hai3 lun2] /Hailun county level city in Suihua , Heilongjiang/Helen or [Hai3 lun2 Kai3 le1] /Helen Keller (1880-1968), famous American dea tivist (whose story is told in biopic The Miracle Worker)/ [Hai3 lun2 shi4] /Hailun county level city in Suihua , Heilongjiang/ [hai3 tu4] /sea hare (Aplysia)/ [hai3 nei4] /the whole world/throughout the land/everything under the sun/ [hai3 nei4 wai4] /domestic and international/at home and abroad/ [hai3 nei4 cun2 zhi1 ji3 , tian1 ya2 ruo4 bi3 s as next door (idiom); close in spirit although far away/absence makes the hear t grow fonder/ [hai3 ci4 qin2] /sea holly (Eryngium maritimum)/ [Hai3 bo2 wan1] /Haibowan district of Wuhait city [Wu1 hai3 shi4 [Hai3 bo2 wan1 qu1] /Haibowan district of Wuhait city [Wu1 h [Hai3 bei3] /Haibei Tibetan autonomous prefecture in Qinghai/ [Hai3 bei3 zhou1] /Haibei Tibetan autonomous prefecture in Qinghai/ [Hai3 bei3 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1] /Haibei Tibetan autonomo yang Bod-rigs rang-skyong-khul) in Qinghai/ [hai3 xie2 hui4] /(abbr.) ARATS, PRC Association for Relations Across the Tai aits/ [Hai3 nan2] /Hainan Province, in the South China Sea, short name [Qiong2], c Haikou /Hainan Island/Hainan District of Wuhai City [Wu1 hai3 Shi4], Inner nan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture [Hai3 nan2 Zang4 zu2 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qingh [Hai3 nan2 qu1] /Hainan district of Wuhait city [Wu1 hai3 shi4], [Hai3 nan2 da4 xue2] /Hainan University/ [Hai3 nan2 dao3] /Hainan Island in South China Sea/ [Hai3 nan2 zhou1] /see [Hai3 nan2 Zang4 zu2 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1]/ [Hai3 nan2 Sheng3] /Hainan Province, in South China Sea, abbr. [Qiong2], ou / [Hai3 nan2 Zang4 zu2 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1] /Hainan Tibetan autonomo o Bod-rigs rang-skyong-khul), Qinghai/ [Hai3 yin4 si4] /Haeinsa in South Gyeongsang province of South Korea, the rep of Tripitaka Koreana [Gao1 li2 da4 zang4 jing1], a World Heritage sit [Hai3 yuan2] /Haiyuan county in Zhongwei [Zhong1 wei4], Ningxia/ [Hai3 yuan2 xian4] /Haiyuan county in Zhongwei [Zhong1 wei4], Ningxi [hai3 shen1] /sea cucumber/ [Hai3 shen1 wai3] /Vladivostok/Ming and Qing name for Vladivostok [Hai3 kou3] /Haikou prefecture-level city and capital of Hainan Province [H heng3]/ [hai3 kou3] /estuary/coastal inlet/river mouth/seaport/see also [kua [Hai3 kou3 Shi4] /Haikou prefecture-level city and capital of Hainan Province 2 Sheng3]/ [hai3 yuan2] /sailor/mariner/ [hai3 xiao4] /tsunami/ [Hai3 di4] /Haiti, the western third of Caribbean island Hispaniola/ [Hai3 di4 dao3] /Hispaniola (Caribbean Island divided between Dominican Repub Haiti)/ [Hai3 cheng2] /Haicheng county level city in Anshan [An1 shan1], Liaoning/ [Hai3 cheng2 qu1] /Haicheng district of Beihai city [Bei3 hai3 shi4], G [Hai3 cheng2 shi4] /Haicheng county level city in Anshan [An1 shan1], Lia [hai3 yu4] /sea area/territorial waters/maritime space/ [hai3 ji1 hui4] /(abbr.) SEF, Taiwanese Strait Exchange Foundation/ [hai3 bao4] /poster/playbill/notice/ [hai3 tu2] /tidal marsh/shoal/shallows/ [hai3 tu2 wei2 ken3] /polder/ [hai3 wai4] /overseas/abroad/ [hai3 wai4 ban3] /foreign edition (of a newspaper)/ [hai3 wai4 Hua2 ren2] /overseas Chinese/ [Hai3 an1] /Hai'an county in Nantong [Nan2 tong1], Jiangsu/

[Hai3 an1 xian4] /Hai'an county in Nantong [Nan2 tong1], Jiangsu/ [Hai3 ning2] /Haining county level city in Jiaxing [Jia1 xing1], Zhejian [Hai3 ning2 shi4] /Haining county level city in Jiaxing [Jia1 xing1] [Hai3 bao3] /Haibao, Expo 2010 mascot/ [Hai3 ni2 gen1] /Heineken (Dutch brewing company)/see also [Xi3 li4]/ [hai3 jia3] /headland/ [hai3 an4] /coastal/seacoast/ [hai3 an4 xian4] /coastline/seaboard/shoreline/ [hai3 an4 jing3 wei4 dui4] /coastguard/ [hai3 an4 hu4 wei4 dui4] /coast guard/ [hai3 dao3] /island/ [Hai3 dao3 shi4] /Municipality of the Islands (Macau)/Concelho das Ilhas/ [hai3 xia2] /channel/strait/ [hai3 xia2 jiao1 liu2 ji1 jin1 hui4] /Taiwan Strait Exchange [hai3 xia2 liang3 an4 guan1 xi5 xie2 hui4] /PRC Associati raits (ARATS)/ [Hai3 xia2 Shi2 bao4] /The Straits Times/ [Hai3 xia2 qun2 dao3] /Channel Islands/ [hai3 ling3] /mid-ocean ridge/ [Hai3 zhou1] /Haizhou district of Lianyungang city [Lian2 yun2 g ou district of Fuxin city [Fu4 xin1 shi4], Liaoning/ [Hai3 zhou1 qu1] /Haizhou district of Lianyungang city [Lian zhou district of Fuxin city [Fu4 xin1 shi4], Liaoning/ [hai3 xun2] /coast guard/ [hai3 shi4] /mirage (lit. or fig.)/ [hai3 shi4 shen4 lou2] /mirage (lit. or fig.)/ [hai3 dai4] /kelp/ [hai3 ping2 mian4] /sea level/ [hai3 chuang2] /seabed/seafloor/bottom of the ocean/ [hai3 di3] /seabed/seafloor/bottom of the ocean/ [hai3 di3 lao1 yue4] /to fetch the moon from the seabed (idiom); a hopele [hai3 di3 lao1 zhen1] /see [da4 hai3 lao1 zhen1]/ [hai3 di3 kuo4 zhang1] /seafloor spreading (geology)/ [hai3 di3 kuo4 zhang1 shuo1] /theory of seafloor spreading (geology)/ [hai3 di3 lun2] /mldhra or muladhara, the root or Saturn chakra , re [Hai3 kang1] /Haikang former county in Zhanjiang [Zhan4 jiang1], Guangdong/Ha company name)/ [Hai3 de2] /Hyde (surname)/ [Hai3 de2 bao3] /Heidelberg (Germany)/ [hai3 de2 Gong1 yuan2] /Hyde Park/ [Hai3 de2 bao3] /Heidelberg/ [hai3 de2 ge2 er3] /Heidegger (philosopher)/ [Hai3 de2 er3 bao3] /Heidelberg/also written / [hai3 zhan4] /naval battle/ [Hai3 la1 er3] /Hailar district, Mongolian Xailar raion, of Hulunbuir city shi4], Inner Mongolia/ [Hai3 la1 er3 qu1] /Hailar district, Mongolian Xailar raion, of Hulunbuir r3 shi4], Inner Mongolia/ [hai3 ba2] /height above sea level/elevation/ [hai3 sun3] /damage to goods during shipping/ [hai3 si1] /Hayes (Microcomputer)/ [hai3 ri4] /sun over sea/ [Hai3 ming2 wei1] /Ernest Hemingway (American novelist)/ [hai3 xing1] /starfish/sea star/ [Hai3 yan4] /Haiyan county in Haibei Tibetan autonomous prefecture i4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ [Hai3 yan4 xian4] /Haiyan county in Haibei Tibetan autonomous prefecture u2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ [hai3 jing3] /seascape/sea view/ [Hai3 shu3] /Haishu district of Ningbo city [Ning2 bo1 shi4], Zhejia

[Hai3 shu3 qu1] /Haishu district of Ningbo city [Ning2 bo1 shi4] [Hai3 dong1] /Haidong prefecture, Qinghai/ [Hai3 dong1 di4 qu1] /Haidong prefecture, Qinghai/ [Hai3 lin2] /Hailin county level city in Mudanjiang , Heilongjiang/ [Hai3 lin2 shi4] /Hailin county level city in Mudanjiang , Heilongjiang [hai3 ku1 shi2 lan4] /lit. when the seas run dry and the stones go soft/f the end of time/ [hai3 zao3] /date (fruit)/ [hai3 tang2 hua1] /Chinese flowering crab-apple (Malus spectabilis)/ [Hai3 sen1 bo2] /Werner Heisenberg (1901-1976), German physicist/ [Hai3 sen1 bao3] /Werner Heisenberg (1901-1976), German physicist/also writte [hai3 liu2] /pomegranate/ [hai3 gui1] /returnee/student returning after study abroad/ [hai3 shui3] /seawater/ [hai3 shui3 dao4 guan4] /saltwater intrusion/ [hai3 shui3 yang3 zhi2] /aquaculture/ [Hai3 he2] /Hai He (a system of five waterways around Tianjin, flowing into Bohai t Dagukou )/ [Hai3 fa3] /Haifa (city in Israel)/ [hai3 bo1] /hypo (loanword)/sodium thiosulfate Na2S2O3 used in fixing photos (for erly hyposulfite)/ [hai3 yang2] /ocean/CL: [ge4]/ [hai3 yang2 xue2] /oceanography/ [hai3 yang2 xing4] /maritime/ [hai3 yang2 xing4 qi4 hou4] /maritime climate/ [hai3 yang2 xing4 pin2 xue4] /thalassemia/ [hai3 yang2 wen1 cha1 fa1 dian4] /ocean thermal energy conversion [hai3 yang2 wen1 du4] /ocean temperature/ [hai3 luo4 yin1] /heroin/ [hai3 luo4 ying1] /heroin (narcotic) (loanword)/ [hai3 lang4] /sea wave/ [Hai3 nie4] /Heinrich Heine (1797-1856), German lyric poet/ [Hai3 dian4 tu2 shu1 cheng2] /Haidian book city/ [hai3 gang3] /seaport/harbor/ [Hai3 gang3 qu1] /harbor district/Haigang district of Qinhuangdao city i4], Hebei/ [hai3 gou1] /marine trench/ [Hai3 cang1] /Haicang district of Xiamen city [Xia4 men2 shi4] (Amoy [Hai3 cang1 qu1] /Haicang district of Xiamen city [Xia4 men2 shi [hai3 chao2] /tide/ [Hai3 dian4] /Haidian inner district of northeast Beijing, includes Beijing Unive sity, Tsinghua University [Qing1 hua2 da4 xue2] and Zhongguancun [Hai3 dian4 qu1] /Haidian inner district of northeast Beijing, includes Beiji ersity, Tsinghua University [Qing1 hua2 da4 xue2] and Zhongguancun [hai3 bin1] /shore/seaside/ [hai3 tan1] /beach/CL:[pian4]/ [Hai3 wan1] /(Persian) Gulf/ [hai3 wan1] /bay/gulf (body of water)/ [hai3 wan1 guo2 jia1] /Nations of the Persian Gulf/Gulf states/ [Hai3 wan1 Zhan4 zheng1] /(Persian) Gulf War/ [Hai3 er3] /Haier (PRC household appliance brand)/Hale (name)/ [hai3 er3 de2 lan2] /Gelderland/ [Hai3 ya2] /The Hague (city in the Netherlands)/Den Haag/ [hai3 niu2] /manatee/ [hai3 gou3] /fur seal/ [hai3 li2] /beaver/ [hai3 shi1] /sea lion/ [hai3 ta3] /sea otter/ [Hai3 wang2 xing1] /Neptune (planet)/ [Hai3 zhu1] /Haizhu district of Guangzhou city [Guang3 zhou1 shi4],

[Hai3 zhu1 qu1] /Haizhu district of Guangzhou city [Guang3 zhou1 [Hai3 Rui4] /Hai Rui (1514-1587), Ming politician, famous for honesty and integri y/ [Hai3 rui4] /Hairui township in Taitung county [Tai2 dong1 xian4], s [Hai3 Rui4 ba4 guan1] /Hai Rui dismissed from office, 1960 historical pla n Wu Han / [Hai3 rui4 xiang1] /Hairui township in Taitung county [Tai2 dong n/ [hai3 chan3] /marine/produced in sea/ [hai3 jiang1] /coastal border region/ [Hai3 deng1] /Hayden or Haydn (name)/ [hai3 bai3 he2] /sea lily/crinoid/ [hai3 dao4] /pirate/ [hai3 dao4 xing2 wei2] /piracy/ [hai3 xiang1] /marine facies (geology)/ [hai3 xiang1 chen2 ji1 wu4] /oceanic sediment (geology)/ [hai3 sha1] /sea sand (sand collected from the ocean floor, as opposed to that wh ch is used as an ingredient in concrete)/ [hai3 sha1 wu1] /house built with cheap, unreliable concrete which contains a uantity of sea sand/see also [hai3 sha1]/ [hai3 shen2] /Emperor of the Sea/Neptune/ [hai3 jin4] /prohibition on entering or leaving by sea/ [hai3 kong1 jun1] /navy and air force/ [hai3 kong1 jun1 ji1 di4] /naval and air military base/ [Hai3 duan1] /Haiduan or Haituan township in Taitung county [Tai2 do st Taiwan/ [Hai3 duan1 xiang1] /Haiduan or Haituan township in Taitung county utheast Taiwan/ [hai3 mi3] /dried shrimps/ [hai3 na4 bai3 chuan1] /all rivers run into the sea/use different means t same result (idiom)/ [hai3 mian2] /sponge/ [Hai3 mian2 bao3 bao3] /SpongeBob SquarePants (US TV animated series, 199 [hai3 mian2 zhuang4] /spongy/ [hai3 dan3] /sea urchin/ [Hai3 xing1] /Haixing county in Cangzhou [Cang1 zhou1], Hebei/ [Hai3 xing1 xian4] /Haixing county in Cangzhou [Cang1 zhou1], Hebei/ [Hai3 hang2] /Hainan Airlines/ [hai3 chuan2] /sea-going ship/ [hai3 tai2] /nori/ [hai3 cao3] /seagrass/ [hai3 kui2] /sea anemone/ [hai3 zao3] /seaweed/marine alga/kelp/ [hai3 kuo4 yu2] /sea slug/ [hai3 ge2 yu2] /sea slug/ [hai3 shi2] /coastal erosion/marine abrasion/ [hai3 piao1 xiao1] /cuttlebone/ [hai3 li3] /marine/ [Hai3 xi1] /Haixi Mongol and Tibetan autonomous prefecture (Tibetan: Mtsho-nub So -rigs dang Bod-rigs rang-skyong-khul) in Qinghai/ [Hai3 xi1 zhou1] /Haixi Mongol and Tibetan autonomous prefecture (Tibetan: Mt Sog-rigs dang Bod-rigs rang-skyong-khul) in Qinghai/ [Hai3 xi1 Meng3 gu3 zu2 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1] (Tibetan: Mtsho-nub Sog-rigs dang Bod-rigs rang-skyong-khul) in Qinghai/ [hai3 jiao3] /cape/ [hai3 jiao3 tian1 ya2] /The Ends of the Earth (idiom)/ [hai3 shi4 shan1 meng2] /to pledge undying love (idiom); oath of eternal by all the Gods/ [Hai3 feng1] /Haifeng county in Shanwei , Guangdong/ [Hai3 feng1 xian4] /Haifeng county in Shanwei , Guangdong/

[hai3 tun2] /dolphin/ [hai3 tun2 zuo4] /Delphinus (constellation)/ [hai3 xiang4] /walrus/ [hai3 bao4] /seal/ [hai3 bao4 ke1] /Phocidae, family within Carnivora including seal/ [hai3 bao4 bu4 dui4] /United States Navy SEALs/ [hai3 zei2] /a pirate/ [Hai3 zei2 wang2] /One Piece (manga and anime)/ [hai3 jun1] /navy/ [hai3 jun1 shang4 xiao4] /captain (= UK and US Navy equivalent)/ [hai3 jun1 zhong1 xiao4] /commander (= UK and US Navy equivalent)/ [hai3 jun1 da4 xiao4] /commodore (= US Navy equivalent)/ [hai3 jun1 guan1] /naval officer/ [hai3 jun1 shao3 xiao4] /lieutenant commander (= UK and US Navy equivalen [hai3 jun1 zong3 si1 ling4] /admiral/ [hai3 jun1 lan2] /navy blue/ [hai3 jun1 lu4 zhan4 dui4] /marine corps/marines/ [Hai3 di2] /Heidi/ [hai3 yun4] /shipping by sea/ [hai3 yun4 fei4] /shipping/sea transport/ [hai3 yun4 fei4 lu:4] /shipping rate/ [hai3 xuan3] /direct, winner-takes-all system of election in use for village comm ttees/pre-selection for a competition/ [hai3 bian1] /seaside/ [Hai3 bu4 Jun4 shu4] /KAIFU Toshiki (1931-), Japanese politician, prime m 1991/ [hai3 li3] /nautical mile/ [hai3 liang4] /huge volume/ [hai3 cuo4] /seafood delicacy/ [Hai3 men2] /Haimen county level city in Nantong [Nan2 tong1], Jiangsu/ [Hai3 men2 shi4] /Haimen county level city in Nantong [Nan2 tong1], Jiang [hai3 kuo4 tian1 kong1] /wide sea and sky (idiom); boundless open vistas/ e world/chatting about everything under the sun/ [hai3 guan1] /customs (i.e. border crossing inspection)/CL: [ge4]/ [hai3 guan1 guan1 yuan2] /customs officer/ [hai3 guan1 zong3 shu3] /General Administration of Customs (GAC)/ [hai3 guan1 bu4 men2] /customs section/ [hai3 fang2] /coastal defense/ [Hai3 ling2] /Hailing district of Taizhou city [Tai4 zhou1 shi4], Jiangsu/ [Hai3 ling2 qu1] /Hailing district of Taizhou city [Tai4 zhou1 shi4], J [hai3 lu4] /sea and land/ocean and continent/army and navy/ [hai3 lu4 bao1] /sea and land hotpot (Jiangsu specialty)/ [hai3 lu4 kong4] /sea land air (transport, or military operations)/ [hai3 lu4 jun1] /navy and army/military force/ [Hai3 yang2] /Haiyang county level city in Yantai , Shandong/ [Hai3 yang2 shi4] /Haiyang county level city in Yantai , Shandong/ [hai3 yu2] /coastal area/ [hai3 nan4] /perils of the sea/ [Hai3 qing1 tian1] /popular nickname of Hai Rui [Hai3 Rui4] (1514-1587), an, famous for honesty and integrity/ [hai3 mian4] /sea level/sea surface/ [hai3 qiao4] /Ascidiacea/sea squirt/ [Hai3 dun4] /Haydn (name)/Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809), Austrian classical comp ser/ [hai3 feng1] /sea breeze/sea wind (i.e. from the sea)/ [hai3 ma3] /sea horse/ [hai3 ma3 hui2] /hippocampus/ [hai3 xian1] /seafood/ [Hai3 xian1 jiang4] /hoisin sauce (barbecue sauce)/seafood sauce/ [hai3 li3] /sea bream/

[hai3 niao3] /seabird/ [hai3 ou1] /seagull/ [hai3 jiu4] /sea eagle/CL: [zhi1]/ [Hai3 yan2] /Haiyan county in Jiaxing [Jia1 xing1], Zhejiang/ [Hai3 yan2 xian4] /Haiyan county in Jiaxing [Jia1 xing1], Zhejiang/ [hai3 gui1] /turtle/ [jin4] /to immerse/to soak/to steep/gradually/ [jin4 xin4 hui4] /Baptist/ [jin4 ru4] /to soak/to dip/ [jin4 ran3] /to be contaminated/to be gradually influenced/ [jin4 chen2] /to soak/to steep/ [jin4 mo4] /immersion/ [jin4 pao4] /to steep/to soak/to immerse/ [jin4 xi3] /to immerse/to rinse/ [jin4 zi4] /to soak/to macerate/ [jin4 run4] /to permeate/to percolate/fig. to saturate (with emotion)/ [jin4 li3 jiao4] /Baptist (Christian sect)/ [jin4 zhong3] /to soak seeds (to make them germinate)/ [jin4 tou4] /soak/ [jia1] /soaked/to wetten/see , deeply affected/ [mei3] /to ask a favor of/ [sui1] /see [sui1 wei1]/ [sui1 wei1] /drizzle/fine rain/ [Tu2] /surname Tu/ [tu2] /variant of [tu2]/ [Tu2 shan1] /Mt Tu in Zhejiang/ [Tu2 er3 gan1] /Durkheim/ [nie4] /to blacken/abbr. for [nie4 pan2]/ [nie4 pan2] /nirvana (Buddhism)/ [Nie4 pan2 jing1] /the Nirvana sutra: every living thing has Buddha nature./ [Nie4 wa3] /the Nyeva or Neva river (through St Petersburg)/ [Nie4 wa3 he2] /the Nyeva or Neva river (through St Petersburg)/ [nie4 bai2] /opaque white/ [nie4 pan2] /variant of [nie4 pan2]/ [Jing1] /Jing River/ [Jing1 chuan1] /Jingchuan county in Pingliang [Ping2 liang2], Gansu/ [Jing1 chuan1 xian4] /Jingchuan county in Pingliang [Ping2 liang2], [Jing1 Wei4 fen1 ming2] /as rivers Jing and Wei separate clearly (idiom)/ y different/ [Jing1 yuan2] /Jingyuan county in Guyuan [Gu4 yuan2], Ningxia/ [Jing1 yuan2 xian4] /Jingyuan county in Guyuan [Gu4 yuan2], Ningxia/ [Jing1 xian4] /Jing county in Xuancheng [Xuan1 cheng2], Anhui/ [Jing1 yang2] /Jingyang county in Xinyng [Xian2 yang2], Shnx [Jing1 yang2 xian4] /Jingyang county in Xinyng [Xian2 yang2], Shn [xiao1] /to disappear/to vanish/to eliminate/to spend (time)/have to/need/ [xiao1 wang2] /to die out/to wither away/ [xiao1 ting2] /to calm down/to stop/to pause/calmly/peaceful/restful/ [xiao1 yuan2] /elimination (math)/to eliminate one variable from equations/ [xiao1 hua4] /to digest/digestion/digestive/ [xiao1 hua4 bu4 liang2] /indigestion/ [xiao1 hua4 ye4] /digestive fluid/ [xiao1 hua4 guan3] /digestive tube/gut/ [xiao1 hua4 xi4 tong3] /digestive system/gastrointestinal tract/ [xiao1 hua4 xian4] /digestive glands/ [xiao1 hua4 dao4] /digestive tract/ [xiao1 hua4 jiu3] /digestif/ [xiao1 hua4 mei2] /digestive enzyme/ [xiao1 qu4] /to eliminate/ [xiao1 shou4] /to bear/to enjoy (usually in negative combination, meaning unable o enjoy)/

[xiao1 xia4] /to spend the summer/to take a summer vacation/ [xiao1 shi1] /to disappear/to fade away/ [xiao1 xi5] /news/information/CL: [tiao2]/ [xiao1 xi5 lai2 yuan2] /web feed/news feed/syndicated feed/ [xiao1 xi5 ling2 tong1] /to be well-informed/ [xiao1 xi5 ling2 tong1 ren2 shi4] /well-informed source/person wi [xiao1 chou2 jie3 men4] /lit. to eliminate worry and dispel melancholy (i ion from boredom/to dispel depression or melancholy/to relieve stress/a relaxing pass-time/ [xiao1 sun3] /wear and tear/to wear away over time/ [xiao1 san4] /to dissipate/ [xiao1 shu3] /to spend a summer holiday/(esp of Chinese medicine) to relieve summ r heat/ [xiao1 ji2] /negative/passive/inactive/ [xiao1 qi2 yi4] /to remove ambiguity/disambiguation (in Wikipedia)/ [xiao1 du2] /to disinfect/to sterilize/ [xiao1 du2 ji4] /disinfectant/ [xiao1 du2 fa3] /sterilization/ [xiao1 qi4] /to cool one's temper/ [xiao1 chen2] /depressed/bad mood/low spirit/ [xiao1 min3] /to eliminate/to obliterate/ [xiao1 xiao1 ting2 ting2] /intermittently/ [xiao1 ke3] /condition characterized by thirst, hunger, frequent urination and we ght loss, identified in traditional Chinese medicine with type 2 diabetes/ [xiao1 mie4] /to put an end to/to annihilate/to cause to perish/to perish/annihil tion (in quantum field theory)/ [xiao1 huo3 shuan1] /fire hydrant/ [xiao1 yan2] /to reduce fever/antipyretic/to decrease inflammation/ [xiao1 yan2 pian4] /antipyretic tablet (to reduce fever), such as sulfanilami [xiao1 yan2 yao4] /antibiotic medicine/ [xiao1 shou4] /to waste away/to become thin/ [xiao1 shi2 hui1] /calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2/slaked lime/ [xiao1 mo2] /to wear down/to sap/to whittle away/to while away/to idle away/ [xiao1 mo2 shi2 jian1] /to kill time/ [xiao1 hao4] /to use up/to consume/ [xiao1 hao4 zhan4] /war of attrition/ [xiao1 hao4 diao4] /consumption/ [xiao1 hao4 liang4] /rate of consumption/ [xiao1 sheng1] /sound dissipation/noise reduction/ [xiao1 sheng1 qi4] /noise reduction equipment/ [xiao1 zhong3] /rapid decrease of a swelling/detumescence/ [xiao1 shi2] /erosion/wearing away/ablation/ [xiao1 rong2] /to melt (e.g. an icecap)/ [xiao1 fei4] /to consume/CL: [ge4]/ [xiao1 fei4 jia4 ge2 zhi3 shu4] /consumer price index CPI/ [xiao1 fei4 pin3] /consumer goods/ [xiao1 fei4 qi4 jian4] /consumer/ [xiao1 fei4 shui4] /consumption tax/sales tax/ [xiao1 fei4 qun2] /consumer group/ [xiao1 fei4 zhe3] /consumer/ [xiao1 fei4 zhe3 bao3 hu4] /consumer protection (law)/ [xiao1 fei4 zi1 liao4] /consumption data/consumer goods/ [xiao1 fei4 jin1 rong2] /consumer finance/ [xiao1 tui4] /to wane/to vanish gradually/ [xiao1 shi4] /to fade away/ [xiao1 qian3] /to while away time/to kill time/amusement/pastime/diversion/recrea ion/ [xiao1 shi4] /to dispel (doubts)/to clear up (misunderstanding)/ [xiao1 jin1] /consumer finance/abbr. of [xiao1 fei4 jin1 rong2]/ [xiao1 zhang3] /to ebb and rise/to decrease and then grow/

[xiao1 xian2] /to spend one's leisure time/to idle away the time/ [xiao1 xian2 r5] /erhua variant of , to spend one's leisure time/to [xiao1 fang2] /fire-fighting/fire control/ [xiao1 fang2 yuan2] /fire-fighter/a fireman/ [xiao1 fang2 ju2] /fire department/ [xiao1 fang2 shuan1] /fire hydrant/ [xiao1 fang2 shu3] /fire station/ [xiao1 fang2 che1] /fire engine/fire truck/ [xiao1 fang2 dui4] /fire brigade/fire department/ [xiao1 fang2 dui4 yuan2] /fireman/ [xiao1 chu2] /to eliminate/to remove/ [Xiao1 chu2 dui4 Fu4 nu:3 Yi1 qie4 Xi Forms of Discrimination Against Women/ [xiao1 chu2 qi2 yi4] /to disambiguate/ [xiao1 chu2 du2 ji4] /decontamination/ [xiao1 chu2 ju4 chi3] /anti-alias (computer graphics)/ [xiao1 yin3] /to hide/to retreat into privacy/ [xiao1 yin1] /to silence/ [xiao1 yin1 qi4] /silencer/ [xiao1 shi2] /digestion/ [xiao1 shi2 r5] /erhua variant of , digestion/ [xiao1 hun2] /overwhelmed (with joy, sorrow etc)/to feel transported/ [she4] /to wade/to be involved/to concern/to experience/to enter (classical)/ [she4 shi4] /to see the world/to go out into society/to gain experience/ [she4 shi4 wei4 shen1] /unpracticed/inexperienced/naive/unsophisticated/ [she4 ji2] /to involve/to touch upon (a topic)/ [she4 wai4] /concerning foreigners or foreign affairs/ [she4 xian2] /to be a suspect (in a crime)/ [she4 xian2 ren2] /(criminal) suspect/ [she4 xiang3] /to imagine/to consider/ [she4 an4] /(person) involved in (the case)/ [she4 li4] /to experience/ [she4 shui3 xue1] /wading boots/high-topped waterproof boots/ [she4 shui3 niao3] /a wading bird/ [she4 du4] /to ford (a stream)/to wade across/ [she4 lie4] /to skim (through a book)/to read cursorily/to dip into/ [she4 bi3] /to move the pen/to start writing/putting pen to paper/ [She4 xian4] /She county in Handan [Han2 dan1], Hebei/ [she4 lan3] /to browse/to glance through/to read/ [she4 song4] /involved in a law suit/to sue sb/ [she4 zu2] /to set foot in/to step into/to become involved for the first time/ [she4 guo4] /to ford (a stream, river etc)/ [she4 xian3] /to take risks/involved in adventure/ [she4 hei1] /gang-related/criminal activities/ [she4 hei1 an4] /gang-related case/criminal case/ [nian3] /muddy water/ [yong3] /to bubble up/to rush forth/ [yong3 liu2] /to gush/to spurt/ [yong3 lang4] /swell/billows/surging waves/ [yong3 yi4] /to well up/to spill out (of water from a spring)/ [yong3 xian4] /variant of , to emerge in large numbers/to spring up/to e ntly/ [yong3 qi3] /to well up/to boil out/to bubble forth/to spurt/ [yong3 jin4] /to spill/to overflow (of water, crowds)/to crowd (into a space)/ [xian2] /saliva/shamelessly/ [xian2 mo4] /foaming at the mouth/ [su4] /name of a river/ [tun1] /planet Jupiter/vomit/ [Juan1] /surname Juan/ [juan1] /brook/to select/

[juan1 ji2] /to choose an auspicious day/ [juan1 ai1] /tiny stream of dust/tiny things/negligible/ [juan1 ai1 zhi1 li4] /negligible force (idiom); tiny force/ [juan1 juan1] /a trickle/tiny stream/sluggish/to flow sluggishly/ [juan1 di1] /tiny stream/trickle/drops/tiny trickle of funds/ [juan1 di1 gui1 gong1] /every drop returns to the public good (idiom); no s misused/ [cen2] /overflow/rainwater/tearful/ [ti4] /nasal mucus/tears/ [ti4 tuo4] /nasal mucus/snot/ [ti4 si4 heng2 liu2] /tears and mucus flowing profusely/sniveling/in a tr [ti4 si4 pang1 tuo2] /a flood of tears and mucus/broken-hearted and weepi [ti4 si4 zong4 heng2] /tears and mucus flowing profusely/sniveling/in a t [ti4 qi4] /to weep/to shed tears/ [ti4 lei4 jiao1 liu2] /tears and mucus flowing profusely (idiom); weeping [ti4 ling2] /to shed tears/to weep/ [Li4] /river in Hebei/variant of , to attend/ [si4] /river bank/ [lei4] /Japanese variant of [lei4]/ [fu2] /name of a river/ [Fu2 cheng2] /Fucheng district of Mianyang city [Mian2 yang2 shi4], [Fu2 cheng2 qu1] /Fucheng district of Mianyang city [Mian2 yang2 [Fu2 ling2] /Fuling suburbs of Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/ [Fu2 ling2 qu1] /Fuling suburban district of Chongqing municipality, formerly huan/ [Fu2 ling2 di4 qu1] /Fuling suburbs of Chongqing municipality, formerly i [xing4] /watery expanse/ [shuan4] /to rinse/to trick/to fool sb/to cook by dipping finely sliced ingredie nts briefly in boiling water or soup (generally done at the dining table)/ [shuan4 huo3 guo1] /see [shuan4 guo1 zi5]/ [shuan4 guo1 zi5] /hot pot/a dish where thinly sliced meat and vegetables are briefly in a broth and then served with dipping sauces/ [ya2] /border/horizon/shore/ [ye4] /liquid/fluid/Taiwan pr. [yi4]/ [ye4 hua4] /to liquefy/ [ye4 hua4 qi4] /liquid gas/bottled gas (fuel)/ [ye4 hua4 shi2 you2 qi4] /liquefied petroleum gas/ [ye4 ya1] /hydraulic pressure/ [ye4 ya1 chuan2 dong4] /hydraulic drive/hydraulic transmission/ [ye4 ya1 qian1 jin1 ding3] /hydraulic jack/ [ye4 tai4] /liquid (state)/ [ye4 tai4 nai3] /liquid milk/ [ye4 tai4 shui3] /liquid water (as opposed to steam or ice, e.g.)/ [ye4 jing1] /liquid crystal/ [ye4 jing1 ping2] /liquid crystal screen/ [ye4 jing1 xian3 shi4] /LCD/liquid crystal display/ [ye4 jing1 xian3 shi4 qi4] /liquid crystal display/ [ye4 hai4] /liquid helium/ [ye4 an1] /liquid ammonia/ [ye4 dan4] /liquid nitrogen/ [ye4 liu2] /stream/flow of liquid/ [ye4 bao1] /vacuole/ [ye4 mian4] /surface (of a body of liquid)/ [ye4 ti3] /liquid/ [wo4] /to soil/ [han2] /to contain/to include/culvert/ [han2 yi4] /content/meaning/connotation/implication/same as / [Han2 jiang1] /Hanjiang district of Putian city [Pu2 tian2 shi4], Fujian/ [Han2 jiang1 qu1] /Hanjiang district of Putian city [Pu2 tian2 shi4], F [han2 dong4] /culvert/covered drain/

[han2 dan4] /waves/ [han2 guan3] /culvert pipe/ [han2 yi4] /content/meaning/connotation/implication/ [han2 xu4] /variant of [han2 xu4]/implicit/unspoken/to contain/to embody/ [han2 gai4] /to cover/to comprise/to include/ [han2 yang3] /to conserve (e.g. water)/self-restraint/self-possession/ [dong1] /rainstorm/ [he2] /to dry/to dry up/ [Liang2] /the five Liang of the Sixteen Kingdoms, namely: Former Liang (314 Later Liang (386-403), Northern Liang (398-439), Southern Liang ng (400-421)/ [liang2] /cool/cold/ [liang2 ting2] /pavilion/ [Liang2 cheng2] /Liangcheng county in Ulaanchab [Wu1 lan2 cha2 b [Liang2 cheng2 xian4] /Liangcheng county in Ulaanchab [Wu1 l [Liang2 shan1 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1] /Liangshan Yi autonomou [Liang2 zhou1] /Liangzhou district of Wuwei city [Wu3 wei1 shi4], Gansu/ [Liang2 zhou1 qu1] /Liangzhou district of Wuwei city [Wu3 wei1 shi4], G [liang2 xi2] /summer sleeping mat (e.g. of woven split bamboo)/CL: [zhang1], [liang2 kuai5] /nice and cold/pleasantly cool/ [liang2 yi4] /a slight chill/ [liang2 ban4] /salad with dressing/cold vegetables dressed with sauce (e.g. cole law)/ [liang2 ban4 chao3 ji1 dan4] /a nonsensical retort/ [liang2 shui3] /cool water/unboiled water/ [liang2 shuang3] /cool and refreshing/ [liang2 fen3] /liangfen (Chinese dish)/grass jelly (Chinese dish)/ [liang2 cha2] /Chinese herb tea/ [liang2 mian4] /cold noodles/ [liang2 xie2] /sandal/ [liang2 feng1] /cold wind/cool breeze/ [zhuo1] /place name/ [Zhuo1 zhou1] /Zhuozhou county level city in Baoding [Bao3 ding4], Hebei/ [Zhuo1 zhou1 shi4] /Zhuozhou county level city in Baoding [Bao3 ding4], H [Zhuo1 lu4] /Zhuolu county in Zhangjiakou [Zhang1 jia1 kou3], Hebei/ [Zhuo1 lu4 xian4] /Zhuolu county in Zhangjiakou [Zhang1 jia1 kou [dian4] /shallow water/ [zi1] /black/name of a river/ [Zi1 bo2] /Zibo, prefecture level city in Shandong/ [Zi1 bo2 shi4] /Zibo prefecture level city in Shandong/ [Zi1 chuan1] /Zichuan district of Zibo city [Zi1 bo2 shi4], Shandong/ [Zi1 chuan1 qu1] /Zichuan district of Zibo city [Zi1 bo2 shi4], Shandon [zi1 du4] /to be worn out/ [xi1] /onomat. sound of rain, sleet etc/ [Xi1 chuan1] /Xichuan county in Nanyang [Nan2 yang2], Henan/ [Xi1 chuan1 xian4] /Xichuan county in Nanyang [Nan2 yang2], Henan/ [xi1 li4] /onomat. patter of rain/ [xiao2] /confused and disorderly/mixed/Taiwan pr. [yao2]/ [xiao2 luan4] /to confuse/to befuddle/ [xiao2 za2] /to mix up/to muddle/ [qi2] /name of a river/ [Qi2 bin1] /Qibin district of Hebi city [He4 bi4 shi4], Henan/ [Qi2 bin1 qu1] /Qibin district of Hebi city [He4 bi4 shi4], Hena [Qi2 xian4] /Qi county in Hebi [He4 bi4], Henan/ [yan1] /variant of /to flood/ [lin2] /to drain/to drench/to drip/diseases of the bladder/ [lin4] /to filter/to strain/ [lin2 ba1] /lymph/lymphatic/ [lin2 ba1 ye4] /lymphatic fluid/lymph/ [lin2 ba1 liu2] /lymphoma/

[lin2 ba1 guan3] /lymphatic channel/ [lin2 ba1 xi4 tong3] /lymphatic system/ [lin2 ba1 xi4 bao1] /lymphocyte/ [lin2 ba1 jie2] /lymphatic node/lymph gland/ [lin2 ba1 xian4] /lymph node/lymphatic gland/ [lin2 yu4] /to take a shower/shower/ [lin2 rong2 ceng2] /alluvium (soil deposited by rivers)/ [lin2 li2] /dripping wet/pouring/saturated/fig. uninhibited/fluid/emotionally unr strained/extreme/ [lin2 li2 jin4 zhi4] /lit. extreme saturation (idiom); incisive and vivid unrestrained)/the ultimate in.../ [lin2 shi1] /to get soaked/ [lin2 qiu2 jun1] /gonococcus/Neisseria gonorrhoeae, the pathogen causing gono [lin2 bing4] /gonorrhea/ [tang3] /to drip/to trickle/to shed (tears)/ [tang3 xia4] /to let drip/to trickle down/to shed (tears)/ [tang3 kou3 shui3] /to let saliva dribble from the mouth/to slobber/ [tang3 lei4] /to shed a tear/ [tang3 yan3 lei4] /to shed tears/ [shu1] /warm and virtuous/used in given names/Taiwan pr. [shu2]/ [shu1 ren2 jun1 zi5] /virtuous gentleman (idiom)/ [shu1 nu:3] /wise and virtuous woman (possibly sarcastic or sneering)/lady/ [shu1 jing4] /gentle/tender/ [qi1] /intense cold/frigid/dismal/grim/bleak/sad/mournful/ [qi1 qie4] /mournful/ [qi1 li4] /variant of [qi1 li4]/ [qi1 wan3] /doleful/piteous/ [qi1 wan3] /doleful/piteous/also written [qi1 wan3]/ [qi1 huang2] /distressed and terrified/distraught (literary)/ [qi1 an4] /dismal/somber/ [qi1 liang2] /desolate/ [qi1 mei3] /poignant/sad and beautiful/ [qi1 an4] /dismal/somber/also written [qi1 an4]/ [fang1] /name of a river/ [Nao4] /surname Nao/ [nao4] /slush/mud/ [tao2] /to wash/to clean out/to cleanse/to eliminate/to dredge/ [tao2 ke4] /talk (loanword)/chatline of PRC Internet company Taobao, [tao2 bao3 wang3] /Taobao, a PRC internet portal/ [tao2 xi1] /to strain/to wash and filter/ [tao2 qi4] /naughty/bad/ [tao2 tai4] /to wash out/elimination (by selection)/natural selection/to knock ou (in a competition)/to die out/to phase out/ [tao2 tai4 sai4] /a knock-out competition/ [tao2 he2] /pelican/ [tao2 xi3] /to wash/ [tao2 shen2] /troublesome/bothersome/ [tao2 luo2] /basket (for washing rice)/ [tao2 xuan3] /to decant/to strain off/ [tao2 jin1] /panning (for precious metals)/ [tao2 jin1 zhe3] /gold panner/prospector for gold/ [cong2] /noise of water/ [lei4] /tears/ [lei4 guang1] /glistening teardrops/ [lei4 ru2 yu3 xia4] /tears falling like rain (idiom)/ [lei4 shui3] /teardrop/tears/ [lei4 shui3 lian2 lian2] /in floods of tears (idiom)/ [lei4 wang1 wang1] /tearful/brimming with tears/ [lei4 liu2 man3 mian4] /cheeks streaming with tears (idiom)/ [lei4 ye4] /tears/teardrops/

[lei4 zhu1] /a teardrop/ [lei4 hen2] /tear stains/ [lei4 xian4] /Lacrimal gland/ [lei4 hua1] /tears in the eyes/ [peng2] /roar of dashing waves/ [fei2] /name of a river/ [song1] /name of a river/ [tian3] /turbid/muddy/ [pi4] /luxuriant (of water plants)/ [dan4] /insipid/diluted/weak/mild/light in color/tasteless/fresh/indifferent/nit rogen/ [dan4 guang1] /shimmer/ [dan4 hua4] /to water down/to play down/to trivialize/to weaken/to become dull wi h time/to desalinate/desalination/ [dan4 ji4] /off season/slow business season/see also [wang4 ji4]/ [dan4 wang4] /to be forgotten/to fade from memory/ [Dan4 shui3] /Tanshui town in Taipei county [Tai2 bei3 xian4], Taiwa [dan4 shui3] /potable water (water with low salt content)/fresh water/ [dan4 shui3 hu2] /fresh water lake/ [Dan4 shui3 zhen4] /Tanshui town in Taipei county [Tai2 bei3 xia [dan4 shui3 yu2] /fresh-water fish/ [dan4 bo2 ming2 li4] /not caring about fame and fortune (idiom)/indiffere rewards/ [dan4 bo2 gua3 wei4] /insipid and tasteless (idiom)/ [dan4 dan4] /dull/insipid/unenthusiastic/indifferent/ [dan4 mo4] /apathetic/indifferent/unsympathetic/ [dan4 ran2] /tranquil and calm/indifferent/ [dan4 bo2] /thin/light/flagging/faint/ [dan4 lan2 se4] /light blue/ [dan4 ya3] /simple and elegant/ [dan4 huang2] /light yellow/ [yu4] /moat/swift current/ [yu1] /silt/river sludge/to silt up/choked with silt/variant of [yu1]/ [yu1 shang1] /bruising/ [yu1 se4] /choked with silt/silted up/ [yu1 ni2] /silt/sludge/ooze/ [yu1 zhi4] /silted up/obstructed by silt/variant of [yu1 zhi4]/ [yu1 zhuo2 bu4 qing1] /muddied and unclear (idiom)/ [yu1 guan4] /to warp (fertilize land by flooding)/ [yu1 ji1] /to silt up/silt/sediment/ooze/slurry/ [yu1 xue4] /variant of [yu1 xue4]/ [yu1 xue4 ban1] /bruise/patch of bruising/ [yu1 qing1] /bruise/contusion/ [lu4] /clear (water)/strain liquids/ [gan4] /name of a river/ [jing4] /clean/completely/only/ [jing4 zhi2] /net value/ [jing4 li4 run4] /net profit/ [jing4 hua4] /to purify/ [jing4 han2 liang4] /net weight/ [jing4 tu3] /(Buddhism) Pure Land, usually refers to Amitabha Buddha's Western Pu e Land of Ultimate Bliss (Sukhavati in Sanskrit)/ [jing4 shou1 ru4] /net income/net profit/ [jing4 shui3] /clean water/purified water/ [jing4 shui3 qi4] /water purifier/ [jing4 xian4 zhi2] /net present value (NPV)/ [jing4 jin4] /to eliminate/to purge/ [jing4 zhong4] /net weight/ [ling2] /variant of [ling2]/ [ling2 nu:e4] /to maltreat/to tyrannize/

[ling2 jia4] /to be above/to place above/ [lun2] /to sink (into ruin, oblivion)/to be reduced to/ [lun2 wang2] /(of a country) to perish/to be annexed/subjugation (to a foreign po er)/ [lun2 sang4] /to be lost/to be ruined/to perish/to wither away/ [lun2 mo4] /to sink/to drown/ [lun2 mo4 sang4 wang2] /to die/to perish/ [lun2 jia1] /to be deeply affected/moved to the core/ [lun2 mie4] /to perish/extinction/ [lun2 ji1 jia1 sui3] /lit. penetrate to the marrow (idiom); deeply affect he core/ [lun2 luo4] /to degenerate/impoverished/to fall (into poverty)/to be reduced (to egging)/ [lun2 xian4] /to fall into enemy hands/to be occupied/to degenerate/to submerge/ [lun2 xian4 qu1] /enemy-held territory/ [yin2] /excess/excessive/wanton/lewd/lascivious/obscene/depraved/ [yin2 luan4] /promiscuous/ [yin2 wei1] /abuse of authority/tyrannical abuse/ [yin2 fu4] /loose woman/prostitute/Jezebel/ [yin2 jing4] /evil ways/fornication/ [yin2 yu4] /lust/ [yin2 shu1] /obscene book/pornography/ [yin2 le4] /vice/degenerate pleasures/ [yin2 shui3] /sexual secretions/ [yin2 wei3] /obscene/indecent/ [yin2 hua4] /obscene picture/ [yin2 hui4] /obscene/coarse/ [yin2 yang2 huo4] /Epimedium, genus of herbaceous flowering plant, cultivated Far East as aphrodisiac/also called barrenwort or horny goatweed (said to resem ble crushed goat's testicles)/ [yin2 dang4] /loose in morals/lascivious/licentious/lewd/ [yin2 xing2] /wanton or lascivious behaviour/adulterous behavior/ [yin2 xie4] /obscene/ [yin2 jian4] /morally loose, lewd and low, lascivious and mean/wanton/ [yin2 ru3] /fornication and insults/to rape and insult/ [yin2 yi4] /to indulge in/dissipation/debauchery/ [yin2 mi3] /profligate/extravagantly showy/(of music) lascivious/decadent/ [yin2 feng1] /lascivious/wanton/ [yin2 feng1 shen4 chi4] /blazing wantonness abounds (idiom)/ [yin2 gui3] /lecherous devil/ [cui4] /dip into water/to temper/ [cui4 huo3] /to quench/to temper/to harden by quenching/ [huai2] /name of a river/ [Huai2 shang4] /Huaishang district of Bengbu city [Beng4 bu4 shi4], Anhui/ [Huai2 shang4 qu1] /Huaishang district of Bengbu city [Beng4 bu4 shi4], [Huai2 bei3] /Huaibei prefecture level city in Anhui/ [Huai2 bei3 shi4] /Huaibei prefecture level city in Anhui/ [Huai2 nan2] /Huainan prefecture level city in Anhui/ [Huai2 nan2 zi5] /miscellany of writing from the Western Han (former Han)/ [Huai2 nan2 shi4] /Huainan prefecture level city in Anhui/ [Huai2 an1] /Huai'an prefecture level city in Jiangsu/ [Huai2 an1 shi4] /Huai'an prefecture level city in Jiangsu/ [Huai2 he2] /Huaihe River, a main river of east China, between the Yellow River the Changjiang / [Huai2 hai3 zhan4 yi4] /Huaihai Campaign (Nov 1948-May 1949)/ [Huai2 bin1] /Huaibin county in Xinyang , Henan/ [Huai2 bin1 xian4] /Huaibin county in Xinyang , Henan/ [Huai2 yin1] /Huaiyin district of Huai'an city [Huai2 an1 shi4], Jiangsu/ [Huai2 yin1 qu1] /Huaiyin district of Huai'an city [Huai2 an1 shi4], Ji [Huai2 yin1 di4 qu1] /Huaiyin prefecture in Jiangsu/

[Huai2 yang2] /Huaiyang county in Zhoukou [Zhou1 kou3], Henan/ [Huai2 yang2 xian4] /Huaiyang county in Zhoukou [Zhou1 kou3], Henan/ [Yu4] /name of river/old name of Baihe in Henan/same as / [Yu4 shui3] /name of river/old name of Baihe in Henan/same as / [nian3] /calm water/ [shen1] /close/deep/late/profound/dark (of color, water etc)/ [shen1 bu4 ke3 ce4] /deep and unmeasurable (idiom); unfathomable depths/i le/enigmatic and impossible to predict/ [Shen1 Jing3] /Sham Tseng (area in Hong Kong)/ [shen1 xin4] /to believe firmly/ [shen1 xin4 bu4 yi2] /to believe firmly without any doubt (idiom)/absolut bout sth/ [shen1 ru4] /to penetrate deeply/thorough/ [shen1 ru4 ren2 xin1] /to enter deeply into people's hearts/to have a rea he people (idiom)/ [shen1 qie4] /deeply felt/heartfelt/sincere/honest/ [shen1 ke4] /profound/deep/deep-going/ [shen1 hua4] /to deepen/to intensify/ [shen1 hou4] /deep/profound/ [shen1 shou4] /to receive in no small measure/ [Shen1 zhen4] /Shenzhen subprovincial city in Guangdong, special economic zone cl se to Hong Kong/ [Shen1 zhen4 jiao1 yi4 suo3] /Shenzhen Stock Exchange SZSE/ [shen1 zhen4 jian4 li4 bao3] /Shenzhen Jianlibao (soccer team)/ [Shen1 zhen4 shi4] /Shenzhen subprovincial city in Guangdong, special economi close to Hong Kong/ [Shen1 zhen4 he2] /Shenzhen or Shamchun river Guangdong, the border between H g new territories and PRC/ [Shen1 keng1] /Shenkeng township in Taipei county [Tai2 bei3 xian4], [Shen1 keng1 xiang1] /Shenkeng township in Taipei county [Tai2 b [shen1 ye4] /very late at night/ [shen1 ao4] /profound/abstruse/recondite/profoundly/ [shen1 mi4] /dense/thick/ [shen1 ceng2] /deep layer/deep/deep-seated/underlying/ [shen1 ceng2 wen2 zi4] /deep orthography (not governed by simple rules)/ [shen1 ceng2 zheng4 zi4 fa3] /deep orthography/ [shen1 ceng2 qing1 jie2] /deep cleansing/ [shen1 ceng2 yue4 du2 zhang4 ai4] /deep dyslexia/ [shen1 shan1] /deep in the mountains/ [shen1 shan1 ye3 ao4] /deep in the mountains and fields (idiom)/ [Shen1 zhou1] /Shenzhou Hengshui [Heng2 shui3], Hebei/ [Shen1 zhou1 shi4] /Shenzhou Hengshui [Heng2 shui3], Hebei/ [shen1 du4] /depth/(of a speech etc) profundity/advanced stage of development/ [shen1 du4 chi3] /depth indicator or gauge/ [shen1 du4 fei1 ci2] /maximal nonword/ [shen1 de2 min2 xin1] /to win the hearts of the people/to be popular amon [shen1 si1] /to ponder/to consider/ [shen1 si1 shu2 lu:4] /mature reflection/after careful deliberations/ [shen1 qing2] /deep emotion/deep feeling/deep love/ [shen1 qing2 hou4 yi4] /profound love, generous friendship (idiom)/ [shen1 qing2 hou4 yi4] /deep friendship/ [shen1 qing2 kuan3 kuan3] /loving/caring/adoring/ [shen1 wu4 tong4 jue2] /to detest bitterly (idiom)/implacable hatred/to a / [shen1 ai4] /affectionate/ [shen1 gan3] /feel deeply/ [shen1 cheng2 yan2] /plutonic rock/abyssal rock/ [shen1 wa1] /to dredge/ [shen1 zhi4] /heartfelt and genuine/ [shen1 geng1 ban4 ye4] /in the dead of night (idiom)/

[shen1 zong1] /brown (color)/ [shen1 zong1 se4] /dark brown/ [shen1 shui3] /deepwater/ [Shen1 shui3 bu4] /Sham Shui Po district of Kowloon, Hong Kong/ [shen1 chen2] /deep/extreme/dull/low pitched (sound)/ [shen1 hai3] /deep sea/ [shen1 hai3 wei2 wang3] /purse-seine net (fishing)/ [shen1 hai3 yan1 cong1] /deep-sea vent/black smoker/ [shen1 shen1] /deep/profound/ [shen1 yuan1] /abyss/ [shen1 qian3] /deep or shallow/depth (of the sea)/limits of decorum/ [Shen1 Gang3] /Shenzhen and Hong Kong/ [shen1 yuan2 di4 zhen4] /deep earthquake (with epicenter more than 300 km [shen1 tan2] /deep natural pond/deep pit/abyss/ [Shen1 ze2] /Shenze county in Shijiazhuang [Shi2 jia1 zhuang1], Hebe [Shen1 ze2 xian4] /Shenze county in Shijiazhuang [Shi2 jia1 zhua [shen1 hui1 se4] /dark gray/ [shen1 zhi1] /to know well/to be fully aware of/ [shen1 qiu1] /late autumn/ [shen1 jiu1] /to perform an in-depth investigation/ [shen1 kong1] /deep space (outer space)/ [shen1 hong2 se4] /scarlet/ [Shen1 xian4] /Shen county in Hebei/ [shen1 geng1] /deep plowing/thorough penetration/thorough development (of a marke segment etc)/ [shen1 geng1 xi4 zuo4] /deep plowing and careful cultivation/ [shen1 se4] /dark/dark colored/ [Shen1 lan2] /Deep Blue, chess-playing computer, first to defeat reigning world c ampion, developed by IBM (1985-1997)/ [shen1 lan2] /dark blue/ [shen1 cang2 ruo4 xu1] /to hide one's treasure away so that no-one knows om); fig. modest about one's talents/to hide one's light under a bushel/ [shen1 chu4] /abyss/depths/deepest or most distant part/ [shen1 tan2] /to have an in depth conversation/to have intimate talks/to discuss horoughly/ [shen1 mou2] /forethought/ [shen1 mou2 yuan3 lu:4] /lit. deep plans and distant thoughts/to plan far )/ [shen1 mou2 yuan3 lu:e4] /a well-thought out long-term strategy/ [shen1 gu3] /deep valley/ravine/ [shen1 zao4] /to pursue one's studies/ [shen1 yuan3] /far-reaching/profound and long-lasting/ [shen1 sui4] /deep (valley or night)/abstruse/hidden in depth/ [shen1 zhong4] /very serious/grave/profound/ [shen1 chang2] /profound (meaning, implications etc)/ [shen1 bi4 gu4 ju4] /deep, closed and refusing (idiom); obstinate/stubbor e/ [chun2] /genuine/pure/honest/ [Chun2 yu2] /two-character surname Chun'yu/ [Chun2 hua4] /Chunhua county in Xinyng [Xian2 yang2], Shnx [Chun2 hua4 xian4] /Chunhua county in Xinyng [Xian2 yang2], Shnx [chun2 hou4] /pure and honest/simple and kind/ [Chun2 an1] /Chun'an county in Hangzhou [Hang2 zhou1], Zhejiang/ [Chun2 an1 xian4] /Chun'an county in Hangzhou [Hang2 zhou1], Zhejiang/ [chun2 pu3] /simple and honest/unsophisticated/ [yuan1] /abyss/ [yuan1 bo2] /erudite/profound/learned/extremely knowledgeable/ [yuan1 he4] /deep valley/ [yuan1 fu4] /rich and variegated/ [yuan1 guang3] /broad and extensive (of knowledge etc)/

[yuan1 lu:4] /profound thoughts or ideas/ [yuan1 chong1] /erudite but open-minded/ [yuan1 quan2] /deep springs/ [yuan1 hong2] /vast and profound/ [yuan1 hai3] /abyss of ocean/vast and profound (idiom)/ [yuan1 shen1] /profound (knowledge)/erudite/ [yuan1 yuan1] /deep and still/sound of a drum/ [yuan1 yuan2] /origin/source/relationship/ [yuan1 xuan2] /profundity/depth/ [yuan1 sou3] /lit. abyss and marsh, meeting place of fish and beast/fig. breeding ground of crime/robbers' hide-out/den of thieves/hotbed of vice/sink of iniquity / [yuan1 yi4] /deep and profound meaning/ [yuan1 mou2] /profound or erudite plans/ [yuan1 shi2] /erudite and sophisticated/ [yuan1 gu3] /deep valley/ [yuan1 yuan3] /deep/profound/ [yuan1 mo4] /profound silence/ [lai2] /brook/ripple/ [Lai2 shui3] /Laishui county in Baoding [Bao3 ding4], Hebei/ [Lai2 shui3 xian4] /Laishui county in Baoding [Bao3 ding4], Hebei/ [Lai2 yuan2] /Laiyuan county in Baoding [Bao3 ding4], Hebei/ [Lai2 yuan2 xian4] /Laiyuan county in Baoding [Bao3 ding4], Hebei/ [hun2] /confused/dirty/to mix/muddy/also written / [hun4] /to mix/to mingle/muddled/to drift along/to muddle along/to pass for/to g et along with sb/thoughtless/reckless/ [hun4 yi1] /to amalgamate/to mix together as one/ [hun4 shi4 mo2 wang2] /devil incarnate (idiom)/fiend in human form/ [hun4 luan4] /confusion/chaos/disorder/ [hun4 shi4] /to work half-heartedly/to get by in a job with the minimum effort/ [hun4 jiao1] /mixed (growth of wood)/ [hun4 jiao1 lin2] /mixed forest/ [hun4 zuo4] /mixed cropping (i.e. growing two crops together)/ [hun4 yuan2] /time immemorial/origin of the universe/the world/ [hun2 chong1] /to pass oneself off as sb/to palm sth off as/ [hun4 ru4] /to sneak into/ [hun4 ning2 ji4] /coagulant/ [hun4 ning2 tu3] /concrete/ [hun4 he2] /to mix/to blend/ [hun4 he2 dong4 li4 che1] /hybrid vehicle/ [hun4 he2 shi1 yu3 zheng4] /mixed aphasia/ [hun4 he2 gan3 ran3] /mixed infection/ [hun4 he2 mo2 xing2] /hybrid model/ [hun4 he2 du2 ji4] /tactical mixture of chemical agents/ [hun4 he2 yong3] /medley (swimming)/ [hun4 he2 wu4] /mixture/ [hun4 he2 fei2 liao4] /compost/ [hun4 he2 ti3] /hybrid/ [hun4 tong2] /to mix up/to confuse one thing with another/ [hun4 ming2] /nickname/ [hun4 ming2 r5] /erhua variant of , nickname/ [hun4 huo4] /mixture/amalgam/ [hun4 qin4] /vulgar/foul-mouthed/ [hun4 zi5] /hoodlum/person unfit for society/ [hun4 zhan4] /civil war/muddled warfare/rough and tumble/battle royal/free fight/ [hun4 da1] /to mix and match (of clothing etc)/ [hun4 ri4 zi5] /to idle/to waste time/ [hun4 yang3 ran2 liao4] /mixed-oxide fuel (MOX)/ [hun2 shui3 mo1 yu2] /to fish in troubled water (idiom); to take advantag for personal gain/also written /

[hun2 shui3 qiang2] /plastered masonry wall/ [hun4 gong3] /mercury amalgam/ [hun4 dun4] /primal chaos/formless mass before creation in Chinese mythology/mudd ed/innocent as a baby/ [hun4 dun4 xue2] /chaos theory (math.)/ [hun4 xiao2] /to obscure/to confuse/to mix up/to blur/to mislead/ [hun4 xiao2 shi4 fei1] /to confuse right and wrong (idiom)/ [hun4 xiao2 shi4 ting1] /to obscure the facts (idiom); to mislead the pub arication and deliberate falsehoods/ [hun4 xiao2 hei1 bai2] /to confuse black and white/to say that black is w to distinguish right from wrong/ [hun4 hun4 r5] /ruffian/hoodlum/ [hun4 zhuo2] /turbid/muddy/dirty/ [hun4 wei2 yi1 tan2] /to confuse one thing with another (idiom); to muddl [hun4 shou2] /to get familiar with/ [hun2 qiu2] /bastard/wretch/scoundrel/ [hun2 qiu2 r5] /erhua variant of [hun2 qiu2]/ [hun4 meng1] /to deceive/to mislead/ [hun4 zhong3] /hybrid/mixed-breed/ [hun4 fang3] /mixed fabric/blended fabric/ [hun4 bian1] /mixed/ [hun4 mang2] /dim/obscure/ [hun4 hao4] /nickname/ [hun2 dan4] /scoundrel/bastard/hoodlum/wretch/ [hun4 xue4] /hybrid/ [hun4 xue4 er2] /person of mixed blood/half-breed/mulatto/ [hun2 xing2] /mixed use (e.g. pedestrians and vehicles)/joint operation (e.g. tra ns and buses)/ [hun4 zhang4] /shameful/absolutely disgraceful!/ [hun4 ji4] /mixed in as part of a community/hiding one's identity/occupying a pos tion while not deserving it/ [hun4 jin4] /to infiltrate/to sneak into/ [hun4 za2] /to mix/to mingle/ [hun4 za2 wu4] /adulteration/impurities/ [hun4 fan4] /to work for a living/ [qing1] /variant of [qing1]/ [yan1] /to flood/to submerge/to drown/to irritate the skin (of liquids)/to delay / [yan1 bo2] /widely read/erudite/ [yan1 si3] /to drown/ [yan1 mo4] /to submerge/to drown/to flood/to drown out (also fig.)/ [yan1 mie4] /to submerge/to flood/to bury/ [yan1 guan4] /basin irrigation (e.g. paddy fields)/ [yan1 liu2] /to stay for a long period/ [yan1 gai4] /to submerge/to flood/to drown out/ [jian1] /sound of moving water/ [qian3] /shallow/light (color)/ [qian3 chang2] /dilettante/amateur/to dabble in/to flirt with (a topic)/ [qian3 chang2 zhe3] /dilettante/amateur/dabbler/ [qian3 chang2 zhe2 zhi3] /to dabble and stop (idiom); to dip into/to atte tedly/content with a smattering of knowledge/ [qian3 chang2] /dilettante/amateur/to dabble in/to flirt with (a topic)/ [qian3 chang2 zhe3] /dilettante/amateur/dabbler/ [qian3 chang2 zhe2 zhi3] /to dabble and stop (idiom); to dip into/to atte tedly/content with a smattering of knowledge/also written / [qian3 xue2] /shallow study/superficial/scant knowledge/ [qian3 ceng2 wen2 zi4] /shallow orthography (governed by simple rules)/ [qian3 ceng2 zheng4 zi4 fa3] /shallow orthography/ [qian3 xi1 jin4 qiu2] /to aim low/to aim to get by/without lofty ambition [qian3 yi4] /easy/simple/suitable for beginners/

[qian3 xi1] /primary, elementary or coarse analysis/ [qian3 shui3] /shallow water/ [qian3 fu2 diao1] /bas-relief/ [qian3 hai3] /shallow sea/sea less than 200 meters deep/ [qian3 dan4] /light (color)/pale/vague (feeling)/ [qian3 shen1] /depth (archaic)/ [qian3 yuan2 di4 zhen4] /shallow earthquake (with epicenter less than 70 [qian3 tan1] /shallows/shoal/sandbar/ [qian3 tan1 zhi3 shi4 fu2 biao1] /bar buoy/buoy marking shallows [qian3 bai2] /simple/easy to understand/ [qian3 duan3] /narrow and shallow (knowledge or skill)/superficial/ [qian3 jiao1] /shallow reef/shoal/ [qian3 geng1] /to scratch/shallow plowing/ [qian3 se4] /light color/ [qian3 bo2] /superficial/ [qian3 jian4] /shallow opinion/humble opinion/ [qian3 shuo1] /simple introduction/primer/ [qian3 jin4] /simple/ [qian3 lou4] /shallow and crude/meager (knowledge or skill)/ [qian3 lu4] /blunt/direct (i.e. not tactful)/ [qian3 xian3] /plain/clear/obvious/ [qian3 xian3] /meager/slight/ [qian3 huang2 se4] /buff/pale yellow/ [qian3 hei1] /dark/gray/(of skin) lightly pigmented/ [tian1] /to add/to increase/to replenish/ [tian1 ding1] /to add a son to the family/ [tian1 jia1] /to add/to increase/ [tian1 jia1 ji4] /additive/food additive/ [tian1 you2 jia1 cu4] /lit. to add oil and vinegar/fig. adding details wh a story (to make it more interesting)/ [tian1 zhi4] /to buy/to acquire/to add to one's possessions/ [tian1 bu5] /to fill (up)/to replenish/ [tian1 ban4] /to acquire/ [tian1 ma2 fan5] /to cause trouble for sb/to inconvenience/ [miao3] /a flood/infinity/ [Qing1] /Qing or Ch'ing dynasty of Imperial China (1644-1911)/surname Qing/ [qing1] /clear/distinct/quiet/just and honest/pure/to settle or clear up/to clea n up or purge/ [qing1 yi1 se4] /monotone/only one ingredient/(mahjong) all in the same suit/ [Qing1 ren2] /Qing dynasty person/ [Qing1 dai4] /the Ch'ing or Qing dynasty (1644-1911)/ [Qing1 dai4 tong1 shi3] /General history of the Qing dynasty, compiled un an / [qing1 cang1 cha2 ku4] /to make an inventory of warehouses/ [qing1 chang2] /to repay a debt in full/to redeem/to clear/ [Qing1 bing1] /Qing troops/Manchu soldiers/ [qing1 ce4] /detailed list/inventory/ [qing1 jiao3] /to suppress (insurgents)/clean-up operation/ [Qing1 yuan2] /Qingyuan county in Fushun , Liaoning/ [Qing1 yuan2 Man3 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Qingyuan Manchu autono [Qing1 yuan2 xian4] /Qingyuan county in Fushun , Liaoning/ [Qing1 shi3 lie4 zhuan4] /Biographic history of Qing dynasty by a success s, published 1928 and revised 1987, with biographies of 2,900 notable Qing commo ner citizens, 80 scrolls/ [Qing1 shi3 gao3] /Draft History of the Qing dynasty, sometimes listed as num or 26 of the 24 dynastic histories , compiled under Zhao Erxun in 192 rn Warlords period, 536 scrolls/ [Qing1 shi3 guan3] /office set up in 1914 to compile official history of the nasty/ [qing1 chang4] /to sing opera music (without staging or make up)/

[qing1 dan1] /list of items/ [Qing1 cheng2] /Qingcheng district of Qingyuan city , Guangdong/ [Qing1 cheng2 qu1] /Qingcheng district of Qingyuan city , Guangdong/ [Qing1 tai4 zong1] /posthumous title of Hung Taiji (1592-1643), 1626-1636 as Second Khan of Later Jin dynasty , then founded the Qing dynasty eigned 1636-1643 as Emperor/ [Qing1 Tai4 zu3] /posthumous title of Nurhaci (1559-1626), anchu Later Jin dynasty (from 1616)/ [qing1 guan1] /honest and upright official (traditional)/ [Qing1 wan3 xian4] /Qingwan county in Baoding prefecture, Hebei/ [Qing1 shi2 lu4] /Qing historical archive, currently 4484 scrolls/ [Qing1 zhou1] /Cheongju, capital of North Chungcheong Province, South Korea ng1 bei3 dao4]/ [Qing1 zhou1 shi4] /Cheongju, capital of North Chungcheong Province, South Ko qing1 bei3 dao4]/ [qing1 you1] /(of a location) quiet and secluded/beautiful and secluded/ [qing1 lian2] /honest/uncorrupted/ [Qing1 ting2] /the Qing court (as government of China)/ [Qing1 xu2] /Qingxu county in Taiyuan [Tai4 yuan2], Shanxi/ [Qing1 xu2 xian4] /Qingxu county in Taiyuan [Tai4 yuan2], Shanxi/ [qing1 tian2] /pure and quiet (of life)/tranquil and comfortable/ [qing1 chai1] /demolition (of buildings for new project)/ [qing1 chai1 hu4] /demolition of homes/to destroy homes (for new building pro [qing1 sao3] /to tidy up/to mop up/a sweep (against crime)/ [Qing1 zheng4 fu3] /Qing government (1644-1911)/ [qing1 jiao4 tu2] /Puritan/ [Qing1 xin1] /Qingxin county in Qingyuan , Guangdong/ [qing1 xin1] /fresh and clean/ [Qing1 xin1 xian4] /Qingxin county in Qingyuan , Guangdong/ [qing1 xin1 zi4 ran2] /as fresh and clean as nature (idiom)/ [qing1 zao3] /first thing in the morning/at daybreak/ [Qing1 ming2] /Qingming or Pure Brightness, 5th of the 24 solar terms 5] 5th-19th April/Pure Brightness Festival or Tomb Sweeping Day (in early April) / [qing1 ming2] /clear and bright/sober and calm/(of a government or administration well ordered/ [Qing1 ming2 jie2] /Qingming or Pure Brightness Festival or Tomb Sweeping Day ration for the dead (in early April)/ [qing1 chen2] /early morning/ [qing1 xi1] /clear/distinct/ [qing1 lang3] /clear and bright/unclouded/clear and sonorous (voice)/clear and li ely (narrative)/ [Qing1 chao2] /Ch'ing or Qing dynasty (1644-1911)/ [Qing1 mo4] /the final years of the Ch'ing or Qing dynasty/China at the turn of t e 20th century/ [Qing1 mo4 Min2 chu1] /the late Qin and early Republic, i.e. China around [qing1 cha2] /to investigate thoroughly/to carefully inspect/to verify/to ferret ut (undesirable elements)/ [qing1 chu5] /clear/distinct/to understand thorougly/to be clear about/ [qing1 ning2 meng2] /lime/ [qing1 zheng4] /upright and honorable/ [qing1 zheng4 lian2 ming2] /upright and honest/ [Qing1 shui3] /Qingshui (place name)/ [qing1 shui3] /fresh water/drinking water/clear water/ [Qing1 shui3 si4] /Kiyomizu temple in east Kyto , Japan/ [Qing1 shui3 he2] /Qingshuihe county in Hohhot [Hu1 he2 hao4 te4], In [Qing1 shui3 he2 xian4] /Qingshuihe county in Hohhot [Hu1 he2 hao [qing1 shui3 qiang2] /unplastered masonry wall/ [Qing1 shui3 xian4] /Qingshui county in Tianshui [Tian1 shui3], Gansu/ [Qing1 shui3 zhen4] /Chingshui town in Taichung county [Tai2 zho

[Qing1 jiang1] /Qingjiang river in Hubei/ [Qing1 he2] /Qinghe county in Xingtai [Xing2 tai2], Hebei/Qinghe district of city , Liaoning/ [Qing1 he2 qu1] /Qinghe district of Tieling city , Liaoning/Qing ty [Huai2 an1 shi4], Jiangsu/ [Qing1 he2 xian4] /Qinghe county in Xingtai [Xing2 tai2], Hebei/ [Qing1 he2 men2] /Qinghemen district of Fuxin city , Liaoning/ [Qing1 he2 men2 qu1] /Qinghemen district of Fuxin city , Liaoning/ [qing1 you2] /vegetable cooking oil/ [qing1 quan2] /clear spring/ [qing1 xi3] /to wash/to clean/to purge/ [Qing1 jin1 shi4] /Chongjin, capital of North Hamgyeong province orth Korea/ [Qing1 liu2] /Qingliu county in Sanming [San1 ming2], Fujian/ [Qing1 liu2 xian4] /Qingliu county in Sanming [San1 ming2], Fujian/ [Qing1 pu3] /Qingpu district of Huai'an city [Huai2 an1 shi4], Jiangsu/ [Qing1 pu3 qu1] /Qingpu district of Huai'an city [Huai2 an1 shi4], Jian [qing1 liang2] /cool/refreshing/ [qing1 liang2 you2] /soothing ointment/balm/ [qing1 dan4] /light (of food, not greasy or strongly flavored)/insipid/slack (sal s)/ [qing1 jing4] /peaceful/quiet/tranquil/purified of defiling illusion (Buddhism)/ [qing1 tang1] /broth/clear soup/consomm/ [qing1 di2] /to rinse/to wash/to clean/to purge/to comb out/ [qing1 jie2] /clean/purity/ [qing1 jie2 ji4] /detergent/cleaning solution/ [qing1 jie2 qi4] /cleaner/ [qing1 jie2 gong1] /cleaner/janitor/garbage collector/ [qing1 jie2 dai4] /sanitation bag/motion discomfort receptacle/sickbag/airsic ag/ [qing1 cheng2] /limpid/ [qing1 che4] /clear/limpid/ [qing1 che4 jian4 di3] /water so clear you can see the bottom/ [Qing1 jian4] /Qingjian county in Yln [Yu2 lin2], Shnx/ [Qing1 jian4 xian4] /Qingjian county in Yln [Yu2 lin2], Shnx/ [qing1 huo3] /to clear internal heat (Chinese Medicine)/ [qing1 re4] /to alleviate fever (medicine)/to clear internal heat (Chinese medici e)/ [qing1 dun4] /to stew meat without seasoning/ [qing1 shuang3] /fresh and cool/ [qing1 li3] /to clear up/to tidy up/to dispose of/ [qing1 li3 dui4 wu3] /to purge the ranks/ [qing1 ying2] /limpid/glistening/ [qing1 shou4] /meager/ [qing1 qu2] /lean/thin/spare/ [qing1 bai2] /pure/innocent/ [Qing1 huang2 chao2] /the Ch'ing or Qing dynasty (1644-1911)/ [qing1 pan2] /liquidation/ [qing1 zhen1] /Islamic/Muslim/halal (of food)/clean/pure/ [qing1 zhen1 si4] /mosque/ [qing1 xiu4] /delicate and pretty/ [qing1 kong1] /to clear/to empty/ [qing1 suan4] /to settle accounts/to clear accounts/to liquidate/to expose and cr ticize/ [qing1 suan4 ye4 wu4] /clearing bank/ [qing1 suan4 hang2] /clearing bank/ [qing1 hong2 bang1] /traditional secret society, Chinese equivalent of Freema [qing1 chun2] /fresh and pure/ [qing1 qi3] /beautiful/elegant/ [qing1 cui4] /sharp and clear/crisp/melodious/ringing/tinkling/silvery (of sound)

fragile/frail/also written / [Qing1 yuan4] /Qingyuan county in Baoding [Bao3 ding4], Hebei/ [Qing1 yuan4 xian4] /Qingyuan county in Baoding [Bao3 ding4], Hebei/ [qing1 cha2] /green tea/only tea (without food)/ [Qing1 hua2] /abbr. for [Qing1 hua2 Da4 xue2]/ [Qing1 hua2 Da4 xue2] /Tsing Hua or Qinghua University, Beijing/National versity, Hsinchu, Taiwan/ [qing1 zheng1] /steamed in broth/ [qing1 yi4] /fair criticism/just comment/ [Qing1 feng1] /Qingfeng county in Puyang [Pu2 yang2], Henan/ [Qing1 feng1 xian4] /Qingfeng county in Puyang [Pu2 yang2], Henan/ [Qing1 jun1] /the Qing army/ [qing1 yi4] /fresh and elegant/ [qing1 dao4] /to clean the street/to clear the road (i.e. get rid of people for p ssage of royalty or VIP)/ [qing1 dao4 fu1] /street cleaner/garbage collector/ [Qing1 yuan3] /Qingyuan prefecture level city in Guangdong/ [Qing1 yuan3 shi4] /Qingyuan prefecture level city in Guangdong province/ [Qing1 Mai4] /Chiang Mai, Thailand's second town/ [qing1 zhuo2] /wine offered to gods in worship/ [qing1 jiu3] /sake (Japanese rice wine)/ [qing1 xing3] /clear-headed/sober/awake/ [Qing1 zhen4] /Qingzhen county level city in Guiyang [Gui4 yang2], Guizh [Qing1 zhen4 shi4] /Qingzhen county level city in Guiyang [Gui4 yang [qing1 xian2] /idle/leisurely/ [qing1 guan1] /customs clearance/ [qing1 chu2] /to eliminate/to get rid of/ [qing1 dui4] /to purge the ranks/ [qing1 jing4] /quiet/peaceful and quiet/ [qing1 yin1] /unvoiced consonant/voiceless consonant/ [qing1 feng1] /cool breeze/fig. pure and honest/ [qing1 feng1 liang3 xiu4] /honest and upright (idiom)/ [qing1 feng1 jing4 jie2] /pure and high-minded (idiom)/ [qing1 feng1 ming2 yue4] /lit. cool breeze and bright moon (idiom); unatt leisure/ [qing1 xiang1] /sweet scent/fragrant odor/ [qing1 gao1] /noble and virtuous/aloof from politics and material pursuits/ [qing1 li4] /lucid and elegant/quiet and exquisite/clear and attractive style/ [qing1 dian3] /to check/to make inventory/ [qing1 dian3 zhang4 mu4] /to check the accounts/to take stock/ [qing1 dang3] /purge of the party/ [ke3] /Japanese variant of / [ji4] /Japanese variant of / [she4] /Japanese variant of [she4]/ [se4] /Japanese variant of [se4]/ [qi1] /Japanese variant of / [yuan1] /variant of /abyss/used in Japanese names with phonetic value fuchi or b chi/ [huan4] /disperse expansive (of river)/ [zhu3] /islet/bank/ [jian3] /to lower/to decrease/to reduce/to subtract/to diminish/ [jian3 di1] /to lower/to reduce/ [jian3 di1 su4 du4] /to retard/to decelerate/ [jian3 feng4] /to lower salary/to reduce pay/ [jian3 jia4] /to cut prices/to discount/to mark down/price cutting/ [jian3 mian3] /to lower tax/to reduce duties/ [jian3 xing2] /to reduce penalty/shortened or commuted (judicial) sentence/ [jian3 ban4] /to reduce by half/ [jian3 qu4] /minus/to subtract/ [jian3 zao4] /noise reduction/

[jian3 ya1] /to reduce pressure/to relax/ [jian3 ya1 shi2 jian1 biao3] /decompression schedule (diving)/also ca ]/ [jian3 ya1 bing4] /decompression sickness/the bends/also [jian3 [jian3 ya1 zheng4] /decompression sickness/the bends/also [jian3 [jian3 ya1 cheng2 xu4] /decompression schedule/ [jian3 ya1 biao3] /decompression table/ [jian3 xiao3] /to reduce/to decrease/to diminish/ [jian3 shao3] /to lessen/to decrease/to reduce/to lower/ [jian3 fu2] /amount of reduction/size of discount/ [jian3 ruo4] /to weaken/to fall off/ [jian3 xi1] /to lower interest rate (esp. of central bank)/ [jian3 man4] /to slow down/ [jian3 zhen4] /shock absorption/vibration dampening/ [jian3 diao4] /to subtract/to lose (weight)/ [jian3 pai2] /to reduce emissions/ [jian3 sun3] /to impair/to degrade/to decrease/to reduce/to weaken/to detract fro /impairment (e.g. of financial assets)/ [jian3 shu4 fen1 lie4] /meiosis (in sexual reproduction)/ [jian3 he2] /nuclear weapons reduction (abbr. of )/disarmament/ [jian3 du2 huo2 yi4 miao2] /attenuated live vaccine/ [jian3 fa3] /subtraction/ [jian3 zai1] /measures to reduce disasters/ [jian3 chan3] /to lose output/a drop in crop yield/reduction in production/ [jian3 tan4] /to reduce carbon emissions/ [jian3 shui4] /tax cut/ [jian3 huan3] /to slow down/to retard/ [jian3 fei2] /to lose weight/ [jian3 xin1] /to cut wages/ [jian3 hao4] /minus sign - (math.)/ [jian3 ji4] /to write down (i.e. to decrease the expected value of a loan)/ [jian3 fu4] /to alleviate a burden on sb/ [jian3 qing1] /to lighten/to ease/to alleviate/ [jian3 tui4] /to ebb/to go down/to decline/ [jian3 su4] /to reduce speed/to slow down/to take it easy/ [jian3 su4 qi4] /moderator/ [jian3 zhen4] /shock absorption/damping/ [jian3 zhen4 qi4] /shock-absorber/ [Yu2] /abbr. for Chongqing /old name of Jialing river in Sichuan/ [Yu2 zhong1] /Yuzhong (or central Chongqing) district of central Chongqing munici ality, formerly in Sichuan/ [Yu2 zhong1 qu1] /Yuzhong (or central Chongqing) district of central Chongqin ipality, formerly in Sichuan/ [Yu2 bei3] /Yubei district of central Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan [Yu2 bei3 qu1] /Yubei district of central Chongqing municipality, formerly in n/ [Yu2 shui3] /old name of Jialing River in Sichuan through Chongqing/Yushui of Xinyu city , Jiangxi/ [Yu2 shui3 qu1] /Yushui district of Xinyu city , Jiangxi/ [ting2] /stagnant water/ [Qu2] /surname Qu/ [ju4] /how can it be that?/ [qu2] /big/stream or canal/drain/ditch/CL: [tiao2]/him (toplect)/outer rim of a c rriage wheel (old)/ [qu2 gou1] /trench/ [Qu2 xian4] /Qu county in Dazhou [Da2 zhou1], Sichuan/ [qu2 dao4] /irrigation ditch/medium or channel of communication/ [qu2 kui2] /rebel leader/ringleader/bandit chieftain/ [du4] /to cross/to pass through/to ferry/ [du4 jia4] /to spend one's holidays/vacations/

[du4 kou3] /ferry/ [du4 he2] /to cross a river/ [du4 du4 niao3] /the dodo (extinct bird)/ [du4 chuan2] /ferry/ [du4 lun2] /ferry boat/ [du4 lun2 chuan2] /ferry ship/ [du4 guo4] /to cross over/to pass through/ [du4 ya1] /raven (family Corvidae)/ [feng2] /buoyant/floating/ [zha1] /slag (in mining or smelting)/dregs/ [Zha1 da3 Yin2 hang2] /Standard Chartered Bank/ [zha1 zi3] /residue/dregs/disreputable people/ [Bo2] /same as [Bo2 Hai3], Bohai Sea between Liaoning and Shandong/Gulf of Zhili r Chihli/ [Bo2 Hai3] /Bohai sea between Liaoning and Shandong/Parhae, Korean kingdom in Man huria and Siberia 698-926/ [Bo2 hai3 wan1] /Bohai Bay/ [bo2 xie4 sang1 tian2] /lit. blue seas where once was mulberry fields (id ji4], Record of the Grand Historian); time brings great changes/life's vicissitu des/ [wo4] /to enrich/to moisten/ [Wo4 tai4 hua2] /Ottawa, capital of Canada/ [guo1] /name of a river/ [wo1] /eddy/whirlpool/ [wo1 pen1] /turbojet/ [wo1 shan4] /turbofan/ [wo1 xuan2] /eddy/vortex/ [wo1 he2] /eye of a vortex/ [wo1 jiang3] /turboprop/ [wo1 chong2 gang1] /Turbellaria (an order of flatworms)/ [wo1 lun2] /turbine/ [wo1 lun2 pen1 qi4 fa1 dong4 ji1] /turbojet/ [wo1 lun2 zhou2 fa1 dong4 ji1] /turboshaft/ [Guo1 yang2] /Guoyang county in Bozhou [Bo2 zhou1], Anhui/ [Guo1 yang2 xian4] /Guoyang county in Bozhou [Bo2 zhou1], Anhui/ [di4] /to drop, as liquids/a drop/ [wei1] /a cove, a bay/a bend or nook in the hills/the curve of a bow/ [Xie4] /surname Xie/ [xie4] /to get rid of/to discharge/to dredge/ [ce4] /side/to lean/to survey/to measure/conjecture/ [ce4 di4 qu1 lu:4] /geodesic curvature/ [ce4 di4 xian4] /geodesic/a geodesic (curve)/ [ce4 di4 xian4 qu1 lu:4] /geodesic curvature/ [ce4 tian1] /to make astronomical observation/ [ce4 yun4] /pregnancy testing/ [ce4 ding4] /to survey and evaluate/ [ce4 du4] /measure (math.)/ [ce4 jing4 qi4] /calipers/ [ce4 kong4] /measurement and control/ [ce4 shen1] /to sound (sea depth)/ [ce4 wen1] /to measure temperature/ [ce4 zhi1] /to detect/to sense/ [ce4 suan4] /to take measurements and calculate/ [ce4 hui4] /to survey and draw/to map/ [ce4 liang2] /to survey and measure/ [ce4 ping2] /to test and evaluate/ [ce4 shi4] /to test (machinery etc)/to test (students)/test/quiz/exam/beta (softw re)/ [Ce4 shi4 he2 Cai2 liao4 Xie2 hui4] /American Society for Tes [ce4 shi4 qi4] /testing apparatus/monitoring device/checker/meter/

[ce4 huang3 qi4] /lie detector/polygraph/ [ce4 ju4 yi2] /distance measuring equipment/ [ce4 liang2] /survey/to measure/to gauge/to determine/ [ce4 liang2 gong1 ju4] /gauge/measuring tool/ [ce4 liang2 chuan2] /survey vessel/ [ce4 chui2] /bob of plumb line/ [ce4 yan4] /test/to test/CL:[ci4], [ge4]/ [ce4 yan4 jie2 guo3] /test result/ [wei4] /the Wei river in Shaanxi through the Guanzhong plain/ [Wei4 nan2] /Winn prefecture level city in Shnx / [Wei4 nan2 di4 qu1] /Weinan prefecture in Shaanxi/ [Wei4 nan2 shi4] /Winn prefecture level city in Shnx / [Wei4 cheng2] /Weicheng district in Xinyng city [Xian2 yang2 shi4] [Wei4 cheng2 qu1] /Weicheng district in Xinyng city [Xian2 yan [wei4 shui3] /Wei River in Shaanxi through the Guanzhong plain/ [Wei4 he2] /Wei River in Shaanxi through the Guanzhong plain/ [Wei4 yuan2] /Weiyuan county in Dingxi [Ding4 xi1], Gansu/ [Wei4 yuan2 xian4] /Weiyuan county in Dingxi [Ding4 xi1], Gansu/ [Wei4 bin1] /Weibin district of Boj city [Bao3 ji1 shi4], Shnx/ [Wei4 bin1 qu1] /Weibin district of Boj city [Bao3 ji1 shi4], [ge1] /place name/ [Gang3] /Hong Kong, abbr. for [Xiang1 gang3]/surname Gang/ [gang3] /harbor/port/CL: [ge4]/ [gang3 jiao1 suo3] /the Hong Kong stock market/abbr. for / [Gang3 ren2] /Hong Kong person or people/ [Gang3 yuan2] /Hong Kong dollar/ [gang3 wu4 ju2] /port authority/ [Gang3 bei3] /Gangbei district of Guigang city [Gui4 gang3 shi4], Gu [Gang3 bei3 qu1] /Gangbei district of Guigang city [Gui4 gang3 s [Gang3 qu1] /Minato area of downtown Tokyo/ [gang3 qu1] /port area/ [Gang3 Nan2] /Gangnan district of Guigang city [Gui4 gang3 shi4], Gu [Gang3 Nan2 qu1] /Gangnan district of Guigang city [Gui4 gang3 s [gang3 kou3] /port/harbor/ [Gang3 kou3 qu1] /Gangkou district of Fangchenggang city [Fang2 cheng gxi/ [gang3 kou3 cheng2 shi4] /port city/ [gang3 bu4] /port/wharf/sea terminal/ [gang3 nu:3] /girl wth undesirable personality traits such as materialism and sel -centeredness, supposedly stereotypical of Hong Kong girls (slang)/ [Gang3 dao3] /Hong Kong Island/abbr. for [Xiang1 gang3 dao3]/ [gang3 bi4] /Hong Kong currency/Hong Kong dollar/ [Gang3 fu3] /Hong Kong government/ [gang3 wan1] /harbor/ [Gang3 Ao4] /Hong Kong and Macao / [Gang3 Ao4 di4 qu1] /Hong Kong and Macao area/ [Gang3 Ao4 Tai2] /Hong Kong , Macao and Taiwan [Tai2 w [gang3 wan1] /natural harbor/bay serving as harbor/ [Gang3 gu3] /Hong Kong shares/ [Gang3 Tai2] /Hong Kong and Taiwan/ [Gang3 Ying1 zheng4 fu3] /British colonial administration of Hong Kong 18 945-1997/ [Gang3 zha2] /Gangzha district of Nantong city [Nan2 tong1 shi4], Jiangsu/ [Gang3 zha2 qu1] /Gangzha district of Nantong city [Nan2 tong1 shi4], J [Gang3 long2] /Hong Kong Dragon Airlines (Dragon Air), Hong Kong and South China irline/abbr. of / [gang3 long2 hang2 kong1] /Hong Kong Dragon Airlines (Dragon Air), Hong K China airline/ [yan3] /(of cloud) forming or rising/ [xuan4] /wash (color)/

[xuan4 ran3] /rendering (computing)/to add washes of ink or color to a drawing (C inese painting)/to exaggerate/to embellish/ [ke3] /thirsty/ [ke3 bu4 ke3 nai4] /to be so thirsty as to no longer be able to tolerate [ke3 mu4] /to thirst for/ [ke3 wang4] /to thirst for/to long for/ [ke3 qiu2] /to long for/to crave for/to greatly desire/ [Ying1] /river in Shandong Province (old)/ [You2] /surname You/ [you2] /to swim/to walk/to tour/to roam/to travel/ [You2 xian1] /Youxian district of Mianyang city [Mian2 yang2 shi4], [You2 xian1 qu1] /Youxian district of Mianyang city [Mian2 yang2 [you2 dong4] /to move about/to go from place to place/roving/mobile/ [you2 ke4 zhi3 bu4] /visitors are not admitted (idiom)/ [you2 shan1 wan2 shui3] /to go on a scenic tour (idiom)/ [you2 xi4 chi2] /swimming pool/ [you2 yong3] /swimming/to swim/ [you2 yong3 chi2] /swimming pool/CL: [chang3]/ [you2 yong3 yi1] /swimsuit/bathing costume/ [you2 yong3 jing4] /swimming goggles/ [you2 yong3 guan3] /swimming pool/ [you2 si1] /gossamer/hairspring/ [you2 she2] /water snake/colubrid/racer/ [you2 shui4 tuan2] /lobby group/ [you2 shui4 tuan2 ti3] /lobby group/ [You2 Xi1 kun1] /Yu Shyi-kun (1948-) Taiwanese politician/ [miao3] /(of an expanse of water) vast/distant and indistinct/tiny or insignific ant/ [miao3 hu1 qi2 wei1] /remote and insignificant (idiom)/ [miao3 zi3] /muon (in elementary particle physics)/ [miao3 xiao3] /minute/tiny/negligible/insignificant/ [miao3 miao3 mang2 mang2] /uncertain/unknown/fuzzy/ [miao3 wu2 ren2 yan1] /remote and uninhabited (idiom); deserted/God-forsa [miao3 wu2 yin1 xin4] /to receive no news whatsoever about sb/ [miao3 mang2] /uncertain/remote/distant and indistinct/vague/ [miao3 yun4] /faraway/distant/remote/ [miao3 yuan3] /distantly remote/also written [miao3 yuan3]/ [mei3] /ripple pattern/ [hun2] /muddy/ [hun2 yi2 zhu4] /book by Han dynasty astronomer Zhang Heng/ [hun2 yuan2] /perfectly round/tactful/sophisticated/ [hun2 tian1 yi2] /armillary sphere (astronomy)/ [hun2 tian1 shuo1] /geocentric theory in ancient Chinese astronomy/ [hun2 ru2] /very similar/ [hun2 jia1] /wife/ [hun2 shui3 mo1 yu2] /to fish in troubled water (idiom); to take advantag for personal gain/ [hun2 han4 ru2 yu3] /to drip with sweat/ [Hun2 he2] /Hun River/ [hun2 hun2 e4 e4] /muddleheaded/ [Hun2 yuan2] /Hunyuan county in Datong [Da4 tong2], Shanxi/ [Hun2 yuan2 xian4] /Hunyuan county in Datong [Da4 tong2], Shanxi/ [hun2 zhuo2] /muddy/turbid/ [hun2 ran2] /completely/absolutely/undivided/totally mixed up/muddled/ [hun2 ran2 yi1 ti3] /to blend into one another/to blend together well/ [hun2 ran2 tian1 cheng2] /to resemble nature itself/of the highest qualit [hun2 qiu2] /variant of [hun2 qiu2]/ [hun2 qiu2 r5] /variant of [hun2 qiu2 r5]/ [hun2 tuo1] /leather float/inflatable raft/ [hun2 mang2] /the dark ages before civilization/limitless reaches/vague and confu

ed/ [hun2 hao4] /nickname/ [hun2 dan4] /variant of [hun2 dan4]/ [hun2 shen1] /all over/from head to foot/ [hun2 shen1 shang4 xia4] /all over/from head to toe/ [hun2 shen1 jie3 shu4] /to give it your all/to go at it with all you've g our whole weight behind it/ [pai4] /sound of waves/ [mei2] /brink/edge/ [Mei2 gong1 he2] /Mekong River/ [Mei2 gong1 he2 san1 jiao3 zhou1] /Mekong River delta/ [Mei2 zhou1 dao3] /Putian/ [Mei2 tan2] /Meitan county in Zun'yi [Zun1 yi4], Guizhou/ [Mei2 tan2 xian4] /Meitan county in Zun'yi [Zun1 yi4], Guizhou/ [lian4] /boil raw silk/ [tian2] /(literary) smoothly flowing, placid (water)/ [tian2 tian2] /(literary) smoothly flowing, placid (water)/ [cou4] /to gather together, pool or collect/to happen by chance/to move close to /to exploit an opportunity/ [cou4 fen4 zi5] /to pool resources (for a gift, project etc)/ [cou4 he5] /to bring together/to make do in a bad situation/to just get by/to imp ovise/passable/not too bad/ [cou4 qiao3] /fortuitously/luckily/as chance has it/ [cou4 cheng2] /to put together/to make up (a set)/to round up (a number to a conv nient multiple)/resulting in.../ [cou4 shou3] /at hand/within easy reach/convenient/handy/ [cou4 shu4] /to serve as a stopgap/to make up a shortfall in the number of people [cou4 re4 nao5] /to join in the fun/to get in on the action/(fig.) to butt in ate more trouble/ [cou4 qu4] /to comply in order to please others/to accommodate sb else's taste/to make fun of/ [cou4 jin4] /to approach/to lean close to/ [cou4 qian2] /to raise enough money to do sth/to pool money/to club together (to o sth)/ [cou4 qi2] /to collect all the bits to make a whole/ [wei2] /to flow back (of water)/ [tuan1] /to rush (of water)/ [tuan1 ji2] /rapid (flow of water)/ [tuan1 liu2] /turbulence/ [mian3] /drunk/ [xu3] /abundant/bright/strain spirits/ [pen2] /flowing of water/name of a river/ [jian1] /to wash/to redress (a wrong)/name of a river/ [jian1 xi3] /to wash/ [jian1 di2] /to wash/ [jian1 xue3] /to wipe away (a humiliation)/to redress (a wrong)/ [hu2] /lake/CL: [ge4],[pian4]/ [hu2 guang1 shan1 se4] /scenic lakes and mountain (idiom); beautiful lake landscape/ [Hu2 nei4] /Hunei township in Kaohsiung county [Gao1 xiong2 xian4], [Hu2 nei4 xiang1] /Hunei township in Kaohsiung county [Gao1 xion an/ [Hu2 bei3] /Hubei province (Hupeh) in central China, abbr. , capital Wuhan [Hu2 bei3 sheng3] /Hubei province (Hupeh) in central China, abbr. , capital [Hu2 bei3 hua1 qiu1] /Chinese Rowan tree/Sorbus hupehensis or Hupeh rowan [Hu2 nan2] /Hunan province in south central China, abbr. , capital Changsha a1]/ [Hu2 nan2 Da4 xue2] /Hunan University/ [Hu2 nan2 sheng3] /Hunan province in south central China, abbr. , capital C [Hu2 kou3] /Hukou county in Jiujiang , Jiangxi/Hukou township in Hsinchu coun

2 xian4], northwest Taiwan/ [Hu2 kou3 xian4] /Hukou county in Jiujiang , Jiangxi/ [Hu2 kou3 xiang1] /Hukou township in Hsinchu county [Xin1 zhu2 x [Hu2 zhou1] /Huzhou prefecture level city in Zhejiang/ [Hu2 zhou1 shi4] /Huzhou prefecture level city in Zhejiang/ [Hu2 guang3] /Hubei and Hunan provinces (a Ming dynasty province)/ [hu2 zhao3] /lakes and marshes/ [hu2 zhao3 xue2] /limnology/ [hu2 po1] /lake/ [Hu2 bin1] /Lakeside district/Hubin district of Sanmenxia city [ an/ [hu2 bin1] /lake front/ [Hu2 bin1 qu1] /Lakeside district/Hubin district of Sanmenxia city enan/ [hu2 pan4] /lakeside/ [Hu2 xi1] /Huhsi township in Penghu county [Peng2 hu2 xian4] (Pescad an/ [Hu2 xi1 xiang1] /Huhsi township in Penghu county [Peng2 hu2 xia Taiwan/ [hu2 bian1] /lakeside/ [Hu2 li3] /Huli district of Xiamen city [Xia4 men2 shi4] (Amoy), Fuj [Hu2 li3 qu1] /Huli district of Xiamen city [Xia4 men2 shi4] (Am [Xiang1] /abbr. for Hunan province in south central China/abbr. for Xiangjiang r ver in Hunan province/ [Xiang1 ju4] /Hunan opera/ [Xiang1 yong3] /Hunan army, irregular force formed in 1850s to fight the Taiping eavenly kingdom rebellion/ [Xiang1 dong1] /Xiangdong district of Pingxiang city , Jiangxi/ [Xiang1 dong1 qu1] /Xiangdong district of Pingxiang city , Jiang [Xiang1 gui4 yun4 he2] /Hunan-Guanxi canal, another name for Lngq uanxi/ [Xiang1 qiao2] /Xiangqiao district of Chaozhou city [Chao2 zhou1 shi4], Gua [Xiang1 qiao2 qu1] /Xiangqiao district of Chaozhou city [Chao2 zhou1 sh [Xiang1 jiang1] /the Xiangjiang river in Hunan province/ [Xiang1 tan2] /Xiangtan prefecture level city in Hunan/ [Xiang1 tan2 di4 qu1] /Xiangtan prefecture in Hunan/ [Xiang1 tan2 shi4] /Xiangtan prefecture level city in Hunan/ [Xiang1 tan2 xian4] /Xiangtan county in Xiangtan [Xiang1 tan2], Hunan/ [Xiang1 xiu4] /Hunan embroidery/ [Xiang1 cai4] /Hunan cuisine/ [Xiang1 xi1] /Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture [X 2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1]/western Hunan/ [Xiang1 xi1 Tu3 jia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1 n northwest Hunan, capital Jishou / [Xiang1 yu3] /Xiang (Hunanese) dialect spoken in Hunan Province/ [Xiang1 jun1] /Hunan army, irregular force formed in 1850s to fight the Taiping h avenly kingdom rebellion/ [Xiang1 xiang1] /Xiangxiang county level city in Xiangtan [Xiang1 tan2], Huna [Xiang1 xiang1 shi4] /Xiangxiang county level city in Xiangtan [Xiang1 ta [Xiang1 yin1] /Xiangyin county in Yueyang [Yue4 yang2], Hunan/ [Xiang1 yin1 xian4] /Xiangyin county in Yueyang [Yue4 yang2], Hunan/ [Xiang1 Qian2] /Hunan-Guizhou/ [Zhan4] /surname Zhan/ [zhan4] /deep/clear (water)/ [Zhan4 jiang1] /Zhanjiang prefecture level city in Guangdong province ng3] in south China/ [Zhan4 jiang1 di4 qu1] /Zhanjiang prefecture in Guangdong/ [Zhan4 jiang1 shi4] /Zhanjiang prefecture level city in Guangdong province sheng3] in south China/ [Zhan4 jiang1 Shi1 fan4 Xue2 yuan4] /Zhanjiang Normal University/

[Zhan4 jiang1 gang3] /the port of Guangzhou/ [Zhan4 he2] /Zhanhe district of Pingdingshan city [Ping2 ding3 s [Zhan4 he2 qu1] /Zhanhe district of Pingdingshan city [Ping2 [zhan4 lan2] /azure/ [shi2] /clear water/pure/ [jie1] /flowing (of water)/ [zhen1] /river in Guangdong province/ [Zhen1 jiang1] /Zhenjiang district of Shaoguan City , Guangdong/ [Zhen1 jiang1 qu1] /Zhenjiang district of Shaoguan City , Guangd [huang2] /name of a river/ [Huang2 zhong1] /Huangzhong county in Xining [Xi1 ning2], Qinghai/ [Huang2 zhong1 xian4] /Huangzhong county in Xining [Xi1 ning2], Qing [Huang2 shui3] /Huangshui River, upper reaches of the Yellow River [Huan ing through Qinghai and Gansu/ [Huang2 yuan2] /Huangyuan county in Xining [Xi1 ning2], Qinghai/ [Huang2 yuan2 xian4] /Huangyuan county in Xining [Xi1 ning2], Qingha [bi4] /public bathhouse/ [min3] /mixed, confused/pity/ [yong3] /to bubble up/to rush forth/ [yong3 xian4] /to emerge in large numbers/to spring up/to emerge prominently/ [zhong4] /muddy, turbid/milk/ [jiao3] /marsh/ [yan1] /to inundate/to bury/to cover up/obscured/submerged/ [yin1] /variant of [yin1]/ [yan1 mo4] /to bury/to submerge/to pass into oblivion/to obliterate/to annihilate (physics)/ [yan1 mo4 wu2 wen2] /to pass into oblivion/ [yin1 mie4] /to destroy/to disappear/annihilation/ [Tang1] /surname Tang/ [shang1] /rushing current/ [tang1] /soup/hot or boiling water/decoction of medicinal herbs/water in which s th has been boiled/ [tang1 ji4] /decoction/potion/ [tang1 li4 shui3] /tonic water/ [Tang1 jia1] /Tonga, south pacific archipelago kingdom/ [tang1 jia1 qun2 dao3] /Tonga/ [Tang1 jia1 li3 luo2] /Tongariro, volcanic area on North Island, New Zeal [tang1 shao2] /soup ladle/ [tang1 bao1] /steamed dumpling/ [tang1 chi2] /soup spoon/tablespoon/CL:[ba3]/ [Tang1 yuan2] /Tangyuan county in Kiamusze or Jiamusi city [Jia1 mu4 si1], ng/ [Tang1 yuan2 xian4] /Tangyuan county in Kiamusze or Jiamusi city [Jia1 gjiang/ [tang1 yuan2] /boiled balls of glutinous rice flour, eaten during the Lantern fes ival/ [Tang1 mu3] /Tom (name)/ [Tang1 mu3 Ke4 lan2 xi1] /Tom Clancy (1947-), US author/ [Tang1 mu3 Ke4 lu3 si1] /Tom Cruise (1962-), film actor/ [Tang1 mu3 Suo3 ya4 li4 xian3 ji4] /Adventures of Tom S [Tang1 mu3 Luo2 bin1 si1] /Tom Robbins, American novelist/ [Tang1 mu3 sun1] /Thompson or Thomson (name)/ [Tang1 mu3 si1 Bei1] /Thomas cup (international badminton team competitio [Tang1 mu3 Suo3 ya4 li4 xian3 ji4] /Adventures of Tom Sawyer [Tang1 mu3 xun4] /Thomson (name)/ [Tang1 chuan1] /Yukawa (name)/YUKAWA Hideki (1907-1988), Japanese theoretical phy icist and Nobel laureate/ [Tang1 chuan1 Xiu4 shu4] /YUKAWA Hideki (1907-1988), Japanese theor Nobel laureate/ [tang1 liao4] /raw materials for making soup/packaged soup mix/

[Tang1 wang4 he2] /Tangwanghe district of Yichun city [Yi1 chun1 shi4], [Tang1 wang4 he2 qu1] /Tangwanghe district of Yichun city [Yi1 chun [Tang1 pu3 sen1] /Thompson (name)/ [Tang1 wu3 ge2 ming4] /overthrow of the Xia dynasty by first king Tang y , unconfirmed but placed at c. 1600 BC/ [tang1 zhi1] /soup/broth/ [tang1 quan2] /hot spring (archaic)/ [Tang1 Yu4 lin2] /Tang Yulin (1871-1937), minor warlord in northeast China, s governor of Chengde , mostly poor in battle but very successful at accumulating p ersonal wealth/ [tang1 pan2] /soup plate/ [tang1 wan3] /soup bowl/ [tang1 yao4] /tisane/decoction (Chinese medicine)/ [Tang1 yin1] /Tangyin county in Anyang [An1 yang2], Henan/ [Tang1 yin1 xian4] /Tangyin county in Anyang [An1 yang2], Henan/ [tang1 lei4] /soup dishes (on menu)/ [Tang1 xian3 zu3] /Tang Xianzu (1550-1616), Ming poet and dramatist, author o pavilion / [tang1 bing3 yan2] /dinner party given on the third day after the birth of a raditional)/ [huo4] /dashing of waves/ [yuan2] /rushing (water)/ [ban4] /mud/slush/ooze/ [pan2] /to wade through water or mud/ [nie4] /variant of / [man3] /Japanese variant of / [gui1] /name of a river in Shanxi/ [gai4] /to irrigate/ [gai4 di2] /to wash/ [jin4] /water/name of a river/ [gui4] /name of a river/ [tang2] /noncoagulative/pond/ [yuan2] /root/source/origin/ [Yuan2 Lai4 chao2] /MINAMOTO no Yoritomo (1147-1199), Japanese warlord the Kamakura shogunate [Lian2 cang1 mu4 fu3]/ [yuan2 dai4 ma3] /source code/ [Yuan2 hui4] /Yuanhui district of Luohe city [Luo4 he2 shi4], Henan/ [Yuan2 hui4 qu1] /Yuanhui district of Luohe city [Luo4 he2 shi4], Henan [yuan2 qi4 guan1] /source organ/ [Yuan2 cheng2] /Yuancheng district of Heyuan city [He2 yuan2 shi4], Guangdo [Yuan2 cheng2 qu1] /Yuancheng district of Heyuan city [He2 yuan2 shi4], [yuan2 yu2] /has its origins in/ [Yuan2 shi4 Wu4 yu3] /The Tale of Genji/Genji Monogatari/ [yuan2 quan2] /fountainhead/well-spring/water source/fig. origin/ [yuan2 liu2] /(of watercourses) source and direction of flow/origin and developme t/ [yuan2 yuan2 bu4 duan4] /a steady flow (idiom); an unending stream/ [yuan2 ma3] /source code (computing)/ [yuan2 zi4] /to originate from/ [yuan2 qi3] /to originate/ [yuan2 yuan3 liu2 chang2] /lit. source is distant and the flow is long (i th goes back to the dim and distant past/a lot of water has flowed under the bri dge since then/ [yuan2 tou2] /source/fountainhead/ [yuan2 dian3] /source/ [yuan2 dian3 di4 zhi3] /source address/ [zhun3] /horizontal (old)/accurate/standard/definitely/certainly/about to become (bride, son-in-law etc)/quasi-/para-/ [zhun3 bei4] /preparation/to prepare/to intend/to be about to/reserve (fund)/ [zhun3 bei4 hao3 le5] /to be ready/

[zhun3 bei4 jin1] /reserve fund/ [zhun3 ze2] /norm/standard/criterion/ [Zhun3 ga2 er3] /Dzungar, Junggar or Dsungharian basin in XinJiang/ [Zhun3 ga2 er3 yi4 long2] /Dsungaripterus (genus of pterosaur)/ [zhun3 jiang4] /brigadier general/commodore/ [zhun3 xing1] /front sight (firearms)/the zero point indicator marked on a steely rd/ [zhun3 shi2] /on time/punctual/on schedule/ [Zhun3 ge2 er3] /Jungar banner in Ordos [E4 er3 duo1 si1], I [Zhun3 ge2 er3 pen2 di4] /Junggar or Dsungharian basin in Xinjiang be TianShan ranges/ [zhun3 di4] /standard/norm/criterion/ [zhun3 que4] /accurate/exact/precise/ [zhun3 que4 xing4] /accuracy/ [zhun3 wen3 xuan2 wo1 jie2 gou4] /quasi-stationary spiral structu [zhun3 xian4] /directrix line of a parabola/guide line/ [zhun3 sheng2] /yardstick/fig. criterion/ground rule/ [Zhun3 ge3 er3 pen2 di4] /Dzungaria or Jungarian depression in north tai and Tianshan/ [ke4] /suddenly/ [ke4 xian1 zhao1 lu4] /the morning dew will swiftly dissipate (idiom); fi and precarious nature of human existence/ [ke4 ran2] /suddenly/ [wa1] /to form hollow/pit/ [liu1] /to slip away/to escape in stealth/to skate/ [liu1 bing1] /ice skating/ [liu1 bing1 chang3] /ice rink/skating rink/ [liu1 bing1 xie2] /skating shoes/ice skates/roller skates/roller blades/ [liu1 han4 bing1] /roller blading (sport)/ [liu1 cao2] /sluice/chute/ [liu1 liu1 qiu2] /yo-yo/ [liu1 gou3] /to take a dog for a walk/ [liu1 shi4] /to flatter obsequiously/toady/ [liu1 zou3] /to slip away/to leave secretly/ [liu1 da5] /to stroll/to go for a walk/ [liu1 bian1] /to keep to the edge (of path, river etc)/fig. to keep out of troubl /to avoid getting involved/ [liu1 bian1 r5] /to keep to the edge (of path, river etc)/fig. to keep out of e/to avoid getting involved/ [liu1 xu1 pai1 ma3] /to smooth whiskers and pat a horse's bottom (idiom); er to get what one wants/to toady/boot-licking/ [gou1] /ditch/gutter/groove/gully/ravine/CL:[dao4]/ [gou1 he4] /gorge/gulch/ravine/deep ditch/ [gou1 qu2] /channel/moat/irrigation canal/ [gou1 jian4] /gully/ravine/ [gou1 gu3] /gully/ [gou1 tong1] /to join/to connect/to link up/to communicate/ [gou1 dao4] /groove/ [ming2] /to drizzle/sea/ [ming2 dao3] /an island in the sea/ [ming2 chi2] /the northern sea/ [ming2 hai3] /a dark sea/ [ming2 ming2] /drizzling/gloomy/dim/obscure/ [ming2 mang3] /vast and boundless/ [ming2 meng2] /drizzling/gloomy/dim/obscure/ [zha4] /name of a river/ [yi4] /to overflow/ [yi4 chu1] /overflow/ [yi4 yu2 yan2 biao3] /to exhibit one's feelings in one's speech/ [yi4 liu2 kong3] /bleed hole/overflow pipe/spill vent/

[yi4 man3] /overflowing/ [ma3] /name of a river/ [Pu3] /surname Pu/ [pu3] /extensive/pervading/ [Pu3 yi2] /Pu Yi, personal name of the last Qing emperor (reigned as child 1909-1 11), the subject of Bertolucci's biopic The Last Emperor/ [Pu3 jun4] /a Qing prince who was the designated successor to emperor Guangxu unt l the Boxer uprising/ [wei1] /drizzle/fine rain/ [li4] /name of a river/ [Li4 shui3] /Lishui county in Nanjing , Jiangsu/ [Li4 shui3 xian4] /Lishui county in Nanjing , Jiangsu/ [Li4 yang2] /Liyang county level city in Changzhou [Chang2 zhou1], Jiangsu/ [Li4 yang2 shi4] /Liyang county level city in Changzhou [Chang2 zhou1], J [xi1] /creek/rivulet/ [Xi1 kou3] /Xikou or Hsikou township in Chiayi county [Jia1 yi4 xian [Xi1 kou3 xiang1] /Xikou or Hsikou township in Chiayi county [Ji n/ [xi1 he4] /valley/mountain gorge/ [Xi1 zhou1] /Hsichou township in Changhua county [Zhang1 hua4 xian4] [Xi1 zhou1 xiang1] /Hsichou township in Changhua county [Zhang1 [xi1 jing4] /path/way through/channel/ [xi1 liu2] /stream/ [Xi1 hu2] /Xihu district of Benxi city [Ben3 xi1 shi4], Liaoning/Hsihu town ua county [Zhang1 hua4 xian4], Taiwan/ [Xi1 hu2 qu1] /Xihu district of Benxi city , Liaoning/ [Xi1 hu2 zhen4] /Hsihu town in Changhua county [Zhang1 hua4 xian [xi1 jian4] /stream/mountain gorge/ [xi1 xie4] /fresh water crab/ [xi1 gu3] /valley/gorge/ [xi1 huang2 cao3] /Rabdosia lophanthoides (no common name), herb plant of Lam family (together with mint and lavender), used in traditional Chinese medicine/ [Wen1] /surname Wen/ [wen1] /warm/lukewarm/temperature/to warm up/mild/soft/tender/to review/to revis e/epidemic/ [wen1 hu5] /warm/lukewarm/ [Wen1 qie1 si1 te4] /Winchester (town in south England, capital of former essex)/ [wen1 hou4] /good-natured/warm and generous/gentle/ [wen1 he2] /mild/gentle/moderate/ [wen1 he2 xing4] /tenderness/ [wen1 he2 pai4] /moderate faction/ [Wen1 ge1 hua2] /Vancouver (city in Canada)/ [Wen1 ge1 hua2 dao3] /Vancouver Island/ [wen1 ya1] /temperature and pressure/ [wen1 cun2] /attentive/emotionally attached/kind/gentle/ [wen1 shi4] /greenhouse/ [wen1 shi4 fei4 qi4 chu3 cun2] /greenhouse gas sequestration/ [wen1 shi4 xiao4 ying4] /greenhouse effect/ [wen1 shi4 qi4 ti3] /greenhouse gas/ [Wen1 Jia1 Bao3] /Wen Jiabao (1942-), Premier of PRC from 2003/ [Wen1 su4] /Onsu nahiyisi (Wensu county) in Aksu [A1 ke4 su1 [Wen1 su4 xian4] /Onsu nahiyisi (Wensu county) in Aksu [ [Wen1 ni2 bo2] /Winnipeg, capital of Manitoba, Canada/ [wen1 ju1] /to celebrate sb's new house/to visit for house-warming/congratulation on new residence/ [Wen1 ling3] /Wenling county level city in Taizhou [Tai2 zhou1], Zhejiang/ [Wen1 ling3 shi4] /Wenling county level city in Taizhou [Tai2 zhou1], Zhe [Wen1 zhou1] /Wenzhou prefecture level city in Zhejiang/ [Wen1 zhou1 shi4] /Wenzhou prefecture level city in Zhejiang/

[wen1 cha1] /difference in temperature/ [Wen1 bu4 er3 deng1] /Wimbledon (district of West London)/Wimbledon open onship/ [Wen1 bu4 er3 deng1 wang3 qiu2 gong1 kai1 sai4] /Wimb [Wen1 bu4 er3 dun4] /Wimbledon/ [Wen1 bu4 dun4] /Wimbledon/ [wen1 dai4] /temperate zone/ [wen1 chuang2] /hotbed/breeding ground/fig. breeding ground for crimes or seditio / [wen1 du4] /temperature/CL: [ge4]/ [wen1 du4 ti1 du4] /temperature gradient/ [wen1 du4 biao3] /thermometer/ [wen1 du4 ji4] /thermometer/thermograph/ [Wen1 de2 he2 ke4] /Windhoek, capital of Namibia/ [wen1 qing2] /tenderness/warm hearted/soft hearted/ [wen1 qing2 mo4 mo4] /full of tender feelings (idiom); tender-hearted/ [wen1 gu4 zhi1 xin1] /to review the old and know the new (idiom, from the recall the past to understand the future/ [wen1 gu4 er2 zhi1 xin1] /to review the old and know the new (idiom, to recall the past to understand the future/ [wen1 wen2 er3 ya3] /cultured and refined (idiom); gentle and cultivated/ [Wen1 si1 dun4] /Winston (name)/ [wen1 nuan3] /warm/ [wen1 rou2] /gentle and soft/tender/ [wen1 biao1] /temperature scale/ [Wen1 jiang1] /Wenjiang district of Chengdu city [Cheng2 du1 shi4], Sichuan [Wen1 jiang1 qu1] /Wenjiang district of Chengdu city [Cheng2 du1 shi4], [Wen1 jiang1 di4 qu1] /Wenjiang district of Chengdu city , Sichuan/ [Wen1 quan2] /Arishang Nahiyisi or Wenquan county in Brtala Mongol autonomous pr cture , Xinjiang/ [wen1 quan2] /hot spring/spa/onsen/ [wen1 quan2 cheng2] /hot springs/ [Wen1 quan2 xian4] /Arishang Nahiyisi or Wenquan county in Brtala Mongol aut refecture , Xinjiang/ [wen1 wen1] /mild/ [wen1 run4] /gentle/kindly/mild and humid (climate)/ [wen1 xu4] /warm/ [wen1 re4] /tepid/ [Wen1 te4 tu2 er3] /Winterthur, Switzerland/ [Wen1 wang3] /Wimbledon lawn tennis championship/abbr. for [Wen1 xian4] /Wen county in Jiaozuo [Jiao1 zuo4], Henan/ [wen1 xi2] /to review/to revise/ [wen1 liang2] /warm and kind/ [wen1 liang2 ren3 rang4] /submissive/accommodating/ [wen1 liang2 gong1 jian3 rang4] /kind-hearted and moderate (idiom); t / [wen1 ai3] /gentle and kind/ [wen1 huo4] /dirt/ [wen1 xue4] /warm blooded (animal)/ [wen1 jue2] /heat sensation/ [wen1 ya3] /gentle/refined/ [wen1 jing4] /quiet and gentle/ [wen1 shun4] /docile/meek/ [wen1 bao3] /to have enough food and warm clothes/adequately provided/ [wen1 xin1] /comfort/soft and fragrant/warm/ [wen1 xin1 ti2 shi4] /Please note:/tip/hint/ [wen1 xun4] /docile/meek/harmless/moderate and obedient/tame/ [shi1] /river in Henan province/ [su4] /to go upstream/to trace the source/ [su4 yuan2] /to investigate the origin of sth/to trace a river upstream back to i

s source/ [zhen1] /name of a river/ [sou1] /to urinate/ [yun2] /river name/ [xiu4] /bromine (chemistry)/ [xiu4 hua4 qing2] /cyanogen bromide/ [xiu4 hua4 jia3] /potassium bromide/ [xiu4 dan1 zhi4] /molecular bromine/ [rong2] /to dissolve/soluble/ [rong2 ji4] /solvent/ [rong2 hua4] /to melt/to dissolve (of sugar etc)/ [rong2 yan2 liu2] /lava flow/ [rong2 mo4] /to fade away/to disappear/to hide from view/ [rong2 dong4] /karst cave/ [rong2 ye4] /solution (chemistry)/ [rong2 yuan2 xing4] /lysogeny (reproduction cycle of bacteriophage [rong2 mei2 chu3 cun2 ji2 bing4] /lysosomal storage disease (LSD) [rong2 mei2 ti3] /lysosome/ [rong2 shi2] /dissolving/erosion by groundwater/corrosion/ [rong2 shi2 zuo4 yong4] /dissolving/erosion by groundwater/corrosion/ [rong2 xue4] /hemolysis (breakdown of red blood cells leading to anemia)/ [rong2 xue4 bing4] /hemolytic disease of newborn (breakdown of red blood cell o alloimmune reaction between mother and fetus)/ [rong2 jie3] /dissolve/solution/ [rong2 jie3 du4] /solubility/ [rong2 jie3 xing4] /soluble/solubility/ [rong2 zhi4] /dissolved substance/material in solution/ [rong2 mei2 ti3] /lysosome/ [rong2 ti3] /solution/ [hun4] /disordered/privy/ [ni4] /to drown/to indulge/addicted to/to spoil (a child)/ [niao4] /variant of [niao4]/ [ni4 ai4] /to spoil/to pamper/to dote on/ [ni4 si3] /to drown/ [ni4 shui3] /to drown/ [ta1] /(of clothes) to be soaked with sweat/ [shi1] /variant of [shi1]/ [ru4] /damp/muggy/ [wei1] /light rain/ [chu2] /name of a river/ [Chu2 zhou1] /Chuzhou prefecture level city in Anhui/ [Chu2 zhou1 shi4] /Chuzhou prefecture level city in Anhui/ [pang1] /rushing (water)/ [pang1 tuo2] /pouring/flooding/ [weng3] /(of clouds) to rise/(of water) to swell/ [cang1] /blue-green or azure (of water)/vast (of water)/cold/ [Cang1 zhou1] /Cangzhou prefecture level city in Hebei/ [Cang1 zhou1 shi4] /Cangzhou prefecture level city in Hebei/ [cang1 sang1] /great changes/abbr. of [cang1 hai3 sang1 tian2]/ [Cang1 lang4] /Canglang district of Suzhou city [Su1 zhou1 shi4], Ji [Cang1 Lang4 ting2] /The Surging Waves Pavillion in Suzhou, Jiangsu/ [Cang1 lang4 qu1] /Canglang district of Suzhou city [Su1 zhou1 s [cang1 hai3 sang1 tian2] /lit. the blue sea turned into mulberry fields ( he transformations of the world/ [cang1 hai3 yi2 zhu1] /undiscovered talent (idiom)/ [Cang1 yuan2 Wa3 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Cangyuan Va autonomous nnan/ [Cang1 yuan2 xian4] /Cangyuan Va autonomous county in Lincang [Lin2 [Cang1 xian4] /Cang county in Cangzhou [Cang1 zhou1], Hebei/ [mie4] /to extinguish or put out/to go out (of a fire etc)/to exterminate or wip

e out/to drown/ [mie4 wang2] /to be destroyed/to become extinct/to perish/to die out/to destroy/t exterminate/ [mie4 shi1] /loss (of sth through natural disaster, theft etc) (law)/ [mie4 du4] /to extinguish worries and the sea of grief/nirvana (Buddhism)/ [mie4 diao4] /to eliminate/ [mie4 zu2] /extermination of an entire family (ancient Chinese punishment)/ [mie4 ci3 zhao1 shi2] /lit. not to have breakfast until the enemy is dest to do battle (idiom)/ [mie4 huo3] /to extinguish a fire/firefighting/ [mie4 huo3 qi4] /fire extinguisher/ [mie4 zhong3] /to commit genocide/to become extinct/extinction of a race/ [mie4 zhong3 zui4] /genocide/ [mie4 jue2] /to extinguish/extinct/to die out/ [mie4 jue2 ren2 xing4] /savage/cannibalistic/ [mie4 jue2 zhong3 zu2] /genocide/ [mie4 cha2] /to clear stubble from fields (agriculture)/ [mie4 jun1] /to sterilize/ [mie4 chong2 ning4] /bephenium, anti-parasitic worm medicine/ [mie4 men2] /to exterminate an entire family/ [mie4 yin1 qi4] /muffler (of an internal combustion engine)/ [mie4 ding3] /to be drowned (figurative and literal)/ [mie4 shu3 yao4] /rat poison/ [dian1] /abbr. for Yunnan province in southwest China/ [dian1 dong1] /east Yunnan/ [Dian1 chi2] /lake Dianchi in Yunnan/ [Dian1 hong2] /Dian Hong tea/ [Dian1 Zang4] /Yunnan and Tibet/ [Dian1 , Zang4 , Chuan1] /Yunnan, Tibet and Sichuan/ [huang3] /bright expanse of water/ [xi4] /name of a river/ [xie1] /saline pond/ [zi1] /to grow/to nourish/to increase/to suscite/juice/taste/ [zi1 shi4] /to cause trouble/to provoke a dispute/ [zi1 wei4] /taste/flavor/feeling/ [zi1 rao3] /to cause trouble/to provoke a dispute/ [zi1 run4] /moist/humid/to moisten/to provide moisture/comfortably off/ [zi1 sheng1] /to breed/to flourish/to cause/to provoke/to create/ [zi1 ya2] /to sprout/to germinate/ [zi1 man4] /to grow and spread/ [zi1 bu3] /nourishing/nutritious/ [zi1 bu3 pin3] /tonic/invigorant/ [Zi1 he4] /Shiga prefecture in central Japan/ [Zi1 he4 xian4] /Shiga prefecture in central Japan/ [zi1 zhang3] /to grow (usually of abstract things)/to yield/to develop/ [zi1 yang3] /to nourish/ [zi1 yang3 ceng2] /trophoblastic layer (attaches fertilized ovum to the uteru hoderm/ [di2] /to wash/to cleanse/ [di2 ka3] /polyester khaki/ [di2 qu4] /to wash off/ [di2 chen2] /to wash off dust/ [di2 lu:4] /to free the mind from worries/ [di2 mian2] /polyester-cotton blend/ [di2 tai4] /to wash away/to eradicate/ [di2 xia2] /to cleanse away a stain/ [di2 yan4] /to wash an ink-slab/to prepare for study (idiom)/ [di2 lun2] /polyester fiber/ [di2 zui4 suo3] /purgatory (religion)/ [di2 dang4] /to wash off/to spread out/

[di2 chu2] /to wash away/to eliminate/to do away with/ [xing2] /place name/ [Ying2 jing1] /Yingjing county in Ya'an [Ya3 an1], Sichuan/ [Ying2 jing1 xian4] /Yingjing county in Ya'an [Ya3 an1], Sichuan/ [Xing2 yang2] /Xingyang city and county in Henan/ [Xing2 yang2 shi4] /Xingyang county level city in Zhengzhou [Zheng1 [Xing2 yang2 xian4] /Xingyang county in Henan/ [fu3] /name of a river in Hebei/ [Hua2] /surname Hua/ [hua2] /comical/cunning/slippery/smooth/to slip/to slide/ [hua2 dao3] /slip/ [hua2 bing1] /to skate/skating/ [hua2 chu1] /to slip out/ [hua2 chu1 pao3 dao4] /runway (at airport)/ [hua2 dong4] /to slide/sliding movement/ [hua2 po1] /rockslide/landslip/landslide/mudslide/fig. slump/downturn/to decline/ [hua2 kuai4] /runner block/sliding block/slider (computer interface element)/ [hua2 han4 bing1] /(roller)blading/roller skating/inline skating/ [hua2 ban3] /skateboard/ [hua2 ti1] /(children's) sliding board/a slide/ [hua2 shui3] /water skiing/to water-ski/ [hua2 sha1] /sandboarding/ [hua2 liu1] /to saut in sticky sauce/ [hua2 liu5] /smooth/slippery/sticky/ [hua2 liu1 liu1] /smooth/slick/slippery/glossy/ [hua2 huan2] /slip ring/collector ring (electrical engineering)/ [hua2 shi2] /talc/ [hua2 yi2] /to slip/to drift/ [hua2 ji1] /comical/funny/amusing/also pr. [gu3 ji1]/ [hua2 gan1] /Chinese-style sedan chair/ [Hua2 xian4] /Hua county in Anyang [An1 yang2], Henan/ [hua2 xiang2] /to glide/ [hua2 xiang2 san3] /paraglider/paragliding/ [hua2 xiang2 ji1] /glider/ [hua2 xiang2 yi4] /hang glider/hang gliding/ [hua2 tai1] /drift (car racing technique)/recurrent miscarriage/habitual abortion [hua2 tang2] /smoothbore/ [hua2 mo2] /synovial membrane/synovium/ [hua2 ni4] /(of skin) satiny/ [hua2 luo4] /to slide/to roll/ [hua2 gai4] /slider phone/ [hua2 xing2] /to skate/to slither/sliding/skating/ [hua2 xing2 dao4] /taxiway (at airport)/ [hua2 che1] /pulley block/ [hua2 lun2] /block and tackle/ [Hua2 tie3 lu2] /Waterloo (Flanders)/1815 battle of Waterloo/fig. a defeat/se [Hua2 tie3 lu2 huo3 che1 zhan4] /Waterloo station (London)/ [hua2 xue3] /to ski/skiing/ [hua2 xue3 ban3] /ski/CL:[fu4]/snowboard/ [hua2 xue3 suo3 dao4] /ski-lift/ [hua2 xue3 shu4] /skiing/ [hua2 xue3 yun4 dong4] /skiing/ [hua2 yin1] /glissando/ [hua2 shu3] /mouse (computer)(Taiwan)/ [hua2 shu3 dian4] /mouse pad (Taiwan)/ [hua2 shu3 she2] /Oriental ratsnake (Ptyas mucosus)/ [zi3] /dregs/sediment/ [tao1] /overflow/torrent-dash/ [tao1 tao1] /torrential/ [tao1 tao1 bu4 jue2] /unceasing torrent (idiom)/talking non-stop/gabbling

dozen/ [Teng2] /vassal state of Zhou in Shandong/Teng county in Shandong/surname Teng/ [Teng2 jia1] /Tengjia township in Rongcheng , Weihai , Shandong/ [Teng2 jia1 zhen4] /Tengjia township in Rongcheng , Weihai , Sha [Teng2 zhou1] /Tengzhou county level city in Zaozhuang [Zao3 zhuang1 shi [Teng2 zhou1 shi4] /Tengzhou county level city in Zaozhuang [Zao3 zh ng/ [Teng2 si1 bei4 ge2] /Tnsberg (city in Vestfold, Norway)/ [Teng2 wang2 ge2] /Tengwang Tower in /one of three famous pagodas in eyang tower in Yueyang, north Hunan and Yellow crane tower in Wuhan, [Teng2 xian4] /Teng county in Shandong/ [jiao4] /place name in Guangdong/ [hui4] /variant of /to converge (of rivers)/to exchange/ [long2] /onomat. pouring rain/Japanese variant of , waterfall/rushing water/ [xiu1] /water in which rice was boiled/ [Hu4] /short name for Shanghai/ [Hu4 ju4] /Shanghai opera/ [Hu4 Ning2] /Shanghai and Nanjing/ [Hu4 Ning2 xian4] /Shanghai-Nanjing line/ [Hu4 Ning2 tie3 lu4] /Shanghai and Nanjing railway/ [Hu4 Shen1 Gang3] /Shanghai, Shenzhen and Hong Kong , , / [Hu4 zong1 zhi3] /Shanghai composite index (stock market index)/ [Hu4 yu3] /Shanghainese/Shanghai dialect/ [biao1] /flowing of water/ [zhi4] /sluggish/ [zhi4 sai1] /to obstruct/ [zhi4 hou4] /to lag behind/ [zhi4 qi1 fei4] /demurrage charge (shipping) (currency)/ [zhi4 liu2] /to detain/retention/ [zhi4 zhang4] /stagflation (i.e. simultaneous inflation and stagnation)/ [zhi4 xiao1] /to sell poorly/unmarketable/slow-moving (product, inventory etc)/ [shen4] /to seep/to ooze/to horrify/ [shen4 ru4] /to permeate/ [shen4 chu1] /to seep out/to exude/ [shen4 chu1 wu4] /exudate/ [shen4 keng1] /sewage pit/ [shen4 xi1] /dialysis/ [shen4 shui3] /water seepage/ [shen4 liu2] /to seep/leakage/ [shen4 liang2] /to feel cold (as symptom)/permeated by cold/ [shen4 gou1] /sewer/ [shen4 lou4] /seepage/leakage/ [shen4 lu:4] /percolation/ [shen4 lu:4 hu2] /coffee percolator/ [shen4 tan4] /carburization/ [shen4 se4] /bleeding/ [shen4 tou4] /to permeate/to infiltrate/to pervade/osmosis/ [shen4 tou4 ya1] /osmotic pressure/ [di1] /a drop/to drip/ [di1 xia4] /drip/ [di1 ji4] /to drip (e.g. medical drip feed)/ [di1 ding4] /titration/ [di1 ding4 guan3] /burette/buret/ [di1 shui3] /water drop/dripping water/ [di1 shui3 bu4 lou4] /lit. not one drop of water can leak out/watertight/ ument)/ [di1 shui3 bu4 chan4] /not diluted by one drop/hundred percent/ [di1 shui3 shi2 chuan1] /dripping water penetrates the stone (idiom); con rance yields success/You can achieve your aim if you try hard without giving up. /Persistent effort overcomes any difficulty./

[di1 shui3 chuan1 shi2] /dripping water penetrates the stone (idiom); con rance yields success/You can achieve your aim if you try hard without giving up. /Persistent effort overcomes any difficulty./ [di1 zhu4] /to drip into/to transfuse/to percolate/to drip feed/fig. to instill/ [di1 liu2] /trickle/ [di1 liu1 liu1] /whirling/spinning around and around/round and plump (e.g. of / [di1 di1 ti4] /DDT (loanword)/dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane/ [di1 lou4] /water clock/clepsydra/ [di1 lou4 ji4 shi2 qi4] /hourglass/water clock/clepsydra/ [di1 li4] /to drip (of rainwater)/ [di1 guan4] /drip irrigation/to irrigate by drip feed/ [di1 ping2] /dripper/pipette/ [di1 shi2] /a dripstone (geology)/stalactites and stalagmites/ [di1 da1] /onomat. pattering sound/drip drip (of water)/tick tock (of clock)/also pr. [di1 da5]/ [di1 da5 sheng1] /tick (tock)/ [di1 guan3] /eyedropper/pipette/burette/ [di1 cui4] /verdant/green/ [Di1 dao4] /Didao district of Jixi city [Ji1 xi1], Heilongjiang/ [Di1 dao4 qu1] /Didao district of Jixi city [Ji1 xi1], Heilongjiang/ [di1 jiu3 bu4 zhan1] /never to touch a drop of alcohol/ [di1 li3 du1 lu5] /cumbersome/ [di1 li3 da1 la1] /sagging/drooping/ [di1 dian3] /melting point (of lubricating oil)/ [lu3] /gravy/ [lu3 wei4] /marinade/ [lu3 hu2] /a ceramic teapot/ [lu3 zhi1] /gravy/marinade/ [lu3 fa3] /to simmer/to stew/ [lu3 rou4] /stewed meat/ [hu3] /bank of a river/ [Hu1] /surname Hu/name of a river/ [chan3] /name of a river in Shaanxi province/see [Chan3 he2]/ [Chan3 he2] /Chan river (in Shaanxi province)/ [gun3] /to boil/to roll/to take a hike/Get lost!/ [gun3 dao1 rou4] /annoying person/troublemaker/pain in the neck/ [gun3 dong4] /to roll/lap (of a race)/to roll over (e.g. investment)/rolling/cons cutive/rumble (of thunder)/ [gun3 dong4 tiao2] /scrollbar (comp.)/ [gun3 yuan2] /as round as a ball/ [gun3 zou4] /drum roll/ [gun3 zi5] /roller/ [gun3 zi5 zhou2 cheng2] /roller bearing/ [gun3 cai3 dan4] /egg rolling (rolling of decorated, hard-boiled eggs down hi by children at Easter)/ [gun3 shui3] /boiling water/ [gun3 you2 jian1 xin1] /to suffer mental anguish (idiom)/ [gun3 gun3] /to surge on/to roll on/ [gun3 tang4] /boiling/scalding/ [gun3 zhu1 zhou2 cheng2] /ball bearing/ [gun3 gua1 lan4 shu2] /lit. ripe as a melon that rolls from its vine (idi know fluently/to know sth inside-out/to know sth by heart/ [gun3 tong3] /roller/cylinder (machine part)/drum/ [gun3 luo4] /tumble/ [gun3 dan4] /get out of here!/beat it!/ [gun3 bian1] /(of a dress etc) border, edging/ [gun3 kai1] /to boil (of liquid)/boiling hot/Get out!/Go away!/fuck off (rude)/ [man3] /full/filled/packed/fully/completely/quite/to reach the limit/to satisfy/ satisfied/contented/to fill/abbr. for Manchurian/

[man3 bu4 zai4 hu5] /not in the least concerned (idiom)/reckless/couldn't about it/unperturbed/couldn't care less/harum scarum/ [man3 shi4 jie4] /everywhere/across the world/ [Man3 ren2] /a Manchu/ [man3 gong1] /altogether/in all/ [man3 fen1] /full marks/ [Man3 la4 jia1] /Ming Dynasty name for modern day Malacca/see also [man3 kou3] /a mouthful/(of speech) pure: perfect accent/substance of speech all f a kind (e.g. all lies)/unreservedly (accept, agree, promise etc)/ [man3 kou3 zhi1 hu1 zhe3 ye3] /mouth full of literary phrases/to [man3 kou3 ying4 cheng2] /to promise readily/ [man3 kou3 cheng1 zan4] /to praise profusely/ [man3 kou3 hu2 chai2] /to spout nonsense/to bullshit endlessly/ [man3 kou3 hu2 yan2] /to spout nonsense/to bullshit endlessly/ [man3 kou3 huang3 yan2] /to pour out lies/ [man3 kou3 zang1 hua4] /to pour out obscenities/filthy mouthed/ [man3 yuan2] /full complement/at full strength/no vacancies/ [man3 zui3] /a mouthful/ [man3 zui3 pen1 fen4] /to talk bullshit/ [man3 zui3 qi3 pao4] /to have lips covered in blisters/ [man3 yuan2 chun1 se4] /everything in the garden is lovely/ [man3 zuo4 ji4 ran2] /the whole audience silent with expectation/ [man3 keng1 man3 gu3] /filling every nook and cranny/ [Man3 cheng2] /Mancheng county in Baoding [Bao3 ding4], Hebei/ [Man3 cheng2 jin4 dai4 huang2 jin1 jia3] /Curse of the Golden vie by Zhang Yimou/ [Man3 cheng2 xian4] /Mancheng county in Baoding [Bao3 ding4], Hebei/ [man3 cheng2 feng1 yu3] /lit. wind and rain through the town (idiom); fig al/an uproar/the talk of the town/ [man3 tang2] /whole audience/a sell-out (capacity audience)/jam-packed/ [man3 tang2 cai3] /everyone present applauds/universal acclaim/a standing ova bring the house down/ [man3 tang2 guan4] /cramming (as a teaching method)/rote learning/ [man3 tang2 hong2] /success across the board/victory in everything one touche [man3 chang3 yi1 zhi4] /unanimous/ [man3 lei3] /bases loaded (in baseball)/ [man3 tian1] /whole sky/ [man3 tian1 fan2 xing1] /lit. whole sky, a multitude of stars/ [man3 tian1 fei1] /to rush around everywhere/always active/ [man3 xiao4] /at the end of the mourning period/to fulfill one's filial duties of mourning/ [man3 she4] /surjective map (i.e. map between sets that is onto in math.)/ [man3 shan1 bian4 ye3] /covering the whole land/over hills and dales/ [Man3 zhou1] /Manchou township in Pingtung county [Ping2 dong1 xian4 [Man3 zhou1 xiang1] /Manchou township in Pingtung county [Ping2 [man3 fan1] /under full sail/going as fast as possible/ [man3 shi1] /to finish apprenticeship/to graduate/ [man3 zuo4] /fully booked/every seat taken/ [man3 xin1] /one's whole heart/from the bottom of one's heart/ [man3 yi4] /satisfied/pleased/to one's satisfaction/ [man3 huai2] /full of/to contain/imbued with/to have one's heart filled with/one' breast (the seat of emotions)/pregnant (of farm animals)/heavy with young/ [man3 shou3] /handful/ [man3 da3 man3 suan4] /taking everything into account (idiom)/when all is e/ [man3 zhao1 sun3 , qian1 shou4 yi4] /(idiom) complacency lead t/pride comes before a fall/ [man3 ning3] /totally inconsistent/completely at odds/ [Man3 wen2] /Manchurian written language/ [Man3 zu2] /Manchu ethnic group of Liaoning province/

[man3 yue4] /full moon/whole month/baby's one-month old birthday/ [man3 you3 pu3] /to have a clearcut idea/to have firm guidelines/to have conf to be sure/to be certain/ [man3 fu2] /at the end of the mourning period/to fulfill one's filial duties of m urning/ [man3 qi1] /to fall due/to come to the end of a term/to expire/ [Man3 jiang1 hong2] /Man Jiang Hong (Chinese poems)/ [Man3 zhou1] /Manchuria/ [Man3 zhou1 guo2] /Manchukuo/ [Man3 zhou1 li3] /Manzhouli county level city, Mongolian Manzhuur xot, in Hul n2 bei4 er3], Inner Mongolia/ [Man3 zhou1 li3 shi4] /Manzhouli county level city, Mongolian Manzhuur xo ir [Hu1 lun2 bei4 er3], Inner Mongolia/ [Man3 Qing1] /Manchurian Qing (refers to the Qing dynasty, esp. at its decline, o as an anti-Qing slogan)/ [Man3 Qing1 zheng4 fu3] /Manchurian Qing government/ [man3 yi4] /to be full to overflowing/to be brimming over with/ [man3 man3] /full/closely packed/ [man3 man3 dang1 dang1] /brim full/completely packed/ [man3 man3 deng1 deng1] /ample/extremely abundant/ [Man3 Han4] /Manchurian-Chinese (relations)/ [man3 dang1 dang1] /brim full/completely packed/ [man3 deng1 deng1] /brim full/filled to overflowing/ [man3 ying2] /full up/ [man3 pan2] /a plateful/comprehensive/the full works (e.g. a banquet)/the full pr ce/ [man3 pan2 jie1 shu1] /see [yi1 zhao [man3 mu4] /fills the eyes (of a beautiful view, scene of desolation etc)/ [man3 mu4 lin2 lang2] /lit. to fill ones eyes with glitte ing jewels/a l iece o sb of ext ao dina y talent (idiom)/ [man3 yan3] /filling the eyes/to get an eyeful/ [man3 qiang1] /one s hea t filled with/full of (joy)/ [man3 qiang1 e4 chen2] /full of enthusiasm/ [man3 fu4] /filled with/p eoccupied with/ [man3 fu4 lao2 sao1] /lit. belly full of complaints (idiom)/discontent/al and complaining/ [man3 fu4 jing1 lun2] /full of political wisdom (idiom)/politically astut opedic expe ience of state policy/ [man3 lian3] /ac oss one s whole face/ [man3 lian3 sheng1 hua1] /all smiles/beaming f om ea to ea / [man3 lian3 feng1 chen2] /lit. with a face full of dust/showing the ha ds l (idiom)/ [man3 duo4] /on full udde /tu ning as sha ply as possible/ [Man3 yu3] /Manchu ian language/ [man3 guan4] /to win eve y t ick in a ca d game/g and slam/fig. total success/ [man3 zu2] /to satisfy/to meet (the needs of)/satisfied/content/ [man3 zu2 gan3] /sense of satisfaction/ [man3 shen1] /cove ed all ove / [man3 shen1 chen2 ai1] /dusty/ [man3 zai4] /full to capacity/fully loaded/ [man3 zai4 e 2 gui1] /to etu n f om a ewa ding jou ney/ [man3 men2] /the whole family/ [man3 men2 chao1 zhan3] /to execute the whole family unto the thi d gene [man3 mian4] /ac oss one s whole face/(smiling) f om ea to ea / [man3 mian4 chun1 feng1] /beaming/ adiant with happiness/ [man3 tou2 da4 han4] /b ow beaded with sweat/pe spi ing f eely/ [man3 e2] /the full amount/to fulfill the quota/ [man3 dian3] /full wo king hou s/to each full time/ [yu2] /fishe man/to fish/ [yu2 ju4] /fishing gea /




[yu2 chang3] /fishing g ound/ [yu2 fu1] /fishe man/ [yu2 fu4] /fishe woman/ [yu2 lao1] /fishing (as a comme cial activity)/ [yu2 ye4] /fishing indust y/fishe y/ [yu2 min2] /fishe man/fishe folk/ [yu2 xun4] /fishing season/ [yu2 xun4 qi1] /fishing season/ [yu2 gang3] /fishing po t/ [yu2 lie4] /fishing and hunting/fig. to loot/to plunde / [yu2 long2] /fishing pot (t ap)/ [yu2 wang3] /fishing net/fishnet/ [yu2 chuan2] /fishing boat/CL: [tiao2]/ [yu2 chuan2 dui4] /fishing fleet/ [yu2 lun2] /fishing vessel/ [yu2 gou1] /variant of [yu2 gou1]/ [yu2 gou1 r5] /variant of [yu2 gou1 r5]/ [Yu2 yang2] /old place name (in Yan of Warring states, in modern Beijing city)/ [yu2 gu3] /percussion instrument in the form of a bamboo fish (traditionally used by Daoist priests)/ [piao1] /to float/to drift/ [piao3] /to bleach/ [piao4] /elegant/polished/ [piao4 liang5] /pretty/beautiful/ [piao1 yao2] /swaying/tottering/unstable/ [piao1 bo2] /to drift (in the tide)/to rove/to lead a wandering existence/drifter wanderer/ [piao1 yang2] /to cross the ocean/ [piao3 xi3] /to rinse (clothes)/ [piao1 liu2] /to float on the current/to drift along or about/rafting/ [piao1 liu2 ping2] /message in a bottle/ [piao1 liu2 zhe3] /white water rafter/paddler/river runner/ [piao1 fu2] /to float/to hover/to drift (also fig., to lead a wandering life)/to ove/showy/superficial/ [piao3 bai2] /to bleach/to whiten/ [piao3 bai2 ji4] /bleach/ [piao3 bai2 shui3] /bleach/ [piao1 li4] /boulder/ [piao1 yi2] /drift (electrical)/ [piao1 dang4] /variant of [piao1 dang4]/ [piao1 you2] /drift/ [piao1 lei2] /floating mine/ [qi1] /paint/lacquer/CL:[dao4]/ [qi1 qi4] /lacquerware/ [qi1 dan4] /paintball (sport involving shooting gelatin paintballs)/ [qi1 shu4] /lac tree (Rhus vernicifera)/ [qi1 shu4 ke1] /Anacardiaceae, plant family including lac tree (Rhus vernicif shu4]/ [qi1 diao1] /carved or engraved lacquerware/ [qi1 hei1] /pitch-black/ [qi1 hei1 yi1 tuan2] /all black, no daylight (idiom); a world without jus [ji4] /river bank/ [lu4] /strain liquids/ [lu:3] /drizzle/ [cong2] /a place where small streams flow into a large one/ [lou4] /to leak/to divulge/to leave out by mistake/waterclock or hourglass (old) / [lou4 hu2] /water clock/clepsydra/ [lou4 diao4] /to miss/to leave out/to omit/to be omitted/to be missing/to slip th ough/to leak out/to seep away/



[lou4 dou3] /funnel/ [lou4 qi4] /to leak air or gas/ [lou4 shui3] /to leak (of water)/ [lou4 shui3 zhuan4 hun2 tian1 yi2] /water-driven armillary sphere ronomical apparatus)/ [lou4 you2] /oil-spill/oil leak/ [lou4 dong4] /leak/hole/gap/loophole/ [lou4 dong4 bai3 chu1] /lit. one hundred loopholes (idiom); full of mista h or article)/ [lou4 xie4] /a leak (e.g. of chemicals)/ [lou4 xie4 tian1 ji1] /to divulge the will of heaven (idiom); to leak a s the cat out of the bag/ [lou4 shui4] /tax evasion/ [lou4 wang3 zhi1 yu2] /fish that escaped the net (idiom); fugitive/homele [lou4 wang3 you2 yu2] /fish that escaped the net (idiom); fugitive/homele [lou4 fu3 chong1 ji1] /to bury ones head in the sand (idiom)/ [lou4 guo1] /colande /st aine /sieve/leaky pot/ [li2] /patte ing (of ain)/seep th ough/ [yan3] /to develop/to evolve/to p actice/to pe fo m/to play/to act/ [yan3 chu1] /to act (in a play)/to pe fo m/to put on (a pe fo mance)/pe fo mance/ once t/show/CL: [chang2],[ci4]/ [yan3 chu1 di4 dian3] /performance place/CL: [chu4]/ [yan3 chu1 zhe3] /performer/ [yan3 ju4] /to perform a play/ [yan3 hua4] /to evolve/evolution/ [yan3 yuan2] /actor or actress/performer/CL: [ge4],[wei4],[ming2]/ [yan3 yuan2 zhen4 rong2] /cast (of actors)/performing lineup/dramatis per [yan3 chang4] /sung performance/to sing for an audience/ [yan3 chang4 hui4] /vocal recital or concert/ [yan3 zou4] /to play a musical instrument/to perform music/ [yan3 zou4 zhe3] /performer/musician/ [yan3 xi4] /to put on a play/to perform/fig. to pretend/to feign/ [yan3 ji4] /acting/performing skills/ [yan3 bo1] /broadcast performance/televised or podcast lecture/ [yan3 bo1 shi4] /broadcasting studio/ [yan3 ti4] /succession (of changes in an ecological community)/naturally evolving sequence/ [yan3 wu3] /arms drill/to practice martial arts/ [yan3 shi4] /to demonstrate/to show/presentation/demonstration/ [yan3 suan4] /to calculate/to perform calculations/ [yan3 lian4] /drill/practice/ [yan3 yi4] /to deduce/to infer/ [yan3 yi4 fa3] /(Logic) deduction/ [yan3 yi4] /to dramatize historical events/novel or play on historical theme/ [yan3 xi2] /maneuver/exercise/practice/to maneuver/ [yan3 yi4] /performing arts/ [yan3 yi4 quan1] /Show Business/ [yan3 shuo1] /speech/to deliver a speech/ [yan3 shuo1 zhe3] /orator/speaker/ [yan3 jiang3] /lecture/to make a speech/ [yan3 jiang3 jia1] /orator/ [yan3 bian4] /to develop/to evolve/ [yan3 jin4] /evolution/gradual forward progress/ [cao2] /transport by water/watercourse/canal/ [jiao4] /Jiao river/ [chun2] /shore/ [tuan2] /heavy dew/ [ou1] /bubble/froth/ [ou4] /to steep/to macerate/ [ou4 dang4] /cesspool/compost pit/




[ou4 fei2] /manure/wet compost/ [ye3] /mud/ [mo4] /desert/unconcerned/ [mo4 bu4 guan1 xin1] /not in the least concerned (idiom); quite indiffere [Mo4 he2] /Mohe county in Daxing'anling prefecture , Hei [Mo4 he2 xian4] /Mohe county in Daxing'anling prefecture [mo4 ran2] /indifferent/apathetic/cold/ [mo4 ran2 zhi4 zhi1] /to set to one side and ignore (idiom); quite indiff d uncaring/ [mo4 shi4] /to ignore/to neglect/to treat with contempt/ [Han4] /Han ethnic group/Chinese (language)/the Han dynasty (206 BC-220 AD)/ [han4] /man/ [Han4 zhong1] /Hnzhng prefecture level city in Shnx / [Han4 zhong1 di4 qu1] /Hanzhong prefecture, Shaanxi/ [Han4 zhong1 shi4] /Hnzhng prefecture level city in Shnx / [Han4 ren2] /Han Chinese person or people/ [han4 ta1 bing4 du2] /Hantavirus (a family deadly rodent-borne viruses) r r hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome or cardiopulmonary syndrome/ [Han4 dai4] /the Han dynasty (206 BC-220 AD)/ [Han4 Yuan2 di4] /Yuan Emperor, reign name of Han Dynasty emperor Liu Shi (74-33 BC), reigned 48-33 BC/ [Han4 hua4] /Chinese localization/to convert sth into Chinese/ [Han4 nan2] /Hannan district of Wuhan city [Wu3 han4 shi4], Hubei/ [Han4 nan2 qu1] /Hannan district of Wuhan city [Wu3 han4 shi4], [Han4 kou3] /Hankou, part of Wuhan at the junction of Han river and Cha bei/ [Han4 si4 jun4] /four Han commanderies in north Korea 108 BC-c. 300 AD/ [han4 tan3 bing4 du2] /Hantavirus (a family deadly rodent-borne viruses) or hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome or cardiopulmonary syndrome/ [Han4 cheng2] /Hanseong, old name of Seoul as traditional capital of Korea and ca ital of South Korea/adopted new Chinese spelling [Shou3 er3] in 2005/ [Han4 cheng2 Te4 bie2 shi4] /Hanseong Metropolitan City, old name for Korea/adopted new Chinese spelling in 2005/ [Han4 bao3] /hamburger (loanword)/Hamburg (German city)/ [han4 bao3 bao1] /hamburger/ [Han4 bao3 wang2] /Burger King (fast food restaurant)/ [Han4 shou4] /Hanshou county in Changde [Chang2 de2], Hunan/ [Han4 shou4 xian4] /Hanshou county in Changde [Chang2 de2], Hunan/ [Han4 jian1] /traitor (to China)/ [han4 zi3] /man/fellow/husband (dialect)/ [Han4 zi4] /Chinese character/CL: [ge4]/Japanese: kanji/Korean: hanja/ [han4 zi4 zi4 ti3] /calligraphic style of Chinese characters/typeface/fon [han4 zi4 cha2 zi4 fa3] /look-up method for Chinese characters/ [Han4 xue2] /studies of classical Chinese back to the Han/Chinese studies (in for ign schools)/ [Han4 xue2 xi4] /institute of Sinology/faculty of Sinology/ [han4 xue2 jia1] /sinologist/scholar of Chinese/ [Han4 Xuan1 di4] /Emperor Xuan (91-48 BC) of the Former Han Dynasty, reigned C/ [Han4 mi4 er3 dun4] /Hamilton (name)/ [Han4 ni2 ba2] /Hannibal (name)/Hannibal Barca (247-183 BC), Carthaginian gen [Han4 chuan1] /Hanchuan county level city in Xiaogan [Xiao4 gan3], Hubei/ [Han4 chuan1 shi4] /Hanchuan county level city in Xiaogan [Xiao4 gan3], H [Han4 wen2] /Chinese written language/Chinese literature esp. as taught abroad/ [Han4 wen2 di4] /fourth Han emperor Han Wendi (202-157 BC), personal name Liu gned 180-157 BC/ [Han4 wen2 di4 Liu2 heng2] /Liu Heng (202-157 BC), the fourth Han emp gned 180-157 BC/ [Han4 si1] /Hans (name)/ [Han4 zu2] /Han ethnic group/

[Han4 wang4 zhen4] /Hanwang town in Mianzhu county, Deying prefecture, S [Han4 Ming2 Di4] /Emperor Ming of Han (28-75), Western Han Dynasty Emperor 58 [Han4 Shu1] /History of the Former Han Dynasty, second of the 24 dynastic histori s [Er4 shi2 xi4 Shi3], composed by Ban Gu [Ban1 Gu4] in 82 during Eastern Han ( an), 100 scrolls/ [Han4 chao2] /Han Dynasty (206 BC-220 AD)/ [Han4 mo4 Wei4 chu1] /late Han and early Wei (roughly, first half of 3rd [Han4 sen1] /Hansen or Hanson (name)/ [Han4 Wu3 di4] /Emperor Wu of the Han dynasty (141-87 BC)/ [Han4 min2 zu2] /Han ethnic group/ [Han4 shui3] /Han River (Hanshui)/ [Han4 jiang1] /Han River/ [Han4 gu1] /Hangu former district of Tianjin, now part of Binhai subprovincial di trict [Bin1 hai3 xin1 qu1]/ [Han4 gu1 qu1] /Hangu former district of Tianjin, now part of Binhai subprovi istrict [Bin1 hai3 xin1 qu1]/ [Han4 yuan2] /Hanyuan county in Ya'an [Ya3 an1], Sichuan/ [Han4 yuan2 xian4] /Hanyuan county in Ya'an [Ya3 an1], Sichuan/ [Han4 bin1] /Hanbin district of nkng city [An1 kang1 shi4], Shnx/ [Han4 bin1 qu1] /Hanbin district of nkng city [An1 kang1 shi4], Shnx [Han4 Xian4 di4] /Emperor Xian of Han (181-234), the final Han emperor, set u ng Zhuo , reigned 189-220, forced to abdicate 220 by Cao Pi / [han4 bai2 yu4] /white marble/a type of white marble used for building and sc / [Han4 fu2 si1] /Hnefoss, city (and soccer team) in Buskerud, Norway/ [Han4 jian3] /bamboo slip used for record keeping during the Han Dynasty/ [Han4 qiang1] /Wuhan accent/ [Han4 tai2] /Hantai district of Hnzhng city [Han4 zhong1 shi4], Sh [Han4 tai2 qu1] /Hantai district of Hnzhng city [Han4 zhong1 s [Han4 Ying1] /Chinese-English/ [Han4 Ying1 hu4 yi4] /Chinese and English two-way translation/ [Han4 sa4 tong2 meng2] /Hanseatic League/ [Han4 Zang4 yu3 xi4] /Sino-Tibetan language family/ [Han4 yu3] /Chinese language/CL: [men2]/ [Han4 yu3 pin1 yin1] /Hanyu pinyin, the pinyin transliteration system use e the 1960s/ [Han4 yu3 Shui3 ping2 Kao3 shi4] /HSK (Chinese Proficiency Test)/ [Han4 nuo4 wei1] /Hanover/ [Han4 ban4] /abbr. for [Guo2 jia1 Han4 ban4], Office of Chinese ional/ [Han4 yin1] /Hanyin county in nkng [An1 kang1], Shnx/ [Han4 yin1 xian4] /Hanyin county in nkng [An1 kang1], Shnx/ [Han4 yang2] /Hanyang county in Hubei province/historical name Hanyang for Seoul, Korea/ [Han4 yang2 qu1] /Hanyang district of Wuhan city [Wu3 han4 shi4] [Han4 Gao1 zu3] /posthumous name of the first Han emperor Liu Bang , reigned 202-195 BC/ [Han4 Gao1 zu3 Liu2 Bang1] /Liu Bang (256 or 247-195 BC), first Han e -195 BC/ [lian2] /ripple/tearful/ [Lian2 shui3] /Lianshui county in Huai'an [Huai2 an1], Jiangsu/ [Lian2 shui3 xian4] /Lianshui county in Huai'an [Huai2 an1], Jiangsu/ [Lian2 yuan2] /Lianyuan county level city in Loudi [Lou2 di3], Hunan/ [Lian2 yuan2 di4 qu1] /Lianyuan county in Loudi [Lou2 di3], Huna [Lian2 yuan2 shi4] /Lianyuan county level city in Loudi [Lou2 di3], [lian2 yi1] /ripple/ [lian2 yi1 wei1 yang4] /ripples/riffles/ [wa1] /variant of [wa1]/ [li2] /go with current/mucus/spittle/ [xuan2] /eddy/

[xuan2 wo1] /spiral/whirlpool/eddy/vortex/also written / [xuan4 wo1] /eddy/swirl/vortex/ [yi1] /ripple/ [man4] /free/unrestrained/to inundate/ [man4 bu4 jing1 xin1] /careless/heedless/absent-minded/indifferent/ [man4 tian1] /lit. to fill the whole sky/everywhere/as far as the eye can see/ [man4 tian1 yao4 jia4] /to ask for sky-high prices/ [man4 tian1 bian4 di4] /lit. to fill the whole sky and cover the land; ev ar as the eye can see/ [man4 tian1 bian4 ye3] /lit. to fill the whole sky and cover the land; ev ar as the eye can see/ [man4 shan1 bian4 ye3] /lit. hiding the mountains and covering the plains . as far as the eye can see/covering everything/omnipresent/ [man4 bu4] /to wander/to ramble/recreational hiking/to perambulate/ [man4 bu4 zhe3] /rambler/a person strolling about/ [man4 yi4] /to overflow/to be brimming over/ [man4 man4 chang2 ye4] /endless night (idiom); fig. long suffering/ [man4 wu2 mu4 di4] /to flounder/aimless/hit-and-miss/ [man4 wu2 bian1 ji4] /extremely vast/boundless/limitless/digressing/discu ff on tangents/straying far off topic/ [man4 hua4] /caricature/cartoon/Japanese manga/ [man4 hua4 jia1] /cartoon writer (from Japanese mangaka)/ [man4 ma4] /see [man4 ma4]/ [man4 shuo1] /not to mention ... (i.e. in addition to sth)/ [man4 you2] /to travel around/to roam/ [man4 chang2] /very long/endless/ [zi4] /to soak/to be stained/stain/floodwater/ [mang3] /vast/expansive (of water)/ [ta4] /name of a river/ [Luo4 he2] /Luohe prefecture level city in Henan/ [Luo4 he2 shi4] /Luohe prefecture level city in Henan/ [peng1] /noise of dashing waves/ [shu4] /to rinse one's mouth with water/to gargle/ [shu4 xi3] /to rinse the mouth and wash the face/ [shu4 liu2] /to rinse one's mouth with water/to gargle/ [zhang3] /to rise (of prices, rivers)/ [zhang4] /to swell/to distend/ [zhang3 ting2 ban3] /limit up/halt to stock trading to restrict panic rise/up rcuit breaker/ [zhang3 jia4] /to appreciate (in value)/to increase in price/ [zhang3 dao4] /to go up/to rise/ [zhang3 shi4] /rising trend/upward momentum (e.g. in prices)/ [zhang3 fu2] /rise and fall of stock in one day's trading/ [zhang3 shui3] /rise of water level/ [zhang4 man3] /swell/ [zhang3 chao2] /high tide/rising tide/ [zhang4 hong2] /to turn red (in the face)/to flush (with embarrassment or anger)/ [zhang3 luo4] /rise and fall/ [zhang3 die1] /rise or fall in price/ [zhang3 die1 ting2 pan2 zhi3 shu4] /circuit breaker index/predete or fall triggering a compulsory halt to stock trading/ [zhang3 die1 fu2 xian4 zhi4] /limit up, limit down/limit on daily pri [zhang3 qian2] /inflation/salary raise/ [zhang3 feng1] /upward trend (in prices)/ [Zhang1] /Zhang river in Fujian/ [Zhang1 zhou1] /Zhangzhou prefecture level city in Fujian/ [Zhang1 zhou1 shi4] /Zhangzhou prefecture level city in Fujian/ [Zhang1 ping2] /Zhangping county level city in Longyan , Fujian/ [Zhang1 ping2 shi4] /Zhangping county in Longyan , Fujian/ [Zhang1 pu3] /Zhangpu county in Zhangzhou [Zhang1 zhou1], Fujian/

[Zhang1 pu3 xian4] /Zhangpu county in Zhangzhou [Zhang1 zhou1], Fujian/ [Zhang1 xian4] /Zhang county in Dingxi [Ding4 xi1], Gansu/ [xu4] /name of a river/ [Xu4 pu3] /Xupu county in Huaihua [Huai2 hua4], Hunan/ [Xu4 pu3 xian4] /Xupu county in Huaihua [Huai2 hua4], Hunan/ [huan4] /indecipherable/ [kuo4] /clashing of two currents/ [jian1] /to imbue/ [jian4] /gradual/gradually/ [jian4 ruo4] /to fade out/gradually weakening/diminuendo/decrescendo/ [Jian4 xin1 shi4] /Oligocene (geological epoch from 34m-24m years ago)/ [jian4 xin1 tong3] /Oligocene system (geology)/ [jian4 ci4] /gradually/one by one/ [jian4 jian4] /gradually/ [jian4 xing2 jian4 yuan3] /gradually proceed, gradually get further apart [jian4 bian4] /gradual change/ [jian4 jin4] /approximation/ [jian4 jin4] /progress step by step/gradual progress/to move forward (slowly)/ [cui3] /having the appearance of depth/ [yang4] /to overflow/to ripple/used in place names/see [Yang4 bi4]/ [Yang4 bi4] /Yangbi county in Yunnan province/ [Yang4 bi4 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Yangbi Yizu autonomous co fecture [Da4 li3 Bai2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ [jiang1] /broth/serum/to starch/ [jiang4] /starch paste/ [jiang1 guo3] /berry/ [jiang1 xi3] /to wash and starch/ [jiang1 ying4] /to starch/to stiffen cloth with starch/ [jiang4 zhi3] /paper pulp/ [jiang1 mo2] /serosa/serous membrane (smooth moist delicate membranes lining body cavities)/ [cong2] /gather/flow into (water)/sound of waters flowing together/ [Ying3] /river in Henan and Anhui/ [ying3] /grain husk/tip of sth short and slender/ [Ying3 shang4] /Yingshan county in Fuyang [Fu4 yang2], Anhui/ [Ying3 shang4 xian4] /Yingshan County in Fuyang [Fu4 yang2], Anhui/ [Ying3 zhou1] /Yingzhou district of Fuyang city [Fu4 yang2 shi4], An [Ying3 zhou1 qu1] /Yingzhou district of Fuyang city [Fu4 yang2 s [Ying3 dong1] /Yingdong district of Fuyang city [Fu4 yang2 shi4], An [Ying3 dong1 qu1] /Yingdong district of Fuyang city [Fu4 yang2 s [Ying3 quan2] /Yingquan district of Fuyang city [Fu4 yang2 shi4], An [Ying3 quan2 qu1] /Yingquan district of Fuyang city [Fu4 yang2 s [shu4] /variant of [shu4]/ [pi4] /rippling/pour/ [jue2] /to bubble up/ [po1] /to splash/to spill/rough and coarse/brutish/ [po1 leng3 shui3] /lit. to pour cold water on/fig. to dampen one's enthusiasm [po1 fu4] /shrew/vixen/ [po1 fu4 ma4 jie1] /shouting abuse in the street like a fishwife/ [po1 diao4] /spill/ [po1 shui3] /to sprinkle/to spill water/ [Po1 shui3 jie2] /Songkran (Thai New Year)/ [po1 shui3 nan2 shou1] /water once spilt cannot be retrieved (idiom); irr nge/ [po1 jian4] /to spatter/ [po1 yan1 hua1] /low-class prostitute/ [po1 wu4] /evil creature (curse word)/ [po1 jian4] /base/worthless/ [po1 jian4 ren2] /slut/tramp (old)/ [po1 la5] /shrewish/pungent/forceful/bold and vigorous/

[jie2] /clean/ [jie2 ju4] /bathroom fittings (washbasin, bathtub, toilet etc)/ [jie2 cao1] /unimpeachable conduct/noble behavior/spotless personal integrity/ [jie2 jing4] /clean/to cleanse/ [jie2 jing4 wu2 xia2] /clean and spotless/ [jie2 pi3] /mysophobia/ [jie2 bai2] /spotlessly white/pure white/ [Jie2 xi1 ka3] /Jessica (name)/ [Jie2 xi1 ka3 Ai4 ba1] /Jessica Alba, American actress/ [jie2 shen1 zi4 hao4] /clean-living and honest (idiom); to avoid immorali il influence/to mind one's own business and keep out of trouble/to keep one's ha nds clean/ [jie2 mian4 ru3] /cleansing lotion/ [jie2 mian4 lu4] /cleansing lotion/ [jie2 shi2] /kosher/ [wu3] /river in Henan/ [ji2] /friendly/harmonious/ [Pan1] /surname Pan/Pan, faun in Greek mythology, son of Hermes/ [Pan1 Ji1 wen2] /Ban Ki Moon (1944-), Korean diplomat, UN secretary general f 6/ [Pan1 ta3 na4 er3] /Pantanal (wetland area in Brazil)/ [Pan1 duo1 la1] /Pandora/ [pan1 duo1 la1 mo2 he2] /a Pandora's box/ [Pan1 tai4 ke4 si1] /Pentax, Japanese optics company/ [Pan1 ting2] /Pantene (hair products brand)/ [Pan1 tong1] /Pantone color system/ [Pan1 Jin1 lian2] /Pan Jinlian (name lit. Golden Lotus), heroine of Ming dyna nacular novel Jinpingmei or the Golden Lotus / [Pan1 ji2] /Panji district of Huainan city [Huai2 nan2 shi4], Anhui/ [Pan1 ji2 qu1] /Panji district of Huainan city [Huai2 nan2 shi4], Anhui [xiao1] /sound of rain and wind/ [qian2] /hidden/secret/latent/to hide/to conceal/to submerge/to dive/ [qian2 fu2] /to hide/to cover up/to conceal/ [qian2 fu2 qi1] /incubation period (of disease)/ [qian2 ru4] /to submerge/to infiltrate/to steal into/ [qian2 li4] /potential/capacity/ [qian2 tai2 ci2] /unspoken words in a play (i.e. unambiguously hinted at, but oken)/ [qian2 zai4] /hidden/potential/latent/ [qian2 zai4 wei1 xian3 du4] /latent hazard/ [qian2 zai4 wei1 xie2] /potential threat/potential menace/ [qian2 zai4 mei2 jie4] /potential vector/ [Qian2 shan1] /Qianshan county in Anqing [An1 qing4], Anhui/ [Qian2 shan1 xian4] /Qianshan county in Anqing [An1 qing4], Anhui/ [qian2 ying3] /to hide/latent image (in photography)/ [qian2 xin1] /to concentrate fully on sth/single-minded/ [qian2 yi4 shi2] /unconscious mind/subconscious mind/subconsciousness/ [qian2 wang4 jing4] /periscope/ [qian2 shui3] /to dive/to go under water/lurker (Internet slang for sb who reads orum posts but never replies)/ [qian2 shui3 dao1] /dive knife/ [qian2 shui3 yuan2] /diver/frogman/ [qian2 shui3 fu1 bing4] /bends/ [qian2 shui3 fu1 zheng4] /bends/ [qian2 shui3 fu2] /diving suit/wetsuit/ [qian2 shui3 zhe3] /a diver/ [qian2 shui3 ting3] /submarine/ [qian2 shui3 yi1] /diving suit/ [qian2 shui3 zhuang1 bei4 tuo1 lun2 xiang1] /diving bag/divin [Qian2 jiang1] /Qianjiang sub-prefecture level city in Hubei/

[Qian2 jiang1 shi4] /Qianjiang sub-prefecture level city in Hubei/ [qian2 mo4] /to submerge/to subduct (of tectonic plates)/ [qian2 yong3] /diving/esp. skin diving/ [qian2 re4] /latent heat/ [qian2 shen2 mo4 ji4] /to devote oneself to a task in silence (idiom)/ [qian2 yi2] /intangible changes/unnoticed transformation/changes behind the scene / [qian2 yi2 mo4 hua4] /imperceptible influence/to influence secretly/ [qian2 neng2] /potential/hidden capability/ [qian2 tai2 ci2] /unspoken words in a play (i.e. unambiguously hinted at, but oken)/ [qian2 ting3] /submarine/ [qian2 jian4] /a submarine/ [qian2 cang2] /hidden beneath the surface/buried and concealed/ [qian2 xing2] /sneak/ [qian2 gui1 ze2] /unwritten rules/ [qian2 zong1] /in hiding/ [qian2 tao2] /to abscond/to slink off/ [qian2 tao2 wu2 zong1] /to abscond without leaving a trace (idiom)/ [qian2 niao3] /a diving bird/ [xi1] /to agree/ [Lu4] /name of a river/surname Lu/ [Lu4 cheng2] /Lucheng county level city in Changzhi [Chang2 zhi4], Shanx [Lu4 cheng2 shi4] /Lucheng county level city in Changzhi [Chang2 zhi [Lu4 xi1] /Luxi city in Yunnan, capital of Dehong Dai and Jingpo autonomous prefe ture in west Yunnan/ [Lu4 xi1 shi4] /Luxi city in Yunnan, capital of Dehong Dai and Jingpo autonom fecture in west Yunnan/ [xi4] /saline land/salt marsh/ [xi4 hu2] /lagoon/erroneously written [xie4 hu2]/ [xun4] /spurt out of the mouth/ [huang2] /dye paper/lake/pond/mount scroll/ [Huang2 chuan1] /Huangchuan county in Xinyang , Henan/ [Huang2 chuan1 xian4] /Huangchuan county in Xinyang , Henan/ [run4] /smooth/moist/ [run4 chun2 gao1] /chapstick/lip balm/ [Run4 zhou1] /Runzhou district of Zhenjiang city [Zhen4 jiang1 shi4] [Run4 zhou1 qu1] /Runzhou district of Zhenjiang city [Zhen4 jian [run4 ge2] /scale of fee payment for a painter, calligrapher or writer/ [run4 hua2] /smooth/oily/sleek/to lubricate/ [run4 hua2 ji4] /lubricant/ [run4 hua2 you2] /lubricating oil/ [run4 ze2] /moist/ [run4 shi1] /to moisten (e.g. of rain)/to wet/ [run4 bi3] /remuneration for literary or artistic work/ [run4 fei4] /to moisten the lungs/to make expectoration easy (medicine)/ [run4 chang2 tong1 bian4] /to cure constipation with laxatives/ [run4 fu1 ru3] /body lotion/body shampoo/ [run4 fu1 gao1] /moisturizing cream/ [run4 fu1 shuang1] /moisturizer/ [run4 fu1 lu4] /body lotion/ [run4 se4] /to decorate/ [run4 zi1] /remuneration for literary or artistic work/ [run4 shi4] /to adorn/to embellish/ [run4 bing3] /soft mixed vegetable and meat roll-up/ [lao3] /flooded/heavy rain/ [liao2 dao3] /disappointed/frustrated/dejected/ [liao2 cao3] /careless/slovenly/illegible (of handwriting)/ [Tan2] /surname Tan/ [tan2] /deep pool/pond/pit (topolect)/depression/

[tan2 ao4] /profound/deep/ [Tan2 zi3] /Tantzu township in Taichung county [Tai2 zhong1 xian4], [tan2 zi5] /deep natural pond/ [Tan2 zi3 xiang1] /Tantzu township in Taichung county [Tai2 zhon [tan2 di3] /bottom of a (deep) pond/ [tan2 fu3] /abyss/imposing dwellings and spacious courtyard/your residence/deep p ol/ [tan2 ying3] /reflection in a deep pond/ [Tan2 zhe4 si4] /Tanzhe Temple/ [tan2 shui3] /deep water/ [tan2 zhi3] /great happiness/ [tan2 di4] /variant of [tan2 di4]/ [tan2 tui3] /Tantui, a northern school of martial arts boxing/ [chao2] /tide/current/damp/moist/humid/ [Chao2 nan2] /Chaonan district of Shantou city , Guangdong/ [Chao2 nan2 qu1] /Chaonan district of Shantou city , Guangdong/ [Chao2 an1] /Chao'an county in Chaozhou [Chao2 zhou1], Guangdong/ [Chao2 an1 xian4] /Chao'an county in Chaozhou [Chao2 zhou1], Guangdong/ [Chao2 zhou1] /Chaozhou prefecture level city in Guangdong [Guang3 d ou town in Pingtung county [Ping2 dong1 xian4], Taiwan/ [Chao2 zhou1 shi4] /Chaozhou prefecture level city in Guangdong [Chao2 zhou1 zhen4] /Chaochou town in Pingtung county [Ping2 don [chao2 shui3] /tide/ [chao2 xi1] /tide/ [chao2 xi1 dian4 zhan4] /tidal power station/ [Chao2 zhou1] /Chaozhou or Teochew, a town near Guangdong, with famous cuisine/Ch ozhou, variant of Minnan dialect spoken in east Guangdong/ [chao2 liu2] /tide/current/trend/ [chao2 yong3] /(a new development) bubbles up/ [chao2 shi1] /damp/moist/ [chao2 hong2] /flush/ [chao2 chong2] /woodlouse (suborder Oniscidea within the order Isopoda)/a.k.a. ro y-poly, pill bug, sow bug etc/ [chao2 jie3] /to deliquesce/deliquescence (chemistry)/ [chao2 jie3 xing4] /deliquescent/ [chao2 yu3] /fashionable word or phrase/abbr. for [chao2 liu2 yo [chao2 jian1 dai4] /intertidal zone/ [Chao2 yang2] /Chaoyang district of Shantou city , Guangdong/ [Chao2 yang2 qu1] /Chaoyang district, Shantou city, Guangdong/ [xun2] /name of a river/steep bank/ [Xun2 yang2] /Xunyang district of Jiujiang city , Jiangxi/ [Xun2 yang2 qu1] /Xunyang district of Jiujiang city , Jiangxi/ [kui4] /be dispersed/break down/ [kui4 bu4 cheng2 jun1] /utterly defeated/ [kui4 bing1] /defeated troops/routed army/scattered soldiers/ [kui4 ba4] /dam burst/collapse of dam/ [kui4 bai4] /utterly defeated/routed/crushed/to collapse (of army)/ [kui4 san3] /defeated/routed/ [kui4 di2] /routed enemy/ [kui4 jue2] /to collapse (of a dam)/to burst/ [kui4 lan4] /to fester/to ulcerate/ [kui4 yang2] /ulcer/to ulcerate/ [kui4 jun1] /routed troops/ [kui4 tao2] /to flee in disorder/defeated and in rout/ [shao4] /driving rain/to sprinkle/ [Sa3] /name of a river in Hebei Province/ [sa3] /old variant of [sa3]/ [san4] /to disperse water/ [bi4] /to drain/to strain/to decant/ [shan1] /tearfully/

[chan2] /flow/trickle (of water)/ [chan2 chan2] /murmur/babble (sound of water)/ [tong2] /high/name of a pass/ [Tong2 nan2] /Tongnan suburban county in Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sich an/ [Tong2 nan2 xian4] /Tongnan suburban county in Chongqing municipality, former ichuan/ [Tong2 guan1] /Tongguan county in Winn [Wei4 nan2], Shnx/ [Tong2 guan1 xian4] /Tongguan county in Winn [Wei4 nan2], Shnx/ [pu1] /to boil over/ [lin2] /clear (as of water)/ [wei2] /still water/ [se4] /astringent/tart/acerbity/unsmooth/rough(surface)/hard to understand/obscu re/ [se4 wei4] /acerbic (taste)/astringent/ [se4 mai4] /sluggish pulse/ [se4] /old variant of [se4]/ [cheng2] /clear and still water/ [jiong3] /clear/ [Cheng2] /surname Cheng/ [cheng2] /clear/limpid/to clarify/to purify/ [deng4] /settle (liquid)/ [Cheng2 cheng2] /Chengcheng county in Winn [Wei4 nan2], Shnx/ [Cheng2 cheng2 xian4] /Chengcheng county in Winn [Wei4 nan2], Shnx/ [Cheng2 jiang1] /Chengjiang county in Yuxi [Yu4 xi1], east Yunnan, famous as ambrian fossil site/ [Cheng2 jiang1 xian4] /Chengjiang county in Yuxi [Yu4 xi1], Yunnan/ [Cheng2 hai3] /Sea of serenity (Mare Serenitatis, on the moon)/Chenghai district f Shantou city , Guangdong/ [Cheng2 hai3 qu1] /Chenghai district of Shantou city , Guangdong/ [cheng2 yuan1] /clear, deep water/ [cheng2 qing1] /clear (of liquid)/limpid/to clarify/to make sth clear/to be clear (about the facts)/ [deng4 qing1] /to settle (of liquid)/to become clear (by precipitation of impurit es)/precipitate (chemistry)/to put in order/to quell disturbances/ [Cheng2 mai4] /Chengmai County, Hainan/ [Cheng2 mai4 xian4] /Chengmai County, Hainan/ [jiao1] /to pour liquid/to irrigate (using waterwheel)/to water/to cast (molten metal)/to mold/ [jiao1 leng3 shui3] /to pour cold water/fig. to discourage/ [jiao1 shui3] /to water (plants etc)/ [jiao1 zhu4] /to cast (metal)/ [jiao1 guan4] /to water/to irrigate/ [jiao1 hua1] /to water flowers/ [jiao1 zhu4] /to cast (molten metal)/to mold/ [lao4] /flooded/ [che4] /clear (water)/thorough/ [che4 cha2] /variant of [che4 cha2]/ [gan3] /place name/wash/ [si1] /drain dry/to exhaust/ [shu4] /moisture/timely rain/ [peng2] /sound of waves/ [peng2 pai4] /to surge/ [Peng2 hu2] /Penghu county (Pescadores Islands), Taiwan/ [Peng2 hu2 lie4 dao3] /Pescadores Islands, Taiwan/ [Peng2 hu2 dao3] /Pescadores Islands, Penghu county, Taiwan/ [Peng2 hu2 xian4] /Penghu county (Pescadores Islands), Taiwan/ [Peng2 hu2 qun2 dao3] /Penghu or Pescadores, archipelago of 90 islands to an/ [yun2] /river waves/

[hong4] /vast/infinite/ [hao4] /grand/vast (of water)/ [jian4] /mountain stream/ [jian4 he4] /valley/ravine/ [jian4 xia2] /a gorge/ [jian4 shui3] /mountain stream/ [jian4 liu2] /mountain stream/stream in a valley/ [jian4 xi1] /mountain stream/stream in a valley/ [Jian4 xi1] /Jianxi district of Luoyang City in Henan province [Jian4 xi1 qu1] /Jianxi district of Luoyang City in Henan provi [xi4] /variant of [xi4]/ [sheng2] /name of a river in Shandong/ [Mian3 chi2] /Mianchi county in Sanmenxia [San1 men2 xia2], Henan/ [Mian3 chi2 xian4] /Mianchi county in Sanmenxia [San1 men2 xia2] [zao3] /bath/ [zao3 gou4 suo3 ci1] /to wash the dirt to find a defect (idiom); to find ick/ [zao3 tang2] /public baths/ [zao3 tang2] /communal bath/common pool in bath house/ [zao3 pen2] /bath tub/ [zao3 guan4] /tub (used for ablutions in a monastery)/ [zao3 shen1 yu4 de2] /to bathe the body and cleanse virtue (idiom); to im by meditation/cleanliness is next to godliness/ [huan4] /variant of [huan4]/ [ze2] /pool/pond/(of metals etc) lustre/favor or beneficence/damp/moist/ [ze2 ta3] /zeta (Greek letter )/ [Ze2 hou1] /Ze hou county in Jincheng [Jin4 cheng2], Shanxi/ [Ze2 zhou1 xian4] /Zezhou county in Jincheng [Jin4 cheng2], Shanxi/ [Ze2 bu4 lu:3 he4] /Zeebrugge (port city in Belgium)/ [Ze2 ku4] /Zeku county in Huangnan Tibetan autonomous prefecture 4 zhou1], Qinghai/ [Ze2 ku4 xian4] /Zeku county in Huangnan Tibetan autonomous prefecture zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ [Ze2 pu3] /Poskam nahiyisi (Poskam county) in Kashgar prefecture Xinjiang/ [Ze2 pu3 xian4] /Poskam nahiyisi (Poskam county) in Kashgar prefecture west Xinjiang/ [Ze2 dang1] /Zdang town in Ndong county [Nai3 dong1 xian4], Tibet, ecture/ [Ze2 dang1 zhen4] /Zdang town in Ndong county [Nai3 dong1 xian prefecture [Shan1 nan2 di4 qu1]/ [ze2 lan2] /Eupatorium, e.g. Japanese bog orchid (Eupatorium japonicum Thunb)/ [Ze2 xi1] /Jersey (Channel Islands)/ [Ze2 xi1 dao3] /Jersey (Channel Islands)/ [xie4] /to become watery/creek/ [yu4] /place name in Sichuan/ [Li3] /Lishui River in north Hunan, flowing into Lake Dongting /surname Li/ [Li3 shui3] /Lishui river in north Hunan, flowing into Lake Dongting / [Li3 xian4] /Li county in Changde [Chang2 de2], Hunan/ [shi4] /bank/shore/name of a river/ [man4] /variant of /overflow of water/spreading/ [zi1] /to rain continuously/ [kuai4] /drain/stream/ [lian4] /full of water/trough/ [dian4] /sediment/precipitate/ [Dian4 shan1 hu2] /Lake Dianshan/ [dian4 ji1] /deposit/alluvium (shallow water sediment)/ [dian4 ji1 wu4] /deposit/alluvium (shallow water sediment)/ [dian4 fen3] /starch/amylum C6H10O5/ [dian4 fen3 mei2] /amylase/

[ao4] /deep bay/cove/harbor/abbr. for Macao /abbr. for Austria [Ao4 yuan2] /Australian dollar/ [Ao4 da4 li4 ya4] /Australia/Australian/same as / [Ao4 da4 li4 ya4 guo2 li4 da4 xue2] /Australian National [Ao4 da4 li4 ya4 zong3 du1] /Governor-General of Australia/ [Ao4 da4 li4 ya4 lian2 bang1] /Commonwealth of Australia/ [Ao4 da4 li4 ya4 shou3 du1 te4 qu1] /Australian Capital T [Ao4 bi4] /Australian dollar/ [Ao4 shi4 gan3 lan3 qiu2] /Australian rules football/Aussie rules/ [Ao4 Xin1 jun1 tuan2] /Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC)/ [Ao4 xin1 jun1 tuan2 ri4] /Anzac Day/ [Ao4 zhou1] /Australia (continent)/abbr. for / [Ao4 zhou1 xiao3 ying1 wu3] /lorikeet/ [Ao4 zhou1 Guang3 bo1 Dian4 tai2] /Australian Broadcasting Corpor tate-run broadcaster/ [Ao4 Niu3] /Australia and New Zealand/ [Ao4 men2] /Macao/Aomen/Macau/ [Ao4 men2 Guo2 ji4 Ji1 chang3] /Macau International Airport/ [Ao4 men2 shi4] /Municipality of Macau/Concelho de Macau/ [Ao4 men2 Li4 fa3 hui4] /Legislative Council of Macao/ [Ao4 ji4] /Aoji, education agent/ [huan2] /to return (of waves)/ [chan2] /still (as of water)/still water/ [Tan2] /surname Tan/ [dan4] /tranquil/placid/quiet/ [dan4 ran2] /variant of [dan4 ran2]/tranquil and calm/indifferent/ [pi4] /bleach/to clean/ [ji1] /to arouse/to incite/to excite/to stimulate/sharp/fierce/violent/ [ji1 guang1] /laser/ [ji1 guang1 er4 ji2 guan3] /laser diode/ [ji1 guang1 chang4 pian4] /compact disk/CD/CL:[pian4], [zhang1]/ [ji1 guang1 qi4] /laser/ [ji1 guang1 da3 yin4 ji1] /laser printer/ [ji1 guang1 da3 yin3 ji1] /laser printer/ [ji1 dong4] /to excite/to agitate/exciting/ [ji1 li4] /to encourage/to urge/motivation/incentive/ [ji1 zeng1] /rapidly increasing/ [ji1 nu4] /to infuriate/to enrage/to exasperate/ [ji1 qing2] /passion/fervor/enthusiasm/strong emotion/ [ji1 zhan4] /fierce battle/ [ji1 da3] /laser printer/abbr. for [ji1 guang1 da3 yin4 ji1] [ji1 ang2] /aroused to indignation/ [ji1 bo1] /shock wave/ [ji1 huo2] /to activate/ [ji1 huo2 kuo4 san4 wang3 luo4] /spread activation model/ [ji1 huo2 zheng3 he2 mo2 xing2] /activation-synthesis model/ [ji1 liu2] /torrent/torrential current/whitewater/ [Ji1 lang4] /Mountain Dew/ [ji1 zhuo2 yang2 qing1] /lit. drain away filth and bring in fresh water ( dispel evil and usher in good/eliminate vice and exalt virtue/ [ji1 lie4] /intense/acute/fierce/ [ji1 fa1] /to arouse/to excite/ [ji1 fa1 zhu4 she4] /booster shot/booster injection/ [ji1 dang4] /to rage/to dash/to surge/ [ji1 su4] /hormone/ [ji1 dang4] /to rage/to dash/to surge/also written / [ji1 shang3] /to be full of admiration/ [ji1 zan4] /extreme praise/ [ji1 qi3] /to arouse/to evoke/to cause/to stir up/ [ji1 yue4] /intense/loud/

[ji1 jin4] /radical/extreme/extremist/ [ji1 jin4 zhu3 yi4] /radicalism/ [ji1 jin4 fen4 zi3] /radicals/extremists/ [ji1 jin4 hua4] /radicalization/to radicalize/ [ji1 jin4 wu3 zhuang1] /armed extremists/ [ji1 jin4 wu3 zhuang1 fen4 zi3] /armed extremists/ [ji1 ling2] /to quiver/ [zhuo2] /turbid/muddy/impure/ [zhuo2 shi4] /the world in chaos/troubled times/the mortal world (Buddhism)/ [zhuo2 du4] /turbidity/ [zhuo2 liu2] /turbid flow/muddy waters/fig. a contemptible person/fig. corrupt or disgraceful social trends/ [zhuo2 ji1 yan2] /turbidite (geology)/ [zhuo2 chou4 xun1 tian1] /stinks to high heaven/ [zhuo2 jiu3] /unfiltered rice wine/ [zhuo2 yin1] /voiced consonant (English z or v, as opposed to unvoiced s or f)/ [lian2] /name of a river in Hunan/ [nong2] /concentrated/dense/ [nong2 hou4] /dense/thick (fog, clouds etc)/to have a strong interest in/deep/ful y saturated (color)/ [nong2 mo4 zhong4 cai3] /thick and heavy in colors/to describe sth in col e with attention to detail (idiom)/ [nong2 zhuang1] /heavy makeup and gaudy dress/ [nong2 mi4] /thick/murky/ [nong2 du4] /concentration (percentage of dissolved material in a solution)/consi tency/thickness/density/viscosity/ [nong2 dan4] /shade (of a color, i.e. light or dark)/ [nong2 tang1] /thick soup/puree/ [nong2 yu4] /variant of , dense (e.g. forest)/rich (color, fragrance, at [nong2 lie4] /strong (taste, flavor, smell)/ [nong2 yan1] /thick smoke/ [nong2 mei2 da4 yan3] /thick eyebrows and big eyes/ [nong2 chou2] /thick/dense and creamy/ [nong2 suo1] /to concentrate (a liquid)/concentration/espresso coffee/abbr. for [nong2 suo1 ji1] /a device for concentrating (a liquid)/a condenser/ [nong2 suo1 you2] /enriched uranium/ [nong2 yu4] /rich/strong/heavy (fragrance)/dense/full-bodied/intense/ [nong2 zhong4] /dense/ [nong2 ji2] /to concentrate/to enrich/ [nong2 ji2 you2] /enriched uranium/ [nong2 wu4] /thick fog/ [nong2 xiang1] /a strong fragrance/pungent/ [nong2 yu4] /dense (e.g. forest)/rich (color, fragrance, atmosphere)/ [fen2] /edge of water/ [se4] /grating (of surfaces)/ [ji2] /many/ [sui1] /name of a river/ [Sui1 xi1] /Suixi county in Huaibei [Huai2 bei3], Anhui/ [Sui1 xi1 xian4] /Suixi county in Huaibei [Huai2 bei3], Anhui/ [hui4] /vast/expansive (as of water)/ [Hui4 mo4] /Yemaek, ancient ethnic group of Manchuria and Korea, precursors of Ko ean Goguryeo kingdom/ [mi3] /many/numerous/ [shi1] /moist/wet/ [shi1 wen3] /french kiss/ [shi1 di4] /wetland/ [shi1 po2] /Shiva (Hindu deity)/ [shi1 du4] /humidity level/ [shi1 qi4] /moisture/ [shi1 lu4 lu4] /variant of [shi1 lu4 lu4]/

[shi1 wen1] /damp heat/summer fever in traditional Chinese medicine/ [shi1 lu4 lu4] /damp/clammy/dripping wet/ [shi1 run4] /moist/ [shi1 run4 ji4] /moistener/wetting agent/ [shi1 you2] /condyloma (genital wart of viral origin)/Condyloma acuminatum/ [shi1 zhen3] /eczema/ [shi1 yi1] /wetsuit/ [shi1 nian2] /clammy/ [ning4] /muddy/ [meng2] /drizzle/mist/ [jin4] /river in Hubei province/ [bi4] /used in place names/see [Yang4 bi4]/ [ji4] /to cross a river/to aid or relieve/to be of help/ [ji4 shi4] /(usually used in the negative) to be of help or use/ [Ji4 Gong1] /Daoji/ [ji4 zhu4] /to relieve and help/ [Ji3 nan2] /Ji'nan, subprovincial city and capital of Shandong province in northe st China/ [Ji3 nan2 di4 qu1] /Ji'nan prefecture in Shandong/ [Ji3 nan2 shi4] /Ji'nan subprovincial city and capital of Shandong province i east China/ [ji4 kun4 fu2 wei1] /to help those in distress (idiom)/ [Ji4 ning2] /Ji'ning prefecture level city in Shandong/ [Ji4 ning2 di4 qu1] /Ji'ning prefecture in Shandong/ [Ji4 ning2 shi4] /Ji'ning prefecture level city in Shandong/ [Ji4 zhou1] /Jeju Island special autonomous province (Cheju Island), South Korea, a World Heritage site/ [Ji4 zhou1 dao3] /Jeju Island special autonomous province (Cheju Island), Sou a, a World Heritage site/ [Ji4 zhou1 te4 bie2 zi4 zhi4 dao4] /Jeju island special auton World Heritage site/ [ji4 ji2] /to give relief (material)/ [ji4 zhou1 dao3] /Cheju island (in South Korea)/ [Ji4 yuan2] /Jiyuan directly administered city in Henan/ [Ji4 yuan2 shi4] /Jiyuan directly administered city in Henan/ [ji4 ji4] /a horde or multitude of people/ [ji3 ji3 yi1 tang2] /to congregate in one hall (idiom); to gather under o [ji4 pin2] /to help the poor/ [Ji4 yang2] /Jiyang county in Ji'nan [Ji3 nan2], Shandong/ [Ji4 yang2 xian4] /Jiyang county in Ji'nan [Ji3 nan2], Shandong/ [hao2] /trench/ [Hao2 jiang1] /Haojiang district of Shantou city , Guangdong/ [Hao2 jiang1 qu1] /Haojiang district of Shantou city , Guangdong/ [ru2] /dilatory/to moisten/ [ru2 ran3] /to infect/to influence/to dip (in ink)/ [ru2 hao2] /to dip the pen into ink/to write/ [ru2 mo4 he2 zhe2] /to help each other out in hard times (idiom)/ [ru2 shi1] /to moisten/ [tao1] /big wave/ [huo4] /cook/dashing of water/ [lan4] /overflowing/excessive/indiscriminate/ [lan4 jiao1] /to fall into bad company/to make acquaintances indiscriminately/ [lan4 fa2] /to denude/illegal logging/forest clearance/ [lan4 xing2] /indiscriminate punishment/ [lan4 tao4 zi5] /platitude/pointless talk/ [lan4 sha1] /to kill indiscriminately/to massacre/ [lan4 sha1 wu2 gu1] /willfully slaughter the innocent (idiom)/ [lan4 man4] /arbitrary/indiscriminate/ [lan4 yong4] /to misuse/to abuse/ [lan4 yong4 quan2 li4] /abuse of power/

[lan4 yong4 zhi2 quan2] /abuse of power/ [lan4 yu2] /indiscriminately included in company (without any qualification)/see 2 chong1 shu4]/ [lan4 yu2 chong1 shu4] /lit. to play the yu mouth organ to make up num g. to make up the numbers with inferior products/to masquerade as having an abil ity/token member of a group/ [lan4 ma4] /scurrilous/to scold indiscriminately/ [lan4 shang1] /lit. floating wine goblets on a stream/the origin (of some phenome on)/ [lan4 diao4] /hackneyed talk/platitude/ [jun4] /variant of / [pu2] /name of a river/ [Pu2 yang2] /Puyang prefecture level city in Henan/ [Pu2 yang2 shi4] /Puyang prefecture level city in Henan/ [Pu2 yang2 xian4] /Puyang county in Puyang, Henan/ [zhao4] /variant of [zhao4]/ [zhuo2] /to wash/to cleanse of evil/ [zhuo2 zhuo2] /bare and bald (of mountains)/bright and brilliant/fat and sleek/ [zhuo2 guan4] /to wash oneself/ [zhuo2 zu2] /to wash one's feet/ [zhuo2 shen1] /to keep oneself clean (figurative)/ [zhuo2 jin3 yi3 yu2] /to make the ugly beautiful (idiom)/ [wei2] /name of a river/ [Wei2 fang1] /Weifang prefecture level city in Shandong/ [Wei2 fang1 di4 qu1] /Weifang prefecture in Shandong/ [Wei2 fang1 shi4] /Weifang prefecture level city in Shandong/ [Wei2 cheng2] /Weicheng district of Weifang city [Wei2 fang1 shi4], [Wei2 cheng2 qu1] /Weicheng district of Weifang city [Wei2 fang1 [bin1] /shore/beach/coast/bank/to border on/ [Bin1 cheng2] /Bincheng district of Binzhou city [Bin1 zhou1 shi4], [Bin1 cheng2 qu1] /Bincheng district of Binzhou city [Bin1 zhou1 [Bin1 zhou1] /Binzhou prefecture level city in Shandong/ [Bin1 zhou1 di4 qu1] /Huimin prefecture in Shandong/ [Bin1 zhou1 shi4] /Binzhou prefecture level city in Shandong/ [Bin1 song1] /Hamamatsu, city in Shizuoka prefecture [Jing4 gang1 xi [Bin1 song1 shi4] /Hamamatsu, city in Shizuoka prefecture [Jing4 [bin1 jiang1] /riverside/river front/ [Bin1 jiang1 qu1] /Binjiang district of Hangzhou city , Zhejiang/ [Bin1 hai3] /Binhai (place name)/Binhai New District, subprovincial district of T anjin/Binhai county in Yancheng [Yan2 cheng2], Jiangsu/fictitious city Binhai in p litical satire/ [bin1 hai3] /coastal/bordering the sea/ [Bin1 hai3 xin1 qu1] /Binhai New District, subprovincial district of Tian [Bin1 hai3 xian4] /Binhai county in Yancheng [Yan2 cheng2], Jiangsu/ [Bin1 hai3 bian1 jiang1 qu1] /Primorsky Krai (Russian province around [Bin1 hu2] /Binhu district of Wuxi city [Wu2 xi1 shi4], Jiangsu/ [Bin1 hu2 qu1] /Binhu district of Wuxi city [Wu2 xi1 shi4], Jian [Bin1 tian2] /Hamada (name)/ [Bin1 tian2 Jing4 yi1] /HAMADA Yasukazu (1955-), Japanese defense m [gu3] /name of a river in Hunan/ [jian4] /splash/ [jian4 she4] /sputtering/ [jian4 sa3] /to spill/to splatter/to splash/ [jian4 kai1] /splash/ [luo4] /name of a river/ [lu:4] /to strain/to filter/ [lu:4 chu1] /to filter out/ [lu:4 qi4] /filter/strainer/ [lu:4 chen2 qi4] /dust filter/ [lu:4 du2 tong1 feng1 zhuang1 zhi4] /filtration equipment/

[lu:4 bo1] /filtering radio waves (i.e. to pick out one frequency)/ [lu:4 bo1 qi4] /filter/ [lu:4 ye4] /filtrate/ [lu:4 qing1] /to filter and purify/ [lu:4 qing1 qi4] /a filter/ [lu:4 sha1] /filter sand/ [lu:4 zhi3] /filter paper/ [lu:4 wang3] /filter/a sieve/ [lu:4 se4 jing4] /color filter/ [lu:4 guo4] /to filter/ [lu:4 guo1] /colander/ [lu:4 chu2] /to filter out/ [lu:4 bing3] /filtrate/solid residue produced by a filter/mud from filtering can ugar/ [yang4] /ripples/ [ying2] /clear/limpid (of water)/ [du2] /ditch/trouble (some one to do)/ [du2 zhi2] /wrongdoing/failure to do one's duty/ [xie4] /to flow out swiftly/to flood/a torrent/diarrhea/laxative/ [xie4 hu2] /lagoon/ [xie4 du4] /to have diarrhea/ [xie4 du4 zi5] /see [xie4 du4]/ [xie4 yao4] /laxative/ [xie4 yan2] /epsom salts/ [shen3] /liquid/to pour/ [Shen3 yang2] /Shenyang subprovincial city and capital of Liaoning province st China/old names include Fengtian , Shengjing and Mukden/ [Shen3 yang2 shi4] /Shenyang subprovincial city and capital of Liaoning provi heast China/old names include Fengtian , Shengjing and Mukden/ [biao1] /copious (of rain or snow)/ [Chan2] /Chanshui river in Henan/ [Chan2 shui3] /the Chanshui river in Henan/ [Chan2 he2] /Chan river in Henan province / [Chan2 he2 Hui2 zu2 qu1] /Chanhe Hui autonomous district of Luoyang C [liu2] /clear/deep (of water)/swift/ [liu2 hai3] /see [liu2 hai3]/ [liu2 lan3] /to skim over/to browse/ [liu2 lan3 qi4] /browser (software)/ [liu2 lan3 ruan3 jian4] /a web browser/ [liu2 lan3 liang4] /(website) traffic/page views/volume of website traffic/ [Liu2 yang2] /Liuyang county level city in Changsha [Chang2 sha1], Hunan [Liu2 yang2 shi4] /Liuyang county level city in Changsha [Chang2 sha [bao4] /shower (rain)/ [pu4] /waterfall/ [pu4 bu4] /waterfall/ [se4] /variant of [se4]/ [gu3] /river name in Henan province/ [bin1] /to approach/to border on/near/ [bin1 wei1] /endangered (species)/in imminent danger/critically ill/ [bin1 wei1 wu4 zhong3] /endangered species/ [Bin1 wei1 Ye3 sheng1 Dong4 Zhi2 de in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora/CITES/ [bin1 yu2] /near to/approaching (collapse)/ [bin1 si3] /nearing death/on the point of demise/approaching extinction/ [bin1 he2] /bordering a river/riparian/ [bin1 hai3] /coastal/bordering the sea/ [bin1 mie4] /on the brink of extinction/ [bin1 lin2] /on the verge of/close to/ [bin1 jin4] /on the brink/ [lu2] /old name of a river in Jiangxi/place name/

[Lu2 ding4] /Luding county (Tibetan: lcags zam rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomou prefecture [Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Sichuan (formerly in Kham pr Tibet)/ [Lu2 ding4 qiao2] /Luding Bridge over Dadu river [Da4 du4 he2] in Sichu gxi in 1706, linking Luding county Sichuan Luding county [Lu2 ding4 xian4] wit Tibetan autonomous prefecture [Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zho [Lu2 ding4 xian4] /Luding county (Tibetan: lcags zam rdzong) in Garze Tibetan mous prefecture [Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Sichuan (formerly in Kha of Tibet)/ [Lu2 zhou1] /Luzhou prefecture level city in Sichuan/ [Lu2 zhou1 shi4] /Luzhou prefecture level city in Sichuan/ [Lu2 shui3] /Lushui county in Nujiang Lisu autonomous prefecture i4 zhi4 zhou1] in northwest Yunnan/ [Lu2 shui3 xian4] /Lushui county in Nujiang Lisu autonomous prefecture u2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1] in northwest Yunnan/ [Lu2 gu1 Hu2] /Lugu Lake/ [Lu2 xi1] /Luxi county in Xiangxi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1]/ [Lu2 xi1 xian4] /Luxi county in Xiangxi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture ia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1]/ [Lu2 xian4] /Lu county in Luzhou [Lu2 zhou1], Sichuan/ [Lu2 xi1] /Luxi county in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture, Yunnan/ [Lu2 xi1 xian4] /Luxi county in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture, Yun [han4] /ocean/vastness/ [ying2] /ocean/ [Ying2 zhou1] /Yingzhou, easternmost of three fabled islands in Eastern sea, home of immortals and source of elixir of immortality/ [ying2 tai2] /Ocean platform in Zhongnanhai [Zhong1 nan2 hai3] surrounded b three sides, recreation area for imperial wives and concubines, more recently f or communist top brass/ [li4] /to drip/to strain or filter/a trickle/ [li4 chen2 bi3 jian4] /to state one's humble opinion (idiom)/ [li4 qing1] /asphalt/bitumen/pitch/ [li4 qing1 you2 kuang4] /pitchblende (uranium ore)/ [xiao1] /river name/sound of rain and wind/ [Xiao1 xiang1] /other name of the Xiangjiang river [Xiang1 jiang1] in Hunan p / [xiao1 xiao1 xi4 yu3] /the sound of light rain or drizzle (idiom)/ [xiao1 sa3] /natural and unrestrained (of a person's appearance, demeanor, carria e)/elegant and unconventional/ [ying2] /eddy/small river/ [sui3] /slippery/ [xie4] /mist/vapor/ [zhu1] /pool/pond/ [Shuang1] /Shuang river in Hunan and Guangdong (modern Wu river )/ [long2] /rapids/waterfall/torrential (rain)/ [Shuang1 shui3] /Shuang river in Hunan and Guangdong (modern Wu river )/ [Long2 ze2] /Takizawa or Takesawa (Japanese name)/ [long2 chuan2] /boat or raft adapted to handle rapids/white-water raft/ [lai4] /name of a river/rushing of water/ [lai4] /Japanese variant of / [mi2] /brimming or overflowing/ [mi2 man4] /variant of [mi2 man4]/ [mi2 man4 xing1 yun2] /diffuse nebula/ [lian4] /full of water/trough/ [jian4] /to arrive (of water)/ [fen4] /name of a river/valley vapor/ [yue4] /to cleanse/to boil/ [chan2] /sound of water/ [rang2] /dewy/

[lan2] /swelling water/ [Lan2 cang1 La1 hu4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Lancang Lahuzu a nnan/ [Lan2 cang1 jiang1] /Lancang River of Qinghai and Yunnan, the upper reaches o g River [Mei2 gong1 he2] of Southeast Asia/ [Lan2 cang1 xian4] /Lancang Lahuzu autonomous county in Pu'er [Pu3 er3], [feng1] /rainy/place name in Shaanxi/Feng River in Shaanxi , tributary of We / [Feng1 shui3] /Feng River in Shaanxi , tributary of Wei River / [she4] /name of a river/ [yong1] /name of a river/sluice/ [fa3] /old variant of [fa3]/law/ [guan4] /to irrigate/to pour/to install (software)/to record (music)/ [guan4 qu1] /area under irrigation/ [Guan4 nan2] /Guannan county in Lianyungang [Lian2 yun2 gang3], Jian [Guan4 nan2 xian4] /Guannan county in Lianyungang [Lian2 yun2 ga [guan4 cong2] /scrub/shrubland/undergrowth/ [guan4 mu4] /bush/shrub/ [guan4 mu4 cong2] /shrub/shrubbery/ [guan4 mu4 lin2] /shrubbery/low wood/ [guan4 shui3] /lit. to irrigate/to artificially increase weight/to cook the books to leave a tasteless message/ [guan4 zhu4] /to pour into/perfusion (med.)/to concentrate one's attention on/to each/to inculcate/to instill/ [guan4 qu2] /irrigation channel/ [guan4 gai4] /to irrigate/ [guan4 gai4 qu2] /irrigation channel/ [guan4 jiang1] /grouting/(of grain) to be in the milk/to form a vesicle (medicine / [guan4 zhuo2] /to wash/to rinse/ [guan4 zhan4] /pumping station in irrigation system/ [guan4 lan2] /slam dunk/ [guan4 mi3 tang1] /to flatter/to butter sb up/ [guan4 chang2] /enema/to give an enema/ [guan4 chang5] /sausage with a starchy filling/ [guan4 shu1] /to imbue with/to inculcate/to instill into/to teach/to impart/to ch nnel water to another place/ [guan4 zui4] /to fuddle/to befuddle/to inebriate/to get someone drunk/ [guan4 lu4] /to record (audio)/ [Guan4 yang2] /Guanyang county in Guilin [Gui4 lin2], Guangxi/ [Guan4 yang2 xian4] /Guanyang county in Guilin [Gui4 lin2], Guangxi/ [Guan4 yun2] /Guanyun county in Lianyungang [Lian2 yun2 gang3], Jian [Guan4 yun2 xian4] /Guanyun county in Lianyungang [Lian2 yun2 ga [sa3] /to sprinkle/to spray/to spill/to shed/ [sa3 bu4] /to spread/ [sa3 shui3] /to sprinkle/ [sa3 shui3 ji1] /sprinkler/ [sa3 shui3 che1] /sprinkler truck/ [sa3 man3] /to sprinkle over sth/ [sa3 gou3 xie3] /to overreact/melodramatic/ [sa3 tuo1] /free and at ease/unaffected/ [zan4] /to spatter, to splash, to scatter/ [Li2] /name of a river/ [li2] /to seep through/ [Li2 jiang1] /River Li, Guangxi/ [mi3] /(used to describe flowing water)/ [tan1] /beach/shoal/CL:[pian4]/ [tan1 tu2] /mudflat/ [tan1 tou2 bao3] /beachhead (military)/ [hao4] /vast (of water)/

[ba4] /name of a river/ [Ba4 qiao2] /Baqiao district of Xi'an city [Xi1 an1 shi4], Shaanxi/ [Ba4 qiao2 qu1] /Baqiao district of Xi'an city [Xi1 an1 shi4], Shaanxi/ [lan3] /pickle fruits/ [nang3] /muddy/thick, muddy water/ [wan1] /bay/gulf/ [Wan1 Zai3] /Wan Chai district of Hong Kong/ [wan1 tan2] /curved pool/ [wan1 huan2] /twisting river/ [Wan1 li3] /Wanli district of Nanchang city , Jiangxi/ [Wan1 li3 qu1] /Wanli district of Nanchang city , Jiangxi/ [Luan2] /river and county in Hebei Province/ [Luan2 nan2] /Luannan county in Tangshan [Tang2 shan1], Hebei/ [Luan2 nan2 xian4] /Luannan county in Tangshan [Tang2 shan1], Hebei/ [Luan2 ping2] /Luanping county in Chengde [Cheng2 de2], Hebei/ [Luan2 ping2 xian4] /Luanping county in Chengde [Cheng2 de2], Hebei/ [Luan2 he2] /Luan River/ [Luan2 xian4] /Luan county in Tangshan [Tang2 shan1], Hebei/ [xun2] /a group of springs/ [gan4] /the River Gan in Jiangxi/ [yan4] /tossing of billows/ [yu4] /(obscure) variant of /rich/great wave/ [Huo3] /surname Huo/ [huo3] /fire/urgent/ammunition/fiery or flaming/internal heat (Chinese medicine) /hot (popular)/classifier for military units (old)/ [huo3 shang4 jia1 you2] /to add oil to the fire (idiom); fig. to aggravat /to enrage people and make matters worse/ [huo3 shang4 jiao1 you2] /to pour oil on the fire (idiom); fig. to aggrav on/to enrage people and make matters worse/ [huo3 ban4] /variant of [huo3 ban4]/ [huo3 hou4] /heat control/maturity/crucial moment/ [huo3 guang1] /flame/blaze/ [huo3 r5] /fire/fury/angry/ [huo3 mao4 san1 zhang4] /to get really angry/ [huo3 xing2] /execution by fire/burning at the stake/ [huo3 li4] /fire/firepower/ [huo3 li4 fa1 dian4 chang3] /fired power plant (i.e. fired by coal, o [huo3 shi4] /intensity of a fire/lively/flourishing/ [huo3 hua4] /to cremate/to incinerate/ [huo3 qi4] /firearm/CL:[jia4]/ [huo3 keng1] /pit of fire/fig. living hell/ [huo3 dui1] /bonfire/to open fire/ [huo3 chang3 liu2 shou3 fen1 dui4] /detachment left to provide co [huo3 da4] /to be in a bad temper/to be angry/ [Huo3 nu2 lu3 lu3] /Honolulu, capital of Hawaii/also called / [huo3 shan1] /volcano/ [huo3 shan1 gong1 yuan2] /Volcanoes national park, Hawaii/ [huo3 shan1 kou3] /volcanic crater/ [huo3 shan1 yan2] /volcanic rock/ [huo3 shan1 dao3] /volcanic island/ [huo3 shan1 dai4] /volcanic belt/ [huo3 shan1 huo2 dong4] /volcanic activity/volcanism/ [huo3 shan1 hui1] /volcanic ash/ [huo3 shan1 bao4 fa1] /volcanic eruption/ [huo3 shan1 bao4 fa1 zhi3 shu4] /volcanic explosivity index (VEI) [huo3 shan1 sui4 xie4 liu2] /pyroclastic flow/ [huo3 shan1 li4] /lapillus/lapilli/ [huo3 ying3 ren3 zhe3] /Naruto, manga and anime series/ [Huo3 de2 xing1 jun1] /spirit of the planet Mars/ [huo3 cheng2] /igneous (geology)/formed by fire/volcanic (rock)/

[huo3 cheng2 yan2] /igneous rock (geology)/volcanic rock/ [huo3 cheng2 sui4 xie4] /pyroclastic/ [huo3 ba3] /torch/CL:[ba3]/ [huo3 ba3 jie2] /Torch Festival/ [Huo3 xing1] /Mars (planet)/ [Huo3 xing1 ren2] /Martian/ [Huo3 xing1 kuai4 che1] /Mars express, EU spacecraft/ [Huo3 xing1 wen2] /lit. Martian language/fig. internet slang used to communic ret messages that the general public or government can't understand/ [huo3 yao4 ri4] /Tuesday (used in Ancient Chinese astronomy)/ [huo3 zhu4] /column of flame/ [huo3 chai2] /match (for lighting fire)/CL:[gen1],[he2]/ [huo3 qiang1] /firearms (in historical context)/flintlock (old powder and shot fi earm)/ [huo3 qiang1 shou3] /gunman/musketeer/ [huo3 shu4 yin2 hua1] /display of fireworks and lanterns/ [huo3 ji1] /see [da3 huo3 ji1]/ [huo3 qi4] /anger/internal heat (TCM)/ [huo3 huan4 bu4] /asbestos cloth/ [huo3 hai3 dao1 shan1] /lit. seas of flames and mountains of daggers/fig. ers (idiom)/ [huo3 hu2] /burning lake/lake of burning sulfur/inferno (in Christian mythology)/ [huo3 zai1] /fire (that burns buildings etc)/ [huo3 ju4] /a torch/CL:[ba3]/ [huo3 ju4 shou3] /torchbearer/athlete carrying Olympic flame/ [Huo3 Tan4] /Fo Tan (area in Hong Kong)/ [huo3 pao4] /cannon/gun/artillery/ [huo3 lie4 niao3] /flamingo/ [huo3 yan4] /blaze/flame/ [huo3 yan4 pen1 she4 qi4] /flamethrower/ [huo3 yan4 shan1] /Mountain of Flames of legend/fig. insurmountable obstacle/ n of Flames in Turpan depression in Xinjiang/ [huo3 re4] /fiery/burning/fervent/ardent/passionate/ [huo3 shao1] /to set fire to/to burn down/burning hot/baked cake/ [huo3 shao1 huo3 liao2] /restless with anxiety/unbearably hot and anxious [huo3 shao1 mei2 mao5] /lit. the fire burns one's eyebrows (idiom); fig. uation/extreme emergency/ [huo3 shao1 yun2] /nue ardente/hot cloud of volcanic ash/ [huo3 tang4] /burning hot/fiery/to have one's hair permed with hot curling tongs/ [huo3 zhu2] /fire and candles/household things that burn/ [huo3 bao4] /a popular craze/explosive popularity/ [huo3 lu2] /stove/ [huo3 qiang2] /firewall/ [huo3 li2] /mechanical plow/ [huo3 hu2] /Firefox (web browser)/ [huo3 huan2] /"Ring of Fire" (seismic zone surrounding the Pacific)/ [huo3 pen2] /brazier/fire pan/hibachi/ [huo3 yan3 jin1 jing1] /lit. fiery eyes and golden pupils/discerning eyes [huo3 yan3 jin1 jing1 shi2 zhen1 jia3] /fiery eyes and golden falsehood (idiom)/ [huo3 shi2] /flint (stone)/ [huo3 pao4] /cannon/gun/artillery/ [Huo3 shen2] /God of fire/Vulcan/ [huo3 kuai4 zi5] /fire tongs/hair curling tongs/ [huo3 jian4] /rocket/CL:[mei2]/ [huo3 jian4 dan4] /rocket (artillery)/ [huo3 jian4 pao4] /rocket artillery/ [huo3 jian4 ran2 liao4] /rocket fuel/ [huo3 jian4 tong3] /bazooka/rocket launcher/ [huo3 hong2] /fiery/blazing/

[huo3 rong2 cao3] /edelweiss (Leontopodium alpinum)/ [Huo3 xian4] /FireWire (IEEE 1394 data-transfer interface)/ [huo3 xian4] /firing line (battle)/live electrical wire/ [huo3 tui3] /ham/CL: [ge4]/ [huo3 she2] /tongue of flame/ [huo3 hua1] /spark/sparkle/ [huo3 hua1 sai1] /spark plug/ [huo3 miao2] /flame/ [huo3 zang4] /to cremate/ [huo3 zang4 chang3] /crematorium/ [huo3 yao4] /gunpowder/ [huo3 yao4 wei4 shen4 nong2] /strong smell of gunpowder/fig. tense si [huo3 xi1 yi4] /fire lizard/fire-bellied salamander (Cynops orientalis David) [huo3 wei4 yi1] /Phobos (first satellite of Mars)/ [huo3 jing3] /fire alarm/ [huo3 che1] /train/CL:[lie4], [jie2],[ban1],[tang4]/ [huo3 che1 piao4] /train ticket/ [huo3 che1 zhan4] /train station/ [huo3 che1 tou2] /train engine/locomotive/ [huo3 lun2 chuan2] /steamboat/ [huo3 la4] /painful heat/scorching/rude and forthright/provocative/hot/sexy/ [huo3 la4 la4] /painful heat/scorching/painful heat/rude and forthright/provo hot/sexy/ [huo3 su4] /at top speed/at a tremendous lick/ [huo3 qian2] /fire tongs/ [huo3 guo1] /hotpot/ [huo3 ji1] /turkey/ [huo3 dian4] /thermal power/ [huo3 he4] /flaming lily (Anthurium andreanum Linden)/fire crane flower/ [huo3 he4 hua1] /flaming lily (Anthurium andreanum Linden)/fire crane flower/ [huo3 long2] /fiery dragon/ [huo3 long2 guo3] /red pitaya/dragon fruit/dragon pearl fruit (genus Hylocere [hui1] /ash/dust/lime/gray/discouraged/dejected/ [hui1 bu4 la3 ji1] /dull gray/gray and loathsome/ [hui1 bu4 liu1 diu1] /gloomy and dull (idiom); boring and gray/unpleasant [hui1 chen2] /dust/ [Hui1 gu1 niang5] /Cinderella/a sudden rags-to-riches celebrity/ [hui1 yan2] /limestone/CL: [kuai4]/ [hui1 yan2 can2 qiu1] /mogote (steep-sided pointed hill in karst landform [hui1 xin1] /to lose heart/to be discouraged/ [hui1 xin1 sang4 qi4] /downhearted/downcast/in despair/ [hui1 an4] /gray and dark/murky/ [hui1 ni2] /plaster/mortar/ [hui1 liu1 liu1] /dull grey/gloomy/dejected/crestfallen/with one's tail betwe s legs/ [hui1 jiang1] /mortar (for masonry)/ [hui1 xiong2] /grizzly bear/ [hui1 jin4] /ashes/ [hui1 meng3] /gray mongoose (Herpestes edwardsii)/ [hui1 lie4 quan3] /greyhound/ [hui1 bai2] /colored/ash-colored/ [hui1 bai2 se4] /ash gray/ [hui1 se4] /gray/grey/ash gray/grizzly/pessimistic/gloomy/dispirited/ambiguous/ [hui1 meng1 meng1] /dusky/overcast (of weather)/ [hui1 chi4 yang2] /gray alder (Alnus incana)/speckled alder/ [hui1 ling3] /gray collar/specialist/technical worker/engineer/ [hui1 tou2 tu3 lian3] /lit. head and face filthy with grime (idiom); fig. depressed/ [hong2] /to bake, to roast/to dry at a fire/ [zao4] /kitchen stove/furnace/

[Zao4 jun1] /Zaoshen, the God of the kitchen/also written / [Zao4 wang2] /Zaoshen, the God of the kitchen/also written / [zao4 yan3] /stovetop burner/ [Zao4 shen2] /Zaoshen, the God of the kitchen/ [Zao4 shen2 xing1] /Vesta, an asteroid, second most massive object in the ast elt between Mars and Jupiter, discovered in 1807 by H.W. Olbers/ [zao4 jian1] /kitchen (dialect)/CL: [jian1]/ [jiu3] /moxibustion (Chinese medicine)/ [xie4] /candle stub/ [zhuo2] /luminous/burning/to burn/to cauterize/ [zhuo2 ji2] /worried/ [zhuo2 re4] /burning hot/scorching/worried/ [zhuo2 tong4] /burn (i.e. wound)/burning pain/ [zhuo2 jian4] /to see clearly/deep insight/profound view/ [zai1] /disaster/calamity/ [zai1 qu1] /disaster area/stricken region/ [zai1 chang3] /disaster area/scene of accident/ [zai1 hai4] /disastrous damage/scourge/CL: [ge4]/ [zai1 hai4 lian4] /series of calamities/disaster following on disaster/ [zai1 hou4] /after a catastrophe/post-traumatic/ [zai1 qing2] /disastrous situation/calamity/ [zai1 xing1] /comet or supernova viewed as evil portent/ [zai1 yang1] /disaster/ [zai1 min2] /victim (of a disaster)/ [zai1 huo4] /disaster/ [zai1 huang1] /natural disaster/famine/ [zai1 bian4] /catastrophe/cataclysmic change/ [zai1 bian4 shuo1] /catastrophism (theory that geological changes are brought by catastrophes such as the biblical flood)/ [zai1 bian4 lun4] /catastrophism/the theory that geological change is caused strophic events such as the Biblical flood/ [zai1 nan4] /disaster/catastrophe/ [zai1 nan4 xing4] /catastrophic/ [zai1 nan4 pian4] /disaster movie/ [qi4] /variant of , breath/air/steam/gas/weather/used in Taoist charms/ [Gui4] /surname Gui/ [wen2] /(Cantonese) to simmer/to cook over a slow fire/ [chui1] /dress food/to steam/to cook food/ [chui1 shi4] /cooking/ [chui1 shi4 yuan2] /cook/kitchen worker/ [chui1 ju4] /rice steamer/ [chui1 qi4] /cooking vessels (archeology)/ [chui1 yan1] /smoke from kitchen chimneys/ [yan2] /flame/inflammation/-itis/ [Yan2 Ya4 lun2] /Aaron Yan (1986-), Taiwanese singer/ [yan2 xia4] /hot summer/scorching summer/ [Yan2 di4] /Flame Emperors (c. 2000 BC), legendary dynasty descended from Shennon [Shen2 nong2] Farmer God/ [Yan2 di4 ling2] /Fiery Emperor's tomb in Yanling county, Zhuzhou , Hunan [yan2 xing4] /inflammatory (medicine)/ [yan2 xing4 fan3 ying4] /inflammation response/ [yan2 yan2] /scorching/ [yan2 re4] /blistering hot/sizzling hot (weather)/ [yan2 zheng4] /inflammation/ [Yan2 ling2 xian4] /Yanling county in Zhuzhou , Hunan/ [Yan2 huang2 zi3 sun1] /Descendants of the Fiery Emperor and Yellow Emper Chinese people)/ [chao3] /to saute/to stir-fry/ [chao3 zuo4] /to hype/to promote (in the media)/ [chao3 leng3 fan4] /to stir-fry left-over rice/fig. to rehash the same story/

e up the same old product/ [chao3 hui4] /to speculate in foreign currency/ [chao3 di4 pi2] /to speculate in building land/ [chao3 jia1] /speculator/ [chao3 geng1] /to moonlight/ [chao3 re4] /hot (i.e. selling well)/to raise prices by speculation/to hype/ [chao3 mi3] /fried rice/millet stir-fried in butter/ [chao3 mi3 fen3] /fried rice noodles/ [chao3 gu3] /to speculate in stocks (colloquial)/ [chao3 gu3 piao4] /to speculate in stocks/ [chao3 cai4] /stir-fried dish/ [chao3 bo1 cai4] /stir-fried spinach/ [chao3 dan4] /scrambled eggs/ [chao3 huo4] /roasted snacks (peanuts, chestnuts etc)/ [chao3 guo1] /wok/frying pan/ [chao3 ji1 dan4] /scrambled eggs/ [chao3 fan4] /fried rice/ [chao3 you2 yu2] /to be fired/to fire/ [chao3 mian4] /stir-fried noodles/"chow mein"/ [Gui4] /surname Gui/ [que1] /alkyne/ [kang4] /kang (a heatable brick bed)/ [dun4] /to stew/ [dun4 guo1] /stew pot/stew pan/saucepan/ [xin1] /mid-day glare/heat/ [zhi4] /to broil/to roast/ [zhi4 shou3 ke3 re4] /lit. burn your hand, feel the heat (idiom); arrogan erful/a mighty figure no-one dares approach/hot (exciting or in favor)/ [zhi4 ku4] /torrid weather/ [Zhao4] /surname Zhao/ [zhao4] /to shine on/ [xuan4] /to dazzle/to boast/to show off/ [xuan4 fu4] /to flaunt wealth/ostentatious/ [xuan4 mu4] /dazzling/blindingly bright/ [xuan4 yao4] /to show off/to flaunt/ [ju4] /torch/ [tan4] /wood charcoal/coal/carbon/ [tan4 ju1] /anthrax/bacillus/ [tan4 ju1 gan3 jun1] /the anthrax bacterium/Bacillus anthracis/ [tan4 ju1 re4] /anthrax/ [tan4 ju1 bing4] /anthrax/ [tan4 ju1 jun1 miao2] /anthrax vaccine/ [bao1] /to saute/to fry/to dry by heating/ [pao2] /to prepare herbal medicine by roasting or parching (in a pan)/ [pao4] /cannon/CL:[zuo4]/firecracker/ [pao4 r5 ju2] /police station (Beijing slang)/ [pao4 bing1] /artillery soldier/gunner/ [pao4 zhi4] /to concoct/to invent/to fabricate/to produce/to process/processing a d curing (Chinese medicine)/ [pao4 ta3] /gun turret/ [pao4 dan4] /artillery shell/CL:[mei2]/ [pao4 ji1] /to shell/to bombard/bombardment/ [pao4 huo3] /artillery barrage/gunfire/ [pao4 hui1] /cannon fodder/ [pao2 lao4] /the hot pillar (ancient Chinese torture instrument)/ [pao2 lian4] /to parch and refine medicinal herbs/ [pao4 er3] /trunnion/protrusions on either side of a cannon facilitating mounting and vertical pivot/also written / [pao4 jian4] /gunship/ [pao4 hong1] /to bombard/to bomb/

[pao4 qian1] /a drill/a hammer drill for boring through rock/same as / [jiong3] /bright/clear/ [jiong3 jiong3] /bright (eyes)/shining/ [pao2] /to roast/ [tai2] /soot/ [tai2] /variant of / [bing3] /bright/brilliant/luminous/ [bing3 wen2] /luminous style/ [bing3 ran2] /to be manifest for everyone to see/ [bing3 huan4] /bright and brilliant/ [bing3 zhu2] /by bright candlelight/ [bing3 yao4] /bright and luminous/ [bing3 zhu4] /eminent/renowned/ [bing3 wei4] /splendid (of writing style)/ [yang3] /firelight/blaze/ [zhu4] /wick of an oil lamp/to burn (incense etc)/measure word for lit incense s ticks/ [zha2] /to deep fry/ [zha4] /to explode/ [zha2 wan2 zi5] /croquettes/deep fried food balls/ [zha2 tu3 dou4 tiao2] /french fries/(hot) potato chips/ [zha2 tu3 dou4 tiao2 r5] /erhua variant of , french [zha2 tu3 dou4 pian4] /french fries/fried potato/ [zha2 zi3 ji1] /barbecued chicken/ [zha4 dan4] /bomb/CL:[mei2], [ke1]/ [zha4 diao4] /to bomb/ [zha4 si3] /to kill with an explosion/ [zha2 you2 bing3] /deep-fried cake/ [zha4 hui3] /to blow up/to destroy with explosives/ [zha4 sui4] /to destroy in an explosion/to break (by bombing)/ [zha2 gao1] /fried cake/ [zha2 shu3 tiao2] /french fries/ [zha2 shu3 pian4] /potato chip/ [zha4 yao4] /explosive (substance)/ [zha2 jiang4 mian4] /zha jiang mian: ground pork simmered with salty fermente an paste (or other sauce) over thick wheat noodles/ [zha4 ji1] /fried chicken/ [zha2 yu2] /deep-fried fish/ [wei2] /as (in the capacity of)/to take sth as/to act as/to serve as/to behave a s/to become/to be/to do/by (in the passive voice)/ [wei4] /because of/for/to/ [wei2 zhu3] /to rely mainly on/to attach most importance to/ [wei4 le5] /in order to/for the purpose of/so as to/ [wei2 ren2] /to behave/to conduct oneself/personal character/to be endearing/to h ve a way with people/ [wei4 ren2] /for sb/for others' interest/ [wei2 ren2 shi1 biao3] /to serve as a model (idiom); a paragon/ [wei4 ren2 min2 fu2 wu4] /Serve the People!, CCP political slogan/ [wei4 shen2 me5] /why?/for what reason?/ [wei2 ren2 bu4 fu4] /the rich man cannot be benevolent (idiom, from Menci sier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 19:24)./ [wei4 he2] /why/ [wei4 li4] /as an example/e.g./ [wei2 fu4 bu4 ren2] /the benevolent man cannot be rich (idiom, from Menci sier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 19:24)./ [wei2 fu4 bu4 ren2 , wei2 ren2 bu4 fu4] /the benevole , from Mencius). It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 19:24)./

[wei2 de2 bu4 zu2] /to start on virtue but give up (idiom); to fail to ca rough/lack of sticking power/short attention span/ [wei2 de2 bu4 zhong1] /to start on virtue but give up (idiom); to fail to through/lack of sticking power/short attention span/ [wei2 suo3 yu4 wei2] /do whatever one pleases/ [wei2 shi2] /timewise/pertaining to time/ [wei2 shi2 bu4 wan3] /it is not too late (idiom)/ [wei2 shi2 yi3 wan3] /already too late/ [wei2 shi2 wei4 wan3] /it is not too late (idiom)/ [wei2 shi2 guo4 zao3] /premature/too soon/ [wei2 qi1] /(to be done) by (a certain date)/lasting (a certain time)/ [wei2 zhi3] /until/ [wei4 ci3] /for this reason/with regards to this/in this respect/in order to do t is/to this end/ [wei2 zhun3] /to serve as the norm/...shall prevail (as standard for rules, regul tions, price etc)/ [wei2 sheng1] /to make a living/ [wei4 de5 shi4] /for the sake of/for the purpose of/ [wei4 zhe5] /in order to/because of/for the sake of/ [wei4 hu3 zuo4 chang1] /to act as accomplice to the tiger/to help a villa diom)/ [wei2 zhong4] /to attach most importance to/ [wei2 nan2] /to feel embarrassed or awkward/to make things difficult (for someone /to find things difficult (to do or manage)/ [wei2 fei1 zuo4 dai3] /to break the law and commit crimes (idiom); malefa r/to perpetrate outrages/ [wei2 shou3] /head/be headed by/ [shi2] /stoneware/ [lie4] /ardent/intense/fierce/stern/upright/to give one's life for a noble cause /exploits/achievements/ [lie4 shi4] /martyr/ [lie4 shi4 ling2] /memorial mound/heroes' memorial/ [lie4 nu:3] /a woman who dies fighting for her honor or follows her husband in de th/ [lie4 shu3] /family or dependents of martyr (in PRC, esp. revolutionary martyr)/ [Lie4 shan1] /Lieshan district of Huaibei city [Huai2 bei3 shi4], Anhui/ [Lie4 shan1 qu1] /Lieshan district of Huaibei city [Huai2 bei3 shi4], A [Lie4 yu3] /Liehyu township in Kinmen County [Jin1 men2 xian4] (Kinm s), Taiwan/ [Lie4 yu3 xiang1] /Liehyu township in Kinmen County [Jin1 men2 x slands), Taiwan/ [lie4 du4] /intensity/ [lie4 nu4] /intense rage/ [lie4 xing4] /strong/intense/spirited/virulent/ [Lie4 ri4] /Liege, town in Belgium/ [lie4 huo3] /raging inferno/blaze/ [lie4 huo3 gan1 chai2] /lit. intense fire to dry wood (idiom); inferno in ig. consuming passion between lovers/ [lie4 yan4] /raging flames/ [lie4 jiu3] /strong alcoholic drink/ [yang2] /molten/smelt/ [yang2 jin1] /variant of [yang2 jin1]/ [xiao1] /to boil or fumigate/ [Wu1] /abbr. for Ukraine [Wu1 ke4 lan2]/surname Wu/ [wu1] /crow/black/ [wu1 qi1 ba1 zao1] /everything in disorder; in a hideous mess; obscene; d (idiom)/ [Wu1 shi2] /Uchturpan nahiyisi (Uqturpan county) in Aksu [A1 g/ [Wu1 shen2 ta3 la1] /Wushentala Hui village in Bayin'guoleng Mongol auton

ure [Ba1 yin1 guo1 leng4 Meng3 gu3 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang/ [Wu1 shen2 ta3 la1 Hui2 zu2 xiang1] /Wushentala Hui village i us prefecture [Ba1 yin1 guo1 leng4 Meng3 gu3 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang/ [Wu1 shen2 ta3 la1 xiang1] /Wushentala Hui village in Bayin'guoleng M efecture [Ba1 yin1 guo1 leng4 Meng3 gu3 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang/ [Wu1 shi2 xian4] /Uchturpan nahiyisi (Uqturpan county) in Aksu jiang/ [Wu1 yi1 ling3] /Wuyiling district of Yichun city [Yi1 chun1 shi4], Hei [Wu1 yi1 ling3 qu1] /Wuyiling district of Yichun city [Yi1 chun1 sh [Wu1 lai2] /Wulai township in Taipei county [Tai2 bei3 xian4], Taiwa [Wu1 lai2 xiang1] /Wulai township in Taipei county [Tai2 bei3 xi [Wu1 lun2 gu3 he2] /Ulungur River in Xinjiang/ [Wu1 lun2 gu3 hu2] /Lake Ulungur in Xinjiang/ [Wu1 ke4 lan2] /Ukraine/ [Wu1 ke4 lan2 ren2] /Ukrainian (person)/ [wu1 ke4 li4 li4] /ukulele/simplified form also written / [wu1 dong1 mian4] /udon noodles/ [wu1 he2 zhi1 zhong4] /mob/ [Wu1 qiu1] /Wuchiu township in Kinmen County [Jin1 men2 xian4] (Kinm s), Taiwan/ [Wu1 qiu1 xiang1] /Wuchiu township in Kinmen County [Jin1 men2 x slands), Taiwan/ [wu1 ta1 cai4] /rosette bok choy (Brassica rapa var. rosularis)/ [wu1 ya1 ya1] /forming a dense mass/ [Wu1 zi1 bie2 ke4] /Uzbek ethnic group of Xinjiang/ [Wu1 zi1 bie2 ke4 zu2] /Uzbek ethnic group of Xinjiang/ [Wu1 zi1 bie2 ke4 yu3] /Uzbek language/ [Wu1 sun1 guo2] /Wusun kingdom of central Asia (c. 300 BC-300 AD)/ [Wu1 shen3] /Uxin or Wushen banner in southwest Ordos prefecture Mongolia/ [Wu1 shen3 qi2] /Uxin or Wushen banner in southwest Ordos prefecture er Mongolia/ [Wu1 gan1 da2] /Uganda/ [wu1 de2 le4 zhi1] /Utrecht/ [Wu1 qia4] /Wuqia county in Xinjiang/ [Wu1 qia4 xian4] /Wuqia county in Xinjiang/ [wu1 tuo1 bang1] /utopia/ [Wu1 la1 gui1] /Uruguay/ [Wu1 la1 er3] /the Ural mountains in Russia, dividing Europe from Asia/ [Wu1 la1 er3 shan1] /the Ural mountains in Russia, dividing Europe from A [wu1 la1 er3 shan1 mai4] /Ural Mountains/ [Wu1 la1 te4] /Urat plain in Bayan Nur [Ba1 yan4 nao4 er3], Center and Rear banners/ [Wu1 la1 te4 zhong1 qi2] /Urat Center banner or Urdyn Dund khoshuu in er3], Inner Mongolia/ [Wu1 la1 te4 qian2 qi2] /Urat Front banner or Urdyn mnd khoshuu in Inner Mongolia/ [Wu1 la1 te4 hou4 qi2] /Urat Rear banner or Urdyn Xoit khoshuu in Bay , Inner Mongolia/ [Wu1 la1 te4 cao3 yuan2] /Urat plain in Bayan Nur [B [wu1 bai4 di2] /Ubaydi (town in Iraq)/ [Wu1 ri4] /Wujih township in Taichung county [Tai2 zhong1 xian4], Ta [Wu1 ri4 xiang1] /Wujih township in Taichung county [Tai2 zhong1 [Wu1 pu3 sa4 la1] /Uppsala, Swedish university city just north of Stockho [wu1 mu4] /ebony/ [Wu1 huan2] /Wuhuan (nomadic tribe)/ [wu1 jiu4] /Tallow tree/Sapium sebiferum/ [Wu1 liang2 hai3] /Mongol surname/ [wu1 lan3] /black olive (Canarium tramdenum)/ [wu1 yang1 wu1 yang1] /in great number/

[wu1 luo4 tuo1 pin3] /hexamine (CH2)6N4/ [Wu1 hai3] /Wuhait or Wuhai prefecture level city in Inner Mongolia/ [Wu1 hai3 Shi4] /Wuhait or Wuhai prefecture-level city in Inner Mongolia/ [Wu1 zi1 bie2 ke4] /Uzbek/ [Wu1 zi1 bie2 ke4 si1 tan3] /Uzbekistan/ [wu1 yan1 zhang4 qi4] /foul black smoke atmosphere (idiom); fig. everythi ndous mess/pandemonium reigns/ [Wu1 er3] /Ur (Sumerian city c. 4500 BC in modern Iraq)/ [Wu1 er3 mu3] /Ulm (city in Germany)/ [Wu1 er3 ge2] /ancient name of Ulan Bator/ [Wu1 er3 he2] /Urho district (Uighur: Orqu Rayoni) of Qaramay City njiang/ [Wu1 er3 he2 qu1] /Urho district (Uighur: Orqu Rayoni) of Qaramay City Xinjiang/ [Wu1 er3 du1 yu3] /Urdu (language)/ [Wu1 te4 lie4 zhi1] /Utrecht, city in Netherlands/ [Wu1 dang1] /Wudang district of Guiyang city [Gui4 yang2 shi4], Guiz [Wu1 dang1 qu1] /Wudang district of Guiyang city [Gui4 yang2 shi [wu1 jie2 lu4] /Orchard Road, Singapore (shopping and tourist area)/ [wu1 sha1 mao4] /black hat (worn by feudal official)/fig. official post/ [Wu1 liang2 ha3] /Mongol surname/ [wu1 yu4] /see [bi2 qi2]/ [Wu1 zi1 bie2 ke4] /Uzbek/abbr. for Uzbekistan/ [Wu1 zi1 bie2 ke4 ren2] /Uzbek (person)/ [Wu1 zi1 bie2 ke4 si1 tan3] /Uzbekistan/ [wu1 zi1 bie2 ke4 zu2] /the Uzbek people (race)/ [wu1 lan2] /dark blue/ [Wu1 su1] /Wusu city in Tacheng prefecture [Ta3 cheng2 di4 qu1], [Wu1 su1 shi4] /Wusu city in Tacheng prefecture [Ta3 cheng2 [Wu1 su1 li3 si1 ke4] /Ussuriisk city in Russian Pacific Primorsky re include [Shuang1 cheng2 zi5] and Voroshilov / [Wu1 su1 li3 jiang1] /Ussuri River/ [Wu1 lan2] /Wulan county in Haixi Mongol and Tibetan autonomous prefecture u3 zu2 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ [Wu1 lan2 fu1] /Ulanhu (1906-1988), Soviet trained Mongolian communist who be portant PRC military leader/ [Wu1 lan2 cha2 bu4] /Ulaanchab prefecture level city in Inner Mongolia/ [Wu1 lan2 cha2 bu4 shi4] /Ulaanchab prefecture level city in Inner Mo [Wu1 lan2 ba1 tuo1] /Ulaanbaatar or Ulan Bator, capital of Mongolia/ [Wu1 lan2 hao4 te4] /Wulanhaote county level city, Mongolian Ulaan xot, i gue [Xing1 an1 meng2], east Inner Mongolia/ [Wu1 lan2 hao4 te4 shi4] /Wulanhaote county level city, Mongolian Ula league [Xing1 an1 meng2], east Inner Mongolia/ [Wu1 lan2 xian4] /Wulan county in Haixi Mongol and Tibetan autonomous prefect g3 gu3 zu2 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ [Wu1 xi1 ya4] /Uzziah (son of Joram)/ [Wu1 ne4 chu3] /Uxin or Wushen banner in southwest Ordos prefecture r Mongolia/ [wu1 yu3] /Uzbek language/ [wu1 zei2] /cuttlefish/ [Wu1 da2] /Ud raion or Wuda district of Wuhait city [Wu1 hai3 shi4], [Wu1 da2 qu1] /Ud raion or Wuda district of Wuhait city [Wu1 hai [Wu1 li3 ya3 su1 tai2] /Uliastai, the Qing name for outer Mongolia/ [wu1 ji1] /black-boned chicken/silky fowl/silkie/Gallus gallus domesticus Brisson [wu1 yun2] /black cloud/ [wu1 qing1] /bluish black/bruise/bruising/CL: [kuai4]/ [wu1 fan4 guo3] /blueberry/ [Wu1 ma3 he2] /Wumahe district of Yichun city [Yi1 chun1 shi4], Heilong [Wu1 ma3 he2 qu1] /Wumahe district of Yichun city [Yi1 chun1 shi4], [wu1 gu3 ji1] /black-boned chicken/silky fowl/silkie/Gallus gallus domesticus

n/ [Wu1 lu3 ke4 qia4 ti2] /Wuqia county in Xinjiang/name of county in Xi 0th century now called Wuqia / [Wu1 lu3 ke4 qia4 ti2 xian4] /Wuqia county in Xinjiang/name of co ly 20th century now called Wuqia / [Wu1 lu3 mu4 qi2] /rmqi or Urumqi prefecture level city and capital of utonomous region in west China/ [Wu1 lu3 mu4 qi2 shi4] /rmqi or Urumqi prefecture level city and ca r autonomous region in west China/ [Wu1 lu3 mu4 qi2 xian4] /Urumqi county (Uighur: rmchi Nahiyisi) in iang/ [Wu1 lu3 ru3] /Uluru, iconic large rock formation in central Australia, sacre originals, a World Heritage Site/also known as Ayers Rock/ [wu1 chang1] /black pomfret/ [wu1 li3] /Channa argus/snakehead fish/ [wu1 niao3 si1 qing2] /lit. the solicitude of the crow (who provides for t)(idiom)/fig. filial piety/ [wu1 ya1] /crow/raven/ [wu1 ya1 zui3] /lit. crow's beak/fig. harbinger of doom/Cassandra/boring pers tantly cawing about disaster/to tempt fate by mentioning misfortune/inauspicious topic bringing bad luck/jinx/ [wu1 ya1 zuo4] /Corvus (constellation)/ [wu1 dong1] /blackbird/ [Wu1 li2 ya3] /Uriah (name)/ [wu1 hei1] /jet-black/dark/ [wu1 hei1 se4] /black/crow-black/ [Wu1 qi2 ya3] /Uzziah son of Amaziah, king of Judah c. 750 BC/ [wu1 long2] /black dragon/unexpected mistake or mishap/ [wu1 long2 qiu2] /own goal (football)/a goal in a sports match where the play dentally puts the ball into his own goal/ [wu1 long2 cha2] /Oolong tea/ [wu1 long2 mian4] /udon (thick Japanese-style) wheat-flour noodles/ [wu1 gui1] /tortoise/cuckold/ [wu1 gui1 ke2] /tortoise shell/ [wei1] /three-cornered stove/ [tong2] /hot/heated/ [hong1] /to bake/to heat by fire/to set off by contrast/ [hong1 gan1] /to dry over a stove/ [hong1 gan1 ji1] /clothes dryer/ [hong1 tuo1] /background (of a painting)/backdrop/a foil (to set off something to advantage)/to offset (something to advantage)/ [hong1 ran3] /relief shading (in a picture)/fig. to throw into relief/ [hong1 kao3] /to roast/to bake/ [hong1 bei4] /to cure by drying over a fire (tea, meat etc)/ [hong1 lu2] /oven/ [hong1 xiang1] /oven/ [hong1 long2] /bamboo drying frame/ [hong1 long2 r5] /bamboo drying frame/ [hong1 zhi4] /to bake/ [hong1 chen4] /to set off/to highlight by contrast/ [hong1 dou4] /baked beans/ [hong1 yun2 tuo1 yue4] /lit. to shade in the clouds to offset the moon (i foil/a contrasting character to a main hero/ [lao4] /to brand/to iron/to bake (in a pan)/ [lao4 yin4] /brand/to brand/mark/to mark/ [lao4 tie5] /flat iron/branding iron/soldering iron/ [lao4 bing3] /pancake/flat bread/griddle cake/ [xuan3] /brilliant/ [zheng1] /multitudinous/the masses/to present (to sb)/to rise/to advance/to prog ress/archaic variant of [zheng1]/

[zheng1 min2] /people/the masses/ [zheng1 li2] /people/the masses/ [kao3] /to roast/to bake/to broil/ [kao3 fang2] /drying room/oven/ [kao3 jia4] /grill (of a cooker etc)/ [kao3 huo3] /to warm oneself at a fire/ [kao3 zhi4] /to scorch/(the sun) beats down/ [kao3 yan1] /flue-cured tobacco/ [kao3 lu2] /oven (PRC)/ [kao3 pan2] /baking tray/ [kao3 xiang1] /oven/ [kao3 rou4] /barbecue (lit. roast meat)/ [kao3 rou4 jiang4] /barbecue sauce/ [kao3 hu2 jiao1 xiang1 chang2] /roast pepper sausage/pepperoni/ [kao3 ji1] /roast chicken/ [kao3 dian4] /diathermia (medical treatment involving local heating of body tissu s with electric current)/ [kao3 mian4 bao1 ji1] /toaster/ [kao3 bing3] /scone/ [kao3 ya1] /roast duck/ [kao3 mian4 bao1] /toast/ [xi1] /alkene/ [xi1 ting1] /olefine/alkene (chemistry)/ [pu3] /to travel by the light of torch/ [ting1] /hydrocarbon/ [ting1 hua4 zuo4 yong4] /alkylation/ [ting1 la4] /hydrocarbon wax/ [wan2] /alkane/ [wan2 ji1] /alkyl/ [wan2 ji1 ben3] /alkyl benzene/dodecylbenzene C18H30/ [wan2 ji1 ben3 huang2 suan1 na4] /sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate t in detergents)/ [wan2 ting1] /alkane/ [peng1] /cooking method/to boil sb alive (capital punishment in Imperial China)/ [peng1 zhu3] /to cook/to boil/ [peng1 cha2] /to brew tea/ [peng1 tiao2] /to cook/cooking/ [peng1 tiao2 shu4] /cookery/ [peng1 ren4] /cooking/culinary arts/ [peng1 ren4 fa3] /cuisine/culinary art/cookery/recipe/ [lang3] /blaze/light/ [feng1] /beacon fire/ [feng1 huo3] /fire beacon (to give alarm)/ [feng1 huo3 si4 qi3] /the fire of war in all four directions (idiom); the war/ [feng1 yan1] /fire beacon (used as alarm signal over long distance)/ [feng1 yan1 si4 qi3] /lit. fire beacons in all four directions (idiom); t of war/ [feng1 yan1 si4 qi3 , zhan4 huo3 fen1 fei1] /lit. fir he confusion of war/ [feng1 yan1 bian4 di4] /fire beacons on all sides (idiom); enveloped in t war/ [feng1 sui4] /fire beacon towers (historical sites on the Great Wall and in Xinji ng)/fig. times of war/ [he4] /fiery/bright/ [xun1] /fumes from sacrifice/ [yan1] /where/how/ [Yan1 qi2] /Yanqi county in Xinjiang/ [Yan1 qi2 Hui2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Yenji Xuyzu aptonom nahiy nty in Bayin'guoleng Mongol autonomous prefecture, Xinjiang [Ba1 yin1 guo

3 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang/ [Yan1 qi2 pen2 di4] /Yanqi basin in northeast of Tarim basin/ [Yan1 qi2 xian4] /Yenji Xuyzu aptonom nahiyisi or Yanqi Hui autonomous county in'guoleng Mongol autonomous prefecture, Xinjiang [Ba1 yin1 guo1 leng4 Me zhou1], Xinjiang/ [han4] /to weld/ [han4 jie1] /to weld/welding/ [han4 qiang1] /welding torch/ [han4 si1] /welding wire/ [jun4] /to set fire to/to ignite/ [qu1] /to extinguish by stamping out or immersing in water/cooking method/to ign ite using a non-flaming object/ [jun4 you2] /to stir fry/ [jun4 hei1] /pitch black/ [wu4] /to warm sth up/ [han2] /enthalpy/ [ju2] /to steam in a sealed container/to feel stifled or smothered (dialect)/ [ju2 you2] /hot oil/hot oil treatment/hair-treatment cream/ [bei4] /to dry over a fire/to bake/ [bei4 gan1] /to dry over a fire/to roast/ [bei4 kao3] /to bake/to roast/to kiln/ [bei4 jian1] /to dry and roast over a low fire (tea, chestnuts, seaweed etc)/to t rrefy/ [bei4 shao1] /to roast/to bake (e.g. mineral ore)/ [bei4 fen3] /baking soda (used to leaven bread)/ [fen2] /to burn/ [fen2 hua4] /to cremate/ [fen2 shi1] /to cremate/ [fen2 shi1 lu2] /crematorium/crematory oven/ [fen2 shu1] /to burn the books (one of the crimes of the first Emperor in 212 BC) [fen2 shu1 keng1 ru2] /to burn the books and bury alive the Confucian sch the crimes of the first Emperor in 212 BC)/ [fen2 hui3] /to burn down/to destroy with fire/ [fen2 shao1] /to burn/to set on fire/ [fen2 hui3] /to burn down/to destroy with fire/trad. also written / [fen2 qin2 zhu3 he4] /lit. to burn zithers and cook cranes/fig. to waste urces/to destroy wantonly beautiful things/ [fen2 yan4] /to destroy one's ink-slab/to write no more because others write so m ch better (idiom)/ [fen2 gao1 ji4 gui3] /to burn the midnight oil (idiom); to work continuou day/ [fen2 xiang1] /to burn incense/ [fen2 xiang1 jing4 shen2] /to burn incense in prayer to a God/ [kun1] /brilliant/ [tun1] /dim/ [cui4] /to temper (as steel)/ [wu2] /-less/not to have/no/none/not/to lack/un-/ [wu2 yi1 erywhere (Zhu Xi )/ [wu2 shang4] /supreme/ [wu2 bu4] /none lacking/none missing/everything is there/everyone without excepti n/ [wu2 bu4 da2] /nothing he can't do/ [wu2 zhong1 sheng1 you3] /to create something from nothing (idiom)/ [wu2 zhu3 shi1 wu4] /lost property without a claimant (law)/ [wu2 zhu3 jian4] /without one's own opinions/ [wu2 shi4 bu4 deng1 san1 bao3 dian4] /One doesn't visit the t visit sb with an ulterior motive (esp. to ask for sth)/having a hidden agenda/ [wu2 shi4 ke3 zuo4] /to have nothing to do/to have time on one's hands/ [wu2 shi4 sheng1 fei1] /make trouble out of nothing/

[wu2 ren2] /unmanned/uninhabited/ [wu2 ren2 bu4] /no man is not.../ [wu2 ren2 qu1] /an uninhabited region/ [wu2 ren2 shou4 piao4] /self-service ticketing/automated ticketing/ [wu2 ren2 jia4 shi3] /unmanned/unpiloted/ [wu2 yi3 wei2 bao4] /unable to return the favor/ [wu2 yi3 wei2 sheng1] /no way to get by/ [wu2 xiu1 wu2 zhi3] /ceaseless; endless (idiom)/ [wu2 ban4 zou4 he2 chang4] /a cappella (music)/ [wu2 he2] /nothing else/soon/before long/ [wu2 yi1 wu2 kao4] /no one to rely on (idiom); on one's own/orphaned/left devices/ [wu2 bao3 liu2] /without reservation/not holding anything back/unconditional/ [wu2 xin4 yi4] /in bad faith/false/perfidious/ [wu2 yi3 wu2 kao4] /variant of , no one to rely on (idio 's own devices/ [wu2 zuo4 zuo5] /unaffected (i.e. behaving naturally)/ [wu2 jia4] /invaluable/priceless/ [wu2 jia4 zhi1 bao3] /priceless treasure/ [wu2 jia4 zhen1 zhu1] /Pearl of Great Price/ [wu2 chang2] /free/no charge/at no cost/ [wu2 dong1 wu2 xia4] /regardless of the season/all the year round/ [wu2 chu1 qi2 you4] /matchless/without equal/there is nothing better/ [wu2 li4] /no profit/not profitable/a hindrance/(to lend money) at no interest/ [wu2 li4] /powerless/lacking strength/ [wu2 gong1 bu4 shou4 lu4] /Don't get a reward if it's not deserved. ( [wu2 gong1 shou4 lu4] /to get undeserved rewards (idiom)/ [wu2 gong1 er2 fan3] /to return without any achievement (idiom); to go ho tail between one's legs/ [wu2 zhu4] /helpless/helplessness/feeling useless/no help/ [wu2 zhu4 gan3] /to feel helpless/feeling useless/ [wu2 dong4 yu2 zhong1] /aloof/indifferent/unconcerned/ [wu2 yuan2 ze2] /unprincipled/ [wu2 qu3 sheng4 xi1 wang4 zhe3] /outsider (i.e. not expected to w )/ [wu2 ke3] /can't/ [wu2 ke3 hou4 fei1] /see [wei4 ke3 hou4 fei1]/ [wu2 ke3 nai4 he2] /have no way out/have no alternative/abbr. to [wu2 ke3 feng4 gao4] /(idiom) "no comment"/ [wu2 ke3 jiu4 yao4] /lit. no antidote is possible (idiom); incurable/inco nd redemption/ [wu2 ke3 zhi4 yi2] /cannot be doubted (idiom)/ [wu2 ke3 fei1 yi4] /unquestionable/ [wu2 ming2] /nameless/obscure/ [wu2 ming2 xiao3 zu2] /lit. nameless soldier (idiom); an unknown/nonentit [wu2 ming2 zhan4 shi4 mu4] /Tomb of the Unknown Soldier/ [wu2 ming2 zhan4 si3] /the unknown soldier (symbolizing war dead)/ [wu2 ming2 zhi3] /ring finger/ [wu2 ming2 shi4] /anonymous (e.g. author, donor etc)/ [wu2 ming2 lie4 shi4 mu4] /tomb of the unknown soldier/ [wu2 ming2 ying1 xiong2] /unnamed hero/ [wu2 wei4] /tasteless/odorless/ [wu2 ka1 fei1 yin1] /decaffeinated/decaf/ [wu2 pin3] /fretless (stringed instrument)/ [wu2 guo2 jie4] /without borders (used for organizations such as Mdecins san s)/ [wu2 guo2 jie4 ji4 zhe3] /Reporters Without Borders (pressure group)/ [wu2 guo2 jie4 yi1 sheng1] /Mdecins Sans Frontires (MSF charity)/do [wu2 di4 zi4 rong2] /ashamed and unable to show one's face/ [wu2 yin2] /boundless/vast/

[wu2 jian1 bu4 cui1] /no stronghold one cannot overcome (idiom); to conqu acle/nothing one can't do/to carry everything before one/ [wu2 da4 wu2 xiao3] /no matter how big or small/not distinguishing junior [wu2 qi2 bu4 you3] /nothing is too bizarre/full of extraordinary things/ [wu2 nai4] /helpless/without choice/for lack of better option/grudgingly/willy-ni ly/nolens volens/abbr. for [wu2 ke3 nai4 he2]/ [wu2 fang2] /no harm (in doing it)/One might as well./It won't hurt./no matter/it s no bother/ [wu2 kong3 bu4 zuan1] /lit. leave no hole undrilled (idiom); to latch on rtunity/ [wu2 zi4 bei1] /stone tablet without inscription/blank stele/ [wu2 ding4 xing2 tan4] /amorphous carbon/ [wu2 hai4] /harmless/ [wu2 jia1 ke3 gui1] /homeless/ [wu2 rong2 zhi4 yi2] /cannot be doubted (idiom)/ [wu2 jiang4 pai2] /no trumps (in card games)/ [wu2 wei3 xiong2] /koala/ [wu2 wei3 yuan2] /ape/ [wu2 ju2] /non-vulnerable (in bridge)/ [wu2 qiao3 bu4 cheng2 shu1] /curious coincidence/ [wu2 yi3] /endlessly/to have no choice/ [wu2 shi1 zi4 tong1] /self-taught/to learn without a teacher (idiom)/ [wu2 chang2] /variable/changeable/fickle/impermanence (Sanskrit: anitya)/ghost ta ing away the soul after death/to pass away/to die/ [wu2 gan1] /to have nothing to do with/ [wu2 ji3] /very little/hardly any/ [wu2 xu4] /disorderly/irregular/lack of order/ [wu2 di3] /bottomless/ [wu2 di3 keng1] /the bottomless pit (Hell in the Bible)/pitless (elevator)/ [wu2 di3 dong4] /bottomless pit/ [wu2 du4] /immoderate/excessive/not knowing one's limits/ [wu2 yong1] /see [wu2 yong1]/ [wu2 xing2] /incorporeal/virtual/formless/invisible (assets)/intangible/ [wu2 xing2 zhong1] /imperceptibly/virtually/ [wu2 xing2 mao4 yi4] /invisibles (trade)/ [wu2 xing2 shu1 chu1] /invisible export/ [wu2 ying3 wu2 zong1] /to disappear without trace (idiom)/ [wu2 hou4] /to lack male offspring/ [wu2 cong2] /not to have access/beyond one's authority or capability/sth one has o way of doing/ [wu2 wei1 bu4 zhi4] /in every possible way (idiom); meticulous/ [wu2 zheng1 bu4 xin4] /without proof one can't believe it (idiom)/ [wu2 xin1] /unintentionally/not in the mood to/ [wu2 xin1 cha1 liu3 liu3 cheng2 yin1] /lit. idly poke a stick tree to shade you/(fig.) unintentional actions may bring unexpected success/als o written / [wu2 xing4] /sexless/asexual (reproduction)/ [wu2 xing4 fan2 zhi2] /asexual reproduction/ [wu2 yuan4 wu2 hui3] /no complaints/to have no regrets/ [wu2 guai4] /No wonder!/not surprising/ [wu2 guai4 hu1] /No wonder!/not surprising/ [wu2 heng2] /to lack patience/ [wu2 yang4] /unaffected (by a disease)/ [wu2 chi3] /without any sense of shame/unembarrassed/shameless/ [wu2 hui3] /to have no regrets/ [wu2 huan4 zi3] /Sapindales/order of scented bushes and trees, includes citru and lychee/ [wu2 qing2] /pitiless/ruthless/merciless/heartless/ [wu2 qing2 wu2 yi4] /completely lacking any feeling or sense of justice ( and ruthless/

[wu2 e4 bu4 zuo4] /not to shrink from any crime (idiom); to commit any im eed/ [wu2 yi4] /inadvertent/accidental/ [wu2 yi4 zhong1] /accidentally/unintentionally/unexpectedly/ [wu2 yi4 shi2] /unconscious/involuntary/ [wu2 yi4 jian1] /inadvertently/unintentionally/ [wu2 kui4] /to have a clear conscience/to feel no qualms/ [wu2 you1 wu2 lu:4] /carefree and without worries (idiom)/ [wu2 xie4 ke3 ji1] /invulnerable/ [wu2 cheng2] /achieving nothing/ [wu2 wo3] /anatta (Buddhist concept of "non-self")/ [wu2 suo3 bu4 bao1] /not excluding anything/all-inclusive/ [wu2 suo3 bu4 zai4] /omnipresent/ [wu2 suo3 bu4 wei2] /not stopping at anything/all manner of evil/ [wu2 suo3 bu4 yong4 qi2 ji2] /committing all manner of crimes/com [wu2 suo3 bu4 zhi1] /omniscient/ [wu2 suo3 bu4 neng2] /omnipotent/ [wu2 suo3 bu4 zhi4] /to reach everywhere/to stop at nothing/to do one's u [wu2 suo3 bu4 mai4] /to sell anything/to sell everything/ [wu2 suo3 shi4 shi4] /to have nothing to do/to idle one's time away (idio [wu2 suo3 zuo4 wei2] /attempting nothing and accomplishing nothing (idiom y initiative or drive/feckless/ [wu2 suo3 shu3] /unaffiliated/non-party/ [wu2 suo3 yong4 xin1] /not paying attention to anything (idiom); to idle [wu2 suo3 wei4] /to be indifferent/not to matter/ [wu2 suo3 shi4 cong2] /not knowing which course to follow (idiom); at a l o/ [wu2 ba3 wo4] /uncertain/without assurance/ [wu2 ju1 wu2 shu4] /free and unconstrained (idiom); unfettered/unbuttoned or worries/ [wu2 cuo4] /helpless/ [wu2 yuan2] /without support/isolated/ [Wu2 zhi1 qi2] /a water goblin in Chinese mythology usually depicted as a mon [wu2 zheng4 fu3 zhu3 yi4] /anarchism/ [wu2 gu4] /without cause or reason/ [wu2 xiao4] /not valid/ineffective/in vain/ [wu2 di2] /unequalled/without rival/a paragon/ [wu2 shu4] /countless/numberless/innumerable/ [wu2 jing1 yuan2] /fabless (semiconductor company)/ [wu2 xia2] /too busy/to have no time for/fully occupied/ [wu2 wang4] /without hope/hopeless/without prospects/ [wu2 qi1] /unspecified period/in the indefinite future/no fixed time/indefinite s ntence (i.e. life imprisonment)/ [wu2 qi1 bie2] /to part for an unspecified period/to take leave from indefini [wu2 qi1 tu2 xing2] /life imprisonment/ [wu2 he2] /nonnuclear/seedless (botany)/ [wu2 he2 hua4] /to make nuclear-free/to de-nuclearize/ [wu2 he2 qu1] /nuclear weapon-free zone/ [wu2 tiao2 jian4] /unconditional/ [wu2 tiao2 jian4 tou2 xiang2] /unconditional surrender/ [Wu2 di4] /Wudi county in Binzhou [Bin1 zhou1], Shandong/ [Wu2 di4 xian4] /Wudi county in Binzhou [Bin1 zhou1], Shandong/ [wu2 ye4] /unemployed/jobless/out of work/ [wu2 ye4 you2 min2] /unemployed/ [wu2 ye4 xian2 san3] /unemployed and idle/ [Wu2 ji2] /Wuji county in Shijiazhuang [Shi2 jia1 zhuang1 di of film by Chen Kaige)/ [wu2 ji2] /everlasting/unbounded/ [Wu2 ji2 xian4] /Wuji county in Shijiazhuang [Shi2 jia1 zhuang1] [wu2 ji1] /inorganic (chemistry)/

[wu2 ji1 hua4 xue2] /inorganic chemistry/ [wu2 ji1 wu4] /inorganic compound/ [wu2 ji1 yan2] /inorganic salt/ [wu2 quan2] /no right/no entitlement/powerless/ [wu2 du2] /harmless/innocuous/lit. not poisonous/ [wu2 du2 bu4 zhang4 fu5] /no poison, no great man (idiom); A great ma s./ [wu2 bi3] /incomparable/matchless/ [wu2 bi3 jiao4 ji2] /absolute (not liable to comparative degree)/ [wu2 mao2] /hairless/ [wu2 yang3] /anaerobic/an environment with no oxygen/ [wu2 shui3] /anhydrous (chemistry)/waterless/dehydrated/ [wu2 fa3] /unable/incapable/ [wu2 fa3 xing2 rong2] /unspeakable/indescribable/ [wu2 fa3 ren3 shou4] /intolerable/ [wu2 fa3 wan3 jiu4] /incurable/no way of curing/hopeless/ [wu2 fa3 ti4 dai4] /irreplaceable/ [wu2 fa3 wu2 tian1] /regardless of the law and of natural morality (idiom ndisciplined and out of control/ [wu2 ji4 yu2 shi4] /to no avail/of no use/ [Wu2 wei2] /Wuwei county in Chaohu [Chao2 hu2], Anhui/ [wu2 wei2] /the Daoist doctrine of inaction/let things take their own course/lais ez-faire/ [Wu2 wei2 xian4] /Wuwei county in Chaohu [Chao2 hu2], Anhui/ [wu2 yan1] /nonsmoking (e.g. environment)/ [wu2 yan1 tan4] /smokeless coal/ [wu2 yan1 mei2] /anthracite/ [wu2 zhao4 jing1 ying2] /unlicensed business activity/ [wu2 zhua3] /without claws/fig. powerless/ [wu2 zheng1 yi4] /uncontroversial/accepted/ [wu2 pai2] /unlicensed/unlabeled (goods)/ [wu2 ya2] /toothless/fig. powerless/ [wu2 wu4] /have nothing/ [wu2 qian1 wu2 gua4] /to have no cares/to be carefree/ [wu2 zhuang4] /insolence/insolent/ill-mannered/ [wu2 cai1] /unsuspecting/innocent and without apprehension/ [wu2 du2 you3 ou3] /not alone but in pairs (idiom, usually derog.); not a rence/it's not the only case/ [wu2 li3] /irrational/unreasonable/ [wu2 li3 qu3 nao4] /to make trouble without reason (idiom); deliberately less provocation/willful trouble maker/ [wu2 li3 shu4] /irrational number/ [wu2 xia2] /faultless/perfect/ [wu2 sheng1 ming4] /inert/lifeless/ [wu2 chan3 zhe3] /proletariat/non-propertied person/ [wu2 chan3 jie1 ji2] /proletariat/ [wu2 yong4] /useless/worthless/ [wu2 yi4] /nothing other than/to differ in no way from/the same as/to amount to/ [wu2 yi2] /no doubt/undoubtedly/ [wu2 bing4 shen1 yin2] /to moan about imaginary illness/fussing like a hy ig. sentimental nonsense/ [wu2 bing4 zi4 jiu3] /lit. to prescribe moxibustion for oneself when not oneself trouble with superfluous action/ [wu2 di4 fang4 shi3] /to shoot without aim (idiom); fig. to speak without ing blindly/to shoot in the air/a shot in the dark/ [wu2 yi4] /no good/not good for/not beneficial/ [wu2 zhi1] /ignorant/ignorance/ [wu2 zhi1 jue2] /senseless/ [wu2 ma3] /unpixelated or uncensored (of video)/ [wu2 ai4] /without inconvenience/unimpeded/unhindered/unobstructed/unfettered/unh

mpered/ [wu2 shen2 lun4] /atheism/ [wu2 shen2 lun4 zhe3] /atheist/ [wu2 lu4] /to be unsalaried/to be unfortunate/death/ [wu2 li3] /rude/rudely/ [wu2 si1] /selfless/unselfish/disinterested/altruistic/ [wu2 zhi4 xu4] /disorder/ [wu2 ji1] /nonsense/ [wu2 ji1 zhi1 tan2] /complete nonsense (idiom)/ [wu2 qiong2] /endless/boundless/inexhaustible/ [wu2 qiong2 xiao3] /infinitesimal (in calculus)/infinitely small/ [wu2 qiong2 xu4 lie4] /infinite sequence/ [wu2 qiong2 wu2 jin4] /vast and limitless (idiom); endless span of time/n a beginning, no prospect of an end/ [wu2 qiong2 yuan3 dian3] /point at infinity (math.)/infinitely distant po [wu2 qiong2 ji2] /infinite set (math.)/ [wu2 duan1] /for no reason at all/ [wu2 duan1 duan1] /for no reason/ [wu2 fu2 hao4] /unsigned (i.e. the absolute value, regardless of plus or minu / [wu2 jing1 da3 cai3] /dull and colorless (idiom); lacking vitality/not li [wu2 jing1 da3 cai3] /dispirited and downcast (idiom); listless/in low sp out/ [wu2 tang2] /sugar free/ [wu2 zhi3 hua4 ban4 gong1] /paperless office/ [wu2 si1 fen1 lie4] /amitosis/ [wu2 wei2 du4] /dimensionless (math.)/ [wu2 wang3 ge2 fa3] /meshless method (numerical simulation)/meshfree meth [wu2 xian4] /wireless/ [wu2 xian4 wang3 lu4] /wireless network/ [wu2 xian4 dian4] /wireless/ [wu2 xian4 dian4 jie1 shou1 ji1] /receiver (radio)/ [wu2 xian4 dian4 shou1 fa1 ji1] /transceiver/radio frequency rece y/ [wu2 xian4 dian4 bo1] /radio waves/wireless electric wave/ [wu2 xian4 dian4 guan3 li3 wei3 yuan2 hui4] /Wireless tra [wu2 xian4 dian4 hua4] /radio telephony/wireless telephone/ [wu2 yuan2] /to have no opportunity/no way (of doing sth)/no chance/no connection not placed (in a competition)/(in pop lyrics) no chance of love, no place to be together etc/ [wu2 yuan2 wu2 gu4] /no cause, no reason (idiom); completely uncalled for [wu2 feng4] /seamless/ [wu2 feng4 lian2 jie1] /seamless connection/ [wu2 que1] /whole/ [wu2 zui4] /innocent/guileless/not guilty (of crime)/ [wu2 zui4 kang4 bian4] /plea of not guilty/ [wu2 zui4 tui1 ding4] /presumption of innocence (law)/ [wu2 yi4] /nonsense/immoral/faithless/ [wu2 chi4] /wingless/ [wu2 liao2] /bored/boring/senseless/ [wu2 sheng1] /noiseless/noiselessly/silent/ [wu2 sheng1 wu2 xi1] /wordless and uncommunicative (idiom); without speak not providing any news/ [wu2 neng2] /incompetence/inability/incapable/powerless/ [wu2 neng2 wei2 li4] /impotent (idiom)/powerless/helpless/ [wu2 ji3 zhui1] /invertebrate/ [wu2 ji3 zhui1 dong4 wu4] /invertebrate/ [wu2 yu2 lun2 bi3] /incomparable/ [wu2 chuan2 cheng2 yun4 ren2] /non-vessel-owning common carrier (NVOC /

[wu2 se4] /colorless/ [wu2 hua1 guo3] /fig (Ficus carica)/ [wu2 jun1 xing4] /aseptic/ [wu2 jun1 de5] /sterile/without germs/ [wu2 zhe5] /Asanga (Buddhist philosopher)/ [wu2 chu4] /nowhere/ [wu2 chu4 bu4 zai4] /to be everywhere/ [wu2 chu4 ke3 xun2] /cannot be found anywhere (idiom)/ [wu2 chu4 rong2 shen1] /nowhere to hide/ [wu2 yu2] /not to be worried about/all taken care of/ [wu2 yu2 kui4 fa2] /no fear of deficiency/sufficient/abundant/ [wu2 biao3 qing2] /expressionless/wooden (expression)/blank (face)/ [wu2 bu3] /of no avail/not helping in the least/ [wu2 shi4] /to ignore/to disregard/ [wu2 yan2] /to remain silent/to have nothing to say/ [wu2 yan2 ke3 dui4] /unable to reply (idiom); left speechless/at a loss f [wu2 ji4 ke3 shi1] /no strategy left to try (idiom); at one's wit's end/a one's tether/powerless/ [wu2 hua4 ke3 shuo1] /there is nothing more to say (idiom); above critici [wu2 yu3] /to remain silent/to have nothing to say/speechless/ [wu2 wu4] /verified/unmistaken/ [wu2 lun4] /no matter what or how/regardless of whether.../ [wu2 lun4 he2 shi4] /anything/whatever/ [wu2 lun4 he2 ren2] /whoever/ [wu2 lun4 he2 shi2] /whenever/ [wu2 lun4 he2 chu4] /anywhere/wherever/ [wu2 lun4 ru2 he2] /anyhow/anyway/whatever/ [wu2 wei4] /pointless/meaningless/unnecessarily/ [wu2 huo4] /out of stock/product unavailable/ [wu2 lai4] /hoodlum/rascal/rogue/rascally/scoundrelly/ [wu2 qu4] /dull/vapid/colorless/ [wu2 zu2 qing1 zhong4] /insignificant/ [wu2 lu4 ke3 zou3] /nowhere to go/at the end of one's tether/ [wu2 lu4 ke3 tui4] /without a retreat route/caught in a dead end/having b ridges/ [wu2 lu4 ke3 tao2] /no way out/nowhere to go/trapped beyond hope of rescu o a corner/ [wu2 gui3] /trackless/ [wu2 gui3 dian4 che1] /trolleybus/ [wu2 gu1] /innocent/innocence/not guilty (law)/ [wu2 nong2 yao4] /without agricultural fertilizer (i.e. organic farming)/ [wu2 lian2 jie1] /connectionless/ [wu2 dao4] /tyrannical/brutal (regime)/ [wu2 bian1] /without boundary/not bordered/ [wu2 bian1 wu2 ji4] /boundless/limitless/ [wu2 xie2] /without guilt/ [wu2 liang4] /measureless/immeasurable/ [Wu2 liang4 shou4] /boundless life (expression of good wishes)/Amitayus, the of measureless life, good fortune and wisdom/ [wu2 zhen1 zhu4 she4 qi4] /jet injector/ [wu2 gou1 tao1 chong2] /beef tapeworm/ [Wu2 xi1] /Wuxi prefecture level city in Jiangsu/ [Wu2 xi1 shi4] /Wuxi prefecture level city in Jiangsu/ [Wu2 xi1 xin1 qu1] /Wuxi new district of Wuxi city [Wu2 xi1 [Wu2 xi1 xian4] /Wuxi county in Jiangsu/ [wu2 jian4] /very close/no gap between them/continuously/unbroken/hard to separat /indistinguishable/ [wu2 guan1] /unrelated/having nothing to do (with sth else)/ [wu2 guan1 jin3 yao4] /indifferent/insignificant/ [wu2 xian4] /unlimited/unbounded/

[wu2 xian4 zhi4] /limitless/unrestricted/ [wu2 xian4 xiao3] /infinitesimal/infinitely small/ [wu2 xian4 xiao3 shu4] /infinitesimal/infinite decimal expansion/ [wu2 xian4 qi1] /unlimited (time) duration/ [wu2 xian4 feng1 guang1 zai4 xian3 feng1] /The boundless vist erb)/fig. exhilaration follows a hard-won victory/ [wu2 shuang1] /incomparable/matchless/unique/ [wu2 xu1] /needless/ [wu2 shuang1 qi1] /frost-free period/ [wu2 fei1] /only/nothing else/ [wu2 xu1] /need not/not obliged to/not necessarily/ [wu2 he2] /jawless (primitive fish)/ [wu2 ti2] /untitled/ [wu2 feng1 bu4 qi3 lang4] /lit. without wind there cannot be waves (i e a reason/no smoke without fire/ [wu2 dang3 pai4] /politically unaffiliated/independent (candidate)/ [wu2 dang3 pai4 tou2 piao4 ren2] /floating voter/non-partisan vot [Wu2 chi3 yi4 long2] /Pteranodon (genus of pterosaur)/ [Jiao1] /surname Jiao/ [jiao1] /burnt/scorched/charred/worried/anxious/coke/ [Jiao1 zuo4] /Jiaozuo prefecture level city in Henan/ [Jiao1 zuo4 shi4] /Jiaozuo prefecture level city in Henan/ [jiao1 hua4] /to distill/ [jiao1 zao4] /variant of [jiao1 zao4]/ [jiao1 tu3] /scorched earth/ [jiao1 ji2] /anxiety/anxious/ [jiao1 lu:4] /anxious/worried/apprehensive/ [jiao1 lu:4 bu4 an1] /worried too much/ [jiao1 lu:4 zheng4] /neurosis/anxiety/ [jiao1 you2] /tar/ [jiao1 zhuo2] /(literary) deeply worried/ [jiao1 zhi4] /to scorch/to burn to charcoal/sick with worry/ [jiao1 tan4] /coke (processed coal used in blast furnace)/ [jiao1 zao4] /variant of [jiao1 zao4]/ [jiao1 lu2] /coking furnace/ [jiao1 tang2] /caramel/ [jiao1 tang2 wu3] /Caramelldansen/ [Jiao1 er3] /joule/ [jiao1 ju4] /focal length/focal distance/ [jiao1 zao4] /fretful/impatient/ [jiao1 tou2 lan4 e2] /lit. beaten head and scorched brow (idiom); beaten e/fig. in trouble/in terrible shape/hard pressed/overwrought/ [jiao1 huang2] /sallow/yellow and withered/sickly/ [jiao1 dian3] /focus/focal point/ [xin4] /heat/flame/inflammation/ [chao1] /to blanch (cooking)/to scald/ [yan4] /flame/ [yan4 huo3] /fireworks/ [yan4] /variant of [yan4]/ [ran2] /correct/right/so/thus/like this/-ly/ [ran2 ze2] /that being the case/then/in that case/ [ran2 hou4] /after/then (afterwards)/after that/afterwards/ [ran2 er2] /however/yet/but/ [ran2 qing3] /in a short time/soon/before long/ [shao1] /Japanese variant of / [chen2] /brazier/ [kui3] /fiery/blazing/ [duan4] /to forge/to calcine/variant of / [duan4 cheng2 mo4] /to calcine (purify by heating)/ [duan4 lian4] /to forge/to toughen/to temper/

[duan4 shao1] /to calcine (purify by heating)/ [duan4 lu2] /forge/fig. extremely hot environment/ [duan4 shi2 gao1] /plaster of Paris/calcined gypsum/ [xia1] /a raging fire/ [ya1] /raging fire/ [hui1] /bright/glorious/ [lian4] /to refine/to smelt/ [lian4 dan1] /to concoct pills of immortality/ [lian4 dan1 ba1 gua4 lu2] /eight trigrams furnace to cook pills of im the alchemist's art/Double, double toil and trouble, Fire burn, and cauldron bu bble/ [lian4 dan1 shu4] /maker of immortality pill/concocting magic pills/ [lian4 zhi1 wei4 ding4] /to spend a long time thinking about sth while un a decision/ [lian4 ru3] /to condense milk (by evaporation)/condensed milk/ [lian4 hua4] /to refine/refining (e.g. oil, chemicals etc)/ [lian4 ju4] /to polish a phrase/ [lian4 nai3] /condensed milk/ [lian4 zi4] /calligraphy practice/to search for the right word/ [lian4 you2] /oil refinery/ [lian4 you2 chang3] /oil refinery/ [lian4 jiao1] /coking/the process of producing coke from coal/ [lian4 jiao1 lu2] /coking furnace/ [lian4 yu4] /purgatory/ [lian4 zhen1] /a delicacy (food)/ [lian4 jin1 shu4] /alchemy/ [lian4 jin1 shu4 shi4] /alchemist/ [lian4 gang1] /steel making/ [lian4 gang1 chang3] /steel mill/ [lian4 tie3] /smelting iron/ [lian4 tie3 chang3] /iron foundry/ [xuan1] /variant of , warm/genial/ [huang2] /brilliant/ [huang2 yi4] /bright/ [jiao3] /to color by smoke/ [jian1] /to pan fry/to saut/ [jian1 chao3] /to lightly fry/ [jian1 zha2] /to fry/ [jian1 zha2 you2] /frying oil/ [jian1 zha2 shi2 pin3] /fried food/ [jian1 ao2] /to suffer/to torture/to torment/ordeal/suffering/torture/torment/ [jian1 niu2 ba1] /beef steak/ [jian1 dan4] /fried egg/ [jian1 dan4 juan3] /omelet/ [jian1 zhu1 ba1] /pork steak/ [jian1 jiao3] /fried dumpling/ [jian1 bing5] /thin pancake/CL: [zhang1]/ [ying1] /(used in names)/British thermal unit (BTU)/ [wei3] /glowing/bright/brilliant/ [xi1] /old variant of / [nuan3] /variant of /warm/to heat/genial/ [nuan3] /variant of , warm/ [yan1] /cigarette or pipe tobacco/CL:[gen1]/smoke/mist/vapour/CL: [lu:3]/tobacc ant/(of the eyes) to be irritated by smoke/ [Yan1 tai2] /Yantai prefecture level city in Shandong/ [Yan1 tai2 di4 qu1] /Yantai prefecture in Shandong/ [Yan1 tai2 shi4] /Yantai prefecture level city in Shandong/ [yan1 cong1] /chimney/ [yan1 quan1] /smoke ring/ [yan1 chen2] /smoke and dust/air pollution/

[yan1 pi4] /cigarette butt/ [yan1 pi4 gu5] /cigarette butt/ [yan1 mu4] /smokescreen/fig. a diversion/ [yan1 mu4 dan4] /smoke bomb/ [yan1 chang3] /cigarette factory/ [yan1 jing4] /misty lane/ [yan1 juan4] /cigarette/cigar/ [yan1 juan3 r5] /cigarette/CL:[ke1]/ [yan1 dou3] /(smoking) pipe/ [yan1 qiang1] /opium pipe/ [yan1 min2] /smokers/ [yan1 qi4] /smoke/ [yan1 bo1] /mist covered water/ [yan1 hai3] /the vast ocean/ [yan1 xiao1 yun2 san4] /to vanish like smoke in thin air/to disappear/ [yan1 huo3] /smoke and fire/fireworks/ [yan1 hui1] /cigarette ash/ [yan1 hui1 gang1] /ashtray/ [yan1 xun1 zhuang1] /smoky-effect makeup around the eyes/ [yan1 xun1 yan3] /smoky eyes look (cosmetics)/ [yan1 xun1] /smoke/to fumigate/ [yan1 xun1 huo3 liao3] /smoke and baking fire (idiom); surrounded by flam [yan1 yin3] /the urge to smoke/tobacco addiction/ [yan1 jian3] /variant of [yan1 jian3]/nicotine/ [yan1 guan3 mian4] /elbow pasta/ [yan1 gang1] /ashtray/ [yan1 rou4] /bacon/smoked ham/ [yan1 hua1] /fireworks/prostitute (esp. in Yuan theater)/ [yan1 hua1 zhai4] /involved in a love affair/ [yan1 hua1 chang3] /brothel (esp. in Yuan theater)/ [yan1 hua1 nu:3] /prostitute (esp. in Yuan theater)/ [yan1 hua1 zhai4] /brothel (esp. in Yuan theater)/ [yan1 hua1 xiang4] /red-light district/ [yan1 hua1 shi4] /(esp. in Yuan theater)/ [yan1 hua1 chang3] /firework factory/ [yan1 hua1 liu3 xiang4] /red-light district/ [yan1 hua1 bu4] /catalog of prostitutes (esp. in Yuan theater)/ [yan1 hua1 fen3 liu3] /prostitutes like powdered willows (idiom)/ [yan1 hua1 fen3 dai4] /woman/prostitute/love-making/literary or theatrica g, Song and Yuan/ [yan1 hua1 xing2 yuan4] /brothel (esp. in Yuan theater)/ [yan1 hua1 zhen4] /brothel (esp. in Yuan theater)/ [yan1 hua1 feng1 yue4] /refers to love-making (idiom)/ [yan1 cao3] /tobacco/ [yan1 ye4] /leaf tobacco/ [yan1 di4] /cigarette butt/ [yan1 dai4] /tobacco pipe/ [yan1 jiu3] /tobacco and alcohol/ [yan1 suan1] /niacin (vitamin B3)/3-Pyridinecarboxylic acid C6H5NO2/nicotinic aci / [yan1 yu3] /misty rain/drizzle/ [yan1 xia2] /haze/ [yan1 wu4] /smoke/mist/vapor/smog/fumes/ [yan1 wu4 ji4] /an aerosol spray/ [yan1 wu4 zheng4] /moyamoya disease (rare brain disease first diagnosed in Ja [yan1 mai2] /smoke/pollution/ [yan1 ai3] /mist and clouds/ [yan1 tou2] /cigarette butt/fag-end/ [yan1 gui3] /heavy smoker/chain smoker/ [yan1 jian3] /variant of [yan1 jian3]/nicotine/

[yan1 jian3 suan1] /variant of [yan1 jian3 suan1]/niacin/ [jiong3] /fire/ [yu4] /brilliant/glorious/ [yu4 yu4] /dazzling/bright/ [yu4 yi4] /bright/ [mei4] /be radiant/flaming/drought/ [sha1] /to terminate/to cut short/to squeeze/to tighten/to reduce/extremely/ [sha4] /fiend/baleful/to bring to a stop/very/ [sha1 zhu4] /to brake/to stop/to forbid/ [sha1 wei3] /to finish off/to wind up/ [sha1 xing4 zi5] /to vent anger/ [sha4 shi4] /extremely/very/ [sha4 you3 jie4 shi4] /to pretend to be serious about doing sth (idiom)/ [sha1 qi4] /a leak/ [sha4 bai2] /deathly white/ [sha1 bi3] /to stop one's pen/to break off writing/final remarks (at the end of a book or article)/ [sha4 fei4 ku3 xin1] /to take a lot of trouble (idiom); painstaking/at th ot of effort/ [sha1 zhang4] /to settle an account/ [sha1 che1] /to brake (when driving)/ [sha1 feng1 jing3] /to damage beautiful scenery/fig. to spoil the fun/ [wei4] /radiance of fire/ [ye4] /to fry in fat or oil/to scald/ [qiong2] /alone/desolate/ [qiong2 qiong2 jie2 li4] /to stand all alone/ [mei2] /coal/CL: [kuai4]/ [mei2 chu3 liang4] /coal reserves/ [mei2 xie4] /cinder/ [mei2 ceng2] /a coal bed/a coal seam/ [mei2 ceng2 qi4] /coalbed methane/ [mei2 qi4] /coal gas/gas (fuel)/ [mei2 you2] /kerosene/ [mei2 zha1] /slack/ [mei2 hui1] /soot/ [mei2 tan4] /coal/ [mei2 jiao1 you2] /coal tar/ [mei2 qiu2] /charcoal briquette/ [mei2 tian2] /a coalfield/ [mei2 gan1 shi2] /waste rock (in coal mining)/ [mei2 kuang4] /coal mine/ [mei2 xiang1] /coal box/ [huan4] /brilliant/lustrous/ [huan4 ran2 yi1 xin1] /to look completely new (idiom); brand new/changed ition/ [huan4 fa1] /to shine/to glow/to irradiate/to flash/ [xu4] /balmy/nicely warm/cozy/ [xu4 ren2 jie2 yi4] /petty kindness/ [xu4 nuan3] /to warm/warming/ [xu4 xu4] /kind/gracious/benevolent/warm and fine/balmy/ [zhao4] /according to/in accordance with/to shine/to illuminate/to reflect/to lo ok at (one's reflection)/to take (a photo)/photo/as requested/as before/ [zhao4 liang4] /to illuminate/to light up/lighting/ [zhao4 li4] /as a rule/as usual/usually/ [zhao4 xiang4] /variant of [zhao4 xiang4]/ [zhao4 xiang4 ji1] /variant of [zhao4 xiang4 ji1]/camera/ [zhao4 yuan2 yang4] /to copy/to follow the original shape/faithful restoratio [zhao4 dan1 quan2 shou1] /to accept without question/to take sth at face [zhao4 bi4] /a screen wall across the gate of a house (for privacy)/ [zhao4 yao1 jing4] /magic mirror for revealing goblins/fig. way of seeing thr

conspiracy/ [zhao4 she4] /to shine on/to light up/to irradiate/ [zhao4 chang2] /(business etc) as usual/ [zhao4 du4] /illumination (i.e. intensity of light)/ [zhao4 de2] /seeing that/ [zhao4 ying4] /to correlate with/to correspond to/ [zhao4 ying5] /to look after/to take care of/to attend to/ [zhao4 chao1] /to copy word-for-word/ [zhao4 ban1] /to copy/to imitate/ [zhao4 liao4] /to tend/to take care of sb/ [zhao4 ming2] /lighting/illumination/ [zhao4 ming2 dan4] /a flare/a very light/ [zhao4 ying4] /to shine/to illuminate/ [zhao4 hui4] /a diplomatic note/letter of understanding or concern exchanged betw en governments/ [zhao4 ben3 xuan1 ke1] /a wooden word-by-word reading/ [zhao4 yang4] /as before/(same) as usual/ [zhao4 zhun3] /request granted (formal usage in old document)/to aim (gun)/ [zhao4 pian4] /photograph/picture/CL: [zhang1],[tao4],[fu2]/ [zhao4 pian4 zi5] /X-ray photo/ [zhao4 pian4 di3 ban3] /a photographic plate/ [zhao4 li3] /usually/in the normal course of events/ [zhao4 deng1] /to publish unaltered, as in the original/Urtext/ [zhao4 fa1] /to provide as before/unaltered provision/an authorized issue/ [zhao4 zhi2] /directly/straight/straight ahead/straightforward/ [zhao4 xiang4] /to take a photograph/ [zhao4 xiang4 ji1] /camera/CL: [ge4],[jia4],[bu4],[tai2], [zhi1 [zhao4 xiang4 guan3] /photo studio/ [zhao4 kan4] /to look after/to attend to/to have in care/ [zhao4 yan3] /glare/dazzling/ [zhao4 zhang1] /according to the regulations/ [zhao4 guan3] /to look after/to provide for/ [zhao4 yue1 ding4] /according to agreement/as arranged/as stipulated/ [zhao4 ma4 bu4 wu4] /to curse roundly/to abuse profusely/ [zhao4 yao4] /to shine/to illuminate/ [zhao4 jiu4] /as before/as in the past/ [zhao4 hu2 lu5 hua4 piao2] /lit. to draw a painting inside a gourd (i /a world in a nutshell/ [zhao4 shuo1] /normally/ordinarily speaking/ [zhao4 hu4] /care/treatment (e.g. nursing care)/to look after/ [zhao4 mao1 hua4 hu3] /lit. drawing a tiger using a cat as a model (idiom etend to do sth without understanding it/ [zhao4 ban4] /to follow the rules/to do as instructed/to play by the book/to comp y with a request/ [zhao4 mian4] /to meet face-to-face/ [zhao4 gu5] /to take care of/to show consideration/to attend to/to look after/ [wei1] /to simmer/to roast in ashes/ [fan2] /to feel vexed/to bother/to trouble/superfluous and confusing/edgy/ [fan2 luan4] /anxious/agitated/ [fan2 ren2] /to annoy/annoying/irritating/troublesome/ [fan2 rong3] /diverse and complicated (of one's affairs)/prolix (of speech, writi g etc)/ [fan2 yuan1] /frustrated/agitated/distressed/ [fan2 men4] /moody/gloomy/ [fan2 nao3] /to be worried/to be distressed/worries/ [fan2 rao3] /to bother/to disturb/to vex/ [fan2 suo3] /tedious/convoluted/fiddly/pedantic/ [fan2 zao4] /jittery/twitchy/fidgety/ [fan2 za2] /many and disorderly/muddled/ [yang2] /molten/smelt/

[yang2 jin1] /molten metal/ [zhu3] /to cook/to boil/ [zhu3 fei4] /to boil/ [zhu3 fa3] /cooking method/ [zhu3 shou2] /boil/ [zhu3 ying4] /to hard-boil (eggs)/ [zhu3 dan4] /boiled egg/ [zhu3 dan4 ji4 shi2 qi4] /egg timer/ [zhu3 dou4 ran2 qi2] /burning beanstalks to cook the beans (idiom); to ca ne strife/ [zhu3 kai1] /to boil (vegetables)/ [bao1] /pot or saucepan/to boil/cook or heat/ [hu2] /burnt/to char/ [bian1] /to stir-fry before broiling or stewing/ [tui4] /to pluck poultry or depilate pigs using hot water/ [tang2] /to warm/to toast/ [shan1] /to fan into a flame/to incite/ [shan1 dong4] /to incite/to instigate/ [shan1 dong4 xing4] /provocative/ [shan1 dong4 dian1 fu4 guo2 jia1 zheng4 quan2] /incitemen arge used to gag free speech)/ [shan1 dong4 dian1 fu4 guo2 jia1 zui4] /crime of conspiring t [shan1 qing2] /to stir up emotion/to arouse sympathy/moving/ [shan1 yin1 feng1] /to raise an ill wind/ [huang3] /dazzle/ [xi1] /to extinguish/to put out (fire)/to quench/to stop burning/to go out (of f ire, lamp etc)/to come to an end/to wither away/to die out/ [xi1 mie4] /to stop burning/to go out (of fire)/to die out/extinguished/ [xi1 huo3] /to go out (of fire, lamp, stove, cigarette etc)/to stall (of vehicle) fig. to die down/ [xi1 deng1] /turn out the lights/lights out/ [yun4] /to iron/ [kao3] /dry/ [yun2] /(yellow color)/ [Xiong2] /surname Xiong/ [xiong2] /bear/to scold/to rebuke/brilliant light/to shine brightly/ [Xiong2 Ni2] /Ni Xiong/ [xiong2 bao1] /worthless person/good-for-nothing/ [xiong2 shi4] /bear market (i.e. period of falling share prices)/ [Xiong2 Cheng2 ji1] /Xiong Chengji (1887-1910), anti-Qing revolutionary and m [xiong2 zhang3] /bear paw (as food)/ [Xiong2 ben3] /Kumamoto city and prefecture in west Kysh , Japan/ [Xiong2 ben3 xian4] /Kumamoto prefecture, Kysh, Japan/ [xiong2 xiong2] /raging/flaming/ [xiong2 li2] /binturong (Arctictis binturong)/ [xiong2 hou2] /Assamese macaque/ [xiong2 pi2 mao4] /bearskin hat/ [xiong2 xia1 zi5] /bear/bruin/ [xiong2 pi2] /fierce fighters/valiant warriors/ [Xiong2 er3 shan1] /Mt Xiong'er national geological park in [Zao3 zh ong/ [xiong2 yao1 hu3 bei4] /waist of a bear and back of a tiger/tough and sto [xiong2 dan3] /bear gall (used in traditional Chinese medicine)/ [xiong2 feng1] /bumblebee/ [xiong2 mao1] /panda/CL: [zhi1]/ [xiong2 mao1 yan3] /to have dark circles under one's eyes/to have eyes like a [xiong2 mao1 guan3] /panda exhibition hall/ [xun1] /to smoke/to fumigate/to assail the nostrils/to perfume/ [xun1 zhi4] /to smoke/to cure over a fire/ [xun1 tian1] /overpowering (of a stench)/

[xun1 ran3] /to exert a gradual influence/to nurture/a corrupting influence/ [xun1 kao3] /to smoke/to cure over a wood fire/ [xun1 yi1 cao3] /lavender/ [xun1 tao2 cheng2 xing4] /(idiom) nurture makes second nature/good habits assimilation/ [xun1 feng1] /warm south wind/ [xun1 feng1 xu2 lai2] /a warm southerly breeze is always gentle (idiom)/ [xun1 xiang1] /incense/ [ying2] /a glimmer/glimmering/twinkling/fluorescence/phosphorescence/perplexed/d azzled and confused/planet Mars (arch.)/ [ying2 guang1] /fluorescence/fluorescent light/ [ying2 guang1 ping2] /fluorescent screen/TV screen/ [ying2 guang1 bang4] /glow stick/glowstick/light stick/lightstick/ [ying2 guang1 deng1] /fluorescent lamp/neon lamp/ [ying2 guang1 bi3] /highlighter (pen)/ [ying2 ping2] /fluorescent screen/TV screen/ [ying2 mu4] /TV screen/ [ying2 huo4] /to bewilder/to dazzle and confuse/the planet Mars/ [Ying2 huo4 xing1] /Mars in traditional Chinese astronomy/ [ying2 ying2] /a glimmer/twinkling (of stars, phosphorescence, candlelight)/flick ring light/ [rong2] /to smelt/to fuse/ [rong2 hua4] /to melt (of ice, metals etc)/ [rong2 hua4 dian3] /melting point/ [rong2 yan2] /lava/ [rong2 yan2 liu2] /lava flow/ [rong2 yan2 hu2] /lava lake/ [rong2 yan2 qiong2 qiu1] /magma dome/ [rong2 hui3] /meltdown/(of nuclear fuel) to melt down/ [rong2 zha1] /slag (smelting)/ [rong2 jiang1] /magma/molten lava/ [rong2 lian4] /to smelt/ [rong2 lu2] /smelting furnace/forge/ [rong2 kuang4 lu2] /furnace/ [rong2 rong2] /to melt/to fuse/ [rong2 rong2 yan2 jiang1] /magma/molten lava/ [rong2 jie3] /fusion/ [rong2 dian3] /melting point/ [qiang4] /to stir-fry then cook with sauce and water/to boil food briefly then d ress with soy etc/to choke/to irritate (throat etc)/ [liu1] /quick-fry/sim. to stir-frying, but with cornstarch added/also written / [xi1] /prosperous/splendid/ [xi1 lai2 rang3 wang3] /a place buzzing with activity (idiom)/ [xi1 rang3] /variant of [xi1 rang3]/ [xi1 ti2] /stilb, unit of luminance/ [xi1 rang3] /restless/ [xi1 xi1 rang3 rang3] /variant of [xi1 xi1 rang3 rang3]/ [xi1 xi1 rang3 rang3] /bustling with activity (idiom)/ [biao1] /blaze/flame flaring/ [cong1] /chimney (old)/ [zong3] /torch made from hemp straw (old)/ [shou2] /see [shu2]/ [shu2] /cooked (of food)/ripe (of fruit)/mature (of seeds)/familiar/skilled/done / [shu2 ren2] /acquaintance/friend/ [shu2 ren2 shu2 shi4] /familiar/ [shu2 hua4] /to cure/to mature/ [shu2 pi2 jiu3] /pasteurized beer/ [shu2 di4] /cultivated land/in Chinese medicine, preparation from rhizome of Chin se foxglove (Rehmannia glutinosa)/

[shu2 nu:3] /mature and sophisticated woman/ [shu2 zi4] /familiar words/known Chinese character/ [shu2 ke4] /frequent visitor/ [shu2 si1] /deliberation/ [shu2 xi1] /to be familiar with/to know well/ [shu2 lu:4] /careful thought/ [shu2 shou3] /skilled person/an experienced hand/ [shu2 liao4] /worked material/chamotte (refractory ceramic material)/ [shu2 wu2 shu2 shou3] /not to notice a familiar sight/blind to sth/ [shu2 shui4] /asleep/sleeping soundly/ [shu2 zhi1] /to be well acquainted with/ [shu2 shi2 hui1] /slaked lime/hydrated lime/ [shu2 shi2 gao1] /plaster of Paris/calcined gypsum/ [shu2 ren3] /quite familiar with sth/ [shu2 si1] /silk raw material (prepared by boiling in soap)/ [shu2 lian4] /practiced/proficient/skilled/skillful/ [shu2 xi2] /to understand profoundly/well-versed/skillful/practiced/to have the k ack/ [shu2 neng2 sheng1 qiao3] /with familiarity you learn the trick (idiom); s perfect/ [shu2 huang1] /abandoned land/ [shu2 cai4] /cooked food (ready to eat)/ [shu2 shi4 wu2 du3] /to pay no attention to a familiar sight/to ignore/ [shu2 ji4] /to learn by heart/to memorize/ [shu2 yu3] /idiom/ [shu2 an1] /to know sth fluently/well-versed/ [shu2 shi5] /to be well acquainted with/to know well/ [shu2 du2] /to read and re-read sth until one is familiar with it/ [shu2 lu4] /familiar road/beaten track/ [shu2 dao4] /familiar road/well-trodden path/ [shu2 dao4 r5] /familiar road/well-trodden path/ [shu2 tie3] /wrought iron/ [shu2 men2 shu2 lu4] /familiar/ [shu2 shi2] /cooked food/ [yi4] /to glow/to flash/ [yi4 yu4] /to shine/to glitter/ [yi4 yi4] /glistening/bright/ [yi4 shuo4] /to twinkle/to glimmer/to glisten/ [yi4 yao4] /to shine/to glitter/ [yi4] /(person)/ [yu4] /reconciled/smooth/ [yun4] /an iron/to iron/ [yun4 dou3] /(an) iron/ [yun4 fa3] /to apply a hot compress (Chinese medicine)/ [ao1] /to boil/stew/to simmer/ [ao2] /to endure/to boil/ [ao2 ye4] /to stay up late or all night/ [ao2 jian1] /suffering/torture/ [ao1 fu1] /puffed grain/popped wheat/popcorn/ [ao2 yao4] /to decoct medicinal herbs/ [han4] /to dry with fire/ [ou1] /severe drought/exceptionally hot weather/ [ou3] /copious smoke produced by smouldering firewood/half alight/to use the smo ke of burning wormwood etc to repel insects/ [re4] /to warm up/to heat up/hot (of weather)/heat/fervent/ [re4 zhong1] /to be fond of/also written / [re4 zhong1 zi3] /thermal neutron/ [re4 hu1 hu1] /nice and warm/ [re4 gan1 mian4] /hot dry noodles/ [re4 zhi2] /calorific value/

[re4 chuan2 dao3] /heat transfer/thermal conduction/ [re4 han2] /enthalpy/heat content (thermodynamics)/ [re4 qie4] /fervent/ [re4 la4 la4] /smartingly painful/ [re4 li4] /heat/ [re4 li4 xue2] /thermodynamics/ [re4 li4 xue2 wen1 du4] /thermodynamic temperature (temperature above [re4 li4 xue2 wen1 biao1] /thermodynamic temperature scale (in degree above absolute zero)/ [re4 dong4 ping2 heng2] /thermodynamic equilibrium/ [re4 tu3] /homeland/hot piece of real estate/ [re4 rong2] /thermal capacity/ [re4 dui4 liu2] /heat convection/ [re4 dao3] /thermal conduction/ [re4 dao3 lu:4] /thermal conductivity/heat conductivity/ [re4 dao3] /heat island (i.e. large city centers are hotter)/ [re4 dao3 xiao4 ying4] /heat island effect (i.e. large city centers are h [re4 dai4] /tropic/tropical/ [re4 dai4 di4 qu1] /the Tropics/ [re4 dai4 yu3 lin2] /tropical rain forest/ [re4 dai4 feng1 bao4] /tropical storm/ [re4 dai4 yu2] /tropical fish/ [re4 du4] /temperature/heat/short-lived enthusiasm/ [re4 de5 kuai4] /immersion heater/electric heater for liquid/ [re4 xin1] /enthusiasm/zeal/zealous/zest/enthusiastic/ardent/warmhearted/ [re4 chen2] /zeal/enthusiasm/ardor/enthusiastic/warmhearted/ [re4 qing2] /cordial/enthusiastic/passion/passionate/passionately/ [re4 qing2 kuan3 dai4] /to provide warm hospitality/ [re4 qing2 yang2 yi4] /brimming with enthusiasm (idiom); full of warmth/ [re4 ai4] /to love ardently/to adore/ [re4 lian4] /to fall head over heels in love/to be passionately in love/ [re4 cheng2 ceng2] /thermosphere/ [re4 peng3] /a craze/a popular wave/a hit with the public/ [re4 cha1 ba2] /hot swapping/ [re4 hun1] /to be overcome by the heat/ [re4 wang4] /to aspire/ [re4 he2 fan3 ying4 dui1] /thermal reactor/ [re4 he2 wu3 qi4] /fusion weapon/thermonuclear weapon/ [re4 he2 ju4 bian4 fan3 ying4] /thermonuclear fusion reaction/ [re4 ji1] /heat engine/ [Re4 bi3 ya4] /Rabiye or Rebiya (name)/Rebiya Kadeer or Rabiye Qadir (1947-), businesswoman and activist, imprisoned 1999-2005, then President of the World U ighur Congress/ [Re4 bi3 ya4 Ka3 de2 er3] /Rebiya Kadeer or Rabiye Qadir (1 ctivist, imprisoned 1999-2005, then President of the World Uighur Congress/ [Re4 bi3 ya4] /Rabiye or Rebiya (name)/Rebiya Kadeer or Rabiye Qadir (1947-), businesswoman and activist, imprisoned 1999-2005, then President of the World U ighur Congress/ [Re4 bi3 ya4 Ka3 de2 er3] /Rebiya Kadeer or Rabiye Qadir (1 ctivist, imprisoned 1999-2005, then President of the World Uighur Congress/ [re4 qi4] /steam/heat/CL:[gu3]/ [re4 qi4 qiu2] /hot air balloon/ [re4 qi4 teng2 teng2] /piping hot/ [re4 shui3] /hot water/ [re4 shui3 qi4] /water heater/ [re4 shui3 zao3] /hot bath or shower/ [re4 shui3 ping2] /thermos bottle/vacuum bottle/hot water dispenser (applianc e4]/ [re4 shui3 dai4] /hot water bottle/hot-water bag/ [Re4 he2] /Rehe, Qing dynasty province abolished in 1955 and divided among Hebei,

Liaoning and Inner Mongolia/refers to the Qing imperial resort at Chengde/see al so [bi4 shu3 shan1 zhuang1] (history)/ [re4 lang4] /a heatwave/ [re4 lei4] /hot tears/ [re4 lei4 ying2 kuang4] /eyes brimming with tears of excitement (idiom)/e d/ [re4 yuan2] /heat source/ [re4 chao2] /upsurge/popular craze/ [re4 chao3 re4 mai4] /lit. to sell hot food freshly cooked; fig. to teach just learned/enthusiasm of the new convert/ [re4 lie4] /warm (welcome etc)/ [re4 han2] /enthalpy/heat content (thermodynamics)/ [re4 tang4] /to burn/ [Re4 er3 wei2] /Gervais (name)/Paul Gervais (1816-1879), French geologist/ [re4 gou3] /hot dog/ [re4 bing4] /fever/pyrexia/ [re4 jing4 luan2] /heat cramps/ [re4 luo4] /intimate/friendly/warm/active/lively (interaction, participation etc) [re4 xian4] /hotline (communications link)/ [re4 neng2] /heat energy/ [re4 mai4 chong1] /thermal pulse/ [re4 chang2] /warm hearted/ [re4 cha2] /hot tea/ [re4 chu3 li3] /hot treatment (e.g. of metal)/ [re4 xue4] /hot blood/warm-blooded (animal)/endothermic (physiology)/ [re4 xue4 fei4 teng2] /to be burning with anger (idiom)/ [re4 zhong1] /to feel strongly about/to be fond of/obsession/deep commitment/ [re4 bu3] /hot patching (of insulating material in a furnace)/hot patching (runti e correction in computing)/ [re4 ku4] /hot pants/ [re4 jie3] /thermal cleavage (i.e. sth splits when heated)/ [re4 cheng2] /devotion/fervor/ [re4 yi4] /to discuss passionately/heated debate/ [re4 mai4] /hot selling/best seller/ [re4 mai4 pin3] /hot-selling property/ [re4 shen1] /to warm oneself/ [re4 shen1 sai4] /exhibition game/ [re4 fu2 she4] /thermal radiation/ [re4 lian2 qiu2 jun1] /Streptococcus thermophilus/ [Re4 na4 ya4] /Genoa/ [re4 liang4] /heat/quantity of heat/calorific value/ [re4 liang4 dan1 wei4] /thermal unit/unit of heat/ [re4 xiao1] /hot selling/popular product/ [re4 men2] /popular/hot/in vogue/ [re4 men2 huo4] /goods in great demand/ [re4 dian4] /pyroelectric/ [re4 dian4 ou3] /thermocouple/ [re4 dian4 chang3] /thermoelectric power plant/ [re4 shi2] /hot food/ [re4 yin3] /hot drink/ [re4 xiang1 bing3] /pancake/ [re4 nao5] /bustling with noise and excitement/lively/ [re4 dian3] /hot spot/point of special interest/ [jiong3] /blaze/bright/ [man4] /to spread/ [shang1] /entropy (physics)/ [jian1] /to extinguish (of fire)/ [xi1] /bright/warm/ [Xi1 ping2 shi2 jing1] /Xiping steles, calligraphic work on carved steles rn Han Dynasty (25-220 AD)/

[chi4] /to burn/to blaze/splendid/illustrious/ [chi4 lie4] /burning fiercely/flaming/blazing/ [chi4 re4] /red-hot/glowing/blazing/fig. passionate/ [chi4 re4 huo3 shan1 yun2] /nue ardente/hot cloud of volcanic ash/ [huang2] /brilliant/ [chan3] /make a fire/ [ye4] /blaze of fire/glorious/ [qian2] /to heat/to scorch/ [ran2] /to burn/to ignite/to light/fig. to spark off (hopes)/to start (debate)/t o raise (hopes)/ [ran2 fang4] /to light/to set off (firecrackers etc)/ [ran2 fang4 bian1 pao4] /to set off fire crackers/ [ran2 liao4] /fuel/ [ran2 liao4 yuan2 jian4 xi4 bang4] /fuel pins/ [ran2 liao4 xun2 huan2] /fuel cycle/ [ran2 liao4 you2] /fuel oil/ [ran2 liao4 zu3 he2] /fuel fabrication/ [ran2 liao4 xin1 kuai4] /fuel pellets/ [ran2 liao4 chu3 li3 chang3] /fuel processing plant/ [ran2 liao4 dian4 chi2] /fuel cell/ [ran2 qi4] /natural gas/ [ran2 qi4 lun2 ji1] /gas turbine/ [ran2 qi4 dian4 chang3] /gas fired power station/ [ran2 you2] /fuel oil/ [ran2 you2 cang1] /oil tank (of ship)/ [ran2 mei2] /coal fuel/ [ran2 mei2 guo1 lu2] /coal burning boiler/ [Ran2 deng1 fo2] /Dipamkara Buddha, the former Buddha before Shakyamuni Buddh he bringer of lights/ [ran2 shao1] /to ignite/to combust/to burn/combustion/flaming/ [ran2 shao1 ji4] /incendiary agent/ [ran2 shao1 dan4] /fire bomb/incendiary device/ [ran2 shao1 ping2] /Molotov cocktail/ [ran2 bao4] /to cause to explode/to fire/to set off/ [ran2 mei2] /to burn one's eyebrows/fig. desperately serious situation/ [ran2 mei2 zhi1 ji2] /lit. the fire burns one's eyebrows (idiom); fig. de tion/extreme emergency/ [ran2 su4 shuo1] /phlogiston theory/ [ran2 hao4] /fuel consumption/ [ran2 qi3] /to ignite/to light/fig. to spark off (hopes, controversy, flames of r volution)/ [ran2 xiang1] /to burn incense/ [ran2 dian3] /ignition point (temperature)/combustion point/ [yan4] /variant of [yan4]/ [deng1] /lamp/light/lantern/CL: [zhan3]/ [deng1 guang1] /(stage) lighting/light/ [deng1 ta3] /lighthouse/CL:[zuo4]/ [Deng1 ta3 shi4] /Dengta county level city in Liaoyang [Liao2 yang2] [deng1 zhu4] /lamppost/ [deng1 pao4] /light bulb/see also [dian4 deng1 pao4]/third-wheel or y spoiling a couple's date (slang)/CL: [ge4]/ [deng1 huo3] /lights/ [deng1 huo3 tong1 ming2] /brightly lit/ [deng1 zhan3] /lantern/uncovered oil lamp/ [deng1 guan3] /fluorescent light/ [deng1 jie2] /the Lantern Festival (15th of first month of lunar calendar)/ [deng1 long2] /lantern/ [deng1 long2 guo3] /cape gooseberry/Peruvian ground-cherry/Physalis peruviana [deng1 long2 hua1] /Chinese enkianthus/ [deng1 long2 yu2] /lantern fish/

[deng1 hong2 jiu3 lu:4] /lanterns red, wine green (idiom); feasting and p ng/debauched and corrupt environment/ [deng1 si1] /filament (in a lightbulb)/ [deng1 zhao4] /cover of lamp/lampshade/glass cover of oil lamp/ [deng1 tai2] /lampstand/ [deng1 mi2] /riddles written on lanterns (e.g. for the Lantern Festival at the en of Chinese New Year)/ [dun4] /variant of [dun4]/ [Dun4 huang2] /Dunhuang (city in Gansu)/ [dun4 rou4] /stewed meat/beef stew/ [shen1] /brisk/vigorous (of fire)/ [jiao1] /to cauterize/to scorch/ [liao2] /to burn/to set afire/ [liao3] /to singe/ [liao2 yuan2] /to start a prairie fire/ [liao2 pao4] /blister (caused by burns)/ [yu4] /radiance of fire/ [lin2] /variant of [lin2]/ [shao1] /to burn/to cook/to stew/to bake/to roast/fever/ [shao1 shang1] /burn (injury)/ [shao1 dao4] /to have a fever reaching (a certain temperature)/ [shao1 bao1] /to forget oneself in extravagance/to burn money/ [shao1 wei4] /siu mei/spit-roasted meat dish in Cantonese cuisine/ [shao1 mai2] /to bury/funeral rites/ [shao1 yi2 dan4] /fire bomb/incendiary device/ [shao1 xin1] /to worry/ [shao1 diao4] /to burn/to char/to cremate/to incinerate/ [shao1 bei1] /beaker (glassware)/ [shao1 si3] /to burn to death/ [shao1 mao2] /to singe (textiles)/ [shao1 shui3] /to heat water/to boil water/ [shao1 huo3] /to light a fire for cooking/ [shao1 zhuo2] /to burn/to scorch/to cauterize/ [shao1 zhuo2 shang1] /burn (injury)/scorching/ [shao1 zhuo2 gan3] /burning pain/ [shao1 zhuo2 teng2] /burning pain/ [shao1 kao3] /barbecue/roast/ [shao1 kao3 jiang4] /barbecue sauce/ [shao1 han4] /to weld/ [shao1 jiao1] /to burn/to scorch/burned/burning/scorched/charred/ [shao1 mei2] /to burn coal/ [shao1 zhu3] /to cook/ [shao1 hui3] /to burn/to burn down/ [shao1 ping2] /laboratory flask/ [shao1 ying4] /to fire (pottery)/ [shao1 hong2] /heat until red/ [shao1 zhi3] /to burn paper offerings (as part of religious ceremony)/ [shao1 jie2] /to sinter/to agglomerate ore by burning/ [shao1 la4] /barbecue (Cantonese style)/ [shao1 qie2 zi5] /stewed eggplant/ [shao1 huang1] /to clear waste land or forest by burning/slash-and-burn (agricult re)/ [shao1 zhi4] /to fire (in a kiln)/ [shao1 mai4] /shumai (shao mai) steamed dumpling/also written [shao1 mai [shao1 jiu3] /name of a famous Tang dynasty wine/same as /clear distilled win [shao1 lu4] /to burn (a CD or DVD)/ [shao1 guo1] /a still (for distilling alcohol)/ [shao1 kai1] /boil/ [shao1 bing5] /baked sesame seed-coated cake/ [shao1 xiang1] /to burn incense/

[shao1 xiang1 bai4 Fo2] /to burn incense and worship Buddha/ [shao1 gao1 xiang1] /to burn incense/to thank profusely/ [shao1 jian3] /caustic soda NaOH/ [shao1 mai4] /shumai (shao mai) steamed dumpling/also written [shao1 mai [fan2] /burn/to roast meat for sacrifice/ [Yan1] /Yan, a vassal state of Zhou in modern Hebei and Liaoning/north Hebei/the four Yan kingdoms of the Sixteen Kingdoms, namely: Former Yan (337-370), Later Y an (384-409), Southern Yan (398-410), Northern Yan (409-436)/surname Ya [yan4] /swallow (family Hirundinidae)/ [Yan1 jing1] /Yanjing, an old name for Beijing/capital of Yan at different period / [Yan1 jing1 pi2 jiu3] /Yangjing beer (Beijing beer)/ [Yan4 jing1 Da4 xue2] /Yanjing or Yenching University, Christian universi founded in 1919/ [Yan1 jing1 jiu3] /Yangjing brewery in Beijing/ [Yan1 jing1 jiu3 pi2 jiu3] /Yangjing beer (Beijing beer)/ [Yan1 guo2] /Yan, a vassal state of Zhou in modern Hebei and Liaoning/north Hebei the four Yan kingdoms of the Sixteen Kingdoms, namely: Former Yan (337-370), Late r Yan (384-409), Southern Yan (398-410), Northern Yan (409-436)/ [Yan1 Tai4 zi3 Dan1] /Prince Dan of Yan (-226 BC), commissioned the attem ation of King Ying Zheng of Qin (later the First Emperor ) by Jing Ke in [yan4 zi5] /swallow/ [yan4 wei3 fu2] /swallow-tailed coat/tails/ [yan1 wei3 die2] /swallow tail butterfly (family Papilionidae)/ [Yan1 shan1] /Yan mountain range across north Hebei/ [Yan4 chao2] /Yanchao township in Kaohsiung county [Gao1 xiong2 xian n/ [Yan4 chao2 xiang1] /Yanchao township in Kaohsiung county [Gao1 Taiwan/ [yan4 ke1] /Hirundinidae (the family of swallows and martins)/ [yan4 wo1] /swallow's nest/ [Yan1 Zhao4] /Yan and Zhao, two of the Warring States in Hebei and Shanxi/beautif l women/women dancers and singers/ [Yan1 Zhao4 Du1 shi4 Bao4] /Yanzhao Metropolis Daily/ [yan4 que4] /Eurasian finch or brambling (Fringilla montifringilla)/fig. small fr / [yan4 que4 an1 zhi1 hong2 hu2 zhi1 zhi4] /lit. can the sp e great swan? (idiom)/fig. how can we small fry predict the ambitions of the gre at?/ [yan4 que4 wu1 que4] /lit. sparrow and swallow, crow and magpie; fig. any Harry/a bunch of nobodies/ [yan4 que4 yan1 zhi1 hong2 gu3 zhi1 zhi4] /lit. can the s he great swan? (idiom); fig. how can we small fry predict the ambitions of the g reat?/ [yan4 que4 xiang4 he4] /lit. sparrow and swallow's congratulation (idiom) gratulate sb on completion of a building project/congratulations on your new hou se!/ [yan4 que4 chu4 tang2] /lit. a caged bird in a pavilion (idiom); fig. to e by comfortable living/unaware of the disasters ahead/a fool's paradise/ [yan4 mai4] /oats/ [yan4 mai4 zhou1] /oatmeal/porridge/ [xun2] /warm up (food)/ [tang4] /to scald/to burn/to iron/hot/ [tang4 shang1] /to scald/ [tang4 shou3 shan1 yu4] /hot potato/problem/trouble/headache/ [tang4 yi1] /to iron (clothes)/ [tang4 yi1 ban3] /ironing board/ [tang4 tou2 fa5] /perm/to perm hair/ [tang4 fa4] /perm (hairstyle)/ [men4] /to cook in a covered vessel/to casserole/to stew/

[men4 shao1 guo1] /to casserole/to stew/vacuum flask/cooker/ [ying2] /army/to deal in/to trade/to operate/to run/camp/nourishment/to manage/ [ying2 li4] /for profit/seek profit/ [Ying2 kou3] /Yingkou prefecture level city in Liaoning province in [Ying2 kou3 shi4] /Yingkou prefecture level city in Liaoning province / [ying2 di4] /camp/ [ying2 lei3] /army camp/ [ying2 zhai4] /barracks/ [Ying2 shan1] /Yingshan county in Nanchong [Nan2 chong1], Sichuan/ [Ying2 shan1 xian4] /Yingshan county in Nanchong [Nan2 chong1], Sichuan/ [ying2 chao2] /to nest/ [ying2 fang2] /barracks/living quarters/ [ying2 shou1] /sales/income/revenue/ [ying2 jiu4] /to rescue/ [ying2 ye4] /to do business/to trade/ [ying2 ye4 yuan2] /clerk/shop assistant/CL: [ge4]/ [ying2 ye4 shou1 ru4] /revenue/ [ying2 ye4 shi2 hou5] /opening hours (shop, bank, restaurant)/ [ying2 ye4 shi2 jian1] /time of business/opening hours (of shop)/working [ying2 ye4 shui4] /tax on turnover/sales tax/ [ying2 ye4 e2] /sum or volume of business/turnover/ [ying2 sheng1] /to earn a living/a livelihood/ [Ying2 pan2] /Yingpan, common place name ("army camp")/place near Jintian village n1 tian2 cun1] in Guangxi where the Taiping Tianguo rebels took their oaths in 1 851/place in Xinfeng county [Xin1 feng1 xian4] traditional camping place of br Yingpan township, place name/Yingpan in Shangluo prefecture, Shaanxi/Yingpan tow nship in Yunnan/(many others)/ [ying2 pan2] /military camp/nomadic camp/ [Ying2 pan2 zhen4] /Yingpan township, place name/Yingpan in Shangluo prefectu anxi/Yingpan township in Yunnan/(many others)/ [ying2 si1] /to gain from corrupt dealing/to engage in graft/to feather one's nes / [ying2 si1 wu3 bi4] /fraudulent personal gain (idiom); to engage in corru [ying2 mou2] /to do business/to manage/to strive for/to use every possible means toward a goal)/ [ying2 mou2 sui2 shun4] /to carry out a plan without hindrance (idiom)/ [ying2 ban4] /to handle/to undertake/to run (a business)/to administer/ [ying2 zao4] /to build (housing)/to construct/to make/ [ying2 zao4 shang1] /builder/contractor/ [ying2 yun4] /running/operation (of airport, bus service, business etc)/ [ying2 yun4 zi1 jin1] /working capital/ [ying2 xiao1] /marketing/ [ying2 zhang3] /battalion commander/ [ying2 yang3] /nutrition/nourishment/CL: [zhong3]/ [ying2 yang3 bu4 liang2] /malnutrition/undernourishment/deficiency diseas [ying2 yang3 pin3] /nourishment/nutrient/ [ying2 yang3 xue2] /nutrition/ [ying2 yang3 ye4] /nutrient fluid/ [ying2 yang3 wu4 zhi4] /nutrient/ [yu4] /warm/ [yi4] /blazing/radiant/ [zao4] /dry/parched/impatient/ [can4] /glorious/bright/brilliant/lustrous/resplendent/ [can4 lan4] /to glitter/brilliant/splendid/ [can4 lan4 duo1 cai3] /multicolored splendor (of fireworks, bright lights [can4 ruo4 fan2 xing1] /bright as a multitude of stars (idiom); extremely [sui4] /fire/speculum/to obtain fire by drilling wood, striking flint, sun's ray s etc/ [Sui4 ren2] /Suiren, legendary inventor of fire/

[Sui4 ren2 shi4] /Suirenshi, legendary inventor of fire/ [sui4 shi2] /flint/ [xi1] /fire/ [hui3] /variant of [hui3]/to destroy by fire/a blaze/ [zhu2] /candle/(literary) to illuminate/ [zhu2 guang1] /candle light/candle-lit (vigil etc)/candela, unit of luminous inte sity (cd)/ [zhu2 jia4] /candlestick holder/candlestand/candelabra/ [zhu2 huo3] /candle flame/ [zhu2 tai2] /candlestick/candle-holder/ [Xie4] /surname Xie/ [xie4] /to blend/to adjust/to harmonize/harmony/ [xie4 you3] /gentle/good-natured/ [xie4 he2] /to harmonize/to live in harmony/ [xie4 li3] /to harmonize/to adapt/to adjust/ [hui4] /to braise/to cook in soy and vinegar/braised/cooked in soy and vinegar/ [hui4 fan4] /rice in gravy, typically with meat and vegetables/ [hui4 mian4] /braised noodles/stewed noodles/ [xian3] /conflagration/ [xun1] /variant of [xun1]/ [xun1 rou4] /bacon/ [xun1 zheng1] /to fumigate/ [xun1 zheng1 ji4] /fumigant/ [jin4] /ashes/embers/ [chou2] /salience/prominent/notable/ [dao4] /cover over/to envelope/ [yao4] /brilliant/glorious/ [bao4] /to explode or burst/to quick fry or quick boil/ [bao4 guang1] /photographic exposure/public exposure/ [bao4 leng3] /an upset (esp. in sports)/unexpected turn of events/to pull off a c up/a breakthrough/ [bao4 leng3 men2] /an upset (esp. in sports)/unexpected turn of events/to pul coup/a breakthrough/ [bao4 leng3 men2 r5] /erhua variant of , an upset (esp. in s s/to pull off a coup/a breakthrough/ [bao4 chu1] /to burst out/to appear unexpectedly/to break (media story)/ [bao4 dan4] /bomb/explosion/ [bao4 liao4] /to expose (in the media)/to talk about sth often overlooked or nononfirmable/to scoop (esp. Taiwan media)/ [bao4 peng2] /full to bursting/ [bao4 man3] /filled to capacity (of theater, stadium, gymnasium etc)/ [bao4 zha4] /explosion/to explode/to blow up/to detonate/ [bao4 zha4 li4] /explosive force/strength of an explosion/ [bao4 zha4 xing4] /explosive/fig. shocking/ [bao4 zha4 wu4] /explosive/ [bao4 zha4 de5 wu2 xiao4 dan4] /flare dud/ [bao4 ran2] /to detonate/to ignite/ [bao4 yu4 mi3 hua1] /popcorn/puffed rice/ [bao4 fa1] /to break out/to erupt/to explode/to burst out/ [bao4 fa1 xing4] /explosiveness/recoil/ [bao4 po4] /to blow up/to demolish (using explosives)/dynamite/blast/ [bao4 po4 shou3] /blaster/soldier or workman who sets off explosive charges/p r/ [bao4 zhu2] /firecracker/ [bao4 xiao4] /loud laugh/guffaw/explosion of laughter/ [bao4 guan3] /cartridge igniter/squib/ [bao4 mi3 hua1] /puffed rice/popcorn/ [bao4 suo1 xing2 he2 wu3 qi4] /implosion bomb/ [bao4 sheng1] /pop/ [bao4 du3] /deep fried tripe/

[bao4 du3 r5] /erhua variant of [bao4 du3]/ [bao4 tai1] /flat tire/burst tire/blowout/ [bao4 cang1] /overbooked (plane, ship)/ [bao4 hua1] /see [bao4 yu4 mi3 hua1]/ [bao4 lie4] /burst/crack/ [bao4 zhen4] /knocking (fault in internal combustion engine)/ [bao4 yin1] /sonic boom/ [bao4 ming2] /crack/exploding sound/ [re4] /heat/to burn/ [ruo4] /burn/heat/ [ao1] /to boil slowly/to simmer/to stew/variant of / [shuo4] /bright/luminous/ [lu2] /a stove/a furnace/ [lu2 zi5] /stove/oven/furnace/ [lu2 chuang2] /hearth/ [lu2 jia4] /grate/ [lu2 zha1] /furnace slag/ashes from a stove/ [lu2 huo3] /the fire of a stove/ [lu2 huo3 chun2 qing1] /(saying) lit. the stove fire has turned bright gr to daoist alchemy)/fig. (of an art, a technique etc) brought to the point of pe rfection/ [lu2 zao4] /stove/ [lu2 bian1] /fireside/ [Lu2 huo4] /Luhuo county (Tibetan: brag 'go rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomous p efecture [Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Sichuan (formerly in Kham provi et)/ [Lu2 huo4 xian4] /Luhuo county (Tibetan: brag 'go rdzong) in Garze Tibetan au s prefecture [Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Sichuan (formerly in Kham p Tibet)/ [lu2 ding3] /furnace top/ [yan4] /flame/ [yue4] /bright/fiery/ [lan4] /soft/mushy/well-cooked and soft/to rot/to decompose/rotten/worn out/chao tic/messy/utterly/thoroughly/ [lan4 zai3] /rogue/rowdy/unreliable chap/ [lan4 wu1 huo4] /loose woman/slut/ [lan4 ni2] /ooze/ [lan4 man4] /brightly colored/unaffected (i.e. behaving naturally)/ [lan4 shu2] /well cooked/to know thoroughly/ [lan4 man4] /brightly colored/unaffected (i.e. behaving naturally)/ [lan4 hu5] /overripe/overcooked/ [lan4 she2 tou2] /to gossip/to blab/a blab-mouth/ [lan4 zhang4] /accounts in a rotten state/ [lan4 tou4] /rotten to the core/ [lan4 zui4] /dead drunk/completely drunk/ [lan4 zui4 ru2 ni2] /lit. as drunk as mud/completely drunk/ [jue2] /torch/ [guan4] /light a fire/ [Cuan4] /surname Cuan/ [cuan4] /cooking-stove/to cook/ [zhua3] /claw/ [zhua3 r5] /paws (of small animal)/same as /legs of furniture or apparatus/st rson/ [zhao3 yin4] /paw print/ [Zhao3 wa1] /Java (island of Indonesia)/Java (programming language)/ [Zhao3 wa1 Dao3] /Java (island of Indonesia)/ [zhua3 zi5] /(animal's) claw/ [zhua3 jian1 r5] /pig's trotters/ [zhao3 ya2] /pawn/lackey/accomplice (in crime)/collaborator/henchman/claws and te th/

[zhua3 chan2] /Xenopus (type of frog)/ [pa2] /to crawl/to climb/to get up or sit up/ [pa2 shang4] /to climb up/ [pa2 sheng1] /to climb (of a plane)/to gain height/ [pa2 shan1] /to climb a mountain/to mountaineer/hiking/mountaineering/ [pa2 shan1 she4 shui3] /to climb mountains and wade rivers (idiom); fig. g and difficult journey/ [pa2 shan1 hu3] /Boston ivy or Japanese creeper (Parthenocissus tricuspidata) [pa2 ge2 zi5] /(oral) to write (esp. for a living)/to spell out laboriously o ed paper/ [pa2 yong3] /crawl (swimming stroke)/ [pa2 hui1] /incest between father-in-law and daughter-in-law/also written / [pa2 qiang2] /wall climbing/ [pa2 li2] /sledge/ [pa2 gan1] /pole-climbing (as gymnastics or circus act)/climbing pole/ [pa2 chong2] /reptile (old or common word for )/ [pa2 chong2 dong4 wu4] /reptile/ [pa2 chong2 lei4] /reptiles/also written / [pa2 xing2] /to crawl/to creep/ [pa2 xing2 dong4 wu4] /reptile/ [pa2 xing2 lei4] /reptiles/also written / [zheng1] /to strive for/to vie for/to argue or debate/deficient or lacking (topo lect)/how or what (literary)/ [zheng1 xian1] /to compete to be first/to contest first place/ [zheng1 xian1 kong3 hou4] /striving to be first and fearing to be last (i ng one another/ [zheng1 guang1] /to win an honor/to strive to win a prize/ [zheng1 fen1 duo2 miao3] /lit. fight minutes, snatch seconds (idiom); a r ime/making every second count/ [zheng1 qu3] /to fight for/to strive for/to win over/ [zheng1 ming2 duo2 li4] /to fight for fame, grab profit (idiom); scrambli nd wealth/only interested in personal gain/ [zheng1 chao3] /dispute/strife/ [zheng1 zhi2] /to dispute/to disagree/to argue opinionatedly/to wrangle/ [zheng1 duo2] /to fight over/to contest/to vie over/ [zheng1 duo2 zhan4] /struggle/ [zheng1 yan2 dou4 yan4] /contending for supreme beauty (esp. of flowers, ting etc)/vying in beauty and glamor/ [zheng1 chong3] /to strive for favor/ [zheng1 de2] /to obtain by an effort/to strive to get sth/ [zheng1 zhan4] /fight/ [zheng1 chi2] /to refuse to concede/not to give in/ [zheng1 quan2 duo2 li4] /scramble for power and profit (idiom); power str [zheng1 qi4] /to work hard for sth/to resolve on improvement/determined not to fa l short/ [zheng1 qiu2 xian4] /scrimmage line (American football)/ [zheng1 xiang1] /to fall over each other in their eagerness to.../ [zheng1 duan1] /dispute/controversy/conflict/ [zheng1 chen2] /minister not afraid to give forthright criticism/ [zheng1 heng2] /to struggle for mastery/to strive for supremacy/ [zheng1 song4] /dispute involving litigation/legal dispute/ [zheng1 lun4] /to argue/to debate/to contend/argument/contention/controversy/deba e/CL:[ci4], [chang3]/ [zheng1 lun4 dian3] /contention/ [zheng1 yi4] /controversy/dispute/to dispute/ [zheng1 yi4 xing4] /controversial/ [zheng1 gou4] /to compete/to fight for/to rush to purchase/ [zheng1 bian4] /a dispute/to wrangle/ [zheng1 feng1] /to strive/ [zheng1 chang2 lun4 duan3] /lit. to argue who is right and wrong (idiom);

storm in a teacup/ [zheng1 xiong2] /to contend for supremacy/ [zheng1 ba4] /to contend for hegemony/a power struggle/ [zheng1 mian4 zi5] /to fight for a good reputation/ [zheng1 feng1 chi1 cu4] /to rival sb for the affection of a man or woman/ of a rival in a love affair/ [zheng1 dou4] /struggle/war/ [zheng1 ming2] /to contend/ [chen4] /old variant of [chen4]/ [cheng1] /old variant of [cheng1]/ [Yuan2] /surname Yuan/ [yuan2] /therefore/consequently/thus/hence/thereupon/it follows that/where?/to c hange (into)/ancient unit of weight and money/ [wei2] /variant of [wei2]/as (i.e. in the capacity of)/to take sth as/to act as/ o serve as/to behave as/to become/to be/to do/ [wei4] /variant of [wei4], because of/for/to/ [jue2] /ancient bronze wine holder with 3 legs and loop handle/nobility/ [jue2 wei4] /order of feudal nobility, namely: Duke [gong1], Marquis [hou2], o2], Viscount [zi3], Baron [nan2]/ [jue2 shi4] /knight/Sir/jazz/ [jue2 shi4 yue4] /jazz/ [jue2 shi4 wu3] /jazz/ [jue2 shi4 yin1 yue4] /jazz/ [jue2 lu4] /rank and emolument of nobility/ [fu4] /father/ [fu4 zhi2 bei4] /person of one's father's generation/ [fu4 nu:3] /father and daughter/ [fu4 zi3] /father and son/ [fu4 ai4] /paternal love/ [fu4 ci2 zi3 xiao4] /benevolent father, filial son (idiom)/natural love b s and children/ [fu4 quan2 zhi4] /patriarchy/ [fu4 mu3] /father and mother/parents/ [fu4 mu3 qin1] /parent/ [fu4 mu3 shuang1 wang2] /to have lost both one's parents/ [fu4 xi4] /paternal line/patrilineal/ [fu4 lao3] /elders/ [fu4 qin1] /father/also pr. with light tone [fu4 qin5]/CL: [ge4]/ [Fu4 qin1 jie2] /Father's Day/ [fu4 bei4] /people of one's parents' generation/ [ba4] /father/dad/pa/papa/ [ba4 ba5] /(informal) father/CL: [ge4],[wei4]/ [die1] /dad/ [ye2] /grandpa/old gentleman/ [ye2 men5] /menfolk (collective term for men of different generations)/husbands a d their fathers etc/ [ye2 men5 r5] /erhua variant of , menfolk (collective term for men o ions)/husbands and their fathers etc/ [ye2 ye5] /(informal) father's father/paternal grandfather/CL: [ge4]/ [yao2] /lines on a trigram/ [shuang3] /bright/clear/crisp/open/frank/straightforward/to feel well/fine/pleas urable/invigorating/to deviate/ [shuang3 liang4] /clear/open/bright/ [shuang3 jian4] /to feel well/healthy and carefree/ [shuang3 li4] /efficient/brisk/neat/ [shuang3 kou3] /fresh and tasty/ [shuang3 xin1 yue4 mu4] /beautiful and heart-warming/ [shuang3 xin1 mei3 shi2] /comfort food/ [shuang3 kuai5] /refreshed/rejuvenated/frank and straightforward/ [shuang3 yi4] /pleasant/

[shuang3 jie2] /readily/in short order/ [shuang3 chang4] /pleasant/ [shuang3 lang3] /clear and bright (of weather)/straightforward/candid/open/ [shuang3 wai1 wai1] /to feel great/blissful/to be in bliss/ [shuang3 qi4] /cool fresh air/straightforward/ [shuang3 ran2] /open and happy/carefree/at a loss/confused/ [shuang3 ran2 ruo4 shi1] /at a loss/confused/not know what to do next/ [shuang3 shuang3 kuai4 kuai4] /in short order/straightforward/ [shuang3 dang1] /with alacrity/frank and spontaneous/ [shuang3 mu4] /pleasant to behold/attractive/ [shuang3 zhi2] /straightforward/ [shuang3 yue1] /to miss an appointment/ [shuang3 cui4] /sharp and clear/frank/straightfoward/quick/brisk/crisp and tasty/ [shuang3 fu1 shui3] /toner/ [shuang3 shen1 fen3] /baby powder/talcum powder/ [er3] /thus/so/like that/you/thou/ [er3 lai2] /recently/until now/up to the present/lately/also written / [Er3 de2] /Eid (Islam)/ [er3 yu2 wo3 zha4] /lit. you hoodwink me and I cheat you (idiom); fig. mu n/each tries to outwit the other/dog eats dog and devil take the hindmost/ [Er3 ya3] /"Erya" or "The Ready Guide", first extant Chinese dictionary, c. 3rd c ntury BC, with glossaries on classical texts/ [qiang2] /"piece of wood" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 90), mir ror image of [pian4]/ [pan2] /classifier for strips of land or bamboo, shops, factories etc/slit bambo o or chopped wood (topolect)/ [chuang2] /variant of [chuang2]/ [ge1] /place name/ [zang1] /female sheep/place name/ [qiang1] /to walk rapidly/ [qiang2] /wall/CL:[mian4],[du3]/ [qiang2 yuan2] /wall/fence/ [qiang2 bao4] /wall newspaper/ [qiang2 bi4] /wall/ [qiang2 ga1 la2] /recess between walls/ [qiang2 gen1] /foot of a wall/ [qiang2 zhi3] /wallpaper/ [qiang2 jiao3] /corner (junction of two walls)/ [pian1] /disc/sheet/ [pian4] /thin piece/flake/a slice/film/TV play/to slice/to carve thin/partial/in complete/one-sided/classifier for slices, tablets, tract of land, area of water/ classifier for CDs, movies, DVDs etc/used with numeral [yi1]: classifier for scen ario, scene, feeling, atmosphere, sound etc/ [pian4 zhong1] /in the movie/ [pian4 jia3 ming2] /katakana (Japanese script)/ [pian1 r5] /sheet/thin film/ [pian4 r5 jing3] /local or neighborhood policeman/ [pian4 ke4] /short period of time/a moment/ [pian1 ji4] /tablet/ [pian1 ming2] /movie title/ [pian1 zi5] /film/movie/film reel/phonograph record/X-ray image/ [pian4 yan2] /schist/ [pian4 duan4] /section/fragment/segment/ [pian4 shi2] /a short time/a moment/ [pian4 duan4] /fragment (of speech etc)/extract (from book etc)/episode (of story etc)/ [pian4 yu3] /phrase/ [pian4 chang2] /length of film/ [pian4 mian4] /unilateral/one-sided/ [pian4 tou2] /opening titles (of movie)/leader (blank film at the beginning and e

d of a reel)/ [pian4 ma2 yan2] /gneiss/ [ban3] /a register/block of printing/edition/version/page/ [ban3 zhu3] /forum moderator/ [ban3 ke4] /carving/engraving/ [ban3 tu2] /domain/territory/ [ban3 kuai4] /printing block/section (of a newspaper)/board (of BBS or discussion forum)/ [ban3 shi4] /format/ [ban3 ben3] /version/edition/release/ [ban3 quan2] /copyright/ [ban3 quan2 ye4] /copyright page/ [ban3 ci4] /the order in which editions are printed/ [ban3 hua4] /picture printed from a woodblock, stone, copper plate etc/print/ [ban3 shui4] /royalty (on books)/ [ban3 zhu4] /rammed earth (a building material)/mud brick/adobe/ [ban3 mian4] /space of a whole page/layout (makeup) of a printed sheet/ [jian1] /letter/note-paper/ [pai2] /mahjong tile/playing card/game pieces/signboard/plate/tablet/medal/CL:[pi an4], [ge4], [kuai4]/ [pai2 wei4] /memorial tablet/ [pai2 jia4] /list price/ [pai2 bian3] /board (attached to a wall)/ [pai2 fang1] /memorial arch/ [pai2 zi5] /sign/trademark/brand/ [pai2 xi4] /a card game/ [pai2 lou5] /decorated archway/ [pai2 zhao4] /license plate/ [pai2 hao4] /trademark/ [tou2] /short board/plank/ [die2] /(official) document/dispatch/ [die2 pu3] /genealogy/family tree/same as / [bang3] /tablet/register/ [you3] /to enlighten/lattice window/ [du2] /documents/ [ya2] /tooth/ivory/CL: [ke1]/ [Ya2 ke4 shi2] /Yakeshi county level city, Mongolian Yagshi xot, in Hulunbuir 4 er3], Inner Mongolia/ [Ya2 ke4 shi2 shi4] /Yakeshi county level city, Mongolian Yagshi xot, in bei4 er3], Inner Mongolia/ [ya2 guan1] /crown of tooth/ [ya2 shua1] /toothbrush/CL:[ba3]/ [ya2 zhou1 yan2] /periodontisis (gum disorder)/ [ya2 zhou1 bing4] /periodontitis (gum disorder)/ [ya2 gou4] /dental plaque/tartar/ [ya2 cheng2] /citadel/military headquarters/ [ya2 tao4] /orthodontic brace/ [ya2 chuang2] /gum/ivory bedframe/ [ya2 hui4] /repetition/other person's opinion/hearsay/parroting/ [ya2 ben3 zhi4] /dentin/dentine/ [ya2 gen1] /root of tooth/ [ya2 qiao2] /dental bridge/ [ya2 ji1 qiao3 zhi4] /ingenious gear machine/elaborate contraption/ [ya2 ban1] /dental plaque/ [ya2 tong4] /toothache/ [ya2 bai2] /creamy white/ivory color/ [ya2 chen3] /gritty (of foodstuffs)/fig. jarring speech/ [ya2 ji4] /a good meal/sumptuous food/ [ya2 ke1 yi1 sheng1] /dentist/ [ya2 qian1] /variant of [ya2 qian1]/toothpick/

[ya2 qian1] /toothpick/ [ya2 fen3] /dental floss/tooth powder/ [ya2 xian4] /dental floss/CL: [tiao2]/ [ya2 feng4] /gap between teeth/ [ya2 feng4 r5] /gap between teeth/ [ya2 gao1] /toothpaste/CL:[guan3]/ [ya2 jun1 ban1] /dental bacterial plaque/ [ya2 hang2] /middleman (in former times)/broker/ [Ya2 mai3 jia1] /Jamaica/ [Ya2 mai3 jia1 hu2 jiao1] /Jamaican pepper/all-spice (Pimenta dioica) [ya2 yi1] /dentist/ [ya2 you4 zhi4] /dental enamel/ [ya2 guan1] /jaw/mandibular joint/ [ya2 diao1] /ivory carving/ [ya2 sui3] /tooth pulp/ [ya2 chi3] /dental/tooth/CL: [ke1]/ [ya2 yin2] /gums/gingiva/ [ya2 yin2 yan2] /gingivitis/ [niu2] /ox/cow/bull/CL: [tiao2], [tou2]/(slang) awesome/ [niu2 zai3] /cowboy/ [niu2 zai3 ku4] /jeans/CL: [tiao2]/also written / [niu2 nai3] /cow's milk/CL:[ping2],[bei1]/ [niu2 bi1] /awesome/capable (vulgar)/arrogant/cocky/bastard (vulgar)/also written iu2 bi1]/ [niu2 shan1 zhuo2 zhuo2] /treeless hills (idiom)/ [niu2 zai3 ku4] /jeans/CL: [tiao2]/also written / [niu2 shi4] /bull market (i.e. period of rising share prices)/ [niu2 nian2] /Year of the Ox or Bull (e.g. 2009)/ [niu2 pai2] /steak/ [niu2 pai2 can1 ting1] /steakhouse/chophouse/ [niu2 pai2 guan3] /steakhouse/ [niu2 liu3] /sirloin/ [niu2 zhang1] /Cinnamomum kanehirae/small-leaf camphor/stout camphor (indigenous o Taiwan)/ [niu2 qiao2] /Oxbridge/Cambridge and Oxford/ [niu2 bi1] /awesome/capable (vulgar)/arrogant/cocky/bastard (vulgar)/also written iu2 bi1]/ [niu2 you2] /butter/ [niu2 you2 ji3] /cup cake/ [niu2 you2 guo3] /avocado (Persea americana)/ [Niu2 jin1] /Oxford (city in England)/ [Niu2 jin1 Da4 xue2] /University of Oxford/ [niu2 jin1 qun2] /Oxfordshire (English county)/ [niu2 hai3 mian2 zhuang4 nao3 bing4] /bovine spongiform encephalo e/ [niu2 sou1 ma3 bo2] /cow's piss, horse's ulcer (idiom); worthless nonsens nt/ [niu2 dou4] /cowpox/ [niu2 dou4 bing4] /cow pox/ [niu2 bai3 ye4] /omasum/beef tripe/ [niu2 pi2] /cowhide/leather/fig. flexible and tough/boasting/big talk/ [niu2 pi2 xuan3] /psoriasis/ [niu2 pi2 se4] /buff (color)/ [niu2 pi2 cai4] /chard (Beta vulgaris), a foliage beet/ [niu2 huang2 suan1] /taurine/ [niu2 yang2] /cattle and sheep/livestock/ [niu2 rou4] /beef/ [niu2 rou4 wan2] /beef meatballs/ [niu2 rou4 gan1] /dried beef/jerky/charqui/ [niu2 rou4 la1 mian4] /ramen (pulled noodles) with beef/

[niu2 rou4 chao3 mian4] /stir-fried noodles with beef/ [niu2 rou4 qin2 cai4] /beef and celery/ [niu2 rou4 mian4] /beef noodle soup/ [niu2 ji3 rou4] /sirloin (beef joint)/ [niu2 nan3] /brisket (esp. Cantonese)/belly beef/spongy meat from cow's underside and neighboring ribs/erroneously translated as sirloin/ [niu2 xi1] /Achyranthes bidentata (root used in Chinese medicine)/ [niu2 xi1 cao3] /hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis)/ [niu2 zhi4] /oregano (Origanum vulgare)/marjoram/ [niu2 she2] /ox tongue/ [niu2 bang4] /burdock/ [niu2 wa1] /bullfrog/ [niu2 yi1 dui4 qi4] /couple living in destitute misery (idiom)/ [niu2 jiao3] /cow horn/ [niu2 jiao3 bao1] /croissant/ [niu2 jiao3 jiao1] /Cayenne pepper/red pepper/chili/ [niu2 jiao3 mian4 bao1] /croissant/ [niu2 bi1] /awesome/capable (vulgar)/arrogant/cocky/bastard (vulgar)/also written iu2 bi1]/ [Niu2 lang2] /Cowherd of the folk tale Cowherd and Weaving maid [niu2 lang2 zhi1 nu:3] /Cowherd and Weaving maid (characters in folk stor lovers/Altair and Vega (stars)/ [niu2 bian1] /pizzle/bull's penis (served as food)/ [Niu2 dun4] /Newton (name)/Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727), British mathematician an physicist/ [Niu2 dun4 li4 xue2] /Newtonian mechanics/ [Niu2 Tou2] /Ox-Head, one of the two guardians of the underworld in Chinese mytho ogy/ [niu2 tou2] /ox head/ox-head shaped wine vessel/ [niu2 tou2 geng3] /variant of [niu2 tou2 geng3]/ [niu2 tou2 bu4 dui4 ma3 zui3] /doesn't fit/ [niu2 tou2 geng3] /bull terrier/ [niu2 tou2 quan3] /bulldog/ [niu2 yin3] /gulp/ [niu2 ma3] /oxen and horses/beasts of burden/CL: [zhi1]/ [niu2 ji4 tong2 cao2] /cow and famous steed at the same trough (idiom); f n and the great are treated alike/also written [niu2 ji4 tong2 zao4]/ [niu2 ji4 tong2 zao4] /cow and famous steed at the same trough (idiom); f n and the great are treated alike/ [Niu2 mo2 wang2] /Gyuumao/ [niu2 huang2] /bezoar/ [Niu2 bi2 zi5] /Daoist (facetious)(old)/ [niu2 bi1] /awesome/capable (vulgar)/arrogant/cocky/bastard (vulgar)/ [pin4] /(of a bird, animal or plant) female/keyhole/valley/ [pin4 mu3] /male and female/ [pin4 mu3 li2 huang2] /a black stallion or possibly a yellow mare (idiom) by outward appearance/ [pin4 ji1 si1 chen2] /female chicken crows at daybreak (idiom); a woman u ty/women meddle in politics/The female wears the trousers./ [pin4 ji1 mu3 ming2] /female chicken crows at daybreak (idiom); a woman u ty/women meddle in politics/The female wears the trousers./ [Mou2] /surname Mou/ [Mu4] /see [Mu4 ping2]/ [mou2] /barley/to moo/to seek or obtain/old variant of [mou2]/old variant of [mou ]/ [mou2 li4] /to gain profit (by underhand means)/to exploit/exploitation/ [mou2 qu3] /to gain profit (by underhand means)/to exploit/see also [mou [mou2 qu3 bao4 li4] /to profiteer/profiteering/ [Mou2 ding4] /Mouding county in Chuxiong Yi autonomous prefecture zhou1], Yunnan/

[Mou2 ding4 xian4] /Mouding county in Chuxiong Yi autonomous prefecture zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ [Mu4 ping2] /Muping district of Yantai city , Shandong/ [Mu4 ping2 qu1] /Muping district of Yantai city , Shandong/ [ta1] /it (used for animals)/ [mu3] /(of a bird, animal or plant) male/key/hills/ [Mu3 dan5] /Mudan district of Heze city [He2 ze2 shi4], Shandong/Mut tung county [Ping2 dong1 xian4], Taiwan/ [mu3 dan5] /tree peony (Paeonia suffruticosa)/ [mu3 dan5 ting2] /Peony pavilion (1598), play by Tang Xianzu / [Mu3 dan5 qu1] /Mudan district of Heze city [He2 ze2 shi4], Shan [mu3 dan5 ka3] /Peony Card (credit card issued by Industrial and Commercial B China)/ [mu3 dan5 fang1] /Peony Lane/ [Mu3 dan5 jiang1] /Mudanjiang prefecture level city in Heilongjiang province jiang1] in northeast China/ [Mu3 dan5 jiang1 di4 qu1] /Mudanjiang prefecture in Heilongjiang/ [Mu3 dan5 jiang1 shi4] /Mudanjiang prefecture level city in Heilongjiang g2 jiang1] in northeast China/ [Mu3 dan5 xiang1] /Mutan township in Pingtung county [Ping2 dong [mu3 dan5 sui1 hao3 , quan2 zhang4 lu:4 ye4 fu2] rely on help from the green leaves (idiom). However brilliant you may be, you ca n't do anything without support from others./ [mu3 dan5 sui1 hao3 , quan2 zhang4 lu:4 ye4 f ntirely on help from the green leaves (idiom). However brilliant you may be, you can't do anything without support from others./ [mu3 dan5 sui1 hao3 , quan2 ping2 lu:4 ye4 fu tirely on help from the green leaves (idiom). However brilliant you may be, you can't do anything without support from others./ [mu3 dan5 sui1 hao3 , zhong1 xu1 lu:4 ye4 fu2 irely on help from the green leaves (idiom). However brilliant you may be, you c an't do anything without support from others./ [mu4 niu2] /bull/ [Mu3 yang2 zuo4] /Aries (constellation and sign of the zodiac)/used erroneous [mu3 li4] /oyster/ [mu3 lu4] /stag/buck/ [lao2] /firm/sturdy/fold (for animals)/sacrifice/prison/ [lao2 gu4] /firm/secure/ [lao2 fang2] /jail cell/prison cell/ [lao2 lao2] /firmly/safely/ [lao2 yu4] /prison/ [lao2 long2] /cage/trap (e.g. basket, pit or snare for catching animals)/fig. bon s (of wrong ideas)/shackles (of past misconceptions)/to trap/to shackle/ [lao2 ji4] /to keep in mind/to remember/ [lao2 kao4] /firm and solid/robust/reliable/ [lao2 kao4 tuo3 dang4] /reliable/solid and dependable/ [lao2 sao1] /discontent/complaint/to complain/ [ren4] /fill up/to stuff/ [mang1] /bull/see [mang1 niu2]/ [mang1 niu2] /bull/ [Mu4] /surname Mu/ [mu4] /to herd/to breed livestock/to govern (old)/government official (old)/ [mu4 ren2] /shepherd/pastor/pastoral/ [mu4 fu1 zuo4] /Botes (constellation)/ [mu4 qu1] /grazing land/pasture/ [mu4 yu3] /horse breeder/pasture for cattle and horses/ [mu4 di4] /pasture/grazing land/ [mu4 chang3] /pasture/grazing land/ranch/ [mu4 shi1] /chaplain/churchman/clergyman/parson/pastor/priest/rector/ [mu4 shi1 zhi1 zhi2] /ministry/

[mu4 ye4] /livestock husbandry/animal product industry/ [mu4 ge1] /shepherd's song/pastoral/ [mu4 min2] /herdsman/ [mu4 quan3] /shepherd dog/ [mu4 chu4] /raising livestock/animal husbandry/ [mu4 shen2] /shepherd God/faun/Pan in Greek mythology/ [mu4 shen2 wu3 hou4] /Prlude l'aprs-midi d'un faune, by Claude Debuss Stphane Mallarm/ [mu4 shen2 jie2] /Lupercalia, Roman festival to Pan on 15th February/ [mu4 tong2] /shepherd boy/ [mu4 yang2] /to raise sheep/shepherd/ [mu4 yang2 ren2] /shepherd/ [mu4 yang2 zhe3] /shepherd/ [mu4 qun2] /herd of sheep/ [mu4 cao3] /pasture/forage grass/pasturage/ [Mu4 ye3] /Muye district of Xinxiang city [Xin1 xiang1 shi4], Henan/ [Mu4 ye3 qu1] /Muye district of Xinxiang city [Xin1 xiang1 shi4] [mu4 yang3] /to raise (animals)/ [mu4 ma3 ren2] /herdsman (of horses)/wrangler/ [wu4] /thing/object/matter/abbr. for physics / [wu4 zhu3] /owner/ [wu4 zhu3 dai4 ci2] /possessive pronoun/ [wu4 zhu3 xian4 ding4 ci2] /possessive (in grammar)/ [wu4 shi4] /affair/matter/thing/business/articles/goods/materials/thing/stuff/per on (derogatory)/ [wu4 yi3 xi1 wei2 gui4] /highly valuable due to rarity (idiom)/ [wu4 yi3 lei4 ju4] /similar things come together (idiom); like draws like eather flock together./ [wu4 yi3 lei4 ju4 , ren2 yi3 qun2 fen1] /Similar thin her (idiom); Birds of a feather flock together./ [wu4 jian4] /object/ [wu4 hou4] /natural phenomena of a seasonal nature/ [wu4 hou4 xue2] /the study of seasonal phenomena (flouring, migration etc)/ [wu4 jia4] /(commodity) prices/CL: [ge4]/ [wu4 jia4 zhi3 shu4] /price index/ [wu4 li4] /physical resources (as opposed to labor resources)/ [wu4 hua4] /objectification/ [wu4 ge4 you3 zhu3] /everything has a rightful owner (idiom)/ [wu4 pin3] /articles/goods/materials/ [wu4 yu4 shi4 jie4] /the world of material desires (Buddhism)/ [wu4 liao4] /material/ [wu4 shi4 ren2 fei1] /things have remained the same, but people have chan [wu4 ye4] /property/real estate/abbr. for [wu4 ye4 guan3 li3], p [wu4 ye4 shui4] /property tax/ [wu4 ye4 guan3 li3] /property management/ [wu4 ji2 bi4 fan3] /when things reach an extreme, they can only move in t irection (idiom)/ [wu4 yu4] /material desire/craving for material things/ [wu4 liu2] /distribution (business)/logistics/ [wu4 liu2 guan3 li3] /logistics/ [wu4 li3] /physics/physical/ [wu4 li3 hua4 xue2] /physical chemistry/ [wu4 li3 xue2] /physics/ [wu4 li3 xue2 jia1] /physicist/ [wu4 li3 shi2 yan4] /physical experiment/ [wu4 li3 ceng2] /physical layer/ [wu4 li3 xing4 zhi4] /physical property/ [wu4 li3 jie2 gou4] /physical composition/ [wu4 li3 liang4] /physical quantity/ [wu4 chan3] /products/

[wu4 zhong3] /species/ [wu4 zhong3 qi3 yuan2] /Charles Darwin's Origin of Species/ [wu4 jing4 tian1 ze2] /natural selection/ [wu4 mei3 jia4 lian2] /good quality and cheap/a bargain/ [wu4 se4] /to look for/to seek/to choose/color of object/color of fleece (of dome tic animal)/to see/to notice/all kinds of things/odds and ends/ [wu4 zheng4] /material evidence/ [wu4 zi1] /goods/supplies/ [wu4 zi1 gong1 ying4] /supply of material/ [wu4 zhi4] /matter/substance/material/materialistic/CL: [ge4]/ [wu4 zhi4 xiang3 shou4] /material benefits/ [wu4 zhi4 wen2 ming2] /material culture/ [wu4 zhi4 wen2 ming2 he2 jing1 shen2 wen2 ming2] /mat /material progress, ideology and culture (philosophic slogan, adopted into Deng Xiaoping theory from 1978)/ [wu4 jing4] /objective (optics)/ [wu4 ti3] /object/body/substance/ [jian4] /to prop up/ [gu3] /bullock/cow/ [sheng1] /domestic animal/ [sheng1 kou5] /animals used for their physical strength (mules, oxen etc)/beast o burden/ [sheng1 chu4] /domesticated animals/livestock/ [sheng1 chu4 fen4] /animal manure/ [mu3] /(bovine)/ [di3] /to butt/resist/ [di3 wu3] /variant of [di3 wu3]/ [di3 chu4] /variant of [di3 chu4]/ [quan2] /one-color bullock/ [zi4] /female of domestic animals/ [zi4 niu2] /cow/ [zi4 ma3] /mare/ [te4] /special/unique/distinguished/especially/unusual/very/ [te4 ren4] /special appointment/ [te4 shi3] /special envoy/special ambassador/ [te4 lai2] /to come with a specific purpose in mind/ [te4 li4] /special case/isolated example/ [te4 jia4] /special price/ [te4 jia4 cai4] /restaurant special/daily special/ [Te4 ke4 si1] /Tekesi county or Tkes Nahiyisi in Ili Kazakh autonomous prefe e4 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang/tex, unit of fiber density used in textile industry defined as mass in grams per 1000 m of fiber (loan)/ [Te4 ke4 si1 he2 Kai3 ke1 si1 qun2 dao3] /Turks and C [Te4 ke4 si1 shi4] /Tekesi city in Kazakh autonomous prefecture, Xinjiang [Te4 ke4 si1 he2] /Tekesi river in Kazakh autonomous prefecture, Xinjiang [Te4 ke4 si1 xian4] /Tekesi county or Tkes Nahiyisi in Ili Kazakh autono [Yi1 li2 Ha1 sa4 ke4 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang/ [te4 mian3] /special exemption/privilege/ [Te4 nei4 li3 fei4] /Tenerife/ [te4 chu1] /outstanding/prominent/ [te4 kan1] /special edition (of magazine)/ [te4 bie2] /especially/special/particular/unusual/ [te4 bie2 ren4 wu5 lian2] /Special Duties Unit, Hong Kong special pol [te4 bie2 bao4 dao4] /special report/ [te4 bie2 ke4 chuan4] /special guest performer (in a show)/special guest n film credits)/ [te4 bie2 dai4 yu4] /special treatment/ [te4 bie2 gan3 xie4] /special thanks/particular thanks/ [te4 bie2 ti2 kuan3 quan2] /Special Drawing Rights (SDR)/ [te4 bie2 xing2 zheng4 qu1] /Special Administrative Region, namely: H

ers to many different areas during late Qing, foreign occupation, warlord period and Nationalist government/refers to special zones in North Korea and Indonesia / [te4 bie2 hu4 li3] /intensive care/ [Te4 li4] /(name) Terry/ [te4 zhi4] /special/unique/ [te4 wu5] /special assignment (military)/special agent/operative/spy/ [te4 qin2] /special duty (e.g. extra security or traffic control on special occas ons)/person on special duty/ [te4 hua4] /specialization/ [te4 qu1] /Special administrative region/abbr. for / [Te4 gu3 xi1 jia1 er3 ba1] /Tegucigalpa, capital of Honduras/ [te4 di4] /specially/for a special purpose/ [te4 da4] /exceptionally big/ [te4 da4 hao4] /jumbo/king-sized/ [Te4 ao4 hui4] /Special Olympics/ [te4 ding4] /special/specific/designated/particular/ [te4 ding4 han2 yi4] /specific meaning/ [te4 xie3] /feature article/close-up (filmmaking, photography etc)/ [te4 gong1] /secret service/special service/secret service agent/special agent/ [te4 zheng1] /characteristic/diagnostic property/distinctive feature/trait/ [te4 zheng1 zhi2] /eigenvalue (math.)/ [te4 zheng1 xiang4 liang4] /eigenvector (math.)/ [te4 zheng1 lian2 he2] /characteristic binding/ [te4 kuai4] /express/especially fast/ [te4 kuai4 lie4 che1] /special express train/ [te4 kuai4 zhuan1 di4] /express mail/ [te4 kuai4 che1] /special express/ [te4 ji2] /especially urgent/top priority/ [te4 xing4] /property/characteristic/ [te4 hui4] /special privilege/favorable (terms)/discount (price)/preferential (tr atment)/ex gratia (payment)/ [te4 hui4 jin1] /ex gratia payment/ [te4 yi4] /specially/intentionally/ [te4 ji4] /special effect/stunt/ [te4 ji4 yan3 yuan2] /stuntman/ [te4 ji4 tiao4 san3] /skydiving/ [Te4 la1 fa3 jia1 Guang3 chang3] /Trafalgar Square (London)/ [Te4 la1 fa3 er3 jia1] /Trafalgar/ [Te4 la1 fa3 er3 jia1 guang3 chang3] /Trafalgar Square (Londo [Te4 la1 wei2 fu1] /Tel Aviv/Tel Aviv-Jaffa/ [Te4 la1 hua2] /Delaware, US state/ [Te4 la1 hua2 zhou1] /Delaware, US state/ [Te4 la1 hua2 he2] /Delaware River, between Pennsylvania and Delaware sta [te4 zhi3] /to refer in particular to/ [Te4 ti2 si1 hai3] /Thetys (pre-Cambrian ocean)/ [te4 xiao4] /special effect/specially good effect/especially efficacious/ [te4 min3 fu2] /oseltamivir/Tamiflu/ [Te4 si1 la1] /Tesla (unit)/Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), Serbian inventor and en [Te4 yi4 gou4] /Tesco, British-based supermarket chain/ [te4 you3] /specific (to)/characteristic (of)/distinctive/ [te4 quan2] /prerogative/privilege/privileged/ [te4 ci3] /hereby/ [te4 shu1] /special/particular/unusual/extraordinary/ [te4 shu1 han2 shu4] /special functions (math.)/ [te4 shu1 jiao4 yu4] /special education/ [te4 shu1 hu4 li3] /special care/intensive nursing/ [te4 shu1 guan1 xi4] /special relation/ [Te4 luo4 yi1] /ancient city of Troy/ [Te4 luo4 yi1 Mu4 ma3] /Trojan horse/

[te4 pai4] /special appointment/special correspondent/task force/sb dispatched on a mission/ [te4 pai4 yuan2] /special correspondent/sb dispatched on a mission/special co ner/ [te4 wei4] /for a specific purpose/specially/ [Te4 wa3 zu2] /Twa or Batwa, an ethnic group in Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda and t cratic Republic of Congo/ [te4 chan3] /special local product/(regional) specialty/ [te4 yi4] /exceptionally good/excellent/clearly outstanding/distinctive/peculiar/ nique/ [te4 yi4 gong1 neng2] /extra-sensory perception/ [te4 yi4 xing4] /idiosyncrasy/ [te4 yi4 xuan3 ze2] /special choice/special reserve/ [te4 zhong3] /particular kind/special type/ [te4 zhong3 bing1] /commando/special forces soldier/ [Te4 zhong3 kong1 qin2 tuan2] /Special Air Service (SAS)/ [te4 zhong4 jing3 cha2] /SWAT (Special Weapons And Tactics)/riot police/ [te4 zhong3 bu4 dui4] /(military) special forces/ [Te4 li4 ni2 da2] /Trinidad/ [Te4 li4 ni2 da2 he2 Duo1 ba1 ge1] /Trinidad and Tobago/ [te4 li4 du2 xing2] /to be unconventional/independence of action/ [te4 deng3] /special grade/top quality/ [te4 yue1] /specially engaged/employed or commissioned for a special task/ [te4 yue1 ji4 zhe3] /special correspondent/stringer/ [te4 ji2] /special grade/top quality/ [Te4 luo2 duo1 si1] /Troodos, Cyprus/ [te4 se4] /characteristic/distinguishing feature or quality/ [Te4 wei4 qiang2] /Tyvek (brand)/ [te4 jie3] /particular solution (to a math. equation)/ [te4 xu3] /license/licensed/concession/concessionary/ [te4 xu3 ban4 dao3 ti3] /Chartered Semiconductor/ [te4 xu3 zhuang4] /charter/ [te4 xu3 jing1 ying2] /franchised operation/franchising/ [te4 tiao2] /special blend (coffee)/house blend (coffee)/ [te4 jing3] /SWAT (Special Weapons And Tactics)/riot police/abbr. for [te4 hu4] /special nursing/intensive care/abbr. of / [te4 hu4 qu1] /intensive care department (of hospital)/ [te4 zhi4] /characteristic/special quality/ [te4 she4] /amnesty/ [te4 qi3] /to appear on the scene/to arise suddenly/ [te4 ji2] /special collection/special issue/album/ [te4 yao1] /special invitation/ [te4 chang2] /personal strength/one's special ability or strong points/ [Te4 lei2 sha1] /Teresa/Theresa (name)/ [te4 xu1] /special need/particular requirement/ [te4 shou3] /chief executive of Special Administrative Region (Hong Kong or Macao /abbr. for / [Te4 lu3 ai1 er3] /Tergel or Teruel, Spain/ [te4 dian3] /characteristic (feature)/trait/feature/CL: [ge4]/ [keng1] /shank bone of ox/ [qian1] /to pull (an animal on a tether)/to lead along/to hold hands/ [qian1 yi1 fa4 er2 dong4 quan2 shen1] /lit. pull one hair and ight change will affect everything else/the butterfly effect/ [qian1 zhi4] /to control/to curb/to restrict/to impede/to pin down (enemy troops) [qian1 dong4] /to affect/to produce a change in sth/ [qian1 jiu4] /to concede/to give up/ [qian1 yin3] /to pull/to draw (a cart)/to tow/ [qian1 yin3 li4] /motive force/traction/ [qian1 yin3 che1] /tractor/ [qian1 qiang3] /far-fetched/implausible (chain of reasoning)/

[qian1 qiang3 fu4 hui4] /far-fetched and hard to believe (idiom)/ [qian1 xin1] /to worry/concerned/ [qian1 xin1 gua4 chang2] /to worry deeply about sth/extremely concerned/ [qian1 shou3] /hold hands (romance)/ [qian1 che3] /to involve/to implicate/ [qian1 fu2] /to lead/ [qian1 gua4] /to worry about/to be concerned about/ [qian1 che4] /to impede/to hold up/ [qian1 she4] /to involve/implicated/ [qian1 she4 dao4] /to involve/to drag in/ [Qian1 niu2] /Altair (star)/Cowherd of the folk tale Cowherd and Weaving maid [qian1 niu2] /morning glory (Pharbitis nil)/ [qian1 niu2 shu3] /Pharbitis, genus of herbaceous plants including Morning gl bitis nil)/ [Qian1 niu2 xing1] /Altair (star)/Cowherd of the folk tale Cowherd and Weavin [qian1 niu2 hua1] /white-edged morning glory/ [qian1 lei4] /to weigh down/tied down (by affairs)/ [qian1 ban4] /to bind/to yoke/to impede/ [qian1 xian4] /to pull strings/to manipulate (a puppet)/to control from behind th scene/to mediate/ [qian1 xian4 ren2] /a controller/ [qian1 sheng2] /tow rope/ [qian1 chan2] /to involve/to entangle sb/ [qian1 yang2 dan1 jiu3] /pulling a lamb and bringing wine on a carrying p fig. to offer elaborate congratulations/to kill the fatted calf/ [qian1 chang2 gua4 du4] /deeply worried (idiom); to feel anxious/ [qian1 zhe5 bi2 zi5 zou3] /to lead by the nose/ [qian1 ji4] /to feel anxious about sth/unable to stop thinking about sth/to miss/ [qian1 lian2] /to implicate/implicated/ [qian1 tou2] /to lead (an animal by the head)/to take the lead/to coordinate (a c mbined operation)/to mediate/a go-between (e.g. marriage broker)/ [qian1 ma3 dao4 he2 yi4 , qiang2 ma3 yin3 shu make him drink. (idiom)/ [wu3] /to oppose/to gore/ [gu4] /shed or pen for cattle/ [xi1] /rhinoceros/sharp/ [xi1 li4] /sharp/incisive/penetrating/ [xi1 niu2] /rhinoceros/ [xi1 niu2 jiao3] /rhinoceros horn/ [xi1 niao3] /hornbill/ [li2] /plow/ [li2 di4] /to plow/ [li2 gou1] /furrow/ [li2 hua2] /plowshare/ [Li2 jian1] /Han dynasty name for countries in far West/may refer to Silk Road st tes or Alexandria or the Roman empire/ [li2 gu3] /vomer bone (in the nose, dividing the nostrils)/ [li2] /see [Li2 jian1]/variant of [li2]/ [Li2 jian1] /variant of [Li2 jian1]/ [ji1] /ox-horns/wing of an army/ [ji1 jiao3] /horn/ [te4] /male animal/ [ben1] /to rush about/(used in given names)/ [run2] /ox/ [jian1] /bullock/castrated bull/to castrate livestock/ [Qian2 wei4] /Qianwei county in Leshan [Le4 shan1], Sichuan/ [Qian2 wei4 xian4] /Qianwei county in Leshan [Le4 shan1], Sichuan/ [Jian1 tuo2 luo2] /Gandhara Kingdom in northwest India, c. 600 BC-11 AD, on K ver in Vale of Peshawar/ [feng1] /zebu/indicus cattle/humped ox/

[feng1 niu2] /bison/ [kao4] /give a bonus to/ [kao4 shang3] /reward/to reward/ [luo4] /brindled ox/clear/eminent/ [jie4] /castrated bull/bullock/ [li2] /black ox/yak/ [jiang4] /variant of [jiang4], stubborn/obstinate/tenacious/unbending/pig-headed [jiang4 jin4] /obstinacy/tenacity/ [jiang4 jin4 r5] /erhua variant of , obstinacy/tenacity/ [xi1] /Japanese variant of / [du2] /calf/sacrificial victim/ [xi1] /sacrifice/ [xi1 sheng1] /to sacrifice oneself/to lay down one's life/to do sth at the expens of/beast slaughtered for sacrifice/sacrifice/CL: [ge4]/ [xi1 sheng1 pin3] /victim/prey/loss leader (pricing)/ [xi1 sheng1 da3] /sacrifice hit (in sport, e.g. baseball)/ [xi1 sheng1 zhe3] /victim/prey/ [chou1] /panting of cow/grunting of ox/ [wei2] /ancient yak of South East China, also known as [kui2 niu2]/ [kui2] /see [kui2 niu2]/ [kui2 niu2] /ancient yak of South East China, also known as [wei2]/ [quan3] /dog/ [quan3 ru2] /cynic/ [quan3 ru2 zhu3 yi4] /cynicism/ [Quan3 ye4 cha4] /Inuyasha, fictional character/ [Quan3 rong2] /Quanrong, Zhou Dynasty ethnic group of present-day western China/ [quan3 ke1] /the canines/ [quan3 zhong3] /dog breed/ [quan3 chi3] /canine tooth/ [ba2] /old variant of [ba2]/ [quan3] /old variant of [quan3]/ [fan4] /to violate/to offend/to assault/criminal/crime/to make a mistake/recurre nce (of mistake or sth bad)/ [fan4 shang4] /to offend one's superiors/ [fan4 shang4 zuo4 luan4] /to rebel against the emperor (idiom)/ [fan4 bu5 zhao2] /not worthwhile/ [fan4 ren2] /convict/prisoner/criminal/ [fan4 sha3] /to be foolish/to play dumb/to gaze absentmindedly/ [fan4 jin4] /to become excited/ [fan4 de5 shang4] /worthwhile (often in rhetorical questions, implying not wo e)/ [fan4 de5 zhao2] /worthwhile (often in rhetorical questions, implying not wor )/also written / [fan4 chou2] /to worry/to be anxious/ [fan4 yi4] /criminal intent/ [fan4 jie4] /to go against the rules (of a religious order)/to break a ban (e.g. edical)/ [fan4 an4] /to be discovered and brought to justice/ [fan4 du2] /illegal drug/narcotic/ [fan4 fa3] /to break the law/ [fan4 hun2] /confused/mixed up/muddled up/befuddled/ [fan4 bing4] /to fall ill/ [fan4 zui4] /to commit a crime/crime/offense/ [fan4 zui4 tuan2 huo3] /a criminal gang/ [fan4 zui4 xue2] /criminology/ [fan4 zui4 xian4 chang3] /scene of the crime/ [fan4 zui4 zhe3] /criminal/perpetrator/ [fan4 zui4 xing2 wei2] /criminal activity/ [fan4 zui4 ji2 tuan2] /crime syndicate/ [fan4 gui1] /to break the rules/an illegality/a foul/

[fan4 cuo4] /to err/ [fan4 nan2] /to feel embarrassed/to feel akward/ [qiu2] /armadillo/ [qiu2 yu2] /armadillo/ [an4] /jail/ [qi4] /name of a tribe/ [kang4] /fierce dog/ [zhuang4] /accusation/suit/state/condition/strong/great/-shaped/ [zhuang4 yuan2] /top scorer in the palace examination (highest rank of the Imperi l examination system)/see [bang3 yan3] and [tan4 hua1]/top scorer in college entran e examination [gao1 kao3]/ [zhuang4 gao4] /to sue/to take to court/to file a lawsuit/ [zhuang4 tai4] /state of affairs/state/mode/situation/CL: [ge4]/ [zhuang4 kuang4] /condition/state/situation/CL: [ge4]/ [zhuang4 wu4] /...-shaped thing (suffix)/ [zhuang4 sheng1 ci2] /onomatopoeia/ [zhuang4 yu3] /adverbial adjunct (adverb or adverbial clause)/ [yun3] /name of a tribe/ [kuang2] /mad/wild/violent/ [kuang2 san1 zha4 si4] /to deceive and swindle across the board (idiom)/ [kuang2 luan4] /hysterical/ [kuang2 ren2] /madman/ [kuang2 ren2 ri4 ji4] /Diary of a madman by Lu Xun [Lu3 Xun4]/ [kuang2 ao4] /domineering/haughty/ [kuang2 fei4] /to bark furiously/to howl/ [kuang2 xi3] /ecstasy/rapt/ [kuang2 nu2 gu4 tai4] /to be set in ones ways (idiom)/ [kuang2 wang4] /egotistical/a ogant/b assy/ [kuang2 wang4 zi4 da4] /a ogant and conceited/ [kuang2 nu4] /fu ious/ [kuang2 zi4] /a ogant and unb idled/ [kuang2 xiang3] /fantasy/illusion/vain d eam/ [kuang2 xiang3 qu3] / hapsody (music)/ [kuang2 zhan4 shi4] /be se ke (No se wa io o fantasy ole-playing cha act [kuang2 bao4] /f antic/be se k/ [kuang2 bao4 zhe3] /be se ke (fantasy ole-playing)/ [kuang2 huan1] /pa ty/ca ousal/hila ity/me iment/whoopee/to ca ouse/ [kuang2 huan1 jie2] /ca nival/ [kuang2 e4] /c aze/ [kuang2 niu2 bing4] /mad cow disease/bovine spongifo m encephalopathy, BSE/ [kuang2 quan3 bing4] / abies/ [kuang2 shuai3] /to fling vigo ously/fig. to educe d astically/ [kuang2 xiao4] /to laugh wildly/laughing to one s hea t s content/ [kuang2 yan2] / aving/wild language/idiocy/gaffe/kyogen/ [kuang2 die1] /c azy fall (in p ices)/ [kuang2 zao4] / ash/impetuous/i itable/ [kuang2 hong1 lan4 zha4] /bomb indisc iminately/ [kuang2 ye3] /coa se and wild/ [kuang2 feng1] /gale/squall/whole gale (meteo ology)/ [kuang2 biao1] /hu icane/violent efo m o evolution/violent movement o fo ce/ [kuang2 yin3] /to d ink ha d/ [kuang2 yin3 bao4 shi2] /d unken gluttony (idiom); eating and d inking to [niu3] /accustomed to/ [Di2] /su name Di/gene ic name fo no the n ethnic mino ities du ing the Qin and Han Dynasties (221 BC-220 AD)/ [di2] /low anking public official (old)/ [Di2 Ren2 jie2] /Di Renjie (607-700), Tang dynasty politician, p ime ministe Wu Zetian, subsequently he o of legends/maste sleuth Judge Dee, aka Chinese She lock Holmes, in novel Th ee mu de cases solved by Judge Dee [Di2 gong1 an4] t ans lated by Dutch sinologist R.H. van Gulik [Gao1 Luo2 pei4]/













[Di2 e2 ni2 suo3 si1] /Dionysus, the god of wine in Greek mythology/ [Di2 gong1 an4] /Dee Gong An or Judge Dee's cases, 18th century fantasy featu ng dynasty politician Di Renjie [Di2 Ren2 jie2] as master sleuth, translated b van Gulik as Three murder cases solved by Judge Dee (lit. the Di Renji case)/ [Di2 ao4 duo1] /Theodor (name)/ [Di2 ao4 duo1 A1 duo1 nuo4] /Theodor Ludwig Wiesengrund Ado st, philosopher, musicologist, and composer/ [Di2 la1 ke4] /P.A.M. Dirac (1902-1984), British physicist/ [Di2 geng1 si1] /Dickens (name)/Charles Dickens (1812-1870), great English no [zhong4] /Pekingese/ [pi1] /puppy badger/ [pao2] /capreolus/ [pao2 zi5] /siberian roe deer/capreolus pygargus/ [xia2] /be intimate with/ [xia2 ji4 ye3 you2] /to be intimate with prostitutes and frequent brothel [hu2] /fox/ [hu2 jia3 hu3 wei1] /lit. the fox exploits the tiger's might (idiom); fig rful connections to intimidate people/ [hu2 nu:3] /fox lady/in folk stories, a beautiful girl who will seduce you then r veal herself as a ghost/ [hu2 peng2 gou3 you3] /a pack of rogues (idiom); a gang of scoundrels/ [hu2 bu4 wu3] /foxtrot dance/ [hu2 li5] /fox/fig. sly and treacherous person/ [hu2 li5 wei3 ba5] /lit. fox's tail (idiom); visible sign of evil intenti one's evil nature/evidence that reveals the villain/ [hu2 li5 zuo4] /Vulpecula (constellation)/ [hu2 li5 jing1] /fox-spirit/vixen/witch/enchantress/ [hu2 hou2] /lemur/ [hu2 meng3] /meerkat/ [hu2 yi2] /suspicious/in doubt/ [hu2 qun2 gou3 dang3] /a skulk of foxes, a pack of dogs (idiom)/a gang of [hu2 chou4] /body odor/bromhidrosis/ [hu2 fu2] /flying fox/fruit bat (Pteroptidae)/ [hu2 gui3 shen2 xian1] /foxes, ghosts and immortals/supernatural beings, onal/ [fei4] /hamadryad baboon/ [fei4 fei4] /baboon/ [pi1] /ferocious/ [gou3] /dog/CL: [zhi1], [tiao2]/ [gou3 jiao1 gou4 ban1] /doggy-style/ [gou3 zai3 dui4] /paparazzi/ [gou3 zhang4 ren2 shi4] /a dog threatens based on master's power (idiom); position to bully others/ [gou3 chi1 shi3] /to fall flat on one's face (vulgar)/ [gou3 fei4] /bark/CL: [sheng1]/to bark/ [gou3 yao3 Lu:3 Dong4 bin1 , bu4 shi2 hao3 re person's kindness/ [gou3 niang2 yang3 de5] /son-of-a-bitch (vulgar)/ [gou3 pi4] /bullshit/nonsense/ [gou3 wu1] /kennel/ [gou3 shi3] /canine excrement/dog poo/bullshit/ [gou3 nian2] /Year of the Dog (e.g. 2006)/ [gou3 quan2] /Gou Quan - "Dog Fist" - Martial Art/ [gou3 na2 hao4 zi5] /lit. a dog who catches mice/to be meddlesome (idiom) [gou3 gai3 bu4 liao3 chi1 shi3] /a dog can't stop himself from ea hard to change/ [gou3 ri4] /lit. fucked or spawned by a dog/contemptible/lousy, fucking/ [gou3 ri4 de5 liang2 shi5] /The damned grain, novel by Liu Heng [gou3 xiong2] /black bear/coward/ [gou3 huan1] /badger/CL: [zhi1]/

[gou3 wan2 r5 de5] /beast (derogatory)/ [gou3 nan2 nu:3] /a couple engaged in an illicit love affair/a cheating coupl [gou3 xiu4] /dog show/ [gou3 wo1] /doghouse/kennel/ [gou3 dou4] /dog hole/gap caused by missing teeth/fig. den of thieves/ [gou3 dou4 da4 kai1] /dog hole wide open (idiom); fig. gap caused by miss ed mockingly)/ [gou3 liang2] /dog food/ [gou3 rou4] /dog meat/ [gou3 tui3 zi5] /dog's leg/fig. one who follows a villain/henchman/hired thug [gou3 xie3] /melodramatic/contrived/ [gou3 xie3 pen1 tou2] /torrent of abuse (idiom)/ [gou3 xue4 lin2 tou2] /lit. to pour dogs blood on/to curse or berate sb ( [gou3 dai4 lao3 shu3] /lit. a dog who catches mice/to be meddlesome (idio [gou3 shi2 dai4] /doggy bag/take-out container/ [gou3 jiu4] /royal eagle/CL: [zhi1]/ [yue4] /jump/ [ju1] /macaque/to spy/to lie in ambush/ [ju1 ci4] /to stab from hiding/ [ju1 ji1] /to snipe (shoot from hiding)/ [ju1 ji1 shou3] /sniper/marksman/ [hen3] /fierce/very/ [hen3 ming4] /exerting all one's strength/ [hen3 ba1 ba1] /very fierce/ [hen3 xin1] /callous/heartless/ [hen3 du2] /vicious/malicious/savage/ [hen3 hen3] /resolutely/firmly/ferociously/ruthlessly/ [jiao3] /crafty/cunning/sly/ [jiao3 tu4 san1 ku1] /lit. a crafty rabbit has three burrows/a sly indivi than one plan to fall back on (idiom)/ [jiao3 hua2] /crafty/cunning/sly/ [jiao3 zha4] /craft/cunning/deceitful/ [jiao3 lai4] /to deny (through sophism)/ [jiao3 bian4] /to quibble/ [jiao3 xia2] /crafty/astute/ [rong2] /marmoset (zoology)/ [shou4] /to hunt/to go hunting (as winter sport in former times)/hunting dog/imp erial tour/ [shou4 lie4] /to hunt/hunting/ [shou4 lie4 chang3] /hunting ground/ [lao3] /name of a tribe/ [yu2] /armadillo/ [bi4] /(tapir)/ [juan4] /timid/cautious/ [li2] /raccoon dog/fox-like animal/ [li2 zi5] /leopard cat/ [li2 mao1] /leopard cat/raccoon dog/palm civet/ [xia2] /narrow/narrow-minded/ [xia2 xiao3] /narrow/ [xia2 jing4] /narrow lane/ [xia2 zhai3] /narrow/ [xia2 yi4] /narrow sense/specialization/special/ [xia2 yi4 xiang1 dui4 lun4] /special relativity/ [xia2 gu3] /glen/ [xia2 lu4] /gorge/ [xia2 ai4] /narrow/tight/narrow minded/lacking in experience/ [yin2] /snarling of dogs/ [suan1] /(mythical animal)/ [lang2] /wolf/CL:[pi3], [zhi1], [tiao2]/ [lang2 jing3] /wolf trap (trou de loup), medieval defensive trap consisting of a

oncealed pit with sharp spikes/ [lang2 ren2] /werewolf/ [lang2 tun1 hu3 yan4] /to wolf down one's food (idiom); to devour ravenou oneself/ [Lang2 tu2 teng2] /Wolf Totem, novel by L Jiamin aka Jiang Rong/ [lang2 duo1 rou4 shao3] /many wolves and not enough meat/not enough to go [lang2 ben1 shi3 tu1] /the wolf runs and the wild boar rushes (idiom); cr doers mill around like wild beasts/ [lang2 zi3 ye3 xin1] /ambition of wild wolves (idiom); rapacious designs/ [lang2 hai2] /wolf child/human child raised by wolves (in legends)/ [lang2 zai3] /wolf cub/ [lang2 hao2] /writing brush of weasel bristle/ [lang2 yan1] /fire beacon/to burn wolf dung to give alarm/ [lang2 yan1 si4 qi3] /fire beacons on all sides (idiom); enveloped in the r/ [lang2 gou3] /wolfdog/ [lang2 bei4] /in a difficult situation/to cut a sorry figure/scoundrel! (derogato y)/ [lang2 bei4 bu4 kan1] /battered and exhausted/stuck in a dilemma/ [lang2 bei4 wei2 jian1] /villains collude together (idiom); to work hand sb (to nefarious ends)/ [lang2 huan1] /wolverine (Gulo gulo), also named [diao1 xiong2]/ [lang2 ji2] /in a mess/scattered about/in complete disorder/ [lang2 hao2 gui3 ku1] /lit. wolves howling, devils groaning (idiom); path [lang2 zhi1] /wolf spider (Lycosidae family)/ [lang2 gu4] /to look out for the wolf/taking care to watch one's back/ [bei4] /a legendary wolf/distressed/wretched/ [li4] /a kind of monkey/ [xiao1] /the scream or roar of a tiger/to intimidate/to scare/ [Xiao1 ting2] /Xiaoting district of Yichang city [Yi2 chang1 Shi4], Hubei/ [Xiao1 ting2 qu1] /Xiaoting district of Yichang city [Yi2 chang1 Shi4], [ba4] /dog with short shinbone/ [ni2] /(mythical animal)/lion/ [biao1] /whirlwind/ [guo3] /monkey/ [chang1] /ferocious/ [chang1 luan4] /wild and disorderly/ [chang1 li4] /mad and violent/ [chang1 pi1] /dishevelled/wild/unrestrained/ [chang1 kuang2] /savage/furious/ [chang1 chang1 kuang2 kuang2] /wild/hurried and confused/hell-for-leather [chang1 jue2] /to be rampant/to run wild/ [yi1] /(interj.)/ [zhi4] /mad dog/ [zheng1] /hideous/fierce-looking/ [zheng1 ning2] /malevolent/fierce/sinister/ [meng3] /ferocious/suddenly/fierce/violent/abrupt/ [meng3 yi1 kan4] /at first glance/first impression/ [meng3 ding1] /suddenly/ [meng3 bu4 fang2] /suddenly/unexpectedly/taken by surprise/at unawares/ [meng3 zha4] /suddenly/unexpectedly/ [meng3 li4] /with all one's might/with sudden force/violently/to slam/ [meng3 jin4 r5] /to dash/to put on a spurt/to redouble efforts/ [meng3 ke3] /suddenly/in an instant/ [meng3 de5] /suddenly/ [meng3 zeng1] /sharp increase/rapid growth/ [meng3 jiang4] /fierce general/valiant military leader/fig. brave individual/ [meng3 gan4] /to tie in to/ [meng3 da3] /to strike/wham!/ [meng3 zhuang4] /to slam (into)/to smash (into)/

[meng3 pu1] /to charge/to pounce on/to swoop down on/ [meng3 ji1] /to slap/to smack/to punch/ [meng3 gong1] /to attack violently/to storm/ [meng3 liao4] /hot news item/awesome/ [meng3 lie4] /fierce/violent (criticism etc)/ [meng3 ran2] /suddenly/abruptly/ [meng3 ma3] /mammoth/ [meng3 ma3 xiang4] /see [meng3 ma3]/ [meng3 shou4] /ferocious beast/fierce animal/ [meng3 qin2] /bird of prey/ [meng3 hu3] /fierce tiger/ [meng3 chong1] /to charge forward/ [meng3 die1] /drop sharply (e.g. stock prices)/ [meng3 jin4] /to advance boldly/to push ahead vigorously/ [meng3 xing3] /to realise suddenly/to wake up to the truth/ [Meng3 long2 guai4 ke4] /Death wish, movie series with Charles Bronson/ [cai1] /to guess/ [cai1 bu5 tou4] /to be unable to guess or make out/ [cai1 zhong4] /to guess correctly/to figure out the right answer/ [cai1 du4] /to surmise/to conjecture/ [cai1 de5 tou4] /to have sufficient insight to perceive/to suspect that .../ [cai1 ji4] /to be suspicious and jealous of/ [cai1 xiang3] /to guess/to conjecture/to suppose/to suspect/ [cai1 quan2] /a finger-guessing game/Morra/rock-paper-scissors game/ [cai1 mei2] /drinking game where one has to guess the number of small objects in he other player's closed hand/ [cai1 ce4] /to guess/to conjecture/to surmise/ [cai1 yi2] /to suspect/to have misgivings/suspicious/misgivings/ [cai1 mi2 r5] /guess a riddle/guess/ [cu4] /abrupt/sudden/unexpected/ [cu4 si3] /sudden death (in medicine, sporting competitions etc)/ [cu4 ran2] /suddenly/abruptly/ [cu4 fa1] /abrupt/suddenly/ [she1] /see [she1 li4]/ [she1 li4] /lynx/ [lie4] /Japanese variant of / [hu2] /monkey/ [hu2 sun1] /macaque/ [wei3] /humble/rustic/plentiful/ [wei3 cui1] /vulgar/despicable/abject/ [wei3 suo3] /wretched (esp. appearance)/vulgar/ [wei3 xie4] /to molest/obscene/coarse/lewd/sexually unrestrained/lascivious/licen ious/ [wei3 xie4 xing4 bao4 lu4] /indecent exposure/flashing/ [xing1] /ape/ [xing1 xing5] /orangutan/ [xing1 hong2] /scarlet/ [xing1 hong2 re4] /scarlet fever/ [xing1 hong2 se4] /scarlet (color)/ [yuan2] /ape/Hylobates agilis/ [nao2] /(monkey)/scratch/ [he4] /frightened/terrified/ [xie1] /short-snout dog/ [jia1] /mythical ape/variant of , boar/male pig/ [Jia1 guo2] /name of mythical ape/ [hou2] /monkey/CL: [zhi1]/ [hou2 er2] /little devil/ [hou2 r5] /monkey/ [hou2 zi5] /monkey/CL: [zhi1]/ [hou2 hai2 zi5] /little devil/

[hou2 nian2] /Year of the Monkey (e.g. 2004)/ [hou2 nian2 ma3 yue4] /long time off/time that will never come/ [hou2 xi4] /monkey show/ [hou2 quan2] /Hou Quan - "Monkey Fist" - Martial Art/ [Hou2 wang2] /Sun Wukong, the Monkey King, character with supernatural powers in he novel Journey to the West [Xi1 you2 ji4]/ [hou2 dou4 bing4 du2] /monkey pox virus/ [hou2 tou2 gu1] /Hericium erinaceus/ [hou2 mian4 bao1] /see [hou2 mian4 bao1 shu4]/ [hou2 mian4 bao1 shu4] /boabab tree/monkey-bread tree/Adansonia digitata [you2] /as if/(just) like/just as/still/yet/ [You2 ta1] /Utah/ [You2 ta1 zhou1] /Utah/ [You2 da4] /Judas/Judah (son of Jacob)/ [You2 da4 shu1] /Epistle of St Jude (in New Testament)/ [You2 tai4] /Jew/Jewish/Judea (in Biblical Palestine)/ [You2 tai4 ren2] /Jew/ [you2 tai4 fu4 guo2 zhu3 yi4] /Zionism/ [you2 tai4 fu4 guo2 zhu3 yi4 zhe3] /a Zionist/ [You2 tai4 jiao4] /Judaism/ [You2 tai4 jiao4 tang2] /synagogue/ [You2 tai4 hui4 tang2] /synagogue/Jewish temple/ [You2 tai4 fa3 dian3] /the Talmud/ [you2 ru2] /similar to/appearing to be/ [you2 wei4 wei2 wan3] /it is not too late (idiom)/ [you2 re4] /overheating/popular (craze)/ [you2 yi2] /to hesitate/ [you2 yan2] /can be compared to/is the same as/ [you2 yu4] /to hesitate/ [you2 yu4 bu4 jue2] /hesitancy/indecision/to waver/ [You2 da2] /Jude/ [You2 da2 si1] /Judas (name)/ [you2] /to plan/to scheme/ [mei2] /used for ferret, badger or mongoose/variant of mongoose/ [mei2 zi5] /mongoose/ [cha2] /Badger-like wild animal/ [yao2] /Yao tribe/ [sun1] /(monkey)/ [hua2] /sly/ [yuan2] /ape/ [yuan2 ren2] /ape man/ [yuan2 hou2] /apes and monkeys/ [yuan2 jue2] /legendary ape of Sichuan and Yunnan, with a penchant for carrying o f girls/ [sou1] /dog (dial.)/to hunt/ [ma3] /mammoth/ [dai1] /variant of [dai]/foolish/also pr. [ai2]/ [yu4] /prison/ [yu4 li4] /prison guard/jailer (old)/ [shi1] /lion/ [Shi1 cheng2] /Lion city, nickname for Singapore [Xin1 jia1 po1]/ [Shi1 zi3] /Shihtzu township in Pingtung county [Ping2 dong1 xian4], [shi1 zi5] /lion/CL: [zhi1], [tou2]/Leo (star sign)/ [Shi1 zi5 shan1] /Shizishan or Lion Mountain/Shizishan district of Tongling c ing2 shi4], Anhui/ [Shi1 zi5 shan1 qu1] /Shizishan district of Tongling city [T [Shi1 zi5 zuo4] /Leo (constellation and sign of the zodiac)/ [Shi1 zi5 Lin2 yuan2] /Lion Grove Garden in Suzhou, Jiangsu/ [shi1 zi5 gou3] /Pekingese/Pekinese/ [Shi1 zi3 xiang1] /Shihtzu township in Pingtung county [Ping2 do

[shi1 zi5 tou2] /lit. lion's head/pork meatballs/ [shi1 wei3 fei4] /gelada (Theropithecus gelada), Ethiopian herbivorous monkey r to baboon/also written [ji2 er3 da2]/ [Shi1 xin1 wang2 Li3 cha2] /Richard the Lionheart (1157-1199), King R 1189-1199/ [Shi1 quan2 he2] /Sengge Tsangpo or Shiquan river in west Tibet, the upper re f the Indus/ [Shi1 tan2] /Shitan or Shihtan township in Miaoli county [Miao2 li4 aiwan/ [Shi1 tan2 xiang1] /Shitan or Shihtan township in Miaoli county est Taiwan/ [shi1 hu3 shou4] /liger, hybrid cross between a male lion and a tigress/ [shi1 shen1 ren2 mian4 xiang4] /sphinx/ [shi1 tou2 shi2 zhu2] /grenadine/carnation/clove pink/Dianthus caryophyll [zhen1] /jungle/ [jing4] /a mythical animal that eats its mother/ [jiang3] /prize/award/encouragement/CL: [ge4]/ [jiang3 quan4] /raffle or lottery ticket/ [jiang3 li4] /to reward/reward (as encouragement)/ [jiang3 li4 lu:3 xing2] /incentive travel/ [jiang3 pin3] /award/prize/ [jiang3 xue2 jin1] /scholarship/CL: [ge4]/ [jiang3 de2 zhu3] /recipient of an award/prize winner/ [jiang3 yi4] /to reward and promote/ [jiang3 ye4] /to reward and promote/ [jiang3 pai2] /medal/trophy/prize/ [jiang3 pai2 bang3] /medal table/tally of trophies/list of prizewinners/ [jiang3 zhuang4] /certificate (of prize, degree, diploma etc)/ [jiang3 zhang1] /medal/CL:[mei2]/ [jiang3 shang3] /reward/prize/award/ [jiang3 chou2] /incentive/reward/ [jiang3 jin1] /premium/award money/a bonus/ [jiang3 xiang4] /award/prize/CL: [xiang4]/ [zhang1] /river deer/roebuck/ [ao2] /mastiff/ [ao2 quan3] /mastiff (big dog)/ [cui1] /see , despicable/ [jue2] /unruly/rude/ [bi4] /collapse/ [bi4] /die violently/ [huang2] /spaniel/ [lin2] /firefly/ [yu4] /devil/ [Zhuang4] /old variant of , Zhuang ethnic group of Guangxi/ [tong2] /name of a variety of dog/wild tribes in South China/ [liao2] /fierce/hunt/name of a tribe/ [xiao1] /dog/ [shou4] /Japanese variant of / [juan4] /timid/cautious/ [du2] /alone/independent/single/sole/only/ [du2 yi1] /only/unique/ [du2 yi1 wu2 er4] /unique and unmatched (idiom); unrivalled/nothing compa [du2 er4 dai4] /second generation only child/ [du2 ren2 xiu4] /one-man show/ [du2 zhan4] /to monopolize/to control/to dominate/ [du2 zhan4 ao2 tou2] /to monopolize the turtle head (idiom, refers to car eps of the palace); to come first in triennial palace examinations/the champion/ the very best in any field/ [du2 zhan4 ao2 tou2] /variant of , to monopolize the tur ble steps of the palace); to come first in triennial palace examinations/the cha

mpion/the very best in any field/ [du2 lai2 du2 wang3] /coming and going alone (idiom); a lone operator/kee lf/unsociable/maverick/ [du2 ju4] /to have unique (talent, insight etc)/ [du2 ju4 jiang4 xin1] /original and ingenious (idiom); to display creativ [du2 chu1 yi1 shi2] /incomparable/head and shoulders above the competitio [du2 chu1 xin1 cai2] /to display originality (idiom); to do things differ [du2 dao4] /original/ [du2 chuang4] /original/creativity/original creation/ [du2 li4] /all by oneself/without exterior help/ [du2 tun1] /to hog/to keep everything for oneself/ [du2 chang4] /(in singing) solo/to solo/ [du2 zai4 yi4 xiang1 wei2 yi4 ke4] /a stranger in a strange l [du2 fu1] /sole ruler/dictator/ [du2 fu1 min2 zei2] /tyrant and oppressor of the people (idiom); traitoro [du2 zou4] /solo/ [du2 zi3] /only son/ [Du2 gu1 Qiu2 bai4] /Dugu Qiubai, a fictional character appearing in / [du2 jia1] /exclusive/ [du2 zun1] /to revere as sole orthodoxy/supremacy (of a religion, ideology, cultu al norm, social group etc)/sole dominant ideology/ [du2 zun1 ru2 shu4] /Dismiss the hundred schools, revere only the Confuci f former Han dynasty)/ [du2 ju1] /to live alone/to live a solitary existence/ [du2 ju1 shi2] /monazite/ [Du2 shan1] /Dushan county in Qiannan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 2 zhou1], Guizhou/ [Du2 shan1 zi3] /Dushanzi district (Uighur: Maytagh Rayoni) of Qaramay City shi4], Xinjiang/ [Du2 shan1 zi3 qu1] /Dushanzi district (Uighur: Maytagh Rayoni) of Qarama 1 shi4], Xinjiang/ [Du2 shan1 xian4] /Dushan county in Qiannan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefect nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ [Du2 dao3] /Dokdo (Japanese Takeshima ), disputed islands in Sea of Japa [du2 lan3] /to monopolize/ [du2 lan3 shi4 chang3] /to monopolize a market/ [du2 fang4 yi4 cai3] /to project singular splendor or radiance/to perform [du2 duan4] /to decide alone without consultation/arbitrary/dictatorial/ [du2 duan4 zhuan1 xing2] /to decide and act alone (idiom); to take arbitr law unto oneself/ [du2 duan4 du2 xing2] /to decide and act alone (idiom); to take arbitrary unto oneself/ [du2 you3] /to personally own/to possess solely/only/solely/ [du2 mu4 bu4 cheng2 lin2] /a lone tree does not make a forest (idiom) ish much on one's own/ [du2 mu4 qiao2] /lit. a log bridge/fig. a tricky path/to walk a tight-rope/ [du2 mu4 zhou1] /canoe/ [du2 dong4] /(of a building) detached/ [du2 shu4 yi1 zhi4] /lit. to fly one's banner on a solitary tree (idiom); as a loner/to stand out/to develop one's own school/to have attitude of one's ow n/ [du2 bu4] /lit. walking alone/prominent/unrivalled/outstanding/ [du2 te4] /unique/distinct/having special characteristics/ [du2 du2] /alone/ [du2 sheng1] /a single birth/one child (policy)/ [du2 sheng1 nu:3] /an only daughter/ [du2 sheng1 zi3 nu:3] /an only child/ [du2 sheng1 zi3 nu:3 zheng4 ce4] /the one child policy/ [du2 dang1 yi1 mian4] /to assume personal responsibility (idiom); to take

section/ [du2 bai2] /stage monologue/soliloquy/ [du2 yan3 long2] /one-eyed person/ [du2 xiu4] /to surpass/to stand above the crowd/ [du2 li4] /independent/independence/to stand alone/ [du2 li4 Zhong1 wen2 bi3 hui4] /Independent Chinese PEN center/ [Du2 li4 guo2 jia1 lian2 he2 ti3] /Commonwealth of Independen [Du2 li4 bao4] /The Independent/ [du2 li4 xuan1 yan2] /Declaration of Independence/ [du2 li4 zhan4 zheng1] /war of independence/ [du2 li4 zi4 zhu3] /independent and autonomous (idiom); self-determinatio pendently/to maintain control over one's own affairs/ [du2 li4 xuan3 min2] /independent voter/ [du2 li4 zuan4 shi2] /solitaire (puzzle)/ [du2 li4 men2 hu4] /to live apart from parents (of married couple)/to ach ence/ [Du2 lian2 ti3] /Commonwealth of Independent States (former Soviet Union)/abb [du2 jiao3 xi4] /variant of [du2 jiao3 xi4]/ [du2 dan3] /individually courageous/ [du2 dan3 ying1 xiong2] /bold and courageous hero (idiom)/ [du2 zi4] /alone/ [du2 wu3] /solo dance/ [du2 miao2] /only child/sole scion/ [du2 chu3] /to live alone/ [du2 xing2] /solitary/ [du2 xing2 xia2] /loner/single person/bachelor/ [du2 xing2 qi2 shi4] /to go one's own way (idiom); to act independently w others/ [du2 cai2] /dictatorship/ [du2 cai2 zhe3] /dictator/autocrat/ [du2 jiao3 xi4] /monodrama/one-man show/comic talk/ [du2 jiao3 shou4] /unicorn/ [du2 jiao3 jing1] /narwhal (Monodon monoceros)/ [du2 yu3] /solo part (in opera)/soliloquy/ [du2 yu3 ju4] /one-word sentence/ [du2 zi1] /wholly-owned (often by foreign company)/exclusive investment/ [du2 shen1] /unmarried/single/ [du2 pi4 xi1 jing4] /to blaze a new trail (idiom); to display originality [du2 zhuo2] /to drink alone/ [du2 yuan4] /one family courtyard/ [du2 yuan4 r5] /erhua variant of , one family courtyard/ [du2 ba4] /lit. sole hegemony/to monopolize/domination (of the market)/personal e pire/ [du2 ba4 yi1 fang1] /to exercise sole hegemony (idiom); to dominate a who et, resources etc)/to hold as one's personal fiefdom/ [du2 ling3 feng1 sao1] /most outstanding/par excellence/ [du2 ti3] /autonomous body/independent system/ [du2 ti3 zi4] /a primary (independently formed) character - i.e. a pictogram ram / [Du2 long2] /Drung or Dulong ethnic group of northwest Yunnan/ [Du2 long2 jiang1] /Dulong river in northwest Yunnan on border with Myanmar, ry of Salween or Nujiang , sometimes referred to as number four of Three parallel rivers , wildlife protection unit/ [kuai4] /crafty/cunning/ [xian3] /long-snout dog/ [xie4] /see [xie4 zhi4]/ [xie4 zhi4] /Xiezhi, mythical Chinese unicorn/ [xian3] /to hunt in autumn (archaic)/ [Xun1] /see [Xun1 yu4]/ [Xun1 yu4] /an ethnic group in ancient northern China/also written [Xun1

[ning2] /fierce-looking/ [ning2 e4 ke3 bu4] /of fierce and terrifying appearance (idiom)/ [ning2 xiao4] /sardonic smile/to laugh maliciously/ [ning2 mao1] /Lynx caracal/ [huo4] /to catch/to obtain/to capture/ [huo4 zhun3] /to obtain permission/ [huo4 xing2] /to be punished/ [huo4 li4] /profit/to obtain benefits/benefits obtained/ [huo4 sheng4] /victorious/to win/to triumph/ [huo4 sheng4 zhe3] /victor/ [huo4 qu3] /to gain/to get/to acquire/ [Huo4 jia1] /Huojia county in Xinxiang [Xin1 xiang1], Henan/ [Huo4 jia1 xian4] /Huojia county in Xinxiang [Xin1 xiang1], Henan/ [huo4 bao4] /to receive a report/to receive intelligence, information etc/ [huo4 de2] /to obtain/to receive/to get/ [huo4 de2 sheng4 li4] /to win/ [huo4 de2 xing4] /acquired (i.e. not inborn)/ [huo4 de2 zhe3] /recipient/ [huo4 xi1] /to learn of sth/to find out/to get news/ [huo4 jiu4] /to rescue/to be rescued/ [huo4 bao4 li4 zhe3] /profiteer/ [huo4 jiang3] /prize-winning/ [huo4 yi4] /to profit from sth/to get benefit/ [huo4 yi4 zhe3] /beneficiary/ [huo4 zui4] /to commit a crime/ [huo4 zeng4] /to receive/to be given/to be presented with/ [huo4 shi4] /freed (from prison)/to obtain release/ [Huo4 lu4] /Huolu town, in Luquan [Lu4 quan2], Shijiazhuang , [Huo4 lu4 zhen4] /Huolu town, in Luquan [Lu4 quan2], Shijiazhuang [nou4] /angry dog/ [meng3] /mongoose/ [meng3 ke1] /Herpestidae (zoology)/ [lie4] /hunting/ [lie4 ren2] /hunter/ [lie4 dao1] /hunting knife/ [lie4 qi2] /to hunt for novelty/to seek novelty/ [Lie4 hu4 zuo4] /Orion (constellation)/ [Lie4 hu4 zuo4 da4 xing1 yun2] /the Great Nebula in Orion M42/ [lie4 hu4 bi4] /Orion spiral arm or local spur of our galaxy (containing our ystem)/ [lie4 shou3] /hunter/ [lie4 qiang1] /hunting gun/shotgun/ [lie4 sha1] /to kill (in hunting)/ [Lie4 sha1 Hong2 se4 Shi2 yue4 hao4] /"The Hunt for Red Octob [lie4 qian2] /anti-submarine (warfare)/ [lie4 qian2 ting3] /anti-submarine vessel/ [lie4 wu4] /prey/ [lie4 quan3] /hound/hunting dog/ [lie4 quan3 zuo4] /Canes Venatici (constellation)/ [lie4 gou3] /hunting dog/ [lie4 yan4] /to chase women/to express oneself in a pompous flowery style/ [lie4 bao4] /cheetah/ [lie4 tou2] /headhunting (i.e. recruitment)/ [lie4 tou2 ren2] /head-hunter/headhunter/recruiter/ [lie4 ying1] /falcon/ [guang3] /rough/uncouth/boorish/ [shou4] /beast/animal/beastly/bestial/ [shou4 li4 che1] /animal-drawn vehicle/carriage/ [shou4 xing4] /brutal/ [shou4 yu4] /beastly desire/

[shou4 bing4 li3 xue2] /veterinary pathology/ [shou4 pi2] /animal skin/hide/ [shou4 xue2] /animal den/ [shou4 jiao3 ya4 mu4] /suborder Theropoda (beast-footed dinosaur group) w aurischia containing carnivorous dinosaurs/ [shou4 jiao3 lei4 kong3 long2] /theropod (beast-footed dinosaur group a within order Saurischia containing carnivorous dinosaurs/ [shou4 yao4] /veterinary medicine/ [shou4 xing2] /brutal act/bestiality/ [shou4 shu4] /animal training/skill with animals/shoushu - "Animal skill" or "Bea t-fist" - Martial Art (esp. fictional)/ [shou4 yi1] /veterinarian/veterinary surgeon/vet/ [shou4 yi1 xue2] /veterinary science/ [shou4 lei4] /animals/ [ta3] /otter/Taiwan pr. [ta4]/ [xian4] /to offer/to present/to dedicate/to donate/to show/to put on display/wor thy person (old)/ [xian4 shang4] /to offer to God/ [xian4 chu1] /to offer/to give (as tribute)/to devote (one's life)/to sacrifice ( neself)/ [xian4 mei4] /to ingratiate oneself with/to pander to/ [xian4 bao3] /to present a treasure/to offer a valuable piece of advice/to show o f what one treasures/ [xian4 ji4] /to offer sacrifice/ [xian4 ce4] /to offer advice/to make a suggestion/ [Xian4 xian4] /Xian county in Cangzhou [Cang1 zhou1], Hebei/ [xian4 hua1] /to offer flowers/to lay flowers (as a memorial)/ [xian4 xue4] /to donate blood/ [xian4 xue4 zhe3] /blood donor/ [xian4 ji4] /to offer advice/to make a suggestion/ [xian4 ci2] /congratulatory message/ [xian4 shen1] /to commit one's energy to/to devote oneself to/to sacrifice one's ife for/ [mi2] /macaque/ [mi2 hou2] /macaque/ [mi2 hou2 tao2] /kiwi fruit/Chinese gooseberry/ [huan1] /badger/ [luo2] /name of a tribe/ [xian3] /long-snout dog/ [jue2] /legendary ape of Sichuan and Yunnan, with a penchant for carrying off gi rls/ [jue2 yuan2] /legendary ape of Sichuan and Yunnan, with a penchant for carrying o f girls/ [xuan2] /black/mysterious/ [xuan2 zhi1 you4 xuan2] /mystery within a mystery/the mysteries of the Da o Laozi / [xuan2 hu1] /unreliable/incredible/ [Xuan2 pu3] /mythical fairyland on Kunlun Mountain [Kun1 lun2]/ [Xuan2 zang4] /Xuanzang (602-664) Tang dynasty Buddhist monk and translator, who raveled to India 629-645/ [xuan2 ao4] /abstruse/profound mystery/the mysteries of the universe/ [xuan2 miao4] /mysterious/profound/abstruse/ [xuan2 sun1] /great-great-grandson/ [xuan2 xue2] /Wei and Jin philosophical school amalgamating Daoist and Confucian deals/translation of metaphysics (also translated )/ [xuan2 ji1] /profound theory (in Daoism and Buddhism)/mysterious principles/ [Xuan2 wu3] /Black Tortoise (the seven mansions of the north sky)/(in Daoism) God of the north sky/ [Xuan2 wu3 qu1] /Xuanwu (Black tortoise) district of Nanjing City in J [xuan2 wu3 yan2] /basalt (geology)/lava/

[xuan2 wu3 zhi4 rong2 yan2] /basalt/also written [xuan2 rong2 y [Xuan2 wu3 men2 zhi1 bian4] /Xuanwu gate coup of June 626 in early Ta min killed his brothers, seized the throne from his father as Emperor Taizong [xuan2 hu2] /silver or black fox (Vulpes alopex argentatus)/ [xuan2 li3] /profound theory/philosophical theory of Wei and Jin sect/ [xuan2 shi2] /magnetite Fe3O4/ [xuan2 mi4] /mystery/mysterious/occult/abstruse doctrine (e.g. religious)/ [xuan2 mi3 cha2] /genmaicha/Japanese tea with added roasted brown rice/ [Xuan2 tu4 jun4] /Xuantu commandery (108 BC-c. 300 AD), one of four Han dynas anderies in north Korea/ [xuan2 xu1] /deceitful trick/mystery/unfathomable/ [xuan2 yuan3] /profound/abstruse mystery/ [xuan2 guan1] /entrance hall/front door/porch/vestibule/ [xuan2 qing1] /deep black/ [miao4] /variant of [miao4]/ [zi1] /variant of [zi1]/now/here/this/time/year/ [lu:4] /rate/frequency/ [shuai4] /to lead/to command/rash/hasty/frank/straightforward/generally/usually/ [shuai4 xian1] /to take the lead/to show initiative/ [shuai4 ran2] /hastily/rashly/suddenly/ [shuai4 er3 cao1 gu1] /to compose in off-hand way (idiom); to dash off/ [shuai4 shou4 shi2 ren2] /lit. to lead beasts to eat the people (idiom); al government oppresses the people/ [shuai4 you2 zhuo2 zhang1] /(idiom); conservative/ [shuai4 you2 jiu4 zhang1] /to act in accordance with the old rules/ [shuai4 zhi2] /frank/straightforward/blunt/ [shuai4 zhen1] /frank and sincere/candid/ [shuai4 ling3] /lead/command/head/ [lu2] /black/ [yu4] /jade/ [Yu4 jing3] /Yuching township in Tainan county [Tai2 nan2 xian4], Ta [Yu4 jing3 xiang1] /Yuching township in Tainan county [Tai2 nan2 [yu4 ren2] /a jade worker/a jade statuette/a beautiful person/(term of endearment / [yu4 ren2 chui1 xiao1] /virtuoso piper wins a beauty/the xiao (mouth o n for his wife the beautiful daughter of Duke Mu of Qin / [yu4 tu4] /the Jade Hare/the moon/ [yu4 qi4] /jade artifact/ [yu4 fu1 zuo4] /Sculptor (constellation)/ [Yu4 ping2 Dong4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Yuping Dong autonomous n2 di4 qu1], Guizhou/ [Yu4 ping2 xian4] /Yuping Dong autonomous county in Tongren prefecture , Guizhou/ [Yu4 shan1] /Yushan county in Shangrao , Jiangxi/ [Yu4 shan1 xian4] /Yushan county in Shangrao , Jiangxi/ [Yu4 chuan1] /Tamagawa (name)/Tamagawa city in Akita prefecture, Japan/ [Yu4 chuan1 shi4] /Tamagawa city in Akita prefecture, Japan/ [Yu4 zhou1] /Yuzhou district of Yulin city [Yu4 lin2 shi4], Guangxi/ [Yu4 zhou1 qu1] /Yuzhou district of Yulin city [Yu4 lin2 shi4], Guangxi [yu4 di4] /the Jade Emperor/ [yu4 cheng2] /please help achieve something (formal)/ [yu4 pu3 Xi1 long2] /upsilon (Greek letter )/ [Y 4 lin2] /Y lin prefect re level city in G angxi/ [Y 4 lin2 di4 q 1] /Y lin prefect re in G angxi/ [Y 4 lin2 shi4] /Y lin prefect re level city in G angxi/ [Y 4 sh 4] /Y sh Tibetan a tonomo s prefect re (Tibetan: y s hr ' bod rigs rang skyong kh l) in Qinghai/ [Y 4 sh 4 zho 1] /Y sh Tibetan a tonomo s prefect re (Tibetan: y s hr ' bod ang skyong kh l) in Qinghai/ [Y 4 sh 4 xian4] /Y sh co nty (Tibetan: y s hr ' rdzong) in Y sh Tibetan a













s prefect re [Yu4 shu4 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ [Yu4 shu4 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1] /Yushu Tibetan autonomous bod rigs rang skyong khul) in Qinghai/ [Yu4 quan2] /Jade spring/Yuquan district of Hohhot city [Hu1 he2 hao4 t Mongolia/ [yu4 quan2] /nephrite (used in traditional Chinese medicine)/ [Yu4 quan2 qu1] /Jade spring district/Yuquan district of Hohhot city i4], Inner Mongolia/ [yu4 quan2 ying2] /Yuquanying/ [Yu4 xi1] /Yuxi prefecture level city in Yunnan/ [Yu4 xi1 di4 qu1] /Yuxi prefecture in Yunnan/ [Yu4 xi1 shi4] /Yuxi prefecture level city in Yunnan/ [yu4 jie2 bing1 qing1] /clear as ice and clean as jade (idiom); spotless/ e/incorruptible/ [yu4 min2] /jade and jade-like stone/impossible to distinguish the genuine from t e fake (idiom)/ [Yu4 huan2] /Yuhuan county in Taizhou [Tai2 zhou1], Zhejiang/ [Yu4 huan2 xian4] /Yuhuan county in Taizhou [Tai2 zhou1], Zhejiang/ [Yu4 tian2] /Yutian county in Tangshan [Tang2 shan1], Hebei/ [Yu4 tian2 xian4] /Yutian county in Tangshan [Tang2 shan1], Hebei/ [Yu4 huang2] /Jade Emperor (in Taoism)/ [Yu4 huang2 Da4 di4] /Jade Emperor/ [Yu4 huang2 Ding3] /Jade Emperor peak on Mt Taishan/ [yu4 shi2] /precious stones/jade and stone/ [yu4 shi2 ju4 fen2] /to burn both jade and common stone/to destroy indisc diom)/ [yu4 mi3] /corn/maize/CL:[li4]/ [yu4 mi3 dian4 fen3] /corn starch/ [yu4 mi3 pian4] /cornflakes/ [yu4 mi3 sun3] /baby corn/ [yu4 mi3 fen3] /cornflour/corn starch/ [yu4 mi3 gao1] /corn cake/polenta (corn mush)/ [yu4 mi3 tang2 jiang1] /corn syrup/ [yu4 mi3 san3] /corn grits/ [yu4 mi3 hua1] /popcorn/ [yu4 mi3 chi4 mei2 xi1 tong2] /zearalenone/ [yu4 mi3 bing3] /corn cake/Mexican tortilla/ [yu4 mi3 mian4] /cornmeal/maize flour/ [yu4 hong2 sheng3] /rubicene (chemistry)/ [yu4 su4 fu3] /Yusuf, Arabic given name (Joseph)/ [Yu4 lan2] /Yulan magnolia/ [yu4 lan2 hua1] /magnolia/ [yu4 shu3 shu3] /corn/ [yu4 heng2] /epsilon Ursae Majoris in the Big Dipper/ [Yu4 li3] /Yuli town in Hualien county [Hua1 lian2 xian4], east Taiw [Yu4 li3 zhen4] /Yuli town in Hualien county [Hua1 lian2 xian4], [Yu4 men2] /Yumen county level city in Jiuquan , Gansu/ [Yu4 men2 shi4] /Yumen county level city in Jiuquan , Gansu/ [Yu4 men2 Guan1] /Yumen Pass, or Jade Gate, western frontier post on the Silk n the Han Dynasty, west of Dunhuang, in Gansu/ [yu4 lu4 ru2 zhu1] /jade dew like pearls (idiom)/ [yu4 sui3] /chalcedony/agate/exquisite wine/ [Yu4 long2 Na4 xi1 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Yulong Naxi auton nnan/ [Yu4 long2 xian4] /Yulong Naxi autonomous county in Lijiang [Li4 jia [Yu4 long2 xue3 shan1] /Mt Yulong or Jade dragon in Lijiang , no [Wang2] /surname Wang/ [wang2] /king or monarch/best or strongest of its type/grand/great/ [wang4] /to rule/to reign over/ [Wang2 Shi4 chong1] /Wang Shichong (-621), general of late Sui and opponent o

Tang/ [Wang2 Dan1] /Wang Dan (1969-), Chinese dissident, one of the leaders of the Beij ng student democracy movement of 1989/ [Wang2 Wu3] /Wang Wu, name for an unspecified person, third of a series of three: ang1 San1], [Li3 Si4], Tom, Dick and Harry/ [Wang2 Xian1 zhi1] /Wang Xianzhi, peasant leader during Huang Chao peasant up 4 in late Tang/ [Wang2 pi1] /Wang Pi (-c. 806), Tang dynasty chancellor and a leader of failed Yo gzhen reform of 805/ [wang2 wei4] /title of king/kingship/ [wang2 hou2] /aristocracy/ [wang2 hou2 gong1 qing1] /aristocracy/ [wang2 chu3] /crown prince/heir to throne/ [Wang2 Chong1] /Wang Chong (27-97), rationalist and critical philosopher/ [wang2 ba1] /tortoise/cuckold/(insult with the flavor of bastard, son of a bitch) cf / [wang2 ba1 dan4] /bastard (insult)/son of a bitch/ [wang2 gong1] /princes and dukes/aristocrat/ [wang2 guan1] /crown/ [Wang2 Li4 Hong2] /Wang Lee-Hom (1976-), Taiwanese-American singer/ [Wang2 Bo2] /Wang Bo (650-676), Tang poet/ [Wang2 Li4 qin2] /Wang Liqin/ [wang2 hua4] /beneficial influence of the sovereign/ [Wang2 shu1 wen2] /Wang Shuwen (735-806), famous Tang dynasty scholar, Go pla politician, a leader of failed Yongzhen reform of 805/ [wang2 hou4] /queen/CL: [ge4],[wei4]/ [Wang2 Jun1 ru2] /Cyndi Wang (1982-), Taiwanese singer and actress/ [wang2 guo2] /kingdom/realm/ [Wang2 Guo2 wei2] /Wang Guowei (1877-1927), noted scholar/ [wang2 guo2 ju4 hui4 suo3] /Kingdom Hall/ [Wang2 Shi4 zhen1] /Wang Shizhen (1634-1711), early Qing poet/ [Wang2 tai4 hou4] /Queen Dowager (in Europe)/widowed queen/Queen mother/ [Wang2 fu1 zhi1] /Wang Fuzhi (1619-1692), wide-ranging scholar of the Ming-Qi sition/ [wang2 fei1] /princess (in Europe)/ [wang2 po2 mai4 gua1 , zi4 mai4 zi4 kua1] /every pott ese are swans/ [wang2 zi3] /prince/son of a king/ [Wang2 An1 shi2] /Wang Anshi (1021-1086), Song dynasty politician and writer, the Eight Giants / [wang2 shi4] /royal family/royal household/ [wang2 gong1] /imperial palace/ [wang2 jia1] /princely/ [Wang2 Jia1 rui4] /Wang Jiarui (1949-), PRC politician and diplomat, from 200 of CPC central committee's external affairs department [dui4 wai4 lian [Wang2 Jia1 wei4] /Wong Kar Wai (Hong Kong director)/ [Wang2 Shi2 fu3] /Wang Shifu (1295-1307), author of Romance of the West Chamb [Wang2 Dao3] /Wang Dao (276-339), powerful official of Jin dynasty and brother of general Wang Dun , regent of Jin from 325/ [Wang2 Xiao3 bo1] /Wang Xiaobo (1952-1997), scholar and novelist/ [Wang2 Dai4 yu2] /Wang Daiyu (1584-1670), Hui Islamic scholar of the Ming-Qin ition/ [Wang2 Xi1 meng4] /Wang Ximeng (c. 1096-c. 1119), Song artist, probably teena igy who died young, painter of Thousand Miles of Landscape / [Wang2 Ping2] /Wang Ping/ [wang2 fu3] /prince's mansion/ [Wang2 fu3 jing3] /Wangfujing neighborhood of central Beijing, famous for sho [wang2 zuo4] /throne/ [Wang2 Jian4 min2] /Chien-Ming Wang (1980-), Taiwanese starting pitcher for t ington Nationals in Major League Baseball/

[Wang2 Xin1 ling2] /stage name of Cyndi Wang/see [Wang2 Jun1 ru2]/ [Wang2 Dun1] /Wang Dun (266-324), powerful general of Jin dynasty and brother of ivil official Wang Dao , subsequently rebellious warlord 322-324/ [Wang2 Ming2] /Wang Ming (1904-1974), Soviet trained Chinese communist, Comintern and Soviet stooge and left adventurist in the 1930s, fell out with Mao and moved to Soviet Union from 1956/ [Wang2 Zhao1 jun1] /Wang Zhaojun (52-19 BC), famous beauty at the court of Ha or Yuan , one of the Four legendary beauties / [Wang2 Shu1 wen2] /Wang Shuwen (personal name)/ [Wang2 Shuo4] /Wang Shuo (1958-),/ [wang2 chao2] /dynasty/ [Wang2 Nan2] /Wang Nan/ [wang2 quan2] /royalty/royal power/ [Wang2 Qin1 ruo4] /Wang Qinruo (962-1025), Northern Song dynasty official/ [wang2 mu3] /queen mother/ [Wang2 mu3 niang2 niang2] /another name for Xi Wangmu , Queen Mothe [wang2 shui3] /Aqua regia/ [Wang2 Yong3 min2] /Wang Yongmin (1943-), inventor of the five stroke input m hu1 ru4 fa3]/ [Wang2 Zhi4 zhi4] /Wang Zhizhi (Chinese basketball player)/ [wang2 fa3] /the law/the law of the land/the law of a state (in former times)/cri erion/ [Wang2 Hong2 wen2] /Wang Hongwen (1935-1992), one of the Gang of Four/ [wang2 pai2] /trump card/ [Wang2 Meng3] /Wang Meng/ [Wang2 yi4] /Wangyi district of Tngchun city [Tong2 chuan1 shi4], [Wang2 yi4 qu1] /Wangyi district of Tngchun city [Tong2 chuan1 [Wang2 ma3] /Wang code, same as [wu3 bi3 zi4 xing2], five stroke characters by numbered strokes, invented by Wang Yongmin [Wang2 Yong3 min2] in 198 3/ [wang2 zu3 xian2] /Joey Wong (actress)/ [Wang2 Yu3 cheng1] /Wang Yucheng (954-1001) Song dynasty literary figure/ [Wang2 Ying3] /Wayne Wang (1949-), Chinese US film director/ [Wang2 Wei2] /Wang Wei (701-761), Tang Dynasty poet/ [Wang2 Yi4 fu1] /Wang Yifu/ [Wang2 Xi1 zhi1] /Wang Xizhi (303-361), famous calligrapher of Eastern Jin, k the sage of calligraphy / [wang2 lao3 wu3] /lit. fifth child of the Wangs/bachelor/ [Wang2 lao3 ji2] /Wanglaoji (beverage brand)/ [Wang2 Su4] /Wang Su (c. 195-256), classical scholar of Cao Wei dynasty, believed to have forged several classical texts/ [Wang2 Ying1] /Wang Ying (character in the "Water Margin")/ [Wang2 Mang3] /Wang Mang (45 BC-23 AD), usurped power and reigned 9-23 between th former and later Han/ [Wang2 Fei1] /Faye Wong (1969-), Hong Kong pop star and actress/ [Wang2 Zhu4] /Wang Zhu (-c. 990), Song calligrapher and writer/ [Wang2 Jun1 xia2] /Wang Junxia (1973-), Chinese long-distance runner/ [wang2 dao4] /the Way of the King/statecraft/benevolent rule/virtuous as opposed o the Way of Hegemon / [Wang2 Xuan3] /Wang Xuan/ [Wang2 Zhen4] /Wang Zhen/ [wang2 gu4 zuo3 you4 er2 yan2 ta1] /the king looked left and things/to digress from the topic of discussion (idiom)/ [ga3] /bad temper/naughty/ [ding1] /jingling/tinkling/ [ding1 ling2] /onomat. ding-a-ling/clink of jewels/ [di4] /pearly/ [di4 li4] /brilliance of pearls/ [chuan4] /jade ring/ [gan1] /(inferior gem)/

[jiu3] /black jade/nine (banker's anti-fraud numeral)/ [yu2] /semiprecious stone/a kind of jade/ [qi3] /type of jade ornament for court dress (old)/ [fu1] /a kind of jade/ [min2] /jade-like stone/ [wen2] /veins in jade/ [jie4] /jade tablet indicating rank/ [ya2] /variant of [ya2]/ [fen1] /porphyrites/ [bang4] /(gem)/ [yue4] /pearl used in sacrifice/ [jue2] /half-circle jade ring/ [jue2] /gems mounted together/ [wan2] /toy/sth used for amusement/curio or antique (Taiwan pr. [wan4])/to play/ to have fun/to trifle with/to keep sth for entertainment/ [wan2 shi4 bu4 gong1] /to trifle without respect (idiom); to despise worl ns/frivolous/ [wan2 ren2 sang4 de2] /to play with others and offend morals/wicked/ [wan2 ban4] /playmate/ [wan2 ou3] /doll/ [Wan2 ou3 zhi1 jia1] /Doll's House (1879), drama by Ibsen / [wan2 r5] /to play/to have fun/ [wan2 r5 bu4 zhuan4] /can't handle it/can't find any way (of doing sth)/n task/ [wan2 r5 ming4] /to gamble with life/to take reckless risks/ [wan2 r5 huai4] /to play tricks on somebody/ [wan2 r5 wan2] /finished/to be done with sth/ [wan2 r5 de2 zhuan4] /can handle it/up to the task/ [wan2 r5 piao4] /amateur dramatics/ [wan2 r5 hua1 zhao1] /to play tricks/ [wan2 ju4] /plaything/toy/ [wan2 ju4 chang3] /toy factory/ [wan2 ju4 qiang1] /toy gun/ [wan2 wei4] /to ruminate/to ponder subtleties/ [wan2 qi4] /elegant plaything/object to appreciate/ [wan2 shi1 zong1] /to hide oneself (as a joke)/ [wan2 jia1] /a player (of computer games)/ [wan2 nong4] /to play with/to toy with/to dally with/to engage in/to resort to/ [wan2 nong4 ci2 zao3] /to juggle with words (dishonestly)/to be a hypocri ehind florid rhetoric/ [wan2 hu1] /to neglect/to trifle with/not to take seriously/ [wan2 hu1 zhi2 shou3] /to neglect one's duty/dereliction of duty/malpract [wan2 yi4] /toy/plaything/thing/act/trick (in a performance, stage show, acrobati s etc)/ [wan2 yi4 r5] /erhua variant of [wan2 yi4]/ [wan2 shou3 wan4] /to play tricks/to play at politics/ [wan2 le4] /to play around/to disport oneself/ [wan2 huo3] /to play with fire/ [wan2 huo3 zi4 fen2] /to play with fire and get burnt (idiom); fig. to pl and suffer the consequences/to get one's fingers burnt/ [wan2 pai2] /to play cards/to play mahjong/ [wan2 wu4 sang4 zhi4] /lit. trifling destroys the will (idiom); infatuati details prevents one making progress/excessive attention to trivia saps the will / [wan2 xia2] /to trifle/to dally with/to treat casually/to jest/ [wan2 xiao4] /joke/jest/ [wan2 suo3] /to search for subtle traces/to ponder/ [wan2 zhe3] /player/ [wan2 shua3] /to enjoy oneself/an entertainment/to play (of children)/ [wan2 xing4] /interest in dallying/in the mood for playing/

[wan2 hua1 zhao1] /to play tricks/ [wan2 yi4] /variant of [wan2 yi4]/ [wan2 yi4 r5] /variant of [wan2 yi4 r5]/ [wan2 hua4] /playful talk/joking/ [wan2 mao1 he2 lao3 shu3 de5 you2 xi4] /to play a cat and [wan2 shang3] /to appreciate/to take pleasure in/to enjoy/ [mei2] /rose/ [mei2 gui1] /rugosa rose (shrub) (Rosa rugosa)/rose flower/CL: [duo3],[ke1]/ [mei2 gui1 bu4 guan3 jiao4 sha2 ming2] /A rose by any other n [mei2 gui1 bu4 guan3 jiao4 sh smell as sweet/ [mei2 gui1 zhan4 zheng1] /The Wars of the Roses/ [mei2 gui1 xing1 yun2] /Rosette nebula NGC 2237/ [mei2 gui1 hua1] /rose/ [ling2] /onomat. ting-a-ling (in compounds such as or )/tinkling of gem [ling2 ling2] /onomat. tinkling (e.g. of jewels)/ [ling2 long2] /onomat. clink of jewels/exquisite/detailed and fine/clever/nimble/ [dai4] /tortoise shell/turtle/ [dai4 mao4] /tortoiseshell/hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata)/ [dai4 mao4 ke2] /tortoise shell/ [dai4 mao4 yan3 jing4] /hawksbill shell-rimmed eyeglasses/CL:[fu4]/ [ping2] /name of one kind of jade/ [dian4] /blemish/disgrace/flaw in jade/ [dian4 wu1] /to stain/to sully/to tarnish/ [dian4 ru3] /to dishonor/to disgrace/ [xuan2] /jadelike precious stone/jade-colored/ [bo1] /glass/ [bo1 li4 ni2 xi1 ya4] /Polynesia/ [Bo1 li4 wei2 ya4] /Bolivia/ [bo1 niao4 suan1] /hyaluronic acid/hyaluronan/ [Bo1 yi4 er3] /Robert Boyle (1627-1691), English chemist/ [Bo1 yi4 er3 ding4 lu:4] /Boyle's law/ [bo1 pian4] /glass slide for medical sample/ [bo1 li5] /glass/nylon/plastic/CL: [zhang1], [kuai4]/ [bo1 li5 hua4] /vitrification/ [Bo1 li2 shi4] /Perlis, state of Malaysia adjacent to Thailand, capital Kanga ang1]/ [bo1 li5 bei1] /drinking glass/ [bo1 li5 sha1] /siliceous sand (geology)/ [bo1 li5 guan3] /glass tube/ [bo1 li2 xian1 wei2] /fiberglass/glass fiber/ [bo1 li5 gang1] /glass-reinforced plastic/fiberglass/ [bo1 li2 ti3] /vitreous humor/ [bo1 se4 zi5] /boson/ [ci3] /clear (as in a gem)/ [po4] /amber/ [Po4 si1] /Perth, capital of Western Australia/also written / [ke1] /jade-like stone/ [zu3] /carving on jade/ [jia1] /gamma/jewelry/ [min2] /alabaster, jade-like stone/ [min2 yu4] /good and bad/expensive and cheap/ [min2 yu4 za2 xiao2] /scholars of various talents (idiom)/ [shan1] /coral/ [shan1 hu2] /coral/ [shan1 hu2 tan2] /coral lake/ [shan1 hu2 jiao1] /coral reef/ [bi4] /gem on scabbard/ [zhen1] /precious thing/treasure/culinary delicacy/rare/valuable/to value highly /

[Zhen1 Ao4 si1 ting1] /Jane Austen (1775-1817), English novelist/al 1]/ [zhen1 pin3] /valuable object/curio/ [zhen1 qi2] /rare/strange/ [zhen1 nai3] /abbr. for pearl milk tea / [zhen1 bao3] /a treasure/ [zhen1 xi1] /to treasure/to value/to cherish/ [zhen1 ai4] /to cherish/ [zhen1 zhu1] /pearl/CL: [ke1]/ [zhen1 zhu1 nai3 cha2] /pearl milk tea/tapioca milk tea/bubble milk tea/ [zhen1 zhu1 xiao3 fan1 qie2] /see [sheng4 nu:3 guo3]/ [zhen1 zhu1 yan2] /perlite/ [Zhen1 zhu1 gang3] /Pearl Harbor (Hawaii)/ [zhen1 yi4] /rare/precious and odd/ [zhen1 qin2 qi2 shou4] /rare animals and birds/protected species/ [zhen1 xi1] /rare/precious and uncommon/ [zhen1 xiu1] /variant of , delicacy/dainties/rare foodstuff/ [zhen1 wen2] /oddity/news tidbits/strange and interesting item/ [zhen1 cang2] /collection/collect (valuables)/ [zhen1 gui4] /precious/ [zhen1 zhong4] /precious/extremely valuable/(honorific) Please take good care of ourself!/ [zhen1 xiu1] /delicacy/dainties/rare foodstuff/ [zhen1 xiu1 mei3 wei4] /delicacy and fine taste (idiom); a wonderful trea [zhen1 xiu1 mei3 zhuan4] /delicacy and fine taste (idiom); a wonderful tr [jiao4] /pair of hemispherical objects used in divination/ [jian4] /(jade)/ [guang1] /(jade)/ [gong3] /(gem)/ [gong3 tong2] /dove tree/ [Gong3 xian4] /Gong county in Yibin [Yi2 bin1], Sichuan/ [xiu4] /quickly-deteriorating jade/ [luo4] /neck-ornament/ [Luo4 ba1 zu2] /Lhoba ethnic group of southeast Tibet/ [Luo4 ba1 yu3] /Lhoba, language of Lhoba ethnic group of southeast Tibet/ [zhu1] /bead/pearl/CL:[li4], [ke1]/ [Zhu1 San1 jiao3] /Pearl River Delta/ [zhu1 zi5] /bead/CL:[li4], [ke1]/ [zhu1 bao3] /pearls/jewels/precious stones/ [Zhu1 shan1] /Mt Everest/abbr. for , Mt Chomolungma or Qomol matha/Mt Pearl (place name)/Zhushan district of Jingdezhen city , Jiangxi/ [Zhu1 shan1 qu1] /Zhushan district of Jingdezhen city , Jian [Zhu1 feng1] /abbr. for , Mt Chomolungma or Qomolangma (Tibe matha/ [Zhu1 ya2] /Zhuya, historic name for Hainan Island [Hai3 nan2 Dao3]/ [Zhu1 hui1] /Zhuhui district of Hengyang city [Heng2 yang2 shi4], Hu [Zhu1 hui1 qu1] /Zhuhui district of Hengyang city [Heng2 yang2 s [zhu1 mu3] /mother-of-pearl/ [Zhu1 jiang1] /Pearl River (Guangdong)/ [Zhu1 jiang1 san1 jiao3 zhou1] /Pearl River Delta (PRD)/ [zhu1 liu2] /fluent with words/words flowing like pearl beads/ [zhu1 liu2 bi4 zhuan3] /lit. pearl flows, jade moves on (idiom); fig. the ime/water under the bridge/ [Zhu1 hai3] /Zhuhai prefecture level city in Guangdong province [Gua n south China/ [Zhu1 hai3 shi4] /Zhuhai prefecture level city in Guangdong province ] in south China/ [zhu1 hui1] /pearl grey/ [zhu1 yu4] /pearls and jades/jewels/clever remark/beautiful writing/gems of wisdo /genius/outstanding person/

[zhu1 yu4 zai4 ce4] /gems at the side (idiom); flanked by genius/ [Zhu1 mu4 lang3 ma3] /Mt Chomolungma or Qomolangma (Tibetan)/Mt Everest/N rmatha/ [Zhu1 mu4 lang3 ma3 feng1] /Mt Chomolungma or Qomolangma (Tibetan)/Mt Sagarmatha/ [zhu1 bo2] /curtain of pearls/screen of beads/ [zhu1 suan4] /calculation using abacus/ [zhu1 lian2 bi4 he2] /string of pearl and jade (idiom); ideal combination / [qin2] /variant of , guqin or zither/ [xun2] /(gem)/ [xun2 yu2 qi2] /type of ancient jade/ [er3] /pearl or jade earring/ [yao2] /mother-of-pearl/ [heng2] /top gem of pendant from girdle/ [gui1] /jade tablet/silicon/ [Ban1] /surname Ban/ [ban1] /team/class/squad/work shift/ranking/CL: [ge4]/classifier for groups/ [ban1 shang4] /in the group/class-mates/ [ban1 zhu3 ren4] /a teacher in charge of a class/ [Ban1 shi2] /Binche (Belgian city)/ [Ban1 jia1 luo2 er3] /Bangalore, capital of southwest Indian state Karnat ang1]/ [ban1 wu4 hui4] /a routine meeting of a squad/team or class/ [ban1 zhuo2 qin2] /banjo (loanword)/ [Ban1 ji2] /Bangui, capital of Central African Republic/ [Ban1 Gu4] /Ban Gu (32-92), Eastern Han dynasty historian, wrote the Dynastic His ory of Western Han / [Ban1 tu2 si1 tan3] /Bantustan/ [ban1 zi5] /organized group/theatrical troupe/ [ban1 shi1] /to withdraw troops from the front/to return in triumph/ [ban1 di3] /ordinary members of theatrical troupe/ [Ban1 ge1] /Baingoin county, Tibetan: Dpal mgon rdzong, in Nagchu prefecture qu1], central Tibet/ [Ban1 ge1 xian4] /Baingoin county, Tibetan: Dpal mgon rdzong, in Nagchu prefe di4 qu1], central Tibet/ [ban1 fang2] /jail/ [ban1 hui4] /class meeting (in schools)/ [ban1 qi1] /schedule (for flight, voyage etc)/ [ban1 ji1] /airliner/airplane/plane/CL:[tang4],[ci4]/ [ban1 tai2] /office desk/ [ban1 ci4] /order of classes or grades at school/number of runs or flights/ [Ban1 zhu1 er3] /Banjul, capital of Gambia/ [Ban1 ma3] /Baima or Banma county (Tibetan: pad ma rdzong) in Golog Tibetan auton mous prefecture [Guo3 luo4 zhou1], Qinghai/ [Ban1 ma3 xian4] /Baima or Banma county (Tibetan: pad ma rdzong) in Golog Tib tonomous prefecture [Guo3 luo4 zhou1], Qinghai/ [Ban1 chan2] /Bainqen or Panchen Lama, one of two Tibetan spiritual leaders/ [Ban1 chan2 La3 ma5] /Bainqen or Panchen Lama, one of two Tibetan spiritu [ban1 ji4 de2] /pancetta (Italian belly)/salted spiced dried pork belly/ [ban1 ji2] /classes or grades in school/ [ban1 zu3] /group or team (in factories etc)/ [ban1 xian4] /route (of a bus etc)/ [ban1 jing1 xiang1 dui4] /to treat sb with courtesy (idiom)/ [Ban1 Chao1] /Ban Chao (33-102), noted Han diplomat and military man/ [ban1 che1] /regular bus (service)/ [ban1 bei4] /seniority in the family/pecking order/ [ban1 bei4 r5] /seniority in the family/pecking order/ [ban1 lun2] /regular passenger or cargo ship/regular steamship service/ [Ban1 da2 ya4 qi2] /Banda Aceh, capital of Aceh province of Indonesia in

atra/ [ban1 zhang3] /class monitor/squad leader/team leader/CL: [ge4]/ [Ban1 men2 nong4 fu3] /to display one's slight skill before an expert (id [Ban1 ya3 ming2] /Benjamin (name)/ [pei4] /girdle ornaments/ [Pei4 lin2] /Palin (name)/Sarah Palin (1964-), US Republican politician, state go ernor of Alaska 2006-2009/ [di4] /white jade worn on belt/ [wu3] /inferior gem/a kind of jade/ [jun4] /beautiful jade/ [ting3] /scepter/ [xian4] /to appear/present/now/existing/current/ [xian4 xia4] /now/at this moment/ [xian4 shi4] /this life/to lose face/to be disgraced/ [xian4 shi4 bao4] /karmic retribution within one's lifetime/ [xian4 jin1] /now/nowadays/modern/ [Xian4 dai4] /Hyundai, South Korean company/ [xian4 dai4] /modern times/modern age/modern era/ [xian4 dai4 wu3 xiang4] /modern pentathlon/ [xian4 dai4 ren2] /modern man/Homo sapiens/ [xian4 dai4 hua4] /modernization/CL: [ge4]/ [xian4 dai4 shi3] /modern history/ [xian4 dai4 xing2 shi4] /the modern form/ [xian4 dai4 xing4] /modernity/ [xian4 dai4 xin1 ru2 jia1] /Modern New Confucianism/see also [x [xian4 dai4 pai4] /modernist faction/modernists/ [xian4 dai4 wu3] /modern dance/ [xian4 dai4 ji2 tuan2] /Hyundai, the Korean corporation/ [xian4 dai4 yin1 yue4] /modern music/contemporary music/ [xian4 ren4] /at the present/to hold an office/to occupy a post/ [xian4 zhi2] /present value/ [xian4 zai4] /now/at present/at the moment/modern/current/nowadays/ [xian4 zai4 fen1 ci2] /present participle (in English grammar)/ [xian4 zai4 shi4] /present tense/ [xian4 zai4 shi4 guo4 qu5 yao4 shi5] /Today is the key to the [xian4 chang3] /lit. actual location/the scene (of the incident)/on-the-spot/ [xian4 chang3 bao4 dao4] /on-the-spot report/ [xian4 chang3 cai3 fang3] /on-the-spot interview/ [xian4 chang3 hui4] /on-the-spot meeting/ [xian4 chang3 hui4 yi4] /on-the-spot meeting/ [xian4 chang3 zhi2 bo1] /on-the-spot live broadcast/ [xian4 chang3 shi4 cha2] /on-site inspection/ [xian4 cun2] /extant/existent/in stock/ [xian4 xue2 xian4 yong4] /to immediately put into practice something one ned (idiom)/ [xian4 shi2] /reality/actuality/real/actual/realistic/ [xian4 shi2 zhu3 yi4] /realism/ [xian4 shi2 qing2 kuang4] /current state/current situation/ [xian4 nian2] /current age/ [xian4 xing2] /to become visible/to appear/to manifest one's true nature/ [xian4 yi4] /(military) active duty/ [xian4 cheng2] /ready-made/readily available/ [xian4 zhua1] /to improvise/ [xian4 shi2] /current/ [xian4 you3] /currently existing/currently available/ [xian4 kuan3] /cash/ [xian4 kuang4] /the current situation/ [xian4 zhuang4] /current situation/ [xian4 mo2] /freshly ground/ [xian4 xing2] /to be in effect/in force/current/

[xian4 xing2 fan4] /criminal caught red-handed/ [xian4 xiang4] /appearance/phenomenon/CL: [ge4], [zhong3]/ [xian4 xiang4 xue2] /phenomenology/ [xian4 huo4] /merchandise or commodities available immediately after sale/merchan ise in stock/available item/actuals (investment)/actual commodities/ [xian4 huo4 jia4] /price of actuals/ [xian4 shen1] /to appear in the flesh/ [xian4 shen1 shuo1 fa3] /to talk from one's personal experience/to use on xample/ [xian4 liang4 xiang1 wei2] /to not fit ones pe ception of sth (idiom)/ [xian4 jin1] /cash/ [xian4 jin1 zhou1 zhuan3] /cash flow/ [xian4 jin1 ji1 chu3] /cash basis (accounting)/ [xian4 jin1 liu2 zhuan3] /cash flow/ [xian4 jin1 liu2 zhuan3 biao3] /cash flow statement/ [xian4 jin1 liu2 liang4] /cash flow/ [xian4 jin1 liu2 liang4 biao3] /cash flow statement/ [xian4 qian2] /cash/ [xian4 jie1 duan4] /at the p esent stage/ [han2] /gems o pea ls fo me ly put into the mouth of a co pse/ [xuan2] /beautiful jade/sta / [qiu2] /ball/sphe e/globe/CL: [ge4]/ball game/match/CL: [chang3]/ [qiu2 yuan2] /sports club member/footballer, golfer etc/ [qiu2 chang3] /stadium/sports ground/court/pitch/field/golf course/CL: [ge4], [qiu2 chang3 hui4 guan3] /clubhouse (golf)/ [qiu2 bao1 zi3 jun1 bing4] /Coccidioidomycosis/ [qiu2 ji4] /season (of baseball, football etc)/ [qiu2 cha1] /spherical aberration (optics)/ [qiu2 zuo4] /tee (golf)/ [qiu2 dan4] /ball (in sport, incl. billiards)/ [qiu2 xing2] /spherical/ball-shaped/ [qiu2 gan3] /ball sense/feel for the ball/ [qiu2 pai1] /racket/ [qiu2 xing1] /sports star (ball sport)/ [qiu2 hui4] /ballsports club (e.g. golf, football etc)/ [qiu2 gun4] /(sport) club/bat/ [qiu2 bang4] /baseball bat/cricket bat/ [qiu2 tai2] /table (for games using balls)/ [qiu2 zhuang4] /sphere/ [qiu2 zhuang4 wu4] /globe/ [qiu2 zhuang4 dan4 bai2 zhi4] /globular protein/ [qiu2 tong2] /ball boy (tennis)/caddie (golf)/ [qiu2 gan1] /cue (billiards)/club (golf)/stick (hockey)/ [qiu2 li4 yun3 shi2] /chondrite (type of meteorite)/ [qiu2 wang3] /net (for ball games)/ [qiu2 qiang1 jun4] /Mycosphaerella (genus of sac fungus, a plant pathogen)/ [qiu2 jun1] /coccus (spherical bacteria pathogen)/ [qiu2 dan4 bai2] /globulin/ [qiu2 chong2] /coccidia (biology)/ [qiu2 sai4] /sports match/ballgame/CL: [chang3]/ [qiu2 mi2] /soccer fan/crazy about ball sports/CL: [ge4]/ [qiu2 dao4] /fairway (golf)/ [qiu2 men2] /goalmouth (in soccer)/ [qiu2 dui4] /sports team (basketball, soccer, football etc)/ [qiu2 mian4] /sphere/ [qiu2 xie2] /athletic shoes/ [qiu2 lei4] /ball sports/ [qiu2 ti3] /spheroid/ [lang2] /jade-like stone/clean and white/tinkling of pendants/ [Lang2 Wei1 li3] /Captain William M Lang (1843-), British adviser to the Qing


China navy during the 1880s/ [Lang2 huan2] /mythical fairy realm/ [Lang2 ya2 qu1] /Langya district of Chuzhou city [Chu2 zhou1 shi4], Anh [li3] /texture/grain (of wood)/inner essence/intrinsic order/reason/logic/truth/ science/natural science (esp. physics)/to manage/to pay attention to/to run (aff airs)/to handle/to put in order/to tidy up/ [li3 shi4] /member of council/ [li3 shi4 hui4] /council/ [li3 shi4 zhang3] /director general/ [Li3 guang1] /Ricoh, Japanese imaging and electronics company/ [li3 ze2] /principle/logic/ [li3 ze2 xue2] /logic/ [li3 hua4] /physical and chemical/ [li3 hua4 yin1 su4] /physical and chemical factors/ [li3 yu4] /to reason with sb/ [Li3 tang2] /Litang county (Tibetan: li thang rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture [Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Sichuan (formerly in Kham pro ibet)/ [Li3 tang2 xian4] /Litang county (Tibetan: li thang rdzong) in Garze Tibetan ous prefecture [Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Sichuan (formerly in Kham of Tibet)/ [Li3 xue2] /School of Principle/Neo-Confucian Rationalistic School (from Song to id-Qing times, c. 1000-1750, typified by the teachings of Cheng Hao [Cheng2 Hao4], Cheng Yi [Cheng2 Yi2] and Zhu Xi [Zhu1 xi1])/ [li3 xue2] /science/ [li3 xue2 jia1] /Rationalist or follower of Rationalism or Neo-Confucianism [li3 xue2 shuo4 shi4] /M.Sc. (Master of Science degree)/ [li3 xue2 shuo4 shi4 xue2 wei4] /Master of Science (MSc degree)/ [li3 qu1 ci2 qiong2] /faulty argument and poor rhetoric (idiom); unable t any convincing arguments/without a leg to stand on/ [li3 gong1] /science and engineering as academic subjects/ [li3 gong1 da4 xue2] /University of Science and Engineering/also sometime f Technology/ [li3 gong1 ke1] /science and engineering as academic subjects/ [li3 nian4] /idea/concept/philosophy/theory/ [li3 xing4] /reason/rationality/rational/ [li3 xing4 zhu3 yi4] /rationalism/ [li3 xing4 zhi1 shi5] /rational knowledge/ [Li3 xing4 yu3 gan3 xing4] /Sense and sensibility, novel by Jane Aust [li3 xing4 ren4 shi5] /cognition/rational knowledge/ [li3 xiang3] /a dream/an ideal/perfection/ideal/perfect/desirable/CL: [ge4]/ [li3 xiang3 hua4] /to idealize/ [li3 xiang3 guo2] /ideal state/Plato's republic (c. 390 BC)/ [li3 ying1] /should/ought to/ [li3 suo3 dang1 ran2] /as it should be by rights (idiom); proper and to b a matter of course/inevitable and right/ [li3 zhi4] /reason/intellect/rationality/ [li3 hui4] /to understand/to pay attention to/to take notice of/ [Li3 cha2] /Richard (name)/ [Li3 cha2 de2] /Richard (name)/ [Li3 cha2 sen1] /Richardson (name)/ [li3 qi4] /to rectify [qi4] (traditional Chinese medicine)/ [li3 qi4 hua4 tan2] /to rectify [qi4] and transform phlegm (traditional C ne)/ [li3 you2] /reason/grounds/justification/CL: [ge4]/ [li3 dang1] /should/ought/ [li3 liao2] /physiotherapy/ [li3 liao2 shi1] /physiotherapist/ [li3 zhi2 qi4 zhuang4] /in the right and self-confident (idiom); bold and th justice on one's side/to have the courage of one's convictions/just and force

ful/ [li3 cai3] /to heed/to pay attention to/ [li3 shen2 lun4] /deism, theological theory of God who does not interfere in verse/ [li3 ke1] /the sciences (as opposed to the humanities [wen2 ke1])/ [li3 ke1 xue2 shi4] /Bachelor of Science B.Sc./ [Li3 xian4] /Li county (Tibetan: li rdzong) in Ngawa Tibetan and Qiang autonomous prefecture [A1 ba4 Zang4 zu2 Qiang1 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1 [li3 kui1] /in the wrong/ [li3 jie3] /to comprehend/to understand/comprehension/understanding/ [li3 jie3 li4] /ability to grasp ideas/understanding/ [li3 lun4] /theory/CL: [ge4]/ [li3 lun4 ji1 chu3] /theoretical foundation/ [li3 lun4 jia1] /theorist/theoretician/ [li3 lun4 gong4 xian4] /theoretical contribution/ [li3 cai2] /financial management/finance/ [li3 cai2 xue2] /financial management science/ [li3 pei2] /to settle a claim/claims settlement/payment of claims/ [li3 lu4] /logical thinking/ [li3 tou2] /to have a haircut/to cut sb's hair/ [li3 fa4] /a barber/hairdressing/ [li3 fa4 yuan2] /barber/ [li3 fa4 shi1] /barber/ [li3 fa4 dian4] /barber's shop/hairdresser's/CL:[jia1]/ [li3 fa4 yuan4] /barber's shop/hair parlor/ [xiu4] /(jade)/ [liu2] /precious stone/ [Liu2 qiu2] /Ryky/refers to the Ryky Islands [Liu2 qiu2 qun2 aiwan/Liuchiu township in Pingtung county [Ping2 dong1 xian4], Taiwan/ [Liu2 qiu2 guo2] /Ryky kingdom 1429-1879 (on modern Okinawa)/ [Liu2 qiu2 hai3] /Ryky sea/refers to the Ryky Islands [L an to Taiwan/ [Liu2 qiu2 wang2 guo2] /Ryky kingdom 1429-1879 (on modern Okinawa)/ [Liu2 qiu2 qun2 dao3] /Ryukyu islands/Okinawa [Chong1 sheng2] an Japan/ [Liu2 qiu2 xiang1] /Liuchiu township in Pingtung county [Ping2 d [liu2 li5] /colored glass/ceramic glaze/ [liu2 li2 ta3] /glazed tile pagoda/glazed tower of minaret/ [Liu2 li2 miao4] /Liulimiao town in Beijing municipality/ [liu2 li2 wa3] /glazed roof tile/ [ya2] /used in place names/see [Lang2 ya2 shan1]/ [zhan3] /wine cup/ [ju1] /ornamental gems for belt/ [chen1] /precious stone/gem/ [dian3] /gem used as ear plug/jade earrings/ [zhuo2] /to cut (gems)/ [zuo2] /see [zuo2 mo5]/ [zhuo2 mo2] /to carve and polish (jade)/to polish and refine a literary work/ [zuo2 mo5] /to ponder/to mull over/to think through/ [cheng1] /tinkling of gems/ [hu3] /amber/ [hu3 po4] /amber/ [qi2] /curio/valuable stone/ [kun1] /(jade)/ [qi2] /fine jade/ [beng3] /gem ornament of scabbard/ [wan3] /ensign of royalty/ [lu4] /(jade)/ [Cong2] /surname Cong/ [cong2] /octagonal jade badge/

[guan3] /mus. instr./to polish jade or gold/ [yan3] /gem/glitter of gems/ [diao1] /to engrave gems/ [bei4] /necklace/ [lin2] /gem/ [Lin2 Dai4 wei2 si1] /Lynn E. Davis, US academic and arms control e y at US State Department 1993-1997/ [lin2 lang2] /glittering jewels/ [lin2 lang2 man3 mu4] /glittering jewels to delight the eye (idiom)/fig. ne-up/ [qin2] /guqin or zither, cf /musical instrument in general/ [qin2 jian4 piao1 ling2] /floating between zither and sword (idiom); fig. mlessly with no tenured position/ [qin2 shi1] /player of a stringed instrument/ [qin2 xian2] /a string (of stringed instrument)/ [qin2 shou3] /player of a stringed instrument/ [Qin2 si1 tuo1 huo4 wa3] /Czstochowa (city in Poland)/ [qin2 shu1] /traditional art form, consisting of sung story telling with musical ccompaniment/ [qin2 qi2 shu1 hua4] /Four Arts of the Chinese Scholar (zither, Go, calli ing)/ [qin2 se4] /qin and se, two string instruments that play in perfect harmony/marit l harmony/ [qin2 se4 bu4 tiao2] /out of tune/marital discord, cf qin and se , tw s as symbol of marital harmony/ [qin2 se4 he2 ming2] /in perfect harmony/in sync/lit. qin and se sing in [qin2 chui2] /mallet/drumstick/ [qin2 jian4] /a piano key/ [pi2] /see , pipa lute/ [pi2 pa5] /pipa, Chinese lute, with 4 strings, a large pear-shaped body and a fre ted fingerboard/ [pi2 pa5 xing2] /Song of the Pipa Player, long poem by Tang poet Bai Juyi [pi2 lu4] /spoonbill (wading bird of the family Threskiornithidae)/ [pa2] /see , pipa lute/ [qin2] /variant of , guqin or zither/ [fa4] /enamel ware/cloisonne ware/ [fa4 lang2] /enamel/ [fa4 lang2 zhi4] /tooth enamel/ [hun2] /(fine jade)/ [Hun2 chun1] /Hunchun county level city in Yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture [Hun2 chun1 shi4] /Hunchun county level city in Yanbian Korean autonomous pre , Jilin/ [yu3] /(chalcedony)/ [mao4] /(jade)/ [mei2] /(stone which resembles jade)/ [xuan1] /ornamental piece of jade/ [min2] /variant of [min2]/ [wei3] /(reddish jade)/precious/rare/ [zhuan4] /engraved lines/ [quan2] /jade/shell/ [xia2] /blemish/flaw in jade/ [xia2 bu4 yan3 yu2] /lit. a blemish does not obscure jade's luster/the pr he cons (idiom)/ [xia2 dian4] /blemish/flaw/ [xia2 ci1] /blemish/flaw/ [yuan4] /large jade ring/ [nao3] /agate/ [Nao3 lu3] /Nauru, volcanic island of Micronesia in southwest pacific/ [hu2] /coral/ [ying1] /(crystal)/lustrous/

[yu2] /excellence/luster of gems/ [yu2 jia1] /yoga/ [yu2 jia1] /variant of [yu2 jia1]/yoga/ [yu2 jia1] /yoga (loanword)/ [rui4] /lucky/auspicious/propitious/rayl (acoustical unit)/ [Rui4 ya4] /Rhea, wife of Chronos and mother of Zeus in Greek mythology/ [Rui4 dian3] /Sweden/ [rui4 dian3 ren2] /Swede/ [rui4 dian3 yu3] /Swedish (language)/ [Rui4 shi4] /Switzerland/ [Rui4 shi4 ren2] /Swiss (person)/ [Rui4 shi4 juan3] /Swiss roll/ [Rui4 shi4 fa3 lang2] /Swiss franc (currency)/ [Rui4 shi4 jun1 dao1] /Swiss Army knife/ [Rui4 an1] /Rui'an county level city in Wenzhou [Wen1 zhou1], Zhejiang/ [Rui4 an1 shi4] /Rui'an county level city in Wenzhou [Wen1 zhou1], Z [Rui4 chang1] /Ruichang county level city in Jiujiang , Jiangxi/ [Rui4 chang1 shi4] /Ruichang county level city in Jiujiang , Jiangxi/ [Rui4 lang3] /Swiss franc/ [rui4 shi4 ran3 liao4] /Wright's stain (used in studying blood)/ [rui4 shi4 ran3 se4] /Wright's stain (used in studying blood)/ [rui4 qi4] /propitious vapours/ [Rui4 Shi1] /Rui Shi, Auspicious Lions of Chinese mythology/ [rui4 shou4] /auspicious animal (such as the dragon)/ [Rui4 sui4] /Ruisui or Juisui township in Hualien county [Hua1 lian2 n/ [Rui4 sui4 xiang1] /Ruisui or Juisui township in Hualien county Taiwan/ [rui4 se4] /lovely color/ [Rui4 fang1] /Juifang town in Taipei county [Tai2 bei3 xian4], Taiwa [Rui4 fang1 zhen4] /Juifang town in Taipei county [Tai2 bei3 xia [rui4 sa4] /Renesas technology (PRC microchip company affiliated with Hitachi and Mitsubishi)/ [rui4 sa4 ke1 ji4] /Renesas technology (PRC microchip company affiliated and Mitsubishi)/ [Rui4 jin1] /Ruijin county level city in Ganzhou , Jiangxi/ [Rui4 jin1 shi4] /Ruijin county level city in Ganzhou , Jiangxi/ [rui4 xue3] /timely snow/ [rui4 xiang1] /winter daphne/ [Rui4 li4] /Ruili city in Dehong Dai and Jingpo autonomous prefecture u2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ [Rui4 li4 shi4] /Ruili city in Dehong Dai and Jingpo autonomous prefecture 1 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ [se4] /a type of standing harp, smaller than konghou , with 5-25 strings/ [se4 se4] /trembling/rustling/ [se4 se4 fa1 dou3] /to shiver with cold/ [se4 suo1] /to curl up shivering (from cold)/timid and trembling (in fear)/to shr nk/to cower/ [rong2] /gem ornaments for belts/ [suo3] /fragmentary/trifling/ [suo3 shi4] /trifle/ [suo3 xie4] /trivial matters/petty things/ [suo3 sui4] /trivial matters/ [suo3 xi4] /trivial/ [Suo3 luo2 ya4 si1 de2] /Zoroaster, Zarathustra or Zarathushtra (c. 1 ophet and founder of Zoroastrianism/ [Suo3 luo2 ya4 si1 de2 jiao4] /Zoroastrianism/ [Suo3 luo2 ya4 si1 te4] /Zoroaster/ [suo3 wen2] /news items/ [suo3 ji4] /fragmentary recollections/miscellaneous notes/

[Yao2] /Yao ethnic group of southwest China and southeast Asia/surname Yao/ [yao2] /jade/precious stone/mother-of-pearl/nacre/precious/used a complementary honorific/ [Yao2 zhi1 pu3] /jade garden of celestial ruler/paradise/ [Yao2 zu2] /Yao ethnic group of southwest China and southeast Asia/ [Yao2 chi2] /the Jade lake on Mount Kunlun, residence of Xi Wangmu / [Yao2 hai3] /Yaohai district of Hefei city [He2 fei2 shi4], Anhui/ [Yao2 hai3 qu1] /Yaohai district of Hefei city [He2 fei2 shi4], Anhui/ [ying2] /luster of gems/ [ma3] /agate/cornelian/ [Ma3 li4 ou1] /Mario (Nintendo video game character)/also transcribed various i3 ao4], [Ma3 li4 ou1] etc/ [Ma3 li4 ya4] /Mary (biblical name)/ [Ma3 duo1] /Madoi or Maduo county (Tibetan: rma stod rdzong) in Golog Tibetan aut nomous prefecture [Guo3 luo4 zhou1], Qinghai/ [Ma3 duo1 xian4] /Madoi or Maduo county (Tibetan: rma stod rdzong) in Golog T autonomous prefecture [Guo3 luo4 zhou1], Qinghai/ [ma3 qi2 duo3] /macchiato, latte macchiato (coffee)/ [Ma3 jia1] /Machia township in Pingtung county [Ping2 dong1 xian4], [Ma3 jia1 xiang1] /Machia township in Pingtung county [Ping2 don [Ma3 ni2] /Mani (god)/ [Ma3 de2 lin2] /Madeleine (name)/ [Ma3 la1 ji1 ya4] /Malachi/ [Ma3 la1 ji1 shu1] /Book of Malachi/ [Ma3 na2 xi1] /Manasseh (son of Hezekiah)/ [Ma3 qu3] /Maqu county in Gannan Tibetan autonomous prefecture [Gan hi4 zhou1], Gansu/ [Ma3 qu3 xian4] /Maqu county in Gannan Tibetan autonomous prefecture i4 zhi4 zhou1], Gansu/ [Ma3 ge2 li4 te4] /Margaret (name)/ [ma3 ge2 li4 te4] /margarita (cocktail)/ [Ma3 qin4] /Maqn or Maqin county (Tibetan: rma chen rdzong) in Golog Tibetan aut mous prefecture [Guo3 luo4 zhou1], Qinghai/ [Ma3 qin4 xian4] /Maqn or Maqin county (Tibetan: rma chen rdzong) in Golog T tonomous prefecture [Guo3 luo4 zhou1], Qinghai/ [ma3 nao3] /cornelian (mineral)/agate/ [ma3 nao3 bei4] /cowrie/ [Ma3 dou4] /Matthew/St Matthew the evangelist/less common variant of (p he Catholic church)/ [Ma3 dou4 fu2 yin1] /Gospel according to St Matthew/ [Ma3 na4 si1] /Manas, hero of Kyrghiz epic saga/Manas county and town in Chan autonomous prefecture [Chang1 ji2 Hui2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xingjiang/ [Ma3 na4 si1 he2] /Manas River, Xinjiang/ [Ma3 na4 si1 xian4] /Manas county in Changji Hui autonomous prefecture i4 zhi4 zhou1], Xingjiang/ [Ma3 na4 si1 zhen4] /Manas town in Changji Hui autonomous prefecture zhi4 zhou1], Xingjiang/ [Ma3 sha1 la1 di4] /Maserati/ [Ma3 di2 da2] /Matilda (name)/ [Ma3 ya3] /Maya (civilization)/ [Ma3 ya3 ren2] /Maya peoples/ [Ma3 li4] /Mary or Marie (name)/Mali/ [Ma3 li4 ya4] /Maria (name)/ [Ma3 li4 ya4] /Maria (name)/St Mary/ [Ma3 li4 lian2 Meng4 lou4] /Marilyn Monroe (1926-1962), US actr [tang2] /(jade)/ [Lang2] /see [Lang2 ya2 shan1]/ [lang2] /(gem)/tinkling of pendants/ [Lang2 ya2] /Mt Langya in eastern Shandong/Langya district of Chuzhou city 1 shi4], Anhui/

[Lang2 ya2 qu1] /Lang'ya district of Chuzhou city [Chu2 zhou1 shi4], An [Lang2 ya2 shan1] /Mt Langya in eastern Shandong/ [gui1] /(semi-precious stone)/extraordinary/ [gui1 wei3] /ornate (style)/magnificent/ [gui1 qi2] /magnificent/precious/ [gui1 bao3] /gem/treasure/fig. person of remarkable ability/genius/ [gui1 wei3] /ornate (style)/magnificent/ [gui1 yi4] /marvelous/magnificent/ [gui1 li4] /elegant/magnificent/exceptionally beautiful/ [tian4] /jade ear-plug/ [zhen4] /jade weight/ [qiang1] /tinkling of gems/ [cuo3] /luster of gems/ [cong1] /tinkling of jade pendants/ [jin3] /brilliancy (of gems)/ [yi1] /a black stone like jade/jet/ [cui3] /luster of gems/ [cui3 cui3] /bright and clear/ [cui3 can4] /bright/resplendent/ [cui3 can4 duo2 mu4] /dazzling (idiom)/ [cui3 cuo4] /many and varied/ [cong1] /stone similar to jade/ [li2] /colored glaze/glass/ [suo3] /fragmentary/trifling/ [qiu2] /(gem)/to tinkle/ [xuan2] /(jade)/ [ao2] /(mus. instr.)/ [lian3] /vessel used for grain offerings/also pr. [lian2]/ [men2] /(gem)/rouge/ [zhang1] /ancient stone ornament/ [lu4] /beautiful jade/ [lin2] /luster of gem/ [jue2] /half-circle jade ring/ [qiong2] /(red stone)/ [huang2] /semi-circular jade ornament/ [gui1] /variant of fine jade, outstanding/ [pu2] /unpolished gem/ [jing3] /luster of gem/ [fan2] /(gem)/ [jin4] /jade-like stone/ [ji1] /irregular pearl/ [jing3] /(gem)/ [ai4] /fine quality jade/ [ai4 hun2 tiao2 yue1] /Treaty of Aigun, 1858 unequal treaty forced on Qin arist Russia/ [bi4] /jade annulus/ [Bi4 shan1] /Bishan suburban county in Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichua / [Bi4 shan1 xian4] /Bishan suburban county in Chongqing municipality, formerly huan/ [bi4 yu4] /jade disk with a hole in the center/ [bi4 xie4] /decline (a gift) with thanks/ [bi4 huan2] /return (a borrowed object) with thanks/decline (a gift) with thanks/ [can4] /gem/luster of gem/ [can4 yu4] /lustrous jade/ [can4 can4] /very bright/ [can4 mei3] /resplendent/ [Qu2] /surname Qu/ [qu2] /(jade ring)/ [zao3] /pendant of pearls on coronet/

[dang1] /pendant ornaments/ [hui4] /jade ornament in the seams of cap/ [Huan2] /surname Huan/ [huan2] /ring/hoop/loop/(chain) link/classifier for scores in archery etc/to sur round/to encircle/to hem in/ [huan2 bao3] /environmental protection/environmentally friendly/ [huan2 bao3 zhu3 yi4] /environmentalism/ [huan2 bao3 zhu3 yi4 zhe3] /environmentalist/ [huan2 bao3 xing2] /environmental/environmentally friendly/ [huan2 bao3 ju2] /environment protection office/PRC National bureau of enviro protection/ [huan2 bao3 ke1 xue2] /environmental science/ [huan2 bao3 dou4 shi4] /an environmental activist/a fighter for environme on/ [huan2 hua4] /to cyclize/cyclization (chemistry)/ [huan2 wei2] /surrounded/ [huan2 cheng2] /encircling the city (of walls, ring road etc)/around the city/ [huan2 jing4] /environment/circumstances/surroundings/CL: [ge4]/ambient/ [huan2 jing4 bao3 hu4] /environmental protection/ [huan2 jing4 yin1 su4] /environmental factor/ [huan2 jing4 ying3 xiang3] /environmental impact/ [huan2 jing4 ying3 xiang3 ping2 gu1] /environmental impact assess [huan2 jing4 sun3 hai4] /environmental damage/ [huan2 jing4 wu1 ran3] /environmental pollution/ [huan2 jing4 wen1 du4] /environmental temperature/ [huan2 jing4 xing2 dong4 zhu3 yi4] /environmentalism/environmenta [huan2 jing4 zhong4 zai1 qu1] /environmental disaster area/ [Huan2 Tai4 ping2 yang2] /Pacific Rim/ [Huan2 Tai4 ping2 yang2 di4 zhen4 dai4] /Pacific rim seismic [Huan2 Tai4 ping2 yang2 huo3 shan1 dai4] /Pacific rim volcani [huan2 dao3] /roundabout (traffic island)/around an island (trip etc)/ [huan2 mu4] /360 cinema screen/ [huan2 xing2] /ring-shaped/ [huan2 xing2 gong1 lu4] /circular road/circuit/ [huan2 xing2 shan1] /crater/ring-shaped mountain/ [huan2 xing2 jie2 gou4] /ring configuration/ [huan2 xing2 lu4] /circular road/circuit/ [huan2 wu4 xi1] /cyclopentene C5H8 (ring of five carbon atoms)/ [huan2 bao4] /to encircle/surrounded by/ [huan2 ji2 wo1 xuan2] /circumpolar vortex/ [huan2 yang3 yi3 wan2] /ethylene oxide/ [huan2 yang3 shu4 zhi1] /epoxy resin (chemistry)/ [Huan2 jiang1] /Huanjiang Maonanzu autonomous county in Guangxi/ [Huan2 jiang1 Mao2 nan2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Huanjiang Ma ou1], Guangxi/ [Huan2 jiang1 xian4] /Huanjiang Maonan autonomous county in Hezhou [ / [huan2 fa3] /Tour de France cycle race/abbr. for / [huan2 Fa3 guo2] /Tour de France cycle race/ [huan2 fa3 zi4 xing2 che1 sai4] /Tour de France cycle race/ [huan2 Bo2 hai3 wan1 di4 qu1] /Bohai Economic Circle (economic re ianjin, Hebei, Liaoning and Shandong)/ [huan2 ting1] /cyclic hydrocarbon (i.e. involving benzene ring)/ [huan2 wan2 ting1] /cycloalkane/ [huan2 zhuang4] /annular/toroidal/loop-shaped/ring-like/ [huan2 zhuang4 lie4 shi2] /circular standing stones/ [huan2 qiu2] /around the world/worldwide/ [huan2 qiu2 hua4] /variant of qunqihu , globalization/ [huan2 qiu2 ding4 wei4 xi4 tong3] /global positioning system (GPS [huan2 qiu2 lu:3 xing2] /world travel/

[huan2 xiu4 shan1 zhuang1] /Mountain Villa with Embracing Beauty in Suzho [huan2 gu1] /a hoop/ [huan2 jie2] /round segment/segment (of annelid worms)/connection/link/sector/ann lar ring/ [huan2 jie2 dong4 wu4] /annelid (worm)/ [huan2 jie2 dong4 wu4 men2] /Annelidan, the phylum of annelid worms/ [huan2 xian4] /ring road/circle line (e.g. rail or subway)/ [Huan2 xian4] /Huan county in Qingyang [Qing4 yang2], Gansu/ [huan2 rao4] /to surround/to circle/to revolve around/ [Huan2 cui4] /Huancui district of Weihai city , Shandong/ [Huan2 cui4 qu1] /Huancui district of Weihai city , Shandong/ [huan2 ji1] /circular muscle/ [huan2 ping2] /environmental impact assessment (EIA)/abbr. for [huan2 lu4] /ring road/ [huan2 mian4] /ring surface/annulus/torus (math.)/ [huan2 gu4] /to look around/to survey/ [sui4] /pendant girdle-ornaments/ [yu2] /ornamental jade/ [bin1] /(pearl)/ [wen4] /a crack, as in porcelain/ [xi3] /ruler's seal/ [xi3 yin4] /seal (esp. of ruler)/ [xuan2] /(jade)/ [ruan3] /opaque/white quartz/ [li4] /brilliance (pearls)/ [qiong2] /jasper/fine jade/beautiful/exquisite (e.g. wine, food)/abbr. for Haina n province/ [Qiong2 zhong1] /Qiongzhong Li and Miao autonomous county, Hainan/ [Qiong2 zhong1 xian4] /Qiongzhong Li and Miao autonomous county, Hainan/ [Qiong2 zhong1 Li2 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Qio an/ [Qiong2 shan1] /Qiongshan district of Haikou city [Hai3 kou3 shi4], Hainan/ [Qiong2 shan1 qu1] /Qiongshan district of Haikou city [Hai3 kou3 shi4], [Qiong2 shan1 shi4] /Qiongshan city, Hainan/ [Qiong2 ya2] /Qiongya, historic name for Hainan Island [Hai3 nan2 Da [Qiong2 zhou1] /Qiongzhou, historic name for Hainan Island [Hai3 nan [Qiong2 zhou1 hai3 xia2] /Qiongzhou strait (between Hainan Island and Mai [Qiong2 si1] /Jones (name)/ [Qiong2 si1 dun4] /Johnston (name)/ [qiong2 lou2 yu4 yu3] /bejeweled jade palace (idiom); sumptuous dwelling/ [Qiong2 hai3] /Qionghai City, Hainan/ [Qiong2 hai3 Shi4] /Qionghai City, Hainan/ [qiong2 jiang1 yu4 ye4] /bejeweled nectar (idiom); ambrosia of the immort quor/top quality wine/ [qiong2 ying1] /jade-like stone/ [qiong2 yao2] /Chiung Yao (Taiwanese writer)/ [qiong2 yan2] /banquet/elaborate feast/ [Qiong2 jie2] /Qonggyai county, Tibetan: 'Phyongs rgyas, in Lhokha prefecture di4 qu1], Tibet/ [Qiong2 jie2 xian4] /Qonggyai county, Tibetan: 'Phyongs rgyas rdzong, in Lhok ecture [Shan1 nan2 di4 qu1], Tibet/ [qiong2 zhi1] /agar/ [long2] /tinkling of gem-pendants/ [ying1] /necklace/ [ying1 luo4] /jade or pearl necklace/ [xiang1] /ornaments/ [guan4] /jade used for making goblets/ [zan4] /libation cup/ [huan2] /scepter/ [gua1] /melon/gourd/squash/

[gua1 dai4] /a change-over of personnel/a new shift/lit. replacement for soldier n leave for the melon picking season/ [gua1 fen1] /to partition/to divide up/ [Gua1 di4 ma3 la1] /Guatemala/see also [Wei1 di4 ma3 la1 [gua1 zi3] /melon seeds/ [gua1 zi3 lian3] /oval face/ [Gua1 zhou1] /Guazhou county in Jiuquan , Gansu/ [Gua1 zhou1 xian4] /Guazhou county in Jiuquan [Jiu3 quan2], Gansu/ [Gua1 de2 luo2 pu3] /Guadeloupe/ [Gua1 la1 Ding1 jia1 nu2] /Kuala Terengganu, capital of Terengganu st [gua1 na2 na4] /guarana (Paullinia cupana)/ [gua1 guo3] /fruit (plural sense)/melons and fruit/ [gua1 shu2 di4 luo4] /when the melon is ripe, it falls (idiom); problems es out in the fullness of time/ [gua1 tian2 bu4 na4 lu:3] /lit. don't tie your shoe-laces in a melono anything that might arouse suspicion/innocent acts may be misconstrued/ [gua1 pi2 mao4] /Chinese skullcap resembling the skin of half a watermelon/ [gua1 qi2] /the umbilicus of a melon/ [gua1 cai4] /fruit and vegetables/ [gua1 ge2] /intertwined (as melon and vine plants)/interconnected/association (of two things)/ [gua1 di4] /stem or pedicel of a melon/ [gua1 nong2] /melon farmer/ [Gua1 da2 ka3 na4 er3 dao3] /Guadalcanal Island/ [Gua1 da2 ka3 na4 er3 zhan4 yi4] /battle of Guadalcanal of la he war in the Pacific/ [Gua1 da2 la1 ha1 la1] /Guadalajara/ [Gua1 da2 la1 ma3] /Sierra de Guadarrama (mountain range across Iberia, p of Madrid)/ [Gua1 da2 la1 ma3 shan1] /Sierra de Guadarrama (mountain range across rth of Madrid)/ [die2] /young melon/ [hu4] /gourd/ [piao2] /dipper/ladle/ [piao2 chong2] /ladybug/ladybird/ [ban4] /petal/segment/clove (of garlic)/piece/section/fragment/valve/lamella/cla ssifier for pieces, segments etc/ [ban4 mo2] /valve (biological)/ [ban4 sai1 gang1] /Lamellibranchia/class of bivalves/ [rang2] /pulp (of fruit)/sth inside a covering/bad/weak/ [rang2 r5] /erhua variant of [rang2]/ [wa3] /roof tile/abbr. for [wa3 te4], watt (loan)/ [Wa3 li4] /Vli (son of Odin)/ [Wa3 jia1 du4 gu3] /Ouagadougou, capital of Burkina Faso/ [Wa3 nu3 a1 tu2] /Vanuatu in south pacific (formerly New Hebrides)/ [wa3 jiang5] /bricklayer/tiler/ [wa3 ha1 bi3 jiao4 pai4] /Wahhabism (a conservative sect of Islam)/ [wa3 qi4] /pottery/ [Wa3 cheng2] /another name for Mandalay , Myanmar's second city/ [wa3 gong1] /tiling/bricklaying/plastering/ [Wa3 de2 se4] /Vads (city in Finnmark, Norway)/ [Wa3 de2 xi1] /Waldersee (name)/Alfred Graf Von Waldersee (1832-1904), comman chief of the Eight-Nation Alliance [Ba1 guo2 Lian2 jun1]/ [Wa3 fang2 dian4] /Wangfangdian county level city in Dalian [Da4 lia [Wa3 fang2 dian4 shi4] /Wangfangdian county level city in Dalian [wa3 si1] /gas/ [Wa3 du4 zi1] /Vaduz, capital of Liechtenstein/ [wa3 leng2] /rows of tiles/corrugated/ [wa3 er3 ji1 li3] /valkyrie/ [Wa3 er3 de2] /Vard (city in Finnmark, Norway)/

[Wa3 er3 te4] /Walter/ [Wa3 er3 na4] /Varna (city in Bulgaria)/ [wa3 er3 da2 ke4] /Wardak (Afghan province)/ [wa3 er3 da2 ke4 sheng3] /Wardak (Afghan province)/ [wa3 pian4] /tile/CL: / [wa3 te4] /watt (loan)/ [wa3 dang1] /eaves-tile/ [wa3 yan4] /ink stone or ink slab made from an antique palace tile/ [wa3 li4] /rubble/debris/ [wa3 li4 dui1] /pile of rubble/debris/ [Wa3 han3 zou3 lang2] /Wakhan Corridor, joining Afghanistan and China (Xi dividing Tajikistan from Pakistan/ [Wa3 lai2 ta3] /Valletta, capital of Malta/ [Wa3 xi1 li3] /Vasily/ [Wa3 xi1 li3 ye1 wei2 qi2] /Vasilievich (name)/ [wa3 jie3] /to collapse/to disintegrate/to crumble/ [wa3 jie3 bing1 pan4] /complete disintegration/ [Wa3 he4 ji1 er3 he2] /Vakhsh river (upper reaches of Amu Darya)/ [Wa3 li3 si1] /Wallis (name)/John Wallis (1616-1703), English mathematician, or of Newton/ [Wa3 long1] /Walloon, inhabitant of Southern French-speaking area of Belgium/ [shi2] /decawatt/ [qian1] /kilowatt/see also [qian1 wa3]/ [weng4] /variant of [weng4]/earthen jar/urn/ [fen1] /deciwatt/ [mao2] /milliwatt/see also [hao2 wa3]/ [ling2] /concave channels of tiling/ [ping2] /bottle/vase/pitcher/CL: [ge4]/classifier for wine and liquids/ [ping2 sai1] /bottle cork/bottle stopper/ [ping2 sai1 zuan4] /corkscrew/ [ping2 zi5] /bottle/CL: [ge4]/ [ping2 yu2] /jar/flask/vase/bottle/ [ping2 zhuang1] /bottled/ [ping2 ling3] /bottleneck/ [ping2 jing3] /bottleneck/ [ping2 bi2 hai3 tun2] /bottle-nosed dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)/ [ci2] /chinaware/porcelain/china/ [ci2 qi4] /chinaware/porcelain/ [ci2 ping2] /porcelain bottle/ [ci2 zhuan1] /porcelain/ceramic/ [ci2 you4] /porcelain glaze/ [bai3] /hectowatt/ [chi1] /large wine jar/ [li3] /centiwatt/ [bu4] /a kind of vase (old)/see [an1 bu4]/ [zhui4] /vase with a small mouth/ [ping2] /variant of [ping2]/ [zhou4] /brickwork of well/ [Zhen1] /surname Zhen/ [zhen1] /to distinguish/to evaluate/ [zhen1 bie2] /to screen/to discriminate/to reexamine a case/screening (of applica ts etc)/ [zhen1 bie2 kao3 shi4] /to screen/to grade by examination/screening/place [zhen1 shen3] /to screen and select (candidates etc)/ [zhen1 ba2] /to select/ [zhen1 tai4] /to eliminate by examination/ [zhen1 yong4] /to employ by examination/ [zhen1 zong1] /to comprehensively appraise and select/ [zhen1 zao3] /to discern talent/ [zhen1 shi4] /selection test/admission exam/

[zhen1 xuan3] /to select/to pick/ [zhen1 lu4] /to employ by an examination/ [zhen1 tao2] /to make sth of clay/to appraise people of talent/ [ying1] /earthen jar with long neck/ [di4] /a jar without ears/ [Ou1] /old name for Wenzhou City [Wen1 zhou1 shi4] in Zhejiang [Zhe4 [ou1] /(pottery) bowl or drinking vessel/ [Ou1 hai3] /Ouhai district of Wenzhou city [Wen1 zhou1 shi4], Zhejia [Ou1 hai3 qu1] /Ouhai district of Wenzhou city [Wen1 zhou1 shi4] [meng2] /rafters supporting tiles/ridge of a roof/ [bang4] /a squat jar for holding wine, sauces etc/ [zeng4] /cauldron/rice pot/ [wu3] /vase/jar/ [pi4] /glazed tile/ [dan1] /big jar/ [Weng4] /surname Weng/ [weng4] /pottery container for water, wine etc/ [weng4 zhong1 zhi1 bie1] /lit. like a turtle in a jar/to be trapped (idio [weng4 zhong1 zhuo1 bie1] /to catch a turtle in a jar (idiom); to set one target/a turkey shoot/ [weng4 cheng2] /enceinte of a city gate/barbican entrance to a city/ [Weng4 an1] /Wengan county in Qiannan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 2 zhou1], Guizhou/ [Weng4 an1 xian4] /Wengan county in Qiannan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefect nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ [weng4 guan1] /funerary urn/ [weng4 guan1 zang4] /urn burial/ [weng4 sheng1 weng4 qi4] /to speak in a low muffled voice (idiom)/ [weng4 cai4] /variant of [weng4 cai4]/ [ying1] /earthen jar with small mouth/ [yan3] /earthenware vessel/ [Gan1] /surname Gan/abbr. for Gansu Province [Gan1 su4 Sheng3]/ [gan1] /sweet/willing/ [Gan1 dan1 si4] /Ganden monastery, Tibetan: dGa' ldan rNam rgyal gling, Dagz i1 xian4], Lhasa, Tibet/ [gan1 zhi1 ru2 yi2] /lit. as sweet as syrup (idiom, from Book of Songs); dship gladly/a glutton for punishment/ [Gan1 jing3 zi5 qu1] /Ganjingzi district of Dalian [Da4 lian [Gan1 nan2] /Gannan county in Qiqihar [Qi2 qi2 ha1 er3], Heilong [Gan1 nan2 zhou1] /Gannan Tibetan autonomous prefecture/abbr. for [Gan1 nan2 xian4] /Gannan county in Qiqihar [Qi2 qi2 ha1 er3 [Gan1 nan2 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1] /Gannan Tibetan autonomo [gan1 wei4] /sweetness/sweet taste/ [gan1 wei4 ji4] /sweetener/ [gan1 wei4 liao4] /sweetener/ [Gan1 di4] /(Mahatma) Gandhi/ [Gan1 zi1] /Garze or Kandze, capital of Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture g4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], formerly in Kham province of Tibet, present Sichuan/ [Gan1 zi1 zhou1] /Garze or Kandze, Tibetan autonomous prefecture (Tibetan: dk s bod rigs rang skyong khul), formerly in Kham province of Tibet, present Sichua n/ [Gan1 zi1 xian4] /Garz county (Tibetan: dkar mdzes rdzong) in Garze Tibetan s prefecture [Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Sichuan (formerly in Kham p Tibet)/ [Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1] /Garze or Kandze, Tibetan : dkar mdzes bod rigs rang skyong khul), formerly in Kham province of Tibet, pre sent Sichuan/ [Gan1 zhou1] /Ganzhou district of Zhangye city [Zhang1 ye4 shi4], Ga [Gan1 zhou1 qu1] /Ganzhou district of Zhangye city [Zhang1 ye4 s [Gan1 ba1 li3] /Professor Ibrahim Gambari (1944-), Nigerian scholar and diplo

bassador to UN 1990-1999, UN envoy to Burma from 2007/ [Gan1 de2] /Gad or Gande county (Tibetan: dga' bde rdzong) in Golog Tibetan auto ous prefecture [Guo3 luo4 zhou1], Qinghai/ [Gan1 de2 xian4] /Gad or Gande county (Tibetan: dga' bde rdzong) in Golog Ti onomous prefecture [Guo3 luo4 zhou1], Qinghai/ [gan1 xin1] /to be willing to/to resign oneself to/ [gan1 xin1 qing2 yuan4] /willingly and gladly (idiom)/ [Gan1 tuo1 ke4] /Gantok, capital of Sikkim, India/ [gan1 bai4 xia4 feng1] /to step down gracefully (humble expression)/to co to play second fiddle/ [gan1 yu2] /to be willing to/to be ready to/to be content with/accepting (of rest iction, sacrifice, risk etc)/ [gan1 an1 suan1] /glycine (Gly), an amino acid/ [gan1 gong3] /calomel or mercurous chloride (Hg2Cl2)/ [gan1 you2] /glycerine/glycerol/ [gan1 you2 san1 zhi3] /triglyceride/ [gan1 you2 shuan1 ji4] /glycerine suppository/ [gan1 you2 quan2] /glyceraldehyde (CH20)3/ [Gan1 quan2] /Ganquan county in Yan'an [Yan2 an1], Shaanxi/ [Gan1 quan2 xian4] /Ganquan county in Yan'an [Yan2 an1], Shaanxi/ [Gan1 luo4] /Ganluo county in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture zhou1], south Sichuan/ [Gan1 luo4 xian4] /Ganluo county in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture zhi4 zhou1], south Sichuan/ [gan1 tian2] /sweet/ [gan1 tang2 chun2] /Mannitol C6H14O6, a sugar alcohol/ [Gan1 su4] /Gansu province (Kansu) between Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia in north C ina, abbr. or , capital Lanzhou [Lan2 zhou1]/ [Gan1 su4 Sheng3] /Gansu province (Kansu) between Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia th China, abbr. [Long3] or [gan1], capital Lanzhou [Lan2 zhou1]/ [gan1 ku3] /good times and hardships/joys and tribulations/for better or for wors / [gan1 cao3] /licorice root/ [gan1 zhe4] /sugar cane/CL: [jie2]/ [gan1 shu3] /sweet potato/Ipomoea batatas/ [gan1 lan2] /cabbage/Chinese broccoli/gai larn/ [gan1 lan2 cai4] /cabbage/ [gan1 yan2 mi4 yu3] /sweet speech and honeyed words/hypocritical flattery also [tian2 yan2 mi4 yu3]/ [Gan1 gu3] /Gangu county in Tianshui [Tian1 shui3], Gansu/ [Gan1 gu3 xian4] /Gangu county in Tianshui [Tian1 shui3], Gansu/ [gan1 lu4 tang2 chun2] /Mannitol C6H14O6, a sugar alcohol/ [gan1 lu4 chun2] /mannitol/ [gan1 yuan4] /willingly/ [dai4] /glucoside/ [shen2] /what/ [shen4] /what/very/extremely/any/ [shen4 qie3] /even/going as far as to/so much so that/ [shen4 xiao1 chen2 shang4] /clamor raises the dust (idiom); a tremendous se a tremendous stink/ [shen4 ju4] /considerable/substantial/very great/ [shen4 gan3 cha4 yi4] /amazed/astonished/deeply troubled/ [shen4 huo4] /so much so that/to the extent that/even/ [shen4 nong2] /strong (smell)/thick (fog)/ [shen4 wei2] /very/extremely/ [shen4 er2] /even/so much so that/ [shen4 zhi4] /even/so much so that/ [shen4 zhi4 yu2] /so much (that)/even (to the extent that)/ [shen4 ju4] /considerable/substantial/very great/ [shen4 gao1 pin2] /very high frequency (VHF)/

[shen2 me5] /variant of [shen2 me5]/ [shen2 me5 shi4] /what?/which?/ [shen2 me5 ren2] /who?/which person?/ [shen2 me5 shi2 hou5] /when?/at what time?/ [shen2 me5 yang4] /what kind?/what sort?/ [shen2 me5 de5] /and so on/and what not/ [tian2] /sweet/ [tian2 wei4] /sweetness/ [tian2 wei4 ji4] /sweetener (food additive)/ [tian2 pin3] /dessert/ [tian2 quan1] /a ring donut/ [tian2 xin1] /delighted to oblige/sweetheart/ [tian2 jin1 jin1] /sweet and delicious/ [tian2 tong3] /the cone of ice-cream cone/ [tian2 mei3] /sweetness/ [tian2 ju2] /Stevia, South American sunflower genus/sugarleaf (Stevia rebaudiana) bush whose leaves produce sugar substitute/ [tian2 ju2 tang2] /Stevia extract, used as sugar substitute/ [tian2 cai4] /beet/beetroot/ [tian2 mi4] /sweet/honey/ [tian2 yan2] /sweet words/fine talk/ [tian2 yan2 mi4 yu3] /sweet words and honeyed phrases (idiom); elegant bu ords/cheating wheedling/dishonest rhetoric/ [tian2 yan2 mei3 yu3] /sweet words, beautiful phrases (idiom); hypocritic [tian2 yan2 mi4 yu3] /sweet speech and honeyed words (idiom); hypocritica [tian2 dou4] /sugar snap pea/ [tian2 jiu3] /sweet liquor/ [tian2 suan1] /sweet and sour/ [tian2 suan1 rou4] /sweet and sour pork/ [tian2 shi2] /dessert/sweet/ [tian2 dian3] /dessert/ [sheng1] /to be born/to give birth/life/to grow/raw, uncooked/ [sheng1 xia4] /to give birth to/ [sheng1 bu4 feng2 shi2] /born at the wrong time (idiom); unlucky (esp. to ut one's fate)/born under an unlucky star/ahead of his time/ [sheng1 ren2] /stranger/living person/to give birth/ [sheng1 lai2] /born with/ [sheng1 pi4] /unfamiliar/rarely seen/ [sheng1 guang1] /to emit light/ [sheng1 er2 yu4 nu:3] /to bear and raise children/ [sheng1 chu1] /to give birth/ [sheng1 qian2] /(of a deceased) during one's life/while living/ [sheng1 dong4] /vivid/lively/ [sheng1 hua4] /biochemistry/ [sheng1 hua4 xue2] /biochemistry/ [sheng1 hua4 wu3 qi4] /biological weapon/ [sheng1 zu2 nian2] /dates of birth and death (of historical figure)/ [sheng1 zu2 nian2 yue4] /dates of birth and death (of historical figure)/ [sheng1 yan4] /to disgust/to pall/fed up/tedious/cloying/boring/irritating/ [sheng1 tun1 huo2 bo1] /to swallow whole (idiom); fig. to apply uncritica [sheng1 ming4] /life/living/biological/CL: [ge4]/ [sheng1 ming4 bu4 xi1 , zhan4 dou4 bu4 zhi3] /while t to fight to the last/ [sheng1 ming4 li4] /vitality/ [sheng1 ming4 fei4 tuo2] /Ayurveda (ancient Indian system and health care also written [a1 yu4 fei4 tuo2]/ [sheng1 ming4 zai4 yu2 yun4 dong4] /life is motion (popular sayin rpretations)/Physical effort is vital for our bodies to function (Aristotle)./Li fe derives from physical exercise./ [sheng1 ming4 duo1 yang4 xing4] /biodiversity/

[sheng1 ming4 zheng1 xiang4] /vital signs/ [sheng1 ming4 de5 yi2 ji4] /trace of life/vestige of life/ [sheng1 ming4 ke1 xue2] /life sciences/ [sheng1 ming4 su4 zhi4] /quality of life/ [sheng1 ming4 xian4] /lifeline/ [sheng1 ming4 ji4 xiang4] /sign of life/ [sheng1 ming4 zhou1 qi1] /life cycle/ [sheng1 yuan2] /scholar preparing for imperial examinations (in former times)/ [sheng1 pi2] /draft beer/unpasteurized beer/ [sheng1 pi2 jiu3] /draft beer/unpasteurized beer/ [sheng1 tu3] /(agr.) immature soil/virgin soil/ [sheng1 jing4] /habitat/ [sheng1 zi3] /to give birth to a child or children/ [sheng1 zi4] /new character (in textbook)/character that is unfamiliar or not yet studied/ [sheng1 cun2] /to exist/to survive/ [sheng1 cun2 huan2 jing4] /habitat/living environment/ [sheng1 cun2 nong2 ye4] /subsistence farming/subsistence agriculture/ [sheng1 jiu4] /to be born with/to be gifted with/ [sheng1 ping2] /one's entire life/ [sheng1 ping2 shi4 ji4] /lifetime achievements/ [sheng1 ping2 jian3 jie4] /biographic sketch/ [sheng1 pa4] /to fear/afraid/extremely nervous/for fear that/to avoid/so as not t / [sheng1 xing4] /natural disposition/ [sheng1 xi1] /to inhabit/to live (in a habitat)/ [sheng1 men4 qi4] /to seeth/to sulk/to be pissed off (vulgar)/ [sheng1 yi5] /business/CL: [bi3]/ [sheng1 yi5 jing1] /knack of doing business/business sense/ [sheng1 yi4 xing1 long2] /thriving and prosperous business or trade/ [sheng1 tai4] /way of life/ecology/ [sheng1 tai4 quan1] /ecosphere/ [sheng1 tai4 gu1 dao3] /insularization (as a threat to biodiversity)/ [sheng1 tai4 xue2] /ecology/ [sheng1 tai4 xue2 jia1] /ecologist/ [sheng1 tai4 lu:3 you2] /ecotourism/ [sheng1 tai4 huan2 jing4 you2] /ecotourism/ [sheng1 tai4 xi4 tong3] /ecosystem/ [sheng1 tai4 zu2 ji4] /ecological footprint/ [sheng1 cheng2] /to generate/to produce/generated/produced/ [sheng1 cheng2 shu4] /spanning tree (in graph theory)/ [sheng1 shou3] /novice/new hand/sb new to a job/ [sheng1 ji4] /biotechnology/abbr. for / [sheng1 ji4 yi1 yao4] /biopharmaceutical/drug produced by biotechnology/ [sheng1 chou1] /thin soy sauce/ [sheng1 la1 huo2 che3] /to wildly exaggerate the meaning of sth (idiom)/ [sheng1 qin2] /to capture alive/ [sheng1 xiao4] /to take effect/to go into effect/ [sheng1 yu2 you1 huan4 , si3 yu2 an1 le4] /to thrive springs from sorrow and calamity, death comes from ease and pleasure (idiom)/ [sheng1 ri4] /birthday/CL: [ge4]/ [sheng1 ri4 ka3] /birthday card/ [sheng1 ri4 kuai4 le4] /Happy birthday/ [sheng1 ri4 dan4 gao1] /birthday cake/ [sheng1 ri4 he4 ka3] /birthday card/ [sheng1 you3 quan2] /birthright/ [sheng1 rong2 si3 ai1] /to be respected in life and lamented in death (id [sheng1 ji1] /opportunity to live/to reprieve from death/life force/vitality/ [sheng1 ji1 bo2 bo2] /full of vitality/ [sheng1 si3] /life or death/

[sheng1 si3 cun2 wang2] /matter of life and death/ [sheng1 si3 you1 guan1] /matter of life and death/ [sheng1 si3 rou4 gu3] /lit. the dead returning to life/a miracle (idiom)/ [sheng1 si3 guan1 tou2] /the critical moment/life and death crisis/ [sheng1 zhi2] /to reproduce/to flourish/ [sheng1 zhi2 li4] /fertility/ [sheng1 zhi2 qi4] /reproductive organ/genitals/ [sheng1 zhi2 qi4 guan1] /reproductive organ/ [sheng1 zhi2 xi4 tong3] /reproductive system/ [sheng1 zhi2 xi4 bao1] /gamete/ [sheng1 zhi2 xian4] /reproductive gland/gonad/sex organ/ [sheng1 zhi2 lun2] /svdhisthna or svadhisthana, the navel or libido chakra the genitals/ [sheng1 sha1 da4 quan2] /life-and-death power/ultimate power/ [sheng1 mu3] /natural mother/birth mother/ [sheng1 qi4] /angry/mad/offended/animated/to get angry/to be enraged/to take offe se/animation/ [sheng1 qi4 bo2 bo2] /full of vitality/ [sheng1 qi4 ang4 ran2] /overflowing with anger/ [sheng1 shui3] /unboiled water/ [sheng1 huo2] /life/activity/to live/livelihood/ [sheng1 huo2 zuo4 feng1] /behavior/conduct/ [sheng1 huo2 la1 ji1] /domestic garbage/ [sheng1 huo2 xing2 tai4] /life pattern/ecology/ [sheng1 huo2 bi4 xu1 pin3] /life's necessities/ [sheng1 huo2 fang1 shi4] /way of life/lifestyle/ [sheng1 huo2 shui3 ping2] /living standards/ [sheng1 huo2 wu1 shui3] /domestic sewage/ [sheng1 huo2 su4 zhi4] /quality of life/ [sheng1 huo2 she4 shi1] /living facilities/ [sheng1 huo2 fei4] /cost of living/living expenses/alimony/ [sheng1 huo2 zi1 liao4] /consumer goods/means of livelihood/means of subs ents relating to sb's life/ [sheng1 huo2 zhi4 liao4] /consumer goods/ [sheng1 huo2 kuo4 chuo4] /a flashy lifestyle/to live it up/ [sheng1 ya2] /career/ [sheng1 mie4] /life and death/ [sheng1 huo3] /to make a fire/to light a fire/ [sheng1 chao3 re4 mai4] /to sell while it's still hot (idiom); fig. in a o publish or sell (and no time to improve the product)/ [sheng1 jian1 bao1] /pan-fried dumpling/ [sheng1 re4] /to generate heat/ [sheng1 fu4] /biological father/ [sheng1 fu4 mu3] /biological parents/natural parents/ [sheng1 wu4] /organism/living creature/life form/biological/CL: [ge4]/ [sheng1 wu4 lun2 qin2 dang1 liang4] /rem (Rntgen equivalent man, amage now replaced by the Sievert)/ [sheng1 wu4 chuan2 gan3 qi4] /biosensor/ [sheng1 wu4 fen1 xi1 fa3] /bioanalytical method/ [sheng1 wu4 ji4 liang4 yi2] /biological dosimeter/ [sheng1 wu4 li4 xue2] /biomechanics/ [sheng1 wu4 hua4 xue2] /biochemistry/ [sheng1 wu4 hua4 xue2 jia1] /biochemist/ [sheng1 wu4 hua4 xue2 zhan4 ji4] /biological-chemical warfare age [sheng1 wu4 fan3 ying4 qi4] /bioreactor/ [sheng1 wu4 quan1] /biosphere/ecosphere/ [sheng1 wu4 duo1 yuan2 hua4] /biodiversity/ [sheng1 wu4 duo1 yang4 xing4] /biodiversity/ [sheng1 wu4 da4 mie4 jue2] /great extinction of species/ [sheng1 wu4 mei2 jie4] /biological vector/

[sheng1 wu4 xue2] /biology/ [sheng1 wu4 xue2 jia1] /biologist/ [sheng1 wu4 zhuan1 yi1 xing4] /biospecificity/ [sheng1 wu4 gong1 cheng2] /bioengineering/genetic engineering/ [sheng1 wu4 gong1 cheng2 xue2] /biotechnology/ [sheng1 wu4 dan4 yao4] /biological ammunition/ [sheng1 wu4 xing4] /biological/ [sheng1 wu4 kong3 bu4 zhu3 yi4] /bioterrorism/ [sheng1 wu4 zhan4] /germ warfare/biological warfare/ [sheng1 wu4 zhan4 ji4] /biological agent/biological warfare agent/ [sheng1 wu4 ji4 shu4] /biotechnology/abbr. to / [sheng1 wu4 jing1 pian4] /biochip/ [sheng1 wu4 cai2 liao4] /bio-materials/ [sheng1 wu4 chai2 you2] /biodiesel/ [sheng1 wu4 wu3 qi4] /biological weapon/ [sheng1 wu4 qi4 ti3] /bio-gas/ [sheng1 wu4 huo2 hua4 xing4] /bioactivity/ [sheng1 wu4 ce4 ding4] /bioassay/ [sheng1 wu4 ran2 liao4] /biofuel/ [sheng1 wu4 jie4] /biosphere/natural world/ [sheng1 wu4 ke1 ji4] /biotechnology/ [sheng1 wu4 qun2] /biota/ecological community/fossil assemblage/ [sheng1 wu4 neng2] /bio-energy/ [sheng1 wu4 zhi4 ji4] /biological product/ [sheng1 wu4 zhi4 pin3] /biological product/ [sheng1 wu4 zhi4] /biomass/ [sheng1 wu4 zhi4 neng2] /biomass/ [sheng1 wu4 yi1 xue2 gong1 cheng2] /biomedical engineering/ [sheng1 wu4 liang4] /biomass/ [sheng1 wu4 lian4] /food chain/ [sheng1 wu4 zhong1] /biological clock/ [sheng1 wu4 jiang4 jie3] /biodegradation/ [sheng1 wu4 ti3] /organism/ [sheng1 wu4 gao1 fen1 zi3] /biopolymers/ [sheng1 wu4 jian3] /alkaloid/ [sheng1 meng3] /full of life/violent/brave/fresh (of seafood)/ [sheng1 li3] /physiology/ [sheng1 li3 xue2] /physiology/ [sheng1 li3 xue2 jia1] /physiologist/ [sheng1 li3 xing4] /physiological/ [sheng1 li3 yan2 shui3] /saline (medicine)/ [sheng1 sheng1 bu4 xi1] /to grow and multiply without end/ [sheng1 chan3] /childbirth/parturition/to produce/manufacture/ [sheng1 chan3 qi3 ye4] /manufacturer/ [sheng1 chan3 li4] /production capability/productive force/productivity/ [sheng1 chan3 lao2 dong4] /productive labor/ [sheng1 chan3 fan3 ying4 dui1] /production reactor/ [sheng1 chan3 dan1 wei4] /production unit/ [sheng1 chan3 cheng2 ben3] /production costs/ [sheng1 chan3 lu:4] /productivity/efficiency of production/ [sheng1 chan3 xian4] /assembly line/production line/ [sheng1 chan3 zong3 zhi2] /gross domestic production (GDP)/total output v [sheng1 chan3 zhe3] /producer of a product/manufacturer/autotroph (original p s in a food chain)/ [sheng1 chan3 neng2 li4] /manufacturing ability/production capacity/ [sheng1 chan3 zi4 jiu4] /self-help (idiom)/ [sheng1 chan3 yao4 su4] /factors of production/ [sheng1 chan3 she4 bei4] /production equipment/manufacturing equipment/ [sheng1 chan3 she4 shi1] /production facility/ [sheng1 chan3 zi1 liao4] /means of production/

[sheng1 chan3 guan1 xi4] /relations between levels of production/socio-ec ons/ [sheng1 chan3 dui4] /production team/ [sheng1 wei4] /to feel intimidated/ [sheng1 shu1] /unfamiliar/strange/out of practice/not accustomed/ [sheng1 bing4] /to fall ill/to sicken/ [sheng1 fa1] /to emerge and grow/to develop/ [sheng1 pi2] /pelt/raw hide/ [sheng1 shi2 hui1] /calcium oxide CaO/quicklime/ [sheng1 shi2 gao1] /gypsum CaSO42(H2O)/plaster/ [sheng1 ying4] /stiff/harsh/ [sheng1 mi3] /coarse rice/uncooked rice/ [sheng1 mi3 zuo4 cheng2 shu2 fan4] /lit. the raw rice is now cook ne and can't be changed/It's too late to change anything now./also written [sheng1 mi3 zhu3 cheng2 shu2 fan4] /the rice is cooked/what's don o change anything now (idiom)/ [sheng1 mi3 shu2 fan4] /abbr. for , lit. the raw can't be changed/It's too late to change anything now./ [sheng1 fen3] /cornflour/starch powder (cooking)/ [sheng1 fen3 shui3] /starch solution (cooking)/ [sheng1 si1] /raw silk/ [sheng1 lao3 bing4 si4] /lit. to be born, to grow old, to get sick and to fate of humankind (i.e. mortality)/ [sheng1 hao4 yang3 liang4] /biological oxygen demand (BOD)/ [sheng1 rou4] /raw meat/ [sheng1 xiao4] /12 animals symbolic of the Terrestrial Branches/ [sheng1 xiao4 shu3 xiang4] /birth year as designated by animal symbols (m er etc)/ [sheng1 yu4] /to bear/to give birth/to grow/to rear/to bring up (children)/ [sheng1 yu4 lu:4] /birth rate/ [sheng1 yu4 neng2 li4] /fertility/ability to have children/ [sheng1 hua1 miao4 bi3] /beautiful or talented writing/ [sheng1 tai2] /mossy/ [sheng1 cai4] /lettuce/raw fresh vegetables/greens/ [sheng1 jiang1] /fresh ginger/ [sheng1 jiang1 si1] /shredded ginger/ [sheng1 ji4] /livelihood/ [sheng1 ci2] /new word (in textbook)/word that is unfamiliar or not yet studied/C : [zu3], [ge4]/ [sheng1 ci2 ka3] /vocabulary flashcard/ [sheng1 ci2 ben3] /vocabulary notebook/ [sheng1 ci2 yu3] /vocabulary words (in language-learning books)/new or unfami rds/ [sheng1 cai2] /to make money/ [sheng1 cai2 you3 dao4] /lit. there are principles behind making money (i o have a knack for good business/knowing how to accumulate wealth/good at feathe ring one's own nest/ [sheng1 lu4] /lit. the path to life/way out of a predicament/ [sheng1 hui1] /to dazzle/to brighten up (a room etc)/ [sheng1 chen2] /birthday/ [sheng1 chen2 ba1 zi4] /one's birth data for astrological purposes, combi , month, day, hour, heavenly trunk and earthly branch/ [sheng1 zao4] /to coin (words or expressions)/ [Sheng1 da2] /Sinda, name of former county 1983-1999 in Chamdo prefecture qu1], Tibet/ [Sheng1 da2 xian4] /Sinda county, name of former county 1983-1999 in Chamdo p re [Chang1 du1 di4 qu1], Tibet/ [Sheng1 da2 xiang1] /Sinda village in Chamdo prefecture [Cha [sheng1 huan2] /to return alive/to survive/ [sheng1 huan2 zhe3] /survivor/

[sheng1 xiu4] /to rust/to grow rusty/to corrode/oxidization/ [sheng1 tie3] /pig iron/ [sheng1 zhang3] /to grow/ [sheng1 zhang3 ji1 su4] /growth hormone/ [sheng1 zhang3 lu:4] /growth rate/ [sheng1 li2 si3 bie2] /separated in life and death/to part for ever/ [sheng1 ling2] /(literary) the people/living thing/creature/ [sheng1 yuan4] /desire to exist (in Buddhism, tanh)/craving for rebirth/ [sheng1 yang3] /to bring up (children)/to raise/to bear/ [sheng1 yu2 pian4] /sashimi/ [sheng1 mian4 tuan2] /dough/ [shen1] /multitude/crowd/ [chan3] /to give birth/to reproduce/to produce/product/resource/estate/property/ [chan3 xia4] /to bear (give birth)/ [chan3 zi3] /to give birth (animals)/to bear a litter/ [chan3 zhi2] /value of output/output value/ [chan3 jia4] /maternity leave/ [chan3 er2] /newborn baby/fig. brand-new object/ [chan3 qian2] /prenatal/antenatal/ [chan3 qian2 jian3 cha2] /prenatal examination/antenatal examination/ [chan3 qu1] /place of production/manufacturing location/ [chan3 luan3] /to lay eggs/ [chan3 pin3] /goods/merchandise/product/CL: [ge4]/ [chan3 pin3 jie2 gou4] /product mix/ [chan3 pin3 jing1 li3] /product manager/ [chan3 di4] /the source (of a product)/place of origin/manufacturing location/ [chan3 di4 zheng4] /Certificate of Origin (commerce)/ [chan3 po2] /midwife/ [chan3 fu4] /woman recuperating after childbirth/woman in childbirth/ [chan3 hou4] /postnatal/ [chan3 fang2] /delivery room (in hospital)/labour ward/ [chan3 qi1] /time of birth/period of labor/lying-in/ [chan3 ye4] /industry/estate/property/industrial/ [chan3 ye4 hua4] /to industrialize/industrialization/ [chan3 ye4 gong1 ren2] /industrial worker/ [chan3 ye4 lian4] /supply chain/ [chan3 ye4 ji2 qun2] /industrial cluster/ [chan3 jian3] /abbr. for [chan3 qian2 jian3 cha2]/ [chan3 quan2] /property right/ [chan3 you2 guo2] /oil-producing countries/ [chan3 wu4] /product/result (of)/ [chan3 sheng1] /to arise/to come into being/to come about/to give rise to/to brin into being/to bring about/to produce/to engender/to generate/to appear/appearan ce/emergence/generation/production/yield/ [chan3 ke1] /maternity department/maternity ward/obstetrics/ [chan3 cheng2] /the process of childbirth/ [chan3 liang2] /to grow crops/food growing/ [chan3 liang2 qu1] /food growing area/ [chan3 liang2 da4 sheng3] /major agricultural province/ [Chan3 jing1 Xin1 wen2] /Business News/Sankei Shimbun (Tokyo daily)/ [chan3 neng2] /production capacity/ [chan3 zhi4] /production/manufacture/ [chan3 ru4 qi1] /postnatal period/puerperium (period of six weeks after child [chan3 ru4 re4] /postnatal fever/puerperal fever/ [chan3 dao4] /birth canal (in obstetrics)/ [chan3 liang4] /output/ [chan3 liang4 duo1] /fruitful/ [chan3 qian2] /obstetric forceps/ [chan3 xiao1] /production and marketing/ [chan3 yuan4] /maternity hospital/

[chan3] /Japanese variant of / [sheng1] /sister's son/nephew/ [sheng1 nu:3] /niece (sister's daughter)/ [su1] /variant of [su1]/to revive/ [Su1 xian1] /Suxian district of Chenzhou city [Chen1 zhou1 shi4], Hunan/ [Su1 xian1 qu1] /Suxian district of Chenzhou city [Chen1 zhou1 shi4], H [Su1 jia1 tun2] /Sujiatun district of Shenyang city , Liaoning/ [Su1 jia1 tun2 qu1] /Sujiatun district of Shenyang city , Li [su1 xing3] /to come to/to awaken/to regain consciousness/ [yong4] /to use/to employ/to have to/to eat or drink/expense or outlay/usefulnes s/hence/therefore/ [yong4 bu5 liao3] /to not use all of/to use less than/ [yong4 bu5 zhao2] /not need/have no use for/ [yong4 yu2] /use in/use on/use for/ [yong4 ren2] /servant/to employ sb for a job/to manage people/to be in need of st ff/ [yong4 ren2 jing1 fei4] /personnel expenditure (accountancy)/ [yong4 yi3] /in order to/so as to/ [yong4 zuo4] /to use for the purpose of/to serve as/ [yong4 zuo4 pei4 zhong3] /to put out to stud/ [yong4 lai2] /to be used for/ [yong4 lai2 pei4 zhong3] /to put out to stud/ [yong4 guang1] /out of (supply)/spent/exhausted (used up)/depleted/ [yong4 ju4] /appliance/utensil/ [yong4 li4] /to exert oneself physically/ [yong4 gong1] /diligent/industrious (in one's studies)/to study hard/to make grea effort/ [yong4 pin3] /articles for use/products/goods/ [yong4 zi4] /use letters/use words/diction/ [yong4 wan2] /used up/finished/ [yong4 du4] /expense/ [yong4 de5 shang4] /needed/to come in useful/ [yong4 de5 zhao2] /to be able to use/useable/to have a use for sth/ [yong4 xin1] /motive/intention/to be diligent or attentive/careful/ [yong4 xin1 liang2 ku3] /to ponder earnestly/to give a lot of thought to [yong4 yi4] /intention/purpose/ [yong4 hu4] /user/consumer/subscriber/customer/ [yong4 hu4 dao4 wang3 luo4 jie1 kou3] /user-network interface [yong4 hu4 dao4 wang3 luo4 de5 jie1 kou3] /User-Network I [yong4 hu4 chuang4 zao4 nei4 rong2] /user-generated content (of a [yong4 hu4 ming2] /username/user ID/ [yong4 hu4 ding4 yi4] /user-defined/ [yong4 hu4 jie4 mian4] /user interface/ [yong4 hu4 duan1 she4 bei4] /customer premise equipment/CPE/ [yong4 hu4 xian4] /subscriber line/ [yong4 wu3 zhi1 di4] /ample scope for abilities/favorable position for th s skills (idiom)/ [yong4 fa3] /usage/ [yong4 jin4] /to exhaust/to use up completely/ [yong4 jin4 xin1 ji1] /to tax one's ingenuity/ [yong4 shan4] /to dine/ [yong4 chu5] /usefulness/CL: [ge4]/ [yong4 ci2] /wording/phrasing/ [yong4 yu3] /choice of words/wording/phraseology/term/ [yong4 tu2] /use/application/ [yong4 liang4] /quantity used/usage/consumption/dose/ [yong4 qian5] /variant of [yong4 qian5]/ [yong4 jian4] /using spies/ [yong4 xiang4] /items of expenditure/expenditures/ [yong4 can1] /to eat a meal/

[yong4 can1 shi2 jian1] /meal times/ [shuai3] /to throw/to fling/to swing/to leave behind/to throw off/to dump (sb)/ [shuai3 shang4] /to throw off/to fling sth up (in anger)/refers to dramatic sale rices/ [shuai3 dong4] /to shake/to fling one's arm/to lash/to swing/ [shuai3 bao1 fu5] /lit. to fling off a bundle/fig. to abandon one's responsib or sth/to wash one's hands of the matter/ [shuai3 wei3] /drift (cornering technique in car racing, lit. to throw the tail)/ [shuai3 shou3] /to fling one's arms (in anger)/to shake one's fist/ [shuai3 shou3 zhang3 gui4] /lit. arm-flinging shopkeeper/fig. sb who asks rk but does nothing himself/ [shuai3 shou3 dun4 jiao3] /to fling one's arms and stamp one's feet (in a ir)/ [shuai3 diao4] /to throw off/to abandon/to cast off/to get rid of/to dump/ [shuai3 lian3 zi5] /to grimace with displeasure/to pull a long face/ [shuai3 xiu4 zi5] /to swing one's sleeve (in anger)/ [shuai3 mai4] /to mark down (the price of goods)/to sell off cheap/ [shuai3 che1] /to uncouple (wagons or trucks from a train)/ [shuai3 zhong1] /dice cup/ [shuai3 kai1] /to shake off/to get rid of/ [shuai3 kai1 bang3 zi5] /to throw off inhibitions/to go all out/ [Lu4] /surname Lu/place name/ [Lu4 duan1] /Luduan, mythical Chinese beast able to detect the truth/ [fu3] /(classical) barely just/just now/ [Yong3] /the Yongjiang river [Yong3 jiang1] through Ningbo [Ning2 bo1]/a bo/ [tong3] /variant of bucket/(classifier) cubic dry measure (5 pecks , approx ha iter)/ [yong3] /path screened by walls on both sides/ [Yong3 jiang1] /the Yongjiang river through Ningbo [Ning2 bo1]/ [yong3 dao4] /corridor/ [beng2] /need not/(contraction of and )/ [beng2] /old variant of [beng2]/need not/ [ning2] /peaceful/ [Tian2] /surname Tian/ [tian2] /field/farm/CL:[pian4]/ [tian2 qi1] /pseudo-ginseng/radix notoginseng/ [Tian2 zhong1] /Tienchung town in Changhua county [Zhang1 hua4 xian4 ame)/ [Tian2 zhong1 Jiao3 rong2] /Kakuei Tanaka/ [Tian2 zhong1 zhen4] /Tienchung town in Changhua county [Zhang1 [Tian2 Liang4] /Tian Liang/ [tian2 tu3] /farmland/ [tian2 di4] /field/farmland/cropland/ [tian2 geng3] /embankment or foothpath between paddy fields/ [Tian2 jia1 an1] /Tianji'an district of Huainan city [Huai2 nan2 shi4], [Tian2 jia1 an1 qu1] /Tianji'an district of Huainan city [Huai2 nan [Tian2 liao2] /Tianliao or Tienliao township in Kaohsiung county [Ga outhwest Taiwan/ [Tian2 liao2 xiang1] /Tianliao or Tienliao township in Kaohsiung county 4], southwest Taiwan/ [Tian2 wei3] /Tienwei township in Changhua county [Zhang1 hua4 xian4 [Tian2 wei3 xiang1] /Tienwei township in Changhua county [Zhang1 [tian2 yi4] /farm work/ [tian2 jing4] /track and field (athletics)/ [tian2 jing4 sai4] /track and field competition/ [tian2 jing4 yun4 dong4] /track and field sports/ [Tian2 wen2] /birth name of Lord Menchang of Qi, Chancellor of Qi and Wei during he Warring States Period (475-221 BC)/ [Tian2 dong1] /Tiandong county in Baise [Bai3 se4], Guangxi/

[Tian2 dong1 xian4] /Tiandong county in Baise [Bai3 se4], Guangxi/ [Tian2 lin2] /Tianlin county in Baise [Bai3 se4], Guangxi/ [Tian2 lin2 xian4] /Tianlin county in Baise [Bai3 se4], Guangxi/ [Tian2 Han4] /Tian Han (1898-1968), author of the words of the PRC national anthe March of the Volunteer Army / [Tian2 wan1] /Tianwan in Lianyungang , site of large nuclear power p [Tian2 ying2] /Tianying city in Anhui, having lead processing plants that produce substantial pollution/ [Tian2 ying2 shi4] /Tianying city in Anhui, having lead processing plants tha ce substantial pollution/ [tian2 chan3] /estate/lands/ [tian2 mu3] /field/ [Tian2 na4 xi1] /Tennessee/ [Tian2 na4 xi1 zhou1] /Tennessee/ [tian2 she4] /farmhouse/ [tian2 luo2] /winkle mollusc/ [tian2 fu4] /land tax/ [tian2 sai4] /field events (athletics competition)/ [tian2 ye3] /field/open land/CL:[pian4]/ [Tian2 Chang2 lin2] /Chang-Lin Tien/ [tian2 jian1] /field/farm/farming area/village/ [tian2 jian1 guan3 li3] /land management/ [tian2 mo4] /path between fields/fields/ [Tian2 yang2] /Tianyang county in Baise [Bai3 se4], Guangxi/ [Tian2 yang2 xian4] /Tianyang county in Baise [Bai3 se4], Guangxi/ [tian2 ji1] /frog/the Chinese edible frog (Hoplobatrachus rugulosus)/ [tian2 shu3] /vole/ [you2] /to follow/from/it is of/due to/to/to leave it (to sb)/by (introduces passive verb)/ [you2 bu4 de5] /cannot help/to be beyond control of/ [you2 lai2] /origin/ [you2 jing4] /to follow a narrow path/ [you2 yu2] /due to/as a result of/thanks to/owing to/since/because/ [you2 ci3] /hereby/from this/ [you2 ci3 ke3 jian4] /from this, it can be seen that.../ [you2 zhe5] /let (one) have his way/as (one) pleases/at (one's) will/ [you2 zhong1] /heartfelt/sincere/unfeigned/ [you2 tou5] /pretext/excuse/justification/reason/ [jia3] /first of the ten heavenly stems [shi2 tian1 gan1]/(used for an unspecif person or thing)/first (in a list, as a party to a contract etc)/armor plating/s hell or carapace/(of the fingers or toes) nail/bladed leather or metal armor (ol d)/ranking system used in the Imperial examinations (old)/civil administration u nit (old)/ [jia3 yi3] /first two of the ten heavenly stems / [jia3 er4 chun2] /methylene glycol/ [jia3 kang4] /hyperthyroidism/abbr. for [jia3 zhuang [Jia3 xian1] /Jiaxian or Chiahsien township in Kaohsiung county [Gao uthwest Taiwan/ [Jia3 xian1 xiang1] /Jiaxian or Chiahsien township in Kaohsiung county ], southwest Taiwan/ [jia3 zhou4] /variant of [jia3 zhou4]/ [jia3 wu3] /thirty first year A7 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1954 or 2014/cf ino-Japanese War of 1894-95/ [Jia3 wu3 Zhan4 zheng1] /the first Sino-Japanese War of 1894-95/ [jia3 xing2] /type A/type I/alpha-/ [jia3 xing2 gan1 yan2] /hepatitis A/ [jia3 ji1] /methyl group (chemistry)/ [jia3 ji1 an1 fei1 ta1 ming4] /methamphetamine/ [jia3 ji1 ben3 bing3 an4] /methamphetamine/ [jia3 zi3] /first of 10 heavenly stems and first of 12 earthly branches

60 combinations , , etc making up the year cycle/first year A1 of the 60 year e.g. 1984 or 2044/ [jia3 yin2] /fifty first year A3 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1974 or 2034/ [jia3 xing2 qiu2 dan4 bai2] /alpha globulin/alpha fetoprotein (AFP)/ [jia3 xu1] /eleventh year A11 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1994 or 2054/ [jia3 fang1] /first party (law)/see also [yi3 fang1]/ [jia3 ti4 se4 an1 suan1] /abrin/ [jia3 ban3] /deck (of a boat etc)/ [jia3 qiao4] /carapace/crust/outer shell/ [jia3 qiao4 dong4 wu4] /crustacean/ [jia3 qiao4 su4] /chitin/ [jia3 qiao4 chong2] /beetle/order Coleoptera/the Beatles (1960s UK pop group) [jia3 ke2 chong2 lei4] /coleoptera/ [jia3 qiao4 lei4] /crustacean/ [jia3 yang3 xi1 lin2] /methicillin (a semi-synthetic penicillin)/ [jia3 an1 ji1] /methyalamino group/ [jia3 liu2] /type A influenza/abbr. for H1N1/refers to H1N1 influenza of [jia3 wan2] /methane CH4/ [jia3 zhuang4] /thyroid (gland)/ [jia3 zhuang4 xian4] /thyroid gland/ [jia3 zhuang4 xian4 gong1 neng2 kang4 jin4] /hyperthyroidism/ [jia3 zhuang4 xian4 su4] /thyroid hormone/thyroxine (used to treat undera )/ [jia3 zhuang4 xian4 zhong3] /goiter (enlargement of thyroid gland)/ [jia3 shen1] /twenty first year A9 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 2004 or 2064/ [Jia3 shen1 zheng4 bian4] /unsuccessful and bloody Korean palace coup in rnisers against conservatives, crushed by Qing troops/ [jia3 xiao1 zuo4] /metronidazole (antibacterial agent)/Flagyl (US)/ [jia3 liu2 an1 suan1] /methionine (Met), an essential amino acid/ [jia3 huang2 lin2 ding4] /pralidoxime mesylate/ [jia3 di4] /residence of a noble/top candidate in the imperial examinations/ [jia3 deng3] /grade A/first-class/ [jia3 ji2] /first rate/top class/excellent/ [jia3 ji2 zhan4 fan4] /a grade A war criminal/ [jia3 zi3] /gentian violet/ [jia3 gan1] /hepatitis A/ [jia3 zhou4] /armor/ [jia3 an4 lin2] /methamidophos (chemistry)/ [jia3 ben3] /toluene C6H5CH3/methylbenzene/ [jia3 chong2] /beetle/ [jia3 chong2 che1] /beetle (nickname for VW car)/ [jia3 chen2] /forty first year A5 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1964 or 2024/ [jia3 suan1] /formylic acid (HCOOH)/formic acid/methanoic acid/ [jia3 chun2] /methyl alcohol/methanol CH3OH/wood alcohol/wood spirit/ [jia3 chun2 zhong1 du2] /methyl alcohol poisoning/ [jia3 mi2] /methyl ether CH3OCH3/ [jia3 quan2] /formaldehyde (HCHO)/ [jia3 kai3] /armor/ [jia3 gu3] /tortoise shell and animal bones used in divination/oracle bone inscri tions (an early form of Chinese script)/ [jia3 gu3 wen2] /oracle script/oracle bone inscriptions (an early form of Chi ript)/ [jia3 gu3 wen2 zi4] /oracle script/oracle bone character (an early form o ipt)/ [jia3 yu2] /turtle/terrapin/ [Shen1] /surname Shen/ [shen1] /to extend/to state/to explain/9th earthly branch: 3-5 p.m., 7th solar m onth (7th August-7th September), year of the Monkey/ [Shen1 Bu4 hai4] /Shen Buhai (385-337 BC), legalist political thinker/ [shen1 ling4] /an order/a command/

[shen1 yuan1] /to appeal for justice/to demand redress for a grievance/ [Shen1 ming4 ji4] /Book of Deuteronomy/Fifth Book of Moses/ [shen1 bao4] /to report (to the authorities)/to declare (to customs)/ [shen1 bao4 dan1] /declaration form/ [shen1 zou4] /to present (a document)/to submit (a petition)/ [Shen1 tu2] /two-character surname Shentu/ [Shen1 zha1] /Xainza county, Tibetan: Shan rtsa rdzong, in Nagchu prefecture qu1], central Tibet/ [Shen1 zha1 xian4] /Xainza county, Tibetan: Shan rtsa rdzong, in Nagchu prefe di4 qu1], central Tibet/ [shen1 chi4] /to rebuke/to blame/to denounce/ [shen1 ming2] /to declare/to aver/to state formally/ [shen1 shi2] /3-5 pm/ [shen1 qu3] /Shanghai opera/same as / [Shen1 gen1] /Schengen/ [shen1 zhuang4] /to present (a document)/to submit (a petition)/ [shen1 hou2] /Year 9, year of the Monkey (e.g. 2004)/ [shen1 li3] /to right a wrong/to seek justice/ [shen1 shen1] /cosy and comfortable/to repeat endlessly/ [shen1 yan2] /to profess/to declare/ [shen1 tao3] /to denounce/ [shen1 su4] /to appeal (to sb)/ [shen1 su4 shu1] /written appeal/ [shen1 shuo1] /to state/to assert/ [shen1 qing3] /to apply for sth/application (form etc)/CL:[fen4]/ [shen1 qing3 ren2] /applicant/ [shen1 qing3 shu1] /application/application form/petition (to higher authorit [shen1 qing3 biao3] /application form/ [shen1 lun4] /to give a detailed exposition/to state in detail/ [shen1 xie4] /to express gratitude/to thank/ [shen1 gou4] /to ask to buy/to bid for purchase/ [shen1 ban4] /to apply for/to bid for/ [shen1 bian4] /to defend oneself/to rebut a charge/ [shen1 shu4] /to state/to assert/to allege/to specify/ [shen1 xue3] /to right a wrong/to redress an injustice/ [shen1 ling3] /to apply (for license, visa etc)/ [shen1 chi4] /to warn/to blame/to rebuke/also written / [nan2] /male/Baron, lowest of five orders of nobility [wu3 deng3 jue2 wei4]/C [nan2 zhong1 yin1] /baritone/ [nan2 ren2] /a man/a male/men/CL: [ge4]/ [Nan2 ren2 lai2 zi4 Huo3 xing1 , Nu:3 (book by John Gray)/ [nan2 ren2 po2] /tomboy (slang)/ [nan2 ren2 xi1 xia4 you3 huang2 jin1] /lit. the man has gold does not easily kneel in front of others (owing to pride or moral integrity)/ [nan2 di1 yin1] /bass (music)/lower register male voice/ [nan2 xiu1 dao4 yuan4 zhang3] /abbot/ [nan2 bin1 xiang4] /best man (in a marriage)/ [nan2 er2] /a (real) man/boy/son/ [nan2 er2 you3 lei4 bu4 qing1 tan2] /real men do not easily c [nan2 you3] /boyfriend/ [nan2 ji1 ni2] /mankini (loanword)/ [nan2 shi4] /man/gentleman/ [nan2 nu:3] /male-female/male and female/ [nan2 nu:3 ping2 deng3] /equality of the sexes/ [nan2 nu:3 lao3 shao4] /men, women, young and old/all kinds of people/peo es/each and everyone/ [nan2 nu:3 guan1 xi4] /man-woman connection/intimate relationship/ [nan2 hun1 nu:3 jia4] /to celebrate a wedding/ [nan2 ying1] /male baby/

[nan2 zi3] /a man/a male/ [nan2 zi3 dan1] /men's singles (sports)/ [nan2 zi3 qi4] /manly/masculine/ [nan2 zi3 han4] /man (i.e. manly, masculine)/ [nan2 zi3 lan2 qiu2] /men's basketball/ [nan2 hai2] /boy/CL: [ge4]/ [nan2 hai2 r5] /boy/ [nan2 hai2 zi5] /boy/ [nan2 hai2 yue4 dui4] /boy band (type of pop group)/ [nan2 jia1] /man's family (in marriage)/ [nan2 zuo3 nu:3 you4] /the left is for males, the right is for females (t ying)/ [nan2 wu1] /wizard/warlock/ [nan2 ce4] /gents washroom/gents toilets/ [nan2 xing4] /the male sex/a male/ [nan2 xing4 zhu3 yi4] /masculism/ [nan2 xing4 hua4] /to masculinize/masculinization/ [nan2 xing4 yan4 wu4] /misandry/ [nan2 xing4 qin1 shu3] /kinsman/ [nan2 xing4 bian3 yi4] /misandry/ [nan2 cai2 nu:3 mao4] /talented man and beautiful woman/ideal couple/ [nan2 ban4 nu:3 zhuang1] /dress in drag (male to female)/man disguised as [nan2 xing1] /male star/famous actor/ [nan2 peng2 you5] /male friend/boyfriend/ [nan2 huan1 nu:3 ai4] /passionate love (idiom)/ [nan2 jue2] /baron/ [nan2 sheng1] /male student/schoolboy/ [nan2 tong2] /boy/male child/ [nan2 guan3 jia1] /butler/majordomo/housekeeper/ [nan2 se4] /male homosexuality/ [nan2 zhuang1] /men's clothes/ [nan2 gao1 yin1] /tenor/ [nan2 gao1 yin1 bu4] /tenor part/ [Dian4] /surname Dian/ [dian4] /suburbs or outskirts/one of the five degrees of official mourning attir e in dynastic China/official in charge of fields (old)/ [ping1] /chivalrous knight/ [ting3] /raised path between fields/ [quan3] /drain between fields, irrigation/ [zai1] /steroid nucleus/ [zai1 tong2] /sterone (steroid containing a ketone group)/steroid hormone/ [meng2] /people/ [bi4] /to confer on/to give to/ [bi4] /variant of / [yun2] /reclaimed land/ [fan4] /field/farm/ [geng1] /variant of [geng1]/ [tian2] /to cultivate (land)/to hunt/ [jie4] /boundary/scope/extent/circles/group/kingdom (taxonomy)/ [jie4 hu1] /variant of [jie4 hu1]/to lie between/ [jie4 nei4 qiu2] /ball within bounds (sports)/in/fair ball (baseball)/ [jie4 bie2] /kingdom (taxonomy)/ [jie4 ding4] /definition/to delimit/ [jie4 chi3] /ungraduated ruler/straight edge/ [jie4 biao1] /landmark/ [jie4 he2] /frontier river/river forming international boundary/ [jie4 bei1] /boundary stone/table marking border/ [jie4 xian4] /limits/bounds/dividing line/ [jie4 xian4] /boundary/marginal/ [jie4 mian4] /interface/

[Jie4 shou3] /Jieshou county level city in Fuyang [Fu4 yang2], Anhui/ [Jie4 shou3 shi4] /Jieshou county level city in Fuyang [Fu4 yang2], [quan3] /field drains/ [wei4] /to fear/ [wei4 ju4] /to fear/to dread/foreboding/ [wei4 wei4 suo1 suo1] /cowering/cringing/ [wei4 suo1] /to cower/to flinch/to quail/to recoil/ [wei4 suo1 bu4 qian2] /to shrink back in fear (idiom); too cowardly to ad [wei4 zui4] /to dread punishment/afraid of being arrested for a crime/ [wei4 zui4 zi4 sha1] /to commit suicide to escape punishment/ [wei4 shou3 wei4 wei3] /afraid of the head, terrified of the tail (idiom) l and nervous/afraid of the slightest thing/ [tian2] /used in Japanese names with phonetic value hatake, bata etc/dry field ( i.e. not paddy field)/ [xx5] /phonetic dap or dbo/rice paddy (Korean gugja)/ [pan4] /bank/field-path/ [liu2] /to leave (a message etc)/to retain/to stay/to remain/to keep/to preserve / [liu2 yi1 shou3] /to hold back a trick/not to divulge all one's trade secrets [liu2 xia4] /to leave behind/to stay behind/to remain/to keep/not to let go (sb)/ [liu2 ren4] /to remain in office/to hold on to one's job/ [liu2 zhu4] /to ask sb to stay/to keep sb for the night/to await (classical)/ [liu2 zuo4] /to set apart/ [liu2 chuan2] /a legacy/to bequeath (to later generations)/ [liu2 bie2] /a departing gift/a souvenir on leaving/a poem to mark one's departur / [Liu2 Yuan2] /Lingering Garden in Suzhou, Jiangsu/ [liu2 yuan2] /The Lingering Garden in Suzhou, Jiangsu/ [Liu2 ba4] /Liuba county in Hnzhng [Han4 zhong1], Shnx/ [Liu2 ba4 xian4] /Liuba county in Hnzhng [Han4 zhong1], Shnx/ [liu2 cun2] /to keep/to preserve/extant/to remain (from the past)/ [liu2 cun2 shou1 yi4] /retained earnings/ [liu2 xue2] /to study abroad/ [liu2 xue2 sheng1] /student studying abroad/(foreign) exchange student/CL: / [liu2 shou3] /to stay behind to take care of things/ [liu2 ke4] /to ask a guest to stay/to detain a guest/ [liu2 su4] /to put up a guest/to stay overnight/ [Liu2 ni2 wang1] /Runion (Island in Indian Ocean, a French overseas departme [liu2 wei3 ba5] /to leave loose ends/to leave matters unresolved/ [liu2 ying3] /to take photos as a souvenir/a souvenir photo/ [liu2 dai4] /to leave sth for later/to postpone (work, a decision etc)/ [liu2 hou4 lu4] /to leave oneself a way out/ [liu2 de5 qing1 shan1 zai4 , bu4 pa4 mei2 cha to burn (idiom). Where there's life there's hope./ [liu2 xin1] /to be careful/to pay attention to/ [liu2 nian4] /to keep as a souvenir/to recall fondly/ [liu2 qing2] /to relent (to spare sb's feelings)/to show mercy or forgiveness/to orbear/lenient/ [liu2 yi4] /to take care/mindful/ [liu2 lian4] /reluctant to leave/to hate to have to go/to recall fondly/ [liu2 cheng2] /a retained portion (of a sum of money)/to hold back a percentage ( f the takings)/ [liu2 cheng2 r5] /a retained portion (of a sum of money)/to hold back a perce of the takings)/ [liu2 xiao4] /to join the faculty of one's alma mater upon graduation/to remain a school during vacation/ [liu2 bu4] /(said by departing guest) no need to see me out/ [liu2 yang2] /to study abroad (old term)/same as / [liu2 hai3] /see [liu2 hai3]/

[liu2 ban1] /to repeat a year (in school)/to resit a failed course/to fail admiss on to next year's course/ [liu2 yong4] /to continue in employment/to hold on to one's job/to continue using [liu2 bai2] /to leave a message/ [liu2 shen2] /to take care/to be careful/ [liu2 zhong3] /to keep a seed stock/seed held back for planting/ [liu2 kong1] /leave blank spaces in writing/ [liu2 ji2] /to repeat a year (in school)/to resit a failed course/to fail admissi n to next year's course/ [liu2 gei3] /to set aside for/ [liu2 zhi4] /to retain one's job/ [liu2 sheng1 ji1] /gramophone/phonograph/ [liu2 zhi2] /to keep an official position/to hold on to one's job/ [liu2 fang1 qian1 gu3] /a good reputation to last down the generations/ [liu2 fang1 bai3 shi4] /a good reputation to last a hundred generations/ [liu2 lan2 xiang1] /mint/spearmint/ [liu2 yan2] /to leave a message/to leave one's comments/message/ [liu2 yan2 ben3] /guestbook/ [liu2 yan2 bu4] /visitor's book/CL:[ben3]/ [liu2 hua4] /to leave word/to leave a message/ [liu2 jun1 bi4 ye4] /troops remaining stationed in Ye/fig. a hardship pos [liu2 lian2] /reluctant to leave/ [liu2 lian2 guo3] /variant of , durian fruit/ [liu2 lian2 lun4 shi1] /to continue to discuss a poem over a long period/ [liu2 yi2] /to leave behind/sb's legacy/ [liu2 du1] /the old capital (after a move)/ [liu2 yi1] /to be hospitalized/ [liu2 zhen1] /a needle held inserted in an acupoint/ [liu2 men2] /to leave the door unlocked for sb/ [liu2 nan4] /to make sth difficult/to create obstacles/ [liu2 ti2] /extemporaneous thoughts noted down after a visit/ [liu2 fan4] /to stay for a meal/food kept for sb/ [liu2 yin3] /edema (accumulation of interstitial fluids in internal organs)/drops / [liu2 yu2 di4] /room for maneuver/to leave a margin for error/ [liu2 zhu4] /to keep stationed (of troops)/to remain as a garrison/ [liu2 niao3] /a nonmigratory bird/ [ben3] /a basket or pan used for earth/manure etc/ [ben3 ji1] /a bamboo or wicker scoop/dustpan/ [zhen3] /border/boundary/field-path/ [chu4] /livestock/domesticated animal/domestic animal/ [xu4] /to raise (animals)/ [chu4 li4] /animal powered (as opposed to human or machine powered)/ [chu4 lan2] /pen for livestock/ [xu4 mu4] /to raise animals/ [xu4 mu4 ye4] /animal husbandry/stock raising/livestock raising/ [chu4 sheng1] /livestock, or specifically the six farm animals cow, horse, sheep, cock, dog, pig /an insult, You animal!/ [chu4 sheng5] /domestic animal/ [xu4 chan3 pin3] /domesticated animal products/ [chu4 fei2] /animal manure/ [chu4 lei4] /domestic animal/ [mu3] /classifier for fields/unit of area equal to one fifteenth of a hectare/ [ce4] /sharp/ [Bi4] /surname Bi/ [bi4] /the whole of/to finish/to complete/complete/full/finished/ [bi4 qi2 gong1 yu2 yi1 yi4] /accomplish the whole task at one str [Bi4 jia1 suo3] /Picasso/ [Bi4 Sheng1] /Bi Sheng (inventor of movable type)/ [bi4 xiu4 wu3] /Aldebaran or Alpha Tauri/

[Bi4 ni2 ao4 fu1] /Hugo Benioff (1899-1968), CalTech seismologist/ [Bi4 ni2 ao4 fu1 dai4] /Benioff zone (geology)/also called Wadati-Ben [bi4 gong1 bi4 jing4] /reverent and respectful/extremely deferential/ [bi4 mo2] /shaman among the Yi ethnic group/ [bi4 ye4] /graduation/to graduate/to finish school/ [bi4 ye4 dian3 li3] /graduation ceremony/commencement ceremony/commenceme [bi4 ye4 sheng1] /graduate/ [bi4 ye4 zheng4 shu1] /diploma/CL: [zhang1],[ben3]/ [Bi4 er3 ba1 e4] /Bilbao (city in Spain)/ [bi4 sheng1] /all one's life/lifetime/ [bi4 bi4 bao1 bao1] /(onomat.) sound of knocking or bursting/ [bi4 jing4] /after all/all in all/when all is said and done/in the final analysis [Bi4 jie2] /Bijie city and prefecture in Guizhou/ [Bi4 jie2 di4 qu1] /Bijie prefecture in Guizhou/ [Bi4 jie2 shi4] /Bijie city, capital of Bijie prefecture, Guizhou/ [bi4 xiao4] /resemble closely/be the very image of/to look very much like/to be t e spitting image of/ [bi4 zi1] /QNB (quinuclidinyl benzilate)/ [bi4 she4] /graduation project/ [Bi4 da2 ge1 la1 si1] /Pythagoras/ [zhi4] /ancient sacrifice/ [lu:e4] /plan/strategy/outline/summary/slightly/rather/to rob/to plunder/to summ arize/ [lu:e4 zuo4] /abbreviate to/ [lu:e4 sheng4 yi1 chou2] /slightly better/a cut above/ [lu:e4 qu4] /to omit/to delete/to leave out/to neglect/to skip over/ [lu:e4 tu2] /sketch/sketch map/thumbnail picture/ [lu:e4 duo2] /to take by force/to plunder/to rob/to pillage/also: / [lu:e4 zi4] /abbreviated character/simplified character/ [lu:e4 dai4] /to mention briefly/ [lu:e4 wei1] /a little bit/slightly/ [lu:e4 wei2] /slightly/ [lu:e4 lu:e4] /slightly/roughly/briefly/very generally/ [lu:e4 zhi1 yi1 er4] /slight knowledge of sth/to know very little about a attering/ [lu:e4 zhi1 pi2 mao2] /slight knowledge of sth/superficial acquaintance w /a smattering/ [lu:e4 ma3] /code/ [lu:e4 cheng1] /abbreviation/ [lu:e4 ju3] /some cases picked out as example/to highlight/ [lu:e4 jian4 yi1 ban1] /to glimpse one spot (idiom); to judge at a single otal evidence/ [lu:e4 yu3] /abbreviation/ [lu:e4 shi2 zhi1 wu2] /semi-literate/only knows words of one syllable/lit y and / [lu:e4 du2] /to read cursorily/to skim through/ [lu:e4 ji4 yuan2 qing2] /to overlook past faults (idiom); to forgive and [lu:e4 guo4] /to pass over/to skip/ [lu:e4 shi4] /a brief explanation/to summarize/ [Lu:e4 yang2] /Leyang county in Hnzhng [Han4 zhong1], Shnx/ [Lu:e4 yang2 xian4] /Leyang county in Hnzhng [Han4 zhong1], Shnx [qi2] /small plot of farm land/Taiwan pr. [xi1]/ [lu:e4] /variant of [lu:e4]/ [Pan1] /surname Pan/ [fan1] /foreign/ethnic groups from outside China/(when used after a verb) times or fold/classifier for the number of iterations of an action or deed etc/ [fan1 mu4 gua1] /papaya/ [fan1 gua1] /pumpkin/ [fan1 fan1] /time and time again/ [fan1 shi2 liu5] /guava (fruit)/

[Pan1 yu2] /Panyu district of Guangzhou city [Guang3 zhou1 shi4], Gu y in Guangdong province/ [Pan1 yu2 qu1] /Panyu district of Guangzhou city [Guang3 zhou1 s [fan1 hong2 hua1] /saffron (Crocus sativus)/ [fan1 qie2] /tomato/ [fan1 qie2 zhi1] /tomato juice/ [fan1 qie2 chao3 dan4] /scrambled egg with fresh tomatoes (north China)/s [fan1 qie2 hong2 su4] /Lycopene/ [fan1 qie2 jiang4] /ketchup/tomato sauce/ [fan1 li4 zhi1] /custard apple/ [fan1 cai4] /foreign food/western food/ [fan1 shu3] /sweet potato/yam/ [fan1 hao4] /number of military unit/ [Fan1 lu4] /Fanlu township in Chiayi county [Jia1 yi4 xian4], west T [Fan1 lu4 xiang1] /Fanlu township in Chiayi county [Jia1 yi4 xia [fan1 bang1] /foreign country/foreigner/ [fan1 mai4] /corn (Taiwanese)/ [hua4] /to draw/picture/painting/CL:[fu2], [zhang1]/ [hua4 xiang4] /portrait/portray/ [hua4 r5] /picture/drawing/painting/ [hua4 ce4] /picture album/ [hua4 juan3] /picture scroll/ [hua4 yuan2] /to draw a circle/ [hua4 tu2] /to draw designs, maps etc/picture (e.g. of life in the city)/ [hua4 bao4] /pictorial (magazine)/CL:[ben3],[fen4], [ce4],[qi1]/ [hua4 tan2] /painting world/painting circles/ [hua4 shi4] /artist's studio/atelier/ [hua4 jia1] /painter/CL: [ge4]/ [hua4 zhan3] /art exhibition/ [hua4 bu4] /canvas (artist's painting surface)/ [hua4 fu2] /painting/picture/dimension of a painting/ [hua4 lang2] /gallery/ [hua4 ya1] /to sign/to make one's mark/ [hua4 cha1 tu2 zhe3] /illustrator/ [hua4 jia4] /easel/rack for painting/ [hua4 kuang4] /picture frame/ [hua4 zhan1] /felt desk pad for calligraphy/ [hua4 fa3] /painting technique/drawing method/ [hua4 fa3 ji3 he2] /descriptive Geometry (three-dimensional geometry usin and elevations)/ [hua4 pi2] /painted skin (which transforms a monster into a beauty)/ [hua4 mei2 niao3] /thrush/ [hua4 bi3] /painting brush/ [hua4 di2 jiao4 zi3] /to arrange reed figures to teach reading (idiom); m able dedication to her children's education/ [hua4 hu3 lei4 quan3] /drawing a tiger like a dog (idiom); to make a fool y excessive ambition/ [hua4 she2 tian1 zu2] /lit. draw legs on a snake (idiom); fig. to ruin th dding sth superfluous/to overdo it/ [hua4 zhou2] /character scroll/scroll painting/ [hua4 mian4] /scene/tableau/picture/image/screen (displayed by a computer)/(motio picture) frame/field of view/ [hua4 bing3 chong1 ji1] /lit. to allay one's hunger using a picture of a on illusions (idiom)/ [hua4 long2 dian3 jing1] /to paint a dragon and dot in the eyes (idiom); he vital finishing touch/the crucial point that brings the subject to life/a few words to clinch the point/ [She1] /She ethnic group/ [yu2] /cultivated field/ [She1 zu2] /She ethnic group/

[yu2 xiang1] /fields and villages/ [jun4] /overseer/steppe/ [yi4] /different/other/hetero-/unusual/strange/surprising/to distinguish/to sepa rate/to discriminate/ [yi4 ding1 wan2] /isobutane/ [Yi4 ding1 ben3 bing3 suan1] /Ibuprofen or Nurofen/nonsteroidal antiNSAID), trade names Advil, Motrin, Nuprin etc, used as analgesic and antipyretic , e.g. for arthritis sufferers/also called / [yi4 bing3 chun2] /isopropanol/isopropyl alcohol C3H8O/ [yi4 hu1 xun2 chang2] /unusual/extraordinary/ [yi4 shi4] /sth else/a separate matter/not the same thing/with different jobs (no colleagues)/a remarkable thing/sth special/an odd thing/sth strange or incompre hensible/ [yi4 liang4 an1 suan1] /isoleucine (Ile), an essential amino acid/ [yi4 ren2] /eccentric/unusual person/talented individual/ [yi4 xiang4] /extraordinary image/ [yi4 hua4] /alienation (philosophy)/(of speech) dissimilation/ [yi4 hua4 zuo4 yong4] /catabolism (biology)/metabolic breaking down and w /dissimilation/ [yi4 luan3] /(of twins) fraternal/dizygotic/ [yi4 luan3 shuang1 bao1 tai1] /fraternal twins/ [yi4 kou3 tong2 sheng1] /different mouths, same voice/to speak in unison [yi4 tong2] /comparison/differences and similarities/ [yi4 ge1 qin2] /isoalloxazine (name of organic chemical)/ [yi4 guo2] /exotic/foreign/ [yi4 guo2 ta1 xiang1] /foreign lands and places (idiom); living as expatr [yi4 di4 lian4] /long-distance romance/long-distance relationship/ [yi4 yu4] /foreign country/alien land/ [yi4 ji3] /dissident/alien/outsider/ [yi4 chang2] /exceptional/abnormal/an anomaly/ [yi4 xing2] /not the usual type/atypical/heterotype/ [yi4 xing2 ci2] /variant spelling of the same Chinese word e.g. e.g. ua4]/exact synonym and homonym written with different characters/ [yi4 cai3] /extraordinary splendor/ [yi4 xin1] /different feelings/disloyalty/infidelity/malice/ [yi4 xin1 huai4 xin1] /vicious intention/ [yi4 xing4] /the opposite sex/of the opposite sex/heterosexual/different in natur / [yi4 xing4 xing4 jie1 chu4] /heterosexual sex/ [yi4 xing4 lian4] /heterosexuality/heterosexual love/ [yi4 xing4 lian4 zhu3 yi4] /heterosexism/ [yi4 xiang3 tian1 kai1] /to imagine the wildest thing/to indulge in fanta [yi4 wu4 er4 xi1] /isoprene/ [yi4 wu4 xiang4 jiao1] /isoprene rubber/ [yi4 cai2] /extraordinary talent/ [yi4 jiao4] /heresy/heathenism/ [yi4 jiao4 tu2] /member of another religion/heathen/pagan/heretic/apostate/ [yi4 wen2] /variant character/loan word/variant written form (for the same word)/ ifferent edition/ [yi4 wen2 bi3 shi4] /strange writing by rustic or illiterate/ [yi4 zu2] /different tribe/ [yi4 qu3 tong2 gong1] /different tunes played with equal skill (idiom)/di ds leading to the same result/different approach but equally satisfactory outcom e/ [yi4 gou4 ti3] /isomer/ [yi4 yang4] /difference/peculiar/ [yi4 bu4] /asynchronous/ [yi4 bu4 chuan2 shu1 mo2 shi4] /asynchronous transfer mode/ATM/ [yi4 mu3] /sons of same father by different mother/ [yi4 yuan2 duo1 bei4 ti3] /allopolyploid (polyploid with chromosomes

s)/ [yi4 yan1] /feeling surprised at sth/ [yi4 fu4] /with different father (e.g. of half-brother)/ [yi4 wu4] /rarity/rare delicacy/foreign matter/alien body/the dead/ghost/monstros ty/alien life-form/ [yi4 te4 long2] /allosaurus/ [yi4 zhuang4] /unusual state/different condition/ [yi4 zhong3] /hetero-/variety/ [yi4 duan1] /heresy/ [yi4 duan1 zhe3] /a heretic/ [yi4 yi4] /differing opinion/ [yi4 neng2] /different function/ [yi4 jing1] /carbylamine/isocyanide/ [yi4 zhuang1 pi3] /transvestism/ [yi4 jian4] /dissident/dissenting/dissent/ [yi4 jian4 zhe3] /dissident/ [yi4 yan2] /dissenting words/ [yi4 shuo1] /different opinion/dissident view/absurd remark/ [yi4 yi4] /objection/dissent/ [yi4 yi4 ren2 shi4] /dissident/ [yi4 yi4 fen4 zi3] /dissidents/dissenting faction/ [yi4 yi4 zhe3] /dissenter/dissident/ [yi4 du2] /variant pronunciation (when the same character has more than one readi g)/ [yi4 du2 ci2] /word having alternative pronunciations/ [yi4 zhi4] /heterogeneous/ [yi4 zhi4 wang3 lu4] /heterogeneous network/ [yi4 zhi4 ti3] /variant/ [yi4 jun1 tu1 qi3] /a new factor changing the situation/ [yi4 xiang1] /in a foreign land/away from home/ [yi4 xiang1 ren2] /from another land/alien/ [yi4 pin2 lei2 da2 shou1 fa1 ji1] /transponder/electronic dev de/ [yi4 xiang1] /rare perfume/ [yi4 xiang1 pu1 bi2] /exotic odors assail the nostrils (idiom)/ [yi4 ti3] /variant form (of a Chinese character)/ [yi4 ti3 zi4] /variant Chinese character/ [yi4 long2] /allosaurus/also written / [die2] /Japanese variant of , to fold/to fold over in layers/to furl/to layer/to pile up/to repeat/to duplicate/Japanese tatami matting/ [hua4] /variant of /to draw/picture/painting/ [dang1] /to be/to act as/manage/withstand/when/during/ought/should/match equally /equal/same/obstruct/just at (a time or place)/on the spot/right/just at/ [dang4] /at or in the very same.../suitable/adequate/fitting/proper/to replace/t o regard as/to think/to pawn/ [dang1 shang5] /to take up duty as/to assume a position/to assume/to take on (an ffice)/ [dang1 xia4] /presently/immediately/at once/ [dang1 qie3 jin3 dang1] /if and only if/ [dang1 shi4] /the present age/in office/the current office holder/ [dang1 shi4 zhi1 guan4] /the foremost person of his age/unequalled/a lead [dang1 shi4 guan4] /the foremost person of his age/unequalled/a leading light [dang1 shi4 wu2 shuang1] /unequalled in his time/ [dang1 zhong1] /among/in the middle/in the center/ [dang1 zhi1 you3 kui4] /to feel undeserving of the praise or the honor/ [dang1 zhi1 wu2 kui4] /fully deserving, without any reservations (idiom); thy (of a title, honor etc)/ [dang1 shi4] /effective (in some matter)/involved (in some matter)/ [dang1 shi4 ren2] /persons involved or implicated/party (to an affair)/ [dang1 shi4 guo2] /the countries involved/

[dang1 shi4 zhe3] /the person involved/the people holding power/ [dang1 ren2 bu4 rang4] /to be unwilling to pass on one's responsibilities [dang1 jin1] /current/present/now/nowadays/ [dang1 dai4] /the present age/the contemporary era/ [dang1 dai4 shi3] /contemporary history/ [dang1 dai4 xin1 ru2 jia1] /Contemporary New Confucianism/see / [dang4 zuo4] /to treat as/to regard as/ [dang4 zuo4] /to treat as/to regard as/to look upon as/ [dang1 r5] /the very moment/just then/during (that brief interval)/ [dang1 bing1] /to serve in the army/to be a soldier/ [dang1 chu1] /at that time/originally/ [dang1 qian2] /current/today's/modern/present/to be facing (us)/ [dang1 wu4 zhi1 ji2] /top priority job/matter of vital importance/ [dang1 ji2] /at once/on the spot/ [dang1 lang1] /metallic sound/clanging (onomatopoeia)/ [dang4 hui2 shi4] /to take seriously (often with negative expression: "don't too seriously")/to treat conscientiously/ [dang4 hui2 shi4 r5] /erhua variant of , to take seriously ( "don't take it too seriously")/to treat conscientiously/ [dang1 di4] /local/ [dang1 di4 ju1 min2] /a local person/the local population/ [dang1 di4 shi2 jian1] /local time/ [dang1 chang3] /at the scene/on the spot/ [dang4 ye4] /that night/ [dang4 tian1] /that day/the same day/ [dang4 tian1 shi4 dang4 tian1 bi4] /never put off until tomorrow iom)/ [dang1 jia1] /to manage the household/to be the one in charge of the family/to ca l the shots/to be in charge/ [dang1 jia1 zuo4 zhu3] /to be in charge in one's own house (idiom)/to be one's own affairs/ [dang1 ju2] /authorities/ [dang1 ju2 zhe3 mi2 , pang2 guan1 zhe3 qing1] /The pe ees clear (idiom). The onlooker sees more of the game./ [dang1 nian2] /in those days/then/in those years/during that time/ [dang1 xin1] /to take care/to look out/ [dang4 cheng2] /to consider as/take to be/ [dang1 zheng4] /to come to power/to hold power/in office/ [dang1 zheng4 zhe3] /power holder/current political ruler/ [dang4 ri4] /that very day/the same day/ [dang1 shi2] /then/at that time/while/ [dang4 wan3] /that evening/the same evening/ [dang4 yue4] /that month/the same month/ [dang4 ji1] /to crash (of a computer)/to stop working/(loanword from English "dow ")/ [dang1 ji1 li4 duan4] /to make prompt decisions (idiom)/ [dang1 quan2] /to hold power/ [dang1 quan2 pai4] /persons or faction in authority/ [dang1 gui1] /Angelica sinensis/ [Dang1 tu2] /Dangtu county in Ma'anshan [Ma3 an1 shan1], Anhui/ [Dang1 tu2 xian4] /Dangtu county in Ma'anshan [Ma3 an1 shan1], A [dang1 yan3 yuan2] /to go on stage/ [dang1 ran2] /only natural/as it should be/certainly/of course/without doubt/ [dang1 niu2 zuo4 ma3] /to work like a horse and toil like an ox/fig. to s [dang1 ban1] /to work one's shift/ [Dang1 dang1] /Dangdang (online retailer)/ [dang1 dang1] /onomat. ding dong/ [dang4 dang4] /to pawn/ [dang1 zhen1] /to take seriously/serious/No joking, really!/ [dang1 zhong4] /in public/in front of everybody/

[dang1 hong2] /currently popular (of movie stars, singers etc)/ [dang4 pu4] /pawn shop/CL:[jia1], [jian1]/ [dang1 jie1] /in the middle of the street/facing the street/ [dang1 dao4] /in the middle of the road/to be in the way/to hold power/ [dang1 xuan3] /to be elected/ [dang1 liang4] /equivalent/yield/ [dang1 liang4 ji4 liang4] /equivalent dose/ [Dang1 yang2] /Dangyan county level city in Yichang [Yi2 chang1], Hubei/ [Dang1 yang2 shi4] /Dangyan county level city in Yichang [Yi2 chang1], Hu [Dang1 xiong2] /Damxung county, Tibetan: 'Dam gzhung rdzong in Lhasa [La / [Dang1 xiong2 xian4] /Damxung county, Tibetan: 'Dam gzhung rdzong in Lhasa ibet/ [dang1 mian4] /to sb's face/in sb's presence/ [dang1 jia4] /imperial driver/ [chuo4] /raised path between fields/ [ji1] /lopsided/unbalanced/abnormal/irregular/odd fractional remnant/ [ji1 xing2] /deformity/birth defect/abnormality/ [ji1 xing2 er2] /deformed child/child with birth defect/ [ji1 tai4] /deformity/birth defect/abnormality/ [ji1 tai1] /freak of nature/mutant/abnormality/ [ji1 bian4] /distortion/aberration/ [ji1 ling2] /fractional part of a real number/odd fractional remnant/lone person/ olitary/ [wan3] /a field of 20 or 30 mu/ [Wan3 ding1] /Wanding town Dehong Dai and Jingpo autonomous prefecture ar (Burma)/ [Wan3 ding1 shi4] /Wanding town Dehong Dai and Jingpo autonomous prefecture anmar (Burma)/ [tuan3] /place trodden by animals/ [lei2] /fields divided by dikes/ [ji1] /territory around the capital/ [tuan3] /village/animal track/ [jiang1] /border/boundary/ [jiang1 tu3] /territory/ [jiang1 yu4] /territory/ [jiang1 chang3] /battlefield/ [jiang1 jie4] /border/boundary/ [chou2] /arable fields/cultivated field/class/category/ [die2] /variant of [die2], to fold/to fold over in layers/to furl/to layer/to pi e up/to repeat/to duplicate/ [die2] /to fold/to fold over in layers/to furl/to layer/to pile up/to repeat/to duplicate/ [die2 jia1] /superposition/layering/overlay/ [die2 ceng2] /repeated layers/stratified/laminated/stacked/piled strata/stromatol te/ [die2 ceng2 yan2] /stromatolite/ [die2 ceng2 shi2] /stromatolite/ [Die2 cai3] /Diecai district of Guilin city [Gui4 lin2 shi4], Guangxi/ [Die2 cai3 qu1] /Diecai district of Guilin city [Gui4 lin2 shi4], Guang [die2 zhi3] /to fold paper/origami/ [pi3] /a bolt (of cloth)/ [dan4] /see [dan4 min2]/ [dan4 min2] /boat-dwelling people of Guangdong, Guangxi and Fujian provinces (old / [shu1] /Japanese variant of [shu1]/ [Shu1] /surname Shu/ [shu1] /to dredge/to clear away obstruction/thin/sparse/scanty/distant (relation )/not close/to neglect/negligent/to present a memorial to the Emperor/commentary /annotation/

[shu1 bu4 jian4 qin1] /lit. casual aquaintances should not come between r d is thicker than water (idiom)/ [shu1 jian3] /to prune/ [Shu1 le4] /Shule ancient name for modern Kashgar/Shule county in Kashgar prefect re [Ka1 shi2 di4 qu1], west Xinjiang/ [Shu1 le4 guo2] /Shule, oasis state in central Asia (near modern Kashgar) at nt historical periods/ [Shu1 le4 xian4] /Shule county in Kashgar prefecture [Ka1 sh [shu1 shi1] /to make a (careless) mistake/oversight/ [shu1 dao3] /to dredge/to open up a path for/to remove obstructions/to clear the ay/to enlighten/persuasion/ [shu1 hu5] /to neglect/to overlook/negligence/carelessness/ [shu1 hu5 da4 yi4] /oversight/negligence/careless/negligent/not concentra ain point/ [shu1 hu1 zhi2 shou3] /to neglect one's duties/ [shu1 lan3] /indolent/careless/ [shu1 wa1] /to dredge/to dig out (a channel)/ [shu1 fang4] /eccentric/self-indulgent/free and unconventional (written style)/un uttoned/ [shu1 san4] /to scatter/to disperse/to evacuate/scattered/to relax/ [shu1 san4 cuo4 shi1] /evacuation/measures to evacuate a building in an e [shu1 yu2 fang2 fan4] /to neglect to take precautions/relaxed vigilance/ [shu1 shui3 dan1 piao2] /little water and few utensils/to live a frugal l [shu1 jun4] /to dredge/ [shu1 dan4] /sparse/thin/distant/ [shu1 lou4] /to slip/to overlook by negligence/careless omission/oversight/ [shu1 kuang2] /uninhibited/unrestrained/unbridled/ [shu1 shuai4] /careless and rash/heedless/ [shu1 li3] /to clarify (disparate material into a coherent narrative)/to marshal n argument/ [shu1 lu:e4] /negligence/to neglect inadvertently/ [shu1 shu1] /sparse/blurred/old for [chu3 chu3]/neat/lovely/ [shu1 er2 bu4 lou4] /loose, but allows no escape (idiom, from Laozi ) is fair, but the guilty will not escape/ [shu1 gan1 li3 qi4] /to course the liver and rectify [qi4] (traditional C ne)/ [shu1 luo4] /sparse/scattered/ [shu1 jie3] /to mediate/to mitigate/to ease/to relieve/ [shu1 cai2 zhang4 yi4] /distributing money, fighting for virtue (idiom); in helping the needy/ [shu1 cai2 zhong4 yi4] /distributing money, supporting virtue (idiom); fi nerously in a public cause/ [shu1 yuan3] /to drift apart/to become estranged/to alienate/estrangement/ [shu1 kai1] /to disperse/ [shu1 kuo4] /inaccurate/slipshod/poorly thought-out/distant/vague/long-separated/ roadly scattered/ [Shu1 fu4] /Shufu county in Kashgar prefecture [Ka1 shi2 di4 qu1 [Shu1 fu4 xian4] /Shufu county in Kashgar prefecture [Ka1 sh [shu1 li2] /to become alienated/estranged/alienation/disaffection/set wide apart/ [shu1 song1] /to loosen/ [zhi4] /prostrate/ [yi2] /to doubt/to misbelieve/to suspect/ [yi2 si4] /to be suspected to be/deceptive/plausible but fallacious/ [yi2 xiong1] /suspected of murder/criminal suspect/ [yi2 bing1] /troops deployed to mislead the enemy/ [yi2 bing1] /ignorant/doubt stemming from ignorance/(a summer insect has no word or ice, Zhuangzi )/ [yi2 wen4] /a question/sth not understood/to query/interrogative (gramm.)/CL: [yi2 wen4 dai4 ci2] /interrogative pronoun ( , , e [yi2 wen4 ju4] /a question (gramm.)/an interrogative sentence/

[yi2 tuan2] /suspicion/doubts and suspicions/a chain of suspicions/ [yi2 xin1] /suspicion/to suspect/ [yi2 ji4] /jealousy/suspicious and jealous/ [yi2 nian4] /doubt/ [yi2 huo4] /to doubt/to distrust/unconvincing/to puzzle over/misgivings/suspicion / [yi2 lu:4] /hesitation/misgivings/doubt/ [yi2 ju4] /misgivings/ [yi2 an4] /a doubtful case/a controversy/ [yi2 fan4] /a suspect/ [yi2 yu4] /a hard legal case to judge/ [yi2 bing4 zheng4] /hypochondriasis/hypochondria/ [yi2 shen2 yi2 gui3] /to suspect everyone/overly suspicious/ [yi2 dou4] /a doubtful point/ [yi2 yi4] /a doubtful point/ [yi2 zhen4] /a diversion/a feint attack to mislead the enemy/ [yi2 nan2] /hard to understand/difficult to deal with/knotty/complicated/ [yi2 nan2 wen4 ti2] /knotty problem/intractable difficulty/ [yi2 nan2 jie3 da2] /trouble shooting/solution to difficulties/ [yi2 yun2] /a haze of doubts and suspicions/ [yi2 dian3] /a doubtful point/ [ne4] /sick/sickness/Kang Xi radical 104/also pron. [chuang2]/ [ding1] /boil/carbuncle/ [bi3] /facial skin disease/mange/ [gang1] /anus/ [ge1] /pimple/wart/ [ge1 da5] /same as [ge1 da5], swelling/ [ge1 da5] /swelling or lump on skin/pimple/knot/preoccupation/problem/ [jiu4] /chronic disease/guilt/remorse/ [shan4] /hernia/ [chen4] /(disease)/ [you2] /nodule/wart/ [you2 zhuang4] /warty/bumpy/wart-shaped/ [you2 zhu1] /warthog/ [you2 zhui4] /wart/superfluous/useless/ [ba1] /scar/ [ba1 hen2] /scar/ [jie4] /scabies/ [jie4 chuang1] /scabies/welts/ [zhi1] /sick/ [yi4] /epidemic/plague/ [yi4 qu1] /epidemic area/ [yi4 qing2] /epidemic situation/ [yi4 bing4] /plague/a blight/ [yi4 miao2] /vaccine/ [pi2] /weary/ [pi2 fa2] /tired/weary/ [pi2 juan4] /to tire/tired/ [pi2 lao2] /fatigue/wearily/weariness/weary/ [pi2 lao2 zheng4] /fatigue/ [pi2 kui4] /tired/weary/ [pi2 kun4] /fatigued/ [pi2 ruo4] /tired/weak/exhausted/ [pi2 bei4] /beaten/exhausted/tired/ [pi2 yu2 ben1 ming4] /lit. tired of constantly running for one's life (id y busy/up to one's ears in work/ [pi2 lei4] /tired/exhausted/ [pi2 ruan3] /tired and feeble/ [gan1] /rickets/ [ci1] /blemish/flaw/defect/

[xie4] /dysentery/ [da5] /see [ge1 da5]/ [dan3] /jaundice/ [zhen3] /measles/rash/ [zhen3 zi5] /rash/ [teng2] /(it) hurts/sore/to love dearly/ [teng2 xi1] /to cherish/to dote on/ [teng2 ai4] /to love dearly/ [teng2 si3] /to really hurt/ [teng2 tong4] /pain/ache/sore/ [ju1] /gangrene/ [ji2] /sickness/disease/hate/envy/swift/ [ji2 wu4 ru2 chou2] /hating evil as an enemy (idiom); to hate the wicked oes/ [ji2 shu1] /scribble rapidly/ [ji2 bu4] /at a fast pace/ [ji2 bing4] /disease/sickness/ailment/ [ji2 bing4 kong4 zhi4 zhong1 xin1] /Centers for Disease Control ( [ji2 bing4 tu1 fa1] /outbreak of illness/seizure/ [ji2 bing4 yu4 fang2 zhong1 xin1] /Center for Disease Control (US [ji2 ku3] /pain and difficulties/suffering (of the people)/ [ji2 zou3] /scamper/scurry/ [ji2 su4] /very fast/at a crazy speed/ [ji2 feng1] /storm/gale/strong wind/flurry/blast/ [ji2 feng1 jing4 cao3] /the storm put strong grass to the test (idiom); f times test a faithful minister/to show one's true colors after a stern test/ [ji2 feng1 zhi1 jing4 cao3] /the storm put strong grass to the test ( ed times test a faithful minister/to show one's true colors after a stern test/a lso written / [ji2 feng1 zhi1 jin4 cao3 , lie4 huo3 jian4 z e tests true gold (idiom); fig. troubled times test a faithful minister/to show one's true colors after a stern test/ [ji2 shou3] /extremely angry/infuriated/enraged/headache caused by anger/ [ji2 chi2] /gallop/ [ji2 chi2 er2 guo4] /swept past/ [fei4] /prickly heat/ [dian4] /malarial fever/ [jia1] /scab/ [zha4] /mumps/ [bing4] /ailment/sickness/illness/disease/fall ill/sick/defect/CL: [chang2]/ [bing4 ren2] /sick person/patient/invalid/CL: [ge4]/ [bing4 lai2 ru2 shan1 dao3 , bing4 qu4 ru2 ch wly like spinning silk (idiom); expect to convalesce slowly/ [bing4 li4] /(medical) case/occurrence of illness/ [bing4 dao3] /be down with an illness/be laid up/ [bing4 jia4] /sick leave/ [bing4 ru4 gao1 huang1] /lit. the disease has attacked the vitals (idiom) cure/the situation is hopeless/ [bing4 shi4] /degree of seriousness of an illness/patient's condition/ [bing4 bao1 r5] /a person who is always falling ill/chronic invalid/ [bing4 wei1] /be critically ill/be terminally ill/ [bing4 yuan2] /cause of disease/pathogen/ [bing4 yuan2 jun1] /a pathogen/a bacterial pathogen/ [bing4 yuan2 ti3] /(med.) pathogen/ [bing4 yan1 yan1] /sickly-looking/ [bing4 you3] /a friend made in hospital or people who become friends in hospital/ ardmate/ [bing4 shi3] /medical history/ [bing4 yuan2] /sick personnel/person on the sick list/patient/ [bing4 yin1] /cause of disease/pathogen/

[bing4 yin1 zi5] /cause of disease/pathogen/factor/ [bing4 yin1 xue2] /pathological science in traditional Chinese medicine/ [bing4 fu1] /sick man/ [bing4 hai4] /plant disease/ [bing4 jia1] /a patient and his family/ [bing4 rong2] /sickly look/ [bing4 chuang2] /hospital bed/sickbed/ [bing4 zheng1] /symptom (of a disease)/ [bing4 cong2 kou3 ru4] /Illness enters by the mouth (idiom). Mind what yo loose tongue may cause a lot of trouble./ [bing4 cong2 kou3 ru4 , huo4 cong2 kou3 chu1] /Illnes the mouth (idiom). A loose tongue may cause a lot of trouble./ [bing4 ji2 luan4 tou2 yi1] /lit. to turn to any doctor one can find w (idiom); fig. to try anyone or anything in a crisis/ [bing4 huan4] /sickness/disease/ill/sick/suffering (from a disease or poisoning)/ patient/ [bing4 qing2] /state of an illness/patient's condition/ [bing4 tai4] /morbid or abnormal state/ [bing4 tai4 fei2 pang4] /morbidly obese (medicine)/ [bing4 yan1 yan1] /looking or feeling sickly/weak and dispirited through illn [bing4 fang2] /ward (of a hospital)/sickroom/CL: [jian1]/ [bing4 gu4] /die of an illness/ [bing4 zhu1] /diseased or infected plant/ [bing4 gen1] /an incompletely cured illness/an old complaint/the root cause of tr uble/ [bing4 ta4] /sickbed/ [bing4 ji1] /interpretation of the cause/onset and process of an illness/pathogen sis/ [bing4 li4] /medical record/case history/ [bing4 si3] /to fall ill and die/to die of illness/ [bing4 du2] /virus/ [bing4 du2 xue2] /virology (study of viruses)/ [bing4 du2 xue2 jia1] /virologist (person who studies viruses)/ [bing4 du2 shi4 ying2 xiao1] /viral marketing/see also [bing4 du2 xing4] /viral/ [bing4 du2 xing4 ying2 xiao1] /viral marketing/see also [bing4 du2 xing4 gan1 yan2] /viral hepatitis/ [bing4 du2 gan3 ran3] /viral infection/ [bing4 du2 ying2 xiao1] /viral marketing/ [bing4 du2 ke1] /virus family/ [bing4 du2 xue4 zheng4] /viremia/ [bing4 min2 hai4 guo2] /to damage the people and harm the country (idiom) [bing4 min2 gu3 guo2] /to damage the people and harm the country (idiom)/ [bing4 kuang4] /state of an illness/patient's condition/ [bing4 yuan2] /cause of disease/ [bing4 zao4] /focus (of infection)/ [bing4 zhuang4] /symptom (of a disease)/ [bing4 li3] /pathology/ [bing4 li3 xue2] /pathology/ [bing4 li3 xue2 jia1] /pathologist/ [bing4 zheng4] /disease/illness/ [bing4 tong4] /slight illness/indisposition/ailment/ [bing4 yu4] /recover (from an illness)/ [bing4 cheng2] /course of disease/ [bing4 zhe3] /patient/sick person/ [bing4 mai4] /abnormal pulse/ [bing4 jun1] /harmful bacteria/pathogenic bacteria/germs/ [bing4 hao4] /sick personnel/person on the sick list/patient/ [bing4 chong2 wei1 hai4] /insect or disease damage to crop/ [bing4 chong2 hai4] /plant diseases and insect pests/

[bing4 bian4] /pathological changes/ [bing4 xiang4] /symptom (of a disease)/ [bing4 shi4] /to die of illness/ [bing4 xie2] /pathogeny (cause of disease) in traditional Chinese medicine/as opp sed to vital energy [zheng4 qi4]/ [bing4 zhong4] /seriously ill/ [bing4 yuan4] /a specialized hospital/ [bing4 mo2] /serious illness/ [zheng4] /disease/illness/ [zheng4 hou2 qun2] /erroneous variant of , syndrome/ [zheng4 hou4] /illness/disease/ [zheng4 hou4 qun2] /syndrome/ [zheng4 zhuang4] /symptom (of an illness)/ [zheng4 zhuang4 xing4] /symptomatic/ [zheng4 xiang4] /symptom/ [quan2] /to recover (from illness)/ [quan2 yu4] /to heal and recover completely/ [tong1] /moaning in pain/ [yi2] /bruise/sores/ [wei3] /a bruise or contusion/ [hui2] /roundworm/Ascaris lumbricoides/ [yang3] /variant of [yang3]/to itch/to tickle/ [zhi4] /piles/hemorrhoid/ [zhi4 chuang1] /hemorrhoid/ [hen2] /scar/traces/ [hen2 ji4] /vestige/mark/trace/ [mei4] /disease caused by anxiety/ [dou4] /small pox/vaccine/ [dou4 jia1] /pockmark/smallpox scab/ [dou4 hen2] /pockmark/ [dou4 ban1] /pock mark/ [dou4 pao4] /pimple/acne/ [dou4 miao2] /vaccine/ [jing4] /spasm/ [jing4 luan2] /spasm/convulsion/ [xiao1] /asthma/difficulty in breathing/ [tong4] /ache/pain/sorrow/deeply/thoroughly/ [tong4 bu4 yu4 sheng1] /to be so in pain as to not want to live/to be so wish one were dead/ [tong4 ku1] /to cry bitterly/ [tong4 ku1 liu2 ti4] /weeping bitter tears/ [tong4 xin1] /grieved/pained/ [tong4 kuai4] /overjoyed/delighted/happily/heartily/enjoying/also pr. [tong4 kuai ]/ [tong4 kuai5] /jolly/ [tong4 xing4 jing4 luan2] /(muscle) cramp/ [tong4 hen4] /to detest/to loathe/to abhor/ [tong4 xi1] /to lament/ [tong4 gan3] /compassion/ [tong4 pi1] /to severely criticize/ [tong4 gai3 qian2 fei1] /completely correcting one's former misdeeds (idi t past mistakes and turn over a new leaf/a reformed character/ [tong4 chi4] /to criticize harshly/to denounce/to attack viciously/ [tong4 chu3] /pain/anguish/suffering/ [tong4 tong5 kuai4 kuai4] /immediately/without a moment's hesitation/with ing from the hip/ [tong4 bian1] /to strongly criticize/ [tong4 bian1 shi2 bi4] /to strongly criticize the evils of the day/ [tong4 jing1] /variant of /menstrual pain/dysmenorrhea/ [tong4 ma4] /to bawl out/to reprimand severely/

[tong4 ku3] /pain/suffering/painful/CL: [ge4]/ [tong4 chu4] /sore spot/place that hurts/ [tong4 feng1] /gout/ [tong4 yin3] /to drink one's fill/ [pi3] /constipation/lump in the abdomen/ [pi3 zi5] /ruffian/hooligan/ [Pi3 zi5 Cai4] /Rowdy Cai (1969-), Taiwanese internet writer/ [suan1] /aching of limbs/ [pu1] /sick/disabled/ [li4] /dysentery/ [li4 ji5] /dysentery/ [zhi4] /birthmark/mole/ [cuo2] /acne/ [cuo2 chuang1] /acne/ [wu4] /(flat) mole/ [wu4 zi5] /nevus/mole/birthmark/ [sha1] /cholera/ [shou4] /variant of [shou4]/ [peng2] /menorrhagia/ [guan3] /ill-looking/ [tan2] /phlegm/spittle/ [tan2 ye4] /saliva/spittle/ [tan2 yu2] /spittoon/ [tan2 yu2 r5] /erhua variant of [tan2 yu2]/ [tan2 yu2 shi4] /spittoon-shaped/ [fei4] /prickly heat/ [fei4 zi5] /miliaria (type of skin disease)/prickly heat/sweat rash/ [ma2] /leprosy/numb/ [ma2 zhen3] /measles/ [ma2 bi4] /variant of /paralysis/ [lin2] /hernia/urinary hesitancy/erroneous spelling of [ma2]/ [chi1] /imbecile/sentimental/stupid/foolish/silly/ [chi1 ren2 chi1 fu2] /a fool suffers foolish fortune (idiom)/ [chi1 dai1 zheng4] /dementia/ [chi1 xin1] /infatuation/ [chi1 dai1] /imbecility/dementia/ [chi1 xiao4] /to giggle foolishly/to titter/ [chi1 mi2] /infatuated/obsessed/ [chi1 zui4] /to be fascinated/to be spellbound/ [chi1 zhang3] /to not be wiser despite being older/to be older than (you) by (hum le)/ [chi1 ai2] /stupid/foolish/ [ji4] /nervous start in sleep/ [bi4] /paralysis/numbness/ [bi4 zheng4] /localized pain disorder (in Chinese medicine)/arthralgia syndrome/b disorder/ [min2] /to be ill/ [gu4] /obstinate disease/(of passion, hobbies) long-term/ [gu4 ji2] /chronic disease/ [gu4 pi3] /addiction/ [gu4 xi2] /inveterate habit/ [ke1] /disease/also pron. [e1]/ [wei3] /atrophy/ [yu1] /hematoma (internal blood clot)/extravasated blood (spilt into surrounding tissue)/contusion/ [yu1 shang1] /bruising/ [yu1 zhi4] /(in Chinese medicine) stasis (of blood or other fluids)/ [yu1 xue4] /clotted blood/extravasated blood (leaking into surrounding tissue)/th ombosis/ [yu1 qing1] /bruise/contusion/

[cui4] /care-worn/distressed/tired/overworked/sick/weary/ [ya3] /mute, incapable of speech/same as [ya3]/ [zhu2] /chilblain/ [ji4] /furious/hydrophobia/madness/ [yu4] /to heal/ [hou2] /wart/ [hou2 zi5] /wart/ [feng1] /insane/mad/wild/ [feng1 zi5] /madman/lunatic/ [feng1 niu2 bing4] /mad cow disease (bovine spongiform encephalopathy)/ [feng1 quan3] /mad dog/rabid dog/ [feng1 kuang2] /madness/extreme popularity/ [feng1 feng5 dian1 dian1] /deranged/erratic/ [feng1 tan1] /paralysis/also [tan1 huan4]/ [feng1 dian1] /insane/crazy/ [la4] /scabies/scald-head/ [yang2] /ulcers/sores/ [tu2] /be injured/ill (of animals)/ [yu3] /to maltreat (as prisoners)/ [huan4] /illness/numbness of the limbs/ [jia3] /obstruction in the intestine/ [yin1] /dumb/ [sao4] /itch/old term for scabies/Taiwan pr. [sao1]/ [sao4 yang3] /to itch/itchiness/ [sao4 yang3 bing4] /scrapie (prion disease of sheep)/ [sao4 yang3 zheng4] /pruritus/itchy skin/ [jue2] /to hiccup/the humours of the body/ [xi2] /a polypus/ [guan1] /incapacitated/inefficient/ [yi4] /bury/sacrifice/ [wen1] /epidemic/pestilence/plague/ [wen1 yi4] /epidemic/plague/pestilence/diseased/ [wen1 shen2] /demon personifying pestilence/ [ji2] /barren/lean/ [chuang1] /sore/skin ulcer/ [chuang1 ba1] /scar/ [chuang1 jia1] /boil with scab/ [chuang1 yi2] /lit. wound/fig. the desolation of trauma/desolation in the afterma h of a disaster/ [chuang1 yi2 man3 mu4] /lit. bumps and bruises everywhere (idiom); fig. a es/devastation everywhere/ [chuang1 hen2] /scar/scarred skin/ [ban1] /mark/scar on the skin/ [ban1 hen2] /scar/ [liu2] /tumor/ [liu2 zi5] /tumor/ [chai4] /to recover from disease/ [cuo2] /disease/ [shou4] /thin/to lose weight/(of clothing) tight/(of meat) lean/(of land) unprod uctive/ [shou4 xue1] /slim/ [shou4 zi5] /thin person/ [shou4 ruo4] /thin and weak/ [shou4 rou4] /lean meat/ [shou4 rou4 jing1] /leanness-enhancing agent/ [shou4 shen1] /to lose weight/to go on a diet/ [shou4 chang2] /slim/ [shou4 gu3 lin2 xun2] /skinny; emaciated (idiom)/ [nu:e4] /malaria/ [yao4] /see [yao4 zi5]/

[nu:e4 yuan2 chong2] /plasmodium (malaria parasite)/ [yao4 zi5] /(colloquial) malaria/ [nu:e4 ji2] /malaria/ [nu:e4 ji2 bing4] /malaria/ [nu:e4 wen2] /Anopheles (type of mosquito)/ [dian1] /convulsions/crazy/ [da2] /sore/boil/scab/ [biao1] /whitlow/ [shen4] /to terrify/ [cu4] /(skin disease)/ [luo3] /scrofula/tuberculosis of glands/ [luo3 li4] /scrofula (in Chinese medicine)/ [luo3 yuan2] /triton/ [zong4] /spasms or convulsions in young children, caused by indigestion/ [chou1] /to convalesce/to recover/to heal/ [zhang4] /malaria/miasma/ [zhang4 li4] /tropical disease attributed to miasma/malaria/ [zhai4] /focus of tubercular infection/ [que2] /lame/ [que2 zi5] /lame person (colloquial)/ [que2 tui3] /crippled/lame/a cripple/a lame person/ [lou4] /variant of [lou4]/ [lou4] /fistula/ulceration/ [mo4] /distress/sickness/ [liao2] /to treat/to cure/therapy/ [liao2 shang1] /healing/to heal/to make healthy again/ [liao2 xiao4] /healing efficacy/healing effect/ [liao2 fa3] /therapy/treatment/ [liao2 yang3] /to get well/to heal/to recuperate/to convalesce/convalescence/to n rse/ [liao2 yang3 suo3] /sanitorium/convalescent hospital/ [long2] /infirmity/retention of urine/ [long2 bi4] /illness having to do with obstruction of urine flow/(Chinese medicin )/retention of urine/ [lao2] /tuberculosis/ [xian2] /epilepsy/insanity/ [fei4] /abrogate, terminate, discard/ [dan1] /(disease)/ [dan4] /to hate/ [ai2] /cancer/carcinoma/also pr. [yan2]/ [ai2 zheng4] /cancer/ [ai2 xi4 bao1] /cancer cell/ [ai2 bian4] /to become cancerous/transformation to malignancy (of body cells)/ [xian2] /variant of , epilepsy/ [gui4] /variant of [gui4]/ [yu4] /to heal/ [yu4 fu4] /recovery (after illness)/ [yi4] /see [yi4 bing4]/ [yi4 bing4] /hysteria/ [pi3] /habit/hobby/ [pi3 hao4] /an urge/a craving/an addiction/ [li4] /ulcer/plague/ [shu3] /hidden/secret/scrofula/ [dian4] /erythema/leucoderm/ [bie3] /deflated/shriveled/sunken/empty/ [bie1 san1] /a wretched-looking tramp who lives by begging or stealing/ [bie3 luo2 sha1] /cholera (with dehydration)/ [ji4] /sick/diseased/ [chi1] /variant of [chi1]/ [chi1 sha3] /stupid/foolish/

[chi1 dai1] /imbecility/dementia/ [chi1 xin1 wang4 xiang3] /to labor under a delusion (idiom); wishful thin rm also used/ [chi1 qing2] /infatuation/ [yang3] /to itch/to tickle/ [yang3 yang5] /to itch/to tickle/ [jie2] /pimple/sore/boil/ [zheng1] /abdominal tumor/ [zheng4] /variant of [zheng4]/disease/illness/ [zheng1 jie2] /hard lump in the abdomen (in Chinese medicine)/crux of an issue/ma n point in an argument/sticking point/deadlock in negotiations/ [li4] /see [luo3 li4]/ [lai4] /scabies/skin disease/ [lai4 pi2 bing4] /pellagra/scabies/ [lai4 ha2 ma5] /toad/ [ji1] /spasms, convulsions, hysteria/ [xuan3] /ringworm/ [ying3] /goiter/knob on tree/ [yin3] /addiction/craving/ [yin3 jun1 zi3] /opium eater/drug addict/chain smoker/ [yin3 tou2] /craving/addiction/ [yin3 tou2 r5] /erhua variant of , craving/addiction/ [qu2] /thin/emaciated/worn/tired/ [qu2 shou4] /thin/emaciated/ [yong1] /carbuncle/ [tan1] /paralyzed/ [tan1 zi5] /paralyzed person/ [tan1 huan4] /paralysis/be paralyzed (body, transportation, etc)/ [tan1 ruan3] /limp/weak/ [dian1] /mentally deranged/crazy/ [dian1 kuang2] /deranged/mad/cracked/zany/ [dian1 xian2] /epilepsy/ [gui3] /tenth of 10 heavenly stems /tenth in order/letter "J" or roman "X" in l "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc/deca/ [gui3 chou3] /fiftieth year J2 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1973 or 2033/ [gui3 hai4] /sixtieth year J12 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1983 or 2043/ [gui3 mao3] /fortieth year J4 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1963 or 2023/ [gui3 si4] /thirtieth year J6 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 2013 or 2073/ [gui3 wei4] /twentieth year J8 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 2003 or 2063/ [gui3 you3] /tenth year J10 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1993 or 2053/ [fa1] /Japanese variant of / [deng1] /to scale (a height)/to ascend/to mount/to publish or record/to enter (e .g. in a register)/to press down with the foot/to step or tread on/to put on (sh oes or trousers)(dialect)/to be gathered and taken to the threshing ground (old) / [deng1 shang4] /to climb over/to ascend onto/to mount/ [deng1 xian1] /to become immortal/big promotion/die/ [deng1 ru4] /to log in (to a computer)/to enter (data)/ [deng1 chu1] /to log out (computer)/to publish/to be published/to appear (in a ne spaper etc)/ [deng1 chu1 lai2] /to publish/to appear (in print)/ [deng1 ji1] /to ascend the throne/ [deng1 bao4] /to publish in the newspapers/ [deng1 chang3] /to go on stage/fig. to appear on the scene/used in advertising to mean new product/ [Deng1 feng1] /Dengfeng county level city in Zhengzhou [Zheng1 zhou1], H [Deng1 feng1 shi4] /Dengfeng county level city in Zhengzhou [Zheng1 [deng1 shan1] /to climb a mountain/climbing/mountaineering/ [deng1 shan1 jia1] /mountaineer/ [deng1 an4] /to go ashore/to disembark/

[deng1 feng1] /to climb a mountain/to scale a peak/mountain climbing/mountaineeri g/ [deng1 feng1 zao4 ji2] /to reach great heights (in technical skills or sc evements)/ [deng1 yong1 ren2 cai2] /to employ talent (idiom)/ [deng1 guang3 gao4] /to advertise/ [deng1 shi2] /immediately/at once/ [deng1 yue4] /go (up) to the moon/ [deng1 ji2] /to ascend the throne/ [deng1 ji1] /to board a plane/ [deng1 ji1 ru4 kou3] /boarding gate/ [deng1 ji1 kou3] /departure gate (aviation)/ [deng1 ji1 lang2 qiao2] /air bridge/aircraft boarding bridge/ [deng1 ji1 shou3 xu4] /(airport) check-in/boarding formalities/ [deng1 ji1 shou3 xu4 gui4 tai2] /check-in counter/ [deng1 ji1 lou2] /(airport) terminal/ [deng1 ji1 qiao2] /boarding gate (at airport)/aircraft boarding bridge/ [deng1 ji1 pai2] /boarding pass/ [deng1 ji1 zheng4] /boarding pass/ [deng1 ji1 men2] /boarding gate/ [deng1 lin2] /to visit places famous for their scenery/ [deng1 tai2 biao3 yan3] /to go on stage/ [deng1 ji4] /to register (one's name)/ [deng1 ji4 ming2] /to register one's name/account name (on a computer)/ [deng1 ji4 yuan2] /registrar/ [deng1 ji4 yong4 hu4] /registered user/ [deng1 ji4 biao3] /registration form/ [deng1 zai3] /to publish (in newspapers or magazines)/to record (bookkeeping entr es)/ [deng1 lun2] /to board a ship/ [deng1 xia2] /death of an emperor/ [deng1 lu4] /to register/to log in/ [deng1 men2] /to visit sb at home/ [deng1 lu4] /to land/to come ashore/to make landfall (of typhoon etc)/to log in/ [deng1 lu4 yue4 qiu2] /moon landing/to land on the moon/ [deng1 lu4 jian4] /landing craft/ [deng1 ge2 re4] /dengue fever/Singapore hemorrhagic fever/ [deng1 ge2 yi4 miao2] /dengue vaccine/ [deng1 ge2 bing4 du2] /dengue virus/ [deng1 gao1 wang4 yuan3] /to stand tall and see far (idiom); taking the l view/acute foresight/ [fa1] /to send out/to show (one's feeling)/to issue/to develop/classifier for gu nshots (rounds)/ [fa1 jiao1] /to issue and deliver (to people)/ [fa1 liang4] /to shine/shiny/ [fa1 ling4] /to issue an order/ [fa1 ling4 qiang1] /starting pistol/ [fa1 jian4 ren2] /sender (of mail)/From: (email header)/ [fa1 bu4] /to release/to issue/to announce/to distribute/also written [f [fa1 bu4 hui4] /news conference/briefing/ [fa1 zuo4] /to flare-up/to break out/ [fa1 xin4] /post a letter/ [fa1 guang1] /shine/ [fa1 guang1 er4 ji2 guan3] /light-emitting diode/LED/ [fa1 guang1 qiang2 du4] /luminous intensity/ [fa1 bing1] /to dispatch an army/to send troops/ [fa1 leng3] /to feel a chill (as an emotional response)/to feel cold (as a clinic l symptom)/ [fa1 chu1] /to issue (an order, decree etc)/to send out/to dispatch/to produce a ound/to let out (a laugh)/

[fa1 chu1 zhi3 shi4] /to issue instructions/ [fa1 kan1] /to publish/to put out (a document)/ [fa1 kan1 ci2] /foreword/preface (to a publication)/ [fa1 dong4] /to start/to launch/to unleash/to mobilize/to arouse/ [fa1 dong4 li4] /motive power/ [fa1 dong4 ji1] /engine/motor/CL: [tai2]/ [fa1 bao1] /to put out to contract/ [fa1 ka3] /to issue a card/ [fa1 dai1] /to stare blankly/to be stunned/to be lost in thought/ [fa1 shou4] /to sell/ [fa1 wen4] /to question/to ask/to raise a question/ [fa1 sang1] /to hold a funeral/ [fa1 ga1 ga1 sheng1] /rattle/ [fa1 xu1 sheng1] /to hiss (as a sign of displeasure)/ [fa1 hui2] /to send back/to return/ [fa1 bao4] /to send a message/ [fa1 bao4 ren2] /sender (of a message)/ [fa1 fen4] /to make an effort/to push for sth/to work hard/ [fa1 fen4 tu2 qiang2] /to make an effort to become strong (idiom); determ tter/to pull one's socks up/ [fa1 fen4 you3 wei2] /to prove ones wo th th ough fi m esolve (idiom)/ [fa1 jia1] /to lay down a family fo tune/to get ich/to become p ospe ous/ [fa1 she4] /to shoot (a p ojectile)/to fi e (a ocket)/to launch/to emit (a pa ti le)/to discha ge/emanation/emission/ [fa1 she4 jing3] /launching silo/ [fa1 she4 qi4] / adio t ansmitte / [fa1 she4 chang3] /launchpad/launching site/ [fa1 she4 xing1 yun2] / adiant nebula/ [fa1 she4 ji1] /t ansmitte / [fa1 she4 ji1 ying4 da2 qi4] /t ansponde /elect onic device that [fa1 she4 zhan4] /launch pad (fo ocket o p ojectile)/ [fa1 zhan3] /development/g owth/to develop/to g ow/to expand/ [fa1 zhan3 zhong1] /developing/unde development/in the pipeline/ [fa1 zhan3 zhong1 guo2 jia1] /developing count y/ [fa1 zhan3 he2 wu3 qi4] /to develop nuclea weapons/ [fa1 zhan3 de5 guo2 jia1] /developing count y/developing nation/ [fa1 zhan3 yan2 jiu1 zhong1 xin1] /Development Resea ch Cente (P ion)/ [fa1 zhan3 qu1 shi4] /g owing t end/ [fa1 gong1 zi1 i4] /payday/pay day/ [fa1 bu4] /to elease/to issue/to announce/to dist ibute/ [fa1 bu4 hui4] /news confe ence/b iefing/ [fa1 tie3] /to post (an item on a fo um)/ [fa1 nu4] /to get ang y/ [fa1 zheng1] /baffled/nonplussed/ [fa1 ji2] /to f et/to get impatient/to become anxious/ [fa1 chu4] /to feel te ified/to g ow app ehensive/ [fa1 qing2] /oest us (sexual eceptivity in female mammals)/ [fa1 qing2 qi1] /the b eeding season (zool.)/oest us (pe iod of sexual ecept f female mammals)/ [fa1 chou2] /to wo y/to f et/to be anxious/to become sad/ [fa1 leng4] /to dayd eam/in a daze/ [fa1 huang1] /to become agitated/to feel ne vous/ [fa1 fen4] /to make a dete mined effo t/ [fa1 fen4 tu2 qiang2] /ang y dete mination/ [fa1 chu4] /va iant of [fa1 chu4]/ [fa1 dou3] /to tremble/to shake/to shiver/ [fa1 jue2] /to excavate/to explore/ [fa1 yang2] /to develop/to make full use of/ [fa1 yang2 guang1 da4] /to advocate/to promote/to advertise/to carry out










behalf of/to carry forward/to bring to great height of development/to develop a nd promote/ [fa1 yang2 chuo1 li4] /to be full of vigor (idiom)/ [fa1 hui1] /to display/to exhibit/to bring out implicit or innate qualities/to ex ress (a thought or moral)/to develop (an idea)/to elaborate (on a theme)/ [fa1 gai3 wei3] /abbr. for , PRC Nat [fa1 fang4] /to provide/to give/to grant/ [fa1 san4] /to disperse/to diverge/ [fa1 ming2] /to invent/invention/CL: [ge4]/ [fa1 ming2 ren2] /inventor/ [fa1 ming2 chuang4 zao4] /inventions/ [fa1 ming2 jia1] /inventor/ [fa1 ming2 zhe3] /inventor/ [fa1 hun1] /to faint/ [fa1 chun5] /in heat/ [fa1 yun1] /to feel dizzy/ [fa1 an4] /to darken/to become tarnished/ [fa1 an4] /occurrence (refers to time and place esp. of a criminal act)/to take p ace/to occur/ [fa1 tiao2] /spring/coil spring (spiral spring used to power clockwork)/ [fa1 ke1] /budding/ [fa1 bang3] /to publish a roll-call of successful candidates/ [fa1 heng4 cai2] /to make easy money/to make a fortune/to line one's pockets/ [fa1 mao2] /to rant and rave/to be scared, upset (Beijing dialect)/ [fa1 qi4] /get angry/ [fa1 han4] /to sweat/ [fa1 pao4] /fizzy/sparkling (drink)/ [fa1 pao4 ji4] /foaming agent/blowing agent/ [fa1 pao4 jiao1] /expanded polystyrene (EPS)/styrofoam/ [fa1 xie4] /to give vent to (anger, lust etc)/to take it out on sb/ [fa1 yuan2] /to rise/to originate/source/derivation/ [fa1 yuan2 di4] /place of origin/birthplace/source/ [fa1 huo3] /to catch fire/to ignite/to detonate/to get angry/ [fa1 yan2] /inflamed from infection or injury/inflammation/ [fa1 re4] /to have a high temperature/feverish/unable to think calmly/to emit hea / [fa1 re4 ban4 xue4 xiao3 ban3 jian3 shao3 zon rome (SFTS)/ [fa1 shao1] /to have a high temperature (from illness)/to have a fever/ [fa1 shao1 you3] /fan/zealot/ [fa1 tang4] /burning hot/ [fa1 pai2] /to deal (cards)/ [fa1 lao2 sao1] /to whine/to be grouchy/ [fa1 kuang2] /crazy/mad/madly/ [fa1 jiang3] /to award a prize/ [fa1 xian4] /to find/to discover/ [fa1 xian4 wu4] /finding/ [Fa1 xian4 hao2] /the Discovery space shuttle/ [fa1 qiu2] /to serve the ball/to tee off/ [fa1 qiu2 qu1] /teeing ground (golf)/ [fa1 sheng1] /to happen/to occur/to take place/to break out/ [fa1 sheng1 lu:4] /rate of occurrence/ [fa1 bing4] /onset/outbreak (of a disease)/ [fa1 bing4 lu:4] /incidence of a disease/disease rate/ [fa1 tong4] /to ache/to be sore/to feel painful/ [fa1 feng1] /to go mad/to go crazy/to lose one's mind/ [fa1 yang3] /to tickle/to itch/ [fa1 bai2] /to turn pale/to lose color/to go white/ [fa1 zhi2] /to stare/to look blank/to be fixed (of eyes)/ [fa1 duan3 xin4] /to text/to send SMS messages/

[fa1 shen2 jing1] /demented/unhinged/ [fa1 xiang2] /to give rise to (sth good)/to emanate from/ [fa1 xiang2 di4] /the birthplace (of sth good)/the cradle (e.g. of art)/ [fa1 piao4] /invoice/receipt or bill for purchase/ [fa1 fu2] /to put on weight/to get fat (a sign of prosperity, so a compliment)/ [fa1 gao3 shi2] /time of publication/at the time of going to press/ [fa1 ji1] /see [fa1 ji4]/ [fa1 jiong3] /to feel embarrassment/disconcerted/embarrassed/ [fa1 duan1] /beginning/origin/to originate/to initiate/ [fa1 xiao4] /to burst out laughing/to laugh/ [fa1 zan1] /hairpin/ [fa1 fen3] /baking soda (used to leaven bread)/ [fa1 hong2] /flush (face)/ [fa1 gan4] /cyanosis (blue skin due to lack of oxygen in blood)/ [fa1 gei3] /to issue/to grant/to distribute/ [fa1 sheng1] /vocal/sound/sound production/to utter/to give voice/ [fa1 sheng1 qi4] /sound device/ [fa1 sheng1 qi4 guan1] /vocal organs/vocal chords/ [fa1 sheng1 fa3] /intonation/ [fa1 long2 zhen4 kui4] /lit. so loud that even the deaf can hear (idiom); the apathetic/ [fa1 yu4] /to develop/growth/development/ [fa1 yu4 qi1] /puberty/period of development/ [fa1 yu4 sheng1 wu4 xue2] /developmental biology/ [fa1 pang4] /to put on weight/to get fat/ [fa1 cui4] /to become brittle/to become crisp/ [fa1 tuo1 kou3 chi3] /diction/enunciation/ [fa1 zhang4] /to swell up/swelling/ [fa1 pi2 qi4] /to get angry/ [fa1 zi4] /to evolve from/ [fa1 ya2] /to germinate/ [fa1 luo4] /to deal with (an offender)/ [fa1 nian1] /to wilt/to droop/to appear listless/ [fa1 xin1] /to pay wages or salary/ [fa1 xu1] /to feel weak/to be diffident/ [fa1 hao4 shi1 ling4] /to boss people around (idiom)/ [fa1 xing2] /to publish/to issue (stocks, currency etc)/to release/to distribute a film)/ [fa1 xing2 ren2] /publisher/issuer/ [fa1 xing2 bei4 wang4 lu4] /offering memorandum (for public stock iss orandum/ [fa1 xing2 hong2 li4 gu3] /a bonus issue (a form of dividend payment) [fa1 xing2 e2] /(periodical) circulation/ [fa1 biao3] /to issue/to publish/ [fa1 biao3 yan3 jiang3] /to give a speech/ [fa1 jue2] /to find/to detect/to discover/ [fa1 yan2] /to make a speech/statement/utterance/CL: [ge4]/ [fa1 yan2 zhong4 ken3] /to hit the nail on the head (idiom)/ [fa1 yan2 ren2] /spokesperson/ [fa1 yan2 quan2] /the right of speech/ [fa1 shi4] /to vow/to pledge/to swear/ [fa1 yu3 ci2] /form word/in classical Chinese, first character of phrase havi liary grammatical function/ [fa1 yu3 ci2] /literary auxiliary particle, comes at the beginning of a sente [fa1 cai2] /to get rich/ [fa1 cai2 zhi4 fu4] /to become rich/enrichment/ [fa1 huo4] /to dispatch/to send out goods/ [fa1 tie1] /to stick sth up (on the wall)/to post (on a noticeboard or website)/ [fa1 qi3] /to originate/to initiate/to launch (an attack, an initiative etc)/to s art/to propose sth (for the first time)/

[fa1 qi3 ren2] /proposer/initiator/founding member/ [fa1 ji4] /to rise to power and position/ [fa1 che1] /departure (of a coach or train)/to dispatch a vehicle/ [fa1 ruan3] /to weaken/to go soft (at the knees)/ [fa1 song4] /to transmit/to dispatch/ [fa1 song4 gong1 lu:4] /transmission power/output power/ [fa1 song4 qi4] /transmitter/ [fa1 yun4] /(of goods) to dispatch/shipment/shipping/ [fa1 da2] /developed (country etc)/flourishing/to develop/ [fa1 da2 guo2] /developed nation/ [fa1 da2 guo2 jia1] /developed nation/ [fa1 da2 di4 qu1] /developed area/ [fa1 pei4] /to send away to serve a penal sentence/ [fa1 jiu3 feng1] /to get wildly drunk/ [fa1 jiao4] /ferment/leavening/ [fa1 nan4] /(to be first to) rise in revolt/to raise difficult questions/ [fa1 dian4] /to generate electricity/to send a telegram/ [fa1 dian4 chang3] /power plant/ [fa1 dian4 ji1] /electricity generator/dynamo/ [fa1 dian4 zhan4] /electricity generating station/power station/ [fa1 dian4 liang4] /(generated) electrical energy/ [fa1 mei2] /to become moldy/ [fa1 yin1] /to pronounce/pronunciation/to emit sound/ [fa1 yin1 qi4 guan1] /vocal organs/vocal chords/ [fa1 yin1 ti3] /sound producing object (soundboard, vibrating string, membran [fa1 yuan4] /to vow/ [fa1 zhan4] /to shiver/ [fa1 piao1] /to feel light, as if floating/to feel unstable/ [fa1 biao1] /to flip out/to act out violently/ [fa1 mian4] /to leaven dough/to make bread/ [fa1 ma2] /to feel numb/ [Bai2] /surname Bai/ [bai2] /white/snowy/pure/bright/empty/blank/plain/clear/to make clear/in vain/gr atuitous/free of charge/reactionary/anti-communist/funeral/to stare coldly/to wr ite wrong character/to state/to explain/vernacular/spoken lines in opera/ [Bai2 xia4] /Baixia district of Nanjing City in Jiangsu / [Bai2 xia4 qu1] /Baixia district of Nanjing City in Jiangsu / [bai2 gan1 r5] /alcoholic spirit/strong white rice wine/ [bai2 shi4] /funeral/to explain (literary)/ [bai2 yun2 mu3] /muscovite/white mica/ [bai2 ren2] /white man and woman/ [Bai2 ling4 Hai3] /Bering Sea/ [Bai2 ling4 hai3 xia2] /the Bering straits (between Siberia and Alaska)/ [bai2 fo2] /to ask Buddha/ [bai2 e2] /abbr. for Belarus/ [Bai2 e2 luo2 si1] /Belarus/Byelorussia/White Russia/ [Bai2 e2 luo2 si1 ren2] /Byelorussian (person)/ [Bai2 Xian1 yong3] /Bai Xianyong (1937-), Chinese-Taiwanese-US novelist of Hu nt/ [bai2 nei4 zhang4] /cataract/ [Bai2 Bing1 bing1] /Pai Ping-ping (well-known Taiwan performing artist)/ [bai2 ren4] /naked sword/ [bai2 qie1 ji1] /Cantonese poached chicken, known as "white cut chicken"/ [bai2 hua4 bing4] /albinism/ [bai2 hua4 zheng4] /albinism/ [bai2 fei3] /White bandits/ [bai2 qu1] /White Area/ [bai2 juan4] /blank exam paper/ [bai2 kou3 tie3] /white iron/ [bai2 chi1] /to eat without paying/to eat for free/

[bai2 chi1 bai2 he1] /to freeload/ [bai2 chun2 lu4] /Cervus albirostris (white-lipped deer)/ [bai2 hou2] /diphtheria/ [bai2 hou2 gan3 jun1] /Klebs-Loeddler bacillus (the diphtheria bacterium) [bai2 hou2 du2 su4] /diphtheria toxin/ [Bai2 cheng2] /Baicheng prefecture level city in Jilin province in northea [Bai2 cheng2 di4 qu1] /former Baicheng prefecture, Jilin/ [Bai2 cheng2 shi4] /Baicheng prefecture level city in Jilin province i a/ [bai2 e4] /chalk/ [bai2 e4 shi4] /Cretaceous (geological period)/ [Bai2 e4 ji4] /Cretaceous (geological period 140-65m years ago)/ [bai2 bao4 zhi3] /newsprint/ [Bai2 ta3 qu1] /Baita district of Liaoyang city [Liao2 yang2 shi [Bai2 ta3 si4] /Baita temple in Lanzhou [Lan2 zhou1]/ [bai2 bi4 wei1 xia2] /a slight blemish/ [bai2 bi4 wu2 xia2] /impeccable moral integrity/ [bai2 ye4] /white night/ [bai2 tian1] /daytime/during the day/day/CL: [ge4]/ [bai2 nu2] /white-collar slave (office worker who is overworked and exploited)/ [bai2 nen4] /(of skin etc) fair/delicate/ [bai2 zi4] /wrongly written or mispronounced character/ [Bai2 an1 ju1] /B&Q (DIY and home improvement retailer)/ [Bai2 gong1] /White House/ [Bai2 gong1 qun2 ying1] /The West Wing (US TV series)/ [Bai2 Ju1 yi4] /Bai Juyi (772-846), Tang dynasty poet/ [bai2 qu1 cai4] /greater celandine/ [Bai2 shan1] /Baishan prefecture level city in Jilin province in northeast [Bai2 shan1 zong1] /Sufi sect of Islam in central Asia/ [Bai2 shan1 shi4] /Baishan prefecture level city in Jilin province in [Bai2 shan1 pai4] /Sufi sect of Islam in central Asia/ [Bai2 Chong2 xi3] /Bai Chongxi (1893-1966), a leader of Guangxi warlord facti Nationalist general, played important role in Chiang Kaishek's campaigns 1926-1 949/ [bai2 bu4] /plain white cloth/calico/ [Bai2 di4 cheng2] /Baidi town in Chongqing , north of the Changjiang ist attraction/ [bai2 gan1 r5] /alcoholic spirit/strong white rice wine/ [Bai2 ting1] /Whitehall/ [bai2 shou3 qi3 jia1] /to build up from nothing/to start from scratch/ [bai2 tuo1] /day care for the elderly (abbr. of [bai2 tian1 tuo1 guan3])/ by greed/swindler (homonym of [bai4 tuo1])/ [bai2 che3 dan4] /to talk rubbish (colloquial)/ [bai2 che3 dan4] /variant of [bai2 che3 dan4]/ [bai2 jian3] /a cheap choice/to choose sth that costs nothing/ [bai2 miao2] /line drawing in traditional ink and brush style/simple and straight orward style of writing/ [bai2 da1] /no use/no good/ [bai2 zhuang4] /(car) accident where the driver is not held responsible/ [bai2 wen2] /the text of an annotated book/an unannotated edition of a book/intag iated characters (on a seal)/ [bai2 mao2 huang2 yue4] /white banner and yellow battle-ax (idiom); refer expedition/ [Bai2 zu2] /Bai (ethnic group)/ [bai2 qi2] /white flag/ [bai2 ri4] /daytime/sun/time/ [bai2 ri4 zuo4 meng4] /to daydream/to indulge in wishful thinking/ [bai2 ri4 meng4] /daydream/reverie/ [bai2 zhou4] /daytime/ [Bai2 Xiao3 yan4] /Pai Hsiao-yen (daughter of Pai Ping-ping)/

[Bai2 lang3] /Bainang county, Tibetan: Pa snam rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Ti et/ [Bai2 lang3 xian4] /Bainang county, Tibetan: Pa snam rdzong, in Shigatse pref Tibet/ [bai2 mu4 er3] /tremella/ [bai2 zhu2] /the rhizome of large-headed atractylodes (Atractylodes macrocephaia) [bai2 ban3] /whiteboard/ [bai2 ban3 bi3] /whiteboard marker/dry-erase marker/ [bai2 guo3] /ginkgo/ [bai2 tiao2] /IOU/informal document acknowledging a debt/ [bai2 mian2 zhi3] /stencil tissue paper/ [bai2 yang2] /poplar/CL:[ke1]/ [bai2 yang2 shu4] /white poplar (Populus bonatii)/ [bai2 liu2 shi2] /leucite/ [Bai2 Pu3] /Bai Pu (1226-1306), Yuan dynasty dramatist in the tradition omedy, one of the Four Great Yuan dramatists / [bai2 jiang1 can2] /the larva of silkworm with batrytis/ [bai2 mao2] /white hair (of animals)/see also [bai2 fa4]/ [bai2 mao2 nu:3] /The White Haired Girl (1950), one of the first PRC films/ [Bai2 shui3] /Baishui county in Weinan [Wei4 nan2], Shaanxi/ [bai2 shui3] /plain water/ [bai2 shui3 jing1] /rock crystal (mineral)/ [Bai2 shui3 jiang1 Zi4 ran2 Bao3 hu4 qu1] /Baishuijiang N [bai2 shui3 ni2] /white cement/ [Bai2 shui3 xian4] /Baishui county in Winn [Wei4 nan2], Shnx/ [Bai2 Qiu2 en1] /Norman Bethune (1890-1939), Canadian doctor, worked for comm in Spanish civil war and for Mao in Yan'an, where he died of blood poisoning/ [Bai2 sha1] /Baisha (common place name)/Baisha Lizu autonomous county, Hainan/Bai ha or Paisha township in Penghu county [Peng2 hu2 xian4] (Pescadores Islands), / [Bai2 sha1 Gong1 nong2 qu1] /Baisha Gongnong area in Dazhou Sichuan, amalgamated into Wanyuan county level city [Wan4 yuan2] in 1993/ [Bai2 sha1 wa3] /Peshawar, city in north Pakistan/ [Bai2 sha1 xian4] /Baisha Lizu autonomous county, Hainan/ [Bai2 sha1 xiang1] /Baisha or Paisha township in Penghu county [ res Islands), Taiwan/ [Bai2 sha1 Li2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Baisha Lizu autonomous co [bai2 mo4] /froth/foam (coming from the mouth)/ [Bai2 he2] /Baihe county in nkng [An1 kang1], Shnx/Paiho town in Tainan c n4], Taiwan/ [Bai2 he2 xian4] /Baihe county in nkng [An1 kang1], Shnx/ [Bai2 he2 zhen4] /Paiho town in Tainan county [Tai2 nan2 xian4], [Bai2 yang2 dian4] /Lake Baiyangdian/ [Bai2 Hai3] /White Sea/ [bai2 jing4] /(of skin) fair and clear/ [bai2 zhuo2] /gonorrhea (old term)/now written [lin2 bing4]/ [bai2 mei2] /anthracite/hard coal/white coal/waterpower/ [bai2 xiong2] /polar bear/white bear/ [bai2 re4] /white heat/incandescence/ [bai2 re4 hua4] /turn white hot/ [bai2 chi4] /white heat/incandescence/ [bai2 chi4 deng1] /incandescent light/ [bai2 hu2] /arctic fox/ [Bai2 yu4] /Baiy county (Tibetan: dpal yul rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomous p ecture [Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Sichuan (formerly in Kham provinc )/ [bai2 yu4] /white jade/tofu (by analogy)/ [Bai2 yu4 xian4] /Baiy county (Tibetan: dpal yul rdzong) in Garze Tibetan au prefecture [Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Sichuan (formerly in Kham pro ibet)/

[bai2 ban1 r5] /day shift/ [bai2 li4] /dysentery characterized by white mucous stool/white diarrhea/ [bai2 chi1] /idiocy/idiot/ [bai2 dian4 feng1] /vitiligo/ [bai2 bai2] /in vain/to no purpose/for nothing/white/ [bai2 xi1] /fair/white/blonde/ [bai2 pi2 shu1] /white paper (e.g. containing proposals for new legislation)/ ook/ [bai2 pi2 song1] /lacebark pine/ [bai2 mu4] /(slang) stupid/moron/ [bai2 mei2 quan2] /Pak Mei or Bak Mei - "White Eyebrow" (Chinese Martial Art) [bai2 yan3] /supercilious look/ [bai2 yan3 zhu1] /white of the eye/ [bai2 yan3 zhu1 r5] /erhua variant of , white of the eye/ [bai2 ai3 xing1] /white dwarf/ [bai2 shi2 la2 zi5] /national nature reserve at Kuandian in Lia [bai2 pi1] /white arsenic/arsenic trioxide/ [bai2 bei1] /stone tablet without inscription/blank stele/ [bai2 lin2] /white phosphorus/ [bai2 piao4] /blank vote/abstention/ [bai2 zhong3] /the white race/ [Bai2 jian3] /Wrigley's Spearmint (brand)/ [bai2 mi3] /(polished) rice/ [bai2 fen3] /whiting/ [bai2 fen3 bing4] /powdery mildew/ [bai2 tang2] /(refined) white sugar/ [bai2 zhi3 hei1 zi4] /(written) in black and white/ [bai2 su4 zhen1] /(name of a person) Bai Suzhen, from Madam White Snake/ [bai2 xi4 bao1] /white blood cell/leucocyte/ [bai2 xian4] /white line (road markings)/ [Bai2 yang2] /Aries (star sign)/ [Bai2 yang2 zuo4] /Aries (constellation and sign of the zodiac)/ [Bai2 yang2 chao2] /Ak Koyunlu or Aq Qoyunlu Turkoman confederation of easter (c. 1378-c. 1500)/ [Bai2 ling2 dao3] /Baengnyeong Island of South Korea, near the Northern Limit [Bai2 ling2 mian4] /Baengnyeong township (South Korea)/see also [bai2 yi4] /opacity of the cornea (in traditional Chinese medicine)/cataract/ [bai2 rou4] /plain boiled pork/ [bai2 hu2 jiao1] /white peppercorn/ [bai2 lian3] /white face/face painting in Beijing Opera etc/ [bai2 se4] /white/fig. reactionary/anti-communist/ [bai2 se4 ren2 zhong3] /the white race/ [Bai2 se4 kong3 bu4] /White Terror/ [Bai2 se4 Qing2 ren2 jie2] /White Day/ [bai2 se4 zhan4 ji4] /Agent White/ [bai2 se4 ti3] /leucoplast/ [bai2 shao2] /root of herbaceous peony (Paeonia lactiflora), used in traditional hinese medicine/ [bai2 zhi1 ma5] /sesame seed/ [bai2 hua1 hua1] /shining white/ [bai2 hua1 she2] /long-nosed pit viper (agkistrodon acutus)/ [bai2 mao2] /cogon grass (Imperata cylindrica), used as thatching material in Chi a and Indonesia/ [bai2 mang2 mang2] /(of mist, snow, floodwater etc) a vast expanse of whitene [bai2 xian4] /white amaranth (Amaranthus albus)/sprouts and tender leaves of Chin se spinach (Amaranthus spp.) used as food/ [bai2 xian4 zi3 qie2] /white amaranth, purple eggplant (idiom); common fo etentious lifestyle/ [bai2 cai4] /Chinese cabbage/pak choi/CL:[ke1], [ge4]/ [bai2 cai4 jia4] /lit. cabbage price/low price/

[bai2 cai4 dou4] /white kidney beans/ [bai2 lian2] /white lotus (flower)/White Lotus society/same as / [Bai2 lian2 jiao4] /White Lotus society/ [bai2 shu3] /sweet potato/ [bai2 su1] /common perilla/ [bai2 lian3] /Ampelopsis japonica (creeper with root used in traditional Chinese edicine)/ [bai2 lan2 di4] /brandy/ [bai2 lan2 gua1] /honeydew melon/ [bai2 luo2 bo5] /oriental giant radish (Japanese daikon, Raphanus sativus lon tus)/ [Bai2 hu3] /White Tiger (the seven mansions of the west sky)/(slang) hairless fem le genitalia/ [bai2 she2 zhuan4] /Tale of the White Snake/Madam White Snake/ [bai2 ling2 re4] /sandfly fever/ [bai2 dan4 bai2] /albumin/ [bai2 yi3] /termite/white ant/ [bai2 la4] /white wax from Chinese white wax bug (Ericerus pela)/ [bai2 la4 shu4] /Chinese ash (Fraxinus chinensis), whose bark, flowers and le e used in traditional Chinese medicine/ [bai2 la4 chong2] /Chinese white wax bug (Ericerus pela)/ [bai2 xue4 qiu2] /white blood cell/leucocyte/ [bai2 xue4 bing4] /leukemia/ [Bai2 Xing2 jian3] /Bai Xingjian (c. 776-826), younger brother of Bai Juyi ist and poet, author of novel Tale of courtesan Li Wa / [bai2 yi1 zhan4 shi4] /warrior in white/medical worker/ [bai2 hua4] /spoken language/vernacular/ [bai2 hua4 wen2] /vernacular Chinese/ [bai2 hua4 shi1] /free verse in the vernacular/ [bai2 dou4 kou4] /cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum)/ [bai2 fei4] /waste/ [bai2 fei4 chun2 she2] /to whistle down the wind/to waste ones b eath (i [Bai2 Qi3] /Bai Qi (-258 BC), famous gene al of Qin , the victor at [bai2 pao3 yi1 tang4] /to go on an errand for nothing/to go on a wild-goo [bai2 che1] /ambulance (slang) (Cantonese)/ [bai2 jun1] /White movement/ [bai2 dao4] /lunar orbit/legitimate/righteous/see also [hei1 dao4]/ [bai2 jiu3] /spirit usually distilled from sorghum or maize/white spirit/ [bai2 cu4] /white vinegar/plain vinegar/ [bai2 jin1] /platinum/ [Bai2 jin1 han4 Gong1] /Buckingham Palace/ [Bai2 jin1 han4 jun4] /Buckinghamshire (English county)/ [Bai2 yin2] /Baiyin prefecture level city in Gansu/ [bai2 yin2] /silver/ [Bai2 yin2 qu1] /Baiyin district of Baiyin city [Bai2 yin2 shi4] [Bai2 yin2 shi4] /Baiyin prefecture level city in Gansu/ [bai2 yin2 shu1] /ornately printed book meant as a collectors item rather tha eading (synonymous with corruption)/ [bai2 tong2] /copper-nickel alloy/ [bai2 gang1] /steel/ [bai2 wu1 kuang4] /scheelite/ [bai2 tie3] /galvanized iron/ [bai2 la4] /pewter/solder/ [bai2 kai1 shui3] /plain boiled water/ [bai2 fu4] /white aconite/ [bai2 fu4 pian4] /sliced white aconite (used in traditional Chinese medicine) [bai2 tao2] /white pottery (of Shang Dynastry 16-11th century BC)/ [bai2 xue3] /white snow/ [Bai2 xue3 gong1 zhu3] /Snow White/ [bai2 xue3 ai2 ai2] /brilliant white snow cover (esp. of distant peaks)/

[Bai2 yun2] /Baiyun district of Guiyang city [Gui4 yang2 shi4], Guiz of Guangzhou city [Guang3 zhou1 shi4], Guangdong/ [bai2 yun2] /white cloud/ [Bai2 yun2 qu1] /Baiyun district of Guiyang city [Gui4 yang2 shi ct of Guangzhou city [Guang3 zhou1 shi4], Guangdong/ [bai2 yun2 yan2] /dolomite (geology)/ [Bai2 yun2 ji1 chang3] /Baiyun airport (Guangzhou)/ [bai2 yun2 shi2] /dolomite/ [Bai2 yun2 kuang4 qu1] /Baiyukuang district of Baotou city [ / [Bai2 lu4] /Bailu or White Dew, 15th of the 24 solar terms [bai2 mian4 shu1 sheng1] /lit. pale-faced scholar (idiom); young and inex son without practical experience/still wet behind the ears/ [bai2 ling3] /white collar/business person/ [bai2 tou2] /hoary head/old age/ [bai2 tou2 xie2 lao3] /(to live together until the) white hairs of old ag live to a ripe old age in conjugal bliss/until death do us part/ [bai2 tou2 dao4 lao3] /(to live together until the) white hairs of old ag live to a ripe old age in conjugal bliss/until death do us part/ [Bai2 tou2 shan1] /Baekdu or Changbai mountains , volcanic mount rovince and North Korea, prominent in Manchu and Korean mythology/ [bai2 tou2 weng1] /root of Chinese pulsatilla/Chinese bulbul/ [bai2 tou2 bei1] /Chinese Bulbul (Pycnonotus sinensis)/ [bai2 tou2 ying1] /bald eagle/ [bai2 fan4] /plain cooked rice/rice with nothing to go with it/ [Bai2 xiang1 ci2 pu3] /Anthology of ci poems tunes (1795), edited by Xu M accessible poems from Tang through to Qing times/ [Bai2 ma3 si4] /the Baima or White horse temple in Luoyang, one of the earlie hist temples in China/ [bai2 ma3 wang2 zi3] /prince charming/knight in shining armor/ [Bai2 ma3 xue3 shan1] /Baimaxue mountains, up to 5430 m., in Dechen or Di autonomous prefecture [Di2 qing4 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yu [bai2 ju1 guo4 xi4] /a white steed flits past a crack (idiom); How time f [bai2 gu3] /bones of the dead/ [bai2 gu3 ding3] /coot/ [bai2 ti3] /lean type/ [bai2 fa4] /white or gray hair/CL:[gen1]/ [bai2 gui3] /"white ghost", derogatory term for caucasians (Cantonese)/ [bai2 yu2] /whitefish/ [bai2 jing1] /white whale/beluga/Moby Dick, novel by Herman Melville 3]/ [bai2 ji4 tun2] /Chinese river dolphin (Lipotes vexillifer)/ [bai2 hu2] /(white) swan/ [bai2 he4] /red-crowned crane (Grus japonensis)/ [bai2 he4 quan2] /Baihequan (Fujian White Crane) martial art form/ [Bai2 he4 liang2] /White Crane Ridge at Fuling, Sichuan on the Changjiang Riv t used to show above the water at dry periods, with famous carvings/ [bai2 lu4] /little egret (Egretta garzetta)/ [Bai2 jian3 tan1] /Baijiantan district (Uighur: Jerenbulaq Rayoni) of Qaramay a3 yi1 shi4], Xinjiang/ [Bai2 jian3 tan1 qu1] /Baijiantan district (Uighur: Jerenbulaq Rayoni) of [Ke4 la1 ma3 yi1 shi4], Xinjiang/ [bai2 mian4] /wheat flour/flour/white-faced/ [bai2 mian4 r5] /heroin/ [bai2 ma2 zi3] /cannabis seed/ [bai2 bi2 zi5] /cunning or sly person/ [Bai3] /surname Bai/ [bai3] /hundred/numerous/all kinds of/ [bai3 bu4 za5] /of no consequence (idiom)/ [bai3 bu4 za5] /variant of [bai3 bu4 za5]/

[bai3 shi4 ju4 fei4] /to go to pot (idiom)/ [Bai3 shi4 ke3 le4] /Pepsi/ [Bai3 shi4 qing1 yi2] /Diet Pepsi/Pepsi Light/ [bai3 shi4 tong1] /knowledgeable person/know all/ [bai3 wei4] /the hundreds place (or column) in the decimal system/ [bai3 yi1 bai3 shun4] /docile and obedient/all obedience/ [bai3 bei4] /a hundredfold/a hundred times/ [bai3 er2 ba1 shi2] /about a hundred/a hundred or so/ [bai3 fen1] /percent/percentage/ [bai3 fen1 zhi1] /percent/ [bai3 fen1 zhi1 yi1 bai3] /one hundred percent/totally (effective)/ [bai3 fen1 zhi1 bai3] /a hundred percent/out and out/absolutely/ [bai3 fen1 zhi4] /hundred mark system/ [bai3 fen1 shu4] /percentage/ [bai3 fen1 bi3] /percentage/ [bai3 fen1 lu:4] /percentage/per cent/ [bai3 fen1 bai3] /one hundred percent/totally (effective)/ [bai3 fen1 hao4] /percent sign % (punct.)/ [bai3 fen1 dian3] /percentage point/ [bai3 li4 tian2] /Baileys Irish Cream (brand of alcoholic drink)/see also 2 jiu3]/ [bai3 li4 tian2 jiu3] /Baileys Irish Cream (brand of alcoholic drink)/ [bai3 sheng4] /BaiSheng, common name for Chinese company/PakSing, common Hong Kon company name/ [bai3 sheng4 can1 yin3] /Tricon Global Restaurants (incl. Pizza Hut and K [bai3 sheng4 can1 yin3 ji2 tuan2] /Tricon Global Restaurants (inc [bai3 shi2] /a hundred or so/ [bai3 hui4 qian1 pa1] /myriad plants and flowers (idiom); rich and colorf [bai3 he2] /lily/ [Bai3 he2 zi5] /Yuriko, Japanese girl's given name, translates Christian name [bai3 he2 ke1] /Liliaceae/the lily family/ [bai3 he2 hua1] /lily/fig. pure and spotless person/virgin/ [bai3 he2 hua1 shi4] /fleur-de-lis (armorial symbol)/ [bai3 shan4 xiao4 wei2 xian1] /of all virtues filial piety is most im [Bai3 tuan2 Da4 zhan4] /Hundred Regiments offensive of August-December 19 cale offensive against the Japanese by the communists/ [bai3 xing4] /common people/ [bai3 zi1 qian1 tai4] /in different poses and with different expressions/ of postures (idiom)/ [Bai3 wei1] /Budweiser (beer)/ [Bai3 wei1 pi2 jiu3] /Budweiser beer/ [bai3 kong3 qian1 chuang1] /riddled with gaping wounds/afflicted with all [bai3 jia1] /many schools of thought/many people or households/ [Bai3 jia1 xing4] /The Book of Family Names, anonymous Song dynasty reading p isting 438 surnames/ [Bai3 jia1 le4] /Baccarat (loanword)/ [bai3 jia1 zheng1 ming2] /a hundred schools of thought contend (idiom); r classical philosophic schools of the Warring States period 475-221 BC/ [bai3 chi3 gan1 tou2 , geng4 jin4 yi1 bu4] /lit. hund m); fig. much accomplished, still some work to do/to continue to further success es/not to rest on one's laurels/ [bai3 chuan1 gui1 hai3] /all things tends in one direction/ [bai3 pa4] /hecto-Pascal (hpa), unit of atmospheric pressure/ [bai3 nian2] /hundred years/century/lifetime/ [bai3 nian2 bu4 yu4] /only met with once every hundred years (drought, fl [bai3 nian2 da4 ji4] /a project of vital and lasting importance/ [bai3 nian2 shu4 ren2] /It takes ten years to nurture a tree, but a hundr rain a man (idiom). A good education program takes a long time to develop./refer s to the idiom , , / [bai3 ji3 ge4] /more than a hundred/

[Bai3 du4] /Baidu, internet portal and search engine,, listed as BI U on NASDAQ since 1999/ [Bai3 du4 bi4] /virtual currency created by Baidu for use on its websites (co [Bai3 du4 bai3 ke1] /Baidu online encyclopedia, [Bai3 du4 zhi1 dao5] /Baidus online Q & A fo um, [Bai3 du4 tie1 ba5] /Baidus online use fo um, [bai3 fei4 ju4 xing1] /all neglected tasks a e being unde taken (idiom)/w de way/ [bai3 fei4 dai4 xing1] /many things waiting to be done (idiom)/a thousand / [bai3 fei4 dai4 ju3] /many things waiting to be done (idiom)/a thousand t [bai3 bi4 cong2 sheng1] /All the ill effects appea . (idiom)/ [bai3 qiang2] /top 100 (e.g. top 100 towns)/ [bai3 mang2] /ext emely busy/ [bai3 mang2 zhi1 zhong1] /ext emely busy/ [bai3 si1 bu4 jie3] /to emain puzzled afte ponde ing ove sth a hund ed pe plexed despite much thought/ [Bai3 si1 mai3] /Best Buy ( etaile )/ [bai3 gan3 jiao1 ji2] /all so ts of feelings well up in one s hea t/ [Bai3 mu4 da4] /Be muda/ [Bai3 mu4 da4 san1 jiao3] /Be muda T iangle/ [bai3 zhan4 bu4 dai4] /to come unscathed th ough a hund ed battles (idiom s A t of Wa [Sun1 zi3 Bing1 fa3]); to win every fight/ [bai3 zhan4 bai3 sheng4] /to emerge victorious in every battle/to be ever [bai3 zhe2 bu4 nao2] /keep on fighting in spite of all setbacks/be undaun ed setbacks/be indomitable/ [bai3 ri4 ke2] /whooping cough/pertussis/ [bai3 ri4 wei2 xin1] /failed attempt to reform the Qing dynasty in 1898/a [bai3 guo3] /all kinds of fruits/ [bai3 le4 can1] /potluck meal/ [bai3 bu4 chuan1 yang2] /shoot with great precision/ [bai3 sui4 lao3 ren2] /centenarian/ [bai3 du4] /variant or erroneous form of , PRC internet portal/ [Bai3 ji4] /Paekche or Baekje (18 BC-660 AD), one of the Korean Three Kingdoms/ [bai3 wu2 yi1 shi1] /no danger of anything going wrong/no risk at all/ [bai3 wu2 jin4 ji4] /all taboos are off (idiom); anything goes/nothing is [bai3 wu2 liao2 lai4] /bored to death (idiom)/bored stiff/overcome with b [bai3 lian4 cheng2 gang1] /be tempered into a steel/ [bai3 wu4] /all things/ [bai3 shou4] /all creatures/every kind of animal/ [bai3 bing4] /every illness/ [bai3 fa1 bai3 zhong4] /lit. one hundred shots, one hundred hits/to carry ith great precision/to shoot with unfailing accuracy/be a crack shot (idiom)/ [bai3 yan3 ju4 ren2] /hundred-eyed monster/ [bai3 ke1] /universal/encyclopedic/abbr. for [bai3 ke1 quan2 shu [bai3 ke1 shi4 dian3] /encyclopedia/ [bai3 ke1 quan2 shu1] /encyclopedia/CL:[ben3],[ji2]/ [bai3 ke1 ci2 dian3] /encyclopedic dictionary/ [bai3 gu3] /all the grains/every kind of cereal crop/ [bai3 duan1 dai4 ju3] /a thousand things remain to be done/numerous tasks undertaken/ [bai3 mi3 sai4 pao3] /100-meter dash/ [Bai3 Yue4] /Baiyue, generic term for southern ethnic groups/also written / [bai3 zong3] /see [ba3 zong3]/ [Bai3 lao3 hui4] /Broadway (New York City)/ [bai3 wen2 bu4 ru2 yi1 jian4] /seeing once is better than hearing seeing for oneself is better than hearing from many others/seeing is believing/ [bai3 ting1 bu4 yan4] /worth hearing a hundred times/ [bai3 ban1] /in hundred and one ways/in every possible way/by every means/



[bai3 ban1 diao1 nan2] /to put up innumerable obstacles/to create all kin lties (idiom)/ [bai3 ban1 feng4 cheng2] /to fawn upon sb in every possible way/ [bai3 ban1 ba1 jie2] /to flatter someone in a hundred different ways/assi (idiom)/ [Bai3 se4] /Baise prefecture level city in Guangxi/former pr. [Bo2 se4]/ [Bo4 se4] /Bose or Baise prefecture level city in Guangxi/ [Bai3 se4 di4 qu1] /Baise prefecture in Guangxi/former pr. [Bo2 se4]/ [Bai3 se4 shi4] /Baise prefecture level city in Guangxi/former pr. [Bo2 se4]/ [Bo4 se4 shi4] /Bose or Baise prefecture level city in Guangxi/ [bai3 hua1] /all kinds of flowers/ [Bai3 hua1 yuan2] /Garden of Many Flowers (name)/Baihua garden in Hongmiao vi miao4 cun1], Shandong/ [bai3 hua1 jiang3] /Hundred flowers film prize, awarded since 1962/ [bai3 hua1 qi2 fang4] /a hundred flowers bloom (idiom); let the arts have ion/ [bai3 hua1 qi2 fang4 , bai3 jia1 zheng1 ming2] /a hun ought contend (idiom); refers to the classical philosophic schools of the Warrin g States period 475-221 BC, but adopted for Mao's campaign of 1956/ [bai3 cao3] /all kinds of grass/all kinds of flora/ [bai3 cao3 ku1] /paraquat/ [bai3 wan4] /million/millions/ [bai3 wan4 wei4] /the millions place (or column) in the decimal system/ [bai3 wan4 dun1] /megaton/million tons/ [bai3 wan4 dun1 ji2 he2 wu3 qi4] /megaton weapon/ [bai3 wan4 fu4 weng1] /millionaire/ [bai3 wan4 he4 zi1] /megahertz (physics, electronics)/ [bai3 ye4 chuang1] /shutter/blind/ [bai3 ye4 xiang1] /Stevenson screen (white box with ventilated sides, housing ological instruments)/thermometer screen/instrument shelter/ [bai3 li3 tiao1 yi1] /one in a hundred/cream of the crop/ [bai3 zhe3 qun2] /pleated skirt/ [bai3 ji4 qian1 fang1] /to exhaust every means to achieve sth (idiom)/ [bai3 du2 bu4 yan4] /be worth reading a hundred times/ [bai3 huo4] /general merchandise/ [bai3 huo4 gong1 si1] /department store/ [bai3 huo4 shang1 dian4] /small department store/ [bai3 huo4 da4 lou2] /department store/ [bai3 huo4 dian4] /bazaar/department store/general store/ [Bai3 Yue4] /Baiyue, generic term for southern ethnic groups/ [bai3 zu2 zhi1 chong2 si3 er2 bu4 jiang1] /a centipede di ons die hard/ [bai3 li3 xiang1] /thyme (Thymus vulgaris)/ [bai3 ling2] /lark/Eremophila alpestris/ [bai3 ling2 niao3] /skylark/ [bai3 yu2] /a hundred or more/ [bai3 xiang1] /passion fruit/ [bai3 xiang1 guo3] /passion fruit/ [bai3 niao3 chao2 feng4] /lit. all birds paying looking up to the phoenix under a wise ruler/ [bi1] /one grain/ [zao4] /black/police runners, from the black clothes formerly worn by them/ [zao4] /soap/black/ [zao4 shi2] /soapstone/ [zao4 fan2] /green vitriol (ferrous sulfate FeSO4:7H2O)/ [zao4 jia2] /Chinese honey locust (Gleditsia sinensis)/ [zao4 jia2 shu4] /Chinese honey locust (Gleditsia sinensis)/ [zao4 jian3] /soap/same as / [mao4] /variant of / [de5] /of/structural particle: used before a noun, linking it to preceding posse

ssive or descriptive attributive/ [di2] /really and truly/ [di4] /aim/clear/ [di2 ge1] /(young male) taxi driver/cabbie (slang)/ [di2 shi4] /taxi (loanword, originally Hong Kong usage)/also called [di2 shi4 gao1] /disco/also written / [di2 kuan3] /reliable funds/ [di2 que4] /really/indeed/ [di2 que4 liang2] /dacron (loanword)/ [de5 hua4] /if (coming after a conditional clause)/ [Di4 li2 bo1 li3] /Tripoli, capital of Libya/Tripoli, city in north Leban [jie1] /all/each and every/in all cases/ [jie1 ke3] /both OK/all acceptable/ [jie1 yin1] /simply because/all because/ [Jie1 da4 huan1 xi3] /As You Like It, comedy by Shakespeare/ [jie1 ran2] /to be all the same way (literary)/ [Huang2] /emperor/surname Huang/ [huang2 shang5] /the emperor/Your majesty the emperor/His imperial majesty/ [huang2 wei4] /the title of Emperor/ [huang2 chu3] /crown prince/ [huang2 guan1] /crown (headgear)/ [huang2 guan1 shang4 de5 ming2 zhu1] /the brightest jewel in the [huang2 guan1 jia4 ri4 jiu3 dian4] /Crowne Plaza (hotel chain)/ [Huang2 guan1 chu1 ban3] /Crown publishers, Hong Kong/ [Huang2 guan1 chu1 ban3 ji2 tuan2] /Crown publishing group, Hong [huang2 gu3] /ancient times/ [huang2 hou4] /empress/imperial consort/ [Huang2 hou4 qu1] /Queens, one of the five boroughs of New York City/ [huang2 cheng2] /imperial city/ [Huang2 bao3] /Burger King Whopper/ [Huang2 tian1 bu4 fu4 ku3 xin1 ren2] /Heaven will not disappo ). If you try hard, you're bound to succeed eventually./ [huang2 tian1 hou4 tu3] /heaven and earth (idiom)/ [huang2 tai4 zi3] /crown prince/ [huang2 tai4 hou4] /Empress Dowager/ [Huang2 tai4 ji2] /Hung Taiji (1592-1643), eighth son of Nurhaci ond Khan of Later Jin dynasty , then founded the Qing dynasty and reigned 163 as Emperor/posthumous name / [Huang2 tai4 ji2 Qing1 tai4 zong1] /Hung Taiji (1592-1643), eight 1636 as Second Khan of Later Jin dynasty , then founded the Qing dynasty and 1636-1643 as Emperor/ [Huang2 gu1] /Huanggu district of Shenyang city , Liaoning/ [Huang2 gu1 qu1] /Huanggu district of Shenyang city , Liaoning/ [huang2 zi3] /prince/ [huang2 shi4] /royal family/imperial household/member of the royal family/ [huang2 gong1] /imperial palace/ [huang2 jia1] /royal/imperial household/ [Huang2 jia1 Jia1 le4 bi3 Hai3 you2 lun2 gong1 si [huang2 jia1 xue2 hui4] /the Royal Society (UK scientific academy)/ [huang2 jia1 hai3 jun1] /Royal Navy (UK)/ [Huang2 jia1 Xiang1 Gang3 Jing3 cha2] /Royal Hong Kong Police For [Huang2 jia1 Ma3 de2 li3] /Real Madrid (soccer team)/ [huang2 jia1 qi2 jing3] /Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), Canadian f tional police force/Mounties/ [huang2 di4] /emperor/CL: [ge4]/ [Huang2 di4 de5 xin1 yi1] /the Emperor's new clothes (i.e. naked)/ [huang2 en1] /imperial kindness/benevolence from the emperor/ [huang2 zu2] /the imperial family/royal kin/ [Huang2 zu2 nei4 ge2] /Qing emergency cabinet set up in May 1911 to confr i rebels/

[huang2 li5] /almanac/ [huang2 chao2] /the imperial court/the government in imperial times/ [huang2 quan2] /imperial power/ [Huang2 fu3] /two-character surname Huangfu/ [Huang2 fu3 Song1] /Huangfu Song (-195), later Han general and warlord/ [Huang2 fu3 Bo2] /Huangfu Bo (c. 800), Minister during early Tang/ [huang2 huang2] /prosperous/exuberant/ [huang2 liang2] /lit. imperial funding for troops/funds or items supplied by the overnment/ [huang2 qin1 guo2 qi1] /the emperor relatives (idiom); person with powerf s/ [huang2 jun1] /imperial army (esp. Japanese)/ [Huang2 Ma3] /Real Madrid soccer team/abbr. for / [gui1] /to comply with/to follow/ [gui1 yi1] /to convert to (a religion)/ [gui1 yi1 zhe3] /a convert/ [gao1] /bank/marsh/ [Gao1 lan2] /Gaolan county in Lanzhou [Lan2 zhou1], Gansu/ [Gao1 lan2 xian4] /Gaolan county in Lanzhou [Lan2 zhou1], Gansu/ [mo4] /see [kai1 mo4]/ [jiao3] /bright/white/ [jiao3 li4] /proud/ [jiao3 yue4] /the bright moon/ [jiao3 jie2] /shining clean/bright (moonlight)/ [jiao3 bai2] /bright white/ [jiao3 jiao3] /clear and bright/ [jiao3 jiao3 zhe3 yi4 wu1] /Virtue is easily sullied. (idiom)/ [gao1] /high riverbank/variant of /bank/marsh/ [e2] /see [e2 e2]/ [e2 e2] /white/ [hao4] /bright/luminous/white (esp. bright white teeth of youth or white hair of old age)/ [hao4 bai2] /snow-white/spotless/ [hao4 shou3] /white head of hair/fig. old person/ [hao4 shou3 cang1 yan2] /white hair and gray sunken cheeks (idiom); decre [hao4 chi3] /white teeth (symbol of youth and beauty)/ [hao4 chi3 ming2 mou2] /white teeth and bright eyes (idiom); lovely young [hao4 chi3 zhu1 chun2] /white teeth and vermilion lips (idiom); lovely yo [bi4] /two-hundred (rarely used)/200/ [wan3] /abbr. for Anhui province/ [wan3 nan2 shi4 bian4] /New Fourth Army Incident of 1940, involving fight he nationalists and communists/ [Wan3 xi4 zhan4 bai4] /Anhui faction of Northern Warlords (1912-c. 1920), Qirui with Japanese support/ [Wan3 xi4 jun1 fa2] /Anhui faction of Northern Warlords 1911-c.1929/ [qian4] /white/ [xi1] /white/ [ai2] /white (of snow etc)/ [ai2 ai2] /white as snow/pure white/ [hao4] /clear/white/ [huang3] /luminous/bright hoary, white/ [hao4] /bright/brilliant/ [po2] /white/ [Jiao3] /surname Jiao/ [jiao3] /sparkling/bright/ [li4] /luster (of pearls)/ [piao3] /white/ [jiao4] /pure/ [Pi2] /surname Pi/ [pi2] /leather/skin/fur/pico- (one trillionth)/CL: [zhang1]/

[pi2 xia4] /under the skin/subcutaneous (injection)/ [pi2 xia4 zhu4 she4] /hypodermic injection/subcutaneous injection/ [pi2 xia4 de5] /subcutaneous/ [Pi2 ke4 si1] /Pixar Animation Studios/ [Pi2 ke4 lin2] /Pickering/ [pi2 r5] /wrapper/cover/ [pi2 ju4] /leather products/CL:[jian4]/ [pi2 hua2 ting3] /canoe/kayak/ [pi2 hua2 ting3 ji1 liu2 hui2 xuan2] /canoe-kayak slalom/ [pi2 hua2 ting3 jing4 shui3] /canoe-kayak flatwater/ [pi2 bao1] /handbag/briefcase/ [pi2 bao1 gong1 si1] /lit. briefcase company/dummy corporation/shell comp ght company/ [pi2 jiang5] /cobbler/ [Pi2 ka3 er3] /Picard (name)/ [pi2 nang2] /leather bag/ [Pi2 ai1 er3] /Pierre (name)/ [pi2 ta3 bing3] /pita bread (Middle eastern flat bread)/ [pi2 jia1] /wallet/Taiwan pr. [pi2 jia2]/ [pi2 zi5] /skin/fur/ [pi2 ceng2] /cortex/ [pi2 ceng2 xia4 shi1 yu3 zheng4] /subcortical aphasia/ [pi2 ceng2 xing4] /cortical/ [pi2 ceng2 xing4 shi4 sun3 shang1] /cortical visual impairment (C [Pi2 shan1] /Guma Nahiyisi/Pishan county in Khotan prefecture [H ng/ [Pi2 shan1 xian4] /Guma Nahiyisi/Pishan county in Khotan prefecture njiang/ [pi2 dai4] /strap/leather belt/CL: [tiao2],[gen1]/ [pi2 dai4 chuan2 dong4] /a leather drive belt/ [pi2 dai4 yun4 shu1 ji1] /belt conveyor/ [pi2 dai4 kou4] /belt buckle/ [pi2 fu2 lou2 niu2] /beefalo (cross between domestic cattle and bison)/ [pi2 ying3 xi4] /shadow play/ [pi2 xing1] /picosatellite/ [pi2 tiao2] /thong/leather strap/pimp/procurer/ [pi2 tiao2 ke4] /pimp/ [pi2 qin1 yu3] /pidgin/ [pi2 qiao4] /carapace/hard outer shell/ [pi2 mao2] /fur/fur clothing/skin and hair/superficial/superficial knowledge/ [pi2 yan2] /dermatitis/ [Pi2 er3 sen1] /Pearson (family name as well as various places)/ [Pi2 te4 kai3 en1 Qun2 dao3] /Pitcairn Islands/ [Pi2 te4 la1 ke4] /Petrarch/Francesco Petrarca (1304-1374), Italian schol poet, famous for sonnets/ [pi2 qiu2] /ball (made of rubber, leather etc)/ [pi2 zhen3] /a rash/ [pi2 miao3] /picosecond, ps, 10^-12 s/ [pi2 jin1] /rubber band/ [pi2 fa2] /leather float/inflatable raft/ [pi2 xiang1] /leather suitcase/ [pi2 rou4] /skin and flesh/superficial/physical (suffering)/bodily/ [pi2 rou4 zhi1 ku3] /physical pain/lit. skin and flesh suffer/ [pi2 zhi1 xian4] /epidermal sebaceous glands/skin oil gland/ [pi2 fu1] /skin/CL: [ceng2], [kuai4]/ [pi2 fu1 bing4] /dermatosis/ [pi2 fu1 ai2] /skin cancer/ [pi2 fu1 ke1] /dermatology/ [pi2 fu1 ji1 rou4 nang2] /dermo-muscular sac/ [pi2 ting3] /kayak/

[pi2 cao3] /fur clothing/ [pi2 sa4 bing3] /pizza/ [pi2 dan4] /thousand-year old eggs/preserved eggs/ [pi2 dai4] /leather bag/leather pouch (for liquid)/ [pi2 zhi4 pin3] /leather goods/ [Pi2 nuo4 qie1 te4] /General Augusto Pinochet (1915-2006), Chilean dictat [pi2 huo4] /furs/ [pi2 zhi4] /cortex/cerebral cortex/ [pi2 zhi4 chun2] /cortisol/ [pi2 zhong4] /tare weight/ [pi2 kai1 rou4 zhan4] /flesh lacerated from corporal punishment (idiom)/ [pi2 mian4] /out skin/surface/ [pi2 ge2] /leather/CL: [zhang1]/ [pi2 ge2 shang1] /fellmonger/a dealer who works with animal hides and skins/ [pi2 xie2] /leather shoes/ [pi2 xie2 jiang4] /shoemaker/ [pi2 xie2 you2] /shoe polish/ [pi2 bian1] /lash/ [pi2 huang2] /Beijing opera (or styles of song in)/abbr. for / [pao4] /pimple/acne/blister/boil/ulcer/ [pao4 zhen3] /blister/bleb (watery blister)/herpes (medicine)/ [pao4 zhen3 bing4 du2] /herpes virus (med.)/ [cun1] /chapped/cracked/ [cun1 lie4] /chap (lips, skin etc)/ [jun1] /to chap/ [zhou4] /to wrinkle/wrinkled/to crease/ [zhou4 ba1 ba1] /wrinkled/crumpled/unironed/ [zhou4 zhe2] /crease/fold/ripple/lap/ [zhou4 zhe2] /see [zhou4 zhe2]/ [zhou4 mei2] /to frown/to knit one's brow/ [zhou4 mei2 tou2] /to scowl/to knit the brows/ [zhou4 wen2] /wrinkle/CL:[dao4]/ [zhou4 suo1] /to wrinkle/wrinkled up/ [zhou4 ye4 ou1 qin2] /curled-leaf parsley (Petroselinum crispum)/ [zhou4 zhe3] /creased/wrinkled/fold/crease/ [zhou4 qi3] /to purse/to pucker (up)/ [cu3] /chapped skin/ [zha1] /old variant of [zha1]/rosacea/ [zhan3] /scab/ [min3] /dish/vessel/shallow container/rad. no. 108/ [yu2] /basin/wide-mouthed jar or pot/ [yu2 fang1 shui3 fang1] /If the basin is square, the water in it will als (idiom)/ [Yu2 xian4] /Yu county in Yangquan, Shanxi/ [Yu2 lan2 pen2 hui4] /Feast of All Souls (fifteenth day of seventh lunar ism)/ [bei1] /variant of cup/sporting trophy/ [zhong1] /handleless cup/goblet/ [pen2] /basin/flower pot/unit of volume equal to 12 and 8 , approx 128 liters/CL ge4]/ [pen2 di4] /basin (low-lying geographical feature)/depression/ [pen2 jing3] /bonsai/landscape in a pot/ [pen2 zai1] /growing plants in pots/Japanese: bonsai/ [pen2 yu4] /bathtub/ [pen2 bo1] /generic term for pottery/ [pen2 qiang1] /the pelvic cavity/birth canal/ [pen2 hua1] /flower pot/ [ying2] /full/filled/surplus/ [ying2 tu1 yue4] /full moon/waxing gibbous moon/ [ying2 li4] /profit/gain/

[Ying2 jiang1] /Yingjiang county in Dehong Dai and Jingpo autonomous prefecture ing3 po1 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ [Ying2 jiang1 xian4] /Yingjiang county in Dehong Dai and Jingpo autonomous pr e [De2 hong2 Dai3 zu2 Jing3 po1 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1 [ying2 xiang1 lei3 qie4] /to fill boxes and baskets to the brim (with tre [ying2 kui1] /profit and loss/waxing and waning/ [ying2 kui1 zi4 fu4] /responsible for its profit and losses (of organizat lly autonomous/personal financial responsibility/ [ying2 men2] /lit. fill the door/fill the house (at a wedding or auspicious occas on)/ [ying2 yu2] /surplus/profit/ [Yi4] /surname Yi/ [yi4] /benefit/profit/advantage/beneficial/to increase/to add/all the more/ [yi4 jia1] /increasingly/more and more/all the more/ [yi4 you3] /helpful friend/wise companion/ [Yi4 zhou1] /name of old state in modern Sichuan/ [yi4 zhi4] /to grow the intellect/Alpinia oxyphylla, a type of ginger (Chinese me icine)/ [yi4 mu3] /motherwort (Leonurus heterophyllus)/ [yi4 mu3 cao3] /motherwort (Leonurus heterophyllus or L. cardiaca)/ [yi4 min2] /good citizens/the right side in a civil war/ [yi4 fa1] /increasingly/more and more/ever more/all the more/ [yi4 wei4 sheng1 jin1] /to benefit the stomach and increase fluids (idiom [yi4 chu5] /benefit/ [yi4 chong2] /beneficial insect/ [yi4 jue2 kun4 nan5] /to find sth increasingly difficult/ [yi4 qu1] /increasingly/more and more/ [Yi4 yang2] /Yiyang prefecture level city in Hunan/ [Yi4 yang2 di4 qu1] /Yiyang prefecture in Hunan/ [Yi4 yang2 shi4] /Yiyang prefecture level city in Hunan/ [yi4 niao3] /beneficial bird/ [bo1] /obscure variant of [bo1]/ [wan3] /variant of [wan3]/ [he2] /why not/ [ang4] /abundant/bowl/dish/pot/ [ang4 si1] /ounce/ [Ang4 ge2 lu3] /Anglo-/ [Ang4 ge2 lu3 Sa1 ke4 xun4] /Anglo-Saxon (people)/ [Ang4 ge2 lu3 Sa4 ke4 xun4] /Anglo-Saxon/ [ang4 ran2] /abundant/full/overflowing/exuberant/ [he2] /small box/case/ [he2 zi5] /case/ [he2 dai4] /cassette tape/abbr. for /CL: [pan2]/ [he2 shi4 lu4 yin1 ci2 dai4] /cassette tape/ [he2 fan4] /box meal/packed lunch/take-away food/ [kui1] /helmet/ [kui1 jia3] /armor/body armor and helmet/ [kui1 tou5] /decorated hat or helmet in Chinese opera to characterize role/ [Qiu2] /surname Qiu/ [Sheng4] /surname Sheng/ [cheng2] /to hold/to contain/to ladle/to pick up with a utensil/ [sheng4] /flourishing/vigorous/magnificent/extensively/ [sheng4 shi4] /a flourishing period/period of prosperity/a golden age/ [sheng4 shi4] /grand occasion/ [Sheng4 jing1] /historical name of Shenyang in modern Liaoning province [sheng4 chuan2] /widely spread/widely rumored/stories abound/(sb's exploits are) idely circulated/ [sheng4 dian3] /majestic pomp/grand ceremony/ [sheng4 ming2] /famous reputation/ [sheng4 xia4] /midsummer/the height of summer/

[sheng4 da4] /grand/majestic/magnificent/Shanda Entertainment (PRC computer game ompany)/ [sheng4 da4 wu3 hui4] /grand ball/ [sheng4 zhuang1] /vigorous/strong and healthy/ [sheng4 ji4] /peak season/a flourishing period/ [sheng4 yan4] /feast/ [sheng4 nian2] /the prime of one's life/ [sheng4 de2] /splendid virtue/majestic moral character/great kindness/ [sheng4 nu4] /rage/a raging temper/ [sheng4 qing2] /great kindness/magnificent hospitality/ [sheng4 jing3] /grand view/magnificent landscape/ [sheng4 hui4] /pageant/distinguished meeting/ [sheng4 fu2] /splendid attire/ [sheng4 ji2 yi1 shi2] /all the rage for a time/grand fashion for a limite [sheng4 qi4] /grand and heroic/exuberant character/ [sheng4 qi4 ling2 ren2] /overbearing/arrogant bully/ [sheng4 kuang4] /grand occasion/ [sheng4 chan3] /superabundant/to teem with/to produce in abundance/to abound in/ [sheng4 cheng1] /enthusiastic praise/to praise highly/ [sheng4 yan2] /grand banquet/ [sheng4 ju3] /grand event/magnificent undertaking/ [sheng4 xing2] /to be in vogue/to be prevalent/ [sheng4 shuai1] /to flourish then decline/rise and fall/ [sheng4 zhuang1] /splendid clothes/rich attire/one's Sunday best/ [sheng4 yu4] /flourishing reputation/ [sheng4 zan4] /to praise highly/an accolade/highly regarded/acclaimed/ [sheng4 kai1] /blooming/in full flower/ [sheng4 zhuan4] /rich fare/splendid food/ [dao4] /to steal/to rob/to plunder/thief/bandit/robber/ [dao4 fa2] /to unlawfully fell trees/ [dao4 fei3] /bandit/ [dao4 qu3] /to steal (including identity theft, credit card fraud or theft of com uter account)/to misappropriate/ [dao4 mu4] /to rob a tomb/ [dao4 han4] /night sweats/ [dao4 ban3] /pirated/illegal/see also [zheng4 ban3]/ [dao4 ban3 zhe3] /software pirate/ [dao4 ban3 dang3] /"Pirate Party", political movement whose main goal is to r opyright law in line with the Internet Era/ [dao4 lie4] /to poach (illegally hunt game)/ [dao4 yong4] /to embezzle/to defraud/to use illegitimately/to misappropriate/ [dao4 qie4] /to steal/ [dao4 zei2] /robber/ [dao4 mai4] /to steal sth and sell it/ [dao4 long2] /raptor (dinosaur)/ [lu4] /box case/ [zhan3] /a small cup/classifier for lamps/ [meng2] /oath/pledge/union/to ally/league, a subdivision corresponding to prefec ture in Inner Mongolia/ [meng2 xiong1] /senior partner in sworn brotherhood/ [meng2 xiong1 di4] /sworn brother/ [meng2 you3] /ally/ [meng2 yuan2] /league member/ally/ [meng2 guo2] /allies/united countries/ [meng2 shan1 shi4 hai3] /to pledge undying love (idiom); oath of eternal by all the Gods/ [meng2 di4] /junior partner in sworn brotherhood/ [meng2 yue1] /contract of alliance/oath or treaty between allies/ [meng2 shi4] /oath of alliance/ [meng2 jun1] /allied forces/

[meng2 bang1] /ally/allied country/ [jin4] /to use up/to exhaust/to end/to finish/to the utmost/exhausted/finished/t o the limit (of sth)/ [jin4 ren2 jie1 zhi1] /known by everyone (idiom); well known/a household [jin4 li4] /to strive one's hardest/to spare no effort/ [jin4 li4 er2 wei2] /to try one's utmost/to strive/ [jin4 shan4 jin4 mei3] /perfect (idiom); perfection/the best of all possi good as it gets/ [jin4 xiao4] /to do one's filial duty/ [jin4 xin1] /with all of one's heart/ [jin4 xin1 jin4 li4] /making an all-out effort (idiom); to try one's hear ne's utmost/ [jin4 xin1 jie2 li4] /to spare no effort (idiom); to do one's utmost/ [jin4 zhong1] /to display utter loyalty/to be loyal to the end/ [jin3 kuai4] /as quickly as possible/as soon as possible/with all speed/ [jin4 xing4] /displaying fully/developing to the greatest extent/ [jin4 qing2] /as much as one likes/ [jin4 yi4] /to express fully/all one's feelings/ [jin4 shou1 yan3 di3] /to take in the whole scene at once/to have a panor [jin4 shu4] /everything/ [jin4 shi4] /to be full of/completely/ [jin4 huan1 er2 san4] /to disperse after a happy time (idiom)/everyone en es to the full then party breaks up/ [jin4 jie1] /all/without exception/complete/whole/entirely/ [jin4 yi4 wu4] /to fulfil one's duty/to work without asking for reward/ [jin4 zhi2] /to discharge one's duties/conscientious/ [jin4 zhi2 jin4 ze2] /responsible and diligent (idiom)/ [jin4 zhi4] /in the finest detail/ [jin4 xing4] /to enjoy oneself to the full/to one's heart's content/ [jin4 yan2] /saying everything/to speak out fully/ [jin4 ze2] /to do one's duty/to do one's bit conscientiously/ [jin4 su4] /as quick as possible/ [jin4 shi4 qian2 xian2] /to forget former enmity (idiom)/ [jin4 liang4] /as much as possible/to the greatest extent/ [jin4 tou2] /the very end/ [jin4 bao3] /to be stuffed to the gills/to eat to satiety/ [jian1] /hard/strong/solid/firm/to supervise/to inspect/jail/prison/ [jian4] /supervisor/ [Jian1 li4] /Jianli county in Jingzhou [Jing1 zhou1], Hubei/ [Jian1 li4 xian4] /Jianli county in Jingzhou [Jing1 zhou1], Hubei/ [jian1 wai4 zhi2 xing2] /to serve (a sentence) outside prison (law)/ [jian1 shou3] /to have custody of/ [jian1 shou3 zi4 dao4] /to embezzle/ [jian1 cha2] /to supervise/to control/ [jian1 cha2 ren2] /supervisor/monitor/watchdog/ [jian1 cha2 ju2] /inspection office/supervisory office/ [jian1 cha2 yuan4] /Control yuan, a watchdog under the constitution of Republ hina, then of Taiwan/ [jian1 gong1] /a workplace overseer/a foreman/ [jian1 ya1] /a jail/to imprison/ [jian1 kong4] /to monitor/ [jian1 cha2] /to supervise/to auditor/to monitor/ [jian1 cha2 yuan2] /supervisor/monitor/ [jian1 ce4] /to monitor/ [jian1 lao2] /a prison/a cage (for locking up prisoners)/ [jian1 mu4] /shepherd/Tang dynasty official with responsibility for animal husban ry/pastor (cleric in charge of a Christian parish)/ [jian1 yu4] /prison/ [jian1 li3 suo3] /inspection and control bureau/ [jian1 du1] /to control/to supervise/to inspect/

[jian1 du1 ren2] /superintendent/ [jian1 du1 zhe3] /supervisor/ [jian1 piao4] /to scrutinize balloting/ [jian1 jin4] /to imprison/to jail/to take into custody/ [jian1 guan3] /to oversee/to take charge of/to supervise/to administer/supervisor /supervision/ [jian1 guan3 ti3 zhi4] /regulatory system/supervisory body/ [jian1 zhi1 zao4] /supervisor of textiles (official post in Ming dynasty)/ [jian1 kao3] /to proctor (an exam)/to invigilate/ [jian1 ting1] /to monitor/to listen in/to eavesdrop/ [jian1 zhi4] /to supervise the manufacture of/to supervise the shooting of films/ [jian1 shi4] /to monitor/to oversee/to keep a close watch over/to spy on/ [jian1 shi4 kong3] /peephole/ [jian1 shi4 ju1 zhu4] /residential surveillance, a form of noncustodial h [jian1 hu4] /to act as a guardian/ [jian1 hu4 ren2] /guardian/ [jian1 hu4 quan2] /custody (of a child)/ [jian1 dun3] /prisoner (Cantonese)/ [jian1 men2] /gatekeeper/ [pan2] /plate/dish/tray/board/to build/to coil/to check/to examine/to transfer ( property)/to make over/classifier for food: dish, helping/to coil/classifier for coils of wire/classifier for games of chess/ [pan2 gen4] /linked in a unbroken chain/ [pan2 dao3] /to interrogate and leave sb speechless/ [pan2 bo1] /to exploit/to practice usury/ [Pan2 gu3] /Pangu (creator of the universe in Chinese mythology)/ [Pan2 gu3 shi4] /Pangu (creator of the universe in Chinese mythology)/ [pan2 wen4] /to interrogate/to cross-examine/to inquire/ [pan2 zi5] /tray/plate/dish/CL: [ge4]/ [pan2 cha2] /to interrogate/to examine/ [pan2 ni2 xi1 lin2] /penicillin/ [Pan2 shan1] /Panshan county in Panjin , Liaoning/ [pan2 shan1] /going around a mountain/ [Pan2 shan1 xian4] /Panshan county in Panjin , Liaoning/ [pan2 chuan1] /travel expenses/fare/traveling allowance/ [pan2 di3] /to interrogate and get to the bottom of sth/ [pan2 dian4] /to transfer a shop and all its contents to new owner/ [pan2 nong4] /to play around with/to fidget/to fondle/ [pan2 xuan2] /to spiral/to circle/to go around/to hover/to orbit/ [pan2 xuan2 qu1 zhe2] /lit. windy and circuitous/difficult (idiom)/ [pan2 qu3] /coiled/entwined/tortuous/ [pan2 gang4 zi5] /to carry out gymnastic tricks on horizontal bar/ [pan2 cha2] /to interrogate/to question (at a roadblock)/ [pan2 gen1 wen4 di3] /lit. to examine roots and inquire at the base (idio the bottom of sth/ [pan2 gen1 jiu1 di3] /lit. to examine roots and inquire at the base (idio the bottom of sth/ [pan2 gen1 cuo4 jie2] /twisted roots and intertwined joints (idiom); comp ery tricky/knotty and deeply-rooted difficulties/ [pan2 huan2] /to linger/to stay on indefinitely/ [pan2 ti1] /spiral staircase/ [pan2 pan2] /twisting and turning/ [pan2 shi2] /boulder/ [pan2 wan3] /dishes/crockery/plates and cups/ [pan2 cheng4] /balance consisting of steelyard with a pan/CL: [tai2]/ [pan2 cheng2] /travel expenses/fare/traveling allowance/ [pan2 fu2] /disk drive number (A: or B: in Microsoft DOS and Windows system)/ [pan2 suan4] /to plot/to scheme/to calculate/ [pan2 guan3] /coil in still (used for distilling)/ [Pan2 xian4] /Pan county in Liupanshui [Liu4 pan2 shui3], Guizhou/

[pan2 rao4] /to coil (around sth)/to twine/to weave (basketwork)/ [pan2 chan5] /travel expenses/fare/traveling allowance/ [pan2 tui3] /to cross one's legs/ [pan2 xi1] /cross-legged/ [pan2 jie2] /to cross-examine (law)/ [pan2 huo4] /to take stock/to make an inventory/ [pan2 fei4] /travel expenses/fare/traveling allowance/ [pan2 ju4] /to occupy illegally/to seize (territory)/to entrench (oneself)/ [pan2 dao4] /twining mountain road/ [Pan2 jin3] /Panjin prefecture level city in Liaoning province in n [Pan2 jin3 shi4] /Panjin prefecture level city in Liaoning province [pan2 cuo4] /intertwined (of tree roots or branches)/fig. an intricate matter/ [pan2 tuo2] /twisted/spiral/uneven stones/ [pan2 tuo2 lu4] /twisting path/tortuous road/ [pan2 tou2] /to coil hair into a bun/hair worn in bun/turban/hair ornament/to int rrogate/ [pan2 sun1] /dishes/the food in a dish/ [pan2 can1] /side dish/ [pan2 bo2] /to cross-examine/to interrogate and refute/ [pan2 dian3] /to make an inventory/to take stock/ [Pan2 long2] /Panlong district of Kunming city [Kun1 ming2 shi4], Yunnan/ [Pan2 long2 qu1] /Panlong district of Kunming city [Kun1 ming2 shi4], Y [pan2 long2 wo4 hu3] /coiled dragon, crouching tiger (idiom); fig. talent s in hiding/concealed talent/ [guan4] /wash (especially hands)/ [guan4 xi3] /washing facilities/handbasin/ [guan4 xi3 shi4] /toilet/washroom/bathroom/lavatory/CL: [jian1]/ [an1] /container/ [Lu2] /surname Lu/abbr. for Luxembourg [Lu2 sen1 bao3]/ [Lu2 ke4 suo3] /Luxor (name)/ [lu2 ka3] /Lucca (city in Tuscany)/ [Lu2 ka3 si1] /Lucas (name)/ [Lu2 ka3 shen1 ke1] /Aleksandr Grigoryevich Lukachenko, president of Bela / [Lu2 yin1] /Lewin (name)/Kurt Lewing (1890-1944), German American psychologist of the Gestalt school, the author of Field Theory/ [Lu2 sai4 en1] /Lucerne, Switzerland/ [lu2 bu4] /rouble, Russian currency/also spelt ruble/ [Lu2 bu4 er3 ya3 na4] /Ljubljana, capital of Slovenia/ [Lu2 wang4 da2] /Rwanda/ [Lu2 suo1] /Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778), Enlightenment philosopher/ [Lu2 sen1 bao3] /Luxembourg/ [Lu2 Wu3 xuan4] /Roh Moo-hyun (1946-2009), South Korean lawyer and politician dent 2003-2008/ [lu2 bi3] /rupee/ [Lu2 shi4] /Lushi county in Sanmenxia [San1 men2 xia2], Henan/ [Lu2 shi4 xian4] /Lushi county in Sanmenxia [San1 men2 xia2], He [Lu2 Tai4 yu2] /Roh Tae-woo (1932-), South Korean politician, president 1988 [Lu2 fu2 gong1] /Le Louvre, Paris Museum/more common trad. form [Lu2 gou1 qiao2] /Lugou bridge or Marco Polo bridge in southwest of Beijing, ne of the incident of 7th July 1937 that sparked WW2 between Japan and China/ [Lu2 gou1 qiao2 shi4 bian4] /the Marco Polo bridge incident of 7th Ju d WW2 between Japan and China/ [Lu2 wan1 qu1] /Luwan district, central Shanghai/ [Lu2 Zhao4 lin2] /Lu Zhaolin (637-689), Tang poet/ [Lu2 se4 fu2] /Rutherford (Earnest, an early nuclear physicist from New Zeala [Lu2 wa3 er3 he2] /Loire River, France/ [Lu2 sa4 ka3] /Lusaka, capital of Zambia/ [Lu2 long2] /Lulong county in Qinhuangdao [Qin2 huang2 dao3], Hebei/ [Lu2 long2 xian4] /Lulong county in Qinhuangdao [Qin2 huang2 dao

[zhou1] /name of a district in Shaanxi/ [dang4] /variant of [dang4]/ [tang4] /variant of [tang4]/variant of [tang4]/ [dang4 yang4] /to ripple/to undulate/also written / [dang4 ran2] /variant of , vanished from the face of the earth/all gone/ [dang4 qiu1 qian1] /to swing (on a swing)/ [gu3] /covered pot/ [li4] /unreasonable/violent/ [mu4] /eye/item/section/list/catalogue/table of contents/order (taxonomy)/goal/n ame/title/ [mu4 xia4] /at present/ [mu4 bu4 jiao1 jie2] /lit. the eyelashes do not come together (idiom)/fig p a wink/ [mu4 bu4 ren3 jian4] /lit. the eye cannot bear to see it (idiom); a scene to behold/ [mu4 bu4 ren3 shi4] /lit. the eye cannot bear to see it (idiom); a scene o behold/ [mu4 bu4 xia2 jie1] /lit. too much for the eye to take in (idiom); a feas s/ [mu4 bu4 xia2 gei3] /the eye cannot take it all in (idiom); too many good e/a feast for the eyes/ [mu4 bu4 kui1 yuan2] /lit. not even peek at the garden/fig. to be absorbe udies (idiom)/ [mu4 bu4 jian4 jie2] /lit. the eye cannot see the eyelashes (idiom); fig. e one's own faults/to lack self-awareness/truths too close to home/ [mu4 bu4 shi2 ding1] /lit. the eye cannot recognize the letter T (idiom); terate/ [mu4 bu4 zhuan3 jing1] /unable to take one's eyes off (idiom); to gaze st re/ [mu4 zhong1 wu2 ren2] /to consider everyone else beneath one (idiom); so no-one else matters/condescending/to go about with one's nose in the air/ [mu4 jin1] /nowadays/at present/as things stand/ [mu4 guang1] /sight/vision/view/gaze/look/ [mu4 guang1 dai1 zhi4] /to have a lifeless look in ones eyes (idiom)/ [mu4 guang1 u2 dou4] /sho t-sighted/limited vision/ [mu4 guang1 duan3 qian3] /to be sho tsighted/ [mu4 qian2] /at the p esent time/cu ently/ [mu4 li4] /eyesight (i.e. quality of vision)/ [mu4 zheng1 kou3 dai1] /lit. eye sta tled, mouth st uck dumb (idiom); stu d/ [mu4 chuang4 you3 tian1] /to look at the sky in so ow/ [mu4 cheng2] /to make eyes/to exchange fli ting glances with sb/ [mu4 tiao3 xin1 zhao1] /the eye incites, the hea t invites (idiom); fli t eyes at sb/ [mu4 ji1] /to see with one s own eyes/to witness/ [mu4 ji1 zhe3] /eyewitness/ [mu4 biao1] /ta get/goal/objective/CL: [ge4]/ [mu4 biao1 pi3 pei4 zuo4 ye4] /target matching task/ [mu4 biao1 di4 zhi3] /destination address/target address/ [mu4 biao1 shi4 chang3] /target market/ [mu4 ce4] /to estimate by eye/to measure with the naked eye/ [mu4 wu2 guang1 ze2] /to have eyes without luster (idiom)/ [mu4 wu2 quan2 niu2] /to see the ox already cut up into joints (idiom); e led/able to see through the problem at one glance/ [mu4 wu2 fa3 ji4] /with no regard for law or discipline (idiom); flouting disregarding all rules/in complete disorder/ [mu4 wu2 zu3 zhi1] /to pay no heed to the regulations/ [mu4 zhu1] /eyeball/ [mu4 di4] /purpose/aim/goal/target/objective/CL: [ge4]/ [mu4 di4 di4] /destination (location)/

[mu4 mang2] /blind/blindness/ [mu4 zi4] /eye socket/ [mu4 xuan4] /dizzy/dazzled/ [mu4 xuan4 shen2 mi2] /to be dazzled and stunned (idiom)/ [mu4 xuan4 tou2 hun1] /to be dizzy and see stars/ [mu4 zheng1 kou3 dai1] /stunned/dumbstruck/ [mu4 du3] /to witness/to see at first hand/to see with one's own eyes/ [mu4 run2] /eyelid twitch/ [mu4 deng4 kou3 dai1] /dumbstruck (idiom); stupefied/stunned/ [mu4 kong1 yi1 qie4] /the eye can see nothing worthwhile all around (idio condescending/supercilious/ [mu4 kong1 si4 hai3] /the eye can see nothing worthwhile all around (idio condescending/supercilious/ [mu4 shi4] /visual/ [mu4 yu3] /to speak with the eyes/ [mu4 mi2 wu3 se4] /the eye is bewildered by five colors (idiom); a dazzli lors/ [mu4 song4] /to see off (a departing guest)/ [mu4 lu4] /catalog/table of contents/directory (on computer hard drive)/list/cont nts/ [mu4 lu4 xue2] /bibliography/ [mu4 jing4] /eyepiece/ [ding1] /to watch attentively/to fix attention on/to stare/to gaze/to follow/to shadow sb/ [ding1 zhu4] /to watch sb closely/to breathe down sb's neck/to mark (sports)/ [ding1 shi4] /mark to market (accounting)/ [ding1 shao1] /to follow sb/to tail/to shadow/ [ding1 shi4] /to stare fixedly/to look concentratedly/ [Xu1] /surname Xu/ [xu1] /anxious/stare/ [Xu1 yi2] /Xuyi county in Huai'an [Huai2 an1], Jiangsu/ [Xu1 yi2 xian4] /Xuyi county in Huai'an [Huai2 an1], Jiangsu/ [mang2] /blind/ [mang2 ren2] /blind person/ [mang2 ren2 mo1 xiang4] /blind people touch an elephant (idiom, from Nirv e4 pan2 jing1]); fig. unable to see the big picture/to mistake the part for the whole/unable to see the wood for the trees/ [mang2 qu1] /blind spot/ [mang2 nang2] /cecum (anatomy)/appendix/ [mang2 zi4] /Braille characters (alphabet for the blind)/ [mang2 cong2] /to follow blindly/to conform slavishly/unthinking obedience/ [mang2 da3] /to touch-type/ [mang2 wen2] /Braille (alphabet for the blind)/ [mang2 fa3] /blinding/masking (in scientific experiments)/ [mang2 liu2] /blind influx/country-to-city migrant without definite prospects/ [mang2 mu4] /blind/blindly/ignorant/lacking understanding/ [mang2 duan1] /cecum (start of the colon, linking it to small intestine)/ [mang2 chang2] /appendix (anatomy)/cecum/ [mang2 chang2 yan2] /appendicitis/ [mang2 man2] /hagfish (jawless proto-fish of class Myxini)/ [mang2 dian3] /blind spot/ [Zhi2] /surname Zhi/Zhi (c. 2000 BC), fifth of the legendary Flame Emperors [Yan2 di4] descended from Shennong [Shen2 nong2] Farmer God/ [zhi2] /straight/to straighten/fair and reasonable/frank/straightforward/(indica tes continuing motion or action)/vertical/vertical downward stroke in Chinese ch aracters/ [zhi2 shang4 yun2 xiao1] /to soar into the sky/ [zhi2 lai2 zhi2 qu4] /there and back without delay/ [zhi2 lai2 zhi2 wang3] /blunt/outspoken/ [Zhi2 xi4 jun1 fa2] /the Zhili faction of the Northern Warlords/

[zhi2 dao4] /until/ [zhi2 dao4 xian4 zai4] /even now/until now/right up to the present/ [zhi2 gou1 gou1] /with fixed eyes/ [zhi2 sheng1 ji1] /helicopter/CL:[jia4]/ [zhi2 sheng1 fei1 ji1] /variant of , helicopter/ [zhi2 ben4] /to go straight to/to make a beeline for/ [zhi2 chi3] /straight ruler/ [zhi2 shu3] /directly subordinate/ [Zhi2 bu4 luo2 tuo2] /Gibraltar/ [Zhi2 bu4 luo2 tuo2 Hai3 xia2] /Strait of Gibraltar/ [zhi2 jing4] /diameter/ [zhi2 qing2 jing4 xing2] /straightforward and honest in one's actions (id [zhi2 gan3] /intuition/direct feeling or understanding/ [zhi2 leng4 leng4] /staring blankly/ [zhi2 jie2] /straightforward/ [zhi2 jie2 liao3 dang4] /direct and plain speaking (idiom); blunt/straigh [zhi2 shu1 xiong1 yi4] /to speak one's mind/ [zhi2 jie2] /straightforward/ [zhi2 duo1] /a kind of a robe/ [zhi2 jie1] /direct/opposite: indirect /immediate/directly/straightforwa [zhi2 jie1 shu4 ju4] /data-direct (in LAN emulation)/ [zhi2 jie1 shui4] /direct tax/ [zhi2 jie1 jing4 zheng1] /direct competitor/direct competition/ [zhi2 jie1 bin1 yu3] /direct object (grammar)/ [zhi2 jie1 xuan3 ju3] /direct election/ [zhi2 dao3] /to storm/to attack directly/ [zhi2 dao3 Huang2 Long2] /lit. to directly attack Huanglong/fig. to direc e root of a problem/ [zhi2 jue1 jue1] /completely straight/ [zhi2 bo1] /live broadcast (not recorded)/direct internet broadcasting/ [zhi2 duo1] /a kind of a robe/ [zhi2 fang1 tu2] /histogram/bar chart/ [zhi2 sheng1 ji1] /helicopter/also written [zhi2 sheng1 ji1]/ [zhi2 sheng1 fei1 ji1] /variant of [zhi2 sheng1 ji1], helico [zhi2 gen1] /taproot (main root growing vertically down)/ [zhi2 jiang1] /rigid/stiff/ [zhi2 liu2] /to flow directly/direct current (D.C.)/ [zhi2 liu2 dian4] /direct current/ [zhi2 shuang3] /straightforward/outspoken/ [zhi2 shuai4] /candid/frank/ [zhi2 bai2] /frank/open/blunt/ [Zhi2 Wan3 zhan4 zheng1] /war of 1920 between Northern Warlords, in which ction beat the Anhui faction and took over the Beijing government/ [zhi2 mei2 deng4 yan3] /to stare directly (in anger)/ [zhi2 deng4 deng4] /to stare blankly/ [zhi2 ji1] /direct product (in set theory)/ [zhi2 li4] /erect/upright/ [zhi2 li4 ren2] /Homo erectus/ [zhi2 bi3] /a straightforward honest account/ [zhi2 xi4] /directly related/ [zhi2 xi4 zu3 xian1] /direct ancestor/ [zhi2 xi4 xue4 qing4] /direct descendant/blood relative/ [zhi2 xi4 qin1 shu3] /next of kin/immediate dependant/ [zhi2 xian4] /straight line/ [zhi2 xian4 jia1 su4 qi4] /linear accelerator/ [zhi2 xian4 xing4 jia1 su4 qi4] /linear accelerator/ [zhi2 chi4 mu4] /Orthoptera (insect order including grasshoppers, crickets an ts)/ [zhi2 chang2] /rectum (anatomy)/ [zhi2 chang2 jing4] /proctoscope (medicine)/

[zhi2 zhi4] /lasting until/up till (the present)/ [zhi2 hang2] /direct flight/to fly directly/ [Zhi2 luo4 bu4 lan2 ya3] /Telok Blangah, a place in Singapore (GM)/ [zhi2 xing2] /to go straight/straight forward/fig. to do right/ [zhi2 duo1] /a kind of a robe/ [zhi2 shi4] /to look straight at/ [zhi2 jue2] /intuition/ [zhi2 jue2 xing4] /intuitiveness/ [zhi2 guan1] /direct observation/directly perceived through the senses/intuitive/ udiovisual/ [zhi2 jiao3] /a right angle/ [zhi2 jiao3 san1 jiao3] /a right angled triangle/ [zhi2 jiao3 san1 jiao3 xing2] /a right angled triangle/ [zhi2 jiao3 qi4] /a set square (carpenter's tool)/ [zhi2 jiao3 chi3] /a set square (carpenter's tool)/ [zhi2 jiao3 zuo4 biao1] /rectangular coordinates/ [zhi2 yan2] /forthright speak/to talk bluntly/ [zhi2 yan2 bu4 hui4] /straight talk, nothing taboo (idiom); frank and str to speak bluntly without euphemism/ [zhi2 yan2 ming4 ti2] /categorical proposition (logic)/ [zhi2 yan2 wu2 hui4] /to speak ones mind/to speak candidly (idiom)/ [zhi2 hua4] /st aight talk/st aightfo wa d wo ds/ [zhi2 jian4] /to admonish sb f ankly/di ect c iticism/ [zhi2 yi4] /di ect meaning/lite al t anslation/ [zhi2 xia2] /to gove n di ectly/ [zhi2 xia2 shi4] /municipality, namely: Beijing , Tianjin , Shanghai st level administrative subdivision/province level city/also called directly gov erned city/ [zhi2 tong1] /direct travel link/ [zhi2 tong1 huo3 che1] /through train/ [zhi2 tong1 che1] /"through train" (refers to the idea of retaining previous ture after transition to Chinese rule in Hong Kong or Macao)/ [zhi2 dao4 er2 xing2] /lit. to go straight (idiom, from Analects); to act ty/ [zhi2 da2] /through/nonstop/ [zhi2 xuan3] /direct election/ [zhi2 xiao1] /to sell directly/direct sale (by a factory)/direct marketing/ [Zhi2 li4] /Ming and Qing dynasty province directly administered by Beijing, incl ding Beijing, Tianjin, most of Hebei and Henan and part of Shandong/ [zhi2 fei1] /to fly directly/direct flight/ [zhi2 liu2] /direct distillation/ [zhi2 fa4] /straight hair/ [Qi4] /surname Qi/ [xiang1] /each other/one another/mutually/ [xiang4] /appearance/portrait/picture/ [xiang1 cheng2] /to multiply (math.)/multiplication/ [xiang1 hu4] /each other/mutual/ [xiang1 hu4 zuo4 yong4] /to interact/interaction/interplay/ [Xiang1 hu4 Bao3 zheng4 Hui3 mie4] /Mutual Assured Destruction/ [xiang1 hu4 jian1 rong2] /mutually compatible/ [xiang1 hu4 guan1 xi4] /mutual relations/common interest/ [xiang1 jiao1] /to cross over (e.g. traffic)/to intersect/to make friends/ [xiang1 jiao1 shu4] /intersection number (math.)/ [xiang1 fang3] /similar/ [xiang1 ban4] /to accompany sb/to accompany each other/ [xiang1 si4] /to resemble/similar/like/resemblance/similarity/ [xiang1 si4 xing4] /resemblance/similarity/ [xiang4 wei4] /phase (waves)/ [xiang4 wei4 cha1] /phase difference/ [xiang1 yi1] /to be interdependent/




[xiang1 yi1 wei2 ming4] /mutually dependent for life (idiom); to rely upo for survival/interdependent/ [xiang1 bao3] /to guard each other/ [xiang1 xin4] /to be convinced (that sth is true)/to believe/to accept sth as tru / [xiang1 xie2] /together (literary)/ [xiang1 chuan2] /to pass on/to hand down/tradition has it that .../according to l gend/ [xiang1 xiang4] /to resemble/similar/ [xiang4 gong5] /lord/master/young gentleman/male prostitute/catamite/mahjong play r disqualified by unintentionally taking in the wrong number of dominoes/husband (wife's term of address) (honorary)/ [xiang4 ce4] /photo album/ [xiang1 jia1 xing4 de5] /additive/ [xiang1 zhu4] /to help one another/to come to somebody's help/ [xiang1 fan3] /opposite/contrary/ [xiang1 he2] /to conform to/to fit with/to be compatible with/ [xiang1 tong2] /identical/same/ [xiang1 tong2 ming2 zi4] /like-named/having the same name/ [xiang1 xiang4] /facing one another/face-to-face/ [xiang1 xiang4 tu1 ji1] /sudden attack from the opposite direction (idiom [xiang1 xi1] /mutual attraction (e.g. electrostatic)/to attract one another/ [xiang1 ming4 zhe3] /fortune teller/ [xiang1 guo2] /minister (during Warring States)/ [xiang4 tu2] /phase diagram (math.)/phase portrait/ [Xiang1 cheng2] /Xiangcheng district of Suzhou city [Su1 zhou1 shi4] [Xiang1 cheng2 qu1] /Xiangcheng district of Suzhou city [Su1 zho [xiang4 shi4] /fortune-teller who uses the subject's face for his prognostication [xiang1 fu1 jiao4 zi3] /to support one's husband and raise children/mothe woman's place is in the home (old view)/ [xiang1 an1 wu2 shi4] /to live together in harmony/ [xiang1 yi2] /to be suitable or appropriate/ [xiang1 rong2] /compatible/consistent/to tolerate (each other)/ [xiang1 rong2 tiao2 jian4] /conditions for consistency/ [xiang1 dui4] /relatively/opposite/to resist/to oppose/relative/vis-a-vis/counter art/ [xiang1 dui4 wei4 zhi5] /relative position/ [xiang1 dui4 di4 zhi3] /relative address (comp.)/ [xiang1 dui4 mi4 du4] /relative density/ [xiang1 dui4 shi1 du4] /relative humidity/ [xiang1 dui4 lun4] /theory of relativity/ [xiang1 dui4 lun4 xing4] /relativistic (physics)/ [Xiang1 shan1] /Xiangshan district of Huaibei city [Huai2 bei3 shi4], Anhui [Xiang1 shan1 qu1] /Xiangshan district of Huaibei city [Huai2 bei3 shi4 [xiang1 zuo3] /to fail to meet each other/to conflict with each other/to be at od s with/ [xiang1 cha4] /to differ/discrepancy between/ [xiang1 cha4 bu5 duo1] /not much difference/ [xiang1 bang1] /to help one another/to aid/ [xiang1 gan1] /relevant/to have to do with/coherent (Physics: light etc)/ [xiang4 ping2 mian4] /phase plane (math., ordinary differential equations)/ [xiang1 xing2 jian4 chu4] /pale by comparison (idiom)/ [xiang1 dai4] /to treat/ [xiang1 si1 bing4] /lovesickness/ [xiang1 e4] /to hate one another/ [xiang1 ai4] /to love each other/ [xiang1 ying4] /to correspond/answering (one another)/to agree (among the part)/c rresponding/relevant/appropriate/(modify) accordingly/ [xiang1 lian4] /to love each other/ [xiang1 cheng2] /to complement one another/

[xiang1 tou2] /agreeing with one another/congenial/ [xiang1 di3] /to balance up/to offset/to counterbalance/ [xiang1 chi2] /locked in a stalemate/to confront one another/ [xiang1 chi2 bu4 xia4] /at a stalemate/deadlocked/in unrelenting mutual o [xiang1 jie1] /to merge with/interlinking/to join with/to interlock/ [xiang1 ti2 bing4 lun4] /to discuss two disparate things together (idiom) on equal terms/to place on a par with/(often with negatives: impossible to menti on X in the same breath as Y)/ [xiang1 zhuang4] /collision/crash/to crash together/to collide with/to bump into/ [xiang4 pu1] /Sumo wrestling/ [xiang4 jing4 ru2 bin1] /to treat each other as an honoured guest/mutual en husband and wife/ [xiang1 chi4] /mutual repulsion (e.g. electrostatic)/to repel one another/ [xiang1 hui4] /to meet together/ [xiang1 wang4] /to look at one another/to face each other/ [xiang4 jia4] /picture frame/ [xiang4 kuang4] /photo frame/ [xiang1 ji1] /at the opportune moment/as the circumstances allow/ [xiang4 ji1] /camera/see also [zhao4 xiang4 ji1]/ [xiang1 ji1 xing2 shi4] /to act as circumstances dictate (idiom)/ [xiang1 bi3] /compared to/ [xiang1 yan2 cheng2 xi2] /well established/accepted as a result of long u [xiang1 ru2 yi3 mo4] /to moisten with spittle (idiom); sharing meager res help in humble circumstances/ [xiang1 zheng1] /to vie against one another/to fight each other/mutual aggression [xiang4 pian4] /image/photograph/CL: [zhang1]/ [xiang1 sheng1] /to engender one another/ [xiang1 dang1] /equivalent to/appropriate/considerably/to a certain extent/fairly quite/ [xiang1 dang1 yu2] /equivalent to/ [xiang1 dang1 yu2 huo4 da4 yu2] /greater than or equal to /at le [xiang1 kan4] /to look at one another/to take a good look at/to look upon/ [xiang1 peng4 zhuang4] /to collide with one another/ [xiang1 chen4] /to match/to suit/mutually compatible/ [xiang4 kong1 jian1] /phase space (math., ordinary differential equations)/ [xiang1 fu2] /to match/to tally/ [xiang1 deng3] /equal/equally/equivalent/ [xiang1 yue1] /to agree (on a meeting place, date etc)/to reach agreement/to make an appointment/ [xiang4 zhi3] /photographic paper/ [xiang1 ji4] /in succession/following closely/ [xiang1 ju4] /to meet together/to assemble/ [xiang1 lian2] /to interact/interrelated/ [xiang4 sheng5] /comic dialog/sketch/cross talk/ [xiang1 ruo4] /on a par with/comparable to/ [xiang1 chu3] /to be in contact with/to associate with/to have dealings with/ [xiang4 shu4] /physiognomy/ [xiang1 chen4] /to contrast/to set off one another/to go well with/ [xiang1 jian4] /to see each other/to meet in person/ [xiang1 jian4 hen4 wan3] /to regret not having met earlier (idiom); It is you finally./It feels like we have known each other all along./ [xiang1 qin1] /blind date/arranged interview to evaluate a proposed marriage part er/to be deeply attached to each other/ [xiang1 qin1 xiang1 ai4] /to be kind and love one another (idiom); bound ons/ [xiang1 qu4] /to look at each other/ [xiang1 jiao3] /phase angle/ [xiang1 shi2] /to get to know each other/acquaintance/ [xiang4 mao4] /appearance/ [xiang1 ju4] /distance apart/separated by a given distance/

[xiang1 jiao4] /to compare/ [xiang1 fu3 xiang1 cheng2] /to complement one another (idiom)/ [xiang1 jin4] /close/similar to/ [xiang1 tong1] /interlinked/connected/communicating/in communication/accommodatin / [xiang1 feng2] /to meet (by chance)/to come across/ [xiang1 lian2] /to link/to join/link/connection/ [xiang1 yu4] /to meet/to encounter/to come across/ [xiang1 wei2] /to conflict with (an idea or opinion etc)/to depart from (establis ed norms or standards etc)/ [xiang1 lin2] /neighbor/adjacent/ [xiang1 pei4] /to match/well-suited/ [xiang1 pei4 ren2] /match (couple)/persons well suited for each other/ [xiang1 pei4 wu4] /thing that is well suited/pet animal that suits its owner/ [xiang1 jian4] /to alternate/to follow one another/ [xiang1 guan1] /interrelated/correlation/dependence/relevance/mutuality/ [xiang1 guan1 xi4 shu4] /correlation/ [xiang1 guan1 xing4] /correlation/ [xiang1 ge2] /separated by (distance or time etc)/ [xiang4 mian4] /fortune telling based on the subject's face/ [xiang1 lei4] /similar/ [xiang4 ti3 cai2 yi1] /lit. tailor the clothes to fit the body (idiom); f ding to real circumstances/ [dun3] /doze/nap/ [xi4] /glare at/ [pan4] /to hope for/to long for/to expect/ [pan4 xing1 xing1 pan4 yue4 liang4] /to wish for the stars and th ectations/ [pan4 wang4] /to hope for/to look forward to/ [pan4 lai4] /your favors/your consideration/ [pan2 fu4] /expecting your reply (epistolary style)/ [pan4 tou5] /hopes/good prospects/ [dun4] /shield/ [dun4 pai2] /shield/pretext/excuse/ [dun4 pai2 zuo4] /Scutum (constellation)/ [sheng3] /to save/to economize/to do without/to omit/to leave out/province/CL: [g 4]/ [xing3] /introspection/to examine oneself critically/awareness/to visit (an elde rly relative)/ [sheng3 shi4] /to simplify matters/to save trouble/ [xing3 shi4] /to handle administrative work/ [sheng3 fen4] /province/ [sheng3 bian4] /convenient/ [sheng3 jian3] /frugal/economic/to scrimp and save/ [sheng3 li4] /to save labor/to save effort/ [sheng3 jin4] /to save labor/to save effort/ [sheng3 jin4 r5] /erhua variant of , to save labor/to save effort/ [sheng3 que4] /to save/to get rid of (so saving space)/ [sheng3 qu4] /to omit/to dispense with/to make unnecesary/to save (time, trouble tc)/ [sheng3 chi1 jian3 yong4] /to live frugally/to economize on food and clot p and save/ [sheng3 yuan2] /a provincial capital/ [sheng3 cheng2] /a provincial capital/ [sheng3 wei3] /provincial Party committee/ [sheng3 zi4 hao4] /an apostrophe (punct.)/ [xing3 cha2] /to examine oneself/ [sheng3 de5] /to avoid/so as to save (money or time)/ [sheng3 xin1] /to save worry/ [xing3 wu4] /to wake up to reality/to come to oneself/to realize/to see the truth

[sheng3 hui4] /provincial capital/ [sheng3 zhi4] /a provincial capital/ [sheng3 jie4] /provincial boundaries/provincial boundary/ [sheng3 lu:e4] /to leave out/an omission/ [sheng3 lu:e4 fu2 hao4] /apostrophe/ [sheng3 lu:e4 hao4] /the ellipsis (punct., consisting of six dots)/ [sheng3 zhi2 guan3 xian4] /county directly governed by province (usu. as angement)/ [sheng3 cheng1] /abbreviation/ [sheng3 ji2] /provincial level (e.g. government)/ [xing3 shi4] /to call upon/to inspect/ [xing3 qin1] /to visit one's parents/ [sheng3 cai2 shui4 ting1] /Provincial Property Tax Office/ [sheng3 xia2 shi4] /provincial city/ [Sheng3 Nong2 ye4 Ting1] /Provincial Department of Agriculture/ [sheng3 qian2] /to save money/ [sheng3 zhang3] /governor of a province/ [sheng3 dian4] /to save electricity/ [mian3] /to ogle at/to squint at/ [mian4] /to look askance at/ [mian4 mian4] /dull-looking/looking askance/ [mian4 lai4] /to cast loving glances/ [mian4 ni4] /to look askance/ [mian4 shi4] /to give a sidelong glance/ [pan1] /show the whites of eyes/ [miao3] /blind in one eye/blind/tiny/humble/to stare/ [miao3 xiao3] /variant of [miao3 xiao3]/ [miao3 miao3] /sublime/solitary/distant or remote/to gaze off into the distance/ [dan1] /gaze intently/ [mei2] /eyebrow/upper margin/ [mei2 lai2 yan3 qu4] /lit. eyes and eyebrows come and go (idiom); to make ange flirting glances with sb/ [mei2 jian1] /eyebrows/ [Mei2 shan1] /Meishan prefecture level city in Sichuan/ [Mei2 shan1 shi4] /Meishan prefecture level city in Sichuan/ [mei2 xin1] /(the space) between the eyebrows/ [mei2 xin1 lun2] /j or ajna, the brow or third eye chakra , residing written [mei2 jian1 lun2]/ [mei2 pi1] /headnotes/comments or footnotes at top of the page/ [mei2 yue4] /waxing crescent (moon)/ [mei2 shao1] /tip of brow/ [mei2 mao5] /eyebrow/CL:[gen1]/ [mei2 mao2 qian2] /tweezers/ [mei2 mao5 hu2 zi5 yi1 ba3 zhua1] /careless/any-old-how, rega [mei2 qing1 mu4 xiu4] /pretty/with delicate features/ [mei2 mu4] /general facial appearance/features/arrangement/sequence of ideas/logi (of writing)/rough sketch or general idea of things/ [mei2 mu5] /progress/prospect of solution/sign of positive outcome/ [mei2 mu4 chuan2 qing2] /to make sheep eyes at/to cast amorous glances at [mei2 yan3] /brows and eyes/appearance/looks/countenance/ [mei2 yan3 chuan2 qing2] /to give the eye to/to make eyes at/ [mei2 jie2] /eyebrows and eyelashes/nearby/ [mei2 duan1] /tip of the eyebrows/top margin on a page/ [mei2 bi3] /eyebrow pencil (cosmetics)/ [Mei2 xian4] /Mei county in Boj [Bao3 ji1], Shnx/ [mei2 kai1 yan3 xiao4] /brows raised in delight, eyes laughing (idiom); b oy/all smiles/ [mei2 jian1] /the flat area of forehead between the eyebrows/glabella/ [mei2 jian1 lun2] /j or ajna, the brow or third eye chakra , residin [mei2 tou2] /brows/

[mei2 fei1 se4 wu3] /smiles of exultation/radiant with delight/ [mei2 dai4] /eyebrows (with umber black make-up)/ [mao4] /having poor eyesight/ [kan1] /to look after/to take care of/to watch/to guard/ [kan4] /to see/to look at/to read/to watch/to consider/to regard as/to view as/t o treat as/to judge/(after repeated verb) to give it a try/depending on (how you 're judging)/to visit/to call on/to treat (an illness)/to look after/Watch out! (for a danger)/ [kan4 yi1 kan4] /to have a look/ [kan4 shang4] /to look upon/to take a fancy to/to fall for/ [kan4 shang5 qu5] /it would appear/it seems (that)/ [kan4 bu5 zhong1] /not impressed by/ [kan4 bu5 chu1] /can't see/can't make out/unable to tell/ [kan4 bu5 guan4] /cannot bear to see/to hate/to dislike/to disapprove/ [kan4 bu4 dong3] /unable to see/can't read/ [kan4 bu5 qing1] /not able to see clearly/ [kan1 bu4 xi2 guan4] /unfamiliar/ [kan4 bu5 jian4] /unseen/to be invisible/ [kan4 bu5 qi3] /to look down upon/to despise/ [kan4 bu5 guo4] /cannot stand by idly and watch/unable to put up with it any see [kan4 bu5 guo4 qu4]/ [kan4 bu5 guo4 qu5] /cannot stand by idly and watch/unable to put up with r/ [kan4 bu4 shun4 yan3] /unpleasant to the eye/ [kan4 zhong4] /to have a preference for/to fancy/to choose after consideration/to settle on/ [kan4 si4] /to look as if/to seem/ [kan4 zuo4] /to look upon as/to regard as/ [kan4 lai5] /apparently/it seems that/ [kan4 guan1] /dear reader/dear listener/ [kan4 zuo4] /to regard as/to look upon as/ [kan4 chu1] /to make out/to see/ [kan4 tai2] /terrace/spectator's grandstand/viewing platform/ [kan4 dai1] /to gape at/to stare blankly/to stare in rapture/to stare in awe/ [kan4 hao3] /optimistic (about the outcome)/bullish/to think highly of/to support [kan1 shou3] /to guard/to watch over/ [kan4 shou3 zhe3] /watchman/ [kan4 guan1] /dear reader/dear listener/ [kan4 ke4] /audience/spectators/onlookers/ [kan4 dai4] /to look upon/to regard/ [kan4 de5 zhong4] /to take a liking for/to fancy/ [kan4 de2 jian4] /visible/ [kan4 de5 qi3] /to show respect for/to think highly of/ [kan4 de5 guo4] /presentable/passable/ [kan4 de5 guo4 r5] /erhua variant of [kan4 de5 guo4]/ [kan4 qing2 kuang4] /depending on the situation/ [kan4 guan4] /to be used to the sight of/ [kan4 dong3] /to understand what one is reading or watching/ [kan4 cheng2] /to regard as/ [kan4 xi4] /to watch a play/to watch passively (i.e. from the sidelines, from the crowd)/ [kan4 bian3] /to have a low opinion of/ [kan1 ya1] /to detain/to take into custody/to imprison temporarily/ [kan4 shu1] /to read/to study/ [kan4 wang4] /to visit/to pay a call to/ [kan4 yang4 zi5] /it seems/it looks as if/ [kan4 fa3] /way of looking at a thing/view/opinion/CL: [ge4]/ [kan4 qing1] /to see clearly/ [kan4 zhang3] /bull market (prices appear to be rising)/ [kan4 re4 nao5] /to enjoy watching a bustling scene/to go where the crowds ar

[kan4 qiu2] /Fore! (golf)/Watch out for the ball!/ [kan4 bing4] /to visit a doctor/to see a patient/ [kan4 xiang4] /to tell fortune by reading the subject's facial features/ [kan4 kan5] /to take a look at/to examine/to survey/(coll.) pretty soon/ [kan4 po4] /to see through/disillusioned with/to reject (the world of mortals)/ [kan1 po4 hong2 chen2] /to see through the world of mortals (idiom, of Bu disillusioned with human society/to reject the world for a monastic life/ [kan4 chuan1] /see through (a person, scheme, trick etc)/ [kan1 guan3] /to look after/ [kan1 hua1 yan3] /to be dazzled/to not believe one's own eyes/ [kan1 cai4 chi1 fan4] /to eat depending on the dish (idiom); fig. to act actual circumstances/to live within one's means/ [kan1 cai4 chi1 fan4 , liang2 ti3 cai2 yi1] /eat depe he body (idiom); to fit the appetite to the dishes and the dress to the figure/t o act according to actual circumstances/to live within one's means/ [kan4 zhe5 bu4 guan3] /to stand by and pay no heed/to ignore/ [kan4 jian4] /to see/to catch sight of/ [kan1 hu4] /to nurse/to look after/to watch over/hospital nurse (archaic)/ [kan4 qi3 lai2] /seemingly/apparently/looks as if/appear to be/gives the impr that/seems on the face of it to be/ [kan4 tou4] /to see through/ [kan4 zhong4] /to regard as important/to care about/ [kan4 cuo4] /a mistake/an oversight/an error of judgment/ [kan1 men2 ren2] /janitor/watchman/ [kan4 kai1] /to come to accept an unpleasant fact/to get over sth/to cheer up/ [kan4 tou5] /qualities that make sth worth seeing (or reading)/ [kan4 gu4] /to watch over/ [kan4 niao3 ren2] /a bird-watcher/ [xian4] /Japanese variant of /Japanese prefecture/ [yao3] /sunken eyes/deep/abstruse/ [zhen3] /to restrain anger/ [yi2] /place name/ [sheng3] /cataract of the eye/error/ [mei4] /blind/imperceptive/ [zhen1] /variant of , real/true/genuine/ [zhen1] /really/truly/indeed/real/true/genuine/ [Zhen1 zhu3] /Allah/ [Zhen1 zhu3 dang3] /Hezbollah (Lebanon Islamic group)/ [zhen1 shi4] /reality/veracity/the real thing/ [zhen1 liang4] /clear/ [zhen1 ren2] /actual person/in the flesh/Daoist spiritual master/ [zhen1 ren2 zhen1 shi4] /genuine people and true events/ [zhen1 ren2 xiu4] /reality show (loanword)/ [zhen1 ge4] /really/truly/indeed/ [zhen1 zhi2 biao3] /truth table/ [zhen1 jia3] /genuine or fake/true or false/ [zhen1 jia3 nan2 bian4] /hard to distinguish real from imitation/ [zhen1 wei3] /true or bogus/ [zhen1 wei3 mo4 bian4] /can't judge true or false (idiom); unable to dist enuine from the fake/not to know whether to believe (what one reads in the news) / [zhen1 chuan2] /authentic tradition/handed-down teachings or techniques/ [zhen1 dao1 zhen1 qiang1] /real swords, real spears (idiom)/real weapons/ real/every bit real/the genuine article/ [zhen1 fen1 shu4] /proper fraction (with numerator < denominator, e.g. five s )/see also: improper fraction [jia1 fen1 shu4] and mixed number [ [zhen1 qie4] /vivid/distinct/clear/ [zhen1 fou3 ding4 ju4] /true negative (TN)/ [zhen1 ming4] /to receive heaven's command (of Daoist immortals etc)/ordained by eaven/

[zhen1 shan4 mei3] /truth, goodness and beauty/ [Zhen1 ru2] /Tathata/ [zhen1 zi3 ji2] /proper subset/ [zhen1 rong2] /portrait/genuine appearance/real face/ [zhen1 shi2] /true/real/ [zhen1 shi2 xing4] /authenticity/truthfulness/veracity/reality/validity/ [zhen1 shi2 gan3] /the feeling that sth is genuine/sense of reality/in the fl [zhen1 cai3 se4] /true color/ [zhen1 hou4 sheng1 dong4 wu4] /eumetazoa/subkingdom of animals exclud [zhen1 xin1] /sincere/heartfelt/CL:[pian4]/ [zhen1 xin1 shi2 yi4] /genuine and sincere regards (idiom); in good faith [zhen1 xin1 shi2 yi4 de5] /wholeheartedly/ [zhen1 xin1 hua4 da4 mao4 xian3] /The Moment of Truth (TV show)/T [zhen1 xing4] /real/the nature of sth/ [zhen1 guai4] /odd/unusual/I can't believe that .../ [zhen1 qing2] /real situation/the truth/ [zhen1 qing2 shi2 yi4] /out of genuine friendship (idiom)/sincere feeling [zhen1 yi4] /real intention/true meaning/correct interpretation/ [zhen1 ai4] /true love/ [zhen1 ping2 shi2 ju4] /reliable evidence (idiom); conclusive proof/defin e/ [zhen1 cai2 shi2 xue2] /solid learning/real ability and learning/genuine [zhen1 zhi4] /sincere/sincerity/ [zhen1 shu4] /logarithm/ [zhen1 shi5 de5] /Really! (interj. of annoyance or frustration)/ [zhen1 shu1] /regular script/same as / [zhen1 he2] /eukaryotic/ [zhen1 ge2] /true/real/ [zhen1 bang4] /super!/really great/wonderful/ [zhen1 zheng4] /genuine/real/true/genuinely/ [Zhen1 wu3] /Lord of profound heaven, major Daoist deity/aka Black Tortoise k heavenly emperor / [zhen1 ban3] /real version (as opposed to pirated)/genuine version/ [zhen1 niu2] /(slang) really cool, awesome/ [zhen1 shuai4] /sincere/genuine/straightforward/ [zhen1 zhu1] /pearl/usually written [zhen1 zhu1]/ [zhen1 li3] /truth/CL: [ge4]/ [Zhen1 li3 bao4] /Pravda (newspaper)/ [zhen1 li3 bu4] /Ministry of Truth/ [Zhen1 pan1 jun4] /Zhenpan commandery (108 BC-c. 300 AD), one of four Han dyn mmanderies in north Korea/ [zhen1 pi2] /dermis (layer within the skin containing sense of touch)/ [zhen1 pi2 ceng2] /dermis/ [zhen1 xiang4] /the truth about sth/the actual facts/ [zhen1 xiang4 da4 bai2] /the whole truth is revealed (idiom); everything / [zhen1 xiang4 bi4 lu4] /real face fully revealed (idiom); fig. to unmask e whole truth/ [zhen1 zhen1] /really/in fact/genuinely/scrupulously/ [zhen1 zhi1] /real knowledge/ [zhen1 zhi1 zhuo2 jian4] /penetrating insight/ [zhen1 que4] /authentic/ [zhen1 shen2] /the True God/ [zhen1 kong1] /vacuum/ [zhen1 kong1 beng4] /vacuum pump/ [zhen1 kong1 guan3] /vacuum tube/ [Zhen1 na4] /(Mohammad Ali) Jinnah (founder of Pakistan)/ [zhen1 si1] /silk/pure silk/ [zhen1 jing1] /the true scriptures/good experience/ [zhen1 sheng1] /natural voice/modal voice/true voice/opposite: falsetto

/ [zhen1 sheng1 zui4 gao1 yin1] /highest true (non-falsetto) voice/ [zhen1 ken3 ding4 ju4] /true affirmative (TA)/ [Zhen1 la4] /Khmer kingdom of Kampuchea or Cambodia/Chinese term for Cambodia fro 7th to 15th century/ [zhen1 jun1] /fungi/fungus/ [zhen1 jun1 gang1] /Eumycetes (taxonomic class of fungi)/ [zhen1 yan2] /true statement/incantation (translates Sanskrit: dharani [zhen1 quan2] /to explain truly (esp. of classic or religious text)/true commenta y/correct exegesis/ [zhen1 cheng2] /true/sincere/genuine/ [zhen1 di4] /the real meaning/the true essence/ [zhen1 xiang4] /the whole elephant (i.e. not the small parts felt by the proverbi l blind feelers)/fig. the whole picture/a realistic overall view of the whole si tuation/ [zhen1 ji4] /authentic (painting or calligraphy)/genuine work (of famous artist)/ [zhen1 shen1] /the real body (of Buddha or a God)/true effigy/ [zhen1 dao4] /the true way/ [zhen1 shi4] /true explanation/genuine reason/ [zhen1 jin1 bu4 pa4 huo3 lai2 shao1] /see [zhen1 jin1 bu4 pa4 huo3 lian4] /True gold fears no fire. (idiom) [zhen1 ji4] /the truth/reality/ [zhen1 mian4 mu4] /true identity/true colors/ [zhen1 sui3] /the real essence (of the matter)/ [zhen1 diao1] /porgy (Pagrosomus major)/red sea bream/ [mian2] /sleep/ [yuan1] /inflamed eyelids/parched/ [die2] /prominent eyes/ [zi4] /corner of the eye/canthus/eye socket/ [zi4 ya2] /to stare in anger/a look of hatred/ [zi4] /variant of [zi4]/ [zha3] /to blink/to wink/ [zha3 ba5] /to blink/to wink/ [zha3 yan3] /to blink/to wink/in the twinkling of an eye/ [zha3 yan3 jing1] /wink/ [xuan4] /dazzling/brilliant/dazzled/dizzy/ [xuan4 ren2] /wizard/magician/ [xuan4 huo4] /confusion/unable to escape from infatuation or addiction/ [xuan4 yun1] /vertigo/dizziness/fainting/feeling of swaying, head spinning, lack f balance or floating (e.g. from a stroke)/ [xuan4 mu4] /glare (of lights)/dazzling/ [xuan4 yao4] /dazzling/brilliant/ [xuan4 li4] /charming/enchanting/captivating/ [Sui1] /surname Sui/ [sui1] /to have a deep or piercing gaze/ [mi2] /to blind (as with dust)/ [mi1 feng5] /to squint/ [ming2] /space between the eyebrows and the eyelashes/ [ming2 jing1] /unhappy/dissatisfied/ [xuan4] /dazzled/dizzy/ [chi1] /discharge (rheum) from the mucous membranes of the eyes/ [kuang4] /eye socket/ [juan4] /concern/wife and children/ [juan4 qu1] /married quarters/residential quarters for men with families/ [juan4 shu3] /family dependent, esp. spouse/ [juan4 nian4] /to think fondly of/ [juan4 ai4] /to love/sentimentally attached to/ [juan4 huai2] /to yearn for/to miss/ [juan4 lian4] /to miss/to long for/to remember with longing/yearning/ [juan4 juan4 zhi1 xin1] /nostalgia/home-sickness/longing for departed bel

[juan4 zhu4] /to think fondly of sb/ [juan4 gu4] /to care for/to show concern for/to think longingly (of one's country / [mou2] /pupil (of the eye)/eye/ [mou2 zi5] /pupil of the eye/ [zhen4] /pupil/ [tiao4] /gaze afar/ [tiao4 wang4] /to survey the scene from an elevated position/ [yan3] /eye/small hole/crux (of a matter)/CL: [zhi1], [shuang1]/classifier fo ollow things (wells, stoves, pots etc)/ [yan3 xia4] /now/at present/subocular (medicine)/ [yan3 bu4 jian4 wei2 jing4] /what remains unseen is deemed to be clea n't see, the heart doesn't grieve over (idiom)/ [yan3 bu4 zhuan4 jing1] /with fixed attention (idiom)/ [yan3 zhong1] /in one's eyes/ [yan3 zhong1 ci4] /a thorn in one's eye/fig. a thorn in one's flesh/ [yan3 zhong1 ding1] /a nail in one's eye/fig. a thorn in one's flesh/ [yan3 gan1 zheng4] /xeropthalmia (medicine)/dry eye syndrome/ [yan3 guang1] /gaze/insight/foresight/vision/way of looking at things/ [yan3 guang1 duan3] /short-sighted/ [yan3 mao4 jin1 xing1] /to see stars/dazed/ [yan3 qian2] /before one's eyes/now/at present/ [yan3 li4] /eyesight/strength of vision/the ability to make discerning judgments/ [yan3 dong4] /eye movement/ [yan3 dong4 ji4 shu4] /eye movement technique/ [yan3 dong4 ji4 lu4] /eye movement recording/ [yan3 quan1] /rim of the eye/eye socket/ [yan3 quan1 hong2 le5] /to be on the verge of tears/ [yan3 ya1] /intraocular pressure/ [yan3 jian1] /to have good eyes/ [yan3 wei3] /outer corner of the eye/ [yan3 shi3] /gum in the eyes/ [yan3 cha4] /to mistake for sth else/ [yan3 ba1 ba1] /waiting anxiously/impatient/ [yan3 di3] /fundus of the eye (containing the choroid, retina, optic nerve etc)/i side the eye/right in front of one's eyes/in full view as a panorama/ [yan3 di3 xia5] /in front of one's eyes/in full view as a panorama/right now/ [yan3 ying3] /eye shadow (cosmetic)/ [yan3 cheng2 chuan1] /to await eagerly/the eyes bore through sth/ [yan3 fang2] /camera oculi/aqueous chamber of the eye/ [yan3 fang2 shui3] /aqueous humor/ [yan3 shi2] /at present/nowadays/ [yan3 yun4] /to feel dizzy/ [yan3 bing3] /eye stalk (of crustacean etc)/ [yan3 ge2] /field of vision/ [yan3 shao1] /corner of eye near temple/ [yan3 bo1] /fluid glance/ [yan3 lei4] /tears/crying/CL:[di1]/ [yan3 lei4 heng4 liu2] /to be overflowing with tears (idiom)/ [yan3 shu2] /familiar-looking/to seem familiar/ [yan3 re4] /to covet/envious/ [yan3 zhu1] /one's eyes/eyeball/ [yan3 zhu1 r5] /eyeball/fig. the apple of one's eye (i.e. favorite person)/ [yan3 zhu1 zi5] /eyeball/fig. the apple of one's eye (i.e. favorite person)/ [yan3 qiu2] /eyeball/ [yan3 sheng1] /unfamiliar/strange-looking/ [yan3 jie4] /ken/scope/ [yan3 bing4] /eye disease/ [yan3 bai2] /white of the eye/ [yan3 pi2] /eyelid/

[yan3 pi2 ku1 zhong3] /to have eyelids swollen from crying/very unhappy ( [yan3 pi2 zi5] /eyelid/ [yan3 pi2 zi5 qian3] /short-sighted/ [yan3 mu4] /eyes/ [yan3 kan4] /soon/in a moment/ [yan3 chi1] /mucus in the eyes/ [yan3 kuang4] /eye socket/rim of the eye/ [yan3 jing5] /eye/CL: [zhi1], [shuang1]/ [yan3 zheng1 zheng1] /to look on helplessly/to daydream/ [yan3 xia1 er3 long2] /to be deaf and blind (idiom)/ [yan3 xun4] /sleepy (Cantonese)/Mandarin equivalent: [kun4]/ [yan3 jian3] /eyelid/ [yan3 shen2] /expression or emotion showing in one's eyes/meaningful glance/wink/ yesight (topolect)/ [yan3 shen2 bu4 hao3] /to have poor eyesight/ [yan3 shen2 bu4 ji4] /to have poor eyesight/ [yan3 fu2] /a treat for the eyes/the rare chance of seeing sth beautiful/ [yan3 ke1] /ophthalmology/ [yan3 ke1 xue2] /ophthalmology/ [yan3 ke1 yi1 sheng1] /ophthalmologist/ [yan3 chuan1 chang2 duan4] /the eyes bore through, the belly hungers (idi anticipation/keenly awaiting/ [yan3 wo1] /eye socket/ [yan3 lian2] /eyes (in literature)/eyesight/ [yan3 hong2] /to covet/envious/jealous/green with envy/infuriated/furious/ [yan3 xian4] /informer/snitch/spy/scout/(cosmetic) eye line/ [yan3 xian4 ye4] /eyeliner (cosmetics)/ [yan3 xian4 bi3] /eyeliner (cosmetics)/ [yan3 zhao4] /eye-patch/blindfold/eye mask/goggles/eyeshade/blinkers (for a horse etc)/ [yan3 se4] /a wink/to signal with one's eyes/ [yan3 se4 su4 ceng2 hei1 se4 su4 liu2] /uveal melanoma/ [yan3 hua1] /dimmed eyesight/blurred/vague and unclear vision/ [yan3 hua1 liao2 luan4] /to be dazzled/ [yan3 yao4] /eye drops/eye ointment/ [yan3 yao4 shui3] /eye lotion/ [yan3 chong2] /Euglena (genus of single-celled plant)/ [yan3 dai4] /puffiness under the eyes/bags under the eyes/ [yan3 jian4] /right away/ [yan3 jian4 wei2 shi2] /seeing is believing/ [yan3 jian4 wei2 shi2 , er3 ting1 wei2 xu1] /to belie ). Don't believe what people tell you until you see if for yourself./It ain't ne cessarily so./ [yan3 guan1 liu4 lu4 er3 ting1 ba1 fang1] /lit. the eyes n all directions/to be observant and alert (idiom)/ [yan3 jiao3] /outer or inner corner of the eye/canthus/ [yan3 jiao3 mo2] /cornea/ [yan3 ju4 kuan1] /orbital hypertelorism (medicine)/ [yan3 tiao4] /twitching of eye/ [yan3 tiao4 dong4] /saccade/ [yan3 guo4 lao2] /eye strain/ [yan3 jing4] /spectacles/eyeglasses/CL:[fu4]/ [yan3 jing4 pian4] /lens (in eyeglasses etc)/ [yan3 jing4 she2] /cobra/ [yan3 dian4 tu2] /electrooculograph (EOG)/ [yan3 lu4 sha1 qi4] /to have a murderous look in ones eyes (idiom)/ [yan3 feng1] /to hint with the eyes/to ag ee with a glance/ [yan3 chan2] /to covet/to envy/ [yan3 chan2 du4 bao3] /to have eyes bigge than ones belly (idiom)/ [yan3 gao1 shou3 di1] /to have high standa ds but little ability/to be fa

incompetent (idiom)/ [yan3 dian3] /eyespot (in lowe c eatu es)/ [mo4] /to gaze/to ogle to look at/ [Zhong4] /abb . fo [Zhong4 Yi4 Yuan4] House of Representatives/ [zhong4] /many/numerous/crowd/multitude/ [zhong4 ren2] /everyone/ [zhong4 ren2 jing4 yang3] /universally admired/highly esteemed by everyon [zhong4 pan4 qin1 li2] /lit. people rebelling and friends deserting (idio nd oneself utterly isolated/ [zhong4 kou3 yi1 ci2] /all of one voice/unanimous/ [zhong4 duo1] /numerous/ [zhong4 gua3 xuan2 shu1] /the multitude against the few, a wide disparity Mencius); heavily outnumbered/unequally matched/overwhelmed by weight of numbers / [zhong4 zhi4 cheng2 cheng2] /unity of will is an impregnable stronghold ( [zhong4 suo3 zhou1 zhi1] /as everyone knows (idiom)/ [zhong4 suo3 zhou1 zhi1] /see [zhong4 suo3 zhou1 zhi1]/ [zhong4 shu4] /plural/ [zhong4 xing1 gong3 chen2] /lit. all the stars revolve around Polaris m, from Analects); fig. to view sb as core figure/to group around a revered lead er/ [zhong4 xing1 peng3 yue4] /lit. all the stars cup themselves around the m rom Analects); fig. to view sb as core figure/to group around a revered leader/t o revolve around sb/ [zhong4 wang4] /people's expectations/ [zhong4 sheng1] /all living things/ [zhong4 mang2 mo1 xiang4] /multitude of blind people touch an elephant (i rvana sutra [da4 ban1 Nie4 pan2 jing1]); fig. unable to see the big pi e part for the whole/unable to see the wood for the trees/ [zhong4 shi3 zhi1 di4] /lit. target of a multitude of arrows (idiom); the ic criticism/attacked on all sides/ [zhong4 shuo1] /various ideas/diverse opinions/ [zhong4 shuo1 fen1 rou2] /lit. diverse opinions confused and divided (idi differ/controversial matters/ [zhong4 shuo1 fen1 yun2] /opinions differ (idiom)/ [zhong4 shuo1 fu2] /hub for diverse opinions/ [zhong4 yi4 yuan2] /member of the US House of Representatives/ [zhong4 yi4 yuan4] /lower house of bicameral assembly/House of Representative /Chamber of Deputies/ [zhong4 xiang1 zi5] /all-spice (Pimenta dioica)/Jamaican pepper/ [suo1] /to squint at/ [suo1 xun2] /(eyes) to scan/to glance left and right/to scrutinize/also written 2 suo1]/ [han4] /protuberant eyes/ [huan3] /good-looking/cute/ [di4] /to look down upon (classical)/to see/to look at (Cantonese)/Mandarin equi valent: [kan4]/ [juan4] /look/ [xian4] /goggle-eyed/ [xi1] /to long for/to gaze at/ [kun4] /sleepy/tired/ [shan3] /furtively glance/glittering/ [ling2] /to stare straight ahead/ [lie4] /to roll the eyeballs to look/ [ya2] /corner of the eye/to stare/ [jing1] /eye/eyeball/ [zheng1] /to open (one's eyes)/ [zheng1 yi1 yan3 bi4 yi1 yan3] /to turn a blind eye/ [zheng1 yan3] /to open one's eyes/ [zheng1 kai1] /to open the eyes/


[zheng1 zhi1 yan3 bi4 zhi1 yan3] /to turn a blind eye/ [lai4] /to glance/to look askance at/ [sui4] /bright eye/clear/ [juan4] /variant of , to care about/to look fondly on/ [shui4] /to sleep/ [shui4 wu3 jiao4] /to have a nap/ [shui4 hui2 long2 jiao4] /to go back to sleep (instead of rising up in th sleep in/ [shui4 yi4] /sleepiness/ [shui4 lan3 jiao4] /to sleep in/ [shui4 fang2] /bedroom/ [shui4 yi3] /couch/ [shui4 mian2] /sleeping/slumber/ [shui4 mian2 bu4 zu2] /lack of sleep/sleep deficit/ [shui4 mian2 shi1 tiao2] /sleep disorder/ [shui4 mian2 zhe3] /sleeper/ [shui4 mian2 chong2] /trypanosome/ [Shui4 mei3 ren2] /Sleeping Beauty/ [shui4 zhao2] /to fall asleep/ [shui4 lian2] /water lily/ [shui4 yi1] /night clothes/pajamas/ [shui4 yi1 ku4] /pajamas/ [shui4 dai4] /sleeping bag/ [shui4 qun2] /nightgown/ [shui4 jiao4] /to go to bed/to sleep/ [shui4 guo4 tou2] /to oversleep/ [shui4 xing3] /to wake up/awake/conscious/ [shui4 shu3] /dormouse/ [Sui1] /surname Sui/ [sui1] /to stare/ [Sui1 ning2] /Suining county in Xuzhou [Xu2 zhou1], Jiangsu/ [Sui1 ning2 xian4] /Suining county in Xuzhou [Xu2 zhou1], Jiangsu/ [Sui1 xian4] /Sui county in Shangqiu [Shang1 qiu1], Henan/ [Sui1 yang2] /Suiyang district of Shangqiu city [Shang1 qiu1 shi4], Henan/ [Sui1 yang2 qu1] /Suiyang district of Shangqiu city [Shang1 qiu1 shi4], [sui1 jiu1] /plover (Charadrius morinellus)/dotterell/ [du1] /to supervise and direct/army title (archaic)/ [du1 cu4] /to supervise and urge completion of a task/to urge on/ [du1 xue2] /school inspector/ [du1 cha2] /to supervise/to superintend/inspector/censorship/ [du1 cha2 da4 dui4] /censorship brigade (PRC)/ [du1 cha2 xiao3 zu3] /supervisory group/ [du1 dao3] /to direct/to oversee/ [du1 jian4] /to supervise and construct/constructed under the supervision of/ [du1 fu3] /governor general and inspector general / [du1 biao1] /army regiment at the disposal of province governor-general/ [du1 ze2] /to supervise/to reprimand/ [du1 jun1] /provincial military governor during the early Republic of China era ( 911-1949 AD)/ [du1 ban4] /to oversee/to supervise/superintendent/ [du1 gui1] /to doze off (Taiwanese)/ [bi4] /look askance/ [bi4 ni4] /to look disdainfully out of the corner of one's eye/ [mu4] /amicable/harmonious/ [mu4 qin1] /close relative/ [mu4 yi4] /cordiality/friendship/ [mu4 lin2] /neighborly relations/ [mu4 lin2 zheng4 ce4] /good-neighbor policy/ [ni4] /to look askance at/ [ni4 shi4] /to look askance/

[yi4] /to spy out/ [gao1 wan2] /testicle/Taiwan variant of [gao1 wan2]/ [jie2] /eyelashes/ [jie2 mao2] /eyelashes/ [jie2 mao2 gao1] /mascara/ [jie2 zhuang4 ti3] /ciliary body (in the eye, containing the focusing muscles [cai3] /to pay attention/to take notice of/to care for/ [hun1] /to be agonized/worried/ [du3] /to observe/to see/ [du3 wu4 si1 ren2] /seeing an object makes one miss its owner (idiom)/ [hou2] /appears as phonetic ho, especially in words taken from Sanskrit/ [kui2] /separated/stare/ [kui2 ge2] /to be separated/to be parted (literary)/ [gao1] /marsh/testicle/ [gao1 wan2] /testicle/ [gao1 wan2 ji1 su4] /testosterone/ [gao1 wan2 zai1 tong2] /testosterone/male hormone/also written / [gao1 wan2 su4] /male hormone/testosterone/ [gao1 wan2 tong2] /testosterone/also written [gao1 zai1 tong2]/ [gao1 zai1 tong2] /testosterone/nandrolone/ [gao1 tong2] /testosterone/abbr. for [gao1 wan2 zai1 tong2]/ [rui4] /astute/perspicacious/farsighted/ [rui4 zhi4] /wise and farsighted/ [mao4] /indistinct vision/dim/ [miao2] /to aim/ [miao2 zhun3] /to aim (a weapon at a target)/fig. to aim (for a higher standard)/ [chou3] /to look at/ [chou3 cai3] /to pay attention to/ [chou3 jian4] /to see/ [mi1] /to narrow one's eyes/to squint/ [weng3] /see [weng3 meng2]/ [weng3 meng2] /blurred vision/ [chen1] /to stare at angrily/variant of [chen1]/ [chen1 mu4] /variant of [chen1 mu4]/ [ke1] /to doze off/sleepy/ [ke1 shui4] /drowsy/to doze/to nap/ [sou3] /blind/ [xia1] /blind/groundlessly/foolishly/to no purpose/ [xia1 zi5] /blind person/ [xia1 zi5 mo1 xiang4] /blind people touch an elephant (idiom, from Nirvan pan2 jing1]); fig. unable to see the big picture/to mistake the part for the wh ole/unable to see the wood for the trees/ [xia1 che3] /to talk irresponsibly/to talk nonsense/ [xia1 che3 dan4] /to talk irresponsibly/to talk nonsense/ [xia1 zhi3 hui1] /lit. to direct blindly/to issue confused orders/to give con ory directions/ [xia1 yan3] /to be blind/ [xia1 bian1] /to fabricate (a story)/ [xia1 bian1 luan4 zao4] /random lies and falsehoods/ [xia1 shuo1] /to talk drivel/to assert sth without a proper understanding or basi in fact/not to know what one is talking about/ [xia1 guang4] /to wander aimlessly/ [xia1 nao4] /to make a scene/to fool around/to behave foolishly/ [qiong2] /gaze in terror/lonely/ [ming2] /to close (the eyes)/ [ming2 xiang3] /to muse/to think deeply/contemplation/meditation/ [ming2 mu4] /close one's eyes in death and die contentedly/ [ming2 xuan4] /dizziness, nausea etc brought on as a side effect of drug treatmen (Chinese medicine)/ [xun4] /to sleep (Cantonese)/Mandarin equivalent: [shui4]/

[xun4 jiao4] /to sleep (Cantonese)/Mandarin equivalent: [shui4 jiao4]/ [zhang4] /cataract in the eye/ [yi4] /variant of , feather screen/to screen/to shade/cataract/ [kou1] /to sink in (of eyes)/ [kou1 lou5] /to sink in (of eyes)/ [lou1] /to glance at/ [man2] /to conceal from/to keep (sb) in the dark/ [man2 bao4] /to conceal or deceive in a report/to falsify by over- or under-repor ing/ [man2 tian1 guo4 hai3] /to cross the sea by a trick (idiom)/to achieve on derhanded means/ [man2 pian4] /to deceive/to conceal/ [piao3] /to cast a glance/ [cheng1] /stare at sth beyond reach/ [cheng1 mu4] /to stare/ [meng2] /eyesight obscured/to feel ashamed/ [run2] /twitch (muscle or eyelid)/ [shun4] /wink/twinkle/very short time/ [shun4 xi1] /in a flash/twinkling/ephemeral/ [pie1] /blink/glance/to appear in a flash/ [pie1 jian4] /to glimpse/ [qiao2] /to look at/to see/to see (a doctor)/to visit/ [qiao2 bu4 qi3] /to look down upon/to hold in contempt/ [qiao2 zhe5 ban4] /to do as one sees fit/It's up to you./Let's wait and see a decide what to do./ [qiao2 jian4] /to see/ [deng4] /to open (one's eyes) wide/to stare at/to glare at/ [deng4 mu4 ning2 shi4] /in a catatonic state/shocked and stunned (idiom)/ [deng4 ling2] /gazelle/ [Shen3] /surname Shen/ [shun4] /to wink/ [shun4 xi1] /in a flash/twinkling/ephemeral/ [shun4 xi1 zhi1 jian1] /in the wink of an eye/in a flash/ [shun4 xi1 wan4 bian4] /in an instant a myriad changes (idiom); rapid sub ge/ [shun4 shi2] /instantaneous/ [shun4 shi2 fu2 she4] /prompt radiation/ [shun4 fa1 zhong1 zi3] /prompt neutron/ [shun4 fa1 fu2 she4] /prompt radiation/ [shun4 mo2] /nictitating membrane/ [shun4 jian1] /moment/momentary/in a flash/ [shun4 jian1 zhuan3 yi2] /teleportation/ [shun4 sha4] /in a blink/in a twinkling/ [liao3] /(of eyes) bright/clear-sighted/to understand clearly/ [liao4] /to watch from a height or distance/to survey/ [liao4 shao4] /to go on sentry duty/to stand guard/ [liao4 wang4] /to watch from a height or distance/to keep a lookout/ [liao4 wang4 shao4] /lookout post/ [liao4 wang4 tai2] /observation tower/lookout tower/ [liao3 ran2] /to understand clearly/evident/ [liao3 jie3] /to understand/to realize/to find out/ [kan4] /to look down from a height/to spy on sth/ [kan4 wang4] /to overlook/to watch from above/ [kan4 lin2] /to overlook/to watch from above/ [tong2] /pupil of the eye/ [tong2 kong3] /pupil (of eye)/ [lin2] /to stare at/ [jian4] /to spy/ [ai4] /variant of [ai4]/ [zhan1] /to gaze/to view/

[zhan1 yang3] /to revere/to admire/ [zhan1 qian2 gu4 hou4] /to look forward and back/to consider prudently/ov [zhan1 bai4] /to worship/to gaze with reverence/ [zhan1 gu4] /to look forward and back cautiously/ [jian3] /eyelid/ [gu3] /blind/undiscerning/ [gu3 she2] /blind monk/refers to famous blind historian [Zuo3 Qiu1 ming2]/ [Qu2] /surname Qu/ [ju4] /startled/ [Qu1 tang2 xia2] /Qutang gorge, 8 km long gorge on the Changjiang or Yangtze gqing , the upper of the Three gorges [san1 xia2]/ [Qu2 tan2] /Gautama, surname of the Siddhartha, the historical Buddha/ [Qu1 Qiu1 bai2] /Qu Qiubai (1899-1935), politician, Soviet expert of the Chin munists at time of Soviet influence, publisher and Russian translator, captured and executed by Guomindang at the time of the Long March/ [Meng2] /surname Meng/ [meng1] /to deceive/to cheat/to hoodwink/to make a wild guess/ [meng2] /blind/dim sighted/ [meng2 zai4 gu3 li3] /lit. kept hoodwinked inside a drum (idiom); complet rk/ [Meng2 di4 ka3 luo2] /Monte-Carlo/ [Meng2 ba1 dun4] /Mountbatten (name, Anglicization of German Battenberg)/Lord Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma (1900-1979), British commander in Sou theast Asia during WWII, presided over the partition of India in 1947, murdered by the IRA./ [meng1 song1 yu3] /drizzle/fine rain/ [meng2 hun4] /to deceive/to hoodwink/Taiwan pr. [meng1 hun4]/ [meng2 hun4 guo4 guan1] /to get away with it/to slip through/to bluff one iwan pr. [meng1 hun4 guo4 guan1]/ [meng2 niu2] /China Mengniu Dairy Company Limited/ [Meng2 te4 ka3 luo4] /Monte-Carlo (Monaco)/ [Meng2 te4 ka3 luo4 fa3] /Monte Carlo method (math.)/ [Meng2 te4 ka3 luo2 fang1 fa3] /Monte Carlo method/ [meng1 meng1 liang4] /dawn/the first glimmer of light/ [meng1 meng1 hei1] /dusk/ [meng2 long2] /(of vision) fuzzy/ [meng1 yao4] /anesthetic/knock-out drops/ [meng1 tou2 zhuan3 xiang4] /to lose one's bearings/utterly confused/ [meng1 pian4] /to hoodwink/to deceive/to dupe sb/ [pin2] /to glare angrily/to open the eyes with anger/variant of , to scowl/to kn t the brows/ [Jue2] /surname Jue/ [jue2] /to glance fearfully/ [long2] /see [meng2 long2]/ [guan4] /brilliant (of eyes)/ [chu4] /lofty/upright/ [chu4 li4] /to tower/standing tall and upright (of large building)/ [kan4] /bird's-eye view/glance/ [zhu3] /to gaze at/to stare at/ [zhu3 wang4] /to look forward to/ [zhu3 mu4] /to focus attention upon/ [mao2] /spear/lance/pike/ [mao2 bing3] /shaft/ [mao2 dun4] /contradictory/contradiction/CL: [ge4]/ [mao2 tou2] /spearhead/barb/an attack or criticism/ [mao2 tou2 zhi3 xiang4] /to target sb or sth (for attack, criticism etc)/ [jin1] /to boast/to esteem/to sympathize/ [jin1 gong1 bu4 li4] /boasts a lot, but nothing comes of it (idiom)/ [jin1 chi2] /reserved/aloof/ [jin1 gui4] /high-born/noble/aristocratic/conceited/

[yu4] /grand/elegant/propitious/ [shuo4] /lance/ [ze2] /(old) spear/ [shi3] /arrow/dart/straight/to vow/to swear/ [shi3 zhi4] /to take an oath to do sth/to pledge/to vow/ [shi3 liang4] /vector (spatial)/ [yi3] /classical final particle, similar to modern [le5]/ [zhi1] /to know/to be aware/ [zhi1 liao3] /cicada/ [zhi1 leng3 zhi1 re4] /to know whether others are cold or hot (idiom)/to derate/ [zhi1 ming2] /well known/famous/ [zhi1 ming2 ren2 shi4] /public figure/celebrity/ [zhi1 ming2 du4] /reputation/profile/familiarity in the public consciousness/ [zhi1 zhou1] /senior provincial government official in dynastic China/ [zhi1 ji3] /to know oneself/to be intimate or close/intimate friend/ [zhi1 ji3 zhi1 bi3] /Know yourself, know your enemy (idiom, from Sunzi's Bing1 fa3])/ [zhi1 ji3 zhi1 bi3 , bai3 zhan4 bu4 dai4] /Know yours be defeated (idiom, from Sunzi's Art of War [Sun1 zi3 Bing1 fa3])./ [zhi1 fu3] /prefectural magistrate (during Tang to Qing times)/ [zhi1 bi3 zhi1 ji3] /to know the enemy and know oneself (idiom, from Sunz r)/ [zhi1 bi3 zhi1 ji3 , bai3 zhan4 bu4 dai4] /Knowing th through a hundred battles (idiom, from Sunzi's Art of War)./ [zhi1 xin1] /caring/intimate/ [zhi1 xi1] /to know/to be informed of/ [zhi1 qing2] /to know the facts/to understand/to be familiar with the situation/ [zhi1 qing2 tong2 yi4] /informed consent/ [zhi1 qian1 shi2 jian3] /to know how to be economical (idiom)/ [zhi1 xiao3] /to know/to understand/ [zhi1 geng1 niao3] /redbreast/robin/ [zhi1 shu1 da2 li3] /educated and well-balanced (idiom)/ [zhi1 fa3 fan4 fa3] /to know the law and break it (idiom); consciously go he rules/ [zhi1 li3] /to be well-mannered/ [zhi1 xian4] /county head magistrate (old)/ [zhi1 jue2] /perception/consciousness/ [zhi1 jue2 li4] /ability to perceive/perceptivity/sentience/ [zhi1 jue2 jie3 ti3] /perceptual separability/ [zhi1 shi5] /intellectual/knowledge-related/knowledge/CL: [men2]/ [zhi1 shi5 fen4 zi3] /intellectual/intelligentsia/learned person/ [zhi1 shi5 bao3 ku4] /treasure house of knowledge/ [zhi1 shi5 gong1 cheng2 shi1] /knowledge worker/ [zhi1 shi5 ku4] /knowledge base/ [zhi1 shi5 chan3 quan2] /intellectual property rights (law)/ [zhi1 shi5 jie4] /intellectual circles/ [zhi1 shi2 lun4] /epistemology/ [zhi1 shi5 yue4 duo1 yue4 fan3 dong4] /the more knowledgeable anti-intellectual slogan attributed after the event to the Gang of Four )/ [zhi1 qu4] /to act tactfully/tactful/discreet/ [zhi1 zu2] /content with one's situation/to know contentment (hence happiness)/ [zhi1 zu2 chang2 le4] /satisfied with what one has (idiom)/ [zhi1 yu4 zhi1 en1] /lit. the kindness of recognizing sb's worth and empl iom)/patronage/protection/ [zhi1 guo4 gai3 guo4] /to acknowledge ones faults and co ect them (idio [zhi1 dao4] /to know/to be awa e of/also p on. [zhi1 dao5]/ [zhi1 dao4 le5] /unde stood/OK/got it/ [zhi1 nan2 e 2 tui4] /to sound out the difficulties and et eat to avoid ); fig. to back out of an awkwa d situation/to get out on finding out what it s


eally like/ [zhi1 qing1] /educated youth (sent to wo k in fa ms du ing cultu al evolution)/ [zhi1 yin1] /intimate f iend/soul mate/ [shen3] /(inte og.)/ [ju3] /ca pente s squa e/ ule/ egulation/patte n/to ca ve/ [ju3 chi3] /set squa e (tool to measu e ight angles)/ [ju3 chi3 zuo4] /No ma (constellation)/ [ju3 xing2] / ectangle/ [ju3 zhen4] /a ay/mat ix (math.)/ [cuo2] /sho t/dwa fish/ [duan3] /sho t o b ief/to lack/weak point/fault/ [duan3 zhong1 qu3 chang2] /see [duan3 zhong1 chou1 chang [duan3 zhong1 chou1 chang2] /to make the best of a bad job/to make the be ited resources (idiom)/ [duan3 cu4] /short in time/fleeting/brief/ [duan3 xin4] /text message/SMS/ [duan3 chuan2] /short pass (in ball game)/ [duan3 zhai4] /short term loan/ [duan3 bing1 xiang1 jie1] /lit. short-weaponed soldiery fight one another rce hand-to-hand infantry combat/to fight at close quarters/ [duan3 jian4] /dagger/ [duan3 ju4] /clause/ [duan3 xiao3 jing1 han4] /small but robust (idiom); concise and forceful/ [duan3 wei3 ai3 dai4 shu3] /quokka/ [duan3 gong1] /temporary job/odd job/seasonal worker/ [duan3 da3 ban5] /shorts/tight-fitting clothes/ [duan3 zhi3] /brachydactylism (genetic abnormality of short or missing fingers)/ [duan3 shi2 chu3 cun2] /short-term storage/store/ [duan3 shi2 yu3 yin1 ji4 yi4] /short-term phonological memory/ [duan3 shi2 jian1] /short term/short time/ [duan3 zan4] /of short duration/brief/momentary/ [duan3 qi1] /short-term/ [duan3 qi1 tou2 zi1] /short term investment/ [duan3 qi1 rong2 zi1] /short term financing/ [duan3 qian4] /to fall short in one's payments/to lack/to be short of/ [duan3 ge1] /ballad/ [duan3 bo1] /short-wave (radio)/ [duan3 bo1 chang2] /short wavelength/ [duan3 qian3] /narrow and shallow/ [duan3 pian4] /short film/short video/(video-sharing website) video/ [duan3 cheng2] /short range/ [duan3 cheng2 xian4] /a geodesic (curve)/a shortest curve/ [duan3 pian1 xiao3 shuo1] /narrative/short story/ [duan3 jian3] /brief/ [duan3 cu1] /stocky (short and robust)/ [duan3 xian4] /short term/ [duan3 que1] /shortage/ [duan3 tui3 lie4 quan3] /dachshund/basset hound/ [duan3 zhi4] /the winter solstice/ [duan3 chu4] /shortcoming/defect/fault/one's weak points/ [duan3 yi1] /short garment/short jacket/ [duan3 yi1 bang1] /lit. short jacket party/working people/the toiling masses/ llar workers/ [duan3 xiu4] /short sleeves/short-sleeved shirt/ [duan3 ku4] /shorts/breechcloth/knee breeches/ [duan3 wa4] /sock/ [duan3 jian4] /short-sighted/suicide/ [duan3 shi4] /to lack foresight/ [duan3 xun4] /SMS, text message/ [duan3 xun4 ban1] /short training course/





[duan3 yu3] /phrase/clause (grammar)/ [duan3 pao3] /sprint (race)/ [duan3 ju4 qi3 luo4 fei1 ji1] /short take-off and landing aircraf [duan3 ju4 li2] /short distance/a stone's throw away/ [duan3 lu4] /short circuit/ [ai3] /low/short (in length)/ [ai3 ren2] /dwarf/ [ai3 ge4 r5] /a person of short stature/a short person/ [ai3 deng4] /low stool/ [ai3 hua4] /to dwarf/to stunt/ [ai3 ban4 jie2] /to be inferior to/to be of a lower grade than/ [ai3 dun1 dun1] /pudgy/dumpy/stumpy/ [ai3 zhuang4 su4] /chlormequat chloride/cycocel/ [ai3 zi5] /short person/dwarf/ [ai3 zi5 li5 ba2 jiang1 jun1] /lit. choose a general from among t best person available (out of a mediocre bunch)/ [ai3 xiao3] /short and small/low and small/undersized/ [ai3 xiao3 jing1 han4] /short but intrepid (idiom)/ [ai3 xing1] /dwarf star/ [ai3 lin2] /coppice/brushwood/ [ai3 gan3 pin3 zhong3] /short-stalked variety/short straw variety/ [ai3 shu4] /short tree/bush/shrub/ [ai3 pang4] /short and stout/dumpy/roly-poly/ [ai3 xing2 xing1] /dwarf planet/ [ai3 lu4] /siberian roe deer/capreolus pygargus/ [ai3 hei1 ren2] /black dwarf (pejorative term for non-Han people)/ [Jiao3] /surname Jiao/ [jiao2] /argumentative/contentious/ [jiao3] /to correct/to rectify/to redress/strong/brave/to pretend/to feign/affec tation/ [jiao3 jian4] /strong and healthy/vigorous/ [jiao3 wei4 ji4] /corrective agent/flavoring agent/ [jiao3 xing2] /orthopedic (e.g. surgery)/ [jiao3 xing2 wai4 ke1] /orthopedic surgery/ [jiao3 xing2 ya2 tao4] /orthodontic brace/ [jiao3 xing2 yi1 sheng1] /orthopedic doctor/ [jiao3 qing2] /maverick/deliberately unconventional/to conceal the whole story/ [jiao3 jie2] /vigorous and nimble/athletic/ [jiao3 rou2 zao4 zuo4] /pretension/affectation/putting on artificial airs [jiao3 wang3 guo4 zheng4] /to over-correct a defect (idiom); to over-comp h sth too far the other way/fig. inverse discrimination/ [jiao3 wang3 guo4 zhi2] /to over-correct a defect (idiom); to over-compen sth too far the other way/fig. inverse discrimination/ [jiao3 zheng4] /to correct/to rectify (e.g. a physical defect such as hearing or ision)/to cure/rectification/correction/to straighten/ [jiao3 zheng4 tou4 jing4] /correcting lens/ [jiao3 zhi4] /to correct (e.g. sight or hearing)/to rectify/to cure/ [jiao3 jiao3] /gallant/brave/pre-eminent/ [jiao3 zhao4] /the pretense of acting on imperial order/ [zeng1] /arrow with a streamer/ [huo4] /standard/norm/ [Shi2] /surname Shi/ [dan4] /dry measure for grain equal to ten dou /ten pecks/one hundred liters/ [shi2] /rock/stone/stone inscription/one of the eight ancient musical instrument s [ba1 yin1]/ [shi2 zuo4] /masonry workshop/ [shi2 xiang4] /stone statue/ [shi2 diao1 bai3] /asparagus/ [shi2 xing2] /stoning (execution method)/ [shi2 ke4] /stone inscription/carved stone/

[Shi2 Le4] /Shi Le, founder of Later Zhao of the Sixteen Kingdoms (319 [shi2 hua4] /to petrify/petrochemical industry/ [shi2 hua4 chang3] /petroleum plant/refinery/ [shi2 jiang4 lao2] /silicosis (occupational disease of miners)/grinder's dise o written / [shi2 nan2 shu3] /heather/ [shi2 nan2 shu4] /heath/ [shi1 nan2 hua1] /heather (Ericaceae)/ [shi2 yin4] /lithography/lithographic printing/ [Shi2 yuan2 Shen4 tai4 lang2] /ISHIHARA Jintar (1932-), Japanese nov itical commentator and prominent holocaust denier/ [Shi2 ju3 shan1] /Shijushan or Shizuishan (place name)/variant of Shizuishan shan1], prefecture level city in Ningxia on the border with Inner Mongolia/ [Shi2 ju3 shan1 qu1] /variant of [Shi2 zui3 shan1 qu1]/S gxia/ [Shi2 ju3 shan1 shi4] /variant of Shizuishan [Shi2 zui3 shan1 shi in Ningxia on the border with Inner Mongolia/ [Shi2 zui3 shan1] /Shizuishan prefecture level city in Ningxia on the border ner Mongolia/ [Shi2 zui3 shan1 qu1] /Shizuishan district of Shizuishan, Ningxia/ [Shi2 zui3 shan1 shi4] /Shizuishan prefecture level city in Ningxia on th Inner Mongolia/ [shi2 qi4] /stone tool/stone implement/ [Shi2 qi4 Shi2 dai4] /Stone Age/ [Shi2 cheng2] /Shicheng county in Ganzhou , Jiangxi/ [Shi2 cheng2 xian4] /Shicheng county in Ganzhou , Jiangxi/ [shi2 kuai4] /stone/rock/ [shi2 mo4] /black lead/graphite/plumbago/ [shi2 mo4 qi4 leng3 dui1] /gas-graphite reactor/ [shi2 nu:3] /female suffering absence or atresia of vagina (as birth defect)/ [shi2 zi3 r5] /cobble/ [Shi2 jia1 zhuang1] /Shijiazhuang prefecture level city and capital of Hebei e in north China/ [Shi2 jia1 zhuang1 di4 qu1] /Shijiazhuang prefecture in Hebei/ [Shi2 jia1 zhuang1 shi4] /Shijiazhuang prefecture level city and capital ince in north China/ [shi2 shi3] /concrete/ [shi2 shi3 sen1 lin2] /concrete jungle/ [Shi2 ping2] /Shiping county in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture, Yunnan/ [Shi2 ping2 xian4] /Shiping county in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefectur an/ [Shi2 gang1] /Shihkang township in Taichung county [Tai2 zhong1 xian [Shi2 gang1 xiang1] /Shihkang township in Taichung county, [Tai2 [Shi2 feng1 qu1] /Shifeng district of Zhuzhou city , Hunan/ [Shi2 Gang3] /Shek Kong (area in Hong Kong)/ [shi2 ku4 men2] /"shikumen" style architecture: traditional (ca. 19th century ences with courtyards, once common in Shanghai/ [shi2 ting2] /rock garden/ [shi2 nu3] /catapult/ballista (siege catapult firing stone blocks)/ [shi2 tou2 da4 hai3] /to disappear like a stone dropped into the sea/to v without trace/ [Shi2 guai3 qu1] /Shiguai district of Baotou city [Bao1 tou2 shi [shi2 ban1 yu2] /grouper (Portuguese: garoupa)/also called /Epinephelinae ( of Serranidae, fish family including grouper)/ [Shi2 jing3 shan1] /Mt Shijing in [Zhu1 hai3 shi4], Guangdong/Shijingsh t of west Beijing/ [Shi2 jing3 shan1 qu1] /Shijingshan inner district of west Beijing/ [shi2 mo4 chen2 zhuo2 bing4] /silicosis (occupational disease of mine se/also written / [shi2 mo4 fei4] /silicosis/grinder's disease/also written /

[shi2 ban3] /slab/flagstone/slate/ [shi2 ban3 wa3] /slate tile/ [shi2 ban3 lu4] /road or pavement laid with flagstones/ [Shi2 lin2] /Stone Forest/Petrified forest/ [Shi2 lin2 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Shilin Yi autonomous coun n/ [Shi2 lin2 xian4] /Shilin Yi autonomous county in Kunming [Kun1 ming2], Y [Shi2 lin2 feng1 jing3 qu1] /Petrified forest scenic area in Shilin Y [Shi2 lin2 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] in Kunming [Kun1 ming2 [Shi2 zhu4] /Shizhu Tujia autonomous county, Chongqing/ [shi2 zhu4] /stela/upright stone/obelisk/ [Shi2 zhu4 Tu3 jia1 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Shizhu Tujia aut f Chongqing municipality/ [Shi2 zhu4 xian4] /Shizhu Tujia autonomous county in Qianjiang suburbs of Cho municipality/ [Shi2 mian2] /asbestos/Shimian county in Ya'an [Ya3 an1], Sichuan/ [shi2 mian2 wa3] /asbestos tiles/ [Shi2 mian2 xian4] /Shimian county in Ya'an [Ya3 an1], Sichuan/ [shi2 guan1] /sarcophagus/ [shi2 liu5] /pomegranate/ [shi2 liu5 zi3] /pomegranate seeds/pomegranate arils/ [shi2 liu5 shu4] /pomegranate tree/ [shi2 liu5 shi2] /garnet (red gemstone Mg3Al2Si3O12)/ [Shi2 lou2] /Shilou county in Lliang [Lu:3 liang2], Shanxi / [Shi2 lou2 xian4] /Shilou county in Lliang [Lu:3 liang2], Shanxi [Shi2 he2 zi3] /Shixenze shehiri (Shixenze city) or Shhz subprefecture lev rth Xinjiang/ [Shi2 he2 zi3 shi4] /Shixenze shehiri (Shixenze city) or Shhz subprefe north Xinjiang/ [shi2 you2] /oil/petroleum/ [shi2 you2 hua4 xue2] /petrochemistry/ [shi2 you2 huan4 shi2 pin3 xiang4 mu4] /Iraq Oil for Food Pro [shi2 you2 la4] /petroleum wax/ [shi2 you2 shu1 chu1 guo2 zu3 zhi1] /OPEC, Organization of Pe [shi2 you2 mi2] /petroleum ether/ [Shi2 quan2] /Shiquan county in nkng [An1 kang1], Shnx/ [Shi2 quan2 xian4] /Shiquan county in nkng [An1 kang1], Shnx/ [shi2 dong4] /cave/cavern/ [Shi2 qu2] /Srx county (Tibetan: ser shul rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomous p ture , Sichuan (formerly in Kham province of Tibet)/name of several historica [shi2 qu2] /stone channel (e.g. drain)/ [Shi2 qu2 xian4] /Srx county (Tibetan: ser shul rdzong) in Garze Tibetan au efecture [Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Sichuan (formerly in Kham provi et)/ [Shi2 qu2 ge2] /cabinet meeting in 51 BC that established the five classics o cianism [Wu3 Jing1] as state canon/ [Shi2 qu2 ge2 yi4] /cabinet meeting in 51 BC that established the five cl fucianism [Wu3 Jing1] as state canon/ [Shi2 tao1] /Shitao (Chinese painter)/ [shi2 hui1] /lime (calcium oxide)/ [shi2 hui1 yan2] /limestone/ [shi2 hui1 shi2] /limestone/ [shi2 hui1 hua2] /travertine (geology)/tufa (a type of banded marble)/ [shi2 tan4] /coal (arch.)/ [Shi2 tan4 jing3] /Shitanjing subdistrict of Dawukou district han city [Shi2 zui3 shan1 shi4], Ningxia/ [Shi2 tan4 jing3 qu1] /Shitanjing subdistrict of Dawukou district ishan city [Shi2 zui3 shan1 shi4], Ningxia/ [shi2 tan4 xi4] /carboniferous system/coal measure (geology)/ [Shi2 tan4 ji4] /Carboniferous (geological period 354-292m years ago)/

[shi2 tan4 suan1] /phenol C6H5OH/same as / [shi2 pian4] /slab/ [shi2 zhuang4] /stony/ [Shi2 shi1] /Shishi county level city in Quanzhou [Quan2 zhou1], Fujian/ [shi2 shi1 zi5] /Chinese stone lion/ [Shi2 shi1 shi4] /Shishi county level city in Quanzhou [Quan2 zhou1], Fuj [Shi2 Yu4 kun1] /Shi Yukun (probably c. 1810-c. 1871), Qing pinghua / [Shi2 tian2 Fang1 fu1] /Ishida Yoshio (1948-), Japanese Go player/ [shi2 qi4] /stone steps/ [shi2 po4 tian1 jing1] /earth-shattering/breakthrough/remarkable and orig [Shi2 ding4] /Shihting township in Taipei county [Tai2 bei3 xian4], [Shi2 ding4 xiang1] /Shihting township in Taipei county [Tai2 be [shi2 bei1] /stele/stone tablet (for inscription)/CL:[fang1]/ [shi2 gun3] /stone roller/ [shi2 mo4] /grindstone/ [shi2 ku1] /rock cave/grotto/cliff caves (often with Buddhist statues)/ [shi2 zhu2] /China pink/Dianthus chinensis (botany)/ [shi2 zhu2 shu3] /Dianthus genus (carnations and pinks)/ [shi2 zhu2 mu4] /Class Magnoliopsida (biology)/ [shi2 zhu2 ke1] /Caryophyllaceae family (carnations and pinks)/ [shi2 sun3] /stalagmite/ [shi2 fen3] /talcum powder/ [shi2 xia4] /a crack in a rock/ [shi2 nao3 you2] /naphtha/ [shi2 gao1] /gypsum CaSO42(H2O)/plaster/ [shi2 gao1 qiang2 ban3] /drywall/gypsum wallboard/plasterboard/ [shi2 gao1 beng1 dai4] /plaster cast/ [Shi2 tai2] /Shitai county in Chizhou [Chi2 zhou1], Anhui/ [Shi2 tai2 xian4] /Shitai county in Chizhou [Chi2 zhou1], Anhui/ [Shi2 Fang3] /Marble Boat, famous pavilion/ [shi2 hua1 cai4] /seaweed (Gelidium amansii)/Japanese Isinglass/ [shi2 ying1] /quartz/ [shi2 ying1 mai4] /quartz vein/ [shi2 ying1 zhong1] /quartz clock/ [shi2 ying1 lu3 su4 deng1] /quartz halogen lamp/ [shi2 rui3] /reindeer moss/litmus (chemistry)/ [shi2 rui3 shi4 zhi3] /litmus paper (chemistry)/ [Shi2 Hu3] /Shi Hu/ [shi2 la4] /paraffin wax/ [shi2 zhi4] /stony/ [shi2 zhong1 ru3] /stalactite/ [Shi2 men2] /Shihmen township in Taipei county [Tai2 bei3 xian4], Ta [Shi2 men2 xian4] /Shimen county in Changde [Chang2 de2], Hunan/ [Shi2 men2 xiang1] /Shihmen township in Taipei county [Tai2 bei3 [Shi2 qian1] /Siqian county in Tongren prefecture [Tong2 ren2 di [Shi2 qian1 xian4] /Siqian county in Tongren prefecture [Ton [shi2 jie1] /stone step/ [shi2 qing1] /azurite/copper azurite 2CuCO3-Cu(OH)2/azure blue/ [shi2 tou5] /stone/CL: [kuai4]/ [shi2 tou5 huo3 guo1] /claypot (used in cooking)/ [Shi2 shou3] /Shishou county level city in Jingzhou [Jing1 zhou1], Hubei [Shi2 shou3 shi4] /Shishou county level city in Jingzhou [Jing1 zhou [shi2 song1] /Lycopodiopsida (club mosses)/ [shi2 ling2 yu2] /pangolin (Manis pentadactylata)/scaly ant-eater/ [shi2 yan2] /rock salt/ [Dan4 gu3] /Dangu district of Hengyang city [Heng2 yang2 shi4], Huna [Dan4 gu3 qu1] /Dangu district of Hengyang city [Heng2 yang2 shi [shi2 gu3 wen2] /early form of Chinese characters inscribed in stone, a precu the small seal [xiao3 zhuan4]/

[Shi2 long2] /Shilong district of Pingdingshan city [Ping2 ding3 [Shi2 long2 qu1] /Shilong district of Pingdingshan city [Pin [shi2 long2 zi5] /skink/lizard/ [gan1] /a rock or cliff/ [gan1 zi5] /waste rock (mining)/gangue (worthless minerals mixed in with coal or re)/ [gan1 shi2] /waste rock (mining)/gangue (worthless minerals mixed in with coal or ore)/ [ku4] /to toil/ [ku1 ku1] /assiduously/ [jiang1] /stone bridge/ [xi1] /silicon (chemistry)/ [xi1 jing1 pian4] /silicon chip/also written [gui1 jing1 pian4]/ [xi1 mo4 bing4] /silicosis (occupational disease of miners)/grinder's disease ritten / [xi1 pian4] /silicon chip/also written [gui1 pian4]/ [xi1 fei4] /silicosis (occupational disease of miners)/grinder's disease/ [xi1 fei4 bing4] /silicosis (occupational disease of miners)/grinder's diseas [xi1 zao3] /diatom/ [Xi1 gu3] /Silicon Valley/ [xi1 lu:3 ceng2] /Sial/ [xi1 mei3 ceng2] /sima (geology)/silicon and magnesium layer in earth's crust [sha1] /sand/gravel/granule/ [sha1 ren2] /Amomom (fructus Amomi), plant used in Chinese medicine/ [sha1 zi5] /sand/ [sha1 yan2] /sandstone/ [Sha1 la1 yue4] /see [Sha1 lao1 yue4]/ [sha1 jiang1] /mortar (building)/ [sha1 shi2] /sandstone/sand and stone/aggregate/ [sha1 jiang1] /concretion (geology)/ [sha1 li4] /grit/ [sha1 ji1 kuang4 chuang2] /placer (alluvial deposit containing valuable m [sha1 tang2] /sugar/ [sha1 zhi3] /sandpaper (i.e. abrasive)/ [sha1 lun2] /grinding wheel/emery wheel/ [sha1 guo1] /casserole/earthenware pot/ [dan1] /white stone/ [li4] /cross stream by stepping on stones/ [fu1] /agate/inferior gem/a kind of jade/ [hua1] /sound of a thing flying fast by/whoosh/cracking sound/Taiwan pr. [huo4]/ [xu1] /sound of flaying/ [qi4] /to build by laying bricks or stones/ [qi4 he2] /bond (in building)/ [qi4 he2 fa3] /bond (in building)/ [qi4 ji1 jiao3] /foundation (for building a wall)/footing/ [qi4 kuai4] /building block/ [qi4 ceng2] /course (i.e. building layer)/ [qie4 mo5] /stage props/ [qi4 zhuan1] /to lay bricks/bricklaying/ [qi4 zhuan1 gong1] /bricklaying/ [qi4 ci2 nie1 kong4] /to make an accusation based on fabricated evidence [qi4 lu4] /paving/ [qi4 ti3] /brickwork/ [kan3] /to chop/to cut down/to throw sth at sb/ [kan3 fa2] /to hew/to cut down/ [kan3 jia4] /to bargain/to cut or beat down a price/ [kan3 dao1] /chopper (for wood etc)/ [kan3 da4 shan1] /to chat (1980s Beijing slang)/to chew the fat/ [kan3 duan4] /to chop off/ [kan3 shu4] /to chop wood/to chop down trees/

[kan3 si3] /to hack to death/to kill with an ax/ [kan3 sha1] /to attack and kill/ [kan3 tou2] /to decapitate/to behead/ [ya4] /to calender/ [pi1] /arsenic/ [yan2] /to grind/study/research/ [yan2 xiu1 yuan2] /research worker/researcher/ [yan2 pan4] /to study and come to a decision/ [yan2 ding4] /to consider and decide/to decide after investigating/ [yan2 ni3] /to investigate and plan forward/ [yan2 xi1] /to analyze/research/ [yan2 qiu2] /to study/to probe/to research and examine/ [yan2 fa1] /research and development/ [yan2 mo2] /milling/to grind/to polish by grinding/to abrade/whetstone/pestle/ [yan2 mo2 liao4] /abrasive (material)/ [yan2 mo2 cai2 liao4] /abrasive/grinding material/ [yan2 mo2 pan2] /abrasive disc/sanding disc/ [yan2 jiu1] /research/a study/CL: [xiang4]/ [yan2 jiu1 zhong1 xin1] /research center/ [yan2 jiu1 ren2 yuan2] /research worker/research personnel/ [yan2 jiu1 fan3 ying4 dui1] /research reactor/ [yan2 jiu1 yuan2] /researcher/ [yan2 jiu1 bao4 gao4] /research report/ [yan2 jiu1 xiao3 zu3] /research group/ [yan2 jiu1 suo3] /research institute/graduate studies/graduate school/CL: [yan2 jiu1 ji1 gou4] /research organization/ [yan2 jiu1 sheng1] /graduate student/postgraduate student/research student/ [yan2 jiu1 sheng1 yuan4] /graduate school/ [yan2 jiu1 zhe3] /investigator/researcher/ [yan2 jiu1 yuan4] /research institute/academy/ [yan2 jiu1 ling3 yu4] /research area/field of research/ [yan2 bo1] /mortar (bowl for grinding with pestle)/ [yan2 xi2] /research and study/ [yan2 kao3] /to investigate/to inspect and study/ [Yan2 hua2] /Advantech, technology company/ [yan2 zhi4] /to manufacture/to develop/ [yan2 zhi4 guo4 cheng2] /manufacturing environment/ [yan2 tao3] /discussion/ [yan2 tao3 hui4] /discussion forum/seminar/ [yan2 du2] /to study intensively/to read and investigate/to consider thoroughly/ [sui4] /Japanese variant of /to smash up/ [fa3] /see [fa3 ma3]/ [fa3 ma3] /weight (used on a balance)/to make up the weight/ [zha3] /fragments/ [qu1] /rocky hill/ [luo3] /a heap/pile (of rocks)/ [tuo2] /steelyard weight/stone roller/to polish jade with an emery wheel/ [tuo2 zi5] /emery wheel/ [di3] /baffle (pier)/whetstone/ [zhai4] /stronghold/stockade/ [zhen1] /anvil/ [zhen1 mu4] /rootstock (stem onto which a branch is grafted)/ [zhen1 ban3] /chopping board or block/ [zhen1 gu3] /incus or anvil bone of middle ear, passing sound vibration from mall us hammer bone to stapes stirrup bone/ [fei4] /dam up water with rocks/ [fu2] /name of a stone/ [zhu3] /ancestral tablet/ [la2] /a huge boulder/a towering rock/ [bian1] /ancient stone acupuncture needle/to criticize/to pierce/

[bian1 jiu3] /see [bian1 jiu3 shu4]/ [bian1 jiu3 shu4] /acupuncture and moxibustion (Chinese medicine)/ [bian1 shi2] /stone needle used in acupuncture/ [bian1 zhen1] /remonstrance/admonition/ [bian1 gu3] /to be extremely cold or painful/ [nu3] /flint/ [peng1] /sound of crashing/thunder (onomatopoeia)/ [peng1 peng1] /onomat. slam/ [pao4] /variant of [pao4]/ [pao4 bing1] /artillery soldier/gunner/also written / [pao4 shou3] /gunner/artillery crew/ [pao4 ji1] /to shell/to bombard/bombardment/ [pao4 huo3 lian2 tian1] /cannon firing for days on end (idiom); enveloped s of war/ [pao4 er3] /trunnion/protrusions on either side of a cannon facilitating mounting and vertical pivot/also written / [pao4 tai2] /fort/battery/ [pao4 ting3] /a gunboat/ [pao4 jian4] /gunboat/gunship/ [pao4 hong1] /to bombard/to bomb/trad. also written / [pao4 xiang3] /sound of gunfire/fig. news of momentous events/ [le4] /rocky/ [po4] /broken/damaged/worn out/to break, split or cleave/to get rid of/to destro y/to break with/to defeat/to capture (a city etc)/to expose the truth of/ [po4 wang2] /to die out/conquered/ [po4 li4] /to make an exception/ [po4 shang1 feng1] /tetanus (lockjaw)/ [po4 bing1] /to break the ice/groundbreaking (in relations)/ [po4 bing1 xing2 shou3] /icebreaker bow/ [po4 bing1 chuan2] /ice breaker/ [po4 bing1 jian4] /ice breaker/ [po4 kou3] /tear or rupture/to have a tear (e.g. in one's clothes)/without restra nt (e.g. of swearing)/ [po4 kou3 da4 ma4] /to abuse roundly/ [po4 si4 jiu4] /Destroy the Four Olds (campaign of the Cultural Revolution)/ [po4 tu3] /to break ground/to start digging/to plough/to break through the ground (of seedling)/fig. the start of a building project/ [po4 tu3 dian3 li3] /ground breaking ceremony/ [po4 bi4] /broken wall/to break through a wall/fig. a breakthrough in sb's career [po4 huai4] /destruction/damage/to wreck/to break/to destroy/ [po4 huai4 xing4] /destructive/ [po4 tian1 huang1] /unprecedented/for the first time/never before/first ever/ [po4 jia1] /to destroy one's family/ [po4 ju2] /to collapse (of plan, talks etc)/ [po4 bu4] /rag/ [po4 jie4] /to violate a religious precept/to smoke or drink after giving up/ [po4 zhe2 hao4] /dash/Chinese dash (punct., double the length of the weste [po4 sun3] /disrepair/ [po4 bai4] /to defeat/to crush (in battle)/beaten/ruined/destroyed/in decline/ [po4 bai4 bu4 kan1] /crushed/utterly defeated/ [po4 bi4] /shabby/damaged/ [po4 xiao3] /daybreak/dawn/ [po4 ge2] /to break the rule/to make an exception/ [po4 an4] /to solve a case/shabby old table/ [po4 dong4] /a hole/ [po4 lang4] /to set sail/to brave the waves/ [po4 ti4 wei2 xiao4] /to turn tears into laughter (idiom); to turn grief s/ [po4 mie4] /to be shattered/to be annihilated (of hope, illusions etc)/ [po4 lan4] /ragged/

[po4 huo4] /to uncover (a criminal plot)/to break open and capture/ [po4 wa3 han2 yao2] /lit. broken tiles, cold hearth; fig. a broken-down h shabby dwelling/ [po4 chan3] /to go bankrupt/to become impoverished/bankruptcy/ [po4 chan3 zhe3] /bankrupt person/ [po4 jia3 dan4] /armor piercing shell/ [po4 di4] /to hit the target/fig. to touch the main point in speaking/ [po4 xiang4] /(of facial features) to be marred by a scar etc/to disfigure/to mak a fool of oneself/ [po4 sui4] /to smash to pieces/to shatter/ [po4 wan3 po4 shuai1] /lit. to smash a cracked pot; fig. to treat oneself and act crazily/ [po4 zhu2 zhi1 shi4] /lit. a force to smash bamboo (idiom); fig. irresist [po4 zhu2 jian4 ling2] /lit. smash bamboo, overturn water tank (idiom); f ble force/ [po4 ji4 lu4] /to break a record/record-breaking/ [po4 yue1] /to break a promise/ [po4 zhan4] /hole or tear in cloth/mistake or gap in a speech or theory (idiom)/ [po4 zhan4 bai3 chu1] /lit. one hundred splits (idiom); fig. full of mist ch or written article)/ [po4 que1] /breaking/ [po4 guan4 po4 shuai1] /lit. to smash a cracked pot (idiom); crazy despai of a blemish, defect, error or setback/ [po4 dan3] /lit. to bust guts/to terrify/to frighten seriously/ [po4 dan3 han2 xin1] /lit. to bust guts and freeze the heart (idiom); ter are sb badly/ [po4 jiu4] /shabby/ [po4 jiu4 li4 xin1] /to get rid of the old to bring in the new (idiom); t [po4 yong3] /to emerge from a pupa (of a butterfly etc)/ [po4 lie4] /to rupture/to fracture/to break down/(linguistics) plosion/ [po4 jie3] /to break (a bond, constraint etc)/to explain/to unravel/to decipher/t decode/ [po4 yi4] /to break a code/to crack a riddle/to solve an enigma/a breakthrough/ [po4 du2] /pronunciation of a character other than the standard/lit. broken readi g/ [po4 cai2] /bankrupt/to suffer financial loss/ [po4 cai2 mian3 zai1] /a financial loss may prevent disaster (idiom)/ [po4 fei4] /to spend a lot of money/ [po4 shen1] /to lose one's virginity/ [po4 fu3 chen2 zhou1] /lit. to break the cauldrons and sink the boats (id cut off one's means of retreat/to burn one's boats/ [po4 chao1] /to spend money/ [po4 jing4] /broken mirror/fig. broken marriage/divorce/ [po4 jing4 chong2 yuan2] /a shattered mirror put back together (idiom)/(o o pick up the pieces and start anew/for a separated couple to reconcile and reun ite/ [po4 men2] /to burst or force open a door/to excommunicate sb (from the Roman Cat olic Church)/to score a goal (in football, hockey etc)/ [po4 men2 er2 ru4] /to break the door and enter/to force a door open (idi [po4 kai1] /to split/to cut open/ [po4 chu2] /to eliminate/to do away with/to get rid of/ [po4 chu2 mi2 xin4] /to eliminate superstition (idiom)/ [po4 xie2] /broken shoes/worn-out footwear/loose woman/slut/ [po4 yin1 zi4] /character with two or more readings/character where different gs convey different meanings/ [po4 yan2] /break into a smile/to open (of flowers)/ [po4 ti3 zi5] /non-standard or corrupted form of a Chinese character/ [bo1] /alms bowl/ [shen1] /arsenic (chemistry)/ [shen1 zhong4 du2] /arsenic poisoning/

[shen1 hua4 qing1] /arsine/ [za2] /smash/smashed/to fail/to get it wrong/ [za2 hang1] /to pound the earth to make a building foundation/ [za2 si3] /to crush to death/ [za2 hui3] /to destroy/to smash/ [za2 po4] /to break/to shatter/ [za2 sui4] /to pulverize/to smash to bits/ [za2 guo1] /to fail/ [ai4] /astatine (chemistry)/ [tong2] /concrete ()/ [zhu1] /cinnabar/see [zhu1 sha1]/ [zhu1 sha1] /cinnabar/mercuric sulfide HgS/ [gui1] /silicon (chemistry)/ [gui1 hua4 mu4] /petrified wood (geology)/ [gui1 jing1 pian4] /silicon chip/ [gui1 xiang4 jiao1] /silicone/ [gui1 sha1] /silicon sand/ [gui1 hui1 shi2] /wollastonite CaSiO3/ [gui1 pian4] /silicon chip/ [gui1 shi2] /siliceous rock/ [gui1 fei4 bing4] /silicosis (occupational disease of miners)/grinder's disea written / [gui1 zao3] /diatom (single-celled phytoplankton)/ [gui1 zao3 men2] /Bacillariophyta, phylum of diatom single-celled phytoplankt [Gui1 gu3] /Silicon Valley/ [gui1 zhi4] /siliceous/containing silica/ [gui1 zhi4 yan2] /siliceous rock (mostly composed of silica)/ [gui1 suan1] /silicic acid/silicate/ [gui1 suan1 fu2 lu:3] /aluminum fluorosilicate/ [gui1 suan1 yan2] /silicate/ [gui1 suan1 yan2 shui3 ni2] /Portland cement/ [gui1 lu:3 zhi4] /sial rock (containing silicon and aluminium, so comparative t, making continental plates)/ [ge4] /to press painfully (of sth hard or bulging)/ [ken4] /rumbling of rolling stones/ [xing2] /whetstone/ [yan2] /variant of /to grind/study/research/ [dong4] /variant of , cave/chamber/pit/ [dong4 shi4] /chamber/ [xi1] /selenium (chemistry)/ [keng1] /obstinate/ [xiao1] /saltpeter/to tan (leather)/ [xiao1 hua4 gan1 you2] /nitroglycerine/ [xiao1 ji1 ben3] /nitrobenzene/benzoil nitrate (chemistry)/ [xiao1 dan4] /potassium nitrate/saltpeter/ [xiao1 yan1] /smoke (from guns)/ [xiao1 shi2] /niter/saltpeter/potassium nitrate KNO3/ [xiao1 suan1] /nitric acid/ [xiao1 suan1 gan1 you2] /nitroglycerine/ [xiao1 suan1 na4] /sodium nitrate/ [xiao1 suan1 gai4] /calcium nitrate/ [xiao1 suan1 jia3] /potassium nitrate/ [xiao1 suan1 yin2] /silver nitrate/ [xiao1 suan1 an3] /ammonium nitrate/ [xiao1 suan1 yan2] /nitrate/ [xia2] /place name/ [che1] /Tridacna gigas/ [che1 qu2] /giant clam (Tridacna derasa)/ [liu2] /sulfur (chemistry)/ [liu2 dai4 liu2 suan1 na4] /sodium hyposulfide/sodium thiosulfate/

[liu2 hua4] /vulcanization (curing rubber using sulfur and heat)/ [liu2 hua4 qing1] /hydrogen sulfide H2S/sulfureted hydrogen/ [liu2 qing2 suan1] /thiocyanic acid/ [liu2 qing2 suan1 mei2] /rhodanase/ [liu2 qing2 suan1 yan2] /thiocyanate/ [liu2 qiu2] /Luzon, island of the Philippines/the Ryukyu islands/ [liu2 huang2] /sulfur/ [liu2 an4 su4] /thiamine/vitamin B1/ [liu2 yin4] /benzothiophene (chemistry)/ [liu2 suan1] /sulfuric acid H2SO4/sulfate/ [liu2 suan1 na4] /sodium sulfate/ [liu2 suan1 gai4] /calcium sulfate/ [liu2 suan1 jia3] /potassium sulfate/ [liu2 suan1 tong2] /copper sulfate CuSO4/ [liu2 suan1 an3] /ammonium sulfate/ [liu2 suan1 lu:3] /aluminum sulfate/ [liu2 suan1 bei4] /barium sulfate/ [liu2 suan1 mei3] /magnesium sulfate/ [liu2 suan1 tie3] /ferrous sulfate/ [liu2 suan1 yan2] /sulfate/ [liu2 huang2] /sulfur/ [ying4] /hard/stiff/strong/firm/resolutely/doggedly/good (quality)/able (person) / [ying4 jian4] /hardware/ [ying4 jian4 ping2 tai2] /hardware platform/ [ying4 lai2] /to use force/ [ying4 hua4] /to harden/hardening/sclerosis/fig. to become rigid or inflexible in opinions/to ossify/ [ying4 shi2] /sturdy/robust/ [ying4 xi2] /hard seat (on trains)/ [ying4 bi4] /a coin/CL:[mei2]/ [ying4 bi4 pi1] /coin blank/ [ying4 gan4] /by brute strength/rashly and forcefully/bull-headed/to work tenacio sly with no fear of hardship/ [ying4 du4] /hardness/ [ying4 zuo4] /hard seat (on trains or boats)/ [ying4 xing4] /rigid/inflexible/hard (drug)/ [ying4 ting3] /to endure with all one's will/to hold out/rigid/stiff/ [ying4 tui1] /to shove/ [ying4 cheng1] /to make oneself do sth in spite of adversity, pain etc/ [ying4 shi4] /just/simply/stubbornly/really/ [ying4 lang3] /robust/healthy/ [ying4 mu4] /hardwood/ [ying4 he2] /hardcore/hard core/ [ying4 ke2] /crust/hard shell/ [ying4 ke2 guo3] /nut/fruit with hard shell/ [ying4 shui3] /hard water/ [ying4 sheng1 sheng1] /stiff/rigid/inflexible/forcibly/ [ying4 pi2] /crust (of a solidified liquid etc)/ [ying4 pan2] /hard disk/ [ying4 mu4 biao1] /hard target/ [ying4 shi2 gao1] /anhydrite CaSO4/ [ying4 die2] /hard disk/hard drive/ [ying4 peng4 ying4] /to meet force with force/painstaking/ [ying4 ci2 pan2] /hard drive/hard disk/ [ying4 tang2] /hard candy/ [ying4 zhi3] /cardboard/stiff paper/ [ying4 zhi1 suan1] /stearic acid/stearate/ [ying4 zhi1 suan1 gai4] /calcium stearate/ [ying4 wo4] /hard sleeper (a type of sleeper train ticket class with a harder bun

)/ [ying4 zhe5 tou2 pi2] /to brace oneself to do sth/to put a bold face on i p courage/to force oneself to/ [ying4 yao4] /firmly set on doing sth/to insist on doing/determined in one's cour e of action/ [ying4 bi1] /to pressure/to press/to force/to compel/to push/to coerce/to urge/to impel/to bully into/to be compelled/ [ying4 bang1 bang1] /very hard/ [ying4 ding3 pao3 che1] /sports coup (car)/ [ying4 ling3] /collar/ [Ying4 gu3 yu2] /bony fishes/Osteichthyes (taxonomic class including most fis [ying4 ti3] /(computer) hardware/ [mang2] /crude saltpeter/ [que4] /authenticated/solid/firm/ [yan4] /ink-stone/ [yan4 xiong1] /senior fellow student/ [yan4 xiong1 yan4 di4] /lit. older scholar and younger scholar/close frie [yan4 you3] /classmate/fellow student/ [yan4 shi4] /case for an ink slab/ [Yan4 shan1] /Yanshan county in Wenshan Zhuang and Miao autonomous prefecture u2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ [Yan4 shan1 xian4] /Yanshan county in Wenshan Zhuang and Miao autonomous pref g4 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ [yan4 xi2] /ink slab and sitting mat/place where one studies and teaches/ [yan4 di4] /younger fellow student/ [yan4 shui3 hu2 r5] /water container for an ink slab/ [yan4 chi2] /(concave) ink stone or ink slab/ [yan4 di1] /small cup for adding water to an ink stone/ [yan4 wa3] /ink slab/ [yan4 tian2] /ink stone/writing as a livelihood/ [yan4 tian2 zhi1 shi2] /to make a living by writing (idiom)/ [yan4 he2] /case for an ink stone or ink slab/ [yan4 shi2] /ink stone/ink slab/ [yan4 geng1] /to live by writing/ [yan4 tai2] /ink stone/ink slab/CL:[fang1]/ [keng1] /obstinate/ [peng2] /boron (chemistry)/ [peng2 sha1] /borax/ [peng2 suan1] /boric acid H3BO3/ [zhui4] /iodide/to weight/ [qi2] /Japanese variant of /the game of Go/ [qing4] /(stone)/ [ding4] /anchor/ [ding4 bo2] /to moor/to drop anchor/ [diao1] /rock cave (archaic)/ [diao1 bao3] /pillbox (military fortification)/blockhouse/ [lu4] /laborious/small stone/to record/to tape/to write down/to hire/to employ/ [Lu4 qu3] /Luqu county in Gannan Tibetan autonomous prefecture [Gan hi4 zhou1], Gansu/ [Lu4 qu3 xian4] /Luqu county in Gannan Tibetan autonomous prefecture i4 zhi4 zhou1], Gansu/ [sui4] /to break down/to break into pieces/fragmentary/ [sui4 bing1 chuan2] /ice breaker/same as [bing1 chuan2]/ [sui4 kuai4] /fragment/ [sui4 kuai4 r5] /erhua variant of [sui4 kuai4]/ [sui4 shi1] /dismembered body/ [sui4 xie4] /fragment/clastic (i.e. broken into fragments)/ [sui4 xie4 yan2] /clastic rock (geology)/ [sui4 xie4 chen2 ji1 wu4] /clastic sediment/ [sui4 bu4 tiao2] /shred/

[sui4 xin1 lie4 dan3] /in mortal fear (idiom)/ [sui4 diao4] /to drop and smash/broken/ [sui4 pian4] /chip/fragment/splinter/tatter/ [sui4 pian4 zheng3 li3] /defragmentation (computing)/ [sui4 shi2] /crushed or broken rock, stone etc/ [sui4 zhi3 ji1] /paper shredder/ [sui4 rou4] /ground meat/mincemeat/ [sui4 lie4] /to disintegrate/to shatter into small pieces/ [que4] /(gems)/ [bei1] /a monument/an upright stone tablet/stele/CL: [kuai4],[mian4]/ [bei1 ting2] /pavilion housing a stele/ [bei1 ke4] /inscription on stone tablet/ [bei1 tie4] /a rubbing from a stone inscription/ [bei1 zuo4] /pedestal for stone tablet/ [bei1 zuo4 r5] /erhua variant of , pedestal for stone tablet/ [bei1 wen2] /an inscription on a tablet/ [Bei1 lin2] /Forest of Steles (museum in Xi'an)/Beilin district of Xi'an city 1 shi4], Shaanxi/ [Bei1 lin2 qu1] /Beilin district of Xi'an city [Xi1 an1 shi4], Shaanxi/ [bei1 jiao4] /see [bei1 jiao4]/ [bei1 shi2] /stele/vertical stone tablet for carved inscriptions/ [bei1 jie2] /stone tablet (with inscription)/ [bei1 ji4] /a record of events inscribed on a tablet/ [bei1 zhi4] /historical record inscribed on tablet/ [bei1 ming2] /inscription on stone tablet/ [bei1 e2] /the top part of a tablet/ [dui4] /pestle/pound with a pestle/ [wu3] /inferior gem/a kind of jade/ [wan3] /bowl/cup/CL: [zhi1], [ge4]/ [wan3 gui4] /cupboard/ [dian3] /iodine (chemistry)/ [dian3 hua4 na4] /sodium iodide NaI/ [dian3 hua4 jia3] /potassium iodide/ [dian3 hua4 yin2] /silver iodide/ [dian3 suan1] /iodic acid/ [bei4] /(used in place names)/ [yan2] /cliff/ [die2] /dish/plate/ [die2 zi5] /small dish/CL: [pan2]/ [die2 pian4] /compact disc/CL: [zhang1]/ [du2] /stone roller/ [jie2] /stone tablet/ [bi4] /green jade/bluish green/blue/jade/ [Bi4 tu3] /Putog, former county 1983-1999 in Zogang county [Zuo3 gon refecture, Tibet/ [Bi4 tu3 xian4] /Putog, former county 1983-1999 in Zogang county do prefecture, Tibet/ [bi4 ou1 quan2] /Biotherm (brand name)/ [bi4 shui3 cang1 tian1] /jade waters below and blue heavens above (idiom) [bi4 hai3 qing1 tian1] /green sea, blue sky (idiom); sea and sky merge in neliness of faithful widow/ [Bi4 tan2] /Bitan or Green Pool on Xindian Creek [Xin1 dian4 xi1], Taipei c wan/ [bi4 tan2] /green pool/ [bi4 yu4] /jasper/ [bi4 xi3] /tourmaline/ [bi4 wa3] /green/glazed tile/ [bi4 kong1] /the blue sky/ [bi4 lu:4] /dark green/ [bi4 cao3 ru2 yin1] /green grass like cushion (idiom); green meadow so in

ep on/ [bi4 lan2] /dark blue/ [bi4 xue4] /blood shed in a just cause/ [shuo4] /large/big/ [shuo4 shi4] /master's degree/learned person/ [shuo4 shi4 xue2 wei4] /master's degree (MSc)/ [shuo4 shi4 sheng1] /Master's degree student/ [shuo4 da4] /big/huge/massive/ [shuo4 da4 wu2 peng2] /immense/enormous/ [shuo4 guo3] /major achievement/great work/triumphant success/ [shuo4 guo3 jin3 cun2] /only remaining of the great (idiom); one of the f ant/ [shuo4 guo3 lei3 lei3] /heavily laden with fruit/fertile (of trees)/many hievements/ [shuo4 li4] /large and beautiful/ [zhen1] /anvil/ [duan4] /coarse stone (used for whetstone)/ [xia2] /whetstone/ [dang4] /stone with color veins/ [Dang4 shan1] /Dangshan county in Suzhou [Su4 zhou1], Anhui/ [Dang4 shan1 xian4] /Dangshan county in Suzhou [Su4 zhou1], Anhui/ [nao3] /variant of [nao3]/agate/ [peng4] /to touch/to meet with/to bump/ [peng4 yi1 bi2 zi5 hui1] /lit. to have one's nose rubbed in the dirt/ sharp rebuff/ [peng4 dao3] /to knock sth over/ [peng4 dao4] /to come across/to run into/to meet/to hit/ [peng4 bi4] /to hit a wall/fig. to run up against a snag/ [peng4 qiao3] /by chance/by coincidence/to happen to/ [peng4 sun3] /bruising (damage to soft fruit etc)/ [peng4 zhuang4] /to collide/collision/ [peng4 zhuang4 zao4 shan1] /collisional orogeny/mountain building as a re nents colliding/ [peng4 peng4 che1] /bumper car/ [peng4 ci2] /a currently widespread fraud in PRC involving deliberately crashing ars then demanding compensation/ [peng4 ci2 ren2] /person involved in a currently widespread fraud in PRC call isting of crashing cars then demanding compensation/ [peng4 ci2 r5] /a currently widespread fraud in PRC involving deliberately cr cars then demanding compensation/ [peng4 jian4] /to run into/to meet (unexpectedly)/to bump into/ [peng4 chu4] /to touch/ [peng4 ding1 zi5] /to meet with a rebuff/ [peng4 mian4] /to meet/to bump into/to confront/ [peng4 tou2] /to meet/to hold a meeting/ [di4] /tellurium (chemistry)/ [tan4] /carbon (chemistry)/ [tan4 hua4] /to carbonize/dry distillation/carbonization/ [tan4 hua4 qing1] /hydrocarbon/same as [ting1]/ [tan4 hua4 wu4] /carbide/ [tan4 hua4 gui1] /silicon carbide/carborundum/ [tan4 hua4 gai4] /calcium carbide CaC2/ [tan4 hui4] /carbon credits/ [tan4 yuan2 zi3] /carbon atom/ [tan4 qing1 hua4 he2 wu4] /hydrocarbon/ [tan4 shui3 hua4 he2 wu4] /carbohydrate/ [tan4 jian3 pai2] /to reduce carbon emissions/ [tan4 bei4] /charcoal-roasted/ [tan4 zu2 yin4] /carbon footprint/ [tan4 xian1 lu:4] /carbonyl chloride COCl2/phosgene, a poisonous gas/

[tan4 suan1] /carbonic acid/carbonate/ [tan4 suan1 yan2] /carbonate rock (geology)/ [tan4 suan1 qing1 na4] /sodium bicarbonate/ [tan4 suan1 na4] /soda/sodium carbonate (chemistry)/ [tan4 suan1 gai4] /calcium carbonate/ [tan4 suan1 jia3] /potassium carbonate/ [tan4 suan1 yan2] /carbonate salt (chemistry)/ [tan4 lian4] /carbon chain/ [tan4 lian4 xian1 wei2] /carbon chain fiber/ [tan4 ge2 li2] /carbon sequestration/ [tan4 hei1] /soot/carbon black/ [cha2] /fault/glass fragment/quarrel/ [que4] /authenticated/solid/firm/real/true/ [que4 hu1] /for sure/ [que4 bao3] /to ensure/to guarantee/ [que4 xin4] /to be convinced/to be sure/to firmly believe/to be positive that/def nite news/ [que4 qie4] /definite/exact/precise/ [que4 ding4] /definite/certain/fixed/to fix (on sth)/to determine/to be sure/to e sure/to make certain/to ascertain/to clinch/to recognize/to confirm/OK (on compu ter dialog box)/ [que4 ding4 xing4] /determinacy/ [que4 ding4 xiao4 ying4] /deterministic effect/ [que4 shi2] /indeed/really/reliable/real/true/ [Que4 shan1] /Queshan county in Zhumadian [Zhu4 ma3 dian4], Henan/ [Que4 shan1 xian4] /Queshan county in Zhumadian [Zhu4 ma3 dian4] [que4 shi4] /certainly/ [que4 you3 qi2 shi4] /(confirm to be) true/authentic/ [que4 li4] /to establish/to institute/ [que4 zhen3] /to make a definite diagnosis/ [que4 ren4] /to confirm/to verify/confirmation/ [que4 zheng4] /to prove/to confirm/to corroborate/convincing proof/ [que4 zao2] /definite/conclusive/undeniable/authentic/ [que4 zao2 bu4 yi2] /established and irrefutable (idiom)/ [que4] /solid/firm/ [ma3] /weight/number/code/to pile/to stack/classifier for length or distance (ya rd), happenings etc/ [Ma3 Fen1 Duo1 Zhi3] /Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) (telecommunica [ma3 zi5] /number (e.g. page or house number)/numeral (e.g. Arabic or Chinese num ral)/code sign/plus or minus sound/counter/chip (e.g. in gambling games)/price t ag/ready cash at one's disposal (old)/ [ma3 zi4] /numeral/digit/counter/ [ma3 fang4] /to pile up/to stack up/ [ma3 xian4] /yard line (sports)/ [ma3 biao3] /dial or meter for displaying speed, time, or other measurements/cycl computer/code table (computing)/ [ma3 chang2 cheng2] /to play mahjong (lit. to build the great wall) (colloqui [ma3 tou2] /dock/pier/wharf/CL: [ge4]/ [nian3] /stone roller/roller and millstone/to grind/to crush/to husk/ [nian3 fang2] /grain mill/ [nian3 chang2] /to thresh or husk grain on a threshing ground (topolect)/ [Nian3 zi5 shan1] /Nianzishan district of Qiqihar city [Qi2 [Nian3 zi5 shan1 qu1] /Nianzishan district of Qiqihar city [nian3 chui2] /pestle/ [nian3 pan2] /millstone/ [nian3 tuo2] /roller/ [nian3 sui4] /to pulverize/to crush/ [nian3 mi3 ji1] /rice milling machine/ [nian3 guo4] /to crush sth by running over it/ [ci2] /magnetic/magnetism/porcelain/

[ci2 gong4 zhen4] /magnetic resonance/ [ci2 gong4 zhen4 cheng2 xiang4] /magnetic resonance imaging MRI/ [ci2 li4] /magnetic force/magnetic/ [ci2 li4 xian4] /line of magnetic flux/ [ci2 li4 suo3] /magnetic lock/ [ci2 hua4] /to magnetize/ [ci2 ka3] /magnetic card/IC Card (telephone)/ [ci2 dan1 ji2 zi3] /magnetic monopole/ [ci2 chang3] /magnetic field/ [ci2 ceng2] /magnetosphere/magnetic layer/ [ci2 dai4] /magnetic tape/CL: [pan2],[he2]/ [ci2 dai4 ji1] /tape drive/ [ci2 xing4] /magnetic/magnetism/ [ci2 gan3 ying4] /magnetic induction/ [ci2 gan3 ying4 qiang2 du4] /magnetic field density/ [ci2 gan3 xian4] /line of magnetic flux/ [ci2 xuan2 fu2] /magnetic levitation (train)/maglev/ [ci2 kong4 guan3] /cavity magnetron (used to produce microwaves)/ [ci2 tiao2] /magnetic stripe card/ [ci2 ji2] /magnetic pole/ [ci2 qi4 quan1] /magnetosphere/ [ci2 fu2] /maglev (type of train)/magnetic levitation/ [ci2 pian4] /magnetic disk/ [ci2 yi4 chang2] /magnetic anomaly (geology)/ [ci2 pan2] /(computer) disk/ [ci2 pan2 qu1 dong4 qi4] /disk drive/ [ci2 ju3] /magnetic moment/ [ci2 shi2] /magnet/ [ci2 die2] /(magnetic) computer disk (hard disk or floppy)/ [ci2 die2 ji1] /disk drive(computing)/drive(computing)/ [Ci2 xian4] /Ci county in Handan [Han2 dan1], Hebei/ [ci2 tong1 liang4] /magnetic flux/ [ci2 tie3] /magnet/ [ci2 tie3 kuang4] /magnetite Fe3O4/ [ci2 tou2] /magnetic head (of a tape recorder etc)/ [ci2 ti3] /magnet/magnetic body/ [bang4] /see scale/platform balance/pound (unit of weight, about 454 grams)/ [pang2 bo2] /majestic/boundless/ [bang4 cheng4] /scale/platform balance/ [wei3] /rocky/stony/ [sang3] /stone plinth/ [lei3] /lumpy/rock pile/uneven/fig. sincere/open and honest/ [lei3 lei3] /big pile of rocks/big hearted/open and honest/ [lei3 luo4] /big and stout/big-hearted/open and honest/continuous/repeated/ [lei3 luo4 da4 fang1] /to be generous in the extreme (idiom)/ [cuo1] /deliberate/to polish/ [cuo1 shang1] /to consult/to discuss seriously/to negotiate/to confer/negotiation /consultations/ [xi1] /mountain stream, creek/ [pan2] /firm/stable/rock/ [Pan2 an1] /Pan'an county in Jinhua [Jin1 hua2], Zhejiang/ [Pan2 an1 xian4] /Pan'an county in Jinhua [Jin1 hua2], Zhejiang/ [Pan2 shi2] /Panshi county level city in Jilin prefecture , Jilin province/ [pan2 shi2] /boulder/ [Pan2 shi2 shi4] /Panshi county level city in Jilin prefecture , Jilin pr [Pan2 shi2 xian4] /Panshi county in Jilin/ [ai2] /snowy white/pure white/spotless/ [wei2] /see [wei2 wei2]/ [wei4] /mill/ [ai2 ai2] /variant of [ai2 ai2]/

[wei2 wei2] /of high and stable appearance/ [zhe2] /tearing off limbs as punishment/ [ke1] /to tap/knock/ [ke1 ke1] /knocking sound (onomatopoeia)/ [ke1 ke1 ba1 ba1] /stammering/stuttering/not speaking fluently/ [ke1 ke5 ban4 ban4] /bumpy (of a road)/limping (of a person)/ [ke1 tou2] /to kowtow (traditional greeting, esp. to a superior, involving kneeli g and pressing one's forehead to the ground)/ [la2] /old variant of [la2]/ [gun3] /roller/to level with a roller/ [zhuan1] /brick/ [zhuan1 kuai4] /brick/ [zhuan1 wa3] /tiles and bricks/ [zhuan1 shi2] /brick/ [zhuan1 yao2] /brick kiln/ [zhuan1 yao2 chang3] /brick kiln/ [zhuan1 hong2 tu3] /red brick clay/ [zhuan1 tou5] /brick/ [chan2] /cliff/peak/ [lu4] /stone soil roller/ [lu3] /ammonium/ [kan4] /dangerous sea-cliff/ [chen3] /gritty/ [yin3] /onomatopoeia for the sound of thunder/ [lei3] /a heap of stones/boulders/ [qi4] /moraine/rocks in shallow water/ [mo2] /to rub/to grind/to polish/to sharpen/to wear down/to die out/to waste tim e/to pester/to insist/ [mo4] /grindstone/to grind/to turn round/ [mo4 bu4 kai1] /to feel embarrassed/ [mo2 ren2] /annoying/bothersome/to fret/to be peevish/ [mo2 guang1] /to polish/ [mo2 dao1] /to hone (a knife)/ [mo2 dao1 shi2] /whetstone (for honing knives)/ [mo4 dao5] /to grumble/to chatter/ [mo2 he2] /to break in/to wear in/ [mo2 ji1] /to be very slow/to dawdle/ [mo2 zui3] /to argue pointlessly/to talk incessant nonsense/to blather/ [mo2 zui3 pi2 zi5] /to wear out the skin of one's teeth (idiom); pointles o talk incessant nonsense/blah blah/ [mo4 fang2] /mill/ [mo4 fang2 zhu3] /miller/ [mo4 zi3] /mill/grain mill/millstone/ [mo4 gong1 bing4] /grinder's disease/silicosis/also written / [mo2 chuang2] /grinding machine/grinder/ [mo2 de5 kai1] /unembarrassed/without fear of impairing personal relation/ [mo2 kuai4] /to sharpen/to grind (knife blades)/ [mo2 zhe2] /to torture/to torment/ [mo2 sun3] /wear and tear/abrasion/ [mo2 sun3 lu:4] /attrition rate/ [mo2 ca1] /friction/rubbing/chafing/fig. disharmony/conflict/same as / [mo2 liao4] /abrasive material/ [mo2 chu3 cheng2 zhen1] /to grind an iron bar down to a fine needle (idio ersevere in a difficult task/to study diligently/ [mo2 ji1] /milling machine/ [mo2 yang2 gong1] /to idle on the job/ [mo2 mie4] /to obliterate/to erase/ [mo2 lian4] /see [mo2 lian4]/ [mo4 fan5] /to pester/to bother sb incessantly/to delay/to prevaricate/ [mo2 ya2] /to grind one's teeth (during sleep)/pointless arguing/

[mo4 pan2] /lower millstone/tray of a mill/ [mo2 shi2] /whetstone/millstone/ [mo2 shi2 sha1 li4] /millstone grit/coarse sandstone/ [mo2 shi2 cu1 sha1 yan2] /millstone grit/ [mo2 sha1] /frosted (e.g. glass)/ [mo2 sha1 gao1] /facial scrub/ [mo2 po4 kou3 she2] /incessant complaining/ [mo2 po4 zui3 pi2] /to talk until one is blue in the face/ [mo2 po4 zui3 pi2 zi5] /to wear out one's lips (idiom)/to talk until face/to repeat again and again/ [mo4 sui4] /grind/ [mo2 mo2 ceng4 ceng4] /to dillydally/slow-going/ [mo2 li4] /to sharpen on grindstone/to improve oneself by practice/ [mo2 chuan1 tie3 yan4] /to grind one's way through an ink stone/to persev icult task (idiom)/to study diligently (idiom)/ [mo2 lian4] /to temper oneself/to steel oneself/self-discipline/endurance/ [mo2 hao4] /wear and tear/wearing out by friction/ [mo2 gu5] /variant of [mo2 gu5]/ [mo2 shi2] /erosion/abrasion/ [mo2 zhi4 shi2 qi4] /a polished stone (neolithic) implement/ [mo4 dou4 fu5] /to grumble/to chatter away incessantly/ [mo2 qi3 pao4] /friction blister/ [mo2 ceng5] /to gently stroke/to brush lightly/to move slowly/to dawdle/to dillyd lly/to pester/to nag/ [mo2 nan4] /a torment/a trial/tribulation/a cross (to bear)/well-tried/ [mo2 chi3] /molar tooth/ [cui1] /a high mountain/precipitous/ [qing4] /chime stones, ancient percussion instrument made of stone or jade piece s hung in a row and struck as a xylophone/ [qing4 jie2] /used up/exhausted/emptied/ [ji1] /breakwater/jetty/ [qu2] /Tridacna gigas/ [deng4] /cliff-ledge/stone step/ [Deng4 kou3] /Dengkou county in Bayan Nur [Ba1 yan4 nao4 er3], I [Deng4 kou3 xian4] /Dengkou county in Bayan Nur [Ba1 yan4 na [lin2] /phosphorus (chemistry)/water in rocks/ [lin2 guang1] /phosphorescence/ [lin2 hua4 gai4] /calcium phosphate (chemistry)/ [lin2 huo3] /phosphorescence/ [lin2 hui1 shi2] /apatite/phosphatic limestone/ [lin2 hui1 fen3] /apatite (phosphatic lime)/ [lin2 shi2] /muscovite, mica (used in traditional Chinese medicine)/Muscovitum/ [lin2 lin2] /variant of [lin2 lin2]/ [lin2 kuang4] /phosphate ore/ [lin2 kuang4 shi2] /phosphate/ [lin2 fei2] /phosphate fertilizer/ [lin2 zhi1] /phospholipid/ [lin2 xian1 ji1 lin2 suan1 mei2] /phosphorylphosphatase/ [lin2 suan1] /phosphoric acid/ [lin2 suan1 na4] /sodium phosphate (chemistry)/ [lin2 suan1 gai4] /calcium phosphate (chemistry)/ [lin2 suan1 yan2] /phosphate/ [lin2 suan1 yan2 yan2] /phosphorite/phosphate rock/ [dian4] /stone wedge/ [huang2] /sulfur/ [huang2 an4] /sulfa drugs/sulfanilamide (used to reduce fever)/ [pan2] /name of a river in Shaanxi/ [qiao1] /stony soil/ [jiao1] /reef/shoal rock/ [jiao1 dao3] /reef island/

[jiao1 hu2] /lagoon/ [Jiao1 hu2 xing1 yun2] /Lagoon Nebula M8/ [Jiao1 xi1] /Jiaoxi or Chiaohsi township in Yilan county [Yi2 lan2 x [Jiao1 xi1 xiang1] /Jiaoxi or Chiaohsi township in Yilan county [jiao1 shi2] /reef/ [qiao2] /used in place names/see [Qiao2 tou2]/ [Qiao2 kou3] /Qiaokou district of Wuhan city [Wu3 han4 shi4], Hubei/ [Qiao2 kou3 qu1] /Qiaokou district of Wuhan city [Wu3 han4 shi4] [Qiao2 tou2] /Qiaotou, Sichuan/ [dun1] /stone block/ [jian3] /variant of , alkali/ [chu3] /foundation/base/ [hu2] /(arch.) precious stone/ [que4] /(arch.) large stone/boulder/hard/ [jiang1] /a small stone/ [ai4] /to hinder/to obstruct/to block/ [ai4 shi4] /(usu used in the negative) to be of importance or to matter/to be in he way/to be a hindrance/ [ai4 kou3] /to shy to speak out/tongue-tied/to hesitate/too embarrassing for word / [ai4 kou3 shi2 xiu1] /tongue-tied for fear of embarrassment (idiom)/ [ai4 shou3 ai4 jiao3] /to be in the way/to be a hindrance/ [ai4 yan3] /to be offending to the eye/an eye-sore/in the way/ [ai4 nan2] /inconvenient/difficult for some reason/to find sth embarrassing/ [ai4 nan2 cong1 ming4] /difficult to obey orders (idiom); much to my emba am unable to comply/ [ai4 mian4 zi5] /(not do sth) for fear of offending sb/ [ke1] /variant of [ke1]/ [yu4] /arsenic/ [yu4 shi2] /arsenic ore/arsenopiryte FeAsS/ [meng2] /(mineral)/ [bo2] /to fill/to extend/ [ca3] /shredder/grater (kitchen implement for grating vegetables)/grindstone/ [ca3 chuang2] /vegetable shredder/grater/ [ca3 chuang2 r5] /shredder/grater (kitchen implement for grating vegetables)/ [kuang4] /ore/mine/ [kuang4 zhu3] /proprietor of a mine/ [kuang4 jing3] /a mine/a mine shaft/ [kuang4 wu4 ju2] /mining affairs bureau/ [kuang4 qu1] /mining site/mining area/ [kuang4 keng1] /mine/mine shaft/ [kuang4 chang3] /a mine/pit/ [kuang4 ceng2] /ore stratum/vein of ore/ [kuang4 shan1] /mine/ [kuang4 gong1] /miner/ [kuang4 chuang2] /(mineral) deposit/ [kuang4 ye4] /mining industry/ [kuang4 shui3] /mineral water/ [kuang4 quan2] /mineral spring/ [kuang4 quan2 shui3] /mineral spring water/CL:[ping2],[bei1]/ [kuang4 zha1] /slag (mining)/ [kuang4 deng1] /miner's lamp/mine light/ [kuang4 wu4] /mineral/ [kuang4 wu4 xue2] /mineralogy/ [kuang4 wu4 ran2 liao4] /fossil fuels/oil and coal/ [kuang4 wu4 zhi4] /mineral, esp. dietary mineral/ [kuang4 chan3] /minerals/ [kuang4 chan3 zi1 yuan2] /mineral resources/ [kuang4 shi2] /ore/ [kuang4 zhi1] /vaseline/same as /

[kuang4 mai4] /vein of ore/ [kuang4 cang2] /mineral resources/ [kuang4 che1] /miner's cart/pit truck/ [kuang4 nan4] /mining disaster/ [kuang4 ti3] /ore body (geology)/ [kuang4 yan2] /halite/ [lei4] /roll stone down hill/stone pile/ [li4] /grind/sandstone/ [li4] /gravel/small stone/ [li4 yan2] /conglomerate (geology)/ [li4 shi2] /gravel/pebbles/ [fan2] /alum/ [pao4] /ancient ballista for throwing heavy stones/variant of , gun/cannon/ [long2] /to grind/to mill/ [long2] /variant of , to grind/to mill/ [shuang1] /arsenic/ [shi4] /to show/reveal/ [shi4 li4] /to illustrate/typical example/ [shi4 li4 dai4 ma3] /sample code (computing)/ [shi4 wei1] /to demonstrate (as a protest)/a demonstration/a military show of for e/ [shi4 wei1 zhe3] /demonstrator/protester/ [shi4 wei1 you2 xing2] /a (protest) demonstration/ [shi4 wei1 yun4 dong4] /rally/ [shi4 ji4] /to pass away (of a monk or nun)/ [shi4 ruo4] /to show weak/the impression of weakness/ [shi4 xing4] /expressivity/ [shi4 xing4 lei4] /characteristic class (math.)/ [shi4 en1] /to show kindness/ [shi4 yi4] /to hint/to indicate (an idea to sb)/ [shi4 yi4 tu2] /sketch/schema/graph/ [shi4 bo1 qi4] /oscillograph/oscilloscope/ [shi4 zhong4] /publicly expose/ [shi4 fan4] /to demonstrate/to show how to do sth/demonstration/a model example/ [shi4 fu4] /please answer (epistolary style)/ [shi4 jing3] /to warn/a warning sign/ [reng2] /blessings/ [she4] /society/group/club/agency/god of the soil (old)/ [she4 jiao1] /interaction/social contact/ [she4 jiao1 kong3 ju4 zheng4] /social phobia/social anxiety/ [she4 jiao1 cai2 neng2] /social accomplishment/ [she4 jiao1 wu3] /social dancing/ [she4 jiao1 yu3 yan2] /lingua franca/ [she4 bao3] /social insurance/abbr. for / [she4 qu1] /community/ [she4 yuan2] /member of society (association, club etc)/ [she4 tuan2] /mass organization (e.g. trade union)/union/society/ [she4 xue2] /Ming or Qing dynasty school/ [she4 gong1 ren2] /social worker/ [she4 xi4] /theatrical performance (e.g. on religious festival)/ [she4 jiao4] /Socialist education/abbr. for / [She4 qi2] /Sheqi county in Nanyang [Nan2 yang2], Henan/ [She4 qi2 xian4] /Sheqi county in Nanyang [Nan2 yang2], Henan/ [she4 hui4] /society/CL: [ge4]/ [she4 hui4 zhu3 yi4] /socialism/ [she4 hui4 zhu3 yi4 zhi4 du4] /socialist system/ [she4 hui4 zhu3 yi4 jiao4 yu4 yun4 dong4] /Socialist educ [she4 hui4 zhu3 yi4 zhe3] /socialist/ [she4 hui4 shi4 ye4] /social enterprise/ [she4 hui4 bao3 zhang4] /social security/

[she4 hui4 bao3 xian3] /social security/abbr. to / [she4 hui4 gong1 gong4 li4 yi4] /public interest/ [she4 hui4 dong4 luan4] /social unrest/ [she4 hui4 hua4] /socialization/to socialize/to fit into society/to train sb iety/ [she4 hui4 ming2 liu2] /celebrity/public figure/ [she4 hui4 tuan2 ti3] /social group/community organization/ [she4 hui4 xue2] /sociology/ [she4 hui4 gong1 zuo4] /social work/ [she4 hui4 gong1 zuo4 zhe3] /caseworker/social worker/ [she4 hui4 ping2 deng3] /social equality/ [she4 hui4 xing4] /social/ [she4 hui4 fu2 wu4] /social security (pensions, medical insurance)/ [she4 hui4 zheng4 yi4] /social justice/ [she4 hui4 min2 zhu3] /social democracy/ [she4 hui4 min2 zhu3 zhu3 yi4] /social democracy/ [she4 hui4 min2 zhu3 dang3] /Social Democratic Party/ [she4 hui4 huan2 jing4] /milieu/social environment/ [she4 hui4 ke1 xue2] /social sciences/ [she4 hui4 deng3 ji2] /social rank/class/caste/ [she4 hui4 jing1 ji4] /socio-economic/ [she4 hui4 zong3 xu1 qiu2] /aggregate social demand/total requirement [she4 hui4 xing2 dong4] /social actions/ [she4 hui4 yu3 yan2 xue2] /sociolinguistics/ [she4 hui4 guan1 xi4] /social relation/ [she4 hui4 guan1 huai2] /social care/ [she4 hui4 jie1 ceng2] /social hierarchy/stratum in society/social status [she4 hui4 dang3] /socialist party/ [She4 min2 dang3] /Social Democratic party/ [she4 huo3] /festival entertainment (lion dance, dragon lantern etc)/ [she4 ke1] /social science (abbr.)/ [She4 ke1 yuan4] /(Chinese) Academy of Social Sciences (CASS)/ [she4 ji4] /state/country/the Gods of earth and grain/ [she4 qun2] /community/social grouping/ [she4 ping2] /editorial (in a newspaper)/also written / [she4 lun4] /editorial (in a newspaper)/CL:[pian1]/ [she4 zhang3] /president or director (of association etc)/ [She4 tou2] /Shetou township in Changhua county [Zhang1 hua4 xian4], [She4 tou2 xiang1] /Shetou township in Changhua county [Zhang1 h [she4 shu3 cheng2 hu2] /lit. rat in a country shrine, fox on town walls; pled thugs who abuse others' power to bully and exploit people/ [yue4] /spring imperial ancestral sacrifice/ [si4] /to sacrifice/to offer libation to/ [si4 wu4] /sacrificial objects/ [si4 shen2] /to sacrifice to a God/ [Qi2] /surname Qi/ [qi2] /large/vast/ [Qi2 Xi1] /Qi Xi (c. 620-550 BC), minister of Jin state [Jin4 guo2] of t Autumn states/ [Qi2 Xi1 zhi1 jian4] /Qi Xi's recommendation (idiom); recommending the be the job independent of factional loyalty/ [Qi2 dong1] /Qidong county in Hengyang [Heng2 yang2], Hunan/ [Qi2 dong1 xian4] /Qidong county in Hengyang [Heng2 yang2], Hunan/ [Qi2 xian4] /Qixian county in Jinzhong [Jin4 zhong1], Shanxi/ [Qi2 lian2] /Qilian county in Haibei Tibetan autonomous prefecture i4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ [Qi2 lian2 shan1] /Mt Qilian in Qinhai/ [Qi2 lian2 Shan1 mai4] /Qilian Mountains (formerly Richthofen Range), div and Gansu provinces/ [Qi2 lian2 xian4] /Qilian county in Haibei Tibetan autonomous prefecture

u2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ [Qi2 men2] /Qimen county in Huangshan [Huang2 shan1], Anhui/ [Qi2 men2 xian4] /Qimen county in Huangshan [Huang2 shan1], Anhui/ [Qi2 yang2] /Qinyang county in Yongzhou [Yong3 zhou1], Hunan/ [Qi2 yang2 xian4] /Qinyang county in Yongzhou [Yong3 zhou1], Hunan/ [ta1] /he, it (pronoun used for God)/ [yao1] /evil spirit/goblin/witchcraft/variant of [yao1]/common erroneous variant of [Xian1] Ormazda/ [Xian1] /Ormazda, the Sun God of the Zoroastrians and Manicheans/the Sun God/ [Xian1 jiao4] /Zoroastrianism/ [Xian1 dao4] /Zoroastrianism/see also [Xian1 jiao4]/ [zhi3] /but/only/ [qi2] /earth-spirit/peace/ [zhi3 bu4 guo4] /it's just that .../ [qi2] /to implore/to pray/to request/ [qi2 xian1 tai2] /memorial altar/platform for praying to immortals/ [qi2 qiu2] /to pray for/to appeal/ [qi2 fu2 rang2 zai1] /to pray for luck and sacrifice to avoid disasters ( nal superstitions)/ [qi2 dao3] /to pray/to say one's prayers/prayer/ [zhi3] /felicity/ [zhi3 lu4] /happiness and wealth/ [beng1] /side altar inside ancestral temple/ [ren4] /variant of overlapping part of Chinese gown/ [shi2] /stone shrine/ [you4] /(of divinity) to bless/to protect/ [fu2] /to cleanse/to remove evil/ritual for seeking good fortune and avoiding di saster/ [fu2 zhuo2] /to cleanse/to purify/ [fu2 xi4] /exorcistic ablutions/ [fu2 shi4] /to refresh/to renew/ [fu4] /worship ancestors/ [mi4] /variant of [mi4]/ [mi4 chuan2] /secretly transmitted/esoteric lore/ [mi4 fang1] /secret recipe/ [mi4 ben3] /a treasured rare book/ [mi4 jie2] /constipation/ [mi4 er2 bu4 xuan1] /to withhold information/to keep sth secret/ [mi4 cang2] /hidden/a hidden treasure (often a Buddhist relic)/to keep secret/ [Zu3] /surname Zu/ [zu3] /ancestor/forefather/grandparents/ [zu3 chuan2] /passed on from ancestors/handed down from generation to generation/ [zu3 xian1] /ancestor/forebears/ [zu3 guo2] /ancestral land CL: [ge4]/homeland/used for PRC/ [Zu3 guo2 guang1 fu4 hui4] /movement to restore the fatherland/ [zu3 guo2 he2 ping2 tong3 yi1 wei3 yuan2 hui4] /Commi erland (North Korean)/ [zu3 fen2] /ancestral tomb/ [zu3 gu1 mu3] /father's father's sister/great aunt/ [zu3 zong1] /ancestor/forebear/ [zu3 ju1] /former residence/one's original home/ [zu3 mu3] /father's mother/paternal grandmother/ [zu3 mu3 lu:4] /emerald/ [Zu3 chong1 zhi1] /Zu Chongzhi (429-500), astronomer and mathematician/ [zu3 fu4] /father's father/paternal grandfather/ [zu3 fu4 mu3] /paternal grandparents/ [zu3 fu4 bei4] /people of one's grandparents' generation/ [zu3 zu3 bei4 bei4] /for generations/from generation to generation/ [zu3 ji2] /ancestral hometown/original domicile (and civil registration)/ [zu3 xi4] /ancestry/lineage/pedigree/also written /

[zu3 yu3] /proto-language/parent language (linguistics)/ [zu3 bei4] /ancestors/forefathers/ancestry/ [Zu3 ma3] /Zuma (name)/Jacob Zuma (1942-), South African ANC politician, vice-pre ident 1999-2005, president from 2009/ [Zu3 lu3] /Zulu/ [Zu3 lu3 ren2] /Zulu people/ [zu3 niao3] /dinosaur ancestor of birds/ [zu3 niao3 lei4] /dinosaur ancestors of birds/ [zhi1] /respectful (ly)/ [suan4] /variant of , to calculate/ [zuo4] /blessing/the throne/ [qu1] /sacrifice to drive away calamity/to dispel/to drive away/to remove/ [qu1 han2] /to dispel cold (in traditional Chinese medicine)/ [qu1 yu1] /variant of [qu1 yu1]/ [qu1 yi2] /to dispel doubts/ [qu1 tan2] /to dispel phlegm (general term of traditional Chinese medicine)/ [qu1 tan2 yao4] /medicine to dispel phlegm (in traditional Chinese medicine)/ [qu1 yu1] /to dispel blood stasis (in traditional Chinese medicine)/ [qu1 xie2] /to exorcise/to drive away evil spirits/ [qu1 xie2 chu2 zai1] /to drive away demons to prevent calamity (idiom)/ [qu1 chu2] /to dispel/to clear/ [qu1 feng1] /to relieve (cold, rheumatic pain etc)/lit. to dispel pathogenic wind (refers to traditional Chinese medicine)/ [hu4] /celestial blessing/ [Zhu4] /surname Zhu/ [zhu4] /to wish/to express good wishes/to pray/(old) wizard/ [Zhu4 Yun3 ming2] /Zhu Yunming (1460-1526), Ming dynasty calligrapher/ [zhu4 shou4] /birthday congratulations/ [zhu4 hao3] /wish you all the best! (when signing off on a correspondence)/ [Zhu4 Zhi1 shan1] /Zhu Zhishan (1460-1526), Ming calligrapher and poet, one o great southern talents of the Ming / [zhu4 fu2] /blessings/to wish sb well/ [zhu4 dao3] /to pray/ [Zhu4 rong2] /God of Fire/ [zhu4 xie4] /to give thanks/ [zhu4 he4] /to congratulate/congratulations/CL: [ge4]/ [zhu4 he4 ci2] /congratulatory speech/ [zhu4 jiu3] /to toast/to congratulate and drink a toast/ [zhu4 song4] /to express good wishes/ [zhu4 yuan4] /to wish/ [zhu4 fa4] /to cut one's hair (as part of a minority ritual or in order to become a monk)/ [shen2] /God/unusual/mysterious/soul/spirit/divine essence/lively/spiritual bein g/CL: [ge4]/abbr. for [Shen2 zhou1]/ [shen2 bu4 shou3 she4] /not in one's right mind/restless/ [shen2 bu4 zhi1 gui3 bu4 jue2] /top secret/hush-hush/ [shen2 hu1 qi2 ji4] /(idiom) brilliant/extremely skillful/virtuosic/ [shen2 jiao1] /soul brothers/friends in spirit who have never met/to commune with [shen2 ren2] /God/deity/ [shen2 xian1] /Daoist immortal/supernatural entity/(in modern fiction) fairy, elf leprechaun etc/fig. lighthearted person/ [Shen2 Fo2] /Gods and Buddhas/ [shen2 shang1] /depressed/dispirited/dejected/ [shen2 xian1] /variant of [shen2 xian1]/ [shen2 xiang4] /image of a God/ [shen2 chu1 gui3 mo4] /lit. Gods appear and devils vanish (idiom); to app pear unpredictably/to change rapidly/ [shen2 li4] /occult force/the power of a God or spirit/ [shen2 gong1] /miracle/remarkable feat/ [shen2 lao2 xing2 cui4] /to look worn out and feel weary (idiom)/

[shen2 hua4] /to make divine/apotheosis/ [shen2 qi2] /magical/mystical/miraculous/ [Shen2 nai4 chuan1] /Kanagawa, Japan/ [Shen2 nai4 chuan1 xian4] /Kanagawa prefecture, Japan/ [shen2 ao4] /mysterious/an enigma/ [Shen2 nu:3] /The Goddess, 1934 silent film about a Shanghai prostitute, directed by [Wu2 Yong3 gang1]/ [shen2 nu:3] /goddess/prostitute (slang)/ [shen2 nu:3 feng1] /name of a peak by Changjiang Three Gorges/ [shen2 miao4] /marvelous/wondrous/ [shen2 miao4 juan4 mei3] /outstanding and elegant/remarkable and refined/ [shen2 xue2] /theological/theology/ [shen2 xue2 shi4] /student of theology/Bachelor of Divinity/Taleban (Farsi: s / [shen2 xue2 jia1] /theologian/ [shen2 xue2 yan2 jiu1 suo3] /seminary/ [shen2 xue2 yuan4] /seminary/ [shen2 jia1 yuan2] /spiritual home/ [shen2 shan1] /sacred mountain/ [Shen2 gang1] /Shenkang township in Taichung county [Tai2 zhong1 xia [Shen2 gang1 xiang1] /Shenkang township in Taichung county [Tai2 [Shen2 zhou1] /old name for China/ [shen2 gong1 gui3 fu3] /supernaturally fine craft (idiom); the work of th y workmanship/superlative craftsmanship/ [shen2 chai1 gui3 shi3] /the work of gods and devils (idiom); unexplained out for a supernatural explanation/curious coincidence/ [shen2 miao4] /temple (nonspecific)/ [shen2 wang3] /to amaze/to fascinate/to take one's breath away/carried away/charm d/fascinating/absorbing/ [shen2 zhi4] /consciousness/state of mind/compos mentis/ [shen2 zhi4 hun1 mi2] /to be in a state of delirium/ [shen2 xing4] /divinity/ [shen2 guai4] /spirits and devils (usually harmful)/demon/ [shen2 qing2] /look/expression/ [shen2 ai4 shi4 ren2] /the gods love the common people (idiom)/ [shen2 tai4] /appearance/manner/bearing/deportment/look/expression/mien/ [shen2 wei4] /spiritual consolation/ [Shen2 cheng2 wei2 ren2] /God became man/ [Shen2 hu4] /Kbe, major Japanese port near saka/ [shen2 tan4] /master sleuth/lit. miraculous detective/cf Sherlock Holmes ] or Di Renjie [Di2 Ren2 jie2]/ [shen2 ming2] /deities/gods/ [shen2 zhi4] /mind/wisdom/consciousness/ [Shen2 qu3] /The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri / [Shen2 mu4] /Shenmu county in Yln [Yu2 lin2], Shnx/ [Shen2 mu4 xian4] /Shenmu county in Yln [Yu2 lin2], Shnx/ [shen2 ku1] /spiritual desolation/ [shen2 ge2] /Godhead/ [shen2 quan2] /divine right (of kings)/ [shen2 quan2 zheng4 zhi4] /theocracy/ [shen2 quan2 tong3 zhi4] /theocracy/ [shen2 dian4] /shrine/ [shen2 qi4] /expression/manner/spirited/vigorous/ [Shen2 chi2] /Shenchi county in Xinzhou [Xin1 zhou1], Shanxi/ [Shen2 chi2 xian4] /Shenchi county in Xinzhou [Xin1 zhou1], Shanxi/ [shen2 zhi4 guo2] /theocracy/also written [shen2 quan2 tong3 [shen2 you2] /to go on a mental journey/ [shen2 fu5] /Christian priest or clergyman/(spiritual) father/ [shen2 shou4] /mythological animal/ [shen2 fu5] /variant of [shen2 fu5]/

[Shen2 de5 Er2 zi5] /the Son of God/ [shen2 she4] /shrine/ [shen2 qi2] /gods/ [shen2 mi4 mo4 ce4] /mystery/unfathomable/enigmatic/ [shen2 zu3] /Godhead/ [shen2 ci2] /shrine/ [shen2 mi4] /mysterious/mystery/ [shen2 mi4 zhu3 yi4] /mysticism/ [shen2 tong2] /child prodigy/ [shen2 bi3] /lit. divine pen/fig. outstanding writing/ [shen2 jing1] /nerve/ [shen2 jing1 yuan2] /neuron/ [shen2 jing1 yuan2 wang3] /neural network/ [shen2 jing1 yuan2] /neuron/also written / [shen2 jing1 wai4 ke1] /neurosurgery/ [shen2 jing1 da4 tiao2] /thick-skinned/insensitive/ [shen2 jing1 shi1 chang2] /mental aberration/nervous abnormality/ [shen2 jing1 xue2] /neurology/ [shen2 jing1 xue2 jia1] /neurologist/ [shen2 jing1 xing4] /neural/mental/neurological/ [shen2 jing1 xing4 du2 ji4] /nerve agent/nerve gas/ [shen2 jing1 xing4 shi4 sun3 shang1] /neurological visual impairm [shen2 jing1 du2 su4] /neurotoxin/ [shen2 jing1 an1 suan1 mei2] /neuraminidase (the N of virus such as b [shen2 jing1 sheng1 wu4 xue2] /neurobiology/ [shen2 jing1 bing4] /mental disorder/neuropathy/mental case (derogatory)/ [shen2 jing1 zheng4] /nervous illness/mental illness/ [shen2 jing1 tong4] /neuralgia (medicine)/ [shen2 jing1 ke1] /neurology/ [shen2 jing1 tu1] /nerve process/ [shen2 jing1 guan3] /neural tube (embryology)/ [shen2 jing1 xi4 tong3] /nervous system/ [shen2 jing1 suo3] /spinal chord/ [shen2 jing1 xi4 bao1] /nerve cells/ [shen2 jing1 wang3] /neural net/ [shen2 jing1 wang3 luo4] /neurological/neural network(s)/ [shen2 jing1 wang3 lu4] /neural network (artificial or biological)/ [shen2 jing1 xian1 wei2] /neurofibril/ [shen2 jing1 xian1 wei2 liu2] /neurofibroma/ [shen2 jing1 jiao1 zhi4] /glial cell/neuroglia/ [shen2 jing1 jiao1 zhi4 xi4 bao1] /glial cell (provide support to [shen2 jing1 shuai1 ruo4] /(euphemism) mental illness/psychasthenia/ [shen2 jing1 zhi4] /nervousness/ [shen2 jing1 guo4 min3] /jumpy/nervous/oversensitive/ [shen2 sheng4] /divine/hallow/holy/sacred/ [Shen2 sheng4 Luo2 ma3 di4 guo2] /the Holy Roman empire (history) [shen2 sheng4 zhou1] /Holy week/Easter week (esp. Catholic)/ [shen2 zhi2] /theocratic/ [shen2 zhi2 ren2 yuan2] /clergy/cleric/ [Shen2 zhou1] /Shenzhou (spacecraft)/Hasee (computer manufacturer)/ [Shen2 zhou1 hao4 fei1 chuan2] /Shenzhou (spacecraft)/ [shen2 zhou1 dian4 nao3] /Hasee (computer manufacturer)/ [shen2 se4] /expression/look/ [shen2 hua4] /legend/fairy tale/myth/mythology/ [shen2 hua4 gu4 shi5] /mythological story/myth/ [shen2 yu4] /oracle/ [shen2 pu3] /list of Gods and Immortals/pantheon/ [shen2 ji4] /miracle/ [shen2 yu2] /mikoshi (Japanese portable Shinto shrine)/ [Shen2 nong2] /Shennong or Farmer God (c. 2000 BC), first of the legendary Flame

mperors, [Yan2 di4] and creator of agriculture/ [Shen2 nong2 ben3 cao3 jing1] /Shennong's compendium of materia medic armacological compendium, 3 scrolls/ [Shen2 nong2 jia4] /Shennongjialin, directly administered forestry reserve in ubei/ [Shen2 nong2 jia4 di4 qu1] /Shennongjialin, directly administered for st Hubei/ [Shen2 nong2 jia4 lin2 qu1] /Shennongjialin, directly administered fo ast Hubei/ [Shen2 nong2 shi4] /Shennong or Farmer God (c. 2000 BC), first of the legenda e Emperors, [Yan2 di4] and creator of agriculture in China/followers or clan of Sh ennong [Shen2 nong2]/ [shen2 tong1] /remarkable ability/magical power/ [shen2 su4] /lightning speed/amazingly rapid/incredible pace of development/ [Shen2 dao4] /Shinto (Japanese religion)/ [shen2 cai3] /expression/spirit/vigor/ [shen2 cai3 yi4 yi4] /in glowing spirits (idiom); bursting with life/radi and vigor/ [shen2 cai3 fei1 yang2] /in high spirits (idiom); glowing with health and [Shen2 diao1 xia2 lu:3] /The Return of the Condor Heroes (classic wuxia m V films of 1998 and 2006 based on novel by Jinyong )/variant of / [shen2 ling2] /a God/spirit/demon/occult or supernatural entities in general/ [shen2 yun4] /charm or grace (in poetry or art)/ [shen2 feng1 te4 bie2 gong1 ji1 dui4] /kamikaze (Japanese sui [shen2 feng1 te4 gong1 dui4] /kamikaze/abbr. for [shen2 sui3] /lit. spirit and marrow/the essential character/ [shen2 ti3] /Godhead/ [shen2 hun2] /mind/state of mind (often abnormal)/ [shen2 hun2 dian1 dao3] /lit. spirit and soul upside-down (idiom); infatu over heels in love/fascinated/captivated/ [shen2 mo2 xiao3 shuo1] /supernatural novel/novel of ghosts and goblins/ [shen2 niao3] /supernatural bird/ [Shen2 diao1 xia2 lu:3] /The Return of the Condor Heroes (classic wuxia m V films of 1998 and 2006 based on novel by Jinyong )/ [Shen2 long2 Qi4 che1] /Dongfeng Peugeot Citron Automobile Company Ltd/ [sui4] /evil spirit/ [ci2] /ancestral hall/temple/to worship/ [ci2 tang2] /ancestral hall/memorial hall/ [ci2 mu4] /memorial hall and tomb/ [ci2 miao4] /ancestral hall/temple to one's forebears/ [xiang2] /auspicious/propitious/ [xiang2 guang1] /auspicious light/ [xiang2 rui4] /auspicious/propitious/ [Xiang2 yun2] /Xiangyun county in Dali Bai autonomous prefecture [D i4 zhou1], Yunnan/ [xiang2 yun2] /magic cloud/ [Xiang2 yun2 xian4] /Xiangyun county in Dali Bai autonomous prefecture 4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ [tiao1] /ancestral hall/ [piao4] /ticket/ballot/bank note/CL: [zhang1]/person held for ransom/amateur perf rmance of Chinese opera/classifier for shipments and business transactions (topo lect)/ [piao4 jia4] /ticket price/fare/admission fee/ [piao4 quan4] /voucher/share/share certificate/ [piao4 hui4] /draft remittance/ [piao4 you3] /an amateur actor (e.g. in Chinese opera)/ [piao4 you3 r5] /an amateur actor (e.g. in Chinese opera)/ [piao4 fang2] /box office/ [piao4 ju4] /bill/banknote/voucher/receipt/ [piao4 ju4 fa3] /negotiable instruments act/

[piao4 shu4] /number of votes/poll count/ [piao4 gen1] /ticket stub/ [piao4 huo2] /to work as amateur for no pay/ [piao4 zhan4] /polling station/ [piao4 xiang1] /ballot box/ [piao4 zhuang1] /money shop (ancient form of banking business)/ [piao4 zheng4] /a ticket/a pass (e.g. to enter a building)/ [piao4 xuan3] /to vote by ballot/ [piao4 mian4 zhi2] /par value/face value (of a bond)/ [xia2] /triennial sacrifice to ancestors/ [Zhai4] /surname Zhai/ [ji4] /to offer sacrifice/festive occasion/ [ji4 dian3] /sacrificial ceremony/religious festival/ [ji4 si1] /priest/ [ji4 si1 quan2 shu4] /priestcraft/ [ji4 pin3] /offering/ [ji4 qi4] /ritual dishes/sacrificial vessels/ [ji4 tan2] /altar/ [ji4 dian4] /to offer sacrifices (to one's ancestors)/to hold or attend a memoria service/ [ji4 diao4] /to mourn and offer prayers/ [ji4 bai4] /to offer sacrifice (to one's ancestors)/ [ji4 wu4] /sacrifices/ [ji4 si4] /to offer sacrifices to the gods or ancestors/ [ji4 zu3] /to offer sacrifices to one's ancestors/ [ji4 li3] /sacrificial offerings/worship/religious rite/ [ji4 sai4] /to give sacrifice/ [ji4 jiu3] /to offer a libation/person who performs the libation before a banquet senior member of a profession/important government post in Imperial China/ [jin1] /evil force/ [qi2] /auspicious/propitious/good luck/felicity/euphoria/used for , e.g. in , l Chinese dress/ [gu4] /variant of , disaster/ [guan4] /pour out libation/ [lu4] /good fortune/official salary/ [lu4 wei4] /official rank and salary/ [lu4 feng4] /official pay/ [Lu4 quan4] /Luquan Yizu Miaozu autonomous county in Yunnan/ [Lu4 quan4 Yi2 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Luquan 1 ming2], Yunnan/ [Lu4 quan4 xian4] /Luquan Yi and Miao autonomous county in Kunming [Kun1 n/ [lu4 ming4] /person's lot through life/ [lu4 xing1] /Star God of Rank and Affluence (Daoism)/ [lu4 zhi4] /official rank and pay/ [lu4 ji2] /good fortune and reputation/ [lu4 du4] /sinecurist/ [Lu4 feng1] /Lufeng county in Chuxiong Yi autonomous prefecture hou1], Yunnan/ [Lu4 feng1 xian4] /Lufeng county in Chuxiong Yi autonomous prefecture i4 zhou1], Yunnan/ [lu4 shi2] /official pay/ [lu4 yang3] /to support sb with official pay/ [lu4 er3] /official pay as bait (for talent)/ [jin1] /to endure/ [jin4] /to prohibit/to forbid/ [jin1 bu5 zhu4] /can't help it/can't bear it/ [jin1 bu5 qi3] /to be unable to stand/ [jin4 ling4] /prohibition/ban/ [jin4 fa2] /a ban on logging/

[jin4 zhi4] /to control/to restrict/to prohibit/prohibition/restriction/ [jin4 zhi4 ling4] /prohibition/ban/law forbidding sth/ [jin4 qu1] /restricted area/forbidden region/ [jin1 shou4] /to stand/to endure/ [jin1 shou4 shi2 jian1 de5 kao3 yan4] /to stand the test of t [jin4 pin3] /contraband goods/ [jin4 ye4] /curfew/ [jin4 ji4] /taboo/contraindication (medicine)/to abstain from/ [jin4 ji4 yu3] /taboo language/ [jin4 yu4] /to suppress desire/self-restraint/asceticism/ [jin4 yu4 zhu3 yi4] /asceticism/ [jin4 jie4] /guard against/ [jin4 shu1] /banned book/ [jin4 guo3] /forbidden fruit/ [jin4 zhi3] /to prohibit/to forbid/to ban/ [jin4 zhi3 ling4 xing2] /lit. if he orders you go, he forbids you stop (i o demand exact compliance with instructions/to ensure strictly obedience/ [jin4 zhi3 xi1 yan1] /No smoking!/ [jin4 zhi3 wai4 chu1] /to forbid sb to go out/to curfew/to ground (as dis sure)/ [jin4 zhi3 he2 wu3 qi4 shi4 yan4 tiao2 yue1] /nuclear [jin4 zhi3 shi3 ru4] /Do not enter! (road sign)/ [jin4 du2] /drug prohibition/ [jin4 yu2] /ban on fishing/ [jin4 yan3] /to prohibit performance/ [jin4 yan1] /prohibition on opium (esp. from 18th- early 20th century)/smoking ba /No Smoking! (usual sign in Japan)/ [jin4 yong4] /to prohibit the use of sth/prohibition on use/ [jin4 luan2] /exclusive property/forbidden domain/ [jin4 yao4] /drugs ban (e.g. for athletes)/ [jin4 jian4] /forbidden to meet/solitary confinement/ [jin4 yu3] /taboo (word)/unmentionable word/ [jin4 zu2] /to forbid sb to go out/to confine to one location (e.g. student, sold er, prisoner, monk etc)/to ground (as disciplinary measure)/to gate/to curfew/re striction on movement/ban on visiting a place/out of bounds/off limits/caveat/ [jin4 jun1] /imperial guard/ [jin4 yun4] /embargo/export ban (e.g. on weapons)/ [jin4 jiu3] /prohibition/ban on alcohol/dry law/ [jin4 jiu3 ling4] /prohibition/ban on alcohol/ [jin4 gu4] /to confine/to imprison/prohibition/shackles/fetters/ [jin4 shi2] /fast (not eat)/ [dao3] /to pray/prayer/ [chu3] /erroneous form of / [xi4] /semi-annual ceremony of purification/ [yin1] /sacrifice/ [huo4] /disaster/misfortune/calamity/ [huo4 bu4 dan1 xing2] /Misfortune does not come singly (idiom)./It never pours./ [huo4 bu4 xuan2 zhong3] /trouble is never far away (idiom)/ [huo4 shi4] /disaster/doom/ [huo4 hai4] /disaster/harm/scourge/bad person/to damage/to harm/to wreck/ [huo4 cong2 kou3 chu1] /Trouble issues from the mouth (idiom). A loose to e a lot of trouble./ [huo4 huan4] /disaster/calamity/ [huo4 gen1] /root of the trouble/cause of the ruin/ [huo4 fu2] /disaster and happiness/ [huo4 fu2 ji2 xiong1] /fate/portent/luck or disasters as foretold in the ogy)/ [huo4 fu2 wu2 chang2] /disaster and happiness do not follow rules (idiom) sings and misfortunes are unpredictable/

[huo4 fu2 yu3 gong4] /stick together through thick and thin/ [huo4 shou3] /chief offender/main culprit/ [huo4 shou3 zui4 kui2] /main offender, criminal ringleader (idiom); main main cause of a disaster/ [zhen1] /auspicious/lucky/ [Fu2] /surname Fu/abbr. for Fujian province [Fu2 jian4 sheng3]/ [fu2] /good fortune/happiness/luck/ [Fu2 lao3] /Hoklo/ [Fu2 ke4] /Fock or Foch (name)/ [Fu2 ke4 na4] /William Faulkner (1897-1962), American novelist and poet/ [Fu2 ke4 lan2 qun2 dao3] /Falkland Islands/ [fu2 fen5] /one's happy lot/good fortune/ [fu2 li4] /(material) welfare/well-being/ [fu2 li4 shi4 ye4] /welfare work/ [fu2 li4 zheng4 ce4] /welfare policy/ [fu2 li4 yuan4] /welfare agency/ [fu2 di4] /happy land/paradise/ [fu2 bao4] /karmic reward (Buddhism)/ [fu2 shou4 mian2 chang2] /good luck and long life/ [fu2 shou4 luo2] /giant Amazon snail (Ampullaria gigas spix), that has devast ce paddies in China since its introduction in the 1980s/ [fu2 ru2 Dong1 hai3] /lucky as immense as the East sea (idiom); a lucky s [fu2 wei3 hui4] /welfare committee/abbr. for / [Fu2 wa2] /Fuwa (official 2008 Olympic mascots)/ [Fu2 an1] /Fu'an county level city in Ningde [Ning2 de2], Fujian/ [Fu2 an1 shi4] /Fu'an county level city in Ningde [Ning2 de2], Fujia [Fu2 shan1] /Fushan district of Yantai city , Shandong/ [Fu2 shan1 qu1] /Fushan district of Yantai city , Shandong/ [Fu2 gang1] /Fukuoka, city in Kyushyu, Japan/ [Fu2 gang1 xian4] /Fukuoka prefecture/ [Fu2 dao3] /Fukushima (Japanese surname and place name)/ [Fu2 dao3 xian4] /Fukushima prefecture in north Japan/ [Fu2 zhou1] /Fuzhou prefecture level city and capital of Fujian province in east hina/formerly known as Foochow or Fuchow/ [Fu2 zhou1 shi4] /Fuzhou prefecture level city and capital of Fujian province t China/formerly known as Foochow or Fuchow/ [Fu2 bu4 si1] /Forbes (US publisher)/Forbes magazine/ [Fu2 jian4] /Fujian province (Fukien) in east China, abbr. or , capital F [Fu2 jian4 sheng3] /Fujian province (Fukien) in east China, abbr. or / [Fu2 mo2 sa4] /Formosa/ [Fu2 si1 ta3 fu1] /Falstaff (Shakespearian character)/ [Fu2 si1 te4] /Foster or Forster (name)/Stephen Collins Foster (1826-1864), A composer/ [fu2 xing1] /mascot/lucky star/ [fu2 xing1 gao1 zhao4] /lucky star in the ascendant (idiom); a lucky sign [fu2 jin4] /in Qing dynasty, Manchurian word for wife/ [fu2 lin2] /forint (Hungarian currency)/ [Fu2 ke1] /Foucault/ [fu2 qi5] /good fortune/to enjoy good fortune/ [Fu2 quan2] /Fuquan county level city in Qiannan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefec ure [Qian2 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ [Fu2 quan2 shi4] /Fuquan county level city in Qiannan Buyei and Miao autonomo ecture [Qian2 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ [Fu2 hai3] /Fuhai county or Burultoqay nahiyisi in Altay prefecture Xinjiang/ [Fu2 hai3 xian4] /Fuhai county or Burultoqay nahiyisi in Altay prefecture 1], Xinjiang/ [Fu2 qing1] /Fuqing county level city in Fuzhou [Fu2 zhou1], Fujian/ [Fu2 qing1 shi4] /Fuqing county level city in Fuzhou [Fu2 zhou1], Fujian/

[fu2 ze2] /good fortune/ [Fu2 ze2 Yu4 ji2] /Fukuzawa Yukichi (1835-1901), prominent Japanese weste al educator and founder of Keio University/ [Fu2 xu4] /Ferdinand Foch (1851-1929), leading French general and commander-in-ch ef of allied forces in the latter stages of World War One/ [Fu2 er3] /Flix Faure (former president of France)/ [Fu2 er3 mo2 si1] /Sherlock Holmes, [Xie [Fu2 te4] /Ford (name)/Ford, US car make/ [Fu2 te4 qi4 che1] /Ford motors/ [Fu2 tian2] /Futian district of Shenzhen City , Guangdong/Fukuda (name)/FUK (1936-), Japanese LDP politician, prime minister 2007-2008/ [fu2 tian2] /field for growing happiness/domain for practices leading to enlighte ment (Buddhism)/ [Fu2 tian2 qu1] /Futian district of Shenzhen City , Guangdong/ [fu2 xiang4] /facial expression of good fortune/joyous and contented look/ [fu2 zhi3] /well-being/welfare/ [Fu2 lu4 bei4 er3] /surname Frbel or Froebel/Friedrich Wilhelm August Fr German pedagogue/ [Fu2 wei2 ke4] /Vorwerk (brand)/ [Fu2 xing1] /Fuhsing township in Changhua county [Zhang1 hua4 xian4] [Fu2 xing1 xiang1] /Fuhsing township in Changhua county [Zhang1 [Fu2 gong4] /Fugong county in Nujiang Lisu autonomous prefecture i4 zhi4 zhou1] in northwest Yunnan/ [Fu2 gong4 xian4] /Fugong county in Nujiang Lisu autonomous prefecture u2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1] in northwest Yunnan/ [fu2 yin1] /gospel/ [fu2 yin1 shu1] /gospel/ [fu2 ma3 lin2] /formalin/ [Fu2 ding3] /Fuding county level city in Ningde [Ning2 de2], Fujian/ [Fu2 ding3 shi4] /Fuding county level city in Ningde [Ning2 de2], Fu [wu2] /happy/used in historical names/ [ti2] /well-being/ [yi1] /excellent/precious/rare/fine/used in given names/ [yi1 sui2] /easy-going/ [mei2] /heir-requesting sacrifice/ [di4] /imperial ancestral sacrifice/ [zhuo2] /place name/ [zhen1] /to receive blessings in a sincere spirit/ [yong3] /sacrifice/ [si1] /felicity/blessing/ [ma4] /(arch.) religious ritual on setting out for war/ [Ta4] /surname Ta/see also [ta1]/ [Xuan1] /surname Xuan/ [qi2] /old variant of [qi2]/ [yu4] /to defend/to resist/ [yu4 fu1 zuo4] /Auriga (constellation)/ [yu4 di2] /armed enemy of the nation/enemy of the Emperor/fig. championship chall nger/contender opposing champion in sporting contest/ [xi3] /joy/ [Xi3 ma3 nuo4] /Shimano (brand)/ [ji1] /omen/pray/ [chan2] /dhyana (Sanskrit)/Zen/meditation (Buddhism)/ [shan4] /to abdicate/ [shan4 wei4] /to abdicate (as king)/ [Chan2 cheng2] /see [Chan2 cheng2 qu1]/ [Chan2 cheng2 qu1] /Chancheng district, Foshan city, Guangdong/ [chan2 tang2] /meditation room (in Buddhist monastery)/ [chan2 zong1] /Zen Buddhism/ [chan2 shi1] /honorific title for a Buddhist monk/ [chan2 fang2] /a room in a Buddhist monastery/a temple/

[chan2 zhang4] /the staff of a Buddhist monk/ [chan2 lin2] /a Buddhist temple/ [chan2 ji1] /Buddhism subtleties/Buddhist allegory/ [shan4 rang4] /to abdicate/ [chan2 men2 wu3 zong1] /the five schools of Chan Buddhism (idiom)/ [chan2 yuan4] /Buddhist hall/ [tan3] /sacrifice at the end of mourning/ [Li3] /surname Li/ [li3] /gift/rite/ceremony/CL:[fen4]/propriety/etiquette/courtesy/ [li3 su2] /etiquette/custom/ [li3 yi2] /etiquette/ceremony/ [li3 zhi4] /etiquette/system of rites/ [li3 pin3] /gift/present/ [li3 qi4] /ritual dishes/sacrificial vessels/ [li3 tang2] /assembly hall/auditorium/CL:[zuo4], [chu4]/ [li3 huai4 yue4 beng1] /rites and music are in ruins (idiom); fig. societ sarray/ [li3 shang4 wang3 lai2] /lit. proper behaviour is based on reciprocity (i return politeness for politeness/ [li3 beng1 yue4 huai4] /rites collapse, music spoilt (idiom); degeneratio eligious rites/Things ain't what they used to be./ [li3 mao4] /western-style man's hat/ [li3 fei4 yue4 beng1] /rites and music are in ruins (idiom); fig. society array/ [li3 bai4] /week/religious service/worship/CL: [ge4]/ [li3 bai4 yi1] /Monday/ [li3 bai4 san1] /Wednesday/ [li3 bai4 er4] /Tuesday/ [li3 bai4 wu3] /Friday/ [li3 bai4 yi2 shi4] /liturgical/ [li3 bai4 liu4] /Saturday/ [li3 bai4 si4] /Thursday/ [li3 bai4 tang2] /chapel/ [li3 bai4 tian1] /Sunday/ [li3 bai4 ri4] /Sunday/ [li3 jiao4] /Confucian code of ethics/ [li3 jiao4 chi1 ren2] /sufferings brought about by Confucian ethics/ [li3 shu4] /etiquette/(old) gradation of etiquette with social status/ [li3 fu2] /full dress/ [li3 yue4 beng1 huai4] /rites and music are in ruins (idiom); fig. societ sarray/ [Li3 quan2] /Liquan county in Xinyng [Xian2 yang2], Shnx / [Li3 quan2 xian4] /Liquan county in Xinyng [Xian2 yang2], Shnx [li3 fa3] /etiquette/ceremonial rites/ [li3 pao4] /a gun salute (e.g. 21-gun salute)/salvo/ [Li3 pao4 hao4] /Salyut (salute), Russian spacecraft series/ [li3 wu4] /gift/present/CL:[jian4], [ge4],[fen4]/ [li3 jie2] /etiquette/ [li3 jing1] /Classic of Rites (same as )/ [Li3 xian4] /Li county in Longnan [Long3 nan2], Gansu/ [li3 yi4] /righteousness/justice/ [li3 yi4 lian2 chi3] /sense of propriety, justice, integrity and honour ( social bonds, [si4 wei2])/ [li3 hua1] /fireworks/ [Li3 ji4] /Classic of Rites/ [li3 zan4] /to praise/well done, bravo!/ [li3 mao4] /courtesy/manners/ [li3 bin1] /protocol/official etiquette/ [li3 xian2 xia4 shi4] /respect for the wise/ [li3 qing1 ren2 yi4 zhong4] /slight present but weighty meaning (idio

esent the counts, it's the thought behind it./ [li3 qing1 ren2 yi4 zhong4 , qian1 li3 song4 t but weighty meaning (idiom); It's not the present the counts, it's the thought behind it./ [li3 qing1 qing2 yi4 zhong4] /goose feather sent from afar, a triflin ighty thought behind it (idiom); It's not the gift that counts, but the thought behind it./ [li3 yu4] /courtesy/deferential treatment/polite reception/ [Li3 Bu4] /Ministry of (Confucian) Rites in Imperial China/ [li3 bu4 shang4 shu1] /Director of Board of Rites (Confucian)/ [Mi2] /surname Mi/ [mi2] /memorial tablet in a temple commemorating a deceased father/ [dao3] /prayer/pray/supplication/ [dao3 gao4] /to pray/prayer/ [dao3 nian4] /to pray/to say one's prayers/ [dao3 wen2] /litany (text of a prayer)/ [dao3 zhu4] /to pray/ [dao3 ci2] /litany (text of a prayer)/ [rang2] /sacrifice for avoiding calamity/ [yue4] /spring imperial ancestral sacrifice/ [rou2] /trample/ [Yu3] /Yu the Great (c. 21st century BC), mythical leader who tamed the floods/s urname Yu/ [Yu3 cheng2] /Yucheng county level city in Dezhou [De2 zhou1], Shandong/ [Yu3 cheng2 shi4] /Yucheng county level city in Dezhou [De2 zhou1], Shand [Yu3 zhou1] /Yuzhou, county-level city in Xuchang [Xu3 chang1 shi4] [Yu3 zhou1 shi4] /Yuzhou, county-level city in Xuchang [Xu3 chan [Yu3 hui4] /Yuhui district of Bengbu city [Beng4 bu4 shi4], Anhui/ [Yu3 hui4 qu1] /Yuhui district of Bengbu city [Beng4 bu4 shi4], Anhui/ [Yu3 wang2 tai2] /Yuwangtai district of Kaifeng city [Kai1 feng1 [Yu3 wang2 tai2 qu1] /Yuwangtai district of Kaifeng city [Ka [ou3] /archaic variant of [ou3]/ [yu2] /ancient area/ [yu4] /legendary monkey of ancient China/ [li2] /mythical beast (archaic)/ [qin2] /generic term for birds and animals/birds/to capture (old)/ [qin2 liu2 gan3] /bird flu/avian influenza/ [qin2 shou4] /birds and animals/creature/beast (brutal person)/ [qin2 shou4 bu4 ru2] /worse than a beast/to behave immorally/ [qin2 chu4] /poultry and livestock/ [qin2 dan4] /bird eggs/ [qin2 lei4] /bird species/birds/ [qin2 niao3] /birds/fowl/ [qin2 long2] /iguanodon/ [he2] /cereal/grain/ [he2 chang2] /threshing floor/ [he2 mu4 ke1] /gramineae (family including bamboo, cereals, rice)/ [he2 ben3 ke1] /Graminae or Poaceae, the grass family/ [he2 gan3] /straw/ [he2 gu3] /cereal/food grain/ [he2 miao2] /seedling (of rice or other grain)/CL:[ke1]/ [he2 cao3] /grass/ [tu1] /bald/blunt/ [tu1 bao3 gai4] /name of "cover" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radica ee also [mi4]/ [tu1 piao2] /bald head (colloquial)/ [Tu1 fa1] /a branch of the Xianbei nomadic people/ [tu1 ding3] /bald head/ [tu1 tou2] /baldness/ [tu1 lu:2] /Buddhist monk (mocking)/lit. bald donkey/

[tu1 jiu4] /bald eagle/cinereous vulture/condor/CL: [zhi1]/ [tu1 ying1] /condor/bald eagle/ [xiu4] /handsome/refined/elegant/graceful/performance/ear of grain/show (loanwor d)/CL: [chang2]/ [Xiu4 shan1] /Xiushan Tujiazu-Miaozu autonomous county in Sichuan/ [Xiu4 shan1 Tu3 jia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4 anjiang suburbs of Chongqing municipality/ [Xiu4 shan1 xian4] /Xiushan Miao and Tujia autonomous county in Qianjiang sub Chongqing municipality/ [Xiu4 feng1] /Xiufeng district of Guilin city [Gui4 lin2 shi4], Guangxi/ [Xiu4 feng1 qu1] /Xiufeng district of Guilin city [Gui4 lin2 shi4], Gua [Xiu4 yu3] /Xiuyu district of Putian city [Pu2 tian2 shi4], Fujian/ [Xiu4 yu3 qu1] /Xiuyu district of Putian city [Pu2 tian2 shi4], Fujian/ [xiu4 cai5] /a person who has passed the county level imperial exam (historical)/ cholar/skillful writer/fine talent/ [Xiu4 lin2] /Xiulin or Hsiulin township in Hualien county [Hua1 lian an/ [Xiu4 lin2 xiang1] /Xiulin or Hsiulin township in Hualien county Taiwan/ [xiu4 qi5] /delicate/graceful/ [Xiu4 shui3] /Hsiushui township in Changhua county [Zhang1 hua4 xian [Xiu4 shui3 xiang1] /Hsiushui township in Changhua county [Zhang [Xiu4 zhou1] /Xiuzhou district of Jiaxing city [Jia1 xing1 shi4], Zh [Xiu4 zhou1 qu1] /Xiuzhou district of Jiaxing city [Jia1 xing1 s [xiu4 mei3] /elegant/graceful/ [xiu4 se4 sun1 die2] /yellowtail/ [Xiu4 ying1] /Xiuying district of Haikou city [Hai3 kou3 shi4], Hainan/ [Xiu4 ying1 qu1] /Xiuying district of Haikou city [Hai3 kou3 shi4], Hai [xiu4 ya3] /exquisite/in good taste/ [xiu4 fa4] /beautiful hair/ [xiu4 fa4 chui2 jian1] /beautiful shoulder length hair (idiom)/ [xiu4 li4] /pretty/beautiful/ [si1] /personal/private/selfish/ [si1 xia4] /in private/ [si1 liao3] /to settle privately/to solve behind closed doors/to settle out of co rt/ [si1 shi4] /personal matters/ [si1 ren2] /private/personal/interpersonal/sb with whom one has a close personal elationship/a member of one's clique/ [si1 ren2 yao4 shi5] /private key (in encryption)/ [si1 chou2] /personal grudge/ [si1 qi3] /private enterprise/abbr. of [si1 ying2 qi3 ye4]/ [si1 pian1] /selfish preference/ [si1 li4] /personal gain/(one's own) selfish interest/ [si1 mu4] /private placement (investing)/ [si1 mu4 ji1 jin1] /private equity fund/fund offered to private placement fund)/ [si1 tun1] /to misappropriate (public funds etc)/to embezzle/ [si1 nang2] /one's own pocket/ [si1 shu2] /private school (in former times)/ [si1 ben1] /to elope/ [si1 jia1] /private/privately owned or managed/ [si1 jia1 che1] /private car/ [si1 mi4] /private/secret/intimate/ [si1 di3 xia5] /privately/secretly/confidentially/ [si1 xin1] /selfishness/selfish motives/ [si1 qing2] /private passion/love affair/relationship/ [si1 fen4] /personal spite/malice/ [si1 fang2] /private house/ [si1 fang2 qian2] /secret purse/secret stash of money/

[si1 you3] /private/privately-owned/ [si1 you3 zhi4] /private ownership of property/ [si1 you3 hua4] /privatization/to privatize/ [si1 you3 cai2 chan3] /private good/ [si1 yu4] /selfish desire/ [si1 fa3] /private law/ [si1 ying2] /privately-owned/private/ [si1 ying2 qi3 ye4] /private business/opposite: state-owned enterprise [si1 sheng1 zi3] /illegitimate child (male)/bastard/love child/ [si1 sheng1 zi3 nu:3] /illegitimate child/bastard/love child/ [si1 mi4] /see [si1 mi4]/ [si1 li4] /private (company, school etc)/ [si1 li4 xue2 xiao4] /private school/ [si1 zi4] /private/personal/secretly/without explicit approval/ [si1 cang2] /secret store/a stash (of contraband)/ [si1 chu4] /private parts/genitalia/ [si1 xing2] /to travel on private business/to act without official approval/to in pect incognito/to act in one's own interest/ [si1 yu3] /murmur/ [si1 mou2 pan4 guo2] /to secretly plan treason (idiom)/ [si1 ban4] /privately-run/private enterprise/ [xian1] /common rice/ [Bing3] /surname Bing/ [bing3] /to grasp/to hold/to maintain/ [bing3 gong1] /justly/impartially/ [bing3 gong1 ban4 li3] /conducting business impartially (idiom); to act j [bing3 xing4] /innate character/natural disposition/attitude/ [bing3 cheng2] /to take orders/to receive commands/ [bing3 chi2] /to uphold/to hold fast to/ [bing3 zhu2] /variant of [bing3 zhu2]/ [bing3 bi3] /to hold the pen/to do the actual writing/ [nian2] /grain/harvest (old)/variant of [nian2]/ [Qiu1] /surname Qiu/ [qiu1] /autumn/fall/harvest time/a swing/ [qiu1 ling4] /autumn/autumn weather/ [qiu1 dao1 yu2] /Pacific saury (Cololabis saira)/ [Qiu1 fen1] /Qiufen or Autumn Equinox, 16th of the 24 solar terms er/ [qiu1 fen1 dian3] /the autumn equinox/ [qiu1 tian1] /autumn/CL: [ge4]/ [qiu1 ji4] /autumn/fall/ [qiu1 ji4 xue2 qi1] /fall semester/ [qiu1 shen3] /autumn trial (judicial hearing of capital cases during Ming and Qin )/ [qiu1 zheng1] /autumn levy (tax on harvest)/ [qiu1 hou4 suan4 zhang4] /lit. settling accounts after the autumn harvest wait until the time is ripe to settle accounts/to bide time for revenge/ [qiu1 hou4 suan4 zhang4] /lit. to settle accounts after autumn/settle sco ortune moment (idiom)/ [qiu1 bo1] /sowing in autumn (for a crop in spring)/ [qiu1 shou1] /fall harvest/to reap/ [Qiu1 shou1 qi3 yi4] /Autumn Harvest Uprising/ [qiu1 jing3] /autumn scenery/harvest season/ [qiu1 hao2] /new down (fine feather)/fig. the small thing/ [qiu1 hao2 wu2 fan4] /lit. not harming a new feather (idiom); not commit offense against the people (of soldiers)/would not hurt a fly/ [qiu1 shui3] /limpid autumn waters (trad. description of girl's beautiful eyes)/ [qiu1 xun4] /autumn flood/ [qiu1 bo1] /autumn ripples/(fig.) luminous eyes of a woman/amorous glance/ [qiu1 hai3 tang2] /begonia/

[qiu1 hai3 tang2 hua1] /begonia/ [qiu1 liang2] /the cool of autumn/ [qiu1 guan4] /autumn irrigation/ [qiu1 shu2] /ripening in autumn (of crops)/ [qiu1 zao4] /autumn dryness disease (traditional Chinese medicine)/ [qiu1 xian3] /(history) a hunting party/ [qiu1 jin3] /Qiu Jin (1875-1907), famous female martyr of the anti-Qing revolutio , the subject of several books and films/ [Qiu1 tian2] /Akita prefecture of north Japan/ [Qiu1 tian2 xian4] /Akita prefecture, northeast Japan/ [qiu1 liang2] /autumn grain crops/ [qiu1 lao3 hu3] /hot spell during autumn/Indian summer/ [qiu1 geng1] /autumn plowing/ [qiu1 se4] /colors of autumn/autumn scenery/ [qiu1 tu2 mi4 wang3] /flowering autumn grass, fine net (idiom); fig. abun ting punishments prescribed by law/ [qiu1 ju2 ao4 shuang1] /the autumn chrysanthemum braves the frost (idiom) [qiu1 cai4] /autumn vegetables/ [qiu1 ye4] /autumn leaf/ [Qiu1 ye4 yuan2] /Akihabara, region of downtown Tokyo famous for electronics [qiu1 kui2] /okra, also known as ladies' fingers/ [qiu1 kui2 jia2] /okra/ [qiu1 yi1] /long underwear/ [qiu1 ku4] /long underwear pants/ [qiu1 shi4] /autumn exam (triennial provincial exam during Ming and Qing)/ [qiu1 wei2] /autumn exam (triennial provincial exam during Ming and Qing)/ [qiu1 yu3] /autumn rain/ [qiu1 shuang1] /autumn frost/fig. white hair as sign of old age/ [qiu1 feng1 sao3 luo4 ye4] /lit. as the autumn gale sweeps away the f ); to drive out the old and make a clean sweep/ [qiu1 feng1 song4 shuang3] /the cool autumn breeze (idiom)/ [qiu1 feng1 guo4 er3] /lit. as the autumn breeze passes the ear (idiom); ast concerned/ [qiu1 feng1 sa4 sa4] /the autumn wind is soughing (idiom)/ [qiu1 gao1 qi4 shuang3] /clear and refreshing autumn weather/ [hao4] /variant of [hao4]/ [ke1] /branch of study/administrative section/division/field/branch/stage direct ions/family (taxonomy)/rules/laws/to mete out (punishment)/to levy (taxes etc)/t o fine sb/CL: [ge4]/ [Ke1 shi2 tu2 ni2 cha2] /Kostunica/Vojislav Kostunica (1944-), Serbia minister from 2004/ [Ke1 pei4 er3] /Koper (port city of Slovenia)/ [Ke1 lun2 po1] /Colombo, capital of Sri Lanka/ [ke1 ke4] /cork/ [Ke1 li4 ao4 lan2 na4 si1] /Coriolanus, 1607 tragedy by William S [ke1 qing1] /Cochin (in south India)/ [Ke1 you4 zhong1 qi2] /Horqin right center banner, Mongolian Khorchin Bar d khoshuu, in Hinggan league [Xing1 an1 meng2], east Inner Mongolia/ [Ke1 you4 qian2 qi2] /Horqin right front banner, Mongolian Khorchin Baruu shuu, in Hinggan league [Xing1 an1 meng2], east Inner Mongolia/ [ke1 ming2] /rank obtained in the imperial examinations/scholarly honours/ [Ke1 wei1 te4] /Kuwait/ [ke1 xue2] /science/scientific knowledge/scientific/CL: [men2], [ge4], [ke1 xue2 zhu3 yi4] /scientism/ [ke1 xue2 shi3] /history of science/ [ke1 xue2 zhi2 zheng4] /rule of science/ [ke1 xue2 jia1] /scientist/CL: [ge4]/ [ke1 xue2 shi2 yan4] /scientific experiment/ [ke1 xue2 huan4 xiang3] /science fiction/ [Ke1 xue2 guai4 ren2] /Frankenstein (novel)/

[ke1 xue2 ji4 shu4] /science and technology/ [ke1 xue2 ji4 shu4 shi4 di4 yi1 sheng1 chan3 li4] tive force (from 1978 speech by Deng Xiaoping introducing the Four Modernizat [ke1 xue2 ji4 shu4 xian4 dai4 hua4] /modernization of science aoping's Four Modernizations/ [ke1 xue2 pu3 ji2] /popular science/popularization of science/ [ke1 xue2 jie4] /world of science/scientific circles/ [ke1 xue2 de5 jiao1 liu2] /scientific exchange/ [ke1 xue2 zhi1 shi5] /scientific knowledge/ [ke1 xue2 yan2 jiu1] /scientific research/ [ke1 xue2 zhong4 tian2] /scientific crop planting/scientific farming/ [ke1 xue2 guan3 li3] /scientific management/ [ke1 xue2 bian1 ji2] /science editor (of a publication)/ [ke1 xue2 yu4 er2] /scientific parenting/ [ke1 xue2 yuan4] /academy of sciences/CL: [ge4]/ [Ke1 ni2 sai4 ke4] /Koenigsegg (car manufacturer)/ [Ke1 bu4 duo1] /Qobto or Kobdo, khanate of outer Mongolia/ [ke1 huan4] /science fiction/abbr. for [ke1 xue2 huan4 xiang3]/ [ke1 huan4 xiao3 shuo1] /science fiction novel/ [ke1 huan4 dian4 ying3] /science fiction movie/ [ke1 en1] /Cohen (US defense secretary)/ [ke1 tuo1 nu3] /Cotonou (city in Benin)/ [ke1 ji4] /science and technology/ [ke1 ji4 ren2 yuan2] /scientific and technical staff/ [ke1 ji4 da4 xue2] /university of science and technology/ [ke1 ji4 gong1 zuo4 zhe3] /worker in science and technology/ [ke1 ji4 jing1 song3] /techno-thriller (novel)/science fiction thriller/ [ke1 ji4 jing1 song3 xiao3 shuo1] /techno-thriller novel/science [Ke1 mo2 luo4] /Comoros/ [Ke1 mo2 luo2] /Union of Comoros/ [ke1 jiao4] /science education/popular science/ [ke1 jiao4 pian4] /science education film/popular science movie/ [ke1 jiao4 xing1 guo2] /to invigorate the country through science and edu [ke1 dou3] /tadpole/also written [ke1 dou3]/ [ke1 pu3] /popular science/popularization of science/abbr. of / [Ke1 lin2] /Colin (name)/ [Ke1 lin2 Fu2 si1] /Colin Firth, English actor (1960-)/ [Ke1 lin2 si1] /Corinth (city of ancient Greece)/ [Ke1 ze2 ke1 de2] /old Chinese name for Calicut, town on Arabian sea in K now called / [Ke1 er3] /Kohl (name)/Helmut Kohl (1930-), German CDU politician, Chancellor 198 -1998/ [Ke1 er3 duo1 wa3] /Crdoba, Spain/ [Ke1 er3 qin4] /Horqin or Xorchin, famous Mongolian archer/Horqin district or n raion of Tongliao city [Tong1 liao2 shi4], Inner Mongolia/ [Ke1 er3 qin4 qu1] /Horqin district or Xorchin raion of Tongliao city nner Mongolia/ [Ke1 er3 qin4 you4 yi4 zhong1 qi2] /Horqin right center banne ryn Dund khoshuu, in Hinggan league [Xing1 an1 meng2], east Inner Mongolia/ [Ke1 er3 qin4 you4 yi4 qian2 qi2] /Horqin right front banner, n mnd khoshuu, in Hinggan league [Xing1 an1 meng2], east Inner Mongolia/ [Ke1 er3 qin4 zuo3 yi4 zhong1] /Horqin Left Middle banner or Khor in Tongliao [Tong1 liao2], Inner Mongolia/ [Ke1 er3 qin4 zuo3 yi4 zhong1 qi2] /Horqin Left Middle banner u in Tongliao [Tong1 liao2], Inner Mongolia/ [Ke1 er3 qin4 zuo3 yi4 hou4] /Horqin Left Rear banner or Khorchin ongliao [Tong1 liao2], Inner Mongolia/ [Ke1 er3 qin4 zuo3 yi4 hou4 qi2] /Horqin Left Rear banner or Tongliao [Tong1 liao2], Inner Mongolia/ [Ke1 te4 bu4 si1] /Cottbus (city in Germany)/

[Ke1 te4 di2 wa3] /Cte d'Ivoire or Ivory Coast in West Africa/ [Ke1 te4 di2 wa3 gong4 he2 guo2] /Republic of Cote d'Ivoire/ [ke1 jia3] /imperial examinations/ [ke1 mu4] /subject/ [ke1 yan2] /(scientific) research/ [ke1 yan2 ren2 yuan2] /(scientific) researcher/ [ke1 yan2 xiao3 zu3] /a scientific research group/ [ke1 yan2 yang4 ji1] /research prototype/ [ke1 xi4] /department/ [Ke1 na4 ke4 li3] /Conakry, capital of Guinea/ [Ke1 suo3 wo4] /Kosovo/ [Ke1 luo2 nuo2] /Corona (beer)/ [Ke1 luo2 en1 bing4] /Krohn's disease/ [Ke1 luo2 la1 duo1] /Colorado/ [Ke1 luo2 la1 duo1 da4 xia2 gu3] /the Grand Canyon (Colorado) [Ke1 luo2 la1 duo1 zhou1] /Colorado/ [Ke1 luo2 na4] /Corona/Colonna/ [ke1 kao3] /preliminary round of imperial examinations/abbr. for ientific exploration/ [ke1 kao3 dui4] /scientific exploration team/expedition/ [ke1 ju3] /imperial examination/ [ke1 ju3 zhi4] /imperial examination system/ [ke1 ju3 kao3 shi4] /imperial examinations (in former times)/ [Ke1 ci2 wo4 er3 de2] /the Cotswolds (England)/ [Ke1 mo4 duo1 long2] /Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis)/ [Ke1 xi1 jia1 dao3] /Corsica (Island located west of Italy and southeast [Ke1 di2 le4 la1] /Cordillera, series of mountain ranges stretching from South America through to Alaska and Aleutian islands/ [Ke1 di2 le4 la1 shan1 xi4] /Cordillera, series of mountain range ia in South America through to Alaska and Aleutian islands/ [ke1 zhang3] /section chief/CL: [ge4]/ [Ke1 long2] /Cologne, Germany or Colon, Panama/ [miao3] /second (of time)/unit of angle or arc equivalent to one sixtieth of a d egree/ [miao3 cha1 ju4] /parallax second or parsec or pc, astronomic unit of distanc ox 3.26 light years/ [miao3 biao3] /stopwatch/ [miao3 zhen1] /second hand (of a clock)/ [miao3 zhong1] /(time) second/ [bi3] /grain not fully grown/husks/withered grain/unripe grain/ [bi3 zi5] /blighted grain/ [bi3 kang1] /chaff/worthless stuff/ [bi4] /see [Bi4 lu3]/ [mi4] /secret/secretary/ [mi4 mi4] /secret/CL: [ge4]/ [mi4 mi4 hui4 she4] /a secret society/ [mi4 mi4 huo2 dong4] /secret action/covert operation/ [mi4 mi4 jing3 cha2] /secret police/ [mi4 ji4] /cheat code/ [mi4 shu1] /secretary/ [mi4 shu1 zhang3] /secretary-general/ [mi4 ji2] /secret book or collection of books/ [mi4 ji2] /rare book/cheat code (video games)/ [mi4 jue2] /trade secret/trick/ [Bi4 lu3] /Peru/ [Bi4 lu3 ku3 zhi2] /Peruvian ground-cherry/cape gooseberry/Physalis peruv [zu1] /to hire/to rent/to charter/to rent out/to lease out/rent/land tax/ [zu1 dian4] /to rent out one's land (to tenant farmers)/ [zu1 jie4] /leasehold/ [zu1 jie4 di4] /concession (territory)/

[zu1 zhai4] /rent and debt/ [zu1 jia4] /rent price/ [zu1 di4] /to rent land/to lease farmland/ [zu1 di4 ren2 tou2 biao1 piao4 quan2] /occupation franchise/ [zu1 zi5] /rent (payment)/ [zu1 hu4] /tenant/person who leases/ [zu1 fang2] /rented apartment/ [zu1 yong4] /to rent and use/lend-lease (US device to provide war materiel to its allies during WW2)/ [zu1 jie4] /settlement/international settlement in many Chinese cities establishe under unequal treaties from 1860/ [zu1 shui4] /taxation/in former times, esp. land tax/ [zu1 yue1] /lease/ [zu1 chuan2] /to charter a ship/to take a vessel on rent/ [zu1 rang4] /to lease out/to rent (one's property out to sb else)/ [zu1 lin4] /to rent/to lease/to hire/ [zu1 jin1] /rent/ [zu1 qian5] /rent/same as / [pi1] /(millet)/ [mo4] /feed a horse with grain/horse feed/ [cheng4] /steelyard/Roman balance/CL: [tai2]/ [cheng4 tuo2] /variant of [cheng4 tuo2]/ [cheng4 gan3] /the beam of a steelyard/a balance arm/ [cheng4 pan2] /the tray or pan of a steelyard/ [cheng4 tuo2] /steelyard weight/standard weight/ [cheng4 tuo2 sui1 xiao3 ya1 qian1 jin1] /although small, a st d pounds (idiom)/apparently insignificant details can have a large impact/for wa nt of a nail the battle was lost/ [cheng4 chui2] /steelyard weights/ [Qin2] /surname Qin/Qin dynasty (221-207 BC) of the first emperor [Qin2 Shi3 hu ]/abbr. for [Shan3 xi1]/ [Qin2 dai4] /Qin dynasty (221-207 BC), founded by the first emperor Qin Shihuang 2 Shi3 huang2], the first dynasty to rule the whole of China/ [qin2 ji2 liao3] /mythical talking bird/mynah bird/ [Qin2 Guo2] /Qin State, one of the seven states of the Warring States Period (475 220 BC)/ [Qin2 Shi3 huang2] /Qin Shihuang (259-210 BC), the first emperor/ [Qin2 Shi3 Huang2 di4] /the First Emperor 259-210 BC/ [Qin2 Shi3 Huang2 di4 ling2] /the mausoleum of the First Emperor near [Qin2 Shi3 huang2 ling2] /the tomb of the first emperor at Mt Li awaits excavation)/ [Qin2 Xiao4 gong1] /Duke Xiao of Qin, [Qin2 Guo2], ruled 361-338 BC States Period/ [Qin2 an1] /Qin'an county in Tianshui [Tian1 shui3], Gansu/ [Qin2 an1 xian4] /Qin'an county in Tianshui [Tian1 shui3], Gansu/ [Qin2 ling3] /Qinling mountain range in Shaanxi forming natural barrier between G anzhong plain [Guan1 zhong1 ping2 yuan2] and Han River [Han4 shui [Qin2 ling3 shan1 mai4] /Qinling mountain range in Shaanxi forming natura ween Guanzhong plain and Han River valley/ [Qin2 ling3 shu3 zhan4 dao4] /the Qinling plank road to Shu, a histor from Shaanxi to Sichuan/ [Qin2 zhou1] /Qinzhou district of Tianshui city [Tian1 shui3 shi4], Gansu/ [Qin2 zhou1 qu1] /Qinzhou district of Tianshui city [Tian1 shui3 shi4], [Qin2 Hui4 wen2 Wang2] /King Huiwen of Qin , ruled 338-211 BC du eriod/ [Qin2 chao2] /Qin Dynasty (221-207 BC)/ [Qin2 mo4] /the end of the Qin dynasty 207 BC/ [Qin2 Hui4] /Qin Hui (1090-1155 AD), Song Dynasty official said to have betrayed eneral Yue Fei [Yue4 Fei1]/ [Qin2 huai2] /Qinhuai district of Nanjing City in Jiangsu /

[Qin2 huai2 qu1] /Qinhuai district of Nanjing City in Jiangsu [Qin2 Han4] /the Qin (221-207 BC) and Han (206 BC-220 AD) dynasties/ [Qin2 huo3] /the Qin burning of the books in 212 BC/ [Qin2 Mu4] /Qin Mu (1919-1992), educator and prolific writer/ [Qin2 huang2 dao3] /Qinhuangdao prefecture level city in Hebei/ [Qin2 huang2 dao3 shi4] /Qinhuangdao prefecture level city in Hebei/ [Qin2 Mu4 gong1] /Duke Mu of Qin, the first substantial king of Qin (ruled 65 C), sometimes considered one of the Five Hegemons / [Qin2 zhuan4] /seal script as unified by the Qin dynasty/the small seal and eal / [Qin2 qiang1] /Qinqiang, an opera style popular in northwest China, possibly orig nating in Ming dynasty folk music/Shanxi opera/ [Qin2 jun1] /the Qin army (model for the terracotta warriors)/ [Qin2 du1] /Qindu district in Xinyng city [Xian2 yang2 shi4], Shn [Qin2 du1 qu1] /Qindu district in Xinyng city [Xian2 yang2 shi [Qin2 ling2] /the tomb of the First Emperor at Mt Li [Li2 shan1] near Xi xcavation)/ [Qin2 Tao1 yu4] /Qin Taoyu, Tang poet, author of long poem Poor Woman [yang1] /shoots/sprouts/ [yang1 zi5] /sapling/seedling/bud/baby animal/ [yang1 ge5] /Yangge, a popular rural folk dance/ [yang1 ge5 ju4] /Yangge opera, a rural form of theater/ [yang1 miao2] /seedling/ [zhi4] /order/orderliness/ [zhi4 xu4] /order (orderly)/order (sequence)/social order/the state (of society)/ L: [ge4]/ [zhi4 xu4 jing3 ran2] /in perfect order/ [zhi4 xu4 mei3] /order (as an aesthetic quality)/ [zhi4 ran2 bu4 wen3] /to be in complete order (idiom)/ [zhi4 lu4] /official salaries/ [zhi1] /only, merely/ [shu2] /broomcorn millet (Panicum spp.)/Panicum italicum/glutinous millet/ [shu2 mi3] /broomcorn millet (Panicum spp.)/Panicum italicum/glutinous millet/ [ju4] /black millet/ [zi3] /billion/ [Zi3 gui1] /Zigui county in Yichang [Yi2 chang1], Hubei/ [Zi3 gui1 xian4] /Zigui county in Yichang [Yi2 chang1], Hubei/ [zhi2] /sound of reaping/ [jie1] /stalks of millet, corn/ [jie1 gan3] /straw/ [yi2] /to move/to shift/to change/to alter/to remove/ [yi2 jiao1] /to transfer/to hand over/ [yi2 dong4] /to move/movement/migration/mobile/portable/ [yi2 dong4 ping2 jun1 xian4] /moving average (in financial analysis)/ [yi2 dong4 ping2 jun1 xian4 zhi3 biao1] /moving average index [yi2 dong4 shi4] /mobile/ [yi2 dong4 shi4 dian4 hua4] /mobile telephone/ [yi2 dong4 xing4] /mobility/ [yi2 dong4 tong1 xin4 wang3 luo4] /cell phone network/ [yi2 dong4 dian4 hua4] /mobile telephone/ [yi2 qu4] /to move away/ [yi2 ju1] /to migrate/to move to a new place of residence/ [yi2 shan1 dao3 hai3] /lit. to move mountains and drain seas/to transform [yi2 shan1 zhi4] /the will to move mountains/fig. high ambitions/ [yi2 shi1] /to move troops to/(fig.) to move to/to shift to/ [yi2 qing2] /to shift one's affection/to change sentiment/ [yi2 qing2 bie2 lian4] /change of affection, shift of love (idiom); to ch elings to another love/to fall in love with sb else/ [yi2 zhi2] /to transplant/ [yi2 zhi2 xing4] /portability/

[yi2 zhi2 shou3 shu4] /(organ) transplant operation/ [yi2 zhi2] /variant of [yi2 zhi2]/ [yi2 min2] /to immigrate/to migrate/emigrant/immigrant/ [yi2 min2 ju2] /immigration office/ [yi2 min2 gong1] /migrant worker/ [yi2 min2 zhe3] /migrant/immigrant/ [yi2 yong4] /to re-use/to adapt (for another purpose)/to copy/ [yi2 hua1 jie1 mu4] /lit. to graft flowers onto a tree/to surreptiously s thing for another (idiom)/ [yi2 kai1] /move away/ [yi2 chu2] /to remove/ [xi1] /rare/uncommon/watery/sparse/ [xi1 shi4] /rare/ [xi1 tu3] /rare earth (chemistry)/ [xi1 tu3 yuan2 su4] /rare earth element (chemistry)/ [xi1 tu3 jin1 shu3] /rare earth element/ [xi1 qi2] /rare/strange/ [xi1 qi2 gu3 guai4] /crazy/bizarre/weird/fantastic/strange/ [xi1 ke4] /infrequent visitor/ [xi1 shao3] /sparse/rare/ [xi1 you3] /uncommon/ [xi1 you3 yuan2 su4] /trace element (nutrition)/ [xi1 you3 qi4 ti3] /rare gas/noble gas (chemistry)/ [xi1 lan4] /smashed up/broken into pieces/thoroughly mashed/pulpy/ [xi1 shu1] /sparse/infrequent/thinly spread/ [xi1 xi1 la1 la1] /sparse and fragmentary/ [xi1 zhou1] /water gruel/thin porridge/ [xi1 han5] /rare/uncommon/rarity/to value as a rarity/to cherish/Taiwan pr. [xi1 an3]/ [xi1 bo2] /thin/rarefied/ [xi1 li5 hu2 tu5] /muddleheaded/careless/ [xi1 li5 hua1 la1] /rustling sound (onomatopoeia)/sound of rain or of sth /in disorder/completely smashed/badly battered/broken to pieces/ [xi1 shi4] /to dilute/ [xi1 li5 guang1 dang1] /thin/diluted/ [xi1 fan4] /porridge/gruel/ [xi1 song1] /poor/sloppy/unconcerned/heedless/lax/unimportant/trivial/loose/porou / [xi1 song1 gu3 zhi4] /cancellous bone/trabecular bone/spongy bone/ [lang2] /grass/weeds/ [fu1] /husk/outside shell of grain/ [shui4] /taxes/duties/ [shui4 qian2] /pre-tax/before taxes/ [shui4 wu4] /taxation services/state revenue service/ [shui4 wu4 ju2] /tax bureau/Inland Revenue Department/ [shui4 guan1] /a taxman/a customs officer/ [shui4 hou4] /after tax/ [shui4 juan1 ji1 zheng1 chu4] /local tax office (in Taiwan)/ [shui4 shou1] /taxation/ [shui4 kuan3] /tax payments/ [shui4 guan1] /customs house (in ancient times)/ [gan3] /stalks of grain/ [ti2] /grass/tares/ [Cheng2] /surname Cheng/ [cheng2] /rule/order/regulations/formula/journey/procedure/sequence/ [cheng2 xu4] /procedures/sequence/order/computer program/ [cheng2 xu4 yuan2] /programmer/ [cheng2 xu4 ku4] /program library (computing)/ [cheng2 xu4 xing4] /program/ [cheng2 xu4 fa3] /procedural law/

[cheng2 xu4 she4 ji4] /computer programming/ [cheng2 du4] /degree (level or extent)/level/CL: [ge4]/ [cheng2 shi4] /form/pattern/formula/program/ [cheng2 shi4 guan3 li3 yuan2] /program manager (Windows)/ [cheng2 shi4 yu3 yan2] /programming language/ [cheng2 kong4] /programmed/under automatic control/ [cheng2 kong4 jiao1 huan4 ji1] /electronic switching system (telecom. ntrol exchange (SPC)/ [cheng2 kong4 dian4 hua4] /automatic telephone exchange/ [Cheng2 Yu4] /Cheng Yu (141-220), advisor to General Cao Cao during the Thre oms era/ [Cheng2 hai3 hu2] /Chenghai lake in Lijiang , Hunan/ [Cheng2 Yan4 qiu1] /Cheng Yanqiu (1904-1958), famous Beijing opera star, seco to [Mei2 Lan2 fang1]/ [Cheng2 Miao3] /Cheng Miao, a jailer turned prisoner in the Jin dynasty who creat d the clerical style of Chinese calligraphy/ [Cheng2 Yi2] /Cheng Yi (1033-1107), Song neo-Confucian scholar/ [Cheng2 Hao4] /Cheng Hao (1032-1085), Song neo-Confucian scholar/ [tu2] /sticky rice/ [shao1] /somewhat/a little/ [shao1 hou4] /in a little while/in a moment/later on/ [shao1 wei1] /a little bit/ [shao4 xi1] /Stand at ease! (military)/ [shao1 zao3] /a little early/ [shao1 zao3 shi2] /a little earlier/ [shao1 yi4] /differing slightly/ [shao1 shao1] /somewhat/a little/slightly/ [shao1 deng3] /to wait a moment/ [shao1 zong4 ji2 shi4] /transient/fleeting/ [shao1 xu3] /a little/a bit/ [lu4] /late-planted early-ripening grain/ [ren3] /ripe grain/ [bai4] /barnyard millet (Echinochloa crus-galli)/Panicum crus-galli/ [zhi2] /early-planted crop/ [zhi4] /infantile/young/ [zhi4 nu:3] /little girl (of toddler age)/ [zhi4 nen4] /young and tender/puerile/soft and immature/ [zhi4 zi3] /young child/ [zhi4 ruo4] /immature and feeble/ [zhi4 zhuo1] /young and clumsy/childish and awkward/ [zhi4 qi4] /childish nature/infantile/juvenile/puerile/ [zhi4 qi4 wei4 tuo1] /still possessing the innocence of childhood (idiom) [zhi4 chong2] /naiad/larva/developmental stage of insect/ [kun3] /full/ [leng2] /corner/edge/arris (sharp ridge formed by two surfaces meeting at an edg e)/protrusion/ [leng2 zhu4] /prism/ [leng2 tai2] /prism/ [leng2 jiao3] /edge and corner/protrusion/sharpness (of a protrusion)/craggy/ridg corner/ [leng2 zhui1] /pyramid (geometry)/ [leng2 jing4] /prism/prismatic lens/ [ke1] /(wheat)/ [bing3] /to make a report (to a superior)/to give/to endow/to receive/petition/ [bing3 gao4] /report (to one's superior)/ [bing3 bao4] /to report (to one's superior)/ [bing3 fu4] /to report back (to a superior)/ [bing3 xing4] /natural disposition/ [bing3 fu4] /natural endowment/gift/ [chou2] /dense/crowded/thick/many/

[chou2 mi4] /dense/ [nuo4] /variant of , glutinous rice/sticky rice/ [zhong3] /abbr. for , genus/race/seed/breed/species/strain/kind/type/has gut courage)/nerve/classifier for types: kind, sort/classifier for languages/ [zhong4] /to plant/to grow/to cultivate/ [zhong3 ren2] /seed kernel/ [zhong3 gong1 chu4] /stud/male breeding stock (of animal species)/ [zhong4 di4] /to farm/to work the land/ [zhong3 kuai4] /seed tuber/ [zhong3 xing4] /caste (traditional Indian social division)/ [zhong3 xing4 zhi4] /caste system (traditional Indian social division)/ [zhong3 xing4 zhi4 du4] /caste system/ [zhong3 zi5] /seed/CL: [ke1],[li4]/ [zhong3 zi5 dao3] /Tanegashima, Japanese Island off Kyushu, the Japanese spac h site/ [zhong3 zi5 zhi2 wu4] /seed plant/ [zhong3 zi5 xuan3 shou3] /seeded player/ [zhong3 cha1] /determinant (characteristic of a species)/ [zhong3 zu2] /race/ethnicity/ [zhong3 zu2 zhong1 xin1 zhu3 yi4] /ethnocentrism/ [zhong3 zu2 zhu3 yi4] /racism/ [zhong3 zu2 zhu3 yi4 zhe3] /racist (person)/ [zhong3 zu2 qi2 shi4] /racial discrimination/racism/ [zhong3 zu2 qing1 xi3] /"ethnic cleansing"/genocide/ [zhong3 zu2 qing1 chu2] /ethnic cleansing/ [zhong3 zu2 mie4 jue2] /genocide/ [zhong3 zu2 ge2 li2] /apartheid/ [zhong4 zhi2] /plant/grow/ [zhong4 zhi2 yuan2] /plantation/ [zhong4 zhi2 ye4] /plantation/ [zhong4 shu4] /to plant trees/ [zhong4 gua1 de2 gua1 , zhong4 dou4 de2 dou4] /lit. S ou get beans (idiom); fig. As you sow, so shall you reap./One must live with the consequences of one's actions./You've made your bed, now must lie on it./ [zhong4 tian2] /to farm/farming/ [zhong3 chu4] /breeding stock (of animal species)/stud/ [zhong3 qin2] /cock/male breeding poultry/ [zhong3 zhong3] /all kinds of/ [zhong3 xi4] /evolutionary line/line of descent/ [zhong3 qun2] /population (of a species)/community (of animals or plants)/ [zhong3 qi2] /hilum/omphalodium (botany)/ [zhong4 hua1] /to grow flowers/floriculture/ [zhong3 shu3] /seed tuber/ [zhong3 dan4] /breeding egg/ [zhong3 lei4] /kind/genus/type/category/variety/species/sort/class/ [zhong3 ma3] /stallion/stud horse/ [zhong3 ma2] /distinctively female hemp plant (Cannabis sativa)/ [chen4] /to fit/balanced/suitable/ [cheng1] /to weigh/to state/to name/name/appellation/to praise/ [cheng4] /variant of [cheng4]/steelyard/ [cheng1 zhi1 wei2] /to call it.../known as.../ [cheng1 zuo4] /be called/be known as/ [cheng1 zuo4] /be called/be known as/ [cheng1 hu5] /to call/to address as/appellation/ [Chen4 duo1] /Chindu county (Tibetan: khri 'du rdzong) in Yushu Tibetan autonomou prefecture [Yu4 shu4 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ [Chen4 duo1 xian4] /Chindu county (Tibetan: khri 'du rdzong) in Yushu Tibetan mous prefecture [Yu4 shu4 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ [chen4 xin1] /satisfactory/agreeable/ [chen4 xin1 ru2 yi4] /after one's heart (idiom); gratifying and satisfact

g one could wish/ [cheng1 yang2] /to praise/to compliment/ [cheng1 wei2] /called/to call sth (by a name)/to name/ [chen4 zhi2] /well qualified/competent/to be equal to the task/able to do sth ver well/ [cheng1 hao4] /name/term of address/title/ [cheng1 xu3] /to praise/to commend/ [cheng1 wei4] /title/appellation/form of address/ [cheng1 xie4] /to express thanks/ [cheng1 yu4] /to acclaim/to sing the praises of/ [cheng1 zan4] /to praise/to acclaim/to commend/to compliment/ [cheng1 zhong4] /to weigh/ [cheng1 ba4] /lit. to proclaim oneself hegemon/to take a leading role/to build a ersonal fiefdom/ [cheng1 song4] /praise/ [dao4] /Japanese variant of /the rice plant/ [ji4] /millet/God of cereals worshiped by ancient rulers/minister of agriculture / [Ji4 shan1] /Jishan county in Yuncheng [Yun4 cheng2], Shanxi/ [Ji4 shan1 xian4] /Jishan county in Yuncheng [Yun4 cheng2], Shanxi/ [zhen3] /to accumulate/fine and close/ [dao4] /paddy/rice (Oraza sativa)/ [Dao4 cheng2] /Daocheng county (Tibetan: 'dab pa rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonom us prefecture [Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Sichuan (formerly in Kham f Tibet)/ [Dao4 cheng2 xian4] /Daocheng county (Tibetan: 'dab pa rdzong) in Garze Tibet nomous prefecture [Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Sichuan (formerly in K ce of Tibet)/ [dao4 zi5] /rice (crop)/unhulled rice/ [dao4 ke2] /rice husk/ [dao4 tian2] /paddy field/rice paddy/ [dao4 gu3] /rice crops/ [dao4 sui4] /rice plant/ [dao4 mi3] /rice (crop)/ [dao4 kang1] /rice husk/ [dao4 miao2] /rice seedling/ [dao4 cao3] /straw/ [dao4 cao3 ren2] /scarecrow/ [jia4] /sow grain/ [Ji1] /surname Ji/ [ji1] /to inspect/to check/ [qi3] /bow to the ground/ [ji1 gu3] /to learn from the ancients/to study the classic texts/ [ji1 gu3 zhen4 jin1] /studying the old to promote the new (idiom)/ [ji1 cha2] /inspection/ [ji1 cha2 ren2 yuan2] /inspector/ [ji1 cha2 yuan2] /inspector/ticket inspector/ [ji1 sang3] /kowtow (touch the forehead to the floor)/ [gao3] /variant of /dry/rotten (wood)/ [gao3] /manuscript/draft/stalk of grain/ [gao3 jian4] /rough draft/material contributing to a final document/ [gao3 zi5] /draft of a document/script/manuscript/mental plan/precedent/ [gao3 ben3] /manuscript (of a book etc)/sketch (of a design etc)/ [gao3 zhi3] /draft paper/ [gao3 fei4] /author's remuneration/CL: [bi3]/ [gao3 chou2] /fee paid to an author for a piece of writing/ [gu3] /grain/corn/ [gu3 cang1] /barn/ [gu3 zi5] /millet/ [Gu3 liang2 Zhuan4] /Guliang Annals, commentary on the Spring and Autumn Anna

qiu1], first published during the Han Dynasty/ [Gu3 ge1] /variant of , Google internet company and search engine/ [gu3 ke2] /husk of grain/grain and chaff/ [gu3 an1 suan1] /glutamic acid (Glu), an amino acid/ [gu3 wu4] /cereal/grain/ [gu3 shen2] /harvest God/ [Gu3 shen2 xing1] /Ceres, dwarf planet in the asteroid belt between Mars and , discovered in 1801 by G. Piazzi/ [gu3 sui4] /ear of grain/gerbe (used on coats of arms)/ [gu3 li4] /grain (of cereal)/ [gu3 kang1] /grain chaff/ [gu3 cao3] /straw/ [Gu3 yu3] /Guyu or Grain Rain, 6th of the 24 solar terms 20 [gu3 lei4] /cereal/grain/ [sui4] /Japanese variant of [sui4]/ [ji4] /(millet)/ [Mu4] /surname Mu/ [mu4] /solemn/reverent/calm/burial position in an ancestral tomb (old)/old varia nt of / [Mu4 jia1 bei4] /Robert Mugabe (1924-), Zimbabwean ZANU-PF politician, Presid Zimbabwe 1980-2008/ [Mu4 ba1 la1 ke4] /Hosni Mubarak/ [Mu4 si1 lin2] /Muslim/ [Mu4 Gui4 ying1] /Mu Guiying, female warrior and heroine of the Yang Saga [Mu4 sha1 la1 fu1] /Pervez Musharraf (1943-), Pakistani general and polit ent 2001-2008/ [Mu4 ling2] /Muling county level city in Mudanjiang , Heilongjiang/ [Mu4 ling2 shi4] /Muling county level city in Mudanjiang , Heilongjiang [Mu4 suo3 er3 si1 ji1] /Modest Mussorgsky (1839-1881), Russian compos tures at an Exhibition/ [Mu4 han3 mo4 de2] /Mohammed (c. 570-632), central figure of Islam and pr [Mu4 han3 mo4 de2 Ou1 ma3] /Mullah Mohammad Omar (1959-), T te 1996-2001/ [Mu4 han3 mo4 de2 liu4 shi4] /King Mohammed VI (King of Morocco)/ [Mu4 sheng4] /Prophet Muhammad/ [Mu4 sa4 wei2] /Moussavi, Mir Hussein (1941-), candidate in Iran's disputed 2 ctions/ [Mu4 tong1] /Mouton (name)/Gabriel Mouton (1618-1694), French clergyman and scien ist, pioneer of the metric system/ [shan1] /panicum frumentaceum/ [men2] /porridge/rice sprouts/ [zhi4] /variant of [zhi4]/ [lu4] /late-planted early-ripening grain/ [su1] /archaic variant of [su1]/to revive/ [ji1] /to amass/to accumulate/to store/measured quantity (such as area of volume )/product (the result of multiplication)/to integrate (math.)/to solve (or integ rate) an ordinary differential equation (math.)/old/long-standing/ [ji1 bu4 xiang1 neng2] /always at loggerheads (idiom); never able to agre ble to get on with sb/ [ji1 bing1] /ice accretion/ [ji1 fen1] /integral (calculus)/accumulated points (in sports, at school etc)/tot l credits earned by student/bonus points in a benefit scheme/ [ji1 fen1 chang2 shu4] /constant of integration (math.)/ [ji1 fen1 fang1 cheng2] /integral equation (math.)/ [ji1 fen1 bang3] /table of scores (in exams or sports league)/ [ji1 fen1 bian4 huan4] /integral transform (math.)/ [ji1 lao2 cheng2 ji2] /to accumulate work causes sickness (idiom); to fal nstant overwork/ [ji1 hou4 liu2 guang3] /deep rooted and influential/ [ji1 gou4] /deeply accumulated filth/

[ji1 ya1] /to overstock/backlog/accumulation of neglected work/arrears of work/ [ji1 cun2] /to stockpile/ [ji1 shao3 cheng2 duo1] /Many little things add up to sth great./Many lit e an ocean. (idiom)/ [ji1 nian2] /for a long time/over many years/old/advanced in age/ [ji1 bi4] /age-old (malpractice)/long established (corrupt practices)/deeply root d (superstition)/ [ji1 ruo4] /cumulative weakness/to decline (over time)/degeneration/ [ji1 de2] /to accumulate merit/to do good/to give to charity/virtuous actions/ [ji1 de2 lei3 gong1] /to accumulate merit and virtue/ [ji1 yuan4] /grievance/accumulated rancor/ [ji1 e4] /accumulated evil/ [ji1 e4 yu2 yang1] /Accumulated evil will be repaid in suffering (idiom). [ji1 fen4] /accumulated anger/pent-up fury/ [ji1 zan3] /to save bit by bit/to accumulate/ [ji1 yu2 hu1 wei1] /to accumulate tiny quantities (idiom)/ [ji1 mu4] /toy building blocks/ [ji1 an4] /long pending case/ [ji1 ji2] /active/energetic/vigorous/positive (outlook)/proactive/ [ji1 ji2 fen4 zi3] /enthusiast/zealot/ [ji1 ji2 fan3 ying4] /active response/energetic response/ [ji1 ji2 xing4] /zeal/initiative/enthusiasm/activity/ [ji1 jian4] /gradually/ [ji1 dian4] /deposits accumulated over long periods/fig. valuable experience, acc mulated wisdom/ [ji1 wu4] /sediment/deposit/ [ji1 die2] /to pile up layer upon layer/ [Ji1 shi2 shan1 Bao3 an1 zu2 lar autonomous county in Linxia Hui autonomous prefecture [Lin , Gansu/ [ji1 zu3] /many generations of ancestors/ [ji1 gu3 fang2 ji1] /storing grain against a famine/to lay sth by for a r written / [ji1 lei3] /to accumulate/accumulation/cumulative/cumulatively/ [ji1 lei3 xing4] /cumulative/ [ji1 lei3 du2 xing4] /cumulative poison/ [ji1 xi2] /old habit (usually bad)/inbred custom/deep-rooted practice/ [ji1 xi2 cheng2 su2] /accumulated habits become custom/ [ji1 xi2 nan2 gai3] /old habits are hard to change (idiom); It is hard to grained habits./ [ji1 ju4] /to coalesce/to gather together/to amass/ [ji1 fei2] /to accumulate manure/to lay down compost/ [ji1 cao3 tun2 liang2] /to store up provisions against a war/ [ji1 xu4] /to save/to put aside/savings/ [ji1 xin1 cuo4 huo3] /to add fuel to the flames/ [ji1 zhu4] /to stockpile/ [ji1 zei2] /confirmed thief/ [ji1 zhong4 nan2 fan3] /ingrained habits are hard to overcome (idiom); ba es die hard/ [ji1 jin1 lei3 yu4] /to accumulate gold and jewels (idiom); prosperous/ [ji1 yu3 yun2] /cumulonimbus (cloud)/ [ji1 xue3] /accumulation of snow/ [ji1 yun2] /cumulus/heap cloud/ [ji1 fei1 cheng2 shi4] /a wrong repeated becomes right (idiom); a lie or ed on for a long time may be taken for the truth/ [Ying3] /surname Ying/ [ying3] /clever/gifted/husk/tip/ [Ying3 shang4 xian4] /Yingshang county in Anhui/ [ying3 guo3] /grain/caryopsis (single seed typical of grasses)/ [ying3 yi4] /highly intelligent/original and unique/

[wen3] /Japanese variant of / [Sui4] /abbr. for Guangzhou [Guang3 zhou1]/ [sui4] /ear of grain/fringe/tassel/ [sui4 shi4] /tassel/ [tong2] /early-planted late-ripening grain/ [sui4] /ear of grain/ [nong2] /lush flora/ [se4] /gather in harvest/ [hui4] /dirt/filth/ [hui4 yu3] /obscene language/ [nuo4] /variant of , glutinous rice/sticky rice/ [ji4] /stack grain stalks evenly/ [tui2] /to become bald/decadent/ [wen3] /settled/steady/stable/ [wen3 bian4] /reliable/at one's convenience/as you wish/ [wen3 jian4] /firm/stable and steady/ [wen3 sheng4] /to beat comfortably/to win easily/abbr. for , to grasp/ [wen3 hou4] /steady and honest/ [wen3 gu4] /stable/steady/firm/ [wen3 zuo4 diao4 yu2 tai2] /lit. sitting at ease in a fishing boat de ); to stay calm during tense situation/a cool head in a crisis/ [wen3 ya1] /stable voltage/ [wen3 ru2 Tai4 shan1] /steady as Mt Tai/as safe as houses/ [wen3 tuo3] /dependable/ [wen3 po2] /midwife (old term)/ [wen3 ding4] /steady/stable/stability/to stabilize/to pacify/ [wen3 ding4 tang2] /stabilization tank (for sewage processing)/ [wen3 ding4 du4] /degree of stability/ [wen3 ding4 xing4] /stability/ [wen3 ding4 wu4 jia4] /stable prices/commodity prices fixed by government d economy)/to valorize (a commodity)/ [wen3 shi2] /steady/calm and practical/ [wen3 heng2] /steady/stable and permanent/constant/steady-state/ [wen3 heng2 tai4] /steady state/stable and permanent attitude/ [wen3 tai4] /steady state/ [wen3 tai4 li3 lun4] /the steady-state theory (cosmology)/ [wen3 zha1 wen3 da3] /to go steady and strike hard (in fighting)/fig. ste ely/ [wen3 na2] /a sure gain/sth one is sure to obtain/ [wen3 cao1 sheng4 quan4] /grasp it and victory is assured/to have success grasp (idiom)/ [wen3 bu4] /steadily/a steady pace/ [wen3 bu4 bu4 qian2] /to mark time and make no advances (idiom)/ [wen3 huo4] /a sure catch/sth one is sure to obtain/ [wen3 dang5] /reliable/secure/stable/firm/ [wen3 lian4] /steady and proficient/skilled and reliable/ [wen3 tie1] /safe/to appease/to reassure/ [wen3 zhong4] /steady/earnest/staid/ [wen3 jing4] /steady/calm/ [huo4] /to reap/to harvest/ [huo4 xing2] /to be punished/ [huo4 jiang3 zhe3] /prize-winner/laureate/ [lu:3] /wild grain/ [biao1] /to weed/ [Rang2] /surname Rang/ [rang2] /abundant/stalk of grain/ [xue2] /cave/cavity/hole/acupuncture point/Taiwan pr. [xue4]/ [xue2 wei4] /acupuncture point/ [xue2 ju1] /to live in a cave/

[xue2 ju1 ren2] /cave man/ [xue2 bo1] /bunch planting/ [xue2 mai4] /node (center of energy)/acupuncture point/Chakra/ [xue2 dao4] /acupuncture point/acupoint/ [xue2 tou5] /(show business) promoter/ [xue2 niao3] /jackdaw (family Corvidae)/ [wa1] /to dig/to scoop out/ [jiu1] /after all/to investigate/to study carefully/Taiwan pr. [jiu4]/ [jiu1 qi2 gen1 yuan2] /to trace something to its source (idiom)/ [jiu1 jing4] /after all (when all is said and done)/actually/outcome/result/ [jiu1 ban4] /to investigate and deal with/ [xi1] /tomb/ [qiong2] /vault/dome/the sky/ [qiong2 qiu1] /dome/ [qiong2 lu2] /a yurt (round tent)/ [qiong2 xing2] /arched/vaulted/dome-shaped/ [qiong2 long2] /a dome/a vault/the sky/ [qiong2 lei4] /a rib of an arch/ [qiong2 cang1] /the sky/the firmament/the vault of heaven/ [qiong2 long2] /domed structure/vault/ [qiong2 ding3] /a dome/a vault/a domed roof/ [kong1] /empty/air/sky/in vain/ [kong4] /to empty/vacant/unoccupied/space/leisure/free time/ [kong1 zhong1] /in the sky/in the air/ [kong1 zhong1 jiao1 tong1 guan3 zhi4] /air traffic control/ [kong1 zhong1 jiao1 tong1 guan3 zhi4 yuan2] /air traffic cont [kong1 zhong1 ke4 che1] /Airbus (Aircraft company)/ [kong1 zhong1 xiao3 jie3] /stewardess/air hostess/ [kong1 zhong1 he2 bao4 zha4] /air nuclear explosion/nuclear airburst/ [kong1 zhong1 ge2 dou4] /dogfight (of planes)/ [kong1 zhong1 lou2 ge2] /pavilion in the air (idiom); unrealistic Utopian /castles in Spain/imaginary future plans/ [kong1 zhong1 pao4 jian4] /helicopter gunship/ [kong1 zhong1 piao1 fu2] /to float in the air/ [kong1 zhong1 fei1 ren2] /trapeze artist/frequent flyer/ [kong1 wei4] /empty place/room (for sb)/ [kong4 r5] /spare time/free time/ [kong1 qian2] /unprecedented/ [kong1 qian2 jue2 hou4] /unprecedented and never to be duplicated/the fir st/unmatched/unique/ [kong4 kui4] /scarce/poor/ [kong1 kou3] /incomplete meal of a single dish/meat or vegetable dish without ric or wine/rice without meat or vegetables/ [kong1 kou3 bai2 hua4] /empty promises/ [kong1 kou3 shuo1 bai2 hua4] /to make empty promises/ [kong1 ming2] /vacuous reputation/name without substance/in name only/so-called/ [kong1 han3] /idle clamor/to prattle/ [kong4 di4] /vacant land/open space/ [kong1 cheng2 ji4] /empty city strategy/double bluff strategy (idiom)/CL: [kong1 jie3] /abbr. for /stewardess/air hostess/female flight attendant/ [kong4 zi5] /gap/unoccupied space or time/same as / [kong1 ke4 gong1 si1] /Airbus (European corporation)/ [kong1 shi4 qing1 ye3] /empty room, clean field (idiom); clean out everyt nothing for the enemy/scorched earth policy/ [kong1 dui4 kong1 dao3 dan4] /air-to-air missile/ [kong1 chao2] /empty nest/a home where the kids have grown up and moved out/ [kong1 huan4] /vanity/empty fantasy/illusion/ [kong1 xin1] /hollow/empty headed/mindless/ [kong4 xin1] /fasting/on an empty stomach/ [kong4 xin1 r5] /erhua variant of , fasting/on an empty stomach/

[kong1 xin1 da4 lao3 guan1] /fake important personage/sham/ [kong1 xin1 qiang2] /cavity wall/hollow wall/ [kong1 xin1 lao3 da4] /pretentious and vacuous person/ [kong1 xin1 cai4] /see [weng4 cai4]/ [kong1 xin1 luo2 bo5] /useless person/ [kong1 nu4] /air rage/ [kong1 xiang3] /daydream/fantasy/to fantasize/ [kong1 xiang3 she4 hui4 zhu3 yi4] /utopian socialism/ [kong1 zhan4] /air war/air warfare/ [kong1 fang2 jian1] /vacant room/ [kong1 shou3] /empty-handed/unarmed/karate/ [kong1 shou3 er2 gui1] /to return empty-handed/to fail to win anything/ [kong1 shou3 dao4] /karate/ [kong1 tou2] /air drop/to drop supplies by air/ [kong1 dang3] /neutral gear/ [kong4 ri4] /day that is named but not numbered (on ethnic calendar)/ [kong4 xia2] /idle/free time/leisure/ [kong1 kuang4] /spacious and empty/void/ [kong4 ge2] /blank/blank space on a form/space/ (indicating missing or illegibl aracter)/ [kong1 qi4] /air/atmosphere/ [kong1 qi4 ji4 liang4] /air dose/ [kong1 qi4 dong4 li4] /aerodynamic force/ [kong1 qi4 dong4 li4 xue2] /aerodynamics/ [kong1 qi4 qu3 yang4] /air sampling/ [kong1 qi4 qu3 yang4 qi4] /air sampler/ [kong1 qi4 wu1 ran3] /air pollution/ [kong1 qi4 liu2] /flow of air/draft/ [kong1 qi4 liu2 tong1] /fresh air/draft/ [kong1 qi4 huan3 chong1 jian1] /air lock/ [kong1 qi4 tiao2 jie2] /air conditioner/ [kong1 qi4 zu3 li4] /atmospheric drag/ [kong1 fan4] /vague and general/not specific/shallow/empty/ [kong1 dong4] /cavity/empty/vacuous/ [kong1 dong4 wu2 wu4] /empty cave, nothing there (idiom); devoid of subst new to show/ [kong1 wu2 yi1 ren2] /not a soul in sight (idiom)/ [kong1 wu2 suo3 you3] /having nothing (idiom); utterly destitute/without rub together/ [kong4 dang4] /gap/interval/ [kong1 shu1] /shallow/empty/ [kong4 bai2] /blank space/ [kong4 bai2 dian3] /gap/empty space/ [kong4 xue2] /electron hole/ [kong1 xue2 lai2 feng1] /wind from an empty cave (idiom); story without f ing out of thin air/when negated: not baseless/not out of thin air/ [kong4 xue2 lai2 feng1 wei4 bi4 wu2 yin1] /wind does not n/there's no smoke without fire (idiom)/ [kong1 kong1] /empty/vacuous/nothing/vacant/in vain/all for nothing/air-to-air (m ssile)/ [kong1 kong1 ru2 ye3] /as empty as anything (idiom); completely bereft/to /vacuous/hollow/empty (argument, head etc)/ [kong1 kong1 dao3 dan4] /air-to-air missile/ [kong1 kong1 dong4 dong4] /empty/hollow/lacking in substance/ [kong1 kong1 dang4 dang4] /deserted/ [kong1 kong1 dang4 dang4] /absolutely empty (space)/complete vacuum/ [kong1 zhu2] /Chinese yo-yo/ [kong4 que1] /vacancy/ [kong1 zhi4] /to set sth aside/to let sth lie idle/idle/unused/ [kong1 qiang1] /cavity/

[kong1 chang2] /jejunum (empty gut, middle segment of small intestine between duo enum [shi2 er4 zhi3 chang2] and ileum [hui2 chang2])/ [kong1 fu4] /an empty stomach/ [kong1 fu4 gao1 xin1] /ambitious despite lack of ambition/ [kong1 luo4 luo4] /empty/desolate/ [kong1 zhe5 shou3] /empty-handed/ [kong1 dang4 dang4] /absolutely empty (space)/complete vacuum/ [kong1 xu1] /hollow/emptiness/meaningless/ [kong1 xi2] /air raid/attack from the air/ [kong1 hua4] /empty talk/bunk/malicious gossip/ [kong1 hua4 lian2 pian1] /long-winded empty talk/ [kong1 tiao2] /air conditioning/ [kong1 tiao2 che1] /air conditioned vehicle/ [kong1 tan2] /prattle/idle chit-chat/ [kong1 gu3 zu2 yin1] /sound of footsteps in an empty valley (idiom); a ra /That's sth you don't often hear!/ [kong1 pao3 yi1 tang4] /to make a journey for nothing/ [kong1 shen1] /empty handed (carrying nothing)/alone/ [kong1 jun1] /air force/ [kong1 jun1 yi1 hao4] /Air Force One, US presidential jet/ [kong1 jun1 si1 ling4] /air commodore/top commander of air force/ [kong1 jun1 ji1 di4] /air base/ [kong1 yun4] /air transport/ [kong1 yun4 fei4] /air freight (cost of air transport)/ [kong4 xian2] /idle/free time/leisure/ [kong1 jian1] /space/CL: [ge4]/ [kong1 jian1 ju2] /space agency/ [kong1 jian1 tan4 ce4] /space probe/ [kong1 jian1 zhan4] /space station/ [kong1 qu4] /empty and quiet/ [kong1 fang2] /air force/air defense/ [kong1 jiang4] /airborne/ [kong1 jiang4 bing1] /paratroopers/ [kong4 xi4] /crack/gap between two objects/gap in time between two events/ [kong1 ji2] /empty set (set theory)/ [kong1 nan4] /air crash/aviation accident or incident/ [kong1 tou2] /short (finance)/ [kong4 e2] /vacancy/unfilled work place/ [kong4 yu2] /free/vacant/unoccupied/ [chuan1] /to bore through/to pierce/to perforate/to penetrate/to pass through/to dress/to wear/to put on/to thread/ [chuan1 shang5] /to put on (clothes etc)/ [chuan1 ci4] /medical puncture to extract bodily fluid (a tap)/body piercing/punc ure/ [chuan1 hui2] /to put on (clothes)/to put (clothes) back on/ [chuan1 shan1 jia3] /pangolin (Manis pentadactylata)/scaly ant-eater/ [chuan1 dai4] /wear/ [chuan1 bang1] /(TV or movie) blooper/continuity error/(theater) to flub one's li es/unintended exposure of a body part/to be exposed (of a scheme or trick)/to re veal sth one intended to conceal through a slip of the tongue/to blow one's cove r/ [chuan1 dai4] /to dress/clothing/ [chuan1 cha1] /to insert/to interject/ [chuan1 suo1] /to travel back and forth/to shuttle/ [chuan1 dong4] /pierce/ [chuan1 zhuo2] /dress/clothes/attire/to wear/ [chuan1 zhuo2 da3 ban4] /style of dress/one's appearance/ [chuan1 zhuo2 jiang3 jiu5] /smart clothes/particular about one's dress/ [chuan1 xing2] /to go through/to bore through/to push one's way through/ [chuan1 yi1] /to wear clothes/clothing/

[chuan1 yue4] /to pass through/to cross/to overcome/ [chuan1 tou4] /to penetrate/ [chuan1 tou4 fu2 she4] /penetrating radiation/ [chuan1 guo4] /to pass through/ [chuan1 jin1 dai4 yin2] /richly bedecked/dripping with gold and silver (i [chuan1 zhen1 yin3 xian4] /lit. a leading-line to thread a needle (idiom) etween/ [chuan1 zhen1 zou3 xian4] /thread a needle/ [chuan1 zao2] /to bore a hole/to give a forced interpretation/ [chuan1 zao2 fu4 hui4] /to give a forced interpretation (idiom); draw far ogies/ [chuan1 ma3 lu4] /to cross (a street)/ [zhun1] /to bury/ [zhun1 xi1] /to bury (in a tomb)/ [tu1] /to dash/to move forward quickly/to bulge/to protrude/to break through/to rush out/sudden/Taiwan pr. [tu2]/ [tu1 wu4] /lofty or towering/sudden or abrupt/ [tu1 chu1] /prominent/outstanding/to give prominence to/to protrude/to project/ [Tu1 jue2] /Turkic ethnic group/ [Tu1 jue2 si1 tan3] /Turkestan/ [tu1 wei2] /to break a siege/to break out of an enclosure/ [tu1 ru2 qi2 lai2] /to arise abruptly/to arrive suddenly/happening sudden [Tu1 ni2 si1] /Tunisia/Tunis, capital of Tunisia/ [Tu1 ni2 si1 shi4] /Tunis, capital of Tunisia/ [Tu1 ni2 xi1 ya4] /Tunisia/ [tu1 ji1] /sudden and violent attack/assault/fig. rushed job/concentrated effort o finish a job quickly/ [tu1 ji1 jian3 cha2] /sudden unannounced investigation/on-the-spot inspec h without notification/ [tu1 ji1 dui4] /commando unit/ [tu1 ji1 dui4 yuan2] /commando/ [Tu1 quan2 xian4] /Tuquan county in Hinggan league [Xing1 an1 me / [tu1 ran2] /sudden/abrupt/unexpected/ [tu1 ran2 jian1] /suddenly/ [tu1 fa1] /to burst out suddenly/sudden outburst/ [tu1 fa1 shi4 jian4] /sudden occurrence/ [tu1 fa1 qi2 xiang3] /suddenly have a thought (idiom)/suddenly be inspire hing/ [tu1 po4] /to break through/to make a breakthrough/to surmount or break the back f (a task etc)/(of ball sports) to break through a defense/ [tu1 tu1] /beating of the heart/pitapat/the pulsation of a machine and/or it's mo ement thereof/() (onomatopoeia)/ [tu1 xi2] /surprise attack/ [tu1 chu4 hou4] /post-synaptic/ [tu1 bian4] /sudden change/mutation/ [tu1 bian4 zhu1] /mutant/mutant strain (of virus)/ [tu1 bian4 li3 lun4] /(math.) catastrophe theory/ [tu1 qi3] /to appear suddenly/projection/bit sticking out/ [tu1 qi3 bu4] /bit sticking out/projection/ [tu1 xian3] /conspicuous/to make sth stand out/make sth prominent/ [tu1 fei1 meng3 jin4] /advance by leaps and bounds/ [lao2] /variant of [lao2]/ [zhai3] /narrow/narrow-minded/badly off/ [zhai3 xiang4] /narrow alley/narrow street/ [zhai3 xia2] /see [xia2 zhai3]/ [zhai3 feng4] /narrow gap/slit/ [yao3] /sunken eyes/deep and hollow/remote and obscure/variant of [yao3]/ [yao3 ran2] /far and deep/remote and obscure/see also [yao3 ran2]/ [bian3] /put a coffin in grave/

[yao3] /deep/quiet and elegant/variant of [yao3]/ [yao3 ming2] /variant of [yao3 ming2]/ [yao3 yao3] /obscure/dusky/far and deep/profound/see also [yao3 yao3]/ [yao3 tiao3] /sweet, fair, and graceful (of a woman)/a seductive woman/secluded ( ower)/ [yao3 ai3] /variant of [yao3 ai3]/ [wa1] /lowland swamp/ [zhu2] /in a hole/ [jiao4] /cellar/ [zhi4] /to obstruct/to stop up/ [zhi4 xi1] /to choke/to stifle/to suffocate/ [zhi4 xi1 xing4 du2 ji4] /choking agent/ [chuang1] /Japanese variant of / [yao3] /dark/deep/southeast corner of room/ [tiao3] /quiet and secluded/gentle, graceful, and elegant/ [tiao3 sui4] /abstruse/deep and profound/ [jiao4] /cellar/ [chuang1] /shutter/window/CL:[shan4]/ [chuang1 kou3] /window/opening providing restricted access (e.g. customer service window)/computer operating system window/fig. medium/intermediary/showpiece/test ing ground/ [chuang1 zi3] /casement/window/ [chuang1 lian2] /window curtains/ [chuang1 hu5] /window/CL: [ge4],[shan4]/ [chuang1 hu4 ling2] /window frame/ [chuang1 shan4] /window/the opening panel of a window/ [chuang1 ming2 ji1 jing4] /lit. clear window and clean table (idiom)/fig. lean/ [chuang1 kuang4] /window frame/ [chuang1 ling2] /window lattice/window frame/ [chuang1 ling2 zi5] /window lattice/window frame/ [chuang1 bo1 li2] /window pane/ [chuang1 tai2] /window sill/window ledge/ [chuang1 gou1] /window hook/window latch/ [chuang1 shi4] /window decoration/ [jiong3] /distressed/embarrassed/ [jiong3 kui4] /destitute/impoverished/ [jiong3 jing4] /awkward situation/predicament/ [jiong3 kuang4] /predicament/ [jiong3 po4] /poverty-stricken/very poor/hard-pressed/in a predicament/embarrasse / [dan4] /pit/cave/ [ku1] /cave/hole/ [ku1 long5] /hole/pocket/cavity/loophole/debt/ [ku1 tun2] /buttocks (topolect)/ [ke1] /nest/ [su4] /rush out of a den/rustling/ [xun1] /to scent tea with flowers/ [yin4] /cellar/ [wo1] /nest/pit or hollow on the human body/lair/den/place/to harbor or shelter/ to hold in check/to bend/classifier for litters and broods/ [wo1 zhu3] /person who harbors criminals/receiver (of stolen goods)/ [wo1 da1] /otak, a Malay food (GM)/ [wo1 nang5] /annoyed/to feel vexed/pointless/asinine/good-for-nothing/stupid and owardly/ [wo1 nang5 qi4] /pent up frustration/petty annoyances/ [wo1 chao2] /nest/ [wo1 xin1] /to feel irritated without being able to express it/to bear a silent g udge/to feel warm inside (Southern Mandarin)/ [wo1 wo5 tou2] /a kind of a bread/

[wo1 bo2 r5] /to suffer a snub/to meet with a rebuff/ [wo1 nong2 bao1] /useless weakling/ [wo1 cang2] /to harbor/to shelter/ [Wo1 kuo4 tai2] /gedei Khan (1186 1242), a son of Genghis Khan/ [Wo1 kuo4 tai2 han4] /gedei Khan (1186 1242), a son of Genghis Khan/ [wa1] /depression/sunken/swamp/ [wa1 di4] /depression/low-lying ground/ [yu2] /hole in a wall/ [yu2 qiang2 kui1 shi4] /to spy on sb through a peephole (idiom)/ [qiong2] /exhausted/poor/ [qiong2 er4 dai4] /those who did not benefit from the Chinese economic reform e 1980s/see also [fu4 er4 dai4]/ [qiong2 ren2] /poor people/the poor/ [qiong2 guang1 dan4] /poor wretch/pauper/destitute man/poverty-stricken peasa iless good-for-nothing/impecunious vagabond/ [qiong2 kui4] /to be short of sth/to be wanting in sth/ [qiong2 kun4] /destitute/wretched poverty/ [qiong2 guo2] /poor country/ [qiong2 she1 ji2 chi3] /extravagant in the extreme (idiom)/ [qiong2 she1 ji2 yu4] /to indulge in a life of luxury (idiom); extreme ex [qiong2 kou4] /cornered enemy/ [qiong2 shan1 e4 shui3] /barren hills and treacherous rapids (idiom); inh ural environment/ [qiong2 chou2] /destitute/troubled/penniless and full of care/ [qiong2 chou2 liao2 dao3] /destitute and troubled/in dire straits/ [qiong2 bang4 zi5] /poor but spirited person/destitute/the poor (traditional) [qiong2 dang1 yi4 jian1] /poor but ambitious (idiom); hard-pressed but de worse one's position, the harder one must fight back/ [qiong2 jin4] /end/bound/boundary/ [qiong2 jie2 xin1 ji4] /to remain cunning even though exhausted (idiom)/ [qiong2 jie2 fa3] /Archimedes' method of exhaustion (an early form of integra lus)/ [Qiong2 jie2] /variant of [Qiong2 jie2], Qonggyai county, Tibetan: 'Phyo Lhokha prefecture [Shan1 nan2 di4 qu1], Tibet/ [Qiong2 jie2 xian4] /variant of [Qiong2 jie2 xian4], Qonggyai co gyas rdzong, in Lhokha prefecture [Shan1 nan2 di4 qu1], Tibet/ [qiong2 ku3] /impoverished/destitute/ [qiong2 cu4] /hard-up/in dire straits/desperate/ [qiong2 zhui1] /to go in hot pursuit/ [qiong2 tu2 mo4 lu4] /lit. the path exhausted, the end of the road (idiom /in a plight with no way out/things have reached a dead end/ [qiong2 xiang1 pi4 rang3] /a remote and desolate place/ [qiong2 suan1 xiang4] /wretched look/shabby looks/ [qiong2 e4] /exhausted and hungry/ [qiong2 shu3 nie4 li2] /a desperate rat will bite the fox (idiom); the sm ill turn being trodden on/ [yao2] /kiln/oven/ [yao2 chang3] /brick kiln/ [yao2 jie3 r5] /a prostitute/ [yao2 dong4] /yaodong (dugout used as shelter)/ [yu3] /bad/useless/weak/ [tian2] /fill in/ [diao4] /deep/distant/profound/ [ju4] /poor/rustic/ [xi1] /disturbing noises/ [xi1 su4] /a rustling noise/ [kui1] /to peep/to pry into/ [kui1 tan4] /to pry into or spy on/to snoop/to peep/to poke one's nose into/to pe r/to get a glimpse of/ [kui1 wang4] /to peep/to spy on/

[kui1 shi4] /to peep at/to spy on/to peek/ [kui1 bao4] /lit. to see one spot on a leopard/fig. a restricted view/ [kui1 bao4 yi1 ban1] /lit. see one spot on a leopard (idiom); fig. a rest [cuan4] /to conceal/to hide/ [kuan3] /crack/hollow/cavity/to excavate or hollow out/onomatopoeia for water hi tting rock/(old) variant of [kuan3]/ [long2] /cavity/hole/ [cui4] /dig a hole/ [zao4] /variant of , kitchen stove/furnace/ [cuan4] /to flee/to scuttle/to exile or banish/to amend or edit/ [cuan4 rao3] /to invade and harass/ [cuan4 gai3] /to alter/to modify/to change/to tamper/ [cuan4 fan4] /to raid/an intrusion (of the enemy, or bandit groups)/ [cuan4 hong2] /to become suddenly popular/suddenly all the rage/ [cuan4 ju4] /to flee in disorder and encamp somewhere/ [cuan4 tao2] /to flee in disorder/to scurry off/ [qiao4] /intelligence/opening/tunnel to the heart (traditional concept)/ [qiao4 men2] /a trick/an ingenious method/know-how/the knack (of doing sth)/ [qiao4 men2 r5] /a trick/an ingenious method/know-how/the knack (of doing sth [Dou4] /surname Dou/ [dou4] /hole/convex opening/cavity (anatom.)/sinus/ [Dou4 E2 yuan1] /The Injustice to Dou E (popular drama by [Guan1 [dou4 jiao4] /cellar/crypt/ [dou4 dao4] /subterranean passage/ [zao4] /variant of , kitchen stove/furnace/ [qie4] /to steal/secretly/(humble) I/ [qie4 qu3] /to steal/to seize/ [qie4 guo2 zhe3 hou2 , qie4 gou1 zhe3 zhu1] /steal th steal a hook and they hang you (idiom, from Daoist classic Zhuangzi )/ [qie4 ju4] /to usurp/to claim unjustly/to expropriate/ [qie4 quan2] /to usurp authority/to hold power improperly/ [qie4 dao4] /burglar/ [qie4 qie4] /privately/secretly/unobtrusively/ [qie4 qie4 si1 yu3] /to whisper/ [qie4 ting1] /to eavesdrop/to wiretap/ [qie4 dan4 long2] /oviraptorosaurus (egg-stealing dinosaur)/ [qie4 du4 jia3] /drugstore beetle/CL: [zhi1]/ [qie4 zei2] /thief/ [qie4 gou1 zhe3 zhu1 , qie4 guo2 zhe3 hou2] /steal a ntry and they make you a prince (idiom, from Daoist classic Zhuangzi )/ [Li4] /surname Li/ [li4] /to stand/to set up/to establish/to lay down/to draw up/at once/immediatel y/ [li4 xia4] /to set up/to establish/ [li4 jiao1] /abbr. for [li4 ti3 jiao1 cha1] overpass/ [li4 jiao1 qiao2] /overpass/flyover/ [li4 zhuan4] /to record sb's achievements in writing/to write a biography enhanci g the subject's image/ [li4 xiang4] /standing image (of a Buddha or saint)/ [li4 ke4 ci4 ti3] /Rickettsia (genus of intracellular parasitic bacteria) [Li4 dong1] /Lidong or Start of Winter, 19th of the 24 solar terms [li4 dao1 pang2] /name of "knife" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radic occurring in , , etc/see also [dao1]/ [li4 ke4] /forthwith/immediate/prompt/promptly/straightway/thereupon/at once/ [li4 ji2] /immediately/ [li4 guo2] /to found a country/ [li4 di4 cheng2 fo2] /to become a Buddha on the spot (idiom); instant reh o repent and be absolved of one's crimes/ [li4 chang3] /position/standpoint/CL: [ge4]/ [Li4 xia4] /Lixia or Start of Summer, 7th of the 24 solar terms

[li4 wei3] /abbr. for [li4 fa3 wei3 yuan2 hui4]/abbr. for [li4 wei3 xuan3 ju3] /legislative elections/ [Li4 shan1 qu1] /Lishan district of Anshan city [An1 shan1 shi4], Liaon [li4 zhi4] /to be determined/to be resolved/ [li4 xian4] /to set up a constitution/ [li4 fang1] /cube/ [li4 fang1 gong1 chi3] /cubic meter m^3/ [li4 fang1 li2 mi3] /cubic centimeter/ [li4 fang1 gen1] /cubic root (math)/ [li4 fang1 mi3] /cubic meter (unit of volume)/ [li4 fang1 ti3] /cube/cubic/ [Li4 chun1] /Lichun or Beginning of Spring, 1st of the 24 solar terms 5]/ [li4 shi2] /right away/quickly/immediately/ [li4 gan1 jian4 ying3] /lit. put up a pole and see the shadow (idiom); to nt results/ [li4 an4] /to register (to an official organism)/to file a case (for investigatio )/ [li4 zheng4] /to stand straight/attention! (order to troops)/ [li4 shi4 li4 ke4 ci4 ti3] /Rickettsia rickettsii/ [li4 fa3] /legislation/ [li4 fa3 wei3 yuan2] /member of the Legislative Yuan (Taiwan)/ [li4 fa3 wei3 yuan2 hui4] /legislative committee/ [li4 fa3 hui4] /legislative council/LegCo (Hong Kong)/ [li4 fa3 ji1 guan1] /legislature/ [li4 fa3 yuan4] /Legislative yuan, the legislative branch of government under nstitution of Republic of China, then of Taiwan/ [Li4 qiu1] /Liqiu or Start of Autumn, 13th of the 24 solar terms [li4 gan1 jian4 ying3] /lit. set up a pole and see the shadow (idiom); fi fect/quick results/ [li4 yue1] /to make a contract/ [li4 lun4] /proposition/argument/ [li4 zu2] /to stand/to have a footing/to be established/to base oneself on/ [li4 zu2 dian3] /foothold/ [Li4 tao2 wan3] /Lithuania/the Lithuanian republic, former Baltic Soviet repu [Li4 tao2 wan3 ren2] /Lithuanian (person)/ [li4 mian4 tu2] /elevation/three dimensional drawing/ [li4 ma3] /at once/immediately/promptly/swiftly/ [li4 ti3] /three-dimensional/solid/stereoscopic/ [li4 ti3 jiao1 cha1] /three-dimensional road junction (i.e. involving fly or underpass tunnels)/overpass/ [li4 ti3 tu2] /three-dimensional figure/hologram/stereogram/ [li4 ti3 ji3 he2] /solid geometry/ [li4 ti3 she4 xiang4 ji1] /stereoscopic camera/3D camera/ [Li4 ti3 pai4] /Cubism/ [li4 ti3 zhao4 pian4] /three-dimensional photo/ [li4 ti3 sheng1] /stereo sound/ [li4 ti3 jiao3] /solid angle/ [li4 ti3 dian4 ying3 yuan4] /stereoscopic cinema/3D cinema/ [li4 yu2] /tilapia/ [hong2] /large/to estimate/ [zhan4] /station/to stand/to halt/to stop/branch of a company or organization/we bsite/ [zhan4 bu5 zhu4 jiao3] /ill-founded/groundless/ [zhan4 zhu4] /to stand/ [Zhan4 qian2 qu1] /Zhanqian district of Yingkou City , Liaoning/ [zhan4 tai2] /platform (at a railway station)/ [zhan4 yuan2] /station employee/railway clerk/ [zhan4 zi1] /stance/ [zhan4 gang3] /to stand guard/to serve on sentry duty/

[zhan4 pai2] /bus information board/street sign for a bus stop/bus stop/ [zhan4 wen3] /to stand firm/ [zhan4 li4] /to stand/standing/on one's feet/ [zhan4 guan3 li3] /station management/ [zhan4 qi3] /to get up on hind legs (esp. of horse)/to stand/to spring up/ [zhan4 qi3 lai5] /to stand up/ [zhan4 jun1 zi1] /to stand at attention (military)/ [zhan4 zhang3] /station master/ [zhan4 dian3] /website/ [long2] /Japanese variant of / [bing4] /variant of [bing4]/ [jing4] /unexpectedly/actually/to go so far as to/indeed/ [jing4 ran2] /unexpectedly/to one's surprise/in spite of everything/in that crazy way/actually/to go as far as to/ [Jing4 ling2] /Jingling, former name of Tianmen , Hubei/ [Zhang1] /surname Zhang/ [zhang1] /chapter/section/clause/movement (of symphony)/seal/badge/regulation/or der/ [Zhang1 qiu1] /Zhangqiu county level city in Ji'nan [Ji3 nan2], Shandong [Zhang1 qiu1 shi4] /Zhangqiu county level city in Ji'nan [Ji3 nan2], [zhang1 ze2] /rule/ [zhang1 hui2 xiao3 shuo1] /novel in chapters, main format for long novels g onwards, with each chapter headed by a summary couplet/ [Zhang1 Shi4 zhao1] /Zhang Shizhao (1881-1973), revolutionary journalist in S , then established writer/ [Zhang1 Tai4 yan2] /Zhang Taiyan (1869-1936), scholar, journalist, revolution leading intellectual around the time of the Xinhai revolution/ [zhang1 zi5] /seal/stamp/ [Zhang1 Zi3 yi2] /Zhang Ziyi (1979-), PRC actress/ [zhang1 xiao4 yan2] /John Chang (Taiwan Foreign Minister)/ [Zhang1 Bing3 lin2] /Zhang Taiyan (1869-1936), scholar, journalist, re leading intellectual around the time of the Xinhai revolution/ [zhang1 fu3 jian4 lu:3] /court crown beneath straw shoe (idiom); everythi ide-down/ [zhang1 cheng2] /rules/regulations/constitution/statute/articles of association ( f company)/articles of incorporation/charter (of a corporation)/by-laws/ [zhang1 jie2] /chapter/section/ [zhang1 tai2] /street name in ancient Chang'an synonymous with brothel area/red-l ght district/ [Zhang1 gong4] /Zhanggong district of Ganzhou city , Jiangxi/ [Zhang1 gong4 qu1] /Zhanggong district of Ganzhou city , Jiangxi [zhang1 yu2] /octopus/ [jun4] /complete/finish/ [jun4 gong1] /to complete a project/ [Tong2] /surname Tong/ [tong2] /boy/child/children/ [tong2 ji1] /medium who communicates with the dead (Daoism)/ [tong2 er2] /boy/ [tong2 sou3 wu2 qi1] /cheating neither old nor young (idiom); treating yo old folk equally scrupulously/Our house offers sincere treatment to all and fair trade to old and young alike./ [tong2 nu:3] /virgin female/ [tong2 zi3] /boy/ [Tong2 zi3 jun1] /Scout (youth organization)/ [tong2 zi3 jun1] /child soldiers/juvenile militia/ [tong2 gong1] /child labor/ [tong2 nian2] /childhood/ [tong2 xin1] /childish heart/childish innocence/ [tong2 xing1] /child star/ [tong2 nan2] /virgin male/

[tong2 zhen1] /childishness/naivete/ [tong2 meng2] /young and ignorant/ignorant and uneducated/ [tong2 zhuang1] /children's clothing/ [tong2 yan2 wu2 ji4] /children's words carry no harm (idiom)/ [tong2 hua4] /children's fairy tales/ [tong2 hua4 gu4 shi4] /fairy tale/ [tong2 yao2] /nursery rhyme/ [tong2 zhen1] /virginity/chastity/ [Tong2 jun1] /Scout (youth organization)/see also / [tong2 yang3 xi2] /child bride/girl adopted into a family as future daughter [tong2 yang3 xi2 fu4] /child bride/girl adopted into a family as future d w/ [song3] /respectful/horrified/to raise (one's shoulders)/to stand on tiptoe/to c rane/ [shu4] /variant of [shu4]/ [jie2] /to exhaust/ [jie2 li4] /to do one's utmost/ [jie2 xin1] /to do one's utmost/ [jie2 jin4] /exhaustion/ [jie2 jin4 quan2 li4] /to spare no effort (idiom); to do one's utmost/ [jie2 cheng2] /wholeheartedly/ [duan1] /end/extremity/item/port/to hold sth level with both hands/to carry/regu lar/ [duan1 ni2] /boundary land/clue/inkling/to predict/ [Duan1 wu3] /see [Duan1 wu3 jie2]/ [Duan1 wu3 jie2] /the Dragon Boat Festival (5th day of the 5th lunar month)/ [duan1 kou3] /interface/port/ [duan1 zuo4] /to sit upright/ [Duan1 zhou1] /Duanzhou district of Zhaoqing city [Zhao4 qing4 shi4] [Duan1 zhou1 qu1] /Duanzhou district of Zhaoqing city [Zhao4 qin [duan1 fang1] /upright/honest/proper/correct/ [Duan1 mu4] /two-character surname Duanmu/ [Duan1 mu4 Ci4] /Duanmu Ci (520 BC-446 BC), disciple of Confucius, also known Gong [Zi3 Gong4]/ [duan1 jia4 zi5] /to put on airs/ [duan1 zheng4] /upright/regular/proper/correct/ [duan1 ran2] /upright/finally/unexpectedly/ [duan1 di4] /really/after all/details/particulars/ [Duan1 yan4] /high-quality ink stonemade in Duanxi and Guangdong/ [duan1 zhan4] /end station/ [duan1 li4] /telomere/ [duan1 li4 mei2] /telomerase/ [duan1 xi4 tong3] /end system/ [duan1 xu4] /start and development/thread (of a story)/general outline/clue/ [duan1 xian4] /endline (in sports)/sideline/boundary/ [duan1 zhuang1] /dignified/composed/ [duan1 cai4] /to serve food/ [duan1 xiang2] /full details/full particulars/ [duan1 xiang5] /to look over carefully/to scrutinize/ [duan1 lai4] /to depend ultimately on (Taiwan usage)/absolutely reliant on/ [Duan1 yang2 jie2] /see [Duan1 wu3 jie2]/ [duan1 mian4] /end face/ [duan1 dian3] /starting point or ending point (in stories etc)/end point (math)/ [jing4] /to compete/to contend/to struggle/ [jing4 jia4] /price competition/bid (in an auction)/to compete on price/to bid ag inst sb/ [jing4 ji4] /competition of skill (e.g. sports)/athletics tournament/ [jing4 ji4 chang3] /arena/ [jing4 ji4 xing4] /competitive/ [jing4 du4] /rowing competition/boat race/swimming competition (e.g. to cross riv

r or lake)/ [jing4 zheng1] /to compete/competition/ [jing4 zheng1 li4] /competitive strength/competitiveness/ [jing4 zheng1 he2 ju4 he2] /to compete and converge/ [jing4 zheng1 xing4] /competitive/ [jing4 zheng1 mo2 shi4] /competition model/ [jing4 zheng1 chan3 pin3] /competitive product/competitor's product/ [jing4 zheng1 zhe3] /competitor/ [jing4 cai1] /quiz/ [jing4 xiang1] /competitive/eagerly/to vie/ [jing4 xiu4] /beauty contest/vying to be the most beautiful/ [jing4 da2] /to compete to answer questions (in class)/ [jing4 yan4] /vying to be the most glamorous/each more gorgeous than the other/be uty contest/ [jing4 gou4] /to bid competitively/to compete to buy (at auction)/ [jing4 sai4] /race/competition/CL: [ge4]/ [jing4 sai4 zhe3] /player/ [jing4 zou3] /walking race (athletics event)/ [jing4 zhu2] /competition/to compete/to pursue/ [jing4 xuan3] /to take part in an election/to run for office/ [jing4 xuan3 fu4 shou3] /election assistant/running mate/ [jing4 xuan3 da1 dang4] /election partner/running mate/ [jing4 xuan3 huo2 dong4] /(election) campaign/ [zhu2] /bamboo/CL:[ke1],[zhi1],[gen1]/ [zhu2 dao1] /shinai (bamboo sword for kend)/ [Zhu2 bei3] /Zhubei or Chupei city in Hsinchu county [Xin1 zhu2 xian n/ [Zhu2 bei3 shi4] /Zhubei or Chupei city in Hsinchu county [Xin1 iwan/ [Zhu2 nan2] /Zhunan or Chunan town in Miaoli county [Miao2 li4 xian4 / [Zhu2 nan2 zhen4] /Zhu'nan or Chu'nan town in Miaoli county [Mia Taiwan/ [Zhu2 Yuan2] /Chuk Yuen (place in Hong Kong)/ [Zhu2 tang2] /Chutang or Zhutang township in Changhua county [Zhang1 n/ [Zhu2 tang2 xiang1] /Chutang or Zhutang township in Changhua county Taiwan/ [zhu2 zi5] /bamboo/CL:[ke1],[zhi1],[gen1]/ [Zhu2 shan1] /Zhushan county in Shiyan [Shi2 yan4], Hubei/Zhushan or Chushan Nantou county [Nan2 tou2 xian4], central Taiwan/ [Zhu2 shan1 xian4] /Zhushan county in Shiyan [Shi2 yan4], Hubei/ [Zhu2 shan1 zhen4] /Zhushan or Chushan town in Nantou county [Na aiwan/ [Zhu2 dao3] /Takeshima (Korean Dokdo ), disputed islands in Sea of Japan [Zhu2 qi2] /Zhuqi or Chuchi township in Chiayi county [Jia1 yi4 xian [Zhu2 qi2 xiang1] /Zhuqi or Chuchi township in Chiayi county [Ji n/ [zhu2 bo2] /bamboo and silk writing materials (before paper)/ [zhu2 pai3] /bamboo raft/ [Zhu2 shu1 Ji4 nian2] /Bamboo Annals, early chronicle of Chinese ancient ten c. 300 BC/ [zhu2 mu4] /bamboo and wood/ [Zhu2 dong1] /Zhudong or Chutung town in Hsinchu county [Xin1 zhu2 x iwan/ [Zhu2 dong1 zhen4] /Zhudong or Chutung town in Hsinchu county [X t Taiwan/ [zhu2 ban3] /bamboo clapper boards used in folk theater/ [zhu2 lin2] /bamboo forest/ [Zhu2 xi1] /Zhuxi county in Shiyan [Shi2 yan4], Hubei/

[Zhu2 xi1 xian4] /Zhuxi county in Shiyan [Shi2 yan4], Hubei/ [Zhu2 tian2] /Chutien township in Pingtung county [Ping2 dong1 xian4 [Zhu2 tian2 xiang1] /Chutien township in Pingtung county [Ping2 [zhu2 sheng1] /bamboo fungus/ [zhu2 sun3] /bamboo shoots/ [zhu2 tong3] /bamboo tube/bamboo pipe/ [zhu2 tong3 dao3 dou4 zi5] /to pour beans out of a bamboo tube/to com lean breast of things/ [zhu2 gu1 r5] /bamboo hoop/bamboo band/ [zhu2 guan3] /bamboo pipe/ [zhu2 bi4] /bamboo comb/ [zhu2 jian3] /bamboo writing slips in ancient times (joined together to form whol scrolls)/ [zhu2 lan2] /wicker basket/ [zhu2 lan2 da3 shui3] /using a wicker basket to draw water (idiom); waste [zhu2 lan2 da3 shui3 , yi1 chang3 kong1] /using a wicker effort/ [zhu2 li2 ba1] /fence/ [zhu2 si1 ji1] /black-boned chicken/silky fowl/silkie/Gallus gallus domesticu on/see also [wu1 gu3 ji1]/ [zhu2 bian1] /wickerwork/ [zhu2 yu4] /Indian arrowroot (Maranta arundinacea)/ [zhu2 ru2] /bamboo shavings (Bambusa tuldoides) used in Chinese medicine/ [zhu2 ye4 qing1] /Trimeresurus stejnegeri (poisonous snake)/ [zhu2 ye4 qing1 she2] /Trimeresurus stejnegeri (poisonous snake)/ [zhu2 zhi4] /made of bamboo/ [zhu2 yu2] /a bamboo carriage/a palanquin/ [zhu2 jiao1] /see [ma3 jiao1 yu2]/ [Zhu2] /surname Zhu/abbr. for [Tian1 zhu2] India (esp. in Tang or Buddhist contex )/Buddhism (archaic)/ [du3] /variant of [du3]/ [Zhu2 qian2] /Buddha (archaic)/Dharma (the teachings of the Buddha)/ [Zhu2 Ke3 zhen1] /Zhu Kezhen (1890-1974), Chinese metereologist and geologist [Zhu2 xue2] /Buddhist doctrine (archaic)/Buddhist studies/ [Zhu2 jiao4] /Buddhism (archaic)/ [Zhu2 shu1] /Buddhist texts (archaic)/scripture/ [Zhu2 fa3] /Dharma (the teachings of the Buddha, archaic)/Buddhist doctrine/ [yu2] /free reed mouth organ, with wooden pipes stuck into a gourd (larger versi on of [sheng1])/ [chi2] /variant of /bamboo flute with 7 or 8 holes/ [gan1] /pole/ [gan1 zi5] /bamboo pole/CL:[gen1], [ge4]/ [gan1 tou2] /babmoo pole's uppermost tip/fig. acme/ [ji1] /15 years old/hairpin for bun/ [ji1 zhi1 nian2] /beginning of maturity (of a girl)/ [ji1 guan1] /to have just attained maturity (traditional)/ [ji1 nian2] /beginning of maturity (of a girl)/ [ji1 zhi4] /a kind of earthworm/ [ba1] /an article made of bamboo strips/fence/ [ba1 dou3] /round-bottomed basket/ [ji2] /trunks (for books)/ [qin3] /smiling countenance/bamboo rope/ [zhao4] /loosely woven bamboo ladle/ [zhao4 li5] /strainer (made of bamboo, wicker, or wire)/ [yuan2] /bamboo with black patches/ [hu4] /tablet held at an audience/ [gang1] /bamboos placed across wooden frames on which grain may be stored in dam p climates/ [xiao4] /laugh/smile/CL: [ge4]/ [xiao4 bu4 ke3 yang3] /to double up with laughter (idiom)/

[Xiao4 kou3 Mi2 le4] /laughing Maitreya/ [xiao4 rong2] /smile/smiling expression/CL:[fu4]/ [xiao4 rong2 ke3 ju1] /smiling wholeheartedly (idiom); beaming from ear t [xiao4 yi4] /smiling expression/ [xiao4 diao4 da4 ya2] /to laugh one's head off/ridiculous/jaw-dropping/ [xiao4 liao4] /source of laughter/laughing stock/butt/joke (person)/ [xiao4 lin2] /Humor/Jokes/ [xiao4 bing3] /to scoff at sb/a laughing stock/ [xiao4 wo1] /see [xiao4 wo1]/ [xiao4 ying2 ying2] /smilingly/to be all smiles/ [xiao4 mi1 mi1] /beaming/all smiles/ [xiao4 wo1] /dimple/ [xiao4 wen2] /laugh lines (on the face)/ [xiao4 na4] /to kindly accept (an offering)/ [xiao4 sheng1] /laughter/ [xiao4 lian3] /smiling face/smiley :) /CL:[fu4]/ [xiao4 lian3 r5] /erhua variant of , smiling face/ [xiao4 lian3 xiang1 ying2] /to welcome sb with a smiling face (idiom)/ [xiao4 li3 cang2 dao1] /lit. a dagger hidden in smiles (idiom); friendly ng hypocritical intentions/when the fox preaches, look to the geese/ [xiao4 hua4] /joke/jest/CL: [ge4]/to laugh at/to mock/ [xiao4 yu3] /talking and laughing/cheerful talk/ [xiao4 pin2 bu4 xiao4 chang1] /the notion in society that it's better e world by abandoning one's scruples than to suffer poverty/lit. despising pover ty but not prostitution (idiom)/ [xiao4 zhu2 yan2 kai1] /smile spread across the face (idiom); beaming wit l smiles/joy written across one's face/ [xiao4 mian4 hu3] /man with a big smile and evil intentions/ [xiao4 ye4] /dimple/smiling face/ [pi2] /to comb/fine-toothed comb/trap for prawns/ [sheng1] /free reed mouth organ, with wooden pipes stuck into a gourd/ [sheng1 ge1] /music and song (formal writing)/ [sheng1 guan3] /pipes of a panpipe/ [sheng1 huang2] /reeds of a panpipe/ [sheng1 xiao1] /reed-pipe wind instrument and vertical bamboo flute/ [di2] /flute/ [Di2 ka3 er2] /Ren Descartes (1596-1650), French philosopher and author of D e la mthode / [Di2 ka3 er2 zuo4 biao1 zhi4] /Cartesian coordinate system/ [Di2 ka3 er3] /Ren Descartes (1596-1650) French philosopher/ [di2 zi5] /bamboo flute/CL:[guan3]/ [Di2 sha1 ge2] /Girard Desargues (1591-1661), French geometer/ [di2 mo2] /membrane which covers a hole in a flute and produces a buzzing tone/ [chi1] /to whip with bamboo strips/ [chi1 xing2] /whipping with bamboo strips (as corporal punishment)/ [chi1 lu:e4] /to flog/ [chi1 ta4] /to flog/to whip/ [chi1 ji1] /to cudgel/ [chi1 zhang4] /a cudgel/CL:[gen1]/ [chi1 chui2] /to beat with a bamboo whip/ [chi1 ma4] /to whip and revile/ [chi1 bei4] /to flog or whip the back/ [chi1 tun2] /to whip the buttocks/ [chi1 ze2] /to flog with a bamboo stick/ [chi1 ru3] /to whip and insult/ [li4] /bamboo rain hat/ [tiao2] /broom/ [tiao2 zhou5] /whisk broom/small broom/CL:[ba3]/ [si4] /square bamboo container for food or clothing/ [si4 kui4 nang2 kong1] /extremely destitute (idiom)/

[Fu2] /surname Fu/ [fu2] /mark/sign/talisman/to seal/to correspond to/tally/symbol/written charm/to coincide/ [fu2 chuan4] /string (as in 'character string')/ [fu2 he2] /in keeping with/in accordance with/tallying with/in line with/to agree with/to accord with/to conform to/to correspond with/to manage/to handle/ [fu2 he2 biao1 zhun3] /to comply with a standard/standards-compliant/ [fu2 he2 Mei3 guo2 li4 yi4] /in line with American interests/ [fu2 zhou4] /charm/amulet (religious object conferring blessing)/ [Fu2 la1 di2 wo4 si1 tuo1 ke4] /Vladivostok (Russian port cit [fu2 ban3] /a charm to protect against evil spirits/ [fu2 pai2] /a talisman or lucky charm/ [fu2 lu4] /book of prophecy/ [fu2 hao4] /symbol/mark/sign/ [fu2 hao4 xue2] /semiotics/semiology/ [fu2 ji4] /token/ [fu2 ji4 huan2] /token ring/ [fu2 lei4 fu2 yin1] /synoptic gospels (i.e. Matthew, Mark and Luke, with nts and chronology)/ [Fu2 teng2 bao3] /Wrttemberg, region of southwest Germany, former state arou art [Si1 tu2 jia1 te4]/ [ben4] /stupid/foolish/silly/slow-witted/clumsy/ [ben4 ren2] /fool/stupid person/ [ben4 kou3 zhuo1 she2] /awkward in speech/ [ben4 zui3 zhuo1 sai1] /clumsy in speech/awkward/poor speaker/ [ben4 zui3 ben4 she2] /clumsy in speaking/awkward/inarticulate/ [ben4 shou3 ben4 jiao3] /clumsy/all thumbs/ [ben4 zhuo1] /clumsy/awkward/stupid/ [ben4 dan4] /fool/idiot/ [ben4 zhong4] /heavy/cumbersome/unwieldy/ [ben4 niao3 xian1 fei1] /lit. the clumsy bird flies early (idiom); fig. t o compensate for one's limited abilities/ [Da2] /surname Da/ [da2] /rough bamboo mat/ [zi3] /planks of bed/sleeping-mat/ [di4] /(prefix indicating ordinal number, e.g. first, number two etc)/ [di4 yi1] /first/number one/ [di4 yi1 ren2 cheng1] /first person (in writing)/ [di4 yi1 li4] /first case/first instance/first time (sth is done)/ [di4 yi1 ge4 ceng2 ci4] /the first stage/ [di4 yi1 guo2 ji4] /First international, organized by Karl Marx in Geneva [di4 yi1 xing2 tang2 niao4 bing4] /Type 1 diabetes/ [di4 yi1 ji1 ben3 xing2 shi4] /(math.) first fundamental form/ [di4 yi1 fu1 ren2] /First Lady (wife of US president)/ [di4 yi1 ji4 du4] /first quarter (of financial year)/ [di4 yi1 tong3 jin1] /the first pot of gold/the initial profits from an e vour/ [di4 yi1 ci4] /the first time/first/number one/ [Di4 yi1 ci4 Shi4 jie4 Da4 zhan4] /World War One/ [di4 yi1 bu4] /step one/first step/ [di4 yi1 liu2] /first-class/ [di4 yi1 chan3 ye4] /primary sector of industry/ [di4 yi1 zhang1] /chapter one/ [di4 yi1 ji2] /first level/ [di4 yi1 sheng1] /first tone in Mandarin/high level tone/ [di4 yi1 xiang4 xian4] /first quadrant (of the coordinate plane, where bo e positive)/ [di4 yi1 lun2] /first round (of match, or election)/ [di4 qi1] /seventh/ [di4 qi1 shi2] /seventieth/

[di4 san1] /third/number three/ [di4 san1 shi4 jie4] /Third World/ [di4 san1 wei4] /third place/ [di4 san1 shi2] /thirtieth/ [di4 san1 ji4 du4] /third quarter (of financial year)/ [di4 san1 fang1] /third party/ [di4 san1 ci4] /third/third time/ [di4 san1 chan3 ye4] /tertiary sector of industry/ [di4 san1 ji4] /third period/tertiary (geological era since the extinction of nosaurs at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary 65 million years ago)/ [di4 san1 ji2] /third level/ [di4 san1 zhe3] /sb who is romantically involved with sb already in a committ tionship/the other woman/the other man/abbr. to /third person/third party (in disp ute)/disinterested party/number three in a list/ [di4 san1 sheng1] /third tone in Mandarin/falling-rising tone/ [di4 jiu3] /ninth/ [di4 jiu3 shi2] /ninetieth/ [di4 er4] /second/number two/next/ [di4 er4 shi4 jie4] /Second World/ [di4 er4 wei4] /second place/ [di4 er4 shi2] /twentieth/ [di4 er4 guo2 ji4] /Second International/ [di4 er4 xing2 tang2 niao4 bing4] /Type 2 diabetes/ [di4 er4 tian1] /next day/the morrow/ [di4 er4 ji4 du4] /second quarter (of financial year)/ [di4 er4 xing4] /the Second Sex/ [di4 er4 ci4] /the second time/second/number two/ [Di4 er4 Ci4 Shi4 jie4 Da4 zhan4] /World War II/ [di4 er4 chan3 ye4] /secondary sector of industry/ [di4 er4 ji2] /second level/ [di4 er4 sheng1] /second tone in Mandarin/rising tone/ [di4 er4 lun2] /second round (of match, or election)/ [di4 wu3] /fifth/ [di4 wu3 ge4 xian4 dai4 hua4] /fifth modernization, i.e. democrac r Modernizations , / [di4 wu3 zong4 dui4] /fifth column (subversive group)/ [di4 wu3 lei4] /category 5/CAT 5 (cable)/ [di4 ba1] /eighth/ [di4 ba1 shi2] /eightieth/ [di4 liu4] /sixth/ [di4 liu4 shi2] /sixtieth/ [di4 liu4 gan3] /sixth sense (i.e. intuition, premonition, telepathy etc)/ [di4 liu4 gan3 jue2] /sixth sense/intuition/ [Di4 le4 ni2 an1 hai3] /Tyrrhenian sea between Sardinia and the Itali [di4 shi2] /tenth/ [di4 shi2 yi1] /eleventh/ [di4 shi2 qi1] /seventeenth/ [di4 shi2 san1] /thirteenth/ [di4 shi2 jiu3] /nineteenth/ [di4 shi2 er4] /twelfth/ [di4 shi2 wu3] /fifteenth/ [di4 shi2 ba1] /eighteenth/ [di4 shi2 liu4] /sixteenth/ [di4 si4] /fourth/number four/ [di4 si4 ji4] /fourth quarter/ [di4 si4 ji4 du4] /fourth quarter (of financial year)/ [di4 si4 ji4] /fourth period/quaternary (geological period covering the recen ges over the last 180,000 years)/ [di4 si4 ji2] /fourth level/ [di4 si4 sheng1] /fourth tone in Mandarin/falling tone/

[di4 si4 tai2] /fourth channel/(in Taiwan) cable TV, FTV/ [Di4 rong2] /Dijon (France)/ [Di4 bi4 li4 si1] /T'bilisi, capital of Georgia or Gruzia [di4 na4 er3] /dinar (currency)/ [ling2] /bamboo screen/ [ze2] /board under tiles on roof/narrow/ [fu2] /duster/ [gou3] /basket for trapping fish/ [fan2] /osier basket of brides/ [jia1] /whistle made of reed/ [fan4] /bamboo mold/ [po3] /flat basket-tray/ [qiong2] /note: song screen font is wrong. should be/ [gui4] /bamboo (archaic)/ [gui4 zhu2] /bamboo (archaic)/ [xian3] /bamboo brush for utensils/ [bi3] /pen/pencil/writing brush/to write or compose/the strokes of Chinese chara cters/classifier for sums of money, deals/CL:[zhi1],[zhi1]/ [bi3 xia4] /the wording and purport of what one writes/ [bi3 gong4] /written evidence, as opposed to oral evidence [kou3 gong4]/ [bi3 hua4] /variant of [bi3 hua4]/strokes of a Chinese character/ [bi3 hua4 jian3 zi4 biao3] /look-up table for Chinese character based oke-count/ [bi3 li4] /vigor of strokes in calligraphy or drawing/vigor of style in literary omposition/ [bi3 sheng4 yu2 dao1 wen2 bi3 wu3 qiang2] /the pen is mig [bi3 you3] /pen pal/ [bi3 ming2] /pen name/pseudonym/ [bi3 mo4] /pen and ink/words/writing/ [bi3 tao4] /the cap of a pen, pencil or writing brush/the sheath of a pen (made o cloth, silk or thread)/ [bi3 jian1] /nib/pen point/the tip of a writing brush or pencil/ [bi3 mao4] /the cap of a pen, pencil, or writing brush/ [bi3 di3 xia4] /ability to write/ [bi3 xin1] /pencil lead/refill (for a ball-point pen)/ [bi3 zhan4] /written polemics/ [bi3 ting3] /(standing) very straight/straight as a ramrod/bolt upright/well-iron d/trim/ [bi3 ti4] /(poorly paid) ghostwriter or substitute calligrapher/ [Bi3 hui4] /PEN (association of writers)/ [bi3 jia4] /pen rack/pen-holder/ [bi3 gan3] /the shaft of a pen or writing brush/pen-holder/pen/ [bi3 gan3 zi5] /pen/an effective writer/ [bi3 fa3] /technique of writing/calligraphy/or drawing/ [bi3 hua4] /strokes of a Chinese character/ [bi3 hua4 shu4] /stroke count (number of brushstrokes of a Chinese character) [bi3 zhi2] /perfectly straight/straight as a ramrod/bolt upright/ [bi3 yan4] /writing brush and ink stone/ [bi3 tong3] /pen container/brush pot/ [bi3 suan4] /do a sum in writing/written calculation/ [bi3 guan3 mian4] /penne pasta/ [bi3 zhe3] /the author/the writer/ [bi3 geng1] /to make a living by writing/to write (as an author)/ [bi3 chu4] /brush stroke in Chinese painting and calligraphy/brushwork/style of d awing or writing/ [bi3 ji4] /to take down (in writing)/notes/a type of literature consisting mainly of short sketches/CL:[ben3]/ [bi3 ji4 xing2 dian4 nao3] /notebook (computer)/ [bi3 ji4 ben3] /notebook/CL:[ben3]/ [bi3 ji4 ben3 ji4 suan4 ji1] /laptop/notebook (computer)/

[bi3 ji4 ben3 dian4 nao3] /laptop/notebook (computer)/CL: [tai2], [bi3 shi4] /written examination/ [bi3 wu4] /a slip of a pen/CL: [chu4]/ [bi3 diao4] /(of writing) tone/style/ [bi3 tan2] /conversation by writing/sketches and notes/ [bi3 yi4] /written translation/ [bi3 ji4] /handwriting/ [bi3 feng1] /the tip of a writing brush/vigor of style in writing/stroke/touch/ [bi3 lu4] /to put down in writing/to take down notes/transcript/record/ [bi3 qian2] /fund/sum of money/ [bi3 shun4] /stroke order (when writing Chinese character)/ [bi3 tou2] /ability to write/writing skill/written/in written form/ [qiong2] /species of bamboo/ [gua1] /arrow end/ [deng3] /class/rank/grade/equal to/same as/to wait for/to await/et cetera/and so on/et al. (and other authors)/after/as soon as/once/ [deng3 yi1 xia4] /Wait a moment!/ [deng3 yi1 xia4 r5] /erhua variant of [deng3 yi1 xia4]/ [deng3 yi1 hui4] /Wait a moment!/after a while/ [deng3 yi1 hui4 r5] /erhua variant of , Wait a moment!/after [deng3 yi1 deng3] /wait a moment/ [deng3 bu4 ji2] /can't wait/ [deng3 wei4 ji1 yin1] /allele (one of two paired gene in diploid organism [deng3 hou4] /to wait/to wait for/ [deng3 zhi2] /of equal value/ [deng3 jia4] /equal/equal in value/equivalent/ [deng3 jia4 guan1 xi4] /equivalence relation (math.)/ [deng3 fen1] /division into equal parts/equipartition/ [deng3 dao4] /to wait until/by the time when (sth is ready etc)/ [deng3 tong2] /to equate/equal to/ [deng3 zhou1] /isoperimetric/ [deng3 zhou1 bu4 deng3 shi4] /the isoperimetric inequality/ [deng3 yin1 feng4 ci3] /to be an expert at paperwork (but have no real ab om)/ [deng3 ya1] /constant pressure/equal pressure/ [deng3 ya1 xian4] /isobar (line of equal pressure)/ [deng3 cha1] /degree of disparity/equal difference/ [deng3 cha1 shu4 lie4] /arithmetic progression/ [deng3 cha1 ji2 shu4] /arithmetic series (such as 2+4+6+8+...)/ [deng3 shi4] /an equality/an equation/ [deng3 dai4] /to wait/to wait for/ [deng3 xiao4 bai3 wan4 dun1 dang1 liang4] /equivalent megaton [deng3 yu2] /to equal/to be tantamount to/ [deng3 bi3 shu4 lie4] /geometric progression/ [deng3 bi3 ji2 shu4] /geometric series (such as 1+2+4+8+...)/ [deng3 wen1] /constant temperature/equal temperature/ [deng3 shang1 xian4] /isentropic curve (physics})/ [deng3 di4] /level/rank/grade/rating/ [deng3 deng3] /etcetera/and so on .../wait a minute!/hold on!/ [deng3 ji2] /grade/rank/status/ [deng3 ji2 zhi4 du4] /hierarchy/ [deng3 zhe5 qiao2] /wait and see (who is right)/ [deng3 bian4 ya1 xian4] /isallobar (line of equal pressure gradient)/ [deng3 ju4] /equidistant/ [deng3 zhou2 jing1 xi4] /cubical system (crystallography)/crystal system c lattice/equiaxial crystal system/ [deng3 bian1 san1 jiao3 xing2] /equilateral triangle/ [deng3 li2 zi3 ti3] /plasma (physics)/ [deng3 e2 bi3 ji1 jin1] /equality ration fund, a charitable investmen drawn down in proportion to further donations/

[jiao3] /bamboo rope/ [jiao4] /old variant of / [jiao3 bei1] /see [bei1 jiao4]/ [jin1] /muscle/tendon/ [jin1 dou3] /to tumble/somersault/a complete turn-around/a 180 degrees turn/fig. change of mind/ [jin1 dou3 yun2] /Sun Wukong's magical cloud/ [jin1 pi2 li4 jin4] /body weary, strength exhausted (idiom); extremely ti [jin1 jie2] /lit. muscles and joints/by ext. the relations between parts in a spe ch, composition etc/ [jin1 luo4] /tendons and muscles/ [jin1 gu3] /muscles and bones/physique/strength/courage/ [quan2] /bamboo fish trap/ [sun3] /bamboo shoot/ [ru2] /thin outside skin of bamboo/ [fa2] /raft (of logs)/ [fa2 zi5] /raft/ [kuang1] /basket/CL: [zhi1]/ [kuang1 qie4] /rectangular box or chest/ [kuang1 qie4 zhong1 wu4] /a commonplace thing/ [zhu4] /five-string lute/another word for Guiyang [Gui4 yang2], capital of G province [Gui4 zhou1]/Taiwan pr. [zhu2]/ [Zhu2 bo1] /Tsukuba, university city in Chiba prefecture [Qian1 ye4 yo, Japan/ [tong3] /tube/cylinder/ [tong3 deng1] /fluorescent tube or light/ [tong3 fa2] /a sleeve valve/ [da1] /to answer/to agree/ [da2] /reply/answer/return/respond/echo/ [da2 juan4] /completed examination paper/answer sheet/CL:[fen4], [zhang1]/ [da2 wen4] /answer/ [da2 dui4] /(usually used in the negative) to answer or reply to sb's question/ [da2 fu4] /to answer/to reply/Reply to: (in email header)/ [da1 ying5] /to promise/to agree/to reply/to respond/ [da2 bai4] /to return a visit/ [da2 shu4] /numerical answer (to a question in math.)/ [da2 an4] /answer/solution/CL: [ge4]/ [da1 li5] /to acknowledge/to respond/to answer/to pay attention/to heed/to deal w th/ [da2 yi2] /to answer questions (as teacher or consultant)/to clarify doubts/ [da1 bai2] /to answer/ [da2 li3] /to return a courtesy/return gift/ [da1 qiang1] /to answer/to respond/to converse/ [da2 fu4] /reply/ [da2 fang3] /to return a visit/ [da2 ci2] /reply/thank-you speech/ [da2 hua4] /to reply/to answer/ [da2 xie4] /to express one's thanks/ [da2 bian4] /to plead (in law court)/to reply to a charge/ [da2 bian4] /to reply (to an accusation)/to defend one's dissertation/ [da2 lu4 ji1] /answering machine/ [da2 fei1 suo3 wen4] /to answer beside the point/irrelevant answer/ [Ce4] /surname Ce/ [ce4] /policy/plan/scheme/bamboo slip for writing (old)/to whip (a horse)/to enc ourage/riding crop with sharp spines (old)/essay written for the imperial examin ations (old)/upward horizontal stroke in calligraphy/ [ce4 hua4] /to plot/to scheme/to bring about/to engineer/planning/producer/planne / [ce4 hua4 ren2] /sponsor/plotter/schemer/ [Ce4 le4] /Chira Nahiyisi/Chira county in Khotan prefecture [He2

/ [Ce4 le4 xian4] /Chira Nahiyisi/Chira county in Khotan prefecture iang/ [ce4 dong4] /to conspire/to plot (a rebellion, crime etc)/to machinate/to spur on to urge action/ [ce4 li4] /to encourage/to urge/to impel/to spur sb on/ [ce4 fan3] /to instigate (rebellion etc)/incitement (e.g. to desertion within opp sing camp)/ [ce4 wen4] /essay on policy in question and answer form used in imperial exams/ [ce4 shi4] /strategist/counsellor on military strategy/ [ce4 ying4] /in coordination with/to support/ [ce4 yuan2 di4] /place of origin/source (of a war or a social movement)/ [ce4 lu:e4] /tactics/to be tactful/ [ce4 hua4] /to plan/to plot/ [ce4 shi4] /imperial exam involving writing essay on policy [ce4 lun4]/ [ce4 lun4] /essay on current affairs submitted to the emperor as policy advice (o d)/ [ce4 mou2] /stratagem (political or military)/trick/ [ce4 ma3] /to urge on a horse using a whip or spurs/ [kou4] /(a measure of width of cloth)/ [yun2] /skin of bamboo/ [Yun2 lian2] /Yunlian county in Yibin [Yi2 bin1], Sichuan/ [Yun2 lian2 xian4] /Yunlian county in Yibin [Yi2 bin1], Sichuan/ [lang2] /young bamboo/ [ju3] /round bamboo basket/ [Guan3] /surname Guan/ [guan3] /to control/tube/pipe/ [jian3] /bamboo conduit/water pipe of bamboo/ [tong3] /tube/cylinder/ [suan4] /to regard as/to figure/ [shi4] /divine by stalk/ [zuo2] /cable/ [xiao3] /dwarf bamboo/thin bamboo/ [shao1] /basket/bucket/ [shao1 gu1] /to hoop on a basket/ [shao1 ji1] /bamboo basket for rice-washing/ [ting2] /bamboo pole/spindle/ [ce4] /policy/scheme/ [yan2] /bamboo mat for sitting/ [yan2 shang3] /feast/ [yan2 xi2] /banquet/mat for sitting/ [yan2 xi2 juan1] /tax on a banquet or feast/ [yan2 yan4] /feast/banquet/ [kuai4] /chopstick/ [kuai4 zi5] /chopsticks/CL: [dui4],[gen1],[ba3], [shuang1]/ [kuai4 zi5 jie4] /Arabis, a genus of Brassica family including cress/ [gan1] /name of a place in Henan/ [lai2] /(bamboo)/ [ge4] /variant of [ge4]/ [yu1] /bamboo with thin/wide leaves/ [jian1] /letter/note-paper/ [jian1 zhu4] /to annotate (ancient texts)/commentaries/ [gu1] /hoop/to bind with hoops/ [gu1 zui3] /to muzzle/ [gu1 zi5] /finger ring (dialect)/ [gu1 dai4] /strap/CL: [tiao2]/ [gu1 tong3] /hooped barrel/to handmake a wooden barrel/ [gu1 tong3 jiang4] /cooper/hooper/ [gu1 tong3 dian4] /coopery/ [gu1 jie5 r5] /short length/small section or portion/

[gu1 jin3] /to fasten tightly with a hoop/ [gu1 ma2] /to become numb (from being bound too tightly)/ [chi2] /bamboo flute with 8 holes/ [zheng1] /guzheng or long zither/long zither with 13 to 16 strings, developed fr om guqin during Tang and Song times/Japanese koto/ [qing4] /to draw a bamboo bow or crossbow/ [sha4] /fan/ [bo2] /bamboo screen/door screen/metal foil/leaf/sheet/tinsel/ [ji1] /winnow basket/ [Ji1 zi3] /Jizi, legendary sage from end of Shang dynasty (c. 1100 BC), said to h ve opposed the tyrant Zhu then ruled ancient Korea for Zhu / [suan4] /to regard as/to figure/to calculate/to compute/ [suan4 bu4 de2] /not count as/ [suan4 le5] /let it be/let it pass/forget about it/ [suan4 chu1] /to figure out/ [suan4 gua4] /fortune telling/ [suan4 ming4] /fortune-telling/to tell fortune/ [suan4 ming4 xian1 sheng5] /fortune-teller/ [suan4 ming4 jia1] /fortune-teller/ [suan4 ming4 zhe3] /fortune-teller/ [suan4 zi5] /operator (math.)/ [suan4 zhang4] /to reckon (accounting)/to balance an account/fig. to settle an ac ount/to get one's revenge/ [suan4 shu4] /to count numbers/to keep to one's word/to hold (i.e. to remain vali )/to count (i.e. to be important)/ [suan4 shi4] /considered to be/at last/ [suan4 fa3] /arithmetic/algorithm/method of calculation/ [suan4 pan2] /abacus/CL:[ba3]/plan/scheme/ [suan4 shu4] /arithmetic/sums (mathematics as primary school subject)/ [suan4 shu4 ping2 jun1] /arithmetic mean (math.)/ [suan4 shu4 ping2 jun1 shu4] /arithmetic mean/ [suan4 shu4 shi4] /formula in mathematics/arithmetic formula/ [suan4 shu4 ji2 shu4] /arithmetic series (such as 2+4+6+8+...)/ [suan4 ji4] /to reckon/to calculate/to work out/to plan/to plot/ [suan4 hua4] /to keep to one's word/ [jun4] /bamboo shoots/ [fu2] /quiver/ [gu1] /(bamboo)/trumpet for chariots/ [kong1] /ancient harp/cf , Chinese harp/ [kong1 hou2] /konghou (Chinese harp)/ [kong1 huang2] /old reed wind instrument/(possibly used erroneously for konghou p or sheng)/ [qian2] /pliers/pincers/to clamp/ [chui2] /variant of [chui2]/ [Guan3] /surname Guan/ [guan3] /to take care (of)/to control/to manage/to be in charge of/to look after /to run/to care about/tube/pipe/(spoken) to/towards/ [guan3 bu5 zhao2] /to have no right or ability to interfere in sth/it's none business!/ [guan3 zhong1 kui1 bao4] /lit. to see a leopard through a narrow tube (id miss the big picture/ [guan3 jing3] /tube well/ [Guan3 Zhong4] /Guan Zhong (-645 BC), famous politician of Qi of Spring eriod/known as Guangzi / [guan3 zhong4] /a restricted view through a bamboo tube/ [guan3 bao3] /to guarantee/assuredly/ [guan3 zhi4] /control/supervision/ [guan3 qu3] /sure/ [guan3 yuan2 xian4 chong2] /"eel worm", a parasitic worm carrying meningi [Guan3 cheng2 qu1] /Guangcheng Hui district of Zhengzhou city [Z

[Guan3 cheng2 Hui2 zu2 qu1] /Guangcheng Hui district of Zhengzhou cit enan/ [guan3 tao4] /pipe sleeve/ [guan3 wei3 hui4] /regulatory commission/abbr. for [guan [Guan3 zi3] /Guanzi or Guan Zhong (-645 BC), famous politician of Qi tumn period/Guanzi, classical book containing writings of Guan Zhong and his sch ool/ [guan3 zi5] /tube/pipe/drinking straw/CL:[gen1]/ [guan3 zi5 gong1] /plumber/pipe-fitter/ [guan3 zi5 qian2] /pipe wrench/monkey wrench/ [guan3 jia1] /housekeeper/butler/manage one's household/ [guan3 jia1 zhi2 wu4] /stewardship/ [guan3 gong1] /plumber/pipe-worker/ [guan3 zuo4] /to mount an electronic valve/to plug in a bulb/ [guan3 xian2 yue4] /orchestral music/ [guan3 xian2 yue4 tuan2] /orchestra/ [guan3 xian2 yue4 dui4] /orchestra/ [guan3 dai4] /to wait on/to attend/to serve/ [guan3 qing2] /to guarantee/ [guan3 shou3 guan3 jiao3] /to control in every detail/excessive supervisi [guan3 ban1 shou3] /pipe wrench/ [guan3 kong4] /to control/ [guan3 jiao4] /to discipline/to teach/to guarantee/ [guan3 jiao4 wu2 fang1] /unable to discipline a child/incapable of dealin y child)/ [guan3 shu4] /control/ [guan3 yue4 qi4] /wind instrument/woodwind/ [guan3 zhi4] /governance/to govern/ [guan3 li3] /to supervise/to manage/to administer/management/administration/CL: ]/ [guan3 li3 ren2] /keeper/ [guan3 li3 xin4 xi1 ku4] /Management Information Base/MIB/ [guan3 li3 gong1 neng2] /management function/ [guan3 li3 yuan2] /manager/administrator/ [guan3 li3 wei3 yuan2 hui4] /regulatory commission (e.g. regulating e l services etc)/ [guan3 li3 xue2] /management studies/ [guan3 li3 xue2 yuan4] /school of management/ [guan3 li3 ceng2 shou1 gou4] /management buyout (MBO)/ [guan3 li3 jie1 kou3] /management interface/ [guan3 li3 zhan4] /management station/ [guan3 yong4] /efficacious/useful/ [guan3 kui1] /to look at sth through a bamboo tube/to have a restricted view/ [guan3 kui1 suo3 ji2] /in my humble opinion/ [guan3 jian4] /my limited view (lit. view through a thin tube)/my limited underst nding/my opinion (humble)/ [guan3 jian4 suo3 ji2] /in my humble opinion (idiom)/ [guan3 lu4] /piping (for water, oil, etc)/conduit/ [guan3 xia2] /to administer/to have jurisdiction (over)/ [guan3 dao4] /pipeline/ [guan3 dao4 yun4 shu1] /pipeline transport/ [guan3 qian2] /pipe wrench/ [guan3 xian2 shi4] /to meddle/to be a "nosy Parker"/to be too inquisitive abo r people's business/ [guan3 feng1 qin2] /organ/pipe organ/ [guan3 yue4] /flute/pipe/key/CL:[ba3]/ [ruo4] /(bamboo)/skin of bamboo/ [jian4] /arrow/CL:[zhi1]/ [jian4 gan3] /arrow shaft/ [jian4 bu4] /sudden big stride forward/

[jian4 du2 wa1] /poison dart frog/ [jian4 zhu2] /bamboo (genus Fargesia)/ [jian4 zu2] /arrowhead/ [jian4 tou2] /arrowhead/arrow symbol/ [jian4 tou2 jian4] /arrow key (on keyboard)/ [jian4 yu2] /swordfish/ [bian1] /bamboo sedan chair/ [xiang1] /box/trunk/chest/ [xiang1 zi5] /suitcase/chest/box/case/trunk/CL: [zhi1], [ge4]/ [Xiang1 gen1] /Hakone, city on the east coast of Japan southwest of Tky/ [xiang1 liang2] /box girder (construction)/ [xiang1 qie4] /box/chest/ [zhen1] /to warn/to admonish/variant of [zhen1]/ [zhen1 yan2] /an admonition/a word of warning, ruling or advise/a motto/the bibli al Book of Proverbs/ [zhu4] /chopsticks/ [shuo4] /hit with a pole/pole dance/ [jie2] /festival/holiday/node/joint/section/segment/part/to economize/to save/to abridge/moral integrity/classifier for segments, e.g. lessons, train wagons, bi blical verses/CL: [ge4]/ [jie2 shang4 sheng1 zhi1] /a new branch grows out of a knot (idiom); fig. keep arising/ [jie2 hou4] /season and climate/ [jie2 jian3] /frugal/economical/ [jie2 zhi4] /to control/to restrict/to moderate/to temper/to administer/ [jie2 ai1 shun4 bian4] /restrain your grief, accept fate (condolence phra [jie2 wai4 sheng1 zhi1] /a new branch grows out of a knot (idiom); fig. s ep arising/ [jie2 zou4] /rhythm/tempo/musical pulse/cadence/beat/ [jie2 zou4 bu4 lu3 si1] /Rhythm and Blues R&B/ [jie2 du4 shi3] /Tang and Song dynasty provincial governor, in Tang times hav itary and civil authority, but only civil authority in Song/ [jie2 qing4] /festival/ [jie2 pai1] /beat (music)/meter/ [jie2 pai1 qi4] /metronome/ [jie2 cao1] /integrity/moral principle/ [jie2 zhi1] /to save on expenditure/ [jie2 zhi1 dong4 wu4] /arthropod/ [jie2 ri4] /holiday/festival/CL: [ge4]/ [jie2 qi1] /festival season/ [jie2 ben3] /abridged version/ [jie2 qi5] /solar term/ [jie2 qi4 men2] /throttle/ [jie2 shui3] /to save water/ [jie2 you2] /to economize on gasoline/fuel-efficient/ [jie2 liu2] /to control flow/to choke/weir valve/a throttle/a choke/ [jie2 liu2 ta4 ban3] /throttle pedal/accelerator/ [jie2 liu2 fa2] /a throttle/ [jie2 lu:e4] /abbreviation/ [jie2 lu:e4 ben3] /abridged version/ [jie2 liu2] /knot (in wood)/ [jie2 mu4] /program/item (on a program)/CL: [tai2], [ge4],[tao4]/ [jie2 sheng3] /saving/to save/to use sparingly/to cut down on/ [jie2 yue1] /to economize/to conserve (resources)/economy/frugal/ [jie2 zhi1 jie4 ti3 bing4 du2] /arbovirus/ [jie2 zhi1 dong4 wu4] /arthropod/ [jie2 yu4] /to practice birth control/ [jie2 neng2] /to save energy/energy-saving/ [jie2 neng2 deng1] /compact fluorescent lamp (CFL)/ [jie2 yi1 suo1 shi2] /to save on food and clothing (idiom); to live fruga

[jie2 zu2 dong4 wu4] /arthropod, segmented animals with jointed limbs/sam 4 wu4]/ [jie2 che1] /a train/articulated vehicle/ [jie2 xuan3] /excerpt/selection (from a book)/to select/to choose an extract/ [jie2 lu4] /to extract/to excerpt/excerpt/ [jie2 jian1] /between joints/ [jie2 dian4] /to save electricity/power saving/ [jie2 shi2] /to save food/to go on a diet/ [jie2 yu2] /to save/savings/ [jie2 gu5 yan3] /critical juncture/crucial moment/ [jie2 dian3] /node/ [huang2] /(bamboo)/bamboo grove/ [fan4] /pattern/model/example/ [fan4 li4] /example/model case/ [Fan4 Gong1 cheng1] /Fan Gongcheng (12th century), Southern Song author of [fan4 wei2] /range/scope/limit/extent/CL: [ge4]/ [fan4 shi4] /paradigm/ [Fan4 De2 ge2 la1 fu1] /Van de Graaff (name)/Robert J. Van de Graaff an physicist/ [Fan4 de2 Ge2 la1 fu1 qi3 dian4 ji1] /Van de Graaff gener [Fan4 de2 Wa3 er3 si1] /van der Waals/Johannes Diderik van der Waals physicist/ [Fan4 de2 Wa3 er3 si1 li4] /van der Waals force (valency)/ [Fan4 si1 tan3] /(Dianne) Feinstein (US Senator from California)/ [fan4 chou2] /category/ [fan4 chou2 lun4] /category theory/general nonsense (math.)/ [Fan4 xian4] /Fan county in Puyang [Pu2 yang2], Henan/ [zhuan4] /seal (of office)/seal script (a calligraphic style)/the small seal and great seal /writing in seal script/ [zhuan4 ke4] /carving a seal/ [zhuan4 gong1] /craftsman engaged in carving characters/ [zhuan4 shu1] /seal script/the small seal and great seal / [zhuan4 ti3] /seal script, calligraphic style/small seal and great seal tion between the two being the Han dynasty equivalent of modern versus /writing in seal script/ [pian1] /sheet/piece of writing/bound set of bamboo slips used for record keepin g (old)/classifier for written items: chapter, article/ [pian1 fu5] /(take up or devote) space/ink/time (in a printed page or news story) length (of a piece of writing)/ [pian1 mu4] /table of contents/ [pian1 zhang1] /writing/sections and chapters/ [zhu4] /to build/to construct/to ram/to hit/Taiwan pr. [zhu2]/ [zhu4 tu3 qiang2] /a wall of rammed earth/ [zhu4 cheng2] /fortification/ [zhu4 shi4 dao4 mou2] /lit. ask passers-by how to build one's house (idio ave no idea what to do/without a clue/ [qie4] /chest/box/trunk/suitcase/portfolio/ [qie4 si4] /bamboo box for holding books, clothes etc/ [qie4 qie4] /long and thin/slender/ [qie4 yan3] /bamboo box/ [hou2] /(mus. instr.)/ [yun2] /see [yun2 dang1]/ [yun2 dang1] /species of tall bamboo/ [Yun2 dang1 hu2] /Yundang or Yuandang lake in Xiamen/ [chou1] /basket for straining/to strain/ [gao1] /pole for punting boats/ [fei3] /round covered basket/ [ruo4] /cuticle of bamboo plant/ [zheng1] /bamboo/ [gou1] /bamboo frame for drying clothes/bamboo cage/

[gou1 huo3] /bonfire/ [gou1 huo3 hu2 ming2] /to tell fox ghost stories around a bonfire and inc /an uprising is afoot (idiom)/ [qian4] /luxuriant growth of bamboo/ [xiao3] /dwarf bamboo/ [cuan4] /to seize/to usurp/ [cuan4 wei4] /to seize the throne/ [cuan4 duo2] /to usurp/to seize/ [cuan4 shi4] /to commit regicide/ [cuan4 gai3] /to tamper with/to falsify/ [cuan4 zheng4] /to usurp political power/ [cuan4 quan2] /to usurp power/ [cuan4 qie4] /to usurp/to seize/ [cuan4 li4] /to become an unlawful ruler/ [cuan4 zei2] /usurper/ [cuan4 jun1] /to usurp the military/ [cuan4 ni4] /to rebel/to revolt/ [cuan4 dang3] /to usurpthe leadership of the party/ [gong1] /bamboo hat/ [du3] /serious (illness)/sincere/true/ [du3 xin4] /to believe firmly/devout in one's faith/ [du3 xin4 hao4 xue2] /sincere belief and diligent study/ [du3 hou4] /honest and generous/magnanimous/ [du3 xue2] /studious/diligent in study/ [du3 shou3] /to comply faithfully/sincerely abiding by/ [du3 ding4] /certain/confident (of some outcome)/calm and unhurried/ [du3 shi2] /loyal/sincere/sound/ [du3 zhuan1] /with undivided attention/ [du3 zhi4] /steadfast/with single-minded devotion/ [du3 ai4] /to love deeply/devoted to sb/ [du3 zhi4] /sincere (in friendship)/cordial/ [du3 bing4] /seriously ill/critical/ [du3 xing2] /to carry out (obligation) conscientiously/to behave sincerely/ [li4] /bamboos good for poles/horn/ [bi4] /fine-toothed comb/to comb/ [bi4 zi5] /double-edged fine-toothed comb/grate/ [bi4 tou2] /to comb one's hair/ [zhuo2] /creel for trapping fish/ [chu2] /crude bamboo mat/ [shai1] /to filter/to sift/to sieve/ [shai1 zi5] /sieve/ [shai1 cha2] /screening (medicine)/ [shai1 jian3] /screening (medicine)/ [shai1 fa3] /the sieve method (for primes)/ [shai1 kang1] /to sift chaff/(figuratively) to shake all over/ [shai1 xuan3] /to filter/ [shai1 chu2] /to screen or filter out/to winnow (agriculture)/ [shai1 gu3] /ethmoid bone (cheek)/ [chi2] /bamboo flute with 7 or 8 holes/ [bu4] /sieve-like utensil/ [hui4] /broom/ [bi4] /wicker/ [bi4 men2 gui1 dou4] /wicker door, hole window (idiom); fig. wretched hov poverty/ [di2] /flute/ [yan1] /black bamboo/ [peng2] /sail/ [peng2 gai4 bu4] /sail cloth/ [peng2 che1] /covered truck/caravan/van/ [peng2 ding3] /canopy/roof/ceiling/

[zhuan4] /to compose/to compile/food/delicacies/ [dou1] /bamboo, rattan or wicker basket/sedan chair for mountain use (Cantonese) / [mie4] /bamboo splints for baskets/ [ze2] /reed mat/ [xi3] /sieve/to sift, to strain/ [yi2] /small house connected to large one/ [kou4] /healds of a loom/ [cu4] /crowded/framework for silkworms/gather foliage/bunch/classifier for bunch ed objects/ [cu4 she4] /shower (radiation, particle, etc)/ [cu4 yong1] /to crowd around/to escort/ [cu4 xin1] /brand-new, spankin' new/ [cu4 jing1 shi2 zhu2] /boreal carnation or northern pink/Dianthus repens [zao4] /deputy/subordinate/concubine/ [zao4 shi4] /concubine/ [gui3] /ancient bronze food vessel with a round mouth and two or four handles/ro und basket of bamboo/ [su4] /dense vegetation/sieve/ [su4 su4] /very slight sound/rustling (onomatopoeia)/to stream down (of tears)/lu uriant growth (of vegetation)/ [su4 su4 fa1 dou3] /shivering/trembling (idiom)/ [lou3] /deep basket/ [lu4] /box/basket/ [suo1] /raincape made of grass/ [dang4] /(bamboo)/ [dan1] /round basket for cooked rice/ [dan1 si4] /bamboo box/vessels for holding food/ [dian4] /fine woven grass mat/ [fu3] /basket used in state worship/ [jian3] /simple/uncomplicated/letter/to choose/to select/bamboo strips used for writing (old)/ [Jian3 Ai4] /Jane Eyre, novel by Charlotte Bront / [jian3 jie4] /summary/brief introduction/ [jian3 bian4] /simple and convenient/handy/ [jian3 ze2] /general rule/simple principle/ [jian3 hua4] /to simplify/ [jian3 hua4 zi4] /simplified Chinese character/ [jian3 shi3] /simple history/Brief History (used in modern book titles)/ [jian3 dan1] /simple/not complicated/ [jian3 dan1 hua4] /simplification/to simplify/ [jian3 dan1 de5] /briefly/simply/ [jian3 dan1 de5 shuo1] /to put it simply/simply put/ [jian3 dan1 ming2 liao3] /clear and simple/in simple terms/ [jian3 dan1 wang3 luo4 guan3 li3 xie2 yi4] /Simple Networ [jian3 bao4] /presentation/ [jian3 xie3] /to write characters in simplified form/to simplify a book/ [jian3 tie3] /a letter/ [jian3 tie3 r5] /a letter/ [jian3 man4] /negligent (towards guests)/ [jian3 kuo4] /brief but comprehensive/compendious/ [jian3 ming2] /simple and clear/concise/ [jian3 yi4] /simple and easy/simplistic/simplicity/ [jian3 pu3] /simple and unadorned/plain/ [jian3 li4] /Curriculum Vitae (CV)/rsum (resume)/biographical notes/ [Jian3 shi4 fang2 wu4 zhou1 kan1] /Jane's defense weekly/ [jian3 jie2] /concise/succinct/pithy/ [jian3 lu:e4] /simple/brief/ [jian3 lu:e4 jian4 gao4] /brief outline or overview (of a plan etc)/ [jian3 zhi2] /simply/at all/practically/

[jian3 duan3] /brief/short-duration/ [jian3 duan3 jie4 shao4] /brief introduction/ [jian3 cheng1] /abbreviation/short form/ [jian3 zhang1] /general regulation/simplified rule/ [jian3 yue1] /sketchy/concise/abbreviated/ [jian3 lian4] /terse/succinct/ [jian3 suo1] /abbreviation/short form/ [jian3 fan2] /simple versus traditional (Chinese characters)/ [jian3 fan2 zhuan3 huan4] /conversion from simple to traditional Chinese [jian3 er2 yan2 zhi1] /in a nutshell/to put it briefly/ [jian3 yao4] /concise/brief/ [jian3 yao4 jie4 shao4] /brief introduction/ [jian3 yan2 zhi1] /in simple terms/to put things simply/briefly/ [jian3 xun4] /newsletter/the news in brief/SMS message (used in Taiwan)/ [jian3 xie2] /simple harmonic (motion, oscillation etc in mechanics)/ [jian3 xie2 zhen4 dong4] /simple harmonic oscillation/sinusoidal oscillat [jian3 xie2 bo1] /simple harmonic wave/sine wave/ [jian3 xie2 yun4 dong4] /simple harmonic motion (in mechanics)/motion of ulum/ [jian3 pu3] /musical stave/ [jian3 shu4] /to outline/to summarize/to sketch/summary/brief description/concise narrative/in a nutshell/briefly/ [jian3 lou4] /simple and crude (of a room or building)/ [Jian3 yang2] /Jianyang county level city in Ziyang [Zi1 yang2], Sichuan [Jian3 yang2 shi4] /Jianyang county level city in Ziyang [Zi1 yang2] [jian3 ti3] /simple form/simplified form of Chinese, as opposed to traditional fo m [fan2 ti3]/ [jian3 ti3 zi4] /simplified Chinese character, as opposed to traditional Chin racter [fan2 ti3 zi4]/ [kui4] /basket for carrying soil/ [jiao1] /large pipe/ [deng1] /large umbrella for stalls/an ancient kind of bamboo or straw hat/ [huang2] /metallic reed/spring of lock/ [huang2 pian4] /reed (music)/ [huang2 guan3] /reed pipe/ [huang2 she2] /the lip or vibrating end of a reed in a wind instrument/ [huang2 feng1 qin2] /harmonium/ [sun3] /cross-beam for hanging bells/ [zan1] /hairpin/ [xiao1] /xiao, a free reed mouth organ with five or more pipes blown from the bo ttom/same as /also translated as pan pipes/ [lu4] /(bamboo)/ [pai2] /bamboo raft/ [yan2] /variant of / [bo3] /to winnow/ [bo4] /dust pan/toss (as waves)/ [bo3 yang2] /winnow/ [bo3 gu3] /to winnow grain/ [bo4 ji1] /dustpan/winnowing fan/loop (of a fingerprint)/ [bo3 dang4] /roll/rock/ [dang1] /see [yun2 dang1]/ [ke1] /big/hunger/ [qian1] /sign one's name/ [qian1 ru4] /to log on/to log in/ [qian1 chu1] /to log off/ [qian1 dao4] /to register/to sign in/ [qian1 ming2] /to sign (one's name with a pen etc)/to autograph/ [qian1 cheng2] /petition (submitted to a superior)/ [qian1 zi4] /to sign (a signature)/ [qian1 zi4 zhe3] /signatory/

[qian1 zi4 fei4] /signing bonus/sign-on bonus/ [qian1 ding4] /to sign (a contract, treaty etc)/ [qian1 shou1] /to sign for the acceptance of sth (e.g. a delivery etc)/ [qian1 pai4 shi4] /dispatch office/ [qian1 fa1] /to issue (a document)/to sign and issue officially/ [qian1 fa1 di4 dian3] /place of issue (of document)/ [qian1 fa1 ri4 qi1] /date of issue (of document)/ [qian1 zhang1] /signature/ [qian1 yue1] /to sign a contract or agreement/ [qian1 yue1 jiang3 jin1] /signing bonus/sign-on bonus/ [qian1 shu3] /to sign (an agreement)/ [qian1 ding4] /to agree to and sign (a treaty etc)/ [qian1 yu3 bing3] /fortune cookie/ [qian1 zheng4] /visa/certificate/to certify/CL: [ge4]/ [lian2] /hanging screen or curtain/ [lian2 zi5] /curtain/ [lian2 bu4] /cord fabric used in vehicle tires/ [bu4] /a book/a register/account-book/ [bu4 ce4] /a register/land register/account book/ledger/ [bu4 zi5] /notebook/book/ [bu4 ji2] /account books/registers/records/ [bu4 ji4] /bookkeeping/ [bu4 ji4 guan3 li3 yuan2] /commissarian/ [Zhou4] /surname Zhou/ [zhou4] /(writing)/to develop/seal script used throughout the pre-Han period/ [zhou4 wen2] /seal script used throughout the pre-Han period/ [zhou4 shu1] /seal script used throughout the pre-Han period/ [lan2] /basket/goal/ [lan2 quan1] /ring/hoop/ [lan2 zi5] /basket/CL: [zhi1]/ [lan2 ban3] /backboard/ [lan2 ban3 qiu2] /rebound (basketball)/ [lan2 qiu2] /basketball/CL: [ge4], [zhi1]/ [lan2 qiu2 chang3] /basketball court/ [lan2 kuang1] /basket/ [ti4] /long bamboo (for fishing rod)/ [chou2] /chip (in gambling)/token (for counting)/ticket/to prepare/to plan/to ra ise (funds)/resource/means/ [chou2 bei4] /preparations/to get ready for sth/ [chou2 chu1] /to plan out/to prepare/ [chou2 hua4] /to plan and prepare/ [chou2 mu4] /to raise funds/to collect money/ [chou2 shang1] /to discuss (a plan)/to negotiate (an outcome)/ [chou2 wei3 hui4] /organizing committee/ [chou2 zi5] /chip/counter/ [chou2 jian4] /to prepare to build sth/ [chou2 si1] /to ponder a solution/to consider (the best move, how to find a way e c)/ [chou2 pai1] /to prepare to film/to plan a shoot/ [chou2 cuo4] /raise (money)/ [chou2 kuan3] /fundraising/ [chou2 lu:e4] /astute/resourceful/ [chou2 hua4] /to plan and prepare/ [chou2 ma3] /bargaining chip/ [chou2 suan4] /to calculate (using bamboo tokens on a counting board)/to count be ds/fig. to budget/to plan (an investment)/ [chou2 mou2] /to plan/to ponder a plan/ [chou2 yi4] /to discuss (a plan)/ [chou2 zi1] /to raise resources/ [chou2 ban4] /to arrange/to make preparations/

[chou2 qian2] /to raise money/ [chou2 ji2] /collect money/raise funds/ [Ji2] /surname Ji/ [ji2] /book or record/registry/roll/place of one's family or ancestral records/m embership/ [ji2 ji2] /noisy/of high reputation/intricate/ [ji2 guan4] /one's native place/place of ancestry/registered birthplace/ [teng2] /variant of [teng2]/ [zhou4] /old variant of / [fan1] /big winnow basket/ [sou3] /basket for draining rice/ [qian1] /Japanese variant of [qian1]/ [lu4] /chart/list/memorandum/book of prophecy (e.g. of dynastic fortunes)/ [lu2] /basket made of rush/spear-shaft/ [Jian1] /surname Jian/ [tuo4] /sheath around joints of bamboo/ [lai4] /music/musical pipe with 3 reeds/ [long2] /basket/cage/flat bamboo basket used to serve dimsum [dian3 xin5] su o3 zi5], [bao1 zi5] etc/to cover/to cage/to embrace/to manipulate through trickery / [long3] /to cover/to cage/covering/also pr. [long2]/ [long2 zi5] /cage/coop/basket/container/ [long2 ti4] /bamboo steamer (for buns or dimsum)/ [long2 jian4] /cage (for animals)/ [long3 luo4] /to win sb over/ [long3 tong3] /general/broad/in general terms/broadly speaking/ [long3 zhao4] /to envelop/to shroud/ [long2 tou5] /headstall/bridle/ [long2 niao3] /a caged bird/ [long2 niao3 jian4 yuan2] /bird in a basket, monkey in a cage (idiom); pr [lan2] /bow case/quiver/ [qian1] /inscribed bamboo stick (used in divination, gambling, drawing lots etc) /small wood sliver/a label/a tag/ [qian1 tiao2] /label/tag/ [yue4] /flute/key/ [qu2] /crude bamboo mat/ [bian1] /basket for fruits/ [duan4] /bamboo fish trap/ [zuan3] /bamboo utensil/ [li2] /a fence/ [li2 yuan2] /fence/hedge/ [li2 ba5] /fence (esp. of bamboo or wood railings)/ [luo2] /basket/ [luo2 kuang1] /wickerwork basket/ [ying2] /slender basket for chopsticks/ [yu4] /to implore/ [Mi3] /surname Mi/ [mi3] /rice/CL:[li4]/meter (classifier)/ [mi3 cang1] /rice granary/ [Mi3 kai3 la1] /Michaela (name)/ [Mi3 li4 ban1 de2] /Milliband (name)/Ed Milliband, UK labor politician, o der from 2010/ [mi3 zhi4] /metric system/ [Mi3 guo2] /United States/name of a country that formerly existed near Samarkand/ [Mi3 fu1] /Pavel Aleksandrovich Mif (1901-1938), Ukrainian Soviet expert on Chine e affairs, secretly executed in Stalin's purges/ [Mi3 de2 er3 bo2 li3] /Middlebury (College)/ [Mi3 la1] /Mira (red giant star, Omicron Ceti)/ [Mi3 yi4] /Miyi county in Panzhihua [Pan1 zhi1 hua1], south Sichuan/ [Mi3 yi4 xian4] /Miyi county in Panzhihua [Pan1 zhi1 hua1], south Sichu

[Mi3 lin2] /Mainling county, Tibetan: Sman gling rdzong, in Nyingchi prefecture 1 di4 qu1], Tibet/ [Mi3 lin2 xian4] /Mainling county, Tibetan: Sman gling rdzong, in Nyingchi pr e [Lin2 zhi1 di4 qu1], Tibet/ [Mi3 ge2] /MiG/Russian Aircraft Corporation/Mikoyan/ [Mi3 xie1 er3] /Michel or Mitchell (name)/George Mitchell (1933-), US Democra ty politician and diplomat, influential in brokering Northern Ireland peace deal in 1990s, US Middle East special envoy from 2009/ [mi3 ou1] /mu (Greek letter )/ [ i3 quan2] / iquan coun y level ci y in Changji Hui au onomous prefec ure i2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xingjiang/ [ i3 quan2 shi4] / iquan coun y level ci y in Changji Hui au onomous prefec u Hui2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xingjiang/ [ i3 er3 si1] / ills (name)/ [ i3 er3 dun4] / il on (name)/John il on (1608-1674), English republican wri poe , au hor of Paradise Los / [mi3 fen3] /rice vermicelli/ [mi3 fen3 rou4] /rice flour mea / [mi3 li4] /grains of rice/ [mi3 zhou1] /congee/ [mi3 kang1] /bran/ [mi3 na4 er3 di2] / inardi, Formula 1 racing eam/ [mi3 xian4] /mi xian, a kind of rice noodle/ [ i3 lao3 shu3] / ickey ouse/ [ i3 zhi1] / izhi coun y in Yln [Yu2 lin2], Shnx/ [Mi3 zhi1 xian4] /Mizhi county in Yln [Yu2 lin2], Shnx/ [Mi3 Fei4] /Mi Fei (1051-1107), Song poet and calligrapher/ [Mi3 lan2] /Milano/Milan (Italy)/ [Mi3 gai1 ya4] /Micah/ [Mi3 nuo4 an1] /Minoan (civilization on Crete)/ [Mi3 kai1 lang3 ji1 luo2] /Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564), renai sculptor/ [mi3 fan4] /(cooked) rice/ [Mi3 gao1 yang2] /Mikoyan (name)/Anastas Ivanonovich Mikoyan (1895-1978), Sov itician, politburo member in the 1950s and 1960s/Artem Ivanovich Mikoyan (1905-1 970), brother of the politician and one designer of MiG military aircraft/ [mi3 qu1 jun1] /Aspergillus oryzae (type of mold)/ [mi3 mian4] /rice and noodles/rice flour/rice-flour noodles/ [mi3 huang2] /beige/ [fan2] /dm/ [shen1] /residue from oil making/ [nu:3] /cakes of rice-flour and honey/ [xian1] /long-grained rice/same as / [xian1 dao4] /long-grained rice (Indian rice, as opposed to round-grained rice)/ [xian1 mi3] /long-grained rice (Indian rice, as opposed to round-grained rice)/ [zi3] /seeds/ [qian1] /kilometer/ [fen3] /powder/cosmetic face powder/food prepared from starch/noodles or pasta m ade from any kind of flour/whitewash/white/pink/ [fen3 shua1] /to paint/to whitewash/emulsion/plaster/ [fen3 ci4] /acne/pimple/Acne vulgaris (medical term)/ [fen3 tu3] /dust/sand/ [fen3 chen2] /dust/ [fen3 mo4 deng1 chang3] /to make up and go on stage (idiom); to embark on p. in politics or crime)/ [fen3 di3] /foundation (cosmetic)/ [fen3 pu1] /powder puff (cosmetics)/ [fen3 mo4] /fine powder/dust/ [fen3 ban3] /blackboard/painted board on which to make temporary notes with brush pen/

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[fen3 tiao2] /vermicelli made from mung bean starch etc/ [fen3 sha1 yan2] /siltstone/ [fen3 sha1 shi2] /siltstone/ [fen3 sui4] /crash/break up/ [fen3 bi3] /chalk/CL:[zhi1],[duan4]/ [fen3 hong2] /pink/ [fen3 hong2 se4] /pink/ [fen3 si1] /bean vermicelli/mung bean starch noodles/Chinese vermicelli/cellophan noodles/CL:[ba3]/fan (loanword)/enthusiast for sb or sth/ [fen3 se4] /white/light pink/erotic/beautiful woman/powdered (with make-up)/ [fen3 qian4] /cooking starch/pasty mixture of starch and water/ [fen3 shen1 sui4 gu3] /lit. torn body and crushed bones/die horribly/sacr ife/ [fen3 shi4] /to paint/to whitewash/to decorate/plaster/fig. to gloss over/to cove up/ [fen3 shi4 tai4 ping2] /to pretend that everything is going well/ [fen3 bing3] /powder cake/ [cui4] /Japanese variant of / [ba1] /a round flat cake (topolect)/ [li4] /grain/granule/classifier for small round things (peas, bullets, peanuts, pills, grains etc)/ [li4 zi3] /(elementary) particle/grain/ [li4 zi5] /grain (of rice)/granule/ [li4 zi3 jia1 su4 qi4] /particle accelerator/ [li4 zi3 shu4] /beam of elementary particles/ [li4 zi3 liu2] /stream of particles/particle flow/ [li4 zi3 wu4 li3] /particle physics/ [li4 zi3 wu4 li3 xue2] /particle physics/ [li4 jing4] /grain size/ [li4 bai2 xi4 bao1] /white granulocyte (blood cell)/ [li4 xi4 bao1] /granulocyte/ [ju4] /cakes made from rice flour twisted into rings/ [po4] /grains in distilled liquor/ [cu1] /coarse/rough/thick (for cylindrical objects)/unfinished/vulgar/rude/crude / [cu1 gu1] /rough estimate/ [cu1 su2] /vulgar/ [cu1 lie4] /coarse/ [cu1 lie4 zuo4 pin3] /kitsch, vulgar art, art in bad taste/ [cu1 li4] /abrasive/husky (voice)/ [cu1 kou3] /swear words/obscene language/foul language/ [cu1 ya3] /husky/hoarse/raucous/ [cu1 zhuang4] /thick and solid/ [cu1 da4] /thick/bulky/loud/ [cu1 xin1] /careless/thoughtless/ [cu1 xin1 da4 yi4] /negligent/careless/inadvertent/ [cu1 fang4] /extensive/expansive/large-scale/ [cu1 bao4] /rough/cruel/ [cu1 zhi1 da4 ye4] /thick stems and broad leaves (idiom)/boorish/rough an y/ [cu1 fei3] /Chinese plum-yew/Cephalotaxus sinensis (botany)/ [cu1 qian3] /shallow/superficial/ [cu1 guang3] /rough/rude/boorish/straightforward/uninhibited/ [cu1 shuai4] /rough/coarse/crude/without due care/ill-considered/ [cu1 lu:e4] /rough (not precise or accurate)/cursory/ [cu1 shu1] /coarse/rough/ [cu1 sha1] /grit/ [cu1 ben4] /awkward/clumsy/unwieldy/heavy-handed/ [cu1 guan3 mian4] /rigatoni/ [cu1 cao1] /crude/gruff/rough/coarse/

[cu1 liang2] /coarse grains (maize, sorghum etc)/ [cu1 li4] /coarse rice/coarse (of food)/ [cu1 xi4] /thick and thin/coarse and fine/thickness (caliber)/coarseness/quality f work/ [cu1 cha2 dan4 fan4] /plain tea and simple food/(fig.) bread and water/ [cu1 zhi4 lan4 zao4] /to churn out large quantities without regard for qu ; rough and slipshod work/ [cu1 hua4] /vulgar language (esp. scatological insults)/uncultured speech/ [cu1 yu3] /rude words/dirty talk/ [cu1 hao2] /straightforward/forthright/ [cu1 bi3] /vulgar/coarse/uncouth/ [cu1 ye3] /insolent/boorish/rough (in actions)/ [cu1 fan4] /an unappealing and unsatisfying meal/ [cu1 si4 liao4] /silage/rough fodder/ [cu1 ti3] /bold (typeface)/ [cu1 ti3 zi4] /bold letter/ [cu1 lu3] /crude/coarse/rough/ [cu1 yan2] /coarse salt/rock salt/ [nian2] /glutinous/sticky/to stick/to adhere/variant of [nian2]/ [zhan1] /to glue/to stick/to paste/ [nian2 hu1 hu1] /sticky/slimy/ [zhan1 he2] /to bind/agglutination/ [nian2 he2 ji4] /adhesive/glue/ [nian2 tu3] /clay/loam/ [nian2 du4] /viscosity/ [nian2 xing4] /viscosity/glutinous/ [nian2 xing4 li4] /viscous forces (in fluid mechanics)/ [zhan1 mu4] /amonang tree (Ixonanthes chinensis)/ [zhan1 xian2] /saliva/slobber/(colloquial) useless talk/drivel/ [nian2 ye4] /mucus/ [nian2 hua2] /slimy (of rotten food)/viscous/stick-slip (in mechanics)/ [nian2 zhi4] /viscous/ [nian2 zhi4 xing4] /viscosity/ [nian2 pi2 dai4 gu3] /to glue skin and bind the bones (idiom); insistent onduct/ [nian2 pi2 zhu4 gu3] /to glue skin and bind the bones (idiom); insistent onduct/ [nian2 chou2] /thick/viscous/sticky/ [nian2 mi3] /sticky rice/short-grain rice/Oryza sativa var. japonica/also written [nian2 nian2] /sticky/ [nian2 hu5] /sticky/ [nian2 jie2] /to cohere/to bind/ [nian2 chan2] /to stick closely to/cloying/ [nian2 ju4] /to cohere/to group together as a unit/to agglomerate/ [nian2 mo2] /mucous membrane/ [nian2 jiao1] /viscose/ [nian2 jiao1 ye4] /viscose/ [nian2 jun1] /slime mold (Myxomycetes)/ [nian2 zhuo2] /to stick together/to adhere/ [zhan1 zhuo2 li4] /adhesive force/adherence/coherence/ [zhan1 zhuo2 xing4] /agglutinative (in linguistics, a characteristic of Altai ages)/ [nian2 chong2] /army worm (e.g. Mythimna separata or Leucania separata etc, major cereal pests)/ [zhan1 tie1] /to stick/to affix/to adhere/to paste (as in cut, copy and paste)/Ta wan pr. [nian2 tie1]/also written / [nian2 lian2] /to adhere/to stick together/ [zhan1 lian2] /adhesion/to adhere/to cohere/to stick/ [nian2 fu4] /to adhere/ [su4] /Japanese variant of /

[xi1] /ground rice/thresh rice/ [Su4] /surname Su/ [su4] /grain/millet/goose pimples/ [su4 mi3] /corn (Cantonese)/ [Su4 Yu4] /Su Yu (1907-1984), PLA commander/ [zi1] /common millet/ [yu4] /see [Xun1 yu4]/ [zhou1] /congee/gruel/porridge/CL:[wan3]/ [zhou1 shao3 seng1 duo1] /not much gruel and many monks/not enough to go [zhou1 yang4 ying4 hua4] /atherosclerosis/hardening of the arteries/ [zhuang1] /variant of [zhuang1]/ [bai3] /hectometer/ [liang2] /sorghum/ [can4] /beautiful/bright/splendid/smilingly/ [can4 kua1 ke4] /charm quark (physics)/ [can4 ran2] /clear and bright/with a big smile/ [jing1] /round-grained sticky rice/Japanese: mochi-gome/ [Yue4] /Cantonese/abbr. for Guangdong province in south China/ [Yue4 ju4] /Cantonese opera/ [Yue4 pin1] /Jyutping, one of the many Cantonese romanization systems/abbr. of Pin1 yin1]/ [Yue4 Hai3] /Guangdong-Hainan/ [Yue4 Han4 Tie3 lu4] /Canton-Hankou Railway, linking Guangzhou and Wuchan ed since 1957 into the Jing-Guang Railway [Jing1 Guang3 Tie3 lu4]/ [yue4 cai4] /Cantonese cuisine/ [Yue4 yu3] /Cantonese language/ [Yue4 yu3 Pin1 yin1] /Cantonese romanization/Jyutping, one of the many Ca ization systems/ [cui4] /pure/unmixed/essence/ [bai4] /polished rice/ [zhang1] /food/white cooked rice/ [lin2] /clear (as of water)/ [lin2 lin2] /clear and crystalline (of water)/ [zong4] /rice dumplings wrapped in leaves/ [zong4 zi5] /glutinous rice and choice of filling wrapped in leaves and boiled/ [jing1] /essence/extract/vitality/energy/semen/sperm/mythical goblin spirit/high ly perfected/elite/the pick of sth/proficient (refined ability)/extremely (fine) /selected rice (archaic)/ [jing1 guang1] /nothing left (money, food etc)/all finished/bright and shiny/radi nt/glorious/ [jing1 bing1] /elite troops/ [jing1 li4] /energy/ [jing1 li4 chong1 pei4] /vigorous/energetic/ [jing1 pin3] /quality goods/products/ [jing1 nang2] /spermatophore/ [jing1 miao4] /exquisite/fine and delicate (usu. of works of art)/ [jing1 zi3] /sperm/spermatozoon/ [jing1 zi3 mi4 du4] /sperm count/ [jing1 mi4] /accuracy/exact/precise/refined/ [jing1 mi4 yi2 qi4] /precision instruments/ [jing1 mi4 hua4] /refinement/to add precision/ [jing1 chao2] /testes/ [Jing1 gong1] /Seiko, Japanese watch and electronics company/ [jing1 qiao3] /elaborate/ [jing1 gan4] /crack (troops)/special (forces)/highly capable/ [jing1 gan4 gao1 xiao4] /top-notch efficiency/ [jing1 du4] /precision/ [jing1 cai3] /brilliant/splendid/ [jing1 wei1] /subtle/profound/ [jing1 xin1] /with utmost care/fine/meticulous/detailed/

[jing1 da3 guang1] /with absolutely nothing/completely broke/ [jing1 da3 xi4 suan4] /(saying) meticulous planning and careful accountin [jing1 yu2] /skillful in/proficient in/adept at/ [jing1 yu2 ci3 dao4] /to be proficient in the area of/skilled in this fie [jing1 ming2] /astute/skilled/ [jing1 ming2 qiang2 gan4] /intelligent and capable (idiom)/ [jing1 jiao4 ben3] /corrected edition/ [jing1 qi4 shen2] /the three energies of Chinese medicine: [jing1], [q [jing1 an1 suan1] /argnine (Arg), an essential amino acid/ [Jing1 he2] /Jing Nahiyisi or Jinghe county in Brtala Mongol autonomous prefectu [Jing1 he2 xian4] /Jing Nahiyisi or Jinghe county in Brtala Mongol autonomou ure , Xinjiang/ [jing1 ye4] /semen/ [jing1 shen1] /refined/profound/ [jing1 zhan4] /consummate/exquisite/ [jing1 zhun3] /accurate/exact/precise/precision/ [jing1 lian4] /to refine/to purify/smart and capable/concise/succinct/terse/wellrained/ [jing1 lian4 chang3] /refinery (of oil etc)/ [jing1 dang4] /precise and appropriate/ [jing1 pi2 li4 jin4] /spirit weary, strength exhausted (idiom); spent/dra ut/ [jing1 pi2 li4 jie2] /spirit weary, strength exhausted (idiom); spent/dra ut/ [jing1 yi4 qiu2 jing1] /to perfect sth that is already outstanding (idiom improving/ [jing1 yan2] /to research carefully/to study intensively/ [jing1 que4] /accurate/precise/ [jing1 que4 du4] /accuracy/precision/ [jing1 kuang4] /refined ore/concentrate/ [jing1 shen2] /spirit/mind/consciousness/thought/mental/psychological/essence/gis /CL: [ge4]/ [jing1 shen5] /vigor/vitality/drive/spiritual/ [jing1 shen2 jian4 kang1] /mental health/ [jing1 shen2 fen1 xi1] /psychoanalysis/ [jing1 shen2 fen1 lie4 zheng4] /schizophrenia/ [jing1 shen2 xue2] /psychology/ [jing1 shen2 xue2 jia1] /psychologist/ [jing1 shen2 beng1 kui4] /nervous breakdown/ [jing1 shen2 xing4 yan4 shi2 zheng4] /anorexia nervosa/ [jing1 shen2 huang3 hu1] /absent-minded/in a trance/ [jing1 shen2 dou3 sou3] /spirit trembling with excitement (idiom); in hig ely and full of enthusiasm/full of energy/con brio/ [jing1 shen2 zhi1 zhu4] /moral pillars/spiritual props/ [jing1 shen2 wen2 ming2] /spiritual culture/ [jing1 shen2 man3 fu4] /full of wisdom (idiom); astute and widely experie [jing1 shen2 huan4 fa1] /in high spirits (idiom); glowing with health and [jing1 shen2 zhuang4 tai4] /mental state/psychological condition/ [jing1 shen2 kuang2 luan4] /delirium/mental illness/ [jing1 shen2 sheng1 huo2] /spiritual or moral life/ [jing1 shen2 ji2 bing4] /mental illness/ [jing1 shen2 bing4] /mental disorder/psychosis/ [jing1 shen2 bing4 xue2] /psychiatry/ [jing1 shen2 bing4 huan4] /mental illness/ [jing1 shen2 bing4 yi1 yuan4] /psychiatric hospital/ [jing1 shen2 liao2 fa3] /psychotherapy/mental health treatment/ [jing1 shen2 bai3 bei4] /lit. vitality a hundredfold (idiom); refreshed/o oroughly restored/ [jing1 shen2 yao4 wu4] /psychotropic drugs/ [jing1 shen2 shuai1 ruo4] /psychasthenia/obsessive-compulsive disorder/

[jing1 shen2 cai2 fu4] /spiritual wealth/ [jing1 shen2 cuo4 luan4] /insanity/ [jing1 shen2 ling3 xiu4] /spiritual leader (of a nation or church)/religi [jing1 shen2 bao3 man3] /full of vigor (idiom)/lively/in high spirits/ [jing1 suan4] /actuarial/ [jing1 suan4 shi1] /actuary/ [jing1 jian3] /to simplify/to reduce/ [jing1 jian3 kai1 zhi1] /to reduce spending/to cut spending/ [jing1 mi3] /refined rice/ [jing1 cui4] /succinct/pure and concise/ [jing1 liang2] /refined grain (rice, wheat etc)/ [jing1 xi4] /fine/meticulous/careful/ [jing1 lian4] /concise/succinct/terse/well-trained/ [jing1 zhi4] /delicate/fine/exquisite/refined/ [jing1 mei3] /delicate/fine/refinement/ [jing1 geng1 xi4 zuo4] /intensive farming/ [jing1 ying1] /cream/elite/essence/quintessence/ [jing1 hua2] /best feature/most important part of an object/quintessence/essence/ oul/ [jing1 chong2] /spermatozoon/spermatozoa/ [jing1 chong2 chong1 nao3] /lit. the spermatozoons have gone to his head/ med by lust/ [Jing1 wei4] /mythological bird, reincarnation of drowned daughter Nwa [Nu:3 Fiery Emperor [Yan2 di4]/ [Jing1 wei4 tian2 hai3] /lit. mythical bird Jingwei tries to fill the oce s (idiom); futile ambition/task of Sisyphus/determination in the face of impossi ble odds/ [jing1 zhi4] /refined/ [jing1 cheng2] /sincerity/absolute good faith/ [jing1 cheng2 suo3 jia1 , jin1 shi2 wei4 kai1] /lit. m); if you put your heart to it, you can break up metal and rocks/With a will, y ou can achieve anything./ [jing1 cheng2 suo3 zhi4] /with a will, you can achieve anything (idiom); [jing1 cheng2 suo3 zhi4 , jin1 shi2 wei4 kai1] /lit. m); if you put your heart to it, you can break up metal and rocks/With a will, y ou can achieve anything./ [jing1 jiang3 duo1 lian4] /to speak concisely and practice frequently (id [jing1 du2] /intensive reading/to peruse/perusal/ [jing1 du2 ke4] /intensive reading course/ [jing1 tong1] /proficient/ [jing1 jin4] /to forge ahead vigorously/to dedicate oneself to progress/ [jing1 xuan3] /carefully chosen/handpicked/best of the bunch/choice (product)/con entration (mining)/to concentrate/to winnow/ [jing1 rui4] /elite (e.g. troops)/crack/best quality personnel/ [jing1 pi4] /clear and penetrating (e.g. analysis)/incisive/insightful/ [jing1 diao1 xi4 ke4] /lit. fine sculpting (idiom); fig. to work with ext precision/ [jing1 ling2] /spirit/fairy/elf/sprite/genie/ [jing1 ling2 bao3 zuan4] /treasure of spirits/Silmarillion or Quenta Silm .R.R. Tolkien / [jing1 ling2 wen2] /Elvish (language of elves)/ [jing1 sui3] /marrow/pith/quintessence/essence/ [jing1 hun2] /spirit/soul/ [guo3] /cooked rice for making cake/ [rou2] /mix/ [rou2 he2] /mix together/put together (usu. things that do not blend well togethe )/ [xu3] /official pay/sacrificial rice/ [hu2] /muddled/paste/scorched/ [hu4] /paste/cream/

[hu2 ji4] /paste/glue/ [hu2 kou3] /to scrape a meager living/to get by with difficulty/ [hu2 zui3] /to scrape a meager living/to get by with difficulty/ [hu2 tu5] /muddled/silly/confused/ [hu2 tu5 chong2] /blunderer/bungler/ [hu2 tu5 zhang4] /muddled accounts/a mess of bookkeeping/ [hu4 nong5] /to fool/to deceive/ [hu2 jing1] /dextrin/ [hu2 hu5] /thick congee/porridge/fig. in trouble/ [hu2 hu5 tu2 tu5] /confused/muddled/stupid/dumb/ [hu2 li3 hu2 tu1] /confused/vague/indistinct/muddle-headed/mixed up/in a [hu2 li3 hu2 tu1] /confused/vague/indistinct/muddle-headed/mixed up/in a [zan1] /zanba, Tibetan barley bread/ [zan1 ba1] /tsamba, Tibetan barley bread/ [ci2] /sticky rice paste/mochi (in Japanese)/ [bei4] /food for a journey/cakes/ [xiu3] /to wash (rice etc)/ [gao1] /cake/ [gao1 dian3] /pastry/ [tang2] /sugar/sweets/candy/CL: [ke1], [kuai4]/ [tang2 yuan2] /glycogen/ [tang2 niao4 bing4] /diabetes/diabetes mellitus/ [tang2 guo3] /candy/CL:[li4]/ [tang2 shui3] /syrup/sweetened water/tong sui (sweet soup)/ [tang2 zhi1] /icing/ [tang2 jiang1] /syrup/ [tang2 gua1] /malt sugar candy, a traditional offering to the kitchen God Zaoshen [tang2 pi2 zhi4 ji1 su4] /glucocorticosteroid (corticosteroid hormone renal cortex)/ [tang2 fen3] /icing sugar/confectioner's sugar/powdered sugar/ [tang2 jing1] /saccharin/ [tang2 zhi1] /glycolipid/ [tang2 gan1] /glucoside/ [tang2 e4] /glycocalyx/ [tang2 hu2 lu5] /sugar-coated Chinese hawthorn fruit on a stick/tanghulu/ [tang2 dan4 bai2] /glycoprotein/ [tang2 mi4] /molasses/syrup/ [tang2 yi1] /frosting or icing (on cakes etc)/sugarcoating/ [tang2 zhi3] /glycolipid/ [tang2 jiao4 jie3] /glycolysis (anaerobic metabolism of glucose)/ [tang2 chun2] /sugar alcohol/ [tang2 cu4] /sweet and sour/ [tang2 cu4 rou4] /sweet and sour pork/ [tang2 cu4 li3 ji3] /sweet and sour pork/ [tang2 cu4 yu2] /sweet and sour fish/ [tang2 lei4] /sugar (chemistry)/ [Qiu3] /surname Qiu/ [qiu3] /dry provisions/ [qiu3 shi4] /awkward incident/ [qiu3 da4] /hoax/ [cao1] /rough/coarse (in texture)/ [cao1 pi2 bing4] /pellagra (medicine)/ [cao1 mi3] /brown rice/ [cao1 mian4 nei4 zhi4 wang3] /rough endoplasmic reticulum/ [Mei2] /surname Mei/ [mei2] /dissolved/rice gruel/wasted/ [mi2 lan4] /dissipated/ [mi2 lan4 xing4 du2 ji4] /vesicant/ [san3] /to mix (of powders)/ [fen4] /manure/dung/

[fen4 bian4] /excrement/feces/night soil/ [fen4 dang4] /cesspool/cesspit/ [fen4 tu3] /dirty soil/dung/muck/ [fen4 niao4] /sewerage/ [fen4 pa2] /manure rake/ [fen4 fei2] /manure/dung/ [fen4 qu1] /muckworm/ [fen4 dao4] /coprodeum (in birds)/ [fen4 jin1 gui1] /dung beetle/ [fen4 jin1 gui1 zi3] /dung beetle/ [fen4 qing1] /shit youth/used satirically against which shares the same so [fen4 qing1]/ [zao1] /dregs/draff/pickled in wine/rotten/messy/ruined/ [zao1 liu1 huang2 yu2] /stir-fried yellow fish filet/ [zao1 liu1 huang2 yu2 pian4] /stir-fried yellow fish filet/ [zao1 po4] /dross/dregs/rubbish/fig. useless residue/ [zao1 gao1] /too bad/how terrible/what bad luck/terrible/bad/ [zao1 kang1] /chaff/grain husk/ [zao1 ta4] /variant of [zao1 ta4]/ [zao1 ta4] /to waste/to defile/to abuse/to insult/to defile/to trample on/to wrec /also pr. [zao1 ta5]/ [zao1 tou4] /in a bad state/horrible/dreadful/entirely regrettable/ [zao1 chi3 lei4 pa2 chong2] /thecodontia (primitive dinosaur)/ [kang1] /husk/ [kang1 zhen3] /pityriasis (medicine)/ [mo2] /blurred/ [mo2 hu5] /variant of [mo2 hu5]/ [liang2] /grain/food/provisions/agricultural tax paid in grain/ [liang2 cang1] /granary/barn/fig. bread basket (of fertile agricultural land)/ [liang2 dian4] /grain store/ [liang2 ku4] /grain depot/ [liang2 zhan4] /wholesale grain store/ [liang2 piao4] /coupons for food or grain used in a PRC economic program c. 1955993/ [liang2 mo4] /provisions (e.g. military)/forage/fodder/ [liang2 zhan4] /grain supply station/ [liang2 cao3] /army provisions/rations and fodder/ [liang2 huang1] /famine/critical shortage of grain/ [liang2 hang2] /grain retailer (in former times)/ [liang2 nong2] /food and agriculture/grain farmer/ [liang2 dao4] /route for providing foodstuff/ [liang2 shi5] /foodstuff/cereals/CL: [zhong3]/ [liang2 shi5 zuo4 wu4] /grain crops/cereals/ [liang2 xiang3] /army provisions/ [jiang4] /starch/paste/to starch/ [jiang4 hu4] /flour paste/ [zong4] /rice dumpling/variant of / [nuo4] /glutinous rice/sticky rice/ [nuo4 dao4] /glutinous rice/sticky rice/ [nuo4 mi3] /glutinous rice/Oryza sativa var. glutinosa/ [nuo4 mi3 fen3] /glutinous rice flour/ [nuo4 mi3 ci2] /rice cake dumpling/sticky rice cake/mochi cake/ [nuo4 mi3 gao1] /glutinous rice cake/CL: [kuai4]/ [nuo4 mi3 zhi3] /rice paper/membrane of glutinous rice, used to wrap sweets e [nuo4 mi3 tun2] /lazy bones (topolect)/ [nuo4 mai4] /glutinous barley/ [tuan2] /dumpling/ [tuan2 zi5] /dango (Japanese dumpling)/ [nie4] /fermenting grain/yeast/ [li4] /coarse rice/

[di2] /buy up (grain)/ [tiao4] /to sell grain/ [mi4] /fine silk/ [jiu1] /archaic variant of [jiu1]/ [jiu3] /army (used during the Liao, Jin and Yuan dynasties)/ [xi4] /system/department/faculty/ [xi4 zhu3 ren4] /chairman of department/dean/CL:[wei4], [ge4]/ [xi4 chu1 ming2 men2] /to come from a distinguished family/ [xi4 lie4] /series/ [xi4 lie4 fang4 da4 qi4] /series amplifier/ [xi4 lie4 pian4] /film series/ [xi4 tong3] /system/CL: [ge4]/ [xi4 tong3 xing4] /systematic/ [jiu1] /to gather together/to investigate/to entangle/to correct/ [jiu1 pian1] /to correct an error/ [jiu1 he2] /gathering/a get-together/ [jiu1 cha2] /to maintain order/steward (policing a meeting)/ [jiu1 tan2] /to censure/to denounce/to impeach/ [jiu1 zheng4] /to correct/to make right/ [jiu1 zhong4] /to muster/to gather a crowd/ [jiu1 fen1] /a dispute/entanglement (law)/ [jiu1 jie2] /to intertwine/to band together (with)/to link up (with)/twisted/tang ed/confused/to be at a loss/ [jiu1 jie1 dian3] /a knot/fig. meeting of many strands/ [jiu1 chan2] /to be in a tangle/to nag/ [jiu1 chan2 bu4 qing1] /hopelessly muddled/impossible to unravel/ [jiu1 ge2] /entanglement/dispute/ [jiu1 cuo4] /to correct (a typo)/ [jiu1 ji2] /to gather together/to muster/ [Ji4] /surname Ji/ [ji4] /discipline/age/era/period/order/record/ [ji4 zhuan4 ti3] /history genre based on biography, such as Sima Qian's Recor e Historian/ [ji4 yuan2] /beginning of an era/ [ji4 yuan2 qian2] /before the common era (BC)/ [ji4 wei3] /discipline inspection commission/ [ji4 shi2] /actual record of events/eye witness account/ [ji4 nian2] /calendar era/ [ji4 lu:4] /discipline/ [ji4 nian4] /to commemorate/to remember/CL: [ge4]/ [ji4 nian4 pin3] /souvenir/ [ji4 nian4 tang2] /memorial hall/mausoleum/ [ji4 nian4 ri4] /day of commemoration/memorial day/ [ji4 nian4 huo2 dong4] /commemoration/commemorative activity/ [ji4 nian4 jiang3] /trophy/ [ji4 nian4 bei1] /monument/ [ji4 nian4 zhang1] /memorial badge/souvenir badge/CL:[mei2]/ [ji4 nian4 you2 piao4] /commemorative postage stamp/ [ji4 nian4 guan3] /memorial hall/commemorative museum/ [Ji4 Yun2] /Ji Yun (1724-1805), Qing dynasty writer, author of supernatural novel Notes on minutely observed thatched hut / [ji4 jian3] /disciplinary inspection/to inspect another's discipline/ [ji4 yao4] /minutes/written summary of a meeting/ [ji4 lu4] /record/ [ji4 lu4 chuang4 zao4 zhe3] /record setter/record holder/ [ji4 lu4 pian4] /newsreel/documentary (film or TV program)/CL:[bu4]/ [ji4 lu4 pian1 r5] /erhua variant of [ji4 lu4 pian4], docume [zhou4] /saddle crupper (harness strap on horse's back)/ [Zhou4 Xin1] /Zhou Xin (c. 11th century BC), last emperor of the of Shang Dynasty [xun2] /bind/silkcords/

[yao1] /to weigh in a balance or on a scale/ [yue1] /to make an appointment/to invite/approximately/pact/treaty/to economize/ to restrict/to reduce (a fraction)/concise/ [Yue1 bo2] /Job (name)/Book of Job in the Old Testament/ [Yue1 bo2 ji4] /Book of Job (in the Old Testament)/ [Yue1 dan4] /variant of , Jordan/ [Yue1 dan4 he2] /variant of , Jordan river/ [Yue1 ke4] /York/ [Yue1 ke4 jun4] /Yorkshire (English region)/ [yue1 chu1] /to ask sb out (on a date etc)/ [yue1 fen1] /reduced fraction (e.g. one half for three sixths)/to reduce a fracti n by canceling common factors in the numerator and denominator/ [yue1 zhi4] /to bind/to restrict/to constrain/ [yue1 he2] /approximately/about (some numerical value)/ [yue1 tong2] /to promise to accompany/an appointment (to go together with sb)/ [Yue1 tan3] /Jotham (son of Uzziah)/ [yao1 ta3] /iota (Greek letter )/ [yue1 q 4] /contract/oath of alleg ance/ [yue1 d ng4] /to agree on sth (after d scuss on)/to conclude a barga n/to arrange to prom se/to st pulate/to make an appo ntment/st pulated (t me, amount, qual ty etc)/an arrangement/a deal/appo ntment/undertak ng/comm tment/understand ng/eng agement/st pulat on/ [yue1 d ng4 su2 cheng2] /establ shed by popular usage ( d om); common usa customary convent on/ [yue1 d ng4 z 1 xun4 su4 lu:4] /comm tted nformat on rate (Frame [Yue1 na2 shu1] /Book of Jonah/ [yue1 mo5] /about/around/approx mately/also wr tten / [yue1 shu4] /divisor (of a number)/approximate number/ [Yue1 dan4] /Jordan/ [Yue1 dan4 he2] /Jordan River/ [Yue1 shu1 ya4] /Joshua (name)/ [Yue1 shu1 ya4 ji4] /Book of Joshua/ [yue1 hui4] /appointment/engagement/date/CL:[ci4], [ge4]/to arrange to meet [yue1 hui4 dui4 xiang4] /a partner for dating/a date (i.e. a boyfriend or [yue1 shu4] /to restrict/to limit to/to constrain/restriction/constraint/ [yue1 shu4 li4] /(of a contract) binding (law)/ [yue1 shu4 tiao2 jian4] /restrictive condition/constraint/ [Yue1 gen1] /Jurgen (name)/ [yue1 gui4] /Ark of the Covenant/ [Yue1 sha1 fa3] /Jehoshaphat, fourth king of Judah (Judaism)/ [yue1 fa3] /temporary law/provisional constitution/ [yue1 fa3 san1 zhang1] /to agree on three laws (idiom); provisional agree new dynastic government with the people/ [Yue1 er3 shu1] /Book of Joel/ [Yue1 se4] /Joseph (name)/ [Yue1 se4 fu1] /Joseph (name)/ [Yue1 se4 fu1 Si1 da4 lin2] /Joseph Stalin (1879-1953), Sov [yue1 lu:e4] /approximate/rough/ [yue1 lu:e4 gu1 ji4] /approximate estimate/to reckon roughly/ [yue1 dang1 xian4 jin1] /cash equivalent (accountancy)/ [yue1 zhang1] /charter/ [yue1 deng3 yu2] /approximately equal to/ [Yue1 na4] /Jonah/ [Yao1 wei2 ke4] /Gjvik (city in Oppland, Norway)/ [Yue1 han4] /John (name)/Johan (name)/Johann (name)/ [Yue1 han4 E4 pu3 dai4 ke4] /John Updike, US novelist (1932 [Yue1 han4 La1 bei4] /John Rabe (1882-1950), German that helped pro he Nanking massacre period/ [Yue1 han4 Ben3 ren2] /John Bunyan (1628-1688), English puritan wri m's Progress /

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[Yue1 han4 Huo4 jin1 si1] /John Hawkins (1532-1595), British se th Spain/ [Yue1 han4 yi1 shu1] /First epistle of St John/ [Yue1 han4 san1 shu1] /Third epistle of St John/ [Yue1 han4 er4 shu1] /Second epistle of St John/ [Yue1 han4 Bao3 luo2] /John Paul (name)/Pope John Paul II, Karol Jzef Wo , Pope 1978-2005/ [Yue1 han4 ne 4 s 1 bao3] /Johannesburg, South Afr ca/ [Yue1 han4 can1 shu1] /Th rd ep stle of St John/also wr tten [Yue1 han4 yi1 shu1] /First epistle of St John/also written [Yue1 han4 La1 bei4] /John Rabe (German eyewitness to Nanjing massacre)/ [Yue1 han4 si1 dun4] /Johnston, Johnson, Johnstone etc, name/ [Yue1 han4 fu2 yin1] /Gospel according to St John/ [Yue1 han4 er4 shu1] /Second epistle of St John/also written [Yue1 han4 xun4] /Johnson or Johnston (name)/ [yue1 mo5] /about/around/approximately/ [Yue1 xi1 ya4] /Josiah or Yoshiyahu (649-609 BC), a king of Judah (Judaism)/ [yue1 jian4] /to arrange an interview/an appointment (with the foreign ambassador / [yue1 yan2] /promise/one's word/pledge/abbreviation/ [yue1 ji4] /approximate estimate/a rough count/ [yue1 qing3] /to invite/to issue an invitation/ [yue1 ji2] /to assemble by agreement/to gather/ [hong2] /bonus/popular/red/revolutionary/ [hong2 wu3 xing1 qi2] /name of the flag of the People's Republic of China [hong2 li4] /bonus/dividend/ [hong2 li4 gu3 piao4] /scrip shares (issued as dividend payment)/ [hong2 bao1] /lit. money wrapped in red as a gift/a bonus payment/a kickback/a br be/ [Hong2 shi2 zi4] /Red Cross/ [Hong2 yuan2] /Hongyuan county (Tibetan: rka khog rdzong) in Ngawa Tibetan and Qi ng autonomous prefecture [A1 ba4 Zang4 zu2 Qiang1 zu2 [Hong2 yuan2 xian4] /Hongyuan county (Tibetan: rka khog rdzong) in Ngawa Tibe Qiang autonomous prefecture [A1 ba4 Zang4 zu2 Qiang1 [Hong2 gu3] /Honggu district of Lanzhou city [Lan2 zhou1 shi4], Gans [Hong2 gu3 qu1] /Honggu district of Lanzhou city [Lan2 zhou1 shi [hong2 zui3 ou1] /black-headed gull/ [hong2 tu3] /red soil/laterite/ [hong2 di4 tan3] /red carpet/ [hong2 bao3] /Red Fort (historic building in Delhi, India)/ [Hong2 chang3] /Red Square (in Moscow)/ [Hong2 ta3] /Hongta district of Yuxi city [Yu4 xi1 shi4], Yunnan/ [Hong2 ta3 qu1] /Hongta district of Yuxi city [Yu4 xi1 shi4], Yunnan/ [hong2 chen2] /the world of mortals (Buddhism)/human society/worldly affairs/ [hong2 mo4 shui3] /red ink/ [hong2 wai4] /infrared (ray)/ [hong2 wai4 guang1 pu3] /infrared spectrum/ [hong2 wai4 xian4] /infrared ray/ [hong2 wai4 xian4 dao3 yin3 fei1 dan4] /infrared guided missi [hong2 zhuang1] /splendid gay female clothing/ [hong2 gu1 niang5] /Chinese lantern plant/winter cherry/strawberry ground-che salis alkekengi/ [hong2 niang2] /matchmaker/ [hong2 hai2 zheng4] /kwashiorkor (a form of malnutrition)/ [Hong2 xue2] /"Redology", academic field devoted to the study of A Dream of Red M nsions/ [Hong2 an1] /Hong'an county in Huanggang [Huang2 gang1], Hubei/ [Hong2 an1 xian4] /Hong'an county in Huanggang [Huang2 gang1], Hubei [Hong2 Gua3 fu5 niao3] /Red Bishop/Euplectes orix/ [Hong2 bao3 shu1] /the "Little Red Book" of selected writings of Mao Zedong (

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to [Mao2 Zhu3 xi2 Yu3 lu4])/ [hong2 bao3 shi2] /ruby/ [Hong2 si4 bao3] /Hongsibao district of Wuzhong city [Wu2 zhong1 [Hong2 si4 bao3 qu1] /Hongsibao district of Wuzhong city [Wu [Hong2 si4 bao3 zhen4] /Hongsibao district of Wuzhong city [ [hong2 shan1] /Hongshan district of Chifeng city , Inner Mongolia/ [Hong2 shan1 qu1] /Hongshan district of Chifeng city , Inner Mongolia/ [Hong2 gang3] /Honggang district of Daqing city [Da4 qing4], Heilongjian [Hong2 gang3 qu1] /Honggang district of Daqing city [Da4 qing4], Hei [hong2 ju4 xing1] /red giant (star)/ [hong2 jin1 jun1] /the Red Turbans, peasant rebellion at the end of the Yuan / [hong2 tong1 tong1] /bright red/ [hong2 xin1] /heart (in card games)/red, heart-shaped symbol/bullseye/ [hong2 pu1 pu1] /red/rosy/flushed/ [hong2 ban1] /erythema (pathol.)/rash in red patches/ [hong2 ban1 xing4 lang2 chuang1] /lupus erythematosus/ [Hong2 xin1 yue4] /Red Crescent/ [Hong2 qi2] /Red flag city district/Hongqi district of Xinxiang city , Henan/ [hong2 qi2] /red flag/CL:[mian4]/ [Hong2 qi2 qu1] /Red flag city district/Hongqi district of Xinxiang city 4], Henan/ [hong2 ri4] /sun/ [Hong2 xing1] /Hongxing district of Yichun city [Yi1 chun1 shi4], Heilongji [hong2 xing1] /red star/five pointed star as symbol or communism or proletariat/h t film star/ [Hong2 xing1 qu1] /Hongxing district of Yichun city [Yi1 chun1 shi4], H [hong2 yun4] /to blush/to flush red/ [hong2 qu1] /red food dye made from yeast/ [hong2 mu4] /red wood/mahogany/rosewood/padauk/ [hong2 xing4 chu1 qiang2] /lit. the red apricot tree leans over the garde having an illicit lover (idiom)/ [hong2 guo3] /haw fruit/ [hong2 tao2] /heart (in card games)/ [hong2 zao3] /jujube/red date/ [hong2 qi1 shu4] /red alder (Alnus rubra)/ [Hong2 lou2 meng4] /A Dream of Red Mansions (first completed edition 1791) by eqin , one of the four great novels/ [hong2 shu4] /red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle)/CL:[ke1]/ [hong2 shu4 lin2] /mangrove forest or swamp/ [Hong2 qiao2] /Hongqiao district of Tianjin municipality [Tian1 jin1 shi4]/ [Hong2 qiao2 qu1] /Hongqiao district of Tianjin municipality [Tian1 jin [hong2 cheng2] /blood orange/ [hong2 cheng2 huang2 lu:4 lan2 dian4 zi3] /red, orange, yello Colors of the rainbow/ [hong2 mao2 dan1] /rambutan or rumbutan (tropical fruit) (Nephelium lappaceum [hong2 tan3] /red carpet/ [Hong2 he2] /Honghe county in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture, Yunnan/Re River in China/Northern Vietnam/ [Hong2 he2 Ha1 ni2 zu2 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1] /H / [Hong2 he2 zhou1] /Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture in Yunnan [Hong2 he2 xian4] /Honghe county in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture, / [Hong2 ni2 yue4 liang5] /Honeymoon/ [Hong2 Hai3] /Red Sea/ [hong2 run4] /ruddy/rosy/florid/ [hong2 huo3] /prosperous/ [hong2 huo3 yi3] /fire ant (Solenopsis invicta), an introduced species in Chi

[hong2 xiong2 mao1] /lesser Panda/red panda/firefox/ [hong2 deng1] /red light/ [hong2 deng1 qu1] /red light district/ [Hong2 deng1 ji4] /The Legend of the Red Lantern/ [hong2 shao1] /simmer-fried (dish)/ [hong2 shao1 rou4] /red-cooked meat (pork)/simmer fried meat/ [hong2 pai2] /red card (sports)/ [hong2 niu2] /Red Bull (soft drink)/ [hong2 niu2 pi2 cai4] /chard (Beta vulgaris), a foliage beet/ [hong2 yu4 sui3] /cornelian (mineral)/ [hong2 shan1 hu2] /red coral/ [hong2 ma3 nao3] /cornelian/ [hong2 bi4 xi3] /topaz/ [hong2 nan2 lu:4 nu:3] /young people decked out in gorgeous clothes (idio [hong2 bai2 xi3 shi4] /weddings and funerals/ [hong2 ai3 xing1] /red dwarf star/ [hong2 lin2] /red phosphorus/ [hong2 yi2] /red shift (astronomy)/ [hong2 bi3] /red pen/ [hong2 gu1 r5] /(northern dialects) red armband/ [hong2 chou2 gu3] /red chip stocks (Chinese company stocks incorporated outsi land China and listed in the Hong Kong stock exchange)/ [hong2 tang2] /dark brown sugar/molasses/ [hong2 xi4 bao1] /erythrocyte/red blood cell/ [hong2 lu:4 deng1] /traffic light/traffic signal/ [hong2 xian4] /red line/ [hong2 yang2 jie2] /national disaster (ancient astrological allusion)/ [hong2 gu3] /(economics) bonus stock or share, i.e. share issued fully or partly aid to an existing shareholder in a company, generally on a pro rata basis/ [hong2 bei4 zhi1 zhu1] /redback spider/ [hong2 hu2 zi5] /band of mounted bandits in Manchuria (archaic)/ [hong2 bo2 zi5] /redneck (mildly disparaging term for poor white Americans, s lbilly)/ [hong2 zhong3] /inflamed/red and swollen/ [hong2 chang2] /saveloy/ [hong2 fu4 hui1 que4] /bullfinch (family Fringillidae)/ [hong2 bi4 zhang1] /(southern dialects) red armband/ [hong2 lian3] /to blush/to turn red/ [hong2 se4] /red (color)/revolutionary/ [hong2 se4 niang2 zi5 jun1] /Red Detachment of Women/ [Hong2 se4 Gao1 mian2] /Khmer Rouge, Cambodian political party/ [hong2 hua1] /safflower (Carthamus tinctorius)/ [Hong2 hua1 gang3] /Honghua district of Zun'yi city [Zun1 yi4 sh [Hong2 hua1 gang3 qu1] /Honghua district of Zun'yi city [Zun [hong2 tiao2] /sweet potato or yam/ [hong2 cha2] /black tea/CL:[bei1], [hu2]/ [hong2 ye4] /red autumnal leaves/ [hong2 lian2] /red lotus/ [hong2 shu3] /sweet potato/ [hong2 luo2 bo5] /carrot/radish/ [hong2 xue4 qiu2] /erythrocyte/red blood cell/ [hong2 xue4 qiu2 sheng1 cheng2 su4] /erythropoietin (EPO)/ [Hong2 wei4 bing1] /Red Guard(s) (during the Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976)/ [hong2 yi1 zhu3 jiao4] /Catholic Cardinal/ [hong2 dou4] /azuki bean/red bean/ [hong2 dou4 sha1] /red bean paste/ [hong2 chao1 ju4 xing1] /red super-giant (star)/ [Hong2 Jun1] /Red Army/ [hong2 lun2] /the sun/ [hong2 la4 jiao1] /hot red pepper/chili/

[hong2 la4 jiao1 fen3] /red pepper powder/paprika/ [hong2 tong1 tong1] /bright red/also written / [hong2 yun4] /good luck/ [hong2 cu4 li4] /red currant/ [hong2 ling2 chong2] /pink bollworm/Pectinophora gassypiella/ [hong2 tong2] /copper (chemistry)/see also [tong2]/ [hong2 sun3] /common kestrel (Falco tinnunculus)/ [hong2 mei2 su4] /erythromycin/ [hong2 ling3 jin1] /red neckscarf/by extension, a member of the Young Pioneer [hong2 tou2 cai4] /beetroot/ [hong2 jing3 ban4 pu3 yu4] /red-necked Phalarope/ [hong2 yan2] /a beautiful woman/young beauties/youths/rosy cheeks/ [hong2 yan2 zhi1 ji3] /close female friend/confidante/ [hong2 yan2 bo2 ming4] /beautiful women suffer unhappy fates (idiom)/ [hong2 ma3 jia3] /lit. red waistcoat/floor trader in stock market/stockbroker [hong2 gu3 sui3] /red bone marrow (myeloid tissue)/ [hong2 gao1 liang2] /red sorghum/ [Hong2 Mo2 gui3] /Red Devils, nickname of Manchester United Football Club/ [hong2 jian1] /red mullet/ [hong2 mei2 su4] /erythromycin/ [Yu1] /surname Yu/ [yu1] /winding/twisting/ [ge1] /knot/ [he2] /tassels/ [wan2] /white/white silk/ [wan2 ku4 zi3 di4] /hedonistic son of rich parents/ [wan2 ku4 zi3 di4] /dandy/fop/lounge lizard/ [ren4] /to string/to thread (needle)/ [wen3] /involved/tangled/disorderly/confused/chaotic/Taiwan pr. [wen4]/ [wen3 luan4] /disorder/chaos/ [wen3 liu2] /turbulent flow/ [wen2] /line/trace/mark/pattern/grain (of wood etc)/ [wen2 ci4] /to tattoo/ [wen2 ceng2] /lamina/lamella/lamination/ [wen2 li3] /vein lines (in marble or fingerprint)/grain (in wood etc)/ [wen2 zhang1] /coat of arms/ [wen2 si1] /tiny bit/a jot/whisker/ [wen2 si1 bu4 dong4] /to not move a single jot (idiom)/ [wen2 si1 r5] /erhua variant of , tiny bit/ [wen2 lu:3] /veined pattern/wrinkles/vein lines (in marble or fingerprint)/grain in wood etc)/ [wen2 lu:3 r5] /erhua variant of [wen2 lu:3]/ [wen2 lu4] /veined pattern/wrinkles/vein lines (in marble or fingerprint)/grain ( n wood etc)/ [wen2 shen1] /tattoo/ [wen2 yin2] /fine silver/ [wen2 feng1 bu4 dong4] /absolutely still/fig. not the slightest change/al [wen2 shi4] /decorative motif/figure/ [Na4] /surname Na/ [na4] /to receive/to accept/to enjoy/to bring into/to pay (tax etc)/nano- (one b illionth)/to reinforce sole of shoes or stockings by close sewing/ [Na4 shen2] /Nash/ [Na4 jie2 fu1] /Najaf (city in Iraq, a Shia holy city)/ [na4 ru4] /to bring or channel into/ [Na4 za1 lei4] /Nazareth/ [Na4 ji2 bu4] /Muhammad Naguib (first president of the Republic of Egypt)/ [Na4 ta3 nai3 er3] /Nathaniel/ [na4 qie4] /to take a concubine/ [Na4 ni2 ya4] /Narnia, children's fantasy world in stories by C.S. Lewis/ [Na4 ni2 ya4 chuan2 qi2] /The Chronicles of Narnia, Children's storie

[Na4 de2 A1 li3] /Nad Ali, town in Helmand province, Afghanistan/ [na4 men4] /puzzled/bewildered/ [na4 men4 r5] /puzzled/bewildered/ [Na4 zha1 er3 ba1 ye1 fu1] /Nursultan Nazarbayev/ [na4 zhi3] /NASDAQ/National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation , a computerized data system to provide brokers with price quotations for securi ties traded over the counter/ [Na4 sa1 ni2 er3 Huo4 sang1] /Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-186 ory writer/ [Na4 si1 da2 ke4] /NASDAQ (stock exchange)/ [na4 xin1] /to accept the new/to take fresh (air)/fig. to accept new members (to einvigorate the party)/new blood/ [na4 xing1] /nanosatellite/ [Na4 mu4 cuo4] /Namtso or Lake Nam (officially Nam Co), mountain lake at Nakc entral Tibet/ [na4 liang2] /to enjoy the cool air/ [Na4 xi1] /Naxi district of Luzhou city [Lu2 zhou1 shi4], Sichuan/ [Na4 xi1 qu1] /Naxi district of Luzhou city [Lu2 zhou1 shi4], Si [Na4 er3 xun4] /Horatio Nelson (1758-1805), British naval hero/ [Na4 wa3 te4 er3 yu3] /Nahuatl (language)/ [Na4 wa3 sa4] /Navassa/ [na4 fu2] /to accept a life of ease/to enjoy a comfortable retirement/ [na4 miao3] /nanosecond, ns, 10^-9 s (PRC)/Taiwan equivalent: [nai4 miao3]/ [na4 shui4] /to pay taxes/ [na4 shui4 ren2] /taxpayer/ [na4 mi3] /nanometer/ [na4 mi3 ji4 shu4] /nanotechnology/ [Na4 mi3 bi3 ya4] /Namibia/ [na4 cui4] /Nazi (German: Nationalsozialismus)/ [Na4 cui4 zhu3 yi4] /Nazism/ [na4 cui4 fen4 zi3] /Nazis/ [Na4 cui4 De2 guo2] /Nazi Germany (1933-1945)/ [na4 cui4 dang3] /Nazi party/Nationalsozialistische deutsche Arbeiterpartei ( 45)/ [na4 liang2] /to pay taxes in kind (rice, cloth etc)/ [na4 han3] /bewildered/amazed/ [na4 pin4] /to pay bride-price (payment to the bride's family in former times)/ [na4 wei4 xing1] /nanosatellite/ [Na4 xi1] /Nakhi (ethnic group)/ [Na4 xi1 zu2] /Nakhi ethnic group in Yunnan/ [na4 dou4] /natt, a type of fermented soybean, popular as a breakfast food in Ja / [na4 dou4 jun1] /Bacillus subtilis (formerly Bacillus natto), a common soil b m/ [na4 gong4] /to pay tribute/ [na4 hui4] /bribery/to give or accept bribes/ [Na4 sai4 er3] /Nasr or Nasser (Arab name)/Gamal Abdel Nasser (1918-1970), Eg President/ [Na4 he4 xiong2] /Nahshon (name)/ [Na4 min3] /Labuan, island territory of Malaysia off Sabah coast, north Borneo [na4 xiang2] /to surrender/to accept defeat/ [Na4 yong1] /Nayong county in Bijie prefecture [Bi4 jie2 di4 qu1 [Na4 yong1 xian4] /Nayong county in Bijie prefecture [Bi4 ji [Na4 huo4 de2 ka3] /Nakhodka (city in Russia)/ [Na4 hong2] /Nahum/ [niu3] /to turn/to wrench/button/nu (Greek letter )/ [Niu3 lu 2 bao3] /Nr berg or Nuremberg, tow i Bavaria, Germa y/ [Niu3 ka3 si1 er3] /Newcastle (place ame)/ [ iu3 ka3 su4] /Newcastle/ [Niu3 ai1] /Niue (isla d)/

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[ iu3 zi5] /butto / [ iu3 dai4] /tie/li k/bo d/ [Niu3 Ji1 ei4 ya4] /New Gui ea/Papua-New Gui ea/ [ iu3 kou4] /butto / [Niu3 wa3 ke4] /Newark (place ame)/ [Niu3 Yue1] /New York/ [Niu3 yue1 re 2] /New Yorker/ [Niu3 yue1 Da4 xue2] /New York U iversity/ [Niu3 yue1 ke4] /The New Yorker, US magazi e/reside t of New York/ [Niu3 yue1 zhou1] /New York state/ [Niu3 Yue1 shi4] /New York City/ [Niu3 yue1 di4 guo2 da4 sha4] /Empire State Buildi g/ [Niu3 Yue1 Shi2 bao4] /New York Times ( ewspaper)/ [Niu3 yue1 Zhe g4 qua 4 Jiao1 yi4 suo3] /New York Stock Excha [Niu3 Yue1 you2 bao4] /New York post ( ewspaper)/ [ iu3 ba 4] /see [niu3 pan4]/ [Niu3 fen1 lan2] /Newfoundland Island, Canada/ [Niu3 fen1 lan2 yu3 la1 bu4 la1 duo1] /Newfoundland and L [niu3 pan4] /button loop/ [Niu3 xi1 lan2] /New Zealand (Taiwan)/ [fou2] /bright/glossy (of silk)/ [shu1] /abundant/ample/at ease/relaxed/to free from/to relieve/ [shu1 kun4] /to provide financial relief/to bail out (financially)/financial reli f/bailout/ [shu1 huan3] /to relax/relaxed/ [shu1 jie3] /to relieve/to ease (pressure)/to alleviate/to remove/to get rid of/ [chun2] /pure/simple/unmixed/genuine/ [chun2 li4] /net profit/ [chun2 li4 yi4] /net profit/ [chun2 pin3] /sterling/ [chun2 shu3] /to be purely/pure and simple/sheer/outright/ [chun2 du4] /purity/ [chun2 qing2] /pure and innocent/a pure heart/ [chun2 wen2 zi4] /text only (webpage)/ [chun2 wen2 zi4 ye4] /text-only webpage/ [chun2 pu3] /variant of , simple and honest/unsophisticated/ [chun2 zheng4] /pure/unadulterated/(of motives etc) honest/ [chun2 jing4] /pure/clean/unmixed/ [chun2 jie2] /pure/clean and honest/to purify/ [chun2 niu2 nai3] /pure milk/ [chun2 bai2] /pure white/ [chun2 zhen1] /sincere/ [chun2 zhen1 wu2 gou4] /pure of heart/ [chun2 zhong3] /purebred/ [chun2 cui4] /purely/ [chun2 cui4 shu4 xue2] /pure mathematics/ [chun2 su4 shi2] /vegan/vegan food/ [chun2 su4 shi2 zhu3 yi4] /veganism, a diet consisting solely of plan egetarianism/ [chun2 su4 shi2 zhe3] /a vegan/person following a vegan diet/ [chun2 jin1] /pure gold/ [chun2 yin1] /pure tone/ [chun2 jian3] /sodium carbonate Na2CO3/soda ash/same as / [pi1] /error/carelessness/spoiled silk/ [pi1 lou4] /careless mistake/slip-up/ [pi1 miu4] /error/mistake/ [sha1] /cotton yarn/muslin/ [sha1 bu4] /gauze/ [sha1 bu4 kou3 zhao4] /gauze mask/ [sha1 chang3] /cotton mill/textile factory/

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[sha1 chuang1] /screen window/ [sha1 zhan4] /spindle/ [sha1 xian4] /yarn/ [hong2] /cord for hat/vast/ [zhi3] /paper/CL: [zhang1],[da2]/classifier for documents, letter etc/ [zhi3 shang4 tan2 bing1] /lit. military tactics on paper (idiom); fig. th cussion that is worse than useless in practice/armchair strategist/idle theorizi ng/cf Zhao Kuo leading an army of 400,000 to total annihilation at battle of Chan ping in 260 BC/ [zhi3 ren2] /paper doll/papercut silhouette/ [zhi3 ren2 zhi3 ma3] /paper dolls for ritual use in the shape of people o [zhi3 bao1 bu4 zhu4 huo3] /lit. paper can't wrap fire; fig. the truth [zhi3 pin3] /paper products/stationery/ [zhi3 xing2] /paper matrix in which type is set/ [zhi3 dui1] /papers/stack of paper/ [zhi3 jia1] /paperclip/ [zhi3 hun1] /paper wedding (first year wedding anniversary)/ [zhi3 jin1] /paper towel/napkin/facial tissue/CL: [zhang1],[bao1]/ [zhi3 dai4] /paper tape/ [zhi3 bi4] /bank notes/paper currency/CL: [zhang1]/ [zhi3 zhang1] /paper/ [zhi3 bei1] /paper cup/ [zhi3 ban3] /cardboard/ [zhi3 tiao2] /slip of paper/ [zhi3 yang4] /paper pattern as model in dressmaking/paper patten/ [zhi3 jiang1] /paper pulp/ [zhi3 huo3 chai2] /matches made of cardboard/ [zhi3 hui1] /ash from burnt paper/ [zhi3 yan1] /cigarette/ [zhi3 mei2 r5] /paper taper used to light cigarette etc/ [zhi3 pian4] /a piece, scrap or fragment of paper/ [zhi3 pai2] /playing card/ [zhi3 pen2] /paper cone used as hailer/ [zhi3 bo2] /joss paper/ [zhi3 xiang1] /carton/cardboard box/ [zhi3 lao3 hu3] /paper tiger/ [zhi3 hua1] /paper flower/ [zhi3 cao3] /papyrus/ [zhi3 ye4 zi5] /deck of playing cards/ [zhi3 zui4 jin1 mi2] /lit. dazzling with paper and gold (idiom); fig. ind ife of luxury/ [zhi3 ding4] /paper ingots (burned as offerings to the dead)/ [zhi3 qian2] /ritual money made of paper burnt for the Gods or the dead/ [zhi3 ma3] /paper dolls for ritual use in the shape of people or animals/ [zhi3 ma3 r5] /erhua variant of , paper dolls for ritual use in the animals/ [zhi3 yu2] /silverfish (Lepisma saccarina)/fish moth/ [zhi3 yuan1] /kite/ [zhi3 he4] /paper crane/ [zhi3 yao4] /kite/ [zhi3 huang2 jin1] /gold contract/special drawing right (SDR)/paper gold (fin [ji2] /level/grade/rank/step/CL: [ge4]/ [ji2 bie2] /(military) rank/level/grade/ [ji2 cha1] /differential (between grades)/salary differential/ [ji2 qiang2] /named grade or higher/at least stated magnitude (of earthquake)/ [ji2 lian2] /cascade/cascading/ [ji2 ju4] /numerical range/interval/taxation band/ [fen1] /numerous/confused/disorderly/ [fen1 luan4] /numerous and disorderly/ [fen1 cheng2] /brilliant and varied/(often in the combination )/

[fen1 pi1] /scattered/mixed and disorganized/ [fen1 rao3] /turmoil/unrest/disturbance/ [fen1 zheng1] /to dispute/ [fen1 fen1] /one after another/in succession/one by one/continuously/diverse/in p ofusion/numerous and confused/pell-mell/ [fen1 fen1 yang2 yang2] /fluttering about (of leaves etc)/ [fen1 yun2] /diverse and muddled/many and confused/ [fen1 fan2] /numerous and complicated/ [fen1 zhi4 ta4 lai2] /to come thick and fast (idiom)/ [fen1 za2] /numerous and confused/in a mess/ [fen1 fei1] /to swirl in the air (of thickly falling snowflakes, flower petals et )/to flutter about/ [yun2] /confused/numerous/ [yun2 yun2] /variant of [yun2 yun2]/ [ren4] /to weave/to lay warp for weaving/silk thread for weaving/variant of , to sew/to stitch/thread/ [ren4 zhi1] /to weave/ [dan3] /silk fringe of a coronet/ [jin1] /a sash/to tie/ [su4] /raw silk/white/plain, unadorned/vegetarian (food)/essence/nature/element/ constituent/usually/always/ever/ [su4 bu4 xiang1 shi2] /to be total strangers (idiom)/ [su4 lai2] /usually/ [su4 yuan2 cu4 jin4] /antigen (medicine)/ [su4 shou3] /white hand/empty-handed/ [su4 miao2] /sketch/ [su4 shu4] /prime number/ [su4 ri4] /usually/ [su4 mei4 ping2 sheng1] /to have never met sb before (idiom); entirely un complete stranger/not to know sb from Adam/ [su4 you3] /to have/to have always had/ [su4 cai2] /source material (in literature and art)/ [su4 yan2] /vegetarian feast/food offerings to Buddha/ [su4 cai4] /vegetable dish/ [su4 zhi4] /inner quality/basic essence/change over time/ [su4 zhi4 cha4] /so uneducated!/so ignorant!/ [su4 zhi4 jiao4 yu4] /all-round education (contrasted with ted education)/ [su4 yan2] /a face without makeup/ [su4 shi2] /vegetables/vegetarian food/ [su4 shi2 zhu3 yi4] /vegetarianism/ [su4 shi2 zhe3] /vegetarian/ [su4 yang3] /(personal) accomplishment/attainment in self-cultivation/ [su4 xian4] /vegetable filling/ [su4 zhai1] /vegetarian food/ [fang3] /to spin (cotton or hemp etc)/fine woven silk fabric/ [fang3 zhi1] /spinning and weaving/ [fang3 zhi1 pin3] /textile/fabrics/ [fang3 zhi1 niang2] /katydid/long-horned grasshopper/ [fang3 zhi1 gong1 ye4] /textile industry/ [fang3 zhi1 chang3] /textile factory/cotton mill/ [fang3 zhi1 wu4] /textile material/ [fang3 zhi1 zhe3] /weaver/ [fang3 che1] /spinning wheel/ [fang3 lun2] /spinning wheel/ [fang3 chui2] /spindle/ [Suo3] /surname Suo/abbr. for [Suo3 ma3 li3], Somalia/ [suo3] /to search/to demand/to ask/to exact/large rope/isolated/ [Suo3 jie2 na4] /Sojourner (Martian land rover)/ [suo3 jia4] /to ask a price/to charge/asking price/

[suo3 ju4 zhuang1 zhi4] /rig/ [suo3 qu3] /to ask/to demand/ [suo3 ming4] /to demand sb's life/ [Suo3 Guo2] /Solomon Islands/ [Suo3 duo1 ma3] /Sodom/ [Suo3 duo1 ma3 yu3 Ha1 mo2 la4] /Sodom and Gomorrah/ [Suo3 qi4] /Sochi (city on the Black Sea in Russia)/ [Suo3 ni2] /Sony/ [suo3 yin3] /index/ [suo3 xing4] /you might as well (do it)/simply/just/ [Suo3 ge1 la1 te4 si1] /Socrates (name)/Jose Socrates, prime minister 005/ [Suo3 pu3] /Thorpe (name)/ [suo3 ran2] /dull/dry/ [suo3 ran2 gua3 wei4] /dull and insipid/ [Suo3 er3] /Thor (Norse god of thunder)/ [Suo3 er3 ren2 ni2 qin2] /Alexandr Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008), Russian oviet dissident, author of the Gulag Archipelago/ [Suo3 er3 zi1 bo2 li3 ping2 yuan2] /Salisbury plain/ [Suo3 er3 zi1 bo2 li3 shi2 huan2] /Stonehenge/Salisbury stone [Suo3 fu2 ke4 le4 si1] /Sophocles (496-406 BC), Greek tragedian, auth ing/ [Suo3 fu2 ke4 li3 si1] /Sophocles (496-406 BC), Greek playwright/ [suo3 suo3] /trembling/ [Suo3 xu4 er3] /Saussure (name)/ [Suo3 xian4] /Sog county, Tibetan: Sog rdzong, in Nagchu prefecture ntral Tibet/ [Suo3 luo2 si1] /Soros (name)/George Soros or Gyrgy Schwartz (1930-), Hungar can financial speculator and millionaire philanthropist/ [Suo3 luo2 men2] /Solomon (name)/Solomon (Islands)/ [Suo3 fei1 ya4] /Sofia (capital of Bulgaria)/ [suo3 hui4] /to exact bribes/to solicit bribes/to demand bribes/to extort/ [suo3 pei2] /to ask for compensation/to claim damages/claim for damages/ [suo3 dao4] /ropeway/ [Suo3 bang1 da4 xue2] /Universit Paris IV/the Sorbonne/ [Suo3 li3 ya4] /Soria, Spain/ [Suo3 fei1 ya4] /Sofia, capital of Bulgaria/ [Suo3 ma3 li4] /variant of [Suo3 ma3 li3]/ [Suo3 ma3 li4 ya4] /Somalia/ [Suo3 ma3 li3] /variant of [Suo3 ma3 li3]/Somalia/ [Suo3 ma3 li3] /Somalia/ [Suo3 ma3 li3 ya4] /variant of [Suo3 ma3 li4 ya4]/ [zhi4] /to stitch/mend/ [zi3] /purple/violet/amethyst/Lithospermum erythrorhizon (flowering plant whose root provides red purple dye)/Japanese: murasaki/ [zi3 ding1 xiang1] /lilac/ [Zi3 yun2 Miao2 zu2 Bu4 yi1 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] / [An1 shun4], Guizhou/ [Zi3 ping2 pu1] /Zipingpu reservoir, Sichuan/ [Zi3 ping2 pu1 da4 ba4] /Zipingpu reservoir, Sichuan/ [Zi3 ping2 pu1 shui3 ku4] /Zipingpu reservoir, Sichuan/ [zi3 wai4] /ultraviolet (ray)/ [zi3 wai4 guang1] /ultraviolet light/ [zi3 wai4 she4 xian4] /ultraviolet ray/ [zi3 wai4 xian4] /ultraviolet ray/ [zi3 wai4 xian4 guang1] /ultraviolet light/ [Zi3 Shi4 bu4] /Murasaki Shikibu (born c. 973), Japanese writer, author of "T of Genji"/ [zi3 wei1 gong1] /palace of Jade emperor (in Taoism)/ [zi3 wei1 dou4 shu4] /Zi Wei Dou Shu, a form of Chinese fortune-telling/

[zi3 ban1] /bruise/ [zi3 jing1] /amethyst (purple crystalline silicon dioxide)/ [zi3 shan1] /Japanese yew (taxus cuspidata)/ [zi3 tan2] /red sandalwood/ [zi3 qi4] /purple cloud (auspicious portent in astrology)/ [zi3 shui3 jing1] /amethyst/ [zi3 shi2 ying1] /amethyst/ [zi3 shi2 ying1 hao4] /HMS Amethyst, Royal Navy corvette involved in a 19 ith the PLA on the Changjiang/ [Zi3 jin4 cheng2] /the Forbidden City/the Imperial palace in Beijing/same as [zi3 zhu2] /black bamboo (Phyllostachys nigra)/ [zi3 hong2 se4] /red-purple/mauve/prune (color)/claret/ [zi3 luo2 lan2] /violet/ [zi3 luo2 lan2 se4] /violet (color)/ [zi3 se4] /purple/violet (color)/ [zi3 zhi1 mei2 yu3] /your appearance (honorific)/ [zi3 cao3] /red root gromwell (Lithospermum erythrorhizon)/flowering plant whose oots provide purple dye/arnebia (plant genus in family Boraginaceae)/ [zi3 cao3 ke1] /Boraginaceae (family of flowers and bushes)/ [zi3 jing1] /Chinese redbud (Cercis chinensis)/ [zi3 cai4] /flavored roasted seaweed/generic term for edible seaweed/Japanese: no i/ [zi3 cai4 bao1 fan4] /gimbap (Korean rice roll similar in appearance to s [zi3 cai4 shu3] /Porphyra (genus of edible seaweed)/ [zi3 cai4 tai2] /purple cabbage/Brassica campestris var. purpurea/ [zi3 wei1] /crape-myrtle/ [zi3 teng2] /wisteria/ [zi3 su1] /beefsteak plant/shiso/Perilla frutescens/ [zi3 su1 shu3] /genus Perilla (includes basil and mints)/ [zi3 pao2] /purple qipao gown, the sign of an official position/ [zi3 diao1] /sable (Martes zibellina)/ [Zi3 jin1] /Zijin county in Heyuan [He2 yuan2], Guangdong/ [Zi3 jin1 shan1] /Purple Mountain in suburbs of Nanjing, with Ming tombs and -sen's mausoleum/ [Zi3 jin1 shan1 Tian1 wen2 tai2] /Purple Mountain Observatory/ [Zi3 jin1 xian4] /Zijin county in Heyuan [He2 yuan2], Guangdong/ [zi3 tong2] /copper (pure copper, as opposed to alloy)/ [Zi3 yang2] /Ziyang county in nkng [An1 kang1], Shnx/ [Zi3 yang2 xian4] /Ziyang county in nkng [An1 kang1], Shnx/ [Zi3 yun2] /Ziyun Hmong and Buyei autonomous county in Anshun [An1 shun4 [chou2] /silk/ [za1] /to tie/to bind/classifier for flowers, banknotes etc: bundle/Taiwan pr. [ zha2]/ [Za1 ou1 za1 weng1] /name of village in Nyima county, Nagchu prefecture, [zha1 ying2] /to camp/to pitch camp/stationed/quartered/Taiwan pr. [zha2 ying2]/ [za1 xian4 dai4] /cable ties/zip ties/ [Za1 ma3 la2 ding1] /Jamal al-Din ibn Muhammad al-Najjari (13th century), an astronomer and scholar who served Khubilai Khan from c. 1260/ [Za1 ma3 lu3 ding1] /see [Za1 ma3 la2 ding1]/ [lei3] /to accumulate/to involve or implicate/continuous/repeated/ [lei4] /tired/weary/to strain/to wear out/to work hard/ [lei3 jia1 qi4] /accumulator (computing)/ [lei3 jia1 zong3 shu4] /cumulative total/ [lei4 kua3] /to collapse/to be worn out/to break down/ [lei4 huai4] /to become exhausted/ [lei4 xin1] /taxing (mentally or emotionally)/ [lei4 si3 lei4 huo2] /to tire oneself out through overwork/to work onesel [lei3 fan4] /repeated offender/habitual criminal/recidivist/ [lei3 ji1] /to accumulate/ [lei4 ji1 ji4 liang4] /cumulative dose/

[lei2 lei2] /clusters of/piles of/heaps of/ [lei3 lei3] /again and again/innumerable/repeated/riddled with/accumulated/countl ss/ [lei4 lei4] /tired/exhausted/wretched/dejected/disappointed/ [lei3 ji4] /to accumulate/cumulative/ [lei3 jin4] /progressive (taxation etc)/ [xi4] /thin or slender/finely particulate/thin and soft/fine/delicate/trifling/( of a sound) quiet/frugal/ [xi4 zuo4] /police spy/secret agent/ [xi4 fen1] /subdivision/segmentation/ [xi4 ze2] /detailed rules and regulations/bylaws/ [xi4 nen4] /tender/ [xi4 mi4] /fine (texture)/meticulous/close (analysis)/detailed/ [xi4 cha2] /to observe carefully/ [xi4 xiao3] /tiny/fine/minute/ [xi4 wei3 meng3] /meerkat/see [hu2 meng3]/ [xi4 wei1] /tiny/minute/fine/subtle/sensitive (instruments)/ [xi4 wei1 mo4 jie2] /tiny insignificant details/niceties/ [xi4 xin1] /careful/attentive/ [xi4 tiao1] /slender/ [xi4 shu3] /count-down/breakdown/to list/to enumerate/to run through/ [Xi4 ming2 ti3] /Mincho narrow font/ [xi4 shui3 chang2 liu2] /lit. thin streams flow forever/fig. economy will ng way/to work steadily at something little by little/ [xi4 sha1] /fine sand/ [Xi4 he2] /Xihe river in Fuxin/Xihe district of Fuxin city , Liaoning/ [Xi4 he2 qu1] /Xihe district of Fuxin city , Liaoning/ [xi4 run4] /fine and glossy/ [xi4 mu4] /detailed listing/specific item/ [xi4 kan4] /to peer/to scan/to examine carefully/ [xi4 sui4] /fragments/bits and pieces/ [xi4 mo4 dao1 shi2] /whetstone (for honing knives)/ [xi4 jiu1] /to look into (a matter)/ [xi4 jie2] /details/particulars/ [xi4 fen3] /powder/ [xi4 li4] /fine grain/fine-grained/ [xi4 xi4 pin3 wei4] /delicate flavor/fine taste/ [xi4 xi4 de5 liu2] /to trickle/ [xi4 xian4] /string/thread/ [xi4 zhi4] /delicate/fine/careful/meticulous/painstaking/ [xi4 sheng2] /string/twine/cord/ [xi4 sheng1 xi4 qi4] /in a fine voice (idiom); softly spoken/ [xi4 ting1] /to listen carefully (for tiny sounds)/ [xi4 bao1] /cell (biology)/ [xi4 bao1 fen1 lie4] /cell division/ [xi4 bao1 zhou1 qi1] /cell cycle/ [xi4 bao1 qi4] /organelle/ [xi4 bao1 qi4 guan1] /organelle/ [xi4 bao1 yin1 zi3] /cytokine/ [xi4 bao1 pei2 yang3] /cell culture/ [xi4 bao1 pei2 yang3 qi4] /cell cultivator/ [xi4 bao1 bi4] /cell wall/ [xi4 bao1 wai4 ye4] /extracellular fluid/ [xi4 bao1 xue2] /cytology/ [xi4 bao1 he2] /nucleus (of cell)/ [xi4 bao1 du2] /cytotoxin/ [xi4 bao1 du2 xing4] /cytotoxicity/ [xi4 bao1 sheng1 wu4 xue2] /cell biology/ [xi4 bao1 mo2] /cell membrane/ [xi4 bao1 se4 su4] /cytochrome/

[xi4 bao1 rong2 he2] /cell fusion/ [xi4 bao1 zhi4] /cytoplasm/ [xi4 bao1 gu3 jia4] /cytoskeleton (of a cell)/ [xi4 yao1] /slender waist/fig. pretty woman/mortise and tenon joint on a coffin/ [xi4 ni4] /exquisite/meticulous/ [xi4 jun1] /bacterium/germ/ [xi4 jun1 xing4 li4 ji2] /bacillary dysentery/ [xi4 jun1 zhan4] /biological warfare/germ warfare/ [xi4 jun1 wu3 qi4] /biological weapon (using germs)/ [xi4 jun1 bing4 du2] /bacteriophage/virus that infects bacteria/ [xi4 jun1 qun2] /bacterial community (e.g. in the gut)/ [xi4 ye4 mai4] /veinlet in a leaf/ [xi4 yu3] /to chat with a low voice/ [xi4 shuo1] /to tell in detail/ [xi4 diao4] /to fine tune/ [xi4 ruan3] /fine and soft/valuables/ [xi4 xin1] /Manchurian wild ginger (family Asarum)/ [xi4 chang2] /slender/ [xi4 yu3] /fine rain/drizzle/poem by Tang poet Li Shangyin / [xi4 jing3 ping2] /jug/ [xi4 xiang1 cong1] /chive/ [fu2] /ribbon for a seal/sash/ [xie4] /to tie/to bind/to hold on a leash/ [shen1] /member of gentry/ [shen1 shi4] /gentleman/ [zhu4] /ramie (Boehmeria nivea)/ [Shao4] /surname Shao/ [shao4] /to continue/to carry on/ [Shao4 xing1] /Shaoxing prefecture level city in Zhejiang/ [Shao4 xing1 di4 qu1] /Shaoxing prefecture, Zhejiang/ [Shao4 xing1 shi4] /Shaoxing prefecture level city in Zhejiang/ [Shao4 mo4 ji2 zhou1] /Somogy county in southwest Hungary, capital [gan4] /violet or purple/ [fu2] /heavy rope/rope of a bier/ [tuo2] /braid on a robe/ [zhen3] /crooked/obstinate/twist a cord/ [dai4] /to cheat/to pretend/to deceive/ [chu4] /crimson silk/deficiency/to stitch/ [shi1] /rough, indelicate silk/ [zhong1] /end/finish/ [zhong1 liao3] /to end/ [zhong1 Fu4] /last rites (Christian ceremony)/ [Zhong1 nan2] /Zhongnan mountains, near Xi'an/ [Zhong1 nan2 shan1] /Zhongnan mountain, near Xi'an/also known as Taiyi Mounta [zhong1 nan2 jie2 jing4] /lit. Mt Zhongnan is a shortcut to a ministerial fig. to take a shortcut to promotion/ [zhong1 chang3 luo2 sheng1] /the final bell (esp. in sports competition)/ [zhong1 tian1] /all day long/all one's life/ [zhong1 tian1 zhi1 hen4] /eternal regret/ [zhong1 shen3] /final ruling/ [zhong1 shen3 fa3 yuan4] /Court of Final Appeal/ [zhong1 ju2] /endgame/conclusion/outcome/final part of a chess game/ [zhong1 nian2] /entire year/throughout the year/age at death/ [zhong1 nian2 ji1 xue3] /permanent snow-cover/ [zhong1 cheng2 pao4 ying3] /finally a soap bubble (idiom); grandiose plan with nothing/pie in the sky/ [zhong1 cheng2 juan4 shu3] /Love will find a way to come together. (idiom [zhong1 zhan4] /end of war/armistice/cf Japanese surrender in WWII on 15th August 1945/ [zhong1 zhan4 ri4] /armistice day/cf Japan's surrender in WWII on 15th August

[zhong1 yu2] /at last/in the end/finally/eventually/ [zhong1 ri4] /all day long/ [zhong1 qi1] /terminal/final/ [zhong1 qi1 ai2] /terminal cancer/ [zhong1 ji2] /ultimate/final/ [zhong1 zhi3] /to stop/to terminate (law)/ [zhong1 sheng1] /throughout one's life/lifetime/lifelong/ [zhong1 sheng1 ban4 lu:3] /lifelong partner or companion/ [zhong1 chan3 wu4] /end product/ [zhong1 jiu1] /in the end/after all is said and done/ [zhong1 duan1] /end/terminal/ [zhong1 duan1 ji1] /terminal/ [zhong1 duan1 yong4 hu4] /end user/ [zhong1 jie2] /end/ [Zhong1 jie2 zhe3] /The Terminator/ [zhong1 lao3] /to spend one's last years/ [zhong1 er2 fu4 shi3] /lit. the end comes back to the start (idiom); the ull circle/ [zhong1 sheng1] /final (i.e. final consonant or stop of some syllables in Asian p onetics)/ [zhong1 shen1] /lifelong/all one's life/marriage/ [zhong1 shen1 da4 shi4] /major turning point of lifelong import (esp. mar [zhong1 shen1 jian1 jin4] /life sentence/ [zhong1 dian3] /the end/end point/finishing line (in a race)/destination/terminus CL: [ge4]/ [zhong1 dian3 di4 zhi3] /destination address/ [zhong1 dian3 zhan4] /terminus/final stop on rail or bus line/ [zhong1 dian3 xian4] /finishing line/ [xian2] /variant of /bow string/string of musical instrument/watch spring/chord ( straight line joining two points on a curve)/hypotenuse/ [Zu3] /surname Zu/ [zu3] /to form/to organize/group/team/classifier for sets, series, groups of peo ple, batteries/ [zu3 jian4] /module/unit/component/assembly/ [zu3 fen4] /components/individual parts making up a compound/ [zu3 he2] /to assemble/combination/combinatorial/ [zu3 he2 shu4 xue2] /combinatorial mathematics/combinatorics/ [zu3 he2 lun4] /combinatorics/ [zu3 he2 yin1 xiang3] /combined stereo/music center/ [zu3 tu2] /picture/image/diagram/map/ [zu3 kuai4] /chunk/ [zu3 wei3] /organizational committee/abbr. for / [zu3 zi4] /word formation/ [zu3 wu1] /HDB flats/public apartment flats (in Singapore and Malaysia)/ [zu3 jian4] /to organize/to set up/to establish/ [zu3 cheng2] /to form/to make up/to constitute/ [zu3 cheng2 bu4 fen4] /part/component/ingredient/constituent/ [zu3 qu3] /suite (music)/ [zu3 an1 suan1] /histidine (His), an essential amino acid/ [zu3 zhi1] /to organize/organization/organized system/nerve/tissue/CL: [ge4]/ [zu3 zhi1 wei3 yuan2 hui4] /organizing committee/abbr. to / [zu3 zhi1 xue2] /histology/ [zu3 zhi1 fa3] /organic law/ [zu3 zhi1 jiang1 mei2 jun1 bing4] /histoplasmosis/ [zu3 zhi1 zhe3] /organizer/ [zu3 zhi1 bao1 jiang1 jun1 bing4] /histoplasmosis/ [zu3 zhi1 an4] /histamine/ [zu3 an4] /histamine (a biogenic amine involved in local immune responses)/ [zu3 zhuang1] /to assemble and install/ [zu3 ci2] /to combine words/word formation/

[zu3 zhang3] /group leader/ [zu3 ge2] /to form a cabinet/ [jiong3] /monotone garment with no lining/ [ban4] /to trip/to stumble/to hinder/ [ban4 zhu4] /to entangle/to hinder/to impede movement/ [ban4 dao3] /stumble/ [ban4 jiao3] /to stumble over sth/ [ban4 jiao3 shi2] /stumbling block/obstacle/ [ban4 jiao1] /to trip/to stumble/ [jing1] /Japanese variant of / [ren4] /to weave/to lay warp for weaving/variant of , silk thread for weaving/ [hang2] /to quilt/ [hang2 feng2] /to quilt/ [xie4] /leash/rein/ [jie1] /to bear fruit/to produce/firm/solid/ [jie2] /knot/sturdy/bond/to tie/to bind/to check out (of a hotel)/ [jie2 jiao1] /to make friends with/ [jie2 chou2] /to start a feud/to become enemies/ [jie2 huo3] /to form a gang/ [jie2 ban4] /to go with sb/to form companionships/ [jie2 ban4 er2 xing2] /to stay together (of a group)/to keep together/ [jie2 bing1] /to freeze/ [jie2 chu1] /bear (fruit)/ [jie1 hui4] /foreign exchange settlement/ [jie2 he2] /to combine/to link/to integrate/binding/CL:[ci4]/ [jie2 he2 lu:4] /associative law (xy)z = x(yz) (math.)/ [jie2 he2 mo2 xing2] /combination model/ [jie2 he2 guo4 cheng2] /cohesive process(es)/ [jie2 hou2] /Adam's Apple/laryngeal prominence/variant of / [jie2 dan1] /statement of account/ [jie2 hun1] /to marry/to get married/CL:[ci4]/ [jie2 hun1 ji4 nian4 ri4] /wedding anniversary/ [jie2 hun1 zheng4] /marriage certificate/ [jie1 zi3] /to bear seeds (of plant)/ [jie2 zi5] /knot (on a rope or string)/ [jie2 cun2] /balance/cash in hand/ [jie1 shi2] /to bear fruit/ [jie1 shi5] /rugged/sturdy/ [jie2 dui4 zi3] /to form pairs/to twin/ [jie2 wei3] /ending/coda/to wind up/ [jie2 ju2] /conclusion/ending/ [jie1 ba5] /to stutter/ [jie2 zhang4] /to pay the bill/to settle accounts/also written / [jie2 mu4] /final scene (of a play)/by ext. the climax and conclusion of a story/ [jie2 lu2] /to build one's house/ [jie2 cai3] /to adorn/to festoon/ [jie2 yuan4] /to arouse dislike/to incur hatred/ [jie2 cheng2] /to form/to forge (alliances etc)/ [jie2 za1] /ligation (medicine)/ [jie2 jing1] /crystallization/crystalline/crystal/ [jie2 jing1 xue2] /crystallography/ [jie2 jing1 shui3] /water of crystallization/ [jie2 jing1 zhuang4] /crystalline/ [jie2 jing1 ti3] /a crystal/ [jie2 mo4] /ending/finally/ [jie2 shu4] /termination/to finish/to end/to conclude/to close/ [jie2 shu4 gong1 zuo4] /to finish work/ [jie2 shu4 yu3] /concluding remarks/ [jie1 guo3] /to bear fruit/CL: [ge4]/ [jie2 guo3] /outcome/result/conclusion/in the end/as a result/to kill/to dispatch

[jie2 he2] /tuberculosis/consumption/nodule/ [jie2 he2 gan3 jun1] /tubercle bacillus/ [jie2 he2 bing4] /tuberculosis/ [jie2 he2 jun1 su4] /tubercule bacillus/ [jie2 an4] /to conclude a case/to wind up/ [jie2 ye4] /to finish school, esp. a short course/to complete a course/ [jie2 gou4] /structure/composition/makeup/architecture/CL:[zuo4], [ge4]/ [jie2 gou4 zhu3 yi4] /structuralism/ [jie2 gou4 zhu4 ci2] /structural particle, such as [de5], [de5], [d [jie2 gou4 shi4] /structural formula (chemistry)/ [jie2 gou4 li3 lun4] /structural theory (physics)/ [jie2 huan1] /on friendly terms/ [jie1 ke2] /crust/crusting/incrustation/ [jie1 qiu2 gan1 lan2] /cabbage/ [jie2 ba1] /to scar/ [jie2 jia1] /scab/to form a scab/ [jie2 meng2] /to form an alliance/to ally oneself with/allied with/aligned/to bon with/ [jie2 shi2] /calculus/stone/ [jie2 she4 zi4 you2] /(constitutional) freedom of association/ [jie2 suan4] /to settle a bill/to close an account/ [jie2 suan4 fang1 shi4] /settlement terms (accountancy, law)/ [jie2 jie2] /nodule/tubercle/ [jie2 na4] /to make friends/to form friendship/ [jie1 jie1 ba1 ba5] /stammeringly/ [jie2 di4 zu3 zhi1] /connective tissue/ [jie2 li2] /to marry/to tie the bridal veil/ [jie2 ying1] /to die a hero/martyrdom in a good cause/ [jie2 yi4] /to swear brotherhood/ [jie2 mai4] /knotted or slow pulse in traditional Chinese medicine/ [jie2 chang2] /colon (large intestine)/ [jie2 chang2 jing4 jian3 cha2] /colonoscopy/ [jie2 mo2] /conjunctiva (membrane surrounding the eyeball)/ [jie2 mo2 yan2] /conjunctivitis/ [jie2 she2] /tongue-tied/unable to speak (out of surprise, embarrassment etc)/ [jie2 cao3] /deep gratitude up to death/ [jie2 cao3 xian2 huan2] /deep gratitude up to death (idiom)/also written [jie2 cao3 xian2 huan2] /deep gratitude up to death (idiom)/ [jie2 li2] /to marry/to tie the bridal veil/ [jie2 qin1] /to marry/ [jie2 ji4] /to remember/to concern oneself with/ [jie2 yu3] /concluding remarks/ [jie2 lun4] /conclusion/verdict/CL: [ge4]/to conclude/to reach a verdict/ [jie2 shi2] /to get to know sb/to meet sb for the first time/ [jie2 zhang4] /to pay the bill/to settle accounts/also written / [jie2 lian2] /linked in a chain/ [jie2 dui4] /to troop (of soldiers etc)/convoy/ [jie2 dui4 cheng2 qun2] /to form a large group (idiom)/ [jie2 yu2] /balance/cash surplus/ [jie2 fa4] /(in former times) to bind one's hair on coming of age/ [jie2 dian3] /joint/node/ [jie2 dang3] /to form a clique/ [jie2 dang3 ying2 si1] /to gang up for personal interest (idiom)/to form [gua4] /to hinder/to offend/to form/unique/ [kua1] /type of coarse silk/bag used to wrap silk before washing/ [jue2] /to cut short/extinct/to disappear/to vanish/absolutely/by no means/ [jue2 bu4] /in no way/not in the least/absolutely not/ [jue2 shi4] /unique/exceptional/ [jue2 shi4 jia1 ren2] /a woman of unmatched beauty (idiom)/ [jue2 jiao1] /to break off relations/to break with sb/

[jue2 dai4] /peerless/unmatched in his generation/incomparable (talent, beauty)/ [jue2 dai4 jia1 ren2] /beauty unmatched in her generation (idiom); woman legance/prettiest girl ever/ [jue2 dao3] /to split one's sides laughing/ [jue2 lun2] /outstanding/peerless/beyond compare/ [jue2 kou3 bu4 ti2] /lips sealed and not saying anything (idiom); fig. to (of a non-person or embarrassing topic)/to censor/ [jue2 ju4] /quatrain (poetic form)/ [jue2 pin3] /peerless artwork/absolute gem/ [jue2 chang4] /most perfect song/ [jue2 di4] /danger spot/Jedi (in Star Wars)/ [jue2 yu4] /a faraway and hard-to-reach land (classical)/ [jue2 jing4] /impasse/desperate straits/abbr. for [jue2 wang [jue2 bi4] /precipice/ [jue2 da4] /most of/ [jue2 da4 duo1 shu4] /absolute majority/overwhelming majority/ [jue2 da4 bu4 fen5] /overwhelming majority/ [jue2 miao4] /exquisite/ [jue2 mi4] /top secret/ [jue2 mi4 wen2 jian4] /top secret document/classified papers/ [jue2 dui4] /absolute/unconditional/ [jue2 dui4 zhi2] /absolute value/ [jue2 dui4 di4 zhi3] /absolute address (comp.)/ [jue2 dui4 da4 duo1 shu4] /an absolute majority/an overwhelming major [jue2 dui4 shu4 zi4] /absolute (as opposed to relative) number/ [jue2 dui4 wen1 du4] /absolute temperature/ [jue2 dui4 shi1 du4] /absolute humidity/ [jue2 dui4 guan1 nian4] /absolute idea (in Hegel's philosophy)/ [jue2 dui4 lian2 xu4] /absolutely continuous (math)/ [jue2 dui4 ling2 du4] /absolute zero/ [jue2 dui4 gao1 du4] /absolute temperature/ [jue2 qing2] /heartless/without regard for others' feelings/ [jue2 ji4] /consummate skill/supreme feat/tour-de-force/stunt/ [jue2 zhao1] /unique skill/unexpected tricky move (as a last resort)/masterstroke finishing blow/ [jue2 wang4] /desperation/forlorn/hopeless/ [jue2 wang4 de5 jing4 di4] /desperate straits/impossible situation/ [jue2 qi4] /to expire/ [jue2 huo2] /specialty/unique skill/ [jue2 mie4] /to annihilate/to exterminate/extinction/ [jue2 wu2 jin3 you3] /one and only (idiom); rarely seen/unique of its kin [jue2 ran2] /completely/absolutely/ [jue2 re4 qi1] /heat-resistant paint/ [jue2 ban3] /out of print/ [jue2 chan3] /crop failure/property left with no-one to inherit/sterilization/ [jue2 zheng4] /incurable disease/terminal illness/ [jue2 zhong3] /extinct (species)/extinction/ [jue2 bi3] /words written on ones deathbed/a artist s fi al work/swa so g/ [jue2 lia g2] /provisio s are exhausted/out of food/ [jue2 ji g1] /me opause/ [jue2 yua 2] /to isolate/to preve t co tact/to de y access/electric i sulatio / [jue2 yua 2 ti3] /electrical i sulatio /heat i sulatio / [jue2 fa2] /to excommu icate/ [jue2 yu4] /to sterilize/to spay/ [jue2 chu3 fe g2 she g1] /to come back from death s door (idiom); u expec om da ger/fig. to recover from a seemi gly impossible situatio /to fi d a way ou t of a predicame t/ [jue2 yi4] /profou dly well-versed/ [jue2 ji4] /to be eradicated/to va ish/exti ct/to break off relatio s/ [jue2 fei1] /absolutely ot/

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[jue2 di g3 co g1 mi g5] /extremely bright (idiom)/ [jue2 shi2] /to go o a hu ger strike/ [jue2 shi2 ka g4 yi4] /hu ger strike/ [kua g4] /fi e floss-silk or cotto / [ci4] /a cie t tax i the form of bales of cloth/ [ci4 bu4] /a cie t tax i the form of bales of cloth/ [di2] /see [di2 lun2]/ [tao1] /braid/cord/sash/ [tao1 zi5] /silk ribbon or braid/lace or embroidery used for hemming/ [tao1 dai4] /silk ribbon/silk braid/ [di2 lun2] /variant of [di2 lun2]/ [tao1 chong2] /tapeworm/ [tao1 chong2 gang1] /Cestoda (an order of flatworms)/ [jie2] /clean/ [xie2] /marking line/pure/to regulate/ [ku4] /variant of , trousers/pants/ [jiao3] /to twist (strands into a thread)/to entangle/to wring/to hang (by the n eck)/to turn/to wind/classifier for skeins of yarn/ [jiao3 dao1] /reamer/ [jiao3 xing2] /to execute by hanging/ [jiao3 xing2 jia4] /gibbet/hanging post/ [jiao3 niu3] /to wring/ [jiao3 si3] /to hang/ [jiao3 tong4] /sharp pain/cramp/griping pain/colic/angina, cf / [jiao3 jin4 nao3 zhi1] /to rack one's brains/ [jiao3 pan2] /a capstan/ [jiao3 suo3] /a noose for hanging criminals/ [jiao3 yi4] /to be hanged/to hang oneself/ [jiao3 rou4 ji1] /meat grinder/ [jiao3 che1] /winch/windlass/ [lao4] /small net/ [luo4] /net-like/ [luo4 yi4] /continuous/unending/ [luo4 yi4 bu4 jue2] /continuously; in an endless stream (idiom)/ [xuan4] /adorned/swift/gorgeous/brilliant/variegated/ [xuan4 lan4] /splendid/gorgeous/dazzling/ [xuan4 li4] /gorgeous/magnificent/ [bing3] /Ikat, a type of woven silk/Kasuri/ [gei3] /to/for/for the benefit of/to give/to allow/to do sth (for sb)/(passive p article)/ [ji3] /to supply/to provide/ [ji3 yu3] /to accord/to give/to show (respect)/ [gei3 shi4] /official (imperial) position (old)/ [gei3 yi3] /give/grant/ [gei3 li4] /cool/nifty/awesome/impressive/to put in extra effort/ [gei3 ding4] /to state in advance/preset/given/ [ji3 yu3] /to give/ [rong2] /velvet/woolen/ [rong2 bu4] /flannel/ [rong2 mao2] /fur/down (soft fur)/villi capillary (in the small intestine)/ [rong2 mao2 xing4 xian4 ji1 su4] /human chrionic gonodocophin (HC [rong2 xian4] /wool/woolen thread/ [rong2 ao2 xie4] /mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis)/ [yin1] /generative force/magic emanation/ [lei3] /variant of , to accumulate/ [xu4] /cotton wadding/fig. padding/long-winded/ [xu4 dao5] /long-winded/garrulous/to talk endlessly without getting to the point/ [xu4 zui3] /to chatter endlessly/ [xu4 mian2] /cotton wadding/ [xu4 fan2] /boring prattle/

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[xu4 pian4] /floccule/a wisp of material precipitated from liquid/ [xu4 zhuang4 wu4] /floccule/a wisp of material precipitated from liquid/ [xu4 qiu2] /ball of fluff (containing seeds), e.g. a dandelion clock/ [xu4 xu5] /endless prattle/to chatter incessantly/ [xu4 xu5 dao1 dao1] /long-winded/garrulous/to talk endlessly without gett int/ [xu4 guo1] /noisy prattle/to chatter loudly/ [xu4 yu3] /to chatter incessantly/ [xu4 shuo1] /to chatter endlessly/ [die2] /hempen cloth worn by mourner/ [tong3] /to gather/to unite/to unify/whole/ [tong3 yi1] /to unify/to unite/to integrate/ [tong3 yi1 kou3 jing4] /lit. one-track path; fig. to adopt a unified appr ssing an issue/to sing from the same hymn-sheet/ [tong3 yi1 si1 xiang3] /with the same idea in mind/with a common purpose/ [tong3 yi1 xing4] /unity/ [tong3 yi1 zhan4 xian4] /united front/ [tong3 yi1 zhan4 xian4 gong1 zuo4 bu4] /United front work dep e, UFWD/ [tong3 yi1 zhao1 sheng1] /national unified entrance exam/ [tong3 yi1 Xin1 luo2] /unified Silla (658-935), Korean kingdom/ [tong3 yi1 fa1 piao4] /invoice/ [tong3 yi1 ma3] /Unicode/ [tong3 yi1 gui1 hua4] /integrated program/ [tong3 yi1 zi1 yuan2] /unified resource/ [tong3 yi1 zi1 yuan2 ding4 wei4] /universal resource locator (URL [tong3 yi1 zi1 yuan2 ding4 wei4 fu2] /universal resource loca [tong3 yi1 ti3] /whole/single entity/ [tong3 jia3 she4] /hypothesis/conjecture/ [tong3 gong4] /altogether/in total/ [tong3 zhi4] /to control/ [tong3 shu3] /subordination/line of command/ [tong3 shuai4] /command/commander-in-chief/ [tong3 jian4] /unified construction/ [tong3 yu4] /control/ [tong3 gan3] /feeling of togetherness/ [tong3 zhan4] /united front (abbr. for )/consolidation/ [tong3 zhan4 bu4] /United front work department of CPC central committee, UFW for / [tong3 she4] /to command/ [tong3 lan3] /to centralize/ [tong3 zhi4] /to rule (a country)/to govern/rule/regime/ [tong3 zhi4 quan2] /sovereignty/dominion/dominance/ [tong3 zhi4 zhe3] /ruler/ [tong3 Han4 zi4] /Unihan/China Japan Korea (CJK) unified ideographs/abbr. for yi1 biao3 yi4 wen2 zi4]/ [tong3 du2] /unification and independence/ [tong3 shuai4] /to command/to direct/ [tong3 cheng1] /collectively called/common name/ [tong3 cheng1 wei2] /collectively known as/to call sth as a group/ [tong3 guan3] /unified administration/ [tong3 chou2] /an overall plan/to plan an entire project as a whole/ [tong3 chou2 jian1 gu4] /an overall plan taking into account all factors/ [tong3 tong3] /totally/ [tong3 kao3] /unified examination (e.g. across the country)/ [tong3 cang1] /common passenger accommodation in the hold of a ship/steerage/ [tong3 ji4] /statistics/to count/to add up/ [tong3 ji4 yuan2] /a person employed to collect statistics/a statistician/ [tong3 ji4 xue2] /statistics/ [tong3 ji4 shu4 ju4] /statistical data/

[tong3 ji4 jie2 guo3] /statistical results/ [tong3 ji4 biao3] /statistical table, chart/ [tong3 huo4] /unified goods/goods in the command economy that are not graded by q ality and uniformly priced/ [tong3 gou4] /state purchasing monopoly/unified government purchase/ [tong3 gou4 pai4 gou4] /unified government purchase at fixed price (esp o ts)/ [tong3 gou4 tong3 xiao1] /state monopoly of purchasing and marketing/ [tong3 xia2] /to govern/to have complete control over/to be in command of/ [tong3 tong1] /everything/ [tong3 pei4] /a unified distribution/a unified allocation/ [tong3 xiao1] /state marketing monopoly/ [tong3 pu4] /a common bed (to sleep many)/ [tong3 ling3] /to lead/to command/commander/officer/ [tong3 yu4] /to control/ [si1] /silk/thread/trace/CL: [tiao2]/ [si1 jin1] /headscarf/kerchief/silk neckband/ [si1 dai4] /ribbon/ [si1 bo2] /cypress/ [si1 hao2] /the slightest amount or degree/a bit/ [si1 an1 suan1] /serine (Ser), an amino acid/ [si1 zhuang4] /thread-like/ [si1 zhuang4 wu4] /filament/ [si1 gua1] /luffa (loofah)/ [si1 pan2 chong2] /Trichoplax adhaerens (biology)/ [si1 rong2] /velvet/ [si1 chou2] /silk cloth/silk/ [si1 chou2 zhi1 lu4] /the Silk Road/ [si1 chou2 gu3 lu4] /the ancient Silk Road/see also [si1 [si1 chou2 zhi1 wu4] /silk fabric/ [si1 wang3] /silk screen/screen (printing)/ [si1 mian2] /silk floss/down/ [si1 xian4] /thread/silk yarn/ [si1 lu:3] /silk thread/ [si1 zhi1 pin3] /woven silk fabric/ [si1 zhi1 wu4] /woven silk fabric/ [si1 wa4] /silk stockings/ [si1 lu4] /the Silk road/abbr. for [si1 chou2 zhi1 lu4]/ [si1 yu3] /drizzle/fine rain/ [Jiang4] /capital of the Jin State during the Spring and Autumn Period (770-475 BC)/ [jiang4] /purple-red/ [jiang4 zi3] /dark reddish purple/ [Jiang4 xian4] /Jiang county in Yuncheng [Yun4 cheng2], Shanxi/ [hui4] /Japanese variant of / [jue2] /variant of [jue2]/ [juan4] /thin, tough silk fabric/ [chi1] /fine fibers of hemp/linen/ [mian3] /cap/ [qiu2] /urgent/pressing/ [shu1] /a kind of sackcloth/ [bang3] /to tie/bind or fasten together/to kidnap/ [bang3 zhu4] /to fasten/to bind/ [bang3 fei3] /kidnapper/ [bang3 dai4] /bandage/puttee/ [bang3 jia4] /to kidnap/to abduct/to hijack/a kidnapping/abduction/staking/ [bang3 piao4] /to kidnap (for ransom)/ [bang3 za1] /to bind/to wrap up/binding (computer science)/ [bang3 fu4] /to tie up/to bind/to tether/ [bang3 tui3] /leg wrappings/puttee/

[bang3 zou3] /to abduct/to kidnap/ [bang3 fu4 shi4 cao2] /to bind up and take to the market (idiom); to take o the town center for execution/ [xiao1] /raw silk/ [qin1] /red silk crest of helmet/ [geng3] /rope/well-rope/ [ti2] /coarse greenish black pongee/ [xi4] /coarse hempen fabric/ [fu2] /heavy rope/ropes of a bier/ [ting1] /silk braided cord/ [sui2] /to pacify/ [Sui2 zhong1] /Suizhong county in Huludao , Liaoning/ [Sui2 zhong1 xian4] /Suizhong county in Huludao , Liaoning/ [Sui2 hua4] /Suihua prefecture level city in Heilongjiang province [ in northeast China/ [Sui2 hua4 di4 qu1] /Suihua prefecture, Heilongjiang/ [Sui2 hua4 shi4] /Suihua prefecture level city in Heilongjiang province 1] in northeast China/ [Sui2 ning2] /Suining county in Shaoyang [Shao4 yang2], Hunan/ [Sui2 ning2 xian4] /Suining county in Shaoyang [Shao4 yang2], Hunan/ [Sui2 de2] /Suide county in Yln [Yu2 lin2], Shnx/ [Sui2 de2 xian4] /Suide county in Yln [Yu2 lin2], Shnx/ [Sui2 jiang1] /Suijiang county in Zhaotong [Zhao1 tong1], Yunnan/ [Sui2 jiang1 xian4] /Suijiang county in Zhaotong [Zhao1 tong1], Yunnan/ [Sui2 bin1] /Suibin county in Hegang [He4 gang3], Heilongjiang/ [Sui2 bin1 xian4] /Suibin county in Hegang [He4 gang3], Heilongjiang [Sui2 leng2] /Suileng county in Suihua , Heilongjiang/ [Sui2 leng2 xian4] /Suileng county in Suihua , Heilongjiang/ [Sui2 fen1 he2] /Suifenhe River/Suifenhe county level city in Mudanjiang / [Sui2 fen1 he2 shi4] /Suifenhe county level city in Mudanjiang , He [Sui2 yuan3] /old name for district of Hohhot city [Hu1 he2 hao4 te4], In [Sui2 yuan3 sheng3] /former Suiyuan province in Inner Mongolia and Shanxi/ [Sui2 yang2] /Suiyang county in Zun'yi [Zun1 yi4], Guizhou/ [Sui2 yang2 xian4] /Suiyang county in Zun'yi [Zun1 yi4], Guizhou/ [sui2 jing4] /to pacify/to appease/appeasement/ [sui2 jing4 zhu3 yi4] /appeasement/ [kun3] /variant of [kun3]/a bunch/to tie together/bundle/ [Jing1] /surname Jing/ [jing1] /classics/sacred book/scripture/to pass through/to undergo/warp/longitud e/abbr. for economics [jing1 ji4]/ [jing1 bu5 zhu4] /to be unable to bear/ [jing1 bu5 qi3] /can't stand it/to be unable to bear/to be unable to resist/ [jing1 bu4 qi3 tui1 jiu1] /does not bear examination/ [jing1 shi4] /statecraft/ [jing1 jiu3] /long-lasting/durable/ [jing1 jiu3 bu4 shuai1] /unfailing/never-ending/ [jing1 zhuan4] /classic work (esp. Confucian classics)/ [jing1 dian3] /the classics/scriptures/classical/ [jing1 dian3 dong4 li4 xi4 tong3] /classical dynamical system (ph [jing1 dian3 chang3 lun4] /classical field theory (physics)/ [jing1 dian3 an4 li4] /case study/classic example/ [jing1 juan4] /volumes of classics/volumes of scriptures/ancient scrolls/ [jing1 shou4] /to undergo (hardship)/to endure/to withstand/ [jing1 he2] /Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD/abbr. fo / [jing1 he2 zu3 zhi1] /Organization for Economic Cooperation and Developme . for / [jing1 shang1] /to trade/to carry out commercial activities/in business/ [jing1 quan1] /line of longitude/meridian (geography)/

[jing1 chang2] /day to day/everyday/daily/frequently/constantly/regularly/often/ [jing1 chuang2] /Buddhist stone pillar/ [jing1 du4] /longitude/ [jing1 de5 qi3] /to be able to withstand/to be able to endure/ [jing1 shou3] /to pass through one's hands/to handle/to deal with/ [jing1 shou3 ren2] /the person in-charge/agent/broker/ [jing1 zhuang4] /shock-resistant/ [jing1 wen2] /scripture/scriptures/CL:[ben3]/ [jing1 shu1] /classic books in Confucianism/scriptures/sutras/ [jing1 cha2] /upon investigation/ [jing1 li4] /experience/CL: [ge4],[ci4]/to experience/to go through/ [jing1 li4 feng1 yu3] /to go through thick and thin (idiom)/ [jing1 qi4 ju4 ji2] /meeting points of qi (in Chinese medicine)/ [jing1 ji4] /economy/economic/ [jing1 ji4 ren2] /Homo economicus/ [jing1 ji4 zuo4 wu4] /cash crop (economics)/ [jing1 ji4 zhi4 du4] /economy/ [jing1 ji4 zhi4 cai2] /economic sanctions/ [jing1 ji4 qian2 tu2] /economic future/economic outlook/ [jing1 ji4 li4 liang5] /economic strength/ [jing1 ji4 xie2 li4 kai1 fa1 ji1 gou4] /Organization for OECD/also written [Jing1 ji4 he2 zuo4 yu3 fa1 zhan3 z [jing1 ji4 wei1 ji1] /economic crisis/ [Jing1 ji4 he2 zuo4 yu3 fa1 zhan3 zu3 zhi1] /Organiza nt, OECD/abbr. to / [jing1 ji4 wen4 ti2] /economic problem/ [jing1 ji4 kun4 jing4] /economic difficulty/ [jing1 ji4 ji1 chu3] /socio-economic base/economic foundation/ [jing1 ji4 zeng1 jia1 zhi2] /Economic value added, EVA/ [jing1 ji4 zeng1 zhang3] /economic growth/ [jing1 ji4 zeng1 zhang3 lu:4] /economic growth rate/ [jing1 ji4 xue2] /economics (as a field of study)/ [jing1 ji4 xue2 jia1] /economist/ [jing1 ji4 xue2 zhe3] /economist/ [jing1 ji4 an1 quan2] /economic security/ [jing1 ji4 zuo4] /economy seat/ [jing1 ji4 qing2 kuang4] /economic situation/one's socio-economic status/ [jing1 ji4 gai3 ge2] /economic reform/ [jing1 ji4 you3 xiao4] /cost-effective/ [jing1 ji4 huo2 dong4] /economic activity/ [jing1 ji4 te4 qu1] /special economic zone/ [jing1 ji4 zhuang4 kuang4] /economic situation/ [jing1 ji4 jie4] /economic circles/ [jing1 ji4 fa1 zhan3] /economic development/ [jing1 ji4 she4 hui4 ji2 wen2 hua4 qu ocial and Cultural Rights (ICESCR)/ [jing1 ji4 jin3 suo1] /economic recession/ [jing1 ji4 fan2 rong2] /economic prosperity/ [jing1 ji4 cang1] /economy class/ [jing1 ji4 luo4 hou4] /economically backward/ [jing1 ji4 xiao1 tiao2] /economic depression/ [jing1 ji4 shuai1 tui4] /(economic) recession/ [jing1 ji4 zhou1 qi1] /economic cycle/ [jing1 ji4 ti3 zhi4] /economic system/ [jing1 ji4 ti3 xi4] /economic system/ [jing1 ying2] /to engage in (business etc)/to run/to operate/ [jing1 ying2 guan3 li3 he2 wei2 hu4] /Operations Administrati [jing1 ying2 zhe3] /executive/manager/transactor/ [jing1 ying2 fei4 yong4] /business cost/business expense/ [jing1 li3] /manager/director/CL: [ge4],[wei4],[ming2]/

[jing1 you2] /via/ [jing1 tong4] /menstrual pain/dysmenorrhea/ [jing1 yan2] /place where the emperor listened to lectures (traditional)/ [jing1 guan3] /be in charge of/ [jing1 ji2] /religious text/ [jing1 ji4] /to manage (a business)/manager/broker/ [jing1 ji4 ren2] /broker/middleman/agent/manager/ [jing1 sha1] /warp (vertical thread in weaving)/ [jing1 luo4] /energy channels (in Chinese medicine)/ [jing1 si1 cai3 se4 xian3 hua1] /warp brocade/woven fabric with s rp/ [jing1 xian4] /warp/line of longitude/meridian (geography)/ [jing1 wei3] /warp and woof/longitude and latitude/main points/ [jing1 wei3 yi2] /theodolite/ [jing1 wei3 xian4] /lines of latitude and longitude/warp and woof/ [jing1 mai4] /channel of traditional Chinese medicine/ [jing1 fei4] /funds/expenditure/CL: [bi3]/ [jing1 mao4] /trade/ [jing1 guo4] /to pass/to go through/process/course/CL: [ge4]/ [jing1 xiao1] /to sell/to sell on commission/to distribute/ [jing1 xiao1 shang1] /dealer/seller/distributor/broker/agency/franchise (i.e. y)/retail outlet/ [jing1 jin3] /warp brocade/woven fabric with single colored woof but many-colored warp/ [jing1 lu4 lu4] /overland/ [jing1 yan4] /to experience/experience/ [jing1 yan4 zhu3 yi4] /empiricism/ [jing1 yan4 feng1 fu4] /experienced/with ample experience/ [yan2] /cap tassels/ [feng2] /variant of /to sew/ [ji4] /Japanese variant of / [xu4] /Japanese variant of / [zeng4] /heddle (device to form warp in weaving textiles)/Taiwan pr. [zong4]/ [zong1] /to sum up/to put together/Taiwan pr. [zong4]/ [zong1 shang4 suo3 shu4] /to summarize/a round-up/in summary .../ [zong1 he2] /comprehensive/composite/synthesized/to sum up/to integrate/to synthe ize/ [zong1 he2 bao4 dao3] /summary report/press release/brief/ [zong1 he2 bao4 dao4] /comprehensive report/consolidated report/ [zong1 he2 bu4 xian4] /integrated wiring/ [zong1 he2 zheng1] /syndrome/ [zong1 he2 xing4] /synthesis/ [zong1 he2 xu4 shu4] /to summarize/a round-up/ [zong1 he2 fu2 wu4 shu4 wei4 wang3 luo4] /Integrated Serv [zong1 he2 ye4 wu4 shu4 zi4 wang3] /Integrated Services Digit [zong1 he2 fa3] /synthesis/synthetic reasoning/ [zong1 he2 zheng4] /syndrome/ [zong1 he2 yi4 shu4] /composite arts/multi-media arts/ [zong1 kuo4] /to summarize/to round up/ [zong1 xiao4] /synergy/ [zong1 xi1] /synthesis/ [zong1 yi4] /comprehensive arts and entertainment/ [zong1 yi4 jie2 mu4] /Variety show, programme of assorted entertainment/ [zong1 guan1] /comprehensive survey/ [zong1 ji4] /grand total/to add everything together/ [zong1 shu4] /to sum up/a roundup/a general narrative/ [lu:4] /green/ [lu:4 hua4] /to make green with plants/to reforest/ [lu:4 qu1] /(Baghdad) green zone/ [lu:4 ka3] /United States permanent resident card/green card/

[Lu:4 yuan2] /Lyuan district of Changchun city , Jilin/ [Lu:4 yuan2 qu1] /Lyuan district of Changchun city , Jilin/ [lu:4 di4] /green area (e.g. urban park or garden)/ [Lu:4 ba4] /Green Dam, content-control software (abbr. for [Lu:4 ba4 hua1 ji4 hu4 hang2] /Green Dam Youth Escort, inte breviated to [Lu:4 ba4])/ [lu:4 nu:3 hong2 nan2] /young people decked out in gorgeous clothes (idio [lu:4 bao3 shi2] /beryl/ [Lu:4 dao3] /Ldao or Lutao township in Taitung county [Tai2 dong1 x an/ [Lu:4 dao3 xiang1] /Ldao or Lutao township in Taitung county [T Taiwan/ [lu:4 mao4 zi5] /cuckold/ [Lu:4 qi2 bing1] /same as [lu:4 ying2], Green standard army, standin ing dynasty, originally formed from Ming and other Chinese army units/ [Lu:4 chun1] /Lchun county in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture, Yunnan/ [Lu:4 chun1 xian4] /Lxi county in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture, [lu:4 song1 shi2] /turquoise/ [lu:4 lin2] /green wood/place name in Hubei, the starting point for a major rebel ion at the end of Western Han/ [lu:4 lin2 hao3 han4] /true hero of Greenwood (refers to popular hero in yle)/ [lu:4 lin2 hao2 ke4] /bold hero of Greenwood (refers to popular hero in R le)/ [lu:4 shu4] /green tree/ [lu:4 shui3] /green water/crystal-clear water/ [lu:4 you2 you2] /lush green/verdant/ [lu:4 ni2 shi2] /chlorite (geology)/ [lu:4 zhou1] /oasis/ [lu:4 deng1] /green light/ [Lu:4 ying2] /Green standard army, standing infantry during Qing dynasty, origina ly formed from Ming and other Chinese army units/ [Lu:4 ying2 bing1] /Green standard army, standing infantry during Qing dynast inally formed from Ming and other Chinese army units/ [lu:4 yu4 sui3] /chrysoprase (mineral)/ [lu:4 ying1 ying1] /green and lush/ [lu:4 ma3 nao3] /chrysoprase (mineral)/ [lu:4 pi2 shu1] /green paper/ [lu:4 fan2] /green vitriol (ferrous sulfate FeSO4:7H2O)/ [Lu:4 jian4] /Wrigley's Doublemint (brand)/ [lu:4 fei2] /green manure/ [lu:4 se4] /green/ [Lu:4 se4 he2 ping2] /Greenpeace (environmental network)/ [lu:4 se4 shi2 pin3] /green food product/organic food/ [lu:4 tai2] /green algae/ [lu:4 cha2] /green tea/ [lu:4 cao3] /green grass/ [lu:4 cao3 ru2 yin1] /green grass like cushion (idiom); green meadow so i eep on/ [lu:4 cai4 hua1] /broccoli/ [lu:4 ye4] /green leaf/ [lu:4 dou4] /mung bean/ [lu:4 chi4 yang2] /green alder (Alnus viridis)/ [lu:4 que4] /oriental greenfinch (Carduelis sinica)/ [lu:4 tou2 jin1] /green headband (to visit a Yuan dynasty brothel)/cuckold/ [lu:4 dang3] /worldwide green parties/ [chou2] /(light) silk/CL:[pi3]/ [chou2 zi5] /silk fabric/silk/CL:[pi3]/ [chou2 duan4] /satin/silk fabric/ [chou2 mou2] /to be sentimentally attached to sb or sth/

[quan3] /bound in a league/ [qi2] /dark gray/superlative/variegated/ [Qi2 jiang1] /Qijiang suburban county in Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sich an/ [Qi2 jiang1 xian4] /Qijiang suburban county in Chongqing municipality, former ichuan/ [qian4] /dark red color (of silk product)/ [xian4] /variant of [xian4]/ [shou4] /cord on a seal/ [Wei2] /abbr. for Uighur [Wei2 wu2 er3]/surname Wei/ [wei2] /to preserve/to maintain/to hold together/dimension/vitamin (abbr. for heng1 su4])/ [Wei2 ye3 na4] /Vienna, capital of Austria/ [wei2 jing1 ren2] /Vikings/ [wei2 ta1 ming4] /vitamin (loanword)/ [wei2 xiu1] /maintenance (of equipment)/to protect and maintain/ [wei2 xiu1 qu1] /maintenance area/ [Wei2 ke4 duo1 Yu3 guo3] /Victor Hugo (1802-1885), French write [Wei2 ke4 tuo1] /Victor (name)/ [Wei2 ji2 ni2 ya4] /Virginia, US state/ [Wei2 ji2 er3] /Virgil or Vergilius (70-19 BC), Roman poet and author the Aen [Wei2 wu2 er3] /Uighur ethnic group of Xinjiang/ [Wei2 wu2 er3 ren2] /Uighur person or people/ [Wei2 wu2 er3 zu2] /Uighur (Uyghur) ethnic group of Xinjiang/ [Wei2 wu2 er3 yu3] /Uighur language/ [wei2 he2] /peace-keeping/ [wei2 he2 bu4 dui4] /peace-keeping force/ [wei2 ji1] /wiki (Internet)/ [Wei2 ji1 mei2 ti3 Ji1 jin1 hui4] /Wikimedia Foundation/ [Wei2 ji1 shu4 ju4] /Wikistats, (, online tool provid s for Wikimedia projects/ [Wei2 ji1 wu4 zhong3] /Wikispecies, (, online proje all known species/ [Wei2 ji1 bai3 ke1] /Wikipedia (online encyclopedia)/ [Wei2 ji1 ci2 dian3] /Wiktionary (online dictionary)/ [wei2 shi4 ka3] /Visa Card/ [Wei2 duo1 li4 ya4] /Victoria/ [Wei2 duo1 li4 ya4 Gong1 yuan2] /Victoria Park, Hong Kong/ [Wei2 duo1 li4 ya4 nu:3 wang2] /Queen Victoria (reigned 1837-1901 [Wei2 duo1 li4 ya4 dao3] /Victoria Island/ [Wei2 duo1 li4 ya4 zhou1] /Victoria, southeastern Australian state/ [Wei2 duo1 li4 ya4 gang3] /Victoria Harbor, Hong Kong/ [Wei2 duo1 li4 ya4 hu2] /Lake Victoria or Victoria Nyanza, Kenya, on [Wei2 duo1 li4 ya4 pu4 bu4] /Victoria Falls or Mosi-oa-Tunya on t Zambia and Zimbabwe/ [Wei2 qi2] /Pope Vigilius (in office 537-555)/phonetic -vich or -wich in Russian ames/ [wei2 miao4 wei2 xiao4] /to imitate to perfection/to be remarkably true t [wei2 ta1 ming4] /variant of [wei2 ta1 ming4]/ [Wei2 ni2 xiong2] /Winnie the Pooh/ [wei2 du4] /dimension (math.)/dimensionality/ [Wei2 de2 jiao3] /Cape Verde/also written [Fo2 de2 jiao3]/ [Wei2 en1 tu2 jie3] /Venn diagram/ [Wei2 la1] /Vala (Middle-earth)/ [wei2 chi2] /to keep/to maintain/to preserve/ [wei2 chi2 yuan2 pan4] /to affirm the original sentence (law)/ [wei2 chi2 sheng1 huo2] /to make a living/to subsist (medicine)/ [wei2 chi2 fei4] /maintenance costs/ [Wei2 yang2] /Weiyang district of Yangzhou city [Yang2 zhou1 shi4], [Wei2 yang2 qu1] /Weiyang district of Yangzhou city [Yang2 zhou1

[wei2 shu4] /(math.) dimension/dimensionality/ [wei2 xin1] /a reformation/a political renewal/ [wei2 xin1 pai4] /the reformist faction/ [Wei2 zu2] /abbr. for , Uighur (Uyghur) ethnic group of Xinjiang [wei2 quan2] /to defend (legal) rights/ [wei2 quan2 ren2 shi4] /civil rights activist/ [wei2 gang3] /Victoria Harbour, Hong Kong/abbr. for [Wei2 du [Wei2 er3 rong2] /(Johannes Lodewikus) Viljoen (South African ambassador to T [Wei2 er3 si1 te4 la1 si1] /Karl Weierstrass (1815-1897), German [Wei2 er3 niu3 si1] /Vilnius, capital of Lithuania/ [Wei2 te4] /Werther/ [Wei2 te4 gen1 si1 tan3] /Wittgenstein (name)/ [wei2 zhen1] /Virgin (company)/ [wei2 sheng1] /abbr. for / [wei2 sheng1 su4] /vitamin/ [wei2 guan3 shu4] /vascular bundle/ [wei2 guan3 shu4 zhi2 wu4] /vascular plants/tracheophytes (botany)/ [wei2 guan3 zhu4] /vascular column/ [Wei2 na4 si1] /Venus (mythology, Greek goddess of love)/ [wei2 xi4] /to maintain/to keep up/to hold together/ [Wei2 luo2 na4] /Verona/ [Wei2 xi1 Li4 su4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Weixi Lisu autonom us prefecture , northwest Yunnan/ [Wei2 xi1 xian4] /Weixi Lisu autonomous county in Diqing Tibetan autonomous p re [Di2 qing4 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], northwest Yunnan/ [wei2 hu4] /to defend/to safeguard/to protect/to uphold/to maintain/ [wei2 hu4 he2 ping2] /to uphold peace/ [Wei2 da2] /Vidar (Norse deity)/ [qi3] /embroidered banner/ [tao2] /bind/cord/twist/ [wan3] /bind up/string together/ [gang1] /head rope of a fishing net/guiding principle/key link/class (taxonomy)/ outline/program/ [gang1 ju3 mu4 zhang1] /if you lift the headrope the meshes spread open ( are of the big things and the little things will take care of themselves/(of a p iece of writing) well-structured and ordered/ [gang1 yao4] /outline/essential points/ [gang1 ling3] /program/guiding principle/ [wang3] /net/network/ [wang3 shang4] /on-line/ [wang3 shang4 guang3 bo1] /online broadcast/webcast/ [wang3 ka3] /network card/ [wang3 you3] /online friend/Internet user/ [wang3 ba5] /internet cafe/ [wang3 zhi3] /website/web address/URL/ [wang3 kong3] /mesh/ [wang3 shi1 yuan2] /The Master of the Nets Garden in Suzhou, Jiangsu/ [wang3 dian4] /online shop/ [wang3 lian4] /online love affair/cyberdate/internet dating/ [Wang3 yi4] /NetEase/ [Wang3 jing3] /Netscape/ [wang3 shao2] /skimmer (kitchen utensil)/ [wang3 jia4] /rack/ [wang3 ge2] /grid/mesh/lattice/ [wang3 qiao2] /(network) bridge/ [wang3 duan4] /network segment/ [wang3 min2] /web users/netizens/ [wang3 te4] /Internet troll (agent provocateur on forums etc)/abbr. for [wang3 zhuang4 mai4] /netted veins/reticulated veins (of a leaf etc)/stockwor ogy)/

[wang3 qiu2] /tennis/CL: [ge4]/ [wang3 qiu2 chang3] /tennis court/ [wang3 qiu2 sai4] /tennis match/tennis competition/CL: [chang3]/ [wang3 yin3] /internet addiction/net addiction/web addiction/ [wang3 yan3] /mesh/net/Web-Eye (Windows video program)/ [wang3 jin4] /internet censorship/ [wang3 zhan4] /website/network station/node/ [wang3 guan3] /network management/webmaster/ [wang3 guan3 yuan2] /network manager/network administrator/ [wang3 guan3 jie1 kou3] /network management interface/ [wang3 guan3 xi4 tong3] /network management/ [Wang3 luo4] /Internet/ [wang3 luo4] /network (computing, telecommunications, transport etc)/ [wang3 luo4 li3 yu3] /Internet slang/netspeak/cyberspeak/ [wang3 luo4 xie2 yi4] /network protocol/ [wang3 luo4 ke4] /web user/guest user/ [wang3 luo4 ceng2] /network layer/ [wang3 luo4 ceng2 xie2 yi4] /network layer protocol/ [wang3 luo4 guang3 gao4] /online advertising/ [wang3 luo4 ying4 yong4] /network application/ [wang3 luo4 cheng2 yin3] /internet addiction/net addiction/web addiction/ [wang3 luo4 da3 yin4 ji1] /network printer/ [wang3 luo4 ji4 shu4] /network technology/ [wang3 luo4 cao1 zuo4 xi4 tong3] /network operating system/ [wang3 luo4 ri4 ji4] /blog/weblog/same as [bo2 ke4]/ [wang3 luo4 liu2 lan3 qi4] /network browser/Internet browser/ [wang3 luo4 te4 gong1] /Internet troll (agent provocateur on forums etc)/ [wang3 luo4 huan2 jing4] /network environment/ [wang3 luo4 yong4 yu3] /see [wang3 luo4 yu3 yan2]/ [wang3 luo4 zhi2 jing4] /network diameter/ [wang3 luo4 ke1 ji4] /network technology/ [wang3 luo4 kong1 jian1] /cyberspace/ [wang3 luo4 guan3 li3] /network management/ [wang3 luo4 guan3 li3 yuan2] /network administrator/ [wang3 luo4 guan3 li3 xi4 tong3] /network management system/NMS/ [wang3 luo4 gui1 hua4 ren2 yuan2] /network planner/ [wang3 luo4 she4 bei4] /network equipment/ [wang3 luo4 she4 ji4] /network design/network plan/ [wang3 luo4 yu3 yan2] /Internet language/Internet slang/netspeak/cyberspe [wang3 luo4 yu3 yin1] /VoIP (Voice over IP) (computing)/to speak with oth Internet/ [wang3 luo4 you2 xi4] /online game/abbr. to / [wang3 luo4 qian1 yi2] /network migration/ [wang3 luo4 tie3 lu4] /Network Rail (UK railway organization)/ [wang3 gu3 zuo4] /Reticulum (constellation)/ [wang3 luo2] /net for fishing or birdcatching/ [wang3 mo2] /retina (anatomy)/ [wang3 chun1] /lace bug/Tingidae/ [wang3 chong2] /internet addict/ [wang3 dai4] /string bag/net bag/ [wang3 zhi4] /blog/weblog/same as [bo2 ke4]/ [wang3 yu3] /netspeak/cyberspeak/ [wang3 gou4] /internet shopping/to purchase online/ [wang3 lu4] /network (computer, telecom)/Internet/Taiwanese term for [wa [wang3 lu4 zuo4 ye4 xi4 tong3] /network operating system/ [wang3 lu4 ping2 tai2] /network platform/ [wang3 lu4 ying4 yong4] /network application/ [wang3 lu4 fu2 wu4] /network service/ [wang3 lu4 jia4 gou4] /network infrastructure/ [wang3 lu4 te4 wu5] /Internet troll (agent provocateur on forums etc)/

[wang3 lu4 huan2 jing4] /network environment/ [wang3 lu4 jie2 dian3] /network node/ [wang3 lu4 jie2 dian3 jie4 mian4] /network node interface/ [wang3 lu4 lian4 jie1 ceng2] /network link layer/ [wang3 tong1] /China Network Communications (CNC) Group Corporation (one of China s large telephone companies)/ [wang3 you2] /online games/abbr. of / [wang3 kai1 yi1 mian4] /open the net on one side (idiom); let the caged b ve one's opponent a way out/lenient treatment/ [wang3 kai1 san1 mian4] /to leave the net open on three sides (idiom); le ird fly/to give one's opponent a way out/lenient treatment/ [wang3 guan1] /network router/gateway (to internet or between networks)/ [wang3 ji4] /Internet/net/cyber-/ [wang3 ji4 xie2 ding4] /internet protocol/IP/ [wang3 ji4 wang3 luo4] /Internet/ [wang3 ji4 wang3 lu4] /Internet/ [wang3 ji4 wang3 lu4 xie2 hui4] /Internet Society/ [wang3 ji4 se4 qing2] /cyberporn/ [wang3 ji4 dian4 hua4] /Internet phone/ [wang3 ye4] /web page/ [wang3 ye4 di4 zhi3] /webaddress/URL/ [wang3 ye4 she4 ji4] /web design/ [wang3 dian3] /node in a network/branch/website/ [chuo4] /variant of [chuo4]/ [zhui4] /to sew/to stitch together/to combine/to link/to connect/to put words to gether/to compose/to embellish/ [zhui4 he2] /to compose/to put together/ [zhui4 zi4] /to spell/to compose words/ [zhui4 zi4 ke4 ben3] /spelling book/ [zhui4 wen2] /to compose an essay/ [zhui4 shi4] /to decorate/decoration/ [cai3] /variant of /(bright) color/variety/multicolored silk/motley/variegated/ [cui4] /five-color silk/see [cui4 cai4]/ [cui4 cai4] /(onomat.) sound of friction of fabric/ [lun2] /to classify/to twist silk/silk thread/ [liu3] /skein/tuft/lock/ [qi3] /beautiful/open-work silk/ [qi3 jing3] /ceiling (architecture)/ [qi3 meng4] /pleasant and romantic dream/ [qi3 shi4] /magnificent room/ [qi3 nian2] /young/youthful/ [qi3 si1] /beautiful thoughts (in writing)/ [qi3 xiang3] /beautiful thoughts/ [qi3 xiang3 qu3] /capriccio (music)/ [qi3 sui4] /youthful age/ [qi3 can4] /enchanting/gorgeous/ [qi3 chuang1] /beautifully decorated window/ [qi3 yan2] /magnificent feast/ [qi3 xiu4] /silk material with grained pattern/ [qi3 luo2] /beautiful silk fabrics/person in beautiful silk dress/ [Qi3 se4 jia1] /Ithaca, Island state of Greece, the home of Odysseus aca NY (but pronounced [Yi3 se4 jia1]), location of Cornell University [Kang1 3]/ [qi3 yi1] /beautiful clothes/ [qi3 yu3] /flowery writing/writing concerning love and sex/ [qi3 mao4] /beautiful appearance/ [qi3 mo4] /splendid streets/ [qi3 yun2] /beautiful clouds/ [qi3 mi2] /ornate (poetry)/gorgeous/ [qi3 mi3] /beautiful and intricate (of writing)/

[qi3 li4] /beautiful/enchanting/ [zhan4] /to burst open/to split at the seam/ [zhan4 fang4] /to blossom/ [zhan4 po4] /to burst/to split/ [zhan4 xian4] /to have a ripped seam/ [zhan4 lie4] /to split open/to split apart/ [zhan4 kai1] /to burst forth/ [zhan4 lu4] /to appear (formal)/ [chao1] /cook by scalding (see )/ [chuo4] /generous/ample/wide/spacious/well-off/to grip/ [chuo4 yue1] /graceful/charming/ [chuo4 chuo4 you3 yu2] /enough and to spare (idiom)/ [chuo4 hao4] /nickname/ [ling2] /damask/thin silk/ [mian2] /silk floss/continuous/soft/weak/mild-mannered (topolect)/ [mian2 gen4] /to stretch in an unbroken chain (esp. of mountains)/ [mian2 li4] /one's limited power (humble expr.)/ [mian2 zi5] /(dial.) silk floss/ [mian2 mi4] /detailed/meticulous/fine and careful/ [mian2 yan2] /continuous (esp. of mountain ranges)/to stretch long and unbroken/a continuous link/sostenuto (sustained, in music)/ [mian2 chuo4] /desperately ill/terminal illness/ [mian2 bai2 tang2] /sugar powder/ [Mian2 zhu2] /Mianzhu county level city in Deyang [De2 yang2], Sichuan/ [Mian2 zhu2 shi4] /Mianzhu county level city in Deyang [De2 yang2], [Mian2 zhu2 xian4] /Mianzhu county in Deying prefecture, Sichuan/ [mian2 chou2] /rough-textured fabric of waste silk/ [mian2 mian2] /continuous/uninterrupted/ [mian2 yang2] /a sheep/ [mian2 lian2] /continuous/uninterrupted/ [mian2 bo2] /my humble effort/my meager contribution (humble)/ [mian2 yuan3] /remote/ [mian2 miao3] /far back in time/faraway/remote/ [mian2 li3 cang2 zhen1] /lit. a needle concealed in silk floss (idiom); f character behind a gentle appearance/a wolf in sheep's clothing/an iron fist in a velvet glove/ [Mian2 yang2] /Mianyang prefecture level city in Sichuan/ [Mian2 yang2 di4 qu1] /Mianyang prefecture in north Sichuan around Mianya second city/ [Mian2 yang2 shi4] /Mianyang prefecture level city in north Sichuan, Sichuan' d city/ [jie2] /to join, to splice, to braid/ [gun3] /cord/embroidered sash/to sew/ [gun3 bian1] /(of a dress etc) border, edging/ [zou1] /purple silk/ [xi1] /fine gunny/sackcloth/ [zi1] /Buddhists/black silk/dark/ [jin3] /tight/strict/close at hand/near/urgent/tense/hard up/short of money/to t ighten/ [jin3 qiao4] /(merchandise) in high demand/ [jin3 mi4] /inseparably close/ [jin3 mi4 xiang1 lian2] /closely interrelated/intimately related/ [jin3 mi4 zhi1 wu4] /closely woven fabric/ [jin3 mi4 pei4 he2] /to coordinate closely/to act in close partnership wi [jin3 ba1] /tight (i.e. lacking money)/hard up/same as / [jin3 ba1 ba1] /tight fitting/hard up (i.e. lacking money)/ [jin3 zhang1] /nervous/keyed up/intense/tense/strained/in short supply/scarce/CL: hen4]/ [jin3 zhang1 zhuang4 tai4] /tense situation/stand-off/ [jin3 zhang1 huan3 he2] /detente/

[jin3 ji2] /urgent/emergency/ [jin3 ji2 shi4 jian4] /emergency/ [jin3 ji2 wei1 hai4] /emergency risk/ [jin3 ji2 ying4 bian4] /emergency management/ [jin3 ji2 zhuang4 tai4] /state of emergency/ [jin3 ji2 shu1 san4] /emergency evacuation/ [jin3 ji2 yi1 liao2] /emergency medical care/ [jin3 kou4] /to stick closely to (a topic or theme etc)/ [jin3 bao4] /to hug/to embrace/ [jin3 jie1] /immediately adjacent/immediately following/to follow closely on/ [jin3 wo4] /to hold firmly, not let go/ [jin3 ji3] /to pinch/to squeeze tightly/ [jin3 cou4] /compact/terse/tight (schedule)/ [jin3 cou4 xing2 che1] /compact car model/ [jin3 cou4 miao3 zi3 xian4 quan1] /Compact muon solenoid (CMS)/ [jin3 ding1] /to gaze/to stare fixedly/ [jin3 gu1 zhou4] /the Band-tightening Spell (in [Xi1 you2 ji4])/ r controlling sb/ [jin3 chu4] /supply shortage/ [jin3 jin3] /closely/tightly/ [jin3 suo1] /to reduce/to tighten/to cut back (budget etc)/recession/ [jin3 beng1] /to stretch taut/ [jin3 beng1 beng1] /tight/taut/strained/sullen/ [jin3 guo3] /to wrap tightly/to wind tightly/to bind/close-fitting (clothes)/ [jin3 yao4] /critical/crucial/vital/ [jin3 yao4 guan1 tou2] /urgent and important moment (idiom); critical jun [jin3 tie1] /to stick close to/to press up against/ [jin3 gen1] /to follow precisely/to comply with/ [jin3 po4] /pressing/urgent/ [jin3 po4 ding1 ren2] /to keep a close eye on sb (idiom)/ [jin3 zhui1] /to pursue closely/ [jin3 bi1] /to press hard/to close in on/ [jin3 lin2] /close neighbor/ [jin3 bi4] /to close securely/tightly closed/secure/ [jin3 sui2 qi2 hou4] /to follow closely behind sb or sth (idiom)/ [jin3 ji2] /compact set/ [jin3 kao4] /lean closely against/closely rely on/ [fei1] /dark red/purple silk/ [fei1 hong2] /scarlet/ [fei1 wen2] /sex scandal/ [rui2] /strings of cap/ [yu4] /seam/ [zong3] /Japanese variant of / [lu:4] /Japanese variant of / [xu4] /beginnings/clues/mental state/thread/ [xu4 yan2] /preface/ [shang4] /to sole a shoe/ [xu4] /variant of /beginnings/clues/mental state/thread/ [xiang1] /light yellow color/ [jian1] /letters/to close/to seal/ [jian1 kou3 bu4 yan2] /lips sealed and not saying anything (idiom); fig. on (of a non-person or embarrassing topic)/to censor/ [jian1 mo4] /to keep silent/ [ke4] /to woof/ [xian4] /thread/string/wire/line/CL: [tiao2],[gu3],[gen1]/ [xian4 shang4] /online/ [xian4 shang4 cha2 xun2] /online search/ [xian4 xia4] /offline/below the line/ [xian4 ren2] /spy/informer/ [xian4 quan1] /solenoid (electrical engineering)/coil/

[xian4 quan1 ban1] /solenoid (electrical engineering)/coil/ [xian4 tu2] /line drawing/diagram/line graph/ [xian4 tuan2] /ball of string/ [xian4 xing4] /linear/linearity/ [xian4 xing4 dai4 shu4] /linear algebra/ [xian4 xing4 fang1 cheng2] /linear equation (math.)/ [xian4 xing4 bo1] /linear wave/ [xian4 xing4 suan4 zi5] /linear operator (math.)/ [xian4 xing4 xi4 tong3] /linear system/ [xian4 xing4 gui1 hua4] /linear programming/ [xian4 gan3] /a telegraph pole/ [xian4 tiao2] /streak/line (in drawing, painting etc)/ [xian4 duan4] /line segment/ [xian4 zhuang4] /linear/ [xian4 li4 ti3] /mitochondrion/ [xian4 suo3] /trail/clues/thread (of a story)/ [xian4 sheng2] /string/cotton rope/ [xian4 lan3] /cable/wire/cord (computer)/ [xian4 chong2] /nematode worm (Caenorhabditis elegans)/ [Xian4 xi1] /Hsienhsi township in Changhua county [Zhang1 hua4 xian4 [Xian4 xi1 xiang1] /Hsienhsi township in Changhua county [Zhang1 [xian4 lu4] /line/circuit/wire/road/railway track/bus route/ [xian4 zhou2] /thread spool/ [xian4 su4 du4] /linear velocity/ [xian4 ju4] /fret saw/jigsaw/ [mian2] /old variant of /cotton/ [ji1] /to seize/to arrest/Taiwan pr. [qi4]/ [qi1] /to stitch finely/ [ji1 na2] /to arrest/to seize/ [ji1 bu3] /to seize/to apprehend/an arrest/ [ji1 cha2] /to raid/to search (for criminal)/ [ji1 du2 quan3] /drug detector dog/sniffer dog/ [ji1 huo4] /to arrest/to apprehend/ [ji1 si1] /to suppress smugglers/to search for smuggled goods/ [ji1 fang3] /to search and enquire/ [duan4] /satin/ [duan4 zi5] /satin/ [duan4 bu4] /satin/ [duan4 dai4] /ribbon/ [duan4 wen2 zhi1] /satin weave/ [duan4 zhi1] /satin weave/ [di4] /closely joined/connection/knot/ [di4 yue1] /to conclude a treaty/ [di4 yue1 guo2] /signatory states/countries that are party to a treaty/ [di4 yue1 fang1] /party in a contract, treaty etc/ [di4 jie2] /to conclude (an agreement)/ [di4 zao4] /to found/to create/ [di4 zao4 zhe3] /creator (of a great work)/founder/ [min2] /cord/fishing-line/string of coins/ [yuan2] /cause/reason/karma/fate/predestined affinity/margin/hem/edge/along/ [yuan2 fen4] /also written /fate or chance that brings people together/p finity or relationship/(Budd.) destiny/ [yuan2 he2] /why?/for what reason?/ [yuan2 fen4] /fate or chance that brings people together/predestined affinity or elationship/(Budd.) destiny/ [yuan2 gu4] /reason/cause/ [yuan2 mu4 qiu2 yu2] /lit. climb a tree to catch a fish (idiom); fig. to mpossible/ [yuan2 you2] /reason/cause/ [yuan2 qi3] /origin/

[yuan2 shi4] /fringe/ [xie4] /variant of [xie4]/to tie/to bind/ [si1] /fine linen/ [bian1] /to weave/to plait/to organize/to group/to arrange/to edit/to compile/to write/to compose/to fabricate/ [bian1 xiu1] /to compile and edit/ [bian1 ju4] /to write a play/scenario/dramatist/screenwriter/ [bian1 yin4] /to compile and print/to publish/ [bian1 shen3] /read and edit/copy editor/ [bian1 xie3] /to compile/ [bian1 dao3] /to write and direct (a play, film etc)/playwright-director/choreogr pher-director/scenarist-director/ [bian1 nian2 shi3] /annals/chronicle/ [bian1 nian2 ti3] /in the style of annals/chronological history, the regular the Chinese dynastic histories/ [bian1 cheng2] /to organize/to put together/to edit/ [bian1 pai2] /to arrange/to lay out/ [bian1 zhuan4] /to compile/to edit/ [bian1 qu3] /to compose (music)/arrangement/ [bian1 ci4] /order of arrangement/ [bian1 ban1] /to group or place into classes/ [bian1 ban1 kao3 shi4] /placement test/ [bian1 mu4] /make a catalogue/catalogue/list/ [bian1 ma3] /coding/ [bian1 ma3 qi4] /encoder/ [bian1 ma3 zi4 fu2 ji2] /coded character set/ [bian1 ma3 xi4 tong3] /coding system/ [bian1 qing4] /musical instrument consisting of a set of chime stones suspended f om a beam and struck as a xylophone/ [bian1 cheng2] /to program/ [bian1 cuan4] /to fabricate (sth)/ [bian1 zu3] /to organize into groups/marshalling/ [bian1 jie2] /to weave/to plait/ [bian1 jie2 ye4] /weaving industry/ [bian1 zhi1] /to weave/to knit/to plait/to braid/ [bian1 zhi1 pin3] /woven fabric/ [bian1 zuan3] /to compile/ [bian1 zhe3] /editor/compiler/ [bian1 zhe3 an4] /editor's commentary/ [bian1 wu3] /choreography/choreographer/ [bian1 zhu4] /to compile/to write/ [bian1 hao4] /to number/numbering/serial number/ [bian1 zhi4] /to weave/to plait/to braid/to work out/to draw up/to prepare/to com ile/authorized strength/establishment/ [bian1 yi4] /to translate and edit/ [bian1 yi4 qi4] /compiler/ [bian1 yi4 jia1] /translator and editor/ [bian1 ji2] /to edit/to compile/editor/compiler/ [bian1 ji2 qi4] /editor (software)/ [bian1 ji2 shi4] /editorial office/ [bian1 ji2 jia1] /editor/compiler/ [bian1 ji2 ci2 tiao2] /to edit an entry (in online dictionary)/ [bian1 zao4] /to compile/to draw up/to fabricate/to invent/to concoct/to make up/ o cook up/ [bian1 qian3] /to reorganize (troops etc) and discharge surplus personnel/ [bian1 xuan3] /to select and edit/to compile/ [bian1 lu4] /to select and edict/to edit extracts/ [bian1 zhong1] /set of bells (old Chinese music instrument)/ [bian1 dui4] /to form into columns/to organize into teams/formation (of ships or ircraft)/

[huan3] /slow/unhurried/sluggish/gradual/not tense/relaxed/to postpone/to defer/ to stall/to stave off/to revive/to recuperate/ [huan3 bu4 ji4 ji2] /lit. slow no aid to urgent (idiom); slow measures wi s a critical situation/too slow to meet a pressing need/ [huan3 bing1 zhi1 ji4] /delaying tactics/stalling/measures to stave off a tagem to win a respite/ [huan3 xing2] /stay of execution/suspended prison sentence/reprieve/ [huan3 dong4] /sluggish/ [huan3 he2] /to ease (tension)/to alleviate/to moderate/to allay/to make more mil / [huan3 zheng1] /to suspend taxes momentarily/to postpone military draft/ [huan3 ji2] /priority/whether sth is urgent/ [huan3 ji2 xiang1 ji4] /to help one another in difficulty/mutual assistan ty/ [huan3 ji2 qing1 zhong4] /slight or important, urgent or non-urgent (idio ith important matters first/sense of priority/also written / [huan3 man4] /slow/slow-moving/ [huan3 qi1] /to defer/to put off (until later)/to postpone/ [huan3 qi1 fu4 kuan3] /to defer payment/ [huan3 bu4] /stroll/unhurried walk/ [huan3 fa1 zhong1 zi3] /delayed neutron/ [huan3 huan3] /slowly/unhurriedly/little by little/ [huan3 pin4] /to defer employment/to put off hiring/ [huan3 chong1] /to buffer/ [huan3 chong1 qi4] /buffer (computer science)/ [huan3 jie3] /to blunt/to dull/to ease/to help relieve (a crisis)/to alleviate (p in)/ [huan3 ban4] /to postpone/to delay/ [huan3 jiang4] /to retard downward motion/to brake falling/to control descent/ [huan3 jiang4 qi4] /escape mechanism to brake descent/safety chute/ [huan3 jia2] /to urge reconciliation/to dissuade from punitive action/ [geng1] /a rope/ [Mian3] /Myanmar (formerly Burma) (abbr. for [Mian3 dian4])/ [mian3] /distant/remote/detailed/ [Mian3 yuan2] /Burmese dollar/ [Mian3 yin1] /Maine, US state/ [Mian3 yin1 zhou1] /Maine, US state/ [mian3 huai2] /to commemorate/to recall fondly/to think of the past/ [Mian3 wen2] /Burmese (language, esp. written)/ [Mian3 dian4] /Myanmar (or Burma)/ [Mian3 dian4 lian2 bang1] /Union of Myanmar, official name of Burma since [mian3 dian4 yu3] /Burmese (language of Myanmar)/ [mian3 miao3] /far/remote/ [wei3] /latitude/woof (horizontal thread in weaving)/weft/ [wei3 quan1] /line of latitude/parallel/ [wei3 du4] /latitude/ [wei3 sha1] /woof (horizontal thread in weaving)/weft/ [wei3 xian4] /woof/line of latitude/parallel/ [wei3 xian4 quan1] /line of latitude/parallel/ [wei3 jin3] /woof brocade/woven fabric with many-colored woof/ [yu2] /net/ [Gou1] /surname Gou/ [miao3] /indistinct/ [lian4] /to practice/to train/to drill/to perfect (one's skill)/exercise/ [lian4 bing1] /to drill troops/army training/ [lian4 gong1] /to practice work skill/ [lian4 xi2] /exercise/drill/practice/CL: [ge4]/ [lian4 xi2 ce4] /exercise booklet/ [lian4 xi2 chang3] /driving range (golf)/practice court/practice ground/ [lian4 xi2 ben3] /exercise book/workbook/CL:[ben3]/

[bian4] /braid/ [ti2] /orange red silk/ [zhi4] /fine/delicate/ [zhi4 ji1] /producing abnormality/leading to genetic malformation/teratogenic/ [yuan2] /Japanese variant of / [xu1] /fine silk/ [sheng2] /Japanese variant of / [ying2] /wind around/ [ying2 rao4] /to linger on/to hover/to encircle/ [jin4] /red silk/ [Jin4 yun2] /Jinyun county in Lishui [Li2 shui3], Zhejiang/ [Jin4 yun2 xian4] /Jinyun county in Lishui [Li2 shui3], Zhejiang/ [yi4] /to hang/to strangle oneself/ [yi4 si3] /to hang oneself/ [yi4 sha1] /to strangle to death/ [yi4 jing3] /to hang oneself/ [zhui4] /to let down with a rope/ [pan2] /small bag/sack/ [zhou4] /crepe/wrinkle/ [zhou4 zhe3] /variant of [zhou4 zhe3]/ [jian1] /thick waterproof silk/ [yun1] /generative force/orange color/ [yun4] /hemp/vague/mysterious/ [cui1] /mourning garments/ [tao1] /braid/cord/sash/ [fu4] /to bind/to tie/Taiwan pr. [fu2]/ [zhen3] /fine and close/ [zhen3 za1] /dense/fine (texture)/ [zhen3 mi4] /meticulous/careful/deliberate/delicate/fine (texture)/ [zhen3 run4] /fine and smooth/ [zhen3 fa4] /fine black hair/ [gao3] /plain white silk/ [gao3 ma3 nao3] /onyx/white agate/ [gao3 su4] /white-silk mourning dress/ [ru4] /adorned/beautiful/ [hu2] /fine silk gauze/ [zai3] /matter, affair/ [teng2] /bind/cord/tie up/ [xian4] /county/ [xian4 ling4] /county magistrate (during Tang to Qing times)/ [xian4 ming2] /name of county/ [xian4 di4] /county seat/county town/ [xian4 cheng2] /county seat/county town/ [xian4 fu3] /county government/ [xian4 zhi4] /general history of a county/county annals/ [xian4 zheng4 fu3] /county administration/county regional government/ [xian4 jie4] /county border/county line/ [xian4 ji2] /county level/ [xian4 ji2 shi4] /county-level city/ [xian4 zhang3] /county's head commissioner/ [tao1] /variant of [tao1]/ [cai4] /see [cui4 cai4]/ [feng2] /to sew/to stitch/ [feng4] /seam/crack/narrow slit/ [feng2 he2] /to sew together/suture (in surgery)/to sew up (a wound)/ [feng4 he2 dai4] /suture zone (geology)/ [feng4 zi5] /crack/chink/narrow slit/crevice/ [feng2 qiong2] /to sew and mend clothes for a pittance/ [feng2 ren4] /to sew/tailoring/ [feng2 ren4 ji1] /sewing machine/CL:[jia4]/

[feng2 ren4] /to sew/to stitch/ [feng2 zhui4] /to patch together/to mend/ [feng2 xian4] /suture/ [feng2 feng2 lian2 lian2] /needlework/sewing and mending/ [feng2 yi1 jiang4] /tailor/ [feng2 yi1 gong1 ren2] /needleworker/ [feng2 yi1 zhen1] /sewing needle/ [feng2 bu3] /to darn (clothing)/to sew and mend/ [feng2 zhi4] /to sew/to make (clothes, bedding)/ [feng2 zhen1] /a stitch/surgical stitches/ [feng4 zhen1] /needle/ [feng2 zhen1 ji4] /seam/ [feng4 xi4] /small crack/chink/ [li2] /bridal veil or kerchief/ [suo1] /to withdraw/to pull back/to contract/to shrink/to reduce/abbreviation/al so pronounced [su4]/ [suo1 duo1 an1 suan1] /polypeptide, a chain of amino acids linked by pept NH, a component of protein/same as [duo1 tai4]/ [suo1 xie3] /abbreviation/to abridge/ [suo1 xiao3] /to reduce/to decrease/ [suo1 xiao3 mo2 xing2] /miniature/ [suo1 ying3] /miniature/a big picture in a nutshell/the epitome (of sth)/ [suo1 cheng2] /to shrink into/ [suo1 cheng2 yi1 tuan2] /to huddle together/to curl up/ [suo1 shou3 suo1 jiao3] /bound hand and foot (idiom); constrained/ [suo1 fang4] /scaling/resizing/zoom (graphics)/ [suo1 an1 suan1] /peptide (two or more amino acids linked by peptide bonds CO me as [tai4]/ [suo1 shui3] /to shrink (in the wash)/fig. to shrink (of profits etc)/ [suo1 jian3] /to cut/to reduce/ [suo1 lu:e4] /to contract/to abbreviate/abbreviation/ [suo1 lu:e4 zi4] /abbreviated character/ [suo1 lu:e4 yu3] /abbreviated word/acronym/ [suo1 duan3] /to curtail/to cut down/ [suo1 yue1] /contraction (in grammar)/abbreviation/ [suo1 xiong1] /breast reduction/reduction mammaplasty/ [suo1 yi1 jie2 shi2] /to economize on clothes and food/to scrimp and save [yin3] /long/ [xi3] /band for the hair/ [zong4] /warp (the vertical threads in weaving)/vertical/longitudinal/north-sout h (lines of longitude)/lengthwise/to release/to indulge/even if/ [zong4 ling4] /to indulge/to give free rein/even if/ [zong4 shi3] /even if/even though/ [zong4 ting2 liu2 shi2 jian1] /gaze duration/ [zong4 pou1 mian4] /vertical section/longitudinal section/ [zong4 xiang4] /longitudinal/ [zong4 rong2] /to indulge/to connive at/ [zong4 zuo4 biao1] /vertical coordinate/ordinate/ [zong4 qing2] /to your heart's content/ [zong4 yi4] /willfully/wantonly/ [zong4 yu4] /to indulge in debauchery/ [zong4 duan4 mian4] /vertical section/longitudinal section/ [zong4 liang2] /longitudinal beam/ [zong4 heng2] /lit. warp and weft in weaving; vertically and horizontal/length an breadth/criss-crossed/able to move unhindered/abbr. for [He2 zong4 Lian2 l of Diplomacy during the Warring States Period (475-221 BC)/ [zong4 heng2 jiao1 cuo4] /criss-crossed (idiom)/ [zong4 heng2 zi4 mi2] /crossword/ [Zong4 heng2 jia1] /School of Diplomacy of the Warring States Period (475-221 ose leading advocates were Su Qin [Su1 Qin2] and Zhang Yi [Zhang4 Yi2]/

[zong4 heng2 chi2 cheng3] /to criss-cross/to run unhindered across the wh [zong4 bu4] /to stride/to bound/ [zong4 bo1] /longitudinal wave/ [zong4 shen1] /depth (of a battlefield or terrain)/ [zong4 huo3] /to set on fire/to commit arson/ [zong4 huo3 fan4] /arsonist/ [zong4 ran2] /even if/even though/ [zong4 mu4] /as far as the eye can see/ [zong4 shen2 jing1 suo3] /longitudinal nerve cord/ [zong4 wen2] /stria longitudinalis (in the brain)/ [zong4 xian4] /vertical line/vertical coordinate line/ [zong4 sheng1] /loudly/in a loud voice/ [zong4 ji1] /longitudinal muscle/ [zong4 hu3 gui1 shan1] /lit. to let the tiger return to the mountain; fig future calamities/ [zong4 lie4] /lobe/longitudinal slit/vertical fracture/ [zong4 lan3] /panoramic view/wide survey/ [zong4 guan1] /to survey comprehensively/an overall survey/ [zong4 yan2] /to theorize generally/ [zong4 tan2] /to talk freely/ [zong4 lun4] /to talk freely/ [zong4 guan4] /lit. warp string in weaving/fig. vertical or north-south lines/to ass through/to cross lengthwise/to pierce (esp. north-south or top-to-bottom)/ [zong4 shen1] /to jump/to leap/ [zong4 jiu3] /to drink excessively/ [zong4 dui4] /column/file/ [zong4 ge2] /mediastinum (organs and tissues in the thorax between the lungs)/ [lei2] /bind/bond/ [zhuan4] /to tie up/ [qian4] /boatman's tow-rope/ [qian4 fu1] /burlak (barge hauler)/ [man4] /plain thin silk/slow/unadorned/ [zhi2] /to connect/to tie up/ [lu:3] /strand/thread/detailed/in detail/classifier for wisps (of smoke, mist or vapor), strands, locks (of hair)/ [lu:3 xi1 jin3 cun2] /ones life ha gs by a thread (idiom)/ [lu:3 shu4] /to relate i detail/ [piao3] /misty/i disti ct/ [piao3 miao3] /see [piao1 miao3]/ [piao3 miao3] /see [piao1 miao3]/ [mi2] /to tie up/ [zong3] /always/to assemble/gather/total/overall/head/chief/general/in every cas e/ [zong3 zhu3 jiao4] /archbishop/primate (of a church)/metropolitan/ [zong3 zhi1] /in a word/in short/in brief/ [zong3 ren2 kou3] /total population/ [zong3 gong1 ji3] /aggregate supply/ [zong3 zhi2] /total value/ [zong3 jia4] /total price/ [zong3 gong1 si1] /parent company/head office/ [zong3 gong4] /altogether/in sum/in all/in total/ [zong3 fen1] /overall score/total points/ [zong3 ze2] /profile/general provision (law)/ [zong3 dong4 yuan2] /general mobilization (for war etc)/ [zong3 wu4] /general matters/division of general affairs/person in overall charge [zong3 luan3 huang2 guan3] /common vitelline duct/ [zong3 can1 mou2 bu4] /(military) General Staff Headquarters/ [zong3 can1 mou2 zhang3] /(military) Chief of Staff/ [zong3 tai2] /front desk/reception desk/ [zong3 si1 ling4] /commander-in-chief/top military commander for a country or

r of operations/ [zong3 si1 ling4 bu4] /general headquarters/ [zong3 he2] /to collect together/to add up/altogether/ [zong3 he2] /sum/ [zong3 dun1 wei4] /overall tonnage (of a shipping fleet or company)/ [zong3 hui2 bao4] /total return/aggregate profit/ [zong3 ju2] /head office/general office/central office/ [zong3 ping2 mian4 tu2] /general layout/site plan/ [zong3 gan4 shi5] /secretary-general/ [zong3 hou4 qin2 bu4] /(military) General Logistics Department/ [zong3 dei3] /must/have to/be bound to/ [zong3 cheng2 ben3] /total costs/ [zong3 kuo4] /to sum up/ [zong3 zhi3 hui1 bu4] /general headquarters/ [zong3 shou1 ru4] /gross income/ [zong3 shou1 yi4] /total profit/aggregate return/ [zong3 zheng4 zhi4 bu4] /(military) General Political Department/ [zong3 shu4] /total/sum/aggregate/ [zong3 fang1 zhen1] /general policy/overall guidelines/ [zong3 shi4] /always/ [zong3 shu1 ji5] /general-secretary (of Communist Party)/ [zong3 hui4 san1 ming2 zhi4] /club sandwich/ [zong3 hui4 hui4 zhang3] /president/ [zong3 you3] /inevitably there will be/ [zong3 gan1 sai4] /stroke play (golf)/ [zong3 ji1] /central exchange/telephone exchange/switchboard/ [zong3 ci4 shu4] /total number of times/ [zong3 gui1] /eventually/after all/anyhow/ [zong3 re4 zhi2] /gross calorific value/ [zong3 li3] /premier/prime minister/CL: [ge4],[wei4],[ming2]/ [zong3 li3 ya2 men5] /the Qing dynasty equivalent of the Foreign Office/ [zong3 chan3 zhi2] /gross product/total output/ [zong3 chan3 liang4] /total output/ [zong3 de5 lai2 shuo1] /generally speaking/to sum up/in summary/in short/ [zong3 jian1] /rank of local governor in Tang dynasty administration/commissioner (police)/inspector-general/ [zong3 mu4] /super-order (taxonomy)/catalog/table of contents/ [zong3 du1] /governor-general/person in charge of a foreign possession or territo y/ [zong3 she4] /cooperative (organisation)/cooperation (e.g. between companies)/ [zong3 cheng1] /generic term/ [zong3 zhan4] /terminus/ [zong3 suan4] /at long last/finally/on the whole/ [zong3 guan3 li3 chu4] /headquarters/main administrative office/ [zong3 jie2] /to sum up/to conclude/summary/rsum/CL: [ge4]/ [zong3 tong3] /president (of a country)/CL: [ge4],[wei4],[ming2], [ji [zong3 tong3 ren4 qi1] /presidency/term of office/ [zong3 tong3 zhi4] /presidential system/ [zong3 tong3 da4 xuan3] /presidential election/ [zong3 tong3 fu3] /presidential palace/ [zong3 tong3 xuan3 ju3] /presidential election/ [zong3 jing1 li3] /general manager/CEO/ [zong3 xian4] /computer bus/ [zong3 bian1] /chief editor (of newspaper)/abbr. for / [zong3 bian1 ji2] /chief editor (of newspaper)/ [zong3 shu3] /general office/ [zong3 er2 yan2 zhi1] /in short/in a word/in brief/ [zong3 neng2] /total energy/ [zong3 cai2] /chairman/director-general (of a company etc)/ [zong3 zhuang1 bei4 bu4] /General Armaments Department (GAD)/

[zong3 yao4] /nevertheless/ [zong3 lan3] /a general overview/ [zong3 ji4] /(grand) total/ [zong3 pu3] /musical score/ [zong3 yun4 dan1] /master air waybill (MAWB) (transport)/ [zong3 bu4] /general headquarters/ [zong3 zhong4] /gross weight/total weight/ [zong3 liang4] /total/overall amount/ [zong3 zhang3] /name used for cabinet ministers between 1912-1927, superceded by zhang3]/ [zong3 kai1 guan1] /main switch/ [zong3 ji2] /general collection/anthology/ [zong3 xu1 qiu2] /aggregate demand/ [zong3 ling3 shi4] /consul general/ [zong3 ling3 shi4 guan3] /Consulate General/ [zong3 ling3 guan3] /Consulate general/same as [zong3 ling3 [zong3 e2] /total (amount or value)/ [zong3 feng1 xian3] /aggregate risk/ [zong3 ti3] /completely/totally/total/entire/overall/population (statistics)/ [zong3 ti3 shang4 shuo1] /looking at the big picture/all in all/all thing [zong3 ti3 mu4 biao1] /overall target/overall objective/ [zong3 ti3 jing1 ji4 xue2] /macroeconomics (Taiwan)/ [zong3 ti3 gui1 hua4] /overall plan/master plan/ [ji4] /merit/accomplishment/grade/Taiwan pr. [ji1]/ [ji4 xiao4] /performance/results/achievement/ [Ji4 xi1] /Jixi county in Xuancheng [Xuan1 cheng2], Anhui/ [Ji4 xi1 xian4] /Jixi county in Xuancheng [Xuan1 cheng2], Anhui/ [shan1] /fringe/ornament of banner/ [fan2] /complicated/many/in great numbers/abbr. for [fan2 ti3], traditional Chinese characters/ [fan2 rong3] /variant of [fan2 rong3]/ [fan2 bo2] /numerous and wide-ranging/ [fan2 duo1] /many and varied/of many different kinds/ [Fan2 shi4] /Fanshi county in Xinzhou [Xin1 zhou1], Shanxi/ [Fan2 shi4 xian4] /Fanshi county in Xinzhou [Xin1 zhou1], Shanxi/ [fan2 zheng1 bo2 yin3] /an elaborate string of references/many quotations [fan2 mang2] /busy/bustling/ [fan2 wen2] /convoluted/elaborate formalities/ [fan2 wen2 ru4 jie2] /convoluted and over-elaborate (document)/unnecessar writing/mumbo-jumbo/ [Fan2 chang1] /Fanch county in Wuhu [Wu2 hu2], Anhui/ [Fan2 chang1 xian4] /Fanchang county in Wuhu [Wu2 hu2], Anhui/ [fan2 xing1] /many stars/a vast sky full of stars/ [fan2 ben3] /detailed edition/unexpurgated version/ [fan2 rong2] /prosperous/booming (economy)/ [fan2 rong2 chang1 sheng4] /glorious and flourishing (idiom); thriving/ [fan2 zhi2] /to breed/to reproduce/to propagate/ [fan2 suo3] /many and complicated/mired in minor details/ [fan2 sheng4] /prosperous/ [fan2 jian3] /complicated and simple/traditional and simplified form of Chinese c aracters/ [fan2 ru4] /many and elaborate/ [fan2 yu4] /to breed/ [fan2 hua1] /flourishing blossom/a mass of flowers/luxuriant flowers/ [fan2 mao4] /exuberant/luxuriant/lush and flourishing (vegetation)/rank growth/ [fan2 hua2] /flourishing/bustling/ [fan2 wu2] /wordy/verbose/flourishing and thriving/ [fan2 yan3] /to multiply/to reproduce/to increase gradually in number or quantity [fan2 fu4] /complicated/ [fan2 zhong4] /heavy/burdensome/heavy-duty/arduous/onerous/

[fan2 za2] /many/diverse/ [fan2 ti3] /elaborate form/traditional form of Chinese, as opposed to simplified orm [jian3 ti3]/ [fan2 ti3 zi4] /traditional Chinese character/ [beng1] /to stretch/taut/to tie/to bind/ [beng3] /to have a taut face/ [beng1 zi5] /embroidery frame/hoop/tambour/ [beng4 ba1 diao4 kao3] /see [beng4 pa2 diao4 kao3]/ [beng1 dai4] /bandage/ [beng1 chuang2] /trampoline/ [beng4 pa2 diao4 kao3] /to strip, tie up, hang and beat sb, an ancient to ue/ [beng1 huang2] /spring/ [beng1 jin3] /to brace/taut/ [beng3 zhe5 lian3] /to have a taut face/to pull a long face/to look displease [yi1] /interj./sighing sound/ [sao1] /to reel silk from cocoons/ [Miao4] /surname Miao/ [liao3] /old variant of / [miao4] /mu (Greek letter )/ [mou2] / o wind round/ [mu2] /old varian of [mu2]/ [miu4 qiao3] /plan/scheme/in elligen /quick wi ed/ [yao2] /folk-song/forced labor/ [you2] /cause/means/ [zhou4] /in erpre a ions of he rigrams/ [qiang3] /clo h for carrying baby on back/ [xian1] /Japanese varian of / [xi4] /variant of [xi4]/ [sui4] /fine and loose cloth/tassel/ [Zeng1] /surname Zeng/ [zeng1] /silk fabrics/ [zeng4] /to tie/to bind/ [zhi1] /to weave/to knit/ [zhi1 pin3] /textile/ [Zhi1 nu:3] /Vega (star)/Weaving girl of folk tales/ [Zhi1 nu:3 xing1] /Vega, brightest star in constellation Lyra /Weavin Cowherd and weaving maid / [zhi1 bu4] /woven cloth/to weave cloth/ [zhi1 bu4 ji1] /loom/ [zhi1 ji1] /loom/ [zhi1 wu4] /cloth/woven material/textiles/ [Zhi1 tian2 Xin4 chang2] /ODA Nobunaga (1534-1582), Japanese shogun (warl an important role in unifying Japan/ [zhi1 dang1 fang3 bi4] /if it's weaving, ask the maid (idiom); when manag consult the appropriate specialist/ [zhi1 ren4] /spinning and weaving/ [zhi1 hua1] /woven pattern/ [zhi1 bu3] /darning/to darn/ [zhi1 zao4] /to weave/to manufacture by weaving/ [Zhi1 jin1] /Zhijin county in Bijie prefecture [Bi4 jie2 di4 qu1 [Zhi1 jin1 xian4] /Zhijin county in Bijie prefecture [Bi4 ji [zhi1 jin1 jin3] /gilt brocade/ [zhi1 jin3] /brocade/silk fabric with colored pattern/ [shan4] /to repair/to mend/to rewrite/to transcribe/ [shan4 xie3] /to copy/to transcribe/ [shan4 qing1] /to make a clean copy/ [san3] /umbrella/parasol/ [yu4] /a well-rope/ [fan1] /to translate/

[liao2] /lines for a sail/wind round/ [liao2 luan4] /dazzled/confused/ [liao2 rao4] /to curl up/to linger on (sound)/ [rao4] /to wind/to coil (thread)/to rotate around/to spiral/to move around/to go round (an obstacle)/to by-pass/to make a detour/to confuse/to perplex/ [rao4 lai2 rao4 qu4] /meandering and circuitous (idiom); to go around in ever get anywhere/ [rao4 kou3 ling4] /tongue-twister/ [rao4 zui3] /hard to get one's mouth around/a tongue-twister/ [rao4 quan1 zi5] /to go on a long detour/fig. to speak vaguely around the top out getting to the point/to beat about the bush/ [rao4 di4] /to orbit the earth/ [rao4 she4] /interference (of wave motion in physics)/ [rao4 wan1] /to go for a walk around/fig. to speak in a roundabout way/ [rao4 wan1 r5] /to go for a walk around/fig. to speak in a roundabout way/ [rao4 wan1 zi5] /lit. to go on a long detour/fig. to speak vaguely around the without getting to the point/to beat about the bush/ [rao4 wan1 zi3 r5] /lit. to go on a long detour/fig. to speak vaguely aro without getting to the point/to beat about the bush/ [rao4 shou3] /thorny issue/tricky case/ [rao4 liang2 san1 ri4] /reverberates around the rafters for three days (i onorous and resounding (esp. of singing voice)/ [rao4 liu2] /turbulence (in fluid mechanics)/ [rao4 zu3] /coil (in electric motor or transformer)/ [rao4 rao4] /twisting and turning/involved and tricky/ [rao4 bo2 zi5] /tricky/involved/to beat about the bush/ [rao4 xi1] /(children) run around parent's knees/fig. to stay to look after one's elderly parents/ [rao4 xi1 cheng2 huan1] /to live with ones pare ts thus bri gi g them ha / [rao4 xi g2] /detour/lo g way arou d/ [rao4 lu4] /to make a detour/to take the lo g route/ [rao4 guo4] /to detour/to bypass/to circumve t/to avoid/to wi d arou d (of a road etc)/ [rao4 dao4] /rou dabout route/detour/ [rao4 yua 3 r5] /the road twists here a d there/to make a detour/to take a lo arou d/ [rao4 te g5] /to ru a lo g way arou d/fig. to speak vaguely arou d the topic wit out getti g to the poi t/to beat about the bush/ [rui3] /da gle/ha g loosely/ [xiu4] /to embroider/embroidery/ [xiu4 du 1] /see [zuo4 du 1]/ [xiu4 wei2] /tapestry/ [xiu4 qiu2 hua1] /hydra gea/ [xiu4 qiu2 te g2] /Clematis mo ta a/ [xiu4 hua1] /to embroider/to do embroidery/ [xiu4 hua1 xie2] /embroidered shoes/ [hui4] /multi-color/to draw/ [hua4] /obsti ate/perverse/ [da2] /a k ot (of a rope)/ [she g2] /rope/CL:[ge 1]/ [she g2 zhi1 yi3 fa3] /to pu ish accordi g to the law/to bri g to justice [she g2 mo4] /lit. carpe ter s straight li e marker/same as /fig. rules/rules gulatio s/ [she g2 tao4] / oose/har ess/ [she g2 zi5] /cord/stri g/rope/CL: [tiao2]/ [sheng2 wen2] /Jymon period of Japanese prehistory, with rope pattern pottery/ [sheng2 ti1] /a rope ladder/ [sheng2 suo3] /rope/ [sheng2 suo3 tao4] /a noose/

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[sheng2 jie2] /knot/ [hui4] /to draw/to paint/ [hui4 tu2] /to draw/to draft/drawing/drafting/ [hui4 jia4 zuo4] /Pictor (constellation)/ [hui4 hua4] /drawing/painting/ [hui4 sheng1 hui4 se4] /vivid and colorful (idiom); true to life/lively a [hui4 zhi4] /to draw/to draft/ [ji4] /to tie/to fasten/to button up/ [xi4] /to connect/to arrest/to worry/ [ji4 shang5] /to tie on/to buckle up/to fasten/ [ji4 qiu2] /to be imprisoned/ [xi4 qiu2] /prisoner/ [ji4 bo2] /to moor/ [ji4 ling3 dai4] /to tie one's necktie/ [jian3] /cocoon/callus/ [jian3 zi5] /callus (patch or hardened skin)/corns (on feet)/also / [jiang1] /variant of [jiang1]/ [huan2] /to bind/to tie/lace/noose (for suicide)/hangman's noose/ [huan2 shou3] /death by hanging/ [qiao1] /to reel silk from cocoons/ [sao1] /to reel thread/ [jiao3] /to hand in/to hand over/to seize/ [jiao3 jiao1] /to hand in/to hand over/ [jiao3 fu4] /to pay/to hand over (tax payment etc)/ [jiao3 xie4] /to disarm/to lay down one's weapons/to surrender/ [jiao3 qiang1] /to lay down one's arms/to surrender/to disarm/ [jiao3 qiang1 bu4 sha1] /surrender and your life will be spared (idiom) [jiao3 huo4] /to capture/to seize/ [jiao3 shui4] /to pay tax/ [jiao3 na4] /to pay (taxes etc)/ [jiao3 fei4] /to pay a fee/ [jiao3 xiao1] /to hand in and cancel/ [sui4] /tassel/ [yi4] /continuous/to intepret/to unravel/to draw silk (old)/ [xu1] /fine silk/ [ji4] /to continue/to follow after/to go on with/to succeed/to inherit/then/afte rwards/ [ji4 ren4] /succeed sb in a job/successor/ [ji4 ren4 zhe3] /successor/ [ji4 wei4] /to succeed to the throne/ [ji4 nu:3] /stepdaughter/CL: [ge4],[ming2]/ [ji4 zi3 nu:3] /stepchildren/adopted children/ [ji4 wang3 kai1 lai2] /to follow the past and herald the future (idiom); torical transition/forming a bridge between earlier and later stages/ [ji4 cheng2] /to inherit/to carry on/to succeed/ [ji4 cheng2 ren2] /heir/successor/ [ji4 cheng2 quan2] /inheritance/ [ji4 cheng2 zhe3] /successor/ [ji4 cheng2 yi1 bo1] /to take up sb's mantle/to follow in sb's steps/ [ji4 mu3] /stepmother/ [ji4 fu4] /stepfather/ [ji4 fu4 mu3] /step-parents/ [ji4 xu4] /to continue/to proceed with/to go on with/ [ji4 er2] /then/afterwards/ [ji4 dian4 qi4] /relay (electronics)/ [bin1] /helter-skelter/mixed colors/in confusion/ [bin1 fen1] /vast and various/rich and diverse/ [qian3] /attached to/loving/ [qian3 quan3] /in love and inseparable/ [xun1] /crimson/

[zuan3] /to compile/ [zuan3 xiu1] /to compile/to edit/compilation/ [mo4] /bind/cord/ [lei4] /flaw/knot/ [xie2] /knot/tie a knot/ [xie2 an1 suan1] /valine (Val), an essential amino acid/ [zuan3] /to continue/to carry on/to succeed (of a familial line)/to inherit/ [kuang4] /fine floss-silk or cotton/ [xu4] /to continue/to replenish/ [xu4 bao3] /renewal of insurance/ [xu4 jie4] /extended borrowing (e.g. library renewal)/ [xu4 jia4] /extended leave/prolonged absence/ [xu4 zeng1] /addition/appendix/addendum/ [xu4 qu3] /to remarry/ [xu4 xian2] /to remarry (of a widow)/second wife/qin and se [qin2 se4], two s nstruments as a symbol of marital harmony/ [xu4 shu1] /sequel/continuation of a book/ [xu4 bei1] /refill (a beverage cup)/ [xu4 fa1 gan3 ran3] /secondary infection/ [xu4 pian1] /sequel/continuation (of a story)/ [xu4 qian1] /to renew a contract/contract extension/ [xu4 yue1] /to renew or extend a contract/ [xu4 bian1] /sequel/continuation (of a serial publication)/ [xu4 xu4] /continuous/on and on/running/ [xu4 hang2] /endurance/long term continuous travel or use/ [Xu4 Xi1 you2 ji4] /one of three Ming dynasty sequels to Journey to the W [xu4 ding4] /to renew/ [xu4 die1] /to continue to fall (of share prices)/ [xu4 ji2] /sequel/next episode (of TV series etc)/ [Lei2] /surname Lei/ [lei2] /rope/to bind together/to twist around/ [lei2 zhui4] /superfluous/cumbersome/a burden on sb/a nuisance to sb/to inconveni nce/to tie sb down/long-winded (of writing)/also written /also pr. [lei2 zhui5]/ [lei2 zhui4] /superfluous/cumbersome/a burden on sb/a nuisance to sb/to inconveni nce/to tie sb down/long-winded (of writing)/also written /also pr. [lei2 zhui5]/ [chan2] /to wind around/to wrap round/to coil/tangle/to involve/to bother/to ann oy/ [chan2 jia1] /to annoy/to bother/to harass/ [chan2 jia1 bu4 qing1] /to muddle things together (idiom)/to bother sb wi uddle-headed talk/ [chan2 jia1 er4 xian1 sheng5] /annoying muddle-headed person who gabb [chan2 shou3] /to tie sb down (with worries)/troublesome/knotty/sticky/ [chan2 rao3] /to harass/to disturb/ [chan2 jie2] /to coil around/knot/to entangle/ [chan2 luo4] /to wind around/to twist and turn (of road or river)/ [chan2 si1 ma3 nao3] /sardonyx (gemstone of brown-white striped chalcedon [chan2 mian2] /touching (emotions)/lingering (illness)/ [chan2 mian2 fei3 ce4] /too sad for words (idiom)/exceedingly sentimental jerker/ [chan2 rao4] /twisting/to twine/to wind/to pester/to bother/ [chan2 rao4 jing1] /vine/twining stem/ [chan2 zu2] /foot binding/ [chan2 tou2] /embroidered headband used as decoration by actors or in Hui ethnic roup/to reward an actor with brocade headband/ [lu2] /hempen thread/to dress hemp/ [ying1] /tassel/sth shaped like a tassel (e.g. a leaf etc)/ribbon/ [cai2] /a moment ago/just now/(preceded by a clause of condition or reason) not until/(followed by a numerical clause) only/ [cai2 ran2] /just recently/just a moment ago/just now/ [xiang1] /cord to hold up sleeves/

[xian1] /fine/delicate/minute/ [xian1 mi4] /close/fine/intricate/ [xian1 xiao3] /fine/delicate/ [xian1 xie4] /fine detail/ [xian1 qiao3] /delicate/dainty/ [xian1 du4] /size/ [xian1 ruo4] /fragile/delicate/ [xian1 wei1] /slight/slim/ [xian1 xi1] /detailed/fine and meticulous/ [xian1 xi1 wu2 yi2] /detailed and nothing left out (idiom); meticulous an ve/not missing an iota/ [xian1 shou3] /delicate hands/woman's tender and soft hands/ [xian1 rou2] /delicate/fine/ [xian1 mao2] /cilium/ [xian1 mao2 dong4 li4 dan4 bai2] /ciliary dynein protein/ [xian1 shou4] /slender/slim as a thread/ [xian1 xi4] /fine/slim/tender/ [xian1 wei2] /fiber/CL: [zhong3]/ [xian1 wei2 cong2] /fiber bundle (math.)/ [xian1 wei2 nang2 pao4 zheng4] /cystic fibrosis/ [xian1 wei2 zhuang4] /fibrous/ [xian1 wei2 su4] /cellulose/ [xian1 wei2 ji1 tong4] /fibromyalgia/ [xian1 wei2 jiao1] /viscose/ [xian1 wei2 dan4 bai2] /fibrous protein/ [xian1 xian1] /slim/slender/ [xian1 mei3] /exquisite/delicate and beautiful/ [xian1 yao1] /slender waistline/ [xian1 xin1] /core (of a fiber)/ [xian1 xin1 zhi2 jing4] /core diameter (of a fiber)/ [zuan3] /carry on/ [zuan3 bu4 ke3 neng2 de5 shi4] /pigs might fly (idiom)/ [luo4] /string on which coins are strung/ [xi3] /long/dangling/kerchief/rope/ [dao4] /big banner/feather banner or fan/ [lan3] /cable/hawser/to moor/ [lan3 zhuang1] /mooring bollard/ [lan3 suo3] /cable/hawser/mooring rope/ [lan3 suo3 diao4 yi3] /ski-lift/ [lan3 sheng2] /cable/hawser/mooring rope/ [lan3 che1] /cable car/ [fou3] /pottery/ [gang1] /jar/vat/classifier for loads of laundry/CL:[kou3]/ [que1] /deficiency/lack/scarce/vacant post/to run short of/ [que1 fa2] /shortage/be lacking/to be short of/to lack/scarcity/ [que1 fa2 zheng4] /clinical deficiency/ [que1 kou3] /nick/jag/gap/shortfall/ [que1 zui3] /harelip/ [que1 shi1] /deficiency/shortcoming/hiatus/ [que1 shao3] /lack/shortage of/shortfall/to be short (of)/to lack/ [que1 xi2] /absence/absent/ [que1 de2] /to be lacking in moral sense/to lack common basic respect for others/ acking in virtue/mischievous/wicked/cruel/mean/ [que1 de2 shi4] /misdeed/immoral action/wicked deed/a deliberate wrongdoing/ [que1 de2 gui3] /public nuisance/a wicked, mean spirited individual/ [que1 xin1 shao3 fei4] /brainless/stupid/ [que1 xin1 yan3] /(derogatory) having no consideration/inconsiderate/unaware s obligation/ [que1 xin1 yan3 r5] /stupid/senseless/ [que1 han4] /a regret/sth regrettable/

[que1 yang3] /lacking oxygen/anaerobic/ [que1 yang3 zheng4] /anoxia/ [que1 shui3] /water shortage/ [que1 you2] /oil shortage/ [que1 sheng3] /default (setting)/ [que1 liang2] /to lack food supplies/ [que1 xue4] /lack of blood/ [que1 yi1 shao3 shi2] /short of food and clothing/destitute/ [que1 huo4] /lack of supplies/unavailable goods/ [que1 qian2] /shortage of money/ [que1 xian4] /defect/flaw/physical defect/ [que1 e2] /vacancy/ [que1 dian3] /weak point/fault/shortcoming/CL: [ge4]/ [bo1] /small earthenware plate or basin/a monk's alms bowl/Sanskrit paatra/ [bo1 yu2] /alms bowl/ [bo1 tou2] /earthen bowl (Shanghainese)/ [ping2] /vase/bottle/pitcher/ [ying1] /earthen jar with long neck/ [qing4] /use-up/exhausted/empty/ [qing4 kui4] /used-up/exhausted/ [qing4 ran2] /well disciplined/ [qing4 jin4] /to use up entirely/ [qing4 jie2] /variant of [qing4 jie2]/ [qing4 zhu2 nan2 shu1] /so many that the bamboo slats have been exhausted crimes (idiom)/see also [qing4 bi3 nan2 shu1]/ [qing4 bi3 nan2 shu1] /too numerous to be cited (of atrocities or misdeed e also [qing4 zhu2 nan2 shu1]/ [qing4 shen1] /nudity/nakedness/ [qing4 shen1 r5] /erhua variant of [qing4 shen1]/ [xia4] /crack/grudge/ [guan4] /variant of , jar/pitcher/pot/ [tan2] /earthen jar/ [tan2 zi5] /jug (earthenware with a big belly and a small opening)/ [weng4] /variant of [weng4]/earthen jar/urn/ [ying1] /earthen jar with small mouth/ [ying1 su4] /poppy/ [ying1 su4 zhong3 zi5] /poppy seed/ [lei2] /large earthenware wine jar/ [tan2] /variant of [tan2]/ [lu2] /pile of earth to keep wine jars/ [guan4] /can/jar/pot/ [guan4 zi5] /jar/pitcher/pot/ [guan4 long2] /elevator cage (in mine)/ [guan4 zhuang1] /canned (food, coffee etc)/ [guan4 che1] /tanker truck/tanker wagon/ [guan4 tou5] /tin/can/CL: [ge4]/ [guan4 tou5 qi3 zi5] /can opener/ [wang3] /to deceive/there is none/ [han3] /rare/ [han3 you3] /to rarely have/rare/ [han3 jian4] /rare/rarely seen/ [xx5] /one of the characters used in kwukyel (phonetic "ra"), an ancient Korean writing system/ [fu2] /place name/ [gu1] /large fishing net/ [ju1] /net for catching rabbits/ [gu3] /to implicate/net for birds or fish/ [min2] /animal trap/ [gang1] /stars of the Big Dipper/ [gang1 feng1] /in Daoism, astral wind on which immortals may ride/strong wind/

[gua4] /variant of [gua4]/ [juan4] /bird catching net/to bind/to hang/ [fu2] /net for catching birds/ [yan3] /foment/valve/ [zhao4] /cover/fish trap (basket)/shade/ [zhao4 yi1] /overalls/CL:[jian4]/ [zhao4 shan1] /smock/ [zui4] /guilt/crime/fault/blame/sin/ [zui4 ren2] /sinner/ [zui4 ming2] /criminal charge/accusation/ [zui4 da4 e4 ji2] /lit. crime is great, evil extreme (idiom)/ [zui4 nie4] /sin/crime/wrongdoing/ [zui4 xing4] /sinful nature/ [zui4 e4] /crime/evil/sin/ [zui4 e4 tao1 tian1] /evil crimes fill heaven (idiom)/ [zui4 you3 ying1 de2] /guilty and deserves to be punished (idiom); entire e chastisement/the punishment fits the crime/ [zui4 an4] /a criminal case/ [zui4 fan4] /criminal/ [zui4 zhuang4] /charges or facts about a crime/nature of offense/ [zui4 jiu4] /guilt/ [Zui4 yu3 fa2] /Crime and Punishment by Dostoevsky / [zui4 xing2] /crime/offense/ [zui4 xing2 lei3 lei3] /having an extensive criminal record/weighed down [zui4 ze2] /guilt/ [zui4 guo5] /sin/offense/ [zui4 kui2] /criminal ringleader/chief culprit/fig. cause of a problem/ [zui4 kui2 huo4 shou3] /criminal ringleader, main offender (idiom); main main cause of a disaster/ [gua4] /squares of a chess board/ [yu4] /drag-net/ [zhi4] /to install/to place/to put/to buy/ [zhi4 zhi1 bu4 wen4] /to pass by without showing interest (idiom)/ [zhi4 zhi1 bu4 li3] /to pay no heed to; to ignore; to brush aside (idiom) [zhi4 zhi1 du4 wai4] /to give no thought to/to have no regard for/to disr [zhi4 zhi1 si3 di4] /to place sb on field of death/to confront with morta ive sb no way out/with one's back to the wall/looking death in the eye/part of i diom / [zhi4 zhi1 si3 di4 er2 hou4 sheng1] /place sb on field of dea ommon saying based on Sunzi's Art of War ); to fight desperately when conf l danger/fig. to find a way out of an impasse/ [zhi4 zhi1 nao3 hou4] /to banish from one's thoughts/to ignore/to take no [zhi4 yu2] /to place/to put (at or in a position)/to be located/ [zhi4 xin4] /to be confident in/confidence/to believe/ [zhi4 xin4 xi4 shu4] /confidence coefficient (math.)/ [zhi4 xin4 qu1 jian1] /confidence interval (math.)/ [zhi4 xin4 shui3 ping2] /confidence level (math.)/ [zhi4 xin4 xian4] /confidence limit (math.)/ [zhi4 huan4] /to permute/permutation (math.)/to displace/displacement/to replace/ eplacement/ [zhi4 huan4 tu1 bian4] /missense mutation/ [zhi4 huan4 qun2] /permutation group (math.)/ [zhi4 ye4] /to buy real estate/ [zhi4 yi2] /to doubt/ [zhi4 ruo4 wang3 wen2] /to turn a deaf ear to (idiom); to pretend not to [zhi4 zhuang1] /variant of [zhi4 zhuang1]/ [zhi4 zhuang1 fei4] /variant of [zhi4 zhuang1 fei4]/ [zhi4 ping2] /comment/statement/ [zhi4 zhu1 gao1 ge2] /lit. place on a high shelf/to pay no attention to ( [zhi4 mai3] /to purchase/to buy (usu. real estate)/

[zhi4 shen1] /to place oneself/to stay/ [zhi4 ban4] /to purchase/to buy/ [zhi4 bian4] /to argue/ [zhi4 ding3] /sticky (of an Internet forum thread etc)/ [fa2] /to punish/to penalize/ [fa2 feng4] /to forfeit one's salary/ [fa2 dan1] /violation ticket/infringement notice/ [fa2 kuan3] /(impose a) fine/penalty/fine (monetary)/ [fa2 qiu2] /penalty shot/penalty kick (in sports)/ [fa2 zhan4] /to be made to stand still as a punishment/ [fa2 gui4] /to punish by protracted kneeling/ [fa2 jiu3] /to drink as the result of having lost a bet/ [fa2 jin1] /fine/to forfeit/ [fa2 huan2] /a fine/ [shu3] /office/bureau/to sign/ [shu3 ming2] /to sign (a signature)/ [si1] /screen/ [ma4] /to scold/to abuse/CL:[tong4], [dun4]/ [ma4 bu4 jue2 kou3] /to scold without end (idiom); incessant abuse/ [ma4 ren2] /to swear or curse (at people)/ [ma4 ming2] /infamy/blackened name/ [ma4 ma5 lie1 lie1] /to swear while talking/to be foul-mouthed/ [ma4 jie1] /to shout abuses in the street/ [liu3] /creel/fish basket/ [ba4] /to stop/to cease/to dismiss/to suspend/to quit/to finish/ [ba5] /(final particle, same as )/ [ba4 le5] /a modal particle indicating (that's all, only, nothing much)/ [ba4 liao3] /a modal particle indicating (don't mind it, ok)/ [ba4 xiu1] /to give up/to abandon (a goal etc)/to let sth go/forget it/let the ma ter drop/ [ba4 mian3] /to remove sb from their post/to dismiss/ [ba4 guan1] /dismiss from office/ [ba4 gong1] /a strike/to go on strike/ [ba4 shi4] /protest strike by merchants/ [ba4 shou3] /to give up/ [ba4 jiao4] /teacher's strike/ [ba4 ke4] /student's strike/ [ba4 lun4] /abandoned idea/ [ba4 chu4] /to dismiss from office/to ban/to reject/ [ba4 chu4 bai3 jia1 , du2 zun1 ru2 shu4] /Dismiss the (idiom)/sole dominant ideology/ [li2] /happen to/sorrow/suffer from/ [li2 huan4] /to suffer (from an illness)/to fall ill/ [li2 huo4] /to suffer a disaster/to fall victim to misfortune/ [li2 nan4] /fatality/to die in an accident/to be killed/ [wei4] /bird net/ [ji4] /(fishing net)/woolen rug/ [zeng1] /large square net/ [tong2] /bird net/ [juan4] /variant of [juan4]/ [mi4] /cover of cloth for food/veil/ [Luo2] /surname Luo/ [luo2] /gauze/to collect/to gather/to catch/to sift/ [Luo2 Yi1 xiu4] /Luo Yixiu (1889-1910), Mao Zedong's first wife/ [Luo2 Shi4 chang1] /Luo Shichang, Qing dynasty painter/ [Luo2 bo2 si1 bi4 er3] /Robespierre (name)/Maximilien Franois Marie e (1758-1794), French revolutionary leader, enthusiastic advocate of reign of te rror 1791-1794/ [Luo2 bo2 te4] /Robert (name)/ [Luo2 bo2 te4 Bo2 en1 si1] /Robert Burns (1759-1796), Scott

[Luo2 bo2 te4 Fu2 luo4 si1 te4] /Robert Frost (1874-196 [Luo2 bo2 te4 Lu4 yi4 si1 Si1 di4 wen land [Jin1 yin2 Dao3]/ [Luo2 bo2 ci2] /Roberts/ [Luo1 bo2 xun4] /Robertson (name)/ [Luo2 Bao3 ming2] /Luo Baoming (1952-), sixth governor of Hainan/ [luo2 lun2 si1] /Lawrence (city in Kansas, USA)/ [Luo2 jie2] /Roger/ [Luo2 jie2 si1] /Rogers/ [Luo2 qie1 si1 te4] /Rochester/ [luo2 lie4] /to spread out/ [luo2 cha4] /demon in Buddhism/poltergeist in temple that plays tricks on monks a d has a taste for their food/ [luo2 le4] /sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum)/ [luo2 kou3] /rib collar/rib top of socks/ [luo2 suo1] /long-winded/wordy/ [luo2 zao4] /to create a disturbance/to make trouble/to harass/ [luo2 hou2] /variant of [luo2 hou2]/ [luo1 suo5] /long-winded/wordy/troublesome/ [Luo2 Jia1 liang2] /Gallen Lo (1962-), Hong Kong actor and singer/ [luo2 quan1] /round frame of a sieve/ [luo2 quan1 r5] /erhua variant of , round frame of a sieve/ [luo2 quan1 r5 yi1] /to bow around with hands joined (to people on all si [luo2 quan1 tui3] /bow-legged/bandy-legged/ [luo2 cheng2] /a second wall built around a city wall/ [Luo2 cheng2 Mu4 lao3 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Luocheng Mulao , Guangxi/ [Luo2 cheng2 xian4] /Luocheng Mulao autonomous county in Hezhou [He4 [Luo2 sai1 ta3 Shi2 bei1] /Rosetta Stone/ [Luo2 mu3 ren2] /Romani, an ethnic group of Europe/ [luo1 mu3 jiu3] /rum/ [Luo2 shan1] /Roxanne or Roxane or Rosanna(name)/ [Luo2 an1 da2] /Luanda, capital of Angola/ [Luo2 ding4] /Luoding county level city in Yunfu [Yun2 fu2], Guangdong/ [Luo2 ding4 shi4] /Luoding county level city in Yunfu [Yun2 fu2], Gu [luo2 jia1 ying1] /Law Kar-Ying (1947-), Hong Kong actor/ [Luo2 mi4 ou1] /Romeo (name)/ [Luo2 mi4 ou1 yu3 Zhu1 li4 ye4] /Romeo and Juliet, 1594 trage [Luo2 shan1] /Luoshan county in Xinyang , Henan/ [Luo2 shan1 xian4] /Luoshan county in Xinyang , Henan/ [Luo2 ba1 qie4 fu1 si1 ji1] /Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky (1793rers of non-Euclidean geometry/ [luo2 bu4] /to display/to spread out/to distribute/old spelling of , rou currency/ [Luo2 bu4 lin2 ka3] /Norbulingka (Tibetan: precious garden), summer resid Lamas in Lhasa, Tibet/ [Luo2 bu4 bo2] /Lop Nor, salt lake and nuclear testing site in Xinjiang/ [luo2 bu4 ma2] /dogbane (Apocynum venetum), leaves used in traditional Chines ine/ [Luo2 ping2] /Luoping county in Qujing [Qu3 jing4], Yunnan/ [Luo2 ping2 xian4] /Luoping county in Qujing [Qu3 jing4], Yunnan/ [luo2 shi4 ji3 he2] /Lobachevsky's non-Euclidean geometry/ [Luo2 de2 dao3] /Rhode Island, US state/ [Luo2 de2 dao3 zhou1] /Rhode Island, US state/ [Luo2 de2 si1 dao3] /Rhodes, mediterranean island/ [Luo2 che4 si1 te4] /Rochester/ [Luo2 Zhi4 xiang2] /Luo Zhixiang or Show Luo or Alan Luo (1979-), Taiwanese p / [Luo2 Mao4 deng1] /Luo Maodeng (16th century), Ming author of operas and popu tion/

[luo2 la1] /roller (loanword)/ [luo2 bai4] /to line up to pay homage/ [luo2 jue2] /to scrape around for money/hard pressed for cash/cf r rats (idiom)/ [Luo2 mo2 yan3 na3] /the Ramayana (Indian epic)/ [Luo2 mo2 nuo4 suo3 fu1] /Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov (1711-1765), ist and polymath/ [Luo2 mo2 nuo4 suo3 fu1 shan1 ji3] /Lomonosov ridge (in the A [Luo2 wen2] /Roman Tam (1949-), Canto-pop singer/ [Luo2 si1] /Roth (name)/Kenneth Roth (1955-), executive director of Human Rights atch [Ren2 quan2 Guan1 cha2]/ [Luo2 si1 tuo1 ke4] /Rostock/ [Luo2 si1 tuo1 fu1] /Rostov-on-Don, Russian river port and regional capit ea of Azov (north of the Black Sea)/ [Luo2 si1 nie4 fu1] /Rosneft (Russian state oil company)/ [Luo2 si1 fu2] /Roosevelt (name)/Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919), US President 909/Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945), US President 1933-1945/ [luo2 man4 shi3] /romance/love affair/more commonly written / [luo2 man4 shi3] /romance (loanword)/love affair/ [luo2 man4 si1] /romance (loanword)/ [luo2 man4 di4 ke4] /romantic (loanword)/ [Luo2 man4 yu3 zu2] /Romance language family/ [Luo2 man4 nuo4] /Romano (name)/ [Luo2 dong1] /Luodong or Lotong town in Yilan county [Yi2 lan2 xian4 [Luo2 dong1 zhen4] /Luodong or Lotong town in Yilan county [Yi2 [Luo2 ge2] /Logue or Rogge (name)/Jacques Rogge, president of International Olymp c Committee (IOC)/ [Luo2 Rong2 huan2] /Luo Ronghuan/ [Luo2 shi4] /Roche/F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd/ [luo2 shi4 ji3 he2] /Lobachevsky's non-Euclidean geometry/ [Luo2 shui3] /name of a river, the northern tributary of Miluo river [Luo2 jiang1] /Luojiang county in Deyang [De2 yang2], Sichuan/ [Luo2 jiang1 xian4] /Luojiang county in Deyang [De2 yang2], Sichuan/ [Luo2 fu2 gong1] /Le Louvre, Paris Museum/more common simp. form [Luo2 fu2 shan1] /Mt Luofushan in Zengcheng county, Guangdong/ [Luo2 hu2] /Luohu district of Shenzhen City , Guangdong/ [Luo2 hu2 qu1] /Luohu district of Shenzhen City , Guangdong/ [Luo2 yuan2] /Luoyuan county in Fuzhou [Fu2 zhou1], Fujian/ [Luo2 yuan2 xian4] /Luoyuan county in Fuzhou [Fu2 zhou1], Fujian/ [luo2 han4] /abbr. for [A1 luo2 han4]/ [luo2 han4 quan2] /Luohan Quan - "Arhat Boxing - Martial Art/ [luo2 han4 guo3] /sweet fruit of Siraitia grosvenorii (formerly Momordica gro , a gourd of the Curcubitaceae family), grown in Guangxi and used in Chinese med icine/ [luo2 han4 bing4] /snail fever (bilharzia or schistosomiasis), disease caused istosome parasitic flatworm/ [luo2 han4 dou4] /broad bean (Vicia faba)/fava bean/same as / [luo2 han4 yu2] /flowerhorn cichlid/ [Luo2 jie2 ai4 er3 zhi1] /Raziel, archangel in Judaism/ [Luo2 er3 ding4 li3] /Rolle's theorem (in calculus)/ [Luo2 er3 si1 Luo2 yi1 si1] /Rolls-Royce (UK company)/also [Luo2 lin2] /Rowling (name)/Joanne Kathleen Rowling (1965-), author of the Harry otter series of novels/ [Luo2 tian2] /Luotian county in Huanggang [Huang2 gang1], Hubei/ [Luo2 tian2 xian4] /Luotian county in Huanggang [Huang2 gang1], Hube [Luo2 dian4] /Luodian county in Qiannan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture an2 zhou1], Guizhou/ [Luo2 dian4 xian4] /Luodian county in Qiannan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefe n2 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ [luo2 zao4] /to create a disturbance/to make trouble/to harass/

[Luo2 Cheng2 jiao4] /Luo Chengjiao (1931-1952), PRC hero of the volunteer arm rea/ [luo2 pan2] /compass/ [luo2 pan2 du4] /roulette/ [luo2 pan2 zuo4] /Pyxis (constellation)/ [luo2 hou2] /the intersection of the Moon's orbit with the ecliptic in Vedic astr nomy (Sanskrit rahu)/ [luo2 wen2] /rib (in fabric)/ribbed pattern/ [Luo2 na4] /Rhone, river of Switzerland and France/ [Luo2 na4 he2] /Rhone, river of Switzerland and France/ [Luo2 na4 er3 duo1] /Ronaldo (name)/Cristiano Ronaldo (1985-), Portuguese r/ [Luo2 su4] /Russell (name)/Bertrand Arthur William, 3rd Earl Russell (1872-1970), British logician, rationalist philosopher and pacifist/ [Luo2 suo3] /Roseau, capital of Dominica/ [luo2 jing1] /compass/same as / [luo2 wang3] /net/fishing net/bird net/ [luo2 duan4] /ribbed/ [luo2 zhi4] /to employ/to recruit (talented personnel)/to gather together (a team / [luo2 lu:3 ji4 cun2] /to record and preserve/ [luo2 zhi1] /to frame sb/to cook up imaginary charges against sb/ [luo2 le4] /sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum)/same as / [Luo2 zhuang1] /Luozhuang district of Linyi city [Lin2 yi2 shi4], Sh [Luo2 zhuang1 qu1] /Luozhuang district of Linyi city [Lin2 yi2 s [Luo2 sha1] /Rosa (name)/ [Luo2 lan2] /Roland (name)/ [Luo2 ne4 he2] /Rhone river, France/ [Luo2 yu3] /Romanian language/ [Luo2 Guan4 zhong1] /Luo Guanzhong (c. 1330-c. 1400), author of the Romance o hree Kingdoms and other works/ [Luo2 bin1 han4] /Robin Hood (English 12th century folk hero)/ [Luo2 bin1 xun4] /Robinson (name)/ [luo2 guo1] /humpbacked (e.g. a bridge)/in the form of an arch/a hunchback/ [luo2 guo1 r5] /erhua variant of , humpbacked (e.g. a bridge)/in the hunchback/ [luo2 guo1 r5 qiao2] /a humpback bridge/ [luo2 que4 jue2 shu3] /lit. to net birds and dig for rats (idiom); fig. h or cash/on the verge of bankruptcy/ [Luo2 xiao1 Shan1] /Luoxiao Mountains, mountain range straddling the border b Jiangxi and Hunan/ [Luo2 ma3] /Rome/ [Luo2 ma3 gong1 jiao4] /the Roman Catholic Church/ [luo2 ma3 hua4] /romanization/ [luo2 ma3 zi4] /the Latin alphabet/ [Luo2 ma3 zi4 mu3] /Roman letters/Roman alphabet/ [Luo2 ma3 ni2 ya4] /Romania/ [Luo2 ma3 Di4 guo2] /Roman Empire (27 BC-476 AD)/ [Luo2 ma3 jiao4 ting2] /the Church (as Royal Court)/the Holy See/the Vati [Luo2 ma3 shu4 zi4] /Roman numerals/ [Luo2 ma3 shu1] /Epistle of St Paul to the Romans/ [Luo2 ma3 fa3] /Roman law/ [Luo2 ma3 nuo4] /Romano (name)/ [Luo2 ma3 li3 ao4] /Romrio/ [pi2] /brown bear/ [pi2 hu3] /fierce animals/ [ji1] /variant of [ji1]/ [ji1] /bridle/halter/to restrain/to detain/to lodge/inn/ [ji1 ya1] /detention/imprisonment/ [ji1 lu:3] /to live abroad/to be traveling/traveler/

[ji1 liu2] /to stay/to detain/ [ji1 ban4] /trammels/fetters/yoke/to restrain/to hinder/restraint/ [Yang2] /surname Yang/ [yang2] /sheep/CL: [tou2], [zhi1]/ [Yang2 zhuo2 cuo4] /Yamdroktso lake in central Tibet/ [yang2 nai3] /sheep's milk/ [yang2 nian2] /Year of the Ram (e.g. 2003)/ [yang2 guai4] /faun, half-goat half-human creature of Greek mythology/ [yang2 guai3] /children's game, similar to knucklebones/ [yang2 pai2] /lamb chop/ [yang2 tao2] /variant of [yang2 tao2]/carambola/star fruit/ [yang2 zhan4] /sheep or goat pen/ [yang2 mao2] /fleece/wool/woolen/ [yang2 mao2 chu1 zai4 yang2 shen1 shang4] /lit. wool comes fr e gets the benefit, but the price has been paid./Nothing comes for free./ [yang2 mao2 tan3] /woolen blanket/ [yang2 mao2 xian4] /knitting wool/wool yarn/ [yang2 mao2 zhi1] /lanolin/wool oil/ [yang2 shui3] /amniotic fluid/ [yang2 shui3 chuan1 ci4] /amniocentesis (used in Taiwan)/ [yang2 you2] /sheep's fat/suet/mutton tallow/ [yang2 nan2] /goat-man/faun of Greek mythology/ [yang2 sao4 yang3 bing4] /scrapie (prion disease of sheep)/ [yang2 sao4 yang3 zheng4] /scrapie (prion disease of sheep)/ [yang2 yang3 yi4] /scrapie (prion disease of sheep)/ [yang2 pi2] /sheepskin/ [yang2 pi2 zhi3] /parchment/ [yang2 gao1] /lamb/ [yang2 qun2] /flock of sheep/ [Yang2 geng1] /Yokan/ [yang2 rou4] /mutton/ [yang2 rou4 chuan4] /lamb kebab/ [yang2 rou4 pao4 mo2] /mutton and bread soup (a specialty of Shaanxi cuis [yang2 rou4 xian4] /minced mutton/ [yang2 chang2 xiao3 jing4] /winding road (twisting and turning like a she e)/ [yang2 chang2 xiao3 dao4] /road as twisty as sheep's intestine (idiom); n ding road/fig. complicated and tricky job/ [yang2 mo2] /amniotic (fluid)/amnion/ [yang2 mo2 chuan1 ci4 shu4] /amniocentesis/ [yang2 jiao3 bao1] /croissant/ [Yang2 jiao3 cun1] /Giethoorn (city in the Netherlands)/ [yang2 jiao3 feng1] /variant of [yang2 jiao3 feng1]/ [yang2 jiao3 qin2] /ground-elder (Aegopodium podagraria)/ [yang2 jiao3 dou4] /okra (Hibiscus esculentus)/lady's fingers/ [yang2 jiao3 feng1] /epilepsy/ [yang2 jiao3 mian4 bao1] /croissant/ [yang2 chu4 fan1 li2] /lit. billy goat's horns caught in the fence (idiom Changes ); impossible to advance or to retreat/without any way out of a dilemma/t apped/in an impossible situation/ [yang2 tou2] /sheep's head/fig. advertisement for good meat/ [yang2 tuo2] /alpaca/ [Mi3] /surname Mi/ [mi3] /to bleat (of a sheep)/ [Qiang1] /Qiang ethnic group of northwestern Sichuan/surname Qiang/ [qiang1] /muntjac/grammar particle indicating nonsense (classical)/ [Qiang1 zu2] /Qiang ethnic group, nowadays esp. in north Sichuan/ [qiang1 wu2 gu4 shi2] /to have no basis in fact (idiom)/ [Qiang1 di2] /Qiang flute/ [qiang1 jiu4] /sea eagle/CL: [zhi1]/

[Mei3] /the Americas/abbr. for [Mei3 zhou1]/USA/abbr. for [Mei3 guo2]/ [mei3] /beautiful/very satisfactory/good/to be pleased with oneself/ [mei3 bu4 sheng4 shou1] /nothing more beautiful can be imagined (idiom)/ [Mei3 Zhong1] /USA-China/ [mei3 zhong1 bu4 zu2] /everything is fine except for one small defect (id in the ointment/ [mei3 nai3 zi1 jiang4] /mayonnaise/ [mei3 ren2] /beauty/belle/ [mei3 ren2 jiao1] /canna or Indian shot (genus Canna)/ [mei3 ren2 ji4] /sex trap/sexual entrapment/CL: [tiao2]/ [mei3 ren2 yu2] /mermaid/ [mei3 ta1 sha1 tong2] /metaxalone/ [mei3 yi3 mei3] /Methodist (Christian sect)/ [Mei3 yuan2] /American dollar/US dollar/ [Mei3 fen1] /one cent (United States coin)/ [Mei3 li4 jian1] /America/ [Mei3 li4 jian1 He2 zhong4 guo2] /United States of America/ [mei3 li4 nu2 yang2] /merino (breed of sheep)/ [Mei3 Jia1] /US and Canada (abbr.)/ [mei3 hua4] /to make more beautiful/to decorate/embellishment/ [mei3 ming2] /good name or reputation/ [mei3 wei4] /delicious/delicious food/delicacy/ [mei3 shan4] /beautiful and good/ [Mei3 yin1 ci2] /Mainz (city in Germany)/ [Mei3 guo2] /United States/USA/US/ [Mei3 guo2 zhi1 yin1] /Voice of America (VOA)/ [Mei3 guo2 jiao1 hui4] /abbr. for , [Mei3 guo2 ren2] /American/American person/American people/CL: [ge4]/ [Mei3 guo2 ren2 min2] /the American people/ [Mei3 guo2 yi3 wai4] /except for the US/ [mei3 guo2 lao3] /an American (derogatory)/a Yankee/ [Mei3 guo2 Ou3 xiang4] /American Idol, US singing competition television [Mei3 guo2 quan2 guo2 guang3 bo1 gong1 si1] /National Bro [Mei3 guo2 can1 yi4 yuan4] /United States Senate/ [Mei3 guo2 Guo2 wu4 yuan4] /US Department of State/ [Mei3 guo2 Guo2 jia1 Zhen1 cha2 ju2] /National Reconnaissance [Mei3 guo2 guo2 jia1 hang2 tian1 hang2 kong1 ju2] /Na /NASA/ [Mei3 guo2 Guo2 jia1 Hang2 kong1 Hang2 tian1 ju2] /NA ration, agency of US government/ [Mei3 guo2 guo2 hui1] /the Great Seal of the United States/ [Mei3 guo2 guo2 hui4] /US Congress/ [Mei3 guo2 Guo2 ji4 Ji2 tuan2] /American International Group/ [Mei3 guo2 Zai4 xian4] /America Online (AOL)/ [Mei3 guo2 di4 zhi4 ju2] /United States geological survey (USGS)/ [Mei3 guo2 di4 zhi4 diao4 cha2 ju2] /United States geological [mei3 guo2 cun2 tuo1 ping2 zheng4] /American depository receipt ( [Mei3 guo2 yu3 hang2 ju2] /US National Aeronautics and Space Administ [Mei3 guo2 guang3 bo1 gong1 si1] /ABC (American Broadcasting Corp [Mei3 guo2 Zui4 gao1 Fa3 yuan4] /Supreme Court of the United Stat [Mei3 guo2 you3 xian4 xin1 wen2 wang3] /Cable Network News/CN [Mei3 guo2 Hai3 an4 Jing3 wei4 dui4] /United States Coast Gua [Mei3 guo2 du2 li4 zhan4 zheng1] /American war of independence (1 [Mei3 guo2 Zhong4 yi4 yuan4] /United States House of Representatives/ [Mei3 guo2 Lian2 zhun3] /American Federal Reserve/ [Mei3 guo2 lian2 bang1 chu3 bei4] /US Federal Reserve (Fed), the [Mei3 guo2 lian2 bang1 hang2 kong1 ju2] /Federal Aviation Aut [Mei3 guo2 neng2 yuan2 bu4] /US Department of Energy (DOE)/ [Mei3 guo2 Hang2 kong1] /American Airlines/ [Mei3 guo2 hang2 kong1 gong1 si1] /American Airlines/

[Mei3 guo2 zheng4 quan4 jiao1 yi4 wei3 yuan2 hui4] /U [Mei3 guo2 zi1 xun4 jiao1 huan4 biao1 zhun3 ma3] /ASC Interchange/ [Mei3 guo2 jun1 ren2] /American serviceman/US soldier/ [Mei3 guo2 yun4 tong1] /American Express Co. (AmEx)/ [Mei3 guo2 Dian4 hua4 Dian4 bao4 Gong1 si1] /AT&T/ [Mei3 guo2 wu3 shi2 yi1 qu1] /Area 51, USA/ [Mei3 yuan2] /US dollar/ [mei3 meng4 cheng2 zhen1] /a dream come true/ [mei3 nu:3] /beautiful woman/ [mei3 hao3] /beautiful/fine/ [mei3 miao4] /beautiful/wonderful/splendid/ [Mei3 gu1] /Meigu county in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture hou1], south Sichuan/ [Mei3 gu1 he2] /Meigu River in south Sichuan/ [Mei3 gu1 xian4] /Meigu county in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture i4 zhou1], south Sichuan/ [mei3 xue2] /aesthetics/ [Mei3 yu3 hang2 ju2] /US National Aeronautics and Space Administration/NA [mei3 rong2] /to improve one's appearance (using cosmetics or cosmetic surgery)/t make oneself more attractive/to beautify/ [mei3 rong2 nu:3] /hair dresser (female)/beautician/ [mei3 rong2 shi1] /hair dresser/beautician (male)/ [mei3 rong2 dian4] /beauty salon/CL:[jia1]/ [mei3 rong2 shou3 shu4] /cosmetic surgery/ [mei3 rong2 jiao4] /beauty sleep (before midnight)/ [mei3 rong2 yuan4] /beauty salon/lady's hair parlor/ [mei3 ni2 er3 bing4] /Meniere's disease (loss of balance after stroke)/ [Mei3 shu3 Wei2 er3 jing1 Qun2 dao3] /United States Virgin Is [mei3 gong1] /art design/art designer/ [mei3 chai1] /cushy job/pleasant task/ [mei3 chai1 shi4] /a terrific job/ [Mei3 shi4] /American style/ [Mei3 shi4 gan3 lan3 qiu2] /American football/ [Mei3 shi4 zu2 qiu2] /American football/ [Mei3 De2] /USA and Germany/ [mei3 de2] /virtue/ [mei3 gan3] /sense of beauty/aesthetic perception/ [Mei3 Ri4] /US-Japan/ [mei3 jing3] /beautiful scenery/ [Mei3 zhi4 zi3] /Empress Michiko of Japan/ [Mei3 Chao2] /US and North Korea/ [Mei3 dong1 shi2 jian1] /USA Eastern Standard Time/ [Mei3 lin2 ji2 tuan2] /Merrill Lynch/ [Mei3 Ou1] /US and EU/America-Europe/ [Mei3 zhi1 yuan2] /Minute Maid/ [mei3 sha1 tong2] /methadone/ [mei3 luo4 xi1 kang1] /meloxicam (anti-inflammatory drug)/ [Mei3 zhou1] /the Americas/ [Mei3 zhou1 wu4 ying1] /condor/American bald eagle/ [Mei3 zhou1 Guo2 jia1 Zu3 zhi1] /Organization of American States/ [Mei3 zhou1 da4 lu4] /the Americas/North and South American continents/ [Mei3 zhou1 shi1] /cougar/mountain lion/puma/ [Mei3 zhou1 hu3] /jaguar/ [mei3 zhou1 bao4] /panther/ [Mei3 xi1] /Meixi district of Yichun city [Yi1 chun1 shi4], Heilongjiang/ [Mei3 xi1 qu1] /Meixi district of Yichun city [Yi1 chun1 shi4], Heilong [mei3 zi1 zi1] /very happy/elated/ [mei3 man3] /happy/blissful/ [Mei3 nong2] /Meinung town in Kaohsiung county [Gao1 xiong2 xian4],

[Mei3 nong2 zhen4] /Meinung town in Kaohsiung county [Gao1 xiong n/ [mei3 yu4] /a gem/ [Mei3 Ling2] /Mei Ling (girl's name)/Zhou Meiling (1969-), Taiwanese gay f or/ [mei3 jia3] /manicure and-or pedicure/ [mei3 bai2] /skin whitening/ [Mei3 di2] /Midea (brand)/ [mei3 mian3] /captivating glance/ [mei3 mei2] /pretty girl (colloquial)/ [mei3 shi2] /precious stone/jewel/ [Mei3 shen2] /Goddess of beauty/ [mei3 lu4] /Nestl Milo milk drink (popular in Hong Kong)/ [mei3 cheng1] /laudatory title/good name/ [Mei3 ji2] /US citizenship/having American nationality/ [Mei3 suo3 bu4 da2 mi3 ya4] /Mesopotamia/ [Mei3 lian2 chu3] /US Federal Reserve (Fed), the US central bank/ [Mei3 lian2 she4] /Associated Press (AP)/ [mei3 se4] /charm/loveliness (of a woman)/ [Mei3 Ying1] /US and UK/Anglo-American/ [mei3 lan2] /methylene blue/ [Mei3 Su1] /American-Soviet (tension, rapprochement etc)/ [Mei3 lan2] /Meilan district of Haikou city [Hai3 kou3 shi4], Hainan/ [Mei3 lan2 qu1] /Meilan district of Haikou city [Hai3 kou3 shi4], Haina [mei3 shu4] /art/fine arts/painting/CL: [zhong3]/ [mei3 shu4 shi3] /history of art/ [mei3 shu4 pin3] /an art object/ [mei3 shu4 guan3] /art gallery/ [Mei3 zhi4] /American made/ [mei3 guan1] /pleasing to the eye/beautiful/artistic/ [Mei3 yu3] /American English/ [mei3 yu4] /fame/good reputation/famous for sth/ [mei3 mao4] /good-looking/ [Mei3 jun1] /US army/US armed forces/ [mei3 lun2 mei3 huan4] /splendid and magnificent houses (idiom); a sumptu [Mei3 jin1] /US dollar/USD/ [mei3 shi2] /culinary delicacy/fine food/gourmet food/ [mei3 shi2 jia1] /gourmet/ [mei3 zhuan4] /delicacy/ [mei3 ti3 xiao3 pu4] /Body shop (UK cosmetics company)/ [mei3 fa4] /hairdressing/beauty treatment/ [mei3 fa4 shi1] /hairdresser/beautician/ [mei3 li4] /beautiful/ [Mei3 li4 Xin1 Shi4 jie4] /Brave New World, novel by Aldous Huxley [you3] /to lead/ [gao1] /lamb/ [gao1 pi2] /lambskin/kid leather/ [gao1 yang2] /sheep/lamb/ [gu3] /black ewe/ [qiang1] /variant of [qiang1]/ [ling2] /antelope/ [ling2 niu2] /takin (type of goat-antelope)/ [ling2 yang2] /antelope/CL: [zhi1]/ [zhu4] /five-month-old lamb/ [di1] /billy goat/ram/ [di1 yang2 chu4 fan1] /lit. billy goat's horns caught in the fence (idiom Changes ); impossible to advance or to retreat/without any way out of a dilemma/t apped/in an impossible situation/ [xiu1] /shy/ashamed/shame/bashful/variant of [xiu1]/delicacies/ [xiu1 kou3 nan2 kai1] /to be too embarrassed for words (idiom)/

[xiu1 qie4] /shy/timid/ [xiu1 qie4 cheng2 nu4] /to feel ashamed to the point of annoyance (idiom) [xiu1 chi3] /(a feeling of) shame/ [xiu1 kui4] /ashamed/ [xiu1 kui4 nan2 dang1] /to feel ashamed (idiom)/ [xiu1 can2] /a disgrace/ashamed/ [xiu1 fen4] /ashamed and resentful/indignant/ [xiu1 yu2 qi3 chi3] /to be too shy to speak one's mind (idiom)/ [xiu1 se4] /shy/bashful/ [xiu1 hong2] /to blush/ [xiu1 ru3] /to baffle/to humiliate/shame/dishonor/humiliation/ [rong2] /wool of sheep/ [qun2] /variant of [qun2]/ [qun2] /group/crowd/flock, herd, pack etc/ [qun2 jian4] /collaborative software/ [qun2 ju1] /to live together (in a large group or flock)/ [qun2 shan1] /mountains/a range of hills/ [qun2 feng1] /the peaks of a mountain range/ [qun2 dao3] /group of islands/archipelago/ [qun2 dao3 hu2] /island arc (geology)/ [qun2 jia4] /group scuffle/gang fight/ [Qun2 hou2 hou2 zu2] /Qauqaut, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan/ [qun2 zhong4] /mass/multitude/the masses/ [qun2 zhong4 tuan2 ti3] /mass organizations/ [qun2 zhong4 da4 hui4] /mass rally/ [qun2 zhong4 xing4] /to do with the masses/mass (meeting, movement etc)/ [qun2 zhong4 zu3 zhi1] /communal organization/ [qun2 zu3] /group/cohort/cluster/ [qun2 hua1] /blossom/ [qun2 fang1] /all flowers/all beauties/all talents/ [qun2 ying1 hui4] /distinguished gathering/a meeting of heroes/ [qun2 ying1 bi4 ji2] /all the heroes assembled (idiom)/ [qun2 luo4] /biocoenosis/ecological community/ [qun2 zhong4 lu4 xian4] /The Mass Line, Communist Party of China (CPC) po broadening and cultivating contacts with the masses/ [qun2 lun4] /group theory (math.)/ [qun2 qi3 er2 gong1 zhi1] /the masses rise to attack it (idiom); Ever idea./universally abhorrent/ [qun2 xiong2] /outstanding heroes/warlords vying for supremacy (in former times)/ tars (of sports or pop music)/ [qun2 xiong2 zhu2 lu4] /great heroes pursue deer in the central plains (i any vie for supremacy/ [qun2 fei1] /to fly as a flock/to flock together/ [Qun2 ma3 xian4] /Gumma prefecture in northern Japan/ [qun2 ti3] /community/colony/ [qiang3] /hydroxyl (radical)/ [qiang3 ji1] /hydroxyl group -OH/ [qiang3 ji1 ding1 suan1] /gamma-Hydroxybutyric acid, GHB/ [qiang3 ji1 lin2 hui1 shi2] /hydroxy-apatite (phosphatic lime deposit [qiang3 zi4 you2 ji1] /hydroxyl radical/ [suo1] /carboxyl radical (chemistry)/ [suo1 ji1] /carboxyl group -COOH/ [suo1 ji1 suan1] /carboxylic acid/ [suo1 jia3 si1 tan3] /carbocysteine/ [suo1 suan1] /carboxylic acid/ [xian4] /to envy/ [xian4 mu4] /to envy/to admire/ [yi4] /justice/righteousness/meaning/ [yi4 zhi1 suo3 zai4] /justice is to be found everywhere (idiom)/ [yi4 ren2] /righteous man/

[yi4 yong3] /courageous/righteous and courageous/ [yi4 yong3 jun1] /volunteer army/ [Yi4 yong3 jun1 Jin4 xing2 qu3] /March of the Volunteer Army/ [yi4 wu4] /duty/obligation/commitment/volunteer duty/CL: [xiang4]/mandatory/v y/ [yi4 wu4 gong1 zuo4 zhe3] /volunteer/voluntary worker/ [yi4 wu4 jiao4 yu4] /compulsory education/ [yi4 he2 luan4] /the Boxer uprising/ [yi4 he2 tuan2] /the righteous harmonious fists/the Boxers (history)/ [Yi4 he2 tuan2 Yun4 dong4] /Boxer Rebellion/ [yi4 he2 quan2] /the righteous harmonious fists/the Boxers (history)/ [yi4 shi4] /high-minded and righteous person/patriot/loyalist/ [Yi4 da4 li4] /Italy/Italian/also written [Yi4 da4 li4]/ [yi4 xue2] /free school (old)/ [yi4 gong1] /volunteer worker/volunteer work/ [yi4 nu4] /righteous anger/ [yi4 fen4] /righteous indignation/moral indignation/ [yi4 fen4 tian2 xiong1] /righteous indignation fills one's breast (idiom) ignant at injustice/ [yi4 fen4 tian2 ying1] /righteous indignation fills one's breast (idiom); gnant at injustice/ [yi4 mu3] /foster-mother/ [yi4 qi4] /spirit of loyalty and self-sacrifice/code of brotherhood/also pr. [yi4 qi5]/ [yi4 yan3] /benefit performance/charity show/ [Yi4 wu1] /Yiwu county level city in Jinhua [Jin1 hua2], Zhejiang/ [Yi4 wu1 shi4] /Yiwu county level city in Jinhua [Jin1 hua2], Zhejia [yi4 wu2 fan3 gu4] /honor does not allow one to glance back (idiom); duty turn back/no surrender/to pursue justice with no second thoughts/ [yi4 fu4] /foster-father/ [yi4 fu4 mu3] /foster-parents/adoptive parents/ [yi4 li3] /doctrine (esp. religious)/argumentation (in a speech or essay)/ [Yi4 zhu2] /Yizhu or Ichu township in Chiayi county [Jia1 yi4 xian4] [Yi4 zhu2 xiang1] /Yizhu or Ichu township in Chiayi county [Jia1 [yi4 jie2 jin1 lan2] /to be close friends/ [Yi4 xian4] /Yi county in Jinzhou , Liaoning/ [Yi4 xian4 long2] /Yixianosaurus, genus of theropod dinosaur from Yi county st Liaoning/ [yi4 zhi1] /artificial limb/prosthesis/ [yi4 xing2] /righteous deed/ [yi4 jing3] /vigilante/volunteer (police)/ [yi4 mai4] /jumble sale (for good cause)/charity bazaar/ [yi4 mai4 hui4] /bazaar/ [yi4 jun1] /volunteer army/ [Yi4 ma3] /Yima county level city in Sanmenxia [San1 men2 xia2], Hen [Yi4 ma3 shi4] /Yima county level city in Sanmenxia [San1 men2 x [yu2] /black ram/ [geng1] /variant of [geng1]/ [jie2] /ram, esp. gelded/to castrate/deer's skin/Jie people, originally a branch of the Tokhara [Yue4 zhi1]/also general term for non-Han people/ [Jie2 zu2] /Jie people, originally a branch of the Tokhara [Yue4 zhi1]/ [jie2 yang2] /wether (castrated ram)/ [Jie2 hu2] /Jie people, originally a branch of the Tokhara [Yue4 zhi1]/ [jie2 gu3] /double ended skin drum with a narrow waist/ [jie2 gu3 cui1 hua1] /drumming to make apricots flower, cf joke by Tang E ong , playing the drum in apricot blossom/ [tang1] /carbonyl (radical)/ [yuan2] /ovis ammon/ [Xi1] /same as Fuxi , a mythical emperor/surname Xi/ [xi1 huang2 shang4 ren2] /lit. a person before the legendary emperor Fuxi

ges immemorial/fig. untroubled person/ [fen3] /spirit/ [shan1] /rank odor (of sheep or goats)/ [lei2] /entangled/lean/ [lei2 ruo4] /frail/weak/ [geng1] /soup/ [geng1 tang1] /soup/ [geng1 li2 han2 qiu3] /nothing but herb soup and dry provisions to eat (i vive on a coarse diet/ la guerre comme la guerre/ [geng1 li2 han1 qiu3] /nothing but herb soup and dry provisions to eat (i vive on a coarse diet/ la guerre comme la guerre/ [chan4] /to mix/to blend/to dilute/to adulterate/ [chan4 shui3] /to mix with water (wine)/to adulterate/ [chan4 za2] /to mix/to blend/to dilute/to adulterate/mingled/mongrel/ [yu3] /feather/5th note in pentatonic scale/ [yu3 guan1] /feathered crest (of bird)/ [yu3 hua4] /levitation (of Daoist immortal)/to become as light as a feather and a cend to heaven/(in Daoism) to become immortal/to die/of winged insects, to emerg e from the cocoon in adult form/eclosion/ [yu3 ke4] /Daoist priest/ [yu3 lin2] /armed escort/ [yu3 mao2] /feather/plumage/plume/ [yu3 mao2 qiu2] /shuttlecock/badminton/CL: [ge4]/ [yu3 mao2 qiu2 chang3] /badminton court/ [yu3 mao2 bi3] /quill pen/ [yu3 mao2 duan4] /camlet (silk fabric)/ [yu3 liu2] /plume/ [yu3 zhuang4 fu4 ye4] /bipinnate leaf (in phyllotaxy)/ [Yu3 tian2] /Haneda airport, Tokyo/ [yu3 rong2] /down (soft feathers)/ [yu3 rong2 fu2] /down-filled garment/ [yu3 duan4] /camlet (silk fabric)/ [yu3 yi4 feng1 man3] /fully fledged/ [yu3 jing1] /quill/ [yu3 lie4] /pinnation (splitting of leaves into lobes)/ [yu3 sai1 tai2] /Indian mackerel/ [Yi4] /surname Yi/name of legendary archer/also written [Hou4 Yi4]/ [chong1] /soar/ [Weng1] /surname Weng/ [weng1] /elderly man/father/father-in-law/neck feathers of a bird (old)/ [Weng1 an1 xian4] /Weng'an county in Qiannan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefec [Weng1 shan1] /Aung san (1915-1947), Burmese general and politician, hero of Myan ar independence movement and father of opposition leader Aung san Su ji /also writt n / [Weng1 shan1 Su1 ji1] /Aung san Suu kyi (1945-), Myanmar opposition leade bel Peace laureate/also written / [Weng1 yuan2] /Wengyuan county in Shaoguan , Guangdong/ [Weng1 yuan2 xian4] /Wengyuan county in Shaoguan , Guangdong/ [Weng1 niu2 te4] /Ongniud banner or Ongnuud khoshuu in Chifeng [Chi4 feng golia/ [Weng1 niu2 te4 qi2] /Ongniud banner or Ongnuud khoshuu in Chifeng [C ongolia/ [hong2] /to swarm (of insects)/ [chi4] /wing/ [chi4 zi5] /shark's fin/wing/CL: [zhi1]/ [chi4 zhan3] /wingspan/ [chi4 tang1] /shark-fin soup/ [chi4 bang3] /wing/CL: [ge4], [dui4]/ [yi4] /assist/ready to fly/respect/ [yi4] /bright/tomorrow/

[yi4 nian2] /the following year/the next year/ [yi4 ri4] /next day/ [ling2] /tail feathers/plume/ [ling2 zi5] /peacock feathers on an official's hat displaying his rank (tradition l)/pheasant tail feathers on warriors' helmets (opera)/ [liu4] /the sound of the wind/to soar/ [Xi2] /surname Xi/ [xi2] /to practice/to study/habit/ [xi2 yi3 cheng2 su2] /to become accustomed to sth through long practice/ [xi2 yi3 cheng2 xing4] /deeply ingrained/steeped in/ [xi2 yi3 wei2 chang2] /accustomed to/used to/ [xi2 su2] /custom/tradition/local tradition/convention/ [xi2 su2 yi2 xing4] /one's habits change with long custom/ [xi2 de2 xing4] /acquired/learned/ [xi2 de2 xing4 wu2 zhu4 gan3] /(psychology) learned helplessness/ [xi2 xing4] /character acquired through long habit/habits and properties/ [xi2 guan4] /habit/custom/usual practice/to be used to/CL: [ge4]/ [xi2 guan4 xing4] /customary/ [xi2 guan4 cheng2 zi4 ran2] /habit becomes nature (idiom); get used t seems inevitable/second nature/ [xi2 guan4 fa3] /customary law/common law/ [xi2 guan4 yong4 fa3] /idiom/ [xi2 guan4 yong4 yu3] /idiom/idiomatic expression/habitual form of speech [xi2 guan4 zi4 ran2] /habit becomes nature (idiom); get used to something inevitable/second nature/same as / [xi2 guan4 ruo4 zi4 ran2] /habit becomes nature (idiom); get used to ems inevitable/second nature/same as / [xi2 qi4] /habit (often unhealthy)/mannerism/ [Xi2 shui3] /Xishui county in Zun'yi [Zun1 yi4], Guizhou/ [Xi2 shui3 xian4] /Xishui county in Zun'yi [Zun1 yi4], Guizhou/ [xi2 yong4] /to use habitually/usual/conventional/ [xi2 xi2] /(of the wind) blowing gently/abundant/flying/ [Xi2 Jin4 ping2] /Xi Jinping (1953-), PRC politician, PRC vice-chair from 200 [xi2 ti2] /school work exercises/ [xiang2] /to soar/to glide/also used in place of [xiang2] detailed/ [xiang2 hui2] /to circle (in the sky)/ [Xiang2 an1] /Xiang'an district of Xiamen city [Xia4 men2 shi4] (Amo [Xiang2 an1 qu1] /Xiang'an district of Xiamen city [Xia4 men2 sh [xiang2 shi2] /complete and accurate/ [xiang2 feng4] /Soaring Phoenix (Chinese built Advanced Regional Jet passenger pl ne, model number ARJ-900 etc)/ [xi4] /agree/ [xi1 dong4] /to open and close (the mouth etc)/ [shu4] /hastiness/ [Di2] /surname Di/variant of [Di2], generic name for northern ethnic minorities d uring the Qin and Han Dynasties (221 BC-220 AD)/ [Zhai2] /surname Zhai/ [di2] /long-tail pheasant/ [Zhai2 li3 si1] /Herbert Allen Giles (1845-1935), British diplomat and lingui tributor to the Wade-Giles Chinese romanization system/ [cui4] /bluish-green/green jade/ [cui4 guan1 yu4] /peyote (Lophophora williamsii)/ [Cui4 ping2 qu1] /Cuiping district of Yibin city [Yi2 bin1 shi4] [Cui4 luan2] /Cuiluan district of Yichun city [Yi1 chun1 shi4], Heilongjian [Cui4 luan2 qu1] /Cuiluan district of Yichun city [Yi1 chun1 shi4], Hei [cui4 lu:4] /greenish-blue/emerald green/ [cui4 qing1 she2] /Entechinus major (kind of snake)/ [cui4 niao3] /kingfisher/ [fei3] /green jade/kingfisher/ [fei3 cui4] /jade/emerald/jadeite/feitsui/halcyon/

[sha4] /wooden fan carried in procession/ [zhu4] /soar/ [Jian3] /surname Jian/ [jian3] /variant of / [pian1] /fly fast/ [pian1 ran2 er2 zhi4] /come trippingly/ [pian1 pian1] /elegant/graceful/smart/to dance lightly/ [pian1 xian1] /spry and lively (of dancing and movements)/ [zong1] /uneven flight of a bird/ [wan4] /to play with/careless/legendary archer/ [hui1] /pheasant/golden pheasant/variegated/to fly/ [he2] /quill/ [he4] /glistening plumage of birds/ [Han4] /surname Han/ [han4] /writing brush/writing/pen/ [Han4 lin2] /refers to academics employed as imperial secretaries from the Tang o wards, forming the Hanlin Imperial Academy / [Han4 lin2 xue2 shi4] /members of the Hanlin Imperial Academy , emp etaries from the Tang onwards/ [Han4 lin2 yuan4] /Imperial Hanlin Academy, lasting from Tang dynasty until 1 [ao2] /to soar/to hover/ [ao2 xiang2] /to soar/to hover at height/ [yi4] /feather screen/to screen/to shade/cataract/ [yi4 yan3] /cataract/ [qiao2] /outstanding/to raise/ [qiao4] /to stick up/to rise on one end/to tilt/ [qiao4 er4 lang2 tui3] /to stick one leg over the other (when sitting)/ [qiao2 qi3] /to look forward eagerly/to long for/ [qiao4 wei3 ba5] /to be cocky/ [qiao2 ju1 qun2 shou3] /head and shoulders above the crowd (idiom); preem ding/ [qiao2 mu3 zhi3] /thumbs up/ [qiao2 qu1] /to warp/to bend/fig. distorted opinion/prejudice/ [qiao2 wang4] /to raise one's head and look into the distance/fig. to forward to/ o long for/ [qiao2 cai2] /outstanding talent/ [qiao4 ban3] /a see-saw/ [qiao2 chu3] /person of outstanding talent/ [qiao2 pan4] /to long for/eager for/ [qiao4 ying4] /hard/erect/to be in erection/ [qiao2 leng5] /to warp/to bend/ [qiao4 qiao4 ban3] /a see-saw/also written [qiao1 qiao1 ban3]/ [qiao2 she2 yin1] /retroflex/consonants zh, ch, sh, r produced on the back of ngue/ [qiao4 ke4] /to skip school/to cut class/ [qiao4 qi3] /to stick up/to point sth up/ [qiao2 zu2] /lit. on tiptoes/to look forward eagerly/to long for/ [qiao4 zu2 yin3 ling3] /waiting expectantly on tiptoes (idiom); to look f y/to long for/ [qiao4 zu2 er2 dai4] /waiting expectantly on tiptoes (idiom); to look for to long for/ [qiao4 bian4 zi5] /to die/lit. the executioner raises one's queue/to kick the / [qiao2 shou3] /to raise one's head and look around (esp. at the state of the nati n)/ [fan1] /to turn over/to flip over/to overturn/to rummage through/to translate/to decode/to double/to climb over or into/to cross/ [fan1 zuo4] /to compose/to write words to a tune/ [fan1 lai2 fu4 qu4] /to toss and turn (sleeplessly)/again and again/ [fan1 gong4] /to retract testimony/to withdraw a confession/

[fan1 xiu1] /to rebuild (house or road)/to overhaul/ [fan1 dao3] /to overturn/to overthrow/to capsize/to collapse/ [fan1 dong4] /turn over (one's hand)/ [fan1 yin4] /reprint/to reissue/to publish a new edition/ [fan1 juan3] /to spin/to whirl around/ [fan1 chang4] /cover song/to cover a song/ [fan1 zui3] /to withdraw a remark/to quarrel/ [fan1 tian1 fu4 di4] /sky and the earth turning upside down (idiom); fig. fusion/everything turned on its head/ [fan1 zi5 quan2] /Fanziquan - "Overturning Fist" - Martial Art/ [fan1 shan1 yue4 ling3] /to pass over mountains ridges (idiom); fig. hard journey/ [fan1 hui3] /to renege/to go back (on a deal)/to back out (of a promise)/ [fan1 shou3 wei2 yun2 fu4 shou3 bian4 yu3] /lit. turning s, turning his hand palm down he turns them to rain/very powerful and capable (i diom)/ [fan1 pai1] /to reproduce photographically/to duplicate/to adapt (as a movie)/to emake (a movie)/adaptation/reproduction/remake/ [fan1 jian3] /to browse and select/to glance through and check/ [fan1 jiao3] /to stir up/to turn over/ [fan1 xin1] /to revamp/a face-lift/to retread (a tire)/to refurbish (old clothes) newly emerging/ [fan1 xin1 hou4] /after refurbishment/ [fan1 an4] /to reverse a verdict/to present different views on a historical perso or verdict/ [fan1 jiang1 dao3 hai3] /overwhelming flood/deluge/fig. a flood (of goods ormation etc)/ [fan1 chen2] /to capsize and sink/ [fan1 yong3] /to roll over and over (of billows or clouds)/ [fan1 gun3] /to roll/to boil/ [fan1 ran2] /to change quickly and completely/also written / [fan1 ran2 hui3 wu4] /to see the error of one's ways/to make a clean brea past/ [fan1 qiang2] /lit. to climb over the wall/fig. to breach the Great Firewall of C ina/ [fan1 ban3] /to reprint/reproduction/pirate copy/(fig.) imitation/carbon copy/clo e/ [fan1 ban3 die2] /copy of DVD/pirate DVD/ [fan1 fan1] /to double/to increase by a certain number of times/ [fan1 bai2 yan3] /to roll one's eyes/ [fan1 kan4] /to browse/to look over (books)/ [fan1 kong1 chu1 qi2] /to overturn empty convention, and display original new and different ideas/ [fan1 jin1 dou3] /to tumble/to turn a cartwheel/a somersault/ [fan1 xiang1 dao3 gui4] /to overturn trunks and boxes/to make a thorough )/ [fan1 xiang1 dao3 qie4] /to overturn trunks and boxes/to make a thorough )/ [fan1 lao3 zhang4] /to turn over old accounts/fig. to revive old quarrels/to old wounds/ [fan1 geng1] /to plow/to turn the soil/ [fan1 lian3] /to fall out with sb/to become hostile/ [fan1 lian3 bu4 ren4 ren2] /to turn against sb/to cut sb off/ [fan1 jiu4 zhang4] /to turn over old accounts/fig. to revive old quarrels/to old wounds/ [fan1 chuan2] /to capsize (and sink)/ [fan1 gai4] /flip-top (mobile phone, handbag etc)/to rebuild/to renovate/ [fan1 fu4] /to overturn (a vehicle)/to capsize/to turn upside down/to change comp etely/ [fan1 yi4] /to translate/to interpret/translator/interpreter/translation/interpre

ation/CL: [ge4],[wei4],[ming2]/ [fan1 yi4 jia1] /translator (of writings)/ [fan1 yi4 zhe3] /interpreter/ [fan1 yue4] /to cross/to surmount/to transcend/ [fan1 gen1 dou3] /to turn a somersault/ [fan1 gen1 tou5] /to tumble/to turn a cartwheel/a somersault/ [fan1 shen1] /to turn over/to free oneself/to emancipate oneself/to stand up/ [fan1 zhuan3] /to roll/to turn over/to invert/to flip/ [fan1 zao4] /to rebuild/to renovate/ [fan1 bian4] /to rummage through/ [fan1 guo4] /to turn over/to transform/ [fan1 guo4 lai2] /to overturn/to turn upside-down/ [fan1 kai1] /to open up/ [fan1 yue4] /to thumb through/to flip through (a book)/ [fan1 yun2 fu4 yu3] /to produce clouds and rain with a turn of the hand ( to shift one's ground/tricksy and inconstant/ [fan1 teng2] /to turn over/to surge/to churn/to rummage/raging (torrent)/ [Yi4] /surname Yi/alternative name for [Jiang4] capital of the Jin State during he Spring and Autumn Period (770-475 BC)/ [yi4] /wing/area surrounding the bullseye of a target/to assist/one of the 28 co nstellations of Chinese astronomy/old variant of / [yi4 ce4] /flank (military)/ [Yi4 cheng2] /Yicheng county in Linfen [Lin2 fen2], Shanxi/ [Yi4 cheng2 xian4] /Yicheng county in Linfen [Lin2 fen2], Shanxi/ [yi4 zi5 ban3] /(PRC) fender (automotive)/ [yi4 yi4] /cautious/prudent/ [Yi4 long2] /Dodge Nitro (abbr. for )/ [yi4 long2] /pterodactyl/ [hui4] /noise of bird's wings/ [xuan1] /flirtatious/short flight/ [dao4] /feather banner or fan/ [yao4] /brilliant/glorious/ [Yao4 zhou1] /Yaozhou district of Tngchun city [Tong2 chuan1 shi4] [Yao4 zhou1 qu1] /Yaozhou district of Tngchun city [Tong2 chua [yao4 de2] /to hold up as a virtuous example/ [yao4 ban1] /solar flare/ [yao4 wu3 yang2 wei1] /to show off one's military strength (idiom); to st bluff/to bluster/ [yao4 yan3] /to dazzle/dazzling/ [Yao4 xian4] /Yao county in Shaanxi/ [Yao4 xi1] /Yoshi (Nintendo video game character)/ [lao3] /prefix used before the surname of a person or a numeral indicating the o rder of birth of the children in a family or to indicate affection or familiarit y/old (of people)/venerable (person)/experienced/of long standing/always/all the time/of the past/very/outdated/(of meat etc) tough/ [lao3 yi1 tao4] /the same old stuff/ [lao3 yi1 bei4] /previous generation/older generation/ [lao3 zhang4] /(formal) Sir/CL:[wei4]/ [lao3 san1 pian1] /Lao San Pian, three short essays written by Mao Zedong bef PRC was established/ [lao3 yao1] /youngest/ [lao3 le5] /getting old/ [lao3 er4] /the second child or brother (or sister)/penis (slang)/ [lao3 ren2] /old man or woman/the elderly/one's aged parents or grandparents/ [lao3 ren2 jia1] /polite term for old woman or man/ [lao3 bo2] /uncle (polite form of address for older male)/ [lao3 bo2 bo5] /grandpa (polite form of address for old man)/ [lao3 ban4] /(of an elderly couple) husband or wife/ [lao3 ban4 r5] /erhua variant of , spouse (husband or wife)/better half/ [Lao3 fo2 ye2] /title of respect for the queen mother or the emperor's father

me for Empress Dowager Cixi [Ci2 xi3 Tai4 hou4]/ [lao3 lai2 qiao4] /old person who dresses up as teenager/mutton dressed as la [lao3 lai2 shao4] /old but young at heart/ [lao3 xiong1] /'old chap' (form of address between male friends)/ [lao3 er2] /father/husband/old man/ [lao3 liang3 kou3 r5] /an old married couple/ [lao3 gong1] /(informal) husband/ [lao3 gong5] /(coll.) eunuch/see also [lao3 gong1]/ [lao3 gong1 gong5] /old man/husband's father/father-in-law/court eunuch/ [lao3 bing1] /veteran/ [lao3 dao5] /experienced and careful/ [lao3 hua4] /to age (of person or object)/becoming old/ [lao3 hua4 mei2] /aged enzyme/ [lao3 qian1] /cheat/swindler (in gambling)/ [lao3 sou3] /old man/ [Lao3 jun1] /Laozi or Lao-tze (c. 500 BC), Chinese philosopher, the founder of Ta ism/the sacred book of Daoism, by Laozi/ [lao3 wu2 lao3 , yi3 ji2 ren2 zhi1 lao3] /to honor ol [lao3 wu2 lao own aged parents, and care for other's children as one's own/ [lao3 cheng2] /old town/ [Lao3 cheng2 qu1] /Laocheng district of Luoyang City [Luo4 yang2 [lao3 cheng2 qu1] /old city district/historical center/ [lao3 jing4] /advanced years/old age/ [lao3 wai4] /foreigner/ [lao3 da4] /old age/very/eldest child in a family/leader of a group/boss/captain f a boat/leader of a criminal gang/ [lao3 da4 ge1] /big brother/ [lao3 da4 niang2] /old lady/Madam (polite address)/CL:[wei4]/ [lao3 da4 ma1] /"Madam" (affectionate term for an elderly woman)/CL:[wei4]/ [lao3 da4 tu2 shang1 bei1] /vain regrets of old age (idiom)/ [lao3 da4 ye2] /uncle/grandpa/CL:[wei4]/ [lao3 tian1] /God/Heavens/ [Lao3 tian1 ye2] /God/Heavens/ [lao3 tai4] /old lady/ [lao3 tai4 gong1] /aged gentleman (dialect, respectful term)/ [lao3 tai4 tai5] /elderly lady (respectful)/esteemed mother/CL:[wei4]/ [lao3 tai4 po2] /old woman (at times contemptuous)/ [lao3 tai4 ye2] /elderly gentleman (respectful)/esteemed father/ [lao3 tao4] /old things/old ways (pejorative)/ [lao3 tao4 zi5] /old methods/old habits/ [lao3 nai3 nai5] /(informal) father's father's mother/paternal great-grandmot pectful form of address for an old woman/ [lao3 hao3 ren2] /a good man/a goody-goody/a bleeding heart/ [lao3 mu3] /old lady (term of modesty)/ [lao3 niang2] /my old mother/I, this old woman/my old lady (colloquial)/maternal randmother/midwife/ [lao3 po2] /(informal) wife/ [lao3 po2 hai2 zi5 re4 kang4 tou5] /wife kids and a warm bed good life/longa est vita si plena est/la dolce vita/ [lao3 fu4 ren2] /old lady (term of modesty)/ [lao3 ma1] /mother/mom/ [lao3 ma1 zi5] /older female servant/amah/ [lao3 yu4] /old woman (formal writing)/ [Lao3 Zi3] /Laozi or Lao-tze (c. 500 BC), Chinese philosopher, the founder of Tao sm/the sacred book of Daoism, by Laozi/ [lao3 zi5] /father/daddy/"I, your father" (in anger, or out of contempt)/I (used rrogantly or jocularly)/ [lao3 zi4 hao4] /shop, firm, or brand of merchandise with a long-established ion/

[lao3 ke4] /peddler/old or regular customer/ [lao3 ke4 r5] /erhua variant of [lao3 ke4]/ [lao3 jia1] /native place/place of origin/home state or region/ [lao3 shi2] /honest/sincere/open and guileless/naive/ [lao3 shi2 ba1 jiao1] /honest/good-natured/ [lao3 shi2 shuo1] /honestly speaking/to be frank, .../ [lao3 jiang4] /lit. old general/commander-in-chief , the equivalent of k e chess/fig. old-timer/veteran/ [lao3 shao4] /the old and the young/ [lao3 shao4 xian2 yi2] /suitable for young and old/ [lao3 shao4 wu2 qi1] /cheating neither old nor young/treating youngsters equally scrupulously/Our house offers sincere treatment to all and fair trade to old and young alike./ [lao3 shao4 jie1 yi2] /suitable for both the young and the old/ [Lao3 shan1 Zi4 xing2 che1 guan3] /Laoshan Velodrome, a Beijing 2 [lao3 shi1] /teacher/CL: [ge4],[wei4]/ [lao3 nian2] /elderly/old age/autumn of one's years/ [lao3 nian2 ren2] /old people/the elderly/ [lao3 nian2 xing4 chi1 dai1 zheng4] /senile dementia/ [lao3 nian2 qi1] /old age/ [lao3 nian2 chi1 dai1] /senile dementia/Alzheimer's disease/ [lao3 nian2 chi1 dai1 zheng4] /senile dementia/Alzheimer's disease/ [lao3 shi4] /old-fashioned/old type/outdated/ [lao3 di4] /(affectionate form of address for a male who is not very much younger than oneself) my boy/old pal/ [lao3 tai4] /elderly, as in movement or bearing/ [lao3 tai4 long2 zhong1] /doddering/senile/ [lao3 tai4 long2 zhong1] /old and decrepit/senile/doddering old age/ [lao3 cheng2] /mature/experienced/sophisticated/ [lao3 cheng2 chi2 zhong4] /old and wise/experienced and knowledgeable/ [lao3 shou3] /experienced person/an old hand at sth/ [lao3 zhuo1] /old fart (usually in self reference)/geezer/ [lao3 diao4 ya2] /very old/obsolete/out of date/ [Lao3 wo1] /Laos/ [lao3 yu2 shi4 gu4] /experienced in the ways of the world (idiom); worldl ticated/ [lao3 zao3] /a long time ago/ [lao3 shi5] /always/ [lao3 peng2 you5] /old friend/ [lao3 ban3 niang2] /female proprietor/lady boss/boss's wife/ [lao3 kuang4 kuang4] /rigid conventions/reactionary framework/ [lao3 yang4 zi5] /old situation/things as they were/ [lao3 can2 you2 ji4] /novel by late Qing novelist Liu E , classi tion/ [lao3 qi4 heng2 qiu1] /old and decrepit/proud of one's age and experience [Lao3 he2 kou3] /Laohekou county level city in Xiangfan [Xiang1 fan2], Hu [Lao3 he2 kou3 shi4] /Laohekou county level city in Xiangfan [Xiang1 [lao3 you2 tiao2] /old fox/slick customer/ [lao3 han4] /old man/I (an old man referring to himself)/ [Lao3 wu1 qia4] /same as in Xinjiang/ [lao3 yan1 qiang1] /heavy smoker/chain smoker/life-long smoker/ [lao3 yan1 gui3] /heavy smoker/chain smoker/ [lao3 ba4] /father/dad/ [lao3 ye5] /(respectful) lord/master/(informal) maternal grandfather/ [Lao3 ye5 ling3] /Chinese name for Sichote-Alin mountain range in Russia's Pr Krai around Vladivostok/ [lao3 ye2 ye5] /(informal) father's father's father/paternal great-grandfathe [lao3 ye5 che1] /classic car/ [lao3 pai2] /old, well-known brand/old style/old school/an old hand/experienced v teran/

[lao3 niu2 chi1 nen4 cao3] /lit. an old cow eats young grass (idiom)/ relationship/a romance where the man is significantly older than the woman/ [lao3 hu2 li5] /old fox/fig. cunning person/ [lao3 wang2 mai4 gua1 , zi4 mai4 zi4 kua1] /every pot eese are swans/ [lao3 dang1 yi4 zhuang4] /old but vigorous (idiom); hale and hearty despi [lao3 bai3 xing4] /ordinary people/the "person in the street"/CL: [ge4]/ [lao3 huang2 li4] /lit. last year's calendar (almanac)/fig. ancient history/o practice/old-fashioned principle/ [lao3 yan3 hun1 hua1] /blurred vision of an old person (idiom)/ [lao3 shen2 zai4 zai4] /calm and easy-going (Taiwanese)/ [lao3 lian4] /seasoned/experienced/ [lao3 jian3] /callus (patch or hardened skin)/corns (on feet)/also / [lao3 weng1] /old man/ [lao3 lao5] /maternal grandmother/same as / [lao3 mao4] /dim sight of the aged/doddering/senile/ [lao3 zhe3] /old man/elderly man/ [lao3 lian3] /self-respect of old person/face/thick-skinned (i.e. impervious to c iticism)/brazen/ [lao3 jiu4] /outmoded/old-fashioned/ [Lao3 She3] /Lao She (1899-1966) famous Chinese novelist/ [lao3 hua1] /presbyopia/ [lao3 hua1 yan3] /presbyopia/ [Lao3 Zhuang1] /Laozi and Zhuangzi (or Lao-tze and Chuang-tze), the founders of D oism/ [lao3 zhe5 lian3] /shamelessly/ [lao3 hu3] /tiger/CL: [zhi1]/ [Lao3 hu3 Wu3 zi1] /Eldrick "Tiger" Woods (1975-), American golfer/ [lao3 hu3 ji1] /slot machine/ [lao3 hu3 qian2] /vise/pincer pliers/ [lao3 chu3 nu:3] /unmarried old woman/spinster/ [Lao3 jie1] /Lao Cai, Vietnam/Laokai or Laukkai, Burma (Myanmar)/ [lao3 diao4 chong2 tan2] /to play the same old tune (idiom); unoriginal/ [lao3 mou2 shen1 suan4] /rigorous schemes and deep foresight (idiom); ast mspect/ [lao3 pu3] /old ways/old habit/ [lao3 zi1 ge2] /veteran/ [lao3 zhang4] /lit. old account/old debt/fig. old scores to settle/old quarrels/o d grudge/ [lao3 jian3] /callus (patch or hardened skin)/corns (on feet)/ [lao3 lu4] /old road/familiar way/beaten track/conventional behavior/ [lao3 la4] /shrewd and ruthless/efficient and unscrupulous/ [lao3 yuan3] /very far away/ [lao3 mai4] /aged/senile/ [Lao3 bian1] /Laobian district of Yingkou City , Liaoning/ [Lao3 bian1 qu1] /Laobian district of Yingkou City , Liaoning/ [lao3 xiang1] /fellow townsman/fellow villager/sb from the same hometown/ [lao3 jiu3] /wine, esp. Shaoxing wine/ [Lao3 ban3] /Robam (brand)/ [lao3 ban3] /boss/business proprietor/CL: [ge4]/ [lao3 tou2] /old fellow (disrespectful)/ [lao3 tou2 r5] /old man (often impolite)/CL: [ge4]/ [lao3 tou2 zi5] /old fogey/old codger/my old man/ [lao3 tao1] /glutton/ [lao3 ma3 si1 feng1] /old horse sniffs the wind (idiom); fig. aged person spirations/ [lao3 ma3 lian4 zhan4] /lit. the old horse loves his stable/fig. sb old b to relinquish their post (idiom)/ [lao3 ma3 shi2 tu2] /an old horse knows the way (idiom); an experienced w hat to do/an old hand knows the ropes/

[lao3 ji4] /old thoroughbred/fig. aged person with great aspirations/ [lao3 ji4 fu2 li4] /lit. an old steed in the stable still aspires to gall (idiom); fig. aged person with great aspirations/ [lao3 ji4 fu2 li4 , zhi4 zai4 qian1 li3] /lit. an old p 1000 miles (idiom); fig. old people may still cherish high aspirations/ [lao3 ji4 si1 feng1] /old steed sniffs the wind (idiom); fig. aged person spirations/ [lao3 niao3] /old hand/veteran/ [lao3 bao3] /female brothel keeper/ [lao3 gua1] /a crow/ [lao3 diao1] /vulture/ [lao3 ying1] /eagle (colloquial)/ [Lao3 ying1 xing1 yun2] /Eagle or Star Queen Nebula M16/ [lao3 shu3] /rat/mouse/CL: [zhi1]/ [lao3 shu3 wei3 ba5] /lit. rat's tail; fig. a follower of inferior statur [lao3 shu3 tuo1 mu4 xian1 , da4 tou2 zai4 hou comes second/the tip of the iceberg/the cockroach principle/ [lao3 shu3 dong4] /mouse hole/ [lao3 bi2 zi5] /many/ [lao3 ling2] /old age/aging/aged/geriatric/the aged/ [lao3 ling2 hua4] /ageing (population)/ [kao3] /to check/to verify/to test/to examine/to take an exam/to take an entranc e exam for/deceased father/ [kao3 shang4] /to pass a university entrance exam/ [kao3 zhong4] /to pass an exam/ [Kao3 ke4 si1] /Cox (surname)/ [Kao3 ke4 si1 Bao4 gao4] /Cox Report/Report of the Select Committee o ity and Military-Commercial Concerns with the PRC (1999); Committee Chairman Rep ublican Rep. Chris Cox/ [kao3 ru4] /to pass entrance exam/to enter college after a competitive exam/ [kao3 fen1] /grade/exam mark/ [kao3 qin2] /exam records/attendance roll/ [kao3 qin2 bu4] /exam attendance register/ [kao3 qu1] /the exam area/the district where an exam takes place/ [kao3 juan4] /exam paper/ [kao3 qu3] /to pass an entrance exam/to be admitted to/ [kao3 gu3] /archaeology/ [kao3 gu3 xue2] /archaeology/ [kao3 gu3 xue2 jia1] /archaeologist/ [kao3 gu3 jia1] /archaeologist/ [kao3 chang3] /exam room/ [kao3 wan2] /to finish an exam/ [kao3 guan1] /an examiner/an official conducting an exam/ [kao3 cha2] /to inspect/to observe and study/on-the-spot investigation/ [kao3 cha2 tuan2] /inspection team/ [kao3 cha2 chuan2] /survey ship/ [kao3 cha2 dui4] /investigation team/scientific expedition/ [kao3 lu:4] /to think over/to consider/consideration/ [kao3 la1 xiong2] /koala/ [kao3 ju4] /textual criticism/ [Kao3 wen2 chui2] /Coventry city in West Midlands [Xi1 m [Kao3 wen2 chui2 shi4] /Coventry (UK)/ [kao3 qi1] /the exam period/the exam date/ [kao3 cha2] /investigate/study/ [Kao3 bo1 shi2 bao3] /Kaposvr in southwest Hungary (German: Ruppertsburg omogy county / [kao3 sheng1] /exam candidate/student whose name has been put forward for an exam [kao3 yan2] /to sit an entrance exam for a graduate program/ [kao3 jiu1] /to investigate/to check and research/exquisite/ [kao3 ji4] /to check up on sb's achievements/

[kao3 he2] /to examine/to check up on/to assess/to review/appraisal/review/evalua ion/ [kao3 ding4] /to check and correct/ [kao3 ping2] /evaluation/to investigate and evaluate/ [kao3 shi4] /to take an exam/exam/CL:[ci4]/ [kao3 shi4 juan4] /exam answer-sheet/CL: [zhang1]/ [kao3 shi4 juan4 zi5] /see [kao3 shi4 juan4]/ [kao3 shi4 yuan4] /Examination yuan, the qualification and appointment board he constitution of Republic of China, then of Taiwan/exam board/ [kao3 zheng4] /to do textual research/to make textual criticism/ [kao3 jin4] /to gain entry by passing an exam/to be admitted to (a college etc)/ [kao3 liang2] /to consider/to give serious consideration to sth/ [kao3 ti2] /exam question/ [kao3 yan4] /to test/to put to the test/ [mao4] /extremely aged (in one's 80s or 90s)/octogenarian/nonagenarian/ [mao4 ni2] /old and young/ [mao4 si1] /to be upset or disturbed/ [mao4 qi1] /to have reached the age of eighty or ninety/ [mao4 die2] /extremely aged/gray and venerable/ [mao4 die2 zhi1 nian2] /old age (in one's 80s, 90s, or more)/ [mao4 ling2] /old age/eighties, nineties, or greater (of age)/ [zhe3] /(after a verb or adjective) one who (is) .../(after a noun) person invol ved in .../-er/-ist/(used after a number or [hou4] or [qian2] to refer to sth ment ioned previously)/(used after a term, to mark a pause before defining the term)/ (old) (used at the end of a command)/(old) this/ [qi2] /man of sixty or seventy/ [gou3] /wrinkled face of the elderly/ [die2] /aged/in one's eighties/ [er2] /and/as well as/and so/but (not)/yet (not)/(indicates causal relation)/(in dicates change of state)/(indicates contrast)/ [er2 bu4 xu1] /without needing (to so sth)/ [er2 qie3] /(not only ...) but also/moreover/in addition/furthermore/ [er2 jin1] /now/at the present (time)/ [er2 yi3] /that's all/nothing more/ [er2 hou4] /after that/then/ [er2 shi4] /rather/ [er2 li4 zhi1 nian2] /aged thirty (see )/ [er2 yan2] /with regard to (preceding phrase)/ [Shua3] /surname Shua/ [shua3] /to play with/to wield/to act (cool etc)/to display (a skill, one's temp er etc)/ [shua3 zui3 pi2] /to show off with clever talk/big-headed/a smart-ass/ [shua3 zui3 pi2 zi5] /to play with lips (idiom); to talk glibly/to boast/ rvice/ [shua3 zi5] /to play/to have fun/ [shua3 nong4] /to play with/to engage in/to resort to/to dally with/ [shua3 de5 tuan2 tuan2 zhuan4] /to fool/to dupe/ [shua3 hua2] /to shirk/to get out of responsibility/ [shua3 hua2 tou2] /shirker/ [shua3 shi1 zi5] /to perform a lion dance/ [shua3 si1 qing2] /the play of passions/carried away by passion (e.g. to comm ime)/ [shua3 tan2 zi5] /to perform a jar juggling and balancing act/ [shua3 lai4] /to act unreasonably and shamelessly/to get away with something/to o enly or brazenly act dishonestly (breaking an agreement, cheating etc)/ [shua3 qian2] /to gamble/ [ruan3] /archaic variant of [ruan3]/ [Er2] /surname Er/ [er2] /beard/ [nai4] /capable of enduring/able to tolerate/patient/durable/hardy/resistant/

[nai4 jiu3] /durable/long-lasting/ [nai4 ren2 xun2 wei4] /thought-provoking/worth thinking over/to provide f ht/ [Nai4 ke4] /Nike, Inc./ [nai4 li4] /endurance/ [nai4 lao2] /hardy/able to resist hardship/ [nai4 shou4] /to tolerate/endurance/ [nai4 shou4 li4] /tolerance/ability to survive/hardiness/ [nai4 shou4 xing4] /tolerance (to heat, acid etc)/resistance/ [nai4 han2] /cold-proof/resistant to cold/ [nai4 xin1] /to be patient/patience/ [nai4 xin1 bang1 zhu4] /forbearance/tolerance/patient help/ [nai4 xing4] /patience/endurance/ [nai4 shui3] /waterproof/ [nai4 shui3 xing4] /waterproof/ [nai4 xi3] /wash-resistant/ [nai4 xi3 di2 xing4] /washing or color fastness/launderability/ [nai4 huo3] /refractory (material)/fire-resistant/ [nai4 huo3 tu3] /fire-proof stone/flame resistant material/ [nai4 huo3 zhuan1] /refractory brick/firebrick/ [nai4 fan2] /patient (not impatient)/ [nai4 re4] /heat resistant/fire-proof/ [nai4 yong4] /durable/ [nai4 yong4 pin3] /durable goods/ [nai4 kan4] /able to withstand careful appreciation/well worth a second look/ [nai4 mo2] /wear resistant/ [nai4 chuan1] /durable/proof against wear and tear/ [nai4 fu3 shi2] /proof against corrosion/ [nai4 yao4 xing4] /tolerance/ [nai4 shi2] /to resist corrosion/ [nai4 suan1] /acid-resistant/ [nai4 gao1 wen1] /heat-resistant/ [nai4 jian3] /alkali-resistant/ [zhuan1] /variant of , concentrated/specialized/ [lei3] /plow/ [lei3 si4] /plow/ [Lei3 yang2] /Leiyang county level city in Hengyang [Heng2 yang2], Hunan [Lei3 yang2 shi4] /Leiyang county level city in Hengyang [Heng2 yang [zi3] /hoe up soil around plants/ [geng1] /to plow/to till/ [geng1 zuo4] /farming/ [geng1 di4] /arable land/to plow land/ [geng1 nu2] /agricultural slave/serf/ [geng1 li2] /plow/ [geng1 tian2] /to cultivate soil/to till fields/ [geng1 chu4] /draft animal/ [geng1 dang1 wen4 nu2] /if it's plowing, ask the laborer (idiom); when ma er, consult the appropriate specialist/ [geng1 dang1 wen4 nu2 , zhi1 dang1 fang3 bi4] /if it' ask the maid (idiom); when managing a matter, consult the appropriate specialist / [geng1 zhong4] /to till/to cultivate/ [geng1 yun2] /plowing and weeding/farm work/fig. to work or study diligently/ [hao4] /to waste/to spend/to consume/to squander/news/ [hao4 li4] /to require much effort/ [hao4 zi5] /a mouse/ [hao4 sun3] /to waste/ [hao4 san4] /to dissipate/to squander/ [hao4 shi2] /time-consuming/to take a period of (x amount of time)/ [hao4 shi2 hao4 li4] /requiring much time and effort/

[hao4 you2 liang4] /fuel consumption/ [hao4 jin4] /to exhaust/to use up/to deplete/to drain/ [hao4 neng2] /to consume energy/energy consumption/ [hao4 fei4] /to waste/to spend/to consume/to squander/ [hao4 zi1] /to spend/expenditure/to cost/ [yun2] /to weed/ [ba4] /a hoe/to harrow/ [pa2] /a rake/ [ba4 di4] /to harrow/to break the ground with a hoe/ [pa2 zi5] /a rake/ [si4] /plow/plowshare/ [jia1] /flail (for threshing grain)/trad. variant of / [chu2] /hoe/ [ji2] /plow/ [ou3] /a pair/a mate/a couple/to couple/plowshare/ [ou3 he2] /coupling (physics)/copula (statistics)/to be coupled (with sth)/ [Ou3 Yuan2] /The Couple's Retreat Garden in Suzhou, Jiangsu/ [ou3 ju1] /to live together (as husband and wife)/ [ou3 lian2 jing1 ti3 guan3] /coupled transistor (electronics)/ [ou3 yu3] /to have a tete--tete/to whisper to each other/ [nou4] /hoe/to hoe/to weed/ [jiang3] /to plow/to sow/ [pang3] /to weed/ [lou2] /drill for sowing grain/ [you1] /harrow/ [er3] /ear/handle (archaeology)/and that is all (classical Chinese)/ [er3 xia4 xian4] /subauricular gland/parotid gland (salivary gland in the che [er3 guang1] /a slap on the face/CL: [ji4]/ [er3 chui2] /earlobe/ [er3 gou4] /ear dirt/common word for earwax / [er3 sai1] /earplug/earphone/ [er3 zhui4 zi5] /eardrops (pendant jewelry)/earrings/CL: [dui4], [zhi [er3 zi5] /handle (on a pot)/ [er3 shi3] /earwax/cerumen/ [er3 kuo4 hu2] /fennec/Vulpes zerda/ [er3 pang2 feng1] /lit. wind past your ear/fig. sth you don't pay much attent in one ear and out the other/ [er3 duo5] /ear/CL: [zhi1], [ge4], [dui4]/ [er3 ji1] /headphones/earphones/telephone receiver/ [er3 dong4] /pierced ear/ [er3 yuan2 xing4] /aural vertigo/ [er3 ru2 mu4 ran3] /to be influenced/ [er3 shu2] /to sound familiar/familiar-sounding/ [er3 shu2 neng2 xiang2] /what's frequently heard can be repeated in detai [er3 pian1] /tab (of a web browser)/ [er3 huan2] /earring/CL: [zhi1], [dui4]/ [er3 tong4] /ear-ache/ [er3 mu4] /eyes and ears/sb's attention or notice/information/knowledge/spies/ [er3 mu4 yi1 xin1] /a pleasant change/a breath of fresh air/refreshing/ [er3 wen2] /to hear of/to hear about/ [er3 wen2 bu4 ru2 mu4 jian4] /seeing sth for oneself is better th others/ [er3 ting1 wei2 xu1 , yan3 jian4 wei2 shi2] /Take wha n you see it (idiom). Don't believe what people tell you until you see if for yo urself./It ain't necessarily so./ [er3 long2] /deaf/ [er3 mo2] /eardrum/tympanum (of the middle ear)/tympanic membrane/ [er3 wo1] /cochlea/ [er3 la4] /earwax/cerumen/ [er3 yu3] /to whisper in sb's ear/a whisper/

[er3 bian1 feng1] /lit. wind past your ear/fig. sth you don't pay much attent in one ear and out the other/ [er3 ding1] /stud earring/ [er3 ming2] /tinnitus/ [er3 mai4] /headphones/earphones/ [er3 gu3] /eardrum/tympanum (of the middle ear)/tympanic membrane/ [er3 bi2 yan1 hou2] /ear nose and throat/otolaryngology/ [ding1] /see , earwax/cerumen/ [ding1 ning2] /earwax/cerumen/ [ye1] /(phonetic ye)/ [ye2] /interrogative particle (classical)/ [ye5] /final particle indicating enthusiasm etc/ [Ye1 li4 mi3] /Jeremy or Jeremiah (name)/ [Ye1 li4 mi3 ai1 ge1] /the Lamentations of Jeremiah/ [Ye1 li4 mi3 shu1] /Book of Jeremiah/ [Ye1 he2 hua2] /Jehovah (biblical name for God, Hebrew: YHWH)/compare Yahweh ] and God [Shang4 di4]/ [Ye1 he2 hua2 Jian4 zheng4 ren2] /Jehovah's Witnesses/ [Ye1 ge1 ni2 ya3] /Jechoniah or Jeconiah (son of Josiah)/ [Ye1 fu2 ta1] /Jephthah (Hebrew: Yiftach) son of Gilead, Judges 11-foll./ [Ye1 lu:4 Da4 shi2] /Yollig Taxin or Yel Dashi (1087-1143), Chinese-educ der, founder of Western Liao in Central Asia/ [Ye1 lie4 wan4] /Yerevan, capital of Armenia/also written [Ai1 li3 wen1 [Ye1 su1] /Jesus/ [Ye1 su1 sheng1 tian1 jie2] /Ascension day (Christian festival forty [Ye1 su1 shou4 nan4 jie2] /Good Friday/ [Ye1 su1 Ji1 du1] /Jesus Christ/ [Ye1 su1 Ji1 du1 Hou4 qi1 Sheng4 tu2 Jiao4 hui4] [Ye1 su1 Ji1 du1 Mo4 shi4 Sheng4 tu2 Jiao4 hui4] [Ye1 su1 jiao4] /Protestantism/ [Ye1 su1 hui4] /The Jesuits (Society of Jesus)/ [Ye1 su1 hui4 shi4] /a Jesuit/member of Society of Jesus/ [Ye1 su1 Jiang4 lin2 jie2] /Advent (Christian period of 4 weeks befor [Ye2 lai2 nuo2 Yang2 ke1 wei2 qi2] /Jelena Jankovic (19 [Ye1 xi1] /Jesse (son of Obed)/ [Ye1 dan4 jie2] /Christmas/same as / [Ye1 lu4 sa1 leng3] /Jerusalem, capital of Israel/ [Ye1 su1] /Jesus ( is more usual)/ [Ye1 su1 hui4] /the Society of Jesus/the Jesuits/ [Ye1 su1 hui4 shi4] /a Jesuit/ [Ye1 lu3] /Yale/ [Ye1 lu3 Da4 xue2] /Yale University/ [da1] /ears hanging down/ [da1 la5] /to droop/to dangle/ [dan1] /to indulge in/to delay/ [dan1 xin1] /variant of [dan1 xin1]/ [dan1 ge5] /tarry/stopover/delay/ [dan1 ni4] /indulge/ [dan1 wu5] /to delay/to hold up/to waste time/to interfere with/ [Geng3] /surname Geng/ [geng3] /bright/honest/upright/ [geng3 jie4] /upright and outstanding/ [geng3 zhi2] /upright/honest and just/ [geng3 geng3] /bright/devoted/having sth on one's mind/troubled/ [geng3 geng3 yu2 huai2] /to take troubles to heart (idiom); brooding/ [geng3 bing3] /dried persimmon (from Geng village, Heze , Shandong)/ [Geng3 ma3 Dai3 zu2 Wa3 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Gengma D ang1], Yunnan/ [Geng3 ma3 xian4] /Gengma Dai and Va autonomous county in Lincang [L [dan1] /ears without rim/

[ling2] /apprehend/hear/listen/ [ling2 ting1] /to listen (respectfully)/ [ling2 xun4] /hearing (law)/ [liao2] /to chat/to depend upon (literary)/temporarily/just/slightly/ [liao2 qie3] /for the time being/tentatively/ [liao2 yi3 se4 ze2] /just to get away with one's responsibilities/in orde the hook/ [liao2 yi3 zi4 wei4] /just to console oneself (idiom)/ [liao2 yi3 jie3 men4] /relaxation/ [Liao2 cheng2] /Liaocheng prefecture level city in Shandong/ [Liao2 cheng2 di4 qu1] /Liaocheng prefecture in Shandong/ [Liao2 cheng2 shi4] /Liaocheng prefecture level city in Shandong/ [liao2 tian1] /to chat/to gossip/ [liao2 tian1 r5] /erhua variant of , to chat/ [liao2 tian1 shi4] /chat room/ [liao2 xu4] /to speak tentatively/ [liao2 sheng1] /to earn a living (esp. with negative)/ [liao2 lai4] /to suffer tedium/ [Liao2 zhai1 Zhi4 yi4] /Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio, Qing dynas les by [Pu2 song1 ling2]/ [guo1] /raucous/clamor/unpleasantly noisy/ [guo1 zao4] /a clamor/noisy/ [guo1 er3] /raucous/ear-splitting/ [sheng4] /holy/sacred/saint/sage/ [sheng4 shang4] /courtier's or minister's form of address for the current Emperor [sheng4 shi4] /Holy sacrament/Christian rite (esp. Catholic)/also called nts/ [sheng4 ren2] /saint/sage/refers to Confucius [Kong3 zi3]/the current reignin or/ [sheng4 dai4] /sundae (ice cream dessert with toppings)/ [Sheng4 Bo2 duo1 lu4 Da4 dian4] /St Peter's Basilica, Vatican Cit [Sheng4 dan4 ni2] /St Denis or St Dennis/ [Sheng4 bao3 luo2] /St Paul/So Paulo, city in Brazil/ [sheng4 xiang4] /icon/iconic/religious image/figure (of Confucius, Buddha, Jesus hrist, the Virgin Mary etc)/CL: [zhang1]/ [sheng4 seng1] /senior monk/ [Sheng4 Ke4 lu3 si1] /Santa Cruz/ [Sheng4 Ke4 lu3 si1 dao3] /Santa Cruz island, off the California coas [sheng4 dian3] /sacred writing/canon/ [Sheng4 Kai3 se4 lin2] /Saint Catherine/ [Sheng4 Lao2 lun2 si1 he2] /St Lawrence River, Canada/ [sheng4 hua4] /sanctify/sanctification/consecrate/ [sheng4 jun1] /sage/ [Sheng4 ha1 xin1 tuo1] /San Jacinto/ [sheng4 zai1 jing1] /Sanctus (section of Catholic mass)/ [sheng4 zhe2] /sage/ [sheng4 Qiao2 zhi4] /St George/ [sheng4 di4] /holy land (of a religion)/sacred place/shrine/holy city (such as Je usalem, Mecca etc)/center of historic interest/ [Sheng4 di4 ya4 ge1] /Santiago, capital of Chile/ [Sheng4 di4 ya2 ge1] /San Diego, California/ [sheng4 cheng2] /Holy City/ [Sheng4 ji1 ci2 he2 Ni2 wei2 si1] /Saint Kitts and Nevis/ [Sheng4 Ta3 lun2] /Sanarem, Brazilian city at mouth of Amazon/ [Sheng4 Duo1 ming2 ge4] /San Domingo, capital of the Dominican Republic/ [Sheng4 Duo1 ming2 ge1] /Santo Domingo, capital of Dominican Republic/ [Sheng4 Duo1 mei3] /Sao Tome, capital of Sao Tome and Principe/ [Sheng4 duo1 mei3 he2 Pu3 lin2 xi1 bi3] /So Tom and Pr [Sheng4 Da4 fei1] /Santa Fe/ [Sheng4 Ao4 gu3 si1 ding1] /St Augustine/Aurelius Augustinus (354-430

hristian philosopher/Sankt Augustin, suburb of Beuel, Bonn, Germany/ [sheng4 nu:3 guo3] /cherry tomato/ [Sheng4 nu:3 Zhen1 de2] /Jeanne d'Arc (1412-1431), French heroine and lib ted as a witch by the Burgundians and English/also called Jehanne Darc, the Maid or Orleans, Joan of Arc or St Joan/ [sheng4 ying1] /Holy Infant (cf biblical nativity story)/ [Sheng4 zi3] /Holy Son/Jesus Christ/God the Son (in the Christian Trinity)/ [Sheng4 An1 de5 lie4 si1 duan4 ceng2] /San Andreas fault, Cal [Sheng4 An1 duo1 ni2 tang2 qu1] /St Anthony Parish (Macau)/Fregue [Sheng4 An1 de2 lie4 si1 duan4 ceng2] /San Andreas fault, Cal [sheng4 An1 de2 lu3] /St Andrew/ [sheng4 Pa4 te4 li3 ke4] /Saint Patrick/ [sheng4 miao4] /shrine to a sage (esp. Confucius)/ [sheng4 Bi3 de2] /Saint Peter/ [Sheng4 Bi3 de2 bao3] /Saint Petersburg (city in Russia)/ [sheng4 tu2] /saint/ [Sheng4 de2 ke4 xu4 bei4 li3] /(Antoine de) Saint-Exupry/ [Sheng4 de2 Tai4 zi3] /Prince Shtoku Taiji (574-621), major Japanese sta rmer of the Asuka period [Fei1 niao3 Shi2 dai4], proponent of state Buddhi as Buddhist saint/ [sheng4 xin1] /Sacred Heart (Christian)/ [sheng4 xin1 jie2] /Feast of the Sacred Heart/ [sheng4 zhan4] /Holy war/jihad/ [sheng4 shou3] /divine physician/sage doctor/highly skilled practitioner/ [Sheng4 Wen2 sen1 he2 Ge2 lin2 na4 ding1] /St Vincent and er Antilles/ [Sheng4 wen2 sen1 te4 he2 Ge2 lin2 na4 ding1 si1] [sheng4 zhi3] /imperial edict/ [sheng4 ming2] /enlightened sage/brilliant master (flattering words applied to ru er)/ [sheng4 chao2] /the current imperial dynasty/one's own court/ [sheng4 bei1] /Holy Grail/ [sheng4 ge1] /hymn/ [sheng4 dian4] /temple/ [Sheng4 mu3] /Holy Mother/goddess/the Virgin Mary/ [Sheng4 mu3 sheng1 tian1 jie2] /Assumption of the Virgin Mary (Christ h August)/ [Sheng4 mu3 feng1] /Goddess peak (Nepalese: Sagarmatha, Sky Goddess)/refers t omolungma or Qomolangma (Tibetan), Chinese /Mt Everest/ [sheng4 mu3 jiao4 tang2] /Church of Our Lady/Frauenkirche/ [Sheng4 mu3 Ma3 li4 ya4] /Mary (mother of Jesus)/ [sheng4 shui3] /holy water/ [sheng4 xi3] /baptism (Christian ceremony)/ [sheng4 jie2] /pure and holy/ [sheng4 Pan1 ke4 lei1 si1 zhan4] /Saint Pancras (London railway s [sheng4 huo3] /sacred fire/Olympic flame/ [Sheng4 hui1 zhan1 li3 ri4] /Ash Wednesday/ [sheng4 hui1 jie2] /Ash Wednesday (first day of Lent)/ [Sheng4 zhu2 jie2] /Candlemas (Christian Festival on 2nd February)/ [Sheng4 Fu4] /Holy Father/God the Father (in the Christian Trinity)/ [sheng4 wang2] /sacred king/sage ruler/ [Sheng4 Pi2 ai1 er3 he2 Mi4 ke4 long2] /Saint-Pierre and [sheng4 pan2] /Holy Grail/ [Sheng4 Lu2 xi1 ya4] /Saint Lucia/ [sheng4 lu2 xi1 ya4 dao3] /Saint Lucia/ [sheng4 zu3] /divine ancester/patron saint/ [Sheng4 shen2] /feudal term of praise for ruler, king or emperor/general term for saint in former times/term for God during the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom /Ho Christian Trinity)/ [Sheng4 shen2 jiang4 lin2] /Whit Sunday (Christian Festival celebrating t

t)/ [Sheng4 shen2 jiang4 lin2 zhou1] /Whitsuntide/ [sheng4 li3] /Holy sacrament/Christian rite (esp. Protestant)/also called cs/ [sheng4 yue1] /covenant/ [Sheng4 Yue1 se4 fu1] /Saint Joseph/ [Sheng4 Yue1 han4] /Saint John/ [Sheng4 Yue1 han4 si1] /St John's, capital of Labrador and Newfoundland p da/ [Sheng4 na4 pa4] /Agia Napa, Cyprus/Ayia Napa, Cyprus/ [Sheng4 Suo3 fei1 ya4] /Hagia Sophia (Greek: Holy wisdom)/ [Sheng4 Suo3 fei1 ya4 da4 jiao4 tang2] /Hagia Sophia (the mai subsequently the major mosque of Istanbul)/ [Sheng4 jing1] /Holy Bible/the Confucian classics/CL:[ben3],[bu4]/ [sheng4 jing1 dian3 gu4] /biblical classic/ [Sheng4 jing1 wai4 zhuan4] /Apocrypha/biography external to the classics/ [sheng4 jing1 duan4 luo4] /Bible passage/ [sheng4 jing1 xian2 zhuan4] /lit. holy scripture and biography of sage (i to Confucian canonical texts/ [sheng4 zhe3] /holy one/saint/ [sheng4 zhi2] /priesthood/ [sheng4 tai1] /immortal body (of born again Daoist)/ [Sheng4 He2 xi1] /San Jose/ [Sheng4 Fei1] /Santa Fe/ [Sheng4 Sa4 er3 wa3 duo1] /San Salvador, capital of El Salvador/ [sheng4 yao4] /panacea/ [sheng4 xun4] /sage's instructions/imperial edict/ [sheng4 shi1] /hymn/ [Sheng4 dan4] /Christmas/birthday of reigning Emperor/Confucius' birthday/ [Sheng4 dan4 qian2 xi1] /Christmas eve/ [Sheng4 dan4 ka3] /Christmas card/ [sheng4 dan4 dao3] /Christmas Island, Australia/ [Sheng4 dan4 kuai4 le4] /Merry Christmas/ [Sheng4 dan4 shu4] /Christmas tree/ [Sheng4 dan4 jie2] /Christmas time/Christmas season/Christmas/ [sheng4 dan4 hong2] /poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima)/ [Sheng4 dan4 Lao3 ren2] /Father Christmas/Santa Claus/ [sheng4 dan4 hua1] /poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima)/ [Sheng4 dan4 Song4] /A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens/ [sheng4 yu4] /imperial edict/see also [shang4 yu4]/ [sheng4 xian2] /a sage/wise and holy man/virtuous ruler/Buddhist lama/wine/ [sheng4 xian2 shu1] /holy book/ [Sheng4 he4 lei1 na2] /St Helena/ [Sheng4 he4 le4 na2 dao3] /Saint Helena/ [sheng4 ji4] /Holy relic/miracle/ [Sheng4 lu4 yi4 si1] /St Louis, large city in eastern Missouri/ [sheng4 gong1] /the Emperor's body/Holy body/the current reigning Emperor/ [sheng4 xiong2] /sage hero/refers to Mahatma Gandhi/ [Sheng4 ling2] /Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit/ [Sheng4 ling2 jiang4 lin2] /Pentecost/ [sheng4 can1] /Holy communion (of the Christian mass)/sacrament/ [sheng4 can1 tai2] /(Christian) altar/ [sheng4 ma3 li4 nuo4] /San Marino/ [Sheng4 ma3 li4 nuo4] /San Marino/ [Sheng4 Ma3 luo4] /St Malo, town in Normandy/ [sheng4 ti3] /the Emperor's body/Jesus' body/communion wafer (in Christian mass)/ [Sheng4 ti3 jie2] /Corpus Christi (Catholic festival on second Thursday after unday)/ [sheng4 ti3 xue4] /the body and blood of Christ/Holy communion/ [pin4] /to engage (a teacher etc)/to hire/to betroth/betrothal gift/to get marri

ed (of woman)/ [pin4 ren4] /to appoint (to a position)/appointed/ [pin4 wen4] /international exchange of visits/to visit as envoy/to visit as famil representative for purpose of marriage arrangement (traditional culture)/ [pin4 qu3 hun1] /formal betrothal (in which the boy's family sends presents t irl's family)/ [pin4 yong4] /to employ/to hire/ [pin4 li3] /betrothal gift/ [pin4 qing3] /to engage/to hire (a lawyer etc)/ [pin4 jin1] /betrothal money (given to the bride's family)/ [ju4] /to congregate/to assemble/to mass/to gather together/to amass/to polymeri ze/ [ju4 bing3 xi1] /polypropylene/ [ju4 yi3 xi1] /polythene/polyethylene/ [ju4 huo3] /to gather a crowd/a mob/ [ju4 guang1] /to focus light (e.g. in theater)/to spotlight/ [ju4 guang1 tai4 yang2 neng2] /concentrating solar power (CSP)/ [ju4 guang1 deng1] /spotlight/ [Ju4 you3] /MySpace (social networking website)/ [ju4 he2] /to assemble together/polymer/ [ju4 he2 zuo4 yong4] /polymerization/ [ju4 he2 wu4] /polymer/ [ju4 he2 mei2] /polymerase/ [ju4 he2 zi1 xun4 ding4 yue4] /RSS (news feeds)/ [ju4 he2 mei2] /polymerase (enzyme)/ [ju4 he2 ti3] /aggregate/polymer/paradigm/ [ju4 si4 fu2 yi3 xi1] /polytetrafluoroethylene/ [ju4 zai4 yi1 qi3] /to get together/ [ju4 bao3 pen2] /treasure bowl (mythology)/fig. source of wealth/cornucopia/g e/ [ju4 ju1] /to inhabit a region (esp. ethnic group)/to congregate/ [ju4 ju1 di4] /inhabited land/habitat/ [ju4 long3] /to gather together/ [ju4 san4] /to meet and part/ [ju4 lian3] /to extort taxation/to become wealthy by extortion/ [ju4 wu4] /to meet (as a social group)/ [ju4 hui4] /party/gathering/to meet/to get together/ [ju4 jian1] /to annihilate/to round up and wipe out/ [ju4 an1 zhi3] /polyurethane/ [ju4 lu:4 yi3 xi1] /polyvinyl chloride (PVC)/ [ju4 sha1 cheng2 ta3] /sand grains accumulate to make a tower a tower (id ering small amounts one gets a huge quantity/many a mickle makes a muckle/ [ju4 jiao1] /to focus/ [ju4 zhong4] /to gather a crowd/to muster/ [ju4 ji1] /to accumulate/to collect/to build up/ [ju4 jing1 hui4 shen2] /to concentrate one's attention (idiom)/ [ju4 yi4] /to meet as volunteers for an uprising/ [ju4 zhi1] /polyester/also written / [ju4 ben3 yi3 xi1] /polystyrene/ [ju4 luo4] /settlement/dwelling place/town/village/ [ju4 ying2 ying4 xue3] /lit. to collect fireflies and study by their ligh g. ambitious student from impoverished background/burning the midnight oil/ [ju4 tan2] /to meet for discussion/ [ju4 yi4] /to meet for negotiation/ [ju4 bian4] /fusion (physics)/ [ju4 bian4 fan3 ying4] /nuclear fusion/ [ju4 bian4 wu3 qi4] /fusion-type weapon/ [ju4 du3] /communal gambling/ [ju4 zhi3] /polyester/ [ju4 zhi3 shu4 zhi1] /polyester resin/

[ju4 zhi3 xian1 wei2] /polyester fiber/ [ju4 xian1 ya4 an4] /polyimide/ [ju4 xian1 an4] /polyamide/ [ju4 ji2] /to assemble/to gather/ [ju4 tou2] /to meet/to get together/ [ju4 yin3] /to meet for social drinking/ [ju4 can1] /communal meal/formal dinner of club or group/ [ju4 shou3] /to gather/to meet/ [ju4 dian3] /meeting point/accumulation point (math)/ [ju4 qi2] /to meet together/to assemble (of a group of people)/ [guo2] /cut off the left ear of the slain/ [Wen2] /surname Wen/ [wen2] /to hear/news/well-known/famous/reputation/fame/to smell/to sniff at/ [Wen2 Yi1 duo1] /Wen Yiduo (1899-1946), poet and patriotic fighter, executed indang in Kunming in 1946/ [wen2 yi1 zhi1 shi2] /lit. to hear one and know ten (idiom); fig. explain d (he) understands everything/a word to the wise/ [wen2 shang4 qu4] /to smell of sth/to smell like sth/ [wen2 ren2] /famous person/ [wen2 chu1] /to identify by smell/to detect a scent/to sniff out/ [wen2 dao4] /to smell/to sniff sth out/to perceive by smelling/ [wen2 ming2] /well-known/famous/renowned/eminent/ [wen2 ming2 yu2 shi4] /world-famous/ [wen2 ming2 xia2 er3] /to be famous far and wide (idiom)/ [Wen2 xi3] /Wenxi county in Yuncheng [Yun4 cheng2], Shanxi/ [Wen2 xi3 xian4] /Wenxi county in Yuncheng [Yun4 cheng2], Shanxi/ [wen2 xi1] /to hear (about sth)/ [wen2 suo3 wei4 wen2] /unheard of/an extremely rare and unprecedented eve [wen2 jian4] /to smell/to hear/knowledge/information/ [wen2 yan2] /to have heard what was said/ [wen2 xun4] /to receive news (of)/ [wen2 guo4 ze2 xi3] /to accept criticism gladly (humble expr.)/to be happ errors are pointed out/ [wen2 da2] /illustrious and influential/well-known/ [wen2 feng1 sang4 dan3] /hear the wind and lose gall (idiom); terror-stri ews/ [wen2 feng1 er2 dong4] /to respond instantly/to act at once on hearing th [cong1] /old variant of [cong1]/ [lian2] /to ally/to unite/to join/ [lian2 xi4] /variant of [lian2 xi4]/ [lian2 E2] /alliance with Russia (e.g. of early Chinese communists)/ [lian2 bao3] /joint guarantee (finance, law)/ [lian2 he2] /to combine/to join/unite/alliance/ [lian2 he2 gong1 bao4] /joint announcement/ [lian2 he2 bao1 guo3 fu2 wu4 gong1 si1] /United Parcel Se [lian2 he2 gu3 da4 lu4] /Pangea or Pangaea/ [Lian2 he2 guo2] /United Nations/ [Lian2 he2 guo2 Er2 tong2 Ji1 jin1 hui4] /United Nations [Lian2 he2 guo2 Da4 hui4] /United Nations General Assembly/ [Lian2 he2 guo2 An1 quan2 Li3 shi4 hui4] /United Nations [Lian2 he2 guo2 xian4 zhang1] /United Nations charter/ [lian2 he2 guo2 jiao4 ke1 wen2 zu3 zhi1] /UNESCO, United ultural Organization/ [Lian2 he2 guo2 Qi4 hou4 Bian4 hua4 Kuang4 ji Climate Change/ [Lian2 he2 guo2 Hai3 yang2 fa3 Gong1 yue1] /United Nation [Lian2 he2 guo2 huan2 jing4 gui1 hua4 shu3] /United Natio [Lian2 he2 guo2 Mi4 shu1 chu4] /United Nations Secretariat/ [Lian2 he2 guo2 Kai1 fa1 Ji4 hua4 shu3] /United Nations D [Lian2 he2 guo2 Nan2 min2 Shi4 wu

er for Refugees (UNHCR)/ [Lian2 he2 bao4] /United Daily News, Taiwan newspaper/ [lian2 he2 shi4 he2 cheng2 ci2] /coordinative compound word/ [Lian2 he2 Ji4 shu4 Gong1 si1] /United Technologies Corporation/ [lian2 he2 zheng4 fu3] /coalition government/ [lian2 he2 hui4] /federation/ [lian2 he2 he2 shi4 gu4 xie2 diao4 zhong1 xin1] /Join CC)/ [Lian2 he2 wang2 guo2] /United Kingdom/ [lian2 he2 fa1 biao3] /joint statement/joint announcement/ [lian2 he2 zu3 zhi1] /syndicate/ [lian2 he2 sheng1 ming2] /joint declaration/ [lian2 he2 zi4 qiang2] /to combine together for self improvement/joint mo lf strengthening/ [Lian2 he2 hang2 kong1 gong1 si1] /United Airlines/ [lian2 he2 jian4 dui4] /combined fleet/ [lian2 he2 jun1 yan3] /joint military exercise/ [Lian2 he2 tong1 xun4 she4] /Yonghap (South Korean news agency)/ [lian2 ming2] /jointly (signed, declared, sponsored)/ [Lian2 Da4] /United Nations General Assembly/abbr. for / [lian2 yin1] /related by marriage/to connect by marriage (families, work units)/ [lian2 zong1] /combined branches of a clan/ [lian2 xi2 hui4 yi4] /joint conference/ [lian2 xi2 dong3 shi4] /associate director/ [Lian2 xiang3] /abbr. for [Lian2 xiang3 Ji2 tuan2]/ [lian2 xiang3] /to associate (cognitively)/to make an associative connection/ment l association/word prediction and auto-complete functions of input method editin g programs/ [lian2 xiang3 xue2 xi2] /associative learning/ [lian2 xiang3 qi3] /to associate/to think of/ [Lian2 xiang3 Ji2 tuan2] /Lenovo Group (PRC computer firm)/ [lian2 shou3] /lit. to join hands/to act together/ [lian2 jie1] /to connect/ [lian2 bo1] /to broadcast over a network/(radio or TV) hookup/simulcast/ [lian2 xing1] /binary star/ [lian2 ji1 fen1 xi1 chu3 li3] /online analysis processing OLAP/ [lian2 ji1 you2 xi4] /a network computer game/ [lian2 huan1] /have a get-together/ [lian2 huan1 hui4] /social get-together/evening party/ [lian2 an1] /hydrazine/ [lian2 ying2] /joint venture/under joint management/ [lian2 chan3] /co-production/cooperative production/ [lian2 chan3 dao4 lao2] /to pay sb according to their productivity/ [lian2 chan3 dao4 hu4] /production related household responsibility syste [lian2 chan3 dao4 zu3] /to pay remuneration according to output (idiom)/ [lian2 meng2] /alliance/union/coalition/ [Lian2 meng2 hao4] /Soyuz (union), Russian spacecraft series/ [lian2 jie2] /to bind/to tie/to link/ [lian2 jie2 zhu3 yi4] /connectionism/ [lian2 luo4] /communication/to get in touch with/to contact/connection (math.)/ [lian2 luo4 bu4] /contact book/ [lian2 wang3] /network/cyber-/ [lian2 wang3 huan2 jing4] /networking environment/ [lian2 zhui4] /to put together/linking/successive/a cluster/same as / [lian2 xi4] /connection/contact/relation/to get in touch with/to integrate/to lin /to touch/ [lian2 xi4 fang1 shi4] /contact details/methods of contacting (used on le ebsite)/ [lian2 shu3] /joint signatures (on a letter or declaration)/ [lian2 kao3] /entrance examination/

[Lian2 hang2] /United Airlines, abbr. for / [lian2 mei4] /to get married/side by side/together/jointly/husbands of one's sist rs/ [lian2 song4] /liaison (in phonetics)(loanword)/ [lian2 jun1] /allied armies/ [Lian2 tong1] /China United Telecommunications Corporation/abbr. to China Unicom r Unicom/abbr. of / [lian2 tong1] /connection/link/to link together/ [Lian2 tong1 Hong2 chou2 Gong1 si1] /Unicom Red Chip, Hong Kong s / [lian2 yun4] /through transport/through traffic jointly organized by different en erprises/ [lian2 yun4 piao4] /transfer ticket/ [lian2 bang1] /federal/federation/commonwealth/federal union/federal state/union/ [lian2 bang1 zhi4] /federal/federal system/ [lian2 bang1 da4 lou2] /federal building/ [lian2 bang1 zhou1] /federal state/German Bundesland/ [Lian2 bang1 De2 guo2] /German Federation/Bundesrepublik Deutschland/Germ [Lian2 bang1 kuai4 di4] /FedEx/ [lian2 bang1 zheng4 fu3] /federal government/ [lian2 bang1 jin3 ji2 cuo4 shi1 shu3] /Federal Emergency Mana [Lian2 bang1 diao4 cha2 ju2] /Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)/ [Lian2 bang1 Tong1 xin4 Wei3 yuan2 hui4] /Federal Communicati [lian2 bang1 dian4 xin4 jiao1 tong1 wei3 yuan2 hui4] [lian2 dui4] /wing (of an air force)/sports team representing a combination of en ities (e.g. United Korea)/ [lian2 ti3 bie2 shu4] /townhouse/ [cong1] /quick at hearing/wise/clever/sharp-witted/intelligent/acute/ [cong1 hui4] /bright/witty/intelligent/ [cong1 min3] /quick/bright/intelligent/clever/brilliant/ [cong1 ming5] /acute (of sight and hearing)/clever/intelligent/bright/smart/ [cong1 ming2 fan3 bei4 cong1 ming2 wu4] /a clever person may genuity (idiom); cleverness may overreach itself/too smart for one's own good/ [cong1 ming5 cai2 zhi4] /intelligence and wisdom/ [cong1 ming5 guo4 tou2] /too clever by half/excessive ingenuity/ [cong1 ying3] /smart/intelligent/ [ao2] /difficult to pronounce/ [sheng1] /sound/voice/tone/noise/classifier for sounds/ [sheng1 jia4] /reputation/ [sheng1 shi4] /fame and power/prestige/influence/impetus/momentum/ [sheng1 ka3] /sound card/ [sheng1 ming2] /reputation/declaration/ [sheng1 ming2 da4 zhen4] /to create a sensation/ [sheng1 ming2 lang2 ji2] /to have a bad reputation/ [sheng1 na4] /sonar/ [sheng1 nang2] /vocal sac/vocal pouch (for vocal amplification in male frogs)/ [sheng1 xue2] /acoustics/ [sheng1 dai4] /vocal cords/vocal folds/(motion picture) soundtrack/ [sheng1 zhang1] /to make public/to disclose/ [sheng1 xi1] /sound (often with negative, not a sound)/whisper/ [sheng1 qing2 bing4 mao4] /(of a singer etc) excellent in voice and expre / [sheng1 ya1] /to apply to a court for an arrest warrant/ [sheng1 yuan2] /to support (a cause)/ [sheng1 pang2] /phonetic component of Chinese character/ [sheng1 pang2 zi4] /character serving as sound value of another character/pho [sheng1 pang2 cuo4 wu4] /phonological error/ [sheng1 ming2] /statement/declaration/CL: [xiang4],[fen4]/ [sheng1 ming2 shu1] /statement/ [sheng1 wang4] /popularity/prestige/

[sheng1 dong1 ji1 xi1] /to make a declaration for the east and strike to isdirect/ [sheng1 yue4] /vocal music/ [sheng1 mu3] /consonant/the initial consonant (of a Chinese syllable)/ [sheng1 qi4] /voice/tone/ [sheng1 bo1] /sound wave/ [sheng1 bo1 ding4 wei4] /sonic location system (esp. underwater sonar)/ac oning/ [sheng1 lang4] /clamor/ [sheng1 cheng1] /to claim/to state/to proclaim/to assert/ [sheng1 na4] /sonar (sound navigation and ranging)/ [sheng1 se4 chang3 suo3] /red-light district/ [sheng1 yan2] /profess/pronouncement/declare/declaration/ [sheng1 tao3] /to denounce/to condemn/ [sheng1 shuo1] /to narrate/ [sheng1 diao4] /tone/note/a tone (on a Chinese syllable)/CL: [ge4]/ [sheng1 diao4 de5 diao4 zhi2] /pitch of tones/ [sheng1 diao4 yu3 yan2] /tonal language (e.g. Chinese or Vietnamese)/ [sheng1 diao4 lun2 kuo4] /tone contour/ [sheng1 qing3] /to make a formal request/formal request/to make a claim (law)/ [sheng1 yu4] /reputation/fame/ [sheng1 dao4] /sound track/audio channel/ [sheng1 men2] /glottis/ [sheng1 yin1] /voice/sound/CL: [ge4]/ [sheng1 yun4 xue2] /phonetics/ [sheng1 xiang3] /sound/noise/ [sheng1 pin2] /audio frequency/ [sheng1 lei4 xi4 tong3] /phonetic system/ [song3] /to excite/to raise up/to shrug/high/lofty/towering/ [song3 ren2 ting1 wen2] /to sensationalize (idiom); deliberate exaggerati eople/ [song3 dong4] /to shake (a part of one's body)/to shrug (shoulders)/to create a s nsation/to incite/ [song3 li4] /towering (of object placed high over sth)/ [song3 jian1] /to shrug one's shoulders/ [ting1] /Japanese variant of / [kui4] /born deaf/deaf/obtuse/ [Nie4] /surname Nie/ [nie4] /to whisper/ [Nie4 la1 mu4] /Nyalam county, Tibetan: Gnya' lam rdzong, in Shigatse prefect bet/ [Nie4 la1 mu4 xian4] /Nyalam county, Tibetan: Gnya' lam rdzong, in Shigat , Tibet/ [Nie4 rong2] /Nyainrong county, Tibetan: Gnyan rong rdzong, in Nagchu prefecture di4 qu1], central Tibet/ [Nie4 rong2 xian4] /Nyainrong county, Tibetan: Gnyan rong rdzong, in Nagchu p re [Na4 qu3 di4 qu1], central Tibet/ [Nie4 Er3] /Nie Er (1912-1935), musician and composer of the PRC national anthem arch of the Volunteer Army / [Nie4 Wei4 ping2] /Nie Weiping/ [zhi2] /office/duty/ [zhi2 wei4] /post/office/position/ [zhi2 fen4] /duty/ [zhi2 wu4] /post/position/job/duties/ [zhi2 yuan2] /office worker/staff member/CL: [ge4],[wei4]/ [zhi2 chang3] /workplace/career/ [zhi2 gong1] /workers/staff/CL: [ge4]/ [zhi2 zhi4] /aspiration/ [zhi2 zhang3] /to be in charge of/assignment/ [zhi2 ye4] /occupation/profession/vocation/professional/

[zhi2 ye4 zhong1 xue2] /vocational high school/ [zhi2 ye4 juan4 dai4 zheng4] /professional boredom syndrome/ [zhi2 ye4 hua4] /professionalization/ [zhi2 ye4 jiao4 yu4] /vocational training/ [zhi2 ye4 bing4] /occupational disease/ [zhi2 ye4 su4 zhi4] /professionalism/ [zhi2 ye4 yun4 dong4 yuan2] /professional (athlete)/pro/ [Zhi2 ye4 Gao1 er3 fu1 qiu2 Xie2 hui4] /Professional Golf [zhi2 quan2] /authority/power over others/ [zhi2 ya2] /career/ [zhi2 cheng1] /one's professional position/title/job title/ [zhi2 ji2] /(job) position/level/grade/rank/ [zhi2 neng2] /function/role/ [zhi2 ze2] /duty/responsibility/obligation/ [ning2] /see , earwax/cerumen/ [ting1] /variant of [ting1]/to hear/to obey/ [ting1] /to listen/to hear/to obey/a can (loanword from English "tin")/classifie r for canned beverages/ [ting4] /to let/to allow/ [ting1 bu5 dao4] /can't hear/ [ting1 bu5 jian4] /not be able to hear/ [ting1 bu4 jin4 qu5] /not to listen/to be deaf to/ [ting1 zhi1 ren4 zhi1] /to take a laissez-faire attitude/ [ting1 ren4] /to let things happen/laissez-faire/ [ting1 lai2] /to sound (old, foreign, exciting, right etc)/to ring (true)/to soun as if (i.e. to give the listener an impression)/to hear from somewhere/ [ting1 xin4] /to listen to information/to get the news/to believe what one hears/ [ting1 xin4 yao2 yan2] /to take heed of idle chatter (idiom)/ [ting1 hou4] /top await judgment/to wait and listen/ [ting1 qi2 zi4 ran2] /to let things take their course/to take things as t [ting1 qi2 yan2 er2 guan1 qi2 xing2] /hear what he says and o m Analects); judge a person not by his words, but by his actions/ [ting1 qi2 yan2 guan1 qi2 xing2] /hear what he says and observe w Analects); judge a person not by his words, but by his actions/ [ting1 dao4] /to hear/ [ting1 li4] /hearing/listening ability/ [ting1 li4 li3 jie3] /listening comprehension/ [ting1 qu3] /to hear (news)/to listen to/ [ting1 ming4] /to obey an order/to take orders/to accept a state of affairs/ [ting1 tian1 an1 ming4] /to accept ones situatio as dictated by heave [ti g1 tia 1 you2 mi g4] /to submit to the will of heave /to resig o ese trust to luck/ [ti g1 she 3] /to atte d court/to take part i a trial/ [ti g1 she 3 hui4] /heari g (law)/ [ti g1 xie3] /dictate/dictatio /CL:[ci4]/ [ti g1 xiao3 gu3] /ossicles (of the middle ear)/three ossicles, acti g as lev amplify sou d, amely: stapes or stirrup bo e , incus or anvil bone , malleus er bone / [ting1 de5 dong3] /to understand (by hearing)/to catch (what sb says)/ [ting1 de2 jian4] /audible/ [ting1 cong2] /to listen and obey/to comply with/to heed/to hearken/ [ting1 ping2] /to allow (sb to do as he pleases)/ [ting1 dong3] /to understand (on hearing)/to catch (what is spoken)/ [ting1 xi4] /to go to the opera/ [ting1 fang2] /to eavesdrop outside bridal bedchamber (folk custom)/ [ting1 duan4] /to judge (i.e. to hear and pass judgment in a law court)/to hear a d decide/ [ting1 shu1] /to listen to stories/to listen to performance of storytel [ting1 hui4] /to attend a meeting (and hear what is discussed)/ [ting1 qing1] /to hear clearly/

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[ting1 qiang2 gen1] /to eavesdrop/to listen in secret to sb's conversations/ [ting1 qiang2 gen1 r5] /erhua variant of , to eavesdrop/to l ations/ [ting1 qiang2 mian4] /surface of wall/ [ting1 zhong4] /audience/listeners/ [ting1 chuang1] /to eavesdrop outside bridal bedchamber (folk custom)/ [ting1 tong3] /telephone receiver/headphone/earphone/earpiece/stethoscope/ [ting1 zhe3] /listener/member of audience/ [ting1 er2 bu4 wen2] /to hear but not react (idiom); to turn a deaf ear/t berately/ [ting1 wen2] /to listen/to hear what sb says/news one has heard/ [ting1 ni4 le5] /fed up of hearing/ [ting1 jian4] /to hear/ [ting1 jian4 feng1 jiu4 shi4 yu3] /lit. on hearing wind, to say r with whatever people say/to parrot other people's words/to chime in with others / [ting1 jue2] /sense of hearing/ [ting1 song4] /to hear litigation (in a law court)/to hear a case/ [ting1 zhen3 qi4] /stethoscope/medical device to listen to heart rate/ [ting1 hua4] /to do what one is told/obedient/ [ting1 hua4 ting1 sheng1 , luo2 gu3 ting1 yin1] /to u / [ting1 shuo1] /to hear (sth said)/one hears (that)/hearsay/listening and speaking [ting1 ke4] /to attend a class/to go to a lecture/ [ting1 jiang3] /to attend a lecture/to listen to a talk/ [ting1 zheng4 hui4] /(legislative) hearing/ [ting1 qi5 lai5] /to sound like/ [ting1 cuo4] /to mishear/ [ting1 yu4] /audibility threshold/ [ting1 sui2] /to obey/to allow/ [ting1 tou2] /a can (loanword from English "tin")/ [ting1 feng1 jiu4 shi4 yu3] /lit. to believe in the rain on hearing t believe rumors/to be credulous/ [ting1 gu3] /ossicles (in the middle ear)/also written / [ting1 gu3 lian4] /chain of ossicles (in the middle ear)/ [long2] /deaf/ [long2 ya3] /deaf and dumb/ [long2 kui4] /deaf/fig. stupid and ignorant/ [yu4] /(arch. introductory particle)/then/and then/ [yi4] /to learn/to practice or study (old)/ [yi4 ye4] /to attend (a school)/to drop out (of college etc)/ [yi4 ye4 sheng1] /dropout student/ [yi4 ye4 zheng4 shu1] /certificate of partial completion/certificate of a r a student who did not graduate)/ [Su4] /surname Su/ [su4] /respectful/solemn/to eliminate/to clean up/ [Su4 bei3 xian4] /Subei Mongol autonomous county in Jiuquan , Gansu/ [Su4 bei3 Meng3 gu3 zu2 Zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Subei Mongol aut [Su4 nan2 Yu4 gu4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4] /Su'nan Yuguzu auto [su4 fan3] /purge of counter-revolutionary elements (esp. Stalin's purges of the 930 and Mao's purges 1955-57)/abbr. for / [su4 fan3 yun4 dong4] /purge of counter-revolutionary elements (esp. Stal f the 1930 and Mao's purges 1955-57)/abbr. for / [Su4 ning2] /Suning county in Cangzhou [Cang1 zhou1], Hebei/ [Su4 ning2 xian4] /Suning county in Cangzhou [Cang1 zhou1], Hebei/ [Su4 zhou1] /Suzhou district of Jiuquan City , Gansu/ [Su4 zhou1 qu1] /Suzhou district of Jiuquan City , Gansu/ [Su4 shen4] /ancient ethnic group of northeast frontier of China/ [su4 jing4] /respectful/deferential/ [su4 sha1] /austere/stern/harsh/somber and desolate (autumn or winter)/

[su4 qing1] /to purge/ [su4 qing1 fan3 ge2 ming4 fen4 zi3] /purge of counter-revolut of the 1930 and Mao's purges 1955-57)/abbr. / [su4 ran2] /respectful/solemn/awed/ [su4 ran2 qi3 jing4] /to feel deep veneration for sb (idiom)/ [su4 mu4] /solemn and respectful/serene/ [su4 li4] /standing tall and majestic (of physical object such as trees)/ [su4 jing4] /silence/solemnly silent/peaceful/to pacify/ [si4] /four (banker's anti-fraud numeral)/market/ [si4 yi4] /wantonly/recklessly/willfully/ [si4 wu2 ji4 dan4] /absolutely unrestrained/unbridled/without the slighte [si4 nu:e4] /to wreak havoc/to devastate/ [zhao4] /at first/devise/originate/ [zhao4 shi4] /to cause trouble/to provoke a disturbance/ [zhao4 shi4 zhe3] /offender/person responsible of an accident/ [Zhao4 Jun4 zhe2] /Zhao Junzhe (1979-), Chinese football player/ [zhao4 yin1] /cause/origin/ [zhao4 shi3] /to initiate/to start/the start/ [Zhao4 zhou1] /Zhaozhou county in Daqing [Da4 qing4], Heilongjiang/ [Zhao4 zhou1 xian4] /Zhaozhou county in Daqing [Da4 qing4], Heilongj [Zhao4 qing4] /Zhaoqing prefecture level city in Guangdong province 3] in south China/ [Zhao4 qing4 di4 qu1] /Zhaoqing prefecture in Guangdong/ [Zhao4 qing4 Da4 xue2] /Zhaoqing University (Guangdong)/ [Zhao4 qing4 shi4] /Zhaoqing prefecture level city in Guangdong province eng3] in south China/ [Zhao4 dong1] /Zhaodong county level city in Suihua , Heilongjiang/ [Zhao4 dong1 shi4] /Zhaodong county level city in Suihua , Heilongji [Zhao4 yuan2] /Zhaoyuan county in Daqing [Da4 qing4], Heilongjiang/ [Zhao4 yuan2 xian4] /Zhaoyuan county in Daqing [Da4 qing4], Heilongj [zhao4 huo4] /the cause (of the disaster)/the initial (accident)/ [zhao4 duan1] /the starting point/ [zhao4] /the start/the origin/ [zhao4 jian4] /to build (for the first time)/to create (a building)/ [rou4] /meat/flesh/pulp (of a fruit)/ [rou4 zhong1 ci4] /a thorn in one's flesh/ [rou4 zhong1 du2] /botulism/ [rou4 wan2] /meatball/ [rou4 guan1] /comb (fleshy crest on a bird's head)/ [rou4 xing2] /corporal punishment (such as castration or amputation)/ [rou4 bao1 zi3 da3 gou3] /what's gone can never come back/ [rou4 shang1] /meat merchant/butcher/ [rou4 du1 du1] /chubby/ [rou4 jia1 mo2] /lit. meat wedged in steamed bun/"Chinese burger"/sliced meat ch popular in north China/ [Rou4 zi1 jie2] /see [Kai1 zhai1 jie2]/ [rou4 gan3] /sexiness/sexy/sensuality/sensual/voluptuous/ [rou4 yu4] /carnal desire/ [rou4 bo2 zhan4] /hand to hand struggle or battle/ [rou4 mo4] /ground meat/ [rou4 gui4] /Chinese cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia)/ [rou4 tiao2] /cutlet/ [rou4 du2 gan3 jun1] /Clostridium botulinum/ [rou4 du2 gan3 jun1 du2 su4] /botulinum toxin/ [rou4 du2 suo1 zhuang4 ya2 bao1 gan3 jun1] /Clostridium d tion)/ [rou4 du2 su4] /botulin/botulinal toxin/XR (Botulinum toxin)/ [rou4 zhi1] /meat stock/ [rou4 mo4] /minced pork/ [rou4 tang1] /meat soup/broth/

[rou4 tang1 mian4] /noodles in meat soup/ [rou4 pian4] /meat slice/ [rou4 liu2] /wart/sarcoma/superfluous/useless/ [rou4 yan3] /naked eye/layman's eyes/ [rou4 yan3 fan2 tai1] /ignoramus (idiom)/ [rou4 yan3 guan1 cha2] /observation by naked eye/ [rou4 piao4] /hostage/ [rou4 si1] /shredded meat/shredded pork/ [rou4 geng1] /stew/bouillon/ [rou4 tan3] /to make a humble apology (formal writing)/ [rou4 dou4 kou4] /nutmeg (Myristica fragrans Houtt)/mace/Myristicaceae (famil ants producing aromatic or hallucinogenic oils)/ [rou4 dou4 kou4 liao4] /Myristicaceae (family of plants producing aromati ogenic oils, including nutmeg)/ [rou4 zhi4] /quality of meat/succulent (botany)/ [rou4 zhi4 gen1] /succulent root (botany)/ [rou4 shen1] /corporeal body/ [rou4 jiang4] /mincemeat/pt/ [rou4 ji1] /chicken raised for meat/broiler/(computing) zombie/infected computer n a botnet/ [rou4 lei4] /meat/ [rou4 shi2] /carnivorous/ [rou4 shi2 dong4 wu4] /carnivore/ [rou4 bing3] /meat patty/ [rou4 xian4] /ground meat/mincemeat/ [rou4 ti3] /physical body/ [rou4 song1] /meat floss/shredded dried pork/ [rou4 ma2] /sickening/corny/sappy/maudlin/fulsome (of praise)/ [lei4] /rib/Taiwan pr. [le4]/ [lei4 jian4 ji1] /intercostal muscle (between ribs)/ [lei4 gu3] /rib/ [ji1] /flesh/muscle/ [ji1 dong4 dan4 bai2] /actin/ [ji1 yuan2 xian1 wei2] /myofibril/ [ji1 xian1 wei2] /muscle fiber/ [ji1 xian1 dan4 bai2] /myocilin/muscle fibrin/ [ji1 rou4] /muscle/flesh/ [ji1 rou4 zhu4 she4] /intramuscular injection/ [ji1 rou4 fa1 da2] /muscular/ [ji1 rou4 zu3 zhi1] /muscle tissue/ [ji1 rou4 wei1 suo1 zheng4] /muscular dystrophy/ [ji1 rou4 song1 chi2 ji4] /muscle relaxant (medicine)/ [ji1 jian4] /tendon (anatomy)/sinew/hamstrings/ [ji1 fu1] /skin/flesh/fig. close physical relationship/ [ji1 ti3] /organism/ [cao4] /to fuck (vulgar)/also written [cao4]/ [cao4 ni3 ma1] /fuck your mother (vulgar)/also written [cao4 ni3 [cao4 bi1] /to fuck (vulgar)/ [cao4 dan4] /damn it!/fuck! (vulgar)/Satan (loan)/devil/also written [cao4 da [cao4 bi1] /to fuck (vulgar)/also written [cao4 bi1]/ [ge1] /armpit, arms/ [ge1 bo2] /arm/ [huang1] /region between heart and diaphragm/ [ren4] /tough, strong, hard/ [Xiao4] /surname Xiao/ [xiao4] /similar/resembling/to resemble/to be like/ [Xiao4 Bo2 na4] /Bernard Shaw (1856-1950), Irish-born British playwright/ [xiao4 xiang4] /portrait/ [Xiao4 en1] /Sean (name)/ [Xiao4 Yang2] /Xiao Yang (1938-), President of the PRC Supreme Court 1998-2008/

[Xiao4 bang1] /Frederic Chopin or Fryderyk Franciszek Chopin (1810-1849), Polish ianist and composer/ [zhou3] /elbow/pork shoulder/ [zhou3 ye4] /lit. armpit/elbow and armpit/fig. right up close (to a disaster)/in ne's backyard/on one's doorstep/ [yuan1] /a small worm/to twist/to surround/empty/ [du3] /tripe/ [du4] /belly/ [du3 r5] /erhua variant of [du3]/ [du4 dou1] /an undergarment covering chest and abdomen/ [du4 zi5] /belly/abdomen/stomach/CL: [ge4]/ [du4 zi5 tong4] /stomach ache/belly-ache/ [du4 gu1] /to doze off (Taiwanese)/ [du4 tong4] /stomach ache/ [du4 pi2 wu3] /belly-dancing/ [du4 nan3] /belly/ [du4 fu4] /belly (old)/ [du4 qi2] /navel/ [du4 qi2 yan3] /navel/belly button/ [gang1] /anus/ [gang1 jiao1] /anal intercourse/ [gang1 men2] /anus/ [gang1 men2 zhi2 chang2] /rectum (anatomy)/ [Rong2] /surname Rong/ [gan1] /liver/CL: [ye4], [ge4]/ [gan1 xi1 chong2] /liver fluke/ [gan1 huo3] /irascibility/irritability/(traditional Chinese medicine) inflammatio of the liver/ [gan1 yan2] /hepatitis/ [gan1 bing4] /liver disease/ [gan1 ai2] /liver cancer/ [gan1 ying4 hua4] /cirrhosis/ [gan1 chang2 cun4 duan4] /lit. liver and guts cut to pieces (idiom); brok l cut up/ [gan1 dan3 xiang1 zhao4] /to treat one another with absolute sincerity (i w total devotion/ [gan1 zang4] /liver/ [wo4] /oxime/oximide/-oxil (chemistry)/ [gu3] /share/portion/section/part/thigh/classifier for smells, electric currents , spirals etc/whiff/ [gu3 er4 tou2 ji1] /biceps femoris (anatomy)/ [gu3 fen4] /a share (in a company)/stock/ [gu3 fen4 gong1 si1] /joint-stock company/ [gu3 fen4 zhi4] /(a company) based on share-holding/ [gu3 fen4 you3 xian4 gong1 si1] /joint-stock limited company/corp [gu3 jia4] /stock price/share price/ [gu3 si4 tou2 ji1] /quadriceps muscle group/thigh muscles/ [gu3 shi4] /stock market/ [gu3 xi1] /dividend/ [gu3 li4] /to shake like an aspen/to shiver with fear (idiom)/ [gu3 li4 fu1 su4] /with shuddering thighs and skin like gooseflesh (idiom [gu3 zhi3] /stock market index/share price index/abbr. for [gu3 [gu3 ben3] /capital stock/investment/ [gu3 ben3 jin1 bi3 lu:4] /equity ratio/ [gu3 dong1] /shareholder/stockholder/ [gu3 dong1 ming2 ce4] /register of shareholders/ [gu3 dong1 da4 hui4] /general shareholders' meeting/ [gu3 dong1 te4 bie2 da4 hui4] /special shareholders' meeting/ [gu3 quan2] /equity shares/stock right/ [gu3 min2] /the investors/a shareholder/

[gu3 gou1] /buttock cleavage/butt crack/ [gu3 xuan3] /tinea cruris, fungal skin infection of the groin/dermatomycosis, esp sexually transmitted/jock itch/ [gu3 piao4] /share/stock (market)/ [gu3 piao4 jiao1 yi4] /share transaction/ [gu3 piao4 jiao1 yi4 suo3] /stock exchange/ [gu3 piao4 dai4 hao4] /ticker symbol (to identify share coupon)/ [gu3 piao4 jia4 ge2] /share price/ [gu3 piao4 shi4 chang3] /stock market/stock exchange/ [gu3 piao4 tou2 zi1] /to invest in stock/to buy shares/ [gu3 piao4 zhi3 shu4] /stock market index/share price index/ [gu3 gong1] /trusted aide/ [gu3 ji2 zi1] /share issue/ [gu3 gu3] /femur/ [zhi1] /limb/ [zhi1 ti3] /limbs/ [fei2] /fat/fertile/loose-fitting or large/to fertilize/to become rich by illega l means/fertilizer/manure/ [fei2 li4] /fertility (of soil)/ [fei2 hou4] /plump/fleshy/fertile/ [Fei2 cheng2] /Feicheng county level city in Tai'an [Tai4 an1], Shandong/ [Fei2 cheng2 shi4] /Feicheng county level city in Tai'an [Tai4 an1], Shan [fei2 dun1 dun1] /exceedingly obese/ [fei2 zhuang4] /stout and strong/ [fei2 da4] /loose fitting clothes/fat/stout/swelling (of internal organ)/hypertro hy/ [fei2 shi2] /plump (of fruit)/fat (of meat)/fertile (of land)/ [fei2 chai1] /lucrative job/cushy job/ [fei2 xiao4] /effectiveness of fertilizer/ [fei2 liao4] /fertilizer/manure/ [Fei2 dong1] /Feidong county in Hefei [He2 fei2], Anhui/ [Fei2 dong1 xian4] /Feidong county in Hefei [He2 fei2], Anhui/ [fei2 shui3 bu4 liu2 wai4 ren2 tian2] /lit. don't let one's o rs' field/fig. keep the goodies within the family (proverb)/ [fei2 wo4] /fertile/ [fei2 tian2 fen3] /ammonium sulfate fertilizer/ [fei2 zao4] /soap/CL: [kuai4], [tiao2]/ [fei2 zao4 ju4] /soap opera/ [fei2 zao4 mo4] /soapy lather/foam/ [fei2 zao4 pao4] /soap bubble/ [fei2 shuo4] /fleshy (fruit)/plump/large and firm-fleshed (limbs, body)/stout/ [fei2 que1] /lucrative post/ [fei2 mei3] /fertile/luxuriant/plump/rounded/ [fei2 rou4] /fat (e.g. pork fat)/fat meat/ [fei2 pang4] /fat/obese/ [fei2 pang4 zheng4] /obesity/ [fei2 chang2] /pig-gut (large intestine used as foodstuff)/ [fei2 ni4] /(of foods) fatty/greasy/ [Fei2 xi1] /Feixi county in Hefei [He2 fei2], Anhui/ [Fei2 xi1 xian4] /Feixi county in Hefei [He2 fei2], Anhui/ [Fei2 xiang1] /Feixiang county in Handan [Han2 dan1], Hebei/ [Fei2 xiang1 xian4] /Feixiang county in Handan [Han2 dan1], Hebei/ [fei2 tou2 da4 er3] /robust and prosperous (a compliment in former times) modern)/ [fei2 ma3 qing1 qiu2] /lit. stout horses and light furs/fig. to live in l [fei2 xian1] /fresh and tender (of food)/delicious/ [pei1] /embryo/ [jian1] /shoulder/to shoulder (responsibilities etc)/ [jian1 bing4 jian1] /shoulder to shoulder/abreast/side by side/ [jian1 she4 dao3 dan4] /shoulder-fired missile/

[jian1 dai4] /shoulder strap/shoulder harness/shoulder belt/baldric/CL: [tiao [jian1 jia3 gu3] /scapula/shoulder blade/ [jian1 bang3] /shoulder/ [jian1 bo2] /shoulder/ [jian1 fu4] /to shoulder (a burden)/to bear/to suffer (a disadvantage)/ [jian1 qi3] /to bear/to shoulder (responsibilities etc)/ [fang2] /animal fat/ [zhun1] /gizzard/ [na4] /see , fur seal or its blubber/ [ken3] /to agree/to consent/to be ready (to do sth)/willing/ [Ken3 ta3 ji1] /Kentucky, US state/ [Ken3 ta3 ji1 zhou1] /Kentucky, US state/ [ken3 ding4] /to be sure/to be certain/sure/certain/definite/to confirm/to affirm affirmative/to approve/approval/recognition/ [ken3 ding4 bing4 li4 ju4] /active conjoined sentence/ [ken3 ding4 ju4] /affirmative sentence/ [Ken3 ni2 ya4] /Kenya/ [Ken3 ni2 di2] /Kennedy (name)/J.F. Kennedy (1917-1963), US Democrat politici sident 1961-1963/ [Ken3 ni2 di2 Hang2 tian1 Zhong1 xin1] /Kennedy space center, 3], Florida/ [Ken3 ni2 di2 jiao3] /Cape Kennedy, name 1963-1973 of Cape Canaveral , Florida/ [Ken3 de2 ji1] /KFC/Kentucky Fried Chicken/ [ken3 de2 ji1 zha2 ji1] /Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC)/ [Ken3 de2 la1] /Kendra (name)/ [Ken3 pu3 suo3 en1] /(Dirk) Kempthorne (US Senator from Idaho)/ [Ken3 Wo4 lun2] /Ken Warren (1926-1989), American adventurer and river runner [Ken3 te4] /Kent (English county)/ [ran2] /dog meat/old variant of / [gong1] /upper arm/arm/ [gong1 san1 tou2 ji1] /triceps brachii (back of the upper arm)/ [gong1 er4 tou2 ji1] /bicipital muscle/biceps/ [gong1 gu3] /humerus/ [yu4] /to have children/to raise or bring up/to educate/ [yu4 ren2] /to educate people (esp morally)/ [yu4 you4 yuan4] /orphanage/ [Yu4 shui3] /name of river/old name of Baihe in Henan/ [yu4 zhong3] /to breed/breeding/ [Yu4 kong1] /Yukon (Canadian territory adjacent to Alaska)/ [yu4 ling2 qi1] /childbearing age/ [yao2] /meat dishes/mixed viands/ [jin4] /table/ [xi4] /giggle/scatter/ [fei4] /lung/CL: [ge4]/ [fei4 ci4 ji1 xing4 du2 ji4] /lung irritant/ [fei4 xin1 bing4] /pulmonary heart disease (medicine)/ [fei4 qi4 zhong3] /emphysema/ [fei4 shui3 zhong3] /pulmonary edema/ [fei4 pao4] /pulmonary alveolus/ [fei4 yan2] /pneumonia/inflammation of the lungs/ [fei4 yan2 ke4 lei2 bo2 shi4 jun1] /Klebsiella pnenmoniae/ [fei4 yan2 shuang1 qiu2 jun1] /Diplococcus pneumoniae/ [fei4 yan2 mei2 jiang1 jun1] /Mycoplasma pneumoniae/ [fei4 bing4] /lung disease/ [fei4 lao2] /tuberculosis/ [fei4 ai2] /lung cancer/ [fei4 jie2 he2] /tuberculosis/TB/ [fei4 jie2 he2 bing4] /tuberculosis, TB/ [fei4 fu3] /bottom of the heart (figuratively)/

[fei4 fu3 zhi1 yan2] /words from the bottom of one's heart/ [fei4 tong1 qi4] /pulmonary ventilation (medicine)/ [jing3] /hydrazine/ [tai4] /peptide (two or more amino acids linked by peptide bonds CO-NH)/ [tai4 dan1 wei4] /peptide unit (on protein chain)/ [tai4 ji1] /peptide group/peptide unit/ [tai4 ju4 tang2] /peptidoglycan (PG) or murein (polymer of sugars and amino a rming cell wall)/ [tai4 jian4] /peptide bond CO-NH/bond in protein between carboxyl radical and ami o radical/ [tai4 lian4] /peptide chain (chain of amino acids making up protein)/ [shen4] /arsine/ [wei4] /stomach/CL: [ge4]/ [wei4 kou3] /appetite/ [wei4 ye4] /gastric fluid/ [wei4 zhuo2 re4] /heartburn/pyrosis/ [wei4 yan2] /gastritis/ [wei4 teng2] /stomach-ache/ [wei4 bing4] /stomach trouble/stomach illness/ [wei4 tong4] /stomachache/ [wei4 ai2] /stomach cancer/ [wei4 rao4 dao4] /gastric bypass/ [wei4 dan4 bai2 mei2] /pepsin/ [wei4 suan1] /gastric acid/ [wei4 jing4] /gastroscopy (medicine)/ [zhou4] /helmet/descendants/ [zhou4 zi3] /eldest son/ [zhou4 jia3] /helmet and armor/ [zhou4 yi4] /distant progeny/ [zhou4 yi4 fan2 yan3] /Descendants are great in numbers. (idiom)/ [qu2] /yoke/ [bei1] /to be burdened/to carry on the back or shoulder/ [bei4] /the back of a body or object/to turn one's back/to hide something from/t o learn by heart/to recite from memory/unlucky (slang)/hard of hearing/ [bei4 jing3 li2 xiang1] /to leave one's native place, esp. against one's [bei4 xin4] /to break faith/ [bei4 xin4 qi4 yi4] /breaking faith and abandoning right (idiom); to betr perfidy/ [bei4 ce4] /back/back side/ [bei4 guang1] /be in a poor light/do something with one's back to the light/stand in one's own light/ [bei1 bao1] /knapsack/rucksack/infantry pack/field pack/blanket roll/CL: [ge4 [bei1 bao1 ke4] /backpacker/ [bei1 bao1 fu2] /have a weight on one's mind/take on a mental burden/ [bei4 bao1 you2] /backpacking/ [bei4 pan4] /to betray/ [bei4 pan4 zhe3] /traitor/ [bei4 di4] /secretly/in private/behind someone's back/ [bei4 di4 li5] /behind sb's back/ [bei4 di4 feng1] /behind sb's back/privately/on the sly/ [bei4 cheng2 jie4 yi1] /to make a last-ditch stand before the city wall ( ght to the last ditch/to put up a desperate struggle/ [bei4 zi4] /bad luck/ [bei4 dui4 bei4] /back to back/ [bei1 shan1] /with back to the mountain (favored location)/ [bei1 shan1 lin2 shui3] /with back to the mountain and facing the water ( ion)/ [bei1 dai4] /braces/suspenders/sling (for a rifle)/straps (for a knapsack)/ [bei4 ying3] /rear view/figure seen from behind/view of the back (of a person or bject)/

[bei4 ying3 r5] /erhua variant of [bei4 ying3], rear view/figure seen fro of the back (of a person or object)/ [bei4 hou4] /behind/at the back/in the rear/behind sb's back/ [bei4 xin1] /a sleeveless garment/CL:[jian4]/ [bei4 xie2] /anticline (geology)/ [bei4 jing3] /background/backdrop/context/CL: [zhong3]/ [bei4 jing3 yin1 yue4] /background music (BGM)/soundtrack/musical setting [bei4 shu1] /to repeat a lesson/to learn by heart/to endorse a check/ [bei4 ban3] /panel/back panel/ [bei4 qi4] /abandon/desert/renounce/ [bei1 bang3] /to score last in an examination/ [bei4 shui3 yi1 zhan4] /lit. fight with one's back to the river (idiom); to win or die/ [bei1 lou3] /a basket carried on the back/ [bei4 yue1] /to break an agreement/to go back on one's word/to fail to keep one's promise/ [bei4 ji3] /the back of the human body/ [bei4 zhe5 shou3] /with one's hands clasped behind one's back/ [bei4 song4] /recite/repeat from memory/ [bei4 miu4] /variant of [bei4 miu4]/ [bei1 ni4] /to violate/to go against/ [bei4 dao4 er2 chi2] /to run in the opposite direction (idiom); to run co [bei4 kuo4 ji1] /latissimus dorsi muscle (back of the chest)/ [bei4 yin1] /in the shade/shady/ [bei4 li2] /to depart from/to deviate from/deviation/ [bei4 kao4 bei4] /back to back/ [bei4 mian4] /the back/the reverse side/the wrong side/ [bei4 gu3] /spine/ [bei4 qi2] /dorsal fin/ [bei1 hei1 guo1] /to be made a scapegoat/to be unjustly blamed/ [gua1] /guanidine/ [tai1] /fetus/litter/tire/abbr. of / [tai1 bian4] /meconium/ [tai1 er2] /unborn child/fetus/embryo/ [tai1 dong4] /movement of the fetus/quickening/ [tai1 ya1] /tire pressure/ [tai1 jiao4] /prenatal education/antenatal training/prenatal influences/ [tai1 pan2] /placenta/ [tai1 fen4] /meconium/ [tai1 ji4] /birthmark/ [tai1 mian4] /surface of tire/tread (of tire)/ [zi3] /dried meat with bone/ [zhi1] /wings of birds/legs of animals/ [zi4] /rotten meat/bones of dead animal/ [pang4] /fat/plump/ [pang4 hu1 hu1] /chubby/ [pang4 ren2] /overweight person/fatty/ [pang4 du1 du1] /plump/pudgy/chubby/ [pang4 dun1 dun1] /short and stout/heavy-set/ [pang4 zi5] /fat person/fatty/ [zhen1] /gizzard/ [zuo4] /to grant or bestow/sacrificial flesh offered to the gods (old)/blessing/ title of a sovereign (old)/ [pei1] /embryo/ [pei1 ceng2] /germ layer/layer of tissue in embryology/ [pei1 zhu1] /ovule/ [pei1 tai1] /embryo/ [pei1 tai1 xue2] /embryology/ [pei1 tai1 fa1 sheng1] /embryogenesis/ [pei1 ya2] /bud/sprout/germ/

[pei1 ya2 mi3] /semi-polished rice (i.e. rice minus the husk, but including t )/ [pei1 ya2 qiao4] /coleoptile, protective sheath covering an emerging shoot (b [jia3] /shoulder blade/ [zhi1] /callous/ [bao1] /placenta/womb/born of the same parents/ [bao1 mi4 ding4] /cytosine nucleotide (C, pairs with guanine G [bao1 jiang1] /cytoplasm/ [bao1 zao3] /algae/ [bao1 yi1] /afterbirth/ [qu1] /flank of animal/side/to pry open/to steal/ [qu1 qie4] /to steal/to pilfer/ [qu1 qie4 zhe3 liu2] /thieves/pilferers/ [Hu2] /surname Hu/ [hu2] /non-Han people, esp. from central Asia/reckless/outrageous/what?/why?/to complete a winning hand at mahjong (also written [hu2])/ [hu2 luan4] /careless/reckless/casually/absent-mindedly/at will/at random/any old how/ [Hu2 fo2] /Hoover (name)/Herbert Hoover (1874-1964) US mining engineer and Republ can politician, president (1929-1933)/ [hu2 zuo4 fei1 wei2] /to run amok (idiom); to commit outrages/ [Hu2 Jia1] /Hu Jia (1973-), PRC dissident human rights activist/ [hu2 lai2] /to act arbitrarily regardless of the rules/to mess with sth/to make a hash of things/to cause trouble/ [Hu2 ke4] /Hook or Hooke (name)/Robert Hooke (1635-1703), brilliant English exper mental scientist and inventor/ [Hu2 ke4 ding4 lu:4] /Hooke's law/ [hu2 chi1 hai3 he1] /to eat and drink gluttonously/to pig out/ [hu2 chui1] /to boast wildly/ [hu2 chui1 luan4 peng3] /indiscriminate admiration (idiom)/ [hu2 qin4] /to talk provokingly or nonsensically/ [Hu2 tu2 zu2] /Hutu, an ethnic group in Rwanda and Burundi/ [hu2 tu5] /muddled/silly/confused/also written / [hu2 tu5 chong2] /blunderer/bungler/also written / [Hu2 tian1] /Zoroastrianism/ [hu2 tian1 hu2 di4] /with all the majesty of an emperor (idiom)/reckless/ [Hu2 fu1] /Khufu (Pharoah, reigned possibly 2590-2568 BC)/ [hu2 ji1 hua1] /Vanda miss joaquim (hybrid orchid), national flower of Singap [Hu2 Zhi4 qiang2] /Jason Hu (Taiwan foreign minister)/ [Hu2 Zhi4 ming2] /Ho Chi Minh (1890-1969), former Vietnamese leader. See also ming2 shi4]/ [Hu2 Zhi4 ming2 shi4] /Ho Chi Minh City a.k.a. Saigon, Vietnam/ [hu2 si1 luan4 xiang3] /to indulge in flights of fancy (idiom); to let on on run wild/to have a bee in one's bonnet/unrealistic utopian fantasy/ [hu2 xiang3] /to let one's imagination run wild/fantasy/ [Hu2 Hui4 zhong1] /Sibelle Hu (1958-), Taiwanese actress/ [hu2 che3] /to chatter/nonsense/blather/ [hu2 che3 ba1 liu1] /to talk nonsense/ [hu2 che3 dan4] /nonsense/irresponsible patter/ [hu2 lun1] /to act rashly/ [hu2 gao3] /to mess around/to mess with something/to have an affair/ [hu2 jiao3] /to disturb/to pester/ [hu2 jiao3 man2 chan2] /to pester endlessly (idiom)/an annoying troublema [hu2 tao2] /walnut/ [hu2 jiao1] /pepper/ [hu2 jiao1 zi3] /peppercorn/seeds of pepper/ [hu2 jiao1 shu3] /pepper genus (Piper spp.)/ [hu2 jiao1 fen3] /ground pepper (i.e. powder)/ [hu2 jiao1 li4] /peppercorn/seeds of pepper/ [hu2 jiao1 bo4 he5] /peppermint/

[hu2 yue4] /Hu music/central Asian music (e.g. as appreciated by Tang literati)/ [Hu2 Wen1 xin1 zheng4] /Hu JinTao and Wen JiaBao new politics/ [Hu2 Yan1 ni1] /Jenny Hu/ [hu2 lang2] /jackal/ [hu2 qin5] /huqin/family of Chinese two-stringed fiddles, with snakeskin covered ooden soundbox and bamboo bow with horsehair bowstring/ [hu2 qin2 r5] /erhua variant of / [hu2 gua1 yu2] /smelt (family Osmeridae)/ [hu2 sheng1] /pipe wind instrument introduced from the non-Han peoples in the Nor h and West/ [Hu2 Zi3 wei1] /Hu Ziwei (1970-), PRC lady TV presenter/ [Hu2 Zi3 wei1] /Hu Ziwei (1970-), PRC lady TV presenter/ [hu2 bian1 luan4 zao4] /reckless invention/a cock and bull story/ [hu2 chan2] /to pester/to involve sb unreasonably/ [Hu2 Yao4 bang1] /Hu Yaobang (1915-1989), Chinese politician/ [hu2 yuan2] /coriander/ [hu2 hua1] /to spend recklessly/to squander money/ [hu2 sui1] /coriander/ [hu2 lu2 ba1] /fenugreek/ [hu2 luo2 bo5] /carrot/ [hu2 luo2 bo5 su4] /carotene/ [hu2 yan2 luan4 yu3] /babbling nonsense (idiom); crazy and unfounded ravi tch/ [hu2 hua4] /nonsense/ridiculous talk/hogwash/ [hu2 shuo1] /to talk nonsense/drivel/ [hu2 shuo1 ba1 dao4] /to talk rubbish/ [hu2 zhou1] /to invent crazy nonsense/to cook up (excuses)/to talk at random/wild babble/ [hu2 zhou1 luan4 bang4] /to talk random nonsense (idiom); to say whatever ne's head/ [hu2 zhou1 luan4 che3] /to talk nonsense (idiom); saying whatever comes i [hu2 zhou1 luan4 shuo1] /to talk random nonsense (idiom); to say whatever ne's head/ [hu2 zhou1 luan4 dao4] /to talk nonsense (idiom); saying whatever comes i [hu2 zhou1 ba1 che3] /to talk random nonsense (idiom); to say whatever co s head/ [hu2 dou4] /broad bean (Vicia faba)/fava bean/also written [can2 dou4]/ [Hu2 Shi4] /Hu Shi (1891-1962), original proponent of writing in colloquial Chine e / [Hu2 E4 gong1] /Hu Egong/ [hu2 quan2] /Hu Quan (1102-1180, Song Dynasty official and poet)/ [Hu2 Jin3 tao1] /Hu Jintao (1942-), President of PRC from 2003/ [hu2 nao4] /to act willfully and make a scene/to fool around/to make trouble/ [hu2 ma2 zi3] /sesame seed/ [yin4] /descendant/heir/offspring/posterity/to inherit/ [Xu1] /surname Xu/ [xu1] /all/assist/to store/ [yang1] /the navel/ [ka3] /carbylamine/isocyanide/ [yan1] /rouge/ [yan1 zhi1] /rouge/ [yan1 zhi1 yu2] /mullet/ [kua4] /thigh/crotch/ [kua4 xia4 zhi1 ru3] /lit. forced to crawl between sb's legs as humiliati miliation/ [yi2] /soap/pancreas/ [yi2 dao3] /see [Lang2 ge2 han3 shi4 dao3]/ [yi2 dao3 su4] /insulin/ [yi2 ye4] /pancreatic fluid/ [yi2 xian4] /pancreas/

[yi2 xian4 yan2] /pancreatitis/ [yi2 zang4] /pancreas/ [yi2 zang4 yan2] /pancreatitis/ [guang1] /bladder/ [hai3] /hydroxylamine (chemistry)/ [ge1] /armpit/ [ge2 zhi5] /tickle/ [ga1 zhi5 wo1] /armpit/also pr. [ge1 zhi5 wo1]/also written [ga1 [ge1 bo5] /arm/CL: [zhi1], [tiao2], [shuang1]/ [ge1 bo5 zhou3] /elbow/ [ge1 bo5 zhou3 zi5] /see [ge1 bo5 zhou3]/ [ge1 bo5 zhou3 chao2 wai4 guai3] /the elbow turns the wrong way/t ad of someone on one's own side (idiom)/ [ge1 bei5] /arm/CL: [tiao2], [zhi1]/ [ge1 bei5 gu1 r5] /armband/ [ge1 bei5 zhou3 r5] /elbow/ [dong4] /large intestine/torso/ [dong4 ti3] /carcass/naked body/ [xiong1] /chest/bosom/heart/mind/thorax/ [xiong1 zhong1] /one's mind/ [xiong1 kou3] /pit of the stomach/ [xiong1 ye1] /thoracic choke (animal harness)/ [xiong1 wei2] /chest measurement/bust/ [xiong1 da4 ji1] /pectoralis major muscle (across the top of the chest)/ [xiong1 kuan1] /width of chest/ [xiong1 kuo4] /thorax/ [xiong1 kuo4 qie1 kai1 shu4] /thoracotomy (medicine)/ [xiong1 men1] /chest pain/chest distress/ [xiong1 huai2] /one's bosom (the seat of emotions)/breast/broad-minded and open/t think about/to cherish/ [xiong1 huai2 tan3 dang4] /open and candid (idiom); not hiding anything/i hearted/unselfish/magnanimous/broad-minded/ [xiong1 you3 cheng2 fu3] /subtle way of thinking (idiom); hard to fathom/ wd/ [xiong1 you3 cheng2 lu:e4] /the hero has plans already laid (idiom); to h dy in advance/forewarned is forearmed/ [xiong1 you3 cheng2 zhu2] /to plan in advance (idiom); a card up one's sl ed is forearmed/ [xiong1 you3 cheng2 suan4] /the hero has plans already laid (idiom); to h dy in advance/forewarned is forearmed/ [xiong1 zhui1] /thoracic vertebra/the twelve thoracic vertebras behind the ribcag of humans and most mammals/ [xiong1 cao2] /cleavage (hollow between a woman's breasts)/ [xiong1 wu2 cheng2 fu3] /open and candid (idiom); not hiding anything/ing [xiong1 wu2 su4 wu4] /open and candid (idiom); not hiding anything/ingenu [xiong1 qiang2] /parapet/defensive wall/breastwork/ [xiong1 jia3] /breastplate/ [xiong1 zhang1] /lapel badge/CL:[mei2]/ [xiong1 zhao4] /brassiere (underwear)/bra/ [xiong1 rou4] /brisket/ [xiong1 ji1] /pectoral muscles/ [xiong1 xie2] /chest and hypochondrium/upper part of the body/ [xiong1 pu2] /chest/ [xiong1 qiang1] /thoracic cavity/ [xiong1 xian4] /thymus/ [xiong1 xian4 mi4 ding4] /thymine nucleotide (T, pairs with adenine A [xiong1 tang2] /chest/ [xiong1 mo2] /pleural cavity (part of thorax containing lungs)/ [xiong1 mo2 yan2] /pleurisy/ [xiong1 yi4] /inner feelings/what is deep in one's heart/

[xiong1 jin1] /lapel of jacket/heart/aspiration/vision/ [xiong1 bu4] /chest/bosom/ [xiong1 zhen1] /brooch/ [xiong1 ba3] /chest silhouette (used as a target in shooting practice)/ [xiong1 yin1] /chest voice/ [xiong1 gu3] /sternum/breastbone/ [xiong1 qi2] /pectoral fin/ [er2] /overcooked/soft/ [an4] /amine/ [an4 ji1 suan1] /amino acid/also written / [heng2] /calf (lower leg)/(arch.) belly/ [pian2] /callous on hand or foot/ [pian2 shou3 zhi1 zu2] /with callouses on hands and feet (idiom)/to work to the bone/ [pian2 zhi1] /callus/ [pian2 zhi1 ti3] /corpus callosum/ [Neng2] /surname Neng/ [neng2] /to be able to/to be capable of/ability/capability/able/capable/can poss ibly/(usually used in the negative) to have the possibility of/ [neng2 shang4 neng2 xia4] /ready to take any job, high or low/ [neng2 bu4 neng2] /can or cannot?/Is it possible?/Can we do it?/ [neng2 shi4] /particular abilities/one's forte/ [neng2 ren2] /capable person/ [neng2 shen1 neng2 qu1] /can bow and submit, or can stand tall (idiom, fr anges); ready to give and take/flexible/ [neng2 li4] /capability/capable/able/ability/CL: [ge4]/ [neng2 li4 su4 zhi4] /quality of capabilities (in ideological education)/ [neng2 dong4 xing4] /initiative/active role/ [neng2 fou3] /whether or not/can it or can't it/is it possible?/ [neng2 gou4] /to be capable of/to be able to/can/ [neng2 xie3 shan4 suan4] /to be literate and numerate (idiom)/ [neng2 qu1 neng2 shen1] /can bow and submit, or can stand tall (idiom, fr anges); ready to give and take/flexible/ [neng2 gan4] /capable/competent/ [neng2 ruo4 neng2 qiang2] /to be either weak or strong both have their pu / [neng2 gou4] /able to do sth/in a position to do sth/same as / [neng2 shou3] /expert/ [neng2 ge1 shan4 wu3] /can sing and dance (idiom); fig. a person of many [neng2 yuan2] /energy/power source/CL: [ge4]/ [neng2 yuan2 wei1 ji1] /energy crisis/ [neng2 yuan2 duan3 que1] /energy shortage/ [neng2 ji2] /energy level/ [neng2 zhe3 duo1 lao2] /abler people do more work (idiom); It is because pable that we (or they) leave everything to you./ [neng2 nai4] /ability/capability/ [neng2 jian4 du4] /visibility/ [neng2 yan2 shan4 bian4] /glib of tongue (idiom)/eloquent/ [neng2 shi1 shan4 wen2] /highly literate/lit. capable at poetry, proficie [neng2 shuo1 hui4 dao4] /can talk really well (idiom); the gift of the ga [neng2 liang4] /energy/capabilities/ [neng2 liang4 dai4 xie4] /energy metabolism/ [neng2 liang4 shou3 heng2] /conservation of energy/ [neng2 liang4 shou3 heng2 ding4 lu:4] /the law of conservation of [neng2 yuan4 dong4 ci2] /optative verb/ [zi4] /cut meat into pieces/diced meat/ [zhi1] /fat/rouge (cosmetics)/resin/ [zhi1 huan2 ting1] /alicyclic hydrocarbon (i.e. involving ring other than ben ng)/ [zhi1 fen3] /cosmetics/

[zhi1 fang2] /body fat/ [zhi1 fang2 gan1] /fatty liver/ [zhi1 fang2 suan1] /fatty acid/ [zhi1 gao1] /fat/grease/riches/fortune/fruits of one's labor/ [zhi1 dan4 bai2] /lipoprotein/ [zhi1 zhi4 ti3] /liposome (bilayer lipid vesicle)/ [xie2] /flank (the side of one's torso)/to coerce/to threaten/ [xie2 cong2 fan4] /induced accomplice/coerced accomplice/accomplice under dur [xie2 chi2] /to hold under duress/ [xie2 po4] /coerce/compel/ [cui4] /brittle/fragile/crisp/crunchy/clear and loud voice/neat/ [cui4 ruo4] /weak/frail/ [cui4 pian4] /chip/ [Cui4 gu3 le4] /Cheerios (breakfast cereal)/ [cui4 cui4] /crispy/ [xie2] /variant of /side of the human body, from the armpit to the waist/coerce/ orce/ [mai4] /arteries and veins/vein (on a leaf, insect wing etc)/ [mo4] /see [mo4 mo4]/ [mai4 dong4] /pulse/throbbing/pulsation/ [mai4 kou3] /location on wrist over the radial artery where pulse is taken in tra itional Chinese medicine/ [mai4 ya1] /blood pressure/ [mai4 xi1] /pulse/ [mai4 bo2] /a pulse (both medical and figurative)/ [mai4 an4] /medical record/ [mai4 shi2] /veinstone (stone containing a vein of precious metal)/ [mai4 guan3] /vascular (made up of vessels)/ [mai4 guan3 zu3 zhi1] /vascular tissue/ [mai4 luo4] /arteries and veins in general/network of blood vessels/fig. the gene al scheme of things/ [mai4 luo4 mo2] /choroid (anatomy vascular layer between sclera and retina)/ [mo4 mo4] /affectionate/loving/ [mai4 chong1] /pulse (physics)/ [mai4 chong1 xing1] /pulsar (astronomy)/ [mai4 zhen3] /to feel pulse/ [mai4 xiang4] /condition or type of pulse (in Chinese medicine)/ [mai4 lun2] /Chakra (Sanskrit: disc, circle, wheel)/one of seven symbolic nodes o the body in spiritual Yoga/ [mai4 lun2 xue2 shuo1] /theory of Chakra in Indian yoga and Tibetan Buddh [mai4 lun2 li3 lun4] /theory of Chakra in Indian yoga and Tibetan Buddhis [mai4 men2] /pulse (in Chinese medicine)/ [ji3] /spine/back/ridge/Taiwan pr. [ji2] or [ji3]/ [ji2 ling2] /variant of [ji2 ling2]/ [ji3 zhu4] /spinal column/columna vertebralis/ [ji3 zhu4 lie4] /spina bifida/ [ji3 liang5] /backbone/spine/ [ji3 liang5 gu3] /backbone/ [ji3 zhui1] /vertebra/backbone/ [ji3 zhui1 dong4 wu4] /vertebrate/ [ji3 zhui1 dong4 wu4 men2] /Vertebrata, the phylum of vertebrates/ [ji3 zhui1 zhi3 ya1 zhi4 liao2 shi1] /chiropractor/ [ji3 zhui1 zhi3 ya1 zhi4 liao2 yi1 sheng1] /chiropractor/ [ji3 zhui1 zhi3 ya1 liao2 fa3] /chiropractic therapy/ [ji3 zhui1 gu3] /vertebra/ [ji3 suo3] /notochord (internal skeletal rod in primitive fish)/ [ji3 suo3 dong4 wu4] /chordata/ [ji3 suo3 dong4 wu4 men2] /Chordata, phylum containing vertebrates/ [ji3 xian4] /ridge line/ [ji3 lei4] /ribcage/

[ji3 bei4] /back/ [ji3 gu3] /backbone/ [ji3 sui3] /spinal chord/ [ji3 sui3 hui1 zhi4 yan2] /poliomyelitis/ [ji3 sui3 yan2] /myelitis/inflammation of spinal chord/ [bo2] /neck/ [bo2 zi5] /neck/CL: [ge4]/ [bo2 ling3] /shirt collar/ [bo2 geng3 r5] /back of the neck/nape/ [guan3] /internal cavity of stomach/ [jing4] /lower part of leg/ [jing4 gu3] /tibia/ [heng1] /fat/bloated/ [cuo3] /chopped meat/trifles/ [ting3] /brisket meat/straight/ [mei2] /meat on the back of an animal/ [chun2] /variant of [chun2]/ [shen4] /sacrificial meat (raw)/ [qian3] /pelvic cavity/lower abdomen/ [juan1] /fleece/extort/reduce/ [xiu1] /cultivate/repair/teacher's pay/ [tuo1] /to shed/to take off/to escape/to get away from/ [tuo1 xia4] /to take off (clothing)/ [tuo1 bu4 liao3 shen1] /busy and unable to get away/ [tuo1 su2] /free from vulgarity/refined/outstanding/ [tuo1 guang1] /to strip naked/to strip nude/ [tuo1 chu1] /to break away/to extricate/to escape/to leave the confines of/ [tuo1 bei3 zhe3] /North Korean refugee/ [tuo1 xie4] /to evade responsibility/to shirk/ [tuo1 qu4] /throw off/ [tuo1 kou3] /to blurt out/ [tuo1 kou3 xiu4] /talk show (loanword)/ [tuo1 kou3 er2 chu1] /to blurt out/to let slip (an indiscreet remark)/ [tuo1 ka1 fei1 yin1] /decaffeinated/decaf/see also [wu2 [tuo1 chui2] /prolapse/ [tuo1 xiao4] /to get through the mourning period/ [tuo1 gang3] /to take time off/to take leave (e.g. for study)/to skive off work/ [tuo1 xu4] /disorder/ [tuo1 shou3] /(not of regular commerce) to sell or dispose of (goods etc)/to get id of/to unload/ [tuo1 diao4] /to remove/to take off/to strip off/to discard/to shed/to come off/t fall off/ [tuo1 huan4] /to molt/ [tuo1 min3] /to desensitize/to remove an allergic susceptibility/ [tuo1 qi1] /to fail to come out on time/to miss a deadline/ [tuo1 ji1] /offline/ [tuo1 dang4] /sold out/out of stock/ [tuo1 ke2] /to shed egg-shell (of newly hatched chick)/ [tuo1 qiao4] /to molt/to exuviate/fig. to fly off like an exuviate cicada/ [tuo1 mao2] /to lose hair or feathers/to molt/depilation/to shave/ [tuo1 mao2 ji4] /depilatory medicine/ [tuo1 yang3] /deoxidation/ [tuo1 yang3 he2 tang2] /deoxyribose/ [tuo1 yang3 he2 tang2 he2 suan1] /DNA/ [tuo1 yang3 he2 gan1 suan1] /deoxyribonucleoside monophosphate/dNMP/ [tuo1 yang3 tuo1 tang2 he2 suan1] /deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)/ [tuo1 yang3 ma2 huang2 jian3] /methamphetamine/ [tuo1 qing1] /dehydrogenation/ [tuo1 qing1 mei2] /dehydrogenase (enzyme)/ [tuo1 shui3] /to dry out/to extract water/dehydration/dehydrated/desiccation/

[tuo1 shui3 ji1] /a device for extracting water (such as a centrifuge)/ [tuo1 ni2] /to remove mud/desliming (in coal production)/ [tuo1 rong2] /to precipitate (solid from a solution)/ [tuo1 hua2] /to shirk/to try to get off work/to slide on the job/ [tuo1 lou4] /omission/to leave out/missing/ [tuo1 se4] /to remove astringent taste/ [tuo1 sa3] /elegant/free and easy/ [tuo1 ran2] /unconcerned/without worries/ [tuo1 ban1] /behind schedule/late/ [tuo1 chan3] /to transfer (from production to other duties)/to take leave (for st dy or other job)/to dispose of property/to transfer assets (to avoid liability)/ [tuo1 lu:e4] /unrestrained/throwing off strictures/unrespectful/indulgence/ [tuo1 pi2] /to molt/to peel/fig. seriously hurt/ [tuo1 pi2 diao4 rou4] /lit. to shed skin, drop flesh/to work as hard as p rk one's butt off/ [tuo1 mang2] /to acquire literacy/to throw off blindness/ [tuo1 xiu4] /strip show/ [tuo1 gao3] /to complete a draft/to put out a manuscript/ [tuo1 ying3 er2 chu1] /to reveal one's talent/to rise above others/to dis elf/ [tuo1 kong1] /to fail/to come to nothing/to fall through (of plans, hopes)/to lie [tuo1 kong1 han4] /liar/ [tuo1 jie2] /to come apart/ [tuo1 li4] /to thresh/ [tuo1 li4 ji1] /threshing machine/ [tuo1 su4] /grain kernel (after threshing and winnowing)/ [tuo1 xian4] /derailment/to jump the track (of train)/to derail/ [tuo1 yu3] /to shed feathers/to molt (of birds)/ [tuo1 gang1] /prolapsed anus/ [tuo1 tai1] /born/to emerge from the womb/fig. to develop out of sth else (of ide s, stories, political systems etc)/fig. to shed one's body (to be reborn)/bodile ss (e.g. lacquerware)/ [tuo1 tai1 cheng2 xian1] /reborn as immortal/ [tuo1 tai1 huan4 gu3] /to shed one's mortal body and exchange one's bones n again Daoist/to turn over a new leaf/fig. to change wholly/to create from othe r material (story, artwork etc)/ [tuo1 tai1 qi1 qi4] /bodiless lacquerware/ [tuo1 zhi1] /to remove fat/to skim (milk)/ [tuo1 zhi1 mian2] /absorbent cotton/ [Tuo1 tuo1] /Toktoghan (1314-1355), Mongol politician during the Yuan dynasty, pr me minister until 1345, compiled three dynastic histories of Song , Liao and written Tuoketuo / [tuo1 jiu4] /dislocation (of a joint)/ [tuo1 se4] /to lose color/to turn pale/to bleach/to fade/ [tuo1 se4 ji4] /bleaching agent/decolorant/ [tuo1 luo4] /to drop off/to come off/to lose (hair etc)/to omit (a character when writing)/ [tuo1 yi1 fu2] /undress/ [tuo1 ku4 zi5 fang4 pi4] /lit. to take off trousers to fart/fig. to d ely unnecessary/fig. to make things too complicated/ [tuo1 wu4] /omission/missing word/ [tuo1 pin2] /to lift oneself out of poverty/ [tuo1 huo4] /out of stock/sold out/ [tuo1 shen1] /to get away/to escape (from obligations)/to free oneself/to disenga e/ [tuo1 gui3] /to leave the rails/to derail/to jump the track/ [tuo1 tao2] /to run away/to escape/ [tuo1 gou1] /to cut ties/to disconnect/out of touch/ [tuo1 xiao1] /to sell out/to run out (of supplies)/deficient/lack of supplies/ [tuo1 kai1] /to withdraw/

[tuo1 chu2] /to get rid of/ [tuo1 xian3] /to escape (danger)/to rescue/to come out alive/ [tuo1 li2] /to separate oneself from/to break away from/diastasis (medicine)/absc ssion/abjunction (botany)/ [tuo1 li2 wei1 xian3] /out of danger/to avoid danger/ [tuo1 li2 ku3 hai3] /to escape from the abyss of suffering/to shed off a ht/ [tuo1 ba3] /to miss/to shoot and miss the target/off the mark/ [tuo1 jiang1] /to throw off the reins/runaway (horse)/fig. out of control/ [tuo1 jiang1 zhi1 ma3] /lit. a horse that has thrown off the reins (idiom rse/out of control/ [tuo1 gu3 cheng2 Fo2] /to shed one's bones and become a Buddha/ [tuo1 gu3 huan4 tai1] /to shed one's mortal body and exchange one's bones n again Daoist/to turn over a new leaf/fig. to change wholly/ [tuo1 fa4] /baldness/to lose hair or feathers/to molt/depilation/ [tuo1 dang3] /to leave a political party/to give up party membership/ [pao1] /bladder/ [fu3] /dried meat/preserved fruit/ [pu2] /chest/breast/ [pu2 zi5] /breast meat (of chicken etc)/ [pu2 an1 suan1] /proline (Pro), an amino acid/ [dou4] /neck/throat/ [niao4] /carbamide/urea (NH2)2CO/also written / [niao4 quan2] /urea formaldehyde/ [nao3] /Japanese variant of / [zhang4] /dropsical/swollen/to swell/to be bloated/ [zhang4 da4] /swollen/ [zhang4 qi3] /bulge/ [pi2] /spleen/ [pi2 qi5] /character/temperament/disposition/bad temper/CL: [ge4]/ [pi2 zang4] /spleen/ [pi2 xu1] /depletion of the spleen (Chinese medicine)/ [tian3] /make strong (as liquors)/virtuous/ [jing1] /acrylic/ [jing1 lun2] /acrylic fiber/ [la4] /preserved (meat)/ [ye4] /armpit/axil (botany, angle between stem and branch)/ [ye4 xia4] /underarm/armpit/ [ye4 xia4 han4] /bromhidrosis/body odor/ [ye4 mao2] /armpit hair/ [ye4 sheng1] /axillary (botany)/budding in the angle between branch and stem/ [ye4 wo1] /armpit/ [ye4 chou4] /body odor/bromhidrosis/armpit odor/underarm stink/also called [h 4]/ [ye4 ya2] /axillary bud/bud growing from axil of plant/ [yan1] /variant of [yan1]/ [yan1 zi4] /to pickle/cured/salted/ [a1 za1] /dirty/filthy/awkward/disgusting/nauseating/Taiwan pr. [ang1 zang1]/ [yan1 zhi4] /marinated/to make by pickling, salting or curing/ [yan1 huo4] /pickles/ [ren3] /be satiated/cooked/good-tasting/ [shen4] /kidney/ [shen4 shang4 xian4] /adrenal glands/ [shen4 shang4 xian4 pi2 zhi4] /adrenal cortex/ [shen4 shang4 xian4 su4] /adrenaline/ [shen4 shang4 xian4 sui3 zhi4] /adrenal medulla/ [shen4 gong1 neng2] /kidney function/ [shen4 xiao3 qiu2] /glomerulus (medicine)/ [shen4 yan2] /kidney inflammation/nephritis/ [shen4 yu2] /renal pelvis (medicine)/

[shen4 yu2 yan2] /pyelitis (medicine)/ [shen4 jie2 shi2] /kidney stone/ [shen4 zang4] /kidney/ [fu3] /decay/rotten/ [fu3 ru3] /pickled tofu/ [fu3 xing2] /castration (a form of punishment during the Han period)/ [fu3 hua4] /to rot/to decay/to become corrupt/ [fu3 huai4] /rot/ [fu3 bai4] /corruption/to corrupt/to rot/rotten/ [fu3 bai4 zui4] /the crime of corruption/ [fu3 xiu3] /rotten/decayed/decadent/degenerate/ [fu3 zhi2 tu3] /humus (topsoil of decayed vegetation)/ [fu3 zhi2 fu4 gai4 wu4] /mulch/ [fu3 zhi2 suan1] /humic acid/ [fu3 lan4] /to rot/to become gangrenous/ [fu3 sheng1 lan2] /Cymbidium macrorrhizum Lindl./ [fu3 zhu2] /roll of dried tofu strips/ [fu3 rou4] /rotting flesh/carrion/ [fu3 chou4] /rotten (smell)/stinking/putrid/ [fu3 shi2] /corrosion/to corrode (degrade chemically)/to rot/corruption/ [fu3 shi2 ji4] /a corrosive (chemical)/ [fu3] /internal organs/ [ju1] /dried poultry/ [fei2] /calf of leg/decay/protect/ [Fei2 li4 men2 shu1] /Epistle of St Paul to Philemon/ [Fei2 li4] /Philip/ [fei2 ni2 ji1] /Phoenician/ [Fei2 te4 lie4 si1 ta3] /Fredrikstad (city in stfold, Norway)/ [Fei2 li4 bi3] /Philip/Philppi/ [Fei2 li4 bi3 shu1] /Epistle of St Paul to the Philipians/ [fei2 chang2 ji1] /calf muscle/gastrocnemius muscle/ [qiang1] /cavity of body/barrel (e.g. engine cylinder)/compartment/tune/accent o f speech/ [qiang1 bi4] /cavity wall/ [qiang1 zi5] /thoracic cavity/intonation/accent/ [qiang1 ji2 yu2] /coelacanth/ [qiang1 chang2 dong4 wu4] /Coelenterata (such as jellyfish)/ [qiang1 diao4] /accent/ [qiang1 xi4] /lacuna/gap/ [wan4] /wrist/ [wan4 zi5] /wrist/ [wan4 ji2] /celebrated/famous/A-list/ [wan4 zu2 dong4 wu4] /brachiopod/ [wan4 sui4 dao4 zheng4 hou4 qun2] /carpal tunnel syndrome (pain i re on the median nerve)/median neuropathy at the wrist/ [wan4 long2] /brachiosaurus/ [ding4] /buttocks/butt/ [mei2] /quickening of the fetus/ [cou4] /the tissue between the skin and the flesh/ [luo2] /fingerprint/ [xing1] /fishy (smell)/ [xing1 feng1 xue4 yu3] /lit. foul wind and bloody rain; fig. reign of ter [nao3] /brain/mind/head/essence/ [nao3 xia4 chui2 ti3] /pituitary glands (at the base of the skull)/ [nao3 zhong4 feng1] /cerebral stroke/ [nao3 chong1 xue4] /stroke/cerebral hemorrhage/ [nao3 r5] /brains (as food)/ [nao3 chu1 xue4] /cerebral hemorrhage/ [nao3 li4] /mental/ [nao3 li4 lao2 dong4] /mental labor/intellectual work/

[nao3 li4 ji1 dang4 fa3] /brain storming/ [nao3 gong1 neng2 te4 hua4] /specialization of brain function/ [nao3 shao2] /back of the head/ [nao3 cu4 zhong4] /stroke/cerebral hemorrhage/ [nao3 hui2] /lobe of the brain/ [nao3 zi5] /brains/mind/CL: [ge4]/ [nao3 zi5 sheng1 xiu4] /lit. brains rusty/ossified thinking/ [nao3 dao3] /insula/ [nao3 gan4] /brain stem/ [nao3 hou4] /the back of the head/(fig.) the back of one's mind/ [nao3 xing4 ma2 bi4] /variant of /cerebral palsy/spastic [nao3 xing4 ma2 bi4] /cerebral palsy/spasticity/ [nao3 cheng2 xiang4 ji4 shu4] /brain imaging technique/ [nao3 sun3 shang1] /brain damage/ [nao3 shao2] /the spoon shape slope on the nape/ [nao3 qiao2] /pons Varolii (bundle of nerve fibers in the brain)/ [nao3 si3 wang2] /brain death/ [nao3 can2] /brain-dead (derogatory)/shithead/ [nao3 ke2] /skull/ [nao3 shui3 zhong3] /hydrocephalus/ [nao3 zhi1] /brains/ [nao3 hai3] /the mind/the brain/ [nao3 gou1] /sulcus (groove or fissure dividing lobes of the brain)/ [nao3 yi4 xue4] /cerebral hemorrhage/stroke/ [nao3 zhang4] /variant of [nao3 zhang4]/ [nao3 jiang1] /brains/ [nao3 yan2] /brain fever/encephalitis/meningitis/ [nao3 gua1] /skull/brain/head/mind/mentality/ideas/ [nao3 gua1 r5] /erhua variant of [nao3 gua1]/ [nao3 gua1 zi5] /see [nao3 gua1]/ [nao3 piao2 r5] /top of the head/crown/ [nao3 bing4] /brain disease/encephalopathy/ [nao3 liu2] /brain tumor/ [nao3 tan1] /cerebral palsy/ [nao3 shen2 jing1] /cranial nerves/ [nao3 jin1] /brains/mind/head/way of thinking/ [nao3 xi4 bao1] /brain cell/ [nao3 ji3 ye4] /cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)/ [nao3 zhang4] /lit. brain swelling/dizzy/light-headed/intoxicated/ [nao3 zhong3 liu2] /brain tumor/ [nao3 mo2] /meninx/meninges/membranes lining the brain/ [nao3 mo2 yan2] /meningitis/ [nao3 xue4 guan3 ping2 zhang4] /blood brain barrier/ [nao3 xue4 guan3 ji2 bing4] /cerebrovascular disease/ [nao3 dai4] /head/skull/brains/mental capability/CL: [ke1], [ge4]/ [nao3 dai4 kai1 hua1] /to blow one's brain out/ [nao3 pin2 xue4] /cerebral anemia/ [nao3 men2] /forehead/ [nao3 men2 zi5] /forehead (dialect)/ [nao3 ji4] /mind/memory/ [nao3 dian4 tu2] /electroencephalogram (EEG)/ [nao3 dian4 tu2 ban3] /electroencephalogram (EEG)/ [nao3 zhen4 dang4] /(med.) cerebral concussion/ [nao3 sui3] /brain tissue/gray matter/brain/medulla/ [shu4] /insertion point in acupuncture/acupoint/ [shu4 xue2] /acupuncture point/ [nan3] /brisket/belly beef/spongy meat from cow's underside and neighboring ribs /see [niu2 nan3] esp. Cantonese/erroneously translated as sirloin/ [nan3 zhi4] /stewed brisket/ [zhong3] /to swell/swelling/swollen/

[zhong3 kuai4] /swelling/growth/tumor/lump/ [zhong3 da4] /swelling/enlargement/hypertrophy/ [zhong3 liu2] /tumor/ [zhong3 liu2 qie4 chu2 shu4] /lumpectomy/ [zhong3 liu2 xue2] /oncology/study of tumors/ [zhong3 liu2 bing4 yi1 sheng1] /oncologist (medicine)/ [zhong3 zhang4] /swelling/oedema/internal bruising/ [rou2] /greasy (Cantonese)/ [sai1] /cheek/ [sai1 bang1 zi5] /cheek/ [sai1 tuo1] /chin rest (e.g. for a violin)/ [sai1 hong2] /rouge (cosmetic)/ [sai1 xian4] /parotid gland/saliva gland in cheek/ [sai1 xian4 yan2] /mumps/ [sai1 jia2] /cheek/jaw/ [sai1 hu2] /sideburns/ [tu2] /fat (of pigs)/ [yao1] /waist/lower back/pocket/middle/loins/ [yao1 bao1] /waist pack/fanny pack/bum bag/ [yao1 wei2] /waist measurement/girth/ [yao1 zi5] /kidney/ [yao1 dai4] /belt/ [yao1 ban3] /waist and back/fig. upright and still healthy/ [yao1 guo3] /cashew nuts/ [yao1 guo3 ji1 ding1] /chicken with cashew nuts/ [yao1 zhui1] /lumbar vertebra (lower backbone)/ [yao1 zhui1 jian1 pan2] /intervertebral disk/ [yao1 zhui1 jian1 pan2 tu1 chu1] /slipped disc/vertebral herniati [yao1 zhui1 jian1 pan2 tu1 chu1 zheng4] /herniated lumbar dis [yao1 chan2 wan4 guan4] /lit. ten thousand strings of cash in money belt ying lots of money/extremely wealthy/loaded/ [yao1 rou4] /loin/ [yao1 zhi1] /waist/ [yao1 bu4] /waist/small of the back/ [yao1 jin1 yi1 zi3] /golden seal at the waist, purple gown (idiom); in of on/ [jian4] /tendon/sinew/ [jian4 zi5] /sinew/ [jian4 gong1] /tendon arch (anatomy)/ [jian4 yan2] /tendonitis/ [jian4 qiao4] /tendon sheath (anatomy)/epitendon/ [jiao3] /foot/leg/base/kick/CL: [shuang1], [zhi1]/ [jue2] /role/ [jiao3 xia4] /under the foot/ [jiao3 wei4] /foot position (in dance)/ [jiao3 deng4] /footstool/ [jiao3 yin4] /footprint/ [jiao3 fu1] /porter/bearer/ [jiao3 jian1] /tiptoe/ [jiao3 di3] /soles of the feet/ [jiao3 shou3 jia4] /scaffolding/ [jiao3 zhi3] /variant of [jiao3 zhi3]/ [jiao3 zhi3 jia5] /toenail/ [jiao3 zhang3] /the sole of the foot/ [jiao3 ben3] /script/ [jiao3 ban3] /the sole of the foot/ [jiao3 zheng4 bu4 pa4 xie2 wai1] /lit. a straight foot has no fea right man is not afraid of gossip (idiom)/ [jiao3 bu4] /footstep/step/ [jiao3 qi4 bing4] /beriberi/

[jiao3 zhu4] /footnote/ [jiao3 zhua3] /claw/ [jue2 se4] /background (one's origin)/role (esp in Chinese opera)/ [jiao3 wu4] /foot fault (tennis etc)/ [jiao3 zhi3] /toe/ [jiao3 zhi3 tou5] /toe/ [jiao3 gen1] /heel/ [jiao3 ta4] /pedal/ [jiao3 ta4 liang3 tiao2 chuan2] /lit. to stand with each foot in a di )/fig. to have it both ways/to run after two hares/(especially) to have two love rs at the same time/ [jiao3 ta4 liang3 zhi1 chuan2] /to have a foot in both camps/to have e having an affair/ [jiao3 ta4 shi2 di4] /to have one's feet firmly planted on the ground (id ic without flights of fancy/steady and serious character/ [jiao3 ta4 che1] /bicycle/bike (Taiwan)/CL: [liang4]/ [jiao3 huai2] /ankle/ [jiao3 deng1] /pedal/ [jiao3 pu3] /flippers/fins/ [jiao3 wei2 li4] /foot fault (tennis etc)/ [jiao3 liao4] /fetters/leg-irons/ [yu2] /fat on belly/fertile/rich/ [duan4] /dried meat/ [chang2] /intestines/ [chang2 zi3] /sausage/ [chang2 bi4] /wall of intestine/lining of gut/ [chang2 zi5] /intestines/ [chang2 zhi1] /cecum/ [chang2 du2 su4] /enterotoxins/ [chang2 yan2] /enteritis/ [chang2 bing4 du2] /enterovirus/ [chang2 guan3] /intestine/gut/ [chang2 wei4] /stomach and intestine/digestive system/ [chang2 wei4 yan2] /gastroenteritis/ [chang2 wei4 dao4] /digestive tract/ [chang2 ru2 dong4] /peristalsis (wave movement of gut wall)/ [chang2 dao4] /intestines/gut/ [fu4] /abdomen/stomach/belly/ [fu4 xi1 pan2] /acetabulum (part of the pelvis bone)/ [fu4 di4] /hinterland/interior/outback/ [fu4 bi4] /abdominal wall/ [fu4 shui3] /ascites/ascitic fluid/hydroperitoneum (medicine)/ [fu4 xie4] /diarrhea/to have the runs/ [fu4 tong4] /belly-ache/stomach pain/ [fu4 zhi2 ji1] /rectus abdominis muscle (front of the belly)/ [fu4 si4 pian2 pian2] /a learned person (idiom)/ [fu4 si4 shen4 kuan1] /well-read (idiom)/ [fu4 ji1] /abdominal muscle/ [fu4 gu3 gou1] /groin (anatomy)/ [fu4 bei4 xiang1 qin1] /to be on intimate terms with sb (idiom)/ [fu4 qiang1] /abdominal cavity/ [fu4 yu3] /ventriloquism/ [fu4 yu3 shi1] /ventriloquist/ [fu4 yu3 shu4] /ventriloquism/ [fu4 fei3] /silent curse or disagreement/unspoken criticism/ [fu4 zu2] /gastropod (class of mollusks including snails)/ [fu4 zu2 gang1] /gastropod (class of mollusks including snails)/ [fu4 bu4] /abdomen/belly/flank/ [fu4 bu4 jiao3 tong4] /abdominal cramping/ [fu4 qi2] /ventral fin/pelvic fin/

[xian4] /gland/ [xian4 piao4 ling4] /adenine nucleotide (A, pairs with thymine T in U in RNA)/ [xian4 piao4 ling4 he2 gan1 san1 lin2 suan1] /Adenosine t [xian4 chui2 ti3] /pituitary gland/ [xian4 yang4] /adenoid gland/pharyngeal tonsil/ [xian4 mao2] /glandular hair/trichome/ [xian4 bing4 du2] /adenovirus/ [xian4 ai2] /Adenocarcinoma/ [xian4 gan1] /adenosine/ [tui3] /leg/CL: [tiao2]/ [tui3 hou4 jian4] /hamstring muscle/ [tui3 jiao3] /legs and feet/ability to walk/strides/ [tui3 hao4] /legband (on a bird)/ [tui3 hao4 gu1] /see [tui3 hao4]/ [bang3] /upper arm/wing/ [bang4] /to flirt/ [pang1] /puffed (swollen)/ [pang2] /bladder/ [bang3 da4 yao1 yuan2] /tall and strong/burly/beefy/ [bang3 zi5] /upper arm/arm/wing/ [pang2 guang1] /urinary bladder/bladder/ [pang2 guang1 qi4 hua4] /bladder [qi4] transformation in traditional Chin [pang2 guang1 yan2] /cystitis/ [bang3 bi4] /upper arm/arm/reliable helper/right-hand man/ [lu:3] /backbone/strength/ [lu:3 li4] /strength/bodily strength/brawn/ [wa4] /blubber (animal fat)/ [wa4 na4] /fur seal or its blubber/see and / [wa4 na4 shou4] /fur seal/Callorhinus ursinus Linnaeus/ [wa4 na4 qi2] /penis and testes of fur seal used in traditional Chinese medic [su4] /crop of a bird/fat/ [zhui4] /swelling of foot/ [ge2] /diaphragm/ [ge2 ji1] /diaphragm (anatomy)/ [bo2] /shoulder/upper arm/ [liao2] /fat on intestines/ [gao1] /ointment/paste/CL:[tie3]/ [gao1 gao1] /to anoint/ [gao1 yao5] /herbal plaster applied to a wound/ [gao1 yao5 qi2] /Japanese flag (derogatory)/ [gao1 xue4] /lit. fat and blood/fruit of one's hard labor/flesh and blood/ [biao1] /variant of /fat of a stock animal/ [lu4] /sound of belly rumbling/borborygmus/ [guo2] /knee pit/popliteal fossa (medicine)/ [guo2 dong4 mai4] /popliteal artery (anatomy)/ [guo2 pang2 jian4 ji1] /hamstring (anatomy)/see also [guo2 s [guo2 wo1] /popliteal (anatomy)/hollow at the back of the knee/ [guo2 wo1 nang2 zhong3] /Baker's cyst or popliteal cyst (medicine)/ [guo2 sheng2 ji1] /hamstring (anatomy)/ [guo2 ji1] /popliteus (anatomy)/ [guo2 jing4 mai4] /popliteal vein (anatomy)/ [chuai2] /ugly and fat/too fat to move/ [biao1] /fat of a stock animal/ [jiang3] /callous/ [fu1] /skin/ [fu1 qian3] /skin deep/superficial/shallow/ [fu1 se4] /skin color (race)/ [tang2] /chest (of body)/hollow space/throat/ [tang2 jing4] /bore (i.e. diameter of a gun barrel)/

[mo2] /membrane/film/ [mo2 kong3] /hole in the body of a musical instrument, covered with a membrane wh ch produces a buzzing tone/ [mo2 yan2] /inflammation of membrane/membranitis/ [mo2 chi4 mu4] /Hymenoptera (insect order including ants and bees)/ [xi1] /knee/ [xi1 shang4 xing2] /laptop (computer)/ [xi1 shang4 xing2 dian4 nao3] /laptop (computer)/ [xi1 xia4] /at the knee (in reference to children)/(salutation used in letters to parents or grandparents)/ [xi1 gai4] /knee/ [xi1 tan3] /to walk on one's knees and bare one's breast (a gesture of deepest ap logy)/ [lu:4] /sacrificial flesh/ [jiao1] /to glue/glue/gum/rubber/ [jiao1 ru3] /latex/ [Jiao1 nan2] /Jiaonan county level city in Qingdao , Shandong/ [Jiao1 nan2 shi4] /Jiaonan county level city in Qingdao , Shandong/ [jiao1 yin4] /offset printing/ [jiao1 juan3] /film/roll of film/also written / [jiao1 yuan2] /collagen (protein)/ [jiao1 yuan2 xian1 wei2] /collagen fiber/ [jiao1 yuan2 dan4 bai2] /collagen/ [jiao1 yuan2 zhi4] /collagen (protein)/ [jiao1 he2] /to join with glue/ [jiao1 he2 ban3] /plywood/ [jiao1 nang2] /a capsule (medical or pharmaceutical)/a caplet/ [jiao1 quan1] /rubber ring/gasket/ [jiao1 zi3] /gluon (elementary particle)/ [Jiao1 zhou1] /Jiaozhou county level city in Qingdao , Shandong/ [Jiao1 zhou1 shi4] /Jiaozhou county level city in Qingdao , Shandong [Jiao1 zhou1 Wan1] /Gulf of Jiaozhou (Shandong province)/ [jiao1 bu4] /adhesive plaster/band-aid/rubber tape/rubberized fabric/ [jiao1 dai4] /tape/ [jiao1 juan3] /film/roll of film/ [jiao1 jie1] /to splice/a glued joint/a bond/ [jiao1 mu4] /bakelite/ [jiao1 an1 qin2] /ammoniacum or gum ammoniac (Dorema ammoniacum), resin has m uses/ [jiao1 shui3] /glue/ [jiao1 ni2] /clay/ [Jiao1 Ji4 tie3 lu4] /Jiaonan-Jinan railway/ [jiao1 pian4] /(photographic) film/ [jiao1 pian4 pei4 zhang1] /film badge/ [jiao1 zhuang4] /gluey/gelatinous/colloid (chemistry)/ [jiao1 li4] /colloid/colloidal particles/ [jiao1 nian2] /sticky/viscid/adhesive/ [jiao1 nian2 ji4] /adhesive/ [jiao1 jie2] /to glue/to cement/a bond/ [jiao1 zhuo2] /to stick onto/stalemate/gridlock/to agglutinate/ [jiao1 zhi4] /colloid/gelatinous matter/ [jiao1 lun2] /pneumatic tire/rubber tire/ [jiao1 ti3] /colloid/ [jiao1 chi1] /bird-lime/wood glue/ [zhi4] /vagina/ [lin4] /phosphine/ [peng2] /swollen/ [peng2 zhang4] /to expand/to inflate/to swell/ [ni4] /greasy/soft/unctuous/intimate/tired of/ [ni4 ren2] /greasy/boring/

[ni4 you3] /intimate friend/ [ni4 wei5] /tired of sth/fed up with/ [ni4 zi5] /putty (same as )/frequent caller/hanger-on/ [ni4 fan2] /bored/to be fed up with/sick and tired of sth/ [chuai4] /see [nang1 chuai4]/ [Liao2] /name of a state during Han Dynasty/ [liao2] /male genitals/old variant of [liao2]/ [fan2] /cooked meat used in sacrifice/ [jiao1] /see [san1 jiao1], triple foci, the three visceral cavities of tradi Chinese medicine/ [shan4] /meals/ [shan4 shi2] /meal/ [hu1] /big piece of meat/dried meat/ [cui4] /pancreas/ [xiang1] /hashed beef/soup/ [ying1] /breast/receive/ [ying1 xuan3] /to be elected/ [shan1] /rank odor (of sheep or goats)/ [dan3] /the gall/the nerve/courage/guts/gall bladder/ [dan3 li4] /courage/bravery/ [dan3 nang2] /gall bladder/ [dan3 gu4 chun2] /cholesterol/ [dan3 da4] /daring/bold/audacious/ [dan3 da4 bao1 tian1] /reckless/extremely daring/ [dan3 da4 wang4 wei2] /daring/presumptuous/daredevil/ [dan3 zi5] /courage/nerve/guts/ [dan3 xiao3] /cowardice/timid/ [dan3 xiao3 gui3] /coward/ [dan3 qie4] /timid/cowardly/ [dan3 zhan4] /to tremble with fear/ [dan3 gan3] /to dare (negative connotation)/to have the audacity to (do sth)/ [dan3 qi4] /courageous/bold/ [dan3 zhi1] /gall/bile/ [dan3 lu:e4] /courage and resource/ [dan3 shi2 zheng4] /gallstone/ [dan3 shi2 jiao3 tong4] /gallstone colic/ [dan3 po4] /to be frightened to death/ [dan3 guan3] /bile duct/ [dan3 hong2 su4] /bilirubin/ [dan3 jie2 shi2] /gall stone/ [dan3 lu:4 su4] /biliverdin/ [dan3 se4 su4] /bilirubin/ [dan3 shi2] /courage and insight/ [dan3 dao4] /bile duct/biliary tract/ [dan3 liang4] /courage/boldness/guts/ [dan3 chan4 xin1 jing1] /panic-stricken/ [dan3 po4] /courage/bravery/ [dan3 jian3] /choline (amine related to vitamin B complex)/ [dan3 jian3 zhi3 mei2] /choline esterase (ChE), hydrolyzing enzyme in blo [kuai4] /chopped meat or fish/ [kuai4 zhi4 ren2 kou3] /appealing to the masses/universally appreciated ( [nong2] /pus/ [nong2 bao1] /pustule/worthless person/good-for-nothing/useless weakling/ [nong2 pao4] /pustule/pussy pimple/same as / [nong2 pao4] /pimple containing pus/ [tun2] /butt/buttocks/ [tun2 wei4] /breech position/breech birth (birth abnormality)/ [tun2 wei4 fen1 mian3] /breech delivery (medicine)/ [tun2 wei4 qu3 tai1 shu4] /breech extraction (medicine)/ [tun2 wei2] /hip measurement/

[tun2 jian1] /pork rump/ [tun2 ban4] /anal lobe/ [tun2 chan3 shi4 fen1 mian3] /breech delivery (medicine)/ [tun2 you2] /monkey's seat pads (zoology)/ [tun2 bu4] /butt/buttocks/ [tun2 qi2] /anal fin/ [bi4] /arm/ [bi4 wan1] /crook of the arm/ [bi4 zhang1] /armband/armlet/shoulder emblem/ [bi4 sha1] /(black) armband/ [bi4 bang3] /arm/ [yong1] /see [yong1 zhong3]/ [yong1 zhong3] /obese/bloated/swollen (style)/(fig.) (of an organization) oversiz d or overstaffed/ [jue2] /palate/sausage/ [yi4] /feelings/opinion/thoughts/ [yi4 xiang3] /subjective idea/ [yi4 xian3 kuang2] /mythomaniac/ [yi4 xiang3 zheng4] /mythomany/ [yi4 duan4] /to assume/assumption/ [yi4 ce4] /assumption/guess/ [yi4 jian4] /subjective view/ [juan3] /fat, rich/a stew of fish/ [la4] /dried meat/ [lian3] /face/CL: [zhang1], [ge4]/ [lian3 hou4] /thick-skinned/brazen/ [lian3 xing2] /shape of face/physiognomy/ [lian3 da4] /bold/unafraid/ [lian3 kong3] /face/ [lian3 xing2] /variant of , shape of face/physiognomy/ [Lian3 shu1] /Facebook/ [lian3 pi2] /face/cheek/ [lian3 pi2 hou4] /brazen/ [lian3 pen2] /washbowl/basin for washing hands and face/CL: [ge4]/ [lian3 pan2 r5] /face/contour of face/ [lian3 xiang4] /complexion/looks/appearance of one's face/ [lian3 hong2] /to blush/to redden (with shame, indignation etc)/ [lian3 hong2 jin1 bao4] /red and tense with anger (idiom)/ [lian3 hong2 jin1 zhang3] /red and tense with anger (idiom)/ [lian3 hong2 bo2 zi5 cu1] /red in the face/extremely angry/ [lian3 zhao4] /visor/ [lian3 tang2] /facial contour/facial shape/ [lian3 se4] /complexion/look/ [lian3 bao2] /bashful/shy/ [lian3 dan4] /cheek/face/ [lian3 dan4 r5] /cheek/face (often of child)/ [lian3 dan4 zi5] /cheek/face/ [lian3 pu3] /types of facial makeup in operas/ [lian3 dou1 lu:4 le5] /green in the face (idiom)/to look unwell/ [lian3 mian4] /face/ [lian3 jia2] /cheek/ [lian3 pang2] /face/ [sao1] /smell of urine/ [sao4] /bashfulness/ [sao1 qi4] /foul smell/stench/smell of urine/ [sao1 xing1] /stench/stink/ [gu3] /dropsical/swollen/ [qi2] /navel/ [qi2 shi3] /a newborn baby's excrement/ [qi2 dai4] /umbilical cord/

[qi2 geng3] /umbilical cord/ [qi2 cheng2] /navel orange/ [qi2 lun2] /manipra or manipura, the solar plexus chakra , residing in the en/ [bin4] /variant of / [bin4 xing2] /removal of the kneecaps (punishment)/ [xun1] /lamb soup/ [nao4] /biceps (in Chinese medicine)/(arch.) forelimbs of livestock animal/ [zang4] /Japanese variant of / [biao1] /fat/gross, sleek/ [xing4] /to swell/swelling/ [la4] /December/preserved (meat)/ [la4 ba1 jie2] /Laba rice porridge festival, on the 8th day of the 12th lunar [la4 ba1 zhou1] /Laba rice porridge/ [la4 yue4] /twelfth lunar month/ [la4 chang2] /sausage/ [yan1] /rouge/ [lu2] /belly/skin/to state/to pass on information/to display/ [huo4] /meat broth/ [luo3] /variant of [luo3]/ [qu2] /variant of [qu2]/ [zang4] /viscera/(anatomy) organ/ [zang4 qi4] /internal organs/ [zang4 fu3] /inner organs/ [luan2] /skinny/sliced meat/ [za1] /see [a1 za5]/ [Chen2] /surname Chen/ [chen2] /state official or subject in dynastic China/"Your Servant", form of add ress used when speaking to a ruler/to submit oneself to the rule of or acknowled ge allegiance to/to serve a ruler as his subject/Kangxi radical 168/ [chen2 yi1 zhu3 er4] /One has the right to choose the ruler one serves. ( b)/ [chen2 xia4] /official in feudal court/subject/ [chen2 pu2] /servant/ [chen2 liao2] /court official (in former times)/ [chen2 qie4] /male and female servants/ [chen2 zi3] /official in feudal court/subject/ [chen2 shu3] /official in feudal court/subject/ [chen2 fu2] /to acknowledge allegiance to (some regime)/to serve/ [chen2 min2] /subject (of a kingdom, ruler etc)/ [chen2 lu3] /slave/ [wo4] /to lie/to crouch/ [wo4 bu4 an1] /restless insomnia/ [wo4 wei4] /berth/ [wo4 fo2] /reclining Buddha/ [wo4 dao3] /to lie down/to drop to the ground/ [wo4 nei4] /bedroom/ [wo4 ju4] /bedding/ [wo4 shi4] /bedroom/CL: [jian1]/ [wo4 chuang2] /a bed/ [wo4 di3] /to hide (as an undercover agent)/an insider (in a gang of thieves)/a m le/ [wo4 shi4] /lying/horizontal/ [wo4 fang2] /bedroom/a sleeping compartment (on a train)/ [wo4 guo3 r5] /a poached egg/ [wo4 ta4] /a couch/a narrow bed/ [wo4 bing4] /ill in bed/bed-ridden/ [wo4 cang1] /sleeping cabin on a boat or train/ [wo4 xin1 chang2 dan3] /lit. to lie on firewood and taste gall (idiom); f patiently, but firmly resolved on revenge/

[wo4 hu3] /crouching tiger/fig. major figure in hiding/concealed talent/ [Wo4 hu3 cang2 long2] /Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, movie by Ang Lee [wo4 che1] /a sleeping car/wagon-lits/ [wo4 gui3] /lying on railway lines (to stop a train by threatening suicide)/ [wo4 pu4] /a bed (on a train)/a couchette/ [Wo4 long2] /nickname of Zhuge Liang /Wolong giant panda nature rese Sichuan/Wolong district of Nanyang city [Nan2 yang2], Henan/ [wo4 long2] /lit. hidden dragon/fig. emperor in hiding/ [Wo4 long2 qu1] /Wolong district of Nanyang city [Nan2 yang2], Henan [wo4 long2 da4 xiong2 mao1 bao3 hu4 qu1] /Wolong giant pa , northwest Sichuan/ [Wo4 long2 zi4 ran2 bao3 hu4 qu1] /Wolong nature reserve in W an, home of the giant panda / [Zang1] /surname Zang/ [zang1] /good/right/ [lin2] /to face/to overlook/to arrive/to be (just) about to/just before/ [lin2 xing2] /facing execution/ [lin2 bie2] /on parting/facing separation/ [lin2 bie2 zeng4 yan2] /words of advice on parting/ [lin2 dao4] /to befall/ [lin2 wei1] /dying (from illness)/facing death/on one's deathbed/ [lin2 wei1 shou4 ming4] /to sacrifice one's life in a crisis/ [lin2 wen4] /to go personally to consult subordinates (of a high official)/ [Lin2 cheng2] /Lincheng county in Xingtai [Xing2 tai2], Hebei/ [Lin2 cheng2 xian4] /Lincheng county in Xingtai [Xing2 tai2], Hebei/ [lin2 chang3] /to take an exam/to take part in a race/to go personally to the pla e/ [Lin2 xia4] /Linxia Hui autonomous prefecture [Lin2 inxia city and Linxia county/ [Lin2 xia4 Hui2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1] /Linxia Hui autonomous pr [Lin2 xia4 zhou1] /Linxia Hui autonomous prefecture/abbr. for [Lin2 xia4 shi4] /Linxia county level city in Linxia Hui autonomous prefectur 2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Gansu/ [Lin2 xia4 xian4] /Linxia county city in Linxia Hui autonomous prefecture zhi4 zhou1], Gansu/ [Lin2 an1] /Lin'an county level city in Hangzhou [Hang2 zhou1], Zhejiang/ [Lin2 an1 shi4] /Lin'an county level city in Hangzhou [Hang2 zhou1], Zhej [Lin2 an1 xian4] /Lin'an county in Zhejiang, west of Hangzhou/ [lin2 xie3] /to copy (a model of calligraphy or painting)/ [Lin2 tun2 jun4] /Lintun commandery (108 BC-c. 300 AD), one of four Han dynas anderies in north Korea/ [Lin2 chuan1] /Linchuan district of Fuzhou city , Jiangxi/ [Lin2 chuan1 qu1] /Linchuan district of Fuzhou city , Jiangxi/ [lin2 chuan1 xian4 yu2] /see [lin2 tie4] /to practice calligraphy from a model/ [lin2 chuang2] /clinical/ [lin2 chuang2 te4 zheng1] /clinical characteristic/diagnostic trait/ [lin2 zhan4] /just before the contest/on the eve of war/ [lin2 mo2] /to copy (a model of calligraphy or painting etc)/ [lin2 shi2] /at the instant sth happens/temporary/interim/ad hoc/ [lin2 shi2 fen1 ju1] /trial separation/ [lin2 shi2 gong1] /day laborer/temporary work/ [lin2 shi2 bao4 fo2 jiao3] /lit. to clasp the Buddha's feet when dang fig. to profess devotion only when in trouble/doing things at the last minute/ma king a hasty last-minute effort/ [lin2 shi2 zheng4 fu3] /provisional government/ [lin2 shi2 Ao4 men2 shi4 zheng4 zhi2 xing2 we Cmara Municipal de Macau Provisria/ [lin2 shi2 de5 ben3 di4 guan3 li3 jie1 kou3] /Interim [lin2 shi2 dai4 kuan3] /bridging loan/

[lin2 yue4 r5] /the month childbirth is due/ [Lin2 qu2] /Linqui county in Weifang [Wei2 fang1], Shandong/ [Lin2 qu2 xian4] /Linqui county in Weifang [Wei2 fang1], Shandong/ [lin2 chao2] /to hold a court audience/to govern from the imperial throne (applie esp. to Empress Dowager or Regent)/ [Lin2 gui4] /Lingui county in Guilin [Gui4 lin2], Guangxi/ [Lin2 gui4 xian4] /Lingui county in Guilin [Gui4 lin2], Guangxi/ [Lin2 wu3] /Linwu county in Chenzhou [Chen1 zhou1], Hunan/ [Lin2 wu3 xian4] /Linwu county in Chenzhou [Chen1 zhou1], Hunan/ [lin2 si3] /facing death/at death's door/ [lin2 si3 bu4 qie4] /equanimity in the face of death/to face dangers with [lin2 shui3] /facing the water (favored location)/ [Lin2 jiang1] /Linjiang county level city in Baishan , Jilin/ [Lin2 jiang1 shi4] /Linjiang county level city in Baishan , Jilin/ [Lin2 fen2] /Linfen prefecture level city in Shanxi / [Lin2 fen2 di4 qu1] /Linfen prefecture in Shanxi/ [Lin2 fen2 shi4] /Linfen prefecture level city in Shanxi / [Lin2 yi2] /Linyi prefecture level city in Shandong/ [Lin2 yi2 di4 qu1] /Linyi prefecture in Shandong/ [Lin2 yi2 shi4] /Linyi prefecture level city in Shandong/ [Lin2 shu4] /Linshu county in Linyi [Lin2 yi2], Shandong/ [Lin2 shu4 xian4] /Linshu county in Linyi [Lin2 yi2], Shandong/ [Lin2 he2] /Linhe district of Bayan Nur city [Ba1 yan4 nao4 [Lin2 he2 qu1] /Linhe district of Bayan Nur city [Ba1 ya [lin2 he2 xian4 yu2] /see [l [Lin2 quan2] /Linquan County in Fuyang [Fu4 yang2], Anhui/ [Lin2 quan2 xian4] /Linquan County in Fuyang [Fu4 yang2], Anhui/ [Lin2 tao2] /Lintao county in Dingxi [Ding4 xi1], Gansu/ [Lin2 tao2 xian4] /Lintao county in Dingxi [Ding4 xi1], Gansu/ [Lin2 hai3] /Linhai county level city in Taizhou [Tai2 zhou1], Zhejiang/ [lin2 hai3] /to overlook the sea/on the waterfront/ [Lin2 hai3 shi4] /Linhai county level city in Taizhou [Tai2 zhou1], Zheji [Lin2 hai3 shui3 tu3 zhi4] /Seaboard geographic gazetteer (c. 275) by [Lin2 hai3 xian4] /Linhai county in east Zhejiang/ [Lin2 zi1] /Linzi district of Zibo city [Zi1 bo2 shi4], Shandong/ [Lin2 zi1 qu1] /Linzi district of Zibo city [Zi1 bo2 shi4], Shandong/ [lin2 yuan1 xian4 yu2] /see [lin2 yuan1 xian4 yu2 bu4 ru2 tui4 er2 jie2 wang3 net/ [lin2 yuan1 xian4 yu2 , bu4 ru2 tui4 er2 jie2 nd by the pond and covet fish (idiom)/ [Lin2 qing1] /Linqing county level city in Liaocheng [Liao2 cheng2], Shandong [Lin2 qing1 shi4] /Linqing county level city in Liaocheng [Liao2 cheng2], [Lin2 wei4] /Linwei district of Winn city [Wei4 nan2 shi4], Shnx/ [Lin2 wei4 qu1] /Linwei district of Winn city [Wei4 nan2 shi4], Shnx [lin2 ke3 jue2 jing3] /lit. not to dig a well until one is thirsty/to be d seek help at the last minute (idiom)/ [lin2 ke3 chuan1 jing3] /lit. face thirst and dig a well (idiom); fig. no quate provision/to act when it is too late/ [Lin2 xiang1] /Linxiang county level city in Yueyang [Yue4 yang2], Hunan [Lin2 xiang1 shi4] /Linxiang county level city in Yueyang [Yue4 yang [Lin2 cang1] /Lincang prefecture level city in Yunnan/ [Lin2 cang1 di4 qu1] /Lincang prefecture in Yunnan/ [Lin2 cang1 shi4] /Lincang prefecture level city in Yunnan/ [Lin2 zhang1] /Linzhang county in Handan [Han2 dan1], Hebei/ [Lin2 zhang1 xian4] /Linzhang county in Handan [Han2 dan1], Hebei/ [Lin2 ying3] /Lingying county in Luohe [Luo4 he2], Henan/ [Lin2 ying3 xian4] /Lingying county in Luohe [Luo4 he2], Henan/ [Lin2 tan2] /Lintan county in Gannan Tibetan autonomous prefecture i4 zhi4 zhou1], Gansu/

[Lin2 tan2 xian4] /Lintan county in Gannan Tibetan autonomous prefecture u2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Gansu/ [Lin2 tong2] /Lintong district of Xi'an city [Xi1 an1 shi4], Shaanxi/ [Lin2 tong2 qu1] /Lintong district of Xi'an city [Xi1 an1 shi4], Shaanx [Lin2 ze2] /Linze county in Zhangye [Zhang1 ye4], Gansu/ [Lin2 ze2 xian4] /Linze county in Zhangye [Zhang1 ye4], Gansu/ [Lin2 li3] /Linli county in Changde [Chang2 de2], Hunan/ [Lin2 li3 xian4] /Linli county in Changde [Chang2 de2], Hunan/ [Lin2 yi1] /Linyi county in Yuncheng [Yun4 cheng2], Shanxi/ [Lin2 yi1 xian4] /Linyi county in Yuncheng [Yun4 cheng2], Shanxi/ [lin2 chan3] /to face childbirth/about to give birth/refers esp. to the onset of egular contractions/ [lin2 jie4] /critical/boundary/ [lin2 jie4 zhuang4 tai4] /critical state/criticality/ [lin2 jie4 zhi4 liang4] /critical mass/ [lin2 jie4 dian3] /critical point/boundary point/ [lin2 pen2] /at childbirth/in labor/ [lin2 tiao4] /to observe from afar/to look into the distance from a high place/ [lin2 zhong1] /approaching one's end/with one foot in the grave/ [Lin2 xian4] /Lin county in Lliang [Lu:3 liang2], Shanxi / [Lin2 xiang2] /Linxiang district of Lincang city [Lin2 cang1 shi4], [Lin2 xiang2 qu1] /Linxiang district of Lincang city [Lin2 cang1 [lin2 ru4] /at childbirth/in labor/ [lin2 xing2] /on leaving/on the point of departure/ [lin2 jie1] /facing the street/ [lin2 jie1 fang2] /the store front/the part of a house facing the street serv a store/ [Lin2 xi1] /Lingxi county in Xingtai [Xing2 tai2], Hebei/ [Lin2 xi1 xian4] /Lingxi county in Xingtai [Xing2 tai2], Hebei/ [lin2 shi4] /to observe personally/ [lin2 zou3] /before leaving/on departure/ [lin2 jin4] /close to/approaching/ [Lin2 yi4] /Linyi county in Dezhou [De2 zhou1], Shandong/ [Lin2 yi4 xian4] /Linyi county in Dezhou [De2 zhou1], Shandong/ [lin2 men2] /to arrive home/facing one's home/home-coming/(soccer) facing the goa mouth/ [lin2 zhen4] /just before the battle/to approach the front line/ [lin2 zhen4 tui4 suo1] /to shrink back on approaching the battlefield (id old feet/ [lin2 nan4] /in peril/facing disaster/ [lin2 tou2] /to befall/to be imminent/ [Lin2 gao1] /Lin'gao County, Hainan/ [Lin2 gao1 xian4] /Lin'gao County, Hainan/ [Lin2 kui2] /Linkui (c. 2000 BC), second of the legendary Flame Emperors [Yan descended from Shennong [Shen2 nong2] Farmer God/ [zi4] /from/self/oneself/since/ [zi4 shang4 er2 xia4] /top-down/ [zi4 xia4 er2 shang4] /bottom-up/ [zi4 bu4 bi4 shuo1] /to not need dwell on (idiom)/ [zi4 zhu3] /independent/to act for oneself/autonomous/ [zi4 zhu3 quan2] /ability to make one's own decisions/ [zi4 zhu3 xi4 tong3] /autonomous system/ [zi4 yi3 wei2 shi4] /to believe oneself infallible (idiom)/to be opiniona [zi4 zuo4] /to act for oneself/to view oneself (to be clever, virtuous, attractiv )/exaggerated self-esteem/ [zi4 zuo4 zhu3 zhang1] /to think for oneself and act accordingly (idiom); e's own initiative/ [zi4 zuo4 duo1 qing2] /to imagine that one's love is reciprocated/to show on an uninterested party/ [zi4 zuo4 cong1 ming2] /to think oneself clever (idiom)/self-styled geniu

ck/ [zi4 zuo4 zi4 shou4] /to act for oneself and suffer the consequence/to re as sown/to make your bed and lie on it/ [zi4 lai2] /from the beginning/always/to come of one's own accord/ [zi4 lai2 shui3] /running water/tap water/ [zi4 lai2 shui3 guan3] /water mains/service pipe/tap-water pipe/ [zi4 bao3] /to defend oneself/self-defense/self-preservation/ [zi4 xin4] /to have confidence in oneself/self-confidence/ [zi4 xin4 xin1] /self-confidence/ [zi4 xiu1] /to study on one's own/self study/ [zi4 ge3] /oneself/by oneself/ [zi4 ge3 r5] /erhua variant of [zi4 ge3]/oneself/by oneself/ [zi4 bei4] /to provide one's own.../own/self-provided/self-contained/ [zi4 ao4] /arrogance/proud of sth/ [zi4 zhuan4] /autobiography/self propagating/ [zi4 wen3] /to commit suicide by cutting one's own throat/ [zi4 zhi4] /to maintain self-control/self-control/ [zi4 zhi4 li4] /self-control/ [zi4 chuang4] /to create/to come up with (an idea etc)/ [zi4 li4 geng1 sheng1] /regeneration through one's own effort (idiom)/sel [zi4 zhu4] /self service/ [zi4 zhu4 xi3 yi1 dian4] /laundromat/launderette/ [zi4 zhu4 can1] /buffet/self-service meal/ [zi4 mian3] /to encourage oneself/ [zi4 dong4] /automatic/voluntarily/ [zi4 dong4 fu4 kuan3 ji1] /cash dispenser/auto-teller/ATM/ [zi4 dong4 mian3 yi4] /active immunity/ [zi4 dong4 hua4] /automation/ [zi4 dong4 hua4 ji4 shu4] /automation/ [zi4 dong4 qu3 kuan3 ji1] /automated teller machine (ATM)/ [zi4 dong4 shou4 huo4 ji1] /vending machine/ [zi4 dong4 de5 gong1 zuo4] /automatic operation/ [zi4 dong4 she4 xian4 she4 ying3] /autoradiography/ [zi4 dong4 hui1 fu4] /spontaneous recovery/ [zi4 dong4 fu2 ti1] /escalator/ [zi4 dong4 gua4 dang3] /automatic gear-change/ [zi4 dong4 kong4 zhi4] /automatic control/ [zi4 dong4 ti2 kuan3] /automatic cash withdrawal/bank autoteller ATM/ [zi4 dong4 ti2 kuan3 ji1] /bank autoteller/ATM/ [zi4 dong4 dang3] /automatic gear-change/automatic transmission/ [zi4 dong4 lou2 ti1] /escalator/ [zi4 dong4 dang4] /automatic transmission (gear change)/ [zi4 dong4 gui4 yuan2 ji1] /automated teller machine (ATM)/ [zi4 dong4 bu4 dao4] /moving walkway/travelator/ [zi4 dong4 che1] /automobile/ [zi4 dong4 qian1 bi3] /mechanical pencil/propelling pencil/ [zi4 dong4 fang2 zhi3 fu2 she4 cheng2 xu4] /fail-safe pro [zi4 dong4 li2 he2] /automatic clutch/ [zi4 bei1] /feeling inferior/self-abased/ [zi4 bei1 xin1 li3] /sense of inferiority/inferiority complex/ [zi4 bei1 qing2 xu4] /inferiority complex/ [zi4 xie4 che1] /dump truck/ [zi4 qu3] /to invite trouble/ [zi4 qu3 qi2 jiu4] /to have only oneself to blame (idiom)/to bring troubl 's own actions/ [zi4 qu3 mie4 wang2] /to court disaster (idiom)/to dig one's own grave/ [zi4 gu3] /(since) ancient times/(from) time immemorial/ [zi4 gu3 yi3 lai2] /since ancient times/ [zi4 ge3] /variant of [zi4 ge3]/oneself/by oneself/ [zi4 chui1 zi4 lei2] /to blow one's own trumpet (idiom)/

[zi4 gao4 fen4 yong3] /to volunteer for/to offer to undertake/ [zi4 ming4] /to consider oneself to be (sth positive)/ [zi4 ming4 bu4 fan2] /to think too much of oneself/self-important/arrogan [zi4 ming4 qing1 gao1] /to think of oneself as high and pure (idiom); smu ghteous/holier-than-thou/ [zi4 wen4] /to ask oneself/to search one's soul/to reach a conclusion after weigh ng a matter/ [zi4 tan4 bu4 ru2] /to consider oneself as being not as good as the other [zi4 chao2] /to mock oneself/to laugh at oneself/ [zi4 zai5] /free/unrestrained/comfortable/at ease/ [zi4 bao4 gong1 yi4] /self-assessment/declare one's state for open discus [zi4 bao4 jia1 men2] /to introduce oneself/originally a theatrical device haracter explains his own role/ [zi4 da4] /arrogant/ [zi4 dai4 kuang2] /megalomania/egomania/delusions of grandeur/ [zi4 shi1] /at a loss/ [zi4 feng4 jian3 yue1] /to live frugally (idiom)/ [zi4 feng4 shen4 jian3] /to allow oneself few comforts or pleasures (idio [zi4 ru2] /freedom of action/unobstructed/unconstrained/smoothly/with ease/freely [zi4 shi3] /from the outset/ab initio/ [zi4 shi3 zhi4 zhong1] /from start to finish (idiom)/ [zi4 xue2] /self-study/to study on one's own/ [zi4 xue2 cheng2 cai2] /a self-made genius/ [zi4 jia1] /self/(reflexive pronoun)/own/ [zi4 zhuan1] /to act arbitrarily/to act for oneself/ [zi4 zun1] /self-respect/self-esteem/ego/pride/ [zi4 zun1 xin1] /self-respect/self-esteem/ego/ [zi4 xun2 si3 lu4] /to follow the path to one's own doom (idiom)/to bring own destruction/ [zi4 xun2 fan2 nao3] /to bring trouble on oneself (idiom)/ [zi4 dao3] /self-guided/autonomous/ [zi4 ju1] /to consider oneself as/to believe oneself to be/ [zi4 ji3] /oneself/one's own/ [zi4 ji3 ren2] /those on our side/ourselves/one's own people/one of us/ [zi4 ji3 dong4 shou3] /to do (sth) oneself/to help oneself to/ [zi4 dai4] /to bring one's own/BYO/ [zi4 you4] /since childhood/ [zi4 xu4] /author's preface/autobiographical notes as introduction to a book/ [zi4 di3 xiang4 shang4] /bottom-up/ [zi4 qiang2] /to strive for self-improvement/ [zi4 qiang2 bu4 xi1] /to strive unremittingly/self-improvement/ [zi4 qiang2 zi4 li4] /to strive for self-improvement/ [Zi4 qiang2 Yun4 dong4] /Self-Strengthening Movement (period of reforms i 1-1894), also named / [zi4 lu:4] /self-discipline/self-regulation/autonomy (ethics)/autonomic (physiolo y)/ [zi4 lu:4 xing4 zu3 zhi1] /Self-Regulation Organization/SRO/ [zi4 de2] /contented/pleased with one's position/ [zi4 de2 qi2 le4] /to find amusement in one's own way/to enjoy oneself qu [zi4 cong2] /since (a time)/ever since/ [zi4 cun3] /to speculate/to ponder/ [zi4 yuan4 zi4 yi4] /to be full of remorse/to repent and redress one's er [zi4 shi4] /self esteem/self reliance/over confident/conceited/ [zi4 hui3] /to regret/to repent/ [zi4 ai4] /self-respect/self-love/self-regard/regard for oneself/to cherish one's good name/to take good care of one's health/ [zi4 kui4 bu4 ru2] /ashamed of being inferior (idiom)/to feel inferior to [zi4 kui4 fu2 ru2] /to feel ashamed at being inferior (idiom)/ [zi4 can2 xing2 hui4] /to feel ashamed of one's inferiority (idiom)/to fe [zi4 wei4] /to console oneself/to masturbate/onanism/masturbation/

[zi4 wei4 qi4] /sex toy/masturbation aid/ [zi4 lian4] /narcissism/ [zi4 cheng2 yi1 jia1] /to have a style of one's own/ [zi4 wo3] /self-/ego (psychology)/ [zi4 wo3 jie4 shao4] /self-introduction/to introduce oneself/ [zi4 wo3 cui1 mian2] /self-hypnotism/ [zi4 wo3 an1 wei4] /to comfort oneself/to console oneself/to reassure one [zi4 wo3 shi2 xian4] /Maslow's hierarchy of needs/ [zi4 wo3 yi4 shi2] /self-awareness/ [zi4 wo3 pi1 ping2] /self-criticism/ [zi4 wo3 de5 ren2] /(my, your) own person/(to assert) one's own personali [zi4 wo3 ping2 jia4] /self-esteem/ [zi4 wo3 fang2 wei4] /self-defense/ [zi4 qiang1] /commit suicide/ [zi4 zhao3] /to suffer as a consequence of one's own actions/you asked for it/to ring it on oneself (sth unpleasant)/ [zi4 zhao3 ku3 chi1] /to bring trouble on oneself/ [zi4 zhao3 ma2 fan5] /to ask for trouble/to invite difficulties/ [zi4 tou2 luo2 wang3] /to walk right into the trap/ [zi4 pai1] /to take a picture of oneself, using a shutter delay timer, or by hold ng a camera at arm's length, or by remote control/ [zi4 pai1 qi4] /camera self-timer (for delayed shutter release)/ [zi4 pai1 mo2 shi4] /camera self-timer mode (for delayed shutter release) [zi4 ba2] /free oneself/extricate oneself from a difficult situation/ [zi4 kong4] /automatic control/ [zi4 bao4 zi4 qi4] /to abandon oneself to despair/to give up and stop bot [zi4 you3] /to possess/to own/to have/ [zi4 you3 pin3 pai2] /private brand/ [zi4 qi1] /to deceive oneself/ [zi4 qi1 qi1 ren2] /to deceive others and to deceive oneself/to believe o / [zi4 ci3] /since then/henceforth/ [zi4 sha1] /to kill oneself/to commit suicide/ [zi4 sha1 shi4] /suicide (attack)/suicidal/ [zi4 sha1 shi4 qi4 che1 zha4 dan4 xi2 ji1 shi [zi4 sha1 shi4 zha4 dan4] /a suicide bomb/ [zi4 sha1 shi4 bao4 zha4] /suicide bombing/ [zi4 sha1 zha4 dan4 sha1 shou3] /suicide bomber/ [Zi4 min2 dang3] /Liberal Democratic Party (Japanese political party)/ [zi4 zhi4] /autonomy/ [zi4 zhi4 qu1] /autonomous region, namely: Inner Mongolia [zi4 zhi4 zhou1] /autonomous prefecture/ [zi4 zhi4 shi4] /municipality/autonomous city/also called directly administer / [zi4 zhi4 qi2] /autonomous county (in inner Mongolia)/autonomous banner/ [zi4 zhi4 quan2] /rights of autonomy/autonomy/see / [zi4 zhi4 xian4] /autonomous county/ [zi4 kuang4] /to compare oneself/to view oneself as/ [Zi4 liu2 jing3] /Ziliujing district of Zigong city [Zi4 gong4 s [Zi4 liu2 jing3 qu1] /Ziliujing district of Zigong city [Zi4 [zi4 yin2] /masturbation/ [zi4 ni4] /to drown oneself/ [zi4 man3] /complacent/self-satisfied/ [zi4 du2] /masturbation/to masturbate/ [zi4 fen2] /self-immolation/ [zi4 ran2] /nature/natural/naturally/ [zi4 ran2 zhu3 yi4] /naturalism (philosophy)/ [Zi4 ran2 zhi1 You3] /Friends of Nature (Chinese environmental NGO)/ [zi4 ran2 ren2] /natural person (law)/see also [fa3 ren2]/ [zi4 ran2 bao3 hu4 qu1] /nature reserve/

[zi4 ran2 shi3] /natural history (i.e. botany and zoology)/ [zi4 ran2 shu4] /natural number/ [zi4 ran2 shu4 ji2] /natural numbers' sequence/ [zi4 ran2 tiao2 jian4] /natural conditions/ [zi4 ran2 fa3] /natural law/ [zi4 ran2 zai1 hai4] /natural disaster/ [zi4 ran2 xian4 xiang4] /natural phenomenon/ [zi4 ran2 jie4] /nature/the natural world/ [zi4 ran2 liao2 fa3] /natural therapy/ [zi4 ran2 shen2 lun4] /deism, theological theory of God who does not inte Universe/ [zi4 ran2 ke1 xue2] /natural sciences/ [zi4 ran2 ke1 xue2 ji1 jin1 hui4] /natural science fund/ [zi4 ran2 jing1 ji4] /natural economy (exchange of goods by bartering not ney)/ [zi4 ran2 er2 ran2] /involuntary/automatically/ [zi4 ran2 yu3 yan2] /natural language/ [zi4 ran2 zi1 yuan2] /natural resource/ [zi4 ran2 xuan3 ze2] /natural selection/ [zi4 ran2 tong2] /natural copper/chalcopyrite/copper iron sulfide CuFeS2/ [zi4 ran2 feng1 guang1] /nature and scenery/ [zi4 ran2] /spontaneous combustion/ [zi4 ying2] /self-operated/to operate one's own business/ [zi4 ying2 shang1] /dealer/ [zi4 bao4] /to explode/spontaneous detonation/self-detonation/suicide bombing/to isclose private matters about oneself/ [zi4 li3] /to take care of oneself/to provide for oneself/ [zi4 sheng1 zi4 mie4] /to emerge and perish on its own; to run its course [zi4 you2] /freedom/free/liberty/CL: [ge4]/ [zi4 you2 Zhong1 guo2] /Free China/refers to Taiwan [Tai2 wan1]/ [zi4 you2 zhu3 yi4] /liberalism/ [Zi4 you2 Ya4 zhou1 Dian4 tai2] /Radio Free Asia/ [zi4 you2 qi3 ye4] /free enterprise (in capitalist theory)/ [zi4 you2 hua4] /liberalization/freeing (from sth)/ [Zi4 you2 Gu3 ba1] /Cuba Libre/ [zi4 you2 ji1] /free radical/ [zi4 you2 ji1 qing1 chu2 ji4] /radical scavenger (chemistry)/ [Zi4 you2 Nu:3 shen2 xiang4] /Statue of Liberty/ [zi4 you2 shi4 chang3] /free market/ [zi4 you2 du4] /(number of) degrees of freedom (physics and statistics)/ [zi4 you2 shi4] /freestyle (in sports)/ [zi4 you2 yi4 zhi4] /free will/ [zi4 you2 yi4 zhi4 zhu3 yi4] /libertarianism/ [zi4 you2 fang4 ren4] /laissez-faire/ [zi4 you2 san3 man4] /easy-going/lax/unconstrained/unruly/ [Zi4 you2 Min2 zhu3 dang3] /Liberal Democratic Party/ [zi4 you2 yong3] /freestyle swimming/ [zi4 you2 huo2 dong4] /free time (esp during a vacation)/ [zi4 you2 pai4] /liberal/ [zi4 you2 gang3] /free port/ [zi4 you2 piao1 yi2 de5 zhuang4 tai4] /free-floating state/ [zi4 you2 han2] /free enthalpy (thermodynamics)/Gibbs free energy/ [Zi4 you2 shen2 xiang4] /Statue of Liberty/ [zi4 you2 su4 shi2 zhu3 yi4] /Freeganism/ [zi4 you2 zhi2 ye4] /self-employed/profession/ [zi4 you2 zi4 zai4] /free and easy (idiom); carefree/leisurely/ [zi4 you2 luo4 ti3] /free-fall/ [zi4 you2 mao4 yi4] /free trade/ [zi4 you2 mao4 yi4 qu1] /free trade zone/ [Zi4 you2 Ruan3 jian4 Ji1 jin1 hui4] /Free Software Foundatio

[zi4 you2 xuan3 ze2 quan2] /free agency/ [zi4 you2 jiang4 luo4] /free fall/ [zi4 you2 ti3 cao1] /floor (gymnastics)/ [zi4 you2 dang3] /Liberal Party/ [zi4 liu2 di4] /private plot allocated to an individual on a collective farm/ [zi4 hua4 xiang4] /self-portrait/ [zi4 fa1] /spontaneous/ [zi4 fa1 dui4 chen4 po4 que1] /spontaneous symmetry breaking (phy [zi4 fa1 dian4 wei4] /electroencephalogram (EEG)/ [zi4 bai2] /confession/to make clear one's position or intentions/to brag/ [zi4 bai2 shu1] /confession/ [zi4 jin4] /to kill oneself/suicide/ [zi4 xiang1] /mutual/each other/one another/self-/ [zi4 xiang1 can2 sha1] /to massacre one another (idiom); internecine stri [zi4 xiang1 mao2 dun4] /to contradict oneself/self-contradictory/inconsis [zi4 xiang1 yu2 rou4] /butchering one another as fish and flesh (idiom); nother/internecine strife/ [zi4 xing3] /to examine oneself/to reflect on one's shortcomings/introspection/se f-awareness/self-criticism/ [zi4 zhi1 li3 kui1] /to know that one is in the wrong (idiom)/ [zi4 si1] /selfish/selfishness/ [zi4 si1 zi4 li4] /everything for self and selfish profit (idiom); with n others/selfish/mercenary/ [zi4 cheng1] /to call oneself/to claim to be/to profess/to claim a title/ [zi4 li4] /independent/self-reliant/self-sustaining/to stand on one's own feet/to support oneself/ [zi4 li4 zi4 qiang2] /to strive for self-improvement/ [zi4 ji3] /self-reliant/ [zi4 ji3 zi4 zu2] /self-sufficiency/autarchy/ [zi4 yi4] /to hang oneself/ [zi4 fu4 shou3 jiao3] /to bind oneself hand and foot/ [zi4 you2 zi4 zai5] /free and easy (idiom); carefree/leisurely/ [zi4 zui4] /actual sin (Christian notion, as opposed to original sin )/consci / [zi4 xi2] /to study by oneself/teach yourself/ [zi4 ruo4] /calm/composed/at ease/ [zi4 xing2] /voluntary/autonomous/by oneself/self-/ [zi4 xing2 qi2 shi4] /to act as one thinks fit/to have one's own way/ [zi4 xing2 che1] /bicycle/bike/CL: [liang4]/ [zi4 xing2 che1 jia4] /bike rack/bicycle frame/ [zi4 xing2 che1 sai4] /cycle race/ [zi4 xing2 che1 guan3] /cycling stadium/velodrome/ [zi4 wei4] /self-defense/ [zi4 wei4 dui4] /self-defense f

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