ER009 - Exon Bacon - Crispy EP - Electronical Reeds

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"Crispy EP"
Artist: Label: Release date: Style: Exon Bacon Electronical Reeds August 26th, 2011 Deep House, House Title: Catalog #: Format: Crispy EP ER009 Digital

Tracklisting: 01. One Way Ticket To Space Original Mix (6:55) 02. Storm Original Mix (6:52) 03. Up To The Ground Original Mix (7:22) English Young Brussels-based artist and DJ, Exon Bacon is discovered in 2009 by the "Play Label" party. Since, he could find his place within this organization and plays regularly in Brussels at events such as Play, Downtown or Arnachic. Electronical Reeds is always looking for new talents and so it's evident for the label to welcome him in its team for his first release, Crispy EP. Since the beginning, the musical universe of this young artist is present. An efficient mix between a powerful kick, a deep spirit and melodic atmosphere, he distills his recipe in different proportions through the three tracks of this EP. From a harder "Storm" to "Up To The Ground" reserved for a warm up and through the bewitching "Space One Way To Ticktet", Exon Bacon shows his full future potential. Franais Exon Bacon, jeune artiste et DJ bruxellois, est dcouvert en 2009 par les soires Play Label. Depuis, il a su trouver sa place au sein de cette organisation et mixe rgulirement Bruxelles aux soires Play, Downtown ou encore Anarchic. Electronical Reeds, toujours l'affut de nouveaux talents, l'accueille donc tout naturellement au sein de son curie pour sa premire sortie, l'EP Crispy. D'entre de jeu, l'univers musical de ce jeune artiste s'impose. Mlange entre kick efficace, atmosphre deep et plages mlodiques, il distille dans des proportions diffrentes sa recette dans les trois titres de cet EP. D'un Storm plus dur Up To The Ground plus rserv au warm up en passant par One Way Ticktet To Space plus envoutant, Exon Bacon montre pleinement son potentiel futur.

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