Questionnaire by SAVYINC

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Questionnaire by SAVYINC.

Dear Customer, Please provide the following information to help us to serve you better.

1. What Kind of business do you have?

2. What is the site supposed to do for the client business?

3. Please describe your organisation in few sentences?

4. What makes your website different from others already launched in the market?

5. What problem does your prospect has that your business solves?

6. Do you have a Tagline or a Slogan that describes what you offer in terms of benefit and features?

7. What is the budget of your project?

8. Please list the name of five sites that you like and why are they attractive to you. Wold be better if they are related to your business?

9. Do you have a logo?

10.Do you have a plan to incorporate E-commerce into your website?

11.Do you have a domain name? Else have you thought of some? What is it?

12.What is your company name? Do you want to use the entire name on the site logo and graphics?

13.Please describe the main pages you need in the website?

14.Once we start building the website we need the following things from you if you have? a) FTP access information: username and password? b) Hosting company and tech support number?

Thanks and regards, SavyInc.IN Mridul Sood. 08010242450.

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