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McDonalds Corporation is an international corporation that faces these challenges and issues, a number of which will be addressed in this

dissertation. Domestic and Global Environmental factors demographic environment the worlds age is shifting. In various areas, frequently in urbanized countries such as the United States, Japan and many in Western Europe, the median age of the population is on the increase, due to slowing birth rates and longer life expectancy. In the newer, up-andcoming countries, such as those in Asia or Africa, the median age is getting younger more often than not due to higher birth rates. These different trends necessitate different marketing approaches. McDonalds caters to both segments of the population, domestically and globally by targeting each segment independently. It is not extraordinary to see television commercials showcasing older generations enjoying a McDonalds meal. A viewer is just as prone to see a different commercial aimed at the younger generation, characterized by progressive music or urban attractions. In McDonalds stores, patrons will see Happy Meals Marketing experts view McDonald's as the most perceptive in targeting the growing black and Hispanic population. The corporation has a protracted history of inclusive marketing, and continues to aim various television commercials to those segments,

Cultural environment the cultural environment changes, sometimes considerably, from city to city, nation to nation. This is a particularly essential area for McDonalds because food and peoples eating behaviors are generally a extremely social and personal acts. In order for McDonalds to be attractive worldwide means that they must make local concessions. For instance, in India, where 20% of the inhabitants are vegetarian (Kala, 2005), McDonalds India offers 100% vegetarian food items, together with an egg-free mayonnaise developed specifically for McDonalds India. They do not offer any manner of beef products due to local spiritual beliefs, exchanging chicken and fish items instead (2006). This kind of cultural sensitivity is paramount to McDonalds international success.

. McDonalds states the lower-priced menu invites the young, lowerincome and ethnic category of the market. Marketing to this segment has paid off: double cheeseburgers worth $1 bring in more returns than any other menu items, such as salads or chicken sandwiches, which cost $3.19 to $4.29 (Warner, 2006)

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