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a] Satisfied b] Dissatisfied c]Good


1.How do you feel about the sanitatory facilities provided by company? d]Average e]Bad

2. Any bonus benefits are provided by the company? a] Satisfied b] Dissatisfied c]Good d]Average e]Bad

3 .How do you feel about the safety precautions of company? a] Satisfied b] Dissatisfied c]Good d]Average e]Bad

4.The procedure adopted for career growth of workers. a] Satisfied b] Dissatisfied c]Good d]Average e]Bad

5.Organisation policy for the death harness a] Satisfied b] Dissatisfied c]Good d]Average e]Bad

6.Appreciation and recognisation given to employee for their excellence a] Satisfied b] Dissatisfied c]Good d]Average e]Bad

7. How do you feel about the canteen facilities provided by company? a] Satisfied b] Dissatisfied c]Good d]Average e]Bad

8.provident fund policy provided for employees a] Satisfied b] Dissatisfied c]Good d]Average e]Bad

9.Insurance policy of provision of company a] Satisfied b] Dissatisfied c]Good d]Average e]Bad 10.Assistance for post death formalities of employees and relatives a] Satisfied 11.Traning organization. a] Satisfied b] Dissatisfied c]Good d]Average e]Bad b] Dissatisfied c]Good programs conducted for d]Average e]Bad the development of both employees and

12.what is your opinion about holidays provided for company? a] Satisfied b] Dissatisfied c]Good d]Average e]Bad

13.How do you feel about the Drinking water facilities provided by company? a] Satisfied b] Dissatisfied c]Good d]Average e]Bad

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