Lesson Plan - Future Tense

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Form : 1 Gamma Intermediate Level Subject: English Theme: People Topic : Future Tense and Future Continuous Tense


Date: ___________ 2011 Time:___________p.m.

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to read the sentences, give feedback, and differentiate between Future Tense and Future Continuous Tense. LEARNING OUTCOMES: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Respond to questions orally 2. Differentiate between Future Tense and Future Continuous Tense. 3. Construct new sentences using Future Tense and Future Continuous Tense in the

Snake and Ladder game. EDUCATIONAL EMPHASIS 1. Thinking skill. TEACHING AIDS
1. Realia

LANGUAGE CONTENT 1. Vocabulary PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE 1. Students have learnt about Simple Present Tense, Conjunction and Preposition. REFERENCES:

KBSM English Textbook Form 1 KBSM English Syllabus Form 1 Ram Kumari. 2011. 1201 Question Bank Grammar Form 1. Selangor: Pan Asia Publication Sdn. Bhd.

Teaching Procedure

STAGE Set Induction (5minutes)

1. Teacher greets students and asks them to

LEARNING ACTIVITY Students listen and respond to the teacher Students listen and respond to the teachers questions

get ready for the lesson.

2. Teacher asks students are they planning to

do something/to go anywhere on this weekend. Development (55 minutes) Pre-stage (8minutes)

1. Teacher asks students some questions

regarding their plan and their familys activity during weekend or school holiday.
2. Teacher informs students that they are

Students listen and respond to the teachers questions Students listen and respond to the teachers questions

going to learn Future Tense and Future Continuous Tense.

3. Teacher tells students the meaning of Students listen and respond Future Tense and Future Continuous Tense to the teachers questions and their differences. While-stage (12-15 minutes) 1. Teacher shows the rules of Future Tense, and some examples to the class. 2. Teacher asks 2/3 students to create a sentence using Future Tense. 3. Teacher then writes the rules of Future Continuous Tense and some examples. 4. Teacher asks 2/3 students to create a sentence using Future Continuous Tense. 5. Teacher asks students the differences of using shall and will in the sentence and explains to them for better understanding. Post-stage (25-30 minutes)
1. Teacher informs students that they are

Students listen to the teacher Students listen to the teacher Students listen to the teacher Students listen to the teacher Students listen and respond to the teachers instructions

going to play a game but before that she writes some sentences on the board with some missing words which the students need to fill in the blank in order to reinforce students understanding. 2. Teacher checks the answer and proceed to the game activity.
3. Teacher divides the class into 4 groups and

Students listen to the teacher

Students listen and respond to the teachers instructions Students listen to teacher

asks for each groups representative to throw the dice to set their turn to play. Group which gets the bigger number will start first.
4. Teacher reads aloud the book of

and start to divide themselves into groups

Students listen to the procedures for the game. After all students teacher and they start to understand the games procedures, the play the game. teacher informs them that the time allocated for this game is approximately 20 minutes and let the game begins. Students listen and respond to the teacher

5. After 20 minutes, teacher announces the winner of the game and gives a small token to two best groups. Conclusion (5 minutes) Follow-up Activity (3 minutes) 1. Teacher concludes the lesson by asking students to recap the lesson they have learnt on that day.
1. Teacher asks students to open their 1201

Students listen and respond to the teacher

Question Bank Grammar Form 1 exercise book and answer the exercise on Future Tense and Future Continuous Tense on page 58-60. 2. Teacher asks students to submit their homework next Tuesday.

Students listen and respond to the teacher

Students listen and respond to the teacher

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