Ooad 2M&16M

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Unit I Part - A
1. What do you mean by analysis and design?

2. Why do we go for object oriented systems development? 3. Define UML. 4. Write down the UP phases. 5. Define generalization? 6. What is the purpose of POS system?

Part B

1. Explain include, extend, generalization with diagrams. 2. Explain the UP phases in detail. 3. Discuss the Use case diagrams briefly.

Unit II Part - A 1. What is the need for Description class? 2. Define Association. 3. What are attributes? 4. What is meant by multiplicity?
5. Define aggregation.

6. Explain navigability with diagram.

Part B

1. Explain domain model in detail?

2. What is conceptual class? Explain the class hierarchies? 3. Draw the UML activity diagram for POS and explain the activities in detail?

Unit III Part - A 1. Define SSD?

2. What is a Package diagram? 3. Difference between Element Import and Package Import. 4. Write down the UML diagrams known to you.

5. What layers are included in the logical architecture? 6. Define visibility for a package?

Part B

1. Explain the system sequence diagram for POS in detail?

2. What is a UML package diagram? Explain its elements with a example. 3. Explain interaction diagram with the help of i. ii. Sequence diagram Collaboration diagram

Unit IV Part - A 1. What is meant by GRASP? 2. Define Creator. 3. Define Controller. 4. Explain about High cohesion?

5. List down the types of Visibility. 6. What is singleton?

Part B 1. How to apply the GOF design pattern? Explain 2. Explain i. ii. 3. Explain i. ii. Designing objects with responsibilities Designing for visibility. Information Expert Low Coupling

Unit V Part - A 1. What are the different types of graphical diagrams? 2. Define Events, State and transition. 3. Difference between High level design model and Detailed design model. 4. Explain Round trip engineering concept 5. What is an Artifact? 6. Define Behavior diagram and list its types.

Part B 1. Describe the State chart diagram for any Case study. 2. Explain the Component and Deployment diagrams for POS. 3. How to map from Design to code? Explain in detail

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