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Buks-Lob sa Diys Covenant Community

San Pablo South District | Singles Ministry


The activity shall be known as Singles Night : A Night of Praise and Worship this is to avoid confusion about the term because some District(s) are using the same term as I borrowed it to them. The term Singles Night for them is our Word Sharing Circle counterpart. The program shall composed but not limited to the following: WORSHIP Part (Song Line-up): 1. Opening Song: 2. Before receiving Gods word: 3. Receiving Gods Word: after Gospel reflection from a credible source Opening to the Spirit (I Phase) 4. Cleansing/Contrition: 5. Offertory: 6. Petition/Supplication: Opening to the Spirit (You Phase) 7. Pre-High Praise: 8. High Praise: 9. High Praise | Communion with the heart: 10. Empowerment of the Holy Spirit: 11. Closing Song Recommendation: after the gathering song dont start too strong, surface the solemnity as we are submitting our old self and begging for mercy in preparation to High Praise. Opening to the spirit (you phase) thats the time you sing out loud with praises (pray in tounges) . During Reflection, singles Ministry are not allowed to reflect not unless with the approval of our Couple Coordinator / Pastoral Steward (DCS) or not unless he/she is a covenanted member. For the meantime lets invite speakers and let our couple coordinator do the teachings. In the long run you might enable to inject different practices but please with due respect dont change the original ingredients. PRAISE Part (Tehillah): Prepare 3 to 4 Joyful Songs, this is the part of celebration After worhip/prayer you can anytime inject your desired program, provided it is related to the gospel. If time permits Praise can introduce action songs, related to the tehillah list of songs After Closing Prayer or sent-home prayer, 3-4 Tehillah will take place. SUMMARY 1. No welcoming Remarks just introduction to the Worhip Leader 2. Worship Prayer 3. Reflection from covenanted member or elders 4. Tricord/Shepherds introduction for the WORD THEMES and PROMISES 5. Tricord/Shepherds Program (optional) 6. Teaching [Action Song] (if time permits) 7. Closing Prayer (Worhip Leader) 8. Tehillah / Celebration 9. Additional Announcement In Christ, Melanie R. Saban (Mulan) Singles Ministry - Member

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