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Multimedia University Faculty of Management

Industrial Training Report


The special thank goes to my helpful supervisor, Miss Niza Adila Hamzah. The supervision and support that she gave truly help the progression and smoothness of the internship program. The co-operation is much indeed appreciated.

My grateful thanks also go to both Mr. Wan Amrul Mustapha and Miss Adriyanti Ghazali. A big contribution and hard worked from both of you during the eight week is very great indeed. All projects during the program would be nothing without the enthusiasm and imagination from both of you. Besides, this internship program makes me realized the value of working together as a team and as a new experience in working environment, which challenges us every minute. Not forget, great appreciation go to the rest of KMs staff that help me from time to time during the project. The whole program really brought us together to appreciate the true value of friendship and respect of each other

Great deals appreciated go to the contribution of my faculty - Faculty of Management (FOM). I am also would like to thankful the Coordinator of BMm (FOM) - Mr. Saravanan, Assistant Director of FOM, Ms Razlina Rezali and all the staff in the FOM office that patient in helping us complete this program. Not forget to Dr. Lai Ming Ming for the smoothes and co-operation during the visited.

Last but not least I would like to thank my friends especially those who work together as interns at Motorola University Miss Carol Guo Jiehui for the wise idea throughout the project.

Multimedia University Faculty of Management

Industrial Training Report

Special thanks also to Mr. Zaini Kamarolzaman Lecturer, Faculty of Creative Multimedia (FCM) that have encourage, support and help me in completing this program successfully.


Multimedia University Faculty of Management

Industrial Training Report


During the internship at Knowledge Management Postgraduate Centre I have been assigned for one project named as a Promotional Kit. Even the position known as Research Assistant however the project assigned is multimedia-based project. The project consists of three subprojects that will be use as a medium of promoting the centre which are: Corporate Video Corporate Profile Design Kit

The aims of the project are as follows: To assist in Information and data gathering for research activities To meet the general responsibility requirements of the university

They are a number of requirements for each project need to follow. The requirement needed as:

Corporate Video Format: Video Maximum duration: 2 minute. Output: CD MPEG

Design Kit Design the mug, folder, t-shirt for the center

Corporate Profile Output: Brochure

Multimedia University Faculty of Management

Industrial Training Report


The procedures and workflow of the Promotional Kit project focusing on the important stuff where it help out in terms of reference as each step needs documentations and data keeping. The flows of the project are as follows:

Corporate Video

Media Script



Edit Edition List (EDL)

Crew Call & Call Sheets

Budget & List of Equipment



Complete Video

Diagram A: Steps Corporate Video

Multimedia University Faculty of Management

Industrial Training Report

Corporate Profile






Research Programme

Services & Activities

Course Offered

Diagram B: Steps Corporate Profile

Design Kit




Diagram C: Steps Design Kit

Multimedia University Faculty of Management

Industrial Training Report


Since the project given Promotional Kit consists of three sub-project with several basic requirement needed, however there are an optional to used which software I familiar with. Each project begins with information gathering via a website, files and KMs server. The explanations of the project are as follows:

Corporate Video

The time line of the project has been produced in order to maintain the flow order (Placed in Appendices). The flow of the video covered as document and software. The steps can be referred as follows:

Media Script Concept Text Budget and List of Equipment Crew Call and Call Sheets

Edit Edition List (EDL) Storyboard Editing Complete Video

Multimedia University Faculty of Management

Industrial Training Report

Media Script

In each video production, media script is a must before next steps take place. The script is used as a review show to the client. In this project my client consists of KMs staff. The media script in the next page has been submitted to the client during the presentation.

Concept The following concept (next page) comes out after the brainstorming with Abg Wan and Yan. During the presentation the concept have been submit to the client for review.

Text The following text (next page) has been used in the video. During the discussion, we agreed to insert a V.O however its all have been replaced with another text due to the difficulty regarding the equipment.

Budget and List of Equipment Since the concept indicate the shooting therefore a list of budget must be prepare together with the equipment and props needed. The following page point out the budget and the equipment needed.

Crew Call and Call Sheets The crew call is used to notify the duration and place for the shooting to all crew. While call sheets is used to specify the scene needed t as well as the actor.

Multimedia University Faculty of Management

Industrial Training Report

Edit Edition List (EDL) EDL used by the editor as a reference to indicate the portion needed in the video where the best selections have been marked. Basically the portion comes from the shooting tape.

Storyboard The clients simply understand the flow of the video after the storyboard has been produced. Besides that it is also as a reference for the editor through the editing stage.

Editing The editing take place concerning on rough-cut, typeface, composition and layout. The result of the editing is the result of the complete video. (Placed in the Appendices)

Complete Video

Complete videos have been produced after all the steps are in order. The sample of the video is placed in the Conclusions.

Multimedia University Faculty of Management

Industrial Training Report

Media Script (Corporate Video) 1.0 Introduction This corporate video project constitutes to an effective marketing tool to introduce function and organizational culture of Knowledge Management Postgraduate Centre. 2.0 Goal To introduce and endorse Knowledge Management Postgraduate Centre 3.0 Objectives To support the knowledge and the information sharing. To encourage an informal communication network corresponding with the motto "Encouraging Serendipity - Connecting People" 4.0 Audience: Research centre that relates to knowledge management Educational institutes Organization 5.0 Hardware and Software Hardware: Apple computer Software: MAC operating system Adobe Premier 6.0 Adobe After Effect 5.0 Switch 2.0 6.0 Conclusion The corporate video should be able to achieve the goal and objectives that have been set. Furthermore, the corporate video act as an essential strengthens the marketing strategy of Knowledge Management Postgraduate Centre.

Multimedia University Faculty of Management

Industrial Training Report

Concept (Corporate Video) The corporate video bases on breakfast time which an informal communication network take place. Furthermore breakfast time represents the organizational culture of Knowledge Management Postgraduate Centre. At the same time the meals for the breakfast and so on represents the six elements in Knowledge Management Postgraduate Centre. The elements are: Plant - represents Media Training - is a symbolic way to represent the growth of knowledge Nasi lemak - is a symbolic way to represents Case Analysis - the ingredients of nasi lemak represent the combination of various sources for case analysis Newspaper - represents Knowledge Management Services - relates to the services offered in the KM Centre Cereal - represents Interactive Courseware - cereal, milk and strawberries are an illustrative way to denote the combination of multimedia contents such as text, video etc. Content page of Book - represents Instructional Design PDA - represents K-Media - PDA provides various sources for digital information collection. Coffee(excluding from the department) - coffee the drink for breakfast represents the Chairman who provides direction for Knowledge Management Postgraduate Centre.

Multimedia University Faculty of Management

Industrial Training Report

Text (Corporate Video)

Media Training: Title: We are about to grow Key Words: eLearning programmes web portal real time content project based learning interactive learning environment online classes

Case Analysis: Title: Interactive & effective case analysis Key Words: effective communication tool case studies topic review interactive storytelling approach online information

KM Services: Title: Offering professional services to the community

Interactive Courseware: Title: Interactive learning courseware Key Words:

Key Words: digital video auditing academic consultant discussion workshop problem solving evaluation multimedia video on demand graphics & animation online & offline material

Multimedia University Faculty of Management

Industrial Training Report

Instructional Design: Title: Idea design construction


Title: Bearer of information Key Words: Key Words: syllabus coursework taught master & in knowledge asynchronous management synchronous learning management & technology group based project long distance classroom multimedia rich content k-space virtual school multimedia system web based classroom

Multimedia University Faculty of Management

Industrial Training Report

Corporate Profile

To be a unique brochure in the market, a content of the brochure have been produced in a cards shape. Besides such information, a pocket is placed for the corporate video CD. Therefore the existing of KM can easily promote. The content of the profile covered as the following: Introduction Services and Activities Research Programme Course Offered

Introduction Basically the introduction is about to introduce people about the existing of the Centre where it is concentrating on the history and the motive of strategic collaboration between Multimedia University and Motorola University.

Figure 2.0: The introductions card

Multimedia University Faculty of Management

Industrial Training Report

Services and Activities

Concentrating on what it is offer in the Centre. The list of services and activities can be obtained in the next page.

Figure 2.1: Services and Activities card

Research Programme Focused on Postgraduate Course where the centre supervising numerous research activities primarily in addressing delivery and education design aspects of eLearning in KM Centre.

Multimedia University Faculty of Management

Industrial Training Report

Figure 2.2: Research Programmes card

Course Offered The centre as well presents a comprehensive taught course for a Master in Knowledge Management with Multimedia. The course come together both theoretical and practical feature of KM to fit todays knowledge management criteria.

Multimedia University Faculty of Management

Industrial Training Report

Figure 2.3: Course Offers s card

Figure 2.4: Cards Cover

Multimedia University Faculty of Management

Industrial Training Report

Figure 2.5: Brochure Front Side

Figure 2.6: Brochure Inside

Multimedia University Faculty of Management

Industrial Training Report

Content (Corporate Profile) 1. Introduction: Basic Introduction The Knowledge Management Postgraduate Centre was established in June 2000, as a result of the strategic collaboration between Multimedia University and Motorola University. The strategic intent from the collaboration is to accelerate the development, design and implementation of online multimedia content, learning systems software and an electronic-based learning curriculum, as well in particular the creation of a Chair of Knowledge Management to facilitate such multimedia-based knowledge management. In this partnership, Multimedia University and Motorola University aim to achieve a world class learning organization. AIMS In creating a knowledge-growing environment both physically and virtually, the Knowledge Management Postgraduate Centre embarks on various km initiatives including: Postgraduate research, development and publication The development and implementation of online multimedia content, software, hardware, firmware & system Knowledge Management taught courses at various levels Online multimedia learning content, software, hardware, firmware & systems The creation of a presence in the field of virtual learning environment The sourcing and application of funding via consultancy & research

Multimedia University Faculty of Management

Industrial Training Report

2. Services & Activities: Services KM Blueprint KM Auditing KM Application KM Evaluation KM Training eLearning Application eLearning Content Design Infrastructure Design

Case Study Case studies that are conducted by The Knowledge Management Postgraduate Centre concentrate on knowledge management issues and tools within different industries in today's knowledge environment. Each case study summary provides an overview of the real-world approach within the organizations that highlights the importance of knowledge management. Instead of using narrative descriptions, our case studies are presented interactively using a storytelling approach. Being the oldest form of learning, we believe that storytelling can be an effective communication tool to describe knowledge management methods and processes applied by those organizations. To make these case studies easily accessible to others, these case studies are presented in a hybrid CD-Rom.

3. Postgraduate course: The Knowledge Management Postgraduate Centre in the Faculty of Creative Multimedia invites candidates for Masters and PhD in Knowledge Management degrees.

Multimedia University Faculty of Management

Industrial Training Report

Research Courses

Currently, the centre is overlooking and supervising various research activities primarily in addressing delivery and education design aspects of e-learning in Knowledge Management, such as: A Theoretical Framework for eLearning Portal Design: KM Virtual School Effective Content Management Workflow to Overcome Problems in delivering Content for eLearning Purpose Traditional Learning and eLearning: A Comparative Study on the Implications for Course Design for Different Methods of Information Dissemination in Public Institution of Higher Education in Malaysia Beyond On-Line Instructional Architecture: Learning Objects Granularity and Assembly Design in eLearning

4.0 Taught Courses: Master in Knowledge Management with Multimedia Programme Brief The centre also offers a comprehensive taught course for a Master in Knowledge Management with Multimedia. This course combines both theoretical and practical aspects of KM to fit todays knowledge management criteria. Students undertaking this course will discover both explicit and systematic management of vital knowledge, and a thorough hands-on exposure to Knowledge Management technologies. The graduates of the course will acquire skills that can help identify best practices and share the intellectual capital throughout their organizations. This programme offers more flexibility to students in choosing their own study pattern through synchronous and asynchronous learning. Students undertaking this course on a part-time basis, students can have access up to 80% of asynchronous delivery comprising of both online lectures and tutorials, and offline case studies on CD-ROM For details please access:

Multimedia University Faculty of Management

Industrial Training Report

Design Kit

According to the project, the Design Kit encase of designing a mug, folder and t-shirt for the Centre. However due to time consuming my partner and me just complete with t-shirt designing. The image designs are taken from the KMs server with a few of editing using Adobe Photoshop. Even we just complete with one design this is not affect the overall project since the priority must be given to Corporate Video and Corporate Profile first.

Since the knowledge management is very important assets for business today therefore the concept for the t-shirt is the combination of people and the technology results on the company. The images of people, technology and the Centre have been placed at the back of the shirt. While the front side be place with the motto of the Centre.

Figure 2.4: T-shirt Design

Multimedia University Faculty of Management

Industrial Training Report


They are a great opportunity having an internship programme in Knowledge Management Postgraduate Centre. Besides the experience gained during the eight weeks it is widen up my minds on what is mean by knowledge management. The most memorable is the true friendship express from the staff that describe as a cultural in the Centre.

Multimedia University Faculty of Management

Industrial Training Report

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