Strange Tales Inglés

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Alexandra Gratiela Banu 4A

y Quiestions on the Text

The Ghost in the Tower of London 1. What is the job of the guards in the Tower of London? The job of the guards in the Tower of London is to close all the doors and windows, and to close the gates, and wait for the night guards to come. 2. Why did Richard put the two boys in the Tower? Richard put the boys in the Tower because he wanted to be the King of England. 3. When do ghosts usually appear? The ghosts usually appear when it s quiet and dark. The Ghosts of Glamis Castle 1. What were clans? Clans were groups of people from the same families. 2. Why did the Ogilveys ask the Earl of Glamis for help? The Ogilveys ask the Earl of Glamis for help because they were in terrible danger. The Lindsays were coming to kill them. 3. Who is called the grey lady ? Lady Janet Glamis is called grey lady -the most famous ghosts of Glamis Castle. Borley A Haunted Village 1. What did Reverend Bull s daughters see? The Reverend Bull s daughters saw a woman ghost. 2. What was the rectory in the past? The rectory was a nunnery in the past. 3. What happened in 1939? On February 27th, 1939, a fire started and the rectory burned down to the ground. The Soldier Ghost 1. What do most of the people in Barley Hill do? Most of the people who live in Barley Hill are farmers. They know a strange story about a soldier ghost and tell it again and again. 2. What was the ghost s armour made of? The ghost s armous is made of copper and gold. 3. Where did the farmers bury the skeleton of the soldier? The farmers buried the skeleton of the soldier in the village graveyard.

The Story of Mary Gibson 1. In 1653, why did they burn many women at the stake? In 1653, they burned many women at the stake, because at that time there were witch-hunts in England and Europe. 2. What does Farmer Jones think Mary did? Farmer Jones thought Mary Gibson put a curse on its milk and made it sour. 3. Who wanted to help Mary Gibson? Why? Dora Lee wanted to help Mary Gibson because that looked after Dora when her parents died. The Loch Ness Monster 1. What is the English word for loch ? The English word for loch is lake. 2. Why were there so many tourists at the edge of the loch? When tourists go to Scotland, most of them go to Loch Ness, because everyone wants to see the monster that lives in the lake. 3. What does the American thinks of the Loch Ness monster? The American thinks that the Loch Ness monster is only propaganda to bring more tourists to Scotland.

y Summary
The ghosts in the Tower of London The story is aboute the Tower of London in 1483 and in the 1509. The Tower of London has a men securiti,his name is Albert. Albert and hir new partener are spiking for the goth of the Tower of London.Len told at Albert about Edward the Fifth and his brother whi is apearing in the caststairs.Len say that Edward te Fifth and his brother are kied of your uncle.The favourite ghots of you been Anna. The ghosts of Glamis Castle The Glomis Castles is very more famous for you goths. That killed very much people. The most ghosts of the Glomis Castel is the gray lady .She has been stake as on charges of plotting to poison the King.The other histori important is the history of the baby of George Lyon who born reformed .He is living in one room of castle.

Borley A Haunted Village

The stori say who one the girl can escaped and maried with a farmer. But the farmer was murdered before escaping. The hotory said the girl who was murderes is living in the castle,and the people sayt that the girl is serching a new lover for him and it s haunting the site ever since.
The Soldier Ghost

The histori say that one soldier that killed in a battle in a village in Wales. Befor you are killed in you home staid your ghot. The peole sayd that was view in the home the ghost of the soldier. One day Mr. Jones came to live in the villag where the soldier lived. Mr.Jones was construng one home,but he view the gost of the soldier. He decided took the eskeleton of the soldier and buried it in the village graveyard but before no one ever saw the ghost again. The Story of Mary Gibson. In the storie Annie Snow that Marye Gipson are the Ghost,but the people did not believe. One day Mary was buy milk. This day are very hot day and the milk was sour. But that when she gets the milk is very well. Then people realized that Anna was a ghost The Loch Ness Monster In the stori one of tour guide sayd at the tourist that in the Loch Ness Monster are Ghots. The guide talks him about a priest who said Nessie, the monster, in 565.Also to speak an investigation that a group of investigators made with sonar equipment in 1968. Jackson says that this was lie but Jock says that this was true.

y Description of the caracter

Mary Gibson is one of personaje of The Story of Mary Gibson.She is one old women That lived with this cat. The people of the village started to belived that Mary Gibson is a wich and the people can to planned to burn her at the stake.

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