Web Aptitude Test - Short Only

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Web Development Aptitude Test

(PHP, MySql, Web Security) Short Questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What are the difference between GET and POST methods? How do you define a constant in PHP? What are the differences between require_once and include_once? Why Captcha is used in websites? What is the difference between mysql connect and mysql pconnect in PHP? If a php page with this code gives some error what could be the problem? <? echo Hello World; ?> 7. What are the differences between DROP a table and TRUNCATE a table? 8. What is the difference between the functions unlink and unset? 9. How can we find the number of rows in a table using MySQL? Write sql command. 10. How can we register session variable and what is default session time? 11. What is the difference between = = and = = = operator in PHP. Give an example. 12. What is error control operator in PHP. Write with example. 13. What the use is of explode and implode function in PHP. Write with an example. 14. What is URL rewriting? Give an example. 15. How do you find out the unique values in sql? Write an example query. 16. What function will you use to remove html tags from input data in PHP? 17. What is the importance of header while sending email? 18. How do you prevent SQL injection attacks in PHP? 19. How can we get the URL current page? 20. What is md5? Differentiate it with base64.

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