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Test 1. Complete the dialogue with the suitable words. Hello ! . How .you? I m you. Do you ..any oranges?

Yes , we .. . , give .. an orange Here . Thank ..wellcome. Good . .bye. 2. Circle only the sour and the solty fruit!

3. Colour/ circle only the sweet fruit!

4. Circle the green vegetables and colour the egg plant , the potatoe and the carrot.

5. Circle the food for breakfast with blue, for lunch with red and for dinner with green!Say what they are and if you like them or not.

6. Say what these peple are! Circle what you want to be!

7. Say what these body parts are!circle the leg , the chin , the hand and the knee!

8 . circle the poppy , the rose the tulip and the hyacinth. Say what the others are.

9. circle the ant , the bee, the mosquito and the spider. Say what the others are.

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