UPN FE Notification - BIT302

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Centre for International Programmes HELP University College University of Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jatim FINAL EXAMINATION NOTIFICATION

COURSE: HELP Bachelor of Information Technology (Hons), Semester 8, September 2007 Intake (Batch 1) SUBJECT: Software Engineering (BIT302) DATE: To be advised Dear Students, 1. The format for the Final Examination will be as follows: The examination consists of TWO (2) sections. Section A Short Answer Questions Contains FIVE (5) questions Answer ALL questions Each question carries 15 marks Section B Calculations (25 marks) COCOMO II Activity Graph 2. Examination Topics/References The Final Examination covers all the topics in the subject outline. Topics which are emphasised are: Process Models i.e. Waterfall, Prototyping (throw-away, evolutionary), V-Model, Spiral Model Project Management i.e. risk management and cost estimation Requirements i.e. functional, non functional requirements, criteria for choosing specification techniques, requirements definition vs requirements specifications Testing i.e. integration testing, white box, black box Design i.e. conceptual design vs technical design, coupling, cohesion, fault tree analysis, Wasserman decomposition Maintenance i.e. types of maintenance, problems associated with maintenance

Section B COCOMO II : calculations of Effortcrude, duration required, number of personnel, Effortimproved Activity Graph : construction of activity graph, calculation of earliest start time, latest start time and the slack time, critical path and length Prescribed Textbook: Pfleeger, S.L. and Atlee, J.M. (2009), Software Engineering: Theory and Practice, 4th Edition, New Jersey: Prentice Hall International.

3. Duration of Examination 3 hours of writing time 4. Assessment Contribution The Final Examination accounts for 60% of the overall marks for this subject.

Convenors Name: Ms Seetha Letchumi Subject Convenor for Software Engineering (BIT302)

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