A Special Case: Water Minimization: Capital Cost Targets For Mass Exchanger Networks

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A Special Case: Water Minimization

Presentation Outline
vProblem Description vMinimum Water Flowrate vNumber of trays Target v

Problem Description
Introduces the basic capital cost targeting procedure and demonstrates that it would predicts the cost of actual designs satisfactory. Removal of SO2from a set of four process streams where water is used in a system of tray column to absorb the SO2
Stream data for example 1

Gas stream 1 2 3 4

G (kmol/h) 50 60 40 30

Ys (kmolSO2/kmol inert gas) 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02

Yt (kmolSO2/kmol inert gas) 0.004 0.005 0.005 0.015

Table 1

Minimum Water Flowrate

Calculating the minimum water flowrate for the system Linear Equilibrium relationship Y*=mX+ b Where m=26.1, b=-0.00326 The closest allowable approach to equilibrium in the water is =0.000005kmolSO2/kmol water Limiting water compositions corresponding to each gas stream ; t s b b in out Water Inlet : X max = Y =Y Water Outlet: X m ax m m e.g- for Inlet; 0.004+0.00326/26.1 = 0.0000273

Minimum Water Flowrate contd

Gas Load removed Xin max Xout max stream (kmolSO2/h) (kmol/SO2/kmol water) (kmolSO2/kmol water) 1 2 3 4
Table 2

0.3 0.3 0.6 0.15

0.000273161 0.000311475 0.000311475 0.000694617

0.000503046 0.000503046 0.000886188 0.000886188

Water flowrate targeting for example 1

Fig 1

SO2 composition in water at every interval

Interval Y k 0.02 1 0.015 2 0.01 3 0.005 4 0.004 50 0.0314 0.000031 0 50 60 150 0.0942 0.000471 0.000031 40 0.0251 0.000126 0.000502 Gas Streams 1 2 3 40 (G)k (G)k/ (L)k Xk X Water 0.000847 70 0.0439 0.000220 0.000628

4 30

Number of Trays targeting for Example 1

Fig 22

Grid Diagram for the Problem

L, Xin

G, Yout

Absorption Column

L, Xout

G, Yin

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