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Harvard Referencing System


Compiledby DrChookKaJoo QualityAssuranceDepartment TunkuAbdulRahmanCollege and MrJohnnyChinFuiChung SchoolofSocialScienceandHumanities TunkuAbdulRahmanCollege 2010


CONTENTS 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 REFERENCES



1 1 1 2 2 6 9


1.0 INTRODUCTION Referencingorcitingmeansacknowledgingthesourceofinformationandideas you have used in your assignments (e.g. essay, report, project, research paper, etc.). This is a standard practice at all institutions of higher learning including TunkuAbdulRahman(TAR)College. ThislearningguideonHarvardreferencingsystemwasdevelopedbasedonthe followingreferences: CurtinUniversityLibrary2007,HarvardReferencing. Fisher,D&Hanstock,T1998,CitingReferences. Saunders, M, Lewis, P & Thornhill, A 2005, Research Methods for Business Students. UniversityofBournemouth2005,CitingReferences. UniversityofSouthAustralia2006,ReferencingusingtheHarvardauthordate system. 2.0 THEIMPORTANCEOFCITINGREFERENCES Thefollowingarereasonswhyreferencingisneeded: toacknowledgedebtstootherwriters to demonstrate the body/scope of knowledge upon which your research is basedon toenableallthosewhoreadyourworktolocatethesourceseasily More importantly, by using appropriate references, you will show the breadth and quality of your assignments and avoid plagiarism. For further details on plagiarism,pleaserefertotheTARCollegeguideonAvoidingPlagiarism. 3.0 REFERENCINGSYSTEM Thetwomostcommontypesofreferencingsystemsusedare: i. Authordate system such as the Harvard referencing system, American Psychological Association (APA) referencing system and Modern Language Association(MLA)referencingsystem ii. NumericalsystemsuchastheChicagoorTurabian,Vancouverandfootnote.
TARCollegeHarvardReferencingSystem 1

The referencing system used in TAR College is the Harvard referencing system foralloftheSchoolsexcepttheSchoolofSocialScienceandHumanities,whichis usingtheAPAreferencingsystem. 4.0 THEHARVARDREFERENCINGSYSTEM IntheHarvardreferencingsystem,citedpublicationsarereferredtoascitation inthetextbygivingtheauthorsfamilynameandtheyearofpublication,andthe detailsarelistedinthereferencelistattheendofthetext/work(seepage9for examples). Theprocessofcitingreferencesconsistsoftwointerrelatedparts: i. Citing the way a writer refers from the text to the sources used in the assignment. ii. Referencingtheprocessofcreatingareferencelistofeachsourceawriter hasusedinwritingtheassignment. All statements, opinions, conclusion, etc. taken from another writers work should be cited, whether the work is directly quoted, paraphrased or summarised. 5.0 CITATIONINTHETEXT When writing a piece of work, you will need to refer to materials written or produced by others. This procedure is called citing or quoting references. The systemthatyouhaveusedtocitethesourcesmustbeconsistentandaccurateto enablereaderstoidentifyandlocatethematerialstowhichyouhavereferredto. Thesamesetofrulesshouldbefollowedeverytimeyouciteareference. Whenyoucitereferencesinthetextofyourassignmentinclude: the author or editors family name (or organisation responsible) do NOT includegivennamesorinitials theyearofpublication page(s)ofpublication(ifappropriateandwhereavailable) 5.1 Inmanycases,youjustneedtousetheauthorsfamilynameanddate. Forexample: Many factors are known to affect the success of students at the tertiary educationlevel(Saunders2005). OR
TARCollegeHarvardReferencingSystem 2


Saunders(2003,p.21)claimsthattherearemanyfactorsthatareknownto affectthesuccessofstudentsatthetertiaryeducationlevel. Inthesetwoexamples,thesentencessummarisethemainviewexpressed in an article written by Saunders. Also note that the first example highlights the information but the second example highlights or gives prominencetotheauthorofthearticle. i. Iftheauthorsnameoccursnaturallyinthesentence,theyearisgiven inparentheses: In a popular study, Harvey (2005) argued that we have to teach good practices AsHarvey(1992,p.21)said,goodpracticesmustbetaughtandsowe ii. If the name does not occur naturally in the sentence, both name and yeararegiveninparentheses: A more recent study (Stevens 2002) has shown the way theory and practicalworkinteract Theory rises out of practice, and once validated, returns to direct or explainthepractice(Stevens2002). There are cases when you need to include a page number in the parentheses. Forexample: Ramli (2006, p. 7) showed that 63 percent of workers was found to be affectedbyworkrelatedstress. Youneedtoincludethepagenumberwhenyou: i. useadirectquotefromanoriginalsource ii. summariseanideafromaparticularpage iii. include tables, figures, charts or illustrations from other sources in yourwork Use p. when you are citing the information from a single page and pp. whentheinformationiscitedfrommorethanonepage. Whentherearefourormoreauthorsforareference,youneedtoinclude alltheirnamesinyourfirstintextcitationoftheirwork.Whenthesame sourceiscitedagain,useetal.(whichisLatinforandtheothers).
TARCollegeHarvardReferencingSystem 3


Saunders,Jones,CooperandSteinmark(2006,p.7)postulatethat54percent of the students do not use proper referencing system As a result of this, Saunders et al. (2006) listed a few major problems that students face in doingprojectwork. The names of all the authors are listed in the reference list in the same ordertheyarelistedintheoriginalreference. Personal communication such as interviews, telephone calls, video conferencingandinternetchatdonotproviderecoverabledata;therefore, theyarenotincludedinthereferencelist.Citepersonalcommunicationin thetextcitationonly.Provideinitialsaswellasthefamilyname(fullname forAsians)ofthecommunicatorandprovidetheexactdate. Manydesignersdonotunderstandtheneedsoftheyoungpeopleaccording toToi(2007,pers.comm.19April)because... AdditionalInformation QuotationsAsarule,ifthequoteislessthanaline,itmaybeincludedin thebodyofthetextinquotationmarks. SummariesorparaphrasesGivethecitationwhereitoccursnaturallyor attheendoftherelevantpieceofwriting. Tables, charts, diagrams or illustrations These should be referenced as though they were a quotation if they have been taken from a published work. Ifdetailsofparticularpartsofadocumentarerequired,e.g.pagenumbers, theyshouldbegivenaftertheyearwithintheparentheses. Rules for citation in text for printed documents also apply to electronic documents except where pagination is absent. If an electronic document doesnotincludepaginationoranequivalentinternalreferencingsystem, theextentoftheitemmaybeindicatedintermssuchasthetotalnumber oflines,screens,etc.,e.g.[21lines]or[approx8screens].





Writingconvention Thefollowingconventionsarenotprescribedbynationalorinternational standardsbuthavebeenincludedbecausetheyareusuallyadheredtoby theacademiccommunity. Ifyouarequotingafewwords,theusualpracticeisasfollows: ExampleA: Saunders,LewisandThornhill(2003,p.93)arguedthatgroundedtheoryis best defined as theory building compared to the assertion of Glaser and Strauss(1967)ofinductiveapproachtoresearch. ExampleB: Robson (2002, p. 178) defines case study as a strategy for doing research which involves an empirical investigation of a particular contemporary phenomenon[currentissues]usingmultiplesourcesofevidence. Thequotationformspartofyourtextandisindicatedbyenclosingitusing eithersingleapostropheordoubleapostrophe. Theindicateswordorwordsfromtheoriginalsourcehavebeenleft out. Squarebrackets[]tellyourreaderyouhaveaddedyourownwordsto thequotation. If you are quoting a longer quotation, it is a common practice for the wholequotationtobeindented: ThereisnodoubtthatInternettechnologyhaschangedandis changing the way organizations do business. Using the Internet, companies have, for instance, (1) created knowledge bases that employees can tap into anytime, anywhere; (2) turned customers into collaborated partners who design, test and launch new products; (3) become virtually paperless in specific tasks such as purchasing and filling expense reports; (4)managedlogisticsinrealtime;and(5)changedthenature of numerous work tasks throughout the organization (Robbins&Coulter2005,p.197)


6.0 THEREFERENCELIST 6.1 ThereferencelistintheHarvardreferencingsystem: istitledReferences isarrangedalphabeticallybyauthorsfamilyname isasinglelistbooks,journalarticlesandelectronicsourcesarelisted togetherandnotarrangedinaseparatelist includesthefulldetailsofyourcitationinthetext isNOTabibliographyyoudonotneedtoproduceabibliographyfor yourassignmentsunlessspecificallyaskedtodosobyyourlecturer.A bibliographylistseverythingyoumayhavereadbutdidNOTuseitin the course of doing the assignment while a reference list is limited to thecitationinthetextreferencesusedinyourassignment. 6.2 Stepsinvolvedinreferencing a. Note down the full details of the source including page number from whichtheinformationistaken. In the case of a book, the detailsincluded are author(s) of the book, year, title, edition, publisher and place of publication as found on the frontandbackofthetitlepage. In the case of a journal article, the detailsincluded are author(s) of the article, date of publication, title of article, title of journal, volume andissuenumberofjournalandpagenumbers. For all electronic information, in addition to the above, you should note the date you accessed the information and database or website address(URL). b. Insert the citation at the appropriate place within the text of the document. c. Provideareferencelistattheendofyourassignment. 6.3 Wheneverpossible,elementsneededforthereferencelistshouldbetaken fromthetitlepageofthepublication. Forplaceofpublication,providethecity. Ifmorethanonetown/cityislisted,listthefirstoneorthelocationof thepublishersheadoffice. If the town is not well known, you may add a county, region or state. NotethatintheUnitedStatesofAmerica,statesaredenotedbyatwo lettercode,forexampleHillsdale,NJ.
TARCollegeHarvardReferencingSystem 6

Forthepublishersname,omitsuperfluoustermssuchasPublishers, Co.orInc.butalwaysretainthewordBooksorPress. Wherethepublisherisauniversityandtheplaceorthelocationisnot included in the name of the university, do not repeat the place of publication. 6.4 Each reference should use the elements and punctuation given in the following examples for the different types of work you may have cited. Underlining is an acceptable alternative to italics when references are handwritten. 6.5 The reference list is arranged alphabetically by authors family names. When an item has no author (e.g. newspaper report, annual company report,brochure),itiscitedbyitstitleandsequencedinthereferencelist bythefirstsignificantwordofthetitle. 6.6 The Harvard referencing system does not require the second and subsequentlinesofthereferencetobeindented. 6.7 Setting out the items in a Reference List using the Harvard referencing system Themainelementsrequiredforareferencearesetoutinthisorder: 6.7.1 Exampleofabook The main elements required for referencing a book are set out in this order: Authors family name, Initial(s) year, Title of book, Publisher, Place of publication. Authors family name Year of publication Title of the book in italics followed by a comma, followed by a comma followedbyacommaupper theninitial(s) nobrackets case used only for the first word Cameron, SK 2002, Business students handbook: Learning skills for study andemployment,PrenticeHall,Harlow. Place of publication Publisher followed followedbyafullstop byacomma
TARCollegeHarvardReferencingSystem 7

6.7.2 Exampleofanacademicjournal Themainelementsrequiredforreferencingajournalarticlearesetoutin thisorder: Authors family name, Initial(s) year, Title of article, Title of journal, volumenumber,issuenumber,pagenumber.
Authors family name followed by a comma, theninitial(s) Year of publication followed by a comma nobrackets Title of the article in single inverted comma upper case for thefirstwordonly,acommaafter thesecondinvertedcomma

Bilosvalavo, RL & Lynn, M 2006, Mission statements in Slovene enterprises: Institutional pressures and contextual adaptation, ManagementDecision,vol.45,no.4,pp.773788. Title of the Volume number Issue number Page number (pp.) of
journal in italics followed by a comma followed by a comma followed by a comma the article followed by afullstopattheend

6.7.3 Exampleofanelectronicpublication Themainelementsrequiredforreferencinganelectronicpublicationare setoutinthisorder: Authors family name, Initial(s) year, Title of document or website, date viewed,<URLaddressinfull>.
Authors family name followed by a comma, theninitial(s) Year of publication followed by a comma nobrackets Title of the article in italics, followedbyacommaupper caseusedforfirstword

Potter, JB 2005, The big five personality test, viewed 11 July 2007, <>.
The internet address (URL) is enclosed in < and > with the full address and followed by a fullstop Date the document is accessed followed by a comma


7.0 EXAMPLESOFREFERENCING 7.1 Books Basicformatforbooks: Authorsfamilyname,Initial(s)year,Titleofbook,Publisher,Placeofpublication. Books Singleauthor Anexampleofcitationinthetext Theentryinthereferencelist

An important factor is (Cameron Cameron, SS 2002, Business students handbook: Learning skills for studyandemployment,PrenticeHall,Harlow. 2002,p.158)

Khoo(1977,p.45)arguesthat Twoorthree authors

Khoo, KK 1977, The western Malay states, Oxford University Press, KualaLumpur.

According to Kim and Mauborgne Kim, WC & Mauborgne, R 2005, Blue ocean strategy: How to create (2005), uncontested market space and make the competition irrelevant, HarvardBusinessSchool,Boston.

Guelich, S, Gundavaram, S & Birznieks, G 2000, CGI programming withpel,OReilly,Cambridge.

Fourormore authors

As suggested by Sandler et al. (1995, Sandler, MP, Patton, JA, Coleman, RE, Gottschalk, A, Wackers, FJ & Hoffere, PB 1995, Diagnostic nuclear medicine, Williams & Wilkins, p.14) Baltimore.


Leeders, SR, Dobson, AJ, Gibbers, RW, Patel, NK, Mathews, PS, Williams, A & Marriot, DL 1996, The Australian film industry, Dominion,Adelaide.


Books Bookwithno author Bookwithno date Electronic book



As shown in Networking Essential Networkingessentialplus,2000,3rdedn,MicrosoftPress,Redmond. Plus(2000), This has been emphasized by Seah Seah,Rn.d.,Microcomputerapplications,MicrosoftPress,Redmond. (n.d.)when. Gottshalk and Sollisather (2006) Gottschalk, P & Sollisaether, H 2006, Managing successful IT contendthat outsourcing relationship, viewed 30 July 2007, < 8436&page=1>. Popularity of the novel Les Enfants Cocteau, J 1961, Les enfantrs terribles, trans. R Lehmann, Penguin, Terribles increased after translation London. (Cocteau1961). Jeremy,H(ed.)2001,Managementtoday,2ndedn,CenturyLearning, London.

Translated book

Secondedition ...Jeremy(ed.2001)statesthat... orlateredition ofabook

Walpole and Evans (eds 2001) Walpole, M & Evans, C (eds) 2001, Tax administration in the 21st questionwhether century,3rdedn,ProspectMedia,StLeonards,NewSouthWales. Onevolumeof It has been implied (Einax 1995) Einax,J1995,Chemometricsinenvironmentalchemistry:Application, amultivolume that vol.2,Handbookofenvironmentalchemistry.Springer,Berlin. setofbooks Chapterinan editedbook Ezhar(2001)notesthat Ezhar, T 2001, Working with foreigners, in Understanding Malaysian workforce, eds Asma Abdullah & A Low, Malaysian InstituteofManagement,KualaLumpur,pp.179196.






Encyclopaedia Collins Cobuild English Dictionary Noentryisrequiredinthereferencelistbecauseyouhavethename ordictionary (1995)definesethicsas anddateofthedictionaryasanintextcitation. withnoauthor Encyclopaedia Hawkins(1997,p.128)definesethics Hawkins, JG 1995, Kamus dwibahasa Oxford Fajar, 2nd edn, Fajar ordictionary as Bakti,KualaLumpur,p.128. withauthor




Journalarticles Basicformatforjournalarticles: Authorsfamilyname,Initial(s)year,Titleofarticle,Titleofjournal,volumenumber,issuenumber,pageno.

Journal Singleauthor Twoorthree authors

Anexampleofcitationinthetext Ho(2007,p.2)arguestha

Theentryinthereferencelist Ho, S 2007. Knowledge sharing a fear factor, Malaysian ManagementReview,vol.42,no.2,pp.122.

Bilosvalavo and Lynn (2006, p. Bilosvalavo, R & Lynn, M 2006, Mission statements in Slovene 774)acknowledge enterprises: Institutional pressures and contextual adaptation, ManagementDecision,vol.45,no.4,pp.773788.

The impact of IT (Li & Clifford Li,G&Clifford,N2007,Whenatalkingcomputeragentishalfhuman and half humanoid, Human Communication Research, vol. 33, no. 2, 2007,p.163). pp.163193. Morethanfour authors 2ndcitationonwards Georgeetal.(2007)claimthat George, B, Sims, P, Mclean, AN & Mayer, D 2007, Discovering your authenticleadership,HarvardBusinessReview,vol.85,no.2,pp.129 138.

Journalarticlewith It is a growing problem in the UK Anorexia nervosa 1969, British Medical Journal, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. noauthor (AnorexiaNervosap.530) 529536. Journalarticlefrom and this has been established by anelectronic EisendandSchucherta(2006). journalusing electronicdatabase Eisend,M&Schucherta,P2006,Explainingcounterfeitpurchases:A review and preview, Academy of Marketing Service, vol. 2006, no. 2, viewed 31 July 2007, <>.




Electronicpublications Basicformatforelectronicpublications: Authorsfamilyname,Initial(s)yeardate,Titleofdocumentorwebsite,dateviewed,<URLaddressinfull>. Anexampleofcitationinthetext Theentryinthereferencelist

Electronic publications

AWorldWideWeb The result of the test can (Potter Potter, J 2005, The big five personality test, viewed 11 July 2007, site 2005). <>. Documenton WorldWideWeb withnoauthor Electronicbook Harvard referencing is a format of Wikipedia 2007, Harvard referencing, viewed 23 July 2007, (Wikipedia2007). <>. Holland(2004)maintainsthat Holland, M 2004, Guide to citing internet sources, 2nd edn, updated 2 November 2005, viewed 10 July 2007, < net_source.html>. Crain,J2000,Theeffectsofaformalinductionprogramonnewlyhired teachers perceptions on selfefficacy, Department of Teaching and Leadership,PhDthesis,UniversityofKansas,viewed30July2007,UMI Proquest Dissertation ATT990068, < 728423791&TS=1185859215&clientId=56581>.



Mediareleaseson theWorldWide Web

Ong (2007) notes that sustainable Ong,KT(MinisterofHousingandLocalGovernment)2007,Sustainable living livinginMalaysia,mediarelease,16June,MinistryofHousingandLocal Government, Kuala Lumpur, viewed 30 July 2007, <>.
TARCollegeHarvardReferencingSystem 13

Electronic publications Discussionlistsor newsgroups

Anexampleofcitationinthetext Marsh(2007)postulatesthat

Theentryinthereferencelist Marsh, A <> 2007, Time management, list server, 28 March, Google Recreational Gardens, viewed 30 July 2007, < /e0ec899/2956944565b8e75c#2956944565b8e75c>.

Email Computer programme

Amir confirmed this by email on 1 Personal communications such as conversations, letters and personal July2007 emailmessagesarenotincludedinareferencelist. A programme was developed MathWorks 2001, MATLAB, ver. 6, computer programme, The (MathWorks2001). MathWorksInc.,Natick,MA.




Specialpublicationsandmaterials Basicformat: Authorsfamilyname,Initial(s)year,Titleofitem,descriptionofitem,Publisher,Placeofpublication. Theentryinthereferencelist

Specialpublications Anexampleofcitationinthetext andmaterials Conferencepaper

It has been shown (Chang 2003) Chang, CC 2003, Malaysias outline perspective plan towards that prosperityinthetrendofglobalisation,inProceedingsoftheSeventh World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention, 2126 July 2003, Sunway Resort, Petaling Jaya, The Associated Chinese Chambers of Chang(2003)contendsthat Commerce and Industry of Malaysia, ACCIM, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 28 38. As Fernandez (2007) notes in his Fernandez,T2007,Ididntmakeanythreats:Kayveas,Sun31July, articles, p.2. Note:TheintheEnglishlanguagenewspapertitlesisomitted.

Newspaperarticle withauthor

Newspaperarticle withnoauthor Publicationfroma corporatebody

intheSun(31July2007,p.3). Theplansinclude(UNESCO 1995).

Sun2007,Masterplanboostfornortherncorridor,31July,p.3. UNESCO 1995, General information programme and UNISIST, UNESCO,Paris.

Genting Berhad 2007, Genting Berhad annual report 2006, Genting Berhad,KualaLumpur. Governmentarticle Thestrategicapproachesinclude (MinistryofAgriculture1998). Ministry of Agriculture 1998, The third national agriculture policy, MinistryofAgriculture,KualaLumpur.


Specialpublications Anexampleofcitationinthetext andmaterials Patent Videoortelevision recording Pamphletor brochure Audiocassette


Tadayuki, Kazuhsia and Atushi Tadayuki,O,Kazuhsia,Y&Atsushi,N1999,Hardbuttercomposition (1999)showthat anditsproduction,JapanesePatent9978710. Theprocessinvolvesthreestages Mild steel with low current 1987, video recording, MIG Welding (Mildsteelwithlowcurren,1987). Institute,Cambridge,5January. TAR Colleges philosophy is (TAR TAR College Prospectus 2007/2008 2007, Tunku Abdul Rahman College Prospectus 2007/2008 College,KualaLumpur. 2007). The original broadcast (War of the Waroftheworlds1999,MercuryTheatreontheair,audioCD,Radio Worlds 1999) in 1938 is said to Spirits,ASIN:B00002R145. have caused mass panic amongst listeners. Hawkings(1994)statesthat Hawking, SW 1994, A brief history of time: An interactive adventure, CDROM,London,CrunchMedia.

CDROMsandDVDs Standard Personal communication Thesis

ThestandardssetbySIRIM(2003) SIRIM 2003, Code of practices for access of disabled persons outside statesthat buildings(MS13311:2003),SIRIMBerhad,ShahAlam: It has been confirmed by Seow Personalcommunicationssuchasconversations,lettersandpersonal (2007, pers. comm. 10 July) that emailmessagesarenotincludedinareferencelist. thispractice. Lee(1995)recommendsthat Lee, CW 1995, Characteristics of rubber products for mining applications, Unpublished final year advanced diploma project, TunkuAbdulRahmanCollege.



Specialpublications Anexampleofcitationinthetext andmaterials Documenton microfiche


Ball, Lee, Phan and Ra (2001) Ball,K,Lee,YH,Phan,O&Ra,YS2001,Adultretrainingandreskilling suggestthat in Australia and South Korea, microfiche, National Centre for VocationalEducationResearch,Leabrook,Australia,KoreaResearch InstituteforVocationalEducationandTraining,Seoul,ED451368. The Service Tax (Amendments) ServiceTax(Amendments)2002. (2000)statesthat IndustrialRelationsAct1967.





FrequentlyAskedQuestions(FAQs) HerearesomeoftheFAQsonreferencing. Question1 IfIreadabookorajournalarticlebyoneauthor(Author1)andhe mentionsanideabyanotherauthor(Author2),whoseideadoIrefer to?HowdoIreferencethat? You must mention both authors (Author 1 and Author 2) in your intext citations;andinyourreferencelist,youonlyneedtolisttheitemyouhave read,thatisAuthor1. For example, if you read about an idea by Lim (Author 2) in a book by Saunders(Author1),youneedtomentionboththeauthorsinyourintext citations.Yourintextcitationswouldappearas: or Lim(Saunders2003,p.71)statesthat Limsstudy(citedinSaunders2003,p.71)indicatesthat or Saunders(2003,p.71),inreportingLimsstudy,emphasizedtheaspect Inthereferencelist,youlistonlySaunders(thesourceyouread)andnot Lims(whoseideayouonlyreadaboutinSaunders). Question2 HowdoIcitetheauthorsnamesiftheyhavethesamefamilynamein thereferencelist?HowdoIshowinmyintextreferencewhichidea belongstowhichauthor? You distinguish between the two authors in your assignment by adding their initials to the intext reference (which usually only has the family nameanddate). Forexample: Thetheorywasfirstsuggestedin1970(Johnson,HT1971)butsincethen, manyresearchers,includingDEJohnson(2001),haverejectedtheidea. Question3 HowdoIciteanauthorwhohaswrittenmorethanoneworkinthe sameyear?HowdoIshowwhichideacomesfromwhichreference? You put a lower case letter of the alphabet next to the year or date and keeptheselettersinyourreferencelistaswell.
TARCollegeHarvardReferencingSystem 18

Forexample: Inarecentpublication,Bart(2004b)arguedthatmissionstatementsof most organizationareunderutilisedandmostorganizationhadjumped on the bandwagon of creating mission statements without knowing the truepurposeofthestatement(Bart2004a).

The order of sequence in which you attach the letters is based on the alphabeticalorderofthetitleoftheworkbytheauthor. Question4 HowdoIciteinformationfrommylectures,tutorialsorstudyguides? YoudoNOTciteyourlectures,tutorialsorstudyguidesassourcesunless your lecturer has particularly said this is acceptable. This is because lectures, tutorials and study guides are intended to give you an introductiontoatopic.Inassignmentswhereyouundertakeresearch,you are expected to read widely and identify for yourself the main ideas that arerelevantfromvarioussources.Inaddition,oralcommunicationisnot generally referenced. Your lecturers and tutors do not reference their comments. If you cite them as your source of an idea, it could be inaccurate, possibly even plagiarism, because the lecturers might be referringtosomeoneelsesidea,notoneoftheirown. Question5 WhatifIcannotfindtheauthororadateinawebsite? Whenthereisnonameonawebpage,lookforasponsoringbodylike an organisation or a government department responsible for the information. Where there is no sponsoring body, use the title of the article or documentonthescreenastheauthor. Wherethereisnodate,usen.d.(nodate). Ifaresourcehasnoauthorandnodate,youneedtoconsiderwhetheritis asuitablesourceforacademicwork,asyourworkwillsufferfromlackof credibility. Question6 HowdoIreferenceagraphorafigurethatIcopyoradapt? AbasicprincipleofHarvardreferencingisprovidingtheauthoranddate as an intext reference. This also applies when you use other peoples



pictures, graphs or figures. You also need to make it clear if you have adaptedthepictureorgraphforyourownpurposes. Forexample:

The Process


Question7 HowdoIciteMalaysianorAsiannames? You will need to be aware of the various ways to cite Asian names. For ChineseandJapanesenames,usethewritersfamilynameswhenyouare citingtheminyourtext.Asforyourreferencelist,putthewritersfamily namesfirstfollowedbytheirinitials. Forexample: Intext ReferenceList citation ChineseName Sheng(2003) Sheng, YL 2003, The Chinese ShengYeLin dilemma,EastWestLtd,NewSouth Wales. Japanese Kimbara Kimbara, T 2007, The digital Name (2007) collapse,Penguin,London. Tatsyo Kimbara Fullname

TARCollegeHarvardReferencingSystem 20

However,forMalayandIndiannames,usethewritersfullnamesinboth theintextcitationandreferencelist. Forexample: Fullname MalayName Mahathir Mohammad IndianName Bala Ramasamy Intext citation Mahathir Mohammad (1982) Bala Ramasamy (2004) ReferenceList Mahathir Mohammad 1982, The Malay dilemma, Federal Publications,PetalingJaya. Bala Ramasamy 2003, FDI and uncertainty: The Malaysian case study, Journal of Asia Pacific Economy,vol.20,no.2,pp.7579.

FornamesofotherAsianwriterssuchasThainames,Cambodiannames, etc., you need to find out how other writers within your academic world cite these names. Always refer to current journals or publications to see how theseAsiannamesarecited.Ifyouarestillunsureaboutthis,refer tovariousreferencingguideswhichareavailableonline. Question8 In the reference list, do I separatethevarious sources ofreferences thatIhaveusedinmyintextcitations? All references that you have referred to in your assignment or project shouldbearrangedinalphabeticalorderinonelistwithNOseparationof thesourcesintocategorieslikebooks,journals,etc.



Curtin University Library 2007, Harvard referencing, viewed 4 July 2007, <>. Fisher, D & Hanstock, T 1998, Citing references, Balckwells Bookshops, Nottingham. Saunders, M, Lewis, P & Thornhill, A 2005, Research methods for business students,3rdedn,PrenticeHall,Harlow. University of Bournemouth 2005, Citing references, viewed 4 July 2007, < docs/Citing_Refs.pdf>. University of South Australia 2006, Referencing using the Harvard authordate system, viewed 4 July 2007, < learningconnection/student/learningAdvisors/documents/harvardreferencing.p df>.




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