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Lesson Plan 4

Class Level: Year 5

Time: 30 minutes
Genre: Short Stories – Mr. Stofflees and the Painted Tiger
Literary Focus: Prose

Integrated Language Skills: Writing, Speaking

Higher Order Thinking Skills:
Multiple Intelligences: Kinesthetic/Bodily
Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. identify the movements made by the tiger,
2. act out the movements;

Prior Knowledge: Students know the tiger and Mr. Stofflees

Teacher’s Task/ Students’ Teaching Rationale
Procedures Tasks Resources
Preparatory Activities
(2 mins)
»T asks the students to act Responding. to relate to the
out certain movements they movements made
usually make. Example : by the tiger.
walk, jump, sleep, etc.

Main Activities
(20 mins)
» T reads aloud Chapter 2 Students Story books To understand the
(pg10-20). follow silently. story line.
Stating the
» T asks questions;
event in
1. what happened at the chronology.
beginning of the chapter?
2. What happened after Act out
that? accordingly. To understand and
3. What did the tiger do? express feelings
»Students sit in groups. Group work and emotion.
»T asks students to get all
the actions made by the
tiger and act them out
according to the chapter.
(blinked, stretched, waved
its tail, sniff, twitched etc).
They are to get all the
actions done by the tiger.
Closing Activities
(8 mins)
»T asks each group to act To watch the Worksheet To build their self-
out the movements and actors and tick confident and
other students evaluate by the actions. alertness.
ticking the actions in the
checklist. Points will be
awarded to the number of
actions acted out correctly.
The group with the most
number of actions acted
correctly will be declared as
the winner.

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