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I. II.

Salem, Massachusetts. The world of the play, vocab. Multiple Choice Sentence Fragments. Indentifying the difference between sentence fragments and complete sentences, indentifying the problems with fragments, fixing the fragments to become sentences.


The Crucible: Plot and characters. Multiple Choice Young Good man Brown Short Answer


Passage Analysis o In this passage from ONE OF THE WORKS WE HAVE READ, underline one example of the ***one example of ***. Label each> Create a Thesis,. About the passage based on the literary devices and overall ideas from the passage. Modernism and in another country o Based on the presentation and our class discussion on Hemingway, answer the following question. o Remember the topic we discussed as a class were  World War I (in general)  Milan, Italy/ setting of the Play  Hemingways life and connections to story Literary Movements Overview o Connect information about the literary movements ( Stylistic aspect, major writers, themes, historical era in time) with the names of the movement Style of a Movements o Identify/discuss aspects of the styles of Ernest Hemingway : In another country or Jack To build an Fire Essay Question o In the space below, answers the following detailed essay. Look at section X for quotes to use in your essay, and think about class presentations and journal entries we wrote on these stories. Remember plan before write and include a thesis. Essay Writing Skills: Incorporating Quotes. As part of your essay, use at least two quotations from one , two or all, of the following passages: o Blah Blah blah Richard Wrightworth o Blah Blah blah John Bourne o Blah Blah blah " Emile Zola






Vocal y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y Iceberg Theory 7/8 theory Modernism Naturalism Spine Predestination Pathetic Fallacy Repentance Stage Direction Theocracy Magistrate Deceit Paradox Vengeance Abomination Psalm Mischief Hierocracy Cruelty Puritanical

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