English Language Arts Resources

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English Language Arts Resources A mix of fun and educational resources for all!

http://www.corestandards.org/assets/Appendix_B.pdf y ImportantNEW common core standards for ELA

http://www.webenglishteacher.com/ y
Students and teachers can share ideas, get ideas for lesson plans, and it is a great source for inspiration and guidance. Resources from poetry, mythology to Shakespeare and writing.

http://edhelper.com/language/language.html y
This website has lesson plans to adapt, worksheets, spelling, reading, and vocabulary comprehension activities, and more for English and others.

http://www.readwritethink.org/ y
This website has parent, teacher, and student resources. Lesson plans, professional development and more.

http://www.ncte.org/ y
This site is the National Council of teachers. It is something for English teachers to join, receive newsletters, news about conferences.

http://www.pbs.org/teachers/readlanguage/ y
This website allows you to adapt lessons, engage in discussion with other professionals, participate in professional development. It also has a cool feature called webinars where teachers can learn about how to incorporate technology into the classroom.

http://www.teachervision.fen.com/reading-and-language-arts/teacherresources/55691.html y
Although this website requires a fee after the free trial, you have access to a lot of great materials from lesson plans, activities, and graphic organizers in strictly language arts or co curricular with other subjects.

http://teams.lacoe.edu/documentation/classrooms/language/donner/teacher /resources.html#portfolio y This site shares links to other sites that feature information on many things. Of most interest are the links connected to portfolios and assessment.

http://www.webenglishteacher.com/ y
For students this site features resources like study guides, homework help, and young adult literature

http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/678/01/ y This is a great site for learning how to properly site and format research papers and assignments.

http://aesopfables.com/ y This site features Aesops fables which are fun to read.

http://www.victorianweb.org/ y This is a great site for introductory information about the Victorian Era.

Teachers, Parents, and Students

http://mayaangelou.com/ y Maya Angelous official website. Features news, a biography, and more.

http://lcsna.org/carroll/ y A site dedicated to the works of Lewis Carroll

http://charlesdickenspage.com/index.html y This site is devoted to giving information about Charles Dickens, his life and works.


Sponsored by the The Anne Frank Center USA, this site features news and events about Anne at the center, and information about Educational Programs.

http://remember.org/ y This Holocaust Cybrary features information about the Holocaust, and it also contains a research library and discussion boards.

http://www.william-golding.co.uk/ y This site is devoted to the life and works of William Golding, most commonly known by Lord of the Flies.

http://www.cummingsstudyguides.net/xShakeSph.html y This site is a pretty comprehensive study guide to the life and works of William Shakespeare.

http://www.maicar.com/GML/ y This site is about Greek Mythology. Photo galleries, information about the myths, biographies about characters, and a dictionary.

http://shakespeare.palomar.edu/timeline/timeline.htm y        This site is a great timeline of Shakespeares life. Also includes a genealogy, biography, summary chart, and quiz.

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