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//------------// // city goals // //------------// processingpolicy r n s v h a config comfort:1 comfortpolicy 15 20 popraise iron pray distancepolicy 10 15 5 10 100 rallypolicy n:10:1

n:8 taxpolicy 20 100 reportstokeep 1 a:500 b:1 a:3800 a:6000 //noabandonflats 111,222 111,333 111,444 //config abandon:1 //for above^ run evacutetown in script first!// //-------------------// // hero goals // //-------------------// config hero:11 config fasthero:62 config training:1 config trainpol:1 config trainint:1 homeheroes 3 traininghero eli //--------------------// // npcs // //---------------------// config npc:1 farmingpolicy /level:5 /mindistance:1 /maxdistance:10 /farmingcycle:2 config npclimit:10 config buildnpc:15 npcbuildpolicy /level:10 /mindistance:1 /maxdistance:5 npcbuildpolicy /level:5 /mindistance:2 /maxdistance:15 npcteams 4 //npctroops //npctroops //npctroops npctroops 5 10 a:90000,wo:2000,w:2000,s:4000,t:2000 9 a:90000,wo:2000,w:2000,s:4000,t:2000// 8 w:100000 b:550,t:400

npclimits 8 a:50000,w:100000 npclimits 10 a:390000,s:50000 //npcbounds 5 200 215 400 415 //npcbounds 8 200 205 400 405 //by default, y.a.e.b. will find and farm npcs on it's own as specified with far mingpolicy. however, you may sometimes wish to restrict your bot to only farm np cs in a specific area. you can do so with this directive. this tells the bot the bounderies in which it may farm. in the example above, the bot would be allowed to farm in a square with the top left corner at 200,400 and the bottom right co rner at 215,415 for level 5 npcs. in the 2nd example above, the bot will only fa rm level 8 npcs between 200,400 and 205,405.the bot will process which npcs to f

arm based on the priorities specified here.note: it is not recommended to use th is unless you need to due to sharing npcs with a friendly neighbor, etc. it's mu ch better to let the bot decide what to hit. //npcexcludelist 111,222 111,333 111,444 //by default, y.a.e.b. will find and farm npcs on it's own of the level you spec ify in farmingpolicy goals. however, you may sometimes wish to restrict your bot to not farm specific npcs. you can do so with this directive. this tells the bo t to find what npcs to farm, but to skip the specified npcs in it's farming cycl e. in the example above, all npcs within the allowed radius will be farmed, exce pt 111,222 111,333 and 111,444. this exclude list works for any level of npc bei ng farmed. config farmingcycle:2 //------------------------// // troops // //-----------------------// troop wo:1,warr:1,s:1,p:1,sw:1,a:1,cav:1 troop wo:1000,p:1000,sw:1000,s:1000,w:10000 troop a:50000,w:120000,s:100000,c:5000 troop b:4050,t:3789 troop wo:5000,p:5000,sw:5000,s:5000,w:120000,a:120000,s:200000 config config config config config config troopqueuetime:.5 troopsusepopmax:1 troopincrement:500 troopidlequeuetime:5 troopdelbadque:1 reservedbarrack:1

//keeptroops othercity w:100k,s:400k,p:100k,sw:200k,a:400k 10k //this goal will tell the bot to automatically send troops to another city when it reaches more than the amount you specify. in the example above, when thiscity has more than 100k warriors, or 400k scouts, or 100k pikes, or 200k swords, or 400k archers then the bot will send extras to othercity in increments of at leas t 10k. when combined with troop goals set higher than these amounts, the bot wou ld continually queue troops to be sent to another city. this can be useful to st ock or restock a war city or continually rebuild troops for a npc10 farming city . //-----------------------// // buildings // //-----------------------// build be:9,a:9,r:9,fh:9,w:9,c:9:8,b:9:13,e:9,i:3,m:3,st:9,fo:9,ws:9,i:9:10,s:9:1 0,q:9,f:9

//----------------// // research // //---------------// research con:10,en:9,med:10,ho:9,pr:9,mac:10,st:9,com:10,lo:10,ir:10,mt:10,ms:9, met:9,mi:9,lu:9,mas:9,ag:9

//be sure to only specify upgrades to level 10 research for military science, me tal casting, horseback riding, lumbering, mining, privateering, and masonry in a n unconverted npc10

//---------------------// // fortification // //---------------------// fortification fortification fortification fortification fortification trap:1,ab:1 at:10 at:50,r:1,rock:1 at:1000,r:5,rock:5 at:17500,r:100,rock:5

config wallqueuetime:1 //-----------------------------------// ////////////valley farming///////////// //----------------------------------// //config valley:10 //config valley:9 //config valley:8 //config valley:7 //config valley:6 //config valley:5 //config valley:4 //config valley:3 //config valley:2 //config valley:1 //valleytroops //valleytroops //valleytroops //valleytroops //valleytroops //valleytroops //valleytroops //valleytroops //valleytroops //valleytroops 1 s:5000 2 s:5000 3 s:5000 4 s:10000 5 s:10000 6 s:50000 7 s:50000 8 s:100000 9 a:12800,sw:1,p:1,s:1,w:40000 10 a:19990,sw:1,p:1,s:1,w:60000

//valleylimit w:100k,a:50k //safevalleyfarm 9,10 //config hunting:4 //huntingpos 111,222

//----------------------// // combat // //---------------------// config gate:.5 gatepolicy 1 0 2 0 1 config attackgap:30

config hiding:1.5 config monitorarmy:1

//-----------------------// // resources // //----------------------// config trade:1 tradepolicy tradepolicy tradepolicy tradepolicy tradepolicy /type:gold /min:2m /type:food /min:2d /max:500m /batch:1m /type:wood /min:1m /max:2m /batch:1k /type:stone /min:1m /max:5m /batch:1k /type:iron /min:1m /max:2m /batch:1k othercity food 1b 100m 50m othercity anothercity wood 30m 20m 5m cavalry 111,222 food 1b -1 50m othercity food 1b 100m -1 any food -1 100m 50m 111,222 food 1b -2 50m

//sendresources //sendresources //sendresources //sendresources //sendresources //sendresources

//in the 1st example, the bot will send 50 million food to othercity if thiscity has at least 1 billion food and othercity falls below 100 million food. since n o trooptype is set, the bot will default to sending with transports. //in the 2nd example, the bot will send 5 million wood to othercity and/or anoth ercity if thiscity has at least 30 million and othercity and/or anothercity has under 20 million, and it will use cavalry to transport the wood. //when -1 is used for the remote_min amount, the bot will not check what the cit y to send to has first, and will instead send the requested amount every time it has enough in thiscity to meet the local_min. by using -1 this way, the bot is able to send to coordinates on another account, for example from a feeder accoun t to a main account. in the 3rd example above, the bot is told to send 50mil at a time to 111,222, as long as thiscity has 1 billion. //when -1 is used for the sending quantity, the bot will send however much the c ity can send, limited only by the transports sending it. in the 4th example, the bot will send as much food as possible from thiscity to othercity, until thisci ty falls below 1bil left, or othercity reaches the 100mil goal. //when -1 is used for the local_min, the bot will send the quantity to the desti nation when it falls below remote_min, regardless of the amount in the current c ity, until it runs out of resources. in the above 5th example, thiscity will sen d batches of 50mil food to 'any' city you own if one falls below 100mil food, re gardless of how much food is in thiscity. //in the 6th example above, the bot will keep 1bil food in thiscity and send all excess to 111,222 in batches of at least 50 million at a time. //-------------------------------------// //when -1 is used for the local_min, the bot will send the quantity to the desti nation when it falls below remote_min, regardless of the amount in the current c ity, until it runs out of resources. in the above 5th example, thiscity will sen d batches of 50mil food to 'any' city you own if one falls below 100mil food, re gardless of how much food is in thiscity.

//in the 6th example above, the bot will keep 1bil food in thiscity and send all excess to 111,222 in batches of at least 50 million at a time. //-------------------------------------//

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