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Human Impact on the Biosphere

Natural Resources
Renewable resources
Nonrenewable resources

Human activities affect the quality and quantity of our renewable and nonrenewable resources.

Sustainable Use of Resources

Sustainability - intelligent and responsible management and conservation of our resources

Biodegradable wastes
materials that can be broken down by microorganisms e.g. organic wastes (sewage and scraps of food)

Non-biodegradable wastes
can not be broken down by natural processes or are broken down very slowly e.g. asbestos, glass, certain plastics and metals, radioactive wastes and chemicals

Biological Magnification
pollutants accumulate in the tissues of organisms

further concentrated up the food chain (because the biomass at a given trophic level is produced from a much larger biomass ingested from the level below) e.g. pesticides and industrial waste products
DDT was once used to prevent malaria, yellow fever, lice and the spread of insect pests DDT poisoning in fish and birds

Land Resources
Land pollution Soil erosion


Water Resources
Chemical Contamination

Sewage Contamination Thermal Pollution

Air Resources
Acid Rain

Greenhouse Effect
Ozone Depletion

Ecosystem diversity

Species diversity Genetic diversity

Threats to Biodiversity
Demand for wildlife products

Habitat destruction Pollution Introduction of exotic species

Conservation Efforts

Endangered Species and Protected Areas


Cleaning up the environment and keeping it clean.

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