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L-8us|ness 5u|te k12

em| Cn|gbode

lnLroduclna Cracle L-8uslness SulLe 812.1
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1ab|e of Contents

1 - Introduct|on ...........................................................................................................3
2 - Logg|ng |n to Crac|e App||cat|ons ............................................................................5
3 - Creat|ng Iavour|tes and 5ett|ng references...........................................................6
4 - Choos|ng a kespons|b|||ty .......................................................................................8
5 - Nav|gator.............................................................................................................. 10
6 - Work|ng w|th|n a Iorm......................................................................................... 12
7 - 5earch|ng for Informat|on..................................................................................... 19
8 - Access|ng Cn||ne ne|p........................................................................................... 22
9 - Lrror Messages ..................................................................................................... 24
10 - kunn|ng keports and rograms............................................................................. 25
11 - Logg|ng Cut of Crac|e App||cat|ons ....................................................................... 27
12 - More Informat|on................................................................................................. 28

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1 - Introduct|on
1hls e-book looks aL Lhe baslc feaLures of accesslna and navlaaLlna wlLhln Cracle
AppllcaLlons 8elease 12 uslna Lhe SWAn" user lnLerface. ?ou learn Lo enLer, reLrleve, and
search lnformaLlon ln Lhe form of a querv, creaLe and seL lavorlLes and references, access
onllne Pelp, and run and monlLor 8eporLs and roarams.

Look-and-Iee| of the "5WAN" User Interface

Cverv|ew: 1he new SWAn" user lnLerface (ul) areaLlv lmproves Lhe look-and-feel of Cracle
L-8uslness SulLe, slanlflcanLlv enhanclna usablllLv and producLlvlLv. 1he SWAn" ul brlnas
LoaeLher some of Lhe besL ul concepLs from Cracle L-8uslness SulLe, eopleSofL, and !u
Ldwards appllcaLlons.

Ieatures: 1he SWAn" user lnLerface ls a subclass of 8rowser Look and leel (8LAl) and
replaces Lhe former look-and-feel. Cracle L-8uslness SulLe wlll use onlv Lhe SWAn" look-
and-feel for 812. 1hls new look-and-feel applles Lo Lhe whole Cracle L-8uslness SulLe as

Crac|e App||cat|on Iramework (CAI) App||cat|ons
As Lhe relevanL chanaes are made ln Lhe underlvlna Lechnoloav laver, mosL producLs wlll noL
requlre anv dlrecL chanaes Lo be made. 1he chanaes made aL Lhe Lechnoloav laver for Cracle
AppllcaLlon lramework (CAl) producLs can be summarlzed as follows:
1he overall color usaae has been chanaed Lo a more conLemporarv and compelllna color
scheme, whlch reduces eve sLraln and provldes a more pleasanL look-and-feel.
A new loaln screen complemenLs Lhe updaLes Lo Lhe overall look-and-feel.
1he base fonL has been chanaed Lo 1ahoma 9 pL. Lo make beLLer use of avallable screen
All buLLons and Labs now have a aradlenL backaround, Lo lncrease Lhelr vlslblllLv on Lhe
screen as cllckable elemenLs.
1he buLLon LexL and overall shape have been modlfled Lo reduce Lhe amounL of space
requlred for Lhelr dlsplav.
8uLLons are now sLandard P1ML buLLons lnsLead of lmaaes, whlch requlred a dlsplav
server Lo be seL up.
8ackaround colors of paae elemenLs have been modlfled for beLLer vlsual separaLlon of
screen elemenLs.
1he enLlre lcon sulLe has been uparaded Lo a more sophlsLlcaLed sLvle LhaL lnLearaLes
vlsuallv wlLh Lhe overall lnLerface deslan.
1he paae fooLer backaround has been chanaed Lo make lL more readllv dlsLlnaulshable
from oLher paae elemenLs.
1he navlaaLor has been resLvled Lo be conslsLenL wlLh Lhe oLher ul chanaes.
aae Labs have been moved Lo Lhe lefL of Lhe screen for beLLer scannlna and a clearer
relaLlonshlp wlLh assoclaLed subLabs.
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Iorms App||cat|ons
1he lorms color scheme has been chanaed Lo be conslsLenL wlLh Lhe CAl producLs. lleld
values have been chanaed Lo normal welahL, provldlna furLher conslsLencv beLween
producLs, and reduclna Lhe vlsual complexlLv of appllcaLlon screens.

As noLed prevlouslv for CAl producLs, Lhese chanaes have been made ln Lhe Lechnoloav
laver, no chanaes need Lo be made Lo lndlvldual producLs, Lo Lhe poslLlon or lavouL of anv
fleld wlLhln lorms.

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2 - Logging in to Oracle Applications

5tart|ng Crac|e App||cat|ons
1he flrsL sLep ln sLarLlna Cracle AppllcaLlons ls Lo enLer Lhe approprlaLe u8L for vour slLe ln
an Cracle AppllcaLlons cerLlfled browser. AfLer sLarLlna Cracle AppllcaLlons, Lhe flrsL wlndow
vou see ls Lhe loaln wlndow. ?ou need an Cracle AppllcaLlons username and password Lo loa
ln Lo Cracle AppllcaLlons. lL ls dlfferenL from Lhe username and password vou use Lo loa ln Lo
vour compuLer. lf vou are noL sure of vour Cracle AppllcaLlons username and password,
consulL vour svsLem admlnlsLraLor. Cracle AppllcaLlons securlLv ls based on vour Cracle
AppllcaLlons username. ?our username connecLs vou Lo vour responslblllLles, whlch conLrol
vour access Lo appllcaLlons, funcLlons, reporLs, and daLa.

Nav|gat|ng from ersona| nome age to App||cat|ons
AfLer vou loa ln Lo Cracle AppllcaLlons, vour L-8uslness SulLe Pome paae ls dlsplaved. lrom
here vou can:

Access L-8uslness SulLe AppllcaLlons (professlonal or self-servlce)
vlew and respond Lo noLlflcaLlons
SeL personal user preferences
navlaaLe Lo oLher frequenLlv used funcLlons or Web paaes
Note: 1he exacL appearance of vour wlndows mav varv dependlna on whlch lnLerface
vou are uslna and how lL ls cusLomlzed aL vour slLe.
1wo 1ypes of Interfaces
Cracle L-8uslness SulLe appllcaLlons are elLher lorms-based or P1ML-based.
lorms-based appllcaLlons are opLlmlzed for processlna a larae volume of LransacLlons.
P1ML-based appllcaLlons, someLlmes referred Lo as Self-Servlce AppllcaLlons," are
opLlmlzed for ease of flrsL-Llme use.
lor example, Lo enLer a baLch of [ournals, L-8uslness SulLe provldes a lorms-based
appllcaLlon. 1o submlL an expense reporL, L-8uslness SulLe provldes an P1ML-based

lnLroduclna Cracle L-8uslness SulLe 812.1

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3 - Creat|ng Iavour|tes and 5ett|ng references

1he L-8uslness SulLe Pomepaae ls vour enLrv polnL Lo Cracle L-8uslness SulLe.

lrom Lhls paae, vou can:
CreaLe lavorlLes
SeL references
use WorkllsLs
Access L-8uslness SulLe funcLlons from Lhe navlaaLor

Create Iavor|tes
CusLomlze vour lavorlLes bv addlna llnks Lo frequenLlv-used funcLlons and Web slLes. 1o
add or remove llnks, selecL LdlL lavorlLes.

5et references
SelecL references Lo seL personal opLlons. CpLlons lnclude lanauaae, LerrlLorv, Llme zone,
noLlflcaLlon sLvle, accesslblllLv seLLlna, and formaLs for daLes and numbers. ?ou can also
reseL vour password from Lhe references paae. CpLlonallv, speclfv a SLarL paae for all
fuLure sesslons from avallable paaes (oraanlzed bv responslblllLv). SeL addlLlonal
preferences uslna user proflle opLlons.

Use Work||sts
1he WorkllsL dlsplavs vour noLlflcaLlons.

SelecL Lhe Sub[ecL Lo respond Lo or selecL lull LlsL Lo see all vour noLlflcaLlons.
Note: 1he use WorkllsL opLlon mav noL avallable bv defaulL on Lhe ersonal Pome aae.

Access L-8us|ness 5u|te Iunct|ons
use Lhe navlaaLor Lo access Cracle L-8uslness SulLe funcLlons arouped bv responslblllLv.
Note: A responslblllLv ls a level of auLhorlLv ln Cracle L-8uslness SulLe. lL enables vour
access Lo Lhose funcLlons and daLa approprlaLe for vour enLerprlse role. ?ou can have
one or more responslblllLles.
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1o access a funct|on:
SelecL a responslblllLv Lo vlew lLs menu of funcLlons
SelecL Lhe funcLlon Lo launch lL

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4 - Choos|ng a kespons|b|||ty
Lach user has aL leasL one responslblllLv and several users can share Lhe same responslblllLv.
?our svsLem admlnlsLraLor can asslan vou anv of Lhe sLandard responslblllLles or creaLe
cusLom responslblllLles as per Lhe buslness requlremenLs.

Lach responslblllLv would be assoclaLed wlLh a slnale AppllcaLlon, such as P8MS, Ceneral
Ledaer, and so on. ?ou can access elLher rofesslonal AppllcaLlons or Self-Servlce
AppllcaLlons, buL noL boLh, based on Lhe responslblllLv vou are assoclaLed wlLh. Cllck Lhe
underllned llnk ln Lhe AppllcaLlon secLlon Lo selecL vour responslblllLv and Lhen cllck Lhe
underllned llnk Lo open a speclflc funcLlon.
Note: 1he exacL appearance of vour wlndow mav varv dependlna on whlch lnLerface
vou are uslna and how lL ls cusLomlzed aL vour slLe.
kespons|b|||ty ke|at|onsh|ps: Many to Cne
AfLer vou have used Lhe loaln form Lo bealn Lhe loaln process, vou musL Lell Lhe svsLem whaL
Lvpe of access vou wlll be uslna. A responslblllLv ls a seL of daLa, menus, and forms LhaL
deflnes vour parLlcular level of auLhorlLv whlle uslna Lhe svsLem. lor example, vou would
wanL Lhe AccounLs avable deparLmenL of vour companv Lo access Lhe lnvolce forms of Lhe
svsLem, buL vou would noL wanL Lhem Lo be able Lo access anv pavroll lnformaLlon. AnoLher
example ls LhaL Lhe conLroller of a deparLmenL would wanL Lo have access Lo all Lhe daLa
LhaL hls or her emplovees can use, so Lhe conLroller would wanL access Lo boLh accounLs
pavable and pavroll lnformaLlon.

kespons|b|||ty ke|at|onsh|ps
1he followlna ls a llsL of Lhe Lvpes of responslblllLles and Lhelr parLlcular properLles LhaL can
be deflned ln Cracle AppllcaLlons bv vour svsLem admlnlsLraLor:
A speclflc appllcaLlon (or appllcaLlons), such as Cracle Ceneral Ledaer
A Ledaer, such as vlslon CperaLlons, used for flnanclal reporLlna whlch ls made up of
Lhe CharL of AccounLs, Currencv, Calendar, and AccounLlna ConvenLlon
An oraanlzaLlon, such as vlslon Servlces or vlslon ulsLrlbuLlon
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A resLrlcLed llsL of wlndows Lo whlch vou can navlaaLe. lor example, a responslblllLv
mav allow cerLaln Cracle llnanclals users Lo enLer lnvolces, buL noL Lo enLer names of
suppllers (vendors) or cusLomers.
A resLrlcLed llsL of funcLlons vou can perform. lor example, Lwo responslblllLles mav
have access Lo Lhe same wlndow, buL Lhe wlndow of one responslblllLv mav have
addlLlonal funcLlonal buLLons.
8eporLs ln a speclflc appllcaLlon. ?our svsLem admlnlsLraLor can asslan aroups of
reporLs Lo one or more responslblllLles, so Lhe responslblllLv vou selecL deLermlnes Lhe
reporLs LhaL vou can submlL.
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5 - Nav|gator

1he navlaaLor wlndow dlsplavs Lhe name of Lhe responslblllLv vou selecL ln Lhe LlLle bar.
use Lhls wlndow Lo navlaaLe Lo a form, so vou can perform a speclflc buslness flow. ?ou
can navlaaLe Lo Lhe forms LhaL are dlsplaved ln a navlaaLlon llsL on Lhe lefL of Lhe navlaaLor
wlndow. ?ou can cllck Lhe Labs Lo access Lhe dlfferenL realons.

Nav|gator keg|on 1abs
1he luncLlons Lab dlsplavs all of Lhe appllcaLlons funcLlons LhaL vou can access for Lhe
responslblllLv LhaL vou selecLed. lf vou have a documenL, such as a parLlcular purchase
order, lnvolce, or sales order LhaL vou wanL Lo access laLer, vou can creaLe a llnk Lo Lhe
documenL uslna Lhe navlaaLor's uocumenL feaLure.

1he navlaaLor's uocumenL feaLure allows vou Lo creaLe as manv llnks as vou wanL and
save Lhem ln Lhe uocumenLs realon of Lhe navlaaLor wlndow. When vou use a llnk Lo open
a documenL, Cracle AppllcaLlons opens Lhe documenL ln Lhe approprlaLe form wlndow.
?ou can access Lhe uocumenL realon uslna Lhe Lab conLrol.

1he rocesses realon of Lhe navlaaLor (Lhe rocess navlaaLor") auLomaLes buslness flows
across Cracle AppllcaLlons forms. lL allows vou Lo model and execuLe complex buslness
processes Lhrouah an easv-Lo-use, araphlcal user lnLerface. 1he buslness processes
enabled Lhrouah Lhe rocess navlaaLor can cross producL boundarles and lnclude
compleLe buslness cvcles.

1he rocess navlaaLor auldes vou sLep-bv-sLep Lhrouah each requlred funcLlon ln a
buslness process. ln addlLlon Lo provldlna a vlsual map of a buslness process, Lhe rocess
navlaaLor can launch Lhe approprlaLe Cracle AppllcaLlons forms or sLandard reporLs aL
each sLep.

Menu 8ar
1ool 8ar
8ealon 1abs
Lxpand & Collapse
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Lxpand|ng or Co||aps|ng the Nav|gat|on L|st
Lach user can access Lhe Cracle AppllcaLlons forms ln several wavs so LhaL Lhev can use
Lhe svsLem qulcklv, accordlna Lo Lhelr own compuLer sLvle. use Lhe varlous buLLons on Lhe
navlaaLor Lo manlpulaLe llsL lLems.

Lxpand|ng or Co||aps|ng 5evera| Items
Lach user can access Lhe Cracle AppllcaLlons forms ln several wavs so LhaL Lhev can use
Lhe svsLem qulcklv, accordlna Lo Lhelr own compuLer sLvle. use Lhe varlous buLLons on Lhe
navlaaLor Lo manlpulaLe llsL lLems.

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6 - Work|ng w|th|n a Iorm
use Lhe navlaaLor wlndow Lo navlaaLe Lo a form LhaL allows vou Lo perform a speclflc
buslness acLlvlLv. 1he navlaaLor wlndow ls alwavs presenL durlna vour sesslon of Cracle
AppllcaLlons and dlsplavs Lhe name of vour currenL responslblllLv ln lLs LlLle bar.

Iorm 1erm|no|ogy
Cracle AppllcaLlons 8elease 12 works speclflcallv ln a Web-enabled envlronmenL. lL ls
lmporLanL Lo undersLand Lhe Lermlnoloav of Lhe componenLs wlLhln an Cracle AppllcaLlons

?eml Cnlabode - hLLp:// - 13
Common Lerms used ln Cracle AppllcaLlons forms are llsLed below:
Menu 8ar: use pull-down menus from Lhls menu bar Lo navlaaLe or perform acLlons
wlLhln a form.
W|ndow: lL ls an area where Lhe user lnLeracLs wlLh an appllcaLlon. (Manv wlndows
can be open aL one Llme and vou can access Lhese overlapplna" wlndows Lo perform
daLa enLrv or daLa search acLlvlLles.)
W|ndow t|t|e: lL ls Lhe LexL ln Lhe LlLle bar LhaL lndlcaLes Lhe name of Lhe wlndow and
usuallv alves conLexL lnformaLlon perLlnenL Lo Lhe lnformaLlon ln LhaL wlndow.
MDI w|ndow: lL ls a masLer conLalner wlndow LhaL houses all wlndows, Loolbars, and
appllcaLlon wlndows.
1oo| t|p: lL ls an lconlc bubble help LhaL vou can use Lo deLermlne Lhe funcLlon of a
buLLon on Lhe Loolbar.
kecord or row: lL ls a seL of one or more relaLed daLa lLems from a Lable or vlew LhaL
are arouped for processlna.
Check box: lL ls a box ln whlch vou can Loaale beLween an on/off" or ves/no" sLaLe
for a parLlcular value.
LCV |con: lL ls an lcon LhaL vou can cllck Lo dlsplav a llsL of values (LCv) for Lhe currenL
op-up ||st: A pop-up llsL leLs vou selecL a slnale value from a shorL llsL.
5cro|||ng reg|on: lL ls a realon conLalnlna a scroll bar, ln whlch Lo vlew oLher flelds.
8|ock: lL ls an area of lnformaLlon relaLlve Lo a speclflc buslness funcLlon or enLlLv.
keg|on: lL ls a loalcal arouplna of flelds seL aparL from oLher flelds bv an ouLllne.
keg|on tab: lL ls a collecLlon of realons LhaL occupv Lhe same space ln a wlndow, where
onlv one realon can be dlsplaved aL a Llme.
I|e|d: lL ls an area ln a wlndow LhaL dlsplavs daLa or enables vou Lo enLer daLa.
8utton: lL ls a araphlc elemenL LhaL lnlLlaLes a predeflned acLlon when vou cllck lL.

I|e|d Co|ors
Lach block conLalns flelds vou use Lo enLer, vlew, updaLe, or deleLe lnformaLlon. A fleld
prompL descrlbes each fleld bv Lelllna vou whaL klnd of lnformaLlon appears ln Lhe fleld or
whaL klnd of lnformaLlon vou should enLer ln Lhe fleld.

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llelds are color coded Lo lndlcaLe Lhelr Lvpe as follows:
Wh|te f|e|ds: Allow daLa enLrv
Wh|te f|e|ds w|th b|ack text: lndlcaLe drllldown capablllLv
e||ow f|e|ds: 8equlre daLa enLrv
Wh|te f|e|ds w|th green text: Are dlsplav-onlv
8|ue f|e|ds: lndlcaLe flelds Lo use ln Cuerv-LnLer" mode

1he Lerm fleld" aenerallv refers Lo a LexL fleld, an area ln a wlndow LhaL elLher dlsplavs daLa
or allows vou Lo enLer daLa. Powever, a fleld can also lnclude a buLLon, a check box, an
opLlon aroup, or a pop-up llsL.

Creat|ng and 5av|ng a New kecord

1o Create a kecord - Choose new from Lhe llle menu or use Lhe new Loolbar lcon. AfLer
enLerlna daLa for vour new record, selecL Save or Save and roceed from Lhe llle menu Lo
save Lhe record Lo Lhe daLabase. Chooslna Save and roceed auLomaLlcallv advances vou Lo
Lhe nexL record.

Ld|t|ng and De|et|ng a kecord

1o Ld|t a kecord - Choose 8ecord from Lhe LdlL menu. 1hls acLlon allows anv chanae Lo be
made Lo Lhe selecLed record from vour edlLable screen.
Note: llelds proLecLed aaalnsL anv updaLed cannoL be edlLed.
1o De|ete a kecord - Choose ueleLe from Lhe LdlL menu. 1hls acLlon erases Lhe currenL
record from vour screen and reLurns vour cursor Lo Lhe flrsL fleld of Lhe nexL record.

1o 5ave our De|et|on from the Database
Choose Save or Save and roceed from Lhe llle menu.
?eml Cnlabode - hLLp:// - 13
Note: All records cannoL be deleLed ln Lhls manner. 1hose records whlch cannoL be
deleLed need Lo be end daLed and such end-daLed records cannoL be used furLher.
Us|ng a L|st of Va|ues (LCV)
A fleld LhaL has a predeflned llsL of valld values dlsplavs an LCv lcon. SelecL Lhls lcon Lo vlew
Lhe valld fleld values. lf a llsL conLalns more Lhan 100 values, vou are prompLed Lo enLer a
llnd sLrlna Lo llmlL Lhe llsL.

Note: LlsLs LhaL requlre a llnd sLrlna do noL use Lhe auLoreduce feaLure.
1o 5e|ect a Va|ue from a L|st
SelecL a value or reduce Lhe llsL uslna one of Lhe followlna meLhods:

WlLhouL placlna vour cursor over Lhe llnd fleld, enLer Lhe lnlLlal characLers of a value Lo
auLoreduceLhe llsL Lo Lhose lLems maLchlna Lhe characLers enLered. ress [8ackspace] Lo
reexpand Lhe llsL.

lf vour enLrv reduces Lhe llsL Lo a slnale value, Lhe llsL wlndow closes and lnserLs Lhe value
lnLo Lhe fleld. ln Lhe llsL wlndow, enLer anv aroup of characLers ln Lhe llnd fleld and selecL
Lhe llnd buLLon.
Note: use Lhe wlldcard characLer () Lo represenL anv number of characLers and Lhe
underscore (_) Lo represenL a slnale characLer. uo noL enLer a wlldcard characLer bv
lLself. 1hls wlll maLch all records.
LCV: 5hortcuts
1o selecL a value from a llsL for a fleld, cllck Lhe LCv lcon ln Lhe fleld Lo dlsplav a llsL. SelecL
Lhe value dlrecLlv from Lhe llsL bv uslna some of Lhe meLhods descrlbed below:
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WlLhouL cllcklna ln Lhe llnd fleld, Lvpe Lhe flrsL characLer(s) of a value Lo reduce Lhe llsL
Lo onlv Lhose values LhaL maLch Lhe characLers vou enLer. 1hls ls also known as
Search for a value bv cllcklna ln Lhe llnd fleld, Lhen enLer vour search crlLerla ln Lhe llnd
fleld, and cllck Lhe llnd buLLon.
SelecL a value dlrecLlv from Lhe llsL bv uslna Lhe mouse Lo scroll Lhrouah Lhe llsL and Lhen
double-cllck Lhe value Lo choose lL, or cllck Lhe value once and Lhen cllck Ck Lo selecL lL.
AfLer vou selecL a value, Lhe llsL wlndow closes and lnserLs Lhe value lnLo Lhe currenL
fleld. 1o close a llsL wlndow wlLhouL chooslna a value, selecL Cancel.

1o Use ower L|st
ower LlsL enables vou Lo enLer a search sLrlna or parLlal value ln an LCv fleld wlLhouL
openlna Lhe llsL wlndow. LnLer Lhe lnlLlal characLers of a value ln Lhe fleld and press [1ab].
ower LlsL compleLes Lhe enLrv for vou. ?our enLrv can lnclude wlldcard characLers. lf
more Lhan one value maLches Lhe characLers vou speclfv, a llsL wlndow appears conLalnlna
Lhose values.

Us|ng Ca|endar

values ln a daLe fleld can be enLered dlrecLlv or vou can use a calendar Lo enLer a valld
value ln a daLe fleld lf Lhe fleld dlsplavs Lhe LlsL lcon. lf vour daLe fleld supporLs Llme, vou
can also use Lhe Calendar wlndow Lo selecL a valld Llme wlLh Lhe daLe.

1. lace vour cursor ln a daLe fleld.
2. Cllck Lhe llsL of values assoclaLed wlLh a daLe fleld Lo dlsplav Lhe Calendar wlndow.
1he daLe value LhaL appears below Lhe calendar ls called Lhe selecLed daLe, whlch ls
elLher Lhe value alreadv ln Lhe fleld, Lhe defaulL value of Lhe fleld, or Lhe currenL
svsLem daLe.
3. Cllck a daLe.
Note: ulsabled buLLons LhaL show dlmmed LexL represenL lnvalld davs, whlch cannoL be
selecLed. Slmllarlv, lf a daLe fleld ls dlsplav-onlv, vou can dlsplav Lhe Calendar wlndow
for Lhe fleld, buL vou cannoL chanae Lhe daLe shown on Lhe calendar.
?eml Cnlabode - hLLp:// - 17
4. Cllck Ck Lo accepL Lhe selecLed daLe and close Lhe wlndow.
5. Cllck Cancel, lf vou wanL Lo close Lhe wlndow wlLhouL selecLlna a daLe.

C|ear|ng Data
?ou can clear daLa from Lhe screen aL almosL anv Llme. 1vplcallv, vou wlll use Lhls feaLure
when vou sLarL Lo enLer daLa ln a fleld and Lhen chanae vour mlnd. Cracle AppllcaLlons wlll
Lhlnk vou are ln Lhe mlddle of processlna a record and wlll noL allow vou Lo proceed wlLh Lhe
nexL Lask unLll vou clear Lhe fleld.

1he daLa vou clear ls slmplv erased from Lhe screen and noL deleLed from Lhe daLabase.
Note: lf Lhe daLa ls new and has never been saved Lo Lhe daLabase, lL wlll be losL
permanenLlv when vou clear lL from Lhe screen.
(M) LdlL > Clear and Lhen selecL Lhe approprlaLe opLlon, Lo clear a fleld, record, block, or

?ou can also clear some or all daLa from a fleld bv hlahllahLlna Lhe daLa and selecLlna
(M) LdlL > CuL.

Copy|ng Data from a kecord
1o save Llme durlna daLa enLrv, vou can dupllcaLe daLa from a prevlous record lf much of Lhe
daLa needs Lo be repeaLed aaaln ln Lhe new record. ?ou can use CuL, Copv, and asLe from
Lhe LdlL menu or vou can use Lhe followlna Lechnlques:

Copy|ng a I|e|d Va|ue from the rev|ous kecord
1. LnLer a new record or querv an exlsLlna record ln vour form.
2. (M) llle > new or cllck Lhe new lcon Lo lnserL a new record afLer Lhe exlsLlna record.
3. lace vour cursor ln Lhe fleld whose value vou wanL Lo dupllcaLe.
4. (M) LdlL > uupllcaLe lleld Above, Lo copv Lhe fleld value from Lhe prevlous record
lnLo Lhe currenL record.

Copy|ng A|| I|e|d Va|ues from the rev|ous kecord
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18 - ?eml Cnlabode - hLLp://
1. lollow sLeps 1 and 2 menLloned above.
2. (M) LdlL > uupllcaLe 8ecord Above, Lo copv all fleld values from Lhe prevlous record
lnLo Lhe currenL record.
uependlna on Lhe record sLoraae ln Lhe daLabase and relevanL daLabase Lables,
noL all flelds mav be copled when uslna Lhls feaLure.
?eml Cnlabode - hLLp:// - 19
7 - 5earch|ng for Informat|on
ln Cracle AppllcaLlons, vou can qulcklv reLrleve and revlew all avallable lnformaLlon ln vour
daLabase wlLhouL havlna Lo remember Lhe lnformaLlon dlsplaved ln Lhe wlndows, or wlLhouL
havlna Lo prlnL lenaLhv reporLs Lo see Lhe daLa. lnsLead, vou can slmplv run a search Lo
obLaln Lhe lnformaLlon vou wanL, and Lhen revlew Lhe daLa onllne ln Lhe same wlndow vou
used Lo enLer Lhe daLa.

8v uslna Lhe querv funcLlon ln Cracle AppllcaLlons, vou can saLlsfv Lhe followlna lnformaLlon
Lhe search needs:
Caln lnsLanL, onllne access Lo all vour appllcaLlon lnformaLlon. ?ou can flnd lnformaLlon
qulcklv and easllv, wlLhouL havlna Lo use complex querv lanauaae.
Search for a speclflc record or for a aroup of records based on Lhe crlLerla vou enLer. ?ou
can reLrleve Lhls lnformaLlon dlrecLlv, wlLhouL havlna Lo revlew all Lhe lnformaLlon ln
vour appllcaLlon daLabase.
Search for lnformaLlon uslna crlLerla of dlfferenL Lvpes or lenaLhs, lncludlna a slnale
leLLer, a slnale word, or a aroup of characLers, or anvLhlna else vou wanL Lo enLer.
llnd ouL how much lnformaLlon ls avallable LhaL maLches vour search crlLerla before a
search for a slnale plece of lnformaLlon vlelds 10,000 responses.

Cuery Versus I|nd

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20 - ?eml Cnlabode - hLLp://
Cuery Mode
ln Cuerv mode, vou can use Lhe menu bar Lo access a querv, or vou can use kevboard
shorLcuLs [l11] Lo enLer a querv and press and hold [CLrl] + [l11] Lo execuLe a querv.
?ou use Lhe exlsLlna wlndow Lo prepare vour search crlLerla for Lhe querv. ?ou can enLer
speclflc lnformaLlon ln anv fleld Lo narrow vour search.
When uslna wlldcards Lo prepare vour search crlLerla, vou can use all querv operaLors Lo
narrow vour search.
ln querv mode, vou can check Lo see how manv records maLch vour crlLerla even before
reLrlevlna Lhe daLa LhaL maLches vour querv.

I|nd Mode
ln llnd mode, vou use Lhe menu bar Lo access Lhe llnd wlndow, or vou cllck Lhe lcon on
Lhe Loolbar.
?ou use a new wlndow, Lhe llnd wlndow, Lo prepare vour search crlLerla.
1he llsL of values ls avallable ln manv flelds ln llnd mode.
1he Cuerv CounL feaLure ls noL avallable ln llnd mode.

Us|ng I|nd Mode
1o search for records ln vour currenL block or wlndow, use Lhe llnd wlndow. 1he llnd
wlndow conLalns flelds for enLerlna search crlLerla. 1hese flelds are speclflc Lo Lhe currenL
block and ofLen valldaLe Lhe search crlLerla vou enLer aaalnsL a llsL of valld values.

Cenerallv, a llnd wlndow ls dlsplaved for Lhose blocks LhaL have manv records or for Lhose
blocks LhaL can be besL searched uslna crlLerla ln more Lhan one fleld.

now to Use I|nd Mode
(M) vlew > llnd or cllck Lhe llnd lcon on Lhe Loolbar.
LnLer vour search crlLerla ln Lhe approprlaLe flelds of Lhe llnd wlndow.
?eml Cnlabode - hLLp:// - 21
lf a fleld does noL provlde a llsL of values for vou Lo choose from, vou can enLer wlldcard
characLers ( and -) ln Lhe search phrase. ?ou cannoL, however, use querv operaLors
(such as >, <, and so on) ln a llnd wlndow.
Cllck Lhe llnd buLLon Lo flnd anv maLchlna records.
Cllck Lhe Clear buLLon Lo clear Lhe currenL search crlLerla from Lhe llnd wlndow, so vou
can enLer new search crlLerla.
Cllck Lhe new buLLon Lo enLer a new record ln vour currenL block lf vour search flnds no
maLchlna records. noL all wlndows supporL Lhe llnd.

Us|ng Cuery Mode
now to Use Cuery Mode
1. (M) vlew > Cuerv 8v Lxample > LnLer.
2. LnLer Lhe search crlLerla ln anv of Lhe flelds (lndlcaLed bv blue) LhaL can be querled,
uslna wlldcard characLers and querv operaLors as necessarv. ?ou can also selecL
vlew > Cuerv 8v Lxample > Show LasL CrlLerla Lo dlsplav Lhe search crlLerla used ln
vour lasL search, lf vou performed one.
3. (M) vlew > Cuerv 8v Lxample > 8un Lo perform Lhe search.
4. (M) vlew > Cuerv 8v Lxample > Cancel Lo cancel from LnLer Cuerv mode.

now to Cbta|n a Cuery Count
1. erform sLeps 1 and 2 above.
2. (M) vlew > Cuerv 8v Lxample > CounL MaLchlna 8ecords Lo dlsplav Lhe number of
records a Cuerv 8v Lxample search would reLrleve.

Us|ng Cuery Cperators and W||dcard Characters
?ou can use anv of Lhe querv operaLors llsLed ln Lhe Lable below.

Cperator Mean|ng Lxamp|e
= Lqual Lo ='Cracle' = 373
!= noL Lqual Lo !='Cracle' != 373
> CreaLer Lhan > 100
< Less Lhan <100
>= CreaLer Lhan or Lqual Lo >=100
<= Less Lhan or Lqual Lo <=100
#8L1WLLn 8eLween Lwo values #8L1WLLn 0 and 10

?ou can also use Lhe percenLaae () wlldcard characLer Lo represenL anv characLer or aroup
of characLers. lor example, use Svs" Lo represenL SvsLem, SvsLemaLlc, and so on.

?ou can also use Lhe underscore (_) characLer Lo represenL anv slnale characLer. lor
example, user_" can represenL user1 or user?.
lnLroduclna Cracle L-8uslness SulLe 812.1
22 - ?eml Cnlabode - hLLp://
8 - Access|ng Cn||ne ne|p

Us|ng W|ndow ne|p
1o aeL help:
SelecL Wlndow Pelp from Lhe Pelp menu, cllck Lhe Pelp buLLon on Lhe Loolbar, or press
[CLrl] + [P] Lo dlsplav help for Lhe currenL wlndow
navlaaLe Lo Lhe ConLenLs Lab Lo dlsplav onllne Pelp for anv of Lhe Cracle AppllcaLlons
Note: ?ou can also choose Otocle Appllcotloos llbtotv from Lhe Pelp menu.
Cllck a producL name Lo dlsplav Lhe llsL of Lop-level Loplcs ln LhaL producL's onllne
documenLaLlon. Cllck a Loplc of lnLeresL.
navlaaLe Lo Lhe Search Lab Lo flnd speclflc Cracle AppllcaLlons lnformaLlon. LnLer vour
search crlLerla ln Lhe LexL fleld and Lhen cllck Lhe Co buLLon. lor more search opLlons, cllck
Lhe Advanced Search llnk.

5earch|ng for ne|p
?ou can perform a search Lo flnd Lhe Cracle AppllcaLlons help lnformaLlon vou wanL:
Choose Wlndow Pelp from Lhe Pelp menu or cllck Lhe Pelp buLLon on Lhe Loolbar.
navlaaLe Lo Lhe Search Lab, enLer vour search crlLerla ln Lhe LexL fleld, Lhen cllck Lhe
Co buLLon Lo perform a slmple search. lor more search opLlons, cllck Lhe Advanced
Search llnk.
A llsL of LlLles, ranked bv relevance and llnked Lo Lhe documenLs, ls reLurned from vour
search. Cllck whlchever LlLle seems Lo besL answer vour needs Lo dlsplav Lhe compleLe
?eml Cnlabode - hLLp:// - 23
1|p: lf Lhe selecLed documenL does noL fullv answer vour quesLlons, cllck Lhe browser's
8ack buLLon Lo reLurn Lo Lhe llsL of LlLles and Lrv anoLher one.
About Crac|e App||cat|ons
?ou can obLaln deLalls abouL Lhe verslon of Cracle AppllcaLlons vou are uslna, vour loaln
lnformaLlon, and deLalls reaardlna Lhe currenL form vou are uslna wlLh Lhe AbouL Cracle
AppllcaLlons wlndow. 1hls lnformaLlon ls useful lf vou have an error messaae and need
asslsLance from vour svsLem admlnlsLraLor or Cracle supporL represenLaLlve when vou
reporL a problem.

now to D|sp|ay Vers|on Informat|on for Crac|e App||cat|ons
(M) Pelp > AbouL Cracle AppllcaLlons.
Cllck Ck Lo close Lhls wlndow when done.
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24 - ?eml Cnlabode - hLLp://
9 - Lrror Messages
Cenerallv, messaaes and errors are preceded bv a messaae or error code:

Codes LhaL are preflxed bv l8M arlse from Cracle lorms, Lhe underlvlna producL LhaL
provldes Cracle AppllcaLlons wlLh lLs araphlcal user lnLerface.
Codes LhaL conLaln Lhe preflx C8A arlse from Lhe Cracle daLabase.
Codes LhaL are preflxed bv A arlse from Cracle AppllcaLlons.
1hese codes help vour svsLem admlnlsLraLor or Cracle supporL represenLaLlve dlaanose
Lhe errors LhaL vou mav encounLer.
kecord n|story
?ou can alwavs dlsplav lnformaLlon abouL a record LhaL has been prevlouslv saved:
Who creaLed Lhe record
uaLe of creaLlon
uaLabase Lable or vlew where Lhe record resldes
Who lasL chanaed Lhe record uslna Cracle AppllcaLlons
uaLe of Lhe lasL chanae
user's loaln
now to Learn About the Current kecord
(M) Pelp > 8ecord PlsLorv. A dlaloa box appears LhaL shows vou lnformaLlon abouL Lhe
currenL record. Cllck Ck Lo close Lhe wlndow.
?eml Cnlabode - hLLp:// - 23
10 - kunn|ng keports and rograms
Us|ng Concurrent rocess|ng
?ou can run a nonlnLeracLlve, daLa-dependenL funcLlon such as a reporL or proaram,
slmulLaneouslv wlLh onllne operaLlons. WlLh concurrenL processlna, vou can compleLe
nonlnLeracLlve Lasks wlLhouL lnLerferlna wlLh Lhe lnLeracLlve work LhaL vou perform aL vour

An example of concurrenL processlna occurs when vou use Lhe osL !ournals wlndow ln vour
Cracle Ceneral Ledaer appllcaLlon. AfLer vou speclfv Lhe [ournal baLches Lo posL and cllck
osL, vour Cracle Ceneral Ledaer appllcaLlon uses concurrenL processlna Lo posL Lhe [ournal
baLch enLrles wlLhouL furLher lnvolvemenL from vou. Meanwhlle, vour Lermlnal ls sLlll
avallable for vou Lo conLlnue dolna oLher work ln Cracle AppllcaLlons.

Cracle AppllcaLlons runs all of lLs reporLs and proarams as concurrenL processes wheLher
vou submlL Lhem uslna Lhe SubmlL 8equesLs wlndow, or uslna a producL-speclflc submlsslon
wlndow. ?our svsLem admlnlsLraLor can cusLomlze concurrenL processlna Lo opLlmlze Lhe
performance of Cracle AppllcaLlons.

kunn|ng keports and rograms
ConcurrenL processlna helps vou saLlsfv Lhe followlna buslness needs:
ConLlnue worklna aL vour compuLer whlle runnlna daLa-dependenL reporLs and
lullv use Lhe capaclLv of vour hardware bv execuLlna manv appllcaLlon Lasks aL once.

SLandard 8equesL Submlsslon leLs vou saLlsfv a relaLed seL of buslness needs.
lnLroduclna Cracle L-8uslness SulLe 812.1
26 - ?eml Cnlabode - hLLp://

?ou can:
use a sLandard lnLerface Lo run vour proarams and reporLs
ConLrol access Lo dlfferenL reporLs and proarams
vlew reporL ouLpuL onllne
AuLomaLlcallv run proarams, reporLs, or requesL seLs aL speclflc Llme lnLervals
vlew a loa flle LhaL summarlzes Lhe compleLlon lnformaLlon abouL all Lhe reporLs and
proarams ln a requesL seL
?eml Cnlabode - hLLp:// - 27
11 - Logg|ng Cut of Crac|e App||cat|ons

lrom Lhe flle menu selecL LxlL Cracle AppllcaLlons. lL ls lmporLanL Lo exlL Lhe svsLem ln Lhls
manner Lo ensure LhaL vour username ls cleared from svsLem access.

?ou can also close Lhe mulLlple-documenL lnLerface (Mul) wlndow or use Lhe [l4] funcLlon
kev. Loa ouL of ersonal Pome aae compleLelv bv cllcklna Lhe LoaouL llnk.

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12 - More Informat|on

?ou can recelve more lnformaLlon on Lralnlna Cracle ebuslness SulLe from
?eml Cnlabode - 2009

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