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Year 9 Science Major Project

Name: Class: Teacher: School:

Nickson Wang 9SC4 Ms ________________________ North Sydney Boys High School

Introduction: It is a commonly held myth that a combination of mentos and diet coke would create the largest chemical reaction possible, between a base and an acid, using common everyday substances. I was interested in this topic because I wanted to solve the myth I wanted to see proof that mentos and diet coke is the best combination to create the largest chemical reaction. y y y Aim: Whether mentos and diet coke creates the largest chemical reaction Research Problem: The purpose of this experiment is to conclude this myth with evidence and proof Hypothesis: Through my observation black vinegar and mentos along with diet coke and mentos are both quite good combinations for large chemical reactions but personally I think diet coke and mentos will create the largest chemical reaction.

Variables: Independent Variable- the liquid used for the experiment is changed e.g. the diet coke, black vinegar and hot water Dependable Variable- the height of the chemical reaction Controlled Variables- the location where the experiment is undertaken, the amount of trials that are made and the reactant which is mentos. Equipment List: y y y y y y y y 3 film canisters Diet Coke Black Vinegar Mentos Hot water(not boiling) Measuring tape Measuring cylinder Ladder

Procedure: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Conduct the experiment right next to a wall in an open area. Open the lid of a film canister and pour 50ml of diet coke into the canister. Drop 1 mentos into the canister with the diet coke and quickly snap the lid on. Turn it around and place it right at the base of the wall and move clear of the canister. Observe the results of the reaction. Observe how far the canister flew up the wall and measure the height of the reaction using the ladder and the measuring tape. 7. Repeat the experiment using this chemical combination 2 more times.

8. Repeat steps 1-7 using hot water instead of diet coke. 9. Repeat steps 1-7 using black vinegar instead of hot water or diet coke.

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