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Annotated List of Global Artists And Issues By Debra Troyanos

1. Climate Change Education. (2009). Retrieved 7/18/11 from This portal website leads to hundreds of others on Climate Change & Global Warming Solutions. It is meant for teachers, students, parents, education programs, everyone. It has links to lesson plans, curriculum, student resources, and more. It also has links to artists and museums that contain art related to climate change or the environment. 2. Global Warming for Kids. (2009). Retrieved 7/18/11 from This childrens website is dedicated to global warming and climate change solutions through clubs, games, art, music, videos and more. 3.United Nations Environment Program. (2010). Retrieved 7/18/11 from This is a website thru the United Nations Environment Program. It had an exhibit of childrens art called Paint For The Planet showcasing childrens fears and hopes for the planet. 4. Davis, R. (2011). Retrieved 7/18/11 from Rebecca Davis is an environmental sculptor creates what she calls eco-sculptures from a variety of materials such as alabaster, wood, bark, rubber and other natural materials. She creates glacier art and global warming sculpture as well as photo collages, which she hopes bring attention to oil dependency and its effect on glaciers and the environment, and how human activity affects the earth. 5. Novica. (2011). Retrieved 7/19/11 from http://paintings/ (in association with National Geographic) has photography, prints, acrylic and oil paintings from talented artists worldwide for sale. It acts as an agency more or less for artists from around the world that may otherwise not be represented. Be sure to click on Keeper of the Arts for videos of artists working in their homeland. I enjoyed one particular one about the Montalvo Family who are woodcarvers creating sacred objects and restoring churches in San Juan. 6. Novica. (2011). Retrieved 7/19/11 from http://microfinance.novica. Novica, above, has impacted many thousands of lives by connecting artisans in developing nations to the global marketplace. On this website, individuals (like us) can donate or loan a small or large amount of money to these international artists. The loans are used for artists such as: a West African woman who creates wooden masks and kente cloth to buy carving tools, or you can help a jewelry maker in Bali, or a tapestry artisan in the Andes. It is pretty cool, you can select the artist and location of your choice and help support the arts, the artist and their culture at the same time. 7. Keller, A. (2011). Bag monster. Retreived 7/19/11 from

This website is dedicated to ridding the world of too many plastic bags from consumer shopping and getting people to be aware of what these are doing. Their tagline says it all : 1 Year, 1 Shopper, 500 bags. If this cant inspire you to use reusable shopping bags, nothing will! 8. Lamorte, G. (2009). Boho magazine. Retrieved 7/19/11 from This claims to be the first green fashion magazine. It is printed on 100% recyclable paper with soy-based inks, and unlike other magazines that have a green theme, this one is devoted entirely to fashion. 9. Vartan, S. (2005). Eco chick. Retrieved 7/19/11 from Starre Vartan founded Eco Chick in October of 2005 with the idea that women who cared about the planet needed a place of their own on the web. At the time, she felt most environmental blogs were male-oriented. She thought that while discussion of scientific issues was important, consumer action would be key in protecting the environment and creating a more sustainable culture. Her goal is to help consumers realize their impact on the natural environment, as an imperative to real change. 10. Roudman, S. (2011). Yoxi. Retrieved 7/19/11 from This is one of the most interesting websites I saw. Yoxi (YO-see) is a creative competition. They challenge individuals or teams of problem solvers to come up with solutions to social issues, in hopes of changing the world. They are having a competition right now called Trim the Waste of Fashion. They are looking for ideas on how to cut waste, and detrimental practices such as chemicals, and over-packaging, etc.

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