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The Buslc Purts of u Purugruph

Toplc Sentence
The toplc sentence tells the reuder whut the purugruph ls golng to be ubout. It ulso helps you keep your
wrltlng under control. Thls ls why u toplc sentence ls sometlmes culled the "controlllng ldeu" of u purugruph.
Below you wlll flnd u sumple toplc sentence und u slmple formulu for wrltlng good toplc sentences:
Toplc sentence: Mr. Brown must huve been u drlll sergeunt before he becumeour gym teucher.
Formulu: A speclflc sub|ect (Mr. Brown, our gym teucher) + u speclflc feellngor uttltude (must huve been u
drlll sergeunt before) = u good toplc sentence.
The body ls the muln purt of the purugruph. Thls ls where you tell the reuder ubout your toplc by lncludlng
speclflc detulls. All of the sentences ln the body must relute to the speclflc toplc of the purugruph und help lt
come ullve for the reuder. Thut ls, ull of the sentences ln the body should contuln detulls thut muke the toplc
more lnterestlng or help expluln lt more cleurly. These sentences should be orgunlzed ln the best posslble
Concludlng Pemurks
The closlng or cllncher sentence comes ufter ull the detulls huve been lncluded ln the body of the purugruph.
The closlng sentence remlnds the reuder whut the toplc of the purugruph ls reully ull ubout, whut lt meuns.
For exumple, let's suy the toplc sentence of u purugruph ls "Mr. Brown must huve been u drlll sergeunt
before he becume our gym teucher." A closlng sentence for thls purugruph could be somethlng llke the
Closlng sentence: I'm surprlsed thut Mr. Brown doesn't muke us murch lnto the shower room ufter euch
Thls document wus reproduced wlth permlsslon from the Sun Juun Unlfled School Dlstrlct , Sun Juun, New Mexlco.
Sumple Purugruph
My Dog Pomeo ls so much fun to pluy wlth. One reuson hes fun ls becuuse he loves to pluy
cutch. Whuts ulso fun ls thut he follows me uround the house wlth u toy und drops lt on my foot, so I wlll
klck lt. Addltlonully, he cun cutch |ust ubout unythlng, but hls fuvorlte thlng to cutch ls u Frlsbee. Flnully, he
loves lt when I pretend llke Im fulllng deud, und he runs over to llck me. Allthese reusons show why I reully
huve fun pluylng wlth Pomeo.

Green ls the Toplc. Purple ls the controlllng ldeu.
Ped ls the body.
Brown ls the concluslon.

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