Social Networking Site Project Document Part 1

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Post Graduate Section,


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Synopsis 1. Introduction 1.1. Motivation 1.2. Scope of the System 1.3. Objective of the Project 1.4. Limitations of a Project 1.5. Organization of the Documentation 2. Literature Survey 2.1. Introduction 2.2. Existing System 2.3. Proposed System 2.4. Features of the Project 2.4.1. Registration and Login 2.4.2. Profile 2.4.3. Messages 2.4.4. Pics 2.4.5. Friends 2.4.6. Community 2.4.7. Address Book 2.4.8. Help 2.5. Conclusion 3. Analysis 3.1. Introduction 3.2. Software Requirements 3.2.1. User Requirements 3.2.2. Software Requirements 3.2.3. Hardware Requirements 3.2.4. Functional Requirements Feature Analysis Access Site Home Page User Home Page Logout Profile Message Pics Friends Community Address Book Functional Hierarchy 3.2.5. Non-Functional Requirements Performance Requirements Name/ College Name / Social Networking Site 5 10 10 10 10 11 12 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 20 21 22 22 23 24 24 25 Page 2 Safety Reliability Software Quality Attributes Security 3.3. Conclusion 4. Design 4.1. Introduction 4.2. UML Diagrams 4.2.1. Structural Diagram Class Diagram Object Diagram Component Diagram Deployment Diagram 4.2.2. Behavioral Diagram Use Case Diagram Sequence Diagram Collaboration State Chart Activity Diagram 4.3. Conclusion 5. Implementation 5.1. Introduction 5.2. Explanation by Key Functions 5.5.1. Registration and Login 5.5.2. Profile 5.5.3. Messages 5.5.4. Pics 5.5.5. Friends 5.5.6. Community 5.5.7. Address Book 5.5.8. Help 5.3. Method of Implementation 5.3.1. Output Screens 5.3.2. Result Analysis 5.4. Conclusion 6. Testing and Validation 6.1. Introduction 6.2. Testing Methodologies 6.2.1. Unit Testing 6.2.2. White Box Testing 6.2.3. Conditional Testing 6.2.4. Data Flow Testing 6.2.5. Loop Testing 6.3. Design of Test Cases and Scenarios

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6.3.1. Unit Testing 6.3.2. Integrated Testing 6.3.3. System Testing 6.4. Validation 6.5. Conclusion 7. Conclusion and Scope for Future 7.1. Scope for Future 7.2. Conclusion

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Social Networking Site


Title of the project: Social Networking Site


Domain: Comercial


Sub Domain: Division


Project Architecture: N-Tire Architecture


SDLC methodologies: Rapid Application Development Model


Abstract of the project:

A social network is a social structure that maps out the relationships between

individuals. Technically we all belong to one giant social network, but we also belong to smaller, tighter social networks defined by our families, our friends, where we live, where we work, where we went to school, our hobbies and interests and much more. Social-networking sites "make invisible social networks visible" by allowing us to see (with pictures and links) who our friends are, who our friends' friends are, and who our friends' friends' friends are -- all in an easy-to-use interface. Before you can make an online connection, you need to create a profile on a social-networking site. You'll be asked to choose a login name and password. Once you've created those, you'll be asked for some basic personal information. Your profile is the image you're presenting to the online world. The project Social Networking Site focuses on building, developing and maintaining human relations by providing its user to have an active social life. This project is a web Name/ College Name / Social Networking Site Page 5

based application that can be accessed throughout the world and provide a variety of ways for users to interact, such as personal profiles, groups, photos, etc. Social Networking sites help users "maintain" existing (and new) offline relationships. This site makes it easy to meet people who share your interest and hobbies. Who the user interacts with is completely users choice. The user can discuss current events, feedbacks and any issues through discussion forum. It is provided with graphical icons that are user friendly. A help option with a demo of how to use is provided to guide the user. Thus, allowing you to connect to your personal life and also helps you to establish new business contacts. To join this site the user needs to register and then sign-in to start connecting and experiencing a whole new world.


1) A web place where people interested in using this site register and login. 2) A web page where user once logged in gets to link to his services. 3) A web page where user can view and edit his profile. 4) A web page where user can send and receive messages from his friends. 5) A web page where user can upload and view pictures. 6) Web pages where user can search for potential friends and after mutual consent add them in their friends list. 7) A web page where user can view basic details of other users. 8) Web pages where user can search, view, create/join communities and participate in discussion forums. 9) A web page where user can maintain an Address Book. 10) A Page to provide how to use the available service tips.


Home Page with login and About Us Information Registration page User Home Page Welcome Page Page 6

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Profile Page Message Page Pictures Page Friends Page Community Page Address Book Page


Generic Technology keywords: Databases, User Interface, Programming

Specific Technology keywords: ASP.Net, VB.Net, MS SQL Server, HTML

Project type keywords: Analysis, Design, Implementation, Testing


Servers: Operating System Server: Microsoft Windows 2000 or Higher Data Base Server: Microsoft SQL Server 2000/2005

Clients: Microsoft Internet Explorer, Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio 2005

User Interface: VB.NET


Hardware requirements: 1. 256 MB Min. RAM

2. P-IV System 3. 40 GB Min. HDD Software requirements: 1. Windows 2000 or Higher 2. MS-SQL server 2000/2005 3. Ms-Visual Studio .Net 2005 Page 7

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4. Ms-Internet Explorer

Manpower requirements: 1 to 4 Developers can complete this in 3-5 months.


Milestone Description Remarks Name


Requirements Specification

Complete specification of the system Attempt should be made to add including constitutes defining this hierarchies some more relevant functionality A other than those that are listed in this


document detailing the same should document. be written and a presentation on that be made. 2 Technology familiarization Understanding of the technology The presentation should be from the needed to implement the project. point of view of being able to apply it to the project, rather than from a theoretical perspective. 3 Database creation A database of at least 10 entries of It is important to finalize on the users. database at this stage itself so that development and testing can proceed with the actual database. 4 High-level and Listing down possible scenarios and The scenarios should map to the Detailed Design 5 then coming up with UML diagrams requirement specification to handle the scenario.

Development of Implementation of the main screen During this milestone period, it front-end functionalities. giving the login, screen that follows would be a good idea for the team to the login giving various options, start working on a test-plan for the screens for each of the options entire system. This test-plan can be Page 8

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updated as and when new scenarios come to mind. 6 Integrating front-end the The front-end developed in the with earlier milestone will now be able to update the database. Other features should be functional at this stage. In short, the system should be ready for integration testing. 7 Integration Testing The system should be thoroughly Another 2 weeks should be there to tested by running all the test cases handle any issues found during written for the system (from testing of the system. After that, the final demo can be arranged.

the database

milestone 5). 8 Final Review

Issues found during the previous During the final review of the milestone are fixed and the system is project, it should be checked that all ready for the final review. the requirements specified during milestone number 1 are fulfilled


The following steps will be helpful to start off the project:

Knowledge of technologies such like ASP.Net, VB.Net and SQL Server. Create a user database. Start with creating the login and registration screen. Create menus for navigation and group the functionalities as sub menus.


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Social networking has created new ways to communicate and share information. Social networking web sites are now being used regularly by millions of people and have become a part of everyday life for many people. Social networking has recently begun to be a key component of the internet business strategy for most "forward looking" companies. This serves as a main reason to study and build a social networking site.
The purpose of this project is to analyze and build social networks which help the user to maintain social life. A social network is a graphical model whose nodes correspond to entities within a social structure and whose links correspond to interrelationships between them. The main objectives of this project are to get social networking site into a working condition and to find an optimal solution for the maintenance of relationships and an active life. Finally, I will implement basic modules that are commonly seen in Social Networking Site.


It is a web-based application. Users can upload images. Discussion forum is provided. Registration/Login facility. Help Desk for better understanding. Open community like module is available.


The objective of this project Social Networking Site is to connect user. Social networks rightly defined as "our connections with other people". Provide easy to create and share a personal profile for users. Easy search out and contacting potential friends in the network. Easy to form community and start a discussion. Page 10

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The project Social Networking Site is aimed at developing and maintaining human relations by providing its user to have an active social life. This project is an Internet based application that can be accessed throughout the world helps you maintain existing relations and also establish new ones. This is made possible by messages, pictures and many more. This site makes it easy to meet people who share your interest and hobbies. Who the user interacts with is completely users choice. The user can discuss current events, feedbacks and any issues through discussion forum. It is provided with graphical icons that are user friendly. A help option with a demo of how to use is provided to guide the user. Thus, allowing you to connect to your personal life and also helps you to establish new business contacts. To join this site the user needs to register and then sign in to start connecting and experiencing a whole new world.


The main limitation of the project is for everyone and thus does not restrict anyone from entering. Yet, this can be modified as per requirement. The project is in initial stages and needs to evolve. There are a number of major issues that have surfaced and need to be addressed by organizations as they consider moving forward into the realm of social networking. These include:

Privacy & Security - On large social networking services, there have been growing concerns about privacy and users giving out too much personal information. Who has access to this information and what abuses may occur must be considered? When partnering with users on social networking site, only the most trusted users must be accepted.

Legal Issues - Corporations moving into social networking may be putting themselves at risk. There are a range of legal and liability issues that must be addressed before moving forward. Corporate policies need to be developed to provide guidance and set some needed boundaries. Page 11

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Education & Research - It is still very early to talk about. More research and evaluation of social media environments is needed. The education of potential users about social networking media and instructions and how to take advantage of it should be provided.

Fake Identity - In the virtual world of online communities it is hard to prevent someone from creating a fake personality. This could mean a less trustworthy user in the network.


The document should be able to adequately serve as training material for new project members, imparting to them enough information and understanding about the project. The whole document is summarized into following chapters. Chapter one consists of motivation, scope of the system, objective of the project, limitations of the project and organization of the documentation. Chapter two is about Literature Survey where existing system and proposed system is detailed. A detailed explanation of each of the feature of the project is given. Chapter three consists of explanation of Analysis. In Analysis a detailed explanation of the Software Requirements is obtained. The user requirements, software and hardware requirements, functional requirements and non-functional requirements are explained. Chapter four is a summary of the Design Phase which provides a complete description of the UML Diagram of the Social Networking Site. UML Diagrams are classified into structural diagram and behavioral diagram. Chapter five explains about Implementation. Chapter six is a summary of Testing and Validation. The Testing methodologies are discussed here. Chapter seven gives a conclusion and scope of the future.


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