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too the one that yuh love ,

i sit here everyday since 365 daysxz waiting and waiting too see if yuh wuldd evr cum bacxqk too me and no signn of yuh ever cumn bacxqk ' ma heart wus destroyed ; soo imaa sit here and jusxz wait until that dai cums when yuhr bacxqk in ma arms again and i have a feelingg that wont bee soon but i guesxz imaa jusxz havee too bee love free , becuss yuhr thee onlie personn that i love and i dont ever wunna changee thatt . but it looksxz like yuh dont feel thee same way that i du becuss obvisiouly you like some one else , itsx true guysxz ain worth yuhr tearsxz nor heart , but baby i gavee yuh all that andd in returnn i atleast wont yuh too lovee me like it used to be bacxqk thennn .

imaa alwaysxz cherishh the momentsxz we hadd frum dai one too thee end of it </3 ahh i swear if i culd take bacxqk the dai that we ended ohh god knowsxz i wuldd ' imm not never gunna lett yuh go ; becus that shuld be mee holdingg yuhr handd , that shuld be me kissing those lipsxz , that shuld be me makngg yuh smile<3 manye what ever happened too makingg it forever with

eachother ??? cuss i miss those ole daisxz wih usxz! and theresxz timesxz were i say i wish never i met yuh cusxz everytime im with sumbodie else i think bout yuh <3 when we first got together i alwaysz saw usxz chillingg forveer , what wuld yuh du if yuh wusxz inn ma shoesxz , wuld yuh wunna make it workk or leet it all go , but i guesxz yuh rather lett it all goo :'( fucxqk all theen otha bitcxhesxz trynaa bee yo ole gurl ! im in love with yuh , im srry that i cant changee that but yuh jus gotta take me how i am ! <3 i have nothingg elsee too saay beecus no matta how mucxh i writee it will never expresxz how i trulyy feel fo yuh<3 ' i miss yuh andd i love yuh victor rivera<3 i need yuh bacxqk! :'( ^ * ALWAYSXZ AND FOREVER O1.O2.10;<3 * ^

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