The Project Statement 1. Background

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The Project Statement 1. Background This editorial is on the debate about if cellphones omit radiation or not.

No where has it been proven that there is any plausible physical mechanism by which the electromagnetic microwave radiation from cellphones can possibly produce Dna damage leading to bran cancer. My idea for my illustration was that our cellphones are tiny nuclear power plants. 2. Target Audiences My target audience is for anybody who uses a cell phone and has ever worried about if it emits radiation and if it causes brain damage.

3. Objectives After seeing my illustration the viewer will walk away feeling less worried and not taking this to serious. 4. Obstacles An obstacle I believe I could have is that the viewer would not understand my meaning, and would miss the point of my illustration. If the reader is too literal the viewer might mistake my illustration and think its actually happening. 5. Key Benefit My illustration will grab the viewers attention, in turn the viewer will read the article and gain factual knowledge and not hear say. 6. Support Statements/ Reasons Why People can get cancer from pretty much everything now a days, if you have to much of it. The key is to take things in moderation, even cell phone use. Why so serious?

7. Tone The tone I am going for is very light, not so serious, cartoonish and kind of humerous. 8. Media Thumbnails and sketches will be on paper, with marker and pencils. Illustrations will be finialized in illustrator.

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