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Reflections .

yIn your own perspective, how would

you relate leadership with leadership? yWhen does leadership ends and management begins? yIs there an overlapping functions between the 2 concepts? yIf you are to choose, do you prefer to be a leader or a manager?

the process of judicious use of available

human and material resources, directing their tasks towards the achievement of a goal or objective the process of coordinating and supervising personnel and resources to accomplish

Zalesnick (1981) MANAGERS

y Impersonal attitude

y Personal attitude

towards goals
y Relate to people

towards goals
y Concerned with

according to their role. Avoid solidarity

workers as people who are affected by decisions

Scientific Management (1900) Frederick Taylor Lillian Frank Gilbreth Henry Gantt Classic Organization (1930) yHenri Fayol yMax Weber

Classic Organization (1930)

y MaryParker Follett y Elton Mayo y Kurt Lewin

Behavioral Science (1950) y Maslow Rensis Likert y Herzberg Peter Druker y McGregor Blake & Mouton y William Ouchi Hershey & Blanchard y Chris Argyris

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