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Objective of the Project

The Friendship online is a chat and e-mail based user support system.

This site provides a user to register and can Features provided are: User registration Email Discussion form Group formation Chat

The modules are:

1. User Registration
New user can register to this site with the help of the ID supplied by the existing member

2. Email
Users can sent mails to others and can invite them to this site.

Invite a Friend If a user elects to use our Invite feature to invite a friend to our site, we ask them for the friend's email address. E-Friends will automatically send the friend an email inviting them to join the site. E-Friends stores this email address for the purpose of automatically adding the respondant to the friends list of the user sending the invitation, and also to send reminders of the invitation. E-Friends does not sell these email addresses or use them to send any other communication besides invitations and invitation reminders. The friend may contact E-Friends to request the removal of this information from our database.

3. Chat
Online communication between users of this site

4. Discussion Forum
Users can share their messages to all the members of this site

5.Group Formation
Users can form groups depending upon certain field

Software Requirements Front end: J2EE Back end: ORACLE Hardware

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