Case Study 2.1

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CASE STUDY 2.1 1. SK Telecom is attempting to distance itself from which South Korean cultural value?

What indicators of this value are identified in this case study? What other artifacts of this cultural value would you notice while visiting a South Korean company that upheld this national culture? SK Telecom is attempting to distance from the old five-tier hierarchy or the professional hierarchy. The indicators of the five-tier hierarchy are: (1) the power of the people in the higher positions like the managers, vice-presidents, and the Executives; another indicator (2) is that the lower positions should follow the people in the higher positions without questions, this just means that the people in the lower positions have no voice against the bosses. In other South Korean companies, you cannot even approach or make a conversation to people with higher positions aside from their boss. 2. In your opinion, why is this hierarchical value so strong in South Korea? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this value in societies? In my opinion, I think the reason why the hierarchical value is so strong in South Korea is because of their tradition and customs. We all know that before the division of North and South Korea, Korea was once a unified country with an Emperor. With an Emperor ruling the country, he is regarded as the most powerful person in the country. His words and orders should be followed without any questions or dispute. No one can question the Emperor and his orders. And so the Koreans carried this custom, that you cannot question the person who has a higher power/authority than you. The advantages of this hierarchical value are: (1) the respect for the people in the higher positions will always be present; (2) for the people in the higher positions, their decisions are always right and cannot be questioned; (3) for the people in the higher positions, they have power and authority over the staff. The disadvantages of this hierarchical value are: (1) the staff would be anxious to give his opinions or share his/her brilliant ideas; (2) there would be no progress in the company because only the people in the higher positions are allowed to share their ideas; (3) there would be no chance of discovering new talents and ideas from the staff; (4) the staff or the people in the lower positions cannot work well with the people in the higher positions because they are intimidated by them.

3. Do you think SK Telecom will be successful in integrating a more egalitarian culture, even though it contrasts with South Koreas culture? What are some of the issues that may complicate or support this transition? I think that SK Telecom will be successful in implementing the egalitarian culture because it is about time for a change. This change would make the organization more effective, the people in the higher positions and the people in the lower positions can interact better in this kind of culture. They would not be anxious nor intimidated in sharing their ideas to their bosses. I think that the employees of the company would support this new egalitarian culture all throughout. It might not be easy at first but I believe that the employees favour this transition for the triumph of the company.

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