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study was conducted




analyze the relationship between congenital

malformations (CM) and GDM. The study was conducted on 2060 infants of mothers with

GDM. The severity of diabetes was assessed on the basis of previous hyper glycemia, blood
glucose values, gestational age, and insulin requirement during pregnancy. The results of the

study show that infants of mothers with GDM were identified with one or more major CM. The rate of CM of these infants born to mothers with GDM had minor malformations about
6Yo and major malformations 3.8%o. They found higher rate

of major CM with increasing

fasting blood glucose and a positive relation with previous hyper glycemia, pre pregnancy

BML The study concludes that in the infants of mothers with GDM, both BMI and GDM
predictors. [6]


A journal was published in 2010 on prevention of GDM with weight management; the objective of the article was to review the scientific evidence regarding the association between obesity and GDM and how management through nutritional prevention strategies could prove
successful in reducing the risk for GDM. Results of the report suggest that matemal obesity

by pre pregnancy BMI is associated with high risk of GDM. They also show an

association with gestational weight gain and increased risk of GDM. GDM is associated with deleterious consequences for both the mother and the child. Women entering pregnancy with

obesity are at a high risk for preterm labor, birth trauma and pre eclampsia. Over weight and obesity are associated with fetal complications like macrosomia, still birth, IUGR and hypo glycemia. Maternal obesity increases the risk for structural anomalies like neural tube defects,
ano-rectal atresia and cardio vascular anomalies. The study concludes that weight management through nutritional prevention could be successful in reducing the risk of GDM. l7l

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