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A roleplaying game for Imperial characters in the world of Dungeons and Dragons

Introduction: In this game, the players are a group of Imperial agents who arrive on a strange, alien world that of Dungeons and Dragons. Although it can be used to roleplay entirely within the 40k universe, it was designed with this crossover in mind. The feudal world seems backwards even compared to the Grim Dark future, and is indeed ruled by magic and monsters, every kingdom reaching only as far as knights can be sent in one day. Now, with the hammer of the Emperor, the team will unleash their fury and strike down all forms of Chaos, convincing humanity to join their forces. Character Creation: There are two tiers of game play, and they will never meet up in the middle. The first, Assault Tier, deals with human infantry the Imperial Guard agents, the Arbiters and similar agents. The second is Siege Tier, which deals with superhuman and supernatural warriors Space Marines, Sisters of Battle and Temple Assassins. In general, however, character creation is the same. The assumed method of generating ability scores is to use an array: 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16 for Assault Tier and 9, 11, 14, 16, 17, 18 for Siege Tier. The numbers can be arranged however you wish. There is, however, the option to roll. Roll 4d6 (dropping the lowest) for every ability score and arrange the resulting numbers however you like. If you don't like the final result, you can re-roll the whole set. It is recommended that, if you do this, everyone roll a set of 6 stats and then anyone can use any of the rolled sets (even if chosen by another). You may also declare you are playing Texas Hardcore Rules, and roll 3d6 for each ability score, in order, no re-rolls or rearranging. Such a character should often get medals for survival and badassery, and starts with 1d3+3 of them (these have no effect). Other than this, characters are created more or less normally select a class, choose feats and so on. Note that with the exception of Space Marines, which are their own special race, everyone is Human. However, all humans select a Homeworld or Origin instead of gaining a Bonus Feat at first level, to reflect the differences they have in their backgrounds.

Origins (for Human characters only) Veteran of Apocalypse: you have taken part in massive battles that saw millions of casualties and the fielding of giant weapons of war against the forces of Chaos. Skill Bonus: +4 Competence bonus to Survival checks Special: +2 to Spot and hit [Chaotic] Outsiders Tactical Cover: when gaining the benefits of cover, you may treat the cover as one stage better. Veteran of Armageddon: you fought a massive, bloody battle against the Orks, fighting until you thought you would collapse and going days without reinforcements. Skill Bonus: +2 Competence bonus to Move Silently and Hide checks Special: +2 to Spot and Hit Orcs, Orks, Goblins and [Goblinoid] creatures. Rapid Repair: any time you use the Repair skill, it takes half as long.

Veteran of Catachan: you participated in the guerilla fighting on Catachan, facing unknown enemies in harsh surroundings at all times. Skill Bonus: +2 Competence bonus to Search and Listen checks Special: +2 to Spot and hit Humans and Elves Sneaky: you gain +1d6 Sneak Attack. This stacks with any other sources of Sneak Attack. Survivor of the Leviathan Fleet: they came in endless swarms, the tyranids crawling everywhere as they stripped the life from the worlds. You fought them through the retreat, and you learned a thing or two. Save Bonus: +2 bonus to Fortitude Saves Special: +2 to Spot and hit Vermin and [Scaled] creatures. Resist Poison: you suffer no secondary effects from poison of any kind. Adept of Mars: chosen and taught specifically for your task, you were trained in the usage of technology in all its forms, and you learned how to fight the machines that did not want to be used. Skill Bonus: +2 Circumstance bonus to Disable Device and Use Magic Device checks Special: +2 to Spot and hit unliving foes (Constructs and Undead, generally) Bionic Eye: you have a bionic eye that replaces an organic one. It grants Darkvision to 120' and immunity to being Dazzled or Blinded.

Veteran of Valhalla: you lived on a frozen wasteland of a planet, using your recently fired weapons for warmth and learning how to live with a team and work together for survival. Skill Bonus: +2 Competence bonus to Balance and Climb checks Special: +2 to Spot and hit [Cold] creatures. Cold Endurance: you gain Cold Resistance 10 and a +4 bonus to saving throws against [Cold] effects. Veteran of the Vraks' Campaign: the beasts you fought during that campaign, on that barren desert world, were fierce and terrifying, yet still you prevailed. You bring that knowledge with you. Save Bonus: +2 bonus to Reflex saves Special: +2 to Spot and hit Monstrous Humanoids Rapid Recovery: you recover from one point of Ability Damage/Drain per minute. Necromunda Ganger: you belonged in a gang when you were younger, and somehow survived to reach your current occupation. You learned a few tricks when you were down there. Skill Bonus: +2 Competence bonus to Bluff and Gather Information checks City Fighting: you suffer no penalty for fighting in confined spaces. Urban Training: your time with one of the gangs has gifted you with an innate sense of direction. Additionally, you always retain your Dexterity bonus to Armour Class when Climbing or Balancing, and gain an additional Weapon Proficiency of your choice. Mind Wiped: you can't remember much of your past you were mind wiped and given a fresh state so you can start again with your new role. Skill Bonus: +2 Competence bonus to Disguise and Sense Motive checks Save Bonus: +4 on Saving Throws against Enchantments Blood Stained Hands: you gain a single level 1 Manoeuvre from any school of the Book of Weeaboo Fightan Magic. Every odd level, you may swap it out for a higher one, ignoring requirements. You can't really remember how it is you know how to kill people though... your manoeuvre can be used once per 4 rounds. Dead Worlder: the planet you come from is practically lifeless. You learned to eat anything that looked remotely like it was once alive, and possibly tried eating a radiator once. Save Bonus: +2 to Fortitude Saves Special: +2 to Spot and hit Undead Scavenger: no matter what, you can always find something to eat, something to wear, somewhere to seek protection from the rain, a very basic melee weapon and so on. With 1d6 minutes of scrounging you can find one meal of food for one or something equivalent to a dagger. You also gain the Trapfinding ability.

Hi-Grav Worlder: you come from a planet with a lot of gravity. Indeed, having spent a lot of your life there, and descended from people who evolved to adapt to it, you are very stocky and sturdy. Short, too, but that just makes it easier to hit tall people in the knees. Skill Bonus: +4 Competence bonus to Balance checks Special: +2 to Spot and hit Giants Sturdy: you gain a +4 Stability bonus to avoid being Tripped, Bullrushed, Grappled etc. Additionally, though your move speed is reduced by 10', you suffer no movement penalties for being in armour. Terra-Born: you live the blessed life of someone born on Holy Terra. This makes you more special and lucky than everyone else, living so close to the Emperor and all that. Save Bonus: +2 to Will Saves Skill Bonus: +2 Competence bonus to Knowledge: Religion and Diplomacy Charmed: thanks to your wonderful life, once per story arc/adventure/mission you may automatically pass one saving throw, ignoring all effects (even the ones that apply on a successful save). Alternatively you may turn a hit against you into a miss. Priests, Battle Sisters and so on start as Friendly towards you. Pirate Offspring: you are descended from a family of pirates or rogue traders. Not only have they left you with some of their knowledge and skills, but also some of their stuff. Skill Bonus: +2 Competence bonus to Use Rope and Escape Artist. Special: +2 to Spot and hit [Human] foes. Booty: you always begin with a Requisition point, right off the bat. Use it well. This is in addition to any you actually earn. You also have enough of all the special ammunition available for any weapons you have, and have 1,000 GP in actual gold bricks (40lbs). Planet Strike Veteran: you were called upon to engage in deadly planetfall missions, probably used as throwaway flesh bombardment for the first wave. However you survived all attempts to hurl you at the enemy base, and became good at being first to hit the enemy. Skill Bonus: +2 Competence bonus to Tumble and Climb Special: +2 to Spot and hit any single Type or Subtype of foe (select at creation, it doesn't change) Like a Ninja: when moving at any speed, the moment you are within range of someone who has a chance of seeing you, you may immediately attempt a Hide check to try to avoid being spotted before they know you even exist. Once they do Spot you, this won't help however.

New Skills and Changes to Skills: First, just in case your game doesn't usually cover this, there is no such thing as the Open Lock skill. That is covered under Disable Device. Secondly, Heal is still Wisdom-based, but anyone may instead call it Treat Injury and make it Intelligence-based. The two are interchangeable for Feats etc. Thirdly, there are two actual new skills. Repair (Intelligence): This skill is used to fix damage machinery and vehicles, and to un-jam weapons. The time required depends on the action, but exceeding the DC by 10 halves the time at any rate. It also tends to require actually having some vague tools and things. If a vehicle is Wrecked (0 HP), it is beyond help. Synergy: 4 ranks in Craft (Metalwork) grants a +2 bonus to Repair checks. Untrained: yes Retry: yes Usage: Un-jam a jammed weapon: 1 Full Round action, DC 10 (halved becomes a Partial action) Hastily fix a broken weapon for 2d6 rounds: 2 rounds, DC 15 Negate a status condition imposed on a vehicle: 1 minute, DC 20 Properly restore a weapon, set of armour or device to working order: 5 minutes, DC 25 Repair HP and Temporary HP to a vehicle: 10 minutes, restores your result, minus 20

Pilot (Dexterity) This covers all vehicles. Normally, piloting a vehicle in regular conditions requires no roll if you have even a single rank in Pilot. If you don't, you'd be lucky to get it moving in the first place, and then it's a DC 10 check per minute failure causes it to stall or spin out. Untrained: only DC 10 checks Retry: no (reactive) Action: not an action (reactive) If a vehicle has a hatch, door or window open or is open all the time like a bike and is hit by an area effect ability, a DC 15 Pilot check is required to prevent the crew from being affected. Pilot checks to keep control of a vehicle in difficult situations: Make a DC 10 check to succeed (failure indicates stalling, crashing or spinning out), with modifiers to the DC for all of the following that apply: Difficult Terrain: +3 Terrain causes damage: +5 Sudden turning is required: +2 Source of difficulty has Concealment (shooting at vehicle, being shot at by gunner): +10 Source of difficulty has Full Concealment/Pilot is Blind: +20 (does not stack with Concealment) Vehicle is taking continuing damage: +Damage Hit by Ordinance or Destroyer Weapons in previous turn: +10 (once, regardless of number of hits)

Failing a Pilot check may result in needing to make a Repair check...

Rules for Vehicles: Vehicles are essentially animated objects under the control of the Pilot. Their type is Construct, and if they do not move they are considered flat-footed. If they do move, they treat their Dexterity bonus as +1 per ten feet moved in that round so if a vehicle speeds 250' up to someone, it has a Dexterity bonus of +25. They also gain an Armour bonus to Armour Class, and have Arbitrarily determined Saving Throws. Their Armour Bonus is also applied as an equal amount of Damage Reduction/-. Vehicles are subject to Critical Hits, as long as the user has 5 or more ranks in Knowledge: Engineering or Repair. Vehicles have a pool of HP and a pool of Temporary HP. Both can be repaired the same way, and the listed Temporary HP is the maximum, just as the regular HP is. If anything causes it actual HP damage, it must attempt a Fort save (DC 10 + damage dealt). If it fails, it is shaken about and unable to attack or fire any weapons on its next turn. If it fails by 5 or more it spins to a halt and is considered Stunned for 1d3 rounds. If it fails by more than 10, something important was damaged: it is rendered immobile and stops motionless, able to shoot and use other systems such as lights and atmospheric systems, but unable to move or make melee attacks. If it was flying, it will begin to fall and eventually crash. If it ever reaches zero HP, then it is destroyed. If Temporary HP remain, that just means the armoured shell is left standing but the insides are wrecked. If it was flying, it will drop out of the sky. If it was floating, it will begin to sink.

New Subtypes and Descriptors: [Destroyer] A [Destroyer] attack or weapon deals double the damage rolled (which is in turn doubled or tripled or whatever on a Critical Hit) and, if used against a vehicle, the damage is applied both to Temporary and regular HP (though excess Temporary doesn't spill over into regular). If a target is reduced to zero HP or less from this, they are completely destroyed there's only a 50% chance of enough dust to Resurrect being found. [Hell] [Hell] weapons benefit from a continual beam that is easy to trace and constantly wears away at the protection of the target. Each time you fire a [Hell] weapon in the same round against the same target, you gain a cumulative +1 to hit and damage, and the threat range is widened by 1. At the beginning of your next turn, the effects reset unless you keep on targeting the same person, in which case they just keep building up. All benefits are lost the moment you attack something else or spend a round not attacking that target. [Lance] [Lance] weapons and effects punch straight through vehicles as though they weren't even there. They enjoy a doubled Threat Range and Critical Multiplier against vehicles, and when making Fort saves against damage they inflict, vehicles use their regular save or +4, whichever is lower. Note that lances do not have the [Lance] descriptor. [Machine Spirit] Weapons with the [Machine Spirit] tag add the user's BAB to damage. Armour with the [Machine Spirit] tag add the user's BAB to Damage Reduction. Vehicles with the [Machine Spirit] tag can fire their weapons when the pilot is too busy driving and there isn't a spare gunner, though they still use his BAB, Dex mod etc. All Imperial Firearms have the [Machine Spirit] tag. [Melta] When a [Melta] weapon is used within half the first range increment, the heat is extra intense: no more than half can be negated via Resistance, Damage Reduction or Energy Immunity, it ignores Regeneration, and any damage applied to Temporary HP is also applied to regular HP. [Ordinance] Ordinance weapons carry a massive impact to them: they make it hard to pilot vehicles (see the Pilot skill description), and any creature struck must pass a Fort Save (DC = damage dealt, modified by Size of the target as though it were a Trip attempt) or fall Prone. Ordinance weapons can only ever be fired once per round. The MC may wish to consider making certain monster attacks (or certain Spells) into [Ordinance] effects. [Plasma] There are two settings to a [Plasma] weapon, and it takes a Swift action to change them. On low power, the weapon deals half damage (round down). On high power, every single attack made adds a Heat point, and every round it goes without being fired it loses a Heat point. Every time a Heat point is gained, roll 1d6 per Heat point. Every 6 rolled removes a Heat point and deals 5 Fire damage to the wielder, bypassing any DR conferred by Armour. Suffering this damage requires a Concentration check (DC 10 + damage taken) to avoid dropping it. If a weapon gains a certain number of Heat points (Pistol 5, Rapid Fire/Assault 8, Heavy 12, massive 15), it switches off until the number becomes zero, venting heat to deal full damage to the wielder.

[Power] [Power] weapons have special energy fields that disrupt matter, allowing them to bypass Armour Bonuses and Natural Armour Bonuses to Armour Class, but not Enhancement Bonuses to either of these (so +2 Full Plate still grants +2 against the effect), nor Shield Bonuses. They also ignore Hardness and any Damage Reduction overcome specifically by [Power] weapons or by Adamantine. Additionally, they are Super Effective against Ghosts, and have an innate enhancement bonus of +1 per 3 HD (to hit and damage), although they are not actually Magic (and thus don't beat that DR). [Psychic] Usually applies to creatures and abilities, but some items are treated as such. This means nothing on its own, generally, though some effects work differently on [Psychic] creatures, and some items work differently in their hands. Various Monster Manual creatures should definitely have the [Psychic] tag, along with their abilities. Examples would include the Yuan-ti, Mind Flayer and Aboleth, though several Fiends would also fit the bill. [Sustained] Sustained Firearms allow only one attack in a full attack, however multiple attacks still help, by adding a certain amount of damage. Such weapons will be listed as [Sustained XdX]. [High Impact] High Impact weapons are not designed for many shots in a short space of time. Only a single attack may be made with a full attack. [Psi-Shock] A Psi-Shock weapon has the Bane trait against all creatures with the [Psychic] subtype, and ignores any defences gained from [Psychic] effects (such as bonuses to Armour Class or Miss Chances).

Psykers and [Psychic] Powers: Any time someone uses a [Psychic] ability, they gain a Warp Point. These must be tracked, and there is no upper limit to them. Any time Warp Points are gained, they must roll a number of d6 equal to the current number of Warp Points. For each 6 rolled, they lose a Warp Point, but take 5 damage that cannot be negated or reduced, and is always applied to real HP, not Temporary HP. With a minute of rest, all Warp Points are lost with no ill effect or rolling of dice. Any time at least 3 Warp Points are lost through rolling, roll once on the following chart to determine a Spooky Phenomenon that occurs: D20 roll Phenomenon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 There is a ghostly whisper in the air (DC 15 Listen to make out the words) There is a sudden cold breeze in the area The caster's mouth dries out for 2d4 minutes There is a hellish wailing noise for 1d4 rounds The caster's pupils briefly dilate or glow Everyone in the area gets a brief shiver The air feels sticky and warm for 1d6 rounds The air smells smoky for 3 rounds A strange light surrounds everyone in the area for 1 round Flames burn strange colours or go dim for 1d4 minutes Small objects seem to ignore gravity for 1 minute Everyone's hair stands on end for 1 round Everyone in the area is left with a sour taste in their mouth The caster's nose is blocked for 1 minute The caster cries blood for 1d4 rounds (no actual effect) The caster's hands become 1d4 tentacles for 1 round (no actual effect) Everyone nearby feels briefly irritable, melancholy or euphoric All shadows in the area move of their own accord for 1 minute Somewhere far off, a daemon appears. Not your problem Somewhere far off, a world is sucked into the warp. Not your problem

Damage taken occurs after the actual casting of the power, so no Concentration check need be made. If the caster dies from the damage of Perils of the Warp, then roll on the following table to determine what happens to them:

D20 roll Effect 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Caster drops dead Caster is completely destroyed Caster's mind is removed, body is left intact Caster bursts into a spray of blood, wounds opening everywhere Caster is dragged screaming into the Warp Caster's body turns to dust and breaks apart Caster bursts into flames, incinerating on the spot Daemons or dark tendrils, grab the caster and carry him off into the Warp Daemons appear, tear the caster to shreds, then disappear (or fight) Caster's head explodes Caster's flesh melts off and internal organs boil Caster turns to stone Caster's body is obliterated, leaving a spirit that can only talk and move Caster dies. Twice. Caster mutates into 1d100 tentacles and eyes, then a blob of ooze Caster notices a nose bleed, then suffers a stroke and drops dead Caster dies of heart attack Caster sees something horrifying, goes mad and wills himself dead Caster dies 2d6 times Daemon bursts from caster's body, time for a level-appropriate fight!

New Weapon Proficiencies: Dungeon Crusade brings Firearms to the game, and as such, they gain their own proficiencies and general rules. Firearms are ranged weapons, and use the rules for them except where noted. Pistols: A Pistol is a Light Firearm that generally has poor range. Making a Full Attack is a Standard action you can move or stay still, and still make a full attack. These suffer no penalty for firing at pointblank range, and do not provoke Attacks of Opportunity. They have only one Range Increment. Rapid Fire: A Rapid Fire Firearm is bulkier than a pistol, and more complex. They are not designed for shooting on the run or fighting in close quarters. They have two range increments, and are two-handed weapons. They work like normal weapons in that a Full Round action is required for a Full Attack but a single attack can be made as a Standard action. Assault: Assault Firearms are generally fully automatic, and easier to pray and spray. They are designed for shooting on the move, and as such, a Full Attack action is simply a Standard action, as with a Pistol. Unlike a Pistol, they are 2-handed weapons. They have only one range increment still, and still provoke Attacks of Opportunity for using in close range, but do not suffer other penalties for firing at close range. There are some Assault Firearms that are Heavy Firearms for anyone without Exotic Weapon Proficiency with them or Bulging Biceps. These weapons are [Bulky]. Heavy: Heavy weapons are giant things that are heavy to carry around. As such, firing them at all requires a Full Round action, to set up and brace before firing. Most can make a Full Attack in this Full Round action. Heavy weapons have two Range Increments, are two-handed, and suffer all the usual penalties of firing heavy weapons in close range. Some Heavy weapons are [Massive], where they must be manually set up into place before use, requiring a Full Round action only on the following round can they be used. Characters in Power Armour, or with Bulging Biceps or Powerful Build, treat [Massive] Firearms as regular Heavy weapons. A Note on Ammunition: Firearms are listed as having a clip, battery or canister. This does not necessarily represent the number of actual bullets or whatever, but the number of Attacks that may be made before needing to reload the weapon, given one Attack might very well be a burst. Characters are generally just assumed to have enough ammunition. Though they need to keep track of attacks remaining for the purpose of needing to swap clips, it should be assumed they just have enough clips for the job at hand, and always top up between missions.

Assault-Tier Gameplay

In Assault Tier, the players are all humans, bravely working for the Imperium and trying to improve the lot for humanity. Or something to that effect. Assault-Tier characters range from levels 1 to 6, though it is suggested that the game start at level 2 or 3. They have a base class from 1-3, and then branch into a prestige class from 4-6. It is not intended that characters multi-class (except for a single prestige class), nor that they gain levels beyond 6. However possibly the MC could decide that they can take regular classes from D&D due to the magic of the setting.

Base Classes: Arbiter I AM the law!

The Enforcers of the Adeptus Arbites are tough individuals, patrolling space just as often as they patrol the streets of the hive worlds to ensure the Emperor's laws are being upheld. Often they are called onto the battlefield by Inquisitors, though usually they are stationed on satellites, hive worlds and space hulks, making sure justice prevails through excessive force. Hit Die: d10 Skill Points: 4+Int Base Attack Bonus: Good Good Saving Throws: Reflex and Will Proficiencies: Light and Medium Armour, Simple and Martial Weapons, Rapid Fire, Assault and Pistol Firearms Level: 1 2 3 Special: Uncanny Dodge, Sixth Sense, Quickdraw, Knockdown Aura of Fear, Dead 'Ard, Opportunist Terrifying Critical, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Immune to Fear, Chokehold

Class Features: Uncanny Dodge (Ex): the Arbiter is too used to people trying to sneak up on her and shank her. She always retains her Dexterity bonus to Armour Class. Sixth Sense (Ex): Arbiters are used to walking about in pitch black situations, fighting in the dark. She gets Dark Vision out to 60 feet, and Blind Sight out to 10 feet. Quickdraw (Ex): the Arbiter always has a weapon in hand, or soon will. She gains Quickdraw as a bonus feat. Knockdown (Ex): Arbiters enjoy bringing the long arm of the law onto people's heads. Whenever the Arbiter deals at least 10 points of damage to an enemy with a melee attack, she may make a free Trip attempt against them at a +4 bonus. If this succeeds, she may follow up with another attack against the prone foe. Aura of Fear (Su): the Arbiter is naturally scary, but by second level she is supernaturally scary. She gains an Aura that extends out to 15 feet. All who enter this aura must succeed on a Will save (Charisma-based) or be Shaken for 1 minute. This is a [Mind Affecting] [Fear] effect. Dead 'Ard (Ex): Arbiters often get hit really hard, and blindsided, and kicked in the vulnerables. They practically evolve to survive this. At second level, the Arbiter has a 25% chance to negate critical hits, Sneak Attack damage and similar effects. Opportunist (Ex): Arbiters all know the art of ganging up on people. Starting at second level, once per round she can make an Attack of Opportunity against a foe who is struck by an ally. Terrifying Critical (Ex): starting at third level, the Arbiter's critical hits terrify people with the damage they do and the blood that is sprayed. All enemies within 50 feet must pass a Will Save (Charisma-based) or Panic for 1d4 rounds whenever she scores a critical hit. This is a [Mind Affecting] [Fear] effect. Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): the third level Arbiter can never be flanked she just assumes there is always an enemy behind her. Immune to Fear (Ex): the third-level Arbiter has seen so many things and survived so many encounters that nothing scares her any more. She becomes immune to [Fear] effects. Chokehold (Ex): Arbiters are skilled at choking people out. Every time she successfully grapples someone to pin them or deal damage, the foe must pass a Fort Save (Strength-based) or pass out until released, and for 1d4 rounds after. Starting Equipment: Uniform, Carapace Armour, Chainsword or Scimitar and Frag Grenades, Boltgun or Shotgun with Solid Slugs and Scattershot, Stub Pistol, ID tags Requisition: Grenade Launcher with Frag, Krak and Choke Grenades, Chainsword, Scimitar, Bolt Pistol, Boltgun, Shotgun, Special Shotgun Ammunition. Level 3: Auspex, Radio Headset, Repressor (requires 6 ranks in Pilot), Psychotroke Grenades Prestige Classes: Arbites Assault Specialist, Inquisitorial Acolyte, Judge

Penal Legionnaire: In for a penny, in for a pound... of flesh.

Penal Legions are serious business. Many criminals sentenced to death or to a life of mining are given one last possible reprieve, though the chances of survival are so slim that many stick with the original sentence. They are given poor equipment and no training, then sent out onto the field to die. However, if they do survive thanks to the skills gained in their criminal background (or time in custody), they emerge as free men. Hit Die: d8 Skill Points: 4+Int Base Attack Bonus: Good Good Saving Throws: Fortitude, Reflex and Will Proficiencies: Light Armour, Simple and Martial Weapons, Pistol, Rapid Fire and Assault Firearms Level: 1 2 3 Special: Uncanny Dodge, Sneak Attack +1d6, Augmented Critical, Melee Specialist Immune to Poison, Slippery Mind, Serious Injury Toxin Eater, Sneak Attack +2d6, Evasion, Assaulter

Uncanny Dodge (Ex): so used to getting shanked is the Penal Legionnaire that he develops the ability to tell when someone is about to strike. He always retains his Dexterity bonus to Armour Class. Sneak Attack (Ex): Penal Legionnaires make up for their weapon quality by learning to hit where it hurts. At levels one and three, he gains 1d6 Sneak Attack, which stacks with other sources. Augmented Critical (Ex): select one category of melee weapon Bludgeoning, Piercing or Slashing. The Penal Legionnaire enjoys a doubled Threat Range and Critical Multiplier for all melee weapons that deal that type of damage. Melee Specialist (Ex): all Penal Legionnaires quickly become masters of close combat fighting. Select one ability: -Fleet of Foot: Movement Speed increases by +10 feet, may make 10' steps instead of 5' steps. -Furious Charge: gains Pounce, and Strength is treated as 4 higher when charging. Immune to Poison (Ex): Penal Legionnaires are too used to being poisoned by the chef, or breathing the toxic smoke of the poor quality lho sticks. As such, at second level they become immune to Poison. Slippery Mind (Ex): the Penal Legionnaire lives a miserable life, yet still gets by, and can withstand any mental assault. At second level, whenever he fails a Will Save against a noninstantaneous effect, he may attempt to save again on the following round. Serious Injury (Ex): at second level, the Penal Legionnaire gets better at his specific form of melee harm. Select one of the following abilities to learn: -Rending Cut: all melee Slashing weapons ignore Damage Reduction and Regeneration. If the target possesses neither, then the attack deals +2d6 damage. -Perforating Stab: all melee Piercing weapons cause the target to continue to bleed for 1d6 HP per round for 3 rounds (or until any HP is restored or a DC 15 Heal check is made). -Pulverising Blow: all melee Bludgeoning weapons cause the target to be Staggered for one round. Toxin Eater (Su): at third level, the Penal Legionnaire can actually subsist on poison. Any time he is subjected to poison of any kind, he regains 2d6 HP instead of suffering the effects. Evasion (Ex): Penal Legionnaires always have to be quick on their feet. At third level, any time he is allowed a Reflex Save for half damage or a partial effect, a successful save instead Negates the effect. Assaulter (Ex): a third-level Penal Legionnaire is so good at running up and hurting people on the move that he may treat all Rapid Fire firearms as Assault firearms. Starting Equipment: Leather Armour, Lasgun, Autopistol, two weapons from the following list: Scimitar/Dagger/Pick Axe/Club/Mace, Uniform, Lho Sticks, Moonshine Requisition: additional melee weapons, Flak Armour, Frag Grenades, Blind Grenades Level 3: Chainsword, Simple Poisons, Scythian Talon, Choke Grenades Prestige Classes: Heartless Killer, Reformed Officer, Roguish Scoundrel

Sanctioned Psyker: Your mind is weak. I know, because I've been there.

Despite being rare, there are millions of psykers, simply because there are trillions of humans. And the Imperium scoops up as many as it can. And some of these don't get fed to the Emperor, and instead undergo nightmarish training and sanctioning to become weapons of war. This is you. Try not to explode. Hit Die: d6 Skill Points: 6+Int Base Attack Bonus: Poor Good Saving Throws: Fortitude, Reflex and Will Proficiencies: Light Armour, Simple Melee Weapons, Pistol Firearms Level: 1 2 3 Bonus Feat Mighty Power, Mental Bastion Special: Psyker, Psychic Path, Sanctioning

Psyker (Ex): the Sanctioned Psyker is a Psyker, and thus has the [Psychic] subtype (as do all of his Powers). Psychic Path (Su): the Sanctioned Psyker gets access to one Psychic Path. He must choose from the following list: Telepathy: gain Telepathy as a bonus feat, and Unluck as a Supernatural ability at will Telekinesis: gain Telekinesis as a bonus feat, and Persistent Blade as a Supernatural ability at will Pyromancy: gain Pyromancy as a bonus feat, and Wall of Smoke as a Supernatural ability at will Biomancy: gain Biomancy as a bonus feat, and Babau Slime as a Supernatural ability at will Sanctioning (Ex): the process of Sanctioning is never pleasant, and marks the psyker in terrible ways. However, they somehow survive and come out stronger. Select one of the following: Head Trauma: she is permanently bald (everywhere, even eyelashes), but immune to Stunning and Dazing Reconstructed Jaw: her lower face is replaced by a mechanical one, granting a Bite attack (1d8 + one and a half times her Strength modifier in Slashing damage. It also ignores Damage Reduction and Regeneration, and if the foe lacks both of these, it deals +2d6 Rending damage.) Neural Scarring: the psyker's body is a network of scars, leaving her immune to [Pain] effects and nonlethal damage. Scorched Eyes: the character's eyes burned out. However, thanks to the Emperor's light, daemon possession or cybernetics, she can still see even gaining Blindsight out to 60 feet. Tattoos: the character's body is covered in holy tattoos. Even her teeth. These holy signs grant a permanent Magic Circle Against Chaos effect. Mental Scarring: the trauma the character faced was terrible, but she broke through the other side of madness and can never return. She is immune to Confusion, Rage and Wisdom Damage/Drain. Seared Flesh: the psyker was practically burned at the stake, but walks away with immunity to nonlethal damage from Heat and Cold, and Fire and Cold Resistance of 10 + Constitution Modifier. Irradiated: the character is rendered infertile, and has no hair at all, and sometimes gets nosebleeds for no reason. On the other hand, she is completely immune to Disease the radiation is still there, killing bacteria off. Additionally, she is immune to negative levels, her body adapting to having life force suppressed. Bonus Feat: at second level, the Sanctioned Psyker gains any one [Psyker] feat as a bonus feat. Mighty Power (Su): at third level, the Sanctioned Psyker may select one of the following special powers, usable once per minute: Demoralise: all foes in a 15' radius burst in Close range must make a Will Save (Charismabased), with a penalty equal to her Charisma modifier, or Panic for one round, then be Frightened for one minute thereafter. This is a [Mind Affecting] [Fear] effect. Ion Storm: a 30' radius burst in Medium range is hit for 1d10 Electricity damage per level. Targets may attempt a Reflex Save (Charisma-based) for half damage, but if they attempt and fail this save, they are Dazed for one round.

Mental Bastion (Ex): by third level, Sanctioned Psykers are good at resisting things. Upon failing a Saving Throw, she may spend an Attack of Opportunity to attempt to save again. Multiple attempts may be made on the same save by using this. Equipment: Flak Armour, Uniform, ID tags and Life Permission Certificate, Staff or Dagger, Stub Gun or Auto Pistol or Las Pistol Requisition: Mesh Armour, Bolt Pistol, Servo-Skull Familiar, Chainsword, Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades Prestige Classes: Inquisitorial Acolyte, Primaris Psyker, Rogue Psyker

Siege Engineer: Shit, they're firing the big ones. HIT THE DECK!

Usually seen on the blasted plains of Vraks, such as the Death Corps of Krieg, Siege Engineers tend to be morbid and grumpy they have little to look forward to, knowing that by the time their job is over, they'll probably be dead. Because if a stray shot or shell doesn't catch them, age itself will. Getting pulled out of such a long campaign for a mission, therefore, is seen as a welcome change. Hit Die: d10 Skill Points: 8+Int Base Attack Bonus: Medium Good Saving Throws: Reflex Proficiencies: Light and Medium Armour, Simple and Martial Weapons, Pistol and Rapid Fire Firearms Level: 1 2 3 Special: Evasion, Trench Scramble, Bonus Feat Rapid Repairs, Grenadier, Sneak Attack +1d6 Heaven Piercing, Improved Evasion, Chem Warfare

Evasion (Ex): Siege Engineers are used to having explosions going off around them, and get used to leaping for safety. Any time he succeeds on a Reflex Save for half damage or a partial effect, he instead suffers no damage or effect. Trench Scramble (Ex): Siege Engineers need to be good at ducking for cover and rushing through trenches. He always adds his Dexterity modifier to Armour Class, even when asleep, and is not hindered by difficult terrain. Bonus Feat: Siege Engineers are very skilled, which is necessary for their jobs. The Siege Engineer gets a single [Skill] feat of choice as a bonus feat. Rapid Repairs (Ex): starting at second level, the Siege Engineer can perform any repairs in half the usual time. He suffers no penalty for this. Grenadier (Ex): starting at second level, the Siege Engineer is so fast at throwing things, he can throw a grenade or other thrown weapon as a Swift action. Sneak Attack (Ex): at second level, the Siege Engineer gains 1d6 Sneak Attack damage, which stacks with any other sources. Heaven Piercing (Ex): at third level, the Siege Engineer is flat-out given a Hades Breaching Drill, due to his proven reliability. If it is destroyed, he is granted another as soon as it is convenient. Improved Evasion (Ex): the third-level Siege Engineer who fails a Reflex Save only suffers the effects that most people get upon passing the save. Chem Warfare (Su): by third level, it appears almost magical how the Siege Engineer works with chemical weapons. He enjoys a +3 on Fortitude Saves against Poisons, adds +3 to the Save DC of any Poisons used (such as Gas Grenades) and Gas Grenades have their durations doubled. Equipment: Armoured Greatcoat, Gas Mask with Goggles and Rebreather, Good Boots, Shotgun with Solid Slugs and Scattershot, Short Sword, Frag Grenades, Autopistol or Stub Pistol, Gas Grenades Requisition: Bolt Pistol, Carapace Armour, Camo Netting, Chainsword, Flamer, Special Shotgun Ammunition, Improved Toxin Grenades, Choke Grenades Level 3: Quad Gun, Siege Mortar Prestige Classes: Commissar, Death Rider, Quartermaster

Storm Trooper: Good work, boys, they didn't have time to draw their weapons.

Imperial Storm Troopers are some of the most elite crack assault agents in the entire Imperial Guard. Trained in special infiltration, rapid-insertion and assault techniques, often the battle is over before it starts. Hit Die: d8 Skill Points: 6+Int Base Attack Bonus: Good Good Saving Throws: Fortitude and Reflex Proficiencies: Light and Medium Armour, Simple and Martial Weapons, Pistol, Rapid Fire and Assault Firearms Level: 1 2 3 Special: Combat School, Seize the Initiative, Deep Strike (Grav-Landing) Grenadier, Scout, Firearm Specialist, Deep Strike (Surprise!) Rapid Escape, Deep Strike (Pinning Fire), Sneak Attack +1d6

Combat School: the Storm Trooper gets Combat School as a bonus feat. She may still choose the weapons covered by this feat. Seize the Initiative (Ex): whenever combat begins, the Storm Trooper may declare that she is seizing the initiative. If she does this, then she gets one of the following benefits, selected before Initiative is rolled: She acts first, even if it is a surprise round that she normally would not be able to act in In the first round, she gains the benefit of Pounce and the Leap Attack feat She may move at double her move speed in the first round, her movement not provoking Deep Strike (Ex): as the Storm Trooper gains levels, she gains new Deep Strike abilities. These generally only apply in the first round of combat, and never work when Fatigued or Exhausted. Grav-Landing: at first level, the Storm Trooper is proficient with usage of the Grav-chute, and can very quickly train allies to also be proficient. Additionally, when dropping into combat via Grav-chute, she gets a Surprise Round. Surprise!: at second level, as soon as Initiative is rolled the Storm Trooper may make a Move action for free, or attempt a Hide check (without penalty) to vanish from sight. Pinning Fire: at third level, the Storm Trooper can pin foes down with her fire. In the first round of combat or a surprise round, any target she hits by shooting as a Standard action must make a Will Save (Intelligence-based) or Cower for one round. This is a [Fear] effect. Grenadier (Ex): starting at second level, the Storm Trooper has become so good at throwing explosives that she may throw a grenade or similar weapon as a Swift action. Scout (Ex): the second level Storm Trooper may take a second 5' step of adjustment per turn. Firearm Specialist (Ex): Storm Troopers love shooting enemies, and are particularly good at it with certain weapons. At second level, the Storm Trooper can select one Firearm category (Pistol, Rapid Fire, Assault or Heavy), and with these weapons, she ignores Cover and Concealment and doubles the range. Rapid Escape (Ex): Storm Troopers get themselves caught in trouble so often that they need to be good at escaping, just like McGuyver or James Bond. At third level, she gets a +4 bonus to Escape Artist checks, and it never takes more than one minute. Additionally, if ever caught in an explosion, if moving 10 feet would take her out of the area of effect, she may do so with an Immediate action, thus escaping the effect and damage. Sneak Attack (Ex): at third level, the Storm Trooper's ability to strike first and strike weak points is so good that she gains 1d6 Sneak Attack damage. This stacks with all other forms of Damage Reduction. Equipment: Carapace Armour, Grav-Chute, Hell Pistol, Chainsword or Frag Grenades, Hellgun or Shotgun (with Solid Slugs and Scattershot) or Boltgun, Quality Uniform Requisition: Krak Grenades, Medikit, Flamer or Plasma Gun or Melta Gun, Blind Grenades Level 3: Chimera (requires 6 ranks in Pilot), Hell Rifle, Jump Pack Prestige Classes: Deep Strike Assaulter, Drop-Troop Infiltrator, Shock Pilot

Veteran: Do you know the face of an enraged ork? Of course not, you weren't there.

Veterans in the Imperial Guard are pretty rare they are brave warriors who fought many times, yet somehow survived it all. Despite all the odds stacked against them, they come away learning many useful battlefield skills. Hit Die: d8 Skill Points: 4+Int Base Attack Bonus: Good Good Saving Throws: Fortitude, Reflex and Willpower Proficiencies: Light and Medium Armour, Simple and Martial Weapons, Pistol, Rapid Fire and Assault Firearms Level: 1 2 3 Special: Nerves of Steel, Damage Reduction, Evasion, Veteran Skills Mettle, Hated Enemy, Low-Light Vision, Veteran Skills Blindsense, Improved Evasion, Despised Enemy, Veteran Skills, Education

Nerves of Steel (Ex): the Veteran has been exposed to some terrible things in life, and has yet survived the ordeals. Once per turn, as a Free action, he may end a detrimental effect he is under. This works even when fully paralysed, and works against effects that make him not want to end them (such as being Charmed or Dominated), but does not end area effects such as swamps, night, gravity or whatever. Damage Reduction (Ex): the Veteran gets Damage Reduction, overcome by Adamantine, equal to double his Hit Dice. Evasion (Ex): any time the Veteran passes a Reflex Save to halve damage or suffer only a partial effect, he instead suffers no damage or effect. Veteran Skills (Ex): every class level, the Veteran gains one ability from the following list, to recommend the tricks he has learned over the years: Battlefield Surgeon (Bonus Feat) Ghost Step (Bonus Feat) Deft Fingers (Bonus Feat) Dreadful Demeanour (Bonus Feat) Slippery Contortionist (Bonus Feat) Stealthy (Bonus Feat) War Stories (all allies within Line of Sight of the Veteran benefit from his Hated Enemy ability) Evasive: gain Improved Evasion. If Improved Evasion is gained, this becomes Perfect Evasion: he is immune to any ability that allows a Reflex Save for a partial effect Mine Sweeper: gain Trapfinding, and Tremorsense out to 30 feet Twist the Blade: all Melee Piercing or Slashing weapons used by the Veteran deal +2d4 damage Dirty Fighting: any attacks made by the Veteran in a grapple that hit become Critical Hits Mettle (Ex): starting at second level, the Veteran has become so good at resisting things that, any time he makes a successful Fortitude or Will Save for a partial effect, he instead suffers no effect. Hated Enemy (Ex): at second level, the Veteran's hatred for his foes really shows through, and he can select a single Type or Subtype, gaining the following benefits against that type of creature: +2 on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot and Survival checks, +2 to hit and on damage rolls. This counts as Favoured Enemy for the purpose of qualifying for feats and so on. At 5 Hit Dice, the bonuses increase to +4. Low-Light Vision (Ex): Veterans need to be good at seeing where they are going, and spotting enemies in poorly lit conditions. At second level, he gains Low-Light Vision. Blindsense (Ex): at third level, the senses of the Veteran become so incredible that he gains Blindsense out to 30 feet. Improved Evasion (Ex): at third level, the Veteran can dodge explosions in his sleep. If he fails a Reflex Save, he still only suffers the effects that people normally suffer on a successful save. Despised Enemy (Ex): the third-level Veteran hates his hated enemy so much that he is good at making them explode. He may double the Threat Range and Critical Multiplier of all attacks he makes against them.

Education (Ex): at third level, the Veteran has proved himself as a keeper, and basically gets, along with his medals, a certificate stating he has graduated from the Schola Progenum, even if he didn't. He is allowed to become a Commissar, and gets a +4 bonus to every Knowledge skill he has ranks in, and 1 Bonus Rank in every other Knowledge skill (no +4 bonus). Equipment: Mesh Armour, Bolt Pistol, Scimitar, Lasgun (with Hot-Shot Clips) or Shotgun (with Scattershot and Solid Slugs), two Masterwork Daggers, Old Uniform, Good Boots, Dogtags, Uplifting Primer, Medals, Blind Grenades Requisition: Flamer, Sniper Rifle, Medikit, Rangefinders, Frag Grenades Level 3: Krak Grenades, Grenade Launcher, Chimera (requires 6 ranks in Pilot) Prestige Classes: Commissar, Demolition Expert, Sniper

Prestige Classes: Arbites Assault Specialist: Shut it you slag! Let's move, move, move! SORTID!

Even the Adeptus Arbites need a special group who are more hardcore than the rest of them. And that job goes to the Assault Specialists. When there is a raid due on a group with heavy weapons (or they just have nothing better to do than annihilate some hippies), these are called upon, blowing doors up and kicking arse. Hit Die: d10 Skill Points: 6+Int Base Attack Bonus: Good Good Saving Throws: Reflex and Willpower

Level: 1 2 3

Special: Cyber-Command, Bulging Biceps, Assaulter Vicious Brute, Put the Boot In, Mental Bastion or Police Brutality Double-Grenade, Combat Driving, Immune to Illusions and Reason

Cyber Command (Ex): the Arbites Assault Specialist is trained in the use of a Cyber-Mastiff. As such, he can control it quite effectively by giving orders as a Free action. Bulging Biceps (Ex): the Arbites Assault Specialist is used to lugging heavier weapons around. He may treat the Heavy Flamer and Heavy Stubber as Assault Firearms, and needn't brace Heavy Weapons, thus being able to fire a single shot with a Standard action and still have a Move action left. Massive weapons are simply treated as regular Heavy weapons that must still be braced. Assaulter (Ex): Arbites Assault Specialists can also treat any Rapid Fire Firearm as an Assault Firearm, thus firing them most effectively on the move. Vicious Brute (Ex): second-level Arbites Assault Specialists are vicious in hand to hand combat. Each round, he may select one of the following two abilities to apply, though only to melee attacks: He may make one additional attack in a Full Attack action, at his highest attack bonus He may double his Power Attack ratio Put the Boot In (Ex): at second level, the Arbites Assault Specialist gets very good at targeting the soft parts of people on the ground. Prone foes are denied their Dexterity bonus to AC against his attacks, and he gains 3d6 Sneak Attack damage against them, which stacks with other sources. Mental Bastion (Ex): Arbites Assault Specialists who choose this ability improve their defensive capabilities. They gain Spell Resistance 12 + Hit Dice against [Mind Affecting] effects. Police Brutality (Ex): Arbites Assault Specialists who instead choose this ability at second level find their Movement Speed increased by 20 feet, and their Strength score permanently increased by four. Double-Grenade (Ex): at third level, the Arbites Assault Specialist is able to throw two grenades or similar weapons, even at separate targets, with the same action or attack. Combat Driving (Ex): the third-level Arbites Assault Specialist is often called upon to drive the vehicles. As such, the vehicles he pilots do not provoke Attacks of Opportunity by moving, and he may always treat their Armour Class as 10 + his bonus for Pilot checks, if that would be higher. Immune to Illusions and Reason (Su): at level three, the Arbites Assault Specialist is completely immune to all Illusions. Also, Diplomacy checks don't work on him, and he is immune to [Charm] effects as well. Equipment: Heavy Flamer or Heavy Stubber or Plasma Gun, Stun Baton, Suppression Shield, Frag Grenades, Cyber-Mastiff Optional: Bionic Limb Requisition: Chimera or Repressor (requires 6+ ranks in Pilot), a second Cyber-Mastiff, Storm Bolter, Krak Grenades, Gas Grenades Level 3: a third Cyber-Mastiff

Commissar: This is for your own good...

The Commissariat produces the toughest (and scariest) of Imperial infantry. The officers who are outside the chain of command, and who have the job of maintaining order in the ranks and morale mainly by ensuring they are more frightening than anything in front of them. Good in combat, the Commissars also lead by example from time to time, but ultimately they are there to scare the troops into action, and to execute any who dare flee. Hit Die: d8 Skill Points: 6+Int Base Attack Bonus: Good Good Saving Throws: Fortitude, Reflex and Willpower

Level: 1 2 3

Special: Officer's Aura, Aura of Fearlessness, Feed Upon Pain Command, Pinning Gunshot, Point-Blank Killer, Tough Love Execution, Psykic Guardian, Emperor's Mercy

Officer's Aura (Su): the Commissar learns how to utilise a powerful aura, by calling out to his allies and encouraging them with his rhetoric and oratory skills. Activating an aura requires a Swift action and the ability to speak, and it extends out to fifty feet. The Commissar is included in the area. The Aura lasts for a number of rounds equal to the Commissar's Charisma modifier (minimum of one). Choose one from the following list: Willpower: those in the area are immune to [Fear] effects and [Compulsions] for the duration Determination: those in the area are immune to Dazing and Stunning for the duration Perfection: those in the area gain +3 to all d20 rolls and +3 to Armour Class, as well as the ability to re-roll one attack roll per round Hatred: those in the area enter a rage for the duration, gaining +2 to attack rolls, damage rolls and Will saves, -2 to Armour Class, DR 4/-, +2d6 Rage dice added to all melee damage rolls, and the inability to cast spells, use spell-like abilities, speak, activate items or drop their weapon or shield Aura of Fearlessness (Ex): Commissars are good at keeping people brave they fear her more than they fear anything else. The Commissar is immune to [Fear] effects, as is any ally within 100 feet of her. Feed Upon Pain (Ex): the Commissar has taken so many thumpings over time that she is immune to [Pain] effects and Non-lethal damage. All such effects instead just grant her a Heroism effect for one minute. Each round, if the Commissar took damage in the previous round, she may add her Charisma bonus (minimum +1) to all attack and damage rolls, as may any ally within 30 feet (using her Charisma). Command (Ex): at second level, the oratory of the Commissar is so great that she can make allies do fantastic things as well, just by ordering them to do so. With a Standard action, she may issue a command to all allies (not including herself) who can hear it. If they choose to accept the command, they gain the benefit. She has access to the following commands to choose from: Move Out: perform a Move action, out of turn. Go to Ground: gain a +4 bonus to Armour Class and Saving Throws against the first attack made against them before her next turn. Take Them Out: perform a single attack with a weapon wielded, out of turn. Take Cover: gain Evasion until the beginning of her next turn. Take Aim: the next attack made (until her next turn), if it hits, is an automatic critical hit. Pinning Gunshot (Su): starting at second level, the Commissar may keep people pinned down with a single shot. This requires a Standard action, and allows her to fire a Pistol once at an enemy. If it hits, the target must make a Will save (Charisma-based) or Cower for 1d4 rounds. This is a [Mind Affecting] [Fear] effect. Point-Blank Killer (Ex): any pistol fired by the second-level Commissar at an adjacent target causes a critical hit if it hits. She's just that good at blowing people's brains out when that close. Tough Love (Ex): Commissars actually do care about the wellbeing of their allies at least insofar as they can keep standing and fighting. As such, with 1d4 rounds of work she can make a Treat Injury check on an adjacent ally to help patch them up. This converts an amount of HP damage equal to the skill check into Non-lethal damage. If they are immune to Non-lethal damage, they are simply healed of the damage.

Execution (Ex): if a Commissar is given the chance to concentrate on someone, then they are as good as dead when she shoots them. At third level, all Pistol Firearms she wields add 2 to their Critical Multiplier as long as she can focus if she is hit or forced to make a Concentrate check at any point, she is unable to use this ability on her next turn. Psykic Guardian (Su): the Commissar has a special sense for magic, and by third level innately knows when anyone is casting a Spell or using a Spell-like Ability within 50 feet of her. As such, doing so provokes Attacks of Opportunity from her if done within this area, so she may make Attacks of Opportunity with ranged weapons (up to this distance, against these abilities only). Emperor's Mercy (Ex): at third level, the Commissar can perform a Coup de Grace on a foe who is merely Stunned. It's for their own good, probably. Equipment: Commissar uniform (including ID), Chainsword, Bolt Pistol, Power Sword or Plasma Pistol, Medikit, Loyalty Stick, Whip Requisition: Carapace Armour, Refractor Field, Conversion Field, Digital Weapons Level 3: Power Fist, Chimera (requires 6+ ranks in Pilot)

Death Rider: To our deaths and theirs! Chaaaarge!

Although all forces in the Imperial Guard tend to have regiments of death riders, they are especially favoured in sieges: when front-line tanks are too expensive and vulnerable to breaking down, but you want people to strike rapidly, you field horses. Although many such soldiers (and their mounts) are shot down, the powerful impact of their initial charge helps them breach enemy defences. Hit Die: d10 Skill Points: 4+Int Base Attack Bonus: Good Good Saving Throws: Fortitude and Reflex

Level: 1 2 3

Special: Mounted Combat, Bonds of Battle, Jousting Charge Whirlwind Attack, Valiant Charge Trample, Galloping Grappler, Invincible Charge

Mounted Combat: the Death Rider gains Mounted Combat as a bonus feat. If she already has that feat, she may select another [Combat] feat instead. Bonds of Battle (Su): under the Death Rider's care, her mount grows stronger and more hardy. Any mount she has owned for at least a week gains additional Hit Dice equal to her class level, and an Enhancement bonus to Natural Armour and Constitution equal to her class level as well. Jousting Charge (Ex): should the Death Rider make a mounted charge against a foe and hit, they must make a Fortitude Save (Strength-based). If they fail the saving throw, they reel back five feet (ten if they are also knocked prone by some other ability) and are Stunned for one round. Whirlwind Attack: at second level, the Death Rider gains Whirlwind Attack as a bonus feat. If she already has this feat, she may select another [Combat] feat instead. Valiant Charge (Ex): when making a mounted charge attack, a second-level Death Rider deals an additional 3d6 damage. Additionally, if the target is smaller than her mount, they are automatically knocked prone. Trample (Ex): at third level, the Death Rider's mount can make a Trample attack against anyone in its path when moving normally. The Trample damage is 2d8+Str. Galloping Grappler: the third-level Death Rider gains Galloping Grappler as a bonus feat. If she already has this, she may select another [Combat] feat instead. Invincible Charge (Su): at third level, the Death Rider's horseback skill is almost magical. When making a mounted charge, neither she nor her mount provoke Attacks of Opportunity from anyone for anything, nor do they trigger readied actions. Additionally, her mount gains a +3 Deflection bonus to Armour Class until her next turn. Equipment: Warhorse with Military Saddle & Light Barding, Doom Spear, Scimitar Requisition: Heavy Barding, Dire Horse, additional Doom Spears, Power Weapon Special: in the world of D&D (and probably rare, strange worlds of 40k) it is not unreasonable to assume that Nightmares will be encountered and used by the Imperium possibly as slaves, possibly by using Bluff checks to convince everyone they are loyal to the Emperor. Or perhaps the Death Rider simply doesn't care. In these cases, Nightmares are Requisitions for level 3 Death Riders.

Deep Strike Assaulter: Seize the objective! For the Emperor!

Usually, you need to get your storm troopers somewhere very quickly, deep in enemy territory. That is where the Deep Strike Assaulters come into play. They're used to diving in, on grav-chutes, landing in the enemy base and doing the most damage. Used in Planetstrike campaigns, by the time the main forces breach the outer defences, they have already struck the infrastructure. Hit Die: d10 Skill Points: 6+Int Base Attack Bonus: Good Good Saving Throws: Reflex and Willpower

Level: 1 2 3

Special: Deep Strike (Glide, Charging Disembark), Bulging Biceps, Wounding Slice Furious Charge, Rending Slice, Deafening Gunfire Deep Strike (Seize the Objective), Crippling Shot, Air Strike

Deep Strike (Ex): as the Deep Strike Assaulter gains levels, he gains new Deep Strike abilities. These generally only apply in the first round of combat, and never work when Fatigued or Exhausted. Glide: when using Grav-Chutes, the Deep Strike Assaulter can Glide, moving up to 20 feet across for every 10 feet fallen. Charging Disembark: leaving a vehicle is a Free action for the Deep Strike Assaulter, so he may charge when climbing out. Doing so denies the foe their Dexterity bonus to AC. Seize the Objective: starting at third level, the Deep Strike Assaulter can seize the objective at the very beginning of battle. On his first turn of combat, he may make a Move action, make a ranged Full Attack, make another Move action, and another ranged Full Attack. This leaves him Fatigued. Bulging Biceps (Ex): the Deep Strike Assaulter is used to lugging heavier weapons around. He may treat the Heavy Flamer and Heavy Stubber as Assault Firearms, and needn't brace Heavy Weapons, thus being able to fire a single shot with a Standard action and still have a Move action left. Massive weapons are simply treated as regular Heavy weapons that must still be braced. Wounding Slice (Ex): the Deep Strike Assaulter is handy with a blade. Any time he deals Slashing damage with a melee weapon, he deals a single point of Constitution damage as well. Furious Charge (Ex): starting at second level, the Deep Strike Assaulter gains the Pounce special attack. Additionally, when charging, his Strength is considered four points higher. Rending Slice (Ex): the second-level Deep Strike Assaulter is so skilled with a blade that his melee attacks that deal Slashing damage ignore Damage Reduction and Regeneration. If the target lacks both, the attacks deal +2d6 damage. Deafening Gunfire (Su): starting at second level, the Deep Strike Assaulter makes sure his guns shoot extra loud. Whenever he fires a non-silenced Firearm, all within 30 feet (except for his allies, who are used to it and wear filter plugs) must make a Fortitude Save (DC 20). If they fail, they are Deafened for 1d4 rounds. Crippling Shot (Ex): as a Standard action, a third-level Deep Strike Assaulter may make a single attack with a Firearm weapon. If it hits, the target must make a Fortitude Save (DC = Damage Dealt) or suffer paralysis for 1d4 rounds. Air Strike (Ex): starting at level three, the Deep Strike Assaulter can call in an air strike with a Move-Equivalent action. This may only be done once per day, though appropriate situations from the story may add more uses or take them away. The air strike may be called in with communication equipment, and arrives 1d4+1 rounds later in the form of 1d3 Valkyries with Rocket Pods or one Vulture with either four Rocket Pods, six Hunter Killer Missiles, six Bombs or two Punisher Gatling Guns. The air strike makes the strike, then leaves. Equipment: Power Weapon, Krak Grenades, Comm Bead and Vox Caster Requisition: Heavy Flamer, Heavy Stubber, Psychotroke Grenades Level 3: Valkyrie (9+ ranks in Pilot), Vendetta (9+ ranks in Pilot)

Demolition Expert: If you see me running? Try to keep up.

In war, you need explosives. Sometimes these explosives have to be carried, and attached to things. When this happens, you need people to go around, doing the carrying and attaching. And just in case, it helps if they know how to deactivate them as well. These are the demolition experts. People who prove themselves reliable and clever enough to play with the big toys. Hit Die: d10 Skill Points: 8+Int Base Attack Bonus: Good Good Saving Throws: Reflex Weapon Proficiencies: Heavy Firearms

Level: 1 2 3

Special: Empowered Explosives, Rapid Demolitions, Trapper, Sympathy Limbs Maximised Explosives, Machine Breaker, Master of Ordinance Intensified Explosives, Destroyer, Call the Marauders

Empowered Explosives (Su): the Demolition Expert has a strange affinity with explosives, whether she knows it or not. At first level, any explosives she uses (Grenades, Missiles, Mortars, Melta Bombs, Demolition Charges or Ordinance weapons) has its damage Empowered. Rapid Demolitions (Ex): the maximum amount of time it takes for a Demolition Expert to set up an explosive is a Standard action. Any greater length is reduced to this. Trapper (Ex): whenever a Demolition Expert throws a Frag or Krak Grenade, the damage causes the area of effect to become Difficult Terrain, and effectively covered in caltrops. Sympathy Limbs (Ex): it is expected that the Demolition Expert will lose limbs in her trade. As such, she can always get cybernetic replacements for lost body parts. Maximised Explosives (Su): at second level, instead of the damage of explosives being Empowered by the Demolition Expert, it becomes Maximised. Machine Breaker (Ex): a second-level Demolition Expert is so good at ruining vehicles, that her Threat Range and Critical Multiplier, with any weapons, are doubled against them. Master of Ordinance (Ex): upon reaching second level, the Demolition Expert learns a new trick for damaging vehicles with explosives. Select one of the following: All Explosive weapons are treated as Ordinance when damaging vehicles Explosives always ignore the Damage Reduction and Hardness of vehicles Any Vehicle or Construct hit by an Explosive is Staggered until repaired Intensified Explosives (Su): at third level, the damage of the Demolition Expert's explosives improves even more: it is Intensified (Maximised, then doubled). Destroyer (Su): at third level, the Demolition Expert is incredibly good at blowing vehicles up. When attaching an explosive to a vehicle (as opposed to throwing a grenade or using a mortar), she treats it as a [Destroyer] weapon. The damage is not doubled again, however, as it's just an extension of Intensified Explosives. Call the Marauders (Ex): once per day, the third-level Demolition Expert can call in a Marauder. It takes 2d4 rounds to arrive, and will then unleash a payload of 12 bombs or 2 Hellstorms, before taking off. Equipment: Comm Bead, Vox Caster, Frag, Krak and Plasma Grenades, Melta Bombs, Scout Mines, Demolition Charge. Requisition: Mortar, Missile Launcher, Robotic Device that carries extra ammunition (up to 300lbs) and trundles along at a Speed of 30 feet (Medium, +4 Armour, DR 4/Adamantine, 50 HP 10 Temp), Gas Grenades, Rad Grenades

Drop Troop Infiltrator: Sentries down... send the tanks in.

When performing a large-scale invasion, one of the earliest phases (after planning, and getting resources together) is to infiltrate the point of invasion. Getting just a few individuals inside to gather intelligence, spread chaos and confusion amongst the defenders, and weaken the defences so that the main force can more easily strike through. It is a dangerous job, but an interesting one. Hit Die: d8 Skill Points: 8+Int Base Attack Bonus: Good Good Saving Throws: Fortitude and Reflex

Level: 1 2 3

Special: Deep Strike (Glide), Master of Assault, Many Faced, Fitting In Deep Strike (Stealthy Landing), Kip-Up, Rescuer, Woodland Stride Deep Strike (Running Landing), Champion of Assault, Perfect Senses

Deep Strike (Ex): as the Deep Strike Assaulter gains levels, he gains new Deep Strike abilities. These generally only apply in the first round of combat, and never work when Fatigued or Exhausted. Glide: when using Grav-Chutes, the Drop-Troop Infiltrator can Glide, moving up to 20 feet across for every 10 feet fallen. Stealthy Landing: starting at second level, the Drop-Troop Infiltrator is good at vanishing as she falls. Upon landing from any descent greater than 10 feet, she may make a Hide check as a Free action. Running Landing: at third level, the Drop-Troop Infiltrator can hit the ground running, making a Run action as a Free action upon landing from any descent greater than 10 feet. She may only do this once per round. Master of Assault (Ex): the Drop-Troop Infiltrator is adept at engaging foes on the run. She gains one of the following: an additional attack per round with Assault Firearms, at her highest Attack Bonus, Two Weapon Rending (as a Bonus Feat) and the ability to throw grenades as a Swift action a single attack with an Assault Firearm when Running or making a Double-Move Many Faced: the Drop-Troop Infiltrator gains Many Faced as a bonus feat. If she already has this, she may select any other [Skill] feat. Fitting In (Ex): Drop-Troop Infiltrators need to be good at fitting in. Being used to this job, she gains two additional Languages Known, and learns a new one with a week of study. She may also add her character level as a bonus to Disguise checks. Kip-up (Ex): the second-level Drop-Troop Infiltrator may stand as a Free action, so used to leaping up is she. She may also do so as an Immediate action if she wishes. Doing so does not provoke an Attack of Opportunity. Rescuer (Ex): the Drop-Troop Infiltrator has to be skilled at many things, including saving the lives of others in an emergency. Starting at second level, she may make a Treat Injury check as a Full Round action to provide life-saving help: a DC 25 check will Raise someone to life if they have been dead for one minute or less bringing them up to 1d4 HP. On a live target, they regain HP equal to the check minus ten. This may only be used once per person per day. Woodland Stride (Ex): the second-level Drop-Troop Infiltrator may move through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at her normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. However, thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that have been magically manipulated to impede motion still affect her. Champion of Assault (Ex): at third level, the Drop-Troop Infiltrator shows her specialisation in suddenly striking with deadly force. She must select one melee weapon type: Bludgeoning: deals double damage Piercing: ignores all Damage Reduction and Hardness Slashing: deals one point of Constitution damage with every hit Additionally, the chosen weapon type may be used to make a Full Attack as a Standard action.

Perfect Senses (Su): the third-level Drop-Troop Infiltrator has finely tuned senses supernaturally so, in fact. She gains a +6 bonus on Spot and Listen checks, can see even in magical darkness, and can never be blinded. Additionally, she can make an attempt to detect Hidden/Silent enemies within 60 feet as a Free action, without knowing to look for them. Equipment: Medikit, Frag and Krak Grenades, Power Weapon Requisition: Gas Grenades, Choke Grenades, Drop Pod, Valkyrie (with pilot and gunner)

Heartless Killer: Man, I killed her for nothing, imagine what I'll do to you!

Generally the Imperial penal system isn't a success story. It isn't even supposed to be mostly it's just a way of recruiting more throwaway troops. Most of the survivors of this learn many deadly tricks, and come out of it as monsters unfit to be returned to society. Hit Die: d10 Skill Points: 6+Int Base Attack Bonus: Good Good Saving Throws: Reflex and Willpower

Level: 1 2 3

Special: Fearless, Aura of Fear, Sneak Attack +1d6, Wearing Shoes Melee Extremist, Rapid Poison Use, Without a Trace He's Behind You!, Sneak Attack +2d6, Bloodthirsty Killer

Fearless (Ex): the Heartless Killer is too scary to be scared of anything, otherwise he'd flinch just by looking in the mirror. He is immune to [Fear] effects and Intimidation checks. Aura of Fear (Su): the Heartless Killer is so scary that it isn't entirely natural. He radiates a 20' aura. Anyone who enters the aura must pass a Will Save (Charisma-based) or be Shaken for as long as they remain in the area, and 1d4 rounds thereafter. Sneak Attack (Ex): at levels one and three, the Heartless Killer gains 1d6 Sneak Attack damage. This stacks with other sources of Sneak Attack. Wearing Shoes (Ex): the Heartless Killer has spent enough time sneaking into places (to kill the residents or escape detection) that he knows how Charlie thinks. Also how Shas'O R'myr thinks. And he can totally emulate them. He gains a bonus to Disguise equal to his ranks in Disguise, and suffers no penalty for disguising himself as a different race, even crap like Tyranids. Melee Extremist (Ex): Heartless Killers maim people in terrifying ways. At second level, select one melee weapon (such as Short Swords, not this club right here). He gains an additional attack per round in a Full Attack when wielding it, at his highest Attack Bonus, and all critical hits from it cause the victim to need to make a Will Save (DC = damage dealt). Failure causes them to Panic for 1d4 rounds. Rapid Poison Use (Ex): the second-level Heartless Killer has no risk of poisoning himself, even ignoring his Immunity, and can apply poison to a weapon as a Swift action. Without a Trace (Ex): a second-level Heartless Killer may Hide with a mere Swift action, even if being observed. No penalty is suffered as a result of doing this. He's Behind You! (Ex): starting at third level, whenever the Heartless Killer successfully performs a Sneak Attack, the attack becomes a Critical Hit. The Sneak Attack dice are not multiplied, as usual. Bloodthirsty Killer (Ex): the Heartless Killer actually enjoys murdering people. At third level, any time he kills a foe he gains a +3 Morale bonus to all rolls he makes, and gains a second additional in a Full Attack action when using his favoured weapon. These benefits last for one minute, and multiple killings don't stack, they merely reset the duration. Equipment: various Poisons, Ripper Pistol, Chainsword, Choke Grenades, Hand Flamer Requisition: Gas Grenades, Demolition Charge, Scythian Talon

Inquisitorial Acolyte: Four dead Tau Fire Warriors. It looks like someone... put out their fires.

Inquisitors can't do it on their own. They need networks of agents to do their detective work out across the galaxy, keeping tabs on things and furthering their own goals. The best of these can even be put forward as actual Inquisitors. Hit Die: d8 Skill Points: 8+Int Base Attack Bonus: Medium Good Saving Throws: Fortitude, Reflex and Willpower

Level: 1 2 3

Special: Telepathic Psyker, Investigator, Psykic Strike Advanced Telepathy, People Person, Wearing Shoes Psykic Master, Orbital Bombardment, Advanced Psykic Strike

Telepathic Psyker (Su): the Inquisitorial Acolyte gains the [Psychic] subtype, and has Telepathy out to 200 feet. Additionally, she may cast Halt and Distract Assailant as Supernatural abilities at will. The DC for all abilities gained from this Prestige Class is Charisma-based. Investigator (Ex): the Inquisitorial Acolyte is good at digging around for information necessary for the job, all things considered. She may select one of the following: A single [Skill] feat as a Bonus Feat Zone of Truth once per hour as a Spell-Like Ability See Invisibility once per hour as a Spell-Like Ability Skill Mastery, applied to 3+Intelligence Modifier skills of choice Scry once per day as a Spell-Like Ability Psykic Strike (Su): with a Swift action, the Inquisitorial Acolyte can charge a melee weapon with psychic energy. The next attack she makes with it, before the end of her turn, deals 1d8 additional damage. Advanced Telepathy (Su): by second level, the Acolyte is a greater telepath, gaining a permanent Detect Thoughts ability out to 100 feet. She may also use Detect Chaos and True Strike as Supernatural abilities at will, and Greater Rebuke once per hour. People Person (Ex): at second level, the Acolyte's skill with people is so good that she gains a Bonus Feat from the following list: Con Artist Dreadful Demeanour Detective Leadership Many Faced Master of Terror Persuasive Natural Empath Wearing Shoes (Ex): the Inquisitorial Acolyte has spent enough time blending in that she knows how Charlie thinks. Also how Shas'O R'myr thinks. And she can totally emulate them. She gains a bonus to Disguise equal to her ranks in Disguise, and suffers no penalty for disguising herself as a different race, even crap like Tyranids. Psykic Master (Su): at third level, the Inquisitorial Acolyte's abilities have fully bloomed. She may use Vision of Entropy and Charm Person as Spell-Like Abilities at will, and Hold Monster as a Spell-Like Ability once per hour, and have a constant Locate City effect active. Additionally, anyone who attempts to use a [Mind Affecting] effect on her is subject to Psychic Poison, with primary damage of 1d8 Wisdom and secondary damage of falling comatose for 1d4 days. Advanced Psykic Strike (Su): the third-level Inquisitorial Acolyte is even better at maiming people with her Psychic Strike. It deals 2d8 additional damage, plus her Charisma bonus.

Orbital Bombardment (Ex): the third-level Inquisitorial Acolyte can actually call on favours and, as long as something is flying in orbit, once per week she can call for an orbital bombardment. She needs a form of communication to the ship, of course, and making the request is a Move-Equivalent action. She points out the target, which must be no smaller than Gargantuan, and 1d6 minutes later it is hit by a lance strike: a 100' radius explosion deals 20d6 Fire/Sonic damage, with a Reflex Save for half damage (DC 25). The ground is reduced to a cracked crater, and is Difficult Terrain. Equipment: Rosarius, Psi-Occulum, Digital Weapon, Boltgun with Special Ammunition Requisition: Rhino (Pilot 6+ ranks required), Power Weapon, Forensics Kit Level 3: Scout Power Armour, Aquila Lander (Pilot 9+ ranks required), Psychic Hood

Judge: I hereby sentence you all... *BLAM* death.

The most senior of the Arbiters are the Judges officers who still have all their usual jobs, but who also call some of the shots and can declare missions against various criminal elements. They lead Arbiters, and they also carry a powerful punch with their wargear, going after the more dangerous opponents. Hit Die: d10 Skill Points: 6+Int Base Attack Bonus: Medium Good Saving Throws: Fortitude, Reflex and Willpower

Level: 1 2 3

Special: Death Sentence, Improved Mettle, Detective Judge's Toughness, Perfect Tracking, Seeker of the Truth Retaliation, Masterful Grapple, Immune to Enchantments

Death Sentence (Ex): with a Move-Equivalent action, the Judge can issue a Death Sentence on an enemy she can see. The Judge and all allies gain a +3 bonus to hit and +3d6 damage against that enemy with all attacks until the beginning of her next turn. Improved Mettle (Ex): if the Judge ever fails a Fort or Will Save, she simply suffers the effects people normally suffer for passing the save. Detective: the Judge gets Detective as a Bonus Feat. If she already has this feat, she gains another [Skill] feat instead. Judge's Toughness (Ex): by second level, the Judge's muscles have practically turned to steel to shelter her from the many attempts on her life. She gains additional HP equal to her Hit Dice multiplied by her Strength modifier (retroactive). Perfect Tracking (Ex): at second level, the Judge gains the Tracking ability, except it never fails and cannot be confused. Additionally, she always takes half as much time as normal to track someone. Seeker of the Truth (Ex): the second-level Judge has an uncanny knack for finding the truth. She gets a +4 bonus on Search, Sense Motive and Gather Information checks, and can automatically search for Secret Doors and Traps whenever within 10 feet of one. Retaliation (Ex): the third-level Judge may, as a Free action, goad enemies into attacking. She suffers a -4 penalty to Armour Class until her next turn, but any enemy that actually does hit her provokes an Attack of Opportunity, with a +4 bonus to hit, from her. Masterful Grapple (Ex): at third level, the Judge gains the Juggernaut feat as a Bonus Feat. If she already possesses it, she gains another [Combat] feat instead. She also gains a Constrict attack that deals 1d6+Str in damage. Immune to Enchantments (Su): by level three, the Judge has warded off so many mental effects that she is immune to all Enchantments. Equipment: Scout Power Armour, Suppression Shield, Stun Baton, Bolt Pistol Requisition: Repressor (requires 6+ ranks in Pilot), Special Ammunition, Shock Gauntlet Level 3: Power Armour, Repressor with driver and gunner

Primaris Psyker: Okay, his mind is off, let's go.

Psykers, even if they are considered abominations or a necessary evil, do actually get positions of leadership and high rank from time to time. So whether it be their use or people being afraid of them, the best of them can lead great forces. Hit Die: d8 Skill Points: 8+Int Base Attack Bonus: Medium Good Saving Throws: Fortitude, Reflex and Willpower

Level: 1 2 3

Special: Advanced Path Psychic Overload Psychic Mastery, Leader of Men

Advanced Path (Su): the Primaris Psyker gets better at his shtick, gaining Basic Access to a Sphere. Depending on the original Path chosen, he has a number of choices: Telepathy: Seduction, Terror or Courage Telekinesis: Stone, Aegis or Air Biomancy: Bone, Venom or Healing Pyromancy: Fire, Pyre or Smoke Psychic Overload (Su): a second-level Primaris Psyker gains the ability to power his abilities up, though doing so takes a terrible toll on his body, mind and soul. By taking 2d6 damage that bypasses DR and Regeneration, as well as gaining an additional Warp Point, he may Extend or Empower any of his powers. Psychic Mastery (Su): at third level, the Primaris Psyker has more power over his chosen path than most people would believe. His Sphere access improves to Advanced, and each round he automatically loses one Warp Point. Leader of Men: a third-level Primaris Psyker is actually a leader, and can command little men about. He may take a single [Leadership] feat as a Bonus Feat. Equipment: Mesh Armour, Bolt Pistol, Power Weapon Requisition: Carapace Armour, Melta Bombs, Force Weapon

Quartermaster: Can we save him? No? Well, at least we can take his boots.

In times of warfare, just about everything is in short supply. In a siege, even worse. And so there are those officers who have the grim duty of directing the few supplies to where they are needed, turning down requests, and to salvage equipment from the fallen, stripping all equipment from the corpses. Hit Die: d8 Skill Points: 6+Int Base Attack Bonus: Good Good Saving Throws: Fortitude and Willpower

Level: 1 2 3

Special: Scavenger, Trapfinding, The Quartermaster Bonus Feat, Weapon Familiarity Combat Looting, Command

Scavenger (Su): the Quartermaster is actually magical at finding things when searching corpses. He will always find something of use. This is often some extra ammunition, or a low level potion, but any weapon he finds on a corpse will somehow be one stage better quality than was originally written down (broken poor normal masterwork magic). Additionally, he gains a bonus on Use Magic Device checks equal to his ranks in Use Magic Device. Trapfinding (Ex): Quartermasters can use the Search skill to locate traps when the task has a Difficulty Class higher than 20. The Quartermaster (Ex): the Quartermaster actually is the Quartermaster, and thus has access to loads of stuff. He gains an additional Requisition every level, and all of his allies gain one additional Requisition (not per level). Bonus Feat: Quartermasters tend to vary quite a bit when not sitting at the desk. At second level, the Quartermaster can take any [Combat] or [Skill] feat as a Bonus Feat. Weapon Familiarity (Su): a second-level Quartermaster is proficient with all weapons ever, no matter how bizarre. This is so uncanny that he can even spend a Full Round action making a practice attack roll, and until his next turn, all allies within 10' may use his roll for their own if wielding the same weapon they can do this after they attempt the attack. Combat Looting: at third level, the Quartermaster gains Combat Looting as a Bonus Feat. If he already has this, he gains another [Combat] feat instead. Command (Ex): at third level, the oratory of the Quartermaster (and the knowledge that he has all the stuff) is so great that he can make allies do fantastic things as well, just by ordering them to do so. With a Standard action, he may issue a command to all allies (not including himself) who can hear it. If they choose to accept the command, they gain the benefit. He has access to the following commands to choose from: Move Out: perform a Move action, out of turn. Go to Ground: gain a +4 bonus to Armour Class and Saving Throws against the first attack made against them before her next turn. Take Them Out: perform a single attack with a weapon wielded, out of turn. Take Cover: gain Evasion until the beginning of his next turn. Take Aim: the next attack made (until his next turn), if it hits, is an automatic critical hit. Equipment: Adamantine Breastplate, Masterwork Bolt Pistol or Masterwork Hell Pistol, Power Weapon, Masterwork Lock Picks, Medi-Skull Servitor with Narthecium and Morphia, 1 Combat Servitor or Looting Servitor, Quality uniform, Auspex, Rangefinders, Amasec, More Field Rations Requisition: Carapace Armour, more Servitors, Chimera (requires 6+ ranks in Pilot), Plasma Pistol, Gas Grenades, Choke Grenades, Bionic Limbs, Refractor Field Level 3: Gorgon Transport with Pilot and Gunner

Reformed Officer: I know, yeah, I used to do terrible things. But now... I got right. Let's go and do some terrible things to other people.

Not every criminal is destined to remain a criminal for the rest of his short life and die in captivity. Sometimes, if given the chance on the battlefield, a few can show exceptional courage and leadership. They might not be suited to the life of an officer by nature, but they still earn the right to be accepted as leaders with rank, the past forgotten. Hit Die: d8 Skill Points: 8+Int Base Attack Bonus: Medium Good Saving Throws: Reflex and Willpower

Level: 1 2 3

Special: Officer's Aura 1, Command, Old Tricks, Camaraderie Rally, Sneak Attack +1d6, Lie Detector Quicker Command, Officer's Aura 2, Dirtiest Player

Officer's Aura (Su): the Reformed Officer learns how to utilise a powerful aura, by calling out to his allies and encouraging them with his rhetoric and oratory skills. Activating an aura requires a Swift action and the ability to speak, and it extends out to fifty feet. The Reformed Officer is included in the area. The Aura lasts for a number of rounds equal to the Reformed Officer's Charisma modifier (minimum of one). Choose one from the following list at levels one and three: Willpower: those in the area are immune to [Fear] effects and [Compulsions] for the duration Determination: those in the area are immune to Dazing and Stunning for the duration Perfection: those in the area gain +3 to all d20 rolls and +3 to Armour Class, as well as the ability to re-roll one attack roll per round Hatred: those in the area enter a rage for the duration, gaining +2 to attack rolls, damage rolls and Will saves, -2 to Armour Class, DR 4/-, +2d6 Rage dice added to all melee damage rolls, and the inability to cast spells, use spell-like abilities, speak, activate items or drop their weapon or shield Command (Ex): at first level, the oratory of the Reformed Officer is so great that he can make allies do fantastic things as well, just by ordering them to do so. With a Standard action, he may issue a command to all allies (not including himself) who can hear it. If they choose to accept the command, they gain the benefit. He has access to the following commands to choose from: Move Out: perform a Move action, out of turn. Go to Ground: gain a +4 bonus to Armour Class and Saving Throws against the first attack made against them before her next turn. Take Them Out: perform a single attack with a weapon wielded, out of turn. Take Cover: gain Evasion until the beginning of his next turn. Take Aim: the next attack made (until his next turn), if it hits, is an automatic critical hit. At third level, it requires only a Move-Equivalent action to issue an order. Old Tricks (Ex): any time the Reformed Officer makes an Attack of Opportunity, the enemy is denied their Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class, and thus any Sneak Attack dice may be applied. Camaraderie (Ex): everyone seems to like the Reformed Officer. All Aid Other attempts made to assist him, or made by him to assist others, grants a bonus of +5 instead of +2. Rally (Su): once per hour, the second-level Reformed Officer can shout out a warcry that is so inspiring it's just a little bit magical. This works as a Mass Cure Moderate Wounds effect that also removes any Morale penalties. Sneak Attack (Ex): at second level, the Reformed Officer's Sneak Attack improves by +1d6. Lie Detector (Ex): liars make the best lie detectors, and as such, a second-level Reformed Officer may use Bluff instead of Sense Motive, and gains a +4 bonus to Bluff checks made to oppose the Bluff checks of others. Dirtiest Player (Ex): the Reformed Officer is all too willing to use his old tricks to pull a fast one and get a cheap shot in, but that's okay. At level three, any time combat begins, he gets a surprise round even if there was no surprise round. If there is one, then he can act in it even if supposedly caught off guard. Equipment: Mesh Armour, Power Sword, Bolt Pistol, Officer's Uniform, Rangefinders, Comm Bead, Loyalty Stick Requisition: Chimera (requires Pilot 6+ ranks), Vox Caster, Hell Pistol, Plasma Pistol

Rogue Psyker: Yeah, I could become Emperor food. Or, you know, I could make it big on my own.

Sometimes, the Psyker just goes off the edge a bit. It's not even a decision on their part all the time. Often they can still be quite pleasant (or at least as pleasant as psykers get), it's just that they no longer have Permission to be Alive if anyone notices. Hit Die: d8 Skill Points: 6+Int Base Attack Bonus: Poor Good Saving Throws: Fortitude and Reflex

Level: 1 2 3

Special: Wanted, Forbidden Lore, Tainted Soul Empowered Psykic Activity Claimed, Summon Beast

Wanted (Ex): the Rogue Psyker is a wanted man, should anyone find out. If any suspicion arises, then occasional Inquisition agents may be sent to investigate/kill him. Also, the forces of Chaos might take an interest in him and send things. Really it just provides an excuse for fights to happen. Forbidden Lore (Su): the Rogue Psyker knows things that no man should know, and gains Basic access to a single Fiendish Sphere along with a Mental or Physical Trait. He also gains a bonus on Knowledge: the Planes checks equal to his Hit Dice. Tainted Soul (Ex): the Rogue Psyker's soul has become tainted tainted and warped. He radiates Chaos just like a Chaotic Cleric, and may take Fiendish and Necromantic feats, though each one still requires a Mental (Necromantic) or Physical (Fiendish) Trait be taken. Empowered Psykic Activity (Su): at second level, the Rogue Psyker gets better at being a psyker. Depending on his Path chosen as a Sanctioned Psyker, he gains another power usable at will: Telepathy: Cone of Darkness Telekinesis: Vortex of Teeth Biomancy: Amorphous Form Pyromancy: Firebrand Claimed (Su): at third level, the Rogue Psyker is officially claimed by some force or other. The player may choose, but the character gets no say in the matter. Tzeench: the Rogue Psyker may constantly Alter Self at will, and can cast Orb of Fire once per minute as a Spell-like Ability Slaanesh: the Rogue Psyker constantly benefits from a Sadism and Masochism effect, and can cast Mass Confusion once per minute as a Spell-like Ability Nurgle: the Rogue Psyker is immune to Disease (but still carries any he is exposed to), and can cast Contagion once per minute as a Spell-like Ability The Star Child: the Rogue Psyker no longer radiates an aura and loses all Physical and Mental Traits, and instead benefits from a constant Protection From Chaos effect. He may also cast Banishment once per minute as a Spell-like Ability. The Warp itself: the Rogue Psyker can cast Dimension Door as a Spell-like Ability once per minute, and has a constant entropic aura granting Protection From Arrows The Tyranid Hive Mind: the Rogue Psyker gains Telepathy with Tyranids and is not automatically treated as an enemy/food source to them. He also gains a [Malignant] feat and may take future [Malignant] feats if he somehow gains more levels. Summon Beast (Sp): a third-level Rogue Psyker can cast Summon Monster IV once per day, with a casting time of one Standard action. Equipment: Chainsword, Purity Seals, Mercy Tablet Dark Gifts: Mind-affecting drugs (Book of Vile Body Piercings), Witch Blade Level 3: Familiar (Imp, Nurgling, Ripper, Quasit or Fleshbound Familiar) (Dark Gifts are like Requisitions, except you don't go to a quarter master, they just happen.)

Roguish Scoundrel: Yeah, I shot first. But if I hadn't he would have, and look who's standing now.

Everyone seems to love a rule breaker. Sure, they won't get far up the chain of command, but that doesn't really matter the rogue has that winning personality that means there are always friends nearby. Not to mention, the tricks picked up in such a life usually pay off many times over. Win if you can, lose if you must, but always cheat. Hit Die: d6 Skill Points: 8+Int Base Attack Bonus: Good Good Saving Throws: Fortitude, Reflex and Willpower

Level: 1 2 3

Special: Lovable Rogue, Nimble Feet, Rapid Reload, Shoot First Know-It-All, Master of Terrain, Things a Guy in a Pub Said Sneak Attack +1d6, Hamstring Attack, Rapid Hide

Lovable Rogue (Ex): people are always drawn to these sorts, so the Roguish Scoundrel enjoys a +4 bonus on Diplomacy, Bluff and Gather Information checks. Additionally, she may take one of the following as a Bonus Feat: Con Artist, Friendly Imperial, Many Faces, Persuasive Nimble Feet (Ex): as an Immediate action, the Roguish Scoundrel may make a 5' step to avoid an attack. If this takes her out of the range/area then the attack misses, and the foe loses their Dexterity bonus to Armour Class for one round. Rapid Reload (Ex): the Roguish Scoundrel can reload Firearms as a Free action. Shoot First (Ex): the Roguish Scoundrel is incredibly quick on the trigger. In the first round of combat, she automatically acts first, though reverts back to regular Initiative in following rounds. Know-It-All (Ex): the second-level Roguish Scoundrel has picked up all sorts of bullshit over the years, and knows a little bit of anything. Any time a Knowledge check is required, she may use her Hit Dice plus Intelligence modifier instead, and counts as being trained in the skill. Master of Terrain (Ex): at level two, the Roguish Scoundrel is constantly alert for advantages in the terrain. With a Move-Equivalent action, she may glance about and find the best use, making a Knowledge: Nature or Geography check if outdoors, or Dungeoneering or Architecture if indoors. Know-It-All may of course be substituted in for this. If she reaches a DC of 15, she gains a +2 Circumstance bonus to Armour Class and Reflex Saves until she next moves. If she reaches DC 20 the bonus increases to +3, and at DC 25 it becomes +5. Things a Guy in a Pub Said (Ex): starting at second level, any time the Roguish Scoundrel meets someone the MC cared enough about to name, she may make an immediate Gather Information check, representing hearing rumours and tales around the place, to learn about the person. DC 15 should be enough to get vague information on who they are, with increments of five giving more useful information. A bonus of up to +10 can apply for famous people, and a penalty of up to -10 can apply for nobodies. Sneak Attack (Ex): at third level, the Roguish Scoundrel's Sneak Attack improves by +1d6. Hamstring Attack (Ex): starting at level three, whenever making a Sneak Attack, the Roguish Scoundrel may deal 1d6 less damage, but hamstring the foe, Staggering them for one round, and halving their move speed until they receive any amount of healing. Rapid Hide (Ex): whenever a foe fails to hit a third-level Roguish Scoundrel in combat (including through miss chance, Evasion or Nimble Feet), she may make a Hide check as a Free action to suddenly vanish from sight. Equipment: Flak Armour, Chameleoline, Grav-Chute, Auspex, Amasec, Someone Else's Wallet Requisition: Plasma Pistol, Masterwork Hell Pistol, Comm Bead, Medikit, Power Weapon, Melta Bombs, Chimera (6+ ranks in Diplomacy and Pilot required), Choke Grenades, Ripper Pistol Level 3: Valkyrie or Vulture (9+ ranks in Diplomacy and Pilot required)

Shock Pilot: Land it on a Land Raider? Please, I could land this on a Land Speeder.

There are pilots, and there are pilots. Shock Pilots don't just get vehicles from Point A to Point B, no. They are specialists who pilot and maintain battle tanks or fighter jets, manning the weapon systems as well and keeping their vehicles going even in the thickest of battles. When it looks like the explosion engulfed everything, yet the vehicle flies out of it practically unscathed? That is a Shock Pilot at work. Hit Die: d8 Skill Points: 8+Int Base Attack Bonus: Good Good Saving Throws: Fortitude and Willpower

Level: 1 2 3

Special: Combat Driving, Turbo Boost, Mastery of Piloting Rapid Repairs, Combat School, Communications Expert, Swerve Flight of the Valkyries, Artillery Bombardment, Deep Strike (Heavy Strike)

Proficiencies: Heavy Firearms

Combat Driving (Ex): the Shock Pilot is an expert at driving in combat it's actually her job. Her vehicle does not provoke Attacks of Opportunity for moving, and may treat its Armour Class against any attacks as 10 + her Pilot bonus if this would be better than its own. Finally, she can pilot vehicles on her own including handling all the weapons. Turbo Boost (Ex): every round as a Swift action, the Shock Pilot may make a Pilot check. The result, rounded down to an increment of 5, is added to the base Speed for one round. Mastery of Piloting (Ex): the Shock Pilot is superb at driving. She gains a +8 bonus on Pilot checks with all vehicles she is familiar with (a day of driving is enough), takes no penalty on checks she is unfamiliar with, and may always take 10 on Pilot checks, even when threatened. Rapid Repairs (Ex): starting at second level, the Shock Pilot halves the time it takes for her to make any repairs on a vehicle. Combat School: the second-level Shock Pilot gains Combat School as a bonus feat. This applies to all Firearms that are vehicle-mounted, but not weapons fired from inside vehicles or pintle-mounted ones. Communications Expert (Ex): the communication skills of the Shock Pilot might not be amazing, but her ability to utilise equipment is. At second level, her radio/laser communication devices extend their range by an extra 50%, and all checks made over them gain a +4 bonus. Swerve (Ex): as an Immediate action, the second-level Shock Pilot may make a Pilot check (with a DC equal to the damage dealt) to negate a hit against a vehicle she is piloting. Flight of the Valkyries (Su): at third level, the Shock Pilot can exhort her allies just by driving nearby. All allies within 100 feet of her moving vehicle gain a Greater Heroism effect. Artillery Bombardment (Ex): once per day, the third-level Shock Pilot may call upon her allies for an artillery barrage, requiring comms equipment and a Move-Equivalent action. 1D4 rounds later, 4 Basilisks or 1 Manticore or Deathstrike unleashes a payload at the targeted area. Deep Strike (Ex): at level three, the Shock Pilot gains another Deep Strike ability: all Deep Strike abilities apply to vehicles she pilots. Equipment: Repair Kit, Vox Caster, Chimera or Valkyrie or Hell Hound or Sentinel Requisition: Vendetta or Vulture or Devil Dog or Bane Wolf Level 3: Lightning or Leman Russ (any variant)

Sniper: Come on, stand still... gotcha.

Not every problem can be solved in a close enough distance to fit them in a closet, and sometimes it's best not to spray hundreds of bullets around. If you need finesse, then look no further than the sniper, who can take opponents out from great distances without even being spotted until it's too late. Hit Die: d6 Skill Points: 8+Int Base Attack Bonus: Good Good Saving Throws: Fortitude, Reflex and Willpower

Level: 1 2 3

Special: Marksman, Mark the Target, Blend Into the Shadows Double-Tap, Snipe on the Move, Spotter Perfect Shot, Hair Trigger, Silent Killer, Sweet Spot

Proficiencies: Needle Rifle, Autocannon, Hell Rifle and Lascannon

Marksman (Ex): the Sniper is so skilled with long range shooting that he doubles the range increments of all Rapid Fire and Heavy Firearms used when he doesn't move. Mark the Target (Ex): as a Move-Equivalent action, a Sniper may mark a target. Until the beginning of his next turn, all shots he makes against the marked target deal an additional 1d6 damage per class level. Blend Into the Shadows (Ex): the Sniper has to be good at hiding. As such, he gains Skill Mastery with the Hide skill, and a +4 bonus to all Hide checks. Double-Tap (Ex): when using a Standard action to shoot a marked foe, the second-level Sniper may make two shots at his highest bonus, instead of just one. Snipe on the Move (Ex): starting at second level, the Sniper can use a Standard action to move at half speed and still make a single ranged attack against a marked foe, though not with a Heavy weapon. Spotter (Ex): you can't shoot what you can't see. At second level, the Sniper gains Skill Mastery with the Spot skill, and a +4 bonus to all Spot checks. Perfect Shot (Ex): at third level, the Sniper can make killing shots almost perfectly. With a Full Round action, he may focus and concentrate on one target. On his next turn, the target is marked, and any shooting attacks he makes against the target that hit become automatic critical hits. Hair Trigger (Ex): at third level, the Sniper can shoot at a moment's notice. He can take Attacks of Opportunity with firearms, threatening an area out to the first range increment except for a 20' radius safety bubble around him. Silent Killer (Ex): Snipers have to be quiet if they want to get far. At level three, he gains a +4 bonus to Move Silently checks, and Skill Mastery with the Move Silently skill. Sweet Spot (Ex): whenever the third-level Sniper shoots a marked foe, blood splatters, Blinding the foe and all adjacent foes who fail a Reflex Save (Intelligence-based), for one round. The foe is automatically Blinded for the round, but must make the save: if failed, they drop what they are holding. Equipment: Masterwork Needle Rifle with Scope, Chameleoline, Comm Bead, Signal Flares Requisition: Widower, Condemnor, Hell Rifle, Blind Grenades Level 3: Autocannon, Lascannon

Assault Tier Appendix for Mister Cavern: The standard (and assumed) way that Assault Tier begins is for a small fleet to crash-land on this strange new world. This leaves the group stranded, with little in the way of back-up until appropriate, and with supplies at the main base, but not a convenient supply of tanks. Here are some possible plot ideas, in case you are at a loss: Infiltrate the quaint archaic towns and so-called cities and convince them the Emperor is the one true God show them the marvels of modern medicine, kill the bandits and orks with ease! Attempt to purge the Mage Guild Witches practicing in open! - by slaying the adepts and burning the books, before having a fight with their low level arch mage. Get into religious arguments with the local clerics, learn that their strange gods exist and will throw bricks through your windows. Deal with traitors who decide they like this old way better or watch as the PCs BECOME the traitors! Having killed the local witches, they discover the furniture is all animated and out to kill them what will they ever do in the face of a table? When the moon is full, dead rise from their graves, and you cannot kill that which does not truly live... but you can blow it into chunks, or set it on fire. Upon being introduced to Hound Archons (Daemons or Mutants, clearly!) and Lantern Archons (Daemons? Or Psychic phenomena?), they realise this land is a hell-hole. Assassin Vines and Shambling Mounds? The horror! Really, it's just like the Death Worlds, simply burn the whole forest down (and get into a war with the elves) The experienced team, when they reach the end of the swamp full of creepy things, discovers... a black dragon! It's small enough to stuff into a boot, though. Having found a stash of useful magic items, the players realise a good Imperial citizen would turn them in for examination and destruction. Whatever shall they do? Dinosaurs, you say? With just a little armour plating and some lascannons, these could be made into weapons of war... DINORIDERS! What is that naked maiden doing in the forest? Wait, she's an eldar! No, hang on, she's made of wood it seems. Luckily, fire is my specialty... These giant ants and things look a lot like tyranids. Best stay on the safe side and exterminate them to the very last. When an ally gets infected with lycanthropy, do you try to find a cure, or administer The Emperor's Mercy? Oh look at this, someone left an Autocannon lying aro- hey, let go of my arm, foul beast! Some very impressive horses, giant and black, with manes that waver like fire, seem to just WANT to be rode into battle! Well, if they insist... Rust Monsters are heading towards the comms tower! It's the only chance of ever being found! They must be stopped at all costs! Allies (and rescue?) should be landing soon, better exterminate the locals to put on a good show and clear the skies of harpies and djinn.

On a final note, you might really really want to extend past sixth level. This is not recommended, however if you must, then there are options for this: Possibly, just allow characters to multiclass (or take multiple prestige classes). This won't work perfectly, but it should be acceptable for a few levels. Handing out additional equipment should go a long way to helping as well. Secondly, it is possible that they can just take regular classes and prestige classes: many would be fine picking up some levels of Rogue, Thief-Acrobat, Knight or Barbarian, and a Rogue Psyker could enter Conduit of the Lower Planes or something similar. Third, there is the option to add templates to them and do other weird shit to the characters one becomes a vampire, another a lycanthrope, one gets kidnapped and experimented on by the illithid, gaining strange biomorphs and enhanced ability scores... Finally, at the end of this book there will be the Acolyte, Bionic Commando, Lord Commissar, Psychic Abomination, Supreme Psyker and Tech Priest options just for this, and other players could potentially reveal Aha! Now you see I was a Death Cultist all along! and change their character to an Assassin or get recruited into the Adepta Sororitas/Space Marines (requiring downtime for training and indoctrination/training and gene therapy).

Siege-Tier Gameplay

In Siege Tier, the characters are not regular, mundane humans. They are either the completely inhuman Space Marines, the Faith-powered Adepta Sororitas, or the supernaturally skilled and equipped Imperial Assassins. Siege Tier starts at level 7 (6 basic hit dice, a starting point, and the first level of a class) and ends at level 15 (four levels of a base class, and five levels of a prestige class). Such characters have more abilities, better equipment, and more options available in how they treat those around them. At this level of play, fighting orc armies is doable, however if you want to just fight orc armies, I hear there is a game for that, and it's called Warhammer.

Character Archetypes: Each character has an Archetype, which determines the classes available. This represents the basic category of character, or what Codex they are from. This can also be thought of as the character's race. Adepta Sororitas: What we do, we do in the Emperor's name, may He be blessed. The Adepta Sororitas, the Sisters of Battle, are all humans completely human, yet so much more. They are raised in the Schola Progenum, nearly all orphans, and are raised and trained to be loyal and devout. This can produce some of the kindest and most caring individuals who carry a deep love for humanity and a desire to protect humans, but it can also produce fierce, cold-hearted warriors who scowl at the imperfections around them and who would burn a planet to the ground if any sign of Chaos is present. As Humans, the Adepta Sororitas gain the additional Skill Points and the Background choice. Starting Hit Points: 5d8 + 8 + 6*Constitution modifier (a d8 hit die) Starting Skill Points: (5+Intelligence modifier)*9 Base Attack Bonus: +6/+1 Base Saving Throws: Fortitude +5 Reflex +5 Willpower +5 Proficiencies: Light and Medium Armour, Simple and Martial Weapons, Pistol and Rapid Fire Firearms Special Features: Impenetrable Faith (Su): the Adepta Sororitas character may add her Charisma bonus as a Resistance bonus on Saving Throws against [Psychic] effects Vigilant Aura (Su): the Adepta Sororitas character has a permanent Magic Circle Against Chaos effect active Spell Resistance (Ex): the Adepta Sororitas character gains Spell Resistance (level+10) Stubborn (Ex): the Adepta Sororitas character never takes a penalty to Will Saves Faith Powers (Su): Faith Powers are special, and cease to work if the Battle Sister contains self-doubt or wavers in her faith (suffers from a [Fear] effect). Additionally, whenever below 25% of her maximum HP, she may add +5 to a single numerical component of any Faith Power, except for uses available (for instance: duration, damage, HP healed, bonus granted, Turning checks). All Adepta Sororitas have the following Faith Powers available: Smite Chaos: a number of times per day equal to her Charisma bonus (minimum 1), the Adepta Sororitas character may add her Wisdom bonus (minimum +1) to hit and her ranks in Knowledge: Religion to damage for a single attack. Turn Daemons: once per day, the Adepta Sororitas character may turn [Chaotic, Evil] Outsiders as a Cleric of her level can Turn Undead. Faith Healing: once per hour, the Adepta Sororitas may cast Cure Moderate Wounds Classes Available: Celestian, Seraphim, Sister Non-Militant, Sister Repentia, Sister Superior Note: Sisters of Battle cannot take [Psychic] feats

Adeptus Astartes Brothers! Spess Mehrins! Today we do battle for the Emprah! The Adeptus Astartes, better known as the mighty Space Marines, are nigh-invincible superhuman warriors, created especially for combat. They live for hundreds of years, usually have little purpose other than warfare, and are a great inspirational force their very presence makes Imperial Guard feel that they have a chance. Medium Monstrous Humanoid [Human] Hit Dice: 5d12 + 12 + 6*Constitution modifier (a d12 hit die) Skill Points: (2+Intelligence modifier)*9 Base Attack Bonus: +6/+1 Base Saving Throws: Fortitude +5 Reflex +2 Willpower +5 Ability Scores: +4 Strength, +2 Constitution Movement Speed: 30' Proficiencies: Light and Medium Armour, Simple and Martial Weapons, Pistol and Rapid Fire Firearms Special Features: Low Light Vision Resist Fire, Electricity and Cold 10 Fast Healing 3 +2 Natural Armour Powerful Build Combat Lore (Ex): with a Swift action, a Space Marine may try to identify a foe in combat with the relevant Knowledge check. If this succeeds, he gains a +4 bonus on Saving Throws against its abilities, and a +4 bonus to Grapple and Trip the foe. They Shall Know No Fear (Ex): if the Space Marine is suffering from a [Fear] effect at the end of his turn, the effect ends. Acid Spit: with a Standard action, the Space Marine can spit acid as a Ranged Touch Attack out to 10 feet away, dealing 3d4 Acid damage, plus his Constitution modifier. Chapters: the Space Marine's first-level feat may be Chapter Tactics. See the Feats section. Classes Available: Assault Marine, Knight of the Flame, Scout Sergeant, Tactical Sergeant Note: Space Marines cannot take the Psychic Blank feat

Officio Assassinorum Operative Death is my gift. Today I shall be giving many presents. The Imperial Assassins all graduated from the Officio Assassinorum the only two possibilities are graduation and death, so those who make it to the field of battle have a lot to be proud of. They are experts at picking their foes and making their attacks count, not wasting effort or ammunition on overkill and using precisely as much force as is needed. As Humans, Assassins gain a Background and the bonus Skill Points. They also begin with six levels of Death Cultist: Starting Hit Dice: 5d8 + 8 + 6*Constitution modifier Starting Skill Points: (7+Intelligence modifier)*9 Base Attack Bonus: +6/+1 Base Saving Throws: Fortitude +2 Reflex +5 Willpower +5 Proficiencies: Light Armour, Simple and Martial Weapons, one Exotic Weapon, Pistol and Assault Firearms Special Features: Sneak Attack +3d6 (Ex) Hide in Plain Sight (Ex) Skill Mastery (Ex) for a number of skills equal to their Intelligence modifier (minimum 1) Uncanny Dodge (Ex) Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex) Evasion (Ex) Poison Use (Ex) Canny Dodge (Ex): the Death Cultist may add their Intelligence bonus as a Dodge bonus to their Armour Class Classes Available: Callidus Assassin, Culexus Assassin, Eversor Assassin, Mechanicus Assassin, Vindicare Assassin

Classes Assault Marine CHAAAAARGE!

Space Marines are always about striking quickly in a precision assault and getting the job done quickly. As such, they value the Assault Marines for their ability to swoop down on jump packs and fly quickly into close combat. In most Chapters, the Assault Marines are numerous, but none more so than in the Blood Angels. Hit Die: d10 Skill Points: 4+Int Base Attack Bonus: Good Good Saving Throws: Reflex and Will Level 1 2 3 4 Special Leap Attack, Pistolier, Rage +2d6 Intimidating Charge, In Your Face, Rage +3d6 Deep Strike (Glide, Charging Disembark), Pounce, Rage +4d6 Evasion, Uncanny Dodge, Rending Slice, Rage +5d6

Leap Attack (Ex): when charging, the Assault Marine may attempt a DC 15 Jump check. If he passes the check, his Power Attack ratio is doubled, but if he fails the check, he lands prone and cannot attack. Pistolier (Ex): as part of a charge, the Assault Marine may elect to make a single attack with a Pistol just one shot although the target must be the target of the charge. Rage (Ex): when doing melee damage to a foe or being struck by a foe, the Assault Marine may choose to enter a Rage as an Immediate action. While Raging, he gains a +2 morale bonus to hit and damage in melee combat and may apply any Rage Dice he has to his melee damage rolls. He also gains a +2 to saves, a -2 to AC, and he gains DR X/- with X being equal to half his Assault Marine level, +2 (rounded down). While Raging, an Assault Marine may not cast spells, activate magic items, use spell-like abilities, or drop his weapons or shield. Rage lasts until he has neither struck an enemy for three consecutive rounds nor suffered damage from an enemy for three consecutive rounds. He may voluntarily end a Rage as a full-round action. He starts with +2d6 Rage dice, which are not multiplied by Critical Hits and apply only to attacks granted by BAB, not bonus attacks from other sources. Every level thereafter, he gains an additional Rage die. Intimidating Charge (Ex): starting at second level, a Charging Assault Marine generates an Aura of Fear out to 15 feet. Those in the area who fail a Will Save (Charisma-based) are Shaken until they lose line of sight to him. This can stack to Frightened, then Panicked, as normal. If he has at least 10 ranks in Intimidate, the Save DC is improved by 2. In Your Face (Ex): on any given turn, if someone is in a square the second-level Assault Marine threatens, and attacks anyone other than the Assault Marine, they provoke an Attack of Opportunity from him. Deep Strike (Ex): at third level, the Assault Marine gains new Deep Strike abilities. These generally only apply in the first round of combat, and never work when Fatigued or Exhausted. Glide: when using Grav-Chutes, the Assault Marine can Glide, moving up to 20 feet across for every 10 feet fallen. Charging Disembark: leaving a vehicle is a Free action for the Assault Marine, so he may charge when climbing out. Doing so denies the foe their Dexterity bonus to AC. Pounce (Ex): starting at level three, the Assault Marine may make a Full Attack at the end of a charge. Evasion (Ex): a fourth-level Assault Marine who passes a Reflex Save for Reflex Half or Reflex Partial effects instead suffers no damage or effect. Uncanny Dodge (Ex): a level four Assault Marine is never denied his Dexterity bonus to Armour Class. Rending Slice (Ex): at level four, the Assault Marine may ignore Damage Reduction and Regeneration in melee combat. Against foes who lack both of these defences, he simply deals 2d6 additional damage.

Equipment: Jump Pack, Power Armour, Chainsword, Bolt Pistol, Frag Grenades Requisition: Plasma Pistol, Power Sword, two Lightning Claws Special: a Blood Angels Assault Marine may requisition a Hand Flamer or, if level 3 or higher, an Inferno Pistol Level 4: Power Fist Prestige Classes: Assault Terminator, Chaplain, Honour Guard Blood Angels Prestige Classes: Death Company, Sanguinary Priest (in addition to the above)

Callidus Assassin A word in your ear, general...

Of all the assassins, the Callidus can considered be the stealthiest the one who is there in your ranks the whole time. Trained in the use of the drug Polymorphine, as well as with close combat fighting techniques, tactics and how to earn the trust of others, they work their way into the enemy forces and undo them from within. Hit Die: d8 Skill Points: 8+Int Base Attack Bonus: Medium Good Saving Throws: Fortitude and Reflex Level 1 2 3 4 Special Hidden Blades, Leap Back, Amorphous Organs Trickery, Double-Cut, Wide Spray, Sneak Attack +1d6 Strangle, Amorphous Weapons, Suggestion Seize the Initiative, Charm Monster, Sneak Attack +2d6

Hidden Blades (Ex): the Callidus Assassin always carries hidden weapons. She may hide Light weapons on her body in such a way that only a thorough physical search can find them, even then requiring an opposed Sleight of Hand. In a grapple, she may use a single hidden weapon without even drawing or wielding it, and doing so denies the foe their Dexterity bonus to Armour Class. Leap Back (Ex): as an Immediate action, the Callidus Assassin may leap 10 feet in any direction. If this takes her out of an Area of Effect or threatened area, the attack automatically fails against her. Amorphous Organs (Ex): the Callidus Assassin has used polymorphine so much that her internal organs are not as easily reached. She gains 25% immunity to Critical Hits. When actually under the effects of Polymorphine, this increases to 75%. Trickery (Ex): at second level, the Callidus Assassin gains a single [Skill] feat as a Bonus Feat. Double-Cut (Ex): the second-level Callidus Assassin is quick to attack with her blade. When attacking as a Standard action, and at the end of a charge, she may make two attacks with a melee weapon, both at her highest attack bonus. Wide Spray (Ex): the Callidus Assassin can quickly adjust the nozzle on flamer-style weapons at level two. When firing a Hand Flamer, Flamethrower, Heavy Flamer, Incinerator or Neural Shredder, she may widen the arc, doubling the width (but not the length) of the cone. Sneak Attack (Ex): at levels two and four, the Callidus Assassin's Sneak Attack damage improves by +1d6. Strangle (Ex): starting at third level, the Callidus Assassin is good at quickly choking foes out. Whenever a foe is denied their Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class, or is Flanked by the Callidus Assassin, she gains a +4 bonus on Grapple checks and gains a Constrict attack of 2d4 plus her Strength modifier plus her Sneak Attack dice. At the end of every round of being choked, the foe must make a Fortitude Save (Strength-based) or fall unconscious. Amorphous Weapons (Ex): when affected by Polymorphine, the third-level Callidus Assassin may grow natural weapons, one per Standard action. She may have a number up to her Constitution bonus (minimum 1) at any given time. When the drug wears off, the natural weapons go away. Suggestion (Ex): people usually do what a Callidus Assassin tells them to it starts with them following her advice and viewing her as a trusted ally or friend, and then they just listen to her all the time. Any time the level 3 Callidus Assassin has spent at least a day in someone's company, she may cast Suggestion on them as an Extraordinary ability at will. The Save DC is Charisma-based. Seize the Initiative (Ex): whenever combat begins, the fourth-level Callidus Assassin may declare that she is seizing the initiative. If she does this, then she gets one of the following benefits, selected before Initiative is rolled: She acts first, even if it is a surprise round that she normally would not be able to act in In the first round, she gains the benefit of Pounce and the Leap Attack feat She may move at double her move speed in the first round, her movement not provoking Charm Monster (Su): at fourth level, the Callidus Assassin is good at making friends, thanks to her interpersonal skills and shape changing skills. She may cast Charm Monster at will (Charismabased), but may only have one creature Charmed at any one time. A Charmed creature suffers a -4 penalty on their Saving throw against her Suggestion ability.

Equipment: Synth-Skin, C'tan Phase Sword, Power Weapon, Neural Shredder, 3 doses of Polymorphine, multiple Masterwork Light weapons, several uniforms and fake ID Requisition: Melta Bombs, C'tan Phase Scythe, Hand Flamer, Poisons, equipment suitable for who she is impersonating Level 3: Incinerator, Rad Grenades Prestige Classes: Callidus Death Master, Callidus Executioner, Ordo Sicarius Inquisitor

Celestian The difference between valiant guerilla warfare against impossible odds and cowardly cheating terrorist acts... is the aquila adorning our armour.

The Sisters of Battle, just like anyone else, have their elites. They needn't specialise in heavy weapons or anti-tank tactics or jump packs. Sometimes they can just be better at shooting and fighting, and good at guarding their superiors. These are the Celestians. Hit Die: d10 Skill Points: 4+Int Base Attack Bonus: Good Good Saving Throws: Reflex and Willpower Level 1 2 3 4 Special Holy Hatred, Celestian Skills Guerilla Warfare, Combat School Hated Foe, Celestian Skills Faith (Battle Fury), Boundless Faith

Proficiencies: Heavy Armour

Holy Hatred (Ex): the Celestians have a special hatred for their enemies that only truly hateful species like humans can muster. Once per turn, the Celestian may declare a single successful hit to benefit from Holy Hatred. It deals an additional 1d6 damage per 3 Hit Dice (round up), and any 6 rolled on these extra dice awards a bonus d6. If that rolls a further six, keep rolling and adding until you do not get a six. Celestian Skills (Ex): at levels one and three, the Celestian develops special skills related to her battlefield experience. Each time she gains two abilities, one selected from each of the following lists: Veteran Skills: Battlefield Surgeon (Bonus Feat) Ghost Step (Bonus Feat) Deft Fingers (Bonus Feat) Dreadful Demeanour (Bonus Feat) Slippery Contortionist (Bonus Feat) Stealthy (Bonus Feat) War Stories (all allies within Line of Sight of the Celestian benefit from her Hated Enemy ability) Evasive: gain Improved Evasion. If Improved Evasion is gained, this becomes Perfect Evasion: she is immune to any ability that allows a Reflex Save for a partial effect Mine Sweeper: gain Trapfinding, and Tremorsense out to 30 feet Twist the Blade: all Melee Piercing or Slashing weapons used by the Celestian deal +2d4 damage Dirty Fighting: any attacks made by the Celestian in a grapple that hit become Critical Hits Sororitas Skills: Combat Interruption: the Celestian may spend an Immediate action making a Touch Attack against an adjacent foe. If it hits, the foe's action is cancelled. Discern Weakness: the Celestian gains +3d6 Sneak Attack. If she has at least 11 Hit Dice she may take this ability a second time, and it stacks. Helpful Push: be spending an Attack of Opportunity, the Celestian may shove a willing adjacent ally 5-10 feet in any direction (which may move the ally out of range or an area of effect), and grant them a +4 Dodge bonus to Armour Class and Reflex Saves until their next turn. Magic Fingers: the Celestian gains the Quick-Draw ability, may re-roll any failed Disable Device checks, and can swap ammunition types as a Free action. Also, for reasons unknown, she gains a +2 bonus to all Charisma-related skill checks when dealing with Battle Sisters. Redirection: if an adjacent foe misses when making an attack (against anyone), the Celestian may elect to swap places with the foe and, at the cost of an Attack of Opportunity, make a free Trip attempt against them. Always Prepared: the Celestian may Ready an action as a Move-Equivalent action. Improved Cover: the Celestian treats any cover she is in as one step better, and enemy cover as one step worse. Smackdown: whenever the Celestian deals, after Damage Reduction, at least 10 damage on a melee attack, she may elect to make a free Trip attempt against the damaged foe. Guerilla Warfare (Ex): at second level, the Celestian becomes a master of rugged terrain and hindering enemies. She is unhindered by Difficult Terrain, and may make an additional 5' step every round that she is in Difficult Terrain. Additionally, any foe she successfully damages with a weapon is unable to make 5' steps on their next turn.

Hated Foe (Ex): at third level, the Celestian may select a single Type or Subtype of enemy, similar to the Ranger's Favoured Enemy. She gains a +6 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot and Survival checks when using these skills against creatures of this type, as well as a +6 bonus on weapon damage rolls against them. This counts as Favoured Enemy for the purpose of meeting requirements for feats. Faith (Battle Fury) (Su): at level four, the Celestian gains a new Faith power. Once per day, she may activate a Divine Power effect for one minute. Additionally, once per minute she may activate a special aura for four rounds as a Move-Equivalent action. When this aura is active, she is immune to Fire damage, and is in fact healed by an amount equal to the damage that would otherwise be dealt (before Damage Reduction/Energy Resistance). At the start of this activation, and every turn with a Swift action, she unleashes a 10' radius burst that deals 1d6 Fire damage per 3 Hit Dice (round up), with a Reflex Save (Charisma-based) for half. She is of course healed by this. Boundless Faith (Ex): the fourth-level Celestian has almost limitless faith. She may use her Turn ability an additional number of times per day equal to her Charisma modifier (minimum +1), may Smite Chaos once per round, and can perform Faith Healing a number of times per hour equal to her Charisma modifier (minimum 1). Every time she actively uses a Faith power, all adjacent allies gain a Virtue effect. Equipment: Power Armour, Fine Robes, Boltgun with Sarissa, Bolt Pistol, Frag and Krak Grenades, Rule of the Sororitas, Daily Prayers, Ring of Suffrage, Scoriada Requisition: Chainsword, another Bolt Pistol, special ammunition, Flamer, Rhino (6+ ranks of Pilot required), Blind Grenades Level 3: Heavy Flamer, Melta, Repressor with Pilot and Gunner (10+ ranks of Diplomacy required) Prestige Classes: Celestian Blade, Celestian Arrow, Celestian Superior, Pegasus Knight

Culexus Assassin The greatest danger is that which you cannot see...

Temple Culexus exists for the sole purpose of destroying powerful psykers. Possessing the Pariah gene, they are rare individuals who are invisible to psychic senses, and who cause horror and pain to those around them especially psykers. Their very presence is unnerving, but when they utilise their powers, that is true terror. Hit Die: d8 Skill Points: 6+Int Base Attack Bonus: Good Good Saving Throws: Reflex and Willpower Level 1 2 3 4 Special Aura of Fear, Pariah, Gaze of Terror Psychic Null, Soul Stealer, Grenadier Aura of Terror, Soul Drinker Soulless, Fear Eater, Fire in the Hole

Aura of Fear (Su): the Culexus Assassin constantly generates a 30 foot radius Aura of Fear. Anyone who enters this area must pass a Will Save (Charisma-based) or be Shaken until a minute after they leave the area of effect. If they pass the save, they become immune to it for 24 hours. This is a [Fear] effect. Pariah (Ex): the Culexus Assassin has the Pariah gene, and thus can never take a [Psychic] feat. However he gains Spell Resistance of his Hit Dice + 11, and outright Immunity to Spells of level 3 or lower. The Spell Resistance also applies to any [Psychic] effect. Spellcasters within 30 feet may not Cast Defensively. Gaze of Terror (Su): with a Standard action, the Culexus Assassin may glare at a foe within Medium range, forcing them to make a Will Save (Charisma-based) or be Frightened for one hour. On the following round, if the save is failed, they must save again or Cower for one hour instead. If this save is failed then on the round after they must pass a final Will Save or be rendered Comatose for 1d4 rounds instead. This is a [Fear] effect. Psychic Null (Ex): by second level, the Culexus Assassin is almost immune to otherworldly forces. He becomes Immune to all spells of level 6 or lower, as well as [Mind Affecting] effects. Additionally, no [Psychic] means can detect him and he is completely imperceptible to Ethereal creatures, and immune to the effects generated by Ethereal creatures. Any attempt to detect him with a [Psychic] effect or use a [Mind Affecting] effect on him forces the caster to make a Concentration check, opposed by his Intimidate check, or be rendered Helpless with pain for 1d4 hours (a [Pain] effect). Soul Stealer (Su): starting at second level, the Culexus Assassin can pull the soul from someone's body with but a touch. With a melee touch attack made as a Standard action, he may bestow 2 negative levels on a foe, that are restored in 12 hours. If the foe is [Psychic], they also suffer 1d4 Charisma damage. Grenadier (Ex): a second-level Culexus Assassin may throw a grenade as a Swift action. Aura of Terror (Su): at third level, the aura of the Culexus Assassin improves, reaching out to 50 feet, and those who fail the save Panic until a minute after they lose line of sight to him. This is a [Fear] effect. Soul Drinker (Ex): the third-level Culexus Assassin regains 10 Hit Points for every negative level bestowed, and every point of Charisma damage inflicted. Soulless (Ex): by level four, the Culexus Assassin no longer possesses a soul, not really. He is immune to any spell that allows Spell Resistance, and to all [Psychic] effects. Anyone within 30 feet who even attempts to use a [Psychic] effect must make a Concentration check (DC 10 + Hit Dice + Charisma modifier) in order to do so, and gains an additional Warp point whether the check is passed or not. Fear Eater (Ex): starting at level four, as long as anyone is suffering from one of his [Fear] effects, the Culexus Assassin benefits from a Greater Heroism effect. Fire in the Hole (Ex): at fourth level, the Culexus Assassin is a master at throwing grenades. He may throw them twice as far, and may bounce them to change directions with perfect accuracy.

Equipment: Synth-skin, Skull Helmet, Psi-Occulum, Psyk-Out Grenades, Frag and Krak Grenades, Power Weapon, Anima Speculum, one dose of Etherium Requisition: Melta Bombs, Choke Grenades, Psychotroke Grenades, Plasma Grenades, more Etherium Level 4: Grenade Launcher, Psycannon, Gas Grenades Prestige Classes: Culexus Death Master, Culexus Executioner, Ordo Sicarius Inquisitor


Eversor Assassins are trained to be the ultimate close combat specialists: they are trained in close combat, given great weapons, and pumped full of combat drugs. Although the chemicals are only at low levels for everyday life, once they are tipped over the edge they fly into a berserk rage, or possibly a combat trance, becoming enthusiastic killing machines. Usually, they require stasis chambers just to sleep, slowing their metabolisms down enough to actually pass out. Hit Die: d10 Skill Points: 4+Int Base Attack Bonus: Good Good Saving Throws: Reflex and Willpower Level 1 2 3 4 Special Rage +3d6, Fast Healing 4, Death Throes (10d6) Rage +4d6, Murderous Pace, Furious Charge Fast Healing 5, Combat King, Chem Factory Rage +5d6, Death Throes (20d6), Killing Spree

Rage (Ex): when doing melee damage to a foe or being struck by a foe, the Eversor Assassin may choose to enter a Rage as an Immediate action. While Raging, he gains a +2 morale bonus to hit and damage in melee combat and may apply any Rage Dice he has to his melee damage rolls. He also gains a +2 to saves, a -2 to AC, and he gains DR X/- with X being equal to half his Eversor Assassin level, +2 (rounded down). While Raging, an Eversor Assassin may not cast spells, activate magic items, use spell-like abilities, or drop his weapons or shield. Rage lasts until he has neither struck an enemy for three consecutive rounds nor suffered damage from an enemy for three consecutive rounds. He may voluntarily end a Rage as a full-round action. He starts with +3d6 Rage dice, which are not multiplied by Critical Hits and apply only to attacks granted by BAB, not bonus attacks from other sources. He gains another Rage Die at levels two and four. Fast Healing (Ex): the Eversor Assassin, thanks to the drugs and genetic augmentation, is quick to recover even from near-lethal injuries. He begins with Fast Healing 4, but it increases to 5 at level 3. Fast Healing does not apply while in a Rage. Death Throes (Ex): the Eversor's body is a deadly cocktail of chemicals, which will explode in the right circumstances. If ever he is reduced to zero Hit Points or lower, he dies. He explodes in a 30 foot radius, everyone in the area suffering 10d6 Fire/Acid damage, with a Reflex Save for half (Con-based, before death). At level four, this increases to 20d6 damage. Murderous Pace (Su): starting at second level, the Eversor Assassin is at his best when closer to death he rapidly brings others to join him. Whenever reduced to 50% Hit Points or less, he gains the benefits of a Haste effect. At 25% or less, he gains a Greater Blur effect. Furious Charge (Ex): whenever a second-level Eversor Assassin charges someone, his Strength is considered 4 points higher and he gains the benefits of the Pounce ability. Combat King (Ex): starting at third level, the Eversor Assassin demonstrates his superior combat skills. By spending a Move-Equivalent action concentrating, he can benefit from any single [Combat] feat for 3 rounds but may only benefit from one such feat at a time. Chem Factory (Ex): at level three, the Eversor Assassin's body optimises his drugs, processing them better. All drugs taken double their duration, and when taken he regains Hit Points equal to 3d8 plus his level. Killing Spree (Su): the level four Eversor Assassin gets better and better at killing people, the more he does kill. Any time he kills a living target who has damaged him recently, he gains a +2 Fridge Bonus to Strength and Dexterity for one minute. Multiple kills not only stack, increasing the total bonus (+4 on the second kill, +6 on the third and so on), they reset the counter.

Equipment: Synth-skin, Skull Helmet, Frag and Krak Grenades, Eversor Pistol, Neuro Gauntlet, Power Weapon, Bio-Harness and Dispenser with 3 doses each of Morphia, Stimm, 'Slaught, 1 dose each of Frenzon and Slam. Requisition: Melta Bombs, Additional drugs, Potions Level 4: Scout Power Armour Prestige Classes: Eversor Death Master, Eversor Executive, Ordo Sicarius Inquisitor

Knight of the Flame The daemons lie near... stand firm, don't let them into your minds.

Although they are indeed Space Marines, the Grey Knights are so much more than Space Marines. Brainwashed to be incorruptible and loyal, they are taught the arts to fighting daemons both in physical combat and by wielding psychic powers, as well as how to resist their lures. And the leaders of their units are the Knights of the Flame. Hit Die: d12 Skill Points: 2+Int Base Attack Bonus: Good Good Saving Throws: Fortitude and Willpower Level 1 2 3 4 Special Psyker, Knightly Pathway Hammerhand, The Aegis, Hated Enemy Psykic Strike, Knightly Power Psychic Choir, Rally, Power Through Hatred

Psyker (Ex): the Knight of the Flame is a Psyker, and thus has the [Psychic] subtype (as do all of his Powers). Knightly Pathway (Ex): by first level, the Knight of the Flame is the leader of a unit. Select which unit type once selected, there is no changing it: Interceptor: begins with a Personal Teleporter (and proficiency with its use), and may make Attacks of Opportunity (even ranged ones) against creatures who Teleport to or from any location within 30 feet. Purifier: begins with an Incinerator (and proficiency with its use), and ignores all Fire Resistance (whether using a weapon or a power). His Fire damage still does half damage to creatures immune to Fire. Purgator: begins with a Psilencer (and proficiency with its use), and gains Blindsense out to 30 feet. Chapter (Ex): the Knight of the Flame has a Chapter (and thus cannot take the Chapter feat), that chapter being Grey Knights. He gains the Slippery Mind class feature like a Rogue, and gains a +4 Sacred Bonus on Saving Throws against [Compulsion] and [Charm] effects. When his Base Attack Bonus reaches +11, this improves to Immunity to such effects. Hammerhand (Sp): at second level, the Knight of the Flame learns a Psychic power, Hammerhand. By using this power, a Swift action, his hands become Natural Slam attacks (1d8+Str). These are Steel and Magic Weapons. Additionally, he gains an Enhancement Bonus to Strength of +1 per 3 Hit Dice (round up). This lasts until the beginning of his next turn. At 10 Hit Dice, the Slam base damage is 2d6, and at 15 Hit Dice, it becomes 3d6. The Aegis (Su): the second-level Knight of the Flame is resistant to psychic powers both from within and without. Every round, he may ignore a single 6 rolled on a Warp Die (but still loses the Warp Point), and anyone attempting to affect him with a psychic power suffers a -4 penalty on the attack roll (if there is one) or Save DC (if there is one). Hated Enemy (Ex): Grey Knights hate Demons, and are specially trained to fight them. At second level, the Knight of the Flame gains a +6 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot and Survival checks when using these skills against creatures of this type, as well as a +6 bonus on weapon damage rolls against them. This counts as Favoured Enemy for the purpose of meeting requirements for feats. Psykic Strike (Su): with a Swift action, the third-level Knight of the Flame can charge a melee weapon with psychic energy. The next attack he makes with it, before the end of his turn, deals 2d8 additional damage.

Knightly Power (Sp): at third level, the Knight of the Flame gains another Psychic power, depending on his path chosen: Interceptor: Warp Quake: with a Move-Equivalent action, he may release a 60' radius aura that tremors along the Astral Plane and the Warp. All creatures in the Ethereal or Astral Plane, or the Warp, within this radius, take 1d6 Force damage per Hit Die he possesses. [Extraplanar] creatures on his plane are subject to a Dismissal effect, and any creature that attempts to Teleport into this area before his next turn takes 1d8 Force damage per Hit Die he possesses. Purifier: Cleansing Flame: as part of a Full Attack action, he may unleash a 30' radius burst of flame, dealing 1d6 Fire damage per Hit Die to every creature in the burst. A Fortitude Save (Charisma-based) can halve the damage. For the remainder of the Full Attack, every melee attack gains the Flaming quality. Purgator: Astral Aim: with a Move-Equivalent action, he may look through the Astral to another location, effectively gaining a Clairvoyance effect out to a 30' radius spread up to 1,000 feet away. His weapon may also reach out to the area he can see, as though he was standing right at the edge of the area he can see. Psychic Choir (Su): at fourth level, the Knight of the Flame becomes a leader of psychics, able to work in unison with others. He gains a bonus to penetrate Spell Resistance equal to the number of allied [Psychic] creatures within 30 feet, and such creatures gain a +2 bonus to penetrate Spell Resistance. Additionally, when within 30 feet of any number of allied [Psychic] creatures, he automatically loses one Warp Point every turn. Rally (Su): once per hour, fourth-level Knight of the Flame can shout out a warcry that is so inspiring it's just a little bit magical. This works as a Mass Cure Moderate Wounds effect that also removes any Morale penalties, and is not a [Psychic] effect. Power Through Hatred (Ex): the fourth-level Knight of the Flame is extra hateful of all Demons. Against all creatures he Hates or has as a Favoured Enemy, he automatically confirms all Critical Hits and enjoys a further +1 damage per -1 to hit from Power Attack. Equipment: Power Armour, Frag and Krak Grenades, Psyk-Out Grenades, Force Longsword, Storm Bolter, Psy-Cannon Bolts Requisition: Rhino with pilot, Force Halberd, Force Shortsword Level 4: Psycannon, Force Greatsword, Force Falchion Prestige Classes: Captain, Librarian, Paladin, Terminator

Mechanicus Assassin 01010100 01101001 01101101 00100000 01100011 01100001 01101110 00100000 01100101 01100001 01110100 00100000 01100001 00100000 01100100 01101001 01100011 01101011

The Mechanicus Assassin is the result of a unique union: the Officio Assassinorum and the Adeptus Mechanicus. This union creates assassins with a dual loyalty (though both are of the Imperium) and with state of the art equipment and special training in the art of death. The weapon she wields today, you will wield in ten thousand years when it is no longer deemed experimental. Hit Die: d8 Skill Points: 6+Int Base Attack Bonus: Good Good Saving Throws: Fortitude and Willpower Level 1 2 3 4 Special Mechadendrites, Cyber Eye, Charm Machine Spirit Razor Hair, Turbo Driver, Levitation Unit Manipulate Machine Spirit, Vice Grip, Breath Weapon Familiars, Seduce Machine Spirit, Titan Commander

Mechadendrites (Ex): the Mechanicus Assassin has mechadendrites attached, as per the feat. If she takes the feat as well, it stacks she gains more. Cyber Eye (Ex): the Mechanicus Assassin has her eyes replaced with cybernetic ones, allowing her to see in complete darkness, even magical darkness, and rendering her immune to Blindness and Dazzling. Charm Machine Spirit (Su): when activating a charged item or using an energy-based Fireaarm, a Mechanicus Assassin may attempt to talk it into accepting her own inner power. By adding +5 to the Use Magic Device DC, a successful check causes the item to be used without spending a charge/ammunition. For Firearms, the DC is a flat 20. Razor Hair (Ex): at second level, the Mechanicus Assassin's hair is replaced or supplemented with long strands of razor-wire. This may be used as a regular melee weapon (2d4 Slashing damage, ignoring Damage Reduction, 18-20/x2 critical, reaches to 5' and 10'), or with a Standard action can be swished around to attack all adjacent enemies. Turbo Driver (Su): starting at second level, the Mechanicus Assassin can activate her turbo driver. A number of times per day equal to her Constitution bonus (minimum 1), she may gain a Haste effect as a Swift action. Levitation Unit (Su): once per hour, the second-level Mechanicus Assassin may levitate (as per the spell) for a number of rounds equal to her Constitution bonus (minimum 1), starting it with a Swift action. Manipulate Machine Spirit (Su): beginning at third level, whenever the Mechanicus Assassin activates an item (magic or otherwise) that casts or emulates a spell, she may talk the device into granting more powerful effects. She may apply a Metamagic Feat, without possessing the feat, by increasing the Use Magic Device DC by +4 per spell level increase. She may also do this to energybased Firearms with a Base DC of 15. Vice Grip (Ex): at third level, the Mechanicus Assassin's hands and arms are modified into a powerful vice. She gains a Constrict attack that deals 3d6 damage, plus one and a half times her Strength modifier. The victim, if it takes damage, must make a Fortitude Save (Strength-based), or become Fatigued. If already Fatigued they become Exhausted. If already Exhausted they pass out until released, and for 1d4 rounds thereafter. Breath Weapon (Su): the third-level Mechanicus Assassin has substantial modifications to her face and throat. She gains a breath weapon that functions as a Flamer or Plasma Gun. Although it may only be fired once in a Full Attack (as though she had only one attack per round), and requires 5 rounds to recharge. Familiars (Ex): the fourth-level Mechanicus Assassin is gifted with a pair of Servo Skulls and a Psiber Eagle. If destroyed, they are replaced in due time. Seduce Machine Spirit (Su): a fourth-level Mechanicus Assassin can talk magic items into doing anything. With a Standard action, the item can be activated or deactivated (as though held in an Anti-Magic Field for 1d4+1 rounds, and requiring reactivation after) up to fifty feet away with a Use Magic Device check, the DC being the Caster Level plus fifteen. This may also be used to deactivate Golems for 1d4+1 rounds, also removing their immunities for this period, with a DC of the Hit Dice plus fifteen.

Titan Commander (Su): at level four, a Mechanicus Assassin can spend a Full Round action talking to the spirit of a construct. It gains a modified Level check with a +5 bonus, or a Caster Level check using the Caster Level of its creator (whichever is greater) to oppose a Use Magic Device check. If the Mechanicus Assassin wins, she gains control of the construct. This effect is permanent until she moves more than 100 feet away from the construct, or until she commands another construct. Equipment: Synth-skin, Repair Kit, Digital Weapons, Lightning Claw, Hellgun, Plasma Torch, Melta Bombs, Power Weapon Requisition: Carapace Armour, Las-Cutter, Conversion Field, Chimera with Pilot and Gunner Level 4: Scout Power Armour, more Familiars, Frost Cannon, Lightning with Pilot Prestige Classes: Mechanicus Death Master, Mechanicus Executioner, Ordo Sicarius Inquisitor

Scout Sergeant Okay ladies, let's see if the Commander can't get us all killed...

Not every single Space Marine can be enormous and noisy and stomping about the place for everyone to shoot, even if there are those who would prefer it that way. There still must be the scouts, who have some degree of stealth training, able to quickly get into close combat, or to sit back in cover and use sniper rifles. They also pilot vehicles a bit too fast, as well as being good with technology. Hit Die: d10 Skill Points: 6+Int Base Attack Bonus: Medium Good Saving Throws: Fortitude and Reflex Level 1 2 3 4 Special Marksman, Boots Keep Walking, Skirmish +2d6/+2 Rapid Reload, Knee-Cap, Ranged Disarm, Deep Strike (Surprise!) Hide in Plain Sight, Boots Keep Walking, Skirmish +3d6/+3 Spinal Tap, Boom! Head Shot, Combat Driving

Additional Proficiencies: Heavy Firearms Note: if a member of the Black Templars, he is known as a Neophyte

Marksman (Ex): the Scout Sergeant is an expert marksman, and may double the range increments of all Rapid Fire and Heavy Firearms he fires. Boots Keep Walking (Ex): at levels 1 and 3, the Scout Sergeant's experience fighting on the strange landscapes and battlefields of the universe grant him special abilities related to the terrain select one from the following list. Additionally, every time he gains one of these abilities, he gains a cumulative +2 bonus to all Survival checks as the specific experiences can be generalised into useful relevancies. Cave Crawler: he suffers no penalty for Squeezing, and his Movement is not reduced from poor visibility Cliff Jumper: he gains a Climb Speed equal to half his Land Speed, and ignores Difficult Terrain caused by uneven stone Ice Skater: he gains Cold Resistance equal to his Hit Dice, and ignores the effects of cold weather Inferno Commando: he gains Fire Resistance equal to his Hit Dice, and ignores the effects of hot weather Jungle Fighter: he ignores Difficult Terrain from plants, does not take damage or get entangled by magical plants, and treats plant-based cover as one step better in both directions (improving his, but decreasing that of enemies) Swamp Beast: he ignores Difficult Terrain from water logged areas, and is immune to being Nauseated. Waste Warrior: he takes twice as long to dehydrate and takes half damage from desiccation effects. He is also not harmed or impaired by dust storms, smoke clouds, ash rains and similar things. Warp Survivor: he ignores bad Planar traits such as Prison Plane or It's Weird as All Fuck and Everyone Takes Damage Each Round, but not Time or Gravity. Skirmish (Ex): although not bad at sniping, the Scout Sergeant is best at fighting while on the move. On any turn he makes a Move action, he gains a +2 Dodge bonus to Armour Class, and a +2d6 bonus to the damage of all attacks. At level three, the bonuses become +3 and +3d6 respectively. This extra damage does not apply to foes who are immune to Critical Hits. Rapid Reload (Ex): starting at second level, the Scout Sergeant may reload as a Free action. Knee-Cap (Ex): the second-level Scout Sergeant may elect to knee-cap a target when making a single shot with a Firearm. If the attack deals any damage, the target is knocked Prone, and has their Movement Speed halved until healing is received. They also take a -6 penalty (that does not stack over multiple Knee-Cappings) to resist being Tripped or Bullrushed until healed. Ranged Disarm (Ex): a second-level Scout Sergeant can make Disarm attempts by shooting. It works as normal, although the weapon will not land in his hands, it merely lands on the ground 1d4 squares away in a random direction. He uses his Intelligence modifier instead of his Strength modifier, and there is no risk of being counter-disarmed. Deep Strike (Ex): at second level, as soon as Initiative is rolled the Scout Sergeant may make a Move action for free, or attempt a Hide check (without penalty) to vanish from sight. This does not work when Fatigued or Exhausted.

Hide in Plain Sight (Ex): the third-level Scout Sergeant can hind anywhere at any time, even if being observed, with no penalty for doing so. Spinal Tap (Ex): with a Standard action, a fourth-level Scout Sergeant can try to shoot an enemy in a vital location. If the shot deals any damage, the target must make a Fortitude Save (Dexteritybased) or be Paralysed for 1d6 rounds. Creatures who are immune to Critical Hits are immune to this. Boom! Head Shot (Ex): at level four, the Scout Sergeant may line up a special shot against a foe who is denied their Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class, and attempt a lethal attack. This is a Standard action, and if it hits, deals double damage. If the foe takes any damage, they must make a Fortitude Save (Dexterity-based) or die. Foes who are immune to Critical Hits are immune to this. Combat Driving (Ex): the fourth-level Scout Sergeant is an expert at driving in combat it's actually his job. His vehicle does not provoke Attacks of Opportunity for moving, and may treat its Armour Class against any attacks as 10 + his Pilot bonus if this would be better than its own. Finally, he can pilot vehicles on his own including handling all the weapons. Equipment: Scout Power Armour, Frag and Krak Grenades, Bolter or Shotgun, Bolt Pistol, Comm Bead, Teleport Beacon, Rangefinders, Auspex, Adamantine Short Sword Special: a Scout Sergeant who belongs to the Blood Angels or Space Sharks may replace the Bolter/Shotgun with a Chainsword. A Scout Sergeant who belongs to the White Scars may begin play with a Scout Bike. Requisition: Chainsword, Sniper Rifle, Chameleoline, Cluster Mines, Scout Bike (4+ ranks of Pilot required), Jammers Level 4: Missile Launcher with Frag and Krak Missiles, Heavy Bolter with Hellfire rounds, Land Speeder Storm (13+ ranks of Pilot required) Special: a Scout Sergeant who belongs to the Space Wolves may requisition a Dire Wolf as a companion if he has 10 or more ranks in Handle Animal. In the world of Dungeons and Dragons, it is reasonable that he could gain a Winter Wolf as a companion if he has 12 or more ranks in Handle Animal or Diplomacy. Prestige Classes: Astartes Pilot, Hunter of Chaos, Master of the Forge

Seraphim Survivors spotted down there behind the ruins. Quick, let's get down there and guard them.

Most Battle Sisters are best at medium range, firing away with Boltguns and travelling in vehicles. The Seraphim, however, fly about with jump packs, gracefully swooping onto the battlefield and getting into close range to fire point-blank with their pistols. Fast and without mercy, they can seize victory in mere moments. Hit Die: d10 Skill Points: 4+Int Base Attack Bonus: Good Good Saving Throws: Reflex and Willpower Level 1 2 3 4 Special Deep Strike (Surprise!, Seize the Initiative), Pistolier, Faith (Radiant Assault) Twin Pistols, Fleet of Wing, Hit and Run Pounce, Faith (Angelic Descent, Adamantine Wing) Valkyrie Grace, Aura of Hope, Faith (Brilliant Assault)

Deep Strike (Ex): at first level, the Seraphim gains a pair of Deep Strike abilities. These generally only apply in the first round of combat, and never work when Fatigued or Exhausted. Surprise!: as soon as Initiative is rolled, she may make a Move action for free, or attempt a Hide check (without penalty) to vanish from sight. Seize the Initiative: she can seize the objective at the very beginning of battle. On her first turn of combat, she may make a Move action, make a ranged Full Attack, make another Move action, and another ranged Full Attack. This leaves her Fatigued. Pistolier (Ex): the Seraphim may use Pistol Firearms as melee weapons (firing them point-blank with no penalty and without provoking Attacks of Opportunity, or using them as clubs), and additionally, may fire a Pistol or pair of Pistols once as part of a charge. Faith (Su): as she gains levels, the Seraphim gains additional Faith Powers, more visible and obviously supernatural than those of the regular Adepta Sororitas. Radiant Assault: once per round, when attacking a single target, the Seraphim may make a Knowledge: Religion check. If she scores a 15 or higher, the attack deals +1d6 Light damage. If she scores 20 or more, it becomes +2d6, and if she reaches 25 or more, it becomes +3d6. There is a flicker of bright light when she does this, Dazzling all adjacent foes for one round. Angelic Descent: whenever the third-level Seraphim charges, she glows faintly, lighting the surrounding area up and removing any Morale penalties affecting allies within 30 feet. She may also make a Demoralise attempt against all foes within the same area. Adamantine Wing: once per minute, with an Immediate action, the third-level may replace her Armour Class with an Intimidate check, also gaining Damage Reduction/Adamantine equal to this check. Both of these last until the beginning of her next turn. Brilliant Assault: once per round, when attacking a foe, the fourth-level Seraphim may make a Knowledge: Religion check. If she rolls equal to or greater than the target's Armour Class, the attack becomes a Touch Attack and deals double damage. Twin Pistols (Ex): when wielding a pair of pistols, even of different kinds, the second-level Seraphim can fire them both simultaneously, as though she had the first ability of the Two Weapon Fighting feat. When doing so, she treats both guns as being Twin-Linked. Fleet of Wing (Ex): starting at level two, the Seraphim may make a 5' step of adjustment as an Immediate action as long as she's wearing a Jump Pack. Additionally, she may Hover when flying, regardless of manoeuvrability. Hit and Run (Ex): when the second-level Seraphim charges a foe, she may move up to her full Movement Speed after as a Swift action, without provoking Attacks of Opportunity. Pounce (Ex): the third-level Seraphim may make a Full Attack when Charging, not just one. Valkyrie Grace (Su): at level four, the Seraphim constantly radiates a 5' radius aura that grants her allies (herself included) Fast Healing 3. As a Standard action once per day, she may Revive an adjacent ally who was slain within the last minute, restoring them to half Hit Points but Fatiguing them. If there is not enough left to conceivably explain as being not quite dead, this does not work.

Aura of Hope (Su): the fourth-level Seraphim constantly radiates a 100' radius aura that grants all allies, herself included, Immunity to Paralysis, Stunning and Dazing. Equipment: Power Armour, Sororitas Jump Pack, Frag and Krak Grenades, Chainsword, two Bolt Pistols, Comm Bead, Ring of Suffrage, Rule of the Sororitas, Daily Prayers, Scoriada Requisition: Power Weapon, pair of Hand Flamers, Melta Bombs, Rosarius, Choke Grenades Level 4: pair of Inferno Pistols, pair of Plasma Pistols, Gas Grenades Prestige Classes: Avenging Angel, Palatine, Pegasus Knight, Seraphim-Imagifer

Sister Non-Militant Don't worry, we can sew that back on and have you walking again in no time. It's just a leg.

The Sisters of Battle are the most numerous of the Adepta Sororitas, but they are not all there is to them. Several non-militant orders exist, performing other crucial roles. The Sisters Hospitaler are great medics, the Sisters Vespila are great forensic experts, the Sisters Dialogus are skilled in communications and ancient lore, the Sisters Famulous are good at dealing with people, the Sisters Pronatus handle ancient relics, and the Sisters Sabine lead choirs and processions. Hit Die: d8 Skill Points: 8+Int Base Attack Bonus: Medium Good Saving Throws: Reflex and Willpower Level 1 2 3 4 Special Dialogus or Famulous or Hospitaler, Mettle, First Faith Power Bolter Drill, Dutiful Assistance, Bonus Feat Improved Mettle, Supreme Skills, Manyfold Assistants Second Faith Power, Ally of the Inquisition

Dialogus (Ex): the Sister Dialogus is most skilled in communication, dialogue with other factions, languages, translation of texts and record-keeping, but also trained in leadership. This path would also cover a Sister Pronatus, who resides over the finding and collecting of ancient artefacts and holy relics. The Sister Dialogus gains 4 additional languages known, automatically has maximum ranks in Knowledge (History) and Diplomacy, and gains one of the following as a Bonus Feat: Bureaucrat, Cryptographer, Expert Counterfeiter. Famulous (Ex): the Sister Famulous is good at leading ceremonies, conducting weddings and keeping in good, friendly communication with other factions. However her true role is much more sinister eugenics, carefully mapping out family trees so that people can be born perfectly for their roles, and gradually trained from birth. This would also cover the mob-and-choir leading Sister Sabine. The Sister Famulous automatically has maximum ranks in Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) and Perform, gains the Bardic Lore ability, and gains one of the following as a Bonus Feat: Many Faced, Natural Empath, Persuasive. Hospitaler (Ex): the Sister Hospitaler is not only an accomplished medic (and one who is far preferable to most other medics), but also skilled with torture, poison and similar unpleasant things. This also covers the Sister Vespila, who is skilled in forensics and the safekeeping of the dead. She automatically has maximum ranks in First Aid and Craft (Alchemy) and gains one of the following as a bonus feat: Battlefield Surgeon, Sharp Eyed, Perfect Health. Mettle (Ex): should the Sister Non-Militant pass the Saving Throw for a Fortitude Partial or Willpower Partial effect, she suffers no effect. Faith Powers (Su): at first level, depending on the path chosen, the Sister Non-Militant gains an additional Faith Power: Dialogus: Litany of Litanies: as long as she is reading from an Imperial text, the Sister Dialogus may generate a Magic Circle Against Chaos, Magic Circle Against Evil, Recitation or Sanctuary effect. Any Save DC is Wisdom-based. Famulous: Words of Value: the Sister Famulous may cast Confusion, Rage, Charm Monster and Tongues 3 times each per day, though only one creature may be Charmed at a time, and any Save DC is Charisma-based. Hospitaler: Life Touch: the Sister Hospitaler may deliver a Cure Critical Wounds effect three times per day, though the target must pass a Will Save (Intelligence-based) or be Stunned for one round. She may also deliver terrible pain with a touch three times per day, requiring a Touch Attack as a Standard action. The target must pass a Fort Save (Intelligence-based) or be Nauseated for 2d4 rounds as a [Pain] effect.

Then again at fourth level, she gains another: Dialogus: The Passion: the Sister Dialogus has a constant Read Magic effect, and is immune to any read-activated trap spells such as Hidden Page, Sepia Snake Sigil or Explosive Runes. She also has a permanent Comprehend Languages effect, and is immune to [LanguageDependent] abilities. She may also cast Power Words Maladroit, Stun and Pain three times each per day. Famulous: Words of Force: the Sister Famulous can cast True Domination once per day (Charisma-based) after speaking to someone for a full minute. Only one person at a time can be Dominated. Hospitaler: Kiss of Life: three times per day, the Sister Hospitaler may grant someone a Heal effect, although they are automatically Stunned for one round. Additionally, she may raise someone from the dead with a Full Round action, performing the kiss of life. They must have at least 50% of their body remaining, including their head and heart, and can not have been dead more than one minute. This leaves her Exhausted, but raises them to life, with half their Hit Points remaining, and any limbs and organs regenerated, with no level loss. They are forever Friendly towards her after that. Bolter Drill (Ex): people often forget that the Sisters Non-Militant are still Sisters of Battle, and they often die after making that mistake. At second level, she may treat the Boltgun as an Assault Firearm though is still proficient with it and adds her Charisma bonus (if positive) to each damage die of Bolt Pistols and Boltguns. Dutiful Assistance (Ex): a second-level Sister Non-Militant can provide great assistance to others: by spending an Attack of Opportunity, the Sister Hospitaler can replace an allies' Fortitude Save with a Heal check she makes, if the ally is within 30 feet. By spending an Attack of Opportunity, the Sister Dialogus can replace an allies' Willpower Save with a Diplomacy check she makes, if the ally is within 30 feet. By spending an Attack of Opportunity, the Sister Famulous can replace an allies' Attack Roll with a Perform check she makes, if the ally is within 30 feet. Any Sister Non-Militant at this level can spend a Full Round action assisting an adjacent ally. The first d20 the ally rolls before her next turn counts as a natural 20. Bonus Feat: at second level, the Sister Non-Militant gains a bonus [Skill] feat of her choosing. Improved Mettle (Ex): at third level, the Sister Non-Militant who fails a Fortitude or Willpower Save only suffers the effects that most people suffer if they pass the save. Supreme Skills (Ex): at third level, the skills of the Sister Non-Militant really shine through. She gains Skill Mastery with a number of skills equal to her Intelligence bonus (minimum one). Additionally, for every bonus feat received through this class, she gains the next ability up as though she had additional skill ranks.

Manifold Assistants: at third level, the Sister Non-Militant gains a [Leadership] feat. For the Sister Hospitaler, she either gains Leadership or Command, to represent people being placed under her care or just gaining followers who love her for her ministrations, or she gains Monster Rancher to represent her medical experiments and knowledge of animal husbandry. If she chooses Leadership or Command, her Followers are drawn from the Imperial Guard, and her Cohort is likely a member of the Adepta Sororitas. If of the Order Vespila, she may be allowed to take Lord of Death the result of experimentation. The Sister Dialogus gains Leadership or Command, representing her assistants and her contacts in other Imperial sectors, or if a Sister Pronatus would likely have an Adepta Sororitas Cohort, to help guard her relics. The Sister Famulous has Master of Terror if she is particularly intimidating, or otherwise Command or Leadership the various people she has charmed and talked over, as well as valuable contacts in other fields. Ally of the Inquisition (Ex): the level four Sister Non-Militant is a strong ally of the Inquisition, and gains the perks of such a role. She gains an additional Requisition, and another one each time she gains a character level from then on and has access to Requisitions of other classes, able to get just about anything with a little effort consider her to be in the Wish-based economy. Additionally, she is gifted with a Boltgun and Sarissa so perfectly crafted that it is considered a Magic Weapon. Equipment: Shield Robes, Boltgun, Purity Seals, Communications Kit and Auto-Scribe (Dialogus), Medi-kits and Narthecium (Hospitaler), Auto-Scribe and Musical Instruments (Famulous), Auspex, Rosarius, Writing Kit, Bolt Pistol, Blind Grenades, Comm Bead Requisition: Carapace Armour, Sarissa, Aquila Lander with Pilot, Combi-Weapon, additional Narthecium (Hospitaler), Excrutiator (Hospitaler), Forensics Kit (Hospitaler), Mancatcher (Famulous), Neuro Whip (Famulous), Litanies of Faith (Dialogus), low-level Cleric Scrolls (Dialogus), Transport-Tarantula, Servo-Skull Level 4: Power Armour, Advanced Drugs (Hospitaler), Tome of Clear Thought (Dialogus), Rod of Lordly Might (Famulous) Prestige Classes: Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor, Sister Nunciate, Sister Hospitaler Superior, Sister Pronatus

Sister Repentia For your death and mine! Emperor, accept this sacrifice and guide my soul to you!

Sometimes, a Battle Sister loses her faith in herself or the Emperor, and feels unworthy of her role, consumed by her own guilt and self-doubt, her feelings of being a failure. She imposes on herself an exile, forcing a punishment upon herself that will likely last until death. Alternatively, sometimes the wrongdoings or failures of a Sister are beyond a verbal rebuke or a beating, and she is sentenced to the punishment of becoming a Repentia. Few Repentia manage to redeem themselves, most die on the field. They eschew the armour and weapons of their sisters, and instead wear loose-fitting robes (if that) and wield the deadly eviscerators, crusading against Chaos and trying to sacrifice themselves to make amends. Hit Die: d10 Skill Points: 2+Int Base Attack Bonus: Good Good Saving Throws: Fortitude, Reflex and Willpower Level 1 2 3 4 Special Faith (Armour of Contempt), Rip And Tear, Rage +3d6 Live For Death, Fleet of Foot, Obedience, Rage +4d6 Faith (Love the Lash), Knockdown, Crushing Blow Living Rage, Breach Defences, Eviscerate, Rage +5d6

Proficient: Shotgun, Flamer

Faith (Su): as the Repentia gains levels, she continues to gain Faith Powers, despite any loss of faith she feels. However, she loses access to any other Faith Powers, until she is redeemed generally through a great heroic action, or by completing this class and taking levels of Mistress or Martyr. Armour of Contempt: when unarmoured, a Sister Repentia may add her Charisma bonus to her Armour Class, even Flat-Footed and against Touch Attacks. Once per minute, as a Swift action, she may make an Intimidate check. The result of that check becomes her Armour Class (if higher) and Damage Reduction/- (if higher) until the beginning of her next turn. Love the Lash: at third level, the Sister Repentia becomes immune to [Pain] effects and Fatigue/Exhaustion. She also gains a permanent Masochism effect. Rip And Tear (Ex): all of the Sister Repentia's melee attacks that deal Slashing damage, such as her Eviscerator, tear giant bleeding wounds into enemies, ripping muscle, skin and blood vessels out. All such attacks deal 1 point of Strength damage, and all foes adjacent to the wounded foe must make a Reflex Save (Strength-based) or be Blinded by the blood spray for one round. Rage (Ex): when doing melee damage to a foe or being struck by a foe, the Repentia may choose to enter a Rage as an Immediate action. While Raging, she gains a +2 morale bonus to hit and damage in melee combat and may apply any Rage Dice he has to her melee damage rolls. She also gains a +2 to saves, a -2 to AC, and she gains DR X/- with X being equal to half her character level, +2 (rounded down). While Raging, a Sister Repentia may not cast spells, activate magic items, use spell-like abilities, or drop her weapons or shield. Rage lasts until she has neither struck an enemy for three consecutive rounds nor suffered damage from an enemy for three consecutive rounds. She may voluntarily end a Rage as a full-round action. She starts with +3d6 Rage dice, which are not multiplied by Critical Hits and apply only to attacks granted by BAB, not bonus attacks from other sources. She gains another Rage Die at levels two and four. Live For Death (Ex): at second level, the Sister Repentia becomes Fearless, and may, as an Immediate action, elect to take a blow for an adjacent ally. She must elect to do this before the Attack Roll or Saving Throw is made (if there is no Attack Roll or Saving Throw, then she must do so as soon as the target is declared). The original target is then safe, and she takes the effect (still requiring an Attack Roll/Saving Throw as normal) instead. Fleet of Foot (Ex): at second level, the Sister Repentia increases her Movement Speed by 10 feet, and she may make 10' steps instead of 5' steps. Obedience (Ex): the second-level Sister Repentia is immune to [Compulsion] effects, and no ability or effect can force her to target an ally for an attack, ever, nor can they redirect her attacks to allies for any reason. Knockdown (Ex): at third level, the Sister Repentia can hurl foes to the ground with her mighty blows. If she deals more than 10 damage to a foe with a single melee attack (after Damage Reduction), she gains a free Trip attempt against them, made with a +4 bonus. If she succeeds, she may make an additional attack against the Prone foe. Prone foes cannot be tripped, so there is no infinite loop.

Crushing Blow (Ex): the third-level Repentia crushes foes beneath the force of her attacks. With a Standard action, she may make a single melee attack against one foe. If this hits, the foe is Staggered for one round and takes additional damage equal to her Charisma bonus (minimum +1). The Staggering is a [Pain] effect, but the extra damage is not. Living Rage (Ex): at level four, the Repentia can act completely normally in a Rage, gaining no penalties or action restrictions. She is as calm as the eye of the hurricane, yet as destructive as the rest of it. She also becomes immune to negative [Mind Affecting] effects. Breach Defences (Ex): at level four, the Sister Repentia can ignore all Damage Reduction and Hardness with melee weapons, even carving straight through walls made of pure Dragonforce. Any foe she deals damage to in melee reduces their Armour Bonus to Armour Class by 2 (minimum +0), requiring repairs to restore. Armour reduced to +0 is effectively ruined. Eviscerate (Ex): the fourth-level Repentia can shred a foe to ribbons. With a Full Round action, she may make a single attack with her Eviscerator. The attack automatically hits (simply roll to see if it threatens a Critical Hit), and the target must make a Fortitude Save (Strength-based). If the save is failed, the foe is killed and dismembered. This is not a [Death] effect and happily affects Undead. Equipment: Scoriada, Eviscerator with Exterminator, Sack Cloth Robes, Purity Seals, Shotgun Requisition: Power Stake, Flamer, 'Slaught, Stimm, Choke Grenades Level 4: Power Fist, Thunder Hammer, Blazing Maul Special: a Repentia who is considered redeemed before completing this class may be given a suit of Power Armour, the Rule of the Sororitas, and a Boltgun with Sarissa. She may alternatively take Shield Robes or even, if level 4, requisition a Cloak of Saint Aspira. Likewise, if redeemed and of level 4, she may requisition a Blessed Weapon. Prestige Classes: Martyr, Mistress, Penitent

Sister Superior Come on, girls, let's give them our bolter rounds. In the face.

The Battle Sisters, always valiant and brave, still need leadership, those who rise above their sisters to lead units to victory. And so the veterans, the Sisters Superior, take charge of units of Erelim, driving them to success in battle. Hit Die: d8 Skill Points: 6+Int Base Attack Bonus: Good Good Saving Throws: Fortitude and Willpower Level 1 2 3 4 Special Hated Foe, Condemnation, Faith (Redemption) Inspiring Charge, Assurance, Faith (Radiance) Abhorrent Foe, Dedication, Faith (Perfection) Litany of Hate, Emperor's Light, Faith (Emperor's Guidance)

Hated Foe (Ex): the Sister Superior hates psykers on a personal level. Against Spellcasters and creatures with the [Psychic] Subtype, she gains a +6 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot and Survival checks, as well as a +6 bonus on weapon damage rolls against them. This counts as Favoured Enemy for the purpose of meeting requirements for feats. Condemnation (Ex): with a Swift action, the Sister Superior can verbally rebuke and condemn a foe, declaring it to be anathema. The foe might not care, but this grants her allies a bonus against the foe until the beginning of her next turn. They may all add her Charisma bonus (minimum +1) to attack rolls, and her character level to damage rolls, against the condemned enemy. Faith Powers (Su): as she gains levels, the Sister Superior most Faithful of the Battle Sisters gains more and more Faith Powers, some so supernatural that there is no question or doubt that it comes from their belief and from the Emperor, not just luck or training. Redemption: once per minute, the Sister Superior may use a Knowledge: Religion check in place of a Saving Throw. Radiance: at second level, she may substitute a Knowledge: Religion check for her Armour Class (including Flat-Footed or against Touch Attacks), against a number of attacks per day equal to her Wisdom bonus (minimum 1). Perfection: the third-level Sister Superior may use an Immediate action to interrupt a foe within 20 feet. She must make a Knowledge: Religion check, with a DC equal to the foe's Armour Class. If she succeeds, their interrupted action is cancelled and fails. Emperor's Guidance: at level four, the Sister Superior may cast each of the following once per hour: Dispel Chaos, Banishment, Remove Curse, True Strike, Blade of Blood, Blur. Inspiring Charge (Ex): at second level, whenever the Sister Superior charges a foe, all allies within 100 feet may also charge any foe they could reach. They may do this as an Immediate action, even if they are flat-footed (and thus usually unable to make Immediate actions). Assurance (Ex): whenever an enemy is knocked Prone in a square she threatens, the second-level Sister Superior may make an Attack of Opportunity against the foe. Abhorrent Foe (Ex): starting at third level, the Sister Superior hates psykers even more than normal. Any time she hits her Hated foe, the hit automatically becomes a Critical Hit. Dedication (Su): starting at third level, a number of times per day equal to her Charisma bonus (mimimum 1), the Sister Superior may restore an amount of ability damage equal to her level to herself or an adjacent ally. This is a Swift action. Litany of Hate (Ex): with a Move-Equivalent action, the fourth-level Sister Superior may speak words of hate against her enemy. All allies within 50 feet gain the benefits of her Hated Foe and Abhorrent Foe abilities until her next turn.

Emperor's Light (Su): a number of times per day equal to her Charisma bonus (minimum 1), the fourth-level Sister Superior may grant herself, and all adjacent allies, Fast Healing equal to her Hit Dice. This requires a Move-Equivalent action, and lasts for 2 minutes. Equipment: Power Armour, Boltgun, Bolt Pistol, Chainsword, Melta Bombs, Frag Grenades, Rule of the Sororitas, Ring of Suffrage, Fine Robes, Daily Prayers, Purity Seals, Scoriada, Comm Bead Requisition: Plasma Pistol, Power Sword, Plasma Grenades, Rhino with driver, Auspex, Book of Saint Lucius, Vox Caster Level 4: Repressor with driver and gunner, Hand Flamer, Inferno Pistol, Burning Brazier Prestige Classes: Celestian Superior, Ophanim, Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor, Sister Retributor

Tactical Sergeant Hold your ground, men! They're just orks, not wooden stairs!

Space Marines are a terrifying force, but they need leaders. Without them, they run screaming from wooden stairs, and all charge haphazardly into combat without tactical thinking. Thanks to tactical sergeants, the action is always where it actually needs to be. Hit Die: d12 Skill Points: 2+Int Base Attack Bonus: Good Good Saving Throws: Fortitude and Willpower Level 1 2 3 4 Special Command, Inspire Courage, Furious Charge First Aura, Maximise Grenades, For the Emperor! Command (Swift), Your Opponent Is Me!, Menacing Cleave Second Aura, Feel No Pain, Stand Your Ground

Command (Ex): the oratory of the Tactical Sergeant is so great that he can make allies do fantastic things as well, just by ordering them to do so. With a Standard action, he may issue a command to all allies (not including himself) who can hear it. If they choose to accept the command, they gain the benefit. He has access to the following commands to choose from: Move Out: perform a Move action, out of turn. Go to Ground: gain a +4 bonus to Armour Class and Saving Throws against the first attack made against them before his next turn. Take Them Out: perform a single attack with a weapon wielded, out of turn. Take Cover: gain Evasion until the beginning of his next turn. Take Aim: the next attack made (until his next turn), if it hits, is an automatic critical hit. At third level, it only requires a Swift action to issue a command. Inspire Courage (Ex): against [Fear] effects, all allies within 50 feet of the Tactical Sergeant may use his Will bonus if it is higher than their own. Furious Charge (Ex): when charging, the Tactical Sergeant benefits from Pounce and can a +4 bonus to Strength. Aura (Su): the second-level Tactical Sergeant learns how to utilise a powerful aura, by calling out to his allies and encouraging them with his rhetoric and oratory skills. Activating an aura requires a Swift action and the ability to speak, and it extends out to fifty feet. The Tactical Sergeant is included in the area. The Aura lasts for a number of rounds equal to his Charisma modifier (minimum of one). Choose one from the following list at levels two and four: Willpower: those in the area are immune to [Fear] effects and [Compulsions] for the duration Determination: those in the area are immune to Dazing and Stunning for the duration Perfection: those in the area gain +3 to all d20 rolls and +3 to Armour Class, as well as the ability to re-roll one attack roll per round Hatred: those in the area enter a rage for the duration, gaining +2 to attack rolls, damage rolls and Will saves, -2 to Armour Class, DR 4/-, +2d6 Rage dice added to all melee damage rolls, and the inability to cast spells, use spell-like abilities, speak, activate items or drop their weapon or shield Maximise Grenades (Ex): any time the second-level Tactical Sergeant throws a Frag, Krak or Plasma Grenade, it automatically does maximum damage rather than being rolled. For the Emperor! (Ex): once per turn, with a Swift or Move-Equivalent action, the second-level Tactical Sergeant may designate a single foe within 100 feet. Until his next turn, all allies may add his Charisma bonus (minimum +1) to their attack and damage rolls against the target. Your Opponent Is Me! (Ex): at third level, the Tactical Sergeant can challenge a foe who he successfully hits. If the foe attacks anyone other than him before his next turn, then all of his attacks against the foe on his next turn deal +1d6 damage per hit die.

Menacing Cleave (Ex): whenever the third-level Tactical Sergeant reduces a foe below 0 Hit Points in melee combat, he may take a 5' step and proceed to make a Cleave attempt against another foe he can reach (if any). He may do this indefinitely, even if doing so takes him around the entire world in one round. Feel No Pain (Ex): at level four, the Tactical Sergeant's nerves decide they could do more good by doing something other than registering pain like turning into additional adrenaline glands. As such, he becomes immune to Non-lethal damage and [Pain] effects. Stand Your Ground (Ex): with a Full Round action, the fourth-level Tactical Sergeant may issue an order to all allies who can hear him. They are all empowered (including himself), becoming immune to [Fear] effects, threaten squares out to fifty feet away, able to make Attacks of Opportunity with ranged weapons, and gain Regeneration 5, overcome by Magic. Everyone benefits from this until either they lose sight of him, he is slain or they move. Only those who move lose the benefits. Equipment: Power Armour, Auspex, Boltgun, Chainsword, Bolt Pistol, Frag and Krak Grenades, Comm Bead Requisition: Astartes Cigars, Plasma Pistol, Plasma Grenades, Power Weapon, Signum, Rhino with driver, Vox Caster Level 4: Razorback with driver and gunner (Diplomacy 9+ ranks), Power Fist, Lightning Claw, Melta Bombs Special: a level 4 Tactical Sergeant who belongs to the Space Wolves may Requisition a Frost Blade. A level 4 Tactical Sergeant who belongs to the Blood Angels may requisition a Hand Flamer. Prestige Classes: Captain, Devastator, Librarian, Terminator Sergeant Blood Angels Prestige Classes: Death Company (in addition to the above)

Vindicare Assassin ...bang

The Vindicare Temple exists for the purpose of killing people from a long way away. They are legendary snipers, capable of killing people in other postal codes while remaining hidden in the shadows to avoid return fire. Hit Die: d8 Skill Points: 6+Int Base Attack Bonus: Good Good Saving Throws: Fortitude and Reflex Level 1 2 3 4 Special Marksman, Mark the Target, Take Aim Ranged Sneak Attack, Ignore Cover, Knee Cap Sneak Attack +1d6, Spinal Tap, Pinning Fire Death Attack +12d6, Fade to Black, Love Cannot Bloom

Proficiencies: Exitus Sniper Rifle, Needle Rifle, Hell Rifle, Widower

Marksman (Ex): the Vindicare Assassin is so skilled with long range shooting that he doubles the range increments of all Rapid Fire and Heavy Firearms used when he doesn't move. Mark the Target (Ex): as a Move-Equivalent action, a Vindicare Assassin may mark a target. Until the beginning of his next turn, all shots he makes against the marked target deal an additional 1d6 damage per class level. Take Aim (Ex): as a Move-Equivalent action, the Vindicare Assassin may make a Spot check against a foe's Armour Class. If the check succeeds, the next shot he makes against them, if made within one round, ignores all Cover, Armour, Shield and Natural Armour bonuses to their Armour Class. Ranged Sneak Attack (Ex): the second-level Vindicare Assassin can still perform Sneak Attacks out to 200 feet away. Have fun. Ignore Cover (Ex): at second level, the Vindicare Assassin ignores cover of all kinds. Knee Cap (Ex): the second-level Vindicare Assassin may elect to knee-cap a target when making a single shot with a Firearm. If the attack deals any damage, the target is knocked Prone, and has their Movement Speed halved until healing is received. They also take a -6 penalty (that does not stack over multiple Knee-Cappings) to resist being Tripped or Bullrushed until healed. Sneak Attack (Ex): at third level, the Vindicare Assassin gains another Sneak Attack die. Spinal Tap (Ex): with a Standard action, a third-level Vindicare Assassin can try to shoot an enemy in a vital location. If the shot deals any damage, the target must make a Fortitude Save (Dexteritybased) or be Paralysed for 1d6 rounds. Creatures who are immune to Critical Hits are immune to this. Pinning Fire (Ex): at third level, the Vindicare Assassin can pin foes down with his fire. In the first round of combat or a surprise round, any target he hits by shooting as a Standard action must make a Will Save (Intelligence-based) or Cower for one round. This is a [Fear] effect. Death Attack (Ex): at level four, the Vindicare Assassin can flat-out kill a fool. He may spend a Full-Round action studying an opponent who would be denied their Dexterity bonus if he instead attacked. If he does so, his next attack against them is a Death Attack if he makes it within one round. A Death Attack deals 13d6 bonus damage, and can be performed out to any range, however the foe must still be denied their Dexterity bonus to Armour Class. Fade to Black (Su): with a Standard action, the fourth-level Vindicare Assassin may attempt a DC 20 Hide check. Success grants him a Greater Invisibility effect for one minute, although when it finishes, it cannot be used again for one minute thereafter.

Love Cannot Bloom (Su): for unknown reasons, the level four Vindicare Assassin is immune to [Charm] effects and Fascination. He can also never ever love or trust an Elf, a Half-Elf or an Eldar. Equipment: Synth-Skin, Exitus Pistol, Exitus Rifle, Target Finder, Turbo-Penetrator rounds, ShieldBreaker rounds, Hellfire rounds Requisition: Widower, Condemnor, Hell Rifle, Hyper-Penetrator rounds, Blind Grenades Level 4: Autocannon, Las Cannon, Arvus Lander with pilot Prestige Classes: Ordo Sicarius Inquisitor, Vindicare Death Master, Vindicare Executioner

Prestige Classes: Assault Terminator Stop... hammer time!

Terminators tend to come in two varieties: those who are good at melee combat as well as shooting, and those who excel in melee combat, tearing foes apart as they make enormous targets of themselves. Hit Die: d10 Skill Points: 4+Int Base Attack Bonus: Good Good Saving Throws: Fortitude, Reflex and Willpower Level 1 2 3 4 5 Special Deep Strike (Teleporter), Immovable Object, Walking Fortress Rage +1d6, Furious Bellow, Assault Specialist Obvious Threat, Deep Strike (Teleport on the Run) Rage +2d6, Deep Strike (Scry & Die Assault), Fire in the Hole Deep Strike (Emperor's Lance), Even in Death I Still Serve

Proficiencies: Heavy Armour

Deep Strike: as he gains levels, the Assault Terminator learns new Deep Strike abilities, not all of them natural. He cannot perform any of them while Fatigued or Exhausted. Teleporter (Su): using the proper Teleport facilities at the HQ, the Assault Terminator may Teleport to any location he has previously been to, out to ten miles per hit die. Teleport on the Run (Su): with a Move-Equivalent action, a level three Assault Terminator may activate a Dimension Door effect to anywhere within 100 feet. Scry & Die Assault (Su): by spending a full hour using an Auspex as a scanner, the fourthlevel Assault Terminator may Scry an area within 100 feet per hit die, and treat any one item in the area as a Homing Beacon to Teleport Without Error. Emperor's Lance (Ex): the fifth-level Assault Terminator is allowed to call in a single Lance Strike per week. When teleporting from HQ, the timing may be such that he lands the round after the explosion. Immovable Object (Ex): the Assault Terminator is almost impossible to move. He gains a +10 bonus to resist being Tripped, Bullrushed, Disarmed, Swallowed Whole, or Pinned. Walking Fortress (Ex): the Assault Terminator can stomp straight through annoyances. He may ignore Difficult Terrain, and gains a +10 bonus on Strength checks to break free of restraints or to break objects, and if he could break an object by rolling a 10, he may take 10 to break it as a Free action as long as it is not wielded. Rage (Ex): at levels two and four, the Assault Terminator gains an additional Rage die while in a Rage. Furious Bellow (Ex): if a second-level Assault Terminator spends a Swift action shouting before he charges into combat (in the same round), then once the charge is resolved, all enemies within 100 feet must make a Fortitude Save (Constitution-based) or be knocked Prone by the force. This also causes a Shatter effect on all halfway fragile items in the area. Assault Specialist (Ex): the Assault Terminator is, as the name implies, good at assaulting people. At second level, he must select which pair of weapons to specialise in the use of: Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield/Pair of Thunder Hammers: he gains the benefits of the Knockdown and Cometary Collision feats, and when charging he deals 3d8 bonus damage and automatically shoves the opponent up to 10 feet away if he wants. In a Rage this increases to 20 feet. Pair of Lightning Claws/Shark Claws/Wolf Claws: he gains the benefits of Two Weapon Rend, and if he lacks Two Weapon Fighting, he gains it as a Bonus Feat. He may also elect to go on the offensive, taking a -5 penalty to Armour Class but making every attack do damage for both claws combined, plus rending. This lasts until his next turn. Obvious Threat (Ex): starting at third level, the Assault Terminator is the most obvious threat. Anyone who is within 15 feet of him can't make Attacks of Opportunity against anyone else, only him. Additionally, everyone else can treat such foes as flanked. Fire in the Hole (Ex): at fourth level, the Assault Terminator is a master at throwing grenades. He may throw them twice as far, and may bounce them to change directions with perfect accuracy.

Even in Death I Still Serve (Ex): the fifth-level Assault Terminator is too valuable to let go. If he is killed but his remains can be salvaged, he can be brought back as a Dreadnought. Equipment: Terminator Armour (replaces Jump Pack), one choice of the following: a pair of Lightning Claws, or a Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield, Auspex Requisition: Plasma Grenades, a second Thunder Hammer Level 5: Land Raider Special: an Assault Terminator who belongs to the Space Sharks may, at level five, requisition a pair of Shark Claws. An Assault Terminator who belongs to the Space Wolves may requisition a pair of Wolf Claws.

Astartes Pilot Where were you, I got here hours ago. The Scouts are good at moving fast. So put them in vehicles, and those vehicles will be zooming across the battlefield like racing cars, pulling impossible stunts, and firing with perfect precision. It's a dangerous job, but it's one they enjoy. Hit Die: d8 Skill Points: 8+Int Base Attack Bonus: Medium Good Saving Throws: Fortitude and Reflex Level 1 2 3 4 5 Special Turbo Boost, Combat Piloting, Skirmish +1d6/+1 Vehicular Combat School, Vehicular Skirmish Rapid Repairs, Vehicular Stealth, Mastery of Piloting Rapid Disembarkation, Skirmish +2d6/+2 Swerve, Mark for Bombardment

Proficiencies: all vehicle-mounted weapons

Turbo Boost (Ex): every round, the Astartes Pilot may make a Pilot check. The result, rounded down to an increment of 5, is added in feet to the base Speed of his vehicle for one round. Combat Piloting (Ex): the Astartes Pilot is an expert at driving in combat it's actually his job. His vehicle does not provoke Attacks of Opportunity for moving, and may treat its Armour Class against any attacks as 10 + his Pilot bonus if this would be better than its own. Finally, he can pilot vehicles on his own including handling all the weapons. Skirmish (Ex): at levels one and four, the Astartes Pilot's Skirmish bonus improves by +1 to Armour Class and +1d6 damage. Vehicular Combat School: at second level, the Astartes Pilot gains Combat School as a bonus feat, applying its benefits to all vehicle-mounted weapons. Vehicular Skirmish (Ex): starting at second level, the Astartes Pilot's Skirmish applies when his vehicle moves at least 30 feet in a turn even if he doesn't spend an action moving, and the Dodge bonus applies to the vehicle's Armour Class (or to the Pilot-based Armour Class). Rapid Repairs (Ex): starting at second level, the Astartes Pilot halves the time it takes for him to make any repairs on a vehicle. Vehicular Stealth (Ex): the third-level Astartes Pilot retains any bonus to Hide and Move Silently, and any stealth-related abilities, when inside a vehicle, transferring them to the vehicle. Piloted vehicles can Move Silently, though particularly noisy ones such as those with the [Super Heavy] subtype or a Fly speed suffer a -10 penalty. Wait until you see the opponent's face when your Baneblade sneaks up on them. Mastery of Piloting (Ex): the third-level Astartes Pilot is superb at driving. He gains a +8 bonus on Pilot checks with all vehicles he is familiar with (a day of driving is enough), takes no penalty on checks he is unfamiliar with, and may always take 10 on Pilot checks, even when threatened. Rapid Disembarkation (Ex): at level four, the Astartes Pilot may exit his vehicle with a Swift or Immediate action and still move his full Move Speed. If doing so in response to his vehicle being destroyed, should this movement take him outside the area of effect, he suffers no damage or effect, Swerve (Ex): with an Immediate action, the fifth-level Astartes Pilot can make a Pilot check with a DC equal to damage suffered to negate a hit against the vehicle he is piloting. Mark for Bombardment (Ex): once per day, the fifth-level Astartes Pilot can use a MoveEquivalent action to request assistance in the form of a missile bombardment. A Bombard will hit 1d4 rounds later, and if he successfully hits the target beforehand with a ranged weapon as a marker fire, the Bombard is perfectly accurate there is no scatter, and the Save DC is increased by +5. Equipment: Repair Kit, Land Speeder or Land Speeder Storm or Assault Bike or Razorback Requisition: Predator, Vindicator, Whirlwind, Land Raider, vehicle upgrades, souped-up engines Level 5: Land Raider Terminus Ultra, Land Raider Achilles Special: an Astartes Pilot belonging to the Space Wolves may requisition a Leman Russ. An Astartes Pilot belonging to the Blood Angels may requisition a Baal Predator.

Avenging Angel The deaths of my sisters will forever cause pain in my heart. Your suffering will be very brief.

Sometimes, the more empathic Sisters are so filled with sorrow and anger for the deaths of their allies and friends, and so fuelled with faith that they transform into angelic beings, ghostlike warriors who never truly die and who bring vengeance upon enemies. Hit Die: d8 Skill Points: 4+Int Base Attack Bonus: Good Good Saving Throws: Fortitude, Reflex and Willpower Level 1 2 3 4 5 Special Winged Form, Faith (Vengeance), Aura of Radiance Faith (Eyes of Fire), Fast Healing, Supremely Faithful Faith (The Emperor's Light), Celestial Traits Faith (Unnatural Countenance), Deathless Glory Faith (Righteous Vengeance), Aura of Brilliance

Winged Form (Ex): at first level, the power armour and jump pack fuse into the Avenging Angel in a ghostly form. Semi-transparent and with a golden glow, the armour is always there, applying against Incorporeal Touch Attacks, and the jump pack transforms into feathered wings. These items cannot be removed or destroyed, and her Fly Speed becomes [Perfect]. She may make a pair of Touch Attacks each round that she doesn't fly, each dealing 1d8+Cha Light damage. Faith (Su): as she gains levels, the Avenging Angel gains new Faith powers to protect her friends with. Vengeance: with a Standard action at will, the Avenging Angel may make a melee or ranged attack that deals 1d6 additional Light damage per wounded ally within 30 feet. Those who have access to Faith powers or are dead/below 0 Hit Points instead contribute 2d8 damage, and if they have access to Faith powers and are also dead or below 0 Hit Points, they contribute 3d10 damage. Eyes of Fire: once per three rounds, the second-level Avenging Angel may cast a Twinned Split Ray Scorching Ray. The Emperor's Light: at third level, the Avenging Angel can conjure a pillar of light once per minute with a Standard action. The pillar has a 20' radius and is 200' tall, and all foes caught within it suffer 1d6 Light damage per Hit Die, with a Fortitude Save for half (Charismabased). If the save is failed, the foe is also Stunned for 1d4 rounds. If any allies have access to Faith powers and are below half Hit Points, the damage and duration are maximised. Unnatural Countenance: at fourth level, the true form of the Avenging Angel is so otherworldly and beautiful that enemy forces cannot gaze upon her. Once per three rounds, she may use a Move-Equivalent action to reveal her true form to enemies, who must pass a Willpower Save (Charisma-based) or be affected by an Insanity effect. They must also pass a Fortitude Save (Same DC) or be rendered instantly and permanently blind. Righteous Vengeance: at fifth level, the Avenging Angel may cast Fortunate Fate and Radiant Assault twice each per day. Additionally, any time she is damaged, she benefits from a Fires of Purity effect, Aura of Radiance (Su): the Avenging Angel emits a powerful aura that hinders foes. She radiates the following out to 60 feet: Daylight, Globe of Invulnerability, Hallow, Invisibility Purge and Consecrate. Fast Healing (Ex): at second level, the Avenging Angel gains Fast Healing equal to her Class Level. Supremely Faithful (Ex): the second-level Avenging Angel is a fountain of faith for her allies. If she or any Faithful ally within 60 feet is of low enough Hit Points to gain the bonus to Faith Powers (usually below 25%), then all of them gain the bonus to their Faith Powers. This does not stack if more than one are at the threshold, the bonus only applies once. Celestial Traits (Ex): at third level, the Avenging Angel becomes more like an actual angel. Her Type changes to Outsider, and she gains the [Good] and [Native] subtypes. Her Constitution, Wisdom and Charisma all increase by 2, and she gains Damage Reduction equal to her Hit Dice, overcome only by Chaotic effects. Deathless Glory (Ex): the fourth-level Avenging Angel is sort of alive, sort of dead, but not Undead. She becomes immune to [Death] effects, never ages, and is permanently at a healthy adult age. She needn't eat, drink or sleep. If she is ever killed, but the killing blow was not with a Silver weapon and her corpse is not burned, she just returns to life 1d4 days later.

Aura of Brilliance (Su): at fifth level, the Avenging Angel's Aura of Radiance increases in power. It now extends out to sixty feet, and she gains a Prismatic Aura effect, as do all allies in the area. Equipment: Sororitas Assault Glaive or Blazing Maul Requisition: Cloak of Charisma, Relic Blade, Burning Brazier, Litanies of Faith Level 5: Cloak of Saint Aspira, Blessed Weapon

Callidus Death Master What? Oh come on, I'm Grugnok Bignob, I've been your bodyguard for weeks now. Er, waaagh.

All assassins tend to go one of two ways: becoming a leader and trainer of other assassins, or becoming better at combat. The Death Master is the latter. The Callidus Death Master is better at moving about, better and using her weapons, and better at poisoning people. Hit Die: d8 Skill Points: 6+Int Base Attack Bonus: Good Good Saving Throws: Fortitude and Reflex Level 1 2 3 4 5 Special Sneak Attack +1d6, Focused Blast Toxic Blend, Rapid Onslaught Sneak Attack +2d6, Complete Flanker Speed of Shadows, Broken Chain of Command Sneak Attack +3d6, Enslave

Sneak Attack (Ex): every odd level, the Callidus Assassin gains another die of Sneak Attack. Focused Blast (Ex): when using a weapon with a Cone effect (such as a Neural Shredder), the Callidus Death Master can fiddle with the controls to halve the width of the effect but multiply the damage by one and a half, as well as adding +4 to any Save DC. Toxic Blend (Ex): the second-level Callidus Death Master is able to blend two toxins together and have them still work the finished product uses either delivery method, the highest Save DC, and the combined damage/effect. Rapid Onslaught (Ex): at second level, the Callidus Death Master is so fast that she gains an additional Swift or Immediate action each turn. Complete Flanker (Ex): the third-level Callidus Death Master always counts as flanking all adjacent enemies, so good is she at distracting them and sliding about to get the perfect hit. Furthermore, all of her allies gain the benefits of flanking those enemies even for ranged attacks. Speed of Shadows (Ex): at fourth level, the speed of the Callidus Death Master is such that she gains an additional Move action each turn, and may add her Intelligence Bonus to her Initiative. Broken Chain of Command (Su): at level four, the Callidus Assassin is so good at sowing dissent and confusion in enemy ranks that she does it supernaturally almost without thinking. With a Standard action she may prevent all enemy Auras, Telepathy and Command abilities from functioning within 100 feet of her, lasting for a number of rounds equal to her Intelligence bonus (minimum 1) plus 2d6, as well as causing a Mass Confusion effect (Charisma-based). Only the Mass Confusion part is a [Mind-affecting] effect. Enslave (Su): at fifth level, the Callidus Assassin just about doesn't need to use normal means of trickery: after spending at least 8 hours with someone, working with or for them or otherwise convincing them she is not a threat, she may produce a True Domination effect upon them (Charisma-based). Only one slave can be controlled at a time, however. Equipment: Digital Weapon, various exotic poisons and acid flasks, another C'tan Phase Sword, Scythian Talon. Requisition: another Neural Shredder, Psy-Cannon, Rod of Lordly Might, Hat of Disguise Level 5: Aquila Lander (requires 10+ ranks of Pilot), Rod of Rulership, Rod of Splendour

Callidus Executioner There's something you need to know... I'm not Stu.

The Callidus Assassins who turn more to the use of their Polymorphine, and to training others in the arts of manipulation and deception, are known as the Executioners. Just as deadly as those who focus on rapid assaults, but perhaps even better, for the enemy can never know who their enemy is. Hit Die: d8 Skill Points: 6+Int Base Attack Bonus: Medium Good Saving Throws: Fortitude, Reflex and Willpower Level 1 2 3 4 5 Special Death Cultists (2), Mindfire Blast Sneak Attack +1d6, Treason Command, Death Cultists (level up) Death Cultists (4), Steal Loyalty Sneak Attack +2d6, Polymorphine Rampage, Death Cultists (level up) Callidus Assassins (4), Imitate Deity

Death Cultists (Ex): at first level, the Callidus Executioner gains a pair of level 6 Death Cultists to serve and assist her. If they are killed, the eventually get replaced, but they never gain levels. At second level, they gain a single level of Callidus Assassin, at third level, she has a total of four, and at fourth level, they gain a second level of Callidus Assassin. Mindfire Blast (Su): anyone who fails the save against the Callidus Executioner's Neural Shredder is instantly hit by a Parboil effect (same DC). Those who fail that save contract Mindfire, taking initial damage immediately. Sneak Attack (Ex): at levels two and four, the Callidus Executioner's Sneak Attack improves by 1d6, stacking as usual. Treason Command (Su): at second level, the Callidus Executioner can use a Move-Equivalent action to cause all enemies within 50 feet to spend an Immediate action performing a single attack against each other (within range). A Willpower Save (Charisma-based) negates this. Having already spent their Immediate action does not prevent this from working: they just get a single Standard or Move action next turn. This is a [Language-Dependent] [Mind-Affecting] [Compulsion] effect. Steal Loyalty (Su): at third level, summoned creatures automatically turn traitor against their summoners and serve the Callidus Executioner instead, as long as she is within 50 feet. Worse still, the Executioner gains the ability to dismiss them and the caster loses the ability to do so. This may be resisted once per summoning with an opposed 1d20+HD check. Polymorphine Rampage (Su): at level four, the Callidus Executioner may let her drugs run rampant once per day with a Full Round action. She gains the benefits of a Shapechange effect for 1d4+4 hours, though any non-instantaneous effect from this transformation will not last beyond the duration (such as changing into another form with a 24 hour duration, Wishing her stats up and so on). Callidus Assassins (Ex): at level five, the Callidus Executioner's Death Cultists gain the final two levels in Callidus Assassin. Imitate Deity (Su): at fifth level, the Callidus Executioner may use a Full Round action to make a Bluff check against someone's Sense Motive check. If this succeeds, she convinces the Believer that she is in fact the deity they are worshipping (this does not work on those who don't worship a deity). This can result in her being able to Dominate Clerics or fool them into thinking their spells have been revoked, negated by a Willpower Save (Charisma-based), or fuck with them in other ways. Equipment: 3 additional daily doses of Polymorphine, Holo-Field, Flip-Belt, Rod of Splendour Requisition: Jet Pack, Rod of Lordly Might, Rod of Leadership, Aristocrat Followers, Warrior Followers, Chimera (requires 6+ ranks of Pilot) Level 5: Aquila Lander with Pilot, Rad Grenades

Captain Men, let our armoured boots crush the enemy forces into the mud so that their corpses are nothing but a foundation for the next city to be built upon! Space Marine captains are Serious Business: not only do they excel in melee combat, but they are proper leaders as well, able to bring the majesty of their chapters to bear. They lead entire companies into battle, and as such, their presence on the field is not a matter to be taken lightly. Note: if the Captain belongs to the Space Wolves, he is called a Wolf Guard Battle Leader. If he belongs to the Grey Knights, he is called a Brother-Captain. If he belongs to the Black Templars, he is called a Marshal. Hit Die: d12 Skill Points: 2+Int Base Attack Bonus: Good Good Saving Throws: Fortitude and Willpower Level 1 2 3 4 5 Special Lead by Example, Chapter Tactics Greater Auras, Honour of the Chapter Third Aura, Paragon of Might, War Tactics Legends of the Chapter, Paragon of Toughness Aura of Champions, Paragon of War, Chapter Relic

Lead by Example (Ex): whenever the Captain strikes a foe in melee combat, all allies within 100 feet gain the benefits of a True Strike effect on their next attack, providing it is made before his next turn. Multiple hits in a turn do not bestow multiple True Strike effects. Chapter Tactics (Ex): the Captain belongs to a chapter, whether he took the feat or not. He gains the special benefits of his chapter (or specific company), choosing one now if he hasn't already specified. Obviously, if he has the feat, he has to be part of that chapter. There is one benefit just for him, and another for allies of his chapter, though they must be close enough to see him. Black Templars: the oath the Captain has sworn allows him to make a 5' step every time he is struck in combat. This is not an action, but happens after the hit that triggers it. He never suffers a penalty to Willpower Saves, nor do any allies with the Chapter feat of Black Templars. Blood Angels: the Captain is vampiric, gaining a +4 Alchemical bonus to all ability scores for one minute every time he consumes the blood of a sentient, living creature. He gains a Bite attack that helps him do this, dealing 1d8+Str Piercing damage, and dealing 2 Constitution damage on a Grapple or a Critical Hit. Every turn he may declare a foe to be his Chosen target, and he does not provoke Attacks of Opportunity from that foe until his next turn, nor do any allies with the Chapter feat of Blood Angels. Dark Angels: the Captain can fire Plasma weapons without fear of them Getting Hot, and automatically confirms any critical hit with them. He may re-roll failed rolls to hit Chaos Space Marines, as do his allies with the Chapter feat of Dark Angels. Grey Knights: the Captain can use one of his [Psychic] powers as a Swift action, effectively Quickening it. He also never rolls on the Perils of the Warp if he dies from it, nor do any allies with the Chapter feat of Grey Knight, simply suffering the normal death. Imperial Fists: the Captain gains Evasion and Improved Evasion. Any time he or an ally with the Chapter feat of Imperial Fists gains a Cover bonus, treat the Cover as one step better. Minotaurs: the Captain may move three times his speed when charging, rather than just double, and completely ignores Difficult Terrain on the charge. Furthermore, he deals double damage on the charge. He may re-roll failed rolls to hit other Space Marines (including Chaos Space Marines), as do any allies with the Chapter feat of Minotaurs. Salamanders: the Captain is completely immune to radiation, as well as similar effects that suppress the life force: Negative Levels/Energy Drain and Negative Energy Damage. He also ignores all Armour Check Penalties and Speed reductions for wearing Medium or Heavy Armour, as do all allies with the Chapter feat of Salamanders. Space Wolves: the Captain gains the Trip ability of a wolf, and actually develops a Bite attack of 2d6+Str Piercing damage with a x3 critical multiplier. His Rage bonus increases by +1d6 damage and +2 to Damage Reduction, as do the Rage bonuses of all allies with the Chapter feat of Space Wolves. White Scars: the Captain may make a Pilot check each round he is on an Astartes Bike, as a Free action. The check result divided by five (round down) is added as a bonus to the vehicle's speed for the rest of his turn. He needn't use his hands to pilot an Astartes Bike, nor does any ally with the Chapter feat of White Scars. Greater Auras (Su): at second level, the Auras of the Captain improve as follows: Willpower: those in the area automatically pass Willpower Saves for the duration Determination: those in the area also gain Freedom of Movement for the duration Perfection: the bonuses increase to +5, and they may Take 10 on the re-roll. Hatred: the Damage Reduction improves to 7/- and the Rage Dice improve to +5d6

Honour of the Chapter (Ex): at second level, the Captain becomes Fearless he is immune to all [Fear] effects. Moreover, all allies within 100 feet of him are also immune to [Fear] effects while they remain in the area. Third Aura (Ex): at third level, the Captain may select a third Aura from the Tactical Sergeant's list. This benefits from Greater Auras just like the others. Paragon of Might (Ex): at third level, the Captain becomes incredibly strong his Strength improves by four points, he doubles his carrying capacity, and can attempt to break objects with a Swift action. Additionally, once per hour he may add 20 to a Strength-based skill check or a break check, with no limit to the results (such as Jump distance based on height). War Tactics (Ex): the third-level Captain knows a thing or two about tactics. Whenever Initaitive is rolled, he may direct all allies to move up to their Move Speed as a Free action, getting his team into position. Additionally, in the first round of combat he may re-roll any failed rolls. Legends of the Chapter (Ex): at level four, the Captain knows the legends of his chapter and company, and is filled with great pride. He becomes immune to all Morale penalties, and in the first round of combat, enemies never have The Edge on him. Paragon of Toughness (Ex): at level four, the Captain becomes tougher than Dragonforce, the hardest metal. His Constitution improves by four points, he becomes immune to Fatigue, and once per hour he may subtract 20 from the damage he suffers from an attack. Aura of Champions (Su): at fifth level, the auras of the Captain become even more awesome. For each of them, select two of the following benefits. No benefit may be selected more than once, even for different Auras: All in the area gain a +3 Enhancement bonus to Strength All in the area gain a +3 Enhancement bonus to Dexterity All in the area gain a +3 Enhancement bonus to Constitution All in the area gain a +3 Enhancement bonus to Intelligence All in the area gain a +3 Enhancement bonus to Wisdom All in the area gain a +3 Enhancement bonus to Charisma All in the area gain a +3 Resistance bonus to Saving Throws All in the area gain a +3 Deflection bonus to Armour Class All in the area gain a +3 Enhancement bonus to Natural Armour Paragon of War (Ex): the fifth-level Captain always has the Edge on all opponents, and in the first round of combat he may Take 10 on all d20 rolls he makes. Chapter Relic (Ex): at fifth level, the Captain is so awesome that he is entrusted with a Chapter Relic. If he loses it, he is in disgrace until he can regain it, and even then will need to perform a great quest to be allowed to wield it again. Chapter Relics: If your Chapter doesn't have one that suits your style, then work something out with the MC. It should be a Martial or Exotic Weapon, or a Firearm, and is a Greater Magic Weapon, usually with a unique property. The Axe Morkai (Space Wolves): a Frost Blade (Great Axe) that can be wielded one-handed. If wielded two-handed, his Strength score is doubled, though only for the purpose of Attack and Damage rolls.

Foe Hammer (Space Wolves): a Magic Thunder Hammer with the Throwing and Returning properties. The Titansword (Grey Knights): a Force Weapon (Long Sword) that has the Bane quality against [Chaotic] Outsiders, and all [Psychic] creatures. The Blade of Antwyr (Grey Knights): a Daemon Weapon (Bastard Sword) that, on the wielder's turn, every turn, will cast Rage at the nearest enemy of the wielder with a Save DC of half the wielder's Hit Dice plus 18. Additionally, the user may at any time elect to listen to its whispers, also falling prey to the Rage effect and dealing an additional +5d6 damage on every melee attack made while under the effects, however he will gain 3 Warp points per round that he is under its effects, unable to end it voluntarily, and will radiate a Strong [Chaotic] [Evil] aura for the next 24 hours. Talassarian Tempest Blade (Ultramarines): a Magic Power Weapon (Bastard Sword) that can be used to make a Coup de Grace attack against any foe, even one who is perfectly mobile. Doing so requires a Standard action. Infernus (Ultramarines): a Magic Combi-Weapon (Boltgun-Flamer), loaded with Hellfire ammunition. Fist of Dorn (Imperial Fists): a Magic Thunder Hammer that deals an additional 3d6 damage against Constructs, Vehicles and Objects. The Spear of Vulcan (Salamanders): a Magic Relic Blade (Great Spear) The Gauntlet of the Forge (Salamanders): a Magic Armoured Gauntlet that can be fired as a Heavy Flamer, although it falls under Pistol proficiency. Moondrakkan (White Scars): a Magic Power Weapon (Bastard Sword) that, on a critical hit, forces the opponent to make a Fortitude Save (Strength-based) or be slain. The Lifetaker (Executioners): a Magic Relic Blade (Great Axe) that bestows a Negative Level with every successful hit. The Black Spear (Minotaurs): a Magic Relic Blade (Great Spear) that contains a Las-Cannon. This is fired as an Assault Firearm, but only has enough battery power for one shot per day. The Black Sword (Black Templars): a Keen Magic Power Weapon (Great Sword) The Sword of Secrets (Dark Angels): a Magic Power Weapon (Long Sword) that grants the wielder a bonus [Combat] feat as long as it is wielded. The Sword of Silence (Dark Angels): a Magic Power Weapon (Long Sword) that forces the target to make a Fortitude Save (Charisma-based) or be rendered Silent for 3 rounds. The Dead Man's Hand (Blood Angels): a Magic Power Fist that contains Digital Lasers Blood Reaver (Blood Angels): a two-handed Chainsword that doubles the user's Strength score for the purpose of Attack and Damage rolls. Equipment: Digital Weapons, Power Weapon, Iron Halo, Melta Bombs Requisition: Artificer Armour, pair of Lightning Claws, Power Fist, Razorback with Pilot Level 5: Terminator Armour, Astartes Bike, Land Raider Crusader or Redeemer with Pilot Special: if the Captain belongs to the Space Wolves, he may Requisition a Frost Blade, Cyberwolf, Rune Armour or a pair of Wolf Claws. If he belongs to the Blood Angels, he may Requsition a Jump Pack, Inferno Pistol or Hand Flamer. If he belongs to the Grey Knights, he has Terminator Armour and may Requisition Psychotroke Grenades, Rad Grenades, Empyrian Brain Mines, a Nemesis Warding Staff or a Daemon Hammer. If he belongs to the White Scars, he may Requisition an Astartes Bike. If he belongs to the Iron Hands, he has Terminator Armour. If he belongs to the Minotaurs or Imperial Fists, he may Requisition a Siege Mantlet or Las-Cutter. If he belongs to the Dark Angels, he may Requisition a Plasma Gun. If specifically part of the Deathwing he has Terminator Armour. If part of the Ravenwing, he has a Land Speeder. If he belongs to the Black Templars, he may Requisition Holy Orbs of Antioch.

Celestian Superior Stay close to the Palatine, keep the enemy heads down, we'll charge them once they're pinned!

Each unit of Celestians is led by a Celestian Superior, a veteran warrior who has not only seen it all, she's done most of it as well. When it comes to combat, urging her unit onwards, and knowing what to look out for, she is practically a master. Hit Die: d10 Skill Points: 4+Int Base Attack Bonus: Good Good Saving Throws: Fortitude and Willpower Level 1 2 3 4 5 Special Detested Foe, Faith (Sacrifice), Celestian Skills Camaraderie, Faith (Blessings of Hope) Universal Hatred, Love For Mankind Apocalyptic Barrage, Faith (Blessings of Vengeance) Reviled Foe, Faith (Never Fading Flower)

Detested Foe (Ex): the Celestian Superior's Hated Foe is now in even more peril: she enjoys a Haste effect whenever fighting against them, even if there are other enemy combatants that do not qualify. Faith (Su): as she gains levels, the Celestian Superior gains access to even more remarkable acts of faith that cause even the most jaded of people to believe. Sacrifice: if an ally is hit by an effect that would reduce them below 0 Hit Points or kill them, and the Celestian Superior is within 50 feet of them, she may elect to take the blow instead. She drops to -1 Hit Points and Stable, falling Prone, and her ally is left unscathed. Her allies instantly gain the benefits of Hated Foe, Abhorrent Foe, Detested Foe and, if she possesses it, Reviled Foe towards whoever unleashed the attack. The attack can not have been an Area of Effect or Multi-Target attack that also included the Celestian Superior. Blessings of Hope: with a Standard action, the second-level Celestian Superior may bless an ally at will, though only one ally at a time may receive this blessing. For one minute, the ally benefits from Greater Luminous Armour and Starmantle. Blessings of Vengeance: at fourth level, the Celestian Superior may specially bless an ally a number of times per day equal to her Charisma modifier (minimum 1). With a Standard action, she grants them the effects of Karmic Aura, Karmic Backlash, Karmic Retribution, Sunmantle and Vengeance Halo. The benefits last for just three rounds. Never Fading Flower: the fifth-level Celestian Superior stops aging, and never takes penalties for growing old even losing existing age penalties. She will never die of age, and is immune to Blindness, Deafness and desiccation damage (such as Horrid Wilting). She also will not die until she reaches a negative amount of Hit Points equal to her own maximum Hit Points, though needs to be healed like anyone else afterwards, lapsing into a coma. Celestian Skills (Ex): the Celestian Superior gains another Celestian Skill, just like a Celestian. Camaraderie (Ex): the second-level Celestian Superior makes a lot of friends and is loved by all. As a result, any Aid Other attempt made by her or made to assist her grants a +5 bonus rather than a +2 bonus. Additionally, if she Flanks a target, then the ally who Flanks with her enjoys a doubled Critical Threat Range against that target. Universal Hatred (Ex): at third level, all of the Celestian Superior's enemies are considered to be Hated Foes, granting her the basic benefits, though not the benefits of Abhorrent, Detested or Reviled Foe. She may still use Litany of Hatred, if she possesses it, to grant the benefits to her allies, and any Favoured Enemy boosting Feat she takes will apply to all enemies. Love For Mankind (Ex): when attacking a foe, the third-level Celestian Superior can elect to make the attack deal only non-lethal damage, even when throwing grenades and using boltguns (this aspect is a Supernatural Ability, and will not work on non-humans, [Psychic] targets, or those immune to non-lethal damage). Additionally, she is known for being more merciful than the average Imperial soldier, and almost chivalrous, so when she does the talking, the party takes no penalties for being violent killers.

Apocalyptic Barrage (Ex): at level four, the Celestian Superior can send a message back to base, requesting an apocalyptic barrage from orbit. This request generally goes through the Inquisition, but could also be made via a Sister Dialogus or something. At any rate, this takes a MoveEquivalent action, and will arrive 1d6+1 rounds later, in the form of the following effects hitting a 100' radius area within 1000 feet: Earthquake, Deadly Lahar, Deadly Sunstroke Reviled Foe (Su): the fifth-level Celestian Superior constantly emits a Pulse of Hate that affects all [Psychic] enemies and [Evil] Outsiders within the area of effect (and nobody else). This ability could not be suppressed even if she wanted it to. Additionally, whenever she strikes a [Psychic] enemy or [Evil] Outsider, they are subject to a Harm effect (Charisma-based), once per round. Equipment: Rosarius, Power Sword, Storm Bolter, Plasma Grenades, Book of Saint Lucius Requisition: Artificer Armour, Blazing Maul, Repressor with Pilot Level 5: Cloak of Saint Aspira, Valkyrie with Pilot (requires 10+ ranks of Diplomacy), Immolator (requires 6+ ranks of Pilot)

Celestian-Arrow They will not tread a single step further...

Just as the Celestian Blades focus on melee combat and short-range pistold, the Celestian Arrows focus on firing from a distance. They still protect Heroines (generally a Canoness), however they do it a different way by shooting enemies who try to approach, and pinning them down at every chance. An enemy is lucky to survive so far as to get into close combat with a Celestian Arrow, but even then she may have unpleasant surprises for them. Hit Die: d8 Skill Points: 6+Int Base Attack Bonus: Good Good Saving Throws: Reflex and Willpower Level 1 2 3 4 5 Special Trigger Discipline, Bonus Feat Pinning Fire, Faith (Divine Guidance) Overwatch, Celestian Skills Protector, Drive-by Faith (Heavenly Burst), Celestian Skills

Trigger Discipline (Ex): with an Immediate action, even when denied her Dexterity bonus to Armour Class, the Celestian Arrow may fire a single weapon once at a foe who attempts a charge, even if she is not the target of the charge. Bonus Feat: the Celestian Arrow gains a bonus [Combat] feat. Pinning Fire (Ex): whenever the second-level Celestian Arrow shoots someone, they must make a Will Save (Charisma-based) or Cower for one round. If she shoots the same target multiple times in her turn, they still only need to attempt one save. Faith (Su): as she gains levels, the Celestian Arrow gains access to new Faith Powers. Divine Guidance: at second level, the Celestian Arrow may grant herself True Seeing a number of times per day equal to her Wisdom bonus (minimum 1). Any Invisible targets seen in this manner do not benefit from Damage Reduction or Regeneration against her shooting attacks and, if they lack both, suffer 2 Con damage every time she shoots them. Heavenly Burst: whenever the fifth-level Celestian Arrow activates the Divine Power aspect of Battle Fury, all of her shooting attacks are resolved as Touch Attacks for the duration, and ignore all Damage Reduction and Regeneration. Additionally, once per hour, as a Free action, she may call down a Flamestrike effect (Charisma-based), centred on the target of her shooting attack. If the shooting hits, the primary target gets no saving throw. Overwatch (Ex): each turn, the third-level Celestian Arrow may designate a 10x10' square within the first range increment of a Firearm she is wielding. Doing so is a Free action. Until the beginning of her next turn, entering that area provokes Attacks of Opportunity from her, which may be made with a ranged weapon, even a Firearm. Celestian Skills (Ex): at levels three and five, the Celestian Arrow develops another Celestian Skill. Protector (Ex): when a level four Celestian Arrow is adjacent to an ally, the ally benefits from Full Cover, and gains a bonus to her Damage Reduction equal to the Celestian Arrow's BAB. Drive-by (Ex): at fourth level, the Celestian Arrow can make a Full Attack with a Rapid Fire or Assault Firearm and also make a Move Action in the same round. The Full Attack may occur at any point during the movement, allowing her to continue and finish her movement after shooting. Equipment: Master Crafted Boltgun with Sarissa, Concussion Mines, Condemnor, Tempest Ammunition, Rhino (as long as she has 4+ ranks in Pilot) Requisition: other special ammunitions, Storm Bolter, Heavy Flamer, Flamer, Melta, Iron Halo, Melta Bombs, Las-Cutter, Power Sarissa, Repressor (requires 6+ ranks in Pilot) Level 5: Immolator (requires 6+ ranks in Pilot), Autocannon, Artificer Armour

Celestian-Blade What's that? Women can't into melee? Neg four strength? Let me show y- oh, he fell over.

All Celestians fight especially well, but eventually, the best at close combat are selected to become bodyguards to Palatines. Their role is to take the fight to enemies and cut them down, or to protect the Heroine with punishing gunfire. Also they flat-out murder fools in hand to hand. Hit Die: d10 Skill Points: 4+Int Base Attack Bonus: Good Good Saving Throws: Fortitude and Willpower Level 1 2 3 4 5 Special Assault Tactics, Bonus Feat Gun Fighter, Celestian Skills Protector, Diving Shot Point-Blank Killer, Celestian Skills Faith (Fireball Princess), Keen Edge

Assault Tactics (Ex): Celestian Blades are awesome at smacking people about the place. Any time the Celestian Blade successfully Trips, Disarms or Grapples an opponent, they must make a Fortitude Save (Strength-based) or be Dazed for one round. Bonus Feat: the Celestian Blade gains any [Combat] feat as a Bonus Feat. Gun Fighter (Ex): at second level, the Celestian Blade is so good at shooting people that she gains the following benefits: when dual-wielding Pistols, she may treat them both as Twin-Linked. Additionally, she may fire them at adjacent targets as though they were melee weapons (not provoking Attacks of Opportunity, no penalties, and using them for Attacks of Opportunity). Celestian Skills (Ex): at levels two and four, the Celestian Blade gains another Celestian Skill. Protector (Ex): when a third-level Celestian Blade is adjacent to an ally, the ally benefits from Full Cover, and gains a bonus to her Damage Reduction equal to the Celestian Blade's BAB. Diving Shot (Ex): at level three, whenever a Celestian Blade attempts a Reflex Save, she may fire a Pistol Firearm (or two, if dual-wielding) at the attacker as part of the Saving Throw non-action. She may only do this a number of times per round up to her Dexterity modifier (minimum 1). Point-Blank Killer (Ex): any pistol fired by the fourth-level Celestian Blade at an adjacent target causes a critical hit if it hits. She's just that good at blowing people's brains out when that close. Faith (Fireball Princess) (Su): whenever she activates the Divine Power aspect of Battle Fury, the fifth-level Celestian Blade also benefits from Righteous Might. Additionally, once per hour she may, when successfully charging an enemy, create a Fireball effect, centred on the target (Charismabased). The primary target gets no saving throw if the attack hits. Keen Edge (Ex): at level five, the Celestian Blade doubles her Critical Threat Range against any foe she has the Edge over. Equipment: a pair of Master Crafted Bolt Pistols, Chainsword, Melta Bombs, Burning Brazier Requisition: a pair of Inferno Pistols, Hand Flamers or Plasma Pistols, Blazing Maul, Sororitas Assault Glaive, Power Weapon, Rhino with Pilot (requires 6+ ranks in Diplomacy), Relic Blade, Doom Spear Level 5: Blessed Weapon (requires 18+ ranks in Diplomacy), pair of Neuro Whips, Eviscerator, Immolator (requires 6+ ranks in Pilot), Jump Pack

Chaplain We should put a church on this tank, for when we want to pray and slaughter at the same time. The Chaplains are the holy warriors of the Adeptus Astartes, serving as priests to lead their brethren into battle. They take care of relics and holy weapons, memorise the ancient lore which they recite on the battlefield, utter ancient prayers to drive their allies onwards, and deliver retribution to enemies. In the face. Note: if he belongs to the Black Templars, the Chaplain is called a Reclusiarch. If he belongs to the Dark Angels, he is called an Interrogator-Chaplain. If he belongs to the Space Wolves, he is called a Wolf Priest. Hit Die: d10 Skill Points: 4+Int Base Attack Bonus: Good Good Saving Throws: Fortitude and Willpower Level 1 2 3 4 5 Special Lead by Example, Honour of the Chapter Rage +1d6, Liturgies of Battle Lead the Charge, Litany of Pride Rage +2d6, Defy Chaos Incite Rage, Litany of Zeal, Walking Chapel

Lead by Example (Ex): whenever the Chaplain strikes a foe in melee combat, all allies within 100 feet gain the benefits of a True Strike on their next attack, providing it is made before his next turn. Multiple hits in the same turn do not grant multiple True Strikes. Honour of the Chapter (Ex): the Chaplain is immune to [Fear] effects, as are all allies within 100 feet of him. Rage (Ex): the Chaplain continues to advance his Rage ability, gaining an extra Rage Die at levels 2 and 4 (along with the increase to Damage Reduction). Liturgies of Battle (Ex): with an Immediate action, a second-level Chaplain may intervene for an ally within 50 feet, turning a failed attack roll or saving throw into an automatic success. Lead the Charge (Su): whenever the third-level Chaplain charges, all allies become empowered by his bravery. Their next attack, should it be made before his next turn, deals +5d6 Axiomatic damage. As long as he is closest to the enemies or adjacent to an enemy, all allies within 50 feet gain the benefits of a Divine Power effect. Litany of Pride (Su): once per hour, the third-level Chaplain may spend a Move-Equivalent action reciting the Litany of Pride. Even his armour becomes too good to be touched by the enemy, granting him a Shield of Faith effect, and his adamant belief grants him a True Strike effect. Defy Chaos (Su): with a standard action, the level four Chaplain may gaze at a foe and make an Intimidate check. The DC is equal to the opponent's Armour Class. If he succeeds, his force of will tears at their very soul, rendering them vulnerable: they lose access to a Special Attack or Special Quality of his choice until the beginning of his next turn. Incite Rage (Ex): with a Standard action, the level five Chaplain may shout out, causing all allies within 100 feet to immediately gain his Rage ability (including the same amount of Damage Reduction and Rage Dice). This does not stack with any they already possess, and lasts for one minute. Litany of Zeal (Ex): once per day, the fifth-level Chaplain may spend a Full Round action reciting the Litany of Zeal, affecting him and all allies within 50 feet. They become engulfed in holy flames and deliver their souls to the Emperor, gaining the benefits of Etherealness, Balor Nimbus and Fire Shield for one hour, and during that time their bodies cannot be destroyed or mutilated beyond basic death (meaning Disintegrate and Destruction outright fail to affect them, and a corpse can always be recovered). Walking Chapel (Ex): at level five, the Chaplain emits a Hallowed Sanctuary effect out to fifty feet, as long as he takes no violent action of his own and even then, only the Sanctuary is suppressed, and only for 1d6 rounds. Equipment: Crozius Arcanum, Rosarius, Iron Halo, Purity Seals Requisition: Power Fist, Storm Bolter, Combi-Weapon (Bolter and Flamer/Melta/Plasma Gun) Level 5: Astartes Bike, Terminator Armour, Condemnor, Storm Shield Special: if he belongs to the Black Templars, the Chaplain may Requisition Holy Orbs of Antioch. If he belongs to the Space Wolves, the Chaplain may requisition a Fang of Morkai or Rune Armour.

Culexus Death Master I'll blow your mind

The Death Masters of the Culexus Temple of Assassins are better and better at destroying the minds of those around them, their auras growing more powerful and completely shutting psykers down. They are also a little more skilled in close combat, but ultimately, they exist to stop magic from working. Hit Die: d8 Skill Points: 4+Int Base Attack Bonus: Good Good Saving Throws: Fortitude, Reflex and Willpower Level 1 2 3 4 5 Special Furious Charge, Tainted Warp Anti-Magic, Psychosomatic Disease Servitude of Fear, Speed of Shadows Revulsion, Triple-Throw Vortex of Souls, Induce Nausea

Furious Charge (Ex): when the Culexus Death Master charges a foe, he may make a Full Attack, and treats his Strength score as 4 points higher. Tainted Warp (Su): anyone who attempts to Scry anything or anywhere within 500 feet of the Culexus Death Master automatically fails, and additionally must make a Will Save (Intelligencebased) or be affected by Psychic Poison. The Primary and Secondary damage is 1d10 Intelligence. Anti-Magic (Ex): any magically or psionically powered device, or Warp Drive, will instantly cut out when within 15 feet of a Culexus Death Master, just like an Anti-Magic Field. This also deactivates and suppresses magical auras and prevents the casting of spells. Psychosomatic Disease (Ex): any [Psychic] creature who spends more than one full round within 15 feet of a second-level Culexus Death Master must make a Willpower Save (Intelligence-based). If they fail, they catch a Psychosomatic disease. This is a [Mind Affecting] effect, and works like Devil Chills, except using Will Saves, with the same DC as the initial ability, and damage is dealt immediately upon contracting the effect. Every further round spent in his presence speeds the disease up by one day. Servitude of Fear (Su): with a Standard action, the third-level Culexus Death Master can enthrall a Panicked or Cowering foe. They are entitled to a Will Save (Charisma-based), but if they fail, they are Dominated for one minute, and Charmed thereafter. Speed of Shadows (Ex): at third level, the speed of the Culexus Death Master is such that he gains an additional Move action each turn, and may add his Intelligence Bonus to his Initiative. Revulsion (Ex): all [Psychic] creatures who stray within 30 feet of a level four Culexus Death Master must make a Will Save (Charisma-based). If they fail, they are affected by a Rage effect (as per the spell) for one minute. They cannot cast Spells or use Spell-like or Supernatural Abilities for the duration. Triple-Throw (Ex): with the one action, a fourth-level Culexus Death Master can throw three grenades at a time, even different types of grenade and at different targets/locations. Vortex of Souls (Su): once per day, the fifth-level Culexus Death Master may unleash a Wail of the Banshee effect, however it only affects [Psychic] creatures and [Chaotic] Outsiders. Induce Nausea (Su): with a Standard action, the fifth-level Culexus Death Master may focus his gaze upon a living target. If they then fail a Fortitude Save (Charisma-based), they become Nauseated for 1d6+1 rounds. Equipment: Storm Bolter with Psy-Cannon Bolts, Holo-Field Requisition: Haywire Bombs, Rad Grenades Level 5: a Vortex Grenade, Arvus Lighter (requires 10+ ranks in Pilot)

Culexus Executioner Don't mind him, he just tried thinking at me. The Executioners of the Culexus Temple are still combat inclined, but just in a different way. They don't throw so many grenades, nor do they focus so much on tearing the souls from people, instead training others and shutting senses down. Hit Die: d8 Skill Points: 4+Int Base Attack Bonus: Good Good Saving Throws: Fortitude, Reflex and Willpower Level 1 2 3 4 5 Special Follower (Death Cultist), Engulfing Aura Spell Worm, Invisibility, The Silence Follower (Culexus Assassin), Tainted Warp Revulsion, Mass Spell Worm, White Noise Followers (2 Culexus Assassins), Gaze of Annihilation

Followers (Ex): at first level, the Executioner gets a Death Cultist as a follower. At level three, the Death Cultist gains four levels of Culexus Assassin. At level five, he gains another of equal level. Engulfing Aura (Su): the Aura of Fear of the Culexus Executioner extends out to one mile. Spell Worm (Su): once per round, the second-level Culexus Executioner may spend a MoveEquivalent action to tax the mind of a spellcaster or [Psychic] creature within fifty feet. They must pass a Will Save (Intelligence-based) or lose a single spell they have prepared (or, for spontaneous casters, an unused spell slot. For those who use Spell-like Abilities, they lose a daily or hourly use), starting with the highest ones available. Additionally, they are unaware this is happening until they pass the save. Invisibility (Ex): so it seems everybody is a little bit psychic, using It for even their basic senses. The Second-level Culexus Executioner can become Invisible at will with a Swift Action, lasting until the end of his next turn (or until ended by attacking someone). Using this effect while it is still active extends it by one round. The Silence (Ex): at second level, the Culexus Executioner can spend a Move-Equivalent action to block out the senses of those around him, radiating Silence out to fifty feet. The silence lasts for three rounds. Tainted Warp (Su): anyone who attempts to Scry anything or anywhere within 500 feet of the third-level Culexus Executioner automatically fails, and additionally must make a Will Save (Intelligence-based) or be affected by Psychic Poison. The Primary and Secondary damage is 1d10 Intelligence. Revulsion (Ex): all [Psychic] creatures who stray within 30 feet of a level four Culexus Executioner must make a Will Save (Charisma-based). If they fail, they are affected by a Rage effect (as per the spell) for one minute. They cannot cast Spells or use Spell-like or Supernatural Abilities for the duration. Mass Spell Worm (Su): at fourth level, Spell Worm affects a number of casters equal to the Charisma modifier of the Culexus Executioner (minimum 1). White Noise (Ex): at fourth level, the Culexus Executioner automatically blocks out all radio communications within 500 feet. He may suppress or resume this ability at will. Gaze of Annihilation (Su): with a Standard action, the fifth-level Culexus Assassin may glare at an enemy. If they are a [Psychic] creature, they must pass a Fort Save (Charisma-based) or be slain and sucked into the Warp. If they are not [Psychic], they must still pass the save, but failure merely results in them falling Comatose for one round, becoming Stunned, Blind and Deaf for one minute thereafter, and then being Blind and Deaf for the following hour. Equipment: Sting Ray, one dose of Etherium Derivatives that doubles the duration of all [Fear] effects used in the next hour Requisition: Terror Matrix Harness Level 5: Arvus Lighter (requires 10+ ranks in Pilot)

Death Company ARGLEBARGLE NAAAARF! Blood Angels all suffer from the Red Thirst, a terrible condition. However worst of all is when they are finally and inevitably consumed by the Black Rage. When this happens, they are lost, never able to go back. Although they can, off the field, act vaguely normal, they are still changed, unnerving, and when on the field of battle, only hatred exists within their minds. The Death Company exists for those who succumb to it, and who are ready to die. Hit Die: d12 Skill Points: 2+Int Base Attack Bonus: Good Good Saving Throws: Fortitude and Willpower Level 1 2 3 4 5 Special Unhindered Stride, Rage +1d6 Fast Healing, Rage +2d6 Immense Rage, Rage +3d6 Fast Movement, Rage +4d6 Deathless Body, Rage +5d6

Unhindered Stride (Ex): the Death Company Marine constantly moves as though under a Freedom of Movement effect, though he can still be grappled normally. Rage (Ex): if the Death Company Marine does not have the Rage ability (as the Assault Marine), he gains it. Regardless, every level he gains an additional Rage die. Fast Healing (Ex): at second level, the Death Company Marine gains Fast Healing 10. This applies even when he is in a Rage. Immense Rage (Su): whenever entering a Rage, the third-level Death Company Marine actually grows one size larger. When leaving the Rage, he shrinks back down again. In both cases, his equipment is included. Fast Movement (Ex): at level four, the Death Company Marine's land speed improves by fifteen feet, and he gains an additional Move action every turn. Deathless Body (Ex): at level five, the Death Company Marine becomes immune to anything an Undead would normally be immune to, and is healed by both Positive and Negative energy. If ever actually slain, as long as his brain and gene seed are recovered, he may become a Death Company Dreadnought a Furioso Dreadnought. Equipment: Frag and Krak Grenades, Chainsword, Bolt Pistol, Hand Flamer or Power Sword Requisition: Rhino with Pilot, Lightning Claw, Jump Pack, Power Fist Level 5: Thunder Hammer, Immolator with Pilot, Inferno Pistol

Devastator I love the smell of napalmed ork in the morning. Devastator Marines are those who pack the heavy weapons they lug giant things about, setting them in place to unleash waves of explosive doom on their enemies. Some focus on anti-infantry, with frag missiles and heavy bolters, others focus on taking tanks out, with lascannons and multi meltas. But either way, they all cause large explosions. Hit Die: d8 Skill Points: 4+Int Base Attack Bonus: Good Good Saving Throws: Fortitude, Reflex and Willpower Level 1 2 3 4 5 Special Heavy Weapon Specialty, Focus Fire Bulging Biceps, Elation Tank Hunter, Explosive Cascade Rain of Terror, Blinding Explosions Destroyer, Steel Rehn

Proficiencies: Heavy Weapons

Heavy Weapon Specialty (Ex): when wielding heavy weapons, the Devastator gains a special benefit, depending on the weapon he uses: Metal Storm: when firing a Frag Missile, the missile explodes in the air, scattering shrapnel everywhere. The blast radius increases by 10 feet, and Evasion does not apply. Tin Opener: no form of Damage Reduction or Energy Resistance applies to Krak Missiles. In fact, the tougher you are outside, the worse it is for your insides, so targets take extra damage equal to the sum of their Damage Reduction and Armour Bonus. Scorched Air: whenever a Devastator fires a Multi-Melta, a 10' radius spread emanates for one round. Anyone who goes through the area is subject to a Parboil effect. Holy Sol: when the Devastator fires the Plasma Cannon, the point where the blast originated still burns like a sun. Anyone dumb enough to touch it takes damage as though shot, and 1d4 rounds after forming it erupts like another Plasma Cannon, with a 10' radius. Strike Through Evil: when the Devastator fires a Lascannon, the bolt becomes a 5' wide 120' long Line. Everyone in the line is damaged, with a Reflex Save (Dexterity-based) for half. Thunderous Fury: the Devastator unleashes so many rounds with a Heavy Bolter that the chain of explosions causes the target (and anyone within 5') to have to make a Will Save (Wisdom-based) at the end of the shooting or Panic for 1d6 rounds. Focus Fire (Ex): for every consecutive round that he targets the same individual with the same Heavy Weapon, the Devastator's accuracy goes down (providing a cumulative -2 to hit), however the damage increases by +2d6 damage each round. Bulging Biceps (Ex): the second-level Devastator can fire Heavy Weapons without having to steady them first, and therefore may use his Move Action however he likes. He still has to steady [Massive] weapons but is otherwise able to fire them. Additionally, he treats Heavy Stubbers and Heavy Flamers as Assault Weapons. Elation (Ex): whenever he kills a foe or destroys a vehicle or building with his heavy firearms, it brings a smile to the second-level Devastator's face likewise to his allies. All negative effects afflicting him, and those affecting allies within 50 feet, instantly end, with the exception of entirely physical ones such as being on fire, or poison. Tank Hunter (Ex): whenever firing upon moving vehicles, the third-level Devastator treats it as having moved only half as far. Additionally, his weapons ignore the Damage Reduction and Energy Resistances of all Constructs and vehicles. Explosive Cascade (Su): whenever the third-level Devastator destroys a vehicle or Construct, explosive shards and balls of flame bounce around. Four 10' cubes within 100' of the primary explosion may be targeted to be hit for 6d6 Fire/Slashing damage, and the primary explosion extends by 10' in radius. This somehow occurs on a supernatural level, almost psychically directed by the Devastator. Rain of Terror (Ex): whenever the fourth-level Devastator kills a foe or destroys a vehicle with a heavy weapon, enemies panic. All foes within 50 feet of the casualty must make a Willpower Save (Wisdom-based) or Panic for 1d4 rounds. Blinding Explosions (Ex): at level four, whenever the Devastator creates an explosion of any kind, all foes within 20 feet must make a Fortitude Save (Wisdom-based) or be Blinded for 2d4 round.

Destroyer (Su): once per round, the fifth-level Devastator may make a single attack with a Heavy Firearm a [Destroyer] effect. Steel Rehn (Ex): at level five, once per day, the Devastator can call down a storm of Deathwind Drop Pods as a Move-Equivalent action. Four Drop Pods arrive on the following turn within 100 feet, and open fire on the enemies, all equipped with either Missile Launchers or Assault Cannons. Equipment: two of the following: Plasma Cannon, Missile Launcher, Heavy Bolter Requisition: Signum, another Heavy Firearm, Las-Cannon, Multi-Melta, Melta Bombs Level 5: Drop Pod with Deathwind Launcher

Eversor Death Master Kill kill kill kill kill kill kill

The Eversor Death Master is a raving psychopath, even compared to the regular assassin. Barely considered a playable character any more when not on their sedatives, they leap from kill to kill, looking for the next victim. Hit Die: d10 Skill Points: 4+Int Base Attack Bonus: Good Good Saving Throws: Fortitude and Reflex Level 1 2 3 4 5 Special Speed of Shadows, Reaction Overload Rage +1d6, Toxic Meltdown Rampage, Muscle Overload Rage +2d6, Poison Spit Detonation, Overclock, WRYYYYY

Speed of Shadows (Ex): the Eversor Death Master gains an additional Move Action each round. Reaction Overload (Ex): with an Immediate action, an Eversor Death Master may take damage equal to his hit dice to make a single attack against him automatically miss. This shuts his Fast Healing down for one round. Rage (Ex): at levels two and four, the Eversor Death Master's Rage ability improves, granting another point of Damage Reduction and another Rage Die. Toxic Meltdown (Ex): if the second-level Eversor Death Master is slain, not only does the explosion occur, but also, everyone in the area must make a Fortitude Save (Constitution-based) or be affected by a Poison that deals 1d10 Strength, Dexterity and Constitution damage as primary and secondary damage. Rampage (Ex): whenever below half his maximum Hit Points, the third-level Eversor Death Master gains an extra Standard action every turn. Muscle Overload (Ex): the third-level Eversor Death Master, when making a melee attack, may add his Constitution bonus to the attack roll, and double his hit dice to the damage. Doing so, however, also deals his own hit dice in damage to himself and shuts his Fast Healing down for one round. Poison Spit (Ex): with a Swift action, a level four Eversor Death Master can spit venom out to fifteen feet with a ranged touch attack. If it succeeds, the target must pass a Fortitude Save (Constitution-based) against a poison that causes 1d6 Constitution damage as primary damage, and Coma for 3d6 days as secondary damage. Detonation (Ex): if and when the fifth-level Eversor Death Master explodes, the damage increases to 40d6. You very much may elect to just deal the average, 140 points of damage. Overclock (Ex): the reflexes of the Eversor Death Master are so wired up and sped up at fifth level that time seems to freeze. Whenever below a quarter of his maximum Hit Points, if he takes damage he may activate a Time Stop effect as an Immediate action. Every time he does this, at the end of the effect he suffers two points of Constitution damage. WRYYYYY (Ex): when disembarking from a vehicle, the fifth-level Eversor Death Master may immediately make a charge attack, gaining the benefits of Leap Attack. Additionally, when piloting a vehicle, he may charge foes and even perform crude jumps (dealing 2d6 damage to the vehicle, ignoring Hardness and Damage Reduction). Charging or jumping onto someone with a vehicle doubles the ram/trample damage dealt. Equipment: Assault Cannon, 5 time-delay Plasma Grenades, 5 time-delay Melta Bombs, ten doses of Night Dust Sedatives Requisition: Drop Pod, Rhino Level 5: Land Raider Crusader (requires 10+ ranks in Diplomacy), Power Armour and Caestus Assault Ram (requires 18+ ranks in Diplomacy)

Eversor Executive Good day sir, I wish to talk to you about the benefits of MURDERKILLRAMPAGE!

Some Eversor Assassins manage to become fully productive members of society, becoming important business executives. Well, that's a lie, they just murder people. Much like the highestranking business executives. But they do it in a suit, and are in better control of themselves. They get given a suite of James Bond style gear, and are sent in to infiltrate corporations. Hit Die: d8 Skill Points: 6+Int Base Attack Bonus: Good Good Saving Throws: Fortitude and Reflex Level 1 2 3 4 5 Special Follower (1 Commissar), Icy Rage Rage +1d6, Face Wearer Follower (1 Commissar Lord), Dual-Wielding Maniac Rage +2d6, Toolkit of Death, Explosion of Gore Followers (+Eversor Assassin), Phone A Friend

Followers (Ex): the Eversor Executive gains a follower to help keep him under control Veteran 3/Commissar 3. At third level, the Commissar gains 4 levels in Commissar Lord. At level 5, he also receives a follower who is an Eversor Assasin (level 6/4). If a follower dies, he is replaced eventually. Icy Rage (Ex): the Eversor Executive may act completely normally and rationally in a rage, even under the influence of any drugs. He also becomes immune to [Mind Affecting] effects. Rage (Ex): at levels two and four, the Eversor Executive's Rage improves, granting an extra Rage Die and point of Damage Reduction. Face Wearer (Ex): after slaughtering someone in a violent manner, the second-level Eversor Executive may wear their skin as a crude mask, effectively benefiting from Disguise Self. Anyone who successfully sees through the disguise must make both a Fortitude Save (DC 18) and a Willpower Save (Intelligence-based). If the Fortitude Save is failed, they become Nauseated for 1d4 rounds. If the Willpower Save is failed, they Cower for one minute. Dual-Wielding Maniac (Ex): the third-level Eversor Executive may wield Rapid Dire and Assault Firearms (except for those that are normally Heavy) as Pistols, and may thus hold one in each hand. Doing so allows him to treat the weapons as twin-linked. Toolkit of Death (Ex): at level four, the Eversor Executive receives a variety of deadly new devices: Eversor Cell Phone Corrosive Cologne/Perfume Augmented Knees Inferno Lipstick 4 Hellfury Cigars Bionic Fist Explosion of Gore (Ex): when a foe is sufficiently injured, the fifth-level Eversor Executive may attempt to dismember them as a Standard action. Roll to damage as normal, with 5d8 bonus damage. If the amount is enough to reduce the target to zero Hit Points or less, they are slain instantly, exploding in a spray of gore. Everyone within 15 feet, except the Executive, is Blinded until they spend a Standard action clearing their eyes, and all within 30 feet must make a Fort Save (Strength-based) or be Nauseated for 3 rounds. If the damage rolled is not enough, the target takes no damage. Phone A Friend (Ex): once per day, the fifth-level Eversor Executive may phone in an orbital bombardment. A Lance Strike hits one round later, and continues for 1d4+1 rounds. Equipment: Suit and Tie, 2 Boltguns, Hot-Shot Pen, Briefcase-Ripper Pistol, Tie-Clip Melta-Bomb Requisition: Drop Pod, Chimera Level 5: Land Raider Crusader (requires 10+ ranks of Diplomacy), Toxin Water-Cooler

Honour Guard A warrior with no honour has already lost.

The Honour Guard rate amongst the best warriors of the Space Marines, and in turn have some of the most important roles: defending the honour of the chapter with their skills, and protecting their commanders. Likewise, to suit their skills, they are equipped with the best relics of the Chapter. Hit Die: d12 Skill Points: 2+Int Base Attack Bonus: Good Good Saving Throws: Fortitude and Willpower Level 1 2 3 4 5 Special Sacred Aura, No Mercy Honour or Death, Glorious Shield No Remorse, Combat Blur Knockdown, Chapter Champion No Regret, Bronzeflesh

Sacred Aura (Su): the Honour Guard radiates a powerful aura that allows his allies to strike foes down. Anyone who attacks the same target as he attacked in his last turn may make an additional attack each round at their highest attack bonus. No Mercy (Ex): any round where the Honour Guard damages a foe, mark one of the injured foes as being denied mercy. On their next turn, the wounds catch up with them, dealing additional damage equal to his Base Attack Bonus, plus 2d6. This counts as ongoing damage. Honour or Death (Ex): at the beginning of combat, the second-level Honour Guard must designate a foe to be his enemy as a Free action. He must go out of his way to attack that enemy, taking a -6 penalty on attack rolls against anyone else until the enemy is defeated. However, against that enemy, he always has the Edge and may take one Attack of Opportunity per round to attack that foe just because. Glorious Shield (Ex): if an adjacent ally is targeted by an attack, the second-level Honour Guard may make an opposed attack roll. On a successful hit, the attack is parried and no-one is harmed. On a failed roll, he is struck instead, even if the roll would not normally beat his Armour Class. No Remorse (Ex): every time the third-level Honour Guard slays a foe, he may make a Demoralise attempt against every foe within 100 feet as a Free action. Combat Blur (Ex): at third level, the Honour Guard may use a single Swift action to activate all Swift action weapons at the same time. Knockdown (Ex): at level four, foes struck by the Honour Guard get hacked down. Any time he strikes with a melee weapon and deals at least 10 damage, he may make a Trip attempt as a Free action, with a +4 bonus. If the Trip succeeds, he may make a follow-up attack on the opponent. Chapter Champion (Ex): at fourth level, the Honour Guard becomes the Chapter Champion, a true hero amongst heroes. He gains an additional Swift or Immediate action each round, and grants the Edge to all of his allies against his designated enemy. No Regret (Ex): at level five, the Chapter Champion becomes immune to [Mind Affecting] effects. Bronzeflesh (Su): once per day, the fifth-level Chapter Champion may cast Stoneflesh upon himself and his armour, except he seems to turn into a shining bronze statue of might. Equipment: Artificer Armour, Power Weapon, Digital Weapon Requisition: Auxiliary Grenade Launcher, Lightning Claw, Drop Pod Level 5: Thunder Hammer, Relic Blade Special: if the Honour Guard is a member of the Ultramarines, the Relic Blade is a regular Requisition, and is in the form of a Great Axe. If he is a member of the Space Wolves, he is called a Wolf Guard, and may Requisition a Frost Blade, or a Wolf Claw if fifth level. If he is a member of the Blood Angels, he is called a Sanguinary Guard and gets an Angelus Bolter or Hand Flamer, and a Jump Pack. He may also Requisition a Death Mask or Gladius Encarmine.

Hunter of Chaos Be very very quiet... we're hunting daemons. The Hunter of Chaos is not exactly a rank or a role, it is really a title there are scout leaders who continue their role, stalking through the strange landscapes in order to snipe at and kill all foes. They spend most of their lives in hellish wilderness, honing their skills, and eventually, anything they choose to pursue is guaranteed to be slain. Hit Die: d8 Skill Points: 8+Int Base Attack Bonus: Good Good Saving Throws: Reflex Level 1 2 3 4 5 Special Hated Enemy, Move Through Cover Skirmish +1d6/+1, Fade to Black Mighty Shot, Crack Shot, Detect Chaos Skirmish +2d6/+2, Jungle Is Massive Chaos Stalker, Deep Strike (Seize the Objective)

Proficiencies: Heavy Firearms

Hated Enemy (Ex): the Hunter's hatred for his foes really shows through, and he gains a set of bonuses against [Chaotic] Outsiders: +6 on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot and Survival checks, +6 to hit and on damage rolls. This counts as Favoured Enemy for the purpose of qualifying for feats and so on. Move Through Cover (Ex): the Hunter of Chaos ignores Difficult Terrain, and can always move at full speed when Hiding and Moving Silently, at no penalty for doing so. Skirmish (Ex): at levels two and four, the Skirmish ability of the Hunter of Chaos improves. Fade to Black (Su): with a Standard action, the second-level Hunter of Chaos may attempt a DC 20 Hide check. Success grants him a Greater Invisibility effect for one minute, although when it finishes, it cannot be used again for one minute thereafter. Mighty Shot (Su): for reasons nobody really understands, the third-level Hunter of Chaos may use the Power Attack option with Firearms. Crack Shot (Ex): at third level, the Hunter of Chaos completely ignores Cover (as long as he knows where the foe is) with Firearms. Detect Chaos (Su): the third-level Hunter of Chaos may activate a Detect Chaos effect at will. Jungle Is Massive (Su): the only way to track or follow a fourth-level Hunter of Chaos who doesn't wish to be followed is through Supernatural means. All other methods fail, and furthermore, Divination spells will not work. Additionally, whenever he is tracking a specific target, they will constantly feel harried and scared, unable to take 10 on actions and always counting as Shaken if they do not pass a Willpower Save (Intelligence-based). Chaos Stalker (Su): at fifth level, the Hunter of Chaos becomes even better at tracking his foes, and while being tracked, every day the foe will Panic if they fail a Willpower Save (Intelligencebased), at a random point in the day and lasting for 1d10x10 minutes. Additionally, every time they sleep they are subjected to a Nightmare effect (same DC). When the target is finally reached, should they see the Hunter of Chaos, they know their time is up and must make another Willpower Save (same DC). If this fails, they are Stunned for 1 round and must make a Fortitude Save (same DC) or die of fright. This is a [Mind Affecting] [Fear] effect. Deep Strike (Ex): the fifth-level Hunter of Chaos gains the Seize the Objective ability, which cannot be used while fatigued: on his first turn of combat, he may make a Move action, make a ranged Full Attack, make another Move action, and another ranged Full Attack. This leaves him Fatigued. Equipment: Scout Bike (providing he has 6+ ranks in Pilot), Poisons, Storm Bolter, Stalker Pattern ammunition, Auxiliary Grenade Launcher Requisition: Assault Bike, Stalker Pattern Boltgun, Choke Grenades Level 5: Inferno Clusters, Perforator Clusters, Condemnor, Widowmaker

Librarian And with the power invested in me, I shall strike them down! Librarians aren't just there to shush people in libraries. Oh no. For while they do look after many tomes of ancient lore, their real purpose is to be psychic leaders amongst the Space Marines, annihilating enemies with surges of powerful mental energy and opening gates through the Warp. Hit Die: d10 Skill Points: 4+Int Base Attack Bonus: Good Good Saving Throws: Fortitude and Willpower Level 1 2 3 4 5 Special Mindlink, Psykic Discipline, Find Tome Psychic Strike +2d8, Minor Powers Psykic Discipline, Channel Power Psykic Strike +3d8, Auxiliary Power Psykic Apocalypse, Master of Rites

Mindlink (Su): the Librarian has Telepathy with his allies, out to 100 feet. As a side-effect, as long as he has his wits about him he may use a Swift action to remove any [Mind Affecting] effect from an ally within 100 feet. Psykic Discipline (Ex): the Librarian has the [Psychic] subtype, and gains access to a Psychic Discipline of choice at levels one and three, gaining the [Psychic] powers and abilities: Storm Warden: Lightning Bolt (Sp) at will, Persistent Call Lightning Storm (Su), Shatterfloor (Sp) 3/day; Level 5: Thunderhead (Sp) 1/day and Immunity to Electricity Seer: Identify (Sp) at will, Persistent Comprehend Languages (Su), Scrying (Sp) 3/day; Level 5: Moment of Prescience 1/day, Uncanny Dodge Warp Lord: Wall of Gloom (Sp) at will, Blink (Su) at will, Shadow Well (Sp) 3/day; Level 5: Abyssal Maw (Sp) 1/day, Immunity to forced planar travel Mental Hero: Command (Sp) at will, Persistent Prayer (Su), Confusion (Sp) 3/day; Level 5: Programmed Amnesia (Su) 1/day, Immunity to [Compulsion] effects Wolf of the Wolf Wolf*: Corona of Cold (Su) at will, Obscuring Mist (Su) at will, Bite of the Wereboar (Sp) 3/day; Level 5: Greater Whirlwind (Sp) 1/day, Immunity to all bad weather conditions Sanguine Blood Vitae*: Fly (Sp) at will, permanent Blood Star (Su), Blood Lance (Sp) 3/day; Level 5: Sanguine Sword (Sp) 1/day, permanent Haste effect Sanguine Sword: Black Blade of Disaster. It looks blood red. Blood Lance: Lightning Bolt, dealing Force damage. It is a [Lance] effect. Find Tome (Ex): if there is a book within 500 feet the Librarian can find it instantly. Psykic Strike (Su): with a Swift action, the second-level Librarian can charge a melee weapon with psychic energy. The next attack he makes with it, before the end of his turn, deals 2d8 additional damage. At fourth level, this improves to 3d8 additional damage. Minor Powers: at second level, the Librarian gains Minor Powers as a bonus feat. Channel Power (Su): once per round, the third-level Librarian may channel an offensive [Psychic] power through a Force Rod or Rune Weapon as part of an attack action. The target, if hit, suffers the effects of the power, though they are entitled to any Saving Throws as normal, and the area of effect, if any, is reduced to just their square. Auxiliary Power (Sp): at level four, the Librarian gains an additional, unrelated [Psychic] power from the following list: Split Ray Scorching Ray (Su) at will, Level 5: Twinned Split Ray Scorching Ray Evard's Black Tentacles (Sp) 1/minute, Level 5: Deltane's Burning Tentacles Haste (Su) 1/hour, Level 5: permanent Haste effect Phantasmal Killer (Sp) 1/hour, Level 5: Weird Nightmare Terrain (Su) 1/hour, Level 5: Persistent Nightmare Terrain

Psykic Apocalypse (Su): at fifth level, the Librarian may select a single Apocalyptic [Psychic] power to be used once per day as a Spell-Like Ability: Gate (Travel version only) Timestop Astral Projection Dominate Monster Detonate Reaving Dispel Ultimate Sphere of Destruction Master of Rites (Ex): the fifth-level Librarian may use a Full Round action to activate two [Psychic] powers in the same turn. Equipment: Rune Weapon or Force Rod, Magic Storm Bolter, Psychic Hood Requisition: Circlet of Intellect, Cloak of Charisma, Plasma Gun Level 5: Terminator Armour, Drop Pod Special: a Librarian who belongs to the Space Wolves is known as a Rune Priest and may select the Wolf of the Wolf Wolf Discipline and requisition Rune Armour. If he belongs to the Blood Angels he may select the Sanguine Blood Vitae Discipline and, if fifth level and slain, as long as his brain and geneseed can be recovered, can be placed into a Furioso Dreadnought, retaining his Librarian status and powers.

Martyr If my death will be a worthy sacrifice... then so be it.

Redemption can be found in many ways. For some, it is through the embrace of death, and there are many who actively seek this out. For others, there is the completion of a dangerous quest, some important mission, or to just have the sins taken from their hide. And then very rarely... sometimes, there is a martyr. Destined to an early grave, the brightest lights burn fastest, but during the time, their miracles are beyond explanation by ordinary means, and should one be found, she is very quickly elevated to Saint status. Hit Die: d10 Skill Points: 4+Int Base Attack Bonus: Good Good Saving Throws: Reflex and Willpower Level 1 2 3 4 5 Special Faith (Eyes of Fire), Perfect Flight, Redeemed Faith (Aspiration), Regeneration Faith (Radiant Touch), Eschew Earth Faith (Shrouds of Light), Rejuvination Faith (Imperial Glare), Divine Glory

Faith Powers (Su): as she gains levels, the Martyr gains access to fantastic new Faith Powers: Eyes of Fire: the Living Saint may cast Split Ray Twinned Scorching Ray (8 rays) once per 5 rounds. Against [Psychic] targets and [Evil] Outsiders, no more than half the damage can be reduced or negated by any means other than not being hit. Aspiration: all allies of the second-level Martyr who have access to Faith powers of their own may add the Martyr's Charisma bonus to one aspect of their Faith powers, aside from number of uses. Radiant Touch: at third level, the Martyr may cast Reaving Dispel at will with a melee touch attack that does not provoke Attacks of Opportunity. Shrouds of Light: starting at fourth level, the Martyr has a constant Starmantle and Greater Luminous Armour effect that can only be suppressed, not dispelled or disjoined. Imperial Glare: with a Standard action, the level five Martyr may glare at a foe. Unless they shield their eyes (requiring a Reflex Save, Charisma-based, and effectively becoming Blind until their next turn), they must pass a Fortitude Save (Charisma-based) or instantly be Slain. Perfect Flight (Ex): the Martyr grows actual magical wings, that are not hindered by her clothes or armour, and gains a Fly Speed of 50 feet (Perfect). Redeemed (Ex): the Martyr is redeemed. Although she retains all of her Repentia abilities and any equipment she wants, she is considered to be forgiven, and has all rights restored to her. She is also a subject of admiration amongst the Adepta Sororitas (even more than normal), and almost an object of worship to regular citizens. She may add her Hit Dice as a bonus to Diplomacy checks. Regeneration (Su): at second level, the Martyr gains Regeneration 5, overcome by Iron, Steel or Cold Iron weapons. Eschew Earth (Su): at third level, the Martyr's feet never touch the ground. She always hovers just enough that she can't be hurt by caltrops or earthquakes, and will never have dirty feet. Even dust storms, ash clouds, thrown rocks, avalanches and stone spikes will move aside not to touch her, and filth of any kind will shy away from her body. Rejuvination (Su): once per week, when killed, the fourth-level Martyr turns out to not quite be dead, completely restored to life one hour later at full hit points. Even if disintegrated, her body reforms. The only way to prevent this, aside from killing her again before seven days expire, is to leave the body in a Desecrated area for the full seven days. Divine Glory (Ex): at fifth level, the Martyr gains the Half Celestial template, complete with Spelllike Abilities. The Spell-like Abilities are considered to be Faith Powers. Additionally, her tears, should they touch another mortal creature, bestow a Cure Moderate Wounds effect and a lock of her hair can be used as a Talisman, granting a +2 Luck bonus on all Saving Throws. Equipment: Cloak of Charisma, Quality Robes, Ring of Suffrage, Relic Blade with Exterminator, Bolt Pistol, Book of Saint Lucius, Artificer Armour with Golden Halo (should she desire it) Requisition: Blessed Weapon, Inferno Pistol, Prayer Beads Level 5: Litanies of Faith

Master of the Forge And now, for the honour of the Salamanders... PRESS THE RED BUTTON! The Space Marines most closely associated with the Adeptus Mechanicus are the Tech Marines, who maintain all of the technological devices of the chapter, keeping everything working and acquiring new equipment from the AdMech while uncovering new secrets of their own. The leaders amongst those are the Masters of the Forge, venerated by Tech Priests for their knowledge and might. Hit Die: d10 Skill Points: 8+Int Base Attack Bonus: Medium Good Saving Throws: Fortitude Level 1 2 3 4 5 Special Rapid Repairs, Charm Machine Spirit, Invention Servitors (1), Mind's Eye Control Machine Spirit Harem, Manipulate Machine Spirit Servitors (2), Vice Grip, Plasma-Proof IT'S ALIIIVE!, Transcendence

Proficiencies: Heavy Firearms Note: if a member of the Space Wolves, the Master of the Forge is called an Iron Priest.

Rapid Repairs (Ex): the Master of the Forge's familiarity with machinery halves the time it takes for him to make any repairs on a vehicle. Charm Machine Spirit (Su): when activating a charged item or using an energy-based Fireaarm, a Master of the Forge may attempt to talk it into accepting his own inner power. By adding +5 to the Use Magic Device DC, a successful check causes the item to be used without spending a charge/ammunition. For firearms, the DC is a flat 20. Invention (Ex): the Master of the Forge can, given the required component weapons (even broken ones) and a power source, create an invention in about a week. Generally, an Invention is a Melee Weapon (requiring the existing melee weapon it can be a Chainsword, Power Weapon or so on), and is a Magic Weapon (requiring a power source). It may have a Pistol, Rapid Fire or Assault Firearm built into it (requiring the existing firearm), and has one of the following benefits: A Minor or Moderate Weapon Enhancement Intelligence with Int, Wis and Cha 14, Telepathy with the wielder, Blindsense out to 60 feet and one Minor and one Major Power Every time the melee weapon hits, the Firearm automatically fires at the same target The weapons (melee and Firearm) gains the [Melta] or [Lance] descriptor a melee hit is always within half range for the purpose of [Melta] A scaling Enhancement bonus to one Ability Score, or a scaling Resistance bonus to Armour Class Once per round, when the weapon hits someone, it can target them with a targeted spell of level 1-3. More than one invention may exist at a time, simply based on the components at hand and time available. Servitors (Ex): at levels two and four, the Master of the Forge gains a Servitor that follows him obediently. They may use his own Base Attack Bonus when attacking, and if slain, they are replaced soon enough. Mind's Eye Control (Su): when launching missiles (including from vehicles), the second-level Master of the Forge guides them as though flying his own body into enemies. They become homing weapons, where a successful Ranged Touch Attack results in the target at the centre of the blast automatically failing their Reflex Save. Machine Spirit Harem (Ex): the third-level Master of the Forge gains the benefits of the Weaponwed feat, applied to every single weapon he ever wields, like the complete techno-flirt he is. Manipulate Machine Spirit (Ex): beginning at third level, whenever the Master of the Forge activates an item (magic or otherwise) that casts or emulates a spell, he may talk the device into granting more powerful effects. He may apply a Metamagic Feat, without possessing the feat, by increasing the Use Magic Device DC by +4 per spell level increase. He may also do this to energybased Firearms with a Base DC of 15. Vice Grip (Ex): at fourth level, the Master of the Forge's hands and arms are modified into a powerful vice. He gains a Constrict attack that deals 3d6 damage, plus one and a half times his Strength modifier. The victim, if it takes damage, must make a Fortitude Save (Strength-based), or become Fatigued. If already Fatigued they become Exhausted. If already Exhausted they pass out until released, and for 1d4 rounds thereafter.

Plasma-Proof (Su): at level four, the Master of the Forge is practically immune to plasma: he takes half damage from any given Plasma weapon, and they never Overheat in his hands. IT'S ALIIIVE! (Su): at level five, with one minute of work and a DC 25 Repair or Craft (Machinery) check, a Master of the Forge can restore a destroyed vehicle to operation at 25% Hit Points, as long as it was not completely annihilated (exploded: fine; disintegrated or hit by a [Destroyer] weapon: not fine). Disabled weapons and other effects are fixed. Transcendence (Ex): should a fifth-level Master of the Forge ever be killed, as long as his brain, his geneseed or any single piece of cyberwear survives and makes it back, his soul can be transferred out to an Ironclad Dreadnought. The Dreadnought still has a special Servo-Harness. Equipment: Artificer Armour, Servo-Arm, Servo-Harness or Conversion Beamer, Axe of the Omnissiah, Repair Kit, Blessed Oils Requisition: Thunderfire Cannon, Astartes Bike, Drop Pod, parts for inventions Level 5: Land Raider (requires 6+ ranks in Pilot), upgrades for Ironclad Dreadnought

Mechanicus Death Master ...hello. Your servitors and automated weapons let me in. Don't bother, your gun won't shoot me.

The Death Masters of the Mechanicus are more than just a little bit tricky. They control the machines of others, even other people who are hooked to too many machines, and gain the scariest of specialised experimental equipment. Hit Die: d10 Skill Points: 6+Int Base Attack Bonus: Medium Good Saving Throws: Fortitude and Willpower Level 1 2 3 4 5 Special Turbo Boost, Fist Augmentation, Gene Therapy EYE BEAMS!, Confuse Magic Device Mechadendrites, Empower Device, Lockdown Face Augmentation, Electrical Discharge Amplifier, Cyber-Reincarnation

Note: female Mechanicus Death Masters generally belong to a specific group, the Sisterhood of Cydonia, and are known as Sisters of Cydonia.

Turbo Boost! (Su): the systems of the Mechanicus Death Master are so overclocked that she receives an extra Move action every round. Fist Augmentation (Ex): the Mechanicus Death Master has been modified, with a Thunder Hammer built into one fist. She still retains regular hand function, she can just punch people with a Thunder Hammer and playing knuckles is a bad idea. Gene Therapy (Ex): the Mechanicus Death Master is supposed to be perfect. Thanks to gene therapy, she is immune to Disease and Poison, and gains an Enhancement bonus to Strength and Constitution equal to her hit dice divided by 3 (round up). EYE BEAMS! (Ex): starting at second level, the Mechanicus Death Master may use a Swift action to fire a pair of beams from her eyes. These function as a single Twin-Linked Hot-Shot Las Pistol, although only a single shot may be fired with the one action. Additionally, if the target is hit, she locks on, and any other ranged attacks she makes against them in that round may re-roll the attack roll if they miss. Confuse Magic Device (Su): anyone using a magic item or Firearm to target the second-level Mechanicus Death Master with a spell she doesn't want to be hit by must make a Modified Level Check (1d20+HD) against her Bluff or Use Magic Device check. If her own roll is higher, the item instead targets the user. Additionally, any Construct that would attack her is automatically treated as Confused (overriding the usual immunity to [Mind Affecting] effects), and there is no save against this. Mechadendrites: at third level, the Mechanicus Death Master gains more mechadendrites, as though taking the feat again. Empower Device (Su): by spending a Swift action whispering sweet nothings to a magic item or a firearm, the third-level Mechanicus Death Master may cause its effects to be Empowered for the rest of her turn. Lockdown (Su): starting at third level, the Mechanicus Death Master can shut down the bionic systems of another creature within Medium range. She uses a Standard action to focus on them, and they must then pass a Willpower Save (Charisma-based) or any bionic implants and similar cease to function for 1d4+1 minutes. If they have a Nerve Staple, Cybernetic Nervous System or Cyber Brain, she can Dominate them for the duration with this power. Face Augmentation (Ex): at level four, the Mechanicus Death Master gets special (and painful) additions to her face, in the way of drills and chainsaw blades added inside her mouth. She can elect to look normal or hideous, but either way, may use her mouth as a Chainfist. Electrical Discharge (Su): the fourth-level Mechanicus Death Master constantly benefits from a Call Lightning effect, as sparks and bolts crackle from her. This radiates dim blue light and can be suppressed or resumed at will. She may also use a super-charged bolt, shutting this ability off for 1d4+1 minutes, to use a Full Round action charging up a corpse she can touch. The corpse can have been dead for no more than one minute, and is treated as a Zombie under her control, except with the normal amount of actions and the Construct type. If they were slain the very round before she does this, she may instead Resurrect them.

Amplifier (Su): any Construct the fifth-level Mechanicus Death Master has control over (including herself if she utilises Cyber-Reincarnation), if within 50 feet of her (or actually being her), gains an additional Standard action each round. Cyber-Reincarnation (Ex): if someone should kill the fifth-level Mechanicus Death Master and yet her brain can be brought back to base, then they will rue the day they killed her, AND RUE IT HARD! She is restored in the Cyber-Reincarnation Shell, although loses the benefits of Gene Therapy. Equipment: Land Speeder (requires Pilot 10+ ranks) or Servo Harness, Void-Breaching Pistol Requisition: Heat Ray, second Void-Breaching Pistol Level 5: Hades Breaching Drill (requires Pilot 9+ ranks), Leman Russ Executioner (requires Pilot 6+ ranks), Frost Cannon

Mechanicus Executioner Honk honk, I'm a tonk!

Scary as the Death Masters are, the Executioners of the Adeptus Mechanicus can be considered more terrifying, possibly in a more obvious way: they roll up in tanks, have followers that help, slaving devices to themselves, and using a variety of technological devices that allow them to do their jobs. Hit Die: d8 Skill Points: 8+Int Base Attack Bonus: Good Good Saving Throws: Fortitude Level 1 2 3 4 5 Special Followers (1 Death Cultist, 1 Pilot), Mind Link (Tank) L337 H4XX0R, Void Shield, Infiltrate Systems Followers (1 Mechanicus Assassin, 1 Tech Priest), Augmented Arm Holo-Projector, Melta-Slap, Mind Link (Flyer) Followers (+3 Heavy Weapon Squads), Mind Link (Super Heavy)

Followers (Ex): the Mechanicus Executioner starts with two followers, a level 6 Death Cultist and a Storm Trooper 3/Shock Pilot 3. At level three, her followers improve, the Death Cultist gaining 4 levels in Mechanicus Assassin and the Pilot gaining 4 levels in Tech-Priest. At level five, she also gains six Level 6 Fighters (PHB), all who have proficiency with all Firearms. Each Fighter has a Uniform, Flak Armour, Dagger, Auto Pistol and Lasgun. Each pair of Fighters has one of the following: Mortar Heavy Bolter Missile Launcher Auto Cannon Lascannon Mind Link (Su): the Mechanicus Executioner may, with a Standard action, link her mind to the machine spirit of a vehicle. Upon doing this, she effectively is the vehicle, controlling it like a natural extension of her own body. She needn't make Pilot checks (except for abilities that utilise checks), instead simply treating the vehicle as being the character, with her Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, skills, feats and abilities. At first it only works with land-based vehicles, without the [Super Heavy] subtype. At level four, she can do this even for aircraft, and is given a Lightning or Aquila Lander. At level five, she can even control [Super Heavy] vehicles, and gains a Stormlord, Shadowsword or Baneblade. L337 HAXXOR (Su): with a Full Round action, the second-level Mechanicus Executioner may reach out to any magic item or device with the [Machine Spirit] rule within one mile per level, and Scry upon the object, the owner or the general area surrounding the object. The owner is entitled to a Willpower Save (Intelligence-based) if Scryed upon. If the object is being attended to or held, the owner may make the save. Otherwise, there is no save. Void Shield (Ex): at second level, the Mechanicus Executioner has a miniature Void Shield installed in her back. Against attacks originating from more than ten feet away, the Executioner has a pool of 200 Temporary Hit Points that does not stack with any other kind. They regenerate at the rate of 1 per round, up to this amount, unless reduced to zero. If this happens, they go offline for 2 hours, returning online with 50 Temporary Hit Points. Infiltrate Systems (Ex): magic or electronic traps never trigger for the second-level Mechanicus Executioner, even things like Exploding Runes. Surveillance systems and automated weapons always elect to ignore her as well. Augmented Arm (Ex): at third level, the Mechanicus Executioner may pick one of her arms, left or right. It gets a Hell Rifle built in, fired as an Assault Firearm. Holo-Projector (Su): the fourth-level Mechanicus Executioner has a Holo-Projector built into one eye, and may create any of the following effects at will, though only one at a time. Silent Image Illusory Terrain Shadow Evocation (Fireball or Lightning Bolt) Shadow Conjuration (Solid Fog or Summon Swarm) Daylight Darkness Hypnotic Pattern Any Save DC is Intelligence-based.

Melta-Slap (Ex): the fourth-level Mechanicus Executioner has a special loading bay built into her non-laser arm, containing up to 10 Melta Bombs. She may slap one onto even a living target with a Melee Touch Attack. It detonates on the following turn. Equipment: 10 Melta Bombs, Land Raider Terminus Ultra or Leman Russ Destroyer or Land Raider Redeemer, Void-Breaching Pistol Requisition: Heat Ray, Conversion Beamer, Plasma Syphon, Land Raider Achilles, Rad Grenades Level 5: Knight, Marauder, Thunderhawk

Mistress You will assume the position.

One of the best results for the Repentia is, having found redemption, to take on a leadership position, one over the other Repentia in fact. The Mistresses lead the Repentia into battle, literally whipping them into a frenzy, but they also take care of them back at base, talking them through their issues, dealing harsh punishments, reading scriptures that may help them, and keeping them combat-ready. Hit Die: d10 Skill Points: 4+Int Base Attack Bonus: Good Good Saving Throws: Fortitude and Willpower Level 1 2 3 4 5 Special Redemption, Sharpen Rage, Battle Dance Whip Into Frenzy, Strangulation Intimidating Battlecry, Whipping Frenzy, Rage +1d6 Spiral of Death, Reach of the Lash Inspire Murder, Inspire Horror

Proficiencies: Whip (including the Scourge, Stingray Whip, Scorpion Whip and similar)

Redemption (Ex): the Martyr is redeemed. Although she retains all of her Repentia abilities and any equipment she wants, she is considered to be forgiven, and has all rights restored to her. She is also a subject of admiration amongst the Adepta Sororitas, especially the Repentia, who are all considered Friendly and Submissive towards her. Sharpen Rage (Ex): all allies within 50 feet of the Mistress, with a Rage ability, benefit from her words. Every round, with a Swift action, she can select a [Combat] feat, even if she doesn't possess it, and all Rage-possessing allies in the area are considered to have this feat until the beginning of her next turn. Battle Dance (Ex): the Mistress never provokes Attacks of Opportunity for moving in and out of squares, and is unhampered by difficult terrain. Additionally, as long as she can see one or more foes, she gains an additional 5' step per turn, even if she moves. Whip Into Frenzy (Ex): with a melee touch attack using a whip or whiplike weapon, the secondlevel Mistress may deal a single point of damage to an ally and activate any Rage ability they have. Additionally, for the duration of the Rage, they use eight-sided dice for the bonus damage, instead of six-sided. She may even do this to herself, and can make a Full Attack to deliver as many of these as she has attacks. For allies who have no Rage, she just imbues a Frenzy, as per the Badger. Strangulation (Ex): upon striking with a whip or whiplike weapon, the second-level Mistress may elect to begin a grapple without provoking an Attack of Opportunity, even from a distance. If she succeeds, the target takes automatic damage from the whip each turn the hold is maintained, and must make a Fortitude Save (DC equals damage dealt, cumulative over multiple rounds) or pass out. Creatures that do not breathe automatically pass the save. Intimidating Battlecry (Su): with a Swift action, the third-level Mistress may shout out, forcing all enemies who can hear her to attempt a Willpower Save (Charisma-based). Whether they pass or fail the save, they take 1d6 Sonic damage, plus her Hit Dice, plus 1d6 for each of her allies in a Rage. If the save is failed, however, they become Shaken for 1d6 rounds. If one of her allies is in a Rage, they are instead Frightened for 2d4 rounds. If two of her allies are in a Rage, the foe Panics for 2d6 rounds, and if at least three of her allies are in a Rage, the foe falls Comatose for 3d6 rounds. This is a [Mind Affecting] [Fear] effect. Whipping Frenzy (Ex): with a Full Round action, the third-level Mistress may make a single attack with each whip or whiplike weapon she is wielding, both against the same enemy. Each whip hits a number of times equal to the amount it exceeds the Touch Armour Class of the target by. She cannot cause Critical Hits with this, however. She is then Staggered for one round. Rage (Ex): at third level, the Mistress gains another Rage die, and +2 to her Damage Reduction. Spiral of Death (Ex): with a Full Round action, the level four Mistress may whirl her whips and make a single attack against all enemies she can reach. Each foe hit must make a Fortitude Save (Dexterity-based) or die. This is a [Death] [Pain] effect. Reach of the Lash (Ex): at level four, the reach of any whip or whiplike weapon used by the Mistress increases by 5 feet, generally taking them out to 20 feet.

Inspire Murder (Ex): with a Move-Equivalent action, the fifth-level Mistress can talk her allies into a killing frenzy with her demagoguery. Until the beginning of her next turn, all successful hits from her frenzied allies are automatic Critical Hits. If she falls below 0 HP or is slain, then for the remainder of the battle, all allies who can see her instantly benefit from both this and Whip Into Frenzy until all enemies are killed. Inspire Horror (Su): as long is the fifth-level Mistress is within 50 feet of at least one ally in a Rage, they radiate pure terror. Any enemy who sees the ally must pass a Willpower Save (Charismabased, using her Charisma) or die of fright (a [Fear] [Death] effect). Even if they pass, they are still Stunned for one round (a [Fear] effect). If they succeed, they are immune for 48 hours. Only one save needs to be made, no matter how many allies are in a Rage and in range. Equipment: Ring of Suffrage, Book of Saint Lucius, Power Armour, Torch-Helm, a pair of Neuro Whips, Purity Seals Requisition: Excrutiator, Cloak of Saint Aspira, Power Stake, Man-Catcher Level 5: Gorgon Armoured Transport, Neurocorrosive Whip

Ophanim Can this thing go any faster? There is a building over there that is not on fire yet!

Amongst the Sisters of Battle, the Ophanim play an important role, that of vehicle-based rapid strikes, using specialist weapons to respond to any crisis that pops up, and developing hit and run and skirmish tactics against larger forces. Leaping from their vehicles in an urban environment, they can tie enemies down and inflict horrific casualties before the enemy has a chance to consolidate their position. Hit Die: d10 Skill Points: 4+Int Base Attack Bonus: Good Good Saving Throws: Reflex and Willpower Level 1 2 3 4 5 Special Skirmish +1d6/+1, Litany of Assault Torch 'Em Again!, Rites of Assault Skirmish +3d6/+3, Faith (Battle Hymn) Fast Attack, Metal Boxes Skirmish +5d6/+5, Faith (Sacred Floral Blitz)

Proficiencies: Assault Firearms

Skirmish (Ex): the Ophanim are skirmishers, designed to strike on the move. Whenever the Ophanim moves at least ten feet in one round, she gains a +1 Dodge bonus to Armour Class and +1d6 damage on her attacks. At level three, the bonuses increase to +3 and +3d6, and at level five, they increase to +5 and +5d6. Litany of Assault (Su): with a Move-Equivalent action, the Ophanim may utter a prayer, invoking the right attitude for assaulting people. Until the end of her next turn, she (and all allies within 100 feet) gains a Freedom of Movement effect and an Elation effect. Torch 'Em Again! (Ex): with a Standard action, the second-level Ophanim may direct her allies to set heretics on fire. All allies within 50 feet who fired an Assault Firearm on the round leading up to her turn may do so again as an Immediate action, although the Ophanim selects the targets. Rites of Assault (Su): the second-level Ophanim should, every morning, perform holy rites to bless her weapons (along with the usual prayers and meditation). If she does so, she gains the following benefits for the entire day: Glorious Thunder: when she fires a Storm Bolter, the Ophanim never runs out of ammunition or needs to reload, firing an endless stream of rounds. The explosive noise has a 50% chance to disrupt any [Sonic] effect within 10 feet of the target, and all spellcasters within 20 feet of the target must make Concentration checks (DC = Spell Level + her Highest Attack Roll that turn) just to cast spells. Magma of Grace: anyone hit by the Ophanim's Melta takes a Sunstroke effect. If they are wearing metal armour, they also suffer a Heat Metal effect. Again, if wearing metal armour, their Armour Bonus is reduced by 1 until repaired as molten metal splashes off, dealing 1d6+Armour Bonus in Fire damage to all adjacent creatures. Merciful Flames of Retribution: anyone who catches fire due to the Ophanim's Flamer will Panic if they fail a Will Save (same DC), lasting until the flames are out. Secondly, Evasion simply does not work against her Flamer. Frostbite: anyone who fails the save against her Frost Cannon is Entangled for one round, and takes 1d6 Strength and Dexterity damage. Brain Cook: anyone damaged by her Stingray suffers a Parboil effect (Dexterity-based) Crucifixion: should the Ophanim shoot someone with a Condemnor or Impaler Cannon, the bolts dig in, refusing to leave. The target must pass a Fortitude Save (Dexterity-based) or be Nauseated with pain for 1d4 rounds, and the damage cannot be healed until the bolts are removed (requires a DC 10 First Aid check as a Standard action to do it roughly, causing 2d6 more damage per bolt, or DC 25 and one minute to do it gently with no extra damage). Faith (Su): as she gains levels, the Ophanim is granted fantastic new Faith powers. Battle Hymn: at third level, the Ophanim has a special hymn that requires a Swift action to activate or maintain. While it is being sung, the Ophanim produces a Faerinaal's Hymn effect and a Warcry effect. This is a [Language-Dependent] [Sonic] effect. Sacred Floral Blitz: at fifth level, three times per day, the Ophanim may call down a storm of actual holy flowers to shred her enemies. It takes a Full Round action, but causes both a Rain of Roses and a Rain of Black Tulips. Fast Attack (Ex): once per round with a Free action, the fourth-level Ophanim can dash up to 10 feet, ignoring Difficult Terrain and without provoking Attacks of Opportunity. Unfortunately, this does not count as movement for her Skirmish ability.

Metal Boxes (Ex): the Ophanim don't hide in metal boxes, they just ride them so they can assault enemies all the quicker. When a fourth-level Ophanim is piloting a vehicle, she may subtract any number up to her Base Attack Bonus from the vehicle's Armour Class and add double this amount to any kind of damage the vehicle deals. Both last until the beginning of her next turn. Additionally, no vehicle she pilots can be rendered immobile without actually destroying it. Equipment: Frag, Krak and Choke grenades, Condemnor, Storm Bolter or Melta or Flamer, Rhino (with pilot if she has less than 6 ranks in Pilot), Cluster Mines Requisition: Immolator, Repressor, vehicle upgrades, Psybolt Ammunition, Psyflame Canisters, Stingray, Impaler Cannon, Frost Cannon Level 5: Valkyrie (requires 10+ ranks in Pilot and Diplomacy), Exorcist (requires 10+ ranks in Pilot and 18 ranks in Diplomacy)

Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor A plea of innocence is guilty of wasting my time.

Of all the Orders of the Inquisition, it is that of the Hereticus that is the most sinister. For while the others mostly fight the enemy without, the Ordo Hereticus fight the enemy within. The mutant, the heretic, the psyker, all must be destroyed. They also watch over other Inquisitors, as an internal investigative power with nothing to keep them in check aside from others in their order. Ordo Hereticus Inquisitors work with, and sometimes draw their members from, the Adepta Sororitas. Hit Die: d10 Skill Points: 6+Int Base Attack Bonus: Medium Good Saving Throws: Reflex and Willpower Level 1 2 3 4 5 Special Mettle, Bonus Feat, Smite Chaos Seize the Truth, Zealous Conviction Improved Mettle, Psychic Power Burn the Witch!, Fortress of Arrogance Defy Witches, Call Bombardment

Mettle (Ex): any time the Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor is required to make a Fortitude or Willpower Save for a partial effect and makes the save, she suffers no effect on a successful save. At third level, this is improved so that, on a failed save, she only suffers the effect that people normally suffer on a successful save. Bonus Feat: at first level, the Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor gains a bonus feat from the following list: Bureaucrat, Danger Sense, Detective, Doppelganger Hunter, Dreadful Demeanour, Iron Will, Leadership, Mage Slayer, Master of Terror, Weapon of Righteous Destruction. Smite Chaos (Su): the Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor can declare any melee attack to be a Smite, once per round. If the opponent is Chaotic in alignment or has the [Chaotic] subtype, she may add her Charisma bonus to the attack roll, and her Hit Dice to the base damage. Declaring a Smite is not an action, but must be done before rolling. Seize the Truth (Ex): at second level, the Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor can bully the truth out of people with pure fear. If she converses with or shouts at someone for a full minute, she may make a Demoralise attempt against them. If she succeeds, they will truthfully tell her everything they know about the subject they are questioned about. If she utilises actual torture, she gains a +5 Profane bonus on the check. There is a 10% chance, however, that a target will simply tell her what they think she wants to hear, to get them out of further interrogation. This increases to 50% if she utilises actual torture. This is a [Fear] effect. Zealous Conviction (Ex): a second-level Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor believes so firmly in herself and the Emperor that she cannot be convinced she is wrong. She may add her ranks in Sense Motive as a bonus on Sense Motive checks, and is considered to be interacting with illusions (and thus able to attempt a Disbelief save) simply by seeing them. Psychic Power (Sp): at third level, the Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor gains a psychic power. If she wasn't already a [Psychic] creature, she is now. Divine Pronouncement: the Inquisitor may cast Fear at will (Charisma-based) Hammerhand: with a Swift action at will, her hands become natural Slam attacks (1d8+Str), with an Enhancement Bonus to Strength of +1 per 3 Hit Dice (round up). Her slams count as Magic Steel weapons, and this lasts until the start of her next turn. Psychic Communion: the Inquisitor has a permanent Telepathy effect out to 200 feet. Scourging: the Inquisitor may cast Chain Lightning (Charisma-based) at will, though [Psychic] foes take maximum damage every time. Burn the Witch! (Su): at fourth level, the Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor may make a single melee attack as a Standard action, which may also be a Smite, which is particularly unpleasant to creatures with the [Psychic] subtype and Spellcasters. Such creatures take 1d6 additional Fire damage per Hit Die she possesses, and must pass a Reflex Save (Charisma-based) or catch fire. If the target is viable for her Smite attack, then it is Axiomatic Fire damage, which works exactly the same except it ignores Resistance or Immunity to Fire damage.

Fortress of Arrogance (Ex): the level four Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor considers herself to be above her foes, and untouchable. She may make Willpower Saves in place of Fortitude Saves, and is immune to [Fear] effects and [Death] effects. Defy Witches (Ex): at fifth level, the Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor is used to being targeted by baleful spells, and has learned to deal with it. Any time she has been subject to an effect for at least one full round, if that effect could be removed by Break Enchantment, it immediately ends. Call Bombardment (Ex): at level five, the Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor can call for an orbital bombardment once per day. She needs a form of communication, and giving the order takes a Standard action. After 1d6 rounds, the bombardment arrives, dealing 20d6 Fire/Sonic damage to a 100' radius area she can see, and subjecting it to an Earthquake effect. Equipment: Power Armour, Psychic Hood, Condemnor, Bolt Pistol or Hand Flamer, Chainsword, Rosarius, Mandate of Authority, Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades, Psychotroke Grenades, Empyrian Brain Mines, Psyocculum, Servo-Skull, Rhino with Pilot, Digi-Weapon Requisition: Force Weapon, Chimera, Aquila Lander, Melta Bombs, Power Stake, Inferno Pistol, Null Rod Level 5: Land Raider, Neural Shredder, Vortex Grenade, Small Army, Thunder Hammer Small Army: twenty units of ten, Human Warrior 3, with Rapid Fire and Assault Firearms Proficiency, each equipped with Flak Armour, Uniform, Short Sword, 1 Frag Grenade, Autogun or Shotgun or Lasgun, and two units of ten, as above, but with Pistol and Heavy Firearms Proficiency, replacing the gun with an Autopistol and Mortar, and finally one unit of ten, Human Warrior 5, with Assault Firearms Proficiency, Carapace Armour, Frag and Krak Grenades, Uniform, Good Boots, and a Melta Gun.

Ordo Sicarius Inquisitor The ends always justify the means.

Those of the Ordo Sicarius have a grim job indeed: keeping tabs on the Officio Assassinorum. Often they pose as actual assassins, trying to never reveal their true identity, though some make it known what they are. Still, they always walk away with intimate knowledge of how Assassins operate, and they gain various contacts within the organisation, along with various skills. Hit Die: d8 Skill Points: 8+Int Base Attack Bonus: Medium Good Saving Throws: Reflex and Willpower Level 1 2 3 4 5 Special Mettle, Bonus Feat, Sneak Attack +1d6 Seize the Truth, Survival Traits, Tricks of the Trade Assassin Spotter, Sneak Attack +2d6 Tricks of the Trade, Fortress of Arrogance Killteam, Call Bombardment, Sneak Attack +3d6

Mettle (Ex): any time the Ordo Sicarius Inquisitor is required to make a Fortitude or Willpower Save for a partial effect and makes the save, he suffers no effect on a successful save. Bonus Feat: at first level, the Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor gains a bonus feat from the following list: Bureaucrat, Danger Sense, Detective, Dreadful Demeanour, Elusive Target, Iron Will, Leadership,Lightning Reflexes, Master of Terror. Sneak Attack (Ex): at every odd level, the Sneak Attack of the Ordo Sicarius Inquisitor increases. Seize the Truth (Ex): at second level, the Ordo Sicarius Inquisitor can bully the truth out of people with pure fear. If he converses with or shouts at someone for a full minute, he may make a Demoralise attempt against them. If he succeeds, they will truthfully tell him everything they know about the subject they are questioned about. If he utilises actual torture, he gains a +5 Profane bonus on the check. There is a 10% chance, however, that a target will simply tell him what they think he wants to hear, to get them out of further interrogation. This increases to 50% if he utilises actual torture. This is a [Fear] effect. Survival Traits (Ex): at second level, the Ordo Sicarius Inquisitor has managed to hone his body (and modify it) to the point that he is immune to Critical Hits. Tricks of the Trade: at levels two and four, the Ordo Sicarius Inquisitor can select a special ability from the following list, representing his learning new tricks and skills: Become [Psychic] and gain one of the Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor powers Gain another Bonus Feat from the list above Gain immunity to [Charm] and [Compulsion] effects Become immune to Disease and Poison Gain the Combat Piloting ability Gain the Speed of Shadows ability Rapid Onslaught: gain an additional Swift or Immediate action each round Lingering Damage: any time he deals Sneak Attack damage to someone, they take 4 Constitution damage on the following round. No ability may be selected more than once Assassin Spotter (Su): due to the many assassination attempts made on his life, the third-level Ordo Sicarius Inquisitor has Blindsense out to sixty feet, and a constant True Seeing effect. Fortress of Arrogance (Ex): the level four Ordo Sicarius Inquisitor considers himself to be above his foes, and untouchable. He may make Willpower Saves in place of Fortitude Saves, and is immune to [Fear] effects and [Death] effects.

Killteam (Ex): at level five, the Ordo Sicarius Inquisitor gains a special loyal killteam: one Death Cultist 6/Eversor Assassin 3, one Death Cultist 6/Callidus Assassin 3, one Death Cultist 6/Culexus Assasin 3 and one Death Cultist 6/Vindicare Assassin 3. If any member dies, a replacement eventually arrives. Call Bombardment (Ex): at level five, the Ordo Sicarius Inquisitor can call for an orbital bombardment once per day. He needs a form of communication, and giving the order takes a Standard action. After 1d6 rounds, the bombardment arrives, dealing 20d6 Fire/Sonic damage to a 100' radius area he can see, and subjecting it to an Earthquake effect. Equipment: Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades, Choke Grenades, Gas Grenades, Psychotroke Grenades, Psyk-Out Grenades, Rad Grenades, Plasma Grenades, Rosarius, Ripper Pistol, Scythian Talon, Rhino with Pilot, Cluster Mines Requisition: Power Armour, Psychic Hood (if [Psychic]), Force Weapon (if [Psychic]), Chimera, Aquila Lander Level 5: Land Raider, Hell Rifle, Conversion Beamer

Paladin There are the daemons! Smite on sight! Grey Knight Paladins are much like D&D Paladins: they run about the place in the heaviest armour, smiting daemons on sight and fighting evil. They are protected by powerful wards that help them banish the forces of evil. Hit Die: d12 Skill Points: 2+Int Base Attack Bonus: Good Good Saving Throws: Fortitude and Willpower Level 1 2 3 4 5 Special Tactical Teleportation, Smite Chaos Holocaust, Magic Circle Against Chaos Psykic Strike, Axiomatic Aura Empty Soul, Warp Instability Holy Sphere, Banish Daemons

Tactical Teleportation (Su): the Paladin, if wearing his Terminator Armour, can Teleport up to 100 feet away with a Standard action, with no error occurring. Smite Chaos (Su): the Paladin can declare any melee attack to be a Smite, once per round. If the opponent is Chaotic in alignment or has the [Chaotic] subtype, he may add his Charisma bonus to the attack roll, and his Hit Dice to the base damage. Declaring a Smite is not an action, but must be done before rolling. Holocaust (Sp): at second level, the Paladin gains Advanced access to the Pyre sphere. The spelllike abilities gain the [Psychic] descriptor. Magic Circle Against Chaos (Su): a second-level Paladin has a permanent Magic Circle Against Chaos effect, and is unable to suppress it. Psykic Strike (Su): with a Swift action, the third-level Paladin can charge a melee weapon with psychic energy. The next attack he makes with it, before the end of his turn, deals 3d8 additional damage. Axiomatic Aura (Su): starting at level three, the Paladin emits an aura of Order. All [Chaotic] creatures within 50 feet suffer a -4 penalty on all rolls they make until they leave the area. Empty Soul (Ex): at fourth level, the Paladin automatically passes all Willpower Saves, and never gains Warp Points. Warp Instability (Su): starting at level four, any time the Paladin strikes an [Extraplanar] creature with a Nemesis weapon, the target must make a Willpower Save (Charisma-based) or suffer a Banishment effect. Holy Sphere (Ex): the fifth-level Paladin gains Basic access to one of the following Holy Spheres note that the spell-like abilities all gain the [Psychic] descriptor: Aegis, Courage, Exorcism, Judgement, Piety Banish Daemons (Sp): with a Standard action, the fifth-level Paladin may unleash a wave of power that forces daemons back to the Warp. All [Chaotic, Extraplanar] creatures within 60 feet must pass a Will Save (Charisma-based) or be banished back to their home plane, unable to return for 1d4 days. Equipment: Terminator Armour with Storm Bolter and Nemesis Force Weapon (Long Sword) Requisition: Psilencer, Nemesis Warding Stave, Nemesis Force Weapon (Greatsword), Psyk-Out Grenades, Holy Incense Level 5: Land Raider Crusader with Pilot and Truesilver Hull, Daemonhammer

Palatine May the light of the Emperor guide us to victory... Come, let us take this city!

Palatines are some of the highest-ranking Adepta Sororitas, able to lead small armies across the battlefields. However they don't go so far as to lead massive forces, and their leadership role, while impressive, is limited to small numbers and plays a secondary role to her incredible skill in battle. Hit Die: d8 Skill Points: 4+Int Base Attack Bonus: Good Good Saving Throws: Fortitude, Reflex and Willpower Level 1 2 3 4 5 Special Faith (Repentance), Disrupt Action Deep Strike (Storm the Objective!), Provide Opportunity Faith (Brilliant Aspect), Loved By All Deep Strike (Rapid Onslaught), Turbulence Faith (Shimmering Radiance), Heroine Overdose

Faith (Su): as she gains levels, the Palatine gains additional Faith Powers. Repentance: upon making a full attack with a melee weapon against a single foe, the Heroine may spend a Swift action to force the target to make a Will Save (Charisma-based). If they fail the save, they are transported to the centre of the planet, as per Imprisonment. She may do this three times per day. Brilliant Aspect: once per hour, the third-level Palatine may Shapechange into a Celestial of any kind, lasting for five rounds. No non-instantaneous effect created by this Celestian will last beyond the duration of the Shapechange effect (for instance, Wishes, summoning other creatures, turning into other creatures and so on). Shimmering Radiance: once per day, the fifth-level Palatine may use an Immediate action to make herself, along with all adjacent allies, immune to any kind of damage, harm or ill effect until the end of her next turn. The allies only need to be adjacent when she activates the effect. Disrupt Action (Ex): the Palatine may attempt to monkeywrench any action an opponent is taking. She may throw sand into a beholder's eye, bat aside a key spell component, or strike a weapon hand with a thrown object but the result is the same: the opponent's action is wasted, and any spell slots, limited ability uses or the like used to power it are expended. A Palatine must be within 30 feet of her opponent to use this ability, and must hit with a Touch Attack or Ranged Touch attack. Using Disrupt Action is an Immediate action. Deep Strike (Ex): as she gains levels, the Palatine learns new Deep Strike abilities, which cannot be used when Fatigued or Exhausted. Storm the Objective: at second level, the Palatine grants Seize the Objective to all allies within 100 feet. Rapid Onslaught: at level four, the Palatine gains an additional Swift or Immediate action every round. Provide Opportunity (Ex): the second-level Palatine is good at providing opportunities to those who fight alongside her. She grants the benefits of Opportunist to all allies within fifty feet. Loved By All (Ex): everyone loves the Palatine. After speaking with someone for one minute, the third-level Palatine can bestow a Charm Person effect upon them (Charisma-based, +2 to the DC if she has 10 or more ranks in Diplomacy). After speaking with someone for ten minutes, she can bestow a Suggestion upon them (Charisma-based, +2 to the DC if she has 15 or more ranks in Diplomacy). Additionally, if she drops below 0 Hit Points or is slain in combat, all allies with line of sight to her may add her hit dice to their damage rolls for the rest of the encounter. Turbulence (Su): when the fourth-level Palatine charges using a Jump Pack or Sororitas Jump Pack, all enemies she passes adjacent to must make a Fortitude Save (Dexterity-based, altered by their size and stability as by Tripping) or fall Prone. If she ever spends a round in the same square while wearing an active Jump Pack or Sororitas Jump Pack, all enemies within 15 feet are affected by a Vertigo Field. Heroine Overdose (Su): any time the fifth-level Palatine strikes someone in melee, they suffer 1d6+Charisma modifier Divine damage per hit received on the following round. Equipment: Cloak of Saint Aspira, Rosarius, Inferno Pistol, Relic Blade, Litanies of Faith Requisition: Blessed Weapon, Artificer Armour, Repressor, Immolator, Mantle of Ophelia Level 5: Land Raider Redeemer, pair of Lightning Claws, pair of Neuro Whips

Pegasus Knight Here is a horse, now give me your kingdom.

People bang on endlessly about the special Chapters of Space Marines, but there are the Orders of Sisters that are just as unique, with their own special training and equipment. The Order of the Faithful Blade emphasises acting fast and reaching the opponent quickly, and as such those who are not in vehicles tend to ride the Cyber-Pegasus mounts, speeding as fast as jetbikes. These are the Pegasus Knights, valiant charging champions, as noble and chivalrous as any male knight of legend. Hit Die: d10 Skill Points: 4+Int Base Attack Bonus: Good Good Saving Throws: Reflex and Willpower Level 1 2 3 4 5 Special Mounted Combat, Aero-Assault, Planetary Collision Faith (Shooting Star), Lacerating Wings Knightly Spirit, Defend Others, Quick Recovery Faith (Wings of Faith), Rescuer Faith (Angelic Knight), Princess Knight, Sacrifice

Proficiencies: the Lance, Light Spear, Heavy Spear, Great Lance and Doom Spear

Mounted Combat: the Pegasus Knight gains Mounted Combat as a bonus feat. If she already has this feat, she may select any other [Combat] feat in its place. Aero-Assault (Ex): the Pegasus Knight can't really wear her Jump Pack while riding her steed, but that's okay, because the same principles apply. Any ability she has that requires the use of a Jump Pack can still be used when mounted on her flying steed. Planetary Collision (Ex): after the Pegasus Knight, if riding her flying steed, resolves her charge against a target (waiting until all attacks are resolved), the target must, if hit, pass a Fortitude Save (Strength-based, with a +4 bonus to the DC, but with modifiers to resist based on size as though being Tripped) or be launched 30 feet away, minus 5 feet for every size category above Medium, plus 5 feet for every size category smaller than Medium. The target lands Prone at the end of this movement. Faith (Su): as she gains levels, the Pegasus Knight gains access to fantastic new Faith powers. Shooting Star: should the second-level Pegasus Knight charge someone on her steed, she almost looks like a comet in the distance. This doesn't grant wishes, but all allies who see her do so gain a +5 Luck bonus on all d20 rolls until the beginning of her next turn. Additionally, she deals +2d6 Force damage on a charge. Wings of Faith: at level four, as long as she is riding her flying steed, the Pegasus Knight can infuse it with incredible power. She may cast Wings of Flurry (Charisma-based) three times per day, and Wings of Cover at will. Angelic Knight: the fifth-level Pegasus Knight is basically an angel, gaining a permanent Magic Circle Against Evil, Globe of Invulnerability and Daylight effect. Lacerating Wings (Ex): at level two, the Pegasus Knight can use the wings of her Cyber-Pegasus to slice through enemies. With a Move action, she can move her steed in a straight line up to its base move speed, and make one melee attack. This attack applies against every enemy on either side during the move. Those hit take 1d8 damage, plus 1 per 10' of movement. Knightly Spirit (Ex): with a Move-Equivalent action, a third-level Pegasus Knight may restore any amount of ability damage or drain that she has suffered. Defend Others (Ex): a third-level Pegasus Knight may use her own body to defend others. Any ally adjacent to her gains Evasion, though she does not. Quick Recovery (Ex): if a third-level Pegasus Knight is Stunned or Dazed during her turn, that condition ends at the end of that turn. Rescuer (Ex): the Pegasus Knight has to be skilled at many things, including saving the lives of others in an emergency. Starting at fourth level, she may make a Treat Injury check as a Full Round action to provide life-saving help: a DC 25 check will Raise someone to life if they have been dead for one minute or less bringing them up to 1d4 HP. On a live target, they regain HP equal to the check minus ten. This may only be used once per person per day.

Princess Knight (Ex): the fifth-level Pegasus Knight is knightly and chivalrous, kind of like Utena in fact. She gains a Bonus Feat that may be Command, Leadership or The Friendly Imperial. Additionally, any time she is first to the scene, any non-enemies in the area become Friendly towards her. Sacrifice (Ex): with an Immediate action, a fifth-level Pegasus Knight may make herself the target of an attack or targeted effect that targets any creature within her reach. Equipment: Cyber-Pegasus, Power Weapon (Lance or Spear, including Great/Heavy variants), Doom Spear, Large Steel Shield, Power Sword, Repair Kit, Cloak of Charisma Requisition: vehicle upgrades, Relic Blade (Lance or Spear, including Great/Heavy variants) Level 5: Storm Shield, Cloak of Saint Aspira, Mantle of Ophelia Special: in the world of Dungeons and Dragons, it is perfectly acceptable to assume a Pegasus Knight could encounter and befriend an actual Pegasus or Unicorn. Though they would likely be too fragile to survive any hit directed at a level 11+ character, a Celestial Charger, Half Celestial Unicorn with additional hit dice etc. could manage the job.

Penitent Aaaargh! It buuuurns! And now... I will make you burn even worse... Emperor, guide me to you!

Sometimes, the Repentia don't feel redeemed at all, and in fact feel so full of guilt and hateful of themselves that they require punishments even more severe. For these few, they are hooked up to the giant Penitent Engines, actual sockets drilled into their flesh, and they are sent into battle, the red-hot metal burning their bare skin as they tear enemies asunder. Hit Die: d12 Skill Points: 2+Int Base Attack Bonus: Good Good Saving Throws: Fortitude and Willpower Level 1 2 3 4 5 Special Two Weapon Rend, Rage +1d6 Widened Flame, Scorching Breach Healthy Link, Rage +2d6 Agonising Critical, Burning Rage Smoky Veil, Perfect Concentration, Rage +3d6

Proficiencies: all weapons that are connected to her Penitent Engine

Two Weapon Rend (Ex): when hooked up to her Penitent Engine, the Penitent gains the benefits of the Epic feat Two Weapon Rend. Rage (Ex): at every odd level, the Penitent's Rage ability increases, adding 1 to the DR and +1d6 to the rage dice. Widened Flame (Ex): at second level, when using any Cone-area weapon (such as Heavy Flamers), the Penitent can spread the flames out wide, doubling the width of the cone. Scorching Breach (Ex): when hooked up to her Penitent Engine, the second-level Penitent can strike exceptionally fast. After successfully damaging a foe with a melee attack, she may use a Swift action to fire a Cone-area weapon that is attached to that weapon. The enemy automatically fails their Saving Throw, but they are the only one hit. If the target was a vehicle, everyone inside is automatically hit, with no Saving Throw. Healthy Link (Ex): the third-level Penitent gains a special pool of Temporary Hit Points equal to five times her class level, however she only has access to this when attached to her Penitent Engine. When attached to it, one point regenerates per minute, and all damage is subtracted first from it, though effects which damage both Temporary and real Hit Points for vehicles do the same to her. Additionally, when hooked up, she is immune to any effect requiring a Fortitude Save, unless it affects objects. If it only affects objects, she is still immune. Agonising Critical (Ex): whenever the level four Penitent scores a critical hit, the target falls Prone and must make a Fortitude Save (Strength-based). If they fail, the pain Nauseates and Blinds them for 1d4 rounds, then Sickens them for one minute thereafter. This is a [Pain] effect. Burning Rage (Su): when in a Rage, the fourth-level Penitent gains Fire Resistance equal to double her hit dice, and may add her hit dice in Fire Damage to all melee attacks she makes. Smoky Veil (Ex): at fifth level, when hooked up to the Penitent Engine, the Penitent churns out so much smoke that she can't be seen. She gains the benefits of Concealment against all adjacent foes, and Full Concealment against all foes any further away. Additionally, adjacent foes need to make a Fortitude Save every round (Constitution-based) or spend the round being Nauseated by the smell of her burning flesh, fuel and siphoned hatred. Perfect Concentration (Ex): the fifth-level Penitent gains such a clear view of the world that nothing can break her concentration. No effect short of death may stop her from acting, or even penalise her movement, attack rolls or damage rolls. Equipment: the Penitent Engine, Purity Seals Requisition: vehicle upgrades/weapon changes Level 5: Iron Maiden Drop Pod

Retributor Well, time to give them our ammunition. You know, the first ork tank was made out of fire...

The Sisters Retributor are the heavy weapon specialists of the Adepta Sororitas, and they make it known. They carry weapons that can be even bigger than they are, blasting away with deafening noise as they tear buildings and bunkers apart, or mow infantry down in a blaze of flame and heavy bolter shells. Hit Die: d10 Skill Points: 4+Int Base Attack Bonus: Good Good Saving Throws: Fortitude and Willpower Level 1 2 3 4 5 Special Heavy Weapon Rites, Bulging Biceps They See Me Rolling, Faith (Relentless Rage) Leadership Through Demolitions They Hating, Faith (Purge the Unclean) Destroyer, Inferno

Proficiencies: Heavy Firearms

Heavy Weapon Rites (Su): every morning, the Sister Retributor should perform holy rites to bless her weapons, along with her regular prayers and meditation. As long as she does so, she gains special benefits when firing different weapons: Blessed Scorched Earth: the ground of the area she blasts with a Heavy Inflamer, Incinerator or Incendiary Missile turns to magma for 1d4 rounds, which is unfortunate for anyone who walks on it. If the ground is more fire resistant than Steel, this does not apply. Vanquish the Evil: after resolving her full attack when shooting someone with a Heavy Bolter, the Sister Retributor can fling them 15 feet in the direction of her choice per round that hit them. Subtract 5 feet per full +4 Strength modifier they possess, and 5 feet per size category above Large. This can be used to launch targets into the air. Holy Light of Purification: anyone she shoots with a Multi-Melta, Melta Missile or Purifier must make a Fortitude Save (Intelligence-based) or suffer the following terrible side effects: their eyes burst from heat, permanently Blinding them. Their kidneys and lungs are scorched and roasted, leaving them Nauseated for 1 round and Mute for 1 day. Divine Detonation: when the Sister Retributor uses a Demolition Charge or hits with a Mortar or Thunderfire Cannon, everyone in the area who fails their Reflex Save is in for a bad day, as all of their own explosives and alchemical devices instantly explode as well. Treat them as being hit with all of such items (no save). Bulging Biceps (Ex): the Sister Retributor is used to lugging heavier weapons around. She may treat the Heavy Flamer and Heavy Stubber as Assault Firearms, and needn't brace Heavy Weapons, thus being able to fire a single shot with a Standard action and still have a Move action left. Massive weapons are simply treated as regular Heavy weapons that must still be braced. They See Me Rolling (Ex): the second-level Sister Retributor may fire a Vehicle weapon as a Swift action, allowing her to drive along at full speed. For any weapon that does not use a Cone area effect, this is somewhat inaccurate, and takes a -4 penalty to hit. Faith (Su): as she continues to gain levels, the Sister Retributor gains access to new Faith powers. Relentless Rage: at second level, with a Swift action, the Sister Retributor may enter a Relentless Rage at will. This lasts for a number of rounds equal to her Charisma modifier, and adds bonus bonus damage as if she had scored a critical hit with the weapon she is wielding: this extra damage can be divided amongst her attacks or just added to one hit. On the downside, she must pass a Will Save each round (Charisma-based) to avoid simply charging a foe whenever given the chance. Purge the Unclean: at level four, the Retributor's Hated Enemies get an even worse deal: if she attacks them and deals damage, they are automatically knocked Prone and prevented from leaving their current square on their next turn. Leadership Through Demolitions (Ex): whenever the third-level Sister Retributor destroys a Huge or larger construct, vehicle or building, her allies rejoice. Once this happens, they may all move up to their base speed as a Free action, even out of turn, and end the effects of any penalties or afflictions they are suffering from. They Hating (Ex): if the fourth-level Sister Retributor is merely inside a vehicle, she bestows all the effects of her Hated Foe ability upon the vehicle and all crew, including any other abilities or feats linked to this (with the exception of Purge the Unclean). Furthermore, her Hatred also applies to any foe who is at least two size categories larger than her.

Destroyer (Su): once per round, the fifth-level Sister Retributor may make a single attack with a Heavy Firearm a [Destroyer] effect. Inferno (Ex): once per day, the fifth-level Sister Retributor can call for an air strike of Hellfire missiles, covering the landscape in burning promethium. It takes a Move-Equivalent action (and communication gear) to call in, and arrives on the following round. It functions as a Rain of Embers, affecting a 1,000' radius area, lasting for five rounds. Anyone damaged by the effect on any given turn must pass a Fortitude Save (Intelligence-based, along with any other DC) or be Nauseated with pain (a [Pain] effect) for the round. Equipment: Demo Charge or Heavy Flamer or Mortar, Multi Melta or Heavy Bolter or Incinerator Requisition: Missile Launcher with Incendiary and Melta Missiles, Artificer Armour, Immolator (requires 6+ ranks in Pilot) Level 5: Thunderfire Cannon, Purifier

Sanguinary Priest Drink from this cup... this is my blood. Although the Blood Angels do indeed have Chaplains and Reclusiarchs in great number (generally to try to keep the Black Rage in check), there are also the Sanguinary Priests, those who use their mystical blood to power the Red Thirst in their allies. It is a dangerous position to take, but the benefits can be extraordinary. Hit Die: d10 Skill Points: 4+Int Base Attack Bonus: Medium Good Saving Throws: Fortitude, Reflex and Willpower Level 1 2 3 4 5 Special Feel No Pain, Litany of Blood Rage +1d6, Aura of Blood 1 Fast Healing 10, Alchemical Blood Rage +2d6, Aura of Blood 5 Litany of Sanguine Rage

Feel No Pain (Ex): the Sanguinary Priest is immune to [Pain] effects and non-lethal damage. Litany of Blood (Su): the Sanguinary Priest often speaks out with verses of dedication and anger. With a Move-Equivalent action, he may allow all allies within 50' to Charge a foe as an Immediate action. If they do this, their Strength is treated as 4 points higher and they gain the Pounce ability for the charge. Rage (Ex): at levels two and four, the Sanguinary Priest gains an extra Rage Die and point of Damage Reduction when in a rage. Aura of Blood (Su): at level two, the Sanguinary Priest starts to emit a 30' radius aura. Allies in the area gain Fast Healing 1, and enemies in the area who are at less than full HP lose 1 HP per round and take 1 extra point of damage from all damaging attacks (HP damage only). At fourth level, this improves to Fast Healing 5, 5 damage per round and 5 extra damage from attacks. Fast Healing (Su): at level three, the Sanguinary Priest gains Fast Healing 10, even when in a rage. Alchemical Blood (Ex): at third level, the blood of the Sanguinary Priest seems magical. With an hour and two pints of his blood, dealing negligible damage, he may brew any potion or oil (to the usual level restrictions) as though he had access to the entire Cleric spell list. This costs no GP, XP or material components. Those who imbibe must also, however, pass a Will Save (Charisma-based) or enter a Rage as per the spell unless they possess Rage as a special ability, in which case they activate that on a failed save. Litany of Sanguine Rage (Su): at fifth level, the Sanguinary Priest's words spark even greater flames in his allies. With a Standard action he may grant all allies the following for one round: Feel No Pain (as his ability) Rending Strike (all melee weapons ignore Hardness, Damage Reduction and Regeneration. Against foes who lack all of these defences, the attacks deal +2d6 damage) +4 Enhancement bonus to Strength Equipment: Narthecium, 3 doses of Stimm, Gold Chalice, one of the following pairs: Chainsword and Inferno Pistol or Hand Flamer and Power Sword Requisition: 2 Lightning Claws, Jump Pack, Plasma Pistol, another pair (above) Level 5: Power Fist, Gladius Encarmine

Seraphim-Imagifer Got him! Come on, fight harder, I've impaled three!

Traditionally, the role of the Imagifer or banner bearer was an infantry role, one for carrying the Simulacrum Imperialis or Sacred Banner across the field so that others may see it. In more recent times, however, forward-thinking Sisters have taken to soaring across the skies with it, so that all may see, and even using the icon itself as a spear or lance. This seems to be working pretty well. Hit Die: d10 Skill Points: 4+Int Base Attack Bonus: Medium Good Saving Throws: Fortitude, Reflex and Willpower Level 1 2 3 4 5 Special Impaling Charge, Bless the Faithful Faith (Beacon of Hope), Lunge Marker Fire, Fire Stride Dance of Death, Awesome Blow Faith (Wings of Flame), Turbulence

Impaling Charge (Ex): whenever the Imagifer charges, when using a Piercing weapon, she may add 4d6 damage to the first attack she makes. Additionally, if an opponent is adjacent to her foe and directly opposite her, she may then make an additional attack against them with the same bonus etc. For one minute after this attack, the first target treats his Damage Reduction and Armour Bonus to AC as zero due to the giant gaping hole left in him. Bless the Faithful (Su): once per day the Imagifer can, with a Swift action, bless her allies. All Faith Powers that have a number of uses per time period, including her own, are refilled for all allies within 50 feet. This is not a Faith Power in and of itself. Faith (Su): as she gains levels, the Seraphim-Imagifer gains access to new and amazing Faith powers. Beacon of Hope: the second-level Seraphim-Imagifer constantly emits Daylight, Hallow and Consecration, affecting whatever area happens to surround her at the time. Wings of Flame: the fifth-level Seraphim-Imagifer can cast Wings of Flame as a Swift action once per hour, though retaining use of her arms. Her Jump Pack is what transforms. Lunge (Ex): the second-level Imagifer may treat her reach as 5 feet more than normal this affects reach weapons and area threatened in the normal way. Electing to do so is not an action, but affects her attacks until her next turn. Until then, she takes a -3 penalty on all attack rolls. Marker Fire (Ex): whenever a third-level Imagifer successfully hits a foe with a firearm, all allies gain a bonus on attack rolls against that foe equal to her Dexterity bonus. This lasts until her next turn. Fire Stride (Su): whenever the third-level Imagifer uses a weapon with a Cone effect, such as a Flamer, as part of the action she may move to any point within the cone, not taking damage from the attack. Dance of Death (Ex): with a Move-Equivalent action, the fourth-level Seraphim-Imagifer may hold her weapon aloft and shout a battlecry. All allies within 100 feet may move up to their base Speed immediately, adding triple her Charisma modifier to their damage rolls until her next turn. Awesome Blow (Ex): whenever striking a foe with a melee weapon, the level four Imagifer may elect to launch the enemy into the air: for every 5 damage dealt, the target is forced back five feet, including diagonally, but the direction is fixed no bouncing around corners or zig-zagging through Wall spells. This movement provokes Attacks of Opportunity, but not from her. Turbulence (Su): when the fifth-level Imagifer charges using a Jump Pack or Sororitas Jump Pack, all enemies she passes adjacent to must make a Fortitude Save (Dexterity-based, altered by their size and stability as by Tripping) or fall Prone. If she ever spends a round in the same square while wearing an active Jump Pack or Sororitas Jump Pack, all enemies within 15 feet are affected by a Vertigo Field. Equipment: two Hand Flamers or Hell Pistols, Melta Bombs, Holy Water, Plasma Grenades, Simulacrum Imperialis Requisition: Sacred Standard of the Order, Sororitas Assault Glaive, Valkyrie with Pilot (requires 10+ ranks of Diplomacy) Level 5: Vulture (requires 9+ ranks of Pilot)

Sister Nunciate That doesn't sound like prayer! LOUDER! OUR EMPEROR, WHO ART ON TERRA...

In the non-Militant branches of the Adepta Sororitas, communication skills are absolutely vital. Whether it is keeping the various units on the same page in the battlefield, maintaining good relations with other forces of the Imperium, working citizens into a frenzy for the Emperor or coordinating joint efforts between different Militant orders, they are the ones who get it done. The Nunciate is a role for high-ranking Sisters Dialogus, Famulous and Sabine. Hit Die: d8 Skill Points: 8+Int Base Attack Bonus: Medium Good Saving Throws: Reflex and Willpower Level 1 2 3 4 5 Special Faith (Power Words), Incite Rage Incite Praise, Incite Riot Incite Fanaticism, Mystic Praises Faith (Greater Words), Incite Zeal Incite Miracle, Stop With a Word

Faith (Su): as she gains levels, the Sister Nunciate gains access to new Faith powers. Power Words: five times per day, in any combination, the Sister Nunciate can cast any of the following: Power Word: Blind, Power Word: Fatigue, Power Word: Sicken, Power Word: Disable. Once each per day she may cast Power Word: Nauseate and Power Word: Stun. Additionally, she may create any of the following effects at will: Symbol of Pain, Symbol of Stunning, Symbol of Persuasion, Symbol of Sleep. Greater Words: at level four, the Sister Nunciate may cast any of the following three times per day in any combination: Power Word: Kill, Power Word: Petrify, Symbol of Insanity, Otto's Irresistable Dance Incite Rage (Ex): the Sister Nunciate can use a Move-Equivalent action to whip her allies into a frenzy. Any allies who can hear her and who have a Rage ability automatically activate this ability. Those who do not may gain the effects of a Rage spell. This is a [Language-Dependent] effect. Incite Praise (Ex): the second-level Sister Nunciate, as long as she is able to speak, has a constant Recitation effect active. Incite Riot (Ex): the second-level Sister Nunciate, when Inciting Rage, also grants all affected allies the following effects: Snake's Swiftness, Bull's Strength. Incite Fanaticism (Ex): at third level, the allies of the Sister Nunciate who are under the effects of Incite Praise gain a Divine Power and Divine Favour effect. Mystic Praises (Su): the third-level Sister Nunciate can speak special words of praise to the Emperor, using a Swift action to speak any given word. If a given word has a Save DC, it is Charisma-based. They can all be used at will: Voice of the Heart: speak with a Tongues effect for the entire round Invigorate the Spirit: remove Fatigue and Exhaustion from all allies who can hear her View With the Mind's Eye: gain a True Seeing effect until her next turn Speak With the Emperor's Voice: all enemies who can hear must pass a Will Save or be Frightened for 1d4 rounds. [Fear] [Mind-Affecting] Extend the Lifespan: restore 50 Hit Points to a target in Line of Sight, or Extend the effects of a Power Word cast this round. Burn With the Emperor's Fury: foe in Line of Sight takes 10 Fire damage per hit die with a Fortitude Save for half. Incite Zeal (Ex): when a level four Sister Nunciate affects her allies with any Incite effect, they also gain the benefits of a Righteous Might effect. Incite Miracle (Su): the fifth-level Sister Nunciate can, once per day, create a Miracle effect. Stop With a Word (Ex): at level five, the Sister Nunciate can use an Immediate action to halt an enemy action with just a word. She makes a Diplomacy or Intimidate check against their HD+Cha check, and if her check beats theirs, the action is cancelled, although any daily uses etc. are still expended. Equipment: Magic Shield Robes, Psychotroke Grenades, one Blessed Instrument, Laud Hailer Requisition: Cloak of Saint Aspira, another Blessed Instrument, Master Vox Caster Level 5: Exorcist Tank (requires 10+ ranks in Pilot), any Cleric scrolls

Sister Hospitaler-Superior Oh hush, I've sewn millions of lungs back together before. Just lie still, you'll be fine.

Of all the Adepta Sororitas, the Hospitalers-Superior are those who are loved the most, and not only by their fellow Sisters. Everyone across the Imperium has received medical attention at some point in time, however those who feel the ministrations of the Hospitaler Superior know they are in good hands, guaranteed to survive with no pain and likely no lasting injuries. Hit Die: d8 Skill Points: 8+Int Base Attack Bonus: Medium Good Saving Throws: Fortitude and Willpower Level 1 2 3 4 5 Special Loved By Many, Bonus Feat, Perfect Body Faith (Ministrations), Celestian Skills Loved By All, Cyber Doctor Faith (The Doctor's Touch), Celestian Skills Miracle Worker, Improved Mettle

Proficiencies: Needlers, Vivisectors and Dire Syringes

Loved By Many (Ex): the Hospitaler Superior generally has a lot of friends. All in the Imperium are automatically considered Friendly if she doesn't give them a reason not to be. Additionally, allies in her presence, as well as people she administers care to, are so elated that they are immune to [Pain] effects. Bonus Feat: the Hospitaler Superior gains an additional Bonus Feat from her Non-Militant list. Just like the other bonus feats gained from Non-Militant, it grants the next benefit up. Perfect Body (Ex): the Hospitaler-Superior is completely immune to all poisons and diseases, even completely magical ones. She may choose to be affected by drugs and potions or not, however. Additionally, she gains an Enhancement bonus to Constitution equal to her hit dice divided by three (round up). Faith (Su): as she gains levels, the Sister Hospitaler-Superior gains new Faith powers. Ministrations: with a Full Round action, the second-level Hospitaler Superior can remove any amount of ability damage from someone, or grant them an Enhancement bonus to Strength or Dexterity equal to one third of her Hit Dice (round up). The Doctor's Touch: at level four, the Sister Hospitaler-Superior can make a special check if she takes a full hour to work on someone. She makes a Knowledge (Religion) check and a First Aid check, and adds the results together. The target regains ten times this amount in Hit Points, with any excess being Temporary Hit Points that last for an hour or until used up. The target is also healed of any status ailments as per a Heal spell. Celestian Skills (Ex): though not a Celestian, the Hospitaler-Superior is as experienced as one. At levels two and four, she gains a Celestian Skill, just like a Celestian. Loved By All (Ex): at third level, even complete strangers from outside the Imperium are Friendly towards the Sister Hospitaler-Superior when she doesn't give them reason not to be. Anyone she actually provides medical care to will forever more be fascinated and enamoured with her, wanting to help her and do whatever she says, and vying for her attention. Whenever she provides care to someone, they gain a Good Hope effect for one hour. Cyber Doctor (Ex): the third-level Hospitaler-Superior has the training (and is given the equipment) to perform Cyber-Surgery, granting bionic limbs and organs to people. It takes her 4 hours to safely remove or attach something, 8 hours if the original limb/organ is still there and in need of removal, and 2 hours just to repair an exposed bionic piece. Miracle Worker (Su): whenever the fifth-level Hospitaler-Superior performs surgery on someone or uses a Faith Power to restore any Hit Points to them or return them from the dead, she also grants them a permanent Enhancement bonus to Constitution equal to one third of their hit dice, rounded up. They also gain this as a Resistance bonus on Saving Throws of all kind. Improved Mettle (Ex): the fifth-level Sister Hospitaler-Superior, upon failing a Fortitude or Willpower Save, only suffers the effects others would suffer upon passing the save. Equipment: Magic Shield Robes, Magic Vivisector, Needler Requisition: Cloak of Resistance, Choke Grenades, Rad Grenades, Rad Cleanser, Dire Syringe Level 5: Artificer Armour and Servo-Harness, replacing Servo Arms with Vivisectors and replacing the Plasma Torch with a Rad Cleanser

Sister Pronatus This is too valuable for them to even look at... but to kill them with, it is acceptable.

Those of the Order Pronatus have the sacred duty of seeking out, recovering, guarding and maintaining the ancient relics of the Adepta Sororitas, as well as those of the Ecclesiarchy and the Imperium in general. The things they take care of are all one of a kind, priceless relics that are imbued with real power thanks to the belief in them. Often, they take care of combat relics by bringing them into battle to stab people with. Hit Die: d8 Skill Points: 6+Int Base Attack Bonus: Good Good Saving Throws: Fortitude and Willpower Level 1 2 3 4 5 Special Relic-Seeker, Order Heirloom Faith (Imbued Brilliance), Treasure-Bearer Brilliant Wards, Crafting Prowess Faith (Psi-Shock Treasure), Bonus Feat Reverence, Celestian Skills

Relic-Seeker (Su): the Sister Pronatus has an uncanny knack for finding ancient treasures. She can cast Legend Lore (items only), Detect Magic, Identify and Locate Object at will Order Heirloom (Ex): the Sister Pronatus is given a single very special item to look after, gaining new powers as she gains levels. If the item is ever lost, sold, stolen, traded away or destroyed, she is forever shamed the only possibility of redemption is to recover it, followed by a lengthy session of prayer, re-dedication, meditation and self-flagellation. Even then, it is possible she must be remade as a Repentia. The heirloom itself can be any of the following: Blessed Weapon Holy Lance Cloak of Saint Aspira Sororitas Assault Glaive Blazing Maul Storm Bolter Inferno Pistol Artificer Armour Rosarius Mantle of Ophelia If a weapon, it is a Magic Weapon, and has a Minor Power. At second level, it gains a Moderate Power. At third level, it gains a Major Power, and at fourth level it becomes Intelligent, with Telepathy, Blindsight out to 120 feet, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma scores of 20, and a Dedicated Purpose and Power as well as a Minor or Major Intelligent Item power. At fifth level, it gains any non-Epic Weapon of Legacy Power of her choice. If a protective item, it has an Enhancement bonus to the Armour Bonus and to her Dexterity and Constitution scores equal to one third her hit dice (round up). It has a Minor Power (for an accessory), then gains a Moderate Power at level 2 and a Major Power at level three. At level four, it becomes Intelligent, with Telepathy, Blindsight out to 120 feet, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma scores of 20, and a Dedicated Purpose and Power as well as a Minor or Major Intelligent Item power. At fifth level, it gains any non-Epic Weapon of Legacy Power of her choice. Faith (Su): as she gains levels, the Sister Pronatus gains new and exciting Faith powers. Imbued Brilliance: at second level, she gains more bang for her buck any bonus she gains from any item she has, if the bonus scales with Hit Dice, is improved by one. Additionally, three times per day she may use a limited use power of an item (Wand charges, daily uses of spell-like abilities) without actually using up the charge or daily use. Psi-Shock Treasure: at level four, the Sister Pronatus bestows a powerful benefit on any magic weapon she uses: it has the [Psi-Shock] descriptor. For armour and other nonweapons, foes who so much as touch it (hitting her with an unarmed or natural weapon for armour, actually trying to touch it for others) suffer the effects of [Psi-Shock] alone. Treasure-Bearer (Ex): at second level, the Sister Pronatus is flat-out given a Major Magic Item to look after. Additionally, she gains an additional Magic Item Slot, able to carry and use one more than normal. Brilliant Wards (Su): the third-level Sister Pronatus is exceptionally good at protecting her relics. All of her Magic Items are protected, granting her the following permanent effects as long as she is carrying even one: Magic Circle Against Chaos, Magic Circle Against Evil, Globe of Invulnerability, Sanctuary. Attacking merely suppresses the Sanctuary for one round.

Crafting Prowess (Ex): at level three, the Sister Pronatus can actually make her own valuable items. They are not yet great treasures or relics, but only because they are new. They are still highly valued and this ability is seen as a holy rite. Effectively, she can craft Magic Arms and Armour as well as Rods and Wonderous Items, paying only the time and material costs. Bonus Feat: at level four, the Sister Pronatus gains a bonus [Skill] feat of her choosing. This counts as a bonus feat from Sister Non-Militant, so gains the next ability up. Reverence (Su): at level five, the magic items of the Sister Pronatus can no longer be sundered, broken, lost, taken from her without permission or Disjoined they are hers until she elects to give them away. Not even magical [Compulsion] can force her to do so, she must decide of her own free will. Additionally, when openly displaying her Heirloom, she has a 30 foot radius aura that causes all foes to Cower while within it, with a Will Save to negate (Charisma-based). Celestian Skills (Ex): though not a Celestian, the Sister Pronatus learns enough tricks on the field to be worthy of the title. At fifth level, she gains a Veteran Skill and a Celestian Skill, just like a Celestian. Equipment: Power Armour or Magic Shield Robes (unless Heirloom is a protective item), Amber Amulet, Ring of Sustenance, Mastercraft Boltgun or Magic Shotgun or Magic Bolt Pistol (unless Heirloom is a Firearm), Relic Blade (unless Heirloom is a melee weapon) Requisition: Ring of Protection, Circlet of Charisma, Periapt of Wisdom, Rod of Splendour, Rod of Lordly Might, any Wand Level 5: Lenses of True Seeing, any Staff or Ring, Ring of Free Movement, Sanctified Land Raider

Terminator Sergeant Come on, we are unbeatable! Assail their walls!

Terminators are practically tanks, they just happen to vaguely resemble infantry. Under that many layers of armour, they can wade across the battlefield, setting down a trail of destruction. It helps to have a sergeant, though, someone who can lead them a bit. Hit Die: d10 Skill Points: 4+Int Base Attack Bonus: Good Good Saving Throws: Fortitude and Willpower Level 1 2 3 4 5 Special Teleporter, Legendary Speech Inspire Heroism, Combat Tactics Teleport on the Run, Bless This Bolter Rites of Purification, Get Over Here! Duty Never Ends, Last Resort

Proficiencies: Heavy Firearms, Heavy Armour

Teleporter (Su): using the proper Teleport facilities at the HQ, the Terminator Sergeant may Teleport to any location he has previously been to, out to ten miles per hit die. Legendary Speech (Sp): with one minute of speaking, the Terminator Sergeant can inspire great loyalty in his allies. This creates the benefits of a Heroes' Feast effect, and allows everyone who heard the speech a single Cure Moderate Wounds, Fox's Cunning, Owl's Wisdom or Eagle's Splendour as a Swift action in the next 12 hours. Inspire Heroism (Sp): with a Standard action, the second-level Terminator Sergeant can shout words of praise to allies, allowing them to attempt particularly dumb things with little ill effect. One ally within 100 feet gains the benefits of Starmantle, Vengeance Halo and Energised Healing for one round. Combat Tactics (Ex): the team works better with the second-level Terminator Sergeant around. If he spends a Full Round action giving directions and orders, every member gains the benefits of any single [Combat] feat (even one he doesn't have) until the start of his next turn. The same feat is chosen for all, and this includes him if relevant. Teleport on the Run (Su): with a Move-Equivalent action, a level three Terminator Sergeant may activate a Dimension Door effect to anywhere within 100 feet. Bless This Bolter (Su): once per round, the third-level Terminator Sergeant may designate a single hit with a Bolt Pistol, Boltgun, Storm Bolter or Heavy Bolter. It becomes an automatic critical hit. Additionally, every round, he can just change the type of ammunition inside simply by willing it so. Rites of Purification (Su): at level four, the Terminator Sergeant can perform a minute-long rite. When it ends, the target of the rite is affected by Inspire Heroism (above) for one full hour. Only one person may be affected by this at a time. Get Over Here! (Ex): by bellowing at an enemy with a Swift action, the fourth-level Terminator Sergeant can intimidate them into approaching to get their arse kicked. He must make an Intimidate check against a foe who can hear him, and they oppose it with a modified level check. If they fail, they must spend all actions on their next turn attempting to get close. Once there, they snap out of it and can fight normally (unless dead by then, of course). Duty Never Ends (Ex): if a fifth-level Terminator Sergeant is ever killed, and at least his brain makes it back, he gets brought back as a Dreadnought or Siege Dreadnought. If a member of the Blood Angels, he may be brought back as a Furioso Dreadnought. Last Resort (Ex): the Terminator Sergeant is always prepared for the worst. At level five, he is given a single Vortex Grenade, which can be replenished once per mission, to use at his discretion. Equipment: Terminator Armour, Power Fist or Power Sword, Storm Bolter Requisition: Heavy Flamer, Cyclone Missile Launcher, Assault Cannon, Chain Fist Level 5: Land Raider with pilot, Drop Pod, Caestus Assault Ram with pilot

Vindicare Death Master ...headshot.

Vindicare Assassins rate amongst the best snipers in the galaxy, however even amongst the best it is possible to compare them and make distinctions, for one to be the best of the best. And that would be the Vindicare Death Master the sharpest of sharp shooters. Hit Die: d8 Skill Points: 6+Int Base Attack Bonus: Good Good Saving Throws: Reflex and Willpower Level 1 2 3 4 5 Special Death Attack +1d6, Eagle Eye Death Attack +2d6, Double-Tap (Shield-Breaker) Death Attack +3d6, Deflection Sniping Death Attack +4d6, Double-Tap (Armour-Piercing) Death Attack +5d6, Spotter

Death Attack (Ex): each level, the Vindicare Death Master gains an extra die of Death Attack damage. Eagle-Eye (Ex): the Vindicare Death Master doubles the range increments for all Heavy Firearms. Remember that doubling a doubling is a tripling, if relevant. Double-Tap (Ex): when using iterative attacks to repeatedly shoot the same target in the same turn, the Vindicare Death Master gains benefits for every shot after the first. Shield-Breaker: at second level, all shots after the first ignore Damage Reduction and Regeneration that the target may have Armour-Piercing: at fourth level, all shots after the first ignore any Armour Bonuses to Armour Class Deflection Sniping (Su): by spending an Attack of Opportunity, the third-level Vindicare Death Master may make a ranged attack roll. If this beats the attack roll of a ranged attack, the shot is deflected and completely negated. Spotter (Ex): once per day, the fifth-level Vindicare Death Master can call for a Defence Laser to come online, using a Swift action to make the call. Any time within the next minute, he may shoot a target and then, as a non-action, designate that target as marked. The next round, the target is hit by a Defence Laser: 20d6 Light Damage, [Destroyer], Reflex Half (DC 30). Equipment: Magic Exitus Sniper Rifle, Camouflaged Salamander Transport, Concussion Mines Requisition: Ring of Blinking, Psy-Cannon Bolts fitted for the Exitus Level 5: Ring of Invisibility

Vindicare Executioner No, you see, this is how you shoot someone. People will always need to be shot in the face. As such, new Vindicare Assassins will always be needed. The Executioners not only fill that role, but more importantly, they train others to follow in their footsteps, so that there can be more people to meet the need of face-shooting. Hit Die: d10 Skill Points: 4+Int Base Attack Bonus: Good Good Saving Throws: Fortitude and Reflex Level 1 2 3 4 5 Special Hair Trigger, Followers (Sniper & Death Cultist) Eagle Eye, Death Attack +1d6 Ballet of Bullets, Followers (2 Snipers & Vindicare) Deflection Sniping, Death Attack +2d6 Call Titan Killer, Followers (2 Snipers & 2 Vindicares)

Hair Trigger (Ex): the Vindicare Executioner may draw, fire and sheath a Pistol all with the one Swift action. Doing so allows only a single shot to be made, not a Full Attack. Followers (Ex): the Vindicare Executioner has a pair of followers a Veteran 3/Sniper 3 and a Death Cultist 6. At level three, he gains another Sniper, and the Death Cultist gains 4 levels in Vindicare Assassin. At level 5, he gains another Vindicare Assassin. Eagle-Eye (Ex): the second-level Vindicare Executioner doubles the range increments for all Heavy Firearms. Remember that doubling a doubling is a tripling, if relevant. Death Attack (Ex): at every even level, the Vindicare Executioner gains another die of Death Attack damage. Ballet of Bullets (Ex): with a Full Round action, the third-level Vindicare Executioner may make a Full Attack with a Firearm against a foe, shooting at the feet. The foe is not directly hit, but still takes 1d6 damage per shot from deflected rounds, scattered stones and the like. Additionally, the target must make a Move action, moving at the exact direction of the Executioner. Deflection Sniping (Su): by spending an Attack of Opportunity, the fourth-level Vindicare Executioner may make a ranged attack roll. If this beats the attack roll of a ranged attack, the shot is deflected and completely negated. Call Titan Killer (Ex): once per day, the fifth-level Vindicare Executioner may spend a MoveEquivalent action calling the orbital systems and delivering the co-ordinates of a single target he can see, of at least Huge size. The following round, the target becomes the centre of a 15' radius infinitely tall Column. The column deals 20d6 Light damage [Destroyer], with a Reflex Save for half (DC 25). Equipment: Digi-Weapon Marker (500' range, make a Ranged Touch Attack to get a +5 bonus on the next attack made with a Firearm against that target), 3 portable Hunter-Killers with joystick controllers (2 mile range) Requisition: Ring of Blinking, additional students, Personal Teleporter Level 5: Ring of Invisibility

Running a Game in Siege Tier: Siege Tier is actually pretty simple, especially if the game is continuing from the end of Assault Tier. Chances are, at the end of Assault Tier, the PCs discovered a terrible threat too big for them, and now the big guns get brought in. Remember that such characters should probably be getting their hands on magic items Battle Sisters might be picky (they won't use evil items, and might be so anal as to only use things that seem appropriate to the Emperor and their faith). Space Marines are usually more practical, though some chapters are even more anal than the Sisters. Assassins generally use any tool to their advantage, so you could drop an Unholy Avenger or Nine Lives Stealer in their lap and watch them get to work with it. If players make a habit of burning magical gear or handing it in for destruction, consider awarding more requisitions to make up for it. If they hand gear in for investigation, it's easy enough for it to eventually be handed back, telling them it's fine to use. Some possible threats, plot hooks and adventures: Mind Flayers think they're the scariest and most evil things? NOT ANY MORE! Beholders decide to just disintegrate the entire fleet The Lich King Morcar has risen again, and remembers the forces of Chaos There are always Lower planes in need of having their shit ruined You know, those Celestials look too much like mutants... The team find a harem of succubi. Sadly, they cleave only unto the Emperor, so set their flamers from Kill to Kill More Dragon Versus Dreadnought. HEAVEN OR HELL, LET'S ROCK! The entire populace is being mind-controlled and needs to be freed so that they can be brainwashed by Imperial forces for their own good

Feats Gaming Den Community Tome Material: There are many mentions to feats found in the Gaming Den material. Any mention of, for instance, Iron Will refers to the Gaming Den versions unless specified. This game assumes the use of such feats and sub-systems, so if your game does not use them, there will be problems, and it's not my job to fix your mess. A Note on [Psychic] Feats: No character may normally select more than one of the following [Psychic] Feats: Telepathy, Telekinesis, Pyromancy, Biomancy. If a character receives one as a bonus feat or class feature, however, that does not count and they are free to take another.

Feats New to Dungeon Crusade: Agile Leaper [Skill] If a place exists, you can probably jump there. Benefit: there is no maximum distance you can jump. Additionally, you can elect to go up to twice as high/far as the dice say you can when you make a Jump check. This feat scales with your ranks in Jump. 4 ranks: you can triangle-jump off walls. This effectively means you can jump twice as high when next to a wall. If given two walls close to each other, you have a climb speed equal to your Jump height. 9 ranks: you may perform the deadly Leap Attack, just like the feat. When charging, you may jump at your foe, making a DC 15 Jump check. If you pass, your Power Attack ratio is doubled. If you fail, you land prone in front of your foe. 14 ranks: you learn the mystical art of the Double Jump. You may make a Jump check while still in the air to jump a second time. You may either use this to go twice as high/far in a round, or to keep yourself aloft for one round, allowing you to fly. 19 ranks: you may jump on the heads of your foes, like a hedgehog. With a Standard action, make a Jump check equal to or exceeding their Armour Class against Touch Attacks. If it succeeds and you could actually reach your foe with the jump, you land in their square, hit them with a Leap Attack, and knock them Prone. Additionally, the foe is shoved into an adjacent square. If you still have enough movement left to reach another foe, you may continue moving and make the Jump check to attack them, continuing until either you miss (landing prone) or run out of movement. You cannot do this to people already Prone. This is a [Sonic] effect. Beast Master [Psychic] Animals like you. They insist on hanging around you. Benefit: you gain Wild Empathy as a [Psychic] effect, and have an Animal Companion as if you were a Druid of your own level. Biomancy [Psychic] Your control over your body, and those of others, is disturbing. Benefit: you may cast Expeditious Retreat as a Spell-like Ability at will, and Ray of Enfeeblement as a Supernatural Ability once per hour. All powers from this feat have the [Psychic] tag. 3 Hit Dice: you may cast Cure Moderate Wounds and Bull's Strength once each per hour as Spelllike Abilities. 6 Hit Dice: you may cast Blindness/Deafness as a Spell-like Ability at will, and Horrid Sickness once per day as a Spell-like Ability. 10 Hit Dice: you may cast Polymorph once per day, as a Supernatural Ability.

Bionic Reconstruction They can rebuild you... stronger, faster, more expensive! Benefit: if you ever lose a limb or an eye, you simply get a bionic replacement, no questions asked. Additionally, upon taking this feat you may have metallic components surgically added to grant a 25% immunity to critical hits, as well as up to 3 of the following any may be taken more than once: Secret Compartment: you have a hidden carry capacity (Search DC 35 with a thorough check) of about 6 inches by 6 inches by 6 inches. Charger Port: you may recharge clips for laser weapons, 1 clip per hour Drug Dispenser: once per day, gain the benefits of Cure Light Wounds or Barkskin Shock Inducer: once per day, you may deliver a Shocking Grasp Special: you may take additional upgrades from the above list as Requisitions. If you lack this feat and lose a limb, you must trade a feat out for it unless you are deemed worthy of receiving a replacement for free. Chapter You belong to a chapter of Space Marines, and display the common traits of it. Benefit: select a Chapter. Your benefit depends on the chapter chosen: Black Templars: you swear an oath that makes you immune to [Compulsion] effects, and any time you charge a [Psychic] foe you may roll twice for each attack roll and pick the higher roll. Blood Angels: you gain a Rage ability at will, when dealing damage or struck by an enemy, which lasts for one minute. All attacks gain a +2 bonus to the attack and damage rolls, and deal +1d6 damage. If you gain another Rage ability, simply gain +1d6 Rage Dice and +1 to Damage Reduction of your Class-based Rage. At 10 Hit Dice, you gain another d6 of Rage Dice, and +1 more DR in a Rage. Dark Angels: you gain an additional 5' step per dound, and gain the Turbo Boost feature when piloting vehicles. If you later get this as a class feature, it doubles in effectiveness. You also gain a Skirmish bonus of +1d6 damage/+1 Armour Class. Grey Knights: you gain Hated Enemy of [Chaotic] Outsiders, and radiate a permanent Magic Circle Against Chaos as a [Psychic] power. Once per day you can cast Dispel Chaos as a [Psychic] Spell-like Ability. Salamanders: you have Fire Resistance equal to triple your Hit Dice, and your Acid Spit deals Fire damage instead, setting foes on fire as well. Space Sharks: you gain a Swim speed of 30 feet, with a +8 bonus to Swim checks. You also gain a Bite attack that deals 1d8+Str in damage and 1 Strength damage, and each time you injure a foe in melee, you gain a +5 Morale bonus to attack and damage rolls on the following round, but -3 to Armour Class. Space Wolves: you gain a Rage ability at will, when dealing damage or struck by an enemy, which lasts for one minute. All attacks gain a +2 bonus to the attack and damage rolls, and deal +1d6 damage. If you gain another Rage ability, simply gain +1d6 Rage Dice and +1 to Damage Reduction of your Class-based Rage. Your body weight increases by 10%, and you gain 1 HP per level, as well as Cold Resistance equal to double your hit dice. Ultramarines: you never suffer penalties to any of your Saving Throws, ever. If your ability scores are penalised or reduced, the Save Bonuses are lowered still. White Scars: whenever you pilot a vehicle, you gain a +4 bonus to Initiative, Armour Class and Reflex Saves. Special: many classes grant special equipment options based on your chapter. This feat allows you to take those items.

Cleanse With Fire [Combat] Setting people on fire is a hobby for you. Benefit: the DC for any of your fire-based weapons or attacks improves by +3. +1 BAB: people set on fire by your weapons keep burning indefinitely. The duration changes to forever until put out - remember that, as that requires a Reflex Save, this feat increases the DC by 3. +6 BAB: you're good at covering people in fire. If you set someone on fire, anyone who even enters a square adjacent square to them has to make a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half Hit Dice + 3 for this feat) or also catch fire. +11 BAB: when you use a fire-based weapon that covers an Area of Effect, the entire area covered catches fire for one round. This means that everyone who moves through the area takes one point of damage for every die of damage the weapon deals, and must save against catching fire. +16 BAB: any time you spend a Full Round action setting the one target on fire, they have to make a single Fortitude Save (Intelligence-based, with a +3 bonus from this feat) or be incinerated, dying instantly. If you torch multiple people with the fire, you can still only select one target for this. Emperor's Tarot You're pretty good at divining things through the Emperor's Tarot. Just be careful, some people view it as Heresy. Some people view chewing too fast as Heresy though, so your mileage may vary. Benefit: by making a Character Level + Wis or Int check, you may attempt to divine the future through the Emperor's Tarot. You actually need the deck of cards to do this. If you can make a DC of 15, then after around twenty minutes you get the benefit of an Identify spell, or can gain a vague understanding of how a mission is likely to unfold (the number of challenges the DM expects, give or take 1d3, and the general EL range). Only one attempt is possible per item/mission per level. Level 3: you gain a +3 bonus on the check, and if you can make a DC of 20, then after an hour you gain the benefit of Locate Object, Locate Person or Clairvoyance. Only one attempt is possible per object/location/person per level. Level 6: you may roll twice and select the better of the two rolls when making these checks. Also, if you can make a DC of 25, then you gain a Contact Other Plane effect after 1d4 hours. Before attempting, you must list the questions you are asking. If the check fails, you may not ask these questions again of the Tarot until you gain a level. Holy War [Skill] When you fight, it's not just business, it is a religious matter. Benefit: you may treat anyone as [Chaotic, Evil] if they don't worship the same god as you. This allows you to use Smite Evil and similar effects against them. The other benefits scale with your ranks in Knowledge: Religion. 4 ranks: you can use Detect Evil (only affecting unbelievers and heretics) as an Extraordinary ability at will. 9 ranks: with a Move-Equivalent action, you may rant about setting heretics on fire. For a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier, you and all allies may make one Smite attempt per round against unbelievers. This adds your Wis bonus to the attack roll and your Hit Dice to the damage. 14 ranks: you may perform a Coup de Grace on an unbeliever just for being prone. 19 ranks: for every round that you spend a Standard action preaching hatred against the wicked, all of your allies within 100' count as having this feat, and additionally may add your ranks in Knowledge: Religion to their damage rolls against heretics.

Hurl Opponent [Combat] You enjoy picking enemies up and throwing them. Benefit: as a Standard action that does not provoke Attacks of Opportunity, you may grab an enemy with a melee touch attack. You may then, if it succeeds, make an opposed Trip attack using Strength or Dexterity (your choice your opponent must use the same ability score) and you gain a +4 bonus. If you fail, the opponent cannot try to trip you. If you succeed, you throw them 10 feet away, plus five feet you beat them by, and they land prone and take 1d6 plus any falling damage they would normally take. You cannot throw people into occupied squares. +1 BAB: now you can throw the target into occupied squares. They take no damage, but they are forced to make their own Trip attack against the creature in the square. If they pass, both fall Prone in the same square. If they fail, they merely fall Prone adjacent to the target. +6 BAB: your bonus improves to +8, and the damage for being hurled improves to 6d6 plus falling damage. Now, if thrown into another target, each takes half this amount of damage. +11 BAB: you can launch people as if you were a ballista. They travel for double the full thrown distance in a straight line, or until they slam into something solid, whichever comes first. Anyone in the path must make a Reflex Save (Strength-based, +2 for every size category the target is above Medium) or take 4d6+Str Bludgeoning damage and also fall Prone. +16 BAB: you may, with a Full Round action, make a Move action and attempt to throw everyone you are able to grab hold of during the move (limited by your attacks from BAB, so, four). Also, your bonus improves to +12. Malignant [Monster] You are... a bit different. Benefit: all your natural weapons become +1 Keen weapons. Also, you gain the Scent ability. 3 Hit Dice: your Unarmoured and Lightly Armoured Speed improves by 10 feet, and your claws (if you have any) deal an additional 2d6+Str damage on any round that all claws hit. This damage ignores Damage Reduction and Regeneration. 6 Hit Dice: you gain the Pounce ability, and grow a pair of Scythes as natural weapons. 12 Hit Dice: your Bite attack (if you have one) gains the Wounding property, and if you spend one full round grappling a foe and hit with a Bite attack, they must make a Fortitude Save (Strengthbased) or die as their brain is extracted. 18 Hit Dice: you become immune to [Mind Affecting] effects not caused by Tyranids. Special: be very wary about selecting this feat as an Imperial agent. Death could be forthcoming. Mechadendrites You now have bionic tentacles schoolgirls not included. Benefit: a pair of robotic tendrils is added to your body. They provide a +4 bonus to Climb and Grapple checks, and can reach out to 15 feet to perform actions such as Sleight of Hand, Repair, First Aid and Disable Device. They may even be used to grapple at a distance, though you do not add your own Strength modifier in such a case. They may also be used to make a flailing attack, dealing 1d6 Slashing damage plus your Strength modifier. 6 Hit Dice: your body provides enough energy to add 1d6 Electricity damage, plus your Constitution modifier, to the attacks they make. Special: you may take this multiple times, but the total bonuses increase from +4 to +6 for the second pair, then +7 for the third pair, then they do not increase beyond that.

Minor Powers [Psychic] You possess a handful of lesser powers that make good party tricks. They're minor enough that Inquisitors don't usually care, unless they're in a bad mood or it's Thursday. Benefit: you gain a number of [Psychic] Spell-like Abilities you may use at will: Acid Splash Cure Minor Wounds Flare Light Mage Armour Mage Hand Resistance Special: if you take it a second time, you may also cast the following at will: Calm Animals Delay Poison Lullaby Mending Open/Close Purify Food and Drink Touch of Fatigue Psychic Blank You are so un-psychic it unnerves people. Benefit: you gain Spell Resistance Hit Dice + 11 against all [Psychic] effects, and take a -4 penalty on all Diplomacy, Gather Information, Handle Animal and Perform checks. 6 Hit Dice: you can re-roll any failed Saving Throw against a [Psychic] effect, and may attempt to Demoralise [Psychic] creatures with an Immediate action. 10 Hit Dice: you gain a +5 Resistance bonus on Saving Throws against [Psychic] effects, and radiate a 30' aura of Fear just like a Dragon. Against non-[Psychic] spells and spell-like abilities, you have Spell Resistance Hit Dice + 7. Pyromancy [Psychic] You can set things on fire by thinking about it really hard. Benefit: you may cast Heat Stroke as a Spell-like Ability at will, and Burning Hands as a Supernatural Ability once per day. Any powers gained from this feat gain the [Psychic] tag. 3 Hit Dice: you may cast Fireball and Scorching Ray once each per hour as Spell-like Abilities. 6 Hit Dice: you may cast Wall of Fire and Blackfire as Spell-like Abilities once each per hour. You may also cast a Quickened Flamestrike once per day as a Spell-like Ability. 10 Hit Dice: you can cast Parboil once per day as a Supernatural Ability, and gain Fire Resistance equal to triple your level.

Relentless Rage [Combat] You get really angry sometimes. Usually that anger doesn't go away for a long time. Benefit: whenever an enemy injures you, you gain the Hated Foe benefits against them. Any class ability that applies to Hated Foes also applies to them. This lasts until the encounter ends. +1 BAB: you may make a Charge attack as an Immediate action if you are not Fatigued. Doing so makes you Fatigued until you rest for one minute. +6 BAB: as long as you spend a Move action advancing towards an enemy, you may fire Rapid Fire Firearms as though they were Assault Firearms. +11 BAB: if you slay a Hated Foe in melee combat, you just get angrier. If you could reach another enemy after making a 5' step (or however far your steps of adjustment are), then you may make that step and make a Cleave attempt, designating that foe to be Hated as well. +16 BAB: when injured, you gain Hated Foe of every enemy for one minute. Survivor Against the Odds [Skill] No-one knows how you do it, but you somehow survive things that usually kill people. Benefit: whenever dropped to Dying (usually -1 to -9 HP), you instantly stabilise. Additionally, you actually gain 1 HP per round until you reach 1 HP. At that point, you continue to heal 1 HP per round if you elect to just lie there, faking death. The benefits of this feat scale with your ranks in Survival. 4 ranks: you gain the benefits of Mettle. If you ever gain Mettle from something else, you simply gain +1 HP per hit die. 9 ranks: your Constitution and Charisma can never be penalised, damaged or drained. Additionally, you have impressive or terrifying scars (pick one). If impressive, you may make Survival checks in place of Perform, Diplomacy or Bluff checks, with a bonus equal to your Constitution modifier. If horrifying, you may make a Survival check in place of Intimidate checks, with a bonus equal to your Constitution modifier, and automatically attempt to Demoralise anyone who views you for the first time. You gain a -5 penalty to Disguise either way, though. 14 ranks: you are somehow immune to ageing, starvation, thirst, dehydration, extreme heat (short of Fire damage), extreme cold conditions (short of Cold damage) and drowning. 19 ranks: once per day, when you would normally die, you may decide to instead not die. If it is due to damage, you simply do not take the damage, thus don't lose enough HP to die. Similarly for negative levels and ability damage. If it is a [Death] effect or similar, it merely fails. Telekinesis [Psychic] You have some degree of telekinetic power. Benefit: you may cast Greater Mage Hand and Shield as Supernatural Abilities at will. All powers gained from this feat gain the [Psychic] tag. 3 Hit Dice: you may cast Wall of Force and Battering Ram once each per hour as Spell-like Abilities. 6 Hit Dice: you may cast Wings of Cover and Telekinesis as Spell-like Abilities once each per hour. 10 Hit Dice: once per day, as a Supernatural Ability, you may deal 20d4 Force damage to a single target in Close Range. This is negated with a successful Fortitude Save (Intelligence-based).

Telepathy [Psychic] GREETINGS, MIND SLAVES Benefit: you gain Telepathy out to 100' as a Supernatural Ability, and can cast Distract Assailant as a Supernatural Ability once per hour. All powers gained from this feat gain the [Psychic] tag. 3 Hit Dice: you may cast Detect Thoughts and Chain of Eyes once each per hour as Spell-like Abilities. 6 Hit Dice: you may cast Vision of Entropy and Ray of Dizziness as Spell-like Abilities at will. You may also cast Charm Monster once per day as a Spell-like Ability. 10 Hit Dice: you may cast Probe Thoughts once per day and Greater Rebuke once per hour, both as Supernatural Abilities. The Nice Imperial Very rarely, people come across a member of the Imperium who isn't a complete dick. You're one of them. Benefit: if a foe is Panicked or Cowering, you may make a Diplomacy check against their roll of 1d20 + Hit Dice + Charisma modifier (penalised by Fear modifiers), with a Full Round action. If it succeeds, they surrender to you. This will not work if they observe you or your allies mercilessly slaughtering anyone else who surrendered or was helpless. 2 Hit Dice: by speaking to an ally for one full round (not an action, but a Sustained activity that requires concentration and uses your verbal abilities), you can remove any [Fear] effects from them. 5 Hit Dice: people in general like you. You always have an extra Requisition item. 10 Hit Dice: by making a Diplomacy check against a modified level check (a Standard action), you can force a target to end a Rage, Frenzy or similar effect. The target must be able to see and hear you. 15 Hit Dice: you are not eligible for any kind of Hated Foe or Favoured Enemy bonus that your enemies might have. This doesn't prevent them from trying to kill you, but it does take the edge off their hatred. Mindless creatures and animals won't attack you unless explicitly instructed to. Tinker You like to toy with machinery, taking your equipment apart and making it better. Some consider this heresy, but some consider skipping breakfast heresy so whatever. Benefit: given eight hours of downtime and the right materials, you may enhance your equipment or that of your allies. You may increase the range of a weapon by 25% or the speed of a vehicle by 25% or improve the Armour Bonus of a vehicle by 2. You may also make any equipment Masterwork in quality or add 1d6 to the damage of a weapon. You can also quite possibly create Woundrous Items or grant special abilities to equipment ask your MC. Weaponwed You have been married to the machine spirit of your favourite weapon, though not in a kinky way involving embarrassing trips to the medic. Benefit: select one weapon you own that has the [Machine Spirit] tag. When using the selected weapon, you may re-roll one failed attack roll per round. If wielding it, once per round it may automatically fire as an Immediate action, even accurately targeting enemies that are Invisible. Special: you may take this feat multiple times, each time applying it to another weapon, though you may not use the one Immediate action to fire all of them at once.

Equipment: Equipment by Class: Your class (and prestige class) gives you certain equipment, and that is automatically yours. It is generally replenished on a per-mission basis, although in most games, it is best to just assume there is enough ammunition (and only count rounds in an individual clip). If something is lost or damaged, then it can generally be replaced or repaired at the end of a mission. Requisitions: Every class has certain things they can requisition. A character may gains a requisition each time they complete a mission or with the end of a story arc the character is present for. Characters brought in halfway through the game, therefore, won't have as many requisition items as characters who were played from the start. Additionally, by handing in valuable magic items, characters can be awarded additional requisitions, and there are some feats and class features that grant automatic requisitions. Once per level, the character may attempt a DC 20 Diplomacy check to gain one more requisition, however every time it succeeds, +10 is added to the DC. Some requisition items have a minimum level or skill rank requirement. If the item is a weapon or piece of armour, proficiency with that class of weapon/armour is required. Twin-Linked: If a Firearm is twin-linked, then it basically fires twice as many shots, and in most cases either both hit or both miss. Twin-Linked weapons roll for damage twice and pick the highest result. Combi-Weapons: A Combi-Weapon is basically two Firearms combined. There is a main weapon and a sub weapon. If one of the weapons is a Boltgun, it is the main weapon. The main weapon is not affected, and the sub weapon has only half the clip/battery/canister size. Clip: This shows how many attacks can be made before reloading, not the actual number of bullets.

The Equipment New to This Game: Armour: Not Armour Name: Synth-Skin Light Armour Name: Carapace Armour Flak Armour Mesh Armour Shield Robes Medium Armour Name: Artificer Armour Power Armour Rune Armour

AC Bonus Max Dex +5 N/A +2

Penalty -1 0

ASF 10% 0%

Armoured Greatcoat +2

AC Bonus Max Dex +5 +4 +4 +4 +4 +3 +6 +6

Penalty -2 -3 -1 -1

ASF 20% 20% 10% 10%

DR 10 5 5

AC Bonus Max Dex +12 +10 +10 +2 +3 +3 +5

Penalty -6 -6 -6 -4

ASF 90% 50% 20% 25%

DR 50 30 30 25

Scout Power Armour +8 Heavy Armour Name: Siege Mantlet Terminator Armour Shields Name: Storm Shield Suppression Shield

AC Bonus Max Dex +15 +15 +1 +1

Penalty -10 -10

ASF 150% 200%

DR 60 50

AC Bonus Max Dex +9 +4 2 2

Penalty -9 -9

ASF 50% 50% -


Extra Rules: Armoured Greatcoat: this can be worn on top of armour, adding the Armour Bonus together, but also adding the Penalty and ASF together, and using the lowest Max Dex. It provides a +3 Circumstance bonus on Hide checks in desert terrain or anywhere where there is a lot of sand or dust. If worn over other armour, it provides 20% Reinforcement. Synth-Skin: this armour comes in a can, and is sprayed on, taking 1 minute for a rush job (only +1 Armour bonus, lasts only 1d4 hours) or 5 minutes to apply properly. When properly applied, it grants a +4 Circumstance bonus on Hide checks, and grants a constant Blur effect, and is fully sealed.

Carapace Armour: this armour has a visor and is fully sealed. The Damage Reduction is overcome by Magic or Adamantine. Tinker and similar abilities may be used to add a power source, granting the [Machine Spirit] descriptor and increasing the carry capacity of the wearer as though 2 points stronger. Flak Armour: the Damage Reduction is overcome by Magic, Power Weapons or Adamantine. Mesh Armour: this is specifically designed to be a good insulator, so grants Fire and Cold Resistance of 5. Tinker and similar abilities may be used to make it fully sealed, with a visor. Shield Robes: these robes are part mesh, part carapace. The Damage Reduction is overcome by Magic, Adamantine or Power Weapons, but it also insulates well, granting Fire and Cold Resistance 10. Tinker and similar abilities may be used to make it fully sealed, with a visor. Artificer Armour: this is largely the same as Power Armour, below, except where noted in the table, and the bonus to Fortitude Saves is improved to +5. Servo Arms and Servo Harnesses are specifically designed to hook up to these. Power Armour: whether Astartes, Sororitas, or Inquisitor Power Armour, it all functions the same. It has the [Machine Spirit] descriptor, is fully sealed, and has a visor and radio comms to 100 feet. Additionally, it provides 25% Fortification, and provides a +4 bonus to Strength and a +2 bonus to Fortitude Saves. The Damage Reduction is overcome by Adamantine or Power Weapons. The power source has enough charge to go for two weeks. In an Earthlike atmosphere it can regain one hour of charge for every 8 hours left in the sun, and plugged into a proper source, it can regain one day for every 5 minutes. If unpowered, it is effectively impossible to move in. Rune Armour: Rune Armour has all the regular benefits and rules of Power Armour, above, but is also carved in protective runes: the bonus is treated as a Deflection bonus against Incorporeal Touch Attacks, and if something bypasses the Damage Reduction, half of it (round up) still applies anyway. It also provides a +4 bonus to any Spell Resistance the wearer happens to have. Scout Power Armour: this has the [Machine Spirit] descriptor and has a visor, as well as adding a +2 bonus to the wearer's Strength. It also provides 10% Fortification. The Damage Reduction is overcome by Adamantine or Power Weapons. The power source is the same as that for Power Armour, but has four weeks of charge due to the lower energy requirements. Siege Mantlet: a Siege Mantlet is incredibly bulky, but designed for surviving just about anything sniper rounds, missiles, buildings collapsing, IEDs, the list goes on. It has the same basic rules as Power Armour, except for the different numbers and weight category, and Movement is halved instead of the slightly more than half of Medium and Heavy armour. The wearer takes half damage from Area of Effect attacks which allow a Reflex Save for half, due to the armour absorbing so much of the impact. Terminator Armour: this massively heavy armour incorporates a power source like Power Armour, but only has enough energy for one week of sustained use. The Damage Reduction is overcome by Adamantine or Power Weapons, but even then it still has Damage Reduction 10/- (modified by [Machine Spirit] as normal). It has the [Machine Spirit] descriptor, and is fully sealed and has a visor. Against Touch Attacks it still has a +6 bonus to Armour Class, and it increases the wearer's Strength by 6 and adds a +5 bonus to Fortitude Saves. Once per day the user may cast Teleport. The wearer is treated as having Bulging Biceps, and can wield Heavy weapons one-handed.

Storm Shield: this is a +5 Ghost Touch Tower Shield, and furthermore, even works against Power Weapons. Suppression Shield: this massive Tower Shield is mostly made of a plastic alloy. Besides the normal benefits of a Tower Shield, it grants Electricity and Light Resistance 20 plus BAB, and can be used to make a Shield Bash for 1d6 Bludgeoning damage plus Strength. For every 10 electricity damage received in the past round, 1d6 Electricity damage is added to the first Shield Bash made. This has the [Machine Spirit] descriptor. Fully Sealed: provides Immunity to Gases and Drowning, and a +2 bonus on Saves against Enchantment effects. Visor: grants Low-Light Vision and immunity to being Dazzled or Blinded. Damage Reduction: Damage Reduction for Imperial Armour applies even against energy types, but not against [Power] weapons or any Touch or Ranged Touch Attacks. It still applies against things that have no attack roll, such as Magic Missile or Fireball.

Firearms: Pistols Name: Autopistol Bolt Pistol Eversor Pistol Exitus Pistol Hand Flamer Hell Pistol Inferno Pistol Las Pistol Neural Shredder Plasma Pistol Plasma Torch Ripper Pistol Stubb Gun

Range Increments Damage 50' 50' 50' 60' 10' Cone 50' 30' 50' 20' Cone 50' 30' 50' 50' 2d4 3d6 3d6 2d6 2d6 1d8 4d8 1d8 10d6 5d6 5d6 2d4 2d6 4d10

Critical 19-20/x2 20/x3 20/x3 18-20/x2 N/A 18-20/x2 20/x3 20/x2 N/A 20/x2 20/x4 19-20/x2 20/x3 15-20/x2

Clip Clip 12 Clip 20 Clip 20 Clip 6 Canister 6 Pack 100 Canister 10 Battery 30 Canister 10 Canister 10 Canister 6 Clip 10 Clip 8 Pack 20

Void-Breaching Pistol 50'

Rapid Fire Firearms Name: Range Increments Damage Boltgun Condemnor Lasgun Plasma Gun Rad Cleanser 100' 80' 100' 100' 60' 4d6 1d8 2d6 6d6 1d10

Critical 20/x3 19-20/x2 20/x2 20/x2 20/x2

Clip Clip 30 Clip 4 Battery 30 Canister 20 Unlimited

Assault Firearms Name: Angelus Bolter Anima Speculum Autogun Auxiliary Grenade Launcher Flamer Grenade Launcher Heat Ray Hell Gun Melta Gun Psilencer Psycannon Purifier Shotgun Sting Ray Storm Bolter

Range Increments Damage 100' 100' 120' 30' 4d6 3d6 2d6 * 6d6 5d6 * * 2d6 6d8 3d4 6d6 * * 5d6 4d6

Critical 20/x3 20/x2 19-20/x2 * N/A N/A * * 18-20/x2 20/x3 20/x2 * 20/x3 * N/A 20/x3

Clip Clip 10 Clip 10 Clip 20 Clip 3 Clip 3 Canister 10 Clip 6 Pack 30 Pack 100 Canister 20 Infinite Drum 30 Canister 15 Clip 12 Battery 20 Drum 60

Deathwind Launcher 150' 30' Cone 70' 50' or 30' Cone 100' 50' 100' 75' or 150' 50' or 100' * 30' Cone 150'

Heavy Firearms Name: Assault Cannon Autocannon Conversion Beamer Cyclone Missile Launcher Exitus Rifle Frost Cannon Heavy Bolter Heavy Flamer Heavy Stubber Hell Rifle Impaler Cannon Incinerator Las-Cannon Las-Cutter Missile Launcher Mortar Multi-Melta Needle/Sniper Rifle Plasma Cannon Quad Gun Siege Mortar Stalker Boltgun Widower

Range Increments Damage 200' 300' 1000' 200' 200' 75' Cone 200' 50' Cone 100' 200' 250' 50' 250' 10' 200' 100' 100' 250' 200' 100' 100' 200' 250' 2d4 10d6 * * 3d6 6d6 6d6 6d8 4d6 8d6 5d6 6d10 15d6 15d6 * 4d6 8d8 2d4 10d6 4d6 6d6 5d6 4d4

Critical 19-20/* 20/x4 N/A * 20/x4 N/A 20/x4 N/A 20/x3 20/* 19-20/x4 N/A 19-20/x2 20/x3 * N/A 20/x3 19-20/x3 N/A N/A N/A 19-20/x4 19-20/x4

Clip Drum 20 Drum 40 Battery 20 Drum 10 Clip 10 Tank 10 Belt 100 Tank 20 Belt 100 Infinite Single Load Tank 20 Battery 40 Battery 30 Clip 4 Single Load Tank 25 Clip 10 Cell 20 Load 4 Single Load Clip 30 Clip 6

Extra Rules: Autopistol: Piercing damage Bolt Pistol: Fire/Sonic damage. Can also take Psy-Cannon, Tempest, Dragonfire, Hellfire, Inferno, Stalker, Metal Storm, Blessed and Kraken Penetrator Bolts. Eversor Pistol: a Bolt Pistol with a special Needler built-in (Clip 2). It can be fired out to 50' and deals 2d4 Piercing damage (19-20/x2), as well as delivering a potent toxin: DC 20, Primary Damage 2d4 Str, Secondary Damage 2d4 Con. Exitus Pistol: Piercing damage Hand Flamer: Fire damage to all in the Cone, Reflex Half (DC = Attack Roll). Ignores Cover, and those who fail the save catch fire, burning for 1d6 damage per round until they put the flames out. Can take Psiflame Fuel. [Sustained 1d6] Hell Pistol: Light damage, treats Armour Bonus as 2 points lower (minimum 0), [Hell] Inferno Pistol: Fire damage, resolved as a Ranged Touch Attack, [Melta], [Sustained 2d8] Las Pistol: Light damage, treats Armour Bonus as 2 points lower (minimum 0). Can also take HotShot Charge Packs. Neural Shredder: Electricity damage to all in the Cone, Willpower Half (Charisma-based). Ignores Cover, and those who fail the save are Stunned for 1 round. [Sustained 2d6] Plasma Pistol: Fire/Electricity damage, resolved as a Ranged Touch Attack, [Plasma] Plasma Torch: Fire/Electricity damage, resolved as a Ranged Touch attack, [Sustained 3d6], [Plasma] Ripper Pistol: Piercing damage, delivers a Poison: DC 20, 1d4 Con/2d6 Con Stubb Gun: Bludgeoning damage, may take Man-Stopper Bullets. Void-Breaching Pistol: Negative Energy damage, ignores Deflection bonuses, all Damage Reduction and the following: Conversion Field, Refractor Field, Void Shield Boltgun: Fire/Sonic damage. Can also take Psy-Cannon, Tempest, Dragonfire, Hellfire, Inferno, Stalker, Metal Storm, Blessed, Latheworld Hyper-Penetrator and Kraken Penetrator Bolts. Condemnor: Piercing damage, [Psi-Shock]. Pierces DR as though Cold Iron. Lasgun: Light damage, treats Armour Bonus as 2 points lower (minimum 0). Can also take HotShot Charge Packs. Plasma Gun: Fire/Electricity damage, resolved as a Ranged Touch Attack, [Plasma] Rad Cleanser: Negative Energy damage, also deals 2 Constitution damage and 1 Negative Level (1 hour duration). The following round, another number of d6 Negative Energy damage is suffered equal to the highest damage roll from the Rad Cleanser that turn. [Sustained 1 Negative Level]

Angelus Bolter: a wrist-mounted weapon, it takes no hands to hold but two hands to fire. Fire/Sonic damage. Can also take Psy-Cannon, Tempest, Dragonfire, Hellfire, Inferno, Stalker and Metal Storm Bolts. Anima Speculum: Force damage, [Psi-Shock]. Psi-Shock also applies against spell-casters of any kind. For every [Psychic] creature or Spellcaster within 30' the Critical Threat Range increases by +1 and the damage increases by 1d6. Autogun: Piercing damage. Auxiliary Grenade Launcher: attached to the wrist or to a Boltgun, it otherwise functions as a short-range grenade launcher with reduced ammo capacity. Has Frag and Krak Grenades by default, other grenades can be loaded in. Deathwind Launcher: Fire/Sonic damage to three 10' radius spreads in range, Reflex Half (DC equals Attack Roll). Flamer: Fire damage to all in the Cone, Reflex Half (DC = Attack Roll). Ignores Cover, and those who fail the save catch fire, burning for 1d8 damage per round until they put the flames out. Can take Psiflame Fuel and Toxflame Fuel. [Sustained 2d6] Grenade Launcher: launches a grenade, the effects depending on the type. Typically comes loaded with Frag and Krak Grenades other types are only gained if the character normally gets them, but it can fire any grenades. Heat Ray: Fire damage, has two settings: Spray: as a Cone, all in the area take 4d6 damage with a Fortitude Save for Half (DC = Attack Roll). Ignores Cover. [Melta], [Sustained 1d6] Pulse: resolved as a Ranged Touch Attack, 6d6 damage, [Melta], [Sustained 2d6] Hell Gun: Light damage, treats Armour Bonus as 2 points lower (minimum 0), [Hell] Melta Gun: Fire damage, resolved as a Ranged Touch Attack, [Melta], [Sustained 3d8] Psilencer: can only be used by [Psychic] characters, Force damage. Allows one extra attack in a Full Attack at the shooter's highest Attack Bonus. Completely silent. Psycannon: Force damage. Deals 1d6 extra damage if wielded by a [Psychic] character. Can be fired as a Heavy Firearm, dealing the damage to all in a 30' radius Blast, with a Fortitude Save for half damage (DC = Attack Roll). As a Heavy Firearm, it becomes [Sustained 1d6]. Purifier: Holy Fire damage, resolved as a Ranged Touch Attack, [Melta], [Sustained 4d8]. It can be fired in two modes: Assault: 50' Range Increments, 8d8 damage Heavy: 100' Range Increments, 10d8 damage Shotgun: takes Scattershot, Solid Slugs, Flareburst, Latheworld Hyper-Penetrators and Executioner Rounds. Standard issue is Scattershot and Solid Slugs. Stingray: Fire damage to all in the Cone, Fortitude Half (DC = Attack Roll). Ignores Cover, and those who fail the save become Fatigued. Completely Silent. [Sustained 2d6]

Storm Bolter: Fire/Sonic damage. Can also take Psy-Cannon, Tempest, Dragonfire, Hellfire, Inferno, Stalker, Metal Storm, Blessed, Latheworld Hyper-Penetrator and Kraken Penetrator Bolts. May make one additional attack in a Full Attack at the highest Attack Bonus. Assault Cannon: Piercing damage. Make a single attack roll, with the target suffering one hit per point the attack roll beats their Armour Class by. If a Critical Threat is rolled, double this amount no actual critical hit occurs. [High Impact] Autocannon: Piercing/Bludgeoning damage. Once all attacks have been resolved, each target hit must make a DC 20 Strength check (with Size modifiers as though being Tripped/Grappled) or be knocked Prone. Can also take Psycannon Bolts. Conversion Beamer: resolved as a Ranged Touch Attack, [High Impact] Within 100' it deals 2d6 Light Damage. Within 105-250' it deals 5d6 Light Damage Within 255- 500' it deals 6d6 Light Damage to a 10' burst (Ref half, Intelligence-based, but if the target is hit they get no save) 505-1000' it deals 10d6 Light Damage to a 10' burst (Ref half, Intelligence-based, but if the target is hit they get no save) Cyclone Missile Launcher: this can fire Frag and Krak Missiles, and is Twin-Linked. Is attached to the back and shoulders, using the Shoulders slot, with a simple hand-held trigger. Exitus Rifle: Piercing Damage. Can also fire Shield-Breaker, Latheworld Hyper-Penetrator and Hellfire Ammunition Frost Cannon: Cold damage to all in the Cone, Reflex Half (DC = Attack Roll). Ignores Cover, and those who fail the save are rendered Helpless for one round and take 2 Dexterity damage. [Sustained 3d6] Heavy Bolter: Sonic/Fire damage. Can also take Psy-Cannon, Tempest, Dragonfire, Hellfire, Inferno, Metal Storm, Blessed, Latheworld Hyper-Penetrator and Kraken Penetrator Bolts. Heavy Flamer: Fire damage to all in the Cone, Reflex Half (DC = Attack Roll). Ignores Cover, and those who fail the save catch fire, taking 2d6 Fire damage per round. Is an Assault Firearm for those with Exotic training or Bulging Biceps. [Sustained 3d8] May take Psiflame or Toxflame fuel tanks. Heavy Stubber: Bludgeoning damage. Once all attacks have been resolved, each target hit must make a DC 20 Strength check (with Size modifiers as though being Tripped/Grappled) or be knocked Prone. Is an Assault Firearm for those with Exotic training or Bulging Biceps. Hell Rifle: Evil damage. Treats Armour Bonus as four points lower (minimum 0). Ignores all Damage Reduction. [Sustained 3d6], bestows 1 Warp Point on the user each time it is fired, +1 for each damage increase via Sustained. Good-aligned targets take an extra 50% damage (round up). On a Critical Hit, the target suffers no extra damage but suffers 10 Warp Points and 2 Constitution damage.

Impaler Cannon: Piercing damage. If it misses due to Miss Chance or failing even a Touch Attack, it continues on, attacking the next person in the straight line (if in range). Targets struck must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 20) or be Staggered for one round. The damage cannot be healed until the stake is removed (a Full Round action, requiring a DC 15 Heal check to avoid dealing damage again). Can be loaded with Force-Stake Impalers. Incinerator: Fire/Force damage to all in the Cone, Reflex Half (DC = Attack Roll). Ignores Cover, and those who fail the save catch fire, taking 2d6 Fire damage per round. Deals 1d10 extra damage if wielded by a [Psychic] character. [Sustained 3d10] Lascannon: Light damage. Resolved as a Ranged Touch Attack. [High Impact] [Massive] Las-Cutter: Light damage. Resolved as a Ranged Touch attack. [Lance] [Sustained 1d6] Missile Launcher: [High Impact] As standard, comes equipped with Frag and Krak missiles. Some may have Incendiary or Melta Missiles. Any Missile Launcher can fire any of the above, however. Mortar: Fire/Sonic damage to a 20' radius Blast with a Reflex Save for Half (DC 16). Targets may elect to automatically pass the save but be rendered Prone. Targets must pass a Will Save (DC 16) or automatically choose this option as well as Cowering for the round and being Shaken for one minute. [High Impact] [Massive] Multi-Melta: Fire damage, resolved as a Ranged Touch Attack, [Melta], [Sustained 4d8] Needle/Sniper Rifle: Piercing damage plus Poison. Poison: DC 20, 1d6 Str/2d6 Con. Completely silent. Plasma Cannon: Fire/Electricity damage to all in a 15' radius with a Reflex Save for half (DC 25). [Massive] [Plasma] [Sustained 3d6] Quad Gun: Fire/Sonic damage to a 20' radius Blast with a Reflex Save for Half (DC 16). Targets may elect to automatically pass the save but be rendered Prone. Targets must pass a Will Save (DC 16) or automatically choose this option as well as Cowering for the round and being Shaken for one minute. If the target is hit multiple times in one round, they suffer a cumulative penalty on both saves equal to the total number of Quad Gun blasts taken that turn. [Massive] Siege Mortar: Fire/Sonic damage to a 30' radius Blast with a Reflex Save for Half (DC 18). Targets may elect to automatically pass the save but be rendered Prone. Targets must pass a Will Save (DC 18) or automatically choose this option as well as Cowering for the round and being Shaken for one minute. [Massive] [High Impact] May take Smoke Shells, Inferno Shells and Bastion Breacher Shells Stalker Boltgun: Piercing damage, overcoming all material Damage Reduction. Completely silent. Widower: Adamantine Slashing damage. Completely silent.

Special Ammunition: Psycannon Bolts: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Storm Bolter, Angelus Bolter, Heavy Bolter, Autocannon The damage changes to Bludgeoning/Force, and ignores all Damage Reduction. If wielded by a [Psychic] character, the damage increases by 1d6. Psiflame Fuel: Hand Flamers, Flamers, Heavy Flamers The damage changes to Fire/Force, and increases by 1d6 if wielded by a [Psychic] character. Toxflame Fuel: Flamers, Heavy Flamers The damage changes to Fire/Acid, and it adds a Poison for all who take damage: DC 20, 1d4 Con/2d4 Con Stalker Bolts: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Storm Bolter, Angelus Bolter The weapon becomes completely silent, and the damage is simply Piercing. The Critical Threat Range is increased by 1, as is the Critical Multiplier. Hellfire Bolts: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Storm Bolter, Angelus Bolter, Heavy Bolter The damage type changes to Acid, and it delivers a Poison: DC 20, 1d4 Con/2d4 Str Only one save need be made in a round, further hits simply subtract rounds from the time before the secondary damage kicks in. For Heavy Bolters, the acid sprays in a 10' radius Spread, with a Reflex Save (DC 20) for half damage any damage still delivers the poison, however. It becomes [Sustained +2d6, +1 DC] Inferno Bolts: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Storm Bolter, Angelus Bolter, Heavy Bolter The damage type is all Fire, and the target must succeed on a Reflex Save (DC 20) or catch fire, suffering 1d6 Fire damage per round. Only one save need be attempted per turn, further hits merely add +1 to the DC per hit. Tempest Bolts: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Storm Bolter, Angelus Bolter, Heavy Bolter The damage type is Electricity, and the target must succeed on a Fortitude Save (DC 20) or be Stunned for 1 round. Only one save need be made per turn, further hits merely add +1 each to the DC. Dragonfire Bolts: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Storm Bolter, Angelus Bolter, Heavy Bolter The damage type is Fire, and the bolts burst into a 5' radius Spread (15' radius for Heavy Bolters). The weapon becomes [Sustained +1d6, +1 DC] or, for Heavy Bolters, [Sustained +2d6, +1 DC], and all in the area can halve the damage with a Reflex Save that gets no bonus from Cover (DC 20). If the primary target is hit, they get no save. Blessed Bolts: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Storm Bolter, Heavy Bolter Only available to Inquisitors, Adepta Sororitas and Grey Knights The damage changes to Good, and the weapon is treated as Holy and Axiomatic. Kraken Penetrator Bolts: Bolter, Storm Bolter, Heavy Bolter The damage changes to Piercing and Adamantine, as well as treating Armour Bonuses as 4 points less (minimum 0). The Critical Value changes to 18-20/x2.

Metal Storm Bolts: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Storm Bolter, Angelus Bolter, Heavy Bolter The damage type is Slashing/Piercing, and the bolts burst into a 5' radius Spread (15' radius for Heavy Bolters). The weapon becomes [Sustained +1d6, +1 DC] or, for Heavy Bolters, [Sustained +2d6, +1 DC], and all in the area can halve the damage with a Reflex Save (DC 20). The weapon also deals 1 point of Con damage from blood loss to all who fail the save. Latheworld Hyper-Penetrators: Bolter, Storm Bolter, Heavy Bolter, Shotgun, Exitus Sniper Rifle The damage type is Piercing and Adamantine, and it ignores all Damage Reduction and Regeneration. Armour Bonuses are halved as well, although the density of the rounds halves the range (for Shotguns, half the range of the Solid Slug). Scattershot: Shotgun 3d6 Bludgeoning damage to a 20' cone, Reflex Half (DC = Attack roll) Solid Slugs: Shotgun 60' range, 3d6 Bludgeoning damage, crit 20/x3 Executioner Rounds: Shotgun Only available to Inquisitors and Arbiters 100' range, 2d6 Piercing damage, crit 19-20/x2, not affected by Cover or any Miss Chance Flareburst Rounds: Shotgun 2d6 Fire damage to a 15' cone, Reflex Half (DC = Attack roll) Those who fail the save catch fire, suffering 1d6 Fire damage per round Shield-Breaker Rounds: Exitus Sniper Rifle Resolved as a Ranged Touch Attack, and the target must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 20) or become Staggered for 1 round thanks to the impact. Hellfire Rounds: Exitus Sniper Rifle Deals 6d6 Acid damage (half if it only makes a Ranged Touch attack), also delivering a Poison. Poison: DC 25, 1d6 Con/1d6 Con Hot-Shot Charge Pack: Laspistol, Lasgun The Charge Pack becomes Clip 1, but the attack is resolved as a Ranged Touch Attack. For a Las Pistol, damage increases to 2d8. For a Lasgun, damage increases to 4d6. Manstopper Rounds: Stubb Gun Damage increases to 2d8, however non-Alignment Damage Reduction and Hardness count double. Inferno Shells: Siege Mortar Deals Fire damage, and all targets who fail the Reflex save catch fire, burning for 2d6 Fire damage per round. Smoke Shells: Siege Mortar Creates a thick cloud of smoke (Full Concealment) in a 30' radius. Bastion Breacher Shells: Siege Mortar Against structures, the damage is doubled and ignores all Hardness/Damage Reduction. Force-Stake Impalers: Impaler Cannon Cold Iron weapon, [Psi-Bane]. On a critical hit, 6d6 extra [Psi-Bane] Fire/Good damage is dealt.

Frag Missile: Missile Launcher Deals 5d6 Fire/Sonic damage to all in a 30' radius Blast, with a Reflex Save (DC = Attack Roll) for half damage. Krak Missile: Missile Launcher Halves the target's Armour Bonus, deals 6d8 Fire/Sonic damage, Critical: 19-20/x4 Incendiary Missile: Missile Launcher Only available to Adepta Sororitas Deals 4d6 Fire damage to all in a 30' radius Blast, with a Reflex Save (DC = Attack Roll) for half damage. Cover does not assist in this save, and those who fail catch fire, suffering 1d6 Fire damage per round. Melta Missile: Missile Launcher Only available to Adepta Sororitas Deals 6d8 Fire damage on a Ranged Touch Attack, with the [Melta] rule applying no matter what the range. Critical: 20/x2

Explosives: Name Blind Grenade Choke Grenade Concussion Mine Demolition Charge Frag Grenade Gas Grenade Haywire Bomb Holy Orb of Antioch Inferno Cluster Krak Grenade Melta Bomb Perforator Cluster Plasma Grenade Psychotroke Grenade Psyk-Out Grenade Rad Grenade Scout/Cluster Mine Vortex Grenade Throw Range Blast Radius Damage 50' 50' N/A 30' 40' 40' 15' 50' N/A 25' N/A N/A 40' 40' 40' 25' N/A 50' 15' 30' 10' 15' 20' 30' N/A 20' 30' N/A 5' 5' N/A 10' 30' 10' 10' 15' 30' N/A N/A 2d6 10d6 4d6 N/A 2d6 10d8 N/A 3d4 8d6 10d6 2d4 10d6 N/A N/A N/A 3d6 N/A Save DC 16 17 15/25 Attack 15 17 N/A Cha-based 22 * 17 25 * 16 20 20 20 15/25 30

Improved Toxin Grenade 40'

Blind Grenade: those who fail a Fortitude Save are Blinded for 1d4+1 rounds, whereas passing the save results in being Dazzled for 1 round. Targets who are not flat-footed may attempt a Reflex Save (same DC). If successful, they needn't attempt the Fortitude Save at all. Creatures vulnerable to Sunlight automatically fail the Fortitude Save. Choke Grenade: the cloud of gas lingers for 1d6+1 rounds or until dispersed. It provides Concealment, and any in the area who fail a Fortitude Save (attempted every round) fall Prone and Nauseated for the entire round. Concussion Mine: set into ground as a 5' radius Caltrop field. Stepping on them causes a 10' radius explosion (from the point the original radius extended from). Failing the Fortitude Save for half also results in being Stunned for 1 round. The higher DC is for the target who triggers it. Demolition Charge: Fire/Sonic damage. Those who fail the Reflex Save for half are also knocked Prone. Frag Grenade: Fire/Bludgeoning damage. Those who fail the Reflex Save for half are also knocked Prone. Gas Grenade: the gas lingers for 1d4 rounds, providing Concealment, and is toxic: those who fail the Fortitude Save suffer 1d6 Con damage, and then suffer 1d6 HP damage per round for 6 rounds.

Haywire Bomb: with a Ranged Touch Attack it will attach to a vehicle, detonating to deal the Electricity damage. Additionally, if the target is a Vehicle, it is treated as Stunned for one round with no save. Holy Orb of Antioch: Good damage, with a Reflex Save for half. Improved Toxin Grenade: the gas lingers for 2d4 rounds, providing Concealment, and is toxic: those who fail the Fortitude Save suffer 2d6 Con damage, and then suffer 2d4 HP damage per round for 10 rounds. Inferno Cluster: this is placed into the ground like a mine, and stepping on it causes it to burst, spraying acid and napalm, which soon ignites in the 5' square. There is a DC 10 Reflex Save to avoid treading on an exposed one in normal conditions, +5 to the DC if it is hidden, and +2 if running or +5 if in combat running in combat merely uses the +5 for running. The damage is Acid/Fire, and then a DC 15 Reflex Save must be made to avoid taking the damage again on the following round. Krak Grenade: Fire/Piercing damage. A successful Reflex Save halves the damage. Melta Bomb: Fire damage with a Fortitude Save for half. [Melta] the target the bomb is attached to is subject to the full [Melta] rule, nearby targets are not. Perforator Cluster: this is placed into the ground like a mine, and stepping on it causes it to burst, spraying needles into the feet of the victim. There is a DC 10 Reflex Save to avoid treading on an exposed one in normal conditions, +5 to the DC if it is hidden, and +2 if running or +5 if in combat running in combat merely uses the +5 for running. The damage is Piercing, and then a DC 15 Fortitude Save must be made to avoid being slowed as though taking damage from Stone Spikes. Plasma Grenade: Fire/Electricity damage with a Reflex save for half. The plasma energy lingers in the area like a gas cloud for 1d4 rounds, damaging anyone who enters the area no save in this instance. Psychotroke Grenade: a cloud of gas that grants Concealment and lingers for 2d4 rounds. Those in the area must pass a Fortitude Save or be subject to a Confusion effect until they have left the cloud for 3 rounds. Psyk-Out Grenade: [Psychic] creatures and Spellcasters in the area must make a DC 20 Will save or fall unconscious for 1 hour. Rad Grenade: those in the area take a -4 penalty on Fortitude Saves for 3 rounds. Additionally, they must make a Fortitude Save or suffer one negative level (one hour duration) and 2 Constitution damage.

Scout/Cluster Mine: set into ground as a 5' radius Caltrop field. Stepping on them causes a 15' radius explosion (from the point the original radius extended from). Failing the Fortitude Save for half also results in being Stunned for 1 round. The higher DC is for the one who triggers it. Time-Delay: a Time Delay version of an explosive is the same as normal, except it will not explode for a set length of time: 1-3 rounds, as set in advance by the user. Vortex Grenade: all in the area must first make a Fortitude save. If they fail, their bodies are completely annihilated, and the dustlike remains automatically fail the next save. If they pass, they must then make a Will save or be Plane Shifted straight into the Warp where they are likely to be destroyed. The area remains as a sphere of nothingness, and touching it causes the same effects as being hit by the initial blast. Every round, roll 1d6: 1-2: the void disappears 3-4: the void remains where it is 5: the void charges 50' in a random direction 6: the void extends its radius by 10 feet.

Melee Weapons: Axe of the Omnissiah: a Magic Shocking Burst Power Weapon (Hand Axe) Blazing Maul: a two-handed Power Weapon (Warhammer) that deals additional Fire damage equal to the wielder's Base Attack Bonus and, once per hour, can be fired as a Flamer. This may be triggered as a Free action upon hitting someone with the weapon. If so, they automatically fail the Saving Throw. Blessed Weapon: a Relic Blade that is also an actual Magic Weapon, with the Holy quality. Additionally, it bestows an Enhancement Bonus to Wisdom equal to +1 per 3 Hit Dice (round up). Burning Brazier: treated as a Magic Flame Flail, this brazier constantly emits holy incense - all Daemons within 5' of the bearer must pass a Fortitude save at the beginning of every turn (Chabased) or be Nauseated for 1 turn. Chainfist: a Power Fist, except it has a 4:1 Power Attack ratio and deals 1 Point of Constitution damage every time it strikes. If striking a vehicle, it deals 10 additional damage direct to HP. Chainsword: an Adamantine Longsword with a +1 Enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls. Furthermore, it deals 1 point of Constitution damage with every hit and targets, if hit, suffer 2d6 additional Slashing damage at the end of the turn. This extra damage ignores Damage Reduction and Regeneration. [Machine Spirit] Crozius Arcanum: a Power Weapon (Staff) that deals an additional 3d6 Axiomatic damage to all [Chaotic] Outsiders and [Evil] Outsiders. To [Chaotic, Evil] Outsiders it deals 3d10 damage. C'tan Phase Scythe: a Power Weapon (Scythe). This weapon ignores Armour, Shield, Natural Armour and Deflection bonuses to Armour Class, as well as all Damage Reduction and Regeneration. It even injures Incorporeal or Ethereal creatures 100% of the time. On a Critical Hit, the target must make a Fortitude Save (Strength-based) or be slain instantly. C'tan Phase Sword: a Power Weapon (Short Sword). This weapon ignores Armour, Shield, Natural Armour and Deflection bonuses to Armour Class, as well as all Damage Reduction and Regeneration. It even injures Incorporeal or Ethereal creatures 100% of the time. Daemon Hammer: a (Chaotic Outsider) Bane Thunder Hammer. [Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar] Outsiders struck by it must make a Fortitude Save (Strength-based) or be Banished. Daemon Weapon: a Power Weapon that is also an actual Magic Weapon, usually in the form of a sword of some kind, unless the Daemon is claimed by one power or another. It is an Intelligent weapon, most having Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma of 16, with one of those scores increased by 2. The personality is never that nice, and they are [Chaotic] and [Evil]. They can communicate via Telepathy with their wielders, and have Blindsight out to 30 feet. A Daemon Weapon has one Minor Power unless specified otherwise, and does not have the [Machine Spirit] descriptor. Very rarely, a Daemon Weapon may become a Greater Daemon Weapon.

Greater Daemon Weapons increase their lower ability scores by +2 each and the higher one by +4, have 2 Minor Powers and a Major Power (or a Dedicated Purpose and Power), and have Telepathy with anyone. Some Daemon Weapons (Greater or not) are also dedicated to a specific Chaos God: Khorne: weapons dedicated to Khorne are usually axes, particularly the Great Axe, and also receive the Wounding or Blood Drinking quality. If Greater, it also has the Speed quality. Nurgle: Nurgle usually uses Rapiers or Dire Syringes, but sometimes Sickles and Scythes. His weapons deliver Filth Fever or Slimy Doom (Con-based DC) on a successful hit, with the initial damage occurring instantly on a failed save. If Greater, the speed of infection is accelerated, with one day passing every round until cured or dead. Slaanesh: Slaaneshi weapons are almost always Whips or their variants, but threaten all squares they can hit, do not provoke Attacks of Opportunity, do real damage and are not ignored just by having armour or natural armour. Each hit also deals 2d6 Non-lethal damage. The Greater versions force a Fortitude Save (Cha-based) against falling Prone and Helpless for 3 rounds due to the exquisite pleasure. Tzeench: it is almost always a Staff of some kind that Tzeench Magic Weapons take the shape of. They can cast Magic Missile at will (no limit on the number of missiles), and if Greater, can be fired as a Lascannon once per hour that additionally forces the target to make a Fortitude Save (Int-based) or be Polymorphed into a Chaos Spawn. Dire Syringe: a two-handed Exotic melee weapon that inflicts 1 point of Piercing damage, but can also be loaded with an alchemical preparation or Potion as if it were a Light Crossbow. A loaded charge can be injected into the target as a free action after any hit - causing its normal effects. The Dire Syringe (and whatever charge it delivers) threatens a critical on a 2-20 with a x2 multiplier. Doom Spear: a spear with a single-use explosive tip: a successful hit deals 6d8 Fire and Bludgeoning damage, and it has a 20/x4 critical rating. After this, it is useless as anything other than a quarterstaff. Eviscerator: a Wounding Power Weapon (Greatsword) that, if it hits successfully, Rends the target for an extra 4d6 damage at the end of the round. Against Vehicles, each hit deals an additional 10 damage direct to HP, and the Rending damage is also applied direct to HP. Force Weapon: in the hands of most, it is a Magic Weapon. In the hands of a [Psychic] character, it is a Power Weapon that also adds a +4 Enhancement bonus to Strength. In the hands of a [Psychic] character with at least 15 hit dice, it is a Blood Drinking Power Weapon that adds a +6 Enhancement bonus to Strength. Force Weapons are usually Long Swords, Bastard Swords, Scimitars, Falchions or Halberds, though Great Swords, Great Axes, Spears and the like are not unheard of. Frost Blade: almost always a Hand Axe or Long Sword, the Frost Blade is a Power Weapon that has its damage die scaled up by one step and causes 1d10 damage through blood loss on the following turn. Gladius Encarmine: a Power Weapon (Great Sword) that allows the wielder to re-roll all failed attack rolls and miss chances when in a Rage of any kind. Lightning Claw: a Power Weapon that is one-handed and deals 1d8+Str base weapon damage, as well as an extra 1d10 Electricity damage. It has a 17-20/x2 threat range, and if worn as a pair, one damage roll for each may be re-rolled per turn.

Loyalty Stick: this stout stick is treated as a Masterwork Club, and is mostly used to encourage troops via beating the hell out of them. It can be used to deal Non-lethal damage at no penalty, and increases the damage die by one step when doing so. In the hands of an officer, it provides a +2 Circumstance bonus to Intimidate checks against anyone nominally under their control (including prisoners). Nemesis Warding Staff: a Force Weapon (Quarterstaff) that grants a 50% Miss Chance (not from Concealment) against melee attacks. Neurocorrosive Whip: a Power Weapon Snare Whip that also deals +2d6 Electricity damage and +2d6 Acid damage every time it hits, and once per target per round, the target must pass a Fort save (Str-based) or take 1d6 Str, Dex and Con damage. (Snare Whip: an Adamantine Whip that threatens squares, does not provoke, deals real Slashing damage and is not negated by armour/natural armour. It adds a further +4 on any attempts to Disarm, Trip or Entangle foes.) Neuro-Gauntlet: a one-handed Martial Weapon that deals 3d10+Str Electricity damage, crit 20/x2. The first hit per foe per round forces a Fortitude save (DC = Damage dealt) or the target is Stunned for 1 round. Attacks are resolved as Touch Attacks. [Machine Spirit] Neuro-Whip: a Power Weapon (Whip) that threatens every square it can attack, does not provoke Attacks of Opportunity, does real damage (Slashing/Electric) and is not negated by armour or natural armour. Once per round, a target struck by it must pass a Fortitude Save (Dexterity-based) or be Stunned for 1 round. It can be set to deal Non-lethal Damage, should you wish to not kill your target for some reason. Null Rod: a Power Weapon (Club) that grants the wielder complete immunity to [Psychic] powers as long as it is being held. Furthermore, once per turn when it strikes a [Psychic] creature, the target must pass a Willpower Save (Charisma-based) or be slain outright, their soul and energy drained into the rod. Power Fist: a Power Weapon (Spiked Gauntlet) with a x4 critical multiplier, and that doubles the user's Strength score for the purpose of dealing damage. Grants a Constrict attack equal to the weapon damage (including doubled Strength score). Power Stake: a Power Weapon (Spear), this is made from Silver and has the [Psi-Bane] descriptor. On a critical hit, it unleashes a mixture of chemicals that ignite into holy fire, dealing 6d6 Holy/Fire damage to the target and setting them on fire for 2d6 Holy/Fire damage per round. Each time this happens, it must be refuelled to unleash the fire again. Power Weapon: is typically a Long Sword, Great Sword, Hand Axe or Great Axe, but all sorts of melee weapons show up as Power Weapons if you look hard enough. They ignore Armour Bonuses (but not magical enhancements to Armour Bonuses) and Natural Armour Bonuses to Armour Class, as well as Hardness and any DR that can be overcome by [Power] weapons. They can also hit Incorporeal creatures with no miss chance, and have an innate enhancement bonus equal to 1/3 of the wielder, round down. They are not Magic weapons, however, so do not bypass DR/Magic. [Machine Spirit]

Relic Blade: a ([Chaotic] Outsider) Bane Power Weapon, always a Martial or Exotic Melee weapon of any variety. Additionally, the user gains a special Sacred bonus to their Strength: Not Lawful or Good: +0 Lawful or Good: +2 Lawful Good: +4 Worships the Emperor: +1 for every 4 ranks in Knowledge: Religion (stacks with the above) Has access to Faith Powers: +2 (stacks with the above) Rune Weapon: a ([Chaotic] Outsider) Bane Rune Weapon (almost always a Quarterstaff, sometimes a Hand Axe or Great Axe) that doubles the Bane bonuses. Sarissa: this Boltgun attachment allows the weapon to be wielded as a Masterwork Spear with a doubled Critical Threat Range. Scoriada: less a weapon than a device for self-flagellation, it can nevertheless be used as a weapon in a pinch. It is a light Exotic weapon, though any character who regularly uses it for its intended purpose gains proficiency, that deals 1d6 Non-lethal Slashing/Bludgeoning damage, with a 1920/x3 critical value. Any amount of Armour or at least +4 Natural Armour will negate it completely. When used for flagellation (self or otherwise), it will assist any prayers in the process, adding a +4 Circumstance bonus to Concentration and Knowledge (Religion) checks made throughout, along with dealing 1d3 Non-lethal damage. Some weave ballbearings, wires and similar into them. Doing so allows it to be treated as a regular Scourge, but means the damage taken when using it for prayer becomes 1d6 Slashing real damage. Scythian Talon: treated as a Masterwork Sickle with a +1 Enhancement bonus to damage, simply due to the sharpness. If the attack roll exceeds the Armour Class by more than 5 points, a second hit is made, thanks to the multiple blades. The weapon has capsules of poison loaded in, holding up to four doses at a time, and automatically administers a dose with every successful hit. The standard poison is Giant Wasp Poison or Large Scorpion Venom. Shark Claw: this giant beast of a gauntlet can be used, any time it hits, as a Lightning Claw or a Chainfist. If worn as a pair and they both hit, the target takes an additional 2d10 Electricity damage and an additional 2 Con damage. Shock Gauntlet: a one-handed Martial Weapon that deals 1d10+Str Electricity damage, crit 20/x2. The first hit per foe per round forces a Fortitude save (Strength-based) or the target is Stunned for one round. Sororitas Assault Glaive: a Power Weapon (Glaive, or Halberd in some cases) with a built-in Bolt Pistol. It may be fired as a Bolt Pistol at any time, and once per round may be fired as a Free action against a target the Glaive just hit. In this instance, the Bolt Pistol automatically hits. Stun Baton: a Loyalty Stick that deals an additional 1d6 Electricity damage. Once per round, a struck foe must make a Fortitude save (Strength-based) or be Stunned for one round.

Thunder Hammer: a Thundering Power Weapon (Warhammer) that also ignores Shield bonuses. At the end of the user's turn, every foe that was hit by it must make a Fortitude save (Strengthbased) or be Stunned for 1 round. Every time it hits, the foe must make a Balance check or Strength check (modified by Size as though being Tripped), with a DC equal to the damage dealt, or fall Prone. Witch Blade: a Magic Weapon (almost always a Katana, Longsword or Spear). If wielded by a Psyker, they may add their Hit Dice as an Enhancement bonus to their Strength. Wolf Claw: a Lightning Claw that grants the Trip ability of a Wolf. If worn as a pair, then instead of re-rolling one damage roll per turn, one failed attack roll per turn may be re-rolled.

Cybernetics: Bionic Eye: this replaces a lost eye, and can see normally. It also has Darkvision 120' and LowLight Vision, as well as Immunity to Blindness (but a -4 penalty to hit if Blinded when you only have one Bionic Eye). Bionic Arm: this replaces a lost arm, and functions normally. It grants a +2 Enhancement bonus to Strength when using that arm if both arms are Bionic, then to support this weight, bionic enhancements are made to the shoulders and spine as well the Enhancement bonus to Strength applies even to things not using the arms, and is considered a +4 bonus for the purpose of lifting and carry capacity. Bionic Leg: this replaces a lost leg, and functions normally. If both legs are replaced, they grant a +4 Leg bonus to Saves against Slow/Entanglement and to resist being Tripped, as well as a +8 Competence bonus to Jump checks Augmented Knees: more than just the knees are actually augmented, enough that the character cannot receive a penalty to their Movement Speed. Additionally, each houses a concealed shortbarrel shotgun each with Solid Slugs (half range, Clip 1), that can be fired, as a pair, with a Swift action. Bionic Fist: this is treated as a Spiked Gauntlet, but has a special explosive built-in. With a Standard action, a Demolition Charge may be fired from it, with a 50% chance to destroy the hand (it gets replaced the next time they're at base). It can also be activated with a Free action as part of a punch, allowing no save to the target OR the user, and destroying their entire arm and any gloves, gauntlets etc. For what it's worth though, the wound where the arm used to be is instantly cauterised.

Drugs: Advanced Drugs: this is a special syringe containing a number of drugs designed to work in unison. It grants a Heal effect at Caster Level 15. Amasec: alcohol is a drug. This is considered the equivalent of a strong, decent quality wine. There are higher and lower quality blends and vintages, but it is usually Good quality. Antivenin: the subject is Nauseated for one round as they vomit up ingested toxins, but other than this it functions as a Neutralise Poison effect. This must be injected. Apocalypse Antibiotic: the subject is Nauseated for 1d4 rounds, but benefits from a Remove Disease effect. This must be consumed orally. Astartes Cigar: a cigar strong enough for a Space Marine to smoke. As such, anyone else who tries to smoke one must pass a DC 25 Fortitude Save against Poison or be Stunned for 1d6 rounds and Sickened for an hour. Etherium: Etherium is slowly injected into the neck, with the benefits lasting for one hour: all Aura effects the user has, even those granted by other items or spells, have their radius doubled. Frenzon: upon being injected, this unleashes incredible power in the imbiber. They gain the benefits of Divine Power, Divine Favour and Righteous Might all at once, and halve all damage taken, except from effects that bypass all Damage Reduction. All benefits last for 1 minute, though afterwards the imbiber takes 1d4 Constitution damage. Each successive dose in the same 24 hour period increases the damage by 1d4 2d4 Con damage for the second dose (3d4 total), 3d4 for the third dose (6d4 total) and so on. Lho Sticks: effectively cigarettes, but probably with more toxins and carcinogens. Many actually have filters designed to provide protection against the environment (+4 to Saving Throws against gases and airborne bacteria). Mercy Tablet: this small tablet must be taken orally. 1D4 rounds later, they are affected by a potent Poison effect: DC 25, Death/Death. Even succeeding on the save results in Coma for 1 hour. Moonshine: cheap, strong and foul-tasting alcohol made from things best not thought about. It requires a DC 20 Fortitude Save against being Nauseated for 1 round after consumption. Morphia: after consuming this orally or via injection, the subject is immune to [Pain] effects, [Fear] effects and non-lethal damage for one hour, though they suffer a -4 Alchemical penalty to Initiative and Saving Throws against Confusion for the duration. Taking a second dose before the first wears off resets the duration but forces a DC 15 Fortitude Save against passing out for 1 hour and a DC 15 Fortitude Save against becoming Nauseated for 1 minute, both as a Poison. Failing both saves can result in death by choking. Every further dose taken before the reset duration ends requires saving again, each time increasing the DC of both effects by 2. Narthecium: this can be taken orally or via injection, and bestows a Cure Critical Wounds effect, Caster Level 15. Night Dust Sedative: snorted and injected, this requires a DC 20 Fortitude Save to resist a Calm Emotions effect. One minute later, they must save again if the first save was failed, the second save is against falling asleep.

Polymorphine: once injected, this grants a Disguise Self effect, but as a Transmutation effect, for 6 hours. The shape can be changed multiple times, but requires 1d6 minutes each time. Slam: once this is injected or inhaled, it causes the user to become so fast they gain a Mirror Image effect any round in which they move, and a single True Strike (due to others seeming to move so slowly). Additionally, the imbiber gains an additional attack per round when making a full attack this stacks with Haste. This lasts for 2d6 rounds, and then the imbiber becomes Stunned for one round, then Exhausted until they rest. 'Slaught: this must be injected or inhaled, but grants a Rage and Bull's Strength effect, both for one minute. Afterwards, the user becomes Fatigued and suffers 2d6 non-lethal damage. Stimm: this can be taken orally, nasally or via an injection. One round after consumption (2 rounds if taken orally), the user gains a Haste effect for 1 minute, and Immunity to Fatigue and Exhaustion for one hour, though afterwards it catches up with them. Taking it again before the duration ends or taking more than three doses in one day Nauseates them for 1d6 hours.

Misc: Amber Amulet: nobody knows where such things were found, nor how they are not deemed heretical, but these are the Amber Amulets of Giant Vermin from the Magic Item Compendium. Auspex: a hand-held device that can cast the following at will: Detect Poison Detect Magic Deathwatch Detect Animals or Plants Know Direction Read Magic (DC 10) Detect Chaos (DC 10) Detect Secret Doors (DC 12) Locate City (DC 12) Identify (DC 15) Status (DC 18) Find Traps (DC 20) If a DC is set, it must be made on a Use Magic Device check to use that spell effect. Auto-Scribe: effectively a basic laptop with built-in printer, it is mostly used for typing/word processing. It is password protected (requiring a DC 25 Use Magic Device check to hack) and can save/load files you don't have to print things each time. Also has a basic Search function, and some have simple games on them, which is often considered Heresy. Bio-Harness and Dispenser: this harness is worn over clothing, and has a monitor to keep track of the status of the wearer. It automatically provides doses of drugs as needed, and can have a combination of ten doses of whatever kind loaded in. It is also able to be triggered to provide a dose with a Swift action. If suffering from pain or non-lethal damage, it will apply Morphia automatically. If severely injured, it will apply Narthecium. If fatigued, it applies Stimm. If poisoned, it uses the antivenin and the moment a disease is contracted it applies an Apocalypse Antibiotic. One Swift action can hit the emergency button to provide one dose each of the following: 'Slaught, Stimm, Frenzon, Slam. Blessed Instrument: a musical instrument of some kind that provides a +1 per 2 Hit Dice Enhancement bonus on Perform checks relevant to that instrument. Additionally, any given Blessed Instrument can provide one of the following, three times per day: Song of Discord (Charisma-based) Bardsong (6th level) Heroism Remove Fear Enthrall (Charisma-based) Blessed Oils: these oils help machines run more smoothly, appeasing the machine spirits. Applying this to a vehicle provides a +5 Enhancement bonus on all Pilot and Repair checks made on it for the rest of the day. Whenever the Machine Spirit fires a weapon rather than the pilot, it gains a +2 Sacred bonus to hit.

Book of Saint Lucius: reading this book every morning (or the previous night) helps keep one mentally fortified the character does not suffer any kind of penalty to her Will Saves, aside from Wisdom damage reducing the Wisdom bonus to Will Saves. Additionally, if reading from it in Combat (a Standard action that requires her Concentration), she can allow all allies within earshot to use her Will Save bonus instead of their own complete with the inability to be penalised. Briefcase-Ripper Pistol: this briefcase is titanium-plated and has four buttons: one locks/unlocks the other three buttons, one opens one compartment, one opens the other compartment, and the final button makes the compartments and sides fall away, revealing a bigger-than-normal Ripper Pistol, similar in shape to an Uzi. The handle is used as the loading slide. Chameleoline: this occupies the Cloak slot and provides a +4 Enhancement bonus to Hide checks and the Hide In Plain Sight ability. Any round in which the character does not move, he gains a 25% Miss Chance against all incoming attacks due to Concealment. Cloak of Saint Aspira: the wearer of this treasured relic (using the Cloak slot) is protected by the sacrifice of Saint Aspira: it grants her a +5 Enhancement bonus to her Armour Bonus, adds 20 to her Damage Reduction, and grants a +4 Resistance bonus to Will saves and +4 Enhancement bonus to Charisma. Combat Servitor: Medium Humanoid [Human, Mindless] Str 20 Dex 10 Con 15 Int - Wis 9 Cha Hit Dice: 6d10+12 (45 HP) BAB/Grapple: +6/+11 AC: 15 (+2 natural, +3 Studded Leather Equivalent) -flat 15, touch 10 Fort +7 Ref +2 Will +1 (usually immune) Slam +11 (1d4+7) Special: Feel No Pain: Servitors are immune to [Pain] effects and Non-lethal damage Dead Flesh: Servitors add their Con bonus as natural armour to AC Nerve-Stapled: any [Mind Affecting] effect must pass a DC 20 Caster Level check. Failure results in the Servitor being considered Immune to it. Success shorts out the Nerve Staple, killing it. Electricity damage, while still suffered as damage, Hastes Servitors for one round Damage Reduction 5/May be equipped with one of: -Plasma Cannon (gains proficiency and Bulging Biceps) -Heavy Bolter (gains proficiency and Bulging Biceps) -Two Power Fists (gains Two Weapon Fighting and proficiency) -Arms Replaced With Tendrils (gains Multi Weapon Fighting and proficiency, counts as having 3 Flails per limb) Comm Bead: placing this in the ear allows for radio communication out to 500 feet. Commissar Uniform: a very respectable looking uniform, this would not be out of place at a banquet or a military parade. It grants a +4 Competence bonus to Intimidate checks against people under the wearer's command, and grants them a +4 Circumstance bonus to Saving Throws against anyone else's [Fear] effects (if there are multiple Commissars, they do not provide the bonuses against each other's [Fear] effects).

Communications Kit: this consists of a variety of things a Vox Caster, Radio, Comm Bead, Laud Hailer and Portable Generator. Furthermore, everything contained within is Masterwork, allowing the bonus on relevant rolls made with them. Conversion Field: this forcefield generator can be as large as a backpack or as small as a belt. The wearer is protected against attacks that originate from more than 5' away, reducing the damage by 20. If excess damage is taken, it releases a flash of light, as per a Blind Grenade. Corrosive Cologne/Perfume: if sprayed directly onto metal or stone with a Standard action, it deals 100 Acid damage ignoring Hardness. If sprayed into the air with a Full Round action, it can fill a 10' radius cloud with toxic gas (Inhaled Poison, DC 20, 3d6 Con/Death) Cyberwolf: a Construct Dire Wolf. They can be made with additional Hit Dice, and adjustments can be made with the Tinker feat to add Hit Dice or apply an Enhancement bonus to the attack and damage rolls. They must be controlled by someone, usually voice-activated or radio-controlled out to 100 feet away, or via a control panel on the back (to be rode like a warhorse), but do have basic command modules for attacking things that are inhuman or aggressive, to bark at the sound of intruders and so on. Cyber-Mastiff: a Construct Dog with two hit dice. They can be made with additional Hit Dice, even up to Medium size, and adjustments can be made with the Tinker feat to add Hit Dice or apply an Enhancement bonus to the attack and damage rolls. They must be controlled by someone, usually voice-activated or radio-controlled out to 100 feet away, but do have basic command modules for attacking things that are inhuman or aggressive, to bark at the sound of intruders and so on. Daily Prayers: these are prayer slips that are actually edible, each one providing the calories and nutrients to stay alive, though not really enough for fighting and other stressful activity. But it's enough to get by. Reading and eating these offsets any Morale penalties caused by strict rationing or being under siege. Death Mask: wearing this mask allows the wearer to add his Charisma bonus to Saving Throws against [Mind Affecting] effects. Additionally, he gains a Gaze attack that causes the victim to be Frightened for 1 round on a failed Will Save (Charisma-based). Digital Weapon: it occupies either a Ring slot or an Eye slot, and can be fired once with a Swift action, making a single attack even if the weapon it is based on is an Assault Firearm. The range is also decreased to 10 feet, and the choices are: Las Pistol, Plasma Pistol, Needle Pistol. The Clip size is 3. Dogtags: these provide a handy form of identification, and require a DC 15 Forgery check to replicate (assuming the materials are on hand). Empyrian Brain Mines: these devices must be thrown as a ranged attack, up to 15 feet away. If the target is not wearing a helmet, it is a Ranged Touch Attack. Alternatively, they can be clamped on in a grapple, making a Touch Attack. Once attached, the target must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 20) or be rendered Paralysed and Stunned for 1 round, a [Mind Affecting] effect, as their motor functions are halted by the device. Eversor Cell Phone: one button fires a single Lascannon shot as an Assault Firearm with half the usual range. There is only enough use for one of these. Another button turns it into a Plasma Grenade, ready to be thrown. Any other button injects the user with Colossal Centipede Venom.

Excruciator: this is a very horrible torture device, that can be neatly packed away into a small backpack. It incorporates a restraint harness, various drug injectors (treat as having 3 doses of Liquid Pain), the full set of scalpels and saws, as well as a shock function. The harness can be escaped with a DC 20 Escape Artist or Strength check, and gives a +5 bonus on rolls made when torturing people. Even showing it to someone and the threat of its use grants a +2 bonus on Intimidate checks, but grants a 10% chance of them simply saying what they think the bearer wants to hear. Exterminator: this can be attached to any non-Pistol Firearm, or any melee weapon, or to a Crossbow. It can be fired as a Flamer, with a Clip size of 1. If attached to a melee weapon and the weapon hits in close combat, it may be fired as a Free action: the target gets no save, but the area of effect is limited to their square. Fang of Morkai: this fang is worn on a chain like an amulet, and grants not only the wearer but all allies within 30 feet Immunity to [Fear] effects. Field Rations: field rations provide a day's worth of food, water and vitamin supplements. They are generally bland or worse, but do keep the soldier well-fed. Fine Robes: these look good and will generally lead people to believe the wearer is a vaguely important member of the Imperial church. Flip Belt: the wearer may add their level as a bonus on Tumble and Balance checks, and can walk on any surface, as gravity becomes subjective for them. Forensics Kit: this kit includes gloves, bags for preserving evidence, print dusters, a microscope, magnifying glass, portable DNA analysis kit and similar things. When making a check to discover evidence via forensics (likely a Search check), the check gains a +6 bonus. Gas Mask: these enclosed masks have oxygen tanks, granting immunity to gases while the air is running (about an hour is contained). Most have Goggles as well. Goggles: they do nothing. Provide immunity to Blindness and Dazzling, unless it's the result of a disease or something. Golden Halo: once per round, a single successful hit against the wearer may be negated on a roll of 11+ on 1d20. Good Boots: soldiers understand the value of good boots. They provide a +4 bonus on resisting fatigue or non-lethal damage from walking long distances, likewise catching diseases from walking through swamps and crap. They ignore regular Caltrops, too. Grav-Chute: anyone wearing a Grav-Chute basically has a permanent Feather Fall effect, and never suffers falling damage. Hellfury Cigar: one round after this is lit, it launches itself off as a miniature Hellfire Missile. Those who are unaware of this tend to lose their head as a side-effect. Holofield: the wearer has a constant Mirror Image effect up. 5 images are created, and if destroyed (by being hit), they regenerate at the rate of one minute each. This takes up the Belt Slot.

Holy Incense: this is usually carried in a censer or brazier, or in a large stove or set of candles on the back and shoulders. [Evil] Outsiders within 15 feet must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 25) every round or be Nauseated for the round. Hot-Shot Pen: this can be used as a pen, but with a click of the button, it can be fired as a Las Pistol with Hot-Shot Charge Pack. Doing so ruins it as a pen. ID tags and Life Permission Certificate: these provide identification, usually for [Psychic] characters, as well as granting explicit permission to live. Executing the bearer can result in trouble, unless the killer is a Commissar or part of the Inquisition. Inferno Lipstick: where this is smeared, it leaves a trail of Melta Gel if ignited, it burns the area like a Melta Bomb (but is not concentrated enough to extend out to a range). It can also be applied as a Contact Poison (DC 25, 3d6 Str/Coma 2d6 Days). Iron Halo: once per round, a single successful hit against the wearer may be negated on a roll of 11+ on 1d20. Jammers: these small radio devices block most forms of communication: radio, radar and Divination effects, within 100 feet. Likewise, Teleport Beacons are blocked within the area, and Teleport Without Error, if targeted to within 100 feet, ignores the Without Error part. Jump Pack: this is worn like a backpack or attached to armour and lets the user fly, somewhat. They gain a +10' bonus to Move Speed if merely using it to skim along (and when charging, move at triple speed rather than double), and can also cross difficult terrain without penalty. If used for actual flight, the speed is 40' (Clumsy), generally only used to launch in straight lines. Litanies of Faith: these provide a number of benefits to the owner, providing she has access to Faith powers and reads these daily: Any Faith powers she possesses with uses per day, hour, minute or encounter see this amount increased by 1 She does not automatically fail attack rolls (and, if using Skip's dumb rules, saving throws) on a natural 1 Reading the litanies at the start of the day will, at the first combat of the day, cause a Divine Power or Righteous Might (your choice) to immediately kick in. Reading them before bed makes her immune to any dream/nightmare based spells or psychic intrusion while she sleeps.

Looting Servitor: Medium Humanoid [Human, Mindless] Str 16 Dex 12 Con 15 Int - Wis 9 Cha Hit Dice: 2d10+4 (15 HP) BAB/Grapple: +2/+5 AC: 15 (+2 natural, +3 Studded Leather Equivalent) -flat 15, touch 10 Fort +5 Ref +1 Will +0 (usually immune) Slam +5 (1d4+4) Special: Feel No Pain: Servitors are immune to [Pain] effects and Non-lethal damage Dead Flesh: Servitors add their Con bonus as natural armour to AC Nerve-Stapled: any [Mind Affecting] effect must pass a DC 20 Caster Level check. Failure results in the Servitor being considered Immune to it. Success shorts out the Nerve Staple, killing it. Electricity damage, while still suffered as damage, Hastes Servitors for one round Damage Reduction 5/ Trapfinding Skills: several Skill Modules are built in, along with special sensory tools: Disable Device +10, Search +15, Spot +10 Mandate of Authority: this device has a holo-projector that can be scanned for its unique identifier, and shows that the bearer, being an Inquisitor, does indeed have a blank cheque of authority to do practically whatever they please. If the bearer requests something be handed over, then it should be handed over. If they request assistance, then it had better be granted, and so on. Mantle of Ophelia: when this mantle is worn, the wearer is protected from harm. It grants an Enhancement bonus to Constitution, +1 per three hit dice (round up), and once per day the wearer can elect to automatically pass a Fortitude Save. Master Vox Caster: this is a Vox Caster with a range of ten miles, and the ability to override other signals on the same channel. It can also simply project sound like a loudspeaker. Medals: these don't have any real effect, though low-ranking soldiers and government officials are impressed by them, granting a +2 bonus on Intimidate and Diplomacy checks against them. Medikit: this provides enough bandages, water and other clean medical supplies to grant a +5 bonus to Heal checks and Survival checks, as well as providing one dose of each of the following: Morphia Narthecium Antivenin Apocalypse Antibiotics Stimm Slaught

Mediskull: Tiny Construct 30 HP, Fly 30' (Perfect) Str 10 Dex 17 Con - Int 14 Wis 11 Cha Saving Throws: Fort +3 Ref +3 Will +0 Armour Class: 18 (+3 Dex, +2 Size, +3 Natural) Base Attack Bonus: use that of the owner Equipment: Mechadendrite, Vivisector, Injector with Narthecium and Morphia Officer Uniform: a very impressive looking uniform, it's enough to get let into fancy events. Old Uniform: the uniform is old, and a bit tattered and faded. It doesn't look so great. Personal Teleporter: a Personal Teleporter is small enough to be worn as a backpack for those wearing Power Armour. It allows the user to travel via Dimension Door at will, with a range of 100 feet per movement. Each teleport grants a Warp Point. Plasma Syphon: this strange device causes fluctuations in plasma energy nearby, and draws incoming plasma towards itself. All [Plasma] weapons that are fired from within or into a 20' radius of the bearer deals only half damage, and any [Plasma] weapons fired at or from the bearer suffers a 50% Miss Chance. Psiber Eagle: this is a Construct Eagle armed with a Hell-Pistol inside the beak. Additionally, if within 10 feet of the owner, it may elect to redirect any targeted Spells or [Psychic] attacks from the owner to itself. Psi-Occulum: this special lens, pair of goggles or monocle takes up the "eyes" slot, and allows the wearer to constantly See Invisible, as well as to recognise all visual illusions as such instantly. Additionally, if they have the [Psychic] descriptor, they can re-roll failed rolls to hit against others who have the [Psychic] descriptor and gain Darkvision 120'. Psychic Hood: the Psychic Hood is worn over the head, and is used to cancel the effects of psychic attacks. It only functions when worn by a [Psychic] character, however. The wearer, if ever targeted by a [Psychic] power, may elect to negate the power by making an Opposed Caster Level check. This is not an action. If he rolls higher, the power is negated. He may also use an Immediate action to attempt to negate a [Psychic] attack that is targeted at anyone else within 30 feet, even a SelfOnly power. Purity Seal: wearing Purity Seals grants a constant +2 to Saving Throws against Possession and Domination. Multiple Purity Seals stack for this benefit, and Immunity to Possession is granted if 5 or more are worn. Every round, the wearer automatically loses a number of Warp Points equal to the number of Purity Seals worn. Quality Uniform: a uniform of good quality, it looks fairly neat and respectable. Radio Headset: allows for Radio communication out to about two miles. Rangefinders: these are known as binoculars, generally with an actual distance finder, and some even have nightvision built-in.

Rebreather: this basic gas mask filters the air, providing a +6 bonus on saving throws against gases, but provides no protection against drowning or surviving in a vacuum there needs to be air to filter. Refractor Field: the Refractor Field is simply a man-portable forcefield, if there is anything simple about that. It bestows a Deflection bonus to Armour Class equal to one third the wearer's Hit Dice (round up). Repair Kit: this provides a +6 bonus to Repair checks, and contains enough tools and materials to perform large repairs. Ring of Suffrage: a ring that serves as evidence the wearer has the right to vote in local matters, that they are a proper citizen with full rights and responsibilities. Mostly worn by the Adepta Sororitas to remind themselves of the great services rendered by the first of their kind, and their own duties. Rosarius: occupies the "Belt" slot, granting a +5 Deflection bonus to AC, as well as a +3 Resistance bonus to all saving throws. Rule of the Sororitas: this book of rules and regulations serves a reminder to the Adepta Sororitas exactly what they stand for, helping to keep them focused on their duties. As long as they read it daily, they are Immune to any effect that would normally grant them an additional save or a bonus to the save due to making them act against their nature. Sack Cloth Robes: these show that the wearer is in morning or penance, and look very scruffy. They also tend not to cover much, and are itchy. Sacred Standard of the Order: this is a more glorious and valuable variant of the Simulacrum Imperialis. It is a Magic Weapon, grants a Morale bonus to Saving Throws against [Fear] effects equal to one third the bearer's Hit Dice (round up), and adds the same amount to the DC of any [Fear] effect used by the wielder. Additionally, the wielder only ever suffers half damage from [Evil] effects. Servo Arm: this is very much attached to the user or their armour. At the end of their turn, the Servo Arm may make a single attack for them, counting as a Power Fist. It may instead elect to Grapple the foe, using their full Grapple Bonus while leaving the user out of the Grapple. Servo Harness: the Servo-Harness is attached to Terminator or Artificer Armour and adds a second Servo Arm (both may be used in the same turn, or one may be reserved to make an Attack of Opportunity), as well as two more arms with weapons: one Flamer, and one Plasma Cutter. Both may be fire together with the one action, but doing so precludes doing anything else in that action, such as attacking with other weapons. Servo Skull Familiar: Tiny Construct 50 HP, Fly 30' (Perfect) Str 10 Dex 17 Con - Int 12 Wis 11 Cha Saving Throws: use base values of the owner Armour Class: 18 (+3 Dex, +2 Size, +3 Natural) Base Attack Bonus: use that of the owner Equipment: Twin-linked Digi-Weapon (Las Pistol), 1 Mechadendrite, Auspex for owner to use

Signal Flare: when activated, it slowly spirals into the air, lit up as though it was the centre of a Daylight effect. Signum: this device is either worn over the eye or attached to the shoulder, and provides useful targeting information that can be relayed to others. It takes a Standard action to utilise the Signum, but until the user's next turn, any ally within 50 feet may use his Base Attack Bonus instead of their own when attacking with Firearms, and can re-roll failed attack rolls with Firearms. Simulacrum Imperialis: this is a large standard a banner, flag or icon atop a pole. It is treated as a Holy Adamantine Longspear if wielded as a weapon, is attached to a harness so it can be held upright while leaving the hands free, and emits a constant Consecration effect. Additionally, any ally with Line of Sight to it who is suffering from a [Fear] effect automatically ends the effect at the end of their turn. Skull Helmet: a helmet with built-in rebreather. It looks like a grinning skull and grants a +2 bonus on Intimidate checks. Someone Else's Wallet: it is a wallet. It belongs to someone else, but it's yours now. It has a small amount of money in it. Sororitas Jump Pack: more elegant than a normal Jump Pack, this actually flies properly. If using it to skim along, the wearer gains the regular bonuses, but it can also grant a Fly Speed of 50' (Good) rather than 40' (Clumsy). Suit and Tie: a very respectable looking business suit with tie. Target Finder: this special nightvision visor occupies the "Eyes" slot and allows the wearer to ignore all Miss Chances gained from Concealment or Invisibility, as well as enabling them to accurately target the square a hidden foe is in. Teleport Beacon: this beacon can be located in the Warp, and also via satellite or radio, so it can be locked onto. Any attempts to Teleport to the beacon or within 30' of it suffer no risk of arriving offcourse, and no risk of picking up Warp Points in the process. Terror Matrix Harness: this can be worn by anyone, but only functions if the user has some form of Aura of Fear and is currently under the influence of Etherium. Firstly, it doubles the duration of Etherium (and its derivatives) in the body. Secondly, the wearer may spend a Full Round action generating a Weird effect, though this causes him to become Fatigued. Tie-Clip Melta-Bomb: this is a tie-clip that can be used as a melta bomb. Be careful. Torch-Helm: a helmet that has a gas-powered fiery torch on top. It has enough fuel for an hour of constant use. Toxin Water-Cooler: a water-cooler that appears to have water in it. In actual fact, it contains sulphuric acid. Sipping it results in 2d6 Acid damage, with 1d6 Acid damage the following round. Taking a large gulp results in 3d6 Acid damage, with 2d6 Constitution damage and 10d6 Acid damage the following round. Transport-Tarantula: a Medium Construct that trundles along at 10 feet per round, generally following the owner via a small locator. It has a carry capacity as though it had a Strength score of 30 (keep in mind that it is a quadruped).

Uniform: a regular military uniform, nothing special. Uplifting Primer: it is filled with prayers (providing a +4 bonus on Knowledge: Religion and Perform: Oratory checks made to pray), rules and lies (providing a -4 penalty on Knowledge checks made to identify and know about monsters). Vox Caster: a bulky radio that can be carried about and allows communication, generally out to about 2-5 miles. Writing Kit: this kit contains sheets of paper, scrolls, scroll-cases, quills, ink pots, pens, pencils, special gold leaf parchment, a board to rest the paper against, a ruler, and a stamp with wax. It also has envelopes.

Vehicles: Name: Arvus Lander Astartes Bike Aquila Lander Baal Predator Bane Wolf Caestus Assault Ram Chimera Cyber Pegasus Deathwind Devil Dog Drop Pod Exorcist Gorgon Hades Breaching Drill Hellhound Immolator Iron Maiden Drop Pod Land Raider Land Speeder Land Speeder Storm Leman Russ Lightning Predator Razorback Repressor Rhino Salamander Transport Sentinel Thunderfire Cannon Valkyrie Vendetta Vindicator Vulture Whirlwind Max Speed 400' (A) 250' 500' (G) 200' 200' F 250' (P) 180' S 100' N/A 200' N/A 140' 100' 40' B 40' 200' 180' N/A 100' F 250' (A) F 250' (A) 100' F 600' (G) 170' 150' 180' 200' 200' 100' 30' F 500' (G) F 500' (G) 100' F 600' (G) 120' Armour +10 +6 +10 +13 +12 +16 +12 +14 +12 +12 +16 +30 +12 +12 +13 +10 +25 +7 +8 +20 +10 +12 +12 +14 +12 +12 +8 +6 +10 +10 +15 +10 +12 Fort +5 +5 +5 +10 +10 +10 +10 +5 +8 +10 +7 +10 +14 +10 +10 +11 +7 +13 +1 +2 +12 +8 +10 +10 +11 +10 +10 +3 +2 +8 +8 +10 +8 +10 Ref +2 +2 +3 +5 +3 +4 +3 +3 +2 +3 +2 +4 +0 +3 +3 +3 +2 +5 +4 +4 +5 +4 +3 +3 +4 +3 +3 +3 +1 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 Will +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 +6 +5 +8 +6 +6 +7 +14 +8 +6 +7 +8 +9 +2 +2 +9 +6 +6 +6 +7 +6 +6 +3 +4 +6 +6 +6 +6 +6 HP 50 50 50 60 60 80 60 40 60 60 50 80 250 100 60 60 40 120 25 25 100 40 60 60 75 60 50 30 30 40 40 60 40 60 Temp 50 10 50 70 60 70 60 20 60 60 50 70 100 120 60 80 50 100 50 50 70 50 70 60 80 60 60 30 60 50 50 70 50 60

60' F 250' (G) +9

Arvus Lander Size: Huge (Long) Crew: Pilot, optional co-pilot Transport Capacity: 12 passengers Equipment: None Upgrades: Armoured Cockpit Ejection Pod Flare Launchers Underslung Storm Bolter Special: Space-Capable Astartes Bike Size: Large (Long) Crew: Pilot Transport Capacity: 1 passenger (uncomfortable) Ram/Trample: 2d6+10 Bullrush +20 Equipment: Twin-Linked Boltgun Variants: Scout Bike: 40 HP Passenger cannot be larger than Medium (without Powerful Build). Passenger space can be replaced with a mine-layer Attack Bike: 20 Temporary HP Maximum Speed 150' Side-car: space for 2 more passengers Side-car: Heavy Bolter or Heavy Flamer or Multi-Melta Aquila Lander Size: Huge (Long) Crew: Pilot and Gunner Transport Capacity: 7 passengers Equipment: Armoured Cockpit Nose-Mounted Heavy Bolter Special: Space-Capable Upgrades: Extra Armour Flare Launchers Ejection Pod Replace Heavy Bolter with Autocannon or Multi-laser

Baal Predator Size: Huge (Long) Crew: Pilot and Gunner Transport Capacity: None Ram/Trample: 4d8+20 Stability, Bullrush +28 Equipment: Smoke Launchers Turret-Mounted Flamestorm Cannon Upgrades: Dozer Hunter-Killer Missile Search-Light Extra Armour Replace Flamestorm Cannon with Twin-Linked Assault Cannon Take two Sponsons with Heavy Bolters or Heavy Flamers Replace Heavy Bolters with Lascannons Bane Wolf Size: Huge (Long) Crew: Pilot and Gunner Transport Capacity: 2 passengers/emergency crew Ram/Trample: 4d8+20 Stability, Bullrush +28 Equipment: Smoke Launchers Hull-mounted Heavy Bolter or Heavy Flamer or Multi-Melta Turret-mounted Chem-Spray Upgrades: Pintle-mounted Storm Bolter or Heavy Stubber Dozer Camo Netting Hunter-Killer Missile Search-Light Extra Armour Caestus Assault Ram Size: Huge (Long) Crew: Pilot Transport Capacity: 10 passengers (must have Power Armour or heavier) Ram: 4d8+20 Equipment: 2 Assault Ramps Afterburners Armoured Cockpit Wing-Mounted Firefury Missile Battery Hull-Mounted Twin-Linked Magna-Melta Upgrades: 2 Frag Launchers Teleport Homer

Chimera Size: Huge (Long) Crew: Pilot and Gunner Transport Capacity: 12 passengers Ram/Trample: 4d8+20 Stability, Bullrush +28 Equipment: 6 Hull-mounted Lasguns (passenger-operated) Smoke Launchers Hull-mounted Heavy Bolter or Heavy Flamer Turret-mounted Multi-laser or Heavy Flamer or Heavy Bolter or Autocannon Upgrades: Pintle-mounted Storm Bolter or Heavy Stubber Dozer Camo Netting Hunter-Killer Missile Search-Light Extra Armour Cyber-Pegasus Size: Large (Long) Crew: Pilot Transport Capacity: 1 passenger Equipment: Auspex Ramming Horn (2d6, +1 per 10' moved, [Lance], [Power]) Upgrades: Extra Armour Deathwind Size: Huge (Tall) Crew: None Transport Capacity: None Crush: 10d6+20 Equipment: Four Deathwind Grenade Launchers or six Heavy Bolters Inertial Guidance System Upgrades: Deathwind Grenade Launchers may be replaced with Assault Cannons Special: AI attack module, BAB +8, Dexterity +0

Devil Dog Size: Huge (Long) Crew: Pilot and Gunner Transport Capacity: 2 passengers/emergency crew Ram/Trample: 4d8+20 Stability, Bullrush +28 Equipment: Smoke Launchers Hull-mounted Heavy Bolter or Heavy Flamer or Multi-Melta Turret-mounted Melta-Cannon Upgrades: Pintle-mounted Storm Bolter or Heavy Stubber Dozer Camo Netting Hunter-Killer Missile Search-Light Extra Armour Drop Pod Size: Huge (Tall) Crew: None Transport Capacity: 10 passengers (or 1 Dreadnought, or 3 passengers and a Thunderfire Cannon) Crush: 10d6+20 Equipment: Storm Bolter Inertial Guidance System Upgrades: Storm Bolter can be swapped for a Deathwind Grenade Launcher Special: AI attack module, BAB +8, Dex +0 Exorcist Size: Huge (Long) Crew: Pilot and Gunner Transport Capacity: None Ram/Trample: 4d8+20 Stability, Bullrush +28 Equipment: Smoke Launchers Exorcist Missile Launcher Upgrades: Pintle-mounted Storm Bolter Dozer Hunter-Killer Missile Search-Light Extra Armour Truesilver Hull Holy Icons Laud Hailers Siege Armour

Gorgon Size: Colossal (Long) Crew: Pilot and 2 Gunners Transport Capacity: 50 passengers Ram/Trample: 8d6+30 Stability, Bullrush +40 Equipment: Armoured Prow Mine Sweeper Two Turret-mounted Twin-Linked Heavy Stubbers Two Gorgon Mortars or four Heavy Stubbers Upgrades: Camo Netting Hunter-Killer Missile Search-Light Smoke Launchers Gorgon Mortars may be swapped for four Heavy Bolters or Heavy Flamers Siege Armour Hades Breaching Drill: Size: Huge (Long) Crew: None (controlled via remote) Transport Capacity: None Equipment: Melta-Cutter Upgrades: None Drill (Ex): when performing a Ram, Trample or Overrun, targets must attempt a Reflex Save (DC 20) to escape. Alternatively, they may attempt an Attack of Opportunity, but doing so denies them the chance to attempt a save. On a failed/denied save, the target suffers 10d8 Fire damage as a [Melta] effect and 20d6 Adamantine Crushing damage. Hell Hound Size: Huge (Long) Crew: Pilot and Gunner Transport Capacity: 2 passengers/emergency crew Ram/Trample: 4d8+20 Stability, Bullrush +28 Equipment: Smoke Launchers Hull-mounted Heavy Bolter or Heavy Flamer or Multi-Melta Turret-mounted Inferno Cannon Upgrades: Pintle-mounted Storm Bolter or Heavy Stubber Dozer Camo Netting Hunter-Killer Missile Search-Light Extra Armour

Immolator Size: Huge (Long) Crew: Pilot and Gunner Transport Capacity: 6 passengers Ram/Trample: 4d8+20 Stability, Bullrush +28 Equipment: Smoke Launchers Turret-mounted Twin-Linked Heavy Flamer or Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter Upgrades: Pintle-mounted Storm Bolter Turret Weapons may be replaced with Twin-Linked Multi-Melta or Twin-Linked Autocannon or Inferno Cannon (this one removes all passenger space) Dozer Hunter-Killer Missile Search-Light Extra Armour Truesilver Hull Holy Icons Laud Hailers Command Upgrade: +10 HP and Temporary HP, Master Vox Caster Replace Turret Weapons with Twin-Linked Incinerator Upgrade: replace Twin-Linked Incinerator with Twin-Linked Missile Launcher (with Incendiary and Melta Missiles) or Flamestorm Cannon or Twin-Linked Assault Cannon or Twin-Linked Purifier Iron Maiden Drop Pod Size: Huge (Tall) Crew: None Transport Capacity: 10 passengers Crush: 10d6 Equipment: Inertial Guidance System 4 Single-use Frag Launchers Upgrades: None

Land Raider Size: Gargantuan (Long) Crew: Pilot and Machine Spirit Transport Capacity: 10 passengers Ram/Trample: 6d8+20 Stability, Bullrush +34 Equipment: Smoke Launchers Assault Ramp Hull-Mounted Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter Two Sponson-Mounted Twin-Linked Lascannons Upgrades: Pintle-Mounted Storm Bolter or Multi-Melta Hunter-Killer Missile Extra Armour Search-Light Variants: Land Raider Achilles Transport Capacity: 0 No Assault Ramp Replace Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter with a Thunderfire Launcher Replace Twin-Linked Lascannons with Twin-Linked Multi-Meltas Ferromantic Shielding Land Raider Ares Transport Capacity: 0 Replace Assault Ramp with Siege Shield Replace Twin-Linked Lascannons with Twin-Linked Heavy Flamers Replace Twin-Linked Heavy Bolters with Demolisher Cannon Land Raider Crusader Transport Capacity: 16 2 Frag Launchers Replace Twin-Linked Lascannons with Hurricane Bolters Replace Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter with Twin-Linked Assault Cannon Land Raider Prometheus 2 Frag Launchers Replace Twin-Linked Lascannons with Prometheus Heavy Bolter Sponsons Replace Hull-Mounted weapon with Master Vox Caster and Battle Auspex Land Raider Redeemer Transport Capacity: 12 2 Frag Launchers Replace Twin-Linked Lascannons with Flamestorm Cannons Replace Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter with Twin-Linked Assault Cannon Land Raider Terminus Ultra Transport Capacity: 0 No Assault Ramp Add two more Sponsons with single Lascannons Replace Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter with Twin-Linked Lascannon Special: such is the stress placed on the engine that these generate Heat Points like [Plasma] weapons, directly damaging the HP of the vehicle itself

Land Speeder Size: Large (Long) Crew: Pilot and Gunner Transport Capacity: None Equipment: Heavy Bolter or Heavy Flamer Tornado-Pattern Heavy Bolter or Heavy Flamer Upgrades: Replace Heavy Bolter with a Multi-Melta Replace Tornado-Pattern weapon with a Tornado-Pattern Multi-Melta or Assault Cannon Replace Tornado-Pattern weapon with a Typhoon Missile Launcher Special: Dark Angels and White Scars may upgrade to a Land Speeder Tempest: Gains Afterburners Remove all other weapons Gain a Fuselage-Mounted Twin-Linked Missile Launcher Gain a Nose-Mounted Assault Cannon Armoured Cockpit Land Speeder Storm Size: Huge (Long) Crew: Pilot and Gunner Transport Capacity: 5 passengers (wearing Scout Armour or lighter) Equipment: Jammers Cerberus Launcher Heavy Bolter or Heavy Flamer Upgrades: Replace Heavy Bolter with Multi-Melta or Assault Cannon Leman Russ Size: Huge (Long) Crew: Pilot and 1-2 Gunners Transport Capacity: None Ram/Trample: 4d8+20 Stability, Bullrush +28 Equipment: Smoke Launchers Hull-mounted Heavy Bolter Two Sponsons with Heavy Bolters or Heavy Flamers Battle Cannon Upgrades: Pintle-mounted Storm Bolter or Heavy Stubber Dozer Camo Netting Hunter-Killer Missile Search-Light Extra Armour Minesweeper Siege Armour May replace Hull weapon with a Lascannon May replace Sponson weapons with Multi-Meltas or Plasma Cannons May take Siege shells or Auger Shells as an upgrade

Variant Options: Annihilator: Replace Battle Cannon with Twin-Linked Lascannon Demolisher: Replace Battle Cannon with Demolisher Cannon May take Siege shells as an upgrade Destroyer: Remove the Turret and Sponsons Replace the Hull weapon with a Laser Destroyer Eradicator: Replace Battle Cannon with Eradicator Nova Cannon Executioner: Replace Battle Cannon with Executioner Plasma Cannon Exterminator: Replace Battle Cannon with Twin-Linked Exterminator Autocannon Punisher: Replace Battle Cannon with Punisher Gatling Cannon Vanquisher: Replace Battle Cannon with Vanquisher Cannon May take Hunter Shells as an upgrade Lightning Size: Huge (Long) Crew: Pilot and Gunner Transport Capacity: None Equipment: Flare Launchers Ejection Pod Nose-Mounted Long-Barrelled (double the range increments) Auto-cannon One Wing-mounted Twin-Linked Lascannon Upgrades: Search Light Infra-Red Targeting Armoured Cockpit Extra Armour Four Bombs, Hellstrike or Hellfury Missiles or six Skystrike Missiles Space Modules

Predator Size: Huge (Long) Crew: Pilot and Gunner Transport Capacity: None Ram/Trample: 4d8+20 Stability, Bullrush +28 Equipment: Smoke Launchers Turret-Mounted Autocannon Upgrades: Dozer Hunter-Killer Missile Search-Light Extra Armour Replace Autocannon with Twin-Linked Lascannon Take two Sponsons with Heavy Bolters or Heavy Flamers Replace Heavy Bolters with Lascannons Razorback Size: Huge (Long) Crew: Pilot and Gunner Transport Capacity: 6 passengers Ram/Trample: 4d8+20 Stability, Bullrush +28 Equipment: Smoke Launchers Turret-mounted Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter or Missile Launcher Upgrades: Pintle-mounted Storm Bolter Turret Weapons may be replaced with Twin-Linked Multi-Melta or Assault Cannon or Twin-Linked Lascannon or Lascannon and Twin-Linked Plasma Gun Dozer Hunter-Killer Missile Search-Light Extra Armour Grey Knights: Truesilver Hull, Gellar Warding Blood Angels: Turret Weapons may be replaced with Twin-Linked Heavy Flamer

Repressor Size: Huge (Long) Crew: Pilot and Gunner Transport Capacity: 12 passengers Ram/Trample: 4d8+20 Stability, Bullrush +30 Equipment: Smoke Launchers Pintle-Mounted Heavy Flamer or Water Cannon Cupola-Mounted Storm Bolter Dozer Upgrades: Second Storm Bolter Siege Shield Extra Armour Hunter-Killer Missile Search-Light Laud Hailers Adepta Sororitas: Holy Icons Siege Armour Rhino Size: Huge (Long) Crew: Pilot Transport Capacity: 10 passengers Ram/Trample: 4d8+20 Stability, Bullrush +28 Equipment: Smoke Launchers Pintle-Mounted Storm Bolter Upgrades: Second Storm Bolter Dozer Hunter-Killer Missile Search-Light Extra Armour Adepta Sororitas or Grey Knight or Inquisitor: Truesilver Hull Adepta Sororitas: Holy Icons, Laud Hailers Grey Knight: Gellar Warding

Salamander Transport Size: Huge (Long) Crew: Pilot and Gunner Transport Capacity: 6 passengers Ram/Trample: 4d8+20 Stability, Bullrush +28 Equipment: Smoke Launchers Hull-Mounted Heavy Bolter or Heavy Flamer Hull-Mounted Autocannon Upgrades: Pintle-mounted Storm Bolter or Heavy Stubber Dozer Camo Netting Hunter-Killer Missile Search-Light Extra Armour Master Vox Caster and Battle Auspex Sentinel Size: Large (Tall) Crew: Pilot Transport Capacity: one passenger (uncomfortable) Ram/Trample: 4d6 Stability, Bullrush +20 Equipment: Turret/Arm-Mounted Multi-laser or Heavy Flamer or Autocannon or Missile Launcher Smoke Launchers Upgrades: Extra Armour Armoured Cockpit Hunter-Killer Missile Camo Netting May replace Arm weapon with a Plasma Cannon or Lascannon or Multiple Rocket Pod Thunderfire Cannon Size: Medium Crew: None (follows via remote control or locator) Transport Capacity: None Ram/Trample: 2d6 Stability, Bullrush +16 Equipment: Thunderfire Launcher Upgrades: Extra Armour

Valkyrie Size: Gargantuan (Long) Crew: Pilot and 2 Gunners Transport Capacity: 10 passengers Equipment: Flare Launchers Ejection Pod Nose-Mounted Multi-laser or Lascannon Two wing-mounted Multiple Rocket Pods or Hellstrike Missiles Upgrades: Search Light Extra Armour Armoured Cockpit Two door-mounted Heavy Bolters Space Modules Vendetta Size: Gargantuan (Long) Crew: Pilot and 2 Gunners Transport Capacity: 10 passengers Equipment: Flare Launchers Ejection Pod Nose-Mounted Twin-Linked Lascannon Two wing-mounted Twin-Linked Lascannons or Hellfury Missiles Upgrades: Search Light Armoured Cockpit Extra Armour Two door-mounted Heavy Bolters Space Modules Vindicator Size: Huge (Long) Crew: Pilot and Gunner Transport Capacity: None Ram/Trample: 4d8+20 Stability, Bullrush +28 Equipment: Smoke Launchers Siege Shield Shield-Mounted Demolisher Cannon Upgrades: Pintle-mounted Storm Bolter Hunter-Killer Missile Search-Light Extra Armour Siege Armour

Vulture Size: Gargantuan (Long) Crew: Pilot and 2 Gunners Transport Capacity: None Equipment: Flare Launchers Ejection Pod Search-Light Nose-Mounted Heavy Bolter Two Wing-mounted Hellstrike Missiles, Hellfury Missiles or Multiple Rocket Pods Wing-mounted Twin-Linked Multilaser or Twin-Linked Lascannon or Twin-Linked Auto-cannon or Twin-Linked Missile Launcher or two Multiple Rocket Pods Upgrades: Extra Armour Infra-Red Targeting Armoured Cockpit Space Modules May replace Hellstrike Missiles with 6 Bombs or Hunter-Killer Missiles May replace all weapons except the Heavy Bolter with a Punisher Gatling Cannon Whirlwind Size: Huge (Long) Crew: Pilot and Gunner Transport Capacity: None Ram/Trample: 4d8+20 Stability, Bullrush +28 Equipment: Smoke Launchers Turret-mounted Whirlwind Launcher Upgrades: Pintle-mounted Storm Bolter Dozer Hunter-Killer Missile Search-Light Extra Armour Siege Armour

Vehicle Upgrades: Afterburners: a flying vehicle with afterburners can activate them with a Swift action, gaining a burst of speed until they are deactivated, also requiring a Swift action. Doing this adds 100' to the Fly Speed, but reduces the manoeuvrability to Clumsy. Armoured Cockpit: the cockpit has additional armour applied, keeping the pilot safe from any attack that doesn't outright wreck the vehicle. Additionally, the pilot and gunner/s cannot be affected by outside effects, such as being Stunned due to the vehicle being knocked about. Armoured Prow: attacks made against the front of the vehicle are less effective, treating the Armour Bonus (and thus Damage Reduction) as 10 points higher. It also has an extra pool of 50 Temporary Hit Points against attacks from the front, and is immune to Critical Hits from the front. Assault Ramp: the assault ramp is a fast-opening hatch that allows the passengers to pour out of the vehicle with haste. Exiting the vehicle is considered a Swift action, allowing those inside to leap out and still charge. Battle Auspex: the vehicle has a built-in Auspex and scanner, allowing the Machine Spirit to use the abilities. It is considered to have a Use Magic Device total of +10 or equal to the pilot's, whichever is higher, and can utilise one feature of the Auspex per turn as a Free action. Camo Netting: this helps hide the vehicle when it doesn't move around, granting it Concealment and a +6 bonus on Hide checks. Neither effect applies when it is moving or firing. Dozer Blade: a vehicle with a dozer blade ignores difficult terrain, even making it no longer difficult. It just pushes all that crap out of the way so it is easy to walk and drive over. Ramming also deals an extra +3 damage from this. Ejection Pod: with an Immediate action, the Ejection Pod can be activated, launching the pilot (in a lightly armoured pod) to relative safety. The pod does have a grav-chute, and limited environmental protection. Extra Armour: adding extra armoured plates to a vehicle helps keep it going. Add +3 to the Armour Bonus and Damage Reduction of the vehicle, as well as +15 to its Temporary Hit Points. Ferromantic Shielding: vehicles with Ferromantic Shielding ignore the [Melta] and [Lance] qualities of weapons, and electricity, electromagnetism, radiation, heat and other unpleasant environmental effects do not get through the vehicle to affect the passengers or crew. Flare Launchers: with an Immediate action, flares can be unleashed from the aircraft, spraying out and making it harder to shoot down even heat-seekers have trouble locking on. This translates to a -6 penalty on all attack rolls made against it until its next turn, and any Infra-Red targeting or HeatSeeking rules do not apply. Frag Launchers: with a Swift action, the vehicle can release a burst of shrapnel in an outwards arc. Treat this as a Frag Grenade that affects all in a 15' Cone from the point of origin. Additionally, those caught in the area become Flat-footed until their next turn. Frag Launchers have only enough ammunition for 6 blasts. Gellar Warding: Gellar Warding is a rare, complicated and expensive procedure that protects vehicles in Warp travel. They may be Teleported (from base they haven't their own teleporters) just like Terminator Armour, and do not suffer daemon attacks or Warp Points for doing so.

Holy Icons: covering a vehicle with holy icons is a good idea... if you believe it is. [Chaotic] Outsiders have trouble even looking at the vehicle, so take a -4 penalty on attacks made against it, and it gains a +4 Sacred bonus on all Saving Throws it has to make as a result of [Chaotic] or [Evil] effects. Additionally, those loyal to the Emperor who have line of sight to the vehicle suffer reduced [Fear] effects: if they would be Panicked or Comatose from fear, they Cower. If they would be Frightened or Cowering, they are Shaken. If they would be Shaken, they ignore the effect entirely. Inertial Guidance System: this acts as a guided homing system for drop pods, so that they do not land in places they can't safely land: when falling, it can be adjusted by up to 30' per round, and automatically veers away from the kind of terrain that would make for a dangerous landing. Infra-Red Targeting: this uses the Infra-Red spectrum to locate targets and lock on with attacks. In short, unless the foe has the [Cold] subtype, you needn't guess their square if concealed or invisible they show up. Also, the worst miss chance you can suffer from Concealment or Invisibility is 20%. If they have the [Fire] subtype, there is no miss chance. Finally, all firearms gain a +3 bonus to hit targets that lack the [Cold] subtype, or +6 if they have the [Fire] subtype. Laud Hailers: these have two uses. The first is just to amplify noise, which can be useful on a battlefield. The other is to constantly blast out hymns and condemnations of foes, allowing the Pilot to make Demoralise attempts at all enemies within 1,000 feet with the same action. Mine Layer: up to 10 Cluster Mines can be loaded into this, and it will set them into the ground behind the vehicle, each one requiring a Swift action. Alternatively, it can be set to do it every round with a Free action, but cannot be stopped it keeps going until out of mines. Minesweeper: if a vehicle has a minesweeper, it is safe from mines: they just get knocked aside and detonated ahead of it. Mines and similar explosives do not trigger upon contact with the vehicle, they instead trigger 10 feet ahead of it, and have a 50% chance to not affect it at all. Searchlight: see stuff Siege Armour: Siege Armour helps seal vehicles and protect the small openings that can be targeted in a siege environment. It gains +20 Hit Points, and Ordinance weapons used on it do not force Pilot checks to maintain control. Additionally, gases will not penetrate the vehicle. Siege Shield: a Siege Shield is basically a very big, thick dozer. It grants all the benefits of a dozer, grants a further +4 to resist being Tripped etc. and also grants +10 Temporary Hit Points. Any attack from the front has its Threat Range decreased by 1 (to a minimum of 20) and Critical Multiplier reduced by 1 (to a minimum of x2). Smoke Launchers: these single-use projectiles unleash a 50' radius spread of thick smoke, centred on the vehicle itself. Anything in the smoke has Concealment against adjacent foes, and Full Concealment against all other foes. Space Modules: Space Modules involve sealing the hull, pressurising the cabin and adding special thrusters, as well as altering the programming, with a net result of allowing the vehicle to fly through space with no drama. Truesilver Hull: any [Evil] Outsider who so much as touches the hull of the vehicle, including attacking it with natural weapons or being rammed by it, instantly suffers 2d6 damage that ignores all Damage Reduction, and must pass a DC 17 Fortitude Save or be Nauseated for 1 round. The Ram/Trample damage is considered to be both Silver and Cold Iron.

Template Vehicles: Cyber-Reincarnation Shell Type: changes to Construct [Living, Human] Ability Scores: +10 Strength, -6 Dexterity if higher than 11 (minimum 8), Constitution becomes 10 Hit Dice: modify to 10 HP per level, modified by feats and class features, but not by Constitution. Saves, Skill Points and BAB remain unchanged. Temporary HP: 10 per level (as a vehicle) Size: Huge (with Powerful Build) Vision: normal, low-light, Darkvision 120' Speed: 30' (already taking armour into account) Armour Class: +25 Armour Bonus. +5 Deflection Bonus. Lose Natural Armour. Damage Reduction: 75/-, only 20/- if Flanked. Special Qualities: Construct Traits Not immune to [Mind-Affecting] effects, but does gain a +8 bonus on all saves against them. Although not precisely a vehicle, is treated as one for the purpose of Temporary Hit Points, Critical Hits, [Melta] and [Lance]. Fast Healing only applies to Temporary Hit Points All other Special Attacks and Special Qualities are retained Weapons: Power Fist (scaled to Gargantuan) with underslung Storm Bolter One of the following: Multi-Melta Twin-Linked Heavy Flamer Twin-Linked Autocannon Another Power Fist with Storm Bolter Assault Cannon Requisitions: Replace Storm Bolter with a Heavy Flamer or Hell Rifle Replace second weapon with one of the following: Plasma Cannon Twin-Linked Lascannon Conversion Beamer Thunderfire Launcher Battle Cannon with Auger Shells Laser Destroyer Take a pair of Hunter-Killer Missiles Take Extra Armour Take Siege Armour

Dreadnought Type: changes to Construct [Living, Human] Ability Scores: +6 Strength, -4 Dexterity if higher than 13, Constitution becomes 10 Hit Dice: modify to 10 HP per level, modified by feats and class features, but not by Constitution. Saves, Skill Points and BAB remain unchanged. Temporary HP: 5 per level (as a vehicle) Size: Huge Vision: normal, low-light, Darkvision 120' Speed: 30' (already taking armour into account) Armour Class: +20 Armour Bonus. Counts as wearing Heavy Armour. Lose Natural Armour. Damage Reduction: 50/-, only 10/- if Flanked. Special Qualities: Construct Traits Not immune to [Mind-Affecting] effects, but does gain a +6 bonus on all saves against them. Although not precisely a vehicle, he is treated as one for the purpose of Temporary Hit Points, Critical Hits, [Melta] and [Lance]. Fast Healing only applies to Temporary Hit Points All other Special Attacks and Special Qualities are retained Weapons: Power Fist with underslung Storm Bolter One of the following: Another Power Fist with underslung Storm Bolter Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter Twin-Linked Autocannon Multi-Melta Twin-Linked Missile Launcher Assault Cannon Twin-Linked Heavy Flamer Requisitions: Replace Storm Bolter with a Heavy Flamer Replace second weapon with Plasma Cannon or Twin-Linked Lascannon Take Extra Armour Take Siege Armour

Furioso Dreadnought Type: changes to Construct [Living, Human] Ability Scores: +6 Strength, -6 Dexterity if higher than 11 (minimum 8), Constitution becomes 10 Hit Dice: modify to 10 HP per level, modified by feats and class features, but not by Constitution. Saves, Skill Points and BAB remain unchanged. Temporary HP: 7 per level (as a vehicle) Size: Huge Vision: normal, low-light, Darkvision 120' Speed: 30' (already taking armour into account) Armour Class: +25 Armour Bonus. Counts as wearing Heavy Armour. Lose Natural Armour. Damage Reduction: 75/-, only 20/- if Flanked. Special Qualities: Construct Traits Not immune to [Mind-Affecting] effects, but does gain a +6 bonus on all saves against them. Although not precisely a vehicle, he is treated as one for the purpose of Temporary Hit Points, Critical Hits, [Melta] and [Lance]. Fast Healing only applies to Temporary Hit Points All other Special Attacks and Special Qualities are retained Weapons: One of the following: Power Fist with underslung Storm Bolter Blood Claw with underslug Storm Bolter One of the following: Another Power Fist, with underslung Melta Gun Frag Cannon Blood Claw with underslung Melta Gun Requisitions: Replace Storm Bolter with a Heavy Flamer Take a Magna-Grapple Take Extra Armour Librarian: Psychic Hood is built in, weapons: Power Fist with underslung Storm Bolter, and Force Weapon

Ironclad Dreadnought Type: changes to Construct [Living, Human] Ability Scores: +6 Strength, -6 Dexterity if higher than 11 (minimum 8), Constitution becomes 10 Hit Dice: modify to 10 HP per level, modified by feats and class features, but not by Constitution. Saves, Skill Points and BAB remain unchanged. Temporary HP: 7 per level (as a vehicle) Size: Huge Vision: normal, low-light, Darkvision 120' Speed: 30' (already taking armour into account) Armour Class: +25 Armour Bonus. Counts as wearing Heavy Armour. Lose Natural Armour. Damage Reduction: 75/-, only 20/- if Flanked. Special Qualities: Construct Traits Not immune to [Mind-Affecting] effects, but does gain a +6 bonus on all saves against them. Although not precisely a vehicle, he is treated as one for the purpose of Temporary Hit Points, Critical Hits, [Melta] and [Lance]. Fast Healing only applies to Temporary Hit Points All other Special Attacks and Special Qualities are retained Weapons: One of the following: Seismic Hammer with underslung Storm Bolter Chainfist with underslung Storm Bolter One of the following: Hurricane Bolter Flamestorm Cannon Power Fist with underslung Melta Gun or Heavy Flamer Requisitions: Replace Storm Bolter with a Heavy Flamer Take a pair of Hunter-Killer Missiles Take Extra Armour Take Siege Armour

Penitent Engine: Type: changes to Construct [Living, Human] Ability Scores: +8 Strength, -2 Dexterity, +4 Constitution Size: Huge Armour Class: +10 Armour Bonus Damage Reduction: 10/Weapons: 2 Power Fists (special: Critical 20/x5) with Heavy Flamers (treat as Pistols) One Power Fist and Heavy Flamer may be swapped for one of the following: Hurricane Bolter Multi-Melta Eviscerator Flamestorm Cannon

Vehicle Weapons: Name: Battle Cannon Cerberus Launcher Chem-Spray Demolisher Cannon Destroyer Laser Eradicator Nova Cannon Executioner Plasma Cannon Exorcist Launcher Exterminator Autocannon Firefury Missile Battery Flamestorm Cannon Fragstorm Cannon Gorgon Mortar Inferno Cannon Magna-Grapple Magna-Melta Melta Cannon Melta-Cutter Multiple Rocket Pods Multi-laser Punisher Gatling Cannon Thunderfire Launcher Typhoon Missile Launcher Vanquisher Cannon Water Cannon Whirlwind Missile Launcher Range Increments 500' 30' 60' Cone 100' 300' 200' 200' 500' 300' 150' 50' Cone 50' Cone 60' 120' Cone 75' 60' 100' 100' 60' 200' 150' 250' 200' 750' 80' Line 50-200' Damage 12d6 3d6 3d6 15d6 20d6 10d6 10d6 12d6 10d6 6d6 8d10 6d10 6d10 8d8 10d6 8d8 8d8 8d8 6d6 8d6 4d6 5d10 * 12d6 2d10 5d10 Critical N/A N/A N/A N/A 20/x2 N/A N/A 20/x4 20/x4 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 20/x3 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A * N/A N/A Payload Single Clip 6 Tank 20 Single Battery 10 Single Cell 20 Drum 20 Belt 40 Single Tank 10 Clip 10 Single Tank 20 N/A Tank 6 Tank 20 Tank 10 Drum 10 Belt 20 Load 4 Belt 20 Tank 20 Drum 20

19-20/x2 Battery 100

18-20/x3 Single

Blood Claw: a Lightning Claw. If it incapacitates a foe, it gains a Cleave attack. If a pair are worn and one incapacitates a foe, they each gain a Cleave attack. Bomb: with a Standard action that may take place during a Move action (as though the vehicle had Fly-By Attack), any number of Bombs may be dropped directly below the vehicle. Each explodes for 6d6 Fire/Bludgeoning damage in a 30' radius Blast, with multiple bombs able to cover different areas (they must just be touching) or all stacked onto the one point. Each allows a DC 16 Reflex Save for half damage, though those who fail the save land Prone. Battle Cannon: Sonic/Bludgeoning damage to a 30' radius Blast, with a Reflex Save (DC = Attack Roll) for half. [Ordinance] Cerberus Launcher: Fire/Piercing damage to a 10' radius Blast, with a Reflex Save (DC 15) for half. Those in the area are also affected as though by a Blind Grenade. Chem-Spray: deals Acid damage to the entire Cone, and delivers a Poison (DC 20, Primary Damage 2d6 Con, Secondary Damage 2d6 Con). [Sustained +1d6 Acid] Demolisher Cannon: Sonic/Bludgeoning damage to a 30' radius Blast, with a Reflex Save (DC = Attack Roll) for half. Ignores Damage Reduction. [Ordinance] May take Siege Shells: the radius is reduced to 20', but Hardness does not apply, and buildings suffer double damage. Destroyer Laser: deals Light damage. Resolved as a Ranged Touch Attack. [Ordinance] Eradicator Nova Cannon: Sonic/Fire damage to a 30' radius Blast, with a Fortitude Save (DC = Attack Roll) for half. [High Impact] May take Auger Shells as a Requisition: the blast area becomes a large crater, treated as Difficult Terrain. Furthermore, Hardness of targets is permanently reduced by 5, and the Armour Bonus to Armour Class suffers a -2 penalty (multiple shells stack) until it can be repaired. Vehicles suffer an extra 10 damage to Temporary Hit Points (subtracted first does not spill over into Hit Points). Executioner Plasma Cannon: Fire/Electricity damage to all in a 20' radius with a Reflex Save for half (DC 25). [Massive] [Plasma] Exorcist Launcher: resolved as Ranged Touch Attacks. Deals Fire/Sonic damage, ignoring all Hardness and Damage Reduction. Exterminator Autocannon: Piercing/Bludgeoning damage. Once all attacks have been resolved, each target hit must make a DC 20 Strength check (with Size modifiers as though being Tripped/Grappled) or be knocked Prone. Twin-Linked, allows one additional attack at the highest Attack Bonus. Firefury Missile Battery: deals Fire/Sonic damage to four 10' radius Blasts, each allowing a Reflex Save (DC 16) for half damage. These are Twin-Linked. [High Impact] Flamestorm Cannon: deals Fire damage to the entire Cone, with a Reflex Save for half (DC = Attack Roll). Ignores Cover, and those who fail the save catch fire, taking 3d6 Fire damage per round. [Sustained 4d8] May take Psiflame fuel tanks.

Fragstorm Cannon: deals Adamantine Piercing damage to the entire Cone, with a Reflex Save for half (DC = Attack Roll). It also deals 2 points of Constitution damage also halved if the Save is passed. Gorgon Mortar: deals Fire/Bludgeoning damage to two 10' radius blasts, with a Reflex Save (DC 16) for half damage. Hellfury Missile: single-use, self-propelled weapon. 500' range, hitting all in a 10' radius blast for 10d6 Fire damage, Ref half (DC 20). [Ordinance] Hellstrike Missile: single-use, self-propelled weapon. 500' range, hitting all in a 50' radius blast for 6d6 Fire damage, Ref half (DC 18), with Cover providing no benefits. Hunter-Killer Missile: single-use self-propelled weapon. 1000' range, hitting all in a 10' radius blast for 8d8 Fire/Piercing damage, Ref half (DC 17). Can be aimed at a target, requiring a Ranged Attack to hit. If successful, they are allowed no Reflex Save. Hurricane Bolter: with the one action, it fires as three Twin-Linked Boltguns, at the same target. Inferno Cannon: deals Fire damage to the entire Cone, with a Reflex Save for half (DC = Attack Roll). Ignores Cover, and those who fail the save catch fire, taking 3d6 Fire damage per round. [Sustained 4d8] Magna-Grapple: Piercing damage. This [Power] weapon, upon hitting, allows an opposed Strength check to be made, modified by Size like a Trip attempt. The weapon also adds a +5 bonus to this check. For every 5 the attacker beats the defender by, the defender is pulled 5 feet closer. Magna-Melta: deals Fire damage to a 5' radius Spread, with a Fortitude Save (DC 25) for half. [Melta] [High Impact] Melta Cannon: Fire damage to a 15' radius Spread, with a Fortitude Save (DC 25) for half. [Melta] [Sustained 5d8] Melta-Cutter: Fire damage to a 15' radius Spread, with a Fortitude Save (DC 20) for half. [Melta] [Sustained 3d8] Can instead be fired as a regular Multi-Melta. Multiple Rocket Pods: deals Fire/Sonic damage to a 30' radius blast, with a Reflex Save (DC 16) for half. Cover provides no benefit. [High Impact] Multi-Laser: Light damage. Armour Bonus is halved (round down) against this, and one additional attack is gained at the highest Attack Bonus. Prometheus Heavy Bolter Sponson: with the one action, it fires as two Twin-Linked Heavy Bolters, both at the same target. Punisher Gatling Cannon: Piercing damage. Make a single attack roll, with the target suffering one hit per point the attack roll beats their Armour Class by. If a Critical Threat is rolled, double this amount no actual critical hit occurs. [High Impact] Seismic Hammer: a Thunder Hammer that deals an extra 2d6 damage to vehicles, direct to Hit Points.

Skystrike Missile: single-use self-propelled weapon. 1000' range, requiring a Ranged Attack. Homes in on large mass, gaining a +4 bonus to hit targets in the air, +8 if they are Gargantuan or larger, but taking a -8 penalty to hit targets on the ground. Deals 8d8 Fire/Piercing damage. Thunderfire Launcher: deals Fire/Sonic damage to a 15' radius Blast. Has three launch modes, selected before making a Full Attack. Airburst: Reflex Half (DC 24), with no benefits from Cover. Surface: Reflex Half (DC 20), deals +1d10 damage. Subterranean: Fortitude Half (DC 20), failing the save results in being knocked Prone and Dazed for 1 round. Tornado-Pattern Weapon: the weapon is Twin-Linked, and allows all failed attack rolls to be rerolled as well. Typhoon Missile Launcher: loaded with Frag and Krak missiles. Vanquisher Cannon: deals Sonic/Bludgeoning damage on a successful Touch Attack. Ignores Hardness, Damage Reduction and Regeneration. [Ordinance] May take Hunter Shells as a Requisition: these shells ignore Cover and Concealment, and may reroll failed attack rolls. May take High-Explosive Shells: treat as a Battle Cannon with the Vanquisher Cannon's range, only dealing 10d6 damage to a 15' radius blast. Water Cannon: Non-lethal Bludgeoning damage to all in the line, with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 15). All who fail the save are knocked Prone and shoved 5' away. [Sustained +1d6 damage, +1 DC and +5' of movement] Whirlwind Launcher: deals Fire/Sonic damage to a 30' radius Blast, with a Reflex Save for half (DC = Attack Roll). [Ordinance] May take Hyperios Anti-Air Missiles: these are fired as Twin-Linked Skystrike Missiles. May take Castellan Incendiary Missiles: these only deal 4d10 Fire damage, but Cover provides no benefits, and those who fail the save catch fire, suffering 1d8 Fire damage per round.

Appendices: Bridging the Tiers Acolyte Cyber Commando Lord Commissar Master Psyker Tech-Priest Electro-Priest Ordo Malleus Inquisitor Ordo Xenos Inquisitor Spell References

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