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Threat of crossinfection from a communi cable disease

1. Inability to provide adequate nursing care to the sick member of the family due to: o Inadequate knowledge about the disease and health condition o Inadequate knowledge and skill in carrying out the necessary preventive intervention

After nursing intervention , the family will be able to provide adequate care to sick member of family.

INTERVENTION PLAN METHO NURSING RESOURCE D OF INTERVENTIONS S NURSEFAMILY REQUIRED CONTA CT After nursing 1. Broaden the Home Material intervention the knowledge of family visit resources: family: about the disease visual aids and health on methods a. Can explain condition. of caring a and sick family demonstrate 2. Discuss with the member caring to the family the courses of sick member. action on promoting Human b. Can the health of every resources: enumerate family member. time and different effort of ways on how 3. Discuss with the both the to care for a family the nurse and sick family implication of the family member maintenance of c. Can explain being healthy Financial briefly about resources: the disease 4. Developing the money for and health skills and knowledge the nurse condition of family members visual aid d. Will consult in caring a sick. and the nurse transportati after on discussion for guidance OBJECTIVES OF CARE

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