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AADHAAR is a Multipurpose National Identity Card or Unique Identification card (UID Card). Aadhaar is a unique 12 digit number issued by the government as proof of identity and residence in India. The number will be stored in a centralized database and linked to the basic demographics and biometric information photograph, ten fingerprints and iris of each individual. The word AADHAAR means 'support' or 'foundation', and its logo is a yellow sun with a fingerprint embedded in its centre. The logo was designed by Atul Sudhakar Rao Pande. The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) is an agency responsible for implementing the Aadhaar in India.UIDAI was established in February 2009, and will own and operate the Unique Identification Number database.The authority will aim at providing a unique number to all Indians, but not smart cards.The authority would provide a database of residents containing very simple data in biometrics. The UIDAI is part of the Planning Commission of India. Nandan Nilekani, a former co-chairman of Infosys Technologies, was appointed as the first Chairman of the authority in June 2009. Aadhaar program is launched in the tribal village, Tembhli, in Maharashtra on 29 September 2010. The program was inaugurated by Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh .The first resident to receive an Aadhaar was Rajana Sonawane of Tembhli village. Aadhaar card can be used as identification for availing the benefits provided by the government. Aadhaar card can be used as identity and residential proof for availing bank account, passport, to open bank account, to get mobile phone connection, to get pension benefits to the poor, health benefits to the eligible etc. The Aadhaar will become the single source of identity verification. Once residents enrol, they can use the number multiple times they would be spared the hassle of repeatedly providing supporting identity documents each time they wish to access various services .By providing a clear proof of identity, the Aadhaar will also facilitate entry for poor and underprivileged residents into the formal banking system, and the opportunity to avail services provided by the government and the private sector. The Aadhaar will also give migrants mobility of identity.It will also provide governments with accurate data on residents, enable direct benefit programs, and allow government departments to coordinate investments and share information.

Since Government issued IDs are fragmented by purpose and region in India, it results in widespread bribery, denial of public services and loss of income, especially afflicting poor citizens. As the unique identity database comes into existence, the various identity databases (voter ID, passports, ration cards, licenses, fishing permits, border area id cards) that already exist in India are planned to be linked to it. The Authority is liaising with various national, state and local government entities to begin this process. The Union Labor Ministry has offered its verified Employment Provident Fund (EPFO) database of 42 million citizens as the first database to be integrated into the unique ID system. There are many potential privacy fallouts of this project, not the least of which is triggered by the Government's official plan to link the databases together. Privacy is a key concern with respect to the Multipurpose National Identity Card (MNIC) scheme as all of an individuals personal information will be stored in one database where the possibility of errors in the collection of information, recording of inaccurate data, corruption of data from anonymous sources, and unauthorized access to or disclosure of personal information will be greater. Enrolment for Aadhaar cards is circulated in the local media and persons have to register there. Individuals can enroll at any place and time. Documents are needed as proof of name and photo identity, Proof of address and Proof of Date of birth (optional).They need to fulfill some formalities in order to register for an Aadhaar like Documents Verification, Biometric Scanning of Ten Fingerprints, Biometric Scanning of Iris and Photograph. After these stages, residents will get an Aadhaar number within 20 to 30 days.

Shabas Lukkumanil Hakkim S7 Aeronautical

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