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Movie Marines

Unofficial Rules (badly translated by richyp)

The Space Marine Movie Marines List

"I am not a hard man, but if I were to fight against you in one of my films, I'd wipe the floor with you." - Eddie Murphy This list can be used in order to represent any Space Marine force. In each case the list remains the same. If I hear one complaint that the list does not contain a Death Company, scouts or oaths, I promise that I will employ some extremely unpleasant revenge with Haling snipers. This list is based of a single space marine squad, however you should read the prole values exactly in order to understand all of the changes, you should not drink any alcoholic beverages if you do this. Use the standard Force Organisation chart with the following entries. This list was developed in order to ght against normal 1500pt armies in any standard mission, though personally I'd recommend against ghting normal Space Marines lists but thats down to you. HQ Elite Troop Assault Heavy Sup. ! Special 1 0-1 0-6 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 Space Marine Sergeant Space Marine Hero Space Marines Rhino or Razorback Space Marine mit Flammenwerfer Space Marine mit Raketenwerfer Stunt-Doubles

Space Marine Sergeant The army is led by an experienced, scar-covered veteran decided on by the men. He will lead the army without compromise. In addition he is a deadly ghter more than eager to show Johnny Xenos where to go.! !! !! !! !! !! ! Cost 200 WS 9 BS 5 S 6 T 6 W 4 I 6 A 5 Ld 10 Sv 3+

The Space Marine Sergeant is equipped with a bolt pistol, chainsword, combat knife and grenades. Space Marine Hero This Space Marine has all of the coolest sayings in the lm script and the most expensive designer purity seals. If there was ever a female lead in the lm, it would be this Marine that constantly ended up saving her from situations of great danger. The actor who plays this role would be the reason your friend would accompany you to this lm. Cost 150 WS 7 BS 5 S 6 T 6 W 3 I 5 A 4 Ld 9 Sv 3+

The Space Marine Hero is equipped with a bolter, combat knife and grenades. Space Marines These individuals represent the standard Space Marines. They are like you, if you were modied to be 2m tall, a genetically and psychologically enhanced killing machine. They need no sleep, drink poison, spit acid and can survive in a vacuum. Do you want to join them? Cost 100 WS 5 BS 5 S 6 T 6 W 2 I 5 A 3 Ld 9 Sv 3+

The Space Marine is equipped with a bolter, combat knife and grenades. Space Marine with Missile Launcher For missions in which they must completely exterminate all life in the hemisphere access to Missile Launchers is given along with a number of unpleasant ammunition types. And if that should not su"ce the opponent is still faced with several kilo's of heavy steel tube in close combat. Cost 250 WS 5 BS 5 S 6 T 6 W 2 I 5 A 3 Ld 9 Sv 3+

This Space Marine is equipped with a Missile Launcher (with super-frag and super-krak ammo), a combat knife and grenades. Space Marine with Flamer Even if some Marines prefer Melta or Plasma guns instead of Flamers, nothing lls the hearts of aliens, heretics and innocent

civilians with as much fear as the smell of promethium in the morning. Cost 170 WS 5 BS 5 S 6 T 6 W 2 I 5 A 3 Ld 9 Sv 3+

This Space Marine is equipped with a Flamer, combat knife and grenades. Rhino Cost 130 Front Armour 13 Side Armour 12 Rear Armour 11 BS 5

Type:!Tank Transport Capacity: 10

The Rhino has standard armour, smoke launchers and an additional Storm Bolter. Razorback
Cost 200 Type:!Tank Transport Capacity: 6 The Razorback has standard armour, smoke launchers and is equipped with a Twin-Linked Lascannon. Front Armour 13 Side Armour 12 Rear Armour 11 BS 5

Weapons Rules
Close Combat Weapons

Chainsword:!The chainsword counts as a power weapon. In addition it doubles the number of attacks when in assault. Combat Knife:!All Space Marines are equipped with a combat knife. This is no ordinary knife, when wielded by a Space Marine it's a lethal weapon. Ranged Weapons ! Bolt pistol Bolter Storm bolter Grenade Flammer Range 24" 36" 36" 6" 24" Strength 6 6 6 8 Template AP 4 4 4 3 Type Rending Rending Rending Blast

Assault 4, Assault!4, Assault!8, Assault 1, Assault!1

If it is red at a unit in range, consisting of non-vehicle models, each model of the unit in which the carrier of the amer has line of site is hit on a 4+ and wounded on a 4+. With a damage roll of 6 it ignores armour saves. Since the promethium of the ame jet burns further at the source the rst model hit, is wounded but not removed and everyone after him gets a save. Afterwards all wounded models are removed. Against vehicles the amer has no e#ect, with the exception of open topped vehicles where all units are hit automatically. The hit is modied by cover or quick movement. ! Missile Launcher (with Super-Frag ammo) (with Super-Krak ammo) Lascannon Range 60" ! ! 60" Strength ! 6 10 10 AP ! 4 1 1 Type Assault!2 5" Blast template ! Twin-Linked

The lascannon res a laser beam in straight lines projecting out from the cannon, each model in this line, one after the other is hit until a hit roll is failed or does not penetrate the armour a vehicle. For each vehicle/Monstrous creature hit the strength of the beam is reduced for all following models by 1. Models wounded by a lascannon are removed automatically regardless of their save. Against armoured vehicles! roll 2 D6 and add the strength of the weapon to the highest result.

Special Rules
One-Man-Army:!Each model in the army is considered a separate unit and is placed!independently!of the other models. Any combination of models may be carried in transport vehicles up to the maximum transport capacity. Arbitrary models may enter and leave the transport while others can remain in the vehicle, however the player sees t. All space marines are subject to the "They shall no know fear" as per the Codex. Come get some!:!If the Space Marine is nished o# due to the "no fallback" rule, they will get one last shot to tear into the enemy before going to their grave. It can re its bolter or bolt pistol immediately, or release a grenade going out with a loud

laugh (Center the blast template over the marine). Running: All marines know how to sprint (Fleet of Foot?) Move through cover:!All Space Marines can move through cover. Inltrate: All models not deployed in transport vehicles can inltrate. Auto-sensors: Each model of the army counts as if it's equipped with an Auspex.! Servo-Arms:!Space marines are armed with a servo armament that adds a 3+ saving throw against all hits that allow saves. The script writer hates us:!All special rules here apply only to the Space Marines of the Movie Marine list. Identical weapons and units on the opponents side operate according to their normal rules. Stunt-Doubles:!Each Movie Marine army may contain 0-10 stunt doubles for 10pts each, they do not occupy a Force Organisation Chart selection. Before rolling a saving throw, or cover throw the player can switch out the marine for a Stunt Double. If the saving throw is failed the stunt double is removed as a loss. If the save is made then the stunt double can go and get some refreshments or admire the scenery but cannot be used again in this game.

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