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Knowledge Based on Exercises in TSCM50 1.

MySAP Business Suite & My SAP SCM Solution MySAP Business Suite is a complete package of open company solutions that connect all people information, and processes, therefore increasing the effectivity of the business relationships. Suite incorporates cross-industry solutions, industry business solutions, technological infrastructure, and services. SAP product strategy ( R/2 (mainframe)-> R3 (integrated bus process) ->SAP Netweaver, mysap bus suite, Sap X Apps (enterprise service architecture/ web services) mySAP Business Suite is built on SAP NetWeaver, an open, scalable infrastructure that allows integration within heterogeneous environments (SAP and non-SAP components). The SAP Customer Services Network includes: - Consulting for business solutions (design of business solutions, project management, business improvement). - Services for solution operations (technical implementation and ongoing optimization). Training, - Support (24x7 support, EarlyWatch, GoingLive). MySAP ERP consist of SAP R/3 enterprice, SAP Netweaver, My SAP FI, MySAP HR. ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) functionality is a fundamental building block of all e-business solutions (enterprise centric functionality).

Industry solution : Automotive,Oil, Cross industry solution : MySAP SCM, My SAP PLM Component My SAP Business Suite : BW, CRM, APO, SRM,SEM SAP Enterprise Portal, users can access a wide range of applications (such as R/3, legacy systems, mySAP Business Intelligence (mySAP BI), and mySAP CRM. They can also use various Internet services. SAP NetWeaver is the first platform that makes an Enterprise Service Architecture (ESA) a reality. Enterprise Services Architecture provides a blueprint for services-based, enterprise-scale business solutions -- solutions that are adaptable, flexible, and open, for lower total cost of ownership. Technology SAP Netweaver : ESA, SAP xApps, SAP Costumer service network, SAP Global support (Support, Going live check, SAP early watch alert, SAP early watch check, SMA : SAP Solution Management Assistance), SMO (SAP Solution management Optimization), SAP Solman, SAP service market place. SAP Solution Manager is the platform that provides integrated content,tools, and methods needed to implement, support, and operate an SAP solution during all phases of the life cycle. My SAP SCM, part of the mySAP Business Suite.

The main goals of Supply Chain Management include the reduction ofvcosts for procuring finished products and raw materials, the improvement of customer service, a dramatic reduction of warehouse stocks and the use of all resources to bring substantial advantages to the company. Aims of the mySAP SCM solution : Explain the main differences between mySAP SCM and the Logistics part within SAP R/3, in particular: - mySAP SCM is based on different SAP components such as SAP R/3, SAP APO and SAP BW - mySAP SCM was developed to control Logistics in international companies with several plants, whereas SAP R/3 concentrates on the optimization of individual plants.

Navigation SAP logon : GUI : General front end program to acess SAP. When you call up

SAP Logon, it displays a list of SAP systems for which you can start the logon process, ex Sap logon Mulia, Pertamina,..ICP, SG, KS.
Can log in many language, depends on your installment.

Log on screen (input client, user name, pass..), bias dicustom untuk ditempatkan text SAP Note 205487. Admnistrator can mange how many permissible session. User master record client specific (misal user ID TRAIN, hanya ada di client 100), can be set for multiple log on Screen structure (SAP Eas Acces= menu standar SAP), di kanan bisa diinput company Logo (di system adminitrator setting) Screen element Command field : You can start applications directly by entering their transaction code in the command field (this is hidden as default). Menu bar : The menu bar is the top line of any primary window in the SAP system. These menus may also contain cascading menus. Standard toolbar : The pushbuttons in the standard toolbar are shown on every SAP screen. Title bar : The title bar names the function that you are currently in. Application toolbar : This shows the pushbuttons available in the application that you are currently in. Checkboxes : Checkboxes allow you to select several options from a group of fields. Radio buttons : You can only select one option. Tab : This allows you to organize several screen areas to improve clarity. . Status bar : The status bar displays information on the current system status, such as warnings and errors.Favorite List ansactions that they have authorization for. The role-based user menu is created according to the role(s) assigned to the user and is transferred to the front end. Calling Function : /n : cancel the current transaction /n#### : call transaction #### directly from another transaction.

/o : display an overview of sessions /o#### :call transaction #### in a new session directly from another transaction /nend : end the logon session with a confirmation dialog box /nex : end the logon session without a confirmation dialog box /i : delete the session you are currently using search_sap_menu or search_user_menu in the command field, you can search either the SAP standard menu or your user menu for a string or transaction code of your choice

Getting Help : F1 : Display technical information, online help SAP

library; F4 : Display information on possible input value
2. Basic Procurement Process

Organizational structure in Logistics

Client: An organizational unit within SAP R/3 that holds its own data, master
records, and set of tables. A client ID consists of a unique 3-character key. Reflects a corporate group in business viewpoint. Highest hierarchical level. Acces authorization, user master, data processing adan evaluation is client specific basis.

Company Code: The smallest org. unit that holds its own independent
accounting unit. It is also considered as a legal entity that produces B/S, P + L statements required by law. Organization accounting unit which has finally statements of a account (BS, P&L), tax reporting. Config : Address, COA, BA (differentiate area responsibility company). Sales Org always asigned to CC. company code represents an independent unit producing its own balance sheet, for example, A company within a corporate group (client). 4 char alphanumeric Controlling Area Organitation Unit has complete, self contained cost accounting can be carried out (P&L) CC diassign ke COA

Plant: The organizational unit, where materials are produced or goods and
services are provided. It also considered as a logistical org. unit that structures the enterprise from the perspective of prod, proc, PM, and materials planning. 1 plant can only ever belong to one single company code in SAP R/3. Config : 1 BA = 1 Plant & Div 1 Pl = N Sales Org/Dist chan combination 1 Pl = N shipping point, 1 Ship point = N Pl Pl = has address & language, own mat master data, data plant level : Purch, MRP, storage, Work sched, Production, Controlling, SD, QM. 1Pl bisa bersamaan sbg Production plan & maintenacne plant

Can be : Production facility, Distribution center, Regional sales office, Corporate headquarters, Maintenance location 4 char alphanumeric

Storage Location: An org. unit that allows the differentiation of material stocks

within a plant. Physical inventory and IM on a quantity basis is carried out at SLoc level.Physically location managed stock, Stock take, stock managed only in qty not value (Kalo GR 561, masukin sloc dan harga maka nanti harga di level plant otomatis dirata2kan). Same Sloc key, can be used for many plants. 1 or N address for 1 Sloc => delivery address in PO. Several storage locations may be assigned to a plant, but a certain storage location can only belong to one plant only. Storage locations are defined especially for a plant and are thus assigned to this plant. The key of a storage location need only be unique within a plant. Within a client, the same key can be used for different storage locations, since when you specify a storage location you always have to specify the plant too.

4 char alphanumeric
Valuation area Org unit subdevides enterprise for the purpose of uniform & complere valuation of material stock Val area = CC, Price control material applyed per CC, uniform all plant Val area =Pl, Pcice control appllied per Pl, Diferentiate among plant => mandatory if using PP. Valuation category ; misal digunakan jika ingin dibekakan barang di produksi dgn yag di subcont melalui val type

Organizational structure in Purchasing/Procurement

Purchasing Org.: An org. unit that responsible for negotiating conditions of

purchase with vendors for one or more plant. Its legal responsible is producing purchasing contracts. Org unit within logistic that subdivide comp according req purchasing. Responsible for all purch activity (procure mat & service, negotiation with vendor) Form of Purch Org : Corporate group/ cross CC POrg : 1 POrg = N CC (Central Porg = tdk ada assign POrg -> CC) (1 Porg for all CC within 1 client). Do not assign a company code to purch org, but specify the company code concerned for each individual purchasing transaction. You assign plants from different company codes to the purch org. Company specific/ cross plant : 1 CC = N POrg, 1 POrg = N Pl Caranya assign plant to CC, lalu asign plant ke P Org => Fig 29 (1 Porg for 1 CC), atau sebaliknya 1 plant = N P Org Plant specific : 1 CC= 1 POrg = 1 Pl ( 1 POrg for 1 plant). Assign a company code to the purch org.

1 Purch Org = Own condition Price determination, Vendor master data (Purch & partner role), evaluation vendor eval, authorization, Transaction, Selection criteria reporting. Asignment : POrg -> CC -> Plant, Porg-> Pl. Harus assign Porg keCC & Plant Purch Org bs centeralize/ desectrilize/ mix in your campany. 1 Purch org bs dilink ke 1 atau lebih purch org lainnya, mix purch org structure (=ref purch org). Memungkinkan 1 ref purch org to access the contracts and conditions of another, term negotiated oleh 1 purc org, sehingga bs dipakai tuk purchasing org lainnya. Assign desired purch org to a reference purch org tetapi setiap purch org sebaiknya hanya diassign ke satu ref purch org. Setiap purch org has its own info records, conditions for pricing and vendor master data. Setiap purch org mengevaluasi vendornya menggunakan MM Vendor Evaluation. Authorizations diassign di level purch org.

Purchasing Group: The key person for a buyer or group of buyers responsible
for certain purchasing activities. Internally responsible : Buy Mat & Service, External reponsible : contact person vendor). Pgr, No link to Porg, Pl, To differentiate -> Authorization

Reference Puchasing organization = Central Purch org, can access

all contract and condition by ref Porg. Ref purch Org beda kode dgn purh Org biasa. Vendor di assign di purch org biasa dan ref purch org. Contract under purch org ref . Ref purch org di assign ke comp code Working with a reference purchasing organization saves time and effort in maintaining data because purchasing organization data for vendor master records and purchasing info records only has to be created by the reference purchasing organization. Other purchasing organizations that are linked to the latter via Customizing can use this data without having to maintain data themselves. Reference purchasing organization hanya dapat membuat kontrak yang tidak ditentukan bagi plant tertentu, dan dia tidak bisa membuat purchase order. Standard Purchasing Organization : N Purch Org = 1 Pl (GI => transact pipeline, proc ; Source determnation => consign, Stock trsf

Procurement cycle Determination of requirements: A form of request sends to the purchasing department. The document used in this stage is purchase requisition. It can be created manually (through manual creation of PR) or automatically (through MRP execution). Source determination: The system helps the buyer determine possible sources of supply. Documents created are RFQ and quotations. Master data used are source list, quota arrangements, info records, outline agreement. Can refer purchase orders, contracts and conditions that already exist in the system. Vendor selection: System makes price comparisons between the various quotations from various vendors. System automatically chooses the best vendor and sends rejection letters to the others automatically.

PO processing: System facilitates data entry by providing entry aids when you are entering purchase orders. PO is created at this stage. PO monitoring: User can monitor the current status of the PO online, and determine whether goods or invoice have been received for the relevant PO item. Can also You can remind the vendors of outstanding deliveries GR: Goods are received, and system compares the actual quantity with the PO quantity. GR material document is issued, update PO history. Invoice verification: Invoices from vendor are checked with the reference for accuracy of prices and contents. Can be create ref PO/ delivery Payment processing: FI deals with vendor payments. Various financial docs. are produced. Payment program authorize payment to the vendor reliability. Can be run regulary.


PO is a formal request to a vendor to supply certain goods or services under

stated conditions. It can be created with or w/o reference to a PR, a RFQ/ Quotation, or another PO, Contract. The material can be allocated for stock or for direct consumption. Usually GR and invoice verification referred to PO. The system will suggests default values to be included in the PO. These values can be taken from material master, other purchasing documents, quota arrangements, source lists, outline agreements, or info records. PO can be send to a vendor or to carry out a stock transport order in other plant belonging to the same company. Valuation price in PO are taken from info records, but the one in PR is take from material master. Delivery date di PO default dari planned delivery time in info record. When message in PO (can be imediate / later), can taken header text and item text and ctandard text for print

Item Category

Enable to replicate, different procurement process. It defines whether an item

requires and/or can have a material number, account assignment, GR, and/or IR. It depends on the document type. The item categories: o Standard: for material procured externally o Subcontract L: finished product is ordered from a vendor. The materials, which are from our company, are entered as material to be provided o Consignment K: vendor places the materials in our premises, but liability only arises after the materials are withdrawn from the consignment stock o Stock transport orders U: material is transferred from one plant to another plant o Third-party order S: the ordered material should be delivered directly to a third party. Invoice, from vendor, is sent to our company o Limit B : procure consumable mat/ service with value limit Std Bs untuk Limit Acc asign Consign Perlu mat Subcont Bs mat no, Stock trsf Mat no 3rd party Account

mat no, acc asign, GR, IR GR

required, Ga bs GR, IR

no, ga bs account asign dan IR

acc asign, GR, IR

req, req


asign & IR req

Advantages of referencing GR to a PO: o Easier to check whether the data in GR is the same as the one in PO o Default data from PO makes it easier to check over and under deliveries when goods arrive o PO history is automatically updated as a result of the deliveries. The purchasing dept can send a reminder for late deliveries. o One accounting document, resulted from the creation of GR, can be referenced to PO. It will make PO settlement easier. Material doc tercreate apabila ada qty update, acc doc tercreate bila ada value update (if mat valuated) If no PO number is displayed within the delivery note, user can search the number by using vendor or material number.

Movement Type

It is a 3-digit key used to differentiate goods movements in the system. It

affects the postings in the financial accounting system, and update for the stock fields in the material master. Movement type, has important role in automatic determinataion. It determines which stock or consumption accounts are updated in financial accounting (among other things). The movement type also determines the layout of the screen for document entry or the updating of the quantity fields.

Invoice Processing

In MM, procurement process is concluded by the invoice verification process.

In invoice verification, contents and prices in received invoice are checked for accuracy (arithmatical correctness balance =0,the right price for the right material or service). Payment and evaluation are not part of MM; they are part of FI. Invoices are checked to the referred PO and GR documents. If any differences arise, the system warns the use and blocks the invoice for payment. The posting of the invoice completes the verification process. Invoice can be create ref PO, delivery note, Bill of lading (yg diinput saat GR), When create invoice, reference (vendor invoice No), input data material, qty, total price per item (=price x qty, bukan harga satuan), When invoice ref PO price from PO, Qty from GR qty. Post invoice will create invoice doc and acc doc. Work list di MIRO hanya digunakan jk invoice di park/ hold DI MIRO, dapat melakukan invoice untuk banyak ref doc dengan click more assignment criteria. Header data : Doc date, Ref, invoice amount, tax amount (tax rate default value dari SPRO, tapi tax amount bisa diubah sesuai yg di incoice, bisa sebagai amount atau ratemya) , invoicing party (default dr PO tp bisa di

change misalnya ingin input vendor transportation), TOP default from vendor/PO Creditor : detail data of vendor PO structure : orang yg melakukan invoice dpt melihat PO history untuk PO item Tick Ok hanya sbg informasi saja, bukan untuk memilih item yg diinvoice tapi bisa sbg infprmasi bahwa invoicenya sudah di check dan dipost. Ketika clik simulate, line item di invoice yg bawah juga hrs di block shg jurnal akan lengkap dan balance = 0


Master Data

Material Master It is an organizations source of material-specific data, and used by all components in the Logistics system. Data stored in a single database to avoid data redundancy. Example of use: o Purchasing data for ordering o Inventory management data for posting goods movement and managing physical inventory o Accounting data for material valuation o MRP data for MRP execution Each view in the material master is provided to support each user department, and responsible for maintaining the data to support its function. Data maintained within a view might be valid for more than one organizational level. Basic data: mat short text, desc, weight/volume Sales : SO, pricing, (SO price, min order qty, responsible sales dept Purchasing : purch group, under over del tolerance MRP : SS, PDT, ROP Accounting : price control, previous and future price, current valuation Storage : info related wh & storage (unit of issue, storage condition, packing dimension) Forcast : info predicting mat req (how mat procured, forcast, past consumption/usage) Not all data stored is used by all levels in an organization. Therefore, material data is sub-divided into several levels. The purpose is to avoid datasets overloaded with redundant info. Data screen in material master : main data (screen view basic data, purch..), additional data (UOM, Mat PO text/ short text) Material master: Organizational levels o Client level: general data that is valid for the whole company, eg. Material no, short text, mat group, unit of measure, storage condition(temperature, explosive), PO text o Plant level: all data that is valid within a plant and for all storage locations in it, eg. Purchasing data(PO uit, autom PO, source list req, quota arrangement usage), MRP data, forecasting data, work scheduling data o SLoc level: data that is valid for a particular SLoc, eg. Picking area, storage bin desc Screen step creating material master : 1 dislog box for view, 2 dialog box for org level, 3 aprear data screen

Data in material master can be maintain directly and automatically (whan

good movement system update stock and consumption data). Also come data only for information (size, desc, dimension). Data can be conftol function (mrp type for MRP procedur, and price control) Material Type

It groups materials with similar characteristics/ same propertise, eg. Raw

materials, semi-finished product, finished product. It controls: o The type of number assignment (in- or external) o Number range interval o Which view is suggested for entry (which user dept specific data is sugested) o Which screens are displayed and in which order o Which procurement type is permitted for a material

It also determines a materials inventory management requirement (qty/value

update). It also determines which accounts are posted when a material is posted to stock or leaves the warehouse Extend material master means data is stored either for further organizational levels or further user dept. Mat type NLAG mat that are never ordered for stock, no automatic stock account det when create PO, PO item assigned to consumption account)

Industry Sector The industry sectors control the screen displayed and in what order, and also which industry-specific fields are displayed on each screen. Assigned industry sector cannot be changed later on.

Vendor Master It is the information related to the companys crediting partner. It is recorded by Accounting and Purchasing department. Strong relation with the Accounts Payable in Accounting. Data structure: o General data, valid all client: address, contact details, bank details, language communication with vendor. It is valid for the whole client. o Company code data : data payment transaction, reconciliation account No o Purchasing data: PO currency, incoterms, and tax data. It is maintained for each purchasing org, partner role (OA, GS, forwarder/carier, inv party), data for specific plant, vendor subrange. Also has important role Automatic settlement/ auto ES delivery, automatic PO, confirmation req, automatic PO from PR. Important data that can create only in plant level default value for release creation profile in sched agreement with release doc. Additional data in purchasing : Extras -> add -> purchasing data

o Accounting data (comp code level): reconciliation account and the

payment method for automatic payment trans. It is maintained at the co code level.

A vendor master is not valid if it is blocked in source list Vendor master has control data : Vendor master dapat dimaintain centralize(XK01), atau desentralize (specific sesuai rolenya MK01) One time vendor : vendors with whom you do business only once or very rarely. It enable works with such vendor without a seperate vendor specific master record. 1 One time vendor master can be used for several vendor= collective master record (contrast with mat master). Vendor name, addres (when purch doc) and bank details (when invoice) are stored for one-time vendor => input at document transaction only. Still can evaluate transaction form onetime vendor using serach term. Must be assigned account group one time vendor, that has vendor specific field that has suppresed Blocking vendor can be used for procurement so when PO created can not be used thta vendor = MK05,block can be for 1 purch Org/ all. Can also block vendor for specific quality reasons if QM active for procurement (an be block fr RFQ, PO). Also can block for specific material using source list Di control data vendor master dpt di set automatic PO, from requisition

Vendor master: Account group Account group determines: o Status (vendor or one-time vendor) o Field selection o Partner schema o Vendor sub-range or plant-specific data o Type of number assignment o Number interval Can be seen in vendor master => administrative data XK03

Reconciliation account for Vendor

When a vendor is created, a sub-ledger account for the vendor is also created
(if the account group needs a sub-ledger). Depending on the account group, a unique number is automatically or manually allocated. Reconciliation account is a G/L account in G/L accounting that holds information on total liabilities for all vendors. The liabilities also recorded in the sub-ledger accounting for each vendor; the process is done in parallel with the recon account recording. While invoice is created, system pulls reconciliation account from vendor master. Partner role = various role in deling with your enterprise eg good recepient, supplier of goods, invoicing party, forwarder/carier. With partner role can definne different creditor as a freight forwarder for certain vendor.

Entry aids Entry aids = function tro simplify data entry can be copy from ref/ mass maintenance (master data maintenance) = Mass maintenance vendor master and material master. Copy vendor : vendor specific data will not adopted (not adopted : vendor addres and bank data, indicator block vendor)

Entry aids material master : default value industry sector (lalu di hide),
presetting view of mat type, copy reference mat master, using profiles which store data MRP and forcast parameter so can be used for other material MMD1, Collective sloc data, mass maintenance mat MM17, vendor XK99, info rec MEMASSIN, PO MEMASSPO, PR MEMASRQ Collective entry Sloc data : Manual (MMSC) and automatically when fist GR (jika automatic Sloc di tick)

Mass maintenance can be background/online. Can choose some table to ensure consistency data, but reduce performance system


Procurement of Stock Material


Several RFQ can be grouped together with a common collective number. It

helps the speed of searching the documents. Coll no : 10 char and can be alphanumeirc RFQ can be created manually or with reference to a PR, another RFQ, or an outline agreement. RFQ can be create with/w.o mat master. When create RFQ can input plant/ not. If not input plant when PO u can choose any plant but if plant input in RFQ, plant in PO can not be changed In MM-PUR component, RFQs and Quotations are a single document. Quotation contains a vendors prices and conditions. Quotation can also be rejected, through the maintain transaction. In Quotation process can tick info record update, bisa tick rejection letter sehingga akan otomatis kirim rejection. Message type rejection indicator ABSA akan otomatis ke assign jika tick rejection. Untuk print rejection ME9A = print RFQ The prices in all of the quotations can be compared using price comparison list. The mean value of the quotations can be saved as the market price, and used as the basis for valuating the price level, in price comparison can display in detail item, update market price, change quotation (can not print rejection), can not create new RFQ


Conditions are stipulations agreement with vendors concerning prices,

discounts, and surcharges, freight cost etc. The effective & net price in PO is determined on the basis of these conditions. (harga material + condition?) Conditions can be maintained in quotation, info records (berlaku atas PO dengan mat dan vendor di info record), outline agreement (contracts n sched agreement), as time-dependent conditions and time independent condition (in PO). Conditions in PO are time-independent. Also can create general condition at vendor level MEKA Time-dependent conditions are also available for quotations, contract, info rec, scheduling agreements, general condition. They are only valid over a certain period of time. Time dep condition bisa input scale, misalnya qty tertentu harganya bisa beda (tdk bs langsung perkalian). Di doc type bs control time dep condition atau tdk untuk contract, quotation Time independent can not input validity period in PO. Condition can be specified in doc header dan item. Conditions are used in PO to determine price. Conditions are used in Purchasing: o Conditions in a contract apply to all contract release orders created with reference to this contract o Conditions in an info record apply to all PO items that contain the material and vendor contained in the info record. o Extended conditions are only included in the PO if they meet certain criteria. Eg. It is used to define vendor discount or include discounts for a material type.

Calculation Schema

Condition type : rules to determine purchase price, determine different price

factor is calculated, bisa absolute, qty dependent, % : surcharge, gross price, discount,..It provides a framework for price determination. Scale can refer to qty, item val or weight. It defines: o The permitted condition types o The order of the condition types for calculation of the net price o The conditions types for which subtotals are calculated You can assign an access sequence to a condition type. It is a search strategy used to define the sequence in which condition records for a condition type are read. Condition type that play role in the price determination are group together in a calculation schema. Calculation schema, determine sequence in which condition type are taken into account. Calculation schema determine : o Subtotals are formed with which condition type(hanya PO) o which condition type are allowed in doc/ info rec o sequence condition type in calculating net price, o which condition type specified in message to the vendor, o apakah condition type manual/ tdk, basis in which reference level to calculate surcharge, diskon, the prerequisite have to be filled for specific condition type. Schema in standard PO : RM000 Element calculation schema : o Gross price (price w/o taking other condition like delivery cost, discount, surcharge) PB00 o Net price (price taking disc and surcharge = vendor gross price exclude del cost), o Effective price (net price cash disc and including misc provisions, del cost, and non deductible tax)

Purchasing Info Records

It contains concise information on a vendor and the material you procure from
this vendor (vendor specific information for a material. It is an important source of info for the buyer to find which vendors offer a particular material. Information that can be stored and maintained are: o Current, delivery cost for responsible purch org/ plant, and future prices and conditions o No Last PO and /No info record (if info record automatic) o PO price history o Delivery data (tolerance limit, upper and over delivery) o Vendor data (PDT, vendor eval data) o Texts Info records can be maintained manually or automatically from quotations, POs, or outline agreements. Info records suggested prices in purchasing docs in 2 ways:

o o

Conditions: maintained manually in info records or automatically through quotations o Last PO: the price used in the last transaction was registered in the info record. Info records can have relationships with material that dont have material master, eg. Material for direct consumption. Info record can be stored for : all plant level just 1 plant for a purch org. If info rec exist in purch org level this data will be pull in new PO for plant belonging to that purch org. If plant specific info record exist andin purch org specific, system will suggest data in plant specific info rec for PO with that plant. Info record update : In quotation indicator info update not tick -> condition will not update info record In PO ref quotation lalu condition di change, info update tick -> info record dibuat w/o condition in PO Info record type : o info record with mat no /service(stock item mat) -> mat/service +vendor For Info rec that refrencing mat master, can specify per purch/ plant : Tick, No Mat text -> hanya PO text di info record yg ditampilin di print PO No tick, No mat text -> PO text di info record dan PO text dr mat master akan di tampilkan di print PO o info rec w/o mat no (consumable material) -> mat group + vendor (saat buat PO di item overview search -> info record for mat group (order unit & mat group will be used as criteria checking). Short text & mat group -> in general data screen 1 info record No = combination vendor & material, ga mungkin ada beberapa no info record untuk vendor dan material yang sama Di info record we can : define delivery (plan del date, tolerance), create current and future price, vendor sub range, description in vendor, number last PO, text Info record cannot update for onetime vendor, DI info record bisa run simulation, misalnya buat PO system akan propose harga berapa o

Step :

kalo mau set condition in plant level bs config condition -> Define condition at plant level

1.Sbelumnya mat tersebut blum ada PO atau info rec. Lalu buat PO dengan tick info update Muncul di info record

Last PO Condition No price found, coz info record ini dibuat dari update price PO 2.Lalu buat info rec manual, maka No info rec yg tercreate = info rec yang sudah di peroleh dari PO tetapi harga yang net price yg di input di info record bukan dr PO

3.Buat PO lagi, awalnya price dari PO sebelumnya bukan dari info record yg sudah dibuat manual, tetapi akan di rewrite dengan price di condition (dr info record manual)

Untuk melihat condition ini dpt menggunakan ME1P => PO history

4. Create quotation lalu tick info update B. Di ME1P bisa terlihat net price menjadi 3, sesuai yang diinput di quotation

: The info record is not updated or created A: If an info record exists at plant level, this is updated. Alternatively, an info record is updated at purchasing organization level. If there is still no info record, the system creates it at purchasing organization level. B: If plant conditions are allowed for the plant, an info record at plant level is updated or created. C: If plant conditions are not required for the plant, an info record at purchasing organization level is updated or created.

5. Dan ketika dibuat PO lagi, maka akan menggunakan harga 3 sesuai dari quotation Purchase Order Document overview, can be setting for bareakedown datanya, untuk kemudian bs save layoutnya

Valuation Valuation area is the organizational level at which material is valuated. It could be as a plant or a company code.

Valuation area at plant level allows material valuated with different prices at
different plants. If the valuation area is located at co code level, a price of a material is applied for each company code

Valuation class is used to determine which stock account will be update while
good movement. It combine materials for assigning G/L accounts so that you do not have to manage a separate stock account for each material. It is maintained in the accounting view of the material master. In acc data material master : currency (local curr comp code), val class, price control, total stock/ total value Valuation class is used to determine which stock account is to be updated upon goods movements. Mat val is control by customizing (val area, mov type, posting GL), and mat master

Material valuation upon GR depends on the price control procedure (set in the
material master). There are two types of price control: moving average price (V price) or standard price (S price) In S price, system carries out all stock postings at a price defined in the material master and any variances (between transaction with mat master) are posted to price difference accounts. In acc view, eventhough using S, but we still can see MAP price In V price, system automatically calculates the total value of stock by the total stock quantity. MAP = Total stock/ Tot Qty Stock value = stock qty x mat price

Goods movements

A material doc in SAP is used as a proof of transaction involving stock changes

that is stored in the system. An accounting doc is attached to mat doc if the goods movement relevant to valuation. Goods movements are relevant to valuation when the companys Accounting department is affected by them. For GR, there are three stock types to which a quantity is posted. The stock type is for determining stock availability in Mat planning and withdrawals in IM. The stock types are: Unrest = no usage restrction QI = available for MRP, can not GI consumption Block = not available for MRP, Can not GI for consumption QI & Block only can withdwar for sample, scrap, inventory diff In Mat master, there is an indicator to post stock to QI area. It can be override by the indicator in PO, and override again in GR. Mat doc : uniq for mat doc & year Acc doc : uniq for comp code, acc doc No, fiscal year Acc doc header : doc date, posting date, posting period.=, currency Acc doc item level : GL, amount The movement type use to post GR for a PO into valuated stock in 101. For this movement type, an accounting doc is created together with material doc. The effects of a GR: o Stock and value updated o Mat doc and FI doc relating to the movement

o o o o o o

PO and its history are updated Creation of an inspection lot to trigger a QI Stock and consumption accounts updated Transfer request to WM (if active) Notification of GR (optional) Hard copy of GR is produced (optional)

Transfer postings Withdrawals for consumption can be posts from unrestricted-use stock. From QI and blocked stock, you can only withdraw a sample, scrap a quantity, or post an inventory difference. To withdraw goods from QI or blocked stock, a transfer posting into unrestricted-use must be carried out first. After a transfer posting, the stock type, batch number, or material number is changed. It may also involve an actual physical goods movement. Not all transfer postings are actually involving physical goods movement; sometimes only the statuses are change. A mat doc, resulting from transfer posting, not necessarily accompanied by an accounting doc. Accounting doc only produced when there is a change in valuation (eg. Stock transfer from plant to plant) Movement type is used to control the stock types involved in the transfer.

Invoice verification

Logistics Invoice Verification creates a separate accounting doc in addition to

the invoice verification doc. The accounting doc is use by FI to settle the invoice. Invoice doc : doc No, doc year When posting invoice : create invoice doc, and acc doc (display in status bar, dgn SU01 tambahan parameter IVFDisplay dengan X)

Delivery costs The delivery costs can be categorize into two type: o Planned delivery costs are arranged in advance with the other parties and the details are entered into conditions when creating PO. At GR, provision accounts are posted, which are then cleared when the invoice is received. Eg : forwarder/carier, customs office, assurance ( differentiate in diff cond type) o Unplanned delivery costs: unknown delivery cost at the PO creation stage. The cost is entered when you receive the invoice. If required, the valuation carried out at GR is corrected. The advantage of planned delivery costs is at GR the value for stock and delivery cost already separated. No adjustment needed for the material stock, later on when we receive the invoice. Jika pada saat invoice ternyata delvery cost beda dr yang sudah dipost bs membuat subsequent debit Unplanned del cost input in Tab detail -> unplanned del cost, can config unplanned del cost can be distribute among invoice item/ to specific in GL


Procurement of Consumable Materials

Consumable materials = non procured for stock, value is recorded on cost element or asset account They are materials that are procured directly for an account assignment object. They are not managed on a value basis in IM. Example: office material (to a cost center), computer systems (to an asset). The system automatically updates consumption for materials that have a mat master. When procuring consumable materials that dont have material master, you have to enter the account assignment category and: short text (description), material group, and order unit. With consumable materials with a material master, account assignment category needs to be specified. Account assignment determine of the category of account assignment object that is to be charged, and which account assignment data to be debited when GR / invoice. Account assign K : Required cost center & GL (GL bs set otomatic propose, dr OBYC account modif dari account assignment cat) Account assign A : asset & GL (GL otomatis proses from asset master tdk bs input manual) 1 item can has multiple account assignment dan bisa distribute ke beberapa account assignment ini in qty or % -> otomatis GR non valuated di tick Material types for consumable materials: o UNBW (non-valuated material) it is managed on a qty basis, but not on value. For materials that are low on value, whose stocks have to be monitored. Qty update tick o NLAG (non-stock material) it is not managed on qty and value basis. For consumable materials that are frequently used. Qty and value not tick o Can be material with (not subject to qty & value, or not subject qty but to value only) or without mat No and also material for stock item. Order acknnowledement is send from vendor to be sure the requirement material can be delivered on desired date. Can also purchase material trading, account assignment SO. Also can procure w/o material master -> eg procurement of service If there is partial invoice can choose : partial invoice distributed proportionally to account assignment item, can also distribute as progressive, missal progressive for invoice 1, then invoice 2, till it complete.

Purchase Requisition PR : internal doc for asking purc dept to procure particular qty of mat or service on particular date. Account assignment cat. U (hanya di PR, jk di PO hanya untuk service, limit dan blanket PO) : if you dont know the account assignment objects for which the material is being procured. You dont have to enter any further account assignment details (eg. valuation price). PR items with mat master: the valuation price is taken from the material master, if the material is valuated. If a release strategy has been defined, PO cant be created until PR has been released. PR can be create manual or otomatic (form MRP, PRO, network, MO), also form APO, BEP PR doc : header only text, item overview, item detail, doc overview. PR items w/o mat master: the system can automatically suggest the valuation price. User has to manually enter the valuation price. The costs on a PR can be distributed to several cost centers with using multiple account assignment. It can be distributed on a qty basis or as a %. For items w/ multiple account assignments, the system automatically sets the indicator for a non-valuated GR. Can trace PR status , in detail item -> tab status (PR created PO created, uotline greement created, GR, and invoice created), if want to see, how PR is created -> tab contact person.

Convert PR PR can be conver to PO(cqn be manual using ref PR or automatic with prerequisite source supply has assigned in PR, vendor & mat tick autom PO), contract release order, sched agrrement, RFQ Assign source supply can manual & automatic in PR. Misal ada kontrak, ada 2 PO dgn vendor beda, maka vendor yg di propose di source supply ada adalah

Priority source determination :1. Quota arrangement, 2 Source List, 3 Outline agreement, 4. Info record Order acknowledgement = confirmation direct in PO (Kaso info kapan mat yg dipesan akan tiba)

Can be create for PO or delivery schedule, using confirmation can notification

vendor of estimated qty of ordered material (OA, loading/ transportaion confirm, shipping notif ( confirm in individual doc VL31N) Advatnage : plan MRP accurately coz, del time not form PR/PO but from confirmation (also can see time span between PO date and expected del date) also can monitor reeipt of desired confirmation. OA : can send reminder to vendor when not yet received confirm from vendor by tick req indicator ME92L.Cna generate message type AUFB Dunning Order Confirmation When notif received from vendor, input data date, time, qty in confirmation tab

Proses create PO dgn confirm control OA, lalu PO harus diprint untuk bisa monitor PO confirm di ME2A

Muncul di vendor confirmation

Create message to send reminder to vendor ME92L

OA, di terima dr vendor, misal memalui email menyatakan mat dtg pada qty dan tgl tertentu Input di PO ???

Can monitor vendor confirmation ME2A Valuated and non valuated GR For consumable goods, can be valuated when GR or not in GR but in invoice. If goods is not non valuated GR, when invoice can change account asignment object Blanket PO = posting when invoice to account assignment object It is created to procure consumable materials or services for which it is not worth creating a separate PO for each procurement transaction. It usually valid for a longer period of time and only contains short text and validity period and value limit Characteristi : The document type used is FO and item category B (limit). (header validity hrs diinput, dan limit dilevel item), Also using account assignment U is allowed, No GR/ service entry, No mat No (can not using mat No/servie No -> hanya text saja), accounting data in invoice, can multiple account assign di invoice, check validity dan limit di invoice verification. Tdk perlu input price, del date Proces PO -> Invoice. Jurnal when invoice vendor D, Consumption account C RFQ or contracts cant be used together with blanket PO. No GR/ service entry needs to be done. RFQ, quotation, and contract cant be use. Account assignment need no to be done. Co Blanket PO adalah PO untuk ongkos angkut melalui Shipment. 6. Procurement of External Service Bus process : Determine req (PS/PM) create service spec source det RFQ Quotation PO Service entry Service acceptance Invoice Service spec : list all necessary services in detail. Can with/w/o service spec If thereis no PE for service can direct to RFQ PO monitoring in PO history can monitor progress of service of procurement project Service entry sheet only service that actually performed. Service entry and acceptance can be carried out by same individual/ dept in company Invoice verification : check based on value basis that will be compared, if value in entry sheet > in invoice create message

Service master : master data that serves as source data that can be used to create service spec. Service master can be used in PM, PS, MM, CS. Consist information : - Service No - Service spec - Descriptive text - Base UOM - Mat group - Val class Create change display service master AC03. Other service, hide show overview, display change, create new service. Service specification : can be consit 1/> line item service, dgn max 4 hierarchy level Service condition: level can be service master ML45 (market price, own estimate depends on validity period) , Service master purch org & vendor ML39, Service master vendor purchasing org & plant ML33.





ML33 =>

PO for service, prerequisite :

- Item category D (service); in the item detail, - Account assignment category U (unknown) is allowed - At item level, only a brief description of the work to be completed using short text - Servce number can with/w/o service specifications (SS); level item - Value limit for unplanned services (untuk control cost unexpected service/ service can not be planned). Create PO with assign service spec (MSS = service spec)

Copy serive number mana ajah dlm service spec yg mau di execute di PO, input pricenya

When create PO service can also input estimate working days, qty can be still
unclear Service speciification is consolidate in set of service spec, misal pekerjaan machine maintenance (wearing part replace, shutdown machine, remove wearing part, cleaning and installing wearing part). 1 service item must always have account assignment, only input shortext in item (general short text) Can use service with master record/ w/o mat record in service spec ML10

Using item cat D => have to input service spec & value limit

Service entry ML81N: can be 1/ 2 step (service entry & receipt in double
transaction). Must be create in each service, can also input unplaned service (cek limit). If in PO acc assign U, whan SE must input account assignment. SE hanya bisa dilakukan per line item mat di PO (bisa langsung banyak line item service), ga bs langsung banyak line item di POnya IF only save entry sheet -> muncul di PO history, tapi tanpa GR doc. When post acceptance : create acc doc, CO doc, GR doc otomatis (acceptance doc). Can set release procedure for service entry sheet. Transaction ML81N : Display PO, tree on off, display chnge, create entry sheet, copy entry sheet, accept, PO display Service entrysheet can be create collectively release ML85, sperti release collective transaksi PO. Creta SE ML81N -> pilih service spec

Account assignment U, sehingga hrs input specific account assignment (meskpun saat PO GR non val di tick)

Acceptance SE, dgn klik Release

Lihat di PO history, terlihat jika GR non val di tick muncul mat doc dgn value = 7.7. Bag Kiri, meskipun di entry sheet ada 2 service No tapi coz assignment ke cost centernya sama maka mat doc hanya 1 line Bag Kanan, GR non val di tick shr mat doc dgn value 0, ada 2 line coz beda cost center

Invoice verification : can be ref PO (semua entry sheet yg sdh accept akan muncul)/ entrysheet (per entrysheet). System compare price in entrysheet and invoice Ketika invoice, jika dlm 1 PO ada beberapa entrysheet maka akan muncul seperti berikut

Ketika invoice, krn PO item 2, GR non val maka saat invoice bs ubah cost centernya. Dan jurnalnya pun sesuai cost center yg diubah


Automated procurement = simplify procurement Can be MRP (simplify req det), automatic create PO from PR(automatic generate PO), Determination req with source determination & Contract, GR & ERS To create automatic PO for PR/ create automatic PO for contract ME59N, the prerequisite is, source supply has assigned in PR (info rec, contract), in material master and vendor master automatic PO is tick.

Grouping some item PR can group into some of PO, can be determine in selection screen ME59N (purc group, plant/ del date).

Item error when automatic generation: can be happen when item in PR is not complete (account assignment cat U, vendor in block, tax code missing for case ERS) When generation can choose exclude item with errors and can show the error log or using do not exclude item with errors. Source det, also can create automatic when planning run MRP that specified in item PR (if MRP run direct to PR not PLO). Prerequisite : source is in question can be determined unique, source list has maintain. ERS. In ERS settlement invoice represent credit memo. Vendor inform message (credit memo) about settlement delivery. Advantages : ordering transaction more quickly, minimize error entry, qty & price variance will not happen. Disadvantages : can not settle delivery cost, plan and unplanned del. Vendor will not send invoice, but invoice is generate automatic by system ref PO and GR doc. If there is return goods, ERS will create credit memo. Prerequisite : GR based IV & ERS set in vendor master, PO, maintain tax code for item, estimated price indicator in item details condition, GR is create ref PO, di info record No ERS indicator is not set. To settle ERS MRRL, sebelum di settle dpt test run, bs juga run background program RMMR1MRS MRP: main function to ensure mat is required in qty and right time, ensure mat availability. Can automate generate procurement proposal and prod. Possible procurement element : PLO, PR, Sched agreement schedule line. PLO and PR : Internal planning elements can be change, resched, delete at any time. MRP controller will check PLO that have to be convert to PR. Advantage of creating PLO is to check the execute of MRP contoller. In production planed order convert to prod order then system convert dep req in PLO into reservation in prod order. Also can create schedule line, if scheduling agreement exist and MRP relevant in source list, shg setelah run planning bs tergenerate sched line (fix element, tdk bs diubah) Prerequisite : Requiremen planning can be create in plant level/ MRP area. Misalnya ada sloc dlm plant itu yag tidak ingin di run, itu bs di define dlm MRP area (group together Sloc into MRP area). Using MRP are can differentiation material planning within a plant. 3 Different type MRP are : Plant, Sloc, Subcont MRP area MRP Procedure : Consumption based(ROP, forcast based, Time phased), MRP based, In MRP 2 -> procuremen type, if choose X (both inhouse and external prod, in house prod is applied first.

Step MRP & CBP : Net req calculation, Lot size calculation, schedulling,

a. Consumption Based planning Based on previous mat consumption, historical value, use mat forcast and
statistical procedure to determinew future req. SO, PIR and Res not relevant with planning (not refer to prod planning. Net req not form PIR and dep req) Usually used in mat not in manuf plant but for mat with planning B & C material and operating supplies. Prerequisite : need upto date Inventory management. If working with forcast req, consumption history must be run according to certail legality MRP type key to determine procedure to use for planning material and to determine MRP paremeter that must be enter during maintrnance mat master (MRP type tentuin master dta yg hrs dilengakpi di mat master, misal VB harus input forcast) In scheduling, the system defines the date on which the material will be available from the date of the planning run. This procedure is called forward scheduling Schedulling => Forward sched = > start from current date (=order start date PLO, release date PR to convert to PO) Shortage qty date = date on planning run + (purch time purchasing + PDT (order finish date PLO) +GR Proc time= availability time)

ROP Cek stock available +fix receipt ( Open PO+ firm PR + firm PLO )< ROP ? a. Ya, case mat withdrawl -> Create PLO => Net req VB = ROP (Wh stock + SS +firm PR, PLO + PO) b. No, case GR, eg material return at lead time -> Delete PLO c. Ga ada planned receipt lagi coz mat return -> system suggest cancle receipt * fix receipt = on order stock ROP can manual VB (SS & ROP manual in mat master) & automatic VM (pake forcast, perlu ROP awal, Service level) ROP can use with external proc (artinya SO, manual Res, Order res, MO and relese PR can be used also for determination req). using it, can decide wheater external req is used in complete periode horizon or only in replenishment lead time. Consideration ROP : SS, LT, present Consumption / future req SS used to cover unplanned excess consumption & req coz delay delivery. SS part ROP ROP composed expected average material consumption during replenish lead time and. Proses in consumption based : 1. Create planning file of material that will be planned in planning run. 2. Calculate net req, 3. Lot sizing calculation, 4. Scheduling planning run (ROP using forward scheduling)

PR -> Release date, delivery date PLO -> start date, end date 5. Check procurement type (GR PRO/ GR PO) system determine source supply 6. MRP controller check and edit new procurement proposal Forcast based Future req using forcast as basis consumption value to estimate future req. Forcast is calculate at regular interval. Using backward schedulling Time phased Using data historical in mat forcast to determine future req. Forcast is executed according to predefined interval in rythme, example according delivery time. Run MRP better for material with some rhytme (shifted according del time, vendor always deliver in particular week

Static Lot size : system not consider future req.

Lot for lot : req based on shortage qty Fix lot size : req brp pun, akan tetap di propose yang fixed di mat master. If not enough system generate bebereapa order proposal Replenish max stock level : system create order proposal to the amount required to bring stock level upto max stock level in mat master. b. MRP based

Based on current and future req. PIR trigger requirement calculation.

Requirement element : SO, PIR, Res,-> create dep req that BOM explosion create. Usually used for inhouse prod material, planning FG and assembly group such as component material A MRP Type MRP type is a key that controls the MRP procedures to be used for planning a material. It belongs to the plant-specific data (i.e. MRP are data of a material). MRP type controls which planning parameters must or can be entered when maintaining the mat master MRP type controls: o MRP Procedures (MRP, reorder point planning, forecast-based planning, time-phased materials planning, no materials planning) o Firming type of planning result o MRP on regular basis? o Forecast usage Required/optional/no forecast? Unplanned/total consumption Unplanned/total requirement o Calculation of safety/reorder point stock o Screen sequence detailed header


Master data for MRP MRP view is in plant level, but also can be MRP area level. Data in material master of MRP is devided into General data, data dependent MRP procedure, Data required for scheduling, Data required for lot size calculation. MRP-relevant data is stored at plant level in MRP 1-4, forecast, and purchasing view in mat master You can plan SLoc for MRP separately. Settings in mat master at SLoc level in MRP 4 view.

MRP profile key of mrp parameter independent of mat master , Profile MMD1:
collection information for configuration material master record. MRP profile is assigned when MM01, profile that already assigned cannot be changed. If data attribute is changed in profile, system will update it to all material that has assigned using background job program RMMM0001. Can see MRP pofile usage MMD7. Di MRP profile bs fix value, dan default value

* Edit MRP profile, ketika MRP view sudah diisi lalu ingin di ubah dari MRP profile data ** Ketika MRP profile di change (sudah ada assignment ke mat) -> create background job to reassign new data/ start job profile.

Untuk lihat display change doc untuk material master bisa MM04 MRP profile specifies: o Which fields filled with values when entering MRP data in mat master record o What are the values entered in these fields o Which of these values can be overwritten (default values) and which cannot (standard values) Material status : restrict usability material determine which function in MM & PP (business usage intended to material) can contol result warning message. Mat status can be cross plant.

Planning Run

Untuk dpt run planning MRP, maka req planning hrs di active -> SPRO -> CBP
-> Planning -> Activate MRP. Also have to set plant parameter and have to maintain MRP data in material master. Planning file entry (GI, Res, ubah mat master, forcast dll), bisa juga di add manual.

1. Execute planning (online/background MDBT bisa single atau berulang

regulary for 1 plant/MRP area): MD01 Total planning online , single object planning ( MD03 single level, single item (hanya level BOM yg dipilih atas 1 mat) also can single item multi level (level atas item yg dipilih dan lower BOM level), single item interactive (can detail check, for MPS item, di MD04 can see simulation run MRP)

Schedule run background depends on date specified in variant when execute

background job.Result planning : Statistic of scope planning, exceptional, termination (bisa print log jika run background). Config to define scope of planning as a group, enter counter to specify sequence individual MRP unit (plant/MRP area)

Sequence run planning, Plant MRP area, Sloc MRP area, Subcont MRP area. In scope of planning can restrict 1/ some MRP area or total planning run for this MRP area

2. Planning file entry, material relevant for planning run . Planning file control
scope of planning and planning file entry = mat that are to be considered planned in different type of planning run are determined. Planning run type : o NEUPL : regenerative planning (only mat that include in planning file, if change data MRP type, lot sizing procedure/ purchasing proc time tdk muncul change indicator di planning file. o NETCH : net change planning in total create PO (1 item, 1 level) o NETPL : net change planning in planning horizon ( 1 item, 1 level) NETCH & NETPL u/ single item planning Changes relevant to planning can be : change stock, PR-PO-PLO-sales req-forcast req,-dep req and reservation, field relevant to planning of these GR/ GI, Deletion GR GI Define planning horizon can in plant level/ MRP group.

Display planning file MD21

Jika setelah di tandai di run, maka indicator X ini akan menjadi blank

Control parameter for the planning run creation indicator procurement

proposal (direct PR or PLO) schedule line (syaratnya ada source list), creation indicator MRP list, plannin mode (specifies how non fix procurement proposal from the last planning run are tobe handled in next planning run whether the existing planning just needs to be adjusted, or whether BOM and routings need to be exploded again, or whether the planning should be recreated from scratch), scheduling. The creation indicators of MRP lists, PR, and schedule lines can also be set in the MRP group.

Config exception message as a result in MRP list

Jika material master sudah ada sebelum MRP di aktifkan di plant, maka hrs
generate planning file untuk material MDAB. Also need consistency check misalnya material yang sebelumnya udah ditandai untuk ikut di run MRP, kemudian ingin di exclude. Priority MRP group to Plant => in total planning system will check mat group di assign to mat master, if yes system will read parameter in MRP group, but if No system will use parameter in plant. MRP group also can define for each with mat type Stock req List : dynamic report to evaluate planning situation using current stock/req list MD04. Element MRP : PLO, PRO, PR, PO, Res, Plant stock, Sloc stock, SO, Forcast req Screen area : header, item, mat tree MRP list : tools to evaluate MRP that show result of last planning run, static. Change after planning run can not be seen Source det :can using info record contract, Outline agreement item

Planning Result PLO, PR, Sched agreement, MRP list (Planning result material) Planning situation or the result of a planning run can be evaluated using the two lists; individually or collectively. Stock/requirements list is a dynamic list. It shows the present stock, requirements, and receipts situation. Changes become obvious as soon as you call the current list, or choose refresh to read the elements from the database in the display of the list. Change made after planning date are displayed directly. MD04

MRP lists show the result of the most recent planning run and are therefore
static: Changes made after the planning run are not shown. Has header and item (MRP element). Also can show material tree in MRP list. MRP list is store in the system until delete manually/ replace by new planning run. MD05 PLO can create manual/ automatic from planning run. Char PLO : It is a procurement proposal in MRP for requirement coverage, an internal planning element. It is not binding so does not trigger procurement directly, just helps with planning. It can be changed or deleted at any time. It is still undecided as to whether in-house production or external procurement. For in-house can be used in capacity calculation. For in-house produced materials, it determines the basic dates for the production. Option to convert PLO : individual MD14, collective MD15. PR that already converted from PLO is fixed automatically.

Personal setting

Header data : master dan transaction data Item : MRP element Can use filter, comparison stock req list & MRP list, can display vendor/ cust, GR date, User specific setting : Definition of settings to access the lists Definition of user-specific transaction calls Configuration of columns in the lists Navigation between materials with material tree Definition of the traffic light value Saving selection parameters for collective access into the MRP list. Planning Evaluation Collective list Can be seen for stock req list and MRP list. Traffic light indicator show how urgent material processing is and can setting for how to maintain traffic light. Can using search, sort, use graphical display changes to stock situation of 1 or

several material.

Different in selection criteria, in MRP list can search for processing indicator/ new exception

Material tree
Structure tree in MRP list & stock req list (maintain in user specific setting). Matrial tree can be for worklist tree(all material in current session), order tree(all component & assembly of selected MRP element), product group (all material of product group, jk di selection criteria diinput product group) Navigation profile To simplify work in MRP list & stock req list (setting in user specific transaction calls). Setting navigation profile CBP > Evaluation >Define navigation profile. Navigation profile will be assign in user specific setting Exception message Indicate exceptional situations that have tobe considered (start date in the past, stock level falling below safety stock. Exception message occurs during planning run, that need to be checked by MRP controller and used to control planning result MRP. Config exception message CBP > Planning > Evaluation > Exception message > Define and group exception message. Can maintain period split for period total CBP > Planning > Period total > Define individual periods for period total. Days supply (number of days a material will last taking the current plant stock into account) Days receipt ( how many days a material will last, taking current plant stock and receipt element into account) and exception group control trafic light display. CBP > evaluation > define receipt element for receipt days supply. You can define two receipt days supplies. You can determine that for the first receipt days supply, the less firm receipt elements are taken into consideration, and for the second days supply, only the firm receipt elements. Can config screen element for MRP type CBP> Evaluation > Define screen sequence for header details.

Lot size Calculation During planning run system determine shortage qty through net req calculation that must be covered by receipt element which calculate in lot size calculation.

Three groups of lot-size calculation procedures: o Static lot-sizing procedure: the lot size is calculated using only the entered qty in the materials master record. o Periodic lot-sizing procedure: groups together requirement qty from one or several periods to form a lot o Optimum lot-sizing procedure: groups requirements from several periods together to form a lot, whereby an optimum cost ratio is determined between lot size independent costs and storage costs. SPRO CBP > Planning > Lot size calculation > Define lot sizing procedure

Static lot size In here, future shortages are not taken into account; i.e. if a shortage occurs, an order proposal is created for the amount defined for the static lot size. System doesnt check to see when a future shortage will occur. Types of static lot-size: o Lot-for-lot order qty; an order proposal is created for the shortage qty. If an issue comes up and cannot be covered, system still only creates one order proposal covering the total shortage qty on this particular day. o Fixed lot size; an order proposal is created for the fixed lot size if a material shortage occurs. The system will create several order proposals for the same date to cover the shortage, if one proposal is not sufficient. o Replenish to maximum stock level; an order proposal is created, if a shortage occurs, for the amount required to bring the stock level up to the maximum stock level recorded in the mat master. Periodic Lot-Size In here, system groups several requirement qty within a time interval together to form a lot. Period lengths can be days, weeks, months, or a period flexible length equal to posting periods, as well as freely definable periods according to a planning calendar. Types of periodic lot-size: o Daily lot size: All requirement qty that fall within a day or within a specific number of days (user defined) are grouped together to form a lot o Weekly lot size: All requirement qty that fall within a week or within a specific number of weeks (user defined) are grouped together to form a lot o Monthly lot size: All requirement qty that fall within a month or within a specific number of months (user defined) are grouped together to form a lot o Lot size according to flexible period length (also called period lot size): All requirement qty that fall within one flexible period length or within a specific number of flexible period lengths (user defined) are grouped together to form a lot. Period lengths are determined according to the accounting periods.

Lot Size Rounding Lot size rounding is a set of additional restrictions (in mat master) that can group requirements to form a lot. Eg: By specifying a rounding value, system

will determine during lot size calculation that the lot size qty is a multiple of an order unit (if the material is only delivered in complete pallets) Beside the rounding value, you can also use rounding profile. It is used to define settings for rounding up or rounding down the order proposal qty into deliverable units. It is define in Customizing CBP> Planning> Lot size cal > Maintain rounding profile. It is contains of the threshold and the rounding value. Threshold value is the value from which the system rounds up to the value of the next deliverable unit. The rounding value is the value from which the system should round up as soon as he threshold value is exceeded. A combination of the two values can be defined in a rounding profile.

Maximum and Minimum Lot Sizes Another additional restriction, to group requirements to form a lot, is by defining limiting values (min and max lot size). The lot size will be rounded up to the min lot size, or down to no more than the max lot size.


Source of supply

Source of supply can be external vendor/ internal plant Info record Vendor specific data on certain material (delivery time and purchase price) in purchasing info records. Default data in PO (price, PDT) is getting from info record. Also can store current and future quotation conditions (discount, surcharge, fixed cost) Outline agreement Long term arrangement between Purch org and vendor covering supply of materials or provision of service subject to predetermine terms and conditions. Its apply for predefined period, qty or value. It does not contain specific del date/ qty of individual delivery. So this data will specify in contract release order/ sched agreement del schedule. 2 type Outline agreement : o Contract (volume doc banyak, sebanyak PO release order atas kontrak itu, use in automatic MRP : where contract can be assigned as source supply, but must continue with release order in PO) o Schedulling agreement (Vol doc hanya 1 PO apart of agreement doc -> delivery schedule which the qty will be sum of in PO, use in automatic MRP, canbe directly when MRP running so less, purch dept time Contract It is a longer-term purchase arrangement made with vendor concerning the supply of materials or the performance of services according to predetermined conditions. It valid for a certain period of time and cover a predefined total purchase qty or value. It can be made as a contract or a scheduling agreement. The delivery dates or qty for individual deliveries are set in contract release orders (contract) or rolling delivery schedule (scheduling agreement). There are three types of contracts: o Quantity contract MK: total qty to be ordered over duration of agreement has already been agreed, the contract regarded as fulfilled when the agreed total qty has been supplied on the basis of individual

release orders issued against the contract. Define target qty & condition each item. o Value contract WK: total value of contract release order is not exceed a certain amount .the contract regarded as fulfilled when the agreed total value has been supplied on the basis of individual release orders issued against the contract. o Distributed contract : centrally agreed contract that can be available in other R/3 system for issue release order. (Comparison transfer rel order with contract in SAP using ALE) Header in a contract : vendor data, agreement validity period, agreement type, header condition. Item in contract : material, agreed total qty, price, text, Items in a contract can relate to a single plant or all the plants covered by a purchasing org (centrally agreed contract). Distributed contracts are centrally agreed contracts that are made available to other SAP R/3 systems for the purpose of issuing release orders against them. Contracts can be created w/ or w/o reference to a PR, an RFQ/quotation, or another contract. The release orders can also be created w/ or w/o reference to a PR. The contract release order documentation comprises details of ordering activities relating to a contract. Create PO ref contract . Out side SAP is called call-off. Release order contract can be seen in the release documentation. ME33K

Ada PO release order, qty & value yg sdh di release di PO, comparison target qty/value dgn actual yg sdh di rel

Contract items can relate to a single or all plants covered by a purchasing department (centrally agreed contract). All of the plants can create order against the centrally agreed contract. Using plant conditions on a contract, you can include separate prices for each plant. Contract can be create for material group : Item cat M : mat unknown, recomend for similar material of the same price, No need input mat No, when create PO ref contract, can input material as ong as same mat group and base UOM Item cat W : mat group, recomend for sam emat group but different price, only can be used for value contract. Mat No, price and target qty are not specified until PO release order.

Centrally agreed contract

Enterprise that operate with central organization covering several plant can negotiate better condition at higher level. Possible to create contract that relate not only one receiving plant, but to purch Org. Plant is not specified until PO. All plant that assigned to purch org can release contract. Can create different condition each partner. IF, some plant dont allowed to create release contract, -> block centrally agreed contract as source in source list for this plant. Parner role in contract can be relevant with plant, so PO with different plant using same contract can have different partner role depends on setting partner role in specific plant. XK03 -> partner role -> extras -> alternative data Parter in contract => Header -> partner => Data retention level partners screen appear -> input plant -> input partner function

Central agreed contract for plant 1000 & 1100 ???

Scheduling Agreement

A scheduling agreement is a longer term purchase arrangement with a vendor

covering the supply of materials according to predetermined conditions. Conditions valid for predefined period and predefined total qty. Sched agrrement is used for specific material that are just in time. Delivery schedule SA is issue againts sched agrrement. It can replace several purchase orders. The use of it helps reduce the volume of document in use. Advantages : Reduce processing time, & amount paper work, reduce stock coz exact delivery, reduce lead time vendor (delivery partial as per qty in delivery schedule line) Details of delivery dates and qty are communicated to the vendor in the form of delivery schedule. Prerequisites needed in order delivery schedule to be generated by the MRP system:

The scheduling agreement must be uniquely defined as the source of supply o Automatically generated schedule lines must be allowed by the source list and in the MRP system. Scheduling agreement can be create with/ without ref PR, RFQ, contract, centrally agreed contract. Can using item cat strd, kons, 3rd party, text, subcont(can specify mat component to be provided to subcont at each delivery date. (item cat M & W not allowed) Not allowed using account assignment U. Total qty in sched agreement can be divided into partial qty with individual delivery date in the line of del schedule. Del schedule can be create with/w/o PR, also can create from MRP running. Can also use issue release documentation in scheduling agreement, or not depends on doc type. Automatic scheduling agreement schedule lines, can be used for large volume transaction (repetitive manufacturing), generate via MRP with prerequisite ; o Sched agreement, clearly designed as source of supply for MRP in source list (MRP indicator 2) o Procurement type F (external proc) in mat master o Automatic SA del schedule allow in MRP (means determine whether or not generate delivery schedule line in planning horizon during planning run Firm and trade-off zones define the degree to which schedule lines are to be regarded as binding: o Firm zone: Period when the vendor has the go-ahead for production ends. And delivery schedules in the zone are firm and fully binding. The zone begins on the current date o Trade-off zone: Period when vendor has the go ahead for the purchase of input materials ends. It begins at the end of firm zone. The delivery schedules are semi-firm. Scheduling agreement type : (setting in doc type) o With release doc , doc type LP : If delivery schedule is saved, it will transmit directly to vendor. Release doc indicator is not set (in standard) o Without release doc, doc type LPA : If delivery schedule is saved, it will not directly transmit to vendor, info in schedule line only as information. Transmit can be done after create SA release thats FRC or JIT delivery schedule. Can be created with release doc (in standard) Type scheduling agreement release : o Forcast del schedule : FRC : give vendor a medium term overview of mat req o JIT del schedule : inform vendor of short term requirement. This type of schedule show req per day or even per hour SA can be created with/w/o release doc. SA Release MA84 can only be generated, for sched agreement with release documentation (config in doc type). SA release can be create manual/ automatic based on report (online/background). SA can be generated for all sched agreement which scheduleline newly created or changed. Release doc enable to find when u sent which information to the vendor. Setting req, JIT indicator in mat mater must be set before SA created. In vendor master but assigned release creation profile or if not assign in vendor can input manually in SA manually. o

Release creation profile : define criteria for creation of SA release. It determine when release againts sched agreement are generated sent to vendor. Release creation periodicity determine time interval in which SA release are generated and transmit.

Config SA profile Sched agreement ME31L

Maintain del schedule ME38

Atau pake MA84 untuk SA release

direct transmit => JIT 1 line

Generate JIT schedule

SA Rel Documentation

Transmit after SA release

8. Source Determination

Purpose : automatically assigned source to PR (jk source det tick in header PR). Decisionto choose possible source supply using price simulation/ from vendor eval data. System suggest outline agreement/ info record for a PO. Source det will be trigger per item. Source of supply can be a vendor or an outline agreement. Sources are taken from master data in purchasing : source lists and quota arrangements. Priorities in source determination: o Quota arrangements o Then source lists with MRP indicator 1(MRP)/ 2 (MRP & sched agreement generate automatic) , if no quota arrangement exists o Outline agreement item o Purchase info records

Enhancement to custom source det LWSUS001 Source det, also can determine for transaction w/o mat master but using mat
group, and using order unit must be the same. Priority : 1 Outline agreement with mat group, 2 info record of mat group. Source det also cen create w/o PR, directly to PO with source determination then when it saved, it will also automatically create PR (prerequisite source list/ outline agreement) Reguler vendor can be set in info record, means this vendor is preferably to procure from this vendor at client level/ corporate group. Regular vendor that is set in info record will be compared with fix vendor in source list. Prerequisite : config regular vendor in plant

Block vendor and source supply Block vendor can be create in all purch org Mk05, or company code Xk05, in vendor master Xk02 extras -> block vendor in level transaction via source list with contract No (can not release order using that contract=> contract can not use in source of supply), or without contract No (can not create PO using that vendor)

Source List Can be used in purchasing & MRP run Source list specify which source is valid or not allowed (set block) for a certain period of time (can be set fix for period-> become 1st priority)can be set as plant specific source list requirement Prerequisite : source list is tick in mat master purch view, maintain source list data. Data in source list : o validity, o key source data (vendor, purch org, outline agreement), o fix source indicator (if fix > 1 => not uniq), o proc plant (diisi jk internal plant, vendor & agreement dihilangkan), o blocked source indicator (info record & outline agreement is not suggested in source det process) o MRP (can set automatic assign when run MRP that create PR when planning run)

Creation source list : manual ME01, creation form outline agreement ME32K,
creation from info record ME12, automatic (collective banyak mat/ 1 mat) from outline agreement/ info rec ME05, source list create for mat group (contract item cat M & W, can set exclusion/not). In source list you can automatic generate source suppy in PO by manual input contract number in sourcelist with tick button generate.





Analyse source list ME06

Quota arrangement Can have mat requirement arising over period divided among source on basis of quota. It determine which source of supply automatically assigned to PR. It applies in period of time and specifies how receipt should be distributed among other supply Prerequisite ; quotat arrangement tick in mat master(set bus req, in purch and or MRP), maintain quota arrangement data

Maintain manual MEQ1

System calculate percentage distribution of req on the basis of quota and update allocated quota qty each assignemtn of req affected on basis of the quota arrangement.

SPRO, maintain number range Quota arrangement & define quota

arrangement usage

Indicator tick, means PO : qty of mat ordered to date goes to quota allocated qty provided from Quota Arrangement master data PR : source det is controlled via quota arrangement, asgined req qty for all PR go to quota alocated qty SLN : To qty of schedule agreement in schedule line goes to quota alocated qty PlOr : total qty of planned order go to quota alocated qty MRP : when run MRP, source asigned on quota basis req goes to quota alocated qty Ord : PRO, tot qty from all PRO of these mat goes to quota alocated qty

Source det in quota arrangement

source with lowest quota rating will be asigned in PR => More quota -> lower rating -> possibility choose higer Use of the quota base quantity - example: You include a new vendor in an already existing quota arrangement. The existing quota arrangement consists of two vendors, who are each assigned 50% of the material requirements that arise. Each of these vendors has a high quota-allocated quantity because your company has already ordered a lot of material from them during the validity period of the quota arrangement. The new vendor is to be assigned the same share of forthcoming requirements as the other two. However, according to the formula for calculating the quota rating, all requirements will be allocated to the new vendor until such time as his quota rating exceeds that of one of the other two vendors.

The way to determine quota base qty : individual, collective

Quota arrangement in MRP make it possible to split req as per specifes quota
among various source in quota arrangement, prerequisite QA usage in mat master tick for MRP

Another aspect of source determination => Done 9. Optimized Purchasing The Strategies

Ordering: Assigned PR
Assigning source of supply to PR (sources can be assign if source list, info records, outline agreement, or quota arrangements exist). o It is recommended to skip the RFQ and quotation process, to optimized purchasing process. o Processing asigned PR via assignment list ME58 Conversion PR into PO o PR with source supply can be used for PO/ sched agreement schedule line. o PR w/o source supply, 1. process asign source supply, PO ref contract/info rec, ref RFQ. Automatic Generation of Pos (online & background) ME59N o Pre-requisite: automatic PO indicator in material and master vendor must be set o PO is generated automatically after the creation and the approval of PR. If PR is faulty, then PO cannot be made. All faults will come out in the Log. You cannot generate RFQ or scheduling agreement delivery schedules using this function. Processing non assigned PR (Assigning and Processing Requisitions) ME57 o List open PR to the allocated purchasing group o Initiate the automatic assignment of sources for all selected requisition items. If there is more than one source, you can choose your desired one. If PR has source before this process, it will be overwritten, if no source found, flag for RFQ processing. o You can save the PR with the source, or generate standard PO, contract release orders, scheduling agreement delivery schedule or RFQ. o

ME57 In ME57, can be config to report ALV

10.Specific Procurement Process

Invoicing plan Enable to schedule invoice on desired date relating planned procurement. Prerequisite : SPRO invoicing plan type (determine invoicing date is generated automatically) ,PO has account asignment, vendor master tick indicator The AutoEvalGRSetmtDel, use doc type PO FO -> input validity, indicator GR, GR non valuated, or GR not tick, & IR tick in PO, ERS tick in PO, Tax code maintain. Can be : - Periodic invoicing plan => Used for rental vehicle/ lease installment payments (mat/service), room rental, ground lease, rental photocopier, gardener monthly, value will be invoice in schedule date. Value invoice = net value in PO item. The Dates From and To : the period for the automatic generation invoicing dates. If a horizon is specified in SPRO, -> overrides the invoicing date proposals stemming from the aforementioned fields. In Advance indicator, specify whether the invoice is to be created for a period in advance or in arrears. - Partial invoicing plan => Used for procurement mat/service where settlement is affected in stage/ individual phase of project upon completion each phase. Total value in PO item is split over individual dates of the plan. Can designed certain date as date for Down Payment. - Date proposal can be manual/ automatic propose depends on ref invoicing plan.

Maintain date category where purch date are maintain manually or put forward date proposal using rule

Settlement using MRIS.


PURCHASING: You order the end product from a vendor, and specify in the
purchase order which components you will send the vendor to manufacture


the end product. Compnent can sent from our stock in WH or from 3rd party. Component can manual/ using BOM. If source supply wants to generate automatically in MRP, prerequisite : spec proc key subcont MRP2, has at least info record/ outline agreement, MRP relevant set in source list, can using quota arrangement forwith special proc L for subcont, Bom must exist. When planning run, PLO/ PR will automatically created with item cat L, system explode BOM and generate dependent req for component which include net req calculation, can define MRP area specific for subcont. If stock not enough qtock transfer reservation will be generate as component in MRP area. Prerequisite : item cat L. Char item cat L : PO can with/ w/o mat, account assignment optional, GR IR indicator required PO, GR non valueated optional If changes PO qty -> qty components to be provided arec hange proportionally except using fix indicator. If change delvery date only date of component that is required is recalculated, component are not determined from BOM, except Caried out BOM explosion. IM: You issue the components to the vendor, and create a GR for the product manufactured by the vendor. At the same time, the consumption of the components is posted. Issue component can with ME2O/w/o delvery MB1B. Subsequent adjustment MIGO, can be created for exces/ underconsumption of subcontracting component. INVOICE VERIFICATION: The vendors invoice is entered w/ reference to the PO. A subsequent adjustment for excess consumption or under-consumption of the components can also be made at the same time. Each of the subcontract item has one or several sub-items, which contain the components that are to be provided to the vendor. The components can be entered manually or using BOM explosion PO price is the vendors subcontracting service. Condition for subcont can be stored in a subcont purchasing info record/ outline agreement (contract & sched agreement) for subcont. Source determination can using source list and quota arrangement (specify item cat L) movement The components at the vendors site are managed in a special stock for the vendor. Components can only be withdrawn from the stock of material provided by the vendor. You can monitor the stocks of provided materials by means of evaluation. Goods issues for subcont orders can be entered in 2 ways: o GI w/ reference to PO o GI entered from the list of all the materials of a subcont vendor GR is entered w/ reference to the subcont order item. The consumption of the component items is posted at GR. You can correct the proposed consumption quantity.

Invoice verification and settlement Any excess- or under-consumption reported by the vendor has been posted after GR; you have to make a subsequent adjustment.

Release Procedure

Key Terms Release strategy defines the entire approval or release process. It contains release conditions, codes, and prerequisites. Release conditions/criteria determine which release strategy applies. Eg. If the value of a PR is 1000, then the strategy will differ from the 100,000 one. Release point represents and individual or department that must give their approval. It represented in the system by a release code. Release prerequisites tell the system the order in which approval must take place. Eg. Manager must approve before controller, the pre-req for the controller is that the manager has already approved The release indicator is a code that represents a release status. Release status is the current standing of the item or document. Status tells system what is allowed for the item or document (whether or not a PO can be created from it).

Release Procedure Release procedure in SAP R/3 is a group of approval (clearance and authorization) process in an organization. Release procedure for PR is an approval for conversion of PR to RFQ or PO. The purpose of it is to check the data on the materials, qty, and delivery date for correctness and to ensure that the right account assignment and source of supply are specified. PR can be released individually or collectively. If you use the collective procedure, you process the entire PR using release codes on the basis of a list. It is recommended for frequent releases. The setting can be based on the basis of freely definable classification characteristics or on the basis of predefined criteria. Release of ext purchasing docs means the process of checking the correctness of the doc data and approving the docs prior to their transmission to vendors. It replaces the manual system of authorized signatures External purchasing docs are released at header level (cannot be item-by-item release), and they can only be released using the release procedure w/ classification.

Business Process of Release Release strategy defines the release (clearance, approval, or authorization). It defines the individuals or dept required to approve the docs and the sequence in which the approvals must be granted. The assignment of a release strategy (in Customizing) to a PR is carried out automatically and is based on the release conditions (set up in Classification). If the procedure required classification, the conditions are defined using char values and are stored in Customizing. Each individuals or dept listed in the strategy represents a release point. A strategy allows up to 8 points. A point is identified by a two-character key (the release code). The release indicator reflects the current release status. It is determined automatically and defines whether, eg, an RFQ or a PO can be created w/ ref to the item in question.

Release Conditions/Criteria

To be able to work w/ release procedure w/ classification, you must create a release class w/ char in addition to making the other Customizing settings. A release class w/ char must be set up vie the classification system. The communication structures CEBAN (for PR) and CEKKO (for ext purchasing doc) contain all the fields that can be defined as release chars. All conditions must be defined here. The char should have the multi-value attributes. You should group together all chars relating to the strategies in a class. The class must be assigned to class type 032. The class is assigned to the release object in Customizing (1 PR, 2 ext purchasing docs, 3- service acceptance).

Customizing Release codes, indicators, and strategies in Customizing for Purchasing. A prerequisite for customizing a strategy is the definition of release classes w/ release chars. Depending on the indicator, specify whether it is possible to change docs that have been partially or completely released, or whether a document must pass through the release procedure all over again if it is changed. The definition of a release strategy comprises spec of the prerequisites for release points (the order of approval), status and conditions in the form of char values for classification. Release strategies are uniquely identified via a four-character key. The first two chars denote the release group, the other two the strategy. A release group must be assigned to a release object (eg. Two equals purchasing docs) and a release class.

Additional A PR with multiple line items was created. One item needs approval. If the approval is not received, how can this affect the status of the PR? Release can affected at the line item or document level for PR, depending on the settings for the release procedure. In this example, the unapproved item would be blocked but the other line items could be processed, assuming release is at the line item level.

Reporting All documents created in Purchasing are stored in a document database. Standard Analysis is used to analyze the info contained in the docs. One of feat is obtaining an overview of your vendors and purchasing organizations. Beside that, user can carry out analyses for master data, as well as for docs.

Scope of List Scope-of-list parameters determine which data is displayed for a document. You can decide whether you want a list in short form or whether it should contain more information.

Selection parameter determines which purchasing documents the report

evaluates. Reporting format SAP List Viewer and ALV Grid Control are the standard reporting format. ALV Grid Control in not only used to display lists (such as mat doc lists), but is also used in other transactions (such as PR). The essential elements of both of them are: o Consistent design of all lists and tables o Cross-application standardized functions w/ consistent icons o Simple creation and change of the layouts

Logistics Information Systems

The information systems in the LIS are continuously supplied w/ data from the
transaction systems. This level is also known as OLTP (Online Transaction Processing) Important info is stored in the SAP Open Information Warehouses own database, which is maintained in parallel to the operational systems. As data is updated periodically, the data volume is reduced quantitatively and the info is reduced qualitatively to the sections relevant to statistics. Convenient analysis and reporting tools are available at OLAP (Online Analytic Processing) level for analyzing data. The physical tables in the info warehouse are info structures. When you post a document, the system updates the key figures of the info structures for the relevant characteristic combinations.

Master Data and Info Records Purchasing Master Records In purchasing view of the material master, the PO unit, under- and overdeliveries tolerances, and reminder levels are at client level. They are mostly used by info records to create purchase orders. Source list requirements, quota arrangements usage, and automatic PO allowed indicators are set at plant level. They are the main indicators used for optimized purchasing Material types control a lot of things in SAP. They define the procurement type for a material, determine the inventory management requirement, determine which accounts are to be posted when a material enters or leaves the warehouse, and determine whether the materials kept in stock or not. Eg NLAG (Non-stock material) and DIEN (Services procured externally) are consumed immediately; therefore they wont record the stock level in material master. There are two types of info records: o Info record w/ material master: represents the relationship between a material or service (w/ material master) and a vendor. o Info record w/o mat master: represents the relationship between a material or service (w/o mat master) and a vendor.

In info record w/ ref to mat master, you can specify the display of info record
PO text and/or the PO text from the mat master. There is a No MText indicator in info records. If it is not set, both texts are displayed. If you only want the info record PO text to be displayed, set the indicator on.

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