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5/99 SHIP TYPE: Bulk Carrier SIZE(GRT): 6500

Edited by DTP-803 BUILT YEAR: 1975

Damage to ballast hold during deballasting

Course of events
During deballasting of hold no.4 (ballast hold) by gravity, the hatch cover, coamings, and the deck in way of and between hatches suffered major structural damage.

Extent of damage
The hatch covers were found set down about 100 mm, measured at the transverse joints of the forward and aft panels. The hatch coamings and stiffeners in way were also deformed. The deck plating, on the port and starboard side and between the hatches, were deformed correspondingly in areas of about 3 m x 5 m each.

Probable cause
No. 4 hold is equipped with four mushroom type manual vents on the top of the hatch cover (Figure 1). There are two ballast pumps. The signboard fitted at the cargo control console warned that vents on hatch covers have to be kept open during ballasting and deballasting operations. The probable cause was that the vents were kept closed at the time of deballasting, causing under-pressure in the ballast hold and consequential damage as described above.

Lessons to be learned
Procedures to be established and implemented for ballasting and deballasting operations. Measures to ensure that vents are open to prevent over-pressure or under-pressure in the ballast holds are to be included. Considerations to be made to fit warning signs in way of the cargo hold vents, in addition to signboard at cargo control console.

Casualty Information is published by Det Norske Veritas, Classification Support. Det Norske Veritas NO-1322 Hvik, Norway T +47 67 57 99 00 el: Fax: +47 67 57 99 11 The purpose of Casualty Information is to provide the maritime industry with 'lessons to be learned' from incidents of ship damage and more serious accidents. In this way, Det Norske Veritas AS hopes to contribute to the

prevention of similar occurrences in the future. The information included is not necessarily restricted to cover ships classed with DNV and is presented, without obligation, for information purposes only. Queries may be directed to Det Norske Veritas, Classification Support, NO-1322 Hvik, Norway. Fax: +47 67 57 99 11, e-mail: Det Norske Veritas AS. This publication may be reproduced freely on condition that Det Norske Veritas AS (DNV) is always stated as the source. DNV accepts no responsibility for any errors or misinterpretations.

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