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Invitation for collaboration!

Fashion is mostly seen as something very creative and pretty, but it can also be very destructive and unethical. Luckily their is a new wave of positive changes, turning what one was disposable to now sustainable. Part of this is movement is Openwear project to which we are inviting you to.
About the project Openwear is a part of EDUfashion (, a two-year international project for the development of a collaborative platform for fashion creation and continuous education emphasizing skillsharing and ethical branding. Openwear ( is an online community where you can share values, access to knowledge and practice of collaborative and distributed work. Openwear is where makers, fashion producers, small local enterprises, educational institutions can network to participating in the production of a new vision of fashion based on micro-communities and sustainability. We are inviting all the people who love fashion (or are involved in fashion business) to participate in our community: designers, dressmakers, artisans, knitters, tailors, pattern makers, photographers, screen printers, suppliers, traders, journalists, models... How to collaborate Openwear community can be useful to different types of users. An account on Openwear is called a Showbox. A Personal Showbox is an account for use by an individual or small informal group to promote and share their activities on Openwear community. A Local Hub Showbox is an account for use by individuals, small groups or small enterprises who organize services and activities related to fashion production in physical location (like sewing caf, laboratories, silk print labs, laser cut labs, fablabs, etc) in their local areas. An Educational Institution Showbox is an account for use by individuals or small groups who organize activities related to fashion production inside an educational space (like schools, universities, no profit associations, laboratories, ...) To create a Showbox go here. Benefits For an individual or small informal groups Openwear is an excellent public space where you can present your profile and activities, find collaborators to work even better (as a student, independent designer...). Openwear is also an on-line tool to discuss best practices of micro fashion production, find common solutions to shared problems and discover learning opportunities (wiki). But the most innovative benefit of all is the access to open-source brand and Collaborative collection. Which you can freely copy, multiply, upgrade and trade (more). Any useful information or questions please send us to or call 00 386 41 223 452. Thank you! Karmen Rovnik and Openwear team

Who are we Openwear was born out of the collaboration of Poper - a social communication studio based in Ljubljana - Ethical Economy, a company based in London providing web tools to build ethically significant relations, and 3 European universities from Italy (University of Milan, Faculty of Political Science), Slovenia (Faculty of Natural Sciences in Ljubljana) and Denmark (Copenhagen Business School), who pooled their efforts to experiment with a new vision based on collaboration, innovation and the sharing of knowledge and skills.

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