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The Morning After

The morning after knocked my door To say, your father is no more Its just like any other day Except he wont say, Son, hey! I know he cant be gone far To become a speck, a faraway star I dont need a voyage on land and sea But hes there, very much within me! Now with him no external ride I wont see him standing beside No sounds, no words I can hear from him From now on I would have him only in my dream! Deathless he would come back and so he would remain Ensuring my soul doesnt succumb to pain The cycle goes on, go on it must From me to the next, when I become dust!
By: Pradip Chattopadhyay

The morning after knocked my door To say, your father is no more

Simile: Its just like any other day

Symbolism: From me to the next, when I become dust!

I dont need a voyage on land and sea

Rhyme: a,b,c,c,a,a,d,e,e,e,f,f,g,g,h,h

Its just like any other day Except he wont say, Son, hey!

I know he cant be gone far To become a speck, a faraway star

Now with him no external ride I wont see him standing beside

The cycle goes on, go on it must From me to the next, when I become dust!

Assonance: To become a speck, a faraway star But hes there, very much within me! No sounds, no words I can hear from him

Hyperbole: To become a speck, a faraway star

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