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Video 1 Mass + weight + momentum

Things with little mass have little weight, things with a large mass have a greater weight. On earth a spaceship has mass and is extremely heavy but when in space, in zero gravity it cannot be said to have weight but it still has mass. If you could push it gently it would move. So objects have something which is a combination of mass and velocity, and we call that 'momentum'. Here is a moving weight and it is going to hit a still weight. The still weight is now moving and the moving weight has come to rest and is still. The momentum was transferred from one to the other. So what happens if a light object hits a heavy object? Watch. The small weight is going very fast, but the large object only moves slowly on impact. And now a heavy object hitting a light object. The heavy object is moving slowly, but when they collided the light object moved away fast. This illustrates that momentum equals mass times velocity.

Collins Education 2006

Video 1 - Mass + weight + momentum

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