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Hughesville Borough Council Minutes

July 11, 2011 - 7:00, PM

Council members and staff present Jeffery Berger, Andrew Mook, Curtis Michael, Jillian Perry, James Savage, Mayor Walter Reed, Dale Cahn, Dolores Moyer and Chief Gill The regular meeting of the Hughesville Borough Council was called to order by Council President Jeffery Berger followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Guests and Visitors: Bob Simmons, Alyssa Murphy (Sun-Gazette) Tom Hess expressed parking concerns on his Third Street rental property during the fair. He asked Council to reconsider the restriction because of the seniors who live there. Council said they would consider some changes for next year but they would remain as is for this year. Katie Ruiz and Sarah Small (Seda-Cog) Energy Audit reviewed their analysis of the electric and oil bills for the past 2 years. They pointed out where the greatest losses are occurring and made suggestions. Seda-Cog is working on grant opportunities and rebate programs; they will update the Borough as they become available. Approve Agenda: July 11, 2011 Mook moved, seconded by Savage. Motion passed. Approve Minutes: June 27, 2011 Michael moved, seconded by Mook. Motion passed. Police Report: The bike raffle held at the Firemans Carnival in June was very successful; there were about 500 entries. A picture of the winners is on the Boroughs website. Gill is holding a Child Safety Seat Check at the Hughesville Volunteer Fire Station on July 27, 2011 from 11:00 AM 1:00 PM. Gill recently trained and certified to do seat check. There are only 2 sites in the county trained to do so; Williamsport Fire Department and Hughesville Police Department. He stated that most seats are improperly installed and many times there are recalls, expirations and other defects which parents are not aware of. Mayors Report: Reed said he wants to meet with the Properties Committee soon. Public Safety Committee met today; they intend to become more aggressive citing home owners with overgrown tree limbs. Public Works Report: Cahn said that he thought that street improvements that were bid through the COG would begin the last week of July. He asked Council if the No Parking sign for the Hughesville Fair should be the same as last year. Council said yes. The signs are as follows: y Main St. East & West 75 ft. from all intersections Lycoming & Broadway Sts. y 2nd St. W. Lycoming - Academy Sts. y 3rd St. E/W Fair gate - Water St. y 4th St. W. Broadway Academy Sts. y 5th St. W. Broadway Water St. & E. Broadway 147 S. 5th St. y E. Park St. N/S S. Hughes Alley Main St. y E. Lycoming St. N/S 2nd St. Main St. y Broadway N/S Main St. 5th St. y One Way: S. Hughes Alley North bound Park St. Broadway No parking will go into effect at mid-night July 13, 2011 till midnight July 23, 2011. Michael moved, seconded Perry. Motion passed. Temporary hiring of Roger Schomburg at $10.00 hr. for Streets and Water Department. Savage moved, seconded by Mook. Motion passed. Water Report: June 2, 2011 Michael moved to accept, seconded by Mook. Motion passed. Cahn said he gave a copy of the letter the Borough received from Champion Technologies to DEP. Zoning Report: Code Inspections Inc. has cited Kathleen Swinehart for International Property Code Violation. Codes will post 272 W. Academy St. as uninhabitable; the owner is Glenn Keiser. East Lycoming Recreation Authority: Request copy of minutes Hughesville-Wolf Authority: Request copy of minutes & 2010 Audit Report

Treasurers Report:

General Fund - Check# 7102-7121 Payroll - Direct Deposit ACH Debits

$ 9,229.69 $ 26,839.14 $ 21,057.12

Borough Secretary: Moyer said that she passed on all information obtained regarding new electric rates to the Properties Committee to review. The Borough is facing an increase of 4.0 per kw. Business: Phone System was tabled for clarification of information

Adjournment: 8:50 Mook moved, seconded by Savage. Motion passed.

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