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Ms Kezia Dugdale MSP Scottish Parliament EDINBURGH EH991SP

Date Your ref Our ref

2 August 2011 KS-22/07/11 AIP/2011/Gen/lN424566/IP

Dear Ms Dugdale ABBEYHILL RAILWAY BRIDGE Thank you for your correspondence of 22 July 2011 highlighting your concerns over the safety of the junction arrangement at Abbeyhill and Abbeymount. This location has been assessed and it is agreed that the sight lines and forward visibility of the junction is substandard. Due to the current road layout and the overbridges it is difficult to identify and install any physical engineering solutions to improve the visibility of traffic exiting the junction. It has therefore been proposed to install advance signage on the southbound approach to the junction from Abbeymount, and renew the 'slow' carriageway markings on the immediate approach to the junction. These should provide clear warning to drivers of the hazard ahead and help reduce the speeds through the bend. This work will be carried out by March 2012. The Council does not advocate the use of convex mirrors at junctions within Edinburgh for a number of reasons, among which are; Distortion of reflected image; Glare from sunlight or headlamps; Ineffectiveness during bad weather (rain, snow, frost); Difficult to judge speed of an approaching vehicle from a mirror image; Maintenance issues - mirrors are prone to vandalism and may also require constant realignment to ensure effective reflection of approaching vehicle; Reliance on the mirror's restricted image may compromise the safety of other road users (pedestrians and cyclists) whose image does not appear clearly in the mirror.

The matter regarding the bird nesting will be answered under separate cover by the Services for Communities Department.
Dave Anderson, Director, City Development
Transport, City Chambers, High Street, Edinburgh EH11YJ

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Thank you again for your interest in this matter and if you have any further queries please contact Mr lain Peat on 0131 469 3416 or on Yours sincerely

Signature of or on behalf of

Marshall Poulton Head of Transport

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Railway Bridge.doc

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