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Women & Trauma

Clients, Therapists, Survivors

with Dr. Laura Brown

Hear this award winning
forensic psychologist. She
has been honored for her
scholarship, her activism, and
her work as a mentor and
leader on social justice issues
in psychology.

Delhi Community Center
505 East Central Ave.
Santa Ana, CA 92707

Driving Directions
Friday, September 9, 2011
Registration 8:30 AM
9:00 AM to 4:00 PM PDT
Add to my calendar

Thls workshop wlll uddress the muny wuys ln whlch
psychologlcul truumu uffects women ln thelr dlverse
ldentltles und soclul reulltles. The workshop wlll begln
wlth u dlscusslon of the vurlous klnds of truumu,
lncludlng DSM-IV, lnsldlous truumu und mlcro-
uggresslons, betruyul truumu. Dlstlnctlons between
PTSD und Complex Truumu (CT) wlll ulso be covered,
wlth purtlculur uttentlon to how sexlsm und gender
hlerurchles creute rlsks of truumu for women. A model
for understundlng women's ldentlty development ln the
context of personul power und powerlessness, us well
us ln the frumework of other uspects of self, such us
ethnlclty, soclul cluss, und sexuul orlentutlon wlll be

The workshop wlll then shlft to the pructlculltles of
dolng truumu-lnformed work. Theruplsts us truumu
survlvors, vlcurlous truumu, und cllent-theruplst
dynumlcs evoked by the presence of the truumu
nurrutlve ln the room wlll be uddressed. The use of
evldence-bused psychotherupy relutlonshlps us u
foundutlon for truumu pructlce wlll be descrlbed und

Register Now!
I can't make it

5eglstrutlon Fee (All Duy)
S90 wlth 6 CEUs
S80 wlthout CEUs
S60 Pre-llcensed/Student 5ute

Contlnentul Breukfust und Lunch lncluded

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