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Colegio Nuestra Seora de los Desamparados (C.N.

Unit plan from May 30 to June 9

Lesson 9: What does she look?

Unit length: page 58-page 63

General Objectives: To describe people appearance. To learn different types of clothing and fashion styles like? OBJECTIVES To identify and describe people physical appearance CONTENTS ACTIVITIES MATERIALS VALUES Respect Cooperation Group work Tolerance ASSESSMENT Daily evaluation (bring materials, work at class, follow instructions) Attendance Exam Practices Book Homeworks

Physical descriptors: hair (color, Warm ups -Presentations length, type) age, eyes, looks, height weight, skin Explain physical characteristic with a -Board pps presentation (how and why to use it) Question making: how are?, -Book To construct Wh- questions, does s/he has? Do practice in the book (interchange 3rd questions using ed) does, wh- and how Cloth items: pants, shirts, shoes, Play guess who? to describe people accessories -Paper dolls appearance Ss practice what they just saw by doing Wh- questions: who is?, which ex 2, 3, 4 and 6 -Online book To identify and one..? who are? edition describe cloth items Explain cloth vocabulary and trends and trends Participles: wearing, talking, with a power point presentation -Vocabulary looking (vocabulary and sentence construction) sheets To construct wh- questions Prepositions: with, in, next to, on Book practice incorporating participles and Find the object and the person activity prepositions Paper doll activity

Colegio Nuestra Seora de los Desamparados (C.N.S)

Professor.Angla Betancourt Balmaceda | English Subject | Eight graders (8-1, 8-2, 8-4) 27

Unit plan from to

Lesson 10: Have you ever ridden a camel? General Objectives: OBJECTIVES CONTENTS ACTIVITIES MATERIALS -Presentations -Board -Book (interchange 3rd ed) -Online book edition -Internet

Unit length: page 64- page 69

VALUES Respect Cooperation Group work tolerance

ASSESSMENT Daily evaluation (bring materials, work at class, follow instructions) Attendance Practices Book Homeworks Quiz

Present perfect (positive Warm ups answers) Jeopardy activity Question and answer making Book activities Past participles Class explanation (pronunciation, usage and how to write it Exam practices Difference among Since Topic reviews and for Oral practice (verb pronunciation) Simple past (question making and Verb practices providing positive and negative answers) Difference among PP and simple past

-Practice sheets

Professor.Angla Betancourt Balmaceda | English Subject | Eight graders (8-1, 8-2, 8-4)


Colegio Nuestra Seora de los Desamparados (C.N.S)

Unit plan from to

Lesson 11: Its a very exciting place! Objectives: Goals: OBJECTIVES CONTENTS ACTIVITIES MATERIALS

Unit length: page 72-page 77



Colegio Nuestra Seora de los Desamparados (C.N.S)

Monday, May 30.

General Objective: To describe people appearance. Lesson 9: What does she look? 84 (2 le ss on s) ju st ta u gh 1





Professor.Angla Betancourt Balmaceda | English Subject | Eight graders (8-1, 8-2, 8-4)


le ss on Physical descriptors: hair (color, length, type),looks, height

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

T starts and introduces the class by greeting Ss. -Presentation Check attendance. Warm up: T present Ss an image of a man and a woman and ask -Board Ss to describe the picture. Tell Ss that T know this person but forgot his and her look and -Computer request them to describe the people base on the images In this way, I will be able to get the vocabulary that they manage. Provide them with lesson # and the objectives Base on the first activity T explain Ss the different way to describe a person T present the characteristics in different categories Just saw hair, age, looks and height descriptors because there was not enough time to continue (continue lesson on Friday 3) N/A

Attendance Daily assessment

81 (2 L)


No class with this section due to a high school activity, start lesson 9 on Thursday 2nd


Colegio Nuestra Seora de los Desamparados (C.N.S). Thursday, June 2

General Objective: To describe people appearance.

Professor.Angla Betancourt Balmaceda | English Subject | Eight graders (8-1, 8-2, 8-4)


Lesson 9: What does she look? CONTENTS 81 (1 les so n) Physical descriptors: hair (color, length, type)looks
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.



ASSESSMENT Attendance Daily assessment

T starts and introduces the class by greeting Ss. -Presentation Check attendance. Warm up: T present Ss an image of a man and a woman and ask -Board Ss to describe the picture. Tell Ss that T know this person but forgot his and her look and -Computer request them to describe the people base on the images In this way, I will be able to get the vocabulary that they manage. Provide them with lesson # and the objectives Base on the first activity T explain Ss the different way to describe a person T present the characteristics in different categories Just saw hair, age and looks descriptors because there was not enough time to continue (continue lesson on Monday 6) Observation class, observe8-2 for the first time Begin lesson plan on Friday 3rd N/A

82 (2 l)



Colegio Nuestra Seora de los Desamparados (C.N.S). Friday, June 3.

General Objective: To describe people appearance.

Professor.Angla Betancourt Balmaceda | English Subject | Eight graders (8-1, 8-2, 8-4)


Lesson 9: What does she look? CONTENTS 84 (1 les so n) Physical descriptors: hair (color, length, type) age, eyes, looks, height weight, skin
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

T starts and introduces the class by greeting Ss. Check attendance. Review content saw on previous class (Monday 30) Continue with lesson and present the remaining characteristics which are weight, eyes, skin) Provide students with an example of each category by illustrating them and using it in a question and with a positive answer (e.g. blond hair, picture, question: What color is her hair?, answer: She has blond hair ) Missing weight and skin because there was not enough time to continue T gives time to Ss to complete, meanwhile check what they are doing Ss practice what they just saw and do ex 3 page 59Ask several Ss to come to the front and answer the ex. Check responses with Ss and clarify doubts Practice the vocabulary that we just saw by playing guess who? a. T pictures one of her Ss in her mind and their Ss need to guess who she its thinking about b. Ss must make appearance questions in order to guess who it was (what is the color of her hair?) c. T will call different Ss to do the same as her Finally, T provides Ss with HW, ex1, 2 and 3. Pages 49-50 of the interchange workbook



Book Attendance Presentation Book online Daily assessment version Provide Hw ex 1-2-3 p.49-50 workbook

Question and 6. answer making 7.


9. 10.


Professor.Angla Betancourt Balmaceda | English Subject | Eight graders (8-1, 8-2, 8-4)


82 (2 les so ns )

Book T starts and introduces the class by greeting Ss. Presentation Check attendance. Warm up: T present Ss an image of a man and a woman and ask Ss to describe the Book online picture. version 4. Tell Ss that T know this person but forgot his and her look and request them to describe the people base on the images 5. In this way, I will be able to get the vocabulary that they manage. 6. Provide them with lesson # and the objectives Question and 7. Base on the first activity T explain Ss the different way to describe a person answer making 8. T present the characteristics in different categories (hair, age, looks, height, weight, eyes, skin) Vocabulary 9. Provide students with an example of each category by illustrating them and using it in a question and with a positive answer (e.g. blond hair, picture, question: What color is her hair?, answer: She has blond hair ) 10. Ss practice what they just saw and do ex 3 page 59 11. T gives time to Ss to complete, meanwhile check what they are doing 12. T gives time to Ss to complete, meanwhile check what they are doing 13. Ask several Ss to come to the front and answer the ex. 14. Check responses with Ss and clarify doubts 15. Practice the vocabulary by playing a game called guess who? 16. T pictures one of her Ss in her mind and their Ss need to guess who she its thinking about 17. Ss must make appearance questions in order to guess who it was (what is the color of her hair?) 18. T will call different Ss to do the same as her Finally, T provides Ss with HW, ex1, 2 and 3. Pages 49-50 of the interchange workbook 1. 2. 3.

Physical descriptors: hair (color, length, type) age, eyes, looks, height weight, skin

Attendance Daily assessment Provide homework (workbookex1, 2 and 3. Pages 4950)

Professor.Angla Betancourt Balmaceda | English Subject | Eight graders (8-1, 8-2, 8-4)


Colegio Nuestra Seora de los Desamparados (C.N.S). Monday, June 6.

General Objective: To describe people appearance. Lesson 9: What does she look? CONTENTS 84 Physical characteristics (2 les so ns ) ACTIVITIES Greet students Check attendance Check HW, ex1, 2 and 3. Pages 49-50 of the interchange workbook 4. Call several Ss to the board so they can write the hw answers 5. Check all answers 6. Clarify doubts
1. 2. 3.

MATERIALS Book board

ASSESSMENT Attendance Daily assessment

8Physical descriptors: hair (color, 1. 1 (2 length, type) age, eyes, looks, height 2. 3. weight, skin les 4. so Question and answer making ns 5. ) Vocabulary
6. 7. 8. 9.

T starts and introduces the class by greeting Ss. Check attendance. Review content saw on previous class (Monday 30) Continue with lesson and present the remaining characteristics which are height, weight, eyes, skin) Ss make the activity B p.58 of their book, for this T request Ss to work in pairs and do the activity after it T will ask two Ss to share with the rest of the group T explain Ss the way in which they can ask others about their appearance, explain construction and give examples Ss practice what they just saw by doing ex 2, 3, 4 and 6 T check responses with Ss and clarify doubts Finally, T provides Ss with HW, ex1, 2 and 3. Pages 49-50 of the interchange workbook

Book Attendance Presentation Book online Daily assessment version Check hw

Professor.Angla Betancourt Balmaceda | English Subject | Eight graders (8-1, 8-2, 8-4)


Colegio Nuestra Seora de los Desamparados (C.N.S). Thursday, June 9.

General Objective: To learn different types of clothing and fashion styles like? Lesson 9: What does she look? CONTENTS 81 (2 les so ns ) Physical appearance
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

ACTIVITIES Greet Ss Check attendance Check homework Call different Ss to the board so they write Hw answers Check all the responses Clarify doubts Do exercise 4 page 60. Reproduce the tape twice, give them time to listen and finally check the responses with them. 9. Leave homework page 53 and 54, exercise 8-11 Greet Ss Check attendance Check homework (ex1, 2 and 3. Pages 49-50 of the interchange workbook) 4. Call different Ss to the board so they write Hw answers 5. Check all the responses 6. Clarify doubts 7. Do exercise 4 page 60. 8. Reproduce the tape twice, give them time to listen and finally check the responses with them. 9. Leave homework page 53 and 54, exercise 8-11 Colegio Nuestra Seora de los Desamparados (C.N.S).
1. 2. 3.



Board Attendance Book Book electronic Daily assessment version Check Hw


( 2 l e s s o n s )

Physical appearance

Board Attendance Book Book electronic Daily assessment version Check Hw Provide Hw for next class

Professor.Angla Betancourt Balmaceda | English Subject | Eight graders (8-1, 8-2, 8-4)


Friday, June 10.

General Objective: To learn different types of clothing and fashion styles like? Lesson 9: What does she look? CONTENTS 84 Physical appearance (2 les Cloth objectives so ns ) 82 Physical appearance (2 les Cloth objectives so ns )
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

ACTIVITIES Greet Ss Check attendance Check homework page 53 and 54, exercise 8-11 Check all answers Clarify doubts Tell students that next class we will see a new topic which is cloth item, present objective so Ss can copy those Greet Ss Check attendance Check homework page 53 and 54, exercise 8-11 Check all answers Clarify doubts Tell students that next class we will see a new topic which is cloth item, present objective so Ss can copy those

MATERIALS Book presentation

ASSESSMENT Attendance Daily assessment Check homework

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Book presentation

Attendance Daily assessment

Colegio Nuestra Seora de los Desamparados (C.N.S). Monday, June 13.

Professor.Angla Betancourt Balmaceda | English Subject | Eight graders (8-1, 8-2, 8-4)


General Objective: To learn different types of clothing and fashion styles like? Lesson 9: What does she look? CONTENT ACTIVITIES MATERIALS ASSESSMENT

Professor.Angla Betancourt Balmaceda | English Subject | Eight graders (8-1, 8-2, 8-4)


8 4 ( 2 l e s s o n s )

Cloth items: pants, shirts, shoes, accessories (necklace, gloves)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Participles: wearing, 6. talking, looking

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.


Greet Ss Check attendance Check Hw Start with new lesson (cloth) T begin the class by making questions about trends what do you consider to be trendy right now? Do you think people have different styles? (colors, items, styles), based on what Ss answer Ss will look on p.60-61 to determine trends they will also contrast what is actual or not by watching a pp presentation Ss will listen activity 8 p.61 and will answer the following questions, where are these people? What are they doing? What are they wearing? Do you think they are trendy? What do they look like? Base on the conversation picture ss will answer the questions and practice cloth vocabulary T will take some time to review vocabulary that students are not familiar with T will check the grammar section on page 62 and will review the different types of question and answer, T will try students to get the order of each one. T will clarify doubts and will put Ss to do act a and b p.62 Tell Ss that we are going to do an activity in order to practice the vocabulary that we saw. In order to start the activity the T will select four Ss as group leaders and request them to come to the front Once they are in the front T tell them to select the students that they want to work with, they do it in order first group #1, then #2, #3 and, #4, then #1, #2, and so on Once the groups are ready, T will hand out to each group leader a box that includes a paper doll, paper cloth, white sheets, and markers. T provide the specific instructions, which are: a. Dress the doll in the way you want b. Write in the sheet provide by your teacher what the doll is wearing, write this by using the structure saw in class and try to be as specific as possible (she is wearing a yellow t-shirt that has a heart on it) c. Raise your hand when you are finish When all the Ss are ready T will ask the leader of group#1 to come to the front and read the description twice to their classmates

Board Paper dolls Markers Prizes White sheets Presentation Board Book Book online version

Attendance Daily assessment Tell Ss that they need to learn the verbs on the appendix of the book Check homework act 9 ex a, b

Professor.Angla Betancourt Balmaceda | English Subject | Eight graders (8-1, 8-2, 8-4)



Ss need to listen carefully and dress the doll in the way their classmate told them. Presentation Book Book online version board Attendance Daily assessment Check hw

8 1 ( 2 l e s s o n s )

Cloth items: 1. Greet Ss pants, shirts, 2. Check attendance 3. T begin the class by making questions about trends what do you consider to be trendy shoes, accessories right now? Do you think people have different styles? (colors, items, styles), based on (necklace, what Ss answer Ss will look on p.60-61 to determine trends they will also contrast what gloves) is actual or not by watching a pp presentation 4. Ss will listen activity 8 p.61 and will answer the following questions, where are these Participles: people? What are they doing? What are they wearing? Do you think they are trendy? wearing, What do they look like? talking, 5. Base on the conversation picture ss will answer the questions and practice cloth looking vocabulary 6. T will take some time to review vocabulary that students are not familiar with 7. T will check the grammar section on page 62 and will review the different types of question and answer, T will try students to get the order of each one. 8. T will clarify doubts and will put Ss to do act a and b p.62

Colegio Nuestra Seora de los Desamparados (C.N.S). Thursday, June 16.

General Objective: To learn different types of clothing and fashion styles like? Lesson 9: What does she look? Introduce lesson 10: Have you ever ridden a camel? CONTENTS ACTIVITIES MATERIALS ASSESSMENT

Professor.Angla Betancourt Balmaceda | English Subject | Eight graders (8-1, 8-2, 8-4)

81 (1l es so n)

Cloth items: pants, shirts, shoes, accessories (necklace, gloves)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Greet Ss Check attendance Check gramar chart on page 62 4. Explain them how this work by giving them examples Check homework (wb) Finish lesson 9 by checking grammar chart

Presentation Book Book online version board

Attendance Daily assessment Check hw

Participles: wearing, talking, looking

Professor.Angla Betancourt Balmaceda | English Subject | Eight graders (8-1, 8-2, 8-4)


82 (2 les so ns )

Cloth items: 1. Greet Ss pants, shirts, 2. Check attendance 3. T begin the class by making questions about trends what do you consider to be trendy shoes, accessories right now? Do you think people have different styles? (colors, items, styles), based on (necklace, what Ss answer Ss will look on p.60-61 to determine trends they will also contrast what gloves) is actual or not by watching a pp presentation 4. Ss will listen activity 8 p.61 and will answer the following questions, where are these Participles: people? What are they doing? What are they wearing? Do you think they are trendy? wearing, What do they look like? talking, looking 5. Base on the conversation picture ss will answer the questions and practice cloth vocabulary 6. T will take some time to review vocabulary that students are not familiar with 7. T will check the grammar section on page 62 and will review the different types of question and answer, T will try students to get the order of each one. 8. T will clarify doubts and will put Ss to do act a and b p.62 9. Tell Ss that we are going to do an activity in order to practice the vocabulary that we saw. 10. In order to start the activity the T will select four Ss as group leaders and request them to come to the front 11. Once they are in the front T tell them to select the students that they want to work with, they do it in order first group #1, then #2, #3 and, #4, then #1, #2, and so on 12. Once the groups are ready, T will hand out to each group leader a box that includes a paper doll, paper cloth, white sheets, and markers. 13. T provide the specific instructions, which are: a. Dress the doll in the way you want b. Write in the sheet provide by your teacher what the doll is wearing, write this by using the structure saw in class and try to be as specific as possible (she is wearing a yellow t-shirt that has a heart on it) c. Raise your hand when you are finish 14. When all the Ss are ready T will ask the leader of group#1 to come to the front and read the description twice to their classmates 15. Ss need to listen carefully and dress the doll in the way their classmate told them.

Board Paper dolls Markers Prizes White sheets Presentation Book Book online version

Attendance Daily assessment

Professor.Angla Betancourt Balmaceda | English Subject | Eight graders (8-1, 8-2, 8-4)


Colegio Nuestra Seora de los Desamparados (C.N.S). Monday, June 20

General Objective: To learn different types of clothing and fashion styles like? Lesson 9: What does she look? CONTENTS 84 (2 l) N/A ACTIVITIES Check attendance, No classes with 8-4 due to math exam, stay at the classroom to observe Ss while they were madding the test, deliver and pick up exams MATERIALS N/A ASSESSMENT Attendance

Professor.Angla Betancourt Balmaceda | English Subject | Eight graders (8-1, 8-2, 8-4)


81 (2 le ss on s)

1. Greet Ss 2. Check attendance 3. Tell Ss that we are going to do an activity in order to practice the vocabulary and structures that we saw on unit 9 4. In order to start the activity the T will select four Ss as group leaders and request them to come to the front 5. Once they are in the front T tell them to select the students that they want to work with, Wh- questions: they do it in order first group #1, then #2, #3 and, #4, then #1, #2, and so on who is?, 6. Once the groups are ready, T will hand out to each group leader a box that includes a which one..? paper doll, paper cloth, white sheets, and markers. who are? 7. T provide the specific instructions, which are: a. Dress the doll in the way you want Participles: b. Write in the sheet provide by your teacher what the doll is wearing, write wearing, this by using the structure saw in class and try to be as specific as possible talking, looking (she is wearing a yellow t-shirt that has a heart on it) c. Raise your hand when you are finish Prepositions: 8. When all the Ss are ready T will ask the leader of group#1 to come to the front and read with, in, next the description twice to their classmates to, on

Cloth items: pants, shirts, shoes, accessories (necklace, gloves)

Board Paper dolls Markers Prizes White sheets Presentation Book Book online version

Attendance Daily assessment

9. Ss need to listen carefully and dress the doll in the way their classmate told them. 10. The first group that finish raise their hand and show the doll to the group leader if they dressed the doll in the correct way they win a point if not another group was the chance 11. After that will come the leader of group #2 and do the same, then the leader of group #3 and finally group #4 12. Once they all have come to the front T will count the points and the group that has the majority of points will be the winners 13. T will give a prize to each member of the winning group 14. Tell Ss that we are going to begin a new topic, which is lesson 10, present perfect. 15. Do Warm up by asking Ss different questions about actions that they have done like have you ever seen HP? Have you ever done bungee? T does question to Ss and wait for answers
Professor.Angla Betancourt Balmaceda | English Subject | Eight graders (8-1, 8-2, 8-4) 27

16. Base on this T tell Ss that they are going to see the present perfect, provide Ss unit name and objects and give them time to copy it 17. Once they finished copying, T will talk with Ss about the verbal times (presentpast-future) explain what each one stands for and ask some questions as e.g. like what did you ate yesterday? What are you doing right now? What will you do tomorrow? Wait for answers and clarify doubts 18. T tell them that this is a new verb tense, go back to the nuestra pic n ask the question once again n explain present perfect, difference with the past 19. T will talk about regular and irregular verbs with Ss tell them that they need to learn irregular and explain differences among them. 20. Check conversation page 64 so Ss can see by themselves the structure, based on that T will ask some questions about the actions that they made 21. T will double checked with the grammar square on page 65, T will try that Ss get the grammar structure by themselves so she will ask about coincides as soon as they notice T will go back to the presentation to explain the structure (subj+have/ has+pp) 22. T will talk about regular and irregular verbs with Ss tell them that they need to learn irregular and explain differences among them. 23. T show some examples of the way in which its done

Colegio Nuestra Seora de los Desamparados (C.N.S). Thursday, July 21

General Objective: Lesson 10: Have you ever ridden a camel?

Professor.Angla Betancourt Balmaceda | English Subject | Eight graders (8-1, 8-2, 8-4)


81 (1 less on)




Present perfect 1. Greet Ss (positive answers) 2. Check attendance 3. Review present perfect with Ss, show them the presentation so they can Question and remember the structures of the topic. 4. Show them some examples and let them explain them to me. answer making 5. Base on this activity put Ss to practice the verb tense with act.b page Past participles 65. 6. Check how they are doing with the activity to see how much they remember about the topic. 7. One everybody has finished asks several Ss to come to the front and give responses. 8. Check exercise on the board and correct responses. 9. Clarify doubts. 10. Remind Ss that they have to learn the verbs in order to understand and manage this topic completely.

Board Book Presentation Online book version

Attendance Daily assessment Provide Homework, workbook page55 ex. 1 and 2, page 6 exercise a

Professor.Angla Betancourt Balmaceda | English Subject | Eight graders (8-1, 8-2, 8-4)


82 (2 less ons) )

Board Present perfect 1. Greet Ss Presentation (positive answers) 2. Check attendance 3. Do Warm up by asking Ss different questions about actions that they Question and have done like have you ever seen HP? Have you ever done bungee? T answer making does question to Ss and wait for answers 4. Base on this T tell Ss that they are going to see the present perfect, Past participles provide Ss unit name and objects and give them time to copy it 5. Once they finished copying, T will talk with Ss about the verbal times (present-past-future) explain what each one stands for and ask some questions as e.g. like what did you ate yesterday? What are you doing right now? What will you do tomorrow? Wait for answers and clarify doubts 6. T tell them that this is a new verb tense, go back to the nuestra pic n ask the question once again n explain present perfect, difference with the past 7. Check conversation page 64 so Ss can see by themselves the structure, based on that T will ask some questions about the actions that they made 8. T will double checked with the grammar square on page 65, T will try that Ss get the grammar structure by themselves so she will ask about coincides as soon as they notice T will go back to the presentation to explain the structure (subj+have/has+pp) 9. T will talk about regular and irregular verbs with Ss tell them that they need to learn irregular and explain differences among them. 10. T show some examples of the way in which its done 11. Base on this activity put Ss to practice the verb tense with act.b page 65 12. One everybody has finished asks several Ss to come to the front and give responses. 13. Check exercise on the board and correct responses. 14. Clarify doubts.

Attendance Daily assessment Provide Homework, workbook page55 ex. 1 and 2, page 6 exercise a

Professor.Angla Betancourt Balmaceda | English Subject | Eight graders (8-1, 8-2, 8-4)


Colegio Nuestra Seora de los Desamparados (C.N.S). Friday, July 22

General Objective: Lesson 10: Have you ever ridden a camel? 8 4 ( 1 l e s s o n ) CONTENTS ACTIVITIES



Professor.Angla Betancourt Balmaceda | English Subject | Eight graders (8-1, 8-2, 8-4)


Board Present perfect 1. Greet Ss 2. Check attendance Presentation form 3. Do Warm up by asking Ss different questions about actions that they have done like have you ever seen HP? Have you ever done bungee? T does question to Ss and wait for answers 4. Remind Ss that they have to learn the verbs in order to understand and manage this topic completely.

Attendance Daily assessment

8 2 ( 1 l e s s o n )

Present perfect 1. Greet Ss 2. Check attendance Past participle 3. Check homework, check all the response, clarify doubts, do exercises that student verbs didnt understand on the board 4. Practice the topic by doing exercise 8, page 68, explain Ss what do they have to do, Question give an example 5. Check Ss while they are working and answer 6. Once they finish ask several Ss to come to the board and complete chart structure 7. Check answers, clarify doubts

Book Online book version

Daily assessment, Check hw Attendance

Colegio Nuestra Seora de los Desamparados (C.N.S). Thursday, July 28

General Objective: Lesson 10: Have you ever ridden a camel?

Professor.Angla Betancourt Balmaceda | English Subject | Eight graders (8-1, 8-2, 8-4)



CONT. ( 1 Present l perfect ) 8 2 ( 2 l e s s o n s )

1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3.

ACTIVITIES Greet Ss Check attendance Check homework, clarify and correct doubts


ASSESSMENT Daily assessment, Check hw

Verb form (past participlepresent) 4. Irregular and regular verbs

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Greet Ss Jeopardy board Daily assessment Check attendance Book Begin the class by telling Ss that we are going to practice the past participle form of the Online book v. Attendance verbs by playing a game call jeopardy Provide Instructions: a. Tell Ss that they are going to be organize in different groups, in this case each road its going to be a group b. Explain them that team who provides the correct response to a clue, will earn the value of the box, if they answer incorrectly another group will have the chance if nobody provides the correct response, the T will read the correct response and nobody will earn the points c. The game begins when a team is randomly chosen to go first, and begins the game by selecting a category and value (e.g. b/f for 1pt). d. The T reads the clue, after which any player on any team raise the hand to give the response in the form of a question (e.g, Whats been?) e. Daily Double: double the score of the group, only the group that selected has the chance to answer f. The team with the highest score wins. Begin the game and end the game After the game the T will continue with a book activity to reinforce the topic Do exercise 6 and 7 page 67 Give time so they can do the exercise Check responses, Clarify doubts Colegio Nuestra Seora de los Desamparados (C.N.S). Friday, July 29

General Objective:

Professor.Angla Betancourt Balmaceda | English Subject | Eight graders (8-1, 8-2, 8-4)


Lesson 10: Have you ever ridden a camel? CONTENTS 84( 1 le ss on ) Present perfect Past participle verbs
1. 2. 3.



ASSESSMENT Daily assessment Attendance Check hw

Question and answer 4. structure

5. 6.

7. 8.

Book Greet Ss Online book Check attendance Check homework, check all the responses, clarify doubts and do exercises version Presentation that student didnt understand on the board Do Warm up by asking Ss different questions about actions that they have done like have you ever seen HP? Have you ever done bungee? T does question to Ss and wait for answers T tell them that this is a new verb tense, go back to the nuestra pic n ask the question once again n explain present perfect, difference with the past and future Explain them the structure of present perfect Ss will copy next time cause there wasnt enough time

82 Present perfect (1 le Verb pronunciation ss on Past participle form ) For and since usage and expressions


2. 3. 4.


Practice verb pronunciation by going to the appendix and reading present Book form and past participle form so Ss can notice the verb and pronunciation Online book contrast. version Read both forms aloud and make Ss repeat. After that do a listening activity on page 67 ex.6, make Ss repeat after they listen Then to practice their listening skill do exercise 7 page 67, reproduce the tape twice, give them time to listen and finally check the responses with them. Start with for and since topic, explain Ss the difference among this to forms, unspecific and specific, how to use it. Colegio Nuestra Seora de los Desamparados (C.N.S). Thursday, August 4

Daily assessment Attendance

General Objective:

Professor.Angla Betancourt Balmaceda | English Subject | Eight graders (8-1, 8-2, 8-4)


Lesson 10: Have you ever ridden a camel? CONTENTS 81 (1 le ss on ) ACTIVITIES MATERIALS Attendance Daily assessment Homework: do exercise 10 page 68, read instructions to Ss n tell them to bring the homework in a separate sheet with the name and section on it (one paragraph, 5sentences) *Tell Ss that we are going to do a quiz about the present perfect (negative and positive answers, question making) on Monday next week (Monday 8) ASSESSMENT

7. Greet Ss. Simple past Presentation (question making and 8. Check attendance. providing positive and 9. Tell Ss that we are going to see a new time Book negative answers) expression called simple past. 10. Show Ss the structure of how to use the verb tense Online book Difference among PP in questions and answers. version 11. And compare the form of the simple past with the and simple past present perfect Difference among Since12. Tell them that the main difference is that the and for present perfect its use for indefinite time events and simple past its use for specific events and the action does not continue to the present it ends on the past 13. Provide and explain examples 14. Clear doubts 15. Do practice on page 66, exercise A (leave it as hw if time its lacking) 16. Check answers and clear doubts 17. Explain Ss the main difference among for and since 18. Tell them that for its use with a general or unspecific time (e.g, few days, half an hour, several years) and since its use with the time when the action started that means its use for specific events (e.g, last year, June 8, I met you) 19. Do exercise C page 67

Professor.Angla Betancourt Balmaceda | English Subject | Eight graders (8-1, 8-2, 8-4)


82 (2 le ss on s)

Difference among Since and for Simple past (question making and providing positive and negative answers) Difference among PP and simple past

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

10. 11. 12. 13. 14.


Greet Ss. Presentation Check attendance. Continue explaining Ss the main difference Book among for and since Tell them that for its use with a general or Online book unspecific time (e.g, few days, half an hour, version several years) and since its use with the time when the action started that means its use for specific events (e.g, last year, June 8, I met you) Do exercise C page 67 Tell Ss that we are going to see a new time expression called simple past. Show Ss the structure of how to use the verb tense in questions and answers. And compare the form of the simple past with the present perfect Tell them that the main difference is that the present perfect its use for indefinite time events and simple past its use for specific events and the action does not continue to the present it ends on the past Provide and explain examples Clear doubts Do practice on page 66, exercise A (leave it as hw if time its lacking) Check answers and clear doubts Finally, Practice verb pronunciation by going to the appendix and reading present form and past participle form so Ss can notice the verb and pronunciation contrast. Read both forms aloud and make Ss repeat. Colegio Nuestra Seora de los Desamparados (C.N.S).

Attendance Daily assessment Homework: do exercise 10 page 68, read instructions to Ss n tell them to bring the homework in a separate sheet with the name and section on it (one paragraph, 5sentences) *Tell Ss that we are going to do a quiz about the present perfect (negative and positive answers, question making) on Thursday next week (Thursday 11)

Professor.Angla Betancourt Balmaceda | English Subject | Eight graders (8-1, 8-2, 8-4)


Friday, August 5

General Objective: Lesson10: Have you ever ridden a camel?

CONTENTS 8 4 ( 1 l e s s o n ) 8 2 ( 1 l e s s o n )



ASSESSMENT Attendance Daily assessment

Attendance Daily assessment

Colegio Nuestra Seora de los Desamparados (C.N.S).

Professor.Angla Betancourt Balmaceda | English Subject | Eight graders (8-1, 8-2, 8-4) 27

Monday, August 8

General Objective: Lesson: CONTENTS 8 4 ( 2 l e s s o n s ) 8 1 ( 2 l e s s o n s ) ACTIVITIES MATERIALS ASSESSMENT Attendance Daily assessment

Attendance Daily assessment

Professor.Angla Betancourt Balmaceda | English Subject | Eight graders (8-1, 8-2, 8-4)


Colegio Nuestra Seora de los Desamparados (C.N.S). Thursday, August 11

General Objective: Lesson: CONTENTS 8 1 ( 1 l e s s o n ) 8 2 ( 2 l e s s o n s ) ACTIVITIES MATERIALS ASSESSMENT Attendance Daily assessment

Attendance Daily assessment

Professor.Angla Betancourt Balmaceda | English Subject | Eight graders (8-1, 8-2, 8-4)


Colegio Nuestra Seora de los Desamparados (C.N.S). Thursday, August 12

General Objective: Lesson: CONTENTS 8 4 ( 1 l e s s o n ) 8 2 ( 2 l e s s o n s ) ACTIVITIES MATERIALS ASSESSMENT Attendance Daily assessment

Attendance Daily assessment

Professor.Angla Betancourt Balmaceda | English Subject | Eight graders (8-1, 8-2, 8-4)


Professor.Angla Betancourt Balmaceda | English Subject | Eight graders (8-1, 8-2, 8-4)


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