Koputaroa School Curriuc

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Our Vision Inspiring Minds on the journey of Learning


Creativity This concept encourages us to be creative and to think of new ideas and different ways of doing things. The Arts Science Technology

Environment This concept explores how people relate to the environment and the impact they have. This concept also develops understanding of sustainability. Health and Physical Education Social Sciences. Science

Our School Values Empathy Diversity Mana Inclusion Integrity Ambition Respect

Key Competencies Thinking Using Language, Symbols and Texts Managing Self Relating to Others

Wellbeing/Relationships This concept encourages people to develop an understanding of themselves and others and the relationships between people. It explores and encourages self-esteem and relationships. Health and Physical Education Social Sciences

Concepts for Learning

Diversity This concept explores culture and identity. It develops an understanding of how different communities are similar and different and how culture is important to people. Social Sciences.

Physical World This concept explores healthy lifestyles and developing physical skills (movement and motor skills). This theme also explores the natural world and different phenomena. Health and Physical Education Science

Organisation This concept explores how groups of people interacted in the past and how groups of people are organised today. This concept also explores the rights, roles and responsibilities of people. Health and Physical Education Social Sciences. Science

Participating and Contributing

Principles High Expectations, Treaty of Waitangi, Inclusion, Cultural Diversity, Learning to Learn, Coherence, Community Engagement, Future Focus

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