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My Greetings Expereience

Debby Grace C. Albano N1C

I will share my experience about greeting a person with a correct manner. This is a great experience for me. I do the manners that our teacher taught us in euthenics. This is what happened I tried to greet our maid with a smiling false and also with a shake hand thing but she is wondering what am I doing. I also asked her to tell me about what did she do the whole day then she told me everything she does while I am listening very carefully to her and I look her in the eyes but she doesnt want to look at me because she is shy when I am looking thats why I am no doing an eye to eye contact with anybody but then I still look at her. After our conversation I did again the shake hand thing, then she laughed at me and asked me if Im okay then I said of course. I realized in my situation that when you did it to the Filipino people they will think weird thing about you.. Being a Filipino I never did that with other people but I do greet them with a hi/hello and with a smile because we are not trained to have that manner. In our culture it is okay to talk without any shake hand just tell a story even though you are waking the street not looking with each other its okay to a Filipino people.

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