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• User will input the Number of nodes

○ User will input the number of flechettes OR

○ User will compute the number of flechettesby some other method (%
• The standard deviations for the distribution of flechettes and nodes are input
by user
○ Or…read in from file
○ Or..hard coded
 Recommendations sig_node = 10
 Recommended sig_flechette=5
• Types of detectors
○ Type A through E.
 Each sensor should be in a different scale EX TypeA (.01 and .09)
while Type B(.1 and .9)
○ OR
 Thermal,, Acoustic, Electromagnetic, etc…
 Google and find some realistic values
• Broadcast range fdr nodes initially set to 3. (may be modified)
• Automatically create a target, (info from target_file, including PATH
○ OR..user will control the target path by keyboard input
• The simulation will run and data messages rrecorded to file.

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