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Central Park Redevelopment

Public Information Meeting

AUGUST 10th, 2011

The Town of Collingwood, in a cooperative partnership
with the YMCA, is exploring design options for providing
expanded arena and pool facilities within Central Park.
One of the options being examined is an arrangement
that creates a single multi-use building that physically
connects with the existing curling rink and YMCA
Citizens, neighbours, and other interested people are
invited to a public information meeting about this project
AUGUST 10 , 2011
Central Park Curling Rink
250 Hume Street
5:00 to 7:30pm
The results of this meeting will be incorporated into the
Project as it moves forward. Find out more at:
Some of the issues that will be discussed include:
Determining the need in the area for recreation
Pro's and Con's of Central Park site for arena
and pool facilities
Size and scope of these uses on the site
What should happen to onsite
facilities/infrastructure that cannot be
accommodated after redevelopment
How to support the proposal - donations, taxes,
Other partnerships or relationships that should
be pursued

RSVP so that appropriate arrangements can be

Robert Voigt MA, BES, MCIP, RPP
Manager, Planning and Infrastructure Projects
Town of Collingwood
PHONE: 705.445.1290 x3293

Use this side to write down your concerns, ideas,

or questions and bring it to the meeting or drop it
off at the Planning Department:
55 Ste. Marie Street (library building)
Third Floor
There is also an online survey that we would like
people to fill out. Go to this web address and
provide your input:

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