Test 1

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Windows Quiz

Name Date:

1. To start WINDOWS from the C:\ what do you type? 2. Name at least three ways you can customize the WINDOWS program. 3. To have an application or program start automatically when you start the windows program you would move or copy an icon into which program group? 4. Icons take up large amounts of space on the hard drive and you should never make a copy? TRUE or FALSE? 5. Is it possible to have your computer start the WINDOWS program automatically when you turn it on? 6. Is it possible to have two or more programs running at the same time in WINDOWS? 7. What two shortcut keys can you use to switch between open applications? 8. There is more than one way to exit the WINDOWS program. TRUE or FALSE? 9. How can you tell is a window is maximized? 10. If you are working on a document and it suddenly disappears, what steps would you take to find it?

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