Buena Fortuna

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Stars ! They allways fasinated the human mind.

We as a species have tryed threwout the centuries to comprehend them , touch them and explain them. Today we try to reach them ! The Era of space exploration is upon us. The enterprise project is the embodiment of the effort the human rac has put into understanding the univerce. Presidents Yamamoto voic faded in the background when Jonathans name came out the speekers. His heart was pounding in his chest. He has worked his hole life to be here today under the Aifel tower. Waiting to be presented o the public as the man who would venture to the deapths of deepspace so they wont have to. A backstage coordinator gve him a pat on the back urging him to step on the stage. With his first step he felt his eyes burning and hs skin boiling inside his new uniform, for a moment he had to close his eyes as hundrends of cameras and spotlights tured his way. May i present to you Captain Jonathan Green of the Starship Voyager President Yamamotos voice raised considerable on that last sentence as he took a step back from the pontium and extended his hand for a handshake. The crowd mostly consisting of the press broke into cheers. Jonathan concluded the handshake with the middle aged man. They exchanged a wide smile ,something unusual for Mr Yamamoto and posed like clowns in a circus for the media to frame a good picture. All sound in the plaza ded down as Jonathan awkwardy sound-tested the microphone and cleared his throwt. Hello he spoke nervously. I am Jonathan Green and i was chosen to be the first of the five captains to take my ship out of the drydock. I will also be the one to transfer the first colonists to Europa. My ship is the E.A.S Voyager with a crew of 100 men and women handpicked by me and Earth Navy. Jnathan cleared his throat again and took a few sips of water from his newly arrived glass of whater. We will set sail As they used to say in the days of the first sailships tomorrow morning heading for Mars and then Europa. After that He paused for a moment as his mind wandered a couple of thowsant light years from here Who knows ? The crowd cheered again as Jhon welded the floor again to the President. Well done John. Buena fortuna to you and your ship. I will see you again on the lunch tomorrow. John nodded Spasiba mesie president

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